#or maybe thought pattern is another word. idk. anyway
thebibliosphere · 1 year
Hm. I'm rereading something I wrote, and I can't decide if it's going to be infuriating for some readers, or if there will be more going "OH, same!"
Given that my readership is largely in the Autistic 🤝ADHD vampire fan club (Vlad), I'm hoping it'll be the latter, but it's still making me hesitate because it's not how people expect sex scenes to read.
Everything's usually boiled down to a laser-focused precision of sensations and evocative, heated language -- and that does eventually happen with this. You just have to get past Vlad's brain wandering around for a bit because while Nathan's doing a good job of getting his attention in the moment, he's not being consistent, and it's giving Vlad's brain time to wander. Like noticing that Nathan squints a bit when he reads. ("(Hyperopia, Vlad’s brain supplied helpfully before he could smother it.)") Or just generally having full-on conversations in his head in the downtimes between stimulation -- and by downtime, I mean the split second it takes for Nathan to grab something from the nightstand.
Another part of me worries people will think I'm playing to stereotypes or I'm hamming it up to be "quirky," but given my brain is the epitome of the "hyper 8-year-old boy who can't sit still shiny disorder" despite being a 36yo cis woman, I've pretty much resigned myself to some people calling Vlad a stereotype anyway.
A larger part of me just... kind of really wants to see this kind of thing in a sex scene. I want to see my own thought patterns and acknowledge that even when you're getting hot and heavy with someone -- arguably an act that should consume all of your attention -- you'll still find your mind wandering. You'll notice something out the corner of your eye and go, "fucking shit, laundry, do not forget, do not forget" (and then you'll forget), or you'll be about to go down on someone, and the dick joke your friend told you three months ago will pop into your head and suddenly you're snickering with no tactful way to explain it.
(This is another thing that I always think is sorely lacking in sex scenes. No one's messy. No one's laughing like an idiot because they just thumped their head into the headboard, or a joke just popped into their head. Or someone's body made a fart sound because there's lube in places and things are thrusting. Like, maybe it's me, maybe I'm weird, but I think those are the moments you can build real romance out of. Not necessarily erotica, because those things (supposedly) aren't sexy, but there's so much emotion you can show with partners who are able to laugh with each other in those moments. You can show so much love and reverence through the mundane it hurts.)
It'd just be nice, for once, to have the character be absolved of the guilt that often happens in those moments because you're supposed to be focusing on what is happening, and your idiot brain just won't shut up.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter too much. It's a short story I'm hoping to fling out at some point (as soon as my idiot brain shuts up and lets me finish it). But it feels more important than it actually is because it feels like I'm exposing a major part of my psyche. Like pinning down all the ugly parts of my brain that can't ever actually be pinned down, no matter how much I try.
idk. Words. Things. Stuff. I'm going to try and finish this and then see what I want to do with it.
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softmick · 2 months
autistic mickey thoughts i’m chewing on:
hyposensitive bby mickey walking into things, stomping around, wrestling with his brothers - things he never grows out of.
he loves to shoulder check people. he loves wearing heavy boots and his heels slamming into the ground. he loves the deep pressure and slamming of bodies. fighting is fun! he’s not even that mad like that, it just makes him feel right somehow.
hyposensitive bby mickey infuriating terry because he doesn’t react to pain like the other kids. it takes a lot to make him cry, physically anyway, and maybe it scares terry at first… to go so far. but then it’s a challenge. and maybe this is just another little reason mickey downplays what happens to him. because it doesn’t really hurt that bad.
little hyposensitive mickey falling asleep to screaming, neighbors partying, gunshots, flashing lights who grows up and needs a weighted blanket and ian and the pressure of the wall at his back and white noise and flickering light to sleep on the west side.
lil mickey who hates vegetables because they all come from a can (soft) or the freezer (squeaky). and ian who realizes mickey loves pickles and gets onions on his sandwiches and has a little lightbulb moment and just gives mickey a raw carrot. and it turns out he does like vegetables and then he snacks like a rabbit for a while because CRUNCH
mickey who has lackluster sexual experiences before/outside of ian because the girls he’s with are young (like him) and kind of passive. or he hooks up with guys and does his best not to touch too much and decides it’s just kind of blah. but then he and ian fight and fuck and it just lights up his world. because he needs a LOT of sensory input. and ian is willing to put in work!!
lil dirty mickey hating lukewarm/cold water and the weird way his clothes smell like nothing with their shitty (nonexistent?) laundry detergent but loving scalding hot water and strong perfumed soaps and fabric softener. mickey who isn’t crazy about baths but loves a hot tub/jetted tub.
mickey being much more accommodating/open to new things when he can bring his headphones and blast music into his ears. yoga? sure, but only if he can listen to his music.
mickey who very reluctantly agrees to stop shooting without ear protection. but only if there’s more recoil.
mickey loving color and obnoxious patterns because he is sensory seeking babey
mickey and ian having a code word or phrase for when mickey is crawling out of his skin that he uses right before tackling ian.
the gallaghers learning that if they want to show mickey affection it’s better to grip his shoulder or his arm tight than try for some light one armed hug shit. except for debbie who doesn’t give up hugging and just tries to her best to crush him.
idk man. just mickey okay? i love him
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nina-ya · 9 months
HII!!1!1!1 i hope ur doing well
im currently sick (GRAHH) my throat has been hurting
ANYWAYSSS since i havent been able to sleep (its like umm 4:23 am) i had this little ermmm ideaaa :3
law x reader but the reader is shy n she doesnt know how to say “no” to people so law has to step in whenever too many people start asking her for help n shit
AAAAA idk bye bye have a great day/night pookie bearrrr
Law When You Don't Know How To Say 'No'
A/N: HI!! I am sorry that this took me so long but here it issss This was honestly a bit too easy to write since im lowkey (highkey) the same way,,, ANYWAYS i hope you enjoy!!! Pairing: Law x reader CW: Cursing WC: 1.4k
Law noticed your tendency to always say yes to everything from the moment he first met you. When you guys would be wandering islands, you bought every item from merchants who tried to haggle with you. When citizens asked for your help, even if their intentions were obviously terrible, you couldn't resist saying yes. You even put up with friends whom you knew were less than ideal for months, all because you never had the courage to step away. You always said “yes” to people, and frankly, Law was getting tired of it.
The lectures from him never seemed to end. Almost nightly, you heard the broody captain telling you to ‘stand up for yourself’ and how ‘you can’t keep saying yes to everyone.’ Yet, despite Law's advice, you couldn't help but continue your habitual affirmation. The pattern had become ingrained in your nature, and breaking free from it proved more challenging than you anticipated.
You found yourself caught in an interesting situation this time around. The Heart Pirates had chosen to dine at a tavern on an island where they were docked. At first glance, it seemed like the perfect haven for pirates, since it's main clientele were pirates themselves. However, the moment you all walked in and witnessed the chaos, it became clear that your assumptions were very wrong. If it weren’t for the fact that this tavern was the only food establishment that accepted pirates, you all would have walked right out. Instead, you kept to yourselves by Law's orders and settled into a corner booth to eat.
The drinks arrived first, followed closely by the food. Everyone dug in rather quickly. You happened to be the first to finish your drink, and the desire for a refill tugged at you. However, as you observed the chaos around the tavern, you noticed the waitress busy preventing another group of pirates from shooting each others heads off. Deciding not to add to her workload, you opted to head to the bar and refill your drink on your own.
Approaching the bar, you leaned onto it with your empty cup in hand, waiting for the equally busy bartender to notice you. Lost in thought, you heard the scrape of a barstool next to you, and your attention was drawn to a larger man taking a seat.
"What are you having?" The man asked, his deep voice resonating as he leaned closer to you.
"Oh, it's nothing," you replied with a nervous laugh, hopeful that the bartender would soon notice your empty cup.
"Well, why don’t you let me get you another one of those?" he offered, leaning in once more. You subtly leaned away, feeling his presence a bit too close for comfort. Undeterred, he continued, "You know, we can always use someone like you on my crew. We would treat you well, and who knows, maybe you’ll have a different kind of fun with us," he suggested.
A wave of revulsion washed over you at his lewd proposition, prompting you to redirect your focus to the bar before you. Your words stumbled in an attempt to deny his request, "Oh, um, well, that’s a nice offer, but…" Yet, the refusal lingered unspoken, lost in the unease of the moment.
His smirk deepened, the subtle twist of his lips revealing a hint of satisfaction as he responded, "It is a nice offer indeed. So what do you say? We set sail tonight, and my crew would love to have someone like you around." He gestured toward his crew behind him, and your gaze involuntarily drifted to them. Some appraised you with lingering looks, while others seemed to undress you with their eyes, treating you as if you were nothing more than a piece of meat on display.
Back where Law was, he noticed that you had been gone for a while. His sharp eyes scanned the room, and a sense of concern flickered across his face when they landed on you at the bar, engaged in conversation with a larger pirate. "Shit," he muttered to himself, a distinct tension tightening his jaw. Excusing himself from the table, he swiftly made his way over to you. As he approached, he couldn't help but overhear snippets of the conversation.
“Come on, join me on the sea. I’m sure you’ll have a great time,” the larger man urged, attempting to coax you into considering his offer.
“I, uh…” You started, your words faltering, leaving you struggling to defend yourself in the face of his persistence.
Unable to tolerate the uncomfortable scene any longer, Law stepped up behind you. A firm hand landed on your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, and he spoke up, his voice cutting through the awkward atmosphere, "Hey, fuck off, they're with me."
You jumped slightly at the unexpected touch, but the tension in your shoulders immediately eased as you recognized Law's presence. A sigh of relief escaped you as the larger man grew visibly upset and angered by Law's bold interruption. "And who are you supposed to be?" the man demanded, his crew getting riled up in response to their captain being openly defied. The whole tavern seemed to be swallowed by a growing tension, the air thick with the anticipation of a confrontation.
“Room,” Law uttered, and a blue bubble enveloped the tavern. The charging pirates were frozen in their tracks as Law unsheathed Kikoku in a blur of motion. With a quick and precise slash through the air, the pirate and his crew were cut right in half. Their halves pathetically fell to the floor, leaving the once chaotic tavern in a stunned silence.
The Heart Pirates were the first to break the quiet, erupting into cheers and applause for their captain. Law smirked at the defeated pirates sprawled before him, a victorious glint in his eyes. Without missing a beat, he grabbed your arm, gently pulling you away from the bar and toward the exit of the tavern.
“Come on, let's get out of here,” he said, leading the way back towards the Polar Tang, the rest of the crew in tow. The tense atmosphere dissipated with each step, replaced by the comforting sounds of the cheering Heart Pirates, celebrating their captain's quick and decisive action.
You both made it back to the submarine, and Law dragged you into his quarters, lightly slamming the door behind him. He released your arm but kept his gaze fixed on you, a hint of irritation evident in his eyes. "Care to explain what happened back there?"
You tried to defend yourself, stammering, "I tried to tell him that I won’t join him, but I—"
"Tried? I didn’t see much trying, only a failure to say no like you always do," he cut you off abruptly, his tone stern. "You're going to get yourself killed one day, I swear," he added with a deep sigh.
You looked down in embarrassment, your voice lowering as you responded, "...I know. I’m sorry." The weight of his concern sank in, and you couldn't help but feel a mixture of regret and gratitude for his protective demeanor.
"Saying sorry doesn’t mean anything if you don’t do anything to fix it," he responded harshly. The weight of his words pressed upon you, and he noticed your embarrassment. Sighing, he seemed to calm himself. Walking over, he placed both hands on your shoulders. When you looked up at him, his tone softened, "Look, I’m just worried for you. I don’t want to see you wind up on some other asshole’s ship all because you can't say no. Do you get that?"
You nodded, and he offered a small smile. "Good. Now, I need you to promise me that you will grow a spine and start saying no. You can even start with me if it will help you. Okay?" he suggested, his concern evident in his gaze.
You looked into his steely grey eyes, filled with genuine worry for you, and offered your pinky to him. “I can promise to try?” you offered with a sheepish smile, hoping he would accept.
He looked at your pinky and rolled his eyes slightly, but took one of his hands off your shoulder, interlocking his pinky with your own. “I’ll take what I can get,” he responded. “Now, let’s talk about how you almost just ran off with that creep and his crew,” he teased you, a smirk growing on his face.
“Hey! I didn’t mean to almost run off with them,” you retorted sheepishly.
“Ahuh, okay. Now run that whole conversation from the top to me,” he responded, practically taunting you. You rolled your eyes at him as you began to replay the interaction, reliving your embarrassment in the retelling for him, internally telling yourself that you would grow a spine so that you would never have to be teased like this again.
