#onision archive
onisiondrama · 5 months
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Meilyn, an actress that worked on Onision videos held an AMA on the Onision subreddit. There is a lot of text, so I won’t be sharing everything here, but I will be archiving everything on a dedicated LoO page when I get the change to edit it all.
Here is a link to the thread
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Going anon here so I don't get harassed by the stans I read through the doc you made and it was really well made and you brought up SO much good shit Viv and her stans have this problem of bringing up unrelated issues to try and make the other party look bad (And most of it ain't even true) "Oh Erin came out and said the workplace was so bad that she never wanted to draw again? B-b-but guys she's a TERF, so don't listen to her!" Like what the hell??? I have the evidence saved in case someone tries to take it down, and you bet I will be sharing this More people need to know about Viv's abusive behavior, not just people on TikTok (Also I send my condolenscences to you. Being misgendered and called a "psychopath" is utterly disgusting, and I hope you're doing okay)
Best wishes to you and here's to the future!
Sorry for the outburst but- OH MY GOD you have no idea how long it took to find a way to make it so you guys could see those files and documents! Also, thank you for your condolences.
Vivziepop ableism, internalized homophobia, and racism needs to come to an end. Not just with Ayy Lmao, but her and her entire standom. People are allowed to support something without supporting someone's behavior. Even then, giving someone thousands of dollars in hopes that they'll pay their artists properly just for this to happen instead:
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(More info on how she pays her workers and how indie artists are underpaid in studios overall based on the fact that the average is less than the average American pay in the full video of "The Vivziepop Archive Extravaganza" linked within the document itself.)
So yeah, the artists being "paid a little bit less than they should" at Spindlehorse is the underestimation of the centurty. The studio gets millions daily, yet there are still people there that have to work at goddamn Starbucks. That's horrible!
So im planning to maybe make a instructional video on how to not give views to creators you enjoy but don't want to support. It's not like it's going to the other artists really in the first place. Only the lead artists who say things like this:
(This was confirmed to be VIvienne's real discord on her own Twitter by the way. Go see for yourself. It's there. She's transphobic.)
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The reason why this is wrong speaks for itself.
(HINT: R^pe is something that severely traumatizes and hurts people and making light of the act itself like this is actually sickening.
-and the main creators also like things such as this:
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I think now's a good time to speak with our wallets and our views so that those mistreated will finally move on to better studios and that Vivziepop's reign of toxicity upon the internet will finally come to an end.
So if you wan't to buy merch... buy fan merch!
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If you wan't to watch a Helluva Boss episode, another hated Youtuber, etc:
1. Right click on a video from a youtuber that you don't like, for example: Onision.
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2. (IMPORTANT!) Press "Copy Link Address."
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3. Go to a trustworthy Youtube downloader.
4. -and bam! No views given, but you still get to enjoy the past episodes while making it so Spindlehorse can finally get the message that you do not support Vivziepop or her leads's behavior, and Youtube as a whole will finally get the message that the majority of people do not wan't to support toxic creators.
That is all it takes.
That, or film the video on Bandicam, make it a zip file, and then send it to whoever wants to download the video. -and done! You just DID NOT support Onision! Now try this with any other (big) creator that you have a problem with! Let's make Youtube a better place together. :)
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Hey accounting anon here. I'm very versed in onision drama, so I'm throwing my two cents in from that last anon asking what will make you happy about what happens to Viv.
So, Onision is an abomination I warn everyone about looking into. If you haven't heard of him, consider yourself bless because you didn't have to watch him do the shit he did. Onision did a lot of crap, but since he's an idiot he well documented it on to YouTube and various social media platforms like Twitter, tumblr, and Facebook. There's so many sites that have archived and store the things he's done, I recommend the website life of onion if anyone is curious, but please be warned and proceed with caution.
I use to literally have panic attacks and cry. Why? Cause it'd horrify me the things he posted online and how he was getting away with it. He documented abusing an ex he groomed, he went as far as to upload a video on to YouTube ridiculing her instead of taking her to the hospital. THAT STUFF IS TRIGGERING, PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL LOOKING INTO IT.
Onision moved from victim to victim with ease, he even had his current spouse start recruiting and luring victims to him. One thing was they made rating forums where girls as young as 12 were submitting pictures for Onision to rate. Onision featured on girl who was 13 and said some very heinous things about her, which affected her badly. So that victim's sister reached out to Onision asking for it to be removed and he refused then harassed her sister. He did get some backlash, but it took someone with a platform like Blaire White to get more powerful people to pay attention to him. Blaire confronted onision about that situation during a live stream debate in fact.
