#oppa saranghae
akatsuki-shin · 8 months
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I don't care how y'all gonna judge me, I love this wanted criminal to death
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mojamchim · 2 years
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biolums · 2 years
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when hes a vocalist visual AND a leader 😻😻
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harunayuuka2060 · 9 months
MC: Oh my god, people- I shouldn't have told you what aegyo means.
Ace: Oh come on. We need to see what it's like first.
Ortho: Can you do that with my brother?
MC: Do you want him to die?
Epel: Vil and Rook are already out of the options.
Deuce: Because it's not going to work with them?
Epel: Yes and No. Vil will probably raise an eyebrow. With Rook...
Epel: ...
Epel: Nevermind.
Lilia: How about with Malleus?
MC, Ace, Epel, and Deuce: AHH!!!
Ortho: Lilia Vanrouge!
Lilia: Hehe~ Hello, youngsters.
Silver: It seems they were having a discussion.
Malleus: And what may that be?
Ace: Hey, Malleus-senpai! MC is going to do an aegyo!
MC: You bitc- No!
Malleus: Aegyo?
Epel: It's a cute way of showing affection.
Lilia: Oh! And you were discussing who they should do it with, right?
Lilia: *chuckles* Malleus happens to be free.
Malleus: *smiles* Yes.
MC: ...
Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Ortho: Aegyo! Aegyo! Aegyo! Aegyo-
MC: Fine! Fine! I will do it!
MC: ...
MC: *walks up to Malleus* *then-*
MC: *uses their cute voice* Malleus-oppa?
Malleus: Hm?
MC: Saranghae ♡
Malleus: ...
Lilia, Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Ortho: *laughing*
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Child of man, I love you too. *cutely giggles*
MC: !!!
Sebek: W-Waka-sama?
Silver: Congratulations.
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olddollgirl · 10 months
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oh oh oh oppa saranghae :3 jessica sayclub doll icon
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chipsncookies · 1 year
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Saranghae Giovanni oppa 🫰🫰🫰🫰
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
"Oh, Jimin left him at home." I DIED Y'ALL. SEVERAL TIMES. Also the entire photo section of this post will consist of pictures of my cat Yoongi and the shit he has gotten in the mail recently. Yoongi has a new toy named Jack. Make of that what you will. ANYWAY.
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He's gonna burn it down, burn it all down. SO WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS -- I was in Florida and I had a little emergency hospital visit which was unplanned. There was also a Jimin's birthday and a whole ass Busan concert and a Live and a military enlistment announcement which: I can't talk about that. I CAN'T. So don't ask me. And I had an otherwise lovely time and got home to one Very Cranky Oppa, Kevin having been informed of my "Oh Shit Here We Go Again With This Bullshit" thing. Man was mad. Like, hovering mad. All up in my business and stuff. We love Kevin From Itaewon, okay, and we are also being very, very kind to him and to his boyfie X FOREVER. Not just because Park Jimin was in X's apartment but also for that reason. And there was a day recently when Kevin called to grouch at me. There were all the days, really. He's been on his oppa shit for a solid month. But this one day it was midday my time so ASS O'CLOCK in Seoul. Kev was staying at X's because Kevin's place is in Itaewon and Very Awful Things have been going on there. You know I told you Kev and X maintain two residences? Turns out that has been one small blessing in that whole ass nightmare over there. But at Kevin's house you don't often hear the tinkling of a GIGGLING PARK JIMIN IN THE NEXT ROOM. And he was not alone.
