#or ashamed of the sham
mafaldaknows · 1 year
I know for SURE the timothee/kylie relationship is real, not PR
Hello, Anon:
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Then why not REALLY own it, like these two?
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Taylor Swift and Matty Healy are also a newly-minted controversial superstar couple but the difference is that they’re both loud and proud about it and actively participating in their new romance together without the need for juvenile guessing games and cloak-and-dagger subterfuge to maintain their very public “privacy”.
If you know for SURE that it’s real, then maybe you can tell me why it seems so one-sided? Like he’s embarrassed to be seen with her in public?
They relinquished their need for privacy when they chose to announce their romance in the trash tabloid press, so they can’t hide behind that excuse now. They really should’ve kept it completely private or announced it in a way that erases all doubt that they’re a real couple.
Someone is trying SO hard to make people believe the unbelievable in a really unbelievable way, when it would be so easy to just to prove it with actual evidence of them being at least within shouting distance of each other in the same location in a clear photo that shows them both looking happy to be seen in each other’s presence.
Either their PR teams are completely inept, or something’s not quite right about this romance.
In any case, it looks every bit like a PR stunt, which would be sad if it turns out that it’s real. Because only one of them seems to want to be involved.
Thanks for your comment. 🤔🫤🤷🏻‍♀️
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pickled-paintbrush · 1 month
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What year is it
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sweet-beezus · 1 year
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I feel like these are relevant now more than ever tbh (I'll redraw the 2nd one at a later date-)
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
#concert was rly rly fucking good lets focus on that. dont want to ruin my memory of it#and the rest doesnt matter. ill break down tomorrow when everyones gone i cant do it right now its too late and we have a guest#just so tired. doesnt even matter its just me. and i have to be myself the rest of my life. im never getting out of this labyrinth#well at least if no one else has my back the national always will.. the right kind of concert to be at while dealing w my stupid shit#and i can listen to their music on loop forever and ever ill be fine#give me a couple days and ill have repressed it into oblivion again and i can go back to living my sham life where everythings okay#until i get reminded again and it unspools. and then ill just scoop it back up and zip it back inside. over and over yippee#but it doesnt matter as long as everyone else is happy and they can pretend i am too so they dont have to care#im being stupid and melodramatic dont even worry abt it my brain is just so fucking broken and im incapable of human connection its cool#at least i wont hurt anyone else just keeping it all in here it doesnt matter!!!!!! well it does to me. but i dont count so its okay#at least yeah concert was rly rly banging i hope they play here again some time in the future and im still around for it#and ill get to remember how good it was every time i listen to them :-) which is basically every day woooo#god. im gojng to go to sleep before i fall apart and start ugly crying#at least tomorrow off too n climbinggg. so much easier hanging out with strangers bc it doesnt matter if they dont want me there#nothing to lose and they cant hurt me bc i can only get hurt by ppl i care abt and i dont know them that well so its all cool#and im good at climbing n need to burn it out of my system. i can get by microdosing social connection for thr rest of my life i guess#feel so so so ashamed for even feeling like this its such a prison in my head i hate it i hate it its fine ok stopping for real goodnight.#sorry for ventposting i cant go hurt myself instead bc ppl over. so here we are again ahh..#ah ahhh yeah anyway goodnight#.vent
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ynwa-chiesa · 11 months
I'm counting the days until a german political show mentions the 9000+ palestinian dead civilians... Its been a month guys 😝
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exactlyyoungchaos · 4 months
Loss of my life.
(ex) husband Simon X f!Reader
Part 2.
CW: divorce, hurt, angst, mentions of emotional cheating, trauma. let me know if I missed any, enjoy!!!!
(Don't mind the mistakes.)
If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary
You and I go from one kiss to gettin married
Still alive, killing time at the cemetery
Nobody prepares you for something like this. What do you do when someone you loved more than your own life, rips apart your soul in pieces? What do you do when the one person you trusted your heart with, leaves you to gather scraps of whatever is left of it?
It's been months since that day. The day you found out that the man you love loved someone else. You moved out the next day, he didn't try and stop you, didn't try to argue or make you stay, he just stood in the corner and watched as you packed up your whole life in a suitcase and left.
When your lawyer served him divorce papers, he didn't hesitate. he signed it immediately as if he was trying to get rid of you, or maybe he was. you don't know, you don't know anything anymore.
When you were young, you were scared to be in relationships because the idea of trusting somebody with everything and giving them the power to hurt you was ridiculous. you always thought love was a sham, just something for romance books and movies.
it was when you met Simon you realized it was all real. the chemical reaction inside your brain that makes you want to stay with someone forever. Laughing at their stupid jokes, waking up next to them, love them was all real. Or maybe it wasn't.
now all you recall, was how you almost had it all. how it all just slipped from your hands without warning.
maybe it was your fault. maybe you weren't enough. maybe you didn't know how to love properly, maybe you were unlovable.
maybe, maybe, maybe.......
Or perhaps it was a sign that a prophecy in your name had already been written. you are not meant for love, you were sent here to be alone, to be betrayed by whoever you trust, to be unworthy. so others would know what not to be.
You sat on the bed of your new apartment, looking at your wedding ring that was still on your finger. you couldn't get yourself to take it off. your heart wasn't ready to accept what your brain already knew.
You couldn't cry anymore, your tears were gone, and all that was left was a deep ache of loss in your chest.
Why? Why did he do this to you? why did he make those vows when he never meant to keep them? you wanted answers, that you knew you'd never get.
If your parents saw you in this state, they would be ashamed of you. you're ashamed of yourself. you can't eat, you can't get out of your bed, because something counterfeits dead.
The house you once called home is haunted by the ghost of lies and deceit. How long has it been going on? how many times did you lay with him in your bed and he wished it was her instead of you?
