#or also that like. he has to stop babying Ruby and get a life out of being a dad and Ozma servant hahahaha
onewomancitadel · 1 year
Something else I was musing on re: consistent symbolic language in R/WBY, referring to Jung and alchemy et al., is that Qrow in particular is (ostensibly) associated with chthonic imagery (the crow, bad luck) but he is most prominently a nurturing and protective figure. Like, his introduction in the story (in V2, when Yang tells Blake about him rescuing her and Ruby) is literally as a protective figure filling in where Tai is unable to; in V4 he's protecting the kids without them knowing; relatedly he's the father figure Ruby rebels against in V6. He is basically repeated over and over to be a Daddy In All But Name (pleazzzz don't come at me with crazy fantheories since I'm just describing his role in the story and the way family dynamics are nuanced).
Which basically goes against his corvid posturing because he thinkssss he's bad luck, but it's his intentions and motivations and care that matter. There is dual imagery to every character across the story, but if you want to simplistically say that Qrow = crow = death (when he literally averts Mentor Death Flags in V4) then it's shortsighted and simplistic. It has to be read on the terms of what the story is thematically/tonally interested in where it is being playful with this kind of thing.
It's why you can't take basic symbolism and leap to really wild conclusions. Not that I've read such things about Cinder before and I've had a chip on my shoulder since or anything.
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thetxtdevil · 3 months
TXT as Vampires
Welcome Ghouls & Goblins,
The TxT's Devil has conjured a fictional version of Tomorrow x Together as vampires. These characters are very little related to the actual men, but it's fun to fantasize. This will be a guide to know what I am writing about in my future projects. Some elements are inspired from AS YOUR VAMPIRE LOVER by @beomiracles enjoy...
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Level: born vampire, oldest of the clan Appearance: pale, raven black hair, dark maroon irises Special Powers: mind reading, can turn people, fast speed, strength Facts: Works as a Phlebotomist, this means he has extreme self control. He is able to take multiple bites from one feeding stopping himself before the victim runs out of blood. Since he's the oldest he knows a lot, so he's always teaching the boys and then gets made fun of for being old :( Suggestive Facts;) He knows he's handsome... he's cocky and a flirt. Since he can read minds he will read yours especially when you aren't able to say what you're really thinking...
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Level: turned vampire [cause: a way to save his life from intense injury], leader of the clan Appearance: pale, honey blonde, TALL, brown irises that turn into a flame red Special Powers: hypnosis, fast speed, strength Facts: As the leader, he keeps track of spendings in the house and the whereabouts of the boys. Although he was turned, he is excellent at training others if needed (Yeonjun helps too). Suggestive Facts;) Very sweet, doesn't want to take your blood, but he eventually does after you consistently ask. Secretly wants you to have his vampire babies and to make his own lineage.
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Level: born vampire Appearance: interestingly tan, long dark hair, rosewood irises Special Powers: transforms into a bat, fast speed, strength Facts: Gyu likes to spend his nights with werewolves. He also goes around exploring vacant areas (the haunted house down the street, the closed down mall, etc.). He enjoys the old ways of vampirism so he will wear victorian garments and dramatically roam around the clan's castle. Suggestive Facts;) Drains you… can't help it (he can) but he likes they way you taste and fall into his arms :(( Wants to do it EVERYWHERE, in every part of the castle, in a coffin, in the woods, maybe even his favorite old buildings.
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Level: born vampire Appearance: pale, untamed platinum blonde, occasionally dyes his hair red, ruby red irises Special Powers: hypnosis, mind reading, can turn people, fast speed, immense strength Facts: Tae was brought up in a very traditional vampire household (never interacted with humans only fed on them, stayed in the dark) thats why he knows a lot of the powers that get personal. However, since he has been with the clan Tae has spread his bat wings: bar hops with yeonjun, having conversations with Kai about humans, reads A LOT of novels from supernatural to humans. Suggestive Facts;) He has self control when it comes to feeding but tends to lose that control when getting intimate. Loves your throat, loves to kiss it, bite it, choke it... Secretly wants to turn you even though he admires your mortality, he just wants you forever.
Huening Kai
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Level: turned vampire [cause: victim of a feral vampire], youngest of the clan Appearance: pale, dark brown wavy hair, TALL, brown irises that turn into a bright scarlet Special Powers: recently found out that he can transform into a bat, fast speed, strength Facts: Kai is a baby bat, so he studies the ways of vampires (the boys help). He tends to forget that he’s allergic to the sun, comes back to the castle with steam off his head and burnt. Kai has learned to control himself with feeding on others, but he’s still a bit messy. Suggestive Facts;) He's learned from his ravenous past that bloodsucking is not always good, so he tries to not feast on you but when you give him the go ahead he won't stop. I suggest to invest in turtlenecks because this man loves to mark your neck. You could be human but he loves when you bite and suck on him too.
Let me know your thoughts on vampire!TxT
Check out -> The Devil’s Vampire Diaries
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil 🧛🏻‍♀️
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Great minds.....another biker gang story
The Endless biker gang runs these parts. Headed by Morpheus "Dream" Endless, they control this area - protecting the weak and helping those who need it. This let's the town turn a blind eye to the gang's other shenanigans - if an asshole or two goes missing, no one really minds; if bikers pick out a person passing through,,,,,to keep, well hopefully they have skills useful to the town. And at least they've stopped having their "significant others" walk around town mostly naked (it was a thing for a while, Destruction tended to like his "people" naked). The gang is always helpful, but some times the lost & turned around, don't leave.
Hob is on a road trip; he's on summer break from teaching his kiddos and had promised himself nothing but tourists attractions and the open road. He is also using a paper map! Yes, no one uses paper maps anymore, but Hob wants to be authentic, take a classic road trip - car + map,,,,, get lost!
Obviously, Hob's map reading/navigating skills are not great. He's supposed to be at some kitschy tourist attraction, not a dusty bar in the middle of nowhere. Well, Hob figures he can at least ask the bar keep where he is to get oriented and where the nearest motel is.
When Dream sees the ass on lost man that walks into his bar, he knows he wants to keep him. Dream doesn't know if yet (but he'll learn it), no one will be looking for "Hob" until August when he officially has to be back at his school,,,,,,,,,2 months from now.
The Endless town has a school & children,,,once Dream unties Hob from his bed......he's sure he can convince Hob to stay.
Oh Hob, baby... this could only happen to you.
Hob is definitely getting the vibe that this town is weird. The lack of traditional law enforcement, the fact that people keep giving him odd, pitying(?!) looks... its all very odd. It gets odder when this guy in full biker gear approaches him at the bar. Suddenly all the patrons, bar staff, owner... they all disappear. Its just Hob and this guy. The guy doesn't say much, just pours Hob another drink and asks if he's lost?
Hob explains his situation. He asks if biker guy can help him find his way. And the guy says, sure. But I want something in return.
The guy is gorgeous, if Hob is being honest. His eyes are blue, but there's a darkness deep within them. His hair is jet black and his mouth is ruby red, and if he wants blowjob in exchange for information then Hob is absolutely going to agree. He'd suck the guy off just for the pleasure of it. And maybe he's gullible, but he follows the guy right back to what is obviously the nicest house in town. Obviously being a biker is very profitable in these parts?
Naturally a blowjob turns into sex, and Hob gets the living daylights fucked out of him until he all but passes out. Dream, the biker guy, is like a whirlwind in bed. Hob has never cum so much in his entire life.
So when he wakes up cuffed to the headboard, he does scream and protest...... but it's a little half-hearted. When his dick is that good, it's hard to really get mad at the guy. Especially when he brings breakfast in bed. Hob has, objectively, had worse mornings.
And Dream isn't sure if this man is crazy or just really slutty, but he's keeping him either way. He'll make Hob cum so hard, he'll forget he even had a life before Dream and the Endless town <333
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tecnestheim962 · 4 months
A Rating & Scathing Review of RWBY Characters:
Done by: Me (surprise!)
This is a serious review where I seriously analyze each character and rate them all seriously!!
If I hurt anyone in this, I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s me. It’s nothing personal.
That being said, let’s get on to the ratings!
Ruby Rose:
Can I just say:
I really just love Ruby. Isn’t she awesome? Like. Man. What a lovable, strong, caring, amazing person! Had the weight of the world thrown onto her, and she didn’t care, she just kept doing what she thought was the right thing. And when she broke? It was still selfless. She thought she was doing the world a favor after all her mistakes. Then she came back because she knew she could do and had to do more for everyone. She needs a hug and all the love.
Weiss Schnee:
Weiss??? The way she opens up and goes from being all, “friendship? Who needs it.” To, “I! Love! My! Friends! Friendship is magic! I will fight tooth and nail for them! They are the most important people in the world!” And the way she became so open minded after learning from different perspectives? Gotta love her.
Blake Belladonna:
Oh my gosh and another of my favorites: Blake! She learns to let herself be loved by those around her! She learns that letting people in isn’t a weakness, but a great strength! She is a fierce protector and a whole civil rights activist taking the world by storm! She finds a way to show love now in any scenario when beforehand she didn’t because she was scared to get hurt. Gosh. Spectacular.
Yang Xiao-Long:
Don’t even get me started on Yang. Protector Supreme. The way she used to let her emotions control her to controlling her emotions??? I’m in shambles. From learning how to live for herself and not just her sister??? It’s important even though she missed rubys pain she’s only human and she’s beautiful!! The way she loves through her actions and defends through her words??? Just kill me now.
Jaune Arc:
Oh yeah and Jaune??? The character development??? Wowza. The way he’s always there for those he cares about??? Fantastic. The way he would throw everything away just to be there for his friends?? I am deceased. His fortitude and determination to keep pushing through?? Ugh.
Nora Valkyrie:
Nora??????? My Queen????? With her heart a beautiful storm that she projects to all those around her??? Her protective nature over everyone??? How she learns that she needs to love herself and know herself before she can truly dedicate herself to another???? Literally puts me 6 feet under.
Pyrrha Nikos:
Pyrrha??? Don’t think I’m leaving her out of this! Her heart was so strong with her convictions and her love for her friends that she literally did everything she thought she could to protect them. She wanted to define her destiny and save the world in the way she thought only she could. I will literally never recover.
Oscar Pine:
Oscar???????????????? My baby???? My precious little prince??? Innocent farm boy who keeps getting slapped in the face by literally everyone (seriously crwby this poor boy needs a break and a hug) literally losing his soul but wants to spend every second he has doing everything he can for remnant???? He didn’t ask for this???? And yet here he is??? I haven’t stopped crying since V5 thank you very much!
Lie Ren:
Ren????? My boy??? Who feels like he always has to be the strong one emotionally??? Who always has to mask his own emotions to take care of others???? Who literally developed a semblance, a manifestation of his SOUL that is empathy??????? Like what???? Who would literally rather be dead than without Nora?? Who tried to take up the mantle of Jaunes emotional support humanness???? Orkcmekwkqo.
I could go on for the rest of my life for these people and literally every other character.
Also, how come tumblr doesn’t have more colors available??? Truly a tragedy and quite rude if I might say! Hmph!
I really hope someone gets some giggles out of this like I did!
