#op said in the tags what i was too afraid to say
ethereal-blossom · 1 day
Deep dive on Victor and his possible past + curse
This man is as attractive as he is mysterious and the curiosity is killing me, so I just need to let out some thoughts.
** I'm going to be referencing some translations and posts so I'll link them and their OP's (I'm too afraid to tag hehe but they deserve all the love and appreciation🩷)
Be aware of JP and EN spoilers
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First, what are some things we know and are safe to assume when it comes to Victor? He's the co-founder of Crown and the Queen's Aide. I think it's safe to assume Victor is the oldest in Crown; Harrison calls him an old goat, he acts like a mom, and I believe in the Valentine event the dynamic between Harry and Victor was labeled child-parent. Through this detailed post that @/kurishiri made we can guess that Victor is 30/32+ years, which I have to subjectively note is very hot. William was 14 when he was invited to the castle where he met Victor, meaning that Victor has been associated with the castle for at least 14 years. Was he already the Queen's Aide back then? High-likely, yes.
But how long exactly has Victor been the Queen's Aide? And how did he become one in the first place? One thing that stands out to me is this dialogue in Victor's Wicked Little Secret event:
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For context, Victor is sharing why he started doing magic tricks. He explains it's traced back to the queen and how she does them as a reminder of how difficult but precious it is to get someone to smile.
Of course, it can be that Victor simply didn't go with the queen to the slums that day or that she told him about it, but I like to think about the possibility he didn't know the queen at this point but knew about it anyways because he was a kid in the slums. It might explain why he doesn't necessarily pay attention to status and why he treats people such as the villagers and Kate as his equals despite being the most powerful man in the country. Does he stay humble due to perhaps having experienced the lack of power, money, and status to a severe degree? And is the Victorian slums the reason why he suffered enough pain for a lifetime?
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@/Reccyls translated an event in which the suitors are meant to win over Kate's heart by having her give the suitor a heart-shaped necklace. Jude, Roger, and Alfons are being very proactive while Elbert, William, and Victor are drinking tea. The nobles team points out there's no rush because it's the end of the day that matters. Victor agrees but then suggests they're also probably laid back because they are rich. It might be nothing but if you ask me, that's pretty self-aware and honest for a rich person. Not every rich person will realize having money does influence you, and not everybody loves to point out the frowned upon behavior that comes along with money, especially when it applies to yourself. So, it's a very small thing to say and I might be reading too much into it, but I think the people who know the affect of money better than anyone are the people who weren't born first class.
Victor continues to point out what makes William and Elbert rich, but right when he wants to talk about himself he cuts himself off (🖕/affectionately) . It confuses me because sir, you are the Queen's Aide. Why is it a mystery that you're rich? Elbert asks if Victor comes from nobility but we never get a yes or no answer to that. So is there still a chance he might have been born in a rich family? Yeah, but I'm not a strong believer of it. Victor is known to cook and sew, and I don't remember where or when but I believe he said somewhere that if he can do it himself he won't let the maids do it. Does that sound like the skills and the mindset of a man born in nobility during the Victorian age? Not to me, so here comes my next thought: what if queen Victoria has taken young Victor under her wing?
I don't know how it would necessarily end up like this, though. But I was thinking: it didn't go unnoticed by us that Victor and Victoria's names are scarily similar to each other (it's like yeah whatever we're a bit like Sherlock ourselves yknow💅). What if his name was quite literally inspired by the Queen's name in the story itself? Maybe Victor chose it or Victoria gave it to him.
Because @/shatcey recently made a post pointing out that William said "the man who calls himself Victor." I heavily agree with her that the phrasing is suspicious, mostly because of Victor as a character.
If he is from the slums then perhaps he's an orphan who doesn't know his actual name, or maybe he took up another name? If Victor is not his actual name, it might explain why we don't have a last name in the first place. Also, @/otomefiend translated the Black Wedding event when it came out in JP. While the official English translation uses "business smile" to describe Victor wearing a smile to bury his dark comment, I like her translation saying "Victor, the Queen's Aide' expression" much better. I genuinely could go into depth about this but I sadly digress. It makes me think back on the summary reccyls did for the first christmas event wherein Victor was wondering if he should give a "Victor-like" response.
Naturally, it can also mean he just has different persona's connected to his masks as this is a reoccurring theme and topic in his content. Victor said in the Between Villains' epilogue (translated by otomefiend) that he wants to be seen as the gentle Queen's Aide by Kate, so after showing a bit of his darker side it's natural he goes back to his gentle side that still implies distance to ease Kate. However, that doesn't make any of his masks a lie or someone he is not. Important disclaimer to put out there because this doesn't have to be proof that Victor isn't who he says he is. The phrasing just reminded me of this.
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So, it wouldn't be a deep dive if I didn't talk about the theory that Victor might be the queen. Harrison has pointed out twice that Victor lies a lot. I think it'd be so funny if Harry is going to be like "stay away from Kate you old goat >:(" in Victor's route and then William is going to be the complete opposite like "listen to your desires and get a room already :)"
I think we might have seen the queen once, but it's canon that people have cosplayed her so who says it doesn't happen all the time? Victor only has to say the Queen's safety is in danger and then someone will fill in. I think it's safe to assume Cybird is making us doubt whether the queen is alive on purpose and what does that say about the mystery? You don't create mystery when there's nothing to reveal.
In Wrapped in Wicked Romance, something broke from the Queen's tea set only for Victor to reveal that, surprise, it's his own set! During the first anniversary epilogue (talked about by shatcey here) Kate gets told the queen is waiting for her in Victor's office and surprise, it's Victor! Or how in Between Two Villains it's mentioned how Victoria doesn't seem human because of the dedication she has as queen but then the doubt of humanity is a theme in Victor's events as well. Or how in Harrison's route Jude is reading the morning's newspaper and it mentions a criminal situation and surprise, Victor shows up from behind and says the queen ordered a mission related to it... almost like he overheard the news and decided on the spot it had to be dealt with.
To be honest, I don't know what to think when it comes to the queen. If she's actually dead, I think she might have died from an illness and then the veil + private persona might have been crafted to make it easier to look like she's alive (a bit like this one thing in Ikemen Prince). Why she should give the impression of being alive? I don't know, there's a high chance I am reaching. Maybe the queen is very healthy and happily living her introverted life.
Going back to another translation by reccyls, here Victor ends on the note that even if he has feelings for Kate he can't offer anything as "I belong to her majesty/ Victor belongs to Victoria." Ignore that you can call me the wicked witch of the west with how green of envy I turned, but this stood out to me a lot.
I think it shows an incredible amount of dedication and loyalty, and I read it in two ways. If Victor was saved by Victoria, it might be that he feels like he owes her himself, or perhaps a deal/promise was made? But, in a way, I also read it as Victor belonging to England. His loyalty towards queen Victoria is loyalty towards the safety and well-being of England, a land he's passionate about keeping safe.
The relationship between Victor and Victoria is lowkey fascinating to me because if she's still alive, they have been together for so many years. Victor always talks so positively about her so even though we barely interacted with her, I became to really like and admire ikevil!Victoria. Victor is also the only one who we know speaks with the queen directly. For the tea set mentioned earlier, Victor said he replaced them with his own because he is known to break them when he and the queen are drinking tea. Victor braids the queen's hair and helps her with fashion. William even said in this event translated by @/judesmoonbeauty that the queen knows everything about Victor.
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We've almost reached the end but the last thing I want to talk about is Victor's birthday event translated by @/archiveikemen. Victor murders a bunch of criminals with what I assume is his curse or something in that direction. He commands them to succumb to his wickedness and the people essentially kill themselves with a peaceful expression. William makes a comment about it, saying these men look as if almost possessed by a God. Victor thinks to himself it's like saying "Her Majesty The Queen" was no God, and then he says humans can never be God. To be honest, I'm slightly confused because I feel like this can mean different things. When Will makes his comment he's speaking about the peaceful faces, so I don't think he's talking about how the criminals were unhealthily worshipping the queen but I assume he's talking about Victor's ability.
One of the reasons why I think it's a curse is because of this post Shatcey made. One of the screenshots translates to Victor saying he doesn't want Kate to end up lying at his feet with a happy face. It sounds an awful lot like what happened to the criminals in the event. Victor worrying about Kate's fate like that makes me believe it might has something to do with the fate of his possible curse. Think about it: Kate essentially gets dragged in every cursed fate of the suitors and if Victor is another cursed individual, it's high-likely his curse is related to death.
There must be something special going on, though. Is Victor's curse like any other but kept a mystery because something about Victor's identity should stay a mystery? Or is there actually something special about his curse or whatever ability he has? Because his birthday event convinced me he's not an ordinary human. However, something special must be going on for this to be a mystery.
Funny story but for a while I thought that if Victor is cursed it might be Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Sometimes you can see Easter eggs of the suitor's curses back in the outfit designs so when I looked at Victor's outfit, I saw he has scrubs on his jacket (reminding me of fish) and something that looks like knots/ropes (reminding me of sailboats), plus the deep blue and black aesthetic still reminds me of the dark sea. There is also a part in the christmas event where Victor thinks to himself he has sacrificed his human soul to death in order to get what he has now, and who has a song about doing business with poor unfortunate souls?
In this flashback translated by reccyls, I think we are witnessing the moment he's sacrificing his soul. He has a choice that'll impact him as a person greatly and I feel like it's safe to assume he's close to dying, so it'd make sense if this part of his life triggered a curse related to death. Also, his flashback says "the path of becoming the dust of history" which is another reason why I think Victor might have come from the slums, or at least not nobility. It sounds like Victor himself thought he had left no footprint on the world, which actually aligns with his character if you read the translation of Will saying Victoria knows Victor better than anyone till the end.
But I got sidetracked a lot. I think the comment Victor made about the queen in his birthday event is another micro-hint. I sometimes feel like I'm reaching like a clown trying to figure out if Victor isn't keeping up the idea the queen is still alive. It almost feels like having a gaslighting lover; am I picking up clues or am I picking up clowns makeup? Wouldn't it actually be a possibility for Harry to help Kate unreveal the mystery that is Victor? Because while they're not the most interactive dynamic, I feel like Harrison will at least have a little role in Victor's route. As I mentioned before, Harrison pointed out twice that Victor lies a lot: one time in his own route and the second time in the Christmas event. He goes a step further in the latter one, saying that if Kate takes the first step towards Victor's darkness, he'll open her eyes to the truth. Plus, Harrison already had his "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" moment in his route so I think it makes sense for the Sherlock lover who is a walking lie detector to play a role in the most mysterious suitor who is a walking liar's route.
The actual last thing I want to talk about (guess I'm a liar like Victor) I notice that in events wherein Victor and Kate are together, they declare their love in an interesting way. Since death seems to be a huge part of Victor that possibly is connected to a curse, the two put focus on loving each other even after death. I'm curious if this is part of Victor's possible fate or if this is just a romantic way of thinking that fits Victor's theme. Either way, I think it's perfect to end on this note.
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So, I think this is mostly what I wanted to get out. Thank you for having read all the way through and please share any theories you have! And spread love for the people mentioned in this post because I'm eternally grateful for everything they translate and post🩷
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khalixvitae · 1 year
I think that everyone should take a moment to think about just how fucking weird Malleus is. Like, he rlly isn’t the super OP, suave, mysterious bad boy trope that he frequently gets boxed into. That is literally in universe propaganda- that’s what his classmates (who are too afraid to talk to him) have like. Made up abt him. He’s actually rlly fucking odd (seemingly even by fae standards) and that is so cool of him. Like. He has a fixation on one particular architectural feature and shows up in your back yard on a weekly basis to infodump at you. His handwriting is basically calligraphy. He does not know how to work a cell phone. He has the most offputting sense of humor known to man and god, yet somehow does not always understand sarcasm when it’s directed at him. The only person who understands him is his equally weird yet socially adjusted 600+ year old adopted father, and even he was so concerned for Malleus’ social development he tagged along with him to school with the goal of making some sort of social connection happen. He’s so odd and I think we should all take a moment to think abt him as a weird little freak
Edit: I wasn’t gonna say the autism word bc sometimes people don’t know how to act when you say their fav emo boy has autism. Side eye. But since y’all have said it yourselves may I reiterate: malleus draconia is dripping w autism and that makes him so cool and relatable imo thank u
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alaydabug2 · 1 month
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @thoughtlescat @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Sixty-one
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
The alarm blared throughout Sophie's room. She groaned and buried her face into her pillow. It was way too early to be getting up, four in the morning, to be exact. She still dragged herself out of bed and started to get ready.
Once she was dressed and had her items collected, she knocked on her parents' door.
"I'm leaving," she called to them.
"Got it," Grady said back. "Love you, be careful."
"I will," she promised. "Love you, too."
It was Friday. Keefe's surgery was going to be at six thirty in the morning. The first stop she made while getting out the door was McDonald's for a coffee and hashbrowns. She didn't think she'd be able to stay awake if she didn't.
After thirty minutes of driving, she arrived at the hospital. She pulled out her bag she brought to keep herself busy. There also was a good chance of her spending the night, so she brought some clothes to change into.
