#oooo he's grumpy
rocketrouquine · 3 months
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Okay ?
Okay. Now calm down, you know they won’t do us dirty, devil’s minion nation. And also Luke is here to stay, it’s reeeeeally not a snap moment when you already spent years together. (Even if one of them don’t remember it… for now)
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rebelliousdandy · 3 months
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lucky number 7 lets gooooo
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merakiui · 2 years
This hits too close too home LOL but what sucks for Rolo is that I actually don't want to do anything with him, I just want to mess with him and leave
Rollo really is left with the age-old devices: imagination and hands.
He would be such a fun person to mess with! It doesn't even have to be in a romantic or lewd way. Just really random and friendly silliness. Rollo is always annoyed when the two of you get together to study (whether at a café or at the library or even in either of your dorms) and it ends with the both of you debating the best food in the world, favorite gargoyles at Noble Bell, best things to do during festivals, etc. Somehow he always finds himself getting roped into your nonsense and as a result the work/studying never gets done. Yet oddly enough his mind feels so clear afterwards. It's as if the nonsensical conversations are what he needs to de-stress and take his mind off of other troublesome things.
Or when the two of you somehow end up having too many inside jokes because of how much you tease and joke around with him. It's gotten to the point where his classmates think that your every gesture is some secret code because you and Rollo are so close and friendly (he'll write all of them up if he must so they'll stop gossiping! >:( but secretly he likes it when you playfully wink and poke at him; your presence is just what he needs to relax from the stress of school life).
Or when you do flirt with him and he really thinks something more is going to come of it, but then you'll flick his nose or steal his hat and run off, and he's left to chase after you, all while reprimanding you that disturbing the peace is highly frowned upon at Noble Bell! As the student council president, he won't allow you to cause trouble. Though he claims that, he always lets you off with a light warning. It seems the unshakable Rollo has a soft spot for you. But how could he not when you spend so much of your time with him? He's bound to soften when he gets to know you more.
Rollo will never admit it, but he enjoys chasing after you. When he catches up and scolds you for every childish disruption, he falls even further into love and he doesn't even realize it. You just seem to be good at charming him and he's weak to your upbeat nature. His diary is filled with neat scribbles of the daily occurrences that make him happy, and unsurprisingly your name is detailed in nearly every entry.
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floral-hex · 1 year
I just get so tired of waking up every day and having to claw my way up to some emotional baseline
#but really what choice do I have#just not wake up? not the healthiest option#probably need to up my meds#I just feel so defeated living each day like this#bleggghhh#so I take a small handful of pills and vitamins and drink my little coffee and chug water and try try try to distract myself#wining. whinging and wining and bitching and moaning.#what would my therapist suggest? try focusing on what’s real and logical and rational. not feelings and emotions?#but I just can’t always be logical with fucking chemicals in my brain#I can’t outthink chemicals or the days when my hearing gets real bad or even when I just don’t feel too fucking good my dude#try to focus on the good parts of tinnitus and bug hurty tummy ya butthole#okay he’s not a butthole he’s actually very very nice and has been very patient with me#but just let me be negative about this for a minute jeez#I’m so fucking grumpy these last few days#trying to… ugh I guess eat my feelings? I hate that phrase and I’m not over eating#but I have been I guess STRATEGICALLY EATING things I hope would temporarily boost my mood. sugary stuff. caffeine. junk.#god I wish I just had drugs for this. for when it gets too hard.#this sounds so pathetic. oooo nooo I just want to get high because im soooo sad 😭#I have three (3) klonopin left I save for bad days or anxiety or whatever and I doubt my doc is gonna give me more#I’ve been taking buspar for the past couple of weeks and I really don’t know if it helps#hell im not entirely convinced buspar is not only NOT adding anything but if I stop my body will hate me#need to go talk about that with the dr but my appointment is next month and im lazy about pushing it up sooner#we’ll see. probably do that tomorrow after I run some errands#is this exciting? getting to see me plan out my day tomorrow? gonna grab groceries and med refills. wow it’s an inside scoop just for you#anyway this is a lot of rambling and I’m sorry if you read any of this#I’m super duper poor right now but I think I’ll run to the gas station and get a big fucking huge soda so I can ride a small sugar high#uggghhhh what a waste of a post#you can ignore this#text
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yourgothiccqueen · 6 months
LN4 - “Formula One Sucks” Part 2
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Summary: Y/N and Lando go on their first date.
Pairings: Lando Norris x Female Reader
Warnings: Swearing, hints of sexual tension etc
Y/N glanced down at her phone, a small smile forming at her lips. There would only be one person messaging her so late at night.
lightning mcqueen: Soooo, what did you think of the race today? :)
The last thing she expected to happen after her begrudging trip to Silverstone was to end up texting a certain McLaren driver.
Well, it was more than texting really. There were calls too, every other day. Lando was a busy (understatement of the year) guy, but they’d found themselves falling into a comfortable routine of late night conversations.
y/n: didn’t watch it, was too busy washing my dog :,)
A lie, of course. Y/N had recently found herself infatuated with F1. She hadn’t missed a race. But she wasn’t going to let Lando feel smug about that.
lightning mcqueen: u little shit, you don’t have a dog!
y/n: says who?!
lightning mcqueen: you, on the phone last week!
y/n: 🤷‍♀️ maybe I was washing my friends dog?
lightning mcqueen: its okay, no need for lies - i know ur an f1 super fan now thanks to yours truly :D
Y/N felt a smile tug at her lips. Okay, he was smug. But it was kinda cute.
y/n: okayyyy, perhaps I did watch. And perhaps I thought you were rather impressive. happy now?
lightning mcqueen: very :) goodnight grumpy girl x
y/n: goodnight u smug bastard x
It didn’t take long for him to ask her on a date. It caught her by surprise, despite the ease at which they’d been chatting over the past month.
