#ooooh i didnt think of this at all
indihome-suck · 2 months
bako do you mind if you. erm. elaborate more on what happened on the Tafakur at your school? that was insane holy shit
It was. Honestly not that crazy, but everyone was freaked out anyways. Oh also I still has the alumni's Instagram account blocked.
So at 7:30pm after Isya and dinner, we were supposed to attend a lecture to end the day. You know how it goes. A lecturer, typically an ustadz, tells you some sad shit about your parents until you cry and pray for them. Yada yada yada you know the drill.
Interestingly, the lecturer happened to be an alumni who also graduated from FH UI. Funnily enough he kept bragging about it at the start of the lecture. Us 10th graders at the time were like "okay is this supposed to be an inspirational lecture or something?" It's not!
It starts light with the parents stuff, with a video of some sad story about a parent and a kid (I remembered it's about a father who's blind.) And then he starts showing the graphic birth video. And then a brain operation video saying how "it's amazing how God makes all this"
The 10th graders were freaked out. Even the OSIS were freaked out. A kid got a panic attack. It was about 9pm and he still haven't stopped the lecture. The OSIS realizing they were running behind schedule told the alumni that he should end the lecture. He refused. Continues the lecture and yells at the OSIS saying how important this will all be when we grow up and how all of us will thank him.
The OSIS thinked fast and sneaked some of us out the lecture hall. The alumni was furious when he realized, and went on a rant about it and yells at everyone in the room. In the end the teachers (who were on a break quite far from the lecture hall) realized what's going on and deescalates the situation. The alumni got yelled at by our most brutal math teacher. Thanks miss math teacher.
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yo9urt · 26 days
Pokémon Fushigi no Motherfucking Dungeon !!!!
(i would put a screenshot here but my deck couldn't upload them for some reason.)
thoughts & comments on pmd in japanese below (VERY LONG)
28 new flashcards!!
uncountable new words that i did not add for various reasons!!
blessedly, the game is so far not using a lot of formal language. the personality quiz did use formal language but the actual characters themselves are speaking very casually (i’m actually really excited to see how the npcs speak in the future, i want to see how they’re characterized via their speaking styles)
one thing that really interests me in japanese is the 2nd person pronoun system and how people (or characters) choose to refer to each other and this was super fun to watch for in the game. in the first chapter, i counted 1 use of あなた (only in the “what’s your name?” menu input), several uses of きみ (most of which occurred during the personality quiz, but some of which were used by the partner pokemon prior to learning MC’s name; every time, it was written in katakana), 1 or 2 uses of おまえ (used by zubat towards the partner), and i noticed that after learning MC’s name partner exclusively refers to them by their name and does not use any kind of suffix. my guess is that this is either 1. because they are not human / this is standard practice in the pokemon world or 2. hinting at the fact that they end up having a very close relationship and that partner trusts leader immediately. i’m half expecting wigglytuff and/or chatot to be referred to as 先生 or something like that so we’ll see in chapter 2!!
speaking of expectations, i had a couple going in: 1. that there would be a lot of onomatopoeias, because they seem to have a huge amount of use in creative writing, & 2. that i would see a lot of the little stylistic bits & bobs i’m already familiar with in japanese that tell you more about a character. both of these came true! i’ve already added some new onomatos to my flashcards AND i noticed some fun things about the characters:
male partner uses ぼく (sensible - it’s either that or おれ, and he is NOT an おれ character at all) (funnily enough and perhaps somewhat embarrassingly i did name the partner in this game majima and in hindsight i’m thinking wow they are literally not like each other at all but it’s ok i’m just choosing to ignore it i cba to redo the entire save anyway. plus i customized it so he's gastly and i'm clefairy which is already the cutest duo ever and i don't want to change that especially because i also had to give them custom stats and movesets so WHATEVER majima is just going to be different in this universe and he can handle that. also the partner is written very cutely and giving him that name made him even cuter to me so its no big deal really)
speaking of cutely i literally can’t explain this because i don’t remember it being the case in the english version but genuinely there is something REALLY endearing about how the partner talks in the japanese version. i guess thats another reminder that things really do get lost in translation like im sure the TL team did the best they could but english partner and japanese partner already feel different from each other and the latter is so cute, in a way it does feel like he has a fuller range of expression here
i think male MC also uses ぼく? i swear i remember a “ぼくじしん” in there but who knows
ぼく and ほんとう (spelled ほんと by the partner but ほんとう in MC’s thoughts) were almost entirely in katakana (i think ほんとう might have been hiragana), also for some reason なぞ (“riddle” or “enigma”) was in katakana too???? just for artistic flair, maybe? おまえ was as well but that makes sense
zubat and koffing (zubat in particular) both had a rougher, more masculine speaking style, which is exactly what i expected from them. lots of sentence-ending ぜ and ぞ (male partner uses さ from time to time, but not ぜ/ぞ), and they called partner 弱虫くん which made me so mad on his behalf! so rude!!!!!!!
other thoughts:
i was worried about the lack of kanji but honestly it’s not impeding my reading at all. a lot of the words are words that don’t need kanji, and if they are kanji-based words then they’re either ones i’ve never seen before (and i can just look them up online) OR they’re ones i can recognize by their reading/the context/just generally being familiar with them after seeing them a bunch in other places. i definitely feel like my intuition for like…word boundaries and that kind of thing has already gotten stronger and will probably improve from playing this game lol
HOLY FUCK, READING PRACTICE. you would not believe the amount of reading i did. when i got to beach cave (literal very first dungeon in the game) i sat in the menu for maybe at least half an hour just straight up muddling through the 700000 words the game was putting in front of me. some of them i looked up, some i grasped from context, some i gave up on (but the last category was pretty small)
i was reading the entire menu and i got to the “hints” section and it was so long that i just gave up. a treat for future me
speaking of context, playing a game i know by heart was ABSOLUTELY the right decision. i could largely figure out what moves my boys have without knowing what the names of the moves meant by reading the descriptions and going “hmm…ghost…physical…low power…this is astonish!!!!!” or “normal…no damage…always lands…YAWN!!!” etc.
i also think i’m playing this at the right stage of my learning. just beginner enough to heavily benefit from the mass exposure/immersion aspect of it, but learnéd enough to recognize a great deal of what’s put in front of me, and already knowing the game really well makes it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (X1000000000) much easier to bridge the gap between what i do and don’t know. i got a tiny bit mentally exhausted from all the reading lol but it was soooooo worth it, most of my studying right now comes in the form of kanji/vocab + grammar/structure + listening to music so i’ve been sorely lacking in the “just straight up reading things normally” department and this game really fixes that up for me :)
keeping it real my speaking is definitely shit because i never practice (unless you count singing…) but i found myself reading out loud as i played to help figure things out and i do feel like i improved a tiny bit by the end. the partner pokemon in particular was really fun to read for because they gave him a fairly emotional/heart-on-his-sleeve speaking style (not dissimilar to the english version, but it feels much stronger here as previously noted) so i got to have fun reading his lines :P i definitely felt like i was hitting the consonants much better and keeping everything flowing well
im trying to upload screenshots but it wont work, so for personal recordkeeping: SENTENCES THAT I READ AND UNDERSTOOD ALL BY MYSELF AND AM REALLY PROUD OF
いちどきめたことはさいごまでやりとおす? roughly = “once you’ve decided to do something, do you see it through to the end/do you stick with it?” (lit. “one time decided thing TOPIC end until carry through?”)
