#or just admit you're petty shippers
ghostofhyuck · 2 months
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NCT Dream when they're jealous at your interaction with a male k-idol. 
AN: This time, I added specific male idols to spice up a little bit, AND in this scenario, dreamies and reader are in a secret relationship instead. ^^ I also spin the wheel in this one LMAOOO so the idols are random
Mark Lee
You had a small collab stage with Treasure's Jihoon. It's a dance performance and while it's not that intimate, (you two just danced together, that's it.) it's enough to think that you two enjoyed the collab stage because at the end of the performance, you two looked at each other and smiled. On the backstage, Mark was watching it with arms crossed, and lips tightly sealed. The Dreamies are teasing him for being jealous even though he tries to deny it numerous times.
Huang Renjun
Your group are in the same table with Enhypen. There's so much awkwardness with the two groups, when camera suddenly shifted to you and Enhypen's Jake, making the crowd screamed. You only waved and so did Jake. THEN the camera shifted to Renjun who's staring angrily at the void. Of course, the crowd screamed again that's when Renjun noticed that the camera's on him, he quickly smiled at wave, brushing off the feeling of jealousy that he's FARRRRR away from you. When you two met, you teased Renjun for being jealous.
Lee Jeno
You and Bang Chan from Stray Kids went viral because of his manners. Your group sat in front of Stray Kids, and all of you were wearing knee-length dresses. You're the leader that's why you let your members wear the blankets provided. Bang Chan noticed it and was quick to notify the staff for another blanket, and when he received it, he gave it to you. It only took the news to be viral for Jeno to learn about it. "If only we were near you, I would've give you my coat instead," he said and you only laughed because his jealousy is showing.
Lee Donghyuck
"Was the conversation fun?" Haechan taunted when you met him backstage. You raised an eyebrow, but then remember that the camera caught you and Riize's Eunseok having a conversation. You mean no harm since you and Eunseok are under SM and was close when you two were trainees. "Take your jealousy somewhere Hyuck," you taunted back at your boyfriend, knowing how to fight back with his pettiness. In the end, Haechan apologizes and admits that he was jealous.
Na Jaemin
"Here," you turned around and saw Jaemin holding a confetti. "He didn't removed all of it," he added. You suddenly remember that Ateez Mingi removed the confetti from your hair. You noticed it and thanked him as a courtesy. "He's trying to hit on you," Jaemin pouts. You only laughed at your sulking boyfriend, hugging him and assuring him that it was nothing for him to worry about.
Zhong Chenle
The Boyz was performing and when it was Juyeon's part, it suddenly shifted to you who's clapping and singing along the song. You were surprised but tried to play it off and ignoring the camera. It did sparked rumors and gain shippers, but it did made your boyfriend jealous "It should been our performance." he said. You told him that there's nothing to be jealous about.
Park Jisung
You're the host of the show along with TXT' Soobin, the script was written with the intention of you two having a lot of interactions. So during the award show, you two interacted A LOT and it did gain a lot of reactions from the public, saying that you two had a lot of chemistry. But what's surprising was that Soobin tried to hit on you after the show. "That's nice," Jisung bitterly said as you show him the text message. "But you're taken already." He teases. "Of course I am," you smiled, giving Jisung a bear hug.
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byghostface · 4 months
Look I dunno what this Daminika shipping drama is all about. (I followed you because I like your Rayllum art).
but it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
We should only call the actual crime of pedophilia that and not use the word like a petty insult. Also all this rage gave me the impression that Jon/Damian was like a super twisted ship or something but I googled it and they are 17 and 13 y.o. which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia. they are both teens and people draw them looking the same age in fan art anyway.
If you are not in the dc fandom then maybe don't speak on something you think you know.
But it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
Damian and Jon always have 3 years age gap, even before dc age up Jon, they are like 13 and 10, And after age up(Jon is stuck in space had lived through years and is back on earth) they are now 14 and 17. In most of the fan art, you see people who draw them looking the same age pre-age up, because Damian is really short at 13. And people started to ship them when Jon is 10 year old child. You don't date a child when you're a teen, or date a 14 year old teen and being a college student, that is weird.
In the current comic Jon Kent has a boyfriend-Jay Nakamura(Gossamer) whom he met in college and still happily dating.( then there are racist thing ppl would said about Jay on twitter just bc he is a Japanese character and the other shipper use that to attack him too bc they doesn't like Jayjon as a ship )
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-[Action Comics v1 1059 (2024)]-Artist: Marguerite Sauvage-
As an asexual, I mostly headcanon Nika and Damian as nonbinary and asexual. And a lot of the ppl who like Daminika see them as trans for trans too.
You said you followed me for my rayllum art. So you don’t know what the characters I’m talking about, have been drawing about in dc fandom. In my previous vent post is referring to the weird age gap ship, and the maturity of different ages and mentalities when characters are being ship together. And that ship's shippers + incest proshippers are being misogyny towards Nika relentlessly. It's not about against mlm ship, or being homophobic like you claimed.
Maybe you are young and see the fanart and can't think clearly what the issue is. That I can understand, because a few years ago(when I was young and dumb!! and didn't/unable to use my brain to think clearly!!!) I used to think the weird age gap was nothing but now I'm looking back and regret the weird ship I used to ship and draw (Toph and Sokka), I don't ship them anymore + Suki x Sokka superior!!
I have deleted some of Toph and Sokka art and the remaining ones have changed titles and tags to platonic sense. I didn't delete them all because they are still part of my (dumb and reckless!!!) art journey and the things that I'm now getting over and will not ever draw as a ship again.
Which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia.
You admit that would be weird irl and yet tired to dismiss me when I express my uncomfortableness and wanting those ppl to leave the characters(Nika & Respawn) I care about alone. If you are the type of proshipper that says fictional doesn't affect reality… then stop talking to me + invalid opinions‼️ (don't affect reality?? Of course it is! You are a person in reality who argues with me about fiction and conception/representation that affect all of us)
Like I said in my vent post, I never want to interact with them and I don't go into their page or cross ship tags and comments on things or anything related to their ships before. And this is the first time I have spoken up and tried to defend Nika here on Tumblr. Because I'm the only one constantly making contents about her and love her as a character and the only person here on Tumblr who wants to talk about/express my love for her through my art for nearly three years.
