#orde 66
les-lunettes-du-lion · 4 months
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mayapapaya33 · 29 days
spoilers for C1 episode 79 and 80
I wonder if TLOVM is going to keep Scanlan/Sam not calling for J'Mon Sa Ord / Devo'ssa with the brass flute until the last minute like an idiot. They have to right? Are they going to come up with a better reason for that or let it be a Scanlan fuck up? I know that Sam was trying to keep it in reserve for if they needed it later for some other fight, probably Raishan or even something else. But that was stupid because J'Mon very clearly only agreed to help them fight Thordak, not anything else and they're a person with free will, not a magic item you can hold in reserve for whenever you want. (Sam's usually good at strategy, he's allowed a major fuck up at least once lol).
Here's the scene of J'mon saying they'd help from the transcripts:
J'mon steps forward. "Join me by the throne, please." Steps over and sits down once again. "The cruel red that you speak of, that we once fought, was crushed by our might and my hatred for its kind. This city has many wards, as I mentioned, and I am its protector. I have my ways, which I utilize only when necessary. Now what you ask, what you do, is already a deed of justice in and of itself. I require no recompense beyond that. While I cannot leave my city unguarded for long, I must remain until you are prepared to engage this Thordak head on. When the time comes, call to me and I will come to your aid."
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stellarbit · 6 months
Past Echoes
4.0k words. Light references to intimacy.
Fitting back in with the Bad Batch was an adjustment. Accidentally letting it slip that you and Echo had more history than Tech, Echo, and Wrecker realized... made it a bit more challenging.
Light reference to this lil fic Shadows of the Order. Do you want some jealous Tech? Protective Echo? A slightly voyeuristic Hunter? I gotchu.
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I had a thought - the Batch would most definitely hate the idea of you having previous nsfw fun with a reg. But what if it was a 'the call is coming from inside the house' situation. Enjoyyyyy
When the Batch returned to Ord Mantel, you and O2 followed. Cid, a former Jedi informant, didn't recognize you, and you didn't recognize her—fortunately. She wasn't thrilled about your presence at first. It wasn't until you completed a solo job for her, proving your worth while the Batch tackled their mission, that her complaints subsided.
It became routine for you and O2 to take on jobs separately from the Batch whenever possible. The occasional solitude was a balm, helping you adjust to the constant company.You’d forgotten what it was like to be a part of a squad and to have any attention on you.
Their intense attention was making it all the more challenging.
Reuniting with you after Order 66 mended a wound in them. The loss of Crosshair left a void, partially filled by Omega's arrival. She helped them move forward, bridging the gap left behind. Your presence reignited a sense of the familiar, despite the undeniable changes. Where you once engaged freely, laughing and unhesitant in physical affection, you now held yourself apart, you were now detached and resentful as they saw it.
All of them but Echo. He’d known you longer than the others, back to your days as a Jedi Knight fighting with the 501st, and knew personally how hard adjusting could be.
Adjusting to your new reality was more exhausting than you'd anticipated, not so much a matter of resentment as it was sheer fatigue. Socializing, something that once came as naturally as breathing, now consumed a significant chunk of your mental energy. In some ways, Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Echo remained unchanged, the brothers you remembered. Yet, in other ways, they were entirely different, forcing you to relearn how to interact with them as if meeting for the first time.
Adjusting to the presence of a child was a whole separate issue.
Aside from taking some missions separately, you’d all fallen into another routine. Between missions, you all retreated to a modest dwelling you'd secured on the outskirts of Ord Mantell. The Marauder had quickly become too small for all of you.
It wasn’t big and privacy was scarce with most of the space being communal. A small refresher, built a short walk into the desert, provided a sliver of solitude from the group's constant buzz.
The moons were starting to set by the time you and O2 returned from your most recent job. You were sore and ready to shut O2 down by the time you walked into Cid’s.
“Welcome back!” Wrecker shouted, tossing you a box almost faster than you could react. “Looks like another successful mission for you.” You snorted and passed the carton of mantell mix to O2. 
Hunter and Omega were immersed in the game at the dejarik table, Tech at the bar with a datapad, and Wrecker and Echo in a booth along the wall observing it all. You headed straight for the bar, a slight limp in your gate.
Echo's posture snapped to attention as he observed your approach. The abruptness of his movement as he rose was enough to send their table jostling. Wrecker steadied the table, thrown off by the sudden energy, and watched his brother march over.
“Must’ve been an easy job if you got back before us.” You teased and slid onto a bar stool,  handing Cid her client’s requested datastick. 
“Heh, easy for us!” Omega boasted and thrust a thumb to her chest. Hunter briefly smiled at the young clone before focusing on the game again.
Echo, however, wasn’t so easily diverted. He approached, his concern etched deeply into his features as he placed a firm hand on your shoulder, turning you to face him. “Looks like it was a rough one if you’re limping back,” he said, his voice carrying a scolding edge.
Behind you, O2, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of the moment and embodying the classic B1 battle droid blend of sass and clumsiness, trundled up. “If you ask me, we had the easy job. I only tripped twice and only one of those times was in front of enemies. Improvement!”
You waved a hand at Cid, signaling for a drink and said, “Getting old is rough. It’s nothing new.” Your attempt to sooth his stern expression fell flat. 
Echo frowned and shook his head before bending to one knee. Examining your leg, Echo slid his hand behind your knee and lifted it up. His hand squeezed around your knee as his thumb worked into the joint. It brought you visible relief, indicative of the sigh and relaxed tilt of your head.
As Echo’s hand continued its examination down the length of your calf, he asked , “Is it acting up?”
Tech leaned from his stool to peer over Echo’s shoulder, taking special note of Echo’s hand still on your knee. “To what are you referring?” 
Echo, without shifting his gaze from your leg, replied with a hint of frustration, “Her knee. She injured it during the Battle of Christophsis.” He paused, his voice softening as he looked up at you, concern replacing annoyance. “We’ve talked about this.”
Cid slid your drink across the bar to you, which you promptly tilted towards Echo. “I have been, nanny droid, but I can’t baby it all the time.” You took a large gulp of the drink and said, “Besides, it always aches after landing.” Since you’d known Echo, he’d always doted on you to some extent. Since your reunion though it was borderline overbearing.
Tech, ever the voice of logical reason, couldn’t resist chiming in. “Actually, that discomfort is likely due to the variations in air pressure and altitude experienced during descent. The symptoms should ease within a few hours. There is no cause for alarm.”
Echo’s response was a sharp and disapproving glance at Tech..
You hummed a laugh as you finished your drink. Setting the glass down and patting Echo’s hand, you turned away from the cybernetic clone. “Which reminds me,” you gestured to O2 in a ‘follow me’ fashion. “O2, c’mon. I need your help with my shoulder.” 
That caught Hunter’s attention. He turned from the dejarik table. “Your shoulder?”
That particular injury was a relic of Order 66, a scar you hadn’t planned on discussing.
“I got shot and it didn’t heal right, but O2 helps with the occasional steroid shot.” Narrowing your eyes at O2, you rolled out your shoulder. “This time get it on the first stick.” You said as the two of you started towards the door.
“Hey!” The battle droid whined after you. “It’s not my fault you won’t calibrate my sensors.”
“Ah, ah, ah!” You shook your hands at O2 and jabbed a finger into their chest plate, “And I told you I’ll get to it. Just-”
“Not happening.” Echo cut in firmly just as you hit the stairs.
Pausing mid-step, one foot hovering above landing to the next flight of stairs, you turned back to your friend. “Excuse me?”
Echo met you on the stairs. “That clanker is not getting the chance to make it worse.
 You grounded yourself and notched a hand on your hip. “Echo,” Your voice betrayed your exhaustion. “O2 can help just fine.” Echo’s face pinched together at the mention of the droid. His disdain and distrust for droids had not eased with O2’s presence. 
Echo's resolve was unyielding, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that left little room for debate. "No. I'm not letting that droid anywhere near you with a needle. It's not about its capabilities; it's about doing this right," he stated, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. "We're not taking any chances with your health."
You sighed, resisting Echo would only prove futile. “Alright, alright,” you conceded and started back up the stairs. “It’s not like you haven’t seen it all before,” you quipped, too tired to think about what you just let slip.
Echo's reaction was immediate; his eyebrows arched in surprise, clearly he hadn't anticipated such a slip. He quickly glanced at his brothers, hoping that your words had somehow escaped their notice.
It hadn’t.
Hunter's gaze shifted, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. Wrecker's mouth hung open, momentarily lost for words, while Omega looked between them all, sensing a tension she couldn't quite grasp.
Tech, who was usually composed and unfazed, seemed especially taken aback. His eyes widened behind his goggles, and for once, he too was at a loss, his brain trying to piece together this new information with the efficiency of a computer experiencing a glitch.
The others were left in a similar stunned silence, grappling with the sudden insight into a part of Echo and your past that had been carefully veiled until now. It was a sudden glimpse into the shared history between you and Echo—a history that was evidently more intimate than any had realized.
A subtle flush crept over Echo's cheeks, a rare display of embarrassment from the stoic soldier, before he turned, almost sheepishly, to follow you up the stairs. 
The sound of the closing door echoed down the stairwell, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. Cid, ever the observer, couldn't help but comment, "Didn't think Killjoy had it in him."
“Had what in him?” Omega asked, her head shifted between her brothers, expectantly waiting for an answer.
Cid leaned over the bar, “What are you, fresh out of the tube or something? They-”
“Were in the war together.” Hunter cut Cid off sharply. “Soldiers…” he struggled to find the appropriate words. “...have to dress wounds all the time.” He tapped his finger on the dejarik table. “It’s probably best we head back too.”
Omega led the way out with O2's unwieldy form bobbing along beside her. Wrecker and Hunter followed, their broad shoulders nearly blocking the path, while Tech lagged behind, lost in thought.
Wrecker leaned in, his whispering not as quiet as he might have thought. "There’s no way we wouldn’t have noticed something... And aren't Jedi not supposed-”
Hunter quickly silenced Wrecker. The situation was already uncomfortable without Omega’s curiosity making it worse. He caught sight of Tech, unusually distant and without his usual companion, his datapad, in hand.
There had been signs, subtle yet unmistakable, of something more between you and Tech. Hunter prided himself on his ability to read situations, to understand his team beyond words. The knowledge of your intimacy with Tech had bothered him, sparking an unexpected intrigue in him. 
He’d smelled, more than once,Tech’s scent on you. The first time it had dredged up an ugly feeling inside the tattooed clone, but that feeling quickly evolved into something stranger.
Hunter remembered a moment, long before the chaos of Order 66, when he and Crosshair had stumbled upon you and Tech in a compromising situation, ostensibly "repairing" the Marauder's camera system. He’d been catching on to the two of you for a few weeks, but that day he knew for certain. Tech reeked of you and you uncharacteristically jumped at the opportunity to load the ship. It may have been lost on Crosshair, but not Hunter.
He knew what happened and, that night, he enjoyed thinking about it.
On the other hand, the possibility of you and Echo sharing something similar caused him a twinge of jealousy - a new feeling for Hunter. He wasn’t sure what secret you and Echo harbored; he just knew he didn’t like it. He did worry what that meant for the brother behind him.
In the cramped quarters of your makeshift dwelling's refresher, Echo was preparing the syringe. The space was limited, barely accommodating the essentials—a shower, toilet, and sink—yet it somehow felt enough for the two of you squeezed together.
With your back to echo, you sat on the rim of the empty bathtub working at the wrap on your shoulder. Most days you wrapped your shoulder and knee for support. The support it offered varied, but on this day, the wrap was more stubborn than usual.
As you struggled with the final layer, Echo's calloused fingers gently brushed yours aside. The warmth of his touch prompted a soft laugh from you. "Definitely warmer than O2," you commented, the tension easing from your shoulders as the last of the wrap fell away.
"Well, at least fifty percent of me is," Echo replied, his voice carrying a lightness that reminded you of times before the scars of war had marked him. Shutting your eyes, memories of Echo before Skako Minor flooded your mind, back when you were both new to the 501st and the galaxy seemed a vast expanse of possibilities.
Your paths had crossed shortly after you were knighted, and Echo had yet to lose the sheen of a 'shiny.' The connection was instantaneous, each of you quickly fell in together. Your friendship was built on your trust in battle and shared fun, with you playfully chiding him for his by-the-book approach, while he, in turn, found joy in occasionally bending the rules for you.
Your attachment to him was tested after a particularly grueling battle, one that left Echo injured and confined to a med bay. Sneaking in to visit him after hours, you were hit with the reality of how close you had come to losing him. It was within the quiet stolen moments in the med bay that blurred the lines of your camaraderie.
At one point, when you tried to adjust his bandages, Echo's hand caught yours, stopping you. The small touch lifted the weight of the situation. His thumb began gentle little circles on your hand and the bond between you went taught.
Seated beside Echo, your friend who looked at you as more than just a Jedi or commander, you wondered what you may have been without a war.  It was hard to imagine, but one thing was clear: the thought of losing Echo, who had become more than just a fellow soldier, was unbearable.
For the first time, you felt that all the hardships of the war might be worth it, just to keep him and his brothers safe. At that moment, the reasons for fighting seemed more personal, tied to the people who mattered most.
The air changed as you noticed Echo’s gaze lingering on your lips.
Without saying a word, you leaned forward. Echo tried sitting up to meet you and that was all it took for you to bridge the gap with a kiss. A first kiss for the both of you. When you pulled back, he pulled back his blanket and, mindful of his injuries and desperate for the closeness, you tucked in beside him.
For that night, the war faded and it was just the two of you in a sanctuary of whispers and touches.
It was the only time and neither of you regretted it, but it only strengthened the depth of trust your shared. It made losing him all the more gutting. Your eyes opened at that thought.
“Echo.” Your voice broke the silence. 
“Hold still.” He instructed before you felt the pinch of the shot. When it passed, Echo rolled his thumb over the puncture point and worked pressure into the surrounding muscles. “What is it?”
You began picking up your bandages and held them to your bare chest. “Did I ever tell you,” You glanced over your shoulder, but unable to look at him as you continued, you turned back “Losing you at Citadel was one of the worst pains I’ve ever experienced? You were my best friend… and I left you behind.”
The sight of you, hunched over those bandages, a scar wrecking your back, and the smallest he’d ever seen you, caved Echo’s chest in. Echo realized how much that moment had stayed with you, just as losing you had stayed with him.
Echo leaned down to your level, placing his hand on your scarred shoulder. You answered his touch by turning just enough to meet his gaze.
“You are my best friend.” he said, his voice steady and sincere. The look in his eyes suggested he was navigating through similar memories, yet his demeanor wasn't marred by sorrow. Instead, there was a tranquil acceptance in his expression, a balance between acknowledging the past's pain and appreciating the present's joys. He even managed a small smile. "I never felt abandoned by you. I get it. Losing you," he paused, a brief shadow crossing his face, "it seemed like the galaxy was falling apart, not the war."
Echo’s grip tightened on your shoulder before he stood back up. The smile he gave you was confident and comforting, the same Echo you’d met all that time ago. 
“But you are alive and so am I. That’s the only thing that matters now.” His hand traveled up your neck to cradle the side of your head. Then, lightly, he placed a kiss on your head “Let’s keep it that way, shall we?”
He started turning to leave you to wrap up, but paused just short of opening the door. “Oh, and one last thing.”
You’d already started rolling the bandages around your chest, so you didn’t bother to look up but acknowledged him with a nod.
“"The rest of them... they're aware now, of how close we actually are."
His words hung in the air, giving you pause. Only after a beat did the full weight of his statement hit you. Abruptly, you stopped what you were doing and whipped around to face him. "What was that?"
Echo hesitated, then clarified, "You pretty much announced it back at Cid’s that I've ‘seen it all before.’”
As his words sank in, you replayed the exit from Cid’s in your mind, and with growing dread, you realized the implication of your offhand comment. Your eyes batted around, recalling exactly what you’d said on your way out of Cid’s. As the realization fully dawned on you, you looked horrified.
While you and Echo never regretted that night, you both agreed to leave it in the med bay. It couldn’t complicate anything if it stayed as a silent memory.
His pale skin was rose tinted, barely visible from his hand pinching the bridge of his nose. He glanced upwards, as if seeking divine intervention for a swift escape from the ensuing awkwardness. “I’m not dealing with that jealous lot alone so you better hurry up… Shorty.”
Echo said the nickname , a relic from your time with the 501st, in a way that would’ve made Fives proud. His use of the nickname, light and teasing, was enough to momentarily disarm any retort you had ready. By the time you could react, he had already stepped out.
He waited outside the refresher for you to finish and you both headed inside together. As you both reentered the common area, it was clear that Tech, Hunter, and Wrecker were making a minimal effort to seem occupied with anything but the two of you. O2 and Omega were elsewhere. 
Tech’s attention was drilled into fixing a component of the Marauder, but the tightness in his shoulders showed his discomfort. Hunter was sat adjacent Wrecker, sharpening his knife.
Wrecker, in particular, didn't even bother with the pretense of subtlety. His gaze was unabashedly fixed on you both, wide-eyed and overtly curious, as though seeing you in a completely new light for the first time.
Wrecker was the first to break the silence, unable to contain his curiosity. “So, you two?” He gestured between you and Echo. 
Tech’s attention snapped from his tinkering, his expression tight, betraying a flicker of discomfort at Wrecker’s blunt inquiry. "Is this really the time to—"
"It's okay, Tech," you interjected, wanting to clear the air before misunderstandings could take root. Echo nodded in agreement, his expression calm.
One of Tech’s hands tightened into a fist and he glanced away. With not enough information to assess this sort of situation, he was frustrated and struggling to process it. Tech adjusted his goggles, his voice a mix of resignation and annoyance. "I suppose clarity on the matter would... facilitate a return to normalcy."
Echo glanced at the rest of the squad, then back to you, a silent agreement passing between you. He sighed, "Yes, we had a moment. A long time ago. It wasn't serious, and it's in the past."
Hunter finally spoke, raising a hand to stop the conversation., “We don’t need the details.” He sighed and sat up in his chair. “If it’s in the past, that’s that.” Standing, he replaced the knife in his forearm sheath and continued in a flat tone, “Just caught us off guard is all.,” His gaze swept from you to Echo and then rested on Tech.
Tech finally spoke up, his usual composure regained. “As long as this… history doesn’t interfere with our missions, it remains a personal matter.” Yet, beneath his measured words, a hint of unresolved tension lingered.
Wrecker, processing the information, scratched his head, then offered a shrug. “Guess we’ve all got our stories, huh? Just didn’t see this one coming.” Ever the one to lighten the mood, Wrecker clapped his hands. “Well, now that’s settled, who’s hungry?”
Your eyes caught Tech’s. One of his hands rested on his leg while his thumb rubbed against his forefinger nervously. His characteristic confidence dimmed. You weren’t going to let that linger.
Surprisingly, the group quickly dispersed after the awkward meeting.
Wrecker headed off to find Omega and grab some grub and Hunter wanted to do a routine check of the Marauder, leaving you, Echo, and Tech lingering in the common area. Echo gave you a relieved smile and a nod before he too left, leaving you with time to address Tech.
Tech had stayed behind under the guise of fixing the equipment but the careful avoidance of your gaze didn't go unnoticed. Seizing the moment for a much-needed conversation, you approached him with a deliberate calmness, hoping to bridge the growing gap between you.
"Tech?" you started, your voice softer than usual.
He paused, tools in hand, and finally met your eyes. The usual spark of curiosity was there, but it was overshadowed by a hesitance that hadn't been there before. "Yes?" he responded, his tone neutral yet guarded.
You took a deep breath, searching for the right words to navigate the delicate situation. “I’m sorry I never told you. We always wanted to leave it in the past.” You sighed. “I didn’t want you to look at me differently.”
Tech processed your words, the rigid lines of his posture softening. He set his tools down, giving you his full attention now. “If you are implying I would think less of you, that is not the case.” His mouth twitched to the side, his face still masked in neutrality he hesitantly continued. “However, it certainly makes adapting to our new dynamics more… complicated for me.”
Your confused expression prompted him to explain further, “Historically, the thought of your involvement with others was an… unenjoyable experience for me.” His back straightened and something passed through his brown eyes. “At present, I find myself challenged by the desire to offer you more preferable and memorable alternatives."
For the first time in almost a year, heat flared in your chest. You’d forgotten how intense Tech’s attention was. He’d hinted at jealousy in the past. But that short exchange made you wish he’d found out about your history with Echo much earlier.
You took a casual step forward. “I’d like to see what that brain of yours thinks up.”
Tech’s eyes widened for a moment, flitting to the door and back to you.. “I’ve already thought of multiple scenarios I believe you’d find suitable.”
“Are any of them suitable for a limited timeframe?”
His head tilted and, for the first time since your reunion, he gave you his braggadocious grin. “Precisely three.”
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questforgalas · 1 year
The Bad Batch and Rex Reuniting with Their Jedi Partner After Order 66
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I go absolutely insane for Jedi x Clone relationships, and thinking about a Jedi reuniting with their clone after Order 66 gives me the ultimate rollercoaster of emotions so here ya go (wow it feels good to get the writing juices going again)
G/N reader. I made myself cry with all of these, you're welcome
On AO3
You were a Jedi shadow who occasionally accompanied the Bad Batch on missions. You were with them on Kaller when Order 66 happened but you got away with Caleb. Once Caleb is safely away from the Empire, you make your next move to get any information you can, and the only contact you trust at the moment is located on Ord Mantell. Cid offers you asylum and a place to lay low while you figure our your next move
One day while you're trying your best to reverse the many health code violations in Cid's bar, you feel a presence in the force that hits you like a punch in the chest as 4 clones in black and red armor enter the parlor
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Hunter calling your name as you leapt over the river haunted you since Kaller
Seeing him standing in front of your made you unable to breathe
He sensed you the moment he walked in, whether it was your scent or your heartbeat you weren't sure, but he turned his head to you slower than you've ever seen him move before
The small blonde girl next to him noticed him stare, and she followed his eyesight, spotting you across the bar. "Is that a friend?" she asked
He didn't answer, just took a step forward like in a trance, but stopped immediately when he saw your hand instinctively hover where you hid your lightsaber
Slowly he raised his hands like placating a cornered animal, "They didn't activate, sweetheart. You're safe with us. You're safe with me."
