#or every week thing. now it's a rarity lol
wp100 · 1 month
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Choose your Khadgar
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eiightysixbaby · 6 months
…and a happy new year
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word count: 5.5k
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: your first week with eddie since his return to hawkins is pure bliss. you both decide you need to ring in the new year the right way. or, you and eddie can't keep your hands off of each other at nancy's new year's party.
author's note: this is an extra oneshot taking place right after my fic i'll be home for christmas. you don't have to read that fic to understand this, but i'd be extremely grateful if you gave it a chance.
cw: 18+ ONLY — SMUT. established relationship, lots of petname usage, alcohol consumption, eye-fucking basically lol, unprotected piv (he pulls out tho), oral (f receiving), reader's nickname is 'sunny'
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December 31st, 1989.
One week. Seven days. Ten thousand and eighty minutes. Six-hundred-and-four-thousand, eight hundred seconds. That’s how long it had been since you found out Eddie was home, give or take. Six of those days were spent with him as yours, finally all yours after such a long and grueling wait.
It’s New Year’s Eve, now, Christmas having passed quickly. You and Eddie had spent the time between holidays in a cozy, warm haze together. It was surreal when you woke the day after Christmas with him in your bed beside you. It was a week full of sleepovers, reacquainting yourself with the man you’d missed so much, rediscovering your most favorite parts about him. It was him stealing kisses from you basically every single chance he got, getting up in your personal space to press sloppy kisses to your cheek, or lingering pecks to your lips.
Kissing is as far as it had gone, for the meantime. That was fine, you didn’t need or expect anything more just yet, and neither did Eddie. The last thing he wanted to do was get his girl, and then fuck up by rushing things.
At least, it was fine, until right now. Until you decided to wear that outfit to Nancy’s New Year’s party. He was watching you from across the Wheeler’s basement, where you stood with Robin and Max laughing about something. A champagne flute was placed delicately between your fingers, your body relaxed. Your plaid skirt hugged your hips just right before fanning out around your thighs, the neckline of your sweater dipping just low enough to make him fantasize about what lies beneath.
He feels a little bit sick, ogling you like this. You’re so sweet, so soft, and he’s basically panting like a dog where he stands beside Steve.
What he doesn’t know, is that you’ve been eyeing him up, too — albeit more subtly. He just looks so good tonight, in his blue jeans (a rarity for him) and his sweater and that black leather jacket. The jeans might be a little too snug, hugging him perfectly in all of the right places, and you’d be a liar if you said you weren’t staring at his ass each time you could catch a glimpse.
At one point, you finally catch each other trying to gawk. You giggle around your mouthful of sparkling wine, giving him a shy little wave from across the room. His smile is immediate, eyes brightening as if he hadn’t seen you in ages. He’d spent every possible second with you since Christmas. It makes your heart skip a beat, the alcohol no longer the only thing making your face feel warm.
“You guys are disgusting,” Robin teases, her arm automatically slinking around Nancy when the smaller girl comes to stand beside her. Nancy perches on her toes, kissing Robin’s cheek.
“And we aren’t disgusting?” she asks, face scrunching up adorably when Robin laughs.
“Fair enough.”
“We won’t be offended if you abandon us to go canoodle him,” Max smirks, breaking into a laugh when you roll your eyes.
“There will be no canoodling,” you say, but it’s clear none of them believe you. Not like it matters, anyways. They’re just happy for you.
Eddie beats you to it, walking over to you before you can go to him. The television plays in the corner, the news broadcast of the big ball-drop event in New York crackling through the screen. He snakes his arm around you, pulling you into his side. His warmth immediately blankets you, and you look up at him with bright eyes.
“Hi handsome,” you say.
“Hey, sugar. Come here often?” he asks, giving you a sweet-dimpled smile before he leans down to press a kiss to your lips.
It’s still a little surreal, that he’s yours now. That he’s home. That you can kiss him whenever you want; that he does kiss you whenever he wants. You look over Eddie’s shoulder, watching the way Jonathan and Steve pretend to gag from their spots on the worn-out old sofa.
“Hey! I saw that!” you shout at them, giving them a playful middle finger as Eddie leans down again to kiss your head.
His grip on your waist tightens, and it makes you press your thighs together, suddenly antsy. His hand seems to sear an imprint into your skin, permanently a part of you. Your body is hot, growing more eager to have him in ways you haven’t before.
“You look like you need a refill on your drink, sweetheart,” Eddie says, his face tilted downwards at you, tipping his own glass towards yours. “Let’s go get you some more?” he nods in the direction of the staircase, grabbing your hand when you agree.
He leads you up the rickety wooden steps, into the warmth of the kitchen. There’s a large spread of food laid out on the counter, and more alcohol than your group really needs considering there’s only six of you who are of drinking age. The second you’re upstairs, and positive there’s no one else lingering nearby, Eddie has your back pressed against the countertop. His lips capture yours in a passionate kiss, and you can feel the way he smiles into it when you pull him closer.
“You look so gorgeous tonight, you know that?” he murmurs against your ear, nose brushing into your hair. “I mean, you always do, but this outfit…” he drawls. “Baby.”
His hands wander, but don’t push. His words have an edge of scandal, but yet he speaks them so sweetly. It’s a good thing Nancy’s parents and her little sister Holly are out of town, otherwise you’d be playing an extremely dangerous game right now.
Your fingers trail up Eddie’s chest, walking up up up until they reach the neckline of his sweater. You tug on it, bringing his lips to yours and making him groan.
“You’re killing me, sweets,” he says, eyes boggling like a cartoon.
The glass of liquid courage you’d consumed has you feeling bold as you bat your lashes up at him. “I want you so bad…” you hum, placing a kiss to his jawline before slipping out of his grasp and refilling your glass of wine.
He barely lets you get away, hot on your trail with his front pressed to your back as you try not to spill the whole bottle in your hand.
“Baby. I know you’re not gonna say that and then walk away from me,” Eddie says, pitiful as you slip out of his reach once more.
“It’s less than an hour til midnight, Ed. We can’t miss the ball drop,” you reply simply, a wicked smirk on your face that tells him you know exactly what you’re doing. It feels like a little game, drawing out the anticipation longer, and it drives him crazy.
Maybe the alcohol was getting to you, or maybe he really was just ethereal tonight, because your hard-to-get demeanor was almost impossible to uphold. Especially with the way he was about ready to drop to his knees and beg for you.
“Sunny, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he says, grabbing you from behind before you can get away, pulling you against his chest just to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Always so dramatic, Munson,” you giggle, taking a sip of your freshly-poured drink before leading him back down to the basement.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin are in the middle of a riveting game of Twister, Will calling out the moves each of them will have to make. El and Max have resorted to sitting on the floor by the TV, watching the live broadcast beneath a blanket. You and Eddie join Robin, Nance, Jonathan, and Steve where they all sit on the furniture, Eddie letting you take a seat on his lap.
“I can’t believe it’s about to be 1990,” Robin scoffs, far too upset about the matter. “I just like the 80s. Something about the 90s rubs me the wrong way.”
“Well, get used to it Rob, cause it’s about to be the 90s for the next ten years of your life,” Eddie says, shaking his head when she lets out a loud groan.
You try to focus on the conversation that ensues after that, you really do, but you swear you can feel something pressing into your ass. You wiggle a little on Eddie’s lap, testing it, and then you’re sure you feel it. He’s definitely hard right now, and you’re definitely making it worse for him.
You chew at your lip, squishing your legs together as you squirm on top of him. He notices your restlessness, and he knows exactly why you can’t stay still.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” he whispers into your ear, as quiet as possible as everyone else talks around you.
You don’t answer, knowing he’s just setting you up, and you almost yelp when he squeezes your hip with one hand.
“Just gotta wait till after the ball drops, baby,” he purrs, using your words from before against you. “Then we can ring in the new year the right way.”
You end up getting off of Eddie’s lap, because it’s the only way you can even attempt to focus on something that isn’t him. Jonathan had gone to join in on the game of Twister after Mike decided he’d had enough, so you distract yourself by going to watch.
He’s currently got both hands placed on near-opposite sides of the mat, pressing into the different colored circles. His feet are criss-crossed behind him, making him look a bit like a pretzel.
“I’ve had too much to drink,” he giggles when he sees you approach. “This might end badly.” His body wobbles a little as if on cue, but he straightens himself before a collapse.
“Don’t be a quitter,” you laugh. “You need to win this round, Jon! I’ve put all my money on this!” you tease, making him laugh more.
You try to keep your focus on the antics unfolding in front of you, but you can feel Eddie’s eyes on you. Drinking you in, searing two holes through the back of your skull. A shiver runs down your spine at the thought of finally having him, going further than you ever have. You check the clock, noticing it’s only ten minutes away from midnight.
Just ten minutes. You can survive another ten minutes.
At least, you’re convinced you can until a pair of strong arms wrap around your middle and Eddie’s lips press a soft kiss to your neck. You asked for it, you suppose, teasing him in the kitchen. And he’s gonna make sure you’re very worked up, now. He sways your body back and forth, holding you tight. Your head tilts back, resting against his shoulder as you look up at him.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he says, winking down at you.
“If you guys don’t get off of each other, I’m literally going to throw up,” Dustin says, peeking out from behind Lucas where they’re tangled up on the Twister mat.
“Shut it, Henderson, or I’ll knock you over right now,” Eddie threatens, slowly reaching out a hand towards the teen.
“No! NO!” Dustin screeches, making Jonathan laugh so hard he finally topples.
“Okay, I give up,” he resigns. “Shit, it’s almost midnight. I need another drink,” he says, running up the stairs to quickly refill.
Everyone shuffles closer to the television, standing close together as the hands of the clock reach twelve.
“You ready? For our first whole year together?” Eddie says softly, still standing behind you.
“More than ready,” you reply, your whole body filled with an unexplainable amount of affection. You need him.
Before you know it, there’s a countdown on the TV screen from sixty seconds, and everyone watches as the number dwindles. The group counts in unison once it gets down to twenty seconds.
Ten seconds…
Eddie’s grip tightens around your middle. You’re both smiling wide as you count backwards.
Five seconds…
A loud and joyful “Happy New Year!” resounds from the chests of everyone in the room, Steve letting out a loud whistle. Eddie spins you around, planting a kiss on your lips. Your glass in one hand, you wrap the other arm around Eddie’s neck, letting the kiss linger for as long as it can. Your skin is set ablaze where he holds your lower back, and when he finally pulls away his eyes are big and wide.
“I love you, Sunny,” he says, taking you by surprise.
It was the first time he’d said it, in the romantic context at least. And while the love had been felt all week, you’d been waiting to hear it, straight from his mouth.
“I love you, Eddie,” you smile wide, clinking your glass with his before you both take a sip of the alcohol.
You cheers with the rest of the group, everyone happy — even Robin, despite the 80s officially being over.
Eddie lets you slip away to the girls, helping Steve clean up some of the confetti that had been thrown around the room.
“Why are you so happy, sunshine?” Robin asks, noticing the smile that won’t leave your face.
“He just told me he loves me,” you say, looking down at your feet as her and Nancy both squeal.
“Finally!” Nancy squeezes your arm, her big blue eyes squinted in delight.
You feel warm, bubbly, content. This week had felt like a dream, but the best part is that it’s all been real.
Not long after midnight, the teens set up their sleeping bags on the basement floor for their sleepover. Robin and Nancy head up to the latter’s room for the night, Steve and Jonathan opt to sleep in the living room, and you and Eddie get the guest bedroom.
He’s hot on your trail as you ascend the carpeted stairs, letting yourselves into the usually empty room and shutting the door behind you. He presses you, soft against the door before his lips meet yours. He’s gentle, despite how eager he is, his mouth slowly moving against yours. Your lips part, tongue poking out just slightly to meet his. His hands keep a firm hold on your waist, thumbs smoothing over the soft fabric of your skirt, slipping beneath the hem of your sweater and sending goosebumps across your skin.
“I love you so much. God, I love you so much,” he says, mouth against your cheek.
Your nose brushes his face, lips pressing a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I love you,” you reply, and you can’t help but smile.
“What’re you smiling for?” he cocks a brow, lips barely able to stop kissing your face to ask the question.
“I’ve just wanted to hear you say that for so long,” you say, and he pauses. Deep brown eyes search yours, all the love in the world held in his gaze.
“Well I’ll tell you as many times as you’ll hear it, babe,” he grins, his perfectly straight teeth on display, his dimples coming out. “I love you,” a kiss is pressed to your mouth. “I love you,” another on your jawline. “I love you.”
“I need you, Eddie,” you sigh as his mouth makes its way to your neck, sucking oh so softly on the delicate skin. “I’ve needed you all night,” you say, your voice leaning into a bit of a whine.
He chuckles, pressing his front against yours. You can feel his cock pressing against your thigh.
“In case you haven’t noticed, sweetheart, same,” he says, letting his hands fully slip beneath your sweater before taking a pause. “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too soon?”
“I promise I want to. I’ve thought about it all week,” you admit, looking down at the floor in slight embarrassment. He’s having none of that, tilting your chin back up to look at him instantly.
“You just tell me if you want to stop, at any point, ‘kay?” he asks, holding your shoulders.
“I will, Eddie.”
With that, he’s picking you up, placing you down onto the perfectly made bed. You lay back, head sinking into the pillow as he hovers above you, leaning down to kiss you like his life depends on it. Your hands hold his face, not wanting him to go away for even a second. He laughs into the kiss, pulling ever so slightly away.
“I can’t do much of anything if you don’t let me move, sweetness.”
You huff, giving him a dramatic pout as you let him go.
“Can I take this sweater off?” he asks you, smiling when you nod.
Slowly, the material is worked over your head, your arms lifting to allow him to pull it off. His eyes go wide at the sight of your pretty lace bra, holding your tits perfectly. You’re even more stunning than he ever could’ve imagined, and he hasn’t even seen all of you yet. His perfect girl.
His head immediately dips down, kissing your neck, down to your collarbone, his teeth stopping to toy with the pendant on your necklace. He kisses the dip between your breasts, his hands slowly creeping up to slip under the cups of your bra. Fingers squeeze your nipples gently, making a breathy moan leave your mouth.
“Eddie…” you arch your back, and he takes the hint, reaching around to unclasp the garment. He tosses it to the floor, worshiping your tits with his hands and his mouth.
He sucks on one nipple, then the other, tongue laving over the sensitive buds. Your hand finds its way to his hair, embedding your fingers into his soft curls and tugging. He groans when you do, a reaction you weren’t expecting, but it encourages you to continue. Eventually, when he’s decided he’s focused enough on your breasts for now, his mouth continues its descent.
Kisses are trailed down your stomach, below your bellybutton, right to the waistband of your skirt. Your breath hitches when he reaches that spot, your brows furrowing as you look down at him.
“Please keep going,” you whine, and he smirks at the hint of desperation in your voice.
“So eager, huh sweet girl?” he teases gently, fingers already hooking beneath your skirt to pull it down. He discards it just as he had your bra, leaving you in nothing but a pair of panties to match the top piece.
You feel your cheeks get hot. You hadn’t intentionally worn a matching set; you didn’t go into the night expecting anything. But you fear it looks that way now.
Lucky for you, Eddie doesn’t notice; or if he does he doesn’t care. He’s looking at you like he’s never seen anything more precious, more beautiful.
“Baby, holy shit…” he breathes, sinking down to press kisses to your thighs.
You couldn’t count the number of kisses you’ve received tonight if you tried. He’s sure to hit every inch of your skin. His nose brushes against your clit, his hot breath fanning against your core. You know you’re soaking the lace that keeps you covered, and you can feel yourself throb for him. His mouth kisses atop your panties before he presses his tongue flat against them, so close to where you need him most. Separated only by thin fabric.
It’s cruel, the way he teases, his lips kissing over your clit before moving to your inner thighs. His teeth nip at the skin there, making you shiver when he starts to suck.
“Ed, oh my god,” you pant, your legs threatening to close involuntarily, your body so sensitive. He grips your thighs, pushing them apart more forcefully than he’d done anything so far.
“Gotta keep your legs spread wide for me, sweetheart,” he purrs, big eyes glancing up at you.
You nod quickly, feeling your slick start to pool in your panties. “Need your mouth on me, please,” you cry, grateful when you feel him tug your underwear down.
“Such a sweet girl, being so polite,” he says, pulling the lace around your ankles and feet until you’re completely ridden of your last article of clothing.
Eddie tugs off his jacket, followed by his shirt before he leans back down between your legs. He pokes his tongue out tentatively, licking a stripe up your folds. You gasp, hips bucking before his strong grip brings them back down. He buries his face in your pussy, tongue prodding inside of you, lapping up the honey that drips from your center. His nose bumps against your clit, giving you much needed friction. It takes everything in you to not grind against his face, trying keep some composure.
You’d imagined scenarios like this plenty of times, always knew Eddie would be able to make you feel good. But he’s truly unreal, you’ve never felt pleasure like this in your life. It’s been worth the wait to have him, you can say that for certain, your brain fuzzy as he devours you.
You’d think this is his last meal, the way he licks and sucks and moans as he does it. He flicks the tip of his tongue rapidly over your clit, and you have to remind yourself of where you are before a loud whine can escape you. You bite down on your fist, something to muffle your noises, to keep your actions discreet.
Eddie’s relentless, barely coming up for air as his tongue unravels you. When he does pause, he gives you a devious little grin, his chin shiny with your arousal. The sight makes you feral, primal in the way you desire him. And as much as you love the way he eats your cunt, you need more from him.
“Eddie, baby, please—” you pant, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Once you’ve got it, you feel nervous under his intense stare. “I want to have sex,” you say softly. “I need you inside of me. Like, right now.”
“My god, you’re something else,” he breathes, wiping his chin with the back of his hand.
He moves to hover over you, his bare chest on full display. You let your hands run down his pale skin, fingers tracing the outlines of his tattoos. He shivers at your touch, and you can see the tented fabric of his jeans; his cock straining to be near you. His lips are on yours, his tongue working your mouth open for him as you reach down to palm him through the denim. The taste of yourself on his mouth has you throbbing for him, aching. He whimpers when you squeeze the outline of his cock, a sound you weren’t anticipating.
