#or maybe not who even knows why meta knight is hiding his face
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades (Chapter 8)
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The third night had arrived in Hades. The gray flowers all deflated at once. Meta Knight only has one night before the flowers open again. If the red butterfly doesn’t appear tonight, Meta Knight may never be able to return.
As expected, Meta Knight was concerned. For the past three days, he hasn’t taken a rest and has walked without eating. However, he wasn’t tired or hungry at all. He was scared. He wouldn’t feel tired or hungry again if he stayed in the underworld.
Meta Knight began to ask Papi questions while they walked to shake his fears. “Papi. Do you have any favorite foods?”
“Eh? Food?” Papi replied.
“When you were alive. What did you like to eat?”
“Um… yellow!” Papi said in a slightly joyful voice, perhaps because his memories were coming back to him.
“Yeah! It’s refreshing and delicious. Pink is good, but it’s a little too sweet. The purple color has a nice taste. What color do you like, Meta Knight?”
“...I asked about your food preferences, not colors.”
“That is my favorite food. I like yellow flower nectar the most.”
“Oh, I see.” 
Papi is a butterfly, so when it comes to food, flowers fit his appetite.
Meta Knight replied, “I have never tasted flowers.”
“What? Really!? Why!?”
“Because I’m not a butterfly.”
“Oh… sorry. I’ve never tasted anything better than nectar. So what kind of food does Meta Knight like?”
He recalled various meals and desserts he ate with Captain Vul and his men. He was also often swayed by the gluttonous Kirby and King Dedede.
Would he ever be able to eat with them again?
Meta Knight shook off his sinister thoughts and looked at the trees growing along the road.
There were gray fruits.
They didn’t look delicious, but he wasn’t hungry anyways. He reached out to the fruit anyways. They could remind him of eating. It might give him the sense of the original world again.
He thought about it and tried to eat the fruit.
“Ah, ah, ah…?” Papi made anxious sounds.
Meta Knight looked at him. “What?”
“Uh… yeah… nothing...no… uh! Ehe!” Papi laughed brightly.
“You’re quite odd.” Meta Knight tried to eat the fruit again.
Then, Papi made a desperate cry. “...No! Don’t eat it, Meta Knight!” Papi slammed into his hand and knocked out the fruit.
Meta Knight was stunned. “What are you doing, Papi?”
“No… it’s…” Papi looked unprecedentedly sick. “Don’t eat it.”
“...Eh?” Meta Knight saw the fruit at his feet. “Don’t eat it…? Is it poisonous?”
“Sort of. Well, not really, but…” Papi folded his wings and explained. “If you eat something from Hades, you will never be able to return to the original world.”
Meta Knight was surprised. “What!?”
“It’s a rule. If you take a bite here, you will become a permanent resident. You won’t be able to return to the original world anymore.”
“That…” Meta Knight had a heavy heart. “Papi, you…”
“...Yup.” He fluttered again and stopped on a tree branch. “I didn’t know the rule. I came to the underworld and just tasted the flowers.”
“I wasn’t hungry, but I was wondering if I could eat something and get better! At that time, my body was still in the original world, still alive despite being seriously injured, just like you. So, if I had the chance, I might have been able to come back, but because I tasted the flowers of Hades… I had to stay here forever.”
“Is that so…”
Papi apologized. “I’m sorry, Meta Knight.”
“What are you sorry for?”
“I thought for a moment that you should eat the fruit, then you’ll be with me forever… I’m sorry…” HIs voice disappeared.
Butterflies don’t shed tears, but to Meta Knight, Papi seemed to be crying.
Meta Knight called out kindly, “But you stopped me. Thanks to you, I was saved.”
“But I…”
“You are my savior, my butterfly hero. Thank you, Papi.”
“...Butterfly hero! I like the sound of that! Ehe!” Papi laughed shyly and spread his wings.
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The night of the country of Hades quietly continues.
Meta Knight kept walking. The end of his time was approaching. The gray buds are bulging like they are about to open.
Meta Knight spoke, “Papi. Apparently, I have no hope.”
“...Meta Knight?”
“Soon, the morning of the fourth day will come. I’m out of time…”
Suddenly, Papi shouted. “Wait, Meta Knight! It’s nearby!”
“It’s the red butterfly! It’s nearby!”
“What did you say?” Meta Knight looked around, but there was no red butterfly.
Papi said. “I can feel it. It’s a butterfly thing. This is it!” He flew through the trees.
Meta Knight hurriedly followed Papi. Beyond the trees was a small fountain.
“Here!” Papi shouted.
The red butterfly was flying over the fountain. While Meta Knight was watching, Papi flew towards the red butterfly.
“He, he, hey! Red butterfly! Nice to meet you!” His voice was shaking.
Terrified, Papi put on a brave face for Meta Knight. “Listen to me! Um… um…!”
“Thank you Papi. I’ll talk from here.” When Meta Knight called out, Papi was relieved and fluttered back, hiding behind him.
Meta Knight called out carefully. “...Red butterfly. Can you hear me?”
It didn’t react at all and flew over the spring, fluttering.
“I want to go back to the original world. I want to know how to do it.”
The butterfly did not turn its face. As Meta Knight stepped towards the fountain, it fluttered away.
Papi screamed. “W-wait…!” 
Suddenly, they heard a voice from somewhere. It was a low voice, like a moan, like a growl. 
Papi said mysteriously. “Hmm? Can you hear me? What is this…”
Meta Knight looked around.
No reply. The voice grew louder and louder.
Papi was restless and panicked. “Somehow… I’m scared… I’m scared, this voice!”
It was no wonder Papi was frightened. The voice heard from somewhere was tinged with a dark feeling. Defeat, regret, hopelessness…
“This, no way…!” Meta Knight was stunned.
He didn’t know whose voice it was. However, he remembered hearing such a voice before. This was the voice of a person with tremendous power who had been sealed away. 
Somewhere, someone with overwhelming power was about to disappear. They were screaming for fate.
“The agonizing death scream…!” Meta Knight shouted at that moment.
Suddenly, the appearance of the red butterfly changed. Its wings began to shine in response to the cry. At that same time, the space around it was distorted. The butterfly gave off a fiery light and fluttered loudly. The space was twisted and a gaping hole appeared. Beyond the hole was darkness.
Meta Knight shouted. “The road has opened! Beyond that… the original world!”
It was a miracle. A hole in the sky of Hades was torn, opening the way to the original world.
The red butterfly disappeared as if it was sucked into the hole.
“Wait…!” Meta Knight enthusiastically jumped off the ground and chased the butterfly. 
However, he did not reach even slightly and fell into the fountain. 
Splashes rise. The hole made by the butterfly is closing.
Not enough time…!
At that moment, Papi jumped out.
He flew straight in and fluttered with all his might at the edge of the hole in space.
“Hurry, hurry, Meta Knight!” Papi shouted, desperately trying to widen the hole as it was closing.
“Hurry~! I’ll be crushed~!”
Meta Knight spread his cloak into wings and jumped out. 
He poked his head into the hole as it was closing.
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Papi was relieved and moved away from the hole.
“Papi!” Meta Knight turned around and shouted.
Papi fluttered over the fountain.
“Good~! You’re just in time, Meta Knight!”
“Papi! Papi…”
“Goodbye, I’ll be fine. Don’t forget about me!”
Meta Knight was sucked into a passage to another dimension with a strong force.
The hole was getting smaller and smaller. 
The last thing Meta Knight saw was a blue light, as small as a star.
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Kirby and King Dedede were taken aback.
The moment Galacta Knight fell, a red butterfly appeared out of nowhere. Butterflies fluttered all over the fallen knight. This wasn’t a good sign in the heat of a fierce battle.
“What, that butterfly… where did it come from?”
“How strange. Is there a flower blooming somewhere?”
As they were wondering, the red butterfly stopped softly on the tip of the lance.
Kirby said in a hurry, “He’s dangerous. Why would it go to him if he’s not a flower…”
The butterfly fluttered its wings and scattered bright light.
Galacta Knight’s body began to glow white.
“...What?” King Dedede’s eyes widened.
Galacta Knight disappeared as the light broke.
“Wa!?” Kirby and King Dedede screamed and fell at the same time.
“What was that!? Hey, where…!?”
A butterfly was left in the place where the knight stood. It stopped flapping and floating in the air. Its red wings were brighter and brighter, shining like flames.
Both Kirby and King Dedede finally noticed. This was not a normal butterfly.
“Watch out, Kirby. This guy…!” The king picked up his hammer back up.
The butterfly turned into a fireball, sparkling light. The fireball swelled greatly.
“Waaaah!” Kirby and King Dedede stepped back, afraid they were about to catch the sparks. However, the scattered lights were not hot at all. 
The fireball burst in front of the stunned two allies. What appeared was a knight with a fearsome, masked face!
“Ga- Galacta Knight!? Has he been resurrected!?” King Dedede shouted.
Kirby said, “No, that’s not Galacta Knight! The weapon and colors are different!”
It’s as Kirby says. Unlike the pure white Galacta Knight, the knight who appeared here held a new sword and wore a crimson mask. What he had on his back were not wings like Galacta Knight’s, but bright red, butterfly-like wings.
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“The red butterfly…! Then, did that red butterfly and Galacta Knight come together to look like that!?”
“I don’t know… but!”
They didn’t have time to think. The knight with the red butterfly wings swung the sword in his hand and attacked them.
“Waaa!” Kirby quickly held his sword and took the attack. It was a tremendous shock, he was about to drop his sword. “He’s… strong! Maybe stronger than Galacta Knight!”
“What…!?” King Dedede squeezed his face and swung his hammer up. His hammer hit the knight! The moment he thought he made the attack, the knight changed and countless red butterflies danced.
The king was blinded by a flock of butterflies and screamed.  “WAAAA!? Butterflies…!?”
The red knight appeared and rushed on the king.
“King Dedede-!” Kirby tried to help, but he wasn’t in time.
The red knight swung his sword down at King Dedede.
“GWAHH!” The king was blown away and struck on the stone floor.
The red knight turned to Kirby. Kirby glanced at his enemy. He didn’t know who he was, he didn’t even know where he came from.
However, the overwhelming strength that surpassed Galacta Knight’s could be felt.
Kirby held his sword and saved his strength. The red knight also seemed to see Kirby’s power. He didn’t try to slash right away, but was watching. Kirby unleashed his last-minute power.
Twister slash!
The red knight flew lightly and fled, holding his sword and saving energy. Meanwhile, the sword grows huge. Much larger than Kirby’s body.
Kirby drew back. “Eeee!? That’s huge-!”
The monstrous sword was swung down. Kirby desperately tried to avoid it, but the sword was too big. It was impossible to escape the attack range.
“Waaaaa!” After the strong blow, Kirby was knocked over.
With the hit, his copy ability was lost. Blade Knight had come out and Kirby returned to no ability.
Blade Knight was sitting on the floor, trying to get up. He shook his head, looked around him, and noticed Kirby lying down.
“...Kirby? What? What’s wrong, Kirby? What about Galacta Knight…?”
Behind Blade Knight, the red knight was preparing for a blow. Kirby raised his face and squeezed his voice.
“Ah… no… get out of there… Blade Knight!”
“Eh?” Blade Knight looked back, feeling an ominous presence.
But the sword of the red knight had returned to normal size, probably because it used up its energy in the previous attack.  However, the power of the sword was still increasing.
Blade Knight screamed. “W-w-waaaahh! W-what the heck is that!?”
Blade Knight hugged Kirby. Kirby looked at the red knight, but he couldn’t do anything anymore.
The moment when the red knight tried to slash at them, the space above Kirby’s head broke and someone rolled out.
Blade Knight was so scared he closed his eyes tightly, not even noticing.
Kirby opened his eyes and screamed.
“Me...Me...Meta Knight-!?”
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(Chapter 7 - Table of Contents - Chapter 9)
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butterflies-dragons · 3 years
Do you have any doubts that Sansa is the girl in grey? Is there strong grey imagery around Sansa?
I believe Sansa is the grey girl yes, but only GRRM has that answer.
About grey imagery around Sansa, I wrote about it here and there.
Grey is the main Stark color. Their sigil is a grey direwolf in a white field. Stark men wear grey cloaks, Winterfell is made of grey granite, Grey eyes is a Stark feature, etc.
There are some instances where Sansa actually wears or it is said that she will wear a grey cloak:
1.- Her first encounter with Dontos (false Florian) in the Red Keep's Godswood: "Sansa threw a plain grey cloak over her shoulders and picked up the knife she used to cut her meat. If it is some trap, better that I die than let them hurt me more, she told herself. She hid the blade under her cloak."
It is very curious that Dontos was also wearing grey during that first secret encounter: "He wore a dark grey robe with the cowl pulled forward, but when a thin sliver of moonlight touched his cheek, she knew him at once by the blotchy skin and web of broken veins beneath. "Ser Dontos," she breathed, heartbroken. "Was it you?"
2.- Cersei gave her a white and silver maiden cloak for her wedding to Tyrion. Stark colors are grey and white tho... I think in this case the silver is there instead of the grey of House Stark. I'm not sure if this is a mistake or not. "Cersei Lannister ignored the question. "The cloak," she commanded, and the women brought it out: a long cloak of white velvet heavy with pearls. A fierce direwolf was embroidered upon it in silver thread. Sansa looked at it with sudden dread. "Your father's colors," said Cersei, as they fastened it about her neck with a slender silver chain."
Curiously enough, Tyrion wore Targaryen colors to marry Sansa lol
3.- Littlefinger planned for Alayne to reveal her true identity as Sansa Stark wearing a maiden cloak with the Stark colors grey and white: "Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon . . . and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back . . . why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright.
From my answer about certain ship foreshadowing:
What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister?
In the shadow of the Wall, the direwolf brushed up against his fingers. For half a heartbeat the night came alive with a thousand smells, and Jon Snow heard the crackle of the crust breaking on a patch of old snow. Someone was behind him, he realized suddenly. Someone who smelled warm as a summer day. When he turned he saw Ygritte. She stood beneath the scorched stones of the Lord Commander’s Tower, cloaked in darkness and in memory. The light of the moon was in her hair, her red hair kissed by fire. When he saw that, Jon’s heart leapt into his mouth. “Ygritte,” he said. “Lord Snow.” The voice was Melisandre’s. Surprise made him recoil from her. “Lady Melisandre.” He took a step backwards. “I mistook you for someone else.” At night all robes are grey. Yet suddenly hers were red. He did not understand how he could have taken her for Ygritte. She was taller, thinner, older, though the moonlight washed years from her face. Mist rose from her nostrils, and from pale hands naked to the night. “You will freeze your fingers off,” Jon warned. “If that is the will of R’hllor. Night’s powers cannot touch one whose heart is bathed in god’s holy fire.” “You heart does not concern me. Just your hands.” “The heart is all that matters. Do not despair, Lord Snow. Despair is a weapon of the enemy, whose name may not be spoken. Your sister is not lost to you.” “I have no sister.” The words were knives. What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister? Melisandre seemed amused. “What is her name, this little sister that you do not have?” “Arya.” His voice was hoarse. “My half-sister, truly …” “… for you are bastard born. I had not forgotten. I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. Coming here, to you. A girl in grey on a dying horse, I have seen it plain as day. It has not happened yet, but it will.”
—A Dance with Dragons - Jon VI
Earlier in this chapter, Jon was thinking about Arya and her situation (trapped with the Boltons), and he was frustrated for not being able to help her. Then he remembered Ygritte, he confused Melisandre for Ygritte.
So, reading all the context:
What do you know of my heart, priestess? = This is about Ygritte. He is still hurt and mourning for her.
What do you know of my sister? = This is about Arya and her situation.
This is an excellent example of how GRRM plays with our minds with his tricky words:
“At night all robes are grey. Yet suddenly hers were red”.  He is introducing us to the Grey Girl and her true identity.
Jon thinks he is seeing Ygritte but he was actually seeing Melissandre.
Melisandre and Jon also believe this grey girl of the visions is Arya Stark, but the person trapped with the Boltons is Jeyne Poole. And later, Alys Karstark was not even wearing a “grey” cloak.
For me the grey girl is neither of them. The answer is hidden in this line: “At night all robes are grey. Yet suddenly hers were red”.
"At night all robes are grey" means all the confusion about the grey girl's true identity: Arya or Jeyne or Alys Karstark.
"Yet suddenly hers were red" means that the girl with the grey cloak will be a redhead, like Ygritte and Melisandre the two women Jon was confusing.
So, Sansa as the grey girl makes a lot of sense, she is a redhead and she is a Stark, and grey is the main Stark color.
And this is not the first time that Jon confused Ygritte with another female. Jon dreamed of a ghastly grey direwolf wandering around the Crypts of Winterfell, that seems to be Lady’s Shade:
The crypts were growing darker. A light has gone out somewhere. “Ygritte?” he whispered. “Forgive me. Please.” But it was only a direwolf, grey and ghastly, spotted with blood, his her golden eyes shining sadly through the dark . .
—A Storm of Swords - Jon VIII
Despite Jon assuming the direwolf was a "he," I strongly suspect it was Lady's Shade. Lady is buried at Winterfell, not Grey Wind. Lady was beheaded with Ice, so her fur would be spotted with blood. And Lady was said to have sad eyes.
So, Jon is always confusing Ygritte with another redheads...
From my Dunk & Jon meta:
Maybe I’m seeing too much here, but the reference to Alysanne Osgrey [Os-Grey] makes me think of Sansa Stark, because:
Sansa shared a lot of parallels with Good Queen Alysanne.
The surname Osgrey has the word grey in it.
Alysanne Osgrey became a Silent Sister.
Silent Sisters always wear grey.
Silent Sisters are known as the Stranger’s wives.
According to Melissandre, the Grey Girl of her visions is Jon Snow’s Sister.
The Grey Girl will probably be Sansa Stark.
Grey is also the color of House Stark, so Sansa is, in a way, a Grey Girl.
Jon is a man that will defeat death and come back to life, like the Stranger that walks between the two worlds.
The Stranger’s face is half animal, like Jon who is a warg, half man and half beast.
From my Jon/Sansa/Winterfell meta:
The stone is strong = The walls of Winterfell = Alayne Stone = Sansa Stark.
Sansa Stark has a lot of stone imagery around her.
Winterfell’s walls are made of grey granite. Grey is also a color of House Stark and I believe that Sansa will be the girl in grey on a dying horse from Melisandre’s vision.
As the Heir to Winterfell, Sansa was practically transformed into a stone castle, Winterfell, and the north itself, since the one that controlled her would obtain all her lands and power. Or, to use the euphemism from the Books, Sansa Stark was the “key to the north.”
Sansa reflects about this objectification in the Books and gives us one of the saddest lines in ASOIAF, especially coming from a girl who yearns to be loved and always dreamed of getting married: “No one will ever marry me for love,” (because everyone only wants her for her claim to Winterfell and the north).
Tyrion associates Sansa’s rejection of his advances as icy courtesy and compared that rejection with a castle wall that he never got to break:
“You hide behind courtesy as if it were a castle wall.” “Courtesy is a lady’s armor,” Sansa said. Her septa had always told her that.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III
Sansa’s misery was deepening every day. Tyrion would gladly have broken through her courtesy to give her what solace he might, but it was no good.
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion IV
He wanted to reach her, to break through the armor of her courtesy.
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VIII
The castle wall that armored Sansa and Tyrion never got to break is a clear reference to Winterfell:
He remembered Winterfell as he had last seen it. Not as grotesquely huge as Harrenhal, nor as solid and impregnable to look at as Storm’s End, yet there had been a great strength in those stones, a sense that within those walls a man might feel safe.
—A Clash of Kings - Tyrion XI
And certainly, Sansa feels stronger and protected within the walls of Winterfell:
Sansa stuck her fingers through the top, grabbed a handful of snow, and flung it full in his face. Petyr yelped, as the snow slid down under his collar. “That was unchivalrously done, my lady.” “As was bringing me here, when you swore to take me home.” She wondered where this courage had come from, to speak to him so frankly. From Winterfell, she thought. I am stronger within the walls of Winterfell.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa VII
Sansa feeling stronger within the walls of Winterfell, sounds pretty similar to “the stone is strong” line from Bran quote cited above.
Later, while descending from the Eyrie to the Gates of the Moon, Mya Stone tells Sansa that “a stone is a mountain’s daughter.”
Men come and go. They lie, or die, or leave you. A mountain is not a man, though, and a stone is a mountain’s daughter. I trust my father, and I trust my mules. I won’t fall.” She put her hand on a jagged spur of rock, and got to her feet. “Best finish. We have a long way yet to go, and I can smell a storm.”
—A Feast for Crows - Alayne II
One of Winterfell’s possible meanings is “wintry mountain(s).” And Sansa Stark is “The northern girl. Winterfell’s daughter”.
As the daughter of Petyr Baelish, Alayne Stone also becomes the Heir to Harrenhal, another great castle made of strong stone. Only dragon fire was able to melt Harrenhal’s stone walls:
Stone does not burn, Harren had boasted, but his castle was not made of stone alone. […] And even stone will crack and melt if a fire is hot enough. The riverlords outside the castle walls said later that the towers of Harrenhal glowed red against the night, like five great candles… and like candles, they began to twist and melt, as runnels of molten stone ran down their sides.
—The World of Ice and Fire - The Reign of the Dragons: The Conquest
Moreover we have the parallels that Sansa shares with Jenny of Oldstones. And Oldstones serves us as an example of the strength of the stone.
