#original character has a gift
aeoneri · 2 years
Your Past, My Present, Our Future
Living is nothing but change. Ten years had passed for both Bruno and Gabriela, and they are more than ready to leap toward their future. Her sudden reappearance in the Encanto, however, sends the rest of the Madrigal family clamoring for answers.
– A “What We Don’t See” One-Shot. The story events happen between the end of Chapter 45 to the beginning of Chapter 47.
“Come back home to me.”
The words settled in deep within her soul, bringing her back to life. She had never expected in this life that she would be given another chance. There were many moments, and opportunities missed. 
Living is nothing but change.
In the ten years that passed since she left home, Gabriela had lost almost all hope. She had felt isolated, desperate, and bitter. She had forgotten what love meant to be.
It was only when he returned did she finally see.
The town was shaken by her sudden appearance in the middle of the celebration, having thought that she had left the Encanto (and her family, by extension,) or taken her own life. For a moment, everyone thought Gabriela was a ghost back to haunt them until Bruno had taken her into his arms in an embrace.
There were a lot of mixed emotions, but perhaps, no one was more surprised than Alma Madrigal herself. She almost fainted right into her sons-in-law’s waiting arms. With a shaking voice, she asked the question that was on everyone’s minds.
“Mija, is that you?”
The room is quiet, save for a few sniffles coming from Pepa. After the shock died down from Gabriela's sudden return, Alma agreed to Bruno's request for the two families to talk. 
The celebrations for the rebirth of Casa Madrigal could wait. There are questions waiting to be answered. 
"Señora Alma," Gabriela began, her voice a little unsure. The old matriarch watched as her son squeezed his beloved's hand assuringly, and she wondered if anything had ever changed between them both. The circumstances that led to their separation were already acknowledged, but she never expected them to be still this devoted to one another. 
But maybe she's not thinking very clearly. After all, Alma was familiar with the feeling. Fifty years may have passed, but her love for Pedro never wavered, not even for a moment, even in despair. She even prayed for help, an answer to save the family. 
Mirabel was, and is, in every sense of the word, a miracle. 
"Please, Gabriela, mija," Alma nods, folding her hands on her lap to stop herself from shaking. "I know it's been many years since you've disappeared from our sight, but I hold no ill will against you or your family. There is no need to be so formal."
Gabriela exhales a long breath. "I know, and I thank you, but…" 
Alma steels herself, like the rest of the family while Gabriela chooses her words carefully. "...I haven't been honest with you and the rest of the Madrigals about myself, save for your triplets, who I had sworn to secrecy. My family hasn't been transparent about it either. We had thought it best to keep it that way for so long, but seeing as how things had turned out in the last ten years, I thought it best for me to come clean."
Secrets? The word made no sense at all. The grandkids shifted uncomfortably in their seats while the Madrigal esposos exchanged questioning glances at their wives. They all knew that it was impossible for anyone to keep secrets with Dolores' gift…
"It was before she even got one."
At that comment, Alma froze. "What?" She blinked. "How did you…?" 
"Señora…the truth is," Gabriela's voice almost broke under the pressure. Her earlier bravado was chipping away by doubt and fear but the warmth of Bruno's hands reminded her of the reason she was here. "I have a gift of my own, and even before you say a word about it all…I know. I've always known."
"I don't…understand…" 
"Señora Madrigal…Mamá Alma…I have the ability to read people's minds."
About a week before the completion of the house, Gabriela found herself back at the doorstep of her old home. The lights were still on, meaning that her family may still be very much awake. 
When she decided to return, she didn't think of the consequences or the reactions she'd get. 
Gabriela clutched her throat. The coolness of the metal brushing against her skin made her feel hope, for once. The possibilities are endless, the future, divine. She was ready to storm through Casa Madrigal brandishing her ring and demand Bruno to marry her immediately. 
But she just couldn’t do that, even if she wanted to. Not without asking…or possibly begging for forgiveness from her father. There were rules broken, much more pain inflicted than the time she came home broken beyond recognition. This time it was different, and if she needed to fight back she was more than willing to do so. 
Gabriela tapped on the door and waited. Moments later a woman answered the door and immediately there was nothing but tears. 
"Hey, Lucía, mi hermana, please don't…don't cry so much!" She whispered as she rubbed her sister-in-law's back to soothe her. "You're going to make me cry as well, and it's been a long day…" 
"I just can't help it!" Lucía whimpers just as a little jittery boy interrupts their reunion. "Mamá, who is she? And why are you crying?" 
"Juancho, go get your Abuelo and Papá, quickly!"
"No buts. Now, por favor, or so help me…" 
He scrambles away before his mother can scold him and comes back in a minute or two with the rest of the Álvarezes in tow. "Okay, I got Abuelo and Papá here. What's going on?" 
The sight of her whole family broke her composure. Gabriela crashes straight into her father and brother's open arms. She had nothing but apologies and words that she wanted to say. They never said anything else, just content in knowing the prodigal daughter has come back home again. 
She is more like herself, but life has changed. Her family had grown without her, and she missed a lot of milestones along the way. Gabriela kneeled to meet with Juancho's eye level. "Hello, Juancho." 
He squeaks and hides behind his mother's skirt, suddenly shy. Lucía looks apologetic. "I'm sorry, Ella. I swear he's normally not like this."
"I can't blame him…" Gabriela trails off. "I mean, I look after the family from afar, but…it's not the same as being here."
"It certainly isn't," Julián teased, but he's still shaking, emotional over the return of his sister. "Oye, Juancho. Is that a way to greet your Tía?" 
"¿Mi Tía?" Juancho's eyes widened. His eyes darted to the picture frame on the wall. Granted, it was an older photo of Gabriela in her late 30s, but she still looks the same despite the gray hairs that were starting to show. "Tía Gabriela?" 
"Yes, that's me. Lo siento, mi bebe, I haven't been home as I should…" 
Gabriela almost falls backward when Juancho tackles her and begins to talk her ear off. "I have so many questions! Papá said that you were supposed to marry Mirabel's Tío Bruno, but then he disappeared, then you also disappeared, and for a time people thought you both were gone…" 
The gravelly tone of Señor Mauricio stops her sobrino's rambling. "Mijo, I'm sure you have a lot of questions to ask your Tía, but let's save them for tomorrow. It's getting late."
There is a hint of displeasure in the way he said it that all of the adults had picked up on. Gabriela tried to brush off the icky feeling. "It's fine, Papá, I'm not that tired…" 
A glint in his eye stops her in her tracks and Lucía thankfully takes over. "Nonsense! Pá Mauricio is right. You must be tired from all that walking to get down from the mountains." She hooks an arm with Gabriela's and leads her upstairs with Juancho in tow. "Your room is just as you left it. Welcome home."
It's been a while since she had a nightmare. Gabriela squirmed uncomfortably, her face twisting and turning as her past flashed behind her eyelids. 
She woke up in a cold sweat before it could take a darker turn. The world outside was quiet, but her room felt overwhelming with her heart thumping loudly in her ears. 
Why was Papá avoiding any mention of Bruno?
There was so much to think about, and Gabriela knew of the challenges she would have to face come morning. With trembling fingers, she opens the window to let the cool night air in. In the distance, she could make out the silhouette of Casita, and high above, her beloved's tower. At the back of her mind, the fears brewed. Will I lose what is left of me if I make this choice, or will I regain what should've been mine in the first place? 
She will never admit it outright, but falling for Bruno all over again reopened old scars that never healed in the first place.
Mauricio stood his ground, though he knew his reasons would not be taken well. 
The morning had started innocently enough, that was until his nuera left the house with little Juancho in tow. He had expected it, the same fire that the love of his life had shown in the determination of their daughter. 
But it has been years, and he is not willing to go down without a fight, even for a lost cause. There is a side of Mauricio that hoped maybe, just maybe, Gabriela would let it go. 
She's the spitting image of her mother. Elena would've been so proud.
If only Gabriela could see his side, could understand what he felt all those years she had to hide away from the world. Their family was given a miracle of their own, but at what cost? He loved her more than anything else, from the moment they brought her into the world. 
He's still her father, and that would never change. 
"Papá," Gabriela said through gritted teeth. "I have made up my mind. There is no further reason to hate. Please."
It was difficult to take in her composed fury. Her statement was fair, he told himself. Reasonable and justified, but his fears were still there and so he would not be swayed. "No, Gabriela. I don't care if you've made up your mind, the answer is still no."
"Do you know what kind of hell I've been through? To have lost someone so dearly and to see my future falling into pieces?" She trembles through angry tears. "Papá, I LOVE this man. You may not believe it, but I still love him, even ten years later. He has made a ton of mistakes, and I've made mine, but don't you see? He's more than willing to do right by me this time, by his family…for all of us."
"How sure are you? I had lost my daughter once before, I will not lose her again just because of that wretched curse!" 
The room fell deadly silent and Mauricio wished he could turn back time. He tried to approach Gabriela, but she moved away. "Mija, I…" 
"No, you're right. You're right." For a moment when he blinked, he could've sworn she became someone else. "He is a wretched man, and I surely would be worthless and disgraced if I even push it further."
"Gabriela, I didn’t mean it that way, you're my daughter. I would never think…" 
"But you do!" She accuses and his hand goes limp. "You never explicitly told me or even thought about it, but I know. I see it in your eyes when you look at me sometimes, how I'm a pitiful thing for having such a past happen to me. I know what I am, and I was a fool then, but it was not my fault."
"I never said it was your fault."
"Papá, if we were still back home…if we never left, would you have forgiven me?" 
The question hung heavily in the air. Gabriela stood up to leave when she didn't get an answer. "I'm done trying to pretend for everyone else. Bruno Madrigal is a mess of a man, but he was the only one who saw through me. All of me…" 
"Where are you going?" Mauricio helplessly tried to salvage the situation. "We are not yet done talking, Gabriela."
How did it come to this? Her next words made him feel dread, much worse than the time his daughter was brought home on his son's shoulders, half-dead. Way more than when he found out about her loss and she had changed. 
This time, there was nothing in the way. She could walk out for good. 
"I am. If we can't get your blessing, then maybe I'll have to find my own way."
All eyes darted between father and daughter. Alma Madrigal cleared her throat, catching everyone's attention. "And how did she manage to convince you, Mauricio?" She asked. "I never knew you felt that way about my children…about my family."
Mauricio flinched for a quick moment, before sighing in resignation. "Your family has been nothing but good to ours, señora, but at that time…I was still dealing with my grief. You would understand, knowing you had your reasons."
Alma pursed her lips. The man had a point. She had held everyone too tightly, causing more pain than she ever realized. The more she held on, the more everyone slipped, just like sand.  
Bruno discreetly squeezed Gabriela's hand to comfort her. The action didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of them. "Indeed I had," Alma stated, watching her son with renewed interest. "But I'm keener to know if you still feel that way. Because if you do, then I, too, will refuse."
"What?" Pepa's voice boomed along with her thundercloud, prompting Félix and Camilo to her side. "How could you, Mamá? Do you want us to lose my brother again?" 
"Abuela, this doesn't make sense," Mirabel interjects when she notices Bruno sitting still with his eyes closed. Ever since she'd seen first-hand what a mess her Tío became from his years hiding in the walls, Mirabel felt it was her duty to be his champion and protector. "They're clearly meant for each other. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?" 
"Don't blame her. She's doing what is right for your family."
Pepa and Mirabel stared in disbelief at Gabriela. "No one would want to agree to a wedding if it'll put the other party at risk." She continued. "I've learned it the hard way."
"Mija," Alma's jaw dropped, finding herself at a loss for words. The gift would take some getting used to. "I know it feels like I'm opposing you, but…" 
"It's okay. I have no hard feelings about it, but I wanted to make my truth known." Gabriela's understanding eyes fell on her father. "My being here is an answer to the question Bruno asked me when he returned my ring. Papá and I may not have seen eye to eye on the matter, but I believe that I found the type of love I've dreamed of, just like the one he and Mamá had." 
"And what is it?" 
As soon as the question left Alma's lips, it dawned on Mirabel that her Tío was not mumbling any mantra. He was eerily calm like he had expected it to happen. "A love that was by chance, something so honest and pure and hard and messy." Gabriela winks at Mirabel who is left speechless by the possibility. "Real."
She had thought it a lost cause and was all but ready to give up when a knock on the door broke her train of thought. 
"Gabriela? Can I come in?" 
