#or the environmental story telling
thirsty-4-ghouls · 11 months
What frustrates me the most about liking the fallout games and elder scrolls games (I still need to play more of them and there are CERTAINLY exceptions) is that i don’t actually know what it is exactly that i like about them. People will be like “Bethesda games suck” and I’m not going to disagree that having mammoths fall from the sky and my gun sink into the floor forever is good game mechanics, that it’s a work of art in the coding department, but i don’t know what it is that makes me love the experience of playing them. People will be like “oh, you like that thing? Try this” and what they suggest isn’t bad, but it doesn’t have the same, idk, combination of things? I just wish I knew what the exact combo was so I could look for more of those things. I can’t put my finger on it and I’m not sure I can find the same combination of those things anywhere else. I don’t really care that the fighting isn’t super dramatic every time, hitting things and blowing things up is fun by itself to me, i don’t need a work of art there. I like the characters and the way you can just go do shit, especially when you don’t have a super pressing timeline. I can build a house before stopping the end of the world in Skyrim (multiple times) and it doesn’t actually make the time more stressful. If I want to take it super seriously I can try and grind through the main plot and after that I’ll still have a bunch of stuff to do! And the things I do will affect other things, but in a certain way I can’t explain? I can’t put into words. I know that they aren’t the finest masterpieces and I’m sure that there are games with things i like about these games but done better, but do they have the combination? The one I can’t put my finger on? Probably not. I play games to have fun and there is so much fucking around I can do! There are little details in the environment, little things to npcs. There are certainly things that left me unsatisfied, but there is also a bunch of things that do? I’ll admit to not playing their newer stuff though. I’ll consider eso but my brothers have already tried some of their other new stuff and left me with some not great reviews. I kinda wish people would stop trying to recommend me games because “oh, you like that part of that game? Here is one that is so much better. You’ll see how terrible the one you’re playing is” because I’m playing the terrible one for a reason. I like it, even knowing it’s not the best, and i would love to see more games that do that thing, but if you are recommending them because they are “better works of art” or “better mechanically” are you also recommending them because they are fun? That’s why I play games. I have my limits, and I respect other people who play games for the sake of the art form alone, but sometimes terrible or just okay is fun too, sometimes with less stress, and fun can keep me occupied for hours. I’m not saying I never play a game for a story, without much of one I often do get bored. I wouldn’t play the ace attorney series if I didn’t like stories too, but i loooove sandboxes and i can’t put my finger on why i like those Bethesda sandboxes so much. It’s infuriating because I really do want to find more stuff that scratches that specific itch, but the vibes are never quite there. I don’t expect the exact same thing, but I do want to try more of that sort of thing, yet I can’t put my finger on what it is about the thing that I need to look for! Very frustrating.
I like lore and environmental storytelling and interesting npcs and sandbox games, i don’t enjoy super complicated combat because i am stupid. I like being able to pick and choose things and seeing one thing affect another but not needing to do things in a specific order. Is that all? I don’t feel like it. There is something more and I can’t put my finger on it. There are obviously games I play that do not check off every single box of mine, look at the ace attorney series! But those ones don’t really take as much of my time. Once you finish the story you just kinda, leave it for awhile. You’re done. You might go back later, but probably not right away. With the games like Skyrim and fallout I can just come back after a busy day and do random low stress tasks and activities, or I could go hard at it for a bit, either way I have fun. I don’t know how to replicate that. I also like when they add some elements like the sims. I know some people hate it, but it gives me even more shit to do, and I can have a part of the map that feels like “this is MINE!” and I can leave my stuff (and some npcs) there and feel like I’m not just shoving it wherever. Sure, you get beds when you join certain groups, but in Skyrim and fallout 4 you can have your own space. If i don’t want to go on some adventure after a long day I can just garden or something, even when it’s winter irl! (Although the gardening isn’t like irl gardening, it still feels better than nothing). I know a lot of people hate how they put certain things I listed into a game that is “supposed to be about the story, or fighting” but i like the eclectic combination of activities, and i feel like they manage to do it without the things feeling like a completely separate game. It still feels tied in, unlike some games where it feels like they just shoved it into the game on the side without any connection I guess. I’m not explaining this well and I’m sure there are people who absolutely hate the things I listed, but there are plenty of games without them, I’m trying to find more with them.
And it has to have interesting npcs, even just mildly interesting ones that you can fill in the blanks for in your boredom. I can’t stand the feeling of being in a completely empty world (with the possible exception of Pokémon go, but they have added so much stuff that it feels parallel to the real world, not completely separate and empty) although, when it comes to Pokémon go, I actually did stop playing for awhile because it felt so empty, now you can at least interact with other players a bit more (even if I’m not great at finding others to play with) and they have added more npcs. I play that game so i don’t get bored at the grocery store and can convince myself to go out and walk around sometimes, so it’s not the same. Idk what I actually really want from a game, I can’t put my finger on it.
