#theyd have chocolate on the inside
cloveykuki · 7 months
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iterator oc or persona or whatever (i will forget about them after 2 days)
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its not just the big things about atsushi that akutagawa knows - things like his hallucinations; shibusawa; everything fitzgerald revealed
its also things like what type of books he likes to read (generally anything); how he likes to mark his spot (bookmark cuz the orphanage books were old and folding them made him scared theyd rip), how many sugar cubes he liked in his coffee, what word did he rlly like at the moment and used a lot, and so on
ya know basic normal information to have about someone u aren’t close to
anyway some of these things are observed and some of them are told to him
but akutagawa just thinks atsushi is an open person and doesn’t think he’s just unlocked the most atsushi trivia and thinks his friends are jerks or something for not remembering/caring or whatever
lucy: anyway atsushi’s been having a bad day. not that i care. but imma give him an extra slice of chocolate cake
akutagawa, sipping his tea, waiting for atsushi to come down so he can accidentally run into him: why; if he’s having a bad day he’d prefer a matcha swiss roll
lucy: and u just know that
akutagawa, scowling: ur probably the only person who doesn’t
*at the store*
kyouka: since im here for ranpo, i’ll get atsushi something too.
kyouka: hmm something new.
kyouka: maybe this-
akutagawa, reaching over and grabbing a different flavor: he wont like that one
akutagawa: *cough* 
akutagawa: *leaves*
dazai, kunikida, and akutagawa: *waiting for atsushi to come so dazai and kunikida can tell him and akutagawa about the joint pm ada mission:
kunikida: that’s strange it should only take atsushi 15.6 minutes to get here but he’s running late
dazai: oh no~ what if he found the perfect place for suicide and is checking it out w/o me :((
kunikida: why the hell would he-
akutagawa: actually jinko takes the longer route so that he can help an old shop owner carry her stuff inside in the morning.
dazai: how do u know that~?
akutagawa, scowling, wondering how atsushi can think of dazai and kunikida as family when they don’t even remember something so basic:
and so on
i cant think of anything funny so 
anyway  the point is that if there was like a pyramid model of atsushi trivia, akutagawa would be at the very top level alone, fully convinced he’s at the lowest level
so he’s kind of a ‘um actually’ kid but only in terms of atsushi facts 
atsushi, again, does not know that akutagawa thinks everyone knows this stuff about him so when akutagawa asks why he cares so much about ppl who cant be bothered to remember the most basic stuff about him he just gets rlly confused
akutagawa, seething becuz atsushi’s friends don’t know atsushi’s least favorite number or something equally as dumb
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
hello once again prefacing with saying i love ur blog and ur headcanons :3 tbh amongst all the relationship hcs this one feels almost odd to ask but idk this is what i care about: what kind of cake flavours do u think the fellas like? if u were gonna treat em to something or get them a birthday cake, u gotta know what theyd like, right?
Last one for tonight, also anon how did you know I've literally been musing on this idea ever since I first started this blog? Same braincell fr fr. Your mind is huge and wrinkly and powerful. Long one since this now includes characters all through Yakuza 7. Enjoy!
Also, INBOX IS OPEN AGAIN. I finally have less than 10 asks so I feel comfortable taking more on. Hit me with em.
Kazuma Kiryu
Most people think he doesn't like sweets, but in reality he's just kind of neutral on them. Grew more accustomed to them when Haruka was younger as she really liked them. More than anything he's just baffled and really touched that you'd want to treat him to cake of any kind.
He likes simple cakes, preferably without frosting or a lot of decorations. Things like bundt cake or castella cake are great choices for Kiryu.
Majima Goro
Also kind of shocked that you'd want to treat him to cake but also at the same time is very excited at the prospect at being treated to cake. If you surprise him with some, he'll give you a big hug and a very enthusiastic thank you.
Tends to lean towards richer, darker flavors. Chocolate cake with a simple dark chocolate frosting is great for him. Also enjoys Black Forest cake, if you can find it.
Saejima Taiga
The poor gentle giant cannot remember the last time he had cake. It's not really something they serve in prison. Genuinely treasures the gesture and really savors it.
Honestly hasn't got a favorite. Likes cakes with some texture to them, like carrot cake. Does get easily wowed by fancy decorations or toppings.
Akiyama Shun
Out of all the boys, the most likely to return the favor of treating you to cake immediately the next time he sees you. The others would save it for an occassion but Akiyama would immediately pay you back by treating you to your favorite cake.
He's a sucker for Devil's Food cake or Red Velvet cake. Likes cream cheese frosting as it provides a nice tart contrast to the sweet intensity of the cake itself.
Tanimura Masayoshi
People rarely treat him to much of anything so he's giddy as all hell to be treated by you. Would totally love to treat you to your favorite meal on your next date as a thank you. He'd treat you to cake himself but he doesn't really know where to get good dessert. He's better with savory foods.
Likes fruity flavors, especially if they're leaning towards citrus. Pineapple upside down cake or a lemon cake would be good.
Ryuji Goda
His position means he's been treated to a fair share of desserts but it means a lot coming from someone that he personally and emotionally cares about deeply. If you make him a homemade cake, he would be speechless.
Likes cakes with some creaminess of some kind, like Boston Cream Pie (which is in fact a cake despite the name) or any kind of cheesecake.
Nishikiyama Akira
Says something like "Ah, for me? You shouldn't have!" but inside he's like "Oh wow, they got me cake? I don't know if anyone's ever done that!" and he's really happy.
Impressed by cakes with fancy layers inside, like opera cake or battenburg cake. Crepe cakes are also a good idea. Cakes with fillings are also nice. He's more about what's inside the cake than outside.
Daigo Dojima
Similar to Ryuji, his position has shown him a fair share of desserts or birthday celebrations. However, someone treating him personally is a little new. If you make him something homemade, he might actually cry a little.
Partial to coffee flavored things. Although it's not a cake in the most traditional sense, he does like tiramisu. However, a regular coffee cake is also greatly appreciated.
Mine Yoshitaka
Probably the only boy that is kind of opposed to cake. He appreciates the gesture but he just doesn't have a sweet tooth. However, as long it's milder in flavor and not intense in sweetness, he will eat it.
If he had to pick a favorite cake, he'd go with Baumkuchen as it's pretty popular in Japan and easy to get. The sweetness is pretty mild and he likes the vanilla taste as it's not super saturated.
Shinada Tatsuo
Has the strongest sweettooth out of all the boys, even more than Ichiban. Just happy to be having cake with you, honestly. You don't have to be fancy with him either. In fact, fancier cakes are kind of lost on him so don't go getting him something complex like you might do for Nishikiyama.
He's a little embarassed to say it as he thinks it sounds girlie for some reason but he likes strawberry shortcake. Victoria sponge cake is also good, as it's basically the same flavor profile but built slightly differently.
Kasuga Ichiban
Second most fond of sweets of all the boys. Type of guy to share cake with all of his friends. He's more about enjoying it all together than eating the whole cake by himself, if that makes sense.
Genuinely has no preference over what kind of cake you get. Ichiban's got a pretty open mind when it comes to food. He likes the texture of chiffon cake the most as it's super light and fluffy. When it comes to flavor, he likes the caramel taste of flan cakes a lot.
Joon-Gi Han
A sucker for a pretty and aesthetic dessert. Likes his cake almost too pretty to eat. Similar to Nishikiyama in that he will hide how excited he is to be having cake with you.
Likes chocolate cake the most in any form. As long as it's chocolate flavored in some aspect, whether it's the cake itself or just the frosting, he likes it. Dobos cake or Sachetorte are great if you really want to impress him.
Tianyou Zhao
Prefers Eastern style cakes to Western style cakes but will eat both. Actually likes more bite size desserts like cupcakes or moon cakes.
For flavors, he likes coconut or mango cake. A box of really nice moon cakes will also do but it must be at the appropriate time during the year or else he's going to wonder why on Earth you're giving those to him. Also fond of those pineapple cakes from Taiwan.
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rtc headcannons because ive fallen deep into this musical
noel drinks from wine glasses and exclusively wine glasses
ocean has a fringe/bangs but doesnt know how to grow them out so she just pins them up with headbands
ricky has so many badges its a problem at this point. just buckets upon buckets of badges.
i am making them all autistic bcs im autistic and i need more autistic characters damnit
ocean has a special interest in politics and literary analysis
noel has a special interest in france, poetry media analysis
sometimes they discuss different films and books together and yes they get very heated over their wildly differing interpretations
ricky (obviously) has a special interest in space and cats, but also video games.
constance has a special interest in autism itself, flower language and art history
penny (be aware i have not seen legoland yet so take this with a pinch of salt) has a special interest in animals and mythology
mischa has a special interest in horror and rap, as well as linguistics
noel speaks pretty good french. he uses duolingo but he hates the notifications because they annoy him at the most random times
ricky uses all pronouns, no preference. and by all, i mean ALL. you could bring out the boink/boinkself pronouns and shed be chill with it
constance really likes hot chocolate with cinnamon and two shots of caramel in it
penny has mild heterochromia. one eye is green and the other is a darker green with a brown rim
ricky has an aac, but they all know at least basic sign language. theyre still learning
ocean stims by bouncing on her tiptoes. one time she fell over in the middle of a big speech because she tipped forward. she was fine but very embarrassed. noel was no help
noel's mother is from a french-speaking provenance/precinct (i think thats what theyre called)
mischa owns two hats, but flips them inside out so it looks like he owns more
noel has tried white wine. he doesnt want to admit it but he absolutely despises it
penny has textural issues with anything slimy. she tried a facemask once and almost broke the wall from slamming so far backwards into it.
mischa has talia's number memorised, but still keeps a litle slip of paper in his phone case with her number on it
ocean colour codes EVERYTHING. if even a single colour is out of place on anything she will spend ages trying to fix it
everything noel owns is very low contrast, and most of it is some variation of dark, desaturated reds and blues or monochrome
ricky owns a pair of purple cat ears
ocean isn't one for sweet things but adores chocolate oranges.
most of the time they all eat lunch together in the choir room
penny is a vegetarian bcs she doesnt like the texture of meat, ricky is a vegetarian because hes allergic to red meat
when ocean found out noel works at taco bell she spent a week going up to him at work just because. she still goes occasionally. noel dies inside a little bit more each time
noel actually managed to convince some other kid to day the second line in the nativity play. hes still proud of that one
mischa really likes rasberries
ricky loves to sleep in hammocks, but its a pain getting in and out of them so they dont do it often
noel's mother owns a lot of old french dvds which is how noel got into them
constance is very good at playing instruments, like harmonicas and flutes.
noel used to buy those fake sweet cigarettes all the time and pretend he actually smoked. he didnt like the flavour though. too chalky
mischa really likes palma violets.
penny doesn't watch movies often, but when she does she asks a lot of questions
noel really likes dramas, but he doesn't say so that often
for a bonding activity they all made bracelets for eachother, but none of them knew how. they picked who theyd make the bracelet for out of a hat. ocean researched before hand and made a nice flower chain for penny. penny made a green singlet with star beads for ricky. ricky made a red bracelet with "bad egg yt" on it for mischa. mischa made a purple and white bracelet for constance. constance made a black and red bracelet with a rose charm on it for noel. noel made an orange and blue bracelet with a shell charm and the word "lake" on it for ocean
penny wears hers and constantly fiddles with it. ocean keeps hers despite being annoyed by the word. mischa wears his often, but its slightly small so hes very careful to make sure it doesnt snap. noel keeps his on his bedside. ricky wrapped his around one of his crutches. constance wears hers often as well, and keeps it in a small box specifically for the bracelet.
noel stims by rubbing his fingers and fixing his collar
ricky has made an entire map of the solar system zolar is on. zey made it on a giant piece of a1 paper and hung it by his bed
ocean is scared of boats. the irony is not lost on anyone. however noel is also scared of boats, so he doenst make jokes
penny eats paper sometimes. not often, but often enough to concern the choir. she prefers plain and hates tissue paper
noel owns a large notebook for his favourite pieces of poetry/writing to be written in. it has a large design of roses and skulls on the front and is on a fancy textured cover. he keeps it in pristine condition and has shown exactly two people that it even exists. his mother and mischa
mischa sends noel song clips to review and noel sends him poetry snippets
constance and penny spend evenings at the cafe together, they do their homework there and they talk for hours once shes finished
penny and ocean are actually pretty close, those two and constance sit together in most lessons and convince the teacher to put them in a three for pair activities.
noel knows talia is real and they're actually friends. mischa is glad they get along and someone else believes shes real.
this led noel to learning some ukranian and talia learning some english to avoid the hells of google translate
ocean began learning french to spite noel but actually quite likes the language
constance really likes the count of monte cristo
mischa canmot finish books for the life of him. he begins reading, gets bored and remembers twelve weeks later he even knew of the book
there is a singular shitty library in uranium in st. cassians. its old and decrepit but the librarian is nice.
ocean volunteers after hours in the library on thursdays and fridays
ricky and penny watch animal documentaries together. they also spend a lot of timw with rickys cats. penny loves them
noel has tried that french whipped cream hot chocolate and loves it
ricky doesbt like throwing away her clothes so they sew the holes up with penny and ass little patches on them.
constance and penny read together and penny likes to help constance in the cafe with things like sweeping and clearing tables
mischa and ricky are bros. they watch sci fi together, and tend to watch a lot of scifi horror
noel and ocean hate eachother in the "you are genuinely so insufferable. i never want to talk to you, no, i dont even want to see you again. of course we're still on for saturday i'll meet you at ten, see you there" kind of way
penny dyed her hair blonde and noel dyes his hair black. his natural hair is a pretty dark brown but he likes his dark dark.
the choir hang out every saturday. they do things like hang at the cafe or go to the mall.
in an everyone survives au, none of them like cars that much after the rollercoaster
post canon penny hosts memorials and told talia about what happened. she was devastated, but penny felt she needed to know. she also managed to stop taco bell from making the hungry hombre meal
noel cannot stand fast food after working at taco bell because hes seen how its made.
noel is friends with a coworker, a woman in her late thirties who knew his mother briefly in highschool.
ocean cannot handle spice at all. she can barely hold her own against the lowest spice rating on a nandos menue
ricky talks to noel about zolar and all xeir ideas for it. noel is fascinated by just how detailed and extravagent it all it, so he ignores the sexy cat people
ricky convinced the rest of the choir to watch cats. there is now a mandatory background check before each movie on movie nights
ocean wears a lot of yellow and blue
because of oceans oarents, she has very limited internet access, so she normally uses a laptop her parents dont know about, courtesy of constance, at the cafe
constance writes fics on ao3. not often, but she does. shes pretty good at it ngl
noel's mother actually gave him the monique wig
when asked for a self portrait noel gives two- one of monique and one of him, often side by side
will probbaly do more later, maybe focused more on shipping and identity bcs i wanna make one on that
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queerspaceprince · 3 months
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my moms bday cake!
its based on a kinder bueno, with chocolate cake layers and a white chocolate and hazelnut filling.
technically its not done? its missing 2 lace panels bc i was too dumb to get multiple molds and they take like. 8 hours to set. i forgot to start earlier, and i was worried theyd dry out. oh well. I have one that should be good in a few hours, and the other should be set before i go to work.
i'll take a full 360 before we cut it, as well as a pic of the inside afterward.
