#or maybe I’ll still think of him but it won’t even sting at all
allofuswantgwinam · 1 year
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sky-is-the-limit · 27 days
How Task Force 141 would react in a real argument with their partner (they're in the right):
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Captain Price:
The way Price gets mad at you is calm, serious, and controlled. If you are looking for a shout match, you're not gonna get it with him. He doesn’t believe in yelling or making a scene, he's too old for that.
Instead, when things get heated, he quietly tells you that he’s going to step out, giving you both time to cool down and think. Usually, he heads to the pub nearby, has a drink (or two) and lets the anger settle before coming back to talk things out. It’s his way of making sure neither of you says something you’ll regret even if it means leaving you to deal in your own frustration for a while. It doesn't last long though.
"This isn’t helping, love." Price says, tone steady despite the obvious tension. "I’m stepping out for a bit." He grabs his jacket and you can see the disappointment in his eyes. "I’ll be at the pub, just need some time to think. You should do the same." He pauses at the door, looking back at you with a flash of concern and frustration in his eyes. "We’ll talk when I get back, yeah?" The door closes behind him, leaving you in the quiet of the room.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick:
When Kyle gets mad, the laid-back, chill guy you know disappears. He becomes sarcastic and cynical, his words sharp and his patience terribly thin. He might roll his eyes or make you feel like your emotions are over the top, dismissing them with what he thinks is logic (according to him, of course). It’s not that he doesn’t care or he wants to upset you on purpose but when he feels like you’re not getting his point, his frustration turns into biting remarks that cut deep.
"Oh, that’s rich-" Kyle says, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Because clearly, I’m the one who’s being unreasonable here, right?" He crosses his arms, shaking his head in disbelief. "If you actually listened to what I’m saying, you’d see how ridiculous this all sounds." His words hit you hard and the sting of them makes you want to shout back, even to break something but he’s already turned away, muttering under his breath before heading into a different room.
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish:
When Johnny is really mad, he goes completely silent. Your cheerful, talkative boyfriend just shuts down. He won’t talk, won’t argue. He just ignores you, burying himself in video games or working out until he’s too tired to keep his eyes open. He thinks it’s better to stay quiet than risk saying something he can’t take back but the silence is worse than any argument and in his ignorance, he makes you feel like you don’t even exist.
"Johnny, can we please talk?" You ask, watching him pick up the game controller. He doesn’t answer, his eyes fixed on the screen. The silence is deafening, each minute that passes only making the knot in your chest tighter. "Johnny…" Still nothing. Hours pass like this and when he finally puts down the controller, he heads straight to bed. "I’m knackered." He mutters, not even looking at you. "We’ll talk tomorrow." But you know that tomorrow might just be the same unless you can find it in you to apologise first and make up before bed.
Simon "Ghost" Riley:
When Simon gets mad, he goes back into the defensive man with trust issues you first met. He never raises his voice nor lets the argument last long. Instead, he becomes cold and distant and his usual quietness turns into a wall that you can't break through. He’ll say things that remind you of past mistakes, making you feel guilty whether you're in the right or wrong. His bitterness makes it hard to reach him and it feels like no matter what you say, he won’t budge. Stubborn bastard.
"You think I can just forget what you said?" Simon is monotonic but there’s a harshness underneath his tone that makes you wince. "Words like that… they stick. You can’t just take them back." His eyes are cold, arms crossed tightly over his chest as he looks at you without a hint of his usual softness. "Maybe you should calm down before this gets any worse." He doesn’t move or change his expression, just stares at you blankly, making you feel shut out.
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author-morgan · 7 months
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Title: A Dove and a Hound Rating: T Pairing: Sandor Clegane x fem!Reader Summary: A little dove with broken wings must save her wounded Hound. Or in which Sandor Clegane finds something sweeter than killing. Word count: ~3.7k Warnings: Injury/blood and typical Westerosi shenanigans.
ARYA STARK LOOKS at the bleak landscape around where they had made camp for the night in the northern Riverlands—almost in the Vale. It’s all craggy with sharp boulders and high patches of land, and hardly any trees. The names roll off her tongue as they do every night. The Mountain, The Hound, Cersei, Illyn Payne, Meryn Trant...she doesn’t make it to the next name after hearing the scraping of boots on rock nearby. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water. Syrio Forel’s words are burnt into her memory. 
"What’re you going on about now, girl?" The rasp of the Hound's voice makes her jump, and she curses him, looking up at the night sky, watching for shadows when she hears the soft noise again.
“We’re being watched,” she tells him, turning on her bedroll to face the Hound, her hand resting on the hilt of Needle.
His laugh cuts through the air—a rough sound that hurts her ears in a strange way. A man like the Hound should never laugh. "Here, in the middle of fucking nowhere?" His scarred face looks all the more hideous with the light of the fire licking at his skin. "Finish your little list, girl, then go the fuck to sleep." Arya frowns and looks around again at the land but sees nothing but boulders and empty plains, but she knows someone is out there. 
Sandor Clegane won’t admit it, but the Stark girl’s warning is the reason he stays up for over half the night. Then, when he’s certain Arya is asleep, he rises from his bedroll and unsheathes his sword, setting off to search between boulders and in the shadows cast by their dwindling campfire. But there’s nothing there. The Hound moves to return to his bedroll, but that’s when he hears quiet cursing and soft crying. And then he finds a woman huddled between two rocks, trying to nurse an injured leg. 
You see the hulking shadow approach too late to muffle your grunts and groans of pain. “Come any closer and I’ll put a fucking arrow through your eye!” You shout. But Sandor Clegane can see the bow in your hand is broken, even if you try to hold the two wooden pieces together to make it seem whole. Then he sees the broken arrow shaft sticking out of your swollen calf, too—the reason for your caterwauling. 
“With a broken bow and the only arrow you got stuck in your leg?” The Hound asks, laughing. “Pay a couple of hundred silver stags to see that done.” Sandor drives his sword into the dirt and awkwardly kneels near you, looking over the wound. He can feel your eyes on him, gaze nigh burning. But the soft white light of the moon softens the sight of his half-burned face. He looks familiar. Like you’ve seen him in passing somewhere—or maybe on the parchments nailed outside taverns noting bounties and the enemies of the Crown. 
You swallow the knot in your throat and look up at him—you might not be able to place who he is, but you know he’s dangerous, a killer. “Well, go on,” you snap, tears stinging in your eyes. “Kill me and get it over with.”
The Hound recoils as though stung by the words—he knows he’s put a lot of people in the ground, but for some damn reason, he can’t stomach the thought of landing the mercy blow now. You close your eyes and wait—no longer fearing death or pain. But the cold bite of steel never comes. Instead, Sandor Clegane lifts you into his burly arms and heads back toward the dying campfire.
Arya’s surprised when the Hound returns and lets you down to rest against the boulder nearest the fire. The girl’s quick on her feet, bringing a half-filled skin of water, and you greedily drink. "Think I'll end up losing it?" You ask the girl—wiping your mouth with a torn sleeve—a glint of humor shining through as you pat your thigh, ignoring the sharp jolt of pain that shoots down to your calf and makes your toes curl. 
“If you’ve gone this long” —Sandor crouches down and looks closer at your injury— “it’ll take more than an arrow to kill you,” he says. It earns him a dry and humorless laugh with a surprising grimness. Given enough time, he thinks he could come to enjoy the company, but right now, he and Arya Stark are already pressed for time, luck, and coin. Neither of them needs the liability of an injured woman—another mouth to feed—on the path to the Eyrie. Be best to leave her come the morning, he thinks, but now that he’s brought you back here, he knows the Stark girl won’t let that happen.
“May I have your name, good ser?” You finally ask—it only seemed proper to know the name of your white knight.  
Sandor Clegane looks at you, and the firelight paints the tangled and twisted mass of scars on his face red—pocking the flesh with craters and cracks. “Not a fucking knight,” he bites back.
And then you can piece everything together—his brute size, the burned half of his face, the posters scattered around the Riverlands. The rumors people whispered are true then, you think. Joffrey’s dog tucked tail and ran while the Blackwater burned. “You’re The Hound.” He grunts. You glance at the girl staring down at you with wide ice-grey eyes. If he’s the Hound then... “You’re Arya Stark.” The girl nods.
The silence that grows between the three of you is heavy and tense. You shift and grimace again. Then your gaze flits back over to the Hound. “Well, are you going to help me get this arrow out my fucking leg or not?” You ask, not understanding why he hauled you back here if he didn’t mean to do something about your current state. “'Cause if you aren’t, I’d sooner you cut the damn thing off or put me out of my misery.”
Sandor moves to you after that and cuts away the fabric of your britches from the arrow, then calls Arya over to set his dagger in the flames—unwilling to go closer. She does as he says, pushing the blade into the hot coals, but then Arya Stark leaps to her feet when she sees Sandor’s hand grip the shaft of the arrow—like he means to tear it from flesh. She knocks his hand away then pushes back on his shoulder, almost hard enough to knock him off balance from where he sits on his haunches. 
“We can’t just pull it out!” She tells the Hound like it should be obvious. But he’s not the one who grew up with a maester in Winterfell or spent time reading any books.  
“Then how you gone get it out, girl?” He asks, gruff and impatient. You glance between the odd pair, wondering how they haven’t killed one another by now. Arya crouches down and prods the swollen and bloody flesh, then without warning, she grips the arrow shaft and breaks off the fletching. Seven hells, you think, biting down on the inside of your cheek to keep a wail of pain at bay, I am going to lose my leg. 
“Push it through,” Arya says, remembering the time she watched Maester Luwin remove an arrow from a hunter's shoulder. The Hound grunts and draws a second, smaller dagger, starting to whittle away at the splintered end of the broken arrow shaft. 
Arya goes to fetch more water and brings back a cloth with her before settling down to watch with wide, curious eyes. Blood starts to seep down your calf around the entry and exit of the arrow shaft from being handled so roughly. Satisfied with his woodwork, the Hound steadies your leg against his trunk and starts to pull on the iron-forged arrowhead. 
You grit your teeth together, fingers digging into the soft earth below, as he begins to ease the wooden shaft through gently and quickly as he can. Arya watches your face twist in pain, but somehow, you don’t cry out. It feels like an eternity. Sandor sets the arrow aside and takes the waterskin from the Stark girl, dumping the cool water over your leg to wash away the blood—there’s a cool but welcome sting.
Sandor tosses the empty skin back to Arya. "More water, girl,” he rasps. 
“Bring wine too,” you insist, and the Hound howls with laughter.
“Seven hells,” Arya remarks. You’re just like him. The girl heads off, then comes back with more water and looks at the open wound on your leg with a scrunched-up nose. 
“Needs to be sealed with fire,” Sandor says, sitting back on his haunches, that’s why he already had Arya put a dagger into the flames. They don’t have salves and ointments and teas and brews to keep infection at bay, and despite his fear and hatred of the fire, he knows it’s the best way to clean and seal a wound like this.
“I’ll do it,” Arya offers. Her hands are steady, and the fire and heat don’t bother her like it does the Hound. He nods, and the girl goes to fetch the hot knife. They give you a strip of leather to bite down on, and then the Hound looks away when the girl presses the flat of the blade against your flesh—you do scream then. He knows that pain—that scream—and the putrid scent of burning flesh that jumps into the air. Black dots and white stars dance around in your vision. It hurts worse the second time. But you fight through it. 
Your gaze settles on Arya after a while, struggling to stay awake. “Where are you taking her?” You ask, eyes flitting to Sandor Clegane. The two are an odd traveling party that much is certain—a Hound and a wolf—made even stranger by your sudden arrival. 
“The Vale,” he tells you, “she has an aunt there.” You hadn’t expected a man with his reputation to do something so kind, not even if heavy coin purses were offered as rewards. A hush falls over you, but then the Hound rises and picks up a threadbare blanket from his bedroll. He drapes it over your shoulders, not ungently. “Best get some rest,” he says. “It’ll hurt worse tomorrow.”
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THE DAYS ARE both quick and slow to pass, and soon, you’ve lost track of the time since meeting Arya Stark and the Hound—it could have been a few weeks or maybe months. But since that fateful night, your wounds have healed cleanly, and the only reminders of them are a fading scar and the limp in your stride after long days or over strenuous terrain. You remember the first time you insisted on walking instead of riding Stranger—a great black, unruly destrier. When you slowed, Sandor Clegane slung you over his shoulder like a sack of flour before depositing you back on the horse and complaining about the slow pace. Arya Stark was particularly amused by it all. 
Disappointment is all that awaits you all at the Bloody Gate of the Vale. Lysa Arryn is dead, and her young son and named protector, Petyr Baelish, will not accept visitors—not even one of Lysa’s own kin. So at the point of arrowheads and tips of steel blades, the Hound turns back, and you and Arya follow, trekking through the Vale and back to the Riverlands, unsure of what to do and where to go. Arya says they should go north, to the Wall—she has a brother in the Night’s Watch—or across the Narrow Sea.
There’s a small village not far, and you take a handful of silver stags and copper stars in hopes of replenishing your stock of ointments and bandages—especially with the now festering wound on Sandor’s neck, a nasty bite from a rogue—and maybe a decent bottle of wine or ale too. But by the time the sun is beginning to set and you return to Sandor and Arya, they’re not to be found. 
The campsite is empty. The fire still burning. The bedrolls laid out for the coming evening. You look around the craggy landscape, feeling panic seize your heart and stomach—mind racing. “Arya!” You shout, but there is no response from the girl. “Sandor!” And again, there is nothing but silence.
If not for the fading evening sun glinting off tarnished pieces of silver armor, you think you might not have found him. You stumble over to him, kneeling at his side, fearing the worst. But his chest still rises and falls, and he starts when you touch his cheek, hand wrapping around your wrist, leaving a thick smearing of blood. 
There’s something in your eyes, not pity, but he’s not seen that look before —almost doesn’t want to think of what it could be, could mean. Sandor’s grip goes slack, and he grimaces, each breath a ragged rasp. You look over his mangled shoulder, the bruises and scrapes on his face, the muscle-deep cuts on his palm, and his lame leg. These wounds are beyond your skills, and there are not like to be any travelers on this path for days.
The Hound tugs free a dagger from his belt and places it in your hand. "Go on,” he rasps, nodding toward the knife, resigned to his new fate. “Get on with it." The Stark girl wouldn’t put him out of his misery for the hatred she still bore toward him, but maybe you would. 
Your fingers curl around the hilt of the blade, grip tightening, but frozen in place—unwilling and unable to move. "I can't," you breathe, fervidly shaking your head. I won’t. He curses you when you drive the blade into the hard earth and not his heart. Sandor Clegane saved you from certain death, and now you’ve a chance to return the favor.
You wet a strip of cloth and dab it over his bloodied face until he turns his head to look at you. "If you think I'm some wounded pup you can redeem, you're stupider than I thought, woman,” he snarls like an aggrieved dog. 
But you don’t pay any mind to his hateful words. “Be still,” you chide, gently, going to collect the pack of supplies from Stranger’s saddle. The Dornish strongwine eases the pain, and he lets you clean the rest of the cuts and bruises to the best of your abilities —his broken leg, though. You aren’t sure what to do, but you know if something isn’t done soon, Sandor Clegane won’t be using that leg again in this lifetime. You lose track of how many times you have to wander down to the nearby stream. All you know is the limp in your step has come back. By nightfall, the wine and pain claim him, and you’ve said your prayers to the Seven, asking them to spare your poor wounded Hound.
There’s a dim lantern on the dark horizon, steadily drawing nearer and brighter, and then you can hear the rattling of a cart and the braying of a mule. You rise from your post and go to intercept the rickety cart thumping along the winding trail. The mule comes to a halt—the path forward blocked. 
The driver has a kind face, rounded from smiles and wrinkled with wisdom, and eyes that are deep and thoughtful but speak of the horrors of the world. “A lady and her knight,” he muses, sparing a glance at the makeshift medicinal supplies illuminated by faint firelight and the state of the brutish man sleeping—half-dead more like.
“Can you help us?” You ask. “Please.” And the broken plea strikes something deep down in the man’s heart.  
He thinks on it for a moment. “Aye,” the man says, “I can try.” If he couldn’t, the others on the Quiet Isle could—especially the Elder Brother. His dusty brown robes dust across the rocky ground as he goes to the Hound’s side. It takes all your strength combined to lift Sandor Clegane into the cart—even with the weight of his armor gone. Then you clamber to the front of the cart next to Sandor, letting his head rest in your lap, and with a snap of the reins, the mule walks on again, heading south along the bumpy road—it would be a long night.
