#oops forgot to tag stranger things
zelda-donovanboat · 2 years
Robin Buckley kinnies hmu i wanna give you a big kiss :D (signed, a Nancy Wheeler kinnie) Steve Harrington kinnies hmu i wanna give you a big kiss :D (Signed, an Eddie Munson kinnie) Max Mayfield kinnies hmu i wanna give you a big kiss :D (Signed, a Jane Hopper kinnie) Mike Wheeler Kinnies dni . (Signed, a Will Byers kinnie. I love you guys but I’m afraid you might ruin my life /j)
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on-coming-dusk · 1 year
Steve and Eddie before they're Steve and Eddie - a piece by yours truly
"If it weren't for Uncle Wayne I'd be dead." Eddie stared up at the night sky as if the stars held the answer to every question he's ever had. "Not in that deeply tragic way you're thinking, Harrington so don't give me that look. I can feel your eyes on me."
Steve's gaze lingered for a moment longer before he looked back at the moon. "What do you mean, Eddie?"
"My old man wasn't the nicest pops around, don't get me wrong. But he wouldn't have killed me. He woulda just gotten me killed, I think. Being the get away driver with me in the car and wrecking. Pissing off the wrong person he worked with after he robbed a place. Or maybe just not wanting to get arrested and losing a stand off with the cops. I dunno man, but I've thought a lot about it and I know if Wayne weren't there for me I'd be..." His voice caught, "which is crazy to think about and I usually don't but it's been hard not to, with all that happened in March." Eddie Munson, lead guitarist of Corroded Coffin, rumored Satan worshipper, and riddled with nightmares from the horrors beneath their feet. Steve could almost see the humor in that, might giggle with Robin when they've had one too many and it's just them in his house. "Who would I be if I had stayed with my old man? What would have happened here?"
Eddie turned so he was looking up at Steve now, stars reflected in eyes dark enough to be portals. Steve could get lost in them, he wanted to. He opened his mouth to reply and Eddie sat up so quickly Steve's words caught in his throat.
"They're rhetorical questions please don't answer them." A beat of silence. "I've thought about it, the other dealers in this town, who Chrissy might have gone to if I wasn't around." Steve watched his Adams apple bob as he swallowed hard. "I fucking..."
"Eddie." Steve wanted to hold him, to reach out and pull him close, to wrap his fingers in curls that had finally grown past his shoulders again, to see if Eddie's face fit as perfectly in the crook of his neck as Nancy's used to and Robin's does now. He wanted to soothe the hardlines that appeared around Eddie's eyes when he thought too long about what happened in March.
"I'm glad Chrissy was with me." His voice broke and Steve surged forward, wrapped his arms around the man, swept him up so easily and Eddie's surprised gasp was music to his ears.
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qprstobin · 1 year
I thought I was the only person who felt uncomfortable with the overfeminization of Steve and how he’s always “mom” to them in fics, I’m glad I’m not! It’s worse when you remember that Joe Keery doesn’t really like that joke either. And while the occasional joke is fine, when it’s emphasized in a fic and the kids actually call Steve mom purposely, it just feels sorta weird?
You are far from the only one who dislikes it!! Unfortunately it's caught on so strongly in popular fanon :( It's worse because I actually like genderqueer and transfem Steve!! But not like the way some of the fandom overly feminizes him.
Steve's such a fun character, because he is very traditionally masculine in a lot of ways, and part of his character journey is (while not done explicitly because I don't think the Duffers did this on purpose) him kind of accepting the ways in which he isn't traditionally masculine (the hair products, the "babysitting", the fact that he's often the emotionally vulnerable one in relationships - wanting the emotional connection when the girls come to him for sex).
(It's because of this that I think he's a fun character to explore the possibility of him being transfem or genderqueer!)
But all of this doesn't stop him from being masculine. He's a jock, he has an interest in cars, he can be a little overprotective not even in a parental way but in the "I'm the man so I've got to take care of my partner" sort of way. The dude will bitch about being a babysitter and then get an action movie sequence of him ripping apart a monster with his teeth and bare hands. The dichotomy of these two things is what makes him fun!!!
Like you said, the mom jokes can be fun on occasion. (I've mentioned before that I think it's funny when it's contrasted with Robin as the dad, because it's exactly the type of fun gender bending bit that they would drive into the ground.) But when they are constantly being said, all the time, no trace of irony, and it's reflected on Steve's character too (like to the point where he's extremely out of character?)? It's just weird.
Part of it is that honestly Steve is much more of an older sibling in all honesty in canon - he's actually a pretty classic sci-fi/fantasy older sibling, who teases the younger sibling and then constantly does self sacrificing moves against whatever monster is trying to attack his siblings, all while cursing out his siblings for getting him into this mess.
The other part is, if you're going with parental Steve, what is so wrong with him being jokingly referred to as Dad? Like, I'm sorry if some people have never had a father who cooks, cleans, helps with laundry, takes the kid with them while they do the errands. This is an issue in our society of gender norms and societal expectations. But that doesn't mean you have to perpetuate these same gender roles in your gay fanfiction lol. I think it would honestly make him uncomfortable after a point to constantly be called a mom when he's pretty much said that he used to fantasize constantly about being a father. (Ooh, now that's a fun idea to explore.)
Anyway, fandom can like, do what they want but I'm... not a fan of that trend lol.