Just like Winterfell was the stronghold of the ancient Kings of Winter, Oldstones was the stronghold of the ancient River Kings (House Mudd of Oldstones), both dynasties descendants of the First Men. And if we read about Oldstones, thinking about Winterfell is an inevitability:
They reached Oldstones after eight more days of steady rain, and made their camp upon the hill overlooking the Blue Fork, within a ruined stronghold of the ancient river kings. Its foundations remained amongst the weeds to show where the walls and keeps had stood, but the local smallfolk had long ago made off with most of the stones to raise their barns and septs and holdfasts. Yet in the center of what once would have been the castle’s yard, a great carved sepulcher still rested, half hidden in waist-high brown grass amongst a stand of ash. The lid of the sepulcher had been carved into a likeness of the man whose bones lay beneath, but the rain and the wind had done their work. The king had worn a beard, they could see, but otherwise his face was smooth and featureless, with only vague suggestions of a mouth, a nose, eyes, and the crown about the temples. His hands folded over the shaft of a stone warhammer that lay upon his chest. Once the warhammer would have been carved with runes that told its name and history, but all that the centuries had worn away. The stone itself was cracked and crumbling at the corners, discolored here and there by spreading white splotches of lichen, while wild roses crept up over the king’s feet almost to his chest.
—A Storm of Swords - Catelyn V
Despite the pass of time the foundations of Oldstones remained and the stones were even used by the smallfolk to rise new buildings. The stone is really strong.
What also remained despite the centuries was the tomb of King Tristifer IV Mudd, also known as the Hammer of Justice, which immediately reminds me of the crypts of Winterfell and its stone kings sitting on their thrones with their swords across their laps.
And just like songs are still sung about a girl named Jenny from Oldstones who found true love with a Targaryen prince, I’m pretty sure that many songs will be sung about Sansa Stark from Winterfell and her own Targaryen prince.
Finally, is worth mentioning that Stark means “strong” in German. And there’s a theory about House Strong (extinguished) being linked to House Stark.
Stone = Strong = Stark
So by saying the stone is strong, we are also saying the stone is Stark.
Alayne Stone is Sansa Stark.
There you have it.
Thanks for your message ♡
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Mr. Fugo woke up suddenly at the sound of the alarm. He was tired, but as he listened to the guard’s reports, that tiredness went away. His temples tingled and his mustache swayed. He glared daggers and growed low.
"Thieves ... Unforgivable! I’ll catch you for sure ... You’ll pay for this! Don’t get in my way—I will fix the machine ...! " This wasn’t the face of a gentle millionaire—it was Mr. Fugo’s true face.
He recalled what happened a month ago.
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One day, Mr. Fugo received a strange report from the mine manager. A huge cave was discovered while digging in the mines, and in it, was a mysterious machine. He went to the diamond mine and saw the machine with his own eyes, but the machine did not work and its purpose was unknown.
On investigation, there was a silver plate attached to the surface of the machine. Fine ancient characters were inscribed on it. Mr. Fugo searched for a scholar who could decipher the characters, but he knew the citizens would be of no use. He decided to keep the machine secret until he knew more details, as it could be useful for making a profit.
While investigating privately, Mr. Fugo received a visitor. He was a medicine peddler who carried a heavy trunk and wore a large hood.
"Hi! I’m Magolor," the merchant said and waved.
"I have no use for merchants, I'm busy," Mr. Fugo frowned. He tried to turn him away, but Magolor spoke quickly.
"You found an ancient machine, old man! I want to see it."
Fear coursed through his veins. "Why do you know that ...!? "
"Aren't you looking for a scholar who can read ancient characters? I can read them!" 
"What ...? You can?" Mr. Fugo couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There was no way a suspicious medicine merchant could read ancient characters ... 
But, he took a chance.
He took Magolor to the mine and showed him the ancient machine. Magolor stared, fascinated by it for a while.
"What a funny thing ... It's a machine, but it looks so strange. Sleepy eyes ... a cat-like mouth ... a compass and scissors attached to it ... "
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"I don't care what the ancient machine looks like!" Mr. Fugo said, frustrated. "What I want to know is this. What is written here?"
He pointed to the silver plate inlaid at the bottom of the machine. Magolor, then, somehow, began to read what was written.
"Umm ... ‘I will leave this important message for the people of the future’... "
" ... What? You can actually read these characters!?" Mr. Fugo eagerly listened to Magolor's next words.
"Yup, the continuation ... ‘This machine is the worst invention in all of history. Instead of turning stone into priceless material and making tremendous amounts of money, it only scatters misery.’ ... "
"Ah ... Amazing, the machine makes tremendous amounts of money!?" His tone changed.
"Once upon a time, when this machine ran day and night, more money was made than anyone could spend in a thousand years, however, only the aristocrats profited. A terrible stench filled the town as the machine worked. Suffering from such wretched miasma that one couldn't even open the eyes, I sealed the three gears with great magical power and stopped the machine. This saved the town, and the people of the later world!
Never start this machine again! The day that happens, this town will fall to ruin!"
Mr. Fugo turned bright red. His whole body shook and his attitude shifted dramatically.
"Ma- Magolor! No, Professor Magolor!" He knelt down and took Magolor's hand. "You are a wonderful scholar! You deciphered the characters! There was such a secret in the ancient machine!"
"Now that you know how to start it, you can make a lot of money. It’s amazing, huh?" 
Mr. Fugo looked up at Magolor's face in distrust. There was a chance he would tell everyone this secret. It would be bad news if that happened. The citizens will surely oppose the starting of the ancient machine. He spoke to Magolor gently.
"Of course, I would like to show my appreciation, Professor Magolor." 
"Appreciation? You’ll give me something?"
"That’s right, whatever you want! I’ll give you half my fortune, even. It doesn't matter." 
"Really? Wow, I’m rich!" Magolor’s eyes sparkled with great joy. Mr. Fugo laughed darkly in his heart as he watched.
(Good, if you're happy right now.)
Of course, Mr. Fugo wasn’t going to give away any amount of his fortune to Magolor. If the plan was successful, the town would be destroyed. A weak merchant like Magolor wouldn’t be able to stop him. Mr. Fugo continued to laugh without showing any sign of his evil plans.
"Leave the gear finding to me! I have a good idea!" Magolor said.
"A good idea?"
"Put some prize money on the gears, and use anyone who's got the skill to find them. It’ll go well, for sure!"
"Prize money ... huh. I see, that's a good idea," Mr. Fugo smiled and nodded. 
Of course, he wasn’t really willing to pay a prize, either. The gear finders would just be thrown out of the town along with Magolor. Thus, Mr. Fugo announced the ancient machine in the newspaper and promised a huge reward. Word of the ancient machine spread throughout town, and the residents began the search for the magical gears.
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Magolor, who slept soundly in a hotel bed in the Town of Wind, was alerted by a messenger and brought to Mr. Fugo’s mansion.
"Why did you call me at this time ... I'm sleepy ... " he tiredly complained.
"Look!" Mr. Fugo shouted. He took Magolor to the hidden room. Magolor awoke fully upon seeing the opened safe.
"Wow ... What happened!? It looks as if a thief broke in ... "
"Oh noo~, that’s not what happened at all! I was the one who broke into my own safe!" Mr. Fugo usually spoke very politely to Magolor, but today, he was so angry he could not hide his real personality. "According to the guards, the bandits are a duo. One wore a red, silk top hat and cloak."
"Red, silk top hat and cloak ... Hm, maybe ... "
"Oh, these days the Town of Light is troubled by a great thief. Many mansions have been hit. I hoped this wouldn’t happen ... "
"What was stolen?"
"That's the problem!" Mr. Fugo paced as he spoke. "There are lots of precious treasures in this house. Lots of jewels, fine art, and of course, money, but the thieves didn't touch those at all! They invaded only this hidden room and ... " he continued, "they stole everything regarding the ancient machine. Even the photo I kept in the safe!" 
"What photo?"
"A photo of that silver plate," Mr. Fugo said, covering his face. "If that plate is deciphered, it will ruin everything! The citizens will be extremely opposed to the operation of the ancient machine. The plan is ruined!"
"Uh-huh ... " Magolor said in a carefree voice. "Don’t worry, some thieves wouldn't be able to read the ancient characters."
"They must have an interest in ancient technology, though. Because otherwise they wouldn't have been able to take the documents and photograph without getting distracted by the riches throughout the mansion."
"That’s right ... " he thought. Mr. Fugo turned grim.
"Then it’s come to this. There is no choice but to get the three gears as soon as possible. The machine must be started before the thieves have a chance to strike again."
"Uh, uh-huh. All right." Magolor was surprised by Mr. Fugo’s sudden steely determination. He stretched his arms wide. "I’ll hurry and get the gears for you, then."
"Really!? You’ve found them!?"
"That’s right! I know what I’m doing." Magolor waved and left Mr. Fugo’s mansion. He headed back to the hotel in a good mood.
"Meta Knight seems to have been successful in finding the gear. President Dedede retrieved the gear on the clock tower as well, and Kirby found the one in the field ... " Magolor couldn't stop laughing. "The three gears, they’re mine! Fugo doesn’t even notice he’s being deceived! My plan will succeed!"
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Meta Knight returned to his mansion and took a closer look at the stolen material from the secret room. The most worrying item was the photo that was stored in the safe.  
"These symbols ... I see, they’re characters from an ancient civilization." Meta Knight pulled out a thick book from the bookshelf and enlarged the text with a magnifying glass as he turned the pages. After a while, Daroach came in through the window.  
"I'm back! I've returned."
"You’re safe."
"No wonder, they couldn't lay a single finger on me!" Daroach looked at the books spread out over Meta Knight’s desk. "What? What are you doing?" he asked.
"Deciphering ancient characters," Meta Knight answered without looking up from the book. "The photo in the safe has ancient characters on it. They probably have to do with the machine."
Daroach picked up the photo and blinked. "I've never seen characters like these before. You can read something like this?"
"Of course I can't read them. However, I have a research book on ancient characters. I’m looking for clues."
"Really ... " Daroach stared at the detailed symbols written in the book. His expression soured. "I can't. My head hurts."
"You should rest, already."
"Fine, I’ll leave you to that." He laid down on the couch as he said that.
"If you want to sleep, you can use the guest room."
"Goodness, here? I can’t settle down on a bed so gorgeous. Besides, I don’t want to get caught by your butler." He fell asleep quickly.
" ... A good man gets his rest," Meta Knight murmured. He began the process of deciphering the ancient characters. There was a long night to come.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
Daroach was dreaming of delicious sweets when he was roughly awakened.  
"Get up! Get up, Daroach!"
"Ah ... huh ...  " He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Hm? Where ...? Oh yeah, I fell asleep in your mansion. Good morning, Meta Knight ... " 
"Listen to me! I understand what the ancient characters mean!" Daroach, at last, remembered what happened before he fell asleep.
"You, did you not sleep last night? You've been working hard ... " 
"It doesn’t matter, get up!" Meta Knight grabbed Daroach's hand and dragged him to the desk. "It was difficult, but I managed to decipher it. It’s a grave warning an ancient sage left to those of the future." 
"Warning ...? " Daroach was still half asleep. Meta Knight pulled his arm sharply. "Please explain."
"I will. There are some parts I couldn't decipher, so I will read only the parts I understand. ‘This machine ... turns stone into priceless material ... makes a lot of money ... instead ... misery ... ‘"
"Hmm? What does that mean?"
"There is a continuation. ‘The aristocrats ... profited ... In the town ... stink ... suffering ............ Three gears ... sealed ... Stop the machine ... When this machine starts again, this town ... ruins ... ‘" 
"What ...!? " Daroach’s face was drawn. "It says if the machine moves again the town will fall to ruin!?"
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"That would be the case. The ancient machine can be used to turn stone into treasure and money, however, doing so will harm the inhabitants of the town and enrich only the aristocrats. It's a nightmare machine."
"Fugo ... Does he know this!?"
"Probably. Even I was able to decipher it, and he likely had an expert on his side." 
"What a mess ... it wasn't an evil wizard who sealed the gears of the machine ... No, it wasn’t like that at all. The truth was Fugo was willing to destroy the Town of Wind for profit!"
"We can't let this happen. We have to stop the plan." At that moment, someone knocked on the door. Butler Vul’s voice was heard from the other side.
"Good morning, sir. That medicine peddler named Magolor has come again." 
"Yes, it’s rather annoying this early in the morning. Should I turn him away?" 
"No, it doesn’t matter. Let me through."
" ... Understood." Then— "Wah! Ma- Magolor!?" Butler Vul’s loud voice echoed. "I told you to wait at the front door! You’re just not going to listen and do whatever you want!?" The door opened and Magolor appeared.
"Good morning, Lord Meta Knight!" 
"A good morning, it is not! Rude ...! " Butler Vul was on his way to throw out Magolor when he noticed Daroach. "Daroach!? You bastard, again, you’ve snuck in under my gaze! You’ve ignored me over and over ...! "
"I don't mind," Meta Knight soothed the furious butler swaying with anger. "You’re dismissed. Don't come unless I call you."
"But my Lord! I have a responsibility as a butler! Nevertheless! Nevertheless, when these guys—!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I apologize on their behalf. Get out." Meta Knight pushed Vul out of the room and closed the door, then turned to Magolor.
"You came back, Magolor," he said. Magolor looked curiously at Daroach.
"Eh ... who is this person ...? "
"A friend of mine, Daroach. He’s collaborating with me to help search for the gears." 
"Wow! Nice to meet you, Mr. Daroach. I’m Magolor ... "  
"Oh, I’ve heard about you, but nevermind that. There are more important matters at hand."
"Did you find the gear?"
"Well, we found out the unexpected truth. We’ll walk you through it, so sit down." Daroach picked up the stolen picture and gave it to Magolor. Magolor shook his head exaggeratedly.
"There’s something like characters written on it ... What is this?"
"It tells the purpose of the ancient machine found in the diamond mine." 
"What’s it say? I can't read a single word of it!"
"It’s difficult to decipher ancient characters, but I understand the general meaning," Meta Knight said. He read aloud the parts he could understand.
"In other words," Daroach said, "when the ancient machine works, it turns stone into expensive treasure and makes the aristocrats a lot of money, but in exchange, it stinks up and destroys the town."
"Ehhhhh!? Whaaaa!?" Magolor covered his face and shook. "I didn’t realize the ancient machine was so scary! I didn’t know, not at all, not at all! What!?" Meta Knight turned his sharp gaze toward Magolor.
"Did you really not know? You're very familiar with the gears."
"Of course, but I just wanted to collect them! There’s no reason to think that way!"
"Why did you know where the gears were in the first place?" Meta Knight’s voice became harsher and harsher.
"U-uh ... " 
"I doubt a mere medicine peddler could know such valuable information. Are you related to Fugo in any way?"
"Ehhhhh!? N-no wayyyyy!" Magolor waved his hands back and forth in a panic. "I used the Star Compass! That’s why I knew where the gears were!" 
"The Star Compass? What is that?"
"It’s a tool used to find magical objects. My friend, Kirby, has it."
"Kirby? Airplane pilot Kirby?" Daroach asked.
"Do you know who that is?" Meta Knight turned to him.
"Mhm. He’s a celebrity in the Town of Wind. An interesting, gluttonous kid who likes to take naps." Daroach turned to Magolor. "This means Kirby also knows where the gears are?"
"Uh-huh ... Not only Kirby, but President Dedede, too ... "
"Let’s hurry to those two, then. We need to stop them before they turn over the gears to Fugo." Meta Knight picked up the gear and the stolen material, and, after a moment, the book on ancient characters as well.
"You want to bring that heavy book with you? For what?" Daroach asked.
"I may be able to decipher more of the ancient text if I have it on me. I want as much information as possible."
"You're right, let's go." The three left the room. They were led by Butler Vul, who muttered under his breath as he took them to the garage behind the mansion. There sat Meta Knight’s seven steam cars.
"Woah, sick!" Magolor squealed. "I’ve never ridden in anything like these!" 
"I hope you've got guts, Meta Knight’s driving is something else."
"Wow, sounds exciting!"
Meta Knight opened the door of a bright red sports car. "This car is the fastest. Get in." 
He sat in the driver's seat, while Daroach took the passenger side, and Magolor sat in the back. Meta Knight stepped on the pedals suddenly, and the car spewed out smoke and accelerated rapidly. It had ferocious speed. The wind blew in their faces with such force it was difficult to keep their eyes open.
"Waahhhhhhh!" Magolor screamed.
Daroach squeezed his eyes shut. "Hold on tight, Magolor!" he shouted. "If you don’t, you'll be blown out of the car!"
"Waaghhhhhhh! Scaryyyyy! Help, Lord Meta Knight ...! "
"Give up! Meta Knight’s personality changes when he drives!"
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The car reached its maximum speed in the blink of an eye. They flew through the wide roads and sped off into the Town of Wind.
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galacticnova3 · 3 years
i want to hear 👀👀👀 it upsets me a ton when people treat nova like he’s evil hhhhghgh
OK SO. First of all, we don’t have any kind of indication of Nova’s moral leaning… in regular Super Star. HOWEVER, Super Star Ultra does give us an idea if you pay attention to Nova after Meta Knight makes his wish. Nova makes a very surprised expression, and one that I also wouldn’t say is a stretch to interpret as simultaneously worried. The latter point in particular is because of how you can see the white of his eyes, which generally represents a fear or concern sort of surprise vs just something unexpected. I mean look at him, if this doesn’t look like “are you sure? like really are you absolutely sure that’s what you want???” then I don’t know what does.
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This is contrary to what an evil being would most likely do; obviously if you’re an asshole you’d want to just sit back and watch this evidently entitled blue bitch get his ass handed to him on his silver platter of a mask. After all, assuming Nova is evil also assumes he acts of his own accord in some way, and considering his level of power, it’s not like he’d have to be worried about his own safety in that situation we’re that the case. Basically, he had literally no reason to react like that if he didn’t care about someone’s safety besides his own.
Now, my second point is a bit more vague due to not being supported by dialogue or visuals but instead just understanding/connecting dots. Nova is, obviously, a clockwork star, and it can be assumed all/most clockwork stars function similarly. The only other one we see in the games is Star Dream… aka the Access Ark, considering they’re separate, but Star Dream is the sentient part, hence me referring to them in this case. Star Dream doesn’t seem capable of acting on their own originally; not until they take Haltmann’s soul and begin acting on their own perception of what would grant his wish to give his company prosperity. Even then, though, they’re still seemingly “locked in” to trying to complete that wish, even though they’ve not only become sentient, but can recognize that it puts them directly at risk.
Now, we’ve seen that exact same thing play out with Nova, in that he was still trying to grant Marx’s wish even though Kirby was killing him from the inside. Once again, to say Nova is evil implies he is in control of his own actions; if that were the case and he was just threatening Popstar because he’s a jerk and intentionally interpreted the wish that way, why not stop and interpret it a different way? After all the entire basis of this kind of morality requires him putting his own mean-spirited spin on the wish being made, so it’s not like he wouldn’t already have been just finding a way to bend it. Obviously an all-powerful asshole would not be able to continue being like that if they can’t also act in self-preservation when things go wrong.
That leads into my third point; based on what we’ve seen of Nova, he is at the very least not just self-centered(as he showed concern), and he evidently isn’t acting based on his own decisions, but rather his programming or equivalent. The latter point makes it difficult to realistically make him out to be evil, seeing as we haven’t seen him do anything evil that was his own choice. That’d be like saying a gun is evil because it was used to shoot someone. Both of those points do lend themselves to the neutral spectrum very easily; he does what he’s told, and doesn’t question it. If you want to be boring this is where you can easily ignore his obvious reaction and go “he’s not sentient”, and if you do that you get the bonus of knowing you have greatly disappointed at least one person. Also tbh the same goes for the evil interpretation imo; there’s literally so many characters like that already, ‘jackass genies’ is literally a trope. Why not do something new and interesting?
On that note, the first point also allows the argument that he could be on the good spectrum(not chaotic tho) if you squint really hard and overthink his one moment of expressed emotion. It’s a pretty tragic concept that I am admittedly extremely biased towards for reasons, but what if Nova is good, yet can’t refuse to grant bad wishes even if he wants to? Sure, he can be used for good as well, but someone like him would most certainly meet many more selfish people in his time(such as a certain jester) than good folks. It’s a lot easier to wish for money or power than for peace or comfort. It’d be like being a pacifist sword, to be honest; sure, maybe one guy would use you to make watermelon slices for kids or something, but most people would use you to do harm, and you have no control over that.
I’m sure that would get exhausting… Might explain his eternally tired look. Just waiting for the next summoning and hoping whoever gathers the stars isn’t doing so for nefarious reasons, but having no say either way. Finally some guy shows up and seems the noble sort, and then he makes the most dangerous wish imaginable. Despite how he’s become so accustomed to disappointment that he doesn’t even react anymore, because yeah yeah ok planet dominator #5018 it would be my luck that I meet someone else like you this summoning, he doesn’t hide his shock. Like damn this guy might straight up have his face impaled by a lance in the next two minutes, he knows that right? But no matter what happens, Nova can’t do anything about it.
Anyways because I want to try and reel this in somewhat, my last tiny point is that Nova is never fought directly. Star Dream Soul OS(the Access Ark part) has a whole external battle, an internal one with the pillars, and then the heart also attacks you directly. Nova? Nothing. He’s got some separate internal defenses that he probably doesn’t control (patas, volms, and dacoogas), but other than that you literally just break all of this old man’s ribs and subsequently induce a heart attack and paralysis. Nova never attacks or directly fights back, and Kirby never fights him face-to-face. I personally interpret this as Nova using what little control he does have to make himself easier to stop, even at the cost of his own life, because he never wanted to do something evil in the first place.
