#or don't lol world's your oyster
pastelpendant · 2 years
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etheries1015 · 3 months
Heheha!!! Could I request about being Lilia Vanrouge's personal "stress ball"? (Aka relieve of stress via sex)
And he just LOVES degrading you and doing stuff to make you cry and beg?
Imagine if he like, makes you go on his cock while he's lying down, and he just orders you to pleasure him because he's too lazy too (what a lie) and he will randomly snap his hips at random times up just to see your reaction. Then it would go to full-blown fucking after a while, but y'know, you get it
Fingering you while you're blindfolded and you have to guess which finger he's using. Get it wrong, and you don't get to cum! But he lies, and makes you beg to cum. Fucks you into tomorrow, ehe!
Etc, etc...
Then imagine that after the war, he realises that he actually likes you! Confession? Fluff? And more smut? Lol my brain is now empty, pls expand.
AHHHHHHHHHH I READ THIS A COUPLE TIMES OVER BECAUSE IT'S SO GOOD??? moister than an oyster over here eheheheheh I wrote something pretty similar about this concept of Lilia taking home a human sex toy, it is very short and not in-depth but you can take a read of it -> HERE hehehe
This might be a little dark, so warning you... 18+ below with some dark themes, a bit of non-con sprinkled in there. Rough fucking, Lilia a little mean :[ but he turns out pretty soft hearted after it all <3 mildly rushed, hopefully you still enjoy <3
But I LOVE to imagine the fact that it starts out as just a fling- a way for him to let out his anger and frustrations through pleasurable means. To see you cry out as he continues to thrust into you- the chains on your hands making your wrists become sore. You kind of liked this, though, being tied up and used as the Generals release. Something about it was enticing to you, despite the toll it sometimes takes upon your body.
He lets you free of course, but he loves the way you tighten around him and how much more warm you feel when you're chained up. There's times when he comes back utterly exhausted from the days endeavors, sitting down with his head tilted back and his hands covering his eyes, legs spreading. His gaze flickers down to your needy body, before he unzips his pants pulling out his cock. Soft at first, before he tells you to entertain him enough to get him hard.
If you weren't able to properly arouse him- you'd be punished for it either later or in that moment. Depends how "tired" he is.
"You understand I've had a long day, don't you, my little bat? You can't even get me hard all by yourself. I guess I have to do all of the work, don't I?" He grabs a fist full of your hair, pushing your head into the pillow before roughly grabbing you by the hips and pulling your ass to meet his pelvis. He grinds into you before tearing your pants, your feeble whines falling upon deaf ears as he pumps his cock a time or two before entering your hole painfully slow. Now you're whining for a different reason- Lilia chuckling at such neediness. All at once he suddenly snaps his hips against your ass, leaving marks upon the back of your neck almost drawing blood. Your punishment, he says.
Over time, you felt as if Lilia was getting "bored" of you. He was coming home later than usual and didn't call upon your services as often. But this was far from the truth. He started to find himself...interested in you. Once he walked in on you indulging in your hobby, simply existing. You were so beautiful in that moment in his eyes- the way you were focusing on your task, now allowing the outside world to interfere with your happiness in that moment. Being so used to seeing hatred and bloodshed, Lilia almost forgot what it was like to be happy. He began to realize that you were indeed more than just a toy to be used at his disposal, and with this slight change of heart, he began to treat you differently.
Coming closer to the end of the war, instead of keeping you up all night to have his way with you, it would be spent asking you questions and talking about what life would be like after the war. Your hopes and dreams, your hobbies, your future plans. He began to bring you heartier food and random trinkets he felt would suite your interests, even bringing you a peony at some point, not without a deep blush and quickly disappearing into thin air almost as if to avoid your reaction. He was becoming gentler, and you weren't sure how to feel about it. Was it a trap? Was he getting your hopes up to take you by surprise? After all, you spent so long thinking you had not much worth besides being used for his sick and twisted pleasure.
Once the war was officially declared as over, you were his first visit. The first on his mind in which he wanted to share this moment, running swiftly to the cottage in which you took shelter in. You were standing in front of the garden with a smile on your face as he came back to you.
During that period in which he began to treat you differently, you had also become much more light hearted and comfortable around the fae. Perhaps a mistake you often wondered about, yet you continued on with reckless abandon nonetheless. "Lilia! It's finally over! I'm so proud-" You were cut off as he ran to you and immediately smashed his lips against yours. He had never kissed you so gently yet so passionately at the same time- his hands snaking around your body and pulling you close, almost like...a hug. Your heart dropped for a moment- thinking perhaps this was the time in which he decided to ravage you. When the war was over and worries were off his mind- he could have his way with you once again. How twisted.
"...Shall I go get my chains?" He was startled at this, pulling away and looking you in the eyes with a hint of sadness and guilt. He shook his head, pressing his forehead against yours with his hands trembling as he cupped your cheeks, peering into your eyes.
"No more chains," He muttered, "I thought I made it clear that you are not worth your body to me anymore. I apologize if I did not make that clear, my little bat." The nickname he had chosen for you sounded much softer, much more kind, and in the most loving tone, unlike the degradation you were subjected to. You bit your bottom lip as if to hide a giddy smile, Lilia taking notice of this and pressing a kiss against your forehead. The war was over, and Lilia had finally confessed his feelings for you.
The first time you two have sex, he asked permission.
"Can we...I..." He was stuttering over his words. Lilia was so used to taking what he wanted from you that it felt almost weird and awkward to ask for permission- but he promised to do it right.
"I would like to make love with you."
This time, he was gentle. Taking his time with you. He gently lay your back against the bed and propped your legs over his shoulders, bending over to pepper kisses around your face and love marks on your chest. He asked you if you were alright, and was certain to prep you before entering. Your fingers interlocked with each other, his thrusts were short and intimate yet reached the deepest parts of you. This time, it was for your pleasure- not just his own for the taking. With every thrust and every whispered "I love you's" came with praise you were unfamiliar with. This wasn't the same general who simply used you to fill to the brim and bark orders at, this was someone who wanted you to feel the love with every stroke of his hips and dulcet words that left his once fiery mouth.
it's truly a wonder how much people can change.
( @mellowwillowy I think you'd enjoy this one, pookie)
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gamerbearmira · 12 days
Prebby siren
No but seriously. Alma is objectively very pretty, even by siren standards.
I mean I've mentioned it before, sirens age very slowly after they reach adulthood. And despite her age, she is still consider to be a beautiful creature, by sirens and humans alike. Whether they like her or not, they can't deny she is beautiful.
I mean. Yeah, all sirens are beautiful. But Alma is slightly above that?? She takes very good care of her tail, and decorates it, and herself with pearls (which, in the underwater world is the equivalent to diamonds on land).
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In siren communities, their face isn't just what's considered beautiful; it's also their tail. It plays a big part in it. Beauty standards do exist, but not for the face; it's for the tail. Visually appealing tails are always favored. Male or female, it doesn't matter Now, there isn't necessarily an "ugly" tail, not really. But it's a big thing in siren culture to care for your tail. And given how big siren families can be, family members will also help each other in that. Especially older members to younger members, specifically young sirens that haven't reached adulthood yet.
