#or shit happens and i have to drop and push everything aside to help
afterglowkatie · 6 months
ughhhsahajah afshsjskal i cannot deal with it today.
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kit-kat-jo · 1 month
#…..yeah u alrwady know whats up#the amazing digital circus#spoilers in the next tags now ofc#ragatha…….. my dear ragatha trying her absolute fucking hardest to cheer pomni up#we all saw it coming a mile away bless her soul#and the entire scene under the map#pomni immediately latching onto gummy goo’s misery and being so soft and comforting made me want to THROW UP AND BAWL MY EYES OUT#bc….. rags doesnt know that if she just stopped trying to act overly positive and push everything that happened to her aside#and instead was real with her and tried to find ways they felt similar about being trapped#she would have been so much more successful in helping her like she wanted#FUUUCKKK!!!!!!!!#and the FUCKING FUNERAL FOR KAUFMO?????#jaw dropped when zooble came in saying that#that whole fucking end scene makes me want to throw up and BAWL#THE HANDS REACHING OUT TO POMNI AND CATCHING HER#OUGHDHFHFHHHH#the ragapom enjoyers have been fed.#btw#i have been fed#rewatching throwing up shitting and crying#two big rips to gummy goo and gangles happy mask only being on for 4 minutes and 7 seconds (yeah i checked)#anyway ragatha and pomnis voices are so nice inlove women#and jax showing an emotion for a 000000.00001th of a frame#the jax fans are gonna go crazy over that i can tell#yall can have him but also that facial expression couldve been abt queenie just my hunch tho#SPEAKING OF kinger having a split second of clarity talkin to rags in that scene?#he was absolutely fatherly to her when she first appeared#wish we could see this so bad#time to be normal now alr buhbye#slaps a lesbian sticker on ragatha for doing like 4 finger guns and flirting with the queen
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steddio · 1 year
Steve is used to pushing through pain. Sure, the adrenaline of a life or death moment is one thing but when that fades and all that’s left is stinging cuts and tender swelling and a full-body bone-deep ache there’s no excuse for letting weakness show. Or letting others see the lingering migraines, achey joints, and night terrors that continue to wound his body and psyche even once everything is “back to normal.” Ingrained in him since an unforgiving childhood, Steve’s grit-your-teeth-and-bear-it philosophy has served him perfectly well and he sees nothing wrong with it, thank you very much.
Until he meets Eddie. Eddie who curses, shouts, screams and cries his pain, broadcasting it to those around him with his typical dramatic flair. Eddie whose eyes betray every feeling and emotion, amplified tenfold by the flailing of too-long limbs and gesturing of ring-bedecked fingers. Eddie who sees right through Steve’s facade to the core of his pain.
It starts with Eddie giving Steve an obvious once-over each time he sees him, checking for visible injury, the lasting echo of shared trauma. Steve knows how to navigate this, having faked his way through countless minor sports injuries in order to stay off the bench and in the game. What Steve doesn’t know how to navigate is what comes after. Unlike Steve’s coaches, who accepted his apparent well-being without question, Eddie has an unnerving tendency to locate the exact source of Steve’s discomfort.
“Harrington, are you limping? Cut the shit and sit down over there, I told you not to overwork your bad knee.”
“Ok big boy, pull over. I’m driving and that’s final. Don’t argue with me, you can’t even see straight. Driving with a migraine is definitely worse than my driving, dude.”
“You look like shit, go home, I’ll help Robin close. Yes, yes, I got it, how hard can it be?”
Eventually, and even worse, Eddie moves beyond snarky well-meaning comments to saying nothing but doing everything. Like shooing the younger kids out of Steve’s house when he’s starting to squint against the bright lights and loud conversation. Or grabbing heavy bags from Steve’s hands before he’s even halfway from the car to the door. Or wordlessly turning up the stereo when Steve needs something, anything to drown out the ringing and echoing screaming in his ears.
At first, being seen hurts more than the actual pain. Stripped raw by the casual tenderness, the sheer humanity zinging at newly exposed nerves. Steve doesn’t know how to handle this breakdown of his primary defense mechanism. He tries to keep shrugging Eddie’s concern away, but Eddie is relentless. Eddie “willing to repeat senior year three times rather than drop out” Munson is entirely undeterred by Steve’s patented nonchalance. Despite it all, he keeps caring. And Steve has no choice but to accept the tidal wave that is Eddie’s concern.
It takes a while, for Steve to recalibrate his self-perception. So used to shoving it aside, he has to learn again how to really feel pain. How to acknowledge it, respond to it. How to attend to his own discomfort the way he attends to Robin’s, or Dustin’s, or Max’s.
The first time he cancels plans with the gang because of a migraine he’s overcome by guilt. He’s five seconds away from calling back to say just kidding he is totally fine and would love to drive everyone to the movies when he hears a knock at the door. Before he can even fully open the door, Eddie barges in.
“Harrington! Where are your towels, I brought you drugs, the legal ones don’t worry, go lay down, what are you doing standing there gawking, here swallow this and put this over your head.”
Before he can fully process what’s happening, Steve is manhandled onto his own couch, a cool damp towel over his eyes and forehead, and Eddie is back out the front door shouting that he’ll check in on Steve after the movie ends.
The second time he cancels plans, his bad knee too achey to make the trek out to Dustin’s radio to celebrate his and Suzie’s anniversary, Steve is still guilty, but almost unsurprised when Eddie turns up at his door, rented movie in hand, shouting at Steve to ice and elevate his damn knee already.
After a while, the guilt goes away, replaced by a bone deep security that’s brand new to Steve, a quiet reassurance that it’s okay to put himself first, it doesn’t make him selfish or bad or pathetic or weak or any of the things his dad used to shout at him before he learned to mask himself. Replaced by an overwhelming fondness for Eddie and his exuberant care, the way he wears his feelings like his tattoos, on his bare skin.
After a while, Steve realizes that not all of Eddie’s once overs are checking for pain, sometimes they’re simply for checking him out. And this, this he knows how to handle.
The tenth time Steve cancels plans, he’s waiting at the door for Eddie to arrive. Eddie is all blurred motion and Bambi-eyed concern, looking for Steve’s source of pain. Steve points to his cheek.
“One too many direct hits and my whole face gets achey when the weather changes.”
Eddie turns, no doubt intending to rummage through Steve’s kitchen until he can find ibuprofen, or ice, or anything. Before he can get far, Steve catches his arm and turns Eddie to face him.
“Maybe you can kiss it better?”
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sunrisemill · 2 months
♡ The little things ♡
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Summary: Matt has always been pressured to live up to his father and everything that he expects him to be. Y/n has always been very quiet and has been pressured by her whole family to step out of her comfort zone and live her life free from her worries. What will happen when they unexpectedly run into each other at a random ice cream shop?
(Warnings: Toxic family members (Nothing happens though dw it’s only mentioned)
(Matt’s POV)
“You want me to leave?! Fine then, I’m done dealing with this shit.”
I shout out across the house before slamming the front door behind me.
This is the third fight we've had this week.
Ever since my dad found out I've been ditching classes he's been on my ass about everything.
So what? I skip a couple of art classes. It's not like it actually matters.
The thing is my dad is a stern man. Ever since I was a child he told me that I needed to learn how to be a real man.
So that means I shouldn't ever talk about how I feel. I should just suppress my emotions, so I do that.
The only downside is that my emotions come back up in bursts of anger that I can't control.
It's not like I want to be this way, it's the way I've been wired since I could remember.
But the truth is I’m scared.
I’m scared that I’m never going to escape these emotions.
Everyone is going to forever know me as the miserable grump, Matt Sturniolo.
I wish I could change it around but nobody gives me the chance.
Maybe… when the opportunity arises I might have a chance, but I know that's not true.
As I start to spiral into worse thoughts, a hot pink neon sign in the shape of an ice cream cone catches my attention.
I find myself squinting my eyes as I try to make out the letters.
“Gelato Galore”
No way they’re being serious…
That's ridiculous but I might as well try it, all I want is to be alone and what better place to be alone than an ice cream shop during winter?
I step through the door and I’m instantly overwhelmed by the bright colours, I feel like I’m drowning in an ocean of pink.
It’s everywhere I look!
As my eyes dart around they land on the only person in the shop besides the workers.
It’s a random girl and she seems upset, I feel like I know her from somewhere but I can’t place it.
The way she looks is something you could only describe as a depressing portrait made by a struggling artist, her hair falling in front of her face as tears roll down her cheeks.
The redness on her nose matching the small cherry on top of her sundae that she seems to be refusing to eat by the way she pushes it aside.
I feel a strong urge to check up on her but I don’t know if I should. I’ve never been good at helping people in need.
I sigh as I walk up to the counter. Whatever she's going through is none of my business.
(Y/ns POV)
I let out a couple of sad sniffles as I push the little maraschino cherry that's on top of my ice cream to the side.
He was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago…
I keep telling myself that he must be stuck in traffic or maybe he's just running late and I'm overthinking it all.
I've been repeating all the different scenarios in my head and reasons why he could be late.
My nails impatiently tap against the pink plastic spoon they gave me, I feel as though I’ve been here for hours when in reality it has only been around twenty minutes.
Why can’t he just call me or even text me if he’s running late?
That's when I see my phone light up on the table. I quickly pick it up and I'm met with his contact name.
As I read the message he sent me I could physically feel my heart drop, all of the hope I had was crushed within a second
“I can't make it.”
What the fuck? No sorry? No explanation? Nothing.
I can't believe he could treat me with such disrespect.
I feel like such an idiot…
I sigh in defeat, I place my phone down on the table and dive straight back into my ice cream to distract myself from the current heartbreak I'm feeling.
As I scraped some ice cream from the bottom of the tub, I noticed that the chair in front of me had just pulled back and someone had taken a seat on it.
“Hey, I hope you don't mind me asking, but I couldn't help but notice that something seems to be bothering you. Is everything okay?”
what? I lift my head and I'm met with the sight of a stranger.
But he's not really a stranger, It appears to be Matt Sturniolo.
Although I have seen Matt at school and around the small town that we live in, we don't necessarily run in the same social group.
I sigh as I sit up straight and put down my now-empty ice cream tub.
“I'm fine, really. Don't worry about it.”  
I look back down at the table, silently praying that he goes away but he stays.
“So…you a fan of ice cream?”
His small voice catches me off guard, I’ve never heard him talk with such little confidence.
Every inch of my body screams at me to get up and leave. To ignore the boy sat opposite. To run straight back to my room and rot in bed. Run back to my comfort zone.
But I hear my mother's voice ringing throughout my head.
“Come on, Y/n. You're not going to go anywhere in life if you don't put yourself out there. Just try it once, you might be surprised by what could happen.”
So I swallow every anxious feeling screaming at me to leave.
“Yeah. I mean… who isn't?”
A small smile on my lips. I lift my head to look at him, noticing the corners of his lips curled up slightly.
I feel a peaceful smile tug on my lips, the scent of cold crisp air filling my senses.
I've always loved the winter. It has a sense of comfort that has always overwhelmed me.
I feel myself dipping deeper and deeper into a state of tranquillity when suddenly the boy next to me speaks up.
“You never answered my question earlier.”
He peers down at me. I sigh.
“What question?”
I know what question he's talking about. I've been asked the same question for years and I've grown to become annoyed at it as I grow older.
“I asked you, why are you always by yourself? Don't you have any friends?”
I tense up and he notices. He stops walking and grabs my wrist, forcing me to stop in the middle of the pavement.
“I'm sorry…”
I watch as his face contorts into a remorseful expression. His eyebrows knitting together.
“I didn't mean to come off as rude. It's just… I've seen you around school and you're always alone, I'm curious.”
I sigh as I look away from him. This is the last thing I need right now. I don't need someone here pointing out stuff that I already know.
It's frustrating. I tug my wrist out of his grip.
“Why don't you… oh, I don't know… mind your business.”
My tone is filled to the brim with annoyance. The way his face falls causes a twinge of guilt to seep into my heart but I push it down.
“Look, I'm just trying to help.”
He speaks through gritted teeth.
That was my last straw.
Without saying another word, I spin around on my heels and walk in the other direction. Completely ignoring the sound of his voice calling out for me.
So much for trying to make a friend.
(A/N: omg this literally took me weeks to finish 😭 I’ve been having an INSANE and extremely frustrating writers block but she’s done 😋 thank you so so much for reading <333)
Tags: @guccifrog @junnniiieee07
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
Hey! Hope everything’s going good! Was thinking if bandmember did anything like the vanity fair Billie eilish videos when they watch back all those interviews. Would love to see how far our girl has come
YN YLN: Same Interview, The Sixth Year | Vanity Fair
A/N: Christmas break is coming up so been busy but I also have some stuff coming out soon for your lovies! 💚
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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“Year six, baby,” YN smirks at the camera. “Alright—” She pulls on the tops of her pink sheer opera gloves that match her pink corset before clapping her hands together. “—Let’s do this. ‘Ello, m’name is YN YLN. Today’s date is October 18, 2022.”
How old are you?
“I’m 23 years old.”
“I’m 24.”
“M’28 years old,” YN kisses her teeth. “M’pushing 30, mate.”
How many followers do you have on Instagram?
“I have 573K followers on Instagram.”
“I currently have 287 million followers on Instagram. Dunno why I have so many; I make a lot of shit posts.”
What is your most liked picture on Instagram?
“My most liked picture is one of me and the boys huddled up backstage after our last performance together with 654K likes.”
“It is a picture of me in my home recording studio with about 5 million likes.”
“It’s currently one of me photo dumps on tour. The first picture on that one is a selfie with Harry taking a bite out of m’cheek. This one has 60,036,819 likes. Which is way too many likes if m’being honest.”
How are you feeling today?
“M’feeling really good. I always look forward to these interviews. I try me best not to look at the old videos more than once so that I can best prepare meself for my current answers, yeh know? But I love that I get to do this every year. There’s a lot of like, time lapse compilation videos on meself on YouTube that show off how far I’ve come over the years but these I feel are the least cringy ones,” YN lets out a laugh.
Biggest thing to happen in your career?
“I won a Grammy for producer of the year?” YN furrows her eyebrows as she juts her chin out. “Wha’ is life? That’s insane. The highlight of me career. Hands down.”
“It’s still the highlight of me career. And I got nominated for it again for Grammys 2023. To even be nominated and be the only woman in this category a second year in a row is just super fookin’ wild. Um...I got seven other Grammy nominations for next year. I’m also on tour again—a world tour—and it’s definitely me favorite thing to do aside from making the actual music. Harry’s new album that we’ve been workin’ on for over the past two-ish years finally came out earlier this year. I’m dropping me third album before the year is up. So many good things have happened this year that it’s honestly too long to list.”
How often do you get recognized in public?
“Pretty often,” She nods her head, a chuckle pushing past her lips. “It’s pretty hard to just go out and grab a bite to eat without getting surrounded.”
“Public? Who is she? I dunno her,” YN teases. “It’s pretty rare that I’ll go out nowadays and the masks only help so much with trying to be lowkey on the street on stuff like tha’.”
“I have to admit, v’gotten a lot better at being discreet when going out in public,” She nods her head with a knowing smile. “I think I was just so used to not being ‘allowed’ to go outside or if I did I wouldn’t enjoy meself because I knew I was gonna get recognized by paps. It was really hard for baby YN there because of how everything started. Everything I did was in the public eye and no matta’ what I did, me fans always knew where I was at all times it seemed,” YN hums. 
“I love me fans and I love the times when we happen to see each other on the street, we can have like a genuine conversation instead of shoving yeh phone in me face and putting yeh hands on me without me permission. I’ve had the most amazing conversations with fans like tha’ those moments are super special to me.
But in all honesty, they need to get hired by the FBI or somethin’. Knowin’ where m’gonna be before I even do,” She huffs out a chuckle.
What’s most important to you right now?
“The relationships within me life. I think this year has really made me recognize that. Whether those relationships are with me mum, me boyfriend, me tour team, me dancers, the fans—they’re all super important to me. Makin’ sure that we’re all safe and healthy—mentally and physically—now more than ever.”
“All of which are still very important to me. I think v’also learned to stay in touch with me emotions. I think in an industry like this, it can be very easy to just put on a mask or passively go through events to maintain an image. If I’m doing something—wether it be somethin’ major or not, I want to allow m’self to be in the moment.
I did a show recently in Austin and...” The crease between her eyebrows disappear and smile etches itself on her lips at the memory, “I was singing POV and I just stopped singing and the crowd took over. I quite literally just stood there, took out me earpieces and just listened to a stadium full of people sing my song back to me. It made me feel so...it made me feel really good, really happy.”
Do you feel pressure?
“I do yeah,” YN nods with a sincere furrow of her eyebrows. “But I have been feeling pressure for the majority of my career so I’m mostly used to it by now; It doesn't bother me as much anymore.”
“Of my fookin’ word,” She throws her head back. “I can’t even—like even the way I spoke, man. Can yeh hear that? Like, I was still in the mindset of having to change the way I talk, tweak me accent and act all prim and proper,” YN points a finger into her mouth as she sticks out her tongue.
