#one of my favorite flowers! least favorite cure
jezabelle9299 · 4 months
Nightmare Cure S.R x Reader
Authors Notes: Exceedingly long rambles of a person with too much time on their hands. 2.5k words, reader does clerical work in the building, fluff, some angst, mentions of nightmares, loss of a parent (father) as a teenager, reader with hair long enough to braid, and Spencer with hair long enough to pull back (Jesus Reid save me), kind of mentions when he was carrying around hair ties all the time. Mutual pining, idiots in love, all that good stuff.
Working in the FBI building was interesting to say the least. You did clerical work, as far from the danger as possible, and that was how you liked it. Working on the same floor as the BAU, sometimes you got to chat when they were in the office. You liked all of them but you definitely had a favorite, Dr. Spencer Reid. You talked to him the most, and perhaps also pined for him in a totally casual, not at all weird way that you would never speak of, especially not to your lovely, and also very nosey coworkers. Something was different with him though. The dark circles around his eyes were larger, he was walking past your desk to get to the coffee maker far more frequently, and he just had this sullen look about him that made your heart break. 
One afternoon, when most of the others in the office had left early before the holiday weekend, you followed him to the kitchen as he passed your desk. 
“Hey. What’s up?’ He looked to you while blindly piling sugar into his coffee mug. 
“I was just wondering, are you ok? I mean as much as you can be?”
He was nervous and you worried you said the wrong thing, making things worse. Maybe he didn’t think you guys were that close? Before you could spiral, or make an attempt to retract your questions he sets down the sugar and clears his throat.
 “Oh-uh I’m ok, just trouble sleeping you know? Can’t really relax at night.”You knew he was talking about nightmares. They were common with the field agents, but no one ever talked about them openly. You’d had your share, although yours didn’t come from the job. 
“Oh. I had similar problems once, i-if you want I could kind of show you my routine that helped? I have a guest bedroom if you wanted to try. Only if you’re comfortable, of course.”
“That sounds nice, thank you y/n, really.” He was certain that anything that had helped you wouldn’t help him. If he couldn’t fall asleep in his own bed, a new place wouldn’t help. But he pined for you as you did for him, so he wasn’t going to turn down a chance to spend more time with you, especially at your house. He wanted to know everything about you, and he appreciated that you wanted to help him in the first place. 
Ok! If you want to come to my house at like 6:30, I’ll cook?”
“ I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He had a faint blush and you really hoped it was a good blush, not a scared one. He was so cute. You’d just finished your paperwork, and it was already 5 o’clock so you had to get ready. 
You stopped by the store to get the supplies for dinner, you really hoped he liked it. It was almost 6 by the time you put everything away so you cleaned up as much as possible, putting fresh sheets on the bed in the spare room and getting out everything that brought you comfort during your bout of nightmares. Yours came from the death of your father, that happened soon after the death of many of your grandparents. You couldn’t imagine his nightmares, with the things that he saw everyday, but you hoped these things would help him, at least a little bit. Soft blankets, lavender candies, and a candle you thought he might like, all stacked neatly on a chair in the corner of the room. The candle was supposed to smell like old books, and you’d light it soon, that way it’d already fill the room by the time he arrived. 
6 o’clock came and went so you started cooking, setting the table while everything got started. 6:30 on the dot his car pulled up in the driveway, and out came dr.Reid, with an overnight bag and-oh my god. He brought flowers, more specifically he brought your favorite flowers, even though you had never told him. You checked on dinner as he walked up the drive so that you wouldn’t forget as soon as you saw him. 
You opened the door and he just stared for a second. “Uh-sorry-hi, you look nice”
You were wearing a dress, but this one was much more casual, and with gym shoes instead of the heels you typically wore to the office since you were still buzzing around the kitchen. Because of the messiness of what you were cooking you had an apron tied around your waist. He was still dressed in his 3-piece suit he wore to the office today. 
“Oh, thank you, you do too-but I hope you brought something more comfortable in that bag.” When he looked back down at his back he remembered the flowers he was still holding.
These are for you! -You know as a thank you, for helping me. I asked Garcia for your favorite, I hope you like them.” He awkwardly grabbed them so he could hold them out to you, and you stifled a giggle at his flustered attempt to hand them to you as you accepted them. You started to turn as you opened the door wider, welcoming him in. 
“They’re perfect, thank you, Spencer. And please come in, the guest bedroom is the second on the left if you want to set your stuff down while I put these in some water and finish up dinner?” He gave a quick nod and a tight smile as he started down the hall, while you buzzed through the kitchen, first finishing seasoning the food, and then putting the flowers he got you in water. You still couldn’t believe he got you flowers. 
When he came back through the hall you discard the apron on its usual hook, and set the food on the table. As you eat you make small talk about your days, until he changes the subject. “You mentioned earlier you had the same problem, what was causing your nightmares?” Instantly you became uncomfortable, you were really hoping he wouldn’t ask, although you should’ve known better.
“Ah, Dr.Reid the profiler, I should have guessed you’d ask.” You made an attempt to laugh it off, but he only focused on you more. You cleared your throat, ready to get this over with. 
“When I was 17, a few days before my 18th birthday my father died. Heart attack, totally unexpected. It took a while for the nightmares to start, but once they did it took a long time to get rid of them. That’s why I developed this whole elaborate routine, anyway. They were mostly you know existential everyone I’ve ever loved will be ripped away from me without a chance to say goodbye kind of stuff. Super fun I know.” You made another attempt at laughing off the discussion and this time he got the message. He gave you a reassuring smile, and changed the subject. 
“What comes next in the amazing Y/N goodnight routine?” He got up from the table and ever the gentleman, he offered a hand to you to help you up from your seat. You got your excitement back instantly, beaming up at him, ready to get to the next thing, your favorite part.
“Oh get ready, it’s movie time!” He looked relieved at your smile coming back as you did a little wiggle, as though you just couldn’t contain your happiness anymore.
“Yeah? What are we watching?” He barely got out through his little laughs. It wasn’t a full laugh, but more of a shaky exhale he smiled all the way through. 
“Well when I started I watched Say Anything on a near repeat- but this is your night so I picked something I hope you’ll like. To get the full effect though these outfits aren’t going to work at all. Go get into your pajamas, and I’ll grab the movie.” You quickly cleared the dishes into the sink first, and then bounced down the hallway to your room with Spencer laughing as he trailed behind you. It felt so domestic, and if this was what it was like to be in a relationship with him, any girl he dated would be the luckiest girl in the world. 
You threw on a t-shirt and some striped pajama shorts, then went to your bookshelf and grabbed the dvd you thought he’d most like. When you were walking back to the living room, you set the dvd down on a small table lining the hall. You attempted to stop in the bathroom to grab a hair tie, but when you walked in Spencer was already standing at the sink. 
“Oh-Sorry!” You started stammering, even though he wasn’t doing anything. Just standing at the mirror, with his glasses on the sink trying to get out his contacts. 
“Oh it’s ok, I just wanted to get my contacts out before we started. I know it freaks some people out. It’s Ommetaphobia, fear of things touching the eyes. It’s pretty common and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“No-I don’t mind, I just needed to grab a hair tie, I didn’t mean to get in your space.” You reached past him to grab two from the counter next to his glasses and then quickly put them on your wrist and separated your hair. He watched you in the mirror as you started to braid, until you finished the first one. You let yourself take in what he was wearing, a blue star trek t-shirt, and some black doctor who pajama pants. They were so wonderfully him. As you tied it off the braid, his eyes snapped back to his own in the mirror and he quickly swapped his contacts for glasses, looking away from the mirror as he removed them, as he wasn’t completely sure that it wouldn’t bother you. As you tied off the second braid your eyes followed him in the mirror. He had his glasses on, a look you loved but hardly ever saw. 
He looked back at you and smiled, before turning back and grabbing a hair tie from his own wrist and in possibly the hottest thing you’ve ever seen, pulled his own hair back, into a small ponytail as he walked back into the hall.
When you made your way back to the living room Spencer was already there, looking at all of your books like they were the most interesting thing in the world. When he looked back at you, you made a big show of holding up the dvd. It was called Forbidden Planet, it was sci-fi and even if it was extremely old and the effects were outdated you hoped he liked it. His face lit up as soon as he saw it, and you knew you made the right choice. 
“That was my favorite movie when I was a kid-I’d watch it all the time, How did you-? It’s almost impossible to find.” Tears were welling up in his eyes and your heart broke. He was going home with that dvd. You wanted to tell him how you thought of him, and hold him, but you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. Not tonight, this was about him. You settled for a “I hoped you’d like it” and a gesture for him to sit while you set it up. 
While you watched the movie he told you everything, and if he was anyone else you’d think he couldn’t possibly be paying attention at the same time. He told you about how it was made, how it affected the sci-fi genre, and every other fun fact he could think of. You were happy to listen. When the credits rolled the clock on your phone read 10pm-a little early, but you knew he needed the sleep.
“Party’s over doctor, it’s time to get ready for bed.” He gave an overdramatic pout, but got up. You stood together while brushing your teeth, only having one bathroom forcing domestic bliss. You continued talking to him while you turned off lights and made sure the door was locked.
 “I swear if you need anything let me know, my door is literally always open, I can’t sleep with it closed.” You turned away from the hall, away from the bedroom he was standing in as he put his work phone on the charger from his bag. You put on a record of classical piano quietly to help you both sleep as you remembered the pile of stuff for him on the chair. “I almost forgot- on that chair in the corner, there’s some stuff for you if you want it- if you’re still having trouble I mean, the lavender is supposed to help you sleep. I read this thing that said it produces these chemical compounds that act essentially as sedatives, figured it was worth a try. 
He knew. He already read articles on different theories for helping insomniacs sleep. But something about how you said it, how you set things out you thought he’d like, how you took care of him. It was too much for him. He was glad you weren’t in there, that you couldn’t see him. He didn’t want you to see him cry, and if you looked at him with that sweet smile, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from asking for what he really wanted. He wanted to tell you how he felt, to tell you what this meant to him, to hold you while you slept.
But you were too good. Too sweet. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, he knew even if he overstepped you were too nice to tell him, especially at this hour. You had a tendency to do that- putting others before yourself to ungodly degrees, and he wanted you to feel more comfortable than that. In the morning he would tell you. When you could ask him to leave without sending him away in the dark, because he was sure that you wouldn’t like someone like him. You were perfect. 
But tonight was enough. He got to see what it was like, if he had been someone you loved. You both said a quick goodnight, with a promise to see each other in the morning. For the first night in months he slept peacefully. Maybe all the ritual and routine helped, but it was mostly just you. You cared, and he got to have you as the last face he saw at night. He got to fall asleep in a bed that smelled like you, with your books on the walls and your music playing, and it was perfect. He loved you, and he just had to get up the courage to say it. 
That was the first of many nights Spencer stayed with you, and the last one he slept in the guest bedroom. He still had nightmares- sometimes, but you were always there to comfort him with a reassuring touch. Most nights he had dreams, and he dreamt about you the most. 
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cvlutos · 1 year
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✡︎ May.09.2023 | 2.3K| Commissioned by @starstruckcaptain
✡︎ Yandere! Kalim A. | Fem!Reader
✡︎ Yandere | Angst | Kidnapping | Stalking | Obsession | Lovesick | Different POVs | Timeskips | Noncon | Smut | Blood | Manipulation | Etc | Proceed with Caution, My Love.
✡︎ Synopsis: It started with a simple fairy tale, the devolved into a obbesassion, the became an illness. One that has no true cure.
| One | Two | Three | Four | Five |
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“A true love kiss that seals is binding. Ties to lovers together. No matter the odds.”
— Childhood Fairy Tale
The thick pages of the large hard-covered book are heavy in his small hands, placed heavily in his lap, as his wide garnet red eyes dart quickly across the old, yellowed pages, reading the old fading ink. He hears the gentle rustling of wind that dances through wooden wind chimes, creating gentle clattering as he focuses on the pages. Lips a gap in utter awe with the old fairy tale.
The young heir is tucked away in a dimly lit corner of the ancient library, sitting crisscross beneath a dust-covered wooden desk, using a long wax candle, placed upon a golden hand-held candlestick, using the gentle orange flame to light the small corner of where he sat and give him the ability to see. Still dressed in his silk pajamas and barefoot as he sits upon the plush velvet cushion, one that he dragged from his bedroom with the help of his faithful servant and closest friend, Jamil Viper, who has currently disappeared somewhere in the library, though Kalim, knows he’s always near.
He always is.
Yet that isn't what the young heir cares for, not at this moment. He wants to fall in love like the prince in his story does. Who is so kind and sweet, who gives to the poor, who sees the good in everyone. The prince in his tale showers his love in gold and jewels, and dances within sunlit days and cool moonlit nights away. Who holds them close and seals their love with a kiss. Yes, this is what he desires more than anything.
To get married to his own love. To his princess.
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“Shall I have you for all my own! Yes, I shall slay dragons, fight demons, and save you for all you are! Because I love you! And what is stronger than love?"
— Childhood Fairy Tale
“Do you think soulmates exist?”
Kalim walks along the towered wall, arms outstretched as he balances, placing one foot in front of the other, with Jamil by his side, holding the young heir’s belongings as they walk around the large vibrant courtyard, wasting time before Kalim's next school lesson, which is history. One of Kalim's least favorite, since the tutor is quite rude.
The large grassy courtyard is filled with unique plants--ranging from distant flowers, that fill the air with a rich fragrant aroma, and lush green bushes that hid colorful berries, to elegant and giving fruit trees, that Kalim occasionally takes from, filling his stomach with fresh oranges and plums.
“I don't see why they don't exist.” Jamil’s answer is simple, honest—like he hadn't bothered to think about it more than a mere moment, allowing Kalim to indulge in his fantasies, while he focused on making sure Kalim didn't topple off the stone wall and hurt himself. Which he knows Kalim wouldn't care about, wanting to immediately visit the palace doctor, desiring to be spoiled and given a handful of sweet candy for listening so well. Obviously trying to avoid the stern history tutor. While Jamil knows the doctor will send him to be scolded by his parents for being so careless about the young successor's health.
Which is something Jamil would rather avoid.
Charcoal grey eyes occasionally glance over, watching the heir’s feet skip and balance on the wall, occasionally wobbling, which nearly gave the young retainer a heart attack.
“I wonder where my soulmate is! She just has to be thinking about me!”
Not paying attention to Jamil's clear nervousness and annoyance with constantly having to divide his attention, Kalim continues hopping and bounding along the old wall carelessly. White hair shifting in the mild breeze as the loose clothing he wore sways and is pulled by the wind. Earning a delighted laugh from the young successor follows the wind’s pull, carelessly falling off the wall in one fluid motion. Jamil’s face pales as he rushes to the other side, jumping over the fence, still carrying the heavy school bag. Watching Kalim lay on his back, unphased as he lands in plush grass. Staring up at the bright blue sky, arms spread out gaily.