There are also decorations. It's not uncommon for a siren to decorate their tail with just about anything they can find that might make their tail visually appealing. Patterns play a big part, some sirens have them naturally (Mirabel, Camilo, Félix, etc.), and some don't have many, or have them at all (Alma, Julieta, Bruno, etc.). That's where decorations come in. Sentimentally, most sirens will keep their guppy shell and wear it in some way, typically around their tail or in their hair. Pearls are the most rare and are given or found mostly to bigger families who use more shells for guppies. Giant oysters and clams are more expensive than other shells. There are either decorations; seaweed, broken-off coral, seashells, and sometimes passive life like sea stars.
Like regular fish, and regular mermaids, giant sirens can experience fin rot/decay. 8 times out of 10, it's because they're sick, and will heal if treated properly, but in some instances, it's because they didn't care for their tail; which is very looked down upon. It's the same with guppies, they are taught from a young age that when they get their tail they have to care for it; and even as guppies, the fins they do have (on their legs), they're told to take care of, because yes, they can get fin rot, and a lot easier than you might think.
Idk I just wanted to talk about this au, do a lil lore drop lol
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cheeekycharchar · 9 months
Temptation is the Name of the Game
"I am good. And you, I'm afraid, are evil. But people get a choice."
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Crowley has always given Aziraphale a choice. He's never forced him into anything he didn't want to do. He never assumed the outcome would be in his favor- just hoped. He tempts him and if the Angel agrees, then they'll continue their little song and dance together. But if he refuses, he leaves it be. Maybe he'll try again later. There's always been a later. Always another chance. After all, they have all the time in the world. Or so he thought.
Think back to their random S1E3 meeting in Rome, and how Crowley looked so incredulous when Aziraphale tries to tempt him into trying oysters and Aziraphale flirtatiously acknowledges their lil push and pull game of temptations through the years.
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"No-- that's your job, isn't it?" The wily demon tempts him, gives him a choice and more often than not, he gives in. But it's always been his choice.
We see Aziraphale truly give into his first true temptation back during the Job flashback in S2E2. Crowley tempts him with wine. Aziraphale refuses. Crowley doesn't push it. So, trying again, he gives him another choice.
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"Are you trying to tempt me?" "Not at all. Angels can't be tempted, can you?" And Aziraphale gives into the temptation (and to the point of full on gluttony- OMG THE WHOLE OX, AZI!? lol) It's the first time Crowley realizes that even Angels can give into demonic temptations. After all, his whole purpose as a Demon on Earth is to tempt humans. Humans are human because they get to make the choice between all the good and evil in the world as was pointed out in S2E3 in the Scottish minisode.
I feel like one of the main reasons Crowley instantly fell head over heals obsessed with Aziraphale at the wall of Eden was that when Aziraphale tells him he made the choice to give up his flaming sword to humanity, Crowley realized how different this particular Angel was compared to all the others in Heaven.
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Because normally, Angels don't get a choice.
They follow orders. They fall in line. They listen. They don't ask. Their autonomy is locked into a heavenly order that they must obey. And if you go against any of that, then you fall. You're damned. You become a Demon. Like him. Unforgiveable. But here, an Angel- that if given the choice between following direct orders from Heaven or making his own choice to do something that he felt was right at the time and getting away with it; as he still stands on the walls of Eden with his pure white wings intact afterwards- then maybe this Angel is truly something special. Aziraphale piques Crowley's curiosity. He fascinates him. He surprises him. He keeps him guessing. And he loves that. Aziraphale to Crowley is just one big unanswered question and Crowley spends an eternity trying to figure him out. So he keeps asking him questions to understand him. To make sense of how someone so pure of heart could disobey and still be holy. (aka my TLDR; mini post)
In S1E6, right before they dine at the Ritz in the finale, they have a cute little inside joke moment on the bench.
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"Let me… tempt you to a spot of lunch?" "Temptation accomplished!" It's like an unspoken lil game between the two of them at that point. Aziraphale knows that Crowley will always ask him if he wants to do something that might be against his natural instincts of being "the good one". But he also knows that he'll usually give in- especially if it's to spend more time with Crowley. After all, it's what Crowley does best (or worst. depending on who's perspective)- asking damn fool questions. What is a temptation if not a question proposed in the form of giving someone a desirable choice?
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"You and me, what do you say?" He bares his heart and soul and gives him one last choice to make. The ultimate temptation. Give up this idea of going back to Heaven and stay with me as an "us".
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"Oh, Crowley. Nothing lasts forever."
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"No… no I don't suppose it does.."
It's here that Crowley knew that their time was up- that he wouldn't be able to keep their lil game of temptations going any longer. What was once forever has turned into the final moments of the sand falling through the hour glass.
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"Oh, it doesn't matter. It's too late for that now, isn't it? It's always too late.." An endless void of eternity finally shines its light at the end of the tunnel. With each passing world-ending crisis, he can vividly see that there won't be another six thousand years to keep nudging the choice under Aziraphale's nose until he finally decides to give into temptation and choose to be with him. So, out of desperation, Crowley went all in and took Aziraphale's choice away from him in hopes of speeding things up before the hourglass empties completely. But as we all know..
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"You go to fast for me, Crowley.." Crowley has always been on a different speed than Aziraphale. Always one step ahead of him.
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They kiss and… Aziraphale breaks all our hearts by immediately forgiving him.
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"I forgive you." Forgiving him for ending their centuries old game. Forgiving him for taking that choice away from him- even if he would have said yes, it was still his choice to make. Crowley made the wrong decision to kiss him in that particular moment and he knew it- they both did. (side note: I'm not taking sides or putting blame on either one here for this "breakup". They both had their "wrongs" here.. regardless, I loved the angst and that kiss either way ^-~) But to receive that instant forgiveness from the most important being in his world was too much. So instead of pushing it further, he leaves the bookshop in devastating disappointment. And yet.. he still doesn't go far. He waits. Just like he always has been. Waiting for Aziraphale. Waiting for him to catch up.
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Crowley silently standing at "their" car across the street is his true final temptation and giving back the choice to his Angel. But this time without words. Without action. He leaves an opening for Aziraphale to choose to be with him one last time. Its the final move in their long game of temptation and Crowley still holds onto hope.
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So there he stands. Watches as Aziraphale looks at him through the window from the bookshop in trepidation.
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But ultimately, Aziraphale just gives him that one final sideways glance before choosing to step into the elevator and leaves him for Heaven (more on his reasoning for that choice in my other post). Their game is over. No more temptations. No more time. Each set out on their new paths. Apart.. With no apparent winner or loser... :(
I know.. I know.. I'm overanalyzing again. And I'm sure others have pointed this out in every way possible but I just can't stop thinking about it and sometimes I have to write it out in my own words to wrap my head around it all ^-^ ..cause I'm still hurtin'.. *cries* T_T I need to go read some South Downs cottage fanfics to heal until S3....
