#or was willing and able to move out of the bay area lol that's the other one. but that's a way more complicated discussion
lastcatghost · 1 year
Something I've written on a few times over different sites, and really it's more recent I've been able to word it out as well as this. Learning from great revolutionaries, sometimes directly from folks long who've been in this fight, sometimes you hear shit that just perfectly shows the bigger picture, and thus can better articulate reality and understand much more in depth. Anyway, wall o text incoming
The first two organizations I associated that claimed to be communist and want to work towards revolutions were both faulty for different reasons.
The first was over a decade ago, some guy in peoples park could see I was obviously a very young street kid, invited me to a political meeting discussing a counter protest with free food. That was the Bob avaikian people who were more a cult than not, and can go further on that if requested. I went to like 2 meetings and a protest to support right of choice during San Frans walk for life. But yea, total cult and ideologically fraudulent.
The second, and much more recent was the pcusa, and I experienced much more than the bay area cult, but this organization struck me as wrong but I couldn't put why exactly into words, until an inner split, and hella shit started lining up that I can also go further into detail if anyone would like. The pcusa is more a glorified bookclub than anything else, but does nothing significant to improve the communities immediately around members, and I have personal reason for finding distrust in this org, nor do I find it's actions and means of growing community support as valid.
The only true and successful approach for revolutionary action in this country, would to shift the cultural perspective, lead by example within the community, and be able to back it up with a verbal breakdown of shit in a way that's relatable.
If people see you on the streets on the regular, and you were a person often out making small talk with anyone who'd be down, organizing feeds or outreach, etc. If you can't live by what you say, ain't nobody gonna give a shit no way, and it won't relate to most folks.
You can go to other groups rallies and protests all you want flying the hammer sickle flag, have the most well worded pamphlets and flyers, even if what you got to say could easily be agreeable, but if that's the only time the people living there see you, why tf would the respect shit you try to lecture to them with. It's condescending and patronizing as fuck, and come off hella invalidating to folks who actually live there. Most people aware shit fucked economically, even tucker carlson use economic hardships becoming more universal to help add validity to his hate speech.
But if people see you as a familiar face and someone willing to be of help already in the day to day, then they're much more likely to publicly agree and support your cause, because you've shown them its their cause too.
We all have our paths to do revolutionary action for the process to move, we can't all do every pathway, and it's unrealistic and hyper individualist to assume you have to even try fulfilling every possible role. But sometimes the path is easy for almost every single revolutionary to do, and that's talking to your neighbors.
If you want a revolution, if you truly believe this shit we all speak on here, you have to put yourself out there to the community, or what exactly are you trying to revolutionize, the internet? Lol
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celestialpotat0 · 2 months
Return to Climbing
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the pics in these posts are an amalgamation of a few random times in the past and not from the specific events described in the text (bc i dont have any pics from those times) lol. im planning on incorporating photos in most of my posts going forward because i like having a visual to accompany the large blocks of text on this page.
When I moved to the bay, i realized that out of my many different interests maybe it would be more rewarding to invest more time into only 1 interest and sacrifice the rest.
the last time i had gone climbing in socal, i unexpectedly fell from near the top while bouldering, was in shock on the way down. it scared me to know i could have landed badly and hurt myself very seriously. i felt lucky and aware i definitely could've hurt myself worse.
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that didn't make me want to stop climbing, but it was one consideration that influenced me to decide that i will devote more of my limited time to dance instead of climbing. i dont want to hurt people who love me, because realistically, climbing puts one's safety at risk. so i reunited with my love of dance and performed dance again in a few shows, opportunities for which i feel so grateful.
but earlier this month I finally put on my climbing shoes and chalk bag that had been collecting dust in the Bay Area when i sacrificed climbing for dance. i returned to climbing and i dont think i will ever be able to part with climbing, the same way i wont be able to ever stop dancing either. i love being on the rocks secluded away from and above the rest of the world. you leave it all behind and all you have is the breeze, the hard rock making your hands calloused, and good company. the noise from the world below is faint at best. when you're back on the ground after a climb, you sit down on the dirt or nearby rocks to give your feet a break from painfully tight climbing shoes. trying to have your muscles rest and recover as fast as they can for another intense attempt.
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when hiking and surrounded by wilderness, im looking at the big picture. you dont have to think to walk, so you observe all of your surroundings. when on the rock and surrounded by nature, youre entirely focused on holding yourself up and fighting against gravity, clinging to the wall and gripping with all of your might. a stray thought could seriously risk your safety. a hike is relaxing, and a climb is intensely focused. feeling connected to our earth enhances both mental states.
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my return to climbing was only indoor climbing, which is still so much fun as a method of training for outdoor climbing. it's easy to become obsessive over sending a route. i enjoy how it tests my mental and physical willpower. sometimes i start to doubt whether i'll send, my muscles are shaking, i don't know if my grip is going to fail me, but then when i fight for it and accomplish something difficult, it feels satisfying. i have a newfound fear of falling though since i returned to bouldering post-fall, so ive been more cautious, which undoubtedly hinders my explosiveness and willing to reach when i fatigue. trying to work on finding a balance between being aware of my physical limits and pushing the boundaries to advance my physical limits.
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0 notes
angelanimedesaray · 4 years
Wings in the Dark Chapter 7:  Subversion
AN:  I’m gonna admit, I was half asleep writing the first half of this cause the fatigue hit me HARD once I got home.
Also, I forgot to put this up a few chapters ago, but this story IS on AO3.  The link is on the AOT Vampire Masterlist, but also right HERE.
I felt like I was missing something, but no matter how many times I looked at it, I couldn’t think of what it was...If it occurs to me, I’ll probably just find a way to work it into the next chapter, lol
Also if you want a good soundtrack for this series, honestly, all you gotta do is listen to the Forgotten Odes album by Eternal Eclipse, I always pull it up when I’m writing these XD
Characters:  Levi, Fem!Vampire!Reader, Erwin
Pairing:  (Eventual)  Levi x Fem!Vampire!Reader
Warnings:  Language, Blood, Death, Dead Bodies, ummm...idk, Vampire Legends?  Is that a Warning?
Word Count:  5391
<----Previous Chapter    Masterlist    Next Chapter---->
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*Levi’s POV*
"I've been trying to catch her sneaking out for weeks, now, Erwin, but it's like she knows when I'm awake and watching for her.  I can never catch her when she's leaving, it's always when she comes back."
Levi paced slightly in front of Erwin’s desk out of agitation as he stressed why, after all this time, he still hadn't managed to follow her into the Underground and see what she was doing.
"Do you at least know when she usually sneaks out?  The time, or the days?" Erwin asked calmly.
"It's always when everyone's asleep...and it is fairly regular.  Every week, I think, though the exact day varies."
"If you can't follow her, then you'll need to get ahead of her. Get down there before her. You know the window of time when she'll be down there, and you know the Underground."
"But I have no idea what she's doing down there. It could be anything--and the Underground isn't a small place where I can wander around and /hope/ I run into her."
"Then narrow down your search based off your theories.  We considered she might have family down there, so you would be looking at residences, or asking around about a woman of her description.  And your theory of the worst she could be up to--"
"Murder or treason.  I know the places you'd go for that--more so than normal, anyway," Levi murmured, mind already conjuring the worst areas in the underground, the places where the Underground's worst elements like to stalk the streets, the areas of the highest risk, the worst gangs, the shadiest deals.
The residence search could take months--no one was going to want to talk to a soldier, a surfacer, even someone who had once been a part of the Underground.  Not to mention, they had no idea what Y/N Frazier looked like, or what name she was going under while she was hiding in the Underground--if she was, in fact, hiding in the Underground.
Besides, shouldn't he rule out the worst, first?
"I know where to start," Levi said decisively.  "It's still going to take some time, though, because she's still aware I'm watching her, and she's good at shaking tales and evasion.  Not to mention part of it is going to be based on luck--that I manage to go to the right place at the right time without knowing where she'll be."
"You're good at what you do, Levi.  You'll find a way."
So began the unpleasant ritual of Levi going down into the Underground every night of every other week, all in the name of hopefully, eventually, managing to find L/N.  All it would take was one glimpse, one time seeing her, and he could follow her, learning from the mistakes of last time to make sure that he didn’t lose her this time.
And he could finally find out what was happening below ground--what had been happening for years since she’d suddenly appeared on the surface.
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While Levi had made a name for himself Underground, enough so that it became general knowledge not to test him, he hadn't gone around looking for the kind of trouble that would have brought him to the places he found himself in, now.  He’d always been aware of these dark holes in the Underground, and on a few unpleasant occasions had to make a trip to one of them.  The worst elements of the Underground were found in these holes--she shadiest deals, the scum of the earth, the darkest corners with the most blood and carnage seeped into and tainting the earth around them.
Levi’s every step in these places was careful and quiet, his guard always up, his hood always drawn to hide his face.
Even with the name he'd made down here, he was cautious to use it as a warning sign to keep danger at bay.  Not only did he want to avoid sticking out and alerting L/N to his presence if she was down here, but there were always going to be the idiots who wanted to challenge someone who'd made a notorious name for themselves like he had.  There might be more than normal who wanted to test him if they knew who he was, people who thought that he was a prime target because his name still stood, but his time above ground might have made him soft.
A terrible, foolish notion, really, since his time above ground and part of the Scouts had only made him more dangerous.
He'd been coming down here regularly since his talk with Erwin, scouting the area and looking for any signs of L/N, whatever they may be.  Not many people down here were the talking type, and those who were couldn't give him anything about any surfacer woman prowling the streets.  The only thing they could tell him was to not wander these more dangerous parts of the Underground alone because people who did tended to turn up dead or go missing.
That wasn't news to him. He was already well aware of the dangers of these parts of the Underground that had spawned chilling legends even for the people who saw the darkness of the Underground daily.  He knew what he was doing was dangerous, which made L/N's presence here all the more questionable if he did manage to see her.
Levi glared fiercely at a man who'd been giving him the target sizing look after glimpsed his clean surfacer clothes.  The man slunk back into the shadows and Levi's skin prickled, his senses on high alert for any kind of ambush someone might be tempted to spring on the man leaning against the wall at a four way intersection.  He was keeping his head down to keep his face well shielded, but his eyes were constantly flickering around to take in his surroundings, to watch every figure that passed or came down one of the alleys, tense and ready for a fight every time someone came close to him.
This search was slow work, but with no hint to L/N’s motivations for being down here besides the scent of blood on her cloak, it was the best option he had.
A familiar, dark robed figure flashed by the opposite end of the alley on his right, and Levi straightened, disbelief flashing through him.  Surely that hadn’t been…
Before he lost her in his disbelief, Levi moved quickly through the alley to at least get her within his sights, being mindful not to get too close, even though he needed to at least be able to confirm that it was her.
Sticking to the shadows, Levi peered around the corner of the alley, just enough so he could see the cloaked figure and watch them as they continued down the path at a fairly leisurely pace, as if they were strolling along the lakeside instead of through one of the most dangerous parts of the Underground.
He was fairly certain that was her cloak.  It was the right color, and a quick glance down revealed that yes, it was long enough to drag along the ground like hers did, but at the moment it was gathered and tucked into the waist to keep it from dragging through the filth, keeping it just above the ankles instead.
And those boots were dark brown, leather, suspiciously similar to the Scout’s uniform--even though he couldn’t see the rest from this angle, he was willing to bet they went up to the knee.  The height was right, the posture seemed militaristic--it was a hard thing to shake, especially when still in active duty and so soon after graduating from the cadets, to boot.  Levi held his breath, watching intently and hoping for something a bit more defining that could give him one more bit of evidence to convince him it was her, besides this gut feeling of his.
She took a turn, and while she kept her head down, hood hiding her face, he saw a flash of hair, and glimpsed the civilian clothes underneath--
Civilian clothes he knew were hers because of the day he’d gone through her stuff and saw what she had.  She didn’t have much, so it was easy to tell this was one of the four pairs she owned.
Not wanting to lose her like he had that first night, Levi hurried forward, keeping his steps as quiet as possible.  He had to give her more space then he was used to giving someone that he tailed--he hadn’t forgotten how during the expedition, she seemed to have immensely attuned senses, with how quickly and easily she could pick up on what no one else could see.  He still didn’t want to lose her because he fell too far behind, but he had to be careful--something kept tipping her off to his presence, and while he didn’t know what, he had to control everything he could and make it harder for her to notice his presence.  Distance was his friend, right now.
It was hard, trying to trail someone while having to put so much distance between them that she frequently turned out of sight, but he kept it up, heart pounding in anticipation as his mental map of the area tried to come up with where she was heading.  Right now, it just felt like she was aimlessly wandering, like there was no real direction to where she was going.  What the hell was she doing?
After several minutes of following her around like this, Levi started to grow impatient, wondering if she was aware he was following her and was just walking random places until he got bored and left.  If anything, it was more likely to make him confront her.
Except he needed to see what she was really doing down here, and if she was aware he was following her, that wasn’t going to happen.
Another shadowy figure entered their line, in front of Levi but behind L/N.  It was a man, staying far enough back that he clearly wasn’t walking with her--another tail.  Someone with more sinister intentions, too, Levi would guess, by the way he seemed to be stalking her.  With how far back Levi was, he hadn’t been noticed by this new party, but he was close enough that Levi was certain L/N had noticed them.
Except...she wasn’t trying to shake them.  She should have been able to do it with ease after she had lost Levi so easily that first night, but she didn’t do anything differently.  Her pace remained the same, unhurried and with no real direction, even as the intruder got gradually closer.
What the hell?
Was he wrong?  Was it someone she knew that she was meeting up with?  No, that looked like something else, Levi knew exactly what this was, he’d seen it enough times to recognize when someone was about to get jumped.
On the other hand...this was perfect for him.  Horrible as the initial thought might have been, if he tailed her tail, it put plenty of distance between himself and L/N, and as long as her tail didn’t lose her, even with her completely out of sight he wouldn’t lose track of her.  And if something went wrong, well, he was right here.
Levi shifted his cloak aside at the waist, turning slightly and waiting a few moments before he fired the cables into the nearest building, using it to get onto the roofs and nothing more.  The rest could be on foot, no more use of the gear.  ODM had a very distinct sound any soldier who had been around them as long as L/N had would recognize instantly, so he didn’t dare use it any more times until he’d found what he was looking for.  He didn’t know how keen those remarkable senses of hers were, if it was her hearing or her sight or hell, even her nose like Miche, that had allowed her to spot those Titans.  Because he didn’t know how, he couldn’t risk it.
Now with the advantage of a higher vantage point, Levi followed L/N’s tail from quite a distance, able to see him further and more comfortably from so high up, his footsteps still light and silent even though he was alone on these rooftops.
Being up here reminded him of several things he hadn’t fully realized when he’d lived down here, or that he’d learned to ignore or had forgotten in his time above ground.  How there was no wind down here, which was disconcerting after so long above ground with fresh air and cool breezes.  How dark it really was, even with the orange glow of firelight from homes, impacting his visibility and making it hard to pick out details from a distance.  And the stench--he’d been blocking it out, something he’d trained himself to do down here when he wasn’t in his own space that he could keep clean, but now that he was higher up and not in the thick of the shit, the air wasn’t quite as thick with it.
Slightly.  Just barely.
The man he was following sped up and took a sudden turn into a narrow alley, causing Levi to speed up his step as well, keeping an eye on the opposite end of the alley in case he exited the alley before Levi could reach it.  Crouched low so that he wouldn’t be spotted if someone happened to look up, Levi reached the edge of the building before the alley, his hand placed lightly on the dirt-covered edge as he peered over with care, trying to lean far enough he could see but where he couldn’t be seen, or at least would hardly be seen.  L/N’s tail hadn’t left the alley, so they should be--
Before the alley became visible, Levi realized there were no sounds coming from the alley--no sounds of a fight, no drip of blood, no talking, nothing.  If her tail had caught up to her, there should have been /something/ coming from the alley below.
A few seconds more, and he had visual confirmation that the alley was empty, even though he hadn’t seen anyone leave it from either end.
Levi kept himself calm, not allowing himself to even worry about losing sight of them--he didn’t have the time for that.  Clearly he’d been far enough behind that he’d missed something that had happened.  Maybe they had cut through the building opposite the one he was standing on.  There were no sounds coming from there, either--it was silent as the grave in this part of the city, unsettlingly enough.  But it let him know they weren’t simply hiding in one of the buildings beneath him.
He knew this area--he knew the Underground, had grown up here, walked these streets or at least mapped out in his mind the best and worst places for all kinds of situations.  He could figure out what had happened.  Whether she got the drop on her tail or her tail had successfully jumped her, if they weren’t here they would have gone somewhere discreet, somewhere private that was also nearby.  Not a residence, and anything that was dilapidated beyond even entry wouldn’t work.  What was the best spot for that criteria that was also nearby, close enough it could be quickly ducked into without anyone noticing?
Levi jumped over the edge of the building and dropped back down into the mud, knees bent to absorb the impact before he quickly shifted, navigating the streets quickly and with a purpose as he closed in on the building that came to mind.  He was still careful to be quiet and stealthy lest he spook L/N and lose his chance, but he was now running out of time--the longer they were out of sight, the greater the chance he would fail to see what was happening.  And he’d come so close, he couldn’t let the opportunity slip past him again.
Her being in trouble didn’t even cross his mind--he knew she could have shaken that tail if she wanted to, and she had beaten him in a sparring match.  Even if that tail jumped her, he doubted she would be the one in trouble.
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*Reader’s POV*
The one thing you hated the most about coming to the Underground to hunt was the smell.  With how sensitive your senses were, it was absolutely horrid for you.  It had taken all of your focus and much of your time when you’d first come down here to learn how to block that foul smell out, though usually it involved handicapping your sense of smell altogether--except for with blood.  Blood always pierced through any mental block you’d constructed for yourself.
Still, you were down one sense when you came down here to hunt, refusing to breathe through your nose so you wouldn’t become nauseous, sickened by the stench in the air.
The only time that changed down here was when you fed--when the scent of blood filled your every breath with your teeth latched into your most recent kill, warm at first but growing gradually colder as you drained the life from them, a hand over their mouth to muffle any sound or screams until they could make them no more.
Of course you had known about the shady individual tailing you--you had wandered aimlessly in one of the worst parts of the Underground specifically so you could draw someone out, could lure in one of the many victimizers that lurked in these dark corners and turn the tables on them, making their chosen path of victimizing and terror a fatal one.  As soon as he entered the dark, isolated alley that you had turned into, you had grabbed him and dashed away with that inhuman speed of yours, pulling him into the nearest abandoned, unowned building where you immediately sank your teeth into him to satiate the hunger that had started to claw at you once again.
Hidden in the darkest corner of the abandoned building, the man had stopped moving beneath you, body turning cold, though from experience you knew he still had more blood to give.  You were going to take it all, so it would last you just a little while longer before you had to delve back into the Underground’s cesspool for a fresh kill to satiate the hunger again after it returned.
By now, this was normal for you.  You had been doing it for decades, and had long worked out your feelings over the moral implications of it all.  This was just your way of life, how you survived.  And it would continue to be for years and years to come.
One thing about scents down here--there was no wind to carry them away or towards you.  So when you picked up on someone’s scent, it usually meant they were close...very close.  Especially since you went out of your way to block scents down here unless you were in the middle of a feed, like right now.
As such, you stiffened when you caught the beginning traces of a familiar scent, one that was usually carried towards you on a breeze and let you know you were being watched.  Tea leaves, cleanliness or cleaning products, hints of mint that might have just been a figment of your own imagination because it was something you associated with a clean smell.
Levi.  And if you were catching his scent strongly enough for it to pierce through the blood you were feeding off, then he was dangerously close.
Immediately, you tried to gulp down every last drop you could, wanting to still finish so you wouldn’t have to come back down here so soon, even though your instincts were yelling at you to get out of here before he found you.  As a result of your suddenly rushed attempts to finish your meal, you made a bit more of a mess than you usually did.  Blood smeared across your face and dribbled down onto your shirt, some unfortunately falling to the ground below as your teeth tore into the man’s neck in an attempt to get this last bit to gush out.