You were driving yourself crazy. Day by day you were losing your sanity as you combed through your whole life trying to find where it all went wrong.
you've been getting calls from your friends, and messages that you keep ignoring. What were you going to tell them? They bought his lies too.
He said forever and you bought it.
And the worst part is, you miss him. You miss your life, how it used to be filled with laughter, love, and light with him. How he used to hold you when you broke down. How he caressed you when you were in pain, how he made love to you.
Now you're sitting in a cold, dark, and empty apartment on another continent, you don't know who to call and ask for help.
All of your things remind you of him. Do you throw all of the things you built together or keep it? you were tired, mending your gashes on your own. He dealt a final blow and left you to deal with it.
And he doesn't care. He's already with her. he already replaced you. Nothing you two had was real.
But then why do you feel like dying? Why was it that you can't feel anything anymore? Is this how it will always be? Will you ever be okay enough to want to live?
all of these were very big questions you weren't ready to ask yet, or maybe you never will be.
you needed a distraction and you needed it fast.
you picked up your phone for the first time in the day and went straight to the one person you knew who could give you a reprieve from yourself.
You felt numb as you dialed her number as if a switch had been turned off in your brain. She picked up on the third ring.
She still called you by your code name. Your first team that you were assigned to as a rookie medic gave it to you.
"I need a job," is all you said.
AN: SOOOOO!! DID WE LIKE IT? THOTS? I might have shed a tear or two writing this. don't mind me.
@ssc7514 @rrtxcmt
If you want to be tagged in the next part do tell me.
Until next time sugarplums.
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matchingbatbites · 6 months
You know how sometimes you think of a scene that belongs in a long fic, so you write the fic just so you can share that scene that started it all? I had one of those scenes come to me today, but you're not getting a full fic. Eddie is caught posing as Princess Nancy and is brought before Prince Steve.
Steven is going over the plans for the kingdom's expansion when the door slams open and Thomas and Jason step through. They appear furious, and held between them is Nancy, only- only she's half dressed, and she appears to be a he.
“What's the meaning of this?” Steven asks as he steps around the table, and the two men throw their captive to the ground before him. He crumples in a heap but still attempts to right his clothes where they've been torn from his person, trying to recover a bit of modesty.
“This imposter,” Thomas spits, “has been deceiving you. Carol saw him in the bath yesterday and discovered his truth. He's been posing as princess Nancy for his own sick gain and he must be properly punished for this indiscretion.”
“He should be hanged for it,” Jason says, his tone full of venom. Said imposter looks up, clearly terrified at the possibility, and his eyes plead with Steve as he says “My lord, please-”
“Silence!” Steven snaps, and all three go quiet. He looks between Thomas and Jason before giving the command of “Leave us. Now.”
The two men nod and each shoot the stranger a vile look before they exit the room. The prince stares down at the man, at this charlatan brought before him, and can only feel a sense of betrayal from someone he'd quickly grown to care for.
The man takes a shaky inhale before he begins. “My name is Eddie- Edward. Nancy is my half-sister. When she received the news of her betrothal to you, she was concerned about your character. There were- rumors. I volunteered to take her place, to learn your true nature so she could make an informed decision about your union without having to abandon her duties.”
He looks properly ashamed of his actions, but it doesn't stop Steven's heart from breaking. Instead of falling in love with Nancy over these last weeks, he'd fallen for a farce, a sham.
“What was your plan for after? If you'd decided I was acceptable for her?”
Eddie hesitates, but says “She was going to return herself and reveal the truth to you.”
“And what? Pray that I wouldn't take offense to being tested?” He scoffs, and Eddie winces at the sound.
“Thomas and Jason were right,” Steven says, unable to keep the hurt from bleeding into his voice. “You were lying to me.”
The man looks up at him, his gaze open and pleading once more. “Only about my intentions. I swear to you, where my feelings are concerned, I've only ever spoken the truth. I'm- I was never supposed to fall for you myself.”
It echoes what Eddie-as-Nancy told him the other night as they walked through the gardens, the soft ‘I do believe I'm falling for you, your majesty,’ meant only for Steven and the roses and the stars. He thinks about the hours, the days he's spent with this person. With this man, who has shown Steven a mere glimpse of the love he's always dreamed of.
“This plot is the most foolish, most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of,” Steve says, and Eddie's head drops with a sob. Steve feels weak at the sound, and he falls to his knees before Eddie. He takes the man's hands in his own, and shining brown eyes look up at him in disbelief. 
“But I would be truly foolish to let you go. All I've wanted in life is for someone to love me for my truest self. You’ve shown me a future where that desire is not just a dream.” 
Eddie sobs again as Steven pushes a hand into those wild curls and tugs him closer, resting their foreheads together. “Sorry- I'm so sorry-” he stutters, and Steve shakes his head.
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seramilla · 2 months
(Hehehehehe two little critters were in the mood for angst…but feel free to turn it into something wholesome)
For the Emily Stays in Hell au
How did Emily react to her sister’s new visage, clearly she would be shocked because they last time they saw each other was at the meeting that was merely a facade. The very meeting where she thought Sera had undermined and humiliated her, thinking she was part of the set up. Yet to see Sera in hell, Fallen, is a shock to her. Her sister, the high seraph, the paragon of heavenly appearance and attitude, now lying before her…battered, bloodied, and broken…why now?
“Sera, is that really you? Wh–what happened??”
And how does Sera react to seeing Emily looking at her?