“And when we met Jamil! I'll give her the sweetest kiss! Then we’ll get married!”
Jamil bites his tongue and merely nods in return, gently placing the bag on the ground, taking the moment to sit in the shade of the stone wall, listening to Kalim laugh away. Letting the young heir to the Asim Family have his daydreams. Cause eventually, he will be saddled with reality, a harsh reality.
Even Kalim Al-Asim is not untouchable to the world of arranged marriages.
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“Even in your faults of delusion. I shall cherish you—clear your mind of horrors and love you eternally.”
— Childhood Fairy Tale
The pen scratches along the paper, held by a shaky hand that moves across the page, quickly and frantically. Barely aware of what he writes, but knowing he has to write down what he remembers of his dream. A dream so vivid that it seemed real—that it was real. His milky white hair was in complete disarray, with drool decorating the side of his lips, and sweat coating his skin. The cool desert air does little to cool him, as the windows remain open, giving a clear view of the bright full moon that barely illuminates his pages. He can barely see, barely make out the words he writes messily, still in a half-sleep daze, but he needs to remember.
It’s late in the night, and he's awake before either Jamil or any of the other numerous servants checked on him, eager to serve every whim and need. While only the two guards were stationed outside his door possibly awake, but quite unaware of the quiet rambles of the heir, who drew a messy portrait of the woman in his dream. He sits upon the plushness of his bed, with a leather-bound journal in his lap, filled with other dreams of this same woman and stories that were written poorly but stories he adores that speak of you and him.
You have filled his life unlike any other.
Kalim dreamed of a pretty woman with pretty eyes. A woman that loved him, that desired him, heart and soul. That threw herself into his arms and held him so desperately. Cupping his face and whispering over and over and over how much she loved him. How she'd wait forever and ever and ever for him. Those dreams would matter less once they met.
The brain is a cruel thing.
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“If you do not love me, then I accept that your feelings are your own. But I cannot deny mine, my pure feelings of want! I will love you. Forever.”
— Childhood Fairy Tale
There’s slight worry in his ways, a slight obsession that fills Kalim, as he turns woman after woman away, only holding eyes for one and giving no other a chance. Holding out for the woman he loves and loves him in return.
Still, kindness is etched into his being, rejecting each in utter honesty, speaking of why he cannot love them. Each woman leaves with nothing but understanding, that leaves with the feeling of rejection... Dull.
Leaves each to hope and to find love in one who's as devoted as he, as Kalim speaks of nothing but his true love. As his presence alone emits such devotion and passion with great fervor that you would think that his love was real.
That all he speaks was truth. That this mysterious woman was real—and she is. To him.
Jamil is the only one aware of the truth, the only one aware that Kalim lives within his own lies—within his own delusions.
Yet he keeps such thoughts to himself.
Allowing the young heir to ramble on and on, to speak endlessly about his beautiful, enchanting lover, to show sketch after sketch and mourn that he could never recreate her beauty, but once he found her, he would know immediately. Jamil says nothing, merely sits, and watches Kalim flip through his journal, page after page filled with nothing but her, her, her.
A Her without a name.
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Night Raven College does nothing to curve his growing obsession. To stomp out this flame that burns and festers within his chest.
"I had another dream."
Jamil tries to keep his placated look, only sharing a brief look behind him, watching garnet eyes look utterly lovesick. Remembering not of his outbursts that follow after he awakes from his dreams—dreams that have Kalim waking up screaming—sobbing his eyes out in pain as if he was being stabbed and ripped apart. Screams that frighten the other dormmates, as their housewarden wakes up covered in sweat, tossing off his blankets and pillows in mass hysteria. While others desperately call and usher Jamil into the room. Who forces the others out as he holds Kalim onto the large bed, forcing his body to go limp from exhaustion. Sobs turning into faint mumbles, silently wailing about how badly he needs them, how he could die from the simple pain of being far from them, and how fate keeps them apart.
"It hurts," he cries, it hurts that he can't be with his love. Eyes fluttering close. After so many years, it's so painful to dream. Nights that force Jamil to remain by his side, forced to console his "friend" who doesn't want kind words but merely wants her.
And in the mornings, it is no better.
With Jamil ushered his heir awake, gently shaking his shoulders, waiting for Kalim to open his eyes—to open his eyes to the waking world. Only for him to throw tantrums, sobbing and begging for Jamil to let him go back. To let him her. "Please, let me see her. Please", Kalim sobs, body limp as Jamil practically drags him from bed.
Kalim wants to spend his days in his fantasy only.
His retainer does well to avoid the topics of love and dreaming, doing well to keep Kalim, for the most occupied with anything else. Leaving no time for Kalim to think about her--you--for a moment.
Yet sometimes this obsession seeps through the cracks. Slipping past the several walls Jamil has built to keep him sane.
Kalim's voice is a whisper amongst the sea of people, walking side by side with Jamil, who carries his and the heir's bag with a tepid look, more focused on navigating through the many students and not be late to their next class. Wanting Kalim to do anything but speak about you.
Kalim doesn't notice his friend's disinterest, used to Jamil's silent air, and far too deep in his mind, far too in love with the idea he has built.
He continues talking.
“But this time it wasn't in the courtyard, but the school gardens.” There’s an optimistic tone in his voice, one that makes Jamil sick. He says nothing, as Kalim walks with a certain breeze in his step as he moves, unconcerned by the weird glances he got as the two glid through the crowd, a delighted smile upon his face. Jamil gives a short hum, letting Kalim know he was somewhat listening, which Kalim believed was highly important. Jamil had to listen, and he had to absolutely like his lover, and care for her as his retainer cares for him.
Which is something Jamil has heard numerous times, from long-time friends to distant guests he was sure that Kalim would never see again. And under any other circumstances, Jamil would give a blunt ‘Absolutely. A friend of yours is a dear friend of mine’, with a deep bow, while easily lying through his teeth with a faux sweet tone, something that Kalim would believe without any worry.
Yet this time, Kalim was serious.
Garnet eyes were unmoving, and lips pressed together, sitting more poised like a ruler--like a king that deserved respect. Kalim was not asking, nor making a random comment nor gesture of goodwill. He was demanding that Jamil swear it--swear upon his oath that he made to Kalim since the day he was born. To vow that he would care for his love.
Forcing Jamil to not see him as an overly innocent man who was hopelessly in love, but as the next heir of the Al-Asim Family who had found his future bride. He, whose word is absolute. And Jamil did, pressing his forehead to the cold marble ground, swearing upon his life to care for her. And after a moment, Kalim was satisfied, returning back to his carefree self a moment later.
“Jamil… She said she was here. Waiting for me to find her.”
Kalim stops, the halls clearing slowly. His gaze stares out into the school courtyard below, standing silently in the open stone halls, wind rustling through his hair as he gathers his thoughts before the large open windows. His hand clutches the ends of his shirt with nothing but a grin.
A chill runs along Jamil’s spine, staring at Kalim with unrevealing eyes, lips pressed together as he gives a firm nod. Inching to move as he watches garnet eyes fill with something unlike him while searching his retainer’s before frowning.
“You don't seem happy—”
“I am.” Jamil’s words are quick, watching the dark look unfamiliar look disappear quickly, his smile automatically returns. Unable to hide his happiness nor remain still, he practically lunges onto his closest friend with a tight hug, squeezing tightly.
“You’ll help me find her…” Kalim speaks, but he follows with a gentle sigh and a headshake, “I know you will.” It’s a command. One that isn't forceful, nor threatening, but an expectation.
Jamil is his servant after all.
“Of course, I will.”
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ⓒ 2023 cvlutos — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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joesheistyy · 2 years
Words of Affirmation & Acts of Service
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Joe loved to make sure you knew how beautiful you were, always making sure to compliment you any chance he got. There have been a couple of occasions where his praises can seem to cure anything in the world.
One morning when getting ready for the Bengals vs Steelers game, Joe noticed you were having a hard time getting your makeup the way you wanted it.
“Babe, you don't need to get so upset. You look so gorgeous without makeup.” He said, coming to pull the brush out of your tight frustrated grasp.
"It just isn't coming out the way I want it to," you huffed.
"You're beautiful and I don't want you to think you're not perfect. I know you like to do this for yourself and that it makes you feel good which is of course what I want, but I love you and don't want to see you get so frustrated about it all," he kissed your forehead.
"I know, I just wanted to feel good in case people wanted to take pictures and of course so I can take a good picture with you," you said, reaching to grab the brush out of Joe's hand.
"Deep breaths baby, you'll get it the way you want," he kissed the crown of your head and walked out of the bathroom.
Getting home from the game, Joe absolutely gushed at you, making sure you felt beautiful. He would praise you as soon as you woke up, always before going to bed, and honestly whenever he felt it was needed. Joe is obsessed with his gorgeous girl.
Your day was nothing short of stressful. You were trying to finish your online class while doing taxes and trying to do the household chores. Joe knew you were stressed, so he wanted to help any way he could.
"How is my smartical baby doing?" he asked as he entered your office, in an awfully chipper mood.
"Not good at all. I'm exhausted and all I want to do is take a damn nap," you huffed, taking your glasses off to rub your eyes.
"What can I do to help baby? You take on so much and I just want to be able to take some stress off your shoulders," Joe said, reaching down to rub at your shoulders.
"Well I meant to go grocery shopping and do the dishes and laundry but I got none of that done because of this stupid shit," you threw your hands in the direction of your MacBook.
"How about I start with groceries, is that okay with you?" Joe asked, spinning your desk chair around.
"That would be great Joey. The list is written on the fridge," you knew Joe hated going to the grocery store, but it was your heaven. He just sometimes didn't like getting stopped. He gave you a kiss and walked out of your office.
As you continued on you final paper, time seemed to fly by. Before you knew it, Joe was back from the grocery store. It wasn't a long list and you were almost done with your paper, so you let Joe unload the groceries himself.
About 20 minutes later, Joe came up to whisk you away from your desk. Grabbing your hand and taking you downstairs, Joe was beaming to show you what he had accomplished.
There was a beautiful arrangement of flowers on the kitchen island, two tall candles lit for a beautiful dinner, and a glass of wine poured for you.
"Joey, did you do this all for me?" you questioned, looking up at him with a soft smile.
"Of course baby, you deserve it after all you've been doing for yourself and for me," he pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
"AND," he began excitedly, "I started your favorite meal! I can never cook like you can, but I at least wanted to attempt it for you," he said with a little nervousness in his voice.
"I'm sure it'll be great baby, thank you so much for all of this," you thank him as you feel the day's stresses begin to wash away.
"I'll start laundry after dinner too, I've gotta start picking up some slack around here because it's way too much for one person to do," he turned around to get the food out of the oven.
"Baby it's really not too much for me, I've just got a lot going on right now," you partially sighed.
"Nope, I won't hear that from you tonight," he sassily turned away.
After feeding you a beautiful meal, Joe guided you over to the couch to put on your favorite show and later bring you your favorite desert. He continued on the household chores, and each time you tried to get up and help, he refused. Joe really cared for you and didn't realize how much stress you had been put under lately. While he loved providing acts of service, those services were usually giving you a back massage, starting your showers, etc. This night was different, and there were no complaints.
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
May i ask a one shot with Tighnari? If u want can u do a fem reader who pretend to be dumb so him can teach her? <3 extra fuffly pls
✿ 𝙙𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙮, 𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙯𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 ✿
characters: tighnari x fem!reader
warnings: reader being a little shit and just tooth rotting fluff, tig-tig might be a bit ooc
notes: asked and you shall recieve😌i’m sorry if it took too long but i still haven’t lost my 50/50 to tighnari rn so i needed to do some research to try and grasp his personality
hope this is to your liking😚 nobu out🫡
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the rainforest of sumeru is a beautiful place. wild animals, all sorts of flowers and fauna with many different kinds of crystalflies and fireflies appearing at night to add more life to the forest. it was a breathtaking sight indeed. but to you, nothing could ever hold a candle to the green fennec fox hybrid scolding you right now.
“-and the sumeru rose can also be-hey! hey! are you listening!!” snapping his fingers in front of you repeatedly while his fluffy tail swished from side to side behind him, it seems like your daydreaming was cut short for now.
“oh yeah! sorry tig-tig! hehe~” pinching the bridge of your nose, tighnari continued to scold you about how he has already taught you about the medical values of every common sumeru flowers far too many times by now.
the forest ranger already knows of how you’re one of the best graduates from the akademiya yet you can’t seem to memorize things in a long term. maybe you have short term memory loss? or is it another kind of rare disease that’s affecting you? if so he better find out what it is and the cure quickly!
while tighnari was busy worrying over your condition, you were scheming with collei about how to confess to him. of course confessing with chocolates and treats was a common practice but then again tighnari was a fox hybrid so maybe you should kill him another time after confessing. maybe a hand made small souvenir would work? he makes small bracelets and necklaces by hand so he seems to enjoy it. ah how stressful!
“maybe a pot of flowers would work? after all master tighnari may not look like it but he really enjoys growing his own little flowers! one time i even heard him baby talking to one of his potted padisaras with baby talk!” noticing your stress, collei recalled a funny moment in hopes of cheering you up and to at least give you an idea. and it seemed to work.
“collei! what is tig-tig’s favorite flower?” the sudden shift of your mood was a bit scary for the trainee not gonna lie. shaking off the sudden shock, collei gave you a solid answer. niloptala lotus. well shit.
and so after days of waiting for the perfect moment, searching for the perfect spot and flowers, you’ve finally got it. niloptala lotus that bloomed at night by the caresses of the full moon.
walking to the front door of the forest ranger’s little hut has always brought you giddiness but now it just fills you with dread. what if it isn’t his favorite flower? what if he gets angry that you woke him up? is he even awake? maybe this was a bad idea.
before you could even calm the racing thoughts in your mind, you collided with something. oh shoot, just the person you were thinking of.
“oh [name]? what see you doing up so late? you should be sleeping, it’s bad for your health” always the mom friend, fretting over others even when he should be looking out for himself as well. when tighnari saw the pot of flower in your hand, you can easily see his tail start swishing from side to side behind him. before he could ask you anything, you handed him the pot of plant.
“ahem just listen to what i have to say. please?” after having his confirmed nod you began to pour your heart out.
how through all these times, you always knew of the lessons he was teaching you but always listened closely because it was him who was teaching it. how you always knew the answer whenever he asked you a question but played dumb so you can listen to his voice. how the small little acts of him getting angry and pinching your nose or flicking your forehead was endearing. how you always loved being with him but just couldn’t have the heart to say so.
and through it all tighnari listened. he listened and suddenly everything was so clear.
when you finished your confession, that you may or may not have practiced a bit too many times, you felt a hand gently tug you down and a soft kiss against your forehead. your eyes probably looked like they were about to pop out because tighnari was laughing.
