#oop looks like an incoming rant
moutainrusing · 4 months
“Hiya, how can I help?” Sirius asked into the speakerphone. An incoming customer call had been directed to him, and it was his duty to answer their queries knowledgeably, clear up any confusion, reassure them that sales were soaring; that investing wouldn’t result in a loss. He took his job as a salesperson for his adoptive family’s hair company with the utmost responsibility.
Usually, he never bothered with anything, always lazily half-hearted and thoughtlessly careless, but he’d always lived to please his family, and really, the hair product was incredible. Without it, he doubted he would have the long, smooth, silky dark hair he was currently brushing behind his ear.
“More like how can I help you?” An exaggeratedly cheerful voice responded, and Sirius sucked his teeth in, recoiling at the fake, saccharine voice, clearly doused in excessive gallons of honey, dripping with insincerity. He’s heard these sorts of people before, mainly a certain Gilderoy Lockhart, who literally poured buckets of honey down his speakerphone, ranting in disgustingly jovial tones about his own brilliance.
Well, at least this person wasn’t Gilderoy — by now, they’d have been at least ten thousand words into how blindingly gorgeous Gilderoy’s new nose job was. (A lie, by the way.) Gilderoy was the worst salesperson by far, not even advertising the product he was paid to publicise. Also, this person was a customer, not a salesperson, and they sounded extremely deranged, which meant Sirius had to help them all the more.
Before Sirius could speak, though, the voice awkwardly rushed in to fill the silence, “Because I have the perfect thing that will help you, not that you need helping, actually, I’m sure you’re, uh, pretty? But, well, I’m bad at this, look, just buy the damn product.”
Sirius blinked. Maybe this person was a salesperson? “Are you okay?”
“No. I’m drunk. I suck at my job. I don’t even care about hair! Oops, that rhymed. Anyway, I try to, but I sound so fake. Even alcohol doesn’t help. Like, in what world does alcohol not help?”
“Uh — none?”
“Exactly! Really, I just need the money. And not in a ‘all I care about is money kinda way’, but ‘cause I’m genuinely broke.”
“Sorry. I’m trying to get you to buy out of pity. I heard honesty really sells it.”
“Right. Well, maybe start by telling me what your product is?”
The faint sound of a head hitting a table. “I’m an idiot, sorry. It’s ‘Potter’s Sleekeazy Hair Products’.”
Sirius slowly smiled, realisation dawning on him. With a smirk, Sirius Potter said, “I get those for free.”
“Name’s Sirius Potter.”
“Oh God.”
Sirius laughed. “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble. What’s your name?”
“Are you going to fire me?” The voice asked bluntly.
“Nah, I’m not in charge of that.”
“But you’re related to the people who are?”
“Something like that.”
“So you have the power to get me fired.”
“And with the power I wield over you, I’d like you to tell me your name.”
“Remus,” the person sighed. “Remus Lupin.”
“Don’t sound so miserable, Remus,” Sirius said. “I told you, don’t worry.” With that, Sirius hung up, and decided to take his break, disconnecting from the centre so that no calls would be directed to him. He made a note to report the error of connecting two salespeople as well. He’d been informed that Remus was an incoming call, and Remus had probably been tasked with making an outgoing call. Actually, what if Remus, in his drunken daze, accidentally sent the wrong request? Maybe Sirius wouldn’t report it after all. Because in reality, despite Remus’s doubts, he didn’t want him fired. He actually wanted to befriend him. Which was strange, but Sirius didn’t question it.
He went on a Remus Lupin hunt, merely because Remus was interesting, crazy, weird, direct, stupid, awkward, funny; quite frankly, the most intriguing person Sirius had ever heard. And that was from his voice alone. Who knew what Remus would be like in person? He knew Remus would be at one of the desks in the Potter’s call centre, and blindly walked down the rows and columns of white desks until he saw the man’s name tag.
Remus was dolefully staring down at the headphones he’d taken off and placed on his desk, and he’d probably been doing that for a long time. His hair was awful: knotted, matted, scraggly, overgrown… and yet, the russet curls fell prettily into his eyes, and Sirius couldn’t make out the colour because of Remus’s insanely long eyelashes, hiding them from sight.
Sirius smiled amusedly at the sight, before pushing the headphones to the side of the desk and pulling himself up to sit there instead. Remus blinked up at him in confusion. Golden. The colour of his eyes. Molten, hot liquid, pure and radiant, swirling in his irises; a deep, rich shade of brown that was too shiny to be brown.
“Hiya,” Sirius grinned. “Got any more alcohol on you?”
Remus’s eyes widened in recognition, and he obediently opened a desk drawer and pulled out a huge bottle of vodka — which, concerningly, was already half-drunk. Sirius laughed. “Don’t be so stiff, mate, I’m not gonna attack you.”
“You’re the boss, though.”
“Nah, just one of his sons. I work the same as you, y’know. Salesperson.”
“Cheers,” Sirius nodded, taking a swig of the bottle, letting out a sigh as his throat burned.
Remus’s lips twitched upward. “Usually, I don’t drink so visibly.”
Sirius gave him a levelled look. “I’m a Potter.”
“And that gives you superiority?”
“Yes,” Sirius stated, purposefully taking another sip. He grinned when Remus chuckled slightly, and then even more when Remus froze like a deer in headlights when he was caught.
“Loosen up, I thought you were drunk,” Sirius passed the bottle back.
Remus pursed his lips, before shrugging and taking a massive swig.
“Wow,” Sirius noted. “Really hate this job, huh?”
“Y’know, if you’re broke, how’d you afford the bottle?” Sirius gestured.
Remus grimaced at the impression it gave. A poor alcoholic who spent all his money on his poison. “I actually won it in a lottery. But my best mate was in charge, and I’m one hundred percent certain she rigged it in my favour.”
Sirius cackled. “You deserve it.”
“Clearly,” Remus responded dryly.
“You’re different now than on the phone,” Sirius observed. “You know Lockhart?” All Sirius needed was Remus’s answering grimace to say, “At first, you reminded me of him.”
“What?!” Remus coughed. “I hate everything. I knew it was bad, but not that bad.”
Sirius consolingly patted the top of Remus’s curls as he pathetically buried his face into his elbows, splayed all knobbly and gangly over the desk. “Aw, it’s okay,” Sirius jokingly cooed. “Honestly, you redeemed yourself greatly. So adorable, you were. And I think you called me pretty, at one point in that ramble. And you hadn’t even seen me! I’m touched.”
“You’re still pretty,” Remus mumbled into his sleeve, and Sirius raised his eyebrows.
“So are you,” he whispered.
Remus finally raised his head in comical confusion, but before those lovely lips could form the words asking him to elaborate, Sirius continued in a louder voice, “Well, I won’t fire you, but we’re gonna find you a job you care about. Because, although your hair is beautiful, you clearly don’t give a shit about looking after it.”
- - -
Three years later, Sirius was the boss of Potter’s Sleekeazy Hair Products, his parents having made the decision to retire early and enjoy their remaining years as much as possible. And, it was clear that Sirius was made for the job.
After closing up the office, he skipped down the sidewalk, and rounded the corner of the cobbled street to face the monstrous, arched building, looming over him intimidatingly with its intricate traceries and age-old, weathered bricks. But it didn’t intimidate him, because it was the second home of his partner, who spent his hours poring over dusty pages of ancient volumes, or writing new pages to fill spaces in bookstores for people of all ages.
They’d found the job together, exploring dreams and hopes and ambitions, and dreaming and hoping and striving even more to make it work. And it worked. Because now Remus Lupin was a bestselling author and university lecturer, and he only drank alcohol when he wasn’t working. Oh, and his hair was even more breathtaking, because every week, his partner conditioned it with a new, specially-designed Potter’s Sleekeazy Conditioning Serum.
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ar3s-r4t-qu33n · 7 days
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Rant incoming?? Oops???
So this is... Exactly how I feel about TCM the Game. I've seen a lot of people (on TikTok, to the surprise of exactly NO ONE-) saying that they want certain outfits and using certain mods (no hate at all if you use cosmetic mods, idk, personally they make me feel kinda weird? But that's a PERSONAL thing, honestly, no hate to you at all if you) and saying that the characters aren't "cunty" enough or wear "accurate 70s clothing" when...
The Devs are going off actually magazines from the time..? Like, people found Julie's 4th of July fit immediately after they posted about it in a real magazine from the time, all of the outfits seen in game come from the early 70s, I'm not sure why folks are complaining..? I think they look amazing.
And this isn't me sucking Gun's dick either. But as someone who loves the outfits and aesthetics of the seventies, it kinda sucks seeing people get angry about something they made up. What you want is to play dress up with cute girls who are all skeleton level skinny and can wear those cheap hippy Halloween costumes or whatever you think the seventies is. Ana going to find her sister in a cheerleading costume makes no sense. Virginia quit her job years ago, why would she wear that??
As a writer myself, I choose story over aesthetics any day. Rush Week gives us the opportunity to have six new ladies wearing Halloween costumes or cheerleading fits or anything else because it's the late seventies and it's Halloween. That makes SENSE, and we've got Leather Jacket Johnny too!!
Idk. This is a rant, ig?? It's just very irritating to keep seeing people complain about stuff that is, at the end of the day, inaccurate to what the game is and wants to be. We're not having Sally or Chrissie or Erin because 2/3 of those escape, and we saw the movie with Chrissie, she dies, what would be the point in playing as her? Also her story is in 1969, the game is 1973!!
I appreciate them putting their story above all else, including the fandom's wants. That means more to me that them suddenly making Julie and Maria super skinny so you don't have to feel comfortable liking women who are, at the end of the day, perfectly healthy and beautiful, and giving us outfits that would make no sense but make some people happy.
Link to the post: Texas Chain Saw Hispano on Instagram
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airi-p4 · 2 years
JATP AU: Everlasting musical connection - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Epilogue … 
Julie and the Phantoms x Lukanette AU
(Sorry for the incoming little rant)
I'm a bit mad tbh because I wrote this before we had any leaks or information about S5 and now it looks like the 'red moon' and Felix are a canon reference when they're NOT. But I guess it's partly my fault for not posting this earlier... *sigh*
Anyway- This story will be finished! Idk when but it will! Thank you for your patience.
TW: check AO3 for the tags ( !!! )
Chapter summary:
Marinette refuses to accept the Phantoms imminent crossing over, and decides to face the only one who may know a way to help them: the magician ghost Felix- their enemy.
