#orc pregnancy
hush-writes-preg · 11 months
What do you think of goblin known for having large litters, getting knocked up by an Orc whose children are always large. The resulting pair leaving the goblin absolutely massive and having to be fucked into labor
You're bent over a bedroll in all of your naked, emerald-skinned glory. Your normally small, goblin stature is dwarfed by an obscenely distended belly, pillowed beneath you and holding you aloft while your lover pounds into you from behind.
Overdue and miserable, you'd begged them to fuck you in hopes of jumpstarting your labor. Thankfully, they rarely need an excuse to get between your legs.
Your orc's hands are on your hips, their claws digging into your flesh. They're so much bigger than you thanks to their orcish blood, and the combination of your genetics means that your belly has grown much larger than any other pregnant goblin you'd ever seen. Your womb was never meant to be stretched so far or by so many babies, and hints of their large forms are visible along the surface of your stomach.
You're going to have one hell of a time giving birth to your hybrid whelps.
Every thrust makes your heavy breasts bounce and sway beneath you. They're so sensitive and tender, engorged and filled with milk. They've been like that for months now, and the need to be suckled has only gotten worse as your pregnancy has progressed. Your engorged nipples rub against the fabric of the bedroll, leaving a wet trail wherever you go.
A particularly rough thrust sends you skidding forward across the ground, your sensitive nipples dragging against the fabric of the blanket. A moan slips past your lips, and you clench around your lover's cock.
"Hells," they hiss. "I can't hold out much longer, and you're still not close to popping."
"Just… just keep going," you beg, your voice a gravelly wheeze through wickedly sharp teeth. "Please!"
They comply, and you're quickly reduced to a moaning, shuddering mess beneath them. Your green breasts and swollen belly pound against the ground every time they push into you, and you can sense the pressure building inside.
"I think… I think it's working," you gasp. "Fuck, don't stop!"
You cry out as your body tenses up, and you can feel their gnarled cock throbbing deep inside of you. It's too much. You can't handle it anymore.
You come with a loud wail, something popping and giving way inside of you at the same time your lover's hot, sticky release floods your channel.
It doesn't take long for you to realize what just happened. Your lover broke your water, and now the floodgates are open. Their cock is still buried deep inside of you, but there's no stopping it.
Your labor has finally begun.
Now, you can only hope that you'll be able to push your huge litter free.
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gravidwithlore · 10 months
The village elders had always said that orcs rarely showed in pregnancy (until they were practically about to pop) because they were naturally better at carrying offspring than other (smaller) peoples.
That hadn't stopped Olx's jealousy, whenever they saw the elves and humans and other smaller peoples waddling around their village, bellies on display through almost their entire pregnancy with their half-orc offspring. Olx knew that carrying orcish offspring was actually a huge risk for these people, but they couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be so heavy and round, their fertility on display and unhideable so early on in their pregnancy, hands unable to reach the apex of their belly by the end, their big rowdy babies jostling each other for space in their overstretched womb.
Once when their elvish brother-in-law was carrying their brothers first brood, they had come over to visit. His brother-in-law was settled in a chair laden with pillows, their parents absolutely doting on the massively pregnant elf who looked fit to burst any second, despite having at least a couple months to go. They all chatted for a few hours, occasionally marveling at the idol of fertility sitting in their living room, when suddenly one of the elfs rowdy brood sent a hard kick upwards towards his chest, visibly jostling a heavy milk-filled teat so hard that a wet stain immediately began to spread across the front of his tunic. His brother-in-law's face had gone red in embarrassment, and everyone rushed to console him and offer him a new tunic or a towel.
Olx though, couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, long after his brother had helped his spouse waddle back to their own home. They kept imagining what it would feel like to be so gravid and overwhelmed by their own womb, even their own tits overfilling in preparation for feeding so many large babies. Their belly and tits so swollen and stretched, their babies so large and crowded that the rest of Olx's body was at their mercy, one small kick enough to put their body's fertility on display whether they wanted to or not. Olx had never felt so horny in their entire life.