The world would always be terrible and terrifying but she had survived going to hell and back. With a deep breath, she opened the door and gave her father a dampened smile. He quietly shuffles into her room, an awkward silence befalling them before Mauricio steeled himself and spoke. "Mija, I…I wanted to apologize."
There is no worse feeling than hurting the people you love. They knew that sometimes, the only balm is time. "I'm sorry I raised my voice and walked out on you, Papá," Gabriela sighed. "It's just…I got so frustrated and hurt and…"
"No, no. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Gabriela."
At that, she burst into fresh tears. "I don't want to lose my family, Papá, but I can't lose Bruno either. It's tearing me apart."
"I'm sorry I made you choose." He wrapped his arms around her. It feels just like yesterday that she was still young and small, but seeing the beginnings of gray in her hair made him realize that he couldn't hold her forever. 
"He's not the perfect man, Pá," Gabriela nodded against his chest. "Bruno is an idiot. An idiot whose fault is loving too much that he's willing to put himself on the line without any care for how everyone else feels."
"But you love him either way, just as he loves you." He said with finality. "Gabriela, when you asked me if we were still back there if I would forgive you for everything?" 
She stiffened. She had forgotten that she spewed the accusation in the heat of the moment, but it was what she felt. 
What she always thought of herself.
So she was surprised when Mauricio gently brushed her tears and kissed her forehead. "How could you ask me if I hated my daughter, my own flesh and blood? Whatever has happened, mija, I never blamed you or Julián, but I blame myself because I failed to protect my family. I didn't need to forgive you, because you have done nothing wrong. I'm the one who needed to forgive myself."
It was time for him to let go. 
"I will always be wary of any man, even the imperfect magical ones that see who you are within." Mauricio squeezed her hands and he was sure he could see his wife smile behind his daughter's eyes. "We will go to see the Madrigals first thing tomorrow morning, mi princesa."
"Do you remember our first kiss? Right at this very spot?" Bruno asked Gabriela while they watched the stars, huddled close to each other on the roof. 
"How can this be the same?" She exhales, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "Didn't Casita fall, and you all had to rebuild from the ground up?" 
The tiles clacked, making the two of them chuckle. "Casita says she's still the same despite the new paint." Bruno laughs. "And she remembers that night well."
"Who knew, right?" 
"Who knew?"
They sat there in comfortable silence, hands entwined.
"Do you believe that we will finally get our happy ending?" 
"I certainly hope so." He mused. "I'm sorry you and Señor Mauricio got into a disagreement."
"You would think that me being close to fifty, he'd trust me on my judgment."
"He's just…trying to look out for you. I haven't had the best track record with people."
"We're not exactly the perfect couple either. An awkward seer and a guilt-ridden mind-reader. What an odd combination."
"Is it? But I wouldn't change a thing about you. I love you just the way you are."
"Oh, Bruno Madrigal, you're being dramatic," Gabriela clutched her chest, falling into his lap. "Theatrical, I would say."
"It's true though," Bruno's eyes sparkled with fervent adoration. "Whatever lifetime we find ourselves in, I will forever want to be with you."
Gabriela grinned and her worries disappeared as she pulled him down to her. "Just shut up and kiss me, cariño, te amo."
The world felt right the moment their lips touched. "One week." Bruno hummed contentedly, letting his bride do whatever she wanted. "And it'll be official, mi vida. Your past, my present, our future."
Glossary of terms (in order of appearance in-text): Nuera - daughter-in-law
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sincerely-sofie · 9 months
Hey uh… Fans of my PMD2 The Present is a Gift AU… I got a question for y’all.
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gh0stbreath · 5 months
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ITS HIM!!! THE AMERICAN PSYCHO!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------- I love my friends' OCs I am Icarus' biggest fan Icarus belongs to @rubsjuice
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lycorogue · 14 days
Latest Story: I Think I Like You (Maybe More Than I Should)
For @mostlovedgirl-writes
A companion story for her work Ha! You Think That’s Embarrassing? 
MLG, I warned you that you sparked something! What's worse is that I had this story done on May 14th, and it just kept me this long to sort out what to title the darn thing! 😅[smile with sweat emoji]
The Aged-Up AU that MLG created for her MariChat May ficlet was just too enticing for me to leave alone, so, naturally, I nearly quintupled her story as I retold the same tale but from Adrien's POV.
Why do stories keep running away from me like this!?
I want to send so many extra kudos and just general love MLG's way. I barely wrote anything the past two years. Because of MLG, I have now written my SECOND 7000+ word story in a month (the 1st story wasn't due to MLG, but still...)!
Also, I had I Think I Like You by The Band CAMINO on a constant loop while writing this story (which is how I finally landed on a title). So, if you want some mood music, I'd suggest using that.
Summary: Adrien is intrigued by one of the junior designers at his father's company. Maybe more intrigued than a few passing interactions with Marinette would warrant. At least, that's what Plagg jokes when Adrien notices Marinette on an abysmal date and decides to intervene... as Chat Noir. **An AU where Adrien and Marinette (as their civilian selves) never met as teens** Rating: General Audience (does contain the word "shit" once) Word Count: 7,974 Estimated Read Time: 40min Status: completed one-shot Continue reading below, or find this story over on AO3, on FFN, or on DA.
I Think I Like You (Maybe More Than I Should)
Adrien's brain began fogging over. He knew he was the face of the Gabriel brand, but did his father truly need him to sit in on every partnership meeting? He was little more than a fancy doll paraded out to lock in a new deal. Especially when he wasn't allowed to add any actual input.
Just smile. Say some pleasantries about wanting to work with them. Talk up the brand. Look pretty and professional.
It was a relief to see Nathalie stand up. It was Adrien's signal that his part of the meeting was finally over. He stood up as well, shook hands with the shoe execs that Gabriel was partnering with for the fall line, and practically sprinted out of the door as Nathalie passed out the contracts for the execs to sign.
He should have known better than to exit the room backwards so he could get in one last wave and thank you to their guests. In fairness, though, he didn't expect the hall to have traffic.
“Whoa!” The woman Adrien rudely collided into cried out as she flailed to try to catch her balance.
With his Chat-Noir-trained reflexes, Adrien swung his arm out to catch the woman around the waist. He gently tugged her back up onto her feet, but he didn't calculate her already throwing herself back into balance. She tilted the opposite direction, and Adrien ended up dipping her; his other hand supporting her shoulders – and her hands reflexively grabbing onto his – as her momentum finally stopped.
“Easy there!” He nervously laughed. Of course, he would collide with one of his father's employees as he tried to escape one of his father's meetings. He was sure he'd never hear the end of this.
“A-Adrien?” The woman squeaked in a panic. “I-I mean, Mr. Agreste?”
Her large eyes shined like blue zircon gemstones. Her strawberry-pink lips were partially parted in shock. Her raven hair dangled like a curtain behind her as Adrien held her in the dip. She was adorable. She also looked so familiar to him. Those eyes, in particular.
Agreste! Wake up! Realizing that his father's employee was still leaning awkwardly against his arm, Adrien cleared his throat and lifted the woman back onto her feet. He held her elbows to help steady her. Once he was confident that she wasn't going to fall, he took a step back and hoped his blush wasn't as visible as it felt as it burnt his cheeks.
“Adrien's fine. I'm not really into formalities, if I'm honest. Are you okay? Sorry about colliding into you like that.”
“N-no! That's alright. I'm fine. I should have been paying attention as well.”
Now that they weren't inches from each other, the woman started to shrink into herself. She couldn't keep eye contact with him and fidgeted. Her foot rubbed the back of the opposite leg and her arms flailed about as she talked. Seeing her so nervous definitely brought about a familiarity, and a name bobbed to the surface of Adrien's memory.
“Marinette, right? You're one of the junior designers?”
She squeaked with a start. “You-you know who I am?”
Adrien laughed. “Well, yeah. You fitted me for a few outfits for the spring line, didn't you?”
Marinette blushed. “Mm-hmm. The casual evening wear line.”
“That's the one!” Adrien snapped with acknowledgment. “Were any of those pieces yours?”
“Mine?” Marinette flailed her hands in front of her again. “No! I'm not nearly– I mean, my work isn't quite– I'm not ready for that. I-I did help with the color selection though.”
“Well, that's quite the accomplishment in and of itself. I think those were some of the most fun outfits I've worn in a while, and it was largely due to how bright the colors were. Really shook up all of those bland whites and blacks and tans menswear tends to fall into. You know?”
Marinette nodded like she was a freshly bopped bobblehead. Adrien struggled to not laugh at how adorable she was.
“Oh! I'm sorry. I'm holding you up!” Marinette's eyes again flew wide and her blush deepened. “And I need to take these– Oh no! The sketches!” Marinette stared at her hands, suddenly realizing they were empty. The sketches she was carrying before Adrien ran into her were carpeting the floor.
“Here, let me help you with that.” Adrien leaned down to help scoop up the papers, this time keeping an eye on the door to make sure they didn't end up tripping Nathalie and the execs as they left the conference room.
“No, that's alright. I have it.”
“I'm the reason they got scattered all over the floor in the first place. It's no problem. Really.”
As they scrambled to scoop up the papers – Adrien focused on the conference room door and Marinette focused on anything but Adrien – they bonked heads.
“Oof! Sorry. I seem to just keep running into you today.” Adrien sheepishly laughed.
“No-no. That was on me this time.” An awkward, lopsided smile spread across Marinette's lips as she gathered the last of the sketches.
They both stood, and Adrien held out the papers he had picked up. “We really need to find a better way to run into each other. Preferably one where we don't do so literally.”
“I love you,” she swooned. “That!” she quickly corrected. Her blush deepened. “I'd love that. The not running into you part. I mean, no! Not that part. I love running into you. Not literally though. That part. But I don't love running into you. It's not like I purposefully position myself so that I have an excuse to interact with you. That would be weird and stalker-y and I definitely don't do that. I mean why did I even put that out there? Now you think that's exactly what I do, but I swear I don't. I just–”
Adrien softened as he listened to Marinette. There was something about her rambling that was equal parts confusing and endearing. He cocked his head to the side while waiting for her to get to the point.
“You're so nice,” she continued at that same frantic pace. Her papers slid out of her arms due to the uneven pressure she was putting on them. She juggled them a bit as her mouth kept going. “You don't have to be nice. Everyone would probably expect you to not be nice. Not not-nice. I mean, indifferent? But you're not. You're super nice. I mean, you put in the effort to remember my name. Plus, you didn't need to help me with these.” She held up her uneven pile of papers. “And you're standing here listening to me going on-and-on and good grief why am I still talking? I'm holding you up and I really need to get going as well and yet I just can't seem to stop talking. I'm so embarrassing. But you're still here listening to me, because you're so sweet and I just want to spend all night talking to you. And it seems like maybe you'd be willing? So, maybe we could go and grab dinner tonight after work or something?”
Marinette stopped with a gasp as she tried to refill her empty lungs.
Adrien politely chuckled. “You good?”
Marinette's blush quickly drained as the woman went pale as a ghost. Her eyes bugged out and her mouth slacked.
“I did not just do that!”
“Hmm?” Adrien cocked his head. His mind still frantically trying to sort through the word-vomit Marinette just spat up all over him.
She started backing away from him. “Ignore everything I just said. I don't want to date you. Not that I wouldn't date you if you wanted. Actually, no! You wouldn't– I mean I wouldn't– I mean I'm so sorry. My bad. I just remembered that I already have a date with someone else tonight. A very nice date. One that I've been looking forward to. With someone not you. So clearly I'm not waiting to go on a date with you. Because I have a date with someone else. Tonight! Definitely already have a date tonight. Sorry. Gotta go!” Then she sprinted down the hall.
There was a commotion behind Adrien and the conference door opened. Adrien mindlessly stepped out of the way as the execs filed out of the room, followed by Nathalie.
“Adrien?” she asked. “What are you still doing here? Something wrong?”
Adrien didn't register Nathalie talking to him. He looked through her and down the hall where Marinette had sprinted. His mind finally sorting through what happened.
“Did she just ask me out?”
“Huh? Who? Who asked you out?” Nathalie looked over her shoulder.
“Oh! Sorry. Never mind. It's nothing.”
Nathalie frowned. “I have to escort our guests out, but we'll talk about this later. You know how your father feels about you dating.”
Adrien waved Nathalie off and walked in the direction Marinette had sprinted.
The woman was quick! Adrien couldn't have lagged that far behind, but he couldn't find her anywhere. He couldn't even determine which office she was aiming for.
