#one day i suddenly went deaf in my right ear as a child. like 2? ish? years later? it just came back
lavender-town-radio · 5 months
i actually also might be partially deaf in one ear. i just have much more pressing health issues I need to deal with first so i cant get it chekced yet. unfortunately for me i went fully deaf in that ear for several years in the past so i have past evidence to support my current suspicion.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Tedious Joys - Chapter 2 -
- Ao3 link -
“If you want A-Jue at this time of day, he’ll be at the training field,” Lao Nie said, standing up and immediately striding off in that direction. “Oh, and Qiren, I will warn you – he has his mother’s height.”
Lan Qiren rolled his eyes as he followed behind. “That’s helpful information,” he remarked. “Right up until you recall that I have never had the pleasure of meeting his mother –”
He stopped talking and stared.
“I didn’t think a further explanation was necessary,” Lao Nie said. He wasn’t quite at the level of sniggering into his sleeve, but he certainly had a shit-eating grin. Lao Nie was not a short man by any standard, although he was squatter, more muscular and more broad-shouldered than the tall and slender Lan sect  – and yet…
“He’s under ten,” Lan Qiren checked, and Lao Nie nodded. “You’re sure.”
“I was present at the birth myself, and have cared for him ever since. And before you ask, I may be busy with my duties as sect leader, but I still feel like I would have noticed someone swapping him out for a child several years older.”
Lan Qiren squinted out at the training field, where a child (and it was a child, given the amount of baby fat in his cheeks, even if the overall size was more what he’d expect of a teenager) was happily dismembering a training dummy with an especially fearsome-looking saber under the tolerant supervisory gaze of the training master.
“Lao Nie,” Lan Qiren finally said. “About that first wife of yours…you would tell me if she were an actual giant – or a goddess –”
Lao Nie laughed and patted him on the back. He did not answer the question.
“A-Jue! Come here!” he shouted, and Nie Mingjue – demonstrating excellent discipline – completed his strike before turning around and trotting over to his father. “Say hello to Teacher Lan.”
“Teacher Lan,” Nie Mingjue said obediently, saluting properly like every small child introduced to a stranger, and then looked up. A smile suddenly spread over his face. “Oh, Teacher Lan! Fighting without permission is prohibited!”
Lan Qiren choked and Lao Nie burst out laughing.
“That was seven years ago,” Lan Qiren protested, and Lao Nie only howled more. “You were an infant. How do you even remember that?”
“It was interesting!” Nie Mingjue beamed. “You said that every word in the rule is like a principle – even if you have the rule, you have to agree on what it means. What counts as fighting, what counts as permission, what counts as prohibited…I use it lots!”
“He has a good memory,” Lao Nie said, wiping his eyes. “You should hear how many profanities he’s learned.”
“I would rather not,” Lan Qiren said hastily, because Nie Mingjue looked on the verge of volunteering to recite them. “Nie Mingjue, can you show me around?”
“Of course, Teacher Lan! Let me just put Baxia away first; I’m not allowed to carry her outside the training field yet. Unless there’s an accident, of course.”
Lan Qiren did not ask. As a sect leader who did not share a border with Qishan Wen, he didn’t think he had the right.
“Take your time,” he said, putting his hands behind his back and watching as Nie Mingjue ran away.
“Would it help to have me there?” Lao Nie asked, and nodded when Lan Qiren shook his head. “I’ll leave you two to it.”
Lan Qiren did not put forward any requests, curious to see where Nie Mingjue would take him, and was reluctantly charmed by the fact that their first destination was the nursery, where several pudgy toddlers of indeterminable age were sleeping.
“My baby brother,” Nie Mingjue explained, very seriously, inadvertently driving home that the fact that he was as tall as Lan Qiren’s elbow didn’t make him any older than he was. “He’s little.”
Lan Qiren couldn’t even tell which one of the indiscriminate toddlers wrapped in blankets was meant to be Nie Huaisang, but he nodded, and Nie Mingjue led him onwards, initially mostly silent with belated shyness but eventually coaxed into chattering.
In the evening, he returned to Lao Nie’s study.
“Well?” Lao Nie asked, face creased into the scowl he had on more often than not, despite being widely considered one of the more even-tempered Nie. “What do you think?”
“I think your son is a bright and enthusiastic boy,” Lan Qiren said. “With a remarkable sense of justice and morality that will serve him well, although maybe not so much in terms of politics. He’s very…straightforward.”
“Yes, well, I’m still holding out hope on A-Sang for the tact,” Lao Nie said. “That wasn’t my question and you know it.”
Lan Qiren tried to collect his thoughts. “I don’t think you’ve damaged him for life,” he finally said, and Lao Nie’s shoulders relaxed in a sudden exhalation of what was probably months of increasing stress. “I do think he would benefit from understanding a little bit more about what’s happening to him.”
“But he’s so young.”
“I know. Normally, I wouldn’t introduce the subject of his own mortality at this level of complexity this early – although I assume it’s hard for him to miss the concept entirely, given the political situation –” Lao Nie winced in acknowledgment. “– but I don’t think you have much of a choice. You’re not the only one who noticed the saber spirit.”
Lao Nie frowned, then understood, and frowned even deeper. “He’s noticed it?”
“I got him talking on the subject of his saber,” Lan Qiren said. “He regards it in the same manner as other children his age would an imaginary friend. It’s female, apparently.”
Based on the description, Baxia also had what he would, in one of his students, term a personality. He supposed it was possible that Nie Mingjue was just projecting the parts of himself that weren’t quite fit for company, since surely no one could be that earnest, and yet, based on what Lao Nie had told him…
Lao Nie groaned and put his hand to his head. “Jiwei didn’t develop a sense of gender for years,” he grumbled, and Lan Qiren was moderately certain that he hadn’t intended to admit that out loud. “This is ridiculous. I want him to live a good life, Qiren. A long one, insofar as that’s possible for our sect.”
“I’ll try to do some research,” Lan Qiren said. “In the meantime, could he be convinced to cultivate something else in addition to a saber? Music, perhaps?”
“You’re welcome to try. He’s practically tone-deaf.”
“Perhaps arrays, then, or talismans,” Lan Qiren said. “It would do him some good to find another thing to pour all that energy of his into.”
“I’ll think about it,” Lao Nie allowed. “And I appreciate any research you’re able to do, though of course there are limitations on your time – and what we can allow to be taken out of the Unclean Realm.”
Lan Qiren waved a hand. “It’s nothing. I enjoy keeping busy, and the subject is fascinating. Have you considered that regular visits by me might draw attention?”
Attention from within their sects they could handle, but they were both sect leaders – or acting sect leader, in Lan Qiren’s case – and their actions could never truly be wholly their own.
“I have a plan for that,” Lao Nie said. “It’ll work better if you don’t know about it, though.”
Lan Qiren hated plans like that.
“Very well,” he said, aware that he sounded like he was sulking. “If you must.”
“Could I send him to you next year?” Lao Nie asked, and Lan Qiren forgot his grumpiness to gape at him. “I wouldn’t impose this year, naturally, since you must already have a curriculum planned. But next year…”
“If you send him, that will be making a statement,” Lan Qiren said.
A statement about what, exactly, he did not know, but there was a major difference between being the sort of teacher that was respected enough to teach the sect heirs of some small, out-of-the-way sects and being entrusted with the childhood education of the heir to a Great Sect. Even if Nie Mingjue learned nothing, which seemed unlikely given his earnest performance from earlier, the other small sects would immediately want to follow suit, as if to rub off some of the same luck for themselves – he would be flooded with applicants.
His sect elders were going to hate it.
Although it wasn’t exactly against any of the rules…
“That’s why I’m asking your permission.” Lao Nie grinned at him, his teeth flashing white under his nearly trimmed beard. “Also, while you’re our guest here – you did plan to stay at least a week or two, right? Good, good. I will insist upon you joining me for some night-hunts.”
“Lao Nie…”
“I’ve explained to you how my sect cultivates our sabers. Are you really saying that you can judge that without seeing it happening?”
“You know perfectly well that I’m a weak fighter,” Lan Qiren said, even though that was a very good point, and one he probably would have insisted on himself sooner or later. “I don’t want to slow you down.”
“You never have,” Lao Nie said right to his face – the Nie sect did not discourage all lying, the scoundrels. “I’m serious! You’re not the fastest, no, but you’re perceptive, analytical, and creative. The insights I gain from hunting by your side are long-term gains, making me faster and more efficient in the future.”
“You’re flattering me,” Lan Qiren said suspiciously.
“I am not. The first time we went on a night-hunt together, you stopped by the river to rest and told me about how the flowers growing there were unique because they absorbed spiritual energy but not resentful energy on account of being too close to flowing water; three years later, I used that fact to find a gigantic nest of ghosts and demonic creatures that were using it as camouflage. They’d killed nearly a dozen villagers by that point and no one else could find them, but I did.”
Lan Qiren felt his ears heating up. “…that’s a coincidence.”
“Do you really want me to start naming other examples?”
“I would rather you showed me your library,” Lan Qiren said. He hoped he wasn’t blushing. He was probably blushing. No one else ever teased him the way Lao Nie did, except maybe Cangse Sanren. He was suddenly hit by a nostalgic desire to see her again. “At once, if you please. And also…”
He trailed off.
“Why the hesitation?” Lao Nie asked. “Do you really think there’s anything I would deny you, as long as you find a way to help my son?”
Lan Qiren cleared his throat. “It would be helpful if I could examine a more mature saber spirit that has already bonded to a human master. Your Jiwei, for instance.”
As he expected, Lao Nie scowled at the suggestion of someone else examining his spiritual weapon – and his saber spirit, no less – but after a few moments he collected himself and nodded, albeit begrudgingly. “I’ll leave her with you,” he said. “Be careful when you examine her – she doesn’t like to be touched by anyone but me.”
Lao Nie’s warning turned out to be both true, untrue, and an understatement of frankly shocking proportions.
During the course of Lan Qiren’s investigations into the subject of the Nie sect sabers over the next few months, and thereafter, he determined that the best, if not only, way to deal with Jiwei was to act as though he were handling a particularly vicious and single-minded dog.
Jiwei, it seemed, liked to bite.
If one treated her like a normal saber – an inert piece of metal – she would appear completely quiescent right up until there would be an abrupt and inexplicable accident, clattering off the table with the blade curving straight at clothing and flesh, and only very quick reflexes could prevent disaster. If one attempted to utilize spiritual energy with her, it would be even worse: she would pull as much as she could and feed back nothing, spiteful and ruthless.
A vicious creature, too quick to judge, loyal only to her master, who she loved.
A bit like Lao Nie, in fact. Lan Qiren did not delude himself into mistaking Lao Nie’s passion for righteousness – Nie Mingjue was righteous, a serious child that was always wondering what was right, while Lao Nie was more inclined towards brutal, even callous, practicality that focused on what benefited him and his sect. He would do good, of course, but he could not be forced into it; he had his pride, his temper, and sometimes he erred too much in favor of those over even common sense.
But despite all his rough edges, he did truly love his friends.
He dragged Lan Qiren all over Qinghe whenever he visited, on night-hunts and to resolve minor conflicts, the sort of thing any normal traveling cultivator might do; he showed him the small towns and the hidden cities that Lan Qiren would not have seen on any normal visit, and asked him to play songs for his little family. Nie Huaisang was enraptured by the music, Nie Mingjue largely indifferent – Lao Nie had not been wrong to call him practically tone-deaf – and Lao Nie beaming all the while, even if Lan Qiren suspected that his eldest son’s lack of musical appreciation had largely come from him.
He even, after a stray comment, managed to track down Cangse Sanren, who brought her husband and son to the Unclean Realm and left them in Nie Mingjue’s earnest care while she sat with the two of them, drinking liquor as if it were water to the point that even Lao Nie refused to compete with her – when his protests were eventually overridden, Lan Qiren (who drank tea, of course) was roped in to be their long-suffering judge.
It was a good night.
“Is that another thing I took from you?” He Kexin unexpectedly asked Lan Qiren a week after Lao Nie had publicly announced that he would be sending Nie Mingjue to the Cloud Recesses for Lan Qiren’s classes. The ensuing hubbub, as Lan Qiren expected, had been enormous, and he’d braced himself to discuss nothing else for months, although he hadn’t really expected her to mention it.
The Cloud Recesses separated men and women, and He Kexin had borne two sons; they were old enough by now to live primarily with the men rather than the women, and so they had entered Lan Qiren’s care. He brought them to visit her once a month, and came himself like clockwork every two weeks in between to update her as to their progress, his eyes fixed firmly above her head as he narrated the report as if he were a junior returning from a night-hunt. It was not her fault that his brother had fallen in love with her and ruined Lan Qiren’s life, but it had been her decision to murder a man that had served as the trigger for the situation; Lan Qiren was meticulous about his duty to her as his sister-in-law, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. Or her.
By this point, she was moderately good at respecting that. In the beginning, she’d cursed him viciously every time he came to see her, especially after he’d provided her with definitive proof of her former friend’s lies and machinations. Later, she’d tried flirting with him out of what he could only assume was boredom or perhaps a willful misunderstanding as to why he still visited, assuming that he had perfidious motivations or shared his brother’s taste in women instead of suffering from an overdeveloped sense of responsibility for his brother’s misdeeds. It had taken him several months and, eventually, an explicit offer to even notice, and he’d nearly broken his neck fleeing from the scene.
“I don’t understand what you mean,” he said, still looking above her head instead of at her face. He Kexin had A-Huan’s smile and A-Zhan’s eyes, he knew that, but if he could scrub all of her other features from his mind, he would.
“Sect Leader Nie,” she said, and it was so odd to hear someone refer to Lao Nie by his formal title outside of a political situation or deliberate insult – even Wen Ruohan habitually called him Lao Nie by now, and as far as Lan Qiren could tell, they despised each other – that Lan Qiren’s eyes actually dropped to meet hers. “If you weren’t sect leader, you could’ve married him.”
Lan Qiren choked on air. “Do you think of nothing but sex all day?” he spat out, his cheeks going red. “We are friends.”
“I don’t have much else to think of,” He Kexin said, and he glared as if to communicate whose fault is that and maybe in your next life you won’t solve your problems with murder. “I heard you’ve been spending a lot of time with him, and now he’s sending his son to your care. It’s suggestive.”
“Talking behind the backs of others is forbidden,” Lan Qiren reminded her, and she shrugged. “Do I need to discipline your servants?”
“It’s news, not gossip,” she said. “And no, these ones are fine. No one’s playing any tricks.”
There had been an incident early on, where a few of the servants assigned to care for He Kexin had mistaken her confinement for abandonment; they had not expected Lan Qiren to grimly continue visiting as he would have done if she had been his sister-in-law in the normal course of things, nor to listen when she complained. He had of course taken all necessary measures to have the offenders harshly disciplined and expelled, replaced with servants of good character and sufficient intelligence to keep her company without seeking to take advantage, and there had been no new incidents since.
Her punishment was confinement, not torment. No matter what Lan Qiren felt about her, she would receive exactly that – neither more nor less.
“Is it Cangse Sanren, then?” she asked, propping her head up on her chin. “You fell in love with her, and then she married another man…”
“Sometimes people are just friends,” he said, irritated. “Why must I be in love with anyone?”
He Kexin shrugged. “Don’t you want to marry, one day? Have children of your own, rather than always reporting back to me on mine?”
“I’m acting sect leader,” Lan Qiren said tightly. “A marriage, much less children, would give rise to accusations that I was seeking to usurp my brother’s place or my nephews’ inheritance.”
“So it is another thing I’ve done,” she said, looking down at her hands. They were clenched tightly into fists, her knuckles white; sometimes Lan Qiren thought she wanted to punch him as a means of venting her feelings, and sometimes he didn’t even blame her for it. “I had only been thinking about it in the sense that you couldn’t leave, but you can’t even bring anyone back.”
“I don’t especially want to, anyway,” he said, because it was true. Even if she was right, that even his right to marry freely had been taken from him, it didn’t mean that she had the right to use it as a whip on her own back. If Lan Qiren couldn’t bring himself to obey the rule about not holding grudges, he could at least follow the ones about being generous and easy on others. “I haven’t found the right person.”
“And it’s really not Lao Nie?” He Kexin asked. “You go to visit him often, and for longer periods, than you go anywhere else, and A-Huan says you look happy whenever you’re going to go.”
Lan Qiren shrugged. He was happy to go. He enjoyed Lao Nie’s company, and the research, even when Lao Nie was too busy for him personally, and Lao Nie’s role as an allied sect leader meant that Lan Qiren had more latitude in arranging such visits than he did to other places.
“…A-Zhan says that your hands are white when you return.”
Lan Qiren’s eyes dropped to his arms, where there was in fact some white peeking out from beneath his sleeves – white bandages on his left wrist and the two smallest fingers on his right hand, this time, from the latest incident in which Jiwei had tried to slash him, but it was barely a nick in comparison with previous instances; he thought that it was a sign that they might be getting somewhere.
A moment later, he realized the implications of her statement and glared at her. “You’re not seriously asking if Lao Nie is abusing me? Weren’t you asking about my marriage prospects with him only a moment ago?”
“The two are not mutually exclusive,” she said dryly. “And the Nie temper is well known.”
“It’s from research,” Lan Qiren said. “I dropped a saber and I knocked over the table on to my other hand when trying to dodge.”
“I believe you,” she said, lips twitching. “If only because you would’ve come up with a more dignified excuse if it was a lie.”
“I don’t actually have to explain myself to you,” he said, reminding himself as much as her. “Is there anything else you want to know about your sons?”
“No,” she said. “But I’d like my husband to visit me again, if you can arrange it.”
He nodded stiffly.
“You know,” she said, playing idly with her sleeves. “If you never marry, I’ll be the closest thing you ever have to a wife? You manage my house, you raise my children, and you even provide me with services in bed, albeit indirectly.”
Do not succumb to rage, Lan Qiren thought to himself, and left without another word.
(Later, when Cangse Sanren next visited the Cloud Recesses, her husband taking A-Huan on a ride on their donkey with A-Zhan and A-Ying tucked into the saddlebags, she listened to him stammer through the whole humiliating story and gnashed her teeth on his behalf. “Don’t listen to her,” she told him. “By that standard, the rabbits she likes to raise are her concubines.”)
His simmering anger made his next session with Jiwei flow more easily, almost as if the saber spirit empathized with his rage – or perhaps it was simply that she found it more familiar, more reminiscent of the temper of her true master, and therefore less objectionable. He was attempting to draw out some part of her anger through music and store it into a jade pendant: his theory was that the eventual qi deviations of the Nie sect leaders resulted from a lack of balance with the resentful energy utilized by the saber spirit – the negative emotions streaming in through the saber, strengthening it, but having no means of cleansing beyond outbursts of temper.
It had been the way Nie Mingjue spoke of his saber spirit as if she were his friend that had given him the idea. Many in the Nie sect treated their sabers with both reverence and fear, as if the spirits were vicious creatures they had only temporarily tamed and which would one day turn upon them, but Jiwei was passionately loyal to Lao Nie, and Baxia to Nie Mingjue. Perhaps it was his inheritance as a Lan showing, or merely his own experience with his brother, but Lan Qiren simply could not understand how anything that loved so unstintingly, so unreservedly, could ever bring themself to intentionally bring about their beloved one’s destruction.
Even a dog would refuse to bite a master it loved unless it had gone mad.
Therefore, he concluded, it was not merely the human wielder but the saber itself that deviated in their cultivation. Lao Nie had once said in an aside that it was unclear what came first, the Nie sect tempers or the saber spirit-incited outbursts, and although he had meant it as a joke, Lan Qiren thought there was some merit to the question. Rage served a valuable purpose for humans, acting as a warning sign that something was wrong, that something was unacceptable, rejection and protection all at once, but rage that could not be excised would turn rancid and sour, like a poisoned wound. Sabers were cultivated by their masters and resembled them – they were filled with human rage, intensified by their cultivation of resentful energy, but unlike a human they could not shout or hit something or vent in any way other than through hunting.
No wonder Jiwei was so content after a night-hunt; no wonder Nie sect cultivators got irritable when they hadn’t had time to cultivate their sabers or fight evil or just get out and do something. But with limited venting opportunities (humans could not fight evil all the time), the sabers would fall into obsession, infected by the very same resentful energy that they excised when they hunted – their bloodlust simultaneously sated and inflamed – and as their power grew, and their true opponents grew fewer, they would become insatiable and, eventually, unbalanced. Demonic cultivation was abhorred by the cultivation world because it opened the door to obsession and fixation, and the most common way that demonic cultivators died, if not executed by the world, was through a backlash of their own power. Obsession was by its nature rigid, and that was the sole weakness of the saber: they had to be rigid, but never too rigid, or else they would become brittle, would break.
It was a very interesting theory, even if Lao Nie’s eyes glazed over whenever Lan Qiren tried to explain. Lan Qiren didn’t take offense: Lao Nie had always been an exceptionally practical man, more interested in results than theories, actions rather than thoughts.
“Aren’t you disappointed?” Lan Qiren asked him at one point, abrupt as he always seemed to be about such things. “That I haven’t gotten anywhere?”
Lao Nie looked surprised. “What do you mean? You have a valid theory, you’ve tried all sorts of things.”
“I haven’t succeeded.”
Lao Nie laughed. “My friend, this is a problem that has stymied my sect for generations. Did you really think you’d be able to solve it in three weeks?”
Lan Qiren scowled. “It’s been closer to three years.”
“You’ve made progress,” Lao Nie said confidently. “A-Jue has as solid a foundation as I could hope for, and all those conversations you have with him about the nature of ethics and morality have had an excellent effect on his saber.”
“Has it?” Lan Qiren asked, skeptical. Even the Nie sect experts agreed that Baxia was unusually vicious for a saber, powerful enough to frighten wild yao simply with her presence – Nie Mingjue’s cultivation remained shockingly fast, and even Lan Qiren, who had only a few years understanding of the saber spirits, could recognize the effects of it.
“It has,” Lao Nie said firmly. “He doesn’t fear her, and she loves him all the more for it, backs him like none other; no other saber of his generation will so much as waver out of line with Baxia behind them. As for the rest…ah, Qiren, if you can figure out a way to stymie the saber spirit even a little – give him even another decade – I’ll be satisfied. Don’t worry about it.”
Lan Qiren huffed and returned to trying to transfer spiritual energy from Jiwei to the pendant.
“Besides, all this time spent on the project has had at least one good effect,” Lao Nie added, putting his hand on Lan Qiren’s shoulder as he played. “I get the pleasure of your company.”
Lan Qiren’s attention was fixed on his playing, but the hand was warm on his shoulder. “That hardly seems so much of a benefit,” he said absently.
“You underestimate yourself. Do you know, outside of my sect, I think you’re my best friend?”
Only years of training allowed Lan Qiren’s fingers to continue to move smoothly over the guqin strings when his heart seized in his chest, warm and hot and squished and painful and pleasurable at the same time.
He did not allow himself to ask “Really?” like a small child, insecure and uncertain, did not permit himself to say “even above my brother”, did not say anything at all.
“Thank you,” he finally said, stiff and wooden. “I…you as well.”
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missyasf · 4 years
Game Of Hearts
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↳ Summary: Your life is in monotonous tones of grey, day in, day out. Nothing matters besides your sister, the only thing you remember is seeing fireworks before waking up to Tokyo abandoned . Soon enough you are properly introduced to the deadly Borderlands where you must fight for your life in Games to survive. When things can’t possibly get worse soon division arises and rivalries are made. No matter what though, you are constantly plagued by a blonde who, no matter how hard you try, just can’t seem to go too far without.
↳ Pairing: Chishiya/Reader
↳ Genre: Angst, smut, thriller
Word Count: 9.5k
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Trigger Warning: ⚠️ much like the manga/Netflix adaptation this will be a dark fic which includes mentions of prostitution, attempted murder, child ab*se, sexual harassment, heavy grief and attempted suic*de among other things. Additional warnings will be added for chapters when triggers are brought up. Please read with caution if these are triggers for you or just skip all together! 
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3rd Day Sojourn 
“Looks like we got a smartass here don’t we?” 
You felt torn on whether to intervene or not. Chishiya, was by no means a hero or a prince charming. You didn’t need to know him to know he was going to be the last person to save you out of good will. Not like you needed saving regardless but you couldn’t help but wonder what his motive was. 
Chishiya still had that cold smirk on his face, as if extremely amused at the furious Niragi you had held him up by the jacket, even face to face he not once had a change in expression, as if he just genuinely didn’t care about whatever Niragi felt. 
“Probably because I am smarter than you.” Chishiya lifted his chin a little a devious icy smile on his lips like he was getting a rise out of the way Niragi simmered and growled at him, his hands tightening around his jacket and you were briefly worried if Chishiya didn’t shut up that he was going to be beat into a pulp. No matter how smart he was, he couldn’t outwit his way from getting throat punched. Although...you wouldn’t deny a secret part of you would find that mildly funny. You also wanted to throat punch him on certain occasions. 
“I believe that’s enough Niragi.” Everyone paused at the sight of someone new arriving, Ryu had gotten out of the pool to stand next to you and Hiroko as he whispered, “That’s number three, Kuzuryuu. He often keeps everyone in their place when Hatter isn’t around.” 