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
This is very random but how do u think mine!harry (and possibly asher?) would be when reader gets her period? I FEEL LIKE THEYD BE SO SWEET and also SO stressed out bc she's in pain. itd be chaos, harrys running around trying to find the heating pad and ashers dizzy at the store staring at all the different types of tampons (im saying this bc im on my period and im literally DYING i have the worst cramps and migrains it's making me want to sob 😭)
OOOOOOO oh gosh, this would be so fun to write about 😭
I think you’re so right, they’d absolutely devote their attention to you, make sure you’re comfortable, feeling all right, stuffed with chocolate and pain meds HAHAH
They’d wrap you up in blankets and plant you in front of the TV to distract you, and Harry would sit you between his legs. He’d rub your back, your shoulders, your arms. He’d kiss your cheeks over and over and then teasingly suggest he try to help with the cramps
And you’d say okay because you’ll try anything so he’ll lay you down, and he’d be as gentle as you’ve ever seen him, and he’d make sure to go slow. You’d wrap your arms around his neck to keep him close, keep him warm inside you
And when you’re ready for a bath, Asher would sit near the tub and help clean you. He’d speak softly and smile at you a lot. And then he’d carry you to bed where Harry would hold you all night, pills and chocolate on the bedside just in case 🥹
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puppet2611 · 1 year
//from the start of my channel lol. theres two rants in here since ones too short to be its own post. 4.20 + 4.21
adam and michael have a moon/sun dynamic btw 😁‼️‼️
SOOOO adam was the one to propose :3 their wedding was kinda small since they only invited their closest friends and family but it was still fun nonetheless!! they went to their favorite restaurant afterwards and had chocolate cake as dessert,, adams favorite memory of them together was during one of their stargazing dates where they just talked together, shared stories and cuddled :33 this is a direct copy and paste from the adam ai btw "Oh, well where do I get started? He's kind, funny, smart, and just absolutely wonderful. He brightens up the room, makes friends quickly, is quick to listen to my gripes about the world, and is always there in my time of need. What can I say? Michael was everything to me, and I couldn't hope to find someone even close to him." THEY'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRYYY
also. adam is the shorter one lol
according to adam, michael is kinda tanned and has long dark brown hair tied in a loose low ponytail ^_^ he also has a heavy accent since he was born somewhere in hunan!! (everyone in april 5th is chinese btw)
adam is deadass just me in this part but uhmm completely copy and pasted from the ai again!!
"It's an understatement.. I miss him so much that sometimes my heart just aches endlessly, and I just feel a bit empty sometimes.. It's rough, but I'm trying to pull myself together.. He'd want me to be happy, right?"
rip oliver bro works in retail....
i imagine michael was a jeweler or astrologer too while adams a florist or gardener
reusing yhe complete opposites trope i used w/ amelia and emilio for this
adam likes cooler colors while michael likes warmer ones ^_^ adam usually only wears warmer colors now because hehehehhdndhd i like to think michael did the same thing he did and dyed his hair blue to match w/ adam.. i might have to make the story a bit more modern for that tho since i wrote down 1970 for the first draft
adam definitely wears every piece of jewelry michael made for him to this day
still kinda deciding what that would be but definitely his necklace & bracelet.. michael still got him his hair pin and earrings he just didnt make them himself hehe
OK SO THE LYRICS IM TALKING ABOUT ARE " see how his feet miss the ground, and he falls inside a hole he dug for me, the kind of irony youd read in bible stories "
so im not sure what to make micheals death yet but the ai has suggested car crash and gunshot/hatecrime.. this scenario follows the latter but instead of being shot he's hung, hence the 'see how his feet miss the ground'. the 'and he falls inside a hole he dug for me' is referring to that the killer originally planned to kill adam instead but as a last minute change of mind, he kills micheal instead. the last part is kinda self explanatory once i say that micheal was a Christian 🙄 EUEUEUEU anyway ifk if i can keep this story short anymor
peak insanity is when your story is supposed to be shorter than a 5 paragraph essay but you somehow come up with more despite only having 4 characterd
uhm. i actually forgot if adam or oliver was the mc woops
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Discord pt 45
[Date: 23/02, 10.09 PM - 23/02 11.29 PM GMT ]
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page: “Hello everyone!!! :)”
P R I N C E: “Hello Page! :D”
fetch: “Oh hey there Page :]”
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page: “Ah Fetch! It's a pleasure to finally meet you! The others told me a bit about you before but I'm so happy I get to meet a new friend!”
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[fetch: “Yeah its... Its really nice to meet you too :] How are you?”]
page: “I am doing quite well, I hope you had a nice rest last night! Crown said you were very tired...”
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[fetch: “Yeah, I was a little exhausted. Nothing a good nights sleep couldn't fix!!”]
page: “I'm glad! Everyone apart of our family certainly deserves a good rest :)”
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[fetch: “Anyway, what brings you round here?”]
page: “Well, I joined rather suddenly and Crown thought it might be a good idea to introduce myself properly! :)”
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[fetch: “Oh yeah! Everyone else  got an intro. I suppose its your turn eh?”]
page: “Yes! I will gladly answer any questions anyone has!”
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[fetch: “Opinion on chicken nuggies?”]
page: “I really like them! Especially with ketchup or even mayo :)”
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[fetch: “Favorite flower?”]
page: “Freesia flowers are so sweet and pretty!”
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[Denora: “Favorite girl scout cookie?”]
page: “In Canada we only have either chocolate covered mint ones or ones that are similar to oreos that can be chocolate or vanilla! I like the oreo looking ones :)”
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[havoc.ren: “Can we get a fit check for the artists? :]”]
page: “Ah okay! I have a white button up shirt with a black bowtie on! As well as a pastel green skirt and of course my circlet, just like Barons it's a simple gold one with no gems :)”
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[disks and the color red |Stars: “The most important question I can ask: Do you like maccy cheese?”]
page: “I love maccy cheese! Especially with extra milk!”
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[fetch: “Hey page... Do you... Know me? I know you said you had just met me but like, has any of the Court told you about me?”]
page: “Hmm...Nope! I haven't, though you do remind me a lot of one of my great friends, Knight! :)“
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[fetch: “Is that so? How do I remind you of him?”]
page: “I guess from what I have seen the way you type and how kind you are to me reminds me of them...Theres also something else but i can't quite put my finger on it...”
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[fetch: “...Oh. You remind me of my old friend too.”]
page: “Oh! Was it the other friend I was told was missing? I hope you find him again soon! I've seen some people mention him before along with something about a...Turkey of some sort?"
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jayyyyyyyy: “a turkey?”
fetch: “ITS-
its... an inside joke”
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[fetch: “Yeah, you remind me of Maxwell. I... kinda miss him a lot. Think you can keep an eye out?”]
page: “Of course anything to help my beloved friends! :)”
[fetch: “its... an inside joke”]
page: “And the joke...it's...not a secret is it? You're not hiding something from me are, you shouldn't lie to friends...”
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[fetch: “:] How close are you with crown? Is there anything you've gathered that you can share with us?”]
page: “Gathered? Do you mean...secrets! :)”
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fetch: “And no its not a secret! Just something we can talk about later :]”
[fetch: “Family isn't supposed to keep secrets, remember?”]
page: “That's right!...But...Crown told me not to tell people things without permission because its bad...”
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[fetch: “So... He's keeping secrets? But you said thats bad!”]
page: “ But-- but...Won't Crown be mad? I don't wanna get in trouble or be...grounded...”
[P R I N C E: “Crown doesn't keep secrets, page!  he can be a little forgetful sometimes, but he doesn't keep secrets. :)”]
fetch: “if you say so...”
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[A random Spark: “What are you allowed to share without getting into trouble?”]
page: “Anything that Crown says I can :)”
[page: “ But-- but...Won't Crown be mad? I don't wanna get in trouble or be...grounded...”]
fetch: “If it gets you in trouble you don't have to tell me. I was just wondering.”
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[jayyyyyyyy: “A little information here and there can't hurt!”]
page: “But if Crown finds out then I could get in serious trouble! Oh god oh god I dont wanna get in trouble if he grounds me--”
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[fetch: “You don't have to tell! not if he's going to hurt you.”]
page: “Is there....Anything you would want to know specifically...? I might be able to tell you”
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[P R I N C E: “I can ask Crown what you're allowed to share! :D”]
page: “Really? You're the best big sibling ever!”
P R I N C E: “Yeah! Aw thank you :D”
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[fetch: “Can you ask him whats so important about the Crowns? And why we need to put them on to be in the family?”]
page: “Yes yes! I'll ask him for you! I'm confused why you want to know though? I mean they're important to us! :)”
Chat: “Don't worry Page! I'm sure Crown won't be mad at you.”
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A random Spark: “Hello Chat...”
Chat: “Hello again, everyone!”
Chat: “Why do you all sound so upset?”
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[fetch: “Can you ask him whats so important about the crowns? And why we need to put them on to be in the family?”]
page: “You don't need them! He just thinks it helps us look more unified as a family!”
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[A random Spark: “I would rather not speak on the matter Chat”]
Chat: “I'm sorry. I hope you're in a better mood soon, though! :)”
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page: “Well it's obviously a family! I mean, Prince is pretty much my older sibling!”
[fetch: “oh I see :] Can you take it off if you felt like it? Like, do you sleep with it on?”]
page: “We can sleep, though how much depends on how much we want to sleep! And yes, we always do wear our circlets no matter the situation :)”
page: “It's like they're not even there honestly! You hardly feel notice them!”
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[A random Spark: “That sounds painful...aren't circlets hard?”]
Chat: “A little, but it doesn't hurt me at all! :)”
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[fetch: “Is there any instance that could cause you to take off your crown? Like... say for showering or changing clothes?]
Chat: “No”
page: “Nope! why would we? We can't even really feel them, ha! :D”
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Chat: “I'd like to talk to Knight again, too... I miss them a lot.”
A random Spark: “Fetch is nice”
Chat: “I'm sorry, Fetch! You're very nice too!”
[page: “Hey! Knight is like an older brother to me but you seem really nice to!”]
Fetch: “Glad I'm nice at least...”
Chat: “:)”
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page: “I don't mean to be rude or pushy, i've been told being pushy is bad, but you all seem to be a bit more...confused after i told you about our circlets....Oh wait! Are you perhaps jealous? Would you like some too? :D”
A random Spark: “I think for now I am good...”
Chat: “Are you sure? There are plenty for everyone! :)”
fetch: “Noo, I would not like a circlet. Theyd look much nicer on you and the Court anyway :]”
page: “But why not? They're so nice and pretty and although it feels a little uncomfy at first you eventually forget you're even wearing one at all!”
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A random Spark: “I have a pendant, I do not need a circlet”
[fetch: “I’m not much of a jewelry fan :]”]
page: “Neither was I! But Crown thought that perhaps it would be nice and it really is a simple one!”
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P R I N C E: “If you don't want circlets just yet, I'd love to make everyone little flower crowns! :D”
[Continued in pt 46.]
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superficial-ly · 4 years
Future tense
“They’d hold hands and walk down the street, smiling, even in the rain. Their faces would meet and they’d both be captivated in the gentle kiss.
They’d laugh as one of them would make a joke, searching their pockets for the keys. The other would look inside and see them lying on the table. They’d break into uncontrollable laughter. Once they’d wiped the tears (or rain) from their eyes they’d figure out a way to get in.
They’d find an open window. They’d climb in, one helping the other.
They’d realise they were freezing and probably needed a warm shower. One would get in but take a measured amount of time, not wanting to finish the hot water. They’d come out and see comfy clothes waiting for them on their bed. They’d smile and whisper their thanks as the other person would saunter into the bathroom.
They’d stop and wink before disappearing behind the door. The other would laugh and lay out comfy clothes for the former also. They’d go into the living room and put Lord of the Rings on TV.
Once the other came out, theyd have a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. They’d snuggle on the couch whispering, “I love you”s and smile thinking it was perfect.”
One watched the other from across the college field, grinning and waving when they glanced over. They didn’t wave back.