While the ghosts were busy at the cemetery, Marinette snuck out of high school to go to Paris' Ghost club. She had only heard about the exclusive club from the Phantoms and rumors, and she had no idea how to find it… but the Internet tricks Alya taught her some time ago did the rest of the job.
Felix wasn't lying when he said the doors would be exceptionally opened for her anytime. She would have never imagined going straight to the enemy's headquarters and exposing herself to such danger.
The girl had already confronted the centuries old magician ghost once and knew too well how dangerous he was. She had to be cautious- he knew a great amount of tricks. She stepped in, carefully at first, but soon brought her courage afloat after remembering her mission had a time limit.
Just a few more hours.
She had no time to lose.
“Felix! Show yourself! I know you’re here!” she called loudly.
“Oh, my my… look who's here: Marinette Dupain-Cheng…” a voice said from the shadows. The teenager got shivers, but remained courageous, standing tall. “To think you would visit me… Aren’t you scared I may possess your body like I did with your blond pathetic friend?”
“I know how to kick you out now! I’m not scared of you!” she yelled, and his evil laugh interrupted. Within a blink, he appeared in front of her and she gasped. “I’m- I’m not scared of you!” she repeated.
“Yet you’re here, trembling like a newborn puppy…” Felix laughed, amused by her fears. The sound of his slow steps walking in circles around her was keeping her alert. “How desperate you must be for your ‘Phantoms’ if you’ve come to me in order to save them…”
“Shut up!" She recomposed at the mention of her friends "I know there has to be a way! A way so they don’t have to cross over! Or maybe that they can come back to life!”
“Oh, innocent child… Don’t you think I’d have already done that myself if there was a way?”  His laugh echoed in the club, giving her goosebumps.
“I know you keep secrets. And I know you’re good at hiding them. But your powers are not only for evil. And music! Music has to be the reason you’re still aliv- well, not completely dead.”
“Haha… Very funny…" A few claps followed ironically. "You did well figuring out this much… Hmmm... What would you say if I told you there’s a way for them to come back to life?” he tempted her in a hum.
“Is there!?"
“Oh, so you’re interested, huh?” He smirked evilly and Marinette remembered he wasn't going to give her what she wanted for free. She knew him.
“What’s the deal?” she demanded, looking straight in his eyes.
“An exchange." He paused in front of her, close. "Your soul. Your life for theirs. How does that sound?”
She paused for a second, out of the shock, and before her voice left her throat she was interrupted by three newcomers.
“NEVER!" they yelled. Marinette's eyes opened big.
“Luka! Guys! Why are you here!?”
“Oh, c’mon Marinette, we know you. We’ve been together for a while now.” Juleka winked. "You can't fool us."
“We’ve actually followed you here and eavesdropped a bit…” Ivan innocently confessed.
“Don’t tell her, Ivan! I was trying to act cool and steal the show!”
“Oops, my bad-”
“Anyway- No one is taking away Marinette’s life. That’s out of the question. We’ll cross over and Marinette will be an amazing singer on her own- or with her new band or whatever she chooses to do with her outstanding talent.” Luka stepped in between Marinette and Felix, pushing him and raising a protective arm in front of her. Marinette's eyes glowed and teared up at him.
“Are you sure you want to cross over while I’m still around? I could try to harm her anytime… Try to figure out her connection with spirits… Or maybe a fatal accident could bring her talent here, to me. Maybe she would agree to remain in my club for all eternity, unlike you...”
“Don’t you dare!” Felix's threat enraged Luka. "Touch her and I'm killing you!"
“Luka…” Marinette blushed, moved.
“Yeah. It seems our last warning wasn’t enough... Let’s kill this ghost.” Juleka jumped closer, fists clenched.
“I wish so too, but guys: we can’t kill him. He’s already dead!” Ivan pointed out and Felix's smile widened.
“You’re not helping, Ivan!” The bassist glared. “And I'm not giving up just like that! There has to be a way to stop him for good!” Her nails sank deeper in her palms.
“There might be a way,” a familiar voice that sounded weak and sweet interrupted, appearing from upstairs.
“Rose!? You were ok!?” Juleka ran towards her beloved ghost, holding her hands tenderly.
“I heard your voice, Juleka, and I rushed here despite the jolts of Felix’s attachment spell." She smiled weakly and it brought Juleka to the verge of tears.
“You fool! I’m so happy to see you…” She hugged her.
“Me, too.” Rose pulled her closer, enjoying the warmth.
“Oh, what a sweet moment…" Felix hummed. "Too bad it won't last long…" His eyes turned red and the blond girl gasped. "Rose. I own your soul and you disobeyed me. You’re going to disappear now-” His fingers were about to snap, but Juleka jumped between Rose and Felix.
“No! I won’t let you harm her!”
The next second, Rose pushed Juleka behind her, making her fall to the floor. Felix's destructive thunder followed its path towards the two ghosts and everyone gasped when the blond ghost was hit.
“ROSE! NO!” Juleka cried, crawling to hold her falling body in her arms.
“Juleka, guys, listen…" Rose coughed. "I’m going to disappear soon, but… there’s a way… There’s a way you can stay here. Love and music... The red moon… Join your powers together... Your bond is special- strong. You can do it… you can make a miracle happen...”
"Rose! No!" Juleka cried.
"As for Felix… Take my curse and cast it to him… hurry up… before I disappear… Do it and he'll remain trapped here forever…" Rose whispered to Juleka. She knew the Phantoms were close enough to hear her, too. "Ivan. Do it, please. Only you can. Hold my wrist and take it. Hurry!"
"I- ok!" Ivan did as Rose told him, and a mark appeared on his wrist.
"Good…" She smiled in relief. “Now you have to say the words: ‘Resistance’, pass the curse to his wrist and say ‘Gift.’. The spell will activate then. Will you do it?” Ivan nodded, uncertain. Rose’s voice became weaker. “Thank you… Now I can leave at peace…"
“No, Rose… Don’t leave me…” Juleka begged in tears.
“I’m very happy to have met you, Juleka." Rose smiled weakly at her. "I love you.”
“Rose… I love you… I love you, too…” Some of Juleka's tears fell on Rose's cheeks. The rest fell on the floor through her disappearing skin.
"Don’t hurry up to join me on the other side, ok? Make a miracle happen. I’ll wait for you. Forever…”
"Rose, no!" Juleka cried. "Rose!!'
"Goodbye…" Rose smiled as she turned into hundreds of flying shining golden lights. On the floor, only her unicorn hairpin remained. Juleka picked it up, kissed it, and put it in her hair. Her long bangs now stuck in place, not covering her deathly glaring eyes anymore. Then she took a deep breath and cleaned her tears as she confidently recovered. Her eyes soon glared at Felix with all her wrath.
“Guys- That’s it. I’m killing this man! Are you with me?”
“Juleka, don’t be reckless, you could end up harmed too!” Luka warned, terrified for his sister, Ivan, and Marinette's safety.
“I don’t care! He just killed Rose! I can NEVER forgive him!”
Juleka's fierce voice turned into a loud roar, and it made the whole club tremble. Luka tried to hold Marinette, but she lost her balance when she fell through Luka's spiritual arm. Felix's eyes opened wide and before he could even blink, Juleka charged against him, punching his face with all her power. Felix fell on the floor with a face of not believing what was happening.
“What!?” Her bandmates gasped, in awe.
It took Felix a second to react. He touched his face where the punch had landed and checked his fingers; there was blood at the corner of his lip. “How- how is this possible!? You-- injured ME?”
Juleka roared loud, jumped, and tackled Felix, immobilizing him with Ivan's help. “Guys. We can do this.” Juleka's fist clenched again, more confident, ready to attack once more. Some stripes, resembling a tiger, appeared over her skin, on her face and arms.
“You…" Felix looked as if he couldn’t believe it, but seeing how her fist raised he changed his attitude to a self-protective one. “I see… So that’s how it is…” he mumbled. He tilted his head down and half-covered his smile with his hand.
Enraged, Juleka raised her fist and prepared to punch him again. "What's so funny, huh!?" Felix didn't answer.
"Do it now, Ivan! The curse!" Luka yelled.
Ivan took the chance while Felix was immobilized under Juleka to pass him the curse. "Wait. Is that Rose's curse? As if this was going to work…” He smirked. But his smile didn’t last long- wiped off his face when Ivan said the words he learnt from Rose: “Resistance.”. His eyes opened wide, as in realization. “No… No! No please!" He begged, but the mark had already appeared on his wrist. "No…!"
“Gift,” Ivan finished the spell, and the mark blended with his ghost skin. The Phantoms looked at the mark's shine spreading over all his body. A jolt followed and it was proof enough the spell seemed to work. They exchanged relieved looks while Felix curled his body in pain.
"Good. You can't leave this hotel ever again, Felix. Now Marinette will finally be safe," Luka said, looking fondly at Marinette.
"And now… To ensure it even further… I'm going to kill you!" Juleka raised her fist one more time, and Felix's face changed to one of fear.
"No, wait- wait please! I'll tell you what you want to know! There is a way to survive! Just don’t kill me!” the magician begged, coughing from the jolts.
Juleka wasn't stopping. "We’re not falling for this again, Felix!”
“The red moon!" he yelled when Juleka's fist almost touched him. "Tonight! It grants special powers to the spirits! Rose is right! With the right spell, a miracle could happen under the moon!"
“Really?” Marinette stepped closer.
Luka looked at her hopeful eyes in worry. “I’m sorry, Marinette, but I don’t trust him. I don’t think we should risk it…" he said, and Marinette looked back at him in sadness.
“But what if he’s right? What if it’s possible for you to come back to life? Or to stay as you are? Rose said it, too! We have nothing to lose! Let’s try it! Let’s go under the red moonlight and-” the girl insisted, desperate.
The purple-haired ghost roared as she punched the floor just beside the magician's face. He gulped in fear.
“Tell us what’s the spell. If you don’t then…” Her fist rose again and he covered his face with his arms.
“Fine! I’ll tell you!” he finally gave in. “Tonight, under the red moonlight, at 2AM exactly, you have to repeat the magic words, three times: ‘kwamis, release the magic.’ If my theory and Rose’s suspicions are correct, you’ll be able to ask for a wish- a miracle.”
“And how do we know you’re telling us the truth?” Ivan asked.
Felix smirked. “You can’t know, truly. But I have no reason to give you a fake spell. I can’t cast it on my own anyway, since moonlight is needed and I’m now trapped here forever…” He suffered again from the spell.