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When Jimin said my name I thought he said "Hello Jewelry" and I was about to offer him my grandmother's wedding set and my mom's tennis bracelet. But instead I said "Hi Jimin-ssi saranghaeyo" and "Hi Hobi-nim saranghae!" and they were very kind. And then I was asked if my dream came true (X was, in his defense, drunk, did I mention?) and I said, because I am an entire idiot,
"No." "No?!" "Next time bring Jungkook-ssi", says still reasonably formal but definitely insane person holding my phone. (It was me, I'm the insane person). LAUGHTER. UPROARIOUS, UNBRIDLED AMUSEMENT. There was a thump, which Kev said "Oh Jimin fell" and some choking and I swear before God, JIMIN SNORTGIGGLED AT ME and Hobi let out the horsiest, cutest guffaw, like, they may have all been tipsy is all I'm saying. Kevin was appalled, probably. I wasn't paying attention to him. "Oh, Jimin left him at home" said one Jung Hoseok. IN ENGLISH. I mean, I didn't know Hobi was down with past tense and grammar and shit but HE SAID ITJUST LIKE THAT. AND LAUGHED. And then Park Jimin giggled. HE GIGGLED HE SOUNDS LIKE AN ANGEL I LOVE HIM SO MUCH YOU GUYS OMG
And then Kevin said "say goodbye" and instead I said "daedanhi kamsahamnida" which is "thank you so so so much" but I said that too and Jimin said "very nice to meet your jewelry" and Kevin was like "girl I'mma call you back when you can breathe without crying" and ...that was it. That was all she wrote. It ain't all I'm gonna write but the conversation was over. And about twenty minutes later after I resurrected again I was like WAIT.
Because, like, I don't know what all X has told Hobi and or Jimin about me. But I feel pretty confident that HOBI MADE A JIKOOK REFERENCE and there are two possible explanations: 1. They were just drunk as fuck and messing with a known ARMY; OR
2. That man was not thinking and told the truth. Jimin left Koo at home to go out with Hobi. At HOME. At ostensibly HIS HOME. Where Jungkook may also reside, at least occasionally. One of those things is true. Unless you think I'm yanking your chain. Which: I have no proof I'm not, at least no proof I'm willing to share. What I will share is that Yoongi the cat (or possibly yours truly) has been receiving regular deliveries from Hybe ever since. Nothing major and mostly the stuff is readily available on Weverse. No notes in it or anything, just.... stuff.
Stuff I have not ordered or paid for and there are no packing slips or invoices to tell me who did. It doesn't show up in my Weverse app. It just.... shows up.
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I was GONNA get the photobook I swear to God I had intended to order it but it just.... arrived. I pulled Taehyung.
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SOPE IS REAL THIS IS MY PHOTO PROOF LOOK AT YOONGI KISSING J-HOPE Mostly it's been Hoseok-related. Kev and X disavow all knowledge. If one of you did it, please do let me know. But I like to think it's no coincidence that Yoongi is now the proud owner of an Arson candle and a Jack In the Box.
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I mean. It's cute stuff and I super wanted all of it but let's be real, here. If you'd rather believe this never happened and I just made it up out of my head, I would not even blame you. No dates, no sources, no pics, no receipts, nothing that could not have been ruthlessly fabricated and/or preordered by me and expeditiously shipped. Right? RIGHT.
But if you wanna squeal with me I won't get mad at you, either :) And yes, I do think the Jeon-Parks are jeonparking. I also think Jimin had his wisdom teeth out but who the hell knows.
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Prompts for Fans of music!
"Your music got me through some tough times. Thank you for being there when nobody else was."
"I've been a fan for years, and seeing you in concert is like a dream come true."
"Your lyrics are so relatable. It's like you're singing my thoughts and feelings."
"I named my dog after you. He's a little rockstar in his own right."
"I don't usually like rock music, but your band is an exception."
"My mom used to listen to your music when I was a kid, and now it's my turn to pass it down to my own kids."
"I don't know how you do it, but every time I listen to your music, it's like you're speaking directly to me."
"You're not just a musician, you're an inspiration. Keep doing what you do."
"I got your lyrics tattooed on my arm. It's a constant reminder to stay true to myself."
"I don't know what I'd do without your music. Thank you for being a part of my life."
K-pop Life!
"I've been practicing the dance routine from their latest music video for weeks now, and I still look like a baby giraffe learning to walk."
"I can't decide which member is my bias. They all have their own unique charm, and they all wreck my bias list every comeback."
"I'm so excited for their comeback. I've already pre-ordered the album and the merch, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be broke for the next three months."
"Their music helped me through a tough time in my life. Now, I'm not sure if I'm healed or just obsessed."
"I'm learning Korean just so I can understand their interviews and variety show appearances without subtitles. My family thinks I'm crazy, but I'm like, 'Oppa, saranghae!'"