“I think you should take these off,” you suggest, tugging at the waistband of his pants.
“Yeah,” he says, eyes blown out with lust. “Good idea.”
He shimmies out of his tight jeans, his boxers following suit. His cock springs free, and your eyes widen at the sight of it. He’s got the perfect girth, and he’s long. The head is pink and leaking for you already, and there’s a slight curve to his shaft. A vein protrudes from beneath the skin, practically throbbing.
“Oh my god…” you whisper, startling when you realize you said it out loud. He’s grinning like the devil, bending back down to kiss your cheek.
“Like what you see, huh, Sunny?” he asks, smug as ever.
You roll your eyes, playfully shoving him away. “Fuck off,” you giggle, your tone holding no malice.
He does the exact opposite of what you said, invading your space once more to kiss all over your face. You laugh, making him join in with you.
“I do like what I see, for the record,” you tell him honestly, his smile turning shy. “I can’t believe you’re mine. I’m so lucky that, after everything, this is where we are now,” you continue, seeing the way his face completely softens at your sweet words.
“I’m the lucky one, I promise you,” he says. “Do I need to say it again? I love you so fucking much.”
It feels so right hearing him say those words. It feels like you’ve been saying them your whole lives, rather than just starting tonight.
“I love you,” you sigh, his body pressing against yours.
The realization of the line you’re about to cross hits you, but it’s welcomed. You trust Eddie to take care of you more than you’d trust anyone, and your heart pounds in your chest as you think about how much you want him. Your adoration for him is unwavering, and you so badly crave him.
“You ready for me?” he asks, patient as he rubs his thumb along your cheek. “Shit — do you want me to get a condom?”
“Yeah. I’m ready,” you confirm. “Don’t want you to use a condom. Wanna feel every inch of you,” you plead, biting your lip as he curses under his breath.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?” he chuckles, shaking his head of dark brown curls.
“So you’ve said,” you reply, letting him kiss you sweetly before lining himself up properly. You inhale deeply when you feel his tip prod at your entrance.
He makes eye contact with you as he slips inside your wet walls, both of you moaning in unison at the feeling. For him, it’s the way you squeeze around his length, sucking him right in. For you, it’s the overwhelming stretch to accommodate him. It knocks the wind out of you, your eyes rolling back as he sinks in even deeper.
“Oh my god, baby,” Eddie groans, letting his forehead rest on your shoulder.
He doesn’t move once he gets fully sheathed inside, letting you adjust to his size. When you start to get squirmy, he knows you’re ready for more. He thrusts slowly, wanting to take his precious time with you. Wanting to be careful, to make love to you rather than fuck you like a one night stand. He wants to show you how much you mean to him.
The gentle rocking of his hips has your back arching, his cock reaching perfect depths inside of you. He hits the spot your fingers can’t, drawing breathy whines and moans of his name from your pretty lips.
“You have to be quiet, sweet girl,” he shushes, kissing the corner of your mouth. “Don’t want anyone to know what we’re up to.”
“You just feel… s-so good, Eddie. This is everything I wanted,” you whisper, your hands clutching his back tight as he moves just a little bit faster.
The slick glide of his cock in and out, in and out has you seeing stars beneath him. Every inch of him feels divine, and he steals your breath each time he pushes back in. Your nails dig at the skin of his shoulder blades, biting down hard on your lip to keep yourself quiet. His ragged breaths turn you on even more, as does the strained look on his face as he tries desperately not to cry out for you.
“Wanna ride me, baby?” he asks. “I’d love to see the way those pretty tits bounce with you on top,” he purrs, sugary sweetness dripping from his words. He wants to worship you, like the goddess you are.
You’re nodding eagerly, having already wanted to ask him if you could ride him. He pulls out, making you wince before he flips you over. With him sprawled out on the bed, now, you’re getting a full view of everything.
His cock is wet with your slick, nearly purple in color and clearly so needy. The dark patch of hair at the base is enticing, and you want to nuzzle your face into it. His balls hang heavy between his thighs, and you reach out instinctively to squeeze them.
“Fuck,” he hisses, making you smirk in satisfaction.
It could be a fun game, you think, learning how to touch him; discovering what makes him whine, what makes him twitch. You’re excited by the fact that you have all the time in the world to learn what gets him going. His body is yours to explore, to study and observe. It makes you hot for him all over again.
You straddle him, letting your wet folds glide along his length. Your palms are planted flat on his chest, wiggling your ass on top of him.
“Such a little tease,” he says, looking up at you in awe. “Look so pretty up there.”
You flush, gripping the base of his drooling cock before aligning it with your entrance. Sinking down onto him, a light and pretty whine escapes you. He watches, completely enamored as your expression changes with each inch of him that fills you. You’re the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen, he’s certain of it.
This new angle allows him to go even deeper, and it feels incredible in a different way than the previous position had. Your hands grip onto his sides, his shoulders, anywhere you can reach to ground yourself as you start to rock your hips steadily.
“Eddie…” you moan, trying to keep your voice quiet. He looks blissed out where his head rests on the pillow, his lips parted as he takes shallow breaths.
He begins to do some of the work for you, his hips meeting yours as he starts to rut up into you. You gasp, his cock hitting that perfect spot once again. Your body feels tingly, electrified. Everywhere he touches you you can feel sparks, wishing his hand could be everywhere all at once. He sets a slightly faster pace than he had in missionary, bouncing you perfectly up and down. You lean down, your chest pressing to his as you hold his shoulders for stability. Burying your face into his neck, you start to kiss and suck on the skin there.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you feel so fucking good,” he grunts, the sound of his balls slapping against your skin filling the bedroom.
Desperate for more, you let your hand worm its way between your bodies, starting to rub your swollen clit. There’s barely enough room between the two of you for it to work, but you’ve got it. Eddie, of course can feel it though.
“Whatcha doin’ there, sweetness?” he asks. You don’t need to look at him to hear the grin in his voice.
Your fingers continue their ministrations, pressing into your clit in circles. “Nothin’” you mumble, shy into his shoulder.
“Ah-ah, none of that, shy girl. Look at me,” he commands gently, tilting your chin up with a finger beneath it. He smiles wide when your eyes meet his. “Does that feel good?”
“So good, Eddie,” you breathe, cheeks blazing hot under his taunting stare. He’s smug, of course he is, because he has you so worked up you’re touching yourself to get to your release faster.
“Good. Keep doing that for me, baby, okay?”
“Mhm,” you mumble, wobbly as he picks up the pace of his thrusts. Not too fast, but just enough to tip you over the edge.
The way his cock presses repeatedly into your sweet spot makes you see stars, your fingers moving as fast as they can go over your sensitive bud. Your mouth is agape, no sound coming out as he fucks into you.
“I love being inside of you, baby. Love everything about you,” he murmurs into your ear, kissing the side of your head.
The softness of his words juxtaposed with the absolute filthy way he’s fucking you makes you delirious, your body so desperate for release. You find it harder and harder to stay quiet, whimpers and squeaks leaving your mouth with each thrust he gives you. You’re so close, the tension in the pit of your stomach rising to a head.
“Is my pretty girl gonna cum for me? Gonna cum all over my cock?” Eddie encourages, sensing your quick approach, his honey tone of voice pushing you past your breaking point at last.
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, washing over you in overwhelming waves. You clench hard around him, soaking his cock and the curls at the base of it. Nothing has ever felt better, your mind and body succumbing to sheer pleasure; being pulled right under. He pulls out just in time, ropes of his own cum spurting out over his stomach and chest.
You both breathe heavily, the sounds of each inhale and exhale the only thing filling the space around you. You shakily climb off of Eddie, sitting beside him on the bed. He reaches over, pulling tissues from the box on the bedside table. He cleans you up before he cleans himself, gingerly wiping between your thighs. He kisses you in the midst of it, lips pressed to yours as one hand grips your face.
“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, Sunny,” he whispers. “My fucking dream girl.”
You giggle, unable to hide how smitten you are. “Such a sap, Eds,” you joke, leaning in for another kiss. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and then some,” you say after pulling away, enjoying the way his cheeks flush pink. “In case I haven’t said it enough this week, I’m so fucking happy you’re home.”
“I’m never going anywhere ever again. It’s me and you forever, sweetheart,” he promises, laying back down and pulling you to join him.
Chest to chest, you tilt your chin up to look at him. Your noses are nearly touching, his arms wrapped around your middle; keeping you close and keeping you safe.
“I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you even more.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
I feel like Genesis would wear gloves because he's such a picker that otherwise his adoring fans would see bitten, hangnails-ripped-off, jagged, worn down nails, sometimes scratches ripped over his fingers. plus almost obsessive over his teeth/mouth to the point having at MINIMUM 5 things of lip balm on him at all times, as well as probably brushing for twice the recommended amount of time, even though it technically wears teeth down faster lol
I hope you don't mind me using this as a prompt for some angst. I read this and my mind immediately jumped to Genesis dealing with anxiety.
Sephiroth is not prone to falling asleep in public places, but that did not stop it from happening—in a meeting with the president, of all places. One of the Turks had gently shaken him awake, acting as if they were poking a lion during his nap.
It was rather awkward, but in Sephiroth's defence, he had not slept will the past three nights. The combination of burnout and stress induced by a negotiation with Wutai gone wrong had left him more tired than usual.
He excused himself right as Director Lazard suggested that he go wash his face and drink some water.
Sephiroth walks through the vacant hallways of the 49th floor en route to the nearest men's room.
He pushes the door open, rubbing his eye with his naked hand. The door squeaks on its hinges, but that isn't enough to startle the only other person in the bathroom.
Genesis doesn't look up from the sink, not even when Sephiroth stands there, paralyzed, waiting for his friend to acknowledge him.
He hears sniffling, and then it dawns on him. Genesis had been crying. His red-rimmed eyes and tear-stained cheeks would've been telling had Sephiroth been naive.
Sephiroth has known the volatile man long enough to know to act like it isn't happening. He remembers the first and last time he caught Genesis crying. He had lashed out at him so bad that Sephiroth was unable to speak to him for a week.
So Sephiroth heaves his shoulders and pushes forward, making his way to the edge of the sink. He pulls the remaining glove from his other hand and sets them both by the edge. He takes his time turning the sink on, pretending to be busy while he watches Genesis from his peripheral view.
The red leather gloves are sitting by the sink along with his bangles. There's discarded bandaid wrappers nearby and the few droplets of blood on the mirror told Sephiroth that he had been bleeding.
Sephiroth tentively tries his luck, sneaking a glance at Genesis's hands. It's a rarity to see them bare, long fingers exposed to the light like any other person's would.
He had often wondered if it was a fashion choice, to either wear gloves whenever they went out or cover his fingers in rings, wear bracelets and other trinkets that tore the eye's attention away from his skin.
Now Sephiroth is seeing them bare, without anything to distract him. And they are not what he expected. He took Genesis for a vain man, one who would fuss over manicured nails and soft skin. This... is unlike anything Sephiroth could've expected.
One hand is up by his face, shaking as it grips a tube of lip balm he applies meticulously on his chapped lips, obsessively. There's a random phone number messily scribbled down on his wrist beneath a woman's name. Each and every one of his nails are bitten down to various length, all of them coated in what was once black nail polish before it was chipped away. His index finger and thumb are the ones wrapped in bandaids. Curiously enough, his middle finger has the faint markings of what Sephiroth knew to be teeth marks.
Sephiroth clamps his mouth shut the moment he notices it had been hanging open, letting his teeth clench with a soft click. He directs his attention to what Genesis is actually doing in front of the mirror—a scene he isn't sure he would believe if it were recounted by anyone else.
There stood Genesis—pompous, picture-perfect, vain, nonchalant, brilliant Genesis—applying several coats of lip balm, wiping it off, then repeating the process all over again.
Sephiroth cringes with every furious swipe of Genesis's trembling hands over his lips. He has turned his head fully now, watching his friend go through all the motions of mania.
He knows he can't say anything.
So he averts his eyes and continues to wash his hands. Beside him, he can hear Genesis turn his faucet off. There's a shaking breath from his friend. He mumbles something to himself that Sephiroth cannot comprehend.
Sephiroth hears the faint pop of the lip balm tupe being capped, and the subsequent sounds of the wrappers being collected and discarded into the nearby trash can. He's still looking down as Genesis walks by him and pushes the door open, stepping out.
Sephiroth turns the faucet off. The only sound in the bathroom now is the repetitive drip of the water into the sink and the squeak of his boots on the wet floor. He glances over at the empty space where Genesis once stood.
There's still blood on the mirror, prompting Sephiroth to wonder what it was that Genesis saw in its reflection.
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romanarose · 1 year
Take Your Time: Chapter 6
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Frankie "Catfish" Morales x Fem!OC (Jana Fernandez)
Take Your Time Masterlist
Summary: Beginning with a flashback to when they first hooked up, after meeting with Benny's new girlfriend, Jana and Frankie decide that it's time.
Warnings: Ableist comments, racist comments, (it does not go well with Benny's new girlfriend lol), past bullying, Benny Miller's high school experience (this is always a fucking warning), SMUT PIV sex, fingering, orgasm denial, sloppy blowjob, squirting
“Just once, to get it out of our systems” Jana insisted in a tangle of limbs as she fell to the bed.
“Uh huh” Frankie was too busy pressing hot, wet kisses into her neck.
“This can’t become a regular thing, Frankie”
“Sure, sure” He tugged her braids back gently to open her throat for more access.
“I’m gettin out in a few months, and I’m not sticking around Georgia, for godsake.”
Frankie pushed her tank top over her. “Yep”
“And I’m not moving to Kansas for a man I met this week, Francisco” She reached for the buckle of his jeans, but he swatted her hands away.
“Yeah, I heard you yesterday” he slide off his own pants, lowering his mouth to the swell of her breasts above her sports bra.
“I’m going to college, Frankie. I’m not going to have time for a boyfriend” Jana sat up, reaching behind herself to undo her bra, but Frankie pushed her back down, undoing it with one hand.
“So you’ve said, a few times.”
“I can’t be distracted by sex”
“That’s what you told me three days ago, and yet you’re the one dragging me into Santi’s room.” Frankie’s mouth lowered to take each one of her peaks in his mouth, devouring her sweet skin.
“Because I need to get you out of my system! One and done”
“Yup, In n Out. Cum and Go. I heard you”
“Really, because you’re touching me like you want me to come back, and my pants aren’t even off yet.” She reached to slide her sweats off, but before she could blink, her hip was pinned to the shitty lumpy mattress, both of her hands were gathered in one above her head, and Frankie’s large, brown eyes inches away from her. They held an intensity, and inquisitiveness to figure her out, but at the same time, like he already knew her. She wasn’t a guarded person by any means; she was bluntly honest, she said what she meant and did what she said, but Frankie saw deeper than she let on.
“You like control, don’t you?” He asked, voice low and dark as he held her tight. “You like having a plan, knowing what’s next, taking charge. And you’re good at it, I’ve seen it. No one can stand her own against Santiago and those guys like you.” His tone had a slight tease to it as he cocked his head to the side. “Do you tend to take the lead during sex?”
Jana had never felt the need or desire to submit to any man. Her parents had instilled a confidence in her at an early age not to put up with bullshit… but this was not bullshit. This was Frankie.
She looked up at him, wide eyes. “Generally, yeah”
“Hm” He nodded, like he expected her to say that, his left hand releasing pressure from her hips and sliding under her sweats and underwear. “Now, I wonder, is that because you like it, or…” Two rough fingers felt all around her, wet center, and quickly found her clit without a second thought, a rarity to Jana considering the men her age. She felt her body jolt with pleasure at his skill, heat warming her skin. “Or is it because those boys don’t know how to take care of a woman?”
Jana, known for her smart mouth, was quickly losing her words as he expertly circled her sensitive bud, his mouth taking hers in an all-consuming kiss, biting her lip and pulling it back.
He continued, kissing her, his breath hot against her ear. “I wanna ruin you, Jana. I want make it so that every selfish lover in the military, every boy you fuck in college, and every hook up from now on, you think of me, you think of my mouth,  my hands, and my cock. Can I do that? Can I take care of you, mamacita?”
“Yes, yes Francisco, please” Jana panted, squirming at his touch picking up pace, fuck he hadn’t even tasted her yet, none the less fucked her and she was already a mess, far most vulnerable than she had been with others. Frankie was far from the first person to see her naked; this was a different vulnerability.
“Then I need you to give in to me. Let go. I’ll take care of everything.” A deep, loving kiss on the mouth that blew kisses she had with actual boyfriends out of the water. “I’ll take care of you.”
She took a deep breath in. “Okay” Jana breathed out, sinking into the mattress as Frankie slipped two fingers inside her, a salacious moan escaped her mouth as she did as she was told. She let go, she gave in to Fransico Morales, a man she had only met this week and trusted with everything, and knew that this could never be a one time thing.
“Be out in a sec, Pope” Frankie called to Santi and Laci from his room where he was changing Rosie and Jana was putting laundry away. Hearing the footsteps walk to the room he was in, Santi knocked, and Frankie called him in.
“Hey man” Santi said, walking in. “Heya Jana” He had a distinctly worried look on his face.
“Hey, whats up?” Frankie asked, sliding a fresh pull up on Rosie and beginning to dress her. 
Jana turned to the boys “Do you want me to step out, Santi?” 
“No, wanted to talk to you both real quick while Laci’s cooking” Santi stuffed his hands in his pockets. “She’s really nervous about tonight going well… she’s not talking”
When Laci first came into their lives, she didn’t talk hardly at all, and even as she adjusted, she was prone to non-verbal episodes if things got very stressful. However, this hadn’t happened in a long time, Laci having made a lot of progress with therapy and always having Santi, Benny or Jana by her side, so this was a little unusual.
