#or does he have to be in a body at all??? whomst knows.......
thechekhov · 4 months
Chekhov Reads Dungeon Meshi: CH46
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D....dark Laios?
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I mean, you DID consent!
The fact that ghosts can pass through walls and take other things with them... it kind of elicits another type of organism. Like, what can pass through cell walls? What other parts of the body can just yoink stuff from one place and bring it to another?
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Congrats! It's all just been a dream!
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I'm sorry what the SHIT?!?!?
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Well, I-- .... yeah, I GUESS.
Though it looks more like one of those carousel horses.
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I think this is probably still inside the dungeon. Very... DEEP. Inside the dungeon.
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What? WHAT?! These things are like regular animals down here???
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Oh, I--hm. I see.
Ordered by WHOMST?
Is this just an entire society of (humans??? ghosts?) that lives here in the dungeon deep? Is there still a king under the mountain? Are the rumors of the king dying not true at all?
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........or are these people and descendants of adventurers who came in but were never able to leave? And the fact that Senshi points out that none of them are old.... are they ageing?
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Laios, Senshi n--...... welp. There they go.
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Bless this man and his absolutely non sexual obsession with monsters. But.
Izutsumi, who is a human-level intellect beastkin (though she's low on wisdom and patience....) is being very.... beast-ly and soft here. She's being magically compelled, presumably, to chill the fuck out.
Which means all these monsters are also under the same effect? Isn't that a little fucked up? They're basically under a permanent drugged effect.
Also. Hm. 'short lifespan' is....relative. Short lifespan compared to what? Immortality?
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Orcs know this place exists....?
These people planting things for fun means they're absolutely trapped here like spirits.
Keeping up appearances for. Whom.
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These poor people have no new incomers to talk to, huh.
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Oh, I uh---- ................ hm. THat's not at all what I was imagining either.
Fashion is cyclical after all I guess....
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Mmmmm. Mmmm-hmmmMMM.
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Knowing I've finally hit these two absolutely iconic panels... amazing.
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......I guess it can only do so much to make her docile...... she still doesn't like Laios.
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Why does he look familiar...?
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....so Derghal had a son. And a grandson. So then why is there a bid for the throne...?
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Laios. Laios, is milking the minotaur the ONLY thing you did? Or was there more to it? Laios.
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It's interesting. That bartender said he was 600 when he started his now-400 year old ale. So. That means they're 1000 years old.
That means that they're about as long lived as elves? Haven't gone mad yet. But that's still a long time.
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That's kinda worse, yeah, but a loss of the self is a type of death, in a way...? So....
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The most throwback of all time.
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Actually, I feel like that's been there for a while, although it didn't always look EXACTLY like a lion's head. I feel like the little living armor he keeps in there made it that design? But how would it do that on purpose?
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this is what it looked like some chapters back. Yeah, it's been sculpting into a lion's mane for a while now.... Ohohohoh playing the long game are we? 👀
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Ah, it's not a wolf. How tragic for you, Laios. It'll never work out.
Also, damn, those wings sure be lookin like Falin's very non-dragon wings. What a wild coincidence. I'm sure that doesn't mean anything. :)
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laughing hysterically. This poor guy can't get a break. He's been running from responsibility and inheritance for his entire life and it still catches up and trips him purposefully.
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There is definitely a certain amount of tragedy there, yeah. These people aren't asking Laios for help because it's easier. They're legitimately stuck in a nightmare scenario. Unless you're someone who can get pleasure from other avenues, living all that time without the basic needs will drive a person mad. Elves live just as long, presumably, but they're still able to eat, I assume.
I'm honestly more surprised they're all as sane as they are.
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.......King of Forgor.
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Tom Riddle x reader - blurb/how you(blank) because i need to write SOMETHING
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How you meet - During 5th year, its a simple paired potions assignment and you end up getting paired with Tom. he's polite and charming of course, one must be to gain allies, even if they are...less, in his view.
How you gain his attention- Oddly, you don't pay attention to him like most of the girls do(frtho we all be drooling over him and blushing), you just get your work done and be polite. it gains his attention because 'whomst? doesn't react to my charms and face? i must find out the cause'. mans likes a puzzle to solve.
How it starts- he starts hanging around to try and solve the puzzle of you, he wants to know everything, every weakness and every tiny piece about the person who caught his attention. he surmises that he'll lose interest at some point once he learns enough/gains your attention like the other girls always give him. but the longer he hangs around, the more...comfortable he gets. he finds himself gravitating towards you, not really realizing whats happening until its already too late.
How he realizes- during another potions class, Slughorn was reviewing Amortentia and Tom smelled a particular scent that had him reeling back-his eyes going wide and ears turning pink. it was your perfume/shampoo/cologne/body wash/whatever. a smell he had gotten way too acquainted with over the last few months. (yes it takes him literal months to get to this point he is not a love at first sight kinda guy, he has to have some sort of connection) and he has a bit of a breakdown-because haha-WHAT!?
What happens after the realization- He distances himself right away, practically cuts contact. doesn't look at you, doesn't speak to you unless he HAS to. just goes cold turkey. right away he misses you and is just like *AHHHHHHHHHHHHH* but internally...this only lasts about two weeks before he decides 'fuck i miss them' and just stares at you for a good while before he gains to courage to go up to you and start talking again. he keeps his cool, of course he does, but inside he is screaming.
How he confesses- its right before summer break of 5th year, yes he takes forever to confess and he does it right before everyone leaves for the summer, just in case he gets rejected and doesn't have to look you in the eye until the next school term. For once he's fumbling over his words and he cant keep eye contact, his face slowly turning red as you stare at him with a small smile. depending on how you react, he'll either leave with a hidden smile or the STUPIDEST grin he's ever worn, or will wear. the grin will be if you kiss him on the cheek.
When you both come back for 6th year- Oh-he is NERVOUS-he didn't even know he COULD BE nervous. his hands are shaking slightly and he cannot focus on anything he is just so nervous about seeing you again. he hides it well, blank face and everything, but he moment he sees you at the train station, and you smile at him, he cannot help but smile back because holy shit they like me back and i wasn't delusional
lowkey i hc Tom is insecure in relationships(genuine ones)
How he is in a relationship- it takes him a long time to get properly comfortable. pulls back from any pda and wont even let you hold his hand. you can hold his sleeve or something but hand? nope. he's just so unused to being touched in a loving way that he's-almost grossed out by it? but once he finally starts to settle? ooooh he is the cuddliest thing on planet earth. feral cat that felt the loving touch of their human and now will never let them go. pda is at a minimum but now you're always holding hands in some way, pinkies interlocked and everything. study dates are the main dates, but he wont mind a date at the three broomsticks once in a while, as long as you find a quiet corner to hang out in semi-privately. will help you with homework but has to be offered something(wink wink just kidding its candy.) Major! sweet tooth, you could make him commit murder with the offer of sweets(lets be fr he wouldn't need candy to commit murder) jealous! jealous jealous jealous! and possessive, no one is allowed to talk to you, not with out several interviews from Tom and being cleared after taking a written exam on why they wouldn't try anything on his boy/girl.
loves to see you in his hoodies/sweaters, thinks its the best way other than hickeys to mark his territory. will happily give up all his hoodies to make sure everyone knows that you're his.
side note; i see so many tik toks(Slytherin boys react n stuff) that make him super threatening and menacing and willing to kill during the Hogwarts years. like he's smart. really fucking smart. he wouldn't risk anything just for someone he cares a lot about, torture? yes. kill? no. he's not stupid. he's not going to get caught over a stupid boy who gets handsy. will he later kill that idiot after graduation? yes, but during school? when Dumbledore is around to keep an eye on him? no. he's not stupid. he's not a murder machine, he's homicidal not stupid.
Anyway back to the point
Other relationship stuff-
Would take a long time to get to the point were he wants to go past kissing, hell it takes him forever to kiss you for the first time-like legit three months into the relationship. he would do knuckle/hand kisses and cheek kisses here and there-but it takes months for you guys to kiss properly for the first time. but anyway's he had never been attracted to anyone before you and takes a long time to get sexually active with you, mans is a virgin-everyone makes him a playboy and i look at his ass and go 'that man has never touched a girl a day in his life'.
So he learns with you, once he starts? oh yes he goes full horn dog. he is insatiable! cant keep his hands off you in private/semi-private. is pretty vanilla at first but he finds a spicy book and is very intrigued. learns he has a breeding kink very quickly and is very into choke play and control.
First and last love, if you ever leave him(haha you wont), he will probably never get attached to anyone romantically ever again.
Very protective and will keep you out of his 'darker' business, like the chamber and his followers and plans, wants to keep you innocent, to have something that isn't total darkness and evil. now if you're into that kinda thing he wont stop you, but he will keep you away from it all just in case.
Cold hands-will warm them up between your thighs-thick or not.