You could hear him, he was just outside the building, you couldn’t wait any longer, you’d already waited too long.
How much had he seen?  How long had he been onto you?  How had he found you?
You could worry about that when you were safely back at the Scout’s headquarters and in the process of cleaning up any evidence you’d ever been to the Underground, right now, you had to leave.
Now you didn’t even have time to try and hide the body.
Teeth unlatching from the man’s neck, hood pulled low over your head to hide all of your features, you finally bolted, heading for the opposite side as you heard the door open, worried that you still had been too late, that he might have seen your hasty exit, or at least a flash of your cloak disappearing around the corner of the open doorway.
There was no chance to take it back now.  The best you could do was damage control and dig in your heels.  He might have seen your cloak, maybe, but as far as you knew, he had no way of knowing it was you.  No definitive way, anyway.  He hadn’t seen your face, hadn’t seen any defining features.  As far as you were aware, he’d only seen your cloak.  You still had a chance.  Especially if you cleaned your clothes fast enough and thoroughly enough there wasn’t a trace of blood or the Underground on them.
Heart pounding as you attempted to keep yourself calm so you could act rationally and not tip your hand and give yourself away by panicking, you raced back to the surface to start disposing of evidence in the safety of your quarters.
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*Levi’s POV*
Levi tried to be quick when he opened the door, intending to catch L/N in the middle of whatever was happening in here and then act accordingly.  As far as he was aware, he’d acted fast enough and quietly enough he should have gotten the drop on her, even with that apparent sixth sense of hers that had allowed her to avoid him thus far.  The door swung open, and he saw a blur of motion--a blur he tried to write off as simply his eyes still adjusting to the scene at first--and the flash of a dark cloak disappearing around the corner.
Levi’s eyes widened at the realization that blur or at least the cloak was L/N fleeing from the scene, a ‘Tch!’ escaping him as he dashed across the abandoned building to try and make it out the other side before she could disappear again, hand on the edge of the doorway as he slid out into the alley on the other side.
He rushed to the mouth, hoping that maybe she had just turned out of sight, that he wasn’t about to lose her again like he had the first time he’d followed her.
Again, nothing.  Not even the sound of retreating footsteps.  She was just...gone, like the first time.
Swearing loudly to himself, with the sound surprisingly disconcerting when it was thrown out into the silent streets, Levi turned back to the abandoned building, the only thing he had now that L/N had fled.
She had fled, which meant that this time she might have left something behind for him to find in her haste to leave.  People got sloppy when they were in a rush, and he was going to take full advantage of it.
Giving one last frustrated look down the deserted street, Levi doubled back to the abandoned building she had been inside, standing in the middle of the room as his eyes did a quick roam over his surroundings, looking for anything out of place, anything out of the ordinary.
Over in a dark corner, there was a mass, some kind of shape that looked distorted and unlike any kind of furniture or item found in an abandoned building like this.  It wasn't moving, but Levi still approached with caution, the dark shape slowly taking form as Levi approached, gradually becoming clearer as Levi silently came closer.
It was a body.  The tail he'd been following, from the looks of it, though Levi still didn't have a cause of death.  The body was distorted and lying unnaturally, head bent at an odd angle--not broken, just left in an odd position--and it was lying face down, as if it had been dropped in a rush.
He had interrupted something.  The question now was what had he interrupted.  His gaze had already darkened with the realization she'd left a body behind, but whether this had been intentional or self-defense remained to be seen.  The motive, her intentions, were largely going to affect how he reacted.
Levi turned the body over with his foot and froze, staring at the man’s throat.  It was ripped out, like an animal had sunk its teeth all the way in but had been startled into tearing away before it was ready, bringing half the man’s throat with it.  Yet, despite the gruesome sight, there were only a few drops of blood on the ground beneath the body, a couple light smears around the wound itself.  When Levi crouched down to touch the body, it was ice cold against his fingers.  Algor mortis shouldn’t have even started yet, the man had hardly been dead for a few moments, but there was next to no blood despite his manner of death, the body lacked all warmth--the warmth shouldn’t have drained from him for at least a half hour.
There should have been blood all over this place--should have still been some blood in him draining to the parts of his body lying on the ground.  And yet…
A memory was making its way unbidden to the front of his mind, whispering sinister, impossible, dark thoughts into his mind as Levi stared at the dead man's throat.  A memory of a legend Kenny once tried to scare him with, one he had dismissed as nonsense and scoffed at the impossible tale.
A tale about an immortal creature that plagued the Underground as long as there had been an Underground, choosing the miserable place because of its darkness and isolation from the sun, and its plethora of people that no one would even care if someone went missing every now and then.  An undead demon with glowing red eyes, the last thing a man saw before it feasted on his blood and drained the life out of him, leaving his empty body lying in the street with his throat ripped open.
Kenny had told it to him once to scare him, to keep him from getting too cocky and thinking he was untouchable.  And Levi had called him out on it, called it the bullshit he'd been so sure that it was.  There was no such thing as demons or bloodsucking monsters.  There were real monsters in the world, but not of this dark, fantastical variety.
And Kenny had taught him the lesson that had led him here.  And made him a bit more wary of the darker corners of the world.
"Maybe not demons...or maybe there are. There's Titans above ground, right?  Why wouldn't we have our own brand of monster down here?"
Kenny scratched his chin.  "Whether you believe in the demon part or not, there's always a little truth to every legend.  At the least, there's probably a killer somewhere down here with a signature like that who caused the stories."
Levi looked dubiously at Kenny. "Yeah?  How do I know they're not just legends about your murders."
"Because, Runt.  I slit throats, I don't rip 'em out."
Levi felt his blood run cold, chilling him to the core.
What he’d witnessed...she had not been a target, she had never been someone’s prey; she had been the hunter luring in an unsuspecting victim.
How long had she been doing this?  A couple years at least, going off how long she'd been sneaking out to the Underground, but it probably went on before that, before she joined the military, before she even showed up on the surface.  When he'd caught the smell of blood on her cloak he hadn't expected this to be the source.
“I...conduct blood rituals to achieve perfection.”
That deadpan delivery at the table in the mess hall--had she been secretly mocking them?  Or, more accurately, secretly mocking him, the one trying to figure out what she was hiding?
Was she...even human?
It was insane, but so was the thought of the empty grave before he’d opened that coffin.  It was madness, but it fit, it made things that had seemed alien suddenly belong in this greater picture.  Where else would all this blood have gone, especially with how quickly she had to leave because of his interruption?  How else would she have these senses that told her when Levi was near--that allowed her to know when she was being followed when it should have been impossible, that allowed her to see him in detail in the shadows from a distance yet still draw a perfect portrait, and had made her aware of the Titans before anyone else?  That strength and ease in all of her physical requirements as a soldier had to have come from somewhere, like Levi’s, but this hadn’t been what he was thinking.
And then there was the undead thing, the immortal thing, from the story he’d heard as a child.
No, no that was pushing it too far.  That she might not be human was a hard enough pill to swallow, even when he had his own superhuman abilities and lived in a world of Titans.  He was not a superstitious person, and this was a hard thought to even entertain, let alone to take seriously.  Even when he was staring at a corpse that strongly suggested the truth of the tale.
Even if it would explain how Y/N Frazier crawled out of her grave when it was supposed to be humanly impossible.  Even though it smoothed away the question of how Y/N Frazier and Y/N L/N were connected by suggesting they were the same person.
No matter what the full truth was, he was at a point where he had to confront her either way, for everyone’s safety.  He might be the only one who could match her, physically, and even then he’d have to be extra careful about his approach, because she could still overpower him if he wasn’t careful.  At the very least, she was a murderer, a serial killer who hadn’t stopped even after joining the Scouts and was still regularly killing, and somewhere he used to live, no less.  He had hated living down here, but part of him still took that personally.
At the worst, though, she was a monster of shadowy legend.  One that preyed on humankind, like the Titans.  A true enemy of mankind that it seemed almost no one was aware of.  Now he knew, and he had to do something about it.
But first, the confrontation.  And he better make sure he had her cornered and that he was ready for a fight.  It was likely she would lash out, and he needed to be prepared for a fight for survival.  He needed to be ready to handle the situation as soon as he had the truth, because whether she was a murderer or monster only affected how the fight would go and the severity of the stakes.  If she was a legitimate monster as well as a murderer did not affect the fact that a fight was inevitable--it just decided how deadly it would actually be.
And he needed a contingency in case the worst happened, so the truth wouldn’t die with him.
The Scouts needed to know what lurked within their ranks.  Erwin needed to know.  It was all a front--something deadly was masquerading as one of them, and it needed to be stopped before it could do irreversible damage.
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Next Chapter---->
Levi Tags:  @clary-quinn @humanitys-hottestsoldier@whalerus @sunny-flo @thirstyforsometea​
Wings in the Dark Tags:  @regalillegal @animeluver23 @theshylittleelfgirl @queenthorin1 @dilucs-thighs @sociallyanxiousmouse
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nonevanished · 3 years
hi and hello, i’m cael (21+) and i prefer they/them pronouns! i haven’t done tumblr rp in over two years by now so i’m big scared but yolo!!! this is my problem child han jiwoo, he’s rather rough around the edges if you haven’t beaten the 40 levels and boss battle required to tolerate him as a friend (jk) (or am i) but his redeeming quality is that...(crickets). jk again, he’s really a big mama’s boy and has basically looked after her since their dad left, and if you have him as a friend then basically you have someone who’ll be adamantly on your side until you cut him off. i only have his biography finished for now cos procrastination got me bad, but i’ll do my best to summarize under the cut
was born and raised here, so muses around his age could have had classes with him and witnessed how many fights he got into lol. as he got older it got somewhat better because he learned that if he dressed like a typical #badboy then people would leave him alone. or at least not gossip about him to his face (he hates that more than anything qwiueqjw)
abandonment issues but like it’s cool
works at the electric eclectic, figured he would put some of the cooking he learned from a young age to use and get paid for it at least. likes to stay in the kitchen area because he’s at least aware he’s not really a people person. makes the best coffee there, or so he likes to think
maybe wants to open up his own small diner someday and serve anyone for cheap, so anyone who couldn’t afford it could just come. he might not always express it well, but it’s part of his instinct to look after people after taking care of his mom so long
his main wish would be to get out of starlight bay. very original jiwoo!! nah but it would mean a lot to him, he especially wants to get his mom out of there cos he thinks that it’s all the associations to his dad who left them that keeps her from healing properly and he wants her to be able to move on and find new happiness.
protective of starlight bay tho no matter how much he hates being stuck there. doesn’t really like newcomers, he thinks they’re ruining the town. not at all because he's jealous they've been to other places!!!
actually doesn’t really like unfamiliar people in general, he just assumes everyone dislikes him at first, so he figures if he dislikes them too then it evens out *plays heavy metal clown music*
wanted connections
he goes on early morning runs at the beach to get his mind off stuff, so muses he meets there
new customer at the diner who thinks he hates them because he made direct eye contact with them while they were waiting to be served then turned back around to “cook” even though there are no orders
we about to paint the town.... ra ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta.... ok i’ll stop. maybe someone he goes on little vandalism sprees with but this is a fine line for him, he’d help if it was a popular public tourist place because maybe it will drive them off <3 but longtime town buildings are not cool, he would probably go off on you if he caught you doing that
someone just as cool as him =) jk maybe they are both self proclaimed baddies but when they hang out they actually just do stupid shit and gossip about tourists yanno
i’m willing to work out something new or look at your plots page too just lemme know, or we can wing it that’s cool too
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daisyxbuckley · 4 years
O’Death//Calliope Kane Book 2
Disclaimer: Look yall. You should know by now, sometimes you will get 2 chapters at the same time and sometimes you’ll get one every three months from me. So enjoy lol
Description: The Grounders have been defeated. The people on the Ark have landed safely….so where is the rest of The 100? Calliope and her friends must work in a race against time to save everyone..no matter the cost.
“Calliope, I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you, but that was such a reckless move. You have no idea if he’s going to make it or if they will believe him if he does.” Kane was pacing back and forth in the council room as Callie stood without emotion, looking at the wall in front of her. She knew her dad was pissed, she could feel it radiating off him in waves, but she didn’t care. Bellamy was at risk and Callie would do whatever she needed to do to protect him. Finally realizing that her father had stopped yelling, the redhead broke from her thoughts and looked at him. “You realize that this isn’t about what you want right? This is about the good of our people.” 
“The good of our people rest on Bellamy’s shoulders. If he doesn’t make it then we all die.” Callie said as she fought to keep her voice neutral. “What I did was make them look the other way until he could get to where we needed him to be.” 
“I don’t care why you did it, I care that you did it without consulting me.” Kane yelled as he stepped closer to his daughter. “You are NOT in charge here anymore.” 
“And i’m also not a child anymore, yet you still treat me like one!” Callie finally let go of her anger. She was pissed that her father of all people, was still treating her like she had no clue what she was doing. “We survived for MONTHS down here by ourselves. We did what we needed to do. And then you guys arrive and act like we haven’t done a damn thing but we have..” Callie moved so her father started to back up. She knew that he had never seen her like this, but maybe it was time he did so he would let her grow up. “I am almost 20 years old. I know what i am doing, and what i was doing was for the good of our people. If we keep Bellamy alive, then we all live.” 
Kane wasn’t able to respond to his daughter as the door opened to find Abby standing there. The two broke eye contact to look at her as she cleared her throat. “Callie, Clarke needs you in the radio bay.” She said quietly. Callie didn’t even spare a look at her father as she turned on her heel and brushed passed Abby. The older woman watched the redhead walk down the hall before turning to her father. 
“She’s gonna get herself killed one day.” Kane said as he groaned, a hand rubbing his eyes. “And she doesn’t realize it.” 
“She does...but Callie is very much the type of person that doesn’t care.” Abby said moving over and putting a hand on the mans shoulder. “She has grown into a spectacular woman, Marcus. You and her mother made sure of that. But you need to understand that she would do whatever she needed to do to protect her friends.” Abby didn’t need Kane to say the worry that he was going through. She felt it with Clarke, as she was the exact same way. “Maybe it’s time we step back and let them do what they’ve been doing all this time.” Hearing the man grunt, Abby hid a smile as she rubbed his back. “Come on. Let’s go try and help the girls.” 
Callie was still trying to come down from the fight with her dad when she reached Raven’s work area. The only thing that calmed her down was hearing a voice...his voice. 
"I don't know. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level. Maya borrowed the schematics of the vent system from her boss, and I'm still trying to find a way in."
Callie ran towards his voice and noticed Clarke’s panicked look as she handed the mic to the older girl. 
“Bell? Is everything okay?” She asked quickly. Callie knew they didn’t have much time as the second they realized Bellamy was in there he was as good as dead if he didn’t do what they needed him to. 
“Hey Red. Yeah, everything is fine. Maya is just getting me a different route.” His voice seemed calm but Callie knew that he was nervous. 
“I think I found a different route, here is that radio and earpiece Raven needed.” Maya’s voice came across the radio and the two girls looked over at Raven who shrugged. 
“I’m making him mobile.” 
“Bell, you HAVE to save them. We’ve already lost too many people...we don’t need to lose anymore.” Callie said quickly. Looking at the time she noticed Clarke trying to wrap it up. “I gotta go, but check back in two hours okay?” 
“I will Cal. But you be safe too..I don’t need anything happening to you out there.” 
Before she could say anything else, the radio cut off and the three girls were alone in the room with their thoughts again. Before any of them could say anything, Kane was coming into the room and Clarke stood up. 
“Clarke, it’s time to go to Tondoc.” He said, his eyes never going to rest on his daughter. He knew that they wouldn’t be able to talk about this calmly until things were less tense, but that didn’t help her at all. 
“I’m not going.” She said quickly. Standing up she went to walk out the door when Callie grabbed her arm. 
“Clarke, you have to. You have a meeting with Lexa...she trusts you.” She said quietly. 
“Callie, you and I both know that I can’t go with our friends still in that mountain. They are in trouble and I’m not leaving them till I know they are okay.” Clarke said as she looked over at Kane. “Lexa knows and respects you as well. She will be more than willing to talk to you.”
“Clarke, the whole point of being a leader is when to choose what battles you want to fight.” Kane said. He knew why she was so upset, but she needed to focus on the bigger picture. 
“And I also need to know when to Delegate. You and Callie will both go to Tondoc.” 
“Maybe your mother should go.” Kane said slowly as his eyes shifted to his daughter finally. Callie didn’t miss the fact that it took him almost the entire conversation to actually look at her. 
“She is still Chancellor and she's needed here.” Clarke said, shaking her head. “Please, just do this for me.” 
The two of them were silent for a few more minutes before Kane sighed and nodded his head. “Fine. But you have to promise me that you will go as well once you hear back from Bellamy.” Clarke nodded and headed out of the room while Callie watched her walk out. Abby walked in and watched her daughter leave as Kane looked back at the redhead. “Callie, be ready to leave in twenty minutes.”
 All Callie did was nod and go back to the radio with Raven as her father left the room with Abby. “You and your dad really got into it, didn’t you.” Raven hardly spoke to Callie after what happened with Finn. Honestly the girl didn’t blame her, but she was a little surprised that the first conversation that they would have was about her father. 
“He seems to think that I shouldn’t be making the choices that I am making.” Callie said carefully. “That i’m being reckless.” 
“Callie...you have done some stupid shit since i’ve known you...but you have also been the most level headed out of all of us.” Raven said quietly. “You’re not being reckless, you’re just trying to keep everyone alive.” 
Callie honestly had no clue how to respond to what the other girl said. So she didn’t. Putting her hand on Raven’s shoulder, she squeezed it before heading out of the room herself. Running into Clarke, the two girls shared a quiet moment before everything was about to erupt. 
“If you hear from him...don’t tell him where i’m at. I don’t want him worrying about me or his sister when he needs to focus on this.” Callie said carefully. She didn’t need to elaborate. Clarke knew. 
“Cal...if something happens.” Clarke said slowly 
“Nothing is going to happen. We are going to Tondoc, we are going to get help and we are going to get our people out of that damn mountain.” Callie said as she squeezed Clarke’s hand. “I have to go meet my dad. I’ll see you soon.” 
Clarke watched the redhead hurry off down the halls till she was out of site. The pit in the bottom of her stomach wasn’t going away and the girl hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time she would see her friend. Walking back into the radio room, she heard Raven on the radio with Bellamy again. 
“I’m at the intersection, which way?” His voice was hurried as he had been running. Trying to avoid the guards while also getting the help from Maya had been difficult but the sooner all of this was over, the sooner they would have their friends back. 
“You just passed the filtration system. So you’re close Bellamy.” Raven’s voice crackled through the earpiece as Bellamy tried not to roll his eyes. 
“Can you be more specific?” 
Before anyone could answer that question, they heard it. The high pitched whine of a drill cutting through the silence. The screams coming from the recipient who the extraction was being done to. “Nevermind, found it.” He said as he crept closer. 
“Bellamy...is that a drill?” Ravens voice was quiet and distorted and Bellamy instinctively nodded before he remembered she wasn’t with him. 
“It’s a bone marrow extraction.” Clarkes voice sounded horrified and the man knew that if she was here her face would match his own. Bellamy watched the doctor stand next to a man in front of a table with another man on it. 
“Are you ready for the last treatment you will ever need?” The doctor asked. 
“You have no idea how ready I am.” 
“Thats Emerson. I see he made it back on time.” Clarke’s voice was almost bitter, but she kept quiet as the men kept talking. 
“Did she say anything about the army?” Cage asked as he looked down at the other man 
“No sir. She did say that she was coming for us...and that she would let our people live if we let the others go.” Emerson said quickly. “I’m sorry I failed sir.” 
“No, it’s fine. We will finish the job tonight.” Cage said rubbing his chin. “Apparently there is a war council tonight in one of the villages. All the leaders will be there. We have the missiles. With that hiting them, they wont have the forces to continue to fight us.” 
Clarkes eyes went wide as she looked at Raven. “Bellamy, you need to get in there and disable the fog now.” She quickly muted the radio and paced for a second. 
“Did Kane or Callie take a radio?” She asked the shocked girl next to her. 
