#operation justice incarnate
dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
Based on this post here https://www.tumblr.com/ourrechte-blog/740959709140484096
Danny and the latest incarnation of the Demons ends up in Star City. They're doing ninja stuff as a way to get resources and find a way home. Green Arrow overhears mentions of "Great One" and "Demon's Head" and maybe Dani is there and gets called dahlia and it's misheard as Talia
Ollie: Batman, come over here and get your de-aged villains
Bruce: What makes you so sure they're mine?
Ollie: They're ninjas and their leader, who kicked my ass, is referred to as "Great One" so yes, I'm sure these are the League of Assassins under an alias. Or clones
Ra's finds this entire thing hilarious. Damian, not so much
Oliver is not having a good time. He noticed some shady activity going down in his city's underbelly and decided to investigate. Star City wasn't as crime-infested as Gotham, but it wasn't sunshine and rainbows either.
It was far better hidden, but corruption ran amok in his home, so he had to run around to get things fair. He noticed the ninjas only after a while of them being in town. At first, they seemed focused on gaining territory.
They moved from the poorest neighborhoods to the richest, slowly beating out the top dogs. It seemed the leader had the same mentality of prison- beat the toughest person on his first day and become the new number one. Usually, that wouldn't work with such solid and old operations, but somehow, the ninjas were doing it.
They cut off resources. It causes discord in the lackey's ranks. Pulled funding from who knows where. And Blackmailed the rest into submission.
It was a hostile takeover. A plague on the control of the criminal empires station in Star City.
And there was nothing Oliver could do to stop them. He felt like a fumbling medic during a pandemic. Too many areas were affected before he could arrive, and too many loose ends were tied before he could gather enough information to know what they were trying to accomplish.
He contacted the Justice League when it became clear that it was too much for his team to handle. They sent over Dinah Lace and Gregory Sanders (Much to the joy of his bi-heart), who helped him trace the pathway the ninjas were taking, but ultimately, they were unable to catch up.
"It's like chasing ghosts," Gregory complains, his red bandana moving with his mouth. His eyes are scanning the towering buildings, fiddling with his guns. "I see them for only a second, and they are much faster than any of my bullets."
"It doesn't help that one of them is a meta with a similar power to mine," Dinah agrees. She was the closest to the taller figure, attempting to use her Canary Cry to capture him. Imagine her surprise when the figure turned and returned a cry of its own, easily overpowering Dinah's and flinging her away. "We might need a Speedster"
"And a Bat," Olver sighs. "They're far too slippery. A Bat should be able to devise a plan that might work for them. My tactical strategies are falling short."
"How painful was that for you to admit?" Dinah asks with a smirk.
"I'm choking on my blood," He deadpans, causing her to laugh. At once, Olover's heart launches in his chest. She has the loveliest laugh. He throws her a smile that he knows is disgustingly gooey, and her eyes crinkle with the gentleness she reserves for him.
"I overheard them speaking for a bit before one of them heard my guns click," Gregory says, eyeing the two of them like he knows they are flirting but won't point it out. He's a spoilsport. "One of them identified the other. Does the name Talia mean anything to ya'll?"
Crude. Whatever good mood Olvier was in for making Dinah smile is crushed with sudden dread.
"Yeah, it does. Especially if it was anywhere near the words "Demon Head" or "Great One," He wearily. At Gregory's nod, he covers his eyes with one hand, feeling a headache build behind his right eye. It's a familiar headache. It usually pops up whenever Bruce Wayne's love life is mentioned.
"I'll call the Big Bad Bat. He'll get her to stop or kiss her. Whatever works. " Oliver sighs, even heavier than before.
"Why?" Gregory asks mystified
"That's Bat's ex."
There is a very long pause before Gregory's guns click again. A rigid set to his shoulders and rage appear in his eyes. "The young girl is Batman's ex? Good to know."
"Young girl? No, Talia is about my age." Dinah cuts in. "Are you sure she answered to Talia?"
The safety is switched back on as Gregory relaxes."Yes. She appeared to be twelve years old or so, with white hair and green eyes. Does that match Batman's honey?"
"Not even close. I mean, the green eyes, sure, but the rest is wrong." Oliver hums. "So we aren't dealing with Bat's girl, which is good for us. The League of Assassins is a pain. Also very dangerous."
Vigilante's eyes widen at the mention of the ninja group's name. "I heard of the organization but was unaware of the members. Is this Talia important in it?"
"She's the big boss's daughter," Dinah confirms. "Also, one of the bloodthirsty and cruelest members."
"That's not very nice," a young voice cuts in, startling the heroes. They leap away from the roof edge, watching a boy with glowing white hair flout over it, crossed-armed. "My daughter is a goddam delight."
"Ra's," Olver shutters. Yes, he looks younger and glowing, but Oliver would never forget that monster's face. He appeared often in his nightmares about the island.
The boy tilted his head. "You know me."
Oliver pulled the string of his bow, training the arrow on the figure; beside him, Gregory had his guns up and ready while Dinah had planted her feet in her preferred combat position. "I never forget a face."
"There is a version of me here," the boy hums, implying so many things that make the three heroes uneasy. "Maybe I wasted time gathering resources when I should have gone looking for the other Fentons."
"What do you mean by that?" Dinah demands, but the boy is already looking away and snapping his fingers.
"Guys! There are other Fentons here!"
Five figures fly up from over a building. Two are glowing, and three are wearing bulky power suits. Oliver's breath catches in his throat. Younger versions of the Demons. The same assisans whose abilities build Ra's empire and are the only ones to control them- the reason he is known as the Demon Head.
"That's great, Danny!" A girl with orange hair cries. She's inside the power suit, and Oliver knows her by her codename. Claw.
"Maybe we can have your dad make us some fudge." A dark-skinned boy licks his lips. He also appropriates a power suit but seems far more decked out for support. Makes sense, seeing as he obviously Scales.
"Let's go. The faster we get home, the faster I can make Vlad by me an island." A glowing teen rolls his eyes. His flaming hair does nothing to take away the fact he is Fang.
"Which way?" the little girl, Talia, asks, making a small circle in the air.
"I saw we find destruction and follow that. It's bound to lead us to them. We can cause chaos on the way." The last girl offers. She points the hand of her supersuit to the west with a nasty grin. It's Shadow. "Can't be worse than the Black Plague incident."
"How was I supposed to know the rats were dangerous!" Ra scoffs, face red in embarrassment. Which would have been amusing if he didn't just admit he caused thousands of lives to end. Oliver really does not like the implications one bit.
"Everyone. Don't you read any history books?"
"I don't need no books to tell me. I was there!"
Oliver thinks they are distracted enough to risk taking a shot. His bowstring snaps into place as his arrow flies towards the closest one. Claw's reaction time is as fast as he remembers because she had already shot the arrow out of the sky before it could go anywhere near Talia. The foam meant to hold her in place burst, covering the six from view.
Gegory's bullets hit it seconds after, burying deep within the hardened foam. The sharpshooter springs to the right, looking for a better target, but it's in vain.
When the foam falls, everyone behind it is gone, and Oliver is reminded that they face ninjas. Gregory lowers his weapon with a frustrated click of his tongue.
What in the world was going on! They were all de-age and somehow powered up. None of this was good.
"We need to call Batman," Dinah says in the silence. "This may be out of our league even with them turned into children."
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melyndadwest-blog · 1 year
Guardian Deity Spirit Danny
"In the spiritual realm, there are specific steps a being can take to ascend to the status of a god, with certain restrictions defining what a god truly is. Typically, a deity emerges as a result of being worshipped by a group of people, their worship infusing them with divine energy and granting them godhood.
They can be born from an unconscious belief or concept, such as the worship of the moon or nature. Over time, this belief gains sentience and power through the devotion of their followers.
They possess spiritual powers and establish a cult, amassing considerable influence and strength.
They are born from another god.
They achieve godhood by defeating and absorbing the essence of a pre-existing god, embodying their concept.
This means that even if a being is incredibly powerful, like Clockwork, they must be worshipped by someone to attain godhood. So...
In the Infinite Realms, time operates differently than in the outside world. I believe that since the Realms exist beyond space and existence, serving as the cosmic glue holding the multiverse together, they remain separate from the flow of time.
So, my idea is this: Danny is already immensely powerful, as he embodies the balance between life and death. Because of his connection to Clockwork, this being occasionally sends him on time-traveling missions, perhaps for preparations related to kingship. As a result, he appears in various places throughout history, safeguarding people and cultures. Over the centuries and millennia, people begin to worship him, seeking blessings and offering sacrifices.
Usually, this would lead the Justice League to believe that he's simply a very old being. However, what if he truly is ancient?
As I mentioned earlier, a god's powers are derived from belief, and this belief gradually transforms the deity. Here's my take:
Batman might insist, "I know you're Danny Fenton," until a summons or a crisis causes Danny's godly side to surface. This aspect of him is truly ancient, as time doesn't flow conventionally in the Infinite Realms. Consequently, Danny could be three years old in terms of his death, yet also an ancient entity. Nonetheless, he remains physically too young to fully comprehend his true power and existence, resulting in considerable confusion.
Ultimately, there are two interpretations:
The Justice League ends up believing that Danny is either a) a vessel for a god, b) a sort of priest, or c) the physical incarnation of a bored god curious about experiencing humanity.
Ghosts do not treat him like a typical ghost child because, due to the nonlinear nature of time in the Zone, his core possesses the essence of an ancient being. The ghosts perceive him as the rebirth of balance, incarnated as a human to restore equilibrium.
Feel free to use this concept for any story or interpretation you find compelling."
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mirokuna-hime · 1 year
I honestly think people are jumping the gun with their disappointment over the new story quest in 1.2
The whole purpose of Xianzhou Luofu arc is to set up future events.
The writers tell us this by having Kafka admit to the MC that the whole point of this operation for the stellaron hunters is to have the Xianzhou indepted to the Astral Express crew so that they will aid them in their fight against Nanook the destruction.
Herta Space Station and Jarilo-IV were used to introduce us to the game mechanics and to establish the trio of Dan Heng, March 7th and the Trailblazer with the Space Station also serving as a prologue.
Jarilo-IV however did nothing to develop the overarching main plot of the game. Belobog was it's own self contained arc to ease the player into the game and they are now using the Xianzhou Luofu arc to plant the seeds for future chapters.
People are already calling Blade a wasted character, because his confrontation with Imbibitor Lunae didn't play out like people hoped it would, because they didn't drop his entire backstory in this quest even though it's pretty clear that Blade, Kafka and Silverwolf will be reoccuring antagonists over the course of the story.
The prologue already introduced us to Kafka and Silverwolf, heck Silverwolf even got her own event.
Introducing Blade and his connection to Dan Heng to the player is what I would argue the other focal point of this arc. Every theme this story introduced to us can be connected to Blade (immortality being a sin, what it means to be mara struck, manipulation, the weight of our past actions and how we deal with them etc.), it's so that we can understand his story and motive.
Not to mention that it opens the door for character development and development of Dan Hengs and his relationship. Right now Dan Heng doesn't make the connection that Blade is his previous incarnations "friend" (in quotation marks because hoyoverse is being sussy with them) and he's still running away from the past. Meanwhile Blade is consumed by his vengence, his desire to die and he is also getting manipulated by Kafka (admittedly she kinda has to because of the Mara but that barely changes anything other than making us see her in a bit more positive light).
All points that will need to be adressed in following installments and I have faith in the Honkai writers to do these plot points justice, but it won't be right now.
We are in 1.2 my friends, let the story take it's time.
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wandixx · 3 months
Greeting comrades,
I’m Wandixx, a history enthusiast, baby writer and budding artist. Grab your tea/coffee/juice or whatever else beverage you favor and let’s go!
I’m part of the DPxDC fandom so my fics are from here. And this list exists so we all can find anything on this blog, welcome!
Here is my AO3:
My finished fics/prompt fills:
“Blood Blossom”:
Desperate times require desperate solutions. When, after escaping GIW, Danny gets trapped by the Justice League, he has only one way to get out of it. Eating a Blood Blossom. (this one includes a sad and happy ending!)
Danny lives with Bats and it all seems to go pretty well. Until they find his contingency plans, including ones against himself, that were just over glorified suicide to-do list. How the hell are they supposed to handle that (that’s a chunky boi, over 20k)
“Ghost of fries and hero of cookies”
Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay Or Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of a local hero? And he looked like he needed a bad day combo anyway. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, art AO3 link
“Reverse summoning”:
It’s always DC characters summoning Danny. How about we do this another way around? Danny was desperate for a mentor and help (and some cold medicine). How- What- Why is Wonder Woman standing in his bedroom? 
“Unknown, the Wandering Hero”:
Unknown was who Justice League called the friendly anonymous hero, who kept helping them with ghosts. Only one with powers working on them. It just turns out, they were much younger than everyone expected. Danny went through a lot lately and the less people knew who he was, the less likely he was to return to the operating table.
Stuff that I shared snippets of:
"Danny and Wally are chaos incarnate"
"Dani's dress-up game and Batman's rouge gallery" (also known as "serious chaos one-shot snippet")
"GIW made a lot of mistakes and the biggest one was going against Young Justice" part 1
"Danny, the Young Justice member" random ideas part 1, part 2
The stuff I have somewhere on paper and would love to share if asked.
Make yourself at home, and I hope you’ll like it here!
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seriiousgiirl · 2 years
Dead man running
Death Eater!Severus Snape x Auror!Reader (The enemies to lovers dynamic version of the Harry Potter universe)
NFSW. Angst and smut (what a mix)!! Set during the first wizarding war.
Summary: Although this mission is crucial, your motivations extend beyond the expectations of the Ministry. Consumed by hatred, you are driven by a desire for vengeance against your childhood friend and the one you love, Severus. You have placed all your hopes on this operation to bring him to justice and to avenge the day he chose to leave you and join the Death Eaters. But as events unfold, unexpected and unsettling truths come to the surface, leading you down a path you never anticipated.
A/n: I really enjoyed writing this, hope it will reach your heart as I pour my soul in each line. Enjoy! (:
Words count: 14k.
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November, 1979
The moon was high in the sky, peaceful. Beneath its peaceful brightness was chaos, destruction. Hell incarnate. The mission had reached a dangerous point. There was unspeakable violence on both sides, and from an outsider's perspective, it would be impossible to determine who was on the dark side and who was defending justice. Death Eaters versus Aurors, or simply extremely powerful witches and wizards who sought to assert their authority based on their ideals. 
Morality was no longer relevant, no one was there to set the rules. It was a war. Who would care if the ‘good Aurors’ were to use unforgivable spells? If it was to ensure a prosperous future for themselves? No one would. Thus, everything was permitted.