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elithemiar-blog · 2 years
Danny gets invited into a robotics/mechanics club after he mumbled out the basic idea of his parent's latest invention just by looking at it, the name did help.
He doesn't have much of a choice to recognize what an invention can do based off of its look for his safety.
So mechanics and engineering he just starts picking up from his parents through association.
At some point, he has to modify one because it hurts both humans and ghosts.
His parents are so caught up on the fact that it hurts ghosts as intended that they completely miss that it hurts humans too, severely.
Danny, and Tucker when needed, start modifying the weapons for people's safety. Which Danny gets really good at and starts taking his parent's blueprints and building safer, and mostly better, inventions.
So, when this new classmate overhears the trio discussing on how to fix it. They think Danny would be a great addition to the club, and when they bring it up at their next meeting, everyone else either doesn't believe them or is joking.
Due to gossip and high school hierarchy (by Casper standards), Danny is a freak, loser, and stupid.
This classmate brings Danny's intelligence to himself and tries to urge this kid to come to the club one day after school.
Danny downgrades his own intelligence on engineering that the classmate is befuddled, until being at Casper for longer they understand on why this is.
A school event has this classmate trying to strike high praise on Danny, but even his parents kind of bat him aside to talk about ghosts.
People start gossiping that this classmate has a crush on Danny.
Eventually, they do get Danny to a club and the rest of the members kind of call him out on his crush, in front of Danny. However, he does prove himself and the club agrees to invite him to some kind of multi-school engineering showcase, and they do need one other person to make a full team.
He really doesn’t want to go. Somehow his parents are pushing him to go. At some point, somehow, he's being required to go.
Maybe Tucker and Sam urge him to go, who already noticed Danny's talent. He still doesn't want to leave Amity, but with his friends pushing him to have fun he's more willing to think about it.
Maybe the trip becomes a 50/50 extra credit opportunity on his math and science grades, which he needs.
Marvel: Tony, Peter, and/or Banner are at this event to find future employees or award scholarships.
DC: Bruce and/or Tim are at this event (maybe another as well), to also find future employees or award scholarships.
Maybe there's some kind of lead revealed during this event that helps a case.
They find Danny being isolated by the club except for the classmate and they're curious on why.
The classmate is giving high praises, gifting information that Danny doesn't want revealed, to these people who will actually listen.
This team gets challenged to build something different.
The classmate turns to Danny to help out and he gets invited by the rest, but he doesn't get a say...
Danny sees something wrong and tries to say something, but no one let's him get a word in..
When the build gets judged, it doesn't work. Danny with random parts in hand, fixes it on the spot adding a little touch that makes it work and then some.
He gets high compliments from these very smart people, but he brushes them aside. Not realizing what he did, he'd just really wants to get back to Amity.
While the event is still going on, he gets pulled aside to look over a project or design and he can tell what needs fixed or how to reroute power better (purposeful mistakes meant to challenge him).
Here he is, at an event for school, being given complements and not really noticing.
These people very curious on who this kid is goes searching. Maybe the club kids tell the not-paying-attention-club-advisor that he did nothing.
Maybe the one doing the complimenting calls the school and, petty tattles on the club, gives full praise and offers a scholarship.
Someone can be so focused on either working on what they want to do or what they have to do (in Danny's case), that talent found isn't recognized even if highly complimented by an expert.
The mental image of Tim inviting Danny to the manor to help out with a WE project, and Tim is trying to get him to recognize his own talent. Bonus points if its vigilante associated (like Nightwing's eskrima sticks malfunctioning and sleep deprived Tim can't figure it out). Bonus points if the rest of the family are there over seeing.
Maybe he can't be an astronaut anymore cause he doesn’t fit certain requirements. Maybe he can still work for NASA despite his grades, he fixes a missed problem that would've made the rocket launch unsuccessful, and it was a last-minute change.
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lxdymaria · 1 year
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vics-chrysopoeia · 14 days
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That's me taking tests.