Weary and exhausted, you look between the Hound and the driver. “Who are you?” 
“You can call me Ray,” the kindly man says. “I’ll take you both to the Quiet Isle. The Elder Brother can help.” You’ve heard tales of the isle—where men go to atone for their sins and take vows of silence. Some even say those who reside in the Bay of Crabs live in a world unlike the one ravished by war and pain. Brother Ray can see the growing trepidation on your expression. It’s nigh common knowledge women are not allowed to dwell on the Quiet Isle. “Won’t force you and your knight to be parted,” he tells you. 
“He’s not a knight,” you murmur, eyes trailing from the road ahead to Sandor, knowing he doesn’t like being called a knight—and for good reason. 
“No, but it seems he’s your knight,” Ray says with a chuckle, sparing a wayward glance back at you and the Hound. You flush at the thought and turn your gaze to Sandor, his head resting on your thigh.
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A FEW MONTHS pass and Sandor is as well as he’ll ever be. The damage done to his leg makes him limp after long distances or strenuous tasks, but no one would be able to say such injuries made the Hound a feeble man. Even now, you’ve never seen a man split firewood with so much power and anger. Sometimes, you wonder if he hates you for not ending it when he pleaded for the blade’s mercy. But on the day when the brothers let you see him again, he wore a fleeting smile, soft and weak—the first time you’d seen such a sight. 
Storms roll in for the night, and lightning flashes through the window—thunder rattling your featherbed. You pull the covers tighter, squeezing your eyes shut, praying for sleep to come. It feels childish to be afeared of a storm, but it’s a reminder of the night the Lannister men destroyed your home and family and put an arrow in your leg. Rousing from the uneasy rest, you pull on your dressing robe and wrap the wool and linen blanket around your shoulders before setting off in search of company. 
His bed is empty, and you frown. Disheartened, you turn back only to bump into a solid wall of flesh and muscle. No man his size had a right to move around so quietly. “What are you doing awake, little dove?” Sandor asks, and you’re unable to meet his gaze with your flushed cheeks as you search for a valid answer. “Can’t sleep?” He surmises, and grateful he spake first, you nod sheepishly. The hand that wraps around your wrist is warm and calloused, yet his touch is light—as though you’re some bird with a broken wing. But wordless, you climb onto the bed next to Sandor, still huddled under your blanket, but not alone, and even with the storm raging outside, within these walls with him, you’re safe. 
The morning light breaks through the small window—only glowing embers remain in the hearth, not enough to chase away the chill in the air. You wake to find yourself alone, and it sends a strange pang of sadness through your heart. Making your way back to your chambers, you change into a plane shift and stride from the cottage to find him—the wet grass tickling the soles of your feet as you head down a winding path toward the water’s edge.
Sandor is sitting down on the rocky shore of the island, his dusty brown cloak fluttering in the wind. You go to him and sit on the weathered rock next to him. The morning is cool, and the spray of waves breaking against rocks in the bay kisses your cheeks. Wordlessly, the Hound pulls his cloak free and drapes it around your shoulders. In comfortable silence, you pull the coarse material tight and rest your head against his arm, looking out over the water and the clear blue sky—as though the Old Gods had not unleashed their wrath upon the land last night.
After a long while, Sandor rises, knowing it’ll be time to head to the Sept and see what tasks the Brothers need help with today. You’re quick to follow after him, but before he can start up the rocky path again, you brush your hand against his with all the timidness of a mouse, daring to have a lingering touch as you gather the nerve to ask something that’s been festering in the pit of your stomach, in the darkest parts of your mind and the deepest parts of your heart. You take both his hands—rough and twice the size of your own—and look up at the Hound. "Sandor,” you breathe, his name like a birdsong in your voice, “will you kiss me?"
He laughs—thinking you are playing him for a fool. No sane woman would ever wish to have his touch or his kiss. “With this ruined mouth?” He mocks. But the next jape dies on the tip of his tongue when you fist your hand into his woolen tunic, hauling him down with all your strength to just the right height where if you stand on the tips of your toes, you can kiss him. And you do. Sandor is surprised at first, but his hard exterior fades, and then a strong arm curls around your middle, hoisting you up and then off the ground entirely. You pull back for only a quick second and smile for him.
“Little dove,” he rasps when you move your hands to hold his face, thumbs stroking over his cheeks—one marred by the flame—and down into his thick, wiry beard. He half expects to find a shred of fear or disgust in your eyes, but there isn’t any. There never had been. You kiss him again, softer and sweeter this time, and he returns it in full. 
Reluctant to part, he places you back on the ground but is quick to pull you into his side and hold you close in the golden hour of the morning. And for the first time since he can remember, Sandor Clegane has a handful of happy memories, and perhaps, in the end, he's found something even sweeter than killing.
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bunnyrafe · 2 months
𓊆ྀིyour stepfather rafe is a mean, old man. and it really doesn’t help that you’re constantly & accidentally testing his patience.𓊇ྀི
♥︎ 𝓃otes: extremely willing to do a part two of this, just wanted to play around with this idea first… enjoy xoxo
content / warnings -> 18+, MDNI. 800. taboo themes f!reader, stepdad/older/dark!rafe, dubcon, age gap (20s & 40s), stepcest, cheating, choking, degradation & dumbification, piss/watersports but not really, a single spank, use of daddy — no actual smut for this piece but clearly some heavy d/s dynamics & power imbalance.
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“There she is.”
There’s a rasp to Rafe’s voice.
It meets your ears just as you hear your friend’s car speed out of the driveway, sealing your fate.
You weren’t expecting to see him in the family room when you stumbled through the foyer, after clumsily shutting the front door behind you. The sound of your heels on the hardwood floor isn’t exactly quiet but you can barely hear them over your heart pounding in your ears, upon seeing your stepfather sitting there.
Only one light is on, illuminating the side of his face and reflecting off of his crystal glass while he takes a sip of his whiskey. You don’t miss the dangerous glimmer in his eye; you can’t help the way your lips part, breath getting caught up in your throat until you find it in you to speak— “I told you guys I’d be late…”
Rafe nods at that, placing his glass down. You want to slam your head against the wall when you realize you’re totally slurring on your words— although, it shouldn’t matter. You may be under their roof but you are an adult. Arguably a sheltered princess but a big girl nonetheless.
He exhales and casually pats his lap, “Sit with me.”
“I don’t think I should—”
“Oh— c’mon,” there’s that edge to his voice again. “Don’t break my heart...”
Don’t piss him off— is what he means to say.
So you end up in his lap. With your party dress riding up as your knees are on either side of his hips, your trembling arms are guided to wrap around his neck. The scent of hard liquor and his expensive cologne dances around your nose, and you suddenly feel even more intoxicated than you already did. Because this is wrong. This is your mother’s husband of three years. This is the man that helped pay for your tuition.
“Y’know your mother was still worried sick,” he suddenly says, “had to fuckin’ get her some wine so she’d calm down and pass the fuck out already.”
His strong arms coil around your middle, squeezing you up in his hold until you squeak. But the growing tingle between your thighs reminds you why you were in such a rush to get into the house. Embarrassment causes your body to go hot, tongue feeling beyond heavy with the weight of what you’re about to utter out.
“Rafe, I have to…” You’re trying your hardest to not cry. You sniffle pathetically, trembling in his lap, “I— have to use the bathroom. Let me go, please— ‘m sorry I worried her.”
“Oh, I don’t think I’ll let you go that easy.” He tuts. His grip on you grows stronger by the second, flexing the arm that’s already around your waist so you can’t squirm away.
All while his free hand wraps around your throat. Simply keeping you right where he wants you to be and forcing you to stare into his face— your head bobbles with every word that falls from his whiskey flavored lips, “I dunno, babygirl… Maybe I should jus’ let you make a mess in my lap. Like the dumb, filthy girl you are. Seems like you’d surely learn your lesson then… right?”
“Rafe, please.” You choke out, fisting at the crisp cotton of his button up in your clammy hands, “I won’t stay out so late next time!”
Without warning you’re forced out his lap, and your hands are smacked away when you try to pull your little dress down. Only so his own hand can swat at the fullness of your ass. The sharp sting left behind forces you to bite back a hiccup, not wanting to risk waking your mother up.
“There won’t be a next time,” he snarls, “My house, my rules— y’got that? Never had proper fuckin’ discipline in your life, huh?”
Solemnly, you nod and sniffle yet again because how can you possibly respond to that? You shuffle uncomfortably in your heels, squeezing your thighs together while looking at him with glossy, tear filled eyes until his own soften a bit.
“Fuck— go clean yourself up ‘n get ready for bed like a good girl,” his gentle tone is music to your tired ears— you feel like you can finally breathe, only for that sinking feeling to take over once more as he continues on, “I’ll take care of your mother— but you’ll have to make it up to your daddy tomorrow, understand?”
You couldn’t possibly rush up the stairs any faster. You almost trip over your feet trying to get into your own bathroom. And when everything is said and done, you crawl into bed with tear streaked cheeks and fall asleep with sticky panties, mind running wild with visions and thoughts of what Rafe might have in store for you…
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adverbally · 29 days
I Still Got You to Be My Open Door
Written for the @steddieangstyaugust prompt “‘Go, see if I care.’” | wc: 662 | rated: T | cw: referenced parental neglect | tags: established relationship, hurt/comfort, steve’s parents suck, references to cutting off contact with parents | title from “Grey Room” by Damien Rice
Steve’s own voice echoes after him as he slams the front door and stomps to his car.
“How did you think I would react?” Infuriated. Poisonous.
He fumbles his keys and they fall to the asphalt with a discordant jangle that sounds the way his nerves feel. He has to shut his eyes and breathe for a moment so he doesn’t fall apart.
“If you don’t want me here, I’ll go somewhere else.” Emotionless. Numb.
Another breath, then Steve retrieves his keys. He wonders, as he unlocks the car door, if he should leave his house key. He could drop it in the mailbox, slip it under the doormat. He could throw it in the pool or toss it into the woods behind the house…
The silence inside the car is deafening. It was quiet enough outside, the sun already setting on a short fall day, but every bird’s song and rustle of leaves had seemed magnified by the roar of his pulse in his ears. The car muffles everything outside, leaving Steve alone with his thoughts.
“Go, see if I care.” Sneering. Disdainful.
That’s the part that stings the most. His parents dropped this on him over the phone. They couldn’t even be bothered to come home to discuss it. Probably because in their minds, there is nothing to discuss. They will be selling the house, they will be moving to New York for his dad’s business, and they need his belongings packed up by the end of the month.
They didn’t invite him to come with them. They hadn’t even thought to ask what his plans were, now that they were yanking his home out from under him.
“Good luck in the city, I guess.” Hurt. Abandoned.
Steve drives around town in silence for what feels like hours, replaying the conversation over and over. What should he have said differently? Would it have changed anything? No, he decides. At the end of the day, the fact is that his parents don’t care about him, don’t even know him, and this kind of fight was a long time coming.
It still makes Steve’s throat tight. Standing up for himself like this means he’s given up all hope of having a relationship with his parents. As unlikely as that was, the possibility had been there. They could wake up one day and realize how absent and neglectful they had been, could apologize and beg for his forgiveness and try to make it up to him. That bridge is well and truly burned, now, which isn’t surprising but still feels like a gut punch.
Without consciously picking a destination, Steve finds himself parked outside the Munson home. He kills the headlights, shuts off the ignition, but doesn’t get out of the car. Now that he’s stopped moving, he doesn’t have the momentum to start again.
The tap on his window is gentle but it still makes him jump. Of course it’s Eddie, standing there in one of Steve’s old Hawkins High sweatshirts, peering at him through the glass with that concerned frown Steve loves so much. “You okay?” he mouths.
Steve can’t begin to answer that right now. He opens the car door, careful not to hit Eddie, and slips out right into Eddie’s comforting embrace.
“Hey, what happened?” Eddie murmurs, one hand holding Steve’s head against his shoulder and the other rubbing up and down his back.
“My parents,” he sighs. That about sums it up.
Eddie doesn’t ask him to elaborate, just squeezes him tighter. “You can stay over if you want. Wayne won’t mind, and he’s working tonight anyway.”
Everything will wait until tomorrow, when the hurt isn’t so fresh and he can make plans with a clear head. For tonight, Steve can cuddle up with his boyfriend, in borrowed clothes that smell like Eddie, maybe smoke a little, and stop thinking so hard.
“Thanks,” he tells Eddie, his voice small.
Eddie kisses the top of his head. “Any time.”
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willalove75 · 8 days
hello hello!! I hope you’re doing well and also super congrats on your baby 🎉🎉
Was wondering if you could possibly write more about domestic Alcina based on that one fic you wrote? Maybe something along the lines of a romantic night in together when it’s stormy outside. I’m a sucker for how you wrote her in a domestic and modern setting and I’d love to see more if you wouldn’t mind ^^’
no worries at all if you don’t take this request!! I just super love your writing for Alcina Dimitrescu and it makes me super happy to read your work when I can 🩵🩵
Hiii! Thank you so much! Baby and I are doing great! He’s the best thing in the whole world, I love him so much🥺😭💕
Thank you so much for the request! An idea for this popped into my head immediately when I read this ask and I’ve been super excited to write it since!! I’m so glad you liked my domestic!Alcina so much! She’s so much fun to write in different settings but a modern Alcina always has me in some kind of a chokehold😂
I hope you enjoy!!
Tags/warnings: fluff, smut, teensie bit of degradation kink and mommy kink, and more fluff.
A/N: ITS FINALLY DONE😭 I proof read this once so please ignore any errors or whatever. Or let me know and maybe I'll fix them (wishful thinking lmao) also soft!Alcina is baby.
Rain pelts against the back door while lightning fills the sky with flashes of white. The boom of the thunder makes the house shake. You find yourself curled up on the couch, staring out into the inky, rainy night as you pout. Usually, you’re not one to pout, but tonight, you make an exception. Justifying your sour attitude by telling yourself if anyone else was in your situation, they would be pouting too.
Today is your anniversary with Alcina, a day you were immensely looking forward to. The two of you have been together for a few years now, and every year Alcina would take the reins and plan what the two of you would do on your anniversary. Extravagant vacations, expensive jewelry, on your one year anniversary she even got you a brand new car meanwhile there was nothing wrong with the one you were driving. Alcina spared no expense and always went above and beyond.
This year, however, you begged her to let you plan the day. She could still arrange whatever ridiculous plans she could come up with; because a three year anniversary normally doesn’t call for a two week stay in a luxury resort on a tropical island, but for Alcina, it wasn’t something she thought twice about before booking.
After softening her up with some good sex and puppy dog eyes, Alcina rolled her blue-gray eyes while a smirk pulled at the corner of her lips as she relented.
“Fine, draga. You may plan what we do the day of our anniversary. However, I still fully intend to book the European getaway I’ve been eyeing for you.” You look up into her eyes as you lay on top of her, resting your chin on your arms folded over her chest, a wide smile gracing your features. Before you can speak she holds up her finger to stop you. “Only on one condition.”
Arching your brow at her, you ask “what condition?”
“In the condition that I finance whatever it is you are planning.” You go to argue and she cuts you off again. “Absolutely not, I will not have you spend your hard earned money on our anniversary. You may plan whatever you like, but you’re using my credit card.”
You roll your eyes at her and groan in disapproval. Before you can register her movements, Alcina’s large hand lands a firm smack on your ass. A yelp escapes your lips; your ass is already red, raw and sore from the night's earlier activities.
“Don’t make me spank that attitude out of you my darling. You know I won’t show you mercy.”
Rolling off of Alcina and onto your back, you cup your ass as you let out a whine.
“God damnit!”
Alcina smirks and before you can recover from the sting, you feel her weight settle on top of you.
“So, have we fixed that attitude? Or is a punishment in order?”
“Nooo.” You whine. “Fine, I’ll use your card.”
“Good girl.” Alcina says as she trails her lips and nose up and down the side of your neck, her skin just barely brushing against yours.
