#oooo not me posting right at 11:11 >:))))
kuroosdarling · 2 years
good morning bbies <33 i hope everyone has a great day today ! imma try and work on this kuroo fic <3
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i woke up and zelda was tucked under the covers like this 🥹🫶🏼 so i took a million photos LMFAO 😋✌️
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi;Vico Ortiz; Rachel House; Kristian Nairn; SaveOFMD Event Calendar; Fuckery Reminder; Adopt Our Crew/Articles; Watch Party Reminders; Voting; Emmy4RhysDarby; In Person Events: PA: Calypso's Birthday Part Two; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/ Tonight's Taika
= David Jenkins =
Just a lovely artsy photo with David's lovely girlfriend Kinga.
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika is still out and about in Japan! He got several pictures while he's been there! (PS: Where is our Taika In Japan Series)
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Source: Chimichangus Instagram / JensenDiedrich's Instagram
Apple TV has officially announced the date for the TV adaptation of Time Bandits (Which is Taika and Jemaine's new baby!)
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Custard TV Article
Entertainment Weekly Article
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico's excited for this upcoming weekend at Phoenix Fan Fusion! May 24-25-2024. For more info visit phoenixfanfusion.com!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Stories
== Rachel House ==
Rachel posted lots of family and friends pics with the title: "Legend portrait series…"
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Source: Rachel House's Instagram
= Kristian Nairn =
More photos of Kristian's performance at Basingstoke Comic Con! Courtesy of Dan_Clarke_Photography!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Save OFMD Crew Calendar ==
Reminder! Tomorrow is time for a Fuckery! Join the SaveOFMD Crew for some polite menacing with the hashtags #WelcomeToMax #DontGetAttached! Instagram / Tumblr Info
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== Adopt Our Crew / Articles ==
Our dear friends over at Adopt Our Crew shared an article from Laist about scripted TV! Please visit their twitter if you have access! You can check out the article below:
Less Scripted Content A Common Theme As Networks, Streamers Pitch Advertisers At The Upfronts
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Our crewmate @ meowzawowza_ on twitter was kind enough to share more articles regarding scripted TV going on right now.
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ICYMI: Scripted TV's Vanishing; YouTube Stars Snub Showbiz; Rushfield's Hope
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Dates: May 20 - 26, 2024 Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST The #RhysDarbyFaction will be hosting OFMD Season 1 on the RDF Discord Server. Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
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== Voting ==
More of our dear crewmates have found another voting opportunity for folks to weigh in on. If you visit the link below, you can choose to Stream it, or Skip it! We think you know which one to choose! Buzzfeed - Underrated TV Shows
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Thank you to @ norakitty9 on Twitter for the link!
== Emmy 4 Rhys Darby ==
As you've seen floating around, various crew members are trying to help get Rhys Darby nominated for an emmy! Attached below are several graphics you are welcome to use! You don't need to credit anyone, just use them liberally with the hashtag #Emmy4RhysDarby! Graphics Google Drive
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== In Person Events: PA : Calypso's Birthday Part Two ==
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Hey crew! Are you in the area of Millvale, PA (greater Pittsburgh area)? Well if so, please consider stopping by Harold's Haunt this Saturday May 25th from 6pm-12am! They'll be hosting Calypso's Birthday Part 2!
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They were kind enough to give me lots of info on previous birthdays as well as the upcoming one with more info! Thank you @ringasunn for all your help with this!
Please visit the repo event document for more information!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card is the Red Flag Crew's foreperson! Thank you @melvisik for spotlighting Ma'aola Faasavala!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
Oooo tonight we have the iconic first raid of Stede Bonnet! Thank you @patchworkpiratebear!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast =
New episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This week is "The Ed Teach Episode"! Wanna give it a listen? Visit their linktr.ee!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
= MerMay =
= Blueberreads =
More pixel art from our talented crewmate @blueberreads! I love that we get Chaos Dad rowing back with a bunch of mannequins! I can just hear the yelling!
Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High On A Rocky Ledge
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= Snejpowa =
More lovely submissions by the super fantastic @snejpowa! Some "Could have beens" in the rowboat to China! Also loving all the versions of flags we're getting! Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High On A Rocky Ledge
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== Spencer Does Art ==
More Mermay submissions from our delightful crewmate @spencerdoesartt on Instagram! I'm digging their sweet style and vivid colors! Check them out below!
== Love Notes ==
Wow! Today was a busy day in the fandom! I feel like Mondays always are, but today feels particularly busy! There's so much going on, and everyone seems to be having such a great time with the new press release photos that were found yesterday!
It's so lovely to see this kind of energy and love being injected back into the fandom. I was mentioning this to a friend recently... that it feels almost like OFMD itself is a giant puzzle that we all have access to, and every time we think we're nearing completion of it, some cool new footage, bts, stills, information, interviews, anything-- shows up and suddenly we have all these new pieces to fit into place.
The puzzle is never really finished, but it gets bigger and more intricate with every discovery, and I absolutely love spinning the pieces around and seeing where they fit with all of you.
Whether you are brand new to the fandom, somewhat seasoned, or an ofmd fandom elder, I hope you know that you bring so much joy to this place! I know sometimes we have our spats between fans, but what family doesn't have those? We have so many talented, brilliant members on this crew, and I love coming back online every day and getting to fit another piece into the puzzle with you.
I hope you all are having fun crew, because that's what fandoms are all about. Remember to take a break if you need to, and scream loudly all your love if you feel up for it. We love hearing it <3 Happy Murray Monday lovelies!
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Happy Murray Monday all! Tonight's theme is Flight of the Conchords (with Murray Hewitt and Larry Pritchard)!
Gifs courtesy of the fantabulous @ fandomsmeantheworldtome and @ semisweetshadow!
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cinnbar-bun · 5 months
Important Message
So... haha... been almost a month since I really did anything on this blog...
Listen, I'm gonna keep it straight to you guys, the months leading up to my hiatus were, to put it mildly, some of the most disgusting I've seen in my years as a fanfic writer and fandom enjoyer. This is a bit of a vent post, because, well, genuinely, I really hope the fandom can get better. I'm assuming most of the bad experiences I've had came through people a bit younger/newer to fandom or tumblr/fanfic culture in general. If you want just an update on the blog, I will be posting that shortly after this one.
I'm going to list out some of the shit I had to go through (that I am sure many fanfic writers, but more specifically, POC fandom creators go through). This is a long post. Yeah, also, this is obvious but TW FOR: Racism (including slurs), Islamaphobia, sexism, death threats, suicide threats, harassment, and just flat out horrible behavior.
I'm gonna go list some of the slurs I've been messaged or called, I'll even rate them for you guys <3:
Camel jockey: oooo, haven't heard that one before. get more creative, 3/10
camel fucker: nice, bit more crass, still not original. 3.5/10, just a bit funny
Terrorist: wow, dude, oh my gosh, I can't believe I've never heard that one living in post 9/11 America! Wow! 0/10 try harder
I also don't know where the assumption came from that I was a hijabi... I am not. Calling me a BMO? Pretty unique but sadly does not fit me. :(/10
This barely scratches the surface of what I have dealt with after having been open about my heritage. I'm sorry my very existence offends you and requires you to come out and send me shit about hoping my family dies or that my favorite character brutally hurts me. I have read your messages, and after long consideration, I have decided to no longer be Middle Eastern. Yep, that's right, guys, I am no longer MENA! Don't worry about my family history or anything, I just choose not to be that anymore. There, now you don't have to send me messages about hoping my family gets killed <3
Let's see what else we should tackle.