Let me know if anyone wants me to do another HIGHLY critical review (ahem) and rating of these characters.
Gonna go cry now bye-
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 month
for director's commentary on hot neighbor, when does buck start pursuing steve in earnest? how much of steve's conversation with wanda about the coffee shop guys did bucky overhear?
Oh interesting. I'm not 100% sure I know the answer to this question. But I'm really excited to think about it.
First - this is the ask and this is the fic: Hot Neighbor and the Sunshine Baby
Second question - I don't think Bucky overhears the conversation. If he had, he would have been to shy to walk in and turned right around to head back to his lab and breathe with his head between his knees. He really did only hear, "Nobody needs that much cake" and then jumped right in.
Okay, so, one of my favorite things I imagined about Bucky is that right when he decides for sure that he and Natasha have to get divorced, when Ruby is maybe 2, he gets low key obsessed with his hot neighbor and starts having these fantasies about him, and at this point he knows Steve is trans, and he is polite and respectful even in his fantasies, and this is when he gets really into researching how to be a respectful lover as a cis person with a trans partner. He's...a meticulous guy.
But it's really a fantasy for him. He sees Steve as safe because he doesn't think they'll ever be together. The guy is just convenient and divorce is terrible.
So maybe he's a little closed off in those early meetings with Steve because he feels really guilty for all the things he's been doing with imaginary Steve in his head without permission....
I think Bucky is absolutely hooked on Steve when he kicks the car in the intersection. It took Bucky a few days to puzzle the feelings out. Before that, he'd found Steve attractive but really didn't know anything about him.
But post car-assault, Bucky can't stop thinking about Steve and how fierce he looked and how righteous but also just really nice and easy to talk to he is and also how much he wants to lick him all over.
I didn't work this in the fic but I think Steve would leave Rosie at Ms. Rodriguez's on Saturday/Sunday mornings and go running in these tiny shorts. Bucky absolutely rearranged his schedule at great lengths to try and accidentally cross paths with Steve in his tiny running shorts. And then never actually talked to him beyond nodding hi, like, while standing at the mailboxes or drawing hopscotches on the front walk with Ruby, and Bucky hates himself but can't stop.
Steve has no idea this whole drama is playing out every weekend.
(Later they go running together and Bucky requests Steve wears the shorts and then Bucky has his way with Steve/tiny shorts and it's all very healing for Bucky).
The second Bucky had Steve's phone number, he was torn between not wanting to scare Steve off but desperately wanting try and get to know him. He definitely would have been madder about the haircut if he hadn't had a massive crush on Steve.
He told himself he'd be fine with him and Steve just being friends, and maybe he doesn't even like Steve that much but he's just lonely and that's why he's so attracted to Steve, but he also can't resist getting a little flirty like every 15 seconds and seeing how Steve will react. He's a scientist.
So he's doing his little flirty test balloons, and feeling like he's making progress, and that he actually likes Steve for who he is and not just because of how he looks in his tiny running shorts and that he was conveniently nearby when Bucky wanted fantasy material during his divorce.
Then after the microwave incident, Bucky is confused and hurt and wondering if he got everything wrong.
He decides Steve likes him, but has some kind of reason he's not acting on it, so he decides to just be charming and give Steve space to figure out whatever is going on. He's a sniper in another life. He can be patient. He also doesn't know when he's going to find the time away from their kids to kiss Steve anyway, so he's not in a rush to make a fool of himself.
But then Wanda sets them up, he's very determined to stop dancing around things at put his cards on the table so they can either move towards a romance (at whatever pace Steve needs for whatever is going on on his end that Bucky can't figure out) or Bucky can get clarification that Steve just wants to be friends.
OMG this is so damn long. But. You asked when Bucky started pursuing Steve in earnest. As much as I've written this huge long thing from the lens of Bucky's crush on Steve, Bucky is a busy guy who is trying to keep his life in order and do a good job at work, and be a good dad, etc. He reads books. He goes to the gym. He watches nature documentaries with his daughter and spends hours researching squid. He's reasonably happy and not pining endlessly away.
But probably when Bucky brings Steve the cake is the moment where Bucky is really consciously deciding that he is going to try and make something happen.
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aihoshiino · 4 months
chapter 150 thoughts!
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Entirely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 7…. ttttttechnically? they don't actually mention that the kiss happened, so i'm counting it…
ladies, gentlemen and those who know better, our long national nightmare is finally over
after… literally I've lost count of how long it's been since we had some proper Aqua introspection, our landmark chapter 150 is almost entirely dedicated to putting us back in Aqua's head (quite literally!) and sort of catching up with him. Some things about Aqua that have been mostly only communicated through showing over telling are explicitly told in text and i'm ngl, there's one or two things where seeing textual confirmation of them got me barking like a fucking dog. Overall, while the pacing of the start of this arc has been bit clunky and this chapter itself isn't free of that either, it actually feels like things are moving and meaningful characterization is happening which after the Movie Arc is a bit of a luxury lol.
As usual, I want to gush about Mengo's art before I touch on anything else. Setting the majority of this chapter in a dream sequence allowed her to do some incredibly fun things with the staging and imagery here. Aqua in that eerie void with his feet drenched in blood… Aqua and Gorou still stuck in that hallway where Ai died, while Ruby has managed to take steps to leave… It's so fucking good.
There were some absolutely top tier Kanas this chapter, too… her little baby tantrum in flashback and that gorgeous final page of her… But I'm getting ahead of myself.
While I described this chapter up top as being communicating things about Aqua, it very much feels to me like it's also serving as closure for Gorou, both in the sense of him as a person and resolving the posthumous arc that he's been going on as part of Aqua. This chapter at last draws a clear and explicit distinction between the two, that Aqua is no longer Gorou, even if he might have been built on the foundation of his identity. Gorou is even described as a 'role' that Aqua has been compelled to play that Gorou himself is now urging him to step down from - he is offering to relinquish Aqua's future back to him… if that's what Aqua wants.
This was how I'd initially read the relationship back in my 143 review - that 'Aqua Hoshino' created from Gorou, his core values and driving ideals, but 18+ years of living a whole new life in a whole new social role, meeting people and having experiences Gorou would never have and literally having a different body and brain in the process have made him different and the sum total of those differences is the person we call Aqua Hoshino. This chapter seems to lean into this interpretation, casting them as a pair of briefly intersecting lines that once crossed but have now diverged onto their own paths.
I also just really liked the dynamic that they were shown to have this chapter. Whenever we've seen this conflict externalized in the past, Gorou has always been this frightening, overwhelming presence whose existence actively prevents Aqua from having any kind of happiness or peace. Here, though, they have a much less adversarial energy, which is a really nice reflection of Aqua being able to gradually start pulling himself out of the shit he's been stuck in. Gorou almost feels fatherly or big brotherly here, not just in how he behaves in regards to Sarina-as-Ruby, but for Aqua, too.
But……….. okay, I'll stop dodging around the elephant in the room now lol
After over 25 chapters of very deliberately avoiding putting us in his headspace, 150 finally puts the ball in Aqua's court vis-a-vis the AquRuby tension and he answers in a way I think would be pretty hard to walk back: That Ruby is his precious sister and that's it. That her feelings for him are the result of her projecting Gorou onto him, chasing a ghost that is fading from this world and that she does not actually love him. Whoof.
This was another thing where seeing it in text felt pretty great. I'd caught pretty early on that there was a weird divide in the way the story was handling the AquRuby dynamic - namely, that there wasn't an AquRuby dynamic and all the supposed ship development of it was largely happening in retrospect, beefing up the intensity of the GRSR relationship and having Ruby express her feelings to Gorou-through-Aqua. When the idea of Aqua and Ruby romance was floated, by contrast, it was always treated like a gag. With the Movie arc being as much of a mess as it was, it was hard to work out what the intentionality of that was (if there was any to begin with) but this seems to make it about as clear as it can be: neither Gorou or Aqua have any had any feelings of that sort of Sarina-through-Ruby and neither of them want to pursue romance with them.
Once again tapping into my powers of Claire-voyance, I already know a lot of people are trying to insist that this is Aqua lying to himself or 'settling' and that he does secretly want a relationship with Ruby for reals! but that really isn't how it comes across to me in the art. He's calm, speaks straightforwardly and without hesitation and makes his point pretty clear. We know how it looks when OnK character lie to themselves and this isn't really it. It would also just be strange for that to be the case when this is a scene about Aqua starting to consider the idea of moving past the things that hurt him and live out his future with someone.
And who that someone is… seems to be coming into focus, but I don't think we'll be getting there quite yet.
I will say that for as much as I liked this as a chapter and as a goodbye for Gorou… it kind of doesn't really make a lot of sense as a resolution for his guilt lol. This chapter frames things in such a way that centers his guilt on Sarina and that seeing her live her life as Ruby has given him some catharsis over it. This is a sweet idea but… that's, uh, not how this was framed anytime prior! When we've seen Gorou intrude on Aqua's happiness before, his self hate and his guilt all center on Ai's death and his inability to save her. The last time we saw him in this capacity in 95, that's what he was saying with his whole chest: that he deserves to suffer as punishment for Ai's suffering, Ai's death. I'm sure that knowing Sarina is living on as Ruby was very cathartic but… it has nothing to do with Ai! Why is this being framed as narratively resolved in this way?
Like… if I chew on it a bit, I can make it make sense: since chapter 1, Gorou has been pretty open about projecting Sarina onto Ai, processing his grief that way and imagining her living vicariously through Ai's success. The idea of Ruby doing the same by continuing Ai's legacy and keeping her radiance alive being the thing that gives him release over Ai's death is interesting and I can understand it emotionally, it just feels like a weird unexplained leap for the narrative to make. I was talking to a friend about it, trying to work it out by externalizing it, and they theorized that this was always the intended endpoint of Gorou's posthumous arc but that the story had drifted in the middle section and Akasaka hadn't quite realigned them. This makes a lot of sense to me and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the case.
I will say that it really bugs me. I've already talked about the ways Ai's importance to the twins as their mother has been gradually downplayed and diluted as the Movie Arc has gone on. In my original post, I attributed this to Akasaka trying to amp up the intensity of the GRSR -> AQRB relationship in a soap opera-y sort of way, but given that this chapter seems to shut down AquRuby, I don't really know if that's the case. In general, Ai has been treated as sort of narratively 'resolved' as of 137, as if that chapter was the capstone to her posthumous character arc and while that might be the case for Ruby… I really don't think it is for Aqua!
It's possible that this is intentional. Aqua still has a shitton of work to do on unfucking his relationship with Ai and the ways his view of her, as implied by the Movie Arc, is warped by his grief. I could see this final stretch of the story being primarily about that - after all, this chapter is about confronting Aqua with the binary choice of revenge or love. In a lot of ways, this has always been what he's struggling with but putting the ball this firmly in his court establishes Ai's death entirely as his own trauma that he has to work through on his own. After all, Aqua might have confronted Gorou in this chapter, but there's a certain someone we also saw in chapter 95 that Aqua hasn't dealt with yet…
I'm talking about Kana, obviously! (ducks thrown tomatoes)
I don't have a ton to say about the AQKN romance setup in this chapter other than… yeah, I kinda saw this coming! It's interesting to see Gorou, the representation of Aqua's guilt and self destruction, be the one to so directly confront him and push him towards trying to find some happiness with her. Aqua quietly noting that he knows the things he likes about Kana and he knows that moving on with her makes a lot of sense - but what makes this especially interesting is the way it mirrors Kana's own reflection on her relationship with Aqua at the end of the chapter.