After the multiple rounds the two of you just went, you were convinced that you were tapped out for the night. However, in typical Alcina fashion, she knows exactly what to do to elicit a response from your body. As she places feather-light kisses up your neck, her hands slide up from your hips to the dip of your waist. Her hands travel higher until her fingertips are skimming the sides of your breasts. Even with the weight of her breasts on top of yours, you can still feel the sensation of your nipples hardening against her skin.
A familiar wetness forms between your legs for what feels like the hundredth time tonight as Alcina presses her thigh against your cunt. She smirks at how easily she’s able to arouse you. Sitting up, Alcina hooks one of your legs over her hip and rocks into you, grinding her cunt against yours.
“Mmm, I love how wet I can make you with just a few light touches. My sweet, sensitive girl.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you let out a filthy moan as she picks up the pace. Before you know it, the two of you are rutting against each other, crying out each other's names as you chase your highs together.
The closer your anniversary got, the more excited you were for what you had planned. From morning until night, you had the whole day planned out. For breakfast, you were going to take her to her favorite cafe for coffee and pastries. After breakfast, the plan was to walk to her favorite art museum, which conveniently happened to be only a couple of blocks from the cafe. Knowing Alcina, even though she’s been there hundreds of times, the two of you would be wandering around the museum for hours. Especially since a new exhibit was supposed to open up a couple of weeks before your anniversary. It would be lunchtime by the time you were done at the museum, so you planned to have a picnic set up in the park in her favorite, secluded spot. You spared no expense on buying all of her favorite meats, cheeses, crackers, spreads, and of course, a couple of bottles of her favorite wine: Sanguis Virgnins. After lunch, you planned to walk around the park a bit and then before sunset, head to the beach for a sunset walk along the water. For dinner, you made a reservation at her favorite restaurant that overlooks the ocean. To conclude the evening, you planned to have rose petals scattered across the floor and candles lit around the house to set the mood for a passionate, romantic end to your anniversary.
Everything was set and perfect, now you only had to wait for the day. For days you were on the edge of your seat with excitement, hoping Alcina would love what you’ve curated for the two of you. It wasn’t until yesterday did things go south. A storm warning lit up your phone screen as you and Alcina were having dinner. The storm was supposed to veer off into the ocean and bypass you completely, but as if god himself wanted to shit all over your perfectly planned day, the storm came straight up the coast and landed practically at your front door.
Alcina knew how excited you were to surprise her with the perfect day so she insisted on doing as much as you possibly could. So on the morning of your anniversary, the two of you headed over to the cafe. Even though you were only outside just to get in and out of the car, by the time you finished breakfast and made it to the museum, the two of you were soaked to the bone. To make matters worse, the museum had the air conditioning on full blast, which caused the both of you to shiver as you tried to enjoy the artwork. You weren’t even in the museum for half an hour before you decided to cut your losses and head home.
So here you are, sitting on the couch staring out into the storm and pouting. After you got home, Alcina went to shower. She invited you in but you were too down and didn’t want to bring her mood down also, so you declined her offer and changed into comfy sweats and made your way downstairs to the living room.
“Draga?” Alcina’s voice pulls your focus away from the dark, dreary outdoors.
“My darling, don’t look so upset.” She says as she makes her way over to you.
“I can’t help it, I am upset! I had the perfect day planned and it got completely shat on.”
Alcina comes to a stop in front of you and lifts your chin to look up at her. When you’re standing you have to crane your neck to look up at her, but when you’re sitting? You basically have to bend your head as far back as it can go.
With her other hand, she cards her fingers through your still-damp hair, gently scratching at your scalp.
“I’m sorry your plans got rained out, draga. But we still have plenty of time to turn this dreary day around.”
You place your hands on her hips, that are practically eye-level with you, and smooth your thumbs over the silk of her robe. “I guess.”
“Besides,” she says as the hand in your hair slides to the back of your head where she slowly grabs your hair by the root, just the way you like it. “You weren’t the only one who planned something for today. And luckily, the inclement weather has no effect on what I have planned for you tonight.” 
She gently pulls you up by your hair as she leans down and brushes her lips against yours. “So, what do you say, iubirea mea? Come, show me what you have here.”
Alcina pulls away before you can lean in to kiss her and she grabs your hand, leading you into the kitchen where the spread that was supposed to be for your picnic is laid out on the island.
Picking up a few items and inspecting them, Alcina raises an eyebrow and smirks at you when she recognizes all of her favorite, super fancy meats and cheeses.
“This is quite an impressive spread you have here, draga.”
You pick up a jar of caviar and turn it over in your hands as you speak. “Yeah, this was supposed to be our lunch, which was supposed to be in our favorite spot in the park.”
Alcina’s eyes soften at your words, touched at the thought and little details you put into your plans.
“Well, even though it’s past lunchtime, it would be a shame to let all of this go to waste, don’t you think?” She says, trying to bait you, but you can be just as stubborn as she is. So you just shrug your shoulders, mumbling an “I guess” in response.
She walks around the island and takes the jar of caviar out of your hands. Knowing how much you love her hands, she makes a show of popping the jar open and dipping a tiny spoon into it. When that doesn’t work, she offers you the spoon, knowing damn well you hate caviar. You take one whiff and you scrunch your nose and pull away.
“Oh stop, it doesn’t even have a smell.” She says before popping the spoon in her mouth and slowly closes her lips around it. Always one for theatrics, she slowly pulls the spoon from between her lips and rolls her eyes back and moans in pleasure. “Mmm, delicious.”
When her gray eyes open and meet yours, you can’t help but shake your head and let out a small chuckle at her antics. She leans in to kiss you and you pull back, avoiding her lips.
“Nuh-uh. I am not kissing you when you most certainly taste like fish.”
Alcina rolls her eyes for real this time and sets the jar and spoon down on the counter. To your surprise, she grabs the ball of mozzarella with her hands and pulls a chunk of it off. Splitting the piece in two, she leans her head back and drops the cheese into her mouth. After a couple of chews, since she is never one to speak with food in her mouth, she swallows it and arches her perfectly manicured brow at you.
“Better?” She says, flatly.
You can’t help but smile at her and nod your head. She leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips.
“Open.” She says once you part, still holding the other piece of mozzarella in her hand.
Opening your mouth wide, she drops the piece of cheese onto your tongue and you happily chew it. This time it's your turn for your eyes to roll to the back of your head and let out a moan - only it’s genuine, you’re not trying to put on a show like Alcina was earlier.
When you open your eyes, you open them to Alcina sticking her finger into her mouth, cleaning off the remnants of the cheese. Your mouth goes dry and your pupils dilate as you watch her. She always knows how to get you going and offers you her other finger to clean, and because you’re a total slut for this woman, you part your lips on command and take her finger into your mouth.
You caress her finger with your tongue a few times before Alcina presses down on it, pinning it in place. Her lips part and her eyes dilate as she looks down at you with her finger in your mouth and she slowly thrusts her finger back and forth across your tongue. With each thrust her finger goes a little deeper and deeper and you whimper around it. After one final thrust that goes deeper than all of the other ones, nearly making you gag, she pulls her finger from your mouth and captures your lips in a kiss. Cupping your face in her large hands, Alcina flicks her tongue into your mouth, once, twice, and as you lean in for a third swipe, she abruptly pulls away.
An actual whine leaves your lips before you can stop yourself and Alcina chuckles, brushing her nose against yours. She pulls away and makes her way back around the island, putting a small plate of food together.
Looking up at you, feigning innocence, she cocks her head to the side and asks “aren’t you going to eat?”
You let out a groan, now that you’re almost uncomfortably wet, you rub your thighs together and make your way next to her. Alcina smirks, knowing just how turned on you are. Her little plan to distract you is slowly coming to fruition.
Some time passes by and you end up sitting on the counter while you and Alcina feed each other different meats and cheeses and refill each other's wine glasses well before they need refilling. She spreads your favorite fig jam on a cracker and puts it between her teeth, offering you the other half. With a giggle, you bite into the other half. As you’re each chewing your piece, in an uncharacteristic move, no doubt fueled by the copious amounts of wine you’ve both had, Alcina presses her lips into yours. You can’t help but laugh as she kisses you while you both have crackers and jam in your mouths and you feel Alcina smile into the kiss. She places both hands on either side of you on the counter, caging you in and continues to kiss all over your face, jaw and neck. In a fit of laughter, you try to lean back but she wraps her arms around you and pulls you to the edge, her hips slotting perfectly between your legs.
By the time her kisses come to a stop, the two of you are giggling like teenagers and you wrap your arms around her neck as you nuzzle into each other. When you pull back, you still have smiles plastered across your faces and you see the sparkle in Alcina’s eyes. When you’re this close to her, you can really see the crows feet in the corners of her eyes and the delicate smile lines that line her perfectly plump lips. 
Your heart stutters in your chest at the way she looks at you so lovingly. It still amazes you that you were able to melt the heart of the self-proclaimed Ice Queen. There was a time where you weren’t sure if you were ever going to get past the layers and layers of walls she had built up over the years before you met. It took time and patience, but she slowly let her walls come down brick by brick. There were a few times where you thought you were never going to see the real her and you debated on ending the relationship. Alcina always seemed to know when you were reaching that breaking point and even though it was hard and wildly uncomfortable, she tore down a few more walls and let you further in. She showed you the scared girl underneath that cold exterior. The girl that was terrified of having her heart broken again, each time you saw past another wall you melted for her.
There was one time where you were literally walking out the door after an argument over her keeping you at arms length. The only thing that stopped you was the way her voice cracked when she called after you. When you turned around you saw her lips trembling and tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. That night she broke through the rest of her walls and let you completely in. She told you things she’s never told anyone else before. Told you about her childhood, her tumultuous relationship with her family, how they tried to marry her off just to get rid of her. She poured her heart out to you and you knew then and there that no matter what else happened, you were going to be the one that protected her fragile heart from then on.
“What?” Alcina asks as she stares back into your eyes.
“Nothing.” You say as you shake your head. “I just love you so much, Alcina.”
“Și eu te iubesc atât de mult, draga mea.” 
(I love you so much too, my darling)
Alcina takes your wine glass from your hand and sets it down next to hers on the counter. Before you can protest she silences you with a kiss. It starts out soft and slow, but before you know it your kisses become more passionate, more frenzied. Her hands slide from your hips to underneath your ass and you grab the hair at the back of her head with one hand and hook your other arm around her neck.
In one swift movement, Alcina lifts you off of the counter and you squeal into her lips. Instinctively, you wrap your legs around her waist. She carries you up the stairs as if you weigh nothing, and heads into the bedroom. Often times when the two of you get to this stage, since it’s not the first time she’s carried you into the bedroom, Alcina will unceremoniously toss you onto the bed and either pounce on you, or torture you by making you wait. As you brace yourself to be tossed, you’re surprised when her grip on you tightens and she gently lays you down, allowing some, but not all, of her weight to rest on top of you.
Alcina looks at you in the most tender way. Her eyes take in every detail of your face and you can’t help but do the same, admiring her naturally long eyelashes, the blues and grays that swirl in her irises, and her lipstick-free lips that look all too kissable. She brushes a stray lock of hair out of your face before cupping your cheek and capturing your lips in a soft yet passionate kiss. The kiss intensifies when you feel her lick against your lips and you eagerly let her in. More of her weight settles on top of you when you pull her closer, her hips slotted perfectly between your legs. As you’re reveling in the feeling of her on top of you, Alcina takes you by surprise by taking your bottom lip between her lips and sucking on it, drawing out a moan from your lips. She nips at it before letting it go and dives in for a hungrier kiss. You can’t help but roll your hips into her as she claims your mouth, and she groans into the kiss, rolling her hips into you in response. If she was wearing her strap right now she’d be buried to the hilt and the thought sends a shiver down your spine.
Chuckling at feeling you shiver, she rolls her hips into you again and again, a little harder each time. You desperately try to grind into her but there just isn’t enough friction at this angle and you let out a pitiful whine before you can stop yourself. Alcina smiles into the kiss and slows down before pulling away. She rubs her thumb across your eyebrows, softening the furrow that developed between them once she stopped kissing you.
“Do you want your present now, sweet girl?” She asks as her fingers dance across your skin.
“Mhm.” You hum, nodding at her with a smile. 
“As you wish. There are just a few things that need to be done before you get your present.”
“Like what?”
“Well, first things first, this,” she says, tugging at your sweatshirt. “Needs to go.”
Alcina sits back on her heels, giving you space to sit up. Her hands slide under your sweatshirt, letting out a purr when she feels bare skin underneath her fingertips. 
“Nothing underneath? Today must be my lucky day.” She teases.
She helps you pull your sweatshirt up, her hands stopping at the sides of your ribs. You pull it over your head and toss it onto the floor. She guides you to lay back down, each of her hands palming a breast as you fall back into the mattress. Cold fingers send a chill down your spine, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin and your nipples to harden at the touch. Alcina gropes and massages them before squeezing one and dragging her tongue across a hardened peak. A gasp of surprise escapes from your lips and you hum and roll your hips as she mirrors the action on the other side.
Alcina peppers your chest with kisses and small bites, soothing over each sting with her tongue. Once she is satisfied with the marks she left, her fingers hook into the waistline of your sweatpants.
“Next, these need to go as well. May I?”
Your hips roll at the question and you nod your head, not wanting to let her hear the desperation in your voice.
Alcina lets out a tsk.
“Use your words.” She reprimands.
“Yes, god, take them off!”
“Good girl.” She says with a chuckle and she begins to pull your sweatpants down your legs.
Her eyes glow with lust as she pulls them off, realizing you’re bare underneath those as well. 
“And no panties either?” She hums. “You spoil me, draga.”
Your sweatpants are cast away, landing somewhere on the bedroom floor and immediately forgotten about. Alcina takes a moment to admire you sprawled out, naked on the bed before her. A faint flush develops on your cheeks and across your chest as her eyes roam over every inch of your body. 
“Doamne, ești uluitor.” She whispers to herself.
(“God, you are breathtaking.”)
Even though you’re not sure exactly what it was that she said, you feel your flush deepen and you instinctively cover your face with your hands, a sudden bout of shyness overtaking you.
“No, no, don’t hide.” You can hear the smile in her voice as she takes your hands and pulls them from your face, holding them at your sides but not restraining you. “Let me see you, draga.”
You open your eyes to see her gray-blue eyes staring back at you and you can’t help but smile up at her.
“You are so beautiful, my love.” Alcina says before capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
The kiss doesn’t last long before Alcina pulls away and sits back up. Her hands slide down the hourglass of your waist and down your thighs, coming to a rest at your knees.
“Now, there’s one last thing that needs to happen before you get your present, my sweet girl.”
Alcina spreads your legs apart, opening you up wide for her.
“I need you absolutely soaked for what I have planned next.” She says as she drags the back of her knuckles up your already dripping slit, just barely nudging your clit. “Can you do that for me?”
“Yes.” You pant. Her thumb brushes over your clit a few times before slowly circling it. “Fuck, yes, I can.” You moan.
“That’s my good girl.” Alcina says before settling herself between your legs.
She teases your clit with her fingers for a few more seconds and just before you become too impatient, she holds you by the back of your knees, spreads your legs wide, and licks a broad strip up your cunt, flicking your clit with her tongue. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you let out a guttural moan as she repeats the motion over and over again. Just as your legs begin to tremble, Alcina pulls away and removes one hand from your leg. Looking up at her, you see her lips, nose and chin glistening with your arousal and she sucks two of her fingers into her mouth, her eyes never once leaving yours. Heat pools in your belly when she releases her fingers with a pop and they disappear below her. Without taking her eyes off of you, she effortlessly slips them into you. You’re the one who breaks eye contact when she pushes them deep into your pussy and curls them into that spongy spot that makes you see stars.
With your eyes rolling into the back of your head, Alcina nips and licks the inside of your thigh as she gently massages that sweet spot inside. It’s enough to have you moaning her name, but not quite enough to get you where you so desperately want her to take you to. Alcina senses your growing frustration and gently laps at your clit, adding even more pleasure to your body. You don’t feel yourself getting close until she takes the hardened nub between her lips and sucks at it, occasionally flicking her tongue over it. At the first spark of arousal that shoots up your spine, you cry out as your hands grab at Alcina’s head, burying your fingers into her hair.
Just as you’re about to get to the edge, Alcina pulls her fingers out and releases your clit from between her lips. A pathetic whimper leaves your lips and you look down at her in disbelief.
“Patience, draga, you can’t come yet.”