Has naturally curly hair, and only lets you see it-everyone else gets the polished hair gel look. it took him months to let you see it-but once you proclaim your love for his natural hair-he makes it a point to let you see/play with it before he puts his gel in/after he washes his hair at night.
can and will fall asleep on you, esp. if you're playing with his hair or scratching his scalp/neck, arms fully wrapped around you and konked out, very cute panther lookin ass.
steals ur pillows and switches it with his(he has good pillows and washes his bed sheets/pillow cases routinely)
mayhaps have stolen one of your blankets...you're not getting it back.
will help you do any homework you have trouble with, might even let you copy his homework for a price(wink wink fr this time)
by the end of 7th year, and you're still together, fully plans to buy a ring and marry you. no doubts about it.
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glitterdustcyclops · 10 months
okay it's nearly one in the morning and i can't sleep because i'm thinking too much about astarion so permit me to ramble for a moment (you actually have no choice)
but just
the more and more i play the game and experience all the different facets of the conversations you can have with him (and also ruthlessly spoil myself on his arc both ascended and not because i'm impatient lmao) the more i am just, completely in awe of the depth and care that went into writing him??
like, okay, cards on the table, i have a pretty major vampire kink, biting kink, blood kink, etc. and from the first moment i heard there was a romanceable character in a fantasy rpg that was a flirtatious queer vampire pretty boy with a Traumatic Backstory and a twisted master/slave relationship with an Evil Dude i was immediately like 👀👀👀
could not draft the marriage proposal fast enough, you know?
and larian could've just stuck with that! they could've had him be an incorrigible flirt, and have his whole arc focused on getting revenge against the horrid man what wronged him, and by helping him on his quest you earn his love and you two ride off into the sunset, happy forever
but no. instead we got something so much more, and it's entirely fascinating to me. all of his layers and contradictions!! the different masks he wears on top of each other, and all his pain and trauma barely simmering under the surface of his pretty polished façade.
and not only do we go ahead and take this man whomst on the surface appears to be a walking vampire erotica trope in a gorgeous package, but we pull off the reveal (and depending on how you play it this can happen almost immediately after you express interest in him) that this whole thing, is a very blatant, deliberate act. one cultivated by a sexual abuse survivor, as a way to protect himself from the things that scare him, that make him vulnerable.
he straight up tells you to your face that this is a lie!! this all pretend!!! you're supposed to fall for it, he wants you to. what he does not want, what he could never predict, not in centuries, is that you would see past his mask(s), and then go ahead and love him anyway. him. the real him, the one he barely knows himself, the flashes he reveals to you accidentally in small moments, as much as he doesn't want to: all those messy cruel capricious terribly horribly wonderfully real parts of himself, and how he wants to be real with you in turn, even though it scares the absolute bejeezus out of him
and THEN!!!! the further you go in his romance, the more you realize that this walking series of pickup lines, this supposed master seducer, is actually incredibly wary of sex because of all the trauma and pain it's caused him. sex is not something he associates with true joy or pleasure or even intimacy, not anymore; the ability to feel good about his body was taken from him. the game makes it explicit that, as a man who was robbed of his agency and his ability to meaningfully consent to sex, not only is it the objectively wrong decision but it is downright evil to force him into doing anything sexual with you, even though you're his True Love or whatever, and as he learns and grows and feels more secure in himself he will straight up dump your ass if you violate his boundaries around sex!!!
and instead of flirt-flirt-flirt-true-love-forever you get all these really sweet, tender moments of nonsexual intimacy, hand holding and hugs and just, honest sweet conversations? you can even tell him "hey i don't think it's good for us to be serious right now, but i still want to be your friend." and even if you do keep romancing him, you can reassure him that you don't hold his lack of interest in sex against him, you still want to be with him just as he is!! he is worth it to you, with his ten-piece designer set of luxury baggage. and he practically melts about it!!
and this is not even getting into everything post cazador quest, i haven't even gotten to those scenes yet except for the "evil" version (trying not to ruin it for myself haha) but the way his arc ends in the "good" version where you talk him out of doing the ritual, out of perpetuating the cycle of abuse that was forced on him, and instead show him a better way forward? and he experiences true actual freedom for the first time in centuries, and he hesitantly decides that he wants to keep going forward with you??
UGH!! i just, i care about astarion so much!!!! i am absolutely head-over-heels-stupid in love with him and the way he's written and i will never fucking get over it, oh my god, help me, i'm DYING
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Oh No! Here Comes Trouble Bus Meta eps 4-10
That’s right, Whomst is BACK, my Lost Tomb fics-in-progress are THRIVING, and this new show is shaping up to be one of my favorite series of the year: it’s the heartbreaking supernatural storylines, it’s the humor and actors’ chemistry, and importantly, it’s the way the show is telling us so much without saying a word.
So here’s another post *flings it into the tumblr abyss* because this show is sneakily showing us Yiyong and Guangyan’s relationship growth through the metaphor of the Taipei public bus system. They’re insane for it and I’m insane for rewatching all the episodes to find scenes where these idiots are on a bus together.
The Bus as a Site of Trauma
It's significant that buses are an important site already for Yiyong, before the main events of the drama begin. A bus was the site of his worst memory, the bus crash that killed his father and landed Yiyong and his grandfather in the hospital, the bus they were on because Yiyong slept in (which he hasn't forgiven himself for).
The main reason Yiyong wasn’t hurt worse or killed, as far as I can tell, is because he moved out of the path of the collision just before it happened—his kind dad urged him to go have a seat in the back rather than stand. It's the last communication he has with his father--silent, a text message, a surly teen grudgingly listening to his parent. And then the freak accident happens, the plane collides with the bus, and Yiyong's world collapses.
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So what about post-coma, when he starts riding the bus again?
When he’s alone, he's returning to and grieving the memory of his dad’s last moments. When he’s with Guangyan, however, the experience is different.
First Bus Stop Encounter: Ep 4
Things are tense between them here—it’s their first case together (tattoo lady), and Guangyan is still in denial about what the hell is going on right in front of his sweater vest. I love my fussy, self-absorbed neurotic meow meow.
These boys are still not friends, they are constantly thinking back to and remembering their high school drama years, BUT this is also the episode where the nature of the supernatural case makes Guangyan’s curiosity overcomes his fear and dislike of Yiyong; on the other side of it, Yiyong—still figuring out his own deal as an on-call spectral scribe—gets the reassurance of another person who knows what’s going on and can help. Despite the mutual antagonism, he always acknowledges that Guangyan is smart, and he could use a braincell or two on this team (so sad he won't get it).
The very awkward beginning to their bond is apparent here in the way Yiyong (freshly unemployed) has waited for Guangyan’s bus back from school to get his input, but has to threaten him into walking back together and helping out.
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First Bus Ride Together: Still Ep 4
On the way back from looking at the John Doe body, they ride the bus together—but start out sitting far apart. They’ve only just started working together to figure out what happened to the John Doe, so it’s incredibly awkward and there’s a lack of communication between them.
However, we can see the beginnings of a softening between them. Behold Guangyan’s little pout when he sees Yiyong hasn’t come to sit with him. His house cat energy is off the charts here: “I hate him I hate him I hate—WHY ISN’T HE SITTING WITH ME???”
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Yiyong, who has clearly not picked up on Anything and is still in case mode, casually starts yelling to Guangyan right there and then about corpses (I love him and his complete lack of care for what people think) and the flustered Guangyan scurries over to sit with him to have this conversation privately, for the love of god.
It’s the first time they sit together and it’s important that Guangyan is the one to initiate it, even if it stems from his fear of what people will think of them.
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We still see the pole dividing them, but they’re physically closer now. Yiyong is already using and trusting Guangyan's medical knowledge, and even though they're in the "one step forward, two steps back" phase, it's a start.
The Second Bus Ride Together: Ep 6
The next time is completely different—they’re on their little “stalk the potential kidnapper” date and Guangyan, whose chaotic side is jumping out this episode, is on his usual quest to have Yiyong draw the specter for him.
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They’re practically squished in together, with mirroring postures. The pole is now to one side, setting them apart from everyone else.
This is the day that Guangyan skips school to follow Yiyong to a theme park, which we know from his dad is completely out of character. He even comes home with a souvenir toy Yiyong won for him. This is a dynamic that is starting to change.
The Second Bus Stop Encounter: Ep 7
Yiyong’s grandfather has nearly died, and he decides a pre-med student is the best person to get for medical advice. It’s a way of saying without saying, “I trust you, please help me,” which takes the form of Yiyong frantically dragging Guangyan off his bus to school while berating him for not answering his phone. Gotta love this messy little gremlin.
The interesting thing is that Guangyan actually capitulates and goes with him, despite the little performance of protest—he skips school again to be with Yiyong.