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devondespresso · 1 year
forgot to send an ask yesterday i think but i'm always here for more steve henderson au!!
dgkdyjsjg don't worry about it dude you're always so supportive 😭💕 i appreciate the asks as much as you can do
but yea, this snippet is from the chapter where Steve and Dustin finally meet for the first time!! they're driving from Steve's to Dustin's house and transitions into a recount of the scene in the car from canon
Steve set the nail-bat in the trunk before getting in and putting in the tape, playing from where he left off and turning to Dustin.
“Okay so.. your house?”
“Yeah, it's by the school. I'll give you directions when we get close.”
He nodded and pulled back out onto the road.
“Also, just to warn you, D’art is kinda… aggressive. And he looks pretty scary, but he was really cute and sweet when he was tiny so I don’t know why he’s so mean now but-” he cut himself off.
Steve raised an eyebrow.
“But?”  he prompted. Dustin took a breath.
“It might be because he’s hungry.”
What the fuck.
There was silence for a moment as he tried to process what Dustin was implying.
“Wait a sec, how big is he??”
“First he was like that,” he said, showing size with his pointer finger and thumb, “Now he’s like this.” He held up both hands a good foot and a half apart. That was hard to believe.
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panicatthediaz · 2 years
Ghost That We Know
AN: So, I had a random thought two days ago which spawned a whole ass scene in my head. So here is said scene. This is 994 words of something, don't ask me, I'm not sure either. I make no promises on follow-ups to this, but I have ~thoughts~. This is not a Halloween ficlet, btw, just good ol' canon compliance :) Title after Mumford & Sons of all things.
My first Stranger Things fic/ficlet!
It was a fucking nightmare. It took months for the monsters to start coming through the gate, but now there were just too damn many, which is truly not the way Robin expected to go, but it seems her life changed course back in '85 when—
Well, that didn't really matter now, what mattered were the Molotov cocktails she kept having to carry despite already tripping on the uneven asphalt twice.
At least Vickie agreed to stay with the kids...
"You guys there yet?" Dustin questioned through the walkie. At least he didn't sound as exasperated as Mike. "The radio has been silent for a while."
"Great," Steve muttered, holding the axe that Hopper had given him before they split with a white-knuckled grip.
"We're almost there," Nancy replied, walkie in one hand, shotgun in the other. "We'll probably be radio silent for a while too. We'll let you guys know when we're done."
With Will's shout to be careful, the three reached their destination: a smaller, already-closing gate. That meant whatever monster had been waiting was already through. Why the fuck didn't they use the big, seemingly permanent gates? It didn't make sense to Robin.
The area surrounding it was charred, but there were no vines. There was also no one and no sound other than the trio's own breathing and steps.
Nancy held the shotgun at the ready, and Steve handed Robin his lighter, on top of the other two she was given by Hopper and Dmitri plus the one she'd gotten for herself.
She didn't think she would go through four lighters for this, but she was glad to have them all when the first demodog came running around the corner, mouth already covered in blood.
The monster seemed to freeze for a moment before screeching and lunging at them. It was bigger than the last few they'd seen, probably close to being a proper demogorgon.
Nancy's shot pushed it back, but they'd already lost whatever element of surprise they had; other monsters wailed in reaction to the shot, the noise surrounding them.
Robin took one of the bottles in hand, the lighter mostly ready. It took, maybe, just a handful of seconds for the whole lot of Upside-Down creatures to come running from wherever the hell they'd been hiding — everywhere, really.
She lit the cloth up and tossed the first cocktail.
And It was chaos after that; the blast of Nancy's shotgun, Steve's grunts as he swung the axe at whatever didn't fall to fire and lead, the sound of glass breaking and fire igniting as Robin kept throwing the bottles.
"How many of these fuckers came through?!" Steve shouted over the squelch of hitting another demogorgon. The curse that Steve surely let out was covered by the shotgun as Nancy shot another demodog.
"Hey, guys," Robin called out, looking into the bag she had over her shoulder. "I only got two left, so you better hope this is it!"
Steve turned to face her, mouth open to say something, but the sound of breaking glass and the blur of something slamming onto him stopped him short. So much for that being it.
Nancy took a shot at the demogorgon on top of Steve, making it snarl at her, and Robin tossed her second-to-last molotov cocktail at the monster. It staggered off of him, growling, but once again it launched itself at them.
Robin quickly stepped back, just enough space between her and the demogorgon for Nancy to shoot and for a line of fire to appear between them.
She turned to the window the monster had come from, where the fire was also coming from, but the figure standing there was hard to make out.
"Keep shooting!" The man shouted, gesturing wildly toward Nancy. Something about the voice was vaguely familiar to Robin, but the creature's wail after being shot kept her from dwelling on it.
Jesus christ, this one was resilient.
Steve stood up, axe in hand once again, and he swung hard at its neck. With another wail, the monster swiped an arm at Steve, who barely avoided the claws of the still burning monster.
The man cursed loudly and creatively, dropping the flamethrower before running up to the demogorgon and reaching to take the axe in a gloved hand. He swung in the opposite direction, hitting the other side of its neck, and—
In the ensuing, deafening silence, Robin and Nancy looked around, expecting something else to jump at them just like this one bastard of a demogorgon had. But it remained silent.
The man stared down at the monster head he'd just chopped off, and Steve stared at him, just a few feet to the side. Everyone just breathed for a moment, the remaining adrenaline fading from their systems.
