#or muffin actually muffins are less sweet and sugary
cloveykuki · 7 months
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iterator oc or persona or whatever (i will forget about them after 2 days)
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icarusredwings · 23 days
What things smell like according to Logan Howlett/ The Wolverine. A series of smell based headcanons. Do with these whatever you want :)
Ororo: burnt marshmellows, rain, chunky chocolate chip cookies, protien shakes, spansih rice, chillies, and cocoa butter. She always smells great.
Scott: cucumber shampoo, the remaints of a bonfire the next day, fresh dry cleaning, axe shower gel, lavender sheets
Jean: caramel latte, lavender sheets, vanilla spiced chai, books, mint ice cream, fruit smoothies, stinky hair product, lemon poppy seed muffins, sassafras
Hank: Books, sanatizer, various chemicals, a very specifc fur dander, kinda musky but in a 'im covered in fur and sweaty' kind of way.
Rouge: "Dolly Parton", brick and concrete dust, cherry blossoms body spray, freshly engraved wood, strawberries and milk conditioner, spicy gaucamole and freshly sizzled sausages.
Gambit: tv static, a fresh deck of cards at the casino, spicy jumbo, gin, lime jello, hair gel, "suprisingly good actually"
Kurt: brimstone, smoke from franckinsense, myrrh, a less smelling dander then hank, Holy chrism oil (olive oil and Balsam made by catholic priests), metal, and blue raspberry. Fur/ beard pomade sometimes for special ocassions.
Morph: even when changed he can smell is sandlewood shampoo, he smells like how "Jack Outta smell", latex, pine and cedar, clear nail polish, "that ugly quilt that your grandma kept on the back of her couch that was the warmest, softest thing you've ever slept with."
Charles: Old man fart, metal, chalk, shoe polish, nutmeg, wool, "a trusting hug", books, mahogany, expensive champagne.
Laura: "teen spirit", a shitty cheap "girl power" deodorant that doesn't do well hiding the sweat, apples and peaches, kinda woodsy.
Wade: Cancer, gun smoke, citrus dish soap, blood, oranges, taco sauce, infected skin once in awhile, red dye 40, slight over cooked and crispy apple pie, sugary cereal
Puppins: wet dog, dog dander, oatmeal senstive skin puppy shampoo, chicken, "the dirtest trash she can find to roll in on her walk"
Althea: Old lady, way too strong perfumes, butter biscuits, tea, peppermint candies, more cocaine, "baby powder", lanvender linens, cotton and daisy's Landry detergent.
Big/serious lies: smell like Gasoline and salty sand near the sea.
Small fibs/playful/ teasing lies: smell like Anise
Lies with decent intentions/are bent truths: smell like honey
Those two are easily mixed up.
Innocent (the person truly believes it. Ex. A child saying dinos are real) truth: smells like thick vanilla creamer.
Filling, whole truths (the person knows for a fact its a truth) smells: like fresh baked rolls/buns
Cancer smells vary like: urine, nail polish remover, some people have a pungent semi sweet smell like rotting fruit, and tar is another smell, depending on which part of the body. If already in late stages, one can smell like cadavers. Even spicy almost.
Pregnant people vary in scent but he can smell the rise of different hormones: Some hormones sweeter then other. If you asked him he would say cinnamon or dying roses. If you're later in your term the scents are more soft like lotion or custard. Lemon ussually.
Serotonin; cheese, lemon cakes, fruity, a bit light, and flakey like a pastry. Marshmellow fluff.
Dopamine; sweet fresh coffee, doritos(?), cocaine. Don't ask why he knows what cocaine smells like. He was alive during coke cocaine.
Endorphins; Sweaty Sex, mint, dark chocolate, violets, chemicals, varies by persons pheromones
Oxytocin; "playful cherries", freshly washed cotton pillows, the warmth of a bath, skin on skin hugs, strawberries
Joy/relaxation/relief: Jasmine, vanilla sugar cookies, fresh soup.
Anger/disapproval/hurt: smoke, the back end of a cigarette, spicy curry, iron, blood, "spoiled raw chicken left out too long"
Fear/excitment/anxiousness: Adrenaline smells like oil, paint, salty pretzels almost.
Tears: Oceans, lillies, fresh water lakes
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ruethemazerunner · 2 years
14. nobody gets me, you do
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Hours later, Takatora stood watch over the party going on in the pool area downstairs. Hood up, katana perched on the ground, he calmly surveyed the drunk people all around him.
Well, calm wasn’t actually how he felt, but he was good at putting on a mask of indifference. Or at least he was when a certain someone wasn’t around.
In truth, Takatora had been thinking about his morning with Maisie all day long. After they left their little spot under the tree (Maisie stating that Kuina would be worried about her if she didn’t turn up for lunch without telling anyone), she’d insisted that he take the rest of the muffins, which Takatora did without complaint. Not only were they delicious, they had also been made by Maisie specifically for him, a thought that made him feel very warm inside.
He’d gone up to his room, placing the wicker basket with the remaining blueberry muffins carefully on his nightstand, like a precious bowl of china he didn’t want to break. As much as he wanted to devour the remaining treats, he couldn’t bring himself too. He liked the smell they brought into his stale and dark room. The sugary scent reminded Takatora of Maisie, too.
It seemed, lately, that everything did.
He’d spent the remainder of the day in a dreamy sort of haze, still in disbelief that the girl he’d convinced himself would never even give him the time of day had asked him if he wanted to hang out with her. She had wanted to spend time with Takatora. The notion made him feel dizzy in about a hundred different ways.
His fingers twitched on the handle of his weapon as his eyes skimmed over the mass of intoxicated dancers, searching for the bright hue of the familiar pink sundress, but it seemed like Maisie was nowhere to be found.
Takatora didn’t want to admit how much that dampened his mood.
After the girl had left for lunch with her friend he hadn’t seen a glimpse of her, and he would’ve sought her out himself if he wasn’t scared of coming off too strong and scaring Maisie away.
‘She wants a friend, not a stalker.’ He kept reminding himself every time he felt the urge to abandon the wall he’d leaned himself on and go in search of the sweet girl.
It seemed, however, that the universe was listening to his thoughts that night, because just as he had convinced himself that he would not go in search of her until the next morning, he suddenly spotted the sight of sandy brown curls moving through the crowd.
Takatora felt his mouth go dry. Maisie was being dragged by Kuina, her face set in a sort of grimace, as if she’d rather be anywhere else but there. Her hair was devoid of its usual white bow, so that the front strands fell freely and framed her face, creating an almost halo effect. Instead of the pink sundress Takatora was so used to seeing on her, she was wearing a pair of denim shorts and the lilac bikini top she’d been wearing just the other night.
Under the flashing neon lights, she looked so unreal Takatora would’ve believed her if she’d told him she was actually an angel.
Kuina had dragged her over to the bar, where Takatora could see both girls sat themselves and waited for their drinks.
He hesitated. Should he go over there? Technically he was supposed to be on “security duty”, but he couldn’t give less of a damn about that at the moment, even if it got him in trouble with Aguni. He’d deal with that later.
No, what worried him was wondering if Maisie even wanted to see him. It was one thing hanging out in private, but what if she didn’t want people to see them together? Would she not want people to associate her with someone like him?
‘She’s not like that,’ He thought to himself. Takatora had experienced first hand how non-judgemental Maisie was, she didn’t strike him as someone who would care about what others think of her friends. But the years of insecurity deeply rooted within Takatora’s brain kept him glued to his spot.
As the minutes ticked on, Takatora kept looking to his left to watch Maisie, who was still sitting at the bar with Kuina, now with a drink in hand. Though she still looked slightly uncomfortable, she was laughing with the taller woman, who was clearly in the middle of telling an animated story, if her had gestures were anything to go by.
Every once in a while when Maisie’s eyes wandered, Takatora would duck his head, not wanting to be caught staring. He should’ve known he wouldn’t be so lucky.
Not even five minutes later, he’d turned his gaze back in her direction, only to freeze on the spot as Maisie decided to shift her gaze in that very same moment, and their eyes locked.
Takatora felt a shock go through him, but that was nothing compared to the heat that started creeping up his veins and onto his face when her expression morphed into a wide smile, and she sent him a shy wave.
Takatora’s mouth hung slightly open, eyes wide as he gave a shy lift of his hand in return, feeling a little dumbstruck. He didn’t know if he hated or not how much a simple smile from the girl could turn his entire body to stone.
Kuina’s story about a dream she’d had last night after the game had Maisie in her second fit of giggles of the week. This time, instead of the dream being about Chishiya and Niragi getting married, it had been about the two men having their first child together, with Kuina being the godmother.
“I don’t even know how that would work,” Kuina said, and Maisie nearly choked on her drink as another fit of laughter bubbled up her throat.
The other woman had dragged her out of her room earlier where she’d been peacefully reading the entire afternoon, having borrowed another book from the library downstairs. Kuina had begged her to accompany her down to the pool for another night of partying, stating that since neither of them had to go to a game tonight, they should continue the previous days’ celebrations. Apparently, “the adrenaline hadn’t worn off yet,” at least that’s what Kuina had said.
So, with a slightly exasperated sigh, Maisie had changed into her- well, Kuina’s, really- lilac bikini once more (with some added shorts, for a bit of extra cover) and allowed herself to be dragged from her room.
Tatta was nowhere to be found, although with the hangover he’d had that morning, it was probably best if he stayed away from the little makeshift bar tonight.
As Kuina finished her story, Maisie’s eyes skimmed lazily across the rest of the party, taking in the mass of sweaty bodies surrounding them. Then she glanced up.
There, across the pool and in the cordoned off area reserved for Militants and V.I.P’s only, stood Tora, and he was looking right at her.
Maisie felt her face break out into a wide grin, shyly lifting her hand in a wave. She let out a little laugh when she saw Tora awkwardly lifting his hand in turn.
Kuina noticed that Maisie was looking at something past her and turned to see what was causing her friend to laugh. When she too spotted Takatora she let out a bark of laughter, turning back to Maisie with her eyes full of mischief.
“You should go say hi to your little crush, it would be rude to ignore him all night.”
Maisie choked on the sip she’d just taken, turning to look at Kuina with a bewildered (and somewhat alarmed) expression.
“He’s not- what are you talking about- we’re just- we just met last night!” Maisie looked positively like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Uh huh,” Kuina replied, handing her friend a napkin so she could clean the little bit of Mojito she’d spilled on herself when she’d choked. “You might’ve met just yesterday, but he’s been making goo-goo eyes at you since you got here, and you’ve been no better, now that I think about it.”
Maisie wanted to defend herself, puffing her chest out indignantly to retort, but she couldn’t hide the blush staining her cheeks, so she decided against it.
Instead she said, “May I ask why you’re so invested in me and Last Boss’ friendship?”
Kuina shot her a look at the word ‘friendship’, but smirked at her friend’s dignified tone. She knew she just wanted to distract her from her suggestion of going to talk to him.
“Because you’re my friend, and I want you to get laid,” Kuina deadpanned.
Maisie was handed another napkin as she once again choked on her drink, “Kuina!”
The older girl burst into laughter at the look on Maisie’s face, and decided to take pity on her and quit her teasing.
“Seriously, though, you’re clearly happy to see him here, why don’t you go say hi? Besides, you said you’d hung out with him earlier, it’s not like he’s a stranger.”
Maisie blushed and looked down at the crumpled napkins in her fist. She definitely wanted to speak to Tora again, but what if she came off too pushy? He was clearly an introvert, she didn’t want to scare him off by being in his space twenty-four seven.
Maisie tried to come up with an excuse, “I mean… isn’t that area reserved for Militants though? Surely they won’t let me in,” she felt like a small school girl again, crazy with nerves at the prospect of talking to her crush.
“Just tell them you know him, they’ll ask him if that’s true and then, boom, you’re in,” Kuina made it seem simple, but Maisie was nervous about going up there and getting shooed away. It would be humiliating.
It took Kuina a whole five more minutes to finally convince Maisie to go up and talk to Last Boss, with the reassurance that if they didn’t let her in Kuina would still be at the bar to keep her company.
“But what about you?” Maisie asked, standing from her stool nervously, “I don’t wanna just ditch you here.” She said, feeling guilty about leaving her friend by herself, even if it had been Kuina’s idea.
The taller woman waved her off, “I’ll be fine, I don’t mind my own company. Besides, if I see you two are hitting it off I’ll just go find Tatta and bug him to join me, give him another hangover for tomorrow.”
Maisie let out a snort, imagining a hungover Tatta being dragged out by Kuina for another night of partying.
“Fine,” Maisie finally responded, nibbling her lip and eyeing the V.I.P area. “Wish me luck,” she muttered and started making her way over.
As she approached the sort of ‘tent’ that was off to the side, she kept her eyes glued to the floor, trying to build up her nerve. She hated talking to strangers, she was never any good at it.
With a slight pause, she reached the makeshift door of the large, open tarp, looking up at the man who was standing by the opening.
He was tall, very tall, and he had a gun strapped to his waist. He eyed Maisie up and down, an eyebrow quirked as he did so.
Maisie didn’t really appreciate the feeling of being scrutinized, so she cleared her throat politely before speaking up, “Uhm, I’m sorry to bother you but could I speak to Ta- Last Boss?”
Maisie caught herself at the last second. She knew that Tora probably wouldn’t appreciate her revealing his name to everyone, having a pretty strong feeling that he liked the anonymity that came with no one knowing his true name. Well, no one besides Maisie.
The man opened his moth to respond, but before he could, a voice she didn’t recognize spoke up from somewhere behind him.
“Well, well, what’s this? The new girl? Don’t be rude now, Kido, let her in.”
The man she instantly recognized as Niragi stepped up beside the ‘bouncer’, licking his lips and eyeing Maisie up and down in a way that made her skin crawl. It wasn’t the same way that the first man- Kido- had looked at her, like she was being evaluated. This look was predatory, and Maisie felt the need to run in the other direction immediately. He was looking at her like she was a piece of meat.
Niragi chuckled at the look of disgust that Maisie was sure she wasn’t doing a good job of hiding. She also knew for a fact she wasn’t doing a good job at concealing the fact that she was worried, because based on what Kuina had told her, this Niragi wasn’t someone she wanted to get involved with.
“Come on, sweetheart, no need to be shy,” Niragi smirked, slinging his rifle over his shoulder and ambling closer, “Why don’t you come join me insi-“
But he never got to finish his sentence, because suddenly a large had was gripping his shoulder, and Tora appeared out of the shadows with his katana hung around his torso and his hood obscuring his face.
Takatora had seen all he cared to see. The moment he’d spotted Maisie making her way over, he’d stood glued to the floor, not daring to hope that she was coming over to talk to him. But even his insecurities didn’t overshadow the very obvious fact that there was no other reason she would be going to the V.I.P section for- it wasn’t like she hung around any of the other Militants. So with his heart pounding, he’d waited for her to approach.
Then he’d heard her ask Kido if she could speak to him, and he could’ve sworn his legs turned to rubber for a split second. He’d started making his way over before his brain had even processed that his legs were carrying him to her.
Unfortunately though, it seemed that Takatora wasn’t the only one who recognized the sweet girls’ voice. Niragi had beat him to the punch, getting to the entrance before he had a chance to speak to Maisie first.
The second sentence had barely passed his lips before Takatora reached him, firmly placing a hand on his shoulder, digging in his fingers harder than was necessary, but the didn’t care.
Niragi turned around, staring at Takatora’s tattooed face, almost as if studying him. Takatora had no way of knowing how many of his thoughts his expression was betraying in that moment, but regardless, the message he was sending the shorter man was clear: she’s off limits.
With a half scoff-half laugh, Niragi threw a wink Maisie’s way and ambled back into the V.I.P section, wandering off to dance with the first girl he found.
Bouncer standing forgotten to one side, Takatora looked at Maisie, discretely skimming his eyes over her face and body to make sure she was okay. Aside from looking slightly awkward from her encounter with Niragi, she looked alright, and Takatora allowed the tension in his shoulders to ease slightly.
“Hi,” Maisie spoke shyly before Takatora had a chance to.
He simply looked at her, lost for words, just as he usually was when she was around him, but she didn’t seem to mind. She never did.
“Can I come in?” The question was meant for Takatora, but he caught Maisie eyeing Kido out of the corner of her eye, as if expecting him to throw her over his shoulder and kick her out.
Takatora simply extended his hand, looking into her eyes and beckoning with a small nod of his head for her to follow him.
Kido said nothing as Maisie slipped her slender fingers between Takatora’s own, stepping closer to follow his lead. He knew that he wouldn’t have said anything, anyway. Another upside to his reputation at The Beach was that people didn’t tend to get in his way.
With butterflies in his stomach that positively had everything to do with the small hand clasped in his, he led Maisie over to where he had stood only minutes before standing watch.
HI OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY. I never forgot about this story I swear, but for a while I lost inspo, not to mention I was back in my country and I was busy af, and now that I’m back in the states life got hectic again. But I missed y’all so much. I CANT BELIEVE SEASON 2 COMES OUT IN JUST A FEW HOURS! WHOS READY??!!
I’m so glad I was able to put this chapter out before then. I hope y’all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. ILY ALL MWAH
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dcviated · 9 months
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emoji headcanon asks :: open
@snowbelled sent: 💢 ( Dogi ), 👊 ( Diluc ), 🥞 ( Enforcer ), &. 🌺 ( Tenzou )
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
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Look, as great as the guy is in short bursts and to hang around with- I truly believe there are... difficulties in the long run. Could I run this long form or short form? Lets see-
Loud. Dogi's capable of indoor voices but is nevertheless a chatterbox. Commenting on things around him and letting some of his internal monologuing out for those around.
Defeatist. Oh ye of little confidence. For all of his capability Dogi is quick to get down on himself or let others take the helm of things. Set back and let others do something if they're 'better.'
Crass. Maybe this goes with the loud. But sometimes his choice of words can be less than pleasant. Not so much cursing but improper. Maybe a little offensive? Mileage may vary.
Also he eats a lot. And many things.
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
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I'm still always chuffed that Diluc's story quest in genpact had him tormenting an abyss mage with his pyro vision. Torturing them with fire to the point they (can) pass out from the pain. I'd say that overall... yes, Diluc can and will use violence as an option. He's physical, aggressive, and dominant in the situations he chooses himself to be present in.
I don't think he defaults to using violence first though. At least not if the other person hasn't flaunted something physical. Wordplay will stay as wordplay. But if he's being challenged then oh please know that this man will not hesitate to put you into a wall.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
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Nah, well, actually yes there's coffee but that goes for Ezell's entire day forget just breakfast.
But Sankta are built different, and Enforcer is no different. Their sugar consumption is off the charts and we all hate them for it. As if we don't hate them enough for the racism and utopia they live in...
Ezell is not unique or special among the Sankta (tho he do be strong). He's a normal guy who loves his sweets, crepes, pastries, and other sugary treats. He even learns how to whip up some of his own! But for breakfast he'll take a .... you ready for this? Coffee cake. Or some muffins with eggs (over easy) and potato fries.
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
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Nope! Unless you count allergies to girls touching him. Man is he bad with that. For a fighter he's very sensitive to touch.
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mrs-march-ahs · 4 years
thinking about the evans and pet names they would call u💆🏼‍♀️
Pet Names the Evans Call You
Slight mentions of smut
Definitely done before, but I wanted to do it anyway! I’ve been planning to do a Kai Week? I’ve written some pieces and I hope to write 7 completed pieces before I do anything, but does that sound fun? Like a new Kai Fic everyday for a week? Feel free to send me suggestions, but please don’t expect them all to be done, having a tough time writing anything of quality recently.