"I can't wait to see them perform live. I've already started saving money for the tickets, but I might have to sell a kidney to afford them."
"I've spent so much money on K-pop merch, my family thinks I'm crazy. But it's okay, because every time I wear my bias's face on a t-shirt, I feel like a millionaire."
"Their fashion sense is always on point. I wish I could pull off half the outfits they wear, but let's be real, I'd look like a potato in a sequin dress."
"I'm not ashamed to admit I've cried during their concerts. They just have a way of making you feel so emotional, like they're singing directly to your soul...or maybe that's just me."
"I've been practicing my fan chants for their upcoming concert. I want to make sure I'm representing their fandom properly, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to mess up and embarrass myself on national TV."
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kfans-writerblog · 5 months
Lucky one ♥️
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You wrote a message and sent it to junmyeon your boyfriend.
He called you because in the message it says
"Hey junmyeon oppa I miss you I love you so much hope to see you soon call me ! "
He calls you "hey y/n I miss you too sorry I'm busy with my new drama I'm working with I promise I will come visit you when I'm done recording and promoting "
You smile "no worries I will always support you I'm exited to watch your drama ! "
He smiles "your the best girlfriend I'm so lucky to have you"
You blush "I'm going to Taiwan tomorrow and I'm going to the airport tonight I'm going with my friends don't worry about me ill send you some photos "
He looks sad "oh alright have fun I will also keep you updated with the drama I'll send you videos and photos !"
You say "I got to go now I'll call you later"
He makes a heart "love you "
You make a heart back "saranghae "
You went to the airport and it took 2 days to arrive in Seoul. You arrived at Suho's apartment.
You text him "open the door "
He replies ??
He just woke up and looks out got scared by your long black hair and he asked " who is it ?"
You reply "it's me y/n "
He opens shocked to see you at his place
He hugged you so tight and gave you kisses
"Jagiya I missed you "
You smile and squish his face "I miss u too messy hair good morning go wash up let's stay home for now and go shopping later "
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He says "sounds good ! I'll be quick !"
You giggle while taking photos of him of his cute messy bed head look
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The Bangtan GC📱
1. Jimin’s Birthday🥳
Synopsis: you (y/n 🦊) are in a members-only group chat with BTS 💜
Pairings: platonic! ot7 x gn! reader
Warnings: None
Authors note: this is under the same y/n premise as the other fics, and although the group will be non-specified ages in these fics to allow as much timeline freedom as possible, they’ll all be adults. Also this is not based on reality just what I think a gc with them would be like, just have fun with it don’t take it too seriously 🫶🏻 reader is gender neutral (gn) so read gendered honorific’s as they apply to you
***I also struggled to find a cute platonic nickname that the members might call y/n so I’m sorry if you find that “baby petal” is cringy!!🌸***
🐻: yah, y/n, delete that text right now I have to be the first one to say happy birthday to jimin that’s the rules
🦊: that’s definitely not the rules Tae, the first one who says happy birthday is the one who wakes up first
🐥: thank you guys🥹 Saranghae 💜💜
🐥: but also please don’t bicker on my birthday, I love you both equally 🫶🏻
🐰: actually guys I think you’ll find I was the first one to wish him a happy birthday… I posted a video message on weverse
🐥: thank you kook-ah it made me laugh!! Also you suit your glasses very much
🐰: thanks hyung🧐
🐻: I still can’t believe y/n-ah bet me to it this year 😔
🐹: happy birthday Jimin-ah!!
🐹: also ami bet both of you to it they’ve been posting non-stop so really this is a pointless argument
🐨: jimin-ah!!! happy birthday bro👍🏻
🐹: you’re getting old just like hyung jimin-ie🫶🏻
🦊: so you admit that you’re old jinnie-oppa/hyung?
🐹: yah respect your elders please dongsaengie
🐥: I am getting old 🥹 thank you hyungggsss hehehe
🐥: and I saw all of army’s posts, they’re so sweet 😪
🐿: jimin!! Happy birthday my bro!! Please have the best day 💜💜
🐱: looks like I’m the last to wish you Jimin-ah, I’m sorry I slept in but I got a package delivered to your door so hopefully that makes up for it
🐥: thank you Hobi-hyung and Yoongi-hyung 🫶🏻
🐰: a package?? I am intrigued 🧐
🦊: ooh we wanna see minie!! Send us a picture!!