I like that a lot of the AQKN moments the two reflect on are just… mundane, everyday instances of the two of them stumbling through life together. I've seen a lot of people say AQKN is 'boring' or 'flat' because it lacks the drama of AQAK or AQRB but honestly, I feel like this is what makes it work (when it does work) - their relationship, whatever form it takes, is a safe and quiet space where they can just exist outside the drama and transactional utility of so many of their other relationships.
That said, while those montages mirror each other, what makes them interesting is their divergence point. Kana decides to commit to choosing 'love', with that absolutely gorgeous full page panel, but Gorou hands the knife - the symbol of the violence that blighted Aqua's life - back to him and makes it clear that love or revenge, the choice is now entirely in Aqua's hands. We don't see what he chooses, but… if Oshi no Ko really is a story with a happy ending, I think it's a foregone conclusion. And that makes me really happy.
Not that it's happening anytime soon, lol. I'll be very shocked if Kana's confession doesn't result in a rejection from Aqua, at least at this point in time - there's too much else going on in the story for this to be the right place for Aqua to commit to Kana. She's still an idol, after all and Kamiki is still around. The bets I'm placing right now are that AQKN are going to get their resolution, whatever form it takes, at the Dome concert during or after Kana's graduation.
As for their date… Call me cynical, but I also don't see it going particularly well. After all…
Aren't we forgetting somebody?
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reashot · 1 year
Happy Mother's Day! Feat. Jaune's Future Children.
Ruby: You know Yang mother's day are coming...
Yang: Do you want to visit mom's grave afterward?
Ruby: Yes, I would like that...
Blake: (Damn this is getting dark all of a sudden. Where's Weiss when you need her.)
Then out from nowhere a girl around their age appears suddenly behind Ruby to loudly proclaim herself.
Scarlett: Hi mom it's me your favorite daughter! 😆
Ruby: Scarlett! And how do you even get here? 😮
Scarlett: Heh, heh... Trade secret. 😉
Ruby: So anyway. What brings you here? 🤨
Scarlett: We're here to meet you all, silly. 😜
Ruby: We, what do you mean by we?
Aurum: I think What little sister meant is that she's bringing us to celebrate mother's day.
Yang: OMG you remember about Mother's day. You're Aurum right. You're supposed to be my son from the future?
The man she's talking to tower over everyone in presence, much older than the rest of the group and encased in golden armor.
Aurum: That's right mother how have you been?
Yang: Oh fine... Shoot, I don't know how to act around you. You're supposed to be my son and all, but you're older than my dad.
Aurum: Ha, ha. I get that it would be confusing. But worry not Honored Mother. *kneels* No matter how you treated me I will always regard you with the up most respect.
Yang: Ah, please stop you're embarassing me...
Blake: Wait if Aurum and Scarlett are here then that means. My Dusky Wusky is here too!
Dusk: Mommy!!! *glomps on Blake*
Blake: *Squee* How is my beautiful baby girl. Your mama miss you so much!!!
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Dusk: I miss you too mommy but please stop it. You're hurting me.
Blake: No I will not. Because you will just leave me again. Mama will never let you go. I will love you and cares for you for the rest of your life!
Dusk: Umuh...
Ruby: Okay... So what brings you here. Or is it when? Ah it's confusing I don't get how time travel sentences works. 😵
Scarlett: We're here for Mother's day!!! 😇
Ruby: Wow okay, but I though we already established that we are not really your Mother. We're from different timeline. So you don't have to celebrate it for us. 😞
Blake: Fuck That! Dusky Wusky is my baby and no one will take her away from me again.
Aurum: Lady Blake. Hold thine tongue! There's children here.
Yang: Blake out burst aside. Why are you celebrating with us. Should you go celebrate it with your real mom?
Scarlett: Well we did that already. But seeing that what we been through last time. We all think it just felt wrong not to celebrate it without everyone....
And speaking of which where's dad? I mean, where's Jaune?
Wow that's super weird calling my dad by his first name. I mean his other version's name. Oh I hate how parallel reality works! 😩
Ruby: Jaune? Oh we haven't see him much lately. Whenever we tried to approach him. He Immediately ran away from us. Can you believe it? 😢
Yang: Can't say I blame him. After everything that just happened. It would be weirder that he acted like nothing happened.
Blake: Whatever it is we should give him some time to process what happened. If he doesn't want to see us anymore then it's fine. We will respect his choice...
Scarlett: I understand. But anyway to get back on topic we have present for everyone here. 😎
Ruby: Present! Well why didn't you start with that. Of course we would like present. 🤯
Scarlett: He, he. For Ruby Rose here is a beautiful Rose from my brother and me. 😘
Ruby: Oh it's so beautiful. I love it. You and Aurum shouldn't have. 🥰
Scarlett: it's not from Aurum, silly. It's from MY brother. You also have a son too mom. 🤭
Ruby: 😮
Dusk: And I also want to give you this mommy.
I made it with daddy with crayon and macaroni.
Blake: *Gasp* it's so beautiful... I have the greatest mother's day gift known to Faunus and man. *cry*
Aurum: And "mother" dearest from me. I do not know what you like but you did use to tell me that when you Were young you used to like to ride on your bike. Something bee? Any way I have for you a brand new motorcycle.
Yang: Oh my gods! Oh my gods! Oh my gods! A brand new bike. I can't believe it. You made all the their mother day's present look like trash I love you Son!....
Uh, I mean. It's not what the present that count but the thought that matters...
Blake: Did you just said my daughter Mother's day present is trash!
Yang: Hey it's not a competition. Although if it were a competition. A Motorcycle beat Macaroni art hands down.
Aurum: Mother please. You're making things worse.
Lady Blake. I would like to apologize on my mother's behalf. I meant no disrespect with my gift to my mother.
It's just that I have so many siblings that I felt I have to match it in size.
Yang: Wait, many siblings. How many are we talking about?
Aurum: Ah, only around 12 with me included of course.
Blake & Ruby:
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Yang: 12 Children! Curse my great child bearing hip.
Ruby: O-okay please stop! This is too much new informations to take. I can't. Wait a second isn't there supposed to be four of you?😱
Yang: Yeah the somehow even whiter version of Jaune. Victor. Weiss' son from the future.
Blake: As if that even possible. Jaune is pretty much as white as it can get.
Ruby: If this is a slander on my future baby's daddy then I would rather you keep it to yourself. 😠
Aurum: Not to worry Victor are also here to give his Mother's day present.
Yang: Didn't he tried to kill her the last time they met!?
Aurum: He gave me his word that he will not harm her.
Yang: H-he said that. And you just believed him?!
Aurum: Of course. He promise me after all.
Ruby: Wait. Where's Weiss?
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Victor: This is all your fault!!!!
Weiss: *choked* (Please someone save me. Ruby. Please save me Jaune...)
Anyway here is my sorta sequel to my last fic. Go ahead and read it you want.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Oh yeah and Scarlett have an older brother. And no I didn't just add him out off nowhere. He had an unnamed cameo in an intermission fic I made a while back when I still have 40 followers:
If anyone asking what he is like think Jaune but with none of his insecurity and self loathing. Also he inherited Ruby's silver eyes. Nothing I'm sure.
And I know that someone will be asking where is Jaune in all of this and why is he avoiding team RWBY?
Well the answer is....
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razorblade180 · 5 months
Shift in the town
Thug 1: Come on! *runs out store* Pick up your feet!
Thug 2:*running with money* This would be faster if you took a bag!
Thug 1:Haha! Quit you’re complaining. This is the easiest score of our life! With all recent “changes” in Vacou, nobody has time for-
???:Uhh excuse me?
The two thugs stop dead in the tracks and quickly turn around as they heard the familiar voice of a very famous citizen. Staring at them was the hero of Remnant, Ruby Rose; complete with black baggy shorts, and oversized red t-shirt, and an unblinking baby looking right at them.
For less than half of a second, the first thug motioned toward his knife, then immediately abandoned the idea as the hero gave him a glare that uttered “don’t even” in the most ominous way.
Thug 2:Oh come on! You’re not supposed to be on patrol!
Ruby:Do I look like I am? I was on my way to the store, but I needed cash from the bank. I have a feeling they won’t be able to make change at the moment though.
Ruby:…Drop the bags. All the weapons. Do that and I won’t even chase you. Feels too soon to expose this little one to violence.
Thug 2: You really think you can take us unarmed and with a-
Ruby:I’m asking nicely. *smiles*
Thug 1:….Drop the money.
Thug 2:What!?
Ruby:Aye, smart choice.
Thug 2: The hell it is! I’m not giving up this shit!
Ruby:And now you’re cursing in front of my child. Cool… *looks at Thug 1* Could you kindly drop the knife you were going for and walk towards me, please?
Never has kindness felt so terrifying. He emptied all of his pockets and slowly approached, leaving his partner in utter disbelief with her jaw hanging open. Ruby gave the man an indifferent gaze before presenting her child. He was hesitant to move at first but slowly opened his arms. That’s what she wanted, right.
Ruby indeed briefly put Carmine, her whimsical child, into the thugs arms. Briefly was an understatement. The second he got a firm grasp on the child, the sight of petals filled his vision. He had just enough time to look over at his partner and gasp as he watched her face get grabbed and slammed into the sidewalk as if Ruby was trying to dribble it. A heavy thumb shook the ground as the thug made her impact on it. Ruby was already taking her daughter back into her arms before the thieving woman rested on the ground.
Ruby:Thanks. I’ll tell the cops you cooperated if they run your prints. I’ll also keep my promise. Run if you want. Don’t take your friend though. She made her choice.
Thug: W-Why would you hand me the child?
Ruby:You have common sense. It’s why you didn’t draw your weapon at the start.
Thug:And if I chose to flee or try to hurt the kid?
Ruby:Dead. *rocking baby* But you already knew that, didn’t you? Not very hero like I know, but I’m off the clock and a mother now. My child, then my morals. Now then, make sure every thug knows that. Behave and don’t get any brazen ideas. All of you.
Thug:Y-Yes ma’am!
He sprints off while Ruby leans against a building and plays with Carmine while waiting for authorities to show up.
Ruby:Did mama’s stern voice scare?
Ruby:Hmmm, that’s slightly concerning. *smiles* Maybe you’re more like me than I thought? Still, let’s have a peaceful, uneventful day. *kisses cheek* Mmmuaahh!
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terranceholdsapencil · 4 months
I just watched space babies and Im gonna put some moments under the cut that are just so,,,
-lets make this episode into one big exposition/lore dump so everyone knows whats going on
-dinos <3
-ruby stepping on an actual butterfly and 15 blowing life into it again 😭 that was so stupid I absolute love it
-"One day this is wyoming"
-"Aha! Is that like a, uh, matter transporter like in star trek?" "hehehE! weve gotta visit them someday."