“And what a lie. Like of course that pressure bothered me still! I was fresh into the hiatus, just dropped me first solo album, about to do a world tour by meself for the first time. I was dealin’ with so much that I remember the pressure of everything was just...it felt that I was gonna be squished into a pancake. Being in the band and being as big as we were, there was an immense amount of pressure for everything to keep going well; everything seemed like it had to get bigger and bigger and if I didn’t live up to that standard as a solo artist, it was the end of the world to me.”
“I do still feel some pressure but definitely not to that extent anymore. It’s more of like, a good pressure, I’d say. It keeps me from resting on me laurels and it makes me continue to work hard to improve meself. Like, just because I won an award for produce of the year doesn’t mean that m’gonna let it get to me head and just not work to better meself in that craft. 
But I have to admit that a lot of that pressure has been lifted off of me from me fans. They’ve just continued to give me their unconditional love and support—whether it be for a year, 2 years, 12 years—m’just super grateful that they just allow me to be me, flaws and all.”
What did you eat today?
“I ate some grilled chicken—that I made all by myself—with a side of some beans,” YN giggles as she knows by now that the fans have been having a laugh about her boyfriend’s baked beans comment over interviews in quarantine.
“I had a chicken caesar salad bowl that I probably put way too much dressing on to be considered healthy anymore,” She chuckles, playing with the chunky chain sitting on her collarbones.
“I actually had an amazing chicken wrap this morning. Just the right amount of protein and yumminess,” She pats her tummy with a content smile. “Yeh girl likes chicken, what can I say?”
Are you aware of people when you're playing?
“I think so yeah. It’s crazy because for me, it’s scarier to play in front of 6 people than 60 thousand people. But on the other hand, the noisiness of big crowds is super calming to me. I can’t really explain how. Like right before m’gonna go on stage, I like to take out me ear-pieces and just listen to them scream...which now makes me sound like a serial killer of summ’wat,” YN’s shoulders bunch up to her ears as she giggles.
“I would say that m’more aware of the audience members now more than I ever have before. This current tour that m’on is probably the funnest tour so far and it’s really because of the fans. When m’on stage and when I’m performing, I make sure to look at the people in the audience, yeh know? Like, I can still remember when the band did our first stadium tour, I honestly couldn’t see anything; they were all just blurbed together. 
But with this tour, I make sure to take the time during the show to talk with fans. And I make an effort to sing to them and look at them dancing in the pit, the outfits they recreate, the way some of them are just closing their eyes and just being in the moment. As a musician, to see people come to me show and to see how they create this environment where everyone can have fun and let loose and just have a good time is just super amazin’. It’s a really indescribable feeling.”
Are you more confident this year compared to last year?
“From last year to now? 100%,” She answers with ease, leaning back into her seat. “I think this is the most confident I’ve ever felt, I think. M’not too worried about what people are sayin’ about me because let’s face it, they are always saying something. So if yeh like me, cool. If yeh don’t, cool.”
“She’s not wrong. 2018 YN’s ego was pretty up there. Granted, me ego is still growing and sensitive so—” YN shamelessly shrugs and puts her hands up in defense. “—Take tha’ as you will. But I definitely feel more confident and secure in who I am as a person and as an artist. When the boys and I went our separate ways musically, I had a hard time sort of, figuring out what I like and the kind of music I wanted to make for meself. Even the way I thought about fashion, I knew people saw me in skirts and things like that but I remember entertaining the idea of if I wanted to continue that as a security blanket of sorts. 
When I was in the band, I took things with a grain of salt and m’very happy that I’ve kept that with me.” 
Biggest rumor about you?
“That I’ve slept with each of the 1D boys,” YN lets out a nervous laugh. “Which is gross because they’re all like my brothers.”
“Where do I even begin?” YN blows out a raspberry. “I’ve been gettin’ this one for literally years now but that m’dating my old bandmate, Harry—which is getting really old at this point,” She scrunches up her nose with a roll of her eyes.
YN bursts out laughing as she watches her old self answer, knowing full well that during that time period she was in the midst of her on-and-off relationship with Harry. 
She tilts her head to the side with a quick raise of her eyebrows, “I mean, she’s not wrong. V’been getting that question/comment asked since we were on the XFactor. And believe it or not, I still get asked that question. I just answer it differently now,” She cheekily brings her shoulder to her chin.
What do you hate being asked?
“That. The ‘who are you dating?’ question. For a long time, I just had to suck it up and just answer the question but I don’t have to answer if I don’t want to, y’know? Also, I’m my own person,” She begins to list things off of her fingers, “I’m not someone’s arm candy, m’not so-and-so’s new girl. I’m YN YLN and if all you ask me is if I’m dating anyone rather than me music, you don’t deserve my time.”
YN drops her jaw and the corners of her lips tug up in a smile.
“A feisty little thing she is,” She chuckles. “But no truer words have ever escaped me mouth. She’s right, and I still stand by that. 100%. My career is not based around a guy or who m’dating. That’s not to say I hate talking about Harry—I love to talk about him but don’t make it the whole point of the interview, yeh know?”
Craziest fan moment?
“Me first show back on tour after being held back in 2020 was really heartwarming. It a stadium show—not intimidating at all for me first show back—” YN sarcastically comments. “—so there were three levels of seating: the pit, the middle section, and then the top. While I was singing, the audience did a fan project where on the top section held up lights to read welcome back, and then the middle said we missed you, and the pit held up pieces of paper saying we love you. M’not even gonna lie, I was bawlin’ me eyes out. Like, just thinking of the amount of work that went into that...” She shakes her head in disbelief. 
“I did a show last week in LA and at the barricade, I saw this lineup of these 5 girls wearing my current and past tour outfits. I have seen some really good recreation of me fits before and it was honestly like a copy and paste, I was so shocked. After talking with them for a bit—now I don’t ever do this—but I invited them to come up on stage with me,” YN laughs. 
“I suggested we ditch the choreography for Kiss Me More but they insisted they knew it and sure enough,” YN throws her hands with another laugh. “I almost hired them on the spot!”
Do you have a boyfriend?
“Um, no. I do not have a boyfriend. I’m just really focused on my music at the moment. That’s my boyfriend,” She lets out a chuckle.
YN playfully rolls her eyes and throws her hands up, “Well I’d be the biggest liar in the world if I said no.”
She huffs out a giggle as she refers to the entire world finding out about her secret relationship with Harry on New Years Eve of that year.
“I do have a boyfriend,” She smirks at the camera with a shrug of her shoulder, leaving it at that.
YN takes a second longer to answer this question and stares at the laptop screen with a fond smile. She technically doesn’t have a boyfriend anymore, but will she let them know that? Nope.
“Well, you’d all be happy to know that Harry and I are still very much together. Still got that boy locked down, ladies,” She playfully winks at the camera with a click of her tongue. 
What makes you happy in a relationship?
“I like quality time. From staying inside 24/7 in 2020 to easing back into my busy schedule made H and I realize that it was important to set some time aside for ourselves, just the two of us. Like, we don’t even have to be talking just as long as we’re together during the business of it all. And...” A smirk grows on her lips, “One of me love languages is physical touch. It definitely wasn't on the list before so you can probably guess who made me this way but yeah. And music, of course, that’s me main form of love language. Whether we’re listening to good music, making it, singing it—anything to do with it m‘in love.”
Describe your style in 3 words.
“Figuring it out.”
“No more skirts,” The 24-year-old rolls her eyes.
“Whatever is comfy,” She laughs as she wraps her light green cardigan tighter over herself.
“Trying new things.”
“Trousers and blazers.”
She tilts her head as she bites her lip, looking up as she thinks about how to compactly frame her style now. As she says the next three words, she holds up her hand to count it off on her fingers, “Pretty in pink. And 2018 YN was a lie. I still fancy a skirt every now and then.”
Biggest thing you’re struggling with?
“I think, just being honest with meself in terms of how I feel. I think I struggle a lot with allowing meself to feel the way I feel about certain things,” Or about a certain someone. “And that it's okay to feel those things. I know, super detailed,” She chuckles.
“Yeah, 2019 YN was certainly going through some personal issues. S’crazy to look back at these videos and remember wha’ I was feelin’ during that time. S’pretty crazy. I can say that v’grown immensely from that time of my life which is very comforting to know. It’s still hard for me, don’t get me wrong, but allowing myself to feel things like love or sadness or happiness is something that I’m subconsciously reminding myself to do. 
I think the biggest thing that m’stuggling now with is to have check ins with meself. It’s safe to say that m’back to my busy, hectic, never-ending schedule so I want to take a breather every now and then. It can be a whole day, a whole 20 minutes, just a pause to check in with my mind, me body, me spirt to make sure m’okay and then be off to a career that I love very dearly.”
What advice would you give your future self?
“Have some fun and enjoy this new chapter that you’re venturing onto,” She nods with a smile.
“I would say to allow yourself to feel uncomfortable. Step out of your comfort zone and take that leap of faith.”
“What a genetic piece of advice for that first year, eh?” YN chuckles with a smirk, “Enjoy this new chapter you're venturing onto like yeh can hear how professional I wanted to sound,” She playfully rolls her eyes with a sigh. “I would say that 2019 YN’s advice is a good one though. It’s a good reminder to not play things safe all the time. As a narcissist, I want everything to be perfect, especially me music, so to be in the studio and not fall back to me old habits of what I think sounds good, try something different, yeh know? I like that a lot, actually.”
This is my mum...
“Everyone, say hello to Penny,” YN proudly presents as her stepmum comes up to her side, placing a hand on the back of her chair as she waves at the camera.
“‘Ello, lovelies,” Penny beams.
“Penny!” YN smiles brightly. When she wiggles her fingers towards her stepmum the sound of her rings clinking together can be heard.
When Penny walks up to her stepdaughter’s side, she puts her hands on top of YN’s red leather jacket to give her shoulders a squeeze.
“Hi baby,” Her stepmum gives a warm smile and gently presses her chin to YN’s temple.
Penny tucks her long, black hair behind her ears before wrapping her arms around her stepdaughter’s shoulders. 
“I love you, my baby,” She says into her hair before planting a kiss on her head.
“I love youuu so much,” YN sings as she holds onto her stepmum’s forearms over her chest.
“Y’already know what time it is,” YN dances in her seat, her arms already extended out by her side. She lets out a laugh as she watches Penny shimmy her way to her stepdaughter’s side. The tight high waisted jeans show off her curvy, fit figure and a mask covers the lower half of her face.
“It’s Penny time,” Her stepmum throws finger guns at the camera.
“Come over ‘ere, mum,” YN nods her head over to Penny. Once she’s close enough, she takes a hold of her stepmum’s hand and pulls her over for her to sit on her lap, wrapping her arms over her torso, “Love you.”
“I love you more, baby,” Penny smiles as she leans her head back to rest beside YN’s. 
“This is me mumma,” YN smiles warmly before cooing out a chuckle. “Wha’ happened?” She questions when she sees Penny walk over to her side with glossy eyes.
“Sorry, m’sorry,” She chuckles, dabbing her under eyes with the sides of her index fingers. “S’just really fookin’ cool to see how far you’ve come. Like look at her—” Penny points to the laptop screen that has 2017 YN on display. “—me lil’ baby.”
“Mum!” YN laughs when Penny wraps her arms around her daughter’s head and pulls it to her chest.
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles @luvonstyles @mxltifxnd0m @teamspideyman @c00chiemonster @juiceboxrry @s8tellite @folklorehrry @illicithallways @claramllera @eunoiaax @hoya122 @nichmedder @sleutherclaw @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @harianaswhore @teawithcyb0rgs @vrittivsanghavi @vc55bughead @futuristiccroissantlampsludge @onecrazydirectioner @valluvsu @itsgabbysblog @awkwardbisexuall @rosehel @sucker4angstt @isalove @diorchives @mrshiddlestyles02
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mychlapci · 3 months
TFA anon here again making a part 2 of the rutting Dinobots and Prowl lol.
While Swoop and Snarl are having their sloppy seconds with Prowl and double fucking his pussy, Grimlock decides to focus on his port (or just his asshole lol but I’ll call it a port). So when Prowl is overwhelmed and overstimulated from two fat spikes demolishing his valve, he gets an additional surprise from when Grimlock pushes the head of his spike into his port. Since it was very tight (and had a bit of prep since all Grimlock did was tongue fuck him a bit) Grimlock could only fit it like almost half way before he had to stop but that was fine because either way Grimlock was enjoying it. For Prowl, it hurt considering the little to no prep, but it worked in his favor since he loved pain when it came to sex.
So now three spikes were pounding into him. One in his port, and the other two in his valve. I like the idea of both Swoop’s and Snarl’s knots popping into his forge and stretching it far beyond what Prowl thought was possible, stretching it so wide Prowl thought his valve would be broken by the time they were done with him.
When all three were completely spent, they slipped out of his valve and began to lick the transfluid out of his widely gaping holes as Prowl came again around their tongues. He barely had any strength left to move. The Dinobots all take him to their nest so they could all curl up against each other and fall sleep. Prowl ends up staying the night there.
Prowl wakes up the next morning panicking because he was supposed to be back yesterday. He firmly tells the Dinobots not to tell anyone what happened yesterday and leaves.
Anyways, after Prowl gets back to the base that morning, everything goes surprisingly smoothly as somehow the other didn’t notice he was gone for such a long time and aside from some grilling on where he had been, they sort of let it slide (maybe they assumed he lost track ‘meditating’ and he will let them think that) and for the first couple of days everything is fine… (sort of. Prowl may or may not have grown an addiction to Dinobot spike)
Prowl tells nobody about his pregnancy and his trips to the Dinobot island remain secret. By this point the Dinobots have accepted Prowl as their mate and are now fiercely protective of him, especially since he is carrying their sparklings. Of course, Prowl cannot hide this secret forever, but for now, he enjoys taking spike after spike to fill his needy forge for his sparklings and the love showered all over him as his new lovers take care of him.
Eventually, his pregnant belly becomes noticeable (not like he could have hidden it from the start. He has a very lithe body after all) and is immediately grilled on who the sire is and how that even happened in the first place.
The whole conversation was awkward and embarrassing. Ratchet just looked so done with everything when Prowl was finished and Optimus looked horrified. Bumblebee calls him “Dino tamer” and Prowl sort of wants to drop dead whenever he calls him that. Bulkhead (surprisingly) just asks him what it was like and Prowl obliges and tells him in more detail than was needed.
When the sparklings are born, the Dinobots + Ratchet are helping him through it and by the end of it, he is cradling four dinobot sparklings in his arms.
(Should I make Bulkhead get fucked by them and they have a fivesome? No clue)
Holy shit dude they’re breaking his little holes. Prowl’s gonna be all Hole by the end of this. Three fat spikes is a lot. 
I love the thought that Prowl literally doesn’t tell anyone about his pregnancy and the only reason they even find out is because he starts growing his baby-bump. I mean, at what point does it stop being rude to ask him about it? There was definitely a period of time during which he was walking around with a very clear beginning of a baby-bump and no one said anything because it was too awkward. I mean, Bumblebee probably said something, but not about pregnancy. That would probably be weird. 
mhmmm Bulkhead showing interest in what it felt like to be the dinobots' mate, that's juicy. He keeps subtly asking about details, inquiring on how it felt, until Prowl finally agrees to take him to the island and show him… Three rutting, doting dinobots are very difficult to satisfy with one bot alone, after all <3
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gloomzombie · 11 months
I'll Bury You For This
Pairing: Jeff The Killer X Male Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4,122
Chapter Two: Boys Don't Cry
Ch. 1
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I jolted awake at the sound of the USA national anthem playing. I groaned loudly, my hands roaming the bed for my phone. I picked it up and stopped the music. Goodnite Dr. Death? I thought I took that off my playlist..
I rubbed my face and combed my fingers through my hair. I look over at the clock. "Shit." 6:38pm? I went to sleep directly after school. Dammit. This is exactly why I usually don't take naps after school. I stood up and stretched, my muscles sore from the position I fell asleep in.
I looked around the dark room, my eyes not yet adjusted to the absence of light. The sudden noise coming from my stomach makes me realize how hungry I am. 
"Goddammit." I swear, opening my door as quietly as I can. I peak my head out, glaring down the hallway to see the blue light from the tv lighting up the living room. I take a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for if John is awake. I take small, slow steps down the hall so as to not make any sound.
I continue on until I'm by the edge of the wall, peeping around it. I couldn't help the sigh of relief from coming out of my mouth. He's asleep, his mouth slack open- saliva trailing down his lip onto the couch cushion. Gross.
I keep my footsteps at a low volume, but I quicken my pace as I walk to the kitchen. I look around and decide to settle for a few snacks and the water I didn't finish in my room. I take a few granola bars and a muffin, then make my way back to my room silently.
I drop the snacks down onto the bed and go back to the door, shutting it as quiet as I can. I sit down on my bed and take my book out of my backpack.
I ripped open the plastic off of the granola bar, taking a bite as I opened the book to the page I left off on.
Hours go by without me being aware of it. I can always spend hours upon hours with just a book. Reading takes me away from everything and gives me a different reality to be caught up in, if only temporarily. 