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unluckyxse7en · 7 months
So I've been sitting on this thought for a bit but. I want to make an informal propaganda post for Gaiaonline! It's a site that's got its pros and its cons, but I feel like it'd really appeal to some of the tumblr crowd, and also I just like to gush about things I like and Gaia is one of those things
So: What is Gaiaonline?
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Gaiaonline is essentially a social/avi dressup site, with a lot of love poured into the site's setting! The big draw of course is having an avatar to personalize and plenty of items to dress them up in, but there's other features as well:
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Such as numerous minigames (more on one of those later), and even manga featuring backstory and escapades of the site's npcs (don't let the cool panel crops fool you though - a lot of it is silly gag bits lol)
There's also a few options for socializing, as well - you can of course dm people, but there's also forums, profile comments, and statuses. The forum even has semi-recently gained the option for night mode! The site also has their own selection of emojis, some standard and some... not so much xD
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Speaking of profile - you can have a decently customizable profile! Gaia provides options in-site, but if none of those are your cup of tea then you can use an external url (or photobucket, but they both watermark nowadays and also are switching to pay-only accounts so I don't recommend that option) - you can add images on the profile, and a background, and have multiple text boxes that can be customized for various uses! Gaia also has aquariums that can display on your profile, but I don't use those anymore so I can't say much on them.
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So your avi isn't the only thing you can stylize! Speaking of which... How about those avis?
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You can get a wide array of items, and with the right inventory the world is your oyster! There's even a slew of franchise/fandom-inspired items, either from old promotions or just designs made as homages!
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(Example Adventure Time-inspired item on the marketplace - Many users sell their items there, so it's wise to check in from time to time!)
Gaia also historically turns to its userbase for item inspiration, and sells the winning designs from the contests it hosts in the shops, so you could show off your own design tastes if you feel like they're lacking your dream item.
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^ Example store - complete with a storefront where you can see other user's avatars out front if they're shopping there! The screencap of Moira the NPC is from the middle of the Halloween event they host yearly, hence her dialogue box and Harley Quinn Cosplay.
Don't have money? Not to worry! Gaia offers "Daily Chance" items and money, sometimes including random chance mini-events that can give you some sweet loot AND a fun time.
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Still, maybe you want something more... Interactive? Not to worry!!
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Allow me to introduce.... zOMG! A flash game - yes you heard that right, FLASH game - where you can run around and kill things, take on quests from npcs, and earn more gold, make friends and more! As stated, it's a flash game, so they had to come up with some workarounds - but they offer suggestions on-site that work with some success in my experience! The drawback is it can be a bit laggy, but sometimes it's just fun having an excuse to see your avatar run around and shoot things. Or slash things. or fling flaming meteors at things. You know how it is.
All in all, it's a very silly site, but one that I find holds a lot of charm and a place in my heart even now. I can't recommend it enough, and hope this appeals to someone reading. :)
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This post is already too long so I put cons (and some general disclaimers) under the cut, feel free to read at your discretion:
So as much as I like to gush, there are some notable cons to Gaia, which feel noteworthy to share. I only spend my time in the areas of the site covered above, so apologies if there's anything I fail to mention:
The economy. Good Lord, the Economy. It got so bad Gaia literally had to change from Gaia gold to Gaia platinum because the inflation got so bad - and then they never properly addressed the setup that led to this in the first place. If you buy from the Gcash stores or from the regular storefronts, it's nbd - but the marketplace with its auctions and its user-established prices can get downright brutal. Gaia has also taken recently to flooding the daily chance items with high-quality items from days past - which may not be the worst (especially not for new users) but I do strongly suspect it isn't helping the economy front much.
GCash - Personally I find this a drawback, but a lot of Gaia's push, especially of late, is GCash. This makes sense - there aren't a lot of users left atm, so no point in hosting events, but it does get a little old removing announcements for items only available for real money sometimes. This is something I hope would see a change though, if enough people decide to join.
Filters - there are unfortunately some curses and the like banned to keep the site 'friendly' to younger ages which. Sometimes backfires on their own announcements or npc dialogue. You can type and send the word, iirc, but it will get automatically filtered accordingly. That said, avatar items can get exceedingly raunchy, or have curse words in their displays even, so the bar is.... Nebulous, here.
Flash Player - Gaia has been around for a long time, since 2003. A lot of functions are defunct or buggy, or in the case of zOMG! as mentioned above, require an outside party tool to help it run smoothly. They do what they can do address it but it has impacted things and probably will continue to do so.
Social media - I would say this site doesn't quite qualify as such, as the ability to share media is middling at best. You can post writing, or art, using the forums or the journal function, but it's far from ideal. Other aspects, like profile comments, can be clunky for communication purposes, so while Gaia has some decent options, it's not up to speed with the big giants in social sites nowadays.
Mobile app? - there IS an app for phones. But at the moment, it's only for dressing up your avatar - none of the other functions are available. If you use this site for avi dressup, this is no big deal, but it could be better.
There's other cons, but these feel like the big ones to mention.
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Lastly, unrelated but disclaimer: Most of these pictures are my own screenshots, avis, etc, with some minor exceptions - I tried to stick to my own content and accounts (yes I have Several accounts) for showcasing here, when not using official resources. If anyone recognizes themselves or a friend in here and wants it removed/changed/blacked out/etc just give me a shout.
Also, shoutout to @shyyren who features in a few of the screenshots, edited the economy meme, and is my current gaia buddy who encouraged me to make this post lmao
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whiskeyswifty · 1 month
Hello, we're not mutuals, but I've been a long-time follower of yours, and I've always associated you with New York. So today, when my job told me they're sending me on a mission there next month, I immediately thought of you haha. This is my very first time visiting. I am staying over a week, but I'll be working weekdays up until like 5 PM. If you have time, could you please recommend me some must do/see things in your opinion? Thank you 💕
this is so incredibly sweet and lovely!! taylor swift move over I'M NEW YORK CITY NOW BITCH!! kiddingggggg but i'm still so warmed by you saying that. I'd be happy to be your unofficial tour guide of sorts, and i'll give you a mix of places that you should definitely see since you haven't been before and some fun offbeat places that might not be first on tourism lists but i particularly love. You can peruse the list and pick and choose as you wish! No pressure to do anything of course and i won't be offended if things don't seem interesting to you. Also this is in no particular order, just how they popped into my brain haha.
Grand Central Station - one of my absolute favorite places in the city. It's a architectural marvel from a bygone era (literally we don't build them like this anymore) and is actually as stunning as in pictures! The teal vaulted ceiling painted and lit up with constellations from the night sky, the original chandeliers, the Tennessee marble floors. It's also a fully working transit hub so you'll get to feel the hustle and bustle of the city. Lots to eat here too if you want a bite, like the famed Oyster bar or something quick from the food hall in the basement, which isn't much to write home about but convenient and hardly ever crowded. There's also a bar off the side of the station that used to be the office of a very wealthy financier, called The Campbell. One of the most stunning bars and lounges in the city and if you time it right, you can enjoy a drink or a bite to eat without a huge crowd!