"Jesus," the man chuckled, breathless, as he shook his head. Robin definitely recognized that voice now. "God, that felt good."
Now that she could actually take a look at him, she could see he was wearing all black; black jeans, black jacket, shoes, everything. He had a bandana covering most of his face, and... swimming goggles protecting his eyes, maybe. She thought it was kind of ridiculous, but it seemed effective against the Upside-Down gunk that the big gates were throwing out.
"You guys okay?" He asked, looking at each of them in turns and pausing at Nancy's still-held-high shotgun. "I promise you won't have to shoot me, Wheeler."
"Eddie?" Steve was the first to snap out of the post-adrenaline haze. He didn't take his eyes off of the man. "What the fuck?"
The man took off the bandana and goggles, and yep, that was Eddie fucking Munson, alright. His hair was shorter, there was a scar poking out from the left side of his jaw, and that excited grin looked a little feral, in Robin's opinion. But there was no mistaking it.
"Did you miss me, big boy?"
Eddie Munson was alive.
@benjaminrussell @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @evan-bumpkin-buckley @dijkstraspath @werelamburrito @swiftiebuckleys
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librathefangirl · 2 years
Warm Hands
The last thing Steve remembers before it turns black is white hot blinding pain. His name being screamed. Cold ground and warm hands. And the sound of gunfire.
The first thing he notices as he wakes is an insistent beeping. His body feeling simultaneously numb and like it’s been run over by a truck. Warm hands. And soft mumblings.
(Stoncy Week 2022, Day 1)
Written for Stoncy Week 2022, Day 1: Patching Up/Post-Fight OR AND Fake Dating AU.
I couldn’t decide between the two, so I combined them, sort of. But mostly the first one.
The last thing Steve remembers before it turns black is white hot blinding pain. His name being screamed. Cold ground and warm hands. And the sound of gunfire.
The first thing he notices as he wakes is an insistent beeping. His body feeling simultaneously numb and like it’s been run over by a truck. Warm hands. And soft mumblings.
As he opens his eyes, he sees Nancy sitting beside his bed – hospital bed? that’s not good – running her hand gently through his hair. She’s speaking quietly, words he can’t quite make out, but she’s not looking at him. A sigh pulls his attention to his other side. Jonathan’s there. His hands wrapped around Steve’s own, thumb making soothing circles on his skin.
Jonathan freezes as he meets Steve’s gaze. A half-choked gasp leaving his lips.
They both look like shit, Steve notes. Hair completes messes. Eyes red and puffy. And is that dirt or blood specks on Jonathan’s shirt?
“Steve!” Nancy’s other hand cups Steve’s cheek and turns his head towards her. “Hi.”
Nancy’s eyes are wet.
“Hey...” Steve mumbles. It feels like his brain can’t quite connect the pieces. They’re both watching him like they think he’ll break while looking like they’re about to break themselves.
“Jesus,” Jonathan then breathes out, leaning back in his chair. One hand remains tightly wrapped around Steve’s. It’s warm. Secure.
“Yeah,” Nancy agrees in a similar manner. She removes her hand from his cheek and Steve almost asks her to put it back. Almost. His brain is finally starting to catch up.
“What... happened?” Nancy and Jonathan share an uneasy look at his question.
“What do you remember?” she asks instead. Steve tries to think back. It’s all a little muddy.
“Uhm... monster?” It comes out more like a question than an answer. “Did we get it?”
“Yes, it’s gone now. For good,” Jonathan says, a hard look in his eyes.
They got the monster. But... Steve’s in the hospital. That’s not good.
“I got swiped?”
The look Nancy gives him is almost a glare, “That’s a big fucking understatement.”
Steve flounders. Did he do something wrong?
Jonathan’s gaze softens as he uses his free hand to lift up the blanket. Steve blinks at the sight underneath. His chest is almost completely covered in bandages. Yeah. Not good.
Jonathan places the blanket back down. His hand gently gracing over Steve’s chest. Jonathan gives him a warm smile. Nancy still looks angry.
Steve gives her an uncertain look, and she sighs, “You scared the shit out of us, Steve.”
“It’s fine, just- Don’t do it again,” Jonathan says and Steve smiles.
“Not making any promises.”
“Of course you won’t,” Nancy scoffs half-heartedly. “Next time, I’ll kill you myself.”
“I’ll remember that,” Steve replies, slightly scared. A pissed off Nancy is no joking matter. He looks around the room. “So... hospital?”
“For about,” Jonathan glances at the clock on the wall, “20 hours now. Shit, I should go.”
Steve grips his hand tighter as Jonathan tries to let go. Nancy squeezes his shoulder in comfort as she sees it.
“We’re not actually supposed to be here,” Jonathan explains.
“What do you mean?”
“Only family is allowed,” Nancy says with a shrug. They are his family. Not by hospital rules probably, but still. His family.
“So how’d you get in?”
“Nancy told them she was your fiancé,” Jonathan tells him. Nancy kisses the surprised look of Steve’s face before he has the chance to dwell on that.
“And then I snuck Jonathan in,” she then adds.
“Just had to make sure you were alright.” Jonathan leans in a kisses him. Then he stands up, pulling his hand from Steve’s. “But I need to go before the nurse finds me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He gives Nancy a kiss before disappearing out the door. She makes no move to leave.
“You’re staying?”