Sometimes I'll catch myself daydreaming about if I were a character in the book. Whether I be a student in Harry Potter, a half-blood in Percy Jackson, or a vampire in Twilight, everything in books seems much better than the reality I live in; the reality I have to deal with.
I try not to daydream because of it. What's the point in wishing for something when you know it's not going to happen? That'll only end up in disappointment, and red and swollen eyes, which isn't pleasant.
It's 10:48 pm by the time I put my book down. I didn't realize how tired I was getting until then. I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I feel tired, but I don't really want to go to sleep. 
I hate going to sleep because tomorrow is another day. Another day filled with endless questions and people. Godawful people. 
I put my book back in my bag and lie down on the bed. The covers were shoved aside from earlier so I pulled them over my torso. I take my phone and go on instagram.
I scroll through my homepage a bit, getting bored of that rather quickly. I bite my lip and decide to go to Xander's page. A foolish decision that was.
He posted on his story 10 minutes ago. I could feel my heart beating in my chest as I pushed myself to watch it. I stare at the screen without letting myself process what I'm watching. 
It doesn't surprise me, but it doesn't make me happy. Haley or Jade or whoever he said the girl was that he went home with, was in his lap. Xander had taken photos of her kissing him and a few with her basically chewing on his neck.
I let the last story pass and am met with his page once more. I sigh a shaky breath. I didn't even realize how my eyes started to tear up. 
I shake my head as if to pull myself together and wipe the tears away before they could fall. I make sure my alarm is set before putting my phone down and laying my head down on my pillow. 
I let the stray tears pricking at my eyes fall down onto the cotton pillow sheet as I pull my covers over my shoulders. I already know the nightmare is coming before I let sleep take over me.
August 20. 7:15am.
I’ve sat laying in bed for a while now. I woke up 15 minutes before my alarm and I didn’t see a point in going back to sleep. The past week has gone by in a blur, most of it spent doing the smallest worksheets and keeping to myself- well, for the most part. I’ve been getting closer to Gage, which is good timing since Xander is barely talking to me. 
The buzzing of my phone pulls me out of my reminiscing. I sit up immediately, getting a little dizzy. I wait for my vision to come back before wiping my forehead. God, I sweat so bad last night. 
I turn and kick my feet over the bed, getting up slowly so as to not get dizzy again. I sigh. At least today’s Friday. I push myself to move to my drawers, taking out a simple outfit for today. I don’t feel like dressing up.
I go to the bathroom and take a shower. After drying most of my hair with a towel, I put my clothes on which is just another band tee and oversized jeans. I didn’t bother to put on any jewelry, but I put on a black studded belt. If I didn't, the jeans were bound to fall down eventually.
I looked into the mirror, gazing at my reflection for a bit. I moved my hands up to my head and ruffled my hair a bit to let the layers show a bit more. I walked out of the bathroom and looked down the hallway. 
The blue light of the tv had been shut off, meaning John moved to his room. I quietly took my backpack from my room and hurried over to the door. I glanced over at the kitchen and decided to skip breakfast. I’ll just wait until lunch to eat there.
I slip my shoes on and open the door as quietly as I can, keeping my eyes locked down the hallway. I manage to leave the house without waking John up for once.
I make my way to school and to first period. Though I didn’t have to deal with John like I usually do, I’m still feeling very sluggish. It’s going to take a lot of time getting used to school again.
Just like every other day, I took out my phone and earbuds, stuck them in my ears, and listened to music. I don’t know how I’d live without it. I turn it up more, the sounds of screaming and electric guitars filling my ears and effectively shutting out unwanted thoughts.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Lily’s pale face. I pause my music. “A little more tame today, I see,” She teased, nodding at my shirt. 
I felt a heat rush to my cheeks as I had to look down at my shirt again today. Linkin Park. “Oh, yeah I just threw this on.” I chuckled, a little embarrassed of how little I paid attention to what I put on earlier. 
“Well still, so far you’ve proven that you have a good taste in music,” Her ruby red lips curved up into a smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Thanks.” I look down at her shirt. Motionless In White.
“Seems like you do too,” I looked back up at her, her brown eyes meeting mine once more. She moved her hand up to cover her mouth. “Thank you..Do you maybe want to hang out later? My older brother's band is playing a gig at 6.”
I chewed on my bottom lip, a nervous habit I picked up a few years ago. “Yeah, sure. Where’s it gonna be?” She took the seat beside me and scooched closer to mine. 
“It’s at a bar. My brother’s been going there since he turned 21 and because he’s friends with the guy that owns the place, he managed to get him to let me come with a plus one as long as we don’t drink.” I could see a hint of mischief in her eyes, and her smile looked more like a smirk now.
I raised an eyebrow. Is that allowed? Obviously not, but.. “Cool. I’m in.” Lily’s smirk turned back into a sweet smile. She pushed her chair away. “Awesome. Give me your number so I can text you the address.” 
She pulled her phone out of her pocket and tapped on the contacts, then handed it to me. I typed in my number, put my name in, and gave it back. “Oh, Stacy’s here. Talk later?” Lily looked over towards where her friend was sitting.
“Yeah, of course.” She smiled and turned, going over to sit with Stacy. I sighed, looking around the room. Mostly everyone was here, besides Xander, a few other people, and Ms. Johnson.
I look down at my phone. The clock read 8:20. Ten minutes left and the teacher still isn’t here? She sure is making a habit of being late. I look back up after resuming my music. 
Oh that’s great. Jeff trudged into class, almost stomping to the chair next to mine. I watched him as he took his seat and rested his head on the desk. I bit my tongue, resisting the urge to mess with him this morning. I’ve been making a habit of meaninglessly flirting with him to bother him, but I don’t think I should when he seems tired already. See? I’m a nice person.
I tore my gaze away from the boy next to me and focused on listening to the song, which was now AmEN! by Bring Me the Horizon. I didn’t think I’d like it, as it has a rapper on it but it’s actually really good. I especially love how Oli brought back some growls like in one of their earlier albums, Suicide Season. 
After that song passes, the next has barely started before Ms. Johnson comes into the room in a rush. “I’m so sorry, students! I- uh,” she fails to find words as she puts her things down on her desk. She looks up at the class. 
“I just got caught up in traffic. You can have more time to work on that word search.” She sat down and conversations started up around the classroom. I shrugged and put my playlist on again. 
I had already turned in my millionth word search yesterday, so I took out my sketchbook. It’s obvious I won’t be learning anything in this class this year since that’s all she’s given us this whole week. I flipped to a blank page and started to draw. I spent the rest of first period drawing and listening to music, it was actually really nice.
The bell rang and I stood up, closing my sketchbook and shoving it in my backpack. I make my way to the door, walking out. I walk to my locker, music still blasting in my ears. 
A hand pulls out one of my earbuds and I look up. “The fuck is your problem?” I immediately snapped without registering who I was looking at. I looked her up and down. It was the girl I saw on Xander’s story the other night.
“Oh..sorry.” I apologize before she can. I take my phone out of my pocket and pause my song. “No, no. I shouldn’t have done that,” She avoids eye contact and shoves her hands into the pockets of her striped jacket. 
“It’s fine,” I lied, “What’s up?” I kept my expression as emotionless as I could. I don’t know why, but I feel hostile towards her. “Um. I know you’re Xanny’s best friend. Do you know why he isn’t here today?” 
I have to stop myself from giving her a rude look. Xanny? Seriously? “Nah, sorry. He hasn’t been talking to me much lately, so I wouldn’t know.” I put the earbud she snatched out back in. 
“Oh. Well, thanks anyways. I’ll see you around.” She turned to leave, but I reached and grabbed her wrist. “Wait, what was your name?” I asked. It slipped my mind Monday, when he mentioned her. 
She turned back and I let go of her. “Jade.” I nodded. “Nice to meet you.” I couldn’t care less about her. Jade smiled. “You too.” She turned and I let her go. 
I sighed as I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. No one else was in here and I was really exhausted. I should’ve taken my meds today. I feel like shit and I want to leave.
I would rather be dead than be caught skipping though, especially when it's still the first week. I took a deep breath and left the bathroom, making my way to the cafeteria. 
As I walk in, I scan the room. I see Gage sitting alone and couldn’t help but smile. I walked over to him, not paying attention to the people that looked at me.
He doesn’t notice me approaching so I come up behind him and place my hands on his shoulders. I smirk as he jumps a little under my touch. “Hey, pretty boy,” I whispered in his ear.
He shudders. How cute. “Oh, h-hey.” He stuttered. I move from behind him to sit in front of him. “How’s your day been?” I asked, placing my elbows on the table. 
“Eh. It’s been pretty boring so far. I haven’t really made any friends or anything and the work’s been easy.” He took a bite of his sandwich and frowned at me. “Do you not have any food?” 
My smile dropped. “Oh. Yeah, I guess not. I was gonna just eat the food here, but I didn’t anticipate it to be as gross as it is today.” I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.
A chocolate chip cookie was placed in front of me and I looked back up at him. “I know it’s not much, but you can have it. My mom always packs them for me, but I don’t really like chocolate chips.” I couldn’t resist Gage’s soft smile. I sighed. “Thanks. That’s really sweet, why haven’t you told your mom you don’t like them?” I ask as I take a bite of the cookie. 
“I just don’t want to upset her. She’s been packing them in my lunches everyday since middle school, and I think if I tell her I’m not eating them she’ll get upset that I’m growing up or something.” He looked down, a blush grazing his cheeks. 
“It’s silly.” He added. I tilted my head. “It’s not. I think it’s sweet you’re thinking about your mom’s feelings.” My mom died when I was 3, so I never really had her pack lunches for me. 
Sometimes I think about how things would be different if I did have her growing up. I don’t remember how she was, or how she looked. John threw out everything that reminded him of her as soon as he could, he told me that himself before he started losing his memory- and I’ve yet to find anything that could’ve belonged to her.
Gage looked back up at me with a sweet smile. The blush on his cheeks had reddened a bit, but he didn’t seem to mind. “You think?” He bit his lip. I smiled back at him. 
“Yeah. I think so.”
I got to History later than I wanted, because the teacher was assigning math homework. I get it was going to happen soon, but I'm already sick of math. I walk in and Jeff is already in his seat.
I sigh and make my way over to mine, putting my stuff down as I sit. I take out my sketchbook again, turning to the page I had already started on today. As I started to add details to what I already drew, I could feel a pair of eyes boring into the side of my head. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” I suggested, keeping my focus on the page.
I heard him scoff. “I’m just making sure you don’t draw me again.” I stopped and looked over at him. He was staring at me, not the paper. I raised an eyebrow. “Uh huh, that’s why you’re so interested in what I look like and not the paper.” 
His face scrunched up, his eyes squinting. “Well, I was looking at it until you opened your big mouth.” I chuckled, scooching my chair closer to his. “Yeah, let’s both pretend that you don’t think I’m attractive.” 
I move my hand up to his face and tuck his hair behind his ear. I was expecting him to move away like he’s been doing, but I felt his fingers wrap around my wrist. Now it was my turn to be confused. 
“Yeah, Y/N. I just didn’t think you’d feel the same about me.” He whispered, his voice dropping a bit. I exhaled sharply, my heartbeat racing. “Well, you clearly thought wrong.” I found my voice and his other hand found itself tangling into my hair.
He yanked my head closer to his, my face inches away from him. I can’t imagine how red my face must be right now. I knew he was just messing with me like I’ve been doing to him, but I couldn’t help but feel so flustered by his actions.
His pale blue eyes locked onto mine and stayed there. I sighed and pulled myself out of his grasp, moving my chair back in place. He started laughing as I tried to even out my breathing. “Looks like he can’t handle it when someone plays his game against him” 
I rolled my eyes. “I can, you just haven’t done that before and it caught me off guard.” I looked down at my desk, my heart still pounding beneath my chest. Suddenly I could feel his breath on my ear.
“Sure thing, pretty boy.” He whispered and I had to stop myself from shuddering.”Have something you want to share with the class, Mr. Woods?” I didn’t even notice when the teacher walked in the room.
He pulled back, suddenly very awake now. “Nope, not at all Mr. Smith.” a few girls giggled at his response. Mr. Smith shrugged and went back to writing on the whiteboard. 
I looked back over at him and his eyes met mine. He winked then looked at the board. So he’s really gonna do this? Lord have mercy. I’ve gotta get used to this if I want to keep messing with him. 
The next class seemed to last forever, I was glad when it was over, being one of the first students to leave. I went over to my bike, picking it up and getting on.
The ride to my house was a blur, I wasn’t focused on anything in particular. I just wanted to get home. 
I make it home and I set my bike down outside, taking my keys out of my pocket and opening the door. I look around and notice John wasn’t there. I let out a sigh of relief. 
I go to the kitchen, looking around for something I can eat. There was nothing around that I really wanted, but my eyes landed on John’s wallet. I pondered the idea for a moment, and decided why the hell not.
As much as I hate to say it, he’s my dad which means technically I should be allowed to use his card for food since he can’t do it himself. I go through it and take his card out, shoving it in my back pocket. 
I put his wallet down where I found it and made my way to my room. I set my bag down and pull my phone out of my pocket. I had two messages from  a number I didn’t recognize. 
I opened it. ‘Hey !! It’s Lily. The bar’s address is…’, ‘Oh and you should try and wear something less teenage looking. I still think it’s a good idea to look as old as possible.’
I saved her number in my phone and sighed. I closed and locked my door, walking over to my full length mirror. These pants should be fine, but I should put on a different shirt. 
I go to my dresser and look through my shirts, carefully picking out which one wouldn’t scream angsty teenager. It was a Metallica shirt, so it should work. It doesn’t scream angsty teenager from this year. 
I slipped my Linkin Park shirt off and replaced it with the Metallica one. 
I went to the bathroom, taking a good look in the mirror. I guess I shouldn’t put on any makeup. I wonder if we’re going to be drinking tonight. I know she said the owner didn’t want us to, but you never know what happens.
I kinda hope we do, it’s been way too long since I’ve gotten drunk. I go back to my room and plop down on my bed after making sure the door is locked. I check the time on my phone.
I’ve still got a few hours until I have to be at the bar, but I don’t want to be alone with John again today. I go through my contacts and click on Gage’s. I got it on Tuesday, when I was teasing him about not giving it to me. 
He blushed and just blurted it out. I didn’t even mean for him to do it, but I’m very glad I got it. I send him a text saying: ‘Hey Gage, it’s Y/N. Do you wanna hang out for a bit?’ 
Not even a minute later, I get a text back. ‘Sure! What do you wanna do?’ I catch myself smiling at my phone. I’m happy that I have someone to spend time with.
‘Do you have a DVD player?’ ‘Yeah, what’re you thinking?’ ‘Maybe we can watch that movie I talked to you about, the one about the demon?’ ‘That’d be cool! Need me to come pick you up?’ 
I thought about it, chewing on the skin on my bottom lip. It’d be nice to ride with him, but that’d probably mean John would want to meet him..
‘Nah, I can take my bike there. What’s your address?’ I get up and take my backpack, shoving some clothes in it along with my deodorant, hairbrush, and other small stuff. 
After he sent me the address, I asked him if I could come spend the night after I left the bar. I told him about my plans earlier at lunch, so he already knew I was going.
I couldn’t help but get excited when he said I could. I haven’t been out of the house in way too long and it’s been killing me. After so long of having to answer my dad’s constant string of repeated questions and having so many arguments with him, it started driving me crazy.
I sling my backpack onto one shoulder, heading out my room to the bathroom. I take my toothbrush and my meds, putting them in the backpack as well.
I walk to the front door, placing the bag down. I make sure John’s card and my phone are in my pockets before letting out a deep sigh. I make my way back down the hall and to his door.
I open it to see him sleeping on his bed, a pile of what I assume to be dirty clothes on the corner of it. “Dad?” I push myself to shove him awake. His eyes roll open lazily. 
“Huh? What is it?” I took a deep breath. “Can I spend the night at Xander’s tonight?” I asked. I knew he wouldn’t know who Gage is, and I really don’t feel like explaining to him right now. 
He knows who Xander is, surprisingly, I guess because I’ve known him for so long. He groaned, turning over to the other side. “Yeah, go ahead.” I smiled. “Thanks.” He grumbled a “You’re welcome” and I left.
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band--psycho · 1 year
Young!Remus Lupin x Reader- You're Here
It's been a while since I've written a Young!Remus Lupin story!
Thank you so much @xacatalepsyx for helping me with this story for my Christmas Writing Challenge!
Warning: Grief
Prompt - I wasn't going to let you spend Christmas alone
This isn't exactly the happiest of stories; but I think it's always to import that Christmas can be a difficult time for people too!
Y/n was staring numbly at her surroundings, taking in the bright twinkling lights, the cheery ornaments and the cheesy Christmas music playing in the background.
She’d spent most of the day putting up all of the decorations.Christmas was her favorite time of year, it had been ever since she was little. So decorating her house was a habit.
But this year was different. 
Normally putting up Christmas decorations had always managed to cheer her up, always made things seem brighter, no matter how much shit had happened. 
It was almost like her own form of therapy. 
But this year; she did not feel happy, hopeful, excited or festive. 
