#character scents
icarusredwings · 19 days
What things smell like according to Logan Howlett/ The Wolverine. A series of smell based headcanons. Do with these whatever you want :)
Ororo: burnt marshmellows, rain, chunky chocolate chip cookies, protien shakes, spansih rice, chillies, and cocoa butter. She always smells great.
Scott: cucumber shampoo, the remaints of a bonfire the next day, fresh dry cleaning, axe shower gel, lavender sheets
Jean: caramel latte, lavender sheets, vanilla spiced chai, books, mint ice cream, fruit smoothies, stinky hair product, lemon poppy seed muffins, sassafras
Hank: Books, sanatizer, various chemicals, a very specifc fur dander, kinda musky but in a 'im covered in fur and sweaty' kind of way.
Rouge: "Dolly Parton", brick and concrete dust, cherry blossoms body spray, freshly engraved wood, strawberries and milk conditioner, spicy gaucamole and freshly sizzled sausages.
Gambit: tv static, a fresh deck of cards at the casino, spicy jumbo, gin, lime jello, hair gel, "suprisingly good actually"
Kurt: brimstone, smoke from franckinsense, myrrh, a less smelling dander then hank, Holy chrism oil (olive oil and Balsam made by catholic priests), metal, and blue raspberry. Fur/ beard pomade sometimes for special ocassions.
Morph: even when changed he can smell is sandlewood shampoo, he smells like how "Jack Outta smell", latex, pine and cedar, clear nail polish, "that ugly quilt that your grandma kept on the back of her couch that was the warmest, softest thing you've ever slept with."
Charles: Old man fart, metal, chalk, shoe polish, nutmeg, wool, "a trusting hug", books, mahogany, expensive champagne.
Laura: "teen spirit", a shitty cheap "girl power" deodorant that doesn't do well hiding the sweat, apples and peaches, kinda woodsy.
Wade: Cancer, gun smoke, citrus dish soap, blood, oranges, taco sauce, infected skin once in awhile, red dye 40, slight over cooked and crispy apple pie, sugary cereal
Puppins: wet dog, dog dander, oatmeal senstive skin puppy shampoo, chicken, "the dirtest trash she can find to roll in on her walk"
Althea: Old lady, way too strong perfumes, butter biscuits, tea, peppermint candies, more cocaine, "baby powder", lanvender linens, cotton and daisy's Landry detergent.
Big/serious lies: smell like Gasoline and salty sand near the sea.
Small fibs/playful/ teasing lies: smell like Anise
Lies with decent intentions/are bent truths: smell like honey
Those two are easily mixed up.
Innocent (the person truly believes it. Ex. A child saying dinos are real) truth: smells like thick vanilla creamer.
Filling, whole truths (the person knows for a fact its a truth) smells: like fresh baked rolls/buns
Cancer smells vary like: urine, nail polish remover, some people have a pungent semi sweet smell like rotting fruit, and tar is another smell, depending on which part of the body. If already in late stages, one can smell like cadavers. Even spicy almost.
Pregnant people vary in scent but he can smell the rise of different hormones: Some hormones sweeter then other. If you asked him he would say cinnamon or dying roses. If you're later in your term the scents are more soft like lotion or custard. Lemon ussually.
Serotonin; cheese, lemon cakes, fruity, a bit light, and flakey like a pastry. Marshmellow fluff.
Dopamine; sweet fresh coffee, doritos(?), cocaine. Don't ask why he knows what cocaine smells like. He was alive during coke cocaine.
Endorphins; Sweaty Sex, mint, dark chocolate, violets, chemicals, varies by persons pheromones
Oxytocin; "playful cherries", freshly washed cotton pillows, the warmth of a bath, skin on skin hugs, strawberries
Joy/relaxation/relief: Jasmine, vanilla sugar cookies, fresh soup.
Anger/disapproval/hurt: smoke, the back end of a cigarette, spicy curry, iron, blood, "spoiled raw chicken left out too long"
Fear/excitment/anxiousness: Adrenaline smells like oil, paint, salty pretzels almost.
Tears: Oceans, lillies, fresh water lakes
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scarlettkey · 11 months
Stede smells like oranges and dawn.
Ed smells like lavender and dusk.
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Weirder question: what would the characters smell like?
A couple days ago I was selling stuff in a parking lot on a hot day. At the end of the day, we were packing up and I discovered that my arm hairs had collected mineral dust from the soft breeze and thus I smelled like the dust. I have brain worms and so thought: huh, I bet Knack would smell like [a parking lot when it rains].
And Ryder would wear some sort of woodsy cologne, since he's one of those TV personalities, right? And sweaty, depending on how recently he's done an expedition.
My brother and I agree this time: Lucas would smell like a teenager...