「はどう」とは きみのからだがはっするみえないエネルギーのことだ roughly = “[aura] is the energy your body gives off” (lit. “[wave motion] QUOTE TOPIC you POSS body SUBJ emit energy NOM thing is”)
オレンのもをたベると HPがかいふくするぞ!Xボタンでメニューをひらき 「どうぐ」コマンドからたべてみよう! roughly = “if you eat an oran berry, your HP will restore! try eating it using the ‘item’ command after opening the menu with the X button!” (lit. “oren NOM/CLASS fruit OBJ eat.NP IF ‘HP’ SBJ restore do EMPHATIC! ‘X’ button MEANS menu OBJ open(NOUN) [tool] command from eat-and-see-VOL!”)
why is the tutorial using ぞ???
is it because i picked boy during the quiz? is it trying to be manly with me??? am i reading too deeply into this? (probably)
i was surprised to see 道具 here because i just recently learned it and i was like “tool? there’s no tools in this game…” but i could tell from its menu position that it was item/inventory so i was like, huh, interesting use of the word…
この かけらが はまる ばしょを いつか はっけんしたい! roughly = “someday, i want to discover the place that this fragment fits into!” (lit. “this fragment SBJ fit place OBJ someday discovery do-want!”)
i did have to look up はまる but i knew all the other words on my own!!!!
it was so fun seeing words i recognized especially higher level (higher relative to where i am, at least, i.e. more recently learned) kanji words like 場所 & 発見。noticing them in kana felt kind of like seeing your friend at a costume party and knowing it’s them without them telling you or something lol and i always get so excited seeing vocab words i know in the wild!! it feels great to recognize them naturally like that :)
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variousqueerthings · 9 months
the way i read the doctor's and the tardis' relationship is that it's impossible to describe outside of the tenets of queer theory obviously, but specifically functions to me (shockingly) within a paradigm of aroace concepts that shift slightly -- but not as much as other relationships the doctor has -- with each regeneration, and considering the tardis is a space-and-time-ship and the doctor is a being that changes their face upon near-death, yes it's alien, but it's also in highly familiar/human as a symbolic structure and as a deconstruction of what relationships are traditionally deemed worthwhile, by being incredibly difficult to describe, other than that it's the most long-lasting and important relationship in either of their existences
to try and begin to describe perhaps, the tardis is home and freedom and escape and travel companion and co-driver and machine and history and change and mystery and exploration and curiosity/joy at the universe and safe haven and nigh-unknowable godlike being that has chosen the doctor
the doctor is likewise these things, except for the last -- the doctor is knowable, the tardis knows this person (they know each other, but i think the tardis has the edge because the doctor acts in ways when alone in the tardis that nobody else would see, not to the same extent), and for all that the doctor is that long-lived and grapples with whatever is close to immortality but not quite, they're not so godlike in the end
where would the tardis go without the doctor, where would the doctor go without the tardis? whatever they are, is the story for me
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
see the thing that gets me about the human centipede is that you're either a normie going to watch a movie and getting scared over nothing of you're a freak whos going like WHAT'S ALL THIS THEN?! and like both can backfire bc i cannot stress enough The Human Centipede is such a stupidly tame movie there's barely any blood at all but thing is what makes me be SO insane about it it's that Heiter's actor May He Rest In Peace just put his WHOLE PUSSY into playing him making it such a fucking enjoyable and hilarious movie.
Like you cannot go watch the human centipede first sequence expecting to be scared bc you'll get bored in the first 40 minutes of doomed yuri but you gotta embrace the sheer campiness of it. Nobody cares about the campiness bro. He makes chicken sounds. He makes horrible silly chicken noises. Are you listening to me.
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frogmascquerade · 6 months
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hecksupremechips · 8 months
Persona 3 reload should not entice me with those damn shiny bells and whistles!!!
#persona#the klock keeps ticking#yall already know lol#like first off its fucking 70 bucks??? what the hell?????#so unfortunately its gonna be a minute before i can possibly play it unless idk i have more money on my ps4 than i remember#but also yeah just that one big thing the shinjiro thing just has me so aaghh#like ive already said my deal with all that many times so you know how it is im very torn up about choices to keep the original story#and not have the coma route just cuz like i think it fucking sucks and its pretty like triggering honestly#but godddd why does the game have to be so pretty and cool looking aaaghhh#and shinji is there too and he will be all shiny and pretty as well so its like grrrr#im just saurrr conflicted idk man okay i wish my brain was normal and i could stop being such a goddamn asshole like hnnghh#girl why did i have to get so attached and relate so hard to the tragic suicidal character whose purpose is just to die lol#its a horrible comfort character to choose when youre also suicidal and going through a life crisis#its like oh boy you know what would make me feel really happy amidst all this depression?#playing the really good looking game from my favorite series with my favorite characters!#ahaha oh god whats going on with shinjiro why is there a gun ahaha 🌝#you think id learn my lesson after p4 but alas i didnt#and im aware the game is a tragedy about life and death and its ✨dark✨ or whatever#so expecting a character like shinji to miraculously get a happy ending is all ooooh against the point or whatever#but i think thats just stupid and idk suicidal characters should be written better 👍#and either way whats important here is that it bothers me and thats whats conflicting#cuz i so desperately wanna play and enjoy this game cuz i really did have a great time with portable#but im just not sure if i can fucking deal with this aspect i just really really hate it so bad#maybe i should just play the game and stop on 10/3 lol#or maybe ill just bang my head against the wall until it splatters everywhere and i can finally stop being so annoying about stupid shit#and ruining a stupid video game for everyone because i have to be soooo ✨triggered✨ by everything like a damn sjw fuckwad#also if anyone actually reads this lemme know if you have the same problem with shinjis death as me or if im just being weird#cuz i genuinely dont know anymore 🤔
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gourde · 1 year
Watching Steven Universe Future like. Woah. maybe if I had cool powers that reacted to my emotional state people would've taken me seriously. And I could've actually gotten the help I so desperately needed. Like positive attention :\ I dunno, I have a lot of hate in my body soul and mind I want to destroy and tear with my teeth. I wanna rip apart an animal carcass with claws and fangs. I am sooo normal.
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jyoongim · 7 months
ok but what about alastor with a reader like angel dust in the sense trapped and abused by valentino maybe they have a different sort of personality than angel dust but in a similar situation how would he react to seeing his s/o in that sort of a situation maybe they have to interact with valentino infront of him.
warnings: fluff????sexual trauma! mention of SA! Val is a perverted dick! Fem!reader, Alastor not letting shit slide but caring about your wellbeing first!
Think of this as an extension of the Alastor x retired!pornstar reader fic!
You and Angel took a beauty day from all the hustle and bustle of the hotel. The day was filled with spa appointments and shopping.
Angel laughed as you asked his opinion on lingerie that Alastor would like, blushing when he teased about the Overlord having the hots for you. You were having a great time; until Angel’s phone started blowing up.
The perverted bug was calling Angel in for a shoot and on his day off.
You grimaced, but you understood. 
Valentino didn't understand the word ‘No’.
Thats why you stayed away from the industry.
Consent did not matter. At least to Val. 
You shuddered at the unpleasant memories.
Angel apologized,  but you shook you head, looping your arm through his to walk him to the studio. You at least wanted to see him off.
You felt your ears flatten as you entered the studio, your palms getting sweaty as the two attendants opened the double doors to Val’s studio.
”Annnngeelll baby I missed you!” Val exclaimed, taking a puff of his cigarette as he approached the two of you.
His red eyes shifted to you, a purr rumbling through his chest
”ooooh Angel you didnt say you were bringing an absolute gem!” His large hand wrapped around your unwilling hand, bringing it to his lips and instead of kissing it…Val licked up your arm.
You immediately recoiled, giving a nervous smile “pleasure as always Val,  but I fear that I am not here for any…ugh entertaining purposes, just seeing Angel off before heading home”
That’s right home.
 You considered the hotel home.
Everyone was so nice and no one judged you for your past.
You didnt have to put on a persona for a camera and could just be yourself. You could laugh and cry and be comforted for it.
And you were treated like a person. By an evil Overlord at that.
Val chuckled darkly, looking you up and down “oooh really? Because Angel could use a few pointers, you might dress differently but you can’t fool me cara…” A slight burning sensation had you wince a bit, clutching your belly.
cursed womb mark. Damn you Valentino.
 “You’re nothing but a little cumslut” Val leaned down to whisper in your ear.
You narrowed your eyes, glaring up at him. Angel gave a nervous laugh to ease the tension “Why don’t you stay to watch one shoot eh? I don’t mind being criticized by a true professional” he tugged you under his arm, away from Val and to give you a wink.
You sighed “one shoot. Ill stay to watch one shoot”
Val grinned as he whisked you to sit in a director chair as he handed you the script.
You made a face of disgust as you looked over the script. Rough, demeaning sex and no buildup at all.
You shuddered. You were happy to have left all this behind but you knew everyone wasn’t lucky.
”ACTION SLUTS!” Val shouted to begin the scene.
Your eyes roamed about the scene and you felt sweaty.
Uncomfortable and anxiety. These were emotions you usually had when you were around Val, but they normally ran this rapid when you were in a shoot yourself.
But you weren’t…so why were you so nervous?
”What do you think about that angle?”
”You could have made that work”
”None of them are gonna reach your level!”
”Ugh they can’t even get that right!”
You barely listened to Val’s rambling until your lower belly burned, you clenched your teeth, eyes looking over at the smug pimp.
A smile was on his face, but it didn’t match his words.
”Why don’t you be a doll and show ‘em how its done babygirl” he tilted his head smiling knowingly.
It was like a light switch went off.
A warm feeling spread throughout your body and you found yourself moving towards the scene.
The script was rather raunchy;  ‘victim blindfolded and bound taken advantage of by gang’
”watch and learn” Valentino purred watching as a demon blindfolded you and settled you into a low arch.
