#or mod whatever
sparkly-caroline · 3 months
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How does Black fit in those vents with how big he is?
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mroddmod · 2 months
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everyone be quiet i'm manifesting
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daily-grian · 4 months
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pony grian monday reblog if you agree
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sealsdaily · 8 months
Today's Seal Is: Truth Coming Out Of Her Pool To Shame Mankind
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mp100days · 2 years
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058 - small mob
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nyaagolor · 10 months
I feel more than a little insane about how Edgeworth is described in AA flavor text
“Those grinding teeth, those watery eyes…” “I could see his lip trembling” “curled up in a ball, shivering” “he might burst into tears”
This is a 24 year old man giving us the Kubrick stare in half of his sprites and the narration is determined to describe him like a kicked baby seal
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chickenburgergmod · 6 months
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no sacrifice is too great...
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badlydrawnscienceteam · 4 months
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aceofwhump · 11 months
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Jaskier singing "Enchanted Flowers"
The Witcher 3x07
Elvish lyrics taken from the soundtrack. English taken from the Netflix captions
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CLIPPY - Microsoft Word
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katabay · 4 months
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original thief series basso & garrett :)
ngl, it's about quality over quantity for me. an npc can have a total of three minutes of screen time, but if they have a cool name, they can live rent free in my head and I'll spend several hours trying to decipher drawable features from a blurry screenshot of pixels
there is a vague hint of a story here, and that's because every time I try to play thi4f, I get incredibly frustrated with how Not Fun the game play is. like, is the story good? well. but it has a PLAGUE. that should've given it instant 'I'll replay this once a year' status in my heart, but the game play sucks so bad that I've never finished it. I can't believe Not Fun gameplay beat out my obsession with narrative plagues.
anyway, the idea is basically if the original era had a game with a plague centric narrative and some other stuff I liked out of thi4f thrown into a narrative blender, with a heavy dash of horror thrown in because some parts of the thief games were scarier to me than entire dedicated horror genre games.
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app
#if i had a laptop and the skillset i would attempt a story mod because the thief modders who create whole mission stories#are GENIUS and also somewhat terrifying. love them! xoxox#anyway im actually kind of obsessed with parts of thi4f but its also like. not at that sweet spot of almost good enough to be fun#to talk about. which. for the record. has not stopped me from talking about it at length to people#the city itself actually fucking fascinates me. its almost alive and im SO mad that not a single part of that game is actually terrifying#it should be gnarlier and instead it feels a bit like it doesn't quite want to be trapped in the story it has to tell?#but between the level that has the bodies on the meathooks#and the scene with the bodies hanging from the rafters or whatever that was and garrett living in a clock tower#because the game is very much ALMOST about changing times and authoritarian violence and capitalism#(like. by virtue of how the story sort of spins out i think it misses it's mark on a lot of stuff here#in the sense that i dont feel like it actually wants to tell that story. it wants to. go in a different direction. or at least walk on top#of those themes instead of through it)#ANYWAY between all of those things. it does kind of live in my head rent free. they did create a compelling setting#SHAME THEY DIDNT WANT TO ACTUALLY EAT ANY OF IT#unrelated but i would've given thi4f a 10/10 if they kept garrett's fucking nail polish from the concept art. cowards. unforgivable#thief the dark project#i still have no idea how to tag the game series as a whole RIP#sorry for the dedicated dark project fans. if you know what the general series tag is. please let me know#garrett thief#basso thief
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
Sollux: by the power ve2ted iin me, ii now pronounce you blocked and deleted. you may now kii22 my a22
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bad811content · 2 months
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royalarchivist · 3 months
I love the QSMP. Not only has it introduced me to many amazing international creators, it's also introduced me to the French and Brazilian community, who are so sweet, funny, and chaotic in their own unique ways. I love seeing fans sharing their culture and learning from one another, and I myself have learned a lot this past year. I think it's incredible how QSMP brings so many different people together – all of us united in our love and passion for this project and its goals.
But passion can often evoke strong emotions, and these strong emotions aren't always positive.
The past few months, I have seen multiple waves of hate, bad-faith generalizations of communities, and racist remarks directed at fellow fans – especially those who are part of the French / Brazilian community. This kind of behavior is inexcusable, and is in direct conflict with the mission of QSMP, which is to break language barriers and unite communities.
We are a global community with a variety of people from different backgrounds. Miscommunications may occasionally occur because of cultural differences and/or language barriers, but we should use these moments as opportunities to learn and engage with other people rather than assuming the worst about them and starting fights.
Although certain issues can be resolved with communication, sometimes it’s better to block and move on. Avoid spreading negativity or hate, and save yourself the headache of interacting with people who are just looking for someone to argue with.
No matter what community we're a part of or what languages we speak, we're all here to have fun. Please remember to be kind to each other. We have more in common than we have in conflict.
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daily-grian · 1 year
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i asked my sibling if they had any ideas for todays daily and they said "draw him KILLING" and i was like ok so heres a bad boy
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mp100days · 2 years
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087 - reigen takes mob out to get ramen for the first time. from another fic i’m really normal about
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