Hence this-
Enjoy! :)
-Classics, Babe and Baby -He’d say Bae but ironically, until he’d start using it for real -He’d call you Sweetheart or Princess if he wanted you to call him Daddy
You’d call him- -Tate (he wouldn’t like that one) -Tatey (getting better) -Daddy (perfect) -Baby boy, he’d melt in your arms and would demand cuddles every time you called him that -If you sat and played with his hair he would want to be called every cute thing in the world, Sugar, Baby, Boo
-Sugar but more like suga’ -Honey -Honey bunch -Pumpkin -Miss Walka’ -Buttercup -Combine as many nicknames as possible if he wanted something from you -Honey bunch sugar plum muffin top
You’d call him- -Kitty -Kitten -Softie -Boo -Cutie -Handsome
Post-Death Kyle
­-The first letter of your name, like K (kay), T, (tee), D (dee) -Even if it doesn’t quite work like S (es) or dubbu for W -To get your attention he’d say ‘hey’ a lot, and eventually you didn’t like it so he started saying babe or bae if it’s easier for him to say You’d call him- -At first, only Kyle so he re-learns his name -Eventually Ky -Jokingly, Caveman and Frankie like Frankenstein -Bunny -Cuddles
-Darling -Mrs Darling -Missy -Miss your surname when you’re in trouble -Sugar -Bonnie -Doll -Cutie or Cutie pie -Muffin -Any sort of sweet pastry or sugary sweet that he’d claim you taste like -Sherbet, Honey, Cocoa, Sugar plum, Cherry, Sugar Cookie, etc - - “Lemme taste that lemon and cherry heaven”
You’d call him- -Handsome -Sexy (he’d blush every time) -Darling and Mr Darling -Jimbo -Big boy -If you called him sunshine the redness on his cheeks wouldn’t die down for three days so you saved that one for special occasions
James March­
­-Unpopular opinion, I know this is crazy but hear me out… “darling” -Dearest, My Love, Angel and Mouse -He’d focus more on the adjectives or the way he said things rather than the actual words - “My sweet innocent angel, who hurt you?” - “Why is my precious lady crying?” - “You look incredible today, my love” - “That is not a big ask! I would be delighted to do anything for my Queen”
You’d call him- -Sir (gets him hard) -Mr March (turns him on) -Daddy (dick goes whoosh) -James (when he’s in trouble) -Jimmy (only when there’s nobody around, or if you want a spanking later) -Call him baby or baby boy when you’re cuddling him -If you called HIM your sweet angel he would NOT be having it because he is a BIG and TOUGH MAN and he is not a TINY angel like you say he is -Would totally blush though -His absolutely favourite would be Beloved - - “Darling I asked you to put your clothes away in the wardrobe a week ago please would you just-” - “Okay shit, yes murder daddy” -… -… - “What did you just call me?”
-I joined the fandom when I was still on season 5 and I read fanfictions about Kai and y’all actually made me think that he says Little Lamb to his girlfriend in the show and I thought it was the cutest thing- -But we just made it up lol -Little Lamb, Angel, Gorgeous -No more no less, nicknames that signify purity or calm because that’s what you represented and meant to him -He’d mostly call you by your name so it was very special when he called you by other names -If you were naughty he’d call you a Spoilt Brat or his Slave -My Personal Cumdump, My Slut, My Bitch, my my my my all mine
You’d call him- -He would be okay with Kai, but certainly prefer Divine Ruler -He’d ask you to call him Senator to see how it sounded and it stuck -If you particularly wanted to make him happy you’d call him Future Mr President -In bed, Divine Ruler or Master -You’d mostly call him names that he approved of because if you called him something like Baby or Handsome he’d tell you to grow up - “Good morning sweetheart” - “Y/N, we’re not teenagers, don’t call me that” - “Yes, Divine Ruler” - “Now that…”
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Caffeine Rush: Chapter Three / Cappucino
Summary: Javier shows up to your coffee shop again, at an ungodly hour.
W/C: 3K
Warnings: food/eating, coffee, implied age gap (reader is about 25)
A/N: I don’t have anything to say I just hope you guys enjoy :)) OH JK YES I DO: I’ve decided that Caffeine Rush will come out on mondays or tuesdays, alternating every week!
previous chapter || next chapter || masterlist
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Cappuccino: two-thirds frothed milk, one-third espresso. Light and airy, full of fluff. Has a stronger coffee flavor than a latte.
As you drive him back to the hotel, you smile over at him. He looks so gorgeous, his dark hair dampened from the snow, his lips soft and extra pink from being pressed to yours. “How long did you say you’re in town for?” You ask him.
“A month,” the man tells you with a nod. “There’s a whole policy with vacation time. Use it or lose it, basically. They told me I had to use it now, so I told them to give me a month. I really have about… three months saved up now,” he chuckles.
The thought makes you grin. Javier will be here for Christmas. He’ll be here for New Year’s- that is, if he’s staying.  “And what are your plans for it?” You ask softly. You hope whatever they are, they won’t take him away from you.
Javier is eating the second red velvet cake in the passenger’s seat, and you giggle at the sight before turning back to the road. Crumbs gather on the top of his shirt and in his mustache, flecks of red in the warm brown.
He smiles at your laughter. “I have none. I have no work to do. I can’t go back to Colombia early- well, I could, but I won’t be working so it wouldn’t be worth much,” he sighs, thinking aloud. “I could go home and visit my father, but I couldn’t stay there for very long. My hometown is a place you only want to stay for two or three days, at most.”
Your eyes watch his face, that surprisingly soft skin and how it moves with his expressions. Your eyes are holding a question, even if you don’t ask it aloud. Javier can read it without your words as he turns to look at you. “I’ve heard D.C. is nice over the holidays,” you offer softly. It’s less of an offer and more of a silent question: please stay. I want you to stay.
Turning back to you, there’s cream cheese frosting in his mustache and an adorable smirk on his face. Just when you thought it was impossible for this man to be any more beautiful. “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea. Then, like I said earlier, I have time to properly romance you.”
You grin and stare at the road. “I don’t normally kiss on the first date. I don’t think it’ll be hard for you to romance me,” you tease. “I can be your personal tour guide to the city. I only work mornings, so we can do whatever we want all day and night. Which is good, because the Smithsonians are only open during the day, and I want to take you to all of them.”
You ramble when you’re excited. Javier can already tell, can see you slowly leaving that shell you’ve hidden yourself in through all of your time in D.C. Your eyes glimmer in excitement as you consider the things you can do, the places you can take him.
Javier smiles back. “You’ll have to show me everything. I’ve never been here for anything other than work.”
“Oh, trust me,” you laugh. “I know all the best parts of the city. You’ll never be bored with me around.”
Javier’s immediately certain that’s true.
You told Javier last night that you work from 5:00  to 10:30, and he told you he’d swing by for a coffee. What else did he have to do without you?
What you didn’t expect was for the door chime to jingle at precisely 5:34, and for the customer that enters to be none other than the newest head of the DEA’s investigations into the Cali Cartel.
Rushing around the counter, you laugh and throw your arms around him. “Hi, Javi,” you chuckle and bury your face into his neck. He wears a warm red flannel and dark blue jeans, boots beneath them and a thick black coat over it all. He smells like soap and aftershave.
“I’m starting to like the fact that you’re a hugger,” he laughs as he hugs you back, resting his head on top of yours.
You break away and brush off your apron. “When I said you should come visit me, I meant, like, at normal human functioning hours. Like, maybe 9 or something.”
Javier frowns a little as he looks at you. “This is when I normally get up. Later than normal, actually,” he shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets. “You got a dark roast this morning?” He asks as he nods his head to the side, gesturing to the big vats of brewing coffee.
You smile at the question, chuckling a little. Of course he’s observant and remembers little details- it’s his literal job. “We do. Large redeye?” You ask, already heading behind the counter and back to the ceramic mugs.
The man tilts his head. “Actually… I think I changed my mind. Can I do another peppermint mocha?” he asks, a shy look on his face.
Looking up at him, you bite your lip at his expression. He’s so goddamn cute, really, even when he’s being ashamed for something stupid. “You don’t have to be shy about it,” you tease and nod. “There’s nothing less manly about you for ordering something sweet. In fact, most of the sweet drinks we make here are ordered by the business guys or Congressmen.”
Javier chuckles and leans forward on the counter on his elbows. “Oh, yeah?”
You nod and laugh at the memory of other customers. “Matthew, he works at the senators’ offices downtown, he’s a regular. He orders a caramel frappe with marshmallow and vanilla. Full shots of both.” As always, you happily chat as you make the recipe you know by heart.
Javier’s brow furrows. You’ve known the man maybe 24 hours, but you’re starting to get a good read on him. You can tell when he’s confused or worried or happy or stressed by the way his eyebrows position themselves. This one is a lighthearted confusion. “What’s a frappe?”
Your eyes glimmer with uncharacteristic excitement for so early in the morning. “Wait. So you’re telling me you’ve never had one?”
He shakes his head, pulling his leather jacket tighter around him. The shop is cold this early in the morning, before the body heat of customers and the steaming espresso machines warm the building. “No. What is it?” He asks again.
“It’s delicious, oh my god,” you grin. “It’s kind of like a coffee milkshake. It’s frozen and creamy, blended with ice and coffee. It’s my favorite in the summer, when hot drinks just feel too much.”
“So it’s light?” He asks, gratefully accepting his ceramic mug when you hand it over. It’s peaked with foamy white cream and pieces of candy canes. Javier thinks it reminds him of you. Soft, warm, sweet and indulgent. Energizing. Not like anything he’s ever had before, but he’s already addicted.
“Not really. Like I said, it’s really creamy. It’s like a milkshake, really. That’s the best way to describe it. Do you want me to make one and you can try some?” You offer as you stir the spare espresso shot with a little cream and sugar in a to-go cup for yourself. The warm sugary scent rises and you smile to yourself.
Javier shakes his head. “Not if it’s a cold drink. It’s too cold outside anyway. And in here. You do have heating in here, right?” He asks dryly as he sips the hot drink. You can see his broad shoulders soften, the tension rising into the air with the steam from his mocha.
You roll your eyes but shrug. “It’ll get hot in here later. I just appreciate that it’s cold now,” you chuckle and chug the espresso shot, tossing the paper cup into the garbage. “What can I get you for breakfast?” You ask as you nod to the pastry case further down the bar.
He shakes his head. “Don’t eat breakfast.”
You frown. “That’s going to have to change. You seem like the type who doesn’t take care of yourself, thinks he’s too good for it,” you tease and fold your arms on the countertop, leaning into it.
Javier scoffs. “I am not too good for breakfast,” he says, amused.
“Then eat.”
The mustached man rolls his eyes. “Fine. Maybe I don’t take very good care of myself, but I don’t need you to take care of me.”
That makes you frown. “Well, that’s too bad, because if you want to kiss me like we did last night, you’re going to have to let me take care of you, Javi.”
Javi. No one ever calls him that. He’s always Agent or Agente Peña, usually just Peña for the sake of convenience. Those who know him better call him Javier, people like Steve or Trujillo. True, he asked you to call him Javi, but the name is like a song from your lips, as soft as calling him baby. He absolutely fucking loves it. Can’t get enough of it.
You begin to babble on about the baker here and his skills, talking about the various treats beneath the glass case. There are muffins and scones, donuts and sweet breads, croissants and various puff-pastry delicacies. Javier is overwhelmed. He normally doesn’t eat many sweets, even though he loves them.
A cinnamon-sugar sprinkled pastry twist calls to him. He asks for one of those and insists that he pay for it, even as you wander away from the cash register to prove he can’t pay.
Javier stands at the bar as you make yourself your own hot drink, chatting as you stir the syrup with the espresso. God, you love that mustache, you think as you smile to yourself and look down. “So. How did the mustache come to be?” You ask him, smiling and tilting your head to the side in question.
Javier raises an eyebrow. “This?” He laughs, smoothing it down with his forefinger and thumb. It brushes out some sprinkles of cinnamon and sugar from his pastry and you bite your lip to hold back a laugh.
You both have to talk a bit louder as you begin steaming the milk for your cappuccino, but it hides your giggle as you say your next words: “Yes, the porn stache.”
“Hey,” he frowns and sips his drink, setting it back down and smiling again. “It was a thing with my father. When I turned 30, he told me I was a real man now, and real men wear mustaches. He always had one, so I said okay. He shaved it for me and taught me the right way to do it and everything. I liked the way it looked, and it stuck, I guess,” he shrugs and chuckles.
“Really? Because that thing looks straight out of 1975, but I don’t think you’re old enough for it to be that old.” You giggle. The mustache is very retro, certainly behind the times and the fashion of ‘93. “You can’t possibly be… what would that make you from ‘75… 45?”
Javier shrugs. “Well, you’re not far off. I’m 40.”
Your brow furrows. You certainly hadn’t expected that. He looks so young, really. 40 wasn’t even a thought in your mind- maybe a stressed-out 30. “Really?” You ask, though you doubt he’d lie and make himself seem older. He should probably know that you’re around the proper age you are, seeing as you’ve told him about just finishing grad school.
He frowns too. “Is that a problem?” He asks hurriedly, standing up straight from his hunched position, where he leaned over the counter to be closer to you.
“No, no,” you shake your head, and his body relaxes. “Of course not,” you smile and put your hand over his. “You just look really young for 40.”
Javier shakes his head, smiling a little at the compliment. He doesn’t get many of those, the ones where people tell him he looks young or he’s cute or any non-sexual compliments in general. “No I don’t. You’re just being cute.”
“No!” You laugh happily. “You saw my face. You’re a special agent of the D-E-A,” you say, drawing out the letters. “Head of the Calí Cartel investigations. You can read me like a damn book, Javi,” you smile at him. “Tell me, do I look like I’m lying?”
Javier shakes his head, the smile growing wider and his cheeks turning a slightly warmer shade. These kind of honest, pure and uncomplicated compliments make him almost embarrassed. “Yeah, yeah,” he sighs, brushing it off.
You’re absolutely beaming by now. “You’re not used to this, are you?” You tease as you scoop the foam from the milk pitcher into your ceramic mug, with chocolate and almond syrup in the bottom already. Mandy’s in the back stocking something, and no one else is in the shop yet. With this privacy, you lean across the counter, and Javier matches your position.
His face is painfully close to yours. You can feel his coffee breath, and you giggle softly. “Hey. Javi.”
“Yeah?” He asks teasingly.
“I like you a lot.”
Javier laughs genuinely, kissing you softly for a moment before breaking away and standing up straight again. “I like you too, abejita,” he says and finishes off his peppermint mocha.
“What does that mean?” You ask him. You’re nearly fluent in Spanish, from having studied it for years, but the word is unfamiliar.
“Little bee,” he chuckles. “You’re fluttering around this coffee shop like you’re on an adrenaline rush and it’s 5:30 in the goddamn morning.”
Little bee. It makes your heart race in your chest like a bee’s wings, a million beats per second. Goddamnit, this Javier knows what he’s doing, you think to yourself. He must be doing this for the sole purpose of stealing your heart; why else would he be this fucking sweet and sexy and flirtatious?
“It’s the caffeine rush,” you shake your head and wave a hand dismissively. You’ve already chugged a few shots of espresso, and your chocolate-almond cappuccino is about halfway gone now. Either way, Javier makes your resting heart rate double just from looking your way.
“Sure,” he teases and raises an eyebrow. “I’m gonna hit the bathroom. Be right back.” He sticks his hands in the pockets of his heavy wool coat as he heads to the restrooms, near the front of the store.
You take his mug back and Mandy wanders out from the back. “Wow. Who’s got you so chatty?” She asks out of genuine curiosity. She didn’t see Javier come in or go to the bathroom.
You’d talked with Mandy while you prepared the store, filling her in on all of the details of last night’s date with Javier. “It’s, uh, Javi, actually,” you laugh softly as you pull more espresso shots to make him another peppermint mocha.
“You’re kidding,” the woman squeals, her curls flipping over her shoulder as she tosses them back. “Why is he here so early?” She asks in confusion, making herself a drink on the machine next to you.
Your foot taps out a quick rhythm against the tile floor beneath you, the energy already flowing through your body. “Beats me. He says he wakes up this early normally. I don’t know if I believe it, but…” you shrug and stir the shots into the peppermint syrup, scooping chocolate chips into a steaming pitcher with milk and putting it under the steaming wand.
“He’s in the DEA, isn’t he?” She asks. “Maybe they start work really early in the morning. I’ve heard they work really long hours.”
“Well, he did say he works a lot,” you nod. “I don’t know. Doesn’t matter. He’s here now and he’ll get to see me cry my way through the morning rush,” you say sarcastically.
Mandy nudges your shoulder. “Says the most competent barista who works here,” she scoffs. “You have everyone out the door in under three minutes. That’s no easy feat.”
“Okay,” you roll your eyes and pour the chocolate milk into the syrup and espresso, stirring it with a long, twisted spoon. “I doubt that, but thank you.” You swirl a perfect peak of whipped cream on the top, then sprinkle the candy cane pieces on.
“I think she’s right,” you hear Javier’s voice from the other side of the counter.
“Stalker,” you tease and put his mug in front of him.
“Am not. Just think you’re good at what you do.”
“I made you a refill,” you say, ignoring his compliment. “Oh, Javier, this is Mandy. You might remember her from yesterday. Mandy, this is Javier.”
She nods and shakes the hand that Javier offers. “Nice to meet you- well, again,” she says with a bright smile. “You got the prettiest girl here.”
“Mandy,” you roll your eyes. She just laughs as she makes her way to the back of the store again.
Javier watches her then turns back to you with a smile. “I think she was right on both of those,” he comments with a smile on his face.
“Go sit down, stop flirting with me, and drink your damn coffee, Javi,” you teasingly scold him with a smile, turning away to go wash the steaming pitcher and spoon you used to make his drink.
Another customer walks in the shop. You can tell from the jingle of the bells on the door. With that, Javier finds a table in the lobby and sits at it, reading the daily newspaper and sipping his peppermint mocha. He’s starting to see why you’re so addicted to these. To him, they taste like you. -
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emmyhem · 3 years
right where you left me (l.r.h)
a/n: hi everybody! so this is a bit of a longer one that is inspired by the song “right where you left me” by taylor swift on evermore. it’s one of my favorites by her because i love the writing and the concept. whether you’re a taylor fan or not i suggest reading and then listening to the song with the fic in mind, it makes the song hit extremely hard. also expect more taylor inspired stuff in the future because she’s one of my all time favorite artists. this one is sad but i live for the angst so what’re you gonna do? my calum piece, “everything you’re missing” should be up by the end of the week and i’m working hard on my very first michael and ashton pieces as well, which is really exciting. anyway i hope you all enjoy and are being safe (get vaccinated if you can!) once again my messages are always open and feedback/criticism is always appreciated. hugs and kisses to all, thanks - emmy <33
pairing: luke hemmings x fem!reader 
summary: you met 20 year old luke hemmings in a coffee shop eight years ago and were sure your life had been decided. you once told him you’d wait for him until you were sure he was happier without you. you never thought that day would actually come.
warning(s): angst, cursing, alludes to possible infidelity, it’s a sad one so buckle in. 
word count: 6.2k
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Current time - December 14th 
The familiar ring of the entrance bell pulled your attention from the worn book beneath your fingers to take a routine glance at the patrons rushing in from the early December chill. Mitten covered hands, and icy cold flushed cheeks entered one after the other. Your typical seat in the corner of the small cafe was shielded from the penetrating winds that accompanied each person in their entrance but you still shivered in sympathy at each new arrival. 