“What do you even wear on a date with an F1 driver?” Y/N groaned, flopping back on to her bed.
Piles of clothes were scattered around the room, deemed totally unacceptable for a date with Lando Norris.
“Not this.” Her friend Annie, grimaced, picking up a bright pink Oodie off of the floor.
“Yeah no shit!”
“Look, you must have something in here.” Annie rummaged through the wardrobe. “Where’s he taking you anyway?”
“Someplace in central. It’s not too fancy, but it’s definitely fancier than the pink Oodie.” Y/N pointed.
“Oooo. This could work!” Annie pulled out a relatively new, seemingly unworn black dress. “Can’t go wrong with a little black dress.”
Y/N’s eyes widen - “I can’t wear that!”
“Why the hell not?”
“It’s too…showy. I bought it on a whim. For a nice occasion.”
Annie rolled her eyes “if you’re not going to wear it on a date with a super hot formula one driver, then when the hell are you gonna wear it?!”
Fair point.
Stood outside the restaurant, Y/N felt her nerves begin to grow. What the hell was she doing? She didn’t do this sort of thing! If she’d had told herself a month ago that she’d be going on a date with Lando, she’d have laughed in her own face. This was wild. This was ridiculous. This was positively insane in fact!
Suddenly whipped out of her own thoughts, Y/N turned around.
Oh god, he looked bloody gorgeous.
He smiled at her, his eyes twinkling as he did. His white shirt was a stark contrast against his tan skin. His curly hair was slightly more tamed than usual - he’d clearly made an effort, which made Y/N’s heart race even faster.
“Hey!” She managed to stutter out, sounding far more confident than she felt inside.
“Hi! God I’m so sorry I’m late, were you waiting long?” Lando queried.
Y/N had failed to notice that he was late in the first place, having been so in her own head.
“No just got here.” She smiled. “You look really nice.” She paused, a fleeting moment of confidence. “For a smug bastard, of course.”
A quick laugh left Lando’s mouth.
“Ha! You look lovely too, despite being the world's grumpiest woman, of course.”
“Oh of course.” Y/N giggled, as they made their way inside.
He’d chosen well - it was beautiful inside the restaurant, but not fancy enough to make Y/N feel uncomfortable.
Y/N placed her phone down on the table as she sat, and Lando couldn’t help but catch a glimpse.
“Wait, why am I called Lightning McQueen in your phone?” He laughed.
“Because you’re fast - duh!”
“Lightning McQueen is red.” Lando retorted, a look of exasperation written across his face, as he made himself comfortable in his chair.
Lando rolled his eyes, jokingly.
"There's nothing wrong with red cars!" Y/N exclaimed.
“Well, I prefer orange myself. Gimme your phone, I’ve got a better name.”
“If I must”
Y/N passed her phone across the table and into Lando's hand. His fingers brushed hers as she did so. Despite their playful bickering, she couldn't help but wish she could leave her hand on his a moment longer.
God, she was fully gone and she'd only been sat in his presence for less than five minutes. He was going to be the death of her.
Lando typed into Y/N’s phone momentarily, before passing it back, a small smirk on his face.
“Lando ‘The Hunk’ Norris?” She laughed, eyebrows raising. “Really?”
“Well, it’s much more accurate, don’t you think?”
He folded his arms across his chest. Y/N felt herself begin to blush, so decided the sane response was to hide herself behind the menu.
"Well?" Lando quipped.
"Well what, Lando 'The Hunk' Norris?" Y/N spoke, glancing up at the curly haired man. His eyes bore into hers, a slight mischievous glint to them.
"Aren't you going to agree?"
"You want me to tell you that you are in fact, a 'hunk'?" She retorted.
Lando leaned back in his chair. "I suppose I don't need you to. The fact that you've gone bright red says it all."
Y/N felt her blush deepen.
"You're a cocky bastard. you know that?"
"I haven't had any complaints yet."
The rest of the date passed in a blur of midly flirtatious comments and an abundance of sexual innuendos. Y/N wasn't sure what she had been expecting when she'd agreed to a date with Lando. She'd presumed he'd be polite, and sincere and kind - which he was. But what she hadn't anticipated was his quick wit and his ability to call her out. She liked it. She liked it very much indeed.
Perhaps she'd finally met her match.
By the time they left the restaurant the sun had long set, and a light drizzle had set in.
Y/N felt the breath leave her lungs as Lando took his hand in hers.
"Thank you." He smiled, softly.
"What for, exactly?" She questioned, half unable to focus on anything except the feeling of his warm hand in hers.
"For...this. It's not often I get to meet someone who... makes me feel so normal. Someone who isn't afraid to say what's on their mind. It's nice."
Once again, a blush crept up Y/N's neck and towards her cheeks.
"Well, I am pretty incredible." She winked.
"Oh, shut up!"
"Make me."
Lando stepped forward, and in one breathe his lips crashed into her own. It was messy at first, filled with passion and unresolved sexual tension, before they found their rhythm. She closed her eyes, feeling his strong hands wrapped around her waist. His mouth molded against hers, warmth spilling throughout her body. He was perfect. His mouth moved in perfect timing against hers, as she entwined her hands at the base of his hair, letting her fingers run through his curls. She could stand her forever, she thought, with her body pressed against his, his mouth against hers.
Eventually, Y/N pulled away first, gazing up into Lando's darkened eyes. His lips were swollen and wet - she already wanted to kiss him again.
"Want to continue this date at mine?" She whispered, unable to leave his gaze.
"Say no more."
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ebony-blood · 3 months
Do the boys (The Lost Boys) get competitive? 👀
Oooo good question!