You sensed it in the force, the truth in his words
He resumed his slow walk to you, the Batch holding their breath behind him
When he was an arms length away, you jumped into his arms, wrapping yourself around him and nuzzling your face into his neck. You felt him squeeze his arms around your waist, finding the crook of your neck, taking all of you in
No tears were shed. Just relief - slow, long breaths you've held since Kaller leaving you both
You stayed that way, wrapped in each other's arms, nuzzling as close as you can get
"Alright, you four, follow me. Clearly, these two need a minute," you hear Cid say from the safety of Hunter's shoulder
Four pairs of feet shuffle past you, a soft pat on your shoulder gives a warm, brief greeting, Echo most likely, before you're both left basking in each other's warmth
"I've got you, sweetheart. We'll figure this out together," he whispers in your ear. You snuggle closer in response
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Wrecker wasted no time shoving through the group as soon as he saw you standing on the other side of the bar, eyes wide with shock
"Maker, what're you do..."
He immediately halts when he sees your hand reach for your hip
Of course, the last time you saw him was Kaller, he should've known you'd be suspicious
"It's ok meshla, ours didn't activate. Our chips are defective. Tell them Tech, tell them they're defective." You watch as he looks back at Tech with pleading eyes, body practically vibrating with his need to hold you
Without moving your hand, you move your eyes to Tech's who gives you an affirming nod "He's telling the truth. Our inhibitor chips failed to activate, and we are currently deserters of the Empire"
You didn't hear that last part though as you rushed to Wrecker who met with you equal enthusiasm halfway across the parlor
You were only crushed into his chest for a second or two before he was peppering your face with kisses
You felt yourself freely laugh for the first time since Kaller, playfully shoving him back so you could take in his face
He cupped your cheeks with his big hands, bringing your eyes to meet his
"Maker, I thought I'd never see you again, meshla. I'm so glad you're home"
Home. He was home, and you had no plans to leave ever again
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He didn't notice you at first, too caught up in trying to figure out who Cid is
He continued on with his brothers, convinced this was the place for the Jedi contact
While he continued bantering with Hunter and Wrecker, you caught the eyes of Tech which widened when he saw you, but he remained quiet for Echo to discover for himself. His reassuring nod though told you all you needed to feel safe
You waited for the group to stop arguing, but when you saw things hadn't changed and no end was in sight, you couldn't help but laugh
Your laugh, as brief as it was, stopped him short
His back was to you, frozen, and he didn't turn around at first
The rest of his brothers turned in your direction, and Hunter's eyes darted between the two of you, warm smile on his face
What you didn't see was Echo close his eyes, telling his mind to stop playing these cruel tricks on him like it had been since Kaller - hearing your laugh, your soft singing on the marauder while they traveled around
When he finally turned around towards the source of the sound, he dropped his helmet
You gradually make your way to him as he remained frozen on the spot
The rest of the Batch shuffle to make room so you can get to him
As you get closer, your smile slowly grows with each step, tears welling
His eyes never leave yours, remaining wide and unblinking as if you're a mirage that's going to disappear
Finally, you're a hands length away from him, and you slowly raise your hand to rest on his cheek
As soon as skin meets skin, he releases the breath he'd been holding, and leans into the touch, closing his eyes and relishing in it
You let out a happy sob at the sight, your Echo back with you
Faster than hyperspeed, he snakes his arms around you, crushing you into his chest
His hand holds you in place while his scomp rubs soothingly up and down your back
You're full crying now, burying your face in his neck, thanking the Maker for not making you lose him a second time
"Shhh meshla, I've got you. I'm here. I'll always be right here. I'm not losing you again"
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You can thank his observation skills and need to take in every detail of a new environment in order to study it for him spotting you right away
You were a bright spot compared to the many health code violations hiding within the bar
You waited on the other side, making your own observations, ready to reach for your lightsaber if needed
"No need for that, darling. Our inhibitor chips did not activate. They appear to be defective, possibly due to our mutations, and we were able to escape the Empire. Hence, why we are here"
You ease at the information, walking to meet Tech in the middle of the parlor
When you're close enough, you see something gleaming in his eyes. Happiness? Pride?
"You don't seem surprised to see me" you say to him, reaching for his hand
"Statistically, once you made your escape from Hunter on Kaller, and knowing your capabilities, I knew it was improbable that you would fall victim to Order 66. Although, finding you in a less than reputable bar in the Outer Rim is certainly a surprise"
Oh Tech, your Tech. So matter of fact and to the point
His explanation makes you laugh and shake your head
Not able to wait any longer, you grab him and pull him towards you
He softly smiles down at you as he cups your chin, bringing your lips to his
"What's the probability of us being separated again?" you ask him without pulling apart
"Very low. 0% in fact" he says before softly kissing you again
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You reunited with the boys on Ord Mantell and stuck around with them as they figured out the new galaxy. Once you all sprang Crosshair free of the Empire, you removed his chip, and you stayed by his side the whole time as you waited for him to wake up
Every form of meditation in the galaxy could not calm your nerves
Crosshair's chip was removed 2 days ago and he'd been unconscious ever since
You never left his bedside, only eating and drinking when Echo or Omega brought you food and water
You'd laid your head down to rest some time ago when you felt his hand stir, yours laying on top of it
You shot up, holding yourself still as you watched him wake - groaning as his eyes adjusted and he took in the room
Slowly, they made their way to you, and you both froze
Every cell in your body wanted to throw your arms around him, but you gave him time to take in his new reality
"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes"
The laugh that came out turned into a sob as you squeezed his hand
You're patient, spending the next few hours working through his guilt, helping him voice his insecurities, his doubts, his self-hatred, ready to combat each negative notion that dares make itself known
Hours later, you're both sitting in his med bed, leaning against the wall with your head on his shoulder
He has his arm around you, rubbing circles along your arm
After months of explosive run ins and uncertain truths, you bask in the quiet between you both
Whenever the tears escape, he quietly wipes them away, shushing them with soft kisses in your hair
In the night, a quiet confession
"I fought it. Every time I raised my rifle or pistol at you, I fought it. I could feel myself hesitating, yelling at myself in my own head"
You squeeze him tighter to you, nothing to say but letting him know that no matter what he reveals, you only want him closer
He brings you into his lap, legs curled over his, tucking you into his neck
"Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for fighting for me, even when I wouldn't fight for myself"
He places a gentle kiss in your hair before he tucks you further into him, resting his head on yours, letting the peaceful night settle around you both
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You were a Jedi shadow in love with a certain captain and who occasionally accompanied the Bad Batch on missions. You were with them on Kaller when Order 66 happened but you got away with Caleb. Once Caleb is safely away from the Empire, you make your next move to get as far away from the Empire as possible
the blaster hole in his pauldron makes me so emotional ok anyway
it would take awhile, weeks even months before the reunion would happen with both of you trying to lay low as long as possible
Rex had the advantage of the Empire thinking him dead, you weren't so lucky
You only used the force once after the events, after you found yourself safely heading towards the outer rim, to reach out and search for Rex's signature
Once you felt it and felt it hadn't changed, unlike the other clones you knew, you immediately cut yourself off from the force going into hiding
It broke your heart cutting yourself off from him, but you knew it wasn't safe for him to be near you - and you still had a lot of questions
Later, settled on a backwater planet far from the Empire's reach and with the galaxy continuing on, you risk a short connection with the force with one thing in mind
You feel him, faintly, but he's still there and he's still your Rex
Months later, one day when you check on him, his signature is the strongest it's been since the war
You're too curious and too lonely, you hold onto it, knowing what you're risking, but follow it through the forest and to the clearing a few kliks from where you've established home
A small, abandoned farm greets you. A ship waits not far from the homestead, and two figures stand just by the porch. He shares the face with millions and is all the way across the clearing, but you'd recognize him anywhere
He's with another clone, and softly you reach out with the force to check their signatures - both unchanged, both not filled with hate and confusion like so many of the other soldiers after the war
It only took two steps into the clearing before you saw him stiffen and whip his head in your direction.
Of course he could sense you without you even opening yourself up to him.
You keep walking. He doesn't take his eyes off of you
Suddenly, like his brain needed a minute to catch up, he breaks into a sprint to you, the clone left behind laughing as he watches the stoic captain appear to finally lose it
You don't see him approach you since tears blocked your vision as soon as you saw him start running
Half attempts to wipe the waterfalls from your cheeks are halted when your feet leave the ground and you're crushed into a hard chest, arms wrapping around you tighter than a force choke
Pulling back, you're both crying and laughing, not fully believing this is actually happening
You try to wipe the tears from his cheeks, he pushes the hair that's fallen in your face away
Words are being whispered, whatever can be kissed is kissed
Eventually, you both manage a deep breath, and Rex brings his forehead to yours
For the first time since the war ended, you feel a calm in the force you never thought possible again
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mnnulat · 3 months
Room for More
TBB x fem!reader (platonic)
Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Summary: A Jedi padawan of Master Plo Koon, you'd been on the run since Order 66 was executed after the Wolfpack betrayed your master. Mostly hiding out in Ord Mantell, you soon encountered Clone Force 99. After helping out with some of their missions for Cid (and always hanging out with Omega), the Batch welcomed you under their wing. However, you don't talk to them that much if it isn't mission-related. A certain mishap may change that.
Warnings: mentions of death, minor angst, metions of Order 66, mentions and description of vomit and GERD (PLS DO NOT READ IF THAT BOTHERS YOU)
A/N: Not proofread or edited. Reader should be around 20 years old. Also, reader's experience with GERD is based on my experience with it (I'm no medical professional so disclaimer!!)
The journey on the way back to Ord Mantell is not always vibrant, but this time, it is. Blue streaks decorate the blackness of space as the Havoc Marauder travels back to Ord Mantell. The energy in the ship is unusually jolly after a mission; you could feel everyone's energy.
Cid's client this time was a sheriff. He hired you and the Batch to act as temporary bodyguards to drive away mercenaries from his town on a tropical planet. While you were there, you and the Batch befriended the local villagers. As a thank you gift, they gave you tons of food—enough for a real meal for the five of you—for the journey back to Cid's.
It seems they packed you some sort of noodles. It's incredibly saucy—almost a vibrant red—not that you mind. The smell is delicious, mild enough for Hunter to enjoy it properly, but enough that you can smell the blend of several different spices. Chopped out pieces of vegetables and meat are mixed into it, as well.
You sit on your bunk, quietly observing the Batch as you heartily eat the noodles. Wrecker, who practically wolfed down his big portion of the food, is now playing dejarik with Omega, who is multitasking between eating dinner and playing the game. The girl giggles as she continues to beat the gentle giant.
Tech and Echo are both seated by the ship's console. You could sense that they're relaxed and satisfied, as opposed to their usual tired state after a mission. They both eat the food while chatting with each other, a smile on each of their faces.
Your glance finally lands on Sergeant Hunter. With his food in hand, he leans on the wall as he watches over his crew. Looking at him, you can feel warmth radiate through your body, and you know that feeling to be Hunter's; it's just the Force's way of telling you how happy he is for the time being.
You smile to yourself, it's not every time that the Batch could enjoy like this. Your heart feels light just by watching them. They reminded you of the Wolfpack.
Your heart turns heavy. You're quite past being angry with them: about turning their backs against the Jedi Order; about betraying the cause they fought for; and about killing Master Plo.
No. You just miss them. You miss how things were. You miss the warmth they brought with their presence. You crave for Master Plo's fatherly advice and care. You want to feel Wolffe's comforting hug after a failed campaign. You want to hear Sinker's and Boost's corny jokes that would distract you from the horrors of the war.
You just want them back—just like the old times.
Breaking out of your thoughts, you feel a lingering sensation. Looking up, you find Hunter looking at you with worry. It still surprises you, that after months of being with them, you still can't quite figure out how his enhanced senses work.
Regardless, you send him your signature tight-lipped smile. That awkward smile that graced your features upon your introduction to your new master. The one you gave the 104th battalion at your first campaign as their Commander. The one—
You huff, internally berating yourself for going there again. You really should control your thoughts better.
You quickly finish your food, before properly disposing of the container and utensils. Quickly, you head to the fresher to brush your teeth. Once you're done, you feel something in your stomach, as if you're still hungry, as if something is bubbling inside. You ignore it, just wanting to sleep so that your mind won't be plagued by unwanted thoughts. It's hard at night, the dark thoughts always seem to get worse then.
Heading to your bunk, you collapse on it; everything you and the Batch did the past few days finally catching up to you as your adrenaline drops. It doesn't take long before you're curled up on your bunk, asleep.
You don't even know how long it's been, but suddenly you sit upright and swing your legs over your bunk. Without thinking, you walk briskly to the fresher, slamming the door shut before hunching over the toilet and immediately expelling your dinner.
You groan, slumping down on the fresher floor. You could feel something bubbling in your stomach again, forcing it's way up, along with a strong pinch in your abdomen. The aftermath of your vomit tastes like dinner and something sour.
Just then, a knock is heard. "Are you okay?" Hunter's gruff but calming voice calls out.
Shakily, you stand and flush the toilet before washing your hands.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply calmly, masking the pain that you're feeling.
Hunter suddenly opens the fresher door, making you jump. He looks at you worriedly.
"I can hear your stomach, doesn't sound good."
You walk past him into the direction of your bunk. You feel Echo's and Tech's eyes on you as well, but you just want to go back to sleep.
"I think I just ate too fast. Don't worry about it," you mumble tiredly as you resume your slumber.
Echo, Tech, and Hunter all look at your sleeping form but decided that perhaps it's best you get some rest.
The peace continues for around half an hour. You wake up again, hurriedly walking to the bathroom. You don't even notice the worried glance Tech gives, or even the fresher door that you left open before throwing up in the toilet again.
You groan, slumping on the fresher floor.
Someone pulls you up gently by your arm.
"It's alright, I got you," you hear Hunter say as you see Tech flushing the toilet.
You sigh as he brings you back to your bunk, laying you down on it.
"Sorry, Hunter. Did I wake you?" You ask.
He just chuckles. "Yeah, but don't worry. How're you feeling?"
You slump back on my pillows. "Tired."
Just then, Tech suddenly appears, typing away at his datapad. He looks at you before talking.
"It seems that the contents that you expelled included acid, aside from the food you ate for dinner," he then looks at Hunter, "you said you could hear her stomach?"
"Yeah, it sounded like something was bubbling upwards."
Tech nods, seemingly satisfied. "Figured as much," comes his robotic-like voice. He looks at you again, with one eyebrow raised. "I had a theory, so I looked for your medical files from the GAR. You have gastroesopheagal reflux disease. It is most likely that the noodles that we ate triggered it."
"Yeah, kinda figured that out after I threw up the first time," you mumble. You bring the blankets up to your chin, wishing that you could disappear from their scrutinizing gaze.
"I've also checked our medpacks—we do not have any antacid at hand. We'd have to wait till we arrive at Ord Mantell to restock."
Hunter frowns. "Do you need anything?" He asks you.
Your gaze lingers a bit longer on him than you would've liked. His eyebrow are arched upwards, causing lines to appear on his forehead. While crouched, you could still tell that his torso is slightly leaning forwards towards you. He keeps one hand on your bunk, too. For a brief moment, you see a man with a GAR-standard haircut, a cybernetic eye, a scar over it, and white and grey armor. But it's as if your vision shifts, and you see the man with long hair, face tattoo, a red bandana, and colorful armor.
"No, nothing. I'm fine," you reply dryly.
"No, you are not," Tech bluntly points out.
"I'll sleep it off," you mumble, rolling over to your side as your eyes begin to droop once again from exhaustion.
Hunter and Tech both sigh as you quite literally turn your backs on them. At this point, they're quite used to you being closed off, but this is the first time they've seen how you're like when your sick. You're more distant than you usually are.
After some time you feel the familiar pinch in your stomach and your labored breathing. The acid quickly rises in you, and it feels as if it were knawing through its pathway.
You quickly turn to the other side of your bunk in hopes to reach the fresher again. Instead, your eyes meet a metal bucket beside your bunk. Unable to hold everything in, you expel the acid in the bucket.
You cry out in pain; the muscles of your abdoment working overtime to push the acid out of you. Your hair drapes around your face as you throw up, getting in the way of the vomit that not only comes out of your mouth, but also some through the nose.
You vaguely feel a hand gathering your hair and holding it away from your face, and another hand gently rubbing your back.
"Hey, it's okay. I got you," it says soothingly.
Warm tears stream down from your eyes, to your cheeks, and pour down to the bucket.
You lie back down, breathing heavily. The bitter-sour aftertaste of the acid makes you cringe. Your eyelids flutter heavily, and you drift in and out of sleep. You don't even notice that Hunter disappeared until you hear the fresher door open and the bucket being settled down beside your bunk again.
"I could've done that myself," You mutter tiredly.
Hunter crosses his arms over his chest, a big frown on his face. "No, you need to rest. Let me help you."
"It's my problem. I'm the one who's sick."
"Uh-huh," Hunter grunts, looking very unimpressed. "C'mon, ad'ika. Let me help."
As he says that, you could hear Wolffe's voice. Your eyes dart around the room, trying to find him. But the only other person you see is a concerned Hunter looking down at you.
Logically, you knew you needed someone to help you with the bucket, and other things that may come up. Your heart clenches at how you wished it was Wolffe, or Boost, or Sinker, or Comet, or Master Plo. But deep inside you, you know that if you try to do this all by yourself, you may end up vomiting on the floor or elsewhere where you shouldn't be. You wouldn't want that.
"Fine," you concede. Your voice no longer holding the fight it had previously.
Hunter flashes you a faint smile as he leaves. Your head lolls on the pillow as your eyelids close on their own and your mind becomes blank.
You wake up once again to someone tapping your shoulder. In your hazy vision, you see Hunter holding out a bottle of water to you. Sitting up, you take it gratefully, taking a few sips. You hand it back to him before resuming your slumber.
And so under the lights of hyperspace, the cycle continued until you reached Ord Mantell. Every thirty minutes or so, Hunter would wake up after you throw up in the bucket; he would flush it before returning it to you clean. Occassionally, he would refill the bottle with water, as well.
In your delurious state, sometimes you would see Wolffe instead of Hunter moving about. And it would seep into your dreams, too. You would see the blur of grey and white armor of the Wolfpack instead of the colorful armor of the Batch. You would hear Wolffe's voice—gruff and strict—telling you to take it easy.
But as the hours tick by, you no longer see or hear anyone from the Wolfpack, whether it be in your dreams or reality. You don't see the grey and white. Instead, you see flashes of color; you see flashes of grey mixed with yellow, red, cyan, and orange. You don't hear Wolffe's strict voice, Boost and Sinker's jokes, or Master Plo's comforting advice. You hear Hunter's gruff but caring remarks, Wrecker's booming laughter, Echo's gentle reminders, Tech's steady comments, and Omega's soft greetings.
And as you arrive at Ord Mantell, you accept their assistance without protest as you disembark from the Marauder. You know that Master Plo and the 104th would always have a place in your heart, but you know now that there's room for five more colorful people.
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badbatch-badfics · 6 months
Padawan (TBB x Male Reader) Part 2
Part 1
Characters: The Bad Batch - Cross hair + Cid.
Relationship: All platonic
POV: Only 2nd (you/yours)
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Unspecified
Content: Smidge of angst and worry, but mainly found family growing into fluff
Warnings: General TBB stuff, a little bit about Order 66. Cringe lol.
Word Count: 2,796
Notes: If anyone has any requests/ideas for this 'series,' please let me know! I'd love to learn more about what ya'll like and incorporate it. (and i'll obviously credit you in the notes for whichever part it goes in)
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The Bad Batch was sound asleep, exempt from their designated pilot.  Tech was comfortably cruising through hyper-space, multitasking on a new upgrade for Echo’s arm-scomp and watching the scanners.  A light beep alerted him, signaling that they were approaching Ord Mantell.  He lightly pushed his goggles upwards, before pressing a series of buttons.  The Marauder shook as it dropped from hyperspace, the tremors waking Hunter up from his nap in the co-pilot's seat.  He would usually sleep in his bunk until Tech needed a break, but his bunk was… preoccupied, so to speak.
“We close to Ord Mantell, Tech?” Hunter asked groggily, cracking his neck.  “Approximately 11 minutes and 36 seconds until we enter the atmosphere, and then another 23 minutes until we reach the landing pad.  I would begin waking everyone else up.”  With a sign, Hunter stood up, arms reaching far above his head, ever-so-slightly leaning backwards.  He turned around and started heading towards the bunks, wondering how he should go about waking you up.  He didn’t know how much you would remember, and he certainly didn’t want to find out the hard way.
Of course, there was always the option of letting your body wake up on its own time, and just having someone stick with the ship until then, but there was the risk of general clatter and ruckus occurring and startling you awake anyway, which would be a harsh wake-up call, to say the least.  After a second more of contemplation, he finally settled on leaving you be, and simply shushing Wrecker the moment his eyes opened.  He walked up to his brother, shaking his arm.  Wrecker awoke with a large grunt, like an ancient monster waking from a coma in an echoing mountain, before Hunter aggressively shushed him.  He sharply pointed across the walking strip to your body, an absolute tangled mess of limbs and droll.