“Why not?” You whine.
“Because I said so. Now be a good girl and spread your legs wide. You can take more of me, can’t you, draga?”
“Yes, fuck, please. Fill me.”
“Be careful what you wish for, draga.” She says with a dark chuckle.
Before you can react, Alcina slides three fingers into your cunt and sets a near brutal pace. You collapse back onto the bed with a cry as she fucks you harder and harder. Your legs tremble around her and just as you’re about to reach your peak again, she slows down, taking your impending orgasm with her.
“Fuck!” You cry. “Why?!”
“I already told you, I’m just getting you ready for what’s to come, my love. Patience.”
She thrusts her fingers in and out of you, keeping you right on the precipice of bliss until she’s satisfied with how drenched and stretched out you are. 
After edging you once more, Alcina pulls away all together and sits back up.
“I think you’re ready for your present now, don’t you think?”
“God yes, please!”
“Is my sweet girl's tight cunt all wet and stretched out for me?” She teases as she hovers over you.
“Yes, fuck.” You breathe.
Alcina places a soft kiss on your lips and moves off of the bed and towards the walk-in closet.
“I’ll be back in a second.”
You wait, impatiently, for Alcina to return and when she does, she’s holding a double ended strap-on dildo in one hand, a bottle of lube in the other and a towel slung over her shoulder. The dildo is purple and quite large, both in length and girth; it’s easily one of the biggest toys you own. Now you get why Alcina needed you so stretched and wet.
She sees the excitement in your eyes as she makes her way towards the bed and lets out a low chuckle.
“Are you excited about your present, draga?”
With your bottom lip caught between your teeth, all you can do is mumble “mhm” and nod your head; your eyes never straying from the toy in her hand. Your legs unconsciously open wider for her as she approaches.
Alcina kneels in front of you on the bed and guides you to lay back down before popping open the lube. She coats her end in the lube and makes a show of using two fingers to spread her lips wide. You can already see how wet she is and that her clit is enlarged and puffy. It takes all of your self control to stay where you are and not pounce on her and bury your tongue inside of her. Noticing the look in your eyes, Alcina teases you by slowly rubbing the toy between her lips, letting out tiny gasps as she nudges her clit with the tip. Just as you feel yourself begin to clench around nothing, Alcina slides the toy into her cunt and throws her head back, letting out a satisfied moan.
When she looks back down at you, her irises are all but swallowed by her dilated pupils. Wordlessly, she pops open the lube cap again and this time coats your end in it. You think she’s going to wipe the excess off on the towel but instead, she cups your soaked pussy and spreads the remaining lube all over you. She takes you by surprise when she shoves three fingers deep into you again, making you cry out in pleasure. After a few twists and thrusts, she pulls them out and begins stroking the cock jutting out from between her legs.
“Are you ready, sweet girl?”
“Yes, fuck, please. I need it.”
Alcina lets out a chuckle. “We haven’t even started and you’re already begging for my cock? Such a desperate little slut, aren’t you?”
“Mhm.” You whine.
She takes a moment to admire how turned on and eager you are, her eyes focused on your throbbing pussy and she takes her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Look at you, so wet and clenching around nothing already. Since you’re so desperate, you’re going to be a good girl and take mommy’s whole cock. That’s fine with you, isn’t it, draga?”
“Yes! Please, please give it to me. I’ve been so good.” You let out a whine as Alcina rubs the head of the purple strap up and down your drenched slit, just barely brushing over your clit.
“You have been a good girl for me tonight, so I won’t tease you too badly. Let me get you a little more stretched before I fuck you into the mattress. Is that alright, sweet girl?” She asks as she slowly pushes the head between your lips and past the first ring of muscle. It's deep enough for you to clench around, but not enough to get any pleasure from, just the sensation of the head stretching you out.
You whine and try to rock your hips to get her deeper, but Alcina grabs your legs underneath your knees and spreads you wide, holding you in place.
“You’ve been such a good girl this far, don’t make me punish you this early.”
All you can do is whine in response and try to not squirm on the bed. Finally, Alcina decides to stop teasing you and without warning, sinks the entire length of the strap into you and you let out a strangled cry.
“Fuck, I stretched you out so nicely and you’re still so tight.” She says as her eyes flutter from the pleasure she’s receiving from her end of the strap.
Alcina pulls out and thrusts back into you again, she does this a few more times before she begins to lose her composure and she pushes your knees so far backwards they’re practically at your ears. At this angle, with you so spread, Alcina is able to pull out and fuck you deeper and harder as she sets a pace that causes you to cry out with each thrust.
“Good girl.” She purrs. “Look at you, taking my cock so perfectly. God, I love all of the little noises you make when I fuck you.”
Just as you feel like your orgasm is about to build, Alcina switches her pace and bottoms you out, with her hips flush against you and begins to grind the cock deep into your pussy. A surprised gasp escapes your lips and you whimper each time she grinds into you.
“Oh fuck! Alcina!”
“I know baby, it feels so good doesn’t it? That’s it, keep taking it.”
Outside, the storm begins to pick up. The room is occasionally lit up by the lightning cracking across the sky and the thunder continues to shake the house. But with Alcina being buried so deep inside of you, neither of you give it any attention.
The room is filled with the sounds of both of your moans and cries and the sound of her hips slamming into you over and over again. Alcina lets go of your legs and you wrap them around her, keeping her close. Your arms wrap around her neck and you pull her down into a sloppy kiss of clashing teeth, tongues and noses. She bites down on your lower lip, nearly breaking the skin and you rake your nails down her back as she rails into you over and over again. She cries out from the mixture of pleasure and pain from your nails. One of her hands wraps around your neck, just the way you like it, and she adds a slight amount of pressure to the sides.
“You take my big cock so well. Look at you, such a perfect little fuck toy for mommy, aren’t you?”
“Yes! Fuck.” You whine as your eyes roll back.
“God, you’re so fucking wet for me, I can’t wait to make you explode.” She says with what sounds like renewed determination as she switches her strokes to long, hard ones.
The new pattern causes you to arch your back into her, letting out a guttural moan. Her relentless pounding causes your orgasm to build once more, this time much more quickly. As Alcina feels you begin to clench harder and tense around her, she lets out a dark chuckle.
“You’re so close already, I can feel how hard you’re clenching. You want to come so badly, don’t you, my sweet girl?” All you’re able to muster is a whimper and a slight head nod. “Tell me, tell me how badly you want to come.”
“So fucking bad. Please, please don’t fucking stop.”
“Oh, I won’t. I’m nowhere near done with you, draga. Especially not before you give me what I want.”
Knowing what she means, you let out a whine and tightly grasp at the hair on the back of her head. Alcina reaches between your bodies and her thrusts falter for just a moment. Before you can even complain, the cock begins to vibrate inside of you and you cry out for her.
“That’s it, draga, that’s it. Don’t fight it, give it to me my love.” She says in an unexpectedly soft tone, especially given how hard she’s fucking you; but you’re too far gone to really notice.
After a few hard thrusts you’re right on the edge and you can hear how wet you are each time she slams into you.
“Fuck, Alci, fuck, please, please, make me, I’m gonna-”
Before you can finish your ramblings, your orgasm hits you like a bus. Your back arches off of the bed and your eyes roll to the back of your head. A scream rips through your vocal cords as the intense pleasure takes over your body. As Alcina fucks you through it, you feel a rush of liquid between the two of you. Your orgasm gets splattered across your thighs and lower stomach as Alcina’s thrusts continue until your body collapses back onto the bed. She slows her pace and comes to a stop, the strap still nestled deep inside of you as you clench around it while your body trembles from the intensity of your orgasm.
Alcina buries her face into your neck and you feel her panting against you as she catches her breath. When you finally come back into your body, because you’re pretty fucking sure you soul was separated from you for a few minutes, you run your fingers through Alcina’s hair and hold her close.
“Holy shit.” You pant. “That was crazy.”
“That was so fucking hot.” Alcina mumbles into your neck. “I don’t think I’ve ever made you squirt that much before, we’re fucking drenched.”
You let out a breathy chuckle and Alcina presses a kiss into your skin. She sits up and slowly pulls out of you and you whine from the loss.
“Oh hush, don’t think I’m done with you just yet.” She says with a devious smile. “I still have to come.”
“How you didn’t during that is actually insane.”
“I came close a few times, but that’s not how I want you when I do. And as you well know, I usually get what I want.” 
You can’t help but laugh at her arrogance. Does she usually get what she wants? Of course she does. But you have her wrapped so tightly around your finger that more often than not, you get what you want too. 
“Oh? Then how do you want me?”
“Ready for more already?” She asks with an arched brow.
“I will be, I just need a minute.”
Alcina leans down and pulls you into a passionate kiss. Your tongues dance around each other as your hands wander across your bodies. After a couple of minutes, Alcina pulls away and has you flip onto your stomach. She begins to pull your hips up and you get up onto all fours. Before you can get comfortable, you feel Alcina’s strong grip on the back of your head as she pushes you down onto the pillows, face down, ass up.
“Just like that.” She says as she holds your head down and spreads your legs wider.
Even though you’re drenched, Alcina still pops open the lube and coats the toy in it again. Both of you agree, there’s never such a thing as too much lube. Plus, the last thing she wants is to subject you to any kind of friction burn. The two of you have been down that road before and even though it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it definitely put a damper on the night and kept you out of commission for a couple of days.
She rubs the toy against you a couple of times before slipping it back in. A few slow, long, deep thrusts have you mewling beneath her and you hear her smirk with pride at how easily she can unravel you.
“For my final gift to you tonight,” She says as she keeps her thrusts steady. “You can come as many times as you want.” You let out a satisfied moan that turns into a cry as she thrusts hard into you. “Don’t get too excited, there is a catch.” She says as she returns to her slower pace. “You can come as many times as you want, but I won’t stop until I come. Alright?”
You know if you used your safe word she would stop in an instant. As torturous as the orgasms she forces upon you can be, they’re also other-worldly and there’s definitely a part of you that never wants them to stop, even if you’re a trembling, overstimulated mess.
Eager for her to start, you whine a “mhm” and nod your head. A sharp smack lands on your ass and you yelp both from the surprise and the sting.
“Use your words. Do you understand me?” She says as her tone darkens and the grip on your hair tightens to the point of almost being painful.
“Yes! I can come over and over again and you won’t stop until you come.”
Another sharp slap meets your ass and Alcina immediately soothes it by running her hand over the mark that is definitely starting to develop.
“Good girl. Now be a good little slut and take my cock like the perfect little toy you are.”
Alcina immediately sets a brutal pace, slamming her hips into your ass over and over again. Even if you tried, you wouldn’t have been able to keep the moans and whimpers from slipping through your lips. The grunts coming from behind you as Alcina fucks you spurs you on and you rock back into each thrust, causing her to let out a groan.
“Fuck, good girl.” She says, smacking your ass again. “I love your cunt, taking my cock so perfectly.”
The first orgasm hits you hard and you cry out as you tremble underneath her. It came faster than you were expecting but you’re too blissed out to care that this will inevitably be the first of many orgasms in this position.
Alcina’s pace doesn’t falter or slow down as you come and you whine from the slight overstimulation.
“I told you, draga, I’m not stopping until I come.” She says between pants.
The next two orgasms come one right after the other and you cry out while you shake underneath her. Alcina tightens the grip on your hair and pushes you harder into the mattress while she digs her fingers so hard into your hip there’s no way there won’t be small bruises there later tonight.
You lost count of how many times she made you come by the time you feel yourself losing steam. Her thrusts begin to falter just a bit, signaling she’s getting close. Cracking open one of your eyes, you see Alcina in your peripheral. Her eyes are screwed shut and her lip is caught between her bottom teeth. She tries to keep quiet but you can still hear the small moans and whimpers that escape from her as she gets closer to her release.
With a renewed determination, you slam your hips back into each of her thrusts and she lets out a groan of pleasure.
“Oh fuck, draga, good girl. God, yes!” She says as she throws her head back.
Alcina stops holding back her moans and her thrusts start to lose their rhythm, her low moans and whimpers get higher and higher the closer she gets to her release.
After one high-pitched moan, you can feel the hand in your hair begin to tremble and she releases her grip. Alcina falls forward until there isn’t an inch of room between your bodies, catching herself on her hands that landed on either side of you. She buries her face into your neck and sinks the strap deep into you before grinding down. The closer she gets, the sweeter her moans are when she cries into your skin. With her forehead resting against your cheek, you sink your fingers into her tousled hair, holding her against you.
“Baby, I - I’m gonna -” she whimpers softly into you. “Oh, oh! Oh fuck!”
Her body trembles on top of you and as she fucks herself through her orgasm crying out your name. You hit your peak once more and try to grind back into her as much as you can with her laying on top of you. Your bodies tremble in overstimulation as you both slow down, loud moans and cries softening into quiet whimpers and panting breaths.
The two of you lay there for a couple of minutes as you catch your breaths and come down from your highs.
“I just need a moment and then I’ll get off of you. I’m sorry, I must be crushing you.” She says softly. You can hear the vulnerability in her voice that she lets through only when she’s with you in the privacy of your bedroom.
For someone who is so strong and confident in herself and her body, Alcina also holds many insecurities about her size. She’s learned to accept and embrace the space she takes up, but in quieter moments, she’s opened up about how there are days she hates feeling like a giant. Especially when you’re so small compared to her, with nearly a foot in height difference between the two of you, she often worries about putting all of her weight on you, or afraid she’s going to do something that will hurt you.
She moves to get up and the hold you have on her hair tightens, keeping her against you.
“No, it’s okay, I’m fine.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. I like the feeling of your weight on me. It makes me feel safe.” You quietly admit.
“Are you just saying that?”
“Nuh-uh.” You hum. “I promise. I always feel so well protected by you, but when you’re on top of me like this, I feel like nothing in the world can hurt me.” You say as you do your best to nuzzle into her.
It takes a few moments of an inner battle inside of Alcina before you feel her relax, the rest of her weight settling on top of you. After a quick wiggle to adjust so you can breathe, you let out a content sigh and you scratch at your scalp. Alcina snakes her hands underneath you and holds you tight.
You feel something wet on your shoulder just as you hear Alcina sniffle above you.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” The concern in your voice is thick and you try to turn your head towards her as much as you can.
Alcina shakes her head and takes a quivering breath in.
“I’m alright.”
“Baby why are you crying?” This time you try to turn your body a little to get a better look at her but she keeps you pinned in place.
“Thank you.” She whispers.
“For what, honey?”
“For loving me. All of me. You have no idea how much I treasure you.”
“Can I look at you?” You ask.
Alcina nods her head and slowly pushes herself off of you before sliding out the toy still buried in you. As you roll over, Alcina removes her end of the you and tosses it onto the towel at the end of the bed. Stretching your arms out towards her, Alcina crawls into them and you place a kiss at the top of her head, holding her tight.
She sniffles again and you pull back from her and place your knuckles under her chin, raising her gaze to look up at you, as she’s done to you countless times.
“I love you so much. Every inch of you. Every part of you, even the parts you don’t like about yourself, I love them and I always will.”
Looking into her gorgeous eyes, she looks up at you innocently. Alcina may be a lot of woman, but in moments like this you see the young girl she keeps buried inside of her. With all six foot three of her curled into you, you can’t help but cuddle her like she’s your size.
Alcina slides her hand into your hair and pulls you into a deep kiss. It was the kind of kiss that made up for when words failed. The kind that conveyed so much love it made your heart nearly burst.
When your lips part you wipe the trail her tears left behind and she lets out a huff before sitting up and wiping her eyes.
“Ugh, well this wasn’t part of the plan!”
You let out a chuckle while rubbing your hands over her thighs.
“Maybe not, but I do love when you’re soft.” Alcina rolls her eyes at you. “What? I love seeing the soft side of my big, bad, intimidating girlfriend.” You say as you wrap your arms around her waist and rest your chin on her chest, looking up at her. 
Alcina playfully rolls her eyes at you before wrapping her arms around you and pulling you back down onto the mattress. You let out a surprised squeal and laugh as she pulls you down.
“I’ll show you big, bad, and intimidating.” She says, flippantly snapping her teeth at you.
“Oh no, I’m so scared!” You say with almost too much sarcasm in your voice as you laugh.
Alcina scoffs at you.
“Don’t be fresh!” She says as she goes to tickle you.