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The Third Bus Ride Together: Still Ep 7
On their way back from the hospital, we get a fantastic reversal of the first bus ride, where the boys sat down apart and only talked about medical questions. Here, the second they get on the bus, Yiyong casually drags Guangyan to sit with him. He asks Guangyan to video chat with him to help him with a dream, and even gives Guangyan an absent-minded shoulder pat on his way off the bus.
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For all his “never in all my life” pearls-clutching act, Guangyan goes along with it and they are once again a united front.
The Third Bus Stop Encounter: Ep 10
Our final bus scene so far (episode 11 and 12 don’t come out until Saturday) is a reversal of the very first “waiting for Guangyan’s bus” scene (see the first bus stop encounter above). The poses are essentially the same, but everything else has changed--the camera view has switched so Yiyong is now on the left and Guangyan is on the right, it's daytime instead of nighttime, and their relationship has grown leaps and bounds.
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Look at my babies. The Growth. The fact that they are sitting close together, not because they’re squished into bus seats (plenty of room on that bench, Guangyan honey), but by choice. It’s all about the we statements now, Guangyan has been out there defending Yiyong to the world and Yiyong no longer has to drag him into things, he has a real friend now. They've shared a bed multiple times, Guangyan knows Yiyong's favorite foods, Yiyong has apologized and been vulnerable in front of him...they are at the same bus stop as the beginning of their re-acquaintance, but miles away from what they used to be.
AND it’s in this scene that Guangyan gives Yiyong the cutest, tiniest little smile in response to Yiyong’s sarcastic joke, which absolutely spooks our boy. I know this is supposedly not a BL, but Yiyong’s response that Guangyan shouldn’t make such weird faces at him because it is giving him goosebumps, and abruptly walking away—mmhmm sweetie I’ve been there too.
SO. That’s the bus sequence. I might come back and update this if we get more bus scenes in eps 10 and 11. This will not be my last post on this fantastic show.
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not-goldy · 7 months
Umm but Tae cross that line tho. You said you can't support taennie because what Tae doing is unfair to her I.e pushing tkk by namedropping JK while not claiming his gf and indirectly nodding his Fandom to attack her. Which is disrespectful for both Jikook and his relationship with Jennie.
I agree about JM coz personally the only member I take seriously when they speak about love and commitment is Jimin. Because when he says it he means it 101%.
Tae crossed that line with whomst?
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Shipping and fan service is a normal part of Kpop and a member name dropping another member is not crossing the line in my opinion.
The part he's not protecting his alleged girlfriend is a very valid point. There's no excuse for that I agree. And yes I can't support that at all because I wouldn't want to be Jennie in that situation.
And showing love to the same people hating on your SO is wrong on every level. I would have deleted my account and only showed up on live if Hybe forced me to. I would make shitty music dissing my fans and drag them to hell if they don't buy or stream it🥲
Stream this song called my fans ain't shit armya.
I'll shave my head bald.
Wear socks for masks in public
And I'll gave a butched tattoo on my forehead.
Like forget the Y. Jx write Armpit on my neck.
Drop she's better than you out of no where.
Ipost and delete "love you armed robbers" and repost with the correct fan name so you know I meant yall.
I'll be such a terrible idol you'll regret stanning me. That's how petty I actually am.
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Oooohhhh, you mean Tae's behavior is disrespectful to Jikook because of the way he acts with Jk sometimes?
I mean.... yes and no.
Stay with me alright,
People are allowed to do whatever they want. Just because there's a boundary or wall don't mean it will keep people out. Sometimes people go over walls, burn down and break walls.
When that happens it is up to the individual to take steps and actions to address those breaches and to prevent them from happening again.
Where you try a peaceful settlement and that fails cutting people off completely or keeping your distance becomes the ultimate solution.
Does that ring a bell with any ship dynamics in BTS to you? Ding ding ding
Tae "disrespecting" someone's boundaries is not what's important. It's that person enforcing those boundaries or allowing it that matters.
After all JK is not a child any more and so he shouldn't and wouldn't allow things he's not comfortable with. And in that regard, what may be a hard limit to you may not be a hard limit to him so he might allow it.
It's the same with JM and every body.
I think from Tae saying he wouldn't be willing to do red line tattoos with his members, it's safe to say he does understand some sort of limits or boundaries when it comes to relationships.
His limits may not however be the same as every body's.
For instance while he said he wouldn't do the red line tattoo at all JK didn't mind. He was willing to do it save for a few modifications.
It doesn't mean JK has no sense of boundaries because he is the same individual who said he wouldn't be okay with his SO feeding his friends perilla leaves or whatever.
Those two have different sense of boundaries.
Tae tend to be very liberal, carefree and has a lower social threshold. When he was younger the members used to say he had zero sense of boundaries and we could all see that too most times.
A reminder, he's the same person he stripped young Jk naked in the shower so he could have that male bonding experience and stop his shyness.
Yet he is also the one who wouldn't share his close friends with his band mates and said he likes girls that looked mean (unapproachable) on the outside.
So we know he has some sense of boundaries too. It's just not what you'd expect.
What is a boundary to you might not feel like a boundary to him. I recall him posting TKK photos on his birthday when Jk had gone out of his way to edit himself out of those pics.
The environment a person is raised in has an impact on their understanding of social dynamics and so we all have unique social needs and boundaries.
When it comes to Jungkook, he does put up boundaries where he feels he needs to and allows things he feels he's comfortable with including his one bandmate nibbling on his neck 🙃
He"ll quick punch us in the throat if any one of us tried that shit🤧
And I don't know if Jimin will be down to bump dicks with us- or it's just a jikook thing. Idk idk😩
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spahhzy · 1 year
Jaune: Hey, Bleiss, nice tie! *thumbs up* How are you?
Weiss looks at annoyed: Arc has mistaken me for some buffoon named Bleiss . It seems logical cause she also works at 'H&H' and does the exact same thing I do. She also has a pension for exquisite dresses and great glasses. We even go to the same stylist, although I have slightly better hair..
Jaune: So how goes the Dust deals and photoshoot?
Weiss: it's...going exceptionally well.
Jaune: Really? That great! Oh, uh, and how's Pyrrha? She is a really great girl, isn't she?
Weiss: Oh yes, I'm very lucky...
Yang: VB! Congratulations on the new sales record!
Jaune: Ah gee, thanks!
Blake: Listen, Jaune, Fish?
Jaune looks at them before pulling out a picture and hands it to Blake: Get that to Ren for next weeks photo cover challange, and you know me, Blake, I'm just a phone call away!
Blake takes the picture: What about friday?
Jaune: Oh can't unfortunately I got a dinner reservation at 8:30pm at Ambrosious with Neo.
Yang, Blake, and Weiss look at each other before Jaune waves goodbye to them.
Yang: How the hell did he get a Friday night reservation at Ambrosious!
Blake: maybe he is bluffing.
Weiss looking at the photograph still in Blake's hands, reaches into her bag before also pulling out a photograph.
Yang: What's that ice queen?
Weiss slides the photo to the group, revealing a back shot of the Schnee Cheeks.
Weiss: New photo from the photoshoot. What do you think?
Yang: wooah, very nice!
Weiss: Nora emailed them to me yesterday.
Blake: Nice Pose.
Weiss: Jack-o-pose, and the lighting was natural sunlight.
Yang: That's very cool, Ice Queen, but that's nothing... look at this.
Yang reaches into her bag and pulls out a photo of her as well, She too was in the same Jack-O-pose her butt was the main feature of the photo, as well as some of her breasts were visible due to the size of Yang booba's.
Yang: Jackopose while using these ol' girls to spice up the rest...what do you think.
Weiss swallowed a lump in her throat as the jealousy began to set it.
Blake: Woah, look at you getting all fancy. Who would a thought?
Weiss: I can't believe Blake prefers Yangs ass too mine!
Blake: But wait... you haven't seen anything yet.
Blake sets Jaune's photo down before digging into her own bag and pulling out her own photo.
Blake: Feast your eyes on the bellabooty...
It was Blake in the exact same Jackopose as Yang, Weiss, and nothing was different from them others but could tell the her butt was bigger than both Weiss and Yangs.
If Weiss's jealousy wasn't skyrocketing already, it was now.
Weiss kept a straight face as she rubbed her hands together.
Weiss: Impressive...very nice...hey let's see Jaune's photo!
Blake and Yang looked at each other before putting away their photo's timidly as Blake flipped over Jaune's photo, and Blake showed Jaune photo to Weiss.
Jaune was doing some barbell squats, in only but some shorts, the sweat gleaming down his body, but nothing was more proficient than the indomitable Arc Ass.
Weiss: Look at those glorious round cheeks, the tasteful thickness of them...oh my god, I could get lost in them!
Weiss dropped the photo from her hands before standing up and walked out without a word to the others, whomst just looked at her confused.
Weiss is feeling 'Hip to be Square'.
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for your matchup game! thank you for doing these they look super fun though i’m sure you’re super busy with them lol!!