“No. The only open channel is this one and we need it for Bellamy.” Raven said. “Clarke..what are we going to do? 
“Clarke, hey where is Callie? And Octavia was in Tondoc when I left-” Bellamy’s hurried voice came back over the radio as the blonde grabbed it. 
“They are fine. They are currently helping with other things though.” She said quickly. “Let me focus on warning the leaders. You focus on getting us in.” 
“I will. Be safe.” He said quickly before the radio cut out. 
“Why did you just lie to him?” Raven asked as Clarke started out of the room. 
“He can’t be distracted. Two of the most important people in his life are currently in danger and we need him focused on the task at hand. If I leave now, I can reach Tondoc in time.” She said quickly before heading out. 
“Hey. Don’t get blown up!” Raven yelled. 
The journey to Tondoc was quiet. Callie refused to look at her father and he barely glanced at her. She knew that with everything coming up they needed to have a discussion, but both of them were too stubborn to say anything. Eventually the torches of the village filled their visions and Callie was met with a smiling Octavia. “It’s about time you got here. I didn’t think you were coming though.” 
“Clarke has some things to take care of so she sent us in her place for now.” Callie said, giving the shorter girl a squeeze. Seeing Indra’s stoic face, Callie nodded. “It’s good to see you again Indra.” 
The older woman just nodded as she motioned towards the tent Lexa was in. “She’s waiting for you.” 
Looking over at her father, he nodded as she followed Indra into the tent. Lexa’s eyes showed surprise for a split second before her face morphed into a small smile. “Calliope. It’s good to see you again. I wasn’t expecting you though.”
“Clarke had some loose ends to tie up back at camp. She sent me here just so we can get started.” As Callie spoke, she heard the tent open and the blonde hurried through. 
“Well, Clarke of the sky people has finally honored us with her presence.” Lexa said with a grin. 
“I am so sorry i’m late commander. But we need to talk.” 
The look on Clarke’s face was enough to set off alarm bells in Callie’s head. “Clarke..what’s going on?”
“There is a missile coming this way. They are launching it any minute.” Clarke said quickly. The joking demeanor that Lexa had was gone as the words came out of the blondes mouth. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, we need to start evacuating now.” Clarke said looking at Callie.
“No.” The tone was clear from Lexa and the two girls looked at her with mouths agape. 
“Lexa..we have to tell everyone. What’s the point of having an inside man if we can’t save these people.” Callie said  “We can’t just sit here and do nothing.”
“Is the acid fog disabled? Do we have our army inside the walls free? Then Bellamy’s job is not done.” Lexa said. Her face had a soft look on it as she knew this was hard for the others. “If we evacuate, they will know there is an imposter in their mist. Then we will lose.” 
“Lexa..I provoked them.” Callie said quickly. “They wouldn’t do this if I didn’t.” She knew that what she did was stupid, but she didn’t think that this would be the outcome. “Lexa please…”
“Sometimes we must concede a battle to win the war.” Lexa said quietly. She knew that neither of the girls could understand why she was choosing to do what needed to be done, but hopefully in time they would. 
“Let’s tell the clan leaders then. Help them get out and meet up at a point in the woods.” Clarke said quickly 
“And then how many more people will we tell? Where will we draw the line?” Lexa asked. The frustration on all three of their faces was evident as they tried to work a solution out. “"It is our only choice, and you both know it. You could have warned everyone up there, but you didn't. You said nothing, not even to your own people. This is war. People die. You both showed true strength today.” Lexa said as the other girls looked at each other.  “Don't let emotions stop you now. It's time to go.”
Bellamy crept along the hallway to where his destination laid. He knew that he needed to hurry up and get the acid fog disabled, but it was proving harder and harder. When he heard the familiar crackle in his ear, he sighed. 
“Talk to me.” Raven’s voice said. “Tell me what you see.
“Close your eyes and imagine a bottomless pit.” He said as he quickly looked around and headed off down another hallway. “That’s what this is. How much father?” 
“According to Dante’s instructions, you’re almost there.” Raven said as she looked at the makeshift map in front of her. 
“What about Clarke? Was she able to get to Tondoc in time?” Bellamy asked quickly as he slipped through a door. 
“She should have. But it’s Clarke, she will get it done.” She said chewing on a pencil. “Now just focus on getting your ass to where you need to go and leave your sister and girlfriend to us.” The second she said it though, Raven knew she fucked up. 
“Wait..Callie and O are in Tondoc? I thought you said they were back at the base?” Bellamy said quickly as he stopped. “Raven, why would you guys lie to me?”
“Because we needed you focused, Bellamy. And we still do. They are going to be fine, but you need to move or all of this will be for nothing.” She said quickly as she sent a silent prayer to the universe. 
“Fine.” Was all he said before the radio clicked off.
Callie and Clarke stood in Lexa’s tent as they debated what to do. “I’m not leaving without my dad and Octavia.” Callie said. “No way in hell.” 
“Calliope, if we don’t leave now, then all of us will be dead.” Lexa said quickly. “And in what way will that be helpful at all.” 
Callie shook her head. “No. Take Clarke and get out of here. I’ll get my dad and Octavia.” She said as she started towards the tent opening. 
“Callie, no. If something happens to you-” Clarke cut herself off as she grabbed the older girls arm. 
“If something happened to me...make sure Bellamy knows there’s nothing he could of done.” She said before slipping back out. Using the light of the bonfire and torches, Callie spotted her father pretty quickly talking to Indra.
“Dad.” She yelled as she ran over to him. “Dad, we need to go now.” Looking around, Callie looked at the woman next to her father. “Have you seen Octavia?” She asked quickly. Indra shook her head as she stared at the redhead with a wondering look. 
“She went out with one of the scouting parties. What is going on, young one?” Callie really didn’t want to lie to the older woman. She hated the thought, but if Lexa wanted her to know then she would have found a way to tell her. “Callie, where is the Commander?” 
“They left...Clarke and Lexa left.” Callie said quietly. “There is a missile heading this way. And Clarke came here to warn people, but Lexa said that it would ruin the plan in the long run.” Callie saw the look of horror from her dads face and tried to ignore it. “We need to get out of here.” 
“Callie you need t-” Whatever Kane was about to say to his daughter was cut off as it seemed like all the sound in the forest was wiped out and everyone was lifted off their feet almost at the same time. Callie felt her feet leave the earth and felt her body fly back before it impacted with a tree and she fell to the floor. The earth spun as she tried to figure out what the hell had just happened, and chaos erupted all around. The entire village was on fire and the ringing in her ears was so loud that it was like someone had set off an alarm inside her brain. Feeling herself be lifted up, her fathers face swam in and out of her vision as Callie looked around at all the destruction that was caused. All the bodies of people that she knew, dead and staring vacantly at the sky. The stars were covered by all the smoke that was rising from the ground. 
She felt the hands on her as her vision tried to settle. Looking into Clarke’s eyes, Callie tried to find her footing and realized that her father was nowhere near where he was standing a minute ago. “Clarke...my dad. I don’t know where he is.” 
“My mom is here. But we need to go NOW.” Clarke said as she led the redhead away from the town and towards where Lexa was. “We need to get to the spotter who aimed the missile.” She said as Lexa looked at Callie with a worried look. 
“Clarke, if he’s the spotter then he’s here to make sure we are dead.” Lexa said. “If he knows we are alive.” She looked down at Callie trying to catch her breath against a tree. “And she is in no shape to go anywhere.” 
“He won't know. I’m going to kill him. Callie, you need to stay here and help the wounded...i’ll be back as soon as I can.” Clarke said as she headed into the woods. 
Callie watched the two girls head into the dark woods and turned her attention back to the village. The damage was insane as she watched people run around and try to find loved ones that were buried under the rubble. Once her mind cleared, Callie realized that her father was nowhere to be found and panicked. 
“Dad!” She yelled as she ran through the smoke and fire. Feeling hands grab her, Callie looked into Niyko’s worried face. “Niyko. Have you seen my dad?!” Her voice was horse from all the smoke and the damage to her body but Callie was more alert than ever. 
“No, but you need to rest. You’re bleeding as well.” He said motioning to her forehead. The cut above her eyebrow stung as she realized she would probably need to get stitches later. 
“No, I don’t have time. I need to find my dad.” She said looking around. Hearing her name, Callie looked over and saw Abby running towards her. Once the woman reached her, she made sure the girl was okay. 
“Abby, my dad was standing right next to me when the missile hit.” She said loudly. The ringing in her ears made it hard to know if she was yelling because of the noise or because she couldn’t hear a damn thing. 
“Callie, I will find him. I need you to get back to Camp and get help. Can you do that.” Abby asked as she tried to keep her voice calm. She noticed the girl not paying attention and raised her voice to get her to look. “Callie, please. If you can go get what I need to help people here, then we can save more people.” 
Nodding, Callie took one look at Abby and bolted towards the woods that led to camp. She knew that she needed to get help, but her mind was also on if her father was alive or not. Callie felt like she had been running forever when she finally saw the lights of camp. James met her outside and the redhead just collapsed into his arms. 
“Callie, what the hell happened?” He said as some of the others in the camp made their way around her. “We saw the light and heard the boom from here.” 
“A missile. Mt Weather sent a missal.” She said quietly. “We need help for the wounded.” She looked up at some of the other people around as they ran and got what they needed. “We need to go back.” 
“Callie, you need to get patched up first. You’re bleeding really bad.” James said as he moved her hair out of her eyes. The front matted in blood and covered in soot and smoke. Her skin was paler than usual as the blood loss took a toll on her.
“No. Just put a band aid on me and let’s go.” Callie said as she saw Jackson run over and quickly bend down to her. 
“Callie, you’re gonna need stitches.” He said as he put gauze to her wound and taped it down. 
“I know, but now isn’t the time. We have to go now.” She said as James helped her up. “There are more people who need help right now.” 
James shook his head and tightened his grip on her body as he looked at the others running around, seeing Jackson as he ran over. “Callie needs stitches, but you need to go and help Abby. Take a few people and get supplies to the wounded.” He said as he reached down and scooped the girl next to him up. 
“James, stop.” Callie said trying to fight her way out of his arms. “I promise i’m okay.” She knew that she wasn’t very convincing and Callie eventually gave up fighting and let James take her to get patched up. 
“Cal, you can go help when I know that you’re going to be okay.” He said as he headed towards med bay. Entering the room, he sat her down on the bed as he looked around for things he would need. 
“James, you’re great at a lot of things, but stitching me up is not one of them.” The redhead said as she put a cloth to her forehead. The fabric was getting soaked and the girl knew she needed to take care of it and let James help her. Moving back over to stand between her legs, James moved the cloth and checked the wound before getting the needle and thread ready to stitch. 
“It might not look as good as when you do it, but at least you wont be bleeding everywhere anymore.” He said with a slight grin. “You ready? We don’t have time for pain meds right now.” 
“Yeah, just get it done and over with.” Callie said, closing her eyes. Hissing as his hand touched the wound and pinched it together, the redhead held back a scream of pain as she felt the needle pierce her skin to sew the gash shut. After what felt like hours, James finally stood back and applied a bandage over it to keep it from infection and touched her arm. 
“Hey, you’re good to go.” He said as he watched her open her eyes. Moving a strand of hair from her face, James stood there as his hands went to rest on Callie’s upper thighs. “You gonna be okay?” He asked as she looked down. 
“Yeah, I will be once we get everyone out of that mountain.” She said as she jumped down from the bed. “I need to check on Raven, then we are going to go.” Callie didn’t wait for James to respond before she was running down the hallway to where Raven was. Busting into the room, Callie saw Raven at the radio and tried to ignore the look of worry she was given when the brunette saw her. 
“Cal, what the hell!? Are you guys alright?” She asked as she quickly got up and walked over. Waving her away, Callie walked over to the radio. 
“I’m fine. Has he checked in?” Callie asked as she sat down. Raven shook her head. “No...but he’s due to.” 
As if on queue, Bellamy’s voice rang through the room. 
“Raven, are you there?” 
“Bell, it’s Callie.” She said as she grabbed the mic “Octavia and I are safe. Please tell me that you are as well.” 
“Cal? Thank god, why did you lie to me? I told you to stay at camp so you were safe.” Callie could hear the worry in Bellamy’s voice as he tried to keep quiet. 
“Because I didn’t need you to worry. I needed you to focus. Now are you almost to the fog chambers?” 
“I’m working on it.” Bellamy said quickly. “Somethings wrong...my card isn’t working.” 
Callie and Raven locked eyes as James entered the room. Both girls knew what it could mean with his card not working, but neither of them wanted to admit it. “Bell..what's going on?” 
“Give me a minute. I need to figure something out.” And with that the connection cut out again. Pushing back, Callie stood up quickly. “Raven, you and Wick need to help him. I need to go find Clarke and help with what I can there.” Raven nodded as she went off to find the other man, leaving Callie and James alone. 
“I’m going with you.” He said quietly. Callie shook her head with a sad smile. 
“I need you here, to help in case we don’t make it back. I need to know there is someone here we can trust.” She said quietly, looking at the floor. Feeling his hand take hers, Callie finally looked up into his ice blue eyes. 
“Callie, you can’t sacrifice yourself for him….he wouldn’t want you to.” James said softly as his hand moved to her cheek. “You can stay here and be safe.” 
“James...I love him. And I know he would go through hell and back to make sure that I made it out of there alive as well.” She said as she moved his hand. “‘I’m sorry.” And with that, Callie pushed past the man in front of her and sprinted towards the mountain. 
It felt like her lungs were on fire before Callie finally saw some of the people Lexa had brought to fight. Thankfully they recognized her and pointed her to where their leader was, Callie just hoped that she wasn’t too late. The whole time her mind was focused on Bellamy and everything that could have happened to him as he was stuck inside that mountain. Seeing Clarke’s blonde hair, Callie pushed on till she got to the other two girls. 
“Callie!” Clarke yelled. “Thank god.” She said as they hugged. Stepping back, Callie nodded to Lexa who looked a little unnerved but hid it well. 
“I think Bellamy has been discovered. His card didn’t work anymore and the only way for that to happen would be if he was caught.” Callie said as she tried to catch her breath. Before either of them could say anything, one of the grounders ran up to Lexa excitedly saying that they saw the signal. 
“He made it.” Callie whispered. The pit in the bottom of her stomach was finally gone as she heard Lexa give the order to sound the horn to proceed. Noticing Octavia, Callie ran over to her. “O, thank god you’re okay.” She said quickly but was taken aback by the look on the girls face. 
“You knew. You knew about the missile and you and Clarke were going to just let us take our chances.” Octavia spat at the older girl. 
“O..please. I was coming to find you when it hit. We were told not to say anything BECAUSE Lexa told us not to. I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you though. I couldn’t let that happen.” Callie pleaded. She didn’t want the younger Blake mad at her too, but it seemed like it was heading in that direction. 
Before Octavia could say anything, Clarke came running up. “Octavia. You’re not going to the mines with Indra. It’s too dangerous and I need to keep you safe.” 
“Fuck you Clarke. I’m so tired of you and trying to keep me safe. I can take care of myself and obviously Indra thinks so too.” 
“O, Bellamy would be devastated if anything happened to you. We just want you to stay alive.” Callie said quickly, hoping to stop a fight before it started. 
“Worry about yourself Callie.” Octavia said before she turned and walked off. The older girls watched her for a second before Callie turned to the blonde. 
“Come on...we have a job to do.” 
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Additional Warnings: Teasing, Fingering, Spanking, just Jin being a dirty little lover (LOL)
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 3,795
Tag List: @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali​
Chapter 37: Awake
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“It’s not that I believe it, but that I want to try holding out...”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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The rain fell in heavy torrents outside. Seokjin sat at his desk, elbows resting on the surface with his fingers pressing together. If anyone happened to enter his office at that moment, they quickly vacated the room without disturbing him. He was usually kind, impressionable, and full of answers to the many questions that were thrown at him. He had a gentle smile or soft reprimand prepared for any situation.
Kim Seokjin’s current expression, however, would have frightened anyone who dared to look upon it.
His eyes, normally bright, were exceptionally dark and fierce. Full lips were pressed together in a semi-thin line as brows furrowed harshly over his eyes. The only sound resonating through the room was the steady ticking of the clock hanging over his bookshelf. A pin could drop in the room and it would have sounded like a gunshot fired off.
It was a single question that continued to bounce around inside of Seokjin’s head for days. No, weeks. He knew that there would be unrest in the criminal underworld upon their departure. It was a given. Gangnam and Yongsan were not small territories. All the other district heads were salivating at the idea that Golden Jackal turf was up for auction – metaphorically speaking. There would be no bidding for those areas. It would be an all-out war.
What disturbed Seokjin the most, the nagging concern that continued to plague his waking hours, was why no one seemed bothered into making a move. None of them. Not even Dongwook turned his head in the direction of those two territories. Something was brewing under the surface, far below the sight of the normal world. The underground was horrifying without all the clichés. It was dirty and festering like a wound that had been allowed to become infected.
His eyes narrowed slightly. …why isn’t anyone moving?
Seokjin’s calculations were normally spot on – perfect to the point of it being eerie. His call to hold off opening the hotel to timing down when, exactly, the others would need to pull out of the game. Namjoon and he spent many late nights figuring all the ins and outs to the tiniest of details. The Golden Jackals were able to succeed up to this point thanks to them both combining their efforts to see through every move and calculate all countermeasures.
However, it was clear the Jade Fangs were preparing for things far in advance. He recalled Namjoon’s face after the encounter he’d had with Shownu. As far back as Seokjin could remember, he’d never seen Namjoon reveal such an expression. There was anger, of course, but something akin to uncertainty that, had any of the others been privy to it, would have lost all motivation to continue down the path they were currently on. They hadn’t made a mistake. Seeing either Hoseok, Namjoon, or even himself waver would have made all their work disintegrate into a puff of smoke.
They couldn’t let that happen.
The shrill sound of the phone shattered Seokjin’s thought process. He cut his eyes toward it, watching the red light flash with each ring. Reaching out, he picked it up from the receiver.
“This is Kim Seokjin,” he answered calmly.
“Oh, Hyung,” Jimin said on the other line. There was a tone-shift that Seokjin instantly recognized. Jimin was uncomfortable with something, but he was unsure of whether or not to tell Seokjin about it.
Seokjin sighed. “What is it, Jimin-ah?”
Jimin hesitated, as if trying to piece together the situation he was dealing with at that exact moment. “You, uh…you have a guest?”
It was a question. Seokjin frowned, his eyes lowering to his cell phone to see that he’d received a text from Anastasia. He’d given her the day off and now he was regretting it. She would have chased this person off the premises, of that he was most certain. He sighed, unable to stave off the grin at the little kitty emoji she’d sent him, along with the words “Fighting” at the end.
“Who is it?”
“…it’s Wonho Hyung.”
He blinked, his gaze lifting to the doors to his office. No. It was a good thing that Anastasia wasn’t in the office now. Seokjin recalled the look on Wonho’s face when he’d first laid eyes on his financial advisor.
Dissolved or not, The Ice Claw of the Golden Jackals would not stand for it.
“Send him in,” Seokjin said finally. He could hear Jimin beginning to protest but he silenced him with a harsh click of his tongue. “Send him in, Jimin-ah.” He hung up the phone, promptly ending the conversation.
Rising from his seat, Seokjin made his way toward the side bar in his office. He didn’t bother turning his head as the doors opened and closed. Instead, he focused on preparing the drinks for both himself and his “guest”. As he poured the gin into the glass, he heard a familiar chuckle to his right.
“You remembered,” gruffed Wonho, his shadow casting itself just over Seokjin’s shoulder, “I’m impressed.”
Turning slightly, he met Wonho’s gaze – the man grinning easily as his lip piercing glinted from the fluorescent lighting of the room. Seokjin held the glass of gin out to him, waiting for it to leave his fingers before returning his attention to the liquor decanters. Dropping two cubes of ice into a tumbler, he let the amber liquid fall into the container – the distinct smell of scotch filling his nares.
“Who could forget your horrible choice of booze, Wonho-yah?” Seokjin turned back to Wonho and the two of them clinked their glasses together.