“No! No, no, no!” You yelp, trying to squirm away from her.
“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere!”
The two of you end up in a pile of limbs and laughter before she finally gives up on tickling you. The drastic shift of moods tonight has you absolutely wiped but Alcina convinces you to shower with her before going to sleep.
Once you’re both done and ready for bed, you notice the rain has finally stopped and all you hear outside is the sound of frogs croaking in the distance. Alcina holds you against her and kisses your forehead.
“I truly am sorry your plans got rained out today, draga.” She says. “Perhaps we can reschedule what you had planned for next weekend?”
“You really want to do that?”
“Of course I do! You put so much time and effort into it. All of the little details you decided to add, like my favorite foods or my favorite museum, it means so much to me that you wanted to do all of those things with me for our anniversary.”
“Well, yeah. I have fun when you have fun. Besides, it’s not like I get many opportunities to woo you.” You say with a smirk.
Alcina laughs and kisses the side of your head.
“We shall have to remedy that, then.” She puts her fingers under your chin and guides you to look up at her. “Happy anniversary, draga mea. Ai toată inima mea. Te iubesc atât de mult îngerul meu.” (You have my whole heart. I love you so much my angel).
“Happy anniversary, Alcina. I love you.”
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rinhaler · 11 months
first, i want to kiss you for your amazing smut. especially the stepdad toji one 🤭🤭 second, will you pretty pretty please with a cherry on top write some noncon with yandere stepbro yuji? im ovulating and deprived of some nasty ass fics with my favourite boy, please? 👉🏽👈🏽🥺🫶🏽
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I have like zero experience writing yandere. If I've done it before it's deff not been intentional so I hope this is okay! Also making Yuuji mean was so hard and did not sit right with my soul but bon apetit.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, noncon, fem!reader, yandere!yuuji itadori, stepcest, semi-public sex, vaginal sex, use of yuuji-nii and nii-chan, marking/cutting, blood, spanking, jealousy, creampie.
words: 1.4k
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“Get out.” your brother speaks, voice brimming with hatred as he drags you by your wrist into the boys bathroom. The guys in the room look at him, then at each other. They don’t think he’s serious, he can’t be, can he? They stare at him and their eyes catch the way he’s squeezing your wrist. Tight enough to bruise. “Get. Out.” he repeats himself, calmly.
The guys hurry up, putting their dicks away and leaving without even washing their hands. It’s revolting, but the last thing on your mind as Yuuji waits for them to leave before shoving you further into the room.
“Yuuji?” you whisper soothingly. Though when he gets closer to you and shoves you again, you wish you hadn’t said anything at all. Your lower back connects with the sinks behind you. You’re sure more bruises will follow the contact, but right now that’s the least of your concern. He turns you around, and you instinctively bend over. You yelp when you feel him kick the insides of your ankles harshly, but your legs spread beautifully for him. “I-I’m sorry.” you whine. You aren’t sure what you’ve done, but he seems cross with you. Maybe an apology will make everything better.
He doesn’t respond. The sound of his zipper being pulled down reverberates through the icky bathroom. Your eyes scrunch closed as you whimper, knowing what’s coming next. He moves your panties aside, a stinging slap landing on your slick puffy folds.
“I wish you were sorry.” he tells you, coldly, “But I’ll make you sorry when we get home.”
You opt not to respond, knowing that anything you say will be misconstrued and he’ll use that to punish you. He slaps your cunt again, and the force propels you forward as you jolt at the pain. He flips up your skirt, smacking your ass again and again until even the softest touch fills you with pain.
You won’t be able to sit comfortably for a while.
He slots his aching cock between your swollen pussy lips, dragging his length up and down, coating his tips with your shimmering essence. You hear his heavy breaths as he enjoys your dewy cunt. Your unprepped hole fights him every step of the way as he bullies his cock into you. Your walls feel like home as he forces himself to the hilt.
“You’re bein’ quiet.” he points out. You look at him through the mirror, your crying has made a mess of your makeup. Black tear leans stream down your face as you can’t quite accommodate his horrifically thick cock. Lithe fingers yank at your hair, shoving your face into the reflective glass in front of you.
“I dunno what I did, Yuuji.” you pout, turning your head so that you can look back at him through the corner of your eye. You yip when he pushes your head into the mirror once more. You definitely said the wrong thing this time.
“Isn’t it obvious? Look at the slut staring back at you in the mirror.” he tells you. You start to protest, telling him that you aren’t a whore, and you didn’t do anything wrong. But you get the perfect view of his fist coming towards the mirror, breaking it, shards of glass falling onto the counters and into the porcelain sinks below. You hiss a shallowly as a little piece cuts you as it falls.
His hips stay still as he sees blood begin to seep from the small cut on your shoulder. You do nothing, choosing to stare at your reflection again in the cracked mirror. Though your eyes wander when he picks up a larger piece of glass.
“Yuuji-nii? What are you— aah!” you cry as his hand wraps around the back of your neck and pushes your face down into the glass filled sink.
“Move, and you’ll regret it.” he warns you. His painful hold doesn’t cease, but you feel his wrist balance on the plush flesh of your right ass cheek. You wince as you feel a pointed edge push down into your skin, you bite your lip and try to repress the noises desperate to leave your throat. It’s agonising and it’s unabated. And before he’s barely gotten started, you’re screaming.
His hand leaves your neck, coming down harshly on the marks he’s cutting into your behind. The stinging sensation is unbearable, you think you might pass out.
“Shut the fuck up.” he warns you. You cover your mouth with both hands, desperate to keep the screams locked deep inside of your lungs. He takes his time, with you. Making sure he writes his name on your skin in big perfect letters so there is no longer any question on who you belong to. He spanks you again, his hand becoming covered in blood. “I’ll get you some bandages from the first aid kit in the gym if you’re good.” he explains.
“What did I do, Yuuji-nii?” you pout, keeping your eyes fixated on the base of the sink as he begins to fuck into you. His entire weight poured into each and every thrust. “Haah—!”
“Saw you fucking flirting with a guy in your class.” he tells you, his palm landing on your bloody wound once again. “You’re meant to be mine. So I’m giving you a reminder.” he continues, his cock slamming into you again and again while his balls slap against your neglected clit.
You shouldn’t be enjoying this. You told him you weren’t in the mood and you didn’t have time. But the fury in his eye as he dragged you all of the way to the boy’s bathroom told you that what you wanted wasn’t really up for discussion. And it makes sense, now, he doesn’t care if you want him when he’s jealous. When he’s jealous, you’ll take what he’s giving you whether you want him or not.
“I w-wasn’t.” you sob, sniffling quietly as his tip hammers against your cervix. “Jus’ gave him some notes from a class he missed!” you inform him, hoping it’ll clear up this whole misunderstanding.
“You’re fucking stupid.” he spanks your wound again. “He didn’t want your fucking notes. He wants you. If you did anything but think with that stupid cunt of yours you’d be smart enough to talk to any guys except for me.”
“’m sorry, nii-chan.” you wail, you can tell by his sloppy thrusts that he’s close. And you’re ashamed to say that your cunt is responding favourably to him ruining you like this. You’re conditioned, unfortunately. Whatever he offers you is sure to make you cum, no matter the circumstance.
“Nii-chan knows best, doesn’t he?” he asks, though you aren’t sure if it’s rhetorical. You find yourself nodding, anyway, but a particularly harsh thrust tells you that he’s looking for verbal confirmation. “Remember what’ll happen to you if you talk to boys other than nii-chan.”
“Nii-chan knows best.” you pout, moaning as he continues to fuck painfully into you. “W-Won’t talk to anyone… promise.”
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum. I didn’t lock the door, y’know. Hope he walks in and sees how much you like getting fucked by your brother. Should I cum in this slutty cunt? Make sure everyone knows whose pussy this is.” he babbles, you feel your insides turn warm before you can even answer. He curses repeatedly as he empties his balls into your unprotected womb. The feeling is like a loving hug, and your body unwillingly returns the feeling as your walls squeeze tightly around his length as you spasm from your high.
“T-Thank you, nii-chan.” you tell him, quietly.
“Good girl.” he praises you, pulling out. Your spread legs attempt to close to keep his cum inside, but he kicks at your ankles again to make sure they stay nice ‘n wide. “Gonna go get the first aid kit for you, don’t move.”
“What if—” he slaps your ass and shoves your body back down into the counter. And you realise that he didn’t mean don’t leave the bathroom. He meant don’t move from this exact position.
“What if someone walks in? Good.” he smirks, heading for the exit. “I want every guy in this fucking place to see how much you like your big brother’s cum dripping out of you.”
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© 2023 rinitxshi
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izurou · 2 years
⋆ .˚ 𖤐 — ft. SHIDOU RYUSEI ⋮ contains: f! reader. pet names. fingering. mentions of cum. alludes to reader being in a toxic relationship (not with shidou)
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your roommate ryusei absolutely hates your boyfriend’s guts—and he makes it known.
they had their fair share of arguments before you stopped bringing him around altogether—most of which were focused on the way he treats you, and all of which resulted in him fleeing with his tail between his legs, because when ryusei bares his fangs—one’s chances of making it out alive plummet to zero.
however—limiting their contact with each other wasn’t enough to mellow ryusei out, because the mere thought of you and this douchebag being together had him seeing shades of red unknown to the human eye.
you should be with him instead. yeah, he’d treat you so much better, give you everything you want and more, have you seeing stars every night—oh, how you drive him insane, he fucking hates that you’re not with him instead.
but then, like a sweet little angel with a shattered wing—you return to your shared apartment late one night, tears staining your cheeks, a little pout glued to your lips—and ryusei feels pure elation for the first time in months.
“awwwwww,” he coos, immediately making your personal space his own as he brings his hands up to cup your cheeks—wiping at the wet trails with his thumbs. “what’s wrong, pretty girl? you been cryin’?”
he’s holding your face just inches from his own—his presence all consuming as he tilts his head to the side and puts on a faux frown to match yours.
“leave me alone ryusei,” you mutter, avoiding his persistent gaze as you place your hands atop his wrists and pull them down.
you brush past him—just looking to head for your bed so you can snuggle under the covers with a box of tissues, but you don’t get too far.
“hey,” he calls, and you turn just in time to watch every ounce of humanity drain from his face—an animalistic snarl taking over his lips, paired with two balled up fists that cause his biceps to flex. “what’d that asshole do this time?”
“doesn’t matter,” you sniffle, rubbing your eye with the sleeve of your sweatshirt. “we’re over.”
“oh, that’s too bad sweetheart,” he hums, though his grin is back—tripled in size as he steps toward you once more, reaching out to tilt your chin up with his index finger. “you okay?“
you shake your head no—knowing he’d see right through you if you’d lied and said the opposite.
“what can i do for you, hm?” he persists, gingerly pressing a kiss to your cheek and licking his lips right after—savouring the saltiness of your tears with a sadistic smirk. “i’ll fuckin’ kill him if you want, would that make it better?”
“no, i just wanna forget about him,” you admit—hesitant to soak up all the attention he’s giving you. “never wanna think about him again.”
“why don’t i help, sweetheart?” he purrs, leaning down to let his breath fan over the shell of your ear. “won’t even remember your name when i’m done with you.”
and maybe it was his words that got you, or the relentless need to be loved in that very moment—but you end up in his bed, propped up against a pillow as he hovers over you.
“yeah, that’s it,” he chuckles—one hand planted beside your head for support, while the other is buried between your thighs. “you hear yourself? pussy’s so fuckin’ wet, gonna cum for me?”
his long middle and ring fingers curl inside you, squelching with each thrust as they coax more and more arousal out of your pretty cunt.
“r-ryu—i, i’m,” you choke on your words, already feeling tears stinging the corner of your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure he’s providing, though some still carry all the emotions you came home with.
“shit, pretty fuckin’ girl,” he groans, dropping to his forearm and craning his neck—pressing his lips against the fresh trail of tears. “mmm, you’re gonna kill me, y’know.”
his cock strains against his sweatpants as you writhe beneath him, definitely a pretty shade of pink as the tip cries from excitement. he’s only imagined this every damn night for god knows how long, even fucked his fist to the thought of it—even with you and that asshole right next door.
you feel the knot in your stomach tighten before it comes undone, reducing you to a squirming pile of gasps and moans as you pulse on his fingers—prompting him to straighten up and watch as you fall apart.
“yeaahh, look at that,” he drawls, watching your walls contract around his digits through hooded lids. “think i’m about to cum, shit.”
he rips his fingers from your messy cunt and pops them into his mouth, sucking the thin layer of you clean off. he hums in content, and you watch his abs tense up—breath faltering as a little patch on his sweats turns a shade darker.
“see what you do to me, sweetheart?” he sighs, dropping his hand back down and shoving it into his pants. he tugs his cock from behind the sticky fabric—pumping his last bit of cum onto his hand.
“ryusei, please,” you whine, desperate for more, hoping to erase your memory even further—but also just plain turned on by the fact that he creamed his pants because of you.
“don’t worry, i’m just gettin’ started,” he laughs, letting his tongue fall out of his mouth—a little preview of the next thing you’ll be cumming on.
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sinsinsininning · 8 months
A little bit softer
Chapter 2.
Eustass Kid x crew mate!fem!reader
TW: depictions of DV, descriptions of medical terms and procedures, not as smutty
A/N: I don’t know why but l always have to make my reader inserts or OCs a medic in some way……It’s probably bc I’m a vet tech.
Kid felt… guilty, which wasn’t a normal thing for him. Suspecting you were scared of him was one thing. But knowing you were scared of him was another entirely.
He wanted to shake himself some days, you were just a rookie. Not his lover. Not his partner. He didn’t owe you anything. But then he’d ruin his own pep talk by thinking of you and your face.
After your conversation with Heat, Kid walked on eggshells around you. The entire crew was still trying their damnedest to meddle with him, so encounters with you had ramped up a lot. You both still did your best to avoid eye contact or speak to him. But it was clearly starting to wear on the crew’s patience.
“You need to handle your shit.” Killer said to him one day in his workshop. Kid couldn’t even pretend not to know what he was on about.
“You need to fuck off!” He shouted, feeling his shoulders shake.
“Just talk with her, you never know, maybe she likes you as well.”
Kid burst out in hysterical laughter, needing a few moments to catch his breath.
“She’s terrified of me Killer,” He coughed. “She thinks I’m gonna hit her or something. I heard her telling Heat.” Killer cocked his head, thinking.
“All the more reason to clear the air. What’s more is I can’t have the crew keep trying to pair the two of you up, it’s getting in the way of their tasks.” Kid fixed him with a glare.
“Newsflash, asshole! You were the one who started that shit!” He turned back to his table. “Besides the fuck am I gonna say to make her feel better? Huh?”
“That’s true, you’re not good with words.” Killer nodded and began approaching him. “You’ll just have to use your actions.” Kid laughed.
“Oh yeah? How am I gonna do that?” He asked sarcastically before a sharp pain flared in his right arm. “Ow what the fuck?!”
Killer had cut his arm, a deep laceration at least 5 inches long. The masked man shrugged at his shouting.
“She’s in the med bay, go up there, tell her you got cut while working. Ask her to patch you up.”
“Fuck you this stings!” Kid pressed a used rag to his arm. “I’ll fucking stab you.”
“She won’t be there much longer. Tell her you can’t find me and you can’t stitch yourself with one hand.” Killer took that moment leave, Kid stood there fuming for a moment. Part of him wanted to just stay down here and fix it later, just to piss Killer off.
But a stronger part of him wanted to see you, hopefully you wouldn’t run or hide. He made his way slowly to the med bay, almost hoping you’d be gone. As he entered he saw how unlucky he was.
You had your back to him, wiping down the machines that sterilized the suturing materials and other rudimentary instruments. He coughed to get your attention, keeping his injured arm hidden behind the doorframe.
“Hip are you don- oh!” He hated how tense you became, you soft stomach clenching in worry. “Sorry captain, I thought Hip was done with the mop. What can I do for you?” He showed you his arm and felt a small bit better as you gasped with worry.
The rag he’s used to staunch the bleeding made it look worse than it was, but it had dried a little and was now stuck to his skin. You motioned for him to sit on the chair by the table.
“How’d that happen?” You asked, trying to gently peel the rag off.
“Was working and it just kinda happened.” He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t want to lie to you. “Don’t know where Killer is and I can’t sew with only one hand.” Still not lies technically.