Im not even much of a star trek fan but I could totally watch doctor who with my star trek-autistic dad if there was a crossover. Also a crossover would be bangers.
-"Most of the universe is knackered, babes" fair.
-something about "the question is, why did I run?" "cause it was scAry!" "It was new. I LOVE meeting new things, so why did it give ME the shivers? I couldn´t run fast enough I was like 👏 WOOSH!"
I was like *clap* WOOSH!! (New stim unlocked)
-"So, this place, grows babies. What for? FoOd?" "fOo- who-whOT. FOOD? Theyre not tOmAtOes"
The way he said tomatoes is very special to me. As well as the general absurdity of that whole moment, actually
-giving her phone the space-time-signal boost!!! THAT MADE ME SO HAPPY TO SEE ON SCREEN AGAIN
-space babies. First I was a bit annoyed and baffled by the way he kept saying space babies but eventually he said it so often I just went "SPACE BABIES :D"
-ruby and 15 handling the space babies??? 😭 Man that was so pure
-maybe thats growing up queer and autistic but this line killed me
"Nobody grows up wrong.
You are, what you are, and that is magnificent"
Okay Im just gonna sit down and CRY because I really needed my comfort character to tell me this. Im not ready for it yet but I still need it. Ill get back to this once Im at peace with myself. To heal.
-"because I, am absolutely lovely, arent I? 🥰"
-"And do you wanna know my secret?
Theres no one like me in the whole, wide, universe. No one like me exists, and thats true of everyone. Its not a problem, captain pops. Its a superpower 💪 High five!"
-i absolutely laughed out loud and almost woke my father when ruby tried to calm the space babies and 15 kept scaring them.
"Theres no such things as the bogeman. That thing, was more-- sort of like, a, uhhh," "BOGEYMAN!"
-"That should recalibrate the whole shebang"
-abortion allegory got like super spelled out at one point and that was a bit awkward but I have no strong opinion on it, because the point they make still stands.
"Hang on. So, the planet down below will refuse to stop the babies being born, but once theyre born, they dont look after them??"
-the way jocelyn said 'because its terrifying" after 15 said "and WhY was I so scared?"
Also: "Yeah but Ive met a million ugly bugs, *I´m* and ugly bug, ThAt THIng, made me run, I just wonder why" youre not an ugly bug gorgeous
-"babies with a flame thrower?!" Was possibly the stupidest thing Ive ever seen and Im so happy cause that is exactly how doctor who works. Babies with flame throwers. Who even thought of that.
Also reminded me of the fact daleks had flame throwers at one point
-"The teaching software, it told a story!" "it invented the bogeyman!" "For the babies 🥺" "For the space babies 🥺" (i love them)
-snot monster
-it did confuse me how familiar they seem already. And that he basically gave her a tardis key before she even really agreed to travel with him. I LOVE them dont get me wrong but that felt too quick
-seeing mum at christmas <3
-"tell your mum not to slap me" someone has never recovered from jackie and sylvia
-ohhh dna scan
-probably something I forgot but:
Episode was fun. Too exposition heavy at times and structured differently from 'normal' who. But fun. And also super silly. And we LOVE super silly.
Space Babies. Space babies with flame throwers.
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stardustshelb · 1 year
"If It Kills Me" - Jake One Shot
TW: Language. Your name (female) + Jake. 6,339 words.
The song "If It Kills Me" by Jason Mraz inspired me to write this story; each part of the story is inspired by a different part of the song.
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Part One
"It would be such a beautiful moment to see the look on your face,
To know that I know that you know now.
And baby that's a case of my wishful thinking.
You know nothing." - JM
You’re sending me one-worded texts. You’re probably busy. At least that’s what I’m telling myself because why else would you be responding like you’re mad at me? I haven’t done anything to make you angry. If you knew I was spiraling and overthinking like this, you’d probably throw in an emoji, a gif, something to ease my mind. I decided to stop dwelling on the “ok” and “lol” replies and put my phone away. I’m clearly distracted and the last thing I need is Danny getting angry if I throw the tempo off again. 
“Let’s run through that one more time,” Josh said into the microphone. I normally am the serious one who takes control of our practices, but I wasn’t feeling it today. We were going on four hours of rehearsal for our upcoming tour. I was exhausted because I stayed up too late, but that’s the sacrifice you make when the love of your life lives in a different time zone. I listened to Danny count us in, “One, two, three, four,” and began playing my guitar. I tried to focus on the music but thoughts of you kept creeping in. 
When rehearsal finally ended, I checked my phone hoping to see your name on my screen. Nope. You left me on read. Thousands of notifications plague my screen but the one notification I was looking for was nonexistent. I started replaying the last parts of our conversation last night; if you were mad at me for something I said, I truly couldn’t remember. I put my phone in my back pocket and finished packing my stuff up for the day. We had to be back bright and early tomorrow, so thankfully I didn’t have to pack up all of my pedals and amps.
“What are you doing tonight?” Sam asked as he held out a ruby grapefruit White Claw to me. 
“It’s barely 2:00 in the afternoon, man,” I said as I waved his offer away. “Uh, I’m probably going to take it easy tonight and stay in.”
“That’s what you did last night,” Sam said as he shifted his weight to his other foot. He was clearly bummed that I wasn’t up for hanging out.
“Yeah, well, I’m trying to savor my nights at home before I spend them all on the road,” I said with a shrug. I loved touring and playing music more than anything, but I also loved sleeping in my own bed. I just wished you were here to share it with me.
“If you change your mind, call me,” he said as he placed the unopened White Claw down near my boot. He walked away before I could respond. I stared at the can and then grabbed it before walking out to the parking lot. 
When I got home, I took a quick shower and laid on the couch scrolling through the pictures in my camera roll. Our social media team has made several remarks lately that my Instagram was too “dry” and our fans were begging for more content from me. I never really pay much attention to the demands of keeping up an online presence on social media. I scrolled back to March of this year and smiled as I looked at the pictures from our quick trip to the beach. It was the last time we were able to spend time together as just the two of us. We spent four days secluded from the outside world in a condo in Santa Barbara. It was the highlight of my year. I found a picture you took of me when I was staring out into the sunset. My jeans were rolled up to my shins to keep from getting wet as the waves rolled in. I remember the water was so cold I thought my toes were going to turn black. You don’t smoke anymore, but you took a hit (or two) on the joint hanging out of my mouth. I didn’t know you took the picture of me at the time, but I’m thankful you did. If only you knew that at that moment I was cursing the sun for leaving and robbing us of another day together. 
The night passed by quickly. I still hadn’t heard from you and I was trying not to worry. It wasn’t like we were always in constant contact with our busy work schedules, but you should have texted me by now. I was fighting my eyelids to stay awake. I knew you had been working night shifts at the hospital recently, but I knew you were off. Our three-hour time difference really made things difficult for my sleep schedule. While it was almost 2 a.m. for me, I knew you would be awake and scrolling through your plethora of social media apps before getting ready for bed. 
I had an idea that normally worked when I needed a desperate way to grab your attention. I opened my Instagram app for the first time in weeks and hit the plus sign to make a post. I scrolled back to the picture you took of me on the beach and typed the caption, “The fleeting daylight gave me liberation though I longed for staying a captive on the sand.” I hit send and waited for the trap I set to work. I knew you had my Instagram notifications turned on.
I chuckled as I read the comments from fans who always posted the most unhinged shit. Even though my motive was to get a response from you, I still enjoyed reading the interesting comments. And as if I knew you better than you knew yourself, I suddenly was on the receiving end of your FaceTime call. 
“Hey,” I said as I propped the phone up on the pillow next to me. I fought the urge to display a smug smile.
“You have a typo in your Instagram caption,” you said. You had a toothbrush hanging out the side of your mouth and your hair was wrapped up in a towel. 
“Do I?” I asked, playing dumb. Any time I needed a response from you, posting a typo on social media worked 9 times out of 10. Josh just thinks I’m an idiot at this point.
“It doesn’t even make sense,” you said as you leaned down to spit off camera. 
“Fine, I’ll fix it,” I said as I reopened the app to make an edit to the caption. 
“You could have at least given me photographer credits,” you said. I fixed the typo and opened your FaceTime back so I could see your beautiful face full screen. You weren’t paying me any attention as you were doing your nighttime skincare routine. I didn’t care because I was still able to admire you. 
“You and I both know the insanity that would ensue if I tagged you in anything,” I said with a sigh. 
“That’s true,” you said.
“I miss the beach,” I said but fought to replace beach with the word you. Though, you would have seen it all over my face if you were looking at me. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t talk much today,” you said.
“I was beginning to think you were mad at me,” I admitted. 
“Why would I be mad at you?” you asked as you suddenly stopped rubbing moisturizer into your skin. You stopped looking at yourself in the mirror and stared at your phone–stared at me. I tried to remember what I was saying.
“I–uh–well, you know, you didn’t respond for hours, and uh, when you did, it was um–” I knew I was tripping over my words. I felt my face getting warm because I was flustered.
“I’m not mad at you, Jake. At least not at the moment,” you said with a wink. 
“You know I get into my head sometimes,” I said as I smoothed my hair back.
“Better than anyone. Ok, well, I wanted to pop on real quick to tell you good night,” you said. I could tell you were about to wrap up the call. I hated saying goodbye but I needed to sleep too. 
“Good night, y/n” I said as I watched you finish drying your hair.
“Good night, Jake,” you said before hanging up.
“I love you,” remained silently on my lips. 
Part Two
"Well you and I,
Why, we go carrying on for hours on end.
We get along much better,
Than you and your boyfriend." - JM
“You look like shit,” Josh said. Once again, another sleepless night robbed me of any rest and relaxation before another full morning of rehearsal. Thoughts of you mixed with anticipation for the new tour had my mind racing.
“Yeah, well, we’re twins,” I said as I stirred my coffee. “So, I guess you look like shit too.” I was fighting the urge to add a little whiskey to it if this was how practice was going to go. 
“This is the last practice of the week, so let’s not fuck around and waste any time today,” he added.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I questioned. I didn’t like what he was implying.
“It means get your head out of your ass and finish your coffee so we can get started,” he said. I could sense Josh was angry about something, but there was no telling with him. The smallest inconvenience could set him off. I bit my tongue and let him have his moment of misdirected anger. I finished my cup of coffee and started to plug in my guitar.
“Yesterday we stopped after ‘Frozen Light’ so let’s move on through the rest of the set list,” I said.
“Well, then you’re plugging in the wrong guitar,” Josh said. Confused, I glanced at the taped setlist on my side of the stage and realized our B stage performance was next. 
“Oh, yeah,” I said.
“You would know that if you paid any attention yesterday,” Josh said under his breath.
“What the fuck is your problem this morning?” I asked.
“Guys,” Sam said as he stepped in to diffuse the situation. That’s what the three of us did. Whoever was the one outside of the conflict always stepped in to help calm the other two down. But truth be told, it was normally Sam who worked as the middle man. “I’m not acting as the rope for your game of tug-of-war today.” My heart strings pulled a little for my younger brother as I threw my cup of coffee in the trash.