Although after a shower, I think he'd probably smell like some generic men's soap, but I'm not quite satisfied with that answer somehow. Suggestions?
Doctor Vargas would smell obnoxiously like whatever hair gel he uses. I'm imagining a bitter chemical scent. My brother also says he would smell like chemicals. What else would he smell like (genuine question)?
Charlotte would wear something sensible and clean, maybe a little floral, but it would not overpower the lingering scent of motor oil or other such chemicals in her line of work.
Viktor would wear some super pretentious fragrance idk. Like, Elon's Musk or something. If you were to interview him, you'd be like, yeah, this guy smells like a billionaire robotics industrialist. Maybe a hint of leather or shoe polish.
Ava is purple, so she would smell like lavender. And a bit like coconut since I have somewhat wavy or curly hair and heard that coconut oil is a popular hair-care substance for very curly hair.
Gundahar would smell like, uhh, I want to say something citrus or rose water, a rather light scent, and sweaty because of the armor. Also like an old man.
Rothari seems like the kind of guy to go heavy on the flower scent, but I'm not sure. He would also smell old. I'm assuming Elders or those eligible are old.
Not sure what Katrina would smell like. Thoughts? Maybe some kind of fruit, but that's not specific.
Or Xander. I think I saw someone have an opinion on that.
Who else am I forgetting? Robo Knack would smell like lubricant or nothing. Morgack would either smell like nothing but goose dander (or some other bird dander) from the feathers on his armor in addition to leather, or incredibly rank and even bloody. I imagine most goblins are actually very clean, despite the stereotype otherwise. But working hard makes you sweaty, and that's just how it is.
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ym523 · 4 months
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🩸But darling, stay with me...🔮
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bunabi · 4 months
I'm home 🙇🏿‍♀️ after a weekend of being cute with @strawberrynoir
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ronkoza · 2 years
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soft cows 🌿
Tórarin belongs to @littleulvar
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yridenergyridenergy · 22 days
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brainrotcharacters · 27 days
"Wolverines bite into necks during mating"
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waldherz · 21 hours
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Hope is the only thing stronger than fear …
( W A L D H E R Z ) ── A GUARDIAN in search of the TRUTH, her kind heart thirsting for REVENGE , entangled in the threads of FATE ... Is her DESTINY her DOWNFALL ?
(carrd) (board) (rules)
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── independent , low to semi - active potrayal of the original esteria silvershade, based & crafted for fakevz/ ger&eng. Please read the rules before interacting.
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acourtofthought · 1 month
These interviews from 2016 have been called dusty and musty and no longer valid because of the year they were said though they mention specific characters by name:
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While this one is being used to prove the e/riel as True Mates theory though the question asked specifically refers to the TOG series (and Sarah never wrote there being two mates anyway):
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"Can fae have more than one soul mate in TOG"
And it's an even older interview than the above considering it was from 2015.
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neonscented · 5 months
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Neonscented... is finally selling things with scents?
New to the shop are air fresheners featuring some OMORI bosses, and Hero and Mari! I haven't seen any fanmade ones so I figured I'd give it a try. Please come have a look if you're interested!
ETA: Hero and Mari are separate designs.
(Boss air freshener link) (HeroMari air freshener link)
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gravehags · 1 year
someone on reddit found out the cologne tobias wears as copia so naturally i bought a travel size bottle like a normal mentally stable person
it’s giorgio armani acqua di giò btw i’m not about to gatekeep copia’s stink
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redriotinggg · 8 months
I may be in the minority here but I like to think that Usopp’s appearance (pre and post ts) has never been a source of insecurity for him. I think that Usopp loves his nose because it reminds him of his mom. He loves his brown skin and his curly hair! His thick eyebrows and big lips and round eyes help him make lots of cool expressions when he’s telling a story. Plus, Kaya used to always compliment his long lashes, so he’s come to love those, too. He knows he got hot during his two years on Boin and he owns it. Usopp has a lot of self-esteem issues, but that boy wouldn’t consider himself ugly.
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sbd-laytall · 1 month
Forever thinking about that time in middle school when I was reading the Twilight books (I wanted to know why people hated them, so I went to the source) and my science teacher noticed my book (I think I was reading New Moon at the time).
Anyway, he asked me what Team I was because he and his girlfriend were apparently Team Jacob.
The way that when I said I was Team Alice, he just assumed I was saying that I really liked Alice over Bella. 🤦‍♂️
Like, dude, I meant Team Alice as in, I shipped Bella with Alice. Reading the books was...interesting, but these two were definitely one of the highlights.
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moeblob · 2 months
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Moeblob: (tries to establish a fish theme. likes to be called salmon.) FEH: Broccoli alts only, no negotiations.
(this is for you Leo.... I'm sorry........... you don't deserve it)
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valewritessss · 10 days
Does the character prefer sweet or savory?
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