Her big sister laying in bed…injured, weak, and pathetic. She can’t let Emily see her like this, she is too ashamed of herself for so many things…for giving her reasons to believe she would trick her, for not standing up for her sooner, and for not being able to sway the elders minds. She is a sham of a sister and cocoons herself in her new bat-like wings. Her sister should not have to look at her as she deserves better than the monstrous beast she’s become…
This is what she has always been, she just no longer has excuses and “divine rules” to hide behind anymore. She can’t look at her sister, her perfect little sister. Sera curls in on herself filled with self loathing and disgust. The overwhelming urge to vomit burns in the back of her throat but there’s nothing to expel. She wishes she could just disappear so Emily wouldn’t have to see her like this, to see her at ALL. She can only mumble an apology to Emily over and over again balled up and hidden in her cocoon of wings as black tears stream down her face. This is what she deserves…to suffer alone without anyone seeing.
Since I'm answering this one after @xellas-the-wanderer and @tanema have already made their art contributions, this entry has a fun little twist. Have some wholesome angst!
Carmilla doesn't let Emily see her sister for days. Charlie had brought Emily straight back to the Hazbin Hotel after she'd fallen, where she'd recovered for several days, getting used to her new body, learning to stand and walk again on her own two sets of deer-like hooves, and acclimating to the strange way in which her new eyes perceive the world. It took her 3 days to get back on her feet. A week to subdue the new demonic features that her body now possesses. At least 2 weeks to start to hide her new wings, and retract her horns into her head, so that her upper half has a more or less human-like appearance. When she's not angry or overcome with emotion, anyway.
The hooves are a different story. Her eyes will never be the same again -- a deep, sunken black in appearance, allowing her to see many more finer details than she ever could as an angel. She can see a fleck of dust drifting by like it's nothing. Notices insects and small creepy crawlies with almost predatory precision. Has to fight her baser instincts against the thrill of the hunt.
Emily doesn't want to hurt or kill anything. Not really. But the urge to chase and observe things up close is overwhelming. Her rounded ears twitch at every little sound; her tufted tail swishing back and forth haphazardly, when she's laser focused on something interesting. Vaggie had given her an awfully strange look, as she crawled along the floor after a cockroach with Niffty. She and the hotel maid have found a common interest in bugs recently. That is... something she'll have to get used to, she supposes. Demon features are so random and weird.
Sera had fallen not long after Emily did. But Carmilla had taken the Seraphim straight to her compound, and hadn't told her for days! Carmilla found Sera in a fashion similar to the way Charlie had found her -- transformed and changed beyond recognition. Except, Sera's body had already made impact with the ground. She hadn't faired nearly as well as Emily in the descent. Hadn't had the benefit of the princess of Hell to help break her fall.
Sera is hurt...badly. Carmilla admits she regrets not telling her sooner, but she hadn't wanted to worry Emily. Especially since Emily is still so angry with her sister, for seemingly letting her fall into the pit on her own, despite all of Emily's and Charlie's best efforts to convince the elders that redemption is possible.
Despite these complicated circumstances...and despite the sense of betrayal and abandonment that she feels, Emily is still curious, even so. How had Sera fallen? Was she pushed like Emily had been? Did Heaven kick her out? That would make the most sense. She'd been conspiring with a traitor, which Emily is considered now, after all. She wouldn't be surprised if they'd abandoned her too, regardless of her current loyalties.
What's worse, Carmilla won't let Emily see Sera for days. Explains that her sister is in a very bad way. She needs time to heal, and process, and fears that Emily's presence would only make things worse for her. It's agonizing, knowing Sera is down here with her, but unable to see it with her own eyes. Unable to get answers. Emily's patience is tested like never before. She almost breaks into the Carmine estate herself, but eventually, Carmilla lets her in. Emily almost wishes that she hadn't, after she sees the sight waiting for her there.
Carmilla had just given Sera her bed. It's been difficult enough getting Sera to break out of the shock of her falling, so Carmilla's familiar presence beside her at night is undoubtedly some comfort. When Emily enters Carmilla's room, she almost thinks there is an animal lying on its side on Carmilla's bed. The sight of golden fur, leathery wings, and feathers of various shades poke out among a plethora of bloody bandages. More than half of the body in front of her is covered with them. When Emily comes around to face the creature, a familiar but distorted face is visible beneath a pair of massive, twisted horns.
Regardless of the curious visage, the person before her is undoubtedly her sister. Her breathing is ragged, and her three sets of mismatched wings quake behind her as she breathes rapidly in fits and starts. She's asleep, though it's not a restful affair. Emily almost turns around and leaves, too stunned to process the sight in front of her, and also not wanting to wake Sera out of any much-needed rest.
She's not fast enough, though. As if sensing her presence, Sera breathes deeply several times, and then opens her eyes. It takes a minute for those cat-like slivers in her orbs to adjust to the sight of Emily standing there. They become more circular and expand in the low light of the room as realization strikes. Sera blinks several times, and then jerks into a half-sitting position on the bed. Emily's presence has startled her, and Emily might have apologized and adopted a swift exit if Sera's eyes hadn't pierced directly into her, and her name hadn't escaped past those menacing, pointed fangs in her mouth.
It's Sera, all right. That pained, anguished sound emerging from her parched throat is proof enough of that.
"Emily! What--is that you--? No...no, please! You shouldn't be here! Oh god, please don't look at me like this!"
Sera turns over swiftly in the bed, facing away from Emily, her wings encasing her form in a protective barrier, arms and claws coming over her head to hide her face. The former Seraphim also tucks a scaled, scorpion-like tail close to her body, trying to hide that part of herself, too. The only pieces of her left visible are her pawed feet and those sharped, twisted horns, which almost seem to curve back in on each other. A steady stream of "No, no, please, no, I'm so sorry" leaks out of Sera's mouth as a full-blown panic attack takes over. She's trembling. She's frightened.
At that moment, an overwhelming sense of regret and guilt overtakes the younger Seraphim, and all previous notions of betrayal and humiliation at her sister's hand are pushed out of Emily's mind. Sera is hurt. She's in pain, ashamed and unyielding in her desire to hide herself from her sister. Emily's never seen Sera in such a state before. She's still confused...angry...but she also wants to comfort her, too. Sera has always done the same for her, when she was feeling small and afraid. Emily moves closer, to sit beside her older sister on the bed. She places her clawed hand on the back of a smooth, leathery wing, which jumps beneath her touch.