Over time he'd accepted that would never be something they'd truly feel, orcs only just began to show soon before they gave birth after all. And even then, it was only a small swell, never large enough to make an orc waddle or take up their entire lap. Sometimes Olx would stuff pillows under his shirt, just to see what it might look like, but they knew that it was just a fantasy, an impossible dream that would never come true. Until Olx met the giant.
Small for a giant, but a giant nonetheless. A giant that towered over Olx behind the pub as they flirted, picked them up and shook the wall as they pressed him against it, pinned them down and bent them over with ease, just their fingers stretching them farther than any orc cock had before. By the time Olx's eyes rolled back in their head as they came the first, but definitely nowhere near the last, time that night, they were absolutely ruined for anybody or anything else. In more ways than one.
They traveled together for a couple of months, casually sharing bed rolls or whatever other surfaces they could fuck each other raw on, then went their separate ways. The giant to continue their adventures, Olx back to their home village. The slight but growing curve of their belly was a sign that they might not be able to travel for much longer, and they wanted to have the support of their family and community through their first pregnancy. Olx told the giant before they split ways, he seemed relieved that they didn't expect him to stick around or take any responsibility over the child, free to adventure as untethered and unburdened as they were before the pair met.
At barely 3 months along, Olx arrived back in their village. The curve of their belly just past the point of being able to hide. The village midwives fluttered around them, ushering him home to help prepare for the birth, chastising him for waiting so long and traveling in such a state, surely he was practically overdue! They had a hard time believing Olx when they said they weren't even in the 2nd trimester yet, and since giants are quite rare, they didn't believe them when he told them about the child's other parent.
But as time went by and Olx's belly continued to grow it got harder and harder to disprove. Olx was loving every second of it. Their body wouldn't let them forget how thoroughly they'd been knocked up by their giant lover, from how sensitive and swollen his chest had become, to the stretch marks already littering his gravid belly, the soft flutters and kicks Olx was beginning to feel, even his achy hips weighed down and making room for their inevitable birth. And with their hormones going wild, their libido increased, every reminder of their fecundity felt as though it were sending them into a heat.
Soon it became impossible for them to satisfy the near constant ache between their legs on their own. The realization had made Olx come on the spot, suddenly wishing the father of their child had stuck around, if only so they could get bent over and fucked properly. It was no problem to rely on the kindness of their community, orcs had no qualms about that sort of thing, like many other peoples did, and they were more than happy to help keep him satisfied, even if they now paled in comparison to Olx's baby daddy. In fact, there were quite a few orcs who were especially eager to help out, practically worshipping them like an idol to fertility and making sure any need was taken care of round the clock.
By the time they were in their 3rd trimester, Olx looked like no other orc they'd ever seen. The rest of the village whispered that they had been blessed by an Orcish fertility god, and with good reason. Their gravid belly now dwarfed the rest of their body, when he sat they had to spread their legs wide to accommodate the massive globe, silvery stretch marks spread across it, occasionally shifting as a kick or a stretching hand appeared from their already cramped but still growing child. Olx's chest had long since swollen into massive tits, now each were easily the size of their head, resting atop his belly like they were on a shelf, also peppered with their own stretch marks and leaking thin streams of milk at the slightest stimulation.
Despite the village midwives insistence on bed rest, Olx still insisted on walking around town and taking care of the preparations for his children's arrival for himself. They enjoyed feeling their center of gravity shift practically day by day at this point, constantly needing to keep at least one hand on their back for balance, clumsily knocking things over as they misjudged their wombs wide reach.
On one of these walks, a new visitor arrived in the village. A giant. Not the same giant who had made Olx's fantasy a reality, but taller and broader, they introduced themselves as Amin, a traveler looking for a place to hunker down for the winter. The entire village heartily welcomed their guest and newest winter resident, but none greeted them so enthusiastically as Olx did. By nightfall they were doing their best to bounce on Amin's cock, more desperately rutting than bouncing, the rough jerky movements quickly making their milky tits weep and their wombs resident kick in protest, making Olx whine and moan at the stimulation. It didn't take long for Amin to flip Olx onto their back, as easily as if he was a sack of flour. The wind was knocked out of Olx's lungs as the impossibly heavy weight of their womb settled on their lungs, leaving them little air to scream at the pleasure of Amin thrusting in to the hilt and taking a heavy leaky teat into their mouth, their large lips and mouth enveloping not just the nipple but most of the tit itself. Amin chuckled around their breast and their hips gave a sharp thrust that had Olx seeing stars for the first, but far from the last, time that winter.