Your steaming earl grey had faded into a tepid puddle at the bottom of your mug as the hours passed on the analog clock that adorned the brick wall in the front. Olive, a barista you had become friendly with over the years approached your table with the cafe’s winter speciality, an orange cranberry muffin in hand. 
“Last one.” she said, sitting it on a pine green napkin in front of you. 
You reached into your purse for a few spare bills to cover the cost when she stopped you by placing a hand on your forearm. 
“On the house for our favorite customer.” her eyes were filled with pity as she nodded down to you, and you were too tired to feel embarrassed. 
“Thanks, Liv.” you sighed. 
“It’s my pleasure, besides I always feel like we’re robbing you when you pay full price, you only ever eat half anyway.” she added as she walked away. 
You picked at the baked good, memories flooding your brain with each bite. 
Eight years ago - December 14th 
As you clutched your books with a death grip you cursed yourself for forgetting your gloves in your dorm. The wind was picking up and it wouldn’t be long until they were numb completely, and your sweater paws were less than effective in warming your frozen fingers. 
A flickering red light glowed just a bit down the street and a sugary citrus aroma was pulling your stiff limbs towards it against the wind. The closer you got the more mouthwatering the smell became and soon enough you had reached the door, bracing yourself for the chill of the copper handle as you pulled it open. 
Sweet, warm air enveloped you as you stepped inside. The red brick walls were chipped in more than a few places, red and green christmas lights twinkle from a tree in the corner, and the crackling of the fireplace was like music to your ears. You wondered how you had never noticed the quaint cafe before as you took your place in line behind a tall man wearing only a thin black hoodie and beanie for protection from the cold weather. As you got closer to him a piney scent cut through the sweet smell of pastries and you caught yourself leaning in to get a better whiff of its freshness. 
Your eyes scanned over the menu that hung behind the cash register while he ordered and did your best to ignore the chill that ran up your spine when his soft aussie accent invaded your ears. 
Once he finished and stepped off to the side to wait for his order you moved forward and placed your books on the counter. 
“Hi, how can I help you today?” a young ginger barista with an abundance of freckles said. 
“Hi,” you paused and located her name tag. “Olive, I’ve never been here before but there's this smell that-” 
“Our orange cranberry muffins.” she interrupted pointing to a chalkboard in front of her that read, “Warm up with a wintery treat, try our famous orange cranberry muffin today!” 
Your stomach growled quietly at the thought as you nodded. 
“I would love one of those and...a medium early grey, please.” you replied, pulling a 10 dollar bill from your pocket. 
“Sadly, we have just sold our last one to the customer in front of you.” she nodded to the enticing blonde man that had caught your attention earlier, who was now staring down at his black vans as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. 
You narrowed your eyes at the muffin thief when he glanced up at you innocently while accepting his coffee from another worker. 
“We do still have our gingerbread and pumpkin muffins if you’d be interested in one of those instead.” Olive continued motioning a hand to the glass display of tasty treats to your right. 
You let out a disappointed huff, “That’s okay, just the tea please.” 
You paid for your order making sure to leave a few extra dollars in the tip jar before taking a seat on a worn burgundy couch near the fire to wait for your drink. 
Leaning your head against your hand for support you allowed your eyes to drift closed and listen to the pops and crackles of the fire meshing with the soft holiday music echoing through the place. You only opened your eyes back up at the feeling of the couch dipping beside you. 
Sitting too close to not acknowledge, was the boy from earlier who was now alternating sips of what smelled like a strong latte with bites of the muffin that could’ve been yours. 
“Are you doing this on purpose?” 
His head snapped in your direction at the sound of your voice, and he finished chewing before responding.
“Doing what?” 
“Taunting me with your stupid muffin.” you were aware of how childish you sounded but hunger had always brought out the irrational side of you. 
“It’s actually quite delicious.” he smirked, ignoring your frustration. 
You groaned in jealousy, “Don’t rub it in.” 
Realization sparked in his eyes. 
“Got the last one didn’t I?” 
You nodded. 
“M’happy to share.” he grinned, breaking off half and holding it out to you. 
“No, really it’s fine. I’m just being annoying.” you waved him off. 
“I’m not annoyed. Really, take it. I’d have to throw it away otherwise.”
Your eyebrows raised at his comment. 
“I’m stuffed.” he explained, patting his stomach twice. 
“I don’t believe you, but I’m starving and this smells incredible.” you responded, accepting the baked good. 
You closed your eyes and let out a satisfied hum after biting into it. 
“Holy shit, this is like the best thing I’ve ever eaten.” 
The boy watched you and laughed at every pleased noise that you released. 
Once you had finished your half you turned back to see him still watching you, he had scooted even closer to you and your knees knocked together at your movement. 
“Thank you, that was amazing. Although it was pretty rich I don’t think I could eat a whole one either.” 
“Your welcome,” when he paused you realized you hadn’t even introduced yourself but still stole half of this guy’s muffin. 
“I’m y/n.” you filled in. 
“Luke.” he returned. 
You nodded and repeated it, testing how it felt on your tongue. 
“Thank you again, Luke.” 
The two of you began talking about, school, work, music, your favorite movies, astrology, anything really. By the time you glanced up from the conversation the cafe was nearly empty and the fire in front of you had burnt out leaving a smoky debris hanging in the air. 
“I think they’re closing.” you said while checking the time on your phone. 
“Fuck, I’ve got a paper due tomorrow.” 
“Sorry, I kept you back.” you apologized, both of you gathering your things as you talked. 
“No, s’not your fault.” he dismissed as you both began to walk to the door.
Standing a few feet away from the exit you could already feel the nip that was permeating through the glass, it sent a chill through your spine making you wiggle your shoulders. As you stared at the floor over the books in your arms, trying to decide what the best way to ensure you would see Luke again was, you heard the buzz of a zipper. You lifted your head to see your new acquaintance removing his arms from the sleeves of his black hoodie. 
“Are you crazy? It’s freezing out there.” 
“I know, you’re shivering.” he answered, swinging the fabric behind your back until it dropped and wrapped around your shoulders. He pulled on the sleeves till they were hanging in place and you watched through your lashes, completely in awe of his concentrated expression. 
“Luke, I can’t wear this you’ll freeze and I can’t just take your clothes.” 
“C’mon of course y’can. I’m warm blooded. I'll be fine and you aren’t taking it. I’m gonna want to come in for one of those muffins tomorrow and you know I can’t eat the whole thing, so you’ll just have to be here to share with me. We meet, we eat, I retrieve my jacket, all is right in the world.” He smiled through his words, attempting to warm you up by rubbing his hands up and down your shoulders quickly. “Think you can do that?” 
“I’m sure.” 
“Excellent. Meet me here at 9:00 tomorrow.” 
You nodded as he pushed the door open and despite him trying to act unaffected you could tell from his rigid stance he was freezing. 
“I’m counting on you alright? Stay warm, y/n.” he reiterated through chattering teeth before exiting the shop. 
Current Time - December 14th 
When they talk about one moment defining your life it seems silly, and unrealistic. One day of your life is hardly even a blip so one minute defining everything seems completely ludacris. You would have never bought into it eight years ago, right up until Luke muttered those three words to you before braving the cold. 
“Stay warm, y/n.”
He said it and you had one of those moments. One of those, “and then everything changed.” moments. 
You had always been sure that your purpose would come to you later in life, maybe you’d have a spiritual awakening while in some foreign country. Maybe you’d read a book that would change your view on everything, or god forbid you’d have a close encounter with death and the epiphany would come then. You would’ve never guessed that a nearly missed encounter with the world’s best muffin and a lanky Australian guy would do it. 
But here you were eight years after the encounter, your hair was longer, the crinkles that appear by your eyes when you smile now linger, and Luke was nowhere to be seen, but some things haven’t changed at all. A half eaten muffin, the comforting cafe, and your unwavering certainty that your life’s purpose was to love and to be loved by Luke Hemmings all remained. 
Seven years ago - March 27th 
The door swung open to a positively beaming Luke, he leaned in to press a swift kiss on your cheek before hurriedly pulling you inside. 
“I have a surprise for you.” 
“You do?” you questioned, taking notice of the subtle burnt smell in the air and the smoky atmosphere of his apartment. 
He nodded excitedly pulling you by the hand into the kitchen where you were met with messy countertops packed full of lumpy and slightly charred muffins. Your mouth fell open and you turned to face your boyfriend who was smiling timidly at you, eyes scanning over your face. 
“I made you our muffins.” he smiled, proudly looking at his work. 
“Wha- how? How did you even get the recipe?” 
“Olive helped me out.” He responded, taking a seat on one of the bar stools by the island. 
“Lu, this is incredible. Thank you.” you praised, moving to stand between his legs. 
“I hope they turned out good. Y’know baking is a lot harder than it looks.” he tutted while unwrapping one for you. “Open up.” he instructed, tapping your chin. 
Your teeth struggled to bite through the dense baked good, and while your taste buds fought with the bitter crumbly substance you questioned whether Luke had actually followed any recipe at all because what you were eating tasted nothing like the warm, gooey, and tart treat that the two of you had come to love. 
You chewed slowly to avoid swallowing and kept your face as neutral as possible. 
“How is it? Good?” he spoke nervously and the little glint of hope in his eyes forced you to swallow it down and paint on a pleased smile. 
“Mmm” you moaned “It's delicious, Luke.” 
“Yeah?” he beamed. 
“Really good.” you nodded, your eyes drifting longingly to the sink. In that moment you would’ve killed for a glass of water. 
“Wow, I mean I thought they’d be alright but this is great. Lemme try.” he brought your muffin up to his mouth and in a panic you snatched it from his hands, squeaking out a small “No!” before shoving the rest of it in your mouth. 
“Babe, there’s plenty, no need to be greedy.” he laughed while unwrapping another. And you really should’ve thought this through because with puffed out cheeks full of possibly the worst muffin in history you took a step back and watched him bite into one. His face twisted in disgust and he quickly spit what he had taken back into the wrapper. 
When he looked back up to you, you were standing there with a full mouth and wide eyes. He cocked his head to the side in confusion, “You enjoyed that?” 
The second you shrugged your shoulders, feigning innocence Luke burst into a sharp cackle, his legs kicking up into the air from the force of his laughter. You took that as an opportunity to run to the trash and rid yourself of the awful taste in your mouth. 
Luke was still struggling to catch his breath while you finished pouring yourself a glass of water. 
“It’s not funny, Lu.” you argued between sips.
“Why didn’t you just spit it out?” he chortled, beckoning you closer with grabby hands. 
“Because, it was so sweet.” you reasoned. 
“Really? I would argue it was more rancid than sweet.” 
“Not the muffin you goon, the gesture.” you elaborated, smacking his shoulder. 
“I can’t believe you ate the whole thing.” 
“Shut up. I was trying to be nice.” you pouted. 
“Hey,” he said, standing and opening his arms. “M’sorry I know.” 
You waddled into his embrace, wrapping your arms around his back. 
“I love you for that.” he sighed, before kissing the top of your head. 
You froze in his hold, those three unexpected words echoing through your head. 
“You what?” 
His chest shook lightly as a laugh fell from his mouth. 
“I love you.” he repeated. It was so nonchalant, as if he’d said it to you a hundred times before. “You alright with that?” 
You nodded before pulling back just enough that you could see his face. 
“I love you.” you returned. 
Luke’s hands cupped your cheeks, a groan passing his lips before he pressed a soft kiss to your now pouty mouth.
“Say it again.” he pleaded into your mouth. 
“I love you.” you sighed, chasing his lips with your own. 
“And again, and again, and again…” he continued, rewarding you with one lingering peck for each declaration. 
“Mmm” he hummed in content when he decided he was satisfied. “Never stop saying it.” 
Current Time - December 14th 
A whirlwind romance like the one that the two of you had shared was never meant to be sad. It was the kind of love that constantly feels like a cheesy montage full of sweet moments that happens at the end of a rom-com. Unsuccessful baking attempts, cozy study dates, spontaneous weekend trips, hundreds of shared muffins, piggy back rides home from the bar, that’s what made you Luke and y/n. 
The two of you didn’t do well with the hard stuff and it worked because there just wasn’t any. Everything was easy and it felt good. It felt right. 
It had never even occurred to you that the hard stuff was part of any great love, that inevitably one day things would get hard. It really hadn’t occurred to you that pushing through the hard stuff was something that Luke may not be up for. Because you were and you always had been, all in. 
Six years ago - February 17th 
You had gotten home late after a long shift at the library you worked at part time . Luke was sitting on the couch scribbling something in a notebook and taking tiny sips of his steaming cup of tea, too impatient to wait for it to cool properly. 
You’d been listening to an audiobook while organizing the shelves that day and the somber tone of it had seriously dampened your mood. It also made you extremely grateful that you had Luke to cuddle away all your sorrows. 
He had noticed your sad expression the second he saw you and was quick to pull you into his arms and press you for information. 
“What happened baby?” he cooed as you nestled as close into him as physically possible. 
“Sad book.” you mumbled into his chest. 
“Aw, love you shouldn’t let that stuff get to you. S’not real, there’s no need to get upset.” This was something you had heard plenty of times before, seeing as you were an extremely emotional person and felt things strongly. 
“It was so sad though, bubs.” You reasoned that talking through it with someone else might dull the ache that it had left on your taut heartstrings. You explained the whole plot, how the couple had met on a plane and spent their two separate vacations together and along the way fallen in love. Luke would hum or nod every so often indicating he was listening but you knew most of his focus was on the fact that you were tearing up through your explanation. He let his lips rest along your hairline as you got to the climax of the story, speaking through cracks in your voice to tell him that they had lost each other’s numbers on their way back and while the woman was able to move on and find love later in life, the man waited at the airport for years hoping that one day he would see her again. 
Luke’s hand ran through your hair while your head rested on his chest. 
“I don’t think there’s anything romantic about it. It’s just sad.” he concluded. 
“I disagree.” 
“I’d wait for you.” you confirmed, running your fingers over the fabric of his shirt. 
“Not forever though,” he added. 
“I’d wait until I knew you were happier without me.” 
“Yea, me too.” he agreed. 
“I’d never be happier without you.” 
Current Time - December 14th 
One thing that you never doubted in your relationship was whether or not Luke loved you. You knew he did. It was something that had always been casual between the two of you, it was as much a greeting as it was anything else. 
As the sun rose and broke through your curtains the words to break the silence that lingered from the night before wasn’t “Good morning” it was “I love you.” Before leaving for work instead of an impersonal “Bye!” you shouted “Love you!” through the closing door of your apartment. It was a phrase that had been repeated millions of times, and despite the casualness of it all, it never lost its meaning. 
Even now, five years since you’d last seen him you knew with every bone in your body that no matter where he was right now, half the world away or two blocks downtown, he still loved you. 
Luke always kept his promises, a million times he had promised that he would always love you. And a million times you had promised it right back. 
A hundred years apart wouldn’t change that, let alone five. 
Five years ago - December 13th 
You watched the snow fall from the living room window, what you would normally find peaceful was making you go insane. It had been perpetually silent around your apartment for the past couple of weeks. Luke was hardly ever home, when asked he would tell you that he had a big project at work and needed to teach the new intern how things were done in the office. You hadn’t thought much of it, there were times when you were busy and had to put things with him on the back burner to focus on the uncertainty of work. It had never been an issue because as far as you were concerned things were set between you and Luke. There was the unspoken promise of forever. 
Of course, that didn’t stop you from missing him tons. On this specific occasion the cold weather had left you with clogged sinuses and a bad headache, one that you would typically soothe with a cup of  earl grey from the cafe and an abundance of snuggling. Since Luke wasn’t around to fulfill your touch deprivation you decided that wearing one of his favorite sweatshirts would have to do for now. 
You blindly reached into his drawer to search for it but stopped when your hand caught on a folded piece of paper. You pulled it out and walked to the bed, flicking on the lamp as you sat. Once the light turned on you were able to see it clear as day, two airline tickets to Sydney departing on the 20th and returning  on January 3rd. The two of you had briefly discussed travelling to Australia at some point so you could finally meet his family but nothing had ever been confirmed. 
The naivety that had always been a part of who you were began to connect non-existent dots with hopeful lines. Luke was planning on surprising you with Christmas in Australia with his family. It explained why he was never home, it also explained the secretive phone calls you had started picking up on after he scurried out of bed in the middle of the night a while ago to speak to someone in hushed tones just outside the bedroom door.
That night when he finally got home at nearly eleven you had made sure to leave half a muffin with a note that read, “Miss you, stud muffin. You work too hard. Love you -y/n” on the kitchen counter. From where you laid in bed, you could hear him laugh as he read it aloud. You quickly sat up in bed when the laughs you were reveling in started to sound like sobs. 
The dim lighting in the kitchen didn’t stop you from seeing the tears on Luke’s face as he looked up to where you stood, stunned in the hallway. 
“What’s wrong?” you hurried to him. 
He made a sniffing sound before gathering you in his arms. He held you so tight that if it wasn’t so sincere it might’ve hurt. 
“Lu, what’s going on.” you squeaked out. 
He tightened his arms around you and nuzzled his face into your hair, emitting soft cries every so often. 
“I love you, y/n.” 
“I know. I love you too.” 
“I swear I’ll always love you. I swear.” 
“I know. Hey, Lu I know.” you soothed as his breaths became more labored. 
At some point you had managed to calm him down and coax him into bed, you reasoned that he was just so tired that his feelings got the best of him, something that had happened to you many times before. And honestly you were just happy to be back in his arms once again, so when he was wrapped around you in bed, his hands playing with your hair like they always did when he got anxious, you didn’t think twice about it when he said,
“We need to talk tomorrow, over breakfast. We can go to the café if you want?” 
You nodded against his chest as sleep overtook you, the last thing you heard being “I promise I’ll always love you.”  
Current Time - December 14th 
Your reminiscing was interrupted by a high pitched screech from the front of the cafe. When you followed the sound your eyes landed upon a distressed toddler, about three years old if you to guess, who was pouting up at a tall, gorgeous woman that was apologizing profusely to Olive for her son’s outbreak. You wouldn’t have looked twice at the scene if  it wasn’t for the way Olive’s troubled expression and wide eyes were directed precisely on you. 
The child was screaming through his cries “I want daddy’s muffin!” His face was red and blotchy from tears and the cold weather but didn’t completely overtake his creamy skin tone that complimented his familiar blue eyes. He was an adorable kid, a full head of blonde ringlets and chubby cheeks that you were sure turned a light pink when he smiled. 
He kind of reminded you of Luke. When the thought entered your head you were quick to dismiss it though, because if you were being honest most things reminded you of Luke. 
“I’m so sorry about this. He isn’t normally so loud, it’s just that my husband loves these muffins and he promised Sammy one.” you heard the gorgeous woman say. 
“It’s fine, the cranberry orange muffin is a big hit around here. They sell out almost everyday.” Olive responded, her eyes unbreaking from yours. 
“Yea that’s what Luke always tells me.” 
Five years ago - December 14th 
The walk to the café felt longer than it typically did and you had no idea why, for some reason you didn’t notice that Luke was dragging his feet. Maybe it was because you were sure that this impromptu breakfast date was to tell you of the surprise Christmas trip to Australia. Maybe it was because any amount of extra time you got to spend holding Luke’s hand in your own you considered a gift. 
When you finally arrived you were quick to usher him to your favorite table, one that was secluded in the corner, enough to have a bit of privacy but also allowed you to people watch on slow days and have telepathic conversations with Olive from across the room. 
You noticed that Luke wasn’t eating after a few minutes, his muffin half sat untouched in front of him and his nervous demeanor was driving you crazy. 