He tried looking for her office. Turned out that she was still too entry-level to have her own. With some effort – it was hard trying to bluff his way around the “why do you need Marinette?” question – he managed to sort out where her work desk was. She wasn't there either.
“What's the big deal with this girl?” Plagg poked his head out from behind Adrien's blazer. “Can't you just wait until the next time you just naturally see each other?”
Adrien scanned the hall to make sure they were alone. “Plagg,” he hissed, “You know you can't come out of hiding while I'm not in my office at work! It's too easy for you to get caught.”
“Pfft. We're fine. Believe me. I take way more notice of who's around us than you seem to, Mr. Literally-runs-into-somebody-twice.”
Adrien simply shook his head at his kwami.
“But, seriously. Don't you have anything better to do than try to track her down?”
“Probably, but I don't care. I need to talk to her again.”
Adrien stopped.
“I... don't really know. She intrigues me, and I guess I do kind of want to take her up on that date invite. Just so I can get to learn more about her. And she seemed so nervous around me. I need to check in with her. Make sure she's okay and that the two of us are good.”
“I'm sure that's all this is.” Plagg cocked an eyebrow before zipping back into hiding.
Adrien heaved his exasperation with Plagg's interrogation before continuing down the hallway. Maybe if he grabbed a treat from the breakroom to appease his kwami Plagg wouldn't tease him further.
“Okay, I'll meet you at Bastian's tonight at eight.”
Adrien nearly sprinted towards the dominant voice. When he popped his head through the breakroom door, however, he instead spotted the same loose, medium-length, raven hair that had draped down his arm nearly an hour before. After all of her stammering around him, Adrien didn't recognize Marinette's more confident tone as hers.
She had both hands firmly planted on a table, her back towards the door. A thirty-something-year-old man with wire-rimmed glasses not properly shaped for his round face, a god-awful pencil mustache, and mousy-brown hair slicked back with far too much product sat across from Marinette. The man's basic white button-down shirt wasn't even properly ironed. Adrien was clear across the room and he could still see the wrinkles lining the man's sleeves. The man's tie was also a basic black and horribly dated. Adrien wondered if he had bought it for a school dance as a teen and just never replaced it.
“My reservation is actually for 7:30.” The man shrugged. “I prefer to not eat too late into the evening. I get heartburn then.”
“Okay. Fine.” Marinette's shoulders slumped a little.
“And don't forget to dress up nice. None of–” The man gestured to Marinette's lovely pastel pink capped-sleeve blouse and flowy cement-gray knee-length skirt adorned with cherry blossoms. “–this. I want Date Night not Office Space.”
Adrien scrunched up his nose in disgust. “Well, yeah. Of course.” Marinette backed away from the table and rubbed her elbow nervously.
With a huff, Adrien stormed away from the breakroom.
Seriously? Him? What does Marinette even see in him?
“I didn't even realize Marinette had a thing for Jules.”
Adrien pivoted at the mention of Marinette. A man and woman walked out of the breakroom, gossiping with each other.
“Have they even talked to each other before today?”
“If they have, then Marinette's a miracle worker for getting a word in edge-wise against the Jabberwocky.”
“She's pretty meek. Maybe she prefers being talked at.”
“Well, here's hoping she's also a masochist, because those are the only ones who could possibly enjoy the mental agony of interacting with that guy.”
The two workers laughed as they approached Adrien.
“Oh!” The female worker jumped slightly upon noticing him. “Mr. Agreste. What a pleasure to see you. What are you doing on the third floor? Something we can assist with?”
“No. Sorry.” Adrien put on his patented Model Smile(TM) as he scratched the back of his head. “I was just getting my steps in.” He held up his wrist to show off his fancy watch. It didn't register his steps, but he hoped it looked high-tech enough that they wouldn't notice. “I should probably head back to my office, though. Carry on.”
With a wave, he made a bee-line back to his office on the twelfth floor.
“Huh. I would not have guessed that guy was Marinette's type.” Plagg floated back out from Adrien's blazer and drifted over to the mini-fridge Adrien had put into his office.
Adrien plopped into a plush club chair he kept in the corner of the room. “Me neither. What does she see in him? For someone so fashion-forward and quirky and adorable–?”
“Maybe this is a case of opposites attract?”
“He sounded so rude towards her, didn't he? And then those employees joking about his endless talking and how painful it is to just interact with him? Does Marinette see something in him that no one else does?”
“Marinette seemed to be a bit of a motor-mouth herself.”
“Yeah, but hers was different.”
“How so?”
“It just... was. Okay?”
Plagg shrugged and gobbled down a large slice of Camembert. “Ah, to be a fly on the wall during that date.” He laughed. “If that woman could handle the– what did those guys call him? Jabberwocky? I like that. If Marinette could slay the Jabberwocky I wish I could be there to see that. Oh! Or the two of them just rambling at each other; holding two different conversations? Either way, get me the popcorn.”
“I am curious. Maybe it isn't as bad as it seemed in the few seconds that I caught. Their interactions, I mean.”
“If you say so.”
“Yeah. I'm sure there's something there that we don't know. Marinette wouldn't go on a date as awful as I'm thinking.”
“How could you know that? You barely know the girl.”
“That is true.” Adrien hung his head in his hands. Why was he even so fixated on this? Plagg was right. He only really knew Marinette in passing. It was none of his business. Even if it was a bad date, so what? Everyone has had terrible dates that they've suffered through.
Ones that they wished they could pull a rip-cord on.
That maybe they didn't have an escape plan for, but wished they did.
Marinette's gemstone eyes flitted into Adrien's mind.
He whipped out his phone and looked up the number for Bastian's.
“Hello? Yes. This is Adrien Agreste. Yes, that Adrien Agreste. I was wondering if you had an opening for a solo-diner tonight? I was hoping for around 7:20? Oh, no. A VIP table isn't necessary at all. Public dining is perfect. Fantastic. See you then. Thank you.”
Adrien turned from Plagg's knowing look. “What?” he asked his kwami, “I heard that Bastian's has a delicious salmon risotto.”
The quality of the salmon risotto was highly exaggerated.
It wasn't bad. It was a textbook execution of the dish, worthy of high marks at any culinary school. The flavoring was just a bit bland despite the chef clearly being a bit heavy-handed with the butter.
That didn't really matter though. Adrien wasn't particularly hungry anyway.
His stomach felt heavy and the back of his brain was itchy. He had no clue what he was doing there. The whole thing was insane.
It hit him all at once the moment he caught a glimpse of Marinette's raven hair coming around the corner behind the hostess. He realized that he had no excuse to be at this mid-grade (at best) restaurant. Not the same one that she just-so-happened to have a reservation for. And not at the same time as the aforementioned reservation. Definitely not while also eating alone!
I can't let her catch me here!
Adrien quickly pivoted to a different seat at his table so his back was towards her. As discretely as possible, he slid his meal over to his new spot. He then shrugged his sweater a little higher up the back of his neck and shagged his hair slightly. Similar to how he used to wear it when he was a teen. With any luck, she wouldn't recognize him.
He felt Plagg snake his way around his back and down to Adrien's hip. Plagg then phased his head through the sweater. “Plagg!” Adrien hissed under his breath.
“Calm down,” Plagg whispered back. “No one looks at someone else's hips. I just want to see this disaster.”
“No,” Adrien intoned, trying to not move his lips too much and get caught talking to 'himself'. “We're not spying on Marinette and her date. I'm sure it will be fine.” He poked some more at his risotto and wondered how bad it would look if he just downed it as fast as possible so he could escape.
“You're no fun,” Plagg huffed, but he didn't bother to retreat into the sweater.
Despite himself, as Adrien worked his way through his dinner, he attuned his ears to Marinette's table. His hearing wasn't as keen as it would have been if he was Chat Noir, but, over the years, he had trained his senses to be a bit more sensitive than usual, even out of costume.
Training his sense of touch was probably a poor decision, though. Especially with how many hands roam his body between fittings and shoots and quick-changes....
It seemed to work in his favor that night though. The entire meal, he barely heard Marinette say five words – outside of ordering her steak with the waiter – but Adrien could not get away from her date's dreary voice. Marinette's coworkers were right, however, and the woman was always more on the meek, non-confrontational side anyway. It was possible that she was somehow enjoying the endless conversation. Except, Adrien's sort of sixth sense – due to his heightened touch sensitivity – made him acutely aware of Marinette's discomfort.
Well, it was either the sixth sense thing or Plagg's wincing at Adrien's hip.
Despite warnings about cats and curiosity, Adrien couldn't help himself. He nudged his way around the table again. Shimmying closer and closer to his original chair before smoothly shifting to it and pushing his other chair back into place. Then he slid his half-eaten bowl back in front of him. Then the glass of wine.
He refused to keep going so he was full-on facing Marinette, but he could at least keep an eye on her in his peripheral now. He didn't like what he saw.
Her back was tight and tall. Her shoulders raised towards her ears. Her upper arms were flexed as she fidgeted with something under the table. A miasma of irritation seemed to radiate from her, and Adrien wondered if she was going to literally try to slay the Jabberwocky. Did this restaurant somehow have vorpal knives?
Adrien desperately wanted to just intervene. He wasn't sure at this point if doing so would be rescuing Marinette from her date or the other way around.
“And that was how my third marriage ended,” Jules monotoned across from Marinette.
How is that guy so loud? I get the masochism comment now, Adrien thought.
As Marinette filled her side of the conversation with yet another sip of water she started to take in the restaurant around her. In a flash, Adrien was laser-focused on the last bites of his risotto.
Please, don't let her see me, he mentally chanted, subtly shifting his head so he was turned away from her. If she catches me here I'm done for!
Right. He had no plausible reason to be at the same restaurant as her at the same time as her and right after she told him she had a date tonight. He'd be outed as a stalker or something! His father would throw him into lock-down if that ever got out! And, considering how recognizable he was, there was no way the other patrons wouldn't videotape him interrupting a woman's date and probably getting called an obsessive creep by that same woman.
Marinette had walked back – well, black-hole-absorbed back – her date invite to Adrien specifically so she could still come here with Jules. She must have had a reason to prefer the Jabberwocky's company. Maybe Adrien somehow offended her when they collided earlier. Maybe she had gotten in trouble after being late with those sketches. Maybe she didn't want anything to do with Adrien Agreste anymore. Wouldn't be a good look to ride in and try to White Knight for Marinette then. He didn't want to seem possessive of her.
His risotto finally done, he gently reached out to a passing waiter and requested the check.
“This is great,” Plagg whispered from his watch party at Adrien's hip still. “She's just gazing out the window now; not even looking at the guy. And he's still talking! I think he just likes the sound of his own voice.”
“That's hard to imagine,” Adrien intoned.
He thanked the waiter for the check, and quickly handed him in his payment. After confirming that the waiter was also assisting Marinette's table, Adrien included a nearly fifty-percent tip in hopes that it would help compensate for having to deal with Marinette's date. Meal consumed and paid for, Adrien placed his napkin on the table and stood to leave.
“Aww.” Plagg snaked back around to Adrien's chest just under his cable-knit sweater. “The train wreck isn't over yet.”
“Oh, yes it is.”
“Adrien?” Plagg warned. Adrien quickly shushed him.
He walked past Marinette's table as fast as possible while still looking nonchalant. He again prayed that she wouldn't notice him there.
“So, last year I went snorkeling with...”
Adrien struggled to not roll his eyes and scream at Jules to just shut up already as he caught the man still droning on at poor Marinette.
Just look forward. Don't react. Get out of here before she notices you! he ordered himself.
Adrien got to the front of the restaurant with no incident. He heaved a relieved sigh, thanked the wait staff and the hostess, and headed out the door. Fighting against his desire to full-tilt sprint, he casually followed the sidewalk along the front of the building. As soon as he reached the small alley between the restaurant and the neighboring building, however, he dashed into its welcoming shadows.
“Adrien?” Plagg asked with a challenging tone, “What are you planning? Nothing stupid, I hope.”
“Oh. It most definitely is. Plagg-”
“Adrien! Don't! You can't use your powers for personal gain, remember?” Plagg rattled off in a panic.
“What personal gain? Chat Noir is a hero, isn't he? And I'm rescuing Marinette. It's all on the up-and-up.”
“Plagg, claws out!”
“Adrien, no!” Plagg got sucked into Adrien's ring before he could fight his holder any further. In an instant, Chat Noir stood where Adrien was a moment before.
“Now, let's go rescue a citizen.”