Olx welcomed Amin into his home, and they spent the first few weeks of winter eagerly 'hibernating' together, until one night Amin 'hibernated' Olx right into labor. The midwives were called, and Olx insisted Amin be allowed to stay to help them through the birth. And stay they did, helping turn some of Olx's pain to pleasure as his body slowly worked to move their (literally) giant baby down his tight canal. The birth took days, but at the end Olx, suckling his half-giant twins at his breasts, leaned back against Amin more exhausted and worn out than ever, but also more happy and content than he'd ever felt in his life.
The winter was harsh, but for Olx it passed in bliss with his new born twins and Amin. When the spring finally arrived it was time for Amin to go. Not permanently, they just had some business they needed to wrap up. They'd fallen deeply in love, not just with Olx but the entire village and it's community, they'd finally found a place they were happy to settle down in, once their business was finished. Olx walked them to the edge of the village, the already large twins bound to him in a cloth wrap, one resting in his chest, the other his back, and kissed them goodbye. As he watched Amin walk the path away from the village Olx smiled softly, and rubbed the already growing curve of his belly, and wondered how big and round they would be when Amin returned.
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bunnis-monsters · 3 months
Imagine being a surrogate for monsters that want a half human baby, or monsters that need your womb to keep their young safe.
Instead of being inseminated in a hospital, the monster fucks load after load into your fat pussy, insuring you’ll be swollen with their baby/babies by the end of it.
At first you did it to help monsters out, but now you do it because you just love the feeling of a monster cock stretching you out and filling you with its hot cum until you’re close to bursting. It’s almost worth the differing amount of time it takes to grow and then birth their child.
But honestly… you love it. You enjoy being pampered and spoiled by the monsters during your pregnancy, their instincts screaming at them to protect you and keep you to themself.
They always end up fucking you over and over, wanting to keep you on their cocks while you’re pregnant, feeding you right and keeping you full of cum~
And once the baby is born and you’ve recovered, you get to do it all over again…
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aspiringnexu · 10 months
Love that Star Trek accurately portrays humans in the future as being DTF practically anything. Works wonders for diplomacy.
"Sure I don't find you attractive, but give me ten minutes, your Excellency, and I'll find someone on this ship who's into tentacles and slime."
We may not be super intelligent or super strong, but give humans a chance. We're annoyingly likeable, tenacious, stubborn, and attracted to the weirdest things.
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Orc Husband x Human Reader
Synopsis: Your husband is attentive to the needs of the mother of his child (aka you)
“Kilian,” you moaned.
Your husband rubbed his tusks against your shoulder, his breathing labored behind you as his cock hardened against your rear.
The two of you had spent the day confined to your bed. 
You were seven months pregnant with your first child and instructed by the physician of the stronghold to stay off your feet. This led to your increased boredom, causing you to send for your husband to entertain you. 
Kilian was more than happy to shed his clothes and join you, ridding you of your nightgown and eagerly taking in the beautiful body of the woman carrying his child. 
He cupped your swollen breast in his hand, allowing the leaking milk to coat his palm.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered, aware of what was happening only to be quietly shushed. 
“It’s natural my love. Let me clean you.”
You nodded and he gently pushed you on your back. 
You bit your lip as your husband leaned over you, lowering his head to your chest and using his tongue to rid you of the spilled milk. He ran his tongue over your nipple, stimulating the hardened bud until you mewled.
“Does it feel good?” he checked.
“Yes,” you gasped.
So he proceeded to do the same to your other nipple until you were crying out for him to fill you.