“I’ve killed monsters. I doubt a nurse can do much worse.”
Steve huffs a small laugh. His eyes starting to get heavy again.
“Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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pokimoko · 2 years
Thank you @thealterscrolls for tagging me to list my Top 10 favourite characters from different fandoms! (My first tag game...*wipes tear* I’ve done it. I’ve got a good grade in mutual.) So in no particular order, here they are:
Steven Grant (MCU)
Hunter (The Owl House)
Jon Sims (The Magnus Archives)
The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who)
Ella Lopez (Lucifer)
Peridot (Steven Universe)
Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time)
Percy de Rolo (The Legend of Vox Machina)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Logan (Sanders Sides)
I’ll tag @theophagism, @screechthemighty, @fdelopera, @kennydied911, @usaigi, and @ayratheaverage to join in (only if you want to). If anyone else who follows me wants to join in; just say I sent you. ;)
#tag game#*blushing as i tag people* is this allowed? are we mutual enough for this?#(some of you i'm not even mutuals with but like...we know each other. you're a friend from discord/my notes)#i would've tagged my polycule pizzee and kier but tip already tagged them for this so you're here in spirit#but yeah time to publicly announced my particular brand of Blorbo#'Oh yeah I got tagged can't wait to list all my fav guys!' *suddenly forgets every character i've ever liked*#but anyway here's my top 10 (at the moment)#honourable mentions to: donatello (trotmnt). huey (ducktales). data (star trek). steve (stranger things).#zuko (atla) finn/obi-wan/c3po (star wars). crowley (gomens). chloe price (LIS). catra/double trouble (she-ra). eugene (t:ts). toothless#also honourable mention to bucky barnes. loki. thor. leopold fitz. Lucifer. clara oswald and marceline the vampire queen#because I love them all too but I was trying to stick to one character per fandom#(and I'm realising a lot of my favourite characters are from marvel...hehe oh no)#and yeah i don't *love* spn now but i can't deny cas was my guy for a long while#(*sigh* in that vein i should also mention lance from voltron because before that went to shit i really liked him too)#god i've been through a lot of fandoms through the years#leaving behind a trail of traumatised and neurodivergent favs#(also i should be frank i did get tagged once for a tag game back in like 2018 by ayra and i just...never got round to it...oops)#(so trying to make it up to you now ayra by tagging you in this)#i fucking forgot samwise gamgee and bilbo baggins! also some honourable mentions!
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lukasagitta · 2 years
Ready Steddie Go!
I created an 18+ Steddie discord server and would love if you checked it out!
I've tried to optimize the number of channels so that it's not overwhelming but also covers the most essential topics. I've also added bots to make sharing AO3 fics and TikTok videos easier.
The invite link will be in the replies and reblog. Feel free to spread it around outside of tumblr to your (adult) friends! While the invite link doesn't expire, it does max out at 50 right now. If the invite link stops working, please DM me for a new one.
A simplified version of the rules is listed below the cut so you can make sure that it will be a good fit for you.
• Keep discourse to a minimum and assume best faith of your fellow members.
• If you want to discuss a very common trigger, please use spoiler tags and specify what topic is being discussed. There will NOT be a blacklist channel for individual uncommon triggers.
• Bigotry, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc., will not be tolerated. Neopronouns will be assigned the role of other/ask; you may specify further in your introduction/profile (I just don't want to end up with 20+ pronoun roles lol).
• Please stay on-topic, according to channel topic descriptions. There will be no serious vent channel (complaining about stubbed toes and shitty bosses is fine tho). If you're having serious emotional issues, please reach out to friends/a local crisis center.
• You must provide sources for all fanworks that are not your own.
• NS/FW is only permitted in the NS/FW channel category, which requires an optional role to be accessed.
If any of these rules don't work for you, please check out some of the other lovely Steddie discords!
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 4 months
Gold Rush
by QueenOfSwords1312
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Character: Robin Buckley (mentioned) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Roommates, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Steve Harrington, Omega Eddie Munson, dating apps, Sexting, is it mistaken identity if you don't know the identity of the person you're talking to?, Steve POV, Eddie Munson Falls First but Steve Harrington Falls Harder, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Miscommunication, Insecure Steve Harrington, Slight Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Panic Attacks, Light Dom/sub, Eddie Munson Calls Steve Harrington Pet Names, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, for a bit, gender neutral terms for sex organs, Intersex Male Omegas, Scenting, Breeding Kink, Discussions of BDSM dynamics, Steve's six nuggets and a Winnebago dream, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Sort Of, it's kind of induced but they're both still very coherent and consenting, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Squirting, Vaginal Sex, Knotting, Birth Control, Eddie "Vice Grip" Munson, Steve "Big Boy" Harrington, size kink i guess?, Oop forgot, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting Words: 9,433 Chapters: 1/1
Gold Rush: a cocktail made of whiskey or bourbon, lemon, and honey💛🥃 ——— Alpha Steve joins a dating app in hopes that meeting someone will help him get over his crush on his roommate. It has... mixed results.
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catboyklug · 2 years
Summary: this was just supposed to be a soft fluff fic but then i realized it'd end on a cliffhanger if i didnt make klug go and grab the tome now its this. oops
Warnings: Mentions of child abuse ("mild")
Characters: Klug (he/him, worm/worms), Lemres (he/him, they/them, sugar/sugars), ayashit (he/it)
Notes: Although Klug has a romantic crush on Lemres, this is not a shipfic and I do not want it to be tagged as such.