Wrecker got the hint, making an ‘oohhh’ sound before slowly sitting up, careful to minimize the amount of creaking.  Hunter walked on, heading towards Echo and Omega, shaking them both awake- Omega more gently.  She yawned and stretched, smiling and greeting Hunter, before quickly grabbing her day-clothes before heading off to the fresher to change.  Hunter went back to the cockpit, where his brothers were already making quiet discussions of what to do with you, the ‘teenager-that-had-essentially-magic-powers-and-was-being-hunted.’  Primarily how they would handle Cid.  She tolerated them because they did jobs for her, and they didn’t really matter to the Empire- except for Omega, it was appearing.  But a Padawan?  That would be a lot of credits, and it would put someone on the Empire’s good side- at least for a little bit.  Cid wasn’t above ratting them out for that kind of profit.  Or, at least, she wasn’t above ratting out the Padawan while keeping them away from the Empire’s eyes for the sake of missions.  “Perhaps we can convince Cid that his use in missions, among other things, would outweigh the reward from the Empire.  Even without using the Force in a physical push-and-pull manner, it can still be used for mind tricks, sensing danger, and much more, depending on his skill set.  We could increase our efficiency and time duration of missions greatly, which would hold a great profit for Cid,” Tech explained, preparing for the Marauder to enter Ord Mantell’s atmosphere.
“That's true, but there’s no way to know what Cid will say- if she agrees, great, but if she doesn’t…” Hunter responded, eyes glancing back at your sleeping form as he trailed off.  If they told her about you, and she decided to tell the Empire, then no one would be safe.
“There’s no way for Cid to be kept in the dark long enough to find a better solution, and we can’t exactly just hide a whole person in the Marauder,” Echo added on, waving his scomp-link around the cockpit for emphasis.
“Of course, this is all assuming that (Y/N) will want to remain with us.  He may know someone, or someplace, that is safe.  Additionally, he may even know Cid.  Echo said that she would occasionally report to the Jedi,” Tech countered, briefly glancing back towards his brothers, away from the planet and control panel.  Echo nodded in confirmation.  “Do we…” Hunter trailed off, sighing, and pinched the bridge of his nose, “do we have any place to go if Cid decides to tell the Empire?  Echo, do you know anyone else who would help?”
“Rex, obviously- but he’s more involved with defeating the Empire than we are, so it’d be an extra risk to the kid.  Maybe Cut and Suu, if we can get a hold of them.  But I don’t think either of us want to put that kind of risk on them- not with Jek and Shaeeah.”  Wrecker made a comment of agreement, briefly looking up from his game of Chopsticks with Omega.  A heavy silence fell over the group, uncertainty thick in the air.
“Entering the atmosphere,” Tech reported, breaking the awkward silence.  The Marauder shook as gravity’s presence took its toll.  It settled back down to a smooth ride within a minute, the greens and browns- mainly browns- of Ord Mantell’s natural landscape coming closer.  “I think Cid will understand, plus, like Tech said, (Y/N) can help us out!” Omega added, not looking up from her hands.
Hunter looked down, contemplating.  Would the reward of Cid accepting the kid outweigh the risk of her turning him in to the Empire?  Tech did have a point, your presence would make things go smoother- but if Cid didn’t care about that point?  What then?  Would they be able to escape the Empire, find a new place to settle down- there was bound to be some planet that was safe- but would they find it before the Empire found them?
They could keep you holed up in the ship for a while, but sooner or later, Cid would find out.  And once she found out, that could damage their… relationship, so to speak.  Assuming she wouldn’t tell the Empire immediately, anyway.  So that wouldn’t work either.  There was no good solution, and everyone knew it.  Finally, Hunter spoke up- “Wrecker, Omega, you two stay with (Y/N) and help him with anything- food, water, applying new bandages.  You get the idea.  Echo, you're with me- we’ll get anything we’d need for a long-term stay on the ship; med kits, food, supplies, whatever.  Tech, make sure the ship has enough fuel, and make any necessary fixes.  Don’t let anyone else know.  After you're done, I’ll tell Cid about… the kid.  We’ll see where it goes from there.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Marauder drifted down, landing neatly in the center of the dock.  Tech quickly pulled out his data-pad, scanning for any previously unnoticed internal damage.  Luckily, the report came back negative- as he had guessed, there was no new damage.  Satisfied, he checked the Marauder’s current fuel level, so he’d know when to stop filling.  Tech, Echo, and Hunter exited the Marauder, swiftly closing and securely locking the ramp behind them.
The innards of the Marauder were quiet, Omega and Wrecker not really knowing what to do.  They both sat on the bunk opposite you, staring, just in case you’d wake up and need something.  Wrecker had rations and a water canteen to his left, while Omega had fresh bandages and bacta-spray to her right.  “Uhhh…” Wrecker broke the silence, glancing down at Omega, “do we just… wait for him to wake up?  It feels weird, just staring.”
“I don’t know… on Kamino, we would usually wait, but this is nothing like injured clones on Kamino.”  She sighed, wringing her hands together.  “I just…feel so bad.  I mean, our home was destroyed, but at least we have each other.  (Y/N) doesn’t have anyone, and he’s been alone on that ship since the Empire took over.  I can’t imagine what it must have been like…” 
“Well, at least we found him before the Empire did, and any situation we’re in will probably be better than Bracca.  Plus, he’s probably dead to the Empire, so they won’t be after him!”  Wrecker responded, finding the silver lining.  He and Omega looked at eachother, smiling.  It felt good to help people.
On cue, the blankets opposite the pair began shuffling, a long groan sounding out through the metal walls of the Marauder.  You turned over, eyes droopy and your Padawan braid/beads hanging by the corner of your mouth, covered in drool.  Slowly, you put your weight onto a hand and pushed yourself up, leaning against the back wall of the bunk.  Your head lolled back, another sigh escaping.  Everything hurts.  “Good morning!  Er, afternoon!  You slept forever, little Jedi!” Wrecker enthusiastically shouted, causing you to immediately sit up straight, hand shooting down to your waist for the familiar feeling of your lightsaber, only to be met with nothing.  Kriff.
Wrecker immediately sensed your panic, and put his hands up in an attempt of looking unhostile.  “Don’t worry, you're safe!  We’ve had our heads cut into, so we won’t be doing any of that Order 66 stuff!”  All you could do was stare, a comically surprised expression etched across your face.  He had an interesting way of wording things.
Wrecker stood up and handed you the canteen and ration bad.  “Here, rations and water!  They’re not the best, and we can pick up some better food soon, but I bet you're starved!”  And you were.  True, the mantell mix Omega had gifted you was delicious, but after so long of never having a proper meal, you certainly wouldn’t refuse any more food or water.
“Thank you…”  You glanced down after taking the food, quietly chewing on the ration bar, occasionally taking sips from the canteen.  You were never good socially at the Temple, and you certainly weren't any better at the moment.  Omega asked you some more questions; if there was any pain, did you bleed through any bandages, and such.  You responded in short answers, so quiet she was struggling to pick up what was said.  Eventually, she deemed you healthy- or, at least, as healthy as you could be, given the circumstances.  She stayed with you, telling stories about Kamino and the few trips she’s had away from it.  Mainly, though, she talked about her brothers.
After Maker knows how long, the Marauder’s ramp opened, Tech, Echo, and Hunter coming in, one by one.  Tech was lugging fuel, and the other two held general equipment, food, med-kits, and more.  While Tech didn’t pay as much mind to your waking, Echo and Hunter sure did- Echo more so.
After setting down the cargo, he practically spritened to the bunk you were on, crouching down on one knee and using his scomp-link to lift up your jaw, and do other inspections.  “You need a shower- desperately.  And new clothes, these are completely ruined!  Our old room is nothing compared to this!  Even Fives smelled better!  And you need some proper nourishment- I know how I felt after being in that stasis chamber for so long.  And mantell mix is not nourishment, no matter what Wrecker and Omega tell you, got that?”  He finished his spiel, pointing his scomp-link at you.  “Iba’ oskik’la…”
* (“what a mess” in mando’a)
“Yeah, I think he’s got it, Echo,” Hunter chimed in, smiling.  “C’mon, kid.  I need you to meet someone.  She used to work with the Jedi, so I don’t think she’d do anything.  But, just in case, we have everything ready to go.  And if all goes well, ”  You swallowed, a large lump forming in your throat.  You really hoped she wouldn’t do anything bad- you were already enough of a burden.  You and Hunter walked down the ramp, Omega gleefully waving goodbye.
He could hear your heartbeat, your anxiety- but he didn’t know much on how to help, given the circumstances.  Kriff, you didn't know about the chips until they found you, and he couldn’t imagine what that must have felt like.  When Wrecker had been affected and tried to kill everyone, at least they all knew it wasn’t his fault, that he hadn’t betrayed them, and that he would never try to do that when he was in control.  But you had no clue about any of that.  You thought all the clones who were your friends, or even just ones you were polite with for the sake of being a good person, had all wanted to kill you, and all the other Jedi.  You had thought that for months.  Cursing yourself, wondering why, and if there was anything you could have done differently to prevent it.  And now, irony at its best, you had been rescued by clones, coming to remove their chips.
“We’re on Ord Mantell, by the way… don’t know if anyone told you.  Ever been?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.  You shook your head, eyes darting from sign to sign, stall to stall.  “Most planets I’ve been on, except for Coruscant, were just… military occupations, occasionally the natural landscape of Separatists planets.  Never got to travel outside of that,” you said, still taking in all the colorful decor and people of the city.  “I mean, you know what that’s like, obviously- being a clone and all, you went to the same type of planets I did.  I think, at least.”
Hunter nodded his head in confirmation, not really sure where to go from there.  What you said was pretty accurate, but he felt like he shouldn’t talk about the war much.  And in any case, they were approaching Cid’s.
You and Hunter trotted down the steps, the automatic door sliding open.  Cid’s bar was empty, spare for an Ithorian and Weequay who were bickering over who knows what, and obviously, Cid herself.  You placed yourself behind Hunter, something you would do with your Master during the war to avoid any interaction with… anyone.  Slicing droids was easy, making conversation with soldiers was not.
You slowly glanced around the parlor, taking in anything that could be a trap, or could help you escape if this ‘Cid’ decided she didn’t want a padawan on her doorstop.  Hunter called out for Cid, and the distant sound of claws tapping against the cold, hard floor echoed out.  Emerging from the back rooms was a rather short female trandoshan, a cane gripped in her three claws.
Her eyes went back and forth between your semi-hidden figure and Hunter.  “Where’s the rest of ya?  And who’s that kid in the terrible robes?  They stink.”  There was an obvious scowl on her face, her left brown rose in an annoyed and questioning manner.
Hunter took a deep breath, and then- “He’s… a Padawan.”  Cid’s brows rose, and then lowered into a vicious scowl.  “Before you say anything- hear me out.  He was trapped at Bracca, and the scavengers didn’t know- Tech checked the Empire’s wanted, and he’s dead to them.  The Empire won’t come here, and it’s not like anyone on the street will know- he’s just a padawan.  Not a full-on Jedi, not a general.  But, he can still help.  Even without using the Force to push and pull, he can still sense danger and… stuff.”  Hunter wasn’t really sure how the Force worked.  But he knew it was useful.  Before Cid could rebuttal, he continued.  “And imagine how helpful a padawan would be in making sure your deals go right!  Being able to sense a bad deal, or if someone unwelcome is coming.  And some of them can do mind tricks.  He’ll be very useful to you- just let him stay with us.”
Cid looking down, in thought, a scowl etched on her face.  Finally, she sighed.  “Fine!  But if the Empire comes knocking, I’m not keeping his hide a secret.  Too much heat.”  She walked away, already planning what to do with you.
Hunter looked back, smiling.  You tried your best to smile, but you knew full well it looked incredibly awkward and forced.  Not that you weren’t happy, by any means.  You just weren’t prepared, and he knew that.  Hunter placed a hand on your shoulder, attempting to provide comfort.  And it worked.  For the first time in months, despite the constant dread of what was to come, everything seemed to be going right.  You could stay with them, and they could stay with Cid.
“Let’s go get you some proper fitting, and smelling clothes, yeah?  Echo wasn’t wrong when he said it was worse than our old barracks.”  Your smile shifted to a natural one, not forced or awkward.  You certainly didn’t think you’d ever see a clone again; and it certainly wouldn’t be a happy experience, but it seemed like this batch was going to be the best thing to happen in a while.
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badbatchsprincess · 4 months
Heated ~ pt.14
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Literally only smut.... smut. smut. smut. It's Hunter's night, and Tech's night.... enjoy bbs... oh ya and some bondage! TeeHee
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Another rainy day on Ord Mantel. You sighed leaning against the window watching the droplets dowse the entire city. You liked it a lot you realized. It made the city lights glow in their neon colors and air was always cleaner the next day. It made Ord Mantel somewhat beautiful, which seemed impossible… except the little moments like this.
It’s been two weeks since the boys started working for Cid… and it was going… alright.
She had decided it was best to post you all up in the apartment above the bar as long as you helped her with the chores around the place and helped serve the customers when they’d meander in. It covered your rent, she said. You were starting to think she just liked having the company around. It gave you good cover though while the boys ran odd jobs. 
You and the others decided it would be best to keep you away from potential spies and bounty hunters. You didn’t have a problem staying at Cid’s, the deal worked out fine anyways, and it could be so much worse. 
After a long day scrubbing the bar down with soap for the first time in probably months, you were pooped. You had taken a long relaxing shower before curling up in the circular window over looking the main street. You had created a little nest there, where you kept your snacks within reach and your holonovel near by. The boys said they’d be home soon so you were just trying to kill the time instead of eagerly waiting. 
They had been sent to rescue an ex separatist senator to Echo’s dismay. You were wondering how that was going while you read through the filthy smut on your holo screen. You could only imagine the chaos these boys were bringing to this unsuspecting plant. 
The schedule system seemed to be working well too. If they were able, you’d spend the day with all of them. Echo resumed your combat training in the back courtyard behind Cid’s place, and at night you’d spend it with your alphas. 
Echo says you’re making good progress. Though it didn’t really feel like it. You think he just likes wacking you around with a stick for fun. The others sometimes would join in giving you someone to spar with. Wrecker obviously was the most difficult. There was no possible option where you could ever gain the upper hand with him. 
Echo had you graduate to fighting with various make shift weapons. Cid’s broom handle, a durasteel pipe, and a dull knife from the bar. It was exhilarating and part of you was really starting to like it.
You hadn’t realized how good of a teacher Echo was. He says it’s because he had extra training himself when he was a shiny. He was really able to help you strengthen your punches to the point that Hunter would actually shift backwards a bit now when you’d strike. It was giving you some hope you’d actually be able to hold your own soon.
You flexed your hands noticing the small scabs forming on your knuckles. With a sigh you set your novel and looked back out at the street watching the speeders zoom by pedestrians trying to get out of the rain. 
At some point, you must have dozed off, as you woke up to the sound of your door opening and a freshly showered Hunter comes walking in looking refreshed. It was his night after all. 
You smiled and stretched trying to wake yourself up like a lazy tooka.
“What time is it?” You asked realizing it was dark outside now and the city lights were glowing through your window.
“We just ate dinner, thought I’d bring some up for you.” He walked over giving you a tray with some delicious smelling tip-yip. You squealed in excitement and sat up grabbing the spork suddenly feeling awake. 
He walked in front of your mirror running his hands through his damp hair trying to push it out of his eyes while you dug in.
“You smell good.” You put a piece of food into your mouth liking the way he smelled after a shower. It was so undoubtably Hunter and it made you feel so safe. 
He smiled flashing his k9s at you, “You’re the one that smells good mesh’la.” 
You tapped your lips and he huffed a laugh before walking over and bending down to press a kiss to your mouth. You smiled kissing him again before going back to your meal. 
He flopped down on your bed in the corner giving a big sigh and a stretch himself. 
“How was the mission?” You asked mid-chew. 
“Exhausting.” He sighed feeling himself start to relax into your soft bed.
You giggled, “Saving separatist scum is too hard for sarge?” Your baby voice made him scowl. 
“It seems that the separatists and anyone not in line with the empire is on the same side now.” He rubbed his eyes, “everything is different now.” 
“That we can agree on.” You shoved another bite in, “I got to hang out with a too flirty Gungan today who absolutely has a drinking problem. Told me his wife found out about his girlfriend.” 
“Quite a day for you huh ad’ika?” Hunter played along with the dramatics. 
You nodded, “Mhmm. I’m doing really hard work while you’re all gone.” You shrugged with a playful smirk. 
“You poor thing.” He used his baby voice making you giggle.
Eating your last piece of tip-yip, you set the tray aside before walking over to Hunter and climbing onto the bed to straddle him. 
“I missed you.” You leaned down kissing both his cheek bones. 
“Mmm.” He hummed running his hands up your sides, “Not as much as I missed you.” 
“Show me.” You smirked running your hands over his firm chest. 
Hunter gripped your hips before rolling both of you and pinning you to the mattress. He smirked as he lowered himself to kiss you again this time a little hungrier. You smiled into his mouth feeling him press his hips into yours. You felt the hardness between his legs and you whimpered feeling the fluttering butterflies in your stomach and that familiar heat begin to pool in your lower belly. He gave a satisfied groan grinding into you liking the way you responded to him to prettily. 
He sat back on his heels, “up love.” He helped you sit up to peel your shirt from your body. He smirked realizing you didn’t have a bra on and leaned forwards to press you back into the mattress to leave a trail of kisses down your sternum before he licked one of your hardening nipples. You moaned pushing your chest further into him while he continued to lick and suck, making you arch your back into his hot mouth. He then went down to grab the waist band of your sweats and yank them down only pulling away from your tits to slide them off of your legs. 
You were just about to reach up for him again but he pushed your arms away before flipping you over onto your belly. 
“Alpha.” You whined pushing your ass up trying to make contact with him again desperate for the friction. 
“Shh adi’ka .” He soothed running his hands over your ass cheeks giving them a good squeeze before he brought his palm down spanking you. You yelped looking back at him already feeling the imprint of his hand welting up. He just gave you a playful smile before reaching into his waist band and pulled out his vibro blade. You sucked a breath in feeling the cold metal press to your skin. He slid the knife along your silky skin before sliding them under the waist band of your damp panties. 
“Such a good girl, omega.” With his other hand he ran his fingers over your core feeling the wetness soaking through your panties. You wiggled but he withdrew his fingers, “stay still for me mesh’la.” 
You huffed and willed yourself to stay still, but it was agony. He resumed his small strokes stroking your clit through the fabric of your panties while the knife continued upwards until he twisted the blade bringing the sharp side right through your panties, slicing them like butter. He growled finally seeing how wet you were already. He chucked the blade and you watched it fly across the room before impaling into the wall before driving his finger into you. 
You let out a loud moan feeling him start a consistent rhythm before adding another thick finger stretching you.  You wriggled against him desperate to be filled even more. It was starting to feel so delicious you were certain he could feel you start to clench down on him. 
He withdrew his fingers and sat up slightly to kick your knees apart and lift your ass up in the air. He shoved down his trousers and grabbed his throbbing cock stoking git a few times before lining himself up with your aching cunt. You pushed yourself back against him feeling his tip push inside. You moaned as he surged forwards until he was flush with your ass. You cried out finally feeling the relief of him filling you. Hunter was thick, and he was so, so hard. You mewled as Hunter set the sturdy pace. 
…You loved the way Hunter fucked…
He was so deliberate making sure his strokes were steady and hitting that yummy spot inside you that made your toes curl with every stroke. He also couldn’t seem to get enough of your creamy cunt. He groaned every time he could hear just how wet you are with every thrust. You think it’s because of his heightened senses, he could probably feel and her every tremor your body made as he pleasured you and you knew it drove him wild. He could probably sense every beat of your heart, and scent the small changes in your scent that let him know you were enjoying yourself.
You tried to push yourself up onto your hands but he grabbed the back of your neck pinning you back down, “take it, omega.” He snarled feeling you clench around his cock. You moaned loudly certain the others could heard you as Hunter pounded even harder. The only sound in the room was your squelching and the slap of skin on skin. 
Hunter wasn’t always outwardly dominant, but everyone and awhile his alpha side trickled through and it made your entire body sing. 
He pushed himself as far in as possible, mesmerized by the jiggle plush of your ass against his lap. He sighed shaking his head still unable to believe he was able to have the omega of his dreams. Your scent was making him get lost in the fog of lust.
“Fuck, pretty girl,” He slid his hand from your neck to the roots of your hair where he tugged making you whine, “do you have any idea how perfect you look? M’fuck, you were made for me mesh’la.” 
“Alpha…. Ahh!” You whined as he brought his hand down onto your ass again hearing the slap ring out into the room. You moaned feeling the warming sting again making you drip down your thighs as you took Hunter as best as you could despite his roughness. 
Gripping onto your hair, he pulled you up straight arching you agains this chest as he fucked you on his lap. You gripped onto his thighs absolutely loving this deliciously brutal pace. He was so deep inside you, you were starting to feel it in your stomach. You mewled feeling so damn good, so surrounded in his warmth and affection. It made you so happy.
He snaked his free hand down between your thighs to run slow meticulous circles bringing you to the edge. You clawed at his muscular thighs as you begged him not to stop feeling like you were going to cum. He smiled into the crook of your neck licking your mating gland and you shivered feeling yourself hurtle over the edge. 
You let out a scream as Hunter’s fingers threw you over the edge. Your orgasm wracked through your body leaving you spent and shaking. He released your hair and wrapped his arm around your middle keeping you to his chest as he continued to thrust, feeling himself start to cum. 
“Fuck.” He bit out. You felt him twitch inside you before his hips stilled and he spilled himself inside you. 
You went limp against his chest hearing the rapid beating of his heart against your cheek. He pressed lazy kisses on all the skin he could reach before leaning forwards and gently guiding you down onto the mattress. He pulled out of you slowly making you groan at the empty feeling. 
You felt his cum drip out of you, as he got up to grab something to clean you up with. When he came back from the bathroom, he had a damp washcloth to clean up your thighs and then himself before he tossed it to the side. Hunter curled up next to you pulling the sheets up to cover the two of you. You rolled over wanting to lay on his chest which he was happy to comply with. 
He tilted your chin up for a kiss before letting you settle against him while he caught his breath. 
You purred feeling satiated and tingly. 