Rehearsal went by a lot quicker today than it did yesterday. I’m sure it was because anger fueled me not to waste a single moment of time so I didn’t have to be here any longer than I had to be. I was looking forward to a couple days off. I wondered if I could make a quick trip to California to see you this weekend. 
“Hey,” I heard Josh’s voice from behind me. I continued to pack up my stuff instead of turning around to face him.
“I’m sorry, Jake,” he said. I stopped messing with my cords and sighed before turning around.
“It’s ok,” I said when I met his eyes.
“I’m stressed about the tour and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you,” he said. Any ounce of anger I had instantly evaporated. I could tell he needed a hug so I pulled him in. Normally he was the one to initiate physical contact, but I knew what he needed.
“Are you sticking around here for the weekend?” I asked as I let go of our embrace.
“I’m not sure. What about you?” Josh responded.
“I may explore the west coast for a couple days,” I said, rubbing my chin.
“Jake…” Josh’s voice sounded like a warning.
“What?” I asked. He sighed and shook his head, clearly not saying what he wanted to say.
“Tell y/n I said hi,” he said.
“I never said I was going to see her,” I said.
“You didn’t have to,” he added.
“It’s not a good weekend,” you said. Your words immediately broke my heart and I struggled to hold the phone in my hand. I called to see if I could come stay and visit because I hadn’t seen you in nearly three months.
“I thought you said you were off most of this week,” I said, trying to mask the sadness in my voice.
“I am,” you said.
“So why can’t I come? I miss the beach. I miss you,” the words escaped my mouth before I realized it.
“I have plans this weekend,” you said. I could tell you didn’t want to volunteer any more information and that I was going to have to ask to get any details.
“One day on the beach with me is all I ask,” I practically begged.
“Nathan and I are going out of town,” you said. There it was. The reason you were being so short and vague. You knew how I felt about him; I just wish you knew how I felt about you.
“He’s still around?” I asked.
“Jake, I’m not having this conversation again,” you said. I could hear the frustration in your voice.
“Where are you guys going?” I asked. I really didn’t want to know any details because I didn’t want to think about Nathan any more than I had to. I was struggling to play nice.
“He’s taking me to his parents’ house in Malibu,” you said. I felt my chest tighten.
“You’re meeting his parents?” I asked.
“Yes, Jake. Is that ok with you?” you asked sarcastically. 
“You know you don’t need my permission for anything. I can’t say the same for Nathan,” I added. I tasted the bitterness of my insult. You didn’t immediately respond so I knew my words made an impact. I then heard you speaking but I couldn’t tell what you were saying. The sound was muffled as if your hand was covering the phone.
“Hello?” I asked. I continued listening to the muffled conversation and realized he was currently there with you. I couldn’t make out what you two were saying but I was growing more and more frustrated by the second. “Y/n?” I asked again, hoping for a response, but I continued to sit on the metaphorical back burner.
“Sorry about that,” you said. “Hey, I’ve got to finish packing but I will call you tomorrow.”
“Sure, of course. I will talk to you tomorrow,” I said as you ended the call.
I made myself a drink and debated calling one of the guys to come over and hangout. It was only 8:00 p.m. but I felt the exhaustion from the last two days taking its toll on me. Well, the tequila in my drink probably didn’t help. I figured I should take advantage of some extra hours of sleep. I polished off my glass and slowly shuffled to my bedroom. I put my phone on the charger and collapsed into my bed. For once, I didn’t have to lie awake as I slowly sunk into the pillow.
Part Three
"How long, can I go on like this,
Wishing to kiss you
Before I rightly explode?
Well this double life I lead isn't healthy for me.
In fact, it makes me nervous.
If I get caught, I could be risking it all." - JM
I didn’t realize that I slept for over 14 hours when I rolled over to check the time on my phone. Both my body and my mind really needed to rest. I scrolled through the notifications on my screen with tired eyes until I spotted two missed calls from you. As if you were a shot of espresso, I was immediately awake. You didn’t leave me a voicemail but you had called me at what would be 1 a.m. your time. I sat up straight and nervously called you back.
“Hello?” you answered on the first ring. Your voice sounded strange.
“Hey, I’m sorry I missed your calls last night. What’s going on?” I asked.
“If you’re still wanting to come to California, I’m free,” you said.
“I’ll be on the next flight,” I said as I hurried to get out of bed. 
“Thanks, Jake,” you said. I could tell you were on the verge of tears, so I decided not to press for any details yet. We could talk it out once I got there.
I landed in Santa Barbara just after 7 p.m. and headed through the small California airport. It was surprisingly easy finding a last-minute flight, but it wasn’t easy getting through the airport. Even today, I am still taken aback by the attention I receive from fans. I texted you to find out where to meet you and made my way down the escalator. I was only staying for two nights so I threw everything I needed into my backpack. I can travel light. I waited outside and kept my head down until I saw your car rolling up. To my surprise, Nathan was in the passenger seat. I felt sick. You immediately jumped out of the car and ran straight to me. I wanted to pick you up and spin you around, but I knew that would not make a great first impression with your boyfriend.
“I’m so happy to see you!” you squealed as I lingered in your welcoming embrace. Everything I had planned to say to you was no longer relevant now that he was here. 
“I’m happy to be here,” I said as you finally let go. I could feel Nathan staring at us but I kept my eyes locked on your beautiful face. Your naturally long eyelashes fluttered and I swore I stopped breathing.
“Are you hungry?” you asked.
“Famished, actually,” I said, realizing all I’ve eaten today were the free snacks the airline gives you. 
“Good because I made lasagna,” you said as you stood on your tiptoes.
“Did you follow your famous recipe?” I asked.
“From a box?” you asked with a laugh.
“Shh, we pretend, remember?” I asked. Before you could respond, we both jumped at the sound of your car horn. Nathan’s impatience seemed to get the best of him. I grinded my teeth before taking a deep breath. So much for first impressions.
“Come on,” you said as you rolled your eyes and laughed. I relaxed my fingers, which I didn’t realize were balled up into a fist, before following you to your car. I slid into the backseat and channeled my inner Josh so I could act like I was excited about meeting Nathan.
“Hey, man. I’m Jake,” I said, sticking my arm out to shake his hand. He turned around and looked at me like I was covered in dirt. 
“Hello, Jake,” he said, finally grabbing my hand unenthusiastically. “I’m Dr. Turner.” Give me a break. You got into the car and smiled when you saw us shaking hands.
“Oh good, I didn’t have to do the introductions,” you said with a wink.
I learned your weekend trip to Malibu was canceled when Nathan–or Dr. Turner–found out he needed to be on call at the hospital last minute. I could tell you were disappointed, but I’m not sure if that was the reason you sounded like you were crying on the phone this morning. I made a mental note to ask you about it when we had some privacy. I knew Nathan was staying for dinner but I was praying to whatever God who was listening that he wouldn’t be staying the night as well. I needed alone time with you. 
When we got back to your place, I made my way to your guest room to put my backpack up. I checked in with the guys to let them know I had made it safely to your place. I guess news of me being in California was all over Twitter and Instagram because our social media manager sent me screenshots of some pictures I took with fans in the airport. I knew we’d have to lay low now that I was here to keep your identity hidden. The last thing you or I needed were pictures of us circulating online with rumors. I started to make my way out of the bedroom when I stopped in the doorway. I could hear you and Nathan having what sounded like an argument, and I didn’t want to interrupt. I leaned in closer to the hallway to eavesdrop.
“He can’t get a hotel room?” Nathan asked.
“I’m not making my best friend stay in a hotel,” you said as you closed the oven door.
“He can afford it,” he said with a scoff.
“I don’t concern myself with other people’s finances, Nathan. You know that. People could say the same thing about me dating a doctor,” you said. I rolled my eyes.
“I just don’t like the idea of another guy staying the night with you,” he said.
“He’s not staying with me. He’s sleeping in another room. Plus I’ve known Jake almost my entire life. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve slept under the same roof,” you said.
“I would feel more comfortable if I were here too,” he said. I felt my blood start to boil. 
“Please trust me, Nathan. I’ve never given you a reason not to,” you said. I couldn’t handle listening any longer so I made my way out of the hallway and walked into the kitchen. When you saw me, you pulled away from Nathan. I’m not sure if you noticed–but both he and I did. I’m sure that unconscious movement only fueled his insecurities even more. 
Dinner went better than one would expect. It appears everyone–including myself–is a great actor. One would have never guessed Nathan didn’t want me there with the way he was asking me questions about my life with the band. If I didn’t know half of what I already knew about him, I’d think he was a pretty good guy. You beamed watching the two of us converse. I gazed at your full lips across the table as they broke into a smile. I wanted nothing more than to kiss them. 
“Nothing like a home-cooked meal,” you said with a laugh. I gave you a soft smile.
“Stouffer’s is a specialty with this one,” Nathan said, pulling you into a side hug. “I’m hoping she’ll learn her way around a kitchen eventually.”
“I will take anything that’s not fast food at this point,” I said. I stared at the glass mason jar of strawberry lemonade you so kindly made AKA mixed Crystal Light with water. I knew you had a busy schedule at the hospital and worked so hard as a nurse. And I knew you had to fend a lot for yourself growing up. I was just proud that you made a life for yourself and lived unapologetically. I didn’t care that you never took an interest in cooking. You never tried to be anyone but yourself and I loved that about you.
“Well, it would be nice to have something that wasn’t full of preservatives every once in a while,” Nathan said with a laugh. I looked up to meet his eyes and if looks could kill, he’d be a goner. You sensed my sudden change in mood and laughed at his joke–a laugh that you and I both knew was fake and forced.
“I’m a great cook, actually. What about you Nathan?” I said.
“A man’s place doesn’t belong in the kitchen. Plus, I’m too busy with surgeries and–” he was saying.
“The 1900s called. They want their sexist views back,” I joked. You let out a wild laugh, one that was so not fake. I watched Nathan squirm in his seat before forcing a smile. Before he could respond, the ringing of his work phone distracted us.
“Great,” he muttered before excusing himself from the table. When he was out of the room, you and I locked eyes and you started that wild laugh again.
“Jacob Thomas Kiszka, you are horrible,” you said. I loved when you used my full name.
“What kind of backwards ideology is that?” I asked. I wasn’t joking anymore.
“He was raised differently,” you said, smoothing the napkin in your lap. 
“Does he call his mom Mother? Be honest,” I said, biting my lip to keep from laughing.
“Jake…” you said.
“Holy shit, he does!” I exclaimed. We both were laughing hysterically when Nathan came back into the room.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“Jake just told me a funny story,” you said nervously.
“I like to laugh,” Nathan said as he joined us at the table.
“Do you have to leave, darling?” you asked. I could taste the bile in my throat after hearing you call him that.
“Yeah, here in a second. I want to hear this hilarious story first,” he said as he met my stare.
“It’s really an inside joke. You wouldn’t–” you started.
“I’m waiting,” Nathan said, not breaking my eye contact. Just then, I fantasized about stabbing him in the neck with the fork in my hand. 
