#one day im going to have to suck it up and put effort into drawing feet but today is not that day
cinderflower · 2 months
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I'm back with degeneracy because no one else is making it Trina/Mal/Miq *nsfw, small(ish) Miq/Trina - heed the warnings, full image at the link
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doobea · 9 months
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synopsis: You realize that under his seven layers of unresolved teenage angst, Rin Itoshi is extremely sensitive, whether he wants to admit it or not.
contents: sfw, fluff, convos about growing up, gn!reader, proplayer!rin, play fighting!!, rin is kinda awk but its cute, first kiss and a lil bit suggestive but not really?, a birthday fic :) word count: 1.5K a/n: did i rush home to try and make a birthday fic for one of my favorite boys?? yea maybe. and goodbye i know his bday isn't today and im a day early but i wanna just drop this as an early celebration just so i can post sae on his actual birthday bc im secretly evil
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Being Rin's one and only best friend comes with a lot of growing pains. Whether it be constantly receiving threats from his "super fans", always having to show up to his games just to drive him back home because he insists that he's too tired to walk back, or having to hear him vent about how absolutely shitty his older brother is.
And, much to no one's surprise, that dynamic hasn't changed even after becoming one of the nation's highest-praised athletes. And yes, he still insists you to drive him because he claims that his own private drivers "suck ass".
But there are some positive outlooks of being his one and only best friend. No, it's not the fact that you get free tickets to his games or the fact that you essentially eat for free whenever you're out with him. It's nothing materialistic of that sort. One of your favorite things is that he always picks up your packages, even when you order just a bit too much.
"You're going to break your bank account if you keep this up."
"It's your birthday. How can I not celebrate?"
There's a click from his tongue. "You know I hate celebrations."
You sit up from the sofa, flashing him the tiniest of smirks. "It's just gonna be between us. I'm not planning on inviting anyone over."
Rin rolls his eyes before setting down the mountain of delivery packages onto his apartment floor. It looks to be about eight... no twelve? You honestly lost track of how many items you ordered but not like that matters now. The packages vary in size and you can tell by the scowl forming on his face that he's confused by what you have in store this year.
"They're decorations, you dumb dumb." You finally answer after watching him struggle to think.
This only deepens his scowl. "It's my birthday and you want me to decorate?"
"Oh, so now you wanna play that card? Thought you didn't care about your birthday." The kick you receive to your legs is a clear indicator that you've successfully annoyed Rin Itoshi. Which really doesn't take that much effort, but it's still fun to tease him nonetheless. "Are you gonna help me now?"
Rin opens one of the smaller boxes, pulls out a roll of blue streamers, and puffs out his cheeks slightly in frustration. "Where do I put this?"
You blink. "Have you never decorated before?"
You watch his ears turn red and he quickly responds, "I have, idiot."
"You just—" Rin struggles with the streamers and you suppress a laugh when he accidentally tears a ribbon in half. "Actually, never mind, just leave it to me."
He takes a few defensive steps back when you stand up, clutching the streamer close and dear to his chest, shooting you one of his piercing glares. "Stop, I know what I'm doing."
"For someone who's so careful about his actions in football, you sure are clumsy when it comes to anything outside of that." The scrunch on his nose only solidifies your point.
You don't quite understand how someone like Rin can have such a meticulous lifestyle but then mess up when attempting to parallel park or even fry an egg. You're mostly teasing though. Mostly. It's not like any of his "clumsy" actions bother you.
"I made a birthday card for my mom once." He says as if that's enough proof to prove that he actually does know how to decorate. "It's on her fridge."
"Yeah? The one with the shitty drawing of you and Sae hugg—"
"You can stop now."
The blue streamer rolls to the ground as you lunge forward and smack it out of his hands. Rin is annoyed, very annoyed, and attempts to playfully aim at your shin again. You let him but this time around you push him back, aiming for his chest.
Rin is taller and stronger than you are but, during times like this, he holds back just enough for you to take the upper hand. Only for a brief moment that is.
You give up as soon as he pins you beneath him on the floor. "Ok," You manage out. "You win, you win."
Rin loosens his grip on your wrists and rolls over next to you. "That's what I thought."
After what feels like an eternity laying in silence on the floor, you speak up, letting your tongue run. "You know that I’m secretly jealous of you, right?"
His body shifts slightly from your peripheral but you keep your eyes glued to the ceiling. "Jealous how?"
"I don’t know how you do it but you always end up looking like some hotshot supermodel even with all that sweat. Too bad people don’t know that you’re actually so emo that it hurts." Despite saying it in a teasing tone, your lips curve into a small sincere smile. You didn't need to see his face to know that he was also smiling.
Another kick. "Shut up, you sound so dramatic right now."
You kick back but with less force. Too tired out from the struggle earlier. "Says the guy who wants to beat up his brother over football."
Silence hangs in the air again. And suddenly you become hyperaware of his proximity, the scent from the cologne he's wearing, and how melancholic he looks from your angle.
"Are you ever scared of growing up?" Rin's sudden question makes you sit up. "I think about that more often than I like."
You tense for a moment at his words and quickly collect your thoughts, shaking your head. "There's nothing scary about growing up. Think about all the cool things you got to experience. You accomplished a lot compared to when you were sixteen."
He hums. "That's true."
"And think about all the cooler things you haven't experienced yet. Like scuba diving and shit."
"What if I can't swim?"
"Then you take swimming lessons, dummy."
"Also true." He pauses and finally sits up with you. "You'll still be around, right?" Rin stares with his usual tight line on his lips but his eyes seem to be searching for something in yours. He looks very serious and also mildly stressed out.
You realize that under his seven layers of unresolved teenage angst, Rin Itoshi is extremely sensitive, whether he wants to admit it or not.
"Hey," You offer a hand on his shoulder and he flinches at the contact. "As long as you're around, I'm gonna be around too." You say softly.
He holds your hand in place and squeezes it. "Even when we're both old and wrinkly?"
You squeeze his shoulder in response. "Definitely gonna stick around to see that."
There’s silence again for a minute, as he thinks it over. It’s not quite as awkward of a silence, but it’s still not entirely right. You're mentally preparing for another round of existential questions from your best friend. After a moment, Rin's leaning forward, instinctively pressing closer, and there’s something happening between you two. Some weird shift taking place.
Skinship of any form isn't something that Rin is comfortable exploring with just anyone. The most that he's gotten physical with is maybe a hug but even that lasts for just a fleeting second. You find yourself reciprocating and leaning close, relishing the fact that he doesn't do this often. And soon, you feel the sudden urge to kiss your best friend.
"Hey—Rin, do you..." You stumble over your words, but the way that you say his name catches his attention.
"Yes." He cuts you off before you get a chance to finish.
Rin leans in and you meet him halfway. Your noses bump awkwardly against each other due to the height difference and it causes you to laugh. Rin looks like he wants to be embarrassed and annoyed but he ends up laughing too. You two try again, shuffling yourself closer and placing your hands on his thighs to steady yourself, and this time it's better.
There's a bit of mint aftertaste left in his mouth from the gum he was chewing earlier and you didn't know if you should feel self-cautious of your own breath because you're pretty sure it tastes like the cereal you had this morning. You quickly decide it's out of your worries when you feel his hands around your waist, pulling you closer into his lap and deepening the kiss further.
Rin calls out your name when he pulls back and you're positive that you could pass out right now if you're given the option. "Stop looking at me like that." He frowns, red sweeping his own cheeks.
You swallow hard and tilt your head. "Like what?"
"Like you're nervous to be around me. I don't want that."
You feel yourself growing small under his touch. "Then what do you want, Rin?"
He furrows his brows together and you feel his fingers toy with the fabric of your shirt. Rin does this for a while before answering, "I just want you to stay by my side for as long as you can. Is that possible?" He whispers.
"If it's impossible then I'll make it possible for you, Rin." You close the distance and rest your chin on his shoulder. "I'll give you all my seasons if you want them."
You don't hear anything from Rin but soon his grip tightens around your waist and you swear you can hear him sniffling. You pretend to not notice. God knows what he'll do if you catch him crying. Instead, you close your eyes and rub his back gently in circles.
"Happy birthday, Rin."
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thecoolerliauditore · 10 months
HEY ANON! Idk what it is but im feeling super duper extra forgiving and kind today so I've decided to actually type up a response to that ask but im answering it like this cus i don't wanna subject my followers to having to scroll thru what u wrote 👍
stuff below the cut (heed the warnings in the tags)
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this is the context, for those curious
FIRST OFF this is so so so SO not okay to send to anyone but ESPECIALLY not a stranger on the internet. Anon you are so lucky I am as comfortable as I am reading and talking about depression/suicide and (I hope) you didn't send this to someone who it could potentially trigger and that I am as normal as I am and not someone who would respond to this callously.
This is such a jump from "i don't draw good", nobody on this website is your therapist or your parent and nobody owes you the time of day to hear you vent. You really don't deserve a response at all but I am doing this because 1. I am nice and very very bored and 2. I believe I used to kind of be like you so I'm somewhat sympathetic.
That being said re: the 'draw more' comic
Anon not everything is about you or directly addressed to you. The message of that comic isn't to just draw more (if anything, mindlessly grinding art isn't the most productive studying you can do once you reach a certain skill level imo), it's to illustrate your mindset and why it's flawed.
The artist in that comic is frustrated with their own progress and skill only because they cannot see the 100x amount of work their more experienced counterpart put in. That doesn't mean their own effort doesn't matter, it just means they have no sense of scale and don't understand why, when they've done so much, they aren't as skilled as those around them.
It's this mindset that inevitably leads to the assumption that other people are just born more talented or didn't have to work as hard for their skills when they certainly did (this might not have been what you intended to say but using words like "life is unfair" paints a very specific impression). Which is. Frustrating, you could imagine, for those of us who have pushed through that period of growth only to be met with "oh woe is me, not blessed by the art muse like your holiness".
I put that there because your message reminded me of it. The last thing it's meant to be is a direct message towards You to Draw More.
re: learning art
My guy nobody is happy with their art straight away. I wasn't happy with my art for like. 6 years.
Learning art is as much of a mental battle as it is a physical one. The improvement over time chart is something I've tried to keep in mind for years when it comes to those "dip" periods in which it suddenly feels like you suck.
I've seen quite a few people touch on it in recent years but the first time I saw it was in this Sycra video.
Just like a bad mental health day due to seasonal depression I found it much easier to bear once I could sense a 'dip' period incoming and braced myself for it. I even.. kind of learned to enjoy it and accept it as part of my growth process because it was a sign I was going to improve enormously in the coming month or so. but that might just be me lol.
Eitherway, hope this helps 👍speaking of that though
re: depression/suicide/mental health
Let's be honest with ourselves here there is something much deeper going on with you in your life if Drawing Pictures gets you feeling suicidal.
Art isn't this all or nothing thing, you're allowed to take breaks for years and then come back fresh, you're allowed to start drawing at age 98. There's no expiry date on it. It's not professional gymnastics.
What I'm trying to illustrate here is that art is clearly a symptom of a bigger problem in your life that has you taking this attitude with yourself and the way you talk is doing anything but helping your case. You know what's especially unhelpful tho is venting to faceless block man artists on tumblr about this who don't know your personal circumstances or like.. who you are at all. seriously.
This is a problem you're going to have to fix yourself. "seek therapy" is the stock standard answer that we would all love to accept but that isn't realistic for alot of obvious reasons. I can't say what would work for you but personally I'd advise looking to online free mental health resources (forums like reddit are a last resort but if you can find the right space for that then what works works).
If you want an artsy spin on it I'd recommend literally any number of artists' youtube videos on their artistic journeys and their own struggles with impostor syndrome, insecurities, depression, etc. Off the top of my head I recall Jazza has made a few over the years and i adore these marco bucci videos in particular.
The bottom line is that you're going to have to help yourself, Anon. You can't expect others to make themselves smaller to make you more comfortable, you have to create that space for yourself.
We can all uplift each other but no one's going to respond kindly if you come out of the gate downplaying everyone else's efforts.
