#or energy so that's a bit there too
linaxart · 5 months
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donde duela, nunca dudes
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autism-corner · 1 month
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(blank/betterQuality and reference under cut =w=bb)
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bonojour · 19 days
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house and wilson seeing each other for the first time in months in s08e02
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surreal-duck · 10 days
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master artist and his number one fan
guy who is being so normal about the new additions to their profiles. i think abt midoris initial infatuation with his art slowly developing into appreciating yuzuru himself as a person and idol to the point he worries about how he sees him (ex: a bit of home party and in workplace survival rules) sometimes thats a lie i think about it a lot. and yuzuru learning to enjoy art just for the sake of drawing!! seeing the lets try diy story where he doesnt even refute drawing on midoris desk and was only worried that his doodles might cover up the mascot design compared to how discouraged he usually would be in earlier ! stories. everything to me i adore their dynamic if that wasnt obvious by *gestures to basically everything*
and happy pride month 🏳‍🌈
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bluuscreen-png · 5 months
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working on my own little “the master doesn’t die and joins the doctor after lotl” au so here’s voyage of the damned outfits if i got to do the costume design [plus a couple silly bonus sketches under the cut]
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Okay I started this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back right after Episode 10 launched. Yeah. Ages ago. I actually finished it around probably 1-2 months ago??? I've just been slow to uploading it ^^;; Back then I was... not necessarily theorizing??? But had fun indulging in an idea like this xD
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unlawfulchaos · 1 year
Mav: I like to play a game called Nap Roulette.
Mav: It's where I take a nap, but I don't set an alarm.
Mav: Will it be a 30 minute nap? Will it be 3 hours? Will I wake up tomorrow?
Mav: Nobody knows. It's a risky game and I like it.
--A couple of hours later--
Ice: *Knocking on the bedroom door and opening it slightly to look in*
Ice: Mav, are you ready to come out yet and interact with people?
Mav: *Demonic screeching from underneath a pile of blankets*
Ice: Understandable. Have a nice nap, my love.
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genesis-rhapsodass · 24 days
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Just a found family on their way to a gentler life (hopefully)
So there's this really good fanfic by @eaymtb of Cloud being sent back in time together with child remnants that's got me SO hooked, I've been wanting to draw something for it for ages so here's some art of the boys on their way to Wutai
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cleo-serotonin · 5 months
im on the floor sobbing
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liauditore · 23 days
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#hermitaday#bdubs fanart#bdouble0 fanart#hermitcraft fanart#hermitblr#my art#bdubs#im so happy#a day where i get to draw bdubs is a good day#my favourite guy. lich rally.#this is one of the softer bdubs i've drawn i think..#as much as high energy matches him 99% of the time idk idk he's so sweet that 1% of the time#and this season rlly has me feeling that. secret life rlly changed alot of these mfs in my head.#secret life is such amazing pay off for the whole life series im always saying tihs#anyway yeah insanity aside his builds this season have been so incredible i know bdubs builds are bdubs builds but like. wow#i think we should all appreciate idk. the way he plays w/ scale#makes a tiny box house that's like 6 blocks tall and it somehow looks so detailed like if you squint it could be an oil painting#and those trees. idk what else to say man. those trees.#anyway (insanity goggles on again) bdubs living far off happily in his cottage a bit off the grid. makes me so happy.#idk. bdubs learning to chill. it's so awesome.#his interactions with etho joel and pearl have been so cool to see#ethubs is gonna ethubs#but him and pearl are so funny together too. i love the kinda? sheepishness he talks to her with lol#and joel. i haven't quite figured out exactly what's going on between him and joel but i like it.#i think. bdubs wants to hit joel with sticks. but in like. an oh you rascal kinda way. little troublemaker you#i don't fuck with familial headcanons and I don't like assigning people parental roles. But.#coughs. okay that's enough.#i love bdubs alot he's my favourite. good night guys.
