#one of those things they used to show us girls at school back when dinosaurs walked the earth
dduane · 7 months
...Okay, here's a terrifying concept. A co-production between Disney and Kotex.
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astranite · 1 year
Blue, Pink, White, Pink, Blue.
Trans Penelope! A little late for @thunder-pride, but here none the less!
Happy Rest of Year Pride for the end of Pride Month!
Minor warning for mentioned transphobia and homophobia. ----
From a young age, Penelope had been very insistent about who she was and what she wanted. The petal pink for the decorations in her room, not the lilac. Real tea should be served in her toy tea set, complete with matching cups and saucers. She couldn't possibly go to sleep without at least one more story.
She was a girl and her name was Penelope Creighton-Ward.
Penelope grew up into a woman who still has strong opinions about decor and tea— English breakfast with one sugar and a dash of milk of course, and a number of other things powerful people would rather she didn't.
Neither wealth nor fame nor status made you more valuable than anybody else. Human beings always mattered more than money, or possessions or any form of material goods. There were some in the circles she dealt with who could stand to learn this.
People should be able to love who they pleased openly, without fear or shame or condemnation. Everyone should have the freedom to be their truest self without having to hide.
The world had come a long way by 2060, but there were still a few dinosaurs clinging to their bigotry.
Penelope was vocally defensive of LGBTQIA+ rights. The British nobility wasn't historically known for its progressiveness, but it was her duty to use her status and wealth, which she’d had the good fortune of being born into, to take action and show support. When she had a platform where her voice was heard, it was her duty to amplify other’s voices.
Penelope stood by her word and morals, because standing up what she believed in was more than worth any attacks that came her way. Suggestions her actions were for appearances rather than a genuine desire to help. Comments from opponents about the validity of her womanhood, taunting remarks about the fact she also loved women, using any ammunition to attempt to bring her down when they felt threatened. Those individuals were torn apart as that sort of speech wasn't tolerated in these times.
She never flinched in public, because all the world is a stage and everyone is always watching. Any private hurt was hers alone.
Back in their university days, Penelope remembered snide whispers calling John, her John who loved so quietly and fiercely, heartless because he didn't desire a romantic relationship with anyone. Certain individuals found themselves in some, shall we say, difficulties after that.
She’d learnt so many things over the years. As a spy, sometimes secret meant safe and there was no less honor in that. As a diplomat, how honeyed words held daggers and the worst, most hateful ideas were always presented as reasonable, justifiable and a ‘nice’ option.
There were people in the world who wanted to make you small, who didn't like how you had opinions, how your existence was inconvenient to them. The school yard bullies who had the status to become boardroom corporate billionaires exploiting their workers. She learnt to deal with them, to show others how to stand up, be loud, to take up space because its yours, you deserve it just as much as anyone else.
Penelope remembered a quote from an old movie, which captured her so completely as a young girl. “Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say 'No, you move'.” She did her best to live up to Peggy Carter’s example to this day.
Being queer, being trans, the past was a story of pain and triumph, blood and tears. Their victories in the fight to have rights, and the sorrowful fact they had to fight for them in the first place. Atrocities and hate left marks, but so do love and hope, survival and joy. Their shared history was a rebellion, the first Pride a riot, but they lived on because of community who built each other up, love that chose to endure and so many people who, even quietly, even alone, refused to give up.
She was out and proud for both herself and everyone who was watching. This was who she is, she wasn’t ashamed, she celebrated it.
Penelope wondered what her younger self would say if she could see her now. To see who she had become, through all her uncertainty which had lurked below the surface, not as to who she was but as to who she could be.
Now, she held her head high: she could be that person for other little girls like her. For any people who needed her, a role model and an example to stand before the world for who you could be, especially for those who were lost and unsure, not knowing that this was a way you could be and it wasn't wrong.
There were so many ways to be a woman and this was hers.
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heart-hammer · 7 months
Menver Pt. 1: Rock Guys
Living in “Menver” is terrible and I love it.
Denver is the land of single men. When you live here, you run into a lot of them. Like, a lot. So many in fact that you start to categorize them into specific types.
One of those types are Rock Guys. Rock Guys are fucking everywhere.
Rock Guys aren’t Crystal Guys. Crystal Guys went to design school and journal every morning. Rock Guys are different.
For one thing, Rock Guys don’t buy their rocks. Every piece in a Rock Guy’s collection was pulled from the ground by their own hands, and they’ll tell you about when and where it happened for as long as you’re willing to listen. Sometimes longer.
Rock Guys think people who pay for rocks are silly. Rock Guys think people who pay for anything are silly because Rock Guys are Facebook-Marketplace, dumpster-dive-on-a-hot-Saturday-afternoon, haggle-until-blue-in-the-face frugal.
Rock Guys have trade jobs. They work with their hands. They mountain bike. They dress like they’re between housing situations. They carry Bowie knives everywhere, even to brunch spots, and you just sort of have to be cool with that because Rock Guys are incredibly stubborn.
You know those kids who were super into dinosaurs in kindergarten? Some of them grew up to be Rock Guys. The kids who could name every Pokémon got degrees in Computer Science and invested in crypto and the kids who knew a lot about insects developed prescription pill addictions.
Anyway, back to Rock Guys: You’ll meet them at a dog park and invite them over and they’ll bring rocks. This one was originally from upstate New York. He brought Herkimer diamonds in a Ziploc bag and larger pieces of quartz wrapped in old newspaper. He was tall and lean and standoffish. I was nervous in his presence, which was a sensation I think we both enjoyed.
He had an app that showed all the miles he’d biked. He talked about his times in relation to everyone else's, as if I wouldn’t be properly impressed without the comparison. Turns out Rock Guys sort people into categories too. There’s “Most People” and then there’s “Him”.
We didn’t date, exactly. Rock Guys don’t really “do” commitment or labels. But we hung out for months. He cooked for me. We ate standing up. We fucked standing up. He didn’t seem to like when I knew things but also was mildly annoyed with me when I didn’t know something. It wasn’t long before I realized that he loved the dog he shared with his ex more than he could ever love me, and I was fine with that.
She’s a really good dog.
He had this way of serving up criticism dressed as unsolicited advice, like a shitty personal trainer.
“You should get better dining chairs so that you don’t have to hunch over your plate like a gremlin.” “Apologizing that much makes you seem insincere.” “He probably asked where you’re from because of all the makeup. He’s not used to seeing that from girls here.”
And like a shitty personal trainer, his opinion could only matter to me for a short time. He would say something rough and when he left my apartment I would think, ‘God, is that what he really thinks of me?’ and then 25 minutes and a slice of apple tart later I’d be staring at photos of him shirtless and all (well, not ALL but most) would be forgotten.
We fell out of touch, which was more his doing than mine. I didn’t pursue him. Rock Guys are fast, man. Once they get rolling downhill they just don’t stop.
I still keep some of the rocks he gifted me on my bookshelf. I like looking at them. They remind of hard, fond moments.
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Universe 3329 Character Dump!
These are what I have so far for various characters from my Marvel Universe, 3329! Enjoy! (CW: Mentions of Eugenics on Medusa's section!) More under the cut! This is a very, very long post.
Jack/The Recluse.
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Jack was a tiny kid when he was younger, and his school days were filled with issues like not keeping up with his schoolmates, so he was a lonely kid until his best friend in the entire world sat next to him.
Jack adores webslinging, seeing it as a theraputic thing rather than something he should hate. Well, until Gold Goblin uses Webslinging Time as the time to swoop in and attack him.
He definitely has the lack of self-preservation to do what the GIF is doing because he has no chill and wants to absolutely concern his enemies.
Jack's love language is definitely physical touch, especially in cooldowns, he's a cuddlebug. If his SO doesn't like it, he just kinda pats them on the shoulder briefly and gives them a smile.
He takes some things absolutely literally. So sometimes figures of speech and other such things just hit the brick wall that's Jack Parker's brain.
Flirting? He knows what it is, and how to do it, just doesn't know when someone's flirting with him if it's subtle.
When it comes to various metal shows, Jack's one of the guys that stays out of the pit, until he has his spider powers and the enhanced durability turns him into a mosher.
Jack found Felicia a cat and gave her the little guy, he named him Empire because he found him near the Empire State Building.
He absolutely adores cats.
Big dogs scare him mostly because they can bowl him over and he doesn't want to deal with that.
Little dogs are A-Okay because they're cute.
When he was younger he was one of those kids OBSESSED with Sharks and Dinosaurs, so if he ever meets Jeff the Land Shark or Devil Dinosaur he'll lose his MIND.
Felicia Hardy/Black Cat.
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Jack and Felicia are... well, it's complicated.
She and Jack knew OF each other when they were kids, but never really were talking. They even graduated from Midtown High in the same graduating class.
Burned out Gifted Kid because of her Dad's desire to make her the best at everything because he was a thief and he wanted better for his precious little girl.
She also has a eidetic memory as well as a photoreflexive memory, owing to the fact that this universe's Walter Hardy is Taskmaster.
She saw Jack for the first time messing around with Eddie on the playground when they were in elementary school. She wanted to play with them but decided against it.
Now that she's next door to him, she's raring to get her neighbor's attention.
So she goes to the MoMA as the Black Cat, just stealing something real simple so she lures this new vigilante out.
Needless to say, she knows it's Jack just by how he moves, but doesn't know it's really him until his mask is off. Which makes their dance all the more complicated.
Their romance is very complicated too. Mostly because he sees what Felicia does as not as bad but it could seriously come back to bite her and that's what makes it rocky.
He doesn't want his girlfriend to bite off more than she can handle and not be there to help. He might blow things out of proportion, do a little too much to help, but he's got good intentions.
Eddie Brock/Venom.
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Eddie left for San Francisco and came back to everything going to shit. He knew his best friend was the Recluse just by Venom freaking out and going...
"Eddie! Eddie! That's your best friend, Eddie!"- Venom, based on vibes alone, and also almost breaking his laptop screen.
When he was younger though, he was a lonely big kid on the block with no friends to his name and a sucky dad that still sucks.
So when he saw the scrawny young Jack, he plopped himself right down and immediately they became best friends.
He hung out with Jack a lot, just to avoid his dad. Ben and May didn't mind, but did get concerned when Eddie would show up with bruises.
He definitely took up a big brother role for Jack when he needed it. Dude took care of him.
Sometimes Eddie would influence Jack to do things that... aren't exactly good, but experiences that Jack needed.
Eddie definitely had several girlfriends throughout the years, and has better advice than most when it comes to relationships.
Dude was a goofball though. Definitely Jack's biggest hypeman when he needed it, but still trying to keep his best friend by his side.
Mostly because he's dangerously codependent.
Him and Venom met soon after he finished school in San Francisco, in fact it was Venom who got him to where he is in life, making him able to get headlines and results he normally wouldn't get.
Venom is very similar to his Sony version, but maybe more of a people pleaser, even though he's not the symbiote we should be worried about.
Medusalith Amequelin/Mary Jane Watson/Medusa.
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Medusa ended up escaping to Earth after realizing she didn't want to be queen (Mostly because of Attilan's corruption as well as how wrong having a Genetic Council that determines who can and who can't have babies is. As well as shoving all their disabled subjects underground to work.), so she took a ship and blasted off, not without crashing and losing her memories however.
So now she's on Earth, alone, and trying to figure out what to do. Lost and having no idea where she is, she tries to find someone that knows.
That answer was Anna Watson, who lost her daughter long ago and well, this girl looked almost like her aside from the eyes and hair length, so against her better judgement and out of grief for her lost daughter, she used Medusa's lost memories to her advantage.
So cut ahead to her high school days, the party girl MJ Watson being everyone's crush at Midtown Tech, but not a single person interested her. She became that because well, it made her 'mother' happy.
But then once out of high school... she saw a hero. Her first hero sighting and it lit a fire in her. That hero? The Recluse. Realizing her hair can move, she decides to become something more.
To say she's is a fan is an understatement. She absolutely wants to work alongside the Recluse. So she heads out to 'help' him. Jack doesn't know what to make of this new ally.
She's carefree, one hell of a fighter beyond just the hair with the variety and utility. Not only that, but she's somewhat quippy too. Might have some moments of her anger being quiet and giving off Slasher vibes.
The Michael Myers head tilt would be a thing with her. She kinda... likes dismantling her friend's rogues. (Also sort of inspired by Sindel's Fatality in MK 1 with her hair like... holy shit.)
Of course he's grateful for the help, but she might be a little too clingy to him. She knows when to step back, but a memory of someone important keeps her by his side.
For some reason... Jack feels safe to her. Throughout this arc, Medusa discovers her origin and Jack discovers the world's much wider than the city, with the Inhumans existence at risk and the world of 3329 just as hostile or more hostile to Mutants, it'll be trouble.
Jack's Love Life and General Development.
It's a very complicated dance between Felicia and Medusa. Mostly because they're both extremely different. Felicia and Medusa share the fact that they're okay with double lives, but one's more protective than the other.
It doesn't really serve his development, but it serves theirs. Not that love is the end goal but it's something nice to cap it off with. That, and I can't decide between a really cool option and giving Felicia at least ONE universe where she gets a Spider without dying or something dumb breaking them up.
The most important thing about it is the fact that Jack's biggest hurdle is depending on others in general. So it's letting his friends in and trying to balance the fact that most of his loved ones know he's the Recluse with the fact that his rogues are constantly improving.
He absolutely refuses to let anyone die. That night saving the train for his first rescue affected his work ethic as the Recluse quite greatly. He doesn't need a mantra, but he doesn't have the same mentality as a Peter.
He's doing it out of love. He loves being the Recluse, he loves his family, he loves his friends, and he loves his city. So why not? Why shouldn't he help the city that he loves?
All of this comes down to execution. Please tell me what you all think of my ideas thus far. And the headcanons Jack has.
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roxannarambles · 1 year
Did you ever play with polly pockets too? Or Bratz dolls? Had them as a kid too. Never played with moster high or the other type dolls. That was after my time. What type of barbies did you have? I had lots of disney princess, brats, and ballet barbie dolls. One doll I remember most is esmeralda doll I found at flea Market that was actually a spice girl doll dressed as Esmeralda from the Disney movie. Imagine my surprise when that barbie had a snake tattoo on her back! Also did you ever use markes to add highlights to your dolls her? My last barbie doll was a Sharpay doll from High school musical.
I had a couple Polly Pockets, yeah! I loved teeny tiny stuff so I loved those, I had some Star Trek polly-pocket style thingies too (teeny tiny space ships that opened up). Bratz dolls came out when I was too old for dolls tho; also I lost interest in dolls very fast anyway, I was pretty tomboyish so most of my toys were considered "boy's toys."
I've been unpacking my real old boxes so here is a sample of some of my old toys to show you what I mean, haha:
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Dinosaurs, dragons, transformers, hotwheels, any kind of badass looking animal was more my thing XD
The upper corner you can see my old MLP collection, but again that was from my era of VERY young (3, 4?) when folks just bought me girl's stuff because I was a little girl and so that's just what people did. 😂 But yeah I do NOT remember my Barbies very well at all bc like I said I was 3 or 4 and didn't have them for long and they didn't leave much of an impression on me. As soon as I got a little older I ditched them and gravitated towards boy's toys. The girliest things I had when I was older were probably Beanie Babies?? (because I loved anything to do with animals) Oh, also the Littlest Pet Shop, but OLD Littlest Pet Shop, back when they looked like actual animals and not the current abominations they sell
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donttalkaboutmemes · 1 year
Dinosaur (2000) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 110 sentences from Dinosaur to use for your enjoyment!      
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1.      “Some things start out big, and some things start out small. Very small. But sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest changes of all.”
2.      “Oh, I always have to go when stuff’s happening.”
3.      “It’s a cold-blooded monster from across the sea. Vicious, flesh-eating.”
4.      “You keep that thing, one day we’ll turn our backs, it’ll be picking us out of its teeth.”
5.      “Things like that eat things like us as snacks.”
6.      “You’d better hurry up. It looks hungry.”
7.      “It’s okay. We’ll teach him to hate meat.”
8.      “Watch his head. I…I mean watch it. He could bite.”
9.      “This monster’s got no teeth. What’s he gonna do, gum us to death?”
10.   “Look at that sweet little face. Does that look like a monster to you?”
11.   “Come on! Pick on somebody your own size!”
12.   “It’s a shame you don’t like kids.”
13.   “Let’s hope he’s found some new material.”
14.   “I’m known as the professor of love and school’s in session!”
15.   “I’m a raging epidemic of romance.”
16.   “To hear him tell it, he put the prime in primate.”
17.   “Listen and learn from the master.”
18.   “Don’t jump into the trees after the first boy with a cute backflip.”
19.   “It’s more fun if you keep them guessing.”
20.   “If I cute backflip doesn’t work, guess.”
21.   “You’re never going to forget this day, so make it one to remember.”
22.   “If you mess up, don’t worry. They’ll never remember.”
23.   “Make ‘em look good, son.”
24.   “With my charm and your brains, no problem.”
25.   “Look what just pulled into town.”
26.   “Hey, haven’t you heard? I am the action!”
27.   “The clan still has one bachelor.”
28.   “It’s never really been his best event.”
29.   “He’s got a tougher hide than mine.”
30.   “If only there was someone on this island for you.”
31.   “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
32.   “Walkin’ backwards, huh? Well, let me know if that gets you there any father.”
33.   “Keep those little legs movin’ or you’ll get left behind.”
34.   “All this pushing and shoving about, just for a place to sleep. I’m not used to this kind of behavior.”
35.   “You wanna get to the nesting grounds alive? Show some backbone.”
36.   “He doesn’t normally warm up to strangers.”
37.   “This is my family. We’re all that’s left.”
38.   “It is the most beautiful place there is, child.”
39.   “Will we find anybody that looks like us there?”
40.   “The last few days, I’ve seen ‘em all shapes and sizes. Who knows what we’ll find.”
41.   “The hard job now is just getting there.”
42.   “An older woman like myself, it’s…well…it’s positively indecent.”
43.   “Why aren’t you uphill with the young bloods?”
44.   “Hm. Let the weak set the pace. Now there’s an idea.”
45.   “Better let me do the thinking from now on.”
46.   “Don’t worry. That’s how my brother treats newcomers. No matter how charming they are.”
47.   “You sure know how to catch a girl’s eyes there, stud.”
48.   “I couldn’t be catching nobody’s eye if I was you.”
49.   “Since when do we take orders from the likes of him?”
50.   “I could hold that monsters brain in the palm of my hand.”
51.   “Better to keep our heads down with this bunch than get ‘em bitten off by those things.”