And I can't speak up when they want to tools Nika and Respawn for their own ships and set them up as toxic made up characters in their head?!? And I should let that kind of blunt lies disguise as "playful! fun even!!" fanon and let it slip and damage Nika and Respawn's character!?!?? And let that MISOGYNY energy towards Nika fly into fanfic further misconception both of their character and personalities?!??? Similar things that had happened to Talia being constantly demonized through racism and misogyny by fanon?!?!?? A reappear theme by shipper/yaoi incest proshipper tools her as a bad Asian mom to make a sad and twisted background for Damian to need to be protected by the characters they ship him with?!??
Not all of the shippers/fic writers do this but still, I'm meant by the misconception fanons that spin out of control… then SOMETIMES THE ACTUAL COMICS WRITES(different ones/weird ones) WOULD MAKE IT CANON AND DAMAGE THE CHARACTERS‼️IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE‼️‼️
I know the shippers and the fandom will always be there because of the internet. And I can't control it, so I set up boundaries now by speaking up and defend my favorite characters while I still can.
You can comment under this post if you still disagree with me(unless you're a proshipper then stop interacting with me‼️), and don't hide behind anonymity before you understand what I'm talking about and don't twist my words for your own comfort.
(Again, sorry if you are not in the dc fandom and catching strays of my discomfort and anger. But I love Nika too much so I had to speak in my page)
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weaselbeaselpants · 10 months
PSA but if you see someone say "I don't approve pedo/incest/ect go to jail" who still calls themselves 'proship' -bcuz Idk they like Lore Olympus or Twilight or some villain/hero shit- they are not a pedophile or an endorser of creepy shit just because you want them to be. You are not actually being critical, you are being petty and reactive and not listening to reason
Use your actual fucking reasoning skills, assess what it is they advocate for in fandom and if they clearly are into some Shane Dawson-type bullshit, THEN you can call them out for what they are. Which is a creep. They are a creep. But no a person who just really like Reylo has bad tastes is not an inherent racistpsycho incest lover just because you have decided that's what all the ppl who like that ship are.
This is why I hate the goddamn anti v proship debate; both sides' of this mandated battle line are ignoring the real problem at hand and prioritize their own feelings and trauma over what they're trying to fight for. Understandable? Sure, but that doesn't mean you aren't just running your wheels with other online twits at best:
Antiantis/Pro-shippers: "You're using progressive langauge to be aggressive and gatekeeping other people because of it; let people like what they want stopbeingsosenstive >:( " -> *proceeds to equate internet squabbles to purity culture of the 80s/spends all time shitting on other people's traumas/becomes fandom mom*
Antishippers: "We need to protect vulnerable people and minors and not let vile shit be romanticized! >:( " -> *proceeds to label anyone who don't subscribe to their exact internet standards pedophiles/misuses critical thinking skills to mean 'what I don't like'/becomes fandom mom*
meanwhile, are KiwiFarms or Shadbase or any of those nasty people who post literal csa ab*se and zoo being dealt with? No.
Minors are no safer and boundaries with or about fiction aren't being actually drawn or even discussed. It's just people putting up their own emotional/mental barricades WHILE they throw a nasty blanket on the other side. None of you are gonna believe me anyway and I'm probably gonna get more shit for just tagging both ur guys' tags anyway but I'm telling you:
I've had "antis" who totally admit to loving problematic ships and a lot and really don't like the absolutist dogpiling on Princess Weekes for daring to be a zutarra shipper.
I've known "proshippers" who will block you onsight if they see a hint of incest or legit underage-character advocacy. I know so many proshippers who hate Lore Olympus and Helluva Boss' shipping
You are ALL acting upon your experiences with bad people (probably people going through their own trauma, depression, selfcare, but still) and reacting as tho it's worst case scenario ALL THE TIME. Not cool. I'm not ur fucking mom or telling u how to cope with your own fantrauma and selfcare. What I'm telling you is this is not as mature or brave or empowering as you guys all think it is- you just sound sad.
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lemonhemlock · 10 months
Another discourse I've seen going on recenlty re: Helaena is this idea that shipping her with a man is somehow devaluing her worth as a woman, that she's more than that, i.e. a plot device for a man's suffering. Of course 90% of this kind of "criticism" is directed towards Helaemond and the possibility about it becoming canon and it's mainly coming from, Helaegons and Alysmonds. But do they not see how the exact same argument can be made in their case? I mean quite a few Helaegons come up with headcanons and scenarios about possible interactions between Helaena and Aegon in S2 yet no one is losing their minds over how those possible scenes are going to reduce Helaena's character in favor of Aegon, nor should they. I can, for example, say that a scene in which he's nice to her is whitewashing his character to the audience who'll probably remember him as just a rapist. See how this works? It's insane logic. Same for Alys and Aemond: except for her (very possible) interactions with Daemon that she's going to have in S2 the rest of her storyline revolves mostly around Aemond and her relationship with him and even after his death this continues through their son. Yet I'm not seeing the argument and 100 pages essays that shippers are devaluing Alys and making her character solely about Aemond? Or that they're using her to woobify him, and trust me, you can make the argument that this is what some are doing!
It's a very hypocritical attitude and, frankly, is just the latest way for people to sound pretentious and intellectual when they could simply say "I dislike this ship and I don't want it to become canon" instead of coming up with this kind of crap.
Anyway, I guess my point is that a character's arc will inevitably revolve around other characters and the relationships they will have with them (AND THIS IS FINE!! this is how stories work!) so therefore it's very disingenuous for people to claim that X ship can only be about whitewashing a man's character or a mean for his character growth while devaluing the woman. Like Helaena loses her son because of Aemond's murder of Lucerys (yes, it's Daemon's fault for hiring B&C but still, it was a consequence of Aemond's actions and let's face it, he will blame himself for it in the show, will feel responsible for her grief and will seek revenge against Daemon for it), she's Aegon's wife, yet people are expecting that others should only explore and ship a certain relationship - Helaegon - because one it's canon, and condemn the other - Helaemond because it's not canon and, in their opinion, its only purpose will be Aemond's character growth? Like people can genuinely like Helaemond, it's not some conspiracy to make Aemond look better.