And so he did, making sure not to harm you in the process. He thrusted into you until the two of you were covered in sweat, fucking you through your orgasm, per your request. 
“Kilian,” you whispered. “That was wonderful.” 
You were glowing, and he found himself falling in love with you all over again, wanting to protect you and your unborn child from all the bad things in this world. He wished these private moments could stretch for eternity. But he knew that wasn’t possible, so he pulled you towards him and held you close.
He couldn’t wait to build a family with you. 
The End. 
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epphfervescent · 3 months
Full term Siobhan?
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Siobhan waddles, graceless, down the hall of the inn to the room she shares with Veena and their firstborn, supporting her turgid belly with both hands. Getting up the inn’s narrow stairs had been slow and careful going—and walking through the commonroom was, as always, novel. As a Ranger, Siobhan is used to passing unnoticed, but this town doesn’t have many orcish residents—at least, not heavily, exaggeratedly pregnant ones. She’s stared at wherever she goes. 
It might’ve been uncomfortable, if Siobhan weren’t too swollen to care. 
As she reaches the door, a braxton hicks contraction squeezes her pelvis. Siobhan waits for it to pass, breathing through it. They’re more uncomfortable than painful, but they’ve been coming more and more often lately, reminding Siobhan that her time is fast approaching. 
The contraction passes and Siobhan gets inside her room—and is obliged to stop again, as the real consequence of the placebo contraction makes itself known: Siobhan’s belly-muscles squeezed tight enough to wake one of the babies. The one crammed in next to her kidney, it seems; she can feel their thrashing localized there. 
Siobhan massages her distended side, grimacing. “Oh, don’t,” she says down to her stomach. “You know you’ll wake the others—fuck,” Siobhan sighs. Too late—the painful kicks are spreading across her belly. 
Siobhan’s waddle is even more pronounced as she shuffles to the bed, laying back to give herself a bellyrub, hoping to quiet the five squirming babies in her gut. 
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yearningaces · 8 months
What would bring angst to nyx and his s/o's relationship?
Would there be any "bad pre conceived ideas" agasint nyxs s/o from others of his kind?
Also, weird question: Could his species breed with humans and have a viable offspring?? What would that child be like? Would it be more human with some rabbit traits or the opposite?
While I'm the main proponent of no NSFW prompts this is plain scientific curiosity and that I encourage
Talks of reproduction capabilities and results in the most scientific ramble below heads up
If Nyx's partner has a uterus (and if he wasn't either ace due to my preference or just did something out of curiosity) I'd say it's similar to two animals from sister species having offspring. A donkey and a horse can produce a mule but mules can't have offspring together. Due to unmatched chromosomes from the horse and donkey counterparts mostly, so they're infertile.
If a rabbit-hybrid and human had a kid, it would be low chance, and would take on more traits of the more dominant species, a human.
This could work many different ways, but mostly how you phrased it, a rabbit-hybrid that looks more human like than others.
As for your first remarks, absolutely.
Nyx is a prey species, his family is a prey species and they live in a community of burrows where other rabbit-hybrids live. Humans are by nature predators and as such are usually larger, stronger, and far more dangerous. Humans do eat rabbits, I have before when my folks hunted some down and added them to the family gathering menu
Nyx got off on the best foot with his human because they(you) saved his life, proving that humans can be just as helpful as they can harmful. For Nyx, it takes a long time of convincing his family to just meet you, and also to let him leave the burrow again because he promised to meet up with you and they were terrified for his life.
Cause to rabbit-hybrids or prey species hybrids, humans are hunters, carnivores at the top of their food chain by sheer force of will and intelligence, having grown to outrank their own predators. Humans are feared, respected from afar for the good that they can do, but mostly feared. In a way it's almost superstitious like when a human talks about fae
"never accept their food or else you'll be hooked" humans are just damn good cooks. "Never allow them to take you away, you'll return knowing little of your own world and remember unfathomable knowledge." If you let a stray cat come inside it's gonna get socialized to a person through effort. It's gonna forget how to survive on its own bc it's taken good care of by it's human and will learn how to 'converse' with humans and human ways. Am I making sense?