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It's raining. Heavily, even. To everyone else in the village, it's horribly cold; a welcome thing for farmers, but even to them it's an annoyance.
For one dark wizard, however, this isn't apparent at all. In fact, he doesn't feel a lick of the cold or damp.
He's wrapped partially in someone's cloak, using their shirt as a pillow as he's carried to a destination he's utterly forgotten.
It's warm. Whoever this is is warm. They smell like fresh bread and mint, and that smell calms Klug beyond words.
If they're carrying him, they must be strong. Powerful. But they're so gentle to him...
Klug feels safe.
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And several hours later, Klug woke up in a house utterly unfamiliar to him.
He bolted up as if he had just experienced a nightmare, although he would admit later it was the best sleep he'd ever had. The room was warm like the mysterious person who carried him, and the bed was perfectly soft.
He looked around the room, trying to figure out who's house this could possibly be from the decor alone.
There were colorful, floating balls of light hanging just about everywhere. There was a large, dark desk covered in history books, loose recipes and what seemed to be homework.
Klug could hardly guess who owned a room such as this.
As Klug finally got out of bed to straighten the sheets and get a better view of his surroundings, someone very gently pushed open the door.
The mysterious stranger - none other than Lemres.
Carrying a comically tall plate of pancakes topped with basically every fruit that went well together and Klug wasn't allergic to.
"Oh, good morning, Klug," Lemres said, giving their signature smile, "I didn't know you got up so early..."
"L-Lemres! You- I-" Klug stuttered in response, "Is this- is this your house?!"
"Just my bedroom, but it's part of it, yes," They responded, clearing a spot on the desk and placing the pancakes on it.
Klug simply stares at them for a few seconds.
"...These are for you," Lemres explains.
"Ah. Thank you," Klug says, very awkwardly sitting at the desk and staring at the pancakes instead of Lemres.
After a few moments of silence, Klug takes a deep breath.
"What...exactly...happened?" He said, not really sure how exactly to put his confusion into words.
"Well..." Lemres said, trying to find a way to put what exactly happened into his own words, "I was going home when I found you, outside in the cold. I asked you what you were doing, since you were without any sort of protection from the rain..."
"And then..."
Klug immediately felt his face become red-hot.
"I-I remember now!" He said quickly, "It's... It's fine."
He had already been crying well before Lemres found him, but after being asked so gently he couldn't help but sob.
It made him feel utterly pathetic...but, Lemres ended up carrying him to their house, so it wasn't all bad.
"What were you doing out there, anyway?" Lemres asked, frowning slightly.
Ah, yes, he never got around to telling them...
"I simply... Had a long day of working and wished to take a walk, of course." Klug lied, "I was so eager to get outside I forgot to get my raincoat..."
"I see," Lemres said, "Well, next time, make sure to at least bring an umbrella, yeah?"
Klug nodded, his face once again flushing. This was utterly humiliating...
"I'll leave you alone to eat now," Lemres said, getting up and stretching, "If you need me, I'll be downstairs, 'kay?"
Klug looked hesitantly at the massive stack of pancakes, then nodded once more.
"Doeeeei~" Lemres smiled, disappearing downstairs and leaving Klug alone.
...That earlier lie was perhaps the second-worst Klug had ever told.
He truly didn't wish to lie like that, but in his mind he had no choice. To him, the truth was even more embarrassing than the lie.
The truth...
Yet another argument with his guardian. He broke something - he couldn't remember what - and they were enraged.
They yelled at him for a solid thirty minutes, then claimed if Klug believed for any reason that they didnt care about him, he was free to leave.
So he left.
...And he left the tome back at the house by accident. Damn.
He would get it later. For now he made up an excuse to eat ("if he didn't eat, Lemres would... question his taste buds?") and read a couple of the books on the warlock's desk as he did so.
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When Klug went downstairs, Lemres was sitting cross-legged on a long brown couch in the living room.
They seemed to be examining their broom and its most interesting feature: with a wave of the hand it could turn into an inconspicuous yet utterly beautiful cane. Perfectly suited for one such as them, of course.
They were fiddling with it, perhaps repairing it, although Klug had never seen them doing something like this before.
Trying not to stare for too long, Klug put his plate and utensils in the sink.
"Just leave 'em there, I'll clean them later," Lemres said, sticking his tongue out as he attempted to renew the warding spell on his broom.
"Alright..." Klug said, feeling a tad awkward about letting Lemres do practically everything for him.
"...Is all of this yours?"
"Mostly," Lemres shrugged, failing to elaborate.
Klug grinned. He's already far more than used to Lemres's many mysteries, at this point finding a certain comfort in them...sometimes.
Klug sat down next to Lemres, simply watching them in silence for a while before clearing his throat.
"I should return home soon, most likely..." He said, grimacing slightly, "The tome has to be returned to the library, and I must get my bag before monday..."
"It's still only Saturday, so take your time." Lemres responded, "I could come with, if you'd like?"
"W-would you?" Klug asked, barely daring to believe it. If Lemres was there, he would be completely safe, unable to be harmed or talked down to.
They have no reason to interact with him at all - and yet, they offered to accompany him to the most dangerous place in all of Primp!
"It would be my pleasure," They replied, giving a smile...
And that smile explained everything behind their true intent.