Anonymous asked: Ok just to clarify something in my previous ask since I didn't word it as I should have and I know is going to cause some problems: I didn't mean that the ones who came up with the whole "shipping Helaena with a man is devaluing her" mess are ALL Helaegons and Alysmond shippers and defenders, but rather that they're basically sounding the same as the people who came up with it and that they're directing their ire at Helaemonds (for reasons I already explained). Sorry about this misunderstanding and you can ignore this message!!
I agree that it's a very disingenuous and insincere argument. You can say the same about any character in any ship ever. So if it applies to all of them, then it's not relevant for any of them. You're right in saying it's just a pretentious attempt to intellectualize their irrational dislike of helaemond, which is, for all intents and purposes, a random and innocuous ship. This level of mental gymnastics is so unnecessary; just admit you don't like something and move on. Christ. We all have stuff we don't really care for and sometimes the reason is just petty or dumb. Sure, it's still annoying for the enjoyers of that thing to read/hear some asinine motivation others might have for their dislike, but it's miles better being honest about it than trying to come off as 'superior' or 'deep' for being a hater.
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davekat-sucks · 2 years
I think it would suck horribly to be friends with trolls if you're human (hell even a troll). Tavros and Xefros being the exception and a few others, most are just so violent and mean and would probably murder you over the pettiness of shit. Take a look at friendsim, see how majority of them would kill someone and have no problem with it. Trolls are instinctually a violent species, not peaceful and I'm wondering how the hell the adjusted to human customs in comic? Kanaya obsessively watches Rose, Karkat was obsessive over Terezi, Equius tried to Force Aradia to love him, Vriska tormented Tavros, point is it's natural for them to take things to the extreme even if it would hurt their love interest or friends. Isn't it IRONIC that out of my examples Eridan was the most emotionally mature about his feelings? The bar really is that low. Sure he bugged (ha pun) everyone but at least stopped after he was rejected. Even with the whole joining Jack bullshit he was giving Feferi an option to come with him. He didn't kill her because of rejection, he killed her out of self defense and even tried to apologize to her when dead, he feels remorse for his actions. Karkat fucked up big time and admits it, he do nothing to diffuse anything and was focused on Terezi pussy. Trolls are a terrifying species and they would not be soft and cute are they are so commonly portrayed you'd have to be crazy to even date one
If not only biologically that they are violent creatures, but the living conditions that the trolls had to go through was also hell that it is instincts first before logic and reason. Anything and anyone could kill you at a drop of a dime. Whether it is from the wild animals that live by or to the literal acid rain that pours down the planet. Trolls, when they start as wrigglers, need to rely on their lusus being strong and smart against the ecosystem of their planet. They have advance technology, but the start of how they raised are feral for the most, even for highbloods since they are born in the same caverns as other trolls have. Eridan could have used his highblood status to make others like him. But he never did. He had power close to Feferi's, but never used it to force it on others. Sort of surprising people look past Equius making Aradia love him via a robot programming. Yes he does get his beat shit out of him and a kiss that ended to be a joke, since they weren't really together together. But also not even Aradia speaks to Equius again when he became ARquiusprite. So it shows much how Aradia cared little about Equius too, in both pre and post retcon. Tavros and Xefros would definitely be the only exception of trolls being the nicest and would not harm anyone, not even a fly. People may try to point Nepeta, but they forget she is a hunter. Crazy cute cat shipper girl hunts animals herself for meat and paint. She hunts using her own biological instincts that she honed and trained for sweeps. Nepeta would prefer to hunt a rabbit that shows up in your local town than get it from some grocery store, because the meat is better fresh when they were alive than placed in some fridge for who knows how long. Most fantrolls, especially in the nu-fandom, always go for the route of "trolls rebelling because the hemospectrum system is bad" as the easy way out for why their trolls are more nice and heroic. They want to avoid everything that makes Alternia the way it is or why we were interested in trolls in the first place. We liked the trolls because they were alien and foreign that their lives are different than ours that they accepted their horrible planet as it is. But now, people just think of trolls as just GREY HUMANS. They are not these unique cool aliens anymore. It sucks!
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salad-juice-enjoyer · 9 months
🔥1, 3, 13, 15, 18 and 25!
Soooooo, sorry for the late respsone. Better late than never I guess?
1) the character everyone gets wrong (RWBY)
Jaune Arc.
This is the all-encompassing "This character turned into the writer's self insert far too often and I hate it", but this particular case it's really painful since I actually enjoyed the canon Jaune, and finding anything good about him is a ~✨chore✨~.
3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr (Pro wrestling)
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It's specifically the last paragraph that has the nuclear stench, but I just don't think that blacklisting an alleged rape victim and publicly smearing them because you happen to be friends with the alleged rapist isn't just the sort of thing you can sweep under the rug with "oH hE's GrOwN uP nOw".
13) worst blorboficiation (Transformers)
I'm being petty here: because yes, I do understand why people like him: the only major series antagonist that isn't Megatron or related to him (Japanese G1 notwithstanding), a striking design and personality, and Matt Mercer's voice? What's not to like!
Except for the fact his popularity over his G1 counterpart helps with the erasure of Blaster, my own blorbo.
15) that one thing you see in fanart all the time (Warhammer 40K)
Guilliman/Yvraine art that portrays the latter as Submissive Elf Tradwaifu like she isn't a former aspect warrior, warlock, corsair, and Commorrite gladiator at the very fucking least.
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on... (Transformers)
The Unicron trilogy. Granted, I'm guilty of that myself since I haven't watched it yet, but it would neat to see more stuff based on it.
25) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing (MCU)
Stucky shippers complaining about being queerbaited: 1. ROFLMAO imagine admitting to being queerbaited by the white live-action Disney men 🤣🤣🤣 2. I already kvetched about my actual gripe with Stucky shippers here.
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mami-kouga0 · 7 years
Just going to drop this. Doubt it'll be seen, but still dropping this
I don't care for Diankko. I'm not tagging this out of the ship since I can't have my own peace when I look for annko posts. However, I don't care for any ship that isn't mine. I'm a huge naruhina shipper, but when I found out narusaku was a thing I simply ignored it because I don't give a shit about it, I disliked Sakura long before I found out the ship was a thing so I didn't even acknowledge her as a possible love interest. So here's my bone of contention, you can hate Andrew. You can hate him for being rude to Akko in the beginning, but don't hate him for existing or 'getting in the way of your ship'. News Flash, the writers can do what they want, even if their making it for general consumption it's still their story and they have full liberty to do what they want with it, it won't satisfy everyone regardless . If they decide to have an ambiguous relationship end they will, if they decide to pair Akko up with either Diana or Andrew they will, if they decide to have Akko just up and reject them both they will. You barely lose anything from a series if your ship doesn't become canon and I wish more people would learn this instead of acting like melodramatic fucks (I'm fucking looking at you Voltron, Yuri on Ice and Tokyo Ghoul fandom). Please stop acting like your ship is set in stone. You have full liberty to get excited about your ship I'd you really like it but: 1. You can speculate but a million and one things can happen and your ship might never sail. I'm mostly saying, don't put down other ships because of your ship because yours might not even be the one to sail. 2. Hating a character who is actually being a good friend and person over a ship is pretty darn stupid. But of course that he helped out your precious ship in the last episode will go over your darn heads. 'He's a possible threat! Hate him!!' Smh Top it all, when I look through his tag for cute fanart or the like I have to go through the standard overzealous shipper post and it just makes me wish Diana pulls an oban star racers and ascends to a higher plain of existence where she can never meet Akko again out of spite despite me not even disliking her. Tl;dr - Don't pretend as if you dislike Andrew for any other reason than shipping pettiness. Don't ruin the show you western fans asked for just because your values dissonance turn you into SJW, who really do not understand what the term homophobic means in contrast to 'I have a different ship'. Keep your hate out of the tags, I know half of you know how to.
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frogwheeler · 2 years
ah where to start with these two....
(specifically) pertaining to mike and will's dynamic this season so far demonstrated in volume 1
*you have been warned*
for some reason I stand oddly/surprisingly confident in byler coming together or at least it being set up for season 5.
But I definitely do agree with the wording behind some critics reviews referring to their dynamic as "anxious" or "oblivious" or "the duffers could have pushed more on their storyline especially will's as a character in general"
The duffers dipped their toes in the kitty pool, if they ARE going in the direction of byler (which would make the most sense) I would hope and wouldn't be surprised if they used the time inbetween volumes' 1 and 2's release (pride month) to hint at a future upcoming in byler.
I feel the reason there was no Cali gang in episode 7 happened for a reason, like a directorial choice: in some TV shows they will focus on a particular subplot of the series for an episode (usually) to then in the following episode show the unseen of the other storyline that was happening during all of the events that were shown to the audience. I believe that is what the duffers chose to do as a way of separating Jane's story from mike and will's to mainly focus on their developments as characters SEPARATELY and hint toward a confession or proper set up for season 5 between mike and will.
If they choose to go in that direction I'd expect the dynamics of their relationship to reach a head and be a focal point in season 5, most likely towards the end of the season a possible kiss or even a proper establishment with (I'm hoping with Mike's "can't communicate his feelings ass") of their relationship
To me, and a good majority of viewers/byler believers or shippers, It would make sense considering the show's history with couples that they wait for the main couple/pairing/love triangle of the season to be resolved by/at the end
Which I feel @demadogs just explains it so well in
This season right out the gates shows the change in mike and el's relationship. Compared to a year and 3 months ago where we first left off with them.
Season 3 Mike vs season 4 eleven (not jane)
•In season 3:
The main troubling cause in mike and el's relationship is the fact that mike keeps on insisting on lying to Eleven instead of being upfront and honest about his feelings to her (in the most petty arguments might I just add), even after admitting he needed to learn to trust eleven more, but he still chose to go to the lengths of avoiding his feelings entirely when they were brought up to his face (mike and eleven's last conversation in the cabin)
The liar: mike
The lied to: eleven
•In season 4:
The tables appear to be switched this season as the person insisting on lying to their partner Is El towards her describing her situation in California to mike. Even going as far as to try and entice Will on going along with her *flawed* plan (which he strongly protests against and ends up telling mike anyway, he just can't lie to him can he)
The liar: eleven
The lied to: mike
mike can still be considered a "liar" in this case based on how he tried to switch the situation on to El when he was confronted on his lack there of, usage of the word love not only to eleven's face but also refusal to write it down when he sends eleven letters: using "from" instead of "love" to his girlfriend el. But I genuinely don't believe that he sees how he's behaving in the situation as lying (I personally see it as more of more of temporary aexithymia; a difficulty in identifying and describing feelings and in distinguishing feelings; which is only temporary for him once he faces his problems instead of trying to push them off)
Mike's refusal to refer to El as jane
Though it may be a childhood nickname everyone refers to her as I still find it interesting: the correlation between mike's desire to "grow up" while still keeping things the same and his internalized homophobia.
in the buildup to the argument right before Jane calls Micheal out on never using the word love as she questions weather or not if Mike "loves her anymore", (because he's never said it to her. period. not in person. not in a letter when he couldn't even see her face to be nervous with constant reassurance from her that she reciprocates the feelings he can't seem to put to words for her) you hear mike reference Jane as 'el' a countless amount of times, almost as if they were highlighting his refusal to expect current situations and the new name she goes by now, so many times that there's this noticable hesitation from Jane before she goes off on mike.