I'm gonna do this in 2 contexts, with their mate and in general.
So, in general the boys are really competitive, give them a deck of Uno cards and relationships will be torn down and have to be rebuilt. David and Marko are the most competitive, those two will start screaming at each other across a table if one of them puts down a draw 4. David has once absolutely fucking lost his mind and almost threw Paul in the ocean after he back-to-back laid down three draw 4s. David has literally never forgiven him for that, and he'll hold that grudge to the end of his life.
On the other hand, with their mate, the competitiveness is turned up to 1000. The four will shove, kick, push, whatever they can to be the first to give you a kiss when you get in the cave. Those four rats will quite literally push each other out of the way to snuggle up to you. David will straight up shove the other three out of the way if they get to you first just for a fucking forehead kiss.
David is without a doubt the most competitive, in every sense, from races to trying to get your attention, he gives it 1000% of whatever energy he has at the time and then lays against you, all content and purring.
Marko is always only a few steps behind David in competitiveness. He wants you just as bad as David does if not more, he's just always out-competed by David, and he always gets grumpy and pouty after "losing" in their little competition.
Paul is next, he's way less competitive, but holy shit if he doesn't want your love and affection. Paul is very, VERY impatient, and he desperately wants to be held by you, but when the other three steal your attention first, he gets even more grumpy than Marko does.
Dwayne is literally not competitive at all, he knows you'll get to him eventually, he just gets a bit impatient with waiting. He'll usually just stand off to the side and wait for the other three to let go of you and stop hanging off you. He does hug you way tighter than the other three do.
All four boys will stop trying to compete if someone else tries to get your attention, then they just get pissed and pull you away from the "Fucking weirdo freak" trying to steal you from them.
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oneforthemunny · 8 months
I now need hockey!eddie to say "oooo you wanna kiss me so bad rn"
he's the type to be like mid argument- not a serious one, just a little bickering match. he forgot to close the toilet seat and you're grumpy and that set you over the edge. you're upset, yelling at him, just bitching him out, and he's upset too, but also-
"let me just say one fuckin' thing? can i say one fuckin' thing please?"
you huff, throwing your hands up. "fine, eddie. what? what do you have to say?"
eddie's brows are furrowed, upset and angry. "i'm gonna be honest with you, because i know that's what you want me to be." and you're ready to scream at him, furious and revved up even more. "i am rock fuckin' hard right now."
you blink. "what? what did you just say to me?"
"look, i've been listening to you, and-and i get where you're coming from. i'm definitely going to work on that, promise. but like, babe," he looks down at his crotch. "you want me to be honest? tell you how i feel? i feel horny. i'm turned the fuck on, and i'm sorry about it, but that's just what happens."
you're a little confused, a little angry but less now. "you wanted me to be honest so i am! and i didn't want you to see it and get mad, but like it's there, and it's not going away, because you're hot right now. this is doin' something to me, alright?"
"eddie, what the fuck-"
"-and i really think you just wanna kiss me right now." eddie can feel your anger disappearing, though you huffed at him in annoyance. "you wanna kiss me soooo bad, and i know it. so just do it! get it over with!"
you shove him instead, shoulder checking him dramatically as you stomp past him, his hand catching your wrist, pulling you back into him, peppering your face with kisses, erection grinding into your ass as you squeal and try to push him away half-heartedly.
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lexithwrites · 6 hours
jegulus with trans James headcanons??
Oooo I love trans James too, v underrated headcanon
- if regulus was cis I feel like he’d still be extremely gay and he goes to queer events in his town with Sirius and that’s how he meets James
- he hasn’t had top yet but like the slut he is (affectionate) he walks around with his binder on and some sweats and regulus is just drooling
- testosterone did amazing things for his jawline and back definition too Oof regulus wants to climb him like a tree
- also trans James has the potential for them to be either the same height or taller regulus and hehehehehe I love it, James likes looking up at this hot, mysterious, grumpy nerd and flirting with him
- James tries to act like his sex drive hasn’t gone up because he doesn’t wanna scare regulus off but reg is all for it
- when they first start dating James is always trying to impress him with his clothing and like wants to be super masculine but reg just thinks he’s hot in whatever he wears (the suits are a plus)
- they go to so many drag shows together and bars and clubs and they’re just in their own little queer lovely bubble
- deciding who tops and who bottoms is a bit of a challenge bevause neither of them knows what they’d prefer
- they try both
- James bottoms first and reg is kinda nervous because he’s had one boyfriend and was the bottom but James assures him he’ll do so good and he’s wanted this since they met
- reg is,,,very good with his tongue (james’ voice does get a little higher and it makes reg rock hard)
- they’re both very open about their likes and dislikes, in and out of the bedroom, they’re great communicators
- James is also fiercely protective of regulus because a lot of gay/bisexual men will approach him and he’s like ‘nope he’s mine’ and will just kiss him
- regulus is very helpful when it comes to dysphoria, I feel like James hates his chest but can’t afford surgery rn and regulus is always telling him that he’s handsome no matter what, that he’s HIS man no matter what
- effie and Monty are always nervous when they meet james’ partners because they don’t want their son to be taken advantage of or used so they’re kinda tough on reg at first but they warm up to him almost immediately and realise he’s the most supportive partner James has had
- james’ parents have trans and pride flags outside their house too, they’re the best ally’s
- when James does get surgery regulus is there every step of the way, he stays in the hospital the entire time and when he wakes up he covers his face in kisses and brings him flowers and helps him home, he cleans him and makes sure he’s got enough pain killers, he’s very attentive
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acroagoraphobe · 4 months
Headcannons for living with Joshua Graham mordern AU?
Oooo.. I already have agood few so ima put em all together!