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eebie · 6 months
Eeeeebles how do you draw so cool so much all the time do you do anythjng for motivation /inspiration bc iomm suffering wit drawing rn n u r seriously one of my FAV fav artists forever so if u Just so happen to have any advice on thar. aaughaaoauugghhhhh
AUUWUUWGHHHHH.... I LOVE U ANON ................ Well i feel u with the inspiration sometimes im like Bluuehhhggrhhhh i dont want 2 fucking draw/whats the point/idk WHAT 2 draw and usually those r thje times where i kinda like. step back like Woah, why am i putting all of this pressure on myself 2 perform when it only makes me even more stressed about it!!! does the entire opposite of what u want. its like messing around with ooblek the more pressure you put on it the more it doesnt wanna go anywhere And if you keep tryin it'll just. crumble up. So ease up a bit ^_^... let yourself rest. watch things that inspire you or just make you feel good! i know spiderverse is HUGE for me, as well as gorillaz and little nightmares, so that's usually my go-to.
Sometimes trying out new mediums helps a lot too!!!! the other day i was Feelin it real bad i was just sitting at my desk binging a show mindless like.. damn i havent drawn in forever, i kinda wanna but i just Can't like why bother... but i was also just. Bored out of my bualls (boredom is very good for creativity) so i grabbed my sketchbook anyways n decided to try something new with colored pencils. it was kinda Icky at first like wtf... this feels lame. I still hate drawing. but i just kept doing it like little scribbles, gently poking at the ooblek And That Metaphor Sucks Now and i'm not going to use it anymore. but anyways i just did some small nothings, no-effort doodlin which helped me relax, and slowly, eventually, i was like, hey i actually remember why i liked doin art in the first place! And now i've gone mad with power and use colored pencil all the time and it fucking rocks. so yeah just trying something new can help a bunch, esp if you're feeling stuck! watercolor is fun but unforgiving, so bewaaaaaare ehehe.
also did a whole other ask about how important it is to keep a sketchbook that's convenient to use while you're on the move, if you can get your hands on one! small and easy to whip out is the way 2 go, because it's a huge moodkiller when you have to haul around a giant ass brick that takes forever to get out and put away yknow! at the present moment i tear through sketchbooks like i am someone who really loves to eat paper as compared to when i had a really big notebook and barely did anything in it because it was 1. hard to move, and 2. intimidating as hell b/c of how big the pages were!!
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
Any wayz!!!!¡! i recently unearthed a fic i half finished where kaoru goes into a depressive episode and locks himself in his room, similar to the concept we were talking about before. except hikaru, after trying lots of things to get him to communicate, just starts writing letters and pushing them under his door daily. its easier for him than talking out loud bc it feels less lonely than talking to himself outside kaoru's door.
anyway the letters tell kaoru about whats happening outside and in the host club, messages from the others, telling him how much hikaru misses him. and sometimes hikaru will draw him a little story comic of one of his stories to make kaoru smile, even though he's kinda trash at drawing. hikaru can only hope kaoru isn't just throwing them out, since he pours all his heart into each one.
and kaoru does read them. even though they break his heart. so sometimes he sees hikaru push one under the door and will just stare at it from his bed, sometimes not going to get it for hours at a time, scared to read it because of how emotional it'll make him. seeing how much effort and care hikaru puts into every single one, his attempts to make him smile, to make sure kaoru is updated about everything going on and the events of each day (even the silly things), to writing messages from the club word for word. its how hikaru shows his love and support.
it hurts kaoru that hikaru's still putting so much effort into making him happy after all kaoru's efforts to fade from his life, but he loves him for it at the same time. its just like hikaru, isn't it? to be so stubborn that even after weeks of not hearing a word back from his brother, that he would still put 100% effort into his letters? even with no guarantee kaoru's even reading them at all?
a part of kaoru, the part he'd been trying to squash down since he started this whole plan, hopes he'll never stop sending them. that hikaru won't ever give up on him.
maybe i should finish the fic,, didn't have many hopes for it but after writing all this,.... hmmm..
ANON!!!! THIS IDEA.... I LOVE stationary in stories. smth about a story told thru letters. MAGNIFICENT. (btw, if you ever finish that fic, i'd LOVE to read it. Love me some kaoru angst)
Hikaru always puts 100% into his letters, like you said. It's a little hard for him, because he's not a writer. Not only is he simply not great with his words, but he hates physically writing. He's super impatient and he feels he can't get the words out on the paper fast enough, so he prefers typing bc it's faster (im projecting) and of course, kaoru knows this. which is why it's extra special receiving a daily letter from him.
Each letter starts out the same. A basic how are you doing? Are you okay? I hope you're okay. I miss you a lot. And then Hikaru begins to give a detailed explanation about his whole day.
He'd talk about school- "We started reading Soseki's "the gate" in our literature class. It seems like something you'd like. In fact, I'm sure you've read it before" "we're prepping for an English test. It's so hard!!! I'm no good at English like you are. People say Japanese is harder than English, but I say that's just not true. At least Japanese makes SENSE!!!" "Today in math we're starting a new unit on grid transformations. Remember when he briefly covered them in middle school and you hated it?? You've always sucked at math, haha! Dw, I'll do your homework for you :) just do my English, kay?"
Of course, he'd talk about the host club the most. I think Hikaru probably became less of a host and more of a helper once Kaoru stopped coming to school in general. He can't ever get used to being a solitary host; he hates being alone. So, instead, everyday he spends it hanging around a different host, sometimes contributing to the conversation but mostly just helping out. Sitting next to Tamaki or Haruhi, standing next to Kyoya, sitting across from Hani and Mori. Of course he'd mention each letter how much the Host club misses Kaoru, and how everyone always asks how he's doing.
"Today I spent the day with Hani-senpai. I just brought him sweets n stuff. The guy ate 5 bowls of ice cream in fifteen minutes. FIVE!!! and he didn't get brain freeze!!! what is he!?!?" "I hung out with Haruhi for the host club today. I almost fell asleep because her conversations are soooo boring. but also, that could just be because I haven't been getting good sleep lately. it's hard to sleep without you and without knowing youre okay. ugh, i should have said that at the host club today as my excuse. i think the guests would have loved it, haha" "I spent the day with Renge out of curiosity. I always wondered what she does at our club the whole time... draw doujins and craft merchandise, it seems. I guess Kyoya-senpai put her to it. by the way, if we were animals, what animals would we be? i said fox but maybe wolf too... Renge said she saw us as hedgehogs"
And then, he'd end off every letter with a drawing/comic. Something to cheer Kaoru up. He'd also include extra paper if Kaoru ever wanted to write back... he hasn't yet, but Hikaru still hopes.
The idea gave me ~inspo~ so I drew a shitty cringe little comic in the style I think Hikaru would draw/write in... it's based off one of their stories Hikaru made up as a kid called "fox through time" in which a genius fox (named Dr. Foxtor) creates a time machine, intending to rewrite the past. In the original story, her future self comes back to the exact moment she finishes her time machine to stop her, and then there's some epic battle, but Hikaru made a parody comic in hopes to make Kaoru laugh....
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ID in alt and under read more
A 6 panel crudely drawn comic on notebook paper. The first panel shows a doctor fox in a labcoat with a remote. "Finally!!! I have made my time machine! All I have to do is press the button…"
The second panel depicts a second fox in a black hoodie and glasses. She is pointing at the doctor fox, who looks shocked. "STOP!! I have come to prevent my mistakes…"
The third panel has the doctor fox exclaim, "Whoa! It's me from the future… That means my machine works!! Wait…"
The doctor fox then points and asks, "What is the most popular official Cinderella game in the future?"
In the fifth panel, the future fox looks thoughtful. She says, "Umm… well, there is just the one on GBA…"
The final panel depicts the doctor fox in the air mid-jump, throwing her remote on the ground and smashing it to pieces in a blind rage, exclaiming an angry "AUGHH"
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keefwho · 2 years
August 01
2:19 PM
Why am I like this, physically AND mentally. My tummy hurts pretty bad today, and its got me SCARED. This happens though. It sucks that it does, but it does. I should feel better in a little while, after my body gets done trying to process whatever it’s having trouble with. But it’s getting in the way of my life. I crumbled and I’m going into coward mode, but at least I put up a fight. I was having a great call with some pals and I really wanted to stay but I need to go rest for a little. At least I’m aware of what I’m doing, and avoiding extreme panic. I dont know why I’m afraid at all. It almost feels like a remnant of how I used to think I should feel. Im not scared, but my body is. I hate it because I’m aware of how ridiculous the fear is. It’s annoying that I’m still feeling it. 
3:58 PM
First multi-entry post WOOO Im on some kinda mini roller coaster through my own mind today. Exploring things I knew about but haven’t posed a significant problem yet. I feel like I’ve been psychological  problem Andy lately so I might try to calm down all the thinking after today. I think it’s important to take breaks from problem solving. But not today. TODAY I’ve recognized how for a very very long time, maybe even my whole life, I’ve been prone to obsess over things. Not in a way that is significantly unhealthy or problematic, but enough that its a cozy little problem. Lately especially. I usually end up in a state where I feel like anything I take up needs some kind of idle attention. Like I can only queue up, say, five different things that I need to keep checking and Im NOT ALLOWED to do anything else, lest things get out of hand. Thats not the case though, I know I can put things down and come back. A lot of times its stuff thats not even important, like video games. I don’t want to be playing more than maybe 2-3 at a time before I move onto another so I can feel like I’m giving them the proper attention and effort. But thats silly. Sometimes it IS important, like friends. I feel like I need to commit fully to only a few people, and everyone else gets filtered out in my own head like they’re NPCs. I am aware of this and actively try not to do it, but its largely driven by feelings which are hard to argue with. Lately I’ve definitely been obsessed, to the point where I fear it’s affecting me and the things I care about. I have to intentionally relax and realize that taking a step away will actually benefit the things I care about. I guess I’ve briefly fallen out of a very recent philosophy, where I should be going out of my way to break routine for the sake of having variety in my life so I can be better all around. I’m glad I caught it at least. 
4:18 PM
At the end of the day, I might just be overthinking things. If I look at myself like I’m a sim, I’m a mostly functional, normal person on the outside. And I think that really matters, I’m pretty okay. Tomorrow I’ll stop overthinking and try to relax and enjoy the things around me. 
4:38 PM
I didn’t want to get distracted from my drawing to write more but I feel like crying. My obsessive-ness has something to do with fearing I’ll lose the things or people I love. Mostly the people. I don’t know why, I can’t think of any direct events this might stem from. It might have been learned over time and is paired with my ingrained need for control. Maybe something having to do with my parent’s divorce and moving all around the country. Either way, I realized I don’t want to neglect the people I care about in case they end up thinking I don’t care. If I run out of friends, it seems like I’d be like the last person on Earth. I know I can make more but friendships are so unique that I can’t imagine one I don’t have yet. I shouldn’t be thinking like that though, there’s no reason I should lose the friends I have. I’m just scared is all. Scared that I won’t be able to keep up with making them laugh, or feel good, or helping them out when they need it. 
4:58 PM
Busy day today lol. I’m afraid anyone that reads this journal will think I’m fuckin INSANE. Or that my friends will think that. I shouldn’t, because I’d hope that anyone thats ever tried to tackle their own problems can have some empathy and realize that everyone has unique struggles and deal with them in unique ways. I prefer my journal to be public so I can sorta vent properly, without keeping everything to myself. Even if no one really sees it, the possibility that someone will is enough honestly. 
11:27 PM
I had a very fun evening, and I can’t wait to have a chill day tomorrow. Hopefully it goes well, there’s no reason it shouldn’t. I don’t wanna jinx it though. I never know how I’m gonna wake up, or how my stomach is gonna feel, or anything. But ideally I’ll do my morning workout, commission stuff, and have fun with friends. OHHHHHH I FORGOR, I ordered a new lovense. A little thing I can put on to vibrate myself. Lordy, I’ll be able to finish hands free so EZ. SCARY. Not sure I should be getting so explicit on a public blog but fuck it. First thing I’m gonna try to do is nut on my own face without touching myself. INSANE. 
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
“Say it again.” Everything stopped as a heavy, scarred, hand rested against your throat. Barely applying pressure but the look in his eyes was enough alone to make you tremble. “Say. It. Now, Princess.” It wasn’t a warning, more a threat.
“F-fuck me..” your voice was soft and trembling. A deep, annoyed sigh reached your ears, the pressure around your neck increasing, along with new pressure against your heat. Katsuki had pushed his knee against your clothed cunt.
“Last chance. Say it again or I’m going home.” His voice was gravelly and low, but there was a cocky tone beneath it all, it was unmistakeable. One he held all his life, like he was better than everyone else and frankly.. It’s true. At least here and now.