“you dummy, ditzy [name]”
“sooo does this mean you love me too tig-tig?”
“sigh fennec foxes mate for life [name]”
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analogwriting · 7 months
Chapter 10: Süda
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 1.8k next
“What in the everliving fuck just happened?” You turned, looking at Marco who started bursting into laughter. You were ready to deck him in all honesty. Though, your brain was currently focusing on the last thing that Law said. That Corazon even had a crush on you then. How the hell?
“That kid never ceases to surprise me.” You can never guess how he would react to something.  He had that stoic expression most of the time, which is why sometimes his bedside manner sucked ass. He only really expressed irritation or annoyance. His friends and Corazon seemed to be the only ones who could bring out the softer sides of him, it was a humorous thing to behold.
Marco looked at you with a lazy grin. “I told you that you're overthinking things. It's okay to be thanked for the things that you do. Like he said, some people meet their heroes and end up being ass anyway.” 
You rolled your eyes and folded your arms across your chest. “I guess I'll talk to Corazon,” you mumbled, shaking your head. Marco was right. You were terrible at letting people show you the least bit of gratitude. You just felt like you were doing what you were supposed to. You were doing your job. Nothing all that special. 
“Good. Cause he's actually here.”
The sheer speed in which your head snapped to Marco, you were surprised you didn't break it. “He had just dropped everything off when you showed up, so I told him to wait a bit. That I'd convince you to talk to him.” He stood up with a shit eating grin that made you want to punch him again. 
“I'll be right back.” 
You let out a loud groan once he left, covering your face with your hands. You weren't even sure what you were feeling right now. A migraine, for sure. You might have mostly cured your hangover but your entire body still hurt. Your original plan was to just come in and check in on everyone. A short and easy visit. 
Now it was all complicated.
You looked at the bouquet again, taking one of the chocolate “flowers” shaped like a heart and examining it closely. It looked pretty good, smelled good too.
“They're coffee flavored.” 
You jumped, looking up at the tall man in your doorway. You honestly felt your own heart almost leap out of your chest when you saw him. You didn't realize just how much you missed him until this moment. You had come to love his little visits and not having them made your life a little boring. 
He stepped into the office, closing the door behind him. You watched his movements carefully, trying to gauge his mood right now. Him closing the door made you a little on edge, but you tried not to think about it. He turned to you, bowing his head slightly.
“My name is Donquixote Rosinante.” What…the hell was going on? Did he hit his head? “I’m from the Donquixote Family. My brother gave me the title of Corazon and even though I have long since left, I still use the name mostly because Law just never stopped using it and I didn’t hate it so here we are.” He walked towards you and you couldn’t back up as you were already pressed into your desk.
“I am no contact with my family. As far as I know, my brother still thinks I’m missing. I have one kid that I found a long time ago riddled with disease. He’s long since cured now.” 
You still had no idea what was going on. What was this monologue? 
“Hearts are kind of my thing because I am full of so much love for others - at least that’s what Bepo says. I just like hearts. My favorite foods are lettuce, cabbage, and umeboshi. I don’t like pizza or bread. I’m incredibly clumsy and break almost everything. I-”
The man stopped talking, looking at you with surprise. 
“What are you doing?”
He frowned. “Well, isn’t it obvious? I’m starting over. Being transparent. It’s…” He paused, losing whatever momentum he had.
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “Cute but unnecessary.” You took a deep breath. “However.” You looked up at him.
“My name is y/n l/n. I am from the l/n family. My mother died when I was young and I was set to take over my father’s family. I was never really about that life and didn’t get the courage to leave it until a small child and his clumsy father came into my life, giving me the final push to leave.” You watched as Corazon’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to say something, but you covered it with your hand to prevent him from saying anything.
“I took over this hospital and made it a safe haven for those who want to leave. And a neutral ground for those who need help. My best friend is Marco Newgate, son of Edward Newgate, or as you know him ‘Whitebeard’. We just call him ‘Pops’. I do enjoy coffee and coffee flavored things. The extra caffeine is something I always need.” You removed your hand from his mouth, looking up at him.
“We’re the reason you left?” It seemed he was hung up on that part. You nodded. “I had been thinking about it already and helping Law gave me that final resolve to do so. It seemed we both inspired each other.”
After a moment of processing your words, he finally spoke. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, y/n. I hope we can get along.” He smiled warmly at you, making your heart skip a beat.
“Nice to meet you too, Rosinante.” 
He paused for a moment before sighing. “I really am sorry, though.” He frowned deeply. “You did nothing but treat Law, the boys, and I with such kindness and patience. All I did in return was end up pointing a gun at you just because of who your father was.” 
“I did do the same thing to y-”
“But that’s not the same. You had just been attacked by my family and then you ran into me. You were scared and unknowing. In my situation, you didn’t do a single thing wrong. You did everything right and I still treated you like a criminal.” He sighed, resting his forehead on your shoulder. 
You could feel your face slowly setting on fire. Your heart was racing a million miles an hour and you had no idea what to do. You took a deep breath, finally speaking. “I knew you weren’t going to shoot me.” 
Corazon pulled away, looking at you.
“No offense, Ros, but you’re one of the least intimidating people I’ve ever met for one.” You watched his face turn red - whether it was from your comment or the spur of the moment nickname, you weren’t sure. “I don’t think you would’ve been able to pull the trigger. You thought I had lied to you and acted rashly, yes. But I knew that deep down you knew that I was right.”
“You disarming me in the least painful way possible and disassembling my gun before giving it back to me told me everything I needed to know. You don’t like hurting people and you trusted me. You gave me back the very thing that could kill you had I actually been determined to do so.”
You nodded, smiling. “Glad you saw it that way because that’s exactly the message I wanted to get across.” You sighed softly, shaking your head. “I was tired of all the violence. Of the killing. I hated doing it. That’s why I left. I wanted to help people.”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled again. “I should’ve never-”
“Rosinante.” You used your firm tone that caused him to tense slightly and his face turned even more red.  You had to keep that in mind. “I swear if you apologize again, I’m not going to forgive you.” His eyes widened in surprise, nodding quickly. “I’m s-” He cut himself off. “Uh…yes, doctor,” he mumbled. 
You snorted softly. “Law told me something very interesting,” you mused, looking up at him. Corazon blinked, tensing slightly. He narrowed his eyes. “What did he have to say?”
“That apparently you had a crush on me back then?” A sly grin appeared across your face. 
His eyes widened and he started to sputter. You watched as his mind began reeling as he tried to find something to say to you. You grinned. “Real interesting considering I hid basically all the features that could give me away from you. Must’ve been my radiant personality.” 
He only grew more red by the minute before he finally spoke. “I mean, how could I not? You’re literally the kindest and sweetest person I’ve ever met. Not to mention you’re incredibly intelligent and willing to help anyone no matter what, even if it reopens your own traumatic wounds.”
That shut you right up. This time you were the one going red and struggling to find something to say. You just stared at him with eyes the size of saucers. “I didn’t need to know what you looked like to know how I felt about you.”
“You sure that wasn’t just gratitude since I had just saved your son back this?” you tried to brush it off as nothing, but the look in Corazon’s eyes said something else. He shook his head. “I’m positive.”
Before you could get so much as another word in, there was a knock at the door. For fuck’s sake, could you not have fucking anything?
“Can I never have a minute?” You were mumbling and grumbling, folding your arms across your chest as you pouted slightly.
Marco walked in with an expression that immediately made you uneasy. “You know that I do not want to interrupt right now because no one has been waiting for this moment more eagerly than me. But…” He looked at you with a deep frown.
“Your father called. He wants you to visit the estate immediately. Didn’t say why.”
You just stared at Marco. What the fuck did your father want? Why now? He was just here. And as much as you appreciated him for contacting you in a more appropriate manner, you were annoyed that he did it right now. Didn’t he say everything he needed to the other day? Is the weird cryptic thing that Pops said earlier going to unfold now? Were you finally going to get some answers?
You looked at Corazon apologetically. “I-”
He shook his head, holding up his hand. “Just go. I’ll be here when you get back.” He smiled at you. “Marco said he programmed my number into your phone last night anyway, so call me when you get back.” You felt your face warm up. “I…” Man, you didn’t deserve a man with so much patience. You nodded. “Okay. Will do.” With that, you grabbed your coat and headed out of the office, silently cursing your dad for interrupting your love life not once, but twice.
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loveyhoons · 4 months
pairing: park sunghoon x f!reader
synopsis: sunghoon never believed in love due to his biggest secret: having the disease hanahaki. when he meets you on a whim one night, he realizes he may have found his cure...you. will love be both in your favor, or will it all crumble before it even started?
word count: 2.3k words
warnings: cussing
taglist: OPEN! send in an ask or comment if you’d like to be tagged
@tinyteezer @riksaes @uppuzvrse
note: hewo everyone T__T sorry for taking super long with an update, i recently graduated uni, (yipee) i will be updating more frequently now since it's summer time :D enjoy this little update, things are about to get a bit interesting from here!!
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It was known to everyone that not only was Sunghoon smart and charismatic- but he was born into a wealthy family. 
He and Jay were from affluent families who ran family businesses which were passed down from generation to generation. Their families were talked about quite a lot in the business aspect of things and most certainly amongst the rich side of town. 
With Jay being an only child, he was already set to take over the family business. As Sunghoon was 1 out of 3 children, he was expected to follow in his older brother’s footsteps and help the family business. Despite his brother being next in line when their father retires, Sunghoon was still expected to work in the family business and at least manage one aspect of the company.
Sunghoon’s dad thought of his disease to be a myth. He never really understood what happened or bothered to know in the first place. He believed if Sunghoon married someone else, the flowers would stop growing and he’d be magically cured. He dismissed Sunghoon’s feelings when it came to how he felt or if he ever felt the flowers growing sporadically on their own. 
Sunghoon felt as if he disappointed his dad growing up, feeling like it was his fault he could not live up to his expectations. As much as he wished for a cure to come by that easily, life did not work that way. Maybe that was why he was so excited to go to university; to escape his dad’s demands. 
Maybe that was why he was so shocked when he met you. He was unsure what it meant to meet you that evening but why did you walk in so suddenly-where were you all of his life if you were right there all along? 
The morning after the party, Sunghoon woke up with the worst headache he’d had in months. As he walked out of the bathroom to get a painkiller, he saw Jake sitting on the couch. With the other 2 already out for their classes, it was just him and Sunghoon left in their apartment.
“Care to tell me what happened between you and Y/N last night?” Jake asked as he looked towards Sunghoon.
“She didn’t think much when she saw the petals, don’t worry,” Sunghoon replied, grabbing a glass from the dish rack. He walked towards the water pitcher as he looked back at Jake. “she thought someone broke my heart.”
“No, you were mumbling to Jay and me when we walked into the apartment. Something about her favorite flowers.” 
Sunghoon stopped in his tracks. He fully turned around after taking the painkiller.
“I was going to say something eventually,” Sunghoon sighed. “But I don’t know if she may be the one I was looking for.” 
“If it gives you hope, we’ll see her more often, or I’ll try my best to convince Chaehyun to bring her when we go out.” 
“You guys are bothering the poor girl, she looked like she didn’t want to be there at all last night.”
“Man, stop being stubborn. Maybe she’s the girl you’ve been looking for all along.” Jake stood up from the couch and shook his head. He then walked into his room as Sunghoon put his glass down. He was just tired of false hope. What if this whole thing was just a bluff, he thought to himself.
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It has been around a week since Sunghoon’s little encounter with you and yet he could not get you out of his head. Sure, he was curious when he’d see you again but he kept his distance and his mouth shut. Whenever Chaehyun would visit your guys’ apartment, he’d peek a little out of his bedroom door to see if you would come trailing in behind her but it was no use. 
He figured you were busy with school and whatnot; he kept silent. He was thinking of ways to even approach you if you both ever do cross paths. It was a new emotion for him- too long for someone. He thought it was all too surreal, except for the fact visiting his parents over the weekend made things take a turn.
His mom called saying she and his younger sister Yeji missed him a lot. As the campus was an hour away, it was easy to go and come back. Even if he hated running into his dad, at least he could see his mom happy just for a little bit. 
“Sunghoon needs to marry her as soon as he graduates.” Mr.Park says sternly. Sunghoon peeks through the doors of his dad’s office as he sees his parents talking. He squints a little through the opening, trying to get a better look at what was happening.
“How many times do I need to tell you, that our son’s case is different? He can die at any given moment-” 
“Bullshit.” Mr.Park sneered. “Either he marries or I am disowning him. I can’t stand this any longer.” 
Sunghoon frowns a little as he lets out a sigh. He then turns around to find his sister Yeji standing by him. She shakes her head as Sunghoon whispers to stay quiet. The two then walk down towards Yeji’s room as he walks her in.
“Hoon, is it true what dad said?” Yeji asked as Sunghoon closed the door.
“No, don’t listen to him, he tends to overreact.” 
Sunghoon sat on the blue beanbag in the corner of the room as he put his head into his hands. He then looks up to Yeji who sits on her bed, feeling helpless.
 The siblings were used to this. 
Every time Sunghoon would come home, their dad would bring up the arranged marriage and leave it at that. There never was a family dinner that just focused on other things; it was only strictly business and academics. It was a constant reminder of why Sunghoon wanted to move out in the first place; he was tired of this icy atmosphere. 
“You’ll figure something out though right? I don’t want you to leave forever.” Yeji pouted.
Sunghoon shook his head, letting out a weary smile. “I’ll think of something. I won’t die on you and Mom, I promise.” 
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“Y/N, your article is our most-read article once again,” Soobin cheered as he showed you his monitor screen. You walked over to his desk, looking at the number of reads again. 
You had a bit of writer’s block in the past week since your little encounter with Sunghoon. You can still picture all the flower petals that were on the rooftop floor and how some petals flew around in the night sky as if they danced with the wind. You could not get the sight out of your mind, especially with Sunghoon right in the smack middle of it all.
It felt absurd in honesty; you never expected to paint a different picture of Sunghoon in your mind like that. So there you were in your bedroom last night, scrambling to publish another article, hoping the weekly readers would still enjoy the new article.  
You widened your eyes. “Wow…that many reads already? I just published it last night-” 
“I’m telling you Y/N, if people like it they like it,” Soobin replied. He then pointed towards the comment section and smiled. “You see people even recommend what stories they want you to discuss, the interaction is great.”
“Soobin, you sound a bit too excited talking about my articles, spill what’s on your mind,” You jokingly said.
There were rumors around your department that Soobin is already looking for his replacement. 
The school paper merely did not run on elections but mostly depended on qualifications and who the team thought was most fit out of the upcoming cohort in the following semester. With the selection process taking around a month or so, the prospects would have to sit and wait until they’d get a special email.