Niragi stuck his tongue as he began to cackle, letting go of Chishiya. Breathing in relief you relaxed a little as everyone did the same. Just within a split second though you could hardly comprehend the sight of Niragi immediately decking Chishiya right across the jaw who was knocked off balance. People were already intervening as you stood there gaping. You didn’t think Niragi would actually punch him. 
You had thought Chishiya’s expression would’ve changed but much to your disbelief it was as if he was even more settled into his resolve, grabbing his jaw as a viscous smile appeared on his lips, spitting out blood as he goaded, “So you agree then? Anyone with half a brain would be able to reply instead of resort to violence.” 
Did this man really wanna die on his first day in the Beach? 
Niragi was pulled away and back to his group with steam practically pouring out of his ears, attempting to get back to Chishiya before he was yanked back by perhaps the most physically intimidating man you had ever seen, “That’s number 2, Agni, the leader of the militant sect.” Hiroko clarified to you but it fell on deaf ears as you hurried over to Chishiya, now feeling immensely bad that regardless of his intentions he was hurt for what? Gloating? Was his ego truly that big, “God are you insane!?” You cried out in a whisper kneeling down, your maternal instincts on overdrive as you grabbed his face immediately checking for any bruising. 
Chishiya almost like a cat that didn’t want to be touched pulled away from your grip unappreciative, “I don’t like annoying or stupid people.” He replied immediately, his eyes leering ungratefully, “And he was ruining a perfectly good day for me. If you think I’d care for someone like you then you’re more delusional then you look. Besides it’s just blood, it’ll go stop.” 
You rolled your eyes at him deciding to not take his words to heart though a tiny part of you wondered if he only said that due to the conversation you both had last night. Or maybe he just really didn’t care. Regardless it didn’t matter, “He had a fucking rifle!” You whispered angrily, “I get it, we aren’t best friends but I don’t wanna see you get shot you asshole.” 
“We aren’t friends at all,” Chishiya replied coolly, his eyes analytical and calculating, his gaze like ice that glared you down as if you were his new target for a reason unknown, “We aren’t even acquaintances. We’re just strangers and I’d prefer to keep it that way. I don’t need your concern or care, so stay out of my way.” 
You felt thoroughly indignant at his words as you clenched your jaw, “You know what? I doubt you’ve ever had anyone care for you and I can see why. I hope he hits you harder next time you jerk.” This man drove you utterly insane! And you couldn’t even understand why. Chishiya was so cold and for no reason…! 
Walking back to your pool chair you snatched your shorts, “Y/n…! Y/n! Are you okay!?” Nanami hurried to your side, you had forgotten all about your sister being in full range of the horror show she had just finished watching between you and Niragi. Probably too scared to try and intervene and you didn’t blame her. Had it been anyone else besides your sister in your shoes you would’ve kept to yourself as well. 
“I’m fine, I’d say you should check on Chishiya but apparently he doesn’t need anybody!” You flailed your arms before plopping down on the seat still mad, “What a…! A…! Pathetic, bitter way to live! He’s so conceited!” You curled your fists as you pulled your shorts up before buttoning them as you grabbed your sheer cover up jacket. 
Nanami frowned as she grabbed her hands, “Well…” You whipped around in anger, silently staring at her, just daring her to try and come up with some excuse for this guy. Nanami, was a soft hearted person, she never wanted to judge a book by it’s cover and always gave the benefit of the doubt. You admired that about her, but you sometimes wished she was a bit more….realistic with people, “I’m sure he’ll come around.” She decided to not pursue her original words as she offered a weak smile. 
“You can deal with that if you want, but I’m done with him. Anytime I try to be relatively nice, I just get spit in the face.” Huffing you crossed your arms, “I’m going on a walk.” And true to your words you did, you needed to be by yourself for a while to clear your head after what had all transpired just minutes ago. 
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“Originally I helped run a ranch but I wanted to see all the sights so I moved out of my pops and came here to the city!” The music was loud in here and so many people were dancing, makeshift stripper poles had been made and honestly. You understood the Beach was supposed to be an escape, but that didn’t make it a bit of a pathetic sight to see people attempting to swing around and accidentally break it. Multiple times. 
You were currently sat at the table with Akari, Hiroko and Ryu everyone having a fairly good time and the longer you talked to Hiroko the less intimidating she became, “I don’t really remember much to be honest,” Akari scratched her head as she hummed, “Just that after I finished putting groceries up I saw fireworks out of my window.”
You straightened up in curiosity, you had seen the same thing! “Yeah we all did,” You slumped at Ryu’s words as he frowned, “Nobody can remember anything after seeing them except waking up here in the Borderlands.”
“What were you guys before this…?” You asked, not wanting to linger for long on just where you were, in a city that was a replica of Tokyo with only a handful of what? A hundred people, maybe a little more? You didn’t have the mindset right now to even try and grasp what was going on or what had happened. 
“I was a lawyer,” Hiroko answered first, her expression clearly proud and you’d imagine why, this meant she was older than you! “I did quite a bit of traveling around and dabbled in attorney work for awhile...That’s what my dad wanted me to go in as,” She rolled her eyes, “But I found I’m better at building a case.” 
Somehow...you weren’t surprised, you smiled regardless wrapping your arms around yourself, the more you talked to them the more comfortable you began to feel, “One morning I was late to getting to the courthouse and this idiot ended up spilling coffee on me,” Hiroko’s words may have been harsh but she looked Ryu with the softest expression you had ever seen her wear.
Obvious fondness in her eyes, “It was by chance he did that I like to think it was by fate I ended up meeting him again except he was behind the counter at the coffeeshop I always went too.” 
Ryu’s cheeks dusted pink as he gave an awkward smile, “I worked evening shifts but got switched over to mornings, best decision I ever made! I’m currently in my last year of college for being an art curator!” 
“A cure what now?” Akari cocked her head to the side and for some reason the three of you busted out laughing at her as she parted her lips, “Hey don’t laugh! I’m being serious! Is that some kind of professional coffee maker?” 
You closed your eyes giggling as you shook your head, “What about you Y/n? What were you before all of this?” You paused for a second at Hiroko’s question as the table quieted down, suddenly your memory swiped back to the night of the fireworks. What happened at work, how you were supposed to go to class the next day. How your night ended early.
“Ah…” You rubbed the back of your neck as you sheepishly smiled, unsure of where to even begin. It wasn’t that...you were ashamed of your work you just- felt often misunderstood by people. Anytime you said you were a sex worker you either recieved wild looks and suddenly you were treated lowly or people- men in particular would begin to send you uncomfortable innuendo’s. 
 “Ah…! Y/n!” You straightened up at the muffled screech that sounded like your sister as your eyes shot around the room only to find Nanami fumbling towards you with a whine, suddenly hiding behind you as you frowned standing up, “Good! Good! I’m glad you’re here!” She chuckled nervously as your expression contorted. 
“Where is that bitch!?” 
Oh...why did this seem vaguely familiar, “What did you do?” You hissed as you turned to Nanami as she rubbed her neck sheepishly only for you to whirl back around again at the sight of a raging woman, the most notable feature her breasts nearly spilling from her loose bikini top as she pointed an accusing finger at your sister, “Why don’t you stop being a slut trying to get with MY boyfriend and take it up with me!” 
“Nanami!” You hissed as she cowered behind you, her lips tugging into a pout as she poked both her pointer fingers together with a frown. You had an obligation as a big sister to at least try to defend her before feeding her to the wolves, “Maybe you should give that energy to your boyfriend...Wasn’t he the one supposed to stay loyal?” You raised your brows as you spoke. 
You shrieked as you ducked down, a beer bottle flying above you as the girl raged on. 
“That’s Kokona, resident miss possessive.” Hiroko leaned back in her seat as she sipped her drink, obviously this wasn’t too odd of a sight as she shrugged, “You might wanna run.” 
You brows raised at her words only to see Kokona gathering three other men around as Hiroko snorted, “She’s got a whole pack of guys willing to do her bidding.” 
“Y/n…!” Nanami whined, grabbing your arm as you watched the three men approach, you looked between Nanami and them as your lips parted in a half sincere apology. 
“...Sorry Nami that's what happens when you try to sleep with someone's boyfriend!” You shoved past her as you heard her yelling at you as she split off on the other side of the room. People did nothing to effort to try and move out of your way as you shoved between them, ducking down as weaved through the crowd in hopes of attempting to lose them, you really didn’t want this to become a reputation for you and your sister. 
Diving into a booth seat you felt the stares of two men as you offered an awkward smile, “Don’t mind me, I’m just trying to not get killed…” You offered a quirked smile as you grabbed the long island tea off the table, tipping it towards them as they all bubbled out cheers as you took a long sip, your eyes carefully watching over the crowd as you spot the one guy that must’ve been sent after you. 
After all you weren’t the one that Kokona wanted to kill, it was a pretty common occurrence you had experienced except...at least the woman before wasn't psychotic enough to actually try to kill you. You supposed the Borderlands were different. Very different. 
“Hey you should totally hang with us! We got your back babe.” You looked up at the dorky grin of the man you had sat next to your lying figure, which you were trying to use the table as coverage, “No extra cost needed beside a good laugh!”
You offered a weak smile, “I’m Y/n!” You introduced, endeared at the oddly innocent smile on his face as you awkwardly shifted, “My sister tried to sleep with someone's boyfriend and I somehow got dragged into it.” 
“Kokona’s a mean one,” The guy across the table hiccuped as he lifted his glass, “I’d stay away from her if I were.” You lifted up onto your elbows as you glanced up at him, his eyes heavily dilated before you realized he had obviously been as high as a kite and drinking...No wonder they looked so out of it. 
Watching the three men rally back together you quickly pressed back against the seats as you closed your eyes, “Yeah, I can tell...Is she like this with everyone....?” You grabbed the glass once more for another sip, needing something to take the edge off of this whole day. If your sister wasn’t so horny you wouldn’t be in this position right now!
“Nah, mainly girls.” The one beside you waved a hand, “She’s pretty cool otherwise, a little ruthless though. She gloats about her speciality being hearts a lot so she thinks it makes her automatically superior since most of us are spades or clubs players.” 
Sitting up a little you tilted your head in confusion, holding the drink you now claimed as yours as you drank it once more, “Specialty? Are venues specified towards…? What? A certain type of suit?” 
“No! No! Nothing like that, specialty just means what you naturally have a knack for! All games are still random at each venue,” The guy beside you sloshed his drink, obviously semi drunk himself as he explained, “That's why Hatter sends a team of four or three where each person has a specialty in each suit- except there isn’t a lot of hearts player, because we haven’t really encountered any…” 
Jiggling your drink you looked down at the ice that was slowly melting as you hummed, “Okay that makes sense.” You nodded remembering Hatter mentioning this was well, it would only be natural that the longer you survived you’d have a preference for a suit. 
“Hey aren’t you new?” The guy across the table pointed a sluggish finger at you, “Shouldn’t you be a little more...freaked out…?” 
You offered a weak smile as you glanced away, “Oftentimes in traumatic situations hysteria doesn’t always hit first, it’s likely that my psyche is still in shock and hasn’t fully processed what I’ve seen the past day…” The guy across the table squinted his eyes as he nodded with his lips parted as if in awe at your words, “It’s a mental thing,” You waved at your head, “To try and keep the psychological state of my mind in one piece.” 
You wouldn’t deny, there was a certain part of you that felt numb to everything and a smaller part of yourself wondered how you could intake all this information without going hysterical. But...the way you saw it was if this was your reality now, there was nothing you could do to change it. It was better you just got as much information as you could and try your best to adapt if you were going to live on. 
Glancing out over the crowd you noticed the men had disappeared once again as you offered both the guys a smile, “Thanks for letting me stay! But I’d better get going.” You gave a small nod, getting up as you held the glass, looking down at it as you frowned...You really hoped this wasn’t laced with anything or else it was going to be a very long night. 
Pushing through the crowd you couldn’t find Nanami anywhere but you did spot the girl you had sent three guys after you both like a fucking dog. Squeezing the glass you took a long drink as you approached her, “Kokona,” You called out with a smile as you waved, her eyes sharp as she immediately glared you down, “Listen…” You approached her with an easy smile, “I’m not here to make enemies, my sister is young and she probably didn’t realize it was your boyfriend…But like I said, you don’t really want a guy like that around…”
“Listen here you walmart knock off barbie,” Kokona pointed a sharp nail at you making your lips part a little in surprise at just how aggressive she was, “I don’t give a fuck. I don’t have the time or patience, here of all places. I’m sure you understand right?” She offered a gritty smile, “So tell that bitchy little sister of yours to stay out of my sight if she doesn’t want her hair ripped out.” 
Pressing your tongue to your cheek you looked away for a second before down at your drink...Well, she asked for it. 
You without a second thought held the drink up before splashing it all over her, “Say what you want about me I don’t give a fuck,” You stepped closer to her as you offered a gritty smile of your own, “But don’t ever say anything about my sister. I’m sure I’ll see you later.” You waved a hand as you turned around, walking back to the table where Akari, Ryu and Hiroko looked like they were all preparing to duck for cover at the show Kokona had put on for them unknowingly.
Setting the glass down at the table you collapsed in your chair as you whined, “Why are women so unfriendly here!?” 
Hiroko snorted as she shrugged, obviously not bugged like you were about it, “In this world it’s either kill or be killed, a lot of people don’t have time for niceties anymore. You’ll get used to it. Besides, Kokona is just a bitch to everyone. Don’t take it so personal.” She shrugged, “While you and Nanami were getting chased down we were talking…” 
You frowned as you looked up at all three of them as Akari smacked the table, “We should all go out for a game tonight! I know! I know, counterproductive especially with our visa’s stocked for the next few days but I think it’d be fun!” 
“Fun!?” The three of them paused as you sat up in your seat, looking at them all like they were insane because they obviously had to be, “Fun!?” You repeated again with even more emphasis, “Guys…! You- you could die!” 
“We could die just trying to breath here,” Hiroko scoffed as she shrugged, nonpulsed at your reaction as she picked her nails, ‘Besides you don’t have to go, I get it. We were all like this when we were new too. But I figured we’d make a good team logically. My speciality is diamond, Ryu’s is clubs and we just found out Akari is spades. And we have you, our wild card to figure out what you’re good at. It’s unlikely we’d die. By statistics at least.” 
You rubbed your neck, feeling a little more at ease with Hiroko’s rationality as you mumbled, “Well what about Nanami…?” Your eyes washed over the crowd, finally spotting your sister against the wall sipping something trying to act like there weren't three guys after her. 
“I doubt you’d want her to go?” Hiroko raised her brows, “Besides she still has three days left on her visa, she’ll be fine. Again, I’m not gonna pressure you into going, if all you’re gonna do is panic you probably will get lynched.” 
Her words made you puff your chest a little as you looked back to Nanami before back to the table, well...if they all had a strong suit then why not? “Alright, I’m in!” Who knows when you’d get the opportunity again to get more days on your visa in a considerably safe group. 
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“I get it you’re like a walking model but seriously?” Hiroko leaned against the bathroom wall as she sighed picking at her nails, “You weren’t even in a full bikini.” 
“This has nothing to do with vanity and everything to do with comfort!” You called back, pulling up the loose sweatpants, “I’m not going to possibly go into a game that makes me run while wearing swimwear, I don’t hate myself that much!” You pulled the loose t-shirt over your head before pulling out the maroon jacket as you walked out, stuffing your swim attire in the bag. You had been at the venue for the past five minutes now, having not crossed the threshold but you still have time before it closed. 
“How many people have showed up?” You asked as you stood next to Hiroko who dropped her hand as she looked at you rolling her eyes as she sighed, standing up as you both walked to where Akari and Ryu were discussing the possibilities of what the game would be tonight. 
“Eh, like four? Maybe? I think that guy you know is in there.” Hiroko shrugged casually, “Looks like a good setup for a spades game, they typically have a bigger group number.” 
“What?” Your brows furrowed, what guy? Your mind drew a blank briefly as Ryu stretched out with a nod.
“Well if we’re all ready to go then let's head inside it’s almost six.” Ryu nodded once more as everyone followed behind him, you tossed your bag against the wall, it’s not like you had to be worried about anyone stealing in this climate. Your heartbeat picked up as you crossed the threshold. 
Noticing indeed four other people here before your lips parted and your face screwed into irritation, “Really!?” You muttered under your breath, immediately turning away from the familiar white hood as you stubbornly crossed your arms, “Hiroko why didn’t you say it was him!?” You hissed a whisper to her. 
Hiroko looked between you and Chishiya who was on his phone, earbuds in and ignoring the outside world before she tried to hold a laugh, “Did you two fuck or something?” You immediately flailed at her words making both her and Akari start laughing at both your misery and anger as you glared at her in unappreciation. 
“You think i’d fuck someone like him!?” You hissed out, “No, he's a total jerk! I…! Why can’t I go anywhere without him showing up!” You groaned as you crossed your arms, “Whatever, maybe he’ll get his guts ripped out tonight.” 
“Ouch, that’s a little harsh.” Ryu frowned, innocent as ever as he held his hands together, before offering a cute smile, “I’m sure he’ll come around, we’re all a part of the beach after all.” You sourly crossed your arms as you looked at the clock, striking six just in time for you to get tonight started with whatever death trap awaited.” 
Somehow, you doubt Chishiya held any loyalty to any of you at all just because you all slept in the same hotel…
The TV on the wall lit up as everyone's attention turned to it, obviously nobody was new here tonight as no one spoke to each other.
Difficulty: 3♡ 
“A heart's game?” Ryu mumbled, his brows furrowed as he looked between you all as you gave a little shrug, your face twisted in concern as you wrapped your arms around yourself, “Well at least it’s a low difficulty! I’m sure it won’t be too hard to solve!” 
“The game you will be participating in is Blind Man's Bluff. Everyone will be required to wear a blindfold for one minute where the tagger will pass their tag off,” The screen depicted a faceless man passing quite literally a name tag off to one sitting down “Tags pertain to who is a player and who is the tagger. You will have twenty minutes to complete the game. It’s a Game ‘Clear’ if the tagger is discovered before the end of the last round, it’s a Game Over for the players if the tagger remains undiscovered.” 
After each tagging sequence players will remain seated to take off their blindfold and find out if they have been selected as the tagger.
Blindfolds must be worn and kept on for the whole minute during the tagging sequence or it’s a Game Over.
Violence against other players is strictly prohibited and will result in a Game Over.
Players must remain seated for the whole time period of the tagging sequence or it’s a Game Over.
Game Clear conditions: If the players find out who the tagger is before the time runs out or it’s a Game Over for all players.
Tension had risen in the air a little as you felt your throat become dry, everyone immediately looked at each other somewhat suspiciously as the doors opened to the school gym, it was dark and empty outside of eleven chairs lined in a circle, all backs facing each other. 
“It could be worse.” Hiroko whispered to you as everyone grabbed a blindfold off the table that stood off in the distance, “As long as we just keep passing the tagger off to someone else we should be fine.” 
“Unless one of us gets picked by the end?” You quirked a brow as you rubbed the back of your neck, chances of that happening was one in ten but still, “I don’t like those odds Hiroko.” 
Hiroko only snorted as you both walked up, grabbing a blindfold as your eyes darted to the tags that laid out. Your brows furrowed at the stuffed bear with a blindfold on, his name tag ‘Rikku’ that took up his whole stomach, grabbing a tag as you turned back to face Hiroko.
“All we have to do is get a confession out of the tagger, it can’t be that hard.” Hiroko shrugged as she grabbed her blindfold as you puffed a breath of air, you hadn’t known her for long and despite knowing she was a lawyer before all of this...it was just still hard to imagine unless she was pressuring. Not exactly your method of going about stuff like this. 
Walking to a chair towards the left side of the room you sat down, crossing your legs as you looked up at the two clocks, one at twenty minutes that began ticking away and another holding at one minute. 
Looking towards your left your gaze immediately snapped back forward as your lips curled a little at the insufferable sight of blonde hair who made no effort to try and speak to you. 
Was he just sitting here purposely to annoy you? Because if you got tagger you would most definitely put it on him next. 
“The one minute for the tagging sequence getting ready to begin, blindfolds on.” 
Putting on your blindfold you tied it in a loose knot as you relaxed back into your chair, not being the tagger was perhaps the boring part of this game, the whole minute passed by and you briefly felt something press against your blindfold before it left. 
“Blinds off. Ten second cool down starts now.” Taking off your blindfold you flipped it over only to find the tag player stuck on it, attached magnetically as you pulled it off, proceeding to wait the ten seconds before the scoreboard went off and everyone stood up. 
“Maybe we should start easy and just show who has a name tag?” Ryu coughed a little as he scuffed his shoe against the ground, rubbing his neck as he frowned, everyone, as if it was possible, became all the more tense. 
You looked around at all the blindfolds that were being held, “I don’t think that will work, we've most likely all been provided a nametag, the only odd man out is the one with tagger. But they’ve most likely hidden it. All we can do is just take a guess of who it could be.” 
Nobody spoke for a moment making Hiroko heave a sigh as she cracked her neck, “Alright I’ll do it, I’m used to this in court. What about you!” She suddenly pointed to a shorter girl who had been fiddling with her skirt, suddenly jumping at the accusation. 
“What!? I’m- I’m not the tagger!” She squeaked out, nervousness suddenly on her expression and many of the wolves of the group were definitely preying on her right now as Hiroko puffed a breath crossing her arms. 
“Then why do you look so nervous?” She raised an accusing brow, making you shift in your spot, crossing your arms, you couldn’t agree with Hiroko’s approach to this that was just stoking fire to an already stressful atmosphere where everyone was quickly beginning to pin the blame on each other. 
You could only stand there and watch as everyone began to argue as you pinched the bridge of your nose, “We’re never gonna get anything solved if we go about it like this.” You muttered to yourself as you sighed.
“If you’re that confident in doing better then you should assert yourself more.” 
You turned to Chishiya who was also standing not quite close enough for you to say he was next to you, but close enough. Your eyes squinted into a glare as you spoke, “Right and how do I know you’re not the tagger?” 
“Because I would’ve tagged you next if I was.” Chishiya shrugged casually making you clench your fists as you let out a noise of irritation, you hated that…! Annoying smirk of his! Despite not knowing him for long you could get the idea he obviously got off on annoying you and it only fueled your irritation that much more. 
“The feelings are mutual, stranger.” You hissed as you crossed your arms, “And I’ll have you know I am not going to insert myself into...that!” You waved your hand at the sight of two of the men now shouting at each other, the taller one immediately grabbing the other by the shirt, “Because at that point you’ll just be accused with any sort of logic.” 
You puffed a breath as you wrapped your jacket around yourself, “And besides, this chaos is a great scapegoat for the real tagger to just sit back and watch everyone pick each other off-” You paused as you turned to Chishiya as you silently berated yourself, why were you even rambling to this guy!? He was a total jerk and you were not about to let go of this morning where you were only trying to help, “Why are you even talking to me? Didn’t you want us to...what? Stay strangers?” 
“I’m...not talking to you?” He raised his brows, his lips quirking into an infuriating half smile as if he had a point making your lips pucker together and your jaw clench in effort to try and keep your obvious anger to a minimum, “It’s not my fault you won’t shut up.” He had the audacity to shrug. 
You couldn’t help but stomp your foot as you glared at him, “You know what!? I get the feeling if you didn’t care you would’ve gone and sulked in the corner the whole game. In fact, I bet you like listening to me ramble. After all the whole day and a half I’ve known you that's all you do other than instigate unnecessary fights!” 
Chishiya’s gaze narrowed a little and you watched his body coil a little away from you at your words, “In what world would you think I care to listen to you?” His lips twitched into cruel smirk as he spoke, “Besides your irrational anger and blabbering, you don’t have an ounce of sense or logic in your body. You're probably best suited for hearts because all you do is spill emotion.” 
“That is not what hearts are about!” You retaliated as you threw your hands even more frustrated, “Why are you so defensive the moment I say anything in relation to you possibly not being some emotionless humanoid!? I get it,” You flailed your arms as you spoke louder, “I was a total dick for comparing you to a sociopath! Okay? I can admit that, and usually I can understand where people are coming from but- but you!? I genuinely don’t get you! At all! One moment you wanna pretend like everything's cool between us and then the next you wanna act like a total asshole! And that’s not cool!” 
Chishiya had looked away from you heaving a loud sigh making you stomp your foot again, here you were exerting all of your emotion into him and he really…! 
Your fists curling only to realize just how silent it was...you turned to look at the crowd of people who all had stopped fighting and...Oh...you felt your face become hot as you wrapped your arms around yourself in embarrassment...Were you really that loud…
“If you and your boyfriend are done arguing we have more important things to solve!” A man pointed a finger at you with a hiss making you curl away, your ears burning at his words as you snapped back, “He is not my boyfriend! Besides you aren’t getting anything done just yelling at each other,” You turned away from Chishiya now unable to even look him in the eyes at the moment, “The real question is who has been silent up until now? The tagger would obviously sit back and watch because why would they insert themselves when you’re doing a great job at killing time.” 
“The one minute for the tagging sequence getting ready to begin, blindfolds on.” 
Clenching your jaw you sat in your chair as everyone proceeded to do the same, it was now silent as you put on your blindfold, now angry and not even at the game. You wasted your whole time, not even arguing with Chishiya which somehow made you feel even more angry. 
It was like talking to a wall.