“Tricking us for revenge sounds like a good reason for lying to me…” Marinette glared.
“Revenge? Against you pitiful souls? Don’t make me laugh.” He smirked evilly, still coughing. “You’re worthless. As pathetic as Rose was…” He touched Rose’s unicorn hairpin for a second and Juleka grabbed his shirt collar.
“Hmph- Whatever.” Felix's smirk widened. “You can try the spell or not. But isn’t this your only chance? No one knows if it really works anyway, but you won’t know unless you try. You know what not trying means anyway…”
Juleka growled at him and he shrugged, his fear seemingly gone despite the electric jolts striking again.
“Let him go, Juleka. He’s right,” Luka said, to Marinette’s surprise. “We don’t have much time left, and he’s trapped here forever, whether he's telling the truth or not, our fate is sealed. I can rest in peace knowing he won't be able to harm Marinette.”
“But-” Marinette and Juleka protested.
“We have a concert to go to, right? Let’s forget about Felix and enjoy the last hours we have together.” Luka shrugged with a weak smile. Marinette and Juleka weren’t happy, but ended up following Luka’s lead.
"It's time for you to pay for your sins." Juleka stood up and looked down in absolute disgust at Felix. “Enjoy your solitude for eternity.”
The ghosts escorted Marinette out of the hotel and they sighed in relief when they reunited outside. Once outside, Luka turned to speak to Marinette.
"Don't you ever do that again, Marinette. Don't expose yourself to danger like that. Especially not for us, when we're already…" The guitarist had an urge to hug her, but he knew he couldn't even touch her. His body language was obvious to his ghost bandmates, though, who smiled sadly at them.
“I'm sorry… I wanted to-" she stopped, not wanting to be scolded again when the count on their wrists kept going down. "You’re the best friends I could ever have,” Marinette thanked them.
“You’re our treasure, Marinette.” Luka gave her his sweetest smile and she blushed.
If he wasn't a ghost, he would have probably leaned down to kiss her, had she allowed him, of course. But he knew better. Both of them knew better. They belonged to different worlds, despite their connection being so real...
*cof cof*
The pair turned to Juleka and realized they had been staring at each other's eyes for too long. Ivan looked away, slightly blushing, and Marinette panicked a bit. Luka smiled at her cuteness before taking the lead again.
“Ok, let’s go! We can't be late to our last concert tonight!”
“Hell yeah! I’m on fire!” Juleka exclaimed.
"Have you decided yet which song we're performing?" Ivan asked, stretching his wrists.
"I have," Marinette interrupted. "I know exactly which one song we should perform." She grinned and the Phantoms smiled back at her.
"Ok, let's do it!"
"We're 'Marinette and the Phantoms,' and today was our last concert. Please enjoy our last song: ‘everlasting musical connection’!"
There was evident shock, sadness, and devastated fans at the French Orpheum, but it was soon replaced by the feelings that resonated through the music with the frantic audience.
Their last concert was short, but moreover, it was unforgettable. Epic. Outstanding.
Those were the adjectives the specialized press was already calling it online.
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bananakarenina · 2 years
I would love to hear you rant about all of these but for now I will just say ranting about the Rulie drowning fic!
oh the drowning au. the drowning au!
this was an ask game, and @daintyduck99 of course provided me with a fun and secretly-gorgeous prompt, something i of course didn't link to, oops. but it was a "fics you would definitely write" and it was a lifeguard au.
fun (?) fact about the first line: that was a line from a poem that i just never really completed. (warning: kind of personal near-death experience reference incoming? i promise it's nothing graphic and obviously i am okay, this happened literally 30 years ago)
one of my earliest memories is falling into my aunt & uncle's pool. i couldn't have been older than three? anyway, i was kicking my feet in the water, and you know what happens when you look away from toddlers for like four seconds. i leaned in too far and suddenly: water.
it is a very early memory, so i don't have details. but i recall it was quiet, in a weirdly comfortable way? like to a kid the floating and sinking didn't feel bad, just lovely. i wasn't down there long. my oldest cousin was already in the pool and pulled me out. that was the direct inspiration for "Reentering the world is loud, and awful, and kind of wrenching." lol.
i am in no way traumatized by the experience, i feel like i should make that clear. i was three and then i took swim lessons and while i didn't love putting my face in the water, i still learned and am a passable swimmer lol.
it's definitely an interesting first memory to have though lol.
as for the fic: i have the third chapter sketched out but my writing pace is such that i don't know when i'll get to it. currently my attention is on the christmas romcom and to love's self alone, but don't count this one out, hahaha.
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skecherss · 4 years
There’s this funny idea I seem to see implied in most comics/fics, that each of the batkids have, like, one special sibling that they get along with, and the rest are kinda just there? That’s a thing, right? Like, Dick and Damian will be buddies, and people seem to think that that’s at the expense of Dick’s and Damian’s relationship with Tim (granted, Tim thought so himself at one point but it’s too soon to contradict myself, let me finish, I have too many thoughts to stop now)
Duke and Cass, I think Tim and Jason sometimes, Steph and (literally nobody because DC refuses to acknowledge that she has more than a tenuous affiliation with the rest of the batfam), those are acknowledged Pals™. Their relationships with any of their other siblings are virtually nonexistent unless it’s just straight-up arguing.
But, like....does nobody have siblings that they’ve learned to get along with....? I feel like I so rarely see instances of all of them getting along in different ways like siblings just DO. And sure, it totally makes sense to be closer to one sibling than another — I’m a lot closer to my brother than my other siblings — but that doesn’t mean your interactions with the others are always fraught with tension or apathy, you’re still able to have your own fun dynamic with them because you love them and they’re different people and it makes sense for the dynamic to be built on different things.
Take my big sister — I barely got along with her at all for years, she’s the only sibling that I honestly thought I hated at any point, and when she moved out I fully expected her not to want to talk to me any more. She didn’t get along with any of us that well. But somehow that’s become a bonding point? I know now that whenever I have family issues, or anything my parents refuse to talk out, she’ll be willing and way too prepared to fight things out for me. And c’mon, couldn’t that be Jason and Damian?
I get along with the brother closest to me probably just because we’ve spent so much time together; we understand each other well and it’s fun to be around someone who can predict your every move and get so much just from an eyebrow raise. That could be Tim and Cass — both so wired to read people that it’s like second nature to understand each other and know instinctively that the other person loves to have it reciprocated for once.
My younger brother has had a really hard time learning to reel his emotions in; he’s super sensitive and lashes out easily so it’s hard for him to be nice to people sometimes and vice versa. That was me as a kid. So I get to be the one who’s grown enough to be a diplomat for him, we get to rant about how hard it is to have feelings to each other, and sure our relationship isn’t so much built on a near-psychic link but we still like spending time with each other. Maybe that’s Dick and Jason — not always reciprocated, but there’s an understanding there nonetheless, and unfortunately Jason WILL get extremely offended and possibly violent on Dick’s behalf if he hears him at all insulted.
My little sister and I are only just barely getting along and I still have to fake so much of it because she reminds me far too much of myself when I was younger and it doesn’t sit right, I’d love to avoid her, but she so clearly craves affirmation and I feel like I’m the only one who sees it so I have to be the nice one who treats her like a person and honestly that’s okay too, I’m happy with that too! And maybe that’s Tim and Damian; you don’t need to LIKE your sibling to be decent to them and have concern for their well-being! Tolerance is a relationship!
And, like, obviously my relationships with my siblings aren’t a pattern for all Realistic Fictional Siblings everywhere, but idk, I feel like everything I’ve experienced is a direct contradiction of the classic “one of your siblings is a friend and the rest don’t really matter much.” 
Perhaps I am wrong and it is actually more realistic to only get along with one sibling at a time. But I think that it’d be nice to have a silly made-up alternate universe where it wasn’t that way.
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stillbreathing-aer · 2 years
im just gonna spam rq:
tasm and me freaking out about peter parker
yk normally notes would get this but since im here, tumblr will be subjected to my movie rants :)
this is literally just me commenting on the movie, like the whole movie, unless i stop randomly, unlikely, but could happen
bye fangirling over another golden boy. golden retriever boy. kfkkdkdk
this is a problem, how am i meant to function in society
save me
ckdfkfdkkdkckdkskdk CUTIES
nah dude this is it for me, she says after saying that about the last three fictional golden boys
THE HOLOS REMIND ME OF TONY man i miss that guy
goddammit pete- may :[
oh shit- oh poor baby- no-
aw shit dude-
istfg ben better NOT fucking die trying to find peter
oop bad guy incoming
oh nvm
i hope that man dies
i am so done w these GOOD FATHER FIGURES dying.
oh my
pete lets uh
calm ourselves yeah?-
w no poor Akfkeifieekkwwkwkkwkwkwkekdkekekwkwk the h
that is so upsetting
hm 🤭
oh shit
hes tonna drop him
he got dropped nvm
thats so funny
hehehehehehe slay peter slay
oh shit he gonna jump
oh nvm hes just showing off his awesome handstand
like literally just one hand
look at him, little crime fighter
go white boy go
hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehe SLAY PETER SLAY.
so proud
a cop? in
yeah what he said
hes so funny
ive seen this behind the scenes its so funny w/o the webs there
aw how kind of him to give him breathing holes
oh no hes getting cocky 🧍
thats never good 🧍
wow nice going pete-
what a little weirdo /pos
may has to know
oh jeez pete your memory its failing you buddy
aw pete-
aw may- ;-;
peter- :/
lizard incoming 🫢🫢
yo are you stalking him?
i love having trouble processing audio w/o captions
aw gwen :']
shes so sweet
i love her
gone i love them
ayo lizard time?
hi mr i dont know your name scientist man
why is your arm so slimy
he do be transforming though
hehehehehehehehe cuties
wow what a large family you guys have
very cooool and probably insufferable
pete 🧍
oh lord pete
pete read the room??
they are so cute
im so gone
gone done
pete dont jump 💀
oh jesus
ahh lizard man is on the loose 💃
wait did he even try the oher door????
oh wow
he is gonna be forever traumatized by bridges from now in
aw shit dude
thank god
poor lizard man (?)
this city stans spiderman
they are adorable
look at his goofy little smile
what a dumbass
sorry, dumbasses, plural
sorry, cutest dumbasses
damn scientist man you look like a mess
scientist man and peter man you both arent being very subtle about this
otto in the ps4 spiderman game gives lizard scientist man energy
dr curt connors?