“I was telling y/n the story about how Josh–that’s my brother–sometimes acts in his diva persona,” I was trying to come up with something on the fly. I’m sure anyone with a brain would know I was lying, but I kept going. “And when he’s this super bitch–his words–he makes life hell for us all.”
“And that’s…funny?” Nathan asked.
“If you knew him, yes,” I said. 
“Right. Well, I’ve been called in for surgery. Another with cirrhosis of the liver. They’re a dime a dozen nowadays,” Nathan said. It was hard to believe he was talking about another human life. I wouldn’t want someone who didn’t see value in another person’s soul operating on me. He wouldn’t give a shit if I lived or died. I’d be just another body on the operating table to him. “That’s why I’ve encouraged y/n to stop drinking. Nasty stuff. Jake, you should consider it too.”
“Thanks for the medical advice, doc,” I said.
“I’m serious. Alcohol is poison. But then again, so are all of the preservatives we consume in our instant lemonades and frozen lasagnas, so what the hell do I know?” he laughed. Nobody laughed along with him this time.
“I’ll walk you out,” you said as you pushed yourself away from the table. I wasn’t sure if you were needing a break from yet another one of his passive aggressive insults, or if you were trying to get him away from me before I did something that would put me behind bars for the rest of my life.
Part Four
"If I should be so bold,
I'd ask you to hold my heart in your hand.
I'd tell you from the start how I longed to be your man.
But I never said a word,
I guess I'm gonna miss my chance again." - JM
We spent the rest of the evening sitting on your couch and catching up. We talked every day but having this time with you in person felt completely different. You wanted to know everything about our new tour and I could feel the excitement radiating off of you. 
“Will you be there opening night?” I asked.
“You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you said. “I have a confession.”
“Oh?” I asked as I moved closer to you. 
“I have a bottle of tequila stashed in the cabinet above the refrigerator,” you whispered.
“You know how I feel about alcohol, and don’t even get me started on preservatives,” I said sarcastically. You threw a pillow at me before jumping up to grab it. I watched you climb on top of your kitchen counter to be able to reach your hidden contraband. You jumped down off the counter and ran back to join me on the couch with the forbidden bottle of tequila tucked under your arm.
“If you can guess my favorite song off the new album, I will take a shot. If you get it wrong, you have to take a shot,” you said, holding the bottle out to me. 
“So I have a 90% chance of taking a shot,” I said, raising an eyebrow.
“The odds are definitely in my favor,” you said with a laugh. I studied your face for a moment. I wanted to tell you how you were the inspiration for my most favorite song that I’ve ever written. Josh heard it once and knew it belonged on the album. I wanted to explain how my time on the beach with you earlier this year inspired the story behind the song. Every word, every line to the song “Waited All Your Life” was written about you. You were the song. But how could I ever admit that?
“Runway Blues?” I guessed. I knew it wouldn’t be it. And for a moment, I swear a look of disappointment flashed across your face for a brief moment.
“Nope! Take a shot!” you said as you proudly held the bottle to me.
“What was the right answer?” I asked as I unscrewed the lid. I put the bottle to my lips and wondered when it touched yours last. 
“‘Waited All Your Life’ is my favorite,” you said with a soft smile. I felt my chest tighten at your admission and took a shot of tequila straight from the bottle. 
“Mine too,” I said so quietly I wondered if you even heard me. “Hey, can we go to the beach tomorrow? Just the two of us?” 
“Yeah, that sounds perfect,” you said as you grabbed the bottle from me. You took a shot and I envied the bottle that got to kiss your lips. 
After talking and laughing for several hours on the couch, you got a text from Nathan that the surgery went well and he was headed home for the night. 
“Home as in…?” I asked.
“Home as in his own home. We don’t live together, Jake,” you said as you looked up at me under your lashes.
“I know, I know,” I said as I sighed with relief. You screwed the lid back on the bottle of tequila before climbing back up to stash it away for another time. When you came back into the living room, you stood at the end of the couch and yawned. Unfortunately, I knew what was coming.
“I think we should call it a night,” you said. I didn’t want this night to end. Carpe noctem.
“Yeah, I’m pretty tired,” I lied.
“Don’t set an alarm. Sleep in and we’ll go to the beach whenever we feel like it tomorrow,” you said. I didn’t want to sleep at all. I didn’t want to waste a single moment when I’m here with you.
“Ok, sounds like a plan,” I said as I stood up. I walked closer to you and I watched you suck in a breath.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you said quietly.
“Me too,” I said as I wrapped my arms around you.
“Good night, Jake,” you said.
“Good night, y/n,” I whispered.
After my shower, I laid on the bed in the guest bedroom and stared at the ceiling fan for what felt like an eternity. Thoughts of you, thoughts of us, thoughts of Nathan, the beach, tequila, and your song clouded my mind. I wanted to get out of bed and knock on your bedroom door. I wanted to admit every thought and feeling I’ve hidden from you for years. I wanted to admit how I’ve kept this secret from you for so long and it kills me nearly every day. I wanted to cry and scream and then cry some more. I wanted to hold you. But I just laid there and stared at the ceiling fan as the blades moved in a perfect rotation. Maybe tomorrow I’d admit these things to you. Maybe when we’re on the beach I’d finally find courage amongst the waves. I closed my eyes and let the hope for tomorrow guide my dreams for tonight.
Part Five
"And all I really want to do is to feel you.
It's a feeling inside that keeps building.
I will find a way to you if it kills me.
If it kills me.
It might kill me." - JM
I helped unload your adirondack chairs from the back of your car when we found a spot on the beach that was secluded from both the locals and the tourists. There was a walk-up bar not too far from us, but still far enough away that we felt like we were the only two people on the beach. I kept my sunglasses on as I faced the ocean, admiring the sunlight reflecting off the water. I watched you apply your sunscreen and waited for you to ask me to help you apply it to your back and neck. 
“Do you mind helping?” you asked, turning away from me and moving your hair to the side. I grabbed the bottle and started to rub the lotion on your back. I took my time because I wanted to feel every inch of your soft skin. 
“Can I ask you a question?” I asked as I continued rubbing the sunscreen on your shoulders. I finally felt enough courage to ask about the phone call since I couldn’t see your eyes.
“Always,” you said.
“When I talked to you on the phone yesterday morning… You sounded like you were crying,” I quietly admitted. I waited for you to say something but the silence lingered in the air. 
“I was,” you said.
“Why?” I asked.
“I don’t really want to talk about it, Jake,” you said as you dropped your head. I stared at the back of your neck waiting for the right words to come to me.
“You know you can talk to me about anything,” I said.
“I know,” you said. I put my hands on your shoulders and pulled for you to turn to face me. When you met my eyes, I could see they were hiding something.
“Y/n, what’s bothering you?” I asked. You sighed as you put your sunglasses on, attempting to camouflage your emotions.
“Nathan and I got into an argument that night and I called you in the heat of the moment. But we worked it out by the time you called me back the next morning. I was still upset and just needed to see my best friend,” you said as you reached out to squeeze my hand. “I miss you so much.”
“Loving a music man ain’t always what it’s supposed to be,” I sang a line from one of your favorite Journey songs as I let your hand stay in mine. I knew what I had to do to make you smile.
“Oh, girl, you stand by me,” you sang playfully. You loved when I sang, especially when it was a song off of your comfort playlist.
“I’m forever yours,” I sang back to you, meaning every word I said.
“Faithfully,” you sang as you let go of my hand. I wanted the lyrics to be true for you like they were for me. You laid your head back on your chair and basked in the sunlight. 
“Y/n?” I asked.
“Mhm?” you replied, still sunbathing.
“I–” I began, but stopped speaking when your phone started ringing.
“Sorry, this is work,” you said as you fished your phone out of your tote bag. I watched your face turn to disappointment behind the sunglasses. “Hello?” you said as you answered. You got up and walked away to take the phone call. I turned my attention away from you and looked out toward the waves. I knew our time together was ending quicker than I wanted it to. I was supposed to fly back home first thing tomorrow morning, and we were supposed to spend the entire day together on the beach, but my gut told me those plans were about to change. Being a musician, I was no stranger to abrupt changes and I quickly learned how to adapt to the unexpected. Nothing in my life ever goes according to plan anymore. I glanced your direction and watched you pace back and forth, still talking to whoever it was on the phone. I turned back toward the water and savored what I knew would be my final moments here on the beach. Another chance I would never take washed away on the shore line. I wiped the tear that escaped my eye as you walked back toward your empty chair. You didn’t have to say it; I knew.
“I am so sorry, Jake,” you began.
“Do we need to go?” I asked.
“Yes,” you said with a sigh. Without another word, I stood up and helped grab the chairs to make our way back to your car.
“Please feel free to stay in my house until I get back. I only have to go in for a few hours to help locate and fix some medical charts that got mishandled. I don’t have to work a full shift tonight,” you said. 
“Sure, of course,” I lied. I’d be searching for the next flight out of California the second you walked out the door. I knew you would be upset that I planned to leave without a proper goodbye, but I left what I needed to say out on the beach. The waves carried my broken heart back to the ocean. My unspoken words would forever remain buried in the sand.
Eventually, I would find my way back there when you were ready to hear them.
It wasn’t our time, yet. And it kills me that maybe it never will be.
The End
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elvisabutler · 2 years
like fallin' into a river
summary: time apart can do a lot of things, including help your now husband learn his way around a woman. you'd be more angry if you didn't reap the benefits. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) | elvis presley rating: m pairing: austin!elvis ( 60's variation ) x female reader word count: 1078 ( i know, shocked me too. ) warnings: talk of previous break ups. p in v sex ( unprotected, wrap it before you tap it ). oral ( female receiving ). 60s elvis. squirting. minor bit of praise kink. author's note: so this is the double dip for day eighteen: squirting with austin!elvis. this was going to maybe be 50s elvis ( because @blurredcolour exists to encourage me to write starry-eyed 50s elvis always ) but then ruby bell was like i'm going to post this pic and ruin ally's life. so!!!! 60s elvis, my favorite little ken doll won out. this is the last piece i had left out of everyone, the main and the double dips and i wrote this so fast i'm a little startled with it. seriously i said it in the professor presley piece but i love how everyone received all of my fics for kinktober and truly i am so thankful so many of you liked them especially after it's taken me this long to fully finish. this was a really good writing exercise for me and put me out of my comfort zone a few times but i loved it so much. as always my ask box is open for requests and we all know i've got like 15 different things in my drafts at any given time so yes. thank you guys and i hope you enjoy! also you know the drill, pick your elvis, the prompt called for austin elvis but you can envision either one. also good lord i'm sorry for the amount of fics i may unleash in the next few days. something has come over me and i may actually make a solid dent in my wips.
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There is a part of you that should be offended should be angry at Elvis sleeping around with other people. Yes, you two weren't dating and you were both free people at the time, but there might have been a small part of you- the romantic part of you- that thought that despite the fact that you had called off your engagement all those years ago before he left for the war and then immediately went to start on his assembly line of pictures- that he'd wait. You can't fault him for it though, because you were studying to further your life and in your mother's eyes catch a more suitable husband than Elvis Presley- Elvis the Pelvis- who she figured would have no career when he came back to the states. You've never been so thankful she was wrong though, and while it was a surprise to see Elvis show up on campus you couldn't help but feel flattered by the attention and the fact that he cared enough and you supposed missed you enough to come find you despite you never getting back in contact with him.