“I have to admit something.” you finally said, tired of the silence. 
Luke nodded for you to continue but refused to meet your eyes as you spoke. 
“I know about Australia, I found the tickets in your drawer so if that’s what you're so nervous about, there’s no need. Of course I’ll go with you, you have no idea how excited I am to meet your mom, she can finally show me all those baby pictures that she’s always telling me about.” you were so busy picturing your potential trip to Luke’s hometown that you didn’t notice Luke’s teared up eyes and anxious tapping. 
“Y/n, the tickets aren’t for-” he cut himself off before the approaching crack in his voice could prevail. “I met someone.” 
You didn’t even know what that meant, he met someone? You met people all the time, what does that have to do with the trip?  You lifted your mug to take a sip while you waited for him to continue.
“I mean I-I have feelings for someone, uh someone else.” 
You didn’t even feel your grip release, you didn’t hear the shattering noise, you didn’t feel the scorching liquid seep through your top onto your skin. 
Luke was leaving you. He fell in love with someone else. It was serious enough that he was bringing her home. Luke was leaving you. Luke was leaving you. Luke was leaving you.
“I don’t understand.” The crying had already begun, and although it didn’t surprise Luke he couldn’t bear to watch it. He stared at the spilled tea and shards of glass. The entire cafe’s eyes were on you and you didn’t even notice all you could see was that Luke’s weren’t. 
“Look at me.” you pleaded. There was a time when he would’ve seen your face, seen how distressed you were and gone back on everything solely because it hurt him too much to see you hurt. 
When did that stop? Why hadn’t you noticed? 
“I love you y/n, really I do. But I love her too.” 
“You love her more.” you didn’t even try to phrase it as a question, there was no point, you already knew the answer. He must’ve loved her more because he was leaving you for her. Luke was leaving you. 
Your acknowledgement of his feelings didn’t make it hurt any less when he didn’t deny it. Luke was leaving you. 
You sat in silence for at least five minutes, it felt like years. Luke watched you cry, fighting the urge to wrap you in his arms, and sway you back and forth until you stopped. He wouldn’t do that because it was selfish, it would ease his troubles more than yours, he deserved to see how his hurtful actions affected the one he swore to shield from any and all pain. 
“I’ll have everything out of the apartment by the end of the week.” 
The end of the week? You had planned on spending the rest of your life with him and he was telling you that he would essentially be out of your life by the end of the week. Luke was leaving you. None of it felt real. 
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I love you.” 
Watching him leave felt surreal, you couldn’t hear anything but your blood pumping, you hardly took any notice when Olive rushed to your table and pulled you into her embrace. 
Luke left you. 
Current time - December 14th 
You could feel his presence as soon as he stumbled out of the bathroom.
How could you have missed him coming in?
You dragged your eyes up his body from his feet, and when they fell upon his face it was like someone had pressed play after fast forwarding through the years that had been taken from you. You weren’t 23 anymore, and Luke certainly wasn’t either. He’d always had a strong build, but he held himself differently now. He was confident and collected, very sure of himself. He had a bit of scruff lining his jaw but you could tell it was well kept and intentional and a pair of black rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. You reacquainted yourself with his appearance from your spot in the corner. 
With each subtle change you catalogued in your brain, vivid images danced through your head, like a kaleidoscope of what could’ve been. You saw lazy Sunday mornings on the couch leisurely sipping coffee, the open windows next to you bringing in a sweet breeze making the house smell like fresh grass after it rains. You saw yourself pushing a stroller through a park, Luke chasing behind one of your little ones just a few feet ahead. You saw roadtrips, vacations, theme parks, crowded family dinners, trick or treating, white gowns, and wedding cakes. You saw binkies, and bottles, tangled sheets, ruffled hair, pecks on the forehead, lunch boxes, and I love you notes. 
The last scene you saw, one that felt so real you could’ve sworn you were really there, started with Luke sitting on the floor surrounded in wrapping paper a toddler curled up in his lap. He wore flannel pajama pants and a ratty shirt he had purchased at the concert you went to for your third date. He took sips from his mug of lukewarm coffee every so often, and you were sure if you got close enough you’d be able to smell it on his breath, not that you would mind. His curls were grown out more than he typically liked them, they were messy from sleep and obstructing his vision slightly. Just as you reached out to brush them from his forehead, it was like you had been thrown backwards by a force strong enough to make your stomach drop. 
You could still see Luke from where you stood but he was so far away now. You reached your hand out again, gasping in shock when it hit a sheet of glass, you knocked against it firmly but nothing happened. It was like a window where you watched the scene unfold. A woman you had been in the same position as not seconds ago stood up and revealed her face. It was his wife, she handed Luke a small gift bag and waited patiently as he opened it. He acknowledged the gift, a framed photo of the two of them and leaned forward to press a thank you kiss to her lips. 
“Stop!” you called.
No one can hear you. 
“Luke, I’m right here.” you yelled, slamming an open hand to the glass. 
Hot tears fell from your cheeks as you continued to knock and shout. 
“Lu, please.”
As he pulled away from the kiss a grin plastered his face. And it hit you, he was happy. He really was happy. 
Realization of the thing you dreaded the most in the world happened quickly, but not painlessly. Luke’s eyes flicked to your own, he saw you through the window. He saw you calling for him, crying for him, begging for him. He saw you and then he looked away. 
And reality snapped you back yet again, right into the present moment. You were in your café, staring at your empty mug, your face felt hot and wet. When had you started to cry? You reached a shaky hand out for a napkin to wipe your tears, but ended up knocking the mini poinsettia pot in front of you over instead. A crash echoed through the café and everyone turned their attention to you and your frantic demeanor. Everyone, even Luke. 
You forced your eyes up from the glass that sat shattered on the white tablecloth with slow movements and shallow breaths until they finally found the culprit, the reason for your pain. You could see right through the light blue of his eyes, shock and bittersweet nostalgia pooled in the cerulean waves. 
Just like you were suddenly 29 and hurt when you saw Luke. He was suddenly 20 and enamored when he saw you. 
He physically winced while taking notice of the black streaks that cascaded down your cheeks. It reminded him of leaving you. It was all his fault. 
He met your gaze with a desperate one of his own, silently praying that you could still read him well enough to understand. 
His eyes released unspoken declarations with every slow blink. 
I can’t believe I’m seeing you. I miss you. I still love you. I’ll always love you. 
You can’t be here right now. I’m with my family. I’m happy now. I’m happy without you. 
Every silent, stabbing confession all summed up into one that you had been afraid of for the entire eight years that Luke Hemmings had stolen from you. 
I love you, but somehow that stopped being enough.
The place was silent. All eyes on you. 
“I’m so sorry.” 
You weren’t quite sure who you were apologizing to or what for,  it could’ve been to Olive for making yet another mess that she would end up cleaning. It could’ve been to all the customers you disrupted when you broke the flower pot. Or Luke’s son who you had stolen a muffin from. Or maybe his wife, that you had been demonizing in your head for years, seeing her only as the woman who stole the love of your life. It could’ve been to Luke, you were sorry you hadn’t taken him seriously, he was in love and he had a family and you were still waiting around for the day he decided to come back for you. The day that would never come. 
Deep down though, you knew you were saying it to yourself. Eight years is a long time, you had stopped living for yourself a long time ago. You did miss Luke, of course you did but maybe part of the hole in your chest that you had been so desperately trying to fill, was yourself. You really missed you. You without Luke. How could you have forgotten about her? 
“I have to go.” this time you knew exactly who you were talking to and as your feet carried you to the door you didn’t even contemplate turning around when Luke’s voice broke through the silence of the café to say,         
 “Y/n, wait!” 
You kept walking, past the stunned patrons, past Olive, past Luke. You kept walking until you were sure that no one would catch up. You just kept walking because after all this time you were so done waiting.
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glacialltz · 4 years
If the fluff alphabet is still going on,, can I uh,,,, 👉👈 request J, K, N, P, and R for A3! Juza?? If that's not too much!! Im wuv you sososo much Lilium, and I'm so proud of you~~♡♡ Congratulations on 100 my dearest you're so deserving of that and more 🥺🥺 I love you bby~~💓💞💗💖💗💞💗💖💗 ~🌸
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J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Juza isn’t one to get jealous, actually. As the no-nonsense kind of serious person he is, he doesn’t think you’d enter a relationship with him if you had the intent on leaving him for someone else, especially some random person. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t get protective, however, if he sees someone attempting to hit on you or chat you up. You are his significant other, after all. 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Juza is a very hesitant and stiff kisser but, like with acting, he gets better over time and with practice. They may be brief and light kisses, but you can feel every ounce of Juza’s love pouring through them, and you love them as much as you love him. He’s gotten better at loosening up a little the more you kiss him, and he does greatly enjoy each and every one of them. Kisses with Juza are always sweet no matter what. Your first kiss with him was caused by sweets, actually, when you once leaned forward to kiss a spot of cream off the side of his mouth, and you can still remember the way his face erupted into a million shades of soft pink. 
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
As a connoisseur of sweets, Juza always refers to you by the most sugary of nicknames. Only when no one else is around, of course. In front of others Juza usually refers to you by your first name only, sometimes with the occasional “Babe” if he thinks someone is hitting on you. However, when no one’s around, he enjoys cooing softly at you, his “Little Cupcake” and his “Muffin.” This doesn’t mean he doesn’t experience 7 different levels of embarrassment each time but... it’s the thought that counts. 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Juza is very reserved about your relationship. He doesn’t really even mention it to the rest of Mankai. The only way someone would be able to tell is from the look in his eyes; the way his eyes sparkle as he looks at you, and for a moment - just a moment - he looks less like the scary teenager that he’s known as and more like the soft, sweets-loving boy you fell in love with. However, when Juza does get jealous, every once in a blue moon, he’ll wrap his arm around your shoulders and glower at whoever he feels deserves it.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Juza is a bit more cliche, but only because he’s so shy about romance. He tries to branch out and add his own flair to your relationship, but he often does sweet things like presenting you flowers (while his face burns crimson) or offering you a small piece of the treat he’s eating. One of his favorite date activities to do with you is have you seated behind him on his motorcycle as he rides down Veludo Way. Juza basks in the feelings of you arms tightening around his middle whenever he speeds up or rounds a corner, and he could stay there for hours as he finds it an incredibly romantic experience. 
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bldreamer · 5 years
Sweetness  To Your Love | MorkSun
Dark Blue Kiss : MorkSun
Summary: Mork is stressed over final exams and Sun tries to cheer him up with a little sugary goodness. Based on THIS  prompt from @anon. Genre: Stressed!Mork. Sweet!Sun.  Warnings: None? 
A/N: More thanks to @kdramama for turning my spelling error into an idea x
Mork has a sweet tooth. Not many people are privy to the fact. Most would take one look at him and assume he takes his coffee black and his ramen heavy on the salt.
Sun is privileged enough to know that couldn’t be further from the truth, and he learns to take advantage of his insider knowledge as often as possible. Particularly when Mork seems especially stressed.
Final exams at the university are fast approaching and while Rain seems rather blasé about the whole thing, Mork is on edge.
It’s so subtle Sun misses it at first. Mork in an introvert at the best of times, let alone when something is troubling him. It’s only when Sun smells the unusual excess of cigarette stench on him in the middle of his shift that he realizes something is up. Mork knows better than to smoke while he’s working.
Sun bites his tongue when he feels himself itching to lecture him on his bad habits and keeps an eye on him for the rest of the day. Noting the delicate nuances in Mork’s behavior. How quiet he is while he’s working, how distracted he seems when he serves customers, how little he argues back when Sun has constructive criticism to give.
Sun’s usual approach would be to push and shove and nag relentlessly until Mork shoves back. He knows the young man well enough to know that won’t work in this case. If anything, he’ll clam up all the more.
Instead, he waits for a new day to dawn and settles on an alternative tactic which he puts into motion at five AM on a Tuesday morning before the sun has even approached the horizon.
“Mork, wait.” Sun catches Mork’s wrist as he heads to the door for school. Red faculty shirt bunched in his hand, backpack slung over his shoulder. “Here, try these for me after lunch.” Sun hands him a to-go cake box, two glazed cinnamon doughnuts tucked inside.
Mork frowns. Eyes on the box in his hand. “What is it?”
“New recipe. I’m thinking of adding them to the menu,” Sun smiles, “Let me know what you think.”
“Me?” Mork points to himself.
“Mh, you’re my new taste tester.”
“Since when?”
“Since now?” Sun shrugs. “I could always ask Rain if you’re not interested,” he says, faking offense.  
Mork shakes his head. “Whatever, I’ll try it.” He checks his watch and huffs. “I’ll see you later.”
“Have a good day,” Sun says.
Mork throws him a confused look over his shoulder before he leaves.
Four hours later Sun receives three new LINE messages.
Doughnuts were good, old man.
Put them on the menu.
Fridays only. I hate going to the gym.
Sun smiles, it’s not much but it’s earned him more words than Mork has said to him in person all week.  
Thanks for the feedback.
Don’t call me old man.
Two days later, a rainy Thursday, Sun sends Mork to school with a box of caramel oat cookies. They’re not as good as the doughnuts but still worthy according to his official dessert taster. Not that Sun has any actual plans to add either to the cafe menu. The cookies are far too expensive to make and the doughnuts are way too precarious to fry in batches.
Sun keeps those tidbits to himself.
Friday, he tries his hand at a chocolate ganache sponge cake before dawn. The mess in his kitchen, chocolate glaze smeared on almost every surface and himself, is completely worth it when he sees Mork smile for the first time in over a week.
“Chocolate, my favorite.”
Sun gives both his brother and his boyfriend the weekend off to study. Rain sits in his bedroom with Manow -Sun hopes they’re busy with schoolwork, otherwise, he’ll be having words- and Mork sits alone in the quiet spaces of the cafe surrounded by papers and textbooks. Sun keeps him topped up with the sweetest drinks on the menu and the odd chocolate chip muffin left over from the week.
Mork doesn’t say much but the cups are always empty when Sun comes to collect them half an hour later and the muffins are picked at throughout the day. Sun worries for his teeth but at least the sugar will give him an energy boost.
On Monday, Mork doesn’t ask what’s in his to-go box. He’s running late and Sun has to rush after him because he forgets the box on the end of the counter. Blueberry pancakes, because he remembers Mork saying he visited an aunt in California when he was a kid and he’s had a thing for American diner food ever since.
Tuesday, Sun makes Mork sit down for breakfast when he doesn’t have to be at the university until ten. He places a generous slice of lemon cheesecake in front of him and a glass of chocolate milk.
“It’s lemons so it’s healthy,” Sun argues when Mork gives him the eyebrow.
When Mork comes home after school complaining of a headache, Sun decides it’s probably best to rein in the sugary treats for the time being. He doesn’t even think his plan is working anyway. Mork smells less of cigarette smoke but looks just as gloomy when he thinks people aren’t watching.
Sun doesn’t see him for almost three days after that because Mork goes back to his dorm and Sun doesn’t have the heart to argue with him and persuade him to stay.
Friday he returns for his shift and Sun can see the dark circles under his eyes from the other side of the cafe.
A few hours later he finds him curled up on the bench outside, shirt tucked under his head, hands in between his knees, chest rising and falling softly.
Sun stands over him and smiles, pushing his fallen hair back from Mork’s face from the cool breeze. The young man usually so alert doesn’t move an inch. He must be exhausted. Sun pulls off his overshirt out from under his apron and carefully lays it over Mork’s shoulders.
Sun checks on him every half hour or so, happy he remains undisturbed and relatively in the same position until closing.  
It’s dark outside, the cafe is eerily quiet, Sun is wiping down the tables when he hears the groggy voice over his shoulder.
“P’Sun?” Mork says, rubbing his eyes.
Sun turns around, cloth in hand. He smiles at the sight, Mork’s t-shirt crumbled, face puffy and eyes bleary but less dark than they were earlier.
“How long was I asleep?”
Sun checks his watch, “A couple of hours,” he lies. It’s been closer to five but it’s no matter. “I’ll let it slide this once on account that I took some really cute pictures on my phone.”
Mork glares, it’s less intimidating when he yawns afterward. Sun smiles fondly.
“Next time I’m docking your pay,” he warns jokingly. “Do you feel better, at least?”
Mork nods. “Mh.” He throws something in Sun’s direction, and he catches it easily. His shirt. “Put that back on, no one wants to see a half-naked barista. It makes you look desperate.”
Sun looks down at his attire, he’d forgotten he’d only been wearing a tank top this whole time. He meant to grab another shirt from upstairs but he hasn’t had the time.
“Are you jealous you missed out?”  
Mork shrugs. “I can see you without clothes whenever I want, why would I be jealous?”
Mork tilts his chin upwards, cock expression taking over his sleepy one. “You’re not the only one with a camera phone, P’.”
Sun smirks, feeling the heat on the tips of his ears. “Nong Mork, are you flirting?”
“Take it how you want,” he shrugs, walking towards the stairs. “You coming to bed or what?”
Sun throws the cloth on the table and yanks off his apron. He checked the door not five minutes ago so he knows it’s locked. He runs after Mork who has made it half-way up the steps and grabs him by the waist. Mork wriggles away and grumbles about safety being the top priority. Sun laughs and chases after up to the bedroom.
Mork scores third highest in his class when they graduate and Sun couldn’t be prouder. He looks damn handsome in his robes too, despite his constant grumbling. When he comes down from the podium Sun grabs Mork by the sides of his face and kisses him firmly on the lips, much to Mork’s chagrin.  
Sun makes him a three-tiered chocolate cake topped with a mini Mork made out of icing he spent the entire week perfecting, right down to his rings and his hip chain.
“I don’t look like that,” Mork tuts, bright eyes shining in the sunlight. “He looks angry.”
“Yep,” Sun nods, laughing when Mork pushes him hard enough he trips. “Watch the cake you brute,” he whines with a grin.
“Where’s my cake?” Rain grumbles. He could have done better if he had put his mind to it, but he did well and that’s all that matters so Sun keeps his opinions to himself for a change. “I’m your brother.”
“And he’s my boyfriend.”
Mork rolls his eyes from the side. He’s still shy about the title and Sun kind of loves it.
“Didn’t your girlfriend make you one?” Sun asks feigning innocence.
Rain narrows his eyes.  
Mork snorts, and Sun tucks himself into his side, the large cake box safely under his arm.
“Speaking of my girlfriend, is it okay if Manow stays over tonight? Her parents are out of town.”
“Do her parents know?”
Rain nods. “I’ll even call them if you don’t believe me. Pleeeease P’Sun? Your boyfriend practically lives with us. How is it any different?”
Mork kicks a leg out and Rain skillfully doges it.
“Fine. But I want her parent's number. And no funny business, we share a wall.”
Rain is about to complain about hypocrisy -it’s true, but Sun is the older brother and he pays the rent so tough- when Mork interrupts.
“We won’t be here.”
Mork puts his arm around Sun’s shoulders. “I booked us a room out of town for the night.”
Sun is speechless. “You booked us a hotel room?” he asks. “With what money?”
“He sold those cakes and cookies and things you kept making him,” Rain chirps and Mork pulls his arm from around Sun’s shoulders and chases after him until he runs away laughing.
When Mork returns, messy hair and breathless, he looks guilty.
“You sold the things I made?” Sun pouts.
“Not all of them. Come on, P’.” Mork tugs on his arm. “You gave me a box of twelve cookies, how was I supposed to eat them all myself?”
“You could have said.”
“I appreciate them. I really did. I just didn’t want them to go to waste. And I saved most of the money myself,” Mork says, cupping Sun’s empty hand. “Don’t be mad.”