They were obviously solely doing this out of pity. No more, no less. Of course, this didn't subtract from how kind they were, but...
Klug did not want Lemres to pity him. That was not the sort of...affection...he wished to get.
"We can leave whenever you're ready, alright?"
"I... would like to leave now, if that's alright with you." Klug said, not quite meeting Lemres's figurative gaze.
"That's fine by me," Lemres said as they stood up, tucking their broom beneath their arm.
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The walk back home was short, but awkward. Lemres thankfully didn't attempt to start any conversation, giving Klug time to think.
He hadn't invited Lemres into his house - for many a good reason, of course - meaning that Lemres didn't have to go inside. Once he was at the house, all he had to do was give them his thanks, wait for them to leave, then sneak through his bedroom window and-
Actually maybe that was dumb.
Maybe Klug could just go in the house and pretend to be normal. He could show Lemres around, introduce them to his parents, and pretend to just be a normal child in a normal family of normal people and get his stuff and leave immediately and not through the window. Maybe that would be better.
"See you later, alright?"
"See you tomorrow, Lemres."
Klug didn't hesitate. The second he was home, he said his goodbyes and ran to the back. He knew where his window was better than he knew the inside of the house in its entirety, and today once more it would be his ally.
He always kept it propped open at least slightly when he was leaving, just in case he actually did run away. Or Amitie needed to borrow a pen when he wasn't home. Or Sig wanted to grab something out of Klug's stash of food. Or...
Disregarding its other uses, Klug climbed the bushes under his window and gently pushed it open, allowing himself access to his bedroom.
The place was just as he left it: a complete and utter mess. Clothes strewn about everywhere, only about half actually dirty; paper balls covered in half-finished drawings littered all over his desk; his books and bag completely covering his bed...
His books and bag!
He grabbed the tome and his bag first, then risked grabbing a few changes of clothes, some school supplies and a couple of snacks and shoving them in the bag until it was almost too heavy to carry.
As he walked back towards the window, he could hear footsteps nearing his room, prompting him to sprint the rest of the way and slam the window shut as he left.
He just barely heard a yelling of "thief!" over the sound of himself running as he left the house behind, but he could hardly care at all.
He was, for all intents and purposes, free. Without housing, of course, but that was temporary. He could easily ask one of his several friends for lodgings, right...?
Nevermind that. Next stop: the library.
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Having dealt with the annoying process of returning and very quickly checking out the book, Klug decided it was time to rest.
He picked a few more interesting books off of a shelf and sat down at the table he had 'claimed' quite some time ago, leaning back slightly as he began reading.
His internal timer was always very good, he thought. He could later attest to this by saying the following: it took exactly 14 minutes for the book demon to begin pestering him.
"You've run away from home," It began, halfway between a statement and a query, "You don't have anywhere to stay."
"Indeed I have, and indeed I don't," Klug responded simply, continuing to read the book that suddenly became quite a bit more interesting.
"Only a fool could end up in such a position," It sneered.
Klug gave it a Look.
"At least I'm not trapped in a book, reduced from a position of power to attempting to bully a child," He said haughtily.
"That's hardly any worse than where you're at," The demon argued, "At least I have a warm, comfortable place to stay."
That was a lie and the both of them knew it well. The inside of the tome was not warm, nor did it feel particularly safe.
Klug, however, familiar with this sport, played along.
"At least I can feel the warmth of the Comet Warlock without having to steal someone else's body,"
"Correction: warm pervert."
"That's not any better."
"Better than your situation, at least,"
The demon huffed, having already spent all its arguments earlier.
"Well, once you're done reading this very interesting book, what exactly do you plan to do?" He asked.
Klug didn't think that far ahead.
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fandomnerd103 · 1 year
Stranger Things/Bridge to Terabithia crossover?
So I had this idea and I really like it but I know I’ll probably never write it so if anyone wants to continue it feel free to write it I guess just tag me cuz I’d love to read it. Anyway I’d love to see a bridge to terabithia crossover wit Mike as Jess.
So in this AU Ted and Karen get divorced and the kids end up split up when they’re young. Ted remarries Mrs. Aarons and takes her last name. he’s happier here but still doesn’t really parent Jess/Mike who is the only kid he gains custody of since his new wife already has 3 (was it 3?) girls and if he added his 3 kids Ted feels it’ll be too much so he lets Karen keep Nancy and Holly but fights for Mike not because he wants him but so that he can help on the farm Ted bought. Karen kept the same house the OG wheelers live in. Ted changes Mikes name to what he wanted to originally name him, and makes him take Mrs. Aarons name instead of keeping Wheeler (for the family image). He still meets Will, and the party but now sends them letters and calls them to stay in touch. He also gains an interest in art through Will who encourages this new passion they share. However Ted obviously doesn’t like it and tries to get them to cut contact. Mrs Aaron’s adopts Mike and now he has a third mom and they get along well though he misses his mom, Nancy, and Holly. Annabelle (was that her name I can’t remember… or was it Mary belle? I can’t recall the sisters names… oops?) and Jess get along ok but his older stepsisters and him do not get along very well even if they grow to love each other. Any way I picture him being there from around 7/8 to around 11 which is when he met Leslie. *cue very bittersweet music * everything in Bridge to Terabithia happens and after Jess/Mike is traumatized Ted decides to move back in with Karen for a while to help. In this Au they are still divorced which is why Ted sleeps on his couch/recliner. He still visits the Aaron’s all the time but doesn’t let anyone know outside of his family so that rumors aren’t spread around. Mike also visits them and Karen and Mrs. Arron’s end up with a weird kind of friendship due to everything and because they both love Mike/Jess as their son and are trying to help. Mike(Jess) gives up his art but still keeps Wills. No one in the party really knows what happened when he lived with Ted and kind of forgot about it as Mike never talked about it.