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bahrlee · 4 years
Suck the blood from my Wound
Enter: Raph the Womf
🦇🦇🦇chapter 5: Impossible🦇🦇🦇
The next day, the three girls were reported as dead due to…. Throat related injuries. They didnt go into much detail as to not disgust or trigger their viewer's, they just mentioned the basics---they were found in the woods with their throats ripped out, bitemarks present---but still. It left him a little nauseous, and nervous. They were only in kindergarten, and here they were, viciously mangled buy someone in the woods during probably one of the happiest day of their lives. He tried to connect Dook too the crime, that would so obviously point to him, but there was just something so off about it in the first place. Were vampire fangs that strong enough to pull out a little girls trachea? Mitzi would definitely think so, in fact he remembered she said so.
   Even though it was still offputting, he didnt let that ruin his day. He needed to get his house back to its former glory since that weird night. He found it hard to go on with his day, however, since there was an unpleasantness in the air that couldnt be ignored. Everyone all day was looking over their shoulders, hugging themselves, holding their children close to them as they walked down the streets. He has never seen a mother walk so quickly from him, a man with long blonde hair wearing cargo shorts a a shirt with flamingos on it. They were scared of any man, he guessed, since men always seemed to be the killers. Even ones who look like theyd surfed since they were toddlers. Which reminded him that he needed to surf again soon. Ever since Fatz left, he never found the motivation to hop on a board for awhile. But for now, today's goal: paint over the scratches on the wall. He was so happy it was only the paint that chipped, no actually wall damage, because he didnt know how to fix something like that. He wasnt good at fixing things.
   The inside of the store was just as somber. Mothers pulling their kids from the toy isle when they usually let them explore it by themselves, the newspaper wrack was completely empty, things were just so different. It was only one murder, and everyone was losing it, like Ted Bundy was on the loose. And it was only one murder. Well, three, but it was all done at once. Who knows what would happen when or if another one happened? Who knows what would happen if they found out that a possible culprit was a vampire? That was too scary to think about, so he stopped and went to go get him some paint. He didnt even know what to do about the carpet yet. 
   Heck, what was he going to do about anything anymore since the possibilities seemed endless, now that there was a vampire loose through town.
    He stayed up late, but for the last couple days hes been staying up TOO late, trying to contemplate what he has learned. He just lived his life. Making a deal to become some sort of spy, getting himself involved in a rivalry between two different cryptids who treated it as though it were the civil war, except one of the sides wasnt even aware of what was happening and what the other was planned against them. 
   Just like he predicted, he didnt see him that much. For the first day, he once again had nothing to report to Mitzi. The next day, same thing. He hasn't seen him since their conversation at Roxys. She did return her part of the deal, providing the conversations you usually had with a friend. He even sat in the water with her, so she didnt have to be in such shallow places. That case if anyone walked by they wouldnt see the rest of her. They didnt get too deep, just stories, small talk, interesting things about being a sea monster and vice versa since even though she lived a double life she didnt exactly know too much, the normal stuff. She seemed a little upset he hasn't seen him, but it's not like he was seeking him out every single day. He wasnt a stalker. What a funny turn of events that would be though, if the HUMAN turned out to be the stalker instead of the vampire. That would be interesting. He hoped she didnt cut the deal off, and kept explaining to her why stalking is actually a bad thing, feeling shamefully desperate. But he couldnt help it, he had no friends.
   He crossed his fingers, however, that they would cross paths again, both to satisfy Mitzi, and to see him again. He was so torn, when he spotted him acrossed the room at a comedy club while out with Fatz, he didnt know if he should go up to him. 
   He preferred to sit in the back of everywhere, appearently. Maybe because it was so dark, and secluded, that he wouldnt be called out by the comic onstage at this particular place. Although it felt so out of place for him to be anywhere in town, or anywhere around town, really. Maybe theres this whole council of vampires, and hes on a mission right now given to him by them. Maybe he just liked to hang out at relatively dark places, or examine the nature of mortals. Or…. Maybe he was looking for his next victim, adult and in the next town this time, to mix it up a little.
   His shoes were glowing this time. Similar to the vintage boots he wore, but this time the stars and crescent moons lit up. That was enough to mesmerize him. 
   "Whatcha looking at there, Beach?" Fatz asked, noticing his glances.
   "Well obviously that boy over there." Esmeralda answered him instead of Beach. That was the thing with her, she answered all of Fatz' questions, even when directed to him, or somebody else. 
   "Hes a new guy. Met him at the movies once." Beach explained.
   "Guess we didnt have to order you food tonight then," Esmeralda quipped. "You got yourself a nice meal right over there."
   "Esme, I tried to flirt with him, okay? It's like flirting with Wednesday Addams child if she had a baby with the Willy Wonka from Tim Burtons awful adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." He angrily drank his coke. 
   "Maybe you're just a bad flirt, you know?" 
   "Oh be quiet, Esmeralda. Beach is fine. Hes charming!" Fatz retorted enthusiastically.
   "If you're so charming, go up to him. Say hi. Buy him a drink." Esmeralda advised.
   "He doesnt drink." Beach quickly reverbed.
   "Well now why doesnt he drink?"
   Because hes a vampire, future Mrs. Geronimo.
   "I dont know. I jus know hes not much for actually living in the moment you know, he just…." He turned and looked at him again, his head so obviously in the clouds. "....Kind of observes everything."
   "You always go for the types that just sit there and look pretty, dont you?" Fatz said. He always questioned his type. The very monotone, 'too cool for school' men who tended to be more introverted and less talkative, two opposites of Beach. He liked his conversations. He was one of the best people to converse with because he kept it going. But he always went for the guys who's social skills were a bit stale. At least that's what Fatz thought, the truth was hes been with men of all kinds, Fztz only saw the shy guys, who were much less sh the more you got to know them. Fatz just tended to hold onto first impressions a little longer than he should.
   "Shut up, quit acting like you know my type." He glowered.
   "Cant deny it, Beach." He shrugged.
   Some friend he was.
   Esmeralda checked the time on her phone. "Fatz, its 10."
   "Oh, what? Its 10 already?" He said.
   "Yeah! We gotta go Beach, we're sorry. We gotta get sleep so we catch our flight to Louisiana for my family reunion tomorrow." She said.
   A little mad that they were leaving, but understanding he had no control over it, he let them leave. He wasnt going to be too petty about it. Speak of Louisiana, however… he turned and saw Dook there, legs crossed, shows glowing---he still couldnt get over that, he wanted glowing shoes now---his eyes fixated on nothing.
   Now that he was alone, he could probably try to talk with him. Mustering up his courage, he stood up, forgetting how tall he was for a moment and feeling a bit clumsy, and walked over to him. He seemed to be really deep in his own mind, because when he said hello, he jumped.
   "Jesus christ!" He exclaimed. "What?!"
   He held up a hand and waved. "Hello."
   He exhaled loudly, giving him the stink eye, genuinely annoyed by his presence. "What the hell are you everywhere I go?" He spoke, putting emphasis on every word.
   "Just find it funny that we find each other everywhere."
   "No, you come up to me, say your shit, trying to get into my pants or whatever."
   These non-mortals sure had some big mouths on them. But he guessed if they cant even get along within their world, of course they dont put any care into their interactions with humans. Was this his life now? Getting yelled at by two overgrown leeches for the rest of his days?
   "No, I just came over here to say I like your shoes." He said. "You dont drink alcohol, but do you drink soda?" He recalled him drinking something at the movies.
   Dook pointed to the soda on the table. "Little too late for that, man."
   "Why are you so rude?" He asked him. "Why cant you just talk to me like a normal person without everything coming out of your mouth being a nasty comment? Why cant I just treat you nicely and be treated nicely back, huh?"
   Dook slightly smirked at him. "Ficety."
   Beach was a tad frustrated, but it only made him want to try harder. "No, you're ficety. I'm just trying to talk to you."
   "You a nice guy?"
   "No, I'm Beach."
   And he finally heard him legitimately laugh. He was surprised at how audacious it was, and how much it revealed about him---he was a pretty goofy person. He seemed to be one for jokes, and humor. "Oh my god, alright, you're pretty funny, you can stay I guess. Sit down."
   He obliged, feeling like he just achieved something impossible. 
   "So, Beach, if that's even you're real name, which I know it isnt, go ahead. Make this a speed date. Tell me a-a bit about yourself."
   "Um…. Well…. I like surfing, and writing---I was an english major, actually---"
   "Oh, interesting. Tell me something smart."
   His mind drew a blank.
   "Oh yes, wonderful. Did you uh, drop out or anything?"
   "No, finished all four years. First one in my family not to drop out to persue a career as a rockstar, actually." He babbled, just excited to be getting through to him in any way. 
   "Huh. Interesting. I never went to college." He stirred the straw in his soft drink, smiling modestly.
   "Did you drop out to become a rockstar?"
   He thought for a moment. "Eh, kinda just happened. My dad forced me to play in a band when I was a sophmore. Actually, uh, enjoyed it and decided to stick with it for awhile. After that, I sang with my sister for a bit, and then something happened, and now I'm here."
   "Huh." He knew what the thing was. He was immortalized. "Tell me about her."
   "She lives back home. Three kids. A bit older than me, that's why she already has three. School music teacher." He said.
   "Cool. I have a brother who's much older than me. Not as cool, kinda mean." He sighed.
   "Hm, not very close to anyone, are you? I always see you alone. Guess that's why you bother me a lot." 
   He shook his head. "Yeah, my one friend who was just here a moment ago left, and hes been drifting away a bit. Everyone else is a workmate or an acquaintance." 
   Dook pulled the sleeves to his shirt over his hands and placed them under head chin. He was so obsessed with the way he dressed he couldnt handle it. "No wonder you're up the new guys ass."
   Beach couldnt help be giggle. He was glad he was funny. 
   Dook reached over and grabbed one of those tiny pencils used to fill in Keno cards, and a napkin, and wrote something down. "Guess I'll amuse you for now." He slid it over to him. It was his number. 
   "Oh my god." He did it. It was out of pity, so obviously out of pity, but he got his number.
   And finally, the late night comedy club announced its next act, after a long while of radio silence. The emcee came on stage, everyone cheered, well except for Dook who just glared up at him---well not really glare, he just seemed to have a case of a resting tired face, which wasnt necessarily a bad thing, but it still looked funny---seemingly board of every comedy routines seen tonight.
   "Sorry for the delay everyone, we just had a minor difficulty with some of our guest comics tonight. But thankfully, one of them came prepared. Please everyone, give it up for Rolfe DeWolfe, and his no-so-friendly sidekick, little Earl Schmerle. 
   Once again everyone cheered accept Dook, who's eyes widened, a little stunned by his presence. The comedian, clad in a plaid vest and black undershirt, with a wacky voice and a yellow puppet on his hand, smiled and thanked the audience for being there.
   "I knew he was here." Dook murmured.
   He leaned down, and turned his shoes off. "Can we leave?"
   His eyes were locked on the comedian in a strange, prey-like state. "Hes not that funny."
   It was very obvious it was not because of that reason, but of course he couldnt point it out. 
   He stood up slowly, creeping quietly (or as quietly one could walk in heels) through the dim room, as Rolfe and the puppet began their routine. Yes, Dook was actually correct, the routine was…. Meh. It made you smile, not laugh. But of course that wasnt the point if the whole thing going on right now, was it? He copied his moves, standing up and moving quietly, this time actually quiet because of the fact he was wearing actual shoes.
   Beach Bear copied him, slinking out of his seat and following him to the door. They slipped out, into the warm night. The way he just…. Stared at him. He was going to take note of that. If only he remembered the name of whomever was onstage. 
   "So um…. What are we doing now?" He asked him.
   "Ummm…. I dont really know." He laughed nervously.
   "What do you know about that person in there?" He asked. "Seemed a little more than 'hes not funny.'"
   He sighed. "You dont wanna know." He said.
   Beach had a few guesses.
   Dook shrugged and looked around, still a little alert. "We can just…."
   "Take a walk?" He guessed. 
   "I mean…. Why not?"
   The more time to get to know him.
   He dodged any personal questions, and the ones he did answer, he didnt go too deep into it. Simple, vague answers. No names of people, no small anecdotes, no detail. They did just meet anyways, of course he was valid for keeping most things for himself. Beach already knew things he was keeping from him anyways. He seemed a bit more anxious than usual, however, seeing that puppeteer onstage seemed to shake him a bit. Genuinely worried about how disoriented he seemed, he asked him if he were okay.
   "Yeah, I'm fine. If-if I go into it, itll just…" he trailed off.
   "Oh, okay. Just…. Making sure. You need to sit down or something?" 
   He shook his head. "I said I'm fine." He repeated. 
   "Like I said, just making sure." He sighed. 
   He hoped that not every moment between them would have some kind of stale silence between them. It was starting to get annoying at this point. 
 "Wait." Dook stopped, so he stopped, a little confused.
   Dook crouched down and turned back on his shoes. "There. Better." He smiled, as if those shoes were the source of his pride and joy. 
   "Whered you even get those shoes?" He asked him.
   "Huh. Are they battery powered or something?"
   "Yeah. Batteries go in the heels." He said. 
   "You dress very cool."
   "Um…. Okay, uh, thanks I guess." He laughed modestly. "You dress like you play beer pong."
   He snorted, realizing it was entirely true. "But I'm serious. You're just… unapologetically bold in the way you dress. And I can tell you dress because you like it and not for attention, because you certainly dont seem like the type who likes all eyes on them." He explained. 
   "Well, yeah. Nobody can tell me what to wear, so…" he shrugged. "Many people think I'm a girl at first, but…. You know, whatever. I-I like it."
   "Same thing about the mullet?"
   He laughed again, covering his mouth shyly. "I mean…" 
   "It looks good on you though, not everyone can pull off a look like that."
   Dook shrugged, grabbing the long part of his hair. "Yeah. I guess."
   The streets were so serene when they were empty. Even though there was the abduction of three little girls who were found dead the next morning, and he might be standing next to the culprit, the night still felt so welcoming, and calm. Something about the street lights shining down on the sidewalk, the neon of the open signs in almost every window, the clearness of the night sky which he caught Dook glimpsing up at in awe once every few minutes. 