2. The Met (aka The Metropolitan Museum of Art) - my personal favorite museum in the entire world, although i am biased and used to live a few blocks from the steps so it might just be the museum i've been to the most lol. However, it's phenomenal in it's range of pieces and in how immersive the curators try to make each exhibit. Instead of putting objects in cases, they try to display them in the context with which they were used! The Arms and Armor hall is my FAVORITE with several suits of armor on horseback parading down the middle of the whole exhibit, and flags hanging from the balconies that each represent one of the knights of the round table!! i mean how COOL is that!! Also, a must see is the temple of dendur, obviously. moved so Egypt could build a dam in the area it resided, they gave it as a gift to Kennedy for the millions he allocated to help Egypt preserve their monuments. it was accepted on behalf of his wife Jackie, who then was instrumental in *ahem* suggesting quite forcefully to the presidential successor LBJ that it be put indoors and not outdoors (obviously). go to the Met who agreed to pay for an entire addition just for it. It just so happens that the addition they built to house the temple has floor to ceiling windows that look up into the very apartment on 5th Ave that Jackie was living in at the time. Whether you find that a burst of sentimentality for her late husband or hubristic, that's up to you, it's probably a bit of both, but i love that story as it gives the temple a fun bit of context. Another highlight is the furniture collection, which sounds boring but to display them the met recreated entire ROOMS from the eras the furniture is from, including a full transplant of the living room of one of Frank Llyod Wright's most famous homes!! and you can walk IN IT. (i could go on for days, as could you wandering this museum and all of it's fantastic collections)
3. Time's Square - which is loud and dirty and crowded and horrendous BUT is still pretty magical, especially if you've never been. My advice, go late at night if you can for smaller crowds and it just looks so damn cool all lit up, even I can't deny.
4. The West Village - broad i know, but i'm a huge advocate for walking around residential areas when you visit a city. something my mom taught us as kids and it's a great way to get a feel for how people actually live and not just the Disneyland areas. also it provides a bit of a sensory and energy break on your trip as most residential areas are mellow. This is one of the more lively areas, but you'll find yourself wandering around stunning colonial town homes and adorable shops. It's a bit grimy and crowded with NYU kids in some parts, even on weeknights, but i think it adds to the charm of it. It's a lived in neighborhood! Washington Square park is a fun little central area to people watch, but honestly sitting at a cafe table anywhere is really fun just to see people walk by, ranging from 80 year old hippies who have lived there for their entire lives to 18 year old kids who look like the coolest people i've ever seen in my life. Also, you'll always find a swiftie taking a photo under the cornelia st. sign, so if you want a little piece of swiftie new york, that's an easy one to get. (there's a section that is particularly grubby and awful that is a series of blocks below west 4th under Washington square park and above Houston st, bordered on the east and west by Broadway and 6th ave respectively. It's not horrible, but it's super crowded and the less charming chunk of the area for sure. however feel free to venture down there for some trendy food and interesting shops if you're feeling up for it! a fun little store that's cool to peruse is called Chess Forum where they host chess tournaments but also sell incredibly intricate themed chess sets! don't go out of your way, but if you're around, pop in and check it out for five or so minutes)
5. Statue of Liberty (including the ferry itself) - something that should be overrated but really isn't! It's genuinely cool, even to me who's lived here for so long and to my friends who are lifelong new yorkers. It's such a monument in the truest sense of the word and honestly, bigger than you expect. It's not that you think it's going to be small, just the mere fact of seeing something you've only seen in photos, your brain will just be shocked at how big it is. No need to go up in it, imo, but do what you want! I think the last ferries leave around 5 each day so if you can make it out of work a biiiiiit early one day, and you're nearby, you can catch it! Not a must do of course, but if you find the time, it's one of those few things in life i have found that is worth it. Also, the ferry to and from there is a bonus sightseeing element as you get GREAT views of the tip of manhattan! makes for some gorgeous photos and one of the lesser known tips is manhattan as seen by a boat is one of the best views you'll get. If you can't make it to the official ferry tour, here is a pro tip: take the Staten Island Ferry. i KNOW that sounds weird, but the route to Staten Island is pretty much the same as the Statue of Liberty tour route. You won't stop at the island to get off and see the statue, BUT you'll get very close to it! Why the Staten Island Ferry? Well it runs all hours of the day and night and it's FREEEEEE. You can just hop back on the returning ferry and get double the views! You can board the ferry in Manhattan at the tippy tip on the bottom right at Whitehall terminal. The second best view of Manhattan is......
6. Brooklyn Bridge - another great monument that is open to you 24 hours a day if you cannot get out of work early enough. Another architectural marvel (which i'm super into so apologies if you don't care about buildings lol) but also a true monument! You can walk across it at any time of day and be sure to turn around half way for a spectacular view of manhattan. my advice to you, as corny as it is, do NOT turn around until you get halfway at least. the contrast of walking away from the city and turning around and seeing it up close like that is really a delight. I always make people i go with do that and they hate me until they turn around and then they're begrudgingly happy they listened. Also, truly any time of day is great, but if you happen to do it at dusk on a lovely spring day, oooooo boy it's glorious. I have dozens of stories about the bridge, as it's one of my favorite stories in the entire history of the world (again biased sorry but it's SUCH A GOOD STORY) but two anecdotes i'll tell you. 1. the man who was supposed to build the bridge was the son of the man who designed it, and he had everything ready to go but got sick and bedridden shortly after starting. So, his wife, who had been studying engineering alongside him this entire time, was taught by her husband specifically about bridge engineering as he was bedridden for ten years. Over the course of that time, she eventually took over as Chief Engineer on site and technically is the person who oversaw and instructed the construction of the bridge, her husband never really setting foot on the project site. Her name is Emily Roebling and for her work, they awarded her the privilege of being the first person to cross the bridge on opening day, leading the parade. Also, there is a street named after her on the Brooklyn side near the bridge. 2. It was the largest suspension bridge ever built at that time and people were freaked out by it, thinking it would fall. To prove to the public how sturdy it was, Emily enlisted the help of the circus star P.T. Barnum (yes that Barnum) who brought 21 elephants, including his star Jumbo, to cross the bridge!
7. Broadway rush tickets - since you sound like you're traveling alone, or at least with a small group, broadway rush tickets will be very easy for you to get! You can look up the process online, there are lots of resources. It's the only way to see something cheap these days, and even then it might not be so cheap. I'm not a huge broadway person so I can't say what is particularly good or bad, but currently Stereophonic is a hot new show that seems really interesting! It's more dramatic and play-esque than your typical dazzling brassy musical, so if you're into that, check it out!
8. Top of the Rock - most people will send you to the empire state building to see skyscraper level views. and that's good too, but here's the thing, you're IN the empire state building.... so you can't SEE it. people don't think of this and walk away from their new york visit with no photos of the damn thing because they stood on it instead. Also, it's a fenced in balcony for.... obvious reasons and much more limited in scope. Top of the Rock is not only in the very cool rockafeller center, which is fun to walk around and admire, but you can see the empire state building while up there! Also, it has northern AND southern views, all at the same time on the roof deck, with glass walls. So you get no obstructions! It's also situated a bit further north so you get a fantastic view of central park sprawling north. It's open until midnight, so after work you can get some dazzling sunset views or glittering cityscape night views.