Crossing your legs you curled up against yourself, mad just...Why were you even mad? You shouldn’t be letting someone like this get under your skin. You briefly wondered why it bothered you so much. Come to think of it, you supposed it was for the exact reason you said. 
Chishiya, puzzled you to no end and you had never experienced that with someone, ever. You couldn’t figure out what he was thinking nor find an understanding as to why he was so back and forth with you. Maybe it was your misinterpretation? But...You shook your head a little despite your gaze darkened from the blindfold, it wasn’t that. 
It was obvious, for whatever reason, he was holding himself back, From what? You didn’t know, but for now…
“Blinds off. Ten second cool down starts now.” 
Pulling off your blindfold you looked at it, the same tag remaining of Player on it. You needed to focus on finding out who the tagger was, really this was like a game of hot potato, chances of the tagger getting killed was just as high as all the players dying, and who would want to take that chance? 
Maybe some, you stood up after the scoreboard went off and the original clock resumed as you turned around facing everyone to judge their reactions, Hiroko and Ryu were the same and so was Akari to your knowledge. Your eyes briefly flickered to Chishiya who had remained seated, his hands in his pockets, he also...You doubted yourself briefly, you couldn’t rule him out. 
“Who here wasn’t talking last round?” You asked, looking around at everyone, who obviously everyone immediately began speaking much to your frustration, you couldn’t expect someone to answer honestly which only meant...Puffing a breath, “Alright, how about this, let’s all trace a conversation with one person we talked too last round.” 
...You’d just have to manipulate the tagger into confessing
First you’d need to trace who was absolutely not the tagger and narrow it from there, “I’ll go first as an example since everyone seemed to hear last round,” You looked away briefly, a somewhat awkward smile on your lips, “I was talking to Chishiya about why he’s such an asshole. You don’t need his confirmation given everyone saw it, but typically you’d need someone to vouch for you in order to confirm you were talking. Now to those that didn’t talk, it doesn’t make them guilty, just more suspect.” 
“Me and Ryu were talking to each other about who the possible tagger was.” Hiroko spoke up, pulling a hand around Ryu’s waist who looked a little flush as he nodded, semi shy as you nodded yourself. That answer wasn’t too surprising. 
“Well I was talkin’ to this fine gentleman here about how I wasn’t the tagger.” Akari waved a hand to the guy beside her, who still leered but nodded in confirmation which cleared the both of them. You had hoped...this would keep civil, but as everyone went around, there was bound to be some who just genuinely didn’t remember because they were arguing with everyone, and those who were lying…
Which meant by this deduction things were narrowed down, for most people the chance of being found out you were the tagger is too stressful to be worth possibly being the only one to live in the end, thus handing it off, which meant there was...what? One in third chance each round the tagger was someone new? There were a few people you had to suspect that could have held the tagger without giving it up. 
The guy towards the middle who was very strangely calm during all of this with very empty looking eyes, and then there was the other man more towards you left who had been calmly de-escalating the situation but you didn’t miss the undertones of manipulation. It was one in third chance they could be holding it. Which meant you’d need to make sure they weren’t.
Walking over you stood more near Hiroko and Ryu as you watched two guys begin arguing again, “Every time I think we’ve made progress, it always ends up getting disturbed.” 
“Well that is the way of the world.” You kept a straight expression at the man who offered a smile that looked so unnatural to his empty eyes, you couldn’t help but feel a bit creeped out at how...insanely calm he was. You could get a sense of tension from at least Chishiya, granted it was most likely from you. 
“I’m Y/n,” You introduced, “Sense we should all be working together I figured it’d be best we at least learn each other's names.” You offered a sweet smile as you wrapped your jacket around yourself in effort to try and look unsuspecting. 
“I see how much anger you have inside you know? It’s quite obvious, from the way you lash out at others when you don’t get the response you want to the way you feel entitled to everyone's feelings, that’s not good for your health you know?” Your lips parted a little at his words, not even offended because...while he was right in some ways...he was very wrong in others, “But I understand your nature is tedious and complex, for all we not the same way?” Okay...this guy was definitely a psychopath, “I’m Sunato Banda, pleased to meet you.” He offered another smile. 
Empty eyes, disturbingly calm demeanor, even with your lives on the line he wasn’t disturbed at all, it wasn’t that he didn’t care. He just wasn’t affected, at all, like this could be a walk in the park for him. 
Psychopath, definitely. 
You’d need to be careful if tagger got in his possession otherwise he’d lie straight through his teeth and he’d never blink twice about it and you and everyone else would be unsuspecting about it.
“Well, us humans are very complex,” You nodded offering yet another smile making effort to look almost starstruck at his very poor deduction skills, again, somewhat correct, otherwise wrong. Afterall, how could someone who feels no remorse, truly understand the complexity of human nature? “Do you by any chance know who the tagger would be?” 
You’d need to make yourself look weak, pliable, if you were to get any use out of this guy, all he knew was how to do was take advantage of people, obviously, Banda offered a sly smile as he looked out over the room, his eyes washing over everyone, “Him,” He pointed a finger, “He keeps adjusting his coat as if he has something placed in there that’s uncomfortable.” 
You followed his line of sight to what looked like a business man in a suit and bowler hat, he did in fact, look quite nervous, “And why not call him out?” You asked, tilting your head exaggerated as you brimmed with curiosity. 
Banda turned to face you, a bright smile on his face as he closed his eyes, “Well I personally hope he’ll tag me next, I quite enjoy seeing a large build up in bodies.” 
..Oh...oh wow…
You gave a small nod, forcing a smile as you held yourself before excusing yourself from him, well, at least it definitely wasn’t him for now. Otherwise you’d be in trouble right now. And now you had a prime suspect. Some could overthink that and argue that perhaps he was lying just to get you off his trail. But personally? There was no way it’d be him, he wouldn’t do something like that. You got the feeling Banda, was a simple man. 
You turned to find the two guys from before who were tussling suddenly growl, one throwing a punch and before he could even fully hit the guy a deep red laser broke through the ceiling, you were frozen for a half a second at the sight of it shooting through the top of his head. Everyone was quiet as they looked down at the sight of a now dead body. 
Right...that was a rule, violence was prohibited. 
“The one minute for the tagging sequence getting ready to begin, blindfolds on.” 
You scurried back to your seat, sitting down as you pulled up your blindfold, “It’s that guy wearing the dumb bowler hat.” Your head looked towards you left despite not being able to see, Chishiya’s voice was quiet as he spoke, “While you were busy wasting time, I watched the real tagger- that school girl place it in his back pocket.” 
“The tagger can do that during the round?” You whispered back perplexed at the idea, how could you have missed that? Unless...she placed it right as you approached Banda? Thus him seeing the man realize he had been tagged and now nervously adjusting himself?
“There aren't any rules stating otherwise, makes it fair game.” Chishiya replied, he immediately quieted at the sound of footsteps tapping on the floor, they were definitely on your side of the ring. Your breath hitched a little at feeling something press against your forehead. Oh shit before the sound of footsteps walked away. 
“We just need to watch for him next round.” Chishiya spoke once more as you leaned back in your seat, trying to find a reason for why you just felt what you did. 
“Blinds off. Ten second cool down starts now. Final round will be next round” 
You hurriedly took yours off as you flipped it over looking down at it, 
You quickly grabbed it off, at first trying to push it into your pocket only to realize they were fake. God you hated women’s clothing, your eyes shot to the clock that only had five seconds left, with nowhere to put it you shoved it down your bra as you collected yourself. Okay you...you could make this work. 
But now you were presented with a plethora of options. You honestly didn’t think it would be passed off to you. But now...you...you could keep it...You stood up as the scoreboard went off, but...Everyone else would die. Or...you could confess and you’d die. These options were not great. Next round was the last round, so if you gave it up...you’d be reassuring someone’s victory. 
You stood next to Chishiya as his eyes kept with the man from before with the bowler hat, “He might have gotten it passed back to him.” His eyes narrowed a little onto the guy. 
Do you find a way to discreetly tell him? Or would that also count as a confession…? It wouldn’t be a confession if you made yourself suspect. But...you couldn’t honestly trust Chishiya, not after his unstable display of distrust in you. 
“He could be,” You replied, leaning in a little as you watched him, he appeared relieved once more, he was the one freaked out about this after all...you felt a brief wave of guilt inside you at what your mind had suddenly come up with. 
With Chishiya’s suspect still on the man, all you needed to do was plant it back on him and pressure a confession out of him next round. 
You were very much going to hell after this. 
“He was the one that started accusing last round too and made someone die,” You hummed as you stuffed your hands in your pocket, “That guy also thought it was him. He’s definitely good at reading people,” You thought back to the way he tried to read you, which was somewhat accurate, but people like you and him, you couldn’t always accurately read each other. Except you weren’t insane like him, “At this point we don’t have much to lose.” 
You could see the cogs turning in Chishiya’s head as he stared menacingly at the man who looked at him and jolted a little at such an intense stare, “If I were the tagger by this point,” You were treading on very thin ice at the moment, “I’d keep it just for myself, instead passing it off. He’s gone this far without anyone really pressuring him. It’d be the smartest move by now.” 
“Then we’ll settle on him.” Chishiya replied, his gaze cold as he glared down at the man who mindlessly fixed his tie, trying to look cool despite being intimidated, clearly. He had a weak mentality, if you couldn’t break him next round, Chishiya most definitely would. 
“The one minute for the tagging sequence getting ready to begin, blindfolds on.” 
You supposed he was good for something even when you couldn’t trust him. 
Sitting down in your chair you put your blindfold on and waited a second before taking it back off, standing back up as you carefully stepped as quietly as you could, pulling the Tagger out of your bra before you walked over to the man who had just tagged you before pressing it against his blindfold, you watched his lips quiver as he let out a quiet, “Please…!” 
Your expression went cold as you turned around, glancing at the clock before you walked away and sat back down in your chair, putting your blindfold back on as you waited for the announcer once more. 
“Blinds off. Ten second cool down starts now. Final round.” 
You took the blindfold off, looking down feeling content at the Player tag as you stood up along with Chishiya who’s eyes went between you and the man before he pushed his hands back into his pockets, “If you’re all done pointing fingers and wasting time,” His gaze became a little more cool as he spoke, “Then we should go ahead and show who the real tagger is.” 
Both you and Chishiya glanced at the man who was now looking insanely nervous, sweat dripping down his neck and if this wasn’t life or death, you would’ve felt a little bad...Some parts of you still did, but it was either all of you or just him. 
“He does look pretty nervous.” Hiroko narrowed her eyes on him and from this moment forward you knew it was game over for him, quite literally. With all three of you there was no way he’d survive, crossing your arms you lifted your chin a little, “Say, weren’t you the one who got really defensive when the finger got pointed at you last round?” 
“I’m…!” He flailed a little, wiping his brow with his hand as he suddenly pointed an accusing finger at you, “It’s her you want! She’s a manipulative bitch!” You pressed your hand against your chest in fake hurt as you raised your brows, “She’s the one pitting everyone against me when she’s really the tagger. She’s going to leave you all to die.” 
The majority of eyes fled to you as you shrugged, “Why would I do that when I could just give it to you?” You gave a wickedly sweet smile as you giggled a little, “And watch it all go down. I mean, you must be agreeing now?” You raised your brows as you goaded, “About being the tagger?” 
“I…!” He struggled with his words, now glaring at you as you raised your brows once more as you shook your head, “I…! Now you’re just doing this on purpose! Trying to get into everyone's head and make everyone die! Can’t- can’t you see what she’s doing!” He cried out as he backed away from everyone. 
“I dunno’ you seem pretty guilty to me.” Akari shrugged as she poked her tongue into her cheek, not looking the least bit remorseful for the guy as she leaned her weight onto one side. 
“I get it,” You shrugged as you laughed a little, “You’re probably that kinda guy who’s never really stood up for himself, you probably got bullied as a kid and let yourself get run over by people all the time, even now, and now in desperation you attempt to hold your own and yet...” You tilted your head with a frown as you mocked, “You still can’t do anything right. I guess that goes to show, that people like you just never have a spine. If you can’t assert yourself now with your life on the line, you might as well die now. Because let’s face it, people like you only end in two ways, either spineless pathetic existence or you become the abuser out of a sick need to regain what you lost as a kid.” 
Reverse psychology, worked in the most simplistic ways. 
That seemed to get him to snap, you watched his eyes dilate and pure unfurled rage cross his expression as he shrieked, “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You know nothing about my life! You know nothing about me! And because I’m the tagger I’ll get to watch all you pathetic people die! Who’s in control now!?” 
It’s a shame he couldn’t take control of his life in any other circumstance. 
Everyone paused and even he himself paused at the realization, his eyes welled with tears that made something deep in your heart lurch, your eyes squinting a little as your expression wilted a little as the red laser broke through the roof shooting him straight through the top of his head. His body crumpling to the ground. 
‘Game Cleared’
Everyone was still for a moment before you looked down at the blindfold and then to your hands, the memory hazy yet the memory of red staining them still so clear as you felt ringing in your ears and your vision blur for a moment as you let the fabric slip through your fingers. Running a hand through your hair you wrapped your arms around your jacket as you walked past the body, briefly looking at the once timid man who obviously let others run his life.
“Sorry.” You whispered quietly as you stepped over the corpse, “Come on, let’s go. I don’t wanna stay around here.” You looked towards the other three who nodded, also looking semi apprehensive as well. 
Now that the moment was over, the cruel reality was back to remind you that you just gaslit someone into admitting their own suicide. It was hard to not feel innately disgusted with yourself despite your reasoning that you and all of your friends would’ve died if you had. Still, what you did was okay. You were supposed to help people like him, not encourage them to snap. 
If you didn’t feel conflicted before you certainly felt conflicted now, looking at the register you ignored the visa print as you grabbed the playing card off the table. 
And as if mocking, this was only a three of hearts. You couldn’t imagine what higher level games looked like with this. You’d definitely need to be careful in the future, “Y/n! Come on, let’s go!” You looked behind at Hiroko nodding towards the exit. 
“You guys go on, I’ll catch up later.” You looked down at the card again, Hiroko frowned at your figure, wanting to say something but she understood, the first few days of the Borderlands were never easy. With that, she left. Besides you needed to get changed before you headed for the beach again. 
Walking out of the exit you grabbed your bag that was, just as you anticipated, still against the wall, leaning down you opened it up as you began digging through to try and find your bathing suit top. Stuffing the card inside you furrowed your brows, why did the electricity have to go out so soon? 
“You could’ve kept the tagger and won but you didn’t. Why?” 
You paused your search at the sound of Chishiya’s voice, sounding like he was- not interrogating you but definitely investigating. You resumed once more as you shrugged, “I could’ve.” You agreed, and it did cross your mind after all, “I thought about it,” You admitted right after as you pulled out the swimsuit top, “But maybe to some degree you were right,” You stood up as you turned to face him, “I am spilling emotion constantly. And if there was a chance I could’ve saved all of us in turn for one? It didn’t seem like that big of a reach to do really…” You looked away from him as you grabbed your neck, feeling a bit sheepish, “It was by chance you had spotted him before and it was by luck that I was given tagger for the last round. I knew all you needed was just mutual confirmation in your assessment before initiating the end.” 
You sighed as you looked down at the elastic material in your hand as you frowned, “For what it’s worth, I would’ve probably done it to him regardless of whether he had been the tagger or not. It doesn’t take much to break the weakest link. That’s probably the saddest part to be honest.” 
You grabbed your backpack off the ground as you looked up at Chishiya before back towards the entrance where others slowly began to filter out, “I doubt he even realized the trap I set him up for,” You smiled wryly as you shook your head, “People are so easy to mislead, I forget sometimes, the power that can hold.” 
You turned around, intending to go change, “What were you before all of this?” You looked back at Chishiya, his gaze cool as ever and his eyes scanning over you as if in search for an answer that didn’t exist. Briefly your heart jumped in nervousness, did you dare tell the truth? 
Laughing you let out a sigh what was the use in hiding in this world? There were no laws and honestly, who could judge you? “I was a prostitute.” You looked away, feeling somewhat bashful as you awkwardly rubbed your neck, you could tell that was not what Chishiya had been expecting you to say.
 “Oh…!” Your lips parted suddenly feeling even more stupid at the realization that was not what he meant by his question, “You...You probably meant what I’m majoring in...sorry. Uh-” You gave him an apologetic smile that was more out of your sake of humiliation as assuming. Clearing your throat you turned back over your shoulder as you gave him one last look, holding up the three of hearts as you answered, “I’m a major in psychology ♡ ” 
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The Little Mermaid AU! - Sam x fem!reader part 2
Haha, nothing like procrastinating
Here’s part 1 as a refresher to whatever the hell I’m doing. 
(Y/N) slowly peaked her head out of the water, searching for treasures left behind. She had found a few things, including her new prized possession. It reminded her or her father's trident but had four of the pointy things instead of three.
To her right, a fish rubbed up against her side.
"Flounder, there you are." She smiled, running her fingers softly over his scales. She produced the fork from her sack she wore, "Look at this? Isn't it cool? I've seen the humans use these to brush their head hair. Or... It looked like that's what they were using. I'm gonna call it a dingle hopper."
Her fish friend look at her, then back toward deeper water, "Uhh, (Y/N)..."
"What is it?" She thought, trying to remember if she had anything to do today, "Oh no. Oh No!" She started swimming back towards her home, Flounder hot on her heels, "The ceremony!"
(Y/N) swam through the curtain to the throne room where her father at in his throne, flanked by her sisters.
"Well, look who the catfish dragged in." Pallas spat.
Ignoring her sister, (Y/N) bowed her head, "Father, I'm so sorry. I forgot-"
"Young lady, as a result of your behavior-" Father began.
"Reckless behavior!" The royal advisor crab, Sebastian piped in.
"The whole ceremony-"
"Was a disaster! I was the laughing stock of the reef!" Sebastian clicked.
"I had a courtship planned with the prince of the Arabian see but I dropped it all for you!" Triteia shouted.
"No wonder we were mother's favorites!" Pallas sneered.
"Enough!" Triton struck his trident on the ground, silencing the chatter. He moved him thrown to where she was, head still bowed. He lifted it up gently.
"My sweet child, you have such an amazing gift."
"I know," She sighed, meeting his eyes, "I have mother's voice."
"Then please, for her memory's sake."
"Alright, father. I promise." She smiled softly.
"It wasn't her fault really." Flouder bubbled up, "She couldn't have heard the call horns from shore-" He quickly shut his mouth, realizing what he had said.
"The shore?!" Triton bellowed.
"Nothing happened." (Y/N) fiddled with her fingers.
"How many times must I tell you?” Triton boomed, “You could have been seen by those barbaric humans!” 
“Father, they’re not barbaric!” 
“They are dangerous. I will be long gone in the muck before I see my youngest daughter snared by some fisher-eater’s hook.” Triton crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I am not a child!” She called back. 
“Don’t you use that tone with me, young lady. As long as you live in this ocean, you’ll obey my rules.” He turned to go back to the throne. 
“But, if you would just listen-” 
“Not another word - and I am never, NEVER to hear of you going to the surface again. Is that clear?” He didn’t even look at her, just tossing a glance over his shoulder. Tears pooled up in her eyes, she swam out of the throne room. Flounder came up behind her.  They both swam all the way to her secret cave where she had started collecting her human treasures. 
‘Are you okay, (Y/N)?” Flounder asked. 
She shook her head, “If only I could make him understand.” She sniffled, “I just don’t see things the way he does. I don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.” She swam to one of her shelves, motioning to the various items. 
“I mean, look at this stuff. Isn’t it neat?” She swept her arms out, “Look at this trove, treasures untold. How many wonders can this cavern hold? Looking around here you’re probably think that I have everything that I would need. I’ve got gadgets, gizmos, whozits, whatzits. And thingamabobs, I must have twenty of those. But, I want more.” She grabbed a flimsy thin thing that had colored art of people near the beach. 
“I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see them dancing. Walking around on those...feet. Feet. Flipping my fins, I won’t get too far.” She motioned to her tail, “Legs are required for jumping, dancing, walking along down the...what was it? Ah, the street. Up where they walk, run, stay all day in the sun. Wandering free, I wish I could be part of that world.”
She sighed, “What I would give if I could live out of these waters. What I would pay to spend a day warm on the sand. And I betcha on land they understand, bet they don’t reprimand their daughters. Bright young women, sick of swimming and ready to stand.” Flounder only watched her rant, following her around the cave. 
“I’m ready to know what the people know. Ask them my questions and get some answers. Like what’s a fire and why does it...does...burn. I just wish I could be part of the human world.” She sighed, resting on a large rock. 
Suddenly a large crashing brought both of their attention to Sebastian who was scuttling around the cave. 
“Sebastian!?” They both shouted. 
“(Y/N), have you gone mad? How-what-what is all this?” He clicked. 
“It’s my collection. Of things.” She said.
“Ah your collection. Hmm.” He thought a moment, “IF YOUR FATHER KNEW ABOUT THIS HE’D-”
“You’re not gonna tell him are you?” Flounder swam up to Sebastian. 
“Oh please, Sebastian. He would never understand.” She pleaded. 
“Your highness. You are under a lot of pressure down here. Come with me, I’ll take you home and get you something to help you feel better.” As he said this, the cave went black, meaning a ship was passing overhead. With an excited giggle, she started her way up towards the surface, Flounder followed while Sebastian called after her. She swam up until she was looking across the floor of the ship. It seemed the humans were having a little party. They were laughing and music was playing. One of these men was the most handsome creature she had ever seen. He was tall, his hair was longer and a brown color. He had the kindest looking smile. 
A short man with shorter came up to the tall man. 
“Congrats, First mate.” He chuckled, patting his back, Here, I wanted to show you this.” 
The tall man took the picture, “The woman and white case. First picture of our first hunt together. Thanks.” 
“No problem. Bitch.” 
“Jerk.” He chuckled. That must be his name. Bitch. It sounded cool.
From up above, the sky grew dark and thunder rumbled in the sky. 
“SEA STORM! STAND FAST! SECURE THE RIGGING!” One of the man shouted. (Y/N) and Flounder swam a ways from the ship, the violent thrashing of the waves was too dangerous to be around.
 A large wave crashed into the ship, causing the Dean to loose his footing, falling and sliding across the deck, holding onto the bars of the ship top. 
“Dean! Hang on!” The Sam shouted over the wind. 
“WE’RE GOIN DOWN, LADS! GET TO THE BOATS!” The sailors made their way to the boats. Sam went to follow, but his life line to the mast was tangle around his feet. 
“I’m stuck!” He called, but the rest of the sailors had gotten to the life boats. 
“SAM!” Dean called. He was about to call back his brother’s name but the tallest wave he had ever seen crashed down on the ship, plunging him down into the depths. 
(Y/N) watched the ship go down, “Oh no!” She dived down, Flounder calling to her. 
“It’s too dangerous!” He bubbles fell on deaf ears as she swam down into the wreck, seeing the tall man. His eyes were closed and little bubbles came from his lips. She grabbed the sharp silver stick from his belt cutting the rope, grabbing him under his arms and pulling him towards the surface. When they broke the surface, she pulled him all the way into shore, laying him on the beach. The storm had gone as quickly as it came. 
(Y/N) looked over him, brushing wet hair from his face. He looked so peaceful. He suddenly turned his head to the side, coughing up water loudly, taking deep gulping breathes. She pulled away, then came back when he was back on his back, he eyes still closed. 
“Oh what I would give to live where you are. What would I pay to stay here besides you. What do I do to see you smile? Just you and me and I could be part of your world.” She spoke softly, tracing his face.  
Sam slowly opened his eyes a bit, the bright sun making it too hard to see. He could see the outline of someone above him. He could hear a soft, sweet voice humming, the same song that he had heard earlier that day. 
“Sam!” He heard a voice in the distance, the person above him looked in the direction and quickly moving away, followed by a splash in the water. He heard footsteps approaching, Dean kneeling down next to him. 
“Sam! Sam, can you hear me?!” Sam opened his eyes a little more. 
“Yeah, I can hear you. Loud and clear.” 
“You almost gave a heart attack, you know that?” It had been a while since Dean scolded him. 
“There was a girl. She rescued me.” Sam panted, happy to feel the air in his lungs, “She was singing.” 
“Did you drink too much sea water?” Dean raised an eyebrow at him, “Come on, up you go big guy.” Dean helped Sam to his feet, helping him back towards the others while medical helped arrived. 
(Y/N) watched them from behind a stone, Flounder and Sebastian at her sides.
“We just gotta forget this whole thing ever happened. The sea king will never know. You won’t tell him, I won’t tell him. I stay in one piece.” He clicked, snapping his claws nervously. 
“I don’t know when, I don’t know how.” She clutched the photo of the two humans to her chest, “But I know something’s starting right now. Watch and you’ll see. Someday I’ll be part of your world.” She said to herself, following after the crustacean. What she didn’t see, however, were the two eels that had been following and watching them. 
I definitely didn’t only now just make the sequel for this AU it’s fine. I think I’m afraid that these will never be as good as Beauty and the Beast AU
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are appreciated! 
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pterodactylterrace · 4 years
Guys Like You Chapter 7
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter: 7
Chapter Summary: Just an ordinary Sunday
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Smut. Alcohol consumption. 
{Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5} {Chapter 6}
Just an ordinary Sunday. An ordinary Sunday with nothing special about it what so ever. Just your average, everyday, run of the mill Sunday.