Should I tackle the fact that I've gotten messages from others to update a fic or answer a request or they will try to self harm or commit suicide?
Should I tackle the fact that some have tried to pressure or guess my sexuality (dude, what the fuck)?
Should I tackle how I got messages from others assuming my place because of my religion?
Should I tackle how I've gotten weird ass messages from people getting mad at me because how DARE I not write certain things during Ramadan?
Should I tackle those things?
I'll save you the hassle, no, I really shouldn't have had to, but fact is, the One Piece fandom has to be some of the worst I've seen and interacted with purposefully in a long time. And I was in the Hetalia fandom way back when. I should not have dumb shit about "liberating" me or oh, oh, oh, I love this one! People asking me if I have 'full armament haki' (I hope you genuinely, genuinely, get the fuck off your phone and go outside. Maybe have a walk and go talk to actual people.)
I've met some genuinely lovely, beautiful, and kind people. They truly are some of the most talented creators I've seen, and I'm grateful they chose to befriend me. The good does outweigh the bad. But the bad? Oh lord, I think you guys are genuinely some of the most disgusting pieces of shits I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Fanfic writers are not your slaves. I have a full time job, I have a full time life outside of my tumblr and my writing. I write when I want to because I like to write, and fanfic is a good creative outlet. You sending dumb messages crying about no updates after four days of me posting a new chapter, or threatening to harm yourself because of this is disgusting.
POC creators, especially, are not your fucking tokens. I'm not here to break down every racial stereotype for you. I'm not here to be sitting there mocked with crap I already hear in my outside life. And I sure as HELL am not here for fake support only to be called slurs and mocked the minute I don't do something for you. You are gross, you are not funny, you are genuinely a horrible person and if your ideal vision of humor boils down to the Instagram comments section, all I'm saying is, I'm not wishing you anything positive.
If you read this far, thank you. Truly. This was difficult to place and write down, but it needed to be said, because even to this day I still get messages similar to before.
Do better, One Piece fandom. Do better. Because you are only going to lose the fans who really care and who put effort into making things. How far can you harass fanfic creators, and especially POC ones, with your bullshit before you lose out on things?
I don't need to 'move on'. My identity and my existence is on a completely separate wave than so and so idk, liking a ship or a character. One is fake, and one is literally who I am. Putting false equivalencies to the issues within fandom because it makes you 'sad' is shitty.
I've only given you an idea of what I had to deal with. Now imagine this constantly by random people, both on tumblr and AO3, and then imagine that also in your daily life, on the media, in the news, in the music, on the radio, in the books- fucking everywhere. It's exhausting.
Just... fucking do better. Actually fucking listen to POC. I got nothing else to add that wouldn't just be me repeating the same shit I and others have tried to say.
Just be kind, for gods sake, and remember that creators are human, not the silly avatars we choose.
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rowanb3rries · 4 months
tmagp episode 17 thoughts. no or not a lot of context but still read at your own peril
index of these posts
3:40 celia. again?
4:10 i feel like i constantly feel the need to type ": ( sam"
4:30 oxford is like FAR jesus christ
5:00 he's so cute, dude. he's so awkward and cute.
5:20 always a sign of being really okay when you have to tell yourself you're okay. i've done it i've been there but it is a Lie
6:00 it always strikes me so funny to think that they are still just going along with the whole 'this is a text-to-speech generator on a computer from the 90s or whenever'. i mean, everyone *must* know there's something up. i just. chester is doing his theatre kid shit
6:40 'you'd probably benefit from therapy' is. i don't know if this was properly well-meaning but if it was it's so hilariously back-handed
8:00 for a little while i was going to a therapy-not-therapy thing my doctor sent me to (the woman was adamant it wasn't therapy but idk what else to call it) and she had a plant pot in her office with an avocado seed that had grown a leaf. that's all. that's what i'm thinking about rn : )
10:00 UM????????????????
11:25 i like when they give us a statement-giver who's kind of an asshole lmao
13:50 i'm so intrigued. being invited in for tea is not what i expected from the double when we got introduced to the idea
14:25 d and d's brother elden ring vibes honestly
14:50 who are the guests. also i need to know how darrien og ended up emaciated like that
16:00 hoo boy sharon
17:10 the juicy shit is about to go down
18:10 jesus christ
19:20 turned inward or turned outward, which path would you like better
19:30 god i hope the man is a third them
20:00 oh this is better than a third them really
21:15 sharon is fascinating. i want to know what she knows
22:30 oooo celia looking for answers huh......
22:55 glad to know alice also eats things at the computer. when i moved i fully disassembled my keyboard and cleaned it out and there was Mystery Substance under the keys (likely a combination of cat hair and dust but it looked rather like unburned tobacco)
23:45 the fucking error sounds in the bg are so funny. but also i want to know if they're like. a reused sound from somewhere else. imagine if they were a fucked up version of a sound we already knew
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i have a kofi if you like this and want to help me keep doing it
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bargainoriley · 2 months
Ummagumma (1969)
Here are my thoughts on ummagumma! I also wrote my thoughts on atom heart mother but will be posting it a bit later today (I listened to both albums in the same day while on a flight)
1. Astronomy Domine - Live
The intro is very different but still sounds very awesome! I love the sound of the keyboard and guitar here as well! The wah-wah really adds a lot to this version. I also really like the improvisations here, but I still like the original more honestly.
2. Careful With That Axe Eugene - Live
I’ve never heard this song in full before! The keyboards and spooky groove at the beginning is really cool! Also the background vocals as well. Every instrument in this song is very very great (I especially love the use of cymbals here, and the keyboard, and the guitar, and the bass)! And once the scary/heavy beat drop hits this song becomes even better! I was legitimately head banging! The screams are really scary and make the song all that better (they made a shiver run up my spine)! How is this song spooky and really groovy and cool at the same time??? The improvisations are also really good. This song perfectly encapsulates a horror movie in my opinion.
3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun - Live
This version is pretty good as well, but the studio version is a little bit better in my opinion since the sound/music effects in the original version are very good and really contribute to the feelings/vibes of this song, and this version is really missing them. I really like the addition of the guitar and the keyboard improvising though.
4. A Saucerful Of Secrets - Live
Oooo I love how the bass plays part of the original synth intro here, it sounds very good and cool! The intro here sounds way cooler than the original. This version overall has a very different vibe from the original; and in this case I like this live version a lot more than the original! The church organ/choir part here is even better than in the original, and the song just sounds better generally on this album. I don’t know why I like this version more, probably maybe because it’s a lot more melodic than the original! I think the original is good, but sometimes the chaotic part in there gets tiring to listen to
5. Sisyphus part 1
Very ominous! I like the drums and cello here!