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lindalofbroome · 8 months
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original sketches
hello i have finally coloured some rough sketches of some deltoran fashions, a redraw of some really old sketches from ages ago.
im a pretty amateur concept artists and i hate designing clothes so truly was a challenge for me hahah BUT it has given me plenty of time to think of headcanons. im not sure what i've already posted about or not so im just gonna go ahead and rant
these characters were originally just models for me to draw the clothes on, so i didn't need to draw a new person every time; although in some of my earliest sketches of different people groups i did a bunch of people. but naturally these characters have developed a little and some of them are my beloved adin-era OCs <3
[about 4,500 words]
since the jalis are reknowned for their warrior prowess and their signature gold armour, i thought it'd be neat that even if when they're not wearing the full set, they are always wearing their arm guards. it's a sense of pride and identity, they probably receive them as a rite of passage into adulthood. not every jalis is a knight, but they value a heart of courage and great feats and they all have them, and would wear them always (or at least special occasions if one prefers not).
i headcanon that jasmine was gifted her own set of arm guards as an expression of their respect and admiration of her. her relationship with glock grew so much and was cut off, but she earned her "heart of a jalis" and we didnt get to see much of jasmine and gers together, but theres plenty of time post-DQ3. i think my jasmine and the jalis thoughts should be a separate post though, otherwise this post will never end 😂
i dont imagine that the jalis had special party clothes, i think they just turn up in their usual clothes and get drunk and dance their hearts out maybe start a brawl thats none of my business
i cant remember why i've been giving them this geometric sort of pattern tbh. i think i drew someone at some point and wanted it to look different to mcbride's design but im not sure if i like it or not. the plus is that i can make diamond motifs though!!
i also cant really remember how my brown skin gold hair came to be 🤔🤔 wait backtracking i think what happened is that i decided to draw del people as black latinx inspired, so it wasn't that big a step to make jalis also dark skinned since they're both in the south (deltora geography is weird tho so like it's not that deep) and then i think i made them blonde as i "why not??" situation but tHEN i thought maybe it's connected to their jalis gold?
my headcanon is that their armour is made of a unique metal that can only be found in diamond territory, it's super hard, tough, and light etc. so maybe whatever is In The Ground is also in them and their blood and shows in their hair????
🥳 fun fact 🥳 wasn't until i had to draw steven and glock side by side that i had realised what i'd done?? i.e. steven canonically has brown skin gold hair too¹. which now forces me to think about whether it should be a coincidence (like it is) or shall i headcanon that steven and nevets' father was jalis² 🤔 ¹ pretty sure it's about the dichotomy, to show contrast but connection between the brothers. i have many steven and nevets thoughts but that should also be another post ² i am.
these characters are adin-era, so unfortunately this would be when the gnomes still hunt the kin. whats weird is that i realised that i was picturing the caramelly brown fabric that this gnome is wearing was the kin pelt and not the big furry parts?? i usually picture the kin as more like velvetty. idk what the thicker fur parts would be though?? literally any other animal i guess 😅 i dont know it doesn't make sense and it's only occurring to me right now i shall have to think about it lmao
anyway made them green because why not. maybe they come in different colours idk. this gnome is pre-gellick so does go out in the sun, gellick-era gnomes would be waaaaay more paler they probably looked white. this could be similar to the jalis and like theres something in the grounddd
gla-thon claims that the dread gnomes knew that lesser gems had weaker but the same powers of the great talisman gems (sots), but im not sure if they knew it before adin. would be interesting if they did 🤔 and how they figured it out?? (side note but now im wondering about how withick knew what to write about the gems??) would imply that if they got the great emerald than they could deduce there are others surely. unless they thought it was a freak accident/miracle. anyway we know they love gems and gold etc etc so they obviously decorate themselves with heaps of jewellery
triangle motifs in homage to their mountain 💚
i gave them a sort of war paint ritual. i'm not sure if they all do the same markings, but this one was specifically to symbolise a bow and arrow (arrow going up the nose). you can see it a bit better here lol. i also decided that sometimes they wear it for purely cosmetic purposes. im not sure what the substance is exactly though. i think in my head i was imagining something similar to kohl, but maybe not.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 bre-tak and az-zure are lesbians (i make the rules)
oooooh baby this is my guy my babygirl my everything
okay so i think this headcanon developed recently when i last drew sky of rithmere and i thought that mere superstition encouraged them to wear their charms in random spots to avoid them cancelling each other out. it could be construed to be they were inspired by the night sky and the pattern of the stars perhaps. this led them to prefer asymmetrical fashions, mostly prominent in the armour i put badr in
🥳 fun fact 🥳 badr means "full moon" 👀
i think i originally decided the mere had leather armour just to give them something different iirc but the mere characters we see are usually the lithe, speedy, crafty type, so maybe light, mobile armour does work for them lol. anyway the main reason is that i had the image of studded leather, and i was like ohohoho STARS
i generally think of them with muted colours but sometimes they have a bold blue for their prized garmants. like zillah and co, the leaders of rithmere in adin's time were described with bright blue and starry cloaks. (i checked the wiki just to check zillah's name lol and apparently it's actually canon they have leather armour?? so not sure why i thought otherwise) anyway i do currently have minecraft brain but i did vaguely remember that people made ultramarine pigment from grinding lapis lazuli into a powder and im not sure if thats something the mere would do or if there's some strong blue dyes they can get from plants or something native to their territory 🤔
actually im liking that idea now? it would be incredibly time-consuming and labour-intensive but that would add to its value?? real world lapis lazuli has a horrible yield rate of 1kg lapis to 30g of pigment apparently, but it's a strong pigment (unless i misunderstand). alternative name for ultramarine is "permanent blue" apparently so. anyway ultramarine irl is more of a paint pigment, but in roddaverse maybe the mere make a lucky blue dye to use on cloaks and scarfs and shawls etc for good fortune?? me frantically checking that i put badr and luisa's wedding garb in bold blue lmAO oh i did but it's a little muted. they mix in oils and stuff to make the paint, so it doesnt seem like a stretch that they can mix different ingredients or ratio to make a cloth dye (to my very amateur understanding).
so im imagining now that they have a special (probably secret within the mere) process to create bright blue thread speckled with white (also gold to me. im pro deltora lapis with gold) and weave it into their beautiful starry night fabric. the amount of labour and the use of their prized lapis lazuli makes it very special, and maybe some people think it's the lapis that makes the fabric lucky or maybe some people think it's the work of love and time that makes it lucky, maybe both.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 i forgot that "bless your lucky stars" is like a real saying until recently lol
a starry cloak is probably something only the really rich could afford, but i think that they are more like heirlooms and states of office? im not sure if these pieces are things that one would purchase or something they would receive. bit hard to imagine people doing it for free but maybe it's one of those staple things that they revere and everyone else works to support them as well etc like the cooks in noradz are prized. idk. but yeah like a poorer family couldn't get a new one, but they would have one that has been in their family for generations you know? and i think that there would be something about like. idk youre meeting up with your doctor or something and youre nervous and you put on your family's best clothes (the most lucky ones) and maybe youre cynical about the whole good fortune stuff but there's something comforting about wearing the cloak your mother wore and your grandmother and your great grandmother wore, who also had to do such things. something something gives you the confidence to make your own luck because youre no longer pessimistic and allowing avoidable mistakes to happen
this means that the mere giving adin a cloak was a REALLY big deal because they definitely dont just go throwing those around and they would probably only give it to an outsider in trade for a steeeeeeeeeeeep price. which of course means that there would be knock offs with bad quality dye. lmao thats perfect actually. like 10000% there would be merchants in rithmere trying to sell cheaper versions to people that are expensive but still affordable to the average person. some would be different shades of blue, but the more crafty might have dyes that are strong but not lasting.
oh also i headcanon that palace fashion was a conglomerate of aspects from all the tribes but this should be it's own post i think. but i just remembered that i put gold thread in badr's braids in the formal wear sketch. i did that to tie in with the veins/flecks of gold (technically pyrite) in irl lapis lazuli. as such, people at del palace were inspired to weave gold into their hair too.
also gives me another thing to ship badr and luisa lmao. badr can wear some gold and luisa can wear some blue as a treat for me <3 moon and stars ocs beloved
alright. okay so del is definitely very white western patriarchal coded (most just a bias of living in that type of society i reckon) but it sucks and i'm passionate about making del NOT that. i think i've said this a million times now but this should be it's own post too, but most succinctly del is a very vibrant, curious, and daring sort of culture (e.g. their recklessness, exploration, trading). they were already marrying non-deltorans before adin (i imagine that some might have dared to marry outside of del, but it would have been way more politically complex so it was rarer and often kept quiet and rural). people of del were moving to other countries (like dorne) and people were probably moving to del, so del is definitely a big mix of different people and languages and superstitions and stuff.
but anyway i wanted to set a sort of base for before that. i've had art on the wip pile for YEARS about this and i'd flesh this out properly when it's done lol (hopefully we see that day) but since the topaz has the power to summon spirits, i really wanted to develop an aspect of del culture around that? i was inspired by Día De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and i still want to do some more in depth research and explore it more properly, but i like the idea that del will celebrate their lost loved ones life, coming together to remember, if they were lucky the got to see and even talk to their spirits. maybe pre-talisman they did know about topaz properties and they had a big deposit of gems that they would wheel out for the festival and the huge pile under the full moon would be enough to allow the spirits and people to interact? anyway this is a longwinded explanation of why my sketches of del fashion could be latinx inspired.
circle motifs in homage to the moon. the trim decoration on luisa's scabbards are based on moon phases :D
i also arbitrarily decided that del people love swishy clothes. they're all about the drama of cloaks and twirling in sundresses etc it's fun. not sure if i will actually follow through with that lol or maybe that can just be luisa.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 i think hearing luisa laugh would heal me
there's no particular reason for why i've been drawing a lot of del people as black, other than maybe spite lol. i think i drew jasmine and that got the ball rolling. del is a blank enough slate that they can be anything. im tired of white people being the front runners asldkjfhalsdf. bUT again del is multicultural, so there isn't a particular look for anyone in del. being del is more a state of mind and being part of community i think. you move to del and you participate in their society in one way or another and boom youre del now they adopted you.
hiran attire inspired by french aristocratic fashion. i cant remember who posted about it but pretty sure this was something that circulated around the fandom at least a little bit at some point.
added some subtle rainbow to harlow's outfits because he's the strong silent type. but i suppose there are so much more gaudier and extravagant outfits.
i was going to say this was just hira fashion and not like, rural plains fashion but i guess this is the same for all of them. it's just like a general direction for what someone might wear.
the swirly patterns?? i dont know. i drew them when i did adin's pre-battle speech as the last supper but i dont think there's a particular reason. i remember that i was trying to do something unique because lief recognises the cup in the city of rats as the same/similar to the one in noradz, so there had to be something to be recognisable lol but i probably just did it this way because it's relatively easy to doodle, just takes a bit of time.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 harlow was a cook before the shadow invasion. out of desperation, he and many others had to train to defend hira. he's big with natural balance and reflexes so he excelled and is a pretty adept warrior, but he will always think of himself as a cook first, warrior second.
now the armour!! freshest headcanon piping hot. yesterday when i was colouring i was sitting there like wow you look like a tin can man and you are so boring. we went from pretty colours to blank. im almost certain the hiran soldiers were described as silver with white plumes, so i was planning on doing that but they had intricate details on their armour because they are Extra, so it has the swirly patterns you can see on harlow's coat.
but then suddenly i was like. what if. pearlescent.
and honestly i loved it so much i didnt care i was setting myself up for some difficult work ahead lmao. but my general idea was that they're armour looked like it was silver, but if the light catches it at the right angle it exposes the rainbow in it. most of these headcanons i've had baking for at least a year, but this is very new so i dont any hard details yet. kira mentioned enamel or ceramic and lowkey interested in having a look into that so that theres another armour material. maybe it's gonna be like special jalis gold and special plains silver. maybe something else. i also just remembered bismuth exists (same boat as gold as very heavy and soft) but i think maybe it's too loud, i think im liking the more subtle pearlescent thing aLTHOUGH it's a good metallic rainbow reference 👀 maybe there is an esteemed plains warrior with a rainbow sword
ANYWAY pearlescent armour really hit my heart because oh my god once upon a time the plains had a shore and they could visit the sea,,,, lowkey ocean vibes without an ocean [screaming crying cat spinning in a void.gif]
🥳 fun fact 🥳 i have NO idea what food harlow has made. i think i had ratatouille on the brain at the time????
ruby territory best territory. ruby symbol of happiness. warns of danger AND antidote to poison. double helpful. ralads are so sweet and so smart. architectural and engineering marvels. living in harmony with the land and beasts. D'OR!!! manus and nanion friendship underrated and so special to me. horse girls. AND. broome. god theres so much i could say about broome that i cant say anything. anyway you guys know im normal about broome yes of course. separate post etc etc
i think technically this is a headcanon but it's not that big a stretch surely but as above i always picture ralads as in harmony with nature. never take more than they need, know how to work with not against, theyre not the main attraction but an equal part of the bigger picture.. this isn't even about how smart they are with engineering and their perfectly round houses with bricks that are cut perfectly. im thinking about their knowledge of their world is so strong and wide and diverse. they have the most vibrant and potent dyes and pigments around, they have the most colourful fabrics and clothes around. the plains has many colours but it can't compete, and they have different styles. i think that the hirans would trade for the dyes though (maybe undercutting pre-adin, maybe more equal post-unification). i think that they would also have a pretty decent blue dye but it is still inferior to mere lapis lazuli blue. it is probably a dye that could be used for a mid range mere garment?
maybe it's the anime fault but i do usually imagine ralads as barefoot but i also drew iris with construction tools and just the idea of ralads walking around a construction site barefoot was not fun to me. but it could be a hobbit tough soles situation. anyway i drew some shoes so i had a vague reference if i wanted to draw ralad shoes.