* my fave song in the last few weeks has been otherside which is a minecraft song. it’s got a sick beat drop and i like listening to it for focus music
* 2w1
* I don’t know about gargantuan BUT i do love a good video essay/deep dive. mike’s mics pretty little liars vids have been my go to the last few months
* i don’t actually remember having an imaginary friend :/ my parents said i had one, and most i can remember is we used to have tea parties
* i have to have asmr or some kind of ambient noise in order to fall asleep, and i also have to have my body pillow to hug or else i cannot sleep
* emily irene. it’s the name my parents were going to give me bc it honored their grandparents but my mom hated irene (my dads grandmothers name) so she refused. i’ve always wanted to change it to that.
* probably camping with your tsundere alpha werewolf boyfriend because it’s the first real time we’ve seen davey share memories about his dad in a peaceful way, which was really nice. also the scratch offs reminded me of my own dad bc it was something he used to do for me and my sisters and it made me cry after listening and i had to call him and tell him i missed him LOL
* james probably? i just haven’t rlly gotten around to listening to all of the audios with james anton and marcus yet (still p new to the fandom)
* howl’s moving castle
* damien. i think we could commiserate over a really nice chocolate cheesecake abt our mommy issues.
* internet drama i come across. i have a bad habit of digging myself down a rabbit hole of the most inane internet drama and then telling my best friend abt it when we’re both sleepy but not ready to SleepTM yet
* reese’s sticks and a dr pepper, or if i’m feeling savory it’s pringles and a dr pepper and if they have slushies/icees then it’s a cherry slushie/icee and whichever above snack i’m feeling
* i have a playlist called georgia peach which is a country music playlist i made of all the old music i grew up on. i like listening to it on warmer days when i’m on a drive
* a tie between the twilight movies and bbc sherlock but i feel like twilight is more um. socially accepted, at least on social media. bbc sherlock is only the first 2 seasons
* ummm i’m a libra. myer briggs type is infp. i’m autistic/have adhd. i have a black cat named pika whomst i love dearly, i used to love reading as a kid but i kind of fell off and i’ve been trying to get back into it recently, i’m a middle child, i like farming sim games and rpg games and narrative games (like telltale games) and romcoms and some light horror movies. my top 5 movies of all time are howl’s moving castle, pride and prejudice (2005), scream, pacific rim, and the princess bride. my top artist the last 7 years in a row on spotify was hozier. my current favorite author is emily henry. my love language for giving is quality time/gift giving, receiving is acts of service/quality time.
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Anon, I am gently patting your cheeks, I adore you so. You’ve given me so much information to work with, and every bit that I got just further cemented my hypothesis that you’ve gotta be paired with Huxley.
Speed run, let’s go- Type Two’s are characterized by a desire to be loved and confident in that love; Huxley leaves no room for doubt. Your sisters would probably be protective and want the best boyfriend for you; does it get better than Huxley? You’ve got mommy issues; he’s got two amazing moms who’ll love you and heal them. You’re autistic; we’ve got proof Huxley’s awesome with autistic people (i.e Damien and Lasko).
You and Huxley would make each other so endlessly happy. I think both of you are big “Quality Time” people, so nothing makes you feel more loved than a simple, domestic weekend at home. Huxley loves those cozy, lazy days of cuddling your cat (which loves him duh) and reading together. The only kind of day he might like better is y’all going for a hike or leisurely drive together, singing along to country music on the radio. (He definitely has a soft spot for the same genre, having heard his moms listen to it when he was a kid.)
First time that I saw you, mmm/ You took my breath away/ I might not get to Heaven/ But I walked with the angels that day/ She takes me by the hand/ I am the luckiest man alive/ Did I tell you, baby/ You are the joy of my life?
Speaking of country, I love to imagine Huxley as a Chris Stapleton fan specifically. He’s just so quintessentially, classically country and writes the dreamiest love songs; I can totally see young!Huxley singing Tennessee Whiskey long before he ever drank alcohol. Now, he sings it and other Stapleton songs like this to you. (Badly, I might add. I like to headcanon that Huxley can’t hold a tune to save his life, but he pulls it off well.)
Asher would be a fun runner-up for you because I think y’all would have fun playing games, like next to each other and with each other, you know? Like, imagine running a Stardew farm with Asher; it’d be chaotic and amazing. I also like Lasko for you as a runner-up, because who better gets mommy issues than another person with mommy issues, you dig? /lh
note: Irene is such a cute name boooo anon’s mom /lh
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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adamsvanrhijn · 2 months
still 100% convinced john's "easter bf" was just a random guy who he happened to be talking to in the hope oscar would see and get jealous. like this poor man is just minding his own business going to church and suddenly john adams is all up in his personal space forcing him into a longwinded conversation about idk farming methods or something and subtly peering over his shoulder to double check if oscar is looking.
this is so funny
i read this this morning and was SO glad you sent it because it gives me an excuse to say something i have been kicking around in my brain but knowing nobody but me would care about WHICH IS that. they included john adams on easter in the perfect way where i can, if i want, still have him Not go to that church, because john adams is exactly the guy and in exactly the circumstances that he might on easter sunday go to Not that church and then show up outside after anyway looking like he is having a very nice time with a man in plain view for all (oscar van rhijn) to see. so this gets to be one of the universes that lives in my brain
IN ANY CASE. they looked like they were both having a nice time so if john is just picking a guy he knows at random they at least seem to get along well enough and are able to carry on a conversation together with laughter involved. obsessed that john adams has farming methods energy to you i love that
but i think it's very funny if he's with a guy he does vaguely have interest in or who is vaguely interested in him thus manufacturing reciprocal interest and he is still like. completely doing this to show the guy he kicked out of his house a few months ago that he's doing well and having such a lovely time talking to a different man who is not him, the guy whomst john has totally moved on from, which is why he needs to demonstrate that he is wonderful and fun to be around etc,
anyway john adams for the first half of s2 i think really is just out here like "this could be us but you playin" without regard for any body count he might be leaving behind
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flydotnet · 7 months
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled).
He's a child with the brain of an adult, the biggest moron you've ever seen!
I cannot get over the fact I somehow didn't write for Detectice Conan until this week. This franchise was my actual gateway into whump when I was 6 and my ass still didn't write any juicy stuff with it. I got back into DCMK back in 2017, have rewatched select episodes and/or movies of it (mostly the 1st and 2nd ones, which are both part of my formative whump experience lol) every year… but nope!
Actually, this prompt was supposed to be for IDOLiSH7, and I had the idea for it written down for two years; but let's be real, I was never going to write it, especially this late, and instead, I jumped onto the first other opportunity to get rid of this prompt.
That opportunity came in the form of Tekiro who, to my surprise, actually paid attenion to my stupid ramblings about my stupid bingo card for whomst knows what dark purposes, and handed me an idea on a silver platter: DCMK, Shinichi as Conan and Ran, post-falling-into-some-water-during-a-case. I was smitten with the idea and ran with so hard.
I think the final product did diverge from Tekiro's original idea, unfortunately. Ran was meant to play a much more proactive role in this, but instead, I ended up with mostly Shinichi doing what he does best: overthink absolutely everything and also simping for Ran while he's at it. The image of Conan buried in blankets was fun though!
Blanket Statements
Summary: Shinichi, buried underneath three and a half blankets, ponders upon the orb (his feelings on the situation and also how cool Ran is).
Fandom: Detective Conan Relationships: Shinichi/Ran
Word Count: 1.7K words
AO3 version available here.
Somewhere through the haze of fever, between two approximate tons of blankets covering from chin to toe, one statement rings through his mind: this is somewhat humiliating.
Well, Shinichi supposes being a genius sixteen-year-old stuck in a six-year-old’s body is embarrassing to begin with since nobody takes you seriously anymore (except, like, two cops, a fugitive from the criminal organisation who got you there in the first place and one jackass from Osaka who somehow guessed you were a genius sixteen-year-old stuck in a six-year-old’s body). Being treated like a child has certainly not stopped irking him, even if with time, the mask has started sticking with a little less discomfort to his face; but this is another humiliation altogether, even compared to what’s sadly become his daily life.
For all of the mishaps he’s had on cases and outside of his favourite activity in the whole world, Shinichi had never pictured himself buried in a pile of blankets, with just his face sticking out from there, in the Mouris’ flat of all places. Maybe Prof Akasa’s lab would’ve felt less shameful, since that man has seen him in states Shinichi can only hope to forget the memory of, but the Mouris’? Where Ran lives? Mortifying.
The way he ended up in this situation is a farce in itself – that much he knows from how Hattori mocked the hell out of him on the phone when he had to explain the context behind one of Ran and Kazuha’s conversations that stupid Osakan had caught word of. He wouldn’t have needed said Osakan’s opinion to think that, of course, but it only serves to corroborate what he already deducted.