6. Sisyphus part 2
The piano here is great and beautiful! God Rick can play so well… this is making me realize even more how talented he was!! And then it suddenly gets very chaotic…
7. Sisyphus part 3
The chaos from the last part continues here! This part is honestly kind of really bad, but I think it has major meme potential! I can just imagine this playing in a shitpost, or it just kind of sounds like a shitpost itself.
8. Sisyphus part 4
Pretty ominous, but relaxing! OMG then suddenly the organ comes! So much for relaxing! After that it kind of gets pretty creepy and weird… I do not like it :( honestly sounds worse than the most dissonant/chaotic parts from a saucerful of secrets. The orchestra though at the end is really cool and badass!
9. Grantchester Meadows:
The bird sounds and guitar intro is very lovely. The vocal harmonies are also very lovely and relaxing! This song honestly reminds me a lot of Simon and Garfunkel. This feels like a major breather from the chaos that was Sisyphus… I really like this song! Feels especially relaxing as I’m in an airplane right now listening to this album.. Also what was up with the ending where someone just straight up slaps/kills a fly?? That was so random
10. Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave Grooving with a Pict
Well that was…. a song. Very very bizarre! What were they even on to think of this??? The song kind of makes me laugh and uncomfortable at the same time… the second song that has major meme/shitpost potential/vibes.
11. The Narrow Way part 1
Very folky! I like this composition so far… the guitar here is lovely!
12. The Narrow Way part 2
Oooh, pretty heavy and ominous! I like it I like it, the melody here is especially cool.. so far this song with multiple parts is so much better than Sisyphus. This part honestly feels like you’re in a sci fi haunted house.
13. The Narrow Way part 3
I love the reverb guitar effect here!! This is the best part of them all! The reverb guitar and the entirety of the song honestly reminds me of later albums. The singing here is also very lovely. This part sounds very much like While my Guitar Gently Weeps.. probably because it is in the same key and used a similar melody to George Harrison’s song. The whole narrow way song with all its parts is really good and an underrated gem imo. So far one of my favorite songs on this album along with Careful with that Axe Eugene live and Grantchester Meadows. An absolute banger of a song!
14. The Grand Vizier’s Garden part 1
Feels like lord of the rings, very whimsical!
15. The Grand Vizier’s Garden part 2
Pretty ominous and weird sounding so far. Honestly feels like somebody is performing magic tricks. The melody after that intro is pretty relaxing though. When the windy melody started skipping I thought my phone was glitching. The drums being cut off and skipping feels like a sound collage almost… the drum groove/solo by Nick at the end though goes really hard!
16. The Grand Vizier’s Garden part 3
The beautiful orchestra ending the album is very fitting, but kind of underwhelming.
In general, I think the live sides of the album are very very different from the 2 other experimental sides, and I honestly liked the live sides better… because the experimental sides just weren’t my cup of tea most of the time. Except for Grantchester Meadows and The Narrow Way I didn’t really like the experimental tracks. I am also mixed on this album… I have to say this is my second least favorite album so far. More is only worse in my opinion because it is very forgettable except the underrated gems I like from that album (The Nile Song, Cymbaline, Green is The Colour). At least I’ll forever remember this bizarre album, and the fact that it is so bizarre and memorable makes it much better than More. It is also better than More because of the live sides alone (they are very very good). What I take away from this is that Ummagumma just has major shitpost vibes (including the album name itself) and that it was pretty tedious to listen to at times, but I felt it was definitely worth it for some underrated gems!
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gen4grl · 2 months
top 5 character designs from pkmn!! thematically or aesthetically up to you 💢💢💢
OOOO lemme put my thinking cap on… can’t order these but here are my favourite 5! longer post bc i included pictures!!! sorry 😭
probably my favourite in the franchise … alola red!!!
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a pretty simple design and nothing too crazy but simplicity done right is something i actually really struggle with in my own art so i love seeing how other artists approach it. its so cool being able to see the most famous character in the franchise grow from a little 11 year old to now being a grown adult 🥺 this is literally my point of reference when drawing or imagining red … he’s so handsome god damn!!!
lance - i think every design from rby/gsc to lgpe are super solid but ofc his iconic hgss fit is my fave … i think sometimes the superhero look can come off corny but all of his designs are so solid. i also adore how raihan and the hammerlocke uniform incorporated the design!!! you can easily tell his design was the blueprint for all upcoming dragon trainers too… an icon. this piece from the spe artbook is easily my fave ahhhh
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adaman!!! no big essay reason just think it’s such a cool design, i love the colours and the incorporation of diamond shapes within the outfit with the bandages! i also love him with his longer hair out as a kid (i would die to see adult him rocking this … wahhh) idk i just wanna marry this man if i’m being honest with you LOL. take is one of my favourite character designers working at gf he literally nails every single design he’s done!!!
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ghetsis! particularly his bw design and how colourful it is. his bw2 outfit gives off more evil scientist imo (which i geuss works for what he’s doing in that game lol) but his original bw design definitely gives more cult leader - which perfectly fits him and team plasma imo! i particularly like how the right side of his body is concealed, most obviously his arm and eye - bulbapedia summarises a lot more examples! i don’t think the reasoning for this has ever been explained but i’d love to know if there’s any actual lore behind it or if it’s purely a design choice!
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elesa in bw2 specifically! i will forgive this women for being consistently one of the hardest gym leaders in the series because she ate this outfit UP. another one with no particular reason i just really love the headphones and especially the jacket … it looks so comfy!!! … i never vibed with her design in bw so this is such an upgrade to me… its very miku-esq imo!
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wahhh this one was hard!!! pokemon and their illustrators are so talented it’s harder to pick a design i don’t like??? ahhh thx u for the ask, lots of love ✨🩷
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memoryoflooping · 4 months
chat i'm so scared. for how the rest of these are about to go tomorrow. but i might not see them tomorrow depending on how i decide to do things, new tanformer just dropped. we'll see.
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loop 30 - -i don't think i'm getting any more new dialogue for doing everyone's quests… maybe i should not do them all… like once like i did with a bonnie-only completed one… but i fucking love isa's skill fuck this gay earth. idk. -save vaugarde wishes: 3 (4? if the fashion one counts? or the saving certain people ones??) other: 11 -siffrin is so damn hungry. whats his issue -"you're all cowards" option for the beautiful one???? -i think intent must also matter for wishes bc the save vaugarde list is really long… so wishing to save one person must also be a "save vaugarde wish" -SIFFRIN FORGOT TO LAUGH AT BOTH JOKES. NOOOO FUCK -"why shouldn't you take up time travel?" "because there's no future in it!" FUCK. siffrin be normal you got this. you can clutch this -"oh so we're going to ignore the whole hysteric laughing and crying huh" helppp. -oooo "why stardust?" -"distracting people with puns and jokes is the best way to evade stupid questions" just like siffrin does. loop def noticed that LOL -YES!!!!! MY PERSISTENCE HAS PAID OFF! TAKE THE FUCKING FLOWER YOU BLINDING FUCK!!!!!! -WHAT JUST HAPPENED???? BONNIE'S PORTRAIT WENT ALL BLACK???? -oh my god i could totally set up siffrin to one shot these fucking bosses i just did 8k damage to big ball head -why DID the head housemaiden record who wished for what? -she knows about wish craft… -hmmm… that is interesting. why is it just siffrin looping if it was everyone in vaugarde wishing for the country to be saved. siffrin isn't the key to victory, because the party can get up to the king on their own as seen in the spending a loop with loop.. i would consider mirabelle the key part of the party and not siffrin -"you have to go talk to loop in person" siffrin i'm going to kill you dead. fine.