When she made it to the room, nurses were already there, asking tons of questions. Sophie quietly snuck through the doorway to wait in a corner until they were done.
When they left, she moved to go greet Keefe and Ro. Ro waved, while Keefe sleepily blinked up at her.
They waited around until five thirty, in which the nurses took them into the pre-op room. The nurses took to Keefe with a bunch of needles. Sophie wanted to support her boyfriend, but the sight of them made her heady woozy. She had to turn away.
When it was safe, she turned back to find Keefe with several IVs in his arms. She noticed the way he cringed at them. She took his hand as the nurses continued to fiddle with the various monitors he was hooked up to.
One of the nurses pushed some drugs into the IVs. Sophie had to fight back a giggle when she saw the exact moments it hit Keefe's system. His pupils dilated wider than she thought was possible, and he slumped back into his pillows.
Ro snickered. "Yeah, I want what he's on," she told the nurse. "Seems like a good time."
The nurse shook her head with a grin. "Sorry, this is for the VIPs only. Afraid you can't have any."
Ro gave an over-exaggerated pout.
The nurse finally left the room, and they were alone. Keefe turned to look at her and held a hand out. She took it, giving it a gentle squeeze. He closed his eyes as the meds kicked in.
Time to be taken back was quickly approaching. Sophie was still stationed by his bed, stoking his hair.
He finally looked up to Ro and said, "Can I talk to Mom and Dad before I'm taken away?"
"Of course," she agreed.
She pulled out her phone, dialing Cassius's number. It ended up in voice-mail. She tried again with Giselle. Each ring felt like it was sucking life out of the room. Until-
"Hello," their mother's voice came out. "What do you need?"
"Hey, mom!" Ro said. "Is dad with you?"
"Yes, he's right here. How come?"
"Well... Keefe is going to be taken back into surgery within the next ten minutes. He wanted to talk to you guys."
She moved the phone over to Keefe's mouth so he could say, "Hey. Just wanted to talk."
A yawn came from the other side of the receiver. "Why? Thought you knew better than to be needy."
Keefe's eyes shifted downward. Ro pursed her lips.
Their mother continued. "How old are you again? Oh, right, sixteen. Can't you handle yourself?"
Ro finally spoke up. "Why are you so pressed for him wanting support from his parents? Those are natural instincts to have!"
"He needs to learn that we won't always be there-"
"You never were there in the first place," Keefe spat.
"Excuse me, sir? You're not going to talk to me like that. You're crazy if-"
Ro clicked the button for it to be off speaker. She then got up and stepped outside. It was quite useless because the argument was easily heard through the walls, though.
Sophie leaned in and kissed Keefe on the cheek. He turned up at her when she pulled away and reached out a hand, pulling her back down.
He pressed his lips to hers. It almost seemed desperate. Every time she thought he would be ready to break away, he deepened the kiss.
They didn't scramble away until someone cleared their throat. Ro and a few nurses were waiting. Sophie felt her cheeks turn red hot.
"Remember," the nurse directed to the couple, "We're actively not trying to take his breath away. Exact opposite of what you were doing." He smirked.
He came up to the bed and started fiddling with wires. Once he was done, the bed was able to be rolled around easily.
Ro came over to Keefe to lean down and give him a hug. "You've got this. You'll do great," she whispered in his ear
Sophie leaned in for one last kiss. "Everything will go well," she assured him. "Promise."
At the last second before he was taken out of the room, she whispered by his head, "I love you."
She never saw his reaction before he got wheeled away.
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arunikas · 1 year
Hey Aru!!!
Related to your tags in my post
I share the same sentiments with you! It was great to see that they added that new baby Boruto flashback scene with first time parents NH, but the entire episode did feel something lacking.
I was under the impression (there were hints about it that I saw somewhere before) that the episode would be somewhat similar to how it was during the Kurama episode, but I kinda... Didn't feel that?
I wasn't alone in watching that episode btw, and we had expressed that there was something missing in the overall feel of the episode. We were like, watching another regular episode for Boruto... Sure the animation was great, the fight scenes were well-executed, and the end part with Kawaki and Boruto was a good way to finish the series, but the emotions? Especially while Naruto was still holding on to Boruto, in complete denial of what happened... I was like - detached, neutral towards the whole thing.
And I know it's not because we already knew what was coming - we're all manga readers - we knew what was going to happen to Kurama but the emotions felt during the parts they were reminiscing had a lot of impact. Comparing that to the Boruto finale, well... Idk... I'm not even sure if I'm explaining this properly lol
Born I just started feeling uneasy and afraid that I might be a partypooper because of the tags I wrote, especially to you Born since you were the OP of the post. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable of what I said because everybody seems to enjoy the entirety of the episode (which is great! how long has it been since we hear good news from the Boruto episode?) Beats me.
But I'm relieved now that you felt the same way! If compared to Kurama's farewell, YES I AGREE WITH YOU!!!?!! We knew what's gonna happen and we just needed to sit back and watch how they'd execute the scene and I was literally crying and sobbing and choking on my breath even after a while I finished the ep of Kurama's farewell. It was so heartfelt and they absolutely did the scene justice! Even until now, I still feel a clench in my chest whenever I play the outro of that episode because it'd ALWAYS flood me with nostalgia of the feelings I felt when I watched it.
I was kinda expecting, nah, I really put my expectations high for this ep as well and maybe that's what makes it even more.....dare I say, disappointing? (no offense to those who enjoy the ep! your feelings are valid!!!)
My expectations skyrocketed once I saw the opening scenes of Naruto's core memories of baby Boruto and I was reaaaaally anticipating to see those glimpses come to life in the actual episode, with longer version, deeper flasback, and a profound heartfelt scenes!!!! Even when I was fascinated by the fight scenes, my mind would alway wonder "where's it? where's Naruto and (dead)Boruto? where's their moment and the flasbacks?????"
But then suddenly he got revived and I was like, "that's it?????????" 😭
I don't know...........it felt like....... everything just happened in a flash......too fast......like they rushed it to fit the 24minutes of the ep......like there's not enough time...... Even after finishing the ep, I was like, "where's my tears????????"
Nothing is stopping SP to go all out with the ep, like, wasn't it the finale of part 1????? I expect we'd get some blow in the guts with the ep hahahahahs that's (maybe) where I made my mistake. 😀
But my mami Hinata looked so good in the opening scene and for me it's their redeeming point lolol (though you must have also noticed the inconsistency of her hair? lol)
So that's my conclusion of the entire ep. I love love the opening and the ending, but the middle of the ep feels like it was lacking something....idk how to properly address this but I'm sure you understand what I mean😀❤️
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me Born!!!!!!!! I was really starting to feel bad because I couldn't feel it like how I'd imagined it would be. But, meh, that's how it is for me lolol
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yeehawtist · 2 years
WEEKS ago i saw a post on here where the OP was (i think, but they absolutely may have not been!!!) pretty angry, saying that people with depression and mental illness shouldn’t refer to themselves as neurodivergent.
and i was going to type up a response to that but i became paralyzed by fear so i just exited the app and said nothing. i’ve lost the post since then but it’s been on my mind. and since i have only 3 followers who are all my friends, i feel comfortable enough to just discuss about why i disagree with and think that mindset is a harmful one for us to have. and if on the off chance others see this, i may feel less afraid of conversating with them hopefully. but anyway
OP is of course entitled to their opinion but this is the internet and i am incapable of shutting the fuck up, so i will talk about it LOL.
so firstly, “neurodivergent” was coined by @/sherlocksflataffect (i don’t want to actually tag them because i am shy) and to reiterate what they already stated in a post of theirs, “Neurodivergent refers to neurologically divergent from typical. That’s ALL.”
K also stated, “It is not another damn tool of exclusion. It is specifically a tool of inclusion. If you don’t want to be associated with Those People, then YOU are the one who needs another word. Neurodivergent is for all of us.”
they also go on to list examples of people who fit under the label of neurodivergent, including (but NEVER limited to!!!) people with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, adhd, MS, Parkinson’s, and MENTAL ILLNESSES.
OP was against people using the term neurodivergent to describe themselves having depression. and while i understand that OP most likely has dealt with ableism from people who have depression, they are responding by tearing down people who we should be standing with. people with depression and other mental illnesses ARE neurodivergent and they belong in this community. and YES there ABSOLUTELY ARE people who are mentally ill who need to work on their own internalized ableism, but that doesn’t give other neurodivergent people the excuse to respond with ableism back.
the truth is that ALL of us are going to have at least SOME struggles in a world not made for us and/or with our brains that seem like they’re actively trying to kill us. but we are not going to be the same. we never were meant to be the same. we were meant to be different. but excluding others who are closer to you than you think isn’t going to help anyone. it’ll encourage animosity between different groups of neurodivergent people and we don’t need that. ANYONE who feels represented and “at home” using the term neurodivergent for themself should be allowed to do so. even if it’s “””just””” depression. even if it’s not something that’s been recognized by doctors. they’re allowed to belong here too.
ok sorry for being unnecessarily wordy and repetitive. it’s been said by others more eloquent and experienced than me, but i felt the need to express what i thought about it as well as mention the person who quite literally coined the term.
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high-pot-in-noose · 1 year
Literally going on and on on someone else’s post bc they responded to you? And acting like there’s nothing socially inappropriate about your response because you’re “allowed to respond” since it’s public.. it doesn’t matter that you’re not angry or you’re “just a chatterbox” the fact that you genuinely cannot control yourself and let the topic go is the issue. The fact that you’re making it ops problem and deciding that they’re the ones who need to stop responding on their own post because you are incapable of not making a big deal about their original response of “you don’t know these ppl” which was somehow an “overreaction” despite being a calm, one line statement in response to your weird comment where you were making a weird comment abt a celebrity relationship again on THEIR post like..
Oh, hi! Decided to abandon your veneer of righteous and pose as an 'anonymous 3rd-party' that's on your own side? Maybe actually change up how you write next time you try this?
What happened to me supposedly being the one Big Angy and you the one who's championing the honor of a pair of celebrities that don't give two shits about us? I'm not the one sending anon hate, bro. At this point, I'm laughing at you, too.
You're going on about being socially appropriate here, and yet you're the one literally sending me mail to scold me for *checks notes* talking to someone who is responding back to me within a public forum. As I said, and as you willfully ignore, if you don't want people commenting things you don't want to hear, restrict who can reply to your posts. It's literally a setting that's available.
And not like you tagged it 'do not reblog' or 'do not comment', so what great dignity of a Spongebob and Ariana Grande post was I suppose to intuitively know to give the greatest respects to?
You've been repeating weird during this entire affair like it's some deathly insult and unrecoverable faux-pas. At this point I have to wonder if you've been living your entire life up until now deathly afraid of being perceived as anything but normal. Do you realize THAT is not normal? That the weight you think being called 'weird' has is abnormal? That you think being unafraid to just be stupid freely sometimes is what's 'socially inappropriate' in this setting?
Do you think that it's normal that you want someone to be stricken by being called strange so much to the point that you would pretend to be someone else and send another 'hit'? You consider that normal?
Maybe it's you that should go touch grass. I don't know what the weather's like where you live, or if there's any decent greenery around, but try finding some rather than attempting these primary school bullying tactics. As for me, I'll just keep fucking around on this blogging site saying whatever comes to mind.
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anonymousfiction211 · 2 years
You just have to believe 3
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A/N: I started my new job yesterday. Meaning, I’m exhausted. But I’m really enjoying myself at work. I realized I missed the deadline yesterday. So, today you guys get 2 chapters for the prize of 1. My way of apologizing. Loki appears in chapter 4 ;)
You just have to believe masterlist
On the run Rachel stood for a closed door. Her friend wasn't home and hadn't come home in hours. After walking around the house, she saw that the car was gone and mail was piling up in the hallway. Through the back window she saw the kitchen. In the kitchen hung a calendar, with the word ‘vacation’ in big red letters and a smiley face next to it. Great Rachel thought. She sat down in front of the house, contemplating her next move. A police car drove into the street and stopped in front of the house. Two police officers stepped out of the car and were eyeing op and down. They made their way towards her.
Rachel's heart was pounding. There was only one reason why police officers would be looking for her. She was hoping that if she told her story, maybe they would take pity on her and let her go. She got off the ground when the two men stood in front of her.
'What are you doing here?’ one of them asked.
‘I am visiting a friend’ Rachel answered.
‘Really? Because one of the neighbours called, saying they saw someone looking for a way into the house’ the other one of them said.
The other one walked past her and started to inspect the door and the windows. Rachel was slightly relieved that they thought she tried to break in, because she wasn't. ‘It was a surprise visit. But it turns out she is on vacation’ Rachel explained.
‘I would think that a friend would know when her friend is on vacation, wouldn't you?’ the police officer said. The other one turned around and walked back towards her. He said something to his colleague, but Rachel couldn't hear what he was saying.
‘Can we take a look in your bag?’
Rachel nodded. She hadn't taken anything out of the house and they couldn't possibly know that the stuff in her bag was stolen. It was not like they would ask her for a receipt. They checked her back. Then she saw them discussing something. They pulled the bag over. That's when Rachel saw, the alarm tag. The alarm tag was still attached to the bag. She panicked and before she knew it, she was running. She ran as fast as she could, in no particular direction. She heard the officers shout something at her, but she didn't look back.