She just felt hollow.
Like her heart had been ripped out of her body. 
Memories of Christmas’ gone by kept flashing in her mind. 
Memories that she wanted so desperately to remember and keep ahold of whilst equally wishing she could forget them.
How was that possible? To want to remember and forget a memory in equal measure? 
Remembering previous Christmas’ were painful; and the memories kept dragging her to depths she was struggling more and more to rise from.
This time last year, Y/n, Lily, and the boys, had all been preparing together. They were all decorating each other's houses, baking Christmas treats, belting out Christmas songs at the top of their lungs, shopping…
This time this year; they’d planned on having an extra member of their group; Lily and James’ baby, Harry. Y/n had even got him a baby’s Christmas ornament to place on the tree…but that decoration remained in the box it arrived in, purely because Y/n knew how much pain it would cause her to see it again. 
She was trying so hard to hold it together.
But then her eyes gazed down at the homemade Christmas silver and gold, glittery star that she was holding in her hands and that’s when the dam broke. 
The pitter patter of tears hitting the handmade ornament has her raising it out of the way, holding it up so you can get a better look at it.
Her mind wandered back to a simpler time and an easier time; when she still had her chosen family. 
Memories of James and Sirius arguing over what colour the star should be fills her mind; and as much as she wants to push it aside, to forget the memory entirely she can’t help but allow the memory to sweep her up in its embrace. 
It was years ago now, Y/n and Lily had attempted to explain some more muggle traditions behind Christmas, granted both of them were quite confused by some of the traditions but, they both immediately had taken a liking to the idea of having a star in the Gryffindor common room. 
Remus of course had been the brains behind putting the base together, and he merely sat with Y/n and Lily, eating Christmas cookies as the boys argued. Peter, bless him, had tried to be a mediator but to no one’s surprise he gave up in the end, when both boys decided that two colours would be better than one. 
Simpler and easier times.
She hiccuped a laugh at the thought. When a silly color had been their biggest concern. 
And now they were gone. Lily, James, Peter… Sirius. Even Remus.
She hugged the star to her chest and dropped down to her knees, her tears wracking through her body as the weight of her own grief overwhelmed her.
How did it come to this? In one night, she had lost everything. 
They were gone… lily and James. Peter. Sirius. Even Remus had left.
James, Lily, Peter and Sirius, they were out of her reach, gone forever. 
But Remus, despite how close the two were becoming in the months prior to everything, he had left. Left her on her own and she couldn’t figure out why. 
She didn’t blame him. 
Y/n understood better than most what he was feeling, but couldn’t help but hate that he had left her like this. 
At least if they were together they could comfort one another in moments like this.
She didn’t know where he was, or what he was doing but she had hoped he might make an appearance.
It sounds cliche but over the years at Hogwarts, her friends had become like her family…and right now, she just wanted her family back.
She wanted to hear Remus’ sassy retorts to Sirius, Lily's infectious laugh, Sirius’ and James' constant bickering as well as their surprisingly good singing voices and Peter's constant questions about Christmas. 
But things couldn’t go back to how they were, how could they? 
Falling to her side, curling into the fetal position, she holds the star close; like it’s the only thing that’s stopping her from completely falling apart. 
She doesn’t know how long she was like that; giving into the weight that had been slowly crushing her for months now. 
In the silence of her tears; Y/n heard a knock at the door; the sound of the faint knock was enough to drag her out of the painful memories racing through her mind. 
At first, she thought she was hearing things, perhaps it was her imagination playing tricks on her, it wouldn’t have been a shock she’d hadn’t slept properly for months now. 
Then she heard a knock on the door again, louder than before. 
Slowly, she sat up, quickly wiping away her tears in a fruitless attempt to clean herself up before she pushed herself to her feet, placing the star down on a cushion on the sofa beside her. 
Then she began to make her beau to the door; glancing up at the clock she saw that it was nearly ten in the evening. That was enough to have Y/n questioning who was outside her door, perhaps it was Dumblrdore or McGonagall, they’d both been to check on her previously so it wouldn’t be that off. She was fairly certain it wasn’t any type of enemy, given the fact that an enemy probably wouldn’t knock. 
Pure shock came over Y/n as she looked through the peephole of her front door to see who it was that was outside. 
“Can’t be,” she whispered to herself, a shaky breath slipping past her lips, her mind racing.
“I can hear you, you know…”
Despite being muffled with the wooden barrier of the door between you, his voice still sends a shiver down her spine. Husky, and low.
He seems to bite his tongue as she reaches out to spin the locks, the noise putting his dialogue on hold as he waits to see her face to face. 
As she tentatively swings the door open towards her, he straightens himself up from his previously slightly slouched position. He had clearly attempted to make it easier for her to see him, knowing she’d look to see who it was.
“Surprise…” he mumbled weakly. His voice was rough, as though he hadn’t used it lately, and you could definitely believe that. Had he been hiding away as well? She thought he wouldn’t turn up, he’d been gone for nearly two months, so why did he decide to make an appearance now?
Tilting her head at the thought, she took a step back in order to get a better look at him, the words falling from her mouth before she could process them, her mind trying to work out if it was really seeing Remus Lupin before that was standing before her. 
“What are you doing here? I thought…”
Seeming to pick up on your state of disbelief and confusion, he offers.
“I wasn’t going to let you spend Christmas alone.”
Once again, Y/n can feel tears building, blurring her vision as they started to fall from her eyes. 
Smile falling, Remus crosses the threshold, closing the distance between the two of them. He shuts the door over as he does so, enclosing Y/within the privacy of your hallway. 
“Y/N, I- '' before he could utter another syllable she threw herself  into his chest, arms wrapping around his waist as she held him tightly, fearing that if she loosened her grip even for a second, he’d disappear again.
Remus himself didn’t waste a second before returning the affection, leaning down to hold her close, both of them seeking comfort in one another after months apart. 
He buried his head in the dip between her shoulder and her neck, the shaky breath that escapes him warms her neck, but what really gets her attention is the feeling of liquid sliding down your collarbone.
Not a second passes before she realised that Remus was also crying. In all the years you had known him you’d seen him cry once after a full moon, but this was different. 
He wasn’t mourning himself, like Y/n, he was grieving for what couldn’t be. 
And I’m this moment, both he and Y/n were two broken souls seeking refuge in one another. 
“You decorated.” It wasn’t a question, she could tell he wasn’t surprised, and she knew he wouldn’t judge her for it, he’d known her for all these years, so he knew how much she adored Christmas.
“I wanted a bit of normality, I thought… I know it’s silly, but I thought it might help me.”
When she thought about it, it had helped a little bit, going through the boxes of old decorations, falling into this tradition from childhood, had helped a little bit. Things didn’t seem as dreary in the apartment that once hosted so many. 
“It isn’t silly at all, you did a wonderful job.” His soft admission drew her attention to his gaze, only to find him smiling down at her. She noticed his eyes were still red from the tears, much like hers probably did. 
He looked worn down and exhausted. But still handsome.
“Thank you. There’s just one more thing though.” Turning away from him she made her way over to the sofa, reaching out to grab the one thing she had yet to put in its place.
“Oh? And what’s that?” 
A small smile tugged at Y/n's lips, she  had piqued his curiosity, she could tell by the way the pitch of his voice increased.
She couldn’t help but notice the glitter left in its place upon the cushion, but made no effort to swipe it away, instead she turned back to Remus and held it out to him.
“You kept it?” He asked, feeling another tear slip down his cheek as he gently took  hold of the star; examining it closely. 
Y/n could tell by the look that was growing in Remus’ eyes that he was clearly reliving the same memories that she had done earlier in the night. 
“Of course I did,” she stated softly; gently wrapping a hand around his wrist, before pulling him over to the tree. 
Yes they could’ve used magic to place the star on top of the tree; but in all the years since the star had been made, one of the members of the group had always placed the star upon the tree. 
It was something James and Sirius would quite  often fight over; until either Lily or Y/n took it from them and placed it there themselves. 
Remus had rarely ever placed the star upon the tree even though he was probably the tallest out of everyone in the group. 
“Would you like to do the honors?” Y/n asked, glancing between Remus and the top of the Christmas tree.
“I’d be happy to, sweetheart, ” the words fell from his lips effortlessly, placing a soft kiss on Y/n's forehead before he reached up slightly to place the star in its pride of place.
@gloryekaterina @jamie-lee666 @heyitskat101 @megaprincesscakes @skyofficialxx @thatguppienamedbae @greengecko @findzelda @ciannemar83 @trishizzl @amaryllis23 @medalloway-blog @aboukie @quirky-eclectic @munsinner @darthwheezely @ashlovesthemarauders @bxnnywatts @lexondeck @the-chaotic-cow @misshale21 @msmarvelknight @invisible-ninja @meteora-fc @howlingmadlady @choochoo284 @daedreamss @mysticalmermaidlove @realandloud @alexxavicry @instabull @myaloveee @simonsbluee @elliewigginton20 @eichenhouseproperty @whoreforpsychopaths @drabby-abby @samanthaofanarchy @xxemberlights @navs-bhat @tinystudentmiracle @laneynoir @livy26600
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albatmobile · 10 months
Have you ever written Kori with alien anatomy/tentacles/ovipositor porn 👀👀?
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i could be lonely with you (and you) pt. 2
[part 1] || ao3
𓅪 Rated: E | 7.7k includes: possessiveness, realization, conflicted feelings, loneliness, eventual smut, voyeurism, ovipositor, alien dildo, egg laying, threesome, strapon sex, first times, double dildos, scissoring, oral, fem dom, multiple orgasms
𓅪 established kori x roy, eventual fem!reader x roy harper, fem!reader x kori, fem!reader x kori x roy harper
You’re at your place, body nestled between her thick legs and head between her lofty chest when she asks the question.
“Would you want to stay the night with Roy and me?” Roy. You can’t help the instant frown that settles across your face. She senses your shift in mood and her hand easily reaches down to cup your face. “Are you alright?” she moves her hand to touch the back of it to your forehead. “Your temperature seems perfectly normal.”
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You brush her hand off to hide your blush, though you instantly regret it when you see her hurt face.
“I’m fine, Kori,” you sigh, reaching up to kiss her neck. "Swear," your voice rumbles lowly against her tan skin.
You pause, waiting for her to tell you to get the fuck off of her, but she doesn’t. In fact, if you’re being completely honest, she looks… embarrassed?
You gulp, conjuring up an excuse that never comes.
She speaks before you can ramble out your half-thought-out excuse that you’d actually meant to bite her.
Her wide eyes gaze down at you with their usual innocent appearance, “You are coming over, yes?”
You flip around so you’re chest to chest with your feet kicking up behind you absentmindedly. The effect this woman has on you…
“Yeah,” she beams at your response and you easily return the gesture. “I guess it’s time I meet your friend, right?” she nods quickly, not correcting you.
She only ever talks about him every other second. ‘Roy took me to the park,’ ‘Roy got me new hair ties,’ ‘Roy wants to be the Ken to my Barbie for Halloween.’ 
Roy this, Roy that. It makes you sick. 
Kori is yours.
So, if Roy’s truly just a friend, you won't hesitate to stake your claim.
“You’ll love him just as I do!” 
She, however, doesn’t suspect an ounce of your hesitation. 
You pack your shit to leave for her house for the night because god forbid, you skip your skincare routine for a single night.
Luckily, Roy’s not there when you arrive at her place. 
You go about your usual touching, pressing up against her body languidly as she fixes the two of you snacks. Well, what actually ends up happening is she burns the popcorn and, somehow, the potato chips (???) before you push her aside and take over.
She sidles up behind you and wraps her long, tanned arms around your front before drawing you against her chest. 
With your snacks secured, you easily allow her to pick you up and carry you over to the couch. 
You’re only wearing an oversized tee she'd left at your place the other week and a thong. All this being said, when she lifts you, the shirt lifts too, exposing, well, everything.
“So you do not spill,” she claims as she carries you on her hip, accentuating your large height difference. You’re eating it up, practically vibrating against her side out of sheer joy. 
You end up vibrating a little too much and end up falling face-first into her cleavage to save the chips from dropping to the floor.
This is when the door opens.
How fucking convenient.
Kori spins around quickly. You shift your weight around on the side of your hip as if you’re riding a mechanical bull to maintain your balance.
“Oh, Roy!” 
You can hear the happiness in her voice, but you’re too busy glaring at the intrusion to look up at her beautiful face. Well, you chance a glance up at her before settling back on Roy, maybe just a quick look.
Roy’s hot.
There’s no way you can compete with his fiery locks and emerald ires, but you’re sure as fuck going to try.
You can't let him have her. 
No, you refuse to give her up when you want her this bad. 
So, you do the most logical thing; you ham it up. You press salaciously against her side, nearly grinding into her warm skin in the process, glaring at Roy all the while.
You whisper a joke into her ear, pulling back to witness the beautiful chime of her laugh. 
You watch as Roy sets down the bags in his hands on the kitchen counter, his eyes never leaving yours.
Kori is yours.
Roy’s flashing eyes submit to you. 
Now he knows it, too.
“Roy, this is,” Kori says your name. You shiver as her mouth forms around a word you’ve never felt sounded so special until this moment. 
“Hey,” you nod your head nonchalantly his way.
“Hey,” he repeats lamely as his eyes take in the scene in front of him, seemingly in disbelief. His eyes lowly trail from Kori's bare legs to your fully exposed ass cheeks. He pulls it together quickly enough once Kori moves over to the couch. He clears his throat as she perches you in her lap. “What’s up?”
He's not slick and your unimpressed stare shows it.
“We are going to watch a movie!” Kori responds when you and Roy continue your staring contest right where you’d left off. 
His green eyes never leave yours as he unpacks whatever groceries he brought in until he physically has to look away to put them in the fridge. As soon as he turns back around, the contest is back on.
“That’s cool, Star,” you narrow your eyes at him. What, does he think him throwing out a nickname for her will throw you off? You’re in her lap, motherfucker. Suck on that. “Mind if I join y’all?”
You shrug, nestling into Kori’s chest as you face the screen where she’s browsing. You hear Roy chuckle from off in the kitchen. Whatever, he may have won the pissing match, but it only adds fuel to your singeing flame. 
She starts feeding you popcorn before throwing the remaining kernels in her mouth, eyes never once leaving the screen. You, however, can’t say the same. 
It’s hard not to watch her when she’s living, breathing art. 
Kori is beauty in its rawest and ethereal sense in a way you never could’ve imagined had this woman not been in front of you at this very moment. You know you’re blushing and you know she’s probably about ready to notice your lingering gaze, but you can’t bring yourself to look away.
You feel Roy’s eyes on you. The feeling you’d felt earlier stings at the side of your face like a constant, read: annoying, reminder that he’s still here. You allow your eyes to leave her face languidly in order to meet his staring head-on. He ducks his head, orange hair shaking in its wake. Without another word, he crosses the room and plops down on the couch right next to Kori’s.
Your breath catches unexpectedly in your throat when he throws his arm around the back of the couch. Your heart is like a jackhammer against your rib case. Being this close to them, you hope neither can hear its pathetic racket.
“I have never heard either of you be so quiet,” Kori jokes, causing your back to straighten inadvertently as you feel two sets of green eyes resting on you. “Surely I am not the talkative one, no?”
“You’re perfect,” you answer before Roy can even open his mouth.
“She is so funny, Roy,” she giggles, batting lightly at your upper arm with her usual breathtaking charm. “Do you not agree?”
You turn your head to face him in a ballsy move that even he doesn’t seem to expect.
His open mouth falters before he's able to school his expression, “Hilarious.”
You smirk, turning around and obnoxiously snuggle back into her cleavage. You’re surprised when her arms come around you and she moves to cradle you in her lap. This new position means you’re now looking directly at Roy with his hand dangling dangerously close to your head.
“Are you comfortable?” Kori looks down at you at Roy’s question. The way she peers down at you is as if you’re an adorable baby in her arms, which is honestly how you feel. 
You just nod, not giving him the satisfaction of stuttering out a response.
You narrow your eyes as you stare at whatever movie Kori put on, though you can’t actually focus on anything on the screen with Roy’s unwavering gaze settled on you. You do the only logical thing- you rest your head on her tit, bumping your head against Roy’s arm, which is still snug around her shoulders. You feel his hand tense, but Kori’s pleased sigh quickly stops both you and Roy in your tracks. Your eyes flicker to the side of her face and a quick glance up and over proves Roy’s doing the same. 
Your eyes meet again, but this time, you look away without a challenge, hating the way you feel a blush coming on. It doesn’t help that Kori’s leaning in to giggle, nearly bumping foreheads at every stupid joke the movie throws your way.
You still have no idea what the fuck you’re watching, but apparently, there’s yoga in it.
“We learned this move last week!” Kori nearly throws you off the couch as she points at the screen where they’re doing a double downward dog. She pats at your side and deposits you on the floor before you can even blink and bends down into downward dog. “You will be the top, okay?”
You sputter out what you hope is not too pathetic of a response and quickly bend down into the move before you can even realize what your body’s doing.
Is she a hypnotist or something?