Some food recs:
Pizza: the most controversial of all, and sooooooo particular to each person's taste. Most pizza places on Best Of lists are great, you can't go wrong. Word of advice to you though: L'Industrie is great, but the lines are insane and it's not THAT worth it. However, if you want a typical "slice" then look no further than these two:
Joe's - the most accessible since it's all over the city, but is honestly the perfect slice imo. Which means there's not much to it in terms of frills, but that's what tourists seem to not understand. it's just a damn good slice. Crust perfect, crispy and not droopy, sauce to cheese ratio is perfect, sauce has a bit of flavor but not too much. I go for the cheese cuz i'm basic but the pep is great too! Don't get anything else. Carmine's is the original shop but any of the locations are great.
Scarrs - this is my ACTUAL favorite slice, however there's only one location and it's pretty out of the way. It's on the LES, which is a fun place to wander if you don't mind a bit of grit and grime. Again, super simple, but my man mills his OWN FLOUR so he can get the right ratio. as far as i know, nobody else in new york is doing that. Dough is also fermented, so it has the perfect amount of crisp, tang, and saltiness. Also, Scarr is afro-latino which is rare in the pizza world, but a welcome wakeup call to all the italian goombahs slinging mediocre pies. As always, get the plain cheese, but the hotboi is so fucking good, don't miss it. and get the honey on top!!
Bagels: Honestly, anywhere you go will have great bagels. I've gone into the shittiest looking dump and gotten a bagel better than outside the tristate area. (Yes the water is what makes it great, it's been proven and it makes the pizza great too).
Personally, my favorite is Tompkins Square Bagels as i lived next to it for many many years. Bagel purists shut upppppp i don't wanna hear it!! They churn out bagels pretty frequently so you're likely to get a hot one! DONT get it toasted, especially if its a fresh bagel. It'll be perfect on it's own, but do what you must to enjoy it. You MUST however get an everything bagel, scallion cream cheese is optional but it's highly recommended. If they have it, the french toast bagel is wild and kind of sacrilegious, but soooooo fucking good if it's warm. get plain or if you wanna develop diabetes, birthday cream cheese if they got it.
Russ & Daughters - an absolute knockout place, both the storefront/bagel shop and the restaurant. It's incredibly stylized to evoke old school LES bagel counters of yore, but the quality is unmatched. There is usually a line, so i don't really emphasize this as a MUST GO place, as new yorkers don't wait in lines lol. But weekdays you might fare better! If you're a lox person, this is the place to get your bagel and lox. (i'm not, which is blasphemous to my jewish family, but i won't turn down one from Russ and Daughters).
Gonna list my other favs here just so you have some in other neighborhood: Baz Bagels (LES), Murray's Bagels (WV), Apollo Bagels (EV), H&H (UES), Orwashers (UES & UWS), Tal Bagels (various locations).
Other Food spots that i like that are pretty classic new york food!
Daily Provisions - get the BEC (bacon, egg, & cheese) to feel like a real new yorker. it's one of the more gourmet versions, but my god it's a good one. also, go early as you can to snag a cruller. one of the BEST doughnuts in the city.
Magnolia Bakery - GO ONLY FOR THE PUDDING. the cupcakes are mid as hell, you can feel the sugar granules in the frosting, not great. Their signature banana pudding is fantastic though, and if the seasonal one sounds good to you, grab that too! they offer very small sizes so you can try both, or a big tub if you want.
Veselka - another spot i kind of am biased about because i lived near it, but it's a CLASSIC new york haunt that doesn't exist anymore for the most part elsewhere. It's a Ukrainian diner from 50s, and has typical diner food and service, but the pierogis are the star here. Any kind, go nuts. Open 24/7 and always filled with NYU kids, but still retains that city-that-never-sleeps charm somehow.
Pastrami Queen - for.... a pastrami on rye sandwich lol if that wasn't clear. Most people will send you to Katz, which is fine! It's not what it used to be, but it is a very cool experience. The pastrami is still good, and the matzoball soup is good. Knish's are a little greasy for my taste though. Best pastrami though imo is at Pastrami Queen. one on UES and one on UWS (plus a location in the new moynihan train hall) so it's not super easy to get to, but i highly rec it.
Parm - now this is my biggest cheat rec. new yorkers will read this and go, pfffft who cares about Parm? Well, i'll tell you why. You might have heard of the famed rigatoni alla vodka from carbone, which is good! but not worth the hassle of going to carbone. You CAN get it at Parm though, which is much easier to get into, cheaper, and more relaxed. They have several locations and the rest of the menu is really solid! Meatballs are great, garlic bread is fantastic, and the italian sandwich is wonderful. They've always had the rigatoni on the menu for those that knew, but only recently has the secret got out and so they changed the name to say "carbone rigatoni alla vodka." Don't go out of your way, but for a trendy new york dish you can brag about, that's a little tip from me to you.
Peter Pan Donuts and Pastry shop - LITERALLY MY FAVORITE PLACE EVER ok it is just a 50's style donut counter, and yes it is in greenpoint which makes it almost impossible to get to. HOWEVER if you manage to make it out there, you're in for a treat. Any doughnut you get is fantastic, and the pretty green interior and counters are so delightful to sit and enjoy as you get frosting/powdered sugar all over yourself. i try not to hype this place up cuz i don't want it to be even more popular than it is with locals, but for you anon i'll let you have it.
Xi'an Famous Food - a great hand-pulled and hand ripped noodle chain that is somehow still pretty authentic despite it's many locations. Great lunch spot for while you work, which most of these recs aren't lol. If the menu is overwhelming, i rec N1 and N2, or N9 if you don't love spice.
Morgansterns Ice Cream - also something you can't really go wrong with all of the Best Of lists. but this one is my absolute fav. Their traditional flavors are all exceptionally creamy and delicious, but they always have wild flavors on deck! You can't sample them, so getting a scoop is a commitment, but for fun, pick a wild one that you think you'd like and dive in. They're great at balancing flavors and making it actually delicious, not just shocking instagram fodder, so you might surprise yourself!
Los Tacos No. 1 - another trendy place that is actually worth the hype. There might be lines here as well but they move quickly, and there are many locations! A great lunch spot to grab some quick tacos, and one of the first in the city to bring al pastor to the masses. If you're mexican or come from the southwest, you might be underwhelmed or skip it altogether. but for new york, this is a shockingly fantastic mainstream taco place, and more authentic than you'd get most places.
Other than those big things, my recommendation to anyone visiting is to wander! Everything below the 80s is pretty safe, despite what you hear. The financial district shuts down daily after about 6/7 pm so avoid that for evenings mainly because it's boring. If you see something in a store, pop in! Also this list is particularly New York Staples, but it's one of the most racially and ethnically diverse places in the world. Seriously. any kind of food you want, it's here, and it's made by someone from that exact country/community. A quick google and you'll probably find whatever you're looking for.