She was able to shake of the police officers, or they weren't that interested in following her. Either way, she was alone again. She started to wander around the city again. But her leg was throbbing. She needed to rest for a bit. After walking for far too lang, Rachel found a bridge. For once nobody was around. It looked like it was going to rain and most of the times, spots like bridges, were crowded with people. Most of them who looked dangerous to her. She sat down underneath the bridge. To her surprise she also saw a mattress, but it looked too dirty to sit on. Next to the mattress she found a radio. Needing something normal she decided to turn it on. She leaned back against the brick wall and closed her eyes. She listened to the radio while drifting away.
‘...and how do you response to the accusations dr. Foster made?’
‘What happened to dr. Foster is quite a tragedy. It wouldn't be the first woman who would fall head over heels for my brother. Unfortunately, she mistook the fling they had for much more. And now that my brother has left her, she is driven mad by heartbreak. I tried to convince Thor to at least talk to her, like a decent man is supposed to do. But I wasn't able to convince him, I'm afraid’ Loki answered.
‘But Mr. Odinson, if you don't mind me being so bold, she is accusing you of trying to kill your brother’ the interviewer asked further.
‘I get that blaming someone else is easier for her, than facing what really happened. Especially, considering her mental health. That's why I thought it was important to get her the best help that is available. And my thoughts and prayers are with dr. Foster, I hope she makes a rapid recovery and is soon able to leave the institution’
‘Wow, that is very generous of you Mr. Odinson’ the interviewer said. ‘Now, we have some details about your brother's love life, but how is yours?’
‘I beg your pardon?’ Loki answered.
‘Isn't there a woman in your life, standing beside you? I'm sure that our viewers are eager to learn more about you and your personal life’
‘As entertaining as that would be for your viewers’ Loki who was clearly annoyed went on ‘I think the issue of mental health is much more important and more interesting for your viewers....
The rambling of the radio grew quieter and Rachel fell asleep. Someone kicked her leg, and a sharp pain shot through her. She hissed and was wide awake. She had to blink a few times to register where she was.
'What do you think you're doing?’ a woman said to her.
She looked up to see a very broad woman standing in front of her. Her hair was greasy and tangled. She was wearing clothes that didn't match, some of them had holes in them. Rachel looked around, but saw nobody nearby. The woman kicked her again and she hissed.
‘I asked, what do you think you're doing?’ the woman sounded really angry and Rachel realised she was in trouble. She scrambled upwards and was with her back against the wall. At this moment she couldn't think of a word that would help her out of this situation. Suddenly, the woman in front of her pulled a knife from her jacket.
‘And where's my shit?’ she yelled.
General taglist: @benaddictcumberbatch @joyful-enchantress​
Story taglist: let me know if you want to be added!
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mydaroga · 2 years
Would you mind elaborating on the type of behaviour you're talking about? I'm not tryin to cause trouble, i just hate the idea that you feel like the fandom is unwelcoming and I'd like to understand more!
Hi there. Thank you for your interest, because I think this is an important topic. I want to be really careful about how I talk about this, because there's enough uncertainty in these parts and I don't want to be part of the problem. But by the same token... there's a lot of uncertainty in these parts and I think a lot of it comes from a lack of direct communication. I'm also hesitant because I've only been here since January, and I'm hardly an expert. I welcome comments from anyone who feels comfortable adding their thoughts, or who feels I've gotten something wrong.
So let me be clear and upfront about this, to start: I really like this fandom and I'm really happy to be here. I have met some really incredible people that I hope I will be friends with a long time. I have been warmly welcomed and made to feel like my contributions were appreciated. I have been reached out to and I have had my overtures returned.
So when I said, in my tags, that there were unwelcoming elements under the surface, that is what I meant. When I first got here, I actually had more than one person warn me or express surprise that I found it friendly. That's troubling, don't you think? And in the past few months, what I've found is that there is some combination of 1) unwritten rules and 2) different rules for different people? spaces? topics? the upshot of which equals more people than myself feeling uncertain about where and whether their voices are welcome. There's a fair bit of policing, but it's not overt. You more just get the feeling from posts you see here and there that something is bad or wrong or stupid or unwanted, but to me anyway it's never entirely clear exactly what or why. And that leads to people thinking, "huh, they might be talking about me." Or, at best, “I don’t know how to engage with that because I don’t know what’s behind it even if I kinda agree with some of it.”
Whether one is "guilty" of said bad/wrong/stupid/unwanted thing, this only serves to make people feel uncomfortable, uncertain, and unable to respond. And I think that then compounds, because to bring it back to the OP that I was responding to, one thing I've noticed is posts that announce that "everyone who thinks X is wrong" are usually about things I've never seen anyone say, and then I see posts about how "everyone who thinks X is wrong is Y," and it becomes this bizarre game of telephone, based on an original annoyance or irritation that may well be true but is, at this point, untraceable and irrelevant.
And in that climate, it becomes scary to speak up, even about sometimes innocuous things, because people aren't really sure whether they're the ones being complained about, and aren't even sure whether they're "allowed" to speak. I've seen people complain that no one discusses or debates with them, and I've had people message me about being too afraid to discuss or debate. So something is keeping folks who want to from engaging, and I think that is unfortunate. Because there is no fandom without people contributing to it in their myriad forms and formats.
I hope that helps, and I hope I haven't put my foot in it, and as always I do welcome any comment or, yes, criticism. This is a very small fandom. Others I've been in are certainly not free of drama, but it can be a little easier to find "your people" and curate your experience because there are simply more of them. And my personal opinion is that there's not an insignificant number of folks in this fandom who feel this burden of uncertainty about just what is welcome.
And, though no one asked me, I think it should all be welcome barring that which is intentionally hurtful or hateful.
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#• [the advocate] • - 120 posts
#• [aïcha] • of hope and primordial light - 97 posts
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#• [astrid] • when we hear the sound of tomorrow - 78 posts
#behind the scenes - 73 posts
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#but it's difficult with strangers to find ones that will accept that your character is op even if that power never comes to play with them
My Top Posts in 2022:
Questions of the Day
...for a bit of worldbuilding!
Do you use a custom version of a FFXIV job with your OC/WoL? And if yes, why and where did you get inspiration for it?
59 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Is your WoL sometimes afraid that people will summon a primal version of them after their death?
67 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Question of the Day [WoLs]
Since it seemed to have meet some success, I add another to the list. This time about a subject I don’t often see talked about when it comes to WoLs specifically:
What are their relationship with their parents? Are they still alive? How do their parents live with the risk their child has taken to help people/save the world?
75 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
Lore from the Live Letter [EW spoilers]
When Hydaelyn sundered the world, her attack was deliberately imperfect (albeit too powerful for her to fine-tune it). Basically, since she knew Emet-Selch, Lahabrea and Elidibus still had a role to play, she gambled on Emet’s ability to perceive the flaw in time to escape the Sundering. Lahabrea and Elidibus were physically with Emet when the Sundering happened, so they were able to team up with him and escaped too.
The aether she kept in reserve to test us was literally Venat’s soul. She consumed it entirely during the trial and won’t reincarnate (which was hinted in her speech at the end of the fight).
Zodiark’s core was entirely destroyed by Fandaniel. He’s dead for good too.
The moons in the reflections still hold some significance though, but Yoshi-P didn’t want to say more about that.
Once reborn, Hythlodaeus and Emet-Selch will most likely be like other people, just “cooler” (Yoshi-P’s words). Since they’ve done everything they wanted to do though, there’s also a strong possibility that they’ll just chose to remain in the aetherial sea instead of reincarnating.
The Spoken races started as only one race: the Ancients. The Sundering made them imperfect and over time, different groups evolved into different races as their weaknesses and strengths were exacerbated.
Zenos is most likely dead for good, as Yoshi-P insisted that we’ve seen him breathe his last in a dimensional pocket where the laws that usually apply on Eitherys don’t. Yoshi-P also joked about how now they could make a Zenos minion since he had played his role in the story. Since Yoshi-P refused to tell us how or why Zenos became a reaper though, I wouldn’t be surprised—just my opinion here—if his avatar came back to say “hello” at some point in the future.
It looks like they don’t know either what Azem was doing after Venat told them about the Final Days, though they seemed to have a few ideas they hoped to explore later on. Basically, Yoshi-P said that whatever you think Azem might have been doing back then is probably what happened.
78 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What are your thoughts on OP (overpowered) characters in roleplay? Would you play one?
105 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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op, p l e a s e do this one.
gn-mc is a great fighter according to their profile, but everyone severely underestimates them, since they’re kinda short and they’re thinking it’s to human standards. as soon as they come though the three (Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer) realise that the number of fights have gone down, and that RAD is a lot more quiet. Apparently mc had fought all the trouble makers or scary students on a whim, and has forced like 30+ scary demons into pacts, and plans to conquer RAD’s bad students. on top of that, they’re just like “one day i’ll beat the shit out of diavolo too fair and square, and conquer him as well.” for the brothers and undateables. bonus if mc said they only started their “conquest” because someone tried to bully Luke, so they decided to just conquer the demons for him like a good? older sibling
Holy shit OP this is what I signed up for when I started doing headcanons. Recently I’ve been working on my actual novel but I am still writing these out! I decided to answer this first because the creativity just HIT me.
The part that killed me is just how they did it for luke, I love him like my own son. Also side note the goth theme on tumblr hits different I really like. WARNING - a little bit of language, and violence.
Everyone reacting to GN!MC “conquering” RAD’s demons
He had chosen you and noticed your profile, thinking that is was almost cute humans would consider a tiny thing like you strong.
He immediately brushed you off when he saw how close you were to the chihuahua, thinking that you too, are just like a tiny chihuahua then.
But he soon hears less and less about fights going around, and even Diavolo investigates with him, and he is beyond shocked. He severely underestimated you.
He finds out because he forced some lesser demons to talk, and they were in tears saying you forced them to make a pact with you each time they lose, and by your order they weren’t allowed to fight students anymore, or else you’d punish them.
Although it was the truth he didn’t quite believe it, so they followed you around for a day before realising it absolutely was, you kicked ass so hard, the demon was crying and unrecognisable, and you forced him into a pact while snot was even coming out his nose.
He then sees you open the door behind you and take Luke’s hand before walking away from the bloody scene you had just caused. He was slightly angry and a bit intimidated, how did you, a tiny human do that?
When he confronted you about it, you just held onto his shoulders tightly, answering with “I’ll conquer you too, I’ll conquer Diavolo, I’ll conquer all of RAD, fucker. I am going to protect this child with my life.”
He was about to argue back, possibly attack you, but according to all the students investigated, you had well over 50 pact marks by now, and Diavolo found it amusing, so you were let off with that.
He swears he won’t submit to you, and has to stay on high defense because even at the HOL you will try to attack him with murderous intent to get the pact. 0/10, wants a new exchange students.
He was the first one you made a pact with, and afterwards he started following you around like a dog, despite literally calling Luke a dog.
He knew you were a good fighter since you kept saying so, but he kept telling you demons were another level, and you should be glad to have him.
You and Luke hung around a lot, while Mammon thirdwheeled, and finally came the day of your first fight. Mammon was ready to defend you, but you ordered him to sit as you beat the literal fuck out of the demon.
Mammon couldn’t tell if that was a lesser demon or a dismembered corpse at that point, and covered Luke due to all of their screaming in agony. When you were done, you kicked their head into a wall and demanded a pact, making him slightly pouty but happy he’s alive:
Getting the pact, you left and gave a head pat to both Luke and Mammon, telling them that they’re safe with you. Mammon didn’t like it at first but then he loved it.
It didn’t take Lucifer long to find out, and when you told him with such confidence that you’d “conquer all of RAD, including Diavolo” he was like woah!! You’re going to die for that, but you’re amazing!!
And then you didn’t die, because Diavolo found it funny, and you were only serving justice to those who cause mayhem at the moment, so it was fine. He also accidentally finds out that you rival Lucifer in power, and absolutely won’t let Lucifer punish him, because in your words, “Mammon is my property now, whore.”
You were the only person to protect him, and he absolutely loves you, he may be weaker than you, but he loves staying by your side and saying he’d beat people up for you anyways.
Levi never really talked to you at first, nor found out about the incidents because he didn’t go to school, but when he heard Mammon talking about it he thought he was exaggerating a lot.
Even Lucifer said you were strong, but he refused to believe it at first, even denying the pact marks you had. Until you beat the life out of Levi during the TSL games.
He got angry at you and tried to kill you, so you ripped him apart, quite aggressively. He swore his tail had bite marks in them, and that he couldn’t see out of his left eye for a week. The icing on top was you demanding a pact from him. He finally believed.
After you calmed, he made a pact with you, and was now afraid of you, until you comforted and apologized to him, telling him he did try to kill you first.
When Luke comes over one day, you invite him into Levi’s room, no permission, and start to talk, and when Levi tries to make fun of him, Mammon shuts his mouth.
“Luke is the whole reason they decided to start their conquest, the whole school knows that by now!” Mammon shushed him, and Levi began feeling a little jealous that the chihuahua got more of your attention than him. But when he hears that you ALSO want to conquer Diavolo, he’s just like !?!!??? You’re crazy.