Frankie held Rosies hands as he jumped on her changing table. “Damn, how long’s it been since that happened?”
“Couple months, at least. I think the last time was when the car in our neighborhood backfired and it sounded like a gun. I can’t even remember the last time she went quiet just from nerves.” He turned back to glance at her through the door where she was prepping food for the dinner party. Frankie wanted to host, as usual, the whole gathering was his idea, but Laci loved to cook (and was good at it).
“Must be a pretty big deal”  Frankie commented. He nodded Santi over to Rosie’s dresser. “Wanna pick out her outfit?”
Santi smiled at this, going over and sifting through his niece's clothes and pulling out a pink dress and blue pants. Santi knew nothing about matching clothes, but Frankie indulged him.
Frankie helped Rosie get dressed. “One leg up, good job! Next leg, good job! Aaaaarrrmmms up!” He slide the dress over her and tickled her belly before scooping her up and setting her down. 
Rosie toddled right or to her uncle. “Tio!!!”
Santi lit up as he picked her up. “Good job mija!” He peaked out the door to Laci “Munequita! She just said tio!!! She knows my name!” He grinned, and Laci beamed back, bouncing excitedly. She signed ‘I love you’ and blew them a kiss. Santi signed back to her and walked back into Rosie’s room, his smile flattering as he turned to Jana. “She wasn’t this nervous about meeting you. She was quiet, but not non verbal… she even had a bit of a scare that day.”
Jana shrugged. “It’s different with Ben.”
Tonight's occasion was meeting Benny’s new girlfriend. They had been, from what Santi understood, talking for a while, about a year, but kept putting off dating or briefly getting together and breaking up for one reason or another. As far as Will knew, however, it was new. Santi was sure that would end terribly, Will was a control freak, especially over his little brother. It came from a good place, but Benny still tried to hide things.
“But why?”
“Because Benny has a girlfriend now, and if you’re a girl, sometimes your boyfriend having girl friends can be a concern. I know damn well you were jealous of Benny.”
She had him there. “Yeah, but we weren’t together back then, I know her and Ben are just friends, and she’d never do something like that.”
“But,” Frankie jumped in. “That’s because you know and trust her and Benny. Laci wants this to go well because Benny is her best friend, and she doesn’t want to lose him. If the girlfriend likes her, nothing has to change. Except maybe when they sleep together on the pull out couch watching horror movies.”
Santi laughed a bit. He knew it was a bit unusual to walk out of your room to find your girlfriend asleep with another man, but she and Ben were innocent. “Well, nothing should change. Laci should be able to keep her best friend even if she doesn’t like her.” Santi bristled a bit. “Besides, Ben’s bisexual. If she has a problem with him being alone with Lace, she should have a problem with him being alone with us.”
Jana couldn’t help but agree. “I know that and you know that, but we live in central Florida. Not the most progressive state. We only make national news for Ron DeSantis and ‘The Florida Man’”
Holding up his hands, Frankie settled them. “Okay guys, you are putting a lot of assumptions on a girl we know nothing about. I know it always throws us off when someone know is introduced into this group of strangely close weirdos, but lets give her the benefit of the doubt. Besides, it’s Laci. Who doesn’t like Laci?”
At that, Santi’s face split into a proud smile, his lip curling just a little bit. “Yeah, she’s perfect, huh?”
“Go, lover boy, and take the munchkin. We’re gonna be straightening Jana’s hair.”
Frankie tided up and sanitized the changing station, then went to his room with Jana and her hair products. Nothing official had happened, she hadn’t stayed the night yet and they hadn’t kissed. Patience, they had said. Something they had never had much of.
Laci was finishing up her meal with Santi close by, damn near hovering over his silent girlfriend as Will talked, mostly to himself while Jana and Frankie finished getting themselves and Rosie ready.
“I don’t know why this has to be all secret, what’s he hiding?” Will grumbled.
No one replied, Santi too busy following Laci like a lost puppy, ‘Here baby, let me get that for you, I can cut that, let me set the table, do you need anything to drink, amor?’
“Oh jesus christ Santi, she’s not five” Will snapped.
An irritated Santi snapped back. “And neither is Ben, he doesn’t need to tell you everything” 
Equally irritated, Will continues escalating. “And Laci can cut a goddamn red pepper without you holding her hand.”
Laci turned around and waved her hands at both of them, then signed. ‘Both of you, stop’
They both muttered sorry, and Laci signed that it was okay, instructing Santi to set the table and Will to mix the lemonade, until they heard the door open.
Benny walked in, blonde hair grown out longer and shaggy, wearing a dark gray t-shirt fitted nicely to his toned body and grinning while he held the hand of his new girlfriend. She had very long, sandy brown hair that reached to her waist and softly curled, freckled skin and green eyes. Compared to Benny, she looked short, but she was 5’5; average. Santi noticed Will tense up; Will realized why Benny was secretive.
“Oh, hey Alice” Will said, a little lacking in excitement to meet his precious brother's first partner in years. “Been a long time.”
Santi looked back and forth between them; he didn’t recognize the girl, so she couldn’t have been anyone from their circles since they had all followed the Millers to the small town. “You know each other?”
“Yeah. She was in my grade.”
“Ah, I see” Santi realized Will must know some backstory he wasn’t privy too. Yet.
Benny looked nervous but moved to introductions. “Well you know Will, so Alice, this is Santiago Garcia,” Santi moved around the table to extend his hand to Benny’s girlfriend. “Santiago, this is Alice Mcartney”
Santi smiled, wanting to ease the tension between the brothers for Laci and Benny’s sake. Will had gone quiet in a way he didn’t do much. Will was a gentle spirit at heart, and sometimes could be hard to read when pushing his feelings down. Santi shook her hand. “You can call me Santi, and this,” Santi motioned over a nervous Laci, “is Miss Lacina Dumas” He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, on the scar she hated so much.  “My beautiful girlfriend.”
Laci shook her hand, the signed, looking towards Santi to communicate. 
Santi watched her, then turned to Alice, “she says it’s nice to meet you, and she hopes you can be friends.”
Alice looked confused, looking to Ben. “Is she deaf?”
Santi didn’t like how she talked about Laci like she wasn’t right in front of her, and he looked to Benny as well as Will chimed in. “You didn’t explain anything to her?”
Benny looked guilty. “I’m sorry! She hasn’t needed to sign for a while, I didn’t think about it!”
“I texted you about it”
“I didn’t see! Laci, I’m sorry” Ben looked genuinely guilty, and Santi wondered where the fuck Frankie was with his ability to keep the boys at bay.
“Okay, okay.” Santi stepped in, noting how Will’s defensive and irritated tone was close to how he acted around Laci the first week she entered their lives. “Alice, Laci isn’t deaf, but sometimes when she’s nervous, she can’t talk, or talks less.”
“She autistic?”
Will groaned. “Jesus Alice, you havn’t changed at all since high school”
“Will, come on” Benny spoke, but he went unnoticed.
Alice glared at him. “I’m not the one that piqued in high school, Miller.”
“Guys!” Instinctively, Santi moved his tense and obviously flustered girlfriend away from Alice and Will’s argument. “No, she’s not autistic” Santi’s arm was tight around the tiny blonde girl. “Non-verbal moments are just a part of our life, so she and I learned some sign language to communicate. Can we just start over? We got a nice meal planned.”
Alice sighed, but smile kindly at Laci, and Santi thought maybe she just has a tendency to put her foot in her mouth. “Right, sorry Laci. Ben’s told me a lot about you, and everyone else, and I’m really excited to meet you all. He said you’re a really good cook.”
Laci beamed at that, and smiled at Benny, who took her hand. “C’mon honey, show me what you made.”
Santi glanced at Will, and the look Will gave told Santi he’d be filled in later.
Just then, little Rosie came running in, making grabby hands at her uncle Benny until he happily picked her up “Shit! Shit!” she shouted, and Benny quickly tried to silence her.
Jana walked in, hair straightened today and in a olive green jumper that complimented her cololoring, and accentuated her hips. “Benjamin, are you teaching my daughter swear words?”
“No!” He defended himself, turning to Laci who was glaring at him with crossed arms. Laci had a rule about swearing around Rosie that she was far more strict about than Rosie’s actual parents. “It wasn’t me!”
Jana didn’t believe him for a second, but turned and smiled at Alice. “Hi, I’m Jana, you must be Benny’s girlfriend?”
Alice smiled, shaking her hand. “Yeah, I’m Alice, it’s nice to meet you. Is Rosie your step daughter?” Instantly, Jana felt on guard .
“Um… no, Rosa is my daughter.”
“Oh. Is her dad not in the picture then?”
“Alice-” Benny tried to step in, but Jana had her locked down. 
“No, hon, Frankie is her father”
Frankie walked out of his room, smiling broadly; sobriety and family life suited him well. “You guys talking bout me?” When he noticed the tension in the room, he wrapped an arm around Jana’s waist, resting a hand on her hip as Jana took Rosie from Ben’s arms. Frankie turned to Jana, still smiling but concerned. “What's going on, Mama?”
Jana nodded to Alice. “Alice here doesn’t think Rosie is my daughter”
“I didn’t say that!” She insisted. “I just mean- ugh, don’t make me out to be the bad guy, but if hispanic and white doesn’t make a black baby!”
Will smacked his head. “You think Frankie’s white?”
Jana almost snapped, but when she saw Laci, the poor girl who was so nervous for today she couldn’t talk. Laci wouldn’t tell her what to do or ever ask her, Frankie, or Santi to be quiet about things to do with race, but for the sake of Laci, she let it go. Jana sighed. “Okay, okay, to be fair, my hair is straightened and in winter, Frankie does lose a lot of his color, so let's start over. I’m mixed, I’m Ethiopian on my dads side, Cuban on my moms, and Frankie,” Jana introduced Frankie as he smiled softly and shook Alice’s hand. “Is Cuban”
“Rosie is our daughter.” Frankie finished.
Alice nodded, “And Jana is your…”
Frankie turned to Jana. They hadn’t really put a label on it yet. Jana had said she wanted to wait, wait until Frankie got better, until they were both ready to try again… she was with him every day this last month, practically lived with him save for over night, and she knew he was waiting on her to say she was ready again.
And she was.
“Frankie is my boyfriend” Jana said the words for the first time in two years, and was proud of it. 
“AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” A loud squeal came from Laci as she jumped, then ran over to hug her friends and their baby. “YOU’RE BACK TOGETHER!!!” 
Frankie laughed, gladly accepting the hug as Benny, Will and Santi all came round to slap him on the back and hug him, congratulating him, and welcoming Jana back.
The rest of the dinner went pretty well, but not amazing. Now that Laci was comfortable enough to talk enough, with a bit of help from Santi here and there, Laci happily announced that the shelter she was volunteering at offered her a paid position in the childcare department. Laci had a bachelors degree in psychology, so she was a good fit for the part time position. She also said she would be taking some online classes for a few more Early Childcare Education credits, and would be getting a certificate in early childcare education, with the hopes of slow adjusting to a full time position. The shelter was very understanding of Laci’s position and needed accommodations, and were helping her do this at her pace, but she was well liked, and they wanted to keep her.
Again, nothing bad happened at diner, and Laci did get Alice to talk, but Alice didn’t seem to mesh with the group yet. Frankie figured that was pretty understandable. Jana met Santi first, and although she didn’t know Will super well in the military, they were stationed in Georgia with Santi for a few years, and so she knew him before Frankie did. By the time Jana met Benny, Benny was more nervous than anything to meet Santi, who was Will’s friend, and Jana, who was Frankie’s girlfriend by that point. When Laci came into their lives, it was under unusual circumstances to be sure. Santi, Frankie, Benny and Will had saved her from a horrible situation, the reason she had non verbal episodes. Laci had to trust Santi, there was no other choice. She trusted Ben as well, speaking to him before anyone else got a word out of her. Frankie she slowly warmed up to, but Will was the only one who caused a problem. Will had a tendency to push everything down, and when it came up, it came onto the nearest target; at the time, it was Laci. The two made up, as Will very quickly felt shitty about being a dick to a traumatized girl, and the pair were now good friends.
This is evidenced by the fact the 6’2 giant of a man with his arms wrapped around the 5’ girl, picking her up off the ground while she laughed and struggled to get out. 
“Let me go!” She giggled.
“No until I’m done!” Santi instructed Will as he loaded the dishes in the dishwasher. Laci had cooked everything, and was attempting to do the dishes as well, but Will was holding her back as Santi did them.
Jana and Frankie, although hosting, were happy to let the couple argue about who gets to do the dishes, so they didn’t have to worry about it for once. Benny and Alice had left, and after the dishes were done, Santi turned to Will. “You gonna tell me what that was about?”
“What was what about?” Frankie asked, fidgeting with his flannel sleeve covering his wrist scars. It was beginning to get warm, and he was going to have to rethink his clothing and how to cover up the two deep scars on his inner wrist.
Santi explained the scene that happened before Frankie finished straightening Jana’s hair.
“I don’t like her” Jana stated the obvious.
“Oh come on.” Laci, ever the optimist, defended her best friend's girlfriend. “She just doesn’t have a filter”
Santi didn’t take kindly to people being rude to his girl. “Sweetheart, she asked if you were autistic.”
“There's nothing wrong with being autistic, Santiago.”
“I know! But she talked about you like you weren’t there, and she shouldn’t just ask if you’re autistic in the first minute meeting you”
Laci couldn’t help assuming the best. Laci was scared and distrusting of the world around her, but she trusted her friends, and she trusted their judgment. If Benny loved her, she’d see the best. “Maybe she was just asking so she’d know how to better accommodate me if I was?”
Will stepped in at that. “She wasn’t”
Everyone turned to where Will stood, leaned against the stove with his arms crossed.
“Yeah, I can't help but agree with Santito, and I don’t say that a lot” Jana said, shooting a smile at Santi, who smiled back.
Will continued. “Alice used to bully Ben.”
Lacina was suddenly less forgiving to Alice. “What? What would anyone possibly bully Benny for?”
Will couldn’t help the small smile on his face, despite his irritation and concern. Laci was fiercely defensive of Benny. “Freshmen and sophomore year, Ben was pretty short, super gawky, just kinda awkward. Middle school was pretty bad, especially after I went to high school, but Alice was in my class. She was a real fucking bitch to him, calling him stupid, calling him fat, gay, all that. This was before he came out, years before, back when you still got beat up for being gay real regularly where we lived. I tried to protect him…” Will’s face shifted, his smile from before long gone. “He wouldn’t really tell me what was going on. Ben shot up in height his junior year, went from wrestling to football, and got really damn strong, everyone backed off, except Alice. She was still incredibly mean to him, because she knew he wouldn’t hit her the way he hit back the guys. She got held back so after I graduated and joined the army, Ben was left to deal with it alone…” Will looked guilty, and Frankie knew Will had guilt for leaving Ben during that time. “Senior year he got a pretty devisting… um, I guess you can call it a break up…”
“Ben said he didn’t date in high school” Laci questioned.
“He didn’t really. I shouldn’t really go into it, it’s not my business… but his name was Cameron, if you can guess how that might have complicated things in 2002.”
Frankie had heard vague references to Cameron here and there, mostly in the context of Benny saying the name to Will but Benny’s secrecy behind it and obvious discomfort made it obvious that no one should pry. Benny never elaborated, and everyone left it alone.
Will continued. “Alice was held back a year, so she had a few classes with him that year, which made things much worse, she ever let up on him. That was when he started doing drugs and drinking heavily. He didn’t tell me what was going on until I was visiting for Christmas and his drunk rambling got it out. I don’t know why he’s dating her”
Frankie crossed him arms, concerned for his friend. Benny was an incredibly kind and loyal friend, but had an inability to make good choices for himself. That’s what Will was for. “Honestly. He could just just about anyone in town, and he had to choice the girl who made his life hell?”
“Can you talk to him about it?” Jana asked.
Will laughed a bit. “Oh yeah, I’ll be talking to him about it.”
“Be nice” Laci begged him.
“Being nice is your thing. Sometimes he needs a little tough love.”
Laci and Will helped clean up the rest of the dining room and kitchen before Will headed out, Frankie noted the tension in Will’s body when Will hugged him. Frankie knew how much Will worried for his baby brother constantly.
Santi said goodbye, hugging Jana and welcoming her back. Santi told Laci he’d be outside the door, and Laci pull Frankie aside to the living room. “I got you something” Laci reached into her purse.
“For me?” Frankie loved giving gifts, but never expressed wishing he got more; Laci also loved giving gifts, making the a perfect friendship pair.
“Here” Laci pulled out a thick leather bracelet, motioning for his hand and speaking quietly. “I want you to know you absolutely have nothing to be ashamed of with the scars, and if you want to stop covering them,I support you… but I also know it’s hard. I still cover the one on my forehead.” Laci tucked one of the long bangs behind her large ears, showing the scar that cut deep into her hair that she always tried to hide. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable showing it.” She put on the bracelet for Frankie, small hands adjusting it to his large wrists. “I thought with summer coming, this would be better than long-“ Laci was interrupted by a tight hug, the nearly foot difference and difference in size between the two manifested in an all consuming hug, his broad body nearly covering her completely. 
“Thank you, manita, I love you.” And he meant it.
Jana watched from the other room, smiling, loving how her boyfriend and her friend connected. He loved them all, they all had a special place in his heart and different ways they helped. From Will’s no-nonsense, to Santi’s intense love, to Benny’s contagious joy, but Laci seemed to understand him in a special sense. Ben and Jana both had addictions, but Frankie and Laci were more alike than they initially thought. They were both incredibly loving, and were more social than Frankie might admit. Neither were the most talkative, but Jana thought both’s love languages was quality time and gift giving. Both had been so lonely, and in finding this found family, found a home in their community. Their connection required little talking; simply an understanding.
After Laci left, Santi waiting outside right by the door with a smile to hold her hand, Frankie walked up behind Jana and wrapped his arms around her. “Did you mean what you said? We’re back together?” He asked, nuzzling his face in her hair. He wasn’t used to her hair being straightened, he was used to the curls tickling his face.