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solradguy · 8 months
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Soltober '23, 17. Request
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fazbearcorporation · 3 months
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Ill make proper designs for everyone else eventually but for now :] these guys who are spinning in my brain 24/7
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ddruxyart · 6 months
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Ms./Mr. Medical Malpractice
some ramblings on this design: I wanted to make them feel very looooong/lanky. Almost uncanny. Theyre an absolute stick regardless of sex. Their neck is a bit too long, the same goes for their arms, legs and face. In general, I wanted their shape language to be a mix between triangles (sharpness) and circles (roundness). The roundness is there to off-set their edges. Rounded jaw and big goofy ears against a sharp nose & chin. Thats also the reason why i gave them a big fluffy turtleneck and circle glasses. Im trying to counterbalance the obvious sus vibes they radiate, while Harper is trying to appear harmless. (noooo dont think im creepy, look at my big fluffy sweater instead, look how cuddly it is)
Also, here are the million different Hairstyles I tried out for Harper, before I settled on two:
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aimbutmiss · 3 months
The day started like any other normal day. And it was, to Mihawk at least.
Yes, it was his birthday, but he never really cared for the occasion. Was he grateful for the life he was given? Of course he was. But he never saw the point in celebrating. He remembered the day when Shanks had showed up out of nowhere, ten years or so ago. He was overjoyed to see the man, hands itching to reach for Yoru, but the man stopped him with a whine.
"Nooooo, I come in peace! We can't fight, not today of all days!"
He held up the bottle in his hand with a bright smile. "We're gonna party until the sun goes down and comes back up!"
A frown pulled down on Mihawk's face, who was not quite understanding the situation. "What are you talking about?"
Shanks' smile quickly dropped too. "Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday."
Ah, right. So that's what this was about. The man had told him his date of birth some time ago, and in his surprise and perhaps slight tipsiness, he had admitted that they shared the same birthday. In hindsight, he should have known the red head would pull something like this. It was definitely in character. He sighed in frustration.
"I'm not quite the type to celebrate. You know I don't like to party like you folk."
"That's nonsense!" Shanks walked up to him and slapped a hand on his back, strong enough to send a normal man flying. But of course, Mihawk didn't move an inch. "Parties are like, the best part of being a pirate! And even if I respect your mysterious and lonely guy schtick, it's your damn birthday! You can make an exception for one day of the year."
He looked up, reminiscing about the past. "The captain was very firm about that. He would throw me and Buggy the most extravagant parties. He never once forgot; can you believe that?"
The captain he was talking about was indeed the King of the Pirates, Gold Roger. It had shocked Mihawk at first, learning about Shanks’ past. But the more he got to know the man, the more it made sense. A man of his caliber couldn’t have come from anything else. Shanks was a very talkative drunkard, so Mihawk was used to listening to stories about that time of his life. And frankly, he quite enjoyed it. These men in his stories and the stuff they went through were like straight out of legends... He gave a small smile to the excited man in front of him. "I guess I could indulge you just this once, but only because it's your birthday too."
He snapped out of the memories and slowly got out of bed, having had enough nostalgia to last him the day. But he was stopped by a floating hand pulling on his night gown.
Mihawk looked to the source of the muffled protest, which happened to be the blue mess in his bed. "Let go, Buggy."
He sighed as he sat back down on the bed, fingers immediately going for the soft blue locks. An approving hum came from the clown as he brushed through his hair with his long fingers.
This sleepy man, with whom he shared a bed, was one of those from Shanks’ stories. Except he was nothing like them. He wasn’t brave and fearless like in the stories, he was weak. But he knew exactly what he was and what he was capable of, and Mihawk loved him for that. He was charming beyond words, and a little stupid, but Mihawk was into that, as embarrassing as it was.
“Get back into bed and get your birthday cuddles.”
Mihawk chuckled at his partner. “Nice try, sweetheart.”
He got up to leave for the bathroom. “Do you know where Crocodile went?”
“Nope! How should I know?” Buggy answered way too quickly, which made the swordsman’s brows furrow.