“Bakug-“ the low growl he let out cut you off. “Okay! Okay! Please fuck me, Dynamight! Please!” Your back arched off the bed slightly when his knee dug harder against you, a broken moan echoing through the room. In a flash, you were face down on the mattress, being basically manhandled as Katsuki yanked you by your hips onto your knees, hand that was once around your throat now fumbling with his belt buckle.
“That’s right, I knew you’d do it. Is this what you wanted, brat? How long have you fantasized about me rescuing your sorry ass and then using your body to make up for the time and effort? How long have you wanted the number 2,” you caught the slightly bitter tone on 2. “To fuck you senseless?” When you didn’t answer beyond a meek little squeak, he grabbed you by the root of your hair, pulling you up by said grip. “I’m getting tired of you playing coy. When I ask you a question, you answer.” He pulled you up a little more, his legs pinning yours while his other hand wrapped around to fondle your breasts.
He held you right against his chest, chin in your neck after he pulled his hand from your hair, sliding it to your jaw and using that as leverage now. He nipped at your earlobe before sucking purple marks into your jaw line.
“All the time, I think about it whenever you get hom-home from work,” you babbled. He chuckled, but didn’t stop his actions. “And when you’re away for days at a t-TIME!” You yellped when he slid some of his fingers into your underwear, targeting your clot and rubbing figure eights into it.
“Keep going..” he hummed, listening to your breathing labor slightly. You weren’t about to disobey when he was finally touching you again, so you continued.
“You’re gone for so long, being a strong hero, protectING people,” your breath hitched and you had to bite your lip to suppress the moan, trying to keep your cool. He always knew how to touch you just right to keep you on your toes.. “You’re the symbol of strength, Dynamight.. How could I not want you to fuck me?” You fell forward, Katsuki’s chest heavy on your back as his fingers slid farther back, prodding at you and finally stretching you open.
“Dirty girl, at least now I know you aren’t just trying to stroke my ego,” he commented degradingly as he felt the wetness on his fingers. You moaned and tried desperately to push your hips against his fingers, only making him stop. “You’ll get it, don’t fucking worry. Be patient.” Not that you could see it, but his voice gave it away. He was taking his time, concentrating, making sure he hit all the right places to make you squirm and moan, which you were. You could picture his face in your mind; Stoick and Calm, an air of authority surrounding him. His jaw clenched, eyes narrowed with the tiniest hint of a smirk on his face. Whenever he made that face, others should be afraid.. It only made you excited.
“Glad you finally learned my name,” he leaned in closer, lips ghosting the shell of your ear. “Because I’m gonna make you scream it all. Night. Long.”
cw // smut, power play, breeding kink, fem!reader + pro hero!bakugou. 18+ mdni.
something about the way your body so easily submits to your hero’s, should humiliate you but even as bakugou’s thick and experienced fingers draw slow shapes into your puffy clit; you can’t bring yourself to feel an ounce of shame. this was exactly what you wanted, to be at the mercy and hands of someone who might as well have been considered a god. no, your god, your dynamight. “a-anything you want, dynamight...” the weight of his hero name is heavy on your tongue and you can feel bakugou’s cock twitch at the base of your spine. “you want me to s-scream, i’ll do it...want my hero so bad.”
each stroke to bakugou’s ego earns you another swipe to your sticky folds that gush at every movement he makes, free hand roaming the expanse of your chest and pinching your pebbled nipples. “your hero, huh?” that same air of confidence from earlier returns to the pro hero’s voice as his cock that was once pressed flush against your back, slides through your glistening folds. all you can do is nod and clutch at the marred hands that hold you up, knowing that if bakugou were to move you would collapse right onto the sheets. “‘course i’m your hero baby, no one else would wanna save a slut like you. not when you’re in the shape of my cock. you want it so badly, you put yourself in danger for my attention, for cock plunged deep in that pathetic lil cunt of yours, right baby?”
his sharp words shoot straight your core, clamping around nothing but gushing over the man who holds you to his chest. you can feel the hitch in his breath and see the smirk in his voice as your beloved hero degrades you down to the needy little thing you truly are. bakugou takes his time; grinding his cock against your dripping heat, pawing at every part of your body exposed to him just to get a rouse out of you. it works, but you barley have time to grind against him before he’s grabbing your hips to still you—leaving your sexes to pulse hotly against one another. “‘s all true katsuk—!” you gasp out, tears springing in your eyes, ready to roll down your cheeks at the harsh spank against your tummy, the spark of his quirk flashing gently across your skin. “i-im sorry,” you squirm, apology wet across your lips. “please dynamight, f-fuck me.”
“atta girl, beg me nicely, cry for me like the little bitch you are.” katsuki growls into your ear, finally pushing you face first into the sheets. his weighty girth brushes against your entrance as the pro hero presses himself against your back— easing into you at last. the pair of you grown at the stretch as the blonde sits within your soaked, velvety walls, easily allowing you to suck him in. he gropes at your ass, using the flesh to pull you back onto his cock as he sets an unrelenting pace. the world goes black, stars aligning your vision as your idol fucks you into the mattress without showing any signs of easing up on your abused little cunt. “wanna keep being my good girl? then beg me to fill you up with my cum...wanna see it drip down those cute fucking thighs of yours.”
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Reader w/ wings headcanons(Markiplier Alter Egos)
ty @fancybootm​ for the request!
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A/N: i just did all of them. every-all-everyone. Except Yandereplier, Silver Shepard, Ed Edgar... maybe others I’m not aware of at the moment... I tried to stick with a certain number of egos, but my hands just... they just kept moving. It is 11:00 pm when im writing this ya boy is TIRED. there are 1.6k words. It seems longer than it is bc bullet points. Bear with me. You can find the egos that you want easily. The reader is gender neutral. i am so sorry if this is not what you meant lol. on the bright side this is a good reference for all the egos i am open to writing for(also maybe others idk) so uh im keeping it enjoy. I’ll say... a T rating for cursing and also a bit of violence but literally like 20 words. mentions of injury. that’s it.
Requests are open!
Y/N(reader) with wings hcs
No one knows what the fuck you are, not even you
Ya got wings. That’s it.
Are you an angel? A faery? A phoenix? Who knows
You woke up one day in a forest remembering nothing
But you had wings
And then you got shot with an arrow
You ran away and hid in a cave
Darkiplier spends most of his time around you studying you
To see what you could possibly be
He still doesn’t know
He’s settled for calling you a “cryptid”
He’s slightly annoyed with the feathers you leave around the manor
He won’t tell you bc you can’t control that and it’d be rude
You read together in his study on occasion
You sit on the floor bc your wings get uncomfortable in chairs
In sympathy, he also sits on the floor
You think it’s sweet
You told him so and he sputtered out a “shut up and read your book”
He’s fairly fond of you
You’re good company to keep around
Wilford was the one who found you
He was walking through the forest, as one does, when he saw GIANT feathers
Naturally, he followed them
He found you in a cave with an arrow in your shoulder
He took you back to the manor and patched you up
He begged Dark to keep you there
He promised not to kill anybody for a month
He made it 15 days, which is a record
He’s very protective of you, not letting you out a lot since uh… hunters
You are his Sweet Little Songbird, light of his life, wind in his sails, 
if anything happens to you he will kill everyone in the manor and then himself
He helps you preen a lot
His hands are very gentle, surprisingly 
He spends the most time with you out of everyone
You play games, talk(well, he talks to you), and just hang out
He loves and adores you with his whole heart
Actor tolerates you, or so he says
He’s jealous of your wings
HE’S supposed to be the mysterious, sexy one!
But ok, yeah, you’re pretty interesting
He uses you in short films sometimes bc… well… wings
There are alot of things you can do with wings, surprisingly
He took you out into town one night
He shoved the wings under a thick jacket
You guys bought some clothes and food
He cut holes in the clothes for your wings, grumbling about a “waste of money” and “you never go out anyway” 
but he enjoyed spending a bit of time with you
Wilford nearly killed him(again) when he found out
He likes venting to you bc you just nod without really listening
As I said, you’re good company
Yancy thinks you’re nice
He felt a bit… threatened at first
Ya got WINGS, of course he’s cautious
But they are very pretty
And he likes to use you in choreography
People always comment on how realistic the wings are as Yancy leads you away
You don’t judge him for killing his parents, he likes that about you
You don’t know. You could’ve done something bad. You don’t remember
He likes cuddling bc you wrap your wings around him and he feels safe
He also helps you preen… sometimes… 
He’s… really bad at it...
You like listening to him sing
He sings you lullabies at night
You’re very close
Illinois is very fascinated with you
He’s convinced you’re a fairy
He’s seen quite a few of those
You tell him you don’t know, and he goes “a LiKeLy StOrY”
He likes drawing you
You’re very angelic
“Oh, maybe an angel then…” He says, like an idiot
He takes you with him on a few adventures to fly him over pits and stuff
He’d never admit it but he has a… THING about heights
It’s called a phobia, you egotistic maniac
You try to help him with it
You never get that far off the ground before he’s screaming to be put down
He appreciates the effort
He gives you things he finds on adventures that are pretty or remind him of you
He infodumps to you about curses, and archaeology, and adventuring, etc.
Magnum is uh… well, he’s Magnum
He figures you’d be useful out at sea
You can find nearby land, ships, or treasure by flying, of course
He didn’t take into account the fact that you don’t really… fly that often.
So it turned into you just stretching your wings instead of looking for loot
Once you fell overboard
Everyone was like “eh, they can fly, it’s fine”
Then they realized that you probably can’t since your wings might be wet
Magnum LEAPED into the fuckin water and THREW you back on
He doesn’t take you on the sea as much anymore
sometimes you talk about life, treasure, love, y'know the usual
He’s very Father Figure-ly
Bim isn’t sure how to feel about you
You are a person. With wings. What’s he supposed to do about that
He’s friends with Wil, so has to tolerate you at least.
He tries to make conversation, but it doesn’t always go as well as it could
You don’t have much to talk about, and some of his topics worry you
Mostly you two just kinda… exist in the same general area
Sometimes he’ll discuss what he should do on his show
You don’t have many ideas
But you’ve gotten an idea of what it is, and sometimes give a suggestion or two
He appreciates you for that
He tried to get you on the show once but Wilford refused
You kinda wanted to, but whatever
You’ll hang out sometimes too
He’s very entertaining, he has to be
Eric is kind of scared
Not that you’ll hurt him, that he’ll hurt you
That happens a lot to people he likes…
He eventually starts hanging out around you
You don’t ask bad questions, and you distract him from his dad
He talks about animals with you a lot, and how he wanted a farm
You bought a cowboy hat and gave it to him and he cried
You also gave him a stuffed cow one day
He hugged you for a long time
You two cuddle a lot bc the boy needs SAFETY and SECURITY
You wuv each other(platonically or otherwise)
Dr. Iplier doesn’t bother you, mostly
He appreciates that you keep to yourself
He has his work, that’s what he’s focused on
Sometimes he’ll see you when you try to find Wilford or get some food
He tries to get a good look at you without looking suspicious
It doesn’t work, he always falls over
He once gave you a “physical”
It was mostly to just figure out what you were
You seemed mostly human based on the results
But goddammit you had WINGS
They had their own function but were sort of like an add-on to your body
He was slightly disappointed you weren’t gonna… turn into a whole bird
You tolerate each other
Google fuckin’ hates you
He’s completely perplexed by you
Which he is never because he is the most intelligent being on the planet
So he assumed he could figure out what you were
Turns out google fucking sucks at figuring out things people don’t already know
So he hates you. Like a lot
He’s tried to kill you multiple times
But his objective is to destroy MANKIND
You are not included in that
Also Wilford almost killed him for it
So yeah he just kinda hates you
You’ve tried to get along with him but he just wouldn’t
He finally talked to you when Bing called him a little bitch
Still hates you, but can tolerate your existence now
Bing fuckin’ adores you
You are just wonderful to him
You can FLY??!! You have WINGS???!!!!!
You don’t really care that he is an artificial BEING????!!!!!!!!
You’re perfect
He does Sick Tricks™ to try to impress you
They never do
You appreciate the effort
You don’t see him a lot, but when you to it’s very entertaining
He taught you how to skateboard
You kinda sucked but he’s very supportive
He likes just hanging around you
It’s the only time he ever chills the fuck out
Everyone’s thankful to you for that
Your entire dynamic is “what if... i put... my minecraft bed... next to yours? haha just kidding... unless?”