I personally believe that mike saying he loved her that day in the cabin and that day only was a way to have people take him seriously and a way to prove his point in the argument when cornered by everyone and being called out (notice how he always manages to deflect the situation onto the other person when he's being rightfully called out? He did the same thing when will told him off for only calling "a few times") and a misinterpretation of the TYPE of love he feels for Jane
"don't let those mouth breathers ruin us"
This line in particular really stuck out to me as if reminded me of seasons 1 and 3 mike: the possessive mike and the mike that belittled Jane and used simple words to talk to her (which is understandable considering her vocabulary was very little), mike knows the term 'mouth breather' stuck with eleven and as I see it the writers chose that word specifically to showcase Mike's refusal to trust and allow eleven to grow in the relationship (as if he's gripping onto this idea of eleven and refusing to let go keeping things in these "on edge" tension arguments that never get resolved while she's transforming and coming to terms with who she is: Jane Hopper)
No matter how hard mike tired to push away these feelings and physical triggers (will's entire existence and Jane standing up for herself confronting him on his refusal to say to her face or even write in a letter that he loves her) these indescribable for him feelings only seemed to grow stronger and take over his entire mind this season on what he should do in the matter and what he should/"should've" said to El because he felt like maybe then she would've wanted his help with want she's going through, had he said what she WANTED him to, mike LITERALLY SAID THIS regardless of his confusion on his emotions.
The love El wants him to give vs the love he feels towards her because what if they don't like the truth (mike AND will were subjects of that conversation not just will)
Superhero el
Every time this season when Mike is referring to Eleven this season it's as a "superhero" or "someone who's saved the world" which also seems to be used as a counterargument for him as to why he couldn't not love Jane because she's a superhero.... Not like there's any OTHER way more valid reasons to use in the situation of your insecure girlfriend asking if you even live her or not.....ok micheal.
"what if I don't want to be whole" - Jane when having a conversation with Brenner about accepting all of her, the good and the bad, to get her powers back, to "be a superhero again", also what she writes in her letter to mike which is noticeably is followed by a "from, el" instead of "love, El" like her previous letters to mike which seems to take a tole on him sending him into a state of self wallowing and questioning what would have happened if he TOLD JANE WHAT SHE WANTED TO HEAR
Mike and Will's very obvious tension at the airport and roller rink
I am so so so so so so so so SO glad they had the first interaction of will and mike be MIKE acting like he barely knows will
I mean wtf was the "hey 😀 how's it going" *shoulder pat* like me AND will had the same sheer confusion and disbelief across are faces.
what I found most interesting about mike asking will about his painting: which does hold a strong representation of will's feelings for Mike. Is that mike was aware that will was painting, possibly for a girl, someone he might like as El stated in her letter, so I think when Mike asked will about his painting there was that tiny glimpse of hope that it could've been for him, but idk tho I could be reaching a little with that one, it's just something about that interaction struck out to me, he didn't bother to ask how he's been nor give him a proper hug just asked a shallow small talk question and immediately went to ask about his painting. which when you let that sink in from mike's perspective it does really seem to appear to be jealousy, a word one of the reviewers did use to accurately describe mike and will's dynamic this season.
Will's painting holds a strong significance to their story
We are shown that will didn't get to show mike his painting he made for him because he felt like an outside and a third wheel to mike and jane + Mike's constant projection of self reassurance insinuating that they're "friends" to subconsciously protect himself from the fact that it's "not the same" without will in hawkins and it wasn't until mike sat down and had a mature conversation with will and properly apologized to him that will regains enough courage to possibly make his feelings towards mike more clear in volume 2 (possibly in the episode that might focus on the Cali gang) which I love seeing will being more straightforward and already having been come to fill terms on how he feels towards mike and being ready to express those feelings.
Worst case scenario with this build up situation (which I don't believe will happen but I have seen it being discussed): this could be the set up to a possible "bury your gays" trope before we get any proper resolution between the two's undiscussed tension even after Mike's apology which I highly doubt they'll do because it takes a lot to sacrifice a main character after a confession 🤨
The apology scene held a strong parallel to the "crazy together" scene and the "not possible" scene which honestly surprised me that both the duffers and the characters were being so open in that moment. the reading each other's minds, the looks, the fucking looks bro, the being HONEST (which is clearly something the duffers are trying to implement is not something el and mike seem to be able to do), mike admitting 👏he 👏was👏 in👏 the wrong👏.
which i may add, mike wasn't able to do time and time again not only in arguments with eleven but also his argument in season 3 with will AND against at the roller rink making it seem like it was will's fault that he didn't call as often or write after will admitted to him open and honestly that he felt as if Mike barely wanted anything to do with him anymore to which mike got defensive and quickly added that El was his girlfriend then proceeded to ask Mike, "what about us?" (Now...) And mike says they're "friends." Which he repeats as if that's gonna change Will from hearing it the first time. Almost as if the writers were highlighting Mike's constant projecting....hmmm.....we know that argument hurt will deeply when he states that he and mike "used to be best friends" which mike took notice of without needing to be spelled out for him like last season (him paying more attention and opening his eyes) which makes him drop the situation entirely only for it to be brought back up again later.
honesty the whole scene was just ... :')
The scene makes you feel as though a since a relief has washed over the two of them, despite still lingering tension of undiscussed feelings they may, or may not have.
to me the scene was not only an apology but s subtle way of having MIKE be the one to admit that in the last year and especially when he got to California he was in denial at first pushing will away only to come back closer and stronger than they were before.
p.s. I love how the apology was written in the "dear billy" episode *sniffles*
Their connection seems to only grow stronger and closer with every conversation they have, rebuilding that trust and "best" friendship between the two after mike felt like he "lost" will after being caught up with Jane and will feeling like a "third wheel" and ignored when it's all 3 of them together which was continuously heavily implied when they were all together with the long shots on will's face after panning from mike and jane holding hands for example.
The duffers have a decision to make, it's a "will they-won't they" situation with these two which was very purposefully and clearly stated as soon as mike and will had their first interaction when Mike came to visit that the question would not be dragged into season 5 and would be answered by the end of the season of how they choose to proceed with the development in relationship between mike and will.