Sun shrugs. “‘m not mad.”
“I booked us the hotel to say thank you,” Mork explains. “I know you’ve barely been sleeping between the extra work at the cafe and making me desserts in the middle of the night.”
Sun sulks, looking away and playing dumb.
Mork smirks, putting a finger under his chin so their eyes meet. “You think I didn’t notice none of those things went on the menu?”
Sun shrugs. “I’m still perfecting the recipes.”
“P’Sun,” Mork cups his cheek. “I told you I’m not good with words. And I can’t bake for shit.”
“So let me show you how much I appreciate you instead.” Mork pulls Sun’s hand to lay on his chest. “I already packed for you, Rain is watching the cafe tomorrow with Manow so we can spend the whole day doing whatever. Please?”
Sun huffs. Giving up his pout with little fight. “You really booked a hotel for us?”
Mork nods. “Four stars, all-inclusive, giant pool,” he explains.
“I’m not worth five stars?”
Mork snorts. “I didn’t sell enough cookies for five stars.”
Sun tries to fight the grin but it’s a losing battle. He bites his bottom lip and chuckles. “Nong Mork, the boy who hated me. Now whisking me away for a romantic overnight getaway.” He shakes his head, chuckling. “Where is this hotel?”
“Not telling. But you might want to hold onto that tight,” Mork gestures to the cake. “We’re taking my bike.”
“You have got to be kidding me?”
“Nope.” Mork nods behind him and when Sun looks over his shoulder, Rain is in the distance wheeling Mork’s bike towards them with a bike helmet on each handlebar.
“Then I’ve changed my mind,” Sun whines. “I am mad and I’m not getting on that deathtrap.”
“You rode a bike when you dragged me across the countryside for your stupid coffee beans.”
That’s true.
“That’s different,” Sun grumbles instead.
“I was driving,” he tuts.
“You’re not driving my bike.”
“Why not?”
“I said no.”
“Shut up, and put your helmet on.”
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swellwriting · 6 years
You found me.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: none
Request: can I request Draco x female reader imagine? students are on break and girl convinces Draco to visit her home in the muggle world. they go shopping, visit museums, drink hot chocolate, go to the cinema... at the end of the day they are back in the girl's home and search through her old Hogwarts memories. later they are cuddled up and have sweet conversations🥰
Word Count: 3.7k
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A break from college was much needed at this point in the semester, between exams and final projects you were glad to have a week where you could literally do nothing and not feel guilty about it. The week prior was spent surviving on a diet of 60% caffeine and 40% muffins with a mix of only 5 hours of sleep at most, but it was worth it for this stress-free break.
You lied in bed staring at the ceiling, you had just woken up of your own volition instead of by an alarm clock for the first time in months. Your mind raced with all the things you could do today, you could go to the coffee shop and enjoy having your morning drink there instead of racing out the door with it, you could read for pleasure in your own bed instead of the stuffy library with the weird mildew smell, or you could go shopping. The ideas drifted through your head as you weighed which was more favourable to yourself.
You got out of bed, grabbed a knitted sweater off the floor and pulled it over your shoulders walking to the kitchen in your small flat to get some cereal. As you crunched on the sugary breakfast food you continued pondering, you looked at the calendar on the wall to see something scribbled in red ink on today's date. It read: renew apparition licence today!
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath. That would be a good chunk of today's time wasted on long lines at the Ministry. You shrugged accepting the fact that you needed your apparition license, you needed to apparate to class at least a few times a week when you were running late and you couldn't afford to possibly pay the fine of being caught with an out of date licence. Not that you ever would get caught, attending a school full of muggles meant you only apparated into empty bathroom stalls and broom closets, but it was better safe than sorry.
Once you rinsed out your bowl you made your way to your room, your flat was small, deemed student housing making it was fairly cheap, so you wouldn't complain. The small closet in your room had a dresser crammed into it and hangers full of clothes on top, it was great being able to wear whatever you wanted, as long as it was reasonably appropriate, to school every day. You grabbed a pair of light wash jeans and slid them on, pulling the high rise pants up past your belly button, you slid a thin black long sleeve shirt on and tucked it in fastening the button, you grabbed your bag and a sweater before sliding your boots on and running out the door, better to get there early and get this over with.
Sadly, that's what many people had in mind as well. When you apparated into the main entrance of the Ministry you were met with the crowds of people making their way through the busy building. You looked at the signs and tried to find the licence renewal line and make your way there. You hadn’t had to do this since you turned 16, you got it a week after your birthday, though you weren't legally allowed to apparate until 18. You wondered if you would see anyone you knew here, anyone from Hogwarts with a birthday near yours that would also have to renew their license around now. As you walked, staring up at the signs trying to find the way you bumped into someone else who had been staring at their feet as they walked.
You noticed his polished black shoes first, as your eyes drifted up you saw a perfectly pressed white button up and then your eyes met his, a shade of silver just as you had remembered them.
“I'm sorry.” Where the only words that came out of your mouth as your mind raced, it had been over two years since you had last seen your old acquaintance from Hogwarts.
“It's alright.” He answered plainly making the conversation go nowhere but you both still stood there waiting for something to happen.
The large crowd seemed to part around the two of you as you stood in place looking up at him expectantly, but for what, you weren’t sure. From Draco you didn't expect a warm hug like you would from a different classmate, you expected perhaps a handshake, the general courteousness of a pompous rich boy like himself, instead he smiled awkwardly at you, “Hello, Y/n.”
“Hello, Draco.” You replied formally repeating his greeting to him, unsure of where the two of you stood.
The two of you weren't friends in Hogwarts, to say that would be a stretch but for a moment you wondered what would define a friend to Draco and though perhaps in his mind, you might fit the bill. You were kind to him, kind to everybody actually, you were potion partners for three years in a row at the end of Hogwarts and he once even bought you a hot chocolate at The Three Broomsticks when you ended up at the same large table with mutual friends. So even though it hadn't really crossed your mind maybe he did see you as a friend from school, more than you saw him as a just an old classmate.
“Do you work here?” He asked gesturing to the building you were both standing in.
“Oh no, I'm in school actually, the University of London, second year.” You said awkwardly. You hadn't seen many old friends from Hogwarts, you ahdnt looked forward to telling anyone from your old magical school that you had chosen to go to a muggle school, especially not someone like Draco. Even if you had heard that he changed, you had seen it a bit yourself in the last years of Hogwarts.
Draco raised a brow like he had no idea what you were talking about so you decided to further explain yourself to the boy with such a narrow world view, “Its a muggle school.”
He nodded and then looked confused again before asking, “Then what are you doing here?”
“Well I'm still a witch Draco,” you said it with no malice instead you gave a lighthearted chuckled before continuing to explain yourself, “I have to renew my apparition license, but I'm having trouble finding it.”
“Oh me too, I just got told its downstairs, here let me show you.” He said before turning and walking the direction the lady at the desk had just told him, he looked back every now and then to make sure you were still behind him, not daring to grab your hand. He seemed nervous and uneasy, to top it off he looked pale, paler than usual.
When you got to the line he stopped, “I guess a lot of people are here for the same thing.”
“I guess so.” You answered awkwardly as he stepped aside for you to go in front of him in the line, you smiled and quietly said thank you before turning to face the front. After a few minutes of awkward silence, the line had only moved a smidge. You decided it would be best to let the time pass with conversation, you turned swiftly to face Draco which seemed to surprise him.
“How are you?” You said abruptly, forcing a friendly smile on your face.
“Me? Oh, I'm good, yeah good.”
“Just good? Are you working somewhere or?”
“No.” He answered awkwardly fidgeting with his hands, “I'm rather uninteresting actually, how are you?”
“I'm good, stressed out beyond belief, well I'm sure you've felt similarly distressed.” You commented, meaning to relate to your mutual schooling at Hogwarts and being stressed for OWLS and such but by the look of bewilderment on his face, you knew he assumed you meant stress from the war or something regarding his trial.
“I mean, stressed from school, like at Hogwarts for OWLs, College is similar, actually less difficult really, but it's still a lot.”
“Oh, of course, yeah, schools always stressful.”
Your conversation was interrupted when you noticed Harry Potter walking out of a doorway with the sign “Department of Magical Law Enforcement” overhead. He quickly noticed Draco and walked over, it was hard to miss that platinum blonde hair.
“Draco! How are you?”
“Good, you?” He replied, he still looked just as uneasy when talking to Harry, you assumed they had become friends since you read that Harry testified for him at his trial.
“Good.” He said with a nod before noticing you, “And Y/n hello.”
“Hi, Harry.” You said, it was weird, you were never friends with him at Hogwarts. He would have never said hi to you if you weren’t stood beside Draco.
“Are you guys here together?” Harry asked as he looked at Draco expectantly.
“Now we just ran into each other, renewing our licenses,” Draco said, and you just nodded.
Harry’s smiled deflated a bit as he patted Draco on the shoulder. “Well, you should get out more often, other than renewing license’s and stuff, come by sometime soon!” Harry said before waving goodbye to you and then walking away.
“That was awkward.” You commented not meaning to let it slip out, you covered your mouth with your hand.
Draco chuckled, a genuine smile spreading across his face, “What and this is not?”
“Well, sort of, but it'd be awkward if I saw anyone from Hogwarts, it's not specifically because it's you. Regardless, you seem uneasy, like you don't want to be here.”
“Do you want to be here?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No, but you seem more nervous to be here than just generally annoyed like I am.”
“I just feel like, I don't know how to talk to people, I am a very different person from when I last spoke to you, for example, I don't know how to be me now. It sounds weird but it's just, I don't know. I feel like everyone everywhere is staring at me all the time and everyone hates me.” Draco confessed, sounding so honest and real that it almost scared you.
“You shouldn't care what people think.”
“Y/n, I haven't changed THAT much.” He said with a smile and you laughed.
Before you could say anything back to him the lady at the desk called out for the next person in line, which you hadn't realized until now was you.
Draco got called to the desk beside you and you both turned to each other when you were finished, standing there awkwardly again, unsure of what to do.
“I should go.” You said quietly as you stood out of the way.
“Yeah, me too, busy day ahead of me.”
“Busy? What do you have to do?” You asked, wondering what Draco Malfoy did if he didn't work.
“Sit in the manor, alone. Actually.” He tried to say it as a joke but the sadness in his eyes was telling.
“I actually have a few things to do, if you want to tag along, you know if the whole brooding alone thing can wait.”
“I can reschedule it actually,” he said with a thin smile, you could tell he was holding himself back from smiling wider, not wanting to seem too excited to actually have something to do.
You grabbed his hand and apparated back into the living room of your flat, it was small, like every room. There was a large window that took up most of the wall and looked down on part of London, you were a few floors up so you had a teeny tiny balcony as well. You had a bright patterned couch that you found on sale and textbooks and notes covering your coffee table, as well as many half drunk cups of tea.
“Sorry for the mess, I have to take a day to clean sometime this week.” You said gesturing to the mess before grabbing the sticky note attached to your fridge with a list of basic groceries you needed. You stuck the sticky note to Dracos neat white shirt, “hold this for me,” he looked down and peeled it off his shirt with a grin, holding the small list in his hands.
-almond milk
-tea bags
He read it over, what a weird shopping list, it was so normal. He looked at you as you grabbed your bag and walked over to the door, waving your hand for him to follow. As you walked down the stairs he had to ask, “Where are we getting these things? Why don't we just apparate?”
“We are going to the grocery store, and we are walking because it's nice outside for one and because muggles don't take kindly to someone magically appearing in front of their cart in the cereal aisle.”
Draco nodded trying to understand, he had never been to a grocery store in his life, he always had someone to do that for him. There was a small grocery shop a block away from your flat, you grabbed a basket instead of a cart and walked to where you knew, the things you needed, to be. You quickly grabbed them as Draco followed you like a lost puppy dog.
“This is really all I have to get done today, but I should take you to more muggle places, you seem confused and scared but in the way someone fears something unknown to them, when we were at the ministry you looked anxious and scared but in the way that you were scared of the people around you.” You paused for a moment thinking he would say something but he stayed silent so you continued. “The muggles? They don't care about you, they don't even know who you are, you will only get weird looks for wearing dress clothes in the middle of spring while walking on the streets.”
“So my attire is not muggle appropriate?”
“No, it's perfect of sulking in your house where only the house elves will see you, but it's terrible for literally anything else, except maybe a pureblood party.”
“This would never be suitable for a pureblood party, this is too dressed down,” he scoffed and you raised a brow at him as to tell him he was being too stuck up and posh, he mumbled a sorry in acknowledgment under his breath. “What would you suppose I wear?”
As the two of you stood in the checkout line you placed your items on the counter and turned to him trying to work with what you had. You raised a hand up slowly to his hair and paused looking him in the eyes before daring to touch it, he nodded his head giving you permission to mess up his perfectly gelled back platinum hair.
You dug your fingers in and shuffled them back and forth until his hair was less stuck in place and more tousled, falling to one side and sticking up in a few places, perfectly messy which made Draco already look like a whole new person.
Then as you still stood in the checkout line in the middle of a busy grocery shop you moved closer to him and undid a few buttons off the top and pulled his shirt untucked, you then rolled his sleeves up giving him an instantly more casual look. “That's the best that I can do,” you said with a smile.
As you paid for your food Draco whispered from behind you so the clerk wouldn't hear, ‘You made me look ridiculous didn't you?”
“No you look very handsome I promise.” You said without even thinking.” Draco’s cheeks turned light pink at that and he stood in shock, staring at the clerk behind the counter for a minute before he realized you had walked away.
He hurried to catch up with you and took your bag out of your hand to carry it for you, but as you got outside finding an unusually empty sidewalk you took the bag back from him and in a snap, it disappeared, being sent to your kitchen counter.
“So you buy groceries the muggle way, but you use magic at your own convenience.”
“Though this is a Muggle shop, wizards buy groceries too Draco, you just have house elves for such things.” You teased and he frowned realizing his view of a wizarding life varied from yours and others quite a bit.
“So, what other muggle things are we going to do then?”
“You actually want to? You have changed quite a lot then, you won't be too disgusted by them or too busy thinking you are superior to them?”
“My parents are still very much that way, and though I wouldn't want them to know what I was currently doing, I have no issue with it.”
“And if your parents knew you were willingly spending your day with a half-blood?”
“They'd probably faint but I don't care.”
“Ooh, Draco Malfoy. Ever the Rebel.” You teased as you stopped walking in front of the small museum you had always opposed but never gone to. “Care to be super rebellious and learn a little bit about Muggle history?”
Draco shrugged as he followed you inside, you walked in silently looking at the different exhibits, the one about past wars, the dinosaurs, some old statues and near the end there was a small art gallery with historic paintings. Draco was looking at one of some detailed building, an old castle of some sort when he heard you start laughing, it would be very disruptive had anyone else been in there.
“What's so funny?” He asked as he walked over and then frowned when he saw the painting, it was of a young man with white hair and a large frown on his face, he wore some old time clothes and it very much resembled Draco. “Oh, Merlin.”
“Nope, doesn't look like Merlin to me,” you paused bending over in laughter as Draco looked at you completely unamused, “looks like you.”
“Oh shut up,” he said as he finally let a smile crack. Now that you had seen he wasn't actually upset at finding his painting doppelganger you grabbed his shoulders lightly and moved him to stand beside it, you backed up admiring the resemblance and then burst out laughing again.
“It's uncanny really.” Then your mouth opened as you came to a great realization, you had a camera with you, you shuffled through your bag and felt it in your hands, before pulling it out you looked at Draco with a pleading smile. “Please.”
“What?” He asked looking a bit scared.
You pulled the camera out and hid your face behind it, he breathed loudly letting out a huff. “Fine.”
You looked into the viewfinder and framed the photo, it was perfect. You clicked it, making sure the flash was off to not draw attention from any security guards.
As soon as you pulled the camera down he moved away from the painting, you walked up beside him moving on to the exit and out to the sidewalk.
“That was fun.”
“Ah yes, fun. You making fun of me is very fun.”
“I'm not making fun of you, I'm having fun with you, there’s a difference, even if you're not used to the latter.”
“I have fun,” he argued.
“When is the last time you had fun with someone and you weren't making fun of someone else?”
“Probably potions class with you?” he said honestly, almost like a question. You smiled at that, it was such a cute thing to say even if it was just his honest thoughts.
“I guess that counts, this is better though.” You smiled as you turned into a   shop, holding the door for Draco to walk in behind you.
“Hot chocolate? I need a break from my caffeine binge of last week. I’ll buy this time if you buy next time.” You said with a smile and Draco agreed, going to find the two of you a table by the window.
“If you want me to pay next time we will have to visit the three broomsticks or something, I might be rich in the wizarding world but to muggles my money is rubbish.” He commented.
“Sure, I've been dying to go back there anyways I haven’t been in so long.”
“Last time I was there was when we pushed two tables together, it was right before the big battle at Hogwarts, maybe a week before, we were all so stressed and nervous that it didn't matter who was sat at the table, Slytherins sat there, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws and even Gryffindors, it was fun complaining about school and the war together, it was like group therapy.”
“You bought me a hot chocolate that night.” You said with a smile as you sipped your sweet drink.
“I remember that.”
“A weird act of kindness for the then Draco Malfoy.”
“Well, I felt like you deserved it, you looked stressed.”
“I was stressed, we all were.”
“But you were the only one I really cared about, the others could fuck right off if I'm being honest.”
“Did Draco Malfoy just say he cared about me?”
“You were always kind to me, patient, even when I didn't deserve it,” he admitted as he sort of his behind his drink, taking small sips.
“Everybody deserves a bit of kindness.”
“And here you are, being kind yet again even though I haven't talked to you for over two years, I thought about it but I never had your address anyways.
“Well, you found me now.” You said with a smile and he smiled back, genuine, all toothy with no holding back for his reputation.
“Let's go see a movie, I'm out of ideas after that.”
“A muggle movie I assume.”
“Yep, with muggle snacks and muggle actors and everything, the full experience, even chewed muggle gum under the seats!”
“I don't even want to inquire on that last part.” He said as you both stood up and walked over to the movie theatre down the street, preparing to stuff your faces with overly buttery popcorn and bubbly soda drinks.
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romeo-the-cactus · 5 years
The Sacred Text
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 Carol has been buzzing around her tiny kitchen for the past hour trying to get everything right. She's switched between having just lamps and fairy lights on for a more atmospheric look with less glare and putting the main light on so you can see what you're doing. She's set the oven to preheat 4 times, each time switching it back off so she doesn't appear too eager. The playlist she stayed up late last night making has had its queue relentlessly edited so that it may or may not now just be looping the same five songs. She's tidied up till the whole apartment is spotless before putting things back and purposefully ruffling and rumpling them, before putting half the painstakingly just-barely-open magazines and ever-so-slightly draped over the sofa throws back away.
The doorbell rings. She freezes so suddenly that she almost falls over.
The thing is that she's been hoping and praying this day would come for months now. Since her first visit to your bakery, when she had been charmed as much by your impeccable pastries as your kind eyes, bright smile, and equally bright wit, she has been trying to see you outside of work, but every time she came up with an excuse you were busy, or tired, or going to be out of town, or 'no seriously Carol, I can't go to karaoke night with you, I really do have to be up at 4 to start work, which do you value more, my bad singing or my macaroons, that's what I thought', or whatever.
She was really starting to think you weren't interested, because surely no one could be that oblivious? But you always seemed so happy to see her when she bounced back from the latest maybe-rejection to swing by the bakery the next day, or the next hour, because at this point, daily visits had bumped up to an average of three visits a day, but she'd finally managed to get you outside of the bakery.