He gestured to the lounge area of his office where they had a clear view of the city from a large set of bay windows. Seokjin pressed a button on the wall, allowing the curtains to part so the lights of the city could fill the space between them. They both leaned along the frame, their bodies opposite of each other, not really paying their drinks any real mind. Or the city.
Seoul bustled with life below them. Cars zoomed past; pedestrians milled about – heading to unknown destinations. But the noise of the city never reached them.
There was only the sound of the clock ticking away.
Seokjin lifted his drink up to his lips, taking a slow sip to savor the smooth burn that slid down his throat. He didn’t have to look up to know that Wonho was sizing him up. But like always, Seokjin’s body gave nothing away.
“You’re not even going to ask me why I’m here, Jin Hyung,” Wonho said, amusement clear in his tone. It wasn’t a question.
The corner of Seokjin’s mouth lifted in a half grin as he continued to stare out across the cityscape. “Should I?”
“You’re not the least bit curious.”
This time, he let his gaze shift to meet Wonho’s. “Again, should I?”
Wonho’s grin widened, causing the chain connecting his lip ring to his earring to move. “It’s because you already know why.”
Seokjin shrugged. “This is becoming a one-sided conversation rather quickly, don’t you think?” He narrowed his eyes to Wonho ever so slightly. “So, why don’t you do us both a favor and get to the point of this little visit already, hm?”
For a while, neither of them said a word. All they did was smile at each other. Then Wonho began to chuckle; a low and rumbling sound. Seokjin followed suit with a slow building laugh of his own. Finally, both men were laughing loudly, their shoulders practically vibrating from the gesture.
He felt the movement before seeing it. The two men dropped their drinks, the shattering of glass lost to them as their bodies seemed to move of their own accord. Seokjin’s body shifted to the right just as Wonho’s arm thrust out to land a hit to his shoulder. Jerking his elbow up, he knocked into Wonho’s forearm and took a step forward at the same time he did. Seokjin’s arm shot out, his hand immediately clamping over Wonho’s throat seconds after he felt the blow to his ribs. The muscles in his biceps flexed, forcing Wonho’s weight to the left until the other man’s head was pressed against the glass window.
Seokjin winced at the pain blossoming at his core, causing the other man to chuckle, albeit strained from the hold the older man had on him.
“Y-You’ve gotten a little slower, J-Jin Hyung.” Wonho was in obvious discomfort, but still felt like cracking jokes.
Grinning, he dug his fingers into Wonho’s flesh just a bit more, silencing the noises coming from him. “Is that what you think?”
“It’s what I know.” Seokjin felt Wonho grab at his wrist, attempting to loosen the hold he had on his neck. “Falling in love has made you weak.”
The smirk fell from Seokjin’s face, as if Wonho slapped it away. Replacing the momentary look of shock was absolute rage. He squeezed harder, watching the other man’s face change to a concerning shade of red. Seokjin took a step forward, his chest just barely pressing up against Wonho’s.
“Come again?” Wonho coughed against his grasp but Seokjin showed no signs of easing up. “You wanna run that by me one more time, Lee Wonho?”
Instead of answering, the younger man simply laughed. That simple action was enough for Seokjin as realization washed over him like a bucket of ice water. After everything he’d heard from the others, he’d allowed his guard to slip for even a second. And Seokjin was infuriated at the victorious expression painting Wonho’s features.
Goddammit, he thought, the vein at his neck pulsing in time with his ire. He glared at Wonho, wanting in that moment to give into impulse and smash him through the window. Fucking Jack Rabbit…
Taking a step back, he watched as Wonho began to cough and massage his neck. There was a distinct crunch of glass under them as they shuffled over the broken shards. Neither of them paid it any mind. Not when it was obvious that the trap, small as it was, had been sprung.
“It’s just like I thought,” the other man finally managed to croak out, a strained chuckle tacked on the end of his words, “and I told Changkyun-ah what would happen.”
Seokjin pressed a hand to his side, unable to ignore the ache of pain there any longer. “Whatever game you think you’re playing, you need to stop.”
Again, Wonho laughed. “If you weren’t going to finish the game, you never should have started playing in the first place.”
“What’d you say?”
“Did you forget, Jin Hyung? When you first showed up in Seoul all those years ago? Before the Golden Jackals even came around?” Wonho was smiling, but his tone was full of barbs. “You all turned down the offer to become a Jade Fang. One of Changkyun’s people. After getting an in and obtaining all the knowledge you needed, you spat in our faces and left to form your own group.”
Seokjin didn’t know whether to be outraged or laugh. He chose a mixture of both. “Did you think we were going to become Im Changkyun’s lackeys? ” he asked, his brows raising slightly. “Have you lost your mind?”
“We offered you a place at our table—”
“And we didn’t want it, Wonho,” Seokjin cut in, not sure of what to make of this conversation now, “we never did.”
“That’s fine,” he said easily, strolling past Seokjin, “and since Hoseok clearly doesn’t want to join hands with Changkyun, then there’s nothing else for us to really talk about.”
Seokjin turned around just as he saw Wonho heading for the door.
“Ya, Lee Wonho!”
The younger man paused, his fingers resting on the door handle. Wonho glanced over his shoulder to meet Seokjin’s gaze, his smile remaining.
“You better know where the line is.” Seokjin’s eyes narrowed severely. “Don’t even dream of crossing it.”
Instead of replying, Wonho’s grin grew, and then he exited the office – leaving Seokjin alone to feel suffocated by the silence.
…it’s almost time.
He didn’t wait for Anastasia to greet him with her warm, bubbly smile like she so often did when he came to see her. He wouldn’t let her take his coat or offer him a drink. He hadn’t bothered with teasing remarks like he usually did when they were behind closed doors.
Completely ignoring the house slippers, he kicked his shoes off in the entryway and hoisted Anastasia into his arms. She flailed, her hands pressing into his shoulders as she made every attempt to get him to slow down. In ten seconds, he already had her back pressed against the window of her apartment – his arms taking comfort in the cold emitting from the surface. The deep desire was building in Seokjin’s lips, completely overtaking her own.
Tasting her was a sin he willingly committed every chance he could get.
Whatever words Anastasia had were gone and Seokjin didn’t want to talk. He wanted to feel everything; feel her. If she wanted to talk, he would simply rob her of the ability to speak until he was ready for any kind of conversation.
“S-Seokjin,” she managed to puff out when he’d released her mouth, “w-wait a minute.”
Her mewl of protest halted him momentarily, his dark eyes boring into her deep seas of green. Anastasia looked like a deer caught in headlights and he bit back a grin. Instead, his thumb slowly traced the line of her brow all the way to her lips. Tucking the tip of it between the rosy buds, now swollen from his affection, he leaned in to further crowd her space.
“Y-You haven’t eaten yet,” Anastasia stammered, her back pressing further into the window as he, too, took a step into her bubble. “Aren’t you hungry?”
“I am.” His answer came out huskier than he’d intended, causing her cheeks to flush further.
She tried to push against him, but he didn’t move a single inch.
“T-Then let me cook already!”
Seokjin shook his head, leaning down so that his lips were barely brushing across hers. “Dinner can wait.”
Before she could protest, he was already dipping his hands under her baggy sweatshirt – his cold hands instantly warmed by her soft skin nestled beneath. She yelped from his touch and he leaned forward, whispering apologies before sealing his mouth over hers in a heated kiss. Caressing her stomach, he slid his hands around her back until his knuckles brushed over the waistband of her flannel pajama pants. He dipped them beneath, grabbing handfuls of her ass in his palms and lifting her up and against him.
She wrapped her legs around his waist without having to be asked and Seokjin grinned, giving her a good squeeze as he moved – legs slowly ascending the stairs leading to her bedroom loft. When his knees knocked against the edge of the bed, he held Anastasia against him as he leaned back, his hands moving to pull her sweatshirt completely off her torso. Goosebumps immediately peppered across her skin and he began to kiss her collar, his tongue sliding across to her shoulder until he was able to bite into the meat of the muscle there.
Groaning softly, he gently lowered her body down. Just before she was about to reach the bed, however, Seokjin pinched at the back of her calves, causing her grip to release him as she unceremoniously flopped onto the mattress. Her face screwed up in obvious displeasure, but Seokjin didn’t allow her time to issue a complaint. His hands were already at work, gripping onto the waist of her pants and yanking them off in one clean motion. Anastasia’s eyes widened and she attempted to scramble up the bed, away from him, but he was fine with that.
He preferred the hunt.
Seokjin shed his jacket and blazer with little effort on his part, leaning down to remove his socks while maintaining his gaze with the beautiful woman he’d become attached to more and more with every passing day they spent together. Even when they weren’t together, he was enraptured with her and there was an angry imp inside of him cursing Wonho for seeing it clearly when Seokjin, himself, had not bothered to give it a voice.
“Are you running from me?” he asked while slowly removing his tie. “Huh, Anastasia?”
She looked gob smacked by his question – as if she truly couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth. To be fair, he couldn’t blame her. He’d hardly been this aggressive. Ever.
Seokjin snatched her by her ankle, yanking her roughly toward him. There was a half cry, half laugh that exploded from Anastasia. He loved her laugh and he loved knowing that he was the reason for it. Once her legs were dangling on either side of him, he quickly unbuttoned his dress shirt and tossed it to the floor without a second glance. His bare torso was exposed and he could feel the chill running through the air. He pouted slightly while Anastasia seemed almost lost at looking at his body, as if appreciating it for the first time.
“You’re not poor, you know?” He watched her blink up at him, like she’d been knocked out of a trance. He slid his belt off and it, too, hit the floor. “Why do you keep being cheap about the heat?”
Anastasia’s face contorted into child-like outrage. “Ya, Kim Seokjin!”
Seokjin let his hand sail down to her underwear, his palm cupping the warmth that cropped there. He let a middle finger press into the fabric, feeling the nub that was starting to throb and grow wet under his touch. Whatever rebuttals she had were silenced as he rubbed slow, agonizing circles around her clit over the surface of her panties. He could smell her, wanting nothing more than to cover his entire body in that scent.
As he continued to rub circles around her nub, distracting her, his other hand reached down and pulled her underwear completely off her hips. She gasped, her warmth exposed to the frigid air. Seokjin dropped his trousers and groaned at the ache in his loins – his erection fighting against the confines of his boxer briefs. Anastasia reached out to grasp his forearms, unsure of what he was going to do next but silently letting him know that she was ready.
Grabbing for her waist, he flipped her over until her ass bounced in the air – watching her honey wheat locks escape from the updo she’d tied it in and spill over her back. His cold hands slid along the curve of her spine until his fingers flicked over the clasp of her bra – releasing the latch and watching the article flutter to the bed.
He watched her body shudder as she attempted to keep herself up on all fours, admiring the way her folds glistened. Her pale skin flushed and Seokjin already knew that she was becoming self-conscious. Tsking under his breath, he reached out to firmly smack her ass – watching it grow red where his hand was. Anastasia choked out a gasp, and he grinned as her fingers curled into the blankets.
“Are you acting shy? Hm?”
Anastasia whined. He knew she was unable to voice her tantrum to his outrageous question. He smacked her other ass cheek for good measure, eliciting soft, whining mewls from her.
“I’ve told you a million times already,” Seokjin whispered, his fingers sweeping down over her folds to catch the juices from her, “that you’re beautiful.”
He lifted his hand to his lips, swirling his tongue over the digits, making sure that she was watching. There was a hint of a smirk on her lips and Seokjin leaned forward, pressing his chest against her backside and feeling her velvet heat along his stomach. Shimmying out of his underwear, his erection sprung forward, rock hard and aching with desire that he knew only she could satisfy.
She knew it too.
Pressing his hand against her back, he forced her chest to rest along the bed so that her ass was up just a little bit higher. He curled inward, pressing his lips against her spine to trail kisses all the way down until he pressed his lips on both red marks on her ass. Soothing balms for the punishment he’d given her. Seokjin saw her reaching as far as she could towards the headboard, her hands finding the pillow and digging into the soft plush until her knuckles were ghostly white.
Grasping onto her hips with bruising force, Seokjin slid into her fully in one thrust – the world falling to a raw tilt that had his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Anastasia cried out in both pain and pleasure, his name falling from her lips like a litany to a deity that no longer existed but was desperately being summoned. He took his time sliding out of her, his tip just scarcely brushing along her folds, before pushing all the way in. The cadence was slow, deliberate, until he couldn’t take it anymore. The climb was harsh, nails raking along her pale skin as she continued to clutch with ferocity into the sheets and pillows – her voice muffled in the cotton while taking him every single time.
And when he couldn’t handle the pacing he was dragging them both through, when he knew she couldn’t handle it anymore, Seokjin increased speed – thrusting like a piston with precision. The spot that felt the best, the part that satisfied him, was finally within reach. He could feel her walls closing in around him, gripping with a need to keep him there – to continue hitting that spot.
So, he did.
And over.
And over again.
His chest fell across her back, their cries intermingling as their climax was reached together. Sweat soaked their bodies and the hot, musky scent of their sex filled the small space. Grasping onto her shoulders, Seokjin pulled them both to land on their sides. He stayed inside of her, the soft throb of her heat holding him there; tethering him in a way that he was in no rush to free himself from. Anastasia’s breathing eased out as he brushed her bangs away from her forehead affectionately, his other hand wrapping around her from underneath so he could keep his palm pressed between the cleft of her breasts – to feel her heartbeat.
When he was confident that she’d fallen into a light sleep, Seokjin pressed a kiss to her neck and then let his lips linger near the shell of her ear.
“…I love you.”
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imnoexpertblog · 6 years
Fit and Fresh Entertainment
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Baby and I listened to some PRIME 90's R&B the other night. It was actually super fun and made me really happy. Why, specifically? Let me give you some back-story. My dad is from the south and was in the navy back in the day. It's hard to explain how he is; it's almost like he wasn't meant to be a white man LOL. He is just really cool and chill. Anywho, he was only 19 when I was born. I was his little buddy and we always rode around listening to music. I grew up on Tupac, NWA, Biggie, then G-Unit and 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, all that stuff. So when Baby and I were listening to Jagged Edge, Next, K-Ci & JoJo it was definitely giving me childhood feels. My dad would blast that stuff when I was little and sing it to me at the top of his lungs. I loved it. My standards for who I marry are so high because of that man. Good thing Baby treats me like a queen. But yeah, we both did our own thing together. We listened to music while he played his new Madden 19 I got him and I wrote some blog stuff. Sometimes it’s just nice to do that. You can do the things you want to do while you’re together. It’s healthy! We also tried something new this week.
Baby told me there was an opportunity to go do some yoga on the City Deck downtown here in Green Bay for free! I thought that would be super fun and I just so happen to have two yoga mats for us. He came home from work and we had a light dinner before yoga started. It was pretty damn hot out so we were kind of worries how that would go, with the class being outdoor, but being right on the water  helped. We packed iced water in bottles and I put my hair up to make sure we stayed cool. I really wasn't sure to expect, neither was baby. We both have only done yoga once before. The class I attended was Beer Yoga (free pint of beer after the class) and it was indoor with the floor-to-ceiling windows opened up. Though I liked both experiences, they are completely different. This class was better for me and I think it was because it was with Baby, to be honest. Here's why. First of all, this was Baby's idea. The fact that this was something he thought of and that he wanted to do with me (on his own) is so cool. I know a lot of men wouldn't be interested in doing yoga whatsoever. It feels really heartwarming to know he is willing to go on any adventure with me. Secondly, I love doing new things with my fiance. It opens doors for new hobbies and creates new memories. We ended up loving it and we want to make it a weekly thing next summer. Third, it was a calm and relaxing way to get moving and exercise a bit. I don't stretch enough, and neither does Baby. Yoga was helped us get idea on how flexible we are (or aren't LOL).  Fourth and finally, yoga was a huge stress-reliever. I felt completely stress-free, calm, and happy. From now on, I fully plan on doing yoga in my backyard on my deck when I get home from work in the mornings. Maybe not every day, but a few times a week would be awesome for my stress. I remember the poses from the class and I will roll with that for a little while until I feel more confident. Then I will look up videos to follow online. I recommend giving yoga a shot! It's been something I've really wanted to learn and I am so glad we tried it!
I feel like every couple has their shows. They have the shows they watch together and are NOT allowed to watch without each other. Ours right now is Masterchef. I am obsessed. I never watched anything cooking related from week to week. I always though Gordon Ramsay was awesome and I thought his shows were probably pretty good, I just never really watched any. But I am super glad that he had me start watching this. I really like it! It's really fun to see and discuss with him because we both love food so much. He is a great cook so it’s cool to hear what he thinks of what the contestants do. It’s fascinating to me because I’m no chef, and it makes me want to try cooking more. Maybe not to the extent that the contestants do (because um HELLO) but it’d be nice to learn more than just the basics in the kitchen. I have a hard time with not being able to cook like a lot of women do. It shouldn’t make me feel like less of a woman for not cooking much or not cooking well, but it does. It’s a pretty big insecurity for me. Baby reminds me that I’m not less of anything, which I need sometimes. I just want to provide for my family in all ways. Jeez, that took a rather serious turn. Anyway, Masterchef is great. I enjoy it. If you have Hulu, get on that! What do you and your S/O watch?
He must have been on a roll this week because Baby also suggested we do something else a little outside of the norm this week: Go to the Farmer’s Market and (leisurely) pick up a bunch of food for a super fresh dinner! We’ve done this before during the weekend farmer’s markets, but those are held in the morning so we get food for breakfast usually. It was nice and fun to switch gears and do it for dinner instead. Vegetables can be so incredibly cheap at the market and locally grown is obviously so much better for you than other options. We just feel so good eating the food from around the area. You should do the same! The farmer's market makes for a cute little date because you get to walk around outside together, maybe grab a drink or a snack and check out all the different stands (there's way more than just food there). And you can keep the date going by cooking together when you get home. It’s so easy to throw a salad together with all fresh veggies; maybe add some chicken and a good dressing. Being at the market is different from a store you might grab a certain veggie you normally wouldn’t buy at a store, or maybe there is something at the market that the store never sells! It’s fun to try new things.
I love spending quality time with my future husband. I mean, who doesn't want to have one-on-one time with their partner? It just feels good to touch and talk and laugh and be near one another. Even if you're not doing anything significant or something necessary together. That's why just sitting on the couch together while each of us does our own thing still feels great. I get to feel the warmth of his body against mine while I read and he sets up his Fantasy Football league online. He will give my leg a little squeeze, wink at me like he does, and carry on about his business. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I'll never take it for granted. A year later, the "honeymoon phase" continues.
I'll be back with more posts this week! Share this one on Facebook for me and I'll love you forever.
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choisgirls · 7 years
I've never requested anything before >_
this is late and i am sorry butspook time is all the time~ I will do my best here~
(also boy oh boy im glad youmentioned rituals because i grew up witchy and alongside the normal halloweenactivities every now and again there’s the Samhain celebrations full ofdifferent rituals and spells and i am hYPE, thats the direction i’ll take sincei have another request im working on regarding the ouji so it may not be /all/ spooky,but i will throw some in there since you did ask for spoop!!! im sorry, i reallyhope thats okay;;;;; ;A; if not, i can always take this and re-write some forthose I didn’t make scary!)
WARNINGS: I did mention blood oncewithin this, but there’s nothing too big, but just in case you don’t enjoy alittle prick to the finger, please don’t keep reading!
/it’s a little long so I’ll place itunder a cut!/
“Oh cool, MC, you bought somecandles!” he called, grabbing one and getting ready to light it. Youscramble after him to get it back, explaining to him that they aren’t forburning around the house to look pretty. “Yoosung, I’m doing a ritual- theblack candle represents your life, your decisions, and your experiences in thepast year, while the white one represents the present moment and year to come!You light this black one and reflect on things that helped you become who youare today, how you’ve grown, what lessons you’ve learned, then you say goodbyeto it all and blow out the candle. Then, you light the white one and reflect onhow you can be your happiest every day, and blow out the flame holding hope inyour heart!” you went on to describe the simple ritual to him, watching ashe stared at you with eyes as big as dinner plates. To your surprise, heactually wanted to hear a little more about why you do this, and what otherthings there were to do. He wanted to join you in this one as well! He wantedto think of all the happy times he can have with you for this next year!