It was just a run-of-the-mill criminal case in Beika: suspicious death near a river, three suspects without any alibi and possible motives all around, foul play clearly involved. Truth be told, it was almost insulting how easy it was for Shinichi to untangle the whole thing and straighten it into a single timeline to take everyone along for the side with Uncle’s cigarette-laden voice.
Or, well, it’d have been, if he hadn’t fallen straight into the cold waters below when trying to showcase something to Inspector Megure.
Instead, it very much had the opposite effect: not only did it then take Inspector Sato around fifteen minutes to deduce what he was trying to hint at, it also threw the whole situation for a loop because, for all of his athletic prowess, Shinichi had trouble swimming with the heavy winter gear Ran had dressed him up in and drowning became a possibility much too fast to his liking.
Ran did save him from the waters, at least, but not before he was thoroughly soaked and had to stew in his own juices for a little while. There was no hiding behind the bushes to pretend to be Sleeping Kogoro either, so it was a long, drawn-out time session of whodunnit – one Shinichi was very frustrated not to be participating in and very satisfied to leave.
If it had stopped at an uncomfortable half-hour spent watching not-that-sharp-witted detectives (and Inspector Sato) try putting together a puzzle that wasn’t that complicated because nobody had noticed the clue left by the riverbank, Shinichi wouldn’t be stewing in his frustration and pile of blankets. No, that’d have been too easy, and someone in the skies above has something against him, he’s certain of it.
It’s a cliché. It’s such a cliché and he’s certain hypothermia isn’t supposed to do that to you aside from, well, hypothermia – but Shinichi has fallen ill after a dip in the water and it pisses him off.
Yeah, okay, he’s caught what can honestly be called a nasty cold, but this doesn’t mean Ran isn’t going overkill with it. He loves her, he really does, including when she gets protective over him (even when she doesn’t know it, courtesy of his current form); but this really is too much.
Ran’s always been like that, though. Once she gets into caring mode, there’s nobody that can stop us. Not even a tsunami could, Shinichi is certain: if he, or her father, or Sonoko, or Kazuha was trapped in the midst of a deadly flood, a wall of water heading for all of them, Ran would swim back to them, put them to safety, and only then maybe think of saving herself. It’s nerve-wracking to be around her, sometimes, when you know she’ll absolutely destruct herself if it means saving someone.
Long reasoning short, it’s not surprising that she’d bury him under a bazillion blankets too much for a simple cold; so imagine one where his voice, usually so childish and disgustingly high-pitched for a teen (let alone impossible to take seriously, let’s be real there), has almost gone instinct on him and where he can spike a fever whenever his body feels like it’s not doing enough damage to the virus inside it. Delightful, really.
It’d be more delightful if it didn’t feel like being smothered in a thousand heavy blankets by the strongest arms in the world – but what can Shinichi say? That he doesn’t like the attention? That’d be a lie. He couldn’t even say that without breaking into a terribly tense smirk. That’s ridiculous.
Ridiculous, but also somewhat humiliating. And also, he’s dying from blanket overdose.
Time to do something about it, he supposes.
“Raaaaan,” he takes on his whiny little snotty brat voice (even if it sounds more scratched than Prof Akasa’s dust-covered records that he still uses, for some reason), “do I really need all those blankets?”
She turns around in half a second (Shinichi refuses to think for even a second this fever and the mucus in his brain are slowing his mind, he’s more than above that) and rushes in a swift run, hair flowing behind her and picking all of the daylight in the room.
“You’ll be cold if you take them off!” She replies without a single grain of reluctance. “And you need to be warm!”
“But… I’m way too hot, Raaaaan…”
Instead of getting at least one blanket off him, out of three (a meltingly comfortable plaid, a scratchy blanket Uncle keeps in his office for some reason and Ran’s favourite, he can tell by the fragrance, it’s very pleasing), she kneels in front of the couch with a worried frown that’s both endearing and infuriating.
“Let me see,” she tells him in that voice she always gives the Detective Boys, always gives Conan.
Maybe it’s because having a head cold is making him snappier, but he can’t jive with that tone as well as he usually does. Most days, he can just bypass the infantilization of it all to focus on what matters (Ran paying him her upmost attention and spending all her time with him).
Ran does what she tends to do when confronted with someone with too red of a cheek: she puts her left hand on her forehead, palm against skin, and the back of her right on someone else’s forehead. Strands of his hair, soaked with sweat, are clinging to the base of her fingers, but she doesn’t complain, doesn’t as much as frown in disgust or discomfort, not even slightly.
“Your fever’s gone down a little,” she concludes with a slightly less concerned voice and alleviated features, much to his own relief. “But we need to keep it in check!”
“I know, Ran, I knooooow.”
She gets back up and stares at the pile in front of her, tilting her head left to right and back to left, a pout on her lips.
“On second thought, if you’re feeling better, maybe we could take off a blanket… Do you feel too hot, Conan?”
He vigorously shakes his head to the point of dizzying himself. This would be embarrassing if he wasn’t too busy trying to get himself a little freer, and also, dealing with a stupid head cold that has turned everything about his sharp senses into nothing but meaningless mush.
“I see,” Ran muses, fingers dancing on her chin before she finally goes for the top blanket – the scratchy one Kogoro keeps in his office. “Is it better?”
He nods again and, to his pleasure, it’s both cooler on his overheated skin and bringing a smile to the girl he’s officially dating when not obligated to be in a six-year-old’s literal shoes.
“That’s good, then! Do you need anything else?”
Shinichi hesitates on that one. Ran’s pretty much been hovering him nonstop for two days, and it’s starting to show on her face. Not so deep down, he knows he doesn’t need much: he has water near him, there is no painkillers he can take for a couple more hours, his eyelids are drooping again and he’s, at the end of the day, a teenager used to living alone.
However, being Conan has a couple perks; most importantly, if he wants to be a needy brat who just has to have big sis Ran by his side during a boring Sunday while sick with a killer head cold, then he gets to be that brat all over again. Ran can barely say no to Conan, much more than she’d be with Shinichi, and there just have to be perks about his current situation. Moreover… Faded memories of frankly lonely days spent wasting away in bed or on the couch with barely any attention other than Prof Akasa’s have left him wanting for more, and if usually he can keep it at bay with a passion for crime mysteries, now, it’s a whole other story. A distraction is always welcome.
All in all, with a dashing uniform vote from all of his sides, Shinichi decides being whiny as Conan is the best use of his stupidly boring sick day.
“Can you stay with me?” He asks, sniffling, as miserable as the most cliché Victorian child possible.
As always, to his upmost happiness, Ran’s face softens and she gives him the sweetest smile as she comes to sit next to him.
“Of course I can do that, Conan,” she replies with words like honey. “Anything else?”
“No, that’s good enough.”
He lets his head droop on her shoulder and falls asleep right here and there.
He can think about this being humiliating or not when it doesn’t feel as fuzzy and warm to be bundled in so many blankets.
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kitnita · 7 months
Talk Hockey To Me
(tag game)
tagged by @eliooliver83 @oetter & @txstars!! mwah thank you!!!
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
i am a lifelong member of the 'being insane about sports' club in that i still have a poster of my baseball team's 2005 roster hanging over my bed & used to get SO pissed in middle school when boys in my class had incorrect college basketball opinions. but hockey was just? never on my radar?? due to the south texas of it all. then i went to college for broadcast in new york state & made friends with some guys majoring in sports broadcast and was like wait ....... there's a sport they talk about that i can't talk about (i loved knowing more about sports than boys so this was a serious blow) (football doesnt count i decided when i was a kid that i didn't care about football therefore its not real) & a friend of mine with whom i watched the world series was like no i've got you i can get you into hockey. i realize now she just wanted an excuse to proselytize about the new york islanders.
but anyway yeah!! i stuck with being fond of them because of her & then added the stars because as a Texan i had to root for them & also tyler seguin hooked me. i was a casual fan until there were absolutely No Sports in 2020 & i accidentally stumbled upon hockeyblr just in time to get hyper mega insane about hockey before the bubble playoffs.
2. Your first ever fandom friend
like any normal well adjusted person i feel weird calling someone my friend even if we're friendly because what if they don't actually like me (again this is normal & well adjusted behavior) that said tanya txstars was the first hashtag mutual i had in starsblr whomst i feel like i talked to via the tags!!
3. The jersey you would most like to own
wait have i ever mentioned that i own a mooterus jersey. it was like eighty dollars off depop because its a) womens cut & b) a size small which means that while it does technically fit, my tits stop it from looking like, you know, a jersey should look on the human body. so i'd love one that i can wear without feeling ridiculous!! through logan stankoven all things are possible!!! i'm generally a jersey thrifter so i do love the $16 tyler jersey i found but im sure one day ill bite the bullet and buy a non-secondhand otter jersey.