“Gotcha.” You’re all business and he feels a little flush at the sight of you zipping around the room gathering materials. “Well it’s not too bad, really deep though. I’ll numb it, suture it really quick and you should be on your way.” Any trace of fear or anxiety was gone, your posture alert but relaxed, you soft face was focused.
“Take your time.” Kid drawled, enjoying the view, didn’t hurt that your ass looked good as you bent over to grab something under the desk. Your ass always looked good he decided. “Got nowhere to be.”
“Not true,” You return with a small syringe, some type of numbing drug he assumed. “You’re the captain, you probably got plenty of stuff to be doing.”
He didn’t respond, the injection you gave him stung so he had to bite back his swears about it. Neither of you spoke as you worked. You had to stand pretty close to place the sutures, your hands cold but soft as you touched him.
You shivered at one point and Kid realized, horrifically, that he’d leaned to far forward to watch your hands. You glanced up at him, caught his gaze and shuffled a bit further back. He wanted to growl as he saw how tense you’d gotten, your soft apology only making him more frustrated.
You were halfway done and he couldn’t take the silence anymore.
“So.” You tensed again, he could see it in your neck especially. “I never did ask… who was your old captain?” You jabbed the needle a bit harder at the question, obviously not on purpose as you profusely apologized. He ignored and continued to stare until you answered.
“His- um. His name is um… It’s Badger. Captain Badger.” You try to focus once more.
“How long did you sail with him?”
“2 years.”
“How big was the crew?”
“About 15.”
“Where’d you sail?”
“West Blue.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“Um.” You were almost shaking, he almost hesitated.
“Why’d you leave his crew?”
“What does it matter?” Oh that was a response, he grinned, anger was better than fear. At least in his book.
“Answer the question. It’s important for me to know.”
“You never needed to know before. Why now?”
“Because I’ve been watching you.” He leans forward more, meeting your heated glare as you tied the final knot. “You’ve got some peculiar habits, I’d like to know more about that.”
“You’ve been watching me?”
He nodded.
“Like on deck or like…. In my room?”
“Not like that you pervert!” He can’t help but shout, you don’t flinch though. A small grin on your face as you successfully get him off the topic.
“So not my room or the showers? Just to clarify.” He knows he’s blushing but he still growls and stands to his full height. You step back but he follows you, a look of fear in your eyes takes over the glee. But he can’t stop himself from continuing.
“You’re clever, but I still need an answer.” He crowds your space, placing both hands on the counter behind you, caging your body with his. He leans forward, letting his breath fan over your ear. “Why did you leave?”
You stay silent, face red and a little sweaty, he pulls back just enough to admire the sight. He can’t make a reassuring face to save his life, but he tries as tears fill up your eyes. Still, he can’t stop, he needs this. You need this.
“If you are unhappy with my performance or skills, tell me and I will fix them. I haven’t brought any bad habits on board. I assure you.” You finally answer, your words felt warm against his face, he grinned some more.
“Uh-uh you see, one of those habits, the only one really,” His grin drops from his face. “Is that you’re scared of your captain.” You pale at his words and start to shake a little. He continues, drawing back slightly.
“That’s something he taught you, right?” He tilted his head a little. “To be scared of your captain. Because you never know when he’ll just up hit you, right?” He parroted your words from the bar back to you. Your eyes are wide with recognition.
“I’m sor-“
“Save it,” He cuts you off. “I know I’m scary, it’s my whole deal. I’m a scary pirate who murders and pillage. But my crew is mine. Understood. I don’t let anyone harm them, especially not myself.” You lean back into the counter more.
“You hurt Wire. You made him need staples and you didn’t even seem sorry. You didn’t help patch him up.” Kid knew this was coming, he still didn’t know what to say.
“It was a mistake,” He said. “I didn’t mean to hit him, but you’re right. I should’ve check on him and made sure he wasn’t hurt.” It was hard to admit he was wrong, but in the small medical room, to you, it was a little easier.
Both of you stayed quiet for a while. He made no move to let you go. And you made no move to try. He wasn’t sure if he would’ve actually stopped you if you did. Finally, the tension in you jaw and shoulders eased, just a little.
“Badger… was bad. He didn’t just hit us. He stole from us and wouldn’t let us leave, even if some managed to escape they’d have no Beris. It’d be like starting from scratch, but worse because if he caught you he’d kill you.” You paused, taking a big breath, turning to stare at the wall. “I was secretly saving Beris, to hopefully run off and be able to hide from him. I didn’t have much, barely anything. One day he came and told me he wanted me to be his… wife.” Kid stood up straight, leaning back like he’d been struck, you continued barely noticing him.
“I told him no, I should’ve said yes and bided my time. Maybe I could’ve taken more people with me, but I was an idiot.”
“No that’s not-“ You cut him off.
“He threw a fit, tried to kill me. His devil fruit power nullifies weapons, so I couldn’t fight back. I tried to stage a mutiny, but everyone was too afraid, he’d never lost a fight. Eventually I jumped over board and swam to shore. I hid on a marine ship, I never had a bounty so I just pretended to be some girl who wanted to travel. I flirted with some of them and got a ride to a port a few islands over.” You sighed, a long exhale that seemed to deflate you. “I had no Beris or even clothes. But I overheard some rookies talking about joining your crew. I figured it was the safest option. So I spoke with Killer and here I am.” You trailed off quietly, tears still hadn’t fallen yet, it was almost impressive.
Kid didn’t speak for several long minutes, just watching you hold your breath. Finally he pushed off the counter, giving you both some breathing room. He began to exit when you called out.
“Captain what are you doing?”
He turned with a scowl.
“I’m setting a course to go murder that asshole.”
“What? Why that’s so far off our course.”
“I told you, you’re my crew. We’re gonna go murder him, then if any of your old friends wanna join the crew they can.” He laughed at your shocked face. When he’d caught his breath he turned again to leave.
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missredherring · 9 months
M.P. + "I can't believe you're this innocent."
Marcus Pike x GN!Reader
Rating: PG
Word Count: 481
Contents: mentions of sex. propositioning Marcus for sex/fwb. Reader is generally inexperienced in relationships.
A/N: When the wheel of destiny paired these two up I wasn't sure I could even write it because the prompt sounded so condescending in my mind! How could our Marcus say that?
But then I was talking with @psychedelic-ink about the friends with benefits trope that usually ends up in feelings at the end, and what if the person being asked for that situation knew what would happen from the start? It made this prompt with Marcus work.
Not beta'd. Any mistakes are my own.
Summary: "I can't believe you're this innocent."
Series Masterlist
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You’re proud that you got through the entire speech(suggestion? proposition?) without forgetting any of the important points from the list you’d written up.
A friends-with-benefits agreement seems like a great idea. Very adult, and there isn’t anyone you wanted or trusted more than Marcus. But his face is dropping and he’s taking a step away, hands halfway up his sides like he doesn’t know what to do with them before going to his hips.
“I can’t believe you’re this innocent.” 
It’s quiet, said more to himself than to you, but you’re so tuned into him that you hear it clearly. And it hurts. A sharp pang in your chest followed by your stomach dropping into your guts. It hurts; the frown on his face and how he isn’t meeting your eyes anymore, he’s turning his body away from you like he can’t wait to put you and you apparently horrible suggestion behind him.
Maybe he’s right, because all you want to do right now is run away instead of holding your ground and finishing this conversation. Circulation has caught up with your emotions and now your face is hot enough to fry all that egg on it. You can feel the tears stinging behind your eyes, but you force yourself to say something. You’re adult enough to proposition him for this, so you’ll be adult enough to deal with the fallout. 
“That’s the point isn’t it?” You cross your arms over your chest. “So this way I can get some experience with someone I trust not to screw me over in a way I won’t like and you can break your dry spell. You were just complaining to Smith about it last week.”
Marcus swings back around to you, the frown still on his pretty mouth. It’s weird to see this expression directed at you.
“I told Smith that because that’s the answer guys like him want to hear,” He side steps you to put his desk between you and shuffles through a stack of folders. He finds the one he’s looking for and taps it on the top of the stack while he thinks. “I’m glad you felt you could come to me for this, I really am, but I can’t be that guy for you. I think- I hope you know me well enough by now to know it wouldn’t be just physical with me.”
He sets the file folder down gently on the desktop and leans on the surface, letting his head hang between his shoulders and sighing. 
“This isn’t how I was planning on talking to you about this,” He tells his desk and finally meets your eyes again. There’s some kind of emotion you can’t place there, shining at you. “I can’t do this because I’ll fall in love with you.”
His frown is turning into a small hopeful smile now. “I’m already halfway there.”
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umbralaether · 1 year
You’re better than him, Astarion.
Her words ring in his ears long after she’d said them, but even they couldn’t cast away the dark feelings lingering in his mind.
He hadn’t left their shared room since Cazador’s death. He should be celebrating, maybe, or at least rejoicing in the fact his master was dead and gone— never to hunt him again. Instead, he found a heaviness that refused to leave his limbs, his own psyche weighing him down.
Ah, I see you found yourself a little pet. Or is it a snack? Peculiar choice, regardless.
He thinks of the first time he drank from her, how he’d almost gone too far in his bloodlust. How she woke weak and pale—a hard feat with her dark skin—yet continued to push herself beyond her limits. He thinks of the times she’d bruised from his fangs, how he had manipulated her into his orbit in the first place.
He had done that, and Cazador’s words dig deeper into his chest. Only a someone truly evil could do what he’s done. Once a monster, always a monster.
He doesn’t hear her come in, still staring at the ceiling, but he feels her sit on the bed beside him. She says nothing, taking off her boots and outer clothes. Her scent fills the room, refueling the dull ache in his body and he briefly wonders how many days have passed since he last fed.
Not that it mattered, he would refuse to use her like that ever again.
“Astarion,” his name coming from her mouth is a gift, and yet it stings. She should hate him, or at least be disgusted. Not soft, and gentle and loving.
“Please, look at me.”
He just wants to rot, lay in this dark room until he crumbles to dust. She would be better off, anyway, without a leech at her side. She could have a real life.
“What can I do? I’m begging you, love, please don’t push me away.”
“Go, Ceruli. You deserve better than a parasite.” His voice was rough from disuse, and when he finally looks her way, her face—that godsdamn beautiful face— looks at him as if he’d just slapped her.
Good one, he thinks miserably.
“Do you feel better, getting that off your chest?” She always was quick to regain her composure, “Because I have a few counter arguments.”
He says nothing, and goes back to staring at the ceiling.
“Parasites don’t ask permission, first of all. They just show up and take. That’s not you, no matter what Cazador said.” She moves closer to him, legs tucked under her and her warmth radiating, “I love you. I made a choice to love you, and I won’t stop loving you just because you believe you’re unworthy.”
He feels tears forming, and closes his eyes to keep them from falling.
“If I have to remind you everyday how much you mean to me, I will. I’ll make a list of everything I love about you, engrave it in stone forevermore.” She reaches for him, her hand cupping his cheek, thumb moving back and forth rhythmically. Her signature loving gesture.
A dam breaks, and suddenly he’s pulling her to him. He all but crushes her to him, arms wrapped tightly around her, face buried in her chest— her heart beats steadily, an endless comfort.
Sobs wrack his body; all the guilt, shame, and grief bleeding from him after decades of forming a shell around them. He clings to her, desperate for her touch, her warmth, after refusing her touch for who knows how many days.
She gives it without hesitation. Fingers running through his unkempt hair, down his back. Kisses peppered along his hairline, his temples, his forehead. Anywhere she can reach. She murmurs sweet nothings to him, the kindest of words and just when he feels as though he’ll crumble from her love, she says a name he has not heard in centuries.
“My sweet, shining star.”
It’s like the world spins to a stop. He peers up at her, “What did you say?”
“Your name. In elvish, it means ‘little star’. Or at least I think it does, I’m not fluent but…”
He chokes out a quiet laugh, “You, my love, are incredible.”
He closes the small gap between them with a kiss, reveling once again in the taste of her mouth, her skin. He trails them down her face, along her jaw, then her throat. He hovers over her pulse point, hesitating.
Her hand cups his face again, “Go on, love. You’ll feel better if you feed. Please don’t torture yourself anymore.”
His resolve breaks. He would do anything for her, after all. He sinks his teeth in, and the ecstasy of her blood in his mouth has him groaning with pleasure. He drinks until she stops him, and he kisses all along her face afterwards.
“Thank you, my lovely gem.” He feels lighter, the weight of all his baggage finally dissolving, albeit slowly, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Always, my star. I’m not going anywhere.”
They stay there, holding each other, neither one willing to let go first.
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Headcanon: Katniss tries to help Peeta at the bakery and burns her wrist. From then on until it heals after her bath at night Peeta sits behind her on the bed and brushes out her hair slowly and rhythmically
Can I interest you in some domestic post-mj fluff (or maybe it's hurt/comfort?). You'd think I'd know how to classify this by now. Rated somewhere between G and T depending on how you feel about non sexual nudity.
<3 kdnfb
I’ve always hated burns. The way even the smallest of them causes excruciating pain. And now I have hundreds of reasons to hate them. And even though, as a baker, Peeta’s used to small burns on his own skin, he always submits to my care when I demand he let me soothe his hurts with whatever cold substance we have available. Ice from the freezer. Cold water from the tap. Snow from the ground if it’s winter and he tells me about the burn while we’re walking home.
But that hasn’t made it easy for me to accept his caring when I hurt myself. Sometimes, I’d rather hide it from him and find a closet to hide in while the memories of my sister feel contained in that tiny new burn, making the already unbearable pain into something unimaginable. At times, I think I may combust once again, the blaze starting at the new wound and consuming me within seconds.
This time, though, I can’t hide it. Peeta was right beside me as we were baking. He was trying to show me how to make the cheese rolls I love so much.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper as he holds my arm under the tap, running it full cold over my wrist. His grip on me is too tight to allow me to even pull back, let alone escape and run away.
I watch his jaw clench and rest my forehead on his chest, repeating my apology as the tears in my eyes burn almost as badly as my wrist. I want to collapse, but Peeta’s body pressing me against the sink won’t allow for even that.
“Stop it, Katniss. Stop apologizing.”
“I ruined them. I ruined the rolls,” I whimper and turn my head enough to spot them still scattered on the floor from where I dropped the tray after it slipped just enough in my grip to burn my wrist.
“I don’t care about the rolls,” he says and then twists his body, reaching for the cabinet where we keep the burn creams.
He sets it down on the counter and then grabs my chin, forcing my head up to look at him.
“Hey. Look at me, Katniss. I’m right here. Don’t look away. Say it.”
I take a few deep breaths, entranced by the depths in those blue eyes. The plea in them that whispers to me, begs me to understand his terseness. “You don’t care about the rolls.”
“I really don’t. Come on. Let’s get some ointment on this.”
It still stings, the ingredients designed to continue cooling the area and numb it as well. But it’s never enough to completely get rid of the pain.
I only know when he’s done because Peeta scoops me into his arms and carries me upstairs. He sets me down on the bathroom counter and starts the water in the tub, drizzling in fragrant oils. 
“I’ll be right back,” he says and gently kisses my forehead. “I’m just going to make sure Buttercup doesn’t find the rolls and try to eat them. Don’t get in the tub alone.”
He’s only gone for a few minutes. I don’t budge during that time, but the tub is close to being full so Peeta turns off the water and helps me down from the counter, slowly stripping me, careful of my burned wrist. Then he lifts me up and lowers me into the tub.
As his arms retreat, he grips my injured arm and holds it out of the water before setting it on top of a rolled towel on the edge of the tub. I’m only half there as he brings a stool, screeching loudly on the tile floor, right next to the tub. Only half noticing the feel of his hands washing my body, all except for the injured arm. 
But he must wash my hair because when I am able to note my surroundings again, we’re seated on the bed, positioned so that I’m gazing out the window, watching the breeze play with the curtains and the vibrantly red, orange, and yellow leaves shivering in the trees outside. I turn my head slightly when I feel a tug on my hair and realize that Peeta is drying my hair. Carefully gathering up bunches of it and squeezing out the the water, absorbing into a soft towel. Again and again and again.
“Start your list,” he suggests and I inhale the soothing scent of the cream I use in my hair to make the tangles easier to brush out. The scent of rose oil, but not the cloying, mutated smell of Snow. Gentler, wilder, softer. Peeta works the oil in my hair as I start the list, with Cinna this time, because Peeta’s hands in my hair reminds me of my old friend.