now i know your name funky scientist man
lil lizard boys
oh funky lil lizard boys i see
damn connors youve become a crazy basement man
all that video for nothing
hehe the web is so cool
oh man thats so sick
the vibrations from the webs
thats awesome
oop youre being surrounded peter man
man well i hated that
really just left your name on the camera like that
damn pete-
aw gwen fkdk-
hehehehe so cute
i love you gwen stacy
wow those are really bad pete
the eyes
they are
so fucking cute
spontaneously combust
as msuch as i think that you should sleep over bud may is gonna be pissed
oh but they are so cute :[
they are adorable
aw pete-
i love you gwen stacy and peter parker
god they are SO CUTE
im gonna stop living /j
youre losing it connors
good luck peter man
jesus connors
did he really just mKe a bomb
i feel like the peter in the ps4 game is a lot like andrews peter
and i am here for it
ew that regen on the tail was gross as
oh shit slay pete
god they are so cute it is almost insufferable
pete buddy wheres your mask
its in your hamd thats my bad
aw shit yeah those poor kids- theyre all traumatized
oh i hope this doesnt become one of those scenarios where the sweetheart becomes a cocky bastard :/
it better not ill be so sad
i doubt it will cause peter is the super boy so narratively that cannot be allowed to be permanent :D
so if he does, he'll redeem himself hopefully
connors is that a lab coat?
damn well theyre all dead now
not dead
thats unfortunate
lmao those people in the bg just staring at him on the call
gwen you cant die yet
i know you dont die yet
that sucks
cmon peter get up
come on peter wake up???????
nah its fine
aw shit pete
so many people know his face by now and i love it
that one post where its like an unspoken rule that even if youve seen spidermans face you cant reveal it is amazing
oh 🧍
i thought he was gonna
peter how mang days has it been since youve seen may
yes slay pete saved the day BUT IF GWENS DAD DIES I WILL FIGHT SOMEONE
sorry lizard man connors
what in the hell
damn welp
bring him back this isnt funny
i hate this place
thats fucked man
anyways i got distracted
ben i miss you
ayo spidercave??
stop that was cute w flash
anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk that is being posted on tumblr cause i cant copy/paste the whole thing :)
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enamouredless · 2 years
i don’t ship byler but the duffers and everyone involved in that show can pry gay will out of my cold dead hands. “up for interpretation” my ass, let him be GAY.
Sorry category 5 rant incoming
I truly don't understand what they've been doing with his character for the past 2 seasons, they clearly don't have any good interesting ideas for him and can't even incorporate him to the plot well enough so for them to refuse to even aknowldage his sexuality like.. what has he been doing these past 7 episodes?? Staring at mike?? Giving him love advice about el??? His storyline this season so far has been just plain garbage, they literally turned him into a background character when this story wouldn't even exist without him and it sucks!! Having a gay storyline in the 80s would've been so interesting!!! They've could've explored so many options with this but they just decided not to, just because.
It's just plain homophobic, gay people shouldn't have to settle with having to look in between the lines for representation and them saying that the "beauty of his character is thats its being left to interpretation" it's literally ridiculous, how is that a good thing for anyone other than the benefit of their own pockets
Also kinda unrelated I've had this impression that the only reason they made robin cannonically a lesbian was so people wouldn't be able to claim they're being homophobic bc hey look!! Wdym we don't care about gay ppl there's clearly a lesbi- oops sorry gay girl in the show!! (Since they don't even bother referring her as a lesbian) and don't even get me started on her half assed love interest they've tried to introduce now.
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grievouserror · 3 years
Here I go...
I’m going to say it
Satine’s views on peace and nonviolence are admirable, but foolish sentiments
Her execution of the ideals was poor.
I mean, Mandalore in Legends (think back to 3976 BBY, Mandalore literally came into conflict with the entire Republic, it’s a freakin’ warrior culture for crying out loud) invaded the Republic at one point [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mandalorian_Wars]. You can’t just get rid of thousands of years of military might and culture without severe backlash. 
I mean, look at what happened to Copernicus and Galileo, when they said the Earth orbits the Sun. This violated the Church’s culture at the time and Galileo suffered serious backlash. I know Galileo was placed under house arrest and forced to retract his statements, but Copernicus died before any severe action could be taken against him by the church. Anyway, Mandalore had a military history of nearly 3950 star-wars-year-units, and then (in the eyes of certain Mandalorians) this upstart whelp comes along and says what they stand for is total bs.
To be completely fair, Mandalore was just coming out of a civil war which devastated the ecosystem of Mandalore, turning it into a desert (like Tatooine in legends. Uh, go look it up. Tatooine was at one point a forested worldbuthenitgotglassedandI’llstoprightnow)
Satine probably saw the devastation and bloodshed and became totally against war, which, to be fair, if I was in her situation, I’d probably have similar ideas. However, Mandalorian culture revolves around honor (hehehe Zuko parallels hehehe), especially honor in combat (brain stop with the Agni Kai parallels pls). And then you have this young ruler who says “no combat”. Some people have been affected similarly to Satine and probably support her 100%, others can see where she’s coming from, but you forget, 3950 star-wars-year-units of military history!!! People have been losing loved ones for millennia, and Mandalore would probably have some kind of system in place to deal with the grief. Mental health in Star Wars is seriously overlooked. Oh and if you want to read a series of stories that go really deep into psychoanalyzing Vader then https://archiveofourown.org/series/62222 pls read- Moving on. 
Naturally, the people that kept to the original Mandalorian ways decided that Satine was full of hot air, and decided to show her that her way was wrong, by blowing up children’s hospitals. Oops. Now, anyone with even a single braincell can see that blowing up a children’s hospital is dishonorable by any standard whatsoever. (Dishonored Mandalorians are called dar’manda btw, meaning they’re not Mandalorian anymore) Which is really really ironic when you think about it. Satine is claiming that Death Watch is dishonorable, which is correct, and Death Watch is claiming that Satine has forsaken the original Mandalorian way and is dishonorable, which is correct by the original Mandalorian way, and yeah. One gigantic mess. I bet this is why the Jedi council chose to send Obi-Wan in there. They saw this mess and was like “This is a job for the Negotiator”. It really is.
Oh and Satine’s line “Even extremists can be reasoned with!” 
I would certainly like to think so, but more often than not, a reasonable extremist is rarer than a moisture farmer with good income.
Pacifism is all fine and dandy, but it only really works for a leader of a state if one or more of three conditions are met:
Your state has a military that is able to defend itself
Your state has allies which have a military that is able to defend both your state and theirs
Nobody has a military
I’m using modern-day Japan for this example, because Japan relied upon the US’s protection for a while, but recent developments caused it to start recruiting for a military. 
As we can see, Mandalore in Star Wars does not have a military, they only have the paramilitary Peacekeeper force. That’s fine, but you can’t really push police into a military role unless you're the leader of the US. In which case, go right ahead. They probably have allies with armed forces large enough to defend both Mandalore and the ally, probably. However, I don’t think that’s the case. Maybe Satine would have refused military help? She seems like she would. And of course, this is Star Wars, so condition 3 is never met. 
Satine, for all your flaws, you’re still the best ship with Kenobi, and nothing else can stop that. That concludes my rant.
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sunlezz · 4 years
alright so… this is embarrassing smh
ive been following a rly cool artist on twitter and it was their bday today so i went ahead and gushingly wished them a happy bday, mentioning that we had been tumblr mutuals since the twdg days… and then i went and looked them up on tumblr and realized. we’re not mutuals anymore.
and it’s just like!!! ok that is fine! it’s totally fine and i understand, nobody is obligated to stay my friend and everyone is free to unfollow at any time if that’s what you want to do. but just.
i explicitly ask in my about that if we’re mutuals, that you please softblock me if u decide to unfollow. it’s embarrassing for me to continue to interact with your posts all enthusiastic and shit like we’re friends when we dont actually follow each other anymore. u know??? i have no hard feelings and i will never bear any ill will to anyone who decides to unfollow me no matter what the reason, but fck man this just feels so shitty.
and the thing is, this is not the first time this has happened, there have been MANY mutuals over the years who i’ve noticed no longer follow me, or have deactivated, and some of them have in fact softblocked which i appreciate!!! i do not believe anyone is EVER under any obligation whatsoever to explain their reasoning to me. u don’t even have to HAVE a reason! it’s fine! (and sidenote that recently i mistakenly followed somebody again after they softblocked me without realizing that OOPS they actually unfollowed so i unfollowed again right after that. but it just makes me so fcuking sad, bc i have no idea what i did to make them unfollow me in the first place!!!)
it’s just. the problem with the current situation is, this is not the first person who has unfollowed me without also softblocking me as well, and it just!!! puts me in a very potentially embarrassing situation!?!!! and ig i just dont know what im supposed to do now??? do i unfollow them too??? like fck i m at a loss here. i guess i just dont understand, why would you go to the length of pressing that unfollow button if u dont also bother pressing the block/unblock button as well?? youre already there, what’s so hard??? especially on tumblr where follower count isnt displayed, i would understand better if this was ig or twitter where everyone can see the follower/following ratio and that matters to some ppl but idk!
idk i guess i m just. paranoid and sad now bc it’s like… ok did i do something at some point that made a bunch of ppl decide to unfollow me or someth??? bc if that’s the case then again, that is fine, but please. if im fucking up or doing something that would warrant mass unfollows then i would like to know!!!
anons are welcome to weigh in here, im also going to tag this as twdg bc that was the fandom i met most of my old mutuals from and i’d like anyone who still lurks there to weigh in as well ig
idk :C lol
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Anonymous confessed: “I apologize in advance for the huge rant incoming but… I’m shocked at how Dulcet Games handled this update. Their attitude is basically "Oops looks like we broke some stuff!” when that’s not even close to describing the mess they made. I can’t even claim my daily gifts, I tried opening my current chapter on SE and I was in a completely different place than when I left off last time, and none of the infinities are showing so even if I wanted to keep playing, I’d get scenes with the wrong LIs. They didn’t just “break some stuff,” SE is UNPLAYABLE. Like, I wouldn’t mind it if it was just graphic issues but this is beyond unprofessional. You can’t just release an update that breaks everything and say you’ll fix it bit by bit??? Some of you will tell me I’m overreacting but wouldn’t you think that for an update to be released, the game should at least be playable? This isn’t something they are making for fun, it’s their profession. They can’t break their whole game and say “Oops!” I’ve seen people verbally destroy Beemoov for much less than that, I can’t believe everyone’s going along with this as if it’s not an issue. I’m begging you, when Black Tarot comes out, fix the bugs BEFORE you release it. Fixing it bit by bit doesn’t work when the problems are THIS MASSIVE.  Don’t get me started on Kortia and SE sharing coins and energy… they are two different games, why would they?? People wanted to murder Beemoov when they did this for UL but at least those were the same games, it was a sequel, but this is completely different. I really hope they at least release a statement about this, saying they’re trying to correct this stuff, because the silence just makes it more unprofessional.“
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rjzimmerman · 3 years
Excerpt from this story from Earther/Gizmodo:
Rep. Lauren Boebert has trotted out standard right-wing pablum when it comes to climate from bizarre Green New Deal rants to lies about hamburgers to trying to block the U.S. from reentering the Paris Agreement as one of her first official acts in Congress. She also introduced legislation to ban moratoriums on oil and gas drilling. Now, we may have a clearer idea why aside from the usual brainworms.