There's also generally separation between humans and most prey like species. Obviously some couple together but it's a more unpopular thing to see and can be a bit difficult.
There's also a power imbalance in the relationship that's always needing to be remembered. Nyx is small and weak compared to his human partner, he can easily be scared by them and while sometimes it's fun, his human has to remember to be calm with him. One big explosion of anger towards him and he'll fall back on instincts and flee and hide. Then it's an emotional mess for everyone because you scared your bunny boy and he wants to feel safe and only feels safest when you hold him but you're the one that scared him and he's lost at that moment.
Challenges but damn the sweet moments make it worth it
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creampie-capital · 2 years
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hush-writes-preg · 1 year
Spooky Season Day #11
Concept: You're a petite elf who left your family home to see and experience the world you've always been sheltered from. The outside world turns out to be pretty darn fascinating. It doesn't take long before you're indulging in taboo pleasures of the flesh with the big, brawny orcs you've always been taught to hate. And hells are they big in all the best ways.
Unfortunately for you, nobody ever bothered to teach you about birth control, and you find out too late that big orcs make equally big babies. What will Mommy and Daddy say when you return home with a massive, squirming belly full of orc spawn?
(A Spooky Season prompt. Feel free to put it to good use! 😘)
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cadybear420 · 1 year
Choices book covers/loading screens that need to be Hawkeye-Initiative'd.
Because my GNC female ass is tired of the over-reliance of heteronormative gender stereotypey dynamics in a lot of these covers.
Keep in mind that even though not all of these covers are irritating and some of them do make sense to the book, it'd still be nice to see a gender-swapped version of them.
Bold = especially important to Hawkeye-Initiative. Colors are just there to match the theme of the book and make the list pretty.
All the Rules of Engagement covers (most especially Books 1 and 2)
High School Story: Class Act Book 1 cover
All BloodBound covers (most especially Books 1 and 3 + Dark Solstice)
America's Most Eligible Books 2 and 3 covers
All Desire and Decorum covers
Big Sky Country Book 2 cover
A Courtesan of Rome cover
Ride or Die cover and loading screen
Baby Bump Book 1 cover
Hot Couture cover
A Very Scandalous Proposal cover
Witness cover and loading/title screen
Distant Shores cover
All The Nanny Affair covers (this includes both versions of the Book 1 cover)
Wolf Bride cover
Shipwrecked cover
Untameable loading screen
The Cursed Heart covers (especially Book 2)
Immortal Desires covers
Roommates With Benefits cover
The Duchess Affair cover
Dirty Little Secrets cover
The Billionaire's Baby Cover
Alpha cover
Ship of Dreams Cover
I will update as new books are released.
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wearebipolargods · 8 months
Watched the Warcraft movie last night and my god that movie would've been such an insane balls-out boardroom pitch
"we've got an idea for our big budget summer blockbuster! It's all CGI so it'll cost us everything to make, it's based off of a 16 year old game that dipped in popularity years ago!"
"okay, so will we ease the audience in, given that most watchers won't be familiar with the franchise?"
"no!! Without at least 3 hours of googling beforehand you'll be completely lost!!"
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
Khuruz' turn!
Are you still working on the farm? How is life with centaurs and a tiny human partner treating you?
(I’m splitting these up into batches. Can’t believe I got a question for my very first monster love interest on here!)
The orc looks up from where he’s been brushing Skandi’s back and haunches for him at the end of a dusty summer day. It’s a sign of how close their friendship has become that the centaur welcomes this from Khuruz.
“Moved in on the farm full-time a good while back,” he chuckles, nudging Skandi in his equine shoulder. “Much to this one’s annoyance.”
“Lies!” Skandi whickers. He’s grinning from ear to ear though, and he looks relaxed and happy, casually resting one hind hock while Khuruz brushes him down.
“She and I moved into the old cottage on the river,” Khuruz says. “Renovated it a couple of years ago. Got a little garden and everything. The others mock me for it, but I couldn’t be happier. I’m living with the love of my life, I’ve got a roof over my head, and I get to work on the farm all year round.” He shrugs. “It might not be enough for other orcs out there, but it’s everything I could ask for.”