“I have my heat in a few weeks.” You said quietly knowing he could hear your whisper. 
“We’ll need to make sure you get another implant after huh?” He said running his fingers through your hair. 
You nodded, “How will that work, same like last time?” 
“It’s whatever you want mesh’la, if you want all of us we’ll do that, or if you just want one of us we understand that too.” He kissed your forehead. 
“Okay.” You smiled tracing the skeleton tattoo on his ribs with your finger. 
“Who did your tattoo?” You asked. 
“Crosshair.” He looked down at his arm, “He has a steadier hand than the others.” 
“Did you do his?” You smiled poking him in the side. 
“No, he did that on his own.” Hunter grabbed your hand before you could tickle him and pressed it to his mouth with a kiss. 
“Should I get a tattoo?” You asked jokingly. 
“If that’s you want sweetheart.” He pinched your cheek lightly. 
You nuzzled into his side breathing him in. His scent was so warming and calming it made you feel like you were at home. The past two weeks had been interesting. You were sad Crosshair wasn’t with you anymore, but the burning agony wasn’t there anymore at least from what you could tell. It was like he was on a vacation and while you missed his presence, it didn’t seem as devastating as it might actually be. It was strange. 
The only thing you worried about was being found. You didn’t know what the empire wanted with you, and frankly you didn’t want to find out… there was a tinge of anxiety that seemed impossible to dispel. 
Hunter did a really good job of making you feel safe though. If anyone could make you disappear, it would be these boys. 
“I can feel you thinking.” He mumbled with his eyes closed. 
You squeezed him a little tighter, “I’m just thankful for you, thats all.” 
He smiled and leaned down to kiss you again. 
“My sweet little ‘mega.” He whispered, “We should get some sleep mesh’la, I know Echo wants you up and early.” 
“Ugh.” You ran your hands up and down his chiseled abs, “Can’t you just tell him I’m tired and we can stay in bed?” 
“No chance sweetheart, you look too good in those tight pants.” He chuckled. 
You sighed and relented, securing your legs around his before closing your eyes and settling in. You just hoped the rain let up before Echo expected you in that courtyard. 
Well you were wrong. The only word to describe your current state was… soggy. 
You squeezed the water from your hair before twisting it up on top of your head to keep the loose strands out of your eyes. 
“Echo please, I’m begging that we go inside.” You shivered. This was reminding you of Kashyyyk, even though that was significantly not as wet. 
“Nope.” He squared up raising his wrapped fists, “You gotta get used to being uncomfortable.” 
You pouted, “But omegas like comfort and warm things.” You groused. This was so not your element. 
“It’s a changing universe Tiny, gotta make sure you’re ready for anything.” He gave his arms a little shake, flinging droplets, before getting into a fighting stance. 
You mirrored him even though your mind was on sitting by the fire in the apartment warm and dry. You looked to Wrecker and the others who sat under a fabric covering staying dry, “Please Alphas.” You begged with your best pup eyes.
Wrecker and Hunter looked like they were on the verge of folding but Tech crossed his arms, “You heard Echo. Again Pip.” 
Strict as always… you sighed locking into Echo’s movements. Fine…A fight it will be.
You waited for Echo to make the first move. He lunged forwards, giving you a small window to sneak under his arm, and land a punch to his side. 
He hunched over, stunned you had juked him out. When he tried to retaliate you used your small size to out maneuver them. Over the weeks of the training with them, you learned that due to their size they moved slightly slower than you could. They were strong, but your small size allowed to quicker jabs. 
When he was spinning around to pursue you, you used your foot to kick up one of the sparing sticks into your hand swinging the metal pipe at him. He dodged it before grabbing his own. 
“Good. Use what’s around you.” Hunter coached from the side. 
Echo brought down the pipe but you blocked it in time. The rain was making the concrete slippery so you decided to duck down and swing the pipe low catching Echo’s boot. You knocked the ARC trooper down onto his back and pointed the weapon at him. He surrendered giving you the victory. 
“I’m going inside now.” You poked him with the stick before tossing it to the side. When you were just about to enter the back of the bar, Echo grabbed you from behind hauling you up into the air. 
“Echo!” You screamed trying to wriggle out of his grasp. 
“C’mon Tiny.” He growled holding steady despite your squirming. 
With a growl, you brought your feet up in the air before thrusting them down changing the weight distribution and rolled the two of you into the nearby crates. You were able to get away from him but he grabbed your boot and tugged you back forcing you to slide across the ground through the dirty puddles. 
You kicked at him freeing up your boot before rolling back to your feet. 
“That was a dirty trick.” You looked down at all the muck on your shirt. 
“Gotta make sure you’re ready.” He laughed wiping mud from his cheek. 
“How’s she doing?” The trandoshan stepped outside observing from the doorway. 
“She’s improving significantly.” Tech kept his eyes on you scrutinizing your every move. 
“Good, because I’m going to need her to cover some shifts later.” Cid waved her claws in the air before going back inside to avoid the rain. 
You groaned but put your fists back up prepared for Echo’s next attack. This was going to be a long day.
“Are you alright dear?” Tech watched you limp into the bedroom looking exhausted. You nodded before turning into the bathroom to turn on the shower. You smelled like alcohol and bar snacks. You just wanted to feel the hot water and scrub until you smelled like soap. You heard Tech outside the bathroom walking around, and you started to strip down before stepping into the steaming shower to wash the day off. 
You did everything you wanted to, scrubbed, washed, exfoliated. You felt glorious getting out. Even the soreness in your muscles from training were feeling better. You grabbed your favorite body oils and began getting to work moisturizing yourself. It was such a relief. 
When you stepped out you found Tech in his boxers reading something on his data pad. You tightened your robe and made your way over to him suddenly feeling a little warm looking at all of this taut defined muscles. He was so tall, just like Crosshair. They almost seemed like twins at times. You just wanted to sink your teeth into him he looked so good.
“Alpha?” You asked softly getting his attention. 
He looked up from his screen noticing your loosening robe. 
“Can you massage my back for me? Echo really did me in.” You said lowering the shoulder of the robe showing him your bare skin. You were dying for Tech’s skilled hands. You watched him fix too many things on the marauder not to think about them all the time. Often when you were alone, you would think about how good they’d feel on you… or in you. 
“Take off your robe and lay down cyare.” He watched you untie the robe and drop it to the ground revealing your glistening oiled body. He swallowed thickly feeling himself start to harden at the site of you. You crawled up onto the bed laying down face first into the plush. 
He got up to grab the lotion off the nightstand before squeezing some into his hands. He warmed it between his fingers before pressing them gently into your back before spreading it around making sure to get every spot… then he went to work. His fingers massaged every muscle and tendon making you absolutely turn to putty. 
You were moaning and groaning when he worked down your legs making sure to thoroughly give you an entire body rub down. It felt so damn good. His skilled hands were one of your favorite things in the entire universe. 
“Alpha… you’re so good at that.” You whined as he worked a particularly tight muscle in your shoulder. 
“We might be working you too much.” He sighed feeling how tight your entire body is under his dexterous fingers. 
“Echo was particularly rough today.” You sighed. 
He chuckled, “Sometimes, I think we forget you’re not engineered like we are.” 
You huffed, “You’re telling me.” 
He continued to rub further down to your lower back where some new muscles were forming and you whined as his thumbs pushed and pulled the aching tendons. 
“Cyare…” He leaned down so his lips were right by your ear, “I want to try something new tonight if you’re open.” 
That peaked your interest. 
You cracked open an eye to look up at him, “What did you have in mind?” 
“Well with all these new credits I decided to head out to that sex shop on fifth street, I picked up a few things I think you might find interesting.” 
You sat up on your elbows feeling your insides start to flutter with anticipation, “What things?” You bit your lip.  
He pushed his glasses up and got up off the bed before reaching into his pack. He pulled out a red bag and walked back over to the bed. 
“Go on.” He held the shopping bag out for you to investigate. 
You stuck your hand inside feeling something soft. When you pulled it out you realized you were holding a roll of red satin ropes. You gasped and looked up at Tech. He nodded towards the bag, “There’s one more thing.” 
You reached inside again grabbing something smooth. When you pulled it out you were confused at first, until Tech turned it on and it started to vibrate. It was a black and gold vibrator. 
“Are you open to trying these cyare?” He looked at you and lightly skimmed your chin with his fingers, “You can also say no. I won’t take it personally.” He always gave you an out. You, Crosshair, and Tech had agreed to use the color system a while back, and Tech definitely stuck to it. 
You chewed your lip and looked back up at him, “Green.” You answered. 
He smiled before switching into dom alpha mode. 
“On your knees.” He commanded and you shivered sitting back on your heels. 
“Use your colors.”  He reminded while grabbing the crimson ropes. You nodded and watched him double up the soft strands before bringing the center loop to your neck as he began to expertly tie the knots. 
You watched him as he skillfully bound your arms behind your back careful not to touch your skin much, the angle was a little uncomfortable at first, but the more he tied the more secure you started to feel and the pain ebbed away and the heat start to enter your blood. 
He then tied a couple more well placed knots squeezing your tits together making you squirm wanting more. 
“Tech.” You sighed starting to feel restless wanting him to touch you. 
“Color cyare.” He looked at you with lust blown eyes. He was very satisfied with his work. 
“Green.” You said locking into the tent in his trousers. 
“Can I record you mesh’la?” He ran his finger tips over the ropes still not touching you. 
You nodded, “Yes Alpha.”
“Such a good girl.” He touched the side of his goggles and you noticed the little flashing red light turn on letting you know the camera was recording. 
He knelt over you gently taking you into his arms before laying you down on your back. You whimpered at just the slightest touch of his warm hands. You desperately wanted more, but you knew you were going to have to work for it. 
You were forced to lay slightly on your side to keep the weight off your hands, but it seemed to give Tech the desired effect. He was staring at you like a starving man. Your cunt clenched around nothing and you were sure he caught that on camera. It made you blush.
“Let me look at you.” He placed both hands on your knees rolling you onto your back totally at his mercy. 
He spread your legs wide, revealing your dripping cunt. Wet all for him. You were mesmerized by the look in his eyes, that hunger. It was making you even more horny knowing you were doing this to him. It was longer a want, but a need to have his hands back on you.
He ran a selfish hand through your folds collecting some of the wetness but avoiding the place you wanted him the most. He was testing you, to see if you’d complain and get bratty with him. 
You usually did under Crosshair’s influence, but you were too desperate for him to touch you to even go there. You just wanted to be a good girl for Tech tonight and submit to him without a fight.
You stared up at him with glossy eyes as he scanned every part of your tied body. He took special time showing off his handy work behind your back. He even rolled you over to record the details and get a good shot of your round ass. 
“So beautiful Mesh’la.” He massaged the cheek that still held Hunter’s hand print from the night before. He seemed to take a bit of an interest in it, massaging it himself. You were breathing heavy now, hoping he’d take mercy on you and make you cum. 
“Thank you alpha.” You groaned feeling his fingers trail dangerously close to the apex of your thighs. 
“Look at you, not even bratting tonight.” You could hear the smirk in his voice, “Is this all it takes for you to behave?” He tugged at the rope around your wrist with a slender finger. 
You whined in response. 
Usually he’d demand you use your words but he was getting impatient even for himself. Between the massage earlier and now this. You allowing him to fulfill one of his favorite fantasies had him desperate to feel you cumming around him. As Crosshair would say, it’s one for “the spank bank.”
He ripped off his shirt throwing it to the side while pushing down his trousers leaving him bare. You strained to look at him, but the restraints forbade your movements. He chuckled and flipped you back over spreading you once again. 
“Now, darling, you’re going to cum for me as many times as I want before I fuck you full, do you understand cyare?” He picked up the vibrator holding it up for you and the camera to see. 
You nodded, “Yes, alpha.” 
“Good. Let’s begin.” He switched on the toy and slowed it down to your clit making you hum. 
Immediately you were squirming around trying to push back against the ropes but obviously that wasn’t going to work. It was tiresome, but the look on Tech’s face made you even wetter. He looked like an animal with that determined squint. 
Tech’s cock twitched watching you writhe around under the little toy. He was so fixated on the way the ropes bit into your skin, he almost missed you cumming on the virbator. 
“One.” He counted keeping the toy on you as you rode out your orgasm. But then that turned into overstimulation and you started to wriggle around again trying to escape the vibrations. It was starting to feel like too much and you clenched down on nothing to your dismay. You desperately wanted to be filled.
“Ahh!” You whimpered feeling yourself quickly be thrown into another orgasm. You couldn’t believe it. You moaned as the pleasure washed over you, tingling all of your nerves. You had to remember to breathe letting your body try to relax a little.
“Two. Good omega.” He encouraged keeping the toy to your cunt, “Think I can make you squirt with just this?” He rubbed the toy around eliciting more cries. You flinched when he’d trace over a certain spot making you cry out for him. 
“Doing so good cyare, I want one more. Can you do that for me omega?” He looked down at you with a stern look. You looked up at him with bleary glossy eyes trying to squirm away from the toy. 
“Y-yes.. sir. Yessir.” You threw your head back unsure if you’d be able to take another orgasm again so soon. You were desperate for a break, but you wanted to please your alpha and decided you’d do whatever he wanted. 
You greedily watched him fist himself and the drops of precum dripping from his flushed tip. The way his cock flushed as he stoked himself made you salivate. You ground your hips down onto the toy lost in your thoughts about licking him up. 
He watched you succumb to the lust as you chased your high with determination. He was purring knowing you were trying to please him, it made him very, very happy. 
“Almost there omega.” He was watching your movements stutter before you tried arching back as you came hard. 
Tech smiled proudly and withdrew the toy letting you release a massive sigh. You twitched as the aftershocks rolled through you and you squeezed your thighs together trying to calm yourself. 
“My perfect girl.” He praised leaning down, “I just have to have a taste cyare.” He gave you a few licks making you cry out before sloppily making out with your cunt. 
You moaned enjoying the warmth and softness of his wet mouth it was a soothing contrast to the vibrating toy. It was so delicious you ground down into him as best as you could from your angle. Just as quickly as he started, he pulled away to kneel over you. You watched him spit on his own cock rubbing the wetness around before sliding down to tease your entrance. 
“Alpha!” You whined feeling the warmth radiating into you. 
“Shh, omega.” He cooed before surging forwards watching himself disappear into you inch by inch. You cried out with joy finally feeling the glorious stretch you craved so much. 
“Fuck!” You yelped as he started to thrust making you purr in delight. 
Tech focused in on getting a rhythm going watching how you bounced up and down the mattress and the way your bound tits jiggled between the knots. It was going to make him cum. He had to close his eyes and focus on not coming so fast despite how absolutely utterly perfect you looked tied up like this. It was glorious. You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on.
“Fuck baby.” He pulled out suddenly deciding he couldn’t take it anymore. You whined feeling empty but he just picked you up setting you down on the floor next to the bed kneeling you on a discarded pillow before pressing his soaked cock to your lips. 
You smiled and greedily took him into your mouth letting him grab the sides of your face before he started fucking your throat. 
You felt the subspace creeping up on you as you settled into his pace being mindful to breathe while you relaxed your jaw and throat muscles. The grunts and whines Tech were letting out fed the needy omega in you. Alpha was happy. You were making alpha happy. 
It made your entire body flutter. 
The next thing you knew, Tech was pulling out and splattering his cum on your cheek and across the bridge of your nose while the two of you breathed heavily. 
He looked down at you in slight shock before coming to his senses and shutting off the camera to kneel down in front of you. 
“I’m so sorry cyare.” He grabbed his discarded shirt and wiped your face, “I shouldn’t have done that.” His eyes were filled with concern. 
“Hmm?” You looked up at him with bleary eyes as he cleaned you, “It’s alright alpha.” You smiled softly trying to ease him. 
He rubbed your jaw affectionately studying you. When he realized you were heavy into subspace, he sighed and picked you up placing you onto the bed knowing talking won’t help much.
“You did so good for me omega.” He praised while untying the knots carefully. He took extra care rubbing the areas with indent marks with his thumb soothingly. You preened under his ministrations feeling yourself start to free up from the confines of the rope. 
You stretched before clinging to Tech. He removed the last of the rope before using his soiled t-shirt to clean between your legs and settle you into the covers. You kept mindlessly reaching for him, whining when he had to clean up the space a bit, removing any objects from the bed. 
Tech curled around you surrounding you in warmth, “I’m so proud of you, cyare. You did so fucking good.” He pressed a kiss to your hair. You rolled over and looked at him before pressing into his mouth for a real kiss. 
He melted into you instantly and you smiled. He kept kissing you like he couldn’t get enough of it. 
“Thank you alpha.” You whispered snuggling into his chest. 
“Now, get some rest cyare. You’ve earned it.” He petted your hair soothing you into much needed sleep. 
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Uhh yeah... so that just happened bahaha...
Anyways - I wonder what Crosshair is doing right about now...
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
Unseen Scars ~ p.2
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Summary: Female Jedi survived order 66 hides out in the underground of Ord Mantell. Hiding out in Cid's parlor keeping your head down you see Rex's face and get sent backward in time. (Gif by @dreamswithghosts)
Warning: Order 66 Jedi Trauma, Feeling Haunted, Soft Rex, Angsty and Love
Word count: 2.7
Masterlist part 1
Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself. Your nerves were still on edge tempting you to flee being around the rest of clone force 99 even if their chips weren't activated they were still at risk at going nuclear at any moment. Although the walk back to the parlor soothed your nerves being Echo and him again but going into the parlor into such a cramped space didn't help. Rex positioned you behind him hoping it would help sooth you, his arm went around your waist ready to shove you away if necessary. Nonchalantly Echo had placed himself between Rex and the rest of his brothers, he may have trusted them with every bone in his body since they rescued him but you were still the commander to him. They both wanted to protect you even from a non existed threat. It was comforting that after all this time Rex and Echo just had to look at each other to know what the other was thinking. The 501st may be gone but the bond between them lives on.
"Do you think the Commander will rehabilitate?" Tech said flatly looking at you then back to Rex mind conversation, "Obviously I disagree with the systematic eradication of the Jedi, she does not possess the same mental fitness as we clones have been bred to endure and the order has seem to take a heavy toil on her mental aptitude for returning to the fight."
"The Commander-" Rex started, "Can speak for herself," you cut in.
You swallowed looking at Tech, "A wise man once said Truth enlightens the mind, but won't always bring happiness to your heart. It is a lot to accept and understand but it doesn't heal the fact my own men, men I trusted with my life and fought beside for years, tried to terminate me nor the death of so many allies. That same man also said 'Ignore your own instincts at your own peril," you paused to look at them and up at Wrecker before your eyes shot back down, you couldn't help feel that something was wrong but the force was beckoning your silence, "I am not ready to find myself in that position again."
"Well get them out," Echo said defiantly, "We'll never be a threat to you, ever."
"I'll be in touch," Rex nodded pulling you away from them towards the exit but waited to speak until he put a decent amount of distance between you and Hunter, "The force is telling you something isn't it?"
"They have to get them out, soon. How did you get yours out?"
Jesse... Vaughn... Your mind wandered to the battlefield, having the 501st at your side. The boys always wanted to die in battle but never like that. You wiped the corner of your eyes, "They were good men," you choked out when he was done.
"The best."
The both of you continued down the street in silence, at some point your hand found his. It still hurt to look at him but his presence helped the pain, "Now what?" you whispered.
"You can stay here... or you can help me save my brothers, I have to try."
You looked at him, the conviction as dedication across his face was the same one he had before a battle, "I'll come," you whispered before you had time to think it through, "Don't know how much use I'll be, Tech has a point."
"It doesn't matter, just having a Jedi with us is enough especially you Commander," Rex said squeezing your hand, "We should gather your belongings, the boys are destined to pick me up shortly."
Weaving between side streets it was an easy back track to your tiny place, Rex found a bag and quickly packed your clothes as your hand rested against the slats in the floor concealing your past.  You scooted up lifting the slate with the force letting your free hand dig out the pouch after putting the board back you opened it retrieving the saber. The weight felt foreign in your grasp, the metal cool to the touch. You flicked it up into the air catching it with the other hand, just like riding a speeder. Looking over you saw Rex observing with a small smile before he returned to packing, you tucked the saber away.
"Are you sure about this?" he said slinging the bag over his shoulder but not looking at you trying to hide the grim expression. He would keep giving you a chance to go back to a normal life if you wanted one even if it hurt him, the war took so much from you he didn't want to be the reason you lost any more.
"Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself," you stated with a heavy breath, it wasn't the simple answer you knew Rex wanted but it was the truth, "If you remember Anakin and I were never one for running when things got tough. I think I've hidden in the shadows long enough." That statement was the first sliver of hope you had in a long time. Your eyes found Rex's, fondness had swept over them at the mention of the old days, the simple days. Keeping eye contact you took the short steps across to him tucking your face in his neck holding him. Your body still screamed run but your heart told you not to let go.
His hand found your back rubbing it, "We should get going," he sighed not wanting the tender moment to end, "Let's meet the 105th," he smirked.
"Did you really just switch the numbers?" you said with real genuine laughter.
"No, but I think I'll start calling us that if you make that beautiful sound again," he said putting your arm through the crook of his, "Let's go."
Finding the ship wasn't hard, it was discreet for the most part in the back of the docking station. The only tell tale sign that it was different then any of the standard ships around the port had been a barely noticeable white mark barely indistinguishable in the shape of Ashoka facial mark hidden near the bottom of the haul by the ramp.
Rex squeezed your hand tightly finding the nervous expression on your face, "None of these men will ever be a threat to you," he said giving the ship three solid knocks.
Your heart shook as the anticipation grew, these are Rex's men. Deserters of the Empire, they could be trusted. Right? I trusted my men... Clam grew over your skin as the ramp finally touched the ground. Looking up you found a green trooper looking down at you, one of master Yoda's men? You watched the trooper salute, standing at attention coughing to get the attention of the other trooper hanging near by who repeated his attention.