New finance documents filed by her office this week reveal that her husband earned $478,000 from an oil and gas company last year, and $460,000 from the same company in 2019—information that she conveniently left off her campaign disclosure forms last year when she was running for office in a district where that company has a large presence.
Even though campaign finance laws require candidates and elected officials to disclose sources of income and other conflicts of interest in order to keep voters in the loop with regards to who they’re voting for, it looks like Boebert wasn’t totally honest during her campaign last year by neglecting to report this pretty hefty chunk of cash. In her filing last year, she instead reported that her husband was a “consultant” and didn’t provide any information about his industry or income; her forms instead seemed to suggest that her family’s primary source of money was a restaurant called Shooters Grill. (The grill is in a town called Rifle, and Shooters’ website says it’s “famous for it’s [sic] armed waitresses,” a sentence that makes me want to go lay down for a while. )
The new disclosures about her husband’s income, first reported by the AP, come as the Federal Elections Commission is looking into some transactions Boebert’s campaign made last year. “The spouse is supposed to disclose the source of all earned income and this doesn’t add up with what was in the prior filing,” Kedric Payne, who used to work at the Office of Congressional Ethics who now works at the Campaign Legal Center, told the AP. Another thing this disclosure form reveals: Shooters Grill lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2019 and 2020, so makes sense that the Boebert family would have a nice cushion of oil and gas money.
The disclosure lists the money as coming from Terra Energy Productions, which doesn’t seem to exist. However, Terra Energy Partners, a company based out of Houston, describes itself on its website as “the largest operator in the Piceance Basin”—which sits squarely in Boebert’s district in western Colorado. There, the company says it produces an “average of 500 million cubic feet of gas per day.”
The firm also kicked $250,000 in 2018 to the ironically named Protecting Colorado’s Environment, Economy, and Energy, a PAC funded by oil and gas interests, according to Open Secrets data. The PAC has pushed for looser regulations for the industry that would, among other things, have negative consequences on public health.
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a mun rants
so my friend just brought myself attention to “rolescapes” and after a brief look at @rolescape​
1. you guys dont have a fucking income planned out? maybe this has changed in ur discord but from ur page and guys i want you to really know what they have planned for ideas on how to generate income. 
Ads: Pay to promote your RPH, creator blog, character blog, Instagram art, deviant art, etc and we will feature you!
Ads: For Etsy artists, redbubble artists, critical role, etc.
Pay to buy points — points can be earned by using the site, or they can be purchased and used to buy promotion space and some types of collectible badges.
Content creators can sell themes, and Rolescape will take a very small percentage
There will be an entire section for cosplayers, who generate a lot of traffic and are an important part of the RPC in their own area. They can advertise.
Community fundraisers — talent show. Every week, we will ask for submissions for the talent show. Talent shows will consist of dramatic readings of stories/fanfiction, acted-out cosplay scenes, impressions, fandom songs, skits, fan art reel, and whatever the community sends in that they can think of. Buy a $1 ticket to the show and receive a one-time access code to enter the page. All money collected goes back into making Rolescape possible and pays for the storage space to host all those gifs of Adelaide Kane.
The bottom 3 are perfectly fine the top 3 are incredibly worrying. 
thats right folks
you can pay to win RP
nothing says like causing descivness in the rping community by allowing rpers with money overtake promotional spots because they can literally pay to promo their blog across the site whilst a poor struggling blog can only watch as they gather no interactions. IM SURE THAT WILL GO WELL.
also as you know rolescapes exists already. its a tabletop rpg website do you wanna hear their response to this. 
While Rolescape is not a trademarked name, we are looking into this further and will post any updates if changes to the name should be made.
Thats right boys and girls they legit went “WELL ITS NOT TRADEMARKED SO IF WE EVER GOT MORE POPULAR THEN THE OTHER SITE I SUPPOSE WE WOULD HAVE TO CHANGE IT.”  Like what the fuck is this?
just the cherry on this sundae
“ Made FOR roleplayers, BY roleplayers “
you guys remember this saying
lettme remind you
“DASHCON. a con made for tumble users MADE by tumble users.” and dashcon as u kno, was a great success. 
oop just came across this as i was reading on security concerns.
“We do not have a formal security specialist on board at the moment, but as Rolescape continues to progress and grow, there is room to designate specialists to further our commitment to user security.“
what the fuck is this?
do they have anything planned out? are people donating to a literal empty shell of a website?
so far they have plan for income, no real security in place besides the creator which means nothing because the creator will be too busy with the thousand other things and they need a security head, they have plans to make a hyper-agressive rping community by adding pay to win mechanics. 
also an incredible worry for me is how diverse is the staff making the website. is it truly a website for rpers? even with tumble as it is with its desciveness on characters, aging up muses, you know genderbends, dubious situations from evil muses gaslighting to abuse, etc etc. people all over the spectrum on what they think is ok or not ok of course within legal limits its incredibly worrying for me because a site made by rpers when i dont know these rpers could be a site that could be heavy on “badthought” rping  punishing those that rp what they think isnt ok and yeeting them from the platform or it could truly be an open place for everyone no matter their opinions or styles of rping and i would like to hope they know this going in but so far on their page im not seeing anything that would alleviate this fear.
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tessasocs · 4 years
And I oop girl what the frick frack is Snape and Allison's dynamic because I'm strugglin' out here from that gifset and I need reassurance because I know you stated notp but please help my broken brain – 😭
*sighs* Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who was confused about it. I’ll probably just take the gifset down because of all the trouble it’s giving me haha.
(sorry about the incoming rant it has nothing to do with you at all, I love talking to you and getting to know you, I’ve just had to deal with a lot of questions like this lately haha)
Under the cut because it may be triggering for some and I don’t wanna keep bombarding my followers with this. 
TW: coercion, manipulation
Let’s get one thing clear: SNAPE AND ALLISON’S DYNAMIC IS NOT HEALTHY. It is a grown-ass man manipulating and coercing an underage girl into doing things she may not want to do because of how she looks. It’s the Littlefinger/Sansa dynamic but definitely way more unhealthy. It never goes into pedophile territory and things certainly never get sexual, but it is still traumatizing for Allison to have a teacher act creepy and touchy towards her because of how she looks. 
(I had to deal with one in high school and it’s not fun and wildly uncomfortable)
I DO NOT SHIP THEM. NO ONE WHO LIKES MY BLOG SHIPS THEM. I have in many instances stated that I would kick anyone who ships them into the fucking sun because of how much I hate this man. This is a SNAPE HATE fic. 
Allison’s whole arc revolves around dealing with Snape and his advances, If Voldemort is Harry Potter’s personal nemesis and obstacle he must overcome. Snape is Allison Potter’s. 
Yes, it’s problematic and controversial and I knew that when I was writing and creating it. Please don’t think I approve or condone this behavior when I have gone out of my way to not romanticize or glorify it in any way.
If you do have issues with it, I won’t be offended if you filter her posts or don’t read her story. Again, sorry about the rant and the confrontational attitude, it has nothing to do with you, just a general exhaustion with repeating myself over and over again. 
Thank you for asking though and feeling comfortable enough to talk to me about it. 
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swimmingdeerpeach · 4 years
Just some Ideas I had for Yandere BNHA
WARNING: Slight yandere themes
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It was just another day of work for Bakugou, he was going undercover and searching for a villain who had hacked into several bank accounts and had stolen over 4 million. After some extensive research Bakugou had figured out that this villain worked as a theater manager and worked behind the scenes as this hacking mastermind.
Bakugou sighed as he waited for the show to end there was only one more solo dance performance left and he was bored out of his mind. He sighed as the announcer went backstage to bring in the next performer.
“Ladies and Gentleman I am pleased to introduce the dancing sensation of Roko city y/n!”
Within a flash he saw y/n. His breath hitched and his bored expression turned into a more curious one as he saw y/n how her beautiful hair danced in the light, her gorgeous dress fitting her perfectly and how she smiled at everyone. Something about this girl made him feel different, made him feel like he was complete. 
He stared into her eyes and for the first time ever he felt happy, he didn’t want to shout, he didn’t want to yell, he wasn’t angry, it was just him.
Y/N’s eyes met his briefly which made his heart beat faster but she turned away and as soon as the music started, she swayed elegantly with it. She was calming and refreshing to watch and he couldn’t help but wonder if it was love at first sight...
It must have been, right?
Of course it was! He loved y/n! And he was going to go to the moon and back for her. He would kill for her! He would die for her! 
She was an enchantress her beautiful long tresses swaying with her every movement and how she was the perfect girl for Bakugou.
She was his and no damn extra or reject could take her away from him! They were bound together from that moment on.
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This sweet cinnamon roll was walking down the street recently dumped by Ochako Uraraka. He was slowly moving on but the thought of his old girlfriend made his eyes flood with tears. They loved each other and he simply couldn’t understand why she would leave him. He huffed as his eyes watered again.
He bumped into someone who was on the ground.
“Geez! Watch where you’re going” she said as Izuku reached down to help her. Both of their eyes met and they took each other in.
She wore a red hat and red jumpsuit with a tag ‘y/n’
Then their eyes met- Izuku couldn’t possibly look away from those beautiful e/c eyes. 
“What?” y/n snapped rudely “cat caught your tongue”
“No-no I’m very sorry...I’m Izuku by the way, Izuku Midoriya” he said with a little stutter here and there. y/n worried over the distraught man and looked down guiltily.