I hope you have an amazing trip and no pressure to do anything you don't want to, honestly! Pick the things that interest you and go with your gut. It's a bottomless city and there's no definitive list of things that make it a New York Trip. Locals will tell you one thing and ex-pats will tell you another and transplants will tell you something completely different. It has something for everyone, but not everything is for everyone, is what I like to tell people. The city is YOUR playground, so do whatever you want! Just make sure to tip your drivers and servers generously and ALWAYS walk at a steady pace and on the right side of the sidewalk. ❤️
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aboutyoutoo · 2 months
Question: rudolf's top 5 neuroses in your subjective opinion (can either be the ones that plague him the most or the ones you find most fun or interesting to think or write about) (can be in a particular order or not). Can be historical, fictional or headcanon 😌 the man is your oyster,,,,
ough this is a good question !! I'll probably base it on elisabeth!Rudolf and also whatever fictional version exists in my head because I don't feel like I can psychoanalyse the real one xD
also this was hard because I feel like in my head so many of his neuroses are linked together... or like it's a bunch of minor neuroses that are actually all just the same major one if you pull back the layers enough ajdhs but anyway in no particular order (under a cut because it ended up being a bit rambly):
Abandonment issues
Yeah this is an obvious one cuz it's a major plot point in elisabeth... it also makes for a really fun dynamic with Tod i think because then Rudolf gets to be obsessive and needy and clingy etc, and lets Tod kind of get away with anything because Rudolf just neeeeds to be wanted so he'll do anything to keep Tod around, and will keep going back even though Tod makes him feel like shit lol.
This one is based in elisabeth canon for obvious reasons xD (although I don't think the real one had a healthy relationship with sexuality either but for different reasons...)
But yeah my todolf fics I think will always have an element of Rudolf being Weird about his sexuality, both because I need some sense of historical accuracy always and also because I think it's just really fun to have a character be ashamed and insecure and weird about being gay ajsh sorry... this guy will be full of repressed gay Catholic guilt forever <3
Feelings of inadequacy
This one is mostly my headcanon I think but yeah....his terrible upbringing + abandonment issues + his father not liking him very much all just giving him a constant feeling of never really being Enough for anyone and also having a ton of imposter syndrome about his role as a political thinker and a scientist and a future leader etc etc. I like giving him a lot of insecurities because it means a lot of things for Tod to be mean to him about jshs. I also like the thought of his constant feelings of inadequacy being the cause of his humiliation kink akdjs... he needs therapy but he can't get that so he'll cope by sexualising the feeling of being Lesser.
Unstable grip on reality
This is something I kind of alluded to in my first todolf fic because I really like the idea of Tod just.. messing with Rudolf's head and having him constantly doubting what's real. Rudolf already has to deal with the cognitive dissonance of being so grounded and scientific whilst also having an imaginary metaphysical boyfriend, and I really like the idea of Tod pushing the limits of that. Appearing to Rudolf in a dreamlike way so he doesn't trust his own memories being real.... Rudolf seeing the Todesengels everywhere and thinking that it's Tod and then being all confused when it isn't him and then he starts doubting himself... yeah basically I just like the idea of Tod having Rudolf in a constant state of confusion and not knowing what to believe, fuck up his brain <33
Feeling hopeless
In more than one way. In the sense of looking at the world and knowing that he can't fix it and just being powerless and miserable. But also in the sense of feeling hopeless about himself. Like he knows that he's going to give himself willingly to Tod one day, he knows that he's going to kill himself and he's resigned himself to that inevitability, so he sees himself as a lost cause... yeah I like that.
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neet-elite · 3 days
You can ignore this if you don't take questions I'm so sorry if you don't I'm a lil stupid. But would it be okay if I wrote a Kent fic a little like yours (the sex pollen one) it will be a lot different but really inspired by yours. I will 100% give you credit and reblog the fic (and link it) so that you get the credit you deserve. So sorry if this is annoying.
babe. i say this as earnestly as possible.
i do not own the rights to sex pollen/aphrodisiacs. the world is your oyster. write whatever you want whenever you want. you don't need my permission or have to credit me for anything lmao.
ive had some people write fanfics as continuations of what i've posted, or inspired by my specific posts, and have credited me as a source of inspiration. and while that's nice, if you're simply inspired by me, there's not really anything to credit. could you imagine having to credit everything that inspired you? my list would be never ending!
im happy you enjoyed the kent fic enough to feel inspired by it, and i appreciate your thoughtful kindness in reaching out to me. but, to reiterate, there's nothing to credit. you're just inspired, right? run with the inspiration :D have fun :D write to your hearts content :D you owe me nothing i PROMISE !!!! especially since u said that you're wanting to write something different, and only want to mimic the tropes, right? i don't own the tropes. u dont need to credit lmao.
i dont even truly care if you copy me 100%, i just think that if anyone did that it would be mega cringe LOL. im so relaxed when it comes to sharing though, please feel free to do whatever you want. im not the boss of you.
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haroldherald · 3 months
haii ^_^ what are some of your harold headcanons??
i'm so glad you asked i'll give you a list!!!!
there are also many MANY more on my page so feel free to look at them too if u want :33 the world is your oyster!
definitely lgbtq+ in some way i love sm different lgbtq hcs for him i can't even pick just one... but i LOVE the idea of him being some sort of nblw
it's canon that harold has 2 siblings who both find him weird but i'd like to think they're all different archetypes of weird so they kind of all think "thank god i'm the only normal one in this family" lol
he probably has a bunch of penpals from all different places in the world i'm not sure why i think this so don't ask but i do
used to spend lunch in his favourite teacher's classroom in school
harold hated roblox for a rlly long time during the "roblox cringe minecraft better" era
until he downloaded it to make fun of it and got addicted
speaking of minecraft he's always making little surprise worlds with cute messages for leshawna
he despises shopping malls he gets overstimulated so fast
gets hyperfixated on really niche things and convinces himself he NEEDS all the merch of it he can find
then moves on to something else
he's a huge garfield fan though that never changes
harold's parents made him take music classes as a kid and he eventually started beatboxing to find the fun in it
this is all i can think of for now i hope u like them :))) thank you so so much for the ask !!!!
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doddsmountain · 11 months
hi Dodd I'm in the mood to learn some fish things what are your top 5 favorite fish?
SO! Number 1 is OBVIOUSLY Oncorhynchus mykiss... AKA the rainbow trout
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These guys are amazing. They are the most farmed fish in the world by weight (not numbers). And they're not a trout! They are a true pacific salmon, like chinooks, cohos, sockeye, etc etc.
These dudes are different than the other pacific salmon though as they can spawn multiple times! That's why they don't undergo quite such extreme transformations during spawning season.
Rainbows are typically landlocked. Steelhead trout (which are Oncorhynchus mykiss mykiss) are the rainbows you see out at sea.
NUMBER 2: Acipenser transmontanus.... WHITE STURGEON!
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This photo is a poor image I took of the baby white sturgeon I got to take care of for a year during my fisheries and aquaculture tech program.
White sturgeon are the largest sturgeon species. The largest ever recorded was 20 feet long and roughly 120 years old. The oldest sturgeon I worked with, Tyra, was about 9 feet long and was only 65. They reside along the pacific coast of North America and they are pure muscle. A two year old is about a foot long and the scutes (modified scales) are sharp as hell. You can't wear gloves when you handle them either so your hands get cut up real bad. I loved taking care of them. They're like giant, muscly, slimy dogs.