It wasn't the first mission you participated in, but it was by far the most deadly. The plan was straightforward: Ambush the Death Eaters in the middle of their initiation ceremony. Usually this kind of gathering was kept secret, confidential. Even if the Ministry was well aware that Tom and his followers were taking part in rituals to welcome anyone willing to rally to his ambitions. Until recently, it had been impossible to intervene. But because of a betrayal, a torture session, - you weren't in a high position to know the details - the location and the time were disclosed. Allowing the Aurors to carry out their most crucial and important mission. Nearly all the important and wanted Death Eaters were in attendance, making it impossible for them to escape. And the Ministry had made it clear that many needed to be arrested. 
You were still young, you needed to prove yourself. But, capturing a dangerous criminal, with more experience in both magic and practice, was definitely beyond your abilities. Instead, you aimed to demonstrate your competence by taking on Death Eaters who were of similar age, even if they had a less troubled history. This was a personal strategy you had devised to gain favour with the Ministry. 
Many would say that it was a lot of trouble for nothing, that you had to put your ambitions and arrogance aside, but you were decided. Besides, your target was already selected. 
Severus Snape. 
As the mission got underway, you and your team of fellow Aurors cautiously approached the gathering of Death Eaters. It was clear that this was no ordinary operation; the air was thick with tension, and you could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you prepared to engage in a life-or-death struggle. Your eyes were sharp, cold, contrasting with the blazing fields where the conflict was taking place. Your heart was pounding, adrenaline was racing through every move you made, putting all your senses on alert. With all of your training and skill at your disposal, you fought with everything you had, determined to defeat the dark wizards and put an end to their nefarious plans.
However, your main focus never left your brain. In the midst of the chaos, you caught fleeting glimpses of Severus, but you never had the opportunity to confront him directly. You needed to strike at the right moment. Did he also notice that I was there? 
Even though the Death Eaters were wearing masks to protect their identities, you didn't need to see his face to recognize Severus. His posture, the way he moved and defended himself, was unmistakable - it was as if he hadn't changed a bit since the last time you had seen him.
As you stood there, staring into the abyss, the screams and sounds of the battle raging around you, you couldn't help but think back to your time at Hogwarts. The choice of your target was personal. 
Your heart was wounded, betrayed. And Severus was the source of your heartache. The images repeat themselves endlessly, leaving you no reprieve. You had stood frozen, watching as Severus disappeared into the darkness, leaving you behind amidst the chaos and destruction, you had felt paralyzed and vulnerable to the dangers of the world. No night has been spared by vivid nightmares, waking you up with a feeling of grief.
It felt as if a knife had been plunged into your heart, as you realised that your once dear friend had chosen a path of darkness and betrayal. The pain was unrelenting, continuously re-opening old wounds within you with each passing day. Choices had to be made, and the two of you went your separate paths after years together. 
Sometimes fate can be cruel. 
Severus was your first and only real friend, and obviously it wasn't easy in the beginning. The young boy was distant, and the idea of developing a friendship with someone like you must have seemed unrealistic to him. To tell the truth, you couldn't blame him, nothing appeared to be able to bring the two of you together. You were just different. 
You are used to fooling people with the soft features of your face. Because in fact, nothing about your personality is soft. Feisty, ambitious, and always ready to fight. Over the years, the most troublesome students at Hogwarts gave up trying to bother you. And even if you were liking the bitter taste of the blood on your lips, you swear to yourself to never use your duelling skills to torment anyone, justice was always at the forefront of your mind. It's no wonder you have become an Auror. 
And thus, your reputation soon became divided among those who admired your courage and those who were frustrated that you prevented them from bullying others. Despite the differing opinions, one thing was clear: people feared you. When it became apparent that they could not beat you, they resorted to spreading rumours about you. Many people considered you to be a violent girl, and being around you was not seen as a good thing.
And that's what Severus believed as well. At first, he seemed to be avoiding you, perhaps not wanting to associate with someone who was known for causing trouble. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, he had enough problems of his own to hang around with foolhardy people like yourself. 
Just as you believed the rumours about him, you wouldn't be friends with any Dark Arts fanatic.
But as fate would have it, and if nothing suggested a possible friendship between you, it was the outcome of a typical day at Hogwarts that brought you two close. He was alone, so were you. And it is in this shared sadness, that a mutual understanding was born. From that day on, you and Snape became unlikely friends. Despite his initially reserved nature, you found that he had a sharp wit and a sense of humour that matched your own. You had always stood up for him against his bullies, and he had been there for you during your darkest moments.
As the time you spent together increased, you came to the realisation that the rumours about each other had been blown out of proportion, and that you had unfairly judged one another.
Very quickly, your duo was noticed, criticised. As if the friendship was a problem, as if the two of you had no right to enjoy happiness. Your pair was odd. 
But, you had never felt happier than when you were around Severus, and it was mutual. Even if growing up with someone different was not always easy, with ups and downs and occasional arguments over your individual strengths and differences. When Severus shared his passion for Dark Arts, it didn't seem like a sinister or concerning interest at all. He was simply passionate and enthusiastic about the subject, and it didn't cause you any worry. Perhaps, you had been too trusting of him, letting your guard down without question. He had fooled you. 
You were making excuses for many things about Severus, and that was wrong. You defended him when others spoke ill of him and made excuses for his sometimes cruel behaviour. Initially, you attributed your feelings towards him to your close friendship, but eventually your perception of him shifted… Was it his piercing black eyes that seemed to stare right through you? Or was it his quiet, brooding demeanour that made him seem so different from the other students at Hogwarts? The reason for your behaviour was simple, you loved him. 
Having spent seven years of your life with someone, observing their growth and transformation, it was impossible not to develop an affection for them. In the case of Severus, he was always there for you, providing comfort and support during times of sadness or loneliness. Despite the fact that your affection for him was forbidden, it was difficult not to feel that way towards him. 
Your feelings for Severus went beyond mere admiration or friendship. You found yourself daydreaming about him, imagining what it would be like to hold his hand or feel his lips on yours.
As you watched Severus' eyes light up when he talked about Lily Evans, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy in your heart. You knew that he only saw you as a friend, but you couldn't help but wish for something more. You knew that confessing your feelings to him would risk ruining your friendship. You didn't want to lose him, so you decided to keep your feelings hidden.
It wasn't easy, though. Every time you were near him, your heart would race and your palms would get sweaty. You couldn't help but steal glances at him, trying to see if he was looking at you too. Sometimes, you caught him staring at you, but you could never tell what he was thinking.
However you and Severus had been inseparable, sharing secrets and laughter, enjoying each other's company. You had felt a deep connection to him, a bond that you thought could never be broken. But then, things started to change during your seventh year. Severus had grown distant, more closed off, as if he was hiding something from you. You had tried to talk to him, to understand what was going on, but he had always brushed you off, telling you that everything was fine.
It wasn't until that fateful night, when Severus had chosen to join the Death Eaters, that you had finally understood what had been driving him away. You had pleaded with him, begged him not to go, but he had simply looked at you, with distant eyes. 
“I’m deeply sorry, Y/n” His faint voice and his desperate face was as clear as the day you witnessed him betraying you. Since then, this sentence has haunted you.
The foul smell of the smoke started to intoxicate your lungs and brought you back to the present, the wheat in the field causing a lot of ash from the various explosive spells used. The battlefield was scorching hot, your muscles were already strained from the physical labour involved in the fight. Now, as you stood there in the midst of the war, the memories of your friendship with Severus flooding back to you, you knew what you had to do. And you must not let the past affect you. You couldn't let him get away with what he had done, you were determined to bring Severus to justice for his crimes. 
Finally, as the battle begins to wind down, you catch sight of Severus slipping away into the shadows. You know that this is your chance, and you abandon your fellow Aurors to chase after him. With a determined look in your eyes, you set off after him, dodging spells and curses as you went. 
“Y/n!! Don’t go there!” The voice of one of your Auror partners rose from behind you, but it was already too late. Severus' figure was heading into the forest that bordered the field. You knew it was certainly a trap. Severus could take advantage in the darkness of the woods. Yet, your feet guided you carelessly, sending you on a frantic chase. 
During your previous missions, you had always found yourself in a precarious position, on the defensive and trying to hold your ground against the relentless attacks of the Death Eaters. It was always a struggle to stay alive, to avoid capture, and to protect your fellow Aurors. Although you knew it was selfish to abandon your comrades, you had already made many sacrifices.
Usually, the Death Eaters found an illicit pleasure in gaining the advantage in the fight, and thus in hunting. Chase or be chased. This was the first time you found yourself in this superior position, and it filled you with a newfound sense of confidence and pride. 
As you stepped into the forest, the moon’s rays filtered through the treetops, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The air was cool and refreshing, the pungent smell of ash and smoke dissipated, replaced by the refreshing scent of trees and foliage and the sound of leaves rustling in the wind was a welcome contrast to the chaos of the battle. Despite the danger, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over you as you ran. There was something about being surrounded by nature that always seemed to calm you, to centre you in a way that nothing else could.
But your peace was short-lived as you caught sight of Severus up ahead, his figure darting in tho the darkness. You quickened your pace, your eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of him. The path was narrow, and the trees grew so close together that the moonlight was almost entirely blocked out. You pushed your way through the underbrush, branches scratching at your skin and twigs snapping underfoot. But you didn't stop, your determination driving you forward.
"You're a coward!!" You yelled with all your might, your words reverberated among the trees. But the only response was silence, interrupted only by the rustling of leaves beneath your feet as you ran towards Severus. The natural sounds of the environment enveloped you, accentuating the absence of any reply. Your mind raced with a flurry of emotions. Anger, betrayal, sadness, and regret all jostled for attention, each one vying to be heard over the pounding of your heart.
You didn't hesitate. With a burst of speed, you closed the distance between you, closing in on him. You were so focused on your target that you almost didn't see the spell coming. But at the last moment, you managed to dodge it, leaping to the side as a jet of red light whizzed past your ear. So, it seems like this is his way of answering me.
However, you were relentless, your mind consumed with the desire to bring him to justice. The forest blurred around you, the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You didn't know what the outcome would be, but you knew that you had to catch him, no matter what.
But fate was not on your side. 
In the heat of the chase, you failed to notice a particularly treacherous section of the forest floor, slick with mud and leaves. Before you knew it, your foot slipped, and you went crashing down onto the ground. Pain shot through your body as you hit the ground hard, your head spinning from the impact. You tried to get up, but your leg refused to move, and you realised with horror that you had twisted your ankle in the fall.
As you lay on the ground, the pain coursing through your body, you felt a sense of panic rising within you. Your breaths came in ragged gasps, and your head throbbed with each beat of your heart. You tried to move, but the pain was too much. It felt as though your whole body was on fire, and you were powerless to do anything but lie there and wait for the pain to subside. But as soon as you moved, the pain flared up again, and you fell back to the ground with a gasp. In the silence of the forest, you could hear the sound of your own heartbeat, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the distant cries of battle echoing through the trees. The darkness that surrounded you was almost suffocating, and you felt a sense of fear creeping over you. 
You were trapped, alone and vulnerable in the heart of the forest.
What if Severus was still out there, watching you from the shadows? What if he was waiting for you to make a move, ready to strike as soon as you revealed your position? The thought sent a shiver down your spine, and you tried to push yourself up, despite the pain. In vain.
In the midst of the forest, you notice a sound that differs greatly from the usual noises. It is the sound of footsteps, growing increasingly louder until you feel a presence looming over you.
You hear a voice, deep and familiar, "Are you alright?" You recognize it instantly as Severus’ voice, muffled by the mask he was wearing. 
You try to respond, but the pain makes it impossible to speak properly. Instead, you manage to hiss in pain, your voice weak. “What are you doing? You're supposed to run away from me!” In your voice there was frustration and a sense of failure. But you would never let the pain put an end to your ambitions. 
You raised your gaze, still struggling on the floor. The familiar Death Eater mask he wore only added to your already heightened sense of danger. You couldn't read his expression, and the thought of what he might do or think, was enough to make you shudder with fear. However, your survival instincts kicked in, and with a burst of energy, you managed to raise your wand and cast a basic spell in his direction. The spell hit its intended target, Severus' mask, causing it to fly off and revealing his face. 
For a moment, the two of you stared at each other, both caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. Your breath was taken away. Severus had both changed and remained the same. It had only been a year since you had seen each other so closely. 
As you lay there, looking up at Severus, your mind couldn't help but take in every detail of his appearance. His dark eyes seemed to bore into your soul, as if searching for something within you. But the dark circles underneath made you worry for him; they made him appear unwell, as though he had not slept in days. His hair had grown longer, reaching down to his shoulders. And his facial features - his high cheekbones and hooked nose - were still as sharp and defined as ever. Despite his youth, there was an air of maturity about him that you couldn't help but notice. He seemed exhausted, like he had been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. And yet, his posture was not defensive, but rather commanding. It was as if he had a great deal of responsibility resting on his shoulders and he had to carry himself in a certain way. Even with your wand aimed at him, he did not seem afraid. Instead, he held himself with confidence and poise.
"Y/n, feisty as ever. I see." He began his sentence, almost amused by your hostile behaviour towards him, as if you were wrong to be suspicious. "Are you in pain?"
You try to respond, but the pain makes it impossible to speak. Instead, you manage a weak nod.
Severus kneels down beside you, his hand hovering over your body, hesitant to touch. "Let me help you up," he says, his voice softer than you've ever heard it before. With gentle hands, he helps you to your feet. 
You had spent so much time hating him, chasing after him, it was hard to remember that he had once been your friend. But, as you stand, the pain begins to subside, and you can see more clearly now. You look up at Severus and notice a look of concern etched on his face. It's a look you've never seen before, and it takes you aback. In that instant, you saw a glimpse of the old Severus, the one you had known before he had joined the Death Eaters. 
"Why are you helping me?" You tried to behave as detached as possible. 
Severus didn't answer right away, almost hesitant. "We're being followed. We need to find a safe place before we get caught." And despite the gravity of his words, you couldn't help but focus your mind on the warmth of his body next to yours, how the feeling had become foreign over time. However, his scent mixed with the stench of smoke, made you feel nostalgic. Like a distant dream. 
“Y/n,” he called for your attention, urgence in his voice. “We have to go. We can talk, fight, or whatever you want, after that. But we need to hide."  
"Alright Severus," you manage to say, your voice still weak. You brace yourself for his retort, expecting him to insult or belittle you as he usually does. Especially after you fell, a quite risible mistake. But to your surprise, he simply nods and offers you a hand to steady yourself.
As you took Severus' outstretched hand, you felt a sense of unease. You couldn't help but remember all the times he had been your friend and now your enemies, all the times he had caused you joy and pain. But, you felt a strange sense of comfort in his presence. The warmth you felt wasn't just physical, but emotional as well. It had been a long time since you and Severus had worked together as allies, putting your differences aside for a common goal. Even if, for the moment, his motives in helping you are still rather unclear. 