Actually I just thought of one other potential point. It’s at least sorta implied Nova was the one used to seal Galacta Knight. If that’s the case, why would he have been trusted to do so if he twisted wishes in purposely bad ways? Like that’s just an obviously terrible idea. Sure let’s leave someone who enjoys the suffering of others to keep this dangerous guy locked up, I’m sure nothing bad could come of that. Famous last words right there.
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renegadeontherunn · 3 years
happiness by taylor swift is a disaster lineage song, sorry I don’t make the rules
okay so yes I should be writing or doing homework instead of making this extremely rambly, slightly incoherent post but it’s friday so I’m vibing and you lovely people get to join me!
this is the ultimate star wars grief song for our tcw trio and I see it in three different contexts:
Ahsoka’s POV to Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the Order after she leaves in the season 5 finale
Ahsoka & Rex during/after Order 66
Obi-Wan & Ahsoka to Vader (Obi-Wan on Tatooine and (REBELS SPOILERS) Ahsoka after her duel with him in The Twilight of the Apprentice—for reference, I’ve only seen parts of Rebels so if some of that stuff is inaccurate, let me know!)
so we go . . .
honey when I’m above the trees / I see this for what it is
on a ship, in the Force, in hindsight
but now I’m right down in it / all the years I’ve given / is just shit we’re dividing up / showed you all of my hiding spots
#1: Ahsoka’s years learning in the Order, being a Padawan, her dedication to the Jedi and her faith to their teachings (”the values of the Jedi are sacred to me”), all the years she’s given are just completely thrown away as soon as there’s suspicion against her (in the unfinished episodes, Anakin says “well what choice did we give her? the moment there were any suspicions about her loyalty the Council turned their back on her.”) they both share this anger about her expulsion, and Ahsoka brings it up later during the Siege of Mandalore when she says “and what? defend the Council’s actions? I hardly think I’m the best person for that.” 
#2: again, Ahsoka’s years fighting alongside the 501st, growing close with Rex and Jesse and everyone else to suddenly find them turning on her (this is before she knows about the chips, of course). she could also be feeling this in tandem with Rex—“those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die and take you and me along with them!” all the years Rex has given in the 501st, with his brothers, fighting for the Republic, having to watch his brothers be killed and not be able to do anything, all his hardship just means nothing. their attempts to be themselves, to be unique, to not just be “another number,” were useless in the end. the “showed you all of my hiding spots” line points to the closeness and friendship that they had with each other
#3: again again, pretty self-explanatory, all the years Ahsoka and Obi-Wan have given to teaching and learning from and loving Anakin are just completely thrown away by his fall to the Dark Side and him ultimately trying to kill them. the same for the last line applies here, they were brothers, they were sister and brother, they were a family and then it was all ruined.
I was dancing when the music stopped
In each of the scenarios, they were preoccupied, in the middle of something else (the war, capturing Maul, defeating Grievous, helping Ezra, etc.) when everything stopped and collapsed. each situation was completely unexpected and each time, their worlds fell apart.
and in the disbelief / I can’t face reinvention
#1: all Ahsoka’s ever known is the Jedi, and now without them (without anyone to help her or any connections or support), she has to completely change her way of life, as well as lie or invent a new background for herself (”Skywalker Academy,” “my older brother taught me,” “I used to live on the upper levels of Coruscant,” etc.)
also—Ahsoka becomes Ashla, and then Fulcrum (reinventing herself over and over again) and Obi-Wan becomes Ben. obviously, they don’t want to have to change, and again with “in the disbelief,” each of these events was unexpected and a complete gut punch.
there’ll be happiness after you / but there was happiness because of you / both of these things can be true there is happiness / past the blood and bruise / past the curses and cries / beyond the terror in the nightfall
I don’t think this line needs any explanation, but I’ll give some anyway! In a meta-sense, the audience started Star Wars with the happiness after all three events, but especially Vader. the Original Trilogy showed the end of the Empire, the Rebellion, the happy endings of Luke, Leia, Han, etc. in-universe, both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan hold this sense of bittersweet nostalgia (because how can you not?), both with Obi-Wan training/looking after Luke and Ahsoka joining the Rebellion and helping the characters in Rebels. they’re both trying to ensure happiness after Anakin. 
but, of course, of course there was happiness because of Anakin, that’s what The Clone Wars shows us! we see them happy (or, at least, somewhat) in tcw, which obviously makes everything much sadder, but still. they were happy. and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both know it—we see it explicitly with Ahsoka meditating to Anakin’s holo and reminiscing in Rebels. they found happiness and love and family in the war, where there was so much death, so much destruction, so much darkness and terror. they found each other, they found happiness anyway. this can also apply to the OT, since that trio also found family and happiness in the midst of the Empire.
it’s this inherent optimism that both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan share that Anakin doesn’t (or didn’t) that’s keeping them afloat. it’s the adherence to the light, to kindness, to compassion. 
haunted by the look in my eyes
#1: going back to our three scenarios, you could say Ahsoka was probably haunted by the look in the Council members’ eyes—especially Yoda, Plo, Obi-Wan—when they expelled her. as well as, of course, the look in Anakin’s eyes when he begs her to stay and she says no. the ending image of season 5, the last image we ever saw of tcw for years—with Anakin’s sad, wide eyes—yeah. that look.
#2: overall, this context has less to it, but I’ll still argue that the look in Rex’s eyes, in the clones’ eyes haunted both Ahsoka and Rex, probably especially Rex. or even, not seeing his brothers’ eyes and instead seeing their blasters pointed at him. their final scene, with the eyes of the helmets (Ahsoka’s eyes painted on) stuck on sticks. yeah, that definitely haunted them both.
#3: Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both get horrifyingly clear images of Anakin’s gold eyes. Anakin’s look when he shouts “I hate you!” surely haunted Obi-Wan, as well as Anakin saying “Ahsoka” and “then you will die” with a very clear, obvious image of Anakin’s gold, scarred eye through his mask. 
that would’ve loved you for a lifetime
#1: Ahsoka was prepared to be a Jedi forever, for a lifetime
#2: Rex, more in this case, but both he and Ahsoka did and would’ve loved the clones forever. those were Rex’s brothers and it’s so clear, especially with the scene of him crying in the hangar bay, that this is killing him
#3: Obi-Wan and Ahsoka would’ve loved Anakin for a lifetime—and I’d argue they did, despite everything (”you were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!” and “my Master could never be as vile as you” and “to the best of us”)
leave it all behind
#1: sorry if this is getting repetitive, but yeah, Ahsoka left everything, her entire life, everything and everyone she’s ever known behind
#2: Rex and Ahsoka leave everything on that moon, including her lightsabers that she just got back and then had to give up a second time
#3: Obi-Wan leaves everything behind and flees to Tatooine. Ahsoka tells Ezra this—to let Kanan go, essentially leave the past behind him. And she can’t “save her Master” either. she too must let him go. 
tell me when did your winning smile / begin to look like a smirk?
this is just so Anakin slowly falling to madness and the Dark Side. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan thinking about the signs they’d missed, if there was some way they could’ve stopped it, if just one thing had been different, if they’d just noticed. trying to figure out where it all went wrong. 
when did all our lessons start to look like weapons pointed at my deepest hurt?
#1: “the values of the Jedi are sacred to me”—and then she’s expelled and told that it was part of her great trial in becoming a Knight. a foundation of the Jedi Order and its process gets turned against her.
#3: this line becomes literal—Padawan lessons, sparring, suddenly became dueling Anakin to death, for both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka
no I didn’t mean that / sorry, I can’t see facts through all of my fury
#1: you could argue that Obi-Wan is right when he said Ahsoka let her feelings cloud her judgement in leaving; that she couldn’t see the facts through the pain of being betrayed by the Council. and then, when she comes back in the Siege of Mandalore, immediately, she and Obi-Wan start arguing, and then both of them are clouded by their feelings, both feeling hurt by the other and lashing out.
#3: again, this is just so Anakin turning to the Dark Side. he obviously doesn’t realize that he’s being blinded by fury (or maybe he does and just doesn’t care, or probably, thinks that is the only way). but he is. he’s completely blinded to logic, to reality by the fury that Sidious has spent years amping up and harvesting and Anakin himself has spent years bottling.
you haven’t met the new me yet
this line is really painful if you view it from Anakin’s perspective. they both believed he was dead, but no, turns out he’s a Sith Lord, in fact the Sith Lord that’s been the Emperor’s tool in causing immense pain and destruction across the galaxy. it’s this evil, excited little line from his POV (think that ROTS comic: “please say it’s Kenobi. Lord Vader gets such a thrill from killing people who care for him”)
there’ll be happiness after me / but there was happiness because of me / both of these things I believe
again, there’s that optimism, that desire to help people, to do good in the world, and this faith that Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both have. that’s why Obi-Wan helps Luke, that’s why Ahsoka joins the Rebellion. it’s all to ensure that there will be some happiness, some light after them (and maybe a little because of them. again, see the first chorus. they were happy once, and they both know it. “we’ll be fine, as long as we stay together.”)
there is happiness / in our history / across our great divide
I see this mostly as Ahsoka and Anakin (and Obi-Wan) during season 7. there’s still a connection, of course, love and happiness between them, despite the ending that’s right on their heels, as well as the great divide of Ahsoka leaving the Order.
there is a glorious sunrise / dappled with the flickers of light
Anakin does end up returning to the Light Side and his reunion with Obi-Wan is surely like a “glorious sunrise” that ended the darkness of the past twenty+ years. the second part I just see as a fun, literal line—flickers of light are lightsabers, blaster fire, the Light Side
I can’t make it go away by making you a villain
in short, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka can’t make the pain or the past happiness go away because Anakin’s now Vader. they still both remember Anakin fondly and with love, despite his fall. they loved him, still. in ROTS, when Anakin says “from my point of view, the Jedi are evil!” Obi-Wan doesn’t say “then you are evil,” or even “you are wrong,” he says “then you are lost.” lost. as in, can be found again. not evil, not unworthy, not wrong. just lost. there’s this goodness that Anakin has that he is ignoring and straying from (”there is good in him”). and in the context of Order 66, Ahsoka can’t and doesn’t make the clones villains because she knows they’re actually the victims. as much pain as it causes, they’re not the villains and she can’t act like they are. 
so I know there’s a lot of discourse about Anakin apologists or whatever, so all I’ll say is that George Lucas has said that the prequels are to show how a “nice little kind kid, who has good intentions” turns into Darth Vader. the whole point of the PT is this line—while Anakin/Vader is no doubt the villain in the OT and in ROTS to a degree, that doesn’t make everything else go away. the other stuff doesn’t excuse what he did, all the pain he caused, but we can’t make it go away, just because he’s a villain. that’s one of the beauties of the prequels, that we get this extremely fleshed out, torn and struggling kid who ends up making all the wrong choices and becoming the terrible villain we see in the OT. 
I guess it’s the price I pay for seven years in heaven
while none of these scenarios is seven years exactly, it does continue to drive the point of “all the years I’ve given is just shit we’re dividing up.” everything these characters had, individually and with each other, just gets utterly, completely ruined. 
in a more meta-sense, the ending of The Clone Wars is the price we, the fans, pay for seven seasons of the show. 
no one teaches you what to do / when a good man hurts you / and you know you hurt him too
this could point again to Ahsoka and Anakin, but also Ahsoka and Obi-Wan after she leaves the Order. when she comes back, none of them really know what to say, what to do, how to act around each other. this obviously comes out as arguments and words that are so close to what they really want to say, but just short. they’ve all been hurt and none of them know what to do about it. 
and, of course, Obi-Wan and Anakin in ROTS. Obi-Wan doesn’t want to believe that Anakin’s fallen to the Dark Side, and later on Tatooine, knowing he’s hurt and been hurt by Anakin, doesn’t know what to do
after giving you the best I had / tell me what to give after that
again again, all the years they’ve given. all the love they had. everyone they knew & loved. gone. 
leave it all behind / and there is happiness
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appleaxolotl · 4 years
Meta Knight x Reader- Panic Attack
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You heard a loud bang outside the room. Your eyes jolted towards the door.
A boisterous laugh sounded, followed by a cackle. Dedede and Escargoon.
The sound of glass shattering.
You felt your heartbeat quicken. Shakily, you got to your feet and made your way to the door. As you were about to open it, there was a knock on the other side, which caused your already tensed body to jump, and a soft squeak to leave you.
“(Y/n), it’s me,” a familiar voice spoke from the other side.
You breathe a sigh of relief. Meta Knight.
You open the door and are greeted with Meta Knight’s yellow eyes meeting yours.
“Sir Meta Knight, what are you doing here?”
“Checking up on you. You heard the loud noises, too?” He asks.
“Yeah, I was actually about to go see what it was. It, well, it has me worried,” you admit.
“As it does me,” Meta Knight answers. “Though I know Dedede is behind this, I don’t know what he’s up to,” he turns back to you, extending a hand. “Would you like to join me, my dear?”
You blushed at his ‘dear,’ but placed your hand in his nonetheless. He notices.
“No need to be shy, (Y/n). We are dating now, afterall.”
The mention of this only made your cheeks grow darker.
“I know, it’s just,” you started as the two of you began to walk together, “It feels nice when you call me that.”
“Yeah,” you smile.
“Well then I’ll make sure to do it often, my dear,” one of his eyes, currently a pink shade, winks at you behind his mask. Your cheeks matched the color of his eyes as you quickly averted your gaze.
The commotion sounded closer, and Meta Knight instinctively jumped between you and the direction it came from. His hand gripped the hilt of his sword.
“It came from the throne room,” He said.
Your legs suddenly felt a bit shaky. But you followed after Meta Knight as he led the way.
You opened the doors of the throne room, and as you did, something fired towards you. Meta Knight pushed the two of you down just in time as the projectile whooshed overhead. A second later the deafening sound of the cannon hit you, a loud rumble that reverberated through your chest. And then the bright light from the flash. All of it culminated into one big overstimulated nightmare.
“Meta Knight, what in the world are you doing!?” A shout from Dedede.
Your heart was pounding.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t get in the way when we’re trying out new weapons!” Escargoon’s yelling echoed through your skull.
You couldn’t control your breathing. You shouldn’t be breathing this heavily.
“Sire, with all due respect, the castle doesn’t make for a very good shooting range,” Meta Knight.
Oh god, your throat was closing up. Your body was shaking. Everything felt both so far away and too close at the same time.
“Well maybe you shoulda knocked first!” Dedede yelled again.
You tried to sit up from where you landed when Meta Knight pushed the two of you down. Your arms were trembling. They don’t usually do that, right?
“Yeah, you shoulda knocked first!” Escargoon parroted Dedede.
Something crashed behind you, collateral from the projectile that just missed you. Your hands continued to tremble. Looking at them, you felt your breathing get even faster. Was there no oxygen in this air? Why did it feel like you weren’t getting air when you so clearly were breathing it in? Just thinking about it only made you breathe harder.
When Meta Knight finally took a look at you, he froze. His eyes lingered a moment on your trembling body, before his eyes flashed white. Without hesitation he dashed over towards you and took one of your hands.
“(Y/n), are you alright?”
You furiously shook your head. You thought about lying and saying yes, but you knew he would see right through you if you tried to pretend you were fine.
“Hey, Meta Knight, look at me when I’m talking to you!” Dedede shouted.
“Sire,” Meta Knight’s eyes flashed red as he side-eyed the king. Dedede took a step back, immediately looking apologetic. “I would greatly appreciate it if you would test your weapons away from the castle.”
“Of- of course Meta Knight!” Dedede stuttered.
“We wouldn’t want to cause any trouble,” Escargoon mimicked, equally intimidated by the knight’s piercing gaze.
Meta Knight’s glare lingered on them a second more, eyes returning to their normal yellow at their answer, before bringing his attention back to you.
“I’m going to move you out of here, (Y/n). Is that alright?”
Your body still shaking, you nodded. Your throat still felt too tight to give a proper answer.
With that, Meta Knight scooped you up and dashed from the room back down the hall. Your vision was too unfocused to tell, but Meta Knight was bringing you back towards the room he shared with Sword and Blade. A quick opening of the door, and he set you down on his bed.
Your breathing was still too fast, but the fact you were away from King Dedede and Escargoon’s shouts helped a bit. Everything still felt like too much all at once. But Meta Knight’s voice pulled you towards something to focus on.
“(Y/n), you’re having a panic attack right now. I know it’s scary, but it’s going to pass. I’ll be right here next to you the whole time.”
Okay, so, you were having a panic attack. Okay, cool, this is fine. This is-
A panic attack.
Your breathing slowed a little bit, but not much.
“(Y/n), I need you to try to slow down your breathing, okay? In,” Meta Knight drew a long breath in, “and out,” and let it out slowly.
You mimicked his breaths as he repeated the action and instructions with you. You felt your throat opening back up again, slowly. You were still shaky, though.
“Good, good, you’re doing great,” you could hear the smile in Meta Knight’s voice, despite his mask hiding his expression. You gave him a shaky smile in return.
“Is there anything you need, dear?”
“How long?” You croaked out, throat still a bit closed up.
“Typically about half an hour,” Meta Knight answered. Your eyes widened and your breathing quickened again, until he quickly added, “But the length of time can vary. Just, focus on your breathing. Finding something to focus on instead also helps come down from it. Like, uh.”
He glances towards the still open door for a moment. His eyes turn a green color. A moment of hesitation, then he places one hand in yours.
You squeeze it, finding some comfort in holding it. It felt like another thing to keep you grounded for the moment. You had expected that Meta Knight was just going to give you his hand to hold, but with another glance towards the door, he moved his other hand towards his helmet.
“Wait, you don’t,” you were cut off when you hear a click, and Meta Knight moves the mask away from his face.
Staring back at you, Meta Knight, unmasked, met your eyes. He looked how you imagined Kirby would (once Kirby had grown up a bit). Despite looking a little nervous, his voice held steady.
“It’s okay (Y/n), I trust you.”
You squeezed his hand again. Your breathing had slowed back to normal. Meta Knight showing his face had managed to completely distract you from your panic attack. Slowly, you moved a hand to touch his face. He let you.
You let out a soft giggle, and a genuine smile spread on your face. Meta Knight’s own face mirrored yours, his eyes turning a pink color. The hand not holding yours moved to cup your cheek.
“Your breathing has returned to normal, my dear.”
You chuckled, your throat still a bit closed up.
“Do the lights still feel too bright?” He asked.
You nodded, though they felt more tolerable than they had been.
“Here, you can block them out with this,” he unclipped his cape and wrapped it around your shoulders. You were still too shaken to blush, so you just smiled at him instead. He paused a moment, hands still on his cloak that was wrapped around you.
On instinct, you leaned forward and planted a small kiss to his lips. You felt his smile against your lips. When you pulled back, his eyes were a deep purple color, and his face held a prominent blush of his own. You, had you been feeling one hundred percent, would be fairing no better.
“Thank you for helping me through this, Meta Knight. I’m sorry I’m so much work to take care of,” you spoke softly.
He put his mask back on, and looked to meet your eyes again.
“Nonsense, my dear. I’m always happy to keep you safe. And you have no need to apologize for things you cannot control.”
The honesty in his voice sent butterflies to your stomach. Your smile grew further.
“You said to tell you if I needed anything?”
“Yes, I did, (Y/n),” he answered.
“Can you, er, would you lie here with me?” You ask, lying back.
He hums, laying down next to you.
“Of course.”
You covered the both of you with his cape, so you were both swept under a veil of darkness.
“Let me know when you don’t feel shaky anymore, alright?”
You hum in response.
“Walking after a panic attack can help it from coming back after it’s already happened.”
“Okay, Meta Knight,” You cuddle against him, wrapping your arms around him. He does the same to you.
A moment’s silence, and you hear him whisper.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
On your walk later, you ask Meta Knight something you had been wondering about.
“Hey Meta Knight, why do you know so much about panic attacks, anyway?”
“It was part of basic medical training for Star Warriors,” he answers, holding your hand in his. “In battle, if a fellow warrior was having a panic attack, they would be no good for the fight. We had to learn how to get them to a safe place and calm them down. Though, in the heat of battle it was usually just the first part we focused on.”
“Have you ever had to use that training before today?” You asked.
He hesitated before he responded.
“In battle, I only used the first part of that training. After the war, I had to use what I’d learned to help someone come down from an attack.”
“Really? Who was it?” You ask, genuinely curious.
He hesitates again.
“Oh, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” you add.
“It was me.”
His answer caught you off guard.
“You had to bring yourself down from a panic attack? Alone?”
You squeeze his hand, thinking for a moment. You step in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Well, if it ever happens to you again, now I can help you calm down from one,” you flash him a bright smile. “Plus, since you guided me through mine, now I know how to help it go smoothly for you, too!”
He chuckles.
“Thank you, (Y/n), I appreciate that.”
“Of course!”
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escargoon-sandwich · 4 years
marx attempts to ruin a chatfic - scrapped chapter
there is a reason why this isn’t going on ao3. simply put, i’m not satisfied with it.
11:50 pm
Zan Parthenon: @everyone
Zan Parthenon: HELP
Big D: I’m already on my way.
Zan Parthenon:  please tell me you’re bringing kirby
Gryll pressed their back to Zan’s, sucking their breath in. “Man, this sucks! Big time!” 
“Understatement of the year, my friend.” Zan stated flatly as she charged her drums. Gryll had managed to build up a small wall to hide behind, but the blocks they’d made crumbled easily - it wouldn’t hold off the Skull Gang forever. 