She turned around, a soft smile on his face, holding him. “Yeah, baby, if that’s what you want.”
He practically melted in her arms. “I want nothing more than our family back together.” Frankie cupped Jana’s face, brown eyes sparkling with love and admiration. “Can I kiss you?”
She leaned into his touch. “Always, mi cielo, always”
And he did. After about two years apart, Franisco Morales once again kissed the love of his life. He pulled her in to dance, their lips and tongues familiarizing with each other as they swayed in the kitchen, and Jana swore she had never felt anything more right. Her beloved was in her arms again, sober, their beautiful daughter was fast asleep in her room, growing up healthy and happy, their friends had just been over… everything just felt right.
But there was something else she had been wanting, something she desperately craved the last few years, something so fucking good she would’ve gone back to Frankie during the worst of it if she wasn’t so fucking stubborn. 
“Frankie…” Jana moaned as Fransisco kissed her neck, and she pressed her body up against him. “Want you.” then added quickly. “If you’re ready.”
“Always ready for you, mi vida, always” He mimicked her words back to her, and stopped fighting the erection in his pants. Frankie picked her up and Jana wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him as he he carried to the couch, laying her down carefully despite the desperate kisses he gave.
“Mmmmhmmm Francisco”
Frankie laid beside her, holding her close as he touched everywhere he could, teasing her.
“Do you like that, amor?”
“F-Frankie” She writhed in his grasp. He loved how he could make the most articulate woman he knew stutter on her words. “I-I needmmm” Any attempts at speaking her drowned out by the sounds of pleasure as Frankie groped her ample breasts, her ass, her stomach….
“What do you need, Jana, can you use your words?” But he gave her no such chance,unbuttoning her jumpsuit so he could suck on her nipples, marking up her breasts in dark hickies.
After a few useless attempts at talking, Jana grabbed his hand, trying to place it between her legs, but he was much stronger than her, pulling back. “Behave” He warned, but gave her what she wanted, massaging her mound over the olive  green clothes. Jana wasn't an insecure person by any means, but her body had changed since having Rosie and breastfeeding, and Frankie made sure she never had a chance to doubt his adoration for the parts of her that changed. If anything he adored more than ever her breasts that sagged, the stretch marks, the c-sections scar, all the things that brought life to their child. “Fuck, I’ve missed your body, fuck.” He growled, his hot, wet mouth latching onto Jana’s nipples, lavaciously devouring her. 
“Hm” She smiled, rolling her body into his touch. “And here I thought you liked my personality. My dad was right, men only want one things” Jana playfully chided.
For all his bravado in the bedroom, Frankie had to drop his tough act, actively cringing and he hid his face in her breasts, groaning but smiling all the same. “Babe, you cannot be mentioning your dad when I’m about to fuck you senseless.”
She laughed along. Frankie was the love of her life, and as much as she loved having sex with him, she loved having a man who could fix a car, and she loved that Rosie’s dad was back, at their core, they were friends, and she had fun with him. “Fuck me, you say??” She gasps with feigned shock, hand on her exposed chest. “SENSELESS, YOU SAY!”
Frankie cuts off her teasing with a searing kiss, and she melts right back into place, right where he likes her, the taste of his tongue bringing back memory after memory of that same tongue inside her. He made quick work of stripping her of the jumpsuit and black underwear, taking off his own shirt to at least even the playing field a little bit. Feeling the wetness between her legs growing slowly, Frankie knew better than to push it. Jana had never been one to get very wet, no matter how turned on he made her, and he learned to not take it as a personal affront, just her body doing what it does. 
“Do you remember what I said to you, the day we fucked on Santi’s bed?” Breath hot in her ear, Frankie’s hard erection pressed up against her bare thight.
“Mmmm” Jana’s tone was teasing, but she was panting and breathy, the rise and fall of her chest steady and deep. “You said quite a few things, if I remember correctly. Including but not limited to ‘If you tell Santi I’m never speaking to you again.’”
“Yeah, well, apparently that was a lie, because you did-”
“I had to, he was getting on my nerves!”
“And yet, it’s been what, 15 years later-
“You can’t be mentioning Santi during sex I’ll dry up like the Sahara”
“I’m not the one who had my tongue down his throat, mamacita” He never stopped kissing her neck.
“Oh you wish you had your tongue down his throat”
“No, that’s Ben, but nice try”
“Weren’t you going somewhere with this?”
“Oh yeah. I told you-”
“In Santi’s bed.”
“In Santi’s bed,” he groaned out, frustrated with her bratty mouth. How did he get her into subspace back in the day? He slapped her cunt, making her cry out, and he watched as her eyes glazed over, sinking into the couch as she looked at him adoringly. There it was. “Now, keep that pretty little mouth quiet for me, okay? I’ll put it to use in a moment.” He kisses her tenderly, continuing to circle her clit and play with her pussy lips, knowing not to finger her until she was ready. “I told you I wanted to ruin you, make it so that no one could ever fuck you right again.”  
When she spoke now, the lip, the bite, the attitude was gone. Nothing but love. “You did, I swear you did, not one’s ever felt like you, Francisco, no one’s ever been close.”
Smiling against her skin, Frankie turned away to not give up his rough demeanor. “Good.” His long fingers were all slicked up in her, and he growled in her ear. “Now, I want you to tell me how many men have fucked you since me.”
The tiniest glint of mischief was in her eyes, he could never make her completely submit to him, and he’d never want to make her. He loved the things that made her uniquely… Jana. “Bit heteronormative there, aren’t you, Catfish?”
“Oh!” He pretended to be embarrassed, fake apologizing. “Lo siento, hermosa, how many people have been inside you.” he emphasized the last two words by sliding two long, thick fingers inside her pussy.
“Aaahh!” Jana cried out in pleasure, back arching off the couch as he finger blasted her. 
“cuántas personas?”
She written at the aggressive penetration. “Seis! Cuatro hombres y dos mujeres!”
“Hm” was his non committal, answer, an odd contrast to the rate his fingers fucked her. He didn’t want to shame her for sleeping with other people, but he did feel possessive of his precious girlfriend.
Frankie dropped his head to her shoulder, and with it his act, just enough to check in. “Dame un color, mi preciosa chica?”
“Verde, verdeverdeverdeverde vete a la mierda!” She was getting close, always responding well to a vigorous speed after a good amount of build up, but he pulled his fingers out suddenly, making her whine.
“Shhhh, sh sh sh…” He held her shaking body, stroking her as she came down from her near-high. 
“Asshole” Jana muttered with no real spite.
Frankie gripped her chin, forcing her face to his. “That’s for mouthing off earlier. Watch your fucking attitude and I’ll see if I let you cum tonight”
They both knew damn well she’d cum tonight, he’d never, ever deny her, but when she’d cum was the question. She nodded, but that wasn’t enough for Frankie.
“Words, mama, use your words.”
Though her jaw did not have much room to move, she gritted out “Yes sir” And Frankie was satisfied, reinserting his fingers in her again.
Francisco teased Jana 3 more times before pulling his fingers out quickly, teasing her about how that was a close one while she practically sobbed. Shucking off his pants, he walked the the of the couch and with strong arms, pulled Jana’s near limp body so that her head hung back over the armrest. “A little too close last time, don’t you think?” He was still in his boxers, rubbing his clothed cock in her face as he spoke, hands on her shoulders. “Tell you what, mama, use your fingers, and if you can get yourself there while I use your mouth, you can cum, bien?”
A panting, sweating Jana replied. “Si, papi”
Taking off his boxers, he smiled at the way Jana’s mouth automatically opened up for him, she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He didn’t take long to slide his cock inside; he knew what she could take. “Fuck, fuck I’ve missed this mouth…”
She relaxed her throat and he slide down her, his cock bulging inside her as her fucked her mouth like he would he pussy latter that night. To him, he had the best view in the house. Jana’s plush lips around his cock that protruded from her wet throat, every dip and curve and pudge on her perfect body on display for while while she touched herself.
“Fuck, your fucking perfect, I fucking love you.” He mumbled before pulling himself off her.
Despite her desperately attempting to gain her breath, she still sputtered out a sloppy “Love you, Francisco”
As he shoved his cock back inside, he took that hand that wasn’t playing with herself and placed it on his thigh. She knew to squeeze twice if she needed to breathe. Every gluck, gluck, gluck from her throat spurred him on more, only stopping when she squeezed or he thought she was pushing herself too far. He loved this, he loved her, he loved her fucking mouth whether it was wrapped around his cock, showing their daughter with love, telling of some shithead or bickering with Santi, he loved to watch it go.
When he saw her stomach contracting, he figured she was close, but he wasn’t done with her yet. He had a specific goal in mind for tonight, and that required edging her into oblivion. He pulled out and as he stroked himself, Frankie dragged his balls over her pretty face, slathering the spit and make up that began running all over her face. He made a mental note to help her wash her hair tomorrow. It was only fair.
Frankie saw her fingers picking up pace, no doubt trying to cum, but he reached over and grabbed her hand sharply. “Aht, aht, aht” Teasing, he held both hands tight as he walked around, kneeling before her. “I’m not done with you yet.” As he ran his fingers up and down the length of her body, appreciating every inch given, he offered her a choice. “¿Quieres mi boca o mi polla?” He asked as he took his discarded shirt and cleaned up her face, carefully running the cloth under her eyes to clear up the make up. He loved how she looked all messy, but he knew it wasn’t a comfortable feeling and especially didn’t want anything to cause an eye infection.
“I can’t take any more teasing, Frankie” Jana pleased for him.
“Ooh, baby” Cooing, Frankie touched her face. “I’ll let you cum either way, okay? Just tell me how you want to?”
She didn’t need to even think. “Wanna cum on your cock” Nothing in the fucking world felt better than cumming on his cock. Except maybe his mouth. Or his fingers. Or when he praised her. Or when he massaged her back with those pilots fingers that knew exactly what they were doing. Winning and argument against Santi was a close second. 
“My cock it is, bebita. Are you ready for me?” He asked, for explicit consent but also for physical comfort.
“Yes! Jesus FUCKING christ just- ah!” She was cut off as he began to push into her.
“Such naughty words from such a pretty mouth”
But when Jana hissed in pain and scrambled back, Frankie froze, dropping all pretense. “What’s wrong baby? What do you need?”
“Fuck” she mumbled, just a little embaressed. “Sorry, I was wet enough, but I kinda lost it with my fingers.”
Quickly, Frankies hand cupped her face. “Don’t be sorry, mi amor.” Frankie kissed her tenderly before asking. “I have lube in my room if you want to keep going, or we-”
Jana gripped his shoulder with a force, her wide brown eyes intense. “Francisco Maximiliano Morales Gonzalez, don’t you fucking dare.”
He didn’t
 Frankie carried Jana into the bedroom, pulling out his lube and lathering her up nice and good before manhandling her to her hands and knees.
Moments later, after waiting too fucking long, Frankie was fucking the love of his life once again, her arms going weak.
“Fuck! Frankiiiieee, harder, I can take it.”
From where he knelt, he wrapped up a fistfull of her long, now-straightened hair and yanked it back, giving her perfect ass a nice slap.
“Frankie'' Jana panted. “You're holding back.”
It wasn’t that they never had a slow or medium pace before, but this was definitely not the extent of what a usual night between them entailed. No bondage, no leather whips, no handcuffs or bruising impact, all the things they loved.
Folding his body over hers. Frankie found her mouth for a kiss. “It’s been two years, I don’t wanna do something you changed your mind on.”
“I haven't changed my mind on anything, not with you.” She kissed him back lovingly.
Burying his face in her hair and relishing the familiar scent of coconut oil, he whispered. “Let me just take care of you tonight, we can discuss parameters in the morning”
She smiled at that. “Okay, Francisco.”
She was so fucking warm inside, he wanted to stay burried in her cunt forever, he wanted to fall asleep inside her, he wanted to be consumed by her essense and protected by the softness she was and the her fierce nature to keep the evil outside at bay. Safe with her, trusted, loved.
He came inside, knowing she had an implant, and when he finally allowed her to cum, a gush of liquid spurted out of her; Frankie’s end goal. She couldn’t always get fully lubricated, and that was perfectly fine with him, but sometimes if he edged her juuuussssttt enough…. He could make her squirt.
Jana felt her release rush out of her, she knew what was happening and she knew as soon as she collapsed on the the bedsheets, Frankie would drop to his stomach to lick it all up.
Each flick of his tongue, every press of his lips, every scratch of his mustache, every suck, nibble and kiss from her clit to her asscrack a he cleaned her brought a small, a final, weak orgasm out, and although Frankie be happy and content to stay with his face buried in her forever, all she had to do was wiggle slightly uncomfortably from the over stimulation, and he was out. Pulling the soiled comforter off the bed, Frankie gathered a few items. The silk pillowcase for her hair, a few clean blankets, and a warm washcloth to actually clean her with.
Cuddled up together, they did the necessary check in’s. ‘How are you feeling?’ ‘was there anything you didn’t like?’ ‘I loved when you-’ ‘you look so beautiful when-’
Words were lost on Jana. That’s what she liked about Frankie, he made the ever going buzz of her head cool down for a bit. She told him she loved him, how good he made her feel, how happy she was to be back… but that could never explain it properly. She’d talk to him tomorrow, really truly tell him how ecstatic she was, how he made her giggy like a schoolgirl again…. But for tonight…
She curled up in his strong, comforting embrace, and allowed herself to melt into the warmth that was Franscico Morales.
This took ike two months to write lololololol
I got so distracted with Dark!Joel
I hope the whole thing with Jana not being able to get very wet wasn't weird bc I've had a few friends that pretty much need lube and there's nothing wrong with that. I try to strive for real elements when I can, like Sam in Sunshine having trouble orgasming on her anti-depressants.
squirting lololol
Comments mean the world, reblogs help a lot!!!! This series did not hit off like it'd have liked it to but such is life!
@milkymoon2483 @trinkets01 @poeedameronn @luciannadraven33 @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @itspdameronthings @ellenmunn @welcometostayingawake @miraclesabound
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salt-volk · 24 days
"customs being the main factor in the uber fucked economy"
sorry but i don't even think that's the problem. even w no customs the economy would be major fucked. you gotta remember half these custom owners were already rich by trading from fr or other shit in the first place. before customs even released there was inequality bc rich players could come in from other games and instantly be stupid rich on dv. wealth transfers over. then of course it snowballs and woo hoo they can buy customs w that. plus the folks who fart out like 300 rlc a month to buy monthly chests then resell for potatoes. and they were always gonna do that, customs or not.
i agree there are problems w how customs were handled, it does compound the existing bullshittery, but y'all are way to narrow about it sometimes. they are not the sole cause of every economic issue. on any game w a market rich ppl are gonna exist and push boundaries and get greedy. as long as offsite trading and rlc items exist then ppl are gonna take advantage of that. 
i know they can't get rid of rlc options bc it funds the game dev. so leave that, whatever. but in my unpopular opinion i for real think offsite trading should've been banned from the start. the very first thing that set off inequality is letting folks transfer wealth from other places that had nothing to do w dv. you get an instant upper class like a few weeks into dv launch when everyone should've started on equal footing. but that's irrelevant now lmao.
also kinda funny to bring up neopets when they've steady got some of the same exact criticism. neopets is literally the original "petsite capitalism simulator" lol. yea yea they've been trying to stabilize more recently but still. there's just as much problem w rich fucks there as there is on dv. the difference is just it's less noticeable since neopets has so many other features to focus on, and a 20+ yr backlog of thousands of items at all levels of rarity/cost. while dv's inequality is at the forefrtont bc the place is so fucking barren that all ppl can really do on there rn is buy and sell shit. and then the shit you buy and sell is either completely worthless common trash items, or impossibly unattainably expensive w zero in between. there is no economic mobility on dv.
but neopets literally works in the same way. dv just *feels* worse bc it's not developed enough to have shiny bits that hide the flaws. 
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dj-of-the-coven · 25 days
DJ's Diary - 5/30/24
Not for any particular reason, I decided I want to start keeping a diary on my tumblr blog for fun and posterity's sake. You can read it if you want, but feel free to block out the tag if you don't wanna see it. I'll probably only post one every now and again so don't worry about it clogging up your dash lol. You can also interact with the post if you feel like it; I don't mind comments.
My mood: melancholy
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What have I been up to?
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Sewing, mainly. I have a "job" (more of an internship/apprenticeship with tip money) at a local handmade store where I help create all kinds of things--most of them textile related. We've been busy to hell and back with graduation season orders, like ribbon leis and stoles and whatnot. They can be fun to work on, but I'm definitely looking forward to doing some new crafts once the season changes over... and I've really gotta pay more attention to my own projects to sell cause I'm seriously strapped for cash. I have an idea for a hoodie I might make tonight, so hopefully that pans out well enough. Anyway, I need to give a little context before the next bit here. The way that the store works (I don't wanna give its actual name so I'll use the nickname "Jamaica" from here on) is like this: there's one owner who makes most of the stuff on sale, and anything else is made by local creators who have come in and agreed to give 50% of the sale to the store. A few of these artists have been working with my boss--whom I'll nickname "Kay"--for several years now and some of them drop by the shop to say hi or volunteer some work. I'm one of the artists, and so is this guy who drops in about 4 times a week: a middle aged graffiti artist who goes by Nate1. Side note: If Nate1 sounds like a password that a 14 year old boy would come up with, that's because it was. He told me himself that he came up with it as a placeholder when he was first tagging as a teenager. Then it just caught on and now he's stuck with it. We all just call him Nate, though. And no, this is not his actual name. Nate's been telling me lately that I should be focusing on creating more of a "brand" for myself instead of creating things all willy-nilly. I know that his clothing line does well, mostly by reproducing hoodies and other merch with a couple of his selected best designs, but I honestly can't imagine doing the kinda stuff for myself. I specialize mostly in upcycling random jackets that I come across in thrift stores. He gets all his stuff professionally printed with really high quality materials. Plus, he has a degree in design! I'm too broke to be a college student; fuck, I barely had enough money the other day to buy myself a meal from panda express. He has good ideas about how to make art into profit, but I'm literally just too poor to follow in his footsteps. I'm not even sure if textile is something I want to pursue forever or if it's just something I'm doing right now to just barely pay for a stupid $8 coffee each day because my poverty stress keeps fueling my caffeine addiction. I have so many passions. It doesn't quite sit right with me that I might have to pick one of them to the detriment of all the others. That said, I guess I'm gonna have to pick something soon if I don't want to go homeless... Well, in other news, I've also been watching Trigun '98 for the third time with my twin brother. It's nice to finally have some time in the evening to relax with him; it's been a real rarity in the last year or so. We just got up to the episode where Wolfwood is introduced last night. He seems mostly unimpressed, but I get the feeling that the guy will grow on him with time.