52.   “You just consider yourself lucky that’s all that’s following us.”
53.   “Hey, wake up. Enough with the beauty sleep. You’re ravishing already.”
54.   “I believe you left a wake-up call for the dawn of time.”
55.   “The charm never stops around here.”
56.   “Unless you got a death wish, you and that little parasite better get moving!”
57.   “I made a real impression on her.”
58.   “That, children, is what’s known as a jerkosaurus.”
59.   “And with that, the ice is broken.”
60.   “We’ve got a lot of first-timers here. Make sure they get it.”
61.   “If this is your first crossing, listen up. There is no water til we reach the other side.”
62.   “On your feet. We can’t let those things eat you.”
63.   “I’m just gonna walk right into that lake until the waters up to my eyeballs and soak it all in.”
64.   “Maybe the rains collected somewhere else.”
65.   “Take a scout and check the entire perimeter.”
66.   “Enough! You have to be strong now!”
67.   “We’ve never gone this long without water. If we keep going like this, we’ll lose half the herd.”
68.   “We save the half that deserves to live.”
69.   “I always did like big girls!”
70.   “I think they’re scared of me.”
71.   “Who wouldn’t be? You are pretty scary.”
72.   “A lot of us are on our own now.”
73.   “Why did you help that old one?”
74.   “Is that you talking or your brother?”
75.   “We watch out for each other, we all stand a chance of getting to your nesting grounds.”
76.   “You led them right to us!”
77.   “You can’t sacrifice them like this!”
78.   “If you ever interfere again, I’ll kill you.”
79.   “I’ve got blisters on my blisters.”
80.   “Hey, uh, you don’t look so good. Let me help you.”
81.   “Save your pity. I just need some rest.”
82.   “If you change your mind, we’ll be in those caves. It’s dark, but at least it’s dry.”
83.   “It’s the dark part I’m having trouble with.”
84.   “May I remind you that he’s one of them?”
85.   “Looks like he’s one of us now.”
86.   “If I could sleep that deep, I’d be in paraside.”
87.   “If you could sleep that deep, honey, you’d be dead.”
88.   “Why is he doing this, pushing them on with false hope?”
89.   “It’s hope that’s gotten us this far.”
90.   “Why doesn’t he let them accept their fates?”
91.   “It’s your choice, not your fate.”
92.   “Back to what? It’s gone. We’re not meant to survive.”
93.   “How dare you wase that good fortune by simply giving up!”
94.   “The worst of it is you allowed an old fool like me to believe I was needed, that I still had a purpose.”
95.   “I, for one, am not willing to die here.”
96.   “Our survival, our future, is over these rocks.”
97.   “Watch them, they’re tough. If they can do it, so can you.”
98.   “He’s led that monster right to us!”
99.   “If we scatter, he’ll pick us off. Stand together.”
100. “Welcome home.”
101.  “Move over, everybody. Bringing in babies is what I do best.”
102.  “Somebody wants to meet you.”
103.  “Oh, aren’t you the sweetest little small fry I ever did see.”
104.  “Meet your dad. He’s not as crazy as he looks.”
105.  “Let met get a good look at you. Yup, you’re your father’s son.”
106.  “Hey, look what I found! New neighbors!”
107.   “Are you ladies up for a game of monkey in the middle?”
108.   “None of us really know what changes, big or small, lie ahead.”
109.   “One thing is certain, our journey’s not over.”
110.   “We can only hope that in some small way, our time will be remembered.”
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vorrentis · 2 years
M Reader x Sana - Irresistible Love~
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This is gonna be an interesting smut fic.
This DOES contain NON-CON and it is INCEST.
So if you’re squeamish at the idea of it, please go past it or don’t read if you want.
I marked the non-con below, but don’t worry, it’s not non-con afterwards.
Sorry to anyone if this makes you uncomfortable, I plan on making a regular version of this soon.
WORDS: 17023
New updated smuts, even non-con smut as well, and story with grammar fixes and better flow.
Tags: NON-CON, INCEST, and just about everyone else lol
Imagine your 10-year-old self was just playing with your dinosaur toys when suddenly your mom suddenly came back home...and introduced you to your new adopted sister. 
Of course you didn't understand at first, but later, but your parents told you that they adopted this girl because of issues with her parents. 
She had no where to go as you went towards her with your toy dinosaurs.
"Hi, I'm Sana."
"I'm (YN)."
"Cool toys." She pointed.
"Thanks, want to play?"
And just like that a new friendship was born. 
You and Sana have been living together since; growing up and school together, but one issue about her; Sana was incredibly shy.
She would hang out with you constantly and you didn't mind, but now in high school, you would have to help her make new friends and adjust to being able to live on her own. 
And thats what you did in your first three years, she was now comfortable with others, but going into your senior year...things made a drastic turn in your life.
Both eighteen  and you both had to move due to your parent's job to relocate, moving  to a new foreign state of (wherever you want) and transferred to the nearest high school. 
Of course being the 'new' kids was tough especially since it was your senior year, but you both had each other so it wasn't that bad.
During the first week of your new high school, Sana would still be around you, you however already made a couple of friends, but she would try to be with you. Since this was a new school, she was going back to her old ways.
Eventually you told her that she would need to make some friends eventually.
"What if they don't like me?” She asked as you smiled.
"Then do something to make them like you." You replied as Sana pondered about this and then seemed to got an idea. 
Little did you know, it was a big mistake for you.
And now, you were regretting those words.
You were currently sitting in your desk reading a book when you heard Sana's voice. She was talking to her next 'target'.
'Target' because everyone here knows that Sana...was now known as the girl to fuck if you needed to get some release out.
She did not care who it was, girl/guy, she would go on and say yes to almost every request. Sometimes she would even go up to people and without saying a word, they would just go with her somewhere to fuck.
You needed to be up to Sana's standards and that's not high, but it's still there. 
If you pleased her enough, you'll get her again. 
Of course she only said no to a handful of students, mostly the ones who seemed like they lasted a couple of seconds.
Oh and you...
I know, I know, you're her step brother, but lately...you just couldn't help it. Your damn hormones were rising up and while the girls were cute at school, none of them compared to the goddess of your sister.
 You wanted to get in on it...well get in her. 
It was the worse, not only does she seem to be teasing you here with her version of the school uniform.
A shirt that she ties up to show her bust size with a bit of cleavage showing, her skirt that somehow is a bit shorter than the average skirt to show off the legs and if your lucky to see, a bit of her perfect butt. You don't understand how teachers aren't seeing this.
Her looks alone could make you hypnotized, but then add in her assets and the way she shows them off. God help us.
Of course she was never around you during school anymore after the first week. She was there in classes, but during transitions, you overhead that she gives BJ's in the clean up closet. Before school, she already had a guy prepped for her. And even during lunch she was often gone to get her daily 'exercise'.
Now you wished that the person she was talking to was you. Before you didn't even know that Sana could be like this, but...
“Where the hell is she?” 
Classes had ended a while back and you were sent to find Sana as your parents were waiting and you figured she was held up by her friends and started to search for her. 
You called her cell, but no reply, so you decided to check around the deserted school with very few students around.
After your search seemed worthless , you decided to check the roof as a last resort, that was her favorite spot when she had free time so maybe she was up there.
Luckily the door was open and you barely approached the roof door when you heard strange noises from behind the door. 
You peeped through the door opening and your eyes widened, because through the crack of the door…
“What the fuck…”
You were watching Sana on top of a guy, but the part that got you was that Sana was naked and clearly, she was having sex with the male as Sana was bouncing and riding the man for everything he was worth.
Her breasts were heaving up and down as Sana had her hands on the man’s chest, whom was still clothed except his pants were around his ankles.
Yet Sana’s clothing was all around her and him as her butt rode up and down with speed, both their eyes were shut so they couldn't see you and they were clearly  holding in their groans. 
The position they were in had a perfect view of the side of them, but more on Sana as your mouth gaped as you saw the unbelievable sight to you. 
Sana, your sister, was having sex! 
Just right here! 
The door wasn’t even locked so they clearly didn’t care if they were caught!
It was wrong. 
You shouldn't be spying on her. 
But you could only stare and watch in fascination as the bulge in your crotch was begging to be attended to, but you couldn't move nor figure out what you should do.
“Oh god, so good~” Sana moaned, but she didn’t yell it out as her head leaned back, her breasts now in full on view as you were hypnotized by her hardened nipples and clearly the guy was too as his hands went up to grab them.
"Sana...you feel so good...I'm gonna cum..." He told her as she lowered her head slightly to look down at him.
"Me too..." She replied back as he smiled at her. 
He smiled back at her and took his hands to grab her by the waist and slightly lift her ass up and then continued to pound inside her and focused mainly on his thrusts and release. 
"Ahhh...I'm cumming!" He then thrusted into her once more as Sana remained still and moaned as they were huffing.
You knew he came in her as your eyes widened!
After ten seconds Sana then hovered up from him, his penis now disengaged and flopped onto his chest as you saw plastic over his cock and Sana’s very damp vagina as she stood up.
“Damn now that was something...” Sana moved herself around and started to collect her clothing.
“It very much was~”
The male didn’t move as he looked at Sana.
“Got time for one more?” 
“Sorry, I really got to go, maybe tomorrow?” She asked as the guy nodded and Sana started to put her undergarments on the the guy pulled his pants up.
Seeing as how they were getting ready, you shook your head and left quickly towards the lobby.
You were sitting in the lobby seats, images of Sana was dug into your mind.
You received a text from Sana saying sorry for not answering and asked if you can wait a bit more while you left the two and said that you could go to her, but she said that she’ll come to you instead and just wait in the lobby. 
Still dazed you replied with a yes and here were thinking...
'When I meant 'make them like you' I didn't actually mean doing that...that couldn't be Sana...it just couldn't...the Sana I know would never be like that...but it was her...and why did I 'felt' that way?' 
After about five minutes instead, Sana finally came down the lobby stairs to meet you in the lobby itself.
"(YN)! I’m sorry about the wait." She acted all cute like with her tone with her small smile, looking like nothing had happened to her. 
Hair was done and makeup was spot on.
"O-oh, it's okay." You said while standing but in your mind, you couldn't help but picture her clothes off.
As you both were walking towards the car to your parents, you couldn't help, but take sneak peeks at her. 
'Stop it (YN), that's your step-sister, you're family for fuck’s sake.'
"Are you okay (YN)?" She asked, clearly noticing your stares as you nodded..
"Y-yeah, just, worried about you," She gave a look at you.
“Worried?” She asked as you nodded.
“You know, about school and such, it’s getting to a point of exams you know,” You clearly kept control as Sana giggled and then…
She held onto you with one arm.
“Aww~ I’m happy that you care, but remember I have you to tutor me whenever I need it~” She winked at you as you gulped and nodded slowly, “but thank you (YN). You’re always caring for me~" She spoke sincerely.
"Uh, n-no problem." You replied while nearing the car of your dad's without another word spoken as Sana kept her hold on you.. 
'What have I done?' You asked yourself.
Of course, that was then, you thought maybe it was a secret new boyfriend, but the way she talked seemed like it was another case.
Four months since then, and you realized that it wasn’t a first.
Talks started to pop up about Sana and those rumors soon became nothing but reality. 
This is how it began, Sana took your advice and went up to make friends with the wrong crowd, at first it was a group of guys and one of them asked Sana out to which she said yes and well that date ended pretty happily for Sana as she went again and this time, she lost her virginity.
That excitement in bed had Sana thriving and while it didn’t last long between her and the guy, Sana started to see others and well, it got to her.
All the popularity she was getting, wrong reasons though, was making her feel out of this world and plus, she enjoyed having the sessions as it made her feel a whole sensation in her.
Though she didn’t go out with anyone after that first guy, she was still a popular girl that most men and women would talk about. 
She was indeed the fuck girl of the school. 
Of course, you didn't tell your parents, I mean what could you say.
Now here you are slightly agitated by her. 
You wanted to be with her and seeing her with others, just made you go insane with the lust for her as the bell rang for class to start and Sana would come in and sit, not without all eyes on her. 
You were at home, your parents weren't at home due to midnight shifts at work, but they left dinner for you two to eat.
"Sana, dinner is ready." You yelled out.
"Coming~" She said as she was going down the stairs and of course if you thought the school uniform was hot, her at home was another thing.
Wearing shorts that made her legs visible and her butt better by the shape it hunged to her, a crop top that was tight on her that fully exploited her sexy body. 
Her 'comfortable' clothing as she calls them while ‘torture’ clothing as you called them.
Living with her was a blessing and a curse. She was almost daring you to watch her.
You looked away at the sight, any more of that, and your cock was going to be noticed by her as she sat down.
“Hmm~ Looks good (YN)~ Arigato~” She gave you a smile as you turned to her, nodded, and looked away. 
Both ate quietly, just the cling clang of forks and knives as you kept looking at her, texting, and kept silently laughing at something…that caused you to be irate.
'Probably a new boy toy.' 
You thought as anger began to rise in you as you ate with newfound feelings. 
Dinner was done with as Sana put her utensils on her plate, yawning as she rose her arms up, her breasts going up with her as you stared at them for a second before looking down at your food as Sana lowered herself.
"Now that was good~”
“You want seconds?” You asked as Sana shook her head.
“Nah, I’m good, but thank you. I think I'm going to take a nap. I'm really tired from school today." Sana craned her neck as you sighed.
'I bet you are…' 
"No worries, I'll clean up." You said as Sana smiled and rose from her seat to go around and…
"Thanks (YN), you're the best~" 
However, the height difference of you sitting and her standing, your head was pushed against her breasts as you felt her body pressing onto you.
‘She’s killing me…’
“Good night (YN)~”
And with that, she went up the stairs as you watched her butt jiggle with each motion.
You sat there frustrated. 
You couldn't take it anymore, with all the gossip about how good she is and her wearing clothing like this in your home almost every day and jerking yourself off wasn’t doing any good as you wanted more.
‘Why should she sleep with every person she meets but me!?’
You glared while your fist curled.
“Fuck this, I’m gonna show you that I can be the best Sana…" You mumbled as you cleaned the table up.
After about an hour, you decided to go for it. 
It was currently around 9 PM.
Your parents informed you that they won't be home till maybe midnight due to an overload in some shipments.
You then went out of your room and sneaked into Sana's room, changed into loose clothing and no boxers on so you can quickly release your companion as you silently opened Sana's door and looked through the crack. 
You were in luck, she was sleeping and you were even luckier and now hornier. 
She was sleeping in her undergarments as well.
You tiptoed over to her knowing that she was a heavy sleeper since you had to wake her up most of the time to get her up, but you still had to be careful. 
You stood over her taking in her beauty, snoring softly and peacefully and legs spread as well.
And then at her body. 
There was literally nothing covering it all as she wore a matching set of lacey pink fabric that hugged her body well.
==================NON-CON SMUT START====================
==================NON-CON SMUT START====================
==================NON-CON SMUT START====================
The sight itself caused you to have more lust and you lowered a hand at her lower attire and carefully slide them to the right.
There it was, her pussy: shaven and slightly wet. 
Either she was having a wet dream or she played with herself before dozing off, either way, it was lubed and presented for you as you pulled down your shorts with your other hand to have your hardened cock out.
Sana being in this position also made it easy for you to figure a position out as you squalled down and held your cock next to her pussy and started to slowly slide in. 
“Oh god…”
The pleasure was too much for you as you mumbled your lust out. 
'How the hell can she be this tight?!' You thought.
 It took all your might to not moan out loud as Sana also let a slight moan, she was indeed likely having a wet dream now. 
You slid yourself in slowly and-
"Hmm-Wha-(YN)!? WHAT THE HELL-MMPHH!" You covered her mouth with your right hand.
She tried to push you away, but you were far stronger than her as Sana clamped her hands on your arms and face too, but it didn’t matter.
Then just like that something change in you. 
You didn't care about anything right then and there.
“I’m tired of letting others do what I want Sana, now, it’s my turn~” You uttered as Sana stopped moving for brief seconds before she continued struggling as you pushed her back towards the bed, laying her down on it as you straddled her hips and it made a new wave of anger noises from Sana and her muffled protests got louder.
You however just ignored her pleas and spread her legs forcefully to get a good look at her pussy and started rubbing above her opening, looking for her little pleasure bud. 
Once you had found her clit as shown by the involuntary bucking of her hips, you applied more and more pressure to it, forcing her towards a sensation that Sana did not want to experience. 
But she was panting, trying to resist giving in to the tightening coil in her loins but she couldn't help unraveling when you pressed hard on her clit. 
She was one to masturbate and have sexual cravings regularly but this really hit her with its intensity, making her almost forget where and with whom she was right now, it was so go-
You began pushing into her. 
Your cockhead stretched her opening as you forcefully pressed into her. 
Sana was protesting against the hand over her mouth at the intrusion and the feeling of being stretched so much, and yet only the head of you was actually inside her yet. 
All of her thoughts came to a halt as you began thrusting at a slow rhythm, trying to embed more and more of your cock in her with every thrust. 
Sana felt so tiny underneath you, her small frame dwarfed by you and you loved the feeling of your cock stretching her insides. 
But as much as you wanted to savor that feeling, your lust couldn’t hold itself any longer.
Sana groaned as you pushed your cock back into her pussy and began really fucking her with quick, hard thrusts that sent her tits bouncing and had her gasping in pain every time your thick cockhead would forcefully push against her cervix.
You loved watching your cock stretching her pussy to the limits every time you pushed it into her. 
This was way better to you than fucking your hand, and your sweet sister felt like heaven as you pounded into Sana. 
You were close to cumming, but wanted to feel her pussy clenching around you in orgasm as you came, so you reached your other hands down around her to rub her clit.
Sana, while her progress of thought was nulled, trying to escape your clutch, felt weakened and hated that it actually started to feel good when you rubbed her clit. 
The pain stood bearable now and pleasurable feelings were mixing in with the typhoon of emotions she was having, her mind urged to fight back but her body was arguing with this notion.
She still hated how you, her brother, were forcing her into this so much, but her body still responded to your ministrations the same as if this had been a voluntary experience.
She screamed, loud even through the hand on her mouth as she came in a haze of pleasure and pain. 
On one hand, Sana was disgusted and violated, yet the fact of the matter was that you were starting to make her very soaked no matter how much she tried to ignore it. 
She was thoroughly by this reaction of her body, but ultimately her pussy clamped down around your cock pushing you into your release too. 
“Fucking hell!”
You held yourself deep inside her as you shot jet after jet of hot cum right against the entrance to her womb, grunting and groaning in pleasure all the while… 
“Hmph! Hpmph!”