obviously had a problem drawing warrior attire for a non-war race. but i thought what if i leaned into the stories the hirans tell about how the scouts and soldiers they send into the ralad wilds never returned and were often found dead with broken bones or whatnot. definitely big watching but never seen vibes imo. so i decked iris out in some camouflage lol
🥳 fun fact 🥳 im sure the ralads can whistle and whatnot to make birdcall signals, but i thought it was fun for iris to be able to make birdcalls with her flute
HEY ALSO headcanon about ralad hair. i was making some dragon art from a doran pov that i was going to save for that but i cant wait now. but we know from Tales that the ralads had a good relationship with the ruby dragons, could even summon them (unless im misremembering and it was more like a premeditated calling) but i was thinking about how they nest with .. human? hair. and i was thinking what if they grow out their hair? and then they offer it to a dragon when they are ready? i dont know if there's a nesting season for dragons but it could be something like that? ralad-dragon ceremony and party time. this isn't a rite of passage type of thing, just something that they like to do. not everyone does it probably, but most do it once, some people do it several or many times in their lifetime. it's an honour, but not really a sacrifice to them. it's part of the world balance and theyre willing to serve the dragons as the dragons serve them as they water the plants and the plants feed them and they feed beasts and beasts feed them.
also dont remember why i did the hair so bright and orangey??? genuinely perplexed lmao. probably was leaning into irl ginger but like THEYRE BLUE so i could probably make them actual red. not sure if this is also like a "theres something in the ground" situation also that makes their hair red but maybe 😂😂
side note but it's lowkey so wild to me that rodda was like yeah these guys are blue-grey with red hair, and then everyone else is like an average person, BUT the mountain people are short. like they're all just some guy basically???
it does make return to del so so funny because fallow is like AYO look at these MONSTERS they are UGLY and WEIRD
but i guess thats part of the motivation to give the deltora tribes some basic unique traits.
okay so toran robes as inspired by japanese fashion is definitely something that's floated around the fandom for ages. i can't remember if it was before or after seeing posts about it that i started my first concept sketches but i think it probably had a hand in helping me visualise what rodda was talking about when she described their robes as butterfly wings when they speed-travelled. like yeah big deep sleeves and floor trailing hems WOULD probably look like colourful butterfly wings in the wind,,
🥳 fun fact 🥳 azami be always hungry. if only she knew someone who liked to cook 🤔
i don't have much to say design-wise, kinda just did various doodling. they would probably be second in extravagance to the plains, but it's a different sort of detail? they are probably a bit more refined and elegant than the hirans who are probably more bold in their designs. torans grow to be vain and selfish (it's already started by adin's time) so they probably have a high value on the beauty of their belongings, and it probably began with imagery of beasts and plants and dragons in amethyst territory, "true" pictures. but as time went on it probably distorted a bit and became idealised and/or fantastical etc.
OKAY SO my brain bluescreened just now for a moment trying to figure out how a people who use magic to make life easier, were also the ones known for their weaving, a manual hands-on task (lief's cloak is praised as being worthy of toran looms, implying high grade; pretty sure this was supposed to be a hint that his mother is not who he thinks she is also). some conclusions are 1) they weave with magic (sad, horrible), 2) they weave as a past-time, for fun etc (okay) but i took it to a third option
for a long time ive been thinking about toran magic as like, a balance and an energy thing (because i like that stuff lol) they cannot create something from nothing, only change things. they couldnt summon a fire, but they could change a piece of wood to fire and start a campfire, or those more advanced could even change the air into fire. but honestly it's left me a bit unsatisfied. like how does that explain the tora-del highway? hELL tora itself? what happened to the marble that got carved away? also how can that mountain have been so perfect there was no cracks or seams?? or did they carve those bits out lol. questions for another day.
anyway i was thinking about how hobbies are good for you, you dont have to be good at something but it's good to do stuff for fun and when you do crafts you get a cool thing at the end of it that you made. but it's also like skills you can develop? and i wondered what if weaving is a starter skill that they learn, some of them at least. maybe there are different activities, and they do the one that speaks to them the most. there were other types of artisans in tora, just not as talked about (i guess they're robes are pretty iconic so it's easy for people to go wow robes wow weavers who made fabric for the robes so soft) like i distinctly remember barda remarking about how tora was untouched and why bandits wouldn't have stolen the carved box that ended up holding the auto-reply letters from the palace.
so what im thinking is that maybe this builds a foundation to help torans visualise and perform their magic?
it actually solves a problem ive had in my headcanons i feel like ive got seven eyes open rn 😂😂 but in relation to del culture and traditions, i've been thinking about there being a physical and spiritual realm of course, and maybe it's the comfort of threes but it felt like something was missing.
i dont know what to call it yet, but im thinking the third thing is like the glue, it connects all things, it's in everything. it's like a third realm but also more of like a medium maybe? kind of sappy but we can just call this the magical realm for now. i actually used to think of toran magic as being like a subset of the greater deltora magic, but now im thinking it's more like torans are more receptive to the magic realm, as del are to the spiritual, and the ralads to the physical; theyre the experts in these things, which is why unified deltora is important 😂; likewise dread gnomes specialise in gems, jalis in combat, mere in cunning, plains in hope perhaps? literally never thought about it quite like this so maybe i will process it different later and designate different specialties.
so when the torans are young, they learn a craft and these skills help them sort of "tap into" the magical realm. so in the case i first thought of, when a toran weaver starts to see and interact with the magical realm, the easiest way for them to engage with it would be to think of it as weaving. they might see the magical realm as threads that connect everything, and weave things together to get what they want. a potter might see it as a malleable mass and sculpt what they want. a carpenter might see it as something to carve, something to break and put together.
the magical realm is not a concrete thing at all, up to interpretation, perhaps a unique experience to anyone who could glimpse in; don't strictly have to be toran, but they are perhaps naturally receptive to it or it could even be entirely a knowledge thing and that they are taught about it more; someone like verity who had her eyes opened to this realm, and learned to interact with it on instinct. does open questions to what the hell is up with the plains lmao but i think thats another post.
sorry about all the "i'll tell you in another post" i was attempting to stay on track 😂😂 also there's a 90% chance im gonna forget to come back and write about them so if anyone is dying to know feel free to send me an ask or something???
also if you want to know more about these OCs let me know 👀 i can find an ask game or something maybe. it's a case of i know a lot but will forget it all if asked to speak freely, i need specific questions. i have also developed the first four a bit more, but the last three are not without character so they can still be included. maybe it will be a group effort and they will have Background.
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fruitcoops · 1 year
Eeeek I am so excited to send in this request bcs I feel like it's one you could really do justice. (if you feel inspired that is. There's absolutely no pressure) but I was wondering if you'd be willing to write coops becoming more comfortable around each other? That's not the right word but just the constant butterflies sort of fading and instead realizing that love isn't all thrill it's sometimes a deep-seated love and being calm and comfy around your loved one? So like one of them doing something that used to cause butterflies and maybe sometimes does still bit it's the realization that you're so attuned to them you're used to it and love it and them?
Sorry this got really long and idk if it makes any sense or not. Anyway I love youuu and your writinggg it's such a source of comfort for me so thank you for doing what you do
Fluff in the wake of Vaincre! I think this is becoming a pattern. Though I, for one, am not complaining. Character credit goes to @lumosinlove, and Hazel, I am suing you for custody of my broken heart.
Sirius is washing the dishes and Remus puts a hand on his lower back without really thinking about it, slipping his palm beneath the hem of a Mickey Mouse t-shirt to rest over the bend of Sirius’ spine. His hand molds to the curve, fingertips on one dimple and heel of his palm on the other, thumb sliding along the lowest notch. Sirius hums and leans his head down to bonk Remus’ in a gentle greeting. They’re all small, thoughtless motions for a small, thoughtless night.
And it hits him.
The kitchen—theirs. The house—theirs. The neighborhood—theirs, where they wander after dinner sometimes or find well-traveled sidewalks to their new favorite shops and diners.
Sirius. His.
They’ve talked about moving, about kids, about after. What happens after hockey? Sirius can get through July now without growing antsy at the absence, but still, it’s taken almost a decade. A smaller house (a warmer house, a house that’s theirs) would be a good change. Not a rushed one, though. It seems there are endless hours to plan and look and comfortably explore.
Water sloshes over the marble countertop. They’ll never have to worry about money; not like Remus’ parents did. They’ll never be restricted by loans or debt or whatever neighborhood falls within budget. He came to Gryffindor marveling at an affordable single-bedroom apartment. It’s a habit he’s been trying to break on those late-night Zillow scrolls. They both love the cabin on the lake, but…
But maybe they’ll need the space.
Remus turns his head to kiss the curve of Sirius’ shoulder and sees him smile, capable hands working soap through a sponge. If they were a regular couple, he thinks—a different couple, he corrects—there might already be a new addition on the way. He can see the longing in Sirius’ eyes when they talk about it and feels the yank in his own chest at the thought. He’s wanted that since he was a child. It only grew more intense when Jules was born. It would make sense for them.
The things he’d do for a baby with Sirius’ eyes and his nose and, god, they can’t stop there, can they? The kid would need a sibling, wouldn’t they? A Regulus, a Julian, a James, a Lily that they could rely on and go headfirst with into the wonder of the world? Someone to lead, or someone to follow. To protect. Remus has never been the type to brainstorm baby names, but the amorphous dream is thrilling on its own.
Sirius makes a small noise in the back of his throat when a bubble pops and spatters Remus’ sleeve with soap. He’d be such a good dad, it’s not even funny. Remus can’t think about it too hard, or else he’ll start scrolling through PetFinder to find another dog to take the edge off.
He bites gently at Sirius’ bicep and feels him laugh, feels him swat at Remus’ hand with no real effort behind it. “Love you.”
“So you bite me?” Sirius snorts. “Weirdo.”
Remus exhales hard through his nose. “I want a baby.”
“Ouais, let me just run to CVS—”
Sirius’ snickering is not dulled by the light pinch to his ribs; Remus hides his grin in another bite. “I’m serious—”
“No, I am.”
“Oh my god,” he groans, turning away.
“Non, non, wait,” Sirius laughs. His arms wind around Remus’ waist and pull him close enough for Sirius to plant a kiss to his temple. It’s adorable, how careful he is to keep his sudsy hands out of the danger zone. He nuzzles into Remus’ cheek before straightening. “A baby. Yes. Absolutely. You know my thoughts on this.”
“I do,” Remus sighs. “And I know why it’s not a good idea right now. Still.”
“Still,” Sirius agrees. He sways them for a moment, then Remus feels a squeeze and the weight along his back is gone. The faucet flicks back on. “I want—” He presses his lips together, mouth twisting as he works it over in his thoughtful way. “I want to be there.”
Remus takes a clean towel from the drawer and begins to dry the plates. “I know.”
“And you’ll probably retire first, which is fine, but I want…” Sirius tips his head back and forth. Remus knows he’s running through their list again. The pros, the cons, the frustrating parts that they so desperately don’t want to deal with but have to anyway. Sirius scrubs at a bit of dried rice and scrunches his nose. “I want you to be there, too. Both of us. From the start.”
“I know.” It sucks. They might not have to scrape and save but time is not a resource hockey will spare them, and Remus is so grateful that Sirius takes that seriously. He meets Sirius where he is in their timeline. “I’ll retire. Take a break. I’ll go back to PT, probably faster than either of us think I will. You’ll decide when your last season is. We’ll put in an application—”
“—and by the time I’m done, we’ll have an idea of any possibility,” Sirius finishes, passing him a clean glass. They’ve repeated it so many times that it’s practically a mantra. Deep down, it gives Remus hope. The planning. It means there’s a chance. It means they’re on the same page all the way through. Sirius lets out a breath. “And then, maybe, we’ll have something concrete.”
Adoption, surrogacy…it doesn’t really matter. Both are such complicated webs of people and events and things entirely out of their control—Remus hates it, and he knows Sirius hates it more. He sets the towel down and moves to rest his forehead between Sirius’ shoulder blades, where his heartbeat keeps time against Remus’ skin. He winds his arms around Sirius’ waist and flattens his hand over Sirius’ belly to feel him breathe.
They have all options in the world, and yet it all feels much too big.
He spreads his feet a little when Sirius leans back. Measured inhales, pulse keeping a constant 60 beats-per-minute.
Remus laughs quietly.
He shakes his head, kissing each curve of Sirius’ wingbones beneath his shirt.
“What?” Sirius presses.
“A year ago, if you grabbed me and pulled me back like that, I would have jumped your bones,” he says wryly, burying his grin in the bend of Sirius’ neck. “Listen to us, angsting about the future like a couple of old geezers.”
“Feel free to jump my bones, if you think your arthritic joints can handle it,” Sirius teases.
“I’m just saying—”
“Oh, Christ, I’m turning 29 in a year,” Sirius moans, tapping the water off with a flourish. “I’m dead. I’m dying. I am wasting away. Tell Celeste I love her—”
“We’re standing in the kitchen, washing the dishes, on a Friday night!” Remus protests. “Aren’t we supposed to be…I don’t know, going to a club or something?”
Sirius turns in the circle of his arms with a grave expression. “If we’re going out, I need to go rinse my dentures.”
Remus chooses to ignore that particular comment. “The cubs are probably raising hell and breaking hearts.”
“The cubs are extroverts.” Sirius cocks a brow. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you want to go out and get drunk with a bunch of sweaty strangers.”