And a good few new ones too!
Ungodly amount of decorative pillows in his house, all over the couches, on the beds.
Its literally the worst, All the beds have uncomfy decorative comforters.
He doesn't really get out of the house except for church, so he just sits in his room reading most of the time.
Probably goes to book club on the weekends with the church ladies though.
Lots and lots of potted plants. So many potted plants. inside and outside the house.
Does not cook. Since even in a modern AU.. bad history with fires (His last house got burnt down at the last legion cookout.) So you have to cook for him.
He also doesn't have a microwave because he doesn't trust them.
Divorced Dad. Need I say more?
Sits on the porch reading when not at book club, church, or in his room. Sometimes he stares menacingly at passerby.
Pet Gecko he keeps in his room in a gecko tank? enclosure? whatever the hell you call the lizard storage.
You will probably hear him complain passive agressively that the dishes aren't done, yet he also doesn't do them.
Laundry though, that shit is done, dried, ironed, and folded perfectly and put up. As much as he complains about doing laundry he sure likes doing it.
there's so many crosses hung up in his house. (Reminds me of that one thing where a guy's grandma hung up a foam Minecraft sword because she thought it was a cross.)
The king of horrendous, Live laugh love things. Utensil holder, front door sign. DOORMAT.
Will constantly complain about people in the park Larping if he ever does go outside and be grumpy in the park (He used to be a larper, he's just a bitchy old man)
Can't work a computer to save his life. Somehow gets it to blue screen by opening a single tab in google. Do not let him near your computer.
He has a flip phone. No you cannot argue this. And he leaves it in the worst places and he has like the worst ringtone option possible. It's so annoying. Dear god is it annoying.
This man does not own a single pair of non-cargo shorts, or sweatpants. it's either formal or 80's dad. Yes he wears Newbalances.
The wallpaper in his house is like all like floral print and its super ugly but Joshua genuinely really likes it so you don't wanna point it out that it's ugly as fuck. But he knows deep down that its absolutely hideous snd refuses to acknowledge it like how he refuses to acknowledge his mistakes and when he's wrong in an argument and then just silently sits there and says nothing angrily.
The most inconvenient locks are broken. bathroom lock? broken when he bought the house. Bedroom lock? Broke because he slammed the door too hard and then it didn't latch and he slammed it again over snd over and he got more pissed at the door so he punched it really hard.
He gets realllyyyy pissy sometimes. Like i mean hella pissy. Like for no reason either. best to leave him to his own devices.
Just does random lore drops like "I used to be on a bowling team. and once almost killed a man with a bowling ball." then walks off back to his room.
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Hello!! Imagine that fem reader is Edgeshot's daughter, but no one knows about it, because he wanted a good childhood for her without paparazzi and too much attention. Now reader in UA and dating with Bakugo and she wants to introduce him to her dad. Love you🥰
Masterlist MHA Masterlist #2
Who's Daughter? - Bakugou x Reader
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2045 words
Warnings: none
+ You are the daughter of Edgeshot and girlfriend to Bakugou Katsuki. You had been dating for a while, and your parents want to finally meet him. The problem is that noone knows you are the daughter of Edgeshot, so Bakugou is in for a surprise.
Quirk- Light Ribbon Whips (Mother has a light quirk)
It was a quiet evening at UA. I was scrolling through Facebook while Bakugou was asleep on my chest. I was gently running my fingers through his blonde spikes. He hummed in delight in his sleep. The domesticity of the situation was making my heart flutter.
We have been dating for a while. He had asked me out not long after we moved into the dorms and it was bliss. I was apprehensive at first due to how he was but he convinced me to let him prove himself. He never did anything halfway.
"Cuteness..." I muttered as I brushed the hair from his forehead. My phone softly ringing pulled me out of my stuper. "Hello?"
"Hi there, my Little Whip."
"His Dad." I whispered.
"Something wrong?" His voice became alert.
"Nope. Bakugou is just asleep." I said. My parents knew Bakugou and I spent time in each other's room. They trusted me and didn't tell Aizawa either.
"Oh, alright. That's good." He relaxed. "Actually, he's part of the reason I called."
"Oh really?" I looked down at the boy. I began to run my free hand through his hair again.
"Yes. Your mother and I would like to finally meet him. He makes you so happy and that makes us happy. We don't want to rush anything so when he's ready, we're ready. Just let us know."
"Alright. Wow." I chuckled softly. I stilled when Bakugou shifted. "I'll ask him. But don't go all big tough dad on him Okay. I'm pretty sure he'll just blow up on you."
"Oh, I know. I've met the young man out on the field. I'm more curious to see his reaction when he realizes who your dad is."
"That'll be something." I chuckled softly. "What was the other thing you wanted to talk about?"
"Oh, that was for your mother. Kei! Your turn."
"Thank you." I heard the phone being passed. "Hi Honey."
"Hi mom."
"I just wanted to let you know that I will be leaving in two days for England for work. I'll be gone for around two days."
"Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know. I don't want to call you while you're sleeping, Mama Bear."
"Oh you!" She laughed. "I'm not that grumpy waking up."
"Yes you are!" I heard dad in the background. I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't laugh out loud.
"Alright, alright." She huffed. "Goodnight, sweetie."
"Goodnight you guys." I hung up and plugged my phone in. I used my whip to hit the light switch and settled in myself.
It wasn't until lunch the next day that I brought it up with Bakugou. I waited for him to get to the table while trying to think of how to ask him. About halfway through lunch I just decided to ask him outright.
"Hey Bakugou?"
"Hmm?" He looked up at me from where he was leant over his bowl.
"How would you like to meet my parents?" I asked quickly. He choked suddenly, hitting his chest to help.
"Oooo!" Kaminari chimed.