Naturally, Sana’s body reacted to your hot cum shooting inside her by drawing out her orgasm, pulling the cum deeper inside her every time her pussy contracted, leaving her in a blissful state of pleasure for almost a minute.
Once she came down from her high, Sana started feeling the aftermath of what had happened. 
She felt a weird warmth inside her where your cum was still lodged deeply by your now flaccid cock, only a small amount dripping out…and then she felt your hand move from her mouth.
“G-get out…” She uttered as you looked at her.
Sana kicked you right above your pelvic area with her leg that was free from your grasp. 
Her force was strong but you merely rubbed the area where she kicked. 
"Get out! Now!" She yelled, pointing at the door.
You then ran out of her room and into yours, quickly locking the door and pressing your back to the wooden panel, processing everything that happen. 
Seeing the look on her face...speaking of…
Sana laid on her bed, shocked and in disbelief about what happened. 
You, her own brother, just fucked her…no, you forced yourself onto her. She was lucky she was already under the affects of birth control pills as she felt your jizz empty out of her.
Why?...why would you-
“I’m tired of letting others do what I want Sana, now, it’s my turn~”
It’s no secret that everyone knows about her in school, but she didn’t think you-
Sana stared at the roof of her room, still feeling the after-sex emotions. 
==================NON-CON SMUT END====================
==================NON-CON SMUT END====================
==================NON-CON SMUT END====================
It's been three hard days for you and Sana. You both hadn't said a word nor even made eye contact with each other for more than seconds since that night.
You felt guilty, horrible, shame, or any negative that comes to your mind. 
You honestly had no idea what got over you that night.
It wasn't 'you' that was doing that to Sana, but like some other person, but that's no excuse. You wanted to talk to Sana, you really did, but you didn't have the courage to do so and she would avoid you as well.
Sana was just upright silent at you. 
She didn't want to have to do anything with you and distracted herself from you by doing what she was best at; getting with the best of the people in school that she knew of.
Unfortunately, nothing was working. 
Nothing was keeping you out of her mind.
And it was making things worse for her as she just finished a session with a woman this time.
Right now, she was on the floor of the backyard shed where they kept outdoor equipment. 
It was never locked so she came here wherever she wanted to after school when they didn't need the equipment which seemed like never, just as long as she cleaned up after.
The girl next to her was sweating hard while Sana looked like she hadn't even broken a sweat yet.
"Damn, you really were horny…my cunt is just numb…" She said while catching her breath. 
"Ehh…" Sana shrugged as the girl glanced at her.
"Ehh?” Confusion darted towards Sana and she turned her head, uninterested.
"As I said ‘ehh’. You can go now.” The girl sat up while shrugging.
"Alright, but if you need me again, just say so~" She winked at Sana  and put her clothes back on before cleaning herself with a towel the shed had and left Sana, still lying on the floor and in her thoughts as she grabbed her forehead with a hand.
'What's wrong with me...not even girls can make me stop!? Argh! Stop thinking about (YN)!' She thought to herself angrily. 
Nothing was working, each person she was with, her mind only reminded her of you. 
Especially the guys.
Whenever she looked at one who she was having sex with, she saw you in place. 
So much so that she almost mumbled your name on several occasions.
Sana lay there thinking, thought and thought, day after day about how to break this curse of you. 
“What can I do?! It’s not like I can just ask someone about this…” She groaned while closing her eyes.
She lay there until she came to a realization. 
A conclusion that she would never have thought of.
"Unless…c-can it be that I actually want...to have sex with (YN)?" She silently said to herself, now sitting up hearing her phone dinged. 
It was her mom asking where she was. 
Sana texted back saying she had to stay behind and learn more about something she didn't understand, but that she was on her way.
After that Sana cleaned herself up and left home.
The final thought of actually wanting sex with you dominate her mind. 
It was 9:32 PM
Sana was lying on her bed, still thinking about you and about that night. 
Even though she was trying her best to forget about it the past few days, she still had the idea of wanting you and just embraced the memory. 
Now the more she thought about it, the more she had a different view about it. 
It was wrong, really wrong, but Sana thought that you felt...different.
Different from all the others she's been with. 
Maybe it was since you were her step-brother...but no...it wasn't.
She remembered the way you looked. 
Powerful, intense, assertive; almost animal-like. 
Like you were on a mission and nothing was going to stop you with the way you looked at her with those intense eyes.
It almost turned her on, now that she was visioning it.
Your tone of voice when you told her that it was your turn, bottomless and alarming. She wouldn't be lying if she said that she got slightly wet from hearing you, but she would never admit that.
Then the fucking...my god the fucking, true you weren’t as buff as other guys, but something about you was...well she didn't know how to describe it. 
It was that exemplary.
Sana's phone lit up. She picked it up and saw a text from her mom.
Sana, your father and I are going to be working late again. 
Please tell your brother. He's not picking up his cell. 
Thanks and love you.
Ok, I will, be safe and love you too
After setting her phone down, Sana went back to her thoughts again. 
The more she thought, the more she came to that same conclusion back at the shed. 
Now she’s convinced of herself.
'It can't be...can it? I mean it's crazy...right?' She internally debated herself. 
She then sighed and sat up on her bed. 
'If this whole thing started with him, then I'm sure it has to end with him. But what am I going to say?' 
About 10 mins later, she was satisfied with what she was going to say to you, now standing up from her bed and heading straight to her brother’s room.
You were sitting at your desk in your room attempting to do homework. 
Key word: attempting.
Your mind was drifting to Sana every second. 
For the past days, you've been thinking of what to say...but what can you say?
Apologize for forcing yourself onto her? How does one even start with that?
You placed your head on your hands as you rubbed your temple. 
The only good thing about this is that Sana hasn’t told mom or dad, but she hasn’t said a word to you since as well as keeping up her reputation at school.
“God what I have done…”
You ruined this fam-
You looked up at the door. 
“Yeah?” Thinking it was mom or da-
The door opened and Sana came inside the room as your body froze.
"S-Sana?" You stuttered as Sana closed the door behind.
"No, don't say another word unless I ask you something." She said as you were about to say- "If I hear a single word from you besides that, I'm leaving. Understand?" 
You nodded while Sana walked closer, looking at the desk to see your homework, then back at you.
"Okay (YN), I hope you know that what you did to me was wrong. VERY wrong. Not only are we family, but you…you forced yourself onto me…" you nodded slowly, “why?”
You looked dow-
“No, you look into my eyes.” She declared as you turned your sight to her’s deeming for an answer.
“Because…because hearing all the other students talk about you I-it made me think so too…”
“So you were frustrated and pent up?”
You nodded.
“And you think fucking me while I was asleep was the best idea?!”
“For fuck sakes (YN)...buy a god damn toy or something?! Or the very least talk to me about it?!”
Sana sighed.
“Well sorry doesn’t mean shit. Especially for what you did.”
“...you want to make up for it?” She asked suddenly as you nodded fast.
“Y-yes! Anything you need Sana, I’ll do it!” You begged as Sana grinned.
“Well, here’s the thing. Since then, I’ve been trying to fuck my way out of thinking about what you did, but guess what? Nothing works,” you remained still, “and  since I can't take that night out of my head and I tried my hardest to do so, believe me...but...the more I kept thinking about that, the more I realized something” she took a breath, “I want to have sex with you again." 
"I know it's crazy and I know I just said that we're family and all, but...the more I think about it, the more I keep thinking about you, and it's driving me crazy to a point that it’s making me delusional and…sigh, I know it's fucking crazy, but somehow, you keep appearing in my mind."
You gulped.
“So I thought and…oh god damn it (YN), do you want to fuck again or not?!” She asked crossing her arms under her breasts as you gulped many times that you went dry in your mouth.
You didn't know what to even think. 
Was she pranking you? 
Was she filming this to blackmail you? 
What’s going on in her damn mind? 
Especially after that night?!
"Hurry up," She tapped her fingers as your conscious is telling you not to do it, to stay the hell away from any of that subject from Sana...but fuck that. 
You nodded slowly and Sana smirked. 
"Well brother~" she declared in a seducing tone, "I hope you didn't plan on getting any homework done~" leaning forward next to your ear, "and if you ever force yourself to me again, these," you groaned as Sana pressed her hand hard against your manhood to a point of pain rather than pleasure “will be gone for good, are we clear?”
“Y-yes,” You muttered as Sana gave a chuckle.
“Good, now come here~”
==================== SMUT TIME===================
You then felt your sister's soft hands on your jaw and turned your head towards her, looking up and your eyes widened as she leaned down and placed her warm and soft lips on you.
You were shocked once again. 
The feeling of Sana’s lips on your felt amazing as she moaned against your lips, which only heightened the pleasure of your first kiss. 
You didn't know what to do so you stayed still, feeling her hand rub against your jaw, sending a shiver down your spine.
Sana slowly lowered you down to the bed during the kiss as you felt your back hit against the soft bed, but your attention was solely on the kiss. 
You stayed motionless as you were uncertain about what you were supposed to do. 
This felt exhilarating for you. 
You could feel her pressing her lips further to you and at that moment, you felt her breasts press up against you as your body twitched at the soft feeling of her large breasts against you. 
You groaned when you felt a bulge in your pants grow. 
It felt incredibly tight in your pants as your penis twitched against the fabric of your boxers with Sana eventually pulled away from the kiss, and a trail of saliva between their lips formed, as she stared down at you. 
Sana slightly giggled at your facial expression of pure euphoria from just a kiss. 
She rubbed her hand against your cheek and then kissed you again, moaning and trailing her hand down your body until it reached the bulge in your pants. 
You arched your back slightly as your sister's touch made you suddenly feel elated with her starting to rub the bulge and you could only groan into her lips.
She broke the kiss once again and licked her lips while rubbing your bulge continuously causing you to clench the bed covers tightly with your hands. 
She giggled at your reactions and moved her hand a bit faster and leaned down to kiss you on the neck. Sana nibbled on your neck slightly and sucked on your skin, leaving a reddish hickey spot on him. 
All you could do is moan in satisfaction as you were dealing with emotions that you couldn't believe. 
You became so distracted by the pleasure that you were unaware that your sister was moving down your body and then crouched down in between your legs at the edge of the bed.
Licking her lips seductively, she took a hold of your pants and dragged them down to your ankles with your boxers going along with them. 
Your erection popped up from its confinement as it stood stiff and erect in front of her. 
You felt a cold breeze in your lower body and lifted your head up to see what happened as your eyes widened as you saw your sister staring at your penis.
‘So this is what’s making me think so much? Damn, he’s actually packing, not the biggest, but it’s up there.’
"You're pretty big (YN) I’ll give you that, bigger than most." You heard Sana say as she suddenly grabbed a hold of your erection with one of her hands. 
The moment her hand touched it, your mind went blank as you were overcome with a new level of pleasure that you imagined for months now.
“So this is what you wanted me to do for some time now~” She asked while stroking you a bit as you nodded, “how long~” 
“F-four months…”
“Four months huh? Well, guess I don’t blame you that much for being pent up, but don’t worry~ cause now, all your fantasies will come true~”
Her warm and soft hand felt incredible against your skin as you could only moan in delight. 
Sana giggled at your reaction and began to move her hand, stroking your erection slowly, allowing you to get used to the amazing feeling you felt for the first time. 
You groaned again, gritting your teeth and clenching the sheets. 
"Aaaahhh...Sana...this feels amazing..." You told her as she smiled and moved her hand faster. 
She saw you squirm along with her movements and it made her grin at your erection as if she found a new and exciting toy to play and ravage with. 
The only thing it needed, was something she could easily fix. 
She reached to the top of your erection and slowly started to peel your foreskin down your mushroom-shaped bulb. 
You winced softly, feeling a little pain from her doing so, but she was able to do it without real problems. She moaned when she stared at her brother's tip. 
She had a look that showed how much she wanted to lick it. 
So, she did.
Her desire and lust were increased as she leaned closer and started flicking her tongue against your cock.
She licked around your bulb, placing her lips against it and tasting her own brother's penis for the first time. 
She lightly sucked on the glands while using one of her hands to lightly stroke your length as you felt like you were no longer in the room, but floating on a soft cloud, floating in the sky. 
The warmth feeling of Sana’s tongue on your penis was from a different world, a world filled with pleasure and good sensations. 
A world you never wanted to leave. 
It was pure ecstasy. 
Her wet tongue and soft lips only intensified your pleasure. 
You couldn't believe how good this felt and Sana’s sexual desires were growing with every second and the thought of your cock only heightened them. 
She flicked her tongue continuously around your bulb and began tasting your bitter pre-cum. 
However, she loved the taste and showed it by going to the very tip and flicking her tongue against it as you moaned and groaned when she did this. 
"Are you ready, (YN)?" she asked him, but you were too caught up with your own excitement that you didn't hear her. 
She took this as a sign to go on and started taking your penis into her mouth. 
Your eyes opened wide and your back arched higher as you felt your sister's warm mouth envelope your penis as she continued going down on you until she was able to fit your entire length inside.
"Ahhh! What the...this feels amazing!" You screamed in pure delight as your sister's warm mouth over your penis shook your very core. 
It only got better when she started moving upwards, all the way to the tip and then back down. 
You clenched the sheets as tightly as you could as your sister gave you your first-ever blowjob. 
She continued to bob her head, moving at a decent speed and pace, making sure her brother didn't release so quickly. She wanted to keep doing this as long as possible.
You on the other hand were so consumed by the pleasure you weren’t aware of anything going on. 
Your own sister was bobbing her head on your penis. 
You couldn't describe the sensation. 
It just felt so damn good that you didn't know if you could live without it and Sana…
'Why...why does this feel so much better than any other guy?' Sana thought, loving the taste of your penis. 
You were not as big or had the same girth as a few, but it felt way better. 
She didn't understand it. 
Maybe it was the erotic mind of doing it with her brother? 
The incest thoughts that made her hornier than usual?
Or the way you were that night that made her moister than anything?
However, she didn't question it for long as she continued to slurp on your erection, roaming her hands across your thighs. She then felt your penis throb inside her mouth and knew what was coming. 
“Cum (YN)...give me all of it…” She bobbed faster.
"Ahhh! Sana...not so fast...ah...I-I’m coming!" You screamed as the pressure was building up to its breaking point and tightly held onto the covers as you were at your breaking point. 
"AHHHH! Sana!" You arched your back and thrust upward, releasing your orgasm into her waiting mouth. 
Sana moaned as she felt streams of your hot and sticky cum shoot into her mouth and took in everything you sprayed inside her, not missing a single drop. 
She held her head in place as she waited for your orgasm to die down.
For you, this orgasm was ten times better than any time you had, especially three days ago. 
It was just incredible how much of a difference it was. 
Her warm mouth seemed to be the cause of it and you loved it as you slowly laid your back down on the covers as your orgasm died down with one last spurt of your semen entering Sana's mouth. 
She moaned and moved her head up and down slowly to clean you up. 
Once she got everything, she removed your penis from her mouth with a pop and backed away from it. 
She swallowed the remaining semen in her mouth and smiled, seeing your erection up and ready for more.
"Hmm, shame, you came quick (YN).”
“S-sorry, I just…it’s my first so…”
“Oh really~ answer me this (YN)~ you’ve ever masturbated to me?” She asked as you nodded slowly. 
What? Sana, your sister, just gave you a blowjob, no point in hiding anything at this point.
“Hehe~ ah (YN), this is gonna be fun~ And at least you got stamina cause you’re still hard as hell, which is what I can’ say for most, don’t be as quick again.” She demanded as you opened your eyes, no longer in the state of euphoria you was in as she crawled on top of you until she met you face to face and lowered herself and kissed you on the lips, moaning into your mouth. 
You, who was still at your high point, closed your eyes and pushed yourself forward a bit, trying your best to kiss back.
Sana made a soft noise in surprise as she opened her eyes slightly to look at you and smiled and kissed her brother back, pressing her chest down onto you, rubbing herself on your cock, stimulating you for the next round. 
She forced you to open your lips and she quickly entered inside and roamed her tongue around the inside of your mouth and ended with a dance between each other’s tongues. 
You both moaned continuing their passionate make-out session with love only they could feel.
Sana pulled away and stared down at you with a warm smirk as she completely dominated you. 
You opened your eyes and stared up at your sister, calming from your racing heartbeat from the intense kiss they shared. 
She smiled at you and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and grabbed one of your hands and led them straight to her breast. 
Your eyes widened at the softness of her large breasts. You may not be having direct contact with them right now, but they still felt incredible to touch.
"W-Wow..." You muttered in awe. 
“You don’t think I noticed you catching glimpses at me from time to time?” She said as you looked at her, “you’re a naughty boy (YN)~ I see why now~”
“Go ahead, do whatever you want~”
Sana smiled at you as she clenched your hand and started moving your hand. 
Your ears twitched at the angelic sound she made, the same one that you loved. You felt proud to be the one who made her moan like that and not someone else. 
How you wanted to hear it again.
"That’s it, keep doing it~" You started moving your hand on your own, your body responding to your excitement and gave her breast a squeeze, making her moan again. 
How much you loved that sound. 
You continued kneading and squeezing her breast, stimulating her body in ways that she loved. 
Sana bit her bottom lip, as she desperately wanted to feel your hands against her actual flesh, taking your hand and removed it from her breast. 
You frowned in disappointment as she smiled at you. 
"Hold on..." She told you and straddled your waist, your erection rubbing against her pelvis and lower abdomen. 
She grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. 
You could only look in complete awe as she removed the fabric with one fluid motion making her breasts bounce. 
You felt your cheeks get red as you couldn't help but stare at her white bra-covered breasts.
She tossed her shirt to the floor and then reached behind her to unclasp her bra and tossed it to the floor as well and revealed her large mounds to you. 
You were at a loss for words. 
You have never seen something so beautiful, so sexy, and just so amazing looking. Her pale skin and her pink perky nipples looked beautiful. 
Your sister's breasts looked incredible in the light and that was more than enough for you to latch onto one of her breasts and grabbed the other with a hand. 
Sana squealed as she felt you begin to suck on her boob, flicking your tongue against her nipple like a hungry carnivore. 
Your hand squeezed and kneaded her other breast, stimulating her twice as much as with your previous contact. 
"Ahhh that's it (YN)~ it feels so good~" She screamed in delight as you smirked. 
You pinched her nipple in between your fingers and pulled them softly to pleasure her more and did the same with the other, except you nibbled on her perky nipple while keeping your mouth latched over on your favorite part of your sister.
Sana squirmed on your waist, loving everything her brother was doing to her body. It was completely different than any person doing it and she was glad she decided to do this. 