Chat Noir puffed out his chest and casually walked back into Bastian's. He gave the hostess a salute as he walked past her. “Not dining today,” he called over his shoulder, “Just need to do a quick pop-in. Don't mind me.”
As he passed by the tables within the dining room the patrons all started to mutter among themselves about him.
“No need to panic,” he reassured them. “Paris is safe. Go back to your meals.”
It was too late. The restaurant was already abuzz and everyone was too focused on him to even think about their food anymore.
The only one unfazed by Chat Noir's presence was none other than Marinette's lout of a date.
Marinette, on the other hand, stared up at Chat Noir with those shining blue zircon eyes that had captured him earlier that day.
“Hello, Miss,” Chat Noir greeted. He rested one hand on the back of Marinette's chair, and the other he balled up before resting it on his hip. It took imagining Ladybug's disappointed scowl to keep him from using his balled fist to punch out Marinette's date.
“Buh-blah-uh?” Marinette blabbered in shock.
Chat Noir struggled to not smirk at how cute even Marinette blue-screening was. “Pardon my rudeness, but could I borrow you for a moment? Won't take but a sec.” He then winked at her to let her know that he understood her situation; he was there as her out.
Clearly still blue-screened, Marinette slowly pivoted her head back towards her date. Jules did not look impressed that a superhero was currently standing at their table.
“Excuse me,” Jules grunted, “but you're interrupting our date.”
Marinette slowly pivoted her head back towards Chat Noir, awaiting his response.
Chat Noir turned to regard the boorish man. It was so ironic to Chat Noir that this other man was complaining about interrupting dates. Him! He was the one who was interrupting so many dates within that restaurant with his loud droning. Let alone his prevention of Adrien's date with Marinette that night. Besides, how did he not notice that Marinette was desperate for someone to interrupt the date?
Taking a long, soothing breath, Chat Noir stood straight, his hand no longer resting on Marinette's chair. Once again breaking out his Model Smile(TM), Chat Noir relaxed his body in an attempt to disarm.
“Oh, right,” he said with a thick layer of honey in his voice. “Sorry about that. Interrupting a date is so annoying. I totally get that.”
Like a skilled magician, Chat Noir distracted from his hands with his winning smile. Meanwhile, his left hand scooped up Marinette's right.
“Let me just get out of your way,” Chat Noir finished with a coo. In a flash, he tugged on Marinette's hand, spinning her out of her chair and into his arms. After catching her in his arms earlier, it was a welcome return to feel her weight against him again.
Marinette was still stun-locked. Her only acknowledgment of what just happened was the rosy coloring flooding her cheeks.
Shifting his arm so it was draped around Marinette's shoulder, he confirmed that she had her purse on her. Chat Noir then gave Marinette's former date a two-finger salute before escorting Marinette out of the restaurant. Once they were outside, he detached his stick from his back. In one, smooth, solid motion, he scooped Marinette up into a bridal carry while extending his stick to vault up onto the nearest roof.
Upon landing, he shifted her slightly so he could reattach his weapon to his back before again lifting her into a bridal carry. A moment later, they were off. He wasn't sure where he was going. He just let his feet lead him. All he knew was that he couldn't be anywhere near that restaurant or that oaf of a date.
With the same ease as a leisurely jog around a track, Chat Noir ran across the rooftops of Paris with Marinette in his arms. He leapt across the gaps between buildings as if he was hopping over puddles to avoid getting his shoes wet. He felt so free and the weight of Marinette in his arms renewed his energy.
As they neared the Seine, Chat Noir stopped within a rooftop garden. It was a gorgeous view, between the flowers, the lights reflecting off the river, and a cozy-looking garden bench tucked within the flora.
Chat Noir gently rested Marinette back on her feet, holding her hands to support her while she regained her bearings.
“You okay, Miss?”
“Uh...” She blinked at him. Her face shifted between confusion, relief, shock, and frustration as if those emotions were on shuffle play. She finally settled on stupefied. “I'm sorry. What just happened?”
She was too cute. Chat Noir couldn't help himself. He chuckled. “I think I just rescued you from the world's worst date.”
Marinette cringed and moaned in embarrassment. “Believe it or not, I've had worse.”
She circled around Chat Noir, studying him. It unnerved him slightly, but he tried to not let it show. He reminded himself that there was no way that she'd know that he was Adrien Agreste.
“But why me?” she asked. “You don't even know me.”
Chat Noir pursed his lips. He was not expecting that question. Why wasn't he expecting that question?
“Let's just say–” his mind raced for a suitable answer. He rocked back and forth on his heels. “–I know a guy who asked me for a favor.”
Ha! Perfect! Vague but plausible.
Marinette's face fell and her shoulders slacked. “Oh, my gosh,” she whispered, more to herself than to Chat Noir. “You know Adrien Agreste.” Her eyes darted up to meet Chat Noir's. “He contacted you somehow, didn't he?”
Marinette must have spotted Adrien in the restaurant after all. He was never going to live this down! With any luck – of which he was sure he had virtually none – his mask would at least hide the blush burning his cheeks. He broke eye contact with Marinette and scratched the back of his neck nervously. “What makes you think that?”
With a groan, Marinette fell onto the bench nestled between the flower boxes. She buried her face in her hands, muttering “no, no, no, no” into her palms. She then let out another whimpering groan.
“Hey. Are... you okay?” Chat Noir sat beside her. With a moment of hesitation, nervous that he was the source of her woes, he tentatively placed a supportive hand on her shoulder.
“I can't believe Adrien saw me on that awful date.”
Oh, good. He was the source of her woes. Excellent.
Chat Noir choked down his own whimpering groan.
“I'm so embarrassed,” Marinette continued.
Chat Noir tilted his head in confusion. Why was Marinette embarrassed? She caught her boss's son basically stalking her. He'd understand her being angry or feeling violated, but embarrassed?
“I feel like I'm missing something. So, what's the story?”
“It's a long one,” Marinette grumbled. She dropped her hands to her lap and rested her head against the back of the bench, gazing up at the starless sky.
Chat Noir smirked. He'd love a long story from Marinette.
“I'm all ears.” He willed the false cat ears atop his head to twitch and wiggle.
Marinette laughed. It was the loveliest sound Chat Noir could recall hearing. He melted a little as he settled in next to her, readying himself for Story Time.
She took a deep breath to steel herself and heaved out a heavy sigh. “There's this guy at work – tall, blond, sweet, and so handsome I melt into the floor every time I see him.”
Chat Noir hoped Marinette didn't hear him gulp his heart back into his chest.
“He even smells amazing,” she whined with yearning.
Chat Noir fought the urge to sniff himself that very instant, and the follow-up urge to wiggle closer to Marinette so she could perchance catch a whiff. Which one of them was downwind? Why wasn't there any wind right now?
Clearing his throat slightly, Chat Noir teased, “Okay, so you know Adrien from work.” He gestured as if offering the right of way to Marinette. “Go on.”
Marinette glared up at him with a little pout. It was adorable, but still sent a chill down Chat Noir's spine. It felt familiar somehow. As if he'd faced That Look at least a dozen times before.
“I never said it was Adrien.”
Oh. This is going to be fun, Chat Noir thought as he fought the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
He dramatically crossed one leg over the other, then rested his chin in his hand. His other hand casually draped across his thigh. With a wisp in his voice, Chat Noir asked, “Oh? So, who is mister tall, fair, and handsome?”
Marinette flushed with embarrassment. She whipped away from Chat Noir's playful gaze, instead focusing on her thumbnails as she picked at them. “It doesn't matter!”
“Mm-hmm,” Chat Noir challenged.
Marinette shifted in her seat, rolling her shoulders before again gazing up at the sky. “Anyway, this guy from work, I've...” She cautiously glanced back over at Chat Noir as she bit down on her thumbnail.
He straightened, relaxing both hands to seem more sincere. The shift in posture appeared to have put Marinette more at ease. She stopped biting on her nail, lowering her hand back to her lap.
“I've had the biggest, most embarrassing crush on him for the longest time.” She slammed the back of her head against the back of the bench. She screwed her eyes shut and whimpered a little before continuing. “I ran into him in the hall earlier today–”
Literally, and the other way around, Chat Noir thought with an embarrassed chuckle.
“–and in a fit of complete insanity I asked him out.”
A warm wave washed over Chat Noir. The confirmation that she had meant to extend the invitation made his heart skip in a way he wasn't expecting.
“Doesn't sound so bad.” Chat Noir hoped his glee didn't spill over into his voice. He had to remain neutral and detached from the situation. Neutral and Detached. Neutral. And. Detached.
“But then I realized what I had done,” she continued, “I got all flustered and started babbling, said, 'Sorry, my bad. I just remembered that I have a date with someone else tonight,' and ran away.” She glanced back over at Chat Noir and gestured as if to say, “ta-da! I'm an idiot!”
Chat Noir bit the inside of his mouth to stop himself from laughing. It really was a ridiculous situation, now that Marinette laid it out so plainly. How could she be so cute and yet so insecure?
“And why did you do that?”
“Because,” she whined, “he's Adrien Agreste!” She threw her hands out, gesturing to the sky in desperation. “Not only is he France's top model and so far out of my league that I can't even see his league without a telescope, but also–” She violently shook her hands out in front of her, as if she were mentally shaking sense into herself. “He's my boss's son! I can't even begin to fathom how inappropriate asking him out like that was.” She screamed out her embarrassment before hiding behind her hands again. “I panicked and ran,” she finished softly.
Chat Noir wanted to pull her in for a hug so bad. The poor thing! He was right. She had meant to ask him out, and just revoked the offer because she got nervous.
How on Earth did that Jules guy get involved then?
“So,” Chat Noir drew out the word as he tried to sort out a non-judgmental way to ask, “after asking out the guy you wanted to go out with, how did you end up on a date with that other guy?”
“Ugh, it's so embarrassing.” Her chest heaved in mock sobs. “I was still panicking and wasn't thinking straight, and I heard that guy – I think he's from accounting or something – say that his date for tonight had fallen through.”
Gee, I wonder why.... Chat Noir mentally rolled his eyes.
“I didn't want Adrien to think that I had lied to him about having a date already–”
“Which you had,” Chat Noir teasingly pointed out.
“–so I asked him out. Right there in the breakroom. In front of all of my coworkers!”
Chat Noir pursed his lips as he choked down a laugh. When that wasn't enough he clapped a hand over his mouth to try to better hide his amusement. Now was not the time to laugh about how unhinged the whole situation was. That would be the last thing Marinette would need when she was already having a rough time with it.
Marinette again cradled her head in her hands. “You can go ahead and laugh. I deserve it. I'm such a loser.”
Okay. Definitely not the time to laugh.
“Nah, you're not a loser.” He gently elbowed her to try to catch her attention. “Delightfully awkward, but not a loser.”
“I'm going to have to quit my job and move to America, and start designing ready-to-wear for a department store,” she moaned into her hands.
Chat Noir knew that very sentiment painfully well. “A valid career path, but why are you moving an ocean away?”
Marinette sunk further onto the bench, bending nearly in half as she hid within her hands. “I'll never be able to show my face at Gabriel or any other fashion house in Paris again.”
“I don't think it's as bad as all that. Sure, you had one embarrassing day at work, but who hasn't?”
Marinette scoffed.
“Even Adrien has embarrassed himself in public,” Chat Noir ventured.
Marinette stilled for a heartbeat. Slowly, she sat up a little straighter and peeked out from behind her hands. “Really? But he's so perfect.”
“Pfft. Hardly!” Chat Noir dismissively waved off the very idea. He then draped an arm along the back of the bench and recrossed his legs.
Marinette studied him. Those zircon eyes flickered between pleading to be reassured and questioning if Chat Noir was simply jealous of Adrien.
The woman had been through the wringer that day, and had already suffered enough simply by going on a date with the Jabberwocky. Chat Noir wasn't sure why, but he trusted that Marinette would never weaponize someone else's embarrassment. It was time to break out the big guns.
Chat Noir nonchalantly shrugged. “His first modeling job after lycée, he had a horrible cold. Someone offered him one of those vitamin-C tablets that you're supposed to dissolve in a cup of hot water before drinking. Oblivious kid that he was, he put the tablet in his mouth and drank a cup of warm water.”
He shuddered remembering the next part. The vile taste returned to his mouth through recollection alone.
Marinette's eyes widened. Her mouth formed into an astonished 'o' and she slowly covered her silent gasp with her hand. She was getting ahead of his story.