After Blaire, Chris Hansen got involved and that finally led to Onision's downfall. Onision lost his sponsorships, his patreon, his twitch paternerships, and had to sell his house. People have reported he delivered this ubereats and doordash meals afterwards. Right now Onision has two lawsuits currently ongoing.
I'm happy. I hope one day Shiloh, Sarah, and the rest of his victims can sleep ok and never have to worry about him again. Last I heard, Shiloh is recording and working on songs and Sarah is now enjoying her privacy. Onision is a monster and he deserves to rot in hell.
Thank you for the recap, Anon. If there's a hell, Onision deserves to burn in it.
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opinated-user · 8 months
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alright, how about this? if you keep publishing about your kinks without tagging them, you're a creep. if you show your naked chest in youtube streams, a platform that wasn't made for it, in a channel where you talk about content made for children for the most part, you're a creep. if you bring up rape lay as some inspiration for a disney show in a video where you don't even warn about that kind of content, nobody should be trusting you with their children. if you let a minor to send you nude art and flirt with you openly, only to later date that same minor the moment they become legal, you're a groomer. if you call child rape a "spa between two people", you're a rape apologist. if you laugh at your wife recounting her sexual abuse in a video that you later published and profited off, you're a bad partner. if you stole content, including footage, words and images, that you didn't had any hand in making and don't even bother crediting those people, you're a plagiarist. and i know you know what happens to plagiarists, LO. once again, for the people in the back, parasocial grooming was a term created to talk about the kind of influence from certain creators that would target a younger demographic but still insert sexual content that is inappropíate. normalizing certain topics or behaviors for that younger demographic that later they could take advantage of by exploiting that dynamic of creator and fan. the term originally was created with Shane Dawson and Onision in mind, and we know that both of those men went out to have inappropriate contact with some of their fans as they were underaged. in the case of onision, that turned into just textbook grooming in at least one case. same with LO. but here's the thing: we don't need it to tell people that LO is a bad person. it's accurate? absolutely. does she think that arguing against it because she doesn't understand what it is or pretend she doesn't means that we have nothing against it? i hope, because then it will make it so much funnier when i can show archive links of her grooming behavior.
(as for "paraosocial abuse", never heard of it, and since LO is not bringing any examples of anyone using that term i'm going to go ahead and doubt that anyone actually did.)
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keepwaitingforyou · 9 days
also why do you have an onision pfp you forgot to explain that part
didnt kno it needed explaining srry... im stuck in 2016 and all my favorite youtubers are from that time period. i do not support him tho obv
i get it, every once in a while i'll go back and watch his old videos but they just aren't as entertaining as i thought they were in 2014/2015 ;P i used to like the ones he made with cyr but it seems like there's always been issues where the videos will be be randomly privated/unprivated or just near impossible to find because no one's archived them
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So many of you by now have been following the #Colleen-Ballinger situation and have likely been following the #Shane-Dawson situation for years now. Time and time again we've seen it happen, where YouTubers engage in predatory content and get a slap on the wrist. This is dangerous, because minors are able to access their content at any time and get sucked into their fanbases, where manipulation and grooming can and do happen. It's already happened to multiple people in really awful, disturbing ways. As audience members, we hold tremendous power with YouTube, and I think it is up to us to finally hold YouTube accountable and to send them the message that they should ban the predators, for the safety of all audiences of all ages. I'm a YouTube viewer, as most of us are. Safety matters. Stand together to tell YouTube: NO ROOM FOR PREDATORS. I'm calling upon YouTube to ban Shane Dawson, James Charles, Colleen Ballinger, Onision, and other proven YT predators, and taking this action and implementing it as an official policy for any and all other channels alleged with evidence hereafter.