In your case, Soobin already found his possible candidate. 
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, the seniors and I are impressed with your work. I think you’d be perfect to be my replacement next fall.” 
You shook your head, letting out a little laugh. “Me? That’s a bit too much Soobin.” 
“I know it seems too early to think about, but we think you’d be the perfect candidate. Please consider.” 
“I’ll think about it.” 
You had to think about it soon. It seemed like Soobin was counting on you. 
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“What are you reading?” Sunghoon asked Jake as he and Heeseung sat in front of him.
The three decided to wait at the library for Jay as he was in a class right now. “Oh the school paper, there’s this author who’s been writing about Greek myth and it’s been going around the campus.” 
“Isn’t that the paper where journalism students can write whatever topic they want and publish it?” Heeseung asked as he brought out his laptop.
Jake nodded his head as he showed Sunghoon and Heeseung his phone screen. “Yup. See look at this, the author has an interesting take on this week’s story.” 
Sunghoon peered and raised his eyebrow. He looked at the username and the story that was being discussed. He turned his head a little, intrigued by the content, immediately feeling as if the gears in his head were about to turn. 
“Isn’t Y/N a journalism major?” Sunghoon asked.
Heeseung nodded his head. “Yea, why you ask?”
“Nothing I was just curious…” Sunghoon trailed off. He started to smirk to himself, thinking of a little plan. 
Maybe he can get closer to you after all.
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You said a quick thank you to your professor, waving goodbye. As you walk out of the room, you see girls whispering and hovering by the side of the classroom. Curious about what they are looking at, you then look to your right to see Sunghoon leaning against the wall on his phone. 
Taken aback by his presence, you decided to walk the other way, not thinking of it too much. 
As you were about to exit the building, a hand opened the door before you. You looked up towards Sunghoon as he tensed up a little. You blink your eyes a bit too quickly, turning your head in confusion. “Sunghoon?”
“It’s been a while Y/N, can we talk if that’s okay?” Sunghoon asked.
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It was awkward. You and Sunghoon sitting alone on the rooftop of the journalism building. You decided it was best to talk to him here, knowing that he was drawing quite the attention at the exit of the building.
The two of you looked at the view of the back of the campus, standing in silence. You would occasionally steal glances at him as he did the same. You needed clarification as to what he wanted- it was odd for him to even show up in the first place. 
“Uh, are you feeling alright?” You ask.
“And why wouldn’t I be?” Sunghoon asked as you rolled your eyes. “Well, that whole fiasco at the party. The flowers?”
“That was weeks ago, I’m alright.”
You questioned Sunghoon’s sudden shift of attitude. He seemed calm and collected earlier, why was he acting like the complete opposite right now? He was acting like a jerk.
“Well, that is nice to hear. Anyways why did you want to see me today?” 
Sunghoon rubbed his chin a little. He looked towards you and sneered. “You’re that writer who writes that myth column on our paper, right?” 
You looked at him confused, shaking your head. He wasn’t wrong- but he shouldn't know that either. “I don’t write for the paper, I help with the weekly school news on our school’s Instagram page instead.”
“Cut the bullshit Y/N,” Sunghoon replied. “I remember you telling me how you liked the flowers that were on the floor. They’re your favorite flowers are they not?” 
“I also like tulips, peonies, and hydrangeas. Doesn’t mean I only like forget-me-nots.” You sighed. “Anyways are we done here? I need to get to my next class in the Creative Arts building.” 
“Y/N, I can see right through you, I know it’s you.” 
Sunghoon stepped closer to you. You gulped a little, taken aback. 
“Well, it’s not me. Bye Sunghoon, have a nice day.” You gritted your teeth a little, letting out a little forced smile. You walked away, going straight back into the building.
“Everyone will know your little secret if you leave right now,” Sunghoon spoke in a louder voice. “But if you stay here just for a bit to hear what I have to say, I’ll keep your secret.” 
You stopped and turned away to face him. “Excuse me? Are you threatening me?”
Sunghoon sneered as he walked closer to you. As he stood right before you, he crossed his arms. “Let’s make a deal.” 
You scoffed, trying to look away. “And out of all the girls you can choose, why me?” 
Sunghoon knew you weren’t wrong. Many girls would say yes to the little plan he made in his head. They wouldn’t hesitate to give him an answer and just roll with it. But with you, he knew this was the only way he could be closer in proximity with you. Maybe it was the immense pressure he felt knowing his life was on the line or the disappointment and disdain his father felt towards him. 
If this was the only way he could get rid of the flowers, so be it. 
“Because,” Sunghoon clicked his tongue. “Your favorite flowers give me fucking hell.” He felt his chest burn a little, breathing a bit heavier. 
You stood before him, feeling your heart race. You were lost in your own thoughts, baffled by his words. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.” “Just-just stay here and listen to what I have to say. I am at wits end right now and I think you’d be helpful for what I’m about to do.” Sunghoon talked a bit softer as he looked intently at you. His gaze started to soften a little as you stood there in silence. 
You took in a deep breath and sighed. “I really need to get to class Sunghoon, I don’t have the time-” 
“Okay then I’ll wait for you and after we talk, about that?” Sunghoon asked.
“Fine.” You replied, in frustration. “But you better not waste my time Sunghoon.”
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© loveyhoons , 2024
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pulpitude · 6 months
meet my mc ✦ ilw edition, 1/?
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full name: amethyst "ame" dahlia grimes
age: 22
birthday: february 29th, 2000 (celebrates on the 28th in non leap years)
gender: non-binary transfem
pronouns: they/them
sexuality: bisexual
personality type: shows as sarcastic in game, but they're an absolute wildcard. yes, most of the time they use humor and witty quips to defuse situations or as their "default" mode, but they can also get aggressive from time to time, and when it comes to people they care about there's not a bit of sarcasm left in them. in general, very unpredictable, i'd say for them i picked 50% sarcastic choices and 25% of the other two personalities each.
love interest: lincoln mcquoid / aquino
occupation: unemployed during series events, goes on to become a fashion designer after moving to vegas
fate: merged with their human half, successfully defeated matty and cured the horrors
fates of friends: everyone survived and stayed, but abel did almost die because he didn't have a high enough nerve to avoid the incorrect options
☆ they're very into new wave, goth rock, and 80s synth pop. (yes, they're a devotee just like me 😭) despite this, their style couldn't be further from gothic fashion, instead preferring to dress in 2000s fashion with racing and rave elements.
☆ they picked the name amethyst not only because of their favorite color being purple but also because of their birth stone, and their middle name dahlia because of the flower that symbolizes change. (fun fact: i wanted them to have a flower middle name and went with dahlia temporarily before i went wait. flowers have meanings don't they. and so i searched up if there's a flower for change and SURPRISE it's dahlia lmaooo 😭 i picked right)
☆ they used to want to become an astronomer when they grew up, but eventually grew out of it once they realized they're just really into space and the actual job would be really boring to them.
☆ they've been a dancer since age 14 and incorporate it into their fighting style. they don't have a particular weapon of choice, but they do like dual wielding, as for them it feels "empty" fighting with just one weapon.
☆ they've always been the "fight first, talk later" impulsive id-type, acting with their instinct and gut feelings rather than thinking rationally or keeping their emotions in check. only after forming a friendship with the main gang did they learn to be more rational and patient, although much of their former self is still there.
☆ they'll often wake up really early just to get their outfit and/or makeup ready. amalia always scolds them for it, and when they tell her she's up early too she replies that at least she's doing something important with her petition.
☆ they and lincoln are both fully and completely versatile, but only when it comes to who's topping or bottoming... since everyone knows it's always ame taking the wheel. upon first meeting him they thought he'd be hard and dominant in bed and were very pleasantly surprised upon finding out that's not the case.
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scarfacemarston · 7 months
Omggggg can we get some sadie x reader action please? Thank you so much🙏🙏
Sure! Here is one of the few other examples I have of me writing Sadie, (Some are NSFW)if you're interested. I don't receive requests for her often, so I'm hoping I did okay.
You're aware that Jake will always be Sadie's number 1 love in her life, but as long as you can accept that, you're already on the road to a healthy relationship.
You approached her as a friend first. Not as someone to coddle or look at her with pity, and Sadie appreciated that immensely. Sometimes, the two of you would sit silently, listen to the birds sing, or enjoy watching the streams nearby. This is something that the two of you would openly seek later on in the relationship - sometimes with better or worse results. The bogs of Lemoyne were not exactly date-worthy, but you enjoyed the flower fields, the rolling hills, and the mountainside. Sadie was always on the lookout for new locations to show you. It was always a great way to leave camp and spend some alone time.
Sadie actually likes mystery novels and has a bad habit of trying to guess the ending the entire time, or worse, she'll sneak a peak at the end of the book and smile smugly as you were surprised by every twist in the book.
She would NEVER admit it, but she enjoys the occasional romance novel. She never considered herself a romantic person, and she never will. Still, she would be lying to herself if some books didn't remind her of her relationship with Jake…………or the occasional Sapphic "friend" novel reminding her of you. She may or may not borrowed an idea or two from the books to try out on you. Think Cassandra from Dragon Age.
She loves jerky of any type. She used to dry and cure the meat, testing out various mixtures with the different animals that were hunted. She'll buy as much as possible, but it still pales compared to the jerky she's made. She does not understand why people don't appreciate jerky more. It is certainly not a boring food. Modern Au Sadie has a hatred for Whole Foods, but especially finds their jerky selection pretentious.
She's not a particularly religious woman, but she has prayed before for your safety when she felt like there was nothing else that could be done. She hated the helplessness, and at least praying was something, even if it wasn't necessarily meaningful to her.
Favorite fruit is blueberries. She's always loved popping them in her mouth in between picking them from the bushes. Jake used to bake pies with them. She'd be overjoyed if you baked for the two of you………….but she can try if you ask nicely enough.
Loves her harmonica. She is constantly asked to play "Clementine". Usually, it's Jack that asks for it, but she'll play for you……..but prefers you pick a different song.
She will come up with any excuse for you to share her horse. "Your horse looks tired," "You look tired," "My horse is already tacked," "Bob is faster,." "Bob spooks less."
Has a weakness for hats. She is very economical, but if she sees a good hat, she won't hesitate to loot it and dust it off. She has at least four different hats…..so far. It makes it easy for you to pick out a gift for her.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
Ok how about a Marilyn x fem reader where the reader becomes deathly ill? Perhaps they're a dying species that's been pretty much gone endangered because of some illness that only effects them. Reader finally catches it and has pretty much resigned herself to dying an early death. Marilyn is devastated by the news and decides to mix all kinds of concoctions to find a cure because she's secretly in love with reader. No matter how hard Marilyn tries though it's looking grim and before reader goes into a coma, she kisses Marilyn, thinking she's not going to survive anyway. Marilyn doubles down and in one last effort, creates a cure that brings reader back from almost death! Afterwards reader "thanks" Marilyn 😉😉😉
Yesss!!!! Here it is!!! Oh, this one is so sad :(((. I hope you like it and sorry about the delay, and the language mistakes
Until I die
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill x Fem Student! Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, deathly reader, hurt and comfort, some implied smut, fluff
Word count: 7,573
Summary: You were a dying species, your live started its own countdown, but you have her by your side at least…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“Wait, (Y/N), I want to talk to you for a moment,” Marilyn, your teacher, said to you when you were about to leave the conservatory. You smiled to yourself and stood up comically.
It was something you didn't want to do, your body asked you to smile every time you were in botany class. Not because of the plants, with which you had a very special relationship due to your condition, but because of that sweet and kind redhead that was your teacher.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, trying to hide your nervous and flushed face. She shook her head.
“Oh, nothing's wrong, (Y/N), I just want to talk to you for a second,” Marilyn said, gesturing for you to come over to her desk.
You approached slowly, with shaky legs. On the table was what was supposed to be the monthly assignment, which consisted of growing a strange variety of plant.
Of course for you it was a piece of cake. Your powers of union with nature had their advantages, and being the best at botany, and Marilyn's favorite student, was one of them. Surely she was wondering why your plant had flowered in a matter of three days. The good thing was that you would have to explain it, and that meant spending some extra school time with her.
“Is it because of the plant?” You asked, leaving your backpack on the ground. It weighed too much, lately everything weighed too much on you. Marilyn gave you a knowing look and nodded.
“I know you haven't cheated, I know you (Y/N), but I am very curious to know how you have obtained such a magnificent specimen in just three days,” Marilyn said, lovingly observing the plant.
You smiled embarrassed and ran a hand over the back of your neck.
“Well… I…” You stammered. Normally you had no problem explaining what your abilities were, but talking to that woman was difficult for you to. You liked her too much, and next to her you looked almost like a little girl, stuttering and shaking. “It's… One of the advantages of having my abilities.”
Marilyn looked at you and nodded, raising her eyebrows. You didn't even know how to explain exactly what you were. Your parents died when you were very young, and your grandparents, who raised you, didn't seem to want to explain exactly what your gifts were.
“Can you grow plants in just 3 days? It's amazing,” Marilyn said, leaning on the table and looking at you curiously. You nodded, shrugging.
“Well, not always…” You said, joking. Sure, you could make a flower to bloom in a desert, but you never liked to show off. Marilyn seemed to see your embarrassment and she laughed softly.
“There is no need to be ashamed, (Y/N), in Nevermore there are people much stranger than you, I assure you.” The redhead said, looking at the plant curiously.
She was right. A girl capable of communing with nature was nothing compared to the vampires and werewolves you had for classmates.
“I'm just impatient,” you said, moving a little closer to her. “I couldn't wait to see the beauty of that plant.”
You were not lying, you were not exaggerating. You found beauty in the simplest things, in anything that had to do with nature and its magnificence.
Marilyn smiled again, looking at you over her glasses.
“You don't have to be nice with me, you're already my best student,” she told you amused, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“That's not true,” you said, playing with your ankle and with flushed cheeks. Marilyn laughed again, probably seeing you so nervous and erratic. You had always talked, you had a very good relationship with your teacher, but you had never been alone. It was something new for you, and something wonderful.
“I was thinking… Do you already have an extracurricular activity?” The redhead asked. You shook your head.
“Not yet, there's nothing I really want to do…” You sighed with total sincerity. She nodded with a blank look, as if she was thinking about something.
“Weems isn't going to like that, she always wants you to be busy,” she whispered to you, as if the principal was going to show up at the door at any moment.
You laughed.
“Perhaps you would like to help me with the plants. I know it's not an official activity, but Weems isn't too hard to convince. What do you say, (Y/N)? Do you want to be my assistant?” She asked.
You made a superhuman effort not to nod when you heard her proposal, you pretended to think about it. You didn't know if she noticed, probably she did, she was an adult and you were a teenager just entering your 20's.