"Emily, please don't look at me like this," Sera barely manages to utter between harsh spurts of breath. She wraps her wings and tail even more tightly around her body, if that's possible. "I'm sorry! Please! I'm hideous! You can't see me like this! I don't want you to see!"
Oh, Sera, Emily thinks, finally coming to terms with the fact that something horrible has happened to her brave elder sister. Something that has irrevocably shattered her spirit.
The person in front of her is a broken, wretched shell of a person, unable to show her face even to the one she's always trusted most in the world. Emily crawls onto the bed, those annoying new instincts of hers completely clouding her angelic judgement that what her sister usually says, goes without question. She ignores that notion completely. The mattress shifts beneath her, and she practically unravels Sera's wings from around her body, peeling them away from her flesh like the skin off a piece of fruit.
Sera fights her. But Emily uses newfound strength she hadn't realized she could wield until now. She just needs Sera to look at her. To see her face. To understand that, despite her ability to hide it better, they are both one and the same now. Smaller horns sprout from Emily's forehead. The pupils in her eyes completely disappear, leaving a sea of black sclera. Emily's violet and gold wings unfurl from her back, as smoothly as water, and she uses them similarly to Sera's, encasing both of them in a protective barrier all her own. Helping her sister hide, for what it's worth.
She leans down to give Sera a half-hug from behind, letting her sister feel her new feathers against her flesh, along with her sister's comforting embrace. She hopes that much, at least, is still familiar to her.
"Sera. Hey. Look at me. Sera, look at me!"
"No!" Sera tries to twist away. But in her weakened state, it doesn't take much for Emily to hold her fast against the front of her body. Sera accidentally rasps a clawed hand against Emily's exposed arm, trying to reach around and dislodge her, drawing golden blood. But Emily ignores it. She doesn't even feel it.
"No, Emily...I can't! I won't!"
"Yes, you can. You can do it. Look at me."
"Why?! Why must you torment me so?"
"Because I need you to see me!"
Sera sobs, finally giving up the fight. She buries her face into the pillow beneath her head, tears soaking into the soft fabric. She cries out, pleading, "Aren't you ashamed of me?!"
God, Sera really knows just how to rip Emily's heart open without even trying. Emily feels her sister's broken cries as her body shakes beside her, wracked with despair. There is a pulling at some tender, sensitive place inside Emily's chest, that she'd almost been able to ignore, overcome with her own rage for the last several days.
But not now. Not anymore. Why was she even so angry before? What exactly had been so important about stewing in her own self-righteous anger? It's not like there is any coming back from this, now.
Having enough of this failed negotiation, Emily decides to just crawl over her sister's prone body, until she's lying next to her, facing her on the bed, and Emily can grab the High Seraphim's cheeks between her small claws, and do the uncomfortable task of making Sera actually look at her, finally. Really make her see her for what she is now.
Sera tries to forcefully keep her eyes closed, fangs trembling against her lower lip as fresh tears fall from under soft lashes. But Emily refuses to let her conceal herself anymore.
"Look at me right now. I've been down her longer than you. Don't think I can't make you."
That seems to be enough of an incentive for Sera, who finally, finally, lets her eyes slowly blink themselves open. Emily can finally witness Sera's pained expression for the first time, without the fruitless hiding, and the moment that the realization of Emily's similar predicament finally hits, Sera starts looking at her with something resembling surprise, and pity, as well.
Sera is suddenly no longer feeling sorry for herself. Seeing Emily's eyes, and ears, and horns...and her wings, which are still trying to wrap around them both. Sera is finally looking at her. Taking her in. In all her twisted, angelic-animal-demon glory. Sera grabs her face, now. Tentatively feeling along the edge of Emily's small horns. Rubbing Emily's cheeks and forehead, getting a good impression of her with her clawed hands, as her little sister's rounded ears and night-black eyes focus all their attention on her.
Emily smiles. It's a pained attempt, but it's the best she can muster under the circumstances.
"See?" Emily asks quietly, barely above a whisper, since her face is so close to Sera's. "We're the same now. You don't have to hide from me. Ever."
The dam breaks. All of Sera's pent-up frustration and sadness is let loose as the High Seraphim wails. She pulls Emily tighter against her body, drawing her sister into a rough, close approximation of a hug. As best as they both can manage, with the new and confusing features of their bodies in the way. But neither of them care. Emily lets Sera hold her, and holds her sister tightly in return, basking in each other's presence.
To say that relief washes over them both would be an understatement. All Emily remembers for the rest of the night is Sera holding her close, until both of them finally fall asleep encased in the familiarity of each other's arms. Together, in one piece, and finally whole again. With or without Heaven, Emily vows to never question or second guess her sister's love for her again. There is no going back now, anyway.
Fuck Heaven. Fuck the elders. They will be perfectly fine on their own.
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carnivorousyandeere · 8 months
How do you think the Martial Arts Group reacts to a darling who is innocent and shy but is a freak in bed being dominant and apologizing to the yanderes the next day because they can't even walk?
( MDNI, No Age in Bio DNI )
Thank you for the ask~! Made it so they can at least walk later in the day, in time for class… well, mostly ;)
The Coach: When the Coach walked into class with a noticeable limp, and you walked in looking really guilty, naturally… most of your classmates didn’t make the connection. Sure, they giggled and whispered behind the Coach’s back, commenting on how much nicer they are now that they’ve finally gotten some, but there’s no way you had anything to do with it. You’re just too innocent, too sweet! You must just feel bad for the Coach in general…! If only they knew the way Coach’s legs shook the night before as you used them to your heart’s content, hand wrapped around their throat and fucking hard enough to bust the bed frame… Coach only laughed when you tried to apologize, patting you on the shoulder and telling you you did good. “Never change,” they grin. “Never change.” They think the discrepancy in your usual demeanor and your attitude in bed is very cute.