This includes:
Publicly and permanently never allowing them to create a new YouTube account ever again, such as through an ip address ban
Archiving their past content to have for sending to law enforcement purposes but not making this archive public
and also most importantly
With Colleen Ballinger, Shane Dawson, James Charles, and Onision still having channels (and podcasts/podcast channels they host on YouTube), making lighthearted "family", "makeup" and "conspiracy theory" videos and podcast episodes (among others), even if they don't have monetization outside of sponsors, minors can still access their content and they can still have power and influence over fans, both under the age of 18 and not, and this is dangerous. This a power that has been clearly demonstrated they should not have. I hope you'll join me. Join the movement, sign the petition: https://change.org/BanThePredators #BanThePredators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And if you'd like to share this on your socials, I encourage you to use this message (it should fit in a tweet):
"I'm a YouTube viewer. Safety matters. Stand together to tell @YouTube: NO ROOM FOR PREDATORS. It's crucial to ban Shane Dawson, James Charles, Colleen Ballinger, Onision, and other proven YT predators. Join the movement, sign the petition: https://change.org/BanThePredators #BanThePredators"
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I’ve sometimes compared Lily to Chris-Chan but then I thought, “nah I have some sympathy for Chris Chan. Not so much for Lily.”
The amount of archiving and lore rivals Chris-chan. Her behavior rivals Onision.
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xenosagaepisodeone · 2 years
I get the vague impression that Chris Hansen is really bad at combatting sexual predators in real life. There’s a whole Reddit post on his failure to defeat Dahvie Vanity and/or Onision
I mean, I know little about his activities beyond the scope of To Catch A Predator, but he was only the host so it wouldn't really surprise me. iirc a lot of the predators caught by Perverted Justice had their cases thrown out because they weren't able to submit all of their evidence to court -- I've never found an exact reason as to why, though.
I can see why Onision would be a difficult case to litigate because old net scumbags have a hard time actually staying down, but the botdf guy? he failed to litigate him? a guy from the professional "edm sex music aimed very specifically at teens" scene that I remember being so bad, calling anything those guys did an 'open secret' is almost sanitizing? that existed at the height of livejournals/gossip blogs/forums who archived all instances of nasty behaviour (including private messages, texts, photos and in some cases phone calls) from these types? really?
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onioncritic · 2 years
Do you have any plans making a detailed outline regarding Onision's social media smear campaign against Sarah, Shiloh, his victims and everyone who stood against him? I would love to see that and to get some of his confusing crap cleared and debunked... Thank you, whoever you are...
maybe. i've actually started a wiki of my own* because i started working on a book about greg and needed a place to keep everything. chances are, if i do anything like that, it would be put there whenever i get to it.
right now, i've been working on researching his early childhood, but rest assured, i have a bot that privately archives his tweets, so i can review them when i'm ready to. i'm a touch out of the loop about why he's specifically making the claims he is since i've been away since 2020, but i will be looking into it eventually.
from what i remember, most of his claims are:
since he can't pretend he didn't have sex with sarah given the evidence we know about, he has to twist the situation to make him look like the victim (hence the rape claims).
he still obsessively talks about shiloh because she (like all victims of abuse) is a flawed person and uses anything she's ever done wrong to paint her negatively. this year will mark 11 or 12 years since they broke up for the final time.
claims he "has never met" regina, which while technically true, he does know who they are and likely had access to kai's accounts and saw anything regina sent to him. regina has every right to go after him and kai.
that's a bit of the short of what i remember and what i've seen reiterated on twitter when i check it. i don't think that the overall gist has changed of these claims, but i'm sure there's plenty of minor inconsistencies to pick through. he did a livestream recently that i'm sure is littered with them.
*no shade to life of onion. onisiondrama can run their site however they like and i think their wiki is an incredible resource! i just wanted to cultivate a space where anyone can contribute. plus i needed a space where i can put my research down with super robust sources while i'm working and it seemed practical to just make it a publicly-facing wiki.
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scarlizfizz · 5 years
does greg really deserve as much hate as he gets??
no. absolutely not. people need to get over themselves and leave him alone if they think what they’re doing is really going to make a difference to him. if you don’t like his content, don’t watch it. simple. doesn’t matter if i’m a fan or not. i still am ofc but the amount of hate gathered is unprecedented and insane.
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onisiondrama · 3 months
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He is now uploading old music (with new ai images) under 2 new artist names. “Onision Archive” and “Onision Comedy”. I am not sure what the point of this would be.
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
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No need, I already created an entire file worth of evidence for anyone to use.
Both of Vivziepop, her fandom, and of extra archives of all sorts of degenerates that i’ve found on social media. (Mostly documentations of ableists and transphobes.)
Also yes, Vivziepop does follow Zone-tan, and Ralphielle, and Nicole who is into RIck and Morty child p^rn for 5+ years and even hired them despite them being an outward shotacon on both of their accounts and.... yikes. 