“Yes, yes of course, I would love it,” you said with a solemn voice. Marilyn smiled wider.
“I'm glad to hear it, (Y/N). Come on, go to your classes, I'll talk to Weems this afternoon,” she said, fleetingly passing a hand over your cheek.
You nodded and grabbed your heavy backpack, leaving the conservatory before your babbling and embarrassment gave you away even more.
Weems accepted Marilyn's proposal, and the next day, you started your extracurricular activity. It was everything you dreamed of. A couple of hours alone with Marilyn, learning about plants, about taking care of them.
“Do you see the color of that leaf?” Marilyn asked, pointing to the leaves that grew on a strange flower’s stem. You leaned in and nodded curiously.
“They are darker,” you affirmed, while you took notes in a notebook. Marilyn agreed.
“Those are the ones that have to be cut, do you want to do that?” She asked, extending a garden tool towards you. You took it with a trembling hand.
“It looks like a parasitic disease…” You commented, evaluating the battered state of that flower. Marilyn's eyes widened and she tilted her head.
“Are you sure?” She asked, looking at the flower more closely, so close that her body brushed against yours, making you tremble.
You closed your eyes and nodded.
“That's what it tells me…” You whispered, praying that the redhead didn't take you for a crazy person, like your former normie classmates used to do.
“What does it tell you? Can you talk to them?” She asked curiously. You nodded embarrassed. “Let me see.”
Marilyn went to her desk and picked up a magnifying glass, with which she looked carefully at the flower.
“Oh, my God, it's true…” She sighed, looking at you out of the corner of her eye. “Okay, cut the leaves and I'll go find the remedy for her disease, I think I prepared one last week...”
You nodded and took one of the bad leaves in your hand, glancing sideways at the redhead. Those little tongs seemed to be made of strong metal, you were unable to open them with one hand. You shook your head, now using both hands, to no avail.
Marilyn was pruning one of the plants when you arrived, and she seemed to have no trouble handling the tool at all.
“Is something wrong?” The redhead asked, placing a hand on your back as she held a glass jar. You snorted and showed her the tongs.
“I can't open them,” you said embarrassed. Marilyn smiled fondly and picked up the tool, opening and closing it smoothly. Then she looked at you with a frown.
“They're a little stuck, but I can handle them…” She said to herself. Then she looked at you somewhat worried. “Are you okay?”
You agreed. Marilyn put the tongs down on the table and walked over to you, cupping your face in her hands and watching you.
“Yes… Just a little tired,” you said, trying to ignore the heat that her hands produced on your skin.
“Are you sure? You don't look good,” Marilyn said, moving a lock of hair from your face. “You are pale, (Y/N)…”
You swallowed hard and ignored her. You were just 20 years old and until that moment you had not thought about those things that your grandmother told you, that your parents told you before they died. You didn't give it any importance, surely your sleepless nights thinking about your teacher had made you weak, it was nothing else, or that's what you repeated over and over again in your head.
“You should go to rest, (Y/N), I'll take care of this,” Marilyn said kindly, moving away from you and cutting the leaves herself. You shook your head, a bit abruptly.
“No… I'm fine, I like being here…” You said, noticing how your voice grew heavy and your eyes seemed to want to close. Marilyn rested her hands on her waist in a warning gesture.
“Your health comes first, (Y/N), you should rest…” She told you with that teacher's tone that you hated, that reminded you that she was nothing else than that, your teacher.
“At least let me stay here with you…” You whispered, instantly regretting that pathetic plea. Marilyn sighed and thought about it for a moment.
“Okay, but just a little while longer, sit there, honey,” she said, pointing to one of the stools.
You obeyed with an involuntary yawn and sat down, watching everything the redhead did.
“So you can talk to the plants…” She murmured, looking at you over the flower. “It's extraordinary. Excuse me if I say it a lot of times, for me all of you are one surprise after another.”
You smiled and bowed your head.
“Well, not to talk as such... It's more like sensations, feelings,” you explained, looking at all the plants in the conservatory, which seemed to be sad about something, or so they told you.
“Uh-huh,” Marilyn said, pouring the contents of the jar into the pot. “And what do they tell you about me? Good feelings, I guess,” she joked, winking at you.
You laughed and nodded.
“Yes, they appreciate that you take care of them with such affection,” you said, perhaps exaggerating a bit, and without really knowing if you were talking precisely about the plants.
The following days were that way. You, Marilyn, alone in the conservatory, tending the plants, talking, drinking tea. A paradise for you, if it weren't for the fact that this strange fatigue was increasing, so much so that you even fell asleep in class a couple of times...
“(Y/N)…” A whisper, followed by a nudge from Yoko, your classmate, woke you up. It had become routine for you to fall asleep in class, but you had never done it in botany class. You could feel Marilyn's eyes glancing at you. You were terribly embarrassed and you pretended to move the notebook on the desk.
“But what's wrong with you?” Yoko asked in a low voice. “This is the fifth time you've fallen asleep in class.”
You sighed and rubbed your eyes.
“I don't know…” you whispered. Lies. You knew there was a possibility, a terrible one, but you refused to believe it, to accept it. It had to be a product of the stress of the exams, yes, it had to be that.
The bell rang in your head like a hammer, becoming a noise too unpleasant. With difficulty, you got up from your desk and grabbed your backpack, which now seemed to be full of bricks.
“(Y/N),” Marilyn said, grabbing your shoulder. “Wait a minute.”
You knew that she had noticed that you had fallen asleep. You were trembling, you felt chills, shame...
“Sweetie, what's wrong with you?” she asked, worried. “I’m not going to blame you for falling asleep, I’m just worry about you, okay?” She told you, as if she knew the shame you felt.
“I'm just, stressed, I think…” You lied, leaning on the table so as not to lose your balance. You were dizzy. Marilyn studied your features as was typical of her, caressing your cheeks and placing a hand on your forehead.
“My goodness, (Y / N), you're on fire, you have a fever…” the redhead sighed. “Come, we have to take you to the infirmary.”
You couldn't make a move against her grip. You were weak and feverish. You don't even remember the way to the infirmary, just crawling into one of the beds and swallowing a pill.
When you opened your eyes, Marilyn was next to you, stroking your forehead.
“Hey honey, how are you?” She asked softly. You grunted and sat up in bed, shaking your head. You didn't feel feverish anymore, but your joints ached like hell.
“Well… I’m feeling better, I guess,” you said, stretching out your arms. You couldn't do it, they hurt too, your whole body hurt. You looked at the infirmary windows, which barely emitted light. “How long have I been here?”
Marilyn smiled, continuing to caress you.
“Calm down, (Y/N), just a few hours…” Marilyn sighed. “You needed to sleep.”
“Oh…” You said, imagining that this is more or less how a hangover should feel.
“Let's see, let's see.” A harsh and unpleasant voice appeared in the room. Crazy Nurse Hill. “Let's see how you are, come on, quickly, quickly.”
Marilyn got up from the bed raising her eyebrows and smiling at the always so crazy attitude of the nurse and stood there looking at you.
“Let's see, you leech, put on the thermometer on you,” the nurse said, throwing the object at you abruptly. You were making a great effort to hold back your laughter, just like Marilyn, who turned around pressing her lips.
After five minutes of nonsensical talk from Hill, the thermometer beeped and with the speed of the best of policemen, she took the device from you.
Her amused face was wiped away and she looked at Marilyn, frowning.
The redhead took the thermometer that Hill offered her and her face went from laughter to fear.
��It's impossible…” She said horrified, looking over and over again looking at the values marked by the thermometer.
“Completely impossible...” The nurse stated, blinking several times. You were sitting on the bed, nervous about the attitude of the two women. “(Y/N), are you okay?”
You nodded, nervous for not understanding the horrified looks from the women.
“Honey, aren't you cold?” Marilyn asked, sitting next to you again and laying you down on the bed, covering you well with the sheets. You, terrified by her nervousness, shook your head.
Hill also came over, handing you the thermometer. You were as surprised as they were. It marked the derisory temperature of 90º F. You shook your head.
“Surely she had put it wrong. Come on, to the mouth,” the nurse said, snatching the thermometer and putting it in your mouth without hesitation.
“Mmmm,” you protested. Marilyn stroked your head to relax you.
“Calm down, (Y / N), it's okay…” She told you with a calm, almost sedative voice.
The temperature didn't change, much to the horror of Marilyn and the nurse.
“Okay… This is very weird,” she mumbled, going to another room.
“What's wrong with me?” You asked to yourself, removing a terrible idea from your head. Marilyn shook her head and took your hand.
“My God, you're freezing, are you saying you're not cold?” She asked, scared.
“Well… I’m not cold…” You sighed.
You spent the night in the infirmary, thinking about what you were supposed to know, what your grandmother told you over and over again and what you never paid attention to.
You didn't know what you were basically because there were hardly any cases like yours in the world. You were a fairy, but not an ordinary fairy, but a dying bundle of what fairies used to be. It was a species in extinction for centuries, a species that decided to let itself die long ago. There were no pure fairies left, only people with certain powers, a genetic mixture that should not exist. They always told you that nature was wise, but also cruel.
Beings so pure, so innocent could not exist, no longer, not in this world. Everyone born with the fairy gene died prematurely. Your grandparents were saved, your parents were not. Each generation had a far worse fate than the one before.
All your uncles had died before reaching thirty, your parents too. Your grandparents survived, but just barely. Your grandfather couldn't take care of himself, and your grandmother was in a wheelchair.
When you were a little girl, you thought they were just stories to scare you, so that you would pick up your room, behave yourself and not swear. When you grew up, they told you that it was not like that, that it was your destiny, that you had to die without remedy. Your grandmother called it, "the fairy curse." A disease that only affected you, to a greater or lesser extent.
You cried when you found out, but as you saw the years go by and nothing happened, little by little you forgot that fear. Until that moment, when the symptoms began to attack you.
It followed an order, a few steps that led to your death. It could be a coincidence, but as time passed, you became sure that it wasn't.
Fatigue, fever, dizziness, cold, blood, blindness, coma, death…
Those were the steps that the disease followed, the steps that you would follow.
That night you found it impossible to sleep. A part of your mind did not know what your cruel fate would be. You only thought that it was a coincidence, a cold, a very strong one. But deep down you knew that it wasn't like that, that little by little it would get worse, that your fate was sealed.
You were too young to die, you hit the mattress in a rage, crying out for a justice that apparently didn't exist. You didn't deserve to die, you were a good person, the best student in Nevermore, Marilyn's favorite student. Oh, Marilyn, just thinking you'd never see her again made your insides turn. It was a hell, a hell that would soon burn you up, that would make you disappear from the world, a world in which you were not supposed to exist.
The sun's rays woke you up the next morning, along with three people who entered the infirmary. Larissa Weems, the Nevermore’s principal, a doctor you didn't know, and Marilyn.
“Let's see what's wrong with this young lady…” The man said, opening his briefcase and beginning to examine you.
You shook your head, still between sleep and wakefulness. Marilyn walked over to you and took your icy hand.
“Don't worry, (Y/N), the nurse called the hospital last night and a doctor has come to see you,” she told you, with her usual healing caresses. You nodded and found horrified that you could barely squeeze her hand.
“How are you, (Y/N)?” Weems asked, leaning towards you, concerned.
“Well… I guess…” You said with a broken voice, feeling the cold of the mercury on your chest.
“Well? I doubt it very much, miss,” the doctor said, listening to the beating of your heart. “It’s a very low heart rate...” She said to the women, who looked at you strangely.
“I'm fine,” you reaffirmed. Really, despite the fever and the dizziness, you weren't feeling too bad, maybe it was because you had Marilyn by your side, that always made you feel better.
“Well…” The doctor said, after taking some blood from you. “I'm done.”
“What? You’re done?” Marilyn asked, getting up from the bed abruptly. “Aren't you going to take her to the hospital?”
The doctor sighed and shook his head.
“First we have to know what is happening to her,” he said passively. Marilyn glared at him but Larissa put a hand on her shoulder to stop what was sure to be a fit of rage. “We have to do some analysis. As soon as we have enough data we will take her to the hospital. I must admit that Nevermore never disappoints, I have no idea about what’s happening to her.”
“What kind of doctor are you?” Marilyn asked through clenched teeth. Larissa stepped between the two, smiling fakely at the redhead.
“Marilyn, why don't you keep (Y/N) company? I'll talk to the doctor,” she said, forcing her to sit next to you.
She sighed furiously, but she nodded.
You were embarrassed, but excited to see how the redhead cares about you. If she knew what was wrong with you...
“Calm down, I'm fine,” you said with a half smile. She shook her head and looked at you with a serious but tender face.
“Honey... I'm so worried about you,” she said sincerely, taking your hand again. “You were fine a week ago and now...”
“It'll pass, I'm sure it's nothing,” you lied.  That someone knew what was happening to you wouldn’t help at all. People just would feel sorry for you. You didn't want Marilyn's pity, you wanted her care, you wanted the love she was giving you not because she knew you would die. It was much better to think that she might have feelings for you, even though you knew that was impossible.
At noon, and after several hours of sleep, the infirmary door opened again and Marilyn came over to your bed with a lot of things in her hands. One of them caught your eye.
“White roses…” You sighed, yawning. She smiled. She seemed calmer than that morning. She put the vase with the flowers on your table and put some books on your lap.
“I thought you'd feel better with some flowers, besides, I know they're your favorites,” the redhead said, kissing your forehead. You froze from that kiss, but you soon snapped back to reality, frowning.
“How do you know?” You asked surprised. Marilyn looked at you smiling, but feeling a bit sad.
“You told me the day we were taking care of the rose bushes at school, don't you remember?” She said tenderly, but with concern.
You were horrified, you really didn't remember saying that to her. It was a possible symptom, forgetting things, you knew it, your grandfather started to deteriorate that way. At this point, lying was the best, so as not to plunge into a cesspool of tears and despair.
“Oh, yes... It's true,” you said, diverting your attention to the books that the redhead left in your lap. “What is this?”
“I bought them for you. You're probably right and you'll be fine soon, but you're going to get bored here alone, so… Well, it's for you to entertain yourself,” Marilyn said, trying to fool herself. Maybe she knew deep down that all this looked bad, but she, like you, refused to believe it.
“Have you bought them? It wasn't necessary…” You said, looking at the covers. “An encyclopedia of plants? It's great, I never had one in such a good condition,” you said excitedly, leafing through the books, enjoying the aroma that the new paper gave off.
“Well, I'm glad you like it,” Marilyn said, smiling, seeing how you enjoyed something so simple.
You smiled back at her, pretending you weren't having a huge headache right now.
“Thank you…” You sighed, closing your eyes, hurt. Marilyn fixed on you, grabbing you by the shoulders.
“(Y/N)… My God, you're, you're bleeding…” She said trembling, running her hand under your nose.