But more than that you’re like some over powered anime protagonist who got sucked into a different world with over powered plot armor, Levi thought, and he really liked it.
Begs you to come with him when he’s trying to buy stuff in lines, so anyone who tries to cut gets the life beat out of them when they do.
Absolutely member #2 of your fan boy club, Diavolo being the first one in it.
He thinks oh yeah, you can fight sure. But when he witnesses it he absolutely loses his mind. A human shouldn’t be that strong, but the way you force a pact mark from them, and even defended the tiny chihuahua before leaving, while being tiny yourself, he was interested in how your body worked.
But what really excited him and made him like you is when Lucifer entered the room and you sent a flying kick to him, putting up a harsh fight as well, before you break the table when you were knocked into it, calling it a tie.
“I swear one day I’ll conquer you and force you to make a pact with me. I’ll wipe that smug look off your face, fucker. And once I do that, I’ll beat the shit out of your prince, too.” You spat, getting up and holding your back.
So now you went from protecting the chihuahua to devildom domination? Basically asks you to make a pact with him so you can use him to fight Lucifer. When you tell him you want a fair fight, and that you’ll beat Lucifer yourself, he’s just so excited because you held your own for five minutes, and Lucifer can’t even kill you!
Literally tags along each time you decided to fight Lucifer and cheers you on so hard. Will purposely try to make you and Lucifer run into each other at the halls, so you automatically try to hurt him.
Please tell him not to eat so much popcorn, we know the show is good but it’s like he has boxes of them now knowing you’re hating? on Lucifer like him.
Has absolutely freaked out and began cowering in a corner, shaking, begging you anywhere but the face.
He came to watch the show of you beating up a demon, not realizing it was you at first. When he did, he was so shocked and got closer to make sure.
You mistook him for the demon’s crew who made fun of look and tried to attack, seeing red. He held his own for a minute, before you almost rip off his wing in one swing.
He’s begging for forgiveness like the demons, despite not doing anything wrong at all. When you calm and realize it’s just human, you make the other demons unrecognizable and get your pacts, before making your way to him.
He’s just crying not his face, while you just say “Pact mark.” Pointing out you won fair and square against him, too.
He gives it too you beyond willingly, just not his face, he doesn’t even think twice. Nodding, you take Luke’s hand and leave.
He has to leave too for then next class, but then sees Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos confront you.
Is afraid for you but then you literally punch Lucifer and tell him you’ll conquer him, and then turn to Diavolo and declare his ass as your own, making Asmo secretly swoon but worried.
Actively tried to avoid you while at the HOL for awhile, but noticing your docile nature when you’re not fighting, he felt a little comfortable with you, and right now his only concern is how many callouses your hands are getting from punching thick skulls.
This man wanted to believe you when you said you were a strong fighter in passing conversation with him, but he just couldn’t. You were the tiniest creature he’d ever seen, and he was so sure you’d crush under one of his hugs.
He heard you were protecting Luke from the whispers of lesser demons, but he didn’t think it was through fighting.
This all changes when on his way to practice, he watches you beat up one of his teammates so hard they’re crying, they’re so huge, and yet lost to you, and the fact you sent him flying and cracked a wall, by one kick.
When you said you wanted a pact mark, he was shocked the rumors were true. On top of that, Luke was near by holding a cake he planned to give Beel as thanks for something he did for him earlier that week.
He watched you wipe the blood off your hand and pat Luke’s head, with a gentle smile. When he came in, Luke ran to him and gave him the cake, and he learned everything.
You were the one subduing the demons around here, big or small, and even protected Luke. He even learned that you challenge three totally strong demons, Lucifer, Barbatos, and Diavolo.
He totally believed you could do it now, with what he just witnessed. He’s seen his fair share of fights with egotistical demons thinking they’re so tough just because they play sports, and he’s seen guys at the gym, you were beyond that.
You had speed, strength, and great perception. Wasn’t even mad that practice was delayed, and began going to the gym with you, and will happily play with Luke too, another older sibling figure for Luke.
When he exited the attic and tried to kill you he watch his brothers grab popcorn from the sidelines, as they said to him enjoy dying.
He was confused at first, but then got the LIVING HELL beat out of him, oh how the turns have tabled. He intended to murder you, but you nearly killed him.
You forced a pact out of him as well, kicking him repeatedly where the sun doesn’t shine until he agreed, understanding why even Lucifer stood back. It’s not because they wanted you dead, it’s because they couldn’t stop you.
When he gains consciousness later, he finds out Lucifer is the only brother you haven’t made a pact with, and that you have over 80 pacts at this rate, and that you even planned to conquer Diavolo.
He thought it was stupid at first but after seeing you fight Lucifer, with no cheats just your normal hands for combat, while Lucifer was in demon form struggling, he understood he really liked you.
“Soooo... when are you beating the shit out of Diavolo?” He asks, and he also nearly makes the mistake of calling Luke a dog before Beel puts a hand over his mouth.
Jaw nearly drops and he loses his mind when he finds out you only started beating the shit out of people to make Luke happy.
This man just fucking cackles, like after watching you fight, he’s just in full tears from laughing. He’s just clapping, and telling you that’s amazing.
When Lucifer asked why you did it, you stood tall despite your short stature, and looked him in the eye with no fear. “I’ll beat each fucker who approached Luke, I’m going to defend him with all my fists got, and if you get in my way, I’ll do the same to you.” You said, before turning to Diavolo.
You walked up to him, and pulled his tie down so he could meet your eyes, and declared, “I’ll even beat the shit out of and conquer you too, one day, prince. I’ll be the ruler of this place one day. Prepare yourself for that day, until then, I won’t stop:”
This makes him laugh, not belittling you, but telling you he can’t wait, and he hopes that day comes soon, because he wants to fight you as well, and he hopes you hold nothing back against him.
He loves how strong you are, he loves how you want to protect Luke, he loves that you only did it to protect, and didn’t even bother to summon a demon, you did it with your own style. That took guts, confidence, and the fact you told him of all people with that confidence you would one day conquer him, his heart fluttered.
He would definitely start watching over you, and probably fan boy over you. The first person to ever force the prince of the Devildom to lower himself; and they even declared they would be the one to make him their’s, by forming a pact mark. It was honestly amazing to him, and he likes it.
He really should of seen this coming, a new fighting student, who was clinging to Luke protectively, and suddenly all the bad demons were being silenced.
Guess there’s no need for his torture chamber anymore, you’re much more feral than whatever he does, he just needs to sick you on them.
Joking aside, he doesn’t really take it too seriously. It’s great you can get a lot of pacts, and defend yourself, and even want to conquer Diavolo by forcing him to give you a pact mark, but he knows you’re still no match for him yet.
To get to Diavolo, you’d need to beat him up, and he’s a bit of a harder fight than Lucifer, by that he means a lot, he won’t even flinch if you bite his tail when he grabs you by it and puts you out the room, with a smile on his face.
It’s become a game at this point for the both of you to try and fight each other, you trying hard to get a pact mark out of him. He even offered it to you at one point, but you told him you wanted to win it fair and square, and he’s just in love with you even more because of that.
He’s pretty much a dad to Luke, so he appreciates how kind you are to him, and appreciates how you have your own set of morals for fighting, making him know that if Diavolo were to ever make a pact mark with you, it would all be fine.
“Hey... are you sure you’re not actually the demon?” Solomon asks you, looking at the sheer amount of pact marks on your body, one week after coming to the devildom.
He’s seriously impressed by you, considering how easily you beat up demons without any weapons, magic, or underhanded tactics. You simply use your fists and legs, sometimes your head, but you get the job done scarily.
He’s even more impressed when he finds out the reason, you were visiting purgatory hall and Luke was being rather loud. “I can’t believe that’s the 7th demon this week that fought with you! You’re just so cool, you’re so strong! Thank you for protecting me!”
Probably wants to try to enhance your strength with a potion, and offers it to you when you try to have your epic showdown with Diavolo, claiming he is the boss and Barbatos and Lucifer were his right hand men who dragged Luke into this mess.
You decline though, wanting it to be fair and square. Truly admires yet fears you. But then again, i don’t think you stabbing him would making him afraid of you. I don’t think this man can feel it at all, unless it was you dying.
Anyways, he’s delighted to ask the demons you make pacts with to make pacts with him as well.
Nearly loses his mind at first. He’s so concerned if you’re hurt,, but then he’s just like wait what.
Luke had told Simeon all about it when he reached purgatory hall, about how you beat up a demon for him, and even promised to always protect him. Simeon is really distraught you may of been hurt protecting Luke while he was busy.
But then Luke tells him about how you forced a pact mark out of the demon, and you didn’t even break a sweat, and that is was the coolest.
He doesn’t tell Diavolo about this thinking it was just a one time thing, and tries to watch over you two more. But then he sees you and he’s literally just frozen.
Humans aren’t that powerful right? And when Lucifer Diavolo finally confronts you about it, he watches as you just stare him down and declare that you’re going to conquer him as well, to make Luke feel happy and safe in devildom.
Needless to say Simeon is extremely panicked about your well-being, but extremely happy Luke is protected by someone so kind to him. Probably doesn’t approve of the violence, but Luke adores you.
The first time you met him you told him not to worry about the demons, because if they ever bullied him you would beat the life out of them.
He thought you were just saying that, and he said that he too would protect you, which you found extremely adorable and nearly went “I’m taking this kid home with me and he’s my child now.” not that anyone could physically stop you.
He found out you were actually sincere about it when the two of you were alone in RAD’s hallway, trying to leave for purgatory hall since he invited you over.
You two were stopped by a demon, who tried picking a fight on easy prey, and it was quite frankly, the worst mistake of his life, ever.
You beat the LIVING SHIT out of him, and even told Luke to look away, because this man was beyond recognisable, because you were so small you could easily duck and move fast, so the demon didn’t even land one hit on you.
Just because he’s a demon, doesn’t mean his stamina is forever you figured, and beat him up, forcing him to make a pact with you. You had one with Mammon already, so you knew how it worked, especially knew you could have multiple due to Solomon.
When it was over, you told Luke he could look, and there was zero damage to you and he was just like woah!! You’re so cool! And from then on you stuck close to him, literally demolishing any demon he thought looked scary, or just stared at him for too long.
When Diavolo comforted you about it, you stared him dead in the eyes saying “I would literally beat the shit out of you for Luke, so you better hope he starts liking the devildom soon, fucker.”
Diavolo laughed and Luke insisted you didn’t have to go that far, but you just patted his head and said it was okay.
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carriesthewind · 2 years
I have a question : how does someone manage to turn a thing on its head and even gets an apology from the person who said 'this should not be, he (fictional character) should not have to hurt anyone'? Because this is what flamethrower did once and then accepted the apology from the op. Could you analyze this? deadcatwithaflamethrower.tumblr com/post/628454220702580736/thank-you-thank-you-for-your-sincere-words-and (because how tf did she do that and what does one do if one wants to write a remark and is afraid of getting such a reaction like a pan to the face?)
Hi Anon,
Unfortunately, I will not analyze that post for you. As I said in my original post, I didn't want to dissect the writer's life or online identity outside of their AO3 post. I've been reblogging other people's accounts of her abuse and racism because that's much more important than the writer having a tantrum about an AO3. I would agree that there are patterns in this post consistent with other behavior that her victims have described, (and you should read through @jabberwockypie's "Flamethrower Fuckery" tag if you haven't already and you think it might be helpful to you to read those accounts) but I'm not going to this account into 'Owl dissects this writer's online history.'
To the extent that your question is, "why did the op apologize when I think (*and I would agree) they didn't do anything wrong?" People apologize for a lot of reasons: the op might disagree with us and think they did say something wrong; sometimes people apologize because they have caused (or believe they have caused) unintentional harm and it's better to try and limit the harm in the world than potentially increase it; sometimes people apologize to try to keep the peace and preserve personal relationships (and the reasons they do that can have a whole other set of reasons) - I can't answer for that particular person in this particular situation.
To the extent that your question is, "what does one do if one wants to write a remark and is afraid of getting such a reaction?" Well, if you are referring to writing commentary about or asking questions of people who have demonstrated a pattern of responding the way the writer has? I'm afraid the answer is: don't write about them or their work where the person might see it, or if you do, be emotionally prepared for them to respond that way. It's not right or fair, but you can't control other people's responses.
But if you are afraid of commenting or asking questions more generally? Where the person doesn't have a pattern like that, but you are too afraid to comment anyway? You can't control how other people respond, but most people aren't going to try to make you feel bad for commenting or respond negatively to polite comments (although there are always assholes on the internet). If you know that and still feel that fear - unfortunately, that is outside my area of expertise. If that is something you are struggling with, I would recommend talking to a trusted friend(s) or family member(s) about it, if you can, and maybe even a professional if you are able.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Sun 4 Apr ‘21
HAPPY EASTER HE IS RISEN, yes indeed for the first time in oh so long we got PICTURES OF LOUIS!! IT’S BEEN 84 YEARS OMG. And we weren’t even meant to get these-- OP tells us he said no to pictures so they snuck a couple anyway, ugh, sorry Lou. But it did happen and they were posted so-- two blurry pics of Louis from yesterday in Tulum Mexico, a vacation spot known for its hip art scene. (OP said it was yesterday, another person saw him at the airport last week, his hair is long, the restaurant is new, and there is a person with a mask in the picture, yes: it IS current.) He’s on an outdoor restaurant patio with a couple people, and neither they nor (more surprisingly) the restaurant employees are masked, to the very loud dismay of the fandom.