Oh, except for that 'date' Faye had been freaking out about for days now. She was acting like a teenager again, and worst still, she knew she was. Should she do something special with her hair? Should she bother with makeup? What if she ended up getting a surprise pimple? Most importantly, what was she supposed to wear? Would it be weird to just show up in regular clothes, or would it be weirder to show up over dressed? Sure, she could actually ask him like a reasonable adult, but she refused to admit ignorance of what dating looked like anymore, so here she was, an hour before she was supposed to leave, staring at her closet in absolute terror and confusion.
There was one last resource she hadn't tapped into just yet. Her trump card. Possibly her last line of defense to keep from looking like an idiot. Or more like an idiot, depending on how you look at the situation.
"Mommy, why you nakie?" Briar giggled as she came toddling into the room at top speed, wrapping her arms around her mother's leg.
"I'm not nakie, I have my underwear on." Faye pointed out, rolling her eyes. This child of hers. "Do you wanna pick out what Mommy wears when we go see Henry?"
"Yes, yes, yes!" Briar gasped, hurrying over to her mother's closet and surveying the items hung up. "This one's pretty!" Briar gasped, grabbing the skirt of one of the dresses hung up. All in all, not a bad pick. Casual enough to not look like she was trying too hard, nice enough that she didn't look like a slob. Briar to the rescue, once again. Now the only problem was getting it on. This particular dress was backless with a litany of different ties crossing each other to make it fit just right. She hadn't worn this dress since she'd moved across the ocean. Now she didn't have her trusty siblings to help her get it on right, and Briar didn't know how to tie anything.
It took some doing, a lot of wiggling, and a bit of compromise as far as fit went, but she did eventually get it on. She tossed a denim jacket on to keep her back somewhat warm, deciding to quit while she was ahead and leave before she continued fussing with her appearance even more. She had her daughter, dressed in a little tulle dress with her hair up in pigtails. As far as Faye was concerned, she had everything she needed.
Henry greeted her at the door with a brilliant smile, a button up that was crying for mercy and the smell of something delicious wafting from the kitchen.
"Kal!" Briar squealed, rushing past Henry to hug the fluffy dog.
"It's great to finally have you over." Henry greeted, pulling Faye in for a hug as soon as she crossed the threshold.
"Thank you for inviting us." Faye responded, stealthily breathing him in as she returned his affectionate gesture. Why did this man have to smell so good?
"Dinner should be done soon."
"It smells great. I didn't know you could cook."
"Well I didn't expect you to cook anything. Not after that baking disaster." Henry teased, raising a brow at her.
"Hey now, cooking and baking are two different things. Baking is a science. Cooking is an art."
"Is that just a nice way of saying you can't follow directions?"
"How very rude of you, sir. Throwing my inability to follow directions at me."
"May I take your jacket? Or are the directions for removing it too complicated?"
"So very mean." Faye grumbled, letting her jacket slide off her shoulders and passing it off.
"Oh, now that's a doozy." Henry murmured to himself, tilting his head and gently skimming his fingers over the artwork covering her back.
"That's my big one." Faye chuckled, turning more to let him get a better look.
"I'm looking forward to uncovering more." Henry whispered in her ear, gently squeezing her shoulders and sliding past her to hang her jacket up. That fucking tease.
Faye scooped Briar up and followed her nose to the kitchen, snooping around to see what was cooking. A few different pots and pans were on the stove, and something was cooking away in the oven. She curiously cracked the oven door open and looked in, groaning softly at the smell of roasting meat. Faye jumped when she felt a hand on her hip, the oven door snapping shut as she turned to see Henry's amused face looking down at her.
"Are you ladies having fun?"
"Brockey?" Briar asked hopefully, reaching over for Henry to take her.
"I didn't forget your favorite." Henry chuckled, taking the toddler in one arm and reaching for the chopped vegetable on the nearby cutting board with the other. "Now I don't have princess plates, but the table is all set if you two would like to have a seat." He instructed, passing the placated toddler back to her mother.
Faye seated her daughter first, shaking her head when she saw three wine glasses, two already filled with wine, one holding what appeared to be chocolate milk.
"I take it the milk is for Briar?"
"If she won't drink it, I will." Henry shrugged, shooting Faye a cheeky grin over his shoulder.
Faye seated herself next to her daughter, smoothing her dress beneath herself and trying not to fidget. Just because she was nervous, didn't mean she had to act nervous, right? Maybe a  few sips of wine would help settle her nerves.
Three glasses of wine and one amazing meal later, Faye found herself sitting on Henry's couch, My Little Pony playing in the background to keep the half asleep toddler entertained while his fingers drew light patterns along her shoulders and arms. Her head rested on his shoulder, reluctantly forcing herself to break the domestic spell they found themselves trapped in.
"It's getting late." Faye pointed out, shifting her head to look up at her host. "We should probably get going."
"I'm not so sure you should be driving." Henry pointed out gently, glancing at her almost empty glass of wine.
"Gonna drive us home, then?" Faye giggled, nuzzling against his shoulder.
"Why don't you two just stay here for the night? Briar is already about to fall asleep on the rug." Henry chuckled, nodding toward the half asleep child on the floor.
"I didn't exactly plan on a sleep over."
"I have a spare room."
"Briar still has accidents, though. I don't want her ruining your mattress. Wait... I think I still have some diapers in the car!" Faye gasped, her eyes lighting up.
"I'll run out and get them, where are your keys?"
"In my jacket." Faye mumbled after a second of thinking, scooting over to allow Henry to stand.
After Faye woke up the toddler and got her changed, Henry scooped the little girl up, carrying her down the hall to the spare room to tuck her in, plugging in the night light he'd bought when he'd learned about her fear of the dark. He hadn't ever exactly planned on them staying over just yet, but thought it best to take precautions to keep the child placated and in her own room if they ever did stay over.
"Now, where were we?" Faye purred after he had pulled the door closed, wrapping her arms around his thick neck and leaning up on her tip toes to kiss at his jawline, her fingers toying with the hairs at the back of his neck.
"Faye, slow down." Henry chuckled, gently taking her elbows and moving her back.
"You don't want to?" Faye asked softly, uncertainty and insecurity written all over her face, tugging harshly at Henry's heart. This definitely wasn't how he planned on this night going.
"Shh, no tears." He soothed, wiping at the moisture she didn't even know was collecting in her eyes. Even though she had braced herself for rejection around every corner, she still found her heart breaking at the reality of it. She knew better than to get her hopes up. She had told herself time and time again not to even entertain the idea, but their last evening together on her couch continued echoing hope in her mind.
"I-I'm so sorry." Faye excused herself, pulling further away from him, looking away to hide her flushed face.
"Hey, no." Henry corrected, pulling her in close again. "Faye, I want this. I want you. Believe me, I really do, but not like this."
"What do you mean?" Faye sniffled softly, still not looking up at him, settling for resting her head against his chest.
"You're not even fit to drive right now, Faye. I'd only be taking advantage of you." Henry explained, gently running his fingers up and down her spine. "And I'm not going to do that."
"What if I just jump you then?" Faye pouted, her hand sliding up his thick thigh, feeling  emboldened by his admission.
"Then I'd say it's a good thing I'm a big boy that can take care of myself." Henry chuckled, grabbing her hand and lacing their fingers together.
"So you won't let me have any fun?" She pouted, finally turning her face to look up at him.
"Not like this. We'll see how you feel in the morning. Now let's get you off to bed." With that he scooped her up, chuckling at her grumbled of protest as he carried her down the hall to his bedroom, her complaints about being able to walk falling on deaf ears.
"But I'm not tired." Faye yawned as her final act of unconvincing defiance, cuddling into his chest as he pushed the door open.
"I'm sure you aren't, but it's getting late." Henry soothed, setting her down on the edge of the bed to rummage though his drawers to find her something to wear. Surely she wouldn't enjoy sleeping in her dress, no matter how beautifully it hugged every curve.
"Come on, let's get this off." Henry encouraged, tugging at the hem of her dress.
"Oh, change your mind?" Faye giggled, wiggling her eyebrows at him.
"No, I just don't think this is too comfortable to sleep in." Henry chuckled, helping her to her feet and turning her around to better access the ties holding her dress in place.
"Wait." Faye suddenly protested.
"What's wrong?" His hands, froze, his eyes snapping up to look at the back of her head.
"I'm not wearing a bra." Faye mumbled, wrapping her arms around herself in a hug. Of course, now she's shy. How was this the same girl that was trying to grope him not ten minutes earlier?
"Promise I won't look." Henry chuckled, shaking his head at his fickle house guest as he finished untying her dress, Faye reluctantly letting it fall away, all the while feeling she should have asked him to turn the lights off first. She quickly grabbed the shirt off the edge of the bed and pulled it on, glancing over her shoulder to find he had turned around, eyes averted to the wall as he waited, just like he promised.
"Thank you." Faye mumbled, tugging at the hem of the shirt, wishing it were just a little longer. "You know, I'm not that drunk." She tried one last time. "I'm tipsy at best."
"It still wouldn't be right." Henry shrugged, moving around her to pull down the blankets and gently usher her into bed.
"Wait, you are staying with me, right?" Faye half yawned, turning her big doe like eyes up to him.
"I don't know, are you going to keep your hands to yourself, Miss Warren?" Henry teased.
"I'll be good. Just want a cuddle." Faye assured, snuggling back into the bed, watching his every move as he went about preparing himself for bed, stripping out of the too tight button down, tossing it into the laundry as he absently scratched at his furry chest. His pants quickly followed in suit before he shut the lights off and clambered into bed next to her. Normally he would sleep bare, but decided it wouldn't be the best idea given the current circumstances.
"Now remember, hands to yourself, Miss Warren." Henry reminded, pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead. Faye cuddled into him and drifted off into a dreamless sleep, happily curled into his side and breathing him in with a small smile etched on her face.
The next morning, Faye woke up to someone breathing in her ear and a rather heavy arm slung across her chest. She shifted her leg and couldn't help but smile to herself when her thigh brushed against something hard, moving her leg against it again with more purpose, rousing the slumbering man next to her.
"Mmm, good morning." He hummed, cracking his eyes open, his hips rolling toward her probing thigh.
"You know, I'm not drunk anymore." Faye pointed out, squealing when she found herself suddenly trapped beneath him.
"Is that right?" He hummed, pressing gentle kisses to her neck and shoulder, letting one hand gently glide up and down her side, slowly lifting the hem of her improvised nightgown as he went. It would seem she found herself in the presence of a morning person. A very eager morning person, complete with morning wood. He sat back on his heels as he slid her shirt off, biting his lip and groaning softly at the first glimpse of her naked chest.
"Fucking gorgeous." He growled, leaning in and kissing her left breast tenderly, basking in her low whines, her legs wrapping around his waist as he caught her nipple in his mouth, gently flicking it with his tongue. So soft. So tender.
Slowly he slid further down her body, gently untangling her legs from his torso as he descended, leaving small kisses and nips along her stomach, Faye's increased breathing and soft whimpers only spurring him on. His eyes caught a small bit of color creeping over her left side, his attention instantly diverting to the artwork decorating her ribs. "A little mermaid." He chuckled, his fingers gently tracing the lines before pressing a quick kiss to it, not missing her ticklish squirm. That would be something to remember for later.
Henry continued his descent, his unshaved scruff eliciting a shiver as it drug along her sensitive skin, finally coming to a rest at her lacy panties, humming to himself in appreciation. He definitely was a man that enjoyed seeing his lady in lace. His fingers skimmed along the top of her panties, Faye gasping and fighting to stay still as he pressed a hot, open mouthed kiss to her still clothed mound.
"What are you doing?" Faye gasped, sitting up on her elbows as he slid her panties to the side, her chest heaving in anticipation as she met his gaze.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, raising a brow, his fingers gently tracing where her leg met her body.
"I... you don't... have to do... that."
"I want to." Henry explained, leaning in and licking a stripe up between her nether lips, a strangled gasp catching in her chest. He shifted between her legs, hooking her knees over his broad shoulders for better access, pressing an absent minded to kiss to the water colored artwork decorating her thigh. He would have to take a closer look at that later but for now, he was a man on a mission.
He delved back in, his tongue eagerly exploring her glistening petals, chuckling to himself when her hips bucked up into his waiting mouth.
"Oh, you are definitely going to be sitting on my face later." Henry hummed to himself, laying a thick forearm over her hips to keep her still. "But for now, let me do the work."
His lips sealed around her sensitive bud, sucking gently as his tongue worked over it, her hips jerking with every flick of his tongue. Her fingers tangled themselves in his untamed curls, her nails scratching at his scalp as she tried to pull him closer. More. She needed more.
He worked over her sensitive clit, moaning softly at the way she would tug on his hair, her legs clamping on his head when she moaned out his name, her hips spasming even under his restraining arm as she came hard on his waiting tongue. It would appear his lady was easy to please.
"Taste so good, Faye." Henry whispered, planting one final kiss to her soaked folds before carefully pulling back.
"That was amazing." Faye panted, releasing his hair with shaking hands to push her own sweat dampened strands from her face.
"Your pussy tastes so good." Henry praised, slowly crawling up her body, licking his lips lewdly as he stared down at her with lust blown eyes.
"Really?" Faye mumbled, her brows knitting together. "Every boyfriend I've had acted like that was a chore. That's why I said you didn't have to."
"They don't know what they're missing." Henry snorted, pressing his still clothed erection against her swollen, sensitive folds, his shoulders slumping when a faint crying met his ears.
"Shit, the baby." Faye groaned, her face falling.
"Go on, make sure she's ok." Henry relented, reluctantly removing himself from her.
"What about you?" Faye asked, already pulling the borrowed shirt back on.
"I'll be out once I calm down a bit."
"I'm so sorry." Faye sighed, squeaking in surprise when he playfully swatted at her backside when she slid out of bed.
"Go check on the baby, I'll be out in a bit." Henry dismissed, unashamedly staring at her ass as she headed to the door.
"Enjoying the view?"
"More than you know."
"One of these days, we are going to seal the deal, Mr. Cavill." Faye assured, giving him a pointed look as she slipped out the door.
"I look forward to it." Henry sighed to himself. Hopefully that day was going to come soon. The wait was killing him.
@Xxxkatxo @Weallhaveadestiny
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speechlessxx · 4 years
Delicate. (Henry Cavill x Reader)
Summary: Following a break up, the reader finds herself in a delicate position as she contemplates if moving on is the right thing to do.
Warnings: exboyfriend!Chris Evans (he’s barely in this lol), mention of cheating, very inaccurate Chris Evans, implied famous (actress)!reader, kinda fluffy, y’all know i love taylor swift and i’m not apologetic about it, very wordy (i haven’t written a fic in like 2 weeks give me a break). this is lowkey a dumpster fire but i’m trying
This was originally a Chris fic, but since Taylor’s man is a brit, I thought it was rather fitting. 
Inspired by you guessed it Delicate – Taylor Swift
Word Count: 2.3k
AHH! My first Henry fic omg
Ko-fi - donations are appreciated but not necessary!
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The night sky was a dark grey accompanied by an array of sporadic lightning followed by claps of deafening thunder. Your heels contrasted the roars of the city as they patted lightly against the concrete. Goosebumps painted your skin as the air suddenly chilled and the rain began its descent.
In a matter of minutes, you were drenched, but you paid it no mind. Despite the awful situation and the heavy storm, something told you it would be worth it. 
Your phone buzzed just as you turned the corner. You fumbled with the device, not caring if the storm ruined your clothes or your makeup. A small smile found its way onto your face as you read through the water droplets that decorated your phone screen.
Come here, you can meet me in the back.
You hurriedly but carefully ran in the rain, shrugging off your trench coat to use as a makeshift cover – not that it made much of a difference. You were still soaked.
You began to regret the heels, cursing your friends for convincing you to go to a party where you coincidentally ran into your ex-boyfriend. However, you were convinced it was no happy accident but a horribly planned ambush.
He begged for a moment of your attention, and out of respect for your short history, you obliged. Regret was perfectly painted across his features as he pulled you aside. The lines of his face accentuated his remorse and emphasized his apologies, but they fell to deaf ears. You had pulled your arm from his grip and shook your head.
“It’s over, Chris,” you told him with a steady voice. It startled him. He had expected a stormy rage like the one now in the sky. “I forgive you for cheating, but it’s… it’s over.”
It had been weeks since his scandal – one that inexplicably tarnished your own reputation – but you were over it. It felt good to say it out loud – to say it to him.
The red neon sign illuminated the darkness. The bar’s name reflected in the puddles on the street. You took a deep breath as a fluttering feeling – butterflies – erupted throughout your whole body. This feeling – the nervous tingling that triggered a rush of serotonin – was reserved for one person.
And he was right through those doors.
The scent of various alcoholic drinks hung in the air. Unlike the cold and stormy city, the inside of the bar was warm – it felt as if it were like a home.
The bar wasn’t crowded though it wasn’t deserted either. People were huddled in their respective groups. Despite hobbling in drenched from the storm, no one paid you any attention – something you weren’t necessarily used to, but you could definitely grow accustomed to it – though some did shoot a curious glance your way because of the door suddenly opening and closing. But it stopped at that – just a glance before turning their attention back to their company.
You cracked a smile. You understood why he chose this place. A public place filled with people who were either too drunk to care or too busy to notice you. No cameras flashing, prying eyes, judgmental stares, and whispers. It was a nice change from the overly published relationship you walked away from.
You felt his eyes on you even before you even laid eyes on him. His stare was burning as if he ignited a fire beneath you. 
You cringed, suddenly becoming insecure about the smudged makeup – you undoubtedly had mascara and eyeliner running down your cheeks due to the rain. But nevertheless, you made your way to the back of the bar, keeping your head low.
“(Y/N).” He stood, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You closed your eyes and returned the embrace, savoring the warmth. “Look at you, you’re drenched.”
Yeah and look at you, you thought. Though he wasn’t fancied up – he wore dark jeans and a pair of Nikes, inconspicuous at its finest. – he was easily one of the most handsome men you’d ever seen.
“Kinda happens when you stupidly think you can outwalk the rain,” you chided, and he chuckled in response. The rumbling of his chest vibrated through you. You were the first to pull away, but his grip around your body kept you anchored. Your body flush against his.
He frowned, tilting his head curiously. His hands moved from around you to cup your cheeks. His thumbs gently brushed away the clumped and smudged makeup that collected under your eyes. You stared up into his eyes – god, have they always been that blue?
“Henry,” you finally said, turning your head side to side to escape from his hands. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“Likewise,” he nodded as if you two hadn’t seen each other in a long time (it had only been a few days). He took a step back and pulled out your seat for you just before situating himself in the stool next to yours. “So, how was that party?”
You shivered as the bar’s doors opened and closed as a group of friends wandered off into the storm. Just as the door shut, you heard a boom of thunder that rattled the building – glasses shook along with it. Henry immediately took notice and grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair and wrapped it around you. 
You thanked him, relishing in his cologne. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest when he adjusted his seat closer to yours so he could drape one arm over your shoulder, slightly pulling you into him but not so much that you were falling out of the stool.
Warmth immediately rushed through you. You felt it rise to your cheeks. It felt as if you were radiating – glowing.
“Yeah, I really shouldn’t have went.” You admitted before smiling at the bartender and reciting your order – to which Henry added to put it on his tab. “You don’t need to do that.”
“I dragged you out to the east side. It’s the least I could do.” He dismissed. His opposite hand absentmindedly reached over and pushed a wet strand of hair behind your ear. You raised an eyebrow questioningly at him as he unabashedly admired you. 
“You’re so beautiful.”
You gaped at the compliment. It was abrupt and sudden.
Although you and Henry had fluttered around each other like moths to flames for the past several weeks that followed your breakup, neither of you had been so … open. Sure, the secret meet ups were an indication that something else lied underneath, but the sudden “you’re so beautiful” was so forthright that it startled you.
“I look like a wet dog,” you deadpanned, thanking the bartender as he brought you your drink. You carefully took a sip of the bourbon. Your hands were shaking though at this point you weren’t sure if it was because of the rain-soaked clothes or that nervous feeling gnawing at your heart.
“Wet dog, or not. You’re still beautiful.”
“You’re drunk.” You dismissed with a laugh that quickly faded when your eyes wandered to his barely touched pint. “Or not?”
His brows were drawn up. His eyes left no indication that he was even slightly buzzed – and the look on his face told you he was serious. “Why are you so hell bent on pushing me away? Unless you’re leading me on though I don’t think that’s the case. But I think I’ve been very clear that I’m interested.”
Again, his sudden outburst stunned you, forcing you to break eye contact as an embarrassed expression glazed over your face.
You weren’t stupid though. You saw the signs – his very clear signals (ones that you reciprocated though never spoke out about). You both knew that the interest was mutual, but it was a matter of taking that step – having that conversation.
But you were afraid of the backlash. Your previous relationship with Chris Evans had left fans with such a sour impression of you. The relationship was sudden – no implications, nor hints. It was purely out of the blue – tabloids describing it as “a whirlwind romance” – and it truthfully was.
You threw yourself into a relationship with what was a stranger – an actor who was charming and kind but quite the flirt – and got your heartbroken in the process. And because of your blank slate of a dating history – and you, the new blank slate in general – it was easy to paint you as the villain.
You were afraid that jumping into something serious with Henry would fan the flames of your already burning reputation. You saw how the industry portrays women – move on too slow, you’re bitter; move on too fast, you’re an easy slut.
You couldn’t win.
“Because I like you.” It was your turn to be open, to be abrupt, and honest. You took another sip. You needed an extra push – that liquid courage – to look over at him. His raised brows had now scrunched together in confusion as he tried to decipher the deeper meaning to that. “No, Hen, like really like you…”
You felt like you were in primary school again. He was that crush – that best friend you told yourself you didn’t want though it was all just blind denial. You refrained from saying “I like like you” like a child would’ve feeling as if you’d never live down that embarrassment.
“I don’t see how that could be a reason why you’re holding back?” He asked, his voice low. His eyes finally broke away from yours as he nervously glanced around the room. Only to find reassurance that everyone still was off in their own worlds – no care for the intimate conversation that you were having.
“Because I’m afraid that when everything blows up like it did with …” you didn’t bother to say his name. You both knew it anyway. “Like it did with him that … you won’t want me – “
“How would we know if you won’t give it the chance?” It was a legitimate question. One you had no answer to. “From where I stand and from what I’ve seen, we can walk through their fires, we can dodge their pitchforks – they’re witch hunt be damned.” He said, blue eyes wide and staring into yours so intensely. The speck of brown in his iris was so noticeable in this light. “I just want you. I want to be with you.”
“You say that now – “
“I’ll say it now and I’ll say it tomorrow… Then the next day, then the next.” You laughed at his corniness as he reeled his arm from your shoulders to take your hands in his, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll keep saying it until you don’t want me to say it.”
“You’re dramatic.”
He chuckled. “I’m truthful.”
“I don’t want to lose our friendship.”
“How about I raise you a deal, hm? We try this out, give it a run. If it works, then it works,” he smiled and you couldn’t help but return a toothy grin. “And in the off chance that it doesn’t, then we’ll still be friends.”
“Easier said than done. What if we have a bad break up?”
Henry scoffed and rolled his eyes at your pessimism. “It won’t happen.”
“Henry – “
“I don’t plan on letting you go. So, bad break up is really off the table. What do you say?”
“Anyone tell you you’d make a decent salesman?”
“(Y/N).” His tone became jokingly stern at your attempted deflection.
“Okay, okay!” You laughed.
“Think of all the fun we can have.” Henry continued.
“On the condition, that this is all private, but seeing as you’re you, I’ll take the closest to private as we can get.” You told him. “Last relationship, I was being watched like a hawk. I don’t want that to be us.”
“I can’t make that promise. But I can promise that we can try our best. It’s doable, I’m sure, but everyone has their ways of finding out.”
“Okay.” You nodded. “We’ll give this a spin.”
“In that case, let’s head back to my hotel.”
Your eyes bulged. “Henry, buddy, let’s take it slow.” You said, emphasizing the last word.
His shoulders bounced as he began to chuckle. “I didn’t mean it in that way…” A small blush crept onto his cheeks as the both of you continued to laugh. “I meant … let’s go somewhere private.”
“Doesn’t help your case.” You laughed harder.
“Maybe it’s just your mind that’s in the gutter.”
The night was spent like how all your secret meetings went – laughing at one another, sharing stories and secrets. You enjoyed Henry’s company and getting to know him outside of a screen.
You two stayed up all night relishing in each other’s presence. The laughter was addicting. The happy chemicals in your brain made your cheeks sore from the smiles.
You woke up before he did. The incessant buzzing of your cell phone dragging you out from your sleep. You sent the call from your friends – who were probably wondering where you ran off to after the party – to voicemail before silencing your phone. You wanted to savor this moment – this peace – for a little while longer.
You turned in the bed and smiled to yourself. His face was laxed as he slept. Soft snores escaped him. He was truly a work of art.
You wondered if he was dreaming of you like you were of him. You wondered if his words, his confessions, whatever this would evolve into held any weight. You were always so good at knowing when someone was lying to you, so when Henry looked you in the eyes and told you he wanted to be with you, something told you to believe him – something told you to make him yours.
He suddenly shuffled, startling you once again. He swung an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
“Yeah, I still want you,” he muttered. 