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maideninorange · 1 year
(Fic Request) FumiIyo go out for ice cream.
I put way too much thought into the existence of ice cream within Mugenri for a simple fluff with light angst fic lol. Why am I even surprised, knowing me?
(TW: Just References to Iyo-san's Tragic Past for this one. Because this is me writing this lol. Otherwise, it's a fairly straightforward fluff fic.)
The Ice Cream Merchant
The ice cream merchant only comes around once every five year.
A shadowy legend to children everywhere, the merchant goes from village to village, region to region, distributing a strange cold, sweet cuisine those who had visited them had only called "ice cream". With colder sweets being quite the rarity this far away from Devanagara for the peasantry, the merchant often draws in crowds by the tenfolds. For some, it will be the only time they get to taste anything like it.
...Or at least, that's how Fumikado had described it to them. It was also why Iyozane was not back home lounging around in the river, and instead standing behind a long crowd of children and curious adults.
So far, Iyozane couldn't see what all the fuss was about. This guy looked like just another merchant with their bright and colorful stand, if one that specialized in what may be a pretty rare product. But even with that in mind, they weren't holding their breath.
Merchants are complete and utter parasites, funneling away money that could've gone to hardworking individuals for themselves. And so far, this one seemed to be no different than the rest of the lot. If it weren't for Fumikado's eager pleading, they doubt they'd be here to begin with.
As if sensing Iyozane's silent seething, Fumikado gently nudged them, snapping them out of their straying thoughts. (The fact that their definition of "gently" sent them a few sun forward probably helped with that too.)
"Look, I know you don't like merchants, but this guy isn't like those other parasites, I promise! Their treats are to die for!"
"...So far, all I'm seeing is gaudy colors and lots of children. Feels kinda shady to me. And what is this 'ice cream' treat, anyway?"
"One of the best things you'll ever taste! So come on! Trust me! When's the last time I was irresponsible with our funds anyway?"
Just last week, with the "brilliant" idea to spend hundreds on an expensive shawl I saw. It wasn't even made of real gold! Iyozane wanted to say, but by the time they opened their mouth, Fumikado had already taken off.
...And by the cries of children that just rang out, right into the middle of the line. Iyozane let out a loud, put-upon sigh as they trudged after them.
"Sorry..." They mumbled towards the angry people now behind them, tugging their haori closer. It was the least they could offer, knowing how rude and impatient their boss can be. That sort of thing tended to make people angry, didn't it?
When it wasn't done by a royal it seemed, so some of their siblings had claimed every now and then to them in a past as distant as a bad memory. But Iyozane wasn't a royal anymore. They didn't even get to indulge that privilege even once before they lost it.
The dark thought washed over them like a plague. They turned to berate them for cutting in line, as the alternative was letting it weigh on their mind. But then Fumikado beamed at them, and the poison died from their lips.
"You're gonna love it Iyozane! I promise! I know all the best flavors!" They reassured them, "Trust me! I am the seer of ice cream!"
Considering Fumikado's track record when it comes to foresight, that did not inspire the confidence they had intended such a statement would. Still, it was a little hard to be overcome with dread when their strong and dignified boss is bouncing on their heels like a giddy little kid.
Okay, incredibly hard actually. It was hard to stay nervous with them behaving like that. Iyozane lowered their head, looking at the ground and their wobbly feet, the tension eased slightly from their shoulder.
Perhaps it was from Fumikado skipping ahead in line, perhaps it was their own thoughts siphoning away the time, but it felt like Iyozane had only blinked before they were both at the front of the line. They had to rub their eyes at the feeling when they were suddenly met with the sight of the bright pink wooden counter.
Fumikado held up a couple fingers to the smiling person behind the counter, "A box of mochi please! Give us chocolate, vanilla, and matcha for Iyozane here!"
The merchant nodded, "Coming right up. Your enthusiasm is much appreciated, but next time, please wait your turn. You might make the much more patient children cry."
"Oh." They glanced nervously behind themself, as if to check. Iyozane couldn't help but follow their gaze, as they so often did. The children directly behind them looked more annoyed than anything. But it seemed even the mere thought was enough weight on Fumikado's conscience, as they swiftly turned back to bow apologetically, "...My bad!"
The merchant gave a light chuckle, holding out a small basket full of little mochi. Woah, that was fast!
"It's alright! Just remember for the future."
Fumikado tilted their head forward as they took the basket with both hands, "Will do!"
The merchant waved them off, and just like that their little trip to such an odd merchant stand was over.
Iyozane didn't stop reeling until Fumikado found them a nice bench to sit on. They then tilt the basket forward so they can see.
"Go on! Try one! I stake a claim upon one of the chocolate ones!"
Iyozane looked the mochi over. They saw brown, green, and white at its bottom. They could tell the green ones were obviously the matcha ones, and Fumikado plucking up a brown one indicated it was the chocolate flavor. So the white ones were this "vanilla" flavor? They're kinda curious about that one, actually...
Fumikado popped the chocolate mochi into their mouth, "...Mm!!! I missed you, chocolate!"
Iyozane chuckled a little at this display. They've actually never got the opportunity to try anything with the label of "chocolate" before now. In the distant past, they only heard it in passing. Mitori had told them extensively about it in such a way that left their mouth watering. None of their wardens attendants would let them try it, saying it will rot their perfect teeth or make them sick. They weren't allowed to eat any sweets, actually. But chocolate especially.
But the present is not the past. They are no longer a lonely bird in a cage, yearning to experience the horizons beyond their window. They are a free person (if an indebted one), and able to decide for themself what to put in their own body. And if that thing rots their teeth or makes them sick?
Then let it!!!
And before they could let it stop them, Iyozane reaches into the basket, takes a green mochi between their fingers, and takes a large bite.
It was definitely cold to the touch, but it was very sweet, like all the green teas they were familiar with. A touch of bitterness, which balances out the sweetness. It hurt their teeth to chew, but it was absolutely worth it.
Iyozane heard a chuckle beside them, "I take it you like the matcha flavor?"
They swallowed, smiling earnestly now, "...Guess so! Wasn't expecting it to be so cold though."
"Well duh! It's called ice cream, you dummy! It would probably be called somethin' like fire cream if it was hot!"
Iyozane rolled their eyes, "That is the worst name for a sweet I've ever heard."
"Well, I personally think it sounds pretty cool myself!" Fumikado huffed.
"Whatever makes you feel better," was all Iyozane had to say to that, directly before popping the rest of the mochi into their mouth.
Wowie...They had no idea how they went their whole life without experiencing this. How many sweets have they missed out on? How many people even got to try anything like this, knowing how unreliable Fumikado can be at times?
As if reading their mind, Fumikado leaned back, inhaling a matcha mochi they plucked up when Iyozane wasn't paying attention, "Rumor has it that the ice cream merchant is from the Outside World. Brought this sweet with, and now goes around Mugenri selling it."
"Mm," Iyozane nodded in agreement. They go for a so-called "vanilla" mochi. They took a bite as Fumikado continued.
"I can't remember who told me that rumor. Probably a servant some long time ago... but either way I knew we couldn't miss this! A shame Tsugumi didn't want to come..."
"For a rumor, it certainly has some merit to it, with a merchant stand looking like that," Iyozane pointed over at the stand in question, swallowing the rich sweet iciness in their mouth. In the distance, children rotated in and out of the line for the garish pink stand. Some clutched upside-down cone shaped cookies with brightly colored, larger versions of the filling within their own mochis.
"Hm...Good point, my dear servant! I suppose even a moron can be right every now and then."
Please don't confuse me for yourself. We walked past this stand three times trying to look for it, Iyozane sneered inwardly, too busy finishing off their vanilla mochi to actually jeer.
Not that it mattered for too much longer, for Fumikado's next words nearly made their heart leap out of their chest, "But I digress! Thanks again for coming with me today, Iyozane! It really means a lot to me!"
Iyozane had to do a double take at that. Fumikado? Sincerely thanking someone? Not their odd roundabout way of showing gratitude? They never thought they'd see the day.
In fact, Iyozane isn't used to gratitude like this at all. In another life, all of those suffocating expectations were just that: expectations. You were supposed to fulfill them, or otherwise be punished. Also, Fumikado is their boss. If anything, a lack of gratitude was to be expected.
So with that in mind, one could certainly pardon Iyozane for their flustered reaction. They fan themself with their hand, sweat beading down their forehead, and thankful the blazing heat of summer disguised their anxiety well. Although, their voice probably gave it away when they heard themself stammer a smidge:
"Uh...You-You're welcome, Fumikado-san. I mean...it's not like I had much else to do today, right?"
Scratch that. They sounded very, very nervous to their own ears. Not good not good not good-
However, if Fumikado noticed, they certainly didn't say anything. They just crossed their leg, rubbing the back of their head as if nervous themself.
"N-No! I really mean it! Whenever I got the chance to visit the ice cream merchant here, old Pops, may he rest in peace, never let me go with anyone. Well, it's not like I had many to go with to begin with. Just Chouki, but..."
Their pointy ears twitch, like most youkai do when anxious. Unbelievable. But like...in a good way? Fumikado sounded in over their head over taking them to somewhere as simple as the marketplace, and yet Iyozane couldn't help but find it weirdly endearing in its own way. The way they chuckle awkwardly was doing strange, terrible things to their heart and makes their legs go weak, and they couldn't begin to comprehend why.
They hid it well, in their opinion. They just raised an eyebrow, saying, "So you're saying you're lonely?"
"Not lonely!" they huff, "Just...in need of companionship for this very special occasion is all!"
"...So lonely?"
"No!!! You're utterly impossible sometimes, Iyozane!"
Iyozane had to cackle a bit at that. "Why of course I am. If I wasn't, we wouldn't get anything done. We'd probably still be terribly lost right now if it weren't for me."
"Don't be so arrogant. I'm the one in charge, remember?"
"Then act like it."
"Okay! Sheesh. Even emperors make mistakes, don't they?"
There was no malice in either's words. Iyozane felt a wide grin had graced their face, and Fumikado was beaming equally as much. They both laugh once more.
"Why yes. Yes they do. Would appreciate if you had a better sense of direction somedays though," Absentmindedly, Iyozane reaches into the basket for the last mochi.
And that's when, ever so suddenly, fingers, big and slightly sharp from retracted talons, brushed against their own. Iyozane let out a small yelp of surprise as they both grabbed for the little sweet, raising it up.
"Oh...Uh, whoops?" Fumikado offered awkwardly, shrugging.
It took a moment for Iyozane to respond. They were too busy staring at the chocolate mochi between their hands. If they moved just the wrong way, they could easily end up gripping Fumikado's hand instead. The thought didn't quite disturb them as much as they'd expect it to.
"Um...It's the last one...I've never had chocolate anything before..." they eventually mumble, looking away.
"Seriously?! Not even a little chip?!"
"No. Locked away for most of my life, remember?" Iyozane gently chided.
"Oh right! Uh...So how about we share it then?"
"Share it?" Iyozane parroted back at them. They looked back over to see Fumikado tug at the mochi between their fingers.
"Yeah! I get half, you get half! Think of it as generosity on my part, as a token of appreciation."
"You just want me to try chocolate, don't you?"
"And so what if I do? It's a crime against sweets for you to never have even tried it!"
That sounded like something Mitori would say as they attempted to slip them some. The guards would always catch them back then, alas.
But that was then and this is now. And right now, that sounded delightful. Iyozane nodded, their hand clenching the wooden bench beneath their hand.
And then they split the last mochi in two and ate their respective halves. The taste made all the needless struggle all the more worth it.
"...So what did you think? Was it everything you expected?" Fumikado asked, their mouth still full.
Iyozane waited a moment as they swallowed. It...wasn't quite how Mitori had built the taste up to be (though it could just be because it is cold), but it was well worth it in the end. It almost melted in their mouth, even (albeit rather literally).
"Hm...I'd say so! Can definitely see why Mitorin always loved the stuff now, at least."
"Oh come on! No shock and awe at the taste?" Fumikado pleaded.
They shook their head, "What were you expecting? I'm nowhere near as dramatic as you typically are, you know that."
"Why excuse you!!! I'm as expressive as an emperor should be!" They crossed their arms, pouting.
"Which is really dramatic apparently, but who am I to judge?" Iyozane couldn't help their snicker at the aggravated shout Fumikado let out at that, proving their point.
But that's Fumikado for you. Loud, boisterous, and more than a little dense. There's a certain charm to them though. Otherwise, they wouldn't have stuck with them as long as they have. Still doesn't explain the heart racing whenever they see them smile like that though.
But that's a question for another day. The two just chattered and babbled amongst themselves until the sun set and they had to head home. It wasn't a very interesting story, in Iyozane's mind, but it was well worth it all the same. Tsugumi had missed out! And neither of them could wait to tell them all the ways how.
Psst! Hey! I'm taking requests now! Feel free to drop one in my inbox after reading the rules here (might need to go on desktop first though)!
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Just quickly popping in to say a few things whilst I’m chipping away at UCS stuff — some schedule updates, content announcements and stuff like that lol
I’m now accepting requests for NPC characters from the Cookie Run games (well, crk and cro as I’m not familiar with any other games in the franchise lol) and I’ll be updating my CR masterlist hub to reflect that
I’m postponing requests for Black Lemonade Cookie until we have a confirmed status for her — be that confirmation as an NPC or a rarity rating (I need to know where to put her posts first lol)
Please don’t send me the same request you’ve sent to other writers — I’m only aware of this happening once but that’s enough for me. I will be deleting the request in question and the same goes for any other instances of this in the future
Every other Friday will be focused on Sweet Seduction rewrites until I run out — one smut shot every second week (irl circumstances permitting) making for a relaxed day content-wise and plenty of time to prep other stuff. I have over 150 one shots to redo so I shouldn’t run out for a while haha
And that’s about it! Thanks for your patience, regular posting resumes tomorrow ^^
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csvent-2 · 1 year
(response to the last thing I posted about terraliens not being developed)
just for the tiniest bit of background they’ve only been around for three weeks now, so a lot of stuff is changing while the mods figure out where the species actually wants to go; people are coming here to complain even though… no species is completely ironed out lol. I don’t expect you to keep up with everything (fuck, I wouldn’t want to either, and the only reason I’m here is it’s the fifth thing that comes up on google when you search “terralien species”, otherwise I wouldn’t even know this blog exists; I’m not even a tumblr user 😭), but maybe you could wait a few weeks to continue posting terra-related things (exceptions being any real issues ofc; I’m talking like “omg the traits/rarity keep changing!!! why do they only get large artists for gas????! (answer: they’ve only had one ga set so far and wanted to help kickstart the species, calm down lol, they won’t only
choose popular artists forever), etc.) It just seems kinda unconstructive, and it’s causing a lot of unnecessary drama and anxiety. I know that’s kinda the whole point of this blog (yummy drama yk?) but I’d personally recommend waiting a couple weeks to continue posting stuff from people about small stuff that IS bound to change since the species is so new. It sounds to me like people are goinf “omg terraliens isn’t as stable as [insert species that is 5+ years old], how dare they!!!!!1!!1!1”, not realizing that terras JUST launched. I’m not asking you to keep updated with every little petty drama, only to hopefully give the mods time to actually iron stuff out, since I know they’ve been getting insanley stressed out from this whole situation.
I see where you’re coming from but also please do consider that when people join a species or even just, an art based group, not unique to CS, they do typically expect that the person(s) running it have done pre planning and preparation to avoid a lot of these issues. So, I think people are fair in venting their frustrations about them.
I will try to screen to not post just openly vitriolic stuff though.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What are three names you like that start with the same letter as your fist name? Just any variation of Rose, really. Rose, Rosie, Rosalie, Rosalia...I’m not so big on other R names.
How old will you turn on your next birthday? I’ll be 26 but I’ve got around nearly a whole year to go til then.
What are three things you like about your birth month (besides it being the month your birthday is in)? It’s the month I became ARMY, it’s Cooper’s birth month, and the Holy Week lets us have 5-6 days off work.
...and what are three things you dislike about it? IT’S HOT and I can’t think of any other reason. It just gets so unfairly hot.
List three celebrities that are the same height as you. Google tells me Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and Reese Witherspoon. The first two I’ve kind of known for a while, but I didn’t know Reese is so tiny?????????
Are you happy with your height, or do you wish you were shorter or taller? Why? I’m fine with being 5′1″. It’s pretty average (for girls) where I’m from, and in fact tall people are such a rarity that people would end up staring at you and pointing out how tall you are every chance they get as if you don’t already know – and I don’t want tallness to be a personality trait of mine hahahaha.
List three celebrities who have the same natural hair color as you. Idk man all the Filams, they’ve all got black hair. Vanessa Hudgens, Darren Criss, Bruno Mars.
Is your hair color natural right now, or is it dyed? It’s dyed but it looks gross now. I’ll dye it back to purple a few days before my trip so my vacation photos can turn out cute.
Which family member did you inherit your hair color from? Doesn’t really work that way with Filipino DNA. You get one choice – black, lol.
List three things in nature that are the same color as your eyes. 👀 Soil, tree trunks, mud.
Are you happy with your current weight, or do you wish you weighed more or less? I’m okay with it, I find it pretty proportionate to my height though I am prone to falling underweight every now and then.