   "You like space?" He asked.
   "Yeah. When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut." He said. "When um… playing with the band I always said I was gonna play with them until I could go to space." He said. "Didn't happen, though."
   "Do you still wanna go there?"
   "I mean, yeah, it would be cool." 
   The way the stars glistened in his eyes as he looked up at them in complete amazement. 
   "I feel the same way about the sea. I wanted to go underwater, like, in a submarine, for my whole life, just to explore. Don't you think it's weird how we know our moon better than our sea?"
   He thought for a moment, looking a little hazed, maybe from the way the waning moon was shining down on them, distracting him from the real world. He seemed to be the type with an imagination. 
   "I can't believe every single one of those is a star up there. Every single one." Dook said. He began wiggling his fingers a bit in excitement. 
   He's never seen him impressed before. Maybe he should try and use space theme pick up lines to flirt, maybe then he'll notice him. But the only one he could think of was the classic your ass is out of this world joke, which he didn't think was a very cool one to throw his way. He might get punched in the face. He also was way too tired of thinking of something. These late night outings were really starting to get to him. It wasn't even that late out, compared to how late he usually stayed out.
   "How close were you to achieving your submarine dream?" He asked him.
   "I surf. That's about as close. I love it." He responded.
   "Ah. The closest I got was space camp as a kid." He ran his fingers through the bangs and his mullet.
   Beach put his hands in his pockets and kicked a rock into the road.
   "Didya try going into biology or something to get into the ocean?" He asked.
   "Oh no, my science grades were…. Not too good. I majored in english." He answered.
   "How old are you?" 
   "23." He said. "What about you?"
   Dook froze for a moment, thinking. Probably doing math in his head, which he probably wasn't very good at, from the way he snuck his fingers out to count. He didn't know why he was assuming so much from the little things, but he was.
   "21." He finally said.
   So he must've been 21 when he was turned into a vampire. And from the looks, it was in the 80s. Now he was wondering a lot. How did one even get turned into a vampire? He tried remembering back to Stoker's Dracula, Sookie Stackhouse, vampire chronicles, heck, even twilight. A bite? Excessive drinking of the blood? Canoodling with your partner, accidentally killing her, because vampires are apparently that strong (he hoped that wasn't the way, if anything that happened in twilight was true he'd probably run over to Stephanie Meyers house and drink HER blood)? All these questions he couldn't ask, because he didn't tell him. It was probably a very hard thing to tell in the first place. Mitzi was always incognito, and had a human end a close friendship with her once they found out about her secret, so he wasn't too surprised Dook was the same way. Mitzi was merely a teen, but Dook has been around for awhile---how many times was his heart broken by both partners and friends fearing him once they found out? 
   "So you're a drummer, right?" Beach asked. He couldn't be in his own head for too long.
   "Yeah?" He said.
   "Howd you get into drumming?"
   "Band. You know…. School band."
   "Huh, cool. I played Tenor sax."
   "So you like Rush and have a strong disliking towards cornets." He assumed.
   "Stereotypes, really?"
   He shrugged. "What? You know it's true."
   "Well then…. Since you're a percussionist I believe that you yell yeehaw any chance you get, have weak lungs, and have an affinity for Oingo Boingo."
   He looked to his side with a knowing smile. "I mean I do like Oingo Boingo---"
   "What? You just proved my point!"
   They both started laughing, the feeling of their bond growing a bit stronger. 
   "What chair were you?" He asked.
   "Always like…. Second. Third. I'm not the best. And…. Lemme guess, you were first chair a-and got all the solos?"
   He shrugged. "We only had two in the top band, what can I say?" 
   He liked the constant laughter between them. It was a good sign, he believed. Laughter was an important step to any kind of relationship. If you couldn't see yourselves traveling the world as a comedic duo, what was the point? So his Hope's were set high, just as a love sick gay person should be. 
   When they walked back to the club (both of their cars were there, they couldn't just walk home), Dooks goodbye was surprisingly hasty. Maybe he didn't want to encounter that guy that was here earlier, in case he was still loitering about, because his eyes carried the same alertness they did at the moment he spotted him. But he had his number now, an all powerful thing that Mitzi would be very happy to hear. He went to his car, very proud of what he accomplished, happy he finally got through to him enough to get to know a little more. When he had his hand on the handle, however, he heard something… interesting. A struggle of a woman was what he could compare it most to. He heard a male voice, one that wasn't Dooks, saying something. Remembering Dooks quick exit off of centerstage, he was inclined to follow the sound. He followed it to the side of the building, where he could clearly hear a woman's muffled screams. He could also hear the words from the other, currently disembodied voice, urging on whomever had her pinned.
   "You want to starve, Dook? You can't just not feed for three months then go purge on woodland creatures for the next week!" The voice scolded. 
   Against the wall, he peaked over the corner, and saw the sight of Dook with a terrified blonde against the wall, fangs out, the pure look of struggle, and willpower in his face as he bit his lip, as to resist his urge to plunge them into her neck. The other dude was the comedy man, mister Ralph whats-his-name (man no wonder he was performing in a small comedy parlor in a small town in florida), was trying to egg him on to make the kill. Dook opened his mouth, obviously starving, but unwilling to bring harm upon the poor, unsuspecting patron, and turned away, dropping her to the ground. She shot up and scrambled away, probably scared for life. He turned back around the corner, hoping he wasn't spotted. 
   "Come on, Dook!" Comedian guy huffed at him. "Why can't you just be like every other vampire planet? Why do I have to force I yoh human blood?!"
   "I mean…. ED?" He responded, scared but able to respond in his usual way.
   "You were turned into a vampire to get rid of that." He groaned, tired, but seemingly used to his sass.
   "Well that didn't work, did it---" there was a thump against the wall.
   He turned to peak again. This time it was Dook against the wall. He had a hold of him with his shirt. He pulled out something in his pocket, and from closer examination, he made out the classic---a wooden stake, fit to kill any vampire with a stab to the heart. He lightly placed it against his chest, Dook visibly shaking, and struggling with all his might. 
   "You'll reap what you sow, Dook. If you don't follow orders, if you don't keep yourself alive for the better of your kind, you'll pay." He threatened.
   Dook brought up his leg and kicked his stomach, the comedian losing grip on him and falling back, the stake falling to the ground.
   "My kind is human, got it? I'm not doing anything for a vampire, or a werewolf, or-or for anyone, really!"
   "Was human, Dook. You're one of us now, and you have to accept it. You do the duties bestowed upon you, I wouldn't be on your tail all the time!" He got up.
   "Fuck you." He replied. The comedian screamed and threw his fists at him, only smacking against the brick as Dook flew out of the way. 
   "I can't believe I was assigned to you, my god!" He seethed. 
   "Then LEAVE!" He shouted.
   "I won't, because I'm not disobeying my orders! It's my job to keep people like you in check and I'm sticking by it until the end of time, like what i'm supposed to do. I'm going to keep following you until you feed on humans, turn humans, and be grateful you died in our hands."
   They both stared at each other silently, eyes fixed on the other with intimidating adrenaline. 
   "If you don't, you're dead. And I'll make sure of it. I'll make sure you don't up and head out of town this time."
   "You wish."
   He grabbed him by the shirt again, and began pulling him to the front. 
   Terrified, he turned back around, eyes wide.
   Mitzi was gonna have a ball, hearing this.
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emmerrr · 6 years
heyyyy if you wanna write a pynch vday fic, how about one where they're like... both trying to be sneaky about planning sth for valentines day and so both think the other has forgotten about it and they're both like ://// but it all uhh works out in the end?? x
what a top notch suggestion, absoLUTELY i can write that 💕💕 (uhh heads up this got kinda long, i’ll put it on ao3 too and reblog with a link later)
Adam sat alone in a corner booth of Nino’s, History notes open on the table before him. He’d written VALENTINE’S DAY?? in the margin, underlined three times. He frowned at the words, wondering why he was fixating on them, and turned his head to stare listlessly out of the window instead.
Blue was there working, but she’d been too busy to come and say hello so far, simply offering him a harried wave when she spotted him walk in, pointing him towards the table he was now seated at. The other staff at Nino’s never bothered them anymore, knowing Blue would cover their table. Adam had heard them being referred to as “Blue’s Boys” on more than one occasion.
He was currently the only one there, having beaten Henry and Gansey out of the school gates. He assumed they’d got held up by a traffic light or two, and Ronan had further to drive than the rest of them so would likely arrive last anyway.
Thinking of Ronan immediately returned Adam’s thoughts to the words written in his notes and he scowled at the parking lot. On the surface, Valentine’s Day didn’t seem like it would be Ronan’s thing. Adam wasn’t even particularly sure it was his thing. But the fact remained that Valentine’s Day was a week away, and Adam didn’t know what, if anything, he was expected to do for it.
He tried to think back to previous years and remembered receiving an anonymous card from someone back in the seventh grade; a generic heart-shaped thing that simply said ‘Will you be my Valentine? x’ inside. He was fairly certain the sender was a girl in his English class who had never said a word to him but blushed every time she caught his eye. Adam didn’t see how he was supposed to answer whether or not he’d be her Valentine if she never told him she had sent it. And of course, she never owned up, and he didn’t want to suggest it was her in case he was wrong, and he didn’t actually want to be her Valentine anyway. So it was never mentioned again.
The difference here was that Ronan was his actual boyfriend. Didn’t that mean that they were each other’s Valentines by default, then?
Adam didn’t know. He’d never navigated Valentine’s Day before. Not like this.
He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t hear Henry and Gansey approach until they were right there.
“Oh, History notes,” Henry exclaimed. “Can I borrow them?”
Adam turned his head to see Henry already sliding the notebook towards him. “Your notes are always make more sense than mi—” Henry cut himself off, eyes widening at something on the page. Too late Adam remembered the VALENTINE’S DAY?? in the margin and slapped his hand over it, snatching back his notebook.
Henry was grinning at him. “Big plans?”
“No,” Adam muttered. “No plans at all.” He stuffed the notebook into his messenger bag.
Gansey had slid into the booth opposite Adam and watched the exchange with raised eyebrows. “What have I missed?”
“Nothing, apparently,” Henry said easily. Adam was grateful that Henry clearly wasn’t going to push it (at least not with an audience), but reasoned he could perhaps use some advice.
“So,” he started. “Valentine’s Day. Thoughts?”
“I’m glad you asked, Parrish,” Gansey said. “It was originally a Western Christian feast day honouring a couple of early saints called Valentinius—”
“Yes, thank you, Captain Wikipedia,” Henry cut in. “I’m not entirely sure that’s what he meant.”
A jug of Iced Tea was plonked onto the table without ceremony and they all looked up to Blue Sargent as she handed out glasses.
“It’s a dumb holiday invented by Hallmark to sell more cards,” she said, obviously having heard the tail-end of the conversation.
“Well, obviously there’s that too,” Gansey said, beaming at her. 
Adam sighed. They were all monumentally unhelpful. 
“Why the interest, Adam?” Blue asked, a knowing glint in her eye.
“I don’t know,” he said with a shrug. “I’m just…okay, with Ronan, do I just treat it like any other day? Do I get him a card? Will he think it’s stupid? Do I think it’s stupid?”
There was a short silence as the three of them blinked back at him, and then Blue carefully said, “Do you think it’s stupid?” 
Adam wasn’t sure how to answer that. The truth was that he sort of did think it was stupid, but he also thought he wanted to acknowledge it anyway. He thought doing nothing at all kind of made him look like an asshole.
In the end, it all circled back to Ronan, and whether he would care. Did he have anything planned? Was he having an internal crisis over it as well?
In lieu of an answer, Adam shrugged again.
“Speak of the devil,” Henry said, and nodded towards the entrance.
Ronan, dressed all in black (of course), had just stepped inside. He scanned the restaurant without turning his head but when he spotted Adam, his shoulders relaxed, and he smiled just a little.
Adam didn’t think he’d ever get tired of seeing that.
“Oh god, you two are the worst,” Blue scoffed as Ronan started to make his way over.
“What?” Adam said without looking at her.
“You know exactly what, Adam Parrish. You and Ronan with the googly eyes. Jesus Christ, you’re in public. Tone it down.”
“You tone it down,” Ronan said jovially, hip-checking Blue as he drew level. “What are we talking about?”
“The origins of Valentine’s Day,” Gansey said delicately.
Ronan snorted derisively. “Valentine’s Day,” he said with as much scorn as he could muster, “is capitalistic bullshit invented to sell cards and flowers and chocolate.”
“Hey man, that’s exactly what I said,” Blue said, sounding pleased, and she and Ronan fist-bumped. Adam rolled his eyes. They really were two sides of the same coin.
“You’re in my seat, Cheng,” Ronan said.
“Sit by Gansey, I was here first.”
Ronan shrugged. “Fair’s fair.” He stepped up onto the seat and over Henry and squeezed into the spot between him and Adam.
“Ronan Lynch,” Gansey hissed. “You’ll get us kicked out!”
“Calm down, Dick, no one noticed,” Ronan said. He had both arms stretched out across the back of the booth, and Adam and Henry were both leaning into him a little thanks to the lack of space.
“This is cozy,” Henry said cheerfully.
It was Blue’s turn to roll her eyes and she pulled her little notepad out of her apron pocket. “Alright, I have to actually do my job now, what do you want? Gansey, I’m assuming you want your usual half-avocado monstrosity?”
“You’re a millennial, Blue, you’re supposed to like avocados.”
Her disgusted expression was answer enough. The rest of them rattled off their food order and then Blue went off to put it through.
“Doesn’t anyone want to come and sit by me?” Gansey asked. “It’s lonely over here.”
“Oh, don’t pull that face, Gansey, you’re making me sad,” Henry said, swapping sides. He scooched right the way over to Gansey and draped an arm around his shoulder before sighing loftily. “It’s hard being this popular.”