You grinned. Maybe you won after all.
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deaf-bakugou · 4 years
Do you consider yourself deaf or Deaf?
Thank you for this question! I consider myself big D Deaf! And I have for at least 6 years now. I didn't start out that way though. And I am thrilled to have this chance to talk a little bit about my story and how I finally accepted myself and my disability.
Some of you may know that I was actually born hearing. The doctors think I started losing my hearing when I was around ten years old due to an Autoimmune disease. Unfortunatly... no one noticed until I was quite progressed. I was 14 when I went to the children's hospital and got my first set of hearing aids. I hated them. I hated the doctors. I hated myself...
At the time I refused to identify as anything. I wasn't deaf. I wasn't hard of hearing. I tried to force myself to believe I was still a perfectly normal teenager with no issues. After all, I wasn't struggling in school. I was a straight A student with a 98 GPA. So I prided myself on refusing to wear the hearing aids and refusing any help at all. In the summer between 9th and 10th grade I suffered another attack and lost a significant amount more. I tried to ignore it but quickly discovered that it wasn't working. I was angry. Why was I still losing my hearing? Why was it progressive?
My Audiologist sat me down and said to me, "you will probably be profoundly Deaf one day. Hearing aids or a cochlear won't help you then. You need to start preparing for your future. It will be easier now."
I was devastated.
Something a lot of Deaf positivity blogs or people won't tell you, is that it is OKAY and peflrfectly natural to be devastated when you, as a hearing person, learn about your hearing loss. It is often described as grief. People often report going through the five stages of grief in regards to the loss of a sense. It is dehibilitating, life changing, the death of who you were before. But. The chance to come out of that grief as someone new, and just as amazing as the last person. But I digress.
I started to research. Intensly, about what I could do. But only because I did start to notice my grades falling. I was missing information, and I didn't even know it. I wore my hearing aids for the first time outside of the office or my house. And it was... life altering. I paused and I stared at the tree in my yard. I had forgot their were birds who lived their. Birds who sang on these early mornings. My mother cried. But not for the same reason that I did. She was thrilled that my hearing aids had given her back her "hearing child" I really struggled with that. With who I was. Because even with my hearing aids, I am not perfectly hearing capable. But I tried. For her.
Now here is a part that I am a bit ashamed of... I actually knew several Deaf people. I was friends with them. I already had a basic grasp of beginners sign language. But they worked so hard to communicate with me... that I barely put in the work to communicate with them. It was still more than most people put in, so they considered me a close friend and Ally! It wasn't until I was battling with it myself that, I had never been a true friend to them at all. So at 14 years old, I threw myself into learning the language. Luckily my school had an ASL class. And I had known the teacher since I was 10. She had taught me the basics when I befriended her Deaf students and had taught me the basics of Japanese from her home country as well. (Unfortunatly I studied ASL so hard I lost basically all Japanese.)
Suddenly I was learning words i had never known before. I learned who I was. I was Hard of Hearing. My girlfriend at the time actually knew more sign language than I did. Her mom had been a teacher for elementary school Deaf students. She joined the classes with me, and together we learned who I was supposed to be. I settled in and learned about the different terms and became comfortable with who I was. I learned how to ask for aid though I was sometimes still embarrassed about my struggles. When it came time for college, I enrolled in a fully Deaf collage. I intended to continue my language education so that I was fully fluent by the time that I was fully and profoundly Deaf.
That was when I truly met my people. These people were truly and unashamedly, big D Deaf. I started to settle in, truly immerse myself in the culture, I stopped wearing my hearing aids while I was on campus, why did I need to? The end of my first year there... I realized that I was... culturally Deaf. Not only was I hard of hearing now, but I belonged here with all of these people. I was big D Deaf too. And I wasn't ashamed about it. My still girlfriend, often acted as an interpreter for me when I needed that aid, and she was also immersed with me though she went to a different school.
It was a long journey to find my home. But I did. Eventually I came home.
The next year, I woke up on an early February morning and I knew something was wrong. I wouldn't walk. The world was spinning. I was vomiting from the nausea. And my ears were ringing so so much. I ended up in hospital after my mother had to come and get me. It turned out that I had another Autoimmune attack that had severely impacted my inner ears. My hearing had once again taken a severe loss. I was now what was legally defined as deaf in the medical terminology. Without my hearing aids I could hear very little. Almost nothing in my left ear except sirens and other equally loud noises if they were closer to me. In my right ear? If you were shouting at me from right beside my head, I could still occasionally understand your sentences. But really, all verbal communication was now dependent on my hearing aids whereas before, under the right circumastances, I did okay. It would take me months in a wheelchair to learn to walk again. And only a few weeks to adjust to my new hearing levels. I had already been adjusting and preparing for something similar for over 6 years now. I went back to school I graduated with 2 associates and only have a bit more to complete my bachelors. (But money can be hard to come by for classes so that took a pause while I worked) I am still active in the Deaf community. I know what it is like to be both, and to be inbetween. I understand and I know how to help. I primarily focus on education. Of the Deaf community on their rights. (Literally my job before Trump cut the grant funding) i help hearing people learn about Deafness, and I help new deaf or hard of hearing individuals come to terms with the struggle. My journey will never be over. And an identity can be ever changing. Fluid, as mine was, a glass of water that slowly drained to the eventual bottom as I invested the information. This is true for all labels and identification.
I married my girlfriend, who has now been my wife for a while. The same one who learned ASL with me and held my hand at the start of my identity crisis. A support system that helped me in the way I aim to help others. I didn't always belong where I am now. But I do now. Not through some force or illness that was out of my control. But because I chose to find a place where I could belong.
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Wickedly Vicious and Vile
Part 1 to Wonderfully Gentle and Loving
Request: hello. i have a request dean x reader. in the Christmas pagan God episode, I want dean and Sam to hunt reader down because she is kidnapped for the God's sacrifice. When they are being tortured, reader is dragged from her chair in front of dean and sam and is being tortured in front of dean by the gods son (sexually too), who ofc is swearing and crying. then they start to torture dean and the reader is crying too. is that alright? i love your writing ♡
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warning: Allusions to sexual assault.Torture. Angst. Dark fic. Please don’t read if it’ll trigger you in any way.
A/N 1: I just want to say that I am in no way romanticising sexual assault and torture. My heart goes out to anyone who has been hurt. I hope with all my heart you guys find the peace you deserve.
A/N 2: Thanks for the request, Anon! It’s my first dark fic, hope this is alright.
Word Count: 2280
❅ ❅ ❅
Sam, Dean and Y/N had come into town on a hunt a couple of days ago. They had learned that evil Santa was creating havoc by killing humans. It so turned out that the Christmas pagan gods have turned up this year, using human beings as sacrifices. The trio spent their time interviewing people and collecting evidence and researching. They had just gotten back from interviewing the Carrigans. They knew there was something shady about those guys. They had made a game plan to break into their house that night and investigate, when Y/N decided to go on a supply run to get some things before the hunt.
But it had been almost three hours and Y/N wasn’t back yet. It was driving Dean crazy. How long does a supply run even take? She only had to get medical supplies. They had planned to kill the pagan gods that night but she just had to disappear. Sam didn’t seem all that fazed but as the third hour nearly struck he too was becoming restless. Having had enough of waiting, Dean decided they should go look for her. There was this unsettling feeling in his stomach and the sooner they found his girl, there was less of a chance that he’d shit a brick. 
But nothing went according to plan for the Winchesters. They managed to track Y/N to the Carrigan’s basement but everything went south after that.
Sam and Dean were each tied to a chair in the dining room. There were tools laid on the table that could only mean one thing. Pain. Intense, scary pain. They heard a struggle from the adjoining room, when the door opened to reveal Y/N dragged in by the Carrigan's son, James. She was beaten up badly, with blood trickling down the side of her mouth. A large angry bruise was forming on her forehead. She sported a black eye on the right and the worst of all, her clothes were torn and battered, meticulously ripped apart to reveal just the right amount of skin. 
Dean felt himself tear up at the sight of her. It was like he could feel her pain. He felt the rage build up inside him. “YOU SON OF A BITCH! LET HER GO!” he yelled and struggled in his restraints. 
The young man only laughed at that. He didn’t dignify it with a response. He treated Y/N like a rag doll, forcing her to sit on the chair and proceeded to tie her up like the brothers, barely giving them a second glance as they yelled profanities at him. Madge and Edward stood there smirking at the whole scene. They knew what was going to happen, they decided to let James have a little fun before their feast.
He walked in front of Y/N crouched down facing her. She was barely conscious, her breathing was shallow. He caressed her so tenderly and smirked as he watched her try to recoil from him. She whimpered when his hand graced over the bruise on her forehead and without any warning he pressed his fingers into it really hard making her yell out in pain, jerking her out of her semi conscious state. He watched on with fascination as she whimpered some more. He then got up and walked to the table.
Y/N was in agony and looking at Dean and Sam tied up, made it all worse. She wasn’t sure how they’d get out of this one. This could be the last case and she didn’t even get to kiss or hold Dean one last time or hug Sam and tell him what an amazing friend he was to her. All she could think about was how the last thing the three of them would see would be the other getting tortured. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when James came back with a knife and a bowl, slowly began cutting away what was left of her top from the neck. The tip of the knife graced her skin and he applied light pressure, watching in awe as the blood trickled out the wound and into the bowl. Y/N screamed in pain she didn’t have the energy to beg him to stop. But she could hear Dean crying out for her.
“NO! STOP THAT! YOU BASTARD! STOP!” He’s never before wanted to hurt someone the way he wanted to hurt these people. But hurling insults at them wasn’t working and he resorted to begging. 
“Please, I’ll do anything, just stop hurting her.” Dean Winchester rarely begged, but he would get down on both knees and beg his heart out just to make him stop hurting his Y/N.
“Now, now, don’t interrupt my boy.” Chided Edward. “He needs to focus. It’s his first time taking control after all.”
“Just wait till I get my hands on you, you filthy bastard! I’ll be sure to kick your godly balls really hard!” He spat at him and struggled some more and then suddenly felt a tight slap on his cheek given to him by Madge.
“We don’t curse in this family, my dear.” She said as if to petulant a child. 
“Bite me!” Spat Dean who got hit once more. 
Sam was trying his best to keep it together through it all. He knew it was up to him at this point to figure out an escape. He was busy trying to get out of his restraints, doing his best to not let Y/N’s and Dean’s cries get to him. He couldn’t give in to his pain now. It was up to him to save the two people who mattered the most in his life.
Y/N felt the man push her torn top apart, “No, please. Don’t do this.” she whispered half sobbing. 
“Shh, love. It’ll be over before you know it” He said, his voice smooth as honey.
She knew what was coming. She knew if this happened there was no going back and she’d lose herself. She saw him walk behind her and place his hands on her shoulder. She felt disgust at his touch. She looked up at Dean to see he was no better. She looked into his eyes, wishing he wasn’t here to see this. 
“Well, Dean. Why don’t I give you a little show, huh?” Said James and grinned wolfishly. “Teach you how to pleasure your girl.”
Dean was openly crying at this point. Tears and snot streaming down his face. He couldn’t do this. He had never before felt so helpless in his life. He shook his head frantically, choking back a sob. “Stop, please stop!” His voice trailed off as he cried harder. 
Things just went from bad to worse from then. Soon James’ pants came down and he made Y/N do things that she would forever be sealed in her memory. Dean could do nothing but hear her strugglin, crying and begging for him to stop. He promised hell upon them. His heart shattered into a thousand pieces and he didn’t know how anyone of them could recover from this. 
Then suddenly it stopped. “You know, Y/N” James began, “I don’t think it’s fair that your boyfriend and his brother only watch the show. What do you say we make them feel noticed?”
“Y-you stay a-away from them, you fucking bastard!” She said her voice hoarse. Her throat burned as a result of the things he made her do.
“Nah, I think I’ll go with my plan” He smirked. “And you’re gonna watch!” 
He held her hair tightly forcing her to look at Dean. Madge walked towards him with a knife and another bowl. She was giddy with barely controlled glee. She ripped her shirt apart, button flying away. Dean flinched at that, struggling to get away. But it was no use. He yelled in pain as he cut deeply into his chest collecting blood in the bowl. She kept repeating the ordeal, making him scream out in pain. Y/N was crying harder hearing his pained cries. Watching the love of her life get tortured felt worse than what she went through. 
Sam was begging them to stop. “Please, please just let us go! Don’t hurt them anymore!” 
But it only fell on deaf ears. 
“This is not your run of the mill sacrifice!! This is fucking rape and abuse! It’s not how you work!” He screamed.
“Well, we like to mix things up a bit” Edward grinned at Sam.
The gods were clearly more amused with Dean and Y/N. Making sure to fuck with their relationship. They had no inhibitions and would do anything to get their entertainment. It was their godly right apparently.
When Madge seemed to be done, Y/N noticed his entire front was bloody and his breathing got shallow. “I’m so sorry, Dean!” She wailed. 
His eyes barely opened as he struggled to get out, “I-i’m f-fine, Sweetheart. I-it’s g-going to be ok- okay. I-I P-promise.”
Edward had grabbed some pliers ready to pluck his tooth out. He walked over to Dean and grabbed his jaw, forcing his mouth open. He went to pull his tooth out, but just then the doorbell rang. The Carrigans paused and looked at each other wide eyed and unsure of what to do.
“Somebody gonna get that? I think you should.” Said Sam, hoping they’d go. He finally had a chance to escape and help his family. 
The Carrigans sighed in frustration and left the room to see who interrupted their ritual. 
Meanwhile Sam managed to get out of his restraints and rushed over to Dean to help him up. Once he was free, Dean pushed away from Sam and rushed to Y/N as fast as his wounds would allow him. When she realised what was happening, she reached out to Dean desperately in need of the one person who could comfort her right now. She was beyond tired, the trauma of what happened was catching up with her and she was losing consciousness and before Dean could get to her she slumped down in her chair.
“Y/N!” He whispered yelled at her, patting her cheeks lightly to get her to wake up, but to no avail. “Fuck.” He muttered. Sam crouched down next to him to check on her himself.
“Dean, she just lost consciousness. But we need to get to a hospital immediately before you bleed out and something worse happens to her.” 
He didn’t reply, he simply shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped it around her, hiding her exposed body. He laid her gently on the floor slightly hidden from view. He remained crouched down next to her for a few seconds. He jerked away when Sam placed a hand on his shoulder.
 “Dean, we got to move. They’ll be here any second.” Sam whispered. 
“Let them come” Said Dean as he stood up slowly and turned around. He made his way into the adjoining room and spotted the Christmas tree, Sam following him. “I’m going to kill these sons of bitches if it’s the last thing I do, Sammy.”
He didn’t leave any room for argument, “We need evergreen stakes right? Here’s a whole bunch.” He said, breaking the tree. Sam rushed to help his brother, knowing that he was in one of his zones. Nothing can stop him from getting his revenge for Y/N. And honestly? He wasn’t complaining. He wanted these assholes dead just as badly. 
With the crash of the tree, the Carrigans rushed into the room and within seconds a fight broke out. Sam was able to hold his own, while Dean was struggling with the overwhelming pain in his body. After what felt like ages, Sam managed to kill Madge and Edward and rushed to help Dean with their son.
“She sucks really good, Dean. You’re a lucky man” The asshole grinned with blood dripping from his face.”You were there. You saw!” 
Dean didn’t react to that. He had gotten into this calculated zone where every step he took was planned way in advance. He was like a machine whose only mission was to destroy the vile thing in front of him.
Sam had never seen Dean this angry before. He had beaten him up pretty badly despite being hurt and as the bastard laid there in pain, Dean lifted his leg and placed his foot on his dick slowly added more and more pressure making him yell out in pain.He then took the sharp end of a branch and slowly drove it into his stomach knowing just how to miss all the vital organs so he’ll suffer longer. Dean looked up at Sam and threw him the car keys.
“Take Y/N to the car, I’ll be there in a min.” His gruff emotionless voice came through. 
Sam watched in horror, he didn’t know if he should stop Dean or let him have his revenge. The latter won out knowing just how vile and disgusting the man bleeding out was. He let Dean have this. He quickly grabbed the keys and made his way to Y/N and picked her up gently. He carried her to the impala and placed her on the back seat watching over her and checking how bad her wounds were. 
Dean made his way out and got in the back seat letting Sam drive them to the nearest hospital. He held Y/N in his lap tightly, afraid she’ll disappear again. He needed to be there with her. He made a silent promise to her and himself that he would do everything in his power to make this better for them. It won’t be easy and it sure as hell will be a long one, but he’d be there for her. Every damn step of the way.
❅ ❅ ❅
TAGS BELOW @hobby27 @akshi8278
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Midnight Hours
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Summary: For you, being a good witch was easier said than done. Something dark was lurking inside of you and the others knew it. When you’re forced to tag along with Soomi and help a local wolfpack face a coming evil, you’re sent on a path that breaks into a crossroads. While you struggle with your inner demons, could the wolf Sehun be the key to your ultimate fate?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I Final
Molia clapped enthusiastically, cheering for you loudly as you came back down to the ground.
“That was….” You shook your head, still in a state of shock but also out of breath from the amount of concentration you had just used. “That felt like flying.”
Air wasn’t supposed to be that strong - strong enough to hold you in the air - but the things Molia had taught you over the past few days… it seemed like nothing was impossible. This was a territory you never thought to explore before. Your own imagination had been limited to mere shape manipulation. Molia was showing you so much more. She showed you how to pull water out of the plants around you. She taught you how to concentrate fire in your hands, like gloves. She helped you find the life source of the plants, using it to heal your own minor scrapes and bruises that you earned in your practices without having to go the vigorous steps taught by Soomi. 
Guilt churned in your heart. You hadn’t thought about her since your first day with Molia. You disappeared without a word to her. She must have been worrying herself to death. You wondered if she was sleeping or eating properly. Her sensitive nature hadn’t been factored in when you took off through that window. You hadn’t thought about several things in that moment. 
“Was is it?” Molia asked, concerned. Your thoughts must have down casted your face, a one-eighty from the excitement only moments before. 
“I was just thinking about Soomi,” you confessed. “I left without telling her so she must be losing her mind right now.”
Instead of sympathy, Molia scoffed. “You shouldn’t focus on how she feels. I doubt you’ve ever been given the same courtesy.”
“Soomi has always looked after me!” you argued. Throughout your time here, Molia had thrown comments like that about the mothers and the coven. Mostly, you’d ignored them, knowing you’d thought the same things over your years with them. But with Soomi… you still felt protective over her. She was different from the others, different towards you. “She’s like my big sister.”
“Oh, yes,” Molia nodded, acid flicking off her tongue with each word, “I’m sure she’s always been the one next you when everyone else was against you. It’s just a ploy to make you compliant. Trust me. They did the same to me.”
“That’s all you’ve been saying this whole time!” You could feel your hands heating up, as they usually did whenever your emotions started teetering over the edge. For the most part you could control it, but the concerns of the mothers still echoed in your head, founded or not. 
How dare she judge Soomi without knowing her? All this witch ever did was give cryptic hints about her past, but when you asked for more details, she’d change the subject or act like the words had never left your mouth in the first place. You were thankful for what she’d taught you, but you needed to know more if you were going to stay. The constant riddles and guessing games were driving you insane.
But Molia didn’t fight back. She lowered her gaze, her voice no louder than the wind. “I’m trying to spare you the details of my story. It may not be the way you heard it, but it still is not a happy one.”
“But I want to understand you, Molia,” you pleaded. Inside, you were still fighting between the person in front of you and the thing that had haunted your visions. They didn’t go together. They didn’t feel like two sides of the same coin; they didn’t even feel like the same country’s currency. 
Yes, it was true that there was always fear in the unknown, but you couldn’t think of Molia – who was showing you parts of yourself that had been locked away for far too long – in a negative light. And yes, she was a vampire, but saying that all vampires were evil would make you no better than the ones who called you bad for your powers. Every group had both sides, so why should her kind be any different?
Visibly swallowing, Molia turned from you, looking out into the clearing with no real subject to focus on. Her eyes glossed over as her mind rewound to a time that most of the world had forgotten. 
“You think she’s your friend,” Molia whispered. It was almost quiet enough to hide the breaking in her voice. Almost. “But all she is doing is keeping you in line.”
You couldn’t believe that. You refused to. “No. Soomi’s not like that.”
Molia whipped her head, her eyes shining a murderous red. “How do you know? Can you read her thoughts? She’s been reporting your every move to the mothers since she was first assigned to watch over you. They did the same with me.” She closed her eyes and grimaced with a ghostly pain. “I thought I could trust Tatia. She’d been my best friend for as long as I could remember. But as we grew older… I don’t know what happened, really. One day, we were out in the fields, practicing our magic. She also had a strong connection with water so we tended to play near the river.”
As if she were projecting the images into your own mind, you saw her past happening before your eyes. The two innocent witches who knew each other so well. 
Their laughter chanted in your ears as they ran through the fields of tall grass, brushing against their arms and tickling their elbows. The water in the river was clear and flowed along at a gentle current. It was a scene that was so familiar, like a moment from a period movie. 
Splashing each other with the water, they giggled and ran around, careful not to trip over their long dresses as they played.
“That’s not fair!” the girl you didn’t recognize – who could only be Tatia – complained. Molia had sent an orb of water straight for her friend that was bigger than the former could manage. Her dark hair was soaked, clinging to her pretty face. 
“Little did I know that Tatia had harvested a jealousy,” Molia narrated. Just as her words broke through your mind, the scene shifted.
The sky darkened up above and the girls went from laughing in the sun to lying down in the dying grass, smiles absent from their faces. 
“Tatia never told me, but the other witches were fearful of my growing powers. And they’d asked her to start letting them know about what I was doing at all times. A wish she granted all too willingly.”
The field dissolved to a house made entirely of wood. Lighting was low, only the soft glow of candles gave you enough to see by. Molia was standing in front of a door that was partially cracked open. Through the open space, Tatia was leaning down to someone who could only be an elder, given their age and dress. She was whispering unintelligibly in the elder’s ear. A stern and decided expression was on the older woman’s face. When Tatia exited the room, she barely made eye contact with Molia before she hurried down the hall. 
“My closest friend in the world was no longer by my side. I was all alone. But not for long.”
Complete darkness took over the scene. The air grew cold. As the moon drifted out from behind the clouds, the mouth of a cave came into view. Two people stood close together, their body language giving off the feeling of a dance between predator and prey. 
“You shouldn’t be here.”
The man chuckled at Molia’s hiss. His eyes shined red in the night, giving away his true nature immediately. “But aren’t you the one who came to me?”
Molia turned her head downwards. “I had nowhere else to go. I don’t know what they’re planning, but I can feel them turning against me.”
The malicious nature of the vampire smoothed into one of sympathy. His shoulders dropped and he lifted Molia’s chin gently with his index finger so he could meet her eyes. “You do not owe them anything, sweet child. Come with me where they cannot touch you.”
Shaking her head, Molia pulled away. “I can’t. They’re my coven. Perhaps if I talked to them-”
“What good would that do? Do you truly think their jealousy will let them hear you?”
“I have to try.”
Screams erupted behind you and suddenly it was daylight again, in the town square. Two men held Molia captive with ropes tightly bound around her. 
“Mother, please!” Molia begged as she fell to her knees. The area was crowded with onlookers who kept their distance, children hiding behind their parents’ legs, but too curious to run away.
The elder from before stood a few feet in front of Molia, chanting as she read aloud from a book. A binding spell. The pleas that rang through the air fell on deaf ears.
Looking around desperately, Molia found the one person who had been her friend. “Tatia, help me! Please! Make them see reason! Make them stop! It was an accident! I swear!”
But she did no such thing. She didn’t even have the decency to walk away with a drop of remorse. She kept standing there, staring at Molia with a blank, unashamed expression. 
Then, the wind picked up. Lightning flashed from the sky that had been clear and blue just moments before. Several struck the thatched roofs of the houses surrounding the square, creating fires that quickly went out of control. The ropes that were wrapped around Molia burst into flames. Just before they could be burned, the men let go and jumped back. But they didn’t run away. 
Shivers ran over their bodies. Deep growls rumbled in their chests. Then the beasts burst forth. 
Strips of cloth that used to be shirts and pants flew through the air as the wolves landed on their paws. Over and over, they tried to get at Molia, who kept them at bay with her fists of fire. The witches, too, tried to close in around her, but lightning strikes stopped them each time they took a step. 
“This is exactly why the binding spell must take place!” the elder yelled over the wind. “It cannot be controlled!”
“I can control it!” Molia screamed back. 
The elder scanned the area as if pointing out the fires and mayhem that had been unleashed upon the village. People were screaming, running around to not get burned or to try and save what was left of their homes. 
Molia fell to her knees, her fire – both literally and figuratively – dying out. But still, a defiance shined in her eyes as she stared at the elder. “You will not have me,” she declared. Holding up her hand, she drew water out from the well nearby and willed it to freeze in the shape of a dagger. “But some day, I will have you.” 
Before she could be stopped, she plunged the dagger into her stomach. Water and blood mixed into the dirt as she fell down to her side. 
You leapt forward as the vision dissolved away. Only Molia’s grip on your hand kept you from falling face first into the grass. 