Skandi pokes him in the gut with a wicked grin. “Go on… d-d-don’t k-keep the b-best bit b-back,” he stammers. It’s slow and relaxed, and it’s clear that he’s not shy about his speech around Khuruz anymore.
Khuruz blushes and looks at the floor. “Got a little one on the way too,” he says, and he can’t keep the grin off his face no matter how he tries to hide it.
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lady-nightmare · 2 years
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lostvoidling · 1 year
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New Character Announcement [c]
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monstersflashlight · 1 month
Big and muscular orcs who's hands had only known to bring death to his enemies for years, he had never only focused on anything except leading his tribe to victory and protecting it as he is the chieftain.
Until he met his Elven wife, small and petite who's carefree, gentle and very soft. He never have been intimate with them ever since marriage, afraid he's going to break them into two like a twig.
Not until he saw how his wife would tend to the children on his tribe, playing with them and telling them stories, how they would tend to them like a mother, full of love and gentleness and He began to imagine what It'd be like to have children of their own
He found himself pounding into them every night, his huge cock barely fittin in, his tip kissing the entrance of their cervix, pumping their womb full of his seed, hoping that one It'd root.
i love orcs mwuehehheheh
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Breeding surprise
Orc x fem elf!reader || breeding, knotting, size kink, cum inflation || tw: mentions of pregnancy
When you married the orc warrior, you weren’t expecting the reality of it. In your first year of marriage, you barely saw him because of the ongoing war, he was far away fighting for wars that weren’t his, not yours… But when the war stopped? Good lord you were expecting that even less.
He arrived home on a random Wednesday and you weren’t even there. You were at the market when the bells rang announcing the warriors were home. You ran back to your hose in the edge of town, and there he was, waiting at the door with the wildest look you’ve ever seen.
Contrary to what everyone thought, you two married because you liked each other, not because of convenience or love or anything like that. He was good looking, and you were good looking, and you both were tired of looking for people, so it just seemed normal to marry a friend and just be happy with it.
That’s why when you arrived home that day and found him with that wild look in his face you weren’t suspecting anything. You approached him with a smile in your face and your pointy ears twitching, you were so happy your best friend was back you were about to vibrate out of your skin. You were about to hug his middle when he grabbed your waist and hoisted you up until you were face to face with him.
And then he kissed you. He kissed you so deeply and so thoroughly that your brain was fuzzy by the time he released you. You couldn’t even ask what was all that about before he had you naked over your living room table and was eating your pussy out until you were screaming his name. He had such a smug expression in his face after that... you wanted to hit him. But instead you pushed him until he was sitting down on the armchair and proceeded to ride him until he was spilling everything inside of you.
That was the first of many. It was like something broke between you two and your friendship was no longer that. Your marriage turned a lot more real than any of you suspected. At first it was just lust and shared passion, but it soon turned into so much more. He looked at the children at the market with longing in his eyes, and when you returned home he fucked you in earnest. He knew perfectly that orcs and elves could only procreate if you had that special potion, otherwise it was just a fun little thing you played where he filled you to the brim and then watched it drip down, just to fuck it back into you again.
Until one day, you decided it was time. He left to go hunting and you prepared the potion, drinking it down and leaving a tiny bit on the glass so he would know.
You got naked and started prepping yourself. He usually enjoyed eating you out, but this time around, with the promise of possible breeding, you knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back. And as much as you enjoyed his huge orc dick, you also needed some prep for your tiny elf pussy if you didn’t want to be destroyed.
You were three fingers in when you heard his footsteps entering the house. “Honey, I’m home!” You giggled at his antics and said nothing. You could feel the moment he realized what the glass was, because his steps stopped completely and you could hear him take a deep breath. You knew what he could smell… You being fertile, ready to be breed. “I hope this is not a joke or I swear to…” He appeared at the door of the room and gaped at your naked form, already squirming with pleasure right in front of him. “Are you sure?” He asked, looking at your fingers more than at you.