Chat Noir nodded that she was on the right track. “The tablet started dissolving in his mouth and foaming over everything. It got all over his clothes; the furniture; the floor. It was like he had rabies! Everyone started laughing and calling him 'Atomic Blond'. He was so embarrassed that he vowed to move to New Zealand and become a sheep herder.”
“Oh, no!” Marinette laughed; breathy, secondhand-embarrassed, sympathetic laughs. Chat Noir could practically hear her thinking 'poor thing'. “How have I not heard that story before?”
Chat Noir shrugged. “His dad worked his PR magic and covered it up.”
More like Nathalie worked her magic, but to-may-to to-mah-to.
Marinette arched an eyebrow. “How do you know about it?”
“Sorry. That's a trade secret.” He pressed a finger to his lips and winked.
Marinette sighed. Getting off the bench, she gently stroked the flower petals as she passed by them. She wove her way through the lush garden and wandered over to the railing lining the roof. With a deep breath, she took in their gorgeous city. Her shoulders were relaxed. Her one foot was hooked around her other ankle, but she wasn't fidgety. She was the most calm and at peace that Chat Noir remembered ever seeing her.
“Thank you, Chat Noir.” She turned back towards him and tucked some stray hairs behind her ear. “I'm glad I won't have to move to another continent.”
Chat Noir joined her by the railing. “Decided to stay?”
Marinette puffed out her chest and stood tall. “If Adrien can still show his face at work after a day like that, then so can I.” A breath later, she puckered her lips and her bravado washed away. “I'll just make sure to stay in the basement where he'll never see me again.”
Chat Noir knew he definitely couldn't allow that to happen.
Their evening was over too soon. It wasn't the date Adrien pictured for the 2.5 seconds he had to process before Marinette had revoked her offer, but it was still a mostly-lovely evening with the intriguing woman. As Adrien got ready for bed, he already knew it was going to be a struggle to get his mind to stop thinking about Marinette long enough to fall asleep.
That was, at least, until he caught the evening news. Amateur photos and videos of Chat Noir in Bastian's confronting a patron and spiriting a citizen away flooded his TV.
“Oh, no!”
“And this is why we don't use our powers for personal gain,” Plagg said as he floated by, not prepared to give more of a lecture than that single sentence.
Adrien faceplanted into his pillows and screamed. “Ladybug is going to kill me!”
“There's always sheep herding in New Zealand.”
“Not. Helpful. Plagg.”
“Didn't realize you were expecting helpful,” Plagg teased.
Somehow, Plagg's snarkiness did help. Adrien chuckled.
“Do you think I at least helped Marinette tonight, Plagg?”
“Is it weird that I almost wish I had told her the vitamin-C story as Adrien? Have a real bonding moment between us? Maybe she'd be less nervous around me then.”
“I find it hard to believe that she could ever to be nervous around you now anyway, Mr. Atomic Blond.”
“You know, I don't think I'd mind if she called me that.” He chuckled at the thought.
The tick of the wall clock tormented Adrien as he sat through a seemingly endless morning meeting. He had always hated these meetings, but it was extra agonizing that morning. Marinette was in that very building at that very moment. But she wasn't in that room.
Adrien rapidly tapped his foot while he focused the rest of his energy on keeping the remainder of his body painfully still. He had no recollection of any words that were said for the past twenty minutes. He couldn't describe a single slide shown explaining the company's growth.
He needed out of this conference room. He was going feral.
Finally, the meeting broke, and Adrien was free.
He didn't bother with the elevator. He couldn't be trapped somewhere again. Besides, he could move faster on the stairs. Especially when he only took every third step and swung himself around each landing (saving him another 5 steps or so per floor).
He bee-lined it to Marinette's work desk. Just like the day before, she wasn't there. Adrien began wondering if he even had the right desk.
“I'll just make sure to stay in the basement where he'll never see me again.”
Adrien knew where to find Marinette!
He didn't care who caught him this time, he sprinted down the four flights of stairs to the basement. As he exited onto the floor he took a moment to even his quickened breaths. He wasn't sure if they were from the sprint or the anticipation of seeing Marinette again. Either way, he couldn't see Marinette while panting. Like that was the right impression to give!
His breaths once again steady, he checked that his clothes were neat and straight, and his hair was in place.
Now to just oh-so-casually bump (not literally) into Marinette.
The first few rooms he checked were empty. He wondered if maybe Marinette wasn't hiding. Did she take a personal day? She didn't actually move to America, right?
Then he heard muttering within the sample fabrics. His heart fluttered. He had found her.
Her back was again towards the door when he poked his head in. She had an armful of fabrics, and was holding up a sea foam swatch against a pastel teal one, trying to decide which shade to go with.
Adrien leaned casually on the door jamb, hands in his pockets and his ankles crossed.
“Hi. Marinette, right?”
“Gah!” Marinette jumped as she spun around, dropping her fabrics as she pressed herself against the rack of silks behind her.
That didn't go as smoothly as he had planned.
Adrien pulled his hands out of his pockets and held them up non-threateningly. “Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.”
“Didn't you. I mean-I didn't. I mean-you didn't!” She pinched her eyes shut and took a deep breath.
Why was she so cute?
“Oh. That's good.” Why was he dragging out each word?
Come on, Agreste! he berated himself, You know she likes you! Why is this so hard?
It was probably because Adrien had never asked anyone out before. It had always been the other way around. Girls fawning for him. His father dictating who he should date to better improve the brand. That sort of thing.
“Listen, I wanted to ask you–” He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. What if Marinette just bolted again and YOLO-asked yet another coworker out simply to avoid Adrien? He needed to take his shot though. He could do this! “Would you like to have lunch with me?”
Please say 'yes'. Please say 'yes.' Please say 'yes'.
Adrien wasn't sure he'd seen Marinette's eyes grow so large before.
“Uh– Bah– Bluh–?”
Adrien smiled. Throwback to when Chat Noir interrupted Marinette's atrocious date. The two of them seemed to have had a lovely evening after she did that stammering. Maybe this was a good-luck omen or something.
“Is that a yes?” he teased.
Marinette snapped her mouth shut and nodded.
Adrien chuckled. “Great! I know this wonderful little café by the river. What time do you get off for lunch?”
“Tw-tw-tw-tw–” Marinette pinched herself. “Twelve-thirty,” she gasped out.
Adrien checked his watch. It was half-past-eleven. He didn't have to wait too much longer. “Perfect. I'll come back for you in an hour.”
Glancing at the floor, he noticed that he again forced Marinette to drop what she was holding. He quickly scooped up the fabrics and passed them over to her. “See you later, Marinette.”
“Mm-hmm,” she intoned as she nodded. She held out her arms to accept the fabrics Adrien had gathered.
Pivoting on his heels, he gave her a quick wave over his shoulder and strode back out of the room, fighting the impulse to skip away.
He climbed every single stair leading up to his twelfth-floor office. He needed to get out the giddy energy, as well as find a way to kill the next sixty minutes. Even with Adrien pausing every couple of floors to do a mini tap-dance routine in the stairwell, he still only killed about eleven minutes.
The next forty-nine minutes were filled with endless twirls in his desk chair, memorizing the café's menu, non-stop ribbing from Plagg, and probably far more cartwheels than a twenty-something-year-old man should be doing in a business suit and within the confines of a corner office.
** Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know if you want me to tag you on any of my writing updates** @discoveringmiraculouswriters
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professorlegaspi · 14 days
The characters in a PJO AU
Celia: Daughter of Cronos. This is a Big Deal and is the source of conflict in this universe. She arrives at Camp at around the same age as in The Book in the Attic
Maddie: Daughter of Tyche. She’s on the weaker side, but able to balance odds really well. She and Celia met at the Hermes table since neither of their parents have a cabin.
Josh: Son of Ares. Love is war.
Kitt: Centaur and camp storyteller. He’s pretty young so he’s not a leader but he supervises during campfire and Capture the Flag
Heath: Son of Hephaestus, he mans the forge and is the second oldest in his cabin. He comes across as laid back but he’s really good about making sure no one gets hurt in such a fire-prone environment
Audra: clear-sighted mortal and Hunter of Artemis. She arrives in camp later on, effectively as their liaison. Her role among the Hunters is diplomacy
Doxa: Also a Hunter of Artemis, and is Artemis’s representative amongst the council of the Gods. A bit of a bully early on, but she lets up on Celia when she realizes they both want to protect those who are powerless
Quiroz: Son of Hermes, the God of travellers, messengers, thieves, and Psychopomp
Lyerly: Daughter of Apollo, specializes in truth and prophecy, eventually becomes the Oracle of Camp when they let the attic mummy pass on
Casimir: Son of Zeus, and feels entitled because of it
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chubs-deuce · 1 year
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@doodlingbot and I have known each other for a bit over half a decade by now and I honestly cannot overstate how grateful I am to have them in my life and how proud and honored I feel that I get to count them among my closest friends. The hundreds, if not thousands of hours of comfortable companionship I've gotten to share with them is something I don't take for granted and will hold very dear to my heart until the end of time.
I love you so much buddy, no romo <3
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drawbudd · 1 month
who could this be??
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Been practicing my Minecraft style again and doodled the lad <3
[THERE SHE ISSSSSSSSS!!! Celina looks super cute in your style, Cam!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! I love your blocky style so much! ;0;
Thank you for this lovely piece of Celina, I adore it so much!!!]
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winnie & bagel
#corned beef#winston billions#philosophizing on my wynnstannery ''billions' accidental autistic character'' metanalysis style like#classic prank that there's a perspective that [autistic people = people both involuntarily and voluntarily worse than us(tm)] and yet then:#there is me an autistic person getting to lift these weights & hone the ability to look at this & how to use language around it#from those earliest origins of ''is tayston allowed'' to ''is saying winston is Autistic allowed''....call it quantentative#and the fact that from season four up to this very moment even the distribution of billions canon has in itself done an unimpeachible job#at enhancing the Literary Themes concurrent in my life. studio laughter & standing ovation#anyways it also meant realizing a whole like Genre / Movement in the oeuvre of my funny little drawings of a funny little guy for kicks#such that expands that oeuvre to better reconcile / resolve with my metaquantanalysis#and it's like going [making oil paintings of interior domestic scenes] mode lol. hell yeah#that is: the genre of ''a winston portrait that doesn't have; need; or ask for the implicit context that Anyone Else Cares or May Care''#making it: ordinary and self-contained. not even ''by himself & having a particularly good or bad time.'' just an ordinary time.#tasks & situations that need not transcend anything at all. like yes having a bagel is a delight & a gift but it's in an Ordinary context#still here. scratch an itch. keep cat from knocking over showerside soaps. could be having an especial good time in any way but again such#that it needn't transcend or suggest it prompts any particular response from anyone else#that Self-Containment like [the void] of allistic ppl like ''the definition of ppl's autistacity: bringing it upon themself'' versus like#intergalactic multiuniverse quantum superpositions brain understanding of autistic ppl keeping to themselves#very much [we are not the same] perspectives lol. like working around to Getting the shit one was up to at like 3 or 7 or w/e yrs old#like but now i have all the language for why that's how things go for me & why it's Not [all the time / energy / language from others about#why that's wrong & worse & you bring it upon yourself etc]....like [you were nonbinary the whole time & still are but now Know Shit & can#convey &/or reject things w/nonzero / more precise language about it]....hand on shoulder nobody values you On Merit. & then you die.#wanting to draw some last night but it wasn't coming along great but it still came along Okay enough for this lol....also classic#going ''wow can't believe i might get to bear witness to them crumpling up winston & using the wall as backboard to toss him in the trash''#after ''can't believe kompenso's electrifying / can't believe we're just in time for season 4 / can't believe i was here til june'' etc#can't believe winston might get an arc / can't believe winston didn't get an arc but still got an abusive relationship / can't believe#being a funny little peripheral guy is better for Character b/c of what the writing doesn't inflict & the space that frees up....#anyways a true reconciliting revelation for my Quantent like oh This is the context that's not like swimming upstream#b/c it's also the context that [winston doesn't have to Merit(tm) being recognized as a person / would it be ''good'' if he seemingly did]#like the distilledly good timeline is one where nobody cares and he still gets to have a bagel and wear headphones.
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lethargic-lavender · 5 months
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polar ❄️
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note-boom · 1 year
Okay but when Ranpo told the audience that they were the angels and how the staged murder was about a reversal of roles, that was so Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint of it, I -
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aeoneri · 1 year
Till Death Do Us Part
A week of awkward, sweet, and even stressful moments before the big day.