ANYWAY discourse discourse yadda yadda; Louis was spotted arriving at the airport there last week, fully masked up. He is with a couple guys in the pictures who look to be Oli (who we haven’t seen for even longer than Louis it’s been SO LONG OMG HI OLI) and Charlie Lightening; it’s impossible to really tell if that’s Charlie, but he posted about flying somewhere for the first time in a long time yesterday (while wearing a hat very like the one the guy in the picture is wearing), and Charlie’s recent posting about Louis plus Louis’ announcement about the documentary make it seem as if they might be actively working. Maybe Louis is writing/ recording down there in another arsty hipster hotspot like the California spot he told us about and Charlie is documenting, maybe they’re shooting something else, or hey maybe it really is just a vacay- despite a ‘crypto and NFT entrepreneur’ tagging Louis to say “that was iconic thank you bro...Tulum is magical” with a SHHHH emoji, the guy said via DM that he just spotted Louis there, they “vibed for a bit”, and that Louis thanked him for not asking for pics or making a scene because “he was on a private vacation with his friend and manager.” Considering that this guy was unable to resist immediately posting tagging Louis and then spilled their whole convo to a fan (and he seems like a total tool) it would make sense if Louis didn’t necessarily tell him all his business though yknow? All I can say is I HOPE they’re filming cause oh my goddddd Louis looks SO GOOD! I need ALL THE FOOTAGE! That hair and facial hair, what a LOOK he’s hiding from us DAMN. Not as sure about the socks and sandals part of the look though, maybe that’s the real reason he said no pics, lol. I mean Harry wasn’t afraid to show off the literal exact same look with the same damn shoes but it wouldn’t be like Harry to flinch at looking silly in public now would it (bless his heart)?
And if that wasn’t enough, rumors circulated about Louis’ label-- an update account posted a much redacted message claiming to know Louis’ new label, having found him listed with a label on a database. Seems like the listing is for Arista though, so it’s probably just an old listing. As a solo artist he was previously on Sony, with Syco as his UK label and Arista as his US label (both Sony subsidiaries)- with Syco out of the picture he will be on a different UK label, or perhaps will leave Arista for a single deal to cover both, but this listing is probably not news of that. Meanwhile the fandom (mostly) powers on even as Louis is busy elsewhere (well we’re used to that aren’t we); the MTV Friday Request Livestream saw Louis make the top five for the 23rd week in a row, but Defenceless’ nearly 8 week streak on top on Most Requested Live collapsed in the face of the new Louis pics! I don’t even think it was cause people were pissed about the mask thing, they were just too busy trending Tulum, damn. Whoopsy!
Also the Watermelon Sugar MV nail artist posted a pic of Harry’s neon salmon colored manicure from the shoot with a congrats message and said how grateful they were to be part of a Grammy winning song video, and Zayn posted his GQ covers.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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It’s Me Or Her? - Part One
Clay Spenser x Reader
A/N: I’ve had this idea buzzing around my head for a little bit but don’t worry there will be a part 2
Join The Group Chat Here - If You Want Tagging Manually Let Me Know 🖤
Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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“Yo Y/L/N” Sonny grinned appearing in the doorway of your cage.
“What” you glared looking up from your phone, you knew what he was going to say.
“You haven’t told me if you are going to the bbq tomorrow” he smirked, leaning against the metal. “So you coming or what?”
“I don’t have a choice do I?” You asked.
“Nope I was just being polite asking, if I have to come to your house and kidnap you I will” he grinned.
“Will she be there?” You hissed.
“Well considering she is Clay’s girlfriend and it’s our before deployment bbq yes she will” Sonny nodded, he knew just how much you hated her, and he also knew that ever since she got with Clay you felt like you lost your best friend and also he knew about your feelings for him.
“Great” you said sarcastically, moving your gaze to the door as the rest of the team strolled in.
“Watch out lads, Princess is in a mood today” Sonny laughed quickly changing the subject.
“When isn’t she” Ray winked as he fist bumped you before going to his cage.
“You might be 2IC Perry but I will drop you like a lead balloon” you smiled innocently.
“What’s up?” Clay asked standing where Sonny was just moments ago.
“Nothing, I'm just peachy,” you said, rolling your eyes as you stood up. “Anyway, what do you care?”
“Because you’re my friend” he said with a sad smile on his face.
“Yeah friend” you scoffed barging past him and headed for the door.
“Oi moody where are you going” Jase shouted as you hand touched the handle.
“For a piss and a smoke” you snapped. “Don’t worry I will be back in time for training”
It took Bravo team a while to adjust to having a female on the team but they eventually came around so they all knew how to handle your moods but they were getting a bit concerned with the tension that was bubbling away under the surface between you and Clay. Jase sighed as he pulled Sonny to the side.
“I’m guessing it’s something to do with tomorrow” he whispered.
“Yeah, we are gonna have to keep an eye on her make sure she doesn’t flip out” Sonny whispered.
“Maybe her and Clay need to have it out before we leave, otherwise it’s gonna be a long 3 months” Jase sighed.
“Either way I have a feeling there’s gonna be a fight tomorrow” Sonny whispered. “It’s really starting to get to her now even though she tries not to show it is”
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“I actually thought I was going to have to kidnap you” Sonny laughed as he pulled you into a hug.
“Yeah well I considered bailing but things could get interesting” you laughed grabbing a beer out of the cool box, as you brought the bottle to your lips Jase draped his arm over your shoulder.
“I hope you are gonna be on your best behaviour tonight” he smirked.
“I mean when do I ever behave Jase” you smirked looking up at him.
“Just don’t start any fights, okay” he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“No promises” you shrugged, wiggling out of his grasp to go find Cerberus.
The moment you flopped onto the grass you saw Clay and Jenny walk into the garden, you didn’t realise you growled until Cerberus nuzzled his snout against your cheek.
“I know buddy” you whispered kissing his nose. You really didn’t see what Clay saw in her, she wasn’t the type of person to hang around with rowdy tier one operators, in fact she was the person to date one just so say she dated a Seal. I mean who wears six inch stilettos to a god damn bbq.
All you wanted to do was punch her in the face, but you knew everyone would be keeping tabs on you tonight so you decided to stay out the way, the way you were feeling right now it was the safe option.
Your peace didn’t last long as Sonny came over and literally flung you over his shoulder.
“I swear to god I will stab you asshole” you growled as he carried you through the garden.
“Stop being an unsociable demon then” he laughed dropping your on your ass in the middle of the group.
“You better sleep with one eye open in J-Bad” you growled looking up at him “I’m coming for you Sonny Quinn”
“Give it your best shot Princess” he winked before going back to the grill.
Sighing in defeat you pulled your phone out , connecting it to Blackburn’s outdoor surround system, scrolling through your playlist you were looking for one song, a song that you knew would cause shit but you needed a good fight. Standing to your feet you went to join Jase, Ray and Sonny around the grill whilst pressing play on the song.
Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your girlfriend (That's right) No way, no way, I think you need a new one. Hey, hey, you, you, I could be your girlfriend. Hey, hey, you, you, I know that you like me. No way, no way, you know it's not a secret. Hey, hey, you, you, I want to be your girlfriend
“Please tell me you didn’t just put this song on” Jase sighed as he realised the song you put on that was now blasting out loud.
“Don’t know what you are on about” you shrugged “I just put my playlist on shuffle”
“Give me strength” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Dude it’s just a song chill out” you laughed.
“Yes but it’s the meaning behind the song and you know it” Ray sighed.
You're so fine, I want you mine, you're so delicious. I think about you all the time, you're so addictive. Don't you know what I can do to make you feel alright? (Alright, alright, alright, alright)
“Look I’m not going to do anything so chill out” you nodded looking around the garden, making eye contact with Clay. You always had flirty banter with him until he got with Jenny, she instantly took a disliking to you, didn’t like how close you were with Clay. Your eyes were still locked as you sang along with the song. “Don't pretend, I think you know I'm damn precious. And hell yeah, I'm the motherfucking princess. I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right”
In a way this was your way of admitting your true feelings to him, it was ironic that you wasn’t afraid of being the first person through the door but when it came to your feelings that scared the fuck out of you.
She's like so whatever. You could do so much better. I think we should get together now. And that's what everyone's talking about. Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your girlfriend. No way, no way, I think you need a new one. Hey, hey, you, you, I could be your girlfriend. Hey, hey, you, you, I know that you like me. No way, no way, you know it's not a secret. Hey, hey, you, you, I want to be your girlfriend
“Whatever happens you have my six right?” You asked looking up at the boys.
“You know we always do” Ray said, squeezing your shoulder. “Just don’t do anything stupid”
“Come on this is me we are on about Ray” you laughed sipping your beer, watching how Jenny realised you and Clay were still holding eye contact across the garden and you could literally see steam coming out of her ears. “But if she wants to start fucking let her”
“That’s what I’m worried about” he sighed “we don’t need you banged up for this deployment”
“When do I ever lose a fight” you winked before going to mingle with the rest of the team.
The boys couldn’t take their eyes off Clay and Jenny, just waiting for the moment it popped off so they could intervene.
“Deployment is going to be fun” Sonny said with sarcasm laced in his voice.
In a second, you'll be wrapped around my finger. 'Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better. There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in? She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? In a second, you'll be wrapped around my finger. 'Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better. There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in? She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
Before you knew it you felt someone pulling your hair making you scream at the sudden contact. That was it, you saw red, you ignored the pain from Jenny’s grip on your hair as you managed to get out of her hold, without even thinking your fist connected with her face, so hard you felt it crack making your smirk.
“Don’t ever try to sneak attack a Seal bitch” you spat as she clutched her nose.
“Y/N what the fuck” Clay snapped rushing to Jenny’s aid, “you fucking broke her nose”
“Oh did I?” You shrugged, rolling your eyes.
“The fuck has gotten into you recently, this isn’t you” Clay shouted as Trent took Jenny to go see to her nose.
“Oh that’s fucking rich coming from you” you growled, squaring you with Clay with your fists balled at your side.
“I don’t know what youre talking about” Clay growled back, your bodies pressed together.
“Well how about ever since you got with her , you never hang with the team anymore, you bail on us all the goddamn time. Or how about when I needed my best friend because I was having a hard time with some news I got but you blew me off because you had plans with her” you screamed as the hot tears ran down your cheeks. “Or when the weight of the last fucking op was near enough crushing me to the point I nearly left the fucking team, you didn’t even notice because you are never around. So much for being my best friend and having my six”
“Come one Y/L/N” Jase said in your ear as he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you away from Clay.
“I didn’t know” Clay said, softening his tone.
“Like I said it’s because you are never around” you screamed as you thrashed in Jason’s grip. As Jenny appeared next to Clay, wrapping her hand around his arm. “You know I was moments away from spilling my heart out to you last deployment but stopped myself because you’d never feel anything for your best friend despite the years of flirting”
“Baby she’s just jealous” Jenny whined.
“Bitch I can show you jealous if you want” you growled as Jase picked you up taking you further away from the situation.
“Walk it off” he snapped as he put you on the ground.
“Why should I?” You snapped.
“Just fucking walk it off Y/N” Jase snapped before dropping his tone. “Please just go calm down”
“Fine” you huffed grabbing the bottle of whiskey off the side when he let you go.
As you were taking yourself for a walk to try and calm down you heard Jenny ask Clay a question that you weren't sure if you wanted to know the answer to so you started sprinting to get as far away from them as possible.
“You gotta choose Clay, it’s me or her?”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @ohitsnicolexo @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading @itsonautopilot @pinkrockstar19 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @softi92 @abby-splace
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yoonsshadow · 4 years
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➳ summary ; They have died so often that death has lost its meaning; hurt so regularly that pain has become inconsequential; lost so much that they hold each other to the light of the stars. They have nothing yet they have everything, as long as they have each other. And, after centuries, they now have her.
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➳ pairing ; bts!ot7 x fem!reader
➳ genres ; The Old Guard au; fantasy, historical, action, romance, alternate universe
➳ themes ; angst, fluff, death
➳ warnings ; murder, death, violence, blood, guns, burnt bodies, nudity [nonsexual], nightmares, drugs? [sleeping pills], a bunch of boys being in love
➳ word count ; 4.8k
➳ note ; I watched The Old Guard on Netflix [a serious recommend if you haven’t already seen it] and got hit with major inspiration. Nothing better than found-family and immortal soulmates. I put of a lot of time, effort and love into this, so please treat it with delicate hands. And please, please, give me feedback if you like it. Thank you, and enjoy :)
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They have done this before, enough times—too many times—to be familiar with the routine. 
The nightmares, all too vivid and yet frustratingly vague, of blood and pain and death. Glimpses of a face they have never seen, memories that do not belong to them. The lingering thoughts of why another, why now, why at all?