The things you do for her…
Your feet are technically supposed to rest just above her lower back to anchor your position, but her torso is far too long. In class, after a fair amount of tries, you finally realized you needed to put your feet closer to her upper back more than anything, so now you make the correction. 
She settles into the pose, shifting as she does, leaving your back to arch as your anchor, Kori, moves. Now, you’re staring down at the back of her head and right smack at Roy’s face.
“Oh, damn.”
The new voice startles you so much you end up shakily somersaulting off of Kori’s back. You end up with your legs eagle-spread at the feet of someone who looks like the very definition of trouble.
You must’ve said this out loud because he chuckles lowly as he moves to help you off the ground, “Guess I’ll have to stick around so you can know for sure, then.”
You eye him up and down warily, “Whatever the fuck that means.” You do, however, accept his extended hand as he helps you up off the floor. You allow the touch to linger, looking into his green eyes and nearly rolling your own at how perfect he is. 
Why does everyone Kori knows have to be an actual god?
Soon enough, Kori’s bounding across the room to check on you, “Are you alright?” she gathers you up in her arms, fully extending them outward to check you over for any possible injuries. “Are you hurt at all?”
“Yeah,” Of course, Roy can’t resist being left out. “You sure took quite a tumble there,” he walks over, seeming to have a conversation with the new man solely through their shared eye contact as he does.
You glare at Roy still within Kori’s loving grasp, “Peachy.”
The skunk-striped-hair motherfucker laughs from behind you, startling you. Kori releases you back to the ground but pulls you securely against her front.
“I dropped by because I need you to check out something on my bike, Roy.”
Roy’s eyes widen, though you’re not sure why until you notice the raven-haired man slyly checking you out.
You will not blush. 
You refuse to blush. 
You’re blushing.
It’s Roy’s turn to smirk and you fucking hate him for it. You’re sure it’s written all over your face because both he and Jason share another fucking look before disappearing out the door with stifled snickers.
“Will you braid my hair?”
You snort. Of course, Kori would be completely oblivious to the pissing matches going on, not even two feet in front of her.
“You already know I’m obsessed with it.”
To prove your point, you run your fingers through her thick, long locks. You make grabby hands for her to lift you up and she easily obeys, picking you up as she had earlier before depositing you back on the couch. You spread your legs wide and pat for her to scoot back for you to begin. While you’re braiding, she scoops up your feet into her lap to paint your toenails her signature bubblegum pink.
You’re both babbling about your usual topics, giggling like idiots when she finally brings up the elephant in the room.
“Now that you have met Roy and Jason,” She’s mentioned Jason a few times, namely that he and Roy are best friends. You probably should’ve pieced together that he was the dark-haired man who'd just left with Roy. “We should go on the double date!”
You pause your braiding instantly, “Jason and Roy are dating?”
They seem fruity enough that you can believe it, but it still catches you off guard. Nevertheless, at least Roy isn’t the threat you’d originally thought him to be.
She laughs, though, throwing her head back and nearly messing up your braiding progress. The sound she howls out is an awful-sounding laugh that leaves you no choice but to join in. 
“No, silly, I meant me and Roy and you and Jason.”
Her and…
You and…
Your hands still in her fiery tresses. “You and Roy are dating?”
‘He is the best friend who is a boy-’
She'd meant to say Roy's the best boyfriend, holy fuck. How did you miss that?
“Our third-year anniversary is on Halloween!”
You feel pathetic that your first response is to cry, but it is. You attempt to shove the tears down your throat, but they’re already wobbling up, stinging and suffocating you all the while, “That’s cool.”
You could at least try to sound more convincing.
She turns around at your pained voice, “What is the matter?” 
You have to tell her.
How can you not tell her now?
“Kori, I…” You trail off, completely ready to bare everything, when the door opens back up to reveal Roy’s dumb, greasy head. You wipe quickly at your face, using Kori’s excessive height to duck from his view.
If Kori notices, she doesn’t say anything, only begins chatting amicably with her boyfriend about Jason and a double date.
Roy says your name. You look up automatically, forgetting your current tear-stained state and curse yourself when you see his shocked eyes.
This is too much.
If Kori weren’t squishing you against the arm of the couch with her back, you would’ve been long gone. 
For some reason, though, you can’t find it in yourself to ask her to move. You’re frozen like a deer in headlights.
“Are you okay?”
It’s Roy’s annoying ass who speaks. 
Whatever tears you managed to stuff down now boil over and begin to spill out freely. Kori flips around onto her knees to put both her hands on your shoulders as she takes in your sobbing face.
“What has happened?!” her kind eyes take in the streaks running down your cheeks with concern, “Are you hurt?” she asks you for the second time today, but for the first time, the answer is yes. 
Yes, you’re hurt. 
No, you’re not okay.
“I-” You take a calming breath as she wipes away the slow tears that trickle from your eyes. It only serves to upset you further, realizing if you tell her what’s wrong, all of this touching, all of this closeness will have to come to an end.
You’ll lose your friend.
Your only friend.   You try again, but the words refuse to come out.
Roy’s still standing awkwardly off to the side as if debating whether or not to act while his girlfriend faces you and automatically begins to comfort you. Her fingers trickle ticklishly up and down your arms, distracting you from your plight. 
Her being able to calm you, though it only serves to remind you of your plight because she’s always able to melt your worries away by just being Kori.
You sigh, mentally preparing yourself for the ramifications of your admission. 
You can’t even look at her. No, your eyes remain fixated on their popcorn ceiling.
“You, we… Ugh.” You’re becoming frustrated that you can’t just come right out and say it. “When we met, Kori, I was in a really bad place,” your eyes flicker to hers at her quiet, pained reaction to your statement. God, she’s so. fucking. perfect. “My friends pretty much left me in the dust and you just kind of, well, I guess I just kind of bumped into your life at the perfect time,” she smiles lightly at the mention of you falling into her at your first yoga class. You can’t admit it. Fuck. You want to, but fuck. “I was really lonely and I’m really glad for your friendship.”
Your last sentence is spewed in haste as if racing out of your mouth before you lose the courage.
Even hearing it in the quiet of the apartment, the word ‘friendship’ stings on your tongue, emanating down to a feeling that lodges uncomfortably deep in your throat.
Her angelic voice quells the new tears you feel stirring. “I am very glad for your friendship as well,” she takes your hands into her larger ones. You can’t help but notice how nice your hands look in hers. Like they’re meant to stay like this forever in her grasp. “It has been the same for me as well,” she self-consciously tucks a strand of her red hair behind her tanned, pierced ear. You follow the movement easily. “I have never had a good friend until you, nor have I ever met anyone like you.”
Your eyes instantly snap to where Roy’s taking in the scene in front of him with an unreadable gaze behind his emerald eyes.
Her reassuring words only make you break down even more. “I’ve been so lonely for so long,” she nods like she understands, but you don’t think she really understands what you’re about to say. You say it anyway, “And I finally thought that maybe this wasn’t just a friendship.”
“Oh,” Kori seems genuinely stunned. Roy, on the other hand, looks like you’ve finally confirmed his suspicions.  
Fuck him. 
“And I know you’re not even fucking gay,” The words are breathed like a sigh, rushed and slurred as you unsurely bare your heart. “I really don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable and I hope I haven’t-” 
She leans in and kisses you without hesitation.
You’re not sure if it’s you or Roy who gasps, but it’s audible.
Her sweet scent that keeps you up at night swirls around you, swallowing you whole with each glide of your lips against her soft ones. You can’t stop the moan that escapes when her fingers thread through your hair to pull you into a deeper angle.
Your heart is damn near beating out of your chest with every timid flick of your tongue against hers, worried you’ll do something wrong. Based on her pleased hums and gasps, you don’t think you should be so worried.
It’s bliss; pure bliss.
When you finally break apart, the name that rolls off her tongue nearly breaks your heart in two, “Roy.”
Roy obediently makes his way over to stand beside her, though the entire time, his eyes remain on you.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Watch us,” her iridescent eyes flicker to his with a fire you’ve never witnessed before.
You can’t help but stare, astonished as your heart mends itself in milliseconds. 
Watch us what?
Kori gently squeezes your hand, which still rests in her own, before carrying you bridal-style to her, no, their bedroom. 
Holy shit.
The expression on your face seems to portray this because Kori chuckles lowly, taking in your small form in her arms.
“Yes, ma’am,” comes Roy’s distracted voice, following from behind. With the abashed way he’s acting, you don’t think this is something they’ve ever done before and can’t help but preen at the thought that you’re the only one they’d do this with.
Kori gently deposits you on the bed, stepping back so she and Roy can examine you. 
Your wide eyes slide between the two of them, waiting for someone to say, ‘psych,’ but it never comes. Instead, Kori puts her knee on the bed and slowly begins to crawl toward you.
Your breath hitches in your throat as she closes the distance between you. Her eyes slide closed and you melt into her hold as she draws your startled body in for a deep, wet kiss. 
“What do you want from me?” your head’s in a daze as you slowly shake your head in confusion. Your lips slide along her wet ones with the movement and your close proximity.
It’s an honest question.
You bared your heart to her and she kissed you, but what does it mean?
Is this all just entertainment for Roy, or does she actually want you?
She draws your chin up with one of her manicured fingers. “I want all of you, every single inch of you,” you gasp, but she only takes it as encouragement to continue. “I want your laughter, your adorable smiles,” she bites your lip while she openly eyes you up, “I want your touch. I want your everything, though it is not so much a want as it is a need.”
“Kori,” you shake your head in disbelief.
“I need you,” your name rolling off her tongue has you arching into her grasp. “I need all of you,” she finishes with a whisper, no, a promise, against your quivering lips.
This time, it’s you who makes the first move. You throw your arms around her neck, drawing her plump lips against yours desperately as if she might change her mind if you hesitate.
Her tongue slips into your mouth, tangling lewdly with yours even as she’s pulling away. Saliva strings between the two of you as your part, but it’s only for a breath before she’s pulling you right back in. You can’t hold back the moan that releases into the quiet, wet noises of her bedroom, startling away from her when it does.
“Sorry,” you rapidly shake your head, feeling the blazing heat of the blush settles across, well, your entire face and being. “I-”
“Hush,” she cuts you off with a delicate manicured finger to your slick lips. “Do not be sorry. I want to hear all of your wonderful noises.”
As if on command, you breathily sigh, startling back once again when you hear the harsh tear of a zipper.
Your attention shifts to Roy, who looks terrified under your scrutiny, though you’d honestly just forgotten he was even there in the first place. 
“Sorry,” he says, holding up his hands as if he’d been caught red-handed. 
You can’t help but throw your head back and laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole situation. 
“I must admit, I have never, uh,” Kori motions down to your crotch and you follow the motion self-consciously, “Partaken.”
“Partaken?” you quirk your head at her.
When she continues to fumble, Roy steps in for her, “She’s never been with a woman before.”
"Oh," your eyes widen while Roy’s emerald ones stare you down, though you’re more focused on his tenting problem. Your stomach feels giddy when you reveal much of the same. “Neither have I.”
Roy’s practically drooling, no, never mind, he’s actually drooling and you do the same when you turn around and come face to face with Kori’s perky tits.
“This is okay?” she takes your hands in hers and cups them around as much of her breasts as they’ll cover.
“Fuck yeah,” you breathe, nodding dumbly as you allow your hands to sink deep into her soft mounds. You squeeze them lightly, relishing in the soft moan she releases.
The entire time, neither she nor Roy remove their eyes from you. The whole thing’d probably be nerve-inducing had you not been so turned on by it.
Kori seems to sense you relaxing into the situation and gently begins to remove the shirt you’d borrowed from her. With it off, your breasts are exposed to the cold air and attention, leaving your nipples quickly become erect.
Though you want to cover yourself up, you allow yourself to do the opposite by spreading your thighs apart. Your swollen pussy lips have eaten your thong up, creating a more obscene display than you’d meant. 
“Shit,” Roy’s biting his bottom lip so hard it looks painful. You watch as he visibly restrains himself from rubbing at his leaking erection, seeming to nearly give in under your intense inspection of him. “Star, can I?”
Kori nods and he slowly approaches the bed, gauging your every minute reaction. You show no signs of hesitation, so he removes his jeans and gently places one knee on the mattress. He stops timidly as if waiting for you to protest, but it never comes.
He slides his shirt off next, watching you out of the corner of his eyes as he does so before fully climbing onto the bed next to you.
Your breathing quickens, realizing that, holyshityes, this is about to happen.
You draw Kori close with a coy finger under her chin. She slowly crawls across the mattress to meet your needy lips, molding her body against yours until your front is flush with hers.
“Fuck,” you can’t help but moan, sucking the tongue she slips further into your mouth with it. Your hands come up to press her lofty tits against yours, rubbing her nipples against your own to get the friction you’ve been craving so badly. “I want you so bad, Kori,” you shake your head, biting your bottom lip.
“Good,” she praises you as her thin fingers tease the lacy fabric of your panties into your leaking cunt. You blush under her unwavering attention as she relishes every gasp, every arch of your back, every buck of your hips into her touch.
Your clit twitches when her cold fingertip tickles at it. You imagine this is exactly how she plays with herself and groan at the lewd imagery.  
Your hand reaches out to stop her before she can make you come.
“Are you not enjoying?” she quickly attempts to cover up her body, but you’re not having it. “Am I not satisfactory for you?”
“That’s not it at all, babe.” You can’t believe what you’re hearing. You gently pull her arms away from her, running them up and down her long torso appreciatively, “You’re so fucking hot. It’s literally insane, Kori.”
She looks concerned now, “Then what seems to be the issue?”
Your eyes gleam impishly, “I want to last longer so I can make you feel good too.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about not lasting long enough,” Roy motions down to the thick gobs of come dripping down his hand. “‘Sides, you should enjoy too, beautiful,” you blush. He smirks and moves closer to you, though falters slightly when your mouth opens without thinking, “You want to taste my come?”
Your eyes flick over to Kori, but her hand’s found its way to her clit.
You nod shyly, languidly sticking your tongue out like you’re hungry for it. Your tongue slowly slides around his freckled fingers, creating light suction and a teasing flick of the tip of your tongue against his fingertips when you pull away. He watches, hypnotized as you make a show of swallowing his come. Some trickles down the corner of your mouth and Kori reaches over to remedy this.
She licks at the come before setting her attention back on you. “Thank him,” Kori’s voice is lowered, vibrating every part of your being in the most wicked of ways.
You stare owlishly at her, though she only motions for you to look Roy’s way. You gulp, obliging as you timidly face him, “Thank you.”
“Say his name.”
Your eyes flick up from the mattress back up to his shit-eating grin, “Thank you, Roy.” You take special care sounding out his name as you do so with your half-lidded fuck doll eyes.
His grin flickers and you watch as his dick stirs back to life.
If you were close before, you’re teetering dangerously on the edge, feeling the tantalizing iciness spreading from your sensitive nub all the way into your lower abdomen.
You move her delicate hand back to your pussy, guiding her manicured fingers past the slick fabric of your thong to rub against your wet folds. She briefly stops to situate herself behind you, just like how you usually snuggle on the couch, though, this time, it’s so much better.
The new angle means she can use her free hand to tease your nipples as she pleases, leaving you a withering mess against her toned body.
You come undone in her arms, blooming like a flower next to her boyfriend as she milks your come out of you obscenely. She fans out her fingers to inspect your slick as if it’s some foreign substance to her and, hell, it probably is. You’d never be able to tell from her skills, like, seriously… it’s hard to believe this is Kori’s first time with a woman.
Roy’s two fingers deep in his ass beside you. You nearly startle when you come to after your lust-filled haze to see how physically close he’s gotten. Hell, his legs are practically tangled with Kori’s and your own at this point.
 Luckily, he seems too busy to notice your original shock. 
Kori’s eyes no longer carry the innocence you’re used to and for good reason. She’s downright devilish as she moves to lap up your come and spits it back out on your cunt, only to slurp it back up. You watch, slick with want as she leans over your stomach to swap your arousal between her and Roy’s mouths for your entertainment. 
You watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head and the grip on his cock stutters obscenely. Kori’s lithe fingers wrap around his pink-tipped cock to prevent him from coming. 
Roy groans in frustration as her hand remains around his cock. She uses her free hand to push your mouth towards Roy’s drool-coated, chapped lips.
His whimpers and moans, coupled with his half-lidded, lucid eyes, leaving you no other choice than to give him the best kiss of his life. Your fingers tangle themselves in his greasy, strawberry locks while your body arches against his muscular abdomen. 
“Fuck, yeah,” Roy whispers excitedly, seemingly to himself. Meanwhile, he stares down at your naked body in his arms like he still can’t believe this is actually happening.
You snort but draw his lips to yours, nonetheless. 
His tongue eagerly begs for entrance into your mouth, which you oblige with a quick flick of your own tongue. You’re affronted with your own light musk as his tongue breaches into your mouth, causing you to release a wrecked moan, “Shit!”
“That’s what I like to hear, gorgeous,” he breaks apart from your mouth with a wet pop and a boyish smirk. 