It had only taken three weeks of openly drooling over your new meringues and begging for the recipe, pleading imminent bankruptcy at your hands.
And now you were outside her front door. Where you had now been for several minutes.
'Uh...Carol...can you let me in? I'm not sure how much longer I can stand out here?' You called out, your voice sounding weirdly distant - and as she rushed to yank the door open, apologies already spilling from her mouth, it wasn't hard to see why as a mound of baking equipment, batter-splattered recipe books, and ingredients made its way into her flat, almost collapsing in surprise at the sudden welcome.
'In here, kitchen's this way' Carol ushered you in, making a grab for some of the heavier-looking items, and trying not to swoon at the half-hearted glare that appeared from behind a mixing bowl as she narrowly avoided dislodging the egg carton precariously balanced at the top of the pile.
'You smash my free-ranges, Danvers, and you can kiss first refusal on my cinnamon rolls goodbye forever' you only-half-joke.
'If those eggs smash in an unexpected descent from mount patisserie I feel like that's not my fault' she points out, a sceptical look on her face.
A slight blush rises to your cheeks, the upper-hand you'd felt at her flustered appearance when you arrived falling away. 'I didn't wanna make two trips' you reluctantly confess, looking a little sheepish.
It had been over a year now of the two of you dancing around each other like this, a seemingly endless game of hot potato where you constantly exchanged embarrassed shyness and flirtatious bravado- or at least, you hoped it was flirtatious, otherwise she's one of your worst customers and you've really crossed a boundary in coming here. The truth was that since she had first sauntered into your bakery and cleared you out of the muffins that should've lasted you all day, leaving you with a wink, some crumbs, and a mortifyingly strong crush, you've been dying to do something like this, but it never seemed to be the right time. Work was eating up your life like Carol on Strawberry Tart Sundays. Between early mornings getting everything in the ovens and late nights feeding your sourdough that sold annoyingly well, you never seemed to have any free time, and whenever you did you were so exhausted that you napped it all away anyway.
When you saw the look she gave those meringues though, you knew this was your chance.
'Well, in that case I gotta congratulate you on a successful feat of stubborness' she laughed, her eyes doing that squinty thing that had you melting right into her chocolate brown- oh crap Carol was still talking! You followed her through to a plain yet ugly white galley kitchen on one side of the apartment.
'Well thankfully on account of my stubbornness we'll actually be able to make something given you don't seem to own so much as a mixing bowl!' You pointed out, confident that things were back in your realm now that you'd gotten to the actual baking part of the day.
Frowning in an irritatingly cute way, she dug through her cupboards while you unloaded yourself, finally getting your attention with a loud 'a-ha!'
You spun round as you tied your apron strings to see her dramatically brandishing a plastic cereal bowl.
'Nice try Danvers,' you said, patting her on the head and taking the bowl 'I'm sure that'll be perfect for the shells'.
Carol tried not to look too disappointed (or delighted) as she grabbed the other, hideously pink and frilly apron and tried and failed to tie it behind her back.
You turned at the sound of Carol clearing her throat to see her pouting, apron strings tangled together in her hands.
'Carolll' you sighed, exasperated, grabbing her by the hips and spinning her round so you could untie the megaknot she'd somehow managed to create, and- did you imagine that or was that a gasp? Never mind. Focus on the task at hand. You're here to teach her how to make meringues, not to live out your fantasies. Even if this was one of your fantasies. No, focus!
You finally got the strings free from each other, and crossed them over, spun her back round - you definitely hadn't imagined that gorgeous little gasp that time - and tied a neat little bow.
'So first you have to separate the eggs...' You began. This was going to be more of a test than you thought. Especially because this was at least the third time you'd heard the opening riff of Sweet Child O'Mine.
Carol was losing her mind. First it was just at how passionate you'd become about the recipes you were using, getting all technical about ratios and structural integrity and oven temperatures. Then there was the emphasis you kept putting on 'stiff peaks'. This however, was the last straw.
Part of her really did want to learn to bake meringues, and she was trying really hard to follow the complex hybrid of a recipe you'd presented her with like it was a sacred document- and she'd eaten your meringues, she was fully aware that it was a sacred document- she just wasn't much of a baker. But then she'd felt you peering over her shoulder, grabbing hold of her wrist to stop what she was doing 'no Carol, you have to gently fold it in or all the air will get knocked out of the egg whites'.
Ironic, considering how she was struggling to breathe with you pressed up against her back like that. Your arms crept under hers, one hand grabbing the bowl, the other lacing its fingers through hers to grip the spoon and then gently, agonisingly slowly starting to mix. You stopped, allowing her to have another go, leaving your hand where it was.
She tried to imitate your movements, and you became more and more aware of how close you were right now. She stopped mixing and turned her head to you for approval.
For once, neither one of you seemed to have the upper hand as you both stood frozen, looking at each other, faces millimetres apart. You both leaned in as your lips met in a quick, soft kiss. As you broke apart, both of you blinking, smiles spreading across your faces, seemingly in slow motion, Carol spun round to face you and your hands snaked up her back and into her hair, your hips pushing her into the counter slightly as your kissing grew more intense- BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! You sprang apart, knocking the timer you'd set to let you know when the oven was preheated to the floor, Carol's arm flying out and whacking the open bag of icing sugar, a white mist erupting all over the two of you as you both somehow ended up on the floor giggling. Carol got up onto her knees and gently pulled your face to hers to continue what you'd started.
'Worth missing your bread dough for?' She smirked, dusting some sugar from your nose and sticking the sugary finger in her mouth.
As you began to nod, beaming at her, you realised with a tug of irritation deep in your belly that you'd forgotten to feed the sourdough before you left. Oh well, you thought. Carol was worth losing your hipster demographic for. You dived towards her.
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indyflanery · 5 years
Open Roads Ship Evaluation
drives when they go on road trips? do they switch at the halfway point? does one drive there and the other drive back? They switch when they’re in a car regardless of direction. But they prefer road trips on their bikes. 
looks over the menu for fifteen minutes before ordering the same thing they order EVERYWHERE they go? does the other half of your ship get annoyed by this, or do they find it endearing? Nate, but Indy doesn’t mind, he gets him to try different things every now and then.
is more likely to get arrested? …Depends on what for. Indy for stupid shit, Nate for something actually illegal with good intentions. 
is afraid of roller coasters? does the other half of your ship try and convince them to face the fear, or do they take a softer approach and not push them at all? Indy is not a fan. Nate tries to coax him every now and then and he lets himself be coaxed but it never turns out well.
shows up at home with a dog unannounced despite the fact they’ve already got three/four/however many pets? Equally so, but they only need one dog and Nate probably surprised Indy with it.
demands that they do date night? does the other person complain or do they go with it just to see the excited look on their partners face? No demands for date night, they did it regularly because they want to. 
is the clumsy one who’s always tripping up flights of stairs or over their own feet? does it stress the other half of your ship out or do they find it hilarious? Indy hands down. Nate’s just more concerned that Indy is okay, even if he chuckles a little because it’s endearing after a point.
picks the music when they’re in the car? does the other complain about their taste in music? They have pretty similar tastes in music, Indy leaning toward more rock, but no real complaints.
insists on paying for everything when they’re out? do they fight about it? Nate always insists and they initially fought about it, but Nate has learned to compromise with Indy and not insist on it all the time.
is the one to quietly suggest they get high together for the first time? how does the other half of your ship react? Nate. Probably because he needed a bit of quieting his brain. Indy would be curious and agreeable.
is secretly terrified of horror movies and yet watches them all the time because it’s something the other half of your ship loves? Neither. Horror movies are entertaining if not always their thing. 
talks in their sleep? does their partner record it and call them out, or not tell them and keep it as a secret so they can keep enjoying it? Indy talks and Nate probably asks him about it out of curiosity but he doesn’t tease him. He’d only keep to himself anything sweet pertaining to himself. 
brings up the conversation of marriage + babies? how does the conversation go? Marriage Nate brings up, Indy can agree with it after some coaxing and the longer they spend in their relationship. They’re both in agreement on the fact they’re not big on kids.
has to pull the other back by their back of their sweater when they try and do something stupid in public? Nate probably has to keep a hold on Indy. He’s used to having people watching him.
is more likely to pick the other up from the airport with an obnoxiously large cardboard sign? what does the sign say? Neither are probably inclined to do that, but if pressed Indy probably would with just Nate’s last name and a chauffeur’s hat to tease him.
tries to cook a meal and accidentally almost burns the house down? Nate until he gets better at cooking. Indy can at least cook the bare minimum.
deliberately makes a squeaky chair squeak until the other person flips out? Indy
falls asleep no matter what position they’re in + needs to be carried to bed? Indy
is the little spoon when they cuddle? Indy, although he likes to think they switch (Nate claims the opposite).
hates thunderstorms and needs to be comforted for the duration? Neither mind thunderstorms. It’s a good way to cuddle.
brings the other breakfast in bed? is it a proper cooked breakfast - or just an old muffin? Nate definitely will bring Indy a proper breakfast even if it’s not always cooked by him
convinces the other to go on a hike? do they love it, or are they absolutely miserable? Indy convinces Nate they need to get out of the city more and Nate really doesn’t have a problem with it.
can never admit they’re wrong? Indy
lets the dog sleep on the bed when the other isn’t paying attention? They BOTH will do that. 
uses emojis in replace of words? does it drive the other person insane? Nate uses more emojis, but it doesn’t drive Indy nuts unless it’s unnecessary add-ons.
who decorates their house? does the other come home and blink at all the pastel pink and force a smile despite how much they hate it? Mutual decoration. And there never will be pastels in the house.
is more likely to get into a fight to defend the other? Nate has never had any problems punching people.
is constantly spewing random facts about absolutely anything and everything? does it annoy the other person or do they find it all interesting? Indy and some of the things he comes up with actually intrigues Nate.
is the lovey-dovey drunk? Nate
laughs at their own jokes? does the other laugh at the joke… or at their partner? Nate. Indy just laughs at Nate being a goof.
is competitive about EVERYTHING? Depends on the competition.
apologizes first when they have a fight? Depends on the fight, although in general Nate will probably be prone to apologizing more.
makes the other a flower crown? does the other wear it without complaint or beg not to be embarrassed? Nate. Indy would probably wear it if they were home. 
is more likely to put their fist through a wall when they’re angry? Indy despite being less prone to punching people. He’d have to be quite angry.
sends the other memes despite the fact they’re laying in bed next to each other? Nate.
wears the others clothes the most? Mutual thing. It’s comforting.
pranks the other on a near constant basis? how does the other react? Pranks are not a thing, but Nate would probably be more likely to doing it.
comes up with obnoxiously sappy pet names for the other just to watch them roll their eyes? Nate, but Indy teases just as much.
forgets their anniversary? Indy
is impulsive and makes big choices for them without stopping to think through what it all means? Indy
writes cute messages for the other on the bathroom mirror when they have a shower? Nate
has to do the dishes because the other gags any time they stick their hands in the water? Indy does dishes more but Nate will take his share of them.
jumps into the pool without testing the temperature, and who dips their toes in first? Nate dives in. Indy takes a little bit longer but not much. 
tries to kill bugs in the house… and which one stops them and gets the bug out of the house alive and well? If Maverick doesn’t get to it, they both kill them. 
can speak a second/third/forth language and uses it to annoy the other when they’re fighting? Indy (and 6th, 7th, 8th, et al.)
says i love you first? does the other immediately say it back? They almost always say it back or some form of it. Once he’d said it, Indy is prone to saying it more often.
wins when they arm wrestle? Depends on the day, although Nate probably just a little more.
gets caught singing some old, corny one direction song to themselves? Neither would ever sing One Direction.
is forever forcing the other to take selfies with them? does the other person complain every time? Indy more often than Nate and Nate never complains. 
shows up at the others house with chinese food + a six pack of beer when they’re having a bad day? Definitely a rotating thing. 
sends the cheesy good morning/night texts? Nate
suggests they send out a christmas card together? does the other go for it, or question when they turned into old people? Nate suggests it because he’d gotten conditioned to having it expected with his family and Indy questions it because WTF is that all about.
is a morning person and who pulls the covers up over their head and begs for five more minutes? Indy
is constantly insisting they won’t need a jacket before they go out… and then has to steal the others when they get cold? Indy
is a smoker and has to deal with the other forever showing them gross photos to try and convince them to quit? Neither smoke. Nate drastically cut back on the weed when he got serious with Indy. 
decides they need to go on a health binge and throws out all the sugary food in the house? how does the other react? Nate and Indy clearly loses his mind over it.
holds all the important documents when they’re travelling? Why? Nate just because Indy is absent minded like that sometimes despite always travelling.
hates flying? how does the other help them relax before/during/after a flight? Indy hates flying. Nate distracts him or soothes him with low conversation. Some form of sex may or may not be involved depending on how bad it is that day.
is more likely to suggest a lil fool around in the bathrooms at a club? how does the other react? …Seriously? They’re both bad in that way.
plans a night of board games for date night, and who plans a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant? Nate is more inclined to plan fancy things. Indy is more laid back.
cries watching the news? Neither. 
teases the other one for having a crush on them… despite the fact they’ve been dating for a year? Nate teases Indy
believes in aliens? Indy will not give Nate the satisfaction of even letting him ask him about aliens.
is constantly leaving the lights on in every room in the house? Indy
rocks the seat on the ferris wheel? Nate and Indy would kill him if he keeps doing it.
is a terrible liar? Nate
is always reading the other their star sign despite the fact they don’t believe in any of it? Nate
who panics when Mercury goes into retrograde? Nate if only because he’d believe in it compared to Indy.
insists they watch documentaries to broaden their knowledge? Indy
is constantly renovating part of their house but not finishing one thing before moving on to the next? Indy is prone to that kind of energy but wouldn’t renovate the house.
uses all the hot water? Indy
is the shower person? who’s the bath person? They’re both shower people, baths are for more intimate moments.
is most likely to be unfaithful? A painful question…Neither of them are saints and have their history. Indy doesn’t want to think Nate will cheat but he doesn’t have the best history with relationships. But they are too devoted to each other to cheat.
what is your otps song? Perfect by Ed Sheeran
do their families approve of the relationship? why/why not? Indy’s father is a bit indifferent, if slightly disapproving, but he doesn’t care that much one way or another about Indy’s choices. Nate’s family took some getting used to things at first mainly because it was unexpected and not generally acceptable for the eldest (and only) of a well-off family. But they’ve accepted it after Nate stood up for their relationship and they saw how content he was. 
whose friends do they hang out with more? Nate’s
what do they do on their first date? did they have a first date, or did they just sort of… start dating? They did things sort of backwards, with sex as no strings attached before realizing there was feelings involved and then they went on a date the next day. Dinner, a walk, and ice cream - it was all very romantic.
what is their favorite way to spend the holidays? do they go to one of their families houses? or do they create their own tradition by staying in bed listening to christmas music and getting drunk? Family rotations are obligatory, with time spent with their friends more enjoyable, but their favorite time is spent together in bed or on the couch curled up watching movies with the dog coming and going as he will.
what do they name their dog? do the give it a super boring name like allen - or do they name it something like bubblegum princess? Maverick because Nate is a Top Gun nerd
how do they handle emergencies? does one of them crack under the pressure - or do they bicker because they both need to be in control?There are minor moments of panic but they handle things well pending on what the emergency is.
how did they meet? were they immediately drawn to each other? At a party in the Hamptons and they were easy friends.
what do they fight about the most? how do they resolve their fights? Things relating to Nate’s life of privilege and Indy’s more down to earth upbringing. It tends to resolve when they’ve had a few minutes to calm down and they compromise in some way.
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xroguex1027 · 6 years
Bread Pudding Doesn’t Like Julian (Un edited)
Just a little sicfic about how Julian can’t let his sister down even at the expense of his own guts.
JulianXMC(No gender), Platonic Pasha 
May have emetaphobia triggers although nothing happens. I’m new at stuffing fics, it’s a newly discovered guilty pleasure so bare with me.
Portia loved proving herself to her brother almost as much as she loved fussing over him. Sometimes she would bake for him or be his therapist but today she realy wanted to impress him with the new recipe she had found.
Julian didn't want to say it but Pasha's bread pudding wasn't as good as the grandmas. It was runnier and intoxicatingly sweet. The first bowl wasn't sitting right in his stomach. But he did have a habit of not eating enough. It very well could be that he was just out of practice. 
“Mph-it’s good pasha” Julian choked. 
“You really think so?” Pasha asked clasping her hands in hopeful delight.
“It’s really erm-sweet.” Julian took a long sip of his tea in an effort to cool the sugary heat in his throat.
“If you like it you can have some more.” Pasha offered excitedly. 
Julian couldn’t turn his sister down. She had worked so hard to find and make this recipe. The two of them had loved it as kids. It had a been special treat the grandmas made just for the two of them. Maybe it was the heaping spoonful of nostalgia but deep inside he felt something starting to ache. 
He couldn’t tell her it was turning his stomach though, Pasha would think it was her fault.
 “How could I say no?” He asked. If only he knew the answer.
Pasha hurried to the stove with his empty bowl and spooned out a generous second helping seeing how much her brother liked it and sat it down in front of him.
“I almost forgot!” Pasha cried. “I made muffins to go with it.”
She jammed on her mitts and eagerly retrieved the crumbly pastries from the oven’s warm belly. Then she took one piping hot muffin and plopped it on top of Julian's bread pudding.
He had to guzzle his tea between bights to help the pudding down. 
“Aren’t you gonna try the muffin?” Pasha asked hopefully.
“Oh, I was-just uh-going to save it for tomorrow. You know busy day might not get a chance to go to the market for lunch.”
“Oh don’t worry about that, there is plenty enough for you to take some home with you.”
 His stomach made a strange rumble he hadn’t heard since his first time aboard a ship. Thank god he had found his sea legs since then.
“See listen to how hungry you are.” Pasha insisted. 
“Pasha I-”
“You really don’t eat enough. Listen to it. Feed me, Julian! Feed me!” Her impression of his stomach was almost as unsettling as the pudding inside it.
There was no getting out of this one. She was going to watch him until that entire muffin was gone. 
Julian forced himself to take a large bite out of the muffin, the faster he ate it the faster it would be over with. It was thick, and he could feel it squeeze down his throat and sit in his chest before sinking to the pit of his stomach.
He tried to cover a hiccup with a satisfied sound.
“See told you, you would like it.” Pasha smiled. 
He used the last bite of the muffin to sop up the rest of the pudding. As he tried to swallow he could feel his throat tightening. 
“Here have some more.” Pasha insisted. She was so excited by how much Julian seemed to like this pudding. 
“I don’t think I-” 
But before he could finish Pasha had shoved another muffin into her brother’s mouth. 
“Here this one is cinnamon flavored.”
It actually was pretty good, Julian would have really enjoyed it had his stomach been a little less moody. He wasn’t sure how it happened or what Pasha had said to guilt him into eating so much but five bows of pudding and three muffins later he was cradling his gurgly belly under the table.
“What was that noise?”Pasha asked.
If she knew his stomach was still roaring she would keep feeding him. and he felt guilty rejecting her again. 
“I think it was Pepe,” Julian said choking back a sugary burp.
“Of course it’s his feeding time,” Pasha remembered and immediately went to the cupboard to find some cat treats. The little seal faced feline rubbed against her hip scarf with pathetic desperation. 
“They’re supposed to be good for his digestive system, yes they are.”
Pasha scooped Pepe into her arms and began to nuzzle him as she fed him a little treat from the cheesecloth pouch.