The More Experienced Teammate: their absence from class is pretty conspicuous— they chose to stay home the day after you wrecked their shit in a sparring match that got a little too heated, then wrecked their shit some more fucking on the mat like wild animals. They can’t handle the teasing and stares they’d inevitably get from the rest of the class. They’ll accept an apology— as long as it’s accompanied by a plate or two of their favorite food (fucking you worked up an appetite, what can they say?). Swears they’ll get you back next time, but the way they bite their lip and rub their thighs together remembering the night before kind of gives them away~
The Less Experienced Teammate: their legs are as shaky as a newborn deer’s the next day. They do literally fall over the first time they try to get up the next morning. It’s a good excuse to get you to come pay attention to them, though… Although they do try to get it together before class, they still end up falling down while trying to practice kicks. They get so frustrated that they burst into tears, and if you try to help them, they like to tearfully remind you it’s your fault anyway. And, shit, that teary face looking up at you just makes you want to ruin them more. They’ll forgive you either way, but they especially like it if you promise to treat them more gently tonight.
The Rival: furious. This is THE most underhanded technique you’ve ever used to win a match, making it so they can’t even compete to begin with! What a fucking sham! If they weren’t so humiliated by the whole situation, they’d report you to the judges of the competition! As it is, they swear they’ll never forgive you, no matter how innocently you look at them while apologizing and saying you didn’t mean to do this! They’ll never fall for your stupid angelic façade ever again! And as soon as they recover, they want a rematch! They’ll show you what’s what next time, you fucking perv! Idk, they might also be the type to record and blackmail you if you’re ashamed of your dominant streak.
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valeskawhore · 2 years
“Y/n Dracula?”
A Wednesday x FEM! Vampire! Reader! Fan fiction!!!
Word(s): 1.4k
Character(s)/parings: Wednesday Addams x FEM! Y/n Dracula!!
WARNING: Hello everyone and welcome, this story will stay to the original plot in the show just with my own reader insert!!! Somethings will be changed so y/n can fit in the story but that’s expect and yes,I will give a heads up before hand every time!! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! EVERYONE LIKE THIS IDEA!!!!
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I never saw my father anymore, not even on my birthday.
I have vague memories of him though from when I was just a young girl, And of course there’s the various family paintings spread throughout the mansion chambers but, his face was always blurred or torn out by his own hand.
Not even any printed pictures, he despised them.
It was like living with a ghost. I always felt his presence but it's like he was invisible to the naked eye. Despite never seeing him or hearing orders directly from his own mouth, I still receive them from our house keepers.
Holidays were useless and such a waste of time. We never celebrated them anyways since it was too much pain to remember.
My mother had died around thanksgiving. Ironic? I know. The one time of year when everyone would celebrate the giving season, but given our history– it was not a time to be happy in our household.
That holiday was a lie anyways– it wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for mass genocide so I wasnt necessarily torn up about not celebrating it anyways.
I don't remember much about her, she was human from what I know and from what others have told me she was a very bright woman. So happy and optimistic, definitely a “glass is half full kind of person”-- Or atleast, that’s what I've been told. —-That’s another story for another time though, no use mourning over someone I barely knew.
Still, sometimes I'd long for normality. But in my case, that was merely a dream. Someone like me couldn't be normal no matter what spell or mortal concoction this pathetic world seemed to brew up. I couldn’t even go outside without my ‘ring of cursed sunlight’ on. If I didn't have that, then it was back to the o’l trench coat and sunglasses.
I am Y/n Dracula, the only living heir of the count himself. And no, I can not see my reflection in the mirror.
I am 16 years old. Quite young for a vampire, I'm aware– but I've still got quite the ways to go. According to my research, a half-blood like myself would last only a few hundred years. I'm not completely immortal like a true count should be.
It’s the highest dishonor in my family and because of it, I was considered a sham.
The one living heir to the Dracula legacy wasn't even a full vampire. I was a regret from the moment I was born in my father’s eyes. I’ve never had any other reason to believe otherwise because it’s not like we had a healthy father-daughter relationship like most, He didn’t even talk to me.
On my sixteenth birthday, I received a letter from a principal in a small little town located near a cemetery surrounded by a body of water. Where the skies were dark and gloomy, rain was common, and happiness died along with its resident’s hopes and dreams…
It was like a dream come true, I know.
But what I wasn't particularly fond of was what the school represented, outcasts.
Nevermore Academy; The school of outcasts and those who were rejected from the normal lifestyle we know today. Where weirdos and stoners, rejects and ‘misunderstood’ ‘troubled’ teens got sent to.
What’s even worse was, APPARENTLY— it was my father’s idea.
What better way to make sure your child knows you’re ashamed of them? What a nice birthday present dad.
I didn’t even have a choice either. My bags were already packed for me, and my transporter, Alec, was patiently waiting at the bottom of the stairs, ready to hand me my coat and ring.
I received many hugs and presents from my housekeepers, the closest thing I had to a family.
With a final wave goodbye, I saw myself out of the mansion. Only looking back for a brief moment to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything but,
something had caught my sharp attention when I finally took a seat in the passenger side of our vehicle.
From a far window above,
The one window in my fathers corridor,
The one window he always kept shut and locked without even the slightest bit of light shining through,
I could have sworn, I saw a pale white stoic face glaring at me through the window before disappearing. Almost as if the count himself wanted to see my dissatisfied face before leaving.
‘What a smug bastard.’ I had thought to myself, adjusting in the seat and pulling my sunglasses over my eyes.
As we rounded the mansion's fountain, making a U-turn to be let out the tall dark gate, Alec said my name.