“Hm. He’s probably in his office like usual.”
“Yes! That’s it.” Buggy exclaimed in triumph, for what he didn’t know. “He’s such a workaholic.”
“Indeed.” He replied nonchalantly as he reached for his razor.
“Wait!” Buggy ran out of bed to his side with a smile. “Let me do that for you.”
Mihawk stared at him with a raised brow. “You want to help me shave? For what reason exactly?”
“It’ll be relaxing! I’m good with my hands, you know.” Buggy wiggled his brows suggestively, which made his lips curve just the slightest bit. The clown could be funny sometimes, mostly when he wasn’t trying. Oh, how he loved this silly man.
“You literally have no reason to do this.”
Buggy sighed in frustration. “I’m just trying to pamper you, birthday boy. Take it or leave it.”
Mihawk thought about it for a second, and reluctantly gave the razor to the clown. “You better not mess this up. I have a very particular- “
“I’m aware, dear. Just trust me.”
He gently held his face and got to work, carving out the intricate design with capable movements. After he was done, he wiped his face with a fresh towel and gave him a kiss on the cheek to seal the deal.
“Was that a part of the service?” Mihawk jokingly asked.
“Only for you, handsome.”
Mihawk was never one for being coddled, always believing that being spoiled was being looked down upon. He didn’t need special attention and privilege to make it in life. But this, this he could get used to.
He pulled Buggy into a kiss that started innocent, but quickly grew more desperate. He was sneaking his hands under Buggy’s polka dot pyjama shirt when the man pushed him away.
“Nuh uh.”
“Nuh uh?” Mihawk stared at his boyfriend in bewilderment.
“Not now. I’ll give your birthday gift at night.”
Mihawk frowned. “It’s my birthday now too. What difference does it make?”
“God, you’re impatient. Night. No negotiating.”
Mihawk pursed his lips and didn’t protest. He was not happy, though.
Buggy stayed with him throughout the day, keeping him company and making sure he stayed away from the beach.
Yes, Mihawk could tell. But to be fair, Buggy wasn’t exactly being subtle. But he didn’t say a word, indulging in whatever the man was planning.
A surprise party, perhaps? God, he really hoped it wasn’t that. Crowds and being the center of attention didn’t agree with his constitution.
And where was his other partner (both in romantic and business contexts), Crocodile? He wasn’t in his office like he initially assumed. He was sure Buggy knew where the man was but refrained from asking questions. He was quite sure the two situations were somehow connected.
That in itself was quite ridiculous to think about. Crocodile didn’t seem like the type of man to care about birthdays either, like himself. Maybe Buggy had somehow convinced him? It all seemed very unnecessary. He knew the clown had good intentions, but he would have been fine if no one acknowledged his birthday at all. It wasn’t of importance to him, simple as that.
Then why was this bothering him so much? He tried to focus on Buggy’s rambling but that feeling did not leave.
Why did it feel so wrong to be celebrated just for existing? To be loved and cared for?
Don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t unhappy with it. Quite the opposite actually. But it just felt so… foreign. He needed time to adjust, to make his peace with it.
He thought he had gotten over this particular problem after he formed a relationship with his two business partners. It had taken a lot out of him to simply let them in, to feel comfortable in their presence, to not fret from every touch… And even though he trusted them completely, here he was doubting his place.
It just didn’t make sense. They were wasting their time and effort for an inconsequential event that would pass by, leaving nothing changed. So, what if he got a year older? What did that change? Why did they care so much about something he himself didn’t care for? To show their love? But Mihawk already knew they loved him.
“Earth to Mihawk, hello?”
Mihawk snapped out of his thoughts, staring at Buggy’s concerned eyes. “Hm? Sorry, I got lost in thoughts. You were saying?”
“I was saying I want to walk along the beach… You sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, don’t worry. I’m alright, just a bit sluggish today. And sure, we can go for a stroll.”