Obviously that decision was already made, no changing it now, that would be viewed as flip floppy (no pun intended on micheal) and lazy writing personally. we'll just have to wait and see, I feel very confident in the turn out and I'm encouraging other byler's to do the same, the season created a lead of misdirection and a conflict of internal feelings within the characters and the viewers watching the show which I'm sure was intended (in ways: my season 4 full review explains it all and my personal opinions on this)
To lose underestimating byler's romantic growth: the feeling you're feeling right now: like byler being set up romantically in the next volume is as good as taking a shot in the dark, that means there's something there to lose, something that's been developed that can't be ignored and had to come to an answer. There's no avoiding this.
Looks like we'll see the choice the duffers went with on July 1st ;)
but let's just say I won't put all my eggs in one basket.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
I say let Michael be both! Let him be sad and jealous (like we all know Alex was last season), but NOT petty. Let him go up to Alex and welcome him back regardless of Forrest being there. We can have the best of both worlds!
You're so right. I absolutely want pining Michael and seeing him be jealous when talking with Isobel but making sure he welcomes Alex back with a smile. He clearly knew Alex was coming back which means he had to have been in contact, and that gives me hope! I'm more salty about the fact that getting what I want (sad, pining, jealous Michael) not only feels unearned after the mess c*rina made of season 2, but is also going to bring out all the Michael haters (and f*rlex shippers) who want to see him sad and groveling and miserable and rejoicing that Alex finally has someone who will make him happy (where have we heard THAT before? Oh right! m*ria is a "breath of fresh air" and a "lighter" love story for Michael 🤢🤮) and I'm not about that. But I also kinda don't blame them because of how season 2 handled Michael and Alex's relationship to each other when they weren't in their own bubble (because maybe if Isobel saw Michael's actual heart eyes, she might not be on the m*luca train and then they might have to admit that it was a mistake 🙃). And because Alex wasn't allowed to have any emotions (that we were allowed to see) besides Supportive Bestie Who Is Probably Dying Inside But We Can't Point That Out Or People Will Get The Idea That M*ria Is A Bad Friend, Michael not being Perfectly Happy To Moderate Your Relationship With Someone Else looks like hypocrisy and again, brings out the Michael haters. I am happy to bury season 2 Michael and enjoy those trademark Vlamis Glassy Eyes(TM) and I can't wait for allll the longing stares and heart eyes and pining. I just wish it didn't feel so empty after the mess of season 2. But Chris and Co had a LOT of damage control to do and there was no way to get around this issue. Either Michael is sad/jealous/pining and people hate it because Alex wasn't allowed to be anything but happy and supportive, or they had Michael have zero emotions and be happy and supportive and...it would have been just as shitty and stupid and unsatisfying as it was with Alex. Personally, I'll take the glassy eyes and pining.
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writerfae · 3 years
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Modern AU Aiden and Callan hcs
the two get along pretty well, like at first Aiden was a bit distant because he still hadn't fully forgiven Henry for going with Callan and leaving him behind, therefore he was a bit wary of Cal, but now they have a good relationship
Aiden is pretty much like a brother to Callan at this point
founder and premium members of the Henry fanclub
they will team up for Henry's birthday every year to bake his favorite cake together
when they have a long car drive together they listen loudly to songs and even sing along together sometimes
and when I say sometimes I mean every time
they'll loudly singing along to Beyoncé and Taylor Swift and Queen songs and whatever. they legit will sing along to every pop song there is.
they make fun of Henry together when he's acting like an old man
Callan gives Aiden relationship advice
he legit knows more about Aiden's love life than Henry (Cal always wants to know everything and sometimes Aiden really does tell him xD)
he doesn't do it on purpose but Callan tends to mother Aiden a bit sometimes
Aiden sarcastically called Callan mom at least once
Henry and Callan's friend jokes sometimes that Aiden is like their child
Aiden, Callan and Henry had movie nights regularly
after Aiden moved out he still visits pretty often (he's also their go-to babysitter once they have Celene but that's for another time)
Cal and Aiden have an inside joke and it drives Henry and Talon mad that they don't get it
Aiden jokingly says "Callan, you're my favorite brother now." whenever he disagrees with Henry for a petty reason again
they are constantly trying to beat each other's highscore at a game app they both have
also there's a show they always watch together
it's one of those drama series and they just love to discuss it together. like who should go out with who and who's the hottest character in the show, stuff like that
Callan is the number one Taiden shipper, ever since day one (he made a bet with Henry at the start of Aiden's first high school year that they'll end up dating)
(I have that headcanon that modern Callan reads fanfiction and) when he hears that Aiden got a crush on Talon he was like "my otp is finally happening"
yes Aiden admitted to have a crush on Talon in front of Cal but he kept denying it afterwards
not exactly a hc between the two but related to it, Callan refers to Talon as lover boy ever since him and Aiden are dating
Callan was pretty bugged about the boys' relationship break. Henry was like "if I wouldn't know better I'd say you are the one whose relationship got put on pause"
on the other hand, he legit screamed when he heard about Aiden and Talon getting engaged
general tag list: @deadlycupid @writing-is-a-martial-art @writingamongther0ses @blueinkblot @wildswrites @abiandwriting @theroyalcoven @7devills @myhusbandsasemni @authortango @sleepy-night-child @charleeyy @formulatingfiction @shiishki @gr3y-heron
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
You don't want to be compared to taekook lives, I understand. I don't think you're the same as her, she's bad bad bad. You somtimes just get lost in your own theories and end up contradicting yourself. TK Lives has a whole video on how BTS discussing mint chocolate/no mint chocolate is actually a discussion about homophobia. Now you're saying JK wanting a white frame instead of a black one was "JK was going off script in that moment and was acting defiant as fuck." Do you not see the similarity?
Chilee. I see you are about that life huh?
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Bless your hustle honey. Lmho.
Finally we getting somewhere with this back and forth thingy and I can put this chapter behind me and move on with my ship.
Well played.
You are right. I do see the similarities... between you and I and Taekook lives.