I turned towards him,
“Young mistress, your father wanted me to hand you this, tis’ your birthday present.” His older face crinkled into an eye closed smile.
He held a black velvet box out to me, wrapped in the darkest of ribbons and bows, with a letter and a black rose tucked between the packaging. I took the box,
Pulling the letter from the packaging and removing the dark crimson wax melted “D” from the opening so I could read the letter,
“T’was your mothers, she wanted you to have it on this day.” the letter had read in big bold fancy writing,
And in the box was a small beautiful mirror crusted with rubies and black gems, rimmed with gold and silver.
“Your mother always had taste.” Alec smiled once more.
The sight of the mansion soon disappeared in my rear view mirror, I sighed.
‘What kind of a ridiculous name is Nevermore anyways?’
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batbitesthebat · 4 months
Hey bat!!!! :D it's been a whileeee.. So- here's my question!
Do you have any head canons for your octonauts- characters? (Regular au) if so. Can I know em? :0
Sorry this took me so long!! I'm a very busy Bat!!
I decided to share some headcanons for all of my octonauts for my normal BatBites AU.
Captain Barnacles:
He goes to sleep curfew on the DOT and wakes up at 7:00 am each morning, and will wake up the other Octonauts as well
He feels like the father of the crew, whether he likes to or not
He doesn't open up to anybody about his struggles or insecurities- ever! He's bad at that sort of thing...
During the summer he'll take extremely long cold baths that he'll literally dump ice in, and he sheds like crazy, he does NOT like the summer.
His suit has a cooler. Tweak built it for him!!
He is totally unaware of any feelings his CREwMAtes might have for him....
Lt Kwazii Cat:
He bat's other peoples tails instinctively...
He can bareeely taste sweet, so he'll usually add a shit ton of sugar to his desserts
Struggles with impulse control and social awareness, struggles to understand what can be talked about on the dinner table and what can't be
Quite ashamed honestly about his cat-like behavior, so he'll try to keep it to himself. He doesn't like to meow or purr around anyone but Shellington, but because he lacks impulse control, he'll end up doing it anyway. Dashi loves the meowing.
He's incredibly affectionate
His first thought when a sea creature gives them trouble is I'LL SHOW THEM WHO'S BOSS!!!
Medic Peso Penguin:
His urge to pick up rocks everytime he sees a pile of them goes strong, and he usually ends up doing just that
This is more of a redesign than a headcanon, but he has a full set of teeth in the og books and I thought that would be a good excuse to give him fangs in my AU just for added cuteness
He's a chronic apologizer
He gets picked on by the crew occasionally, he hates it
He looks up to Barnacles and Kwazii so much- he IS the youngest and the last one to join, after all.
He does really like taking care of his friends.
He's a bit of a crybaby. His sense of empathy is really big and strong, and he'll feel himself tear up if he sees something- or someone- suffering.
IT Officer Dashi Dog:
Because she's the IT officer, programmer & photographer, she's super busy all the time
And speaking of time, she always loses track of it..
If Kwazii and Barnacles were to be unavailable she would be in charge.
She likes to keep incredibly clean even if the DEMONS tell her to jump in the MUDD and have FUNN
She loves everything cute and collects chibi cat squishies. This is like, one of my first head canons ever.
She's in charge of the wifi, whenever it shuts down and the crew begins to bug her about it, she gets super fckin annoyed
She barks, because of course she barks, and her tail wags whenever she sees something she likes or is giving/receiving affection
Her tail ALSO wags when she's talking to Captain Barnacles, I wonder why THAT is!!!
Engineer Tweak Rabbit:
Gets 1 second of sleep every night
Taught the rest of the crew how to play her video games
She glows in the dark because she's literally radioactive, same with her dad
When she needs a break she goes to the garden to chill, and eat a few carrots on the way
Will wake up in a cold sweat to randomly build something in the middle of the night
She does not give a shit about how messy she gets
Dr. Shellington Sea Otter:
Spends so much of his alone time just grooming himself
Goes searching through the fridge for ice cubes during the summer. Loves his ice cubes
Was the most geekiest geek in high school, he had like 3 friends
He plays visual novels
He's really defensive, embarrassed, and shy about what he likes.
His sleep schedule is fcked up, he talks in his sleep as well. He'd much rather be spending his time researching so as he sleeps he'll usually dream about his research.
He cannOT take a compliment. Compliment him and he will curl up into a little ball out of shame.
Professor Inkling Octopus:
He'll put on classical music in the library and vibe to it with whoever's with him
He hosts story nights occasionally
He's really good at giving romantic advice
He refuses to drink coffee
He needs to be constantly MOIST
his chair is super high tech and comes with a heater and cooler
May or may not be the group therapist
He's INKredibly humble
Tunip Vegimal:
Like 4 years old
Gets excited over literally anything
Gets the cutest puppy dog eyes when he wants something
Defaults to running around with the other vegimals when there's nothing to do
His fave thing in the world is watching the crews face light up when they eat his food
Vegimal food just hits different
Tunip sees Shellington as his dad, and sees Tweak as his mama. Kwazii's the gay aunt
*flies away*
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As someone who used to watch Eurovision but has avoided seeing anything about it this year I just have to say. it doesn’t matter who wins this year, not in the slightest. This year will forever be remembered as the year we let Israel participate whilst at the same time murdering thousands of children.
This will forever taint Eurovision as a concept and I’m ashamed of my own country for hosting this fucking sham.
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Congrats on 100!
Could I please have angst 06. “You never even cared about me.” mixed with fluff 05. Person A kissing person B in the rain. - with Jake please!
All I ask for is a happy ending!