"Commander, this is Nemec and the brother over there is Fireball, at ease," Rex said giving them a stiff nod.
"Nice to meet you, Sir," Nemec said as you walked on board after Rex.
"She's a little skittish around us clones so give her breathing room."
"Don't blame her," Fireball murmured, "I barely ever want to see our face again," he heard Nemec cough finding the glare he was giving him, "Just saying, I can barely stand to look at it after what our brothers did."
"His chip's defective, deteriorated but unlike Tup's it didn't execute the order early. It's out now. He took the loss of his General hard and found me soon after," Rex whispered.
"Let's get out of here, I'm going to show the Commander around," Rex said gesturing away from them, "Refresher, their room, my room, mess... sorta," he shrugged, "storage closet, I could turn that into your private room if you want one," he shrugged again nervously rubbing his neck at the unspoken question hanging in the area.
"I think I should share yours Captain, I'll want my own bed of course."
Rex's heart skipped a beat, "I can arrange that," he tried to keep his stern dignified expression but felt like a cadet, of course their had been nights together but never like this coexisting in the same place, "Sorry," he coughed finding the responsive blush across your face. "Anyway, you can take my bed for now. I'll go grab a spare mat from the storage room," he said setting the pack down on his bed excusing himself so you to get settled in. It's not like before di'kut, the reminder settled in his bones wondering if all of the closeness had been to much. He tried to steal himself to that possibility. Taking a seat outside the room, he forced himself to clear his mind until Nemec walked over.
"You sure about this, Captain," he said jetting his chin towards the door, "We need a Jedi on our side but are we sure being in these cramped quarters is good for her?"
Rex understood his brothers concern, he looked at the door for a moment before placing a hand on the man's shoulder, "She was always the backbone holding the men together after every major loses and always giving us hope. It's time we do the same for her." His tone was firm, "I trust her, she choose to come with me for a reason. I believe she knows she can work through this."
"Did you ever think she came because she loves you?"
"Trust her judgement, Vod," Rex smiled taking his hand off his shoulder, "Let's head to base." Turning on his heel Rex rummaged through the storage closet grabbing the rolled up mat before heading back to his room. Our room, he thought smiling. When he returned all of your belonging had already taken up the spade signifying your stay with him.
"I haven't seen or slept on one of those in ages," you smiled softly looking at the poor express for a bed as he laid it out, "I'll take the mat if you want the bed-."
"Don't even think about taking the floor Mesh'la," he said bringing his gaze to yours, "We'll head to our base to plan to get The Bad Batch's chips out and you can see everyone else, I know their's a couple other 501st troopers who'd love to see you," he smiled.
"Who?" You asked going wide eyed.
"Hawk and Dogma," his grinned widen, "I definitely didn't expect it either," he cautiously said walking forward letting one hand fall to your hip, "A Jedi and a captain, whatever are they going to think," he jested hearing you laugh melting some of the burdens in his heart, "I've missed you every passing moment, Cyare," his grin faltered for a second before returning, "No matter how long it takes I'll wait for you to be ready again," he said letting go, "the rest of my life if need be. Now I have to try to figure out how to get their chips out."
"Yes, Mesh'la?"
You took the step back towards him wrapping your arms around his neck, the familiar scent, feel of him and the warm tiny tug through the force, "Thank you for being patient," you pulled away wrapping your arms at your side, "We can use the republic scrap yard, their were rumors of a ship being delivered."
"And you know this how?" Rex smiled crossing his arms.
"I did have a salvaging job to get by."
"I'll let the boys know and we can devise a plan, welcome back Commander."
You followed after him, skin prickling at Nemec and Fireballs presence. They each offered a small smile as you took the sit next to the Captain as he started planning. He was quiet for what seemed like forever when he hand stretched out and rested in your thigh as he kept working. You looked down at it, lip quivering as tears threaten to fall again. It's a different time, you placed your hand over his as you chimed it time to time with what little information you had.
"Yes, Mesh'la?" he said not lifting his eyes from the task at hand.
"I'll love you the rest of my life too," you whispered squeezing his hand, "I think we're getting ready to land again," you said feeling the ship slowing down.
Rex gave a tiny nod standing up interweaving his fingers with yours, guiding you towards the cockpit finding Fireball bringing the ship down. You observed the low tech handmade building and the small cluster of troopers already waiting outside, greens, greys, a red and then the 501st blue. You saw the familiar valiant tattoo across Dogma's face and then the red hawk wing tattoo's on Hawk's temples. Walking off the ship Rex placed himself between you and the rest of them, each set of eyes noticing the hands bound together. You felt like you were going to be sick being around this many troopers, it apparently must have paled you.
"Commander, you're not looking so good," Hawk pointed out.
"Let's get some air Cyare," he said softly, "Hawk, Dogma both of you are coming with me to help a couple of our brother's get their chips out."
"Yes, Sir."
Gently you felt Rex stir you away from the crowd away from prying eyes towards the edge of the small base, guiding you towards a crate to sit on overlooking the forest, "Better?" he asked quietly.
"Do you think Tech's right? What if-."
"A wise woman once told me when I was losing faith in myself; A soldier's most powerful weapon is courage. Courage begins by trusting oneself. You choose to come with me, Commander, you could have stayed on Ord Mantell and lived out a regular civilian life but you didn't."
"You've been waiting since Tibrin to toss that back at me, haven't you?" you said with a smile sad laugh, your gaze travelled to the sky remembering other sayings you were taught; Who we are never changes, who we think we are does. One must let go of the past to hold on to the future. To seek something is to believe in its possibility. I was- I am Jedi, a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic and partner of one of the most highly decorated Captain's. I do not run when the battle get's rough, I stand beside my men and face evil head first. I am survivor of Order 66, I lived to fight another day. You exhaled a breath you were apparently holding. Turning your head, you took his appearance forcing your mind to calm down and body to still. The familiar earthly tone of his eyes; the arrays of brown to shimmering golds, the short blonde hair, the expressive eyes just for you and a smile that puts very sun to shame. While your body tried to fight but your mind had already come to terms with reality, it might take for your body to catch up but it would be worth it. Rex would be worth it. You watched his hand come up and caress your cheek, your breath hitched as you leaned into it bringing your hand to his.
"Possibly," he smiled finally answering the question, "Ready to go back?"
"Yeah, I want to see the boys," you smiled.
Rex pulled you closer to him, "Let's go see the boys," he affirmed keeping his hand around your waist stirring you around troopers until he found the two other blues in the back rolling up their sleeping packs.
"Sir," Dogma saluted before staring down at Rex's arm, "Regulations-"
"No longer exist," Hawk pointed out, "Called it," he chuckled.
"Nice to see you too, Dogma."
"Sorry, still getting use to it," he added nervously.
"Me too," you mumbled.
"I am happy for the two of you," Dogma quickly added, "When are we leaving?"
"In a couple hours," Rex said feeling your body slowly continue to tense. His mouth fell agape when you reached out hugging the two of them, "I've missed you, boys," you whispered before pulling back. Rex's hand found your waist again feeling the muscles constrict themselves into knots. He stirred both of you back to the ship to your's room, "That was bold," he murmured eyeing you cautiously as you climbed onto the bed.
"With great risk comes great rewards," you offered, gently tugging his hand towards the bed smiling as redness flushed across his face. Sheepishly he removed his poncho and armor discarding it to a regulation neat pile on the floor, “How about until we leave I try to get use to being next to you again?”
“There is no other place I rather be then next to you, Commander,” Rex smiled climbing into the bed, “Just tell me when it becomes to much, I don’t mind taking my time with the scars I can’t see.”
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vimse · 2 months
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An overview character sheet for my Star Wars/The Bad Batch OC, Silvie.
Her personality and values differs quite a lot throughout her life, so this applies only to TBB / post Order 66 era.
A close up and a short summary of her background under the cut.
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Silvio “Silvie” Rea. A wealthy Chandrilan heiress who accidentally spirited herself away to Bracca as a teenager. She lived there for almost a decade as a scrapper before escaping the planet with her closest friends. A falling out within this group ended with the death of her first romantic partner. Consumed by grief and anger, Silvie hires a clone mercenary team to help her exact revenge and steal back her shuttle. The mission was unsuccessful and she looses all her material and monetary possessions. With nothing else to do, she starts over from scratch on the planet of Ord Mantell. To escape the grief over the loss of her girlfriend, she keeps herself busy with endless amounts of work and projects. At the end of The Clone Wars, Silvie works at the Ord Mantell City junkyard to pay off her debt to Cid. To speed things up, she also has a side hustle selling refurbished spare parts at discount price, as well as many other business endeavours of variating degree of success.
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notgonnaedit · 3 months
Healer's Heart
Summary: When Order 66 ushers in a new era, Althea and the Batch must find their place
Pairing: Bad Batch x Teen!OFC (clones being good brothers/dads)
Chapter summary: When a crime lord takes over Cid's parlor, the Batch must take it back
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, crime lords, use of a knife to cut off a horn, bugs being gross, hostages (If I miss a tag LMK)
A/n: Thanks to @bibliophilesince2003 for helping come up with some ideas for this chapter!
Master list
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"Cid better pay us extra for that mission." Echo grumbled as the squad exited the Marauder and began their walk to Cid's parlor.
"Eh. It wasn't so bad." Wrecker said.
"She failed to mention the drop zone would be swarming with Gundarks." The ARC reminded his brother.
"It is not the first time she has left out key details." Tech added.
"And we manage to pull through every time." Althea said. "That's why we're the best." She flashed a crooked smile as she bumped her fist against Wrecker's, his own face beaming in a grin.
​​​​As they neared Cid's parlor, the crowd grew thicker. It was normal for Ord Mantell to be bustling with people, but this was new. 
It didn't change when they entered the normally dead parlor, now crowded with patrons. Guards in black armor hung around, and two Pykes left Cid's office.
"When did this place get so popular?" Asked Echo.
"Not our problem." Hunter said. Something had changed there, for better or worse the Sergeant didn't know, but he didn't plan on sticking around to find out. "Let's find Cid."
When they approached the door to their employer's office, two guards stopped them. "Where do you think you're going?" One asked, a hand on Hunter's chest plate.
What they didn't know was that Hunter fluent in the language of fist-to-face, and handled them accordingly.
But the mysterious events didn't stop there. Upon entering Cid's office where more guards. They trained their blasters on the squad, who mirrored their hostility.
"It's rude to barge into one's office unannounced." A Devaronian male with pale grin skin said. He sat behind Cid's desk, his legs on the desk and a pet in his lap. The beaded necklace Cid so often wore was sitting on the ornamental horn, a cause for concern.
"This isn't your office." Althea said, her grip on her blaster tight.
"Guess again." The man scoffed. He stood, placing his creature on the desk and revealing it's familiarity.
"Ruby?" Omega asked upon seeing the blue and green lizard. 
"She's my prized pet." The man answered as he walked in front of the desk.
"What are you doing with her?" The young clone asked.
The man examined his nails. "I paid. Cid delivered."
"And where is Cid?" Hunter asked, his words as hard as his glare.
"Cid's out. This parlor and Ord Mantell are now my territory." He looked at them. "But if you're looking for work, I might have use for you."
His offer made it clear he wasn't a threat. The squad holstered their weapons, but their guard was still up.
"We'll think about it." Hunter said, choosing his words carefully before they left the parlor.
"We're getting off Ord Mantell." The Sergeant said as soon as they were close to their ship. "Tech, prep the ship. The rest of us will gather supplies."
"But what about Cid?" Omega asked, her eyes wide with worry. "What did he mean when he said she was 'out'?"
"Given his tone," Tech stated. "It is a plausible assumption that Cid was either forced out or taken out."
Omega quickened her pace, turning around to face everyone. "Well, we have to find her and help her."
Before anyone could argue, the sound of someone clearing their throat came from the Marauder. "Ahem! Nice to see one of you cares."
Cid stood in the entrance of their ship, leaning against the wall. "Inside. Now."
"Great. Now she's been in our ship." Althea grumbled as they walked up. "There goes the only part of our lives she didn't have say over."
But that wasn't the worst part. Bolo and Ketch were there too, playing cards on Gonky. Althea bit back a scream. She would save it for later.
"So you boys met Roland." Cid said as the entered the ship. "He's a former client and some of crime boss Isa Durand. Roland's trying to make a name for himself by joining up with the Pykes."
"What's he doing on Ord Mantell?" Asked Hunter.
"This port's connected to multiple hyperspace routes, ideal for smuggling." Cid rubbed her clawed fingers together for emphasis. "My parlor's right in the middle of the action. Roland saw the value in it and took it." She smirked. "But we are taking it back."
"We?" Hunter asked, moving his hand in a back and forth motion.
"If I lose, you lose." The Trandoshan said with a shrug. "Don't forget how good I've been at keeping secrets."
"I believe she's threatening us." Tech said with a quick adjustment of his goggles.
"You're quick." Cid snarked.
Omega stepped forward, turning to face them. "When we needed help, we came to Cid, remember? Now she needs help. We can't just walk away."
Cid nodded along. "You tell 'em, Tiny."
Hunter let out a sigh. Between Cid's blackmail and Omega's big brown eyes, he couldn't say no. "So, what's your plan?" He asked.
Cid walked outside with a wave of her hand. A gesture commanding them to follow.
" 'Wake up, Thea.' " The medic said in a low voice, mimicking Hunter. " 'You can't sleep all day, you'll miss all the fun.' Oh, yeah. Today has been real fun, Hunter."
The Sergeant shot a glare her way. "I don't wanna hear it." 
They walked outside and followed Cid as she explained her plan. "My sources tell me that a buyer is meeting Roland tonight to aquire a shipment of spice he's storing in my back office."
"You want to disrupt his supply chain by stealing the shipment and thereby sabotaging the deal." Said Tech.
"Very good, Goggles." Cid condescendingly complemented. "When the Pykes come to collect, Roland won't be able to pay, and he'll be their problem." She came to a stop in a back alley where she moved a few crates, revealing a grate. "Start climbing, tough guys."
Once they had all reached the bottom of the rusty ladder, the squad found themselves in a dark area with several rail carts attached to the ceiling.
"What is this place?" Althea asked as she shone her light around.
"Ord Mantell's old mining tunnels." Cid explained as she climbed into a cart. "These rails run underneath the city. It's how we're sneaking into my parlor to steal the spice.
"Well, why don't we just walk in and take it?" Wrecker asked. "We can handle those guards."
"No one can know we're involved." Cid told him, her eyes flashing with a hint of fear. "Roland is one thing, but the Pykes aren't an enemy you want to make." She gestured to the cart she was in. "We'll use these carts to transport the crates of spice."
Tech climbed into the one she was in, flashing his light around. "They're not in the best shape, but I can get the motors operational."
"No. Motors are too loud." Cid said. "This is a stealth mission. You boys are good at that, right?"
A silent groan rippled through Hunter, Wrecker, Althea, and Tech. If only Cid knew.
The Trandoshan nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer of silence. "Tiny, Goggles, Bright Eyes, you're with me."
The two teams split up into their carts, one person cranking them along by hand. They rode along in silence until they came to a large round door. They stopped their carts and Cid turned to face them.
"Now, listen up. When we pass through those doors, not a peep out of anyone. We don't want to wake the hive."
"The what?" Echo asked, his voice revealing his irritation.
"The caverns have a slight infestation problem." Cid said vaguely.
"We're not afraid of a few bugs." Wrecker chuckled.
"Well, it won't be a problem if everyone keeps their traps shut. Big guy, get the door."
At her command, Wrecker moved from his cart to the door, unlocking it and forcing it open. Once they were opened, the team made their way through the cavern. Webs coated everything, making it seem like they were inside a cocoon. Althea's skin crawled, and it certainly didn't help when Wrecker dropped his light into the webs below.
It clattered down, it's light fading as it fell further into the pit.
"What did I say?" Cid hissed.
Wrecker scoffed. "It was an accident."
A low rumble sounded, along with a faint screech. It echoed up for a few tense minutes, then stopped suddenly. Althea looked to Hunter, trusting his senses would lead them.
"Keep moving." He said, his helmet angled at the pit below. The rest of the ride was silent. Nobody wanted to wake whatever lay below.
Finally, they reached their destination. "We're here." Cid said as she stepped on to a platform that led to a ladder. "This ladder leads into my back office. Up you go."
"Without eyes on the office, how do we know Roland is not inside?" Tech asked.
Even in the dark, Cid's smirk could be seen. "I've got that covered." She pressed a button on her comm.
Tech, Hunter, and Echo climbed up into her office while Wrecker, Althea, and Omega loaded the crates they dropped.
Soon, Cid's comm flashed again. "Out of time, boys." She said.
"I'll seal the door." Echo informed them.
It wasn't long before the crates were loaded into the carts.
"That's secure enough. Let's go." Cid said in a whisper.
They made their escape as quickly and quietly as they could, but the sound of motors echoed down the tunnel.
Roland's men chased them, causing Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo to start blasting them.
"We've got incoming!" The demo man shouted.
"I said no blaster fire." Cid scolded, her voice still hushed.
"Tell that to them!" Althea said, she too joining the fight.
Hunter attacked the men in the cart behind them. Althea didn't know what he did, but I caused a loud commotion.
"If those laser brains woke the hive, we're all dead." Cid complained as she and Tech piloted the cart.
They were finally able to slow, but the sounds of faint screeches echoed up. Omega used her light to look down into the webbed pit.
"What's that sound?" Althea asked.
Omega shifted uncomfortably. "Cid, I don't like this."
All of a sudden, giant insects flew up from the pit. "Power up the engine's!" Cid said. There was no point in stealth anymore as they shot at the swarm.
Althea looked over her shoulder and saw more carts with Roland's men in them. "We've got more incoming!"
At the moment, the squad was stuck fighting the bugs and Roland's men. Althea choked down a gag as the bugs brushed past her, they're gangly legs hitting her.
"They're avoiding the light." Tech said suddenly. "Use your torches."
Althea flashed her light in a bugs face. It screeched and flew away, much to her relief. Roland's men were thrown off by the bugs, but unfortunately, so was the spice.
"Not the spice!" Cid cried.
"Forget the spice. Let's go!" Echo yelled. They made it back to the door, where Wrecker jumped off and closed it. One bug tried to fly after them, but it was crushed in the rusty metal.
As everyone caught their breath, Omega smiled. "Well, at least we got rid of the spice, right?"
Althea leaned on the railing. "Sure, kid. Sure."
"Are you sure your parlor's safe?" Omega asked as they made their way back to the said destination.
"Bolo and Ketch said the Pykes already came for Roland." Cid said. "I told you they don't take kindly to unpaid debts."
They entered the parlor, which was now littered with the bodies of Roland's men. "See?" Cid asked. "My plan worked like a charm. Even better than expected."
Footsteps sounded from the hall leading into Cid's office. Several Pykes held Roland at gunpoint, who's hands were clasped by binders.
He looked up and laid eyes on them. "That's her. She's the one you want."
One of the Pykes stepped forward to face them. "It has come to my attention that you have stolen our shipment of spice." He said. "Return it to us, and we will consider this issue resolved."
"Not sure what he's been telling you, but we don't have any spice." Cid told him, trying to play it down.
"Kill them all." The Pyke ordered.
"Wait." Hunter stepped forward, blocking Omega and Althea slightly. "We don't have the spice on us, but we know where it is."
"My patience is wearing very thin. If you know where the spice is, them you should have no problem retrieving it. Until you do, the children stay here."
All blasters trained on the Pyke, including Althea's. She refused to be a hostage.
"Not happening." Said Hunter.
"You misunderstand." The Pyke said. "This is not a negotiation."
Cid looked between the two parties. "If I may..." She said to the Pyke before turning to the squad. "You all don't realize who you're dealing with. If you don't lower your blasters, we're all gonna wish we were dead. Let me handle this." She lowered Hunter's arm, but his gaze remained fixed on the Pykes.
"We can't leave Omega and Thea with them." Wrecker grumbled as they walked to the Marauder. 
"We don't have a choice," said Cid. "But we know where the spice is. We'll return it, and the kids will be fine."
"The ptero-creatures we encountered in the cavern are Irlings." Tech said as he read his datapad. "They are nocturnal creatures with visual sensitivity to thermal registers. Our best chance is to strike before nightfall."
Cid nodded as she boarded the ramp. "Muscles and I will rappel down into the cavern and locate the crates. I got the kids into this mess, and I'll get them out." She seemed genuinely concerned for the girls, it almost convinced Hunter.
Althea sat on the floor between Roland and Omega. Their hands were bound and their weapons tossed to the floor.
Since she was stuck, the yellow eyed girl decided to entertain herself. "So," she said turning to Roland. "What are you in for?"
The man sighed. "I'm not talking to you."
Althea shrugged in response.
Roland turned to her. "I can't believe you stole the spice."
Althea couldn't help but smirk. "Thought you weren't talking to me."
Roland sighed. His gaze shifted to Omega, who was staring at a blaster on the floor. "Don't try it." He warned. "They'll kill you. If your friends don't return the spice, we're all dead. That's what happens when you meddle in other people's business."
Althea raised a brow. "Us?"
"You're the one who took Cid's parlor from her." Omega added.
"Take what you want." Roland said. "That's the Durand way. It's a tatic my mother has perfected."
"So, she's a criminal too?" Omega asked.
Roland scoffed. "Ugh. You make it sound so indignified."
"That's 'cause it is." Althea said.
Roland looked at Althea. "You're... different than them." He said.
Althea was immediately put on guard. She said nothing.
"You're obviously trained." Roland continued. "And you wear their symbol, yet you sound nothing like them."
Althea hummed. She knew she didn't have the clone accent, but no one had ever commented on it before. "Yeah, well, let's just say when everything in my life fell apart, they were there to pick up the pieces."
Ruby walked across the floor, chittering in her animal way. Roland held out his hands warmly, but the lizard crawled into Omega's lap instead. Althea joined the blonde in petting the creature, a difficult task when both her hands were bound.