Here’s the video mentioning all of this:
I have been trying to leave the fandom for some time now, so take this Tumblr post as a “extra feature” since im no longer active on Youtube. Thank you.
Vivziepop is not you guys think she is, and I have all the documentations to prove it. She did not do any of this as a “stupid teenager” and even has claimed in her “apology” that she was/is into beastiality because it’s “how she discovered her “bisexuality” which makes no goddamn sense along with many other inconsistences and hypocrises, bullying, cyberbullying, even her own employees, calling people “not a writer!” for critiqueing her, harassment towards her own fans (as i’ve mentioned in the last sentence.), and so much more that’s physically impossible to cover in one video, so that is why I have this documentation/archives available for you all to see.Vivienne has hurt thousands at this point, bigotry romanticization is not “dark humor”, and the constant “waiting till it’s trendy” with cancel culture needs to stop, all terrible people need to be held accountable, in the moment, no more hiding, more waiting, no more letting people like Shadman, Vivziepop, and Brandon Rodgers (Who did blackface, kept a video of him being racist towards a dead black woman on Youtube, did Yellowface and supported Onision, in 2018, someone who outwardly did blackface and didn’t regret it, making all of this “it’s not reflective of his current content” complete bullshit for reasons stated within my “Older Archives”, but yeah... it’s a mess. The entire situation is a goddamn mess and im sick and tired of social media tolerating bigots, especially for such a long time, just because they make porn that they want. It’s disgusting, it’s repulsive, and it needs to stop.) become trending/get away with their behavior. 
Regardless of trends, the victims are more important than the views, and we need to start holding creators like this accountable at the moment where they do their wrongdoings so that history doesn’t continuiously repeat itself by having these kinds of creators getting what they want just because “But their porn is hot so it’s fine for them to be a bigot! 😭” logic that’s developed in fandoms over the years. It’s disgusting, and for this “cancel culture” needs changes, serious changes, if we ever hope to stop creators like this from becoming trending again. 
Justice needs to prevail, people need to be held accountable, not when doing so is “trending” or only doing so at crimes, but at the time where the wrongdoings happen, for the sake of us all. Vivziepop and the others need to be held accountable.
The victims need justice. There needs to be a change.
Please help hold Vivziepop accountable, please us this documentation to help you. It’s our only chance, please help. I did what I could. So I hope that this helps.
Thank you, and have a great day. Goodbye.
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shittyleitnerideas · 4 years
a leitner that is any and all of onionson's books. they're so spiral aligned to the point you feel pain.
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opinated-user · 9 months
Lily (along with a TOTALLY real ‘anon’) are making fun of you for reblogging some of Cypher’s older posts. I say this not to just inform you more about Lily’s desperate attempts to shame you into silence and be able to be the only one controlling the narrative about herself again. But also to tell you that I found these posts very enlightening and informative about just what a manipulative MONSTER that Lily can be. I had honestly forgotten about/just not been able to see several of those older posts about LO’s extremely abusive behaviors/tantrums, and want to thank you IMMENSELY for bringing so many of these perhaps-forgotten posts back into the limelight.
I mean, fuck, Lily obviously REALLY does not want those fucking posts to be seen/talked about by anybody else again, so you must be doing SOMETHING right with this!
i had forgotten myself that at some point LO did really try to accuse Cypher of "grooming her" by... trying to be a good friend to her. even though the one openly thirsting over her was LO. i had also forgotten entirely the kind of role that MO played in the Cypher situation. always being there to try to soften LO's outburst, being the pacifier, the "friendlier" face that people could turn to... it brings me to mind to the role that she had with KP. if it wasn't because because MO seemed so nice, KP would have stopped hanging out with LO a lot more sooner than she did. i don't know, it's really giving me kai, the husband of onision, vibes that i do not like. it's uncomfortable indeed. it was extremely ironic that MO listed a bunch of old friends that LO had since before meeting her, as some kind of proof that LO is not that hard to hang out with ... and some of those names have completely dissapeared from her circle today.
she's probably upset too that i'm sharing the posts that have archived evidence of everything they say.
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puppy-selfship · 4 years
things we should bring back in 2021
making fun of on*sion
thank you for your time
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peachyteabuck · 4 years
are you ever so tired it takes effort to get your eyes to focus
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