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I mean I read your thoughts about Jikook in those posts you sent... I think you can climb off your high horse now because there's no difference between your opinion and that of Taekook lives or mine.
We are all shippers who make up theories and assumptions about two idols from Korea.
Just saying.
I admit you almost had me fooled there for a second thinking you are here to have conversation and exchange thoughts but I'm catching your elitist drift.
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My theories suck, Taekook lives' theories suck but yours is better because you keep your fingers clean right??
Well honey...
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Compare me to anyone you want, it doesn't change my thoughts and believes about Jikook. I'm gone say what I'm gone say.
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Yes, JK is defiant, a rebel, savage, no nonsense kinda guy. And yes he went rogue on BTS's Kumbaya agenda with his petty ass when he said he preferred white but settled because everyone chose black.
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I promise you. You are not gonna like anything I say ON MY BLOG and in this space present, past, future.
BLOCK button is free. Hit it.
Now lemme channel my inner Tuktukker:
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
at this point I am pretty sure these are just petty zukka and kataang stans harassing zutara fans. they have zero concern about indigenous rights. all I can say as someone who was a minor during the og atla ship wars, I know how hurtful this stuff can be - esp bc zutara ISN'T inherently harmful. folks when it comes to anon hate assume anons are not acting in good faith. zutara has always had poc fans and always will, and we white adult zutara fans should do what you're doing - stand up for them.
i honestly wouldn’t be a bit surprised. and it’s incredibly frustrating because like, it genuinely would NOT be hard for all of us to just exist in peace--it’s not as if there’s limited fandom space we really need to fight over, but no, zutara is seen as The Enemy bc i guess our longevity and passion make us a threat or something??? but then they start punching down when they go after fans of color (and there has been a LOT of racist hate flung at desi fans [is that the appropriate term?] especially lately, what is UP with that????), and especially fans of color who are also minors and just trying to exist in this space and have a good time
and especially when the ones who’re being targeted aren’t even big on discourse??? like why go after the positive blogs who are just trying to have a good time???? (i mean, i know why, they make easier targets bc the assumption is they won’t or can’t fight back and presumably this bully thinks they can bully them right out of the fandom, but still, jfc) like who is this helping? what good is this doing? does that anon/those anons (my assumption is that if it is more than one person, it’s a very small, absurdly dedicated group and they’re probably coordinating the effort) really feel good about themselves for trying to bully kids out of the fandom?
anyway i really hope that everyone who’s been getting all this racist hate lately knows it’s just one or a handful or incredibly pathetic people who evidently have nothing better to do than hide behind a grey face and harass shippers, which automatically says that their words mean less than nothing.
and there’s absolutely no shame in turning off anon for a while if anyone needs to--it isn’t admitting defeat, it’s just taking care of your own mental&emotional health for as long as you need a break. 99% of the time, these are cowards who would never say crap like this if they had to assign their online identity to what they’re spewing.
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eternallyb0red · 3 years
Didn't expect myself to make a whole ass post about this petty controversy but, guess I'll cut some slack for the person I'm making it for.
Well firstly, how do you justify your "internalised biphobia" humbug when they have distinctly stated their bi hcs for the other characters as well ? Like yeah I get it's a thing but seriously ? These statements quite contradict eachother, hence they don't make any rational sense.
Secondly, it's fiction. We are all allowed to like/dislike/criticize a certain hc about characters, without hurting anyone's sentiments- yes, I do admit that you felt triggered by what they said and I can get why! Coming from a biphobic environment essentially compelled you to misinterpret their statement- which is yes, only explains your harsh anon behaviour but doesn't excuse it! But again, I do not condone or condemn whatever you did like those anons, I just understand where you're coming from.
But seriously, they obviously wouldn't have dreamt about the fact that you might feel uncomfortable with their comment so, like seriously, it's literally no one's fault here.
Thirdly, fyi, I liked the post simply because they appeared on my dash- I did not know any context to those posts- yes, you may call it a ridiculous thing to do but, as an avid follower of Dominic; I just naturally assumed that they're getting troubled yet again by some anti shipper or some anon making unnecessary fuss. Plus, those anons were just being protective of them, it's natural for them to defend them.
Lastly, I'm still sorry for whatever happened to you, I really wished none of it but just so you understand, disliking a sexuality hc about a character is valid! It's just equivalent as liking a sexuality hc- in a contrary way ofc.
Idk if you'll even read this but I just wanna clarify :
Disliking a sexuality hc about a fictional character ≠ Exuding homophobia/hate towards any sexuality/character
It simply has more to do with the characters, their aspects, theur interactions with other characters.
Ah, here I was silently wishing for y'all to reconcile stuff but...yk let's just end this topic, you really don't see the thing here so nevermind. No one's bOotlIcKing anyway, people will judge you based off your demeanor despite what you say, "imma leave your discord and block your blog" is really harsh fyi. If you don't see it, don't see it.
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demented-dukey · 5 years
Your callout post towards Storyteller has had real, awful effects on them. They're emotionally exhausted, and no matter how much you disagree with DNI banners, you shouldn't attack people out of pettiness. Just leave it, and move on. If someone wants to say something about the ship, they're free to do so. Your actions have hurt someone, and you're human, so it's okay to make mistakes. This isn't me attacking you, it's me making you aware that you can't make callout posts like that. -🐍
Dear 🐍,
Legit asks deserve legit responses. Sorry in advance, but this is going to be a long reply. I hope you take the time to read it all, and I welcome any other asks you have to say on the matter.
I am not following Storyteller’s blog, so if they’ve said anything publicly about the issue, I haven’t seen it yet. I am still going through my inbox and I haven’t even started looking at notifications, so if they’ve sent anything to me or @’ed me, I haven’t seen it yet. I’m sorry that they’re emotionally exhausted, I am too. I hope they are taking care of themselves, and I’m glad that they have friends like you who support them and are willing to speak to me on their behalf.