There is another part of you, the part of you that's currently spread out on your shared bed with your now husband between your legs licking at your clit with no signs of stopping despite how your fingers have his black locks of hair clenched in between them as you pull ever so softly at them. That part of you? Oh that part of you is so thankful he's slept with other people because you know that've taught him the skills he didn't have before. Skills that have you trying to ride his face while his hands hold down your thighs and hips, preventing much real movement from happening.
"Elvis." His name leaves you lips in a whisper, almost as if that's the loudest you can speak. "Baby- Don't- Want more."
He pulls away his face at don't and want more assuming you meant the words to be put together. You've told him to stop before and not meant it so it never hurts for him to double check where you're at so to speak. "You alright?" He murmurs, looking up at you in between placing a kiss to your inner thigh.
You blink at him once, twice, three times before focusing on his face and answering appearing just a little bashful. "Yeah. Just- Want more than your tongue."
The way his lips curl into a smirk is positively sinful and serves to remind you that once again, the boy you had left behind who you had told to break things off with you had been left behind and was replaced by this rather confident man. He moves off the bed and proceeds to crawl on top of you, his hand moving to pull back his foreskin before entering you, bottoming out as slowly as he could. Your breath leaves your body at the sensation as you allow yourself a kiss to his lips, tasting yourself faintly as you do. His thrusts start to increase as he places kisses down the column of your throat, your head lolling backward to allow him better access. You hear words coming out of his mouth, murmurs about how much he loves you, how much he loves how responsive you are and how he's such a lucky goddamn man to have you. It has your body heating up more than it already was, the praise rushing to your head, filling you with a burning fire that you're hoping he can continue to quench. His hand slides in between the two of you, cupping your pubic mound just for a moment before slipping his fingers next you your clit. You don't need the stimulation, necessarily, usually the brush of his cock against you when he thrusts can do the job but he seems to want to spoil you today. It seems like he wants to wrench every bit of pleasure from you today.
He lets your hips meet his thrusts, somehow keeping his fingers playing ever so teasingly with your clit in a way that has you just dangling on the edge of cumming as you chase that high. Your eyes had fallen shut at one point, too overwhelmed with the sensation of seeing him look at you with love and lust all rolled into one. He grunts something that sounds like "goddamn" and that's what causes you to open your eyes to see his brow furrowed in concentration as he does a particularly rough thrust that has you barreling over the edge. The coil in your abdomen just breaks so suddenly you barely have a chance to warn him your brain only allowing you to say his name over and over like a prayer.
"It's like a goddamn river down here you're so wet. Cumming so damn much." He's muttering to himself but you realize he's not wrong as he's sliding with so much ease and you feel a bit of a wet spot forming underneath you. Oh. He had done it again, wrenched that sort of orgasm out of you that he called squirting. You'd be embarrassed but the way it has him losing his mind, has him thrusting quicker just to find his own release demolishes any ability for you to be embarrassed, especially after he cums, his head falling to your shoulder and biting it lightly with a groan. He stays on top of you for a moment, both of you too fucked out to really care about needing to clean up and realizing neither one of your legs is going to immediately work. When you both have caught your breath and your bearings, Elvis nuzzles at your nose, a small smile gracing his lips. He looks, if you had to guess, pretty pleased with himself. "Ya squirted again. Keep doin' that and 'm gonna get an ego 'bout it."
Your lips purse as you shake your head. "As if you don't already have an ego." You pause. "Keep doing what you've been doing and I'll try and have it happen every time."
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "That a challenge, darlin'?"
The only answer you give him is a shrug before you find yourself being rolled on top of him with a trail of kisses being peppered from your neck to your chest.
And it was a challenge, not that you would ever tell him that.
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lethargicmouse · 1 year
lizzie and tommy (:
I’ve always been a fan of Lizzie. I found her character so interesting, solely because I found her to be so tough, but also have so much love and femininity to her. However, I also liked Grace– she was strong and cunning and dang she fell for a gangster! However, I felt her character was underbaked (because she literally died. Great for Tommy’s character development– bad for Grace). What prompted me to write this all out was me running out of Lizzie and Tommy fics to read and turning to Tommy and Grace fics. The first (and frankly only one I read), was Thomas Shelby laughs in his sleep, or at least he used to.  by @i-just-look-at-pictures on AO3, and it really fleshed out Grace’s character for me, it filled in the holes in their relationship that the show didn’t cover. It made me realize how stark (haha), the differences between both relationships are. Grace gave us the forbidden love, marriage trope, love at first sight type deal whereas Lizzie gives us the redemption arc (literally RUBY.) and a slow burn. 
In my first watch-through of Peaky Blinders I loved Tommy and Grace’s dynamic– and I still do; however, after watching it back it was not the most healthy thing on the planet. But really what relationship with a man like Tommy can be? For me Tommy’s love for Grace was an obsession– she was a perfect posh girl and man, how could a girl like her fall in love with a guy like him?! But she did, because Tommy really liked her so he was soft Tommy with her. (That is why she fell in love with him, not like May who liked him for the thrill of a gangster– no shame on May, though. She is a strong woman who knows who she is. And I would totally fall for a hot gangster, too.) Grace challenged Tommy in ways women hadn’t before (excluding Polly because she’s more like a mother figure to him); however, she accepted him for the dirty gangster he was and didn’t try to fix him (because she was just as dirty as he was. Also, a lot of people say that Grace was Tommy in girl form– but helloooo ADA?!). For me, this is neither good nor bad, well maybe a little bad. Like I said before, Grace challenged him, but not in the ways that I feel like could’ve benefitted Tommy as a person, but then again Tommy wouldn’t have dared to soil his perfect Grace with the dirty dealings of the illegal business. So it was a fault all around, really, in my opinion. Grace could’ve thrived in the illegal business dealings (she’s a smart girl!), but it was the illegal business that was her demise. (I don’t believe for a second Lizzie had any intention of starting a war, and she didn’t start it. John did. Lizzie just wanted a normal life. But did she really like Angel, orrr was he a distraction from Tommy? We all know the truth.) Tommy ruined Grace, but look at how her death ruined him. Her apparition (originating from the stupid drugs) is the personification of his guilt. Grace doesn’t call him to the afterlife– his guilt for his gang business does! 
Lizzie however, was different. She was involved in the dirty business from the beginning. She knew who Tommy was pre-war, and she knows who he is now. And look at how she hoisted herself up out of the gutter. She took those typing classes to stop whoring. She tried to get out of it with John (but we all know how that went– and I personally don’t think that was Tommy keeping Lzzie for himself, that was Tommy protecting John). She took the initiative to clean up her life and Tommy just aided her in the fact by giving her a job (truthfully, all he has ever helped her with was money). Regardless of all that, I truly believe (and it’s evident–blatantly obvious even) that she was in love with Tommy from the beginning. Two of my favorite Tommy and Lzzie scenes are as follows: the one where she asks him to pretend like they’re ordinary people (kills me every time. Hurts my soul. My poor baby Lizzie girl.) and the typewriter scene where he offers her the job (the manner in which he went about it was stunning. I would’ve died.) 
As the story goes, Tommy goes back to Lizzie relatively quickly after Grace dies (excluding the Tatiana madness). I’ve seen posts that blame Lizzie for this, that she jumped on Tommy after Grace died because she was jealous. I have no doubt in my mind she was jealous– but she has enough decorum to withhold that and act like a lady. Lizzie grounds Tommy. Yes, they were toxic (My property? Not cool. Infidelity? Not healthy! Telling her to abort the baby? Nooo thanks– and she was so excited! “A piece of me and you” CRYING); however, I feel like they understood each other on another level. They’ve known each other for what, 15+ years? And they’ve been married for what, 8 of those years? Gosh, they know each other inside and out. Their relationship, obviously, is very sexually based. Lizzie was a whore for pity’s sake, and Tommy himself is probably the biggest whore on the show (literally seducing poor Jessie Eden for personal gain?!). I’m sure Lizzie was able to read Tommy like an open book and vice versa! Just look at how they push each other's buttons! Him telling her he still pays her for it, and her giving him the bullets in the mud. Neither was a good situation– a) that’s a horrific way to push someone when you know that bothers them b) that is not how you deal with a suicidal person. But look at all that harm and trauma we see they cause each other because of years of hurt from each other and others.  This is where we see Lizzie break for the first time, in my opinion. For her family comes first, even over her one-sided love, and Tommy was willing to break that family. 
Lizzie’s two best qualities (but perhaps it was also these that lead to her demise) were her unwavering loyalty and her ability to care. The former is probably why I relate to her so much. Even after Tommy screwed up her first chance at a normal life with John, left her to get raped at Epsom, told her she was property, let Diana publicly humiliate her, mocked her attempts at divorce, told her to abort their child, (I’m sure there’s more) she stayed. Because she freaking loved him and cared for him. He trusted her as a secretary to have a foot in both businesses, but he never trusted her like he trusted Grace (which is completely ironic to me because Grace betrayed all of them. But look at how much he is like Lizzie in this way. Forgiving personal transgressions because you love them sooooo much.), because he trusted Grace with his head– not the business. Lizzie was the opposite. Her loyalty to him was intertwined with her ability to care. Like the man himself said, “It was you who stopped my heart from breaking”. I’m not the best writer, but aniray conveys this perfectly in their fic A Bit of Soft (In a Broken Place). Lizzie is always there for him and cares for him. She fulfills his needs. Her ability to care was shown really, though, with the children. Charlie calls her mum (which I know a lot of people don’t like– but she took the child of the woman who she probably was jealous of and genuinely loved him as her own) and Charlie’s bond with Ruby is so adorable. Lizzie was meant to be a mom! And Tommy gave her that. And like I said earlier when Tommy was willing to give up his fatherly duties to be reunited with Grace, Lizzie reminded him of his duties at home (albeit in a not-so-nice way). Because that’s what really important to her. The well-being of those children. And that’s what finally drove her to leave, was Tommy’s craziness about Ruby’s illness and his lack of presence at her death. There is no doubt in my mind Tommy loved Ruby, and he really went to the ends of the earth to save her. But when he wasn’t there to hold her hand (and Lizzie’s hand) as she died, that’s what did it. Not the infidelity, not the sham of a marriage, not the drugs (she knew what she signed up for. A marriage for looks. She was ok with being the one who cared more.), but the lack of care (in the way she thought, and really it was the way that he needed to be, mattered). This is also why she couldn’t have been the black cat. A) She wanted to get as far away from her whoring days so she isn’t talking to Mosely B) she loves Tommy too much (to her own disgust) to betray him like that C) it’d hurt her family D) She was for sure at that violin recital! She wouldn’t’ve missed it for the world!