“Its okay,” Molia comforted you, rubbing her cold hand up and down your back. “They buried me, but I’d ingested the vampire’s blood beforehand. I awoke the next night and started my immortal life.”
“How?” you asked breathlessly. “How could they do that to you?”
“Power does that to people.” Helping you down to your knees that were shaking violently, Molia adjusted so she was crouching in front of you. “Witches are the worst for it. They want to be the most powerful in the coven, the most powerful of supernatural creatures, whether they voice it or not. If anyone comes along that threatens that power, then they’ll do whatever they can to eliminate them.”
Your entire body was shaking now over what you had seen. “Th-the binding spell-”
“They’ve threatened you with it, too, haven’t they?”
You nodded, unable to confirm it out loud. 
“It’s their favorite threat,” Molia spat. “But I will never let that happen to you. As long as you stay with me, they’ll never touch you.”
“But Soomi-”
“(y/n).” With a wave of her hand, Molia took water from the grass around you and pooled in her hands. Under her breath, she whispered an incantation that you’d heard before but never had tried yourself. Divination was never a strong suit of yours, despite the visions in your head. 
In the surface of the water, you watched as Soomi observed you from around corners, a cell phone up to her ear and her lips moving quickly. The downside to this type of spell: no sound to know what was being said. She didn’t look wicked or scheming, like Tatia had, but you could still understand what was happening. The scene shifted to a meeting of the mothers and Soomi. The topic was a heated one – and you knew that it was centered around you. And your seemingly one defender sat there quietly, not speaking up once on your behalf. 
The image rippled away and Molia let the water slip through her fingers, back to the dying grass below. 
“They don’t care about us,” Molia said softly. “Those who plot against their own sisters don’t deserve to call themselves witches. They don’t deserve the gifts that have been given to them.”
You felt numb. You felt abandoned all over again. It seemed that was the theme of your life: abandonment and betrayal. 
As a child, your parents had given you up to be raised by the mothers; an old tradition that had died out long ago. But your family clung to the old ways, even sending your male cousin off to live with human relatives despite the fact that he showed signs of being gifted. They didn’t care that a child needed their parents. They tossed you away to be someone else’s problem. And you hadn’t heard from them in years. 
Now there was this. Why did everyone you leaned on step away? You could feel your fists tightening, nails biting into your skin at the tension. What you didn’t see was the triumphant smirk on Molia’s lips.
“What are you planning on doing?” you asked, looking up. 
“There’s something that we can do,” she replied cryptically. “It’s only on the blood moon that we have this ability, from what I’ve been able to discover. But I need you to keep an open mind.”
Closing your eyes, you said through gritted teeth, “Just tell me, Molia.”
“What are humans made of?” Molia laughed. “Mostly, anyway?”
You frowned, thinking back to the one human anatomy class you had long ago. “Water?” Your answer hung in the air until the obvious came to you. Snatching your hands away, you backed away. “You want to control people?”
“Not forever!” She reached for you again, but you dodged her hands. “Only long enough to show them that they can’t keep us down. I want you to take back your life. You could be head of the coven. We could be the ones who make the rules for once. Think about it, (y/n). Think about the things we could do if we were the ones in charge. For example: all the covens are divided. No one is willing to unite them. But maybe we could. We could start with yours and then another. Soon, the witches could be one again. And no one would have to fear their own powers. No one would be suppressed or scared.”
“But what you’re suggesting is exactly that.” Enforcing peace with violence was nothing but hypocritical. And you didn’t want to live your life that way. 
“It’s only temporary,” she insisted. “How many countries had to insight war to bring peace to their lands? To unite different tribes under one banner?”
That… ugh. You hated how she could make the most insane ideas sound logical. But she was right, wasn’t she? If you could really stop the infighting and bring the witches together, why would anyone need to worry? And you could make sure that no one was abandoned like you were. The more you thought about it, the more sense it made. Only one thing stopped you from fully saying yes. “Would some people get hurt?”
Molia stood up and looked down at you with soft eyes. A surprise given their permanent state. But you’d grown used to seeing kindness from such an extreme color. “(y/n), I will not turn you into a murder.”
You let out a breath of relief. 
“Good. It’s settled then. Tonight, at the height of the blood moon, we’ll face your coven and start our mission with one of success.” Her glee suddenly gave way to a more serious expression. “However, there is still something that could stand in our way.”
Pushing yourself up to your feet, you brushed the grass and dirt from your pants. “What do you mean?”
“Several years ago, your coven helped save one of the wolves’ mates. I’m sure you’re aware?” Molia waited for you to nod before continuing. “Since then, the pack has vowed to protect the coven in dire situations, should they need it. I’m afraid the pack might position themselves between us and the others.”
“I can’t do it then,” you said. “I can’t fight Sehun.”
“You still haven’t let him go?”
You scoffed, throwing your hands up in the air. “I couldn't if I wanted to. The mate connection doesn’t just go away. It’s always there, even if I didn’t want it.”
Molia scowled. “Even if? Think about it. Do you really want to be tied to a person like that? To someone that wouldn’t listen to you? Who said that they would have preferred for you to be human like the rest?”
You wanted to argue. You wanted to say, again, that he was right about it not being Mina and that he probably saved Dana a lot of pain and heartache. But your own hurt was growing. You couldn’t explain why, only that the more you thought about it, the more your heart cried out in despair. Why did you have to live with this? Why weren’t you given a choice?
“He betrayed your trust, dismissed you. What kind of a mate is that?”
“What’s the point?” You kicked at the ground. “There’s only one spell that can severe the bond and both parties have to be willing.” If you were actually able to get to that point, you knew you would crumble. Perhaps you were holding on to that small piece of hope. That maybe if he didn't want to let go of the bond, then maybe he’d still want you, witchiness and all.  
For the past couple of days, he’d haunted your thoughts. At night when you tried to sleep, he was there, lying next you and running his fingers down your face. He asked you to come back to him, to try again. But then you’d blink and he’d disappear in an uncatchable smoke. 
Was it just wishful thinking? Or maybe a seed of doubt about what you were doing here with Molia?
But then the sun rose and using your powers occupied your mind. Molia kept you focused, distracted almost. But you also felt the happiest, most relaxed, and confident that you’d ever felt in your whole life. And you didn’t want to give it up. 
That all too familiar look flashed in Molia’s eyes. It happened every time she was about to divulge a secret she found particularly alluring. 
“What if I told you there was another way to break the bond?
You shook your head. “That’s impossible.”
“Not for a vampire.”
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ateezmakemeweep · 5 years
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richboy!seonghwa (part 2)
word count: 3k
angst, fluff 
(part 1) (series masterlist)
you knew that being the new girl at a school of this caliber was gonna be difficult, an obvious culture difference between you and your peers; but just by 3rd period, you see how severely you underestimated rich kids and their entitled, territorial ways. 
after nearly passing out from being pressed up against seonghwa, the name you all but begged to have whispered in your ear, you walked into first period two minutes late where you were met with snickers and glares. 
“who are you?” the teacher in the front of the classroom asked and you faintly hear seonghwa’s voice rigging in your head from earlier that morning. 
“i’m-uh..i’m ___” you say and you can even hear how awkward and shaky your voice sounds, “it’s my first day, i’m sorry.”
the stern woman just nods her head, a “hm” leaving her mouth as she looks you up and down. you try not to feel intimidated when her eyes land on your tattered shoes, her burberry dress and jimmy choos an indication she’s just as well off as her students. 
she tells you to take the only empty seat in the back and you nod, making your way down the aisles and plopping down in the comfortable chair. 
you feel eyes burning into you for the entire 40 minutes, the boy in front of you even blatantly turning around to stare at you. he looks down at your backpack and you see him visibly sneer before facing back to the front.
the other girl next to you is side-eyeing you and when you send her a smile, she sends a small, almost sarcastic one back before rolling her eyes away from you. 
you slide down low in chair, the lowest you can go without falling off and let out a sigh. you had been kind of excited to start, excited for the opportunity to study at this school and excited to make new friends who were different from you.
but right now, you just wanna disappear and you’ve barely been here a day. it didn’t help that your next two classes went similarly, sneers and muffled laughter and eye rolls, even from the teachers. 
you were half tempted to fake an illness and admit defeat for the day until the bell rang for 4th period. 
"we have 4th period together, get a seat in the back left corner if you're there before me,” you hear his voice ring in your head and you suddenly feel your heart lighten.
because the whole time you’ve been getting ridiculed and scorned, you’ve been thinking of him. 
thinking about how he’s the only person who’s actually talked to you today, how he stared down at you with this avid curiosity and how his breath lingered on your skin. how his hand left your hair and he mumbled a “see you later” with a smirk so pretty, you legs wouldn’t allow you to move off the locker. 
you cautiously make your way through the hallways, peeking at the white numbers on the doors and sighing in relief when the classroom comes into view. it’s fairly empty, only three students on their phones and you quickly make your way to the back left corner. 
you put down your white notebook and pen onto the desk, rustling through your backpack crumpled with the schedule you’ve been trying to memorize and syllabuses that you’re gonna have to read when you get home. 
the chatter of more students enter the classroom and you feel yourself grow nervous, ready for a repeat of scornful laughter and cold eyes darting right your way. 
you hear the distinct sound of high heels start cackling toward you and you hope this isn’t a teacher ready to ask if you’re sure you aren’t here to sweep the floors.
you see a shiny, black shoe right next to your bag and you take a deep breath before looking up. a pretty, dark-haired girl is staring down at you, plump lips and cat-like eyes full of disdain. 
you smile softly and your hand comes up to awkwardly wave. 
“hi,” you say and the girl’s expression hardens even more, her eyes squinting at you and her mouth staying in a firm line.
she’s now just staring for an uncomfortably long time, her shoe starting to tap on the floor and you look down before meeting her gaze again, 
“nice shoes,” you say, a sweet honesty in your tone masking the ulterior bitchy and sarcastic motives within you. 
her perfectly waxed eyebrow arches and she scoffs, “wish i could say the same,” her voice finally spats and your eyes widen at the abrasiveness it already holds. “now aren’t you gonna get up?” 
your face drops for a split second, looking around at the seats filling up and you’re hoping you don’t start to flush red. 
“oh, i’m sorry, i-i didn’t know there were assigned seats. i’m new today and-” you begin to explain before she puts her french-manicured finger in your face.
“ah, so you’re the poor girl everyone’s been talking about,” she says, a bright, fake smile on her face and the sweetness her voice holds is scarily misleading. “must be here on a scholarship, yeah?” 
you look into your lap as your cheeks flush, in disbelief that someone could actually be this rude to another person and embarrassed that she’s saying it like it’s a bad thing. 
you meet the girl’s gaze again, her head turned and eyes questioning. your mouth opens and closes, unsure of how to respond when she hums out, “hm, maybe not since you can’t seem to form a sentence.”
“no-i, uh, yeah, a scholarship,” you say, voice quiet before a small smile makes it’s way on your face, “guess my shoes have been giving it away.” 
the girl’s eyebrows fly up as if to say ‘no shit’ and another scoff leaves her mouth, “guess so” she quips sarcastically, toeing your backpack with the tip of her shoe like she’s inspecting something dirty and disgusting. “now move.” 
her icy cold voice commands it so demandingly that you find yourself scrambling, grabbing your notebook causing your pen to fall off your desk and you hate how weak and frazzled you are right now.
a huff leaves her mouth as her eyes roll, the tapping of her shoe back and you apologize quietly as you bend down to pick up your pen. 
you throw it in the backpack and you’ve just stood up when you see a familiar face coming your way, eyes dark with some sort of fiery intensity. 
“don’t move,” he says, his voice deep and commanding and it makes you freeze like a deer in headlights.
“seonghwa,” the girl’s voice says, airy and breathy and sweet now, “what are you doi-
“you.” he says firmly, craning his neck to repeat the girl’s own words back to her, “move.” 
a few seconds of silence pass before she asks “what?” in disbelief.
you want the ground to swallow you whole, unable to move or breathe as you watch the two teens stand off as you wait behind them like a mute child.
“are you deaf?” he asks sarcastically, “i said move.” 
“and you’re talking to me? like you’re actually talking to me when that charity case is right there?”
not wanting to hear any more of her berating you, you try to squeeze past seonghwa’s tall frame.
but he feels you move behind him and turns his body to block you from the rest of the walkway. you look up at him pleadingly, not wanting to be in this situation anymore. 
“it’s okay, it’s fine, i’m just gonna sit over there,” you tell him, pointing up to an empty seat near the front. 
“you’re not,” he says quietly, eyes roaming your face and he can see the anxiety in your eyes. can see you wanna bolt because of her harsh words and demands and overall tense atmosphere, “go sit back down.”
you huff in annoyance, getting tired of being bossed around for the past two minutes. you’re about to object when he moves a tad bit closer to you, eyes turning soft as he looks down at you. 
he utters it like the sweetest warning and you huff again before turning around without saying another word. 
you don’t see seonghwa’s smirk behind your back nor do you see the way his eyes darken in anger when he turns back to look at the pouting, pissed off girl. 
“why are you still here?” he asks, voice and words harsh and her eyes widen. 
“why the hell are you sticking up for her?” the girl asks, voice squeaking the more angry she gets, “is she your live-in maid or something? is that why?” she asks, loud enough for the whole class to hear and you turn to face the wall, wanting to bang your head against it. 
“or does she-“
he advances toward the girl and the words die in her throat. he smirks, leering down as if he’s daring her to finish her sentence.
“that’s what i thought,” he says quietly, seeing the wary look in her eyes, “now i’m not gonna say it again. move.” 
you’re still hiding your face so you can’t see the girl shoot you a dirty look nor can you see her fumble down the aisle into the empty seat near the board. 
you hear a small chuckle leave seonghwa as he takes the seat in front of you, turning around as you lift your head up. 
“hi,” you say, voice strained from nervousness and the calm, cool and collected smirk is back on his face. as if his eyes weren’t just burning holes into the back of this room two seconds ago. 
“hi __.”
he says your name again and something inside you twists because you shouldn’t like how much it sounds coming from his lips. shouldn’t already be so intrigued by him when you’ve heard less than 20 words leave his mouth. 
“i’m sorry, i-i didn’t wanna create any problems, i didn’t know there were assigned seats,” you tell him quietly, “but you told me to sit back here and i…”
the boy watches you ramble and stutter until the words die in your throat and he knows he shouldn’t like how much he enjoys watching you. 
he’s known you for all of four hours and yet there’s something inside of him that’s overwhelmed by you. 
overwhelmed by his body’s reaction to you, his need to help you, the way you stare up at him as if you’re both terrified and fascinated by him.
“listened?” his deep voice offers and if you weren’t looking at the smirk on his face, you could certainly hear it.
“i guess,” you laugh out, “but then again, shouldn’t the maid listen to their employer?” 
his smirk forms into a full smile, a small laugh bubbling out of him and he shakes his head. “she’s ridiculous,” he says, tone bitter and annoyed, “has everyone been giving you a hard time?” 
something tells him yes. because he knows these people and knows this school and even knows you’re lying when you shake your head. 
“not really, just people noticing a new student i guess. though no one seems to like my shoes,” you mumble under your breath and his eyes squint at your statement. 
“your shoes?” he asks, looking down at the black flats covering your feet and you’re a little embarrassed that he caught that.
you shrug, a small laugh leaving your mouth, “i’m kidding, i don’t know. i think i’m just intimidated and seeing things.” 
you know you’re not and he knows you’re not so he doesn’t say anything, just gives you a small reassuring smile and fights the urge to tell everyone to just leave you the hell alone. 
“maybe,” he says, “but in any event-“
the teacher’s booming voice comes barreling through the door and he rolls his eyes before turning his attention to the front of the room. 
as suspected, your fourth period class was the best one of the day. you liked the subject, liked the teacher and liked that, apart from the incident in the beginning of class, not one person gave you any sneers or snickers. 
you liked that seonghwa not only seemed like a good person but a good student, listening to the teacher as he took notes and shared his textbook with you when it was time to go over chapter review questions.
but you especially liked that when the bell rang and it was time to leave, he waited for you. 
waited until you stood up before he joined you and gave you a reassuring smile. he asked where you were going next and told you that room was downstairs near the cafeteria. 
and then just as you were gonna walk past him, he gently grabbed you by the elbow and bent down to whisper, “by the way, i like your shoes. they’re cute.” 
the compliment shouldn’t make you a giggling, blushing mess but it does; because they’ve been giving you such grief until now. 
you know he only said it due to your comment before but it still makes you feel warm, still makes you feel like you have at least one person at this school who isn’t completely horrified by you and is attempting to make you feel good about this new environment. 
and as your day goes on, nobody else talks to you. nobody is so brazenly rude like the girl from your 4th period class but glares of all kinds, non-malicious curious stares to judgmental sneers, are aimed at you for the rest of the day.
you were relieved when you were able to find a section in the library where food was allowed, with only one other student, large circular glasses on his face as he listens to music through his headphones, and you have a feeling this is probably where you’ll find yourself eating lunch nowadays. 
when the final bell rings, you don’t think you’ve ever been more grateful to be dismissed from school. you head to your locker quickly, throwing in and taking out books to put into your backpack before making your way outside. 
your bike is still chained to the rack and you’re thinking it’s probably a little silly to have it chained up at all, highly doubting your peers are going to steal it when they have their fancy little cars. 
you unlatch the bike and stick the lock in your jacket pocket, steering it out of the poles and almost hitting someone with the back tire. 
you cringe, bowing your head in apology and the boy can only scoff. 
“watch it,” he spits. 
and you were hoping that was it until he peers down at your appearance and, shocker, his eyes land your feet. it’s a sign that he knows you’re not well-off like him, knows you obviously don’t have a car and yet he still decides to say:
“are you 12 years old? who rides a bike to school?” 
you exhale sharply because here it is, your second berating of the day leaving you feeling drained and sensitive. because it’s been such a long day; your encounter with seonghwa in his backyard feels like it was two days ago. 
“someone who doesn’t have a car,” you tell him wisely, “but it does the same job. gets me from school to home and anywhere else i need to go, so-“
“yeah, i’m well aware that a bike is a form of transportation,” he says with an eye roll, “but, don’t you feel a little pathetic though?”
he must see the expression that crosses your face as one of hurt opposed to one of shock that, again, someone could be so cruel and nasty to your face because he attempts to backtrack.
“not tryna to be a dick,” he says, “i’m just genuinely curious…and it’s pretty old too. maybe getting a new one would be-“
“i think it’s nice,” another deep voice interrupts and it’s one you don’t recognize. 
your eyes move to observe the boy and you immediately remember his large round glasses from the library; but he hadn’t said a word to you nor did you notice him giving you any looks, for which you were grateful. 
“oh?” the guy says to him, “and who asked you?” 
“who asked you about your opinion on her bike?” the boy counters and the other can only scoff, mumbling “whatever losers” before walking off to his bmw. 
you give the boy a tired smile, thanking him quietly. “it is a pretty old bike,” you tell him with a shrug, “but it really does get me everywhere.” 
he smiles softly, nodding his head at you. “i’m sure,” he says quietly, shortly, but his voice is kind. 
you maneuver your bike around and you watch as he stands there, body tall and lanky as he awkwardly tugs at the end of his jacket. 
“you were in the library, right?” you hesitantly ask. you don’t want him thinking you’re a weirdo but you’re 100% sure it’s him. and he’s also the one just standing there.
“yeah,” he nods, “i like to eat in there, it’s quieter.” he says and after a few seconds of silence, adds, “are you new?” 
you nod your head, stepping over your bike but waiting to sit down. “yeah, so i’ll probably be eating in there with you. hopefully, you don’t mind,” you tell him shyly. 
he smiles back at you, shaking his head. “‘course not,” he says, “maybe it’ll be nice having company. no one is usually in there.”
you smile because that sounds like the closest thing you’ll get to a friendly offer in this school and you wave at the boy. 
“well i’m y/n,” you tell him as you extend your hand before drawing it back and nervously laugh. “wait, do people shake hands here? i don’t know.” 
a little giggle leaves his mouth and it tugs at something in your chest because this boy seems to be such a quiet giant but he’s also so cute.
“i think so but, if not, we do” he says, extending his hand to shake yours as well. “nice to meet you, y/n. i’m mingi.”
you can feel how big his hand is in yours and you draw your hand back before it starts to sweat and he decides he no longer wants to sit next to clammy library girl.
“well… i’ll see you tomorrow, then?” you say and you hope your voice doesn’t sound as hopeful as it does to your own ears; but you’ll consider this day a success if you made one friend. 
well another friend apart from… 
“tomorrow,” he says, ripping you from your random thought and he lifts his hand up to wave goodbye.
you sit down on your bike and ride it off campus, coming to a halt at the cross-walk when you see a black car in your peripheral vision. 
the mercedes stops in front of you and you look up to wave your hand in thanks when you see seonghwa through the windshield, one hand resting on the top of the steering wheel as his gaze pierces you. 
you smile at him gratefully, giving a small wave before biking across the street quickly. he watches you ride down the street, hair blowing in the wind with your backpack resting on you until the car behind him beeps. 
he gaze goes from you to his rearview mirror, giving the person behind him a dirty look before he takes off down the street.
(part 3)
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agataroman · 3 years
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 2)
A/N: Okay, part 2, enjoy
Pairing: Jackson (GOT7) x Reader
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When you must wake up for breakfast because it ends at ten o’clock. After a concert… Never imagined it like this. How I didn’t want to get out of bed.
But then again, I will have breakfast, will return to my room and sleep all day long.
That woke me up a little bit, so I got up and prepared. Almost nobody was having a breakfast (it was 9:30). I had time to order my thoughts. I still couldn’t believe that I saw them. Like… OMG!!!
And I even talked to Jackson Wang. Maybe for less than five minutes, but even that counts. I am happy that I got tickets for fansign too. I felt like I could fly, like gravitation wasn’t working on me.
I decided to stay whole day in my room. I can go explore LA tomorrow, the only free day I have, before I have to go back to my country. When I got back, I just fell on bed fully clothed. I even fell asleep for a moment.
When I woke up I still had some time, so I looked at my Got7Amino. The concert was yesterday, not even 24 hours ago and there were blogs about me and Jackson. My photo was nowhere and I sighed with relieve.
The messages where almost the same. Mostly speculated about us. „How do they know each other?“ „Was that only a fan or someone Jackson knows more?“ And more similar sentences. Luckily nobody knew. I think that after today, someone will know my face. I was little scared about that. What would other ahgases think about me? What if someone found me on SNS?
All those thoughts crossed my mind. But then I thought of Jackson. If he can endure it, so can I. Even if it will take long to get used to it.
I really had nothing to do. Again I played games on phone, because I didn’t want to take my laptop with me… What if I lost it somewhere? Rather not. So I was mostly playing games. Or reading some fanfics. I won’t even tell what fanfics… I would be so embarrassed if anyone knew.
Finally it was time for me to go on fansign. I’ve never been there, so I don’t know how it will go. I dressed and checked if I didn’t forget the ticket and went. It was held near the stadium so I already knew the way.
I didn’t want to come on time, because I wanted to talk to Jackson again and I thought I could do that only after it ends. But I got there only an hour after the start and I had another hour and half. So I found myself a place to sit and I waited. The members didn’t notice me but that didn’t matter.
It was kind of fun. Sometimes it was little under because Got7 had to sign someone the album and didn’t have time to pay us attention. But those funny times, I can’t. One of the cutest things there was when Jackson gave Bambam a piggyback. Also Jaebum put on this silly headband with big leopard ears. Kyaa!!! I couldn’t. When you see it on picture it’s not as powerful as when you see it up-close.
I am telling you. Why does it always end so soon. Like 15 minutes from now, but still. So I stepped up and went for my signing. First I went to Yugyeom. He was in all black and had flowers in his hair. How can such devil look so angelic? Tell me!
„Hello,“ I said.
„Annyeong,“ he replied. I put album on table and he signed it.  He didn’t recognize me. Lucky. I wanted to be recognized only by Jackson. And maybe Mark as he saw me already.
„The flowers are pretty,“ I said. He smiled at me.
„Thank you.“ I bowed and went to next person.
Bambam. He is fashion killer! Come on, he is always so perfectly clothed, fully in black like Yugyeom. And he had black cat‘s ears!
Instead of greeting I dabbed… I couldn’t help it. And he dabbed back. Both of us laughed.
„Where you yesterday on concert?“ he asked me.
„Sure thing Bam-oppa,“ I smiled wider.
„I’m really your oppa?“ he couldn’t believe it.
„I’m two years younger.“ He just nodded and signed my album. When I went to next member, Bambam sent me a hand heart!
The next person was Jinyoung. I knew that he heard my conversation with Bambam, he was judging me with his eyes. I just put my finger on my lips, I didn’t want anyone know… yet. We didn’t talk, he just signed album and on the way he gave me high-five.
The forth person in row was Youngjae.
„What’s up!“ his usual greeting.
„Hi,“ I waved. I really couldn’t do anything more. With the flower in his hair he looked so innocent! He smiled at me wide and we handshaked.
The next one was tougher. Im „Chic & Sexy“ Jaebum. And why did he have to have expression like that! I really wanted to fan myself. What a pity he didn’t have the ears anymore. But we know how he is with these kinds of things. He simply waved at me.
„Hi,” I managed weak hello. As I said, I am usually shy in front of people, more likely people I don’t know (personally).
I felt little better with the next person. Our cute visual Mark.