If applicable, how many pounds do you want to lose? I’ve never wanted or striven to lose weight.
How many years has it been since you were last a student enrolled in school? 🏫 It’ll be three years this year.
What was your favorite class in high school? History :)
Section 2 - Family 
(A/N: What was Section 1...?)
Do you have kids, and if so, what are their names? No kids.
Are you closer to your mom or your dad? Dad. He’s away more, but he’s also the easier to talk and relate to.
How many sisters do you have? One.
How many brothers do you have? Also one.
If you had a twin sister, what would she be named? No idea but that’s a good question; I’d love to get my parents’ thoughts on that. How many dogs have you had in your lifetime? 🐶 We’ve had three, including the two we currently have. :)
How many cats have you had in your lifetime? 🐈 One, Arlee.
Do you prefer dogs or cats? Dogs.
How many dogs have you had that probably would have been diagnosed with ADHD had they been human? What a random question, lol. Idk probably Cooper, but only in certain scenarios. He’s considerably chilled out over the last year.
What is your favorite dog breed? Aspin, if they count.
Who in your family is or was the same height as you? Not sure. Everyone is ever so slightly taller than me LOL
Where was your dad born? The Philippines, I’m not specifying where.
Where was your mom born? ^ Same.
Where were you born? Manila.
Using a flag emoji, which country were you born in? 🇵🇭
...and which country do you currently live in? 🇵🇭
Using flag emojis, what is your nationality? 🇵🇭
Using a flag emoji, what is the origin of your last name? 🇪🇸🇵🇹
Have you ever met anyone unrelated to you that had the same last name as you? Yes. It’s not a super popular surname, but it does come around every once in a while. It’s not entirely obscure.
How many sister-in-laws do you have? Well in an arbitrary sense, one. She’s technically going to be a cousin-in-law as she’s my cousin’s fiancée, but that cousin is much like an older brother so I usually consider and mention her as a future sister-in-law.
How many brother-in-laws do you have? None.
How many nieces do you have? None.
How many nephews do you have? Also none. My generation of siblings and cousins is taking it super slow haha.
How many of your grandparents are still living? Three of them. I lost my maternal grandpa in 2015.
As far as you know, what types of cancer are in your family? No clue. My family doesn’t like talking about the disease and just refers to it as ‘c-word,’ and never goes into specifics, so I don’t actually know if it runs in the family and if it does, what type/s.
Section 3 - Talents
What are three things you are good at? Writing, researching, reading people.
Can you touch your nose to your tongue? 👅👃 Nope. I’ve tried too many times to try it again just now, but I know I can’t.
Can you wiggle your ears? 👂 No and I’ve only ever known one person who can – my uncle.
Can you lick your elbow? I can’t.
Can you do the splits? Nah. I tried to be able to do it as a kid, but the skill isn’t for me.
Can you bend over and touch your toes? I also can’t, unless they’re far enough apart.
Are you double-jointed? I’m not.
Can you bend your tongue into a clover? ☘️ 👅 No. I can do the U-shape but that’s it, no other shapes.
What are three of your favorite creative hobbies? Can past hobbies count? I used to do embroidery and coloring :) These days I’ve been making bracelets – I plan to give them out as freebies during the Yoongi concert and it’s been more fun than I expected! I’ve currently made 45 bracelets but I’ve got a ways to go since I actually plan on giving out 100. Maybe even more if I happen to have some time (and beads) left. But with only around a little over two weeks left before the show, we’ll have to wait and see. Are you good at taking pictures? 📸 My camera is good at taking photos, but I’m not. I never did get the hang of angles and photo editing and such.
What are three things you've been complimented on? Writing, work ethic, speaking skills.
What are three of your favorite things to do? WRITING, watching documentaries and vlogs, going to coffee shops.
What is your dream job? Doing PR for a company/brand I admire.
...and are you currently working in your dream job? Not exactly, no. It’s the same job, just not *where* I particularly want to be.
Section 4 - Religion and Spirituality
Do you consider yourself spiritual? No.
Do you consider yourself religious? Not at all.
What do you think of when you hear the word "religious"? Rules.
What do you think of when you hear the word "spirituality"? Those people who are into yoga and crystals.
Do you have a positive or negative view of the word "religion"? Mostly negative. Then again my experience has been largely around Christianity which is the main contributor to the way I view religion. I can’t really speak for how I view other religions; the topic in general is just so broad.
Do you have a positive or negative view of the word "spiritual"? Neutral with a dash of, “I really don’t buy it.” Who is the most spiritual person you know? Some celebrity I got to work with for one of my previous accounts. I once had dinner with her and she went on and on about her crystals and meditation and getting in touch with her soul, and I just had to politely nod my head and go “Ooh” and “Ahh” for like 3 hours. Don’t get me wrong lol it was a genuinely good conversation but not nearly enough to convince me still.
When was the last time you stepped foot inside of a church? ⛪️ Two Sundays ago. We attend church weekly, but I say two Sundays ago because I happened to be at a work event last weekend.
Do you regularly attend church? Why or why not? ⛪️ Yes. My mom is religious and takes the whole family to church. On my part though I ditched religion and stopped listening to the service since I was 10.
Have you ever been to a mosque? 🕌 I haven’t, but when I went to Malaysia which I believe is largely Muslim, I learned about the concept of prayer rooms and found it very fascinating. That was my biggest takeaway when we went to Legoland hahahaha it wasn’t even any of the rides or the LEGO exhibits :((
Have you ever been to a synagogue? 🕍 Nope. Judaism is relatively weak in this part of the world, so haven’t had a lot of exposure besides its ties to Christianity.
What is the symbol for the religion or spirituality that you practice, if applicable? I don’t practice Christianity but considering it’s my religion at the very least in the legal sense – cross.
What is your favorite religious holiday? I don’t have any.
If applicable, does your faith mean a lot to you? Not applicable.
Do you ever feel embarrassed or hesitant to tell others what you believe, for fear of being judged? No, I’ve never found it difficult to say I’m atheist.
Do you have the same worldview as your parents? Probably not.
If applicable, what is your favorite version of the Bible to read? 📖 Idk I never paid attention to the different versions.
Have you ever read the entire Bible? I tried when I was much younger but I got bored a few books into the Old Testament. My memory of the four Gospels is pretty sharp, though, considering we read them daily throughout elementary and high school.
...and if so, how many times have you done it? I’ve never read the Bible in its entirety but as for the Gospels I went over those every single day for like 10 years.
If applicable, what are three of your favorite Christian songs? I don’t have any particular favorites but I remember liking those where you can do a second voice just because they’re fun to do and makes you feel like you’re good at singing hahaha.
Have you ever attended a Christian school? 🏫 I went to Catholic school for 14 years, yes.
How often do you pray? 🙏 Never.
Do you own a set of prayer beads? 📿 You mean like a rosary? No.
Have you ever danced in church? 💃 I have not.
Have you ever been baptized, and if so, where and how were you baptized? 🌊 Yup, I received a Catholic baptism when I was a little over a month old.
For a church, what is your favorite denomination? I don’t have a favorite denomination. Do people have favorites for this sort of thing?
Have you ever been filled with the Holy Spirit? Uh...
Do you believe that speaking in tongues is a real thing? No. I never did know what that means.
Do you have any art on your walls that has a Scripture on it, and if so, which one? No, but we have a portrait of the Last Supper in the kitchen and a crucifix in each room.
Section 5 - Politics
How many presidential elections have you voted in? 🗳️ Twice! First in 2016, then in 2022.
Do you support the First Amendment? (The First Amendment gives us the freedom of religion and freedom of speech). The what?
What is your country's flag? The Philippine flag. White side triangle, three yellow stars and a sun, blue over red.
Would you ever consider going into politics? Kind of. I very briefly considered becoming a lawyer before I realized how much I hate debating and how I’m not likely to survive recitals and regular humiliation from law professors.
Do you engage in political discussions on social media? If I absolutely give a shit about whatever issue is at hand, yes. I’ve gotten into discussions with cousins with whom I didn’t necessarily agree.
Are you happy with the current state of your nation? The current president is the son of That Dictator, I could never be happy about it. But apart from him, the country has long been rampant with corruption anyway so there was never anything to be happy about in the first place.
I have a friend who thinks the government is going to kill us all. Do you believe the government is going to kill us all? I believe they are very well capable of doing so. They have done it in the past, what’s going to stop them from doing it again?
Section 6 - Health
How many different medications do you normally take daily? 💊 I don’t take any.
What is the worst side effect or withdrawal effect that you've ever experienced from a medication? Feeling like death after each of my Covid vaccine doses and boosters. I felt like my skin was glass so I couldn’t move for like 12 hours.
Which medication(s) do you hate the most, and why? I never really hated any that I’ve had to take.
Which medication(s) do you feel have helped you the most, and why? I remember when I had my UTI in 2020 and the first doctor I went to (also a family friend) prescribed me medicine that did not do JACK SHIT, and I continued feeling like a corpse in the 2-3 days I was taking the medication. Angela’s mom who’s a pediatrician was worried sick about me and went ahead and gave me a different prescription, which worked in LITERALLY like half an hour. That was the closest to magic I’ve ever felt lmao; I continue to feel so grateful to her for the help.
What health conditions (that you know of) do you have? Scoliosis.
What are you allergic to? Grass, if anything. My skin feels irritated by it in the most random scenarios.
How many different primary care doctors have you had in your lifetime? None. I always go to different ones.
Have you ever received a dismissal letter from a doctor's office? Nope.
Is your current doctor a male or female? I don’t have a main one.
Do you prefer male or female doctors? Why? I don’t care for the most part.
Have you ever been refused treatment at a doctor's office or hospital? 🏥 No.
What is the most significant health issue you are dealing with right now? Probably my scoliosis.
What, if any, are some health issues you've had in the past that you don't deal with anymore? None. Most of my issues have been short-term, like when I had low platelet count and had to be admitted overnight.
How is your mental health? How has it been lately? It’s stable, to be generous about it. I’m just relieved to be no longer experiencing breakdowns and panic attacks which used to be an everyday thing.
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nuclearforest · 2 years
🎃 and 🍂 for the ask game!
Ayyy thanks for the ask. I mean, I can only hope that my answers are not too disappointing because my writing process is like. About as unhinged as I am.
🎃 pumpkin: do you have any favorite brainstorming techniques? how do you like to gather ideas for your wip?
I do not; mostly because ideas come to me in either rare moments of genius or I just realize I want something in my life. (I might write something for the big 3 after I got an idea reading some other fic just like, two days ago. I have so many heckin ideas I will never be free). It kinda helps that I've always been inclined for idea generation and honed it as a skill, so now i'm cashing in lol.
But that said, all stories are thievery so if you keep your eyes peeled there's inspiration everywhere. And if you read something that inspires you and you want to transform it, you can always reference where the idea came from if it's direct enough (or if you're using somebody else's OC).
For my current WIP, Sirens' Guard Dog, I actually thought of the base concept of taking mine and a few friends' OCs and giving Hans a siren harem back in Mermay. And uh. Just one road trip later I had ideas buzzing in my head for how it was no longer going to be a single chapter ordeal. So I started winging it, as usual, and got like 9 chapters in dreading it the whole time. On an entirely different roadtrip, I managed to clear that plot block that had me dreading continued work and actually made an outline all the way through to the end. So now it's much easier to churn out a few thousand words per week since I know what's going on. Which is like, a rarity for me because I usually wing shit the whole way through. (A Month to Love a Werewolf was just a new prompt every day and I went for it and strung it into a story lmao).
🍂 leaves: what does your editing process look like? how does your wip typically change as you work on it?
Editing? Who is she?
I have no beta and honestly the best I get is MAYBE skimming a chapter before I post. (I mean sometimes I will share things with friends if I'm super unsure of it and want some reassurance it's not hot garbage, but...). I'm a brave fool. Most of the time I catch a few errors here and there because my fingers move a bit faster than my brain and my eyes aren't watching, so sometimes like months after posting I'll reread and go in to update it.
Other than that, there isn't much about a WIP that changes in the process. Mostly because I'm used to winging things. Funny enough the Sirens plot has had a few minor tweaks to make things flow a bit more logically or hit more interesting plot points, but even for something planned it's a relatively constant river. I'm definitely proud of it! Here's to hoping I manage to hit 130k by the time I'm done.
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lunaprincipessa · 4 days
Came across this picture online. Wanted to blog about the nice experience I had in receiving an autographed copy of it.
I was looking for a new Halloween themed baking show to watch and eventually stumbled on Netflix's The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell. I absolutely fell in love with that show for multiple reasons: the campiness, the same style of humor that you'd see in The Addams Family, and of course the DIY goddess herself, Christine.
She's gorgeous and talented and I just loved her from the first episode. She did everything in this show from decorations to baking to sewing, all with a dark theme or undertone. Sadly, Netflix did not renew the show for a second season but I still wanted to know what she was up to. That's when I found out about her new show.
From the Mind of Christine McConnell brings you all of her creations like the show before it, only now she has full creative control and the things this woman does, mind-blowing to say the least. Sweet treats, sewing, make-up, home renovations, photoshop; she literally does it all and she'll walk you through every step. I'm a huge fan of her perspective and creativity.
And I absolutely adore how she incorporated fun characters into From the Mind similar to The Curious Creations. Her husband plays two characters on the show, an undead butler type and a creature she keeps in the basement. I love her style. lol And I love how he just dives right in to help her bring her visions to life. You see him twice in the pic I included from my favorite episode, "Creating a Family Portrait."
I decided to join her Patreon because I'm forever curious, eager, and excited to see what she does next. Had to join the top tier because I wanted access to all her creations and adventures.
Life goes on as normal for a time but then things just got rough and I became very depressed. This was the type of depression that weighs you down with hopelessness. I just wasn't feeling good about life at all.
Unbeknownst to me, when you join Christine's top tier on Patreon, you receive an annual gift. I just focused on the whole full access thing. I had no idea she sends out gifts, and I was about to receive mine.
A couple weeks later, I got a notification that I received a package, which had me heading to the mail suite almost immediately because I didn't order anything and was wondering what it was. I sign for it, the clerk gives me a long white tube, and I leave. I get in my car and take a sec to see who it's from and there it was in big, bold letters:
From: Christine McConnell
I nearly had a heart attack, I was so happy! I had completely forgotten about everything in life that was making me sad and all I could think about was getting home safely so I could open it. My mind was consumed the entire ride home. "Ok, so, long and skinny tube, is it a picture or a poster? What is it?!" Every red light, all I could do was stare at it sitting there the passenger seat.
I get home and open it. There was the picture Christine McConnell made on my favorite episode, freshly autographed with a black sharpie. Of all the things she could send out, this is what I receive. I just sat there holding it, looking at it and smiling as joyful tears ran down my face. It truly is the little things in life that make the biggest impact. The timing couldn't have been better, I really needed that uplift! Nice things like this are a rarity in my life so I can get a little emotional. 😬 The grateful kind of emotional though! 😁
She included a second picture which of course she looked like a queen, I'll have to find it and add it to the blog, but the family portrait really touched my heart and I cannot wait to find a special frame for it. More thoughts later.
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suckitsurveys · 1 year
How often do you eat your favourite food? I have sushi at least once a month if not more. Crab legs are more of a rarity though.
Have you ever fallen asleep on public transport? (including planes) On a Greyhound bus to South Dakota in 8th grade. Never again. Unless I take a really long flight. I hate sleeping in public.
What room of the house are you in right now? I’m in my office at work.
What was the last tv show you watched? The last thing I watched on TV was clips from SNL.
Have you been using Apple Music? Nope.
Do you pay rent for the place you live? How often? Yes, monthly.
How do you feel at this particular moment? Anything on your mind? I’m very sleepy.
Where was the last place you went on vacation/holiday to? Who’d you go with? I went camping for a night and stayed in a hotel the next night in Starved Rock State Park with my husband.
Does the place you work have music playing? What sort? Not usually. Sometimes my coworker/officemate and I will play music.
List all the colours you’re currently wearing. Black, olive green, pink, neon orange, grey, silver, beige.
What’s your favourite type of donut? I’m not a HUGE fan of donuts, but I do like jelly filled ones.
What do you usually eat for breakfast? Cereal on work days.
Do you have any candles in your bedroom? Do you light them often? Yes, we accidentally started a Bath and Body Works candle collection lol.
When was the last time you went out for dinner? A week or so ago I went out with my friend for sushi.
Have you seen all the Hunger Games films as of current? I have zero interest in that.
What was the last thing you said to someone else in person? "Oh, I love Please-Waiting.” It’s something we say when we run reports on the system we use at work because it tells us to “Please Wait” as it takes 4329749302749320 minutes to run...
Do you use Windows, Mac, Linux, or something else entirely? I have Windows.
How many times do you call someone on the phone a week? I RARELY call anyone ever. The only number I call on an almost-daily basis is the Zoom meeting we have every morning for work lol.
Have you cooked anything today? What was it? I have not.
Do you have a lot of cousins? What are their names? I have 4 immediate “first” cousins (as in my parents’ siblings’ kids). Kelly (from my mom’s sister), Jerry and Sean (from my mom’s brother), and Joey (from my dad’s sister). And then I have a billion other cousins (my dad’s cousins and their kids, my moms cousins and their kids, my cousin’s kids, etc) that I am not naming.
What does your shampoo smell like? Strawberries.
What about the body wash or soap you’re using at the moment? Milk and honey. Have you ever had an exotic or unusual pet? The most ~non-traditional~ one we’ve had is probably the chick my sister won at some carnival game. We really tried to take care of him and nurse him and all but he died overnight. <--Jesus that’s fucking HORRIBLE.
Any movies you’ve seen recently that you’d recommend to me? Emily the Criminal!
Why did you last go see a doctor? It’s been a bit.
What was the last thing you bought online? PLANE TICKETS TO BOSTON TO GO SEE JOHN MULANEY AND MY BEST FRIENDDDDD. Where do you usually park your car? On the street at home. At work I have a spot in the lot.