He came home and the house did notsmell like it normally did and he was concerned. He called out to you, hopingthat the smell was something you were doing and doing it safely. He found you standing on a chair in the center of the room,hoping some sort of… stick? Maybe? “MC! What are you doing? You could’vefallen!” he swooped you off of the chair, placing you on your feet gentlybut then suddenly started to cough over the smoke in his face- you quicklymoved it to the side. “Ah, sorry Hyun! I just wanted to banish all of theold energy from our house,” you tried to explain as you continued tosmudge the area around yourself. The look on his face said it all- he had noidea what you were talking about. You asked him to walk with you as youfinished smudging the rest of the house, explaining it was a cleansing ritual-with the herbs sage, mugwort, bay leaf, and lavender tired together with yard,you could hopefully dispel any old or bad energy, leaving the house fresh andnew! He understood after a while, but would never attempt to do it on hisown… if it made you feel better, he would absolutely let you do it.
“..MC… can I ask why you’relying in the middle of the floor?” she asked, closing the door behind her.You could often be found throwing yourself across the furniture and laying onthe ground, she didn’t think too much of it until she saw your hands movingaround, then she realized you were meditating and immediately felt bad- shedidn’t interrupt, did she? She sat a few feet away from your head, waitinguntil you were finished to actually talk to you. When you sat up, you greetedher and told her not to worry, you hadn’t even noticed her come in. She seemedto be trying to peek at what was in your hand, so you opened it to reveal asmall opal laying in your palm. You explained that the stone was used as apower stone to help become a conduit of the unconscious mind. When you breathedeeply and allow any and all images, thoughts, sounds, or sensations pass by,you’ll be able to release them from your mind. You even took a handful ofassorted power stones and explained each one to her- you watched her eyes asyou noticed her make mental notes about it all so she could research it in moredepth later. She really wouldn’t be against joining you for one of thesemeditations, the poor woman needs this
“MC, I don’t understand why youwould willingly participate in doing this to yourself. All you’re going to dois scare yourself to the point you will lose sleep, or you will injure yourselfwith worry,” he said as you scrolled through multitudes of rituals youlooked up online, trying to find one you wanted to try out. “Jumin,sweetheart, it’s Halloween. The point is to try and scare yourself,” youtold him, stopping on one you wanted, turning to find him crossing his arms,shaking his head, and turning to leave the room- he muttered a soft “It’sa horrible idea” under his breath as he left the room. At midnight thatnight, you wrote your name on this piece of paper, pricking your finger to puta small drop of blood onto the paper- you light the candle and turn the rest ofthe lights off before knocking on the wooden door 22 times, all before 12:01am.You open the door, blow out the candle, then shut the door again before rushingto relight the candle and leaving the room, keeping the candle lit. You were tothink about your wish and keep close watch of the flame until 3:33am- as wellas watching for drops in temperature and faint whispers- this would mean theMidnight Man was close and you had to be very careful. You had spent so muchtime walking around, you began to get bored, but were too afraid to stop. Aftera while, you heard faint whispers behind you, and you immediately started towalk faster, being aware of the flame in front of you. You started to panic- ohno. This is real, isn’t it. Why didn’t you listen to Jumin? Why did you need totry and freak yourself out? Turning a corner, your flame went out and you werefrozen in place, your heart immediately beating in your ears. Suddenly, youhear Jumin whisper, “Well, did you get the scare you were looking for,MC?” You dropped the candle to the floor, immediately swinging your armsin front of you until you make contact with his chest, which he returned with asoft “oof” and a soft chuckle before pulling you close to hold you.
“Legend says that during thenight, a rift will open between the land of the living and the domain of thespirits,” he said in his best story telling voice- he was dressed in ablack, intimidating robe, trying to scare you the night before Halloween. Hehad a flashlight on under his chin and turned off the power to the whole house-Saeran was pissed. Yet, he stayed for Saeyoung’s story, which he continuedafter his dramatic pause. “Communication can lead to wishes being grantedand good fortune- for the living! The other side demands horrific payment fortheir services, ooooooo~” he wiggled his fingers to emphasize the spooky.You stared at him with an extremely unamused look on your face- you couldn’ttake him serious- even when he asked you to play the game with him. Between 2amand 5am on Halloween, the two of you closed yourselves in a small room, staringat a mirror that you couldn’t even clearly see in the dark.“Okay MC, whenthe rift opens, you should feel the room go cold, that’s when you put your handon the mirror and whisper, ‘I accept’. Then, we’ll see a figure in the mirror-a figure way too frightening to describe. Then you must answer all five oftheir deeply personal questions, you must answer honestly- each one you lieabout, they will take one of your five senses. Each one you get correct, youcan place a death curse on anyone you decide.” You tried to look at himlike he was an idiot but being in the dark made that hard. Suddenly, there wasa soft breeze behind your ear, you raised your elbow a little and jammed itinto his stomach hard enough to get an 'oomph’ from him. You knew he was tryingto just scare you. He chuckled a little, pulling your back closer to his chest,he started to nuzzle against your shoulder until the both of you felt the roomget extremely cold in a flash- the both of you turned stiff for a moment beforeyour adrenaline kicked in and the both of you started to push the other out ofthe way to escape the room. Saeran had to hold back a laugh from his place behind the mirror, where he had a portable air conditioner running silently.
Always willing to see differentparts of you and anything you like or believe in! So on Samhain, you wanted tohelp him with his past in any way you know how- Mandalas! You told him howmandalas are powerful because they reflect balance and wholeness- drawing oneup helps to express yourself and encourage emotional balance as well as helpingto heal yourself! He watched you practice a few, and had him join in. Drawingthe patterns in whatever colour he wanted, with no pressure to make it perfectwas calming. He turned to you, to thank you for showing him this activity, whenhe saw your page and immediately froze. He wanted to laugh but he was also kindof concerned. Your mandala was more.. in the shape of a common demon mask, andhe… he wasn’t sure what that meant- or if he should ask you about it… Hestill hung it on the fridge regardless, but it scares people when they walk by andyou act innocent, which he finds hilarious.
“MC, this is stupid, I’m notdoing this,” he stated with a huff, his arms crossed against his chest andyou tried to drag him outside at around 11:30 pm, October 30th. You found thisritualistic game online and you wanted to see if it would truly work! I mean,if you can deal with him, you could probably deal with some sorta demons thatcome out of this. You search for bare patch of ground, waiting until 11:59pm- aminute before Halloween. He watched as you drew a circle in the dirt largeenough to hold your phone- then you plopped yourself down to the ground. With asigh, he sat next to you and stared at the phone for what seemed like too long.You kept staring, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 11 minutes, the time kept increasingand the whole time he kept trying to break your gaze from the phone, but youwere dedicated to this thing and he gave up. After 15 minutes, your phone litup from a call from a private number- Saeran went to answer once he realizedyou weren’t going to- you had to shoo him away quickly. “You can’tanswer!!!! You can’t, this is supposed to happen! Now, we wait for a text, andmake sure not to take the phone from the circle. It’s supposed to be anothernumber that we can call, then we tell this man our address, and he’ll tell usthat we’ll get a package at precisely 11:59 on November 1st!” you staredat the phone explaining it all, as Saeran just looked at you with an eyebrowraised- looking up across the yard, he saw his brother hiding around the cornerof the house, raising a finger to his lips to keep him quiet. Now he knew thiswas a prank and nothing that can truly hurt you- good. He would playalong.“What’s in this package, MC?” he asked, curious as to just whatkind of story his brother planted into your head. “You find a smalltransistor radio with batteries! You can put in the batteries but youabsolutely can’t turn on the radio until 12:15am, then go to the AM channel111.1 and listen- it says the guy from tonight will be muttering and will giveus a headache but we can’t stop listening. At 12:25 am on the dot, the messagewill stop and soft music will play- and until then, so long as you keep theradio on you and turned on, you’ll experience good luck!” you kept staringat the phone, speaking quickly, trying to get the story out before that textcame in. Saeran had to hide his growing laughter, “Okay okay, so wait.This dumb ritual will give you good luck? That’s what this is about?”“Yeah, but apparently, when the radio’s batteries die, everythingdrastically changes. Like, you’ll feel someone tracking your every move, see afigure in the shadows, hear a sound you can’t place, up until it makes itselfknown and comes to claim its payment!” your voice turned high pitched nearthe end of your explanation, as you watched your phone light up from theexpected text. He sat through the rest of your ritual, watching you one momentand turning to watch his brother with a voice box and his cell phone across theway. He’d allow this to happen, only this time, because you did bring this uponyourself.
“And you want to do…. what,now?” he asked, staring at you in disbelief. You told him about this…insane idea you had to play this creepy game to see if it was real. Why you hadthis fascination with trying to do these scary things, he would never know. Infact, he started to think you hung out with Saeyoung too often- he’s rubbingoff on you. You told him about this ritual you found called the “The ThreeKings”, and you were dying to see if it was the real thing- after all, thewarning did say “do not attempt on your own”- so it had to be scary,right? You made him help you set up- three chairs, two mirrors, and a candleset in a specific position according to the chart online. You leave the roomuntouched from midnight to 3:30am, then you take your place at the King’sthrone, candle lit, as you stare straight in front of you into the darkness.Vanderwood stood, leaning against the wall, watching this all go down. Hedidn’t want you to sit alone and have something… actually happen to you-though he knew it never would. It was all fake, just something to scareyourself, and he will be here once again to reassure you that everything wasfine. You told him that until 4:34am, you must stare only straight ahead, andbe aware of if the light on the candle goes out. For almost half an hour, youstared at the spot in front of you- he got tired of it. Kept telling you howeverything was fake, nothing would be happening, and that you were just goingto scare yourself over your own imagination- when your candle flame suddenlyblew out. The girlish scream that followed definitely did not come out of yourown mouth- though you were the one who blew out the candle in the first placeto freak out your “I-Don’t-Believe-In-That-Shit” of a partner, whichyou succeeded in.
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kazosa · 7 years
20 Questions (Zombie Apocalypse Edition)
I was tagged by the amazing @rhyatt-deauxtreve  🖤💚🖤💚  and @dragongirl420 I’m so unprepared… and really late doing this, but TWD comes back in just TEN days...
1. You’re sitting at home and the emergency broadcast system comes on the tv. You’re only allowed to grab 6 things before you have to evacuate. What are they?
A: My kids, keys, frying pan, backpack, advil, rifle and ammo
2. (Different scenario) You’re sitting at home and the emergency broadcast system comes on the tv. It tells you to stay inside and lock your doors. Do you think it’s safe to listen to the broadcast or do you think you should get out before it reaches you?
A: Go to my mom’s place, she’s got dad’s guns.
3. Say you decided to stay home and lock your doors. The zombies have reached your area, but you haven’t seen any in a few days. Do you take the opportunity to make a b-line for the closest grocery store or house that might have supplies or just stay in the house because you don’t want to risk it?
A: I’d risk it. Check out the neighbors at least
4. Say you evacuated your home and you’ve been on the run for a few days. You find a running car with plenty of gas in it…but there’s also 4 zombies inside. You decide to kill the zombies and take the car, but how do you do it?
A: One at a time, let em out, gank em, nab the car. Something sharp and pointy to do the deed.
5. You’re starving and you’ve just found a house with a full, untouched pantry in it. Only problem is, it’s all of your least favorite foods. Do you plug your nose and chug it or wait until you’re absolutely desperate and about to die from hunger?
A: I’m hungry, I’ll eat. I can do gross, but I can’t do without. 6. You find an abandoned military base with grenades, a machine gun, a glock, a Bowie knife, and a flame thrower. You can only take one, which one do you take?
A: Bowie, it’s actually a multipurpose tool.
7. (Different scenario) You find an abandoned military base with all the weapons you could ever need, all the food reserves you could ever need, or all the comfort necessities you could ever need for setting up camp at night. You can only choose one, which do you choose?
A: Weapons. Protection at night is important.
8. (Here’s where it gets tough) You have a beloved pet that you were able to take with you when you evacuated. It comes down to life or death and you either have to kill and eat them or starve to death. Eat your pet or try to muster up enough energy to go find food somewhere for the both of you BUT you might not make it?
A: If I were desperate enough, sorry Fido.
9. You and a close family member are on the run together. They get bit and they’re suffering. They ask you to kill them. Could you do it or do you just tell them you’re so sorry and let the virus take them?
A: How long have we been running? Have we SEEN things? Knowing what they could turn into, I would find the courage to do as they ask.
10. You’re on the run and you come across an attractive person of the gender you’re attracted to. They’re honestly not bad looking and you’re kind of attracted to them. They offer you all the supplies you need, but only if you “bop swimsuit areas” with them if ya know what I mean LOL. It’s a moral dilemma, do you do it or no?
A: Um, no. But hey, I’m also not above using people to stay alive, either. 11. You find one of your close friends or family members after being separated from them for a while and you didn’t even know they were even still alive. Only catch, they’re on the other side of a sea of zombies. Do you brave it to get to them or play it safe and just feel super guilty about it?
A. Wait it out, or make a diversion. I’m not leaving MY people behind.
12. It’s a freezing night and you’re so cold you can barely move. You find a car with just enough battery left to either drive you to where you need to be or use the heat, but not both. Which do you choose?
A: Drive, bitch, drive! Heat from the engine will reach me, too.
13. (#sorrynotsorry) Which one of your tumblr followers are you leaving behind to get eaten by zombies?
A: How dare you.
14. You’re caught in the forest when night falls. The surrounding area is probably crawling with zombies. You have rope, a tent, and a blanket. What do you do for the night?
A: Climb a tree and tie my ass to it. Use the blanket to not freeze to death. Hope I don’t die lol. ^^^Same^^^ 15. It’s the beginning of the apocalypse. You find a cell phone and realize it still has reception in the area and a full battery. Who do you try calling?
A: My mom. Whomever isn’t with me.(and who’s number I can remember)
16. You’ve found your way into a group of survivors and one of them is very appealing to you. You end up sharing a tent with them, but you’re just plain dirty and it’s a little embarrassing. You have to get creative to clean up a bit. You’re in a typical forest. What do you use?
A: bit of moss and some dew?
17. You’re walking along an abandoned old back road and find yourself humming a song that cheers you up when times are bleak. What song is it?
A: Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding, or Into the Mystic by Van Morrison, or Ain’t no Sunshine by Bill Withers
18. You’re stuck in the basement of a house and all of the upper levels are crawling with zombies. No windows or cellar doors in the basement. How do you get out?
A: Bang on the ceiling away from the door up. Carefully open the door and start clearing.
19. You find a car stocked with supplies. Only catch, the owner is inside and half alive. They may not be so willing to share. Moral dilemma, do you just finish them off to survive or try to save them and risk getting screwed and possibly killed?
A: Which option keeps me most alive. Yeah, sorry bruh, I’m taking your shit and not you.
20. (FINAL Q) You get to chose one of your tumblr followers to fight side by side with though the apocalypse! Who’s it gonna be??
A: I don’t actually know any of you in real life, so....
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aryanarecords · 7 years
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I met Ko Narter during my NYU summer program (shocking, I know. I’m not sorry that I got to meet some of the coolest most artsy people over the summer, though.  Even better, I can show them to my readers, which is so dope.) I had just moved into my dorm and I was about to unpack when Ko and a few other girls knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to hang.  That was such a relief because I didn’t know what I was going to do until class the next day.  I was planning on sitting in my room?? Lol.  I thought that was really nice of her.  Anyways, I guess it was her cool Bay Area aura or the fact that she tried to break a world record for wearing Paul Frank shirts for 187 days in a row in the third grade, but Ko and I have very similar tastes in music, and our writing styles are very similar, so we connected pretty fast.  It wasn’t one of those famous jam seshes without her! When it came time for our student showcase at the end of the program, another girl in our group and I were paired up to harmonize with Ko for her song “Remnants,” which is actually on her brand new EP!  Unfortunately, I lost my voice and didn’t get to perform with her, but every time I listen to “Remnants” it reminds me of NYU.  Anyways, here is my interview with Ko! 
Give us some basic facts about yourself !
Birthday: 1/24/2000 Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Favorite Food: Carne Asada Burrito from Cactus (sad because I am a recent vegetarian) Favorite Color: to wear - black, to look at - some sort of forest-y green Currently Based: Oakland, CA Nicknames: Ko is a nickname! My full name is Koyuki which means “little snow” in Japanese! Fun Fact: My high school has a bird calling contest, and I won 2nd place in both 2016 and 2017.
How and when did you start making music?
When I moved to California in 2006, a lot of the friends that I made were in choir, so I  decided to try it out. That’s really where my deep love for music began. I seriously started making my own music in middle school, when I joined a band called “the Bystanders” that some of my friends had started. Throughout middle school and into Freshman and Sophomore year, we transitioned from doing mostly covers, to writing our own music. Throughout the course of the band, I went from drummer, to lyricist/lead vocalist. I didn’t write my own completely original song until Freshman year, when I had just recently learned G Em C D on guitar, and ran with it. That first song I wrote is now “You’ve Already Won” off my EP.
Who are some of your musical influences?
A huge part of my creative drive is seeing artists around me create music. There are some other artists and bands at my high school, and though we have completely different styles, I love supporting them and seeing people my age trying to do what they love doing, just like I am. As for some bigger musicians, right now I’ve been listening to Maggie Rogers, Khalid, Gavin James, Daniel Caesar, Stephen Day, and SZA. Some long time faves are Sylvan Esso, Kodaline, and Childish Gambino, and Us the Duo. My music taste is pretty eclectic but I really value strong vocals and lyrics which seems to be a common thread among most of my favorite artists. My all time favorite band is Thirdstory.  If anyone reading this has never heard of them - you MUST check them out. I have cried listening to their music a couple of times because I am so blown away by the emotion and thoughtfulness that emanates from their music.
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You’re also in a band, Power Beez, how did you guys get together?
My bandmates, Maggie and Kay, were also in that band “The Bystanders” in middle school, so we’ve been friends since middle school, and have been making music together since middle school. We really became a trio when we all took Dance PE during our Junior year, and spent a lot of time together either choreographing or just hanging out. We are also all in the student run a cappella group in our town, the Troubadours,  so when someone asked for performers at a charity event at Dress Best For Less, we thought we’d take a crack at it. It all started with us covering “Who Says” by Selena Gomez, and “Fireflies” by Owl City, but as we arranged more music, we found that we had such a special sound, and because we had been making music together for so long, we knew what sounded good in each of our voices and how to divvy up parts. Our love of tacky 2000s Disney bops and passion for three part harmony really solidified us as a group.
What’s the story behind your band name?
Maggie, Kay, and I all took Dance PE, as mentioned in the previous question, and for our winter dance concert we were trying to think of a title for our dance. All the dances in the show seemed to be about power or puppets so we were toying with names with the word “power” in it. We were sitting in the theater when our dance teacher kind of blurted out “what about Power BEEEES” and said it in this very comical voice. Honestly our entire dance class career was a meme. Our first dance was called “Power Beez,” (“z” instead of “s” for comedic effect) our dance for our April dance concert was “Power Beez: the Squeakquel,” a la Alvin and the Chipmunks, and our final dance was called “Power Beez: Road Chip” (or maybe Chipwrecked - I can’t remember). When we started performing as a vocal trio, we were going to perform at our first official gig and when asked for a band name I guess “Power Beez” was the only thing that really made sense. What all started as a joke has now become our trio’s official name.
What was your inspiration for your new EP, KONA?