The Host doesn’t really care about the wings??
I mean, he can’t see them, so… what’s the big deal
You appreciate that
He still does the uh… narration thing… with real people…
The stories end better now
You convinced him to make the stories end better
You sat with him to make SURE the stories end better
He also started writing novels recently
You help with plot and character development
He appreciates that
The Jims… don’t really care about you
I mean you’re interesting, of course
But they physically Cannot get a clear picture of you
Even if you agree to sit still, it just doesn’t happen
It is always, ALWAYS blurry
They eventually give up and leave you alone
They do spend a bit of time with you
You help them with demon episodes sometimes
You don’t do much, but they like the emotional support
King of the Squirrels is… well, he’s him
He doesn’t… he doesn’t do much
He hangs out with his squirrels. That’s pretty much it.
You just started hanging out with him one day
He didn’t mind
You two feed the squirrels while sitting by a tree
He lets you wear his crown sometimes
He draws his squirrels, and lets you see the pictures
He teaches you how to draw them
You two don’t talk, really
You just sit. And hang out.
He doesn’t really smile, but you can tell when he’s happy with you
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how do u handle ur social anxiety? ive been struggling a lot with it lately to the point ive sorta been breaking down and what better way for advice than to ask someone that comforts u (mun[?] too)
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Mun... might have something more useful for you.
aesops way of coping is probably avoidance but we all know that aint the best way aha. anyway this was one ask i could not stop thinking about because i read it n went (john mulaney voice) Huh my anxiety never got so bad till a break down, n then it happened to me a few days later. i do find this funny yes
anyway, the most useful thing ive learnt to handle my social anxiety (not entirely tho but its a good start) is to identify which trains of thought is Social Anxiety tm speaking so u can immediately know those r lies. stuff like Oh they’re laughing at me just as I walk by, they’re laughing at me, or Someone else is here, they probably hate me, I should go somewhere else but I cant, aaaaaaaaaaaaa
(if im not wrong,) usually theyre statements that are along the lines of “they hate you” or “you’re wrong”, n they’re based off an irrational fear of others that can be countered using evidence or, well, logic and rationale. things like “No one is keeping a checklist of your mistakes, you’re literally the only one doing that and scrutinizing each one of them, others dont care so much about these things.” (ive found this to be a very good counterargument to use for a lot of situations so im bolding it) or “You wouldn’t think that if someone else messes up, it should be the same for them. And if they say it isnt a big deal, it probably isnt”. for me i usually keep repeating these more logical explanations n counterarguments to myself to kinda quell the social anxiety voice for a bit. i know there are cases that it doesnt work 100%, but its a good start
n if ur also like me who avoids eating/ getting food cos theres human interaction involved, i kinda try to get my friends to drag me out whenever possible. no shame, even a simple “hey lets drop by the convenience store later so i can grab a snack” is better than starving for like. a day or so. its also cos of this whenever i plan my schedule for the day, i see if i can plan it such that its convenient for me to get food for both lunch and dinner (sorry im not one for breakfast aha). n also i find that if i dont like the food (sorry im a very picky eater), i would rather starve than eat, so now im willing to pay a bit more for food i like n will eat
or just having someone else to talk to about these kinds of things, and kinda having a second opinion of “was that weird of me” or “should i have done that” with someone (ppl give advice better to others than to themselves aha) really helps, i think. u could probably also ask for advice maybe (like this? XD) ((after i had a small meltdown that day i went to my boyfriend’s to complain for an hour n honestly that helped me to release a lot of distressed energy n its better than stewing in it for the rest of the day + i got some advice that i slowly worked on when i was feeling up to it enough))
im also still kinda bad at small talk with strangers, especially ppl whom i just met. i find a small trick to this (that again does not work all the time) is to try to find a relevant topic (background is also fine i guess, depends on context), n as they answer find something about their answer that u can branch off into another topic. it could be a personal anecdote that is remotely related to that topic, it just gives u things to talk about aha (eg someone saw me drawing n commented that one of their friends also draws, n i started talking about how i used to get really bad grades in art class. which wasnt quite the topic but it worked). n when ur ending ur turn to talk, try to have something that the other person can comment on/ answer. having said that, this is hard if the other person is equally awkward/ doesnt give u much to branch off on from their replies (i mean they really only answer your question n rarely elaborates unless prompted. eg “what did you have for lunch?” “pasta.” “oh, what kind?” “carbonara.”). then i say its only as awkward as u make it to be, perhaps u would be better off kinda just sitting together in silence. its not weird unless u make it, n not every moment has to be filled with conversation.
thank u so much for this ask by the way, social anxiety is a huge bitch to have n it sucks extra much that a lot of our fears seem incredibly stupid from a “normal” point of view n we are constantly on edge even if we seem 101% fine cos we’re not fine aha. but just know ur not alone in this, n i hope some of these might have helped. 
i guess i should put some sort of disclaimer here, these r just some of my own personal problems n the solutions i have are mostly for me (maybe except for countering the thoughts), so i understand if they might not work for others. so i kinda recommend just sitting down, identifying which aspects social anxiety is affecting n finding a solution that works for u is kinda the best. try out different methods, if they dont work thats alright, if it does then thats great. it takes a lot of time, admittedly i starved myself for a couple of semesters before i found this solution for myself. it also take a lot of constant effort to counter, n to that i wish u all the best, n good luck in finding methods that work for u <3
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wizardcommune · 3 years
aaaaaa i also love urbosa (i’m the previous anon that asked for her ehe) i am just a Little Lesbian who is starved for content... is it too much to ask for sfw alphabet with her? i really don’t think you write her out of character like you worry in the tags :>
urbosa sfw alphabet
a/n - THANK YOU!!! that means so much to hear fndbsngm 
also, i’m so sorry about the wait on this one!! my school’s trimester is ending early so i’ve been trying to raise my grades at mach twenty. i do have a break now though, so i’ll be able to write more frequently!!
pairing - urbosa x reader
warnings - none!!
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a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
urbosa prefers giving verbal affection, and receiving physical affection! she compliments you as often as possible
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
as a best friend, she teases you a lot. she's like a big sister
but like. y’know. not in a weird way,,
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
she does! she’s not an extremely touchy person, but it would be comforting to hold you
her favorite positions are to lay on her back and put your head on her chest or shoulder, or spooning. no matter your height, She Will Always Be The Big Spoon
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
urbosa would still want to lead gerudo town as chieftain, but she’d settle down more in terms of fighting. she wouldn’t want to risk herself as much considering you were there
honestly i feel like urbosa is just That Person who fucking sucks at cooking. she knows it too; she’ll just kind of stare blankly at you in pain if you suggest she cook
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
she would be fine with the idea of commitment! she would want to wait at least a few years before considering marriage. it’s a weighty decision and she doesn’t want to make the wrong choice since it could harm both of you
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
she’s very gentle with you! definitely not as much as someone like mipha, but she’s very careful not to accidentally hurt you
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
urbosa doesn’t hug you often, but she shows physical affection in other ways. i.e. gently pulling you to lean on her when sitting down, keeping a hand on the small of your back, running her hands through your hair (if she can), etc.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
probably a couple months at least? (i've never been in a relationship so is that normal????) 
she’ll say it on a calmer night, when the yiga clan is silent for once and king rhoam hasn’t called for her help. on rare days like these, she’s accustomed to drawing a bath that smells good as hell, so you’ll be really comfy and probably sleepy LMAO
will tell you right before you fall asleep when she’s thinks you aren’t awake!!! once she realizes you are, will 100% give u a forehead kiss 
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
urbosa doesn’t get jealous very often, mainly pissed if someone won’t stop harassing you. she’ll wrap an arm around your waist, and if they aren’t already intimidated (they’d have to be drunk or just have The Audacity) she won’t hesitate to roast tf out of them. if you thought her teasing you was bad, it’s terrifying now. she won’t hold back
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
she honestly doesn’t have a preference on where to be kissed! she likes kissing you on the shoulder, forehead, and hand the most. :))
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
she’s actually really good with kids! even before she became chieftain, she liked hanging out + playing pretend with them
something really cool about urbosa that the kids like is that she treats them with high respect and talks to them like adults!!! (but very sensitive adults at that; she doesn’t tease them much. kids deserve kindness and you bet she’s gonna fulfill that)
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
she prefers long hours of sleep + waking up late. so if it’s a chill day when you’re not needed for anything, she’ll stay with you in bed for hours
if she wasn’t able to sleep as much, she’ll be lowkey grumpy in the mornings until she gets her tea
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
like the mornings, she drinks tea a lot before bed. she gives me jasmine or chamomile tea energy???? idk
long baths are a must, especially since it’s so sandy,,, everywhere,,,,
she’s the type to have a ton of candles and nice soaps and stuff, so she always smells really good before bed
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
pretty early in the relationship! she trusts you enough to talk about things that are bothering her/have in the past. 
although, i’m not sure if she’d talk about zelda’s mother and stuff like that due to privacy reasons. unless zelda herself didn’t express concern over it, she’d keep the details pretty tight
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
unless you’re a yiga member, urbosa’s patience is very thick. i literally cannot think of a time she would get fully mad at you?? 
if you ever put yourself in danger, (especially for her) she would definitely scold you. never angry, though
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
urbosa remembers things even you don’t remember. mainly things you point out at a marketplace or something. 
(on that note, she is absolutely the type to spoil you. you can mention a pretty flower in rito village in passing and she’ll be convincing revali to go get it for you within an hour)
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
very protective!! even if you can fight/are a champion, she’ll subconsciously be protecting you in battle. 
she doesn’t want you to worry about protecting her, honestly. (tbh she lowkey likes when you lean on her for safety)
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
she puts a lot of effort into them!! she actually finds it really fun to get to plan dates and stuff. she loves giving gifts and they are always very well thought out!!
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
bold of you to assume urbosa isn’t perfect
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
she does care about her looks, but only because it makes her feel good!! as long as she looks professional and clean, urbosa could care less about what other people think.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
urbosa is comfortable enough with herself to be okay without a partner, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt. if you ever were to get hurt/leave her, she would be crushed, but she would be able to heal.
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
she hates the cold with a burning passion and anytime she has to go to the tundra, she’s grumpy the whole time
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
i couldn’t think of a partner one, but she’s scared of dogs for some reason. she is a cat person and they lowkey freak her out
z = zzz (what are some sleep habits of theirs?)
even though she has guards, being the chieftain means either of you could be put in danger at any time. because of this, she’s a fairly light sleeper. she’s also pretty protective in her sleep! she’ll pull you close to her and keep a hand on the back of your neck or stomach
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secretsniper2 · 3 years
A Walk in the Park
Morning, another dreary day ahead, usual routine, put my robe on, brush hair and put in ponytail, bit of makeup. Downstairs for something to eat and some coffee when i see it by the front door, a letter. Bit strange, i don't usually get letters but its addressed to me so why not check it out?
“Dear Emma, Our scouts saw you a few weeks ago and we believe you would be a perfect fit for our next event, you'll receive fair compensation for your time and equipment will be provided on arrival. we hope you accept.”
Looking over the letter again its as simple as its written, it even has a address, time and date, 5pm this Friday? well its not like im busy or anything, i was going to go to the movies with some friends but they bailed on me, and my account is getting rather empty.. sounds interesting.
“At least i now have something to DO in 3 days!” i chuckle to myself.
Sitting around the house with nothing to do, i think ill check out this address today while its broad daylight, its on the other side of town so i can walk through the park on the way and have some fresh air.
Sliding out of my robe i opt for a white shirt with black pants, always a good combo and some typical shoes for the park and walk. Busy today as usual as people rush in every direction on their way to wherever they are going, after a few brushes with clearly eager hands with 1 cupping my ass i manage to get to the park and take a breath, “pretty handsy today” i think to myself as i run my hand over my freshly groped ass. Another breath in and i continue away from the hands on crowd and move on.
Its quite impressive, iv walked past this building a few times before but this will be the first time i actually see the inside, its usually for high end events the kind of which id never enjoy, the high arches over the front door, the marble columns and statues lining the outside. what kind of job will it be anyway? im not good with food.
i shrug as i walk back through the park, longer route than i need but its a nice day to wander.