loop 33 - -siffrin looping back based on his emotional state does check out actually -"you can't continue because somehow you know this is the end." -LOL HE TRIED IT ON LOOP -loop's eyes have diffrent shades? oh they do! i didn't notice -AWH he's drawing them! so cutes drawing! -siffrin's cloak and hat has backstitching, which means its durable. -made of wool, one thread up one thread down. -clothing that's here to keep you comfy and warm -awhhh someone wanted siffrin to me comfy and warm for a long time… -fucking KILLED that fucking tall as fuck saddness holy fuck i 9999'ed that thing. oh this just got so much more fun for me i'm doing this shit to the king after the paper jackpot -siffrin just automatically walked down the post boss hallway? -siffrin for the love of god you need to get out of the timeloop not embrace it rn -its too late for the loop to be fixed? but something went wrong… -"something goes wrong everytime" "it's because we did it wrong" -they didn't know the exact ritual. -the king might not have been defeated the right way… hmm -"i just hope that someday. you might learn to forgive us" loop 34 - -maybe siffrin does something wrong??? -going against the wish's will without realizing. hmm -ooooohhhh mirabelle always gets the last blow… hmm interesting. but why would a wish rot for just siffrin to do that? "save vaugarde" isn't something i think could be easily monkey's paw'ed into "trap this cunt in the timeloop until he personally kills that fucking king" -hmmm… i guess i could definately set up a situation in the king fight where siffrin kills the king before the scripted kill. but i already did something like that and it played anyway i think… -no yeah i'm with that train of thought. it's a lead but i'm not sure its right. -"these fictonal characters they've been replaced with." -defeat the king on your own. hm. boss i think you will fucking die -i need to do the friend events ? to get them as strong as they can be. well i would've done it anyway! yippeee! -oh shit act 5! that was pretty short! -uh oh. music slowdown. undertale. -the kid looks at you warily…. uh oh -i don't think wizard's make faces like yours -oh the statue is. glitched out? -UH OH the drawing of everyone! -SIFFRIN YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT -oh my god she slapped him -sif always teases mira. and she thought it was how he made friends. -always so mysterious -my god she's's pissed -well. i guess he's right about one thing. i'm only good at using the usual shield skill anyway. chat i'm so scared. -he was really squinty in that sprite i saw… like loop….. is he. acting like loop ? he's more like. aggressively using timeloop knowledge rn. -chat i'm so scared. he's about to start playing Doom on his personal relationships i think, seeing how this just went with mirabelle
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mephinomaly · 10 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Rei: ~...♪
Adonis: Oh, where did you get that guitar from Sakuma-senpai?
Rei: From Bouzu’s temple. I remembered I left a coupla instruments at his place so went to go get ‘em.
Koga: What are you two, a couple that just broke up?
Rei: That’s what it feels like. Even if we come together ‘n try to get on, I don’t think we’ll be able t’return to how we were before.
Even if he wants to, it’s not gonna happen.
That’s why I feel like meetin’ new people ♪
Adonis: Wow…What a good song. Though the melody is rather intense, I feel weirdly better listening to it.
Amazing, Oogami, and you composed it yourself?
Koga: Oh, uh, yeah… But it only sounds good ‘cos of the person playin’ it… Since it’s Sakuma-senpai, he makes it sound like the best song ever.
Rei: Oooo you’re makin’ me shyyy. Oh to be young and naive~. Wish I could feel like that again~
I wished for that and now Wan-chan has named us UNDEAD.
Like Adonis-kun did, he somehow noticed I was depressed, even though I didn’t… I hope I can be revived.
This music might make me cry… I hope this revives my tired, withered heart.
I’ve been cravin' something this whole time.
And now I feel weirdly content.
This is what I wanted most, more than being showered in millions of compliments.
These are someone’s genuine thoughts.
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Kaoru: Hey~, you guys look cheery, hm~?
Rei: Yo, Hakaze-kun. Fashionably late, yeah?
Was worried you weren’t gonna show.
Kaoru: Hey, well, I’m here now… I requested that you guys exterminate the “vampires” so it’s my duty to supervise you all so you don’t slack off.
But I never thought I’d be joining a weird group like this.
Rei: You’re a Yumenosaki idol in the making aren’t you? We need your talent
Kaoru: Don’t expect too much from me, ‘kay? I’m pretty well known for skipping school.
But I’ll help out this time. I need to protect my job, so I’ve gotta work a little harder. It’s so bothersome I could die though~♪
So that’s why I made some promotional flyers for tomorrow’s showdown.
It won’t be hard to hand them out for Mr Worldwide Sakuma-san, so you guys make sure you pull your weight too, ‘kay?
I prepared a fancy stage for you guys. Well, I say it was me, but all the nearby shops who also were troubled by the “vampires” were helping me out too.
I was going to make some special uniforms for you too, but I don’t know you guys’ measurements, and I don’t think I would have had enough time to sew them anyway.
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Rei: Don’t worry ‘bout it.
Our opponents won’t have made any special preparations, so I think it’s fine to wear our school uniforms rather than dress up all crazy like.
It’s fairer if we’re on a similar playing field.
Koga: Hm… So you wasn’t late ‘cos you didn’t wanna come, you was late ‘cos you were makin’ preparations?
Guess I was wrong about you, Hakaze…senpai. You get the job done eventually.
Kaoru: Yup! I’m a reliable guy, really really ♪
Koga: Yeah. You seem useless on the surface but you’re actually pretty hardworkin’.
Adonis: Umu. He is very helpful, since he completed the tasks we had not got around to yet.
Kaoru: But I don’t feel like enough has been done, if I’m honest. I’ve fixed up the stage, but isn’t there more we could be doing?
The “vampire” showdown is tomorrow, right? Yet we're going on stage without having rehearsed?
Rei: That’s why we’re here so we can practise. Our unit’s only just been formed, and we’ve barely met each other.
Adonis: It’s more of a reorganisation of members rather than meeting for the first time.
Rei: Ahaha. Adonis-kun, who is the most unfamiliar with Japanese, is the most particular about what words he uses.
Adonis: Words are important.
Rei: Yuup. In this country, there’s the belief that reality is affected by the spoken word. My good friend that passed away a bit ago said that—
Koga: Hasumi-senpai said that, and he’s not dead…
Even though it was his decision t’work behind the scenes, he worked harder than us. And we didn’t even ask him to but he convinced his parents ‘n shit to let us use this place t’practise.
Kaoru: He didn’t need to though. We could have practised at the livehouse.
Rei: Ah well. The weather’s nice ‘n isn’t singin’ in the sun super relaxin'?