Mike visits in the weekends all the time to hang out with Annabelle(?) who is the only one who knows of Terabithia and both go a lot and talk to Leslie. What they don’t know is that Terabithia is like the upside down but a good version/sorta. There are dangers but since Jess is King and Annabelle(?) is a princess it’s not as dangerous to them. Mike doesn’t realize this and no one in the party knows . It’s not until Vecna becomes a problem that they find out. He possesses Mike which all of Terabithia feel and send Annabelle and Leslie(her ghost) to help. The upside down is basically an evil version of Terabithia with Creels influence while Terabithia is influenced by Mike/Jess. Also this is endgame Byler. Mike/Jess is bi in this and loved both Will, Leslie, and El(mostly platonic however he confused his feelings for El due to their trauma) Jess/Mike moves on for the most part from Leslie but will always love her just like with Will. While El and him become besties. Everyone in the party eventually find out what happened once he’s vecnad as stated earlier. Also they find out he had a crush on his music teacher who he’s still broken up over because if he didn’t take her offer of hanging out (weird date thing??? I never understood what that was about I always thought it was a bit weird….but it might just be my trauma) then he feels as if Leslie might have been alive still….
Um that’s all for now so yeah let me know what you all think ? Also I was thinking that maybe some how Holly, and Jess’s/Mikes other siblings got involved with the upside down as well? Maybe they make a comment about Leslie and Nancy and co ask who that is while Mike freezes and then that’s how they find out because Annabelle(?) who has no filter says it was his girlfriend but she died… I dunno anyway if anyone wants to write this into a fic let me know… also yes this should be an original prompt? I haven’t heard of anybody else doing this….
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look-i-love-u · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me: @surviving-maybe, @shameless-notashamed, @shinygalaxyperson, @squirrelfund, @milkoviched and @suzy-queued and @imikhailotakeyouian and @jomilky. You're wonderful :)
Favorite color: Pink
Currently reading:  ff next up: Steady as he goes // Book: Her Royal Highness - Rachel Hawkins
Last song: A recording of the sea I took in March. Does that count as a song?
Last series: Rewatching Stranger Things (about to start S3) and Critical Role, Campaign 3
Last movie: God's Own Country for the 10th time.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet.
Currently working on: Finding my motivation to start typing the ideas running around my head... I love them and want them to turn into fics, also holiday planning and an embroidery piece for my brother's wedding.
Edit: oops. Forgot to tag people. Sorry.
I'm tagging: @lizelandre, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @ardent-fox, @sisitrip, @metalheadmickey, @clingymickey, @energievie
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atmilliways · 1 year
Ao3 First Lines
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Thanks for the tag, @xirayn!
Sorry anyone who followed me for Stranger Things content, I only have one published fic so far and I forgot how unhinged some of my Metalocalypse fics are.
1. The Five Noels
Fandom: Stranger Things | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson | 5 + 1 Christmases fic
“Said the night wind to the little lamb, “Do you see what I see?” What Steve saw, as he alternated holding the caroling book in one gloved hand and shoving the other into his armpit for warmth, was yet another drooping trailer with one sad string of lights dangling from nails jammed into gaps in the rusty siding. If it weren’t for Nancy dragging him here with a joint group of high schoolers and middle schoolers, he’d be at home seeing a cheerfully roaring fire instead. 
2. Hondaklok 🔞
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Explicit | Pairing: Nathan Explosion/Charles Offdensen | Sex pollen fic
The door to the office burst inwards with an excited bellow of, “CHARLES!” There had been a time, years ago, when the door had opened out instead of in. At the time, the band’s manager and CFO hoped it would afford him a little extra warning before interruptions; a few seconds more to steel himself against whatever or whoever was about to disrupt his work day.
3. The Other Threesome 🔞
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Explicit | Pairing: William Murderface/Pickles the Drummer(/Melmord Fjordslorn) | Starts with dick jokes and goes downhill from there
There was a rule in Dethklok that ran almost as deep as the No Showing An Interest rule, but deeper than the Call It Hamburger Time rule they would come up with later on. Skwisgaar had invented it. You didn’t get upset, cry, or sulk. You “got high.”
4. Hair of the Dog, Paw of the Monkey 🔞
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Mature | Characters: Magnus Hammersmith & Blues Devil, pairings to come | Possession fic, not finished
Twenty-two months after losing his band, his career, and the sight in his left eye, Magnus sells his soul at the crossroads under a stormy and thundering sky. The Devil has dark gray wrinkled skin and red eyes, and wears a black silk string tie and old man suspenders that hike his pants up past his natural waist.  “There,” Magnus snaps, carelessly stemming the flow of blood from the finger he just signed with on his jeans. “Now when do I get my revenge?”
5. Bridesman
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Characters: William Murderface, Toki Wartooth | Murderface can be a little GNC, as a treat
“Thisch whole thing schickensch me.” Toki rolled his eyes. “Don’ts know whats you expecteds when you makes a big cries-baby scene abouts beings in the weddings party.”