As i sit on a bench i can hear something i dont think iv ever expected to hear in a park, someone is moaning, quiet enough to not draw much attention but loud enough to hear if you get too close.. like me. Curiosity has me by the tits now as i turn to the bushes behind my chair and look around a large tree. Red hair swaying back and forth as right on the other side of the tree some girl is getting fucked, hard by her restricted moans, a red ballgag wedged tight in her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes, the man wont see me if i stay behind the tree but with his eyes closed he couldn't see the girl his cock is ramming.
The girl has some small clamps on her nipples with her blue minidress pulled down under her breasts and pulled up over her hips, its nothing more than a loose corset right now, 6 inch heels padlocked to her feet and a collar locked around her neck. Rose red cheeks almost glowing with heat as her moans escape the gag, on closer look the man has his cock buried not in her pussy, its her ass he is stuffing, her pussy is vacant but there's something covering it that has a few wires running up her back leading to a purple remote.
My adrenaline skyrockets as the man starts looking around for observers but luckily looked away first so i leaned back around the tree and was not gone as far as they knew, my own cheeks red now after watching what's going on, my own pussy pulsing as arousal sets in, i slowly look around the tree and the man is gone, the redhead is still there, on all 4s and shaking in a euphoric bliss.
A hand, grasping my shoulder and neck, squeezing tight my surprise wasted on a sharp inhale rather than a scream for help, im spun around and his eyes are staring daggers into mine, normally i would be thrashing by now but the sheer surprise, this man who was just fucking the other girl places a wet hand over my mouth. fear over the cause for the wetness keeps my lips sealed as my eyes lock to his own. The remaining hand which had spun me around was already working on my pants, pushing under and into my long since wet panties, his large fingers pushing in without a moments hesitation as his knuckle grinds into my clit.
I orgasm, faster than iv ever cum before, what takes minutes for me with my vibrator took this man seconds with 2 large fingers, 2 large fingers which are now moving like pistons as im spun around yet again, my back to him as his hand that was over my mouth leaves his mark on my lips as my neck is grasped. led from behind to the other girl who is now sitting up, blindfold off and eyes gazing at me, my body under the command of another's forceful insistence.
The hand that had been massaging me close to another orgasm withdraws as he trails my own juices up under my shirt and pinches my nipple through my bra. The man commands and the girl responds by crawling up and begins to pull my pants down, white panties soaked and stuck to my pussy in full view to this woman as my pants are pulled down to my knees. A little giggle from the woman reveals shes removed her gag, handing it to the man who then lowers to the ground, my body falling after him, the woman crawling under my pants and looks up, face now between my legs as my panties are dragged aside by her thin fingers.
As i open my mouth to beg her not to continue i see a flash of red and my mouth widens in surprise, the gag the redhead was wearing, biting and drooling on was now buckled into my own mouth, biting instinctively against the situation the man begins pulling my shirt and bra up over my head. Im helpless and exposed, 1 arm from this man is holding both of mine behind my back and i cant beat his strength. His remaining hand cupping my breasts 1 at a time as his friend peals my panties off my pussy.
“She looks so tasty! how much can i have?” the redhead gleefully says like a child talking about chocolate.
“Till i say so” the man responds in a deep throaty voice.
Its all she needed to hear as her face sinks into my sex, her lips locking with my won and her nose presses against my clit, her tongue working my walls over and then sinking in for a better taste.
To say im the loudest moaner would be natural, of course iv never been gagged and eaten out by another woman before, her nose running back and forth as i cum right on her tongue which she slurped up with a desperation iv never seen on anyone before. the sounds of her moaning into my pussy sending shivers up my spine, why couldn't i just ignore the sounds?
Eyes shooting open at the thought, what if someone else is now watching me cum at the tongue of this woman with a gag in my mouth? ill be seen as the pervert here more than these 2! The hand that had been working my breasts moves again, this time to my gagged mouth, covering it easily he pinches my nose as well, i cant breathe! and this woman has doubled her effort, at this rate ill cum for a 3rd time in as many minutes!
Mind begging for air, brain screaming for it as my eyes fall on the mans face, his cold expression telling me that it wont end soon, muscles tensing as my pussy shakes with a tongue and fingers working hard, another orgasm slurped up by the hungry redhead and still the man holds tight, the woman now focussing on my throbbing clit which, till now has only been rubbed by her nose on occasion, hot lips tight at the base as her tongue caresses as she sucks hard.
a 4th orgasm tears through my body, iv never had 4 in a row, most iv had till now was 2 in a row. These 2 are pushing me and they don't care if i break! Air rushes in as the man releases my nose, waiting for the exhale he pinches again, the woman pressing fingers deep inside, my G-spot being massaged as my clit is sucked.
“Enough Cunt” the man says, loud enough to be heard by just us as the woman breaks away from my throbbing pussy, her handiwork was leading me to a 5th, release the man has taken away as the source of pleasure slides out from between my legs with her face glistening in my pleasure, a smile on her face and eyes on mine. the lights dim as im forced to pass out.. not here, with them.
“nooo..” i weakly say into the gag.
Cold, wet, exhausted.. My eyes open and im alone, in a small, secluded alcove of bushes, no one would find her here but why am i here? im in another part of the park entirely! did they really move me while i was unconscious? at least my clothes are all back on, a bit forced, but with a noticeable difference.. my panties are gone, bra too.. my soaked pussy in my pants and rigid nipples rubbing against my shirt, its already chafing and i have barely moved!
“Home is.. that way” i think to myself as i shamble out of the bushes, my pants occasionally making contact with my hypersensitive pussy, my muscles jerk or twitch in response as it takes me 15 minutes to walk 3 minutes with me constantly looking over my shoulders, occasionally looking at others and becoming very aware of my nipples making their presence known to any who would look my way.
Safe, i think. Doors locked as i check the clock on the wall, iv been gone all day! how long was i out? did they do anything to me while i was unconscious? ill have to give my body a look in my room, walking up my stairs i look completely different compared to this morning, my neat hair in a ponytail? now a utter mess, my white shirt not missing a button and my nipples pressing through the thin fabric, my black pants now dirty and panties missing with a soaked pussy just underneath.
Stripping in my room i turn to my mirror, my breasts have bruises, my pussy burning red, clit still throbbing. looking at my soaked pussy my mind drifts back, i could have ran! i could have screamed! but i just watched and wanted and then joined them. was i really that needy? that pent up?
My hand already beating my mind to the punch as my fingers circle my clit, sitting on my bed i fall back as i work hard, my need burning again, harder than usual. My fingers clearly not up to the task i roll over to my bedside table, my toys will scratch this itch as usual, at least to release.
Why? WHY?! why did i enjoy what they did?! the man pinning me with 1 arm and the woman, that redhead, her mouth.. her lips, the skill and determination.. why did i love every second of her attention, rolling over, closing my legs, locking my vibrator against my clit it isnt enough! its always worked before,
“my favourite position and toy have never failed me before” i plead in my head as i curl into a ball as the vibrations stir me into a frenzy, memories of what happened still fresh in my mind, nipples pinched, clit sucked, pussy devoured.
“nnnngh! Cmmmm NNNNNNN” i grunt into my pillow!
why wont it work! i need to, i want to cum! why why whyyy! my mind racing with desire when a thought rose up. Moving my arms behind my back i grab my elbows with my hands and squeeze hard, i bite my pillow and moan as a colossal orgasm tears my pussy to pieces on its way out! the single largest orgasm iv ever had and my arms race to the vibrator and turn it off with tears in my eyes, i know what they did to me.. but what did they do to me?
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Part 2 with da angst
2: Young Ranbob did not understand at all what was going on, infact he refused to believe he ever had anything to do with the sabotages, it was only when Dream took over completely and gave Ranbob enough of his mind to know what he was doing, did he finally accept it. He tried and tried to break Dreams control and get control of his body back, but nothing he did ever really worked, and the more he tried Dream eventually began to punish him, forcing him to stop. He felt aboustely awful, like a failure, a murder, and just a shitty person during all of this. His journal shows basically all of his mental decline, it went from normal, him recording special things during the day, to semi-normal, him expression concern and fear over the sabotages and killings (with some out of place words or sentences here and there appearing half way through, showing Dreams presence), to recordings from someone with obvious mental distress (misspelled words, extreme fear, showing fear of himself, hasty writings and drawings, very obviously out of place sentences (their neater than the rest and written differently, written by Dream), and meaningless words and sentences, obviously trying to say something but not knowing how too), all they way to flipping entries of when Ranbob is in control (sadness, despair, hasitly done, regret, and just heavy sentences) to when Dream is in control (Neat writing, stating "facts", showing a level of glee). Ranbob does still have it, he actually still uses it to record what happens in the groups and how far he's come. To the Gladiators its more of a "Hey I found this thing, lets read this thing." "No let's not read the thing." "Im going to ignore you and read it anyway.". The pictures are from the current ruined state of the City of Mizu, and pictures showing Ranbob at the fishermens house, struggling to walk and even eat on his own, though a few are from before Dream ever got a hold of Ranbob. 
3: The way you just said "Causally drops some trauma on them, huh?" And "Traumatized gremlins" made me laugh so much. Its so accurate and made me just think of the brothers vibing toghere before I just pop in and drop tons of trauma on them before dipping. "Ah, damn, the opponent stared me in my chest." "WHY ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS!? YOUR BLEEDING OUT!" "Oh im used to this. Trust me I'll survive...probably." "RAN I SWEAR!". And "Ranbob when did you last eat?" "Uhhh, 2 days ago I think." "..." "D-did I eat too soon? I dont have to eat for another day or two max-" "Ranbob shut up and eat." "B-but-" "If you dont eat I'll tell Benjamin." "OK ok I'll eat."  Ran thinks its normal to get stabbed often, while Ranbob thinks its normal to only eat every 2 or 3 days, and to not sleep for a long time. There is one particular hunter that's been hunting him the longest, they go by Raq and are the most determined to get Ran, though they don't plan on killing him, but rather kidnapping him and exploting him for pearls. It was a bit hard at first, Ran kept having to leave to wander around the City for a bit, though he eventually successfully got accustomed to staying in one place, though he does sometimes wish he could travel again. 
4: A bit of everything, him getting violent and trying to run at first. But after that it fades more into what resembles a depressive state, with him refusing to move and crying while being lost in his head. He requires space to move around but be monitored in the first state, while for the second he needs constant comfort and physical contact. The aftermath was the fishermen and Jackie staying close to Ranbob for the next 2 days, while Grievous and Watson try to find Ran after he stormed off in anger and disbelief. Ran does know what a relapse means, but during the time he believes Ranbobs relapse might be something else (like his facade faulting maybe).
5: Not long at all, while Ran is carrying Jackie and Cletus makes fun of them as Ranbob is following him, Jackie quickly points out how Ranbob is like a lost puppy, and the same thing is basically happening to the two of them, but showed different ways. (The brothers making sure their family is safe by sticking close to them).
6: By the time they travel to Subbin, Ranbob has gained like 80 pounds and is a way more healthy weight and looks much more healthier than when the fishermen first found him. 
7: Their usually either getting materials, looking around the area/exploring, being taught things by someone, or sleeping. Charles was the one who revived the nickname! He called him that when trying different tactics to calm him down from a nightmare, Ranbob immediately froze and after a while started to cry, Charles panicked but Ranbob quickly comforted him, saying he just hasn't heard Bobby used in such a long time and brings back both incredibly happy and incredibly sad memories. And with permission, Charles starts using it more. Ran also freezes when hearing it, immediately going ridged and almost ripping a map he has in his hands, when asked by Grievous what was wrong, he just growled out nothing and moved on. Though he does mull over it later, conflicting emotions running all over him. 
8: Helping separate Ran and Ranbob was already big for the gladiators. As most people would just watch with glee. Then when they get time to talk and make the connection between Ran and Ranbob, they decide to make a exception and willingly put in effort to bond with the other group. Also them just naturally connecting made the bonding and trust easy between the groups. 
9: They do both! They keep some books, pictures, and other stuff, but sell others as relics. Ranbob mostly disapproves of them selling the items, but also knows it'll probably be best to sell them, and have them either spread the story of Mizu as a warning, or have the story of Mizu destroyed by assumptions and twisting of the story. 
10: I'm thinking maybe a Wilbur decendent is inhabiting a certain town, and when the groups stop in for a break, Wilbur decendant  houses them and listens to their story, and tries to help?