She loved your warm mouth against her breast to the point she was disappointed when you let go, only to switch breasts. 
This made her elated and consumed by lust.
She wanted more though. 
As you continued to attack her breasts, she used her hands to slip off her clothes and then her white panties, leaving her completely nude in front of you. 
She rubbed her cunt, feeling how wet and hot it felt, showing how much she needed a dick inside her. 
You felt something wet against your penis, prompting you to let go of her breasts and looked down to see your sister now completely naked above you. 
You felt your entire face get red.
"W-when did you..." You muttered as she giggled took her hand and rubbed her hand up and down your erection.
"Alright, I think I’m wet enough for the main event~" You gulped as you looked at her lust-filled eyes. 
You were about to have sex with your sister once more and it sent chills down your spine and a feeling of excitement. 
There was also nervousness too, but you did your best to hold that emotion back as Sana took hold of your cock and aligned it with her opening.
Your eyes widened as far as they could go as you felt her hot and wet insides immediately clamp around your penis, making you feel the pleasure. 
Sana moaned as she took your entire length inside her. 
Your penis wasn't as big, it didn't fully reach her cervix, but that didn't matter to her. 
In fact, your penis just felt so different, so much more amazing than any penis she ever had inside her. 
She didn't know why this was the case, but she didn't question it and just enjoyed the pleasure it gave her.
Your mind was gone as the pleasure of being inside your sister was all you cared about. It felt incredible to be inside her. 
The tight walls that surrounded your erection, plus the heat and wetness of her vagina, was an experience that you could die from. 
It was just that good as you gripped her thighs tightly as the tightness of her walls was making your release come sooner than you wanted. 
However, you couldn't help it. 
You just lost your virginity and you were happy that it was your sister who took it from you…what an odd saying now thinking- 
"W-Wow Sana...this feels amazing...you feel so good..."
"Heh I haven’t even moved (YN), you really are a virgin."
She didn't give you the chance to say anything as she leaned down to you and placed her soft lips on your mouth again. 
You moaned as you kissed back, moving your tongue with hers. 
Her breasts pressed against your chest as she roamed her hands under your shirt and up your body. Her touch was spine-tingling as your penis contracted inside her. 
She moaned when she felt it stiffen and smiled into the kiss. 
She pulled away and straddle your waist again. 
“Hope you’re ready~" 
She asked you and you nodded.
Smiling, she placed her hands on your chest and then lifted her hips and began riding you at a slow pace. 
You curled your toes in satisfaction as you watched Sana bounce up and down on your cock. 
Her breasts bounced along with her movements, hypnotizing you and making you love her mounds all over again. 
You licked your lips and raised your hands to grab both of her breasts. 
She moaned when you made contact, squeezing, pull,ing and kneading her breasts, earning an angelic sound from her mouth.
You loved that sound.
Sana felt like she was in heaven. 
Your cock felt great inside her. 
Having sex with her own brother was compelling enough, but this, this was worth the risk.
She moved her hands from your chest and towards the covers next to your head as she focused more on her movements. 
She sped up and the sounds of their flesh smacking echoed throughout the room, mixed along with their moans. 
You leaned up and took one of her breasts into your mouth again, sucking on her teat like before and kneaded her other breast in your hand and began thrusting upward, matching her bounces and joining her in their forbidden lovemaking.
Sana moaned your name continuously, her eyes filled with nothing but lust for her brother. You removed your mouth from her breast with a pop and kneaded them in circles, squishing her breasts against each other.
"Sana...this feels incredible...oh..." You moaned as you felt another orgasm approach.
"Ah~ (YN)...oh this is wonderful~...I'm gonna cum..." She screamed, rolling her head back in pleasure.
"Me too...ahhh...I’m not protect-" 
“I am, just cum inside me!” Sana instructed as you grabbed her waist and held on to her tightly. 
Both sister and brother felt their orgasms approach quickly as she bounced faster on you and you thrust fast into her and looked down at you and placed a hand on your cheek. 
She leaned down and kissed you as they made out while in the middle of their intercourse, but pulled away quick and screamed as she felt her orgasm reaching its boiling point. 
"Ahhh...I'm cumming...I'm cumming (YN)..."
"Me too...me too Sana!" You tightened your hands on her waist. 
The bed creaked with every one of their quick-paced movements as their simultaneous orgasms were about to erupt. 
"I'm cumming! Sana!" You let out a final scream as you released and came inside your sister again.
"(YN)!" She screamed your name as well, her walls tightening around your cock and forcing you to release your semen into her waiting womb. 
The two stayed still as they rode their orgasms. 
Jet streams of your hot and thick seed filled her up again, giving her a pleasure that she couldn't describe in words.
Both of you panted as their orgasms died down. 
Your groin was covered in her vaginal secretion and semen that leaked out of her opening as her body glowed in the lightly dimmed room. 
The sweat that covered her body glistened against the light, making her look absolutely stunning to you. 
It was like a work of art that you exclusively wanted for yourself.
She was like a goddess in your eyes as she looked down at you and smiled, leaning down and kissed you. 
It was quick but felt just as good. 
"Sana...that was amazing..." You said as she caressed your cheek.
"It was incredible (YN), but now…now since you’ve done such a wonderful job~ I’ll let you pick the next position~" She grinned while  staring at you. 
And again, something changed inside you. 
All that questioning you had of this was now gone.
You then smirked and stared back.
“Doggy?” You asked as Sana grinned and Sana got on her arms and legs as you stood up behind her.
Her ass was on display and couldn't help, but slap a cheek hard as Sana moaned at your roughness, but…
“I didn’t say slap me! I said fuck me!" She ordered as she stretched her pussy walls with her hand herself to invite you in.
You positioned your cock in her and grabbed onto her hips and slowly pushed in as both moaned yet again as you started to go in and out of her in a pace, but you really wanted to please her so you drastically  increased your speed as Sana took your cock.
"Oh god...(YN)! (YN)! (YN)!...keep going!"
Your groin was connecting to her ass every time you thrusted in her and Sana could only hold onto the sheets of the bed and moan loudly as she was getting pounded rapidly. 
"Oh yes, yes, yes, yes...just like that. Oh god..." 
It was indeed like last time.
This was it. 
This was what Sana was missing and craving for.
Who cares if your siblings, no one needed to know.
This was way better than any of the other students and she didn't know why and didn't care. 
All she cared about was you and her.
After about a couple of minutes of raw fucking, Sana…
“Oh god (YN)! I’m gonna cum!”
“So am I!” With that, you grabbed onto Sana’s hips and really drilled into her.
“Ah (YN)! Ooh my fucking god!” Sana gripped the sheets as you groaned without any words and then…
“Hmph!” With one thrust you released another wave of semen into your sister’s pussy and Sana lumped on the bed as she felt your essence dripping out of her love hole.
“Ah~...oh god…Mmmm...so good~" She said as you released your deflated penis, all slobbed with her juices and laid down on the bed next to her, both heavily breathing and sweating like you both ran a marathon, "that...was amazing~" Sana hushed as you nodded.
"Yeah it was," you replied. "so…what uh…is this a…?”
“Just say it (YN).”
“A one time thing?" You said as Sana chuckled and patted your chest.
"Hmm...well, I don't know, it was-”
“(YN)! Sana! I’m back!” Your dad’s voice echoed as both of you were alerted. 
"Shit!" “Crap!”  Both said while getting up, adrenaline surging you both as you two quickly dressed back up and hid anything to remove any evidence of the sin both committed on the bed as Sana stated that they’ll be down in a minute as your dad said it was fine while he was getting a drink.
Before going out, you stopped Sana.
"We need to talk about this...about us."
"We will, but later."
You nodded as the both of you walked out together and down the stairs.
Well, it's been a week since that night and still, you both haven't talked yet.
You were impatient about it, but you wanted to give Sana time to think about this, after all that you two did was different.
You can tell that she was thinking about this during her time. She wasn't really the same since that night as she was quiet again and she seemed to be going back to her old self again.
Even though you both live under the same roof and same classes, you both barely said words to one another as you were at your locker with 7th period was about to start, but something was weird today. In fact the past week. 
Sana actually dressed appropriately. 
No tied-up shirt or a low skirt, but the way the school clothing should be.
And she seemed more upbeat. 
You are glad, don't get yourself wrong, but it was strange. Last week she wasn't herself and now-
"Hey (YN)." You looked to see Sana walking toward you. She was still clothed in the way it should be and not her version.
"What's up Sana."
"So I was wonderi-"
"Hey, Sana." Someone from behind her spoke up. 
You both turned to see some guy walking towards the both of you.
Most likely one of Sana's 'friends'.
"Can I help you?" She asked.
"Actually, yeah you can. Mind staying with me some guys after school~" He said leaning against the lockers, "we're hosting a small get-together after our win last night and wondering if you wanted to join us?"
"No, I'm good," Sana answered.
"I said I'm good." Sana repeated as you rose a brow and smiled at her as Sana smiled back at you.
"So I was wondering-"
"Hey!" The guy yelled as he grabbed her wrist which made Sana panic, "you can't blow me off like that!"  
You then went in between and grabbed his wrist.
"Let her go!" The guy wasn't that big; he was similar to your height.
He looked right into your eyes.
"And who are you asshole."
"Her brother. Now I won't say it again. Let. Her. Go."
The guy glared at you and let go of Sana...only to shove you hard. You took a couple of steps back. By now a crowd was starting to form around you three.
"Hey, you can't push him like that!" Sana yelled at him.
"Like a give a damn and you still haven't answered me."
"I said no!" Sana yelled and then came to your side and held your hand, "come on (YN), let's go." She said as you both walked away.
"That's a first. The fucking slut said no." The guy yelled out causing everyone to look at Sana as you looked at her and her face said it all: Hurt, embarrassed and sadden.
You let go of Sana's hand and turned towards the guy and walked to him.
"What? You going to d-" 
But he was cut short when you punched his face and grabbed his shirt, roughly pushing him into the lockers and brought your arm up and tried to punch-
He kneed you in the stomach in return as you hissed and he turned the two of you around so that your back was against the lockers now as you guarded and tried to retaliate.
The crowd of students was shouting words, some recording and some calling for help as Sana stood there petrified, legs frozen as she didn't know what to do.
The guy then went for a punch, but you used an arm to block it, then out of nowhere...
You head-butted the student hard, right on his nose, stumbling back, holding onto his nose as you rubbed your forehead. 
“So much easier in the movies…” You complained as the guy dropped his hand and saw blood as it poured out of his nose.
"You little shit!" He yelled as he lunged-
"ENOUGH!!!" A loud voice came through the pack of the students watching as the principal came through, "Both of you in my office! Now! Everyone get to class!" He yelled out while getting near you both and grabbing your arms.
You two were forced to follow him as…
“(YN)!?” Sana came quickly to you and hugged you as you hugged back.
"Everything will be fine. Don't worry. Just get to class alright." You whispered into her ear and let go of her as she nodded slowly, her eyes glossy as you smiled at her, “I’ll be fine Sana, don’t worry,” Sana nodded once more as you followed the principal.
She looked back to see your back slowly growing smaller as you left while Sana remained rooted, a single tear falling as she couldn’t hold her emotions.
“(YN)...I’m sorry…”
You were in your room after you came home early from school.
Yeah, you got suspended. 
Your parents came to pick you up and they gave you a stern argument in the car ride home as you told them that the guy was messing with Sana and while they were still mad, they thanked you for protecting your sister but said that the fight was unnecessary. 
Now you were on your phone on your bed passing the time until...
The door was crashed open as Sana appeared in her uniform.
She ran and jumped on top of you as you held her back.
Her head in the crook of your neck as she held onto you with you patting her back for a few seconds before she then pushed herself off and letting you sit up.
"A-are you okay?" She asked with concern as you nodded.
"Sana I told you I’ll be fine. Just got suspended for a week." Sana released a breath of stress out.
"Thank god. I was scared that you got expelled."
"They were lenient on me since other students came up to tell the story of how I was just protecting you. Not sure about the other guy." Sana sighed. 
"I'm sorry (YN). If it wasn't for me, this wouldn't have happened."
"Don't blame yourself Sana. That guy was an asshole."
"But nothing Sana. He badmouthed you and I couldn't let him get away with that." You said with a smile.
"But you got hurt because of me." She looked down.
"I don't care." She looked back up, “I’d do anything for your safety Sana.”
“Don’t be stupid (YN), I don’t want you to get hurt for me!”
“It’s not stupid Sana, I’m supposed to look out for you.”
“Well, I can take care of myself just fine (YN)! I don’t need you to-” Sana stopped as she took a breath in and out, “sorry, sorry I’m just-” Sana stopped once more as she moved to be next to you and placed her head on your shoulder, “I don’t want to see you get hurt (YN)...I don’t…”
“I know Sana. Same to you, I don’t want to hear anyone insult you like that.”
Sana didn’t move, “, especially to the girl I love.”
Sana’s eyes widened.
“Lo-” Sana turned her head to look at you.
“When our parents adopted you, they promised me that I should be the best brother I could be. Someone to look after you and to take care of you. That's why I don't care. I don't care about getting hurt if it means you'll be fine."
"(YN)..." Sana said softly.
"Growing up, you were shy and hung with me, but I didn't care. I was supposed to take care of you so I let you stick close to me. I needed to be with you to protect you, but soon that 'need' turned to 'want'. And growing up, I started to develop a crush on you." Sana gulped,  "It was wrong I know. But being a young kid and growing up with someone attractive like you, playing and hanging around with me almost 24/7. It just...got to me. Of course, you were my sister, so obviously I had to push them away. But what they said about your first love being hard to get rid of...it's true."
"You mean, actual love?" She clarified as you nodded in response.
"Yeah, actual love, not in a sibling way, but romantically. I love you Sana."
"I love you for a lot of reasons. You're beautiful, unique, smart, playful, and funny. You're all that and then the minor things, the way your hair flows in the wind, your smile that brights me up, your silly laugh that makes me smile. It's honestly everything about you. In a word, you're perfect Sana, you're perfect for me."
Sana just took everything. 
Her heart was beating like a drum. 
"But you're my sister and I tried to get rid of that love, but couldn't and every time I see or even hear about you at school...I was so jealous of the other students, and I couldn't take it anymore, and...and now here we are, but I can't help to think that I'm just another guy to you," you said looking down, "someone that you'll be tired off and eventually move on."
Sana just sat there and took your confession. 
You loved her. 
And it pained her to see you this way.
"(YN), I'm sorry that I made you feel this way, but I can promise you that I'll never leave you." She then grabbed your face with both her hands to look at her. “You're not just another guy to me. You're someone that I know is always going to look after me. Since we were little kids, you've been there to protect me, you've been there to see if I was okay, even now you're taking punches for me. You're someone who is very important to me (YN) and I know we haven't talked yet, but you're different."
You couldn't help but smile at her words.
"And then after our second night together, something has been bugging me, nothing bad no. Well, I can't really explain it, but you were different from anyone that I've been with. It felt...right. And that whenever I'm with you, my heart just beats fast and I feel funny around you. And when I think about this feeling, you're the only one that pops into my head and I can't help but...smile and be happy that it's you that I'm thinking of. I'm not experienced in love or anything, but," she grasps your hand, "I think this is the way you feel about me."
"(YN), I-I think I love you too and not the sibling way either," She then looked away. "I'm so sorry, I was hurting you this whole time, the entire time. I-"
"It's fine Sana, what matter now is the now and the future okay? That’s all that matter." She turned to look at your smile. "So...what do we do? What are we?" You asked.
"I guess we're a couple now." She said. "And we do what couples do, we can go on dates, you know dinner, movies, that sort of things, but we have to keep this a secret between us." She explained as you nodded.
"Yeah, yeah, okay, I'd love that." She then just leaned into you enjoying your warmth and comfort as you held her. 
It's been two weeks since each confessed to one another and both couldn't be happier. During your week of suspension, you and Sana have been at home just being in close proximity to one another. 
Each day would be the same, every morning before she went off to school; she would see you privately without your parents around, and with her uniform being proper like, and give you a kiss goodbye, a 'long' kiss goodbye for before she left home.
Then when she came home, she would once again, in private, give you a hello kiss, yes a long one too. 
After that, she would be in your room or vice versa and both would just watch TV, and play board games, and on their phones, it really didn't matter if it's something both can do.
You both even went out to hang out with some friends a couple of times. 
Of course, they went to go on secret dates. 
You both went to see a movie and had a lunch date together over the next couple of weeks. It was really fun, both talked a lot about what you missed in school and other stuff. 
You both really enjoyed these moments and none couldn't be any happier.
Now that you're suspension was up, you came back to school. 
Sana was still in her proper uniform and hanged around you as much as she could. Guys would occasionally ask for her 'assistance', but she either ignore them or say no and walk away before any drama would start.
All in all, it was a good two weeks. 
Of course, you both haven't done 'it' since that night, but it didn’t matter since-
You stared at your door.
"Yeah?" You said as Sana opened the door with a notebook in hand.
"Hey," You said as she came into your room.
"Hey, you doing anything?” She asked as you shook your head.
“History homework, what’s up?” Sana closed the door behind and came closer while placing her notebook on your desk and you noticed a bunch of math formulas.
"I got this math test on Friday. I was wondering how you do the trig functions?" She asked as you stared at her, “Please, I’m beyond confused, and the teachers suck at explaining this.”
You nodded.
“Sure, huh, let’s sit on the bed and I’ll show you.” Seeing as how you only have one seat, being on the bed would be more room to show as Sana grabbed her notebook and you grabbed some pencils.
And after a twenty-minute lesson, she was starting to get it. 
You gave her problems and she went to work with you overseeing her.
"I think this is good." She said as she handed the paper to you.
"Hmm....yup, that’s the answer. Nice job." Sana smiled.
“Okay, I’m starting to understand now. Can we still do this?” She asked as you nodded. “Hehe~ thanks (YN),” 
“Course,” and just as you were going to talk…
“So I was wondering, if I do well on the test, can I get a reward?" She said eyeing you.
You were a bit confused about her question.
"Okay? What do you want?" She then smiled and gave you some serious sexual eyes.
"I think you already know~" She said cooingly suddenly starting to massage your cock over your shorts as you flinched at the contact, “Ara ara~ someone need some help~ it has been a while~" She said still glazing at you.
"Sana, we can’t do anything like this when our parents are here…" You said quietly, but her massaging you was not helping.
"Oh they can't hear us," She leaned closer to your face, "and besides, it’s kind of erotic that they can catch us. Hmm~ it’s making my pussy wet just thinking about it~ you want a feel~" She suggested putting her other hand over her shorts, “maybe a lick~”
'Fuck…god damn it Sana…'
Both of you quickly went to normal as the door was being knocked on.