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pa-pa-plasma · 3 months
genuinely not kidding when I say that Tears of the Kingdom is not only a bad Zelda game, it's just a bad game in general. it's inaccessible to casual gamers who previously could play Zelda games because of their structure. there is virtually no plot, & what little plot there is sucks ass, is predictable in a bad way, & doesn't make any fucking sense, with the absolute lack of emotional reactions from the characters making it all the worse. the references are only there to distract from the absolute nothingness, despite a main timeline Zelda title being the perfect game to have them as a type of storytelling (what happened to Skyloft??). the sky islands are just rocks with nothing on them except fruit, or maybe a chest if you're lucky. the underground is a walking in the dark simulator. the overworld is the exact same shit as in Breath of the Wild & I already explored that twice so why do it again. the caves are pointless. they didn't add much to the game besides that (the shrines & towers are just reskinned, do not fool yourself) & what they did add is just more sidequests to fill the gaps between the bits of non-existent plot. the dungeons suck. the boss battles are okay which is just sad for a Zelda game. it's just a $90 DLC & if that doesn't explain why I'm so mad about this idk what the fuck will. maybe the fact that this "new formula" is a severe step down from the old one, where you had an actual full fucking puzzle game to play with an actual fucking characters & a story that wasn't just more MCU "cameo! reference!!" bullshit
#sorry to people who enjoyed the game. raise your standards#i feel like the people who think this is a good game either are new to zelda or can't look at things objectively#or are in a fuckton of denial cuz my guy..... this game?? this game???? please tell me you're joking.....................#i cannot begin to describe how fast i got bored with totk#at least botw had the benefit of being new. totk is just botw slightly to the left. & shittier if i'm being honest#it's literally just botw reskinned. except it got rid of guardians so it doesn't even have a cool scary enemy#''but the hands!'' i got over that pretty fast tbh. guardians haunt me to this day. the hands are an old zelda enemy#so i count those as just another reference because that's all anything is in this game#they spent waaaayy too much time on that stupid ultrahand & not enough time on the actual fucking game#& btw this isn't like. new. nintendo games have been getting shittier in all the same ways#like. you can track it. they're not doing a new formula. they're not trying out a new interesting way of doing things#they're becoming lazy & cheap. instead of setting up a storyline they just throw you into a big open world#that takes like 2 irl hours to cross & hope you don't notice the time not being spent being told a story#in botw a lot of stories were told via environmental storytelling. you go by Lon Lon Ranch & Know what happened#you visit an abandoned & destroyed town & you Know what happened#totk doesn't have environmental storytelling so that big open world is useless#there's nothing to tell. so the overworld is changed superficially to make it slightly different but that's it#there's no environmental storytelling in the sky or the underground where it'd be best used#they just Tell you things & there are no hints at anything they don't tell you#uuuuuggggghhhhhh this stupid game frustrates me so fucking much & i hate how no one seems to have a brain about it
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tsuchinokoroyale · 11 months
me: I think I will play this cute game about unpacking boxes :)
me, 2 hours later: *cry-typing unpacking (2021) ending explained*
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sailermoon · 7 months
unfortunately I am my fathers daughter in regards to my desire for something extraordinary
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lastoneout · 1 year
I'd like to think in the hypothetical post-scarcity/capitalism utopia there would still be people who want to make movies and there would thus also still be people like me, who want to open theaters where you can go and watch them.
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cephydeluxe · 2 months
I am this 👌 close to breaking and making asa my pfp ....... hepl
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shokupankoart · 11 months
The journey begins! I wonder what awaits?(/。\)
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coockie8 · 3 months
rewatching Naruto and boy do I love how little faith this show has in the viewer to comprehend what is happening right in front of them
I dunno man I just feel like even at like 13 I had enough brain cells to compute that Neji getting caught in spider web trap - Neji panicking in spider web trap - Neji focusing his chakra in spider web trap - Neji is now no longer trapped in spider web trap probably means Neji's gentle fist can break Kidomaru's webs, like I don't think that really needed to be verbally explained lmao
like 10 minutes after this it happens again when Neji essentially flash-bangs the new spider web trap by forcing chakra out through all his chakra points to explode it off him.
"I suppose you would like me to explain" Nah, I'm good actually. You like just explained how your gentle fist works, I don't need you to verbally reiterate that you can do that from any chakra point. I saw it. We're good.
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dbphantom · 4 months
maybe i should have gone into practical effects instead of computer science...