As you stumbled a few times, he was always there to catch you, offering you his steady support. His touch was gentle, and you could see the concern in his dark eyes as he helped you walk. You felt like you could trust him, even if you knew that this was just a temporary alliance. But for the moment, you were grateful for his help, and for the strange warmth that had spread through your body. It felt like a glimmer of hope, a small reminder that even in the darkest of times, there could be moments of light and cooperation.
Severus scanned the surrounding area frantically, his eyes darting from tree to tree, searching for a suitable hiding spot. Finally, he spotted a large bush nearby, and he gestured for you to follow him. You both made your way to the bush, and Severus helped you to crawl underneath it.
As you lay there, trying to steady your breathing, the sound of the Death Eaters grew louder and louder. You could hear their footsteps as they rushed past, their shouts echoing through the trees. You held your breath, afraid that they would hear you, but Severus remained calm and steady, his presence calming you down.
After what felt like an eternity, the sound of the Death Eaters faded away, and you both let out a sigh of relief. Severus helped you out from under the bush, and you both stood up, taking a moment to catch your breath. 
Despite the flurry of events that had transpired in a mere span of time, your thoughts remained a jumbled mess, grappling with the past in an attempt to make sense of it all. However, you made a conscious effort to push those thoughts aside and focus on the present moment. You turned to Severus, breaking the silence with a question that had been gnawing at the back of your mind, “Do you think we are safe?”
Severus looked at you with a grim expression, his eyes flickering with a mixture of determination and anxiety. He didn't answer your question directly, but instead scanned the area around you, as if assessing the level of danger.
"It's hard to say," he finally replied, his voice low and steady. "But we should assume that we are not safe and act accordingly. But it will be enough to take the time to heal you."
You couldn't help but recall the times when you knew him to be weak and silent, always overshadowed by his peers. But now, seeing him as a commanding figure, so composed and in charge, was a revelation. He had clearly developed this new facet within the Death Eaters, and you couldn't help but be impressed. Severus had finally found his place within the circle of Voldemort. Perhaps his newfound confidence came from the fact that he was no longer just a follower, but an integral part of the organisation. It was a frightening thought, but also a necessary one to acknowledge.
He sat you against the trunk of a tree, and knelt down after you, ready to tend your ankle. The silence between you was heavy. You could feel the memories of your shared past creeping up on you, threatening to overwhelm you. You stole a glance at Severus, but his expression remained distant and unreadable. It was as if he was lost in his own thoughts, unable or unwilling to share them with you.
You couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking, what he was feeling. Did he regret his choices? Did he wish he had done things differently? Or was he content with his place among the Death Eaters, with the power and influence he had gained?
"It didn't have to be like this, Severus," you replied, breaking the silence. "Why did you choose this path?"
"I had no choice," he said bitterly. "I made a mistake, and now I'm paying for it."
You were taken aback by his words, which were unexpectedly honest and vulnerable. It seemed that Severus was prepared to face whatever consequences you might impose on him. His surrender surprised you, for you did not expect him to yield to you.
"Is that why you're helping me...? Out of regret?" Your voice was weaker than you wanted it to sound, a faint touch of anger. But, it was still a far cry from the strong-willed Auror you were before you stumbled into that forest. "Because you think you owe me something?" 
Severus frowned, you had pointed out what seems to annoy him. "I do what is necessary. Because I know you, Y/n.” His answer remained cryptic, confirming your suspicions to a certain extent. 
Severus' hands moved with practised ease, as if he had done this a hundred times before. He gently removed your shoe and sock, exposing your injured ankle. As he inspected it, you couldn't help but notice the contrast between his rough, calloused fingers and the delicate touch he used to examine your injury. You found yourself watching him, studying the subtle changes in his face as he focused on your ankle. His brow furrowed in concentration, and his lips pressed together in a thin line. It was clear that he was a man of intense focus and dedication, even in the midst of danger.
As he finished examining your ankle, he looked up at you with his dark, piercing eyes. For a moment, you were lost in their depths, feeling as if he was reading your every thought and emotion. The storm of conflicting emotions that swirled within his gaze threatened to overwhelm you, but you forced yourself to stay calm.
"I would have been able to alleviate the pain if I had the necessary ingredients to brew a potion, but unfortunately, you will have to endure the pain." He explained the situation to you. 
You nodded, "I'm used to it… You can proceed."
Despite the circumstances, the intimate gesture of him tending to your injury drew you back into memories of your past together. His way of speaking brought back memories of how you had comforted him in the past, when you were tending to his injuries after a confrontation with his bullies. 
You had tried to bury those feelings during the war, but now they resurfaced with a vengeance. You found yourself wanting to reach out and touch him, to feel his familiar warmth and know that he was still there beside you. But you held back, unsure of how he would react. The unspoken tension between you lingered in the air, heavy and palpable.
Severus took out his wand, and aimed the tip on your broken ankle. After muttering the appropriate spells, the crack of the bone echoed through the silent forest surrounding you. You grunted in pain, as convenient as the magic was, in the realm of medicine, it was always painful. 
You attempted to move your foot to test the effectiveness of Severus's spell, relieved to find that there was no discomfort. "Thank you, Severus," you gasped, finally able to catch your breath after the intense pain.
"No problem, Y/n," he hummed, still in his thoughts. "Why did you chase me?" he asked, his question seemingly straightforward.
You let out a small laugh, the tension between the two of you dissipating slightly. "Because it's my job," you replied naively, a faint smile forming on Severus's thin lips as he worked to put your sock and shoe back on.
"I mean, why me?" he probed further. "I noticed that during the fight you tried to approach me…”
Your throat tightened. All the cruel words and thoughts you had held towards him since you became an Auror suddenly seemed to get stuck in your throat. Strangely enough, admitting the truth felt more difficult once you were facing the man you both love and hate. 
"That's why I ran towards the forest. I wanted to let you have the chance to confront me single-handed. After all, I deserve this." Severus continued, seeing your lack of response. 
You admitted with clear frustration, "Ah... But I fell. And it didn't go as planned." As Severus continued to scrutinise you, you felt compelled to provide more context for your actions. "My intention was to capture you and bring you to the Ministry," you explained, hoping to shed light on your motivations. Despite your explanation, Severus remained inscrutable, showing no signs of remorse or disappointment. His gaze remained unwavering, leaving you unsure of what he was thinking or feeling.
"I appreciate your honesty," he said, his voice low and measured. "What do you plan to do now?"
You were left feeling uncertain and conflicted by his question. Your mind was torn between your personal feelings and your hatred towards him. You were aware that your feelings were a moral dilemma. On one hand, you wanted to uphold your duty as an Auror and ensure that justice was served. On the other hand, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him.
Severus still had a hold over your heart. Even after all he had done. 
The desire to be near him once more consumed you, overpowering any thoughts of the ongoing war and the potential misdeeds he may have committed. The kindness he had shown you had ignited a glimmer of hope within you, making you believe that he might still possess a spark of goodness.
Could it be that you could view him beyond his identity as a Death Eater, acknowledging his positive traits without condoning the horrific actions he had taken?
"If I capture you, and take you to the Ministry, you'll spend the rest of your life in Azkaban." You began slowly, "I thought I could be the one to take on that responsibility... But it's harder than I thought.”
Severus leaned against the tree beside you, his back resting comfortably on the trunk. His proximity was a source of comfort as his shoulder brushed against yours, conveying a sense of closeness and ease.  Despite the weight of your words, announcing the possibility of imprisoning him indefinitely, he appeared unperturbed, accepting your statement with a calm demeanour.
It was as if he had made peace with the situation and was content to spend his remaining moments in your company. His willingness to be by your side was evident in his actions.
"Just as I have the power to imprison you... You could have killed me when I fell. I was vulnerable, and at your mercy. But you didn't even raise your wand against me, and you came to help me." You sighed, the solution to the dilemma was both evident and difficult. "It would be unfair of me. Especially, if you stay on the battlefield, you can make a difference in this war." 
"Y/n, you were always too kind to me. Even after what you had to go through because of me." Severus was struggling for words, his voice less composed. "I have wronged you."
A newfound silence descended upon the two of you. The sounds of the battlefield had faded, indicating that the battle had come to an end and both sides had retreated, leaving you enveloped in the peaceful stillness of the forest. In that moment, you yearned to stay there, away from the chaos and turmoil of the outside world. It felt like time had ceased to exist, and you found yourself lost in the tranquil atmosphere of the night. 
You just want to stay in that moment, with him, forever.
Severus broke the silence as he looked at you for a moment, his expression unreadable. "It was never about betraying you," he said finally. "It was about doing what I thought was right."
You were certain that his words were not uttered lightly, as they were charged with vulnerability and raw emotion. It was evident that he had been carrying this weight on his shoulders for some time, and the need to express his feelings had become too great to ignore. His admission was a poignant one, and it was clear that he had been longing to share it with you.
Right from the start, you and Severus were distinct individuals. Unfortunately, over time, you lost sight of this fact and began to overlook it. Severus had his own demons to face, haunted by his past and his involvement with the Dark Lord. He was fighting his own battles, just as you were fighting for a better future. 
"I'm sorry I couldn't help you." You realise that, despite everything that has happened between you, there is still a connection there. Something worth saving. 
Severus shook his head softly, objecting, "No, you have already done more than enough. It was my failure to honour our friendship. The times we spent together at Hogwarts still hold the dearest place in my heart." After a pause, he added, "Thank you Y/n.”
It took you a while to answer, a little taken aback by all these revelations. All the hatred you had built up around him, rooted in a lack of understanding. Severus, a man known for his pride, displayed an uncommon vulnerability that spoke volumes about the anguish he was experiencing. The weight of his choices had taken its toll on him, and he was struggling to bear the burden. You opened your mouth, ready to respond, but the shouts of the Aurors looking for you interrupted the moment of peace between the two of you.
Time was running out. You could see the pain etched on Severus' face, and for the first time, you could read an emotion on him. Seeing him in such agony filled you with a deep sense of sorrow.
"You have to go Y/n," Severus stood up and offered his hand to help you up, 
You took his hand and got to your feet, "I'll cover you and send them in the opposite direction. Use this time to escape."
In response, he merely nodded. As Severus looked at you, his eyes seemed to convey a sense of urgency and gravity that you couldn't quite comprehend. It was as if he wanted to make sure that he would never forget your face, that he would hold onto this last memory of you as tightly as he could.
Despite the chaos that was unfolding around you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of profound sadness wash over you as you realised that this might be the last time you would see Severus. In that moment, you knew that you would always remember the way he looked at you, with such intensity and emotion.
As the seconds ticked by, Severus's grip on your hand tightened, as if he didn't want to let go. But eventually, he took a deep breath and let go of your hand, stepping back.
You turn to leave, supporting his gaze was unbearable. Severus speaks, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry," he says. "I know that doesn't change anything, but I am. I never wanted to hurt you."
You closed your eyes tightly, unable to turn around and face Severus once more. You could feel the weight of his gaze on your back, and each step you took away from him felt like a step towards an endless abyss of sadness. You didn't want to cry, not now. But the pain in your heart was almost too much to bear. It was as if a part of you was being torn away, and you knew that things would never be the same again.
Despite the overwhelming sadness that threatened to consume you, you couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had just happened between the two of you. It was different from the night he had abandoned you, a feeling that was raw and painful but ultimately one that you could move past now. This was different, something deeper and more profound, something that would stay with you for the rest of your life.
As you ran, you tried to push these thoughts and feelings aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't shake the sense of loss and sorrow that clung to you like a second skin.
He was a Death Eater and you were an Auror, sworn enemies.
-- November 1981 --
After many sacrifices, Lord Voldemort had been defeated. 
After a prolonged and difficult battle, the struggle against darkness and evil had finally come to an end. After years of living in fear and mourning for the dead, the dawn of a new era had finally arrived.
However, with the war finally over and your role as an Auror temporarily suspended as a gesture of gratitude for your contributions and sacrifices, you found yourself feeling hollow and aimless. For three long years, you had poured everything into the fight against the Dark Lord and his followers, living day-to-day with a sense of urgency and purpose that had now vanished. Transitioning back to normal life was harder than you had anticipated. The freedom you had craved for so long was now at your fingertips, but it felt foreign and overwhelming. The horrors you had witnessed during the war now replaced the nightmares you had once had about Severus’ betrayal, and they haunted you at every turn.
You tried to distract yourself with hobbies and activities that once brought you joy, but everything seemed trivial and meaningless in the face of what you had been through. You longed for something to fill the void that had taken root inside you.
The celebrations were in full swing, you had been making the rounds of your friends and colleagues for the past week to join in the festivities. Everyone congratulates you on what you've done, the Death Eaters you've fought, the lives you've saved as an Auror. But nothing that could remind you of the joy you had when you were younger. Everything seemed bland.
However, amidst all the merrymaking, your thoughts were still preoccupied with Severus, and the unfortunate events that had transpired on that fateful night. Though you had heard no news of him since, your curiosity compelled you to dig deeper. Upon perusing the Ministry documents, you were taken aback by what you discovered.
Severus's contribution to the downfall of Lord Voldemort was not to be underestimated. Despite his years of service to the Dark Lord as a Death Eater, he risked everything by switching sides and becoming an ally of Dumbledore. And this left you with many questions…
What was Severus's motivation for betraying Voldemort? Did he truly believe in the cause of the Order of the Phoenix, or was there another reason for his actions? How did he manage to maintain his double-agent status for so long without being caught by either side? 
As you pondered these questions, you couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Severus. His bravery and sacrifice had been instrumental in bringing about the end of the Dark Lord's reign of terror. And yet, he remained an enigma, his true intentions and feelings shrouded in mystery.
But then, a glimmer of hope. A cryptic note arrived by owl, signed with only a single initial - "S". You knew immediately who it was from.
Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing him again after all these years. But as much as you wanted to know what he had to say, the thought of confronting him also filled you with trepidation. The memories of your past interactions with him were painful and complicated, and you weren't sure if you were ready to face them again.
This is how you found yourself, days later outside. As the crisp air of November nipped at your cheeks, you navigated through the unfamiliar streets of Spinner's End, a part of town you had never ventured into before. Your heart raced with a mix of anticipation and excitement, wondering what awaited you at the end of this journey.
As you approached the unremarkable row house that was Severus's home, your nerves began to settle. You reminded yourself that you had come here for answers, and that the man waiting for you inside was someone you had once trusted and respected. Taking a deep breath, you lifted your hand to knock on the door. But before your knuckles could make contact, the door creaked open, revealing the tall and imposing figure of Severus.
You gasped at the sight of Severus, taken aback by the physical changes you noticed in him. You couldn't help but notice that he seemed to have aged beyond his years. The lines on his face were etched more deeply than you remembered, evidence of the hardships he had faced over the years. His skin was still as pale as ever, almost translucent in the light, but there was a hint of colour in his cheeks that hadn't been there before. His dark eyes seemed to hold more depth, as if he had experienced a great deal since the last time you saw him. The sharp angles of his face were still present, but there was a hint of softness that you couldn't quite place.