I don’t know if I should name drop in this because who knows who’s reading so -  this EP is almost entirely about one person, with a few lyrics being inspired by frustrations I was having in other relationships in my life. The easiest way to describe my relationship with this one person between Freshman through Junior year is “it’s complicated.” I mean we are still tight to this day but between being tight 4 years ago to today, our relationship has changed a lot, and you can hear the relationship shift on the EP. In chronological order, I wrote You’ve Already Won spring of Freshman year, and it’s about how I was foolish to think anything could last between the two of us. After our fleeting fling, we remained friends through my Sophomore year. In the summer between my Sophomore and Junior year (his summer before college) we worked at a summer camp together, and afterwards had another fling, but this fling was definitely much more emotionally involved and we were much closer. When he left for school, I had a lot of sadness and frustration, but we still talked even though we were no longer romantically involved. When I started seeing pictures of a girl on his Instagram, I wrote Her vs Me about how this girl was obviously more his type than I was. As I got deeper into Junior year, I wrote Remnants when people kept bringing him up, and all I was trying to do was forget him. I go to a small high school in a small town, so Continent of Conquests is about how he left me with nothing whereas he got to dive into a new city and new school and got to move on much faster than I did. Dead End was a bit of a backslide, when I realized I was always gonna hold a special place in my heart for him, and lastly Expiration Date tells the story of how I finally moved on, but also analyzing and criticizing his actions in our relationship. To get back to the question you actually asked, I don’t know if it’s fair to say he was the inspiration for the EP, but without him I wouldn’t have been able to write and create the way I did.
How long did it take you to write and produce KONA?
I wrote the music in a span of a few years, from Freshman to Junior year, arranged the music with Kay and Maggie (from Power Beez) in a few three hour rehearsals, and then recording took 15 hours and mixing probably took another 10 at least. My dear friends Kay, Maggie, and Emmett all volunteered their time, talent, and equipment to make this all possible.
What was the production experience like? 
I learned so much through making this EP. There was always another bump in the road whether it was having to re-record a guitar part, or getting sick and not being able to record. Everyone I worked with is a teenager like myself, and we all still have so much to learn in the music making world. For example, Emmett had mixed all the music and I was reviewing it for upload, when I realized that all the songs had been mixed in stereo, and the harmonies were coming through different sides of my headphones. I’m glad Kay and I caught the mistake, because that is not the way I had intended on releasing my music, but it was an artistic choice that Emmett had chosen. Not that stereo is wrong in any sense, but it wasn’t what I was going for. Little miscommunications like that definitely made the process longer, but I have a much more solid grasp on what I want my sound to be, and I know how to direct people to help me get there.
What’s the story behind your cover art?
This one’s kind of funny. The guy that all the songs are about also did the cover art! I sent him a text that straight up said “would you be willing to do album art for an album about you?” and he was totally down. I love that we are still homies, and he was so chill about it.
What’s your favorite song off the EP?
That’s like making me choose a favorite child! I guess I will always have a special place in my heart for You’ve Already Won. It was definitely most fun to record. Kay, Maggie, and I recorded the three-part harmony bridge live, unlike most of the harmonies on the EP in which we recorded tracks one by one and layered them in production. There is nothing better than locking in on some SICK three part harmony, and getting to put that on the EP was super special. It’s definitely not the most complex song, but there’s something about those lyrics and harmonies that continue to resonate with me every time I listen to it or perform it.
Can we expect new music?
Yes! This EP is actually half of an album, “Kona,” that I wanted to release, but I decided to divide the album into two EPs: “Pt. 1: You,” and “Pt. 2: Me.” It made sense for me to divide it this way because “Pt. 1: You” is all about how this one person (and a few others) affected me, and really is more about them than it is about me. “Pt. 2: Me” however, is much more introspective, and though I reference other people in the songs, it is definitely centered around my internal monologue and my thoughts on friendship and leaving for school next year.
What’s your dream venue to perform at?
I would say the Fillmore in San Francisco, and then the Fox Theater in Oakland. I have seen shows at both of these venues, and the Fillmore is pretty spacious, but definitely super intimate. Anywhere in that room has a good view, and I feel as an audience member that it is so easy to connect to artists at the Fillmore. The Fox is a way bigger stage, and eventually I would love to be playing to as many people who will listen, but for now I’ll stick to a more intimate and dedicated audience.
What genre would you define your music as?
Uhhhhh maybe Alternative? Easy-Listening? Is that a genre? I feel like my music isn’t necessarily happy or sad, but it is good in any mood. It’s definitely not super hype as in there isn’t a pounding bass or an intense beat drop, but it’s very calm music with a bit of a sarcastic/sassy kick if you listen to the lyrics :). Good for studying, good for a good post-breakup cry, and good for a just chillin’!
Anything else you want to add!
I tell this to everyone I know that likes music, but making music is SO EASY and there is no risk at all! I’m not saying writing, arranging, recording, producing, and releasing music is easy, but who is stopping you from jamming out with your friends to some song that you all know the lyrics to? Who is stopping you from posting a Soundcloud cover of whatever artist you have been listening to recently? Who is stopping you from writing lyrics that you may not have a tune for until months later? I always encourage people to create and to collaborate because it has been so joyful and gratifying in my own life, and I wish for everyone to have such a great experience with music as I have.
You can listen to KONA on Spotify and Apple Music!
Rock On,
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celestialpotat0 · 1 year
july begins
When i last wrote in here, i was sad having had to leave the tahoe area knowing that it might possibly be my last trip into the mountains this summer. last chance to experience beautiful wilderness in all of summer's glory. and i ended my reflection with how i needed to turn to appreciating small, everyday occurrences.
so in the spirit of cherishing the ordinary life on the peninsula, away from my friends and family in socal, away from the frequent fun adventures of my 20s, and not being able to travel bc of working more than 40hrs a week lol, wanted to jot down favorite moments from last few weeks:
thinh's fourth of july bbq party at her house on 7/3. woke up the next day after the party with a headache from not drinking enough water the night before, i fail. it's been a cold summer, like why is it freezing outside at night in july. but i enjoyed meeting nice people, karaokeing was a blast, and am really happy to have such a wonderful person as a friend. we work at different hospitals but can relate in many ways. i've always considered summer to be full of events that break up the monotony of the rest of the year, and i'm happy this felt like that. instead of the new normal adulting summer when im no longer graduating anything or celebrating the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next
on 7/4 we went to a college campus on a hill and were able to see fireworks from foster city, redwood city, shoreline amphitheater, and more
dinner and drinks with lauren, doris, and chloe. it hasnt been easy leaving behind my friends in socal and moving to a new area; during the first part of my time here, there were occasions when i cried feeling lonely. ive really made an effort to use dance as a means to feel connected to others. you cant just expect friends to happen, you have to put in the work to build a community of support. i'm grateful to have found some ladies who share a love of dance. i like that we all come from different occupations and grew up in different parts of the world but can bond over participating in this art.
swam outdoors on a hot day in a 25-meter pool. free of electronics for an hour, just focused on each breath and motion to propel me through the water
moved into a new apartment. the novelty in and of itself is enough to make me happy, which says questionable things about me such as to what extent have i fallen victim to consumerism. at my previous apartment i never fully unpacked. i had plastic bags of stuff strewn haphazardly in bathroom cabinets. i kept prioritizing other things in my life over organizing my bathroom, closet, and pantry. but now everything in the bathroom is exactly where i want it to be. my small victory is so satisfying: unpacked and organized the bathroom completely. im not going to allow myself to travel until i fully organize the apartment this time.
I feel like it's the beginning of a new phase in the bay area. im getting more accustomed to work, and my commute is short now. i have a good amount of PTO planned. now have a list of activities that have been discussed to do with friends and the only problem is lack of free time--and lack of time is a better problem to have than lack of people who are willing to do them with you. im currently on a hiatus from scheduled dance, and for the time being im dancing only on a drop-in basis, which has actually been a huge sigh of relief; it's been good for my mental health to have less commitments on my plate. now my days off are actually days off where i can choose to dance if i want. while it's extremely rewarding to dance, not having any true days off (bc i would always have dance scheduled and mandatory on my days off from work) was detrimental and making me burnt out. in this new phase, i want to expect to travel less and say no more often and reserve time on my days off to be truly off.
0 notes
truunity · 5 years
Joshua Encarnacion Inspiring People of Color to Join The World of Tech – Afro-Latinx in Tech
Joshua Encarnacion (Bay Area, California)
Career: Chief Learning Officer at Outco Inc, which is a company focused on helping software engineers (computer science college grads, coding boot camp grads, and mid-senior level career software engineers) earn their next job. 
As CLO, I’m responsible for aligning our people development efforts (training & coaching services), market strategy (connecting with new customers, recruiters, and partner companies) and our team goals with business growth. 
1- How did you become a professional in your current field? 
To become a professional in my field, I was very intentional about my fields of study in college. While attending the University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth, I studied general engineering for 2 years, human resources management for 2 years, and did a minor in Leadership and Civic Engagement. 
To earn some cash and keep myself busy with more learning, I did jobs like a tour guide, orientation leader, and residents assistant when I wasn’t studying, which all taught me valuable skills in training, coaching, and running a team.
With my college experiences, I was able to earn a job working for Google right after college. At Google I developed my passion for helping technical-minded folks (mostly software engineers), learn how to develop emotional intelligence & people skills better… outside of the tech industry. Many people believe being a software engineer is the only option, but those in the tech industry know you can work in tech in many different roles and professions, like recruiting, finance, marketing, legal, and in my case, training. I was a technical recruiter for Google and ran training classes on presentation skills, leadership & management skills, meditation, and mindfulness practices.  
After Google, I went on to build 3 different startup companies (hiring and training thousands of technical and non-technical professionals) and also worked at Uber for a while to support the build of an iOS training boot camp. 
Taking all I learned in college, and not being afraid to test it out in the “real world,” allowed me to grow really comfortable and confident in my skills as a training professional. It took A LOT of support from friends, family, and MANY mentors (no one makes it alone), but as the years passed and different challenges arose, I didn’t quit and made sure to keep close to the people who believe in me WHILE paying it forward and believing in others who was trying their best to become a professional in their field. 
2- What is a quality that makes you successful in your career?
My ability to communicate effectively makes me successful in my career. 7 billion + people on planet Earth (someone check my math, lol) means 7 billion + ways to think about how to get ideas out of your head and into somebody (anybody) else’s head. All-day long we are exchanging ideas – whether it be in the classroom, at home with fam, or in the workplace it never ends. Those who can clearly & precisely get their point across, in a way where others FULLY understand them AND want to support the idea, will always find their way to success. Best part! Success is often defined by the most precise communicator in the room because people listen to that person, which makes them a leader. 
In the “real world,” it gets VERY challenging to communicate. ESPECIALLY when we take into account different backgrounds, races, genders, goals, ambitions, educations, religions, needs, wants, etc. / Everyone comes with a story, being able to put the stories aside long enough to exchange ideas and information (communicate), allows 2, and many folks work together. 
In my experience, being a proud Afro-Latin, first-generation Dominican-American man, born into poverty and navigating many survival driven environments, I’ve had to work EXTREMELY hard to be understood and communicate my ideas in a way the folks around me understood. Especially in spaces where I am the only one of my origins, background, make-up, etc. Common story for us professionals of color in the tech industry. At times, not fair, and it makes me feel uneasy because the dominant society is often in the wrong for letting their bias and insecurities paint me in the false light, which we will all work on continuing to overcome together. BUT my responsibility to move forward towards what I define as success using the qualities which carry me through – in my case, effective communication (storytelling, writing, presenting, public speaking, running meetings, facilitating trainings, explaining ideas, selling, marketing, being able to hold engaging conversation for hours at a time, and being open to sharing with AND learning from people of ALL different backgrounds and experiences).  
Communication amongst people (especially when considering all of our differences) isn’t easy. But I wholeheartedly believe in further developing the skill and using every minute I’m breathing as an opportunity to better practice understanding another and using my words to be better understood. 
3- What 3 tips would you give someone struggling to reach their goals?
1. Read books written by people who have achieved the goals you want to achieve. A lot of the knowledge and information we need to succeed in achieving our goals has been made available in books, and if you can’t find a book that speaks to you, use Google search to find articles! Just make sure you double/triple check the author’s background to make sure they are a credible source. 
2. Ask every question on your mind, so long as it doesn’t involve intentionally hurting someone else, and never mind how you are perceived. Those who are proactively curious will find answers to their challenges A LOT faster than those who fear being perceived as ignorant or unaware. We often fear asking questions because we believe people won’t be willing to help us, but the majority of folks love helping others because it makes them feel valuable (which is why I’m sharing these insights so willingly). For those who negatively react to your questions/don’t help, thank them for their time and find another person to ask your question. 
3. For anyone with goals (periodt), prioritize your health above everything else. For me, this means eating well, sleeping well, hanging out / keeping up with friends & fam, journaling about my day and feelings, checking in with my therapist every so often, dancing, laughing, cooking, and finding different ways to destress. 
4- Name the top 3 goals you achieved?
1. I helped endow a scholarship during my time at UMass Dartmouth. Working with a team of 6 seniors, we fundraised $76k and invested a majority of the money in creating the “DREAM Scholarship,” awards $1,000 every year (for forever), to a student with a Dream in dedication to the service of others. Feels good to be able to pay it foreword with sharing knowledge AND providing funds
2. Helping build Outco Inc. When I joined the company, we were 4 teammates and barely had 15 customers, now we have ~20 employees, and have helped 1,500+ software engineers earn jobs with an average salary of ~$110,000 / year. Having built a lot of the social, emotional, and behavioral training curriculum myself (courses on confidence, communication skills, presentation skills, interviewing, and more) it feels good to validate your ideas and be part of a team which wins by helping others grow the skills necessary to get what they want, which in their case is a job. 
3. Staying close with my family and friends over all these years of accomplishment. Nothing is harder than balancing personal life and career aspirations. Some of the challenges most ambitious folks never really speak on are ones we often struggle with alone – missing birthdays, missing family cookouts, being far away from “home” for long periods of time, and growing/changing into someone who no is longer interested in doing what they used to do in the past OR what most of their loved ones do now. It isn’t easy to accept all the changes that come with being dedicated to your goals, and often, the first thing I see many ambitious folks do is forgetting about their community – friends, and fam. I’m very proud of my efforts to stay grounded, connected and present with a good number of folks who raised me and helped me become the person I am today. 
YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, LOVE YALL! #WeJustGettingStarted #Flourish
5- What inspired you to reach your goals?
The grit, resilience, and perseverance demonstrated by my first coach, teacher, and support system, my Mom. She had me at 16 years old, and at the time, we lived in project housing with minimal support from my father (who was deported to the Dominican Republic a couple of years after I was born). 
She didn’t let her circumstances OR environment, determine the life we would be living, and due to her example, I feel as if any/all goals I set for myself, or m team(s) set together will always be achievable if we remain focused, committed, and flexible in HOW we get where we are going. 
Our family had significant ups and downs, and nothing about our survivor story was pretty. But with persistence (and probably many lucky breaks & community support), I watched Rosemary Hernandez (my mother) pull us from a harsh reality, to what we believed to be a dream come true. 13 years after I was born, my Mom had secured two master’s degrees (MBA & child psychology) and moved my younger sister and me into our first house. What more inspiration do I need? 
Thank you, Mom – I love you! 
6- How did you overcome obstacles to reaching your goals?
– Mindfulness meditation 
– Taking responsibility for my actions
– Being coachable and learning from mentors
– Therapy
– Exercise 
– Asking for help from friends and fam
– Reading (an hour a day)
– Never quitting on my goals, but being flexible with my approach to goals
– Studying positive psychology 
– Idolizing truth and honesty OVER everything else 
– Being very clear on who I am, my passions, my interest, my desires, and most importantly, my goals 
– Always believing I’ll reach my goals and continuously repeating back to my self, “It’s a matter of when not if.”
– Not being ashamed to ask questions or look “stupid.” 
– Staying young aka dancing, laughing, having fun, and enjoy life 
– Celebrating the best parts of my culture, my people, my community, which is the best form of loving myself and the people around me
– Always being open to feedback and pushing myself to continue learning 
7- How do you keep your inspiration from decreasing?
I remind myself, daily:
“Life is short, and we will all pass one day. My job in life is to do what I believe in my heart to be the most useful thing I can do to help myself and the people around me that, and love deep.” 
The post Joshua Encarnacion Inspiring People of Color to Join The World of Tech – Afro-Latinx in Tech appeared first on TruUnity.
from TruUnity https://truunity.com/joshua-encarnacion-inspiring-people-of-color-to-join-the-world-of-tech-afro-latinx-in-tech/
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 6 years
TGIWednesday and Freddy Mercury Retrograde
TGIWednesday News
Ok, now that I got your attention, YES, the lead singer of Queen changed his last name to Mercury.  And YES go see Bohemian Rhapsody the movie!!! My bestie is a litigation attorney that NEVER stays through entire movies and he finished this one!  That’s all you need to know lol.  And now for the "bad" news...Mercury Retrograde is Nov 17th to December 6th - ugh.  Retrogrades have been wild this year for sure.  Luckily, Venus (think Love planet) is out of a retrograde and that helps put everyone in a more gracious and congenial mindset. Venus now in Libra contributes to fixing drama disrupting relationships that come from Mercury in retrograde. In 2018 astrology seems to have been big on relationship issues—every major event from meteor showers to retrogrades, full moons and eclipses has impacted relationships.  So keep in mind that if you planned on finalizing something prior to this time frame it’s fine to finish it, just be cautious about starting anything that’s BIG and new until December 7th. Of course Mercury Retrograde won't stop me from working on my latest audio MP3..... Next on deck and probably coming out in January.... we nicknamed it The Gold Coin.  All about investing, savings, trading, lotto, gambling, currency including crypto, creating good luck and it will include a bonus prayer at the end. You will love it!! With the full moon also being on Thanksgiving plus Mercury Retrograde... please keep in mind that if things get extra crispy between the holidays, travel and family, I'm available to you seven (7) days week. Just email [email protected]
TGIWednesday Download
~ ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that it is safe and comfortable to have an attitude of gratitude.  I am ready, willing and able to be grateful for what I have while striving to improve my life here and now.  I know when, where, how and why to release the past, remain in the present and lean towards the future with an attitude of gratitude and so it is in all languages and throughout all time lines.  
Holiday Stress Trifecta - $99 Special
It's Thanksgiving week - we made it!! If you're running around the grocery store, or in the kitchen cooking, or cleaning the house or packing up the family & getting ready to travel or maybe you're getting ready to battle it out at the malls on Black Friday... things might go a lot smoother for you if you had these MP3s to listen to and/or play in the background.
That's why these 3 MyBeliefworks™ audios are specially priced 3 for $99! 1) Relieving Holiday Stress, 2) Healing Family Relationships 3)Traveling w/Ease  This triple audio MP3 bundle will help you deal with the trifecta of stress this holiday! They're easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all. Only 10 days left to Get the $99 deal & save the 50% on all 3 OR Buy them individually for $42 and save $15 on each. Share with it with friends and family and you'll have it for all the years and holidays to come. DEAL ENDS NOVEMBER 30th.
Buy all 3 for $99 | or $42 each
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
NOVEMBER 21st - "Today I will harness the grace of God and then unleash it into the restoration and new beginning in order to fulfill my dreams. I know that I will be blessed, inspired and just for today I will remain amazed in the moment and blessed."
Live Shows and Replays
JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here to Yesterday's Replay - Special Guest Mark Hernandez, An intuitive healer helping people and their pets! http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com/about-us   Listen Here November 27th- Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s (& pets) on the other side! UPCOMING SHOWS IN DECEMBER December 4th - Special Guest Psychic Joanne Leo Astrology, Numerology, Angel Cards and ultimately Soul Readings www.psychicjoanneleo.com   December 11th - Special Guest Darius Mills Psychic Medium readings LIVE. We’ll take your calls and answer questions!!! www.psychicmediumdarius.com   December 18th - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier  Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side!   December 25th - Christmas - NO SHOW  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session w/me WEDNESDAYs & FRIDAYs 10-2PM Check the available dates below. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Nov. 28th | Dec. 5, 12, 19th Friday:  Nov. 30th | Dec. 7, 14, 21, 28th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th ​@ ​​Swann Holistic Health Solutions ​from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Hi Jimmy! A quick update for you regarding your amazing prayer service and how it’s helped this last week: First, my mom's hip is healing AMAZINGLY well according to her doctors. That is a big relief! Second, the medical billing problem we were having has been resolved without even a phone call! Finally, each member of the household on the prayer list (which is three of us) each won a significant prize on lottery scratch offs, a back to back to back kind of thing… we were all astounded, this has never happened before! Thank you Jimmy, from the bottom of my heart thanks for everything. You are the best, you are my brother and my friend always. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!" - Kevin M. / New York
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results!