Since we’re fightin’ vampires, we’ve gotta get familiar with their weakness so we can use it to our advantage.
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Kaoru: Is, is this really okay~? You’re talking about this like we’re in a business meeting, but is it guaranteed that we’ll be able to get rid of those guys?
Rei: Hey, even I can’t predict the future.
But I do think I’m goin’ a little crazy. Feels like someone’s inside me, going “indeed, you’re quite right” in an old man's voice.
Kaoru: Someone inside you? What? Are you drunk?
Adonis: I asked him that earlier.
Rei: I’m 100% sober. We couldn’t defeat the delinquents if I was pissed, and that’s also illegal, so.
Without stooping to their level, we will become the sun and burn the corruption that has infested the earth.
Trust me. I’m feelin’ weirdly good, so I’ll be tryin’ my hardest tomorrow.
Can’t promise after that, but I promise tomorrow.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Crying, i just remembered that my hair dye appointment is today, glass wouldve been perfect to read during it
Oh well, guess ima continue my reread of honey and tangerines lmfaoo
On another note, the first time i dyed my hair (it was a super long process, i think i spent 7 hrs in the salon in total), I'd been debating what to read and I decided to catch up on stars cause I'd taken a break from fics for a bit and I fell behind on it and my friend kept yelling at me to finish, so I was like "u know what? Perfect opportunity".
I was originally just going to start from where I left off, but I ended up going from the beginning and I read up to chapter 11 in those 7 hours 🧍‍♂️which felt like a lot to me LMAOO
But ALSO i ended up only reading what I'd already read
And this was... a day or two before my finals 😭
Anyways I ended up binging the rest of stars the next days instead of studying 😭😭😭
Still passed tho so 🥳
oooo what color are you dyeing your hair?? I'm so sorry in advance though if I can't post it in time for your appointment
honestly reading fic during a hair appointment is so nice. my hairdresser and I usually chat during it but if either of us goes quiet or she has other clients in the salon she's talking to I'll straight up write fic on my phone 😭
7 hours though holy shit... were you bleaching your entire head?? right before finals too god... good on you for passing though!! I do not condone reading my fics instead of studying but ayyyyy glad it worked out :D
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fatestouch · 1 year
For the "Questions for Muns" meme.... how about all the prime numbers from 1 to 11 :)
for those of us, like ME, who don't know math, that's 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11
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2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
Not so much anymore, but it was something I really struggled with, when I first started rping years ago. I read up as much as I can on other's characters, but reading on them and directly interaction are two different beasts.
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
Oooo, good question. I've been told that my writing style is a lot like S.tephen K.ing's, but I actually don't read that much of his work, aside from C.arrie, which is one of my favorite books. Anywhoo. I think R.ick R.iordan's style of writing probably stuck with me the most. Especially since I'm currently reading his books lol
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
Dude there's SO many different muse ideas I'd like to try. And what's stopping me is the fact that I really don't wanna break 100 muses, and I'm already 72% there. Like I have to limit myself or else I'll go nuts.
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
Couples that kill together. I will not explain myself because I know I'm Right
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
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I actually wanna have more interactions with Basile! I've been learning recently that he's got a lot of layers to his personality, and I wanna explore that!
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sotogalmo · 3 months
8:47 — 11:17
Secret poem, for @dannybobany 's Marzenie!OMORI au
Themes are just the same as my two previous posts of poems, but in a different character's point of view. Using a Roman number, and the Latin seven(couldn't find any Latin 777). Maybe this can be seen as a song? It's written as a song,, with some song references/lyrics
Song references; Cure, Ruler of My Heart, Sweet Dream, Have My Heart (girlfriend mix).
3 from Alien Stage — 1 from FNF Funkadelix.
DCCLXXVII(septem). White dress dyed red (you hug me tight as if nothing happened)
The glory of the throne, thorns
is now only withered ashes, sparks
the lost angel sinks deep into the endless dark night.(ooooo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo)
So, show me, that which I cannot see. So, I'll say—
. . .
. . ooooo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, oooo, oooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo, oooo, mmmm, hmmmmm, mmmm, oooooo, ooo, ooooooo, ooo, mmmm, hmmmmm, mmmm, ooooooooo, ooo, oooooooo, oo, mmmm, hmmmmm, mmmm, ooooooooo, ooo, oooooooo, oo, mmmm, hmmmmm, mmmm, . .
There are no more words for me.
It's just a sweet dream, it's today— Just wait, I'll come see you soon, (ooh)
So I will, lend the waters right to you.
For you hold the whole world, in your sorrowful gaze- you're a fine work of art
So, show me, ‘how deep does it go?’
The ashes below, the bugs on the glow
For you hold the whole world, (in those holes of yours)
For you hold the whole world, (on those horns)
For you hold the whole world, (in that precious hand)
A candy seem light.
The dusty blue, in brilliant shape.
With these endless walls, breaking down.
You can hide away, still your light makes me blind,
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
For you hold the whole world, (in those holes of yours)
Even if dull; ever lambent.
It burns on the trees.
For you hold the whole world, (on those horns)
For you hold the whole world, (in that precious hand)
May they linger on your sharp tongue,
Bitter and sweet.
Sick of, the waiting valley.
So, show me— ‘how far it goes?’.
How far? (Oh, oh)
The darkness to never take me—
Just wait, I'll come see you soon,
'k, now? (oh, oh)
The glory of the throne, you come closer
Towards me, face-to-face.
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
: the silence screams.
Do it all the time, watch you deal with these scars
Act like it's a sin, (let me take it away)
All I wanna do is make you safe.
Do it all the time, watch you deal with these scars
Act like it's a sin, (let me take it away)
All I wanna do is make you safe.
For you hold the whole world, (in those holes of yours)
Even if dull; ever lambent.
For you hold the whole world, (on those horns)
A candy seem light.
For you hold the whole world, (in that precious hand)
The dusty blue, in brilliant shape.
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
My father, my universe/Ruler of my heart
(ooooo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo
ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo, ooooo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo)
So, show me—
You got to me,
it's got to be,
I've got a hold on your autonomy.
Hold my hand— I've got no time to pick up the telephone.
Never want to let you go.
‘You make this-’ (let me take it away)
(ooooo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo
ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo, ooooo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooo, oooo, oo, oooo, ooooooo)
You can hide away, still your light makes me blind,
Even if dull; ever lambent.
On my skin
You selfsame the Red—
Mend the;
Ever staying (bitter and)
Constantly- (-sweet)
. . .
. .
So, see me,
See me, in all I am.
In all that I am — in your eye; now only withered.
In all that you are. it's today— Just wait, I'll come
Drink me,
In all.
Face-to-face, our dance.
In all.
See me, in all I am. (Twisted; let me take it away!)
Locked in forever's grave.
Note to explain the “drink me”; from this
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I like to think that Sol will never ever say harsh words. Or ever stay violent. He's Perfection— perfection, holiness, the idea of a being without the humanity. And without humanity; you have no anger, no harshness to you. You will never act as cruelly, as you were not made to be cruel. You are made in the picture perfect way of God's own image (grew up ina religious house 👍,,)
Alien Stage is bleeding into whatever I'm doing. But that's fine cuz it fits OMORI-
Note on "DCCLXXVII". That is the Roman number for 777.