You were surrounded. The warmth and heavy scents surrounded you as the demons touched and probed at you.
A whimper escaped your throat as a tongue licked at your cunt, dipping into you to give you some prep.
No No No No No No NO! You were screaming in your head as several cocks entered you.
Your lips parted to scream but a cock was shoved down your throat, a moan erupting from the demon who thrusted into your mouth.
Your body burned as you were worked into an orgasm. You kicked and thrashed to get the demons off of you.
They couldn’t cum in you, they just couldn’t.
Tears streamed down your face as you thought of the red demon.
How would be react when he found you smelling like other demons?
You had given up this lifestyle. You weren’t a whore who needed to flaunt her pussy to the world for a quick buck.
”G-get off-” you tried to say through the haze.
Your blindfold fell as you were pounded into, your eyes frantically meeting Val’s; a smirk was on his lips as he puffed his cigarette 
Go on and cum baby he mouthed
No! Nonononono!
Your body tensed as you cummed around a stranger’s dick.
A sob escaped you as the demon groaned before spilling his cum into you, the others cumming on your body.
Long arms wrapped around you, pulling you off the bed and you sobbed into a fuzzy chest.
”What the hell Val!” Angel hissed, wrapping a robe around you.
The tall demon snapped his finger and your womb mark ceased burning. “I’m sure the public would love to see such a diamond return to the spotlight. After all, she’s my best investment”
He looked over you, clicking his tongue and waving the two of you off as he shouted out commands for the next scene.
”I can’t believe that asshole did that to you. Oh toots don’t worry well get you cleaned up and good as new once we get to the hotel” Angel tried to reassure you.
You immediately ran to your room, getting in the bath and scrubbing at your skin.
Tears ran down your face as you scrubbed. You wanted the scent and feeling of those demons off you.
Your skin was red and you didn’t even realize how hard you were scrubbing until a clawed hand grabbed the sponge.
”Darlin scrub any harder and your skin will be raw” a radio-filtered voice chirped.
You jerked away, eyes wide as you watch Alastor drain the tub.
”now what’s got you so raddled?” He tilted his head in question.
Your lip quivered, head down, unable to meet his eyes.
A hand gently cupped your chin to make you look at him. Alastor had a very stern look on his face, despite the smile on his face.
”I-I-I’m sorry Al!” You bursted into sobs as you wrapped your wet arms around his neck.
He patted your back to soothe you, waiting for you to calm down so you could tell him what disturbed you so much.
”I was out with Angel and he was called to the studio a-and Val h-he h-he…I did something I vowed to never do I’m sorry I’m so sorry” you sobbed.
Alastor stiffened.
He knew what your occupation was before you came to the hotel. You had given that up to better yourself.
He never once thought that you would be dragged back to be a former version of yourself.
He could smell the scents of others on you, no amount of soap and fragrance could hide the fact he knew what had transpired.
”Oh my dear it’s alright” he cooed,pulling you to stand. To assess the damage that had been done.
Claw marks and an intricate mark on your lower belly.
He grimaced.
But he had more important matters to attend to, you.
He cautiously lathered you in lotions, put ointments on your wounds and dressed you for bed.
”Don’t worry your pretty head my dear, I don’t think of you any less. I know you wouldn’t have done something like that on your own free will” he hummed tucking you in, pressing a reassuring kiss to your forehead.
He waited until you fell asleep to slip away and once your bedroom door closed behind him, his aura darkened.
The hallways lights flickered and the building shook as his shadow angrily ripped at the wallpaper and figurines.
He made his way to his radio tower and smiled wickedly.
He wouldn’t let this offense go unnoticed. Oh no no one dared to lay a hand on his darlin and get away with it.
Oh he was going to make the Vees live a fucking nightmare
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
OK but the urge to be milked by Farmer!Reiner is STRONG. I would moo for that man.🐄
farmer!reiner x fem!reader
this req was all the way from jan and i only got the motivation for it now <3 so enjoy
contains: established relationship, dom!reiner, semi public sex, m!pen, squirting, self-masturbation, spitting, cumshot
farmer!reiner; who everyone loves to buy their premium beef from, but nobody wants to purchase filtered whole milk through.
not because it was bad quality or anything! — farmer!reiner’s crates of white dairy were always thick and creamy and an absolute joy to drink from! it’s just…certain tell-tale rumours had gone round that within the stables, where farmer!reiner milked his cows, were the same ones where he occasionally milked his wife.
whether they were rumours or not? well.
“ooooh, baby. t-they gonna talk again!”
your cries are sobbish as you hold onto a wooden beam of the milking stable, one leg raised ontop of farmer!reiner’s shoulder whilst your other foot is flat on the ground to sturdy yourself.
farmer!reiner only grunts as he fucks into you sideways. the hold his hands have on your waist grips into your plump skin as his dick rams against internal ridges you didn’t think could be reached.
“let em talk. like i give a fuck.”
you can hear the annoyance in your husband’s voice but it didnt matter if you did or not, because it already translates into how harsh he fucks into you.
you let out a whine but farmer!reiner doesn’t like it; he knows its because you’re still thinking about the many rumours that had been spread about this very habit you both had, rather than it being from him pleasing you.
farmer!reiner makes a hughck, twp! sound as he spits out the farmer’s gum he had within his mouth onto the mesh floor. he then readjusts his position which results in him bending you forward into the wooden beam. finally, he’s getting the whines he wants out from you and that greatly pleases him.
“sod what they think.” he grumbles but the contrasting smirk on his face is sick.
he brings one arm round to hold onto your stomach as he presses down onto it, which he knows causes a rise out of you.
“i can fuck my wife.” plat, plat. “on my land.” plat, plat, plat. “where’ver the fuck i want.
farmer!reiners hitting all the right spots so you can only nod in numb and dumb agreeal. the feeling of your husband always left you full and you couldn’t help but let out a low and long throaty moan. it’s inevitable! that budding pressure at the base of your stomach is staring to feel so tight and you can’t deny that all of the feelings surging within you feel so bright and so fuzzy and so fuck, you were gonna—
unexpectedly an ooze of liquid squirts from between you and farmer!reiner as you cum onto his dick. your pelvis, slightly lifting from his wet length, posses you to rub your clit and spray your love over him — every ounce of shame is no longer your concern as you bare an obscene sight within the stables.
farmer!reiner can only groan as he uses one hand to hold you steady and the other onto the base of his length as he messily taps it against your squirting lips.
“yeah, that’s it darlin’. all over my cock, juuuuust how daddy likes it.”
your body jolts as you go through the lasting dregs of your orgasm. once the after effects wash over, you’re suddenly feeling slump and palpable.
farmer!reiner holds you upright as he can feel you coming down from your high. his eyes are beady as he looks over you to gauge your condition. but regardless, he slightly bends down to place a warm kiss to your jersey sleeve before affirming your exploit.
“god, i love ya. did so well. always do so well fa me…”
you let out a tired reply, mumbled and lazy as all you want to do is now snuggle with your husband in bed. however, farmer!reiner continues to stroke his still red and tall standing dick; the length of it shiny wet and slick from your juices.
he shivers once he feels a small gust of wind wisp over his sensitive slit but it doesn’t dwindle his need. if anything, it amplifies it.
“but…” farmer!reiner places another kiss along your arm. “imma need you ready to go again.”
the whine is evident in your voice but farmer!reiner doesn’t pay it any mind. instead, hes reentering your spent cunt and you can only let out a desperate mewl.
“yes, again. you already know big daddys gotta cum inside that pretty cunt of yers. nothing new.”
despite your protests, your body takes no problem in remoulding itself around your husband’s cock. if anything, he slips in so easily that you cant help but comply. arching your back, you beckon upwards with a lax mouth and outstretched tongue and farmer!reiner already knows you’re on board.
spitting onto your moist muscle, farmer!reiner doesnt leave his saliva there long before hes enclosing his lips around your tongue for him to suck on — you keen as your husband nurses your mouth and moans into a dirty kiss and almost forget that hes now balls deep inside of you again.
farmer!reiner kneads his fingers into your arm that hes holding you upright by and the action is tender, but his thrusts come out erratic as he works to achieving his nut.
“mmm, you feel so warm.” farmer!reiner speaks into your skin as he lets go of your mouth to kiss along and into the crook of your neck.
you moan at the affection your husband is pouring into you because you know hes close. reaching back your hand, you hug around farmer!reiner‘s neck so that you could bury him deeper into you, encourage him to indulge and devour you.
“you always fuck me s-so good.” a wince forms onto your face as you feel your hand dig a bit too deep into the pillar stem but it doesn’t matter.