“Yes. Fill me up,” that’s all it took for him to rip his clothes away and jump over your body in the bed. You giggled as your body shook up and down with the force.
His hands pushed your fingers away, replacing them with his own as he started talking frantically. "Gonna fill you so deep you are going to be leaking for hours after, just so I can slide right in and fill you again, would you like that? Would you like to be filled over and over like you are my own personal fuck toy?" You weren’t expecting that level of dirty talk and you were speechless, your pussy twitching around his fingers was the only answer you could provide. “Of course you do, of course you want to be filled to the brim and used until I’m completely spent.” He kept finger fucking you until you were breathless, begging him to fuck you over and over. He didn’t, not yet. He pushed your legs further apart, licking around his fingers buried in you and sucking on your clit until you came all around him.
“Come on, come on, come on…. Please, husband.” That always worked, reminding him that you were his, not only in body, but in every aspect that mattered… That did it for him. And for you.
He covered your tiny body with his and got into position, you were more than ready, stretched and prepared for him. He didn’t care about your need, though. He only cared about fucking you so thoroughly you couldn’t walk the next day. He only cared about breeding you until you were full of him. So he fucked you slowly, so, so slowly that you were crying out in desperation and he was laughing at how needy you were. But he secretly loved it. Loved how much you needed his cock.
He made you come twice before he started fucking you in earnest. Fast and hard, rapidly approaching his own orgasm. And then, even though you knew he could pop a knot, he never did before. But what you were feeling was definitely his knot, pressing against your entrance, demanding entry. And he did. He entered you completely as your eyesight turned white with pleasure as the knot pushed right over your G-Spot. It was the most intense sensation ever.
And when he started to come inside of you, you felt like you were ascending into heaven. Like your body transcended into a new reality, and the only thing that existed were you and his knot deeply buried inside your pussy.
You came down from the high, and he was still coming. And coming. And coming so much you could feel it dripping down around his knot, filling your womb until your lower abdomen was bloated and your cervix felt overused. It was marvelous.
He rolled his hips to give you some pleasure, your body shaking with aftershocks as he kept coming inside your pussy. When the knot came down, your eyes were already half closed. You didn’t know if you were pregnant, but you definitively knew you were doing that again as soon as you woke up from a tiny nap.
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hush-writes-preg · 11 months
Spooky Season Day #21
There's an orc balls-deep inside of your very wet, very pregnant pussy.
You're in an incredibly awkward position, bent over the side of a sofa with your knees on the cushions, your belly pressed against the fabric, one hand gripping the edge of the cushion for balance and the other hanging on to the back. Your swollen tits sway pendulously beneath you, and a large orc is hunched over you from behind, fucking you hard enough that his leathery sack is slapping your thighs.
His hands rest on your shoulders, holding you in place. The muscles of his legs, covered in dark, thick hair, are rhythmically flexing as he thrusts in and out of your tight pussy. You've already come twice on his cock. You're about to cum again.
"Don't stop," you pant, closing your eyes.
The orc groans and speeds up his pace, his long, thick shaft pumping in and out of you like a piston. His claws dig into your shoulder.
"Mmm, yes! Fuck me! I'm gonna come! Don't stop!"
He snarls and pushes your head down against the cushion, forcing your ass higher up in the air. You feel your orgasm approaching, and your inner walls clench and flutter around his cock.
"FUCK!" he growls, slamming into you one last time before he erupts inside of you, pumping his hot seed deep into your occupied womb.
Your pussy quivers and spasms around his pulsating cock, and you scream your release into the cushion, your knuckles white from clutching the upholstery. Your knees tremble and threaten to give out, but the orc is there, holding you upright, still inside of you. He doesn't let you go, doesn't move, until the last tremor has left your body, and you're panting desperately for air. 
Finally, he pulls out of you, and a gush of warm, sticky fluid follows his cock, spilling out of your freshly fucked hole and running down the inside of your thigh.
Gods, if he hadn't already knocked you up, you can't imagine walking away from this without an orcling in your belly.
(A Spooky Season story.)
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