I am calling out Storyteller, but I’m not trying to attack them. I wrote and rewrote the callout post several times to make it as polite as I could manage. I am just asking them to stop attacking us. There are real people who are being hurt by Storyteller’s hostile words, and there are ways to be anti-ship without being hostile. I put in the callout post an example of how they could re-write their words so they can continue to promote being anti-ship without crossing the line into actively attacking us. 
There are many, many (omg SO MANY) anti-RemRom posts in the Sanders fandom. If they are just stating their own opinion, I usually do “leave it and move on”. But the whole tone of the Storyteller’s paragraph, including “I wouldn’t put it past some folks”, felt like an unwarranted attack as well as an accusation of maliciousness. This message was reblogged over and over, and every time it crossed my dash it felt like a slap in the face. So I felt, and still feel, justified in calling out that kind of behavior.
“This isn't me attacking you, it's me making you aware that you can't make callout posts like that.”
I decided to make an official callout post to address an issue. I felt their words were crossing the line from personal opinion to aggressive attack, and I feel justified in responding to an attack. 
I am not trying to shame Storyteller, and I do not want them to get hatemail because of this. Storyteller is human too, and entitled to their opinion.
I am not asking Storyteller to unblock me. They have every right to do so.
I am not asking Storyteller to admit to any wrongdoing. Maybe they don’t think they did anything wrong? Maybe they do, but they don’t want to admit it? Maybe they were intentionally trying to hurt us? Maybe it was unintentional? I don’t know. Admitting wrongdoing is not the point.
I am not asking Storyteller to make a public response to the call out. They can choose to stay silent, that’s fine too. This isn’t about making them feel shame, this is about lessening the hate in this fandom. Silence is a lack of hate, so if they stay silent, then my goal has been achieved.
The only thing I am asking Storyteller to do is to be less aggressive. They can ask not to be tagged remrom. They can say that they hate incest, and remrom shippers should unfollow them. They can post DNI banners. That’s all fine. I’m just asking them to reconsider how they word their messages. 
Storyteller doesn’t have to change if they don’t want to. They can continue spreading as much hate and aggressiveness as they want, but at least now they know that they are hurting people with their words. If they choose to continue, I can’t stop them. I will not make a second callout post about them. I have already made a promise not to tag anyone in the anti-tag list again for any reason. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve done all I’m going to do about this matter. I will respond to asks, but I will not make any more posts against them.
As of today (7/1/2019), I have not seen Storyteller say anything to me or about me. They have not edited the original post to change their message. I have no indication yet that they will change their behavior. If they decide to change their behavior, either by contacting me, saying something in a new post, or just editing the original post to be less confrontational, then I will strike-out the callout post and add a message to the bottom that the issue has been resolved. 
[Edited to add: Strike-out added to this post. As of today (technically 7/2 as it’s after midnight), I have been notified that Storyteller has made a public reply in reference to my callout post. They have seen my post, and are aware that their words are hurting people. They have made it clear that they will not change their behavior, and they will not listen to my opinion. So I guess that’s that. They will continue to be vocally anti-ship, and they are fully aware that they are hurting people with their words. Per their request, I will leave them alone, and I ask that all other pro-RemRom shippers leave them alone as well. It’s time to take the high road, folks. I will answer asks about the issue, but I will not make another post against Storyteller. It’s not a great resolution, but it is their right to make their choice. If they ever change their mind in the future, I will reopen this issue, but for now I consider it closed. Time to move on.]
If I come across someone else that I feel is crossing the line or being overly aggressive, I will probably make a callout post about them. I hope I will never have to, but I can’t guarantee that I will never make a callout post again. The callout posts aren’t done maliciously or from pettiness, they are just a plea for respect and civility, and they are only in response to someone else’s actions. I will only do it once per person, I will never make two callout posts about the same person.
Okay, I think I’ve said everything I wanted to say in response to your ask. Thank you for your time. Sorry if I made any grammer/spelling mistakes, I wrote and re-wrote this reply several times. If you made it all the way to the end, you deserve a cookie.
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antthonystark · 7 years
hey I'm sorry people are saying rude things about you on twitter that's like? Really not cool. ilu and I hope you're having a lovely day and the world is treating you with the kindness you deserve
oh man don't even worry about it!! this is so sweet and thank you but honestly like i said it's just really hilarious and kind of bizarre to me. ive been laughing about it all day + ive heard it all before (im a "boc", evil j/alec shipper(??????), ignorant white-person lover alec stan who hates magnus etc etc same old shit nothing new....i was gonna post screenshots with blacked out usernames but I feel like that's too petty) and they said my gifs were pretty and honestly as long as people admit that, i don't care what else they have to say loland other than that, my day has been great! i unclogged a drain for the first time so that was a learning experience (no men in the house = me and my mom and sisters have to do every gross thing lol)....4 women with long thick black hair = lots of drain goop, apparently. hope you're having a good one too and thanks for this message !!
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quimxian28-blog · 7 years
Still can't believe you're so petty that you have to make multiple posts disproving a different ship AND say "this didn't happen in the Japanese version, so it isn't canon"
If japanese version is the original why I have to accept as canon something that is only a misuderstanding? Or you are one of those persons that thought Netflix Death Note version was good? Lol. Anyway,  the thing is people use that ship as an “argument” to make fun and say mean things of those who like Zelink like me. We zelinkers have suffered of bullying for years with every fucking relasing of a new  videogame and everytime we make a interesting discover for us, there is people judging us a saying “are you stupid?”, so don’t cry now because I pass the ball (stating the true). I admited my lost with LinkxIlia because I have nothing to argue, but this time it’s different. Yeah, I’m very passionate defending this ship because this is part of my childhood, it’s almost 15 years since I ship them... and I want people to explain how in the legend of Zelda universe is possible that Link having a love relationship with Mipha (according to shippers) fell in love with Zelda, and loved Zelda that much that when he awoke after 100 years and recovered his memories his priority was to save Zelda to see her smile once again with his own eyes, showing that his motivation wasn’t just his duty but a desire to see her safe and happy again? And don’t you say that was a thing that developed after he awoke, please, he felt like that before calamity and everyone knew it.
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