Hi, Fe! Thanks for your congratulations! As requested here is your mix of Angst Prompt 6, “You never even cared about me” mixed with Fluff Prompt 5, Person A kissing person B in the rain. I hope you like it! The italicized parts are lyrics from the song Something's Gotta Give by Camila Cabello 🥰😘🤩
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Something's Gotta Give
Like all the most cliche stories, it started with an arrangement. You’d joined the Dagger Squadron out of Naval Air Station North Island six months ago. You’d never thought you’d enjoy being in one place for so long, but you do. You’d quickly become close with Halo and Phoenix, the three of you bonding as the sole females in a squadron full of men. The three of you had been decompressing over beers and cocktails at the Hard Deck, avoiding the men while sitting at one of the tables. The conversation had started with sharing stories of how you’d gotten your callsigns. Callie had shared how she’d gotten the monicker Halo, and Natasha had shared how she’d gotten Phoenix. After their cool stories, you’d felt ashamed, sharing that you’d gotten Lily for your Lily print Lanyard and notebook during flight school. That had just been the start of the night. The three of you had each downed a drink, plus a shot of Tequila apiece when Callie pulled you and Natasha forward conspiratorially.
“Okay. So we’ve all been in a couple of relationships, right?” Her voice was hushed and mischievous.
You and Natasha had shared twin excited looks, grinning and then nodding at her.
“What’s your experience been with orgasms, then?” She’d pulled the two of you forward closer, “Cause I didn’t actually cum unless it was with a woman. The men who I’ve dated couldn’t have found my clit if it had been pointed out to them.” You couldn’t help how you giggled as Natasha shared her experience. Your face had been flushed with laughter and the alcohol you’d consumed when they’d turned their gazes to you. 
You’d stuttered out how you’d never cum at all with a man, or in fact, by yourself, not expecting a heavy arm to wrap around your shoulders or a Texan drawl to purr in your ear, “Well, darlin’, if you ever need a man to help you with that, look my way.”
Nat and Callie’s eyes had gleamed dangerously, and by the end of the night, you’d found yourself a very willing participant in a friends-with-benefits relationship with Jake Hangman Seresin. 
His cocky confidence hadn’t been a sham or show. He knew what he was doing, and once you knew what you’d been missing, you’d chased after your orgasms as single-mindedly as you approached flying. Your downfall was your damned bleeding heart. You don’t know when or how, but you’d fallen in love with Jake. You'd found him to be sweet, kind, and generous. When he wasn’t playing the part of ‘The Hangman’, he was incredibly easy to befriend and even easier to adore. You wanted nothing more than to have him in your bed all night instead of seeing him get dressed after you’d cum together. It had gotten to be too much. How could you take it anymore? 
That decision is what brings you to now as you wait outside his apartment door on a rainy November night. You’ve been agonizing over what to say to him, though you guess you know what to say when the door opens, and a blonde model wannabe strides out. It’s like a scene out of the movies, you, in your frumpy jeans and t-shirt, looking at this girl in her sparkly dress and heels walking out the door as Jake stands in the doorway wearing only gray sweatpants.
“Hey.” Your voice is quiet as the girl walks away. 
“What’re you doing here, Lily Flower?” Your eye roll is harsh as you step into his space. He stinks of overly sweet perfume, the scent making you feel even sicker than you already are. 
“We need to talk.” You can see something new in his eyes before he steps aside to let you into the apartment.
You can see the emotions warring in his eyes as you sit on the edge of his sofa. He’s pacing in front of you, running his hands through his already disheveled hair. “You’re here, Lily Flower. So talk to me.”
“Jake. We need to stop this.” Your voice rings out like the crack of a whip in the silent apartment. He stops moving entirely, his hands falling to his side as he looks at you wide-eyed in the dim lamplight.
“Stop it?” You’re not expecting to hear the anguish in his tone. “Why?”
“I can’t keep doing this. I broke the first rule of a friends-with-benefits arrangement. I fell for you. Hard. And by the looks of the blonde that just walked out of here, it’s obvious that you don’t feel the same. Something's gotta give, Jake. Something's gotta break. But all I do is give, and all you do is take. Something's gotta change, but I know that it won't. No reason to stay is a good reason to go.” You can’t hide how your voice breaks in time with your heart as you spit the words out.
“I should have never agreed to this. You make me feel so good that I forget everything my brain is screaming at me about you. I ignore all the warning signs, and it’s ripping me apart.” You can’t hear anything other than the hitches in your own breathing as you stare into his luminescent green eyes. “You never even cared about me. I was just a means to an end. A way to get off and another notch on your bedpost.” You’ve got your arms wrapped around yourself as you breathe raggedly.
“You knew what you were getting into, you know that, right, darlin’?” His voice is cruel as he rips into you. “I should know by now. You should know by now. We should know by now. You walked into this of your own volition. So how is it on me if you fell in love? Did I ever once tell you that I would stop seeing other people?”
“No.” Your voice is quiet. “Then what was the point of the kisses and soft touches? The pet names? Calling me your good girl? Any of that?” Your chest burns as you speak. “I’m not completely innocent, Jake. And I’ve never heard of any of that being a part of an arrangement like ours.” You’re standing now, walking towards the door.
“So that’s it, huh? I was wrong, you were too. You’re leaving now. We’re done? Three months of the happiest I’ve ever been, and you’re ending it?” Your legs buckle at the pain in his voice as you yank the door open. Your voice is stripped bare as you return his words. “If these three months were the happiest you’ve ever been, why haven’t you said anything? Why aren’t you asking me to stay? If you feel anything at all for me, why aren’t you doing anything? Why aren’t I in your arms right now?” You wait a few beats, but you walk out the door when he doesn’t move and just stands there.
It’s never been harder to walk away. As you step unseeingly through the puddles and unlock your car, it's pouring down. You break, sitting in the leather seat, sobbing with your head against the steering wheel. It’s silent in the car, only your stifled gut-wrenching sobs and the tapping of the raindrops on the windshield. You’re not expecting the door to be yanked open, though. Or to find yourself crushed against a chest, you know too well. His arms are like steel as they wrap around you. You melt into him, crying even harder now that you can feel Jake around you. His lips press against the top of your head, and you can hear his breath stutter as he holds you. 