He can’t help the wrinkling of his nose; the told-you-so satisfaction on Sirius’ face is fondly irritating enough that he reaches up to cover it with a loose hand. Sirius laughs and dodges him like always, biting a kiss to the side of his palm. “Anyway,” Remus prompts with a squeeze of his narrow hips. “I love you. Which was my whole point.”
“You had a point?”
“I always have a point.”
“That’s a stretch, but alright.”
“Our kitchen,” he says, tilting his chin up. “Our house, our neighborhood, our future.” A smirk pulls at his lips and he rubs his thumbs just beneath Sirius’ shirt. “Mine.”
“Yours,” Sirius murmurs around a smile. They might be getting old and married and boring, and Remus might finally be able to watch Sirius and his capable hands without going weak in the knees, but his kisses will send joy crashing through him forever and always. The future isn’t so big in the safety of a moment.
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happyk44 · 3 months
Maybe I'll give Annabeth NPD anyway. I mean there's ranges in experiences of anything and also I can't stop thinking about it lol (her fatal flaw, guys!! It fits so well, she wants to design the whole world and doesn't see that as a bad thing!!). So yeah, I'm gonna say she has it, but lemme break it down anyway.
DSM-5 criteria:
Patients must have a persistent pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy
Right away, grandiosity and need for admiration fit, but lack of empathy not so much. HOWEVER, while I do think Annabeth is a fairly empathic person, I can see her being more cognitively empathetic versus affective/emotionally empathetic. Her ability to be affectively and compassionately empathetic is more so based on the situation itself. So, say, someone gets something she wanted, while cognitively she'll understand their excitement, she won't feel it or want to celebrate with them because, well, she wanted that thing, so fuck them, why are they getting so excited about it? Similarly, if she does something that affects another person negatively, she'll understand how her actions upset that person, but she can't intrinsically find it in herself to care or do anything about.
I think she'd be good at masking this part of herself, not as manipulation or anything, but just out of instinctive mimicry of other people's behaviour. Other people feel bad when they hurt someone by accident, so she should feel bad too, and so on. What this causes, though, is a lack of understanding that she is not as emotionally empathetic as she thinks she is.
She's also a problem solver!! So when someone has a problem, she will fix it, she will come up with solutions, and she attributes this to "caring" when it's not always.
The presence of five or more of the following:
Exaggerated/unfounded sense of their own importance and talents (aka grandiosity)
It's literally her fatal flaw. Hybris - exaggerated pride or self-confidence in one's abilities. She thinks she can redesign the whole world to be perfect, guys.
Preoccupation of fantasies of unlimited achievements, influence, power, intelligence, beauty, or perfect love
Once again folds back into her fatal flaw. Not to mention we know that she'd been thinking about the prophecy coming to fruition for a long time and how she would help Percy (although, could've been any child of the big three that showed up) win the battle
Belief that they are special and unique and should associate only with people of the highest caliber
See, I don't know about this one because I think Annabeth is pretty inclusive of most people. But I do think that she believes she's special, or has more importance to the world than other people. Part of me has always thought that she thinks she's better than her siblings, especially considering how she's treated by her mother (gifted the invisibility cap, when we don't know or head about her siblings receiving similar gifts, being given the title of architect of Olympus, other stuff I'm blanking on probably). So 50/50?
Need to be unconditionally admired
Hubris again lol. Not, but in all seriousness I'm like 50/50 on this one. I don't really feel that she has that sense in canon? But I feel that she could have it very easily - if that makes sense.
Sense of entitlement
Idk tbh. I'm not sure she ever displays a sense of entitlement. Maybe when she joined Percy's team because if I remember correctly in the books, she was just "I'm coming with you". I think part of the problem when it comes to assessing based on diagnostic criteria is that sometimes I read it too specifically to the wording rather than what the criteria could encompass lol
Exploitation of others to achieve their own goals
You could look at her in TLT in this way - joining Percy's team not so much because she wants to help Percy but because she wants to go on a quest and leave camp. Also her positioning Percy at the river as bait without telling him so their team could win. It's a thin margin, yeah, but look I'm desperate and I really really like this headcanon 😅
Lack of empathy
See my above comments on lack of empathy
Envy of others and a belief that others envy them
I can see her being envious of others, especially when it comes to familial relationships since hers was never the best, or when it comes to success in areas that she does not do best at. One of my HCs is that she and Leo start a business - Leo does a lot of the physical creation, they both handle designing and planning, and she deals with the people side of things. Leo being a child of Hephaestus is better at making things, and Leo being Leo is more mathematically inclined than she is, and I can see that as a sticking point in the early stages of their business.
She likes aesthetic, he prefers functionality, and she'll get extremely annoyed whenever he catches a flaw in her ideas, angry that she didn't spot it, envying his level of intelligence and doing/saying things to knock him down a peg because she's upset (and then his inferiority complex kicks in and they fight and break up the business before coming back together after a few days because they know they need each other for this but, ugh, frustration. Eventually they figure out how to work with each other without getting prissy, but it takes its time)
I'm not so sure about the belief that others envy her, but, maybe, a need for others to envy her. She doesn't think people do, but she hopes they do. She hopes that people believe she is amazing and talented and that they envy the hell out of her abilities and wish they were her.
Arrogance and haughtiness
There are times where she can be arrogant. She's very self-righteous and convinced she knows better than other people, that she's smarter than everyone else, too stubborn to accept other people's point of views, see when she and Percy would argue about Luke - her inability to recognize that Luke was a danger to everyone now, her insistent belief he could still be saved. Also when she argued with the Sphinx because she was angry she didn't get a good enough riddle.
So five (and a half) points! Yay 🙌🙌 I did it! I have now fulfilled the cluster B portion (Percy - BPD, Piper - HPD, Clarisse - ASPD, and now Annabeth - NPD) so whoop. Good for me 👍
And as always if you have NPD and/or have ideas about the ways it presents in Annabeth (or any other character), or have thoughts on other disorders and the characters you feel fit them, feel free to drop into my inbox 😂
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konohamaru-sensei · 8 months
Fantasy AU ramblings
I've been more in my head about my Fairy Tail Fantasy Au lately and I thought I upload some of my initial thoughts here. Maybe I'll make a collection on AO3? Idk maybe that would make it too serious LOL
This AU would eventually have all the typical pairings (Jerza, Gruvia, NaLu etc), but I also have my OC Rhia included, plus @foolishk's OC Kaiya. But it was created for the juicy jerza dynamic specifically. So yeah, meow!
Anyway, two short stories I've written in this AU: Jellal and Erza before the winter war || Gray and Juvias first encounter.
Either way:
Long ago, a hundred years before our story, three nymphs were born shortly after each other. Nymphs are almost ageless beings, sprouting from the ice in the caves of the highest peaks of the icy-mountain range. Kept away from humans they fear them and keep to each other until they return to the a thousand years later. Rumour has it that a nymph can decide to give up her years, become like a human, rumour says some have done it, but that is just stories of 900 year old elders, the young decide.
Kaiya was born first, in the year 644, from a puddle of melted ice. She was quiet, observant and too curious about old tales for her own good. Rhia followed just a footstep later, the year is 697, formed in a little waterfall in one of the deeper caves. Blessed and plagued by temperament not unlike raging water. Not even a breath later Juvia was the last, in the year 698, finding her form in deep iced water where she is most comfortable. 
All three instinctively know their name, all three are sisters in some way and not sisters in another. A hundred years will pass before they first grasp the world outside of their caves.
In the year 770, when dragons and humans lived side by side still, a boy was born to the royal court of Magnolia. With a stern look in his eyes like the king and blue hair like the queen he was the image of his parents. He was lucky to be born a boy too, he would be the next in line for the kingdom. Proudly, his father named him after his own father, Jellal, and declared that he would raise his son to be a fine and just leader of the country. 
The happiness soon waned as little thin, red lines appeared on the baby's face on the right side. The pattern was unusual and the finest doctors in the land could not tell what had transpired. The king took his newborn to a witch, who was living amongst the shapeshifters in the forest. She followed the red lines with a slender, old finger. Cursed, she judged. The boy bore a curse of red that would be his destiny.
The king never again looked at his child as something to be proud of. He ordered the guards present to keep quiet about what had transpired in the forest. Soon the entire court knew that the prince was cursed. 
In that same year, 770, another boy was born not far from the city of Magnolia in the kingdom of Fiore. The old, aristocratic family of the Dreyars had long expected the next in line to lead the family estate. The marriage of his parents, arranged and loveless, had so far been unable to produce a child. Soon the boy, who had been named Laxus, learned of the violent tendencies of his father just as his mother had. Fearing for the child’s well being his grandfather stepped up instead and loved him more than both parents ever could.
Later the same year, 770, high up in the ice-mountains, where snow reigned and cold wind blew at all months of the year, a girl was born to the empress. The rules were different in the kingdom of ice than in the kingdoms walking in the sun, the child did not need to be a boy to be an empress. 
Her mother was happy to meet her, happy to be with her, after the months she had spent crying over the loss of her husband. Now, with her beautiful child in her arms, the empress cried too, because she could not contain the happiness she felt in other words. To reflect all the love of these first tears she named her child close to what was her own name, Ultear.
771, the year following, another child was born to the court of Magnolia, tucked away in a barn where usually dragon children were housed. A girl, her hair as red as the one of her mothers and her eyes as hazel as her fathers. Desperate for her mother’s attention, the girl found only cold when she was being held. Her mother had suffered greatly while she had been carrying the baby and had no love left for her child now. 
Her mother was busy, she was important at court, she had no time for the girl. She hastily named her Erza and discarded her to the royal caretaker to be looked after. She soon learned that she was not the only child at court that had been abandoned there by their busy parents.
On the edges of the kingdom, just across the border, where the wind could already rip cold and unrelenting on your clothes, a child was born in the same year, 771. His parents had been expecting the little boy like it was the last missing piece and the big puzzle that was their love. 
Still, his arrival sprouted a little disappointment in his father. Blessed with red hair and long locks, his father had picked out the name for the boy long before he was even born, thinking his son would surely look like him. The boy, however, had inherited the looks from his mother’s side and was only blessed with thin, white hair that looked nothing like the name his father had chosen. They awarded him with it anyway and named him Lyon.
A year later, in 772, in an especially ice winter in the north, not far from the castle of the empress, a boy was born. In comparison to the one that would one day in the future be his brother, the boy looked exactly like his father. Though his parents had been surprised by the announcement of his arrival, their happiness at his being with them was never ending. And though his mother made fun of his father’s naming choice, the boy was named Gray to match him. 
The same year, 772, but in quite the opposite conditions, a boy was born in the forests north of Magnolia, not far from where the shapeshifters lived. It was a hot, relentlessly oppressive summer then and his mother was on the verge of losing consciousness in the heat when he arrived safe and sound. With hair pink like his father, eyes curious like his mother and an immediate smile on his face nobody could deny that this child had something magnetic about him. The parents decided to let his older brother name him and, fatigued from the heat of that summer, he was given the name Natsu.
Spring of the year 773 carried the smell of that previous summer in Fiore, as if winter never had gotten a foothold on the continent at all. Into the sound of winds and the falling of cherry blossoms a rich trader and his wife welcomed a daughter into the world. They had come into money generation or so before by building connections between the iron-mountains and the kingdom and now the dynasty needed to be preserved. 
The little girl would have enough wealth to never need to ask for anything, and yet she still grew up wanting. Her father loved her mother and her mother loved her. She was named Lucy, like a song their parents had once loved.
In the year 783, when the fate of the other children was already in motion, the widowed queen of Magnolia bore another blue haired child. Since her husband had passed away she’d had several lovers and though she had not planned to have another child, the queen was pleased to welcome the little girl into the world. Behind her older brother, now next in line to the throne, the girl would have everything she ever wanted and face none of his pressure. Her brother named her Wendy, after an adventure book he had once read.
In the year 795 the trader's daughter leaves her family house to marry the young king on Magnolia’s throne. This is where this story begins.
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heloflor · 7 months
A bunch of thoughts after the Showtime transformations trailer. This was supposed to be about the Cowgirl and Ninja one but then I got inactive for a while and another trailer dropped, so this post is about both.
Btw for those wanting to see more than the trailers, the descriptions for the Showtime trailers of Nintendo Japan, Nintendo of America and Nintendo France/Italy all have a link that leads to different sites, each with their own footage (the French and Italian ones are similar). I believe the youtube channel GamesXplain is also trying to group all the footage. It does spoil more things though.
Anyways, thoughts under the cut (around 3.2k words):
- Screaming biting clawing feeling insane I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS GAME!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER MONTH FOR IT?!
- Very relieved they didn’t change anything other than the box art (not that they would have had the time to since the game is coming out this march, though the icon on the switch home menu will sadly probably be changed to the new art).
- Favorite design overall has to be Dashing Thief Peach. I adore the vibes going on with this costume! I’m also a big fan of Swordfighter (love the “fictional version of the Renaissance-era West-Europe” aesthetic), Figure Skater (the costume is so pretty!), Mermaid (also incredibly pretty, tho it’s funny how mermaid being the only one with her usual haircut makes her look almost weird compared to the other transformations), and Kung Fu (I especially like the color scheme).
I also really like Cowgirl Peach, though with that new trailer it’s going down a bit (she has an attitude I really like, it’s very unique for a character like Peach but there’s a level of playfulness to it that makes it work well, or maybe it’s the knowledge she’s acting, idk. And for some reason the Pow//ser shipper in me is very happy about Cowgirl Peach having horns on her hat).