11: They mostly just find them, they either find them in book stores or ruined towns and cities (maybe I can put The Masquerade tale in here somewhere), a wide range of people, from scholars to plain history nerds, to books from during the time of the SMP itself to books written by seemingly no one. Ranbob finds some himself, mostly when exploring with the group. I think I misworded this! Dream is the one who compared Ranbobs journal to Ranboos memory book! Ranbob knows of Ranboos memory book but he himself doesn't see the connection. Ran feels all of the above. He is extremely ashamed and disappointed in himself for hurting his brother, he hugs him tightly and apologizes non-stop, promising to make it all up to him, and while he asks for forgiveness he also says he doesnt expect for his brother to forgive him. Once he finally sees Dream for real though he's the first one to blindly attack and try to kill em. Though he doesnt succeed. 
12: No one expect the brothers where outside in the rain when they fought. So no one knew of what was happening. Its only when Ran finally joined them, but alone, did they get scared and alarmed. And when Ran admits they got into a fight and Ranbob ran off, the fishermen immediately start yelling at Ran and run off to find Ranbob, screaming his name into the deafening thunder. Grievous follows them but Watson and Jackie hang back a bit, Jackie just looks at Ran with a heartbroken expression, tears in his eyes, and asks, with his voice shaking and laced with sadness, "Why can't you at least try to accept him, you dont have to like or forgive him, but why can't you just let him heal?" "Jackie..you dont know what's he done-" "I do know! And I'm willing to help him change and recover! You can't and your his brother! What kind of family member are you?" Ran tries to respond but Jackie just chokes and shakes his head at him, running off to follow the others. Watson then speaks up, simply saying "Mate, your doing more than hurting Ranbob at this point." Before running off to follow and join the others. Ran feels horrible, even before being confronted he so badly wanted to chase after Ranbob, but was to scared too and he constantly was trying to reassure himself that he did the right thing, but no matter what, he couldn't convince himself that was the truth. And after the confrontation, Ran is taking what was said to heart and also considering running away, leaving the group behind and sparing them of all the pain he believes he causes, believing that he's just as bad a family member as Ranbob was. But he doesnt, because he feels like he absolutely needs to talk to his brother and everyone else. 
2: Oh god. Poor Ranbob. He really went through it. It does make me wonder, did anyone notice something was up? His mentor? Parents? Friends? Speaking off, what was his relationship with them all? From what I know, he seemed to be under a lot of pressure, so how did that effect things, and how did Dream’s presence change that? And uh, gladiators reactions to reading the diary? Also, did they get caught reading it, or? And how did everyone in general react to the pictures? The fishermen may have taken the latter, but how did they feel about seeing Ranbob before Dream came into the picture?
3: I tell it like it is, glad to hear it’s made you laugh though. And uh, oh boy. On one hand, I definitely shouldn’t laugh at stabbing and possible starvation. One the other. Ran’s reaction. Ranbob being threatened with Benjamin. Is he often threatened with Benjamin? What exactly happens if Benjamin is told? Will Raq be causing future problems? Is Ran happy to be on the road again?
4: That sucks. Did the gladiators witness it first hand, or did the fishermen kind of realize what was happening and split off for a bit? Reactions to either seeing or hearing this happen?
5: Ranbob’s reaction to this? Heck, all of the fishermen’s reactions?
6: As he should. If he ever starts looking even slightly thin again, Benjamin needs to jump into immediate action! Also, give him a blanket and warm drink, please? Please, he needs it, they all do. 
7: So not too bad, that’s good. Charles was the one, huh? Interesting. Does Ranbob like having it back? And conflicting emotions, hmm? What would those emotions be? Does anyone ever notice the nickname makes him mad? 
8: So the gladiators consider that their big approval? Why’s that? Like obviously, they helped break it up, but was it something particular? Did they get between the two? Jump into the arena? What?
9: A warning of Mizu...there’s something awfully tragic about that. 
10: Sounds interesting! In what way would they be able to help? 
11: Scattered about, hm? So Ranbob knows about Ranboo’s memory book? Did Dream tell him, or did Mizu have a copy, or? And yay, Ranbob finally gets a hug! Most wonderful! Sad Ran doesn’t succeed in murder, but meh. Always next time, I suppose.
12: You...you were really going for my heart when you wrote this, weren’t you? Um, first of all, ouch. Second of all, also ouch. That’s all I’ve got for you right now. Just, ouch, Anon. Ouch.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Trophy chapter four
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Warnings: Adult Themes Dubcon,Controlling Behaviour, Swearing, Smut +18 Only
Chapter 0ne Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter five Chapter Six
Your escape doesn’t go as planned as Henry reveals just how much power he truly has.
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You were just over a week into your 'stay' at Henry's manor and had just about had enough. Youd spent the last few days in a constant fit of frustration. I had become very clear in the first few days that you were nothing more than a toy, a doll for him to coo over and manipulate. Or maybe a better way to discribe it was the girl in a childs music box being made to dance when ever the owner decided to open the lid. Either way you felt trapped used and helpless, at first he made sure you spent as much time as possible together taking you to the office when he had to work, sitting you on the sofa with a book or parade you around the house.
After that he would put you in what became your daily cell tho never alone if he wasnt with you kal was. Day after day you were left in here a freshly decorated room that youd heard the guards refer to as the play room, it was like a large airy living room like somthing from pintrest a plush looking corner sofa around a light coffee table,large tv on the wall above the fireplace with games consoles neatly tucked away,two floor to ceiling book cases either side ,there was a cabinet full of dvds and games behind the sofa opposite there was a sideboard filled with sketch books, pens and pencils ect and a two seat small dining table sat between the two cabinets. The room was a mix of soft pale pinks and blues and was chock full of soft furnishings pillows and various blankets draped here and there and huge faux fur rug . The window was locked being ground level ,that was the first thing you checked when left alone ,not that you'd get far across the gravel drive he had made a point not to give you shoes. The saying bare foot in the kitchen sprung to mind.
He would visit you when you were in here at lunch forcing you to eat with threats of spanking sometimes worse. Being treated like a child was wearing thin and to be quiet honest you were becoming scared,finding it easier to go along with his insanity, you called him daddy without a thought somewhere in the back of your mind you knew it was wrong but after just over a week he had managed to drum it into you. It was frighteing just how quickly you could be conditioned you had to get out soon. He was overbearing always helping himself to you, kissing ,touching and generally trying to act as if you were a couple until you did something he didnt like then it was back to threats and reality hit.
Today was slightly different you woke up curled on your side his henry lazily running his finger through your hair you squinted rubbing your eyes as he leant over kissing your shoulder before running hi hand across your tummy spreading out his fingers and pulling you back against his crotch, he rocked against your bottom groaning quietly into your hair as you felt his cock springing to life he grinded harder against you before shuffling pinning you flat on your back straddling you pulling your legs to rest either side of his hips you whined in protest trying to shuffle from under him when he pulled you down tight against him he just tilted his head raising and eyebrow. The warning was clear behave. He rubbed against your mound sliding his cock along the seam pf your pussy. You closed your eyes tight already feeling the arousal build inside of you dreading what was to come, you couldnt help how your body reacted you tried to just let him get on with it but each morning he managed to coax you into participating a little more, not letting you distance yourself any longer. He grunted low i his throat as he pumped himself against you resting his weight on his hips one hand cuped the top of his cock squeezing it against you as he pushed it against your clit. You gasped as you felt his throbbing cock against you pulling high pitched moans and whines as you bit your lip trying to keep quiet. He chuckled
"Oh fuck... thats it baby girl ...come on let daddy hear you." You shook your head back and forth as your pussy weeped onto him soaking both of you you found your self panting hard when he groaned grabbing one of your hands replacing his over his cock you tried pulling away and he growled at you.
"Stay still baby.... fuck thats it good girl.. your so good for daddy" he groaed deep as he sped up before leaving wet open mouthed kisses on your collar bone then kissed up to your lips trying to pry your mouth open you turned your head away. He sighed moving his hand into the boxers that you wore finding your swollen clit flicking and pinching harshly causing you to buck and cry out, he quickly took the opportunity to invade your mouth tasting your tongue sucking you into a passionate kiss he let go of your hand placing his hand pressing your knee up to your torso spreading you out for him rubbing his cock faster with jerky thrusts skimming your opening with every movement you gripped the sheets twisting them as you felt your walls trying to clench onto him desperate for him to fill you you rocked back against him looseing yourself in him as he smothered you he released your mouth biting down on your neck leaving a mark alongside yesterdays. You became hot, to hot as you flushed under him chasing your own end grinding up against him
"Oh! oh god please! Please i cant" you babbled incoherently as he repositioned his hand thumbing your clit and thrusting into you harshly with his fingers bouncing your body across the bed you let out a load moan as his hand worked furiously rubbing amd curling his finding your soft spot befor zeroing in and running his fingers harshly across it you cired bucking out at him unsure of you wanted hi to go faster or get off your climax built and he chuckled as your clamped down on his fingers to the point of pain
"Aww baby you want to cum dont you? Thats it good girl so good is it to much?" he didnt relent still masaging that spot you nodded and cried tears falling down your face you couldnt breath it was to much
"Then cum, its ok you can cum, cum for daddy ,all over daddies fingers" you hated how his wods pushed you over the edge and even then he didnt stop he seemed to double his efforts when you arched violently with a silent scream gushing over his fingers he continued moving draggin out your orgasm he moved higher running the underside of his cock across your mound with stuttering hips.
"Oh..OH shit YES YES fuck! OH GOD Little one fuck" he let out a long gruntle moan as he finished spraying cum up your front you both laid there panting. Shame washed over you like it had done every morning he did this. You felt dirty and used he rolled on his side tucking you in his arms kissing your head praising you for how good you were and telling you how much he loved you as you curled ijto him wetting his tinto him overwhelmed. After a few moments the saddness past and you laid stock still against him as he pulled you to lie across him head on his chest stroking your hair once again.
"Iv got to go out today pet. I trust youll be good whne im gone and if your lucky I'll get you a treat" you froze at his words gojng out... that meant youd be alone the thlught filled you with dread and anticipation.
"If your naughty you will regret it when i get back."you both laid there for what felt like hours he wouldnt let you move. Tho he finally let out a breath and ushered you to the bath room showering with you. After getting dressed and having breakfast he left and you noticed he didnt put you any where. You dread to think what he was doing. But you were left the run of the house. So here you sat in the kitchen alone in the huge house apart from the security he kept on site. 'This was it.. or was it a test?..' you raced to the living room window and watched an expensive car leave the gates at the bottom of the drive as it dissapeared behinde the wall that clossed off the property. You debated in your head if he was just waiting to see if you were going to try and run or not. You had to try, somthing was happening to you here ,you didnt like how complacent you were getting with him. It was cruel really the only person that was aloud to interact with you was him, you find yourself almost craving him, you enjoyed his praise lapping it up liike a love sick school girl.
Deciding that this may be the last time you could escape before it was to late you walked into the kitchen slowly as not to alert anyone to your plan even tho your heart was racing ten to the dozen. Quickly and quietly you pulled a small packet of plasters from one of the draws. Throught out your stay you learnt a few things all the doors leading outside and your 'play room' had pressure alarms built in you'd set one off on your forth day trying to get out into the garden resulting in another painfull and very embarassing spanking in the kitchen then experienced your first corner time, the other thing you learnt were all the guards had shifts and patrol routes the house ran like clockwork youd freighed interest in him and he'd waffled on about how it wasnt all bad and he'd take you out when you'd acclimated to your new life then boasted about the cars he had in the basment garage but you'd 'never get to drive one as driving these fast cars is to dangerous for his baby girl'. Tho you hadnt made a thing of it you kept the information locked away youd been behaving hopeing he would let down his gaurd. Once you got the plasters you put them in the pocket of your cardigan and grabbed a butter knife hooking it in the back of your jeans wedging it just under the tight waist band.
"What are you still doing in here? Get to the playroom" you screamed in suprize as the voice came out of no where you spun round faceing the man and nodded walking past him quickly.
"Wait. What have you been doing in here?" He said grabbing your arm pulling you to a stop you huffed tugging your arm.
"Let go i havent done anything" you twisted around as he patted you down you froze mouth going dry as you thought he was going to find the knife in your jeans he didnt instead his hands found the packet of plasters the cocked an eyebrow
"Im doing some crafts today these are incase i get a paper cut...im clumsy and tthought i should take a pack the keep in there just incase" he eyed you for a few seconds befor smirking at you
"So the princess was sneaking about for some plasters, im suprised you werent trying to sneak candy, would be more fitting for his baby girl." He laughed as you glared at him venomously
"Fuck you ,you cunt" you spat in his face he growled before grabbing your arm in a bruising grip dragging you out of the kitchen down the hall as you screamed at him, a few others poked their heads around to watch asking what was wrong as you were dragged down the hall once outside your day room he stopped pressing a card to the reader next to the handle disarming the door and answered their qeustioning stares.