"Shut it spark plug." He glared at the boy with warning sparks before turning back to me. "What?"
"My parents want to meet you. There's no rush of when. Just wherever you're ready."
"Oh." He looked away. He became a little red in the face. I gnawed at my lip, nervous. "Can I think about it?"
"Of course. Whenever you're ready." I assured him. He nodded. I looked down and I went back to gnawing my lip.
"Hey." I felt his thumb press against my lip. I stopped and looked up at him. "Don't do that. It'll be alright."
"Okay." He got up, gave me a peck, and left the table. I shared a look with Kiri and he gave me a smile.
"It'll be okay like he said. It's Bakugou, this is new to him."
"You're right." I nodded before looking in the direction Bakugou went off.
"Since when has Kacchan been so soft?" A giggle forced its way out as that quickly became the topic of the table.
It was a few days before Bakugou came to me with an answer. He was quiet for those few days. Unusually quiet. He still spent time with me but he was noticeably distracted. I was starting to get discouraged when he showed up at my room.
"Baby?" I looked up to see him leaving against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. He was watching me with a sorry look on his face.
"Hey." I smiled up at him. I was sitting on the edge of my bed with a book in my lap. He gave me a small smile before pushing off the frame.
"First of all, I would like to apologize." He sat on his knees in front of me. "I've been really distant lately. This just threw me off guard. You know that all this sappy relationship stuff is new to me."
"Yeah. I know." I reached up and brushed his cheek. "I knew this would be a bit jarring. But I knew you could handle it."
"Yeah. Of course I can." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "But on a serious note. I would like to meet your parents."
"Really?" My eyes widened. He nodded. "Awesome. I promise they'll be on their best behavior. As long as you are on your best behavior too."
"Huh!" Before I could blink, I was tackled back onto my bed. "I'm always on my best behavior." He yelled.
"Bakugou!" I laughed. "Maybe we should revisit your definition of 'best'." I poked him in the chest. He glared at me before huffing. He plopped down next to me. "So when were you thinking?"
"This weekend, maybe?" He looked at me.
"Okay. I'll call my parents."
"Okay. There's no need to be nervous. My parents are really cool and laid back." I ran my fingers through his hair. He just watched me. He was dressed normally. Black jeans with a simple long sleeve orange shirt.
"I'm not nervous, babe. I think I can handle your parents." He pushed my hand away. I bit down a smirk and he must have taken it as a nervous bite. He brushed his thumb across my lip. "It'll be alright."
"I know." I kissed him softly. He cupped the back of head, deepening the kiss. I pulled away reluctantly. I don't think it would be nice for my parents to find us making out on the doorstep. "Come on. Oh, and don't be too surprised, okay?"
"Surprised? What are you talking about, women?" I just chuckled, pulling him towards the door. I could feel his glare on the back of my head.
"Mom! Dad! We're here!"
"Finally!" Dad exclaimed.
"Shinya!" I heard mom scold followed by a whack and a grunt. I chuckled. We kicked off our shoes at the door and I heard a small popping. I glanced at Bakugou's hand and saw a Spark before he clenched it into a fist.
"Not nervous, huh?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Shut up." He grumbled. I grabbed his hand, kissed it, and led him through the living room to the dining room. I could see the dining room table set up before my mother stepped into the room.
"Hello! It is so nice to finally meet you, Bakugou. I'm Y/N's mother, Nissa Kamihara." She held out her hand to him. I could see him grasp her hand gently before shaking it.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too." I could hear the very small shake to his voice.
"Shin. Come on in here!"
"Coming!" Out of the kitchen, my dad appeared. His normal jagged, high hair was in a low ponytail that was draped over his shoulder. He was wiping his hands off with a dish towel. "Welcome Mr. Bakugou." He held out his and they shared a firm handshake. I could see a flash of recognition in Bakugou's eyes and held back a chuckle.
"Hello sir." Bakugou nodded. After they let go, Dad pulled me into his side.
"We've missed you, kid." He hugged me tight and kissed my head. He let me go and I went to hug mom.
"Wait... do I know you?" The confusion on Bakugou's face was amusing. I went and stood next to him as he looked at Dad. He looked at me next. "Babe, I swear that I..."
"Ha ha." I started laughing and buried my head in his shoulder. I could hear my Mom giggling too.
"Hey! What?!" He snapped. I could tell he was irritated but only slightly. He hit my hip to get my attention.
"You actually do know me, Mr. Bakugou." I could see the confusion and irritation grow.
"Just tell him, Dad. Before he blows a fuse." Said boy gave me a small side glare.
"Fine. Fine." Dad chuckled. He walked over to the closet he kept his hero suit in. He pulled out his mask, neck wrap, and shoulder guard. Bakugou's eyes squinted before widering in recognition.
"Edgeshot! Your father is Edgeshot?!" He turned to me.
"What? Why didn't you..." He trained off before turning back to dad. "I thought you didn't have a family." Dad smiled before turning to Mom and pulled her into his side.
"How about I explain over dinner?"
"So you see, I just want to protect them. From the media, from villains, everything that is involved with the hero life especially since we had Y/N so young."
"Damn." Bakugou leant back in his chair.
"Yeah. It's not logical for a hero to have a family so young but I wouldn't do it any different." He squeezed moms hand. "Now that Y/N is on her way to being a hero herself, I'm not as worried anymore."
"Are you going to let the world know that you have a family?"
"Possibly. In reality it's not any of the world's business." Bakugou nodded. His hand absentmindedly moved to my thigh in a tense grip. I could tell there was something on his mind. I reached up and ran my hand through his hair.
"Whatcha thinking about, Blasty?"
"Was it hard? Balancing the hero work and your personal life?" Dad sat silent for a minute.