Does your mail get delivered to your house or do you have to collect it? It gets delivered directly to us.
Are you more logical or creative? Both.
Do you cut tags out of clothing so they don’t itch and bother you? If they bother me, yes.
What is your dream job? Do you think that’s attainable for you? I’d love to be an event planner. It’s possible?
When was the last time you looked at Facebook, Twitter or etc.? I’m looking at tumblr right now lol.
Have you ever been on a train? Where did you go? Oh TONS of times. Local trains and passenger trains to various places.
How many times a year do you go on vacation? Depends.
Can you curl your tongue or do anything else cool with it? I can curl it and make it into the shape of a clover.
What was the last job interview you went to? Blah. An interview for a promotion. I didn’t get it.
Do you ever just feel like you need to be alone for some reason? Of course.
When was the last time you wore something totally inappropriate for the weather? Does this happen often? The other day I forgot a hat and my head suffered because of it. It doesnt happen too often, especially in winter/summer, but I’ve been caught without a coat or with too heavy a coat in spring/fall because here that weather is TRICKY.
The last time you went out of the house, where were you going and what did you do? The last time I left the house was this morning to come here.
When was the last time someone cancelled plans on you? Were you annoyed? I don’t remember.
Do you have a friend that has a tendency to “dump” you whenever they get a new partner? No, I am not friends with teenagers.
Would you ever want to go on vacation with just one of your parents? I’ve done that before! My dad took me on a trip to Pittsburgh to see the Cubs play a few years ago. He’s been talking about going to New Orleans together soon too.
In summer, do you prefer to wear dresses or shorts and tops? Or maybe something else? Bike shorts and tshirts all summer baby. Sometimes dresses.
Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? Uh huh.
Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? Almost always.
If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? I’m good. How many cans of soda would you say you drink in a week, if any at all? Usually maybe once a month if that.
When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? No, I only really sleep in our bedroom.
If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? I’m 33. How much stuff do you take with you when you go on vacation for a week? Definitely depends on where we are going.
How old is your oldest living relative? I’m not sure.
Could you willingly live on a vegan diet? No.
If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, are you sad that there’ll never be another book or movie? I’m not an HP fan and also fuck JK Rowling.
If you’re an only child, do you wish you had siblings? If you have siblings, do you get along? I have an older sister.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? Since like 2020.
What happened last time you got drunk? I don’t know.
When’s the last time you straightened your hair? No idea. It’s naturally pretty straight.
Do you bite your toe nails? No.
Last thing you said out loud? Some bullshit about work.
Last time you laughed your head off? I don’t know.
What do you want right this second? For my brother in law to not exist.
How are you sitting? On my ass.
Your mood? Annoyed.
Did you sleep alone last night? No. My husband and a kitty slept with me.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? I can’t.
Do you find piercings attractive? Eh.
What were you doing last night at midnight? Sleeping.
Will you have sexual intercourse within the next two weeks? Probably.
How many cigarettes have you smoked today? None.
Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? Nah.
Do you like potato chips? I do.
Do you give out second chances way too easily? Nah.
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ponypuffle · 2 years
Perfect! Then how about the mane six with a Musician Fem!Unicorn!Reader who plays the piano and plays/sing love songs headcanons . I imagine the reader singing “They don’t know about us” would be the romantic thing ever <3
A/N: tysm for being my first request on tumblr! you'll have to excuse some of them being a lil rushed, i started writing too much for a few of them and realized I had to cut it down lol
Pairing(s): (Individual) Mane Six x Female! Unicorn! Reader
Prompt: Mane Six with a reader who's a musician.
Warning(s): none, lmk if i missed something
The two of you meet when Rarity's hired to create stellar outfits for you. With her experience from working for Sapphire Shores, she's found it a lot easier to design outfits for musicians. That being said, part of her process now is to listen to her client's music to perfectly match the songs.
You were able to set a time with her at an empty studio that housed a grand piano. "It'll be just the two of us." You told her when she asked where your manager, bodyguards, or anypony was. Hearing those words made her eyes widen. Meeting you, she found you incredibly gorgeous and oh-so kind. She had quickly developed an admiration for you despite the little time you've known each other.
You trotted over to the piano and sat yourself down on the bench. "Ready?" You asked, looking up at her through your eyelashes. After opening her sketchpad, she gulped and nodded.
You began to play the piano with the melody of one of your favorite songs you knew how to play. When you started to sing, her heart skipped a beat. Her throat hitched. You were singing a love song. And a gorgeous one at that. Though, maybe she was being biased. Your soft, melodic voice was so entrancing that she almost felt like you had cast a spell on her. The only thing grounding her from ensuring that wasn't the case was when she realized not a single spark of magic had been cast from your horn.
When she arrived back home, Sweetie Belle noticed Rarity's love-struck eyes. Everyday, she would rave to Rarity about how it must have been love at first sight! Rarity, herself, almost believed her little sister's words. Though, even if it was love at first sight, she had to keep the relationship professional. Last time she ogled some celebrity when their relationship should've kept to business matters, she became an absolute mess! Literally and figuratively.
You, on the other hoof, had other plans. You played love songs for goodness sake! How could you not be a hopeless romantic? All you could do was stare in awe at the fabulous mare. All the dress fittings didn't help either Rarity was always so close to you, and the tingling of her magic as she held a piece of cloth or a measuring tape had been exhilarating. You could only hope she returned the same affections.
Unfortunately, Rarity wouldn't be back to Canterlot in a whole week! You've waited so long already that a week felt like too long. Probably a little too irrationally, you made the decision to take the next train to Ponyville, packing only your trusty guitar. By the time you got there, though, it was well into the evening that Rarity must be getting ready.
With a huff, you pull out your guitar and began your serenade. Not even three lines into your song, you could hear a squeal from inside. "Rarity! Rarity! Look outside!" The squeaky voice yelled. You had to hold back a burst of giggles as you kept singing on for the mare of your dreams.
The windows on the top floor swung open, revealing Rarity. Her mane was tied up in a ponytail and she was cozied up in a robe, but wow, was she as gorgeous as ever. In that moment, both of your hearts were synced in emotion and pure affection for the other. By the time your song ended, Rarity had made it down to greet you.
"Rarity, every single word was me speaking from the heart. I'd be honored if you'll have me." You placed your guitar down into its case that you had placed down.
Rarity grinned. "Of course, darling! I cannot tell you how much I've wanted this." She stretched forward and nuzzled her cheek to yours.
Twilight Sparkle
The piano, cello, and saxophone behind you played in harmony with the others. Meanwhile, you were swaying gently to the music, singing for the gala's guests. You were tonight's entertainment, hired by Princess Celestia herself. You'd be crazy if you passed up the gig, so you took it with no hesitation.
Meanwhile, the princess of friendship had also found herself busy with the gala. She was conversing with business ponies, delegates, and whatnot. Just a lot of talking. Yet, all she could do was find herself wanting to stay as long as you were singing. She even caught her gaze straying towards the stage during conversations, only to snap her attention back to the pony in front of her. But, she couldn't help it! You were just so gorgeous with that beautiful, black dress that glittered under the stage lights and your shiny, styled mane that accentuated your face just so well.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Your voice needed rest, of course. No use in straining it all for one gig. Twilight couldn't accept that, though. She needed to see more of you. When your voice had disappeared for good, she felt a pang in her heart. She quickly excused herself from the conversation and began to weave through the crowd, drink trailing behind her with her magic.
"Excuse me!" Your ears perked at the sound of a voice coming your way. You swung your head around, meeting eyes with the one and only Princess Twilight Sparkle. Wait, was she talking to you? You tried to stay calm and collected, though you're not sure if it worked very well.
"Princess Twilight Sparkle, what an honor to meet you." You bent down slightly in a bow, looking up at her through your eyelashes before returning to your normal stance.
"No need for formalities." She shook her head, "Your performance was beautiful, and I was hoping we could talk."
"Are you sure you're not busy?" You asked, recalling her talking to many ponies who all fought for her attention.
Twilight picked up a glass of champagne off of passing tray. "I'd much rather talk to you." She held out the glass of champagne to you as an offering. You wondered for a moment whether you'd come to regret this, but eventually gave in, intertwining your magic with hers momentarily as you took the champagne glass.
For the rest of the night, the both of you had stuck together, enjoying each other's company. Sometimes her words would stray to some sort of fun fact that she found interesting in the moment, making her all the more endearing.
Unfortunately, the night had to come to an end. The two of you had finally split. Twilight had to stay behind and say goodbye to the remaining guests. Meanwhile, you needed rest from all that singing and talking. So much for not straining your voice, huh? Your tired mind had forgotten to tell her that you were staying in a room of the castle, and Twilight had been too caught up in a whirlwind of guests to have asked where you were staying.
The next morning, the thought struck you. You truly wanted to see Twilight again, but how? Then you remembered what she told you when you asked why she had wanted to talk to you in the first place. "Your voice was so alluring. How could I resist?" She had told you. Maybe that was how you'd find her. Sing out loud for her and she was sure to be in the castle.
You got ready as quickly as possible then opened up the doors to step out on the porch that looked down onto the castle. You felt awkward doing this, but you'd have to make your leave soon and with how big the castle is, you feared you'd miss her and never see her again.
With one of the few spells you learned, you amplified your voice and began singing a love song, professing your feelings for her. By the time you had finished, your ears had flattened to your head as you lost hope. You let our a sigh and stepped back into the room, ready to pack up.
Then, a soft pound of hoof steps sounded behind you. You turned around and found Twilight with her wings stretched out before closing them to her side. "You're here." She spoke in disbelief. "I was thinking I'd never see you again."
"Well, let's make sure that never happens again. I'd love to give us a chance." You stepped closer to her. Twilight smiled at your words before nuzzling her cheek against yours.
Rainbow Dash
You were playing your piano in your little house, the porch windows wide open to let in the summer breeze. It was a good day outside. Why wouldn't you try to enjoy the day while doing your favorite thing?
Rainbow Dash had just the same idea in mind. She had dragged a cloud to a secluded area for a well-deserved nap. Well, it was secluded enough. All she could see was a small house a long way off, but it didn't seen like an issue at the time. Key words being, 'at the time'.
The breeze had slowly swept Rainbow's cloud towards the house. Your house. Rainbow's eyes fluttered open when her ears had flicked around at the sound of music. It wasn't quite her taste in music, but she had to admit, the voice she heard was stunning.
Rainbow shuffled around on the cloud, adjusting her position to peer down towards the source. The windows to the house were open, giving her a perfect view inside. There you were. A pretty little unicorn with a gorgeous mane flowing with the breeze.
By an off chance, you glanced outside only to notice the rainbow pegasus. You let out a squeak in surprise as your eyes widened, putting your song to an abrupt halt. Rainbow flew down, desperate to apologize for her staring. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to stare - I mean, I did, but my napping cloud drifted over here by accident, and you just sounded really nice that I had to see who you were."
You felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment. "I- Um, thank you." You couldn't help your hooves fumbling underneath you as the strong mare gazed at you.
"I'm Rainbow Dash." She introduced herself, and thus began your friendship. You learned more about her, especially that her naps were well deserved. She was a strong mare who pride herself in her athletic abilities. You're honestly surprised she doesn't take even more naps! Rainbow had eventually asked you to play your music for her to lull her into a peaceful nap. You happily agreed. It'd be good practice, and it meant helping Rainbow! What a perfect combo!
One day, you found yourself staring in awe at your friend as you sang. You had been brushing off your feelings for her as pure admiration, but now it was hard to continue believing that. Your heart tightened and you put your singing to a halt. You took a deep breath and began playing a new song, one that you felt professed your feelings for her much better. You knew she wouldn't hear it, but that's what made this "confession" so much better. No need to be frightened if she had no idea!
At least, that's what you thought. Rainbow's sharp hearing picked up the sudden stop despite her nap. She didn't show any sign of waking up nor did she intend to once you had begun your next song. She heard the words and immediately felt her heart flutter. How could such a gorgeous, delicate unicorn like you like her? She didn't dare question it further.
When the song ended, she opened her eyes and looked at you. Just the way she gazed at you told you all you needed to know. She heard you. Your flight or fight senses went completely haywire as you stood there in shock and panic.
"I hope that song was for me." Rainbow made confident strides towards you, ruffling the feathers of her wings to shake off the sleep.
"I-I was just- I mean-" You stuttered out, struggling to find some sort of excuse but to no avail. How could you ever get out of this situation?
Rainbow was quick to shut you up with a kiss on your cheek. "Hey, no need to stress about it. I like you, too, sport." She moved to your side and set a wing on your back. "I think you've practiced enough, yeah? Why don't you come take a break with me."
Today was a dream come true! It all started when your cousin was having a party. For what? You didn't know, but all you needed to know was that the Pony-tones were performing for the party. You've only ever had the chance to hear them once, but that was all you needed to absolutely fall in love with their work. What was even more exciting was that you were going to get the chance to meet them! Celestia, just the thought of it sent shivers down your back.
As the singing group performed, you couldn't help it when your eyes had continuously darted back to the yellow pegasus on stage. Her name was Fluttershy, if you recalled correctly. You never realized how beautiful she looked, especially seeing her sing with so much passion.
Once they finished their last set, you rushed over to go meet them. They were all very friendly, especially Fluttershy despite her closed off nature. Yet, her shyness was all the more alluring to you. She was just so cute.
Luckily for you, Fluttershy took quite a liking to you. She loved how passionate you were about music, and found a longing deep inside her to be your friend. There was just something about you that called to her.
And so, you had begun to spend more time with her. Little tea parties and shopping trips were all you needed to fall head over hooves for her. Not to mention, dear little Angel bunny had seemed to approve of your blossoming relationship. Whenever he had a tantrum, Fluttershy had enlisted your voice to calm him down. It was something about your melodic singing that zipped the little critter up.
With everything going so well, you just had to confess to her. All you wanted was to nuzzle up to her and feel her warm affection. After much thought, you finally settled on the perfect message.
You met up with the Pony-tones day after day to prepare. They were all almost as excited as you were when they heard your plan. Even Angel had chipped in. Now, all you had to do was get Fluttershy to come to a little meadow surrounded by trees.
When the time came, Fluttershy had walked into the open space from the trees as she followed Angel. Just as her eyes fell on you and the Pony-tones, you made a flick of your tail to signal the start of the group's acapella part. Just as practiced, you jumped in and began singing a love song to her.
She was a flustered mess, her cheeks tinted red at the words of the song. "D-Do you really mean it?" She glanced at you then back at the ground when the song had come to a close.
"Every word." You stepped closer, picking a flower from the ground with your magic to place in her mane.
She looked up at you through her eye lashes and smiled. In an instant, she had pulled you into a hug with her wings and nuzzled herself under your head.
Apple Jack
"Apple Jack! Is that really you?" You called out when you spotted that familiar hat atop a blonde mane.
Apple Jack made a pivot around, meeting eyes with you, one of her childhood friends. You and AJ had gone to a camp together when you were just fillies. The two of you plus Rara had such fun, but you eventually had to part ways. Yet, here you were at the festival with AJ in your sights.
"Is that really you? I haven't seen you in years! How are ya doing?" AJ grinned, happy to see you again after all this time.
"I'm doing great now that you're here. I hope you're not too busy to let me catch up with you." You replied. To your relief, she was free to chat with you during the festival.
As you neared the end of your day, you learned that she was just the same as before, though she had matured a lot. What once felt like an admiration had suddenly turned into an attraction towards AJ. With her new found maturity, she was quite the gentlepony as she helped you whenever she could
"Do you still have that guitar you used to play on?" You asked, walking beside her on the dirt path leading towards her home.
"Of course. Why'd ya ask?" Her ears had flicked to the side out of curiosity.
"Maybe we can relive some of those memories. Or, maybe we can make new ones with that old guitar." You suggested. Though, you were hoping for the latter. You wanted to confess to her and ask for a chance at a relationship now that you were reunited.
Apple Jack agreed before heading into her house to grab her guitar and picnic blanket. She lead you to one of her favorite places to sit down in the orchard. It wasn't too far off the fencing, and situated a large apple tree, much bigger than the others. Underneath were two logs set in place as benches. You could only imagine this was a place AJ commonly went to for comfort.
Pinkie Pie
"If you don't mind," You took the guitar in your magic, "I'd love to sing for you first."
"Go ahead. I'll set up the blanket." She nodded and began to unfold the blanket. Meanwhile, you began your song.
It was a love song that you felt perfectly professed your feelings towards AJ. You didn't outright say you loved her - it was a little too quick for that, but you knew what you did feel was true. You missed her with all your heart and all you wanted to do was get a chance at something more than friendship.
The song had ended not long after AJ had spread the blanket across the plush grass and settled down onto it. "You sing as amazing as ever. You sang with so much passion that I'd be surprised if ya didn't sing that with somepony in mind."
"That song was for you." You admitted with a soft voice. You could only hope that this didn't ruin your reignited friendship.
AJ's eyes widened before laughing out loud. "Thank Celestia! I was gettin' worried ya wouldn't feel the same." AJ got up and stepped closer to you. "S'ppose that means I get to call ya my very special somepony, then."
AJ's tall stature and close proximity had you blushing. Here you were, just finishing a serenade, only for AJ to turn the tables around and get you flustered. Nonetheless, you nodded in agreement, sealing the deal.
"Good..." She muttered under her breath then leaned in to plant a warm kiss on your cheek.
The day started out as normal as ever. You woke up, got ready, the set off on your day. Today entailed going to the music store in search for a guitar. You'd been saving for a shiny, new one and today was the day you got to buy one!
As you walked through the store, you had soon bumped into a bright pink pony searching through all the instruments, picking up a few before moving onto the next section. You watched in curiosity until the instruments she struggled to hold bad begun to wobble around. Your eyes widened and you instinctively grabbed them with your magic as they fell down, just before they had hit the floor.