Drops of blood began to cover the mattress. Blood, another of the symptoms that only reminded you how close your end was.
Blood, blindness, coma, death...
The day passed slowly, painfully. Your friends went to see you several visits, showering you with gifts and sweets. Everyone was oblivious to what would happen and that only made you more and more depressed. When you were alone, you cried inconsolably, imagining that everything around you would end up disappearing, that you would die without remedy, when you had barely begun to enjoy life, the love you felt for Marilyn.
That night you opened your eyes, wiping the blood from your nose, and turned around to get a vision as tender as devastating. Marilyn was there, sitting next to you, covered in her own jacket. That excessive concern meant many things to you, and since you didn't have much time left, your thoughts went to the one you liked the most, she felt something for you.
Then your rational mind would erase that fantasy from your head. Surely she would do the same for any other student, she was tender, sweet and kind to everyone. You were not the exception.
You were going to make yourself noticed, to wake the redhead from her uncomfortable and deep sleep, but the creak of the door opening made you continue pretending that you were sleeping soundly. It was Larissa, who sidled up to Marilyn.
“Marilyn…” She whispered, gently moving the redhead. She woke up comically.
“Larissa…” She said in a low voice, taking her glasses from your table. “What happens?”
“We need to talk…” Larissa said, in a serious tone, leaning towards you. “Is she asleep?”
“Yes, yes, she's been sleeping all night,” the redhead replied, rubbing her eyes. “What's happening?”
Larissa gestured for Marilyn to get up from her chair, and led her to a far corner of the infirmary, presumably to avoid being overheard by you. What nonsense, you were awake and you had a great hearing.
“You see, I've been talking with (Y/N)'s family and I'm afraid I have bad news,” Larissa whispered, looking from time to time to where you were.
“Bad news?” Marilyn said, speaking loud.
“Shhh, shut up, I don't want (Y/N) to wake up,” Larissa scolded her.
“Larissa, you're scaring me,” Marilyn said, nervously playing with her hands.
“I'm very sorry, Marilyn, but I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done for (Y/N)…” She finally said, bowing her head.
“What? What do you mean?”
“I mean that no doctor can heal her, Marilyn. Her disease is typical of her condition,” Larissa explained, placing a hand on the redhead's shoulder. “It’s an illness that affects all the descendants of the extinct fairies. It's terrible, but no one can help her.”
“No, I don't understand you,” Marilyn stammered, looking everywhere.
“Marilyn, (Y/N) is dying…” Larissa sighed. Marilyn's eyes widened, which were now full of tears.
“No... No... That... That's not true,” she said sobbing. “No, it can’t be possible…”
“No!” The redhead yelled. Larissa hugged her, as she had begun to cry uncontrollably. “You're lying…”
“Come on, Marilyn, calm down,” Larissa said with a calm voice, hugging Marilyn tightly.
“There has to be something that we can do…” Marilyn sobbed. Larissa shook her head, shedding a tear.
“I'm sorry, Marilyn, I know how much you appreciate (Y/N), but…”
“Appreciate? You have no idea, Larissa. You have no idea at all! Nobody has any idea about anything!” The redhead shouted, pulling away from Weems’ embrace.
“Marilyn... what are you talking about?” She asked, scared.
“I'm…” the redhead began, immediately regretting her words. “There has, there has to be something I can do. If no one is going to try to help her, I will, I won't stop until I save her,” she said to herself, running out of the infirmary, crying inconsolably.
“My God, Marilyn…” Larissa sighed, moving closer to you. –“(Y/N), I'm so sorry…” She whispered to you, passing a hand over your forehead.
When you were left alone again, you sat up, stunned by what you had just witnessed. Not because of the news you already knew, but because of Marilyn's reaction, deranged, disproportionate.
The next day, she returned, but with a glass jar, which contained a strange liquid.
“Hello, honey…” She said, sitting next to you. “Here, try this,” she told you, offering you the jar. You were somewhat shaken by the dream and you shook your head.
“Marilyn?” You asked, picking up the vial. The redhead looked haggard, as if she'd been up all night. All her clothes were full of dirt and her hands were full of cuts, probably due to some of the conservatory plants.
“You must drink, please,” she said nervously, pushing your hand closer to your mouth. Hesitating, you obeyed. She was very nervous, her eyes were full of makeup that had spread all over her cheeks.
You made a disgusted face when you tasted that strange concoction, but you complied. Despite that disgusting taste, the headache you had subsided, even if it was just for a while.
“Honey, I… I know what's happening to you,” Marilyn said, leaving the empty bottle on the table.
“Yeah…” You said reluctantly, sighing. She already knew, there was no remedy. “No, don't suffer about me, it's my destiny,” you said, accepting that you wouldn't last the next week.
“What?” She asked ironically, furious, moving erratically around your bed. “Everyone may have given up but not me, do you hear me? I will save you, I promise.”
You raised your eyebrows, suppressing your urge to cry. You wanted to know why, you wanted to know before it was too late, but it was not an easy question, besides, there was still the possibility that this desire for you to live was part of her goodness, of her gentle and generous character.
“Why? What does it matter to you?” You asked, sitting up on the bed. She was going to answer you, but she regretted it at the last moment, shaking her head.
“You're… You're a wonderful girl, and I… I can't let you just… Oh my God…” She said collapsing, burying her face in her hands. “I won't stop until I save you… Even if it's the last thing I do.”
Saying that, and caressing your cheek, she walked away again, leaving you puzzled and with a million unanswered questions.
Marilyn didn't come to see you in the rest of the day. Your classmates told you that she hadn't gone to work, that no one knew where she was. That made you worry, but the pity of your friends was much worse. Everyone was crying and wailing, granting your every wish immediately, treating you like a goddess. You couldn't complain, but you knew that if they behaved like that it was because you would die soon, they would cry, but they would soon forget about you. They all would, even Marilyn.
Thinking those horrible things didn't do any good to you. You had to distract yourself, forget about everything. You looked at the books Marilyn bought you and started reading them. They were a lousy distraction, but at least the tears stopped rolling down your cheeks.
You soon realized that nothing could prevent your end. The letters and pictures in those books became blurry, you were unable to read them. You blinked several times, you squeezed your eyes shut, but nothing happened, the black spot that appeared in your field of vision grew bigger and bigger, until only darkness remained.
Blindness, coma, death...
“(Y/N).” You heard Marilyn's voice very close, but you didn't know where the redhead was. Your eyes must have scared her, they were white. You moved your hand, searching for her clothes, her body. “My love… Can you hear me?”
“Yes…” You sighed, noticing how her hand grabbed yours and brought it to her lips. “I can't see you, Marilyn.”
“I know, honey, don't worry, I'm here, I'm always by your side…” Marilyn said, without letting your hand go. “Here, drink this, honey…”
You noticed the strong smell of another of those infusions that she brought you every day. She never told you, but you were sure they were concoctions to try to heal you. It was a futile feat, but commendable. Her efforts were killing her. Her voice sounded more and more tired, and her sobs were part of her visits.
“Drink, my love, please…” She whispered in your ear.
With her help, since you were getting weaker, you drank the disgusting liquid, coughing at its unpleasant taste.
“That's it... Close your eyes...” She told you calmly, sitting next to you.
At first you didn't feel anything, but little by little the light from the window appeared in front of you. You opened your eyes and miraculously, you could see. It wasn't a clear vision, it was blurry, hazy, but at least you could make out what was around you, you could make out Marilyn.
“I can see…” You sighed, moving your hands in front of you. You couldn't quite see her, but she seemed to smile effusively.
“Really? Oh, what a joy, honey…” She said, hugging you. “My love… My precious girl, hold on a little longer…”
That fleeting moment of vision did not give you any hope. Now you could only see blurry, but the other symptoms kept haunting you. Tremors, chills, dizziness. Marilyn was not with you, surely she would be giving her life to make something that could help you. At that time you cursed her. You were coughing up blood and went practically blind again.
Your heart was weak, barely beating. Your end was near and you needed her. You knew that once you closed your eyes, there would be no turning back. You would spend three days in a coma, until finally your withered heart stopped beating. You could no longer be aware of anything. You couldn't see her, feel her next to you, hear her sweet voice. You would only be a vegetable until your death. It was such a terrible vision of the future that you had no choice, you had to say goodbye, whatever.
“Hey!” You yelled, calling the nurse. “Mrs. Hill!”
Coughs muffled your screams, but quick footsteps headed your way.
“(Y/N), what's wrong with you?” She said worriedly, looking at your pitiful state.
“Please, please... Call... Call…” You said, noticing how the mere act of speaking caused you an unbearable pain. “Miss Thornhill.”
“Miss Thornhill? No way, I'm going, I'm going to call an ambulance,” the nurse said.
“Please!” You yelled, bleeding from your throat as you did so. The woman was scared, but she already knew what was happening and she decided, thank God, to listen to you and leave the infirmary.
“(Y/N)!” Marilyn yelled running towards you and plopping down on the bed.
You were in pain, but her presence was a relief to you.
“Marilyn, I, I'm dying…” You whispered. She shook her head, stroking you.
“Don't say that, baby, no…” She said, realizing your state, on the verge of fainting, of a coma, of death.
“Don't worry…” You said, suppressing your pain and your tears. “It's okay… It's my destiny.”
“Don't talk nonsense, I, I've made another concoction, one that can help you, I just need one more day, please don't do this to me,” she said, sobbing. You smiled and shook your head.
“Marilyn… Thank you… For everything…” You said feeling a brutal fatigue, an overwhelming desire to sleep. It was the time, the moment in which your consciousness would disappear.
“No! Don't say goodbye, don't do it, please,” she begged, grabbing your head with her hands. “No, please, hold on a little longer, please… Fuck!”
“I just, I just want…” You said with difficulty, looking at her lips.
Nothing mattered anymore. Your life was vanishing, you would never come back, you would never wake up. It might be a crazy, selfish thought, but at that moment there was no regret anymore, there was nothing but love, and a monstrous need to reveal your feelings.
With the little strength you had left, you leaned towards her and kissed Marilyn on her lips. The peace you felt was enough. She didn't move, she kissed you back. You could taste the salt from her tears as her hands caressed your face.
“I love you…” You whispered, before falling on the bed and closing your eyes with a smile.
“No, no, no, no, no,” Marilyn repeated over and over again. “Please, (Y/N)…” She said, collapsing in agony, sobbing. “No...” She sighed, with her head resting on your body. “I love you…”
Everything turned dark, her angry wailing and her tears became something alien to you, something you could barely hear or feel.
Coma, death...
It's over. There was no hope anymore, only the peace that kiss gave you, the first and the last kiss of your life. While you were still conscious, you imagined how your life would have been if you had loved more, if you had not been the bland class, if you had had adventures, lovers. Maybe if you had declared to Marilyn earlier, you would have been able to enjoy that kiss more times, you would have died with a love story, knowing that someone truly loved you.
None of that mattered anymore. You no longer felt, the pain was gone, as if that curse took pity on you and would not let you continue to suffer when the time came, when it was all over.
The silence was eternal, like hell. You couldn't see or hear anything, just your weak heartbeat, just the little that was left of consciousness. Even that wouldn't last long. At least you could review your short life, and think about how it would have been better. Nonsense, no one with that disease could live fully, not even to regret something, even if you did, you regretted not having been brave, not letting yourself to love due to your fear of rejection.
You opened one eye. Everything was spinning. You didn't know how much time had passed, but you felt good, as if all the pain had disappeared. Your fingers moved miraculously, it seemed that you could move, that you could see...
“My God, my God, (Y/N)!” Marilyn yelled, causing you to frown and shake your head.
The redhead was sitting on your bed, her eyes wide.
You didn't think that was possible, surely you should have died by now.
“Am I dead?” You asked, relieved that you didn't feel pain when you spoke. Marilyn smiled and shook her head, grabbing your shoulders.
“No, honey, you're not dead,” she said excitedly, hugging you. You turned away and looked at her suspiciously.
“I don't believe you... I must, I must be in heaven...” You said to yourself, while Marilyn caressed your face tenderly, crying with emotion.
“My love, you're alive…” She said, kissing your lips. You were speechless. You didn't know what was happening, but you did feel her lips on yours, a sensation that was beyond heavenly.
“I'm alive…” You sighed, also caressing her face. “But, but that's impossible...”
Marilyn moved away from her a little and brought an empty mason jar toward you.
“I got it, (Y/N)… I managed to save you…” She said. “I just, I just needed one more day to finish the concoction… I had no hope, but when the liquid brushed against your lips your skin stopped being pale and now… Oh my God, you're alive…”
“You’ve saved me?” You asked, smiling with happiness. There was no trace of pain, blood or blindness, and it did not seem like something temporary like other times. There was no remedy when the coma appeared.
“I told you I would, didn't I?” She said amused, taking your hands. You nodded, remembering what her last words were. That she loved you
“Marilyn…” You sighed with emotion, with love, kissing her again, grateful, in love, happy, happy again, alive, more alive than ever.
“Baby… I couldn't let you go… I’m, I’m so in love with you…” She said, resting her forehead against yours. “I felt bad for being so, I felt that I shouldn't… But I can't fight my feelings, not anymore…”
You smiled, hugging her tight. Your cowardice returned as did your vitality, being unable to say what you felt, even though she had told you, she had said something you never thought you would hear.
“For Christ's sake!” The nurse yelled, appearing at the precise moment you were about to kiss Marilyn again. Her face was a poem, almost a funny one. “Principal Weems! Come here, quickly!”
Everyone at Nevermore was stunned by your resurrection. The joy was immense. After examining you several times, they verified that there is no longer a trace of that terrible disease. Larissa was happy, Marilyn was happy, so are you. Your friends threw you a surprise party when you could go back to your room and flirting with your teacher began to occupy your nights.
Living again was a feeling that made you euphoric, but you still had a lot of things on your mind. All your friends told you stories about people who were in your situation, how their lives changed after being so close to death.
You agreed with everything they said, except for one thing. Your way of thinking hardly changed. It was true that you now had a forbidden relationship with Marilyn, but you were still shy, you were still afraid of yourself, of expressing your feelings. You would have to change it, go one step further, show Marilyn the love you felt for her.
“What happen to you today? You are very… Affectionate,” Marilyn said moving away from your kisses amused. You looked at her with narrowed eyes.
“I…” You said stuttering.
That day you felt brave, ready to take advantage of the second chance that Marilyn had given you, to never die again without knowing what it feels like to be loved.
It was an unusual night. You were not in the conservatory, but in her room. You had lied, saying that you were cold. She was so good to you, she believed you with just your words, she ignored your strange looks and your incipient nervousness. This time you were not going to be a coward.
You got up from the bed under her watchful eye and bit your lip.