"Yeah. It was. There were times where it was really hard and trying. Times where We didn't know if we could make it through. But it was all worth it in the end."
"Okay." I set my hand on top of his.
After that, the evening became lighter. Bakugou began to act like his normal self. I think he felt more comfortable after realizing he actually knew my Dad. Mom got a taste of the real Bakugou. The angry pomeranian and the soft Bakugou hours. I even heard my Dad and Bakugou having a one on one that I refused to eavesdrop on.
"See you later guys." I called as we left. We walked hand and hand down the sidewalk in a comfortable silence.
"You know, your quirk makes a lot more sense now." He suddenly said.
"Why's that?"
"I always thought that your quirk was similar in a way to Edgeshots in a way. So now it makes more sense."
"Surprise." I chuckled.
"I can't believe you tell me or I didn't figure it out."
"Well in your defense, I don't share a name with my dad for reasons. And I never made any indication of who he was."
"No you didn't!" He grabbed my sides and began to tickle me. I squealed and fought against him. He eventually stopped and just held me to him. He hooked his chin over my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you thought."
"Nah." He turned me around. "I understand why you didn't. It's okay."
"Hmm." I smiled before reaching up and nuzzling my nose against his. I kissed him softly. "Kami's right. You have gotten soft." His face shifted in an instant. I laughed, knowing I stirred him up.
"Wha..." I quickly pushed away and ran.
"Race you back!"
"Oh! You little brat!" I heard the familiar popping of his quirk. "You know you can't beat me. No matter if you're a pro's daughter or not."
God, did I love my angry pomeranian.
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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Thoughts on werewolf!Captain Mactavish
He’s older, more reserved but still as passionate. Just less reckless. Instead of a wolf at the front of the pack growling, he seems like the one who sits under the main man (captain Price) and act docile while actually protecting his own with his own body.
Still as vicious and carnal, but more controlled. Ruthless and calculated in a way that seems reckless. Big pup who nips at the younger ones when they do something wrong but he’s the first one to protect his pack. Big grumpy Scottish puppy.
I have brainrot I apologize
Oooo I like werewolves lol
I agree that Captain MacTavish (whether we’re talking 09 or like a version of the reboot) is less reckless but just as impassioned about well everything as he used to be. I also agree that no matter ranking, he’s always going to listen to Price because that’s just who he is. He respects the man so much he’s willing to pull back and wait.
Definitely ready to bark and snap at anyone who makes a dumb mistake but he’s also willing to guide and teach when needed. But as always, he’s loyal to a fault and will protect his pack like his life depends on it
Werewolves :)
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mikuni14 · 2 months
Century of Love - Ep 3
Oh, but I loved this episode! I was afraid that San would be an asshole and go to Vee out of sheer necessity to help himself, not to apologize to him. AND THAT'S WHAT HE DID! 😆 But it was very cleverly done. First, San denies that he will absolutely, under NO circumstances, marry Vee, even if he were to DIE. Then the goddess wipes the floor with him and San gives up lmao, goes to Vee and proposes an ARRANGE MARRIAGE FOR MONEY!
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Yes, Vee, me too, I was like :OOOO the whole time 😆😆😆 What a brilliant idea to preserve San's dick..nessy?, his "faithfulness" to Wat, and at the same time significantly move the plot forward. In general, I really like the way the action unfolds and doesn't waste time on boring stuff, stupidity and classic misunderstandings in this situation, which I totally expected. San quickly finds out that Vee is innocent, Vee already knows about the magic stone and that San is an everyone's favorite oji-chan and about the reincarnation. I also really like the idea of ​​marriage, I think it's brilliant.
I also liked the scene in Vee's apartment. He himself masking his pain, anger, guilt and injustice with laughter and self-deprecation, because he screwed up his life with a stupid mistake and simply being poor. And San, who came to Vee all angry and bristling, and at one point looked at Vee - and himself - in a different way, realizing that Vee was now where he once was. It was very good. I really appreciate moments like this in my BLs 💖
Chibi San as usual did not disappoint, this kid deserves all the awards. He was exactly the perfect mix of grumpy and sweet 🧁 And the way he carries himself in these oversized clothes, like it's no big deal, just everyday activity lol what a little dude! I kind of want to see BTS scenes with him, is he naturally like that :)
San's family is still fantastic. How much do they put up with grandpa's bullsh... I mean his complicated love life, which is also their main source of entertainment lol
The series tirelessly revolves around the topic of death, the difficulties of accepting it and separation from the person to whom one owes so much, and the determination to stop it, even at the cost of everything.
Daou and Offroad really give their all in this series, I don't know how Daou manages these constant scenes of acting out pain. And Offroad seamlessly switches between the always smiling Vee (how often it's a mask he wears so that others don't worry about him or not interfered in his problems, assuming that he was ok?), and those moments when he shows his pain and stress and anger at what his life is like and how he is being treated by life, strangers and circumstances. Also, Offroad is incredibly beautiful and has moments when he looks so seductively, for example in the scene in Vee's apartment when San is thinking about Vee and himself from the past and catches Vee's looking at him… gods 🔥🔥🔥 (hope someone will gif it! 👉👈). I'm going crazy because of them.
Wild theory time! Grandma is Wat, she will eat a stone and regain her youth and look like a young Wat, but San will already be half in love with Vee. Chaos ensues hehe 🤡
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brave-and-gentle · 14 days
Here's a headcanon one! The Trio™️ visit a museum!
Oooo I love this, thank you for the head canon idea!
Sasha and Connie love the high-touch, interactive museums. They're eager to run through and touch EvErYtHiNg. It's one of the few places their shenanigans are welcomed. They feel right at home in children's museums.