Despite this, there was a newfound strength in his countenance, as if he had overcome something significant. Severus looked more put together, more in control of himself and his surroundings. It was as if he had finally found some measure of peace in his turbulent life, and the transformation was both surprising and heartening to see. Overall, he looked both different and the same, a testament to the complex and multifaceted character that he was.
Severus welcomed you as you arrived at the door. "Y/n, I am pleased that you came," he spoke in a composed tone, but the gentle way he pronounced your name gave away his relief.
"Severus, I am happy to see you too..." You almost added the word "alive," but it seemed too abrupt, especially given the occasion.
"Please, do come in." He stepped aside to let you enter, and chivalrously helped you with your coat.
As he guided you in, you couldn't help but be taken aback by the stark contrast between the exterior and interior of the house. Stepping into the dimly lit entryway, your eyes scanned the surroundings in wonder. Despite the peeling walls and the musty aroma that filled the air, the house was impeccably clean and organised, each item in its designated place. The decor was sparse but refined, exuding a sense of understated elegance that seemed out of sync with the shabby neighbourhood.
"I received your note," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. "I wasn't sure if I should come."
"I understand," Severus replied. He walked you to the living room and sat you on the sofa. "I kept a low profile after the end of the war. It's still a complicated situation for me."
He excused himself, leaving you to your own thoughts for a moment. Soon enough, he reappeared carrying two steaming cups of tea, their scent of grass and spice wafting towards you. Placing them down on the coffee table, he settled into the armchair across from you, positioned beside the fireplace. “I felt that it was time for us to talk. There are things that you deserve to know." he stated, meeting your gaze as he finally took a seat.
You nodded, taking a sip of the warm tea. The silence between you was comfortable now, no longer charged with apprehension. It was as though time had frozen, and you were both suspended in this moment of stillness.
Finally, Severus spoke. "I know that you have many questions, and I will do my best to answer them. But before we begin, I want to say something." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I want to apologise. For everything. For the pain that I caused you, for the mistakes that I made. I know that I can never make up for what I did, but I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
Severus's apology caught you off guard, especially since it was the second time he had uttered those kinds of words. The first time seemed hesitant, as if he wanted to ease his own doubts as a farewell, unsure if he would make it out alive. This time, however, his words sounded more genuine and thought-out. 
You realised that this was the moment that you had been waiting for. The chance to confront your past and move forward.
"I forgive you," you said, your voice stronger now. "And I thank you. For everything that you did, for the sacrifices that you made. You were always a hero, even when you didn't want to be."
Severus's eyes softened, and you could see the weight of his past lifting from his shoulders. "Thank you," he said. "It means more than you know." And in that moment, you knew that you had found the closure that you had been searching for. The wounds of the past had finally begun to heal.
Severus sounded hesitant to discuss the past comfortably, despite the tension between the two of you having dissipated. It was still too soon for him to open up completely. "Since you work at the Ministry, I assume you know about the exact course of the Dark Lord's downfall," he said.
You nodded in agreement, "Yes, I am aware of it, and I must admit... The entire situation caught me off guard."
A faint smile appeared on Severus's face, barely noticeable, but you knew him well enough to sense that his aura had lightened. "Well then, let me tell you all about it."
Severus recounted the entire story, starting with the prophecy and ending with his agreement with Dumbledore. He spoke of his motivations for betraying Voldemort, citing his love for Lily as the driving force behind his switch to the other side. He spoke of the burden of his double-agent status, and the constant fear of being discovered by either side. He expressed his remorse for how he had treated you in the past and his desire to make amends.
As he spoke, you experienced a range of emotions - anger at his past behaviour towards you, admiration for his bravery, and a sense of relief that he was finally opening up to you. Above all, however, you felt jealous, as his story reminded you of the cruel realities of life. 
"That's why I've been absent, I'm now at Hogwarts as the Potions Master. Dumbledore wished to give me the chance to find my place in this world." He spoke with enthusiasm about Dumbledore's decision. However, as he finished his tale, his voice trailed off. It seemed as if he was attuned to your feelings and had sensed your detachment since Lily was mentioned.
However you tried to return a small smile, relieved to see that Severus had found his place. "I'm glad you've found your path, Severus. It sounds like Hogwarts is a good fit for you."
Severus placed his tea cup on his lap and fixed his gaze on you. "Thank you, Y/n," he began, but his next words made you feel confused. "But the truth is, I didn't bring you here just to convey something I could have easily explained in a letter.”
The gravity in his tone made you tense up. "What do you mean?" you asked, feeling apprehensive.
Severus, after maintaining eye contact with you since you arrived, finally averted his gaze. He then took a deep breath, bracing himself to reveal what appeared to be the most challenging aspect of the conversation.
"Y/n, I want to express my gratitude to you for what you shared with me that night," he began slowly. "You gave me a chance - a chance to make a difference in this war. It’s because you never ceased to believe in me, to recognize the good that was buried. If I found the right path, it was only because of you." He paused for a moment, but it was obvious that he was simply taking it to gather his thoughts properly. 
"The further I was from you, the more I realised the weight of my choices and my mistakes. There wasn't a single day I spent in your absence without thinking about you, without wanting to try to rebuild our relationship." He spoke with a heavy heart, as if the wound was still fresh. 
"It was a privilege to see you again, even if it was brief. I never thought it would be possible, but fate had other plans. Your face, which used to haunt me with regret, has become my source of strength. It's the reason I found the will to fight." Severus let out a heavy sigh, as if trying to release the intense emotions weighing on him. You couldn't see his eyes, but the intensity in his deep, thundering voice was enough to convey his sincerity. 
Severus revealed, "In the beginning, I used Lily as a reason to switch sides and prove my allegiance. However, as the war progressed, my feelings for someone else grew stronger. It was as if I had finally acknowledged and accepted emotions that I had denied and suppressed for years. The mere thought of that person's death was unbearable." He looked up at you, his gaze brimming with intensity and emotion. "You may view me as selfish, but I did all this to save your life."
Severus conveyed that his confession was now complete. The weight of his words had left you feeling overwhelmed and at a loss for how to respond. The information he had shared was a lot to process, and you found yourself unable to immediately form a response. The silence that followed between you was heavy with unspoken emotions. 
You could see the hope and fear in his eyes, as he waited for your answer. But the longer you took to respond, the more you saw the swirl of emotion in his eyes begin to dull. It was as if he was slowly closing himself off from you, shutting down his emotions and building a wall between you. 
You could sense his disappointment and frustration, and it only made it harder for you to speak. Eventually, Severus' eyes closed, and you could see the tension in his shoulders as he took a deep breath
He spoke quietly, still closing his eyes as if to steady his emotions, "I am aware that what I did was a mistake. I was naive to anticipate that you could entirely forgive me. I am not sure if it is even achievable. Nevertheless, I wished for you to be aware of the truth. To comprehend my reasoning behind my actions. And most importantly, to understand that I am remorseful."
Severus' last words pierced your heart, leaving you speechless. Though you couldn't find the words to express your feelings, you knew that you had to do something. You gently placed the cup down and stood up, making your way towards him. He didn't seem to notice your approach, lost in his own thoughts. As you knelt down in front of him and placed your hand on his cheek, you could feel the tension in his body harening. It was as if he was bracing himself for rejection, but you were determined to show him that he was not alone.
"Severus, look at me." Your voice was soft, as if to lull him into positive feelings. He opened his eyes, staring back at you with all his intensity. "I know how it feels, this war has changed us all. But if there's one thing that's remained intact, despite all the pain we've endured... It's my feelings for you."
Severus reached for the hand on his cheek, bringing it to his lips as he pressed a tender kiss to your fingertips. With his other hand, he mirrored the gesture, placing it on your cheek. His soft touch guided your face towards him, his eyes never leaving yours as he leaned in slowly. And then, his lips met yours in a gentle kiss.
The warmth of his breath and the tender pressure of his lips sent shivers down your spine, and for a moment, you were lost in the intensity of the moment. The kiss was filled with a sense of overwhelming tenderness, as if all the pain and hurt of the past had been washed away by this simple act of affection. It was a moment of clarity, where everything else faded away and only the two of you remained.
As the kiss deepened, Severus brought his other hand up to cradle your face, his fingers tangling in your hair. You responded eagerly, feeling a rush of passion and desire flood through you. His lips were soft and warm against yours, moving with a gentle but insistent pressure.
For a moment, it seemed as if the entire world had fallen away, leaving only the two of you in this intimate moment. You could feel the heat of his body against yours, and the soft rustle of his clothes as he shifted closer.
As the kiss continued, it seemed to take on a life of its own, becoming more urgent and demanding. His hands moved down to your shoulders, pulling you even closer as his tongue slipped past your lips, exploring your mouth with a hunger that left you breathless. You felt your own hands wandering, exploring the contours of his face and the muscles of his back. It was as if you were both caught up in a spell, unable to resist the growing passion that was consuming you both.
Finally, the kiss came to an end, but the feelings that it had stirred up remained, leaving you both feeling dizzy and exhilarated. You looked up into his eyes, and saw a mixture of emotions there - love, desire, and a hint of uncertainty.
"Y/n," he whispered, his voice full of emotion. "You are my everything. I thank Merlin every day for bringing you into my life. Without you, I would be lost." He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss. It was brief, but it was enough to convey the depth of his feelings for you.
As he pulled back, he looked deep into your eyes, searching for any hint of doubt or hesitation. But all he could find was love and trust, and he felt his heart swell with joy. He knew that he would do anything to keep you by his side, to protect you from the darkness of the world.
"You make me a better man, Y/n," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "With you, I can face anything. I can conquer anything. I promise to always be here for you, to support you and love you with every fibre of my being."
He leaned in once more, capturing your lips in a deeper kiss. This time, it was filled with a hunger and passion that had been building between you for so long. It was a kiss that left you breathless and wanting more. The position was awkward, but you couldn’t care less. The heat between the two of you grew with each passing second, and you found yourself responding to him with equal fervour. You lost yourself in the moment, and everything else faded away as your lips danced together in a fiery embrace. It was as if you were both starving for each other, and the kiss was a way to satisfy that hunger.
You found yourself responding to his every touch and movement. His hands felt like they were everywhere, exploring every inch of your body, igniting a fire within you. You could feel his desire for you, and it was matched by your own, building between you like an unstoppable force. You moaned into his mouth, unable to hold back the sounds of pleasure that were rising within you. The kiss became more and more heated, and you found yourself losing yourself in the sensations. You could feel his breath on your skin, his lips moving hungrily over yours, and the touch of his tongue as it explored your mouth.
Your own hands roamed over his body, pulling him closer to you, deepening the kiss even more. You could feel his hardness pressing against you, and it only added to the fire that was already burning within you. You wanted him, and you wanted him now. Finally, you had to pull away, gasping for breath. Your lips were swollen and your body was on fire. You looked up at him, and saw the same hunger and desire burning in his eyes. 
You looked at him through your lashes, "Severus..." Your voice was feverish, reflecting the passion you felt for the man. You were still on your knees on the floor, and your hand gently rested against his shoulder forcing him back, to settle into the armchair he was occupying.
As your hands worked to undo the button on his trousers, you felt his body tense up. But before you could proceed any further, he stopped you by placing his hand over yours. "Y/n, please don't," he said in a restrained voice. Though his body was willing to indulge in what you were ready to offer, his mind was tormented by the thought that he didn't deserve such selfish pleasure.
"Severus, please let me," you whispered, your hand still resting on his. "You don't have to worry about anything. Let me take care of you, I want to."
After a brief moment of hesitation, he gave in to your sweet smile, unable to resist your advances any longer. Your hands resumed their movement, and he withdrew his, allowing you the freedom to explore his body as you desired. He let out a small sigh of relief as you released him from the confines of his trousers, exposing his bulge to your hungry gaze. The sight only made you want him more. Every inch of his body called out to you, begging to be explored and worshipped. 
You moved closer, your lips hovering over his as you whispered in a husky voice, "I want to give you everything, Severus." The words hung heavy in the air, charged with raw desire and need. You wanted to show him how much you loved him, how much he meant to you. 
His body quivered under your touch as your fingers traced along his length, eliciting soft gasps and moans from him. The sensation of his skin against yours was electric, sending a jolt of arousal through your body. You relished in the power you held over him, the power to make him lose control and surrender to the pleasure you were giving him.
At first, you took your time, savouring every inch of him with your hands and mouth. You explored him slowly and carefully, teasing him with light kisses and shallow licks. But as you felt him respond to you, his moans growing louder and his body writhing with pleasure, you couldn't help but become bolder. Your mouth took the tip of his cock, and despite his earlier hesitation, Severus surrendered himself to you completely. He threw his head back, lost in the sensation of your mouth on him, his fingers tangling in your hair and urging you on. Pulling you closer to him.
As you took him into your mouth, his body gradually relaxed, replaced by a wave of intense pleasure that washed over him. His taste was a mixture of salt and him, a flavour that you found addictively delicious. The noises he made as your mouth worked on his cock were extraordinary. The guttural moans, the panting - they were all music to your ears. You adored this new side of Severus, loved that you had the ability to elicit such passionate sounds from him. It only added to the growing hunger within you.
As you took him deeper into your mouth, your hand held the base of his cock to keep him from slipping. Despite his size, you found a rhythm that elicited the sweetest sounds from Severus, and you couldn't help but marvel at what you were able to do for him. The pleasure that you were able to give him so freely was a gift, and you were grateful for the opportunity to show him how much you cared for him. As he moaned and writhed beneath you, you knew that you had found a way to make him feel good, and that was all that mattered.
He emitted a mixture of moans and groans while tightly gripping the armchair's edge with his fists, as he grew even harder within your mouth. “I-I’m going to come.” He struggled to speak through his teeth. "If you don't want me to ejaculate in your sweet mouth, you need to stop," he warned.
In response, you emitted a humming sound, causing his body to tense up due to the vibrations from your throat stimulating his manhood.
Severus took control by tangling his fingers in your hair. But he didn't compel you to take him in deeper, instead he guided you to maintain the pleasurable rhythm that was driving him wild. He addressed you affectionately by calling you "Love" with a husky moan, and your eyes met his. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, which seemed to intensify his pleasure as he threw his head back again. His jaw was clenched tightly, his thighs tensed. 
You expressed your approval with a humming sound, which proved to be too much for him to handle. He widened his eyes and called out your name while releasing his hot fluids into your mouth.
He tightened his grip on your hair and held you completely still as he pulsated pleasurably in your mouth. He maintained eye contact with you while the salty taste intensified, his seed dripping down your throat. 