Females will lay roughly 3 million eggs per spawn and the eggs will hatch after about 6 days. A newly hatched white sturgeon is a few millimeters long. Crazy to think about.
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This is my jar of dead babies.
NUMBER 3: Frog fish!
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Wish I could remember who took this photo!
Frog fish have specially adapted pectoral fins that they use almost like legs! They're bottom dwellers and "walk" along the sea floor.
I don't know much about them I'm afraid. My brain was almost entirely consumed by rainbow trout and white sturgeon.
These guys look so grumpy! (I like to say my 'fursona' is just a regular ol' frog fish lol)
NUMBER 4: A fish my family had for about 15 years... A bloodred parrot cichlid named Sir Rupert Finklebottom III, Esq. (We learned she was female when she was about 9 years old)
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These fish are man made abominations and I do not recommend owning them. They have horrible health issues and they have nasty personalities. We had two of them. Rupert and Regina. Because they're crossbreeds they're essentially infertile. Rupert and Regina both laid thousands of unfertilized eggs when they were roughly 9 years old. They only did this once. They ate all of their eggs within a week.
People say they're good community tank fish. They are not. They're aggressive little assholes. Ours had to live in their own tank and they'd try to bite you if you put your fingers in their tank (it didn't hurt because they can't close their mouths and have no teeth.)
They have malformed swim bladders and are just generally awful fish. But boy do I miss my Rupert and Regina.
And finally
NUMBER 5: All manner of eels. For the purposes of this I'm going to say Rock Gunnels.
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These slippery little dudes are sharp as hell. When I did a practicum at an oyster farm these dudes kept getting pulled up in the oyster beds and I ran around scooping them up and tossing them back into the sea. They come in a variety of vibrant colours too!
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This abomination. It's a lamprey of some sort. And if I gotta look at this thing so does everyone else.
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tezzbot · 6 months
you used to be they/he/she right? I wanna ask something and I really have no one to go. How do you know you identified with tgat??? because I think, I enjoy feminine pronouns and but I feel comfortable with masculine pronouns either. does that mean I'm she/he??? but what does it means for me? tgat I am a woman? I'm both a man and a woman??? I been thinking this for long and it gaves me anxiety so this may be very weird to just randomly say on a askbox and in anonymous sorry evry much.
I will be 100% honest with you my guy, the world is your oyster and you can do literally anything you want in it forever. If what you're doing or what you want to do isn't hurting yourself or others around you then Go for it. You don't need a reason or to explain anything!! Doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman or neither or both, you don't have to decide now, you don't have to decide ever
I still technically am they/he/she I just prefer the they ones most right now, simple as that! It's literally just what you're comfortable with dude, so go for it. Pronouns is just noises shrimple as that
and if someone's a cunt about it? Kill them. Or just block idk lol
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katierosefun · 5 months
I’m rewatching BE (again) and I’m curious what you think of the timeline of jwds. Some people are like oh yeah they def did stuff/something after [insert arrest/clue/chase scene/homoerotic moment] and stuff like that. I personally think that while there was a lot of sexual tension going on, nothing really happened until the ds arrest scene which was basically a confession. If I had to add anything to what happened in that scene I would say the “missing” part is that I think ds stopped jw from full on confessing bc ds knew he was going to jail. He didn’t want anything to happen bc it would leave jw tied to him but also not really tied to him and he didn’t want jw to wait for him or feel trapped. Jw has had no one in his life to count on and be cared for by. Letting jw create that link between them only to be whisked off to prison two seconds later would exacerbate his abandonment issues. Homeboy literally cried over ds’s hands he would not have handled an acknowledgment of anything beyond “juwoon-a” well. Also I fully believe that jw did not visit him in prison and ds wouldn’t have allowed him to if he’d gone.
But yeah anyways those are my very messy thoughts lol. What do you think about the timeline? Do you think anything happened that wasn’t shown in the show and/or how things went at the end and after Nam Sang Bae’s death anniversary (I also think that was the first time they’d seen each other since ds got out of prison)?
hi anon!
to answer your questions: i honestly think part of my love for beyond evil is that there are some pretty ambiguous moments where it seems like dong sik and joo won hung around each other more than was seen on screen, so i personally love playing with whatever might have happened between them during that time.
that said, from a more technical perspective: i think the beauty of a lot of television shows (not just beyond evil, but especially beyond evil) is that there's always going to be an ambiguity of what happens where and what's shown on screen or not. i think true film theory professors/geeks could ramble for hours about the power of the camera in storytelling and how it completely changes the medium of what we know vs. what we don't. which is really all to say that i think since it's a show that has a camera that turns on and then turns off, beyond evil inherently is going to have scenes that probably happened but just aren't actually shown to the audience.
so just by default, i think there must have always been things happening between dong sik and joo won that just didn't happen in the show, and that's just by virtue that this is a television series that's made deliciously more ambiguous by director shim na yeon and writer kim su jin's creative choices.
but from a fan's perspective: oh yeah, i think dong sik and joo won absolutely had some closer will they-won't they moments that we didn't get on screen. not necessarily because the cast and creators cut them, but just talking about the characters themselves here--i like to think that joo won and dong sik had plenty tenser moments of just. figuring out whatever the hell is going on with their relationship.
and as a fan/fanfic writer, i definitely love playing with what could have happened in those kinds of moments. in some versions, i like the idea of one of the two of them crossing a line somewhere . . . and in other versions, i like the idea of the two of them telling themselves that what they have is enough, and neither of them will do a single thing about it until maybe a year or ten years after the events of beyond evil. but who knows! the world is our oyster when it comes to things like that. it's just always nice to see when people have different interpretations and different ideas of how joo won and dong sik might have finally gotten together :)
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auspicioustidings · 7 months
Instead of a prompt, here's a few ideas I like to call
Unexplained Call Signs that I would Answer to
Shawty (NY accent)
Rizz (+5 psychic damage)
Thank you. Are there any nice UK terms that would make good ones? I don't even understand Gaz lol
Preacher is the one I've used for the Lost Boys fic!
Gaz is, I'd think, because his last name is Garrick. Like we would call a Gary by Gaz or Gazza and a Barry by Baz of Bazza.
Callsign wise from what I know in the UK it's an absolute toss up what you get. Like you eat chips one time and all it takes is someone to decide they are referring to you as Chips from now on, boom callsign. One of my family friends is called Fish, no clue why.
In Scotland there is a lot of "wee man" and "big man" as well but those actually do not correlate to height! Usually if someone is younger than you they'd be "wee man". "Big man" is used on anyone, like you might approach a total stranger outside a club to borrow a lighter and say "here big man, can I borrow your lighter?".
Nicknames/callsigns here are very much a world is your oyster sort of deal, you can use almost anything!