“(YN)? Sana? Do you want anything from the kitchen, I’m making a few sandwiches?” Your dad’s voice was heard.
“Nah,” “No thanks dad,”
“Alright,” is all he said and a few seconds passed as you turned to Sana and rose a brow.
“See. And as much as I want to and I really want to. We can't do anything like that okay? Not when our parents are home." Sana pouted at the words. 
"You’re so boring (YN), fine, but do I still get a reward?" She said while putting her hands on the bed.
"Yeah sure, you can still get your reward...if you manage to get an A." She widened her eyes.
"An A?! (YN) I only have three days to learn this!"
"And I know you can do this. You're a smart girl, I know you are. Your grades aren't really showing it, but I know you can do this. Back in middle school, you were one of the brightest girls there was."
Sana, since starting high school, hasn't been doing well in her grades, your parents were confused since she was smart back in middle school, but they reckon it's because of the change from middle to high. 
“Can you help me?” She asked as you nodded.
“Of course, anything for you Sana.” She smiled as she leaned toward you and both shared a quick kiss as Sana pulled away, leaving you with a smile, “thanks (YN).”
But here she was asking for your help with homework and you stared at her, as she wondered why you were looking at her like that.
"What?" She asked as she saw your stare.
"It's been a while since I actually saw you care for school work," Sana grumbled and playfully pushed you.
"Rude, I do some homework here and there. In fact, I've been catching up on assignments. Getting my missing work in and everything." You rose a brow.
"Yeah? What changed?"
"You." She said looking at you.
"Yeah?" You repeated as Sana nodded.
"You’ve working on your assignments while suspended so I just thought that I should catch up on homework too." She said nonchalant as you smiled and pecked her on her lips as she smiled after.
"Well, shall we continue then?" She nodded and both continued to learn.
Friday came and you and Sana were in your room while both of you were on your bed, no, not doing that. 
Sana was nervous holding her laptop on her lap and kept refreshing the page of her Math class, waiting for the update on her score.
"Sana don't worry, I'm sure you did well." You held onto her shoulder with one hand as Sana sighed.
"I know I'm tryi-It's there!" She said while looking away, "I can't look, tell me whats the score." You leaned down and saw the score on the right as you grinned.
"I'm sorry Sana, you didn't get an A..."  You felt her shoulders drop, "you got an A-" 
Sana looked at the screen and indeed she got a 92 out of 100. 
"You JERK!" She turned and pushed you as you laughed. "Why’d you say that?!" 
"Haha! Sorry Sana, I couldn't resist." 
“Meanie…” Sana pouted but looked at her score and smiled, “I can’t believe I got an A.” You smiled and leaned back up to her.
“Well you are smart Sana, not sure why you keep doubting yourself.” You poked her head as Sana looked at you, “congrats,”
“Hehe~ And it was thanks to you (YN),” She smiled while leaning forward and you two shared a quick kiss as you shook your head afterward.
“Nah, it was all you Sana,”
“Still…” Sana took a look at her score and closed her laptop, standing up and placing it on the desk while turning to you.
"So~,” Sana walked to you and straddled you, her hands on your shoulders as you smiled at her, “ about my reward~" She asked with her face close to yours.
"Already Sana?"
"We’re alone (YN)~, which means~" She leaned closer to whisper in your ear, "we can fuck as hard as we want my dear brother~" The way she whispers, god it was grand.
"I guess so~ my dear sis~" She smiled at you before pushing her face to yours and kissing you on the lips. 
===================SMUT TIME=====================
Sana had always been a great kisser, but today, this kiss felt like the best thing in the world. You wrapped your arms around her slim body, pulling her tighter against you and deepening the kiss.
Both tongues met halfway in each other's mouths, licking and tasting each other. You couldn't help but get an erection growing in your shorts.
You both groaned into each other's mouths, hearing the lust between the two rises.
You moved your hand into her top, and to your not so surprise, no bra as you grasped onto one of her soft breasts, and the moment you did, she pulled her mouth away from yours to let out a low and hot moan that made your cock twitch. 
Sana tossed her head back, exposing your neck to you. 
You quickly latched your tongue onto the soft skin, causing her to moan and rock her hips on your cock.
This went on for a couple of minutes before your lips met again.
You then lifted her top up, displaying her large globes and hardened nipples to you. You lowered your head and took one of her nipples into her mouth, licking and rolling around them with your tongue.
"Ahhh! I love that~" Sana moaned wrapping her arms around your head and pulling you closer to suck her perfect-sized breasts, taking your time, going from nipple to nipple, enjoying the taste of her skin as well as the feel of them in your mouth.
You kept sucking onto her neck, but Sana had other plans. 
She pulled your head towards hers and began kissing you once more. You let yourself enjoy the taste of her mouth while your hands were busy going inside her sweatpants. Sana then put her hands on yours and smirked at you.
She stood up from your lap, enough to be out of your reach. You knew what she was about to do, it was like the last time they did it. We smiled at each other before the beautiful brunette started to strip in front of you.
First her partly already shuffled top came off and was thrown on her desk. She then turned around presenting her shapely rear to you. She pulled her sweats down slowly, revealing her sexy ass to your sight with an antagonizing pain.
She was wearing black panties that barely covered her.
She then kicked her sweats away and started walking backward, butt first towards you. Once she saw that she was close to you, she brought her hands onto her knees and bent over.
Her ass and her damp panties were now inches away from your face.
"Well come on bro~ Eat me up." She said as she shook her tush at you.
You pulled the panties down quick and pressed your tongue against her pussy. Licking her from the bottom all the way to the top. She tasted wonderful like last time and you were trying to lick up all the juices running down out of her.
You rant your tongue inside her, licking and exploring each wall of her lips. Sana was groaning and moaning as more of her juices flowed into your mouth. 
Sana was enjoying this so much that she began pushing her butt against your face. She was rubbing her ass on your face trying to get your tongue deeper into her.
Believe you, you were trying to go as deep as you could.
Then you brought your hands up; one fondling her ass cheeks and the other toying with her clit.
"Mmm...ahh! (YN) I think...Ahh!" Sana moaned out loud, evidently close to an orgasm. So you kept going, this time with more effort as you tongue fucked her and sped up your fingers on her clit.
"Yes...yes! Ahh yes! (YN)!" Sana yelled out your name as an orgasm ripped through her body.
Her juices came onto your face that you closed your eyes to shield them from the liquid, it went on your face and dripped downwards onto your shirt and shorts.
Once she figured she was done, she quickly turned around and licked your face, cleaning and tasting her own cum.
Once that was done, she dove into your mouth to share some that she stored in her mouth and forced it into yours. You didn't mind one bit. The taste was exquisite. 
"God that was so good!" She said happily.
"Damn Sana, you got all over me."
"Can you blame me, I've been holding out for this moment ever since our last time."
"Holding out? You mean you haven't been with anyone else?" She shook her head.
"I know I have a...reputation at school, but I haven't been with anyone since we did it last time. Like I said, you changed me somehow."
You just smiled at her statement and brought her into a passionate kiss. 
You let go of her, "I love you, Sana." 
"I love you too (YN)." Both then stared into the eyes of each other for a bit before...
"Alright enough talk. Time for action and I believe it's your turn now brother~" Sana said before dropping to her knees in front of you.
Sana quickly pulled your wet shorts down, making your cock pop out as she gave it a smile before licking your hard shaft from the balls to the head. It was your turn to groan as your loving sister used her sexy mouth. 
You watched as she opened her mouth wide and pushed your cock inside.
You watched at amazement as your cock continued to disappear into her mouth inch by inch until halfway through.
Sana looked up at you, her soft brown eyes connecting with yours as she wrapped one of her soft hands around the lower half of your cock and began pumping. She pumped your cock as she used her mouth and tongue to tease and play with your head of you.
It was all amazing.
The first time she did this to you was great, but it was nothing compared to the intense pleasure she was bringing you now.
Maybe due to the new love each one had for each other.
You ran your hand across her hair, tugging her brother's cock softly as she kept pumping and licking recklessly. She bobbed a few times before popping your cock out.
"This is perfect. Your cum, I want it. I need it."
She then dove down onto you again.
If there was one positive thing coming from her past experiences, she was talented...very talented.
She then again pulled it out and looked at you.
"Fuck my mouth, (YN)! Fuck it!" You nodded and she put it back into her mouth as you grabbed her hair tightly and began pumping you even deeper into her mouth, she let go of the grasp she had and let you take control and held nothing back and started fucking her mouth.
"Oh god Sana!" You moaned as you felt her tongue swirl and dip all around your cock's head and shaft.
You were so close to cumming and breathing heavily and felt your cock twitch and your lower half stiffen up.
"Ahhh! SANA!" You yelled loudly as you felt the cum explode from your cock and down her throat. Sana then pulled you out as she continued stroking you, aiming it all over her face and chest as strains of your hot cum came streaking at her.
You couldn't take or give anymore and sat on your bed, breathing hard to regain your air watching Sana scooping up your cum with her fingers and putting them into her mouth, savoring the taste.
"God, so good~" She moaned.
"Glad you enjoyed it." 
"Oh I am. And since we made a mess last time on your bed. How about we use the shower this time? We could use some cleaning as well." Sana asked while still covered in your cum.
"Sure." Was all you said.
And with that, both headed quickly to the bathroom, taking off the remaining clothing both had as they went.
Reaching the bathroom, you turned on the shower and tested the temperature before hopping in while Sana was giving you a handy to get your cock hard again, which was succeeding. 
After the water felt warm, you jumped in and signaled her to come as she walked to you, trapping your cock against her pussy and your pelvis. You wrapped one arm around her frame and the other squeezed one of her ass cheeks.
"Mhmm. Someone's excited." She asked me over the sound of the water splashing on her body, cleaning away the cum from her skin. 
"Can you blame me?" You responded to her as she started to grind herself on your body as she felt your cock stroking her pussy lips, making both moans into each other's mouth. 
"Mhmmm, Fuck me (YN). Take me. I'm all yours." 
She moaned, still rubbing her body against yours, making your lust for her increase. You then lifted her and she wrapped her legs around my waist. You pushed her body against the shower wall, and slowly pushed yourself into her tight pussy. 
Sana screamed as you pierced her folds. Her pussy was so tight, but the water and she was making it so wet that it just slide in without any difficulty as the intense tightness made your eyes shut, your body shivering in the pleasure of it.
"Ohhh, fuck!" You shouted, feeling her walls adjust to your size. 
You firmly held Sana by her ass as you slowly thrust into her.
Your lips met once again, tongues once again fighting for dominance, only it was for a bit as you increased your speed, forcing Sana to pull away and lean her head back against the bathroom wall.
"Fuck! FUCK! FUCK!" 
Sana screamed as you adjusted your position a bit, You spread your legs apart, therefore, spreading hers apart as well and forcing her to open herself more. You felt her pussy loosen a little, allowing you to thrust faster and with more power within each one. 
You lowered your head and sucked her neck again. Sana raised your grabbed your head hard, holding on for dear life as you drove her closer and closer to another orgasm. 
"FUCK ME, FUCK ME! I love my brother's big dick tearing me apart!" Shouted Sana, obviously not caring who heard.
It was all wonderful, her body felt amazing against yours: her breasts against your chest, her nipples grazing you, her legs and arms around your body and head, privates smashing into one another. 
Her pussy was tight, wet, and hot, you never wanted to leave that feeling. 
"Ahhhhh...Ohhhh FUCK! I'm cumming! DON'T STOP!" You had no intention to. 
You held on tightly to her body as you sped up the fucking. The sound of your bodies slamming into each other could easily be heard over the sounds of the shower.
"OHHHH!" Sana continued moaning with her pussy tightening around you which signaled her orgasm.
"(YN) (YN) (YN)!" She screamed as she came hard.
Feeling her cum sent you over the edge and came with her. 
"OHHHH!" You grunted as you sent your cum deep into her hot pussy. 
"Shit Sana...mph...mph!" You continued to curse as the orgasm you were feeling nearly knocked you out. You were careful in not to fall since you were holding Sana up by her ass. You still held her against the wall as both initiated a kiss. We then separated, breathing hard at what just happened.
"I can go for one more." You said.
She then told you to let her down. You did and Sana turned around and looked back, she used one hand to spread her legs to show her pussy.
You then inserted your cock into her and slowly fucked her from behind. 
"Oh (YN)...I'll never get tired of this..." Sana said as she held you by the neck.
"Me neither...ready." As you grasp her hips.
"Of course."
You then sped up and began thrusting upwards into her, her ass jiggled with each thrust and Sana could only moan at the intense fucking she was receiving. 
You then brought your hands from her hips and fondled her breasts. They were smooth since the water was rinsing over you two and you fondled and grasped and did whatever you wanted with them...and Sana loved it.
"AHH! (YN)...I'm-I'm MMM (YN)!"
Sana came quickly. Her juices flowing down the drain. She was a bit disappointed she couldn't go any longer, but the pleasure was that good. You kept thrusting into her without caring about her orgasm, but you were close.
"Sana...I'm...inside or-" 
"No, let me drink it."
You then pulled out and she then turned around and kneeled on the hard shower floor, she put your cock in her mouth and gave you a quick blowjob to which you groaned.
"S-Sana...i-it's...SANA!" You yelled out as you came again. This time Sana was determined to take everything in. Her throat was instantly getting drowned in your cum. It was very warm and delicious to her. She couldn't resist it. 
She took it all in and after she sucked you dry, she stood up.
============================SMUT OVER=========================
The water was still running as you just stared at each other. Brown eyes to (Color) eyes.
Sana then pushed her body forward to yours as she closed her eyes. 
"I love you (YN). I really do."
You smiled and swore that you were slightly crying out of happiness.
"I love you too Sana. I love you too." You said still holding her.
She opened her eyes and felt water in her eyes. Maybe it was the shower or her, she didn't know, but Sana knew that this was the happiest she's ever been.
Both kissed again, but it was a loving one this time.
"I think it's time we get out. I have no idea what time it is. And if dad is out shopping, he should be home in ten minutes or so." 
She nodded and both stepped out of the shower.
After drying yourselves up, Sana went to go change, but you dried yourself faster and simply got into some sweats and a tank top. You decided to make a light snack of some eggs and toast for you and her.
You barely got the eggs out when you heard Sana coming down the stairs.
Sana joined you in the kitchen and instead of wearing something of hers, she was wearing one of your shirts. It looked big on her frame, but she looked so cute in it. She approached you and gave a peck on your lips as she went to wash the dishes. 
Both started to work on each of your activities but kept glancing at the other person only to smile when each one got caught.
It felt so good being with her and her with you. 
'This...this is the woman/man I want to be with forever.'
It's been one year since you both confessed to one another, your parents don't know still.
The relationship was still strong and grew each and every day. 
Sana changed for the better in school and got her grades up, getting to the top 5 students in the class. You were proud of her when she received her diploma from the staff. Her smile brought you to a smile and one tear escaped your eye from seeing her so happy. 
Sana changed her role at school.
No longer was she the 'slut' of the school.
Her whole behavior turned 180, she was now this proper, sweet, and still as attractive girl. Turns out she was still the one that everyone wanted, just not having sex or anything, but going out and starting a relationship.
Too bad she's taken for.
She would deny any and all requests and stick close to you. 
Only not showing that she was yours.
Both you and Sana eventually graduated high school and both got enrolled in (University), but the bad news was that it was three hours away driving. 
So you and Sana told your parents if they can move out and share an apartment together, rather than a dorm, together that was close to the University.
It was cheaper and both would be together.
The first reason was for their parents, the second was for Sana and you, but you didn't tell them that.
Ultimately they agreed and after long goodbye, you two left the apartment they found earlier in the starting month. They promised they visit over some weekends and holidays.
Of course, the first thing you both did in your new apartment was broke the bed.
Now they have their own privacy no one was there to catch you two.
No one was there to disturb you. It was just the two of them and they couldn't be happier. Each and every day they would have classes at the university, but coming home to each other's arms made their days better.
Currently, you were walking back from your classes, tired after doing two exams. You came into your apartment to find Sana sitting on the couch. 
"Hey, you're here early?"
"Sana, you doing ok?"
"Can you sit?" You just sat on the couch.
"What's up, something wrong?" She shook her head.
"It's been one year to do this day."
"Our anniversary is next week though." You said confused.
"No, our first time together." You made an 'oh' face, "I've been thinking for a bit, the past couple of weeks, and...you've changed me (YN). Ever since that day, I wasn't the girl for the first months of our senior year, ever since we started our relationship, something just clicked in me and changed me...and it was you. When you listed the reasons why you loved me. You didn't love me because of my body, but for me. It made me excited and I wanted to be those reasons again. So I stepped up and changed myself: I worked on my studies, I avoided guys; not you of course, and become more modest. In fact, I probably would be repeating the senior year again, if it wasn't for you tutoring me in all my classes. And I'd probably still be the old...disgusting me." She said with a look of shame on her.
You put an arm over her shoulder to comfort her. She looked at you and smile a bit.
"I love this new me (YN), and you're the reason why. I love you deeply and so much." She then brought you in for a kiss, a heartwarming one to which you returned. She then pulled away.
You were about to say something until she stopped you.
"I'm not done yet. Now, I know it isn't common, but...," she then pulled out something from her pocket and your eyes widened. "It's not big or anything, but I think it will do the trick." She then hopped off the couch and got down on one knee. 
"(YN), throughout our childhood, I was shy and alone, my family was torturous and I didn't have anyone to go to, but your family stepped up and adopted me. And then you came into my life. You took care of me, protected me, helped me, and advised me, and you did everything you could to make sure that I was living a good life. And in turn, I hurt you," she took a pause as she thought about how she hurt you in high school by being with others, "and I'm sorry for that. But that only made us get close (YN), closer than ever and we discovered our love for each other. I have no idea what your plans are for us in the future, but (YN)...I need you in mine. And I can't wait till or even if that day comes." Sana then outstretched her hand with the ring in her fingers.
"(YN) (LN), will you marry me?"
All you could do was smile. Of course, you did plan on marrying this wonderful girl, but it looks like she beat you to it. So without any delay...
"Yes Sana, I wi-hmph" You didn't finish as Sana jumped on you.
"AHHH! Thank you (YN), I couldn't be happier that you accepted and I promise I'll make you as happy as possible for the rest of our life together."
"And I'll make sure that I will do whatever it takes to do the same...and I'll cherish you forever." You said.
And again each one kissed once again, but this moment ensured that they would be together, with each other, for the rest of their lives. Both not caring about their family status or their parents. 