🐻: send me a picture of it first jiminie🫶🏻
🦊: tae- be for real
🐥: a breakfast basket!! hyung everything looks so good thank you so much!!🥹
🐱: you’re welcome jimin-ah, please eat well
🐻: while the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves
🐥: come round to share if you want Tae!
🐰: then I’m coming to!! If that’s okay hyung 🥹
🦊: I can’t believe you’re all having a maknae meet up without me… I’m the glue the holds our maknae line together
🐻: …
🐻: y/n- be for real
🦊: damn this hurts
🐹: so the hyungs just… don’t exist then?
🐨: yeah guys feeling kind of left out
🐿: we’re all gonna see jiminie later though right?
🐱: it’s okay if we don’t, we don’t want you to rush your live with army jimin-ah
🐥: I’ll talk to army on live for a while but we can still get k-bbq like we talked about ☺️ I definitely want to see you all on my birthday
🐻: but mostly me right?🥳
🐰: nah it’s mostly me hyung
🐹: yah stop fighting for jimin-ah’s attention, he wants his hyungs attention today
🦊: does that mean the rest of us are getting ignored?🥹
🐹: it is minie’s day after all baby petal🫶🏻
🦊: crying in the corner 😔
🐰: namjoon hyung won’t ignore me
🐰: right hyung?
🐰: hyung are you there??
🐰: wow I really thought-😔
🐨: I’m here kook-ah do you need something?
🐰: just attention ig
🦊: I’m Hobi-oppas/hyungs favourite maknae anyway so…
🐹: we all know that’s not true dongsaengie… it’s literally jimin
🐿: …
🐥: …
🐱: don’t worry baby petal we all know you’re Jin’s favourite
🐨: did Yoongi just call y/n a baby petal…
🐹: yah Yoongi-ah that’s my name for them
🐹: I will make no further comments at this time, I’m against favouritism in this family 😤
🐥: and yet you’re not their favourite oppa/hyung, Jin-hyung…
🐿: ik it’s me guys🧐
🦊: I agree with Jinnie there’s no favourites here
🐻: y/n - “let’s have no favourites”
also y/n - *literally agrees with everything Jin says*
🐨: okay but am I anyones favourite?
🐱: you’ve got to be kidding joon, kook-ah talks about you 10 times a day
🐰: I do not!! Besides… tae and jimin hyung have obvious favourites
🐿: I know it’s me guys it’s okay🙏🏻
🐥: … I’m siding with Jin and y/n now, I can’t pick
🐻: does anyone want to come over and colour in with my new Disney colouring books?
🦊: can I come tae? I have new pastel pens to try out
🐻: pastels?!??
🦊: YES!!
🐱: wow guys this chat- maybe we should broaden our circle of friends
🐻: now why would you need more friends hyung?
🦊: you literally have the most friends out of all of us tae…
🐻: that’s not true… kook-ah has his ‘97 liner group WHICH BY THE WAY YOU ALSO BELONG TO
🐥: I’m starting to agree with Yoongi-hyung… the way you two were just about to colour in together now you’re screaming at each other
🦊: I’m still on my way tae tae-oppa/hyung🫶🏻
🐻: hurry your butt please but don’t hurt yourself on the way🫶🏻
🐰: jimin-hyung we’re sorry don’t leave us for new friends
🐱: no one’s leaving kook-ah, we’re meeting for k-bbq tonight and we’ll have a drink afterwards, its on me
🐹: let hyung get it Yoongi, it’s on me, as birthday gift for Jimin and to treat you all
🐥: oh right it’s my birthday ahah… see you all later!!!🫶🏻
authors note: happy birthday jimin💜 and thank you for reading army! If you enjoyed it, a like is always appreciated and if you want to keep up with updates feel free to follow!🫶🏻
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oshimaoshimaoshima · 1 year
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Me trying to not show my inner demon cuz 20 minutes ago someone insult my precious handsome utsukushi male wife so cute Jouno and said his face is ugly (they are right tbh) but also 10 minutes ago I watched bsd S5 episode 5 and get to see my soul piercing (literally) scrawny legend king baby girl the chick of the relationship malewife girl boyfriend submissive hubby wubby crusty candy cane hair stankey Wankey taking a napey on his big juices literally see through squishable suckable thighs loml my sunlight source my will to live like literally he’s my will to live cuz if I didn’t know about him I’d be a bunch of ashes stored in an ugly vase with my misspelled name on it my fucking coping mechanism the only think close to feeling what it’s like to be loved romantically the happiness for my sorrowful sorry pathetic ass my so much potential boy baby girl 2.0 oppa saranghae sugar booger cotton swob cummy gummy homemade ice cream not from cow feetsy weetsy fart smella cat boy femboy boy friend husband sneaky link sugar baby daddy soulmate meant to be each other so hot I’m literally melting big cock would suck I love him I’m sorry you got to see this pretty non existent blind eyes my boy my world pretty fabulous show stopping mouth watering worth tearing out my organs for and eye catching baby girl male wife Jouno.