Your fingers trail down to where your arousal remains slick against your twitching cunt. Your fingers glide through the thick substance, teasing your opening and clit as you go. “Fuck, yeah. You wanna touch yourself, baby?” you blush, looking at Kori for help, but startle forward into Roy’s muscular chest at the sight that meets you. “That’s her favorite one,” Roy whispers against the shell of your ear, kissing languidly down your neck after he does.
Kori’s propped up on the mattress with a thick, dragon-looking dildo bobbing in and out of her gorgeous pussy. You watch as her grip tightens and something seems to push from the dildo to stretch against her bright pink entrance. 
“What is that?” you breathe, turning your head and nearly kissing Roy in the process. 
“Ovipostitor, beautiful,” you quirk a brow, but he just nods his head over to where Kori’s showing you exactly what it does.
Kori’s effervescent, other-worldly eyes blink slowly at you as she pushes a purple, round object against her entrance. Her hole stretches the more she pushes.
You can’t just sit there and do nothing while watching the most erotic thing you’ve ever seen in your life. You break away from Roy, using your come-slicked fingers to taunt her clit, drawing a wanton moan from her.
The round object crowns, falling from her twitching hole onto the mattress with a wet squelch… an egg?
You need to taste her gorgeous pussy stat.
“This dildo,” she holds it up for you to inspect. “It deposits these weighted eggs into me,” she watches with heated eyes as your tongue slowly laps up her juices. The egg lightly bobs back into her with the gentle pressure of your tongue, leaving her to force it back out so you can repeat the motion, “You are sure you have never been with a woman, yes?” 
Kori seems entirely mesmerized with the way your tongue flicks against her clit, just as her fingers had done for you. You then rub at her clit, mixing your come with her arousal. 
You slurp at her sweetness as you come up for air to respond, “Pinky promise, Kori.”
She squeezes around another egg, whimpering when you immediately push it back inside her, completely absorbed in the way it disappears into her tight heat.
You don’t know what overcomes you, but you take the dildo and slowly insert it into her. Once she gets used to your pace, she uses a guiding hand to show you where to squeeze to release another egg into her already full cunt.
After a few languid thrusts, she halts your hand. You wonder if you’ve done something wrong until she speaks.
“I have always wanted to try the rock, paper, scissor,” Kori blinks down at you innocently. “Would you wish to try with me?”
You quirk a brow at her, removing the dildo completely, “The hand game?”
“Not hands, uh,” she looks up at the ceiling as if the word she’s looking for will magically appear. 
It doesn’t.
You both look to Roy, hoping for clarification, but he’s busy shoving three fingers into his tight hole and asks her to repeat herself.
“Scissoring, baby,” he groans, thrusting into his ass seemingly as soon as he realizes what she means. “She’s talking about- fuck,” Roy pants, desperately bucking his hips into the air. “Keeps fucking feeling like I’m about to come," he watches the two of you with eager eyes as you position your wet folds against hers once you confirm that, yes, she’s talking about scissoring. 
She cups your breasts, drawing you in for a toe-curling kiss as her slick heat twitches against your own. 
You unleash a pathetic groan, not even caring how raw your throat sounds when her clit snags deliciously against your own. You moan into her open mouth, savagely fucking your cunt against her like she’s your pillow at home.
You wrap yourself in her arms, watching how her ass arches and snaps into each thrust, jiggling her huge ass as she goes. You can feel your own cheeks clapping together, giving Roy an insanely obscene sight to jack off to.
You think it’s more so the fact that she’s whispering sweet nothing against your spit-soaked lips than her tits bouncing against your own that pulls you under again.
“I don’t wanna come again,” you shake your head with a pathetic pout, “Not until you come- UNH! I can’t- fuck!” you come again with your eyes trained on Roy as his girlfriend fucks another spine-tingling orgasm out of you, “Kori!” 
Roy bites his bottom lip, ceasing his movements, white-knuckled as you ride it out against her.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she continues to rub her slit against your spasming clit until your twitching finally ceases.
Roy wastes no time in rushing to eat her out, slurping up your come and her arousal before flashing you a wild, dripping grin.
Your hands tentatively move from Kori’s tanned skin to Roy’s pale, freckled skin, nearly pulling away when he arches at your touch. Kori sees you staring at his ass and motions for him to stop. 
He pulls away with a concerned look, wiping your come and Kori’s arousal from his rough lips as he does so.
“What’s wrong, Star?”
“You said you want me to come, yes?” her salaciously darkened eyes as they devour you whole. You blink owlishly, releasing a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding in. “Roy, would you bring me the strapless, please?”
“Strap?” you repeat dumbly, watching as Roy eagerly digs around in his nightstand and produces a giant, pink, thick-veined dildo that hooks into a shorter, thicker plug.
“Here,” Kori takes the strap from him and motions for you to kneel and spread your legs on the mattress. Her fingernails trickle along the sensitive skin on your inner thighs, grazing dangerously close to your over-stimulated nub as she slips the plug end of the dildo inside of you.
She scoots back with something pink clutched in her hand, admiring her work with cutely clasped hands, “It is comfortable for you, yes?”
It is.
Like, immensely so.
The strapless dildo cups your groin with tiny divots creating friction against your sensitive clit. The exuding end is at least seven inches long, though it’s half the width of the end currently nestled inside you. 
You nod, head whipping to stare at Roy. His breath catches in his throat at the sight of you experimentally stroking the veiny pink silicone.
“I’ve never met a girl like you before,” he repeats what Kori had said earlier as you rub lube over the strap. You motion for him to present himself to you.
He easily obeys, slipping his handsome hands to spread his pale, freckled cheeks. Your eyes widen as he does so. You definitely weren’t expecting this when Kori asked if you wanted to spend the night.
He’s blushing and you know you’re blushing, but Kori looks downright devilish. 
“Yeah, well, I’ve never met a girl like your girlfriend before,” you retort easily.
He stares back at you like he can’t believe this is real. Kori uses your distracted state to slip behind him and spread his legs even more obscenely for you. 
“And you’re gonna fuck me anyway?” his eyes are in slits and he’s practically drooling, biting his lip as your gorgeous curves languidly crawl towards him, positioning yourself as he pops the cap on some milky-looking lube.
His breaths come out even, as if he has to force himself to either A. breathe or B. remain calm. Either way, it’s not fooling you.
You can see just how affected he is by your domineering nature, from his blown-out pupils to his drooling cock. 
“And I’m gonna fuck you anyway,” you confirm, rubbing the lube over their strap. You exhale shakily as you line yourself up with his puckering hole. 
Neither seem to notice your nervousness, however. Kori seems entirely entranced with the way the tip of the strap grazes his entrance. She presses soft kisses across his freckled shoulders as you breach his tight hole. Meanwhile, Roy’s still preoccupied with regulating his breathing.
You slowly fuck into him, stopping your movements once you’ve inserted your full length. 
“You feel so good,” Roy rasps out your name around a breathy moan.
You bite your lip as you stare down at his needy, whimpering form. You haven’t even started and he’s already such a mess for you.
“You’re being so good,” you blink dumbly in disbelief that you'd actually responded to him out loud like that. “Uh,” you blink again, head shooting up to look at Kori for backup, but she’s currently three fingers deep in her cunt. 
Roy smiles wide, forearm moving to cover his eyes as you stare at him not knowing how to proceed. He suddenly peaks out from underneath his arm, freckled cheeks tinged a deliciously chaste pink, though you know nothing about Roy is chaste.
Case in point.
“Keep talking to me like that, darlin’ and I’ll be a goner for sure.”
“Shut up,” you groan with a swift roll of your eyes, smacking the side of his hip.
Roy’s face stretches into a wolfish grin like somehow you’re the prey, even with a dildo up his ass. “Just like that, yeah,” his sultry low voice rumbles into every part of your being.
You’re fucked.
So fucking fucked. 
They’re both perfect.
He winks and this time, when you smack the side of his hip, you do it harder. You’re not expecting him to moan, let alone how loud he moans, nearly over-exaggerated as if he’s begging for more.
Suddenly, you startle forward with a buck of your hips into Roy’s when toe-curling vibrations shake every part of your being. You and Roy both moan wantonly in unison from the new sensations. You stare down at the strap in question, tilting your head only to find Kori dangling a pink control from her perfectly manicured nails.
“I love seeing my favorite people getting along,” Roy and you moan again, giving her the only response she needs to hear to up the vibrations.
Roy’s withering on the mattress below you as you thrust in and out of his tightness at a shaky pace. The lube they'd used makes it look like you're fucking come in and out of his pink hole and it's doing things to you. You don’t think he’s once shut his mouth to stop moaning since you’d started and it was all you needed to continue to ruthlessly fuck into him. 
Kori squishes Roy against your bouncing tits as she teases her tongue into your mouth.
“Fuck yeah,” Roy motorboats your tits in front of him and Kori’s tits surrounding his head at the same time. “I fuckin’ love my life, man.”
“Who the fuck are you talking to?” How is Kori able to come when he babbles like a fucking idiot?
Roy laughs, but before he can get too cocky, Kori puts him back in his place.
Kori knows exactly what he wants and wastes no time in flipping him over, forcing him to present his ass to you as she shoves his face against her slick pussy. 
She allows you to fuck into him for a bit while Roy continues to draw pornstar moans from Kori before she stops him, tugging him off her cunt with a fistful of his strawberry hair, “Do you want to be spanked, Roy?” She’s smirking down at him like she already knows how pathetic his answer will be. “You can be rougher with him, you know?” She quirks her head cutely. “He will not break so easily, trust me,” she winks.
Roy groans, doubling his efforts lapping at her slick folds.
Your hands had been grasped around his hips but now slowly trailed to the freckled globes of his ass before stopping. It’s not like you didn’t want to spank him; you've just never done anything like this before.
You cradle his right cheek, caressing it as you pull out of his entrance and pull back to release a stinging smack as you thrust back in.
“FUCK!” Roy whimpers. You wonder if you’d done it too hard until his hips wriggle expectantly on your cock. You place a calming palm over where you just hit as you continue to meet his stuttering pace.
This time, you slap both sides in quick succession before grabbing a fistful of his red hair and rubbing his face into Kori’s cunt. When you allow him up for air, Kori’s quick to smash her lips against his, slurping her own want off his chapped lips until he’s a complete mess of incoherent moans and curses.
Realizing he’s close, Kori turns the vibrations to max, sending your hips snapping forward at a brutal pace into Roy’s pliant hole. She knows exactly how to make him come undone, but what she doesn’t expect is to draw another orgasm out of you. 
“Kori, please,” you beg, not knowing exactly what you’re begging for, only that it feels like your cunt’s ready to explode. “It feels so good, ROY!” you nearly cover your mouth, but Roy’s back arches even further into the mattress, giving you the perfect view of him and Kori at the same time.
It’s all too much, especially when Roy cries out. You lift up his head by his fiery hair, so you and Kori can both watch as he loses control.
You earn each and every wrecked moan your thrusts produce. 
Kori comes before he does; however, when she comes, the eggs she had inside pop out with a wet squelch right next to Roy’s panting face.
His eyes roll backward with a loud whine. You give him a few long, hard thrusts that leave his cock spurting white ribbons across one of Kori’s thick thighs. 
You collapse on top of him, apologizing profusely when he grunts from the impact. Kori, who hasn’t stopped grinning once, shifts to curl around your panting bodies as the three of you revel in the aftermath.
“That was,” Kori pauses as she thinks of the word, “Incredible!”
“But,” you pant as she draws the dildo from you. Liquid leaks from your cunt and onto their sheets as she does and forces a weak whimper from you, “You only came once.”
She throws her head back, fiery hair slipping around her naked form like a silky blanket and laughs, “I have come too many times to count, friends.”
You quirk a questioning brow at the nickname, you know, after you’d all just quite literally fucked. Though thinking back on how she referred to Roy when you first met, you can’t imagine wanting to be called anything else.
Flanked by two redheads, you definitely don’t feel alone anymore.
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A/N: what'd you think??? lemme know here and check out my other works tagged in the pinned link below!
[end]  || ao3 || pinned || my ko-fi / tip jar
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deceasedream69 · 2 years
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- "no, that's not true, you're lying", my voice raspy and my eyes glistening.
- "no need to keep the truth from her anymore, right darling?"
I turned to look at five.
- "I had no idea...", He said low.
- "you...", I shook my head. Nothing seemed real but it also made sense in some way. The reason why he was so nice with me.
- "that's why you were so good to me? The reason why you pretended to care? God!", I said sitting down and running my hands through my hair.
- "what? No, no. Not at all, I do care about you. I was just doing my job." He stood up. "Job that you made me do. You had this all planned didn't you?", He said standing in front of the handler.
- "oh, darling. I only give orders, you're the ones who make them come true", she said squeezing his cheek.
I exited the room.
- "there is no way to make them come back", said Five appearing in front of me.
- "can you at least let me grief them?", I said pushing him aside.
The air felt cold against my wet cheeks. I had no place to go, living my whole life with the commission, obeying to everything they said. To everything that my... "Mom" said.
- "it was so obvious this whole time..."
- "darling, I know you're upset and sad and... Other things, but we need you for a mission", said the handler standing in front of me all smiley like she didn't just drop the biggest bomb on me.
- "I don't want to work with Five"
- "oh, no no, don't worry about that, you have a new partner", she pointed behind me. I turned around.
The new girl seemed shy and nervous, just like me when I started I guess.
- "what's your name?"
- "we're only here to get this job, no need to refer to us as anything, just kill", I said entering the building. "8th floor, you go by the elevator and I go by the stairs, got it?"
- "that's the whole plan?"
- "and kill, but don't make a scene", I said walking away.
I was in my favorite spot to surprise my victims, the ceiling. Just waiting for them to get in the perfect spot to drop on their shoulders and slice their throats. Fast, little to no pain, don't even realize what happened.
But the moron of my partner had another idea.
*knock, knock, knock*
> they shouldn't have guests< I thought to myself.
- "oh, hi, how can I help you?", Attended the guy.
- "oh, I got lost and I need a phone, please"
I rolled my eyes at the stupid obvious excuse.
- "oh, sorry", he said trying to close the door. "But we don't have a phone here"
She used her foot to keep the door open, scaring the guy even more.
- "oh, come on. Shitty ass partner", I whispered.
- "please, or water, I just...", She started to cry.
- "I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do...", He said trying to close the door again.
This was my chance, his girlfriend was right below me. I kicked the ceiling, falling onto the girl and doing my move. My partner used this distraction to push the door and enter.
But the guy had another plan. He kicked my partner to the floor, grabbing her and throwing her at a glass table.
- "shit", I said dodging his punches. Until he had me against a wall. I grabbed a vase and hit him in the head. Running to check on my partner. "Get up you moron", that's when I noticed a big piece of glass on her stomach, and the lack of breathing.
- "no, no no no", said the guy looking at his girlfriend.
- "I guess we're even", I said getting my knived out. "Your turn"
He dodged every move I had. Even taking one of my knives and putting it against my throat.
I tried to pushed but he was strong, the blade already touching my skin.
He fell to the ground, axe on his back.
I sighed heavily and looked up.
- "you good?"
I nodded.
- "shit", he said taking a paper from his pocket and putting it on my neck. "Come on", be said adding pressure.
- "first mission... I'm not with you... And I fail", I smiled.
- "focus on living right now", he said holding me on his lap.
- "you were... My favorite partner... Until..."
- "I didn't mean to kill your parents, okay? If only I knew they did the most wonderful person in the entire world... I should've thank them"
I smiled weakly.
- "flowers? Who would've thought Mr. Number Five was such a-"
- "gentleman?" He said fixing his tie.
- "cliche", I smiled. He rolled his eyes.
- "got them from a vase in my most recent mission"
- "oh, how romantic", I said smelling them."they barely have blood too, thanks"
He laughed.
- "I'm sorry", he said sitting on my bed.
- "I understand... I just needed time to... Process everything"
- "I have a plan"
- "plan?"
- "are you willing to time travel with me?"
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aagiijxbls · 7 months
Has anyone heard the song ‘one of us’ by Creeper and thought… holy shit this is Steve thinking about Bucky? 
I'm changing pronouns in the song and swapped velvet for leather.
I'm about to analyze the shit out of this. (Well not really but it's my head cannon for this song)
So get ready for a ramble post with visual aids. If the artists (who have been credited) don't wish to have their art on this post please let me know! I will take them down.
Now, lets get into it.
-“Boy, when you showed up here there was no blood left to drain”- 
Steve's face when he sees Bucky on the bridge. 
When Bucky showed up Steve had already bled for all he had lost. Physically and emotionally. He had mourned for his past, for his best friend who was not standing in front of him and he froze. He completely dropped his fighting stance and stood up straight. He had already grieved and metaphorically bled for this man and now here Bucky was, standing in front of him and he didn't know what to do. 
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-“We were born for dying here like snow under the rain”-
Both of them ‘died’ during World War II. 
Bucky falling from the train, thought dead only to have been experimented on and tortured. His own self dying as Hydra took his memories and made him into something so far from himself that he was essentially reborn as someone else. 
Steve who selflessly ‘died’ by crashing a plane in order to save everyone else. Only to be woken 70 years in the future to a world he no longer knew. To a world that he thought he had saved, only to find out his sacrifice hadn't changed anything. 