Level II Practitioner Certification Course for those in the healing arts.
All members must first complete the Mastery Program then, if qualified, they can choose to move on to Level II where many advanced teachings & nuances are shared through the "Healing A-Z" book & includes 3 more clearing audios to help strengthen your business and finances. The exclusively written "The Practitioner's Handbook" is the cornerstone of the program & cannot be purchased individually.  It outlines some of the inner workings of how I handle my own practice including topics like; managing unrealistic expectations, having patience, pricing, time isn't always equal to outcomes or results, having limits, legal and ethical questions, advice on supplements, marketing, promotion, and sales, daily rituals for you and your clients/patients. The Level II course was designed and is dedicated to those who practice in the healing arts; Psychics, Healers, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, PhDs, and Physician Assistants or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype.
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and Freddy Mercury Retrograde
TGIWednesday News
Ok, now that I got your attention, YES, the lead singer of Queen changed his last name to Mercury.  And YES go see Bohemian Rhapsody the movie!!! My bestie is a litigation attorney that NEVER stays through entire movies and he finished this one!  That’s all you need to know lol.  And now for the "bad" news...Mercury Retrograde is Nov 17th to December 6th - ugh.  Retrogrades have been wild this year for sure.  Luckily, Venus (think Love planet) is out of a retrograde and that helps put everyone in a more gracious and congenial mindset. Venus now in Libra contributes to fixing drama disrupting relationships that come from Mercury in retrograde. In 2018 astrology seems to have been big on relationship issues—every major event from meteor showers to retrogrades, full moons and eclipses has impacted relationships.  So keep in mind that if you planned on finalizing something prior to this time frame it’s fine to finish it, just be cautious about starting anything that’s BIG and new until December 7th. Of course Mercury Retrograde won't stop me from working on my latest audio MP3..... Next on deck and probably coming out in January.... we nicknamed it The Gold Coin.  All about investing, savings, trading, lotto, gambling, currency including crypto, creating good luck and it will include a bonus prayer at the end. You will love it!! With the full moon also being on Thanksgiving plus Mercury Retrograde... please keep in mind that if things get extra crispy between the holidays, travel and family, I'm available to you seven (7) days week. Just email [email protected]
TGIWednesday Download
~ ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that it is safe and comfortable to have an attitude of gratitude.  I am ready, willing and able to be grateful for what I have while striving to improve my life here and now.  I know when, where, how and why to release the past, remain in the present and lean towards the future with an attitude of gratitude and so it is in all languages and throughout all time lines.  
Holiday Stress Trifecta - $99 Special
It's Thanksgiving week - we made it!! If you're running around the grocery store, or in the kitchen cooking, or cleaning the house or packing up the family & getting ready to travel or maybe you're getting ready to battle it out at the malls on Black Friday... things might go a lot smoother for you if you had these MP3s to listen to and/or play in the background.
That's why these 3 MyBeliefworks™ audios are specially priced 3 for $99! 1) Relieving Holiday Stress, 2) Healing Family Relationships 3)Traveling w/Ease  This triple audio MP3 bundle will help you deal with the trifecta of stress this holiday! They're easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all. Only 10 days left to Get the $99 deal & save the 50% on all 3 OR Buy them individually for $42 and save $15 on each. Share with it with friends and family and you'll have it for all the years and holidays to come. DEAL ENDS NOVEMBER 30th.
Buy all 3 for $99 | or $42 each
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
NOVEMBER 21st - "Today I will harness the grace of God and then unleash it into the restoration and new beginning in order to fulfill my dreams. I know that I will be blessed, inspired and just for today I will remain amazed in the moment and blessed."
Live Shows and Replays
JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here to Yesterday's Replay - Special Guest Mark Hernandez, An intuitive healer helping people and their pets! http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com/about-us   Listen Here November 27th- Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s (& pets) on the other side! UPCOMING SHOWS IN DECEMBER December 4th - Special Guest Psychic Joanne Leo Astrology, Numerology, Angel Cards and ultimately Soul Readings www.psychicjoanneleo.com   December 11th - Special Guest Darius Mills Psychic Medium readings LIVE. We’ll take your calls and answer questions!!! www.psychicmediumdarius.com   December 18th - Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier  Facebook page Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side!   December 25th - Christmas - NO SHOW  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session w/me WEDNESDAYs & FRIDAYs 10-2PM Check the available dates below. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Nov. 28th | Dec. 5, 12, 19th Friday:  Nov. 30th | Dec. 7, 14, 21, 28th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th ​@ ​​Swann Holistic Health Solutions ​from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Hi Jimmy! A quick update for you regarding your amazing prayer service and how it’s helped this last week: First, my mom's hip is healing AMAZINGLY well according to her doctors. That is a big relief! Second, the medical billing problem we were having has been resolved without even a phone call! Finally, each member of the household on the prayer list (which is three of us) each won a significant prize on lottery scratch offs, a back to back to back kind of thing… we were all astounded, this has never happened before! Thank you Jimmy, from the bottom of my heart thanks for everything. You are the best, you are my brother and my friend always. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!" - Kevin M. / New York
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
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Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
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allbaymusic · 6 years
Oni Montana
ABM: What is your Rap name? Tell us the story behind your hip-hop name? Oni Montana: Oni Montana and Oni The One & Only, I have two names because I have 2 personalities as a rapper. Oni Montana is my rap name, when I’m spitting real bars and talkin that shit. My uncle KT The Boss actually gave me that name around the time Future came out with “Tony Montana” So I jus ran with it. I use the Tony Montana thang in reference to the dope music I make because ima “Dope rhyme dealer” like Mac Dre use to say. While Oni The One & Only is when I’m singing and harmonizing with the auto tune on my R&P shit not R&B lol basically for the women/Bitchs because there is a difference. ABM: Has anything happened in your life that led to the decision of becoming a musician? Oni Montana: I had this same vision in my head ever since middle school that I would be a rapper. I always knew it was apart of my plan. I actually was selling and recording my own mixtapes In middle school, recording off my nighas dads turntables in a garage rappin off of instrumentals. I use to rap battle kids in the school house and I always turned heads and surprised people when I opened my mouth because growing up I was hella quiet but not when it was my turn to rap. I always knew this is what I wanted to do. But back in 2008 when my older brother died I told myself I would make it for him because he was one of my number one fans and he really believed in me when it came to music so I made a promise to myself and him that ima stick to this music no matter what. I’m determined to make it it’s Destiny for me. ABM: How did you get your start in the hip hop scene? Oni Montana: Been rappin since middle school like I said. Selling my mixtapes and hella shit at the school house burning it off the homies computer. But I got influenced at a very early age because of all the musical talent in my family. My uncles was the Booya Tribe so they one of my many inspirations and one of the true pioneers of West Coast Hip Hop and Polynesian artists. Growing up seeing them just made me believe I could do it. First real studio I went to was with my uncle R Cade and uncle H mob of Uce Duce. I use to ride around with them while they would bust they moves and pick up they CDs basically jus soaking up game about the independent rap game that was going on in the Bay Area. In high school my uncle Swann FREE UNKS by the way, use to come pick me up from my papa house in West Pittsburg and take me to SwampKats studio in Concord and I jus sit down and soak up more game. Fast forward to 2015 my cousin Stone P got released out of prison and we been pushing this Thizz Island shit ever since. Got the blessing from the cuddie and we just been rocking really tryna push this movement and put on for our people S/O my nigha Diggs by the way ABM: Where are you from, and what was it like growing up there? Oni Montana: I’m from Pittsburg California in the east bay. I’m from a small town but we not small minded. I feel like we was different from other places we have our own way we talk, how we carry ourselves, the way we dress. We was saying BRO and use to get made fun of for it now look everybody says it now lol so basically we trend setters and way ahead of our time. We jus fly and peezy and got a whole bunch of game about us. It’s a lot of crime and poverty in my city but I’m hoping to change that and bring something positive back to my city and it will all start with the music . We real family oriented everybody know each other so although it’s a lot of hate it’s a lot of love too but they say life is all about balance. One thing about my city is growing up we had a huge music scene it was litt we had the Ghetto Stars, Mob Figaz, and A-wax. I use to see signs full of stickers with my favorite rappers on it. My cousin Noah and Tau put me on all the new music so I just had a sense of pride being from Pittsburg, especially with all the dope music that came from my city. So I just knew one day I was gonna be one of them nighas when I got older. ABM: What do you typically rap about? Oni Montana: Anything that’s on my mind when I hear the beat. I make mood music, so however I feel at the time is what I’m finna rap about. I try to express myself as much as possible thru my music and I’ll hit every subject because your emotions are subject to change. So I feel I’m very versatile when it’s come to my songs because of all the different feelings, emotions, pain and happiness, all that I have endured in life is all a reflection of my music. I like to harmonize and fuck with the auto tune but I also got real life bars and I actually know how to rap like The Jacka said whatever happen to coming dope? That’s all I’m tryna do is push this dope music and bring some pride back in this rap shit. Word to the Jack. ABM: What are your last full length releases people can go check out right now? Oni Montana: I got the Oral Sex Mixtape hosted by J Diggs. The meaning behind the name of the tape is I’m basically making love to the music orally lol But than I got a tape with my cousin Quad High out the city Called “Plugged in” also I jus recently dropped a new single “No Where” produced by High Volume out of Ohio. I gotta bunch of shit coming tho so stay tuned . We really pushing this Thizz Island and #FlyUcen movement tryna put on for all the polys. ABM: What are you currently working on? Oni Montana: Workin on the Polynesian Prince Album that’s coming real soon. And after that I plan on dropping a EP with my producer High Volume. Me and my lil cousin Samoan Joe gotta project in the works, he out of Pittsburg Cali too. He dope, make sure y’all check him out. I gotta few tracks with ScottieNoPippen one of the most slept on artist out the bay but we def gon turn it up on they ass once they hear this new shit, and I got a island reggae single coming out just in time for summer with my USO Flex that thang going crazy. I ain’t gon lie so I got hella shit in the works, plus a bunch of visuals I’m finna drop. My plan is to just really stay in y’all face this year. Consistency is the key to victory they say, so I’m just tryna be consistent. ABM: Whats your last visual release people can check out, tell us about it. Oni Montana: Latest visual is a track called “No where” produced from my big bro High Volume. We filmed it in Vegas with my nigga Buck The Genius aka White Gold s/o to bro by the way. But we filmed it in Vegas basically jus showing a walk thru of my life from the liquor store to the Vegas strip to the studio. We actually shot some of the footage at a bbq for my big bra ED CAINE like a one year memorial type shit so Rest in Paradise to my bro. He was one of them guys who always told me “Oni you dope nephew, stick to that music shit” like he really would push a nigha and get on me about staying on my music shit and staying out the way. ABM: What is your ultimate goal at the end of your career? Oni Montana: I wanna be able to inspire people with my music. I want to show people that if you can dream it, you can be it. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I’m trying to set the foundation for all my people. Plant the seed that will grow a tree of opportunities and it will all start with the music than branch off to other things like clothing, get into movies etc Basically opening more doors for Polynesian artist in the entertainment industry. I really want to give back to the people, create jobs, build community centers, buy properties and open up businesses in our communities. I truly believe that this music shit is capable of creating all that and then some. I wanna be like No limit or Cash Money records you know? Follow the same blue print Master P had. Get on my Nipsey shit, You know? Be a mogul and not just a rapper. Feel me? Like the shit 2pac was intending to do, that’s where I know this shit will turn to, GOD willing and I won’t stop until we there. ABM: How can people reach you? Oni Montana: Oni Montana everything Soundcloud: OniMontana IG: OniMontana Snapchat: OniMontana YouTube: OniMontana Read the full article
0 notes
Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
"Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the purpose of medical insurance for students?
I'm in Australia and I need medical insurance which is very costly and it doesn't even cover anything like dental checkup. I don't think I'll ever a use a single penny from that insurance. Why are they robbing us of our money for no reason? If I get ill, I'll use my own money to pay for treatment. And I heard they don't get any interest from the money so where does all that money go? In the air?""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in ohio?
I'm thinking about moving to Gnadehutten Ohio into a 3 bedroom mobile home, but I am worried the home owners insurance will cost me an arm and maybe a leg????""
Is california an affordable and nice place to live?
I live in ohio and I want to move to california to go to cal state in concord. I just need a little information from someone who lives there. Like is food and clothes expensive and is it expensive to buy furniture. I have already got the cost of a house and found some cheap ones. I just need to know how much money I will need. So can anyone help?
Cost of health insurance?
How much does health insurance cost per year if I pay for myself instead of my employer paying for it? I would pay through my employer's group insurance and mine is a family of three (including a child of 4 yrs). I am a contractor and I will be moving through the country quite a bit in which case would the insurance rates be from the state from where the employer is from or should it be as per the state where i am residing? How does insurance cost vary from state to state?
I need affordable dental care.?
I am a college student without any kind of health/dental insurance. I really need to have several root canals done. Is there anyway I can get affordable dental care without insurance?
""I am looking for car insurance in uk,can you recommend one?""
Every year,my insurance goes up even with 5 years no claim and same car. Why? It should have been cheaper surely, I heard of quidco,is it worth the hassle?""
Can i get my parents Life Insurance?
Were can i get life Insurance for my parents? Im gonna be a Lawyer and they get good money. Also i want my parents to leave me money when they pass away. Im gonna be happy with money. I live in the Bay Area. what is the most that life insurance could give you? How much will you pay a month for the highest one?
Renting a car for prom insurance question?
Ok so im 18 and i currently don't have a license but prom is in like 3 weeks and i will have my license by then. The problem is that i want to rent a car but i dont have auto insurance and i wont have it when i get my license neither because my mom doesnt want her insurance to go up... Is it possible for me to be added as an additional driver to any rental car companies if i dont have any auto insurance and the fact that i just got my license(wen i get it). My Dad is willing to pay everything for the rental car(i dont live with him though) btw i have already found a place where i can get a rental at the age 18(Ez rent a car dot com) but i just want to know can i rent without insurance, like by using there insurance if they have any I refuse to get dropped off to prom by a parent Lol""
How much does homeowners insurance cost in Phoenix Arizona?
Please dont say call and agent, thats obvious. Im just wondering because I want to buy a house around $200000 between 1700 and 2200 sq feet. Anyone have a house like this in this area? How much is your premium? THANKS!""
Rebuttel for car insurance?
I just got this new job getting info for a insurance agent so they can do a quote for a person. I was wondering what is a good rebuttel when ppl say they are not interested in the quate. Its free and they get the quote mailed to them.
Can fleet insurance be cheaper than insuring 2 vehicles?
My boyfriend and I got in a debate about this. I will be graduating college in a few months and told him that I wanted to purchase a pickup sometime within the year, but wanted to ...show more""
Motorcycle insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and I want to buy a 1984 900cc kawasaki ninja motorcycle. I have an 84 camaro and I'm on my dad's insurance which means it's only around $80 a month. He is 50 and has alot of experience with motorcycles. I know that insurance is sky-high when your under 25 so my question is, if I'm on my dads insurance will it be cheaper like it is on my car or will it be just as expensive?""
Insurance on a car? How much??
How much would it be to insure a car in UK, do I have to see a site? Eg, Ferrari, BMW, how much?""
i paid this guy 130 for insurance, he put down all wrong details on the policy so that i am like 30 years old, that's why it was so cheap. wont reply to my emails or pick up the phone. told him i was going to call the police and tell the insurance company if he didnt refund me. this is the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what should i do now??""
How would obamacare affect our family?
We are a middle class family, smack dab in the middle... Hubby's job provides health insurance, but for a family of 3, which we are, it would cost $200 a week for coverage, with high deductible, so! Since hubby is in exceptional health and hasnt had any medical problems (knock on wood!) he continues without health insurance; I remain on my parents plan as I'm 25 (aka under 26yrs old), and we pay for child health plus for my daughter, for a small fee a month, which depends on our income We simply couldn't afford to pay $800 a month for family coverage, so doing it this way saves us, like $600+! So since we don't make enough to pay for hubbys $800 family plan through work, is obamacare basically going to force hubby to get health insurance through his work, even though it's complete garbage? Or will his employer have more affordable family plan that we could afford? Just trying to understand it all better! Thanks in advance! :-)""
What Texas insurance company covers composition over wood shake shingles?
Hi everyone I'm selling a house and want to be prepared to answer questions about insuring a roof with composition shingles over wood shakes (or wood shingles). I have a major carrier, but I've heard there are insurance companies that refuse to insure these roofs these days. I'd like to know for sure what insurance companies I can say cover these roofs. I am in Dallas, Texas, so it should be a company that is in Texas. Thanks so much for your help!""
Liability vs full coverage insurance on motorcycle?
Im getting my first bike next week (a ninja 250r) and i got these 2 quotes from my insurance company: Liability $253/year Full Coverage $842/year What do you think?
Does anyone know a very cheap insurance group to go through if i am 17 and have an mg zr?
i have an mg zr trophy plus 1.4 and am wondering if anyone knows cheap insurance company that can make my life easier
Car insurance excess?
I'm having trouble understanding how car insurance, repairs and excess works in VIC, Australia. I gather that the driver who is at fault pays an excess to his insurance company before his vehicle is repaired, and his insurance company covers the repairs for the other vehicle involved. Will this excess see both vehicles being repaired, or do two excesses need to be payed?""
Car insurance and crash?
so i am 17 and i got in my first car crash since ive got my license about half a year ago. the car crash damages were about 5 thousand on a 8 thousand dollar car. does that mean my insurance is going to shoot up? and im not gonna be able to drive?
Confused about health insurance?
I just found out I was pregnant an plan to make an appointment soon I am confused about how health insurance works this is the first time I have done this by myself....I know you have a co-pay and insurance pays the rest but do the insurance company bill you anything in the mail?
In need of Medical Insurance?
I'm 18 and a Student and I dont have any medical Insurance is there a way to get I can apply for some aid I dont have a job, Live in California""
How do I get the cheapest car insurance?
I am 21 years old and have 2 years no claims bonus, I am in no way going to lie to the insurance companies just to alter my life to get the cheapest qoute wink wink can any one tell me if anything helps like where I work or how many kids I have??""
Insurance on a 2004 nissan 350z?
OK... I'm a 17 yr old male, have a solid part time job during school and full time I'm summer... I have found a 2004 Nissan 350z tourister with 58,000 miles, the owner is asking 10,000 for it it great condition... I would be putting 3k down and financing the rest... I would like an estimated price on monthly insurance... I'd be with both my parents and 4 other vehicles I believe, I don't know if its possible but any estimate is good... Thanks""
Which type of insurance do I have?
I have AvMed insurance through my job and I am filling out paperwork online right now and I am not sure which type to choose: Primary Secondary Supplementary Worker's Comp It says Open Access-Self Refer to Specialist at the top of my insurance card. Could someone help me out please?
Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?
Will my dad's car insurance go up if I get my license?
I'm 19 and want to get my license without getting my dad's car insurance going up.
Concerned about insurance rates for 2011 Mustang - 305 HP V6?
I really want this car for my next car but I'm concerned about insurance rates. Will it be considered a sports car even though it has the same engine as family car types like the Fusion? I'm over 25 (will be 26 in December) and I've not had any accidents just a couple of speeding tickets - one when I was 19 and one when I was 23. I'm buying later in the fall as a graduation present to myself since I'm finishing my master's degree and I'm still driving my 02 Sunfire from high school.
""Cheapest car for insurance, and also cheapest insurance company in uk?""
hi, I have just passed my driving test, so I am looking to buy a car. As I am a new driver, I would like to get some tips and help about choosing a car that is cheap to insure and also a cheap insurance company. to give u an idea I have around 2000 to 2500 pounds to spare for a car and insurance. do u think it would be possible with my budget Please help.... thanks.""
Affordable liabilty insurance?
Affordable liabilty insurance?