“No I’m sorry” she said looking back at him with a tired smile, “I’m y/n by the way- I was just grumpy because I’d done a 24 hour shift to cover for a friend, y’kow? I just want to go home and get some sleep”
Izuku felt really bad, y/n wouldn’t have to work a day if she was with him. He would make her happy and keep her to himself. She was more than Uraraka could have ever been to him. She was his sun, his moon, his star. He would protect her and this time yn wouldn’t hurt him like Uraraka did, she was an angel- no a goddess. It was love at first sight and he wasn’t going to ever let her go! Of course not!
“y/n you seem really tired, do you want me to walk you home?” Izuku asked slyly.
“No I wouldn’t want to bother you and besides we’ve just met” she said shifting uncomfortably.
“No we know each other” he said
“huh?” she asked alarmed
“your y/n and I’m Izuku... We know each other now” he said giving her a sweet smile and his puppy eyes which she couldn’t refuse.
“Oh alright! Fine by me!” y/n said smiling back at the man who she guided to her house unsuspectingly. After all she really doesn’t know that he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Shoto Todoroki:
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Shoto was enjoying a lonely walk down his usual way until a paper smacked him in the face unsuspectingly. 
“ugh” he groaned as he fell backward. Just his luck.
“Oops! Sorry” A melodic voice from nearby spoke out. 
Shoto quickly grabbed the paper harshly and glanced at the girl running towards him, her eyes shone concern catching him off-guard and building up a warm feeling in his chest. He’s never quiet felt this way before and wishes he did because the feeling was a pleasant one.
“I’m really sorry sir, I’m y/n and I work for an orphanage nearby. I was actually just handing out papers for donations. You see we’ve been running low on our government funds lately so I was handing these papers out. I guess my clumsiness speaks for itself.” She said quickly cutting herself off as she noticed his unfamiliar gaze.
“S-s-sorry sir” y/n said bowing her head down low too embarrassed by this situation. 
“How much money?” Shoto asked all of a sudden pulling out his wallet.
“What?” The girl asked money.
“How much money do you have left to collect for your donations?” He asked. He sounded impatient but in his mind he wanted to stay just like that with her forever.
“We still have 1 million dollars-” y/n was silenced by Shoto’s immediate reaction to take out his check.
“Sir what are you doing?” y/n asked.
“Can’t you see what I am doing? I’m giving you the money” Of course he would. He had decided from the moment he saw her that he was going to take care of her and he would do anything for her.
He quickly signed it and handed it over to her with a donation of 1 million dollars. To say the least the girl was starstruck, she could barely get a hold of herself. She flung herself into his arms and kissed his cheek and that sealed her fate forever.
“Thank you so much sir!” she said still hugging him as tears of joy streamed down her face. The orphanage would be saved after all! 
“Shoto” the man said piping up from this position, “the name’s Shoto” he said and left the girl who would soon be his wife.
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Denki Kaminari wasn’t a marrying man, he was more of a one night stand kind of person. He was so used to girls fawning over him because of his career, his money, his looks. All that didn’t matter to him but he could never say that it wasn’t fun. He hung out in the clubs every night swaying with the beat with a ton of his fan girls. 
And this day was just like any other, after a hard day at work he went to his favorite club across the street and was hanging out in the bar after dancing for two hours. Seemingly a beautiful girl had come his way, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Her vibrant hair and eyes, her sheepish smile. Oh he could just stare at her for hours.
“Um sir-?” she started but was quickly cut off by Denki
“You want my autograph, picture, and number right?” he asked grabbing her hand quickly while taking out his pen and signing his name onto her hand. 
“To whom do I make it out-” Before Denki could finish the girl grabbed her hand back.
“You Fool! How the hell did you get the idea that I wanted your fucking autograph on my hand? huh? I was just going to ask if you knew where the exit was! Geez! The gull you have to sign your name onto my hand!” She yelled.
He couldn’t lie- she was hot when she was angry. He continued to listen to her rant until her friend came up behind her and tapped gently on her shoulder.
“What is it?” she asked impatiently.
“Y/n! That’s chargebolt, he is-”
“I don’t give a damn about who this pikachu is! I just want to go home!” she yelled furiously and walked away from that scene.
Denki didn’t want her to go- not yet- no, not ever. He loved the way that this beautiful girl named y/n changed his life within minutes. He would come to that same club everyday in hopes that y/n would be there. He refused to dance with any girl that wasn’t y/n. He would search the streets and the world! All for his dear y/n. He decided that he was going to marry her and they would be the perfect husband and wife together.
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Kirishima was shopping for groceries.
Yeah, heroes had to eat to and the manliest of them all also had to cook for himself. He had a break today and he might as well buy the next meal.
He reached out to grab dome ocra but bumped into the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
Her beautiful hair cascading down her shoulders, her beautiful eyes widening at the sight of bumping into him and then doing a 360.
She was beyond beautiful.
“Oh sorry” she said monotonously.
“hehe it’s fine” he replied while rubbing his neck sheepishly while grabbing ocra for the both of them.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
“y/n, what’s yours?” she asked back trying not to be rude. It was her worst day by far and she couldn’t take it out on a kind stranger!
“Ejirou Kirishima!” he replied back enthusiastically to which she smiled slightly, “something seems to be bothering you” he said quietly.
“Oh well it isn’t much- oh fine your just a stranger that I’m never going to see anyways! So what the hell? Y’know my parents they are super annoying even though I’m a grown women they work me to death and I’m supposed to give them half of the money I earned to them! It’s evil! I can’t afford for food myself and they can even without the support of my income they can buy thousands of rich people meals for themselves! They said that I owed them something and took away everything I loved from me-” and so the story went on.
Kirishima couldn’t seem to break his mind away from this rant he was onto every word that came out of her beautiful mouth. How dare her parents do this to her? She was his beautiful angel now and he will become manly and protect her! The red riot wanted to save his princess from trouble and lock her up in a lavish castle where they both could live happily ever after.
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Shinsou was up late in the U.A library. It was a long day, he came back to U.A to meet his adoptive father, Aizawa, his adoptive sister Eri who was a U.A student herself now. After one whole day of hanging out with his family, he sat back in the library enjoying the peace and quiet. 
After a few minutes of resting his eyes he heard a loud CLANG towards the south of the library. He quickly woke up and ran towards the source of the noise.
There was a woman in a tight formfitting black jumpsuit and a black mask holding a few textbooks and a small romance novel that he liked as well. He smiled a little in amusement as the women stopped and backed up into the wall.
Shinsou put both his hands on either side of her to stop her from escaping trapping her as she squirmed. Shinsou snatched the mask away from her face and stared at her beautiful face. 
Her eyes slightly widened as Shinsou’s smile grew.
“What are you doing here darling?” he asked
“What does it look like?! Do you think I’m a f-fool? I’m sealing books” she said- she was scared but she was trying to act tough.
“Security!-” Shinsou tried to yell but the woman crashed her mouth into his to just shut him up.
Shinsou was quiet surprised but melted into her soft kiss and passionately kissed back. Both of them pulled apart and the woman breathed out and crashed back into the wall.
“You know if you wanted me to kiss you, you could have just asked” he breathed out still flustered from the kiss.
“I had no other choice! Listen I’m y/n and I’m 19 and the daughter of the U.A school librarian... I want to go to college but my family doesn’t have enough money... So I’m just studying. I didn’t want you to call security so I did what felt right at the moment, and in order to shut you up I kissed you... Please don’t say anything about me to anyone... I return all of my books anyway! I just don’t go here so I can’t get books-”
“What University did you want to go to?”
“(insert your favorite university name)”
“Oh alright I’ll talk to the librarian tomorrow and get you in there” He said absent minded still staring at the woman waiting for her answer.
“How will you get me in?” she asked innocently
Anything for her of course! She was his the moment she kissed him and he wasn’t going to let her go! She was never to be sad because from that moment on she was his.
“I saved that university a couple of months ago, they owe me a favor anyways” he said nonchalantly while bending down to her height and whispering into her ears, “you should never be unhappy love” 
With that Shinsou walked away in total bliss, they were fated together afterall.
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Iida was interrogating a villain to gather information about her group. She was the queen bee and apparently she had sacrificed herself for her group. He didn’t want to interrogate her, he was conflicted. He just couldn’t because he was in love with her. Even though it was so wrong it felt so right. He wanted her to be a hero but what’s the fun in that? Love threw it’s challenges at everyone-their challenge was the fact that they were on different sides. 
“What is the name of your villain organization y/n?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know pretty boy?” she asked with sarcasm dripping from every word. His partner kicked her.
“He asked a question! Answer it!” His partner fumed.
“As if I’d ever answer to you shorty!” She yelled back in pain.
“What did you call me?”
“Shorty” she replied back earning her another kick as her chair fell down and she groaned. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes,
“Go easy on her” Iida said from the background trying his hardest to hide his tears.
“We are going easy on her Iida” his partner reminded him.
“Ugh” Iida groaned and grabbed his partner and walked out of that room. 
“We are done for the day, release her!” he said and the guards reluctantly complied and set her free.
“I-I-ida what the fuck are you doing?!” The partner asked
“Doing what’s right” he said, “By the way you are fired from my agency” he said without sparing him a second glance. 
He walked away with his heart on his sleeve. Iida was madly in love with y/n the villain and he would do anything for her. After all she was his.
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astrozones · 5 years
Sanders Behavioral Health, Chapter 2: Roman Has a Rough Time
Angsty fic incoming
my discord server if you wanna join- Astro’s Zone
Three hours.
If Roman had to guess how long he had been staring at himself in the mirror, it was three hours.
From an outside perspective, Roman might seem conceited and narcissistic. But while staring at the mirror, all Roman could see were mistakes.
His hair looked messy, people were going to laugh at him.
His freckles stood out. He could cover them with makeup, but if others found out he was wearing makeup- god he could barely stand the thought.
His face looked odd in general. And his weight? Don’t get him started! Looking at his arms, his legs, his chest, all he could see were flaws, flaws , flaws !
Roman felt tears threatening to spill and shoved his head into a pillow. Why did he have to be so… ugly? Why must whatever God up there curse him like this? And no matter how many times his grandparents and aunt told him he wasn’t, he just couldn’t see what the fuck they were talking about.
Well, at least he was in therapy. Maybe they’d fix him.
Roman’s parents weren’t too fond of him, he knew. They were the only ones that would admit the truth, that he was ugly, and that they didn’t deserve such a disgusting son. They would take any opportunity to get him away from them, and once his distant relatives had suggested taking Roman to therapy, citing his ‘sudden declining happiness’, and ‘inability to eat’, his parents had leaped at the possibility, taking the chance as soon as they could.