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takorossi · 1 year
Pentagon as Pentagon Songs / Covers
(... that I associate them with, purely self-opinion)
hmmm "Someday - Song By JINHO, HUI"?
i feel like Jinho really slayed the vocals on that one you know
if it's not "Someday" then it would probably be "Round 2 - Bonus Track" because #jinhoWWEcommentator era
"Spring Snow"!!!!!! SPRING SNOW.
spring snow.
i loved how excited he was at wanting to perform "Spring Snow" for Road to Kingdom
and also the feels
would it be basic if i said "Shine"??? not if it's the truth ...
because come on, we all know why it's "Shine", what are you talking about if it's not "Shine"???
maybe "Happiness" because i felt like Hui in that M/V was pretty memorable
but also his line in "Organic song" (E'dawn, Yuto, Woo Seok With Hui), both in the original when Dawn performed it by himself in Pentagon Maker and also the released track
"Basquiat"?? VOCAL KING.
honestly the first thing that comes to mind is "Very Good - PENTAGON Version" (originally by Block B) from RTK
the chocolate abs left an impression
and also the "it's okay as long as he doesn't dance inappropriately afterwards" - an RTK staff member
"Dr. Bebe"
the chocolate back left an impression
"Sparkling Night" because his Oppa-ness really popped off there, ESPECIALLY in this Special Live Clip, wow that video really took me to heaven and back you know, i ascended
if i'm going for associated images seared into my brain, i would pick "DO or NOT" because #jokershinwon era and also "Feelin' Like" even though i know he doesn't like it because POOL SHINWON??? shinwon with GLOVES??? ma lord almighty,,,
if i'm going for music music, it would be "Daisy" because he does my favourite line in that entire song ("haengbokhaeya dwae") in that whisper/breathy tone, sorry i'm just simping at this point
but by that logic, i would also associate him with "Naughty Boy" because of the chicken lyric ... it really stuck
if i don't put "One Shot" here, am i really a Shinwon fan?
so "One Shot" because he wrote it
Yeo One
"Pretty Pretty", definitely
high school Yeo One.
nerd Yeo One era.
mushroom Yeo One era.
Yeo One with GLASSES.
also "Eat" (originally by Zion.T) because :( Pentagon Maker :( Yan An :( comfort chocolate :( ("saranghae ... yO")
Yeo One's verse in "Round 1 - Bonus Track", specifically the part where he goes "nappeun saram ... Yanan, Yanan, Yanan"
"Feelin' Like"
absolute massive badonkerhonker muscles.
but also "Daisy" because i really like the way he dances in it, feels floaty and nice
also "Eat", for the same reasons as Yeo One
also "Round 1", specifically the part where he goes "(ya geuraedo bang gachi sseuneunde) HWAJANGSHI!!!"
probably an unpopular opinion but "Shine" is one of them
his rap and the transition back to the group formation in their "Shine" stages left a sensation in my brain that i don't know how to explain
that one unique #notlikeothergirls "Yuto-da" in "Fantasystic"
those verses of Japanese rap in "Cerberus"? chef's kiss.