Life insurance: Which would you pick?
Scenario: 30 year old purchasing a $250,000 policy. Would you buy: A) Whole life insurance that cost $3100/year. By age 65, you will have $60,000 in the cash value. B) 35 year term that cost $1500/year. If you invest the difference of $133.33/month with a rate of return of 12%, you can have $866,000. Or even at a conservative rate of 10%, you can have $510,000. A or B? I wish I learned about term and investing the difference a long time ago.""
Question about car insurance ?
i know car insurance has many factors to it. i want to buy another car in addition to the one i already own. i drive a 1999 chevy lumina and i pay 1,700 a year for insurance for it...thats just the least amount of coverage too. i want to buy a 1992 firebird and switch the insurance over to that one. should i expect to see a drop in insurance because the car is much older or is there a chance it could be higher because the type of car it is? just curious thanks""
Can I add my girlfriend to my life insurance?
Can I add my girlfriend to my life insurance?
Health insurance question?
Is there any way I can get health insurance? I have no money and no job. I recently had to quit my recent job due to moving. I'm 19 years old and have a disc herniation that I'm trying to get checked out. Parents don't have money and will not take me not their fault, healthcare as I know is expensive. Ill have a job by the end of November is there anyway I could somehow get insurance through a loan or something similar? Probably a dumb question but it don't hurt to ask.""
How much would it up my car insurance if I started a weekend driving school business?
I currently pay about $700 per car.
""New driver, average car insurance?""
Just wondering here, to the new drivers, how much do you pay per month for car insurance. I am canadian so that would be helpful too. If I were to take drivers ed and then get my g2 that way...What would I be expecting to pay monthly?""
Insurance settlement.?
Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more""
How does car insurance work??
Is it a monthly thing or do you pay it all at once? How much will it be AVERAGE for a 17 year old girl in canada? I know other things apply but just give me a rough estimate cause I have to idea if it's $200 or $5000.
Can a person get insurance on a car when the tag is in someones name?
can a person get insurance on a car if the tag is in someones elses name?
Can paying monthly for car insurance increase credit score?
I was just wondering if I pay my monthly insurance bill if my credit score would go up? I am trying to build my credit score after having a real bad score. I know that if you have a recurring payment it will increase the score, but does that include car insurance? I have the money to pay my insurance for the year all at once (birthday present) but if it helps my score to pay monthly, I'll just keep the money in my account and pay monthly. Thanks!""
How is the Hillary Clinton helth plan version 2 anything like car insurance?
Car insurance: 1) Need to get it if you choose to drive. 2) Government bureaucracy does not force you to choose only in-state car insurance. 3) Coverage is meant to protect others from damages. 4) You choose how much coverage you want. 5) Does not violate freedom of religion. 6) Taxpayers don't pay for people who can't afford car insurance. Hillary Care: 1) Need to get if you choose to live. 2) Government bureaucracy limits the choice of provider. 3) Coverage only protects you and not others from damages 4) Government mandates what is covered, not you. 5) Violates freedom of religion for those whose beliefs prevent them from getting hospital care. 6) Government steals taxpayer money to supplement those who cry poor. Hillary supporters: Is it even possible to argue this? Go ahead and try. See you after Hillary loses the general election!""
Should I buy earthquake insurance in california?
I've lived in the Bay Area for 20 years and never purchased earthquake insurance for my home. I heard rates were going down, and AAA quoted me a rate of nearly $1200 for earthquake coverage- there is 75,000 deductible, and they will cover up to $525,000 to rebuild. What is the consensus on this issue?""
Car insurance for young drivers? uk?
how can i ( a 17 year old) get car insurance before im 25 without the stupid prices and without getting a car that says it has the cheapest insurance when its 4 grand. i bought a 106 but the insurance is 6 grand. please help. best answer gets 5 points. please list where i can get cheap insurance, what car is the best and cheapest for insurance, how i can cut the cost. in total i will pay up to 1900 in insurance and about 800 on a car.""
Is this the best way to go about cheap car insurance at 17?
Get insured on my mother's car for a year then get my own when the insurance drops.
Car insurance please help me out?
Oh right lol my query is as follows .. In July 2012 my daughter took out a pay monthly insurance policy with close premium 139 per month which was paid from my bank account every month on time for 12 months. When due for renewal August 2013 the insurance company sent her a quote saying payments were 168 per month! In view of this she decided not to insure her car and didn't use it. Shortly afterwards she receives a letter from close premium saying Hastings insurance could cover her for 100 per month but she never accepted this offer. In September 2013 Hastings took payment from my account so I contacted bank and recalled the payment. She now has a recovery agency acting on behalf of Hastings claiming she owes 400 . I can't see how she owes this money ? Do we have to pay this when we never accepted the policy and close premium passed on my bank details without my knowledge ? ( hope this makes sense)
Car insurance? Cheap?
I'm 16 and i just got my car and license. I have a 2000 Grand am gt Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Car insurance beginner.?
i am a 16 year old, good grades, i might get a Honda civic hatchback, does any one know where i am able to get a good insurance company and still pay low amounts in california""
Cheepest land rover defender insurance for young drivers?
Any ideas, companies past experience would be much appreciated""
How much is car insurance in ontario?
im just wondering, how much would car insurance be for a 1st time driver whos 19 and have to do it all on his owe as nobody in the family has a car lol. i dont plan on putting a car on the road till i get my g2, what isnt for like another 10months haha so i have been saving money up, Im Thinking it will proly be around $400 a month but not sure so does anybody else in ontario know how much it is? ps.. live in belleville ontario canada""
""I am a 19 year old male, what is the cheapest car insurance?""
I am a 19 year old male, what is the cheapest car insurance?""
Average moped/scooter insurance in for a 16 year old (UK)?
What would be the average insurance price be for a moped at 16? By the way I mean a 50cc engine. The was made in 2010 and as a guess I would say 200-350 to insure? Not looking for exact figures just someone with experience at insuring a moped at 16! Thanks!
Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?
What's average price for moped insurance?
thinking of a getting a 125cc cobra, i'm 18 and recently passed my CBT. Can anyone please tell me how much i'd be looking at paying?""
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
Got a ticket and insurance doubled NJ?
I got a ticket on my very first day of driving for an illegal left turn (one of those that you cant make during certain hours unless you are a resident of the street). I got the ticket with 3 points, i went to court and paid off all 3 points and got unsafe driving under my name hoping that it wouldn't affect my insurance, which was under my dads name (Allstate). Even with paying off the points my insurance still doubled. Now my question is, is there anything I can do to lower my insurance? Maybe I can take a course somewhere. Are me and my dad better off looking for a new insurance company? Maybe i should drop my car from my insurance and taking the bus again? If there isn't anything I can do, how long will it take for my insurance to drop again? Right now we are all in hard times and i made it much worse for my family, any help would be greatly appreciated.""
Insurance on a range rover?
how much do you suspect insurance on a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover Range Rover would be the car is $5000 i know the lady she dais she'd sell to me I just want to make sure the insurance isn't going to be too much I'm 18 B average took driver's course and defensive driving class.......just a guess
""I need short term auto insurance, since i will be on vacation for 45 days in southern california,?
Now my insurance company doesn't cover me in the states
How much is insurance for one day on a Rental Car?
I will be renting a car in April to pick up my fiance who will be arriving about 5 hours away, So I will be driving the car for 10 hours that day. I do not have insurance of my own so I will have to get some with the car that I rent.. about how much will it cost for the insurance? The car costs about 35$ for the day.. Thanks!""
What will the insurance be on a classic mustang in Texas?
Hello. Im about to get my first car, but i want a mustang. I am 16 yrs old. If u know the price leave a comment. Thanks""
What is a cheap motorcycle insurance company for a srteet bike?
What is a cheap motorcycle insurance company for a srteet bike?
I was hit by a metro park gate while driving my fiance's car which is insured under his name. I am not insured uner his policy, so therefor dont have insureance will the insurance company still pay because its insured? or will be stuck because i have no insurance?""
Do cheaper old cars make insurance higher?
Ive been looking up cheap old cars such as 1995 peugeot 106 the insurance is still over 2000! is it because im looking at cars that cost 400? Im looking for a really cheap car to buy and has the average insurance price any suggestions ?
18 year old, male, 2010 camaro ss with 4000 miles on it. had a few speeding tickets, no wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE""
What's the best car insurance company? Your experience?
I just purchased a new car and my family and I have about 4 cars currently under farmers insurance and pays way over $200 on car insurance...the dealer at the agency mentioned that he bought the same car and has 4 other cars with Nationwide and pays under $200 full coverage. In your experience and in your opinion from what you know or have experienced which insurance companys over the best service for your buck or offer great options. I think we are paying a lot and the options aren't that great. Thanks
What does 10-20-10 mean on auto. ins.?
What does 10-20-10 mean on auto. ins.?
Is there health insurance that just covers serious conditions like cancer and is affordable?
I'm 55 retired & uninsured. I've given up hope of finding affordable health care. Recently I needed surgery and had to pay for it myself. When I told my MD he cut his fee from $22,000 to $13,000) and when I needed an MRI I was able to get a cash price of $350 if I had insurance they would have charged over $2,000. At the time I was happy but doesn't this illustrate why health care in the US is so screwed up?""
Health Insurance should be illegal?
Why not? Hospital fees would fall drastically! Funny how no body really knows what the hospitals charge... And funny how socialist countries are ranked above U.S. Oh yeah and I love how doctors in U.S. are pill salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate Health Insurance and guess what!!! Healthcare will be affordable! what you think?!
""Without health insurance, what is the most direct way to get ssi disability?""
unemployment has run out, how can i receive help from social security without going into massive debt?""
""Whats the average payment for motorcycle insurance, for ages under 20?""
I live in South Florida, the Motorcycle in mind would be an Harley Davidson Iron 883 (2012 model) it's a sportster/cruiser and also having a 883 cc. I'm not sure if this helps, but I just want to know what I'm going into.""
Do I Need A Drivers License To Obtain Car Insurance?
Do I Need A Drivers License To Obtain Car Insurance?
Can you get auto insurance with policy dated back a couple days?
I got a ticket for 5 over, I have a clean record but no insurance, can I buy insurance that will back up that date. It was sat the 14th""
How much insurance for a 16 years old boy?
in california
How much will my premiums go up with Geico (teen driver)?
I am 17 years old. I got into my first accident the other night, just two days shy of having my license for a whole year! Anyways, I rear-ended an SUV with my integra (small car + big car =BAD). The airbags didn't deploy- I was going really slow and didn't get hurt, thank god. However, my car is most likely completely totaled because my car slid under the SUV, causing the hood to crunch up drastically, my radiator is destroyed, and power steering is gone. Sadly, I realize that these accidents are always considered at fault with the person doing the rear-ending, and although it was an accident, I do take full responsibility for it and I'm not being a little butt trying to pin it off on everyone else. Right now, I spend about 150 a month on car insurance for my car. I was wondering what you folks think my premiums might raise by? I've heard quite a few horror stories about Geico and will probably just be better off switching companies after because I guess they like to drop people or raise the premiums so high that they leave so they can keep their initial rates low. Wow run-on sentence; Sorry. Anyways, please help me out. Give me tips, advice, and maybe some other companies worth looking at?""
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
What is the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance for Senior Citizen?
My elderly neighbor has had her homeowners insurance cancelled because she couldnt afford to pay it. She is on a fixed income and her children do not help in any way. She owns her home but is having a hard time with paying the large payments. her mortage company says that if she doesnt take out her own insurance then they will purchase it for her at a cost of 2100.00 per year. This is way too much for a Senior citizen. i got a quote for her from progressive for 2600.00. Are there any cheaper alternatives?
Insurance on a 2004 hyundai tiburon GT?
im 16 and i want a 2004 hyundai tiburon GT for my first car and was wondering if you could give me an estimate on what the price would be for insurance each month if it is under my dads name who is 47 he also has an avalanche an armada and a 2500 dodge ram under his name if that helps?
Insurance on a 1275 gt mini for a 17 year old?
My friend has just passed his driving test and I'm trying to help him get a car and insurance sorted. He's determined to get an old 1275 gt mini. I can see why though. I've been getting insurance quotes and they're all coming back at over 5,000 every time. I must be doing something wrong. I'm just wondering if any of yous could help me and give me an idea of what it would cost for a 17 year old male who's just passed his test on a 1275 gt? Thanks.""
Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?
What would the minimal insurance be on a 2000 dodge dakota sport club cab 4x4?
For under insurance with a g1 driver ?
How to get cheaper insurance with an impaired driving/hit and run charges?
I currently have impaired driving/hit and run charges on my drivers license as of august 2010. How can I possibly get cheaper insurance. The cheapest quote I got was 9 grand.. How long is my insurance going to be this bad for??? Help!!!
Medical insurance for cancer patient?
A family member is diagnosed with something similar as cancer. She works for a big fortunate 500 company and so far, there is no sign the company will fire her. However, the job is very stressful and when she starts chemotherapy, she will most likely take a medical leave (Not sure how long) She doesn't want to put all eggs in one basket, just in case the comapny fires her, she would lose medical insurance, and that would not be very good. Just wondering if there is a private insurance company who will never reject a cancer patient. She is very aware of the fact that premenium would be sky high, but she is willing to pay for it just in case. Any suggestions thank you""
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
Car insurance question?
Im currently a proposed driver on an car insurance policy(FULLY COMP) on a Fiat Punto and im 19. My elder brother is getting a Vauxhall VXR and said if he is insured on the car (fully comp) and said if i drive his car, i am legally allowed to drive it but i will only be covered under Third Party. Can someone outline the Rights and Wrongs? Is it actually legal? any problems which may arise?""
How much do driving lessons reduce my car insurance?
I haven't seen a question like this before on Yahoo answers, but is the 350$ lessons (6 hours) really worth it? (Driving isn't hard, I know, but I want the lessons solely to reduce insurance rates)""
How an auto insurance 90/10 liability works?
If i accept a 90/10 liability payment from my car insurance company, they will filed this accident into my files and will it lift my future insurance premium? thank you very much""
What is car insurance for?
do i need insurance for a car that is parked or is it just to drive the car
Who is the best student insurance provider?
i'm looking for health insurance and don't know who to trust?
How to check a car has insurance or not?
All the information I know: car plate number, vehicle identification number and a expired Progressive insurance policy number. Can I still check my car current insurance online?""
I'm trying to get Heath care insurance?
I'm a type 1 diabetic I'm trying to get a job but if I do my current insurance will not pay for my diabetic supplies.My medical supplies are really expensive what are my options ?
New York city question regarding insurance?
How are the insurance premiums in New york city (queens borough specifically) ? i.e. how much would someone like I have to pay for insurance say per year (for a car that has about 80,000 miles on it)? I have New York driving license for 2 1/2 years now, and prior to that had Pennsylvania license for 3 years. I had my own car for the 3 years I had Pennsylvania license, and have been renting cars (twice or thrice a year) for the 2 1/2 years I have been in NYC. In all these 5 1/2 years, I had no accidents. Also, how much is registration fee to register a vehicle in New york city?""
How much would car insurance go up if...?
My family and I are just trying to get a ballpark idea of how much my sister's car insurance would go up if we made a claim on an accident she had. She was in a mall parking lot and pulled out to make a left turn. I think she didn't really see a car coming, but I also think the car was zipping around the lot at a too-fast speed. My sister got hit in her driver's door and needs a new door and the frame of the car needs pulled out. There are no witnesses to really show who's fault it is, and I think it's a little of both judging by how much damage there is on her car (the other driver had to be going fast). There is no damage on the other person's car. It costs about $1500 to get it fixed (just the bare minimum - a new door from a junkyard and fixing the frame, just to make it safe and sealed, there will still be some dents). We're debating on claiming it or not because there is a $500 deductible. She is 25 years old and hasn't had an accident before. How much do you think the insurance would go up and how long would it stay up? Would it be worth it to claim it or should she just pay cash for the damages? Thanks!""
What will the insurance be on a classic mustang in Texas?
Hello. Im about to get my first car, but i want a mustang. I am 16 yrs old. If u know the price leave a comment. Thanks""
Who understands health insurances? please help?
Okay so im 22 and have no health insurance, i just started working, and at this company they offer health insurance for full time positions only and well i am part time. I have had swollen tonsils since i was fourteen and been hospitalized twice because it was so bad that literally both tonsils were smashed together (i know gross) well i guess the question is, i want to try to get a health insurance that will minimize extremely the cost of getting these suckers removed. I dont understand all the deductible talk. So which insurance do you think is affordable and might be the one for me and my need? Please any advice and suggestions will be appreciated. Its a constant pain to go to the doctors and just come out with antibiotics which i guess take the pain but im not lying when i say that they are everyday permanently swollen. Please and Thank you.""
Ticket for driving without insurance in florida?
Hello, I recieved a ticket in January for Driving without Insurance in Florida. The officer cited me 110$ and let me go, I stayed off the road for a few weeks immediately purchased insurance within 30 days. However my ticket is still unpaid due to lack of employment, bills and stuff and license just go suspended. Can someone explain to me if I go to the courthouse and pay the ticket without any proof of insurance, what will happen. Do I just pay it and thats it and then get my license reinstated? I really am lost, I make minimum wage i don't know what to do but i have to pay this ticket and fix my license i just don't know if they will arrest me on the spot cause i cannot furnish proof or what? My insurance lapsed pretty much because i lost my job.""
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
Who will give car insurance with a drivers permit?
My DL was suspended and I restored them today due to parking ticket but I have to start all over so I have a permit so who will give me car insurance with a permit need A.S.A.P
Definition of Fully Comprehensive car insurance (UK)?
Does this mean i am insure to drive other peoples cars (with permission from them) ?? And also, my insurance on my last policy expried in July 2011, and i never renewed it, Does this mean i lose my 2 years no claims, or can i say that i still have 2 years no claims ? Is it still valid if i had no insurance for a month ?""
New York State Car Insurance Question?
A friend of mine had his car parked in front of his house in the street. A drunk driver without a license hit it while it was parked, left the car and ran off on foot. Turns out the person driving was not the owner of the car, he did not steal it, the owner let him borrow it. My friend's insurance company is telling him that they need some kind of acknowledgment by the owner of the car, admitting to wrong doing, before they can process his claim. Does this sound correct?""
General costs to buy and insure a 50cc moped?
Okay so I don't know what moped it will be so i'm simply looking for averages and general help. I'm 17 and am thinking of getting a moped for the next 6-7 months, cost pending. I was just wondering how much would insurance cost me for it, not a brilliant bike just a cheapo 400-500 think as I shant be using it every day and is there any way to insure it for only 6 months rather than a year that's cheaper? On a whole how much do you think it would cost me in total if i bought a 400 50cc moped to insure for 6 month (year if you can't do 6 months) + tax + exam you have to take P.S. I live in England - South East - Dover/Folkestone Area""
""Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
""6008 insurance quote for hyundai getz 1.1, what am i doin wrong?""
im a 17 year old male, who lives in a nice area with little crime, it will be kept on the drive, im offering 500 excess, third part only, i cant belive this price from go-compare, and this was the cheapest quote, what else can i try, ive tried putting my mum on as a named driver, but it only lowers it by about 100.""
How to Get Cheap Car Insurance in NJ for Young Drivers?
Last week I bought my first car.But one thing that I didn't do was to check my car insurance premiums.I did it yesterday and I was amazed how expensive is that.I'll have to pay more than $300mo.Is is normal?Why my car insurance is so expensive.First thing they told me was that I need to pay more, because I'm young driver.Yes I'm under 25 years old.I'm from NJ.Can you please tell me how to get cheap car insurance in NJ for young drivers?Also any tips to help me to reduce this price...I'm ok with my car but I feel it won't be possible for me to pay so much for car insurance.I need cheaper insurance plan.""
Will my parents insurance go up if I received a speeding ticket and I am not on their insurance?
I'm 17 and I recently got pulled over by a Louisiana State Trooper for going 84mph in a 60mph speed zone. I was driving my mother's car and she is insured with State Farm but I am not on the policy. I know I can plea guilty and take a class to get it off of my record but I hope it doesn't affect their car insurance rates......
Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?
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