"Nothing just a temper tantrum im sure she will regret later when Boss finds out." He turned back to you.
"He might even make a show of it, i wouldnt mind seeing her bent over" you growled as he opend the door throwing you in , grunting as you landed hard on the floor he whistled for kal and let the dog enter behind you befor shutting the door arming the device again. Shaking away tears in your eyes as you heard then others laugh about how theyd love to see 'a piece of that ass' kal sat beside you nudging you for a cuddle you hugged him breathing deep nuzzling his thick fur, he was the only company you enjoyed here after snuggling with him a few minuets you pulled away putting your plan into action you got out suome supplies fro the art cupborads scattering them hear and there to make it look like you had been drawing, hopefully if anyone came in and found you missing they would assume that you had asked one of the others to let you use the bathroom as the ensuite to this room wasnt finished. You aproached the door pulling out the knife and lowered it to the door handle, the worst thing about this system was that you werent technically locked in, the door opend but set off an alarm that was indicated by a small red flashing light on the card reading panel. Breathing deep you pulled out a plaster removing the tabs on it sticking oneside to your finger. Gentle you pulled down on the handle until you couldnt anymore easing the knife alongside the door pushing on the plate you pivoted your body opeing the door enough to get your hand in the gap and stuck the plaster over the bottom of the pressure plate securing it down. Holding your breath you waited a few moments before summerizing that it had worked when noone came rushing down the hall you quickly slipped thrpugh the door catching kal befor he could make his way out and shut the door fully. You blinked then jumped for joy you could bearly see the edge of plaster on the frame. Quickly you jogged to the end of the hall ducking low realising that not having shoes might be a god send as you were almost silent as you moved you got another plaster ready on your hand as you ducked and dived behind the counters in the kitchen making your way around to the door Henry had left through.'it must have been to the garage' you though you made quick work of the door not waiting to see if the alarm had set off as you heard foot steps coming your way you slipped through the door closing it behinde you and ran down the stairs into a large garage on the left there was lots of hooks with keys on them you toke shaky breaths scanning them befor looking over the cars there must have been about eleven in total ranging from massive range rovers to calssy two seater sports cars. 'I need on that can blend in, a hatch back or somthing, maybe a saloon' you thought running down the line of cars the most normal looking one was a Jag you quickly ran to the keys looking for a set with the same logo as the car finding two you grabbed them both pushing unlock on one set seing another car across light up you threw them on the floor using the other one to unlock the car getting in quickly you felt your tummy tie itself in knots turning on the ignition and pulled the seat forward you put on your seatbelt out of habbit then dojng a small cheer when you saw it was an automatic you put it in drive wincing as it growled to life louder then it needed to be you pulled it up to the garage door and it opend you pulled it forward going up the bank once at the top you saw a gaurd stopping staring befor shouting out to the others.
"Dont let the gate open!!" You panicked and floored it the car took off down the drive skidding you a stop near the gate the instantly began rolling open. On gaurd was sprinting down the drive behinde you. You looked down for a button to look the doors finding it by the window controls you flicked it on and heard the click at all four doors locked lokking up you saw the gate had stopped half way you spun the wheel throwing the scar around squeezing the car throuh the gate clipping the wing mirror off in the process putting your foot down you gave a triumphant shout as you tore down the road away from that house. Leaning back into the seat relaxing as you made yourway towards the town, it was the only way to get to the motorway that would lead out of the area. You wiped tears from your eyes as as relief flooded you sobs wracked your body the drive to the town took longer than you thought it would and you were suspicious as no one had chased you from the house and had spent the whole drive flinching at every car that pulled up behind you. Pulling up to a round about you stopped recognising the area deciding to take a less busy route pulling off to the outskirts of town you parked up into a superstore looking threw the car for money finding a few £20 notes a tap at the window you screamed turning it was a police officer you gulped looking in the rearveiw mirror seeing a squad car pulled up behind you blocking you in, he indicated for you to roll down the window.
"Yes can i help you?" You asked trying to sound normal
"Miss did you realise your missing a wing mirror?" You followed his gaze and smiled meekly. Getting a bad feeling in your gut.
"Yes, its my boyfreids car i borrowed it and hit a sign back there im going to book it in now hopefully get it done and he wont find out i hurt his baby" you ended with a chuckle patting the steering wheel he didn't look convinced and motioned for his colleague to join him
"Uh huh, so are you insured to drive this car? Sure you didnt hit another car?" You shook your head
" Well i hope im insured he said hed made me a name driver and no i didnt hit anyone, the car caught me by suprize i hadnt realised how much oommf it had and still getting used to the size its a bit wider then mine." You explained hoping you were convincing enough he smiled the held out his hand to you.
"Can i see your licence?" You froze then pretended to look around the car for it
"Oh shit i dont have my bag on me sorry can i give you my name instead and you can look it up on the system?" You pleaded hoping that he would let this one go
"So you dont have your purse on you? When your taking his car to the garage to get it fixed?.... yeah im gonna have to ask you to step out of the car now." He said moving back from the door you looked behind you panicking there was no way to pull out.
"Wh-what? Why?" You cried out as he put his hand in the car opeing the door
"No! No you cant do this you dont understand please!" You shouted at him as he undid your seatbelt pulling you out of the car cuffing your hands behind your back reading you your rights.
"Your under arrest for car theft,careless driving and driving with out insurance , you have the right to remain silent anything you do say can harm your defence and used in court ,Call it in we found Mr cavills car" you froze, hed called in that his car had been stolen. He used the police to track you. You wailed twisting against him as you realised why no one had chased you, he was using the police to bring you back to him.you cried as he dragged you to the squad car.
"NO! You dont understand he kidnapped me! Please you have to let me go! He's mad he locked me up please you have to help me." You kicked out as he forced you into the back seat on the car slamming the door you sobbed in the back seat as they locked up the jag and got in the front of the car.
"Please do make me go back i dont know what he'll do" you cried pitifully they sighed looking at you threw the plexiglass.
"Im sorry love there's nothing we can do for you... i wish there was but its our asses on the line" then he started the car driving towards the station. It wasnt long befor you found yourself in a cell heavy metal door between you and your escape laying on the bed crying and terrified of whats to come. Panicking everytime you heard foot steps down the hall thinking it was him. It was over an hour later when you jumped as the heavy lock on your door opened with a loud bang revealing a calm looking Henry standing beside a sympathetic looking officer he shooed them away.
"Give us a minute" he didnt take his eyes off you as he stepped into the room seemed to take over the small space you shuddered backing away from him sending a pleading look to the officer who ingored you and left.
"Well pet have you got that out of your system now?" He said crossing the cell in large strides his suit jacket hung over one arm that was in his pocket. You shook your head crying
"Pl-please im sorry i-i had to" you flinched as he brought his hand to your face. Smoothing back your hair
"Sshhh shh its ok now everything is going to be fine" he calmed you pulling his outher hand up wiping your tears away before for twisting his fist in your hair you yelped clawing at his hand trying to relieve the pain in your scalp.
"You've been a very very naughty girl havent you?" He tugged your hair back forcing you to look at him still wiping your face with his other. It summed him up caring and kind yet brutal and cruel. He grinned a sadistic grin
"I should let you know that im not pressing charges, what kind of boyfreind would i be if i did?" He teased you letting you know he was told your cover story you cried in pain as he dragged you the few steps towards him forcing you onto your tip toes
"STOP! Please Henry your hurting me!" He tutted at you looking at his watch
"Three hours away from the house and were back to Henry? What happened to Daddy? Well it doesnt matter i hope now you realise that there is no escape. You cannot run or hide from me love i have eyes everywhere." He lowerd you back down releasing your hair clutching you to his chest trapping you in a strong grip as you sobbed shaking like a leaf more out of anxiety then anything else.
"Shh shh. its ok little one... i know its been a scary day getting out , nearly crashing into the gate and then being arrested? its all going to be ok, now that you've got this out of your system you can finally settle at home. Ihave been waiting for this little blow up from you i was beginning to think the gun fiasco was it" His words filled you with dread as you began to sink in this was it for you, that there was no way out, he would find you at some point. Rocking you backwards and forwards with your arms trapped at your side he tucked his nose into your hair kissing it every so often.
"Tho this is probably my fault it was enavitable for you to try and run again, i havent trained you properly yet, not givin you the attention you truly need, but dont worry we will start once we get home. I want you to know daddies not angry, no no he's just dissapointed" he pulled back draping his jacket over your shoulders.
"I hope you know that your still in serious trouble when we get home young lady i warned you this morning that youd regret playing up" he murmmerd into your ear as he walked you out of the cell down to the reception he didnt hold you because he didnt need to there was nowhere you could go.
"Mr cavill would you sign these ,I assume your not pressing charges?" Henry looked up winking at you
"No no my girlfriend couldnt help herself, she's like a child in that respect no self restraint. Never thinks of her consequences" You shuddered catching the his unspoken threat looking down as tears of humiliation the officer chuckled as Henry said this sighing his name
"Well she does look distraught, dont be to hard on the little thing I'd jump at the chance to drive one of those myself."
Henry laughed out loud drawing some attention from the others in the waiting room
"Oh dont you worry about her, she'll find a way to make it up to me somehow wont you babygirl" he said winding an arm around your waist pulling you against him squeezing his hand painfully tight. You looked down nodding hearing a few snickers and scoffs from women in seats behind you.
"Now apologize to the officer for wasting his time baby." You scowled up at him being met with a shit eating grin opening your mouth to tell him to fuck off thankfully you were interupted.
"Oh now thats not nessasary saving a tiny thing like her from herself isn't wasting time ..I'm glad I could help" Henry smiled at you kissing your cheek feeling please with himself.
"Now isnt that nice sweety. He's happy to help us" you gave a jerky nod as Henry finished the paperwork.
"I will have someone collect the car today" he called over his shoulder as he forced you along side him stopping before he got out of the door.
"Oh baby Wheres your shoes?" He asked smirking at you knowing damn well that he hasnt got you any, you felt the eyes of the other people on you as he shook his head picking you up cradling you recieveing a few awws and judgmental stares from the women. Unable to take it anymore you tucked your face into his neck crying.
"Im sorry please im so sorry i wont do anything like this again". He sighed pushing throught the doors and made his way to the car park climbing into the back or a range rover holding you in his lap as the car began moving.
"Its a little to late for sorry baby, daddy has to punish you for being an extremly naughty little girl. Stealing and damaging daddies car running away and getting arrested lying to the police? What kind of daddy would let you get away with all that?" You shuddered mind wandering what he had instore for you, not just for punishment but the training he mentioned in the cell you squirmed in his lap as you mulled it all over feeling sick to your stomach.
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cadiacore · 4 years
Fluff A-Z | a.g.
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A/N; so i know this came out of fucking no where but im in a really fluffy mood and im listening to mrs. grande herself so I decided to make this as a cute little thing it is lol might make a headcannon but who knows lmaooo. The gif is mine x
Pairing; Ariana Grande x Reader
Warning(s); pure fluff and a bit of angst if you squint.
Word Count; 1.5k+
A - I feel like she is an ass girl. If you two were dating then she would most likely have her hand on your ass half of the time. Maybe it’s a comfort thing or she just really likes to touch it and show PDA. 
B - She would love to bake pastries, cakes, cookies and etc. with you since that’s you two’s way of bonding and having fun together. You two would love to throw flour at each other, chase each other and make a mess of the kitchen. It would just be an overall fun time.
C - cuddles! Cuddles for daysssss. I feel like once she is home from the studio or tour, she would climb in your lap and just smother you with cuddles. Or it could go the other way around, you get home from work and you just want to be close to her, so you just crawl into her lap and you instantly feel safe in her arms. 
D - Dancing around the apartment would be another favorite past times for the two of you. It would lead to a lot of laughs and goofing off with the upbeat songs but when a slow song comes on, you two would just hold each other and sway to the beat with many kisses to follow. 
E - I think you two would love to experience new things together, like food, activities, roller coasters, etc. Trying new foods would be hilarious because you both would countdown when to both take a bite and then it would be disgusting. You two’s faces would be so funny and cute and that would be part of the fun because y’all just love doing anything together. 