“But someone has to do it,” Adam said drily, earning him a quicksilver smile.
“And I do it so well.”
Ronan was stopping at Adam’s for the night, but they had each come to Nino’s in their own cars so separated in the parking lot to drive over to St Agnes in a convoy.
Ronan was already peeling out of the lot by the time Adam reached his shitbox, and he was held up further by Henry calling his name. He turned and Henry jogged over, Gansey nowhere to be seen and most likely still inside saying goodbye to Blue.
“Oh, sorry,” Adam said. “You wanted my History notes, right?”
“No, that’s not — well, yeah, actually, thank you,” he said, taking them when Adam handed them over. “I actually came over here to give you some unsolicited advice.”
“About the Valentine’s Day thing?”
“That’s the one.”
Adam shrugged. “It’s not entirely unsolicited. But anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore. You heard him.”
“Yeah, I heard him. Sounds like posturing to me.”
Adam tilted his head to the side. “You think?” Ronan certainly was prone to posturing.
“Sure. I mean, I have no doubt that he really does think Valentine’s Day is what he said in there, but I wouldn’t let that put you off doing something, if you wanted to.” Henry waited for a response, and when Adam didn’t offer one, he prompted, “You do want to, don’t you?”
Adam smiled wryly. “Is it that obvious?”
“Only if you know what to look for,” Henry said, but before Adam could think on that too much, he continued. “Look, I don’t know Ronan as well as you do, but even from the outside, it’s clear how he feels about you.”
Feeling himself blush, Adam immediately looked down at the ground. He did know how Ronan felt about him. It was often whispered to him in the middle of the night when it felt like they were the only two people in the world. It just took him off guard to hear it so plainly from someone else.
“Think about it, Adam. Regardless of how Ronan personally feels about what Valentine’s Day stands for, do you really think he’s going to let a day when he’s practically green-lit to be as obnoxious as possible about you just pass him by?” Henry shook his head. “Not the Ronan Lynch I know.”
Well, when it was put that way. “Did he say something to you? Do you know something?”
“Not a thing,” Henry said, and Adam believed him. “It’s just an observation and an educated guess.”
“Huh,” Adam said thoughtfully. He pulled his car keys out of his pocket and tossed them in the air, catching them again, ideas already forming in his head. If Ronan was going to be obnoxious, Adam could be obnoxious too. “Thanks, Henry. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t lose my notes.”
“I will try my level best.”
Adam gave himself three rules for Ronan’s Valentine’s gift:
1) It had to be heartfelt.
2) It also had to be in good humour and not take itself too seriously.
3) It had to be cheap.
He was too sensible to spend money he didn’t have on some arbitrary gift Ronan wouldn’t appreciate. Not to mention that Ronan was impossible enough to buy for as it was; firstly he was rich enough to buy himself pretty much anything he might want, and secondly he could literally manifest his dreams. It was going to make future birthdays and Christmas’s an absolute nightmare.
(But what a wonderful problem to have.)
What it all basically meant was that Adam had to go homemade, and given that he had school and work (and Ronan) to work around, he didn’t have a whole lot of time to do it.
He borrowed Gansey’s laptop during lunch-break on Monday at Aglionby and made Ronan a mix-CD of the cheesiest love songs he could think of. It featured such classics as You Make My Dreams by Hall & Oates, Heaven by Bryan Adams, True by Spandau Ballet, and many, many more. It wasn’t even remotely Ronan’s kind of music which made it funny, but as embarrassing as some of the songs might have been, they did actually somewhat echo Adam’s own feelings. He got to be a sap in the guise of it being a joke, and Ronan would get a kick out of it.
Obviously, he also added the Murder Squash Song for good measure.
Next up was a card. He could have bought one — his budget would have allowed it — but all the store ones were godawful and Adam couldn’t even imagine giving one of them to Ronan ironically.
Luckily he had an ace up his sleeve.
The first time that Ronan had stayed over at Adam’s after they were together in the very early days of their relationship, Adam had woken up to a frozen Ronan with a handful of strangely lovely flowers, the exact shade of blue as Adam’s eyes.
Adam had kept them in a cheap vase on the windowsill until they died, but unbeknownst to Ronan, he’d also taken one and pressed it to make a little print; his own private memento.
He was obviously keeping the original for himself, but he took it into the school library a couple of days before Valentine’s Day and scanned it, printing it out on some high quality photo card he’d ‘acquired’ from one of the Art rooms.
Once the ink was dry, he folded it down the middle as carefully as possible and put it inside his heaviest textbook to keep it folded and flat until he got it home.
He spent longer than probably necessary trying to decide what to write, but in the end, he went with:
I think maybe it was always you. I think it always will be. Happy Valentine’s Day (gross).
Love, Adam x
He didn’t have a nice envelope to put it in, so it had to go in a bigger manila one that Adam still had lying around. He slipped both the card and the CD inside, and wrote Ronan’s name in capitals on the outside.
He looked at his offering. It somehow didn’t seem enough.
Valentine’s Day was on Thursday, so on Wednesday— after school but before a shift at Boyd’s— Adam found himself in the kitchen of 300 Fox Way. He’d bought everything he needed to make chocolate brownies before he’d realised he didn’t have a tin in which to cook them in. He was also severely lacking in several other kitchen utensils, to be honest. One panicked phone-call to Blue later, and he had everything he needed and a helping hand.
Well, ‘helping’ was a strong word.
“Why brownies?” Blue asked from where she sat perched on the kitchen table.
“Because brownies are the best,” Adam said, frowning at the recipe he had printed out.
“Alright, can’t argue with that,” Blue said reasonably.
Adam was aware of her watching him while he slowly got out everything he needed and started weighing out ingredients. He felt unreasonably nervous about it, even though he knew that provided he followed the recipe, everything would be fine. Baking was a science, after all, and Adam was good at science.
But looking at it all now with Blue scrutinising his every move, he felt flustered and unmoored.
“I thought you were going to help,” he said pointedly.
“I am helping. I’m supervising,” Blue said.
Adam smiled at that. “I see. Are you the kind of supervisor who can grease this tin for me?”
“I suppose so,” Blue said loftily as she launched herself off the table.
Blue started chattering away after that which helped Adam calm down and focus on what he was doing, and it didn’t take long to make the mixture after that. Adam tilted the pan while Blue used a wooden spoon to scrape the mixture out and into the brownie tin.
After that, they just had to put it in the oven and wait.
Blue brewed up some of Maura’s least offensive tea as they sat and waited, and Adam finally asked what he’d been dying to all week.
“Do you know if Ronan has anything planned?”
Blue smiled and shook her head. “Honestly, Adam, I have absolutely no idea. He hasn’t said a word. I’ve barely seen him though, and never really without you there.” She shrugged. “If he’s got a plan he’s keeping it close to his chest.”
Adam nodded; he’d assumed as much. “I just want to know if I’m doing too much, or not doing enough? I dunno, it’s stupid. It’s only Valentine’s Day.”
“Yeah, but it’s your first Valentine’s Day together,” Blue said, not unkindly. “I get it.”
“What are you and Gansey doing?” 
“I made him a card and found him a couple of ‘slovenly’ t-shirts at the thrift store. I’m gonna hazard a guess that he’s getting me flowers, and he told me to keep the evening free so he’s probably taking me somewhere. Wherever it is, it better not be expensive.”
Adam grinned. “Maybe it’s Nino’s.”
“God, don’t even joke, I’d murder him. Again.”
He started to laugh, and after a couple of seconds Blue joined in. When it died down, Blue put her hand on his arm.
“Don’t overthink it, Adam. Ronan will love whatever you give him, because you’re the one it’s coming from. It’s not about the gifts you get or the meal you have or how much money you spend. I think it’s more about the gesture. That’s what’ll mean the most to Ronan.”
Adam managed a small smile. “I hope you’re right.”
“Of course I’m right.” Blue opened a drawer and gasped, then pulled out a heart-shaped cookie cutter. “Oh my God, Adam, you have to.”
She held out the cookie-cutter towards him and he took it, sighing. “Really?”
“Yes! This way, they’ll all be exactly the same size and I get to eat all the cut-offs. Y’know, as my fee for helping.”
And that’s how Adam ended up with nine perfect little heart-shaped brownies.
Adam didn’t see Ronan that night, thanks to finishing late at Boyd’s and then having homework after. 
When he woke up in the morning, he was hit by the realisation that he and Ronan hadn’t even arranged to see each other that day at all.
He half expected Ronan to show up at St Agnes unannounced with a bouquet of dream flowers and some donuts or something. But that didn’t happen, and Adam slowly packed his messenger bag for school, remembering to include the Tupperware of Valentine’s brownies and the envelope with its enclosed card and CD.
He wasn’t sure when he’d be able to give them to Ronan, but it was better to be prepared.
Adam walked down to his car, scanning the parking lot and the street to see if there was any sign of a shark-nosed BMW. But there was nothing, and there was nothing on the way to school, and Adam made it all the way through to lunch without seeing or hearing from Ronan.
Obviously, he had no phone, and Ronan hated his own phone. But Gansey had a phone, and Ronan could have got in touch that way if he had felt so inclined.
Adam didn’t know what he’d been expecting; that Ronan would show up at the Aglionby gates with a boombox over his head blasting out Lionel Richie songs? That he’d get back to his car after school and find out his favourite hooligan had broken in and left him a giant teddy bear and a box of chocolates?
It all seemed stupid now, and Valentine’s Day was stupid, and Adam was irritated that he’d let the pressures of the day get to him. It didn’t matter. It was a meaningless day.
So why did he feel so deflated?
At the end of the day, he caved and asked to borrow Gansey’s phone.
First, he sent a text that said: it’s adam, i’m about to call you so answer the phone
He gave it a minute until he’d seen that Ronan had read the message, and then pressed the call button.
“Parrish,” Ronan said in lieu of a hello.
All at once, like always, Adam was happy to hear Ronan’s voice. And yet he still couldn’t quite shake his irritation, even though the one who’d got his hopes up was himself.
“Hey,” he replied. “Listen, were you planning on coming over tonight?”
“Nope.” It was a little difficult to tell, but Adam thought Ronan’s tone was just a little off. “You come here.”
Adam sighed. “Ronan, I have school tomorrow so I wouldn’t even be able to stay that late. Can’t you just come here?”
There was a long pause. “Opal wants to see you.”
“So bring her with you.”
“Are you kidding, Parrish, she’s filthy. She’ll mess up the interior.”
The BMW wasn’t exactly spotless inside so this seemed a flimsy excuse. Adam started to wonder whether Ronan even wanted to see him at all.
“If you don’t want to see me today that’s fine,” he said, tone clipped.
“I didn’t say that,” Ronan said, tone just as clipped.
It felt like they were heading for a fight. Adam didn’t want to fight. He wanted to give Ronan the stupid sentimental CD he’d made. He wanted Ronan to make fun of him for the brownies. He wanted a hug.
Adam was abruptly exhausted, and it didn’t matter that he’d gone to the effort and Ronan hadn’t. He just wanted to see him.
“Okay,” he said. “I’m gonna go home and shower but then I’ll head over to you.”
“Okay, good. See you in a bit,” Ronan said, and hung up.
The sun was down by the time Adam pulled up at the Barns. The heating in Adam’s car was dodgy enough on a good today, and today wasn’t a good day. It had barely come on, so his hands were like ice as he got out of the car.
He walked straight in when he got there and made his way to the kitchen. He hovered in the doorway; Ronan’s back was to him, a tea towel strewn over one shoulder, straining pasta over the sink.
Adam rapped his knuckles against the door-frame and Ronan turned around.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” Adam replied. “You cooked?”
Ronan shrugged. “It’s just spaghetti.” He gestured to Adam’s messenger bag. “You brought homework with you?”
All that was in the bag was the Valentine’s gifts for Ronan, and he shook his head. “Nope.”
“Okay,” Ronan said with another shrug. “Sit. Let’s eat, I’m starving.”
Adam pulled himself a chair out, and it scraped against the floor noisily in the otherwise quiet. He waited for Ronan to finish serving up and then asked, “Where’s Opal?”
“No idea. Haven’t seen her since this afternoon.”
Adam took a bite of his food. It was good. “I thought you said she wanted to see me.”
“She always wants to see you,” Ronan said smoothly. “I’m sure she’ll turn up when she spots your car.”
They finished eating in near silence, Adam waiting for Ronan to say something— anything— to acknowledge the day. But he didn’t, and the longer the silence dragged, the harder it seemed to break it.
Adam started towards the sink to do the washing up afterwards, but Ronan stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“Just leave it, Parrish.”
“Leave them. I’ll do them in the morning.” 
Adam sighed, uncomfortable in the tension. He didn’t know what to do now. Did Ronan just want him to leave? And if so, why had he told him to come in the first place?
“Look, do you know what day it is?” Adam asked, unable to take it any longer.
“It’s Thursday,” Ronan said, chin jutted out, arms crossed. Adam glared; Ronan clearly knew exactly what day it was.
“Okay, great,” Adam said tiredly. He opened his bag and pulled out the Tupperware and the envelope. “Happy Valentine’s Day, I guess.”
He put them on the table and stepped away, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. He watched Ronan’s face, the expression on which had softened immediately. He looked to Adam, stricken.
“Parrish, I—”
“It’s fine, Ronan, just open them.”
Ronan snapped his mouth shut, and pulled the envelope over to him. Adam immediately felt self-conscious about his meagre homemade gifts.
“It’s not much,” he said quickly.
Ronan’s only response to this was a slight furrow in his brow. Then he took the CD out, quirking a smile at Adam’s inscription: LYNCH’S CHEESY LOVE SONG SINGALONG. It was surrounded by lots of hand drawn love-hearts that Adam now thought seemed excessive.
Ronan looked up and raised an eyebrow at Adam, a half-smirk on his face. “No track-list, Parrish?”