They had talked about putting him in the six-hour program that started earlier in the day. The only reason they didn’t was because the school would start coming after them for attendance issues. Well, more than they usually did, anyway.
Roman glanced back up at the mirror, frowning. He couldn’t go to school looking like this, no, they’d just make fun of him.
Another day of skipping school it was.
His parents wouldn’t care, they never did until they were being yelled at. He’d just creep downstairs and tell whatever parent was down there taking a swig of alcohol that he was staying home, they’d just grunt and wave him off. And once the school called, they’d tell them he was sick, and rush upstairs to yell at him that he hadn’t told them before heading off to work.
Today was no different.
It was about noon when Roman opened the cupboard for the first time that day. Skimming over the options, he bit his lip. There was nothing there that he wanted . He had everything he should want, plenty of options that many kids would kill to have, and yet Roman didn’t want any of it. He didn’t really know what he wanted, he was barely hungry anyway. He’d just come back to it later and choose something then.
He ignored the voice in his head that told him he wouldn’t.
Grabbing his backpack, he made his way back to his room to start his homework. Well, “start” his homework, which actually meant wallowing in his sorrow while thinking about the week so far.
Therapy was… okay so far. He couldn’t tell them a lot of stuff, just that he was insecure. He wouldn’t tell them about how he hated looking in mirrors, or that he struggled to even eat a snack during the day. No, no, then they would know too much. If his parents found out, there would be consequences. Not hitting or anything! His parents would never abuse him.
His first day had been mediocre. He filled out questionnaires, and they played a board game for rec. Nothing important. Nothing new. Nothing, just like how he saw himself.
At least he wasn’t the only new kid. There was the hoodie kid, who he had made uncomfortable with his stupid assumptions , and who he had given a terrible nickname to. Really, Roman? You could at least come up with something better . And Patton told him he arrived last week Wednesday, and Logan two days prior. So, all in all, they were all new. Which was great!
Roman couldn’t help but feel happy at meeting the others. Sue him, he loved meeting new people! The prospect of finding out something about a person you barely knew was fun, at least to him.
You should stop, you’re prying into people’s lives when they don’t want you to. The voice in his head said. Roman didn’t acknowledge it in the rest of his internal monologue.
Logan was nice, despite his attitude the day prior. On Roman’s first day, he had been very helpful in his own, stubborn way. They had a couple of back-and-forths, and while that might seem aggressive to others, it made Roman feel more comfortable. Logan liked him enough to argue without any hate behind it.
Patton was unbelievably kind. He would go out of his way to help Roman and Logan, even when they were battling via a board game. Patton had hugged him the moment he saw Roman, but when Roman had seemed apprehensive he backed off a little bit. Not to say that he calmed down in the slightest, he was practically bouncing in his chair when they played.
And then there was Virgil, the one who had taken on the resident ‘New Kid’ title. He was quieter than the others, more resigned. When Roman had actually started getting him to talk, he started coming out of his shell, or hoodie, a little bit. This made Roman extremely happy, at least he was likeable enough for the more apprehensive to talk to him! Roman had also noticed that Virgil had black nail polish on, which made him want to do his own.
Well, Roman never really had good impulse control.
20 minutes later, Roman’s nails were red and absolutely fabulous.
5 minutes later, Roman realized in a panic that he had run out of acetone, and would have to either pick at his nails or go outside with nail polish on. He was a boy! He would definitely get made fun of, and Roman was not in the mood for that today, no thank you.
He settled down on his bed, ‘forgetting’ about the homework that was glaring threateningly at him from his desk.
Roman ignored it.
Roman spent the rest of his free time scrolling through Instagram and YouTube.
And then it was time to go.
Roman settled into the lobby seat, earlier than he had planned. The lobby was silent, and felt awkward with no background noise. He was used to buzzing, the wind, birds chirping, literally any noise, but in here? Nothing.
He wasn’t very comfortable.
Minutes went by as Roman sat, waiting for the others. He knew he shouldn’t have come so early, curse his anxieties over coming in late. He was currently in a very heated stare-off with the carpeted floor as of now. Just waiting.
After what felt like hours, Virgil entered the room in all of his emo glory. He looked surprised at not being the only person to arrive obnoxiously early.
“Oh, uh, hey. Roman, right?” Virgil muttered, walking to the front desk to sign in. Quick, Roman, act normal!
“The one and only,” Roman said, with a grin that felt as fake as the Kardashian’s “drama”. And it appeared Roman was a good actor, since Virgil didn’t react at all other than a scoff. Jesus, the voice in his head said. No wonder he doesn’t want to talk to you, you’re so boring. Roman grinned at Virgil, attempting to seem more… well, positive, but Virgil didn’t seem to notice him. Or he’s just ignoring you.
The receptionist grinned at Virgil once he was done. “You should go sit by Roman and talk!” She said, apparently oblivious to the anxiety radiating between the two. Virgil spluttered for a few seconds before walking towards Roman and sitting down. Both of them were silent for a few seconds, both trying to think of something to say.
“So, what’d you think of your first day?” Roman asked, just barely hiding the stress he was feeling. Acting really was the only thing he was good at, and despite how much his parents shunned it, it was useful in situations like this. Situations he faced every day, really.
“I don’t know, I guess it was fine.” Virgil said. “Nothing really happened, y’know?”
Nothing . He hated that word.
“Eh, you’re right. Still, rec was fun, yeah?”
“Rec?” Was all Virgil said, staring at him in confusion. Oh, right.  
“Rec is, well, just what we say to shorten the whole recreational therapy thing. Sorry, I keep forgetting you’re new!” Goddamn it, Roman! You’re such an idiot . “I guess you just… fit right in, yeah?”
“Fit right in with the mentally unstable. Great,” Virgil deadpanned, causing Roman to snort.
“I mean, I suppose you could say it like that.” He said between quiet giggles. He hadn’t expected that answer. Virgil gave a small smile in return, clearly feeling at least a bit awkward. Oops.
“Well, today’s gonna be way different,” Roman started, with a smirk. “‘Cause you’ll have to actually join us in the cafeteria this time.” As he said that, Virgil’s smile slipped and he groaned, practically shoving his face into his palms. Roman laughed. “Me too, man.”
“Really? Would’ve pegged you for the type to be ecstatic about being around others.” Virgil stated, turning in his seat to face Roman a bit more. Roman shrugged in response.
“I mean, kinda? There’s pros and cons to it, y’know? And-” Roman cut himself off before he could continue. Stupid Roman, you don’t just rant all your problems out to an innocent stranger. He shook his head. “Eh, nevermind, I dunno where I was going with that”
Virgil looked slightly concerned, but didn’t comment on it. Roman slapped another cheery grin on his face before continuing. “So, what’d’ya think of the others?”
“Well… one seemed nice, Patton, if I remember correctly. I don’t know about Logan though… No offense to him or anything!”
“Logan’s pretty nice from my experience. I may not have spoken to him long, only a couple days, but those days were pretty chill. I guess something happened? Maybe it was so many new people or something?” Roman started tapping his foot on the ground, and fidgeting with the zipper of his jacket. He didn’t want to insult Logan, but his behavior yesterday was pretty aggressive.
Virgil started chewing on his hoodie strings, which only slightly muffled his voice when he answered. “I guess. I’ll just… go with the flow. I don’t… want to get myself into something I can’t get out of, y’know? I’ve had enough of that in my life.”
“I don’t think I’m following here…”
“Oh! Um, I didn’t really… uh mean to say that out loud…? Heh, sorry… just not really… um, open to talk about that?” Virgil stammered out, shrinking into his hoodie.
“Heyheyhey, no need to worry about it! I’m not gonna pressure you into something you don’t wanna talk about. After all, this is therapy, we’re gonna go through worse. Probably.” Roman quickly responded in a panicked state. Virgil buried his face in his hands once more, muttering “don’t remind me we’re in therapy”. Roman smiled. He didn’t want to call it too soon, but… maybe he could make a friend?
After talking for about 10 minutes, everyone had arrived and Becca called them into the back. From here, it was a game of ‘try to get to the check-in room first’ to get into one of the two spinny chairs. Usually, Patton and Roman would get the chairs, as Logan would say, “There’s no use grabbing a revolving chair when we’re only going to be here for a few minutes.” But with the addition of Virgil to their daily group, Roman wanted to make sure he got one of those seats. They were the most comfortable, and they were fun! Both were a plus.
Arriving first in the room, he plopped down into a spinny chair, spinning himself around before grabbing a check-in sheet. Success!
Becca joined him in the room soon after, Virgil trailing behind her. After Becca handed Virgil a sheet and motioned for him to choose a seat, he sat in the swivel chair beside Roman.
Patton and Logan joined them soon after, having been walking slower while they talked. Patton didn’t look disappointed as he lost the title of Swivel Chair Holder, only smiled brighter as he grabbed a sheet and asked Logan to sit beside him.
Logan himself, however, looked at Virgil and winced, presumably because of his behavior the other day. Logan looked apprehensive, torn between sitting by Patton or apologizing to Virgil. But once Becca kneeled down to show Virgil what to fill out, Logan knew his chance was gone.
Well, that’s what Roman thought, anyway.
The room was silent other than the sound of pen on paper. Roman tapped his foot unconsciously as he thought.
See, at Sanders, they ask you to rate your anxiety, avoidance, and depression every day. But instead of using 0-5 or 0-10 they decided to use a 0-7 scale for who knows why.
So, what was his anxiety today? Roman bit the inside of his cheek as he thought. Maybe a 4? Or maybe a 5? Well, seeing as his anxiety was raising as he struggled to find an answer, he put down 5. As for avoidance and depression, 3 and 4 respectively.
Just a couple more questions down, and then he was free to doodle. It had become a ritual during his time here, despite not being here that long. Today’s piece of art was a doodle of a Prince. A crown, sash, and a dazzling grin, and he was done. He glanced up to see Virgil was the only one still filling out the sheet.
Well, he supposed he could add some more sparkles.
Once Virgil was done, Becca clapped her hands and asked for them to share. Patton went first, going through his emotion, his anxiety, avoidance + depression, and other questions. Logan was next, doing the same but refusing to share his emotion. Then it was Roman’s turn, and he sped through it as quick as possible, not wanting to concern any of the others.
On Virgil’s turn, he went quiet and stuttered numerous times throughout the reading. He was reluctant to speak about the bottom four questions, specifically. Well, kinda. There were the two questions of ‘since yesterday have you had thoughts of harming others/have you actually done it’. There was also the ‘have you had thoughts of harming yourself/done it’. Quietly, Virgil asked not to share, and Becca agreed, though looking thoroughly disappointed.