- Least favorite is Mighty Peach. I want to say it’s because the design is too “basic” but in reality I think it’s just that I’m completely indifferent to Superheroes so this one just does nothing for me. I mean Detective Peach has a basic design and I’m giving it a pass since it’s a reference, which I’m pretty sure Mighty Peach is as well. So yeah, I think it has less to do with the design itself and more with it being a superhero transformation. The “stereotypical superhero run” she does is hilarious tho (from the french/italian websites).
I’m also not a big fan of Patissiere Peach, I think it’s the check pattern of her dress that I just don’t find appealing.
I also originally thought that I didn’t like Ninja Peach but in reality it’s one specific render that I dislike, the one where her scarf covers her mouth. I have no idea why I don’t like this render in particular but yeah, outside of it I do like Ninja Peach.
- Gameplay wise, Dashing Thief and Ninja Peach seem to be the most interesting (yes I like platforming, the stealth elements look really interesting too). Cowgirl Peach also looks really cool with a few diverse ideas. I’m pretty curious about what the Detective Peach segment will fully be about as well. Same for Figure Skater Peach, I’m very intrigued by it.
- Least favorite gameplay wise will probably be Patissiere Peach since I’m not really into that kind of games, with second being Swordfighter Peach due to how straightforwards and repetitive it looks. I also want to say I’m not sure how I feel about Mighty Peach’s gameplay, but again I think it’s just the superhero aesthetic I’m not into (I swear I don’t hate superheroes, I just don’t vibe with it, I also don’t like the “chosen one” trope which probably doesn’t help).
- Funnily enough, despite not finding the Patissiere segment all that interesting, I’m surprised there are no new minigame-centric costumes. Considering the original trailer gave us two action-oriented costumes (Kung-Fu and Swordfighter) and two minigames-oriented ones (Detective and Patissiere), I expected another two or three minigames ones. Like even Figure Skater is about beating up bad guys, and Mermaid Peach is more about exploring than music (ngl I expected a musical show at some point and Mermaid Peach would have been the perfect choice for it. Wdym Kingdom Hearts 2 did it and it sucked?).
That being said I’m still happy with what we got bc my main “fear” about there being too many action-oriented roles is with the possibility of the gameplay feeling too repetitive from one play to another. But from the looks of it, every play still remains unique, with each having their own way to beat up the sour bunch, so it’s all good!
On that note, Figure Skater Peach defeating enemies by dancing with them is the most Peach thing ever and low-key makes me wish the other action-oriented costumes also had unusual fighting styles (which might also be why as mentioned later I’m hoping for a magical girl finale).
- And since I mentioned repetitive gameplay, I’m glad they went with Mermaid instead of Pirate as some theorized, since with the Swordfighter transformation already being a thing, having a pirate one would have gotten repetitive.
- Also, despite not being a fan of Patissiere Peach, I’m still very happy that they gave Peach a baking-related transformation, considering how often her making cakes gets brought up in the mainline games. It’s a really sweet way to embrace and expand on such a recurring element.
- Thinking about it, Ninja Peach is pretty funny in concept. All those years of sneaking around Bowser’s Castle (or her own castle when Bowser takes it over) to send letters and items to Mario are finally paying off!
- In general all the transformations can be justified. Patissiere? She’s been into baking for years. Swordfighter? Doesn’t at least one Olympics game has a fencing minigame? Cowgirl? She’s been in enough sports to justify the use of a lasso, and at least one Olympics game has horse-riding. Ninja? Sneaking around is nothing new to her, same for platforming. Detective? She’s a smart person, of course she can do it. Kung Fu? Isn’t there a martial arts category in one of the Olympics games, meaning that even if it’s obviously not the same sport with the same techniques, it still justifies her ability to learn another sport that centers around physical fighting?
- Continuing on with the new transformations: Figure Skater? It’s in the Olympic Games. Dashing Thief? It seems to center around platforming so it’s nothing new to her. Mighty/Superhero? While unsure if it’s an actual attack the blast from her arms reminds me of the guns from the Rabbids games, and even outside of that the sport games can again justify her punching things. Mermaid? She 100% would, and if you want to dig deeper Superstar Saga claims her voice to be special.
- The more info and costumes we get about this game, the more it seems the internet understands why Bowser feels the way he does, which I find to be very funny.
- On that note, I’m incredibly happy to see not only how much Nintendo is promoting this game but also how positive the reception has been so far. Peach deserves her first fully original game to be a commercial success!
- There’s probably something to be said about how “games made for girls” (with the exception of indie games) usually suck with little effort put into them and how Showtime in comparison is a breath of fresh air that’s even able to include elements like dressing up while still taking their female audience seriously and giving them a high-quality product, but I don’t know enough about the topic to really say something meaningful about it.
- As someone who headcanons Peach as a Toad whose gem is what gives her human appearance, the fact each of her costumes (except Mighty) keep said gem makes me very happy.
- I’m curious what the final boss is going to be. Will we have a long level as some medley using all costumes one after the other? Will it be a brand new costume? Will it be normal Peach using Stella? Personally I’d love for the final boss to have a unique costume (*cough* Magical Girl *cough*), though I could also see the normal Peach one to allow Stella to punch Grape for ruining her theater, though the latter would kinda go against the point of the game being about theater and the costumes/acting. But I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
- On that note, while I would go “the game ends with Grape dying bc Nintendo had killed their villains in RPGs many times”, I could also see something along the lines of Luigi’s Mansion 3 where at the end everyone lives and explains that all they wanted was to be included in the play, including Grape. So the game would end with Stella letting Grape and the Sour Bunch become actors as long as they stop doing shit like that and help cleaning up the mess.
Considering how kind of a person Peach is, an ending like that could work, and again it’s been done before with Luigi’s Mansion 3. Plus I’m pretty sure I saw a yt comment pointing out that as far as we know Peach is helping for the sake of helping, which is kind of true (unless it turns out her Toads get kidnapped). So far, it seems Peach has no personal stakes in this, unlike Mario going on adventures to save her or Pauline or prevent Bowser from taking over Kingdoms, and Luigi fighting the Boos to save his brother. So if she does have no personal stakes, it’s even more fitting with her unending kindness.
Granted I could also see the game ending with the Sour Bunch being defeated, or the Sour Bunch apologizing while Grape dies or is shunned from the group just like how King Boo is fully defeated in Mansion 3 and it’s the other ghosts who turn out to be nice.
- And since I keep comparing it to Luigi’s Mansion, does Luigi do the “thank you so much for playing my game” at the end of it? No bc if he does I want Peach to do so as well (on a related note I miss the characters saying “Nintendo” at the beginning of the DS games :( The Animal Crossing one was freaky I loved it)
- I’m curious how many segments we will play as “normal” Peach compared to the costume segments. Looking at the trailers and websites, my theory is that the first play (which seems to be Swordfighter) will have a fairly long segment with Normal Peach as tutorial before the transformation, while the other plays will have like one room/zone/screen with Normal Peach to set the tone and then immediately throw you into the transformation in the next room. Unless they throw some dialogues or puzzles at the beginning of each show to have Normal Peach stick around longer.
- Speaking of Normal Peach her little dancing animation when helping one of the theater people from the american website is absolutely adorable. I also love her idle animation.
- And since I’m talking websites, random observations but from the looks of it we will get a small cutscene both as Peach transforms and at the end of each segment. We can see it on the french/italian websites with Patissiere Peach giving a wink or the part from the trailer with Dashing Thief Peach paragliding in front of the moon, like she just escaped the place she stole from.
- On that note, I’m also curious what the coins will allow you to buy. More health? Something like Luigi’s Mansion 3 where you can buy a bone to stay alive? Some random collectibles?
- The voice will definitely take some time to get used to but I’m fine with it! I wouldn’t even call her new voice deep, it’s just a regular woman’s voice. Mario 64 gives her a “lower” voice than usual and it works very well.
Plus, Patissiere and possibly Figure Skater Peach use her usual higher pitch. “Normal” Peach also has her standard voice. So it does seem like this isn’t a permanent change, it’s just Peach being a good actor and changing her register to fit the character she’s playing as.
So while it will feel weird due to it being different, it’s a choice I can get behind (It might also feel weird due to Wonder keeping her high-pitched voice and even making it higher than usual at times, like when she gets a wonder seed; on that note Wonder is likely more proof that the change isn’t permanent; crazy how quick people are to forget this very recent game when freaking out about how Showtime might “change” Peach).
Gotta say I was surprised to hear Mermaid Peach having a deeper voice, but it’s also very fitting for a “siren” character to have this type of voice. It’s also funny that what is arguably the one overly-feminine costume is also the one with the deepest voice (her Figure Skater and Patissiere designs are also incredibly feminine but mermaids/sirens tend to be almost-exclusively women in stories and folklore).
Last minute addition since a few people were able to try out the game yesterday and put up some footage: the one negative thing I can say about her voice is that Normal Peach sounds very soft and quiet. I’m completely fine with her “Peach time” line and the noises she makes when using the ribbon, but other than that her “show time” and “let’s go” when entering a level on top of her cheering when unlocking something are all surprisingly lacking in enthusiasm.
It’s especially obvious when compared to the extended gameplay for Patissiere Peach who has a very cheerful and energetic tone. Now you could say Figure Skater Peach also has a softer tone but considering she’s acting and given the “serene” look on one of her promotional renders, it works. That’s also why I have nothing negative to say about her energy in the other costumes, she’s acting so it works. Then again given Patissiere is also a role I guess you could argue that her usual cheerfulness is actually her acting when being a Princess. 🤷‍♂️
(I’m actually surprised I wrote this much about the voice since, like I said, I’m fine with the changes. Like I’m looking at this part and going “I literally don’t care about it why is this so long???”. Tho I think it has to do with a mix of seeing other people focusing on it so I want to give my opinion, on top of some lingering worries of what Nintendo is going to do with Peach’s character in the years to come what with the mo//vie potentially influencing them; but yeah if it wasn’t for that worry I wouldn’t bat an eye about her voice being different.
This is actually a feeling I have about this game as a whole. Had the mo//vie either not come out or written Peach properly, I would be head over heels for Showtime without any apprehension since nothing about that game indicates a change in character.
But as it stands, part of me can’t help but be wary of what future games after Showtime will do with her, especially when looking at how much she smirks and her Cowgirl transformation on top of the deeper voice, all of which I would be completely fine with had the mo//vie not portrayed her the way it did. The box art change doesn’t help either.
Another reason I’m “blaming” the mo//vie for it is bc making that comparison post made me realize just how much I like Peach’s character. So no mo//vie with a bad portrayal, no comparison post, no realization, no concerns. And yes, having such worries over some random fictional character due to one portrayal out of fifty is both very dumb and very frustrating, I’m very much aware of that.)
- On a more negative note, I was originally 50/50 on the Kung Fu box art change (like her being more expressive, dislike the use of Mo//vie Peach’s facial features) and after seeing how expressive her game model is in that trailer and the new renders, I’m now fully against the box art change. They literally could have used the face she does in her kicking animation during the Kung Fu transformation from the get go, instead of putting a barely-emotive one and replacing it with a different character!
(And for the center one, if they wanted Peach to have a confident smirk on the box art, why not introduce Cowgirl Peach in the very first trailer and then have her on the box? Just saying)
- Not sure why but her eyebrows in particular bother me when looking at the box art changes. I’ve got two theories though:
1. I’m just used to how her face looks in the games so it being different makes it look weird. Especially since I have no issues with her having longer eyebrows when the rest of her face stays the same like in the Adventures Co//mic, some Stri//kers renders, some of the Showtime renders or even her in-game model for some transformations (tbh the difference in-game is so ridiculously small that complaining about it would be stupid, like that’s even more nitpicky than nitpicking). Or maybe it’s just the knowledge that the new art was based on the mo//vie, idk.
2. Considering the eyebrows didn’t bother me in the mo//vie but do in the box art, it might be due to people talking about how much more expressive the new art is, and eyebrows are heavily used when it comes to characters expressions so it’s easy to point the finger at them.
- Talking about all this actually makes me wonder if the box art change might have influenced some of the promotional renders, most notably the Cowgirl and Mighty “attacking” ones. But looking at how their eyebrows are drawn compared to the new Kung fu one, it doesn’t seem like it. Plus, the Kung Fu one was changed due to being on the cover. Then again, maybe there was in fact some influence, who knows.
- On that note, there’s something ironic about Cowgirl Peach, aka the costume based on the US, being the one whose facial expressions in the renders have a cockiness that could fit Mo//vie Peach very well, Mo//vie Peach being an original character from an US movie.
- With that said I’ve seen people complain about her dress being more like the mo//vie and I just don’t understand where this is coming from, including after going back to look at the mo//vie design. The most change I can think of is the bust part having visible stitches, but I see it the same way I see Mario in Odyssey having much more detailed overalls. Plus, the shoulder and “outside of stitches” parts in the mo//vie version are a darker shade of pink (at least it is in the wiki render), which isn’t the case in Showtime unless I’m missing something.
So yeah, I don’t see it. Had they added golden embroidery around her gem I would’ve understood the complains, but as it stands all they did was put one more detail on the dress, along with making the fabric more visible in general. Smash Bros have done more with it. Look I’m the first to agree Mo//vie Peach is a terrible adaptation and I don’t want her anywhere near the games, but there’s a difference between genuine complains and complaining for the sake of complaining.