“It’s a surprise,” Adam said, smiling weakly, but relieved. “You’ll have to play it to find out.”
“I’ll do that,” he said with a sage nod. He put the CD down and reached for the Tupperware, pulling the lid off and tossing it aside. He looked inside and snorted. “You’ve really stuck with a theme here, huh, Parrish?”
“Hey, Valentine’s Day is all about the hearts, apparently. And to be fair, the heart-shaped brownies are Blue’s fault. She found a cookie-cutter and insisted.”
“She knew about this?” Ronan said.
“Yeah, she helped me make them.”
“That little sneak...” Ronan trailed off and let out a sharp laugh. “I asked her if she knew whether or not you were doing something, and she swore blind she had no idea.”
Adam thought about asking why Ronan had even wanted to know, but instead he pointed at the envelope. “There’s a card in there, as well.”
“In here?” Ronan turned the envelope upside down and the card slipped out into his hand. Adam watched as he took in the flower on the front, smiled a little, then did a double-take, glancing at Adam. “Hold on. Is this what I think it is?”
Adam rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah. I, uh, I pressed one, before they all died. I wanted to keep it, I guess.”
“Yeah,” Ronan said, something akin to awe in his voice. “I dream about them all the time.” He opened the card and read what Adam had written there, then dropped his face into his hands. 
“Parrish...” he mumbled. “I feel like a fucking asshole.”
Adam went over and gently pulled the card out of Ronan’s hand, sitting down on Ronan’s lap. Ronan’s arms circled his waist automatically and he tucked his face into Adam’s neck.
“You are a fucking asshole, Lynch. I love you anyway.”
Ronan grumbled something incoherently against Adam’s skin, and Adam smiled. “What was that?”
Ronan lifted his head so he could be heard. “I said I love you right back.”
“Good,” Adam said.
“I thought you’d forgotten. And I didn’t...I didn’t want a big deal, and this day is a fucking joke or whatever, but you didn’t mention anything. And I even thought you might borrow Gansey’s phone and like, text me or something this morning? But then you didn’t and when you finally called me you sounded annoyed and I didn’t know why, and I didn’t even think you wanted to come over. So then you finally got here and you seemed mad, and so I was mad and...I’m sorry. I was here thinking you didn’t give a shit and you made stuff for me?” He hung his head, penitent. “I love my gifts. These lame brownies smell great. I’m fucking sorry, Parrish.”
“Hey.” Adam cupped Ronan’s head in his hands. “It’s fine that you didn’t get me anything. Honestly I think I just let this whole day get into my head as having to mean something when it doesn’t. I don’t need a special day to let you know how I feel. And I’m sorry if I seemed mad. I just didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t mean to make it weird.”
He leaned in and kissed Ronan briefly. “And Lynch, you cooked for me. You made me a whole meal. I’m pretty sure we’re even.” He kissed him again, until Ronan pulled back and covered Adam’s hands with his own.
“Um...you should come with me,” Ronan said, and he almost sounded sheepish.
They stood up and Ronan swiped the mix CD off the table and shoved it in the pocket of his hoodie, before taking Adam’s hand and leading him out the back door.
Confused but intrigued, Adam followed closely behind, clutching tight to Ronan’s fingers. It was cold outside and neither of them had their coats on, which Adam was about to point out when they walked around the corner of the nearest barn and he was rendered speechless by the sight before him.
In the middle of the grass was a small gazebo tent, the base of which was covered in luxurious looking blankets. There was a laptop in the middle of the floor, hooked up to a projector which was pointing at the outer-wall of the barn. A precarious tower of DVDs was piled up next to the laptop; Adam couldn’t see the titles from here but imagined Ronan had assembled a variety of choices. There was a big thermos, contents unknown (coffee? Hot chocolate?), and various other treats; big bags of marshmallows and Hershey’s Kisses and Reese’s Mini Peanut-Butter Cups.
And everywhere, there was light. Ronan’s twinkling little dream lights, some in jars under the gazebo, others hanging in the air, changing colour, like little fireflies.
“Ronan,” Adam finally managed hoarsely. “What the fuck?”
Ronan smirked. “You thought I hadn’t done anything.”
“Uh, yeah, because you let me think that!” Adam said. He was struggling to process how cosy and romantic it all looked. Let it never be said that Ronan Lynch wasn’t an absolute sap.
“I didn’t let you think anything, you jumped to that conclusion all on your own.”
Adam scowled. “Now I feel like a fucking asshole.”
“Don’t,” Ronan said, pressing a kiss to Adam’s temple. “Anyway, this is nothing.”
“It is so far from nothing,” Adam said. He stepped forward and took a turn around, taking everything in as he walked in a slow circle, stopping when he was facing Ronan again. “I thought Valentine’s Day was capitalistic bullshit?”
“Oh, it is,” Ronan said happily. “But for one, I didn’t spend a penny. And two, a whole day where I can spoil you as much as I want to and you don’t get to complain about it? Sign me the fuck up for that.”
Adam burst out laughing. “You’ve just reminded me of something Henry said.”
“What did he say?”
“I told him that I wasn’t sure whether or not you’d do anything because we hadn’t talked about it, and he said, and I quote: ‘do you really think he’s going to let a day when he’s practically green-lit to be as obnoxious as possible about you just pass him by?’”
Ronan was grinning now. “Cheng’s pretty smart.” 
“Yeah,” Adam said. He caught one of the floating lights in his hand and then let it go again. “Just for the record, I think your dreaming abilities give you an unfair advantage when it comes to stuff like this.”
“Excuse you, Parrish, the only thing I dreamt up was the blankets because they’re heated. Oh, and the projector. And the gazebo. But that’s it.”
“‘That’s it’, he says.” Adam rolled his eyes, then accusingly added, “You dreamt up the lights.”
“Well, yeah, but not for this. I already had those. And the food was stuff I already had in the house, and the DVDs are ones I already own. I didn’t want to go overboard.”
Adam stared. “You are ridiculous,” he said, shaking his head. “Come here.”
Ronan went, without question or hesitation, and Adam wrapped his arms around his neck.
“This is the sweetest thing anybody’s ever done for me,” he said softly. “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” Ronan whispered, kissing a line up Adam’s neck and across his face, the tip of his nose, his forehead, “for the brownies, for what you wrote in the card...Jesus, Adam. It’s the same for me. You know that, right? It’s always you.”  
Adam squeezed tighter, feeling dangerously overcome. He breathed in the familiar, comforting smell of Ronan, and then released his grip. “And for the CD, obviously,” he said.
“Of course,” Ronan said, and smiled sharply. “Speaking of...” He pulled it out of his pocket and walked over to his laptop. “I’ll let you pick a movie in a bit, but first, I wanna listen to my present.”
He popped the CD into the drive and pressed a couple of buttons on the mouse, and a moment later the opening track started to play: I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston.
Ronan laughed, once, soundlessly, then came back over to Adam and held his hand out. 
“Well?” he said when Adam didn’t move. “Are you dancing?”
Adam grinned. “Are you asking?”
“I’m asking.”
“Then I’m dancing.” He took Ronan’s hand and together they swayed, far too slowly for a song this upbeat, but Ronan didn’t seem to mind, and Adam certainly didn’t.
They didn’t speak while they were dancing, both perhaps a little shaken at the near-miss of an argument, both relieved they hadn’t let it get that far. Both content to be in each other’s company, away from prying eyes and expectations.
It was still early days. They were still learning how to do this, navigating firsts and futures and each other, but they were both quick studies, and Adam couldn’t think of anything more worthwhile than building a foundation— and a life— with Ronan.
There were trickier days to come, but for now, they’d survived their first Valentine’s Day as a couple. As they lay curled together in a blanket watching The Princess Bride projected onto the side of a barn, Adam thought he’d have to mark this one down as a win.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Parrish,” Ronan whispered into Adam’s hair.
“Ugh,” Adam said, and kissed him. “Happy Thursday.”
275 notes · View notes
Five Ways of Saying I Love You
Pairing: Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor x Reader
Summary: Five ways that Roger shows her he loves her
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: Sorry it’s been a few days since I’ve posted anything - please let me know what you think of it! I love hearing what all of you have to say about my writing! And remember that I reply with my main blog @ijustreallylovezebras, I hope you all had wonderful days xx
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Roger wasn’t good with telling Y/N he loved her. She knew he did, and she knew that she loved him too - he was well aware of it as well, she was constantly reminding him. Roger just wasn’t good at saying it.
He could show it though, he was really good at showing it.
“I’m going to really miss you,” Y/N sighed, resting her head on his bare chest, tracing careful shapes onto his pale skin. Roger twined his fingers through her hair, gently tugging the knots out of it.
“I’m going to miss you too, Princess,” he murmured, lacing his free hand with her small one - the one that wasn’t resting on his chest. Y/N gave their hands a squeeze before placing a gentle kiss to his hand. “You could still come with me, the boys wouldn’t mind - they’d love it to be honest,” Roger said and Y/N moved her head to give him a sad smile.
“I can’t do that, Rog,”
“I know, it’s a nice thought though,” Roger sighed, squeezing her hand again.
“What time are you leaving, again?” She asked, cuddling closer into his chest.
“Six in the morning,” Roger groaned. “I’ll leave you asleep, Princess,”
“Don’t! I want to say goodbye to you,” Y/N whined, kissing his bare skin and Roger shivered at the action, a soft smile forming on his face again.
“Six is really early, Darling,” he pointed out but Y/N shook her head.
“It’s worth it for you,” she declared and Roger chuckled.
“You’re so cute,”
“I love you,” Roger hugged her a little tighter and he felt her smile against his chest.
The next morning, Roger woke at five, carefully sliding out from under his girlfriend, who was asleep on his chest. He brushed some hair from her face, smiling down at her, feeling himself falling further in love with her. He changed quickly, running a brush through his hair.
“Princess?” Roger whispered, gently shaking her shoulder. Y/N let out a quiet moan as she blinked her eyes open. A wide smile took over her face upon seeing Roger and she reached up to rub her eyes but Roger caught her hands in his. “Don’t wake up properly, Y/N/N, I’m leaving now okay? Go back to sleep and I’ll see you in six weeks,” he said, keeping his voice low and quiet before leaning to press a kiss against her forehead. Then he straightened up, turning to leave the room. 
“Wait - Rog!” Y/N called, swinging her legs out of bed and running to him, jumping up to hug him from behind.
“Princess,” Roger laughed, turning around and hugging her back tightly. “I’ll miss you,” he said and Y/N looked up, eyes cloudy, and pressed her lips firmly against his.
“I’ll miss you too,” she whispered. Roger gave her a gentle smile, kissing her once more.
“Get some rest, Princess,”
“Rock the world, Rog,”
“Just for you, Y/N/N,” he murmured and then picked her up, placing her back under the covers and kissing her forehead. “Have a good day at work,”
“I love you,” she called quietly as he left the room. Roger turned only to blow her another kiss, the words drying up in his mouth. 
When Y/N woke later that morning, a sadness weighed on her chest upon remembering the absence of Roger’s presence. She sighed and pushed herself out of bed, wrapping herself up in one of his jumpers that he had left behind. She trudged into the kitchen, and stopped, her brows furrowing at the appearance of a box on the table with her name scrawled across the top in Roger’s messy handwriting.
She opened it and her eyes welled up with tears at the image of dozens of envelopes each addressed to her.
Even though he didn’t say it very much, Y/N could tell that Roger loved her.
Since going on tour two weeks ago, Roger had called Y/N up every night without fail to talk to her and ask about her day, make sure she was okay and happy and not missing him too much. The last question always made her laugh, because of course she was missing him an extraordinarily large amount. But tonight Roger had warned her that he probably wouldn’t be able to call, as the boys were all going to a party that started straight after the concert, the time that Roger usually reserved for talking to the love of his life.
Which was why Y/N was confused as to why the phone was ringing. 
“Rog? Aren’t you at a party?” Y/N asked as she furrowed her brows and tugged her hand through her messy hair.
“Yeah - I just missed you too much,” she could tell from the slight slur of his voice that he was drunk.
“I miss you too, Rog,”
“I felt bad for not calling you tonight,” he explained, sounding disappointed in himself. Y/N gave a quiet laugh, shaking her head.
“You have a busy life, Darling, you don’t need to worry about it,” she assured him and Roger whined a little.
“You’re too good for me,” he declared. Y/N laughed, shaking her head despite knowing that Roger wouldn’t be able to see her.
“That’s the opposite of true,”
“You’re perfect,”
“You’re so cute,”  she told him. “But you should definitely go enjoy your party,”
“I have more fun talking to you than I have at any party,” Roger informed her seriously and Y/N giggled at his words.
“If you don’t go to the party then you know Freddie will give both of us a hard time about it,” Y/N pointed out. Roger groaned.
“I just miss you so so so so so much,”
“I miss you lots too,” Y/N’s voice was quiet and Roger easily picked up on her sad tone.
“Don’t be sad!” He demanded. “I’ll be back before you know it,”
“I love you,” Roger smiled, as he always did when Y/N told him that.
“I don’t want to hang up,” Roger pouted and Y/N chuckled. Roger could almost see her shaking her head at him.
“Go and have fun, Rog, I don’t want to hold you back,”
“You never hold me back! I like talking to you!” He protested. Y/N covered her mouth to contain her joyful giggle.
“You’re very drunk, Rog,”
“Calling you was all I could think about,” he admitted quietly in response. Silence settled over the phone as his words sunk in. Y/N bit her lip to stop her smile from stretching too wide. “You’re all I think about,”
Y/N grinned as her took the box from the postman, nodding her thanks to him.
“Have a nice day,” she called after him as he set off back down her driveway. He paused to wave back at her but Y/N had already turned around, eager to open the package.
She had somewhat anticipated it’s arrival - Roger had been dropping hints for the past week, ever since he called her drunk only two weeks into the tour to tell her how much he missed her.