Why 777? It's a Holy number. If 666 is the Devil's, then 777 is God's number. Sunny (Sol/Sunny Stranger/Acquaintance, he has many names in Marzenie), in this AU is in the position of a God. So-
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mobanjaree · 4 months
5, 13, 15, 22, 30 for the asks :3
5 what made you start your blog?
i had a pinterest when i was like 11 and found reposted tumblr posts through there and i was like oooo what is this website so from 11-13 i would just scroll through peoples blogs and have specific blogs i would check every day like the paper (especially my favorite artists) and add my favorite posts to my bookmarks. and then i made an actual blog at some point after i turned 13 bc i was finally able to(which now that i think about it is so young)
13 what are you doing right now?
literally scrolling in bed on my phone 😭 i might go back to sleep because i only got like 5 hours and i dont feel like doing any of the things i need to do today
15 what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
home could mean many different things... before i moved up for college i had never moved before and it would probably just mean my childhood home/my parents house. however since im not planning on moving back there i don't really know if i consider it home? however when i say "im not going home for break" thats where im referring to. since im in northern california for school, home could refer to southern california although i dont plan on moving back there either. home could be my dorm but i also don't really have a "home" home up here since my dorm room changes every year- also im living alone and im worried it won't feel like a home without roommates. if im traveling or visiting somewhere it just means where im staying for the night. regardless i feel like ive never had a true "home" and i hope someday i will
22 say 3 things about someone you love
of course im going to do youuu omg. i love your sense of humor and how much you make me laugh, your creativity and art knowledge and ability to make such beautiful things, and the way we can be boy crazy together LOVE U
30 what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
its hard to get me out of a bad mood when im in one but a lot of the time a friend making me laugh will do it. also the movie matilda... i also have some youtube videos that cheer me up like jenna marbles ones and some dan and phil ones
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racharii · 6 months
Ask meme! Prime numbers!
(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37)
(thank you for specifying for i am gay ;w;)
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
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3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
the lotr trilogy extended edition easily
5. what made you start your blog?
my friend in highschool said they posted when homestuck updated twt
7. what scares you the most and why?
people abandoning me ;w; uhhhhh i have deep seeded issues with trusting that people actually care about me
11. what do you consider to be romance?
oooo, so romance is a like a longing, serene and fiery. to feel romance is to miss someone even when theyre right next to you.
13. what are you doing right now?
laying down on a heating pad because Pain ;w;
17. name 3 things that make you happy
creating stuff, for utility and aesthetics; video games and art in general; thinking about how cool and neat people and our world is, current hyper fixation is paleolithic living :3
19. favourite thing about the day?
when the sun hits the couch at juuuust the right angle and the honk shoo mimimi time
23. say 3 things about someone you hate
your hair: wack; your car: wack; your demeanor: wack.
29. what do you do when you’re sad?
jack off and play video games till im numb :3
31. are you messy or organised?
its an organized chaos
37. share a secret
my dildos name is grimace
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gatzbright · 1 year
3 4 & 11 🫶🫶
BELLA hi !! :D ♥️🫂
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
oooo ok okay. for fics usually like half the time it honestly starts with a title, because recently that will come from a song that has inspired the vibe or story i wanna write. i love pretty lyrics and they just jump out at me straight away and i'm like THAT NEEDS TO BE A FIC TITLE. then i start writing but a lot of the time i write random scenes that come way later bc i am impatient in my writing, but also entirely all over the place, and i just have scenes come to me in full force and i have to get them down. this is also not helpful when i have a 5k doc and only like 1k of actual coherent and Chronological fic. but yeah it gets written in the end after much chaos (hopefully. i mourn my fic graveyard on the daily ... shout out to australia fic. goodbye goodbye goodbye u were bigger than the whole sky and u will be missed). my attention span is also nonexistent on a bad day (adhd is so fun) and i will repeatedly find myself zoned out and staring at a wall. but then there's good days and i DO write :D i very much have to be in the mood to write too, and i am also a slow writer, but each to their own ya know! we are all writers n people and we are all different, and that's what makes life so fun. don't be hard on yourself guys bc u have ur own way of doing things and u ROCK (trying to convince myself that slow writing is fine. we will get there. whew). then comes posting time and i both love and loathe doing tags lmao. i love writing the free random tags but then remembering what people may Actually search to come across my fic is hard and annoying pft and i usually just get my previous fics up and look at their tags or the ones for other fics i know are similar. summaries and formatting and links also suck so bad. my god. i usually copy paste all of it over from my previous fic again and change where necessary. but yeah that is it and then i hopefully have a coherent and fun fic to post :D
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
i answered this one in the post before this so if anyone wants to read it is there :)
5. Link your three favorite fics right now
OOOOOO MY GOSH. YES. love this lets go (heads to my email to zero in on the fics i Know made me sob endlessly). house of gold (rated m) by tippysleeps is one of the most beautiful and heart wrenching fics i have read lately, if ever, and i sobbed at the end very hard into my pillow and made it extremely damp. this is so pos please read it i am yelling. it's like george moves to florida n then lots of domestic slice of life moments almost vignette style but still so in depth, and it reached into my chest and squeezed my heart n slotted right in next to it and there it shall stay. tippysleeps is a genius everyone needs to read his fics go go go. asystole (rated e; no minors) by womanhunt is incredible and i also cried while reading this fic (shoutout to bella !!!). dream and george go to london and george is experiencing being back there for the first time since his move, all alongside seeing dream in the city he grew up in. it's fluffy established relationship, while also making ur heart ache, alongside some flashbacks that i adored, and entirely full of love—it is love and dnf captured in a few thousand words. instigate the paradigm by nervouswaltz (also rated e; minors don't interact) i loved this fic so much it tore me to pieces when i read it. bird is such an incredible writer (ily birdy) who's words are always so visceral and he ties love and life and the experience of being human all together into every fic he writes. this one is a bodyswap fic and i think it's a very important read to make u think n see yourself from another persons eyes, and is all about learning to love yourself. it's so beautiful guys :( buh. please check out birds fics !!!
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aamethyst000 · 1 year
may 13, 23 2:53pm - very anxious!! ♡
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I am so excited to go into town and change me name & gender!! I am also so very nervous about this process not working out for me. I wouldn't know who to go to if that were to happen. I also want to being my little brother in town to get his ID'S done, he is 16 now [could've gotten then when he was 15 but, it's okie] and I've promised him to get his own ID.
11:03pm - mum and I got the dishes done and started cooking right after. we had pork cutlets with mashed potatoes for supper tonight. now we are getting ready for mothers day tomorrow 🙌 we are having turkey for her holiday. Mother is also helping me with the name change this week! I am so happy, well, so far she only knows about me wanting to change my last name. not my full name and gender change ♡ oooo~ I am so excited ♡♡♡ I find out some time in August if BC serves accepts my name and gender change.
may 15,23 11:47pm
I am planning on learning how to roller blade some time tomorrow. it seems kind of fun and a good excuse for me to go outside more often. after I make the trip to rupert, I am going to start saving up money for the move. I may just have to suck it up and look for a full time job. working at the clinic is not too bad, I am just answering calls and making appointments.
may 16, 23 8:38am
I woke up pretty late [as per fckn usual] my little brother was taking his time to get ready for school, then I took the dogs out for their first outing.