- Oh yeah and I’m not buying the new joy cons. This shit is expensive and I already got working ones. Unless they put some art on it rather than just being one color, bc as it stands “it’s a joy con but pink!” isn’t enough to convince me to buy.
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strangeswift · 2 years
What if Jonathan died /jk unless....
Here's the thing, anon. I am terrified of that. But realistically I don't think the Duffers are gonna kill anyone, except maybe Steve. (Who I love dearly, but I have already come to terms with his possible S5 bones status.)
But if he did die OH MY GOD I would go on a violent rampage probably idk. Just imagining Will and Joyce. Ugh wow. Anyway since you put this in my head here's a Jonathan death drabble I whipped up real quick <3 TW for... death. It got mildly graphic.
Will ran to El, who was collapsed on the ground. As he knelt next to her he watched blood trickle from her nose, ears, and eyes, staining her skin.
"El! You did it, El! He's dead. Can you hear me?" Will frantically asked.
El blinked up at him, looking disoriented. She reached up to touch his face, resting a hand on his cheek and staring up at him. He rested his hand on hers, tears spilling from his eyes.
"You did it. You really really did it," he said.
Then, a piercing scream.
Will looked up to see his mother about a hundred yards away, down the hill. She had fallen to her knees, and she was wailing. She was kneeling in front of something —someone— but Will couldnt see from where he was. His pulse quickened.
"El, can you stand?" he asked hurriedly.
She tried to lift herself up, but fell back.
"Wait here, just... wait. Don't worry, you're safe, I'll be right back," Will blurted, standing and beginning to run toward Joyce and the figure that lay crumpled on the ground.
The figure that, as he approached, he recognized as Jonathan.
Jonathan who was torn open. Will recognized the pattern of the wounds. Demodogs.
Suddenly, everything was silent. He could no longer hear his mother's screams, though he was sure she hadn't stopped. The only thing he could hear was ringing.
The only thing he could see was his brother. Drained of color. Dead. Mutilated.
Will thought his knees might buckle. They didn't. He felt dizzy, as if he might lose consciousness. He didn't. He stood, and he stared.
This wasn't real. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. They weren't supposed to lose anyone else.
Will wasn't supposed to lose his brother.
Jonathan's words echoed in his brain.
"I don't want you to forget that I'm here. And I'll always be here. No matter what. Because you're my brother. And I love you."
No. This isn't happening.
Will felt hands grabbing him. His mother. She was grabbing at his legs from where she knelt next to him. He tore his eyes away from Jonathan —from Jonathan's body— to look down at her.
"Will, baby," she gasped out, "Will it's gonna be okay. You're gonna-" she cut herself off with a sob, "it's gonna be okay, I promise. I'm gonna fix this I'm gonna-" another sob. This time she didn't recover, she was hyperventilating.
Will was still in shock, he barely registered himself kneeling next to her and wrapping his arms around her. He felt her body shake with the force of her sobs. That's when he realized he was crying too. The tears burned his face, he felt pressure behind his eyes, his throat felt raw. He guessed that he'd already been crying, he just hadn't realized.
Two sets of feet stopped beside them. Mike's converse. El’s boots. Soon Will felt another pair of arms wrap around him. El.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she whispered over and over until she sounded out of breath. She was hyperventilating.
Will couldn't speak, but he squeezed her back.
This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening.
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jayflrt · 3 months
HAI USER JAYFLRT it's been so long huhu ㅠㅠ was lowkey reading yfi786 silently during exam season ... BUT IM HERE NOW TEEHEE disclaimer : i have so many thoughts but idt it makes sense even in my head TT
the recent chapter was SO GOOD like plot aside, i can never emphasize enough how much i love the way you write. sometimes i revisit your fics that i've alr read and sit in front of my screen and try to understand ur pattern of writing ?? mostly bc i have a terrible habit of incorporating repetition everywhere in my works and that is something i usually don't notice in ur fics so :O js want u to know that ure rlly someone i forward to when it comes to writing ( and like, absolutely fucked up humour too bc ure so funny )
back to the smau, CHAEWON WHEN I CATCH U ... i thought she and yn were getting along, at least to some extent ?? but it made me so mad when she brought it up although i sort of understood where she was coming from idk like maybe bc she had/has some unsolved beef towards yn which mostly roots from heeseung ... but still crazy af to say that in front of everyone!!!! lowkey scared for jay i think everyone will jump him when they know him and yn almost fucked TT
and the hazing ritual had me shook i don't think i would've ever survived that if that happened to me lmfao, tho thanks to svt for being the comedic relief. STEALING THE GOAT PART WAS SO SKJDHKJHDF aaand i loved the heejay cuddle part too i know they're the main pairing and everyone else is js secondary
ANYWAYS im so so excited for the next chapters and the chapters after that too >< got me praying for jay bc i dont see the light at the end of the tunnel for him ... but im gna take ur word when u said u dont rlly like sad endings so jayn r going to end up together ( _ _; )
HI CAEL!! i was saving this ask for when i planned to answer all of the ones in my inbox and kept thinking of getting to it whenever i'd see you on twt 🤧 but here i am sorry for the late response!!! and i hope your exam season went well! manifesting you passing with flying colors 💗
i'm so glad you liked the chapter!! (i think this was for chapter 40 if i'm not mistaken 🥲) but omg please that's so sweet 🥹 but no pls i have that same problem myself, it must be a universal writing habit 🤧 but what i try to do is fix it as i go, like i'll write what comes to mind and tweak my sentences if i catch some repetition LOL idk if that helps but that's what usually works for me!!! and omg it makes me so happy to hear that you look forward to my writing 🥰
chaewon's always been sidelined when it came to mc (especially by heeseung) so she definitely did not have good intentions when she brought that up 😔 another reason for mc to be Very careful about the people she surrounds herself by
i physically cannot add jeonghan in a story without making him a little silly goofy <33 svt are such pookies i had the most fun writing that exchange between hannie and hao LMFAO and omg so true this is actually just a heejay fic and jay/n is just a side pairing sorry guys :/
DONT YOU WORRY i have spent countless hours agonizing over how to flesh out this ending in the best possible way and i am 97% sure i have covered all the bases to get us there (the 3% will be accounted for after i finish the act 2 finale trust 🙂‍↕️) but although i haven't posted a chapter in a hot minute i've been racking my brain to tie all the loose ends together and i think i've done it!! so i'm hyped 😁 it will be a ride ,, i'll hold everyone's hand for the drops
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emulation-0 · 1 year
ok jjk 221 lets get into it
mixed feelings on the unboxing. it was hilarious how unserious they all were and i didn't actually care that much because i love seeing all of them together <3 shoko <3 momo <3 kirara <3 maki <3 miwa <3 hakari <3 hana <3 lowkey i missed inumaki too. twas nice!! but the tone shift was really weird, i was hoping it would be more high stakes than that and it really feels like theyre going back to the 'let gojo handle it' mindset which. feels very much against the point considering the last thought we had from him before the culling game was 'i have faith in all of them.' its like nothing has changed since then.
it's also really weird that nothing has really been said about tengen. all of their actions have been pointing towards them being very untrustworthy and on their own side, and it just so happened that their goals at the time aligned with yuki and co's, but there's just been nothing. it feels very anticlimactic. they knew that gojo could have possibly died upon being unsealed and said nothing, they could've ended the culling game at the beginning and said nothing. like it goes back to yuki getting really mad at them back in ch 201 i think and then just going along with the plan and dying. it feels like there's no point, no fanfare, nobody cares about the really important parts. it feels like tengen's existence was unimportant and pushed aside despite their actions and existence being the reason (or helping the reason) why jujutsu society is so shitty?? idk if this makes a lot of sense but even their conversation with kenjaku in the last chapter... it just feels like tengen means nothing. that's annoying. but anyway
gojo's unboxing was so unserious but i hoped maybe he would go a little berserk when he was actually out. the ripped jacket was cool and i wish gege kept it, that wouldve fucked so hard but he's still suffering the disease of making his men buff when they shouldn't be :/ whatever i guess. up until sukuna showed up it really did seem as if he was going to go berserk which i was so here for!!! especially since the angel was kind of hyping it up. alas it was not to be 😔 which is annoying!!! at least we got a your mom joke? but anyway!! im glad at least gojo vs sukuna is happening first because its not as if kenny really wanted to fight him anyway unless some bullshit with their technique happens like last time with yuki. which would be stupid. but also im not sure how i feel about this upcoming battle though. it would tie back to the 'six eyes and ten shadows killed each other in the past' but one, it feels way too soon for that, and two, i think with the way gojo said 'you? a loser that had to run away from yuuji?' is hinting towards another conflict between sukuna and yuuji. i have many thoughts about this and i'll probably derail later so let's bookmark it here *
gojoken fight would be kind of stupid because if theyre leaving it all to gojo (😐) he would probably just one-shot them. realistically. yuuta coming to fulfill his promise to kill gojo's best friend for him would feel better personally because then his words would actually hold weight lmao and maybe he'll die too!! if gege is continuing his pattern of getting rid of the special-grades (unless he's only getting rid of the adult special-grades which is 😐but whatever!!!) yuuta doesn't really serve a purpose in the story rn anyway besides being gojo's temporary replacement so it wouldn't be a pointless loss either. especially if such a fight would show gojo that his students dont need to depend on him and they have grown in his absence. like he had faith in them to when he first got boxed!! though in that case maybe yuuta's death wouldn't be the best way to express that. unless kids like hakari and maki picked up the slack. idk. my thoughts are a mess rn bear with me here 🙏
* ok so in the last panel too gojo says that he'll win and sure, he could, because sukuna's not even at full strength yet. it makes me wonder where the other five fingers are since if they kill each other wouldn't it be a little pointless if sukuna was missing some fingers? you'd have to get rid of the rest of him through yuuji and that would be stupid. bookmarking this for later also * but anyway!! the game is changed now since sukuna has the ten shadows technique and knows how to use it better than megumi can so theres likely a real chance gojo would get hurt. maybe he'll even lose an eye this time and live to tell the tale considering hana and inumaki got to live (but then again are they really characters in the story anymore? 💀) if he did get hurt that would make it easier for a students vs kenjaku fight to take place as well
and about yuuji. sukuna's not 'running' from yuuji because he's scared but i'm sure that he's wary at least. there was that comment: 'right, this brat is from back then...' which was ambiguous in its meaning (im pretty sure he was saying 'this brat has been strong since back then [pre-sukuna]' or something like that but the possibility of some heian stuff going on is equally interesting!! and weird!!) but yeah. and its not as if being trapped in yuuji was a very convenient place to be anyway. gojo was probably just taunting him saying he was running from yuuji but he is wary of him at least!! especially since he's so sturdy or whatever. so i hope that between gojo vs sukuna someone gets hurt or dies because i think another fight between yuuji and sukuna would be a nice wrapping up. yuuji's active involvement with jujutsu started with sukuna and it would be cool to end it with him, too
not only that but there's also the whole 'if you die i'll kill you' 'so start by saving me, itadori' 'i have a few suggestions about how we can save fushiguro' thing thats going on between yuuji and megumi. we all know it so i guess i won't say it but that's more fuel for the sukuna vs yuuji fight right
* i think gojo is going to lose. if not against sukuna then he's going to lose against something. i'm torn between not feeling great about 'leave it all to gojo' and the adults' feelings that kids shouldn't have to take on adult problems but i think he's going to lose against someone and then the kids will fight so we can have both perspectives? the confidence with which he says 'i will win', the history between six eyes and ten shadows, the one-eye imagery in official arts combined with the weird timing and tone of his unboxing feel like they're spelling defeat but i'm just wondering how it's all going to tie in. like what order are these events going to happen? who's going to do what? how's this going to play out? which isn't even theorizing that's just waiting for the next chapter to come out kldehwjakfdjzhs since gege has dashed all my hopes and expectations. don't even know whos going to die anymore. but whatever!!
this ended up being very long 💀 if i've said anything that was immediately obvious sorry lmao
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
I also got Priory of the Orange Tree!!! I’m currently reading a the new hunger games book (or I would be if school wasn’t killing me, I was enjoying reading that damnit). But that one is next on my TBR. Also, the same day I got it, I got like 2 other books from friends + the book I had on my to read on the train, so I was just walking around Brussels with 4 books like a champ (I really need to spot buying books now). (Also, on of the books was Fairy tale by Stephen King, so as you can imagine, my bag was very heavy.)
Anyway, yeah I don’t know what it is about the Dutch accent that makes it sound so goofy. It’s the intonation pattern or maybe the hard g’s Idk. The accent very much stands out among our Flemish Dutch and all those accents. Another big difference it that Flemish Dutch has a lot more loaned words especially from French. Like in the Nederlands they say jam (which I guess is the same as in English) but we use confituur like the French word. But then there’s also Belgian French which is different from French French. Like we say pistole in both Dutch and French and it’s a round type of bread. But if you use that word in France, it very much means the same as pistole aka the gun. Languages are so much fun.