that low-toned Wooseok!mock-scream in "Round 2"
first of all, "Dr. Bebe", for less superficial reasons than Hongseok
like i really, and i mean REALLY love his entire persona in "Dr. Bebe"
from the stages to M/V, the facial expression and stature and makeup were EVERYTHING
in chinese, there's this thing we call 病态 (bìng tài), which directly translates to "state of being sickly" and it sounds kind of wack if you put it like that, but basically the way he embodied that psychological inner warfare in his dance and expressions was absolutely Oscar-worthy
"Daisy" because of his tattoo, and his florist dreams, and his dance, and that mafia dance variety thing they did
just. "Daisy". yeah.
i don't know if it's because of his unique rapping tone, but i associate him with a lot of Pentagon's songs
i mean he wrote and composed my absolute favourite Pentagon song, "BAD"
he also did "Nostalgia", which i like
his verse in "Sparkling Night"??? vocal Wooseok???
"Naughty Boy"??????????
okay that one because i hated his hair in it, i'm sorry Wooseok
but also i felt like he was so intrinsically linked with that song for some reason
it just screamed Wooseok to me
"The Magic Flute ("Der Hölle Rache" - Queen of the Night aria)"
i'm sorry that was just for the crack i swear
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diaryujin · 1 year
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summary: yang jungwon preferred to keep to himself and his best friend, sunghoon, not really interacting with anyone else. he wrote about his life in his diary, and recently, he's been writing more about a certain newcomer into his small, troubled world. jang y/n.
includes: heavy angst, abuse, heavy drinking, mobbing (kinda), mentions of insomnia, overworking, starvation etc., major character death, divorce, jw is a raging bisexual and a skz ult, lmk if i missed anything, written in 5-6 hours so obvi rushed-
pairing: high school! jungwon x high school! fem! reader
status: ongoing
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Dear Diary,
I managed to repay her for saving me from Mr. Baldie. 
One of my fangirls was after her, and then more of them joined in, clearly jealous. That’s what she told me. She told me that it started with them hurling insults at her, and she retorted with some of her own. When I saw it though, it was very physical. They were a group of 5-7, I don’t remember. They had the audacity to start beating her up like-???
I dragged her out of there. She wasn’t hurt badly…if you asked her. I don’t believe her, but she was stubborn. I wish I could put them in their place and make them leave us alone for good, but no matter what I say, they’ll just scream ‘oPpA sArAnGhAe!!! oPpA bE mY bOyFriENd!! pIcK mE!! i’M nOt LiKe tHeM!!!’ and more bullshit that is spat out of those disgusting mouths. God save me.
-Yang Jungwon
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Taglist (send an ask to be added!): @nwjws
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celabi · 2 years
saranghae scwummy scawa oppa 🫰
Pardon ☺️
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yourkimjaejin · 2 years
To Us #3
This is Moxy's sections of the video!! I was finally inspired to finish this after seeing 127 yesterday. Somehow I love these boys even more!! Enjoy!
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Moxy walked into the shot and stopped at the wall of quotes. One making her laugh
“I’ve finally found my place” ~Moxy
“I can’t believe that was me! So cheesy.” Moxy walked over, grabbing the folder of messages to her. She flipped through the pages  the videos editors flashed some of the messages on the screen for fans to see
‘Sometimes I think I’ve seen everything Moxy can offer then she just surprises me again.’ - Taeil
“One of my biggest regrets is not getting to know Moxy at first.” - Mark
“She’s someone I look up to. Her passion not just for the business but for performance is admirable.” - Haechan
“I always want her by my side.” - Doyoung
“She’s my little sister in the best way. I want to keep her safe but also want her to spread her wings soaring high above me.” - Johnny
Moxy read Johnny's statement out loud, her voice cracking from holding back tears at the ‘soar high’ part. She then inched towards the pictures lining the shelfs to the right. The first photo to catch her eye is of herself asleep backstage in one of her Cherry Bomb costumes. 
“Aigoo!” Moxy picked up a picture of Johnny, Doyoung and herself after their first stage of Limitless. They were huddled together, Moxy wrapped up in the arms of her older brothers. “We were so little then.” A soft laugh escaped her lips. 
“I guess I have a video to watch now.” Moxy put the photo back on the shelf, making her way to the couch. She plops down, adjusting herself into a comfortable position before reaching out to press play. Her hand hovers over the spacebar preparing for what or who she may see. 