He breathed heavily, while you remained wet and yearning for him, kneeling before the only man you had ever loved. You licked your lips not wasting a single drop of his seed as he loosened his grip on your hair and traced your jawline with his hand. His thumb grazed your swollen bottom lip, “Thank you,” he breathed out expressing his appreciation with a husky and dark voice. Despite the roughness in his voice, there was a hint of tenderness in his expression of gratitude.
Severus wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you onto his lap. His body still tingled from the pleasure you had given him, and he was overwhelmed by the rush of emotions that filled him as he held you close. "Y/n, I don't deserve you," he murmured, his voice strained with emotion. "After all I've done..."
You silenced him with a finger pressed softly to his lips. "I love you," you whispered urgently, your eyes locking with his. "And I want you." With that, you began to undo the many buttons on his black jacket, your fingers trembling with excitement as you revealed the crisp white shirt beneath.
As you undressed Severus, his gaze never left you. He seemed almost transfixed by the way you moved, the way you touched him. You could sense the apprehension and fear that lingered within him, but you also knew that he wanted this just as much as you did. 
As his shirt fell to the ground, you took a moment to admire his body. He was lean and muscular, with a sprinkling of hair on his chest. You could feel the heat rising within you as you ran your hands over his skin, exploring every inch of him
Severus watched you with a combination of admiration and nervousness, you could feel his heart pounding in his chest under your fingertips as you traced over his chest. Slowly removing his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt, you breathed out a plea,  “Please, love me.” 
"Let me love you," you said softly as you leaned in to kiss him. Your lips met, and the world seemed to fade away. It was just the two of you, lost in a moment of pure passion and desire.
Severus leaned into the kiss, matching the tenderness of your lips with his own. When he eventually broke it, he brought his forehead to rest against yours and whispered, "My love for you consumes me. You have bewitched my soul and mind entirely." He gently caressed your cheek with his fingertips, urging you to meet his gaze. "I regret that it took me so long to realise it," he added in a remorseful tone.
You shook your head, wanting to reassure him that his past mistakes didn't matter anymore. "Don't worry about it. What's important is that we're here now," you whispered back in a soothing voice. Your words seemed to be just what he needed to hear, as he finally allowed himself to fully let go in your embrace.
Severus's hands glided over your cheek before trailing down to explore your body with a gentle touch, pulling you closer to him. The layers of clothing that separated your skin from his were an inconvenience, and he seemed determined to remove every last piece. His movements were unhurried, deliberate, as if he were savouring every moment.
As his fingers deftly unbuttoned your shirt, he took a moment to sweep your hair to the side, revealing your neck and collarbone. His gaze lingered there for a moment, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and adoration. Slowly, he peeled the fabric away from your shoulders, exposing your skin to his hungry and ravenous gaze. You felt a twinge of self-consciousness, but the look on his face reassured you. His eyes roved over your form, taking in every detail with reverence. His touch was delicate, as if he were unwrapping a priceless present.
“Beautiful,” He gasped with admiration. His lips pressed softly against the curve of your cleavage, leaving warm kisses in their wake, while his hands reached around to unclasp your bra. The tip of his nose grazed your skin, savouring your scent.
As your bra slipped off and exposed your bare skin to the chill in the air, you shivered. But his gaze, full of love and desire, warmed you from within. He took his time to appreciate your body, making you feel cherished and wanted. Severus sensed the slight shiver that rippled through your body, and he pulled you closer to him, pressing his warm, naked skin against yours. In that moment, it felt like the only thing that existed in the world was the two of you, intertwined in each other's arms. You closed your eyes, taking in the steady rhythm of his breath and the gentle touch of his hands on your side.
It was as if a sudden realisation hit you like a bolt of lightning. Everything seemed to fall into place, and the void that had been present within you since the war's end was finally filled by his love. A wave of emotion washed over you, threatening to consume you entirely, but you didn't mind. "I missed you so much. By the heavens, I've missed you," you murmured, your voice trembling.
"I am here, forever." He reassured you in a calm, composed voice. 
You kissed him once more, pouring your emotions into him through the connection. He underwent a noticeable change, leaning forward. The passion and desperation escalated rapidly, causing you to stifle a moan as his tongue delved into your mouth and caressed the insides of your lips. He grasped your neck with one hand and your waist with the other, both with great urgency. 
Your hand tightly grasped the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer as a wave of heat coursed through your body. It felt completely natural to be with him and to share this connection. He moaned deeply into your mouth, a low and rumbling sound that made your knees weak.
"Severus," you gasped and his hand came to work on your skirt, ready to remove the last piece of clothes.
In the heat of the moment, everything seemed to happen quickly as your long-awaited desires were finally about to be fulfilled. Severus rose to his feet, his strong arms securing you in his embrace. "Just a little patience, my love," he whispered hungrily, "I want to do this right."
At the sound of Severus' words, an electric sensation surged through your body. The anticipation of this moment had been building up for so long, and now it was finally coming to fruition. Despite feeling a hint of nervousness, you were consumed with excitement at the thought of what Severus had planned for you.
You were astonished at how effortlessly he carried you. His muscles flexed and you could feel the heat radiating off his body as he led you into his bedroom. His room was dark and gloomy, much like the rest of the house. But there was something different about this particular space. It was evident that Severus had put effort into making it more comfortable and inviting. The sheets on the bed were neatly arranged, and the scent of his cologne filled the room. You felt enveloped by his presence, and it made you feel safe and loved.
He gently placed you on the bed and stood back to take in the sight of you. You felt a rush of heat flood your body as his dark eyes roamed over your form, taking in every inch of you with a hunger that sent shivers down your spine. But then he spoke, breaking the charged silence. "Love, your beauty is a blessing." His words were soft and filled with tenderness, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of love for him in that moment.
As you watched him move around the room, making small adjustments to the lighting and positioning the pillows just so, you couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy wash over you. This was his space, his sanctuary, and he was inviting you in with a tenderness and care that took your breath away.
He climbed onto the bed, positioning himself over you, and began to shower your neck and shoulder with kisses. As he moved his hands along your body, a warm sensation spread through you, making you arch your back in pleasure. You couldn't resist touching him, your hands exploring his broad shoulders and narrow neck before pulling him back in for another kiss. Inhaling his scent, you felt yourself being completely enveloped by him.
Severus firmly pulled your legs apart, positioning himself between them. His kisses became even more intense, filled with a passion and longing that made your heart race. As your tongues intertwined, you tasted the both of you, creating a sense of euphoria that left you craving for more. It wasn't just physical hunger, but a deep emotional need that only he could satisfy.
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips,
“Forever,” he hummed,
Severus guided you up the bed until your head was resting on the pillow. When your eyes met, he growled, "I need you desperately." Hunger was evident in his gaze, a fierce storm of emotions that seemed to dance within his pupils. You trembled and felt a tightness within you, clenching around the emptiness. The intensity of your desire matched his own.
His hand slid down the curve of your ribcage, and you shuddered as his thumb brushed over your sensitive, peaked nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. As he continued his journey, his lips closed around your other nipple, sucking and nibbling with practised ease. Your head pressed back against the pillow beneath you as you moaned, lost in the sensation. 
Severus continued to lavish attention on your breast, his kisses and nibbles sending you into a frenzy of desire. His hand moved lower, urging your thighs apart, exposing your glistening folds. With a deft movement, he planted a kiss between your breasts, and then his fingers delved between your legs, finding you slick and eager for him. As he felt your wetness, he hummed in approval, his touch sending waves of pleasure through your body.
With his touch, he caressed the most sensitive part of your body, the little bud of nerves that had the power to ignite your whole being. 
Your body shuddered in response as his thumb circled around it, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. And then, his finger slipped inside you, and you moaned out his name in ecstasy, "Sev-!"
“Prefect,” with his eyes fixed on your face, he hissed, "You are perfect for me," as you clenched tightly around his finger, greedy for more of him.
You felt a surge of pleasure course through you as his thumb continued its magic, and his second finger slipped inside. You couldn't help but bite your lower lip to suppress a moan. Your hands moved down from his neck to his broad shoulders, kneading and grasping at him, desperate for more. Your body quivered with the need for his touch, and you felt yourself getting lost in the intensity of the moment.
As his finger delved deeper inside you and his thumb continued to apply pressure to your clit, you couldn't help but arch your back towards him. His lips found their way to your neck. Your body was consumed with a fierce desire for him, your inner walls contracting and tightening around his fingers.
“Are you ready, love?” He breathed out in the hollow of your ear, his breath ragged and harsh. 
Without a second thought you nodded, desperation was evident in your behaviour. “Yes, Severus,”
As you gave your consent, he exhaled heavily, and his breath washed over your heated skin. With a final stroke of his thumb, he removed his fingers. You maintained eye contact with him as he positioned himself at your entrance, and your heart pounded furiously in your chest.
Severus gazed at you, searching for something in your eyes, much like he had done in the forest before. "I thought I had lost you forever," he exhaled, emphasising the word "forever."
His vulnerability was endearing and appealing. You placed your delicate fingers on his cheek, "I'm here, I'm right here," His face found refuge in the curve of your neck, his breath mingling with yours as your bodies pressed closer together. And one breath later, he penetrated you. Gently, slowly. 
After a short time of adjustment, he started to thrust. A surge of heat spread through your body as he entered you, filling you up entirely. You felt complete once again as he unleashed his passion and desire without holding back.
He thrust into you vigorously, pounding deeply. The sound of flesh hitting flesh reverberating throughout the room, blending with his grunts and your moans. In this moment, the world around you faded away, and there was nothing but the two of you in this bed. No external distractions or troubles could penetrate the intense bubble of pleasure that engulfed you.
With each thrust, he pushed deeper into you, surpassing all previous limits. You gasped as he bit down on your shoulder, but it only fueled the intensity of the moment. "You belong to me," he growled, planting kisses on the spots where he had bitten you.
“Yes, Sev!” you gasped in response. Your breath was uneven and harsh, just like his. Your response seemed to have ignited a wild passion within Severus. He slammed into you with such force that you couldn't help but cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. He continued to claim you repeatedly with every thrust, showering you with love and affection. As he held you close, his lips left marks on your neck.
Your body grew taut, rising to new heights as his passion spurred you on. "Severus- I’m- Sev-!" you whimpered, as he thrust harder and deeper. “Me too- Love-” He replied with the same eagerness, his voice hoarse. He let go of your shoulder and grabbed your hips, digging his short nails with raw intensity into your flesh.
At that moment, you made a conscious effort to etch the scene into your memory. He loomed over you, his dark hair wild and tousled, draping over his neck. A faint sheen of sweat highlighted his porcelain skin, glimmering in the soft November evening light. And most importantly, he was all yours.
He demanded your compliance with a simple command, "Love, with me," and you obediently nodded in response. Your body was already coiled tightly, anticipation building with every passing moment. The pleasure he gave you was almost too much to bear, and you were teetering on the edge of ecstasy when he thickened and hardened inside you. You clung to him desperately, unwilling to let go and fall into the abyss of pleasure without him.
You fought to stifle the moan that threatened to burst forth from your lips. Severus grunted, and with a single word, "Now," you tumbled headlong into an abyss of pleasure. The intensity of your orgasm seized your body, causing tears to well up in your eyes as you cried out for him and convulsed in ecstasy. As you continued to shake with pleasure, Severus gave one final hard thrust before collapsing beside you. And you felt his seed shoot into you, waves of your orgasm rolling over and over...
Afterward, you lay there trembling and panting, your body and mind in complete bliss. You felt the warmth of his body next to you, his breath on your neck, and his sweat on your skin. You knew that at that moment, there was no one else in the world who could give you the pleasure you had just experienced. 
Severus held you tightly, his arms wrapped around your back as you both recovered from the intense pleasure you had just shared. Your legs were still wrapped around his waist, and you could feel the weight of his body pressing against yours. As you both panted and tried to catch your breath, sweat glistened on your skin and mingled with his.
In that moment, everything else seemed to fade away, and you were left with only the overwhelming emotions you had for him. They were so palpable that you could almost feel them pulsing through your body. The love, desire, and longing that you had for him were more real than anything physical.
"I missed you," you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper, as you buried your face urgently in the crook of his neck. The words spilled out of you before you could even think to hold them back. You had missed him so much, and it had only been amplified by the intense pleasure you had just shared with him.
Severus tightened his hold on you, and you could feel his chest vibrating against yours as he spoke. "I missed you even more," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. It was a simple statement, but it held so much weight and meaning behind it. You both knew that the time you spent apart had been hard on both of you, but in that moment, you were together, and that was all that mattered.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you pleaded, "Please, promise me that you’ll never leave me again." 
He tenderly kissed your temple and held you tightly as he too began to cry. The realisation of how close he had come to losing you hit him hard. As the floodgates opened, all the fear, pain, hurt, and longing that you both had felt throughout your time apart came bubbling to the surface. The possibility of losing the love of your life, the one person you had always wanted, was too much to bear.
With trembling lips, you cried out, "I love you." In his embrace, you felt safe and cherished.
"I love you too," he murmured softly, offering you comfort as you cried. 
He didn't say a word, but you felt the warmth of his tears as they trickled down onto your shoulder. You knew that he felt the same as you did, and in that moment, you were grateful for his love.
As his tears continued to fall, you could feel the weight of his emotions in every drop. It was a physical manifestation of the love and gratitude he felt for having you in his life. His tears spoke volumes, conveying a depth of emotion that words could never express.
You reached up to gently wipe away his tears with your fingertips, feeling the warmth of them against your skin. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about your own love for him. As you looked into his eyes, you could see the pain and the fear that had been etched into his expression slowly beginning to fade away.
In that moment, you realised that his tears were a testament to the strength of your bond. They were a reminder that no matter what obstacles you faced, your love for each other would always prevail. The two of you were a team, a force to be reckoned with, and nothing could ever break that bond.
For the time being, the pain disappeared.
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dragon-ascent · 2 years
Ball-dancing with Morax
dragon emperor morax, a ball, and you.
The royal ball is a time when nobility and commoners come together at the palace in honour of the kind emperor’s birth month. Emperor Morax is a just and fair ruler, beloved by all. Well, all except you.
You are a prophesied Hero sent by a holy oracle to kill Morax for his genocide of the people of Khaenri’ah some centuries ago. The incident had been erased from the memories of all other land-dwellers, giving him the appearance of having a clean slate. It’s your destiny to bring about justice for his actions.
Your plan is to dance with Morax, who often enjoys dancing with his subjects, slip a magical poison into his drink, and let it destroy him. The poison takes three days to act and blends seamlessly into the bloodstream once it has done its duty, so nobody will ever be able to trace it back to this day. 
The day of the ball, you are dressed in your finest gown, your face and hair done to perfection as well. There is no need for a concealed weapon in case things go awry, as Morax operates under a strict moral code of never harming the people under his reign. Oh, how that will come back to bite him soon enough. 