– A “What We Don’t See” One-Shot. The story events happen immediately after the fourth one-shot, Your Past, My Present, Our Future up to the beginning of the final chapter of What We Don't See.
Mirabel had her hands full. 
The expectant feeling was far greater than what she had experienced when Antonio turned five. Maybe because then, she had been delegated to the sidelines to avoid stepping on the family's toes. Mirabel had wished for her own miracle, and they were answered a few days after. The family was reunited with her Tío Bruno, the problems with the cracks acknowledged and faced, and she became the hero that mended the family back together. 
Change was new and unfamiliar, but this time she was the one pulling the reins. 
"Mi bebé, are you sure about this?" Julieta asked Mirabel after the rest of the family retired for the night. The tension and uncertainty from earlier in the day rendered everyone exhausted, though there was something good that came out of it all. 
"I'm positive, Mamá," Mirabel assured her with a grin. "It's the least I could do."
Julieta cracked a small smile at her daughter's enthusiasm. It had been a decade long wait, but the light at the end of the tunnel beamed brighter than before. It was as the planets aligned and the world became right again when Gabriela, their closest friend, returned, just as the last piece of Casa Madrigal was put into place. There weren’t enough tears of joy to shed before the two lovers broke the news in the presence of the people they love the most.
A wedding. The very one that they had so rightfully deserved.
It was the very definition of madness and insanity to have it held in a week’s time, but it wasn’t far off for the pair. Everyone knew they had always been the most unique Madrigal couple the whole of Encanto had ever seen. The thought made Julieta chuckle which earned her a curious glance from Mirabel. “Why are you laughing, Mamá? Did you think of something funny?”
“I did,“ Julieta mused, pulling Mirabel close into a hug which she returned as fiercely. “I was thinking about how short of a time we have to get everything ready. You’ll have a lot on your plate, Mira, and it’s crazy.”
“I don’t think it’s very much crazy as it is just wanting not to waste any more time? They have been planning this for years, haven't they?”
“Mmm, that’s true. But still, it’s a lot of work for just one person.”
Mirabel blinked up from her mother’s warm hands. “I’m just the coordinator who’ll wrangle all the details together. It’ll be a family affair after all, and I promise we’ll make it the best day of their lives.”
Julieta nodded with a faraway look in her eyes. “Just don’t push yourself too hard, ok?” 
“Don’t worry, Mamá, I won’t. I’m honored they’ve asked me to do this for them.” Mirabel replied sweetly, hoping it’ll ease her mother’s worries. “Anyway, it’s getting late. I’m going off to bed since I have an early morning tomorrow. What about you?”
“You go on ahead, mija. I still have some things to finish here.”
“Okay. ¡Buenas noches, Mamá!” 
“Buenas noches. Duerme bien, mi corazón.” Julieta replied, giving her youngest one last squeeze before watching Mirabel bound up the stairs to her room. For a brief moment Julieta swore she saw golden butterflies of light surrounding her, their shimmering wings fluttering about before disappearing into the night.
The next few days were heavy with the flurry of activity. Each morning Mirabel left Casita right after breakfast, running a few quick errands before making her way to a small music shop nestled at the edge of the shopping district. She had been in the store many times before, often to buy new sheet music to learn or have her accordion tuned, but recently her visits had more to do with what the town dubbed as the “Wedding of the Century”.
“Buenos días, Tía!”
A woman with caramel skin and striking green eyes was quietly puttering about when Mirabel entered, greeting her with a wide smile. She beamed at the young teen, a radiant smile growing ever wider. “Oh, Mirabel!” Gabriela quickly motioned Mirabel to set her bag down and offered her a seat. “I wasn’t expecting you to come by so early today.”
“Oh, you know how it’s normal for the family to start the day bright and early.” Mirabel teased with an amused grin. “I almost forgot, this is for you!” She hands Gabriela the warm paper bag of pan de queso that she had stashed as a surprise. “The days have been quite hectic since there’s only five days till the wedding, so I thought to give you a nice pick-me-up.”
“Aw, thank you, Mirabel.” Gabriela gingerly opened the package, releasing the comforting scent into the air. “These look so inviting! Let me get you a cup of café and we can talk more about the details over some snacks.”
Once the coffee had been poured and served, the two began discussing the finer points of the upcoming nuptials. The centerpieces and decorations would be arranged by Isabela, who had agreed to decorate the church and the reception with beautiful flowers — provided they let her wing some unique plants in the mix.
“I promise there will be no carnivorous ones!” Isabela insisted. Mirabel feared that it would be the case, but the bride was willing to let her experiment. In the end, Mirabel had no choice but to begrudgingly agree.
Mirabel’s Tía Pepa had begun practicing controlling her tears to avoid raining down on her best friend’s special day, though Bruno looked horrified every time his sister looked his way with a grin that seemed like scheming. 
“I swear Pepa might get back at me for her ruined wedding.” Bruno would grumble in the middle of fitting for his guayabera. “She’s scheming, kid.”
It was likely, but Mirabel had planned back-ups upon back-ups just in case, one of which involved Luisa setting up a tent to shield everyone from an expected downpour.
Mirabel’s strongest sister was also the one who volunteered to create a new mantilla for their Tía Gabriela, which was a small but welcome surprise to everyone that Luisa had finally learned to embrace her softer side. Gabriela had seen the sample, and she cried at how beautiful it was with its intricate and delicate lacing.
“So, that’s what we’ve completed so far.” Mirabel concluded, their cups now empty and bellies a little bit full. “Dolores and Mariano are working on the program flow, which I am leaving them to do…” She made a face before continuing. “And Antonio said his animal friends would like to make a performance to start off the party after.”
“I’m sure Dolores and Mariano are taking this seriously, Mira.” Gabriela’s eyes twinkled. “And I can’t wait to see little Tonio and his friends dancing.” She clasped a hand under her chin and tapped on the list between them both. “So since those are settled, the items left on the list would be the serenade, which I know your Tío must be sweating with, the cake and the gold coins for the padre to bless.”
“I can get the last two arranged, Tía.” Mirabel winked. “Leave them to me.”
Elsewhere, Bruno found himself struggling with preparing his serenata. Mirabel had done an excellent job with the wedding planning with the rest of the family and even a few townsfolk, but this one was something she couldn’t help him with. So he dragged his brother-in-laws to help him as a one, tiny favor.
They had been stuck at their wits end for hours.
“Why are you stressing out over this, hermano? The serenata should be the last thing on your to-do list.” Félix said, watching Bruno pace back and forth. “Most men would be worrying about their vows first.”
“But I’ve already completed my vows,” Bruno muttered in response. “Also, most men don’t feel the pressure of having to impress their brides…whose entire family are well-known musicians.”
Bruno’s deadpan tone broke Félix’s composure and he laughed so hard that his voice echoed throughout the house. “Ay, Bruno, you never cease to amaze me.” He wheezed. “Of course you’d have the vows ready.”
“Oye, I think his concerns are genuinely valid,” Agustín interjected, looking through his record collection for some ideas. “We didn’t get a chance to do the serenata the first time around.”
“Man, you’ll do great though.” Félix waved a hand nonchalantly. “Whatever you pick, I’m sure Gabriela would like it.”
Bruno scratched the back of his neck in frustration, his hand itching to throw salt and knock on every wooden surface known to man, but he refrained. “That’s the problem, though. I don’t know what to pick. I know she’ll enjoy whatever song we perform, but I just can’t shake the feeling of wanting this to be perfect. If my vows convey how I truly feel about her,” He selected his words thoughtfully while carefully taking out a piece of paper from his breast pocket. “The song has to do so, too.”
The paper was worn with multiple creases that seemed like it had been in his pockets for more than a decade. Bruno held it like it was the most fragile china. “I’ve had this for way longer, even before I asked her to marry me the first time around. I did change a few lines though, while I was hiding away, and added a new one when we both came back recently.”
Bruno looked wistful and Félix thought he could pull a fast one to take the sheet off Bruno’s hands. He reached out to grab it, but Bruno instinctively dodged from Félix’s grasp. “What the hell, Félix? Careful with that!”
“Come on, hermano. The easiest way for us to figure out the perfect song is if you read out your vows! What’s on it?”
“No way, Félix! For a romantic I thought you’d get the gist just as is. Anyway, you’ll hear it at the church in a few days.”
“Pepa is different from Gabriela, and therefore I can’t help you until we know what feelings you want to convey!”
“They’re both women!”
“Different women! Just a quick peek?”
Agustín watched in amusement as the two men became locked in what could only be described as an intricate dance. Every time Félix thought he had Bruno cornered, the lithe man would somehow slide his way out. Agustín’s eyes glanced over the wall clock, knowing that his daughter may come home soon unless he intervened.
“Miércoles, we won’t get anything done this way.” He coughed, making both Félix and Bruno stop their roughhousing to look at him. Finally catching their attention, Agustín proceeded with a possible solution to their conundrum. “Okay, okay, how about this? Bruno, maybe you can just share the essence of what’s on your vows with us? That way Félix and I could get the idea, and you don’t have to divulge everything. It’s a win-win.”
“The essence?” Bruno contemplated for a bit.
“As you said, Félix here is the resident romantic, and if you’re able to paint a picture for us he’d be able to decode it like the suave lover that he is.”
Félix grinned while the seer made a face. “I don’t want to think about what kind of suave lover he is around my sister. Alright, I’ll try to put my thoughts into it so I could wipe out that mental image.”
Bruno proceeded to tell them the thoughts that’s been on his mind, from the very first moment he laid his eyes on his beloved up to the day he had lost her. He poured his heart, no doubt stunning anyone within hearing range of his sheer devotion to the woman who he can’t wait to spend the rest of his days with.
There was a short moment of silence when Bruno finished, before Félix clapped, soft and slow. It became a full-fledged applause and there were tears in his eyes, like he just listened to the world’s best play. “That is so beautiful it’s making me cry,” He sobbed and shared a knowing look with Agustín. “Great idea, Gus. I think we have just the song in mind for that.”
Camilo stared at the girls’ fussing about with a bored expression plastered on his face. He knew the wedding was in three days’ time, but he had plans with a few of his friends that afternoon to play futbol. He had hoped he would be granted leave after the backbreaking work Mirabel had put him through previously.
“What backbreaking work are you talking about? You were just eating cake!” Dolores argued, pinching her brother’s cheeks. “Imagine, Mariano caught you stuffing your face with Tía Julieta’s cooking!”
“Ouch!” Camilo groaned, rubbing his sore face after swatting his sister’s hands away. “You would think it was just me eating cake, but I had to stretch my stomach for it!” He retorted with a sullen expression. “I don’t have the same sweet-tooth as Señor Osvaldo.”
“That isn’t backbreaking. Lifting heavy objects is!”
“I lifted multiple trays for Tía! And helped Isa with her plants!”
“Don’t you drag me into this, Camilo!” Isabela rolled her eyes at her cousin, unamused. “We all know you sneaked away after I asked you to carry the small cactus pots in. And, you didn’t even comment properly on the look of the arrangement. At least Luisa had something to say.” 
“Well, I’m sorry for not being so useful to the conversation.” Camilo bristled. “I have no idea what flowers and plants look good together and whatnot. And, isn’t Tío Bruno allergic to them?”
“Pollen! He’s allergic to pollen!”
“Same thing.”
“No it’s not…you little…!”
“Okay, timeout.” Mirabel stopped Isabela from lunging towards Camilo and strangling him to death. “How about I make a deal with you?”
“What?” Dolores and Isabela screeched in unison.
Camilo ignored the two older girls and raised one eyebrow at Mirabel. “Hm, I’m interested. What’s in it for me?”
“I’ll take all of your chores for the next week if you help out with this one thing.” Mirabel offered, extending her hand. “No detours, then you’re free to do whatever.”
“Are you insane, Mirabel? It’s not worth it.” Dolores tried in vain to persuade her to not take the gamble. “You can’t possibly let him leave like that, can you? He’s just going to play futbol!”
Isabela nodded furiously. “Seconding the statement. He has a lot of unfinished work, and you’re already doing much more than the rest of us.”
“It’s okay, I’d rather take the chance.” Mirabel replied calmly. “I signed up for this. We don’t have enough time to put his usual shenanigans into the mix. So, what do you say, Milo? Do we have a deal?”
The contemplative look on Camilo’s face changed into a shit-eating grin. “Sweet. It’s a deal.” He shook Mirabel’s hand with such energy, making the rest suspicious of his intentions. “So, what do you want me to do?”