“Marilyn I… I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done for me…” You said. She smiled and shook her head, getting up as well. “No, wait, don't get up...”
She frowned amusedly and sat back down.
With a trembling hand, you took off your uniform jacket, and your tie. Marilyn was looking at you curiously. You looked at her from time to time, while you undid the buttons of your shirt one by one.
“(Y/N), what are you doing?” Marilyn asked, understanding what you were trying to do. “My love, no, I'm not in a hurry.”
You sighed and shook your head, pulling the shirt over your shoulders.
“No, I don't want to wait any longer, Marilyn… I love you, and I want to show it to you,” you said, staying in your bra, passing your hands through the hem of your skirt.
“But honey, it's not what I'm looking for, you don't have to do this for me…” She said, avoiding looking at you directly.
“But I want to do it!” You yelled desperately. “Please, let me do it, let me give myself to you…”
She shook her head, but finally nodded, dying of embarrassment.
“Okay, baby, if you think you're ready…” She said with a tender smile.
“I’m ready,” you said, almost angrily. She laughed, making a surrender gesture with her hands.
Your skirt fell to your ankles, leaving you only in your underwear. You swallowed in embarrassment, but your determination was much stronger, making your hands go to the clasp of your bra, which seemed unreachable.
You snorted resignedly, your face flushed like you've never had before.
“Er... Marilyn, can you help me?” You asked, feeling small, very small and clumsy.
“Of course, my love,” the redhead said, getting up and kissing you softly. Her hands were colder than yours and you jumped, causing her to laugh quietly. Surely it was fun for her to see you so nervous. You don't blame her, you were a nervous wreck.
Your bra fell to the floor as she undid it and you completely suppressed the instinct to cover yourself with your arms. She pulled away a bit, looking at your body, but saying nothing.
Now it was time for the last item of clothing you had left to disappear and you had to close your eyes to be able to lower it around your ankles.
Now yes, you were totally exposed to her, naked. Marilyn smiled and leaned in again, running a finger across your chest.
“You are beautiful, (Y/N), the most beautiful girl in the world…” She whispered in your ear, making you shiver. “Don't worry, I'll take care of you as you deserve... I'll give you all the love I have...”
You nodded nervously, noticing her caresses all over your body. She moved away a bit and took your hands to the buttons of her blouse, smiling with some mischief.
“Don't be shy, (Y/N), undress me…” She asked you.. You nodded and your trembling hands slowly fulfilled her request.
There were no more clothes, only two naked bodies embracing and kissing passionately, loving each other under the warm light of a small lamp.
Her skin was hot, just like your desire. You wondered how you could live without those sensations, without that feeling of urgency, of excessive desire, of that desire to love and be loved.
Marilyn was good, affectionate, soft. She always made sure that you were sure to do it, she always looked at you, looking for some kind of rejection or discomfort. There was none of that, just gasps, moans of passion and joy, joy at making love to the woman you loved, joy because she had made you live, because she had made you feel loved.
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beansmack2021 · 1 year
Marauders Era w/ Prompt 19
Disclaimer: This is gonna be Sirius x Reader angst, so I'm sorry to all of the Wolfstar fans (Follows the events of the prank)
Reader is close to the Marauders, essentially a Marauder herself. She knows about Remus's lycanthropy and about the others being Animagus. She knows that the others are all good people. Or at least she thought she did.
"Don't touch me!"
Y/N L/N was on high alert. Every one of the Marauders was. Remus had been experiencing extreme discomfort for at least the past two days, and it was the time of month that the five of them had always dreaded. She knew that Sirius, James and Peter could transform into a dog, deer, and rat respectively, and that they were safe as animals, but that didn't do much to ease her anxiety.
Remus would come back from the Shrieking Shack, which was desolate and abandoned, with new cuts and scratches that'd surely scar later. The shack was the perfect place for a werewolf to hunker down in to avoid causing harm to the general public while still keeping his secret. There wasn't much else the others could do besides lead him there, keep him company (and try to keep him from digging at himself with his claws, which is what typically caused the eventual scars), and carry him back to Hogwarts for a bit of healing and rest when he finally returns to his human form.
It pained Y/N to see him so uncomfortable, but she knew there was no cure for lycanthropy and that the others did their best to help him during the time surrounding the full moon.
She kept a close eye on her friend throughout the school day and tried to get him to eat something during dinner, but he was more focused on doing the homework he'd surely miss while he's transformed. James didn't really care about getting his done and Peter did his right after classes were finished for the day. Usually, Sirius doesn't care either, so Y/N was surprised when he came into the common room a little while after dinner and asked if they could work on the written assignment for Potions together.
Of course, by working, Sirius had meant doing a few questions and then goofing around, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. Truth be told Y/N was, too. Eventually, he'd started asking random questions to try to confuse her or make her laugh. The assingment was tossed away entirely.
"If you were a type of flower, what would you be?"
"I guess I'd be a daisy. They're my favorites." Y/N yawned and stretched a bit. They'd been talking for almost an hour. She knew he'd have to leave with the others soon, so she'd have time after to work on the Potions paper and wouldn't have to worry about not finishing it. She just wasn't sure she'd be able to focus after spending so much of her time just talking with Sirius. She felt so at ease with him, and sure she always had with her boys, but this was different. This was something more.
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Remus, James, and Peter came down from their dorm an hour or so before the sun was going to set, trying to make it to the Shrieking Shack before Remus's transformation to avoid taking any risks.
Y/N stood to give each of the boys a hug, squeezing Remus the tightest and for the longest and backed away to get a good look at the four of them. "Be safe." She felt like a mother telling her boys to stay out of trouble. While she wasn't their mother, they were definitely her boys, and she didn't want anything happening to any of them.
"We will, Mum." James always seemed to read her mind. She tousled his hair a bit, and he kissed her cheek before they threw James's cloak over themselves. Y/N could no longer see the four of them, but she could hear their feet shuffling and Peter's quiet "Ow!" when one of the others stepped on his foot. The portrait doorway opened and closed after a few moments, and Y/N sat down on the sofa once more, picking up her quill and trying to think about her Potions assingment and not a certain dark-haired boy.
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Y/N was furious, for lack of a better word. She was furious and she was hurt. So very hurt. Of course, it had to be her best friend. Her very best friend in the entire world, other than possibly James, who she'd spent hours talking to just the night before, turned out to be a monster.
She knew that he'd had been through a lot as a child, and she thought that he was better than the rest of his family, but he'd unfortunately proven her wrong. Angry tears, hot and thick, rolled down her face. She wiped at them furiously, holding her books tightly to her chest and nearly running through the corridor.
She doubted that Sirius knew that she knew what he'd done. He'd find out very quickly, though, reaching out to tap her shoulder and being met with firey rage. "Don't touch me!"
"Y/N?" He suddenly seemed less thrilled to see her, his smile slowly tilting downward in confusion and concern.
"I thought you were different, Sirius. I thought you were better than them. But you're just as bad as the rest of your family. Maybe worse."
Sirius was hurt and still very confused, and then something seemed to click and he tried to explain himself. "Wait, Y/N, this is about last night, right? It was just supposed to be a joke, a prank!"
"A prank? You think sending Severus to the shack was just some harmless practical joke? He could've died! You could've killed him! What the hell is wrong with you?" Y/N was starting to feel less like a hole in her side was leaking air and more like she'd be sent to Professor Dumbledore's office in the next few moments if someone didn't intervene.
"I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to actually go!" Sirius was getting frustrated, deflecting. He was trying to make it seem as though he wasn't completely at fault, that Severus had to take some blame for his near-death experience.
"I didn't think you were so horrible as to betray your best friend." Y/N suddenly felt very cold. It was a dreadful feeling. "I didn't think you would ever hurt someone the way you've always worried that you would."
"Y/N, please, can't we just talk about this?" Sirius was desperate. Remus, James and Peter already hated him, he couldn't lose her, too.
"You and I have talked enough. Tell me, did you try to send Snape to his death before or after asking me about flowers?"
Sirius's mouth was slightly agape, and he blinked for a moment before closing it.
"Daisies, Sirius. My favorite flowers are daisies. Yours are bleeding hearts."
Sirius swallowed and nodded. He'd had hope that maybe she was trying to show him that she still cared enough about him to forgive him.
"I think I loved you, Sirius. God, I loved you."
Sirius was taken aback, but still had hope. "I love you, too. I love you so much, Y/N."
"Loved, Sirius. Loved." There it was. There was the hope that he had for them, crushed before him like a flower under a heavy boot. A tear rolled down her cheek, and he wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, to wipe it away and pull her into his arms and tell her over and over again that he loved her and wanted to be with her. He knew that she couldn't stand the sight of him at the moment, but maybe she could learn to forgive him. She turned her back to him and walked away. Sirius knew, in that exact moment, that there would be no 'maybes'. She left. She loved him...
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ursae-minoris-world · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @starlightvld- thank you!!! ☺️
1. How many works do you have on A03? 42! (neat!)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 140,503!
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly vld. I have a Good Omens fic and always want to write more and a few fandom that I'm tempted to write for, but I'm still very much in vld.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? - Breaking point (vld, sheith) ; A little mouse told me (vld, sheith); Flowers and Blood (vld, sheith); A cure to loneliness (Good Omens, ineffable husbands)
This gets long so I'm adding the rest under a read more!!
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I do! Sometimes I can take a little long but I really enjoy talking with my readers!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Just a call... (vld, gen) I think! It's an open ending, but it ends up on a frustrating note (which was the point).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Oh man, they almost always have a happy or at least hopeful ending. Let's go with A little mouse told me (vld, sheith).
Oh, hey, fun anecdote! Someone commented on Stay with me (vld, sheith) to tell me it was the 200,000th work in the "happy ending" tag! They had just witnessed the tag going up to that number with my fic!
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not so far, thankfully. (Happened once on fanart though, but it was just one dumb comment by an anti).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I haven't so far, I'm not really interested in writing it (never say never, though!).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Well, I did 2 fairly recently for a crackship event! It was loads of fun. The craziest might be A Mysterious French Chef, which started as a Hunk&Remy idea, but ended up involving Hunk, Allura and the space mice for vld, and Linguini, Colette, and Remy for Ratatouille, and everyone interacting pretty significantly. I really loved mashing the 2 universes, and for something that started as a "crack" idea, it ended up working surprisingly well!!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of. I've had some original (anonymous) poems that I cowrote with a friend plagiarized down to using our actual pseudonym, but that wasn't in fandom or even online!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! Five times Shiro broke the rules, and one time Keith did with VirdisDrachen (vld, Shiro&Keith). It's based on a roleplay. Other than that, while it's mostly an artist+writer big bang collaboration, I think Square_Orange and I did discuss the plot a fair amount for Let It Snow! (vld, sheith).
I also have 2 fics that are remixes of other people's work, done for the sheith remix event : When you lived! (the “Enormous, within your small hands” remix) inspired by a fic by @annaofaza, and High Score! (the “I want us forever” remix) inspired by a fic by Tragedy_Machine.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? To no-one's surprise: sheith.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I am fairly good at finishing my wips, even if I do have some stuff that has been waiting for a while. I still have my notes about Keith grieving Shiro between s2 and s3 and how the team tried to support him and each other but how things became tense, that I wrote just after s3 aired! I still hope to get to it one day!
There's also the collab with VirdisDrachen tbh because we dropped the rp after a while and I wouldn't finish this alone. So I'm afraid this one will stay as is.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm good with dialogues and characterization? Themes like friendship, found family are my jam, too. Of course it's subjective.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am learning, but action and fight scenes are *hard*. (But I also love them? haha). On the exact opposite side, stories with very low stakes are sometimes hard to write, when it's just 100% fluff and no conflict, unless it's like, a short scene... It's easier with some emotional or romantic build up (ex mutual pining > getting together) but otherwise I really have to *think* to plot the fic. I'm so used to stories centered around conflict (in the literary sense, including inner conflict, not necessarily an actual fight).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I agree with @starlightvld that if it's a language that I'm not personally fluent in, I'd look for a native speaker who might want to help or avoid it. Except maybe for conlangs, like Sindarin or Klingon. Although if I ever write in a fandom with something like that, I would f*cking love to get insight from one of these people who actually studied them and are fluent. In a more general way, I'd be cautious that it actually brings something to the story, that it makes sense to use the language that way, and to do it in a way that doesn't confuse readers too much (unless I am purposefully writing for those who know the language, I guess). I will say that I do love different languages to be aknowledged, like for vld fics that actually dig into the paladins having different languages, and the Galra and Altean also, and so on (ex fics where they have universal translators and then there are issues when they break or they can't rely on them for whatever reason).
19. First fandom you wrote for? Voltron! My first fic was a Hunk-centric gen fic, While some count sheep, and I'm still really fond of it!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Oh, that's hard, I like them all for different reasons. I do enjoy Carry me away for the sheith saving each other vibes. A little mouse told me (sheith written from the space mice pov) was such a fun exploration! Honestly, the most kudosed ones in question 4 are all fics I am proud of. To chose a lesser known one, I also love A special day , a vld gen Hunk-centric fic!
Tagging... @sodomhipped, @tomatocages, @an-aphorism @museaway @jacqulinetan @levyscripts @annaofaza and whoever wants to do this!
(also no pressure at all if you are tagged!)