He looks ravishing tonight, his golden horns decorated with small rivulets of silk and glass beads. His tail is out on full display, the fine gold fur shining with every movement. His toned body is draped in a rich brown silk long pao, his own dragon emblem adorning the fine cloth. His deep amber eyes, accentuated by the red on his lower eyelids, are mellowed into a beaming smile as the festivities begin.
He is the kind of man you would fall in love with; he is the kind of man you would plunge a dagger into. 
Emperor Morax dances with some of the men and women brave enough to share the spotlight with him, until finally his intense gaze settles on you invitingly. You step up to the offer with ease, taking his hands - calloused and big - and following his lead.
It’s magical, the way he guides you along the ballroom with all the grace of a Qilin. It feels like gliding, and for a second you wonder what it would be like to soar through the skies with Morax in his pure dragon form. 
His touches are gentle, his words equally soft as he regales you with amusing anecdotes from days of yore, soft laughter ringing like temple bells every time you nearly fumble a step. 
Soon enough, he suggests going to the balcony from some fresh night air and a drink, and you readily oblige. His hand rests on the small of your back, like that of a lover, and you cannot help but melt ever so slightly at the gesture. Your heart refreezes itself once more as you remind yourself what this dragon had done once upon a forgotten time.
Still, as he pulls you to himself while he tells you how beautiful you look tonight, you decide to indulge.
His kisses are just as tender and gentle as his hands, and they linger on your skin like eventide dewdrops. When your lips connect, it feels like the earth itself has given way and you are free-falling, with Morax being the one to break the fall. Minutes pass before he deems it fit to pull away. 
The way he slides his hands along the curve of your waist and settles there; it is almost as though you are someone completely familiar to him. His smile is like stars bursting forth through shadow. You cannot get enough, it’s intoxicating.
His beautiful brown and gold tail flexes and coils around you tenderly, the scales shimmering like quartz. So enamored by his tail are you, that you hardly register the sinister golden gleam that flashes across his irises for a split second.
He leans in close to your ear and whispers, “My dear, you are the seventh incarnation of the Hero I have had to deal with.”
(just a concept, might turn this into a full-fledged fic if people are interested.)
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X has clashed with de Moraes over its reluctance to comply with orders to block users. "Brazil blocks Musk’s X after company refuses to name local representative amid feud with judge"
"The justice said the platform will stay suspended until it complies with his orders, and also set a daily fine of 50,000 reais ($8,900) for people or companies using VPNs to access it."
“When we attempted to defend ourselves in court, Judge de Moraes threatened our Brazilian legal representative with imprisonment. Even after she resigned, he froze all of her bank accounts,” the company wrote.
X has clashed with de Moraes over its reluctance to comply with orders to block users.
The looming shutdown is not unprecedented in Brazil.
Lone Brazilian judges shut down Meta’s WhatsApp, the nation’s most widely used messaging app, several times in 2015 and 2016 due to the company’s refusal to comply with police requests for user data. In 2022, de Moraes threatened the messaging app Telegram with a nationwide shutdown, arguing it had repeatedly ignored Brazilian authorities’ requests to block profiles and provide information. He ordered Telegram to appoint a local representative; the company ultimately complied and stayed online.
X and its former incarnation, Twitter, have been banned in several countries — mostly authoritarian regimes such as Russia, China, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Venezuela and Turkmenistan. Other countries, such as Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt, have also temporarily suspended X before, usually to quell dissent and unrest. Twitter was banned in Egypt after the Arab Spring uprisings, which some dubbed the "Twitter revolution," but it has since been restored.
A search Friday on X showed hundreds of Brazilian users inquiring about VPNs that could potentially enable them to continue using the platform by making it appear they were logging on from outside the country. It was not immediately clear how Brazilian authorities would police this practice and impose fines cited by de Moraes.
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SAO PAULO — (AP) — Brazil started blocking Elon Musk's social media platform X early Saturday, making it largely inaccessible on both the web and through mobile apps after the billionaire refused to name a legal representative to the country.
The move escalates a monthslong feud between Musk and a Brazilian Supreme Court justice over free speech, far-right accounts and misinformation. Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the suspension on Friday.
To block X, Brazil’s telecommunications regulator, Anatel, told internet service providers to suspend users’ access to the social media platform. As of Saturday after midnight local time, major operators had begun doing so.
De Moraes had warned Musk on Wednesday night that X could be blocked in Brazil if he failed to comply with his order to name a representative, and established a 24-hour deadline. The company hasn’t had a representative in the country since earlier this month.
“Elon Musk showed his total disrespect for Brazilian sovereignty and, in particular, for the judiciary, setting himself up as a true supranational entity and immune to the laws of each country,” de Moraes wrote in his decision on Friday.
The justice said the platform will stay suspended until it complies with his orders, and also set a daily fine of 50,000 reais ($8,900) for people or companies using VPNs to access it.
In a later ruling, he backtracked on his initial decision to establish a 5-day deadline for internet service providers themselves — and not just the telecommunications regulator — to block access to X, as well as his directive for app stores to remove virtual private networks, or VPNs.
Brazil is one of the biggest markets for X, which has struggled with the loss of advertisers since Musk purchased the former Twitter in 2022. Market research group Emarketer says some 40 million Brazilians, roughly one-fifth of the population, access X at least once per month.
“This is a sad day for X users around the world, especially those in Brazil, who are being denied access to our platform. I wish it did not have to come to this – it breaks my heart,” X’s CEO Linda Yaccarino said Friday night, adding that Brazil is failing to uphold its constitution’s pledge to forbid censorship.
X had posted on its official Global Government Affairs page late Thursday that it expected X to be shut down by de Moraes, “simply because we would not comply with his illegal orders to censor his political opponents.”
“When we attempted to defend ourselves in court, Judge de Moraes threatened our Brazilian legal representative with imprisonment. Even after she resigned, he froze all of her bank accounts,” the company wrote.
X has clashed with de Moraes over its reluctance to comply with orders to block users.
Accounts that the platform previously has shut down on Brazilian orders include lawmakers affiliated with former President Jair Bolsonaro’s right-wing party and activists accused of undermining Brazilian democracy. X’s lawyers in April sent a document to the Supreme Court in April, saying that since 2019 it had suspended or blocked 226 users.
In his decision Friday, de Moraes' cited Musk's statements as evidence that X's conduct “clearly intends to continue to encourage posts with extremism, hate speech and anti-democratic discourse, and to try to withdraw them from jurisdictional control.”
In April, de Moraes included Musk as a target in an ongoing investigation over the dissemination of fake news and opened a separate investigation into the executive for alleged obstruction.
Musk, a self-proclaimed “free speech absolutist," has repeatedly claimed the justice’s actions amount to censorship, and his argument has been echoed by Brazil’s political right. He has often insulted de Moraes on his platform, characterizing him as a dictator and tyrant.
De Moraes’ defenders have said his actions aimed at X have been lawful, supported by most of the court’s full bench and have served to protect democracy at a time it is imperiled. He wrote Friday that his ruling is based on Brazilian law requiring internet services companies to have representation in the country so they can be notified when there are relevant court decisions and take requisite action — specifying the takedown of illicit content posted by users, and an anticipated churn of misinformation during October municipal elections.
The looming shutdown is not unprecedented in Brazil.
Lone Brazilian judges shut down Meta’s WhatsApp, the nation’s most widely used messaging app, several times in 2015 and 2016 due to the company’s refusal to comply with police requests for user data. In 2022, de Moraes threatened the messaging app Telegram with a nationwide shutdown, arguing it had repeatedly ignored Brazilian authorities’ requests to block profiles and provide information. He ordered Telegram to appoint a local representative; the company ultimately complied and stayed online.
X and its former incarnation, Twitter, have been banned in several countries — mostly authoritarian regimes such as Russia, China, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Venezuela and Turkmenistan. Other countries, such as Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt, have also temporarily suspended X before, usually to quell dissent and unrest. Twitter was banned in Egypt after the Arab Spring uprisings, which some dubbed the "Twitter revolution," but it has since been restored.
A search Friday on X showed hundreds of Brazilian users inquiring about VPNs that could potentially enable them to continue using the platform by making it appear they were logging on from outside the country. It was not immediately clear how Brazilian authorities would police this practice and impose fines cited by de Moraes.
“This is an unusual measure, but its main objective is to ensure that the court order to suspend the platform's operation is, in fact, effective," Filipe Medon, a specialist in digital law and professor at the law school of Getulio Vargas Foundation, a university in Rio de Janeiro, told The Associated Press.
Mariana de Souza Alves Lima, known by her handle MariMoon, showed her 1.4 million followers on X where she intends to go, posting a screenshot of rival social network BlueSky.
On Thursday evening, Starlink, Musk’s satellite internet service provider, said on X that de Moraes this week froze its finances, preventing it from doing any transactions in the country where it has more than 250,000 customers.
“This order is based on an unfounded determination that Starlink should be responsible for the fines levied—unconstitutionally—against X. It was issued in secret and without affording Starlink any of the due process of law guaranteed by the Constitution of Brazil. We intend to address the matter legally,” Starlink said in its statement. The law firm representing Starlink told the AP that the company appealed, but wouldn’t make further comment.
Musk replied to people sharing the reports of the freeze, adding insults directed at de Moraes. “This guy @Alexandre is an outright criminal of the worst kind, masquerading as a judge,” he wrote.
Musk later posted on X that SpaceX, which runs Starlink, will provide free internet service in Brazil “until the matter is resolved” since “we cannot receive payment, but don’t want to cut anyone off.”
In his decision, de Moraes said he ordered the freezing of Starlink’s assets, as X didn't have enough money in its accounts to cover mounting fines, and reasoning that the two companies are part of the same economic group.
While ordering X’s suspension followed warnings and fines and so was appropriate, taking action against Starlink seems “highly questionable,” said Luca Belli, coordinator of the Getulio Vargas Foundation’s Technology and Society Center.
“Yes, of course, they have the same owner, Elon Musk, but it is discretionary to consider Starlink as part of the same economic group as Twitter (X). They have no connection, they have no integration,” Belli said.
Ortutay reported from San Francisco and Biller from Rio. AP writer Mauricio Savarese contributed from Sao Paulo.
Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.
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Soon, we expect Judge Alexandre de Moraes will order X to be shut down in Brazil – simply because we would not comply with his illegal orders to censor his political opponents. These enemies include a duly elected Senator and a 16-year-old girl, among others. When we attempted to defend ourselves in court, Judge de Moraes threatened our Brazilian legal representative with imprisonment. Even after she resigned, he froze all of her bank accounts. Our challenges against his manifestly illegal actions were either dismissed or ignored. Judge de Moraes’ colleagues on the Supreme Court are either unwilling or unable to stand up to him. We are absolutely not insisting that other countries have the same free speech laws as the United States. The fundamental issue at stake here is that Judge de Moraes demands we break Brazil’s own laws. We simply won’t do that. In the days to come, we will publish all of Judge de Moraes’ illegal demands and all related court filings in the interest of transparency. Unlike other social media and technology platforms, we will not comply in secret with illegal orders. To our users in Brazil and around the world, X remains committed to protecting your freedom of speech. ------------------- Em breve, esperamos que o Ministro Alexandre de Moraes ordene o bloqueio do X no Brasil – simplesmente porque não cumprimos suas ordens ilegais para censurar seus opositores políticos. Dentre esses opositores estão um Senador devidamente eleito e uma jovem de 16 anos, entre outros. Quando tentamos nos defender no tribunal, o Ministro ameaçou prender nossa representante legal no Brasil. Mesmo após sua renúncia, ele congelou todas as suas contas bancárias. Nossas contestações contra suas ações manifestamente ilegais foram rejeitadas ou ignoradas. Os colegas do Ministro Alexandre de Moraes no Supremo Tribunal Federal estão ou impossibilitados de ou não querem enfrentá-lo. Não estamos absolutamente insistindo que outros países tenham as mesmas leis de liberdade de expressão dos Estados Unidos. A questão fundamental em jogo aqui é que o Ministro Alexandre de Moraes exige que violemos as próprias leis do Brasil. Simplesmente não faremos isso. Nos próximos dias, publicaremos todas as exigências ilegais do Ministro e todos os documentos judiciais relacionados, para fins de transparência. Ao contrário de outras plataformas de mídia social e tecnologia, não cumpriremos ordens ilegais em segredo. Aos nossos usuários no Brasil e ao redor do mundo, o X continua comprometido em proteger sua liberdade de expressão.
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vincentvega0721 · 3 months
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Grifter (Cole Cash) is a superhero appearing in books published by Wildstorm Productions and DC Comics. Created by artist Jim Lee and writer Brandon Choi, he first appeared in WildC.A.T.s #1 (August 1992), as a member of that titular superhero team, during the period when Wildstorm and its properties were owned by Jim Lee.[1] In that incarnation, Grifter is a former government operative and member of the military unit Team 7 and the espionage agency International Operations.
In 1999, Lee sold Wildstorm to DC Comics, and ownership of all Wildstorm characters, including Grifter, transferred to DC Comics. His backstory and continuity remained the same however, until DC's 2011 relaunch of their entire comics line, The New 52, which rebooted the continuity for most of its characters. Since then, the character has starred in his own DC series, and has also made appearances in numerous other DC titles, such as Voodoo, Legion Lost, Team 7, Animal Man and Deathstroke.
The character has been voiced by Colin O'Meara in Wild C.A.T.s, and Danny Jacobs in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.
Alter ego
Cole Cash
Team affiliations
Team 7
The Authority
International Operations
Notable aliases
Highly skilled martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant
Expert marksman and melee fighter
Psionics (usually either dormant or passive)
Accelerated healing factor
Espionage mastery
Extended longevity
WildStorm (Image Comics, later DC Comics)
First appearance
WildC.A.T.s #1 (August 1992)
Created by
Jim Lee
Brandon Choi
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Sketches for my DC RogueSwap AU:
Thaal Sinestro, Tyrant of the Phantom Planet Korugar and enemy to the last survivor of the Kryptonian Interstellar Police Corps
Lex Luthor, master of the Orange Light and owner of Luthor-Ferris Technologies, unknowingly opposed by his own best test pilot
Catwoman, cursed by the Goddess Bast to transform into a were-cat, trapped in an eternal cat-and-mouse game with her enemy and love interest, the Dark Amazon of Paradise City
Agent Ares aka Patrick Pennyworth, rival to his father's apprentice, The Batman, working to engineer a world of eternal total war
Merlyn, drawing on the power of the Owl Archimedes, seeking the mysterious Nth Metal of billionaire survivalist Carter Hall
Chronos, a time traveler obsessed with the Flash, a Central City Physics Professor with a dwarf star-powered "Speed Belt"
Captain Cold, leader of a group of dark academics calling themselves the Rogues at Ivy Town University, seeking to harness the powerful Micro-Force to their own ends
Gentleman Ghost, the spirit of a dead archer eternal tied to the reincarnating Green Arrow, modern day incarnation of the ancient alien archery master Xeen
Together, they operate as the Legion of Injustice, hoping to undermine the heroes of the Justice League at every possible turn.