It was only their love for each other they cared about.
Their irresistible love for one another.
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Modern Things I Would Introduce To Each VDL Gang Member
I had to take some people off because I couldn’t think of anything (I’m sorry please don’t come after me)
*anything you guys come up with, I’ll add to the list in red*
Dutch Van Der Linde
-Science (Mister ‘I don’t believe in evolution’)
-Actual Philosophy
-Curling iron
-Classes in gender studies and critical race theory and he is to take them over and over again until they stick
-Probably the grippy sock hospital at one point
-Animal Farm by George Orwell
-The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
Hosea Matthews
-Rocky Horror Picture Show
-Dead Poets Society
-Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
-Bullet proof vests
-Medication for whatever is wrong with his lungs
-Hugs from me specifically
-Brokeback Mountain
-Gang of Youths
-That dad thing where they reach back from the front seat to ask for snacks
-Coffee shops
-Used book stores
-Mr. Rogers
-My beat up dragontology book I got for Christmas when I was 10
-Sherlock Holmes (the books, but I’d tell him there’s a show and movies)
-True Crime Podcasts
Arthur Morgan
-Affection and praise without any strings attached
-Art classes
-Digital drawing/art
-Stuffed animals (the toy kind not actual stuffed animals)
-BCG vaccine
-The candle section at any store but Target specifically
-Closed terrariums to keep his flower in
-The Beatles (I feel like they would confuse him but he’d still like it)
-Bob Ross
-Zelda: Breath of the Wild
-Late night car rides
-Doc Martens
John Marston
-Monster Energy Drinks
-My Chemical Romance
-Swim Lessons
-Dr Pepper
Charles Smith
-Minecraft bees
-Reservation Dogs
-Wood carving and glass blowing art
-Blankets with tiger stock photos on them
Javier Escuella
-Guitar Hero
-Electric Guitars
-Modern clothing styles
-Music career opportunities
-Pepperoni pizza flavoured Combos
-Pineapple Fanta
Lenny Summers
-Marvin Gaye
-Buzzfeed Unsolved
-Just dance
-Mario cart
-Root beer
-Bullet proof vests
-Those really old, cheesy western movies to laugh at
Sean Macguire
-Buzzfeed Unsolved
-Just dance
-Mountain dew
-Mario cart
Jack Marston
-Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
-The How To Train Your Dragon trilogy
-The Owl House
-Stickers (especially scratch and sniff)
-Diary of a Wimpy Kid
-Star constellations
Mary-Beth Gaskill
-True crime podcasts
-Animal Crossing
-Harry Styles
Tilly Jackson
-The Jackson 5
-Fuzzy socks/socks with patterns
-Oversized hoodies
Karen Jones
-Men that’ll last longer than 5 seconds
-Reality TV
Molly O’Shea
-Healthy relationship dynamics
-Soft, comfy pajamas
-Bullet proof vests
Miss Grimshaw
-Bullet proof vests
Bill Williamson
-Basic hygiene and deodorant
-A class in gender studies and critical race theory
Kieran Duffy
-Petting zoos
-Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
-Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
-Those cheesy horse girl movies
-My Little Pony
Reverend Swanson
-An addiction support group
-Addiction treatment and recovery
-Risen by IcarusFeathers on AO3
Leopold Strauss
-Turtleneck sweaters
-Shark Tank
Simon Pearson
-Pirates of The Caribbean
-British Baking Show
-Hell’s Kitchen
-Betty Crocker
-Moby Dick (if he hasn’t already read it)
Josiah Trewlany
-2am Waffle House
-Harry Houdini
Micah Bell
-Karma :)
Everyone collectively
-Dental/basic hygiene
-Family Therapy
-Those videos they would play in school about what smoking does to your lungs
-RuPaul Drag Race
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
They haven't kissed.
When Dean rescued Cas from the empty, he had this big elaborate speech that mixed in how much of a dumbass Cas was and how in love Dean was. Of course, it was supposed to end with a big kiss. One that he imagined would have been the greatest kiss of his life, one that made it feel like fireworks like in those movies. Course that didn't happen, though.
Instead, Dean remembers running towards Cas, pulling him into a hug, and then zip. Fin. Nada. And there was an explanation for that. Dean passed out. It wasn't his greatest moment, but Sam says the mixture of adrenaline, relief, and lack of sleep must have just hit him all at once that he just passed out. And now Dean has yet to kiss the damn angel.
Maybe he would have tried again with the big romantic gesture, but Dean was embarrassed. Not only that, but he still has yet to figure out what they are now. Friends? Best friends? Definitely not lovers if the most Dean can make himself do is hold Cas's hand but then what?
Maybe it would be easier if Cas took the lead in this, but that little shit is acting like everything is fan-freaking-tastic. As if Dean is not in the background screaming for answers. Yeah, sure, maybe Dean should ask a question first, but Cas should know better than to expect that from him.
But maybe that's the fucking point. Maybe that's what Cas wanted. He already used his dying words to express his feelings, so he may just be waiting for Dean to do the same. That poor son of bitch better not hold his breath on that because the more time passes, the more Dean wishes a hole will open up and swallow him whole with no way to escape. The guilty pressure he is feeling to just admit his feelings out loud is just getting heavier, scaring him away from making any sort of confession. Maybe if Cas said something, he could respond, but if not...they are fucked. And not in the way Dean wanted.
He tried to show his feelings with dates and stuff, but Cas always acted like they were just hanging out. He even acts as if holding hands wasn't a big deal. Did he not understand? Maybe that's it. Maybe Cas just doesn't understand human emotion, as well as Dean has hoped, and maybe the confession wasn't of romantic love...maybe-
"Dean? Are you listening?"
Dean blinked and looked at his shoulder to see Cas glaring at him. How long has Cas been resting his head on Dean's shoulder? Who knows, but the question should be, when did Dean get so used to it that he didn't even notice?
"You know," Cas lifted his head up to look at Dean head-on. "If I am boring you, you can just tell me. I just thought you would enjoy the dinosaur story."
"Sorry. Sorry."
Cas frowns at that. "What were you thinking about?"
There is a lot of things Dean could answer this question with. Most importantly, he could answer it with a lie. A nice wonderful lie that won't show any of his true feelings or intentions. Making them continue to tiptoe around the subject of them.
Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like a great plan. The best plan, actually, but of course, Dean would find a way to ruin it.
Friends kiss each other in the mouth, right? Even if they are in their 40s? Or however old Cas is.
Actions. He can do actions. It's the words that keep holding him back, but maybe, if he just knew for sure that Cas wanted him the same way, then maybe the words will spill out. He's just under a lot of pressure right now because this whole love thing is just not his playing field. Not romantic love, at least because he knew how this ends. The same way it did before.
Broken heart.
Fuck. He's scaring himself! He needs to stop because this is Cas. Castiel. Died for him one time too many Castiel. Always coming back to him Castiel. Always there for him Castiel. His best friend, who he can't live without because it felt like he'll go crazy. He has. Life without Cas is dark, but he had him now.
He just wanted to make sure Cas knew he had him.
"I missed you." Dean didn't know where those words came from, and it wasn't until they slipped out that he realized he never said them before. But, judging by Cas's complete shock, they were unexpected for him too.
"I'm...I'm back now." Cas looked at him, head angled in the way that would be perfect for kissing, but he looked worried. "Were you ignoring me cause you were missing me?"
He was teasing, but Dean heard the worried tone he was trying to hide.
Dean shook his head, gently reaching up to slide his hand to the back of Cas's neck. His fingers touching the growing hair at the back, feeling the warmth growing under his palm.
He could ask now. Ask all the questions that needed answering. Mostly the one he has been asking himself for weeks; what the fuck are they now to each other? What label could he give Cas? What label did he want to give Cas?
"Dean?" His voice was quiet this time, soft and hesitant but lacking patience.
Dean has been making the first moves on everything they have been doing so far. Just testing the waters, but Cas must have had enough of that bullshit because he now had a pair of stiff lips pressed against his.
The kiss sucked ass--they were nervous fuck off--but it sure as fuck did give Dean the kick in the ass that he needed to finally admit, "I love you."
Breathless. Like a teen nerdy girl confessing to the popular dude in school but lucky for him, the boy confessed back.
"I love you."
And the second kiss, he was sure he saw fireworks.
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
general!bokuto headcannons [ch 2]
what's it? general allergen warning/s? n/a sugar level? 0.7k regulars? @hanayanetwork​
bon appetit!
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♧ has a stuffed toy collection on his bed. he doesn't really like cartoon characters ones because in his opinion, they usually doesn't look too great. he has an abundance of animal plushies though.
♧ the type of guy who gets sad when he find out that girls get tense when he walks near them at night, like if he's walking home with akaashi from volleyball practice so he asks his sisters and his mother about what to do to make those girls less scared.
♧ it's a good thing this man is loaded because he has a knack for buying a buttload of trinklets he does not need and will never use. akaashi always advices him to hire someone to do his groceries or buy things for him so he'll stop with this habit of his, but he never does. maybe it's because no matter how much he complains about it, he does love those glow in the dark mini dinosaur figurines he bought from walmart that one time he was supposed to buy some tofu for his stew.
♧ really good at helping people calm down when they're crying. he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to academics, but he's so emotionally intelligent. he has this comforting presence that even if he's just holding someone, they'll manage to stop crying.
♧ one of those people who tries to use pencil cases, but in the end fails and just throws their pens if he even has one in the smallest pocket of his bag or his pocket if it fits. same tbh.
♧ always has a glass of water on his bedside table. other than being too groggy when he first wakes up, not wanting to go downstairs to the kitchen as a result, he's also scared of the dark. it just makes him really, really uncomfortable.
♧ likes watching cute videos of animals in his free time. baby bats are one of his favorites. he just thinks that they're so cute!! and guess what, he's a hundred percent right.
♧ his sisters were so excited when he first came into the world. so much so that for the first few years of bokuto's life, they'd always sing to him as he drifts off to sleep. it's a bit embarrassing for him to admit, but when the time came where he's too old for that, he had a hard time sleeping. he wasn't used to it at all.
♧ he lives for going karaoke-ing. he's not the best at it. there are some guys back in fukurodani and even now in the black jackals that are better singers than him, but he doesn't care. no one sings with more passion than bokuto kotaro.
♧ yes, he still watches cartoons shows and what about it?? doesn't everyone?? it brings him a type of comfort that nothing else gives him, a different comfort than what volleyball gives him. after a particularly rough day, all be wants to do is collapse in bed and watch a few episodes of his comfort cartoon before passing out in his bed.
♧ he doesn't really like reading or doing anything that doesn't allow him to run around and move about for more than five minutes straight, but whenever someone akaashi just wrote a piece of writing they're proud of, he Will read it so long as it's okay with the person of course.
♧ has a pile of unhung posters in his room. sometimes him and hinata will go to the local mall whenever they're in a city he's not familiar with for a game and he'll spot a cool looking poster he promises he'll hang up in his room. spoiler alert: he doesn't.
♧ has a tin can full of photos from his high school years under his bed. the pictures themselves are poorly maintained, all scratched up, crinkled and wrinkled, rips at the sides, but he doesn't care. all he cares about are the memories stored inside them.
♧ loves getting haircuts!! he hates the whole process of arranging an appointment and everything, but he likes it when his hairdresser plays with his hair, when they comb it and cut it and everything. he finds it so peaceful and calming.
♧ is always completely and unapologetically himself. it's one of his best traits. he doesn't feel the need to hide parts of himself just because other people aren't like that. he embraces the things that make him different and encourages the people around him to do the same too! if they ever rant to him about how x thing makes them insecure because other people aren't like that, bokuto just gushes to them about how cool that is and why they shouldn't be embarrassed by it.
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i get: reblog
you get: a planner
do we have a deal?
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johnemulaney · 3 years
John Mulaney: From Scratch in Las Vegas, September 4
Once again, spoilers for the show and what will presumably be in the special. This is about his relapse so tread with caution is that will be an issue for you. However, the tone of his struggle is the same one he used in his past specials so if you didn’t have any issues then, I think you’d be ok with this. Of course, use your own best judgement, friends.
The opener was Seaton Smith. 
He opened with trying to find the rich people in the crowd but acknowledged that they’d go mwrmwmwrw money isn’t everything so then he started talking about golf and went aha I got ya’ll. 
There was a joke about weed being the only Christian drug
He had a bit about when white people are nice, be nervous
He had a bit about there being a black man on the Bachelor and was like America (ABC and Disney+) were not ready for a black man to be fucking a house full of 50 white women. That shit premiered on Tuesday and the Capitol burned on Wednesday.
He also did some crowd work and roasted a couple in the front row for having different answers about kids and she was like I didn’t hear the question and was roasted about how not hearing questions you don’t want to answer is certainly a tactic, often used by drug dealers
He also had a bit about how different child rearing is in Texas versus New York and about how hitting your kids is treated differently, like his dad would have just threatened it whimsically. 
Now on to the Main Event!
The first thing he said was “hiiiiiiiiii” exactly in the tone you think he said it in. he followed that up with a little shrug looking adorable and a little bashful
“It’s him! Mr. Problems. Oh Las Vegas, Oh my god” he then talks about how Vegas is a land of vice and a Choice for him to preform in as a recovering addict. He had a sober buddy and 3 bodyguards with him at all times. 
“And here’s what happened” December 18, 2020, he gets invited to a friends apartment for dinner AND HE’S TWO HOURS LATE because he stopped, coked out of his mind, at SNL for a haircut because he still had his building access badge and he went to the hair department and they were like, he’ll leave faster if we just do this, and then he stopped at his drug dealers. 
He called venmo and cashapp, apps for drug deals and was like what do normal people even use them for. He maxed both out paying for drugs. 
He was the best looking person at his intervention. “Coke skinny, new cut” and the 12 people intervening looked like shit. He looked “tears for fears while they all looked jerry garcia” (I hope you know who those musicians are besties). 
He immediately yelled “Can I go to the bathroom” to you know, dump his drugs because when you walk into that, you know what it is. 
He was not allowed to go (he would be asked if he still needed to pee later and would say “what?”
There were 6 people in NYC and 6 people over zoom in LA because he guesses 6 people couldn’t be bothered to fly in for HIS INTERVENTION
Interventions can go two ways, it can be kind of accusatory and this is how you let us all down, or it can be supportive. Everyone but Nick Kroll got the memo to be supportive.
Nick Kroll went first.
Nick Kroll listed all the ways John was a bad best friend and brother over zoom and John was getting texts during the intervention saying Nick wasn’t supposed to do that and they were all sorry. 
Bill Hader went next. he originally wasn’t going to be able to make it so he had recorded a thing but since he was there, he did it live. (He would eventually send the video to John in rehab, which is not what you want on the way to rehab “awesome, more intervention”)
He tried to derail the intervention, “there’s not enough latinx representation” he said he’d go to any rehab except the one they had picked out for him. This was a star-studded affair and he was mad no one was being funny. 
 Natasha Lyons went next, telling him his life and career is in shambles
So he gets carted off to rehab after this intervention. Don’t let 12 comedians pack your bags for 2 months at rehab. it was bombas socks and iphone chargers. 
A little secret about rehab, you’re not allowed to bring drugs in. You remember how he was late? In his pocket on the way to rehab included: a huge amount of pills, 3g of coke (which was 2g by the time he got there, courtesy of a koala station in a gas station bathroom), and $2000 in cash. He had other plans for the weekend. He was admitted for xanax, coke, perocet, and adderall addiction. Say what you will, but he does not do anything half way.
It’s 4am when he’s sent to detox, he’s been awake for 3 days. 
He also gives a small lesson on how to get drugs. Find the lowest rated doctors on yelp and webmd reviews and go ask for them, they need all the business they can get. You become like Captain Phillips, I am the doctor now. 
Dr. Michael was his shady doctor. He was a first avenue apartment where he would write prescriptions from his kitchenette where his girl Minerva was always asleep. “I didn’t kill my wife Minerva.” But John would ask for his drugs, Dr. Michael would write the script and then ask what he needed it for. Dr. Michael would also make John take his shirt off, always offering a flu shot and going no, shirt all the way off (in case you were wondering how bad this addiction actually was)
The first moral is now you know. The second moral is get vaccinated.
He’s sent to the regular ward the next afternoon and they finally get him to sleep. 
He’s sketched out that doctors have last names at this establishment
He asks for drugs such as klonopin and is taken aback a bit when he doesn’t get them. The doctor is like PA state law says no, and so John suggests they go to a CVS in Jersey to get some. 
His bestie Pete Davidson starts calling that night. Except Pete changes his number every month and a half so John has him send a selfie and saves the new number under some other random name, at this point in time, Pete is saved as Al Pacino. (We get an Al Pacino impression) John is asleep and his nurse sees Al Pacino trying to call him 5 times and so she wakes him up. 
Pete Davidson and John Mulaney did not do drugs together. (The author is lowkey surprised and sad about that, like if Pete was my bestie, we’d make so many poor choices) But Pete was always very supportive of his sobriety. 
John needs recognition so badly, in group when they introduced themselves he said “I’m John M.” and no one cared. So he left a tabloid out with the news of his admittance and his face on it in the rec room on the table. The not being someone was “driving him bananas.” When they talked about what they do for a living and he said I’m a a stand up comedian, someone asked if he made a living that way. He said “yeah ask your daughter” (or your son)
One of the things you do at rehab is break up with your drug dealer.
One of his drug dealers only bought drugs to keep John from buying worse off the streets and only got into the game because John kept asking him for drugs and was his only buyer. That guy was originally a painter and John has no idea how they met. John is the only person to turn an innocent man into a drug dealer. 
Here he did the Baby J is back baby joke. the Park Theater is one of the biggest stages in the world so he did that joke in one pace across the stage and said the stage is that joke long. 
“I am no longer on drugs. It’s very good but also ah---” He’s in a 12 step anonymous group. 
“I need attention, clearly.” After a show you think he would be sated, but no. 
He wants that attention that the kid who’s grandparent died and showed up to school dressed for the funeral and got to sit in the beanbag chair for reading despite it not being his turn, gets. He went on about being willing to let one of the lesser important grandparents die so he could get attention, for quite a while. 
He feels left behind in science, like his C’s and D’s in those classes. All those classes were was putting things on a windowsill for the janitor to throw away. He had a bit about how the fuck people put dinosaurs back together, it’s like getting wayfair furniture without the instructions. 
He also things the moon belongs to America. Like we got there first and when other countries say stuff about the moon he’s like mmmmmmm.
He also had a joke about paying to get into college and like, for white people that’s always how it’s been. 