“mhm. gotta…gotta fuck you. make feel good.”
your juices from before now feel cold against your leg as the squirt starts to dry up but still, the wet squelches of your husband fucking into your cunt dribble down your thigh and you can’t help but feel so erotic.
“ahhh, im gonna come, im gonna come, im gonna co'm. im gonna…nrrgh.”
farmer!reiner only lasts a few more thrusts before hes pouring his milk into you, a muffled moan leaving his mouth as his face is still buried within the crook of your neck.
you slightly curse underneath your breath because you never really think you could be any fuller once impeached with your husband's cock, but yet here you were, letting out a half choke as you react to being completely stuffed.
farmer!reiner's grip is tight on your arm as he tries his best to not lead his whole body into a physical combustion. he's aware that he's carrying most your weight whilst still being buried to the hilt inside of you and therefore can't just flop down like he usually would in bed.
with haggard breathing, you weakly bat the man's chest and instantly he gets the message. farmer!reiner slowly pulls out of you with a plop but not before he's kissing the base of your neck.
"rei..." you weakly sigh, and your husbands letting out a weak chuckle.
"i know, darlin'. we gon go getchu cleaned up and then go check on the stack import, okay?"
"ohh, but i'm too worn out for dealing with hay and numbers!" you whine as you turn to lean your back against the pillar and farmer!reiner's only chuckling as he zips up his pine coloured breeches.
"i promised hoover we'd pass by today. id go on my ones but you now how his littlens get when they see me but dont see you."
yes, you do know how the hoover's kids get when they don't get to see you, but that's not really your worry right now.
with a complain-y moan you look up at your husband with wide pleading eyes because you really dont want to be doing house visits right now. but farmer!reiner, knowing how you are, can only let out an airy laugh before he leans down to deliver you a sweet kiss.
"do this one thing for me and i promise the rest of the day's yers." he mumbles against your lips.
you almost decline, but the sudden feeling of farmer!reiner's slightly cold fingers caressing against your swollen pussy lips as he gathers the leaking cum from around your folds and scoops it back into you, makes you reconsider.
with a bite of your bottom lip, you caress your cheek against his.
"mm. fine."
(not even several hours later, an anonymous account posts several pictures to your online community which clearly depict you and farmer!reiner's earlier escapades. when your husband sees them, he laughs with boisterous vim.
"well, at least they got our good angles!" he'd say, his eyes unable to look away from the content)
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obsessedwrhys · 5 months
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Donnie disapproves your magical abilities. Sort of enemies to lovers trope, lots of bickering, reader has telekinetic/telepathic powers (origin will be explained throughout the fic), fluff, angst, this fic is kinda long (didnt proof read I got lazy). Reader is fem!!
To think that all of this started from a normal dumpster that you ended up crashing into after falling out of the sky was like a cliché opening to a movie. Even from the height of the fall, due to your superhuman abilities, you managed to survive but however you endured some severe injuries that left you unconscious.
The crash was loud enough to catch the attention of the four mutant brothers just a few blocks away. Once they made it to the scene, it was like a scene from E.T. They were actually convinced they just witnessed the crash of a spaceship, but there was no spaceship of any kind, just a girl inside a dumpster bin.
"Did she just fall out of the sky?" The eldest asked out of concern.
"Ooooh, do you think she's an alien?" The brother in the blue nudges his brother with a playful smirk.
"According to the visual evidence before me... no, she is NOT an alien Leo"
"Awwww c'mon, maybe aliens also look... humanly!"
"Then does that mean we're aliens?"
"Alright, enough chit-chatting. All this alien talk is making my brain itch. Let's bring her somewhere safe" The eldest suggested which the rest easily went along with.
Just like that you were brought into their lair, you were instantly taken into Donnie's lab to have your wounds treated. Since the brothers trusted him, they left to let him do his work. With his goggles on, he carefully applied medicine on some of your wounds with the help of his tweezers. It was when you hissed that it made his body jump.
"A bit gentle will you?" You asked and he stares at you for a while.... before skedaddling to his monitor to check on your current health status.
From how fast he ran you almost thought you scared him. Just then it came to the realisation that you weren't in your home realm, you were in a completely different place. You could tell because you couldn't detect anyone of your kind with your telepathy. You watched as the... turtle? A walking turtle? Wait turtles walk. A humanoid turtle? Man what realm is this...?
"You're in stable condition even though you fell from about 100 kilometres from the sky. How is that even possible?" He stroked his chin as he taps on the side of his face while trying to make sense of all of this.
"Well... I drank some milk before I ran away. Maybe it made my bones stronger"
"That is absurd. Milk does not make your bones stronger! That supposition is unjustified and irrational. I refuse to hear any of it" He said, or more of the word, yapped. He then took off his goggles and put it aside to continue typing whatever it is on his keyboard.
"Okay, sorry... but I need to get going" You got up but the pain from your injuries made you stutter in your movements, you hiss from the pain.
"That won't be possible. You will need time and energy to heal due to your condition. Besides, what can be more important?" He said, forcing you to lay back down on the operating table.
"Well... would you believe me if I told you I'm a being with superhuman abilities who also happen to be on the run from some space cops because I was accused of breaking realities by travelling in between too much?" You asked. Your question having him bat his eyes at you a few times. Suddenly he starts to examine you with his eyes sparked with intrigue but it was for the wrong reason.
"Ah, hallucination, one of the most common causes of brain damage. How could I have failed to notice this? Could you stare into this light? How many fingers am I holding up?" He continued on trying to examine you but you just stare at him in disbelief.
Of course he thinks you're crazy.
Guess there's only one way to prove yourself.
"Now if you'd just—" The second he sees all of his things floating from the table was when he finally shut his mouth close, his eyes wide from shock as he began to freak out on what to do in this situation.
"I'm not hallucinating and neither are you... this is all magic" You simply said before putting all his things back to it's rightful spots.
He stands there, his eyes not blinking even once as he seems to be having a very hard time digesting your words. Magic?
His left eye twitched which made you wonder if you had just struck a nerve.
"Magic. Does not exist...!" He said, grabbing what seems to be his tool. A staff?
"Magic roughly translates to the art of manipulating natural forces. Annnnnd that's exactly what science does. Magic is just a thing people make up to downplay the works of scientific discovery because SOME people happen to not appreciate the gift of wisdom but rather on fantasy. It's quite self-centered if so to speak" He crossed his arms with a faint smug. Did he just look at you when he highlighted the word some?
"That sucks... but you can't deny that what I have is magic" You said, using your telekinesis to grab a bag of candy from the shelf.
"I'm not touching!! Look!" You held up both your hands in the air as you used your power to feed yourself the candy roll. He glares at you as he snatches the bag of candy from the air.
"That's it! If you will be staying at MY lair living in MY lab, you will be living under MY rules missy!"
"Yes you heard me louuuud and clear!" He said. Ah some part of you is telling you this is gonna be a complicated stay compared to the rest you've had.
For the next few days, you were able to properly get to know the people who have saved you. They introduced themselves as brothers. The one who seemingly always checked up on you was named Raph whilst the other two brothers who are always hanging out with you were Leo and Mikey. That leaves the brother who was... well... constantly eyeing you being Donnie.
The reason why you'd phrase it like that was because every time you found yourself simply resting or spending time with his brothers, you could always catch him spying on you. Most of the time he'd just be peaking from behind objects or if he's feeling brave, he'll straight up choose to stand on the other side of the room with his eyes locked on you like a hawk.
If the staring wasn't weird enough, he would also ask you multiple questions that he seem to have written down in his notebook. He would have the end of his pen pressed against his chin as he asks his questions.
"Well, with your gifted talents, are you able to read minds?" He asked, seated on the ground as he faces you.
"Yes" You responded with your arms folded.
"Confident, but that doesn't mean you're correct. In order to comfirm that theory, we must carry out a test. Now, what number am I thinking?"
He'd stay silent, his brows slightly narrowed as he slowly nods to himself.
"Interesting... buuuuut 7 is the most common number people would think of in this scenario... it could just be a lucky guess" He said, brushing off your showcase just now while he jot down on his notebook.
You tried your hardest not to roll your eyes once you heard his response. Why does he even bother asking these questions if he doesn't like the answers you give him? Something tells you he's probably just messing with you.
"Alright, next question, are you able to carry out mind control?"
Multiple times, you've told yourself to be patient but as days go by, his behaviour was really driving you insane... to be fair you've also been driving him insane by sharing his room. He seems crazy obsessed with privacy. Which you get. But he's on a whole different level.
"Seriously?" You'd stand in front of his invention. You have no knowledge of what it's even made out of but you were sure it was programmed to keep you out of his side of the room. See it as a semi-transparent wall that he can activate and deactivate.