But really he did love her, Lizzie– definitely like he loved his family (she was family), and I think he definitely had the potential to be in love with her. He’s now realizing that she was essential to his life (because he likes nice, soft things). However, Lizzie (thank goodness) has realized he’s never brought anything good into her life (excluding Ruby, her angel), and the hurt outweighs the crumbs of kindness and left him. She doesn’t deserve him. Like I said earlier Lizzie, I believe, will be the catalyst for his redemption (Just look at how Ruby saved him!). Yes. They are toxic and their relationship in the show is most certainly not healthy one bit! But, there is potential for love. 
Here’s some fic recs that really illustrate their relationship:
For me all of these authors are amazing, I just stick to Lizzie/Tommy really. No Tommy/Alfie for me. All are on Ao3
* a lot of these are things that happened in the show with alternate happenings. The third one down though is stunning though. Like bro, it’s canon for me! 
Open Hands
A Touch of Change
A Bit of Soft (In a Broken Place)
A Different Kind of Love
Into the Mist
Slipping into Dreams
@deadendtracks :
*these two are series
Get it wrong, get it right
Possibility of a Blade
Someone is digging your grave right now, someone is drawing a bath to wash you      clean
No more canaries in the mine
The Last Second Ending
*series that’s au after season 6! Redemption! Strong Lizzie!!
The Siren Sings
@xxsparksxx :
@emjenenla :
Even though you don’t mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart
ANYWAY! Please talk to me about them I'm losing my mind.
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yuihell · 4 months
Normal humans!AU goes like this Cordelia Sakamaki was a supermodel and film star known for her temper tantrums and penchant for big rubies and one day at the prime of her career (19) she marries Karl whose an old family friend and also like Logan Roy but funny and just a bit more evil. When she met him for the first time after turning 18 he had her and like 10 other girls stand in front of him like a creeper and later he told her that he had chosen her because she wore the least clothes but it was all Dior or something cringy like that. She only speaks to him 3 times after that. Anyway, she stops working, has triplets with Karl 3 minutes after he divorces his first wife, something that kinda makes everyone hate her, but his kids from that marriage still hang around the house for some reason. Cordelia thinks it’s weird because her son is Obviously going to inherit the family company/fortune/kingdom/cult/whatever DUH!! One day she realises that after carrying triplets for 9 months her body isn’t the same as before so she gets plastic surgery goes on ozempics and hires a personal trainer and personal chef but everyone on Twitter calls her botched (she has no friends she is chronically online) and also she soon realises that her husband’s entourage is less accepting of her gaudiness and quirks than the ones she threw away so her kids become her only companion she plays favorites because that’s how life is sometimes and Kanato and Laito are her replacement friends and she starts sleeping with Karl’s brother because she’s crazy like that but also because the life that she’s living has lost all meaning and she feels no sense of control and Ayato is the friend she likes to ignore except someday Karlheinz start looking incestiously at his cousin and then Ayato is her lifeboat. But that lifeboat sinks or whatever and Cordelia is divorced and thrown out of the house and she very much regrets turning her nose at the prenup. Fast forward some years and Cordelia is a forgotten hag (she is 37) who hangs around her ex husband’s brother’s house most of the time and does coke and drinking red wine. She doesn’t talk to her kids and they all pretend she’s dead. She still has some admirers but most of her old fans have turned her back on her after the whole homewrecking thing and the more progressive one left after she made offensive comment after offensive comment on Twitter, Instagram and SNL and she’s never seen as anything but the villain in the divorce because there’s like a 10 hour montage on YouTube of her cheating on Karl with his brother, saying how much she hates her kids (and other weird CPS call worthy things), mistreating staff and just being the reincarnation of the devil and at this point the only people who stan her are white gays on Twitter who use old pics of her to gain interactions and post stuff like
“She was never the villain the world made her out to be 🥺” *Insert pic of Cordelia smiling at baby Laito.* and the comments are filled with
“She was so misunderstood.”
“Cordelia is so kind ❤️”
“Oh that’s not-“
“Isn’t she like super problematic?”
“The world truly hates strong women. I wish I could hug her and warn her about the future.”
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roxannepolice · 4 months
Outside the boundaries of the universes lie the raw realities, the couldhave-beens, the might-bes, the neverweres, the wild ideas, all being created and uncreated chaotically like elements in fermenting supernovas.
Just occasionally where the walls of the worlds have worn a bit thin, they can leak in.
And reality leaks out.
Thank you, sir Terry, for once again providing me with an excellent opening quote for a Doctor Who rambling. That probably has nothing to do with the fact that both DW and Discworld fall into the Gulliverian satire poetic.
So yeah, about what's grown to be called a Truman show theory, and I cannot stop making it clear, me critically poking at it is not me hating it especially if Ruby's story ends up throwing shade providing metatextual insight on the mystery baby extravaganza of 2010s (am I the only one who thought that Splice looks like Rey?).
But the problem is, how far would the revelation go? Is it just the endgame for the season? Did it start when Fourteen invoked a superstition at the end of the universe, as the text implies? Or does it go further back, as the Newton and apple story is unreal, too (HOT TAKE: THEY'RE IN VOLTAIRE'S BRAIN. THE CRITICISM OF ORGANISED RELIGIOM CONFIRMS THAT). Or was it already there when Fourteen regenerated in new clothes (he does talk of "canon" in the Dalek Mini-sode)? All of this is just digging deeper into figuring out just how clever the Cave is. But let's dig even deeper, shall we?
Ok, maybe it's Flux. Flux definitely messed up a lot of things, such as replacing Russia with Sontarans. Except...
There's Robin Hood in season 8. And not just a guy called Robin Hood, it's the Robin Hood of legend. Twelve is explicitly confused by that.
In fact, fourth wall breaking was probably most recurrent in Twelve's run.
Though let us not forget Thirteen looking straight into the camera to explain humans must recycle or else we'll turn into props.
Hey, remember how in Let's kill Hitler Eleven is like "The British are coming" and Hitler reacts with fear? In 1936? When the alliance between Third Reich and UK looked like a very realistic prospect? When the Windsors were enthusiastic over what was going on in Germany? PROPAGANDA MUCH?
Bashing on the royals will definitely go down better than my next point on this anarcho-communist coffeeshop AU website, but if you guys think the Red Army's involvement in WWII was fresh faced boys so filled with faith in equality for all people that they came to fight its eternal enemy of fascism then no. Nonononononono. No. NO. Go read about Ribbentrop-Molotov pact NOW. Sincerely, a person living east of the Berlin wall.
Seventh era is also when we get a hint there's a Doctor Who show on BBC.
I'm not going to go through every single time DW has leaned into a made up version of events (wonder if the Doctor ever changed their mind about Mao Zedong, though), but you're getting the drift, but there is one last point to be made.
Nero didn't start the great fire of Rome. The eternal city was a densely packed stack of wood and would go up in flames quite often, though the one from 64 CE was a particularly nasty one and putting it out could have been coordinated better. Still, the idea Nero intentionally started it is 100% made up.
Why should this be important? Well, The Romans are from the 2nd season of Classic Who, from 1965. While we're at it, season 1 historicals are also based more on simplified ideas about Marco Polo, the reign of terror, or Aztec human sacrifices (Barbara Wright Victorious, my love) than true facts (probably because documentary about everyday life of the Aztecs would work better as a way to get children to sleep than to get them hooked on history), but that's more a matter of how than what. In case you want to somehow reconcile this via the Pantheon, then the Toymaker first appeared in season 3, and that after the Doctor visited the Trojan war and Vicki stayed there with Troilus as actually faithful Cressida.
So. The thing about Truman show revelation is. It's either groundbreaking on a last episode ever, goodbye yellow brick road, level, or not meaningful at all. I just can't see it work as a seasonal endgame, because if the episode from 2023 is in unreality, then so is the one from 1965. Just, where do you go from here? It's either waking up in the crude reality or. y'know. acknowledging the convention, which is what the Truman show theory kinda set out to negate in the first place.
Again, I genuinely want to discuss! I myself am never sure if hot take posts are open to discussion, which is why I made a separate post, so I want to make it clear, I want to have the holes in my own rambling explained!
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cannedbeefaroni · 1 year
Can i get fuckbuddy calvin headcanons? I need him to know i would let him rail me but wouldn't touch him with a 5 foot pole in a dating sense
excellent choice. i wouldn't either
i think he'd get in a fwb situation with a friend he's known for years, maybe somebody who also writes but isnt an author because he's weird about other authors. perhaps an editor. they'd be close and one day they'd randomly be like "dude, i havent fucked in so long. maybe we could just like, fuck each other"
i feel like he was a virgin until ruby came along. before her, he was super hesitant to the idea of dating or intimacy, but after she leaves, he's filled with emptiness.
he'd be weirded out by the idea of fucking his friend, but would give it a shot anyway. he would be hella awkward about it, but be unexpectedly good in bed.
he'd have the revelation that sex with anyone else who isn't perfectly suited to your needs is very much different. they'd actually have to... talk about what they like and dislike?! and go through trial and error the first few times?????
he'd be a whiny baby about it, wanting to give up after the first mistake he makes, and his friend would have to talk some serious sense into him about how intimacy works.
it plays out like a romcom, if there was no romance and they were just bros. and they fucked.
they both have revelations about intimacy and romance and life. they're two idiots figuring out the world together.
they also have weird freaky sex. same as my other headcanons. they switch roles constantly. calvin is a mega brat whether as a top or a bottom. his friend would have to tame his ass like a horse.
calvin takes it up the ass for the first time and has an identity crisis afterward because of how much he liked it
they have to stop when calvin develops romantic feelings for them and its sad and angry and messy
then they move on with their lives as outro music plays
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
I wrote this with the thought of he is trying make it seem like he IS Sunny Day Jack and his "friends and family" were real and not just actors.
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Jack wants three kids thats the minimum. However if you let him dick you down to his pleasure you will for sure have more then three. He doesn't mind though he loves kids.
If you only have 3 kids your eldest daught is named Jane by Jack's request. It reminds him of his "sister", and wants his daughter to have her name so he never forgets. If it wasn't for the clown makeup permanently on her face you wouldnt be able to tell she was your kid. Jack has never said, but he always gets uncomfortable if you ever bring up Jane's out of place brown hair and ruby eyes.
The second born is also a girl who's VERY much a daddy's girl. Mommy/other parent?? We don't know them sorry. Her name is Isabella (bella or belle for short), and along with her obvious attachment to her father she also got his looks. She is almost an exact carbon copy of him. Isabelle is the princess of the three, and she won't let you forget it.
The youngest is just baby boy, and his name is Danny. Because he is just a baby it's hard to tell who he will mainly take after. However, look wise he is a healthy mix of the two of you.
Stay at home dad for life. Since he can't get a job to provide for everyone he stay with children and take care of everything else. Which means is also very excited to see yoh when you get home. Him and the kids have what time you come home memorized so that can stand by the door to greet you, and give/receive kisses.
I won't lie it isn't always sunshine and roses. Due to the kids unnatural birthmarks there have been many calls from school, and doctors. It frustrated Jack to no end that he could stop the teachers from yelling at you about "letting their children wear makeup at that age" or how "their hair shouldn't be dyed at that age." . He never took the frustrations on his family. No he comforts his family, and when all is quiet at night he handles the issue.
100/10 dad material
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