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
unfortunately goalies are inherently endearing & then on top of that he's also insane in the most confounding way possible so jake oettinger is My Guy whether he likes it or not
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
as someone who has written just over half of the robotter fic out there in the world: please put more robotter fic out there in the world. also i think robo & otter both deserve to fuck otter's goalie partner. also also it's not technically a pairing but i think we as a people need to embrace delly's clear & evident love for throuples and start sticking him in other peoples relationships. it's what he would want <3
6. Your favourite on-ice moment
jason robertson laying flat on his back on the ice after finishing his first career hat trick lives in my head rent free btw. if you even care. it just plays on a fucking loop up there. also the the dellymiro delly's first goal celly. also also that time those flames fans tried to actually curse jake midgame. like on the one hand what the fuck but on the other hand i actually admire that kind of dedication yk
link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
i'm still foaming at the mouth over @txstars's rule 63 robotter fic!! also i think it's clear what robo ship i've dedicated myself to but everyone in the roboroope trenches is soooo impressive to me. i see the vision. @winningmachine's stats guy robo fic is a foundational text. thank you @starscelly for also giffing insane random things during games. there's so many other fun people in starsblr specifically & hockeyblr generally but see above re: being normal and well adjusted so You Know Who You Are & also I Love Your Work
link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
my magnum opus ............ the robotter primer. linking anything else feels weird BUT please enjoy my unhinged labor of love. i saw someone mentioned it to that gay hockey tournament blog but didnt want to link it?? please link it places. put how unhinged i was/am about them on blast.
tagging @coffeehound91 @moregraceful @hintzy!!! & also idk who has and hasn't been tagged so if you see this & would like to do it please do & feel free to tag me as the person who tagged you because i am a certified nosy bitch & love seeing other people talk about themselves <3
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tozettastone · 11 months
Kisame, Sasori and Kakashi for the ask meme
The ask meme is for "fuck, marry, kill," but instead it's "slow burn, fake date, enemies to lovers".
Slow burn: Sasori, because I feel like any positive kind of relationship with Sasori has to move very slowly. He doesn't admit to having any feelings at all, but he will show off the ones that don't make him vulnerable, like when he's annoyed. I also think it'd be cool to be a puppet. Like, if I had my own preference for dramatic transhuman bodies, I'd be huge and metal, obviously. But it would still be cool to be a puppet. Frailties of flesh, whomst? Sasori is kind of onto something. Anyway, yeah, I think slow burn for Sasori because the character arc between him noticing I exist and him recognising he likes me has to be at least 60,000 words.
Fake date: Kakashi, because I think with all his weird foibles and feelings, he'd be much more fun to fake date than to actually date. This man is a wreck. I don't want to care about him as a romantic partner, I want to make a buddy and play my role completely straight to whoever he introduces me to. "Yes," I'll say, soft and confidential, "he does wear the mask in bed. I really had to come to terms with never being able to know my true love's face."
Enemies to lovers: Kisame. I think this trope would be fun with him actually! He's a very untrusting person who, once won over, is very faithful. He would be a badass enemy, too. ... although, surviving the "enemies," part of my character arc would be really difficult though. Perhaps I will be a very distant enemy! Yes. That sounds... safer.
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social-muffin · 1 year
🔥New Khr OC Questions🔥
💞Anyone welcome to participate! 💞
People really enjoyed themselves with the last list of questions I made! So I made an even bigger one!! So much so, I don't really expect anyone to answer all these questions. Just pick and choose whatever you want to answer if it's too much lmao
‼️This is not just for OCs! If you feels you've modified one of the canon characters so much that they're a whole different person now, tell me about them as well please!‼️
I will also tag a bunch of people whomst OCs I really enjoyed and remembered from the last list of questions! There will be some repeat questions here, so you can elaborate if you wanna or just skip those lmao
Tags under the Cut cause I will also give a lil commentary on the OCs I know so far. :3
‼️Also these Questions are mostly spoiler free so don't worry! Only one question asks about something that's introduced after the Varia Arc I think. I put a 🌸 next to that one.‼️
@juudaimes-true-form Amara & Ricardo were both very fun and I like knowing about them! But l Alexandros is a very good vibe I wanna know the him uwu
@einsatzzz Kana, Kurumi & Yui are Hella intriguing! Do pls elaborate on all of them! Particularly Yui has spiked my interest! Did you finish that art of him you were working on?
@heryemily5927 Hanabi is adorable please tell me more if you feel up to it! :D
@kiralushia Nozomi & Cloud! I would like to see both of them for this! But I also wanna know more about Arashi because she gets mentioned often too :3
@acedragontrainer Ayane & Yuki may have been randomly created but they are so gawddang fun! Please give them backstories with the questions here. If you wanna of course ^^
@masterdisastre Xavier is babiest Boi, but what about Dani!? And also pls tell me of any other OC you wanna talk about!! I'll treasure each and every single one of them! :D
@cloudspark You reblogged the old Questions once wondering if you'll find the time and motivation to introduce your OC, so I will tag you here too since there are more questions here. :3
@ciaossn Amalia is best lady pls tell me more even if her true origin story has been tragically lost ;w; I wish to know her as much as possible!
The Basics:
What's their name? Their pronouns? Sexuality? Gender Identity? Their Age and Ethnicity?
What do they look like? Body type? Identifying characteristic? Art or picrew of your oc? (No AI art pls.)
Why did you create this character? Just for fun? Or is there a purpose behind them? Maybe a canon character you created them for? As a friend, love interest, sibling, child, parent, rival, nemesis?
What's the family situation of your OC? If they have family, how about a brief summary of the relationships of their family to the canon characters?
What are their other notable relationships to Canon characters? (Example: Hibari's little brother also happens to be Tsuna's childhood best friend and Gokudera's love interest) If there are none right now, are there any plans for relationships in the future?
Does your Oc have disabilities? Mental illnesses, neurodivergencies, missing limbs, chronic pains, physical limitations, some kind of food sensitivity? Anything that affects their day to day life goes!
Combat Questions:
What are your OC's flames, if they have any? And how do they use their flames? Do they ever use them outside combat?
How do they prefer to fight? Do they know how to fight in a way they dislike or hate? (Example: Hibari prefers hand-to-hand combat and dislikes firearms, but he knows how to shoot someone if he has no choice)
Do they have formal training? How many fighting styles do they know? What weapons can they wield?
What are their strengths? Their weaknesses?
🌸Do they have a flame weapon, or a box weapon/animal? How did they get these weapons? What level ring (best S>A>B>C>D>worst E) do they wield? Can they use their ring efficiently? If no, why not?🌸
Oh no! Your OC is unable to fight! (Too tired, injured, whatever) How do they deal with the enemy now? Do they flee, still try to fight, call for backup, or what do they do?
Philosophical Questions:
Answer this first before reading/thinking further! Would your OC change anything about themselves if they could?
What's their favourite colours? Their favourite season? Their favourite weather? Their favourite animal?
What are their hobbies? What are they passionate about? Is there a passion they had to give up? If so, why?
What kind of people do they dislike? Do they like who they themselves are?
What is their biggest secret? What's the biggest/worst lie they ever told? What lie do they frequently tell themselves?
What's their darkest desire? What's their biggest hope for the future? If they had the money, how would they want to change the world they live in?
If the world ended tomorrow, how would they spend their last day on earth? Who would they want to be with? Their worst fear stands between them and saving the world, would they be able to overcome that fear to save the world?
What would be their civilain dream job? If they had to kill someone innocent to save a friend, would they be able to do it? How long would their choice haunt them? Would they be able to face their friend if they decided to sacrifice them, but things ended up working out?
Your OCs biggest, wildest dreams all just came true! What do they do next? Who do they celebrate with? How do they celebrate? Loud exhilaration or quiet disbelief?
After these questions, I ask again, what would your OC change about themselves if they could? Did the answer change?
Khr Character Questions! [Or 'I am putting the OCs in ✨situations✨']
Sawada Tsunayoshi burst into flames, flew into the sky and took out a missile that was headed towards the area your Oc was in. How do they go about interacting with Tsuna after that?
Gokudera Hayato dragged your OC to an empty classroom to investigate ghosts, but it turns out it was just teenagers. Hayato seems genuinely disheartened, does your Oc want to comfort him?
Sasagawa Ryohei just pulled your Oc away from oncoming traffic! He proceeds to ask them to join the boxing club! How do they go about rejecting him, given that he just saved their life?
Bovino Lambo just send your Oc ten years into the future! What situation did your Oc end up in? What's their reaction to this future?
Yamamoto Takeshi is sitting by himself, holding a baseball and looking oddly melancholic. Your OC does not know what is going on, except that usually Takeshi is a cheerful guy. Do they approach him? What do they say?
Hibari Kyoya comes across your Oc with a bleeding wound at his side. He is most obviously unwell, but also pissed, how does your Oc approach this situation?