"I'm not gonna touch your things. You act like I'm some kind of criminal"
"Which YOU AREE!! Your story of being wanted by these space cops easily proves that point. I will NOT risk my tech to be stolen by a space criminal!!" He'd say, pointing at you before crossing his arms with his body facing the other away.
"..... no hard feelings" He'd add in the end.
Riggggght. No hard feelings.
"Well then, I guess I'll just go and have a goodnight sleep" You'd turn on your heels but after taking just a few steps, you'd stop in your tracks. Your back still facing him.
"Oh and by the way, the name space criminal sounds pretty cool. Don't you think?" You'd ask as you show him the remote he needs to deactivate the wall he has set up. The second he sees he has lost it, he began to panic and check for ways out.
"Nononono...! But how?!" He'd question since he was sure it was on him the entire time you've talked.
"A criminal never reveals her tricks" You'd grin as you happily hopped away. The sound of him slamming on the wall making the satisfaction in you grow.
Despite you slowly getting use to his behaviour, you still wonder why he has this much dislike towards you. You wouldn't say it's hate since he's still generous enough to let you stay in his room. But who knows? What if he did actually hate you? You laid down on the skateboard ramp as you stared up at the ceiling.
Your peace soon interrupted once you sensed the familiar presence of someone approaching you. You tried to ignore him when he suddenly sat down beside you. It was awkward silence for a moment.
"... what are you doing?"
"Resting? Does your abilities cause you to grow tired quickly?" He'd ask, whipping out his notebook from out of nowhere.
"Is it like a video game where you have an energy bar for each time you use it? Does it happen to also drain your life force? Do you age faster?" His questions were being asked quicker than you could answer. It was really annoying you like he was a fly that wouldn't leave you alone.
"Do you happen to burn calori—"
"Shhhh" The sound of you shushing him mid sentence made his eyes go wide. It was like he wasn't sure what had just happened.
"Excuse me I wasn't—"
His brows twitched almost out of fury once he realised what game you were playing at.
"Now you—"
"SHUUUUUSHHH!" Your words causing him to be so frustrated that he had to turn around and mutter whatever that it is to himself. From a few words you could only pick up being 'Dumb dumb' and 'You're the better person here'. You had to admit watching him lose it was hilarious to watch.
When he turned back around, you quickly stopped yourself from grinning and went back to your poker face. He takes a deep breath before he exhales painfully slow to sooth himself. You're pretty sure he's gone insane.
"It seems there's no use arguing against someone who doesn't listen" He'd speak but you chose not to say anything this time. Your absent of words irritating him bit by bit.
"I see. The common tactic of giving me the cold shoulder in an attempt to make me seem like I'm the idiot, well I hate to disappoint you but i will not easily fall for such trap" He said as he ends up crossing his arms with his chest slightly puffed out. His head facing the other way and his eyes shut from his pettiness.
It's bizarre how you're both the same age but he acts like such a kid compared to you. You sighed.
"Why do you even hate magic so much? Or just me in general. Do you have some sort of grudge?" You questioned and he opened his left eye to look at you, then his right eye. You could see his face relaxing slightly at your question.
"What makes you think I'd tell you?"
Ah what were you thinking... of course he wouldn't tell you...
"... fair point. Have a good day" You got up and ended leaving him there. Your powers helping you sense the disbelief he was experiencing at that moment.
Days passed by and each second that goes, you began to miss the realm you were originally from. Your family, your friends, they must be worried sick about you. Yet you're stuck in this world where you feel caged inside the sewers. There has to be a way to jump back into the realm of your home without triggering the system the space cops have set up.
You'd spend your time drawing out strategies and calculating the possibility of the chances of it succeeding. All of those plans written on plain paper you may or may not have stolen from Donnie's pile but oh well, it's not that you took that many anyways, besides he won't find out since you hide it under your pillow.
After countless tries, you still couldn't find the answer. The security is tight since those space cops are really out to get you. The thought of this being your new life really gives you the shivers. Just as you went in the kitchen to grab a drink, you were then approached by Raph.
"Hey (Y/N), you don't seem to be in good shape" He'd point out the frown on your face which you were quick to drop.
"Oh, that's nothing. Just still adjusting to this world. I haven't really gotten the chance to explore" You said before taking a sip of your drink.
"Well... in that case. How about you join us tonight for patrol?" He'd suggest. The offer so good that obviously you couldn't pass it up.
Which brings you on the rooftop with the four brothers. You had to admit it was nice to finally breath fresh air for once in this realm. The city seems so alive and although the tech isn't as advanced compared to where you're from, it still made the place look so fast paced and pretty. Is that a hotdog stand? You stood at the edge of the rooftop as you admired the streets, failing to notice Donnie who's been glaring at you since you've arrived.
"Alright boys.... and uh... girl. You get the drill!! Let's get this—" Sounds of a scream interrupted his words. All five of you duck to see a woman getting cornered by a gang of thugs in a dark alley.
"Oh no... we gotta help her!"
"Do not worry brother, for I have just the right tool—"
Before he could even finish talking, you have already jump down to the alley with the use of your telekinesis to help you land safely. You threw punches and kicks while simultaneously dodging the attacks thrown at you. Your moves catching the brothers off, each having a reaction of their own.
"Helllll yeahhh!! Save some for me!!" Leo said as he was quick to join you in the fight.
"Wait! Careful!" Raph following close by.
"Man! Who'd knew (Y/N) could fight like that?" Mikey was utterly astonished while Donnie who stands beside him had his teeth gritted out of annoyance.
"Yeaaah... who would have known...." His eyes sharp when examining all of your moves.
It didn't take long until all of the thugs were unconscious on the ground, you used your powers to tie them up with the rope that was conveniently nearby. The woman was safe and had managed to run away safely away from the danger. To avoid anyone from seeing you guys, you were all quick to leave. On the rooftop is where you celebrated your victory with them.
"That was awesome!! Up tops (Y/N)!!" He'd put his hand up and you were fast to high five him.
"What do you say we go celebrate this over some pizza?" Raph suggested which almost everyone went along with, all except Donnie.
Even back in the lair he was quiet. His expression blank like he doesn't seem happy about the pizza or anything. It peaked your interest almost instantly. That's why once the hangout was over and that everyone has gone to sleep, you felt awkward trailing behind him to his room. You could tell from his body language he had his guard up.
"Rough night?" You tried to start small talk with him. Something you didn't think you'd find yourself doing.
Even though he heard you, he still remained silent. This is starting to feel like karma for how you treated him all the time. You watched as he removes his armour to reveal his soft shell. Even though you'd normally just go to your side of the room, you couldn't bring yourself to walk away, you didn't know why but you felt involved with whatever it is he's dealing with right now.
"Is something wrong?" You questioned but he tried to ignore your presence by putting his equipments away.
"You're not your usual self... did something happen?" You asked and you could see his shoulders tense at your words.
"Hey I'm—"
"Just— Just stop!" He'd shout, suddenly turning around to look at you. His gaze deadly cold as he stares into your irises.
"You think you can just come into my life and try to take my spot?! All these countless years of building and inventing machines for my brothers, only for a fairy tale like YOU to pop out of nowhere!!" He'd say, putting out hand gestures to express his emotions.
You didn't say anything but listened with your eyes slightly wide. So this was how he felt about you...?
"It's not fair!! How is it that you can just do all these things with a flick of your wrist while I have to spend restless nights to even achieve that little?! You—!" He'd stop short, unable to finish as he takes a break to catch his breath.
You frown.
Ah you really feel like a terrible person right now... and it's not that you could control how you were birthed with your powers... but it was mostly because of the way you were pushing his buttons ever since you came. You joining their patrol tonight must have been the last straw.
"You're right. It's not fair" You'd utter and he stares at you, a bit taken aback from your sudden confession.
"It's not fair I get a head start compared to the rest... but that doesn't mean you can put out that anger at me! It's not my fault! Besides, you're clearly a smart dude and a very good brother from what I've seen. So why are you comparing yourself to me? It's like comparing a shark to an orca! It was never meant to be fair" You said. His eyes slowly trailing away like he was no longer able to look at you directly like he did before.
"I... sigh you're right... I'm... s—sorry" He muttered, his voice faint but you heard exactly what he was trying to say.
"Don't worry about it... I'm also sorry for the way I've treated you. Let's start over?" You asked, a slight smile on your face and he couldn't help but admit it was a good look on you.
Ever since then, his behaviour around you seemed to change little by little. His questions seem to become less as he was now more attentive when listening to your answers. He'd also quit his weird staring habit... well just almost... he still stares at you but instead of looking so focused like you're a strange object, he looks at you with a more friendly expression.