Something glittering hovered above their heads, and Gryll glanced up to see Marx barely clearing the wall. “Yo Zan! Mind lighting me up?”
“Sure. Just stand in front of me.” Zan ordered as she jumped up to the top.
“Oh come on, that’s gonna suck…” Marx whined.
“Think of it as payback for when you sprayed me with febreeze earlier.”
“Okay but you asked for that-”
The inane argument was interrupted by a particularly large skully barreling through the wall, showering Gryll in brick fragments. Gryll cried out and swung their broom forward, borrowing some techniques they’d seen some Broom Hatters do. The skully tumbled away, just in time for Marx to body slam it. “Hey, Gryll!” he shouted, twirling on his toetip. “Go find Dedede and Kirby!”
“I - okay!” Gryll hopped on their broom and booked it out of there, weaving through the trees. Beneath them, they felt the broom sort of sputter - which was to be expected. The enchantment was beginning to wear thin - they probably should have refreshed it before coming to the islands.
As the sound of battle faded behind them, Gryll bit their lip. They really, really wanted to help, but they were more of a hedgewitch - someone who did spells meant for everyday life, not for the battlefield. 
Whatever. Finding Kirby was helping too.
The broom fell suddenly, about five feet - it couldn’t last much longer. Gryll groaned, knowing they’d have to continue their search on foot. Quietly, they landed and leaned against a large tree, trying to listen to their surroundings…
Okay, there was the fight going on, and that kind of drowned things out. Oh, how Gryll longed to have nice big ears like Daroach, then maybe they would have better hearing! Above them, the branches rustled, and then something dropped on them - Oh, Lord.
They swung their broom wildly, batting at whatever had chomped down onto their face. They sucked in air, choking on the downright rancid breath, then filled their lungs again. “LET! GO!” they howled at the top of their lungs. “I’LL TASTE AWFUL, SO LET -”
Suddenly they were free, and they gasped for air. The thing was now howling in pain, and Gryll cautiously looked over to see something brown and furry mauling their attacker - a skull gang member. They’d been followed! “Shit…” they breathed. “I gotta find the others quick…”
“Wait!” The furry thing turned, and - oh lord, if that wasn’t the cutest thing Gryll had ever seen! Kirby was wearing some sort of animal costume - it was probably a copy ability! “Gryll, it’s me!”
“Yeah, I can see that now. Sorry, I thought you were like… some sort of raccoon…” they muttered. “Where’s Dedede?”
“Over here!” The king crashed through a bush and faceplanted in the dirt. He scrambled to his feet quickly, just in time for Escargoon to slam into his back, with Gooey close behind him. He stumbled forward, but caught himself before he could body-slam Kirby. “Okay. Okay, I’m good. Um.” He smiled sheepishly at Gryll. “Where’s the circus?”
“The circus? Oh, you mean Marx!” A crack of thunder roared through the forest, and Gryll pointed in that direction. “I’d say they’re over there.”
“Thanks.” Without missing a beat, Dedede charged forward. “Escargoon, you stay with Gryll!”
“But Sire -”
“No buts! I don’t want those freaks anywhere near you!” Dedede turned away and disappeared through the brush, and Kirby and Gooey soon vanished after him.
“No, wait!” Gryll cried, only to be drowned out by another crack of thunder. “... Damn. Okay.” They turned to Escargoon, who was tugging at his beard. “We can’t stay here. I don’t care what Dedede said, it’s not safe. There might be more of those guys around.”
“Are you kidding me? Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Escargoon growled, waving his arms in the air.
“I would have, but they ran off before I could - wait.” Gryll’s eyes narrowed as they heard more rustling in the branches above. “... Hey. Weird question. If you were surrounded by, say… five or six dudes who wanted you dead, how likely do you think you’d be able to survive?”
Escargoon was peering at the canopy now, quivering. “H-honestly? I’d give it like, a twenty percent chance?”
“Okay then. Let’s run.” 
12:39 AM
Kirby: you know i’m glad those guys don’t get stronger at midnight
Big D: @Marx did you find Gryll and Escargoon yet? Or DMK?
Marx: i found the first two and got a broom shaped bruise on my face
Kirby: ouch, did gryll get you? they hit pretty hard sometimes…
Marx: no it was escargoon lol
Marx: gryll got one of those tears to the face, so i think goonie grabbed the broom to defend himself
Big D: Shit, are they hurt?
Marx: nah, they’re in pretty good shape
Marx: gryll is now under a bunch of leaves, we made them a little blanket so they could stay worm
Marx: … i meant to say warm but you know
Marx: i guess that fits too? since they’re under some leaves
Marx: anyway dedede come get yo mans
Big D: I have absolutely no idea what that means, Marx.
Marx: oh, you know
Marx: ;dauhnjffff
Kirby: MARX????
Marx: You know that massive downed tree? We’re near that.
Kirby: yeah i do know it, but what happened?
Marx: A stupid clown nearly played a nasty prank.
Zan Parthenon: Who is this?
Marx: This is Escargoon. I grabbed Marx’s phone before he could do something dumb.
Zan Parthenon: He was going to send the winky face, wasn’t he?
Gryll: nooo, that’s our inside jooooke
Kirby: oh hey, welcome back gryll!
Gryll: right i need to debrief everyone, maybe in the morning? i need access to my dream journal even though this wasn’t really a dream it’s a good idea to write it down
Zan Parthenon: I got it, and I’ll bring it over.
Gryll: thanks
8:14 AM
Gryll: alright, i wrote down what i saw in the doc you guys have going for that sort of thing
Daddyroach: Alright, I’ll take a look.
Gryll: the good news is that i did find a good tree, finally, while i was writing everything down
Gryll: so i’ll be re-enchanting my broom and making a new one
Gryll: … actually, wait
Gryll: @Escargoon do you want to borrow one?
Big D: He’s still sleeping.
Gryll: oh, okay
Gryll: i’ll try later then
Big D: Any reason why you want to give him one?
Gryll: because last night, i lent him it
Gryll: well, he took it from me actually, and he was like, “if you want to get rid of a pest you sweep like THIS” and then did the windy thing
Big D: The windy thing?
Gryll: kirby knows the windy thing! the thing the broom hatters do
Big D: ooooh, i get it
Gryll: but he seemed to like it, he was cackling
Daddyroach: Okay so, uh.
Daddyroach: My dad got sacrificed to Necrodeus. 
Gryll: the guy who was PROBABLY your dad
Daddyroach: Most likely my dad.
Daddyroach: Considering that you said my mom confessed to being pregnant at the time.
Gryll: well no necrodouche kind of forced the confession out of her because he grabbed her and…
Gryll: uhm.
Gryll: he tried ripping you and your siblings out of her
Gryll: i think he wanted to eat you
Daddyroach: … thank god dedede’s dad was there.
Gryll: yeah
Kirby: we still haven’t found any sign of DMK anywhere…
Taranza: Come back to the hotel, Kirby. Ribbon, Adeleine and I are gonna go look next.
Kirby: okay
Borb: Do you need me there?
Big D: You know, not to sound rude, but I’d rather you be at the castle right now.
Big D: If we have a group of people back at the castle, it’s… something. 
Big D: In case something bad happens.
Borb: … I see.
B. Dee: I’ll do my best, your majesty!
Big D: Thank you.
Tiff: something happened
Big D: Tiff? Are you okay?
Tiff: no
Tiff: dmk came back here and took my mom
Tiff: she went out to the balcony and he grabbed her
Gryll: oh shit, oh SHIT
Daddyroach: This lines up too well.
Daddyroach:  I’m going to try to find her.
Tiff: she’s where you guys are?
Daddyroach: Yeah, and she’s in immediate danger.
Normally, Daroach would be happy to have a target that broadcast its location. When that target was a woman who was five months pregnant, though, things got intense.
Lady Like was kicking up one hell of a fuss, though, and it made tracking her down easy. "Yo! Marx!"
The jester crashed out of the canopy, faceplanting into a puddle. He coughed out some mud and grinned at Daroach. "I meant to do that."
"Sure you did. Now listen." Daroach pointed in the direction of the screaming. "Go up ahead for me, okay? We'll try a pincer attack."
"Oh, good idea!" Marx took to the air, then visually screeched to a halt. "Did you tell Kirby and Adeline too?"
"Yeah." Daroach readied the Triple Star, listening for the sounds of struggle. "We're close. Just a little farther…"
"Right. See ya!" Marx flew off, and Daroach zoned in on where he heard the fighting. He soon found himself in a small clearing, where he caught Dark Meta Knight getting a square kick to the face, delivered by one Lady Like.
Daroach couldn't help it. He laughed and clapped as he made his presence known. "Good job, idiot, you're getting your ass handed to you by a pregnant woman."
"A woman with a black belt," Lady Like corrected, pouting.
 Dark Meta whirled and drew his sword, brandishing it towards his poor victim. "Listen here, both of you!" he growled. "I don't have time for this horseshit, nor the patience." He was shaking slightly. "All I want is for one thing to go right for me!"
"Yeah, and I'd like some goddamn peace and quiet. But life isn't fair and we don't always get what we want." Daroach shrugged. "You'd think you'd have learned that by now."
"Bold words from a thief." Dark Meta hissed, prodding Lady Like's belly with the tip of his sword. "Now. I have a gift to deliver to my master, and I'm willing to rip it out of her if need be."
Daroach felt like his stomach was turning to ice, and he lowered the brim of his hat to hide his panic. "... Master, huh? You rebounded kinda fast, huh?" 
Dark Meta's wings twitched, as Daroach heard rustling in the nearby undergrowth. "What do you mean, rebound?"
"I'm just saying… you hopped on the Necrodeus train pretty damn quick." Out of the corner of his eye, Daroach saw Kirby peek out of some tall grass. He wished he had a way to signal to him to wait. "You got a thing for toxic men, don't you?"
Oooh, the sword tip was wavering now, and it was quickly pointed in Daroach's direction. "I hope you realize what you are implying."
"'Course I do." Daroach flicked the brim of his hat up and grinned. "You, my friend, are a slut."
Dark Meta Knight roared and flung himself towards Daroach, who gasped as he felt the serrated blade sink into his gut. Lady Like stumbled away from the two, and Daroach saw a waiting Adeline reach for her hand and drag her out of the area. “You do not get to impose that judgement on me!”
Daroach smirked, then coughed up blood. “Well. At least I set out what I meant to do here,” he muttered as he pressed the Triple Star against Dark Meta’s mask, and blasted him away. “Go and run back to your new sugar daddy!”
There, he fell to the ground, where he wrapped his cloak around himself as his opponent scanned the treeline. One of Daroach’s ears twitched as he heard Marx yelling hysterically - he must have found the two escapees. 
“Hmph. The child’s not worth getting in a fight with the jester over.” Dark Meta sheathed his sword and turned, leaving Daroach in the dirt. “My master will be back soon anyway.” With that, the sound of shattering glass filled the air as he teleported away, and Kirby darted out from the bushes. 
“Are you okay?” Kirby squealed, while pressing a few leaves into Daroach’s wound. Daroach yelled in pain, and Kirby almost looked a little sick. “Ooh, guess not…”
12:12 pm
Daddyroach: Alright, so maybe calling him a slut wasn’t the best idea.
Kirby: !!!! you’re up!!!
Tiff: is my mom okay?
Kirby: yeah!!! she kicked him a lot!!!
Adeleine: I’m pretty sure I saw some dents in that mask, your mom’s a straight-up badass. 
Adeleine: Are you okay though, dad?
Daddyroach: No.
Daddyroach: He got me bad, but Doc’s taking care of the stab wound.
Adeleine: i should have stayed?
Daddyroach: Absolutely not. You could have gotten stabbed.
Adeleine: … yeah, you’re right.
Gooey: tiiiiiiiiff
Gooey: yourmoooomisssniccccce
Marx: so uh daroach
Marx: why’d you call him a slut?
Tiff: what’s that word mean?
Marx: you’ll find out when you’re older.
Tiff: what if i want to know now, marx?
Marx: i’d have to say too bad because your mom would probably kill me
Tiff: oh it’s a swear word?
Marx: yeah lol
Escargoon: Speaking of your mom, Tiff…
Escargoon: Should I go talk to her?
Tiff: is there a reason why you think you shouldn’t?
Escargoon: We weren’t always on good terms.
Escargoon: Scratch that, we were never on good terms, up until I left.
Tiff: i think she knows you’re trying to change for the better
Tiff: i don’t think it’ll hurt to see her
Dedede: Can you like, keep her company while I’m out dealing with some shenanigans?
Dedede: There’s something going on to the north, and I’m going to go investigate.
Escargoon: I can do that.
Escargoon stared at the door handle way longer then he probably should have. One of the Waddle Dees that worked for the hotel was giving him a curious look. He knew the worst things Lady Like could do - he’d seen her beat the shit out of those guys who’d stalked her daughter. If she didn’t want to see him, well… he probably deserved whatever she dished out.
He finally decided to just knock. “Oh, who is it?” Lady Like’s voice rang out loud and clear, and Escargoon swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat.
“It’s, um. It’s me.” There was a brief pause, and he added. “Can I come in?”
“Yes. Yes you may.” Oh boy, that response was rather terse...
Escargoon took a deep breath and entered the room. Technically, it was the one in his name, but with the… thing with Dedede, that was up in the air. Lady Like was here, now, nestled in a pile of pillows, one hand resting on her belly while the other one picked at a piece of bread. She looked like she’d been woken up in the middle of the night - in fact, she probably had been. “So! I’d ask you how things have been, but. Yeah.”
Like gave him a look so sour it could curdle milk. " I have had one of the worst mornings of my life. Are you certain you are happier here?"
"Huh?" Escargoon blinked in confusion. "Of course I am! Why, instead of getting hit all the time, I get hit on -" Lady Like had instantly raised an eyebrow. "Oops."
Well, her mood seemed to have improved. "Escargoon," she said with a conspiratorial smirk, "I have the inkling that you have a thing with the king!"
Escargoon felt his cheeks heat up, and he turned away. "What gave you that idea?" 
“Well…” Like tilted her head and winked. “I heard you were sleeping with him...”
“T-that was only last night!” he spluttered. “A-and it was platonic, okay. No shenanigans happened!”
“Yes, and I only married my husband platonically.”
“Look, he hasn’t even kissed me yet, okay?” Escargoon crossed his arms. “And I doubt it counts as a thing if he hasn’t even asked me out yet.”
“But there is a potential of a thing, yes?” Like smirked at him. “I’m sure your mother will be happy to know her little snail has a sweetie!”
“Oh, no, no, you are NOT telling her before I do!” He began to pace a bit. “Great, now I forgot what I even came here for in the first -”
Escargoon was interrupted by a wet “thump” on the balcony, and he jumped and whirled to face the sliding glass door, now plastered with Gooey’s face. He sighed in relief as he went to open it, but as Gooey rolled in, he realized that the little slimeball did not seem happy at all. “Hey little guy, what’s up?” Gooey wiggled around, a look of distress on his face. “Listen, Gooey, I know you’re upset, but you’re going to have to use your words, okay?”
Gooey paused for a moment, then opened his mouth and shouted one word. “FUCK!”
Lady Like gasped in horror. "Was this where Tiff learned that word?"
"Nah, that was probably Marx." After a look of confusion from Like, he continued. "Y'know, little jester guy, kicked Dedede in the junk?"
"Ah, him." She rose from the bed, smoothing her hand over her stomach. "Oh, my! Escargoon, look!"
"Huh?" A massive thundercloud was beginning to form on the horizon, but something was off. Mainly, it seemed like it was pouring out of the ocean. "That's not good..."
Gooey was beginning to buzz loudly. "Is he supposed to be doing that?" Lady Like asked, then cringed in disgust as Gooey spat out his phone. "Oh…"
Escargoon, however, noticed something else. Something that looked like a shockwave of sorts… and it was heading towards them, fast. He shoved Lady Like aside, away from the glass door, then grabbed Gooey and ducked into his shell.
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jeaniegreysummers · 4 years
crying power || Jean & Bruce
WHO: Jean Grey-Summers ( @jeaniegreysummers ) and Bruce Banner ( @hulkout ) WHERE: Stark/Avenger’s Tower WHAT: Jean has spent weeks planning a big science experiment, with a single intended goal - to bring Erik Lehnsherr back from the dead, sans Phoenix. She recruits Dr. Bruce Banner to assist. WARNINGS: death mention, murder mention WORDS: 3.7k
JEAN: The widely held view within the walls of the Institute was that the Avengers were a bunch of over-hyped frat boys in receipt of extensive preferential treatment, and Jean was loath to disagree with them. After all, the X-Men had been fighting this world’s battles for decades before Nick Fury put together his merry little band of misfits, and all they got for their efforts was sent to Salem to hide behind masks and pretend they were ‘normal’ (whatever that meant). The Avengers got praise. They got accolades, got medals, got their faces plastered on billboards and songs written to celebrate their glories -- with one notable exception, at least from the original team.
Bruce Banner.
She’d researched him, before, followed him through with both a personal and scientific curiosity. He was a man born human who tried to make himself something more. He was a man playing with genes on government contracts, and it went wrong. He was a man who, it could be argued, deserved what he got.
But he was a man who, when given the potential to destroy entire cities, went on the run for years at a time. He was a man who took the role of scientist on a team where he could be the heavy hitter. He was a man who was very hard to find, a man who filled the role of pacifist far more than his friends.
And he was a man Jean needed, despite her previous feelings on him, despite everything else.
(Jean was good at putting aside personal feelings for the mission -- at least until the mission was over. She’d learned that from her father.)
Avengers Tower was a fortress. Its defences had been bolstered after the siege, even if Stark had backed down remarkably quickly (and uncharacteristically quickly, Jean noted). Still, the Phoenix could move her through in an instant, could have her in the labs a couple of seconds before the alarms started blaring.
Heels clacking against the linoleum, Jean stepped out of the darkness, coming into the direct eyeline of the very scientist she’d been looking for. “Dr. Banner,” she said, holding out her hand for him to shake. “A pleasure to finally meet you. Do you mind telling Mr. Stark’s lovely computerised assistant that I’m here for a meeting before I get shot at? That wouldn’t end very well for anyone involved.”
BRUCE: Inadvertently, people who often strayed too far from the limelight always made themselves a target. One small slip up and the mystery was far more notable than any secrecy. Still, it never surprised Bruce if someone knew his name, and surprised him far more if someone knew his face when he was much more human and much less green, donning a lab coat and a pair of reading glasses.
F.R.I.D.A.Y sent out an alert that someone was in the facility — not the actual housing unit — but credentials weren’t given. Typically that meant that Tony had allowed them past the new functionality they’d put in place, working endlessly on code and bantering over F.R.I.D.A.Y’s own comments through the night. It was almost easy to fall back into the routine of it — being Tony’s tech-guy. His science guy. The person he always counted on to be sitting on the lab stools well into the night.
It had been easy to fall back into being an Avenger too.
Which was why the snake of nerves in his stomach uncoiled and hissed at the sight of an X-Men in the lab. His safe haven. His safety room. The room of safeness where he drank his tea and poured over a biochem journal when he was stressed—
“We don’t really do the gun thing anymore,” Bruce balanced around the pencil between his teeth, hands preoccupied with realigning a piece of equipment, “If you were going to get shot, it probably would have been before the big doors opened for you.” With a hiss and a click, the mechanics slid into place, Bruce turning his attention toward his guest. Tony’s guest? Jean. White? No. Grey. “Hi. Uh,” Bruce dropped the pencil, looking at his hand afterward when he thought about the possible saliva transfer. Gaze flickering over the smooth, cool one of Jean’s, he hesitantly gripped her much smaller ones in his own, “Bruce. Well. You know that. You just called me by name. Anyway, hi — what are you doing here exactly? Tony’s not here. Well, I mean, he’s here, he’s just not here.”
JEAN: The answer seemed simple to anyone on the outside, to those who still believed the carefully crafted story that Jean’s propensity for dragging herself (and others, now) from the grave was a secondary mutation meticulously honed. For all intents and purposes her resurrections had been flawless, and if she wasn’t as close to Scott as she was, she may not have noticed a difference -- but she did. She saw Erik shift, felt the cool off her husband’s skin, saw how Maddie’s smile twisted just a little too sharp. She knew it was the bird within them, knew the effect it could have, knew how it could blend things until the horrific was justifiable.
Jean couldn’t use the Phoenix to bring Erik back, but she needed him. She needed him as a father, of course -- needed him more than she’d needed almost anyone. She needed him as a leader, too. The future they had built, the legacy he left behind, that was threatened by the Black Knights. It was threatened from the inside as much as outside forces. Genosha balanced on a knife’s edge, and she needed to guarantee safety for her daughter.
It’ll be Rachel, one day. Jean wasn’t going to allow that to happen. She’d always been a pragmatist -- a soldier’s daughter.
“You’re telling me a Stark backs away from things that go boom?” Jean asked, an eyebrow raising. She managed to keep her more aggressive thoughts about Iron Man to herself, managed to train her voice to a careful tease rather than anything too condemning. She wasn’t particularly concerned about the concept of Bruce refusing her, but she always preferred to use her words than her powers -- and she wasn’t entirely sure how it would work with the Other Guy. She’d seen the wreckage in South Africa post Scarlet Witch intrusion. “See, the doors didn’t open. I scattered my molecules, went through the wall. I think that’s why your electronic friend is having a mild coronary.”