Chrome Dokuro knows what your Oc did and it feels like she is judging them for their dirty secrets. How does your Oc try to buy her silence?
Rokudo Mukuro wandered into the dream your Oc had last night! Does he leave with even more trauma, creepily amused, weirdly charmed or thoroughly bored?
Fuuta DeLa Stella fianlly ranked your Oc first in something! What category did he rank them first in? What is your OC's reaction?
I-pin just blew up and then landed gently in the arms of your Oc. How do they react to this literal pipe bomb baby?
Sasagawa Kyoko handed your Oc Valentine's friendship chocolates and thanked them for looking after her brother! This might be a misunderstanding, but these are also the only/first chocolates your Oc was given, so what do they tell her?
Miura Haru made your Oc their dream outfit! But something significant about it is wrong, how does your Oc give critique on that?
Kurokawa Hana just called your Oc a monkey to their face. How ready, if at all, are they to throw hands with this civilain middle/high-school girl?
Fon wants to share spicy curry with your Oc, but the spoon is glowing red hot. Does your Oc risk it?
Reborn shot someone infront of your Oc. Tsuna won't believe them. What will they do now?
Verde wants to study your Oc so he asks if they'd volunteer for science. No money is involved but they do get to hang out with Verde, do they take the offer?
Lal Mirch has taken over the CEDEF and there is a party that your OC somehow ended up invited to! Do they bring Lal a gift? If so, what kinda gift?
Colonnello got drunk from sipping some wine, he is sad, melancholic and heavily armed. How does your Oc handle the situation?
Skull thinks you're really cute and creative! He wants to know how you came up with your Oc? And your favourite scene of your Oc!
Viper just gave your OC a slice of pizza. Will they eat it? Are they aware of the risks? Are there risks?
Xanxus meets your Oc at a bar and tells them to get him a drink. What does your Oc do? If they make an order, what would they order for Xanxus?
Belphegor is staring at your OC from a distance and chuckling maniacally. What wardrobe malfunction did he notice on your OC?
Lussuria slings his feather scarf around your Oc and tells them they're a cutie. How does your Oc respond to the sudden flirting and closeness? Do they know Lussuria is powerful as well as queer?
Levi-a-Than just told your Oc that they'd be so pretty if they put a bit more effort into their look. How does your Oc react?
Superbi Squalo yells so loud it's almost bothering your Oc! How do they tell him to quiet down? How long do they last in the every-man-for-himself Varia-style brawl that comes next?
Mammon is wanting to extort your Oc for money. What blackmail material does Mammon have to do so? (What is an embarrassing thing your Oc did that Mammon could reasonably find out about?)
Fran is getting on your OC's nerves, constantly and seemingly very much on purpose. Everyone else is already using that boy as target practice, so does your Oc join in?
Dino Cavallone compares your OC to Tsuna. Is your Oc insulted by the comparison? What if it was accurate?
Dino's right hand man Romario invites your character out for a drink! What drink do they order to impress, intimidate, or endear themselves to the Cavallone Familia? Or do they reject the invite entirely?
Hibari's right hand man Kusakabe Tetsuya thinks your Oc is too noisy and tells them to shut up if they don't want to get bitten to death. Does your Oc take that as a challenge? Hibari Kyoya does not seem to be nearby in the first place... (He is watching from a nearby roof)
Something got past the safety on your OC's garbage cans and made a massive mess! Ken stands as the main, but not the only suspect. Does your Oc make that accusation? Do they worry they would offend Ken for accusing him of that, just for having more animalistic behaviours?
Chikusa's yoyo just flipped off it's string and bonked your Oc on the head. He acts apologetic, but your Oc has a feeling he did that on purpose. How does your Oc proceed?
The Last Question!!
Please gimme links as to where people can find stories or art about your OCs!
Thank you for reading and answering if you do! :D
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versegm · 1 year
Also gimme the deets on Theatre AU!!
Oh BOY this is gonna be a long one. I am incapable of making a normal modern au i NEED these bitches to be freaks in some way I literally can't help it.
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The cape Castoria finds is meant to be Saber's cape! The relationship between Castoria & anime girl king arthur would be way too long to explain in thsi post, but they're connected so I figured it would make a cute easter egg.
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I considered having Castoria freeload below the deck instead, because I've personally never played in a theater that had storage rooms above deck, but I really wanted to keep the Phantom Of The Opera vibe so I just went fuck it.
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Love my girl Castoria who is a paranoid little rat constantly looking for the closest escape route <3
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I have no idea how to write Oberon I just imitated Herlock's speech pattern and crossed my fingers
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Gray is in fact a different Fate character! the tl;dr of Gray is that she's a regular-ass human, but unfortunately she was born in a weird arthuriana cult, which lead to her body slowly turning into that of king arthur. She has issues with her face a lot because like, if your face shifted to become that of a perfect stranger wouldn't that be fucked up. Coincidentally, Castoria also has king arthur's face, though for arguably less angsty reasons.
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The Night of Wallachia is another nasuverse character (technically from Melty Blood rather than any fate work tho.) I will redirect you to Lance's post as to whomst this man is though because I have yet to play Melty Blood myself.
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Moly is a plant from Homer's Odysseus btw
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Deep fucking sigh I fucking wish. I fucking wish we had more stories about the aftermath of isekai adventures, my man. I want to know what's it like to see someone with medieval wartime reflexes who just refuses to talk about shit. Anyways the entire Guda subplot is just me not being normal about isekais, as per usual.
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So this scene was originally a lot longer, with Guda tricking Castoria into giving a lot more personal information (exact date of birth, last name) and ending with them taking a group selfie- all info they can use later on to forge her ID. But it was kinda boring so I just went the "Guda forges papers by winging it and she can't call them out on it without admitting that her own living situation is garbage" route.
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Didn't put nearly as much foreshadowing as I would have liked, but it's meant to be a hint of "hey maybe Castoria straight-up created Oberon, cuz how else would he know so much about her?"
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Castoria is so fucking gender.
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You probably saw me posting about it, but Guda's canon age in fgo is kinda nebulous. At the beginning of the game they are definitely "below the drinking age," but it's mentioned/implied a couple times later on that no one knows how old they are now (I think Vritra? Has a voice line along the lines of "oh you don't drink because you don't know how old you are so you're just being safe by assuming it's below 21? ok") What time travel and time loops and being locked outside of time does to a mf.
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The Guda-Castoria-Oberon banter is a fucking joy to write. Bitches who keep teaming up to dunk on the third one.
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This bit was inspired by my sister, who has collected all six of her chairs on the streets.
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SO FUNNY STORY. I didn't actually ship Castoria/Oberon going in. But like. There was no reason for me not to include them having weird sexual tension, especially considering I was gonna do that with GudaCas and ObeGuda. So I was like whatever I'll keep it ambiguous but I'm not closing any doors. And then like a fool I tricked myself into liking it. I literally never fucking learn.
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Ultra mega shout out to my cosplayer friend for their extensive knowledge of how to make fantasy armor.
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The Luik festival is in fact a real-life music festival.
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Lance was the one to point out that in a way the theater au is a role reversal from canon. In canon, Castoria and Oberon are both painfully aware of what they are and what they need to do, while Guda is increasingly unsure as to what they want and why they want it. Meanwhile here Oberon and Castoria are desperately grasping at any hint as to what is wrong with them, while Guda is crystal-clear on their singular goal of "I need to get the fuck out of here."
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I keep forgetting that sexual attraction is a thing so I tried to pay attention to it for once. Hope I didn't overdo it.
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Something something you have to let go of your past or you will only end up hurting the people who are in your life now.
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When you learn that your friend has been on a path of self-destruction and you are directly to blame bottom text.
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I think I already said it, but my original outline was for the three of them to have incredibly violent sex post fight, and then an extra chapter of "mh. Perhaps we should talk about things actually." I remember I wanted the dialogue to go along those lines:
Guda: ok so maybe we should talk about things actually
Oberon: not talking about things worked just fine for us until now
Castoria: it literally did not
Oberon: cranky because hatesex is so much better than regular sex aren't you
Castoria: I wouldn't know, only ever had one of those two
Guda: wait, shit, was that your first time? Oh my fucking god. what the fuck. let me give you an actual proper kiss instead of whatever the fuck this was. Oberon, you kiss her too.
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I rewatched a bit of lb6 for unrelated reasons recently and I'd. Completely forgotten that when they reunite with Mash at the end of part one they do in fact act like that.
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Quote from the lesson of the moth!
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Wanted to make it reminiscent of their first meetings, with Guda also dragging them through a door.
So yeah, that's my self indulgence! I had a lot of fun writing it :) I love... isekais.
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Whomst Reviews: Ghost Doctor
(For those of you Kdrama Tumblrites who haven’t seen this masterpiece yet)
So you know how you watched an episode of Gray’s Anatomy and thought, this would be better if it was gayer and had more ghosts?