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-“You know when they find us here, they'll kill us both the same”-
Steve, on the run from SHIELD (Hydra) trying to save his best friend. They were completely willing to kill Steve, and as Bucky started coming back to himself, they were completely willing to kill him too. 
Bucky's apartment in Bucharest. Need I elaborate? 
(As a side note/theory, this line also fits to them being together in the 40s. Being found out to be gay could very well have gotten them both killed.)
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-“So for the final time, put your hand in mine and I'll kiss away the pain”-
Pushing aside the trash writing of Endgame. Head cannon here is that they finally get to rest for a while, together. They finally reached the end of the line. Bucky coming to grips with his past, with the help of Steve. 
Steve taking Bucky's hand and leading him out of the darkness. 
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(art by @ekbe-vile and @queercatcryptid)
-“Born in the shadows, to die in the dust”-
Taking this line literally. Bucky being born in the shadows as the Winter Soldier, somewhat coming out of that pain only to be snapped by Thanos. Literally dying as dust. 
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-“Not like the others, you're one of us”-
Steve defending Bucky, standing by him through all of it. He's not what everything thinks he is (especially Sam at first). He's one of the good guys. He's one of the Avengers. He is one of them. He is One Of Us. 
-“No I don't sleep no more, when I did I dreamed of you”-
It would have been so amazing and heartwrenching to see Steve going through some form insomniac faze after he woke up. Being so torn apart from everything that happened to him, to dream only of seeing Bucky falling. His biggest failure and fear was not being able to grab his hand. 
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-“Now the devil's at your door and there's a darkness seeping through”-
This is Bucky coming to grips with his own mind. That line in CAWS where he says “I don't know if I'm worth all this Steve.”
The darkness of not feeling worthy of salvation. Of self hatred at what he did, even if he didn't have a choice. Because “I know, but I did it” 
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Look at that lip twitch... That's a man who doesn't believe what he's being told.
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(Art by @mohish-ko)
-“So pretty like a dying flower in your tight leather clothes”-
Relief that Bucky is alive. But it's not quite Bucky is it? Not yet. 
It's so Beautiful yet so tragic.
Bucky is alive. But - “he didn't even recognise me”
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-“So tragic in the final hour as the sun descends over fields of virgin snow”-
Steve willing to die at the hands of Bucky instead of fighting against him. 
Bucky's conflicted face as his mind races, searching to understand this man, this mission, beneath him who is beaten and bloody. 
But Bucky's body just won't move. 
An awareness is slowly rising in him, melting the ice from his memories. Although he can't make sense of why yet. 
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I just... omg this song kills me. If y'all haven't heard it I highly recommend checking it out. And if you have any insights or thoughts on this, please feel free to speak up in the comments! Let's discuss!
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blubushie · 6 months
"The story of me being a stupid drover and the punishment what followed" gets my vote
Congratulations, you've chosen the [CORPORAL PUNISHMENT] route!
Warnings for: corporal punishment, flogging, being restrained, and feelings of helplessness. READ YOUR OWN DISCRETION.
So from 2019 to 2020 (keep in mind I was eighteen in 2019) I worked as a stockman. And I'm a bleeding heart--I don't like hurting animals. I avoid it when possible and especially back then.
This was the first mob I was with. It was May of 2019, I'd only been back in Australia for a month and I was just recently promoted to wrangler at this point, so I was still learning the ropes of working with a team. I'd worked on stations as a lad and teen helping to drive cattle, but I'd never been a wrangler outside of steer and calf work. And working calves what weigh 100kg as a 5-foot 14-year-old weighing 50kg isn't that difficult. It's a lot different when you're a 5'2" just-become-a-man scrawny bloke weighing 70kg wet and you're trying to wrangle an animal what weighs 650kg.
Less rope, less brawn, and a lot more brains. Brains which I had not yet acquired!
A bull broke away from the mob. Big bloke, maybe 800kg, and I had to run him down cuz that's my job now. I break away from the mob, and Wiluna and I start a pursuit. She loved it. She lived for that shit. Me too.
Up until this point, all the cattle I'd run had banked back to the mob on their own. I crack my stockwhip a long distance behind them and it's no worries, they'll run up alongside the mob and eventually merge in.
This one didn't do that.
He goes left and I pursue him. I keep on his tail and Wiluna overtakes him on the left. We push him right, back toward the mob. But this cunt had a couple roos loose in his paddock--he doesn't run alongside the mob but instead he just charges it broadside. He's rushing toward the mob from the side and I hesitate.
I'd never whipped the hide of cattle. When I crack my whip I'm a good distance behind them. I'd never had to touch their hide with the whip, aside from a tap of the stock, because they self-correct at the mere sound of the whip on whichever side is opposite of where I want them to go. A crack left drives them right, a crack right drives them left, etc.
But he's banking right toward the mob. I crack the whip on his right side. It doesn't touch him. Go left and merge! He's not moving. I crack it again. Merge, damn you. He's not moving. He's still heading flat chat for the mob.
There was about a five-second where I could've cracked him directly on his hide and he probably would've flinches and either stopped entirely, or gone left to run alongside the mob and merge in. But I'm a bleeding heart and don't want to hurt him, so I don't take the opportunity.
He crashed into the mob. One of the stockmen in the middle of the mob is caught in the row. His horse is sent to the ground with him still on her, and then the mob rushes. I see him go down and disappear into the sea of cattle, my heart sinks into my balls, but I have to leave him behind to help my other stockmen stop the rush.
Maybe fifteen minutes later I'm circling the mob of about six-hundred head with my other stockmen. In the whirlpool of cattle I see a horse's head pop up. A few seconds later I see my stockman's head as he's climbing back into the saddle. Immediate sigh of relief. (He'd told us later that his mare had stood over him like he was a foal to protect him from the cattle until the rush cleared. She's a good horse.)
Now, rushes usually happen at night. Countless stockmen have been killed by them. Often they're trampled while still in their swags. It's a horrible death. If a rush happens and comes toward your camp, your best bet is to drop everything and climb a tree. Wiluna was a great night horse because of her ability to see in the ark and wheel the cattle into a calm.
Why do I mention this?
Well, cattle rarely rush during the day, and when they do it's usually the result of stockmen error. Like mine.
We check to make sure everyone's alright, and it seems so. My stockman's mare is a mite unsteady, but she's also breathing real hard, so we figure she's just exhausted. We give her time and she settles and recovers within the hour. We get moving again once she's been watered and checked out by our oldest equestrian.
The rest of the day is uneventful, but I keep my head down and stay at the back of the mob cuz I feel terrible. Outside of the day I lost Wiluna, this event was my greatest failure as a stockman, and I couldn't look any of my muster mates in the face out of shame cuz I'm the bloke what almost got Dale killed.
As always, that night I hobble Wiluna a couple hundred metres from the mob. Wiluna was very feisty mare and would bite horses and raise hell all night if hobbled with them, so she'd stay with me. And I can't sleep around people, so it's just be me and her away from the mob and the rest of the stockmen. I was a heavier sleeper then, and I slept on my side. Neither of these are true now.
By the time I hear the voices clear enough to wake up, two of my muster mates jump me. And I've got a history with this shit, so it's an immediate panic. My right arm's pinned under my own weight where one of them is kneeling on my ribs, the other bloke bloke has my left arm, and I'm kicking my legs in the dirt but not getting anywhere.
They rolls me onto my stomach and stretch my arms out and kneel on them. And I'm still trying to get up, but it's not exactly possible with the positioning. The bloke on my left reaches down my left side and grabs my stockwhip from where it's hooked in my belt, and he passes it to someone behind me. I can't see who it is.
All the while, off to my right, I can hear Wiluna somewhere off to my right, snorting and roaring. This only panics me further, cuz horses have a Certain Intuition and they bond with their stockman, they protect their stockman from cattle and other such threats, and the way she's roaring is telling me that she thinks I'm in danger. And I might've only just known this horse for the past few weeks, but when we crossed Warburton Creek and lost three heads she wouldn't cross cuz she knew the current was too strong. Through the sandstorm the previous week, through leading us to a watering hole during the autumn drought--Wiluna was the one what kept realising we were up Shit Creek and she was consistently the one getting us out. Wiluna wasn't an Australian stockhorse--she was a brumby, and her ancestors survived the harsh country through their intuition and instinct.
And that instinct was currently telling her that I was in danger.
I hear footsteps and the stockman what was knocked down earlier, Dale, he comes over to me and kneels down in front of me. He reaches over and grabs a fistful of my shirt at the waist and pulls it free of my daks, and he tugs it up until my whole back's exposed. And I'm huffing and swearing and hissing threats through the dirt in my teeth, but he stops there. Just holds my shirt where it is.
I hear some chatter behind me, and I recognise the voice of our muster master, the boss drover. And at first I think he's gonna interrupt whatever hazing bullshit is happening her, cuz he was always friendly with me and patient good for a talk. Nobody else on our team ever really cared for me much, but my muster master was kind. Or at least I thought he was.
I hear the wssh of leather. I know that sound. Know it intimately. It's the sound of a whip's fall coming loose.
I flinch when it touches my shoulder. Just falls across it to touch the dirt in front of me. I turn my head to look at it. I see the red leather of the fall, and then I see the grey hairs of the cracker, and that's Wiluna's hair, and that's my whip, and I am in danger and very fucking scared.
The whip pulls back. From my trap and down my shoulder blades and spine to my lumbar and the back of my daks and thighs until I can't feel it anymore. I hear it crack somewhere far above my head. Sharp as it cuts the air. I hear Wiluna snort at the sound. And I get real fucking tense. Dale sounds sympathetic when he tells me not to do that cuz it's just gonna hurt more if I do. But I stay tense, cuz "just relax" is easier said than done when you've got a bare back and can hear a whip crack.
The first lash felt like being cut. The cracker didn't hit me, cuz I reckon it woulda broke skin if it had, but I was lashed with the thong, that thick leather that tapers out which the fall is tied onto. It met my right shoulder just above the blade and ripped diagonally down my back to the waistband of my daks, almost reaching my left side. The noise I made was somewhere between a scream and a yelp. Real short, and left me gasping.
Boss raises his voice and asks how many lashes the bull would've needed for a redirection. Someone says five, someone says six, but Boss is waiting on Dale, cuz Dale was the wrangler before I came along, and he's the one what almost got killed. I realised Dale is holding my suffering in his hands. Terrifying. He doesn't owe me any kindnesses or mercy.
But Dale says three.
The word barely escaped his mouth when I got the second lash.
I'm hissing and groaning and they give me a few seconds to stop sucking wind so hard, and then I got my third. That one was the worst. Stockmen--especially senior stockmen like the Boss--have incredible aim with our whips, so each lash was laid neatly over the first. And even with my sobbing and writhing, it was perfect placement.
And then everyone got up and let me lie there and catch my breath. My stockwhip, rolled up now, lands in the dirt in front of me. I can see the group walking away, and Boss yells back that if I give a bullock has as hard as what I just got, I'll be just fine. Then everyone disappeared back for the main camp, and I was left alone to languish for the night. I went to Wiluna first to calm her down.
I wore that welt for almost two weeks.
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jennay · 1 year
Silver Screen Romance
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The request: Sleep is for the weak
You fainted…straight into my arms. If you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.
(reader is working too hard and passes out on set.)
Master List
To say you'd been overworking was an understatement. You wanted to nail this part; it was your first big role, and we're determined to have your name remembered.
You stayed tucked away in your trailer. There weren't any distractions and no one to interrupt you.
Taking another sip of your coffee, you set your script down on the small couch. Eating would be a good idea, but you pushed it aside like it wasn't there to fuel your body.
A knock on the door distracts your mind from thinking about food. Sluggishly you walk to the door. You feel light-headed and dizzy. You make a mental note to eat something when whoever is knocking leaves.
You swing the door open to see your assistant Amber standing there. “On in forty.”
“Ok.” You wouldn't have time to eat. You needed to head over to hair and make-up for touch-ups. You grab your script and follow her.
“You don't look so good.” She says. “Have you slept in between takes?”
“Sleep is for the weak.” you don't want to talk about your lack of sleep and how hungry you really are. “I'm ok, I promise.” You lie.
When you arrive at where you are supposed to be, you sit down and allow the artists to do their job. You focus on your script, ensuring you don't miss a single word.
They finish with you and your head towards the set where you see your costar standing. “Hey.” He smiles brightly, “About ready?” He asks.
“Yeah, I'm just nervous I'm going to mess something up.” You feel your stomach growl. You sit down in a chair, feeling dizzy.
The director grabs Jamie’s attention and begins discussing things he wants to change about his character's movements.
When you stand black specks fill your vision. You feel warm and sweaty. Fuck. All the bad things you were doing to your body had finally caught up to you. The last thing you remember is your knees collapsing and everything going black.
The next thing you knew, medics were hovering over you. “Ah. There she is.” One man says he helps you sit and gives you a water bottle. “How are you feeling?” He asks.
You blink your eyes a few times, “I feel fine. Quite dizzy.” You admit. “Nothing I can't handle.”
He helps you stand, and you thank him for being patient and caring for you.
You run your hand down your face. Jamie is walking toward you, concern written on his face. “Feel better? You gave me quite the scare.”
You take a swig of water, “What happened?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” He jokes, and you shyly smile.
“Thank you for catching me. That could have gone a lot worse if you weren't there.” You hold your stomach when it loudly growls.
“Let me buy you lunch?” Jamie offers. “We’re delayed for a few hours. They wanted to make sure you’d be able to rest.”
You feel embarrassed that the whole crew had to wait due to you not taking care of yourself. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
Jamie chuckles, “Don't worry, we've all been there. So yes, on food?”
You finally look up and notice you're not walking to your trailer. You're eyes glance to Jamie. “Where are we going?”
“My trailer, I have a tv and a comfortable couch. We can order food, and you can get some rest, or we can watch a movie.” He opens the door and allows you to walk in first. “Go ahead, sit. Make yourself comfortable.”
Jamie follows and sits next to you. He phones in order; he flinches when your head drops to his shoulder. You and Jamie weren't exactly best friends, but if you fell asleep that fast and that had, then he wouldn't budge. He’d let you relax and maybe even close his eyes as well. God knows you two needed it.
Feel free to send in requests ❤️
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honeycombstrawberry · 2 years
I came here from AO3 to ask if you would be willing to do a second part to "for you, anything" just cuddles in the hospital after getting y/n in a stable condition sound adorable :]
bonus scene from "for you, anything"
pairing: adrian chase x reader (gn pronouns) rating: gen word count: 1,028
>>> read on ao3!! <<<
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You blink, and it feels like you’re waking up in the morning, except everything fucking hurts.
Without meaning to, you groan, trying to reach up to block the light hitting you in the eyes. Your hand is stopped by a light tug, and you blink again, downwards this time, confused, to find yourself connected to an IV.
If that’s supposed to be painkillers, it’s not working particularly well, you think with agitation, dropping your hand back down.
There’s no moment where you forget what’s happened to you. The memories are all there already, just waiting to fill your mind the second you’re conscious and aware. You’re not sure what happened in between you riding in the van with Adrian and you waking up in this hospital bed, but you at least feel like you’re in less pain than you had been, if nothing else. You’re sure you’ve got Adrian to thank for that.
You’ve only had about two seconds to evaluate the hospital room you’ve been secluded in before the door is pushing in. Adrian’s eyes meet yours, and he nearly drops the bag in his hands when he realizes you’re awake.
“Holy shit,” he says, and shoves the paper bag aside. He’s at your side in a second, perched on the edge of the hospital bed, eyes raking over you quickly, taking your hand in his, far more careful in moving you than you’d been with yourself. He takes your head in his other hand, kisses your temple hard. “Holy shit, okay, you’re— You’re awake, you’re okay, how’re you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” you tell him, and your throat scratches. You frown, then ask him. “Do you— Is there water?”
“Oh, shit, yes,” he says. He kisses your cheek, then stands to retrieve the paper bag. “The water from the sink here is super janky and all their little water bottles are dumb and destroy the environment so I went and got you your water bottle from home when I was changing my clothes. And then I realized you needed, like, the actual water, too, so I went and got that, and I was getting snacks, but I didn’t know what you’d be able to eat, so I got a bunch of everything—”
“Adrian,” you cut him off, and he turns back to you, hands full of the contents of his paper bag. “Water first.”
He exhales. “Right,” he says, and starts digging through the bag again. He’s changed out of his Vigilante uniform into jeans and a sweater, but he’s still rumpled and sweat-streaked, his hair at all angles. His clothes are changed, but he remains a mess. It’s clear he didn’t linger long, wherever he went.
When he comes back to you, he helps you in taking your water and drinking it, even though you’re not weak enough to need that much help, necessarily. It reassures the both of you to do it, until he can take the bottle away again, setting it aside.
“Do you want food?” he asks. “Or— I mean, the nurse, probably, or a doctor, or somebody. Or, like— More sleep? Or—” You reach out and catch his wrist, tugging lightly at him. You can’t move far, or with much strength, but you squeeze as tight as you can anyways.