„Hey, you’re the girl from yesterday,” he said. I knew he would recognize me.
„Yep, that’s me.” I smiled.
„How did you even meet?“ Suddenly someone put their arm around my shoulders. I jumped in fear and scremed a little bit. When I turned to see the person, it was Jackson.
„Dammit Jackson, don’t do that! I am even worse than you when scared.”
,,Hey what do you mean by that?“
,,Nothing,“ I said while trying to look innocent.
,,Au, you hurt my feelings,“ he pretended to be hurt.
,,Oh don't cry my little baby,“ I made childish noises. Suddenly Mark started laughing.
,,Be quiet Mark.“
,,Sorry but it was kind of funny. So how did you meet?“
,,Now that's funny story. I was coming for concert when I saw this little lost child. I went to help him and what didn't I saw… It was Jackson,“ I said with laugher.
,,(Y/N),“ Jackson said with dangerous voice. I started to run around the table and Jackson was right behind me. Everyone was definitely watching us now. I looked back to confirm he way still behind me. When I turned back Mark was standing there and I had to stop.
Suddenly Jackson was next to me and he kissed me!! It was on cheek near lips but I froze and no thoughts where coming. I was blank. I couldn’t think! Standing there looking who knows where. Someone was waving their hand in front of my face, but I didn’t pay attention to that.
,,I think we broke her,“ said Jackson. That woke me up.
,,Jackson!“ I shouted. I advanced on him and he was going back. Suddenly he put a mic in front of my mouth.
,,Sing,“ he said. Yeah sure, I thought sarcastically.
,,But I can't sing! Plus I am tone-deaf!“
,,So what?“ OK now I wanted to kill him.
,,Do you want her to sing?“ he asked the audience. Everyone started to shout. Wow thanks guys. Maybe it was the kiss or I don't know, but I thought whatever and took the mic.
,,OK guys I'm gonna try it, but I am telling you, you will be wishing you said no.“ So I decided to sing this one song Genie in a bottle by Dove Cameron. So I started singing.
When I finished everyone started clapping.
,,Wasn't so bad,“ commented Jackson. I blushed. I knew that I sing bad even if I like singing and I sing all the time, but…
,,I am not that good.“
,,You were brilliant!“ Jackson was jumping around me and others where noding.
,,Well thanks guys.“ At this moment a woman came on stage and said GOT7 should say goodbye. Everyone was sad. Again it had to end. Jackson gestured to stay there so I went to the background to wait. I really couldn’t think anymore. So many things happened today that… oh never mind. Suddenly someone was hugging me.
,,I don’t want you to go,“ said Jackson. I think he felt same as me. I was so sad to go away and probably never meeting again. At least not anytime soon. He released me and I saw hope.
,,Give me your phone.“ I took my phone out of a pocket and gave it to him. I didn’t know what he was doing. But he explained it.
,,I will call you as soon as we arrive home.“ My eyes wide-opened. Did he said what he said?
,,OK,“ I said still trying to figure it out. He returned my phone to me and hugged me again. This time Mark came too and other came closer.
,,We're going to miss you,“ said Jackson.
,,Definitely. Yesterday he wouldn't shut up about you,“ said this time Mark.
,,Be quiet Mark.“ Now they really had to go. I released them.
,,I am going to miss you too.“ Tears where coming down my face. Jackson leaned closer and kissed me again on cheek. They than turned and went backstage.
I knew most ahgases stayed there so it will definitely end up on net, but I didn’t care. Right now I was trying not to cry and fall on my knees. To hotel I came like in a dream. Didn’t know how I got into my room. But I didn’t care. I fell on bed and cried myself into sleep.
A/N: part 2 is done, next and last part 3 coming up
Part 1
Part 3
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blueroseblaze · 5 years
Please Don’t Take Her (Part 2)
Word Count: 1648
WARNING: angst, sadness, torturing Nero mentally and emotionally, hospital setting, pregnancy complications
Tags:@dylan-o-yumm, @ceruleanworld, @shadowrosess
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Nero thrashed against the nurses and doctors as his beloved wife was wheeled away on the stretcher. As she disappeared through the doors he collapsed to his knees, still writhing against the people holding him back. He didn’t listen to their pleas for him to hold still, and he was close to hurting somebody. But even in his panicked and feared state, all he could do was to continue to struggle against the arms around him. He could use his demon strength he could devil trigger right now. But what good would it do? He reached out towards the still swinging doors, desperate to escape the holds of the hospital staff and be with his love.
His love. His wife. His babies. Gone from his grasp, and he watched them get taken away. His eye’s burned with tears and his throat grew more and sorer as he yelled and berated the staff. But he didn’t care.
“I have to go with her!” he cried, “That’s my wife!”
“Sir please calm down,” one nurse said, though it fell on deaf ears.
“Please! Please let me go!” he kept yelling, “I’m the father! I’m the father!”
“Sir! You must calm down!”
He grew more and more unruly; the demands of the nurses and doctors slowly turned his fear into a rage as they continued to hold him down. He tried to keep control of himself, but he could feel his demonic blood boil as he began to shake. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, even accidentally, but each voice clouding his head only served to feed the beast within him.
A familiar voice broke through the commotion, and Nero froze. The whole room went quiet and Nero turned towards the voice. The long red coat stood out against the white sterile waiting room, like a beacon of hope in this despair. Nero relaxed and the arms around him fell away. He panted and, in the stillness, he finally was able to let himself go. He felt his damn crumble away as he let himself cry fully. He stumbled away from the hospital staff that held him and into the arms of his uncle where he sobbed uncontrollably.
Dante’s arms encased his nephew, keeping him upright and allowing him to cry his heart out. All the fear and worry coming from his nephew he absorbed. His hand went to Nero’s head, rubbing his hair comfortingly as he hushed the crying young man. Nero mumbled something though Dante couldn’t hear it through his sobs. Dante hushed him softly, letting him know he could let it all out with no shame.
He led Nero to a row of waiting room chairs, urging him to sit down before he passed out. Nero kept his head on this uncle's shoulder, refusing to let go of him. Like a child that had finally found their lost parent in a crowded space. He sniffled and hiccupped into the aged red leather. Through his runny nose, he could smell the worn material and it provided some semblance of comfort and familiarity. Dante’s arm never left Nero’s back as he rubbed his hand up and down. He even gave a few pats then and there.
“I know, kid. I’m right here,” the old hunter said softly, “It’ll be okay.”
It had been some time since they had arrived at the hospital. Nero sat anxiously in the waiting room chairs. No part of him could hold still. Whether it be his leg bouncing or his fingers drumming on the armrest, or even his whole body subtly vibrating. He had stopped crying about an hour ago, but his eyes still burned, and his nose and forehead throbbed with congestion. Dante had offered him a coffee, but he starkly refused, worried that anything in his stomach would end up on the floor.
He tried occupying himself, he really did. Each magazine article he read just turned into alphabet soup on the page. Each news story on the wall-mounted tv went in one ear and out the other. Nothing could quench his utter fear at what was happening to his wife and twins. Merely thinking about it was enough to have his eyes burning with tears again.
If Nero ever prayed in his life. It would be now. Not during the boring sermons in church back on Fortuna, not before bed when he lived in the barracks while training to be a holy knight, but here and now, staring into a bright fluorescent light overhead, bearing his soul to whatever god or demon that be. He didn’t even know what for. He didn’t want to give even a modicum of thought to the idea that she or the twins wouldn’t pull through. They had to be alright… they had to be.
“Please don’t take her,” he whispered.
“Nero?” a voice broke him out of his stupor.
“Yes?” he said, voice shaky and uncertain. He stood quickly, paying no mind to the head rush it gave him.
“Are they okay?” he asked.
The nurse swallowed before speaking, “We had to perform an emergency C-section. Both twins were sent to the NICU, but they are both stable and healthy.”
“What about Y/N?” he asked, growing more worried.
“She is also stable. But she lost a lot of blood, and she is in a coma.”
Nero felt cold. He froze. All the color drains from his face and his stomach dropped to the floor. He felt dead on his feet as his eyes drifted to the floor. The nurse was quick to try and reassure him.
“Comas are a bit unpredictable; they can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. But since we were able to stabilize her, we believe she will recover in time.”
Her words did little to bring Nero out of his shocked and hopeless state. Everything before and after the words “she is in a coma,” vanished in thin air. He didn’t even react when Dante came up behind him and guided him down to his chair again before he could collapse. He sat there, holding his head in his hands, staring wide-eyed at the floor. The poor nurse still stood before the two devil hunters, trying to reassure them to little avail.
Finally, after a short near panic attack, Nero raised his head, not hiding his redden and sore eyes.
“Can I see her?” he asked.
“Yes of course,” the nurse replied, “Please, follow me.”
Dante lingered behind in the waiting room while Nero followed the nurse through the doors. The walk through the dull bright hallways lasted for an eternity. The mix of exhaustion and the rush of emotions distorted Nero’s vision. The only clear thing in his sight was the back of the nurse’s head as he lagged behind her. His body felt heavy, his brain felt heavy in his skull as he stumbled through the halls. The corridor stretched impossibly far beyond him, stretching into white oblivion. Where was he even going? When did they last turn? Where was Y/N? Where are his babies?
He heard what he assumed was the nurse’s voice, but he couldn’t make out a single word. It was lost in the sea of his own thoughts and emotions as his mind ran through every scenario, every outcome, every sequential moment leading to where he stood now. Everything he could have done differently to avoid this, everything that he did wrong.
How desperately he wanted this to be a dream, to wake up any moment in bed, with his wife, his hand on her belly feeling their twins kick at his touch. Or better yet, to wake up to the sound of his babies crying from across the room in their crib, desperate for their parent’s attention, and all of this was nothing but a what-if nightmare.
Suddenly the nurse’s voice broke through Nero’s clouded mind as she stopped in front of a door. He nearly ran into her when she stopped, and probably would have just kept walking straight on his own if she had turned.
The nurse gingerly pushed the door open and stepped aside for him to enter. She didn’t enter with him, only shutting the door as quietly as she could behind her. Nero swallowed heavily as he walked over to the bed. His breath felt thick in his lungs when he laid eyes on his wife. His Y/N. The soft light over her bed, illuminating her hair like a halo. Her face was eerily relaxed, and Nero’s stomach churned at the sight. He wanted her to no longer be in pain, to watch her sleep with no discomfort. But not like this, never like this.
His eyes drifted to the IV in her arm, as it draped over her upsettingly flat stomach. Her breaths were slow, deep, and even. And he thanked the universe that she wasn’t hooked up to any breathing tubes. She looked like she finally was comfortable, like how she used to sleep.
He moved towards her bed and lowered himself to his knees. Arms folded, he rested his tired head against them and just stared at her. She looked so peaceful. To just curl up with her, arms tightly woven around her body like ivy, and both of them drifting off to the beat of their hearts, Nero would gladly give his right arm again, and the rest of his body.
His eyes moved to her hand, resting palm up next to her on the sheets, her ring gleaming in the light overhead. His hand found hers and gripped her fingers gently yet firmly. Her hands were warm and for a moment, he was back home, in bed with her, relishing in her warmth as it cradled him beneath the sheets, guiding him over the edge of sleep into unconsciousness.
“Please…” he whispered, “Don’t leave me.”
to be continued...
A/N: YAY! Dante’s here to make things better... right? So I was in a kinda angsty state and this is what came of it. Obviously, it’s from Nero’s POV and what he’s going through, so it’s really wordy with not as much dialogue. I hope I haven’t bored any of you. The next part is going to still be angsty but things will start looking up I promise. Feedback is always appreciated and let me know if you want to be tagged. Thank you so much for reading, and have Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! :)
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no-url · 5 years
Fandom: Young Justice
Pairing: Dick Grayson (Robin) x reader
Words: 1991
Author’s note: So this is my first fanfic on this website so i hope you enjoy it! :)
After the Failsafe, no one was the same.
Y/N watched the most composed lose their cool, the most optimistic curl in on themselves and the most stoic show real emotion- she even swore she saw Batman shed a tear upon witnessing the distressed teenagers.
Seeing all her friends die, it was a lot to process, especially for a child, so Y/N and the rest of the team invited sleep with open arms. But the night was even worse. Sleep had not taken full effect when the images started showing up – every pained expression, every scream of anguish, every nothingness that was left behind by those who died. Y/N tossed and turned in her sleep until she was jolted awake by one last scream: her own. She panted heavily as the sweat weighed down on her brow. She glanced at her clock – 2.45am. She sighed as she realised what a long night ahead she had.
The next morning, Y/N wearily made her way to the kitchen but was stopped in her tracks when a sudden chill came over her, her breath misting up the air. She half-sprinted to the usually warm control room to find it entirely covered in a layer of fresh snow. She stood there in disbelief, thinking her eyes had deceived her, as she heard the rest of the team coming up behind her, similar looks on confusion on their faces. Everyone knew who caused this – who else but the one whose power is weather control.
Just what I need right now, she thought to herself, lack of emotional control causing blizzards.
Wally didn’t seem to mind though, as he flung himself unto a particularly large snow pile with lightning speed. He did, however, mind the fact that the pile was rather shallow, and he face smacked into the floor. The team had a good laugh, then followed by a snowball war started by Dick, who took base up on the ceiling, and won by Artemis, who sniped him down. For a moment, they were just kids, messing about, not a care in the world.
After a long day of snowball fights, and then cleaning up the snow after the rest of the Justice League couldn’t get in, it was time to try and sleep. Emphasis on try. Y/N tossed and turned in her sleep, trying to shake everything out of her head. This time, her brain got a bit more creative by putting her in the bodies of all her friends. She saw everything through their eyes, including getting disintegrated. Each time she ‘died’ she expected the nightmare to finish. And every time, she just got put into another body, another doomed friend.
Suddenly, she was torn from her distressed slumber by a strong pair of hands shaking her awake. She blinked the sleep from her eyes as she made out Kaldur’s confused expression.
“You did it again,” he said matter-of-factly, almost solemnly. Y/N didn’t understand what he meant; her mind still fuzzy after being so rapidly awoken. That is until she glanced at the corridor behind Kaldur’s shoulder. It was completely shrouded in a thick fog, making it impossible to see the other side. Y/N buried her face in her hands as she scolded herself for letting her emotions run this loose. She raised her hand and quickly cleared the fog, unmasking the metal corridor and an irritated Artemis mumbling something about fuzzy hair. The rest of the day went without much hiccups: just combat training, workout session at the gym and some late-night patrol.
They returned at around 2 am and everyone quickly hit the hay. Y/N was apprehensive about falling asleep, knowing what she was capable of. But this time, I’ll be ok she reassured herself, thinking that she won’t cause any more freak weather accidents, after all the nightmares can’t get worse.
This nightmare was worse than the first two. It was her. Y/N was the reason her friends were dying. She tried to stop the disintegration ray by pushing her friends out of the way. Instead, she looked down and saw that she was the one disintegrating them. She screamed at her friends to move out of the way, but it was falling on deaf ears. They couldn’t hear and she couldn’t stop. It was awful. As she ripped herself from sleep, she felt the power coursing through her veins, and she knew that she did again. She jumped out of bed and sprinted down the hallway. She reached the control room, watching her friends try to salvage the equipment from the rain cloud looming over the floor, the rain drenching everything. Some of them went up to assure her that it was no issue and that it was nothing to worry about, whilst others just shot her weary, even pitiful, glances. She quickly got rid of the cloud and started to help her friends.
“Batman is so gonna kill us,” Dick remarked, probably not meaning to make Y/N feel worse but he did.
“I’m sure he’ll understand,” Kaldur, ever the optimist, replied, giving Y/N a sympathetic look. She smiled slightly but inside, she knew that she had to somehow fix this. If this is caused by me sleeping, she realised, I’ll just have to stop sleeping. A foolish idea, but logical for a 13-year-old, don’t you think?
She tried literally everything to occupy herself: read books, watched movies, mended her costume, worked out in the gym. The first night was ok but with each passing day, she found it harder and harder to stay awake. During the day, it was slowly becoming clearer that she wasn’t her usual fiery self, instead becoming more sluggish. The nights, however, were the worst. She eventually ran out of things to do and opted to lay on her bed, staring into the plain ceiling. The stillness of the cave and the silence of the night were slowly lulling her to sleep, which she almost welcomed with open arms. However, she quickly ripped herself from her bed and decided that she couldn’t take the silence anymore. With just her pyjamas on her back, not even making time to close the door or turn out the lights, she walked out of her room, out of the cave and to her favourite spot on the island: the beach.
Dick was having a difficult time falling asleep. It wasn’t that nightmares plagued him, but he just couldn’t get himself to sleep. The past few days, he spent in his own house. However, due to some fancy party held by his dad, he had to spend a night at the cave. The metal walls and silence were a massive change from Wayne Manor which was constantly filled with noise of some kind. The stillness of the night was too much to bear, so he decided to go to the kitchen for some milk, hoping that it would at least ease sleeping a little bit. As he walked through the long corridor, he noticed a light coming form down the hall. He walked quickly to investigate the source when he saw the open door leading to Y/N’s room. He looked in but saw that it was empty. Confusion crossed his mind as he wandered around the cave looking for her. He looked in the kitchen, the gym, the control room and the library. He didn’t know why he charged himself so much with finding her.
“After all, it’s not like we’re brilliant friends,” he muttered to himself as he walked on, a habit he’s recently been made aware of, “sure, I’m friends with her like everyone else on the team, and sometimes maybe we share a little more, but I’m sure it’s like that with everyone.”
His ponderings were quickly silenced when he bumped into a hard surface. He looked up and realised that he was at the exit of the cave that lead directly to the beach, Y/N’s favourite place. He didn’t know why he didn’t think of this place first, and he took a deep breath – not quite sure why – as he opened the door and stepped out into the cold evening air. Immediately, he felt the sand between his toes and chill go through his body as he took in the figure in front of him.
Y/N sat in the sand, curled up to keep out the cold, staring off into the sea, her mind wandering. She didn’t feel Dick’s presence behind her until she felt the ground shift slightly under her as he sat down beside her. No words passed between them for a short moment, though it felt like an eternity as she stared out at the water.
“I couldn’t sleep,” Y/N broke the silence softly, preceding the question she was sure Dick was about to ask.
Dick chuckled slightly. “Me neither.” Another silence filled the air. A gust of wind made its way across the beach, rustling the teenagers’ hair and pyjama hems. Y/N shivered slightly, making Dick look at her with a slight smile. “There are definitely warmer places to hang out,” he remarked.
A small smile formed on Y/N’s face. She would have been lying if she didn’t admit that she was rather fond of the Boy Wonder, who just always seemed to have the right thing to say to make her smile. “I like it here,” she replied, “it brings me closer to nature. I prefer it to those cold metal walls inside. Plus, it’s too quiet in there”
“I get it,” Dick agreed knowingly, “Sometimes, it’s too much like a cage. Still, much easier to fall asleep there than here. So why you out here?”
Y/N let out a small sigh as she looked down, noticing that the pair had moved closer together, their shoulders a whisper of a touch away. I’d have to tell him at some point anyways she thought to herself. So, she started to explain everything: about the nightmares, the freak weather and her plan to stop sleeping all together.
“But the cave was just too quiet so instead of being left alone with my thoughts, I reckoned I’d come somewhere where I can focus on something else.” Y/N finished her explanation, her heart feeling a little lighter now that she shared her feelings. She looked at Dick, not quite knowing what she expected his reaction to be. Wordlessly, he shuffled closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Immediately, his warmth spread through her body and she pressed herself closer to escape the chilling wind. A comfortable silence befell the pair and they stayed like this for many hours. Though they didn’t know this until many years yet to come, it was that night in which the two 13-year-olds started their true journey together, a journey that was written in the stars yet to be told.
The next morning consisted of a treasure hunt for the whole team as they attempted to find Dick and Y/N’s whereabouts. After an hour, the Justice League where called in to aid with the search. It was Batman, the – self- proclaimed- world’s greatest detective, who tracked them down. Batman knew the toll that the exercise had on the pair, so a gentle smile graced his usually stoic lips as he stood silently in the entrance way, watching the two peacefully sleeping in each other’s embrace, Dick’s arm still placed around Y/N, her head laying delicately on his shoulder. They were refreshed and good as new when they woke up later that day (which didn’t last long as they both caught a cold out on the beach and were bedridden for the rest of the week). However, their hearts were warmed up by the lack of images or screams lingering in their heads, as well as some other emotion that the pair couldn’t quite place. The team was back together, stronger and prouder than ever.
And the nightmares came no more. Nor did the snow, much to Wally’s dismay.
 Hope you guys liked it :)
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heyyyharry · 5 years
Flatmate blurb? Anything please? 🥺
Because you said please 😂
This is before they got together, Harry was grumpy and Y/N didn’t give up until he told her what was bothering him. 
Harry had just got off the phone with his dad, and it couldn’t have ended worse. It began with him mentioning this internship he wanted to apply for, and Devlin told him not to, because that company wasn’t “big enough for a Styles”. Harry loved it though. But it didn’t matter what Harry thought, it never did. If Devlin didn’t think it was good enough, it wasn’t good enough. Every single one of their conversation ended with them arguing, and every single time Harry would tolerate and let his father have the last word. One, he was afraid of Devlin. Two, he looked up to Devlin too much to disobey him.
When Y/N came home and found him watching Friends with a big frown on his face, she knew for sure that something was wrong.
“I thought you were going to that party with Niall?” She asked.
His head snapped to where she stood as he furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. “How do you know? Did you stalk me or something?”
“As if. Niall told me.”
“Since when is Niall talking to you?”
She rolled her eyes and tossed her bag down on the couch by his side. “I ran into him in the library.”
“Since when does Niall go to the library?”
Tired of his attitude, Y/N raised her voice. “Since who the heck cares? Gosh, what’s wrong with you? Are you on your period?”
Harry turned a deaf ear to that insult as he scoffed, turning his eyes back on his laptop screen. “I’m not going because I’m tired. Leave me alone.”
“Are you okay?”
“What part of ‘leave me alone’ didn’t you understand?”
Heaving a sigh, Y/N muttered one word “fine” under her breath and went to her room.
Harry had been lying on that couch for hours straight. Y/N was sure he had finished Friends and was now binge-watching another show. It wasn’t like him to act like this, so even though she had told herself to just ignore him and let him be, she couldn’t anymore. Taking a deep breath, she marched straight to the couch and shut Harry’s laptop, causing him to sit up and shout, “what are you doing?!”
“I’m doing you a favor,” she said, shooting him a glare. “We need to talk.”
“I already took out the trash.”
“It’s not about the fucking trash.”
Harry’s eyes grew wide as a smirk spread across his face. He titled his head to look at her funny. “Did you just curse?”
“Do it again!”
She responded by smacking him hard on the arm.
“Hey! What’s wrong with you?!”
“What’s wrong with you?!” Y/N stabbed her finger at him, her eyes squinted. “Look at yourself!”
“Why do you care about me?” He huffed. “We both agreed when we first moved in that we would stay out of each other’s business.”
“Well, screw that. I cannot live in such a depressing environment! If you tell me what’s bothering you, it’ll feel much better for both of us.”
Harry said nothing. He crossed his arms and turned away like a child refusing to eat his dinner. He expected his flatmate to give up and leave him alone, because most people would when he gave them this attitude. But he forgot that Y/N wasn’t like the others.
“Okay, fine.” She took a deep breath, sounding calmer than before. “This morning I took my final exam in Marketing. I thought I’d done a good job, until we stepped out of the exam room and Tessa asked me about my answer for the last question. That was when I realized I’d misunderstood it and got it wrong.”
“What does that have to do with me?” He mumbled, finally stealing a glance at her, but she ignored his question and went on.
“Then I went to the library to return this book but I couldn’t find it in my bag. I freaked out thinking I’d lost it, and the librarian was making a big deal out of it. After arguing with her for a pretty long time, I suddenly remembered that I’d left it in my bedroom. It was really embarrassing. Just ask Niall, he was there.”
Y/N paused when she saw the way his lips twitch. He found that story amusing too, even though he didn’t want to let his beam show.
“So…” She smiled. “How was your day?”
Harry froze as soon as he heard that question. He turned back to his flatmate, who was waiting for an answer.
“That’s not how it works,” he mumbled. But this time, instead of scolding at him, she chuckled slightly, nodding her head.
“From this moment it is. New rule, I’ll tell you about my day and you’ll tell me about yours. We’ll do it every night.”
The corner of his lips curved up into a crooked smile as he thought she was joking. It took him a few seconds to realize that she wasn’t. So he asked, “why do you want to hear about my problems?”
“Because it makes me feel like I’m not the only one struggling through college.” She shrugged. “I assume you feel better now after hearing about my day?”
“A little.” He nodded, rolling his eyes. “By the way, I hate Tessa. I had Microeconomics with her, and she always made me feel so insecure after an exam. Like, it’s over, let it go, don’t ask me how I solved the problem in question number three. Fuck you.”
Y/N giggled at how he raised a middle finger as if their friend was sitting right in front of him. The sound of her laugh got him smiling as well. He looked at her for a few seconds, then finally exhaled and told her the truth. 
“It’s my dad. I…um…I had a fight with him.”
Her eyebrows knitted together as she heard him. “Fight about what?”