Doyoung pops up on the projector. 
“Si-si yah! It’s been a year for you hasn’t it. You’ve accomplished so much with AG this year. With every step forward you four have made, we’ve all been so proud. I see- We see the work you put in.”
Moxy starts blinking, holding back tears. She takes off her shoes before drawing her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and resting her chin there. 
“When I think back to how the three of us met, I think it was fate. I don’t have a little sister and over the years you’ve become so precious to me. I find myself wanting to stand by your side just to absorb your light just a bit more. I thank the heavens for having met you. Thinking back, I thank my younger self for standing by you back then. To be the person you leaned on……I’m glad you could trust me.”
Moxy wiped away a stray tear with her thumb. She changed tactics to keep from crying, now rocking side to side. 
“You’ve grown so much. You don’t need me as much. As the years go on, that need may diminish even more. I want you to know that oppa is ok with that.” 
Doyoung is edited to be sitting in the chair to Moxy’s right. As he leans forward, Moxy glances at the chair, eyes watering more than before. 
“Nothing makes me more happy than to see you grow and spread your wings. Just know whenever you need to land and rest. Doyoung oppa and Johnny oppa always have room and time for you. Saranghae Migyeong-ah.” 
As the video ends, Moxy buries her head in her arm as the tears finally fall. In the video it’s quiet but translators catch her whispering “Saranghaeyo oppa.” Eventually Moxy takes a deep breath, leaning back against the couch. She laughs incredulously. The rapper takes a couple more moments to compose herself and makes her way to the chair to film her video to the next member. 
Jungwoo takes time walking around the room reading the messages on the way, the kind words left to him by his other members, reminiscing by the photo wall. Jungwoo sits on the couch, immediately presses play to be greeted by his younger member. 
“Jungwoo oppa! If I seem spaced out, it's Doyoungs fault for making me cry. Make sure to scold him later for me *chuckles*. Over the years we’ve grown together but somewhere along the way you grew faster than I did and I couldn't be prouder. Pride fills my heart when I look across the stage and I see you shining like the star you were meant to be.” 
“When I think about you and I, we’re very similar. We both joined this group adding extra wheels to the train, helping the train go further. Reach new heights. After you joined I decided right then that I would be there for any hardship you ever had. To be your shelter when the weather gets rough. Looking back, your presence is so needed with us. You're kind and loving. You do your best to take care of everyone. Make them smile. Make them laugh. I can’t count how many times you’ve had me crying from laughing so hard.” They both laugh at that. 
“When I go through the scrapbook of our lives together I’ll remember the quiet times most of all. Staying up sheltered in my room talking about anything and everything. Out of all our members you know and understand me the best.” Moxy pauses, thinking of her final words. 
“You shine so brightly, Jungwoo. Never let that light fade. Stay happy. Stay healthy. Love yourself oppa. Cause I love you. Bye-bye.” Moxy gets up to turn off the camera. As she walks out the room you can see her still wiping tears away. Jungwoo, left in the room, stretches, leaning back against the couch. 
“Our 127 pumpkin. She's a member I lean on. She’s someone who even when I can’t see her she’s always there. I cherish our friendship so much. Even as she scolds me for not feeling the best about my performances, she’ll always take the time to monitor them with me.” Jungwoo tries to keep going all he can do is smile, “Saranghae pumpkin.”
Moxy literally lying on her side curled up in a ball watching Taeyong's message to 127
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jiihu · 2 years
Annyeong!! ~ x3_^ I am a super desu Korean kawaii! ~^ hehe :3 i reallllly sarang this Oppa but Oppa doesn't sarang me >_< -( I want to hold hands with Oppa and be his girl Oppa is so kawaii. but Oppa sarang another unii -( I really Sarang Oppa what should I doooo? :3 >< Ahh Oppa is so kawaii and I really love Oppa too much Oppa Saranghae <3 ^ please help me. oppas and unnis. and alllllll dongsengs I really want you to help me if you are my sunbae in sarang because me is only a hoobae because this is my first sarang and I need lessons kamnashiiminda. Saranghae!! :3 _^ 
so sugoi!!!!
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