His drastic change really got to you.
It was like a whole brand new person.
He began to act kind towards you. Even going as far as to offering to help with your strategy planning, it definitely threw you off guard when he told you he was willing to help. Obviously his constant yapping and disagreements are still there but they seem more playful compared to before. It was when you realised how he has made you laugh multiple times that you start to notice these feelings developing in you.
You almost hated yourself when you came to the conclusion you had fallen for the guy.
The same guy you could barely tolerate weeks ago.
The question now was that, did he feel the same for you? You could try reading his mind but would that be crossing the line? You'd be evading his privacy and that's the last thing you'd want to do. Inside the room where you laid on your bed, you couldn't help but think about these thoughts while also having your papers of plans scattered across you. How did all of these feelings even came from...?
"Well you're up early" He'd come in the room with a cup of coffee. You nearly jump at his voice.
"I'm early?" You chuckled, noting he was the one to be first out of bed.
"Jokes on you I didn't even sleep" He then placed his cup on his table before joining to examine your mess of papers.
"Now, shall we continue?" He asked to which you nodded.
It was hard to even focus being so close to him. Gosh you really are incapable of thinking now. You gulped, trying to remain calm. This was not you. You never act like this around anyone. All of this stressing made you zone out that Donnie took notice after realising you hadn't been listening to a thing he's been telling you.
"Hellllooooo? Have you used your telepathy to block me out? That's really typical" He'd say and it quickly took you back to the present.
"What?" He laughs at your confused state. Ah this is giving you even more mixed signals...
"Sorry, just tired from waking up, let's continue" You said, trying to ignore what just happened, feeling as though you were slightly embarrassed.
"Nononoo, you've been constantly daydreaming everytime I talk to you. Something's up" He'd say.
Oh man some part of you wished he wasn't this observant.
"I guess... I'm just missing home...?" You lied, trying to excuse your behaviour. If he ever finds out you might just bury yourself.
"So you're homesick?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Don't worry, there's no shame to it, the sooner we solve this the sooner we get you home" He said confidently.
He then moved closer to you, his actions causing you to freeze. You were unsure what he was trying to do as he inches closer and closer to you.... just to get a pen? You were embarrassed the second he moved back to his spot. With the pen in hand he continued on writing. Ah that was awkward.
All this beating around the bush was driving you crazy.
"I figured it out!" Donnie exclaimed and it got your attention. You turn to him to look at his plan. It was a bit complicated but with the right timing it could work.
Then you wondered what will happen after you finally found a way home.
Are you just gonna simply leave?
"You don't look awfully happy about this. Is the joy too much that you're struggling to express it?" He grinned.
You sigh.
Now would be the best time.
"No I just... uhm... I have feelings for you?" You awkwardly confessed. Your words making the grin on his face drop.
"I'm saying it now so that if you reject me I can just simply go and we can pretend none of this happened" You tried to lighten up the mood with a weak smile but the shock on Donnie's face made you wonder if this was a bad idea.
Suddenly he was blushing.
You had to blink twice to make sure what you seeing was true.
"Ah... why'd you have to make it worse for me? I was trying to get rid of these feelings" He ran his hand across his face.
"Do you not love me?" You asked and it made him panic.
"Nono! It's not that, it's that... how will I love you if you're never with me? You have a home and I realised it's not here" He frown.
Maybe, it was in the heat of the moment, but you suddenly had a solution to solve this problem.
A solution you would blindly do for love.
"Then I'll stay"
"Sta—stay?! You can't—"
"But I can. Those space cops are out to get me and as much as I miss my people, I'm afraid I could put them in danger if I head back. Maybe... I can stay a little longer?" You said and for a second he stares at you... but soon his eyes sparkles with gleam.
"You wanna stay with me?" You smiled at how awfully innocent he sounded when he asked.
"I guess you've grown on me"
"Well wow... haha... okay... um..." He stutters, struggling to even put the right words in the right order.
"Do you want to um... eat lunch... together? I assume that you're starving right now" He said, trying to play it off.
"Sure, will you be cooking my meal?" You joked which he was quick to return with a smile.
"I'm starting to think you're gonna be more of handful now that we're dating"
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festeringfae · 1 year
A lot of seemingly nonsensical takes on Juri made sense to me once it clicked that there are people who actually believe that SHE believes miracles aren't real. Like OOOOH, no WONDER it seems like you're watching a completely different and opposite show, you think this girl is doing all this shit because she ACTUALLY BUYS HER OWN BULLSHIT when what is actually happening is that this girl is frantically trying to get herself to believe SOCIETY's bullshit so that she has no hope and therefore can't feel disappointed when her hopes are dashed. It's not that she doesn't BELIEVE in miracles, it's that she thinks entertaining even the POSSIBILITY is a weakness, a form of self-sabotage, a completely avoidable way she is "asking" to get hurt.
She doesn't react to the sword the way she does because she disbelieves its miraculous-- you can tell just from her expression that she's deeply shaken, she's not ignorantly believing that what happened was within statistical likelihood or anything. She's freaking the fuck out and trying to deny it, because if there are miracles that means there's HOPE, and the last time she had hope HER CRUSH NOT ONLY DIDNT FULFILL HER HOPE OF LIKING HER BACK, SHE TRIED TO BETRAY HER AND ON TOP OF THAT *DIDN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND HER ENOUGH TO SABOTAGE HER /CORRECTLY.*
(Well, the last time she had hope OTHER THAN the time she had hope that maybe the girl who always wears GNC clothing and called her a supermodel might be hitting on her, only for that girl to explain she dressed butch BECAUSE SHE LOVES A MAN. Like damn dude, I would yell at the sword to shut the fuck up with giving me hope, too, after HALF that nonsense!)
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v-arbellanaris · 3 months
i love in hushed whispers, though i definitely think cotj is more fun as a quest, & at the same time i wish the quest were a little less... clunky? a little less one-and-done? retrospectively from trespasser, it's clear that ihw is supposed to parallel solas' own ambitions, but throughout, it also parallels corypheus' decisions to shape the world in the image he knows and is familiar with, and so i really wished those themes had been addressed a little less... clumsily i guess. idk its hard to say but the writing for ihw feels a little loose - the horror of the reality in front of you because it's Wrong and it Shouldn't Be like this, and there are hints of it, but i wish the wrongness had a more visceral impact? i suppose in a lot of ways this was related to game mechanics but hmmmmmm....
slowly starting to hear the song/singing surrounded with red lyrium as you progress through the game, the anchor not working properly/suddenly deteriorating like in trespasser bc of how damaged the veil is, your companions themselves having lyrium growing out of them (+ being "its not as bad as it could be" about it), actually having demons talk to you/try to tempt you as you fight them, reality itself being suddenly flexible (parts of the ground suddenly disappearing or a giant chasm where you have to Believe to cross it - OOOOH something similar to the gauntlet of shar???)....
my fav parts of ihw are when leliana gets furious with you for acting like this world didnt matter and its all just pretend, as if she didnt really suffer. i wish that had been capitalised more - dorian blithely going around saying dont worry we'll go back and erase everything and make none of this matter should have some more impact... more arguments w your companions abt the decision youre about to make to erase everything they know as if everything they suffered wasnt real! i've got a few more ideas but curious abt what everyone else might've wanted to see in ihw
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fatasticfeedernurse · 11 days
Ahh tsuyu chaan so this is where you're hiding!!
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The eager villain jumped in from the window of tsuyu's room sharp smile on her she had a backpack damp with the greasy gifts she brought for her friends..
"ooooh i really hope they aren't trying to ruin my hard work hehe! Look at all the froggy flab out here.. All because of my love for my friends! Poke poke..~"
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With one of her needles toga poked tsuyu's meaty arm a smile forming on her face drooling a bit with glee as the thick yellowish and red liquid spurred out.. Body so filled with lard even her blood was starting to have chunks of it..
"ooooh how cuteeee!! Even your blood is getting affected now!~ hehe oh I'm so sorry tsuyu-chan! I've been talking for so long you must be starving right?!.. No more of that icky hospital diet food for you!~"
The villain pulled a bag from her backpack you could barely even see the logo off the fast food place on it as she pulled out a greasy burger the size of one of tsuyu's cheeks out of the bag~
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"opeen wiiide!! I'll make sure you're full before i find a way to bust your lardy froggy butt out of here okaaaay~ and if your heart starts aching weeell I'm sure there's a defribrawhatcha call it around here!"