6. What Matters
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Lavona Succuboso/Trindle | Oops all side characters, amnesia, and angst
The late evening air of Paris is clear and crisp as the two women exit the small museum shop that marks the end of the Catacombs tour, arm in arm.  “Well, Liebling?” the taller of the two asks in German as they cross the street. “Did you like it?” “It was fantastic.” Her companion, who has a definite American accent, is absolutely beaming beneath her black, touristy beret. The studs in her nose and bottom lip glint silver in the streetlight. “I’ve never seen so many femurs and crania in one place before. Thousands of human skulls and bones. Skeletal remains of more than six million people. You could just . . . feel the dead, all around you.” She sighed. “This entire trip has just been perfect, Lavona. I’m so happy you were able to take the time off.”
7. Rorschach Kiss
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Abigail Remeltindtdrinc/Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Nathan Explosion | The last short thing I wrote at 707 words
The pen hadn’t been worth stealing, but Abigail has had it a long time now and she’s grown attached to it. She owns better pens—ones with those touchpad compatible squidgy ends on the top and one with green ink, her favorite color. This one has bite marks in the plastic from where she’s chewed absently on it while working on the trickier bits of high stakes projects, like this one. The cap is long gone and sometimes the ink (black) comes out a little gloppy. Really, she knows, she should just throw it away. . . . And yet she keeps it. 
8. Call Out Names
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Amber/Seth (Metalocalypse) | Oops all side characters again
“Why not? God, what’re you being such a bitch about this for?” To Seth’s credit, he actually looks like he regrets the word as soon as it’s out of his mouth, before she even puts down her phone. Because he knows the story.
9. It's Not A Lap Dance If It's Christmas & You're In A Santa Suit 🔞
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Mature | Pairing: Charles Foster Offdensen/Pickles the Drummer | Exactly what it says on the tin
The dreaded Dethklok Inc. office Christmas party was coming up—dreaded not by the band or most of the employees, who typically had a blast, but by the CFO who had to arrange and organize everything before and after, up to and including the inevitable handful of resulting funeral arrangements.  Charles was looking forward to it even less than usual, because the band had thrown an absolute shitfit to get him to agree to play Santa this year. He didn’t know why they wanted him to do this. The party didn’t even normally have a Santa.
10. Mistle-No
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Magnus Hammersmith/Pickles The DrummerNathan Explosion/Pickles the Drummer, William Murderface/Pickles the Drummer, Pickles the Drummer/Skwisgaar Skwigelf | Four counts of "pretend to be my boyfriend so this lady stops hitting on me"
The open road is great for thinking. Pickles has composed entire songs in his head with the exact heaviness that he’d been craving since before Snakes N Barrels had gone down in flames.  He can’t play them (not enough instruments) or sing them (voice couldn’t go low enough) or write them down (had to keep both hands on the wheel, or at least one on the wheel and one on his beer), though. 
Well that was a journey.
If you wanna be tagged, be tagged! Fly, my pretties, fly!
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potential-fate · 2 years
I think I was tagged by… @balkopat, @aondaneedles, @pixeldolly, @phoebe-twiddle, @hellodahliah and @andrevasims.
NGL a few more people might have tagged me too, so if I forgot u I'm sorry 😩
Last song: Scarlet Cross - Black Veil Brides
Last movie: Bob's Burger Movie (it was pretty good. very on brand for the show. I liked it.)
Currently watching: Stranger Things, season 2. I watched season 4 and got attached so now I'm watching the seasons I skipped 😂 (I watched season 1... when it came out I think. but then I stopped)
Currently reading: uhm... honestly at this exact moment nothing right now. short fluff fanfics mostly? lol
Current obsession: gonna give myself away here but ...Nu Carnival
not tagging anyone this time cause I'm super late replying to this (again... always late.... oops...) and I think most people have done this lol.
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mmthatsano · 2 years
Chapter 3 of My Favorite Song Is
Fandom: Stranger Things(TV 2016)
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington & The Party, Past Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Argyle (Stranger Things), Billy Hargrove(Mentioned), Henry Creel | One | Vecna, Erica Sinclair
Additional Tags: Blood and Injury, Vomiting, Steve Gets Vecna'd, Canon-Typical Violence, The Upside Down, Demobats, Alternate Universe-Canon Divergence, Eddie Munson Lives, Episode: s04e04 Dear Billy(Stranger Things), Fruity Four, that's not a tag yet??, ST fandom what have you been doing this past month??, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Mentioned Secret Relationship, gay crushes, Steve's yellow sweater ;), Screaming, Crying, Struggling, just general chaos really, Major Character Injury, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Nightmares, Nancy Wheeler is a bitch and I stand by that, I called it in season one and I was right, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Flirting, forgot that one oops, steddie, Stop burying your gays, Let your gays live in peace damnit, Fuck you Duffers, No beta we die like bob, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Steve Harrington also has PTSD, Single Mother Steve, Eddie Wants to be Dad LMAO, Eddie Munson Calls Steve Harrington Pet Names, Making Out, Steve is not a Harrington, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, If that wasn't obvious by like chapter two
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she-is-juniper · 2 years
Oops I forgot to think about a taglist lmao
Please comment below or send me a dm or ask if you’d like me to tag you when I post a new Elvis or Stranger Things fic :-)
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