Help with digestion sounded pretty good to the doctor. He sure could some right now.
“Pasha, you wouldn’t have any more tea would you?” He rasped.
“Hmm let me check,” Pasha said thoughtfully climbing up on her footstool to open the cabinet. “Oh dear.”
“It’s alright.” Julian winced discreetly soothing his stomach under the table.
“Pepe I already fed you.” Pasha sighed.
“Hang on, that’s not Pepe, that’s you!” Pasha quickly grabbed her brother's empty bowl and began to refill it. “Why didn’t you tell me you were still hungry.”
“Actually I’m er-getting a little full,” Julian admitted. He could feel his stomach pushing into the table. The edge of it digging into his tinder abdominals.
“You could never be full Ilya” Pasha assured him “You’re so tall everything goes right to your knees.”
“As a doctor, I can assure you that’s far from the basics of human anat ~urp~ anatomy.”
Pasha’s retort was interrupted by a little knock at the door. “That must be MC,” she squealed. “Why don’t you answer it, Julian, I’m sure they’re here to see you.”
Julian groaned and pushed himself out of his chair. Bloated, nauseous feelings hit him tenfold when he stood up. The jacket he was wearing squeezed him in all the wrong places. With some relief, he unbuttoned it and hung it on the back of his chair. He fixed his shirt which had started to rise up over the food baby he felt like he was about to have. 
“Yea I know, I know, just not in front of MC.” Julian whispered to his belly.
He placed a hand over his bubbly gut in hopes of stifling the incessant rumbling.  Julian swallowed hard as he opened the door, MC  swept him into a hug that he immediately regretted. He had done pretty well at keeping all he had eaten down, until now. However, he managed to keep his cool as MC released their embrace. 
“Hic~good to see you too MC.” 
MC laughed “What smells so good?” They asked.
“Ah, that would be Pasha’s bread pudding.” He then leaned down by their ear far enough away that he could hide his breath. “I wouldn’t trust it if I were you. I’ve found less questionable things at the red market.”
MC gave him a look. “Is it really that bad?”
“My stomach has fared better after eating year old bread while in a rowboat on he edge of whirl pool .”
“You’re so dramatic.” MC smirked. 
“Trust me, if she offers you any don’t eat it. I don’t know how her stomach can handle it.” 
UUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLPPPPP “Excuse me.” Julian sheepishly bit his lip. The belch had snuck up on him like a certain courtier.
“Feel better?” MC asked playfully.
He didn’t realy. In the middle of his release he had stopped it to hold it in. Not infront of MC. Any uncontralable gassious displays were too humiliating, even if they did temporarily put his stomach at ease.
When they sat down at Portias little coffee table she imediatly offered the rest of the bread pudding to MC. 
“I uh-I just ate.” Mc bluffed.
“Oh that’s a shame. This stuff doesn’t keep to well I’de hate for it to go to waste.” Pasha gave a little pout as she emptied the ladle back into the pot.
Julian could stand the dissapointment on his sisters face. He realy didnt want ther to feal like noody liked her food, and he felt guilty for telling MC not to eat it. Besides after that bealch made a little more room in his belly.
“I’ll eat it.” He said before he could stop himself. So Pasha split the remaining four bowls worth between the two of them. Pepe ofcourse helped her finish hers.
Julian struggled more with each sickningly sweet sticky spoonfull. He was trying so hard not to gag infront of his sister. Every spoonfull brought him closer to his inevitable demise. Surely his stomach would explode.
With a subtle glance he noticed in alarm how much his gut was protruding. A small globe stretched tight as a canvas. 
Seven, seven bowls of Pasha’s mystery pudding, three muffins, and about five cups of tea were all angerly swirling in his stomach. 
“Oh Ilya, I forgot, I started growing peaches.” Much to Julian’s horror she pulled a crate full of plump fruit seemingly from out of nowwhere. “I picked this one special for you.” 
She held up the largest and juciest peach. It was kind, but he would have apreciated it so much more had stomach not been so over stuffed.
“Thanks Pasha, That’s so ~hic~thoughtful.” Julian sluggishly bit into the peach. He could hardly chew it.
“I’m sorry I can’t” he moaned. “If I eat anymore my stomach is going burst and I’ll die.” Julian shook his head holding the peach far away from him. He couldn’t look at it.
“Oh stop being so dramatic.” Pasha scoughed. “You just don’t usualy eat like a normal person so you don’ t realise how hungry you actualy are.”
“Um pasha-” Mc started, “I think Julian might be getting a little”
But Julian had allready gone back to his task of eating one last thing. That’s what did him in.Inorder  to finish the entire pieach he had to keep his eyes closed.Seeing it was hard enough but the taste and swmell was almost enough to spill his guts. Everybight struggled to make it to his stomach the last one almost didn’t. 
Oh God. What had he done? Julian clutched at his stomach under the table with his sticky hands. His belly was the size of a small mixing bowl. Ghostly sounds echoed inside. 
“Did you like it?” Pasha asked.
“It was great.” Julian weezed. 
Luuuuuuuurrrrrrrrggggggggglllllllllllllllllllllluuuuuuuurrrrrgggglllleeeeerrrrgggg Julian gave his vengeful guts a defeated little pat.
“Oof. Well I don’t know about you guys but I sure need some excercise afte that . I’m going to the Grden, you guys are welcome to stay in here and make out or whatever.” Pasha chortled.
As the door closed behind her Julian face planted into the table.
“Somthing tells me you don’t want to make out.” Mc said.
“I always want to make out.” Julian told the wood grain. 
A melodic rumble filled his over satiated gut and he clutched at it despratly.
“I think I just ate everything in Vesuvia.” He groaned. 
Mc walked over to him and gently began to rub his back in little circles. 
“You okay?” They asked.
“I feel a little ~hic~woozy” 
“Do you need to lie down?” MC asked.
Probably not a bad idea. Wincing, he managed to sit upright and his stomach narrated his every movement on his way over to the couch. He crossed his arms infront of him and lowered himself to his knees as the sharp pain of a cramp shot through his insides. “Ugh.” Julian hugged himself tighter and layed his head on the couch. 
“Are you gonna be sick?” Mc asked nervously.
“No I-I it’s embarassing realy.”
“What is it?” MC asked.
“I erm I’ve got that feeling like my gastro intestinal system is...sorry doctor terminology I uh-I think I’de feel better if could burp up some of the gass ive got in my stomach but I don’t ~hic~ I don’have anything effervecent enough.” 
“Try swallowing some air.” MC suggested gently.
“I-uh okay.” Julian took a big gulp of air and swalowed hard but it just dissapated in his stomach with an agitated growl. “Oof that didn’t feel so good MC.” He winced. “It’s fine I’ll just ride it out.” 
“Maybe try a different position. Can you get on your back?”
Julian heaved himself onto the couch and rolled over onto his back. His belly slaushing like a snow globe as he flipped over.
“OOft.” Now that he had jostled the acidic content of his stomach a bit he felt a little worse. He swallowed harder this time but the gulp just exacerbated his stomach ache. “Sorry you have to see me like this” He choked lifting up his shirt. Even the light weight of his lose fitting shirt was too much for his tinder gut.
“I’m not.” Mc said watching him pull his shirt off.
Julian gave a smirk and rolled over onto his side as seductively as he could. 
Julian glared at his stomach. “Oh very poetic.” He said dryly.
“Was that a sonat?” MC asked. 
“Not enough sylables, more like a-”
“Limrick.” He finished with a note of salt in his voice.
“Here come lay down with me.” Julian patted the empty spot on the couch beside him.
“I don’t want to hurt your stomach.” MC said with concern. 
“Ah but it might help if you rub it a little. Trust me MC I’m a doctor.”
As Julian rolled back into his original position Pepe lepped onto his distended belly causing him to flinch.
“Ohhhh-ho-ho easy Pepe.”  Julian groaned. “I’m not feeling so peachy.” He grimaced at his own unintentional pun. Pepe had begun to kneed his stomach.
Mc scooped up the mischievous little cat and sat him on the floor. Then they placed a hand tinderly over Julian’ swollen tummy and began to massage it. A low rumble finally rose into his chest allowing him the deep bealch he needed.
“Ah much better. Excuse me.” 
But MC continued to rub and bress on his bloated tummy.
“Ooft. See? It ~BLURP~mmph scuse me. It helps.”
MC gave the bulge of his tummy a firm pat and in no time he had found the belchesburried in the pit of his stomach.
Portia walked back in a moment later with her basket of apples. “Wow Ilya you look terrible.”
“Realy? I feel ~Urup~ ngh-fantastic.” Julian reclined back on the cussions rubbing his tummy.
“I guess you realy did eat too much huh.” Pasha said apologeticly. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.” 
“No Pasha, it’s my own fault. I’m sorry I didn’t speak up for myself.” He tried not to burp mid sentense.
“Next time I’ll do better.” Pasha asured him.
“Next time?” Julian groaned. “Ulf. Pasha, I dunno if there will be a next time for another decade with this stomach ache.~BLLLLUUURRRPPP~Ugh sorry I keep doing that. That’s mmf embarassing~BLUGHP~”
His diafram was exausted from spasming. His stomach ache was starting to ease up but he still sounded like a water bed, and he felt like one too. 
MC had allready fallen asleep to the soft murmering in Julians stomach.
“Hey Pasha, mind if I sleep here tonight?” Julian asked.
“You’re always welcome here Ilya.” SHe smiled sweetly.
“Thanks” Julian murmered on the peripheral of sleep. “Oh and Pasha, please dont wake me up for breakfast. I allready had twelve.”
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naturescart · 4 years
The Worst and Best Foods for Your Kids
North American kids have among the poorest diets globally. The obesity rate in children aged 2 to 19 has expanded to an alarming rate of approximately 45% and minority diabetes has quadrupled in the last 30 years. At this rate, our kids really have a smaller expected lifespan than we do! Almost 2% of our kids are receiving the suggested daily food eating in the USDA Food Guide or the Canadian Food Guide.
What can we do to keep our kids from a lifetime of obesity and wellness dilemmas? Start beginning with the best food options. Let's have a look at the worst and best foods for youth.
The Worst Foods
Soda - Kids in North American absorb more soda than anywhere else on the planet. A 10 ounce can of soda has 10 to 12 tsp. of sugar - that's more than the suggested everyday eating in one can! Kids who absorb a bunch of soda are raising their danger of obesity, diabetes, and tooth degeneration.
Hot Dogs - These are extremely high in fat and sodium as well as being densely prepared. There is virtually no nutritional content in a hotdog at all, apart from a tiny bit of protein.
Processed Cheese - Cheese slices do contain a tiny piece of milk, but I'm actually not assured we should absolutely be calling it cheese at all. Cheese spread and the orange material that appears in a spray can have quite small nutritional content and are loaded with preservatives, fat, and sodium. Organic cheese, on the opposite hand, is full of calcium and is a great source of protein as well.
French Fries - It's next to impossible to buy a feed in a restaurant without the children begging for fries with it! Unluckily, fries are high in cholesterol, sodium, and fat. Many restaurants yet utilize trans fats to cook their fries in and this is the most dangerous sort of fat there is.
Sugary Cereals - Fruit Loops, Cocoa Pops, Frosted Flakes - they're all loved with the children, but they are very low in nutrients and extremely high in sugar.
Pre-packaged Lunches - Lunch cases are extremely high in fat, especially immersed fat; and more high in sodium. Lacking in necessary nutrients, they are a surprisingly poor option for lunches.
The Best Foods
Broccoli - I recognize...it's difficult to get the children to consume broccoli, but it is so beneficial for them, it's meriting a try. Imagine they're trees and stand them up in crushed potatoes, squash, or sweet potatoes. Grate some cheddar or mozzarella cheese on the head of it, or puree it and disappear it in soups or sauces. Whatever you have to do to make them feed it! Broccoli is a superfood that is completely filled with nutrients.
Whole Grains - Children burn a bunch of calories in the run of a day, so they require immeasurable, healthful carbs to provide them the power to stay engaged. Improved, white flour is actually a nutritional wasteland, while whole grains give the fiber and multiple carbs that children need. Whole-grain bread, cereals, and pasta are the most suitable alternatives.
Peanut or Almond Butter - Peanut allergies are going violent these days, but for those who can have nuts, natural peanut butter or almond butter is an outstanding source of protein and healthful fat. Stick to the natural butter that includes just the nut and maybe salt. Better yet, you can simply make your personal nut butter in the food processor. Easily process on a high setting until smooth paste forms. Be calm - it does demand numerous minutes. If it is too thick, add a drop or two of oil.
Berries - Mainly blueberries! Blueberries are extra "superfood" that is filled with antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin K. Apply them in smoothies, as a topping on yogurt or ice cream, combine them in muffins and pancakes or just consume a bowl of them. They are delightful and very beneficial for your kid's fitness.
Eggs - Eggs are an outstanding source of protein and are also great for Vitamin B and E. If you can discover free-range eggs, they are also more delicious than the ones in the grocery store.
Fish - For some reason, fish is normally a tough sell with children. I'm not assured what it is that they don't like, but if you can somehow influence your kids to feed fish once or double a week, you will actually be doing them a favor. The Omega 3 fatty acid in tuna, salmon, mackerel, and other fatty fish is amazingly beneficial for brain expansion and heart wellness. Young kids who get a daily dose of Omega 3 tend to have greater IQ's and investigations recommend they may be less suitable to improve learning disabilities. If they truly dislike fish, wild salmon oil additions are an excellent choice.
I hope this blog is helpful for you to understand what's good for you and your kids and not? If you don't want your children to suffer these problems obesity, minority diabetes, and many more like this now. So, try to stop your kids from eating unhealthy foods and provide the healthiest food. Natures Cart can help you with these problems. We deliver healthy organic food for your children and you at your front door. We have a broad range of organic fruit and veg, fresh fruit and veg boxes, organic milk based products, plant based meat delivery Melbourne Australia. For a shop visit our site.
Read More: Gain Weight by Eating Healthy Food
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How To Eat Healthy And Save Money
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How to eat wholesome and lower your expenses.
We all wish to eat wholesome and lower your expenses, however how? So many individuals say they'll’t eat wholesome as a result of it’s too costly, I hope to dispel that delusion and present you, in the long term, it's the similar, if not cheaper. And learn all of the feedback on the finish of the submit with reader’s money-saving suggestions.
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100 Reader’s Tips: How To Eat Healthy, Save Money AND Stay Low-Carb Below are the TOP 100 suggestions from followers of Ditch The Carbs on Facebook, web site, Instagram and Twitter for his or her recommendations. ULTIMATE LOW-CARB BUNDLE: Do you wish to begin low-carb FAST? Perfect for newcomers with every part you want to Ditch The Carbs … and stay your finest life! CLICK HERE.