The show ended with him going over the highlights of that GQ interview that he was so coked out for that he forgot he did it entirely. He has no memory of it at all. He was just called up that day and asked for an interview and you know how coke is the best drug to receive attention on? He just did whatever he wanted with that attention. 
And that was the show.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
A/N: hi lovely people! i hope you are all having a great day! drink some water! love you all!
Chapter 13
Spencer got a call from you one morning when he was leaving his apartment to pick Jo up for school.
“Spencer,” your voice sounded deeper than normal.
“I’m sick,” you groaned.
“Aw, I’m sorry. What are your symptoms?” he asked.
“Stuffy nose, fever, headache, and a sore throat,” you sniffled.
“Could you take Jo for the weekend after you pick her up today? I don’t want her getting infected too.”
“Of course, do you need me to get you anything?” he asked.
“No thanks, you’re sweet but I’m fine. Stay away from my room, germaphobe,” you giggled slightly.
“You’re going to have to get Jo all ready for school. I just knocked on her door to wake her up. I didn’t want to take any chances,” you informed him.
“Okay, feel better, sweetheart,” Spencer said.
You made a kissing sound through the phone before hanging up, presumably to go back to bed.
Spencer walked inside to find Jo sitting in front of the TV.
“Mommy isn’t coming out of her room,” she stated.
“I know, she’s sick so she is protecting us from all the icky germs. You are going to spend the weekend at Daddy’s place,” he picked Jo up, bringing her into the kitchen and pouring her a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.
“Eat up,” he said, pushing the bowl in front of her after adding milk and a spoon, “then Daddy is going to do your hair before we go.”
While Jo ate, Spencer packed her lunch and wrote a little note:
The word ‘dinosaur’ means ‘terrible lizard’ in Greek. See you later, Princess! Eat all of your cucumber slices!
He sketched a little heart doodle to finish off the note, folding it and slipping it into Jo’s lunch box.
Spencer called Hotch as he was carrying Jo out to the car.
“Hey, Hotch. Can I have the day off?” he asked.
“Sure, Reid. You have plenty of sick days saved up. Is everything alright?”
“Y/N is sick so I’ve got Jo for the weekend and I want to clean up my apartment and do some grocery shopping beforehand,” Spencer explained, the phone pressed between his shoulder and ear as he buckled Jo in.
“Alright, see you Monday, Reid. Tell Jo I say hi,” he said.
“Will do,” Spencer hung up the phone.
“Uncle Aaron says hi,” he said to Jo.
“Hi Uncle Aaron!” Jo exclaimed even though the phone call had already ended.
After dropping Jo off, Spencer drove to the grocery store.
He picked up some snacks and food to replenish his empty cabinets so Jo wouldn’t starve at his apartment. He was going to attempt to make them spaghetti and meatballs for dinner but he picked up a bag of dino nuggets as a backup.
On the way home to his apartment, he stopped back at your house and walked inside, calling your phone as he set grocery bags down on the kitchen counter.
“Hey, I’m back. I know you said to stay away but I wanted to drop off a few things,” Spencer put the phone on speaker as he began to put away the groceries, “I got you some oranges because their vitamin C will help your immune system. I got you popsicles and ice cream to help with your fever and sore throat. I also got you some more tea and soup. And, I picked up some spring rolls for you that you can reheat whenever you are hungry.”
“You are the best. Thank you, Spence,” you sleepily replied.
“I don’t know what medicine you have been taking so far but after examining the ingredients of different over-the counter medicines in the pharmacy aisle, I found two that I think will work best to fend off your symptoms if taken together,” Spencer said, walking upstairs.
“I’m leaving them both outside your door with a glass of water,” he knelt down to place the pill bottles and water on the ground.
“If I’m up for it later, can I facetime you and Jo?” you asked hopefully.
“I will figure out how to use that just for you,” Spencer smiled.
“Just swipe to accept it like a normal phone call except then I will be able to see both of your beautiful little faces,” you giggled.
“Okay, try to get some rest, drink lots of water, and try to eat something if you can,” Spencer encouraged.
“See you later, Spence.”
After spending the rest of the day cleaning his apartment and putting away stacks of books that were on the floor so Jo wouldn’t trip, Spencer went to go pick her up.
“Here, Daddy,” she handed him a purple piece of paper with lots of glitter glue on it as she came running out of the classroom into his awaiting arms.
“Another Jo original?” he beamed, “Is this me, you, and Mommy again?”
Jo nodded, “We need one for your fridge too.”
“How thoughtful,” Spencer lifted the girl up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“I went back home to check on Mommy and I packed you a bag of clothes and your favorite toys so you should be all set for the weekend but we can go back if we need to,” he explained to Jo as he carried her out to the car.
Spencer had managed to make him and Jo spaghetti even though it was just from a box. He even asked Rossi for his meatball recipe and made those from scratch. Jo cleared her plate so she seemed to enjoy the meal or she was just sparing her Daddy’s feelings.
They were watching a National Geographic dinosaur documentary when your contact photo came up on Spencer’s phone screen. It was a picture of you that he had insisted on taking on your date because you “looked too beautiful to not admire forever in photo form”. His phone lockscreen had also been changed from just a generic scenic landscape photo to a picture that Penelope had taken of you, Spencer, and Jo at Rossi’s party.
Spencer held the phone up and swiped accept.
“Hi!” you smiled, waving through the phone, you were still laying in bed.
“Mommy!” Jo exclaimed, standing up on the couch and sitting in Spencer’s lap to see better.
“Hi, Baby J! How is Daddy’s place?” you asked.
“Good! We had spaghetti and meatballs and now we are watching a dinosaur show and Daddy bought oreos,” Jo giggled, holding up a half-eaten cookie with crumbs on her face.
“Wow he’s really spoiling you,” you laughed, “Daddy brought me spring rolls and they are helping me get all better,” you smiled, taking a bite of one of them.
“Glad you are feeling better, sweetheart,” Spencer grinned.
“I’ll give it another day but you and Jo may be able to come back on Sunday after I disinfect everything,” you replied.
“Jo, say bye bye to Mommy so she can finish her dinner and go to bed,” Spencer prompted her.
“Night night, Mommy. Love you,” she waved at the camera, blowing a kiss.
“Bye Jo. Love you too! Be good for Daddy!” you waved back, “Night, Spence.”
“Good night, Y/N,” Spencer smiled, ending the call.
Twenty minutes later, Jo was out cold in Spencer’s lap, cuddled into his chest. Spencer smiled softly, picking her up and bringing her to his bed.
“Sweet dreams, Jo,” he whispered, giving her his usual goodnight kiss on the forehead.
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trentaafcsblog · 3 years
Take Your Daddy To School Day
Trent Alexander-Arnold
This is my entry for the lovely @footballffbarbiex’s writing challenge 🤍 thank you so much for letting me take part, I hope you all enjoy it and please go and have a look if it’s something that you might be interested in - there’s some lovely prompts still to choose from x
It’s been a good what...seventeen, maybe eighteen, years since Trent was sat on the yellow table in the Hedgehogs Class? The classroom still has exactly the same name and layout as it did when he was there all those years ago. The same blue felt tip stain on the bottom of one of the walls from where the boy in the year above ‘accidentally’ wrote his name in his four-year-old squiggly handwriting, and the water tray still being full of the same plastic dinosaurs that he used to chase his friends with when it was time for creative play. The name pegs by the front windows are still where they used to be too. Teeny tiny wooden hedgehogs glued above the multicoloured hooks, a white label stuck beneath them with all of the children’s names on. And obviously your little girl’s coat and bag hang on the first peg, just like Trent’s used to, because they’re ordered alphabetically, a wave of nostalgia hitting him because he used to love hanging his belongings there as it meant he was the first to leave at the end of the day - and it just so happens that your little girl has also picked up on her daddy’s habits when it comes to wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.
“Put your knees under the table, daddy” she’s tutting as T does everything he can to squash them under the yellow-topped desk without accidentally flipping it and sending the pot of scissors, glue sticks and blunt pencils across the room. His cheeks turning a dark shade of pink when your little girl’s teacher spots him shuffling around awkwardly and trying to disguise the fact that he’s in absolute agony, only intensifying when your daughter insists on pointing out daddy’s ‘raspberry face’ to the little boy sat on the table behind. But eventually he’s managing to do it, although the little plastic chair he’s sat on is now threatening to collapse, the metal legs bowing slightly each time he leans more to one side to help your little girl with her work or has to turn around when one of the children gasps and points before not so quietly whispering ‘that’s the man that kicks a football’.
“Daddy, you can do this one” she’s announcing as they plough their way through the worksheet they’ve been given to complete by lunchtime. “But I’ve just done all of these ones” he’s giggling as he points to the group of maths questions he’s just answered because he knows your little girl struggles with her numbers and he’s too soft to let her sit and find the answer on her own. “But you’re cleverer than me” she smiles, hoping that her compliment persuades Trent to write the answer down, not that he needs any sort of persuasion because he’s already scribbling down the answer, but she’s already picked up on the fact that if you’re nice to people, they’ll be nice to you - something she definitely uses to her advantage. 
They’re both managing to finish the work before the bell rings for lunch, a miracle really since they've been interrupted every two minutes by one of other dads having a fangirl moment or one of the mums trying their best to impress Trent with their very limited football knowledge, obviously hoping that he’s blown away by it and runs off into the sunset with them. But regardless, they’re getting it done in time and heading off to the lunch hall together hand in hand. Trent carrying both of their lunch boxes and politely waving to the screaming children in the classrooms they walk past, your little girl still too innocent to understand why daddy attracts so much attention, hence the string of ‘why are they shouting at yous?’ as they make their way into the dining hall.
They’re sitting opposite each other on one of the collapsible tables with little blue seats. The smell of whatever unappetising it is being served for lunch filling their noses and making Trent feel quite sick, acting as a reminder as to why he refused to eat school dinners and instead stuck to his cream cheese sandwiches that were wrapped up in his Spider-Man lunch box. “Cheers” your little girl’s giggling as she smashes her jam sandwich against Trent’s tuna one, both of them cut into tiny little squares which T had begged you not to do, but it’s not really a ‘take your dad to school day’ if he doesn’t eat the same as the children, is it? Which is exactly why the Liverpool shirt shaped lunch box he picked up from the club shop on the way home from training the other night is full of a packet of Mini Cheddars, a strawberry Frube yoghurt (even though he tried to pretend that he didn’t like them), two tangerines to try and balance out the sugar in the Mr Kipling angel cake, and a Capri Sun which he has no shame in admitting that he absolutely loves. 
Their twenty minute playtime afterwards is consisting of Trent taking on the rest of the school in a football match, but obviously it’s not cool to be seen playing football with your dad in front of all of your friends, hence why your little girl is deciding to engage in a very in-depth discussion about last night’s episode of Peppa Pig instead, occasionally turning around to see if T’s still winning, which obviously he is, despite having about a hundred children slide tackling into him and pulling his shirt. “Are you not proud of me?” he’s saying jokingly as he makes his way off the pitch and over to your baby girl who’s pretending that she can’t see Trent leaping around in front of all of her friends, all because he beat a bunch of five year olds at his own job. “Daddy, stop!” she’s giggling, grateful for the few curls around the edge of her face that mask her blushing cheeks because seeing your daddy show everyone up is one thing, but now having him flexing about it is another. 
They’re making their way back to the Hedgehogs Class when the bell rings to signal the end of lunchtime. A few parents leaping in front of the two of them on the way to congratulate Trent on his most recent performances and awards, causing even more confusion for your little girl because since when has the whole world known about daddy and his job? And why is Jacob’s mummy, who always causes a scene in the playground when she sees someone wearing a football shirt because it’s ‘tacky’ and ‘the most pathetic sport’, suddenly so interested in a game that she tells everyone she hates? Or is she just interested in Trent? Who knows.
The two of them are spending the rest of the day doing creative play, flicking between playing with the dinosaurs in the water table, to making you a card for no other reason than because they love you, to creating one another out of red and yellow PlayDoh - something Trent won’t be doing again because he’s convinced himself that he looks like the slightly disfigured model that your daughter has made - one foot three times the size of the other, an unfortunate bulge on the top of his head, and arms that are extremely long and skinny. And his doubts aren’t going away because your little girl keeps reinforcing the fact that ‘it’s you, daddy’, much to the amusement of all of the other parents who giggle away at how disappointed and awkward he looks after being compared to crusty piece of five-year-old PlayDoh.
“I had fun with you being a big boy at school today” she’s saying as she walks hand in hand with Trent over to her peg, his dad instinct coming out as he helps her put her coat on and pack her book bag. “Did you?” he’s asking, his heart melting into a puddle when she nods her head and gives him a little smile. “I had so much fun too, even if you did splash me at the water table” he’s saying, tickling her sides and making her giggle at the memory of the plastic dinosaur ‘accidentally’ dropping from above her head right into the water in front of him. “Shall we go and tell mummy about today then?” he’s saying as he reaches down and takes her hand in his before the two of them are stepping out into the playground together, your little girl bursting with excitement ready to tell you all about their day and how Trent now has a gold star stuck on the wall for being the ‘cleverest at knowing all of the dinosaurs’ names’.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
Tumblr media
[ the same eyes as you ]
prequel to ‘it’s good to be home’ (read here)
pairing: tsukishima kei x f!reader
word count: 1.5k words
contains: slight angst, tsukishima is a FATHER
anon: henlo can you do one with tsukishima where he breaks up with reader and the reader just found out she's pregnant with his child, and then time skips he saw the reader with a child and he's like shookt and you can do whatever you want after that shhsahagag that's all i got. Sorryy if that's too weird.
a/n: omg YES PREGNANT!READER BUT MAKE IT ANGST !! i’ve been so excited to write this one and ngl it’s a bit short but i hope you like it !!
months ago, you would have never thought you’d be hiding a positive pregnancy test from tsukishima. in fact, he would be the first person you would show it to. in your mind, you could still see the way his eyes would light up despite the nervous quiver of his mouth at finding he was going to be a father. 
but after the fight you two just had, after hearing tsukishima say the words that put a period on your relationship, you kept the information firmly to yourself. you didn’t care if the child in your belly was also tsukishima’s. he said he no longer wanted you in his life and so, you were going to walk out of it. 
maybe months ago, you thought he would make a good father. 
“so, are you going to have the baby?” your friend asked. you decided to move into her place after leaving the apartment you and tsukishima once shared. you bit your lip, placing a hand over your belly, trying to imagine another beating heart inside of you. 
as much as you wanted to, you still couldn’t bring yourself to completely hate tsukishima kei. you wished things to go back to the way they were, that you would open your eyes in the morning and find his arm wrapped around you again or hear him mumbling an apology in your ear and a ‘don’t go’ that you were more than happy to oblige to.
you couldn’t bring yourself to let go of this baby and you were willing enough to raise them, even if tsukishima was no longer in the picture. 
tsukishima would rather die than admit that he quite liked it when he had to tour for school field trips. of course, he hated it when kids were rowdy but he found that they weren’t as annoying as adults said they would be. most of the time, tsukishima found that they were interested enough about the museum exhibits to be silent and pay attention. 
and most of all, tsukishima loved the funny questions that they would ask. his favorite one from the tour he just did earlier was when this young girl asked if it was possible that dinosaurs were furry or had hair since the fossils didn’t exactly said that they wouldn’t.
‘you sure are going places,’ tsukishima laughed to himself, shaking his head as he left the floor for another tour guide to take over with a fossil-digging activity. tsukishima suddenly remembered that at one point, he did consider having kids.
except, the person he wanted to start a family with was long gone. 
tsukishima was still filled with regret for saying those things to you years ago. after you left, the realization that the apartment, that was now technically his, was too empty. the bathroom didn’t have its usual amount of your skincare and hair products. the kitchen cupboards didn’t have your favorite cereal and tea. and the bed. it didn’t smell like you anymore. tsukishima actually stopped sleeping there for a week because it felt so wrong
he had half a mind to call you up and ask you back but you also changed your contact info, much to his surprise. and when he finally did get ahold of your number, tsukishima couldn’t press ‘call.’ 
after everything he said to you, would you really want to come back?
tsukishima did try to move on, tried to open himself up more to new relationships and meeting new people. but in the end, things never quite worked out. and tsukishima would always know that you were the one that got away.
‘no point in dwelling in the past,’ tsukishima reminded himself as he entered the museum cafe to get some lunch, which was funny because that’s exactly when the past caught up to him.
right when he sat at his table was when you sat at yours and when you looked up across the two tables between the two of you, your eyes landed on your ex-boyfriend.
“tsukishima kei,” you involuntarily said aloud.
“y/n,” you heard him say in reply. his eyes widened as he took in the sight of you. the fact that you were older was a given, but he couldn’t deny that you looked well. especially since the last time he saw you was when you were leaving his apartment.
“well,” you felt a wry smile tug at your lips. “look at you.”
you couldn’t put a pin exactly on how you were feeling. maybe years ago you would have turned away at the sight of him. but you had raised a whole child by yourself without his help. at this point, there wasn’t anything you were afraid of facing head.
“yeah,” tsukishima swallowed. “how have you been?” 
you had a feeling that tsukishima was drifting in and out of his comfort zone at this point so you knew you had to take some control. and with that, you decided to sit at his table.
“quite alright, actually,” you smiled. “got a job and a house and all that fun adult stuff,” you chuckled. with a pang, tsukishima realized you were playing on an inside joke between you two. he remembered that day you two went shopping for apartment furniture, laughing at the fact that you two were now ‘finally becoming adults because we bought a dishrack now’.
“ah, same here,” tsukishima nodded.
“you work here?” you asked, gesturing vaguely at the museum.
“yeah, curating and doing tours,” tsukishima said. he knew very well that he wasn’t being conversational but that’s because he wouldn’t be able to control himself. years ago, you left because he hurt you and he wanted you back for so long. and now, you were right here in front of him.
and then, you decided to finally drop the bomb.
"when i left, i was pregnant,” you said. tsukishima felt his world go cold as he stared at you in disbelief.
“did you...?”
“i kept it, her, actually,” you laughed before falling silent and looking softly at your child’s father. “...she has your eyes.”
as if on cue, a young girl ran into the cafe and into your arms. “mommy!” she exclaimed. tsukishima watched with wide eyes, recognizing the little girl as the one who asked the funny question about dinosaurs earlier during the tour. aside from his eyes, tsukishima could see that her hair was just a darker shade of blonde than his. but her smile, that was yours.
“hey, honey. how was the tour?” you smiled, fixing the ribbon on her hair that had come loose.