Anyway, I need to go to sleep cuz I’m dead tired, but I will think on the Dutch songs, because there’s so many to chose from. Do I take the classics? The famous ones? Or just the ones I like? Which genre? Which artists? Oh the options. (I can also do French songs btw, cuz we have some very famous French singers no matter how many times France tried to claim them).
oh my god you were carrying around 4 books including a stephen king book and priory??? both of those are huge your arms must've been so sore
aaaaa so happy you have that though!! very excited to hear your thoughts spruce :D also the new hunger games book was so good too. funnily enough it was the book I read right after I read priory. hope you enjoy it!!
yeah I definitely think it's how much harsher the Dutch accent is compared to the softer Flemish Dutch accent. also I've heard that Belgian French (Wallonian French I guess? do you guys call it that or just Belgian French?) has a few differences from French French. I also heard you guys actually have a normal number counting system? so like instead of France French's '68, 69, 60-10, 60-11, 60-12' to the amazing '4-20' for 80, you guys just have like. normal numbers. my Belgian friend told me that once and I think it makes so much more sense
well usually with music my taste is a bit all over the place but for the most part I'm very into indie rock, a bit of alt rock, sometimes indie pop, and a bit of folk. but then also one of my favorite songs is an 80s synth pop and I also have a playlist for heavy metal so my taste varies lol
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acaciapines · 10 months
….I can’t believe it took you less than a day. Anyways, I know so little about this show, but do the citizens of Ooo have daemons, or some other form of dust? Given that they aren’t human and all. (reply by @snarky-wallflower)
a post so i have more space to write. and uh. yeah it is truly so funny. it isnt actually as quick as it seems (ive been turning it over since i finished adventure time like, a week ago?) but still. im a joke and a parody etc etc etc.
anyways! i actually think most people of ooo dont have daemons at all! so lets explain why.
when i write daemon aus, i tend to write dust as a sort of, particle that kind of Exists in the world. it is created by people but it was also there before people and wouldve helped spark the creation of people, in a like, 'oh having a way to interact w this particle is really useful to do x y z, lets evolve to use it!' obvi im not a scientist and the details vary but this is how i sort of tend to see it as a baseline!
so, from there, all species that are. sapient? pretty sure sapient is the word, they all interact and connect to dust in some way. this can be via visual cues (actually perceiving it and its patterns) but mostly its through some other way, like how humans have daemons.
so, in ooo, humans do still have daemons! its just. theyre the only ones.
as for everyone else, they are all, somehow, connected to dust! they all have to be, its just a lot of them dont have daemons because nuclear war, magic bullshit, etc etc. im not 100% on all the lore behind the show but i imagine that The World Fucking Up drastically changed the way sapient species interact with dust. i like the idea that all magic-users are able to use magic bc magic is just interacting directly with dust and getting it to do what you want, so their connection to dust is just, magic. and to get there you lose whatever previous connection you might've had.
most people probably have something else. i think you could get real creative with it. i dont have answers for most people <3 i think you could give species daemon LIKE things, but i'd make em sightly different. not sure. how yet. plants? can't change shape? various things to do with range? specific places? some sort of hivemind? theres a lot of ways you can take it and none of my ideas would focus on that bc thats too close to making a whole au and im like. nah. im focusing on some MINI!! ARCS!! with a limited cast of characters!
as for people i DO have answers for....
marceline had a daemon, being a vampire fucked with that for a while. post-stakes she gets her daemon back.
finn has a daemon and theyre doing totally fine lol.
fern probably had a "daemon" but it was less daemon more another plant construct that was more just him than two people split across two bodies. he finds this out and Doesnt Take It Well.
simon has a daemon. ice king doesnt. simon doesnt get his daemon back upon being de-ice kinged. this is very bad for his mental health.
ditto for betty when she becomes magic betty. golbetty is doing great. they're together in there. no idk what that looks like.
jake has Something. not a daemon. no idea what. but he for sure has a tangible thing. prooooobly same for lady but she also might get magic-user rules and can see dust but this is just chill for her vs most magic users who get there by losing something along the way.
bmo is a computer. i dont think he has a tangible daemon but i think he's got something.
bubblegum has the whole mother gum thing so i imagine thats sort of like, a static place she visits sometimes. or maybe something with neddy??? whatever it is she doesnt have anything that like, follows her around or is on her person.
the candy people since theyre made by pb basically just have a whole mess of things she thought were interesting to experiment with. so there are candy daemons.
i think flame princess has something closer to a daemon than not but they arent a daemon. i'd need to do more research into. fire.
fionna's daemon is cake <3 before the events of the miniseries they Do Not Know This so it manifests as fionna bringing her cat literally everywhere, cake being way too smart for a cat, and neither of them thinking this is weird in any other way. (everyone around them is very freaked out <3)
nobody else in the fionna and cake universe have daemons or anything like it.
fionna: wait are you telling me you dont share dreams with your cat?? don't telepathically communicate with your cat? everyone around her: what the fuck are you talking about--
and thats what ive got whoo! for basic ideas. more detailed plots are for the stakes mini-arc + fionna and cake since i think theres an interesting story there, but thats not for this post.
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hospitalterrorizer · 2 months
tuesday - wednesday
gf is still at work.
and i feel really hideous, like i look at my face, i see so much wrong with it, and i feel like my hair is stupid and making my face look long and other words i can use that will hurt my own feelings, a bunch of stuff re: dysphoria basically. unpleasant. i do not like that i feel like i can't even know what i actually look like. the image shifts and i can't gather what i am at all. it's just like... ugly. i feel so ugly and like i look at my face and wonder if it's always seemed so masculine or if tomorrow i'll wake up and feel fine. it's so weird. maybe it's just being inside a lot right now.
anyway, today i re-did some lyrics, so tomorrow i should be ready to try them out.
i also got a new song mostly written, roughly, i think i need to work on making it easier to follow though. there's a little synth in it that kind of makes some moments weird to follow, i need to mix it down i think. that and some drum patterns are weird, maybe i need to also mix out some mids from the snare so the guitar comes through a little more, and boost that too.
i didn't do too much else today... i feel like i am giving myself a bit of option paralysis right now, with music, there's anxiety working on stuff cuz i don't wanna deal with crashes, that paired with the fact that i have a lot of material waiting to be worked on, + new ideas already written out like those tabs (i need to do some more of that it's very fun), there's a lot here for an ep or however many i want to do. i'm happy for that, of course, and i'm deciding maybe the hard limit on time should be like 15-20 mins on this one. we'll see where i end up, but i guess at minimum, 21-22 minutes (extra 1-2 minutes as flex time but really i would prefer under 20 but over 15...).
anyway,,, i listened to the whole ep this song is off of today, crazy views on this i forgot abt that:
the overall effect this song has feels very mr. oizo, while not really sounding like it at all. the chiptune synth is rather pristine, all the sounds are, but it feels so cheap and scuzzy still, really great thing, that.
another song i spent a while looking for this morning, talking about that one japanese idol group with all the dots in their name, they were dancing to this fred frith no wave release, the band's called massacre, the frith thing, but it got me on the thought train of j pop no wave, and i had to go and hunt for this:
i'd never seen the video before!!!! it's like the inside of my head!!!!!!!! it's like everything i like, and the song too, it's so funny, when i heard it like, in 2018 it must have been, it was so special to me.
also yesterday i was revisiting teenage jesus and the jerks, to keep it on no wave, i hadn't heard them for such a long time, but they're still very very good, to me at least, and i guess it's more about the inventive guitar thrashing and lydia's vocals, the drums aren't as energetic as i'd like, i guess, they are rather minimal, which is fine and maybe i should think about working with drums like that more, cuz i do have a tendency to make some stuff toooooo messy. or idk. not too messy, cuz i like it. but you know, it makes problems, but they're problems worth having for me i suppose, anyway here's a track i like a lot:
love the scrape of the geetarzzz here, it's funny, when i first heard them, it must have been before this compilation had come out, because i was stuck with this other one that had this cover on spotify, this was back in highschool, so it must have been in 2015 before that comp w/ lydia on the cover + pink came out (oh, i guess it was actually just reissued then, how odd, it was not online before then, i think it also came with a remaster, though, the 1995 comp does sound a little different) or before then in 2014:
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it's such a vivid memory to me because my parents took away my headphones because of something dumb i don't really want to get into, and i still wanted to listen to my dumb fucked up music, so i was playing this on the computer in the dining room, where my computer had to be and stuff, and my mom walked up to me and asked wtf i was listening to, not that she's not into weirder stuff, she tried to get me into zappa around that time, but honestly he doesn't do too much for me, i have a friend who has had better luck with him though, anyway, it was so embarrassing for me, to be caught like that, but it's what i liked. soooo whateverrrrrrrr.
here's something else and then i gotta sleep:
i never heard this / saw it, idk why he'd delete this because the music video is at least probably one of the best of the last decade. not really even exaggerating it feels like a meditation on the weird place violence has in american youth culture and the runoff from videogames, where it's like this derealized cruelty, and then all the sports imagery, it's like from within these really american/western feeling things, at least portrayed at their most american, like paintball and airsoft, military fetishism, the fortnite dance in the football field, that part's like, it blows my mind a little. idk how he made that work as a poignant moment, it's like, humorous of course, it knows, and still it works. that is special! it feels super observant of our surroundings and the undercurrent that's got no recourse outside of like, the avoidance / attempt to sublimate / impossibility of reckoning with it, the impossibility as like, an excuse to just ignore, you know, like the girl just kind of looking like an ad for vr headsets, the super commercial look of the whole thing, the perfect cameras for most of it, everything with that wal-mart / best-buy tv demo sheen, but it's all pointed and a little venomous, it's like, got teeth in the eagerness to avoid, you know. it's crazy, anyway back to my points re: it using stuff that's so american, it's like reaching some kind of actual american denpa thing almost. not the music but the kinda stuff that came out that people describe as denpa in anime and movies. also like the willingness to have that little interlude part with the guitar in the middle of the track sound like pure buttrock is crazy. like what the hell. that's bold as hell. damon rush is definitely kind of a #genius rn. he could outlast the hellp maybe. we will see though. i really love the shot of the fortnite dance in the football field... that and the part where they're shooting the shirtless kid with paintballs... and when he gets the ball kicked into his head. the pseudo execution scene is like. it's soooo loaded!! it really feels crazy to see idk. it's a very exciting piece of art . for me .
anyway , i have to sleep now
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otakween · 4 months
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One Pound Gospel - Volume 3
Another volume, another chill read. In the end, I haven't learned much about boxing or being a nun lol. The strengths of this series are the cute characters and nice art. It doesn't take itself too seriously.
Ch. 20
So far the formula for this manga has been: new opponent introduced, Kosaku struggles to prepare for his fight with said opponent, and Angela struggles with her desire to cheer Kosaku on. Rinse, repeat. I predict Takahashi will just cruise with this pattern until the final arc of the final volume lol. Very repetitive.
Lots of extremely dumb characters in this series. New kid doesn't seem to understand you're not supposed to go around punching people outside a match, for example. I get that they're trying to establish his character as a naive, spoiled brat, but if this was the real world it would be weird he keeps making the same mistake.
Ch. 21
Oh, I guess I misunderstood. Yoshihiko made a promise to his parents that he'd knock Kosaku out. I thought he meant in a match, but I guess he just has to knock him out in general lol.
It was funny seeing Kosaku through Yoshihiko' lens as a cool role model. He did look pretty cool blocking his punch at the end there.
Ch. 22
A very silly and pretty racist chapter. Kosaku's next opponent is Mexican, so of course his name is "Tako," he's a taco chef and they imply he's a dumb bumpkin. -sigh- At least his relationship with Kosaku is pretty wholesome? Them bonding over being Christians and Kosaku showing him his church was sweet.
Sister Angela agreed to that Christmas date so easily...I guess Kosaku didn't say the word "date," so maybe that made it easier
The weeping Mary joke was very similar to a joke made in Derry Girls lol
Ch. 23
Oh alright, they kinda won me over. The Spanish was actually pretty decent (in the version I'm reading anyways) and it was nice to see Kosaku make an effort to speak some too. Also, Xavier (Tako's real name) going from making tacos to takoyaki was a clever pun.
I guess opponents only get two chapters now? At least I won't get bored.
Ch. 24
I was thinking "everyone in this manga has the same hair" but then I just realized, they just don't have anime hair. They have realistic, Japanese hair lol. Funny how rare that is.
New girl is cute! That scene where they were vowing to diet together while stuffing their faces was adorable. I wish Kosaku would genuinely have platonic feelings for her instead of being his usual horndog self. Oh well.
Ch. 25
Gasp! Non-Barbie anatomy nudity! I guess that's to be expected tho considering Ranma 1/2.
Kana really has zero self preservation instincts lol. If only the real world was safe enough to act like that.
The misunderstanding stuff is annoying, but at least Sister Angela took the "acceptance" approach to thinking she's being cheated on instead of getting angry and making a huge thing out of it. That would have been tiring to read lol.
An abusive boyfriend being played for comedy feels...wrong.
Ch. 26
IDK if the reveal that Kana got her black eye from being smacked into a chip container was supposed to make things alright. Her boyfriend still hit her upside the head!
This whole arc has just been the misunderstanding trope over and over again. Nobody likes that trope.
Ch. 27
So Kana wants to go back to her abusive boyfriend which...okay, realistic. But Kosaku telling Hiroshi to make up with Kana is not good advice!! He should be telling him to leave her alone >:/ I watch too much true crime for this shit.
Kana's a real one to swing by the church and clear up the misunderstanding. We love to see clear communication.
Ch. 28
Damn, didn't expect the pregnancy announcement. And Kana's actually physically abusive too (in a slapstick way)...good luck to them, I guess.
Wait, this is the 2nd boxing match to end with pregnancy lol. I guess boxers get all the ladies.