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cadwhatalad · 6 months
My Current Rat Grinders Theory In the Form of a Numbered List:
I think Cassandra and her spouse used to represent a much older, more nuanced sun/moon spiritual dichotomy before Sol and Galicaea came in with their modern western Masculine Orderly Sun and Feminine Mystical Moon shit
When Sol came in and Cassandra's spouse was killed/changed, they wound up as some sort of powerful entity in the nine hells, which famously operates like a horrifying judicial system
I think they became some kind of patron of justice, but the wrong kind of justice. The worst kind of lawful evil crap.
The childish kind that just wants to stomp its foot and yell "it's not fair!!" when things don't go your way, the instinctive reactive demand for retribution after some perceived slight with no regard for context for cost, no further examination of what the word "fair" even means
The rat grinders are uhhh this sentiment incarnate right?
Previously unknown unpopular kids with a dumb party name who flew completely under the radar while the Bad Kids were murdering the vice principle and going on pirate adventures and getting arrested for half of freshman year, maybe not the most popular kids in school but definitely the most dangerous, the most notorious, the most talked-about
These assholes roll up into town after spring break having defeated the nightmare king like it was no big deal and live streaming a shrimp party from a rock star's house while they were doing it.
The rogue is tatted up nine ways to sunday. The barbarian launched a satellite from the middle of a forest and he's swinging an axe no one else can even lift. Someone said the wizard killed her own parents. Someone said the cleric brought herself back from the dead.
It's not fair! yell the high five heroes. We want to be the smart cool powerful people who everybody talks about, we want a crazy adventure, we want the war stories and the accolades and the battle scars!! Why are they getting all the attention??
Something long dead and forgotten hears them and whispers from beyond... hey, you know kristen applebees killed a god, right? You know she awoke something else, right?
I bet you guys could do something like that if you really put your minds to it :)
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dykeulous · 22 days
if prison abolition was a thing, what would we do about male violence? even in rich circles, it is still a huge issue, so solving poverty wouldn't mean an end to it. even when all living conditions are fulfilled perfectly, there will still be men who seek to violate women. should r*pists and femicide murderers be "rehabilitated" somewhere they are allowed to leave? isn't somewhere they aren't allowed to leave still a prison in some form? wouldn't it be better labelled as prison reform, not prison abolition? do we really want murderers and r*pists to be roaming free, free of consequences? or should their houses be labelled as "s*xual offender" or "murderer" so that people in the neighborhood are at least vigilant around them? but then wouldn't that be a big struggle for families and households with women who often wouldn't be able to afford moving if they were uncomfortable with having a literal convicted r*pist or murderer next door...? i'm just curious what your actual thoughts would be. and if you say "just read xyz book" i'd appreciate at least to be told specific pages to read, same as naming a youtuber. i'd prefer a video in general on the topic but only if it genuinely answers my questions and isn't just "the alternative sucks"
when talking about prison abolition, we have to keep in mind that an actual prison abolitionist understands that this is a severely complex & nuanced subject– and that no person who is actually well-informed on the topic is going to claim to want to destroy all prisons & let all criminals out overnight.
1. “what will we do about male violence?”– let me flip the question for you; what are we doing about male violence now? we have been taught that prison is the only viable solution, but it really is not. if prions are, in any way, shape, or form, helping reduce recidivism rates, then why is america, a country with immensely high numbers of incarnated people, so dangerous & unsafe; and why are the numbers of criminals only increasing? the legal system, besides also being morally corrupt otherwise, is also extremely anti-woman; it has a very-well preserved reputation & tradition with letting rapists, femiciders & men who commit domestic violence get away with very light consequences, and in some cases, scot free. in other words, the legal system/police system/prison institution, are all anti-feminist & do nothing to address male violence, unfairly favor men, and on top of it– they do nothing productive & useful for neither the victim, the offender, nor the community as a whole. prisons are a site of violence & abuse– they are a distillation of white supremacy & imperialism; indigenous people & people of color are more likely to be incarnated, and unfairly as well. modern prisons have their roots in colonial structures, and have undoubtedly kept the kinds of cruel & unjust punishments that the colonial powers imposed & enforced on their victims.
2. “wouldn’t it be better to advocate for prison reform, rather than prison abolition?” no– because the prison system is not a fit case for reform. the prison system is one rotten at the core, mere reform would not be capable of fixing it. it was created to instill fear & cruelty, attempting to operate within such a system in a healthy society would just not work. we cannot claim to be against oppressive superstructures, if we support the exact same grounds they were built on, and the materials they were built from.
3. “how exactly does prison abolition work?” when we talk about prison abolition, we have to also be talking about the alternatives to prison– rehabilitative, restorative, and transformative justice. restorative justice majorly operates because it has the victim’s needs at heart– for restorative justice to work sufficiently, the offender has to engage directly with the victim & actively work on repairing harm. restorative justice does not work simply on the basis of “setting the offenders free”– that is a fallacy created by people who do not understand the truths of prison abolition. restorative justice works depending on various factors– the environment, the person, surroundings, etc.– but its sufficiency is not decided on the type of crime committed. it can work as well on violent crime as it does on nonviolent crime. community service, victim-offender dialogue, and other types of restoration that have the victim’s needs at heart first & foremost– are all tactics advocated by prison abolitionists. the prison system does not do anything for the community as a whole, neither– incarnating a single perpetrator does not reduce crime. abolitionists understand that harm will happen regardless, our goal is to reduce harm– and of course, as a person currently majoring in sociology– i work to understand the human mind, and i am interested in other projects & movements beyond prison abolition, that can work together with prison abolition in sync to rehabilitate society as a whole. colonial values are built in every aspect of our society, and to dismantle them, we have to acknowledge they are present in the activist & progressive movements we choose to support, as well– decolonizing feminism, leftism, veganism & other social movements is crucial. decolonial feminism is anti-carceral. the transitory period between a carceral & non-carceral state remains uncertain, but prison abolition is currently an experiment.
4. how would i incorporate prison abolition with feminism & leftism?– i know this isn’t a question you asked, but i would like to mention it, as well. i am an advocate for revolutionary feminism & revolutionary leftism– not reformist feminism & leftism. aside from my prison abolitionist views, i believe in arming all working-class people, and i believe in arming proletarian women especially. i believe that, for a proletarian revolution to be successful, we have to put a special emphasis on the woman worker. simply destroying capitalism won’t liberate women, although an end of capitalism is needed for female liberation. an end of all sexist practices, and an end of misogynistic thoughts & beliefs on a worldwide scale– will require exhausting labor from the entirety of society. i believe that reeducation camps & centers fall under the rehabilitative category, and i do not believe that restorative justice is inherently peaceful & calm. we do not beg and plead with oppressors to stop oppressing. justified violence is helpful, but the prison system only harms the oppressed, and is violent in a cruel, injustifiable way.
5. as for the sources, i can direct you to some that have personally helped me.
1.) Colonialism VS Coloniality
2.) What is Abolition?
3.) documentaires: 13th, They Call Us Monsters, Just Mercy, Cointelpro 101
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Alright so Ebenezer Badde is a bit of an interesting character (or more character concept) if we compare him to Klarion in the Ssov comic.
What's funny about him is that we don't really know why he escaped Limbo Town, why he stuck around in the caves close to Limbo Town (as he was close enough to save Klarion from the Horigal) and why he ultimately decided to start selling kids to child traffickers (including Klarion). This kind of reminds me of Klarion's own ambiguous backstory from his 70-80s appearances; we don't factually know what Klarion's backstory is and what he tells us can't exactly be trusted because the only scene where he talks about his backstory is the one where he's manipulating someone into helping him. It's the same with Ebenezer; the audience and Klarion can't really trust what information he's given us about himself because ultimately he was lulling Klarion into a false sense of security so he could hand him off to Melmoth and his gang. In my personal opinion, Ebenezer should be a 1. reflection of what Klarion could be from both a personal growth perspective (internal to the world) and 2. a sort of commentary on what kind of villain Klarion could be (external / commentary on writing tropes).
1. What I mean by reflection of Klarion is that Ebenezer is a potential reflection of Klarion if he grew into a worse (and more selfish) person. Ebenezer saves Klarion from the Horigal only to sell him in the same issue. He doesn't stumble upon the traffickers, he deliberately heads there the second he has Klarion; this wasnt an opportunity he found by chance, its a deliberate choice he seems to make the second he saves this kid from being mauled or train tracked. And this isn't a first for him either; Klarion is the last of at least 250 other kids that Ebenezer has sold to Melmoth. Ebenezer's little "Oh i feel bad now :( maybe selling kids is bad" at the end of the issue (at kid 251) aside (which i will talk about later), his actions and complete selfishness are a reflection of how Klarion could have developed into a completely selfish person who only functions for his own purposes and wants. Klarion's motivations during the ssov series are to both survive / not get trafficked (surface level) and to gain freedom and independence from the controlling atmosphere of Limbo Town. A big theme with his character across incarnations is his want to be free to do what he wants and not be controlled or told what to do. And while this drive is a good motivation and quite understandable, complete freedom is something we see within this comic in the hands of Submissionary Judah, Ebenezer and Melmoth. These people have the power in the situations they're in (whether as the leader of a powerful organization or the adult in the situation) who use the freedom this power gives them to operate without considering morals or the lives and happiness of other people. So Klarion's drive for power and freedom are well waranted and understandable but Ebenezer serves as a warning for how if Klarion truly embraced complete freedom even from morals he could become as bad as the villains in his story.
2. Now for the external commentary. I think Ebenezer is also a good reflection of Klarion's previous villanous incarnations in addition to a reflection of a popular villain trope. I've already compared Ebenezer to Klarion's 70-80s self and thats the version that I think Ebenezer would be the best commentary on in addition to the Young Justice (show) version of the character. These versions have no remorse or sympathy for other people (besides Teekl, of course) and his only goal in these incarnations is to have fun at the expense of others. The thing that I think ties Klarion's villainous incarnations and Ebenezer together is the fact that the Klarion we see in ssov is technically also the version we see in the 70-80s; timetravel bullshit occures which sends 2005 ssov Klarion back in time to the 70s for the events of his original appearance to occur in Jack Kirby's The Demon #7. While I personally don't like this twist it does allow for a more literal way to show that Klarion has chosen to become completely free even from his own morals, like I stated when I was going over point 1. in the previous paragraph. Ebenezer is a reflection of if Klarion decided to operate solely on what he wanted to do regardless of other people and his devolution from his ssov self to his original self through the time travel bullshit in the finale of the ssov event is a literal way to show that the warning Ebenezer represents has not been heeded and Klarion is on his way to become a similarly bad person.
On top of that I think Ebenezer could be a little commentary on the villain trope of a person having a tragic backstory that leads to them becoming a villain (i dont think Ebenezer is actually written like this but i think it'd be interesting if he was). Ebenezer can be inferred to be Klarion's biological father through some dialogue where he seems to regret selling "his own flesh and blood". We know Klarion's bio dad was a bit of a revolutionary in Limbo Town before he left, as Klarion's stepfather seems to look up to him as someone who inspired some revolutionary ideals before he ran off into Blue Rafters / escaped Limbo Town. So Ebenezer could have a similar story to Klarion; he rejected the ideals of Limbo Town and was isolated from his peers for it, eventually deciding to leave Limbo altogether. The years after his departure obviously weren't good as he's starting resorting to child trafficking to get goods from above ground. And like I said earlier, Ebenezer seems to regret his decision to sell Klarion at the last minute and does a moral heel turn, trying to save Klarion before he's captured. However, he still seems to not comprehend how bad his actions were as he honest to god is suprised when the kid he sold doesnt help him when all the other kids he sold get their revenge. It parrarels a lot of tragic villains written today that have tragic backstories (in this case Ebenezers probable isolation in Limbo Town, his bad experiences above ground and his eventual guilt over his horrific decision making) that change their morals at the last minute so they can get a redemption without putting any work into actually changing and redeeming themselves. So throughout the whole issue he laments his past and how much wrong he's done and how much trouble he could get in if the Horigal / Submissionaries catch him but instead of actually taking a look at himself and changing he just keeps on trucking and making the same horrible decisions. He uses his past and his own unwillingness to change himself and his situation to justify his actions and when he finally makes a decision to change up his act and goes back to save Klarion, he's suprised that Klarion feels no sympathy for him and no remorse for letting the Leviathan kill him. And idk that kind of speaks to the fact that he didnt actually meaningfully change or challenge his worldview; he made a split second decision that made no real impact on Klarion's journey because he felt bad  (once again, he didnt change his worldview or change at all. He just felt bad and acted impulsively) and then seemed to expect all to be forgiven and for him to just be able to continue his life unimpeded. He doesnt even seem to regret selling kids, he just regrets selling Klarion seemingly because he's "his own flesh and blood". And I think this parralels with Klarion again, because Klarion has been challenging his own worldview and the ideals of everyone around him in Limbo Town. Hes constantly getting his image of the world shattered (finding out there is no Croatian, being betrayed, seeing Blue Rafters, being betrayed again, almost getting burned at the stake) but he changes with these revelations and doesn't let the challenging of his ideals or idea of the world break him down. Ebenezer Badde wallows in the dank caves beneath New York for years because he just can't change or challenge himself to actually accept his reality and move on with his life while Klarion constantly changes with each new revelation in the new world he encounters and doesn’t allow all the shit he goes through or challenges to his worldview shatter his morality or sense of self (with some help and guidance from Teekl, of course).
In conclusion Ebenezer Badde cool parrarel to Klarion and I'm glad he's dead. Thank you for reading 💫.
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divine-knight-hand · 6 months
❤️‍🔥 Warning: The following paracosm post contains mentions of grief, death, killing, and other potentially morally questionable elements. Proceed at your own discretion.
I spaced off during my sociology class and now I wanna do a little talking about this goof:
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Okay, she’s not always a goof, but that’s my parame. I refer to all my paras as emojis, though, so you may or may not recognize her as 🔥.
(Also, for those of you who don’t know, a parame is the main character of a paracosm. Or, they can be the character a maladaptive daydreamer daydreams through.)
But today I got to thinking about a concept, and that was her as the justice lady (I dunno if she has a name or not):
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Link to original photo: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/877216833655872421
I thought that it would make a cool art to represent a large part of her character, but since I can’t draw, I’m just gonna explain all the metaphors and motifs of this concept, even though nobody asked.
But, before we do that, we gotta start from the beginning:
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That was how my parame looked at about 18 years old. That was probably one of the darkest times of her life, tbh. She was mourning the death of a family member (which she accidentally played a part in) before she ran away from home, but that’s not what I wanna talk about in this post.