So she had expected something. A letter or a postcard. While Roger had provided her with a shoebox full of letters at the beginning of his tour, he always sent her either a post card or a letter when the boys neared their halfway point. He always admitted to her that he found his written word easier to express his feelings with.
Y/N rumaged through her kitchen draws and picked out a knife, slicing open the box with ease and folding the flaps over, being greeted immediately by the expected postcard. 
She turned it over in excitement.
Hey Princess,
For some reason this tour I’m missing you now more than ever - from our conversations it seems as though you’re feeling the same. So I’ve been buying shit along the way that I thought would either cheer you up or make you think of me or laugh or something. Don’t want my girl missing me too much.
Always yours,
As always, he had signed off the note with a smily face and three kisses. Y/N beamed at the message, feeling her eyes brim with tears at the thoughtfulness of her boyfriend.
Inside the box lay a teddybear with a cheesy ‘I love you!” shirt on, a pair of drumsticks, one of which had been broken (this was accompanied by another note explaining how Roger had broken them in a show when he was missing her particularly much, a story that, while cute, Y/N didn’t believe for a second as she knew it was the pair that John had told her Roger through at Brian’s head during an argument), there was three of his button up shirts, a box of chocolates and two books that Y/N had been wanting to read for a while but had never gotten around to purchasing.
She stepped away from the box, holding the bear in her hands and hugged it tightly to her chest, letting out soft sobs as she felt the full weight of Roger’s love for her.
Since Roger had returned from tour a week and a half ago, everything had been perfect. Almost perfect. Y/N had been feeling as though she had hardly seen her boyfriend, he was always practicing with the band and, while she understood that the band was important, one of the most important things in Roger’s life, she had missed him.
After expressing these feelings to Roger the previous evening, he had invited his girlfriend to join the band at practice the following day, once Y/N had finished her shift at work. He had been feeling much the same as she had, if he was being honest. While he understood Freddie’s keenness to write the next album so they could start recording ASAP, he wanted nothing more than to spend a little while with Y/N in the comfort of their home. 
She was his priority.
“Y/N!” John was the first to notice her presence as she awkwardly moved into the room. John and Y/N had always been close - the two more soft-spoken members of their band-family had gravitated towards each other in a way that Roger had only hoped they would.
Roger raised his eyebrows as the bassist was quick to cross the room and embrace his girlfriend in a hug.
“Rog said you were coming today!” John beamed. Said drummer stood from behind his kit and joined the two. Freddie gave a dramatic sigh before giving in and joining the group, seeing Brian placing down his guitar as well.
Roger was quick to place his arm around her waist and kiss her cheek. an action that she grinned at, leaning further into his loving touch.
“She’s my priority,” Roger pointed out to John.
“What about the band?” Freddie asked with a raised eyebrow, quickly hugging Y/N in greeting.
“The band’s my other priority, obviously. I play better with her here anyway,” Roger declared, winking at his girlfriend, who shoved his shoulder playfully, the action making him laugh.
“I’m already in love with you, Rog, you don’t need to flirt to bad anymore,” Y/N teased and Roger chuckled, kissing her lips.
“Has he even told you he loves you back?” John asked Y/N later, when Roger and Brian had both returned to their instruments, trying to fit the song together. Freddie was sat in the corner, listening to them with his eyes closed, calculating their next move in the song, as he often did.
“Yeah he has,” Y/N assures her friend quickly.
“He didn’t say it earlier, that’s all,” Y/N smiled at John, shaking her head a little.
“Rog doesn’t like saying it so much - but I know it anyway, he makes sure of it,”
“How’d you mean?”
“It’s the little things, Deaky, like inviting me here today, just so we could spend more time together, or like yesterday when he came home even just an hour earlier to help me cook because he knew I’d been feeling down,”
“That’s sweet,” Y/N’s eyes wandered over to Roger, as they always did. Her blond haired drummer caught her eye and offered her a playful wink, causing the smile to widen on her face.
“I’m just lucky I guess,”
Roger grinned when he entered his house to be greeted by the smell of a home cooked meal.
“Princess?” He called, slipping his shoes off of his feet. “I’m home!”
“I’m in the kitchen,” Roger followed the sound of her voice, smiling even wider as he saw her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and bringing her into a tight hug, feeling her relaxing back into his arms.
“It smells good,” he commented, spinning her around and kissing her. Y/N wound her arms around his neck, smiling up at him before leaning up on her tiptoes again to press another kiss to his lips.
“Thanks, how are the boys? Practice?” Her voice was quiet, content and the soft tones of it helped to relax Roger.
“Stressful - Freddie’s being a dick, he was late again, and then shit all over our ideas,”
“You didn’t fight him did you?”
“No,” Roger paused, mulling over his thoughts. “I don’t think it’s his fault anyway,”
“Paul?” Y/N asked and Roger nodded, leaning down to kiss her again.
“He’s changing Freddie,” the drummer sighed and Y/N gave a sad nod.
“Bring him back, Rog, I know you can,”
“I’m so glad I have you in my life,” Roger commented as he watched Y/N draw away from him, plating up dinner. She looked at him over her shoulder, smiling wide.
“You’re such a dork, how could anyone mistake you for a rock king,” she teased. Roger let out a laugh, shaking his head.
“I am a rock legend,” Roger was quick to disagree.
“Who likes to have his hair plaited,” Y/N was laughing as she placed the plates on the table. Roger squeezed her sides as he walked past her and she squealed away from him, glaring at her boyfriend who just gave her a cheeky grin in reply.
“I’m only a sap for you,”
“That’s... reassuring?” She questioned, cocking an eyebrow. Roger beamed and nodded.
“I love you,” he says suddenly. Y/N’s head snapped up. “I know I don’t say it much but I do,”
“I know you do, Rog,” she said, reaching over the table and grabbing his hand. “And I love you too, you don’t need to say it if you don’t want to,”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that sometimes the words don’t seem enough and... you can fake words,” he said. Y/N squeezed his hand tightly, never wanting to let him go.
“I know, Rog. But it’s okay, I understand,”
“You’re my favourite person on Earth,”
“You’re mine as well,”
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sunflowerrichie · 6 years
my boy
chapter 1: eighth grade
“who’s richie?”
“he’s my boyfriend,” she began, her eyes glazed over and a pleased smile on her face. puppy love; something eddie would never get the chance in having with richie.
summary: ever since they met in eighth grade, richie had been disappearing for weeks (even months) at a time, leaving eddie to think they’re on bad terms; though, that’s not really why richie disappears.
warning(s): language.
author: richie (sunflowerrichie)
note: this book is based off real life events, so if the details are too exact, that’s why. i don’t know how many chapters there will be at the moment due to events after the 7th chapter not happening yet, but i will let you guys know when i’m going to post the next chapter.
word count: 2,076
ao3: x
tagging: @addimagination
“who’s richie?” eddie had asked myra, his doe eyes wide and questioning; he briefly thanked whatever god was out there that the girl could not see him, for she’d read right through him. if eddie could go back in time from where he was now, he would’ve never asked that simple question containing only two words, though he already knew this was another one of her unsuccessful boyfriends. there was a comic book in his hand, one he disregarded the second someone new was mentioned.
myra fixed her hair from where she was lying on the couch, responding quickly. “he’s my boyfriend,” she began, her eyes glazed over and a pleased smile on her face. puppy love; something eddie would never get the chance in having with richie. “he’s tall and lanky... got dark, black hair; i’m surprised you haven't seen him around, eddie.” 
myra had met eddie in sixth grade, easily becoming friends with the hypochondriac. the smaller boy made a habit of wiping her desk down with cleansing wipes before she sat in it, and in return, she gave eddie platonic love. his mom loved her; for she was just as neat as her sweet eddie-bear and she vowed to make sure he’s taking his medication on time. she was much like sonia, actually; except for being a believer in ‘love at first sight’.
this wasn’t the first time she’s been head over heels for someone, nor would it be the last, but eddie was used to it at this point. each time, he’d make himself presentable for her boyfriend, and each time, they’d never show much interest in the asthmatic boy.
eddie hummed, feigning carelessness and turning back to his book. “is he in eighth grade, too?” he had asked, flipping the page over, though his ears were perked up and his eyes were no longer scanning the words printed nicely on the paper.
“yeah,” myra responded, her voice like she was up in the clouds, high on euphoria. she snapped back quickly, glancing down at the boy on the floor and catching his eyes. “you should talk to him; i think you would start to like him,” more than you think, eddie would learn to realize. before he could decline the offer, though, she was speaking again. “he likes david bowie... and what’s that one song you like?” she paused, her eyebrows scrunching together. “uh... something about the rains in africa?”
eddie perked up quickly, his hot chocolate colored eyes twinkling with the white marshmallows sculpted deep inside them. “africa by toto,” he had said, his cheeks growing hot. eddie kaspbrak loved music, he always had; and now that he would potentially have someone to discuss this love with, he was immediately hooked. he found out three years later, though, that it did not work out the way he had planned. he snapped out of his daze, his smile still apparent. “is he coming over?”
the girl grinned from ear to ear, unbelievably delighted that her best friend was keen on meeting her boyfriend. she looked down at her phone then, the screen lighting up and reflecting on her face in a green kind of glow, the color of her lock screen. “he said he’s on his way,” myra started. “he lives just down the street, so he’ll be here in a few minutes.”
the short boy was struck with a sort of fear then, subconsciously fixing his hair. he nodded, biting his lip and trying not to act suspicious (though this was normal for him; he was always afraid new people would think he’s too messy, too uncaring). myra didn’t seem to notice, though, and kept staring at her phone with a smile, typing away at the keys. at this realization, eddie stood up and coughed awkwardly. “i’m gonna go use the bathroom.” once he got an ‘okay’, he started walking.
when he came out of the bathroom after a few deep, calming breaths and a puff of his aspirator just in case, his clothes were freshly lint-rolled and perfect, his hair was combed and neat, and his teeth were nice and brushed. his fanny pack was around his waist, keeping him grounded and secure. he heard talking from the living room and walked into the doorway, his hands cupped at his front.
richie tozier turned to him, a wide grin on his face and his glasses askew. eddie let his eyes drift around the boy, taking in every detail he could in the three seconds he allowed himself to stare. richie had a grey shirt on, a white and navy blue hawaiian shirt draped over it. the fabric was loose on his skinny frame, and eddie noticed three cigarettes extended out of his pocket, making the small boy’s hands start to shake. his pants were black and tight, complimenting his long legs. and to top it all off, he had black and white slip-on vans over his green and purple socks. he didn’t match; but it suited him in a way eddie felt jealous of.
“like whatcha see?” the tall boy asked, making eddie blush in realization that he noticed the staring. before he could respond, myra spoke again, catching the asthmatic off guard. he had forgot she was in the room.
“richie, this is eddie,” she gestured towards him. “eddie, this is richie,” and back towards richie.
the glasses-clad boy grinned even harder, making eddie wonder if his face would split in half with the force of the grin. the smaller boy looked over to myra quickly, her giving him a smile and her eyes saying ‘this is normal, don’t be alarmed’. he stepped forward and stuck out his lanky arm, waiting for the small boy to shake it. he didn’t; he was afraid richie would think his hands were too rough (he forgot to apply lotion). “richie tozier.”
one week after richie introduced himself to eddie, the asthmatic was at myra’s house again, same as last weekend. “what did you get for number 6?” the girl asked, flipping her paper over and furrowing her eyebrows. she was across from eddie on her bed, both of them lying on their stomachs and going over their math homework.
“two,” eddie responded easily, writing something down on his paper. he then paused for a while, his hand hovering over his paper as he thought. “what do you want to do tomorrow?” he asked, looking up at her with hope in his eyes. hope that richie would come over again. hope that they’d have another chance to all watch a movie together (he had sat on the ground the whole time, though, trying not to pay attention to the sound of their lips smacking together every once in a while and the bounce of richie’s leg on the carpet). he hadn’t got that close to richie yet, for he’d have to take a puff of his aspirator every time he thought about it; but with richie’s loud mouth and his easy-going attitude, it was slightly easier than he thought.
myra hummed, looking up at him briefly before turning the page in the blue textbook. “i was planning to have richie come over at around ten in the morning,” she spoke, seeming to think them over as they floated out of her mouth. “is that okay?” she blushed slightly, looking back up at eddie.
the small boy nodded, pulling his phone out quickly to set an alarm for nine in the morning. he told himself he’d need time to wake up, but he knew deep down that he really only did that because he wants to look good for the taller boy. “that sounds good,” he smiled, glancing at the time quickly. he stood up then, grabbing his fanny pack and snapping it around his waist again. “be right back, i gotta take my medicine.”
the second it turned nine o’clock the next morning, eddie’s phone was ringing and the sound was echoing through myra’s living room. the small boy groaned and rolled over, shutting off his alarm and rubbing at his eyes. when his mind got a chance to catch up and his first thought was richie, though, he was up and rushing to turn the shower on.
when richie opened the door an hour later, he was grinning and his nose was a different color, the cold, november air outside making his skin blush red.