Pulling out his binder and a pen with an excessive plume, Roman sat down at the middle table. Patton and Logan sat near him, while Virgil took a seat at a corner table, Becca joining him soon after to brief him on the ins and outs. Keep in mind, there were only three tables, so the options were at a minimum.
Shocked back into reality by someone sitting next to him, he turned to see the other therapist, Charlie, seated at his right.
“Hello, Roman! You finished your introduction exposure yesterday, right?” She asked. And she was right, yesterday had been spent introducing himself to the various staff around the building, and at the extreme lack of such, had to introduce himself to some of them twice . At Roman’s nod, she continued.
“So, today we’ll set you up with a couple more exposures, based on what you’ve told us. So, here,” she started, pointing at the next unnamed category on the page. “The first exposure is to put a mark on your face. It has to be noticeable, too. Just use a pen for that one, you don’t need anything special. Then all you need to do is talk to people.”
Nodding, Roman scribbled it down on the page, telling himself he wouldn’t do that one until he absolutely had to.
“And the next one is just wearing jewelry. Anything like a necklace, bracelets, rings, will work fine. You won’t have to wear them the whole day, just do trials for about 30 seconds. If you don’t have anything to wear right now just bring some tomorrow and we’ll start then.”
Fuck. Now he had to.
“Uh, yeah I don’t have any… jewelry. So, for the first one, do I gotta like… do any specific thing, like a word or…?”
“Just a line will do.”
And with that, Roman got up to go to ask to go to the bathroom, only stopped by Charlie’s hand on his arm. He gave her a questioning look.
“I was just gonna go to the bathroom… to put the mark on my face. Is something wrong?” He asked. Charlie shook her head.
“Do it here. If you use the mirror, it will loosen some of the anxiety. The point of this is to combat the anxiety, full on. No avoiding.”
“But I like avoiding.” Roman mumbled to himself. He didn’t think anyone heard, but the quiet giggle from Patton proved otherwise. Charlie just gave him an encouraging smile.
Sitting back down, Roman picked up his pen, while Charlie walked to her computer. Roman stared at the pen as if he were about to make a life-changing decision.
Just put the pen on your face, it’s not that hard . Except it was hard, at least for him. God, he really was a failure if he couldn’t force himself to make a mark on his face.
It was oh-so-simple. A mark on the face. But all Roman could think of were the consequences. They could laugh at him, they could ignore it, and worst of all, they could point it out . Just the thought of people making assumptions or putting themselves in awkward situations just because they didn’t want to embarass him made him want to throw himself off a roof.
He could feel his hands shaking, and, looking down, the rest of him was shaking too. Calm down, he told himself. What was one of the coping methods he learned?
Name 5 things you can see. He glanced around. The table, the window, Patton, Virgil, and his binder. Okay.
4 things you can feel. His clothes, the chair. He could feel his hair flopping into his face, and suddenly another spark of anxiety ignited in his chest. Deep breathing, Roman. Deep breathing. He could feel his hands starting to shake again.
3 things you can hear. All he could hear was the tap of fingers against a keyboard, what else… He strained to hear, and found he could hear the cars on the highway, something his brain had apparently decided to discard. And the sound of the door opening, with Logan walking in to prove it.
What was next? 2 things you could smell. Okay, well, he couldn’t smell much. There was the smell of mint, but other than that he couldn’t smell anything. He found himself glancing around, anxiety increasing once more. And, yes! A whiff of perfume blew past his nose.
1 thing you can taste. Well, not much. Did the inside of this mouth count? Well, he supposed it had to, since he wasn’t about to go lick the wall.
Roman took another few moments to himself, distracting himself by tapping his foot against the floor.
He found himself in front of Nurse Vicki’s office, a pen mark on his face and the dread of what was to come. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door and let himself in.
Vicki turned to him. “Hello, Roman,” she greeted. “What do you need?”
What was he supposed to say? Charlie told him he wasn’t supposed to mention the mark, and rather to just make small talk. He would rather have had a topic but he hadn’t taken those improv classes for nothing!
“How has your day been?” he said.
Welp. He had taken those improv classes for nothing.
Vicki explained that she was doing well, she had gone to her sister’s house after group yesterday, so she was happy about that. She didn’t mention the mark.
Thank god .
He cycled through a couple other staff, anxiety slowly loosening its grip as he progressed. And no one had pointed out the mark! When he looked at his sheet after his sixth trial, he noticed his anxiety had went from a 6 to a 4, and he was feeling proud of himself as he walked into the hallway once more.
He spotted Virgil down the hall, fiddling with the timer in his hands. Roman strutted towards him, intending to make Virgil his seventh trial of the mark exposure.
“Hey, Virgil, you busy?” he asked. Virgil shook his head. “Aight, cool. How’re exposure’s going so far?”
“I don’t like them.” Came his response. Roman laughed, replying with, “No one likes them.”
“All I’ve been doing is introducing myself but… I introduced myself to all the staff and I still have 4 trials to go before I’m finished and, honestly-” Virgil ran a hand through his hair, voice strained. “I don’t know what to do and I’ll feel awkward asking Becca what I’m supposed to do now… Sorry for ranting…” He finished.
Roman smiled. “I just finished that exposure yesterday, and Charlie, er, the other therapist, told me we can introduce ourselves to the same staff twice.” Virgil wrinkled his nose at this, frowning slightly.
“If I’m being honest, that’s even worse.” Virgil started fidgeting with the edge of his hoodie. He seemed apprehensive about something, whatever it was Roman had no clue.
“Uh, also… you have a mark on your face. Uh, just figured I’d tell you, sorry”
And with that, Roman felt his anxiety get to a 7 faster than soda out of a newly opened can. “Heh, yeah. I mean, uh- thanks, Virgil. I’ll fix it when I can. Um, gotta go now, so, see ya!” He called as he powerwalked his way back to the cafeteria. He could barely hear anything as he sat down in his seat, staring out the window across from him. Oh, god. Someone had noticed. Someone had noticed and now he was going to laugh at him behind his back. He was going to tell Patton, and Logan, just how stupid Roman was. Roman stopped breathing for a few moments, trying to calm himself down.
Virgil wouldn’t do that, he was just trying to be helpful. And Roman had run away from him, oh god , he was probably confused and Roman had not helped the situation. He supposed he would have to apologize later, he was too frazzled now. He wanted so bad to wipe the mark off his face, but he knew Charlie and Becca would be disappointed in him if he did.
5 minutes later, he felt much calmer, his breathing normal, and his chest felt less compressed. His anxiety had come to a 3, so he stopped the timer at 6 minutes and 24 seconds. He scribbled down the results as Virgil came back into the room, seemingly just out of an exposure, so Roman gave him a smile in lieu of an apology, not allowed to talk to someone while they were in the middle of an exposure.
Roman decided he would apologize at rec.
Roman never got to apologize. Today’s rec was a hands-on activity that left him with no time to talk to Virgil. And just after rec, he saw Logan talking with him, and since he didn’t want to stay there too long, Roman decided he would just get in the elevator.
His mind told him he should take the stairs, else he would just gain more weight.
Once he got down, he took some time to shuffle through his binder, he had a weird feeling that he left something, and-
The elevator dinged, and the door opened as Virgil, Logan, Patton, and their parents shuffled out. Patton tugged on his mom’s shirt, telling her to stop for a moment. He practically bounced up to Roman, a grin on his face.
“Roman! I’m glad I caught you. I got Virgil and Logan’s phone numbers, and I was wondering if I could have yours? No pressure, of course! But it’d be nice if we were in touch outside of therapy. And I can give you the other’s numbers so we’re ALL in touch!” Patton extended his phone to Roman, the latter of which taking it and inputting his number. Maybe this could work out after all?
[ Hey, this is Roman and I sure as hell hope this is Virgil.]
| yea its virgil |
[ Oh thank god. Just wanted to say sorry for running off on you earlier, wouldve said it after rec but i saw you talking with Logan and didnt want to intrude. ]
| don’t worry about it, it’s fine. |
| what’s not fine is you sending that right as i walk into my house |
| i nearly faceplanted the ground cause of you |
[ And i oop- ]
| did |
| please tell me that was ironic |
| i might have a stroke if it wasn’t |
[ Youll never know ;) ]
| oh my god |
| i just |
| i can’t |
| have a good night Roman |
[ Right back at you, buckaroo ]
| oh my god  |
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twins-parted · 4 years
@allbravado​ || Vampire Seth & Ghost Rosie Continued. 
The start is here. 
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He rearranged the CD shelf, it had gotten out of order when he lent a few to his friend, the campus ‘ DJ ‘ ... though he wasn’t very good at it. Ah well, supporting dreams and what not ... that’s what friends did. He paused and laughed at her quip. 
A lazy shrug of his broad shoulders was the only indication that he’d formally acknowledged her correct assumption. 
“ I always keep ‘em guessing, they never seem to know just what I’m thinking ... “
He shook his head personal joke forgotten for a moment as he finally got them mostly in place.
“ Yeah, well --- I’m testing my Halloween pick-up lines in advance. God knows I’ll have every advantage this year, not to mention it should be easier to shag ... er, uh ... snag a dinner date. “ 
Freudian slip, oops.  
“ I mean, I figure I can take my pick of all the hot Morticias, Femme Freddy Kruegers, and Harley Quinns that my heart desires. Right ??? Also, incoming side rant: Why in the hell are people going in on Harley’s outfit ?? Okay, yeah --- certainly attracts the male gaze, BUT it makes sense. She’s a pro at gymnastics and she’d need the flexibility and mobility for her clothes to have give ... I just don’t get the anger. Oh god ... like, imagine how strong she probably is ?! It’s incredible & Margot Robbie was a fucking angel in the role during the filming of ‘ Suicide Squad ‘. The elevator scene in that movie ... with heels ?! “ 
He flopped on the bed, eyes on the ceiling, but unfocused as his barrage of rare praise continued: 
“ You probably haven’t seen it but holy God is it impressive. I just ... I can’t. And Jared Leto was acting a fool the whole time she was prepping for the role and learning how to do her stunts. The double standard is unfair. Anyway ... “
He smiled ruefully up at Rosie: 
“ If you ever tell anyone about that rant ... I’m burning this house down. I would hate for people to get the wrong idea and think there’s more to me than winning looks, a killer personality, and a nice bank account. “ 
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