"Ruby doesn't take a liking to many people." Roland said aloud.
Althea chuckled. "Yeah, it's rare for someone to actually like us."
"Don't worry, Ruby." Omega said. "We'll get out of this."
"GET US OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!" Wrecker shrieked over the comm.
Almost all of the crates were loaded. Cid and the demo man were coming up with the last two. Hunter stood by the cables. "Wrecker, what's going on?"
"Irlings. Lots of 'em!" Cid said.
More shrieks from Wrecker told the Sergeant it was bad. "Tech," he turned to his intelligent brother.
The pilot stood, holding the device he had been working on in his hands. "This should distract them." He threw it into the cavern. "Incoming!"
The device flashed with a blinding light, searing itself into Hunter's eyes.
Cid and Wrecker came up a few moments later. "See, Muscles?" The Trandoshan said. "That wasn't so bad."
Wrecker nodded, muttering to himself. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay. Phew!"
Omega and Althea stood with their family, Ruby in the blonde's arms.
"Since the spice has been returned, the matter between us is resolved." The Pyke said. He turned back to Roland. "But not with you." He brandished a jagged blade and shoved the Devaronian's head to the ground, raising the knife.
Omega stepped forward. "Don't! He made a mistake. That's all."
Althea nodded, stepping forward. "She's right. Kill him and you'll be starting a war with Isa Durand. Do you want that heat right now? Call this a bad deal and walk away."
"We do not accept bad deals." The Pyke swung the blade, chopping off one of Roland's horns. He fell back, screaming and clutching his head in shock. "Our business is finished." The Pyke said. "It would not be wise for our paths to cross again." He held Roland's horn and walked away.
They left and Omega and Althea walked up to Roland. The ebony haired girl helped him up.
"Are you okay?" Omega asked.
Roland touched the nub that took the place of his horn. "It's a small price to pay."
Ruby whined and Omega handed her to her owner, who took her gently. "I'll be going now." Were his words of parting.
"Come on, boys." Cid said. "First round's on me." She started to walk back to her parlor.
Wrecker scoffed. "You owe us way more than that."
"Don't push your luck."
While the rest of the squad sprinted for drinks, Hunter hung back with the girls. "Why did you...stick up for him after what he did" He asked, one hand on Omega's shoulder.
The girl shrugged. "I don't know. Ruby likes him. Maybe he's not all bad."
Hunter smiled and released her, walking with them back to the parlor. He ruffled Althea's hair affectionately. The girls were proving they could handle themselves. Omega, with her pure heart, and Althea with her ability to talk them out of their situations.
Hunter couldn't be more proud.​​​​​​​
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toastyrobos · 10 months
All of you (Echo x female reader one shot)
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Warning: since it’s Echo: mentions of missing limbs and lack of self esteem, body image issues, etc. plus a bit suggestive towards end.
Word count: 2989
((Reader was a ex Jedi before order 66 and was in love with Echo. She was too afraid to tell him and missed her opportunity. Regretting it every day since the Citadel accident. Now she’s been hiding out, buying her time until things settle down. The last thing she expected to find on Ord Mantell is Echo. Alive. Overcome with grief and fear she’s reluctant to trust him or the team he’s with. And what will he do when he sees the person who has been at the forefront of his mind again after all this?))
Keeping your head down was easy. Staying focused was another story entirely. As a former 'safe keeper' as they once were called was difficult. Especially when you saw innocent people being tossed and shoved around by the troopers you once called friends.
It was a hard pill to swallow at first. Seeing the men you worked so closely with for years, had gotten together with at the 79..turn on their generals so easily. Like it was nothing. It was like a switch had been flipped. And that's exactly what it was.
According to Rex. After he located you and told you everything it was a devastating blow. Not only had the clones had their humanity stripped from them, but they had also had their minds violated. It was so cruel and too horrible to wrap your head around the very notion. But you did.
Eventually you had to move on. Jumping from planet to planet seemed like the most logical option. Staying in one place for too long tended to draw unwanted attention.
The long stretches of silence were the worst parts. Most of the time your thoughts drifted to him.
The ex arc trooper.
His face was always present in your mind. His warm brown eyes, the rough patches of his freshly shaven chin, his smile. You missed him too much it hurt.
Even if you were a Jedi..ex before. Ex now. And attachments were forbidden, you still harbored feelings for him. It was difficult not to. He made you smile, laugh, and just had a wonder about him. He and Fives always managed to make you laugh. But it was Echo that held your heart.
It helped too, that out on the battlefield you two worked well together. To the point where you were able to read each other with a simple glance. You always did have the best time on missions with him. He would shower you with story after story about battles he witnessed. You loved his enthusiasm. You had loved being around him. You had just loved him.
But you never got the chance to tell him. The Citadel was his last mission, during which he was killed. He saved so many that day, but he wasn't able to safe himself.
You were never the same after that. It was like you were a shell of your former self. You felt nearly hollowed. You pushed through it until it was too much and you abandoned the order not long after. It was a hard decision to make, but your mind wasn't in a good place.
Not long after, order 66 happened and you had to take on a new identity. You had no choice. To the Empire you were still alive. You needed to lay low. Your black long hair had to go. Replaced with a short blonde cut. And you needed a job. One that couldn't be tracked.
That's how you ended up on Ord Mantell, working for Cid. An old contact of yours said she'd hire you no questions asked. It was worth a shot. She wasn't that bad. She paid decent and gave you a room in the back. It wasn't much, but you didn't mind. Your regal days as a Jedi we're long over anyway.
Sweat dripped down your brow as you made your day back to Cid's parlor. You had no problem going off world for a mission, but you had hoped she would be more forthcoming with what certain missions entailed. Specifically if you needed to dress lighter for a task that involved stepping foot on a lava planet. It was times like this you were glad that you had cut your hair.
Sometimes you missed it, but today was not one of those times.
      "Next time Cid let me know if—" your voice died in your throat when your eyes saw them. Your breath hitched and you froze for a moment before rapidly whipping out your blasters and aiming it at the bunch of familiar clones. Fear and panic took hold of you while you stared them down. The young girl with them peaked her head out to see what was going to happen.
But your attention was fixed on the thought to be dead now very much alive ex arc trooper. Your hands trembled as your weapons stared them down.
It was not possible. You clutched your blasters tighter.
Your mind must have been playing a trick on you.
You must be hallucinating him.
Echo was dead. You read the reports.
But you...you knew his face. Knew his kind wonder filled eyes.
The very same eyes that stared starstruck back at you.
You were in disbelief over the nature that he was standing before you, very much alive. But you were also trembling. A fear so prominent in your eyes at the notion that they would hurt you. All clones could and would. It had quickly become a constant in your on the run life.
Still trying to find your voice you spoke again. "Stay back!" You ordered the group. You were not taking any chances. Not anymore. You had learned that mistake all too quickly.
    "We're not going to hurt you". Hunter said, easing his hands up as to say we're not going to harm you. You shook your head, tears started to pool in your eyes.
Yes they were.
Echo was speechless. Drinking in your appearance after so long, relief flooded his lungs at seeing that you were still alive. It had been so long. But concern also made itself known. No doubt the blasters pointed at them, meant that you had heard rumors about the inhibiter chips. How could you have not? But you were not in any danger. No.
Both of you were too frozen to talk so it was up to the young blonde girl beside him to shatter the silence.
    "Do you know her, Echo?"
That seemed to snap him out of his trance. "Y-yeah I do".
You nearly broke at hearing his voice. One of your blasters fell to the floor. The hand once holding it, shot up to cover your mouth. Your body was trembling. His voice....It still held patches of that warmth, that could sweep you up. But something about it seemed...off. No doubt from what he went through as your eyes took in his pale appearance.
He could feel your eyes roaming his figure. The cyber enhancements. His pale sunken in face. The dark circles under his eyes. And it made him avert his gaze. That saddened you.
    "I'm Omega". The young girl introduced herself trying to ease the tension. Feeling a dampness on your cheeks, you hastily swiped your tears away. Then you kneeled down to her height, a nervous smile broke out on your face.
Not a single threatening thought or intention reflecting back at you as you met her eyes. Nor were there any in the others as you scanned them over. You slowly lowered your other weapon. Your body still in shock. They weren't going to hurt you. You could sense it. Feel it. He wasn't going to hurt you. He never could. Never did.
Knowing that he wasn't under the chips control anymore you nearly burst into tears.
He was okay
He was alive.
    "It-it's nice to meet you, Omega". You managed to choke out, still in shock and in disbelief that Echo was alive.
    "Mega, let's give them a moment". Hunter said ushering Omega back to them. It was clear to him that these two needed to talk. He had heard the stories from Echo about you. Had met you on several occasions and found you to be a skilled Jedi and someone that Echo cared for deeply. He already felt like he knew you in some way.
The others followed behind him into the back. Leaving just you and Echo standing completely still at the bar. The only sounds coming from the humming slot machines and buzzing lights. You stood up from the ground.
Your eyes fell once again on the ex arc trooper. He looked so different, appearance wise, but his aura was still the same. Brave, loyal, kind, warm...he was still the Echo you had known. Even beneath his now pale, near white skin and sunken cheeks he was still the Echo you loved.
You wanted to ask what happened, but judging by the uncomfortable expression across his face and the missing limbs you weren't sure if you should have. You didn't want to push him to remember it.
    "It's okay". His sudden soft voice startled you.
You hesitated, but eventually you asked and he told you everything. Every gruesome, awful and horrible detail of his capture. It broke your heart to hear what the man you loved went through. What he had to endure for so long. What he lost. And what that had cost him.
The next time you saw Rex you would be sure to thank him a million times. Telling him how grateful you were that he pushed so hard to get Echo back. And when you saw clone force 99 again, you would let them know just how much them going in blindly to rescue Echo meant to you.
You didn't realize you had been crying until Echo's only hand reached out and wiped your tears away with his thumb. The gentle carcasses of his textured glove sent sparks down your spine. Before he realized what he was doing and tried to pull away, you gripped his hand between yours, dragging your fingers over his knuckles. The gesture causing his cheeks to dust a light shade of pink.
"I-I just can't believe your alive". Your voice crumbled as you spoke. "When the others came back and told me what happened I-I was so broken. It was so hard to believe that you were gone. And now..." There were no words to express the happiness you felt that he was here.
He sighed. "I know".
Seeing what his death did to the women he loved pained him greatly. If only he had told her. Confessed that he loved her before he went to the Citadel. Maybe that would have changed things. Or maybe not.
The outcome would have been the same. He was a solider and it was his duty to fight for the Republic. Sacrifice himself if need be. After all clones were replaceable.
He would only ever be that. And now he was a broken one. More machine then man, as Tech had informed him. He was a shell of a man. Not even half of a man. There was no way you'd love him now. Not when he couldn't give you a normal relationship. Not when he couldn't hold you in his arms with both of them.
It did not go unnoticed by you at how he flinched when you attempted to reach for his other arm. His body just reached. A somber expression overshadowed your face. He was intentionally avoiding meeting your eyes now.
"Echo". Your voice was as gentle as a whisper. It hit his heart with such a blow. Oh how he missed your angel like voice. How he missed you!
"Echo". There it was again. Softer. "Look at me".
He couldn't.
"Please". You were pleading with him now. You just wanted to see him. See his new yet familiar face up close. You missed it so much.
He sighed deeply. "I-I can't".
"Why not?". You wanted to know why.
He was sacred to tell you. Scared that you wouldn't feel the same way about him, especially with the way he looked now. How could anyone as beautiful as you want someone like him?! But he needed to get it off his chest. Let it be there out in the open. Even if it ended with his heart shattered.
"Because it's too hard".
That confused you. "What do you mean?"
He shook his head. "It's too hard to look at you knowing that I can't have you. Knowing that I can't give you everything that you want or deserve". He was starting to tremble. "It's too hard knowing that I'll never be able to wrap both of my arms tight around you. I can't—I can't give you that".
If your heart broke before at hearing his story, it now shattered like glass at hearing him feel so ashamed of himself for how he looked.
You quickly cupped his face between your hands, forcing him to face you. Tears fully sliding down your face as you regarded him.
"I love you Echo".
His eyes widened while his breath hitched deep within. He must have misheard you. There was no way you could have....
"I love you". He had heard it right. "And it breaks my heart to know this is how you think of yourself, Echo. It doesn't matter how you look. I fell in love with you because of who you are on the inside".
He blinked. "Y-you love me..?" He stuttered as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening. You nodded your head.
"So much".
His features turned grim. He shook his head. Knocking himself out of the dream, that he so desperately wanted.
How could someone as perfectly Stunning and breathtaking as you, want someone imperfect and broken like him? You deserved better!
"How can you say that when I look like this?! How can you say that knowing what I am?! I can't give you a normal relationship!". He questioned you with a raised tone, gesturing to his mutilated body held together by wires and mechanical parts.
You hated how he was belittling himself. Hated that he thought so little of himself. Hated that he felt so much shame and guilt. When to you he was your world. He always had been. Your heart ached because of it.
     "Echo, your handsome. You always have been. A few cyber enhancements or pale skin isn't going to change how I feel about you. You shouldn't be ashamed by them".
     "It should". He muttered under his breath. But in the silence of the parlor you could hear him as if he was speaking in his normal tone.
Needing to knock some sense back into him, you did the only thing you could think of. And boy was it a bolder move then you usually had in you. But you had to get through to him that you saw all of him and wanted everything.
You crashed your mouth down onto his. Your plump lips on his startled him. That was definitely not what he thought you were going to do. The last thing he expected. But he liked it. Oh maker did he like it.
   So naturally, he leaned, pushing himself against you. Allowing his hand to cup your cheek and bring you closer to him. You brought your hand up to cover his and then you reached down to touch his cybernetic one. Feeling your human skin brush up against his metal replacement he tensed up and tried to pull away. But you stopped him.
     "Are you sure?"
He searched your eyes for any doubt, but he found none. There was no disgust. Not a single hint of it. Nor were you repulsed by them. In fact there were no negative feelings. All that stared back at him was...love. Happiness. And contentment. This is what you really wanted. His breathing turned unsteady.
You really really wanted him.
All of him.
You loved him....
You loved him.
Then there was nothing left to do. Wasting no more time he made his own confession known.
    "I love you". Your eyes welled up at those three powerful words you had waited so long to hear. "By the maker I love you so much. I wasted so much time not telling you. Afraid that you wouldn't want to be with a clone". He chuckled lightly, his own tears beginning to build at the corners of his eyes.
"Fives was right though". His thumb swiped away your own tears. You pressed your cheek into his palm, wanting to take in his long awaited touch.
Before, mentioning Fives name would bring up too many heartbreaking feelings. Now it only held wonderful memories.
You smiled so brightly. "About what?"
"That you'd feel the same way about me that I do about you".
It was your time to chuckle while more tears streamed down your face. This time though, they were ones of joy.
“He always did know more then us".
Echo looked longingly into your eyes. Still in awe that you had chosen him, but was elated that you had.
“Yeah. He did".
Your brought his lips back to yours and he had no complaints about it. He leaned into your touch and pulled you into his lap. Wanting to feel your body near his, feel your skin as his hand roamed along your back. It wouldn't be long before his brothers made their way back into the parlor and found the two of you in a compromising position, but neither of you cared.
You tasted so sweet to him, like a nectar filled cocktail and he wouldn't let anything or anyone stop him from consuming you. Maybe not here, in the open. But oh he would have you. He had waited long enough.
Especially when you had chosen him. Made it clear that you wanted to be with him no matter what he looked like. No matter the cyber enhancements. You saw past that. It didn't digest you or make you think twice about being with him.
The emotions you exuded out of him made him feel whole again. You made him feel like a man again. And he would spend ever single waking minute, for how ever long you wanted to be with him, showing you just how much that meant to him.
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beckbucket · 2 years
♦ just following orders ♦ (jedi! reader x wrecker)
summary: when wrecker's chip activates on bracca, he lunges for you instead of one of his brothers
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warnings/tags: angst, order 66, inhibitor chip activation, choking, crying, pain all around, jedi! reader, no use of y/n, gender neutral reader
author's note: this was heavily inspired by this post by @zoeykalluss ! i haven't written in a very, very long time... but i couldn't find any satisfactory wrecker whump, so i guess i had no choice but to write it myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ un-beta'd, so be kind!
Ever since the painful day that your squad of troopers turned on you, you hadn’t truly felt safe. Constantly looking over your shoulder and constantly moving forward had become the routine- until you met the boys of Clone Force 99. 
You barely escaped your ship after Order 66 with your life. After a lifetime of living on Coruscant with the Jedi Order, you found yourself on shady Ord Mantell with no credits and extensive injuries. In exchange for a discreet place to sleep, you’d agreed to research missions for Cid to pursue. Your whole body constantly ached, but it was better than having to fight for scraps in the street. She never asked you to be involved in the action. That is, until Cid suggested one day that you should travel as backup with her “team”. Funnily enough, she never actually mentioned that the team was made up of clone troopers...
When you were first introduced, you nearly bolted from Cid’s bar on the spot. Somehow, the unexpectedly kind words of their largest member somehow convinced you to stay. You honestly never thought you’d ever be able to look another clone in the eyes, let alone work a mission with them. Over time, though, you came to appreciate the many quirks of the team- especially of one batcher in particular. 
Though he looked brutish, Wrecker was the most caring soul you’d ever met. He didn’t have the exceptional intellect or enhanced senses of his brothers, but Wrecker had a special gift for reading people. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that he had a midichlorian count off the charts! His joy bled over to everyone around him. After your life as a Jedi had crumbled, you finally felt hopeful. Falling in love with him followed easily. You’d agreed to join them permanently, which led to your latest mission. 
You and the other batchers tried to get some rest, while Tech piloted the Marauder down to the surface of the junk planet. You could feel Wrecker’s large form behind you in your shared bunk, strong arms curled around you. Something in the air felt off, but it wasn’t worth disturbing anyone’s sleep over. You cracked a bleary eye, and through your blurry morning vision, you could see the other batchers safely sleeping. You nuzzled back against your partner, enjoying the few quiet moments you had before the team had to move out. After all the pain that had happened in your life, Wrecker was the one person you felt truly safe with. 
Wrecker’s force signature was bright and warm, a constant anchor in the back of your mind. But since you dropped into Bracca's orbit… something felt strange in your connection. While Tech had done extensive research on the Jedi order, none of the boys really understood what it meant for you to be connected with the Force. You didn’t want to panic the team based on a hunch, so you tried to keep your feelings to yourself. Those days, with all the suffering throughout the galaxy, something always felt wrong in the Force. 
Hunter and Rex led your team down the dim hallways of the ship’s wreckage, Omega and Echo following close behind them. Wrecker followed up the rear of the formation due to his larger stature. Ever the gentleman, he always insisted that you stay safely in front of him. 
The sounds of your feet hitting the metal flooring was the only noise to be heard on the abandoned starcraft. Rex’s insistence that the chips needed to be removed created a tension that the group couldn’t seem to shake. The knowledge of the inhibitor chips loomed like a dark shadow over the team, just like the dark shadows obscuring the path to the ship’s medbay. 
A quiet grunt broke the silence, coming from the large man behind you. 
Every head whipped around to look at him, and Wrecker paused, rubbing the side of his head. 
“-’ts just a headache”, he awkwardly chuckled. His attempt to break the tension didn’t set anyone at ease. He’d never been much of a liar; it was clearly bothering him more than he was letting on. 
The rest of the group continued moving forward, but you paused to look back at your lover’s face. He met your eyes and tried to smile, but it was more like a grimace. Looking at his tanned face, you felt a disturbance in the Force. 
You started to speak, but the feeling was gone as quickly as it came. You wanted to wonder if it had anything to do with the inhibitor chips… but you quickly shoved that thought to the back of your mind.
"There’s no reason why the chips would suddenly engage for no reason", you thought to yourself, shaking your head. Trusting too heavily in Force visions and hunches was foolish. Wrecker’s eyebrow crooked in confusion as you hesitated, but you tried to give him a reassuring look.
Rex’s muffled voice broke your thoughts, calling you both to move forward. The rest of the team had already ventured forward to the next room. As you walked forward to cross the threshold, a cool shiver ran up your back. You tried to shake it off, and continued to rejoin the group. 
The faint red emergency lights around the floor provided just enough illumination to make out the layout of the large room. Clinical furniture and medical equipment had been toppled and cast around the room haphazardly. In the center of the room was an older med chamber, dusty but largely undisturbed. Despite the room’s eerie appearance,
Rex stopped and nodded at the group- that dusty equipment could do the job. Hunter spoke up first, his gruff voice addressing the group. 
“Which one of you wants to go first?”. A sea of awkward and anxious expressions looked around at each other. After a moment, the smallest batcher stepped forward. 
“How do we know that this surgery is safe?”, doubted Omega. 
“Just because Rex’s surgery went well doesn’t mean that you all will be okay”, she added, the worry clear in her voice. Her eyes flickered to Rex, but he didn’t provide any reassurance. 
Tech started to speak, but a low grunt interrupted him. 
All eyes were on Wrecker, who was again holding the side of his head. Unlike earlier, he remained silent, his closed eyes slightly twitching. 
You could feel the pain start to roll off him through the Force, as he held a tight grip on his head. 
“Wrecker?”, you worried, nerves creeping up into your throat. 
You took a step towards him without thinking, reaching for his face, but he didn’t move. Something was very wrong for him to be so quiet. 
You cradled the smooth curve of his jaw in your hand, running a thumb across the side of his cheek. He let out a low moan, clenching his jaw but otherwise remaining motionless. 
Suddenly, another cold chill ran up your skin. A deep sense of danger surged through the Force. It startled you into drawing your hand back, your heart jumping up into your throat. 
Louder, you tried to coax an answer out of the larger clone. 
“Wrecker…,” you ask, concern shaking your voice, “What’s wrong?”. 
Wrecker’s warm presence in the back of your mind was gone in a split second, replaced with a null, dark void. Sharp panic ran through your veins as another disturbance rippled through the Force. You stepped back, watching how Wrecker’s form became even more still. 