#when i was in middle school i used to use red and black pens + spit for blending to make it look like the backs of my hands were torn open#i can't believe it's almost 4am. i just spent 5 hours typing up an essay about MM's erik that i just fuckin privated bc i was embarrassed#AND I STILL NEVER SPELL HIS NAME RIGHT THE FIRST TIME AAAAAAAA#i was right but im going to save all my points for the fanfic im currently planning out and promptly NEVER GOING TO ACTUALLY WRITE#I say shoving my plans for my h2o s3 rewrite off the table#yes i skipped from s2 to s3 i had a BRILLIANT idea [season 3 h2o spoilers ahead be wary my mutuals who are still watching]#okay so you know how lewis goes to the american institute of marine bio in the middle of 3? since this is tied to my s2 rewrite fic i wante#to actually finally reasonably re-introduced dr denman to the story because i never liked that she just fucked off at the end of s1#despite WITNESSING the moon pool magic. so i made it so she runs into lewis while doing a presentation for the college and they have a chat#(because her JAW paper plays an important part in my s2 rewrite bc i imagine lewis is the kind of guy who SAYS he deleted every copy of#it... but ACTUALLY he secretly printed himself out a copy to study in private to compare to his own notes bc#[lewis voice] come *on* guys just THINK of the progress that he could make with this! [grabby hands in front of chest])#so yeah they have a chat and Linda kind of gives Lewis the opposite dilemma in s3 that Louise gives him in s1 about science and magic#since SHE knows about the moon pool and has been biding her time and she knows Lewis knows and Lewis is like ah... uh oh.#it will eventually tie into the idea it's not about forcing science and magic together or separating them#its abt respectfully and responsibly utilizing both to see their fullest potential. which lewis learned in s2 and Linda has... not.#BUT#later on she gets a call from 1 (one) ryan who is like 'hey so i heard u did environmental studies on mako for dr bennett a couple years ag#and i was wondering if you've seen anything weird there as im currently doing a-' and she's immediately like 'YOU SON OF A BITCH IM IN'#and he's like 'wha-' and she's like 'i have already booked my plane tickets we're going to have a great time we have lots to talk about :)'#and wheeee now they have someone who knows about mermaids on their team and it's the perfect way to bring lewis back to relevancy in s3 :D#it also gives me reason to have two bad bitches (linda and sophie) meet and get to know each other which is not a dynamic ive seen in#any of the H2O fics i've ever read so im very hyped to delve into how they'll play off each other#also charlotte is there so technically three bad bitches (only in my au Charlotte never lost her tail and is part of the gang she just move#because she felt like she needed to leave to really be able to find herself without being in her grandmother's shadow but she comes back bc#well... it's season 3 mako is sounding the fucking emergency alarms everyone is showing up sdkghkfjhg)#im also so so so hyped to show u guys who's coming back in the s2 rewrite because it ISNT denman and i think everyone thinks it will be :3c#(i said she when telling ppl to look forward to a familiar face... but can u blame me for getting hype she's one of my favorite characters!#i love u H2O#cruddy rambles
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greyphilosopher · 5 months
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The Pale King in his workshop
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nestavadavat · 1 year
I'm sure someone's mentioned this, but I think it's really interesting how even the scenery around changes with the story throughout Rdr2.
We start in Colter, which is definitely run down, but it's secluded and surrounded by nothing but nature. We're only there for a bit but we never see anyone other than our own gang members and nature.
Horseshoe Overlook is still secluded yeah, but there's a town nearby. Otherwise it's overlooking this beautiful landscape. And Valentine isn't pretty but it's very western and very small. We see other people not far from camp but nature is still basically everywhere.
Clemens Point is surrounded by nature but what sets it apart is that it's already been used. There's a dock and we as Arthur go to clear it out. It's also just by Rhodes which is an arguably more developed than Valentine.
Then of course there's Shady Bell which is a house. It's already been used, we kill people to get it, and it's like maybe ten minutes away from Saint Denis which is a huge city. Saint Denis is very prim and proper and not very dirty, but just around the edges close to camp there's rot and decay.
I'm leaving Guarma out of this because I think it's less relevant to the whole gang's downfall, but it's a point to mention that it's the ruins of a house surrounded by a constant threat.
Then we're at Lakay. This literally has skulls on spikes outside, according to Arthur (I can't find pictures right now), and is obviously run down. It's a bit farther from Saint Denis but not by much. We also stay there for a while in a place that's burnt and shot apart.
Finally Beaver Hollow. This is arguably the biggest change from our beginning. We are in a cave that was previously filled with the Murphee Brood and the evidence of them is still there (cages, boxes, wagons, etc). We are right outside Annesburg, a filthy mining town where everything is polluted.
It's really interesting thinking back on it now and I'm definitely going to pay more attention to it on my next playthrough
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finiffy · 1 year
Went into a bathroom and on the walls were like 5 different hand written signs that said "Do not throw paper towels on the floor" and one that said "No smoking in here" and "Men do not use this bathroom" (is was a woman bathroom) and signs that said "No throwing papertowels in the toilet" taped on the door of the two stalls.............it was a small ass bathroom too like....
*touches the ground but not really cause bathroom floor is gross* Something bad happened here-
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2-braincells · 1 year
idk if the game has this or not, but i rly hope there are peices of botw in totk. like what happened to the divine beasts, the old towers, the shrines, the guardians???? did everyone disasemble them? surely not all of them. and surely someone would want to keep it for historical purposes!!!! where are they???!?!?!?
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