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fritextramole · 6 months
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my girl, my girl, my girl. you will be my girl
part 2 of a Dan Humphrey playlist - best heard in order
tracklist and quotes under the cut
Hello? ~ Clairo, Rejjie Snow
Are you into me, like I'm into you? Do you wanna do the things I wanna do with you? You're so close, and yet so far I wonder how you look when you're in the dark
Kool Girl ~ Seasalt
I can’t believe that she’s texting on her phone in my passenger seat She’s got one foot on the dash And her head out the window
Would You Be So Kind? ~ dodie
Let's write a story Be in my book You've got to join me on my page At least take a look
Somethin' Stupid ~ Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you
Susie Save Your Love ~ Allie X, Mitski
Save your love For someone like me You don't have to be a part-time Susie
Wish You Were Sober ~ Conan Gray
Don't take a hit, don't kiss my lips And please don't drink more beer I'ma crawl outta the window now 'Cause I don't like anyone around Kinda hope you're followin' me out
Stranger ~ MOTHXR
It’s getting louder, I leave when I can Danger here is so quiet Water here is the fire
Upright (Everything's Alright) ~ Stevie Wonder
The right side of the tracks, she was born and raised In a great big old house, full of butlers and maids She says no one is better than I, I know I'm just an average guy No football hero or smooth Don Juan Got empty pockets, you see I'm a poor man's son
Melting ~ Kali Uchis
My blood starts to rush when I see your doorman I know you're nearby and I know your purpose Take one look at you, you're heaven's incarnate What is this spell, baby? Please show some mercy
we fell in love in october ~ girl in red
Smoking cigarettes on the roof You look so pretty and I love this view Don't bother looking down We're not going that way At least I know, I am here to say
Lips Like Sugar ~ Echo & the Bunnymen
Just when you think you've caught her She glides across the water She calls for you tonight To share this moonlight You'll flow down her river
Meteor Shower ~ Cavetown
Meteor shower, quick take cover But the hues in our hair compliment one another I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones 'Cause blue's your favorite color
June ~ Briston Maroney
So dress up in your finer things And the smile can't hide anything And pin the flower to my chest And count the days that I've got left
Love Will Tear Us Apart ~ Joy Division
Why is the bedroom so cold? You've turned away on your side Is my timing that flawed? Our respect runs so dry Yet there's still this appeal that we've kept through our lives
Moon Song ~ Phoebe Bridgers
But now I am dreaming, and you're singing at my birthday I've never seen you smiling so big It's nautical themed, and there's something I'm supposed to say But can't for the life of me remember what it is
Just like Heaven ~ The Cure
You're just like a dream Daylight licked me into shape I must've been asleep for days And moving lips to breathe her name I opened up my eyes And found myself alone, alone
Killing Me To Love You ~ Vancouver Sleep Clinic
I'm fighting for you I'm hiding for you But it's killing me to love you
Oats In The Water ~ Ben Howard
There's coke in the Midas touch A joke in the way that we rust
Water Fountain ~ Alec Benjamin
Now he's grabbing her hips, and pulling her in Kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear And she knows that she shouldn't listen And that she should be with me by the water fountain
Shampoo Bottles ~ Peach Pit
It is seemingly worsened everyday All this shit of yours around my house If I could've had it any other way Then by now I would've chucked it out
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
You may not see me, but I’ll always trek the same path. Promise.
Tighnari x blind reader :D
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Had no idea what to do with this. Also I’m going to a birthday party I’m so sorry if I don’t see any inbox requests-! 😭🤚 (dw Zamadness I see yours) ✅/⭐️
tried to make it slightly comfort but mostly fluff oh him just helping. Am tired of Tighnari not coming home. *cries*
Reader was blind for a few years. Still clumsy tho. (It’s like Layla where she can’t see her well-rested side and only tired. 2 different people helping another. In this case your the one who needs help and Tighnari always delivers.)
Story under cut / Drabble idk.
He stayed silent as he watched you clumsily come in with a walking stick. His tail flicked with his ears. Trying to figure out where you were going.
“Y/N, where are you trying to go-?” He’d ask as he went back to his writing. His ears perked up waiting for an answer.
“Sorry Tighnari… I’m still so confused and clumsy after these years. I was trying to go to the couch actually.” Using your walking stick to point near the ground. Trying to hopefully hit one of its legs.
“I’ll help you with that.” He’d say grabbing your hand as he told you to sit. His hand lingered for a few moments like his gaze did. If you could see he would absolutely be flustered.
“Do you need anything before I go back to my research? I can get collei to help you.” Tighnari told you as he caressed your hand with his thumb and a soft voice. His tail wagged slowly as he waited.
“I don’t think I need anything yet besides getting more used to this. It’s so tricky to navigate without eyes anymore.” You slightly complained to him.
“Yes it’s unfortunate that blindness cannot be reversed and only if it’s minor ones. Your body thinks your eyes were threats and dealt with them. The body doesn’t know your eyes are apart of it.” He’d tell you.
He pulled you into a hug comforting you silently as he wrapped his tail around you. “But you’ll always know where you’re going with me. You’re safe here.” You stayed silent with a slight unknown blush on your face as he held you.
His head pulled away as he saw your slight blush. Giving you a kiss on the forehead before getting up and back towards the desk. Slightly wishing to put it on hold to just well. Hold you. But his research needed to be completed.
Although it could be impossible, he would at least try. He looked at the concotion he made reading the information he has gathered from testing. Trying to cure you of you being blind. Hoping one day you’d see him for the first time in years since the akademiya and love him back with his looks as well. The same adoration he has for you in his eyes.
Collei came into the room and sat next to Y/N. Giving them Cuilien-Anbae as you realized who it was. “Oh! Hey collei.” You’d perk up in spirits and stopped thinking about your blindness. “Hey Y/N! I made a flower crown for you. I chose your favorites. Stay still!” She stated as she placed it on your head, adjusting it to fit perfectly without it falling apart or coming off.
“I think that’ll work.” She stated as she chatted with you. Tighnari listened slightly as he finished his work for the day. Wondering if the potion would work and make you able to see again.
He’d sit next to you on the couch with collei listening to her ramble about things.
(Didn’t know how to end this aughh) take pic of this dating sim vid with Tighnari)
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Things that charged through my mind with a kitchen knife while watching this episode:
--this episode is ------SO FUNNY
--The comedic timing, the changes in BGM, letting the voice actors go wild, it's so good
--the Haganezuka & Kanamori scene especially, they let that scene live a whole life of its own, and it makes me so excited to see them again --the comedic timing and shifts in tone, like Tanjiro sounding like he's an 8-year-old and then the moment he picks up on Haganezuka's murderous intent, Haganezuka taking the moment to leave the precious sword in Kanamori's arms so that he can charge with a knife, the inflection on Haganezuka's statements as he finger-stabs Tanjiro's cheek, the change in Kanamori's tone as he goes from total opposite of everyone in this series with his utter calm and then his ballistic (and well deserved) anger, the way Inosuke pauses to stare back at him AND THEN JUST DEMOLISHES THE SECOND SWORD ANYWAY
--Okay but also, Shinobu, you know she had waaaay too much fun "encouraging" Inosuke and Zenitsu. That was precisely the result she knew she'd get. The way that first pat on Inosuke's shoulder echoes through the dojo? AHAHAHAHA, IT'S SO GOOD. Also, once again, total lack of respect for personal space as she comes in all familiar with Tanjiro as though he's her own little brother. Speaking of, I have always, always loved the comedic timing on her conversation with Tanjiro and how well it sets up his upcoming connection to Rengoku. She truly cares a lot about Tanjiro and absolutely means it when she says she expects great things from him.
--No one expects him to be a good teacher, though. It is so laughable how much faster Zenitsu & Inosuke learn to do constant Total Concentration Breathing once Shinobu teaches them. Tanjiro's BOOM BOOM is one of the best lines Hanae Natsuki has ever delivered, but he has so much range in this episode and it is great, right down to the intensity of when he takes on Kanao in what's nearly battle. And those squeaky violins in the BGM as he poorly explains it? Hahaha, I love it. Also, two things that get in my Kamado Tanjiro feels are that he states by whole-heartedly proclaiming that his faith in Inosuke & Zenitsu to pick this technique up right away--he KNOWS their abilities and KNOWS they pick things up without the same amount of effort Tanjiro has to expend, and the effort Tanjiro puts into this technique truly makes it feel earned. He knows he's hard-headed and it takes that amount of time and effort before he gets something and can make it a part of himself, but teh fact that he never gives up and just gets started right away on that effort is so respectable. The second thing? He's using a line he learned from Makomo, those are her words!!
--What is Inosuke even doing with the broom balancing act?
--This conversation between Zenitsu & Chuntaro is some of my favorite filler
--Once again, we get a nice filler scene with Tanjiro talking to Nezuko, and in advance of the series' conclusion, reminding us that he needs to defeat as many powerful demons as he can so he can send that blood to Tamayo for Nezuko's cure. What I love is that it still bothers him that Nezuko sleeps so long and she gets worried if she doesn't wake up sometimes. On my first thought I was like, "sheesh, another convenient long nap to let Oniichan do his thing" but nowadays I'm like, "AWWWW, NEZUKO IS IN TRAINING TOOOOO." Granted, it's because of Ufotable's choice to give Nezuko her own room (a former Tsuguko's room? Kanae's room? Hospital VIP private room?) in which to set this Tanjiro orations that the scene of Zenitsu talking to Nezuko in her box had to be sacrificed. But hey, maybe she liked to sit in the both during the day sometimes to be closer to everybody, only to be all alone anyway because Oniichan was outside training! And we do know she was awake at least sometimes, as she Zenitsu cared for her entertainment needs by stealing goldfish and taking her own to see nighttime blooming flowers (in the light novels, that chapter was set during this period if I remember correctly).
--Forgot to mention this in the previous episode, but Zenitsu's mouth covered in crumbs and Inosuke covered in leaves and dirt reminds me how much I love the Taisho Secret in the previous episode when it's heavily implied through Tanjiro & Shinobu's innocent conversation that Shinobu is pissed off about Zenitsu & Inosuke's behavior while they're not in training, and how in the background they're like, "OH NO"
--Okay, so, this episode is about Kanao. Ufotable once again shows they can make excellent character-driven filler scenes, that moment when Shinobu suggests she go off and join her silly batchmates in training and Kanao's like, "let me go consult with my coin" was such a good set-up for the coin thing, and gave us such a good moment to get inside her head and artfully work in the Kanao flashback which appeared in the manga in the middle of the Mugen Train arc. The silent pauses on Kanao say so much, especially in an episode with such high energy in every other scene. Kanao may not know it, but we the viewers who know Kanao better than she yet knows herself can see that she was conflicted because she DID want to join the dumb batchmates.
--The flashback, oh my gosh, the flashback, I was already so weak and loving Shinobu more and more and more with every single scene she was in and then they gave me THIS and I was like, "!!!!!!!! THE REAL SHINOBU!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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regallibellbright · 9 months
Tag Meme: 9 Favorite Characters
tagged by @talysalankil
Gonna copy your "one per series/franchise" because otherwise there is a genuine risk Precures and TWEWYs would eat it whole. In no particular order, and with definite "What's on my mind right now" bias:
Xion (Kingdom Hearts)
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No surprise there, and yes, I did intentionally get a screenshot from the post-Riku fight for this.
2. Cure Grace/Nodoka Hanadera and Rabirin (Healin' Good Precure)
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(Look, they transform as a pair, their transformation phrase is "Two flowers as one," I'm counting them both. "Then shouldn't you use a screenshot of Cure Grace?" Shut up.)
3. Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
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Yes, I saved this image as "Anthy Himemiya Is A Weird Girl Who Keeps Snails In Her Pencil Case."
4. Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu (The World Ends With You)
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... Yes, choosing his most insufferably smug dialogue sprite was necessary, why do you ask?
5. The Luidaeg (October Daye)
"I am the sea witch. I am the tide you fear and the turning you can't deny. I am the sound of the waves running over your bones on the beach, little man, and I am not amused at finding you on my doorstep." She took a step forward. He took a step back. "I won't punish you for obeying orders the way she would. But I can't let an insult go unanswered. You know how it goes." A smile twisted her lips. "I'm actually grateful. You see, there are... rules... that govern what I can and can't do. But you broke them first. Now I get to do something I don't get to do very often. Now I get to play." ... "What did you do?" "Nothing they hadn't allowed by coming onto my territory. Every soul who came here on the Queen's business will go home, go to bed, and sleep soundly, dreaming the sweetest of dreams." Something about that statement had teeth. I paused, and then ventured, "For how long?" The Luidaeg smiled brilliantly. "Until something wakes them up. True love, childbirth, and bees are all on the table."
(Chimes at Midnight, Chapter Seven, pages 91-92) The wiki also uses the "I am the sea witch" bit as her epigraph but as a known lover of "true love, childbirth, and bees are all on the table" I felt it best to include the full exchange.
6. Lio Fotia (Promare)
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(This BARELY beat out something from the Kakusei sequence but I love how fluffy his hair is as he tosses it.)
7. Ventuswill/Venti (Rune Factory 4)
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Tragic immortal dragon god BFF <3
8. Moist von Lipwig (Discworld)
Never promise to do the possible. Anyone could do the possible. You should promise to do the impossible, because sometimes the impossible was possible, if you could find the right way, and at least you could often extend the limits of the possible. And if you failed, well, it had been impossible.
(Going Postal) Okay, it's him and Vimes, but I figured I'd go for Moist for the variety since everyone loves Vimes.
9. Okay there were a LOT of characters I considered for this, like, seriously, I went from "hm I can't think of anyone" to "ugh I have TOO MANY options" in very little time, but ultimately, while this might be recency bias at the moment, it is also true:
Missile (Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective)
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The goodest boy in gaming.
(Runners-up from things that aren't otherwise represented here include Surge the Tenrec from Sonic IDW, Miles Naismith Vorkosigan from the Vorkosigan Saga, Rose Aleon from Birdie Wing, Grovyle from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers, and huge enough swathes of the casts of Dumbing of Age and Girl Genius that I just didn't even bother trying to narrow those down.)
Tagging: In general assume I do this as an open invite to anyone seeing it, but just to name a couple people, @thesternest, @denizenhardwick, @mehanios, @purplelea, @yurisorcerer, @yoshiyakiryu
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grimmwritingsfw · 3 months
im thinking... zombie apocalypse au
kuroko is a medic, and the gom + kagami are the people he gets stuck with
they dont really get along at first. they can never get anywhere because everyone has their own idea of what needs to be done. which leads to kuroko just doing things on his own and the rest of them dealing with it.
the social environment is hostile. theres never a conversation without some kind of dig at each other. even kuroko would sometimes get dragged into it (they would realize their mistake as soon as kuroko furrowed his brows at them).
but, eventually, during talks over the campfire before they slept, they would get to know one another. funnily enough, they barely got to know kuroko.
and then one day, during a sudden wave of zombies, kuroko is bitten. no one knows what to do really, and when kuroko suggests they kill him, they all vehemently decline. they argue that the infection will take months to spread, so they have time to find a cure.
kuroko knows there isnt a cure yet, but he indulges them anyway, if not for their desperate faces.
so, when kuroko starts to cough months later and everyone starts to worry more, kuroko puts an end to their search.
he gathers them to talk. he says that he doesnt have much time left, and that he wants to be killed before he turns.
they argue, they go on and on, talking themselves in circles. and kuroko snaps.
"can you guys not make this about yourselves for once?" he raises his voice, "this is my dying wish. cant you at least try and grant it?"
so they plan a day. where they just try and take it easy and have as much fun as they can. and they do. when they come back to camp, kuroko sits down at the foot of a tree.
"well? who wants to do the honors?" kuroko jokes.
"ill do it," aomine says, head hanging with a dreadful look in his eyes.
he takes out his gun and steps up to kuroko. kuroko looks at him with a gentle, thankful expression. nothing but warmth in his eyes.
"you ready?" aomine asks shakily, holding up the gun.
kuroko hums, "yeah, i think so."
aomines hand is trembling, "five, four, three, two..."
"you remember my favorite flower right?" kuroko asks easily.
the gun goes off.
"one..." aomine raises a hand to cover his eyes, and crouches to the ground, unable to stand or look at the now corpse.
forget me nots, aomine thinks, they were forget me nots.
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