“About…my future, and—well, I want to do something but he thinks it’s lame, and he expects me to do something better, because he’s counting on me with something much bigger. Not sure if you get it but…I just…I don’t wanna let him down…”
“Since when do you care what people think?”
“I don’t.” He glared at her. “But it’s my dad, and I’m…afraid of him.”
“I’m afraid of my mum.” She laughed, scooting closer until her knee touched his leg. She didn’t notice it, but Harry did, for some reason, and he couldn’t look away now. “We always have at least one parent like that. But we’re not them, we’re us. Maybe your dad will get super angry if you ignore his opinion and do that thing anyway, but he’ll get over it. Like I do every time I tell you to take out the trash, and you wait until a couple of days later to do it.”
“Hey, you never get over it though.” He gave her a cheeky grin. “Yell at me all the time.”
“Well, I stopped being mad at you after a few hours, then it happened again the next day. You can’t blame me, sir.” She gave him a shrug as they both shared a laugh.
When Harry first moved in with Y/N, he didn’t think there would come a day, when he would stay up until early morning just to talk to her. But now it was 2 AM, and if Y/N hadn’t stopped to check the time, they would’ve continued until the sun came. So they got up, awkwardly said goodnight, and each went back to their own room.
As Harry returned to his bed, he had made up his mind. He would ignore his father’s comments and do what he wanted, and tomorrow he would ask Y/N about her day.
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ruxbold · 5 years
Hawks x f! Reader
child wish
There may be many grammar mistakes because English is not my native language and I apologize for that. If you have any suggestions for improving then let me know:)
word count: 3828
contains: NSFW, breeding kink (kinda)
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It was a hard life working as a pro hero. Especially when you’re the number 2 hero in Japan. Keigo, known as Hawks, always had a handful of work, so it was almost impossible to think about other things like having a peaceful life, not having the attention of the media on him, going shopping like a normal person or dating a girl. The last one was definitely out of reach when you have to save lifes every day and barely would have time for taking care of a relationship. So Keigo accepted this disadvantage of being a hero. In the end it would only hurt his partner and eventually cause her to leave him voluntarily.
That’s what he thought until he met you. Kind, cute, funny, laughs about his jokes and is understanding of his work. You don’t complain about him comming back home so late at night or when he suddenly needs to go because something urgent happened. After all you were aware of all that when you two started dating. You were just perfect. Though, Keigo still felt bad about all those lonely nights you spent without him or when you don’t even realize when he comes back because you’re already asleep. For the first time in his life he felt scared of losing someone. He was so in love with you that he couldn’t think about living without you. So one day he proposed to you and fortunately, you said yes. Even though it was a dangerous decision, Keigo just couln’t let go of the thought of you being by his side forever. He swore he would protect you no matter what.
And so the days of you as a married couple passed by. You two were so happy and deeply in love. After 2 years Keigo wanted to have something that was the symbol of your love and would bound you two together even more. He wanted a child. A litte mix of him and you running through your house, laughing and you doing family stuff together. This thought made his heart beat faster and he couldn’t wait any longer to finally ask you. But it had to be special, of course. So he had already prepared something for this.
“Can you just tell me where exactly we are going?” you asked impatiently. You two were sitting in the car and Keigo was driving through the city to go to a particular place.
“We’re almost there, lovebird.” He said smiling. Of course it would have been faster, if he just flew with you in his arms to the destination, but that would have caught too many eyes and right now he didn’t want any paparazzis sticking to his ass and ruining his plans with you.
Your curiosity only increased, as you left the city behind and stopped in front of a forest. Keigo knew that you loved nature and hiking. When he has free time, you always ask him to go for a walk at the mountains or in the forest. He found your expression of fascination, when you admire the beauty of nature, really cute.
Keigo grabbed a basket, which was packed with small snacks, out of the trunk. With your hand in his he led you through the forest. It was a little bit dark because a few clouds were covering the sun, but you still were amazed of the sight of the green which surrounded you. Luckily, you didn’t cross ways with any citizens, who would only take away his precious time with you.
“We’re almost there.” Keigo said in a singing voice. You giggled and were really excited about the surprise, which he had prepared for you. When you finally arrived, it was like you were sent back to time when you had your first date.
You were surrounded by large trees and different kind of flowers decorated the grass underneath you and you could hear the sounds of flowing water, which belonged to the creek nearby. A yellow checkered picnic blanket was spread out on the ground with red rose petals on it. It wasn’t much but it was exactly like when he had took you out for the first time.
“It’s wonderful.” You said while turning around to face your husband, who stood there with the basket in the one hand and a wine bottle in the other.
“Let’s enjoy our time, shall we?” He shook the bottle in his hands and gave you a charming smile, which you always loved to see on his face. Keigo was indeed an attractive man. And additionally with his position as the number 2 hero, he was popular especially among females.
You two sat down and he took out snacks like sandwiches topped with your favourite things, of course chicken wings and much more and two wine glasses. After he filled your glasses with the red liquid, you clinked them together and began to enjoy your time. Keigo even left his phone at home so that nobody could interrupt this moment with his beloved wife. Maybe his sidekicks will complain about him that they couldn´t contact him but right now he didn’t care. You were just sitting there and talked about different kind of things or he tells you some jokes, which make you laugh.
Actually, he wasn’t that kind of person, rather more like a spontaneous guy but since he met you he wanted everything to be perfect. Even though he sometimes thinks that he didn’t deserve you, Keigo still couldn’t stand the thought of you being together with somebody else, who would have more time for you.
As time went by, your bellies were already full of snacks and wine. Your head leant against his chest and he had his arm wrapped around your waist. It was finally time to tell you his dearest wish.
“So you know, I’ve been thinking a lot about this and-” His speech got interrupted by a loud thunder and after that a lightning lit up the forest. You startled and removed yourself from the warmth of his body. A few drops fell down from above and landed on your face.
‘God damn, why now?’ Keigo thought in annoyance.
“Oh no! Let’s go to the car!” you said panicked. Keigo helped you to pack all the things back into the basket and folded the blanket together. You two ran through the forest and by now it was already raining heavily.
When you arrived at the car and got in, you were already wet, your clothes soaked from the rain. Keigo swore inside his mind, insulting himself for not including the weather when he was planning this. Another thunder was heard followed by a bright lightning.
“That was unexpected.” You said breaking the silence. “Maybe we should head home now.”
Keigo looked beside him at the passanger seat where you sat and an immediate blush showed across his face. Your white dress, in which you always looked so pure, was soaking wet, letting him see your lightblue bra underneath the fabric. You had drops of water on you, running down your delicate skin. Strands of hair were sticking to your face. The sight of your whole body drenched from the rain, made his pants got tighter around his crotch. Keigo gulped down the lump inside his throat. He was thankful for the rain to give him such a sight, even though it ruined his plans.
“(V/N).” He finally began to speak. You looked at him and also got flushed from his appearance. It was a delicious sight of him, all wet from head to toe. You could clearly see the traces of his abs through his wet shirt and the drops of water in his hair made him look more handsome than he already was. You could feel the arousal rising in between your thighs.
“There is something I wanted to tell you.” Keigo breathed in the air, which smelled like freshly fallen rain. And again a lightning with a thunder appeared and lit up the inside of the car. “I…want a child.”
Silence fell again. The only sounds you could hear was the heavy rain falling and the thunder which was miles away from you. You widened your eyes and your entiry face turned red this time. Keigo was smiling with a tint of flush on his nose and cheeks, his eyes looking at you in a soft way. He finally said it.
A number of emotions built up inside you and you whole face lit up. You almost bursted out of joy, but wanted to cry at the same time.
“Me too!” You answered and left your seat to give him a tight hug. “I’d love to have a little family!”
He shivered as your cold body and his were pressed together, your soaked clothes sticking to his. With his hands he cupped your face and looked you in the eyes. You were so beautiful. The lightning lit up the car again and his handsome feature was illuminated by the light. Golden eyes shining down on you like a hawk spotting its prey on earth. Seeing him like this so close made your arousal only worse.
His head moved forward as your staring competition continued. And then after his hot breath hit your face, he placed his lips on yours. It was so gentle and so magical. You put your hands on his chests and melted into the kiss, your lips moving in synchro with each other. Butterflies were flying inside your belly and the sounds from outside were deaf to your ears. After a long time you two parted away and looked deep into each others eyes. Both of you knew that it wasn’t enough and you wanted more. Keigo’s thumb traced your bottom lip and pulled it a little down, so that your mouth was slightly open for him to put his tongue inside you. His hot muscle explored the inside and twirled it around yours. Your hands moved to his hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Sloppy sounds of your heated make out could be heard. Your saliva mixed together and ran down your chin. Keigo’s hand moved to your seat and pulled on a lever which made the backrest fall back on its own.
He climbed over to your side, not breaking the heated kiss and lay your body down with him hovering above you. As you felt that you were running out of oxygen, you finally parted away, a string of saliva still connecting you for a short time before it broke.
“Are we…seriously going to do it…here.” You tried to say while still breathing heavily.
“I can’t wait til we get home.” Keigo said, opening the three buttons on your wet dress to get access to your breasts. “And the idea of sex in a car is kinda hot.”
You blushed at his statement but also couldn’t deny it. On top of that, you both were horny as fuck. As soon as Keigo opened the last button, your breasts sprang out of your dress, as the pressure of the tight fabric against your chest was gone. He attacked your neck, leaving purple marks on your skin while he shoved your lightblue bra with a little bow in the middle up, your tits bouncing out of the cups. With his hands he began to massage them carefully, but his grib got rough as he wanted to hear more of your cute moans. Your boobs were always so soft and elastic, it reminded him of the japanese candy Mocchi. Keigo put your pink nipples between his fingers, squeezing and pulling on them. His mouth left your neck and wandered down, kissing in between your breasts.
He buried his face in between them, pressing your boobs against his cheeks and breathed in your unique scent, which made you gasp of the strange feeling. It’s something that Keigo always likes to do because he claims that this place is the only part of your body where he could smell your scent clearly. And he was obsessed with it. Your smell can’t be described perfectly, but if he had to, he would say that it smells like lavender with a little touch of vanilla and freshly peeled oranges. It may sound like a strange combintaion and you looked at him questioningly when he described it to you once, but for him it was the only way to define it.
“Keigo…” He looked up to your flushed face and almost forgot how long he was sandwiched in between your breasts, as he was lost in enjoying your smell.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice.” A chuckle escaped his mouth. He removed his face and kissed your lips once again for a short time. “Now, should we begin with the main course.”
A smirk appeared on his face again and you could only nod. His hands travelled down to your legs, stroking your wet and cold skin. His heat spread over to your body and it was already enough to warm you up. After he pinched your flesh a few times, his hands went under your dress up to your panties. Your breathing stocked in anticipation, as he grabbed it on each side and pulled it painfully slow down. His fingers tenderly brushed against your skin which gave you goosebumps. After it was finally removed from your legs and thrown back to the back seats, Keigo held up one leg and kissed your inner thigh, while starring at you in a seductive way that made your heart skip a beat. Then he took off his jacket and his soaked white shirt.
Saliva gathered inside your mouth, as you had a full view of his upper body now. No matter how often you saw him shirtless, it always was a heavenly view and whenever he walked around the house with no shirt on you just want to throw yourself at him and want him to fuck you on the ground. Keigo’s smirk got wider, as he noticed your staring. He knew what you had inside your mind. Everybody thinks that you were an innocent and sweet girl but only Keigo knew that naughty side of you when you’re begging him for more while he’s shoving his cock inside your pussy. You weren’t the pure woman that everyone thought you would be.
“I help you with that.” He pulled on your dress and you held your arms up so that he could pull the fabric over your head. The dress and your bra also joined your underwear and his shirt at the back seats, where Keigo threw all the unnecessary clothes away.
The cold air, which hit your skins, was bearly noticeable, as the heat inside your bodies only grew by the minute. You two definitely were going to be sick the next day but this though didn’t even cross your minds, as the fog of lust took over your thinkings. Keigo couldn’t wait any longer so he unbuckled his belt of his pants while sucking in the sight of your naked body with your flushed face underneath him. As soon as he slid down the unwantig cloth with his shorts he positioned his stiff member in front of your entrance, sliding the tip up and down your slit. It was already wet enough for him to slide it inside you in one go. You put your arms around his neck, starring into each others eyes.
“Keigo, please.” You begged and every time his name slipped pass your lips he could go crazy.
He placed his lips on yours and immediately shoved his tongue inside your mouth again. Meanwhile he slipped his head of his cock, that already had a pearl of precum on the tip, inside your dripping pussy. You moaned into his mouth, feeling his thick member stretching your walls, as he moved further forward. It took him a while to slide his whole length inside because he wanted to feel every part of your pussy, from the outside til the back. It felt like his cock melted, as he left the cold air and entered your heat. Keigo grunted, loving the feeling of how you remembered the shape of his dick and squeezed around it perfectly.
He didn’t waist more time and began to move with slowly but deep thrusts so that he were able to reach every part of your inside. Loud moans drowned the sounds of the pouring rain outside, the thunder and lightning had already stopped but neither of you noticed that small detail. Your hot and heavy breathing got visible through the cold air. Keigo grabbed you thighs, putting them on each side of his hips, and squeezing your tender flesh. But as much as he liked to see your whole body with your bouncing breasts that matched his rhythm of his thrusts, he liked it even more to feel it rubbing against his own skin, so his hands moved from your legs behind to your back and lifted your upper body so that you were pressed against his, leaving no space between you.
He attacked your neck, giving you more marks that will last for at least one week. A smile formed on his lips, as he remembered how you always complain about it that his hickeys last so long and that you always have to hide them somehow. But right now it seemed like you didn’t care, screaming his name while asking for more. With your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist, you were clinging to him like a baby koala to its mother.
“Need…more…faster, fuck, please faster.” You begged, biting his neck and also leaving a mark on his skin.
First, Keigo didn’t respond to your request and continued his slow pace but eventually he also got tired of it. He sped up his thusts little by little, til he was pounding inide you with an incredible force. You body was laid down again with your legs against your chest so that he was able to move faster with more intensive thrusts. Your moans got louder, as he showed you heaven on earth and also more sounds were heard from the bird man. He wanted to spread his wings of peasure but as there wasn’t enough space they hit the ceiling of the car.
“Ahhhh, s-so deep!” You held the armrest as tight as you could, whereby your knuckles got white from the pressure of your grip.
“Damn, car sex really is…the fucking good.” Keigo grunted through gritted teeth while pounding inside you like there’s no tomorrow. “Just imagine…someone finds us fucking in a car like animals, ahh shit, and making a baby.”
You walls clenched harder around his girth, as the image crossed your mind. Keigo smirked, feeling your stingy pussy sucking him in even more. “Oh, you like the idea?”
Suddenly he stopped which made you whimper from the lack of pleasure and grabbed you by the shoulders, shoving your face against the car window of the passanger seat.
“Wait, what are you-” You moaned as he picked up his pace again, fucking you from behind while his chest was pressed against your back. The window cooled down your warm face, and you were able to see the grey landscape with the rain drops flowing down the glass.
“Fuck, maybe if you’re lucky, somebody crosses by and sees how well I pleasure my wife.” Keigo grunted in your ear, holding your chin with two fingers.
He knew that nobody would go out in this weather but he smirked as your walls clenched around him, as you thought about it. The glass got fogged up from your hot panting, your sweat and drool were sticking onto the window. Suddenly a loud moan escaped your lips as Keigo hit your sweet spot. With the tip of his cock he penetrated that special place, giving you the ecstasy that let you scream out his name. You thought he couldn’t go any faster but oh were you wrong. After all he isn’t called the fastest man in Japan for nothing. Your pussy tightened after every intensive thrust which was enough to sent Keigo over the edge.
“Shit, you’re sucking me in way too much.” His hands wandered down to play with your clit, helping you to get to your orgasm too.
“Ahh, Keigo, give me all your semen!” You interwined your hand with his, looking over your shoulder to show him your face which was all messed up thanks to him.
“Fuck, take my sperm and bear my child, baby.” With his last powerful thrusts he spurted his hot cum inside, fucking it deeper into you. The feeling of him filling you up with his thick fluids gave you the rest and you felt the familiar knot inside your stomach. You moaned loudly, as finally your orgasm arrived. Keigo’s finger pressed your lips of your pussy around his cock so that his precious semen stayed inside you and nothing would go down your legs and get wasted. He stayed like this for minutes to make sure that every single drop reached the back of your womb.
“Just imagine…telling your child…that he was made in a car…” You joked around, still trying to catch your breath while you came down from your orgasm.
“I can’t wait for you to get pregnant.” Keigo chuckled and gave you a kiss on the cheek. “With a round belly, tits full of milk and I’ve heard that sex with pregnant woman is the best.”
“You wish, when it’s time I won’t let you touch me.” You giggled, leaning your body against his, concentrating on his touch as he explored your sweaty body with his hands.
You moved forward, trying to slide his dick out of your pussy but as soon as you moved, Keigo pressed you down on the passanger seat and starred at you with hungry eyes. Suddenly you could feel his cock twitching inside you and it still was hard as a rock. Your (E/C) eyes widened as you realized what’s going to come next.
“Do you really think we’re already done yet?” Keigo smirked, his golden pupils glowing. “I will only stop when the rain is over or when I’m sure that I’ve bred your thoroughly. We’re gonna make lot of little chicks.”
And there you two went for the next round. And then again. And again. Let’s just say the rain didn’t stop til the next day and you spent the night in the car. Keigo didn’t even stop penetrating your hole when there was a bulge on your belly visible which was caused by the multiple times he filled you with his cum. After that you had to buy a new car because the stains of your love juices won’t go out of the seats and the smell of sex lingered inside and won’t go away no matter how many times you cleaned it.
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blueseasfanfics · 5 years
8 with Sherlock please! :)
Welcome Back
Pairing: Sherlock x Reader
Word Count: 1686 words
Warning: Non-graphic drug use
Prompt: “I thought you died.”“Seems I haven’t.”
A/N: Part 2 coming tomorrow. Very angsty. Also so sorry this took so long! 
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John didn’t bother coming anymore.You weren’t sure whether it was from you pushing him away time and time again, declining his requests to go out for lunch or a walk, or he simply couldn’t stand coming here anymore.In the flat that still seemed to house Sherlock Holmes, great detective.Sherlock himself had even told you many times before he wasn’t sure where his mess ended and yours began in the small flat, and it still held true now. Papers littered everywhere, bullet holes in the walls (which Mrs. Hudson now refuses to fix), odd experiments on almost every flat surface.The only place you didn’t dare go to, the place where it was still all Sherlock, was the bedroom. He hadn’t often slept in there, the room with only a big cozy bed and a wardrobe, instead passing out on the couch whenever he was tired enough to. But you still refused to go in, knowing it was the one part of the entire flat you wouldn’t be able to almost scrub him from. Hide him underneath all the clutter of you, all the clutter that at a glance almost seems like his anyway.So you just didn’t go in. And you slept on the couch, working from case to case in a fevered frenzy that always seemed to overtake your mind just enough to where you could get on with your life.Not always, however. Often, you would jump up and exclaim to an empty room, having solved a case and only wanting to follow Sherlock on a voyage throughout London to close it in whatever fantastical circumstances that always seemed to happen.No. Now you go alone, feeling small in a big city, defeated. When you walk to the backstreets and alleys to get information, you can feel the eyes follow you. Almost pitying, seeing you now walk alone with the only conviction in your steps being one of running from your grief.Some days, you can’t run forever. Some days, it is simply too tiring.These days, you barely understand what is going on around you. Your head pounds as you lay on the floor, surrounded by papers with words you can’t even read right now, and you stare up at the ceiling.You’ve either been laying here for a few hours, or a few days. You have no way of telling which, not that you would like to know anyway. Each passing of time just reminds you of another day without Sherlock.Without his laugh, without his yells of boredom, without his violin.Your head pounds at the memory and on second thought, you’re fine without the violin.Your head keeps pounding. Is someone actually playing the violin? Sitting up, you look around.Rain is melting against the windows, papers strewn everywhere, and a jar foaming on the counter. The violin is propped up in the armchair, covered in dust and just as it was before.“Dear? Are you in there?”Oh. It’s the door.Mrs. Hudson is pounding on the door with a fury that makes it sound like a beating heart. You always wonder where the woman got her strength from. Groaning, you get up and open the door, and she sighs as she sees you.“Yes, Mrs. Hudson?” You grumble and stretch slightly as you walk back into the flat and she follows you.“I haven’t heard from you in a few days. I was worried, you can’t scare me like that. My heart can’t take it.” She sounds like how she always did, a mother scolding her child while still getting them a cookie.In fact, she had followed you into the apartment and was moving aside things to make tea.“I’m sorry about that Mrs. Hudson. I had a case.” You think you had a case. The past few days are a blur.“You haven’t had any clients here in almost two weeks. I’m not stupid, you know.” She shakes a spoon at you, but you can’t say anything.You both stay in silence for a little while, you rubbing your forehead and Mrs. Hudson taking much more time with the tea than need be.Finally, she sets a cup in front of you.“I’m worried for you, dear.” She says gently and you can’t bear to meet her eyes.“Why is that? I’m alive.”“Not really.”“What do you mean by that.”“You act as if you died with him.”Silence.“Sherlock is gone. He’s gone, but you don’t have to go with him. I-” You look up to see tears in the old woman’s eyes, and even though she is looking at you she seems to see things farther away.Gently, you stand and wrap your arms around her, trying to shove any warmth left in your body towards her but instead you feel nothing. Just a husk, trying to comfort when you can’t even comfort yourself.“I’m sorry, I came here to make you feel better and instead I’m just here blubbering.” She laughs slightly, and you let your arms drop to your side. She walks off, talking off her tears with whatever drama she heard at the shop, but it falls on deaf ears.He really is gone. You can’t even remember when he left anymore, each day blending into another or leaving your mind altogether, but now was the time that it’s truly caught up to you.What used to be just eating at your heart has consumed it all, and you almost fall onto the couch behind you, staring at the tea cup in front of you.The steam comes off of it slowly, and Mrs. Hudson coughs nervously from the door.“I’ll be off. I’ll see you soon, alright love?” You can still see tears in her eyes, and you feel your face force a smile.“Alright Mrs. H.”She closes the door, and you’re left in silence again.You’d be fine with violin, after a second thought.——-You’re in a dirty building, laying on the floor and staring at a broken beer bottle.You aren’t sure why you’re laying on this floor, or how long, but it’s irritating.The sun has set and the full moon is shining onto the floor in front of you. Without looking around, you count at least 5 others in the same space as you. A couple spoke, but only to themselves, a jumble of words that only make sense to them and you slowly tune them out.You feel cold.Cold on the outside and in, and you wonder really how long you had been here.You had taken up Sherlocks’ past poison a while ago, too long go to remember now, and while some took it for the euphoria you took it for the crash.The crash that seemed to take you out of commission for longer and longer, but not long enough.You still feel cold, but don’t have the energy or want to get up. To go anywhere, or see anyone, or deal with yourself.Six.There were six people in the room now, and one was walking towards you.Judging by footfall, they were tall, and relatively lean. The light swish from their coat said it was heavier and long, their steps showing a boot.Your guesses were confirmed when the boots stop in front of your eyes. Black, specks of mud and worn scratches on the toe.“You aren’t supposed to be here.” A smooth voice said above you, and a chill ran down your spine.“Just a part of the trip. A weird part of the trip, but part of the trip.” You whisper to yourself, assure yourself, that this isn’t real.“Careful, you sound like one of them.” The voice you know can’t be real says above you, and you clasp your hands over your ears like a child, closing your eyes.If you can’t see and hear it, they’re not there. That’s how life works, right? When you can’t touch them anymore, can’t hear their heartbeat or see their smile, they’re gone.What if they touch you?Slender fingers take your wrist, pulling it away from your ear, sighing.“Please look at me and answer the question.” The man asks, almost pleads but you know well enough he wouldn’t do that.You open your eyes, and are affronted by the sight of him.The man you had been trying to chase out of your head is crouching in front of you, holding your limp hand in his and looking over you.He looks slightly pained, but doesn’t look injured.Good. If he’s real, you’re going to hurt him enough.“I thought you died.” Was all you could croak out, and Sherlock’s hand tightens around yours slightly.“It seems I haven’t.”“I think I’ve died.”“Why is that.”“Otherwise I wouldn’t be seeing you.”“Are you saying that I would be in your heaven?”“No, this is probably hell.”“Over-dramatic as always.”“You’re dead.” You feel tears start to well up, and you sit up with a start, facing away from him and wiping them away.“I’m not.”“Thanks, Sherlock. Great deducing.”“Well, I’m not.”“You’re going to wish you were.” Tears well up faster than you can wipe them away, so you let them run. Sherlock stays silent behind you, and in frustration you stagger to a stand.That seems to mess up your entire equilibrium, because suddenly you’re incredibly dizzy and fall against the wall next to you.“I don’t recommend doing that-”“Shut up, ghost.”“I thought you were going to kill me.”“Soon to be ghost.” You start walking away from him as fast you can, using the wall as leverage, but he quickly catches up to you.“You do know you’re acting stupid, correct.”“You do know I went to your funeral, correct.”The world has been slowly getting fuzzier and fuzzier, and you wish you were less stubborn if only for the fact that you wouldn’t prove Sherlock right as you fell.The last thing you know is his arms wrapped around your waist, and his sigh.
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