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dogtoling · 1 year
What do you think of inkling/octoling naming convention? We know Callie and Marie are a pun on calamari, Sheldon bc he's a horseshoe crab, Spyke with spikes and Murch...for selling merch? There's also Craig and Fred and Sean, Marina. It seems like inkfish like punny names. Fandom wise, I've rarely seen a normal human name, mainly foods or more marine life related names
I think Murch still comes from urchin (the "urch" being in there). I think for really lore-accurate answers on this you'd need to look at the japanese names for all the characters, but at face value it's pretty easy to tell that most names in the Splatoon world somehow relate to the sea or sea creatures. Fred Crumbs and Crusty Sean are, again, puns on fried crumbs (i think) and crustacean, so you can't really look at "Fred" and "Sean" (or Crusty?) as names on their own. They still have further context.
As for naming conventions in the Splatoon world in general, there's at least four types of names used:
Generic ocean- or water-themed names
Species-specific names referring to the species name or notable features (for example Spyke, Annie, Sheldon, Octavio)
Seafood-related names, which don't seem to have a negative connotation even when used for people. Typically you wouldn't name your child Sausage, but I think in splatoon, they might.
Stage names (Goggles, Rider, whatever you get the point: relates to the individual directly through their gear or whatever else). Typically nicknames, but sometimes become main names. Other types of names are a lot rarer, and might have a miscellaneous source, or just be literally made up.
So rather than just punny names, the Mollusc Era has great respect for the ocean and origins of names typically refer back to it. Then, when it comes to coming up with names in general, it makes sense that a society with different species and different features for those species would have name origins that refer to those features. There's probably more fish named Finley than you can count, but you wouldn't run into a lot of crabs named that (they don't have fins). Really, Pearl is kind of odd for being named Pearl considering she's not an oyster. But like, it happens.
But overall, I doubt they have many "normal" names around. I mean, our "normal" names all have their own origins, many of which are rooted in religion, or history, or words after which the names have morphed so much throughout time that we have no idea they're meant to MEAN something. So if we're being real here, you wouldn't even have people in the Mollusc Era named with "normal human names", because 80% of those names... they wouldn't have or know about. They have their own unique names originating from their own history and myths that have nothing to do with ours, even if there's some names that are shared. If you really look into it, you wouldn't have a guy named Larry in splatoon (i have a guy named larry in splatoon). That's just localization for the human brain saying "this guy is named whatever the splatoon world equivalent for this name would be", lol. (Which, if you really look into it, that's EVERY written thing about Splatoon... because we do not speak their language(s).)
Anyway, the marine theme carries over more naming conventions than just personal names. Cities and places of course, but also bands. Everyone's noticed the probably unspoken rule that songs need to include some kind of ocean or water theming in their titles... it's probably not done for the pun or funny factor, it's just one of those things that people Just Do.
idk what else to say about this topic right now but you maybe hopefully get the picture based on the rambling
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you know about any fics where A/C meet on Earth but don't know that the other one is a demon/angel and assume they're human. Then along the way discover the truth. Along the lines of: "This will come as a shock but I'm actually an eternal being" - "Thank god, me too." lol Thank you so much!
Hello! Here are some fics in which they each mistakenly think the other is human...
Till death do us part (or not) by fractalgeometry (G)
Possible other titles for this fic, since they summarize it better than I ever could:
Assumed mortality, and other reasons to dump people
In my defense the odds of both of us being immortal is extremely slim
Awkward Tesco reunions: the real curse of immortality
that awkward moment when your ex from 300 years ago turns out to also be immortal
You always meet twice (and sometimes the second time is after 300 years in a fucking tesco and you embarass yourself in front of the cashier)
(Aka the fic in which they are both immortal, they do not realize this, and they break up and think the other is dead for several centuries before it turns out that wait, they're both very much alive after all and also, possibly, walnuts.)
My Immortal Beloved by Fyre (T)
A couple of centuries ago, Crowley had a Thing with an average normal human. Only for some reason, every letter he ever sent to that average normal human has just turned up in a museum exhibit. Including the ones about licking.
The Exchange by ZehWulf (T)
The first time he picked up his telephone and didn't hear Joan or one of the other ladies greet him, he just rolled his eyes, assumed they were cross with him, and firmly asked for the shop he was trying to connect to into the receiver like normal. He even said please! And the thing about being a being of considerable occult power with a history of shaping parts of the universe is that, sometimes, the world bends to oblige you.
So, the only thing that surprised him about Fell answering the line in response to his demand for "an expert on ancient greek and roman preparations of oysters" was that they'd made long-distance calls considerably less bothersome at some point.
Crowley is a big fan of technology but has zero idea how it works, which leads to him developing an unlikely friendship with a fussy bookseller who happens to be an expert on a miraculous number of subjects.
Let’s Try This Again, Shall We? by todays_keysmash_is (T)
When Crowley and Aziraphale first meet, they mistakenly believe each other to be human. After falling in love and leading human lives together, Crowley is shocked to discover Aziraphale's angelic identity. Crowley knows that if he revealed his demonic self, Aziraphale would smite him on the spot- but he can only masquerade as a snake for so long, and the Apocalypse is coming.
The Great Pretender or A Man with (at least two) Secrets by Makkoska (E)
The demon Crowley is seeing Mr Fell, a peculiar and fascinating bookshop owner. He knows the man has secrets, but doesn’t quite realize the extent of them. Or: It’s London, the 21st century. An ethereal and an occult creature meet and fall in love without realizing they are missing essential information about the other.
- Mod D
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felassan · 1 year
Hi! First off, I wanted to say thank you for all your posts giving updates on anything dragon age. I’m someone who tends to forget about things I look forward to until it springs to mind months later and then I obsess over where it’s at only to promptly forget about it again. I have, and probably will again, missed release on some things I was looking forward to by upwards of a year because of this, but seeing you on my dash every now and again ensures this won’t happen to dragon age xD
Secondly, I was curious not in what you know, but what you were hoping for in the next game. Is there a certain origin you would like to explore? For example, for me, I’ve been hoping to play a chasind character as my human origin (i of course will play all origins eventually lol). I won’t be disappointed when it doesn’t happen (maybe a little bit, but I have no expectations that that origin will be in the game) so don’t limit yourself to origins you think must be plausible (unless that’s what you’re looking forward to!)
hello! thanku sm for the nice message and feedback, i'm glad that my posts and blog are useful/helpful for you in this way ◕‿◕
for DA:D I hope that race selection (human, elf, dwarf and qunari) will return. in terms of backgrounds for the PC, I don't have a preference on, say, playable Origins vs DA:I-style non-playable backgrounds. I'd like to play a City Elf this time around tho, and it would be neat if the human option was non-noble or if there was a non-noble human option, and if the dwarf wasn't a surfacer. also I'd like to be able to play characters from the northern parts of Thedas (moving away from PCs with southern backgrounds like Ferelden and the Free Marches). the faction background theory some folks have sounds cool (like being able to be a Lord of Fortune or a Crow or something else we haven't played as before would be cool). and if the world was like, my oyster, I'd like to explore a dwarf from Kal-Sharok, a praesumptor (those "shadowy" thieves in Tevinter who are almost treated with respect) or maybe an elf from one of the mysterious "yet lingering" groups ^^
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