“A death sentence.” Isabela mumbled at the same time Dolores crossed her arms and clicked her tongue in disapprovement. Mirabel shrugged the disappointed expressions off and procured thirteen coins from the inside of her mochilla. She gingerly handed it off into Camilo’s open palms. 
“Okay?” He looked at her questioningly. “These are a bunch of coins. What am I supposed to do with this?” 
“Quite simple. Can you pass by the chapel and hand these off to Padre Flores?” She answered coolly. “It’s for Las Arras. You don’t have to do anything else after that. The padre will take care of the rest.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
His eyes turned into tiny slits. “Are you sure you’re not playing any tricks on me, prima? Because if you do, the deal’s off.”
“So after that I’m free to go?”
“Absolutely.” Mirabel solemnly nodded. “Just, you know, be careful with them, okay? And it has to be delivered before six.”
“Okay then.” Camilo saluted, turning his back to walk out the door. “I’ll see you all later then.”
Before he could exit, Dolores gripped her brother’s arm tightly. “Go straight to the church first before doing whatever.” She hissed, tapping her ear as a threat. “We’ll know if you didn’t.”
In annoyance, Camilo haphazardly crammed the coins into his pockets. “Alright, alright!” He groaned as he shook his sister off. “Get the coins safe to the padre. Geez, Dolores, it’s like you think I’m doomed or something.”
The girls watched as Camilo ran off, leaping over the fence and disappearing into town. “He’s going to get himself into trouble, you know that, don’t you?” Isabela sighed. “For all we know he might scather the coins all over town and turn it into one, big, treasure hunt.”
“I have no doubt that that’s very likely.” Mirabel turned her attention back to her notepad. “But it’ll be his problem, not ours. He can handle it.”
“You seem so confident that it’ll happen.”
“Mirabel’s not far-off, though.” Dolores interjected with her doe eyes wide. “Maybe this will finally teach him a lesson.”
The sun was starting to set when Camilo remembered the coins.
He had been a little spooked by his sister’s threat, knowing that she would most likely tattle him to their mother. Triggering lightning storms and getting grounded were enough to keep him on track for the first fifteen minutes, before he bumped into a friend who was on his way to the fields.
Then the threat was all but forgotten, and Camilo spent his entire afternoon playing with his friends, just as he had planned before everything else. Only with the ringing of the church bells to signal the approaching time jogged the memory of his quest. Saying a quick goodbye, he made his way quickly back into town, before realizing his pockets felt lighter than usual. His face paled when he reached his hand in and found them empty.
The urge to panic immediately kicked in and it took all of his energy to not break down in the middle of the road. “Okay, Camilo, don’t panic.” He chanted to himself as he retraced his steps. “You did not lose the valuable gold coins for your Tío’s wedding. It probably fell somewhere on the way and you would be able to find them as long as you recall where you’ve been. No one in town would dare take them or tell on you. Mamá isn’t going to ban you from leaving the house until you’re sixty.” Camilo patted his pockets down again, hoping it wasn’t a fluke. “Scratch that, I’m dead. Why did I forget that these pants needed to be mended?”
He was too busy worrying that he did not notice where he was going and bumped into someone, hard. “Hey!” They shouted. “Watch where you’re going…Camilo?”
Camilo froze. He knew that tone and the tell-tale rumble of thunder. He mentally kicked himself and tried to keep his cool, but failed miserably. “Mami, uh, hi!” He stammered. Why now, when he was in the middle of a crisis, would he bump into his mother? “Sorry, I wasn’t looking at where I was going. What are you doing here?”
Pepa stared at her son confusingly, the cloud above her head dissipating. “That’s an odd question. You know I went to run some errands this afternoon. Where are you going off in such a hurry? I taught you better to watch both ways when crossing…”
“It’s nothing!” Camilo felt the beads of sweat trickling down the side of his forehead. He knew he would be in a lot more trouble if his mother found out the truth right there and then. Camilo did not have enough time - the time for Angelus was fast approaching.  He needed to shake her off his back. “I, uh, also needed to run an errand.”
Pepa looked at him skeptically. Something was off, but she decided not to pry. “Alright then.” She said after a long while, turning on her heels to go about her way. “Do what you need to do right now and I’ll see you back home in a bit. You know you’re going to join your Tío to do the serenata happening later tonight, so please don’t be late.”
“Yes, I got it Ma, Will definitely be on time later!” Camilo was desperate at this point that he was sure his spirit was separating from his body. He sprinted away without another word, leaving poor Pepa wondering what the hell was happening.
“You’d think something shiny would be so easy to find, but no.” Camilo huffed, clutching his chest. It had been an hour since he realized he lost the coins, and close to thirty minutes when he escaped a potential questioning from his mother. He had scoured every nook and cranny known to man, but with no luck. “Maybe I should just give up and face the consequences.”
The rest of the townsfolk passing by looked at him weird as he slapped his cheeks and gave himself another pep talk. “No, this is my chance to show everyone that I can be responsible. Plus, if I give up now, I’ll not only be grounded for the rest of my days, I’ll lose the opportunity to get Mirabel to do my chores for a week.” With renewed determination, Camilo went back to searching. “If I were a bunch of shiny, gold coins, where would I be…?”
“Excuse me, what are you doing?” 
Camilo turned to see three little kids staring at him. “Why are you crawling on your hands and feet on the ground?” One of the little girls asked. 
“Maybe he’s looking for something, Cecilia.” The other girl answered. “Did you lose something, Camilo?”
“I lost something the other day too!” The boy in their small group spoke. “I cried when I couldn’t find my favorite coffee cup, but it turned out that my Papá misplaced it somewhere.”
Cecilia rolled her eyes at the boy. “Juancho, I don’t think that's what Alejandra meant. Camilo isn’t searching for a coffee cup.”
“Woah there, you three.” Camilo raised his hands to placate the little ones. “No need to get all huffy at one another. I was just looking closer at the ground, that's all. It’s interesting.”
The trio turned to look at one another. “I don’t think it’s very good to lie.” Alejandra quipped. “My abuela says liars’ pants will catch fire.”
Camilo sighed, knowing that there was no point to trick them. “Fine, I did lose something. Something valuable.” He did not want to be embarrassed by a five year old. “I’ve been looking for a while and there’s not enough time.”
“Maybe we can help?” Juancho jumped up and down all excitedly. “I’m really good at finding things!”
“Like how you found your coffee cup?” Cecilia teased.
“My dad misplaced it!”
“Okay, okay. No arguing.” He pinched the bridge of his nose to get his thoughts in order, and an idea clicked. “I’ll agree to have you three help me out if you behave. What do you say to a treasure hunt?”
He had to cover his ears for a bit due to the high-pitched squealing. “A treasure hunt?” They screamed excitedly. “Like buried treasure?” 
“Not quite buried, but they are indeed shiny. They’re for the upcoming wedding.”
Juancho’s eyes grew big like saucers. “You mean for THE wedding?” He grabbed both Cecilia’s and Alejandra’s hands and dragged them off to start looking. “Then there’s no time to waste! Let’s go find it immediately, Camilo!”
It was half past six when Camilo showed up at the church with the three in tow. He had gotten himself into his fair share of mess today which would not have happened had he followed through. Instead he and the little ones chased after donkeys and climbed trees and even fell into a pit just to get the coins back. Who knew that it could travel far when falling out of one’s pockets?
The padre didn’t look too pleased that the coins were a little muddy, but took them nonetheless. “I had been expecting you to come by earlier, Camilo.” Padre Flores chided gently. “But all is well and done now. I’ll let the Doña know that it has been delivered for blessing.”
Camilo felt like he missed something. “You’re not angry at me?”
“Heavens no!” The padre looked surprised. “Why would I be?”
The teen shifted on his heels and gestured to the trio apologetically. “I messed up, padre. My cousin made a deal with me, but I got distracted and didn’t hold up to my end of the bargain. If it weren’t for them I would’ve gone home empty handed and maybe in a lot more trouble.”
Camilo squeaked when the priest patted him gently on the shoulder, his tone full of understanding. “Son, we all make mistakes in life, but what is important is that we learned something from it. I hope you don’t take this lesson for granted.”
“I did learn something, I guess.” Camilo felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Padre Flores nodded as he straightened his cassock. “Thank you for your honesty. I am glad you’re setting a good example for them.”
“I’m not sure about that, but thanks?”
“It’ll take some time.” The priest laughed. “I’ll see you and your family soon for the wedding. Well then, I believe you better get going, we’re looking forward to Bruno’s serenata later tonight.”
“Ah, shoot! Mamá is going to kill me if I’m late!” Camilo groaned and took off back to Casita. “Thanks padre! And thanks for the help you three! I’ll play with you guys again sometime!”
“You’re late.” Félix scolded his son when Camilo rushed through the door, panting and dripping with sweat. “Your Mamá had half a thought to ground you, but thankfully your sister persuaded her not to.”
Dolores smirked as she coolly handed her younger brother a towel to dry himself and his costume for tonight’s serenata. “What can I say? How else would you be able to keep up with your promises?”
Camilo’s face fell. “Please tell me you didn’t let Mami know.”
“Know what?” Félix asked, before Mirabel came calling for them to get themselves ready. “Nevermind. We can discuss whatever you both are talking about after the parties this week.”
The two siblings watched their father’s bouncing frame leave the room. “I’ll babysit Antonio for the next week if you don’t tell our parents about my mishap this afternoon.” Camilo whispered under his breath. “Deal?”
“If you add in helping me pick out outfits for my dates with Mariano and also not make a stupid face every time he's around, then we have a deal.” Dolores whispered back. “Consider it payment for telling the padre ahead of time that you’d be late.”
“When the heck did you even find the time to do that?” Camilo hissed. “Did you three know all this time I would mess up?”
“Ah, ah! Not at all. It was Mirabel who told me to call the padre up. She noticed you were wearing the pants that needed mending, and thought you’d realize it immediately, but I guess not.” Dolores covered her mouth to suppress a smile. “The deal should be off, but she said she’ll let it slide. Although, she did say she would hound you forever with it.”
“I would rather do the chores than have her rub my face with it.”
“Nah, that’s no fun though.” Mirabel poked her head by the door, startling Camilo. “Anyway, there you are. No time for chitchat, Milo, Tío’s ready to head off.”
Gabriela was enjoying a quiet evening with her family when a knock at their door caught her attention. “Who could be here at this hour?” She bemused, slowly getting up from her seat to check. “You weren’t expecting any guests, were you, Papá? Julián?”
Mauricio and his son shook their heads, pretending to act as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “Nope.” They answered in unison, which she found odd.
In fact, everyone had been acting strange all day. 
Mirabel had dropped by earlier at the shop like she always did, but left as quickly as she came, simply dropping off a dress that she made with a note that read: wear this later . Then when Gabriela arrived home, she was flustered to see her sister-in-law cooking something up. She wouldn’t have thought much of it on any normal day, but Lucía was making more food enough to feed an army.
Then Julián had quickly ushered Juancho into the bedroom to change when her nephew arrived home all muddied. She had an inkling that something was up, but knowing her wedding was only two days away, thought nothing much of it.
Until she opened the door and found the Madrigal men dressed to the nines, down to the shoes up to the sombrero vueltiao on their heads. Félix stood there beaming with glee while Agustín and Camilo tipped their hats.
“What’s going on?” She squeaked, covering her face to calm her red cheeks. Gabriela fought the urge to burst into tears when Bruno appeared behind them, and started to sing.
Tus besos se llegaron a recrear aquí en mi boca
Llenando de ilusión y de pasión mi vida loca
Las horas más felices de mi amor fueron contigo
Por eso, es que mi alma siempre está, qué dulce alivio
Félix swayed along while strumming the tiple. Agustín masterfully crafted the melodies on the piano that funnily enough, Luisa was carrying. Camilo provided backup vocals while his Tío belted out the next line.  
Te puedo yo jurar, ante un altar, mi amor sincero
A todo el mundo le puedes contar que sí te quiero
Tus labios me enseñaron a sentir lo que es ternura
Y no me cansaré de bendecir tanta dulzura
Bruno took Gabriela’s hand and kissed it as he finished his song. “Te amo, mi sol, mi cielo, mi vida. I hope I did the song justice.” She was stunned into silence for a long time and everyone held their breath waiting for her response.
“I’m so sorry…” Bruno flustered when she began to cry. “I know I’m not much of a singer, but…”
“Oh, Bruno, no, no.” Gabriela shook her head, placing a hand on her beloved’s cheek. “I’m just…so…happy!”
“You are? But…?”