Tony’s not here. Jean held back a snort, and simply nodded instead. “I know he isn’t. I sent him to my lab in Genosha.” He was easier to distract than she thought he would be, although Jean did get the distinct impression Stark was aware he was being distracted and went with it regardless. He got the opportunity to dig around her archives, after all, so it was a win win. “I was looking for you. I have a case I’d like to get your input on.” Jean reached for her bag, pulling out a stack of papers which she set on the workbench between them. “I was looking into the Cradle,” she said. “My colleagues seemed to think it was a thing of legend, but I’m not so sure. Every myth has its place in reality, right? Now, imagine the Cradle, combined with that nanotech Stark boasted about at the Expo. Imagine it combined with the energy I can provide, or take from the people around me.”
Jean allowed the words to settle, eyes flashing with just a hint of orange as she finally met Bruce’s gaze. “I could bring my father back to life,” she said. “I could bring him back to life, but I need you to do it. What do you say?”
BRUCE: It would have been easy to get defensive - to say that there’s no way he would be stepping toe into anything that so much as even sort of resembled Cradle. That he wouldn’t be participating in playing God anymore and that his time years and years of time for all of the nonsense was over. He’d gone into hiding for a purpose after all — but the notes in his desk drawer currently, the ones marked in blue and black ink with little comments from FRIDAY as he worked, said otherwise. The ones with the exact nonsense he hated - like time-travel.
And then, the words really hit him. “You ... Erik’s dead?” Dark eyelashes fluttered, dipped in cherry red in the right light, and Bruce had to hold himself back. He strayed away from the news. Purposefully so, considering most of the time it was negative things (like the world exploding, or Bruce going on a rampage, or more terrorist attacks on meta-humans and mutants).
The ache clawed it’s way from his stomach and into his throat, and for a second the whole world flashed green, tilting sideways and knocking into his skull like the angry fists of a small child who was too large for his age. Uncontrolled, like a battering ram.
Caramel eyes flickered down to clenched fists on the metal table in front of him, indents of his fingertips marring the edges in warped zigzags where his hold was too strong. Where Hulk’s hold was too strong. His reflection in the same metal table showed that same jade at the corners of his temples too.
“How did it happen?” Using her words as a bartering chip, Bruce would get his answers. After all, she couldn’t access it without him, without Stark (and deep inside, he’d hoped that Tony would say no if Bruce asked him to).
The scientist ignored that the same rumble of hurt in the guts of him called out for Erik, his new friend, his new maybe-something if Bruce didn’t fuck it up. He would bring Erik back. He didn’t really have a choice. “How did it happen?” He repeated again, less strangled this time.
JEAN: There was that word again. Dead. So final, so complete, so absolute — to everyone but Jean Grey, it appeared. To everyone but the people Jean Grey loved the most (her best friend, her sister, her teammates and fellow soldiers … it was only a matter of time, she told herself, before they were all back on firm ground) it lasted beyond human compression, spanned centuries and even longer. Legacies lasted for a millennia but death? Death drew on even after that.
Death wouldn’t draw on for Erik Lehnsherr. Logically, they needed him. Emotionally, Jean had been half alive since he took his final breath. Scott could scarcely get words past the lump in his throat. Maddie was shifting, changing, questioning. The world wasn’t on its even keel anymore, and they had battles and wars facing them they had no idea how to handle alone — and he was her father. More than anyone else, he was her father. He raised her, cared for her, protected her. Challenged her.
Was killed, by her.
“He’s—” Jean wanted to correct him, wanted to say something like not alive or not breathing or temporarily indisposed, but those would be lies. She couldn’t feel him anymore. Neither could Lorna, who lost her due north. “He’s dead.”
And then she got a front seat to Banner in all his grief, in all she needed to know to realise she’d been exceptionally strategic in choosing him for this request. She knew this already, of course. Erik taught her compassion, taught her love, taught her how to decode messages and read faces and expressions — but he also taught her how to plan, how to read people.
How to use people, that small voice provided. Jean pushed it to the back of her mind. That wasn’t what this was. She could do it by herself, if she wanted, if she so desired. The only reason she was here was because she was trying to do things differently, trying to learn from past mistakes. Trying to be better.
(But there was still a part of her that hoped, when that flicker of green came across his irises, when his grip increased on the steel of the table. There was a. part of her that yearned for a fight, a flicker that turned into a spark. We haven’t had a challenge like this in a while, the Phoenix crowed. A good way to expel some energy. A good way to level New York, more like.)
Jean clasped her hands behind her back, wringing them together as she waited. Charles’ lessons were still clear and bright in her mind. She was strong enough to hold him back, perhaps, if she tried — but getting into his head wasn’t what she was here for. Making him comply wasn’t who Jean was.
It wasn’t who she wanted to be.
The moment passed, and she didn’t breathe a sigh of relief. She didn’t react at all. He asked the question she knew was coming, and she steeled herself, prepared for a rejection.
We could make him do it. We could. Stop holding yourself back. We have all the pieces, now, you and Madelyne. Why ask anyone else—
“It is a very long story,” Jean prefaced, “and from what I understand, you will want to know each detail. I’m not sure I can provide that much. There’s a lot even we don’t know, as X-Men — as mutants — but I’ll tell you all I can.”
Where to start?
“There is a cosmic force,” she began, “an entity I’ve only known referred to as the Phoenix Force. It is, for lack of a better term, the embodiment of life itself. It’s capable of great feats, and draws even more power from the universe if it has an appropriate host.” This time, Jean did chew on the corner of her lip, did lose some of the strength in her shoulders and confidence in her stance. “I’ve been its host since I was eighteen years old. It always protected me, brought me back when I was injured or … or when I was killed. It did the same for my husband, after Central Park. But there’s a cost.
“It takes everything in you, and makes it stronger. Anger becomes rage, affection becomes passion. Love becomes all consuming, but so does hate. And in my ignorance, I split a piece of this force, and it found a home in Erik. It … changed him. Altered him. Encouraged him to make decisions he would normally measure more carefully.”
She didn’t want to talk about the missiles, not in detail. She didn’t want to tell this man how she scarcely held her father back from committing a massacre against the very people Banner had fought alongside with the Avengers. She didn’t want to tarnish the memory that still existed of him in the public consciousness — a flawed man, perhaps, but ultimately heroic for what he had done for his people.
“He was a danger to himself and others,” she settled on. “I made the decision, as I did for myself many years ago, to end that particular threat before it went any further. We saved the world, but I lost my father. My sister lost her father. My people lost their leader, my husband lost his light, and Erik lost his life.” She sucked in a breath, brought her hands around to the front. “I hope if we can restore the latter,” Jean continued, “the rest might fall into place.”
Wishful thinking, perhaps. Wishful thinking — but God, wasn’t that what the X-Men were built on?
BRUCE: One talent that Banner and Hulk actually shared was the ability to stay quiet; read the room for tells, evaluate situations based on the now rather than the could be.  While the scientist in Bruce often disagreed with Hulk’s methods of ‘smash now, ask questions later’ there was definitely something to it.
The urge to put his fist through the metal table quelled just a few moments after it had appeared, but there was something about Jean’s story that just didn’t add up to him. So you and Scott took it into your own hands to decide whether or not he got to live or die? Bruce didn’t actually say it, but the desire was strong. Lucky for him, he had much better self-preservation than Tony or Clint, and he let the woman finish her explanation before he even tried to comment.
“You know death does not come with convenience, right? If it’s not the…” He swallowed, “Phoenix, it will be something else.” Like lack of forgiveness, or Erik coming back a lifeless zombie. There wasn’t an exact science, to resurrection. At least not yet. After all, it was one thing when you had an internal power that was able to bring sustenance back to regenerative cells, it was another when you were starting from scratch, like with the CRADLE. Bruce would have to write algorithms based on Erik’s DNA: mutated DNA.
He said so, a moment later, but his words were not dismissive in nature. Instead, they were just facts.
Bruce Banner was going to help bring back a man who was likely better off dead. But you don’t want him dead either, Banner a voice betrayed in his psyche. How obnoxious, to be betrayed by his own subconscious. The physicist had spent countless hours staring at DNA. Sorting how to evolve and demonstrate it differently when being accessed through a different source code. Pulling it apart like the strings of a handmade sweater, like he’d done with his and Hulk’s. While he was specifically oriented in gamma-radiology, it should have been less complicated to perform tasks with something much more humanoid than Hulk would ever be.
“Okay.” Bruce said finally, twirling his hands around one another with some thought, “I’ll help you.” He should have made conditions. Should have said, But if things go wrong, it’s your fault. But he didn’t. Wouldn’t. Wanted to see his friend again. Wanted to share a connection with someone who was inherently good, despite what the outside world may have perceived.
Standing from his stool, Bruce marched forward with an odd confidence, “It’s going to take me some time to write the code. I need his file. Uh, anything you can get me pre-Auschwitz.” Bruce looked at her from under his fringe, one sturdy finger pushing up the rim of his round glasses.
JEAN: No one thought of Jean Grey as the brains of the operation in the early days of the X-Men. They all had their respective roles. Scott was the stoic leader, Warren was all charisma and private school charm, Bobby was the comic relief, Hank was the scientist and Jean … well, Jean was the girl. She was the one who tried to hold them together, the person who knew instinctively when someone was upset long before she went venturing into their mind (perhaps a little too far in the early days, before she learned restraint -- before she learned that curiosity shouldn’t win out against sanctity), the one who defended Charles and softened Scott and hardened Warren in the places that mattered.
No one thought of her as anything other than the girl on the pedestal, or the body rotting six foot under. No one thought of her past the tragedy, a life ended far too soon and then violently brought back into the present, constantly within and without, years missing where she was absent from lives that moved on without her. (Bruce said death wasn’t convenient like she wasn’t the person who knew that the most, like she hadn’t lived and died more times than anyone could ever imagine). She opened her mouth to say that, to tell him what it really felt like to be dragged from the dirt, how it was better than the emptiness that Erik was lingering in now.
Death still terrified her. Every part of it, every aspect. They said it was the unknown that scared people, about what happened after. Jean knew, and she still hated it, still ran from it at every opportunity -- still couldn’t leave Erik in it, no matter what.
It wasn’t a lack of love that killed him. It was a lack of choice. She wanted to say that, too, wanted to ask Bruce if he’d ever stared a monster of cosmic proportions in the face and felt it calling to him. She thought he would understand, thought the Hulk would give them something of a shared foundation, a trust that would linger (because to have anyone near Erik, she needed to trust them immediately, wholly). Instead, she found nothing but suspicion on his face, found she was staring down the barrel of a gun instead of the compassion she had expected from his reputation.
But she wasn’t here, in the end, to make friends. She wasn’t here to be the Jean Grey that had portraits hanging in the Institute, or counselled her friends after a hard battle. She wasn’t here to be the golden girl, the shining beacon of morality. She was here for a single purpose, and she was here as a scientist.
“I have it all in here,” Jean replied, tapping the side of her temple. “I did my homework before I came to you.” Weeks and months of scouring through records and minds, trickling her way through states and countries to gain information that was long thought lost (but nothing disappeared forever. Jean knew that). “I’ve been coding it, on my personal system. I can send it through.”
The information read cold, clinical. She tried to think of it that way, as she manufactured this plan -- as she realised that it was going to work. But there wasn’t a part of Jean that could maintain that for long. She nodded once, allowed her gaze to drop from Bruce and move to the CRADLE, instead.
(It was Erik who first sat down with her, she remembered, long before the X-Men were even thought of. It was Erik who said, you’ve got a lot more in your head than you let people see, don’t you? It was Erik who first said sometimes telepaths have the most to hide, the heaviest burden to carry. It was Erik who helped her know physics so she could deconstruct it.)
It wasn’t a logical plan, but it was the only one she could make, the only choice that didn’t choke her.
“Let’s get started.”
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obiyuki-beebs · 4 years
CH 116 thoughts / discussion
mkah spoiler / discussion and no cut.
I’m going back to thinking about the 115 post (reblogged directly below this one or in the obiyuki content page on my blog) I did and how that bottle is just like the one Touka Bergatt told his brothers “wont work on him”. So now we know that this bottle of perfume (and is perfume, not poison as I had previously thought) that is basically hypnotic pheromone juice. Touka apparently cannot be influenced by it. Was that what was used to lure in and kill Touka’s father? I think so.
Remember in the early days (ch. 28) when Mitsuhide smelled that smashed potion and went nuts over Zen for a chapter? 
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While it may not be the same potion, it does have similar hypnotic properties. This potion is described by Garack as being associated to what we are thinking of at the time, or more particularly, producing a strong reaction to a deeply held loyalty (a type of love). Mitsuhide is worried about Zen, who he already has a strong relationship with. This potion seems to have enhanced feelings that were already there.
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That was the same instance that was used as the final test for Shirayuki’s court herbalist apprenticeship, which she passed. I think that counts as a strong memory that may influence this arc as well if she and Ryuu recall the test in their brainstorming and investigation.
We did not get a name for the plant, and it is simply referred to as the blue flower drug. While I’m not supposing Sorata was planting an easter egg so early, I do think she may be using a similar premise of hypnotic (at the very least).
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Back to 116....
You can see in this depiction of Yozumi that his eyes are blank. We get confirmation that he was hypnotized, but I think we should remember this look for future encounters as it provides insight to the effect the perfume has. 
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After she hits him to get him away, he looks shaken. Shirayuki sees how strongly his emotion is affected by this. Yozumi is tearing up with obvious pain in his eyes. What happened to his lover? He asks repeatedly for Shirayuki to leave, facing away from her, clearly fighting the hypnotic temptation. Look at his face in the next image. Why is he so distraught? What about his lover and the perfume are so upsetting? This might also provide some insight on why he’s so protective of the perfume bottle. Is it all he has left of his lover? Did she die? Missing? Was he betrayed?
“I took it with me in secret.” 
Did he steal the perfume from her?
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Yozumi -- who will not name his lover but we can almost definitely infer is Mm. Liera or in some way connected to her -- reacts to some of the perfume that Shirayuki placed on her collar. This means that the perfume is not the same as the potion described in ch 28, so is it the same plant in a different formulation? Or is it a different plant that also has hypnotic effects?
(as a side note, I wonder how effective washing out the perfume is? Washing off of your skin, sure, fool proof that eventually the substance will be gone. But with fabric? It might be much more difficult to clean. Maybe Shirayuki is using the pepper Ryuu gave her to wash her collar? If there is somehow leftover potion on her clothes, will some unsuspecting gentleman get a whiff of trace potion and be swayed to make a move? I would like to see shirayuki in proximity to obi for this hypothetical... this whole paragraph seems silly now that I’m editing but I’m leaving it). 
“When I was beside him, he seemed like he was in pain.”
Emotional pain? Physical pain?
Yozumi seems to have been ‘addicted’ to his lover by means of this perfume, and describes withdrawal symptoms when he was separated from her for more than a few days. 
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Withdrawal -- physical withdrawal -- is serious and a sign that the body has become accustomed to a stimulus, that being in contact with the stimulus is the bodies new normal. 
However..... I’m not sure how closely we are supposed to compare that to withdrawal in the real world. I (used to) work in healthcare and still think like a nurse... I can’t help but apply that line of thought when Shirayuki is also a health care professional. Court Herbalist seems to cover sides of modern nursing and modern pharmacy. I think it’s more likely that the perfume is a vehicle for manipulation -- a lure for an assassin to exploit -- rather than so severely addictive that it incapacitates someone. 
That being said, Yozumi is still addicted to the smell of the perfume. Addiction psyche will often have you rationalize and seek out the source of your addiction, even if you know it’s the wrong thing to do. Will he try to seek his lover out? Is she alive? Is she a villain!? All I’m sure of is that she is associated with the Bergatt scheme (re same bottle, etc), and is part of the untrustworthy faction in the North that will try to reclaim Wilant and its territories. 
Can Yozumi be trusted out and about? Lol no. Probably not. Who does he kinda look like? Obi bb..... Spy time? Will the knights ball be a masquerade?! WILL OBI AND SHIRAYUKI GO TOGETHER WEARING MASKS?! ahem I hope so. With close proximity dance & perfume. I hope we get some Obi x Shirayuki confronting the tension between them. Maybe the perfume / knights ball will be the catalyst? 
Then. Yozumi is contacted by someone he has never met and invited to meet, and this woman has the same scent. This woman is connected to the original lover, and whoever supplies the ‘perfume.’ Probably the Bergatts and their loyalists. This encounter with the perfume alerted Yozumi that he should be suspicious of the lover and the scent, which catches us up to the present and why he has come to see court herbalists. 
So this perfume ... basically makes people horny .....there’s going to be a ton of temptation shit going on and I am so here for it. 
this post is already so long ...... my arthritis is so bad rn but I’m so pumped about the chapter I’m popping 800 mg ibuprofen and trucking on thank you so much for reading up to this point
So ... the identity of the lover. We know she is high born, and is the daughter of a Viscount. We can assume she’s from the North. There seems to be a network of women working with and / under Mm. Liera to tempt and manipulate chosen parties (Yozumi, Touka’s Father, etc). 
Shirayuki and Ryuu plan to send their observations to the pharmacists of Lyrias, with “people they can trust.” Eisetsu became a little more suspicious to me in this chapter. His reaction to people we can trust was odd when you reflect on it, especially after he OBVIOUSLY LIES ABOUT KNOWING MM LIERA at the end of the chapter. Obi can tell that Eisetsu is hiding something. 
Bullet points from here on out because handswristselbowsandshoulders are literally on fire haha arthritis !!!!!
Other thoughts:
I wonder what Mitsuhide and Kiki were talking about on their walk in the woods? How curious. Maybe they are discussing the state of the North and theorizing similar to how we are? IS THIS META SORATA (p not)
I love the interaction between Ryuu and Shirayuki when she has finished washing off the perfume and she thanks Ryuu for coming with her and Obi ... happy family ... peers who trust ... coworker you can rely on .. ♡(。- ω -)
lol Eisetsu “vetoed” but I mean he seemed to get a clue after Yozumi mentioned her being from a Viscount family. 
Another suspicious Eisetsu moment ... Does he know who Yozumi Iriz is? Apparently so. 
I might be totally off base in suspecting Eisetsu. Maybe he’s one of the good guys. It’s too early to just explicitly trust, especially in a part of the country that is known to be hostile to ProWistalFamily. I am pretty back and forth about if I trust him, though. I want to. I think he’s funny and that he seems genuinely good. But idk. My hackles are raised.
It brought me SUCH JOY that Obi came back after the rains, with the flowers blooming.  (((o(*°▽°*)o)))
Wasn’t that little agreement clap between Shirayuki and Eisetsu much like the high five that Obi and Shirayuki do? Maybe Yuki did that to put herself at ease, almost like she too is trying to trust Eisetsu. 
d r a m a ? ? ! !
People are covering for Mm. Liera and her crew. They are associated and probably working closely with the Bergatt loyalists. What will be next?
We will hear more about the upcoming Knight’s Ball
More research conducted on effect of perfume and its properties
Will it be related to the blue plant from ch 28?
Will a spy be sent to Lyrias to intercept research on the perfume? This is more of my Hackles Incorporated TM business mentioned before re Eisetsu and if he can be trusted. 
<3 beebs <3
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Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades (Chapter 7)
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Planet Charm.
It was a prosperous star long ago. However, now it is falling apart. There were collapsed buildings left here and there.
“It looks like this place used to be well-developed,” Sword Knight said as he walked through the torn down city.
Blade Knight nodded. “Oh, that’s right. You can see it by looking at the back of the buildings. These seem to be good structures.”
“Why do you think they’re abandoned now?”
“Hm, maybe because of a war or because of a disaster…”
“What happened to the inhabitants?”
“Who knows, they’re not here now.”
The two were sullen, but the break refreshed them and they turned around at the same time.
Of course, Kirby and King Dedede were refreshed.
“Listen, listen! I made a great discovery! If you have orange juice in your right hand and apple juice in your left hand and drink them both at the same time, it’s really delicious~!”
“Haha, nice, Kirby. I’ve known that for a long time now. My latest big discovery was a fish cake on a rice cake and…”
“...Hey!” Sword Knight called out to them with a loud voice. “Come on, snack time is over.”
“No more! You guys keep eating all the time!”
King Dedede replied, stroking his round tummy. “It’s not just eating. We’re preparing for a fight. If you’re hungry, fighting isn’t going to happen.”
Kirby also spoke with a serious look. “Snacks give me strength! Snacks are my most important companion. I was deepening the bond with my companion!”
“Tch… one track minds those guys.” Sword Knight suddenly lowered his voice and whispered. “This is already enemy territory. Beryl may be hiding somewhere and watching us.”
“Where do you think?” King Dedede raised his voice. “Hey Beryl! If you’re nearby, don’t mess around! Come on out now!”
Both Sword Knight and Blade Knight pulled out their swords and got up.
However, there was no sign of him anywhere.
King Dedede said, “It seems we’ve got no choice but to go to an ancient temple.”
“Temple… where is it?”
The party looked around.
Waddle Dee shouted, “Oh, there it is! You can see a strange building.”
There was a large building in the direction that Waddle Dee pointed to. It’s dilapidated, but it seems it used to be a great building. The atmosphere there was different from the other ones.
“That looks like it,” King Dedede began to walk with great momentum.
At that time, the sky suddenly became dark.
Kirby looked up and shouted. “Oh, it’s the Halberd!”
Sword Knight’s communication device started ringing. 
It’s a call from Captain Vul. His voice began to flow from the speaker. “We’re above you. Did you find Beryl?”
“Not yet. We are heading to the ancient temple.”
“The four Meta Knights here will join you. I want you all to fight together.”
“Captain… how is Meta Knight doing…?”