They have done this many times, and yet it never gets easier, never makes sense.
When they submit to the clutches of slumber, it is beneath the glowing moonlight that shines through the broken ceiling of an abandoned church. Overgrown with vines that hold the crumbling walls together and hidden behind bushes and weeds and shadows, this building will be safe, for them. For now. It may not provide much warmth, or much shelter, but it gives them a sense of anonymity that they so desperately depend on. Right now, it hides them from the world. They are nothing but each other’s, so long as they are here.
Usually, sleep brings peace. Long ago did they learn how to banish demons from their dreams, memories of pasts both true and terrible, and so through sleep they find temporary solace from the demands of their long lives. They hold each other in their warm arms, forget about their worries if only for a brief moment. They are but seven men, seven soulmates, seven loves, existing together without burden.
Until tonight.
It is familiar, the weight that descends upon their chests, pushes against their rib cages. An invisible force both squeezing them and pulling them apart, flooding them with vague images, sounds, feelings. In sleep, they hold each other tighter, safer, but they cannot escape the myriad of memories and thoughts that fill their minds.
A pair of eyes, so brown that they are pure, so dark that they are nearly black, blink at them as sweat begins to shine upon their skin. These eyes are young, but they hold wisdom, maturity, that can only come with death. Witnessing it, causing it, experiencing it. These eyes are filled with desperation in this moment, but also a stubborn determination; they know what is coming, and yet they will continue to fight until their dying breath, as they vowed⎯⎯
⎯⎯a uniform, black, stained with dirt and blood, without any identifying marks. No dog-tags, but a tan line around a soft neck where they would normally hang. Trained muscles behind firm fabric, knowledgeable fingers clutching a military assault rifle. Steel-toed boots, scuffs through the polish, dirt in the seams and drops of red in the laces⎯⎯
⎯⎯heart beating through chest, adrenaline spiking, but something’s wrong, this isn’t supposed to happen, how did they know we were coming? Need to get out, need to get to cover, need to save⎯⎯
⎯⎯the enemies found them, caught them, have them, bound and bloodied in a dark cave or dungeon, they can’t tell. Chains rattle against stone where bodies shift for comfort, but no comfort can be found for bleeding wounds, broken bones, bruised skin. Eyes connect, know they’re saying goodbye, can’t speak but wish they could say something, apologise, curse, plead, pray. By the time footsteps stomp their way in, handgun cocked and aimed at their foreheads, they have already accepted that⎯⎯
Gasps echo in the silence as seven bodies jerk awake, trembling and sweating and aching with pains that another is experiencing. Their minds are still clouded, submerged within their dreams, but they know this routine. They know what they have just seen.
Hands scramble beneath their makeshift bedding as they reach for their journals, their pens, and begin to scribble whatever details they can remember ⎯ eyes, blood, pain, death. They’ve all clung to different images, and they desperately remember everything they can before it washes away with their wakeful clarity.
“I saw, um, eyes,” chokes the youngest, his pencil already sketching the eyelashes with careful precision. “Brown, dark. Looked like a girl’s.”
“She had to be military,” says another. “Maybe special forces? No insignia on the uniform and dog-tags were taken off. Black-ops?”
“I saw a glimpse of a scar on her hand. Might help to identify her.”
“There were others, too; a team. I have a feeling she was the leader.”
“It was a rescue operation, but I don’t think they succeeded. The enemies saw them coming. She was confused as to how.”
“Did you see the gun she was shot with? That’s military grade. It was either supplied by somebody on the force, or they were the force.”
“God, I have a headache.” Seokjin rubs his temples, a pain lingering behind his eyes but never ceding. “Never thought after three-hundred years that we’d get another one.”
Arms curl around him, a sigh breathed into his neck. “Me too, hyung.” Jeongguk nuzzles closer, finds comfort in the warmth of his lover’s broad shoulders. “I feel sorry for her. Now she’s going to have to deal with this too.”
“Hey, what did I say about pessimism?” Namjoon’s pointed look is directed towards the youngest, but the words are for everybody to hear. A reminder. “Our lives may be long, and hard, and difficult to deal with at times. But we have the opportunity to help people, to affect change, and, most importantly,” his eyes soften, “to have each other.”
“Wah, hyung’s going soft on us,” Taehyung grins, leaning his head on Namjoon’s shoulder.
Behind him, Jimin clings around his torso like a koala. “Yeah, those are big words for somebody who so often tells us how insufferable we are,” he agrees.
Sitting up, Yoongi joins the conversation with a voice still deep with sleep. “That’s because you are insufferable. But that doesn’t mean that hyungs love you any less. Eternal life would be extremely dull if we didn’t have you annoying us constantly.”
Taehyung and Jimin smile at each other, eyes glittering with something devious, and something close to love. “You all just bore witness to that,” Jimin says, pointing at Yoongi. “You all heard him say that, so you can’t yell at us for being annoying ever again!”
“Free pass!” Taehyung agrees.
Hoseok, still lounging his head in Yoongi’s lap, rolls his eyes. “Yoongi-hyung said it, but none of us did, so we can, and will, still yell at you.”
The two pout, but question it no further. They could spend centuries arguing over petty things⎯have, regrettably⎯but they’d much rather get along. For now, forever.
“Hyungs,” a small voice whispers into the silent air, drawing attention to where the maknae still hugs into Seokjin’s back. He’s pouting, and they want to coo at him, but his next words break them out of their reverie of adoration. “What about the girl?”
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Your ears are ringing when you finally wake, images of your nightmares still clinging to your mind, so vivid, so real. They were filled with pain, and fear, and the bloodied faces of your soldiers as they were shot one after the other. You remember screaming for them, pleading, hoping against hope that they’d listen. But, instead, you had watched them die.
You hope that you didn’t scream aloud, didn’t wake your team. They deserve the rest, even if you couldn’t have it.
Muscles stiff and aching from a restless slumber, you shift in your cot, move to adjust the blanket. But your cot is harder than you’d like, your blanket out of reach. In fact, you can’t move your arms at all.
When your heavy eyelids finally open, you realise why your dreams had felt so real.
The stench of blood and death is so thick in the air that you can taste it, that bitter tang against your tongue bringing bile up to the back of your throat. Your body isn’t just sore, it’s screaming; it’s as though you can feel your muscles re-knitting together after being torn apart. And maybe it’s panic that crushes against your lungs, constricting your airways, or maybe it’s grief.
Because as soon as your eyes land on the dead bodies of your teammates, you can’t breathe.
Your throat is so sore from screaming and crying that the sounds escaping it are torn and scratchy, but you can’t hold them in. Not when you see your friend’s brain splattered over the wall behind her; not when you see your second-in-command holding her hands together, mid-prayer when the shot was fired.
You sob, and yell, and cry out until your throat is raw, and then when you have no voice left, you continue. You may not be dead yet⎯and for what reason, you don’t want to know⎯but you don’t think that you’ll ever truly live after this. How does one move on from their friends, their family, being slaughtered before their very eyes? How does one process the fact that they were left behind?
Through the crushing weight on your chest and the searing pain in your throat, you hear footsteps approaching. The heavy boots do nothing to hide their owner’s steps, impatient and strong, but you can’t find it within yourself to be afraid. The worst thing they can do is torture you some more, maybe even kill you, but you’d welcome death at this stage; you’d welcome reprieve from the sorrow that threatens to swallow you whole.
It’s a man, unsurprisingly, who walks through the mouth of the dark cave, ugly face covered by a mask pulled up to his eyes. He looks at you, something in his half-hidden expression that you don’t have the energy to place, and then says something in a language that you cannot understand.
Heaving a breath and swallowing blood, you meet his sharp eyes. “I don’t understand you.” Your words scratch their way out, hardly discernible, so you try again. “I won’t tell you anything, so just kill me and get it over with.”
This time he shouts, still angry but this time not at you, though he never tears his gaze off your crumpled figure. Like if he blinks, you may disappear.
Once again, hurried and heavy footsteps make their way into the room, a pair of men joining their comrade. These ones are holding guns. You can’t find it within yourself to flinch.
More foreign words are thrown at you, some that seem like questions, but your mind is too rattled, head too sore, to even try to comprehend what they might want from you. Your shoulders ache from where your arms are secured behind you, and your legs ache from hours⎯maybe days?⎯of disuse. So you sigh, level what you hope is a glare towards the two newcomers, and repeat, “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
Looks exchanged between them, hesitation, and then, “You should be dead. Why are you not dead?”
In a moment of weighted silence, you try to determine if they’re serious. Because surely they aren’t asking you how you are alive while being held captive by them. But they don’t elaborate, so you’re left with an even greater migraine than before. “Are you fucking serious?”
The expletive makes them simultaneously point their rifles at you, and this time, you do stiffen. You may be feeling slightly suicidal right now, but you also have reflexes.
“I don’t know why I’m alive.” The admission is spat from between your teeth, reluctant and bitter. “Why don’t you ask whoever it was that killed the rest of my team?”
“I killed your team,” one of them says. The first one. Without a gun, obviously having thought there would be no threat in entering this dungeon. “I killed you, too, shot you in the head myself. So tell me again. Why are you alive?”
“Maybe you’re a bad shot,” you reply. “How am I to fucking know why you let me live? Now do me a favour, will you? Either let me go or shoot me for real this time.”
You don’t have time to register the sound of the gunshot before the bullet goes through your forehead.
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A sigh is the only response that Namjoon receives. 
“Alright,” he continues, “what do we know for sure about her?”
“Honestly, hyung?” Jimin looks up from the laptop he’s perched at. “I don’t think we even truly know if it’s a woman. We saw her⎯their⎯eyes, but not much else. Like, sure, we think it’s a woman, we’re pretty sure of it, but nothing’s certain. The visions were really vague this time around.”
“He’s right,” Yoongi agrees, never looking up from the screen of his own computer. “I’ve been searching the military databases, but it’s hard to pinpoint covert operations that don’t technically exist. We didn’t get a dog tag number, or an insignia, or even an idea of which country’s military she’s in. I hate to say it, but we might just need to wait until tonight. Get some more pieces of the puzzle.”
This is what Namjoon was afraid of, not that he was expecting anything else. His boys are good, but even they can’t work miracles.
“I feel sorry for her,” Jeongguk hums, cheek pressed into the couch cushion where he’s taken a rest from research. Not that he ever really started; that was always his hyungs’ strong points. “I mean, she’s all alone right now, probably really confused, really scared. I know I was before you all found me.”
That sentence strains their hearts, makes them pause. Jeongguk had been alone for nearly a decade before they had finally found him, lonely and of unsound mind, unaware of the curse he’d been unwillingly given. They’d spent years helping him heal, helping him accept, and now they can proudly say that he is stable and content. Happy, even, sometimes.
You, however. You are in the exact same place that he was. Maybe worse, they don’t know.
Taking slow steps towards the couch, Hoseok gently lifts Jeongguk’s legs to place them on his lap when he sits. He feels the strong calf muscles beneath his fingers as he strokes the uncovered skin, bare only for their eyes, until the young one has relaxed his worried muscles.
“I know it’s hard, Jeongguk-ie,” Hoseok says, voice just above a whisper, soft and yet sure. “I know that we all want to find her as soon as possible, but we can’t just yet. Hopefully the next dream will give us more, but until then, we just have to stay focused. Let’s not get lost in that mental spiral, okay?”
Jeongguk hums, not fully sated with the answer but understanding nonetheless. “M’kay, hyung.”
The comfortable silence in the room following their conversation doesn’t even stretch five minutes before a figure slams into the building, flourishing his arms and announcing his arrival enthusiastically.
“We’re back, bitches!”
Seokjin follows behind Taehyung, closing the church doors after the younger had slammed them open and looking exhausted. “Taehyung chatted with the cashier for half an hour before he even asked for help. We could have been back hours ago.”
“Hey.” Taehyung directs a look at the oldest. “Her outfit coordination was unlike anything I’ve seen this century. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s as old as Hoseok-ie hyung!”
“Is that a compliment or an insult?” Hoseok asks Seokjin, who is smiling despite himself.
“Definitely a compliment. I’ll admit, she reminded me of that one fashion mogul we knew in Paris. The one...Jimin, you know the one I’m talking about. Red hair, lazy eye?”
“It wasn’t a lazy eye, hyung,” Jimin corrects, “she was just keeping an eye out in all directions.”
“Yeah, anyway,” Seokjin says, “none of that matters. We got the stuff. Took a while, but we got it.”
Taehyung empties his plastic shopping bag onto a wiped-down old table, cardboard boxes falling onto the surface. “I’ve got to say, modern medicine is pretty ground-breaking. I wish we were smart enough to have invented it earlier.”
“Do you think it’ll work?” Yoongi asks, sounding a lot less interested than he actually is. “I wouldn’t think that sleeping pills would affect us.”
At this, Namjoon bites his lip. “Usually, I’d agree with you, but I’ve been doing some thinking. If the pills aren’t hurting us, our bodies shouldn’t heal too quickly; they should still have time to take effect. Just like how we can get drunk but not have liver issues, or smoke but not get cancer.”
“But smoking’s still gross,” Jeongguk mumbles.