He walked hand in hand with Buggy, trying to ease his mind and keep small talk going. He wasn’t big on physical touch, but he really appreciated the warmth of Buggy’s hand then. The clown always had a way of comforting him without trying. Mihawk stopped walking when he saw the dinner table placed on the beach. That certainly wasn’t there before. It was adorned with red roses and lit candles, setting a romantic atmosphere. Crocodile was standing beside the table, looking at his pocket watch.
“You’re late.”
“I know! I got lost in my speaking, and hawk eyes didn’t try to stop me so I lost track of time…”
“You and your big mouth… I guess it’s alright, we didn’t miss the sunset.”
Crocodile walked up to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and sharing a chaste kiss.
“Happy birthday, hawk eyes.”
“Thank you.” Mihawk broke the eye contact as he felt his cheeks get hotter.
Crocodile gave a sly smirk. “Someone’s being bashful.”
“Well, I didn’t expect… this. I was convinced you were throwing me a party.”
Buggy frowned at the thought. “Of course not! That would make you uncomfortable, wouldn’t it? That’s the last thing I would want on your birthday. A private dinner on the other hand…”
“Is much more your style, is it not?” Crocodile completed Buggy’s sentence.
Mihawk was the luckiest man alive. He gave his lovers a small smile. “Yes, indeed it is. You are too thoughtful.”
“It’s literally the bare minimum but okay.”
“I can’t believe this, but I agree with the clown. What kind of partners would we be if we didn’t know your preferences?”
Mihawk sat on the chair the taller man pulled out for him as Buggy poured him a glass of wine, one of his favorites that happened to be quite expensive.
“I just don’t quite get what’s so important about this day, or what you would go through all this trouble for.”
Crocodile and Buggy shared a glance and turned to him with sad eyes.
“Because it’s the day you came into this world, and therefore to our lives? Because we love you?”
“Indeed. I don’t see what’s so confusing about us wanting to cherish the man we love, to show him how much he means to us. Is that a problem?”
Mihawk stared at the two in astonishment and eventually, a big smile stretched across his lips. “No, not at all.”
The swordsman had a lot to learn about love, about being loved, but he had two perfect partners to help him through the steps. He could get used to celebrating his birthday if it meant he got to share it with the people he loved. Maybe that’s what he had been missing all these years to give this day a meaning. Company.
And after dinner, Buggy didn’t forget about his promise from the morning. Easy to say Mihawk went to sleep a very tired but satisfied man.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Late Night Talking
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#poorly drawn mdzs#MDZS#wei wuxian#lan wangji#This scene had massive 'we are the only two people still up at the sleepover' energy#thought let me set the record straight; wwx doesn't open up in the scene. He fully deflects#Nor does LWJ play with ants B*(#I wanted to merge the two scenes a bit that's all#My OG script was a bit funnier but it broke continuity so rip (i.e: wwx outright stated 'remember when YOU...' in reference to the ants)#also rip to lwj saying 'hey U up?' like he's texting his crush. I hope the spirit is still there#We all know lwj sticks to his 9pm bedtime no matter what#and wouldn't be traditionally texting on a cellphone#He wakes up at 4:30 am to go for a run#gets home at 5:30 to use the lan household computer to go on his shared google doc with wwx and comments 'are you still awake?'#cause lets me real. wwx might also keep a steady sleep schedule but at least he *can* pull an all-nighter#Can you imagine lwj at a sleepover? I admit to being the kid who went to bed and woke up 3-4 hours before the others#you either get fed up and wake someone else up for enrichment - or plan ahead to bring a book - or Walk Home#I fully missed out on all that deep heart to heart stuff. I usually was the one to go 'guysssss we are gonna get in troubleeee go to sleep'#wait this is too much sleepover talk I need to talk about wwx in the last panel. It's a mix of panic and pride.#He's just at the beginning of realizing this guy has changed a lot in 13 years#gonna be a while before more comic pages get posted but they're ready to go in the queue!#(I'm still posting other stuff daily though!)
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"A book of fairytales and fables? A warm gift from our sun-walking friend, no doubt..." ✨️
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