Captain Vul replied with a heavy voice. “He still isn’t awake.”
“...Is that so.”
“But it’s okay!” Vul’s voice was powerful. “The doctors say there is a good chance he’ll recover.”
“A good chance?”
“A really good chance!” It sounded like Captain Vul didn’t believe it. “Anyway, defeat Beryl and regain the Galaxia. That’s all we can do.”
“Yes, sir!”
Kirby and the others looked at each other.
“Let’s go!”
With Kirby’s voice as a signal, the party started walking towards the temple.
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With the addition of the Meta Knights who descended from the battleship Halberd, the group of nine arrived at the ancient temple.
The temple was a large stone building, but collapsed in various parts and hardly retained its original shape.
Blade Knight said, being alert and vigilant, “It seems the damage is more severe here than other buildings.”
Sword Knight muttered, “Beryl you monster… what kind of trap are you planning here…?”
It was then, a voice ran from the back of the temple.
“You actually came here? Stupid people.” It sounded just like Meta Knight.
The nine were furious.
King Dedede screamed, “So you finally showed up, Beryl! We know your trap, we know you’re here!”
“Fufufu… that memo wasn’t a trap, it was more of a calculation.”
“For my plan, you guys had to come here to catch me. That note did exactly what it was supposed to.”
King Dedede’s face was enraged. “Beryl. You sound just like Meta Knight, even that pretentious way of talking. It’s annoying!”
The knight cried out.
“What do you want?”
“You hurt our master!”
“Meta Knight isn’t a fake!”
“How can you be so smug!”
Sword Knight said in a hurry. “Hey, we should split up, the enemy is…” He pointed his sword at the temple. “Over there! There he is, Beryl!”
“Fufufu…” From the darkness, Beryl slowly began to walk. He looked just like Meta Knight. In his hand, of course, he was holding the Galaxia.
“Rah…” King Dedede tried to run straight at him. 
But Beryl quickly shouted, “Oh I won’t be fighting you. Your opponent is… this guy!”
Beryl swung up the Galaxia and slammed it on the stone floor. The floor cracked with a loud noise and a pure, white light burst out.
Kirby and his friends all closed their eyes from the glare.
Blade Knight shouted with horror. “This light… no… no way…!?”
“Hahahahaha!” Sounding like his swordsman disguise, Beryl burst into laughter.
The light diminished and Kirby and his friends were finally able to open their eyes. Standing in front of them was a masked warrior with pure, white wings. In his right hand, a huge lance. In his left, he held a shield with the coat of arms of a cross.
Sword Knight shouted, freezing up. “Ga… Galacta Knight!”
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“Fufufu… that’s right.” Beryl acted like he was victorious.
A legendary warrior who is said to have been sealed off for his power in ancient times. That is Galacta Knight.
Once upon a time, Meta Knight broke the seal and challenged Galacta Knight. After a fierce battle, Galacta Knight should have been sealed against and sent back to another dimension. Why is the strongest warrior here…?
Blade Knight quivered. “This is the trap he prepared…!”
Sword Knight nodded. “This temple has a gate that leads to another dimension. Beryl knew it and used it!”
“Oh, that’s…!”
The Meta Knights began to shake.
“What are we going to do!?”
“Even Meta Knight, a legendary warrior, struggled to fight him!”
“We-we can’t defeat him!”
“We need to run away…!”
But it was too late. Galacta Knight used his lance to knock a large rock. Its sharp tip was pointed downhill.
Kirby and the others rolled in different directions and managed to avoid the blow.
King Dedede screamed, “Waddle Dee, I’m going to throw you out of here!”
The king grabbed Waddle Dee and threw him as far as he could.
“Waaaaa!” Waddle Dee flew high and was thrown into a safe place.
Kirby opened his hand and shouted desperately. “Wait, Galacta Knight! We don’t want to fight! It’s not Meta Knight who broke the seal, he’s a fake!”
However, Galacta Knight was gaining momentum and attacking.
King Dedede roared, flying around and dodging attacks. “Give it up, Kirby! He’s not someone you can just talk to!”
“If we don’t deal with this, everyone will be killed!”
It was exactly what King Dedede said. At this rate, everyone would be annihilated.
Kirby nodded. “...Okay. I have no other choice but to fight. Let’s go!”
“Oh, oh!” The Meta Knights, while fleeing, picked up their weapons.
Galacta Knight held his lance high. From its tip, beams of light were fired in quick succession. 
“Aaaahhhh-!” The knights were all dodging.
King Dedede shouted, “Yeah, no talking. Leave it to me!”
The king slammed his hammer down at Galacta Knight. However, the knight turned his lance around and rejected the attack. It was a tremendous power. King Dedede staggered and was about to turn over.
The huge lance attacked!
“Look out, King Dedede!” Kirby jumped out and pushed the king. The lance cut the sky, barely missing the king’s tummy.
“D...damn! Thanks, Kirby!”
Galacta Knight’s attacks persist. King Dedede and Kirby flew left and right to dodge his sharp lance. A crack grew in the ground where he last hit. 
Trident Knight shouted in a quivering voice. “What power…! They have no chance…!”
Javelin Knight spoke up. “Kirby needs a copy ability! Yeah, that’s right!” He ran out in front of Kirby. “Inhale me, Kirby!”
“Copy my power!”
Upon hearing this, the Meta Knights screamed one after another.
“No, me!”
“Use my power!”
The four squeezed into Kirby, as if fighting.
Blade Knight screamed. “You guys are making too much fuss! If you want to help Kirby, go one at a time…!”
However, Kirby’s voice was joyful.. “Thank you everyone! If I have a copy ability, I won’t lose!”
Kirby opened his mouth wide and inhaled with all his might.
“WAAAAAAA!?” Blade Knight fluttered his hands and flew into the air.
Immediately, Kirby’s appearance changed. A green pointed hat on his head, a shining sword in his hand, this is the copy ability “sword” that can cut with a blade!
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Everyone cheered.
“He did it!”
“If he has a copy ability, Kirby won’t lose!”
“Go for it, Kirby!”
Sword Knight shouted, “We’ll catch Beryl! Everyone, follow me!”
Beryl turned over his cloak and was about to escape to the depths of the temple. 
Sword Knight started running after Beryl.
Before he could get to him, Galacta Knight stood in his way. A crescent-shaped shock wave popped out of his shield.
“Look out!” Kirby slipped in and protected Sword Knight in a guard position. 
King Dedede shouted. “Leave it to me and Kirby here! You guys must catch Beryl!”
“Okay, I’m having fun! Let’s go!”
Sword Knight and the other knights chased after Beryl.
Beryl’s escape was fast. However, something about it was strange.
Pretending to escape to the back of the temple, he turned around while overcoming collapsing walls and pillars. He was deliberately attracting his followers by leaning or slipping his legs to get over the debris. 
As Sword Knight ran after him, he realized something was off. “Everyone, be careful. He’s planning something!” He called out to his friends.
Beryl’s laughter ran out. “Fufufu! You’re doing a good job. But you’re too late!” He stepped on the bulge of the stone at his feet.
The floor under Sword Knight cracked. “AHHH!?” He screamed and fell into a square hole in the floor.
Beryl stood at the edge of the hole, looked down, and ridiculed him. “Fufufu! I’m sorry, but I couldn’t prepare a hell hole like the one that dropped your master. This one is just a normal hole, but why don’t you wait here for a bit!”
“Beryl! Damn you!”
“This trap is said to have been made long ago to ward off sinners. Fufufu, I guess that makes you one since you went against the great Beryl.”
A small shadow sneaked behind Beryl in his pretentious speech. Unaware, he keeps talking. Until, behind him…
“Waddle Dee is here to save the day!” Waddle Dee’s power was weak, but Beryl was caught off guard and lost his balance.
“DOHAAA!?” Beryl raised a pitiful voice and swung his arms around.
“Taaahhh!” Waddle Dee slammed against him in the final blow.
Beryl fell to the bottom of the hole. “Nooo….” Beryl was about to get up but was stuck, surrounded by five enemies. Where was his bossy, confident attitude now?
Beryl began to ratte. “Ah, uh… w-wait, no way, all five of you…? P-please!”
“We don’t want to hear anything from you!” Sword Knight thrust his sword at Beryl.
“Hey…! Don’t try anything, okay?”
“First of all, take off that disguise! I can’t forgive a guy who imitates Meta Knight!”
“Yes, yes! I’m sorry!” Beryl took off his mask and fluttered. What appeared was a tiny creature with a flat face.
The Meta Knights all buzzed.
“Why, this is what Beryl really looked like!”
“Unforgivable! Such a weak guy disguised himself as Meta Knight!”
“Only the talent of his disguise will be recognized.”
“If he’s such a talented person, he should have used it for something better.”
Sword Knight extended one hand. “Now, return the Galaxia!”
“Uh… uh… yes… I’m sorry…” Beryl handed over the sword.
Sword Knight took it with care and looked up. “The day was saved, all thanks to Waddle Dee!”
“I’m glad I was useful!” Waddle Dee looked into the hole and said.
He had been in a safe place, but he was worried about everyone and watched from behind the pillars. Then, he noticed the evil of Beryl and gently snuck up behind him.
Sword Knight said, “Now, we need to fight Galacta Knight… and…” There was a considerable height up to the edge of the hole. He couldn’t reach it just by jumping and he didn’t have a foothold to climb.
“Waddle Dee! Is there any way to get up there?”
“Eh… let me see…” Waddle Dee was wandering around, but there was no convenient way to get him out. “I… don’t see one.”
“Hmm…” They all thought about the depth of the hole. 
Sword Knight said, “Waddle Dee, what’s going on in the fight?”
Waddle Dee looked up and turned towards Kirby and the fight.
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The battle was about to reach its climax.
Kirby, King Dedede, and Galacta Knight had each suffered considerable damage. Still, the three do not let down their attacks. No, the battle heats up more and more, breathtakingly.
“Eh! Drill Sword!”
“Kyaa! Dedede Hammer!”
Kirby and King Dedede are pushing out deadly tricks one after another.
Galacta Knight wielded his lance and brilliantly evaded the attacks. Energy bursts from the tip of his weapon. A thunder-like pillar appeared on the stone floor, making a loud noise.
Kirby and King Dedede gazed for a moment, moving around quickly and dodging.
Usually they are just fighting for delicious food, but when they confront a strong enemy, their breathing is perfectly in sync. Even if they didn’t exchange words, they could understand each other's thoughts just by glancing at each other.
- If we attack him separately, he’ll just evade our attacks!
- Hm! Hold your breath and attack at the same time!
Galacta Knight raised his lance. 
Following that momentary blow, Kirby and King Dedede fired at the same time.
“Sky Energy Sword!”
“Giant Dedede Swing!”
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Their specialty is a clean hit on Galacta Knight!
As expected, Galacta Knight couldn’t dodge both of the attacks and fell down on the stone floor.
Immediately, Kirby struck a deadly blow.
“Meteor Strike!”
Galacta Knight was blown away and fell on his back.
“Hooray!” Kirby blew his voice.
King Dedede lifted his hammer over his shoulder, breathing wildly.
“Haahaahaa… Galacta Knight… is like if… you talk to me… before my morning meal… wow…!”
However, Galacta Knight was about to wield his last power. He raised his body, clinging to his lance, and slowly spread his pure, white wings. 
King Dedede shouted in a flutter. “What…!? Hey, are you still fighting!?”
However, Galacta Knight no longer had the power to lift his lance. 
A legendary warrior who was once sealed because he was too strong. He is now about to be sealed in another dimension again.
The falling knight made a low moan. His voice gradually became louder and shook the temple. It was the agonizing death scream of a legendary warrior.
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(Chapter 6 - Table of Contents - Chapter 8)
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pokkop15 · 4 years
(Ok so I was a fool and had had a lot of this meta written up yesterday and instead of saving it as a draft while I watched critical role, I, like a fool, just left all the tabs open and then went to bed after the episode. Then firefox crashed in the night and everything was lost. Press F to pay respects I guess cause here I go again.)
First off, Aradia is best girl and I am so happy she's RELEVANT again. I had a whole preamble the last time I wrote this post, but I can't remember what it said other than mentioning that this is gonna be a long post beneath the cut and that I have other metas that will kind of overlap with what I'm saying in this one so I will try to keep my discussion of the narrative styles of the The Prince and The Muse to only what is relevant to this post and to what is RELEVANT. Also previous metas should be reblogged directly before I post this to make it easier to check them out before hand or to reference them more easily.
The main points of focus will be: The differences between how the two Time gods interact with The Muse and her narrative, as well as the general level of metatextual awareness of characters within Candy. | The juxtaposition of the Knight and the Maid. | The possible suppression of the Ultimate nature of The Knight, and by extension The Seer. | The Muse's unique state of power and presumed Awakening | I swear there was more but I flat out don't remember what they were.
One last thing. I am a rambly motherfucker so if you haven't read my previous metas, here's your warning to expect a very long and very chaotic mess of a post beneath the cut. Also for anyone confused anytime I emphasize someone as 'The Class' it's referring to their actions as a potential narrator and as an Ultimate Self. For example, the difference between The Muse and the Muse is that 'the Muse' would be for character moments like when the dead cherub possessing Jade's corpse in Candy is just talking with Davebot and Aradia, while 'The Muse' is for when talking about her influence over the narrative. (There's a lot of different ways I put emphasis on words or phrases, but “The Class” was the one I felt really might need clarification)
I find it interesting how Davebot acknowledges and shows distaste for The Muse interjecting her narration and thus inhibiting his ability to live in the moment. I find this interesting because as an Awakened god of Time, he is simultaneously living in every moment but as a Knight, and as The Knight, he is also intrinsically separate from those moments as he is the Ultimate One who Wields Time. Aradia on the other hand is the Maid of Time, who while almost assuredly having reached the pinnacle of her god tier after the hundreds of years we now know her to have lived, is not ascended to her Ultimate Self. As a Maid, Aradia literally embodies her aspect. As such she doesn't worry about living in the moment because she is the moment. Because of this Aradia is more prone to just accept, agree, and repeat the sentiments The Muse dictates in her constant exposition. However, despite acknowledging the narration, Davebot still ends up being incredibly passive in the face of it. Even though he has an Active class and is a dreamer of the Active moon, Dave himself has always come off as an incredibly passive character to me in a lot of ways. (Even the aspect of Time itself and its heroes are specifically denoted as incredibly Active in the {official and Canon} extended zodiac test [which means its contents are NECESSARY, RELEVANT, and TRUE]). Always acting under the direction of other characters, subject to The Lord's rule over Time, and constantly struggling with his seeming lack of control. Here, even after reaching his Ultimate Self, he still only makes passive-aggressive remarks instead leaving the flow of the story and the big decisions to others. (In my last post I went into deeper detail about the nature of, and relationship between Aradia and Dave's classes and how that affected their sessions, but I can't remember what the tie in was unfortunately so for now I'll leave it at this and move on)
Among the human players of sburb, the Strilondes have always been the most genre savvy and possessed the most awareness of the narrative and its' influence, (although Dave was never near the levels of Dirk and Rose). But up until this upd8, direct interactions with the narrative have been few and far between in Candy (at least as far as I can recall). I mentioned this in my previous meta as being a result of The Muse being the type to inspire characters to action whereas The Prince is far more heavy handed in is dictation and rarely attempts to hide his presence in the narration these days. But we see here once again, that not only is The Muse bad for the people under her influence, she's also just really not good at constructing a story. She relies too heavily on tropes and cliches, on plot contrivances; she tells too much and doesn't show enough, (something that should literally be her greatest strength as a Muse). Yet despite this, Davebot and Aradia are seen multiple times to interact with her dictations directly and Aradia even points out on page 284 that she is aware of The Muse “observing (their) every action and noting its relevance : )” (the emphasis on 'relevance' being mine). As such we can infer that it doesn't take an Ultimate Self to recognize The Muse's narration. But if not that, then what? If it was just pre-disposition of character that let them notice, then between her own abilities and self awareness, surely Candy!Rose would have by now, but she hasn't. Then is it proximity? Maybe The Muse is getting complacent and starting to unknowingly imitate The Prince and his methods? Or is it because both Davebot and Aradia are Heroes of Time? The aspect opposite The Muse's. After all, The Muse did express that the way (either Aradia specifically or that the both of them) experience time is “woefully unfamiliar” to her. Perhaps that makes it difficult for her to write a story that resonates with them fully. Whatever it may be, all the information up until this point doesn't come to a head so much as it is something that I believe to be RELEVANT.
With that, let us switch gears while keeping the previous information in mind. As I said before, in spite of all the active components of Davebot's Mythological Role, his character has often been passive. And the precise story beat I want to focus on right now is his Awakening to his Ultimate Self. Candy!Dave was out on patrol with a wife who he loved, but who also had very much always been the driving force of their dynamic. He was pulled to the ancient bunker by the narrative where a hologram of Obama expertly guided him through a conversation like a true politician, somehow knowing a lot about Dave while at the same time withholding “classified” information as if that word had any meaning without a country or government holding Obama accountable. (Unless of course Obama was still answering to someone... *Cough cough*the authors*cough cough*). Look, all of this is me saying that Obama was a leftover contrivance of The Prince that The Muse utilized for her own means. Dirk was a skilled programmer and engineer. He had a deep understanding of how to build AIs that could easily impersonate someone. He had an even deeper grasp of how to manipulate Dave. Dirk built the bots. The Bots. The bots that are supposedly NECESSARY for one to Awaken to their Ultimate Self and survive. And yet even if that is TRUE, it isn't true. The Prince claims he was a special case but his powers are of the soul, not the body. And it is the body that breaks down. And we know that Rose really was suffering in her path to Awakening, but I will remind you that her poor condition was first established through narration that we know was under the control of The Prince. Further more it happened prior to the Meat/Candy split, in which the Canon still possessed TRUTH, which is why it still remained RELEVANT in Candy (and it was obviously NECESSARY in Meat for reasons about to be discussed). Both Rose and Dave ultimately played a passive role in their Awakenings, guided to their Ultimate Self by another even though they are both Active players. I believe that The Prince established these rules about Ultimate Selves and built the robot bodies as a way to give him an upper hand against the two characters most likely to overtake him. Because to reinforce a point from a previous post, Rose is the only full on published author among the players and Dave himself has written comics and presumably screenplays for his films, making them the two people who might not only do a better job than The Prince or The Muse, but just do a flat out GOOD job. The Seer especially, which is why The Prince went through the extra effort to disrupt her sense of self as she was coming into her Ultimate Self. If these two had played an Active part in their own Awakening and without The Prince’s influence I think they both would’ve been quite capable of giving The Prince a run for his money. But the humans are not the only players in this game...
As I've already alluded to, Lord English (The Lord), was almost certainly his Ultimate Self. Awakened and Empowered by the treasure (a juju so powerful that it enabled John to retcon things in a way that overrides the timeline instead of splitting it, and it did so without even granting him its actual power). When The Knight awakened, The Muse described it has having all of Time flow through his consciousness, allowing him to experience every instance of his own self. Conversely Jade described that her Ultimate Self would be “like... one ultimate self distributed across multiple bodies. so in multiple places and states at once. every jade that exists is like a light being shined through a thousand cracks in the timeline.” (Hey remember those cracks in the universe that had light peaking through them? Idk, seems RELEVANT if you ask me.) So if we reasonably assume that ones aspect heavily affects how one's Ultimate Self first Awakens and how it operates than that means there will be similarities between those who share aspects. If Awakening for a Hero of Time is an experience of everything that ever has, is, or will happen to a version of themselves, and Lord English possessed a juju that allows one to retcon and not split, than the combination of those powers would make it so he could be the singular instance of himself while at the same time always be “Already Here” than there is truly no difference between Lord English and the theoretical Ultimate version of himself. And since the Muse consumed Lord English at the end of Candy, granting her the power to punch a wormhole in the black hole. This is also presumably where she gained the power to “...exist in several narrative structures at once” (pg 286) (also see the above explanation of Jade's Ultimate Self for why that is RELEVANT). Because of this, we can assume that The Muse is just as indistinguishable from her theoretical Ultimate Self as The Lord was. But these powers and this simultaneous existence is not without consequences because the Muse's collapse at the end of this chapter is almost assuredly a result of Meat!Jade's rebelling against The Muse in chapter 6 (specifically the action on page 167/168). And finally, to tie this back to the imposition of bodily destruction to those who Awaken their Ultimate Self, it is worth noting that The Muse does not possess a body of her own to be destroyed. Instead inhabiting the body of various Jades.
Alright, so once again sorry if you thought there would be some big culmination to this post, and hey, what pumpkin?
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
On the Three Lords’ Leadership Styles
I seem to have made another rambly meta post
One underappreciated but very consistent Detail throughout all routes is that Edelgard’s followers are invariably shown to be very dedicated, it’s kinda one of the main hints that she’s not actually evil even on the AM and SS routes where you don’t explicitly find out about that.
This is mostly shown through engage and death quotes instead of outright cutscenes (though you get Seteth observing how the imperial troops fought to the last and clearly weren’t forced to be there, since you napped most of her would-be underlings thanks to Byleth’s own considerable heroic charisma) 
One memorable moment is the Arianrhod Paralogue in AM where Manuela and Hanneman show up as empire-aligned enemies if you didn’t recruit them.  Hanneman even goes down saying that he doesn’t mind dying for this new, reformed empire (and given his backstory it makes all the sense)
Then there’s her random generals Randolph and Ladislava - in the empire route you find out that they were some of her first meritocratic appointments and super popular with both the armed forces and the general populace. I don’t think it’s ever outright stated that Ladislava’s a commoner but she sure doesn’t mention any title. And of course Edelgard gives this speech to her classmates about how they can totally leave if they want and how ppl like them are the true face of the empire not the corrupt elite from the last generation that they’re about to sweep aside.