11:25pm - I took a nap this morning to by pass the tooth pain, which only worked after I brushed my teeth. I honestly thought it was going to hurt a little more but it didn't. which was pleasing to know. I am hoping my brother and I can make it into town Thursday morning. I am getting more and more anxious about changing my name and gender legally!! aaaaagggghhhhh djfkhsfkdj—
may 17, 23 8:51am - my tooth was hurting really badly last night, like to the point where I couldn't move at all late last night. had to put pressure on my face, take 3 pills to numb the pain and I was crying. I seriously gotta make an appointment asap.
11:46am - I don't think I am going to go out again today. that pain took quite a bit of energy out of me. I am currently making lunch for my little brother and then I think I am going to have to take the puppers out during lunch hour, we have workers just outside my house and wuxi [one of the two puppers] barks at anything and anyone. so she won't pee if that's all she's paying attention to.
1:56pm - just having a toke before I go get dressed to check the post office and then head down to the band office and pay for my little brother and i's round trip tomorrow.
9:05pm - nvm, we are going to go into town next week do get both of our ID's done. my mother and I needed to double check with bc services and whatnot.
12:21pm - I am just going to brush my teeth before I go lay back down for a bit. then, I a going to take the dogs out for their last outing. I am not going to have a late night toke, my tooth is still hurting. good night!
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“family holiday” (pt. 1) (chilumi fic)
Lumine finally arrives in Snezhnaya and takes Childe’s offer of visiting his home (mansion). 
(some domestic fluff uwu) 
lots of ppl have been asking for more and i love that! tysm for the encouragement and support <3 sorry this took so long to upload, i am trying very hard for all you lovelies ;__; 
also this is being split into two parts bc it is a bit longer than my other fics...but i swear im writing part 2 as fast as i can!! i just wanted to post this now so i wouldn’t keep you lovelies waiting <3
[Fic Masterlist]
“family holiday” (pt 1)
“Lumineeeeee!” Teucer shouted as she walked through the door of Childe’s home. He tackled her into a hug. 
“Well hello to you too, Teucer,” Lumine greeted back. Just as energetic as I remembered… 
“Hey! Paimon’s here too!” Paimon crossed her arms. 
Teucer broke his hug and waved energetically at Paimon. “Hi, Lumine’s toy!”
Paimon’s jaw dropped, ready to go on a rant, but Teucer already turned his attention away. 
“Big brother!” he cheered, tackling Childe into a hug as well. 
“Teucer!” Childe said enthusiastically, picking him up and slinging the little boy over his shoulder before swinging him around. Teucer erupted into gleeful giggles. 
“Big brother? Is that you?” a soft voice called. Coming down the grand stairs was a little girl who looked exactly like Childe and Teucer, her long brown hair tied in a half-up crown braid, her large blue eyes like innocent doe eyes. She looked about eight. Behind her, another sibling came trudging down the stairs, scowling, his hair appearing more ginger than the rest of the family; his face had a splattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks, more prominent than Teucer’s. He was a bit older, around 11. 
Childe set Teucer down, and smiled. “Tonia,” he greeted her, gentler. He got down on one knee, and Tonia ran down the steps—her white dress flowing behind her—and jumped into his open arms. 
“It’s been too long!” she said, her voice muffled by Childe’s shoulder. 
He laughed. “It certainly has, princess.” He looked to the last sibling still standing by the stairs. “Come on, Anthon. Come here.”
Anthon let out an exasperate huff, but still made his way to his older brother, and joined Tonia in their embrace. “We don’t have to make such a big deal out of this,” he grumbled, though his arms tightening around his brother betrayed his attitude. 
“Looks like we’ve been sidelined,” Paimon muttered. 
Lumine tilted her head. “It’s kind of nice to see though…” 
Anthon’s eyes flickered to her. “Who are you?”
Tonia broke from the hug, ducking under Childe’s arms to look at Lumine, while still gripping tightly to his jacket. 
Teucer bounced over to the traveler, and placed his hands proudly on his hips. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Lumine!”
Tonia gasped and skipped over to her, her eyes bright. “Lumine?! Like from the letters?” Teucer nodded enthusiastically. 
Childe stood and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yup, the one and only. This is her first time in Snezhnaya, so everyone be on your best behavior.” He gave Anthon a look, to which Anthon crossed his arms. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Tonia and Anthon,” Lumine said. “Your brothers have told me a lot about you two.”
Tonia smiled shyly and peered at Lumine’s face. “Woooow,” she whispered in wonderment. “You really are just as pretty as he said!” 
Lumine felt a shock to her system. Childe told them I was pretty?
Childe let out a nervous laugh, quickly scooping Tonia off the ground and ruffling her hair. “Very funny, Tonia! Why don’t we decide on dinner plans, hmm?” 
Paimon, after grumbling in the corner about being ignored, perked straight up. “Food?”
“Let’s celebrate brother and Lumine coming home! We should go to the bestest restaurant in the city!” Teucer suggested. 
“You don’t want to eat brother’s cooking?” Tonia asked, a bit of sadness tinged in her voice. 
“I think that’s a great idea, Teucer,” Childe said. He patted Tonia’s head. “How about we eat dinner at the restaurant, then we can come home and I’ll make you your favorite cake?” 
“Yay!” Tonia cheered, jumping from Childe’s arms, and joining Teucer in celebration. 
“Anthon? What would you like to do?” Childe asked. 
He shrugged. “Whatever sounds good to me.” 
“Then it’s settled! Let’s all go get ready then, okay?” Childe said. The children all ran up the stairs, and soon the foyer was quiet once more. The Harbinger let out a heavy sigh. 
“Whew! They’re a handful!” Paimon said. 
Lumine nodded. “How do they even survive while you’re away?”
Childe chuckled. “Year round I have a dedicated staff of servants and maids to look after them and the house.” (Mansion, Lumine thought.) “I gave them the weekend off while I’m back.”
“You can handle all three of them?” Lumine asked. 
“Oh? You don’t think I’m capable?” 
“I just can’t imagine you as a child raising type,” she said, recalling their various battles together. How bloodthirsty he could get. 
“The battlefield is different,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. He glanced at the stairs. “I’ve been raising my siblings since we were little.” 
No parents? She thought of her and Aether. On their own for as long as she could remember, having to explore and learn alone. Except she and Aether were twins; she never had to look after a younger sibling—let alone three. 
“Ready!” Teucer announced, bouncing down the stairs. 
Childe crossed his arms. “Just your hat? Where are your gloves? Coat? Boots?” 
Teucer giggled. “Oops! I forgot!” He raced back up the stairs. 
“And you?” he asked, turning to Lumine. “You don’t look ready either.”
“I was okay on the journey here,” she answered. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
He shook his head. “It’s almost dark now. Snezhnayan nights are freezing, even more so during this time.”