“So,” Hoseok ponders aloud, “if we take the pills, it should prolong our sleep so that we can lengthen the dream? Do you think it’ll work?”
“We’ve never been able to test it,” Namjoon shrugs. “The worst thing that could happen is our body processes it quicker than it works, and we have a normal night’s sleep with normal visions. It’s worth a shot.”
“I think a few of us should not take the pills,” Seokjin says. “That way, if the pills really do work, some of us can still wake up normally in case of an emergency.”
Namjoon nods his head in agreement. “Okay. We’ll rock-paper-scissors it tonight. Until then, let’s rest.”
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The second time you wake up, you are significantly less disorientated. You know where you are, what has happened and, most importantly, that you should definitely be dead.
You’d seen the gun, heard the click, felt the bullet spilt through your skull. You know what a killing shot is, have dealt a few yourself, so you know that you should not be opening your eyes to an intense headache right now.
An acrid odour drifts through your dazed thoughts, a stench so strong, so unpleasant, that bile immediately rises and spills from your mouth. You don’t have much to vomit, so you spit mostly water and stomach acid onto the ground beneath you as you wretch from your aching throat.
No, not the ground. Something far worse.
When the tears from your eyes clear away and you look to the ground, you see what is digging into your skin, jabbing at your muscles; you aren’t sure why, or how, but you are lain across a pile of bones and scraps of cloth, sizzling flesh still warm to the touch and sticking to you in chunks. You are atop a pile of burnt bodies, unharmed and soaked to the bone with the reeking smell of charred flesh.
Your stomach is empty, and so you can only scramble from the pile and retch.
For several minutes, all you can do is allow your body’s attempt to empty itself on the ground. Even more so than before, your mind is overwhelmed with thoughts and questions and worries, most of which lead to the fact that you are lying naked in the middle of a desert, next to a pile of burnt bodies, unharmed and somehow alive.
You are at least thankful that you are already lying on the ground when you faint.
There are seven pairs of eyes⎯brown, warm⎯that look at you, look at each other. Words remain unspoken, for the pupils reveal every thought, every emotion. I care for you deeply, they say, now and forever. The words are not meant for you, not yet, but they feel familiar. As if you have heard them in every past life⎯
⎯Surrounded by trees, a sight which would usually calm you but now only acts as a hindrance, you run through the familiar forest without grace. Bare feet bleed trails of red through the undergrowth, sore arms never dropping the heavy weapons that slow you down so. You should not be alone, never usually are, but now you are accompanied only by your panic and the wolves that chase you. These ones, however, do not howl or gnash their feral jaws; they calculate, the way only a human can⎯
⎯Metal hangs heavy around your lithe neck, skin raw and bleeding beneath its unrelenting grip. Fingers grab into your filthy hair, knotting into your bun. Worthless piece of filth, growls a man. You are not unfamiliar with his tone, nor his insults, though this is the first time you have felt a glob of saliva being spat onto your cheek. Can’t even follow the basic rules. Somebody really ought to make an example of you⎯
⎯This room is bright, brighter than the last, and yet somehow glooms darker than all. Shadows hang heavy in the corner where invasive eyes hide, but you can look only to the man who sits in front of you, posture relaxed despite the tensity that thickens the air. Go on, he taunts as you are shoved to your knees, the pain nothing compared to the fear that fills you at the sight of the executioner’s sword. Show us that smile of yours. Grant the world one more. Grant him, he nods towards another figure who you refuse to meet gazes with, one last dazzling grin. You do not, but you do whisper an apology under your breath, one that will never be heard⎯
⎯Gold silk hangs from your broad shoulders, the fabric draping gracefully down your tall body. Each detail stitched into the delicate robe sparkles in the candlelight, patterns that tell stories of love and power and beauty. Jeonha, somebody says to you, a face that is hidden from your view. I am sorry for this, Jeonha. Gold silk soon turns crimson when the knife plunges into your back. You are not even allowed the courtesy of looking into your killer’s eyes⎯
⎯You had always thought that you would live longer, survive the odds set against you, but you know now, as your mother tends to the gash carved into your chest, that this time, luck is not your benefactor. It is not so bad, she assures, though you know the look in her eyes, see the light in them dimmed with grief of a life not yet lost. You wish to tell her everything, anything, but the words bubble up in your throat and you struggle to spit them out. She knows, though, you can see that she knows, and her calming hand rests over your heart, which beats slower and slower with each moment. I love you, my sun, my son. Rest well. Her hand grows cold, or maybe that is you. For you no longer feel, no longer worry, only close your eyes and fall⎯
⎯Urgency pumps your blood faster, the sound echoing in your ears, as your weeping eyes search around you. Nothing, not the chaos around you nor the wound in your shoulder, can stop your wobbly legs from moving, not when you have to find him. There you are, comes his voice from behind you, and you turn so quickly that you become dizzy. But he is there, wounded yet alive, and he is offering you a smile that you struggle to return. You fall into his arms, he into yours, hold each other with all the strength that you have. And when an arrow pierces through your heart, spearing through his chest, you are connected even when you fall, lifeless⎯
This time, you wake with a gasp and a speeding heart, images so vivid still lingering in your mind. Your chest is still sore where your heart lies, the organ heavy with another’s grief, and you are surprised to find yourself covered in your own tears.
Still in the dirt, still nude, still alive, and still confused, you know that the only way to survive is to keep moving. Memories of dreams that had felt so real may plague your mind for a while, but you cannot dwell. You have had nightmares before, strange and also plausible ones, and you know. You know that to submit to the darkness of your own mind is a death sentence in itself. So you stand up, dust off your bare skin, and begin walking in an unknown direction.
You only cast one glance back at the bodies behind you. Your team, in all probability. Your friends. You are leaving them in the middle of nowhere.
This, too, you do not allow yourself to dwell on. Not now. Not yet.
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Though the night has long since begun, darkness creeping into every corner of the room, one figure lies awake, thinking. Listening.
He is selfish, he supposes, for choosing not to sleep in a time when it can be so important. He should be allowing the visions to greet him, remembering the details, soaking it all in. Instead, he blinks away his exhaustion in exchange for wandering thoughts. He is not ready to allow another’s memories into his mind; for his to enter their’s. He has unwillingly revealed his sins to far too many already.
Hoseok is afraid. And he is tired.
Around him, his six loves breathe deeply, bodies relaxed in slumber and minds lost to the visions of their eighth soul. Some stir, occasionally, and he is sure he’s heard one of the maknaes whimper, but all is otherwise silent.
He would die a million painful deaths just to ensure that they could maintain this peace forever. He supposes he has, already. But he doesn’t regret it. Not for them.
Though the silence is calming, it also beckons his eyes closed and his mind into darkness. So, in an attempt to battle the tantalising call of sleep, he rolls over, stands up, and quietly sneaks out of the crumbling building they’ve taken shelter in.
The air outside nips at his skin, prickling goosebumps down his back and arms, but it is always chilly at this time of year, in this part of Europe. He forgets which country they’re in. Possibly close to France, but likely somewhere in Italy. He can smell salt in the air, the ocean not far away.
Yes. Italy.
Through thick undergrowth and overgrown weeds he wanders, mind idle and busy all at once. His feet take him around the perimeter of the area⎯a consequence, he supposes, of living a paranoid life⎯but his thoughts are elsewhere. On a girl he has yet to meet. On you.
How will you react, he wonders, to this life? To them? Through the brief flashes he has seen of you, you are a woman who seems steadfast, capable, and determined. But he’d also seen your team; felt the love you hold for them. Will you be able to part from the life that you can no longer lead? Will you eventually accept them as your new family?
There are too many questions, too many things to worry about. This is why he doesn’t hear the footsteps approaching him from behind until two arms wrap around his shoulders.
“You should be asleep.” The words are whispered beside his ear, warm breath fanning down his neck. He shivers, but doesn’t respond. “What’s wrong? Let me help.”
Hoseok sags into the strong embrace, allows the arms to tighten around his chest, and sighs. “I’m worried, Namjoon.” Namjoon hums, doesn’t say anything. “Is it selfish of me to not want to see her memories? To not want her in my head?”
A pair of plump lips kiss the tip of his ear. “Perhaps,” Namjoon says. When Hoseok stiffens, he pulls him closer. “But being selfish is not necessarily a bad thing. You are allowed to prioritise yourself every once in a while.” Namjoon can sense that Hoseok is not yet appeased, so he adds, “There are six of us here to take the visions when you can’t. And if you do decide to rest, there will be six of us here to hold you through it. Being selfish does not mean that you are alone.”
“I’m so tired,” Hoseok whispers, and they both know that he is not referring to his lack of sleep. “We’ve all got such baggage, so much hurt, and I wonder if adding the weight of an eighth will be too much.”
“Hey.” Namjoon gently turns Hoseok in his arms, holding him close still. They look into each other’s eyes, see everything that they have grown familiar with. That they have grown to love. “We will also have another person to help share the load. For now and forever, we are in this together. It’s okay to have doubts, or worries, but never forget that you are ours and we are yours.”
Foreheads touch and eyes close, the silence of the night engulfing them as they share each other’s heat. And here, they are okay. They still have fears, still have troubling thoughts, but they are not so bad when they are together.
“C’mon,” Namjoon mumbles. “Let’s go back inside. Whether you decide to sleep or not, we should stay with the others. You know how they can get about cuddle piles.”
This does make Hoseok breathe a laugh. “Okay. And hey, Namjoon.” He presses their lips together in a brief, soft kiss. “Thank you, my love.”
“My eternal,” Namjoon replies.
That night, they both allow sleep to take them. They join the others in dreams of bloodshed, heartache, and death. And they hold each other a little closer. And they are okay.
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morifinwes · 4 years
Lauraa I finished all the fics, apart from decay (currently reading that now) and I love it sm! Especially the lip gloss one lmao the whole thing was so hilarious to me XD but also like the concept of lwj wearing lipgloss is >>> -yibobibo
@yibobibo then i'm going to rec you some more!! the lip gloss one was !!!!! ajsksks yes!! lwj wearing lipgloss is just so!! good!!
this one is the painful one i talked about:
visitations by var_abelasan (12K, wip, divorced wangxian, post divorce, most of this is angst, uhm lowkey don't but also do want wangxian to end up together, it's messy, the jiangs & lans are shitty, wwx was in prison (brief mentions of that but it's kind of a major plot point), mxy & xy are the little brothers he never wanted but wwx picked them up anyways)
"Wei Ying-" Lan Zhan says, stutters, "I'm sorry." 
And now Wei Wuxian sees it, the red rimming Lan Zhan's eyes, the rumpled edges of his blazer. There is an old, familiar urge for him to reach over, to hold Lan Zhan's hand and smooth his hair, to tell him that everything will be fine. 
"We're all a bit sorry about this, I think," he says instead, and finds that he means it. For Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji and everyone else in that Guanyin temple, the pain must be unbearably fresh, like skin just flayed open. But Wei Wuxian's chest had been cracked open a long time ago, his wounds licked and cauterized and sewn shut over five long years - Ever hurting, but a dull, constant ache, "It's really alright, Lan Zhan."
Five years after being accused of corporate espionage and losing everything, the Guanyin Scandal breaks open and Wei Wuxian finds a familiar face at his door.
please don't let me be misunderstood by sysrae (3K, partly deaf!wwx, lwj notices, nobody else does though, idk wwx is like made out of fucking steel or some shit)
Lan Wangji has known Wei Ying for a fortnight, the first time he sees him get hit by a car.
light by redkosmos (10K, blind!lwj, which causes angst, but they manage it, best friends to lovers, fluff, lwj being insecure and feeling like a burden, college au kind of? but it doesn't matter too much)
The realization slowly dawns on him.
He can never again see the brightness of Wei Ying's eyes, the way they crescent when he smiles, never again see the rich black of his hair, the mess of it in the early mornings, never again see the beautiful tan of his skin, the beauty of the scars and marks adorned on it, how he wears his clothes, how it hugs his frame beautifully, how he looks like he's adorably swimming in cloth when he wears Lan Zhan's, and-
(Lan Zhan loses his vision in a car accident and learns to cope with it.)
don't leave me by trippinonskies (19K, brief very brief mention of lwj cheating, he doesn't but wwx is afraid lwj is cheating on him or just wants to break up with him, (he doesn't), marriage proposal, lwj acting distant = wwx's insecurities show up, fluff, angst and comfort)
Lan Zhan! Where are you lost today?” Wei Wuxian finally asks, at the end of his patience.
Lan Zhan looks a little guilty as he looks at Wei Wuxian, “Sorry, just a lot of work to deal with.”
If there is one thing Lan Zhan can’t do, it’s lying. Especially to Wei Wuxian. But he doesn’t question Lan Zhan. He just accepts the reply, too scared to know that he is right. Too scared to know the truth.