At first, Jean pretends not to care about any kind of museum, he just hangs back and watches Sasha and Connie go buck wild. That is until they drag him over to one of the interactive stations. With a grumpy attitude, Jean finally admits that maybe...just maybe...this is *kinda* fun.
Sasha especially loves interactive stations involving water - even better when she can splash Connie and Jean.
For a birthday present, Sasha and Connie surprise Jean with tickets to an art museum. These two struggle a little more at the art museum where they're explicitly forbidden to touch anything, but Jean tells them that if they're well behaved they can have a treat from the gift shop and/or cafe. At first Connie protests that since it's Jean's birthday that doesn't make any sense, but a feral Sasha is already salivating at the idea of a post-museum lunch.
Jean is in awe at the art museum. He completely loses all sense of time as he wanders up and down the different levels, consumed by all the different art styles from various decades. He plans to imitate a few in his sketches at home.
He's rudely interrupted by a loud speaker announcement asking who came to the museum with a Sasha Braus and Connie Springer, and if they can come to security to pick them up. Uh oh...
Jean arrives at security to find his two friends guilty of rough housing too close to an invaluable painting. Sasha and Connie fall to their knees and apologize to Jean - they know his temper all too well.
Lucky for them, exploring the art museum put Jean in a good mood, and he's still touched by the birthday gift (even though he'll never admit it). Instead, he just rolls his eyes at them and says lunch is on him, which they are thrilled by.
Jean buys himself a new sketch book at the gift shop, while Sasha gets a stuffed animal and Connie gets a psychedelic-looking poster.
PS - my bad this took a few days!!
It was fun to dream up and write, I adore head canon requests <3
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merakiui · 5 months
wait mera!!!! in the lost city au, if floyb is the cover model and azul is the eccentric billionaire, then who’s taking brad pitt’s role????
OOOO hmmm,,, I think Rook would be the most fitting for that role despite what ultimately happens to him in the film. ;;;; the role is eccentric enough to suit the equally eccentric Rook.
I rewatched the film recently and some of Alan's dialogue with the characters really does feel like Floyb. That exchange when Alan insists on coming with to help Jack Trainer for "back-up and awesomeness" or when Jack Trainer asks if he likes "this woman" (referring to Loretta) and Alan replies with, "Well, I just brought snacks. I know she gets kinda grumpy when she doesn't eat and I get it. I'm a five-meals-a-day kinda guy." AAAAAA IT FEELS SO FLOYB TO ME!!!! OTL
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi!!! Your posts are always amazing and I have so many bookmarked because you create the best little collections. Anyway, I am in a big BL rut right now and I can't seem to get into anything. Any fast-paced, recs that can bring me out of my slump? Thanks so so much :)
Oooo, fast paced is pretty subjective lemme think...
Imma got with the narrative sense of the word pacing (rather than just an in-your-face fast-moving plot, although that too,) so: good tension, craft, and narrative. Here's my pulls - I went broad and into the well, in case you had seen some recent stuff.
10 Fast-Paced BLs to Pull You Out of a Slump
(I'm assuming you have seen KinnPorsche)
I did a quick pitch for each cause I'm drunk so maybe they're funny, all spelling errors are my own and the result of growing up in 3 different English speaking nations and 2 non-English ones.
Someone wanted more elevator pitches a while ago, here ya go!
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Our Dating Sim - nerds in love, reunion, deadlines, gaming, teasing, pining tiny idiots, ADORABLE
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2. Semantic Error - you cannot be a BL fan and not have watched this, the ultimate enemies to lovers, also the prettiest
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3. To My Star - neurotic actor (actual puppy), grumpy chef, sparks, cooking lessons, LOVE!
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4. We Best Love - defines fast paced in romance, literally when asked why his character fell in love so fast Yu said, "well I only had one 20 minute episode." Yet... we BELIEVED IT.
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5. HIStory 2: Crossing the Line - it's a perfect sports romance, don't bother me with trifles
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6. Not Me - also how do you say antidisestablishmentarianism in Thai? + hot boys kissing who probably shouldn't be and convoluted soap opera identical twins plot... someone at GMMTV thought it made sense, we just here for the tattoos and the the Pride scene
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7. The Eighth Sense - who let Korea be this angsty? SO MUCH TENSION.
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8. Unintentional Love Story - omg the plot, forced into a totally understandable betrayal, falling in love despite himself, put into a corner he can't get out of, the AGONY, the eyes EMOTING at us in PAIN
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9. HIStory 3: Trapped - hot cop falls in love with hotter mafia boss he is chasing for MURDER (bonus weirdly domesticated switch-blade wielding hit-man obsessed with geeky police tech support - COME ON)
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10. Long Time No See - assassins, cat fishing, either side of a turf war, HOT sex scenes then even hotter beating the shit out of each other and kissing while COVERED IN BLOOD (this came from KOREA?)
All kinds of flavors.
One of them just HAS to work!
If not, you could go for shorts. Try Strongberry:
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chansbabygirlsstuff · 11 months
Just a bet Chapter 2
As I sat with the girls at the table they only looked at me confused and then at Chan and then back at me, "Oh, he said he wants to study with us...hope it's not a problem" I say with a shy smile, I'm nearly making 'friends' and now they think I'm weird, fuck I should've said no to him.
 "No worries it's completely fine, hi Chan how are you?" Mina said with a flirtatious voice, OK yeah... I should've said no to him, now all the attention is on the pretty boy next to me.
As we grabbed our books to start studying Chan grabbed his book and started doodling or something idk, and I got to my book and started doing research on the victim's side of the declaration with Lia while Yuna, Mina, and Tzuyu started looking into the defendant's case to see the reasons he got prison for 18 years.