F - It would take a lot for you and Ariana to fight about something. Very rarely y’all would fight but when you do it’s big and a lot of crying would happen but in the end you two would forgive each other and talk it out normally. After that would lead to snuggles and movie night.
G - Ariana and you love to give each other gifts even though it’s not a holiday or anything specific. Ariana would most likely shower you with diamonds and cute dresses as you would get her flowers and make cute diy things. I feel like she loves homemade things more than she does material, but she always wants to go out and buy you anything sparkly and shiny. You two are also grateful for each other whenever the other receives a gift.
H - Honesty is a big thing for Ariana and you. You two love having deep and honest conversations with each other at 1 a.m. Those are the times were y’all just need to get things off your chest and how you’re both feeling. This would be therapeutic for both of you and it would strengthen your bond even more.
I - You are the main inspiration for her music and that makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. It makes you happy hearing all the lovey dovey songs about you and it inspires you to make things that remind you of her. It always makes her smile when she sees you painting/writing/drawing something that is related to her. It gives her a stomach full of butterflies.
J - Ariana gets jealous and will hold it in until she is able to talk to you about it in a safe space and not around a lot of people. You would do the same since you don’t like causing a scene in front of strangers. It wouldn’t be over anything small usually but if someone was being too close to you or her then y’all would step in and pull each other close. In the end you two would kiss it better and continue on with your day/evening/night.
K - Kissing Ari in your eyes is like heaven. She has the softest lips and is a very good kisser. She blushes every time you two kiss and you think it’s the cutest thing ever when she does. You more and likely blush too but you think it’s cuter on her than yourself.
L - Ariana was shy at first about confessing her love for you but she sucked it up one day and told you how she loved everything about you and that she has always felt that way towards you. She continues on and mentions the first time you two went to Disneyland together and how she knew she had fallen in love with you on that day.
M - She’s all for marriage and so are you! You two love the thought of spending the rest of your lives together and adopting cute little babies. Maybe here soon, one of you will propose!
N - You both love giving each other cute nicknames and your nickname in her phone is “wifey” with a kissy face emoji along with a ring and her nickname in your phone is “babygirl” followed with a heart eye emoji. She loves coming up with new and cute pet names to call you and you love them to no end. Gives you butterflies.
O - When the two of you are on cloud nine, everyone can tell. Ariana tends to look at you like you are the best thing that has ever stepped on this earth and she tends to kiss you more often when she is. Her mom always teases her when she won’t leave you alone with kisses but she just can’t help herself when she’s around you.
P - You both love PDA. You two are always showing some kind of affection whether it be holding hands, kissing, and snuggling/leaning against each other while shopping. You two do it all the time and you don’t care about what anyone thinks of you and Ariana. 
Q - Ariana’s quirks are that she loves talking in an Italian accent at the most random times just to make you laugh. She likes to lay out a warm towel for you before you get out of the shower. She doesn’t want you to be cold when you come out of the shower. Which you find very cute and adorable.
R - Ariana LOVES to be romantic. So at any chance she can get she will lay roses out from your dining room table leading to the bedroom and having candles light up the room and well we all know where that goes to lol she also loves to spoil you on Valentine’s day because she thinks you deserve it but it’s always valentine’s day in the grande household.
S - She is super supportive of you and as you are with her. You two make sure that the other is okay and when something bad or traumatic happens, you two are always there for each other, no matter what place or what time. 
T - Usually you both love a routine but sometimes you both want to try out new things as said in letter E. You love trying new scary roller coasters and holding onto each other as you go through the ride. When it’s done, both of you want to instantly get back on. The thrill of the ride is so much fun for the both of you two.
U - Ariana can be very understanding at some points and then other times you would have to explain why you’re upset or the way you’re feeling. Usually when you do explain it she is understanding and helps comfort you on whatever the situation is. 
V - She values her relationship with you so much that she puts you high on her priority list. If something is wrong, she will do everything in her power to make it right again. She loves seeing you smile so she will always try to make you happy and you are her number 1 besides her family but you understand that because well...family. 
W - She loves when you cook a nice dinner for her for when she comes home from tour. She loves how you put so much effort and time into it just for her and you. Sometimes you make a big feast for all your friends and family and thats another cute thing she loves about you.
X - xoxo As previously discussed in C, she loves cuddles and loves showing you love in any form she can. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks of the two of you and she makes that very clear to others who might give you two a dirty glare or look. She’ll kiss you right in front of them just to piss them off or make them uncomfortable.
Y - When she yearns for you while you’re at work is when she gets one of your sweaters or your pillow, and just holds onto it until you get home. She’ll send you sweet messages on how she misses you while she is on tour and can’t be beside you every night but you make sure to face time her everyday so she doesn’t get too sad while she’s away.
Z - She will go many great lengths for you and your relationship and so do you. You both love each other dearly and would do anything for another. Ari is the type to put everything into a relationship once she knows it’s serious and that she loves the person so she would literally do anything for the person she loves, no matter what it is. 
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 years
reply roundup!
highlights for the past couple weeks:
@shegosato wrote another image description [here], for mining kirby, and @pranque wrote an image description for kirby at his computer [here]! thank you both! <3 all you folks who’ve so kindly contributed your time to add image descriptions since I’m not currently able to are honestly super important and appreciated.
there are also new stickers! etsy link is [here].
on the [last roundup]:
@spageddie28 said: THE GORB NOTICED ME 😳😳🥺🥺💖💖 #all praise the gorb
@askluckyandfriends said: I got noticed too :D
yes!!! that’s why I do these roundups, I love seeing all the fun tags and replies everyone leaves for me, and this way I get to acknowledge them!
@your-local-neighbourhood-kat​ said: The hug would make both of us feel better 🥺🥺🥺
even though he’s got little arms I bet kirby is the best at hugging. (I hope whatever’s on your mind eases soon.)
@shegosato​ said: i love ur kirbys they deserve an id <3 hope ur year's been good so far op!
aww, thank you! I know writing good image descriptions takes genuine effort (which is why I don’t do it myself like I should, I’m sorry TnT ) and deserves sincere recognition at the very least! (I’d love to just properly compensate someone to caption all of them as they go up someday, but it will take a while to afford. I will be sure to put out a call for interested parties once I get there!)
on [keyboard]:
@zer0cracy​ said: Freddy Mer-kirby
ohhh what a good pun! he’s even got the sparkles to match lol
also to the person who tagged it metal gear, I see you. I appreciate you.
on [train]:
@papioligoat​ said: Look at this gorb go. Lad vibin.
he’s where he Belongs.
@rinnyhere​ said: I want to ride an endless train and just sleep. tired of thoughts.
ohh that sounds so peaceful. just ride the train forever. highest quality naps.
on [miner]:
@macro-microcosm​ said: I also lost my part-time work haha. please donate to this artist! they’re so delightful and make such lovely work. they’re at this every. single. day.
aw that sucks! I hope things are at least relatively stable for now. (and thank you so much for your kind tags! I haven’t missed a day since I started in june 2018 :> )
@jupiterlandings​ said: he’s mining to get his webkinz crown of wonder
unfortunately I don’t know anything about webkinz so I can’t fully appreciate the joke but he’s clearly working very hard towards his goals and I support him!
@shegosato​ said: op thats a cute easter egg. also hope uve doing well! mayhaps a post abt commissions or donations will help?
I was very happy with myself when I came up with it lol, and I think that is a good idea! I already put out new stickers this month, but maybe I will finally figure out sticker commissions or just advertise kofi commissions at the same rate as the patreon tier.
on the [sticker poll]:
@liongerudothesilly​ said: I do not have Twitter, but I vote Fancy Dresses please! If you'll take a commented vote!
I just want to make sure you know your vote was seen and counted! (and I secretly wanted fancy dresses to win too lol, but even counting your vote and mine it still fell a little short. maybe I will just do it next time without asking! :v )
on [sweep]:
@aggron-rocks​ said: what a responsible orb
one does not become a gorb on virtue of cuteness alone. good orbs also help with chores when they can!
on [valentines stickers]:
@insertusername77​ said: These are so good. At the rate things are going, Kirby's gonna be my Valentine this year
I imagine kirby would love to be your valentine. :> (he may not be very reliable at giving you chocolate, but I think he’s pretty okay at making bouquets from supermarket flowers!)
@here-comes-de-custard​ said: im going to cry these are so cute
@osohey said: joy and love and happyness and joy
@leolithe​ said: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! great arts!
I don’t always have anything to say in reply so they don’t always end up in the roundups but I see all the tags people leave and I always love tags like these, I love it when my art can make people happy <3
@legendarykerfuffle said: all i need for valentines is kirb
honestly same lol, my partner knows this and often manages to find cute little kirby plushes to give me :v
on [sumikko]:
@virovac said: Decided to look up Summikko Gurashi [screencap of character description for “penguin?” that says “am I even a penguin? penguin has no confidence. in the past, there might have been a plate on penguin’s head...”]
penguin is just like that! (they were a kappa rather than a regular penguin, which is why they are green and like cucumbers a lot. that’s what the plate thing means.)
@askluckyandfriends said: Aww I hope your mom has a great birthday!
she told me she had a nice day! (and also bragged about my art to her friends at the office lol)
on [stamps]:
@virovac said: Kirby says support your post office!
yes!!! we love the post office!
@tinybandee said: delicately places him in the mailbox, happy trails kiddo
if I wasn’t already tired for today I would love to draw him peering out of the mailbox back at you. that would be very cute. instead we will imagine it together.
from the ask box:
anonymous said: It's fine! Don't push yourself, you can't help it not feeling too great *showers you with support*
(this was sent when I posted about delaying stickers for a day) thank you so much! this genuinely did make me feel better about taking longer than I expected to get them ready <3
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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Welp I feel really depressed tonight. I had a horrible time at work and I just feel so low. I may put in my two weeks if the next couple days dont improve. Cause wow. I am just not having fun right now. 
It was another night of not great sleep. I woke up and tried to feel alright but it was hard. I had like an hour and a half this morning to do what I wanted. So I got washed and dressed and felt cute. James said I looked like an angel. And that felt nice at least. 
I had breakfast and played a little animal crossing. Finished making the other train station on the opposite side of the island. I still need to fix up the camp grounds a bit but I still had a fun time working on what I did. 
I got myself together and left at a better time so I wasnt as early. I walked over to the site and hoped for a good day. 
But it was kind of a mess. We had two new boys who were sweet to me but didnt mesh great with some of the others and it lead to a huge fight. And then they insisted on playing dodge ball which I was not a fan of but they still did. I had a substitute because Travis wasnt in. Which upset me only because I had told him I might not be in because I wasnt feeling great and then he didnt come in and also didnt say anything to me. So that kind of hurt my feelings. But at least the sub was nice. 
We did watch a movie today and I played chess with one of the little boys. We only had a half a board though so I modified it to make it work and he picked up on it fast. We also did some water color painting and it was fun. 
But there was a lot of trouble in that middle part of the day and I just felt so defeated. 
I couldnt wait for the end of the day to come. I did some more drawings for the kids to color for our garden. I tried to just clean up the room and make sure all the kids we had left were picked up. I tried to check in with parents as they picked up their kids. About changes in schedule and their classwork they need to do. So I could be better prepared for the staff meeting tonight. 
We finished up the day around 530 and I headed home. James finished up soon after I got back and went to pick us up burger king. And then I had my staff meeting. 
Which honestly just made me feel worse. I just felt like all the negatives were against me.  I was called an "aid" and not a teacher. Which whatever but if thats the case why am I putting in so much effort. But then I was told we dont put in enough effort and we've gotten lazy. But the truth is I am burnt out. I dont think I can do this anymore and I just feel like Im falling apart. We have one on one meeting next week and I might just have to say that Im not going to be able to keep this up after spring break and honestly that might be pushing it because I am just. Miserable. It sucks. Its not what I wanted at all. I just feel so unhappy and I hate it. 
I had DND to look forward too. And the couple hours we all hung out was actually really fun. It was just nice hearing from everyone what they think about their character and how we all met and came together. I was very tired though and it made it so I got a little confused a few times. But James will fill me in. My laptop started dying in the last 20 minutes so I went to sit with James so I could still be a part of the game. And got a couple spells in. It was a good time. 
But I still feel really down. And I really dont know what Im going to do. I hope I can actually sleep tonight. I hope you all can too. Have a good day tomorrow. 
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