// or where Lan Zhan is too hung up in planning the perfect proposal and ends up accidently ignoring Wei Wuxian making the other think that he wants to break up //
want you closer by xiaobucephalus ((3K, HORSES, only in the background tho, but wwx is an equestrian vet, which is so fucking valid bro, the lans own horses, a sick bunny, lwj the bunny parent!, super cute, dark bay throughoutbred chenqing is honestly so valid)
“Thank you,” Lan Zhan said, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Don’t thank me, Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying laughed again, his voice warming the chill of fear that had settled in his chest. “I’ve been looking for an excuse to get into your hutch for a while anyway.”
safe in your thoughts by anonymous (20K, it's a cherry magic au???? (i haven't watched it, but you have i think?), horny lwj but only for wwx (always for wwx))
Wei Wuxian learns three very important things on the night of his twenty-seventh birthday.
One, that Lan Wangji is ridiculously funny, which Wei Wuxian had known before but what Wei Wuxain hadn’t expected was Lan Wangji to be funny at his brother’s expense.
Two, that Wei Wuxian had finally gone mad, absolutely mental at the ripe age of twenty seven because nothing else would explain the third thing he had learnt.
Third, and the most unbelievable of the lot, that Lan Wangji wants to fuck him.
iura by yoo_im_finally_writing (1K, only added bcs op is right and wwx would've the cutest german accent, it's more fun if you understand german so hit me up if you want translations for the german sentences)
Wei Ying calls in the middle of the night to talk about German law, and Lan Zhan tries very hard not to fall asleep. Or at least, not to let Wei Ying notice he's falling asleep. (As best friends do.)
breathe in the air, the last of its kind by wereworm / @neverdoingmuch (27K, getting together, jealous!lwj, but also kind of supportive, brief mention of cheating bcs of miscommunication, no actual cheating tho, college au, lwj pov)
Following Wei Ying’s line of sight, Lan Wangji can barely prevent a smile from crossing his lips when he sees the short row of rabbit statuettes placed at the front of the display. Silver, with bright gems for eyes, they look elegant yet lively and animated.
“A-Yuan would love one of those,” Wei Ying murmurs, almost as if to himself.
Lan Wangji frowns; the rabbits, while cute, don’t seem like a suitable gift for Wei Ying’s A-Yuan.
It’s only when he glances back at the rabbits and notices what has been placed on display behind them, that the pieces fall into place. They’re engagement rings, there’s no doubt about it. Lan Wangji feels his heart sink – Wei Ying isn’t just dating A-Yuan, he wants to propose to him.
Or: the five times Lan Wangji thinks that A-Yuan is Wei Ying’s boyfriend and the one time he learns the truth.
paint smears on sunny days by snowshadowao3 / @angstsexual (53K, getting together, art teacher!wwx, single parent!lwj, they're rich if i remember right, wwx & lwj are both good with kids!!!, this is so good actually, fluff)
To say that he runs to his car would be incorrect, as he is a Lan, and running is both undignified and unnecessary unless in immediate danger. Nor does he slam his key into the ignition, or aggressively swerve around the cars on the freeway, or have a mild panic attack at the fact he is picking A-Yuan up late from school for the first time ever.
He comes close, though.
By the time he arrives, it’s 4:35PM, and he has imagined about fifty different worse-case scenarios. The door is partly open when he gets to it, a messy label of 104B—Art Room scrawled with chalk on a placard next to the faded wood. As he opens it fully, he expects to see a wailing, terrified child, or perhaps a scene of utter misery and betrayal.
What he finds is his son, hands covered in paint, being sung to by a beautiful, dark-haired stranger.
“Ducks live in the pond, yellow ducks, happy ducks!”
Lan Wangji stops in his tracks.
(Or: Falling in love with your son’s art teacher, in five parts)
no bunny compares by gusucloudbunny (4K, god this is cute, fluff)
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian cornered his friend one week before his birthday. “If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?”
Lan Wangji furrowed his brow at Wei Wuxian, not exactly sure how to answer that question in a truthful manner that didn’t involve confessing his undying love for his best friend.
Wei Wuxian is on a mission to get Lan Wangji the perfect gift for his birthday. What Wei Wuxian doesn't know is that the only thing Lan Wangji truly wants is him.
wei wuxian's week of realizing things by photojenny (12K, i have read this multiple times, i always forget what happens, idk why but my notes say it's good, the tags say drunkji makes an appearance and i'm always up for that)
"Lan Zhan, do you like Mianmian?" asked Wei Wuxian.
Lan Wangji blinked, and stared. It was not the first time Lan Wangji had questioned the perceptiveness of the boy he had a crush on. Wei Wuxian had been smart in the class they had taken together. Yet time and time again, Wei Wuxian had tested the old wisdom that there are no stupid questions.
Lan Wangji must figure out how to confess when Wei Wuxian is the most oblivious person he's ever met.
are you my wisdom tooth? because i'd like to take you out by yellowcarnations (1K, crack, fluff, lwj stop flirting with a stranger, even if he is your husband, drunkji but make it to max level)
Lan Zhan wakes up and he has no idea where he is.
There are bright lights and his jaw hurts, he doesn't who this man next to his bed is but oh he might be in love, maybe, probably, definitely.
based off that guy-forgets-who-his-wife-is-and-hits-on-her vid but its wangxian.
beep! goes his heart by wearing_tearing (3K, fluff, lwj is like "he, he likes me right? he likes me" and everyone is like "yes, yes he does")
“Wei Ying’s heart monitor,” Lan Wangji starts.
Wen Qing blinks at him. “Yes?”
“It beeps.”
“That’s… what they generally do, yes.”
“The beeps change,” Lan Wangji continues, “when others are around.”
Wei Ying’s heart only sings for Lan Wangji.
obedient and bellicose by thunderwear (19K, lwj is cursed by the lan elders, they notice too late, fix-it fic kind of?, lqr being a good uncle and lxc is a good brother, wwx accidentally uses the curse but he doesn't know about it)
It took Lan Wangji a long time to realize he was cursed. Too long really, anyone else would have noticed so much sooner. The problem was, he liked following the rules.
Ella Enchanted AU that no one needed but I wanted.
hello my old heart, how have you been? by ravenditefairylights (10K, amnesia, fluff, wwx taking care of lwj, so much fluff and softness, angst too but not that much)
The issue is, Lan Wangji brings his thoughts back before they stray too far, that it is impossible for someone to be in his bed, unless Lan Wangji himself invited them. He has not. He would remember doing so, and besides, all his night clothes are still on and there is no headache to imply that he was inebriated last night. No, the situation is simple.
There is someone in Lan Wangji’s bed. It is impossible for anyone to be in Lan Wangji’s bed, and yet that doesn’t seem to have stopped the stranger.
or lan wangji wakes up, and wei ying is there. he doesn't understand how or why, and he can understand even less why his hallucination of wei ying is so insistent on bathing him, and braiding his hair, on holding him and fixing his clothes. why the hallucination of wei ying seems so happy to see him.
teach me the way by likeafox (58K, rogue cultivator!wwx, horny wangxian, lwj wants wwx to teach him how to be a good lover, ....wwx is a virgin, the porn is the plot, but there's less of it than i thought)
"I do not wish to leave my future spouse… dissatisfied with my intimate knowledge,” Lan Zhan says, very seriously. “I am hoping to find an instructor, to better prepare myself for such matters."
Wei Ying feels his mouth drop open. He's pretty sure the Second Jade of Lan just told him he's a virgin who wants to learn how to do sex good.
Rogue Cultivator Wei Wuxian is the stuff of local legends. Some of those legends are even true! The ones about his tremendous experience in bed, on the other hand, are not so true. Which becomes a problem when Lan Wangji, on the verge of an arranged marriage and worried he won’t know how to please his future spouse, enlists Wei Ying's help to teach him the art of love-making. Wei Ying's great at improvisation, though, and is pretty sure he's got this sex mentor thing under control. What could possibly go wrong
other aus
of god: my love unholy by tunnelodfawn (3K, tw blood / war, dark!lwj, god!wwx, kind of poetry)
Lan Zhan takes everything as a sign from his god. The blood staining his fingertips—a holy anointment. He sanctifies himself through blood. The strings of his guqin gleam red in the sun—a divine blessing. This is an instrument of destruction. A single note—a cry of power—and in this note the voice of his god unravels the earthly threads tethering man to earth.
The Yiling Patriarch blesses Lan Zhan with war. Wei Wuxian blesses Lan Zhan with agility. Wei Ying blesses Lan Zhan with love.
The base of the Yiling Patriarch’s shrine is the home of Lan Zhan’s knees. He worships. There is something of the blasphemous and the unholy in his prayers. He prays not for victory but for the sight of Wei Ying. Bless me with your presence, he begs.
Or, wherein, Lan Zhan bridges the gap between the mortal and the divine—the worshipper and the god—with blood.
the river and the sea by sasamelons / @sasamelons (7K, soulmate au, arranged marriage (wangxian with each other), they're both kind of dumb but i love it)
Lan Wangji gritted his teeth, wishing to just be left alone. "I am looking for my soulmate," he ground out.
It took Lan Wangji a few moments to realize that Wei Wuxian had stopped following him. When he looked back, the other boy seemed to be frozen to the spot, eyes wide and lips still parted. He quickly looked away when he saw Lan Wangji looking back. "I see. Well, have a good trip!"
At six years old, Lan Zhan met his soulmate on the streets of Yiling and promptly lost him again.
At sixteen years old, Lan Wangji met his betrothed and was determined not to like him.
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twistedpixie77 · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @wanderingaldecaldo ! I don’t usually share on tumblr but why not? This is part of my unnamed enemies to lovers AU that’s set during the Unification War. It’s been driving me up the wall even as I should be writing my reverse bang fic 😵‍💫
“Since all of us deltajocks can pilot circles around you barely functioning morons,” Vella sneered, glaring up into a pair of angry blue eyes as she moved to stand toe-to-toe with him, despite being several inches shorter. “If it weren’t for us, none of you assholes would ever come back from an op alive.”
“Yes, the world’s best and brightest—yet you can’t seem to get your people back alive consistently,” he retorted, returning Vella’s glare with fire in his eyes and a smug curve to his mouth. “Wisp, Merc, Mav—do I need to go through the whole list? Are you sure your call sign should be Vixen? Reaper seems more appropriate.”
Auri groaned from behind Vella, scrubbing a hand down his face and watching his sister vibrate with barely restrained fury. Here we go, he thought.
Vella drew back her fist to punch Mitch, but he caught her fist in mid-swing, squeezing it to the point of pain as others in the bar gathered around them, divided unevenly between panzerboys and deltajocks. Mitch leaned his face down closer to Vella’s, and Auri closed his eyes. He knew his sister too well, and what was coming next would not be pretty.
“Did you think that would actually work on me?” Mitch growled, almost crushing her flesh fist inside his cybernetic one as he bared his teeth in a feral grin. “You’re so predictable it hurts.”
Vella titled her head slightly, a wicked smile curving her mouth. “I’ll show you predictable, bitch,” she snarled, snapping her head back and driving her forehead into Mitch’s nose. He let out a string of curses as he released his grip on her hand and took several steps back. He wiped the back of his hand across his gushing nose, shifting his glare between the crimson smear and the woman who had caused it. Something snapped in his mind, and he charged Vella, hitting her center mass with one shoulder. He heard the air whoosh from her lungs as he drove them onto a wooden table, and they tumbled to the floor among splintered wood and broken chairs.
A half-second later, the bar erupted in chaos. Tables and chairs went flying, the cacophony of splintering wood and breaking glass drowning out the music blaring from the ceiling speakers. Vella didn’t have time to notice or care about anything else as she fought to keep sucking air. Mitch swung at her face, and she barely had time to move before his fist collided with the floor where her head had been. She took that opportunity to jab the side of her hand up under his arm in a quick strike that left it temporarily numb. He howled in surprise and pain, and she wriggled out from beneath him and clumsily got to her feet, unsteady from lack of oxygen and too much whiskey.
She held out a hand, beckoning him with a curve of her fingers. “C’mon, don’t hold back now. Fight me like you mean it, Ghost,” she taunted him with a feral grin. “Or are you afraid of me?”
“Nah,” he growled, “I just want to savor teaching you a lesson in manners.” He regarded her with a frigid scowl as they circled each other like predators. Broken glass and splintered wood crunched beneath their boots as they stared each other down, and Mitch was almost certain Vella was enjoying this.
“Ooh, kinky,” Vella said, her eyes glinting with amusement as she tilted her head, “but sorry teach, so far, I’m not impressed. My grandma has better moves, and she’s fuckin’ dead.”
Mitch charged her again, driving them backward and pinning her against the wall, their faces so close he could feel her breath on his lips, and it sent a shiver of something he didn’t care to think about through his body. Okay, so maybe Vella wasn’t the only one enjoying this. “Says the bitch who couldn’t find her ass with both hands, a map, and a fuckin’ tour guide.”
Vella drove her knee into Mitch’s ribs, baring her teeth in a snarl. “Ohh, good one,” she growled, shoving him back as the pain in his side forced him to release her. “Did you come up with that one all by yourself? Didn’t think you had enough brain cells for that—wait, how are you still breathing?” She threw a left hook, sending a shockwave up the length of her arm when it connected and sent him sprawling across one of the few upright tables left. As Mitch righted himself, Vella threw a right jab that he easily caught, twisting her fist until she winced in pain as he pinned her with an icy glare, his mouth contorted in a sneering grin.
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