"Ugh I can't believe he actually did that," Tzuyu said mad at what she was reading "Yeah he deserves more years in jail than this," Yuna said angrily. "to be honest I would've to chop his dick off," I said looking at the papers in front of me, then I felt everyone silent and staring at me as I looked up "what? it's true," I said as Chan next to me laughed "You're so aggressive," he said chuckling. To be honest, the afternoon went nice we finished our project and Chan was silent and just made jokes once in a while, it was a chill time, nice maybe this would be the start of new friends.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day 
Yesterday Chan left before us because his friends were waiting for him, and I had a good time with my classmates.
As I was closing my locker there was a face on the other side of my locker door holding a notebook, "Thank you so much Y/n I owe you my life" Hyunjin said giving my statistics book back "Yeah, yeah sure" Tired of his dramatic ways of saying things "Don't be grumpy I know it's so early and tomorrow is Saturday, so that means you're invited to my party tonight?" he said with a smile in his face and his hands up to his shoulders offering the invitations to me "thanks Hyunjin, but you know that's not my thing" I said closing the locker "that's why I'm inviting you, you need some fun in your life, your always the same boring y/n I know" yeah Hyunjin and I were classmates at elementary so we can say we know each other somehow "yeah but I already have plans" you say lazily "oooo with a boy?" he says moving his eyebrows up and down? "ew no, with myself I mean" "aww see this is what I mean you're boring as fuck" " I don't know no one there" I said as I began to walk and he followed behind "You know me"   "yeah but I bet you're leaving me alone before the night starts" I remark "Chan is going to be there and you also met Han" he said "yeah man, whats up with Chan?" I said and he looked confused "Wdym I heard he is trying to be friends with you " 
"yeah but he feels like a creepy stalker just out of the blue talking to someone he doesn't know" "Well yeah that's him being himself, but you should really come to the party and make friends," he says as we getting to our destination "stop having pitty for me Hyujin you know I hate that, and as you said that's me being me," I said as we enter statistics classroom and I sat down in my desk in the back and he sat next to me "I'm not having pitty, is just that you look..." he said trying to look for the right word "weird? strange? uncanny?? I said slightly offended and bothered as I know people see me that way  "No I mean you look lonely, like you need to socialize more with people, and people are not me" "Ugh Hyunjin you annoying," I said as I rested my head against the desk "ok, but just know that your invited k?" "yeah, yeah, now shoo, shoo" he left to sit with Chan as we all share statistics class for what we study.
4:48 pm
Class finished and I'm headed to my dorm now, finally, I can sleep and have my own God damn time, I can take a nice bath, maybe read a book or- "HEY WAIT UP" Chan screamed from behind me, oh no please Lord no! "hey I told you to wait" "yeah but I just wanted to ignore you" I said as I kept walking "rude" he scoffed "you have any plans for tonight?" he asked, here we go again "no... why" I sighed as I already know what's he gonna say "well there is this party tonight idk but they told me to bring someone so how about we go together?" he said looking at me with a smile on his face "well chan idk about that, parties are not my thing yk, I rather stay at home" "yuna and the girls are going to be there if your wondering" he said as we continue walking "and don't leave me alone in this" he said pouting "I bet you're not going to be alone" I said rolling my eyes playfully at him and smirking in his direction "oh don't be jealous y/n I can give you attention too baby" he said winking at me "no chan is not that, I stoped my tracks as he stoped as well, and I look at him "Parties are not my things I told you, and I just don't want to be there!" I raised my voice annoyed and a bit flustered by his comment which literally came out of the blue,
"OK fine, see how about you try it, I swear I'm not gonna let you alone, I'm not even going to drink for your sake, and if you don't like it then I'll take you back home k? you thought about it for some seconds and reminded yourself about what Hyunjin told you earlier. "Fine but if I don't like it you better bring me home, and you better be sobber ok?" "yay," he said and put his arms up and did a little dance "Where are we btw?" he said as we stopped at a bus stop "I'm going home idk about you tho" 
"wait what? no, let me take you home I have a car" 
"Don't worry about that, I'm already here, sorry for dragging you with me"
"No worries let me take you home seriously" You thought about feeling guilty and also thinking about what others could say about you
"Really?" you asked "Yeah totally," he said as we walked towards his car, he really had a nice car, it was black tall and big. 
As we got in he put on music and I recognized the song immediately "You like Rihanna?" "oh yes she is one of my favorites," he said as we were chilling to the music 
"you know y/n you a new one" "Pardon?" I ask confused as this is my second year here
"I mean you are different, you're cool you know, you don't give a shit about how you look, I'm not saying you don't look nice but mostly girls are so obsessed with their appearance, and your pretty chill, you have a vibe of the meaning free, like fuck everyone style, yk? even the way you talk, you stand up for yourself, I see why Hyunjin is your friend," he says looking at the road 
"Thanks... where did that come from" you chuckled as you were confused, nobody ever told you so many positive things about yourself, not even your parents. "idk man I'm just being honest, you have a cool vibe, guess you also a tuff knuckle to crack?" "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Idk just saying " "can you turn left here please" "Sure," he said as we arrived at my house "So pick you up at 9?" he said from the car window as I was getting down "Uhh sure," you said confused as what time the party started  "cool see you later?"
"yes see you later, thank you for the ride home" You smiled at him as he smiled back and left your front house.
Damn, that was a rollercoaster, why do I feel awkward and embarrassed/flustered at the same time, and why tf he said I was a tuff knuckle to crack?
Well now I have to look in my closet wtf is presentable for a party tonight. 
Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoy it
any reblogs comments or likes are fully appreciated
taglist: @salfetkablog @foivestarrsketchez @staysincecb97
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Next Chapter maybe next week, I'm trying to do 2 per week
love you all
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