When she ran away from home, she launched into a series of serial killings, referring to herself as “Justice Incarnate”. This is one of the first instances where I caught a glimpse of her radically righteous nature.
She was literally willing to kill to send a message, in the hopes of creating a better world for those who couldn’t fight for themselves.
This brings me to my first element of the idea to talk about. The skulls and the sword:
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I know this figure isn’t normally pictured on a pile of skulls, but I thought this reference I found was perfect in terms of representing the violence my parame is capable of when she’s really passionate about someone else’s wrongdoings. Also, the sword is her go-to weapon of choice, so that happened to work out perfectly. Hehehe!
And then, of course, I have to explain the scales (A.K.A. The reason I chose this figure in the first place):
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Like I mentioned earlier, 🔥 referred to herself as “Justice Incarnate”. She believed that she carried the burden that the system her society operated on just didn’t feel the need to take on. So, she went out and made a killing. As one does.
But, if I were drawing this out, there’s one change I would make. I wouldn’t draw her in a blindfold, because I never said she judged fairly…
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singular-yike · 1 year
Barrier Shop "Azumaterasu"
The Sanctuary is the geographical area around the Senri Shrine, within which is the Human Village. The barrier shop "Azumaterasu" can be found within this village, and is the topic of analysis today!
Mainly, I'll be focusing on three aspects of this shop:
The mythological inspiration behind its name
Its history and role within Mugenri
The store's internal hierarchy, and how Tenkai fits into it
That out of the way, let us begin!
Mythological Basis: Tōshō-daigongen
Azumaterasu is named after a Japanese god called Tōshō-daigongen (東照大権現), the "great incarnation who illuminates the east".
The "incarnation" here is because he is said to be the local manifestation of the buddha Yakushi-nyorai (薬師如来), the medicine buddha, under the honji-suijaku theory (本地垂迹) (No we do not have time to go into that this is long enough as is).
Below: A depiction of Yakushi-nyorai on a painted scroll.
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When read under kun'yomi reading, Tōshō (東照) is "azuma terasu", and this is where we get the barrier shop's name from. Now , let's take a look as to at why it may have been chosen.
One key thing to note, is that Tōshō was once a human, and not just any human, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Below: A portrait of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
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This is perhaps immediately notable to you as Ieyasu is likely who Tsurubami Senri is based on. In addition to this, it also furthers Tenkai's own connection to the shogun, whose burial site is referenced extensively in Tenkai's spell cards.
Tōshō is thought to have been created as a counterpart to Amaterasu (天照大神), the "Great Goddess that Illuminates the Heavens". Note the similarity between the names, especially when considering Azumaterasu.
Tōshō is said to be the ancestor and guardian of the Shogunate family, while Amaterasu, is said to be the ancestor and guardian of the Imperial family.
Additionally, the Imperial family was based in the west then, which is theorized to be the reason Tōshō is specifically tied to the east.
The name is likely a reference to the fact that Tenkai was one of the two dictative powers in Mugenri, much like how the Imperial family and the Shogunate were the two ruling powers of Japan.
It may also be reflective of the barrier shop and the Senri Shrine being together in charge of the whole of the Mugenri Barrier, Azumaterasu in charge of the "inner" and the shrine in charge of the "outer" barrier.
History and Role
As previously mentioned, the barrier shop is quite old, apparently with a "long and honorable history" to its name.
While we know nothing about said "long and honorable history", it is not impossible that the "particularly famous barrier builder" that Tenkai Zuifeng apparently descends from relates to this.
In terms of physical appearance, JynX compares it to the Kyoto State Guest House, an expansive Japanese-styled mansion.
Below: Entrance of the Kyoto State Guest House.
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As a side note, I really recommend checking out other images of the guest house, it's extremely gorgeous and the entrance honestly does not do its beauty justice. (Official website and Twitter account)
It's fairly clear that JynX considers it a fairly powerful and influential establishment within Mugenri, and this is especially notable in its role to "maintain and repair the 'inner' Mugenri Barrier".
To this end, each barrier builder at the shop is assigned to a particular section of the barrier, which they are in charge of. This is why Tenkai showed up in the RMI extra stage, as the part of the barrier that broke was under their jurisdiction.
We don't know much about how the store operates, but it seems reasonable that anyone who wants a barrier set up can request their services, just as Jinbei did when asking for someone to repair the Mugenri Barrier.
Hierarchy and Tenkai Zuifeng
Here we examine the hierarchy within Azumaterasu, and perhaps more importantly, how it impacts Tenkai Zuifeng as a character.
Hierarchy and Power Balance
While it's not exactly clear, it can be seen that there seems to roughly be 3 hierarchal levels within Azumaterasu: The old masters of barrier building at the top, the average barrier builder below them, and the apprentices at the bottom.
Of course, it's quite likely that there are more distinct divisions of roles within each level as well, perhaps there's a shop owner who lords over everyone else, for example; and the division between senior and junior members as found in Japanese culture would almost certainly exist as well.
Tenkai within the system
Moving onto Tenkai, outside of Azumaterasu, they are "One of the Old Dictators". Their subjugation of Mugenri alongside the ex-head priest of the Senri Shrine, Tsurubami Senri, earning them great respect from its people.
Yet within Azumaterasu, Tenkai is but an "apprentice barrier builder", likely owing to their ineptitude at repairing barriers, despite their talent at creating new ones.
Adding to this, power harassment, the use of one's higher position of power to harass and bully those at positions below you, is apparently quite rampant in Azumaterasu.
We see this in how Tenkai's teachers and superiors often give them barrier repairing jobs, which they claim are to "train Tenkai to overcome their weakness," when in reality it is to attack their prestige.
This culminated in Tenkai's insubordination when fixing the Mugenri Barrier in RMI out of frustration towards their superiors, where they "arranged a very small prank with the barrier," likely altering it slightly rather than returning it to how it exactly was before.
Tenkai as a character
This leads to what I personally find most interesting about Tenkai as a character, and what I think is an important part of their character arc: Their transition between two roles, two stages of their life.
Their role as "dictator" has already reached its peak and come to an end with Tsurubami's departure, leaving them with their role as a "barrier builder" which they have ample room to develop.
They may have several impressive barrier-related feats to their name and be descendant from a famous barrier builder, but their immaturity with the craft (or perhaps even in general) is still evident.
In BPoHC, their character is focused (when not busy expounding lore or reacting to the situation at hand) on their struggle to pull away from the whole dictator business.
They still keep tabs on potential threat to Mugenri, they get involved in the incident even though they didn't plan to, they spend their free time spying on people with bird names, etc.
It's very often that Tenkai is viewed as an "other" to Tsurubami, one half of a whole, and it's certainly not untrue with how much they talk about and miss Tsurubami, and I mean their title even stresses this.
But I think viewed on their own, Tenkai is interesting as a character transitioning from one major stage of their life into another. This is of course triggered by the departure of their dear friend Tsurubami, but its effect ripples much further as well.
It is as they move away from being the "great dictator over Mugenri", that their role as "barrier builder of Azumatersu" rises into prominence, and I for one am quite curious whether they'll settle into this role or find something entirely new for themself.
That finally concludes this analysis on the barrier shop "Azumaterasu", we don't have much, but it's surprisingly deep when you really look into it.
I did accidentally veer off to talk about Tenkai a while lot, though I wanted to to put my thoughts somewhere anyways, and this post is as good as any.
Though I do apologise if the Tenkai section comes off as rather incoherent, it's quite late at night and I suddenly thought about all this midway through the hierarchy section, hehe.
Also, I did kind of brush past the whole "Buddha manifesting as a local Japanese deity" thing but that's opening a whole other can of worms that would easily double the length of this post.
I'm not opposed to talking about non-Len'en stuff at all, and in fact I have quite a lot of Japanese mythology-based stuff done as well (see here), so feel free to shoot those questions my way too, if you'd like~.
That's a lot more ending notes than usual but now we've finally reached the end. As usual, I hope you enjoyed~! :)
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meret118 · 1 year
Week One (June 6)
The Endless Vessel — Charles Soule (Harper Perennial)
A few years from now, in a world similar to ours, there exists a sort of “depression plague” that people refer to simply as “The Grey.” No one can predict whom it will afflict, or how, but once infected, there’s no coming back. A young Hong Kong based scientist, Lily Barnes, is trying to maintain her inner light in an increasingly dark world. The human race is dwindling, and people fighting to push forward are increasingly rare.
One day, Lily comes across something that seems to be addressing her directly, calling to her, asking her to follow a path to whatever lies at its end. Is this the Endless Vessel to happiness? She leaves her life behind and sets out through time and space to find out.
From its opening heart-stopping scene in the present day at the Louvre in Paris, through the earthly meetings between Lily and her loved ones past and present, to a shocking and satisfying conclusion in a truly enchanted forest, Charles Soule has channeled history, science and drama to create a story for the ages—a story of hope and love and possibility. This is a novel you will not soon forget.
Translation State (Imperial Radch) — Ann Leckie (Orbit)
Qven was created to be a Presger translator. The pride of their Clade, they always had a clear path before them: learn human ways, and eventually, make a match and serve as an intermediary between the dangerous alien Presger and the human worlds. The realization that they might want something else isn’t “optimal behavior”. I’s the type of behavior that results in elimination.
But Qven rebels. And in doing so, their path collides with those of two others. Enae, a reluctant diplomat whose dead grandmaman has left hir an impossible task as an inheritance: hunting down a fugitive who has been missing for over 200 years. And Reet, an adopted mechanic who is increasingly desperate to learn about his genetic roots—or anything that might explain why he operates so differently from those around him.
As a Conclave of the various species approaches—and the long-standing treaty between the humans and the Presger is on the line—the decisions of all three will have ripple effects across the stars.
Week Three (June 20)
Citadel — C. M. Alongi (Blackstone)
Citadel, the only city on the planet Edalide, has a holy mission: exterminate the demons from the Flooded Forest. The unholy, vicious animals were a mistake made by their god that must be corrected. Or at least, that’s what everyone’s been told. When Olivia, a nonverbal autistic nineteen-year-old, has a chance run-in with a “demon,” she realizes that these beings are not vicious, animals, or unholy, but sentient people.
Forever scarred by her mother’s legally sanctioned murder, and determined to prevent either side from losing more loved ones, Olivia embarks on a hazardous journey into the Flooded Forest where she faces flesh-eating predators, telekinetic zealot-warriors, and the demons of her own past. Olivia’s quest for answers forces her to decide to either seek justice for both sides, or continue the cycle of war, revenge, and death.
The Infinite Miles — Hannah Fergesen (Blackstone)
To save the future, she must return to the beginning. Three years after her best friend Peggy went missing, Harper Starling is lost. Lost in her dead-end job, lost in her grief. All she has are regrets and reruns of her favorite science fiction show, Infinite Voyage. Then Peggy returns and demands to be taken to the Argonaut, the fictional main character of Infinite Voyage. But the Argonaut is just that… fictional.
Until the TV hero himself appears and spirits Harper away from her former best friend. Traveling through time, he explains that Peggy used to travel with him but is now under the thrall of an alien enemy known as the Incarnate—one that has destroyed countless solar systems. Then he leaves Harper in 1971. Stranded in the past, Harper must find a way to end the Incarnate’s thrall…. without the help of the Argonaut.
But the cosmos are nothing like the technicolor stars of the TV show she loves, and if Harper can’t find it in herself to believe—in the Argonaut, in Peggy, and most of all, in herself—she’ll be the Incarnate’s next casualty, along with the rest of the universe.
Week Four (June 27)
The Road to Roswell — Connie Willis (Del Rey)
When level-headed Francie arrives in Roswell, New Mexico, for her college roommate’s UFO-themed wedding—complete with a true-believer bridegroom—she can’t help but roll her eyes at all the wide-eyed talk of aliens, which obviously don’t exist. Imagine her surprise, then, when she is abducted by one. Odder still, her abductor is far from what the popular media have led her to expect, with a body like a tumbleweed and a mass of lightning-fast tentacles.
Nor is Francie the only victim of the alien’s abduction spree. Before long, he has acquired a charming con man named Wade, a sweet little old lady with a casino addiction, a retiree with a huge RV and a love for old Westerns, and a UFO-chasing nutjob who is thoroughly convinced the alien intends to probe them and/or take over the planet.
But the more Francie gets to know the alien, the more convinced she becomes that he’s not an invader. That he’s in trouble and she has to help him. Only she doesn’t know how—or even what the trouble is.
The Archive Undying (Downworld #1) — Emma Mieko Candon (Tordotcom Publishing)
When the robotic god of Khuon Mo went mad, it destroyed everything it touched. It killed its priests, its city, and all its wondrous works. But in its final death throes, the god brought one thing back to life: its favorite child, Sunai.
For the seventeen years since, Sunai has walked the land like a ghost, unable to die, unable to age, and unable to forget the horrors he’s seen. He’s run as far as he can from the wreckage of his faith, drowning himself in drink, drugs, and men. But when Sunai wakes up in the bed of the one man he never should have slept with, he finds himself on a path straight back into the world of gods and machines.
More at the link.
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readingsquotes · 3 months
"The “Concert” remark referred to a sprawling relaunch of a controversial Israeli government program initially known as Kela Shlomo, designed to carry out what Israel called “mass consciousness activities” targeted largely at the US and Europe. Concert, now known as Voices of Israel, previously worked with groups spearheading a campaign to pass so-called “anti-BDS” state laws that penalize Americans for engaging in boycotts or other non-violent protests of Israel.
Its latest incarnation is part of a hardline and sometimes covert operation by the Israeli government to strike back at student protests, human rights organizations and other voices of dissent.
Voices’ latest activities were conducted through non-profits and other entities that often do not disclose donor information. From October through May, Chikli has overseen at least 32m shekels, or about $8.6m, spent on government advocacy to reframe the public debate.
...Haaretz and the New York Times recently revealed that Chikli’s ministry had tapped a public relations firm to secretly pressure American lawmakers. The firm used hundreds of fake accounts posting pro-Israel or anti-Muslim content on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram. (The diaspora affairs ministry denied involvement in the campaign, which reportedly provided about $2m to an Israeli firm for the social media posts.) .
.... the records point to substantial Israeli government involvement in American politics about the Gaza war, free speech on college campuses and Israel-Palestine policy.
"There’s a fixation on policing American discourse on the US-Israel relationship, even college campus discourse, from Israel, going all the way up to Prime Minister Netanyahu,” said Eli Clifton, a senior adviser at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. “One struggles to find a parallel in terms of a foreign country’s influence over American political debate.”
None of the groups identified in this story’s reporting have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (Fara). This law requires groups receiving funds or direction from foreign countries to provide public disclosures to the US Department of Justice. “There’s a built-in assumption that there’s nothing at all weird about viewing the US as sort of an open field for Israel to operate in, that there are no limitations,” said Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.
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