My eyes drift shut and Peeta hums encouragingly as I keep talking. He brandishes a comb and when I shiver, he pauses.
“Are you alright?”
“It’s soothing, don’t stop just…” He waits and I breathe in deeply. “I used to comb Prim’s hair, when Mom couldn’t and… I miss my mother braiding my hair.”
“I know. I’m sorry I’m such a poor substitute,” he says, lighthearted and without any self-pity.
No one needs me.
I lean back and turn my head, until I can see his face. I bend my uninjured arm to cup his jaw and his hands fall away from my hair.
“Say it,” I whisper and tug on his blonde curls until his lips brush mine. “Say it, Peeta.”
“You like it when I comb your hair. Real or not real?”
“Real. Say the rest.”
“I’m not a poor substitute.”
We’re distracted for a moment as his lips move over mine. Until he gently pushes me forwards again.
“Let me finish, impatient,” he teases and I smile, ever so slightly. 
He resumes combing my hair. Steady and rhythmic, not unlike the way he kneads dough in the bakery, only much softer and gentler. Still, I find myself humming a quiet tune. A love song I remember my father singing for my mother. I don’t sing just yet though and the smile still curves over my lips when he’s done and secures the end of my braid with a leather hair tie. He bends over then and kisses my bare shoulder. 
It’s only then that I realize I’m wrapped in only a towel and stand to put on a nightgown. After, Peeta applies more ointment to my arm.
Every day after that, he helps me bathe and braid my hair, careful to keep my injured arm clean and dry until I can stand water on it again. When we finally deem the burn healed enough to no longer need bandages, I ask him to join me in the tub and scoot forward after he undresses, leaving room for him to sink into the water with me, His thighs hugging tight to my hips and his lips soft on my shoulders, the back of my neck. He gently grasps my wrist and bends my arm until he can kiss the small new scar. And after we bathe, he combs and braids my hair for bed.
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Omggg i hear your requests are open again??? Yayyy so excited so excited. I’ve been thinking ab smth angsty with Crowley where the reader has serious abandonment issues and Crowley accidentally triggers them. I would love it to be angsty but fluffy at the end bc I don’t want Crol to be sad :(
Tysm and i hope you have a fucking great week💕✨
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notes: a phenomenal meme, thank you. I hope reader seems in character enough for abandonment issues!
pairing: crowley x reader
rating: T
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He’s gone, and you’re worried it’s forever.
He’s had to go and do some work. Some demon work. When the two of you properly began getting together he had to tell you about his true nature; you were surprised and secretly a bit thrilled because, well, how many people have a demon in love with them? It made you feel very special indeed. And Crowley does love you so very deeply, you’ve never had a love like it before. Which made it sting all the worse when he had to go.
You were bickering about him leaving. He had to go to bloody Spain to perform some sort of temptation, and he knew you couldn’t get the time off work to come with him. You were begging him to stay, he was insisting he couldn’t, and as neither of you could see the other’s point of view voices began to get raised. It ended with him leaving you in your flat, slamming the door behind him in frustration.
You’ve not seen him for a week. It’s been driving you mad. He’s gone, hasn’t he? He’s gone forever. Just like every other person who’s walked into your life with claims that they love you only to disappear when things got difficult. You are unloveable, you are not worthy of anyone’s time. You do not deserve to experience anything other than heartbreak.
When he comes home he knows he’ll need to apologise. It doesn’t come easily to Crowley, admitting that he’s wrong, but he’ll find a way to force it out of himself for your sake. He shouldn’t have left how he did. It was unkind. Petty. A relationship shouldn’t be about trying to get the last word in an argument, and he feels very small indeed.
He knocks at the door to your flat and, when it isn’t answered, he miracles the lock open and walks in. Maybe he can get started on dinner. Maybe coming home to the smell of cooking and him being all grovelly will make things better.
This plan is stopped in its tracks when he finds you curled up in a blanket on the sofa. You look terrible. Tired, miserable, and ever so small. You take one look at him and recoil.
“What do you –”
“I’m sorry,” Crowley says. It’s not forced or uncomfortable as it usually is when he’s made to apologise, but sincere. An apology is not a plaster, though, and you still look raw and wounded as he sits on the opposite end of the couch. You wince as he reaches out to touch you.
“I thought you weren’t coming back,” is all the explanation that you can muster.
“Oh, darling. I’m…” he wracks his brain for something that’s a suitable apology, but can come up with nothing better than another “I’m sorry.”
Tears begin to fall down your cheeks and you seem furious at them, wiping them away with the edge of your blanket, but still unable to get them to stop.
“I thought you were done with me. That you hated me.”
“Come here,” says Crowley, bundling you in his arms and pulling you onto his lap. You cry a little, at him, at yourself, at being so stupid. “I don’t hate you. I’d never hate you. I think it’s impossible, actually. I was just being a twat. I’ll even do the dance if you want me to.”
You laugh into his shirt and he’s relieved.
“No, keep that dance for Aziraphale. I think he’d be annoyed if he found out you did it for me.”
You look into his eyes, and he moves his sunglasses up so he can meet your gaze properly.
“Don’t leave me,” you whisper, voice trembling a little.
“I won’t. I swear.”
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Taglist: @angiestopit @dazed-soul @foolishprincipalitee @smile-eywa @staygoldsquatchling02 @underratedboogeyman @specter-soltare @cool-ontherun-world @emilynissangtr @willbedecided @cool-iguana @this--is--music @ilyatan @lxsm2 @clarina04@wtfhasmy-lifecometo @mrgatotortuga@wereallbrokenangels @night-affiliate @kimqueenofhell @chewbrry @bajablast23 @h3k3t @am-i-obsessed---maybe @bakerstreethound
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suntoru · 2 years
𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚝. 𝟸
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synopsis: you find a gigantic stuffed bear at your desk for valentine’s day! how does your bnha best friend react when it’s not from them?
a/n: bnha version <3 hope you’re all doing good
warnings: a bit of swearing, fluff, crack, semi-angst
genshin version
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izuku really tries for you :((((( he tears up, inside his heart breaks a lil bit seeing you so happy with the stuffie, but he doesn’t want you to see him being upset. he pretends to be excited for you, but the smile doesn’t really reach his eyes. he knows it’s unreasonable to be mad at a pile of fluff and fabric… but… he js wants to be your favourite again 🥺
“y/n! …oh, you’re busy cuddling with the bear? …i guess i’ll just go over there then…”
bakugo absolutely loses it. you have no idea why he’s so pissy today, did you do something wrong? when class ends, he doesn’t wait for you to get your stuff like usual, and he doesn’t sit with you at lunch… it stings a lot bit more than you think, you feel so alone. ending up in tears, you call him sobbing, telling him you’re sorry for what you did wrong :( he comes barging into your room five seconds later and crouches over you, wiping a stray tear dripping down your face.
“listen dumbass, i’m… sorry. no, you didn’t do anything wrong. here, i got you your favourite chocolate so you’d stop your whining.”
todoroki’s confused. who gave you this giant bear? why didn’t they give it to you themselves? and most importantly, why does he feel his heart twist? he decides he doesn’t like this feeling. he tells himself it’s illogical to be jealous of an inanimate object, but after class, he takes you to the nearest plushie store and tells you to pick out whatever you want. or better yet, why not just buy the entire store? 
“hmm? what do you mean i’m insane? of course i can afford it, would i offer it if i couldn’t?” yes
kirishima is genuinely happy for you. of course you’d get a stuffie, he thinks you’re amazing and that you totally deserve it! he even hypes you up, telling you that you’re super manly n his favourite person. when you open up your locker after lunch, you’ll find a chibi crimson riot plushie and a polaroid camera photo of you and him during the sports festival 💗
“that bear is super cute! just like you <3”
kaminari hates it. he hates your attention not being on him, he hates that you hug the bear but not him. so what does he do? he tries to gaslight you into throwing it out 💀💀 throwing shade at the bear, getting offended when you defend it, and being all pouty when you huff at him. he squats in a corner, pursing his lips together, mumbling under his breath about how he’ll zap the bear in the balls later 🤩.
“stupid bear… who do you think you are, taking all of y/n’s attention?”
shinsou looks like he couldn’t care less, and for a while, he doesn’t. but when you start to no longer take naps with him because now you have a cuddle buddy, that’s when he has a problem. he physically snatches the bear off his delicately placed spot and tosses it carelessly on the ground. he wiggles onto your bed next to you, taking the place of the bear who was there seconds ago. he swipes the drool off the corner of your mouth before joining you in slumber.
“why the bear is on the ground? it must have fell off.”
tamaki is insecure of it. do you like it better than him? why do you call it your new best friend? have you replaced him? you clearly notice when he starts to get distant, but you can’t figure out why. is it because you’ve been spending more time with nejire? that must be it! when you apologize to him for accidentally ignoring him for your friend, he sighs in relief. at least you still want to be his friend and maybe more
“i-it’s really no big deal. i get it if you like nejire better than me. wait… nejire?” 
dabi doesn’t give a shit. i mean, he’s confident that you won’t leave him because you both have unresolved feelings for each other, but that doesn’t stop him from burning poor teddy into a crisp :( don’t worry though, he’ll just ‘buy’ you another one! he doesn’t mind another late night run with you, especially if it makes you happy. 
“hah? those ashes are from… my cigarettes. maybe shiggy or toga has your plushie.”
hawks juts his lips into a pretty pout. he’d make a really good stuffie too, y’know… if only you’d notice his feelings for you. but on another note, he leaves hints that he just released a new line of hawks chibi plushie, and he just happens to have a couple extra… pouts further when you suggest that he should hand them out to fans next time he’s at an event.
“what? that’s- not what i meant…”
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
really know him
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part i part ii part iii part iv
eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 3,686
warnings: swearing, reader has a shitty mom, a few uses of y/n, anxiety, fluff and angst
a/n: hi! listen, i know, i know, it’s been more than a month since i published part two and i’m sorry. but i promise it won’t take as long anymore. i hope you like this part! there’s a lot going on. it’s getting messy, my dudes. love you! <333
Your room is small. And you don’t mind that one bit. Hell, you’re lucky your parents snagged one of the few single-wide’s with a layout nice enough that there even are two bedrooms. 
But sometimes the small space can seem confining, like right now. 
You’ve been staring at college-ruled paper for what seems like forever now, and…you’ve got nothing. You spent all day brainstorming for this essay, and now that you’ve sat down, you’ve lost it all. It’s as if there isn’t a single coherent thought left in your brain. 
You hop up from your seat, thinking that if you get a drink, maybe listen to some music, then you’ll be able to get a hold on your concentration. 
And it works, for a while. You’ve been at your desk for well over an hour, and you’ve put a hell of a dent in your paper. 
But having your headphones on means you don’t hear your parents come home, not until your mother is smacking her fist against your door frame to get your attention. 
You’re quick to push the pause button in on your walkman and put your headphones on the tabletop in front of you. The amount of eraser shavings you’ve accumulated is unsettling. 
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”
Your mother lets out what you're sure is the most dramatic sigh known to man. “Of course you didn’t, not with those things on your ears.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll try to be better about it, okay?”
She crosses her arms, leaning against the wall just inside your room. “Mhm. How’s your paper going?”
“It’s fine. Not due for a week.”
“So you’ve said. Anyways, I came in here because I was at the store yesterday, and Sherri caught up with me.”
“Oh, yeah? How is she?”
Sherri Henson is a bitch. She’s the kind of woman who peaked in high school and can’t seem to grasp that—even if she is well into her fifties by now—spending all her time corralling the neighborhood gossip. She’s lived a couple trailers down from you your whole life. And she’s yet another reason why you need to get the fuck out of dodge. 
“Oh, she’s fine. She just wanted to tell me that she’s seen you hanging out with that Eddie Munson boy. And I haven’t heard good things about him. I just wanted to know what you were up to.”
Your stomach drops. Of course she’d say some shit like that. “We’re friends. I’m allowed to have those, aren’t I?”
“Yes. But don’t you think it would be wise to make good friends?”
You rub at your forehead, already sick of this. There’s a reason you don’t tell your mother anything about your life. 
“You don’t know anything about him, do you?”
Your mother pushes her glasses up into her mess of hair. “Excuse me?”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t really understand how you can be judgmental of a guy you don’t even know. You’re always whining about how I don’t have friends, and now that I’ve made one, he’s not good enough?”
“Don’t put words in my mouth. I just don’t want you to harm your education by hanging around some good-for-nothing boy.”
“I think I can make my own decisions.”
“Clearly not. Look at you.” She doesn’t say anything more, but leaves the room instead. 
You should be used to this. You should know that your mother doesn’t like that you aren’t a carbon copy of her. But it still stings. The feeling is drowning you; the feeling of being pathetic, unsuccessful, embarrassing. 
You need a minute. It’s not like you can concentrate on your paper here anyways. Your mother has already shut herself up in her own bedroom, and you know she won’t miss you if you’re not around. 
A lift of the blinds in your bedroom tells you that Eddie’s van is parked outside his trailer, but you don’t feel right just running over, so you call. 
Of course he picks up.
He hasn’t even said his name yet and you’ve already started talking. “Eddie?”
“Hey, yeah, something wrong?”
You sound frazzled. If Eddie’s being totally straight with himself, he might even say you sound a little panicky. Claustrophobic, maybe.
He doesn’t like hearing you sound like this. 
“Would it be okay if I came over for a bit? You can say no, I just…your company might help.”
You can feel that cocky ass grin from over the phone. The way your words register in his brain and he comes up with a response he knows will get you riled up.
“Oh, my company? That what you need?”
“Eddie,” he can practically see you waving him off, “nevermind.”
He laughs. “Okay, sorry. Yeah, you can come over. You didn’t have to ask. Could’ve just busted in.”
“That seems like a horrendous idea. And isn’t Wayne home?”
“Yeah, but he sleeps like the dead. He wouldn’t even notice. That’s what he gets for having me around after all this time.”
“Poor Wayne.”
He scoffs and stumbles over his words. “Poor Wayne? 
“Yeah, I feel for him, having to put up with you all these years. Anyways, I’ll be there in a second.”
“You little shit–” he starts, but you’re already hanging up. 
Eddie opens the door closest to his room to watch for you. You bound across the road and up the concrete step, clearly pleased with yourself. He backs up, that stupid ass grin on his face, and gestures with his arm for you to go inside. 
He notices you’ve brought your bag with you. “Plotting my murder?” he inquires, eyes dancing over the corduroy. 
“Absolutely. Any sort of preference?”
He sits down on his bed, back to the wall. “Maybe the candlestick? Rope could be fun. Or if you’re feeling particularly malicious: poison.”
“Remind me to never play Clue with you.”
He laughs and it’s low and drawn out like he knows he’s being annoying. Like he knows you enjoy it. 
“Why, because you know I’ll kick your ass?”
You smile at him, and it feels like he’s won the lottery. “Precisely.” 
“I’d go easy on you,” he argues. 
Eddie watches you fiddle with the zipper on your bag and then pull out a piece of paper. You flop down in his desk chair, making yourself at home. He’s told you to do that more than once, so he’s glad to see you act on it. 
“What are we working on?”
“I’m supposed to be finishing a paper, and that’s what I was doing, but being berated doesn’t really help my focus.”
He chuckles, opening a bag of Skittles you didn’t even know he had. “I wouldn’t think so. You wanna talk about it?”
“No, that’s okay.” 
Eddie nods, hoping you’ll open up to him sooner than later. 
“Would you prefer if I just went about my business while you worked?”
“I really would, Eddie. Thank you.”
“Mhm. Anything you need, sweetheart.”
He hops up, and his fingers go to mess with the radio, but he stops himself short. “Will this bother you? If I keep it low?”
You shake your head, tapping your eraser on the desk. He gives you a frantic thumbs up before trying to make sure the music doesn’t murder your hearing. 
It’s on some rock station, where some of the songs are ones you’re familiar with, others not so much.
“Good?” he asks, and you return his earlier thumbs up. It makes him grin.
He settles back on his mattress, though it groans in protest as he does. He scratches away at a notebook for a while, and the room stays quiet. Just being in the same room as him is enough to keep you calm and give you time to focus.