Have I got the show for YOU
Episode 1 Recap:
Once upon a time, there was a grumpy introvert heart surgeon named Cha Youngmin. He’s out here in his fancy little suits existing day to day for his work, being That Bitch to everyone to avoid feeling things, just him and his sugar glider son Man Du against the world.
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Enter: one (1) naive but pure-hearted rich boy twink named Go Seungtak who loves drinking fancy coffee, showering people with gifts, taking naps, and avoiding real responsibility due to trauma-related anxiety and depression issues (so this is my drama debut tbh)
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Necessarily, they clash! Bc Seungtak is the hospital foundation heir, his grandfather has decided that in order to manage the hospital, Seungtak should become a surgeon instead of using his MBA to manage things (not quite following the logic here but sure), and Youngmin, as an esteemed (if disliked) surgeon and all-around girlboss, does Not Like That.
Seungtak immediately falls in love becomes fascinated with Youngmin’s personality and impressed by his skills, and follows him around like the puppy-brained little shit he is. 
Unfortunately, as Youngmin simultaneously decides to make “tormenting Seungtak” his whole personality, this leads to a sad Puppy being first humiliated during a surgery then exiled to ER work. Mondays, bro. 
It’s the first warning we see that Youngmin can allow his emotions to sway his judgment (you know, that thing he bitches at everyone about doing? yeah), because:
1.) he let a first-year resident help with an operation on his first day at work,
2.) he immediately jumps to conclusions and publicly berates that resident for failures instead of assessing what went wrong, and
3.) he’s assigned as Seungtak’s mentor but jettisons him asap the next day after Seungtak witnesses him arguing with his ex (more on her in a sec)
It’s hard to say what would have become of the pair if not for a series of unfortunate and premeditated events brought to us by Hospital Mean Girl Han Seungwon and Corporate Asshat Jang Minho, and liberally edited by Bitch-Ass-Liar An Taehyeon. 
The grandpa-style chairman of a corporation thingy goes in for surgery that Youngmin is initially reluctant to try, as it has a low chance of success and would not give him much more time. We see multiple times that Youngmin will give up on a risky patient rather than spend extra money for what he assumes/judges to be futile efforts. However! Then his ex SeJin shows up, and surprise she’s the daughter of said chairman, who left Korea and now works in Seattle as a neurosurgeon at Seattle Grace Hospital
Having researched her dad’s condition, she doesn’t want Youngmin to do the surgery either; so naturally, Youngmin decides to do the surgery. 
This is ultimately what sets everything else into motion. The chairman’s surgery is an initial success, but then Youngmin gets a text from SeJin and leaves his resting  patient behind (we are told that a surgeon is supposed to stay and monitor the patient until they wake up).
Next thing we know, Youngmin has been in an accident:( and he’s having an out of body experience. We are talking full Patrick Swayze here. He gets rushed to his own hospital.
Who’s available in the ER to assess the patient? Yep, Youngmin’s played himself here, because Seungtak is on duty. Ghost Youngmin screams a lot at people who can’t hear him, realizes that he can’t touch anything in the physical world and thus can’t save himself with his ghost body, and cycles through stages of grief like he’s doing the Tour de France. Oops. 
After assessment, Seungtak takes him to the ER so some surgeon can perform a cardiac tamponade surgery—except the surgeons aren’t answering their phones. Like, none of them. What the hell is going on in this hospital??
So then our brave little toaster Takkie decides to pick up the scalpel himself, despite being visibly panicked. Youngmin, an eternal micromanager, automatically reaches to correct Seungtak’s grip and possesses him instead. 
We end the episode with Youngmin doing surgery on himself??
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unohanadaydreams · 2 years
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Imagine how much it sucks to have a power that crushes you so fully, a spiritual pressure so oppressive that even your body won’t grow and still, you desperately do all the things that aid growth, hoping beyond hope that you’ll reflect your inner self….for years. And you watch teen kids whomst saved your world grow and have children and you are still treated like a child….Beautifully depressing.
Also, I love how righteous Hisagi is here. Like captain, like assistant. I will say, he’s not super wrong—most of the lieutenants would care how this newly introduced Hikone ended up. Although, I think most would be either too timid, too respectful, or too clever to pull what Hisagi does next. My exceptions would be Renji & Iba—Renji because he loves a reckless show of bravery and Iba because he probably knows of Seinosuke via his mother & the manly thing to do is go for it anyway.
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fleetinglotus · 2 years
Teaser Analysis
Do note that everything is subjective, everything is what i really see from Wanderer’s teaser video. This is my personal opinion on things, do not reblog this post, you’ve been warn.
The Gnosis
He was created, moreso meant to house the Electro Gnosis, something that never truly escaped his mind, even after feeling discarded and having both his initial purpose, existence reduced to little. It all but explain the grown obsession in wanting it for himself, to rightfully house what was meant to be his ‘heart’. And yet, not once, but twice, it was taken away. 
Though shattered by this loss, after going to so much trouble for the Gnosis, there comes a time, within his journey as the wanderer, to eventually learn to let go and become the ‘heart’ himself. 
The plush figurine purpose
Foreshadowing, put in simply, it is a foreshadow sign. Unlike what is first seen from connecting with Haypasia’s consciousness, regarding his past, the little doll seems to simply be there but upon closer look, it holds a purpose indeed. Even if said purpose can be considered pointless, there is a tear shape near one of its eyes.
What i am saying is, it ties with the fact that he shed tears, expressed feelings ‘pon creation and did so in his Teaser, the exact same eye as the one to be found onto the small doll left behind by whomst had his childhood, his future taken away.
The child’s last words
‘‘What if, if hearts can be born from ashes’’, to me, i do not feel like its meant as a suggestion, a question. To me alone, for Wanderer alone, this implies forwards to a journey of self discovery, it doesn’t suits me to view this as redemption. To me, it is him, at present time, moving towards the future while also settling it once and all, with the past. 
Yes, in one way, due to where it is to be found, the Anemo Vision could be what had been once lost but i see more to this as well. The Vision is more meant to soothe such a loss, to guide Scaramouche forwards but to also confront past memories. If one would remember, Venti did mention how he can use the wind in the form of old memories and carry them, given this is how Razor was able to see the very family he once had, to know his parents were from the Adventurers Guild.
Him, finding a permanent heart, is not him taking a better turn. He has all rights to remain a brat while finally seeking back his original purpose in the ways he wants to, where he doesn’t feel like owing it to the world nor to the gods. Wheter alone or nay, he shall rise anew, become his own person after feeling unwanted for so long, feeling bitter & alone all this time. 
Symbolism behind the fire
The spiritual symbolism behind Fire, holds many meanings in different cultures. The most common is rebirth/resurrection, the history behind a Pheonix says it all. If the pheonix must burn to re-emerge once again, so too should he burn bright and free from everything that held him back for so long. Fire is generally a force of destruction, but with its destructive behavior comes a more mellow approach if learnt to be used safely.
Though a symbol of strenght and desire, the concept of purification is to be noted. In which case, like the Lotus Symbolism, i believe Wanderer will push forwards no matter what should lie ahead.
Also a ball of fire is what is seen being ripped from his body, a life force of sorts, a way for him to disconnect with his past self, or so i am to believe. 
Fire, in the end, is another form of Eternity, atleast on what i researched does it mentions that.
Ballerina’s reference
You can disagree for all you want because, again, this is all subjective from me but the ballerina is Lumine. 
Lumine is from the stars beyond, stars are typically known as guides amidst the darkest nights. Wanderer is the toy soldier, Lumine is the ballerina, a light to pull him from the shadows, wheter he likes it or not. Though he is bound to not admit it easily, he can finally turn to someone other than Nahida. Should he want to turn to others, its all on him, really.
Moreover, the child says how the toy soldier still had his eyes set on the other figurine. To me, it hints at how, since first encountering the Traveler, he actually kept tabs on the twins, but then again to say Lumine would make more sense but thats just my personal opinion.
Confrontation with the past
By the end of the Teaser, we eventually see him taking a step forwards and confronting what is left of the past, his past that continues to be a thorn on his side now. Albeit that freeing himself from the old times does not wipe clean what he has done all these years and that he does not have to seek apologies. 
To say sorry and claim to turning over a new leaf, far from suits a character like Scaramouche. He has no actual reason to apologize, any reasons to completely, utterly change himself. 
After all, its not like anyone is bound to ignore the many atrocities he commited. I think rather than being asked to apologize amount to nothing, would hardly mean anything to him. There is no benefit to be add from admitting his wrongdoings, for he does not have to owe anyone, what has the world owed him after all?.
What i am really saying is, this is a journey to self discovery, to unlatch finally from the past, to actually find a ‘heart’. I’m putting it down again, Redemption doesn’t sit with me right, every time i hear it, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Rebirth is not Redemption.
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