His vode around him tensed, watching your reactions with caution. From the corner of your eye, you could see Hunter step in front of Omega to shield her. Your clouded brain didn’t understand- what would he shield her from? 
Wrecker’s arms dropped lifelessly to his side as his eyes slid open. You could sense the other troopers starting to move, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. Those deep brown eyes that you loved had glazed over, no sign of the laughter they usually carried. 
Like a droid powering up, Wrecker straightened to his full height while looking around the room. You were reminded of just how imposing he really is, towering over you and the other clones. His gaze finally fell on you. You both stood at a standstill, a few seconds seeming like an eternity. 
Without warning, Wrecker suddenly reached for his blaster. Your breath caught in your throat, fear bubbling up in your chest. Hunter was one step ahead of him, rushing forward to pull the weapon from his hands before he could wield it against you. 
His deep voice was gruff when he grunted out against his brother, but his gaze didn’t leave you. 
“Jedi are traitors”, Wrecker growled. 
He lunged for you, but you were able to jump back just in time. Hunter called out before Wrecker could reach for you again. 
“Wrecker, stand down!”. The leader brandished his blaster, stepping forward to provide you some cover. 
“This isn’t you,” he protested. 
“That’s just the chip talking. You don’t really believe that”. The large clone hesitated at the sound of his brother’s voice. For a moment, you could feel a small flicker of Wrecker’s Force signature in the back of your mind. 
You froze, searching for any sign of the man you loved behind those dark eyes. A deep snarl cut that hope short as a warning left his mouth. 
“Good soldiers follow orders”.
another chapter soon to follow! please enjoy and share your thoughts :) i will finish posting this work here, then clean up the final product for ao3 :3
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mcrdvcks · 4 months
Down Bad
Amina Skywalker is Anakin's younger, adopted, sister. They were both brought to the Jedi Council after being freed from Tatooine. Amina survived Order 66, and knows much more than what she let's on. One day, her and Rex go to meet The Bad Batch on Ord Mantell to help remove their chips. After the events on Bracca, Amina decides to stay with the group, as strange things start to happen to her, and lies become unraveled.
And she starts to become close with a certain Sergeant.
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pairing: hunter x original female jedi character
tags: angst, fluff, slow burn (kind of), light violence, injuries and blood, trauma, anxiety, eventual smut
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The Bad Batch Season 1-3: Side A
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
After The Bad Batch Season 3: Side B
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
got any plo koon fic recs? looking for some new stuff that's good. one shots and long fics welcome! I'll take anything i can get
Shamelessly promoting my own:
Dom!Plo ask by yours truly, submitted by the lovely @mild-disorganization
Some tired dad!Plo headcanons maybe?
And for some that I have read and adored:
Plo Koon Masterlist by @my-head-is-an-animal (Mixed)
Thigh Kink with Plo by @saradika (NSFW)
Not a fic, but hella spice by @saradika (SFW & NSFW)
Friendship - Plo Koon & Wolffe by @wild-karrde (SFW)
PloKit Art (their entire blog) by @uiro-mgmg1 (NSFW - mostly art)
SFW & NSFW Alphabets for Plo by @samspenandsword
My favorite ♥:
Sovereign (PloKit, idk if you're into it, but I am) by @tits-fisto (NSFW but very wholesome)
The Tiniest Councilor by Quiet_Shadow (SFW)
Name and Soul by @decepticonsensual (SFW)
Haven't read but is on queue when I have the mood and will power to actually read and not thirst for our Kel Dor Emperor ♥
of claws and tusks by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- Apparently, it's hella angsty and I reserve the angst for weekend when I'm not out here thirsting for this King.
in deditionem by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- I've seen them write ♥, it makes me squeeeeeeee ♥
Helium by @cynderiaopus who also made my current bomb AF pfp of Plo steepling ♥
Other materials and interesting read:
@exosorcery has very interesting comics and posts about Kel Dors in general. Here's one specific of Plo Koon:
A few faves from them:
@veny-many for their AUs and Plo Koon & Wolfpack Art (also includes others) <- Presenting you the bebbis ♥
My faves:
The entire post AU 66 where Plo lives is a quintessential to any post AU 66 imho because I'm heavily invested in this and I'm about to cry because I need to organize my bookmarks (and update this) so I can give you the proper start to fin link.
I'd post more from @veny-many and @exosorcery, but if you spend a good 10 minutes scrolling, you'll be there forever. Quality art content!
You may also want to check World building and ConLang Kel Dor study, apart from their OC x Plo Koon art. Big thanks for this neat document by @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows
[[ @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows I hope it's okay to share. If not, I can take it down ♥ ]]
So far just these at the top of my head. Thank you for the Plo-related ask :D! I enjoyed sifting through my bookmarks ♥
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Don't forget to give love and reblog, comment, follow these amazing people who do so much for the Plo Koon, Dorin, Kel Dor tags ♥
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stars-n-spice · 6 months
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Meet the Baddies Batch!
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I had this super dumb idea to give all the Batchers significant others (aside from Tech, since he already has Phee) and the lovely @urlocaldust gave me the idea to call them the 'Baddies Batch' after telling me that she dubbed the 'Bad Batch' the 'Bad Baddies.' And they're a bunch of baddies, so why not?
I want to make art and maybe even fics with them and their adventures because I think they could get into a lot of trouble with and without their partners.
I mean, you've got a bounty hunter, a pirate, a mercenary, a Jedi, and a medic. What could possibly go wrong?
Also, of course, Phee doesn't belong to me but the other four characters do!
Anyways, introductions!
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Starting off, we've got Jung-Myn Yun! Hunter's selectively mute Jedi whom he's in a queerplatonic relationship with (Hunter's an oriented aroace in this AU). If anyone has a brain cell in the group, it's going to be him and he's desperately in need of a break. No amount of Jedi training could've prepared them for dealing with this crew and the Batch's shenanigans but he makes do! Of course, they've got loads of trauma from Order 66 and the sub-sequential aftermath, but you'll never catch them opening up about it.
Still working out how the two would come to meet, but I'm thinking it's really a chance meeting where they just happen to cross paths. Call it the Force or what you will. Or maybe Omega got lost in a marketplace and stumbled upon Jung. Who knows? All that matters is they make a good team and take care of each other's luscious hair.
Stats: Name: Jung-Myn Yun Species: Jedi Human (?) Age: 27 Pronouns: He/They Sexuality: MLM Ace Height: 6'1 Enneagram Number: 9W1 Occupation: None (lmao)
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Second up, we've got Viram Cossa! Echo's lovely aspiring Mikkian medic who keeps the squad together but won't hesitate to kill a bitch. The other individual with the brain cell, Viram is the voice of reason and makes sure to keep everyone safe and healthy because the Force knows the kind of trouble they all get up to. She keeps everyone in check physically and mentally, making sure everyone gets the rest they seem to forget they need (her included).
Viram meets Echo through Chuchi! She and the Senator are friends and when Chuchi starts helping out the clones after the fall of the Republic, Viram helps alongside her as a medic. They have somewhat of a slow burn, as they want to focus more so on their efforts and jobs than a relationship but every now and then that composure slips. Nothing is going to stop them from judging people though. Absolutely nothing.
Stats: Name: Viram Cossa Species: Mikkian Age: 25 Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Demisexual Height: 5'2 Enneagram Number: 2W1 Occupation: Medic
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Third up is Khea Nultez! Wrecker's fiery Mandalorian who is somehow even more reckless than all of the Batch combined. The designated demolitions expert of the squad, Khea's stubborn personality keeps them on their toes and surprisingly gets them out of trouble as much as it gets them into trouble. Her charm and sharp wit are as effective as her WESTARs and she is not exempt from the Mandalorian gene of adopting anything and everything that is in need of a home.
Khea ran a repair shop on Ord Mantell and one day Wrecker was sent to get supplies and ended up falling in love instead. Something about short brunettes with moles on their faces really got him. However, Khea is super stubborn, self-destructive, and way too wary, so it takes a while for her to open up to Wrecker. But it's so over for her once she finally admits to her feelings and realizes Wrecker doesn't have any underlying intentions with her. It's so over.
Stats: Name: Khea Nultez Species: Chandarlian + Mandalorian Age: 25 Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Pansexual Height: 5'4 Enneagram Number: 6W7 Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Mechanic
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Next up, is, of course, the amazing and wonderful Phee Genoa, who I think doesn't need an introduction. The pilot of the group with a ship big enough for all of them, she gets the squad into trouble more often times than not, but always manages to get them out of it in the process. She's usually the one to start up shit (and Khea follows) but she's always there to save her squad or the Bad Batch when things turn for the worst.
We all know how they meet :) I will never not get over her introduction scene.
Stats: Name: Phee Genoa Species: Human Age: N/A Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Bisexual Height: N/A Enneagram Number: 8W7 Occupation: Pirate Liberator of Ancient Wonders
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Last but not least is Tay'kaa Marr! Crosshair's snarky Chagrian mercenary boyfriend who is a saint for putting up with Crosshair's shit. He's as happy to join in on shit as much as he is to stir shit up, and boy does he love to stir the pot. He's a snarky, competitive son of a bitch who loves to tease, but the moment you say anything remotely bad about Crosshair, you better watch yourself. While not as good as a marksman as his boyfriend, he still has great aim and is the team's designated sharpshooter.
Working out the details on their initial meeting, but I'm leaning towards the classic 'meeting at the bar/club' trope. Tay probably challenges Crosshair to darts or something, thinking he can beat him and when Crosshair completely mercies Tay, Tay is both incredibly frustrated at the fact of someone being better than him while also being incredibly interested. Things just go from there and you'll never be able to tell if they actually like each other or not (they do, they just got a weird way of showing it).
Stats: Name: Tay'kaa Marr Species: Chagrian Age: 28 Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 6'5 (not counting lethorns) Enneagram Number: 3W2 Occupation: Mercenary
And that wraps it up!
And when you put the Bad Batch and the Baddies Batch together you get:
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It's really stupid, I know, but they are my sillies and I love them so much.
I'll be tagging stuff with just the significant others as: baddies batch
And things that include the Bad Batch as: silly squad
Is this ridiculous? Yes, perhaps, but it's fun :D
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badbatchsprincess · 4 months
Heated ~ pt.17
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14 ~ Pt.15 ~ Pt.16 ~ Pt.17
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Canon Typical violence, slight adherence to cannon events but just slightly... angst babes... angst... trauma response, big sad, big emotions, grief and loss
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
You were a bit distressed listening to the way Wrecker was groaning in pain. "Baby, I already gave you more than what I should have for the pain. Are you sure it’s not working?" You sighed, running your hands over his as he rubbed the side of his head.
“It aches,” he whimpered, leaning back against the side of the ship.
You looked to Hunter, wondering what you should do. If these were normal circumstances, you’d request taking him back to Coruscant to see Layla, but that wasn’t an option.
He looked at his brother with a worried expression, and you returned the same look to him. He had felt your distress start about an hour ago. He didn’t like the scent you were emitting while you scanned your alpha repetitively, thinking you must have missed something.
“Wrecker has sustained many head injuries since we were children,” Tech chimed in. “Perhaps it’s just some nerve damage or remnants of a concussion.”
“I’d like to get him to a real medical center if we can,” you said, watching Hunter help guide Wrecker from the ship out into the docking bay on Ord Mantel.
You slipped on your helmet and trailed after them, keeping close to Tech and Echo.
When you reached Cid’s, all of you slid inside, finding the Trandoshan behind the bar cleaning glasses.
“Nice look, sweetcheeks,” she smiled at the armor.
“Thanks, Cid,” you went to take the helmet off, but Hunter stopped you. He set Wrecker down on a stool and turned to face the far corner of the bar.
You faced the same direction, watching a hooded figure approach you cautiously.
Hunter placed you behind him again, watching the man approach.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Cid snarled at the hooded man.
You watched the man push the hood back, revealing bleach-blond hair and the sharpest jawline in the known region.
“Rex?” Hunter raised a brow. “Captain, what are you doing here?”
You shoved Hunter to the side, ripping off your helmet. “Rex!” You ran forwards, jumping into the air and wrapping your arms around his neck.
He caught you in a hug, bringing you in close. You pressed your nose into his collar as he swayed, keeping you both upright.
“Hey, Kid,” he said lowly. You heard the emotion in his throat, knowing he was fighting back his feelings.
“Where have you been?” You whispered, feeling him set you back down on the ground. “What happened?” You felt tears well up in your eyes.
He looked at you with a saddened expression, and you suddenly knew things were so much worse than he was letting on.
“We need to talk,” he sighed.
“How did you find us?” Hunter asked, worried that their location might be compromised.
“The Martez sisters,” Rex replied. “Said they worked with you on a job. A bunch of rogue clones. Told me where I could find you.”
“Ah, great. More clones,” Cid grumbled. “I’m not taking in any more strays!”
“Why’d you come?” Hunter asked.
“I’m trying to find our brothers,” he said as you clutched onto his waist, refusing to let go. “After Order 66, there were a few who didn’t follow command. They were detained and imprisoned by the Empire. I’m trying to get them out.”
“Your chip didn’t work?” You asked, looking up at him.
He sighed and shook his head. “It did. I almost killed Ahsoka.” You saw the tears rising up in his eyes as he fought them back. “She saved me. Fives warned all of us. He even found the evidence of what the Chancellor was planning. He had him executed.”
Your eyes widened in horror. You felt a tear spill down your cheek. “Fives?” Your best pack mate… gone.
He nodded, and you started to cry in earnest. He held you close, trying to comfort you. Even Echo had to sit down, taking in the news. It was a bit of a shock to say the least. He slumped down, putting his head in his hands. Echo was the last domino….
“Where’s Ahsoka?” You inhaled a shaky breath.
“We separated after the crash,” he said, looking up at the other clones. “We were transporting Maul off Mandalore when the order was given. General Tano and I were on General Skywalker’s Venator. He was called back to Coruscant because the Chancellor staged his own capture. One second I was speaking with Ahsoka, and then next all I knew was that I had to kill her. She was smart enough to get me separated from the others to take out my chip. I’m not entirely sure what happened next, but the ship was going down, and we were racing against Maul for the last ship out of there. The others had all turned on us. They were going to kill us, they were aiming the ship for a crash landing onto an icy moon.” He let a tear slip, and you reached up to wipe it away. “Ahsoka fought them off for as long as she could. Jesse, Ridge, and the others… they-they didn’t make it.”
You shook, backing up from Rex in disbelief. You placed a hand to your chest, suddenly feeling like the room was zooming out on you. All you remember was letting out a blood-curdling scream as you felt your heart rip apart. You knew at some point the others knelt around you, trying to console you, but you no longer felt real… Nothing felt real. 
The grief took over all of your senses, and your body shook, trying to process the fact that the only people you considered family were all dead… you suddenly felt very, very alone.
They died turning on their sister… on little Soka.
You heard Cid yell at the other customers, kicking them out of the bar and closing down shop. Even she was disturbed hearing your wails.
You inhaled sharply, trying to force yourself to breathe. You whined, “Where is Kix?”
Rex shook his head. “Missing,” he wiped his own tears. “I searched for him before we were called to Mandalore, but he was nowhere to be found.”
You sobbed into your hands, still kneeling on the bar floor. Cid came over, handing you a napkin to wipe up your tears.
“And you all wonder why I worry about her,” Cid chastised, running her claws through your hair. “Listen, sweetcheeks, I’m not the most comforting person I know, but for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
You nodded silently, leaning into her, trying to quell the pain in your body. Her unusual warmth made you sob even more.
“Where is General Tano?” Tech asked.
Rex shrugged. “We agreed to separate and go into hiding until things cooled down,” Rex said, running his hands up and down your spine as you continued to cry.
“W-what about Ani?” You whispered, looking up at Rex with red, tear-stained eyes.
He just sighed and shook his head. “Holo channels said he died protecting the younglings in the Jedi Temple. He tried stopping the coup.”
You just bit your lip, feeling another wave of grief hit… your entire pack… gone…just like that.
“Shh,” Cid cooed. “It’s okay.”
Your entire body shook with hiccups.
“Did any other Jedi survive?” Hunter asked.
“Not that I know of,” Rex replied.
You whined.
“How about you all go talk somewhere else?” Cid snapped. “You’ve all upset her enough!”
They all went to stand when Wrecker let out a howl, clutching his head. Rex put his hand on your shoulder, kneeling and reaching for his gun. “What’s wrong with him?”
You noticed his hand on his blaster and suddenly leaned forwards, grabbing onto Rex’s armor. “He’s fine. He’s had a concussion and needs to go to a medical facility.”
Rex was suddenly very protective of you, scooching you under him like a worried parent. “Have you had your chips removed?”
Hunter went to his brother. “No, but they didn’t activate.”
“Just Crosshair’s,” Echo said.
“It doesn’t matter,” Rex pulled out his weapon. The others returned the action, ready to defend their brother.
You whined, clutching onto Rex while Cid tried to defuse the situation. “Hey! Woah! No shooting in my bar!”
“I’ve seen what those do,” Rex snarled. “You cannot go on without taking them out… now! You’re a danger to everyone and everything. Even her!” He looked down at you.
They flinched at his tone. Clearly, this was bigger than they realized.
“How do we remove the inhibitor chips?” Tech asked, being diplomatic.
“I know a place,” Rex said. “But we’ll have to move quickly. I’m going to need your help, kid.”
You nodded and wiped away your tears. “I can help. Just tell me what you need me to do.”
The planet of Bracca was nothing more than a trash wasteland. The entire planet had been used as a junkyard, including retiring all of the Republic star cruisers and Venators. Rex explained everything Fives had found, including providing you with a copy of his findings that Ahsoka had retrieved. You studied the material, gaining a good understanding of what needed to be done.
“Are you sure the ship hasn’t been totally stripped?” Echo asked, following his old captain.
Tech helped you leap across a large gap in metal.
“I was here just a few days ago with some of our brothers,” he said. “I think the technology is still intact.”
“I sure hope so,” Hunter said, seeing the star cruiser in sight. "It seems it’s still mostly intact. Luckily, the metal strippers haven’t had much time yet to get at the innards."
As you approached the side of the ship, you noticed a couple of locals working on a door panel, taking out the wiring and salvaging what they thought might be valuable.
Rex snuck up on them, hitting them with stun blasts. The boys dragged the unconscious bodies inside the ship, keeping them out of sight while the rest of you clambered inside the massive ship.
Everything seemed to be pretty much the same and functional.
“It’s looking alright to me,” Tech said, turning on his flashlight to better inspect the interior.
“Alright, this way,” Rex said, leading you all to where the medical bay would be at the back of the vessel.
Hunter pushed you up and over some knocked-over crates before you all followed Rex down the main corridor, taking you right to the medical bay. “We have to switch on the ship’s reserve power for the machines to work.”
“I can do that,” Tech volunteered.
“Great,” Rex nodded.
“I’ll go with,” Echo said, walking with Tech to climb up to the bridge.
“As for this,” he said, looking at the undamaged medical machinery, “I’m still trying to figure out a way to do this without hurting anyone.”
“I can be of help,” you nodded. “I was reading Fives' file. It says Tup’s removal killed him, but I noticed a small error in the removal process.”
You plugged your datapad into the main holoscreen to look at Tup’s scans.
“Knowing what we know now, it was obvious the Kaminoan who performed his operation didn’t want him to survive. She intentionally nicked his cerebellum with the intention to turn him into a vegetable. Luckily, we did this surgery in our sleep back on Coruscant.”
“So you can do it?” Rex asked, hopeful.
“Absolutely,” you nodded. “Let me get this whole place sterilized before we begin.” You looked around, reaching into one of the drawers, pulling out sterilizing spray, and got to work cleaning the machinery.
Just when you were about finished, Tech got the power up and running to the medical bay, switching on the machines and medical droids.
They beeped at you, and you told them what needed to be finished. You pulled out a hair clipper and turned to Hunter. “Sorry, Sarge.”
He sighed and outstretched his hand. You placed the buzzer in his hand, and he turned to find a mirrored surface somewhere.
“Is it gonna hurt?” Wrecker asked, getting anxious.
You shook your head. “Nah. I’ll knock you out so you’ll be asleep. Best nap you’ll ever take.”
He sighed, feeling more relieved.
“Alright. Let’s get this done as quickly as possible. I don’t want more scrappers finding this place,” Rex nodded.
You heard Echo and Tech coming back into the room and turned to face them. “So, who wants to go first?”
Tech volunteered to go first, his trust in you evident in the resolute gaze he held as you prepared for the delicate procedure. He laid down on the medical table allowing you to begin.
With unwavering precision, you navigated the intricate network of his brain using the laparoscopic tools, honing in on the tumor-esque chip. With careful hands and steady focus, you delicately extracted the foreign object, a weighty burden lifted as it landed in the sterile dish.
"Atta girl," Rex's voice carried a note of admiration as he waited you operate. The hum of machinery filled the room as the repair sequence initiated, weaving its magic to mend the cellular damage within Tech’s skull.
Glancing over the scans, you couldn't help but shake your head at the evidence of neglect evident in his medical history. "It seems like he had a broken arm around the age of ten," you remarked, a tinge of sorrow coloring your tone. You could see where the bone had healed over. 
Wrecker confirmed with a nod in affirmation. "Oh yeah, I remember that. He fell off Crosshair’s shoulders trying to climb into an air vent when we were cadets."
The injustice of their past treatment weighed heavily on your mind, making you sigh of frustration. "Did none of you receive proper care there?"
Rex's response was tinged with bitterness. "Not really, kid. We weren’t regarded as people, you know? More like commodities."
The grim reality of their upbringing settled like a heavy fog in the room, but your attention quickly returned to Tech's progress, "He should be waking soon," you reassured, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
"Good," Hunter nodded in agreement. "Wrecker, you’re up next."
Despite his gruff exterior, Wrecker winced visibly as a fresh wave of pain washed over him. "Ugh! Argh!"