She leaned forward to give him a kiss, making the crowd that gathered outside to watch the serenata cheer with delight. “These are just tears of joy. I wasn’t expecting this surprise…”
Now it was Bruno’s turn to be embarrassed. “Heh, um, I didn’t have the chance to do it back then, you know? I thought that since it’s a new beginning, I’d do right by you this time.”
Gabriela knew all too well what he meant. Bruno gestured to the rest of his family. “A song couldn’t fully express what I feel, but I hope you know that I’ll always try to be the man worthy of you.”
They were about to share another kiss before Félix broke the moment. “Okay, lovebirds!” he whistled. “Sorry to intrude on your sweet atmosphere, but are we going to get this party started, or not?”
Right on cue, Mauricio and Julián appeared with their own instruments, signaling the start of the festivities. Bruno grinned sheepishly as he whispered into her ear. “Gabriela Álvarez, may I have this dance?”
The night before the big day felt like a bundle of nerves twisting and turning in a million different ways. Gabriela knew just how much the entire Encanto banded together with Mirabel at the helm, to let her and Bruno have the moment they both longed for.
The thought of tomorrow consumed her so much that Gabriela found herself lying in bed, just staring at the ceiling. She had attempted to sleep multiple times throughout the night but without avail. 
“It’s probably just the pre-wedding jitters.” She told herself.
As the minutes ticked by, Gabriela’s mind began to wander. She started reminiscing about the past, about how her family came to live in the quiet, magical town that was hidden from the world. She remembered the chance meeting that happened by the river and the almost awkward dinner party a few nights after, to where she finally met the Madrigals and the mystery man who eventually stole her heart away.
She finally felt tired enough that her eyelids were starting to get heavy when a loud knock at her window startled her awake. 
“Mi amor? It’s me. Can you let me in?”
Gabriela almost fell off the bed. Bruno’s voice, though muffled by the glass, was clear. Wondering what he was doing at her house so late at night, she quickly unlatched the lock to let him in. “What are you doing here?” She hissed, squeezing her eyes shut. It was reminiscent of their early years together when he snuck out to see her. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“I can’t sleep.” Bruno answered matter-of-factly. Gabriela could not see the expression on his face, and she didn’t dare to. “For someone so superstitious, I didn’t expect you to break the biggest rule of them all.” She whispered, covering her face with her hands to quell the temptation to peek. “Isn’t it bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other the night before their wedding?”
“They say it is, but I wanted to see you.”
“We’re getting married tomorrow.”
“I know, but I couldn’t wait that long.” Bruno murmured. “There I was, in my room, just thinking about you. All I could think about was you, and it drove me crazy that I just needed to go, so I got up and snuck out. I’m glad I came.”
The confession made Gabriela drop her guard and her hands fell to her sides, though she kept her eyes closed. “Bruno…”
She felt something soft brush her lips. It was brief, but it made her face heat up. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” He sighed, sounding every bit lovestruck. 
“Do you want to stay over?” The words spilled out of Gabriela’s mouth before she could even stop herself. “I mean, at least before…”
Bruno chuckled. “If you want me to. And just so we won’t get in trouble with Mirabel or the rest of the family, I promise to be out before morning.”
“Okay then.” Gabriela felt her heart skip a beat. She cautiously took a peep, and thankfully, the room was dark enough that she could not see anything but his curls. She gingerly reached for his hand and guided him to her bed. The butterflies in her stomach dissipated the moment his arms wrapped around her waist, and a wave of comfort washed over her once more.
“I love you.” He whispered in her ear, low and deep, laced with sleep. “Tomorrow will be the start of our forever.”
The moment the church doors opened and she walked down the aisle, Bruno knew there was nothing else in the world that could compare to that feeling of bliss. He had his worries beforehand, but it all disappeared the moment he laid his eyes on her. He didn’t even care when he suddenly had a vision in the middle of the ceremony, because he saw the future, as he predicted years ago. 
When it came time to read their vows, Gabriela tried her best to hold back her tears as her beloved made his promise to her on the altar.
“I remember the day I first saw you.” Bruno began, his voice wavering with emotion. “And I thought to myself that you were an angel that had descended from the heavens. I fell in love with you, but I didn’t know until that day when the light danced around your eyes, with your smile so sweet as you followed the melody like you’ve known it a million times before.”
Recognition showed in her eyes as she listened to his words, and relieved the memories hidden in his heart.
“My beloved, as I stand here today, I am reminded how you are the gift that I never thought I needed, the one I’ve always thought I never deserved.”
“But you do, Bruno.” Gabriela whispered, her eyes shining. “And I needed you too.”
With trembling hands Bruno reached over and slipped the wedding band into Gabriela’s finger. “Gabriela, what we don’t see is the feeling in our hearts, the joy, the pain, the sorrow. I knew before we met that there would be something coming my way, even if I didn’t know when. And when you came into my life everything changed, for better or for worse, I would gladly live all of my lifetimes with you.”
“And I too would very much like that.” A tear finally escaped her cheek as she placed a ring into Bruno’s finger. “You came into my life without any warning, but everything fell into place. We had our fair share of laughter, of trouble, of years that felt like forever. Even then, it never changed how I feel about you. It made me realize that we may be flawed, but we are two people who brought out the best in each other.”
“You’re my kind of perfect, Gabriela. If you’ll have me, I’ll promise to be there surely as the day turns into night. I love you. All of you.”
“I promise to hold you, Bruno, to be by your side, through the good and the bad. All of your past, in my present, to our future. I love you too. All of you.”
There was not a dry eye in sight as the sounds of muffled sobs echoed throughout the church. Padre Flores cleared his throat, trying hard not to break down himself. He’d seen his fair share of emotional weddings, but this one took the cake. “Bruno Madrigal,” The padre questioned. “Do you take this woman, Gabriela Álvarez, to be your lawfully wedded wife, till death do you part?” 
“Till death do us part.” Bruno breathed. “I do.”
“Gabriela Álvarez, do you take this man, Bruno Madrigal, to be your lawfully wedded husband, till death do you part?”
Gabriela nodded, her composure now flooded with a stream of happy tears. “Till death do us part, Padre. I do take Bruno. I do. I do!”
The world drowned itself out even before the last words were pronounced, and they couldn't care less as Bruno and Gabriela kissed, finally, husband and wife.
Two Months Later
“Ay, I’m feeling exhausted lately.” Gabriela muttered as Bruno flitted about, pacing nervously around the kitchen. “Bruno insisted that you take a closer look at me.”
Julieta shook her head and handed her an arepa and a cup of hot chocolate. “I’m no doctor, though, Ella.” She said, calling Gabriela by the nickname she and Pepa gave her as an official member of the Madrigal family. “But from the way I see you, you look like you’re practically glowing.”
“I am?”
The question hung in the air as Dolores looked up from her cup, listening into their conversation. “It’s more than that, Tía.” She tapped her ear. “You’re probably pregnant.”
“Wait, what?” Bruno skidded himself to a halt and turned around too quickly that both his wife and sister clicked their tongues disapprovingly. He had no time to worry about whiplash if it meant his prediction would be coming true. “Gabriela’s pregnant?”
“When did you last…?” Julieta asked as Gabriela’s eyes grew wider in realization. They both glanced down at Gabriela’s belly, which looked flat…or did it?
“I didn’t think much of it when I didn’t…” Gabriela gasped, her hands flying to cradle her abdomen. “I thought I was…” She and Bruno exchanged glances. It explained everything she had been feeling lately if she was.
Julieta didn’t wait for an answer. “Congratulations!” She clapped her hands in glee. “If Dolores can hear them, it must mean you are. Oh, wait till the rest of the family finds out! I should prepare something nice for dinner tonight to celebrate…though, I can’t let you have wine, Ella!”
“Bruno?” Gabriela blinked back as he knelt down to her side and kissed her belly. “Can you believe it? It’s happening!”
He gave her a sweet smile and reached out to squeeze her hands. “I’m just as shocked as you are. The vision is finally coming true!”
“A baby!”
“Ours.” Bruno stood up to plant a chaste kiss on her lips. “We’ll do our best to be the best parents for our baby.”
Dolores then snorted and everyone turned to look at her funny. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to break the happy vibe.” She waved a hand away. “But I thought it would be funny to let you know that it’s not just one baby. It’s babies.”
Bruno’s smile suddenly turned into one of panic. “Babies…?” He had not thought of the possibility of having more than one, knowing his and Gabriela’s age. His vision from years before and even two months ago only showed one. “Dolores, how many heartbeats do you hear…?”
His niece cocked her head to the side, concentrating hard. “Two…?” She hedged, before covering her mouth in surprise. “Oh, no, wait. Three! I hear three! You’re having triplets! Congratulations!”
“Three? Oh, then we must be quite lucky, don’t you think, Bruno?” Gabriela sighed dreamily, turning her head towards her husband before quickly scrambling off her chair where she sat. “Bruno? Bruno!”
The shock of suddenly being a father of not one, but THREE made Bruno faint. It was more than what he had hoped for, but soon the memory would be something he would never, ever, forget.
Glossary of terms (in order of appearance in-text): Duerme bien - Sleep well Guayabera - a men's summer shirt Serenata - Serenade. Part of the common Colombian Wedding preparations where the groom surprises the bride with a song. Futbol - Football (or Soccer, in the US) Mochilla - Colombian woven bag made by the Wayúu women in the Guajira region of Colombia. Las Arras - wedding paraphernalia used in Christian wedding ceremonies in Latin America. It is made up of thirteen gold coins that is blessed by a priest and is given by the groom to the bride. Sombrero Vueltiao - a traditional hat from Colombia
The following are the lyrics of Contigo by Trío Los Panchos Tus besos se llegaron a recrear aquí en mi boca - Your kisses came to recreate here in my mouth Llenando de ilusión y de pasión mi vida loca - Filling my crazy life with illusion and passion Las horas más felices de mi amor fueron contigo - The happiest hours of my love were with you Por eso, es que mi alma siempre está, qué dulce alivio - That's why my soul is always there, what a sweet relief Te puedo yo jurar, ante un altar, mi amor sincero - I can swear to you, before an altar, my sincere love A todo el mundo le puedes contar que sí te quiero - You can tell everyone that I love you Tus labios me enseñaron a sentir lo que es ternura - Your lips taught me to feel what tenderness is Y no me cansaré de bendecir tanta dulzura - And I will not get tired of blessing so much sweetness
-- Research links for this chapter: Colombian Wedding Traditions
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dcotommy · 4 months
Drew my dnd party running from a red dragon
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No one took a long/short rest before heading in
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silhou-draws · 8 months
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My half of an art trade with animetorlily! We wanted to do summer vibes for our TERA characters. I chipped away at it for so long... it's not even summer anymore.
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miqojak · 5 months
#people will cheer about how others should set boundaries and uphold them for their own well-being#until those boundaries prevent them from getting what they want from you#I have to constantly beg people not to use this OC blog as an aesthetic resource blog for their own OC blogs#It's a roleplay blog - which means it is effectively a scrapbook for *my* OC - and a place for people who want to interact with me/my OC#it is NOT a place for complete strangers who have no interest in the OC to come and shop for their OC's aesthetic#but people get SO MAD when you tell them you have this one and only boundary that is 'please don't use me like an object'#is it so much to ask that people who follow an RP blog actually interact with that OC?#why else would you follow an OC's blog if you aren't interested in interacting with them as a character?#anyways it's always a bummer to come across an OC blog I like that has blocked me because I insisted they not use my blog as a resource#just go follow the same resource blogs your favs do if you really don't want to interact with their OC - but you really like their aestheti#if you want to share aes. posts from someone...maybe try sharing their original creations as well so it doesn't feel like you're using them#and it feels like you're actually supporting them AND you like their aesthetic - that's all I've ever asked of people and they get SO mad#when asked to consider that there is a human being behind the screen who doesn't want to be treated like a resource...#- but as a creative/writer who is seeking contacts to do improvisational creative writing with others#the amount of strangers coming to my blog lately not to interact or share my work - but just take the 1-2 aesthetic posts I share is vexing#to all who do share: I love you and I see you and I appreciate you#and I've seriously considered just doing a random gift/giveaway from a pool of people that only consists of you guys#just to give back to the maybe 5 ppl who actually interact with me & others and support them by sharing their original work
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moominpaws · 2 years
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Mmm I made a robot OC for my other character, made by your favorite nerd purplecentric scientist, I tried making the design based on his other inventions but decided to go for something more round than boxy. More info in tags.
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