“I’m not letting you go, Lily Flower. You’re under my skin, too, sweetheart. I want you in my arms and in my bed. Every day and every night. You’re not the only person who fell, darlin’ and fell hard. I did too. I was just too stubborn to tell you the truth. I resorted to bringing home girls like the one you saw leave to try to get you out of my head. It didn’t work. It hasn’t worked. I don’t think it ever will.” His hands are gentle as he pulls away from you, brushing tears from your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You slip out of the car seat, shut the door, and stand in the pouring rain facing him.
“So, where do we go from here?” Your voice is hoarse as you look into his eyes.
“I want to do what I should have before this. Let me take you out? Let me show you how precious you are? Let me show you how much I love you?” His jaw is clenched as he stares at you, water dripping down his torso. 
You nod once, abortively, before leaping into his arms. The kiss he presses to your lips is all-consuming. It sends heat through your veins, and you kiss him back just as hard. When you part, you’re fighting for breath. Jake sets you carefully back down on your feet, watching in the rain as you open the door again and grab your purse as well as your car keys. His smile is sweet as you lock the car and take his hand in yours.
“Take me to bed, Cowboy.” You’re smiling at the look on his face. “I love you.”
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Want to request something for my 100 Follower Celebration? The guidelines are here! Please leave me a request in my inbox with your ask!
- XOXO Star
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dontyoufinditstrange · 4 months
From Under The Cork Tree Lyrics That Alter My Brain Chemistry
Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued
"the ribbon on my wrist says 'do not open before christmas'" "we're only liars, but we're the best" "its just past 8 and i'm feeling young and reckless"
Of All The Gin Joints In All The World
"i used to waste my time dreaming of being alive, now i only waste it dreaming of you" "we're sleeping through all the memories"
Dance, Dance
"tonight it's 'it can't get much worse' versus ' no one should ever feel like'" "i'm two quarters and a heart down" "and i don't wanna forget how your voice sounds" "these words are all i have so i'll write them so you need them just to get by" "this is the way they'd love if they knew how misery loves me"
Sugar, We're Going Down
"i'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song" "a loaded god complex, cock it and pull it" "isn't it messed up how i'm just dying to be him?"
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
"i keep my jealousy close cause its all mine" "hand behind this pen relives a failure every day" "so wear me like a locket around your throat, i'll wear you down, i'll watch you choke"
I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)
"we're the kids who feel like dead ends" "and the poets are just kids who didnt make it and never had it at all" "force our smiles, baby, half dead, from comparing myself to everyone else around me" "please put the doctor on the phone cause i'm not making any sense" "blame everyone but me for this mess" "and my back has been breaking from this heavy heart" "i'm hopelessly hopeful you're just hopeless enough"
7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)
"i keep tellin myself, i keep tellin myself i'm not the desperate type, but you've got me looking through blinds" "trying to forget everything that isn't you" "i'm not going home alone, cause i dont do too well on my own"
Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year
"cause i swear i'd burn the city down to show you the light" "no matter what they say, don't believe a word" "cause i'll keep singing this lie if you keep believing it" "take our tears, put em on ice" "ashamed of the way the songs and the words own the beating of our hearts" "got a sunset in my veins" "i need to take a pill to make this town feel okay" "i need to keep you like this in my mind"
Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends
"you are a getaway car, rush of blood to the head" "we only do it for the scars and stories, but not the fame" "at least everyone is trying, everyone is shining, everyone deserves the flames, but its such a shame" "the sounds of this small town make my ears hurt" "the tide's out, the ship's run aground, we drown traitors in shallow water"
I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
"you're the only place that feels like home" "i'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies, and friends" "i am sorry my conscience called in sick again" "i've got arrogance down to a science" "they call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone" "but for what we've become we just feel more alone" "so progress report: i am missing you to death"
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
"you're just the girl all the boys wanna dance with and i'm just the boy who's had too many chances" "i don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it" "write me off, give up on me, cause darling what did you expect?"
Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)
"we never stood a chance and i'm not sure if it matters" "i'm mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town" "i know this hurts, it was meant to" "it's mind over you don't, don't matter" "it must be said again that all us boys are just screaming into microphones for attention because we're just so bored" "we never knew that you would pick it apart" "i'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts"
"i left my conscience pressed between the pages of the bible in the drawer" "love never wanted me, but i took it anyway" "choose love or sympathy" "loose lips sink ships"
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ynwa-chiesa · 11 months
Trust me i WILL reblog my trent painting on derby day UNTIL IT DOESNT FLOP. 8 NOTES AND 2 OF THEM ARE ME! NO REBLOGS! #ARTISDEAD
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psycherprince · 2 years
So I was scrolling and I uh. Got this ad.
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Which like... ugh, you know? Like I really thought we were moving past this as a society but whatever we've just rebranded the same old diet culture to... whatever this is. And I was ready to move on with my life, but then I thought: I thought there weren't any drugs specifically fda approved for weight loss? And then I recognized "bupropion" (aka wellbutrin) and sure enough, upon a closer look,
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Huh??? The topiramate one is especially egregious because what they're advertising it for (lowering appetite) isn't even related to what it's approved for (seizures and migraines).
This like... can't be legal, right? Like, something about this is definitely illegal? I mean it's for sure unethical but aren't there laws about this shit?
And the annoying thing is, when this DOES get shut down, it's going to make it harder for people who DO need these medications to get them and add more hoops to jump through, the same way that when Cerebral got cracked down on, it became like ten times harder for me to get my adderall prescription. Son of a bitch. Every doctor involved in this sham should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
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