It’s not for nothing that she’s got the highest charm stat and growth in the cast, we’re supposed to understand that she’s one heck of a compelling leader.  
Of course this isn’t blanket likeability... she’s authoritative, inspirational even, in a lot of her supports she doles out pep talks or accommodates ppl’s quirks so that they can excell on their own terms, but she markedly comes off as the taskmaster/ with a student-council-president sorta vibe in most of them whereas we see plenty of Claude and Dimitri just goofin’ around with their buds. She’s kinda resigned herself to being unable to rely on anyone and never being understood - Even people who know her enough to have some in-depht understanding of her (such as Hubert or Ladislava) speak of her with a sort of awe
This is markedly not something she wants or likes, she makes a point of speaking about teamwork and togetherness and doing chores just like everyone else, but due to a mix of her natural personality, her position as the soon to be most powerful person on the continent and her backstory she just genuinely finds it hard to step out of Business Mode. (that’s a big part of why she latches onto Byleth the way she does. They’re pretty unphased and flippant, they were raised away from politics and got their own fearsome reputation/ crazy power, so they approach her on a more even basis like its no big deal.)
It’s the tragedy and contradiction of someone who has sworn themselves to creating a world where she could never have existed. She’s playing by the unfair rules of a rigged game so that she may un-rig it if she wins.
Actually all three just want the others to treat em like a normal person because they’re ultimately all good humble people but Claude, being the one with the most social skills, is the only one who actually gets the others to do it.... though one also has to consider that the Alliance is less centralized/ more participatory to begin with, he has only somewhat more power than, say, Lorenz or Hilda.  Though it’d say that Dimitri’s the one who comes the closest to being just one of the group, for all that his friends won’t drop the honorifics, they are emphatically his friends. Though it must be noted that only Bernadetta and Hubert give Edelgard the ‘lady’ treatment and the whole bunch feels pretty comfortable complaining at her (and she generally takes the criticism to heart), though to be fair the Black Eagles all just kinda have sorta quirky and/or irreverent personalities (and that is a huge part of why I love them so)
Due to her exceeding pragmatism she’s not completely above cloak-and dagger tactics or deception (see when she pins the nuke on the church and much pertaining to the faustian bargain) but by and large her underlings know what they’re fighting for and why, and she prefers to fight enemies head on and give them a fair chance to surrender as long as she can do so without jeopardizing the end result. (Evidenced by many dialogue options, cutscenes and even some of her lecture questions)
It’s also a marked contrast to Claude who also has lofty idealistic goals, but doesn’t tell a soul until he’s already winning and knows ppl will likely follow him no matter what. This also ties into his arc of becoming more open and less jaded under Byleth’s influence, but it’s also a genuine difference in their leadership styles. If you show your hand and show what you stand for, people will also know what you stand against and you’ll have enemies. That’s part of why he didn’t join with her right away though he agrees with her goals, he says she’s antagonizing everyone and that that will be “hard for the people to get behind”. 
Meanwhile Claude remains elusive so he can promise everyone whatever they want (on full display with the Knights of Seiros but also with the random Alliance merchants), though this also makes ppl distrust him just due to his secretiveness alone. As Hilda points out he’s not just waaay less untrustworthy than he seems, but actually pretty reliable. His big secret ambition is as benign as world peace and his big secret as simple as that he grew up in another country... not sinister at all. 
As a leader he appeals to ppl’s self interest, trying to figure out their deal and give them what they want, and explicitly tells them all to run if things get tough. He’s surprised when people don’t (see the sad sad scene that happens if Hilda dies) and has a lot more reluctance with asking ppl to put themselves in danger than the other two, perhaps because he’s less invested himself; Leading the Alliance is his side gig,  a means to an end, not the end all be all cause of his life, he’d escape if given the chance so why shouldn’t his allies? Edelgard is likewise consistent - her allies gave it their all so how could she surrender and escape? 
In Dimitri’s case, people follow him largely out of personal loyalty, both because Faerghus culture is just big on honor and fealty, because they’re close friends of himself and his father, and also because they like him for his own virtues.
The most extreme case would be Dedue who for the most understandable of reasons doesn’t care about Faerghus at all, his loyalty is to Dimitri and Dimitri alone.
In AM their faith eventually pays off, otherwise they kinda follow him to their deaths because he stubbornly continues without thinking of negotiation surrender or even damage control. To be fair to him tho, he never actually asks anyone to follow him on his kamikaze mission nor does he hide his intentions, but the others kind of build their hopes on him anyways. 
But we can’t really judge him solely by his worst moments; In general he’s a honorable guy with more empathy than is good for him and he really makes a point of making other people’s suffering his business, most apparent with how he’s promised to improve the standing of Dedue’s people (after his return in part 2, Dedue explicitly says that the empathy is why he follows him and that as he ses it even Dimitri’s vindictiveness comes from a place of empathy for the victims of evil) or how he’s ready to swear a blood oath when Byleth’s father gets killed and just gets very emotional on their behalf - it’s easy to see how that would attract people. For better or for worse he’s more a heroic figure than a politician per se. 
He feels alot on behalf of other people and he’s got a real service mentality. If he weren’t the prince he’d probably go into public service anyways, or charity maybe, he’s constantly doing stuff like rescuing passers-by and taking in random orphans.  He’s also markedly the one of the three who always stays the ruler until his death. Part of it is from his sense of duty and later on, wanting to atone for his past sins, but he’s a genuine chronic do-gooder, and he strives to resolve conflict while making all sides happy even if it means taking a risk to builde a bridge (quite notable when he helps out Claude after their last encounter was anything but friendly)
He clearly and transparently cares a lot so ppl believe things will be better if they get him on the throne (and as per his ending narration he does a lot to help the poor and downtrodden is he does get it)
So really all three have a lot of appeal to potential followers in different ways, depending on what those followers would value in a leader. 
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elydraws · 4 years
01 │きせい かげ よこちょ
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pairing: dabi x oc
genre: angst, action, dramatic, lemon (maybe future smut)
word count: 2.2k
part 1/?  <previous next>
warnings: strong language
author’s note:  as I have already warned in the presentation chapter this is a translation of my original fanfiction (written in my language), so I hope there are no big mistakes, however I wanted to try to write it in english hoping it won't make your eyes bleed. (;´д`)ゞ
forgive me if there is any mistake, I am not very good at translating, so if you have any suggestions about it, it is absolutely welcome.(。・∀・)ノ゙
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"Stars, hide your fires;
Let not light see my black and deep desires."
┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈ 01 きせい かげ よこちょ (kisei kage yokochō)
The writing 'Flamingo Night,' of bright pink, flickered reflected on the puddles on the ground. The rain had wet the garbage thrown out of the bins already full to the brim. The smell of rancid and mildew saturated the narrow alley she was going through.
She twisted her nose, trying not to notice the acrid stench of spoiled food. In that part of the city, despite the proximity to the center, it was not difficult to come across abandoned streets.
Few dared to venture into that area of ​​the commercial district unless you wanted to take the risk of getting ripped off.
As much as the heroes boasted that they made cities crime-free, there were corners of them still in the hands of the gangland. They were well hidden, concealed by the lights of the skyscrapers, and far from the cameras and residential homes for families.
Mostly they were suburban neighborhoods patrolled only by the police or small groups of minor heroes. 
Everything took place under unsuspecting or corrupt eyes, masked with signs such as that of the 'Flamingo' or the small night market at the end of the street.
Without evidence and moving in the shadows, the villains in the area could not be arrested. The omerta of who lived there allowed the crimes to be committed even in the light of the day.
Nobody saw or heard anything at 'Kisei Kage Yokocho.' Kisei Kage was a slang born just before the Age of Watchers to indicate the neighborhoods in the hands of criminals who used their quirks to sow panic among those without Meta skills. With the Vigilantes and later the Heroes legally recognized by the government, the areas under the control of the underworld had drastically reduced, reaching a few frightened alleys and some shops scattered here and there.
They were the thin and blurred gray line between the significant organized criminal gangs and ordinary citizens.
A life lived like rats in the sewers. You know they are there, that they move under your feet. Sometimes you can hear them scratching in the ground, but you don't realize it until one sneaks between your feet. A miserable existence, perhaps, but a choice for many of them was a privilege.
It was a cruel world: if you were lucky enough to call yourself 'Hero,' you were allowed to do everything, and you could observe the rest of humanity from above, judging it. Power was in their hands.
If they decided you were the bad guy and rebelled, they had a chance to kill you. Take your life without blinking an eye and without consequences.
The government, on these occasions, set its gaze elsewhere. Sometimes the mayor even patted the hero on duty on the shoulder and complimented him for his excellent job.
"Thanks for making the roads safer."
That sounded very like: thank you for getting rid of the trash.
They were none other than this in the eyes of society.
Nobody had ever bothered to ask why. At the end of a clash, journalists had eyes only for the hero; nobody had ever approached a villain asking: "why are you doing all this?".
No one care about a Villain's past or his reasons. What pushed him into the shadows of the alleys, in the darkest meanders of the human soul.
It would be too tricky to humanize the category, to go to think that there is something else underneath or that their idolized Heroes are not all knights in bright armor, and the Villains are not those monsters that move under the bed at night, while everyone is asleep.
It would have been too much to handle for the fragile minds of those who only ask to be safe in a world where only the one with the strongest Quirk can win. A society divided between black and white.
The girl stopped in the middle of the alley. The tip of her sneakers touched a puddle, wrinkling it.
Her figure distorted, becoming unrecognizable, illuminated by the pink neon sign. If this was what she was destined to become, so be it. She would get her hands dirty because she was already born stained with an unforgivable shame in the eyes of society. It was her future. Her fate was sealed even before she was born.
The daughter of a Villain can only aspire to become nothing but rubbish.
At the end of the road, bordered by two tall buildings, the headlights of the cars on the main highway darted at high speed, leaving a bright trail.
Although it was late in the evening, the main streets were still full of life, the voices and waves of laughter rang among the constructions, up to her.
She looked up, and her eyes, in the darkness of the alley, shone like amethysts when they met the soft light of the shy street lamp in the corner. A moth continued to fly close to it, unable to land.
"I'm tired of the games, come out, you've been following me for a while now" the girl's voice sounded bored but sweet and inviting like honey for flies. 
The sentence remained suspended in the stillness of the alley.
A rat, around the corner of the Night entrance behind her, pawed towards a dumpster. Something must have frightened him, but, other than the rhythmic dripping of the water from the rusty fire ladder above her head and the distant echo of the city, there was no other noise to interrupt that glacial calm.
She didn't even make an effort to turn around when a can was kicked against the wall next to her and bounced off the center of the alley.
"Uh-oh, someone's in trouble," murmured a male voice behind her.
Another joined the first, very similar, but harder and hoarser, "I DID KNOW! you are truly an incapable!"
A lonely figure, however, emerged from the shadow of the building.
The girl smiled, her lips, adorned with a matte dark brown lipstick, rose to one corner showing the tip of the canines as white as pearls.
She had noticed the man's presence since she left the establishment for her latest job, a pawn shop a neighborhood further south. She had tried to sow the intruder, with fake streets and taking him away from where she lived, but that guy was a tough nut to crack, and he hadn't let go.
He was not a hero. It did not seem to act as such, nor did it look like it. She also crossed out the idea of ​​the policeman. He was too smart to be part of the police. Excluding those possibilities, this reduced the stranger's intentions to two unique options: a competitor who wanted to try to cut her out of the game or someone interested in sharing a slice of her thefts.
"What do you want?"
The man behind her winced, "Uh, right to the point, eh? What a daring girl!" the first voice squeaked.
"Rude!" croaked the second one. But they both came from that single, eccentric man.
A personality disorder? She asked herself, raising an eyebrow.
"Cut to the chase, I'm a busy woman," she said, barely lifting one shoulder, annoyed at the interruption.
What a pain in the ass. She was savoring the sweet and creamy taste of the Bubble Tea from her favorite kiosk before the arrival of that nuisance. The girl reached into the pockets of the military green bomber jacket she was wearing. 
She didn't want to waste time with a madman.
"They warned me that you weren't very patient, Lady Hazard... or should I call you Unmei Nakano?"
Upon hearing her name spoken, the girl backed away, turning three quarters so she could finally face her pursuer.
She was impressed. That guy had discovered her true identity despite all the precautions she had taken. 
She didn't let the annoyance leak; however, she just raised an eyebrow.
He was probably keeping an eye on her for longer than she had imagined.
"I thought you were just a stalker, but I was wrong," she admitted, shrugging her shoulders without taking her hands out of the pockets. Her fingers tightened the grip on the handle of the snap knife inside the jacket—a slow and calculated movement.
But if he already knew her identity, he was probably already aware of her tricks and the weapons she had carefully hidden under the clothes.
The cold metal of the Bo pressed against her ribs, reassuring her with her presence, hidden by the mustard crop top. She would never be able to reach it in time and without showing up, not with that strange defensive guy.
The man put the hands on his hips. 
She couldn't recognize any physiognomy because of the full spandex mask that concealed his face. She could guess his expressions thanks to the orbits of the disguise, which followed every movement of his eyebrow arch. Now, the empty orbits thinned; he was probably trying to precede her next move.
The rest of the man's body was also covered in a tight, black, and gray suit.
"A stalker? Me? What made you think that?" the gentlest voice trilled as he shrugged. He seemed almost offended by such a claim.
"Because maybe you were following her like a maniac! DEFICIENT!" the other voice shouted against himself. The body of the stranger folded in on himself, grabbing his head as if he wanted to split it in two. He composed himself after that fit of anger and went back to speaking as if nothing had happened.
"I'm here for a business proposal. See our organization ..."
Unmei grimaced. "I am not interested," she abruptly interrupted him, returning to walk towards the end of the alley. The grip on the knife in her pocket, however, did not loosen.
For a moment, the man was contradicted by her answer before recovering from the momentary shock "AT LEAST LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY YOU, STUPID SNOB GIRL!"
Unmei stopped, giving her back to him. "Besides being crazy, you are deaf, so ... I said I don't care" this time her tone was sharper.
The masked man took a step forward, but before he could reach her, a shadow stretched from the dumpster next to them, reaching up to his feet.
"WHA—?!" his assailant shouted in surprise when he suddenly found himself stuck in an unnatural position, unable to move a single muscle.
One of his feet was still in mid-air and the same arm that had stretched out to try to grab the girl. He remained suspended, completely immobilized. He could neither fall, supported by a strange force that pivoted on his own shadow, nor advance, chained by invisible arms and fingers.
He seemed utterly taken aback by what was going on.
Unmei turned around, just as that same shadow that had elongated from the bins began to come to life, becoming more substantial and starting to go up the leg of its victim like a snake whose coils tighten around its prey.
The shadow monster came to tighten around the masked man's body until it tightened the grip on his neck, making him jump in hideous surprise.
"You did your research, but not so well," said the girl with a proud half-smile. Her long, petrol green hair slid over her shoulder as she studied the man.
The strange guy had started to tremble, gasping from lack of air.
"And ... tsch... i-if I told you ..." he tried to mark from under the mask, between the groans of pain and the attempts to breathe as much air as possible "...that we believe in a...world without he-heroes...?"
The shadow tightened its hold on the man's neck, causing him a squeak. Completely unable to move, or even just trying to loosen the grip of that thing on him, he kept talking.
His voice was now more hoarse and pasty, choked by the saliva that he could not swallow "...we... want... r-revenge ..." the last words were muffled by the lack of oxygen.
Unmei stared at him, impassive.
The man clenched his teeth under the mask. The girl could see the muscle of his jaw tightening under the cloth, his limbs starting to tremble. It was a matter of seconds before he passed out, or the shadow broke his vertebrae if that irresponsible continued to put off the inevitable.
With a wave of her fingers, the shadow let go of its victim. Her strange pursuer fell to the knees on the ground, exhausted. The man's body was shaken by violent coughs when air entered his lungs again.
The man's gloved hands touched his neck as if trying to ensure that the thing wasn't there. But the shadow, still resembling a shapeless snake, had already rolled up around Unmei's arm, peering over her shoulder like a harmless pet.
"AND THEN WE WOULD BE THE CRAZY ONE!" the man shouted in an even more hoarse voice, still crawling on the ground, before coughing again and looking up, returning meekly.
"I have to infer..." he coughed again "that this caught your attention."
Unmei bent on the knees, tilting the head to be able to fix him in the empty sockets of the mask. "You have my curiosity Zorro" she mocked him by pulling her hands out of the pockets and placing them gently on the knees.
"TWICE! My name is Twice! Slut!"
"My name is Twice," he introduced himself, reaching out a hand towards her, still trembling for the effort to speak "and welcome to the League of Villains, Unmei."
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starkzam · 5 years
“Natural Progression” Alternate Scene, Chapter 11
( Italics: actual text in the story before the part that got cut.)
It was strange to see such a sudden shift from the Dark Knight that he was used to seeing in meetings and out in the field to a soft yet stern man underneath. It wasn't something he'd been expecting, but it'd been something that made him want to run.
Jason coming in with his weird motorcycle helmet and scooping him up had been the only thing keeping the boy from panicking, so he was thankful to the man for that. He'd kept Billy close to him, something he appreciated more than he could say, and hadn't left his side in the past 15 minutes.
The larger raven growled when the line didn't pick up for the third time, shaking his head with a sigh. "Bastard won't pick up," he muttered, tucking the phone away and glancing back down towards Billy. "He'll just have to say hi when he gets home," he said before glancing around the room.
"Haven't decorated huh?" he asked, meeting the kid's eyes again. Billy could tell he was trying to make small talk- he wasn't very good at it. He sighed, shoulders dropping slightly. "Look kid..." he said, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his head. "Downstairs you... you looked like a deer caught in the headlights. I mean... I get it, the bat can be kinda freaky, especially if he jump scares ya like that but you..."
"You looked like you were scared he was gonna hurt ya." Jason tilted his head slightly. "Like... like you'd just had somethin' figured out about you and that Bats wasn't gonna be happy about said thing."
"Look, what I'm tryin' to say is- you okay?"
Billy looked down, thumbing the hem of his shirt. He felt kinda guilty hiding his identity before, but now... now he felt like a grade-A bastard for keeping it a secret. "I..." he trailed off, Solomon's distant yelling becoming a thrumming pain in his head. "I just... got scared is all..." he mumbled.
Jason gave him an unimpressed look. "You sure about that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Billy stayed quiet.
"Kid, we aren't gonna hurt you. Br- Bats isn't either. I swear he's not comin' after you or anything. We just... needed his help in finding you is all. You runnin' off had us freaked out. And even if you can't trust the others, and believe me, I get it, it's hard to trust people when you come from a place like we have," he said with a chuckle, "But you can trust me."
"We can start a pact or somethin', I dunno," Jason smirked down at the kid, seemingly getting an idea before pulling Billy's chin up to look at him again. "What if I go first?"
Billy blinked. What could Jason possibly have to hide?
"I uh, I actually don't know Bats cause of Bruce's connections with the League," he said slowly, making BIlly furrow his brow. That didn't make any sense. "I actually know him cause-"
Before the young man could finish, however, the bedroom door opened, revealing a worried-looking Bruce and a teary-eyed Dick standing there. Dick's eyes widened at the sight of Billy, rushing into the room and scooping the kid up in a bone-crushing hug.
"Bluebird, oh my god- are you okay? Who took you? Is your head hurt? How are your stitches? You didn't pull them did you-" Jason rolled his eyes, glaring up at the tallest of Bruce's kids.
"You're such a mother hen, Grayson," he said, shaking his head. Dick furrowed his brow, glancing down at Billy with a heartbroken face.
"Well excuse me for being worried about my little bluebird!"
"Now you sound like a distressed housewife."
"Jason," Bruce warned from the doorway,  leveling a stare in his direction before turning his attention on Billy. "Are you okay?" he asked, checking the kid over for injuries. Billy nodded, glancing back at Jason.
"Yeah, I'm okay...  um.. Bat- Batman was in your kitchen. I dunno if he's still there, but..." he trailed off, swallowing thickly. Mr. Wayne was way more intimidating when he was paying direct attention to him. He felt almost like he was being studied in a way, and it made him squirm.
"That's good," Bruce said after a moment, Dick setting him down on the carpet. Billy ended up clambering back onto Jason's lap- for some reason, the man was really good at making Billy feel not only protected and safe, but comfortable in a place like this. "We'll save Batman for later. Maybe you could explain just why you ran off for now?" Mr. Wayne continued, making the boy wince softly. He should have known that was coming.
"I- I just..." he trailed off, chewing on his bottom lip. He couldn't just tell them that he had to get away from the mansion to transform into Captain Marvel and go do his nightly patrol, now could he. What was a reasonable explanation that wouldn't make Mr. Wayne distrust him?
"I just... I really wanted to see Batman..." he mumbled, lowering his head slightly.  "But- but when he showed up in the manor I- I wasn't ready for it and..." he trailed off.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes tightly before opening them and looking at the boy. "Billy, are you a meta?" he asked, making Jason and Dick's eyes widen. Bruce waited for an answer, calmly and quietly, as Billy's brain silently spiraled. Where was Mr. Wayne going with this? Why'd he think Billy was a meta? What if he was catching on!?