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Simplicity. Keeping meals easy makes life straightforward. It saves you from shopping for costly components, it saves your time and is much extra sustainable. Think of straightforward meat, greens and good wholesome fat. It doesn’t must be any extra sophisticated than that.In the long term, it's cheaper to remain wholesome. Less medical payments, fewer dietary supplements, much less medicine, much less day without work work, longer life expectancy and extra pleasant life.Add up your present funds. Be practical with how a lot you spend already. Add up all of the snacks, takeaways, coffees, drinks, cafes, chocolate bars and so forth. You can’t say one thing is dearer should you aren’t practical about what you might be spending every week already. Include ALL meals and drinks.Eating wholesome low-carb, finally, you'll find yourself consuming much less, much less snacking and fewer grazing, much less spending on meals.Shop the perimeter of the grocery store and keep away from the aisles and costly comfort ‘foods’. Generally, shops are set out with the recent produce, then the chiller cupboards with meat, dairy, fishmonger and delicatessen.STOP BUYING junk ‘food’. There is not any diet in sodas, muffins, biscuits, sweets, and nearly all of snack meals.STOP BUYING juices, power drinks and fizzy drinks. These are an entire waste of cash. Drink water. Take a water bottle with you. Fill it up because the day goes on and everytime you see a ingesting fountain.STOP BUYING bread, rolls, and bagels. There is not any diet in these, they're excessive in carbs and you'll really feel hungry once more in an hour or two.STOP BUYING comfort meals and microwave meals. You are paying for the comfort of a manufacturing facility making your dinner.STOP BUYING cereals. Cereals are primarily based on low cost grains, extremely processed, excessive in carbs, and fortified with synthetic vitamins. We are the one tradition that bases their breakfast on grains, historically used to fatten cattle.STOP BUYING takeaways. It is a lot dearer to purchase takeaways than yo cook dinner it your self. McDonald’s for a household of 5 is definitely $30. Rather than a takeaway, you possibly can purchase a pre-cooked rotisserie rooster, a bag of salad, some cheese, components for a dessert and nonetheless have some cash left over (for darkish chocolate).STOP BUYING snack bars, muesli bars and different excessive sugar treats. These could also be marketed as wholegrain goodness, however they're an costly excessive sugar snack with low cost grains.STOP BUYING sweets, confectionery and sugary chocolate. Even if they are saying they ‘contains real fruit juice’, sugar is sugar! Your physique and your tooth will simply see the sugar as sugar.Start having enjoyable and experiment with cooking. Don’t make it sophisticated. Just throw some components collectively and see what you provide you with. Get your kids concerned. Cooking is the primary useful factor we will do for our well being. The extra you cook dinner, the extra it would be best to cook dinner. You will wish to know what goes into your meals and you will notice it's cheaper to cook dinner at dwelling than eat out.LEFTOVERS ARE KING! Try to make additional dinners that may be saved for lunch the following day. Making rooster drumsticks? Make a double batch. Making sausages? Buy one other packet and cook dinner them for lunch on the similar time the oven is on.While the oven is on, cook dinner a dessert or additional meals for the week. Freeze them for once you come dwelling late and don’t have time to cook dinner. It will cease you from shopping for costly comfort ‘food’.Buy on-line to keep away from the advertising traps and ‘specials’ which lure you into shopping for extra. The supply cost will prevent petrol/fuel and you'll save $$$ from all of the objects you've got prevented shopping for.Do you really want that new pair of footwear, prime (or another pointless clothes merchandise) … Get priorities so as. Get practical about the place you spend your cash. Don’t make the excuse you possibly can’t afford good meals when really you might be selecting to not.Freeze something that's about to run out. Use the frozen fruit in smoothies, and the frozen greens in soups, sluggish cooker meals. Any meat about to get near its expiry date, freeze that too and simply defrost it on the day that you'll eat it.Pack your fridge and freezer properly so it runs effectively. It ought to be neither empty (so you might be cooling empty air which warms up shortly) or overpacked (so the airflow is hindered).Just as a result of it’s natural, doesn’t imply it’s wholesome so go away it on the shelf e.g: natural muesli bars, natural cereal, natural chips, natural dried fruit, natural sugar, Trade Aid sugar.Shop with out your kids should you can. ‘Pester power’ is a widely known advertising instrument which will increase your purchases.Compare costs per 100g. Some meals seem cheaper however are in smaller packets or particular person parts which bumps up the $/100g worth.If you possibly can’t afford free-range or natural produce – don’t! The individuals who need assistance probably the most can’t afford these. We all know that going free-range and natural is best for our well being, however don’t let this cease you from shopping for higher. You can nonetheless purchase wholesome meals cheaply, simply not natural and free-range.Buy cheaper cuts of meat. The fatty meat, the rooster with the pores and skin on, rooster on the bone, drumsticks are literally the very best cuts of meat. Enjoy consuming the fatty meat once more, and let others purchase the lean costly cuts.Buy eggs in bulk. If you possibly can’t afford free-range, then don’t. An everyday egg remains to be an enchancment on packaged meals, extremely processed carbs, components and preservatives.Buy meat in bulk from the butcher or grocery store when on particular. My butcher will give reductions once you purchase just a few kilos of meat, then packages it up for me in 500g luggage.If you don’t need the trouble of going to a butcher – don’t. Go to the grocery store and purchase the very best yow will discover. Make it straightforward on your self so long run you possibly can proceed, relatively than setting unrealistic expectations which aren’t sensible for you. Just don’t purchase their processed meat.Consider cease shopping for dietary supplements or nutritional vitamins when you begin consuming actual meals that comprises actual vitamins.STOP BUYING costly, processed protein powders. Eggs are an ideal low cost supply of protein and a nutrient-dense little buddy.Can’t afford recent salmon or recent tuna? Go for canned salmon and tuna so as to add to salads or take to work. Avoid those canned in vegetable oils reminiscent of sunflower or canola.Don’t purchase pre-packaged salad luggage. Buy a wide range of salad greens and make your individual bag of salad combine each few days. Whole lettuce appears to last more than the bagged combine.By lowering your packaged items, you'll scale back how a lot garbage/rubbish you produce, so can reduce down on rubbish luggage you purchase.Start a vegetable patch. Any small area will do, or perhaps a few pots on the windowsill.Don’t be fooled by ‘specials’. You save much more by not really shopping for it!Mince/floor meat is among the most cost-effective cuts of meat, and probably the most versatile. Make burgers, paleo scotch eggs, stuffed peppers, meatballs or meatloaf.If you've got a native greengrocer, nice. They appear to provide the finest bargains of recent produce. Again although, should you don’t have one shut by – don’t. It remains to be higher to purchase recent greens from the grocery store than by no means.Compare recent, frozen and canned costs of greens and fruit. For instance, frozen berries are usually cheaper than recent.You can’t evaluate shopping for subsidised, coupon saving, low cost processed meals with actual meals. You will not be evaluating like with like. So purchase common eggs, common meat if that's what your funds permits.Tinned/canned tuna is a good staple to maintain within the pantry. It’s low cost, an ideal supply of protein and omega Three fat. Add some mayonnaise or add to a salad for a straightforward meal.Sign up together with your native cut-price butcher for his or her electronic mail alert system. This method they'll warn you when there's a worth reduce, then refill and cargo up your freezer.STOP FOOD WASTAGE!! Seriously consider how a lot meals leads to your bin.Do not purchase any meals, till you use what you've got already.Try and postpone visiting the grocery store/butcher/grocer for 1 extra day. It’s wonderful how one can make a meal from leftovers and scraps.Challenge your self to provide you with a brand new recipe from what's within the cabinet/pantry already.Plan forward and plan your meals, even whether it is for 2-Three days so you aren't pressured to go and purchase and costly resolution or comfort meals.Cut again on treats reminiscent of chocolate and wine if the funds is tight. Limit them to as soon as every week/fortnight then you should have extra to spend on good high quality meals.USE YOUR SLOW COOKER. This got here out loud and clear. Using your sluggish cooker will will let you purchase the cheaper, powerful cuts of meat. Put the sluggish cooker on within the morning, and you'll come dwelling to a stunning tender meal within the night. What might be simpler?Try consuming organ meat. We are the one tradition the place organ meat is seen as in some way undesirable. There is a meals snobbery hooked up to organ meat. Organ meat is the most affordable, but most nutritious meat there's. Every different tradition values the organs and values your entire animal. As the world’s inhabitants is ever rising, we must be extra environment friendly with every animal that's raised for meals. Honour the animal nostril to tail.Buy shops personal label funds milk and dairy. Branded milk can add an enormous chunk to your funds.Keep frozen greens available as they're cheaper typically than recent, and it'll cease you visiting the grocery store and overspending once you run out (what number of occasions have you ever visited for 1 merchandise and got here dwelling with just a few luggage?).Buy in season. No one desires to spend $6 on an avocado when they're out of season, and in the summertime they're solely $1. Buy in bulk, chop up and freeze.Buy greens in bulk, place them chopped up on a baking tray within the freezer, freeze then place in a freezer bag or container so they're free-flowing, particular person parts.Use all of the broccoli, together with the leaves and stem.Eggs are an inexpensive supply of protein. If you've got eggs in the home, you've got a meal. Omelettes scrambled eggs, fried, poached, boiled, scotch eggs …..Buy entire chickens then reduce them up and portion them into freezer luggage. A complete rooster is a lot cheaper than its particular person cuts.Pack your lunch every day. This tip alone will prevent lots of of $ £ ¥ €Use cucumber slices as an alternative of crackers. Healthier and cheaper.Only serve up for every meal what you assume you'll eat. Anything left in your plate can’t be re-used BUT if it’s left within the pot, it may be taken for lunch tomorrow.Don’t purchase pre-washed, pre-peeled or pre-cut greens. You are paying for somebody to do that for you. Keep the peelings for vegetable inventory, compost bin or worm farm.Take your individual wholesome snacks to the cinema. Avoid the buttered popcorn, luggage of sweets and soda pop.Don’t purchase pre-grated/shredded cheese. Buy in bulk then grate utilizing your meals processor and place in luggage within the fridge and freezer, able to go.Buy eggs in bulk then put them into the egg cartons within the fridge.Stick to the soiled dozen and the clear 15 to restrict how a lot you spend on natural meals.Swap backyard produce with a buddy. Organise what you'll every develop, then swap the surplus of every. I typically give my extra avocados to a buddy and get fennel, broccoli and herbs in return.Invest in your well being. Don’t see the additional cash on some meals as an additional value, flip it round, and see it as investing in your future well being and wellbeing.TIPS FROM FACEBOOK – Buy avocados in season, slice them up then pop in a freezer bag, able to throw into the blender when making a smoothie – Vera DKnow which days your native grocery retailer marks down their meat, and go to shortly after – Pam SGot spinach that’s lower than scratch for consuming uncooked? Throw it within the sluggish cooker or into your scrambled eggs – Zeb ASave the veggie peelings (so long as they don't seem to be rotten) in a bowl within the freezer. When the bowl is full, put them in a big saucepan and canopy with water. Boil then deliver to a simmer for as much as an hour. Run the broth by the colander to make fundamental broth. Freeze it in a 2 cup container so I've some available. Saves me from shopping for bouillon cubes or canned broth. I might suggest including a little bit of butter or olive oil to it earlier than you utilize it. I don’t wish to freeze it with the oil – Mari BUse what you have already got in your cabinets can actually reduce prices. Try having 5 actually low cost meals every week you retain going again to. Make sufficient of every meal for one leftover lunch or one other dinner. I hate cooking every single day – Chrissy SPlan to go to the grocery store as soon as every week, veggie store twice and the butcher for meat. It makes for an extended day however I do know am getting every part I want – Chrissy SBuy nuts from the majority bins from giant supermarkets. The nuts don’t sit for ages and are cheaper than pre-packaged ones – Zeb AI by no means store hungry – Denise EBuy beef/pork/lamb bones out of your native butcher and make bone broth – Zeb AMake spinach carbonara however load it up with cheap veggies reminiscent of cabbage then add cooked rooster and it will likely be sufficient to final for two dinners and a couple of lunches. four meals for two individuals. $Three per meal – Amanda WMake meals in bulk, portion them up and freeze for later. Saves time too – Amanda WEvery couple of months, I miss a weekly store (minus the fruit and veggie) and expend meat from the freezer and stuff within the cabinets – Chrissy SBuy butter, cheese, cream at Aldi, additionally their grass-fed meat is affordable. Buy in season and eggs are an inexpensive meal – John SWe simply stick with meats, eggs, cheeses, nuts and veggies. All meats get grilled and since it's so scrumptious, none will get wasted. We don’t get into bread making as a result of we do with out bread in any respect of our meals. If we need a bit of bread, we simply take a bit of Ezekiel bread out of the freezer. A loaf will final months. We’re into fundamental seasoning for our meals. Our meals funds isn’t too dangerous even in occasions the place the greenback has been severely deflated and it takes extra to buy objects. Keeping it easy works finest for us – Heather HI look ahead to gross sales of issues that freeze properly, like meat and butter. We have a small backyard which helps in the summertime. Peppers, zucchini, cucumber and tomatoes are pretty straightforward to develop – Cheryl VWe invested in a Food Saver so we will purchase in bulk (Sam’s, Costco, Chef Store). No waste – Tina NBuy giant portions of berries in season to freeze uncooked. Cauliflower purchased in bulk then will get chopped up for cauli rice and frozen uncooked – Denise BSince I ended shopping for packet meals we're not spending anymore. A pair on a seniors revenue. We can’t entry a to of natural F&V so purchase in season and develop a few of your individual. Freeze kale, spinach and ginger for my smoothies and spring onions reduce up for stir-fries and omelettes. No waste. Freeze leftover rooster and meat bones and maintain the ends of carrots, celery eye within the freezer till I've sufficient to make bone broth – Jenny MMake a big frittata with eggs, plenty of greens and bacon or rooster after which plenty of lunches for the week. Make an enormous bowl of coleslaw minus the dressing for lunches or stir drys – Janette HBuy a complete rooster and portion it up. Use the scraps, organs and bones to make broth – Buck BKeep it easy is less expensive. Meat, eggs, fruit and veggie isn't an excessive amount of. Avocado and coconut cream will not be an excessive amount of however butter might be, so refill when it's low cost – Chrissy SFarmers Markets are your finest buddy!!! Here 2 giant luggage of goodies $5 – Michelle LMeal prep, plan for the week and purchase seasonal – Tillie SMake a grocery record and stick with it as a lot as doable – Cavemomma UghBuy greens that may final lengthy and retailer them properly!! – The Health Conscious GluttonMake your individual tomato sauce, mayo, BBQ sauce, dried herbs, sauerkraut – Kahtleen CI've been avoiding some “special” components that some low carb cooks swear by. I don’t see the purpose of shopping for almond flour if I'm fantastic with out having bread merchandise in the home. I did splurge a bit at this time at Wal-Mart and obtained some coconut oil as a result of it was on sale for $3. My husband and I've observed that simply doing the low carb food plan is saving us cash. We will not be spending it on processed meals. We purchase meat, dairy, olive oil, and veggies, that’s it. – Mari BHave a ‘bulk budget’ constructed into your weekly funds on prime of the conventional procuring, often an additional $10-$15 – Chrissy SHoneyville has a publication and you will get 20% off coupons periodically, then purchase in bulk and portion it up for the freezer – Carolyn Have a field of natural greens delivered to your door. It is a set worth, cheaper than the native retailer. It is a problem to include every part into meals and the youngsters get to attempt new issues – Kathleen CAfter a yr of consuming LCHF, we discover we're consuming much less whole meals so we will afford higher high quality general. We additionally eat out a lot much less which saves $$ – Buck BWant to spend $10 on 1kg of meat? Buy hearts, ox or sheep. Not solely are they nutritionally wonderful, however they're additionally low cost and attractive. Chop ’em up and fry with beef broth, pink wine and Italian herbs. Throw in your favorite veggies, and voila! – Zeb AGrow your one herbs. Rosemary, mint, thymes and so forth all develop properly in pots, at little or no value – Zeb AIN THE LONG RUN, YOU WILL END UP EATING LESS AS YOU ARE ABLE TO CONTROL YOUR APPETITE, RATHER THAN IT CONTROL YOU!CLICK HERE: to make use of my recipe index to plan your meals. Or make life straightforward … and use my meal planning service. Please go away a remark together with your suggestions and concepts on “How To eat Healthy And Save Money”. If this text has triggered you to make well being a precedence, however you don’t know the place to start out, be part of us at Ditch The Carbs PRO. Get IMMEDIATE entry so you can begin TODAY!
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choclette8 · 4 years
The only vegan drizzle cake recipe you’ll ever need. It’s an easy-to-make zesty loaf cake which has a lovely texture and is super tasty. The recipe is healthier than many as it’s made with wholemeal spelt flour and a bit less sugar and fat. You can use whatever citrus you like, but if you have calamansi, use those.
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Our calamansi tree has done well this year. It’s the first time we’ve had enough fruit to actually bake with. So this calamansi drizzle cake is a bit of a novelty. But no less delicious for that.
What the Heck are Calamansi?
Some say calamondin, some say calamansi. Whatever you prefer to call it, Citrus x microcarpa, is a small tart citrus fruit. It’s actually a cross between a mandarin orange and a kumquat. Confusingly, it’s also known as a Philippine lime as it’s commonly cultivated and used in the Philippines.
It’s the easiest citrus to grow here in the UK as well as in other cold climes. Mostly grown as an ornamental, it’s a popular conservatory plant. The flowers are prolific and have a heady scent.
But why waste the fruit, it’s edible. It’s thin skinned and easy to peel. In the Philippines, the fruit is harvested green, although the flesh is orange. I harvest them when they are fully ripe and orange all the way through.
Like most other citrus, calamansi are packed with vitamin C and other antioxidants. The juice is said to boost the immune system, eliminate toxins from the body and lower cholesterol.
The zest is deliciously fragrant and the tart juice is tasty. Much like a lemon, however, you probably wouldn’t want to eat one on its own. It smells and tastes a bit like a sour tangerine. So if you haven’t tried one yet, this calamansi drizzle cake is a good place to start.
Healthy Drizzle Cake
Well nothing with sugar in is going to be super healthy. But this calamondin drizzle cake contains less sugar and less fat than many of its drizzle cousins. It’s also made with wholemeal spelt flour. Spelt is kinder on your gut than standard wheat flour and the wholemeal element provides welcome fibre.
Vegan Drizzle Cake
If you haven’t had a vegan drizzle cake yet, you don’t know what you’re missing. They’re one of the most delicious cakes you’re likely to have. And they’re so simple to make too. Okay, they’re not in the least bit fancy. But they are tasty, comforting and popular.
I’ve used calamansi, for this vegan drizzle cake. But you can use whatever citrus fruits you fancy or have in the house.
The only fiddly bit involved in making this calamansi drizzle cake is zesting the skins and squeezing the flesh of the fruit. Calamondins are quite small, so it takes a bit longer than prepping a lemon. But if you have a microplane, zesting is a breeze.
Other than that, all you need to do is mix the wet ingredients into the dry ones, much like making muffins. Whisk the wholemeal spelt flour with the baking powder, bicarb, sugar and salt. Make a hole in the middle and pour in the oil. Start mixing from the inside out and gradually add the plant milk until everything is combined. Stir in the citrus zest and juice, then bake.
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Cake batter ready to go into the oven.
Zest, juice and sugar mixed together, ready to pour over the hot cake.
Once the cake is out of the oven, prick it all over with a skewer, then pour a mix of sugar, juice and zest over the top. If you leave the cake to cool in the tin, it will absorb all of the liquid, creating an enticingly sticky exterior. And a delicious zingy interior.
If you can’t get hold of spelt, you can swap it for regular wholemeal flour. The texture, however, might not be as light. A way around this is to sieve out the largest bits of brand, which impede the rise.
Which Plant Milk Should You Use
When it comes to choosing a plant milk, it’s fine to go with your favourite. They all have different qualities and flavours. But if you’re not allergic to soya, that’s a particularly good one for structure because of its high protein content.
Can You Use Other Citrus?
You can indeed use citrus other than calamansi for your vegan drizzle cake. Everyone knows about lemon drizzle cake, but I reckon lime drizzle is even better. Orange is good and even grapefruit has its place. I’ve tried them all.
Ideally you want a tart citrus fruit for a drizzle cake. This helps to offset the sugar and gives a flavoursome contrast. That’s why lemon drizzle is so popular. Bitter oranges such as seville are good too. Although blood oranges aren’t as tart as some oranges, they also work well.
How Much Citrus Do You Need?
2 lemons. Cake requires juice from 1 and the zest from 1 ½. Drizzle needs juice from 1 and zest from ½.
2 limes. Cake requires juice from 1 and the zest from 1 ½. Drizzle needs juice from 1 and zest from ½.
1 orange. Cake requires juice from ½ and the zest from ¾. Drizzle needs juice from ½ and zest from ¼.
½ grapefruit. Cake requires juice from ¼ and the zest from ½. Drizzle needs juice from ¼ and no zest.
8-10 calamansi / calamondins (depending on size). Cake requires juice from half of the fruit and the zest from all but two. Drizzle needs juice from half of the fruit and zest from just two.
Other Recipes for Vegan Cakes You Might Like
Banana chocolate vegan honey cake
Chocolate banana cashew cake
Coconut chocolate cake made with chickpea flour (gluten-free)
Courgette chocolate cupcakes
Peanut butter banana muffins
Spicy dark chocolate cake
Keep in Touch
Thanks for visiting Tin and Thyme. If you make this calamansi vegan drizzle cake, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below. Do share photos on social media too and use the hashtag #tinandthyme, so I can spot them.
For more delicious and nutritious recipes, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.
Vegan Drizzle Cake. PIN IT.
Vegan Drizzle Cake – The Recipe
Vegan Citrus Drizzle Cake
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An easy-to-make loaf cake a lovely texture and a super flavour. The recipe is healthier than many as it’s made with wholemeal spelt flour and a bit less sugar and fat. You can use whatever citrus you like, but if you have calamansi / calamondin, use those.
275 g wholemeal spelt flour
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch of fine rock or sea salt
200 g golden caster sugar + 2 tbsp for the drizzle
100 ml sunflower oil
175 g your preferred plant milk (soya is a particularly good one for structure because of its high protein content)
8-10 calamansi / calamondins depending on size – zest & juice ((or citrus of your choice, see notes below for quantities))
Place the flour, baking powder, bicarb, salt and sugar into a large bowl and whisk to combine and remove any lumps.
Make a well in the middle and pour in the oil. Using the whisk or a wooden spoon, stir from the inside out, adding the milk as you incorporate the dry ingredients. Try not to over mix, but everything needs to be nicely combined.
Add the juice of half the calamondins and the zest of all but two. Stir until just combined.
Line a 2 lb loaf tin (21 x 11 x 7cm or 8 x 4 x 3in) with baking paper. Scrape in the batter and bake in a preheated oven at 180℃ (350℉, Gas 4)  for 35-40 minutes. The cake should be well risen and golden with a crack down the middle. An inserted skewer should come out virtually clean.
Whilst the cake is cooking, mix the remaining citrus zest and juice together with 2 tbsp of golden caster sugar.
As soon as the cake comes out of the oven, poke a few holes in it and pour the sugared juice over the top.
Leave in the tin until cold, by which time the cake will have absorbed the sugary juice.
Amount of Citrus Needed
2 lemons. Cake requires juice from 1 and the zest from 1 ½. Drizzle needs juice from 1 and zest from ½.
2 limes. Cake requires juice from 1 and the zest from 1 ½. Drizzle needs juice from 1 and zest from ½.
1 orange. Cake requires juice from ½ and the zest from ¾. Drizzle needs juice from ½ and zest from ¼.
½ grapefruit. Cake requires juice from ¼ and the zest from ½. Drizzle needs juice from ¼ and no zest.
8-10 calamansi / calamondins (depending on size). Cake requires juice from half of the fruit and the zest from all but two. Drizzle needs juice from half of the fruit and zest from just two.
Please note: calories and other nutritional information are per serving. They’re approximate and will depend on exact ingredients used.
I’m sharing this vegan citrus drizzle cake with Recipes Made Easy for #CookBlogShare.
Vegan Drizzle Cake with Calamansi & Wholemeal Flour The only vegan drizzle cake recipe you'll ever need. It's an easy-to-make zesty loaf cake which has a lovely texture and is super tasty.
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