Tsu hated the position she was in, unable to combat the extreme levels of morbid obesity she had aquired thanks to that maniatic villian that had taken a over fixation on her. She suffered sooo long under her care.... But alas, the dragon nurses took her in once she was rescued from the remote building Toga originally began to fatten her and others out. Did she enjoy her current state? Well... she didnt hate it, and it was much, much better than when she was under the care of Toga. So for a while she just enjoyed the pleasures she could indulge in this state. Sponge baths, foot massages,
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treat day (Where the nurses would feed them something of their choice, which meant not lard!), letting out built up gas
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, getting crumbs out of her massive chest with her tongue,
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and many other little pleasures... ...So when the poor blob of pale flesh heard that voice again..Her poor, lardy, cholesterol filled heart filled with fear quicker than her cheeks with lard during feeding time.
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"K-Kehroh! Noh..Noh! Tohgah, w-what'sh ahreh youh d-doin' hehreh?? goh a-away!!"
But her pleas fell on deaf ears. Toga just had one objetive in mind and it wasnt going to me changed any time soon. So she just moaned in pain as she felt the needle going into her meaty arm, and when she saw what her blood hard turned into...She didnt know what to think....
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At least for a few seconds, for then she began to feel a rush of blood through her veins, and no it wasnt for the stuff Toga was pouring into her. "-"Ah..kehroh..kehroh..nooh ...*thbbbt*... ihtsh ...*Bllbbfffttt*... wrong..mhghh..pleashe...please ...*prrrt*... " All this decadence triggered something into her lardy froggy brain, to which her body reacted in response. Making her add more sweat stains to her already drenched bariatric bed as her ass let out wet, panty wrecking farts. Tsu didnt know how, why or when...But a part of her wanted this...And when she was offered the same food that had led to her needing a heart trasnplant, she could only obediently opened her mouth.
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Waiting for the rush her body would get from eating whatever it was that Toga had brough her...
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Now its for sure that Tsu wont make it to 30..
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ganondoodle · 1 year
as i was awake in the middle of the night for like 2 hours bc i felt sick i had more somewhat random totk thoughts
one being that i really hate how raurus response to concerned zelda is, after sonia died in that almost funny how little impactful it was way, "im sure you are here for a reason" (actually, i hate how often this sentence is used in general to .. idk i guess its supposed to be inspiritational???)
bc what does that mean actually? him saying that to someone who got there absolutely by accident really just sounds like "i dont care go figure it out yourself bc i dont want to think about anything concerning you or your troubles lol" i guess its meant to sound like OOOOH fate has BROUGHT you here bc you have to furfill a role you dont know yet (spoiler its being a sacrifice girl with no personality) and besides me hating the 'inescapable fate' trope in general (at least the way its usually done in these games, which is not to struggle against it but willingly accept whatever you are told and pretend thats good) its really jsut goddamn boring and is really only an excuse to well .. ignore her and her trouble; shouldnt you, if you were actually such a cool guy like the game wants me to believe so bad, do everything in your power to get zelda back to her own world before shes pulled even further into the war you caused now that her only ""mentor"" that could help her get more use of her pretty much useless sudden powers is gone too?? i know shes basically dead wife sonia replacement (can of worms ugh) but it still grinds my gears whenever i think of that cutscene, bc i cant help but hear it as the lamest excuse in existence to not care about her and just kinda .. see what happens which in this case means leave zelda completely on her her own since both rauru and mineru die as well (honestly shouldnt rauru have thought about like .. any plan to defeat gan besides dying himself, given hes the oh so cool and goodest guy king whos only mistake was not stabbing gan the second he stepped into their kathedral castle thing, like even if you had a plan it can still fail but it seemed like he just kinda went in with a handful of people that didnt seem to know each other at all, never got names or faces -or unique voices for that matter- to fight gan face to face inlcuding the girl that came from a different time and had nothing to do with any of this conflict and couldnt even really control her sudden new powers just seems pretty stupid)
thought 2
how totk really feels like botw but for the people who didnt like shiekah tech, its not a sequel, its botw again, but version of only sonau, its like a pokemon game that had two versions but one has weirdly incoherent story and acts like the other never existed jsut as a whole its like retreading the same points but worse, all shiekah tech that was so integral to the world and had such a long history just vanishing and no one caring about any of it like it never happened, HELL the titans were called divine beasts in english but i guess they werent divine or important enough to keep around LOL champions WHO and isntead a never before seen or even heard of race for that matter showing up and planting their ass in every place the shiekah were before, dare i say it feels weirdly manipulative, like either them or some outside force erasing every fact about the ancient shiekah and replace them with sonau stuff bc they are the hot new shit now
this is a point that just doesnt stop bothering me, how the shiekah tech seemed so carefully designed and integrated into botws world and story, its a difficult to keep balance after all, integrating high tech stuff into a medieval setting, but they made it work! and then totk comes around and throws a bunch modern day tech into it puts some vague greenish stone filter on its exterior and call that even better more ancient tech; why did they even bother to make pottery inspired laser shooting spider legged robots so well integrated when they throw a car and rockets into the next game without a thought and call it a day, what was the fucking point
it feels like someone was dead set on having a set of legos thrown into the game it had no place in, if you want players to build whatever they want make a building game instead!! especially if you are just gonna throw it in with seemingly no consideration how out of place it feels togehter with the fACT THAT YOU ALREADY HAD AND ANCIENT HIGH TECH CIVILIZATION WITH A VERY DISTINCT AESTHETIC THAT WAS ALREADY WELL INTEGRATED INTO THE WORLD YOU ARE PLANNING TO REUSE WITH ALOT OF MYSTERY AND UNKOWN STUFF ABOUT THEM TO EXPLORE FURTHER YOU COULD HAVE USED!! but i guess they just "didnt want to play with you anymore" and that so much so that they went out of their way to erase every trace of it, i dont think the words shiekah tech are ever used in the game, and the purah pad and her towers just drive me more isnane bc they are the same shit but called different and also much worse, liek the purah pad isnt some more developed shiekah stone, no its a glorified camera with a teleport function and thats it
(i know i said this before but i really cant stand how obsessed every single NPC is with sonau shit, you get told to your face every second line of dialog that they are so cool and are so mysterious that it just makes me annoyed of them even more, the game is obsessed with shoving them everywhere and telling you over and over you too should obsess over them, they werent weird like that about the shiekah stuff in botw?? the biggesst talking point in botw was calamity ganon ..... which makes sense and in totk its like ... gan is mentioned what, in a newspaper article??? once???and then not even by name i think???)
aside from that big point which will never let me go, its also just .. its not moving forward anything, it actively walks BACK the progress that was made in botw, call me dumb but i dont really count moving one step up in the social roles of each race as a character development (for the side characters like the champions desc- ahem SAGES) but mainly zelda ... god how dirty she was done, totk pretty explicitely makes her regress any development she made in botw aside from she likes link uwu and some people like her too, but also not enough to notice that that weird zelda being all evil and weird isnt her (INLCUDING THE CHAMP- SAGES WHO YOU ARE SUPPOSEDLY FRIENDS WITH??? you dont have to be a genius to pick up on that my god, were you all given the mc dumbo potion or what)
she gets put back to square one, back into the little itty bitty princessy maiden role forced upon her by her royal parentage, this time rauru edition, back into a white little dress, back into the scared puppy eyed teenager, back into a situation she cant handle, back into losing everyone around her (tho honestly botw made me care more about rhoam than totk did about rauru), back into being forced to do a big sacrifice- but worse actually
in botw she went to FIGHT AND HOLD GANON IN THE CASTLE SO LINK HAD TIME TO RECOVER AND IT WOULDNT DESTROY THE LAND!! and you are telling me in totk rauru takes up her botw role and she bascially killed herself to ... restore the mastersword.
......... she ... she did that only to be a glorified version of the stone pedestal in the forest. and then she gets returned to normal itty bitty girly no problem via magic sparkle beam at the end and
it really is just botw but worse, you even get yet another ghost king of hyrule to guide you around (rhoam did it better fight me ... we dont talk about the questionable choice to make himself darker skinned when posing as just some guy)
i honestly dont think i was ever truly taken aback by anythign that happened in botw, while in totk, the further i played, the more i had to fight with myself to keep the feeling of unease, disappointment and betrayal down
its such a god damn shame, totk should have stayed a DLC, i will forever mournfully dream of a game that explores more of the ancient shiekah, doesnt erase integral parts of the world, developes characters more instead of making them regress back and make them end up even less developed than at the start of the game, dives into buried secrets and mistakes of dark pages of history without giving into a weirldy nationalist(imperalisitc?) narrative and lets characters have some agency for once
if it werent for the yiga i might have actually considered refunding the game, just to be at peace with myself
anyway, aboslutely incoherent word vomit.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
TADC X Skater reader, except the reader is new and has no idea how to skate and keeps falling all the time,,,
TADC cast x skater!reader !