Only one volume to go and not much has happened. My prediction for the final volume is that we'll get more one-off stories and then maybe it will end with Kosaku and Sister Angela's first kiss. We'll see!
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monpalace · 1 year
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ships .. (legend of zelda) koume and kotake dragmire & (original character) s'avahili dragmire, (original character) s'avahili dragmire & (original character) kogagi senoage.
content .. after a horrible night's sleep, s'avahili is ambushed by her mothers.
word count .. 2645.
warnings .. not applicable.
notes .. i am so ready to write about the twins, ganondorf, and s'ava's family dynamic,, anyways i rewrote the beginning to fit like two edits i made to s'ava and idk if i edited it fully but i am not about to check 😁
previous .. masterlist .. next
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S'avahili woke with her hands clawing at the jewelry that collared her neck, her nails broken and her skin bleeding with her teeth bared.
She stops when she's conscious and aware enough to take autonomy over her body once more, pressing her hands against her stomach instead.
Her eyes settle on the mural that coats her ceiling to take her mind off her injuries. It was old and chipped; her most treasured memories from the eras she lived long enough in.
She'd have to redo it all if she wanted it to survive another lifetime.
Sitting up, S'avahili takes the thick blankets that had pooled themselves around her hips. It was stupid, truly. It was always over a hundred degrees in the Gerudo Deserts and she couldn't stop herself from feeling a constant chill because of her curse.
S'avahili separates and layers them, a stark contrast to how they'd been kicked off into a tangled mess.
Her breath was strangely even. Something that never happened when she woke up from her memories.
She decides not to question it, thankful for feeling some semblance of peace.
(A millennia-long coma would have been more ideal, but she knows beggars can't be choosers.)
A groan leaves her when she takes the topmost blanket and slings it over her shoulders, the magic of it settling heat into her bones. The weight of her dreams (were they two, or just a long, arduous one?) makes its way to the forefront of her mind.
She can feel a painful headache coming on.
(Maybe one hard knock of her head against the clay of her wall would help.)
S'avahili rubs the thought out of her head, uncaring of the blood that smears itself on her forehead and hairline.
The knock of a fist just outside of her wall rouses S'avahili from her thoughts and forces her to try and make herself somewhat presentable. It was a rhythmic four knocks, a pattern only her most trusted assistant used.
"In," S'avahili grunts as loudly as she can while Kogagi flounders for words outside her room.
"Chief." The timid girl pushes the curtain out of the way so she's able to see into the sunlit room. Kogagi trails in with a beckon of S'avahili's tail, revealing the potions and strips of bandages for her hands. "Your mothers sent me as a reminder. They're in the bathhouse."
Holding her hands out for Kogagi to handle, S'avahili nods her head. Her hands were in too much pain to sign, but she was tired of responding so simply. "Know. Heal, too."
Kogagi seemed to have forgotten she had the items in her hands, looking down at them with wide eyes. "Y— Yes." She enters the room with an uneasy glide and sits at the foot of her bed. "We could hear you—"
S'avahili doesn't need her to keep speaking when she cuts herself off; she's smart enough to assume she'd begun snarling in her sleep.
"Thank you."
Kogagi looks more than shocked at her words. She looked like a doe in the eye of an arrow, hands pausing from where they hovered below S'avahili's. "You don't need to say anything!" She spoke fast, her words almost a blur to catch. "It's my duty."
(Did S'avahili truly not say "thank you," enough? She knows she tries to refrain from speaking too much and she was most used to nodding or signing her thanks instead.)
(She'd have to do so more often.)
A low, guttural noise leaves S'avahili's throat. An argument that she meant to come out as "I want to; it shouldn't be," but realizes it comes out more threateningly than she intended.
"Sorry," she groans.
Kogagi didn't flinch at her growl or freezing hands but does at her groan. "It's fine."
It falls silent between the two women as Kogagi finishes her work, holding S'avahili's hands between her own when she's through to blow a puff of hot air onto them.
She stands without letting them go, rubbing her thumbs over the backs of her hands. "I'll— uhm," she almost trips over herself and the painting tools that scattered the floor when she takes a step.
S'avahili shoots an arm out and stands with her, pulling her up by the hands that tried to circle hers.
Kogagi always was a clumsy girl, but it was S'avahili's fault that she tripped.
"Please—" Kogagi steadies herself and removes her hands from S'avahili's. She stumbles, but not as badly as when she first stood. "— it's my fault."
S'avahili's lips fall into a frown as she watches Kogagi fumble around the potions they both seemed to have forgotten. There were six in total, two an infamous blue color while the other four were a fiery orange.
Holding the two blue bottles out, Kogagi thins her lips. "For your health and magic," she manages to say in a stable voice. She pushes them into S'avahili's hold who takes them without argument. "I told your mothers you've been feeling faint, so they made it stronger than they usually do."
S'avahili studies the liquids. There was a subtle difference in the blues' hue; a difference only her mothers would be able to make. She could hear the twin witches arguing over which ingredients and how much would do her best.
She downs it in two goes, one for each potion.
They were bitter and sweet, with a tangy aftertaste being left behind that they were known for leaving in everything they made.
She'd have to ask them to cook again sometime soon.
"For your chills," Kogagi says, holding the other four cautiously between her hands. "They said to limit how much you drink in one sitting and to spread it out; they don't want it to interfere with the Goddess' curse."
Taking two from Kogagi and holding them between her index and middle fingers, S'avahili measures one of the bottles before holding two of her other fingers against one in the other hold. She raises a brow to get her question across.
"About that much, yes."
S'avahili downs the amount before setting them back on her bed, taking the other two from Kogagi and setting them down beside their pairs.
It takes a moment for the magic to worm its way into the entirety of her body. It's an odd feeling when it does, but not one entirely unfamiliar to her. One final chill wracks through her body before she feels any semblance of warmth.
It's not a lot, but it works well enough to stop S'avahili's twitching fingers and occasional jolts; her tongue felt less like a frozen slab of meat in her mouth as well.
"Thank you," S'avahili rasps.
"Chief, please," Kogagi begs, "stop speaking."
"S'ava," she corrects. Kogagi always had the habit of speaking formally with the Dragmires, a habit that S'avahili wasn't particularly fond of. "Suh–ah–vuh," she articulates as best she can.
A pained look crosses Kogagi's face before it shifts to realization. "Okay—" She places her hands on S'avahili's elbows to get her to stop talking. "Okay, okay, okay— S'ava!"
An easy grin finds itself on S'avahili's face, her ears dropping against her neck. Her arms turn so they can instead hold hands. A happy groan leaves her throat, meaning it to sound somewhat like "good," before she lets go of Kogagi.
S'avahili waits for Kogagi to exit the room to turn away, staring down at the potions that sat on her bed. Her brows stitch together and her lips purse in disbelief.
They didn't even have corks.
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Carrying a net and towel under one arm and a change of clothes under the other wasn't comfortable, but S'avahili had done it enough times that she could withstand the feeling.
Besides, most of her focus was on the conversation a Gerudo citizen had picked up after seeing her. Something about finding a husband and wedding preparations, she thinks?
That's what they were on now, at least; topics continued to switch and no doubt S'avahili was only strung on along the way.
The conversation continues for a few minutes even after they reach the entrance to the bathhouse, the woman finally bidding her farewell when someone calls her name.
S'avahili has to recollect herself before pushing past the curtain that led into the room. She could handle an unsolicited conversation; her mothers were an entirely other thing she needed to prepare herself for.
(Talking with them about her life hadn't gotten any easier since Ganondorf left.)
A scratchy "darling daughter," from Koume cuts through the air when S'avahili pushes past the curtain leading to the bathhouse. It was sickly sweet, a type that makes her a little more than aggravated and causes her intestines to knot together.
S'avahili lets out a low groan in greeting, hands undoing the string that held her robe together. She steps further inside the room that separates the outside world from the actual baths, waiting until she was closer to one of the many individual shelves that lined the walls to let it fall from her shoulders.
"She's finally here?" Koume's (rhetorical) question had come from behind the bath curtain.
She wastes no time floating through it, grabbing S'avahili's cheeks once she was within her reach. She turns her face this way and that, checking her neck and chin before moving down to her hands. "Kogagi did a good job, as always."
"You know I'd never pick anything less than the best, sister," Kotake practically purrs. She floats up beside her twin, takes S'avahili's other hand from her, and kisses both of her daughter's cheeks. "My daughter only deserves the best."
"Our daughter," Koume corrects.
"We are the same person at our core," Kotake hisses while yanking Koume's hair, "don't be selfish."
S'avahili takes a step away from the two when they start to bicker, picking her robe up from the ground and folding it before sliding it inside a shelf. She places her clothes for after alongside it, grabbing her net and moving into the bathroom.
"Where is she going?" Koume turns to her sister with an incredulous expression. "She's leaving us?— Where are you going?"
Furrowing her brows, S'avahili turns on her heel and tilts her head with a raise of her net.
"To bathe, idiot, the only thing you can do here," Kotake sighs with a roll of her eyes.
"Don't patronize us."
If S'avahili's tolerance weren't as high when it came to their antics she'd consider changing her name, permanently altering her face, moving back to Termina, and becoming a farmer. If her livestock didn't like her, she could offer her talents to a circus— she's heard that was a good way to build relationships with others.
If neither of those worked, she'd run off to Kokiri forest and slowly watch as her body turned into that of the a demon.
(Maybe, hopefully, Aram's mask still resided inside of it, maybe he still remembered her after such a long millennia.)
S'avahili bristles.
She flinches when two hands as cold as her place themselves upon her shoulders, almost slipping into the pool of water as she descends into it. "Mother," she groans as a low warning while shrugging her hands off.
S'avahili passes her net to her mouth, biting it after getting it soaked. The magical ointments of the water changed the scent to one of her favorites; Korok berries, amber, and a pure, icy smell.
"What are you thinking of, dear daughter?" Kotake instead works her hands up into S'avahili's hair, braiding it as best she can considering the lack of come to it. Her lips fall into a faux pout. "You know you can tell us anything."
"Is it about getting Gasli to finally bring those permanent icecaps? You know we've been begging for those forever! We've still trying to get that personal bath installed in your corner of the house!— .. Is— is she thinking hard? Is her forehead wrinkling?"
Koume forces her voice to carry from the storage room into the bathroom even though speaking would have been just as fine, busying herself with examining S'avahili's clothes. Kotake floats in front of S'avahili as she finished braiding her hair, rolling her eyes with a slight smile.
S'avahili returns the expression with a quiet snicker.
"Yes and no, sister," Kotake sighs while floating just over the surface of the water, a thin platform of ice forming beneath her that she sits on. "Why don't we send her on to their villages as well? Maybe she could bring them back with her."
"Oh! Yes! I love that idea! Add that to her list!"
S'avahili doesn't hesitate to lift her hands out of the water, ignoring the droplets that splash onto her face as she signs.
"Chores. You're headed out to Kakariko, so we thought it best you deliver our gifts for Impa's birthday early, and then when you go down to Death Mountain, you can drop off the others for Dread's well wishes."
Kotake doesn't fail to notice the way S'avahili's eyes partially widen, brows furrowing as a knot appears between them.
"This has happened for centuries, daughter," she coos while rubbing the creases of her face away, "this isn't the first time he's lost an arm."
Kotake snorts at S'avahili's genuine shock, forcing her hands back into the heated water so their temperature wouldn't lower. "He's already in his hundreds, he'll be fine."
Koume decides that's a good moment for her to make a reappearance, sitting at the lip of the bath to dip her legs in. "It's more shocking that you're surprised over that rather than your brother not losing himself yet."
S'avahili sinks in the water until her eyes are just barely above the surface. I have faith in my brother, she signs with a roll of her eyes. Much more than you two, seemingly.
"Is she in her hormonal stage?"
"I've told you about that frigid loneliness you both live in; look at where it's taken her!"
"You, my beloved twin, are impossible."
Raising her hands so they partially breach the surface, S'avahili clasps them together and allows the water between them to squirt out at Kogame before doing the same to Koume.
Please, stop talking about my love life, she signs when their attention was on her. I just want to bathe and leave.
Groaning at the way her hair frizzes, Koume rolls her eyes with a huff. "We're only concerned! It's been eight lifetimes since you took a lover that wasn't one of your friends. Family and friends can only do so much to sustain you socially, so we just want you to get out there."
"You want her to get back into the dating scene," Kotake corrects, unbothered by the water as she floats off of her pad of ice. She pushes Koume back away and through the curtain that led to the storage room. "I, myself, am fine with her choosing to be celibate."
"Either way, she needs someone in her life!" Koume doesn't stop bargaining even after she's taken away. "Her voice has gotten deeper; you've heard, haven't you? Remember the vocal coach we got her when she was young? Lorn, her name was? We should begin paying her to visit again."
"The girl doesn't speak, sister. Of course her voice is deeper."
"Just to be safe!"
S'avahili sinks further below the water when they're out of earshot, submerging herself up to the crown of her head.
Her body relaxes and she forcibly shoves her previous thoughts out of her mind. The scent of the oils in the water overtakes her senses, furthering her peaceful state of mind.
(Offhandedly, she wonders if the true reason Ganondorf left was because of Koume's constant talk of romance and Kotake's complete lack of interest.)
Taking her net and spreading it to make sure everything was moisturized, S'avahili breaches the water and begins bathing herself.
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