“it was great! there was this really big triceratops skeleton that was even bigger than you and then we had a fossil digging activity and i dug up a lot of them!” your daughter continued to chatter. over her head, you had a clear view of the look on tsukishima’s face. his mouth hung slightly open and other than the rise and fall of his shoulders, you couldn’t tell if he was breathing. his eyes looked close to watering.
“oh, it’s mr. tour guide man!” your daughter grinned, turning around to face tsukishima who looked like a deer in the headlights now. “mommy, do you know him?” 
“he’s... an old friend,” you said, patting your daughter’s hair. “now, why don’t you run along first? mommy’s only going to talk for a few minutes,” you smiled.
“grown-up talk?” your daughter wrinkled her nose.
“yes, grown-up talk,” you chuckled. your daughter hopped off your lap, waved a little goodbye at the man she didn’t know was her father, and ran off.
“i... i have a daughter?” tsukishima whispered, watching her leave. “why didn’t you tell me?”
“i don’t think it would have fixed anything, between us, i mean,” you sighed.
“but, i could have at least known,” tsukishima said. “i... all this time...” he sighed and hung his head, finally opening about what he wanted to say.
“i wanted to reach out to you, to get you back.” 
“why didn’t you?” you asked. “all this time, i thought you wanted nothing to do with me.” 
“i guess we’re even,” tsukishima chuckled mirthlessly. “but, i hurt you more. you had to raise her by yourself, didn’t you?” 
“pretty much,” you pursed your lips, remembering those first few months when you definitely needed someone around.
tsukishima swallowed. he had no right to ask for this, not after everything he’s done or rather, failed to do. but he wanted to at least let you know that he wanted this. “can i be there, for the rest of her life? for the rest of your life?” 
“not going to lie, i’ve been having a hard time letting people in after we broke up,” you said. “but... i have missed you, tsukishima kei.” 
it felt as if a huge weight was lifted off tsukishima’s chest. he didn’t deserve this second chance, but now that he had that, he wasn’t going to let that go.
“we could start small,” he offered. “i could come see you guys once a week if you like.” 
“that sounds good,” you nodded. “she’s a lot like you, you know? one hell of a smart mouth,” you chuckled. 
“i better brace myself then,” tsukishima laughed, genuinely now. “what’s her name?” 
“hikari,” you smiled. 
“hikari,” tsukishima nodded, looking out the window of the cafe and watching hikari, his daughter, laughing with her friends in the museum lobby. “she has your smile, y/n.” 
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @tpwkatsumu
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cheezritsu · 4 years
Haikyuu Couple Aesthetics
Daichi Sawamura: good luck charms, front row seats at his games, the mature couple; “mom and dad” of the friend group; saying “goodnight” to one another on your doorstep, sentimental captions on their instagram posts, eating dinner and talking about your day like you’re already married; making plans for the future with one another involved; impressing one another’s parents; the thrill of doing everything together; being each others emergency contact; sleeping so well because your love is reliable and stable. You two are the timeless high school sweethearts, making the unattainable look so easy.
Sugawara Koushi: cafe dates, doting words, “sweetheart” and “darling,” laughing just from looking at one another. The secretly chaotic couple, perfectly curated dates, being approved by all his friends, soft, sweet pecks; random flower bouquets on your doorstep; kissing away your tears; hugs warmer than fresh baked cookies, grading student papers over dinner, smiley face post-it notes in your bento boxes, farmers market dates, always, always knowing each other’s favorite things; thoughtful gifts, mistakenly being called “Sugawara-san” before you’re married, shy smiles, kissing his beauty mark, a relationship as easy as the breeze. You two are like bees and flowers, working in tandem to create something natural and sweet.    
Nishinoya Yuu: cutting class to hang out in the hallways, popsicles melting in the summer heat, tongues dyed red and blue from convenience store slushies, dinner dates with no leftovers, neon colored band-aids, learning to hop a fence, scuffed sneakers, bruised arms. The lawless couple, squad posing in couple pictures, matching dyed streaks, sneaking out past midnight, pulling pranks, sitting on the swingset in the middle of the night, counting the stars over head. Adoring stares, “I’m so proud of you!”, kissing his bruises, screaming out the window of your car on a road trip. Traveling the world together, video messages, blowing kisses to each other, saying “I missed you!” after one day apart. You two are twin stars, constantly orbiting each other and burning brighter, together.
Tanaka Ryuunoske: shaving his head, mini skirts, being Saeko’s favorite, troublesome trio antics, late night food runs, horror movie marathons, couple gym workouts. The unexpected couple; getting compliments from the eldery on how cute you two are, flipping off his teammates while you kiss in front of them, excessive worrying, scaring off any boys that look at your wrong, the “Will Smith gesturing to his Wife” meme; thinking you’re too good for this world, calling each other “bro” romantically, kissing him after winning games, placing a beanie over his head in the winter, taking unflattering photos of one another with the most sincere captions. You two are the moth and the flame, drawn together by an inexplicable pull. 
Tsukishima Kei: Wool overcoats, headphone splitters, dogeared textbook pages, study dates, strawberry desserts, “This song reminded me of you.” The better than you couple, wearing his t-shirt to sleep, borrowing each others sweaters, kissing his bruised fingers, hiding in his jackets, going to the same university, softly singing in long car rides, always slightly touching one another, quick, secret kisses, height difference jokes, moon-centric nicknames (“moonbeam,” or “moonshine”) trying on his glasses, mirror selfies,sharing record collections, concert dates; weekend dinners at Tsukishima’s childhood house, being adorded by his teammates, dinosaur themed gifts as a joke, Studio Ghibli movie marathons, listen parties as dates, opening up to one another, “quit staring at me” “but I love you;” him constantly smiling when you’re next to him and denying it ever happened. Sharing insults as a love language, being soft when the time comes, humming into his hair as you fall asleep together. You two are a sweet, slow ballad; a duet between lovers in perfect harmony. 
Akaashi Keiji: library dates, meet cutes, book recommendations, fancy dinner dates, proofreading each other’s work, cuffed trousers, trench coats, french perfume, dainty jewellery, knuckle kisses, the academic couple; good grades, pet names, longing glances, visiting each other’s jobs, sharing clothing, reading books over his shoulders, cocooning in linen blankets, the scent of fresh laundry and lavender, running your hand through one another’s hair, smoothing wrinkles out of his works shirts, working around each other in the bathroom in the morning; matching schedules, museum dates, “you’re the Romeo to my Juliet.” “please don’t die for me.” Literature references, letting Bokuto third wheel, being the smartest couple in the room, massaging one another’s shoulders after long days, words of affirmation, sitting on top of his desk, smiling as he edits another page; “are you coming to bed?” ‘quick, secret smiles. You two are matching portraits in a museum, your love equally as timeless and beautiful. 
Oikawa Tooru: alien bandaids, golden hour selfies, matching skin care routines, wrapping his bandages, phone calls to remind him of things, leaning his head on your shoulder, the king and queen couple; listening to each others insecurities, being his biggest cheerleader, holding your face like it’s the whole world, helping him learn spanish, constantly bragging about one another, stupid nicknames in each other’s phones,  “~Iwa-chan!~”, the Seijoh team rolling their eyes at your PDA, threats from Iwaizumi, making promises you intend to keep, being his rock, letting him cry if he needs to, petty rants, keeping nail files in your purse, knowing the real him, framed couple pictures, teasing him with the team; “I have faith in you;” being there when each other needs it. You two are beloved monarchs, ruling your domain hand in hand with benevolent smiles. 
Kuroo Tetsuro: matching leather jackets, red lipstick kisses, theater hopping, chemistry puns, trying (and failing) to get rid of his bed head, constantly handsy, late night drives, cram sessions, lipstick smudges on his neck, “I’m always this kind,” Yamamoto crying in the distance, “Kenma, love us!”, being double trouble, the power couple; better grades together, singing off key, ugly couple photos, sleeping on the train, awful, cackling laughter, adored by his grandparents, stroking your hair as you fall asleep curled onto a too small couch; making it work no matter what, your eyes shining with pride at all his games. Being on the same wavelength, adoring stares while brushing your teeth, kissing him by his tie, making out in the back of taxis, pulling him into a well needed hug without thinking, playing with your food, whispering ‘I love you’ into the crown of your head. You two are immortal lovers, reunited in this life, and all those after. 
Osamu Miya: late night diner runs, lazy mornings in, being business partners, staying up late drafting new menu items, slow dancing in the kitchen, all you can eat buffets, roses before every date, subtle pda; the domestic couple; matching outfits, holding hands with intertwined fingers, clutching your chests with heavy laughter from each other’s jokes, eating half each other’s plates on dinner dates; devouring ice cream by the tub while bingeing television shows, treating grocery store runs like dates, falling asleep to his heartbeat, comfortable silences, long talks while washing dishes, baking cookies at ungodly hours, hanging onto one another’s arms, sneaking away from parties to be alone, tracing patterns on one another’s skin, whispering “I love you” when the other isn’t listening, temple kisses, side hugs, growing into one another, cooking food as a love language, having immense pride for the one another. You two are best friends, falling in love with each other over and over again every day.
Atsumu Miya: neon colored lights reflecting off his hair, open mouthed kisses, toothy smirks, house parties, being one another’s arm candy, diamonds glinting under flashing lights, breathlessness, wandering hands, showering together, black lingerie, superfluous travelling, first class seating, poorly concealed hickies, clinking champagne glasses, “That’s my girl/boy!” wearing his track jacket, selfies in expensive hotels; the celebrity couple, “I don’t speak broke,” shiny engagement rings, paparazzi photos, explicit pictures, red sports cars, winks meant only for you, hands on your waist, matching manicures, tipsy kisses, flaunting cash, making out on kiss cams, holding ring covered hands, never being alone; cheesy romantic texts, only having eyes for one another. You two are wrapped around each other’s fingers tighter than a bandaid, and that’s how you like it. 
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 12: Lost
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[masterlist] [kia’s slambook]
warnings: mentions of sex
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You and Kia prepare for your trip, waiting for Akaashi. He mentioned about picking you up since Bokuto lent him his car. You remember about the card Sakusa told you about.
You go to his room, making sure you don’t touch anything, and see that there are two bedside tables. You checked the one on the left first. You open the drawers and see boxes of condoms, some opened, some still new. You close it and go to the other table to get the card.
Something in you says to go check the other drawer again, but it would make you feel guilty. You hear Akaashi’s car honk so you go out instead. You take Kia from the couch and leave the house.
‘Did he date someone in the last 3 years?’ The thought is bothering you and Akaashi notices. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you reply, smiling. He carries Kia and puts  Kia in the safety seat of the car. He returns to the driver’s seat while you sit on the shotgun seat.
You continue to think about what you saw. You broke up. So what if he had a girlfriend? You have no right to dig in your nose into his business. Why are you so upset about him having sex with other women? He’s a grown man. He has his needs.
“You’re spacing out,” Akaashi points out. You shake the thoughts off your mind and stare out of the window. You groan, the thoughts coming back in again. “Spill it.” So you do. You tell him about what you saw. “Why are you so upset? So what if he had sex with someone? You broke up with him, remember?”
“Exactly why I’m bothered!” You cover your face with your hands in frustration.
“If you’re so bothered, why don’t you ask him about it later?” Akaashi suggests, his eyes on the road. You sigh, nodding.
You three arrive at the theme park and suddenly you feel at ease to be outside again. Kia starts running, but luckily, Akaashi has long legs. He easily keeps up with her. You make your way to the booth, while Akaashi carries Kia around to look at some figurines by the entrance.
After you successfully retrieve your reservation tickets, you enter the theme park. Despite being a weekday, it’s still packed with tourists. There are also students in uniforms, probably in a school trip.
“Mama! Look! Robot!” Kia points to the Bumblee Bee statue. Akaashi puts her down and she runs to the statue. The figure starts speaking and Kia’s mouth hangs wide open in amazement. “It talks! Mama! Keikei! It talks!”
You continue to walk around the theme park, stopping on shops and stalls from time to time. While Akaashi excuses himself to go the toilet, you see an ice cream food stall and Kia immediately asks you to buy some for her. You take her to the stall and carry her so she can choose a flavor.
“That would be 600 yen,” the shopkeeper tells you. You put Kia down to take money out of your wallet. You pay for the ice cream. The employee gives you the treat and when you look down, Kia isn’t by your side anymore. “Kia?”
You go around the stall, in hopes that Kia just took a look somewhere near. You search and search but you don’t see any sign of your daughter. Akaashi comes back and sees you getting antsy.
“Where’s Kia?”
“Take a good rest, boys. We’ll be back to practice next week. Enjoy your free time because we won’t be having any left after this. Cool down and you may leave,” the MSBY Black Jackals coach announces. The players thank him and say their good byes.
“Training ended earlier than I thought,” Atsumu sighs in relief. “I’m so excited to go home and be in the comfort of my bed.”
“Wanna go to the gym together this Saturday, Bokuto-san?” Hinata asks the older player as they start stretching.
“If I don’t have anything to do,” Bokuto replies.
“Isn’t Akaashi in town?” Sakusa speaks, stretching his wrists. Bokuto’s attention gets stuck on the other spiker’s wrists and he forgets to respond. “Hey.”
“Oh, yeah. Akaashi is in town. How’d you know?” Bokuto eyes the curly haired man in suspicion.
“(Y/N) told me. They’re in Universal today,” Sakusa explains.
“Omi, you’re okay with Kia going to crowded places that is surely full of other people’s germs?” The blonde questions, stretching his legs.
“Do you really think I expect her to grow up like me?” Sakusa rolls his eyes, stretching his back this time. “Germs can be washed away. They can get disinfected. It’s nothing compared to Kia’s upbringing. I don’t have plans to raise her to be clean, I want her to grow up to be someone who she wants to be.”
Atsumu smiles because of his teammate’s response. Not long ago, he would think of Kia as some sort of hindrance, but now he seems happy that she’s around. The blonde also noticed how Sakusa is gradually becoming more soft with his words and actions.
They finish stretching and go back to their dorms. Sakusa is packing his things when he suddenly feels anxious. He can’t think straight. He feels something bad is about to come. He opens his door and check the hallway. “Miya’s not here. If it’s not him, what could it be?”
Sakusa goes back into his room, hearing his phone ring. He sees Kia’s contact name and answers quickly.
“What is it Kia?”
“Kyo... I lost mama,” Kia cries on the other line.
That tone. That way she said it. The feel. It’s too similar with your words 3 years ago.
“Omi... Let’s break up.”
“What? Where are you right now?” Kiyoomi runs out of the dorms. Adrenaline kicking in as he hears Kia’s sobs.
“Why? Let’s talk about it. I’m coming over.”
“I see a dinosaur,” Kia responds, worry and panic in her voice.
“I just don’t see a future for us, Omi.”
“Don’t end the call, okay?” Kiyoomi says softly despite his worries. He hears Kia crying again. He starts his car and connects his phone to the bluetooth of his car. “Hey, stop crying. I’m on my way. Just stay wherever you are.” He doesn’t get respond so he speeds up his driving. “Kia? Baby?”
“Is it something I did? Tell me! Don’t just ignore me, (Y/N).”
“Okay. I’ll wait for you.”
“I’m sorry, Sakusa. But I can’t do this anymore.”
Kiyoomi’s sports car has never been put into good use until now. He arrives in the theme park in top speed record. Luckily, there isn’t a queue on the booths so he gets a ticket promptly.
“Kia?” He puts his phone close to his ear, looking at the theme’s park map. “Are you still near the dinosaurs?”
“You’re joking, right? Tell me this is a prank.”
“Yes. Kia stayed here like you told me,” Kia responds, already calmed down. Kiyoomi rushes to the Jurassic Park area and looks for her in every corner. But Kia couldn’t explain her exact location well. He spots a kid and calls him.
“No. This isn’t a joke.”
“Have you seen this child?” He shows the back of his phone to the boy. The boy nods.
“Yes. She’s sitting near the entrance of the restaurant,” the boy answers. Before Kiyoomi could thank him, the boy recognizes him. “Aren’t you Sakusa Kiyoomi? I’m a big fan of your team!”
“Ah, thanks. Come to my next game, okay? I’ll give you a jersey.” Kiyoomi leaves him and goes to where the kid directed.
Kiyoomi spots her and his steps become bigger and his pace becomes faster. Kia sees him so she climbs down of the bench she is sitting on and runs to meet Kiyoomi halfway. He takes her into his arms, tightly hugging her. He feels her wrap her arms around him, and his heart starts breaking into pieces.
“(Y/N), I know you’re still in there. Whatever it is, let’s work it out,” Kiyoomi shouted from outside of your apartment’s door. He’s been sitting there for hours now. He leaned his back on your door, his knees close to his chest.
Did you really leave?
Were you not coming back?
There are a lot of words he had yet to tell you. He wanted to see you two accomplish your dreams together. He wanted to wake up and the first thing he sees is your face. He wanted to come home and receive your hugs as soon as he steps into the door. He wanted to see you walk down the aisle. He wanted to grow old with you. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. You were all he wanted.
He regretted not hugging you tighter. He regretted not kissing you more. He regretted not spending a lot with you. If only he could do all those things one more time.
“I love you...” He cried. You always said those three words first. Why weren’t you responding?
He’s too late.
He had already lost you.
"Kyo, why are you crying?” Kia asks him, her small hands on his cheeks. She starts tearing up, sad that he’s crying. He doesn’t even know he’s crying. His thoughts is too full of fear and anxiety.
There are still a lot of lessons about life he wants to teach Kia. He wants to see her accomplish her dreams. He wants to drop her off to school. He wants to receive her hugs as he comes home from practice. He wants to see her fall in love with someone who loves her just as much as she does. He wants to see Kia grow. He wants her to see him as her father for the rest of her life.
He regrets not hugging her tight enough. He regrets not kissing her good morning and good night. He regrets not spending time with her. He regrets not being there from the start.
What if he was too late?
What if he didn’t answer her call?
What if he lost her?
“Kyo? Are you mad?” Kia’s lower lip is quivering, tears already coming out of her eyes.
“Kia..” he calls her. She pulls away from his hand and looks at him.
“Yes?” Kia’s voice is shaky. She’s afraid he’ll scold her. She promised to be a good girl. What if he hates her?
Kiyoomi takes a look at her face. He caresses her cheek with his thumb, then plants a kiss on her forehead.  ‘But I’m not too late this time. So I’ll make sure I won’t regret anything. I will never lose the two of you again.’
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Most dinosaurs were vegetarian
Many dinosaurs had feathers
The longest dinosaur name is Micropachycephalosaurus
Small carnivore dinosaurs are most likely to be the smartest type of dinosaurs
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