“Would you lay down with me?” you ask him. The pain’s burning in you, but the fear’s a little stronger, a little harder to shake. You know, logically, you’re in a safe place, but— you weren’t, for so long, and the back of your mind still itches, and your skin still prickles, and you’ve missed him. Adrian can make it all better, even if it’s a nonsensical thought to have. You think it might still be true, anyways.
Adrian’s brow creases together, crumpling in a sweet sort of affectionate concern.
“Yeah,” he says, and kisses the back of your hand before crouching down to pry off his shoes. He doesn’t bother unlacing them, just kicking them off with ferocity before he climbs up into the hospital bed with you.
Gingerly, gently, he shuffles you, shifts you around, careful of your wounds, your bandages, your healing aches. He threads himself into you, fits himself around you, holds you close and lets you hold him close in return. When you’re held securely in his hands, you can feel your eyes burning, tears streaming hot down your face. You don’t even know what started the tears, or what exactly you’re crying over. The emotions just— come.
“I’ve got you,” Adrian promises you, holding you close. His voice cracks, right in the middle, but he still clings to you, refusing to let you go. “I’ve got you. You’re okay. Nobody’s going to touch you ever again, okay? I’ll— kill them before they can, I promise. You’re okay.” He pushes a kiss to your temple; his lips move against your skin when he tells you, “I love you so much,” and you exhale shakily.
“Thank you,” you tell him, watery.
“You don’t—”
“I love you,” you continue, before he can even finish his protest.
He hesitates, then kisses your hair, the top of your head.
“I love you,” he whispers again. Another kiss, another soft murmur of, “Fuck, I love you. Don’t— Don’t do that to me again, alright?”
“Well,” you say, “I’ll try,” and he huffs a wet laugh.
“You better,” he warns you, slightly lighter, and squeezes you more tightly to him. “Close your eyes again. I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.”
You let your eyes close, turning your face into his chest. It smarts, the pains along your throat and collar and all over your face stinging, but it soothes the aches so much more to press them into them, to let him cover them and heal you from within, as if that were even possible. You think it just might be, based on how you’re feeling.
His lips find the crown of your head, and you feel them brush your hair when he says, “I’m not going anywhere,” again. You exhale shakily, trying to get yourself to rest, just— relishing in the comforting hold of him around you, knowing he means it.
adrian chase taglist pt. 1:
@deputyrook @bb-skyrunner @himboelover @pieriinova @gcldtom @violetrainbow412-blog @amysuemc @saturnngal @nptnewr @myguiltypleasures21 @pinkygunslingy @chaseadrian @breathing-in-waves @rishlurh @goblynnrockz @theowritesstuff @themartiansdaughter @dallasvakarian @missscarlettangel @hillaryroadheadcllinton @ohmybubbletea @buckys-estrella @witchywcmans @qjuiq-odakyu @xothatnerdykid @thevalkyrior @mattsmanpain @sunflowerfive @deirdre-belle @anthonyedwinstark @sexysquatch @crimscnrains @trans-librarian
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i-donot-forget · 11 months
Heyyy, how are you doing? I don't know if you still write fanfictions nor if you take request at all but here i am lmao, anyway. If your requests are open because if they're not just ignore this, could you pleeeease write something with eric, my man needs more content because beemov clearly doesn't want to give us what we want, like something where we see how he proposed to candy? Have a nice day, kiss kiss <3
I really want to thank you, I haven't written for a long time and I had an idea in my head about this moment since I played the wedding episode, it seemed very rushed. I just couldn't bring myself to publish it. Besides, there will never be enough of Eric...
Hey Eric…
Nathaniel… I wasn't expecting your call.
Yeah well… it's not a social call, tell me are you busy?
No, I'm just finishing a stakeout.
It's Amy, she's at the hospital.
A shiver runs up my spine, my muscles tense until I'm completely immobilized, I can't speak.
She's fine, she was mugged, and apparently she hit her head, but she's not at ris-
My hand drops the phone and I step on the accelerator so hard that the car jerks violently forward, in the blink of an eye and I don't know how I get to the hospital, I walk nervously to the counter, my hands are sweating, shit I left the phone in the car… never mind. I ask for her and my voice sounds strange.
Are you Mr. Carello?
Are you a relative?
I'm sorry sir… but if you are not the emergency contact or a direct relative I can't give you any information.
I can't reply, I'm in shock, the words don't come out, my instincts are completely off, I don't know what to do. Suddenly a hand lands on my shoulder, some manicured nails belonging to a young woman with short platinum hair.
I'm Rosa, Amy's relative, I want to know how my sister is.
The young woman's voice is firm and determined, I believe her. I step aside helpless and useless, while she is accompanied by the nurse towards one of the corridors.
A tall black-haired man with a serene expression approaches me.
Hi, I'm Leigh, Rosalya's boyfriend, why don't we go for a coffee? Rosa will join us as soon as she finishes.
My hands tremble and everything feels… distant, blurry, unreal, I'm completely disconnected from this situation, I don't know what to do, what should I do? The minutes pass and the young girl doesn't come back…
Honey, can you get me a cupcake, please?
We're alone… I clench my fists to control my trembling.
Hi Eric, I'm sorry I didn't greet you earlier, it all happened so fast…. Nathaniel called me and we… we ran…
I look up to stare at her, her eyes are slightly red, puffy, she was crying. Shit…
Amy is fine… She arrived here conscious, but a little confused, she was robbed, her cell phone was taken, she was beaten on the head and thrown against a dumpster….
I couldn't help but visualize every word of her narrative, the tremor in her voice and every gesture that accompanied them.
The doctor wants to leave her in observation tonight, I told them that when someone could come in to see her they should let you know.
I raise my eyes to her abruptly.
Thank you, Rosalya.
It's nothing… Tell me, did you call Lucia and Phillip?
N-no… I, I don't even have my phone here…
And I don't have her parents' number either, what a useless piece of shit you are…
Don't worry, it's nothing, I'll call them, okay?
She smiles warmly and puts her hand on mine before going to her boyfriend, I squeeze my hands together, my elbows on the table and lean my head on my fingers… Shit… Minutes pass and become hours, and the lack of answers pushes my sanity every second a little more….
Eric? We are leaving… Anything please call me, no matter what time it is, okay?
I nod and thank her for everything she did for Amy today, but there's no way to do it justice… Now alone, the minutes pass and become hours again, sometimes fast and sometimes eternal.
How is she?
I don't know… I mean, she's fine, but I haven't been able to see her yet…. She's in the middle of some exams or so I was told about 3 hours ago.
It's normal…
He sits next to me in silence, not looking at anything special, shit…
Do you want to go outside for a cigarette?
Do you?
Yeah… Why not.
I'll let the nurse know we'll be by the door.
The hustle and bustle of the outside shakes me, I still feel… dazed… I take out and light a cigarette mimicking Nath.
And you… How are you?
I sigh at his question and we both watch the cloud of smoke I let out.
Fine, fine… I'll be better when I can see her…
So he doesn't intend to cut himself, I'm almost sorry I taught him how to smell bullshit…
Well… the truth is that I've been standing here for five hours like a complete good-for-nothing.
It's not your fault… You can't do anything right now…
She is strong and stubborn…
I know…
I can't answer, it's not… fair to talk about this with him, shit…
What? Now you're going to respect the codes? It's a little late now buddy, don't you think?
It's not necessary…
I still… care for her, that's not going to change, I'm not going to get close to her, but I owe her, a lot. Is the only reason I'm here. And you?
What do you want me to say Nathaniel?
The truth is, for once, I think I fucking deserve it.
Of course you do, but do you really want to do it?
The damage is already done Eric… Nothing you can say will be worse than what Amy already told me.
I love her…
I exclaimed firmly, we were still standing next to each other and I didn't dare to turn in his direction, to look him in the eyes.
Yeah… Me too… What else?
I couldn't do anything for her… And I'm not talking about being her superhero and saving her from the thugs…. I couldn't even call her parents or sign a fucking medical release…. I'm nobody.
Then do something…
His answer made me turn to look at him, he put out his cigarette without looking at me and said goodbye after making me promise to let him know of any news.
The silence in the hospital room is so noisy, she calls me, she talks to me, she tells me that she is not well, her voice is missing, her laughter, her songs, her joy, I can't turn to see her wounded face without wondering if I could have done something to avoid this situation.
What is the problem, officer?
Her weak and tired voice gives me a slight start, I squeeze her hand and I give her a smile. I feel so beat…
Come on… Don't make that face, you should have seen how the guy looked.
I couldn't help but let out a sly snort.
I'm sorry for worrying you…
What? Me, worried? What are you talking about… I wasn't going to come, I told the nurse you could get home on your own, but she insisted… and here I am.
I commented casually without letting go of her hand, her exhausted eyes look at me, I feel her strength drained through the fragile grip of her fingers on mine.
Oh well, if you want… See you at home…
I shook my head smiling, I wish I could tell you that there is nothing in the world that can take me away from your side right now.
How are you feeling?
Mmmm, my head hurts… other than that, I am feeling fine.
She sighed and tried to sit up, I help her, carefully, without rushing.
Do you remember what happened?
It was already dark… I had forgotten to take out the garbage, I came out of the café and saw a huge pile of boxes… I wanted to sort them a little, I heard some guys in the alley, I didn't want to pay attention to them but when they passed by me one of them grabbed my arm, he told me that if I gave him my things they wouldn't do anything to me, I told him to let go and he pulled me hard, the other one took my phone and when I tried to get free… I think he hit me in the face, I fell down… head first against the corner of the counter, I touched my left eyebrow and there was blood on it, after that… I was very dazed, I don't remember how I got to the hospital…
What about those guys? What do you remember about them?
Not much… one was tall, dark-haired and had the right side of his head shaved… the other one… had tattoos all over his neck, I don't remember anything else, he wore a hood… You're not going to catch them, are you? Are you?
No, no… At this moment you are my only concern, but, we have to make the charges.
H-hey sweetie…
Hi, doll.
H-how are you?
Good, good, just finishing a patrol. How about you? Are you home already?
N-no… I… I didn't want to bother you but… I'm at the cafe… I tried to go out to take some boxes out and… I can't, I-I can't do it…
Don't move, I'll come and get you right away, okay? Don't worry, make yourself a cup of tea, I'm on my way, I'll take care of everything… you just try to relax.
I-I didn't mean to bother you… I really tried to get out b-but I can't…
Hey hey… it's okay… I'll be there in a moment, don't worry…
Thanks for coming for me…
It's nothing… Will you stay with me or shall I take you to Alex's?
Can I stay with you?
Sure, you know you don't have to ask.
Thank you…
She answered muffled, cornered in the passenger seat, looking small and delicate…
Curled up on my bed, she held motionless the cup of tea I prepared for her, her distracted eyes staring into nothingness, reflective, it wasn't hard to guess what thoughts roamed her mind.
Amy… Would you like to go on a trip… with me?
A trip? What kind of trip?
Her face lit up.
Nothing too big… I was just thinking that it's been a long time since I've made use of my vacation and I think we could both use a weekend getaway.
I am honored.
Walking hand in hand along a path surrounded by nothing but nature, I felt like I was in a dream, trying unsuccessfully to remember another moment in my life that was so peaceful… so perfect, her smile illuminated the whole landscape and the energy she gives off, contagious and joyful, drew a smile impossible to erase on my lips… Is this… all this real?
My free hand fumbles in my pocket, trembling, hesitant, anxious, and the secret it hides reaffirms to me that this is not a dream.
I definitely needed this, thank you for inviting me.
It's nothing… It wouldn't be the same without you, you're the best part of the trip….
What do you say, aren't you absolutely amazed by this?
She steps forward and I watch her breathe the nature, explore, contemplate, simply enjoy and her figure melted in the greenery that surrounds us seems to complete the landscape.
What's the problem, officer?
She turns to me carefree, bathed by the petals falling from the trees around us. Shit, it's time, I take her hands in mine and notice the suspicion in her eyes, expectant.
You know I love you, right?
I think I've heard you say it a couple of times.
She says with a playful tone, smiling.
I have to ask you a question and I need you to be completely honest with me….
Ok… You have my entire attention.
Our way here has not been easy, but without a doubt you are the best decision I have made in my life, I know I love you forever, I know we have all our lives and I feel this duality…. I am not in a hurry but I want you to count on me, I don't care if we don't live together, I just want you to talk to me when you need to, without thinking that you are bothering me or interrupting me… I want you to know that I am here for you, unconditionally… I want to be your emergency contact, I want to meet your parents… I want to be "us" forever…
Mute, with her eyes locked on me shining with what I hope is excitement, I slide my hand into my pocket where I hope, is the moment my life… our life… begins. I swallow and open the small box revealing the ring inside.
If you want…
Her silence stops my breathing, my heart and time itself, I can't take my eyes off hers in this eternal instant.
Yes Yes I do! Of course I do.
You really do?
Yes! I mean… I love you Eric, and I know that being with you is what I want, I have no doubts about it.
Don't you think that's a bit rash?
Maybe, I don't know. Who cares?
Anxiously I put the ring on her trembling finger as tears escape her eyes.
You still have time to repent.
What? Are you mad? You're stuck with me forever.
Her arms wrap around my neck, with a soft and gentle touch, just as she can, I grip her waist sealing this unforgettable moment with a kiss that steals my breath away.
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jackienautism · 10 months
i always thought that sam like. either had a Moment of snapping postgame (like in the police station or something, right after the interviews) or straight up dropped off the map and told nobody where she went immediately after the events of the game. like, she Will do whatever she can to get these assholes (i say this affectionately) off the mountain alive. and she's willing to bite back a lot of what she might feel in order to stay focused on that goal. but afterwards? sam snapping is sooo special to me. i think that if she drops off the map she snaps eventually too (because i do see her returning at some point, i think sam's instincts are to outrun the things that bother her but she does, rationally, see the inevitability of having to face those things. so she comes back.)
[plankton voice] yes yess YEEESSSSS.....
GOSH i can totally see both things happening tbh... like? in regards to after the police interviews, you can just.....TELL she was on the verge of snapping during the interview. just like. the way she was carrying herself and the way she was talking....her EXPRESSIONS....... you can just TELL how pissed off and angry and bitter and betrayed she felt. and its SOOOO GOOD.... esp looking at how at she acted throughout the entire game..... its such a stark juxtaposition to her usual helpful and strong and levelheaded and whatnot demeanor..... and i think that is so TASTY........
and abt her just. leaving without a trace? i can soooo see that happening too. i made a lil thing abt that a while back, abt sam and emily willing to leave EVERYTHING behind them, but gosh..... sam especially.... she absolutely tells no one abt her plans andjust. leaves. maybe she stays near by? or maybe she travels to a different country? or maybe she just sits in her house no longer interacting w/ anyone? who knows. the thing is just. she fucks off and no one knows what she's doing or where she is. and i love that
and her doign Whatever it takes to get all these Assholes off that mountain is so just.... its so interesting to me. bc seeing how close sam was to both beth and hannah, after josh of course, she absolutely held SOME sort of resentment for her friends. albeit extremely buried but, it MUST still be there. and before i think sam sort of. blamed herself for this anger residing in her? bc like. SHE couldve stopped it SHE couldve done more SHE couldve gotten to hannah faster. and its like.... she doesnt even have PROOF that hannah and beth were actually ...... gone. and just based on personal hc, i see sam acting as the groups like ........ therapist. i think after their disappearance, the rest of the group HEAVILY relied on sam in terms of talking w/ her and shit... bc SHE was the closest to them aside from josh, and thus, sort of like. paving sam's way to the rest of the group. which is also based on a hc of mine, i dont talk abt it much and ill prob elaborate some other time, but i always saw sam as the outlier of the group aka not rly a part of their lil thing to begin with. i saw sam as friends w/ beth and hannah at the beginning and thats sort of it. she became associated w/ josh and everyone else bc of course they're siblings. but anyway. yeah! i think she blamed herself for her potential anger due to 1. the lack of proof that beth and hannah were actually gone and 2. the fact that everyone sort of came to HER to talk abt what happened. like. shes everyone's designated therapist..... and who is she to deny that position? who is she to say no? if that what it means to finally feel Welcome into this group, then so be it, you know?
SAM SNAPPING IS SOO SPECIAL TO ME TOO..... i just think her emotional regulation is dogshit LMAO is that even the correct term? i dont even think thats the correct term, but anyway. i just think her regulation of her anger is soooo bad. but in like. the complete opposite way that emily regulates her anger yk? she probably resorts to immediately pushing it to the side (for other people's sake) or blaming herself for that anger, and thus demeaning its...legitimacy
i LOOOVE the possibility of her leaving for a good amount of time and then coming back and still snapping..... i bet she used that time to really ? digest everything that happened to her, her friends, and beth and hannah and josh. which only fueled her anger you know? youre sooo right abt her instinctively running away from the shit that bothers her, while also understanding that she'll inevitably have to face it. so her coming back and then facing that shit and then snapping is so just !!!!!! youre so right anon
and this is all like..... following thebest possible scenario. meaning that everyone lives and stuff. bc i have MANY more thoughts if mike ends up shooting emily and ashley conceals the truth hehehe..... hopefully ill be able to transfer that note into a post tonight or so
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