Recognizing the urgency, gesturing towards his head with a sense of resolve. "Sooner rather than later, Wrecker. We'll have you feeling better in no time."
As the others carefully moved Tech off the table and onto the floor, where the diligent droids attended to him, you turned your attention to Wrecker, offering a reassuring smile as you guided him onto the surgical table.
"Don’t worry, Alpha," you murmured soothingly, your fingers tracing the scar tissue on his temple. “It will be the best nap you’ve ever taken."
Though reluctant, Wrecker acquiesced, laying back with a resigned sigh. With practiced efficiency, you initiated the machinery. Placing an oxygen mask over his face, you administered the anesthesia, watching with relief as Wrecker succumbed to its effects, his troubled expression turned to easy slumber.
"Alpha, huh?" Rex's voice held a note of curiosity as he regarded you with a questioning expression, Just like Ani used to do when he knew you and Ahsoka had gotten into some mischief.
"It’s complicated," you replied with a wry smile, your focus unwavering as you monitored Wrecker's vital signs.
"How complicated?" Rex's arms folded across his chest, his stance was like a concerned parent.
You hesitated, your gaze flitting briefly to Hunter, Echo, and Tech before returning to Rex. "Very."
Rex’s brow furrowed in confusion as he attempted to decipher that cryptic response, but before he could press further, Tech stirred, the daze lifting from his eyes as he sat up slowly. "Did it work?"
With a warm smile, you nodded, relief flooding your senses at the sight of his returning consciousness. "Yes, Tech. It worked perfectly."
"Well, that is good news," Rex remarked, a hint of relief coloring his tone as he observed Tech's gradual return to lucidity.
With Tech's procedure successfully completed, you turned your attention to Wrecker, guiding him through the final stages of his own treatment with care. As the last traces of anesthesia faded, he roused from his slumber, his movements sluggish. 
“All done,” you announced, stepping back from the machine as the robots efficiently disposed of the biochip.
"All done," you said, stepping back from the machine, watching the robots take the biochip away and dispose of it.
"Good," Tech said, helping Wrecker come back to himself.
"What about Echo?" Wrecker asked.
"I checked; the chip was too damaged during his injuries on Skako Minor," you replied, watching Hunter slide back out unconscious on the table. "He’s no threat."
"Love to hear it," Echo smirked.
“Alright, I gotta get out of here and return to base,” Rex said, handing you a secure com device, “For emergencies, or if you just miss me.”
Rex gave you one last hug before disappearing down the hall and back towards his ship.
“We just have to wait for Hunter to wake and then we should be good to go,” you nodded, running your fingers through Hunter’s loose hair.
“That wasn’t bad at all,” Wrecker said, drinking some of Tech’s water.
“I told you,” you smiled, looking at the two alphas on the floor sitting cross-legged like children. It made you smile wondering what they were all like as cadets. Probably just as chaotic if not more.
Hunter started to stir, drawing your attention back to his beautiful face. Your fingers went to the spot behind his ear that gave him shivers. You scratched that spot and down his neck, causing him to wake up a bit more.
He hummed, enjoying your touch.
“Time to get up, sleepyhead,” you joked, tugging his hair lightly.
“Mmm, five more minutes,” he smiled, flashing you his white teeth.
“Here,” Tech stood at his side, helping him up and giving him some water to rehydrate.
Hunter greedily downed the water before grunting, trying to stand.
“Feeling okay?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he nodded, finding his feet and turning to face the others, “How long has it been?”
“A few hours since we touched down,” Tech said, checking his data pad, “I would advise we vacate this planet before any trouble arises, seeing as our business is done here.”
“Agreed,” Echo nodded.
You put your helmet back on and grabbed your pack.
“Are you feeling awake enough to travel?” You asked the three alphas.
They all nodded, assuring you that they were fine. It was still impressive to see their remarkable recovery times. The Kaminoans worked very hard designing them, apparently.
The hike up to the bridge felt like it was taking forever. Luckily, Tech got the lifts up and working, which was lovely, but you’d never been on a Star Destroyer before. It felt like double the size of Ani’s Venator.
The thoughts of the tall brunette Jedi made your heart clench, but you fought back the tears. This wasn’t the time or place for slipping back into your grieving. You had a mission to complete and right now, Tech needed to power down the ship
"Hey, guys!" Echo's voice crackled through your comms, a sharp interruption in the quiet hum of the ship. You pushed the button on the side of your helmet to respond, your voice slightly muffled by the gear, "What?"
"Wrecker and I found a literal ton of military-grade missiles and weapons systems down here. I think we could sell them for a small fortune," Echo said, excitement evident even through the crackling transmission.
Hunter replied with a heavy sigh, his voice tinged with skepticism, "So we're just going to become arms dealers now?"
"Well, we're already mercenaries, and these will be worth so much more than anything Cid could pay us."
Hunter's response was a resigned acceptance, "Okay, after we power down the vessel, we'll get the ship to load up what we can fit."
"Sarge, there are so many DC-15A's down here. They're the fancy carbine ones too," Wrecker practically drooled over the crates of guns, his enthusiasm palpable.
"Okay, we'll be on it once we reach the bridge," Hunter concluded. You trotted behind him, the rhythmic clank of your boots echoing in the metallic corridors, keeping pace with his determined stride and Tech's long legs before you all reached the bridge.
"Mesh'la, can you assist me?" Tech's voice was focused as he removed his pack, the urgency evident in his tone.
You nodded and knelt down next to him as he climbed under the console, the metal cold against your knees. He asked you to lay down next to him and hold a clump of wires while he started severing the connections he had made in order to power this monstrous ship.
As Tech was busy working, you noticed the faint sound of beeping coming from one of the machines, a subtle but persistent sound.
"What's that?" You asked quietly, your voice barely a whisper.
"What's what?" Tech paused his work to listen, his brow furrowing in concentration, "Oh, that's a proximity alarm."
"Proximity alarm?" Hunter repeated, his footsteps echoing as he approached, all you could see from under the console was his shins as he leaned over the controls.
"We've got incoming," he announced, his voice firm.
Your heart quickened its pace, a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins as you and Tech dropped what you were doing to investigate the source of the alarm. In the distance, the unmistakable sound of TIE fighters closing in sent a chill down your spine.
”Imperials," Tech's tone was grim, his words hanging heavy in the air like a dark cloud.
Your blood ran cold.
"We need to leave now," you urged, a sense of urgency creeping into your voice as you felt the weight of impending danger pressing down upon you… but this was something more… you felt it tingle in your spine. 
"Let's get down to the others," Hunter agreed, and the three of you made a break for the lifts, the urgency of your footsteps echoing in the narrow corridors.
At a full sprint, you made it down to the weapons bay in record time, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you skidded to a stop. You were huffing and puffing, sweat trickling down your brow, but you found Wrecker and Echo in the distance, their figures silhouetted against the dimly lit bay, totally unaware of the impending danger.
"We gotta go!" Hunter's voice cut through the air like a knife, his urgency palpable as he waved for the others to follow.
They turned to look, their expressions shifting from curiosity to concern as the sound of gunfire rumbled through the ship. They must be opening fire trying to flush you all out.
You continued your sprint, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you grabbed a new fancy rifle from Wrecker as you ran for the back of the ship, following Tech's guidance.
"There should be an exit right around-" Tech's words were cut off by a red flash of blaster fire, the sound reverberating through the narrow corridor, making you yelp in surprise.
You all ducked and turned in the other direction, your footsteps quickening as you sprinted like your lives depended on it, the adrenaline propelling you forward. Echo provided cover fire as you turned out of the weapons bay and into the main hallway towards the nose of the ship, the sound of blaster fire echoing in the distance had your hair standing up on end. 
"They're going to do a forward-to-aft sweep. We can alternate corridors and get to the hangar bay," Echo's voice was calm but determined.
"I'll tap into their com systems," Tech's fingers danced across his datapad as he worked, his focus unwavering, "We can track their movements."
You all slowed down following Tech's directions, wondering how a ship his big ever managed to fly through space.
Hunter held up his hand, signaling for you all to stop, his eyes scanning the corridor for any sign of danger. You heard the crackling com chatter coming from their helmets as four regs passed through the halls on their sweep. You had to hold your breath, too scared they would be able to hear you.
When the coast was clear, Hunter gave the signal, and you all began your quick pace again, following Tech.
You heard a slight crackle in your own helmet before Tech had tuned you all into the Imperial channel…Then you heard the sound of your nightmares…
"All squads."
"Yes, sir."
"Push the targets towards the hangar. We'll pin them down."
"Roger that."
You sucked in a nervous breath, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end as a chill ran down your spine. He was here… he found you.
You looked up at Hunter, even though you couldn’t see his face you sense him tense at Crosshair’s voice too.
"He found me," you whispered, the weight of his presence hitting you.
"We won't let him hurt you, adi'ka," Hunter promised.
"Actually," Tech stepped forward, his voice calm but resolute, "I think he's here for us. He doesn't know what happened to Y/N." Tech gestured to his brothers, his expression neutral "He probably thinks we got her killed. He's here for revenge. They wouldn't have opened fire on us and risk hurting his mate. I believe Crosshair thinks she's dead."
"Then we have to keep her disguise intact," Echo nodded in your direction.
"We can't go to the hangar bay anymore," you reminded, your voice tinged with urgency, "How the hell are we getting off this ship?"
"We'll go to the artillery deck instead and climb our way down," Hunter decided.
The artillery deck wasn’t too far from your current location; it was the center of the ship, and Tech chose the side that was slightly tilted towards the ground for an easier descent. With the help of his datapad and Echo's scomp, the two clones opened the blast doors, revealing the massive ion cannons sitting there in the decrepit deck, their imposing presence a grim reminder of the firepower at the republic’s disposal.
As a medic, you had never been to this part of a Republic vessel, the sight of the massive cannons almost made you cower. You were familiar with the sounds those cannons would make in action, but you hadn't ever seen it in person yourself, the gravity of the situation sinking in as you took in the sight before you.
The boys quickly cleared the room, their movements swift and purposeful as they prepared for the descent ahead. 
Wrecker shifted uncomfortably, his unease evident even through his helmet, "Uhh… okay, I’m not going down that way."
"There they are!" The sound of voices made you all flinch and spin around to find the regs filing in, guns drawn.
You heard the sound of their blasters powering up, and you swallowed heavily. You were karked…
"Tapping our comms to track our movements? So predictable…" Crosshair’s silvery voice gave made your spine tingle, his presence like death itself. You caught Crosshair’s gaze clock you, but he didn’t seem to care as he focused on his main target, his eldest brother. You realized that he really believed you to be dead, even though you stood a mere few feet from him. Your heart raced.
Hunter spun around to face his brother, his expression unreadable behind his helmet, his resolve unwavering despite the looming threat. Wrecker stuck his head out, his voice tinged with defiance, "Nice to see you too, Crosshair."
Tech leaned to Echo, his voice low but urgent, "Reroute reserve power to the cannons."
Echo very discreetly knelt down to scomp into the system and began working on the computers, his movements swift and purposeful despite the chaos unfolding around you.
“You know if these fire, the whole deck will collapse,” Echo whispered back.
“Exactly.” Tech replied. 
You didn’t like the sound of that…
Crosshair then lowered his weapon, handing it to his second in command, the tension in the air palpable as he moved with purpose. The female trooper took it as Crosshair went to remove his helmet.
When the airlock disengaged and his face was finally visible, you had to hold back the gasp at seeing his features, the sight of him made your heart ache. His eyes were sunk in and surrounded by purple rings, the dark circles a stark reminder of the toll that the broken bond had taken on him. He looked exhausted, his features drawn and haggard. He hadn’t been sleeping… he looked awful. 
His entire figure was leaner, his frame gaunt and emaciated. The alpha has been suffering, his pain evident even through the stoic facade he wore. You heart broke looking upon him. 
"You’re going to tell me exactly what happened to her," he growled, his voice low and menacing. Hunter immediately saw the rage flooding his brother's eyes, the fury simmering just beneath the surface. Crosshair looked feral.
Hunter hesitated, his expression unreadable behind his helmet, his gaze meeting Crosshair's with steely resolve.
“She died, Cross,” Hunter lied, his voice steady despite the weight of the lie.
“Fucking TELL ME!” He raised his voice, the sound reverberating through the narrow corridor, his rage palpable even through the crackling comms.
Hunter was trying to fabricate a believable story that Crosshair would believe.
"The bond killed her. You betrayed her, and it killed her.” Hunter squeezed his pistol tighter.
“Liar!” He snarled, his voice low and menacing, his gaze locked with Hunter's in a silent battle of wills, “You couldn’t handle that she belonged to me… and you fucking killed her!”
“That’s not true, Crosshair. We tried to help her. We—we tried…” Hunter sighed, his voice tinged with regret, his words a silent plea for understanding, “she wasn’t strong enough to survive the bond.”
“You betrayed her, brother,” Tech added, his voice neutral, “when you almost shot her for the pup. You know why they had to put her in stasis. Yes, she told us. Your betrayal damaged the soul bond. It took her life.”
Crosshair roared, his fury echoing through the narrow corridor, his rage was nearly painful to listen to. He was getting angrier, it was consuming him. The grief of loosing his mate had taken a toll on the sniper.
Crosshair pressed the side of the blaster to his temple and his hand to the other as he was taking in this information. He was starting to become deranged, his sanity slipping away, his grip on reality growing ever more tenuous with each passing moment. The loss of a mate was maddening, the weight of his grief threatening to consume him whole, his rage boiling over like a violent storm.
The once stoic sniper was muttering to himself, his words a frantic whisper as he cursed the maker.
“Echo… any time now,” Tech signaled, his voice urgent, his words a silent plea for a much needed distraction. Echo could sense that Crosshair was close to shooting Hunter.
When the ARC trooper looked up, you knew it was time to brace, your heart pounding in your chest as the tension in the air reached its breaking point, your adrenaline coursing through your veins like a wildfire.
“Kill them,” Crosshair ordered.
Before anyone could move an inch, Echo powered up the cannons, watching them slide along the floor and punch out Crosshair and some of the troopers in a wild fury. 
Before you knew it, the floor was giving out, and all of you were free-falling down into the floors below. Unfortunately, the damage to the ship was greater than you anticipated, and you all got separated as the integrity of the ship dissolved.
You watched the artillery deck, or what was left of it, rise further and further out of your reach as you plummeted into the floors below with a scream. You felt the hard impact of a smooth piece of metal hit your back before your head collided, making you go numb
You groaned, watching everything become fuzzy as you tried to focus on your surroundings.
You were fading in and out of consciousness, fighting to stay awake but the damage has been done. You were certain you had a concussion amongst other things. The pain in your shins confirmed this theory. But, the fight in you wasn’t over, and the knowledge that Crosshair was nearby with an army of soldiers had you forcing yourself up onto your hands and knees, trying to regain control of your body out of survival.
“There’s movement over here,” you heard the voice of a reg behind you. When you looked down, you noticed your hand was bleeding, cut up on some sharp metal. You bit back a yelp before forcing yourself up on wobbly legs and heading towards the side of the ship again clutching your injured hand to your chest.
“Hey,” you heard Wrecker call out to you, and you stumbled over to him pushing through the dust. From where he stood, he could see the true extent of all the damage. The entire ceiling had caved in, leaving just a few troopers to look down from the rotting structure above.
“We have to move,” Wrecker said, guiding you to an opening. “Are you alright?”
“I’m bleeding,” you showed him your hand. You were still a little dazed from the fall.
“We have to get you back to the ship,” Wrecker said, closing his hands over yours in a comforting manner.
Your helmet was still dialed into Crosshair’s. “Drop the charge,” you heard him say.
You looked over Wrecker’s shoulder, seeing the troopers above throw a handful of detonators down towards your level carelessly.
“Wrecker!” you yelled, yanking him towards the hole in the side of the ship, but it was too late; the blasts went off, punching you out of the side of the ship with the force of the explosion.
All you remember seeing was the side of the Star Destroyer and Wrecker’s hand outstretched to yours as you plummeted down into the junkyard below. Your fingers missed by mere seconds before you were swept into unconsciousness once again.
Crosshair had recovered from the hit of the ion cannon to find the entire floor had been dropped out, leaving his brothers scattered in the rubble below.
Not knowing if they had even survived, he ordered the bombs to be dropped just to be safe. Once the space was cleared, he and his men rappelled down into the rubble to confirm the kills.
He grabbed his rifle, raising his nose in the air, trying to pick up on his brother’s blood scent over the smell of incendiaries.
“Sir,” one of the troopers removed his helmet, making Crosshair’s blood boil; he was violating code. He had the reprimand on the tip of his tongue.
The trooper bent down, pushing his fingers into a puddle of fresh blood. “It’s… Omega,” he brought his fingers up to his nose.
Forgetting his previous thoughts, he walked over to bend down and repeat the trooper's actions. When he brought the red liquid up to his nose, his heart nearly stopped.
Omega… his Omega… his mate.
They lied…
Did he just drop bombs on his beloved mate? Crosshair’s entire reality was spinning.
He sniffed the precious blood one more time before looking around wildly… she was alive. She was here. And he just ordered them to kill her. His entire insides flipped, making him feel violently ill. He forced back the bile rising in his throat as the anxiety filled his senses.
“She’s here,” he growled. “Find her! Sweep the whole fucking ship!”
Crosshair began to look under the rubble, sniffing for more blood. He picked up on a trail of small drips leading him back to the side of the ship. That was a good sign.
She must have climbed down the side. Crafty little thing.
When he peered over the edge, he saw a small figure lying on a piece of sheet metal down below.
Snapping his rappelling cable into place, Crosshair descended the side of the ship, lowering himself until his boots touched the metal below. He unclipped and ran over to the limp figure, kneeling down next to the body. He was confused to see a little mandalorian curled up on her side. He noted the blood smeared on the surface below her and knew suddenly it was this woman who left the trail. 
“Please, Maker,” he begged in a whisper. “Please.”
He placed both hands under the beskar helmet, unclipping the airlock and lifted it slowly. His breath was punched out of his chest when your hair came tumbling out of the helmet, and he laid eyes on your beautiful face once again. You were alive.
“Y/N,” he sighed, bringing a gloved hand up to your brow, touching the massive gash slashing through it. You were hurt… badly.
“Thank the Maker,” he felt relief flood his entire body. He commed into his team, “I have her.” He said with confidence and relief. 
“She’s alive?” his second radioed back.
He grabbed one of his blaster reflectors and held the metal under your nose. He saw the mirror fog up, letting him know you were still breathing.
“She’s alive,” he confirmed, putting the reflector back on his hip before slinging his gun around his shoulder to cradle you.
“We’re making our way to your location,” she cut the line.
Crosshair leaned forward, gently supporting your head with his hands, lifting you up from the ground and sitting you up against his chest. He held onto you tightly, unable to resist the rumbling purr coming from his chest finally feeling his torment begin to lift.
“Commander?” his second approached cautiously. “Is she alright?”
“No,” Crosshair was distressed. “She fell from the blast. I need the medic.”
“I’m here, sir,” the medic came forward, dropping to his knees at Crosshair’s side.
“She’s breathing, but she’s hurt,” Crosshair showed him your cut-up brow and hand.
“I’ll give her some bacta, but we need to get her back to base,” the medic said, scanning your body. “She’ll need a full evaluation, but I’ll do what I can.” 
“Do what you need to do,” Crosshair said. “Her survival is the most important thing.” He continued to stroke your hair as the medic spread bacta to the massive gash in your brow, along with cleaning and wrapping up your hand.
Crosshair suddenly felt like there were eyes on him. He looked up, surveying the area, searching for the familiar helmets of his brothers. He was certain they were watching; they wouldn’t leave Y/N behind… not when they tried so hard to keep her hidden from him. 
“Crosshair has her,” Echo confirmed, zooming in his scope.
Hunter hissed as Tech stuffed gauze into the wound in his side. During the explosion, they had all been separated, and Hunter had been flung into the side of some shrapnel that managed to miss his armor by an inch. The metal pierced his side, making the sergeant wince.
“We can’t let him take her,” Wrecker snarled. He just had you… you were so close.
“We’re outnumbered,” Tech said factually. “Crosshair will have us executed now that he has her. He doesn’t know that killing us will kill her. The best thing we can do for her is to stay alive and figure out a plan to get them both back.”
“Then we’ll track their ship,” Echo nodded. “We know they’re taking omegas back to Naboo.”
“Get the trackers on those ships,” Hunter forced himself up onto his knees, ignoring the blazing pain in his side. “She’ll need us.”
“Hold on,” Tech urged. “We have to get you to a medical facility. That metal was in deep.”
“I’m fine,” he growled, but his little brother pushed him back down, shaking his head. “You’re going to bleed out if you keep moving around.” Tech was getting frustrated. Being split like this was making his heart ache. On the one hand, you were unconscious in the care of their mind-controlled murderous brother, and on the other, Hunter lay in front of him, injured more than he’s ever been.
There was no chance they’d get out of this intact if they tried chasing you down. To Tech, the solution was clear… they were going to have to let you go with Crosshair.
Echo watched Crosshair kneel down, picking up your limp body and holding you close to his chest as they began to walk back to the transport ship climbing the ramp.
“He’s taking her onto the ship. The troopers are loading in,” Echo narrated.
“Take the shot,” Hunter ordered, gritting his teeth as Tech wrapped tight bandages around his torso.
Wrecker handed Echo the rifle, twisting on the long-distance barrel. Echo pulled out a tracker from his utility belt and loaded it into the chamber.
He waited for the loading ramp to close shut behind Crosshair before aiming the rifle. He locked onto the side where no one would see it and fired the bullet. He watched the little circular tracker magnetize to the side of the ship, starting its transmission signal.
“I got it,” Echo confirmed, looking to his data pad. He watched the beacon signal back to his tech. “We got you, Tiny.” He watched the imperial vessel unfold its wings before the ship powered up and lifted into the air taking you off planet. 
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Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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