Wasnt sure if you meant roller skate or skate boarding so I might flip flop between those two I hope that's okay! I also have a similar request for a roller skater reader that I answered a few days ago, which I will link at the end of this post!
Written in mobile!
Side thing idk if it's because I have so many requests rn or what, but I SWEAR my inbox is bugging, I keep seeing requests I didnt notice before... maybe I just accidentally overlooked them? But I SWEAR it wasnt there before because I have looked at my current inbox a dozen times now over the past few days
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Regardless of if ypure a roller skater or a skate boarder, hell or even an ice skater; if you're having trouble keeping your balance, Caine will hover above you and steady you. Hands on your shoulders, or hands under your arms... he may even grab your hands and lift them up while guiding you
I think its very sweet
Manifests a digital cushion for when you fall over
Regardless of if your body is part skate, or you just skate as a hobby, he will cheer you on the same
Honestly you've probably slipped backwards and fell onto her. She probably makes a squeaky toy noise when your weight slams into her... good news about this being the digital world, neither of you are going to be significantly hurt!
If you're wearing skates you guys probably stumble and struggle to get back up... it's a little sad to watch..
Insists that you wear a helmet and knee pads. Like sure you cant get permanently hurt, but it makes her feel better !
Helps you try to keep you steady by putting her hands on your sides or shoulders... nervously walks beside you while helping you.. pro awkwardly hovers her hands over you as well as you get more confident with it
Either will actually help you or may he a menace... "endurance training" but its actually not endurance training that's just what he says when he throws a bunch of those tiny bouncing rubber balls into your path
"Expect the unexpected " type shit
I mean he would still help you up, I think
Not many thoughts here <\3
Balances you by standing behind you and holding your hands/wrists up... kinda looks like you two are dancing or something. Except you're on a skateboard while he walks you around the floor
Very sweet about it
Kind of gives off the energy of a guardian trying to teach their kid how to ride a bike
Its sweet I think
I would let kinger teach me how to ride a bike
I still dont know how to ride a bike
Hes so so encouraging, too
Thinks that you skate is cool.... oh, you're new to it..? show them what you got!
Ooooh noooo... you just face planted into the floor
I think they would also try to guide you threw it. Probably the only one I can see who skated before, though in their past life in the real world
Maybe jax did but idk
I think they would join you, besides they kind of wish to see if they csn relearn how to do it with their new body
Yay bonding activities
Not many ideas for zooble either.. sobs
Unique take for gangle, imagine not only do you struggle to keep steady while you're skating, imagine you struggle with stopping. I think you can see how this goes. Imagine you accidentally ram into her while trying to stop.. I mean look at it this way... her ribbons get stuck in your wheels so technically.. you do stop..! Pleade be gentle picking her out... I can only imagine how gnarly that feels
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
could i request some hcs of the octotrio + leona with a gn!s/o that's more powerful than them? like in magic and/or strength (it's up to you whether reader is yuu or not.)
i love your writing so much! keep up the good work :D
✰ Stronger than you!!
how the fish mafia and cat boy react when youre THE alpha male‼️‼️😈 THE QUEEN‼️👏 the absolute drip💪💪💪
characters: leona, azul, floyd, jade
includes: crack, lighthearted teasing + bickering bc YES, fluff (though more on the crack side,, apologies dearest anon!) and ofc, gender neutral and sfw!
notes: im in sm pain shark week can go die anyways enjoy mwa mwa i decided to make the reader yuu bc thats easier to write! 🫶
✎ Leona Kingscholar!!
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Hah? Some little herbivore managed to beat him? Now this he's gotta see
At first tbh hes mostly annoyed, heavily so, some random herbivore just decided to mosey on over and be all strong huh? What's next youre gonna go all-enemies-to-lovers-slowburn 100k words on him?
gosh damn i-
Ok real talk! he most likely doesnt, and wont care, at least not for quite some time
If some herbivore wants to beat him, then go, he barely has the time nor energy deal with it besides being mildly irritated
What he didnt anticipate for however, was to become closer to you
Whether that be platonically or romantically, he does come to realize you had become someone he cherishes, even if he doesn't want to admit it outright yet.
So the annoyance turns into admiration
(and teasing, dear sevens you will receive so much teasing from this man)
Expect him to teasingly challenge you into fights if you ever catch him during his spelldrive practice, and if you agree, sevens know he wont hold back
you can tell how much fun he's having competing with you, he hasnt felt motivation in a long time and you single-handedly made him grin, whether you lost the match or not he'll always have a teasing remark prepared
Overall he genuinely respects you, with how competetive and tiresome this school can be, he admires your skill, and how you can hold your head high, thats his herbivore alright
"Hah, great work herbivore, that was pretty impressive, still far from beating me though,~ now c'mon, im tired, lets go nap. You can go flaunt your skills later"
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✎ Azul Ashengrotto !!
Most likely was very tempted to drag you into a contract just to get said abilities, man held himself back to an intense degree ooooh boy
Envious, but knows when praise is due,
(even if said praise if back handed and most likely an attempt to scam you, wow zuzu so nice)
Will try to beat you, flaunting his skills infront of you as if a nonverbal way of telling you "he's better"
Eventually gets knocked off his high horse during his whole overblot-situation and stops pursuing his so called 'one sided rivalry' as floyd calls it
Starts to become more curious of your abilities and asks more questions, you two sharing nifty tips and tricks too!
(for a fee, of course,)
(said fee is visiting the monstro lounge to see him, psh softie)
The closer you two become, the less he minds and the more he appreciates your skill
After all, the twins cause enough destruction on a daily basis, having you by his side causes his stress levels to decrease incredibly low
(at this point he's just trying to convince you to join octavinelle for the sake of his sanity)
Hes more genuine with the compliments as time goes by, (blushy blushy octomer aww)
but at the same time not missing the competetive spark that he had when he met you, he's still willing to compete with you after all, only time time in a more "civil manner"
"My my, what marvelous skills you have prefect! perhaps you would be interested in...hm? No im not fishing you into another contract!..Although...I wouldn't refuse on the offer, my of course im joking. What do you think of me?"
✎ Floyd Leech !!
At first he was a bit annoyed, cant have a little shrimp be better than him now could he?
But floyd being, well, floyd, didnt really mind much upon finding out it was his shrimpy! (he has claimed you yes this isnt kidnapping)
In fact, he didnt care at all to be honest, he'll still squeeze the life outta ya, strong or not! hehehe <3
Loves to pester and torment you for fun or as he calls it, playing, challenging you every second to a game of some sorts to "test shrimpy!"
If you're the type of person who's strong physically then floyd will swoon i tell you and will most likely ask to be carried by you 24-7
(yes youre carrying him like a princess)
(no shrimpy this isnt embarrassing go faster cmon!)
The best way to motivate him is you tbh, he can be having his moodswings and jade or azul could casually mention you and suddenly hes fired up!!!
(not for work tho, so azuls still mad but shh)
Overall, doesnt really mind, in fact he'll even brag to you to others probably, talking about his little shrimpy being so so strong and how theyre just little guppies compared to you (and him) >:)
"HEHEHEHE shrimmmpy~~~ let's play! Huh? What do you mean you're not in then mood? Cmonnnn!!! youre strong arent cha? Im bored! We can compete to see whos stronger!! I wont let you win this time, too! Loser gets to do my night shift at the monstro lounge!"
Jade Leech
Oh? Fufufu..How amusing
When I say run I say RUN
Like Floyd, Jade is heavily interested in you, seemingly curious to your skills and strengths, wanting to observe and see for himself how strong you could really be, and my my do you not disappoint!
( tbh he treats u like a lab experiment for awhile /hj )
While he and his brother are known to be polar opposites, theyre more alike than people give them credit for, because just like Floyd, Jade liked to stick with more interesting people, and boy have you piqued his interest greatly
While he thought you were rather dull at first, your strenght definitely intrigued him, even more so when you're just a freshman
You wouldnt see it in his face as he remained his composure because, well, he's Jade after all, but the surprised look he gives for a brief second was there and you swear left and right you saw it
Regaining his composure rather quickly, his suprised face curved into am amused smile,
"My my aren't you interesting? Perhaps you can spare some time and visit monstro lounge later? I'll be working on my shift, of course but you can always talk to me," he said, a polite smile painted on his features
"Oh, and, feel free to bring your little first yeae group with you too, fufufu~"
As the two of you got closer though, it would be less of him treating you like some sort of creature and more of him praising your skills
(knowing full well it flustered you)
He does admire your skill though, no matter how his teasing remarks feel, you can tell hes being genuine when he casts a fond look through your direction
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