“Ahh...well...we didn’t really pack...anything…,” Paimon said sheepishly. 
“Paimon I expected, but you, Lumine?” 
The traveler crossed her arms. “I’ve been a bit busy.” 
He scoffed. “Right, right. Well, we can’t have you freezing to death in the street. I’m sure there’s extra coats around here,” he said, heading up the stairs. “Come with me.”
“Oooo, Lumine, they’re probably super expensive and fluffy! Let’s go!” Paimon said, flying after Childe. Lumine rolled her eyes and followed. 
The three passed by the children’s rooms, all clothes being thrown around and excited chatter, before coming to a large door at the end of the hall. Childe’s room. He opened the door and they entered. 
It was a grand room—octangular in shape with huge windows and a tall ceiling—large, spacious, and empty save for a large bed, standing wardrobe, and side tables. There was a fine film of dusting covering all the surfaces, and the bed looked like it hadn’t been slept in for a long time. The colors were sparse, only grays, whites, blacks, and the occasional red accent. 
Childe opened the doors to the wardrobe, revealing an assortment of heavy winter coats. He pulled one out and held it out for Lumine. “I think this coat is a little older—probably the smallest one I have.” 
She put it on, the sleeves running a bit long to her fingertips, the feathered hood obscuring her face up to her nose. Childe laughed, and she stuck her tongue out at him after pulling the hood down. Despite it being old, she could still pick up a faint scent of Childe: a smell remnant of ocean waves and sandy beaches. Unexpectedly pleasant...
“If that’s too big, she can have one of my coats!” Tonia said from the doorway.  
“That is very nice of you to offer, Tonia,” Childe said. “But I think your coats might be too small.”
“Oh,” she said. “Well, we’re all ready now, brother!”
The family—plus Lumine and Paimon—gathered back in the foyer with everyone bundled in their coats, hats, and gloves. And then they were on the way to the restaurant. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Lumine, look!” Teucer said, pointing at a large pond. “There are so many fishes!”
They were waiting to be seated in the restaurant lobby. A large, grandiose building, with marbled floors, vaulted ceilings, and gold furniture. There was a large pond in the middle—a miniature waterfall flowed into it. 
Too extravagant, Lumine thought. And I thought Liyue was expensive...
“Do you think we could take some fish home to eat?” Paimon asked, peering into the pond. 
Lumine gave her a deadpan expression. “Go ahead. I’ve always wanted to see how Snezhnayans deal out punishment.”
“On second thought, nevermind…”
Tonia pulled on Childe’s jacket. “Can we go to the toy store after this?”
“Toy store! Toy store! Toy store!” Teucer chanted. 
“Yes, yes, of course,” Childe said. The two children cheered. 
“They’re always so loud,” Anthon grumbled from his seat next to Lumine. 
“They’re just excited your brother is back,” Lumine said. “Aren’t you excited also?”
“I guess…” He looked at her. “Why are you here anyways?”
How do I explain that I’m on a quest to find my brother after we were banished from our journeys by an unknown god? “I want to meet all the gods of Teyvat.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, right. That’s impossible.”
“Actually I’ve been quite successful,” she told him. “I’ve already met a few.”
“Really?” His brows were furrowed. “What’re they like?”
Venti: drunk. Zhongli: broke. “They’re...interesting. Very powerful.”
Childe walked over to them. “Is he bothering you?” he asked Lumine. 
“She was just telling me she’s met some of the gods of Teyvat. Is that true?” he asked, scrutinizing. 
“Very much so. She’s quite strong, so don’t get on her bad side.” He gave Anthon a wink. 
“Strong enough to beat you, brother?” 
“Of course,” Lumine said, standing up. “I’ve beat your brother before.” 
“Paimon can confirm that! We kicked his butt!” 
For the first time, Anthon’s eyes seemed to light up. “You did? How?”
Childe chuckled through gritted teeth, disguised as a strained smile. “Now, now, Anthon; you seem like you want me to be beaten.”
Anthon frowned. “No, I didn’t mean that.”
“Sir? Your table is ready,” a waiter said, approaching the family. 
As Childe went to wrangle up the younger kids, Lumine stayed behind and tapped on Anthon’s shoulder. 
“Hey,” she whispered. “Why do you want to beat your brother so bad?”
Anthon shook his head. “You guys have it wrong. I don’t want to beat my brother…” His pale face flushed a bit red. “I just...I want to be stronger than him. So he doesn’t have to work so hard to protect us…” He stopped and watched his siblings sit around the table in the distance. “He shouldn’t be the only one protecting us. I can see it’s really hard work for just him. I want to be strong enough to protect him, Tonia, and Teucer also.”
Lumine’s heart warmed at Anthon’s love for his family. She missed Aether a little more. “I’ll help you.” She put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I know what it’s like, wanting to protect a sibling.” She then gave him a teasing smile. “Plus, I’ve already beaten your brother, right?” 
“Right!” He had a little smile as well. “And he’s the strongest person I know! Well...I guess that person would be you now, right?”
Tonia came marching up to the two. “Come onnnnn, let’s go eat!” She grabbed both Lumine and Anthon’s hands and dragged them to the table. 
Afterwards, the family enjoyed an exquisite meal, and were all stuffed full of expensive foods and cheerful laughter. (The children were amazed at how much both Lumine and Paimon could scarf down.) 
The children, very quickly after finishing their meal, practically teleported to the toy store. As the children ran through the store, Lumine and Childe took the moment of rest, silently watching over them. (Paimon had retreated back into her world to recover from the feast.)
“I don’t know how you do it,” Lumine said. “I had a hard enough time with just Teucer in Liyue.”
“It’s not easy,” Childe confessed. He looked at his siblings softly. “But when I see them smiling and happy...despite everything bad in the world? I think it’s all worth it.”
How nice… His love for his family definitely matched her love for Aether. Something we have in common. She found herself enjoying this time with Childe, and his family, more enjoyable than any time she had been adventuring. It was almost like...she was...back home…
Soon enough, everyone was lined up, toys all selected and ready for purchase. Teucer tiredly tugged on Lumine’s coat, then silently held his hands up. At first, Lumine blinked, not understanding. 
“Teucer, just ask her to pick you up,” Anthon said. 
“That’s okay,” she said, pulling Teucer up off the ground—now understanding—and placing him on her hip. I think this is how you carry a kid? She didn’t have much experience with kids, save for the few she had met while in Teyvat. And those kids are far from normal... She let out a little sigh of relief when Teucer relaxed, laying his head on her shoulder. 
“Are you tired too, Tonia?” Childe asked. She shook her head, tightening her grip on his hand, clutching a doll in the other. Teucer was hugging a hilichurl stuffed animal, and Anthon held an action figure of a Lawachurl.
Upon reaching the toy seller, the old woman at the counter smiled at Childe and Lumine. “You two have such beautiful children,” she said. 
Lumine almost dropped Teucer. What?! 
“Though I have to say, they do take after their father quite a bit,” she remarked. “A shame, seeing as the mother is so beautiful.” 
Before Lumine could explain, Childe spoke. “Yes, what a shame indeed—I completely agree,” he said while smiling. 
[part two]
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