“spaghetti!” he yelled, immediately taking interest in the asthmatic boy, much to his surprise. “i was hoping you’d be here again!”
eddie blushed deeply, water pooling behind his eyes due to embarrassment. “hi, richie,” he spoke softly, the name unfamiliar on his tongue as he scanned the room for myra (he hoped briefly that he’d get a chance for the name to finally become familiar flowing out of his mouth). “uh, myra will be here in a second, she went to-“
the taller boy cut him off quickly, wrapping his lanky arm around his shoulders. “no worries, short stack,” he started, not coming off offensive but more... fond; as if he’d known eddie since they were in sixth grade, too. “for i, the one and only richie tozier, would not mind hanging out with my favorite eds!” he finished off in a loud, almost ear-ringing, voice, grinning down at eddie, his ocean blue eyes gleaming.
before the brown-eyed boy could respond with a ‘don’t call me that’ and a soft shove, myra was walking through the doorway and richie’s arm was unwrapping itself from his shoulders, leaving him with a heart that had plunged down into his lower stomach. “i see you two have made friends with one another.” friends. all they would ever be.
to that, richie nodded, the grin still on his face. does he ever stop fucking grinning? “we have, haven’t we, spaghetti head?” the words seemed as if they came from another planet, for the sound of blood rushing behind his ears was too loud for the small boy to process what richie was saying.
he excused himself to go use the bathroom then, and when he got there, he realized he might as well have been losing his mind. “keep it together, kaspbrak,” he said to his reflection, swallowing down a lump in his throat. “it’s just richie,” the name was still unfamiliar, “just myra’s new, unsuccessful boyfriend, richie.”
when eddie finally got himself to come out of the bathroom and walk into the living room again, he was stopped dead in his tracks. myra’s pinky was looped around the taller boy’s and words were flowing out of his mouth beautifully.
“-i promise, okay? i’ll always be here for you,” and then he was moving his hand up and extending his thumb to kiss. “i never break a pinky promise.” if only eddie would have known those six words would be repeating through his head painfully for three years afterwards. richie looked like a totally different person when he was serious, eddie then realized. he felt anxiety creep up his body with the question ‘i wonder if i’ll ever be in myra’s spot’. he knew he’d probably have an asthma attack due to richie’s eyes alone.
“me and richie broke up,” is what eddie heard five days later coming through his cell phone speaker, the owner’s voice broken and rough. “i-i didn’t-”
“wait, wait, what happened?” the brown-eyed boy asked, more curious than sympathetic.
“he pinky promised me!” she wailed, ignoring his question and making eddie move the phone an inch or two from his ear. “he said he never breaks pinky promises, and he did!”
eddie stopped talking to myra after that. not because of any particular reason, but just simply because of the fact that whenever he looked at her, all he could think about was richie’s arm around him and richie’s pinky promise and richie’s beautiful, blue eyes. the two boys never swapped numbers, so eddie had to spend the rest of eighth grade wondering if richie was ever really his ‘friend’, or if he was only taking interest in the hypochondriac because of myra.
what he didn’t realize until three months later, though, was that richie actually never did break his pinky promise. he was still there for myra if she needed him, but eddie guesses he lost interest in being something more than acquaintances. richie was good with his words and eddie was destined to be wrapped around his finger sooner or later.
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0nlywateristheriver · 6 years
My Second Wife
Link to story with original pictures: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O9-fjebl_2IBrzJxBdK0zVDJ04gQLD7zc6BzmBJLzDw/edit?usp=sharing 
My Second Wife
After over a thousand years married to the woman, the Doctor had gotten the knack of pinpointing about where River was along her timeline, without the aid of their diaries. They had to have been married by now - she looked older than she had that day. As of yet, however, River didn’t seem to know her which, despite being a bit offensive, also offered the opportunity for a bit of fun…
“D’you know?“ the Doctor couldn’t help but have the corner of her mouth twitch into a smile just barely contained. River had pulled this on her once, though now she realized that River might have been talking about her. Timelines. “You remind me of m’second wife. Well, second proper wife… there were a few others just for the fun and the party. The resemblance, s’uncanny. Course, her hair’s a bit curlier, and she has this nasty habit of carrying ‘round weapons. Once shot m’hat! Very rude. Never carry ‘round weapons, makes you look weak,“ she paced around River, tapping a finger against her holster, “Naughty, naughty. And… this is the silly bit. She’s an archaeologist. Can you imagine it? Time travelin’ archaeologist. That’s cheatin’! Don’t you think that’s cheatin’?”
River’s eyes narrowed as the woman in front of her went on about weapons and hats and archaeology. “I’ll have you know, archaeology is the best way to find some of the most precious things that would have otherwise been lost to time. I was lost when I went to university and becoming an archaeologist helped me to find the best thing in my life. Led me to it again and again. And saved my life and the life of those I love more than once, so don’t you go on about weakness and silliness and cheating.” River tutted.
The best thing in my life. Did she mean…? The Doctor stood a little straighter, a curl of guilt moving inside her. She’d never really stopped to think, stopped to consider… Anthropology she could understand, she was a bit of an anthropologist herself, but archaeology? Climbing about in the dust, going through old scraps of papers and wisps of lives long since ended when all of it was there, within reach, when one was to just step past the barrier of time. Alive and real.
“M’sorry. I was just havin’ a bit of fun.” The Doctor pulled up a chair, leaning in a bit closer to her wife, “S’really important to you, isn’t it? S’not just a way of… Why though? When you can step out in the world, amongst the living, why limit yourself to fragments? S’a vortex manipulator, isn’t it?” the question didn’t sound very convincing, she barely even glanced down at it. “You could go back, see it all for yourself. Nothin’s really lost.”
“I didn’t have this from the beginning. I was left on my own with nothing. I had to find my own way with nothing but my own will and determination. All I knew was that there was someone I needed to find. Someone who could be anywhere, anywhen. I was as weak as a kitten and as knowledgable as a newborn. But I grew up fast and I used what I had around me. Archaeology was the best way to find what I needed. It’s served me well.”
River leaned back in her chair and looked the woman up and down. “Why am I telling you any of this anyway?”
“Just have one of those faces, people can’t help but talk when I’m around. Sometimes. Honestly, I’ve not the knack for it I used to.” It was probably the height. Or the breasts. The Doctor leaned forward, elbows on the table, and twirled her straw around the emptying glass.“And, I mean, m'also your husband and I’ve been dropping hints all night. So there’s that. Really, River, you’re usually quicker on the uptake. How many people d'you think have a time travelin’ archaeologist for a wife?”
River stared for a good minute or two at the woman in front of her. It was the eyes that finally convinced her. “I never thought I’d see you again.” Slowly she smiled. “And I certainly never came across this in my research. How long has it been for you?”
The Doctor waited for some reaction from River, trying to read the expressions that passed over her face. Eventually, River smiled and a smile brightened the Doctor’s face too. “Y’know me, m’like a bad penny.” Her smile wavered, the unwelcome memory of their last goodbye pressing into her mind. “Been a while on my end, haven’t seen you since a bit before I last regenerated - don’t think you’re there quite yet. M’two thousand and something if that’s any help?”
“Two thousand? It has been a while then. For me as well. I haven’t seen you in probably a hundred years, maybe a hundred and fifty?” She tried to hide the sadness that always surfaced when she realized how long the Doctor had left her alone. She knew they couldn’t spend all of their time together, that was dangerous. But she still missed him, ‘her’ she corrected, terribly when they were apart.
“I’m glad you found a way to go on. I know you were worried that you were at the end.”
“S’not what I was worried about. But you know me, never liked endings.“ She let out a slow breath, hands stuffed in her pockets, and looked inside the cafe. The light of the grimy fixtures shone a warm gold, and the clink of dishes and silverware, the murmur of voices could be distantly heard. It would be better to laugh, better to pretend they weren’t both moving towards a goodbye, than to stand out here in the rain speaking of things that couldn’t be changed. “Come have dinner with us. I think you’ll like them, m’friends. And there’s a lot of catchin’ up we have to do, you and me. All the bits we missed.“
River took a deep breath and put on a smile she didn’t really feel. “Okay. Lead the way.”
Slipping a hand into hers, the Doctor led her back into the cafe. The chill of the rainy evening faded as the door closed behind them, though the Doctor’s hair was dripping and her shirt was tight to her skin, sticking and cold. She gladly slipped back into the booth, as it was near to the faux fireplace in the corner which gave off a very real glow of warmth from glowing plastic logs. Humans, they couldn’t just stick a space heater in the corner. Very few races were so focused on the ‘atmosphere’ of a place.
“We got you both another round of hot chocolates,“ Graham said, holding one out to each of them. The Doctor took hers gratefully, wrapping icy fingers around the warmth of the mug. “I’m amazed you’re not half froze, standing out there.“
“So is one of you going to explain?“ Ryan asked. “I didn’t take you for the married sort, Doctor.”
Yaz gave him a nudge under the table with her foot - the Doctor knew this because she missed Ryan and caught the Doctor’s shin instead. “What he means is, we thought you’d have been around, River? We were just saying, we’re a bit surprised we haven’t met you before, that’s all.”
So, they were going to hold hands then. They’d never actually done the couple-thing before. Not with anyone they actually knew personally outside of her parents and not even then, as her dad had always been a bit overprotective for the brief moments they’d had as dad and daughter. River found that she liked it very much. She didn’t release her wife’s hand even when the older man held out the hot chocolate for her. “Thank you.”
She turned to the girl. “Well, the Doctor and I have had such an interesting history, always meeting out of order. Has she told you about any of it?”
No. The answer was ‘no’. She’d not said a word. So many names she never let past her lips, because it hurt too much, because she didn’t want to scare her new friends by letting on how many had been lost while she’d carried on. The Doctor, such a survivor. Always living while those she loved… Perhaps the tension showed - a tightness in her neck, an expression on her face - because Yaz seemed to understand and saved her. “I think we scared the Doctor off talking about personal things when she let on she was two thousand and we threatened her with two thousand birthday parties.”
A small look of confusion touched against Ryan’s face, for she’d once mentioned her age in passing but there had been no talk of parties, but he caught on after a moment, “Right yeah.“
“Love a good party, me,“ the Doctor said, feeling able to take a breath, “but so many candles. Don’t really want to be blamed for another fire - Rome was bad enough.” She took a sip of her hot chocolate. “Why don’t you tell them ‘bout the Byzantium, dear? That was a good one. This one decided the best was t’drop by the TARDIS would be to fling herself out another ship’s hatch.”
“Two thousand birthday parties? I don’t even think she’s ever had even one.” River nudged the Doctor with her shoulder. “Dad and I tried to throw him a surprise birthday party once. Mum was supposed to keep him occupied for a couple of hours. They didn’t come back for two days! He never could quite explain why, but I think Mum had let it slip somehow what we’d been planning.” River’s eyes got misty for a moment.
She gathered herself back together. “The Byzantium. Right. You were so young then.” She smiled at the Doctor then winked at Yaz. “He looked about twelve years old, and so easy to get all flustered. Particularly when I landed right on top of him when he pulled me into the TARDIS.”
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fredheads · 6 years
Tell me about what Fred and Mary would do with Archie when school closed for a snow day!
hey what the heck this makes me sad cuz i was just thinking today about how i miss playing in the snow as a little kid and i dont have anyone to goof round with in the snow anymore... 
but thats exactly what theyd do!!! fred and archie would run out the door and make snowmen and have snowball fights and build forts and if archies friends came by they could join!! and when they were cold mary would have hot chocolate ready for them !! oh and of course they went sledding!!!!!! many a nosebleed happened that way... 
if they were stuck inside they would play board games or make crafts and then cuddle up and watch a kids movie after dinner!!! :’) 
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knightonthefield · 5 years
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Thanks to my review classes I was temporarily a part of a new environment they called the "U-belt". I became familiar of the places students usually rant about in the memes I see on facebook, and have become aware of the kind of ambiance these "prestigious" schools exhibit compared to the provincial life I was accustomed to. Also, im finally able to add something to my own "map of metro manila" tucked inside my head. Ladies and gents, i think I could now call myself an expert commuter. I can go north to south and back again without a sweat..... Anyway Id really like to talk about the layout of this "Ubelt" but lets skip all that and fast forward to the small things Ive observed.
The Ubelt has everything. And although it wasnt actually a healthy environment (when you get outside school premises) it did provide everything a student needs. Cheap homemade food, cheap bed spaces, reasonably priced apartments, condos up for sharing, etc. During college, my classmates and I had trouble finding resources that we could incorporate in many of our projects - especially when we made miniature models. But when I got here I saw every kind of ready-made miniature things in little stores surrounding their schools. I felt jealous. They had everything available to them at an arm's reach.
Life is definitely simpler in the province. We didnt rely on cafes at our free time, homework, group projects, lunch time, basically, any time were out of school we were never at a cafe. Students here are a bit dependent on that. Well I wont judge them for it. I mean its hard to get a good place to stay at without splurging much money from their p a r e n t s. They really dont have any place to go because maybe their condos are too cramped or far away or their apartments arent so inviting. maybe it came to a point that their own houses arent really study-friendly and they rely on the hours they spend sipping on a large frappe for the whole afternoon while dealing with the noise and repetitive music. When students are out of school and have no other places to stay at besides the not-so-comfortable place they rent, theyd almost always rather spend the time in bars or internet cafes. Or maybe some actually use the library? Well thats my hypothesis.
We had a great place during college years, and I never wanted to leave my comfy bed haha especially when I can cook pancit canton or some meat loaf and corned beef with our fave sisig from Ate Pie - partnered with the perfect so very very very bango brown or white rice from my roommate/classmate/thesis buddy's farm in her home town. Her parents had been so nice to me. We had an abundance of fresh fruits and rice everytime she came home from Masbate. I miss those days so much!
Speaking of cafes, today I had the chance to try one of the go-to refreshments of the students from the Ubelt. I heard they were famous for their teas, but yeah, I dont believe in milk tea so I just assume theyre on demand because the price is so much lesser than the regular ones you can buy at large cafes (hi starbucks and coffee bean, etc tea shops im not familiar with). Anyway i didnt order a tea or coffee based flavor so i was left with the usual chocolate. Ive always believed that any shop thats perfected their chocolate menu is doing the right job, just as how my father believed that any restaurant that can cook great pansit knows how to do the rest. Anyway, the chocolate drink i ordered wasnt really anything special except that its too sweet for me. But it was cheap, the largest size for the variant I ordered was just 95 pesos. Anyway my sweet tooth no longer existed ever since its been extracted with puberty. Lol
I think this post is too long already so im going to leave this unfinished because im lazy
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