The pony's gaze quickly trailed towards you. She gasped, "Wow, that was quick! Thank you so much, I can't imagine the mess that would've happened without you!" She bounced towards you, narrowly avoiding the floating instruments.
"Y-Yeah, no problem." You stuttered out. "What are all these instruments for anyways?"
"For my one-pony band, of course!" She giggled then began to walk off for more instruments. She was so nonchalant about it that you couldn't help following along and taking any instruments she tossed over to you. The thought of this many instruments at the hooves of one pony sounded a little silly, but she was just so intriguing.
From that point on, you kept finding yourself in her company. She was so eccentric, and it just lifted your spirits day after day. She'd include you on all her little antics, and even would set aside her hyper behavior just to hear you singing with that guitar she helped you get on that very first day of meeting.
Now, all you could see when looking at her was pure affection. You loved seeing her get excited, and all you wanted was to feel her fluffy mane against you while she hugged you. You just wanted more than friendship, but how?
"Careful!" She squealed, a giggle cutting through. "We want the cake batter in the pans, not your cute face!"
Your cheeks felt hot as you laughed along. The two of you were baking a cake together, and now all you had to do was put the pans in to bake.
"While we wait, why don't you sing me a song? I haven't heard you sing in so long!" She exaggerated. She heard you sing only a few days ago, but in her defense, she just loved your voice.
You thought for a moment before agreeing. With all these feelings clouding your thoughts, you just knew you had to confess to her now. What better way than through song?
You pulled out your guitar from the case and settled down to begin playing the tune of the song. Meanwhile, Pinkie cleaned up, listening to your voice as a motivator. By the time you finished the first iteration of the chorus, some dishes crashed as she focused all her attention on you.
"What a pretty song." Pinkie commented as you finished. "With pretty lyrics."
"It's all for you, Pinkie." You set the guitar down. "I mean, if you'll have me, of course."
"Really?" She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up at your words. "I can't believe it! I'm so glad you feel the same!" She bounced up and down before pouncing onto you with a big hug.
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bloodgoddarlin · 3 years
Never Judge a Book by It’s Cover
notes: this started as a ranbled abt techno being a Big Piglin Boy witha tiny s/o and it just.... spiraled. much farther than i was planning. oops. sorry if this is a bit clunky lol
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Technoblade was a very large man.
Between his piglin traits making him bigger than the average human, and many years on the battlefield making him bulkier than most, the man was a giant compared to most others. He stood at least a staggering 7'5', had more than his fair share of bulk to him, and with his scars from many years of battling, as well as his sharp, witty intellect, he was definitely a threat to most and really, it was more wise to make him your ally than anything else.
So when you had suddenly entered the picture, needlessly to say, it was a bit surprising.
You were small. Very, very small. You couldn't be taller than 5 feet tall, at most, and despite that fact that you, too, were a hybrid, you seemed to have a spot of bad luck in the genetic lottery.
Celestial hybrids were a rarity, after all. They were seen more as a commodity or trophy than anything else, and legends say if you caught one, you would have nothing but good fortune for the rest of your life.
So, naturally, when you and Techno became lovers, it became the talk of the town for at least a week.
You couldn't go into L'manburg, where you worked, without someone giving you an odd look or groups whispering to each other gossip about you.
They all judged you and your beloved based on how you looked, but if there was one thing you had learned recently, it was that you should never judge a book by its cover.
He may look scary, and ruthless, and violent, but the Technoblade you knew was not the man all the gossipers of L'manburg claimed he was.
The man you loved was very sentimental and kind. He loved animals, and every morning he woke up at the crack of dawn to go out and care for his pets in the freezing early morning temperatures of the tundra. He was gentle, treating each animal like they were special in their own way (which, to him, they were).
The man you loved was thoughtful and considerate. You couldn't count the amount of times he'd helped you reach something, or pull out your chair for you at the dinner table, or wait for you to come to bed so you both could fall asleep together. He was so careful with you, holding you tightly to his chest as you both slept.
The man you loved was fiercely loyal and held many strong beliefs. As a friend, he was the best ally one could have-- he would fight day in day out to protect those were in his friend circle. And as a lover, this was even truer than ever-- his face lit up whenever he saw you, and he always tried not to go out for more than a couple days, lest he leave you be with his animal friends for too long. His kisses were gentle, yet full of so much love you could barely comprehend it. His belief system was simple and understandable, yet also strong: fuck the government. He believed that every single person should be free, that laws only held people back. The only role government played in people's lives was that of oppression and control, wanting to take from the people and never give back.
The man you loved was reliable. You knew that, no matter what, you could always count on him for anything, whenever that was just simply having your back in any given situation or fighting hard to save you.
Technoblade was many, many things, but he most certainly not a vicious, unfeeling monster.
You softly sigh as you pretend to ignore the stares, the whispers, as you walk to your place of work-- the L'manburg Memorial Library. It had been a few months, and by now, you were used to it. You may be small, and maybe more than a little shy, but you weren't about to let a bunch of people who knew nothing about you or your lover get a reaction out of you.
Techno had tried to convince you a few times to quit your job and just stay at home, but you wouldn't let him have it. You liked it too much, and plus there wasn't much else someone like you could do.
You loved books. You always had your entire life-- instead of interacting with the other kids in your class or sometimes even focusing during lectures, you'd have your face stuffed in a book. That was what got you and Techno closer, actually-- he was a bit of a bibliophile himself, so when you two first met, you would share your favorite books with each other and talk about them for hours.
You sit yourself behind the front desk in front of the somewhat small library-- L'manburg didn't have a lot of books, since a lot of them were burned, destroyed or otherwise lost during wars long past. The trip from the tundra was far, but in your eyes, it was worth it. This was the only place you really liked in L'manburg-- Techno had opened your eyes to a lot of things, and while you weren't quite an anarchist yourself, you could definitely see their point of view and sympathize with them.
No one really comes in, either-- so usually you just sit and read all day, help the occasional visitor and enjoy your time here. Today was no different, as you opened up to where you had left off in the book you were reading currently.
The day went on as usual, and as the sun started to set, you headed out and back to your home out in the snow.
As soon as get through the door, you're immediately lifted off the ground in big strong arms, kisses peppering all over your face. You giggle and laugh, holding onto your beloved as he welcomes you home.
"Hehe, hi," you softly giggle, smiling as your pointed ears twitch a little, and your face turns a soft pink.
"Missed you today," he rumbles, his deep voice rumbling like an earthquake against your skin.
"You always miss me," you tease him, placing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"Of course I do, angel," he says softly between kisses lined along your neck and jawline, "You're the light of my life, 'course I miss you when you leave."
You sigh softly, happily, and he leans in to give you a proper kiss to your lips, soft and slow but so full of love and adoration.
Yes, Technoblade was ruthless at times-- he was cunning, smart, dangerous to his enemies, but he was also so, so much more than that.
And you would rather have no other life than being his lover.
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someonestolemyshoes · 3 years
Hey! First of all, I'd like to say that I love your works on AO3! "Fifteen Minutes With You" (or smth along those lines) was one of the first fics of levihan I read, and I loved it!
Anyway, a couple of sentence prompts that've been rolling around in my head. I'll add some detail, but feel free to use or discard anything. Writing is tricky lol!
"What if I (insert bad deed)?"
"I'll love you just the same"
"And if I (do smth bad)?"
"I'll love you just the same."
I was feeling a childhood levihan thing goin on here, maybe angsty? Idk
And fluffiness
"Wow! It's been 4 days!"
"I last bathed!"
Aaah hello! Thank you so much, I’m always pleasantly surprised to find people who read my Levihan fics from back in the day :D it brings me so much joy, you’ve no idea. 
I decided to go with the bath prompt - though admittedly, it ended up far less fluffy and far more angsty than I intended, I hope you can enjoy it regardless! 
"Oi, shitty glasses. Hange."
No response.
Levi stands in the doorway, shoulder-leaning the frame and glowering into Hange's cluttered quarters. He has been calling her name for the better part of five minutes now, but Hange, hunched over her desk with her nose mere inches from the leaf of parchment she is scribbling on, had failed to notice him.
He kicks his boot against the door, and the resounding bang is enough to catch her attention. She jumps a little in her chair, and turns quickly to the door. She relaxes when her gaze lands on him.
"You scared me."
Levi grunts. "You didn't come to dinner.”
Hange blinks at him. Her gaze travels to the window, where the sky beyond had grown dark save for a speckle of stars and the thin smile of a wispy moon.
"I forgot.” 
Levi rolls his eyes, pushing off the door frame.
"You forgot lunch, too." And breakfast, and countless meals over the last few days, weeks. Months, maybe.
She hums absently, turning back to her papers. "I've been busy. Lost track--I don't know how Erwin had enough time in the day to do everything."
Levi gives a noncommittal grunt and picks his way towards the desk, avoiding haphazard piles of books and papers and discarded scrolls, small, disorganised mountains of debris that must have made some semblance of sense to Hange. Even as he watches, she twists in her chair and reaches blindly into one pile, plucking up a stack of papers and dropping them onto the desk with a sigh.
Levi stops beside the desk, arms folded over his chest to look at her.
Up this close, Hange looks tired. It isn't an unusual sight--Hange has been prone to fits of research-fuelled insomnia for as long as Levi has known her, so easily side-tracked by her every theory and scheme that basic needs like sleep and sustenance often took a back seat. But there is something unsettling to her exhaustion, these days. There is no manic glint in her eye, no exaggerated waving or yelling, no aroused flush to her cheeks; recently, Hange is always pale, skin papery at best, but waxy and sickly more often than not. Her shoulders sag over the desk, shirt hanging more loosely over her frame than Levi remembers, and there's a near constant tremor to her fingers that barely ceases even as she presses pen to paper, scribbling notes and signatures on countless forms presented by countless people.
Her gaze is fixed dully on the newest expense report, now. The low orange light of her lamp flickers in the lenses of her glasses; fire dances on a matt black backdrop over her left eye, where the patch is strapped firmly in place. Her right is half closed, exhaustion pulling at the lid, the skin beneath is puffy and bruised deep purple. Her lips, dry and cracked, shift almost imperceptibly as she mouths the words on the page, reading quickly, scratching her signature where needed and flipping to the next page.
"There's food," he says, leaning his hip on the corner of the desk. "Stew, and the brats hid some bread from Sasha. Go eat something."
"In a minute," Hange mumbles. Levi huffs, and pinches the top of the quill, plucking it out of Hange's grasp. It's a testament to her exhaustion, that her fist keeps the motion of writing for a second too long before realising she is no longer making a mark on the paper. With a tired sigh, she sits back, and levels her tired gaze on Levi.
"In a minute," she says again, holding her hand out for the pen. "Let me finish these first."
"Eat. It'll still be here when you get back."
She looks very much like she wants to argue. Levi watches the way her brow creases in the middle, the way her eye pinches, narrowing at him, the way her hands ball into white-knuckled fists against her thighs. But she's tired. She is bone tired, and the righteous energy saps from her within seconds. She deflates, and brings a hand up to rub at her eye, knocking her glasses up to her forehead as she does.
Levi almost wishes she had fought with him instead. There's a terrible, gnawing guilt, seeing her like this--seeing the way the weight of his choice bears down on her. Hange is a worthy Commander, of that, Levi is certain--Erwin never would have chosen her if he didn't believe the same.
But things have changed. The world has changed. And what it means to be Commander of the Survey Corps has morphed into something unfathomable larger and more complex than what it was before. It is unchartered territory, and Hange has been thrown into waters black and bottomless.
Hange pushes her bangs back from her face with both hands. The hair, limp with grease, sticks in place, and even Hange seems surprised, pulling her hands back and looking almost curiously at her palms.
"Huh. Its been four days."
She gives him a look, then, and there's a flash of something old and familiar in her eye. She quirks the corner of her mouth in a grin.
"Since I bathed."
Levi swiftly raises his arm, and Hange flinches, but the curled fist that thunks atop her head is almost gentle. She blinks up at him in surprise.
"Disgusting. I'll hose you down after you eat."
Hange sits cross-legged in the tub, while Levi's fingers scrub soap suds into her scalp. The bathroom is mostly dark, save for the flicker of lamplight and the pale, foggy glow from the moon through the window.
She is quiet while he cleans her. She had eaten some food, though not as much as he would have liked; sipped at the stew and picked half heartedly at the bread the kids had painstakingly secured. It was better than nothing, but Levi finds his gaze travelling from the top of her soapy head to her bony shoulders, and to the knotted curve of her spine. He can see the shift of her ribs beneath her skin, and when she obediently leans her head back for him to rinse the suds from her hair, he can see twin points of bone at her hips, the skin brutally bruised from the pressure of their belts.
Something unpleasant rolls in his gut.
"Turn around."
Hange does, twisting until she is facing him and re-crossing her legs. Levi dips a cloth into the warm bath water and begins the meticulous process of scrubbing her down, starting at her shoulders. Hange dutifully extends first one arm, and then the other, and it is while Levi is thumbing at the grime between her fingers that she hums, tucking her knees to her chest and resting her chin upon them.
"It's been a while," she says, voice soft in the quiet. Levi moves on to the next finger; Hange's hands, like his, are calloused across her palms and at the tips of her fingers, from years of using the triggers on the manoeuvre gear. They are rough, but her fingers are longer and thinner than his own, and limp in his hand like this, they look almost delicate.
Levi hums in question.
"Since we did this."
Levi makes another non-committal sound. Things have been hectic, since everything that happened at Shiganshina. A whirlwind of learning, adapting, planning, everything moving at such a dizzying pace that moments like this had been all but abandoned.
Moments of peace, of quiet; moments where the world falls still and time slows to barely a trickle, they are a rarity none of them have been able to afford.
Levi dips the cloth in the water and rinses the soap from Hange's hands.
"We've been busy," he says. You've been busy, is what he thinks, but his guilt would sit too far forward, if he said it like that; it would be too brazen, and he knows already that his apology is not what Hange wants to hear. He made his choice, and now he has to live with the consequences. There is no room for regret.
Hange sits back when Levi brings the cloth down over her chest, crossing her legs so he can wash over her belly and sides.
"It's nice," she says. "I forgot. How nice it was."
"For you, maybe," Levi says. He taps her knee, and Hange hook her leg out over the side of the tub. Levi adds more soap to the cloth and smooths it over her thigh.
Hange lets out a low chuckle. "Just another floor to mop for you, huh?"
"The floors don't get this filthy."
He is careful around her knee, where scar tissue from a recent wound is still forming. It is tender to the touch, he knows, but Hange makes no complaints when he touches it. She lets out a pleasant little groan when his fingers knead into her calves, toes curling.
Levi washes over her foot, then taps the sole, and Hange draws one leg back in and raises the other one, and the process starts again. It is methodical and familiar; strangely comforting, in the mess of everything. They've been battered with new information, faced with a world that is so vastly different from anything they had imagined before, burdened with the  insurmountable task of exploring it, of finding their place in it--all of this new, all of this frightening.
But this; this is an old tale. They have danced this dance for years, muscle memory leading them in each step. Shiganshina changed some things--Levi is more gentle in places than he used to be, careful cleaning the thickened, still healing skin on her back where Bertolt's titan had burned her. He used to dump water over her head like a dog, bit back smiles at the way she would cough and sputter and stare indignantly through her hair at him, but now is he careful to keep water from dripping into her bad eye. He slides the cloth over her face with more consideration, avoiding too much contact with the tender tissue above and below her clouded, milky eyeball. The swelling has lessened considerably over time, but the wound will remain raw for a long while to come.
When he is done, he helps her stand, and rinses her down with a pale of clean water before offering a hand to help her step from the tub. Standing up to full height, Levi can see the extent of the way her body has changed. She has always been a rake of a thing, all straight lines and sharp edges, but she has always seemed strong and sturdy. Something steady, dependable.
Now,  she seems fragile in a way Levi has never known her to be. There is no room left for her to bend; too much pressure, and he fears she will snap, splinter into a million pieces he cannot hope to fit back together again.
He holds a towel for her. Hange takes it with a small, grateful smile, and wraps it around herself, then leans back against the edge of the tub and bows her head. Levi scrubs at her hair with a second towel, ringing as much water from it as he can.
She dries herself half heartedly  and pulls on the spare shirt Levi had brought for her while her back and shoulders are still damp. The fabric sticks to her, highlights the protruding bones of her spine when she bends over to tug on her pants.
Once fully dressed, Hange stretches, popping her back as she does, and rolls her shoulders, her neck. She gives Levi a lazy, pleased smile.
"I needed that," Hange says. Levi clicks his tongue.
"I know. You stank."
Hange laughs, a light, airy thing.
"Always so kind, Levi," she says tunefully. She seems loose, more relaxed than Levi has seen her in what feels like forever. Her shoulders sit lower not bunched up about her ears, and her face isn't so pinched or strained. It's a relief.
It's short lived.
"I should get back," she says.
"You should sleep."
She shrugs a shoulder at him, waves a hand.
"Later," she says. Even as she speaks, Levi can see the tension rising in her; the respite of a bath and a hot meal had been brief, and already the weight is reloading. Her burden grows heavier by the second.
"A few hours, Hange. The paperwork will still be there when you wake up."
"And there will be more, no doubt," she says. "I'll get further behind than I am already."
There is no more room for negotiation. Levi can only count himself lucky that he managed to get this far with her, to do this much. He schools his face into a neutral expression and nods, scooping to pick up her wet towel and dropping it into the laundry basket as he follows her out of the bathroom.
Levi refuses to regret his choice. He made the right decision in Shiganshina, and he will not doubt himself for that.
But the tight, nauseous knot in his stomach does not ease. He watches Hange settle back into her desk chair, strap her eye patch over her still-damp hair, and bow herself over the pile of papers she had abandoned on the desk, and the sickening unease swells to his chest, pushing the air from his lungs.
He made the choice to condemn Erwin to death. He will do everything he can to ensure he has not done the same thing to her.
Thank you again for the ask!! If anyone else has prompts, please feel free to send them :) I can’t promise I’ll fill everything, but it’s a fun exercise 
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