The 10-year-old's eyes widened, his hand instinctively going to the hem of his shirt again. Batman had a strict 'no metas' rule for Gotham, what if Mr. Wayne told him that he was? He wasn't, he could only do magic, but- but if the billionaire thought he was, he might kick him out, he might-
"Kid, kid you gotta breathe," Jason said, jostling him slightly and making the boy gasp. He hadn't even realized he was holding his breath. The raven tilted his head slightly, glancing towards Bruce before looking back at Billy. "Are you a meta, kid?"
Billy swallowed thickly, fat tears beading in the corners of his eyes.
"Oh, whoa, no no no, it's okay, it's alright squirt-"
Bruce sighed, running a hand through his hair before glancing down at the 10-year-old. "Billy, it's alright. You don't have to cry," he said, his shoulders slumping slightly. The billionaire walked closer, sitting down beside the pair on the edge of the bed. Dick and Jason looked at him as Billy rubbed his eyes with his palms.
"B-but Batman hates m-metas-" Billy said, giving in to the distinctly childish part of him. The part that told him if anyone found out that he could do anything, despite it only being runoff magic from Cap, that Batman would swoop in and do who knows what.
 / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - /- / - /
Yeah, so, as you can see, this scene went in a very different direction. I had a different plan in mind, but ultimately some things became more important than others, and some details got pushed to the side.
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tatticstudio55 · 6 years
Daenerys as an anti-Cinderella?
Another asoiaf/fairy tales meta
It’s always fun to wonder which fairy tales goes best with which asoiaf characters (especially the girls, for some reason). For Sansa and Arya, the references are overflowing. With Dany it’s… trickier. Only two – or maybe three – classic tales really fit. Two of those I’ve already talked about in previous posts (Thumbelina and The Fire Bird). There are some general “clues” pointing to Cinderella…
-Viserys, the Anastasia & Drizella duo to Daenerys’s Cinderella
-In ADWD, Cleon the “butcher king” of Astapor make a marriage offer to Daenerys and gift her with a pair of slippers, but
Irri slid the slippers onto Dany’s feet. They were gilded leather, decorated with green freshwater pearls. Does the butcher king believe a pair of pretty slippers will win my hand? “King Cleon is most generous. You may thank him for his lovely gift.” Lovely, but made for a child. Dany had small feet, yet the pointed slippers mashed her toes together.
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-Cinderella is named as such for her habit of retreating close to the ashes-filled hearth once her work is done (from “cendres”, the French word for “ashes”). Bettelheim view Cinderella’s behavior as a product of sorrow and grief for her dead mother. For Dany, ash is also linked with sorrow and, first inverted trope, with the mother mourning her dead child:
She could feel the heat inside her, a terrible burning in her womb. Her son was tall and proud, with Drogo’s copper skin and her own silver-gold hair, violet eyes shaped like almonds. And he smiled for her and began to lift his hand toward hers, but when he opened his mouth the fire poured out. She saw his heart burning through his chest, and in an instant he was gone, consumed like a moth by a candle, turned to ash. She wept for her child, the promise of a sweet mouth on her breast, but her tears turned to steam as they touched her skin. – Daenerys, AGOT
There’s also the “Queen of ashes” nickname Dany is sometime dubbed with (more so in the show) and the fact that Cinderella herself is a “queen” of the ashes, somewhat (hence why she’s called “Cinderella”).
-Mirri Maz Duur is an inverted fairy godmother to Dany.
But these are details. Overall, Dany comes off as the anti-Cinderella of asoiaf. This becomes especially apparent in ADWD, where she’s, essentially, a glorified slave to her duties who dreams of escapes with her “prince charming”, i.e. Daario. This all reach a culmination point when she goes to the “ball”, i.e., the grand reopening of the Daznak’s pit. Unlike Cinderella, who’d give anything to attend the ball, Dany would give anything to skip it:
“Even if the pits must open, must Your Grace go yourself?” asked Missandei as she was washing the queen’s hair.
She would rather have drifted in the fragrant pool all day, eating iced fruit off silver trays and dreaming of a house with a red door, but a queen belongs to her people, not to herself. – Daenerys, ADWD
Whereas the ball meant dreams and freedom for Cinderella, for Dany, it’s the perpetuation of a nightmare. They both present themselves at the event under a veil: a literal one for Dany,
“And over it, the long red veils.” The veils would keep the wind from blowing sand into her mouth. And the red will hide any blood spatters. – Daenerys, ADWD
A metaphorical one for Cinderella, garbed so elegantly that her step mother and half sisters don’t recognize her. This idea of disguise is interesting. For a start, it contrasts with Dany’s refusal to put a veil between herself and Astapor in ASOS. To borrow Clapton’s words on Dany’s white garments in the show, the purpose of the veil is to “remove herself (Dany)” from the situation. Dany’s choice of clothes is a mean of non-attendance, while Cinderella’s costume allows her to go incognito and enjoy the moment. There is the contrasts of colors: Cinderella wears an immaculate, pure white dress (at least in the Disney version), whereas Dany wears yellow silk and a blood-colored veil. Finally, in some versions, the ball attended by Cinderella is a masked ball. This could be significant, since the reopening of the pits prove to be its own kind of masked “ball” (and even more so in the show, where the sons of the Harpy creep inside the pits wearing literal masks):
At the base of the Great Pyramid, Ser Barristan awaited them beside an ornate open palanquin, surrounded by Brazen Beasts. Ser Grandfather, Dany thought. Despite his age, he looked tall and handsome in the armor that she’d given him. “I would be happier if you had Unsullied guards about you today, Your Grace,” the old knight said, as Hizdahr went to greet his cousin. “Half of these Brazen Beasts are untried freedmen.” And the other half are Meereenese of doubtful loyalty, he left unsaid. Selmy mistrusted all the Meereenese, even shavepates.
“And untried they shall remain unless we try them.”
“A mask can hide many things, Your Grace. Is the man behind the owl mask the same owl who guarded you yesterday and the day before?
How can we know?”
“How should Meereen ever come to trust the Brazen Beasts if I do not? There are good brave men beneath those masks. I put my life into their hands.” - Daenerys, ADWD
Behind the drum marched Brazen Beasts four abreast. Some carried cudgels, others staves; all wore pleated skirts, leathern sandals, and patchwork cloaks sewn from squares of many colors to echo the many-colored bricks of Meereen. Their masks gleamed in the sun: boars and bulls, hawks and herons, lions and tigers and bears, fork-tongued serpents and hideous basilisks. – Daenerys, ADWD
In fact, some descriptions of the event, when taken by themselves, almost make it sound like there’s an actual ball happening inside the pit:
Across the pit the Graces sat in flowing robes of many colors, clustered around the austere figure of Galazza Galare, who alone amongst them wore the green. – Daenerys, ADWD
We could even dig further: dancing, in asoiaf, is often used as a euphemism for dying, or is used in scenes going heavy on the death-related subtext. What do people do in a ball? They dance. What do people do in the pits? They die.
“Barsena is very quick,” Reznak said. “She will dance with the boar, Magnificence, and slice him when he passes near her. He will be awash in blood before he falls, you shall see.” – Daenerys, ADWD
Cinderella’s ball is a dream and Dany’s “ball” is a nightmare, but both are woken from it, for the twelfth stroke of midnight will lift the charm. Fun fact, if I’m not mistaken, there were twelve fights planned that day: Khrazz, the Spotted Cat, a “Lysene youth with long blond hair”, an elephant, a bull, a mock battle, a folly with dwarfs, Barsena, a folly with old women and “three more matches”, according to Hzdahr… yup, that makes twelve. Each fight is a “stroke of midnight” for Dany, pulling her from the nightmare, urging her to wake up. At Barsena, she snaps. The charm falls, her carriage turns into a pumpkin and her gown into rags:
She lifted her veil and let it flutter away. She took her tokar off as well. The pearls rattled softly against one another as she unwound the silk.
“Khaleesi? ” Irri asked. “What are you doing?”
“Taking off my floppy ears.” – Daenerys, ADWD
In her haste to flee, she loses a shoe:
“Let me go!” Dany twisted from his grasp. The world seemed to slow as she cleared the parapet. When she landed in the pit she lost a sandal. Running, she could feel the sand between her toes, hot and rough. Ser Barristan was calling after her. – Daenerys, ADWD
The aftermath finds her alone in the grass sea, wearing literal rags (again, not unlike Cinderella), in a dream-like state and wondering what just happened. Unlike Cinderella, Dany has no desire to relive the ball and would much rather stay where she is, with her rags and her animal companion. Both girls experience an unpleasant return to reality. Cinderella must go back to being a slave to her step-mother and half-sister, while Dany knows she must go back to Meereen (which doesn’t quite work out, but).  
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Yet for everything nightmarish about it, the reopening of the fighting pits meant something Dany deeply dreamed for and desired: peace. No more bloodshed in the streets of Meereen. The safety of her people. She wanted it and she got it, until the whole farce blew up in her face and the pit of Daznak turned into a pumpkin. I think that’s when she realized it: that the peace was never real, that Hizdahr’s “peace” was an illusion (as many before me have pointed out), a veil that got lifted with the twelve death blows of the pit.
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qveenofthorns · 7 years
Brave, gentle, strong: there is only one (no really—I checked)
“When you’re old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who’s worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong.” – Eddard Stark, Sansa III, AGOT
I’ve seen a lot of metas about textual evidence for Sandor being the BGS That Was Promised™, and I started wondering if there are any other candidates. What if we’re all so ~blinded~ by our ship that we missed something else right in front of us? I used A Search of Ice and Fire to check every single Sansa/Alayne chapter for these words (and variations of them) to see if she thinks of anyone else using all of these terms.  
Here are all of the of the uses sorted by character/chronologically (excluding the times she tells Sweetrobin that he’s brave and strong or she tells herself to be brave like Robb):
1. “It was a great honor to ride with the queen, and besides, Prince Joffrey might be there. Her betrothed. Just thinking it made her feel a strange fluttering inside, even though they were not to marry for years and years. Sansa did not really know Joffrey yet, but she was already in love with him. He was all she ever dreamt her prince should be, tall and handsome and strong, with hair like gold.” Sansa I, AGOT
Okay, so I think we can discount this one given the context of Ned’s “brave and gentle and strong” quote, but I really wanted to cover all the bases. It’s also a pretty superficial assessment, moulding him to fit the part in which she’s cast him based on the songs.
Barristan Selmy
1. “One knight wore an intricate suit of white enameled scales, brilliant as a field of new-fallen snow, with silver chasings and clasps that glittered in the sun. When he removed his helm, Sansa saw that he was an old man with hair as pale as his armor, yet he seemed strong and graceful for all that. From his shoulders hung the pure white cloak of the Kingsguard.” Sansa I, AGOT
This one is also an extremely obvious no, though it is still interesting. Despite being old, he seems like a knight from the songs and we see the Kingsguard cloak for the first time in a Sansa POV.  
1. “She stepped backward and bumped into someone. Strong hands grasped her by the shoulders, and for a moment Sansa thought it was her father, but when she turned, it was the burned face of Sandor Clegane looking down at her, his mouth twisted in a terrible mockery of a smile.” Sansa I, AGOT
This is after she first sees Ser Ilyn Payne, whom she finds terrifying. Her initial response to Sandor’s touch is positive and this won’t be the last time she backs into him when she’s afraid.
2. “Sandor Clegane scooped her up around the waist and lifted her off the featherbed as she struggled feebly. Her blanket fell to the floor. Underneath she only had a thin bed gown to cover her nakedness. ‘Do as you’re bid, child,’ Clegane said. ‘Dress.’ He pushed her toward her wardrobe, almost gently.” Sansa VI, AGOT
This is the first BGS occurrence since her conversation with Ned. She’s depressed and suicidal and hasn’t bathed in who-knows-how-long after his death. Joffrey has demanded she get dressed and bathe or else “his Hound” will do it for her. She still asks that Joff leave her alone and doesn’t move, at which point he orders Sandor to get her out of bed.
3. “‘Here, girl.’ Sandor Clegane knelt before her, between her and Joffrey. With a delicacy surprising in such a big man, he dabbed at the blood welling from her broken lip.” Sansa VI, AGOT
Not only is he being gentle with her here, he also just prevented her from committing a murder/suicide.
4. “‘True knights,’ he mocked. ‘And I’m no lord, no more than I’m a knight. Do I need to beat that into you?’ Clegane reeled and almost fell. ‘Gods,’ he swore, ‘too much wine. Do you like wine, little bird? True wine? A flagon of sour red, dark as blood, all a man needs. Or a woman.’ He laughed, shook his head. ‘Drunk as a dog, damn me. You come now. Back to your cage, little bird. I’ll take you there. Keep you safe for the king.’ The Hound gave her a push, oddly gentle, and followed her down the steps. By the time they reached the bottom, he had lapsed into a brooding silence, as if he had forgotten she was there.” Sansa II, ACOK
The serpentine encounter is the perfect example of the walking, talking dichotomy that is Sandor Clegane. “Iron fingers” catch her wrist and prevent her from falling down the steps and he makes a joke about how she’s trying to kill them both (something to consider for the future, Sandor: you’re the one lurching out of hidden doorways in the middle of the night, so maybe that’s part of the problem). She says he’s hurting her but he doesn’t let go of her wrist. Then he makes some inappropriate comments about her body and asks her to sing him a song about knights and fair maidens (because he’s a closet sappy romantic like that) because she likes knights. She says she likes true knights and then we come in at the quote. So we go from scary drunk who’s holding her wrist too tight and coming on to her sexually (the only time he ever does) to immediately realizing he’s way out of line, going back to gentle touches and promises to keep her safe. He also lies to protect her from Boros Blount on the very next page. I think it’s fairly safe to say his brooding is primarily about two things: kicking himself over how he just acted, and the “keep you safe for the king” part (he knows Joff well enough to realize that the king is the biggest threat to her safety). In a Daenerys ACOK chapter, she says of Jorah, “Sometimes he thinks of me as a child he must protect, and sometimes as a woman he would like to bed….” I reread that chapter the other day and couldn’t help but think of SanSan and this scene in particular.  
5. “The Hound pulled her to her feet, not ungently.” Sansa III, ACOK
This is at the beginning of the scene where she’s beaten and stripped by Boros Blount. While he’s gentle with her in that moment and does tell Joffrey to stop later, his inaction on this occasion is the biggest regret of his life and he cries about it on his “deathbed.”
6. “A stab went through her, so sharp that Sansa sobbed and clutched at her belly. She might have fallen, but a shadow moved suddenly, and strong fingers grabbed her arm and steadied her.” Sansa IV, ACOK
Okay, so I’m kind of convinced that Sandor spends all of his free time stalking her (because he doesn’t know how to handle the fact that he has positive feelings for another human being?). He’s always lurking in shadows, only to pop out to save her from falling. How often does he hide in the shadows near her that we just never see?
7. “She made herself look at that face now, really look. It was only courteous, and a lady must never forget her courtesies. The scars were not the worst part, nor even the way his mouth twitches. It’s his eyes. She had never seen eyes so full of anger. ‘I… I should have come to you after,’ she said haltingly. ‘To thank you, for… for saving me… you were so brave.’” Sansa IV, ACOK
Ugh, I just have so many feels about this interaction. Between these two quotes, Sandor bb gets sad because she’s scared of him and “still can’t bear to look,” so he lashes out. “He is a dog, just as he says. A half-wild, mean-tempered dog that bites any hand that tries to pet him, and yet will savage any man who tries to hurt his master.” Yes, because he is an ABUSED dog and no one has every tried to pet him before so he’s getting very confused. I’m getting side-tracked by the feels so I’ll stop myself here.
8. “Of late Ser Osmund had taken Sandor Clegane’s place by Joffrey’s side, and Sansa had heard the women at the washing well saying that he was as strong as the Hound, only younger and faster. If that was so, she wondered why she had never once heard of these Kettleblacks before Ser Osmund was named to the Kingsguard.” Sansa VI, ACOK
I considered also including this under the Kettleblacks, but decided against it because she’s not the one saying they’re strong. Her attitude here feels similar to her attitude during the first unkiss mention (“these other girls/women are so silly—I have the Hound and what they have is inferior”).
9. “He yanked her closer, and for a moment she thought he meant to kiss her. He was too strong to fight. She closed her eyes, wanting it to be over, but nothing happened.” Sansa VII, ACOK
This one typically gets left out because it doesn’t exactly portray him in a positive light, but I’m trying to include everything, good and bad. I have some thoughts on this re: the unkiss, but this isn’t the place for that. Short version: it would have been very easy for GRRM to write something like “she wished he wouldn’t,” but instead he wrote “wanting it to be over.” I’m not saying she wanted him to kiss her in that moment, but she didn’t not want him to kiss her either (or it could be a “just get it over with” scenario).
1. “Sansa watched him walk off, his body swaying heavily from side to side, like something from a grotesquerie. He speaks more gently than Joffrey, she thought, but the queen spoke to me gently too. He’s still a Lannister, her brother and Joff’s uncle, and no friend. Once she had loved Prince Joffrey with all her heart, and admired and trusted his mother, the queen. They had repaid that love and trust with her father’s head. Sansa would never make that mistake again.” Sansa I, ACOK
“More gently than Joffrey” is a pretty low bar. Overall, not a very glowing review of Tyrion: he’s not a monster, but he’s grotesque, can’t be trusted, and could turn into a monster later.
Osmund Kettleblack
1. “Sansa tried to run, but Cersei’s handmaiden caught her before she’d gone a yard. Ser Meryn Trant gave her a look that made her cringe, but Kettleblack touched her almost gently and said, “Do as you’re told, sweetling, it won’t be so bad. Wolves are supposed to be brave, aren’t they?” Sansa III, ASOS  
If you didn’t have déjà vu while reading this, something is wrong because this is almost EXACTLY the same as a Sandor moment included on this list. (“‘Do as you’re bid, child,’ Clegane said. ‘Dress.’ He pushed her toward her wardrobe, almost gently.”) HOWEVER, I don’t think Sandor would have been so chill in this particular situation. This is as she’s being dragged off to marry Tyrion and seeing as finding out Sansa had married Tyrion made Sandor suicidal, well, that’s a thought for another day. Between this and Sandor #8, I feel like there’s potential for a SanSan meta solely comparing Sandor and the Kettleblacks. (Someone else please write that—I’m only even doing this because I have mild writer’s block on a fic and needed a break.)
Ser Dontos
1. “‘Not far.’ Ser Dontos took her hand in his own and rubbed it gently. “Your friend is near, waiting for you.’” Sansa V, ASOS
This is while she and Dontos are escaping after Joffrey’s murder. It’s mentioned that they take the serpentine steps at one point. See Sandor #4 for another important interaction there.
Petyr Baelish
1. “He saved Alayne, his daughter, a voice within her whispered. But she was Sansa too… and sometimes it seemed to her that the Lord Protector was two people as well. He was Petyr, her protector, warm and funny and gentle… but he was also Littlefinger, the lord she’d known at King’s Landing, smiling slyly and stroking his beard as he whispered in Queen Cersei’s ear. And Littlefinger was no friend of hers. When Joff had her beaten, the Imp defended her, not Littlefinger. When the mob sought to rape her, the Hound carried her to safety, not Littlefinger. When the Lannisters we’d her to Tyrion against her will, Ser Garlan the Gallant gave her comfort, not Littlefinger. Littlefinger never lifted so much as his little finger for her.” Sansa I, AFFC
Wow, so there’s a lot to unpack here but most of it isn’t relevant to this post. However, this is one of the many times she compares Sandor favorably to other men.
2. “‘Forgive her, my lords,’ Petyr Baelish said softly. ‘She still has nightmares of that day. Small wonder if she cannot bear to speak of it.’ He came up behind her and put his hands gently on her shoulders. ‘I know how hard this is for you, Alayne, but our friends must hear the truth.’ Her throat felt so dry and tight it almost hurt to speak.” Sansa I, AFFC
I see two SanSan parallels in this brief passage. Putting his hands on her shoulders from behind reminds me of her first interaction with Sandor and her throat hasn’t been “dry and tight” since the Blackwater. All of the language in the Blackwater scene is highly sexual, but here, those are the only words that stand out and I only noticed them because they’ve been used before.
Lothor Brune
1. “Sober, he was a quiet man, but a strong one. And Petyr says he’s loyal.” Alayne II, AFFC
The only thing I’ll say about Lothor is that Sansa also compares him to Sandor/he triggers memories about Sandor (ex: the incident with Marillion where she thinks it might be the Hound saving her for a moment before she realizes that’s impossible).
Here’s a chart for the visual learners
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Conclusion: Sandor is the only man worthy of Sansa, as per her father’s parameters
While, just like Sansa, “I knew the Hound would win,” I didn’t expect the results to be this conclusive. He hits all three points while no one else scores above a two. SANDOR BB IS THE ONLY ONE WHO MEETS MORE THAN ONE CRITERIA. SHE NEVER DESCRIBES ANOTHER MAN AS BRAVE. NOT ONCE. ONLY HIM. She talks about brave men in general, but he is the only specific man she ever calls brave.* And it’s not internal monologue like all of the other instances I’ve outlined—she’s saying it aloud, thanking him to his face. And it’s also worth noting that several of the occasions she describes another man as gentle or strong are callbacks to interactions with Sandor. Knowing GRRM, there’s no way that’s an accident. So SanSan is endgame or GRRM is the world’s biggest troll. Either way, my heart hurts.
*While bravery only shows up once in this analysis, Sansa does frequently describe women (herself included) as being brave and also reminds herself to be brave a lot (that whole weird thing where GRRM writes female characters like actual people instead of accessories to the men in their lives).
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