You make more progress on the paper now then you had at home, and start to think maybe you should do all your work in Eddie’s company.
Eventually Eddie gets bored and pushes up, his hands coming to rest against the desk on either side of you, caging you in. He kisses the top of your head before resting his chin on it, peering down at your paper.
“Damn. Almost done?”
“Yeah. Should probably quit and come back to it later anyway.” 
“Wanna see something fun?” You look up at him and he’s got a wild look in his eyes, a wide smile on his face. 
“I don’t know if I trust that.”
“Oh, come on. Take a break. For me?” Eddie bats his eyelashes and you smack him on the arm. He stands and stumbles backwards as if you’ve brutally wounded him, though the smile stays and really ruins the act. 
“Fine. Let’s see.”
He’s got this brilliant, boyish look on his face. You can tell he’s excited. It’s the kind of excitement that rubs off on you, that makes you anxious to know what it’s for, even if it is something small. 
He moves to the corner of his room and opens this big chest that you might not have even noticed because of how much surrounds it. You realize, though, that there’s a handful of Dungeons and Dragons handbooks, a binder covered in stickers, other things you don’t entirely understand.
Eddie digs around for a second, and then he pulls out a little velvet bag. He brandishes it to you, shaking it a little. Whatever’s inside makes noise.
“I got new dice. And I know what you’re thinking, ‘Eddie that’s so amazing, I can’t believe you’d share this with me,’ but believe it, because they’re cool, okay? Prepare yourself.”
You take a dramatically over exaggerated deep breath, gearing yourself up. “Ready, Eddie.”
He snorts. He can’t believe you. 
He dumps them out next to you on his bed. “Ta-da!”
You pick one up, and you’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t squeal. The dice are a translucent red color, with black numbers, and they’ve got little bats set into them. 
Fucking bats. 
You look up and Eddie’s big brown eyes are shining down at you. His tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, clearly trying to contain himself.
“Eddie, these are so cool!”
He throws himself on the bed beside you. “They’re sick, right?” 
You pick up a handful, looking at all of the different ones as they roll around between your fingers. “Yeah. These are fucking cool, dude.”
Eddie giggles. He giggles. His glee is palpable. 
“I’m honored that you wanted to share this with me, Mr. Munson.”
“Of course, of course,” he says, scooping them up and putting them back in the bag. “I don’t just go showing my dice to anyone, you know.”
You laugh, hard, and it’s the first time Eddie’s heard you laugh like that. He thinks he could live off of the sound. He wouldn’t need anything else. 
“Well I’m glad you showed them to me.”
Eddie winks at you. “Me too.”
Eddie doesn’t hear from you for a few days, but it doesn’t worry him really. He knows you're busy with school, and he is too, now that he’s trying to get the hell out of there for real this time. He’s also working on a big ass campaign. He thinks this might be the one where Dustin’s character finally dies, the little fucker. He’s managed to kill off everyone else’s characters at least once (Gareth a few more), but never Dustin.
He does miss you, though.
Eddie is finding that he doesn’t like being without you as much as he likes being with you. 
He’s starting to show you parts of himself that he hasn’t shown other people before. He usually doesn’t have the ability to sit quietly in a room with someone else. Or watch for fucking bats. Hell, he built a fort for you. 
And he’s laying in bed, well past the time he should be asleep, thinking about how he doesn’t feel like you’re letting him get to know you like he is you. 
Eddie’s room is dark except for the light coming in through the window. He goes to rest his hand on his chest, but cold metal meets his bare skin and he’s quick to unsnap the bracelet he left on his wrist. 
He knows what you’re in school for. He knows you’re into bats. That you laugh at stupid, immature shit just like he does. Shit you’d get in trouble for laughing at. 
But if what he’s feeling, deep down, is what he thinks it is, he wants to give all of himself to you. And he wants all of you. 
He really does. 
And something about the way you held him that night that you stayed over told him you felt more. He can see you letting go sometimes. But more often it feels reluctant. 
Eddie just wants you to know that he’s not going anywhere. That he wants you safe. Happy.
He wants you for you.
Not for whatever else anyone tells you.
You are everything he’s ever wanted.
“How’d you do on your paper?” Eddie asks. You’d told him when it was due, and just now that you’d gotten it back.
“Fine? That’s all I get?”
Something’s wrong with you today. He’d invited you over for lunch, and you’d come, but the smile you gave him at the door wasn’t genuine. Something is hurting you, and you haven’t told him what. 
And it’s killing him.
He can’t help you if you won’t let him. 
You set down your drink, a little harder than you’d meant to, and sigh. 
Fuck, Eddie thinks. The last thing he wants to do is frustrate you. 
“I got a B.”
His eyebrows raise over the enormous bite of sandwich he’s just taken. He decides to behave and chew it all before he speaks. Wayne might not get the same treatment.
“Oh yeah? That’s so good! I’m proud of you.”
You nod your head, but you don’t look at him. If he’s being honest, it kind of hurts his feelings.
“You might be the only one,” you mumble. 
“What do you mean?”
“It’s…it’s nothing, Eddie. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
He grabs the bag of chips out of your hand before you can shove your mouth full of them, and you look incredibly offended. 
“Don’t do that. Tell me what you meant.” Eddie’s voice is serious. He’s never spoken to you like this before. 
You run your hands over your face. “My mom. She told me I could’ve done better than that.” You don’t say that she also said it was probably a result of spending so much time with Eddie. 
Eddie sets your bag of chips back down. “That’s bullshit. You know that, right?”
“I know.”
“You’re a total badass, and I know you’re hard working as shit. If she can’t see that, then fuck her man.” 
You won’t look at him. 
You won’t look at him. 
“You can’t listen to that shit, man. I hate seeing you like this.”
“I didn’t want you to see me like this, Eddie.” He cocks his head at you, brown eyes boring into yours. “And it’s not exactly easy, just ignoring it. I’ve heard it for years, that I could be trying harder or doing something differently or anything, so it’s like fuckin’ ingrained in my brain. And sometimes I think it’s true.”
Eddie reaches across the table for your hand, his laying palm-up, waiting for you to accept it. You limply supply your hand to him, and he pushes his thumb into the center, rubbing in slow circles. He’s hoping the contact might be enough to pull you out of your head some. 
“Look at me,” Eddie says. 
You're quick to think about the night he found you moping on the bench. He’d said that then too. 
“Look at me.”
You shake your head again. 
“It’s okay. I’m not going to make fun of you,” he says, and you believe him, though really looking at him and his big brown eyes is enough to wash a surge of sadness over you. 
Eddie uses his thumb to wipe the fresh tears from under your lashes, grazing the tip of your now stuffy nose with his knuckle. You wrinkle it and he grins. 
Eddie’s thinking about it too. How upset you’d looked. How upset you look now. But he also remembers something else. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks.
“Not really, no.”
You hadn’t wanted to talk about your feelings then, and that was understandable because you hadn’t seen the guy in forever. But it’s different now. Isn’t it? Eddie feels differently for you. And he can see that you care about him, obviously, but what if he’s reading this wrong? What if you don’t want him as anything other than a friend?
This time though, you do look up at him. “It’s not true. I know your brain is telling you that, and maybe you even hear your parents saying that shit, and if your mind works anything like mine does–and I think it does–then I know it’s so fucking annoying, and you can’t do anything without hearing some negative response.”
“But it isn’t true. You work your ass off, and you’re kind and caring, and I’m sorry, but I can’t have you thinking otherwise, you hear me?”
You nod your head, and Eddie’s quick to swipe up the tear he sees fall, before you even know you’re crying. 
He gets up, coming over to where you're sitting and crouching in front of you. He puts his hands on your knees, but you push them off and stand, forcing him to follow so that he doesn’t bust his ass. 
You wipe your face off, drag your hands across your jeans, the feeling of Eddie’s hand on yours still burning through your nerves. 
“Eddie, I think I’m gonna go home.”
Something about this, about the tone in your voice, how resigned you sound, makes Eddie frustrated. 
He doesn’t move from his place in front of you. He can’t just let this go. He isn’t wired that way. 
“So this is how it’s gonna go, huh?”
You blink at him. “What are you talking about?”
He puts his hands on his hips, and he knows he looks like Wayne, he knows it, but he can’t find it in himself to care right now. 
“You come over, you’re upset, but you won’t talk to me about it, and when you do start to talk about it, you give me vague answers and you shrug it off. That’s not talking, Y/N.”
“This is hard for me, Eddie! I don’t know what to do with myself when someone wants to listen to me, okay?”
“I understand that, but you’ve gotta at least try.”
“Try what?”
“Letting me in, for fucks sake! I can’t fucking help you, if you won’t let me in!”
Eddie sounds exasperated. And now you’re both shouting at each other. Shouting.
“Eddie, I–”
“Listen, just give me a second. You wouldn’t talk about what happened that night you stayed over except vaguely–and that’s okay with me–but then you wouldn't talk to me the other day, either. And now you’re just…I feel like you’re shutting me out.”
“I want to help you, and I know it takes time to open up, but I know that you know you’re safe with me. And I want to help make it better. I want you, Y/N, and I just–why won’t you let me in?”
It feels like your heart has stopped. Like he’s messing with you. But you know better than that. And you should’ve known that was coming at some point. 
“Eddie, don’t say that.”
“Say what?” He wants to hear the words leave your mouth. 
You mess with your fingers, and he grabs your hands to get you to quit. “That you want me, Eddie. You can’t just say that.”
“And why can’t I, huh? Because it involves feelings? Y’know those things that you won’t share with me?”
You step a little ways back from him, but you’re still cornered. He knows that stung, but if he hadn’t said it now, he might never have at all. 
“Eddie, you can’t actually want me. You’ve said it yourself, I’m incapable of being open and not fucking things up! Look at what we’re doing!”
“And what if I do want you? What then?”
“Then I don’t know!” you yell, louder than you’d intended. 
Eddie moves away from you then, sitting back down, and crossing his arms. He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you, despite the fact that you’re arguing. 
“I never said you were fucking things up. And I didn’t say you were incapable of being open,” he breathes. “That’s all I want, for you to be open with me. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk to me, like you have to let that shit eat you alive.”
“But aren’t I? Fucking it up? Eddie, you’re the only friend I’ve got and you’re being honest with me and all I’ve done is fuss at you. That’s like, the definition of fucking things up.”
“You’re not. I just want you to let me in.”
You’re both quiet for a minute. You walk around the trailer, cleaning up your lunch and grabbing your things. It’s mindless, and you’re not even sure you want to go home. 
“I meant what I said,” Eddie starts. “I do want you. And I mean as more than just a friend. I’m—” I’m falling in love with you. But he doesn’t say that. He doesn’t say that he wishes he’d said so sooner. That he’d told you in high school. None of that matters now. He wants you, and he thinks he always will. 
“I would never lie to you about that,” he says. 
You take a shaky breath. “I know that you wouldn’t, Eddie. I just…I don’t know.”
“Don’t lie to me. You do know.”
“I think maybe you should want someone who’s not so much trouble.”
And Eddie can’t say anything, because you’ve already turned and rushed down the stairs, the door slamming shut behind you. 
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
tagging: @ajkamins @golddustwitches @copycatkillerfics @prestinalove @zaypay @clovermunson @kelsiegrin @storiesbyrhi @avalon-wolf
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livesincerely · 8 months
i was just reading back through your writer’s desks and remembered how much i loved the slideshow au! no pressure but do you have anymore thoughts on it? it’s just one of my faves <3
The outline/notes for that one are still in the very early stages but I’m happy to share what I’ve got so far!
He’s waiting for Tony to come back from the bathroom, the next episode of Crime Scene Kitchen queued up on the tv, when his phone vibrates with a text from Jack.
this prod meeting is running long, probs won’t be back until late. Go ahead and watch w/o me
Everything ok?
ya but part of the set got busted during a scene change so I gotta figure when/how to fix it before tomorrow night
I’ll put your takeout in the fridge and save you some egg rolls
and that’s why you’re my favorite
Say hi to Medda for me
of course
“Jack’s not going to be home until late,” Davey announces as Tony wanders back into the living room. “He says we should start without him.”
“Dave,” Tony says, sighing deeply. “Why am I looking at a PowerPoint titled, “Jack Kelly + David Jacobs: A Comprehensive Argument for Maintaining Equilibrium.”
Davey pins him with a scathing look. “It’s a Google Slides presentation, you godless heathen.”
“What the fuck?” Tony asks, ignoring him, clicking rapidly through the screens. “When did you even make this?”
Davey shifts in his seat. “I mean, it’s more of a living document, so it’s never really finished—“
“A couple years ago, I guess,” Davey says. “Give or take.”
Tony squints at the computer screen. “It’s saved on your old university account.”
“Okay, or maybe it was three months into junior year!” Davey admits, crossing his arms over his chest. “It was a stressful semester and I was super nervous about failing my animal science midterm and Jack was out on a date with that PoliSci major that lived upstairs and— And the when isn’t the point! The point is, according to my research, telling Jack isn’t worth the risk of ruining our friendship.”
“What are these graphs even measuring?” Tony asks, staring at one of the slides. “‘Overall Happiness, Jacobs v Others’?”
“Well, your math is absolute shit, for one thing,” Tony says, frowning at a graph entitled ‘Art Pieces per Subject’. Davey’s name is sitting in dead last. “There’s no way these numbers are right. Jack draws you literally all of the time.”
Davey frowns right back at him. “No, he doesn’t.”
“Uh, yeah he fucking does,” Tony disagrees. “You’re, like, one of his favorite things to make art of, period. He spends about half his time bitching about how copic doesn’t make a marker that matches your eyes—at this point I’m pretty sure he’s got more drawings of you than actual pictures.”
“I think I would’ve noticed if Jack suddenly started drawing me,” Davey scoffs, shaking his head. “It’s not like he’s subtle when something’s caught his eye. Plus, he lets me flip through his sketchbooks whenever he finishes filling one and I’m almost never in them.”
“Which one?” Tony asks.
Davey blinks. “Which one, what?”
“Which one,” Tony repeats, oddly intent. “Which sketchbook does he show you?”
“What do you mean, which one?” Davey asks, irritated. “The only one! The one he always— it’s not like it’s some big secret!”
Tony stares. Then Tony sighs.
Very quietly, Davey hears him mutter, “…pair of fucking morons.”
“Okay, but, riddle me this,” Tony says. “Why don’t you just tell him? What’s the worst that could happen?”
“What’s the worst that could— I literally just went over all the reasons why that’s a horrible idea!” Davey exclaims. “It would ruin everything!”
“I really don’t think it would, Dave,” Tony says. “You and Jack… will ya at least think about it?”
“I’ve done nothing but think about it,” Davey says, and to his horror, he can feel his eyes starting to sting. “I can’t.”
“Want me to do it?” Tony offers, and he says it like a joke but Davey knows him too well to think that he’s anything but absolutely serious.
He jolts forward, arms outstretched as if to preemptively cram the words back down his throat. “Don’t you fucking dare, Tones, I am so fucking serious—“
“Okay, okay!” Tony says, holding up his hands in surrender. “I won’t snitch on your neurotic ass, even if it’d make you happier in the long run. My word as my bond or whatever.”
Davey huffs out a laugh, and it’s only a little teary. “Fuck you, my neurotic ass is the reason you made it to graduation, shithead.”
“Hey, can I borrow your laptop?” Jack asks. “Mine’s dead and I left my charger at the theater.”
“Yeah, go ahead,” Davey absently responds.
“Davey,” Jack says, voice straining. “What the hell is this?”
“What is what?” Davey asks.
“This.” He turns the laptop around and— oh shit. It’s The Argument.
He feels his blood run cold. “Oh,” he says. “That.”
“Dave,” Jack says, his mouth set in a hard, thin line. “Did you make a fucking PowerPoint about me? About us?”
Davey swallows. “…It’s actually a Google Slides presentation,” he says weakly.
“You’re telling me this is nothing?” Jack demands, incredulous. He tilts the screen back to show Davey the current slide, which is just an enlarged photo of Jack’s handsome, smiling face, surrounded by a halo of red arrows and the caption, ‘JUST LOOK AT HIM,’ written in boldfaced text. “Nothing? Nothing at all?”
“Maybe we can stop looking at it now,” Davey says, loudly. He leans over the back of the couch, making another panicked grab for his laptop, but Jack dodges out of the way, clicking to the next slide.
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