#original creator of this au if you want this taken down I will
raphmybeloved · 2 years
After The Fight
This is a little fic for @idiot-mushroom 's Where We Belong au which you should for sure check out! For context, Raph (going by Snapper) is a fighter in the Battle Nexus and at this point Mikey (going by Orange) acts as his medic. This AU lives rent free in my head and I couldn't help but write a little something.
The roaring of the crowd is deafening. It almost but not quite drowns out the sounds of the battle raging in the arena. 
Orange tries not to pay attention to either sound as he sits cross legged on a wooden bench adding a new design to his plastron. The angle is hard to manage but he had just managed to track down a silver marker and his plans for the latest drawing are ambitious.
Besides it isn’t  like he needs to watch the fight, he’s seen enough of them and he already knows how it will end. No need to see the carnage this time.
Sure enough the cheers get louder signaling the end of the match. 
“Big guy is ready for you,” one of the handlers says, ducking his head into the room. Orange caps his marker and hops down from the bench. He stretches and then grabs his medic bag hoping that he won’t need to use it but knowing that he will.
As he walks into the holding room they use for Snapper he immediately knows it’s going to be a rough one. The fighter is pulling against his mystic restraints, thrashing hissing and growling in a manner that would strike fear into any yokai.
Orange isn’t any yokai though and he’s never been afraid of his brother.
“Hey Snaps!” He greets in a forced cheery voice as he begins to examine Snapper’s wounds, from a distance of course, he might not be afraid of his brother but he’s not stupid. 
The injuries aren’t too bad. Some claw marks on Snapper’s arms, a bite on his shoulder, a swollen hand that probably means broken fingers. Most of the blood on his plastron is not his and while he definitely needs to be patched up he’s not in danger of passing out or bleeding out anytime soon.
Now that Orange has some idea of what injuries he needs to take care of it’s time for the hard part. Time to calm his brother down from the semi-feral state he goes into during hard fights.
“Looks like you didn’t get too badly hurt big guy.” Snapper just bites at the air in response. “Check it out I’ve started to finally use the silver marker I got,” Orange says brightly gesturing at the half finished drawing on his plastron. “Oh! Also Mama said she’ll pull some strings and try to get Draxum to let redeye and soft shell have a sleepover for my birthday isn’t that cool!!”
Through years of practice Orange has learned that familiar voices help calm his brother and rambling at him for a while can bring him back. He forces a cheerful voice and does that for a while, talking about little things like his new projects and what they should get for dinner and plans for the future. 
About fifteen minutes into his rambles Orange frowns realizing it’s not working. Snapper is still pulling at his restraints hissing and biting at the air. Orange quickly looks around to see if they are being listened to. There’s one last way to get him to calm down but it’s risky. Seeing the coast is clear he gets as close to Snapper as he can while staying out of attack range and lowers his voice.
“Hey Raph,” he says in a soft voice. “It’s me, your brother. I’m here. Come on Raph.” Using Snappers former name is dangerous, Big Mama doesn’t like it and it’s a punishable offense but it always helps Snapper when he’s really bad like this.
Sure enough he stops fighting and starts blinking, eyes getting less cloudy and pupils returning. Orange reaches out and puts a gentle hand on his brother's cheek. “There you are big guy,” he says with a smile.
Snapper’s mouth opens and closes a few times as if he’s trying to figure out how to speak. Eventually he manages to push the words out.
“You okay?” He asks Orange, who in turn steps back and shows Snapper that he’s unharmed. It’s an old routine after Snapper almost took his finger off once. Orange hates how much relief Snapper gets from it, hates that his brother is so terrified that he’ll hurt him.
“I’m all good! Time to get you fixed up, you won by the way,”  Orange says and Snapper snorts.
“I always do.”
Orange reaches  into the pouch strapped to his waist and pressing the button that loosens Snappers restraints. Snapper slumps to the ground and lets Orange begin his work. He talks the whole time, mostly repeating what he had talked about when Snapper was in his savage state but now to a brother who can nod along and ask questions.
Orange hates this. Hates that his brother is sent to fight. Hates that he’s treated like a wild animal. Hates that Orange has to tend to his wounds as Snapper gets hurt. Hates that the woman who calls them her sons does this to them over and over. 
For all he hates his situation though he is grateful for one thing. At least the two of them have each other. At least Snapper isn’t doing this alone and Orange can be there to comfort him. For now that’s enough. It has to be.
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hanleiacelebration · 4 months
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2024
WE'RE BACK, BABY! "Wait, what's happening, wasn't this in August??" you might wonder. Based on your feedback, we decided to host this and (probably) future editions of Han/Leia Appreciation Week earlier in the year. July seemed like the better choice, given that it's a vacation period in both hemispheres!
This year we're also giving you the prompts over a month in advance, so you have plenty of time to plan and create!
Han/Leia Appreciation Week was an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019, but for the past three years, we've taken up the mantle here at @hanleiacelebration 😊
💖 How does Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from July 14th to July 20th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2024 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we’ll share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
🎆 The prompts
Sunday 7/14: Tradition / Ceremony
Monday 7/15: Braids & Bloodstripes (hair or clothing) / Home planet
Tuesday 7/16: AU / Canon divergence
Wednesday 7/17: Force / Belief
Thursday 7/18: Favorite scene / Favorite quote
Friday 7/19: Meeting / Escape
Saturday 7/20: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
💠 💠 💠
FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💕 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💕 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💕 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💕 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won’t be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else’s art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💕 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you’re allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia’s relationship!
💕 What’s the time zone for the event?
Please don’t worry too much about time zones: when we say “day”, we always mean “whenever that day is for you in your part of the world”. IE: if it’s Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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cuubism · 2 years
some uhhhhh dreamling smut that got a litttttle more kinky than originally intended 😳
necessary background: this is from me and @magnusbae insane and stupid au wherein dream starts coming around the university and hob's students assume he's hob's sugar baby cuz like he doesn't work? he's always wearing really nice clothes? hob pays for everything? how did hob pull this hot goth anyway? and dream does absolutely nothing to disabuse them of this notion, if anything he cleverly and carefully encourages the idea because fuck it, he loves a good story. he is the king of stories after all. hob gets in on it later
secondary less important background is dream spending his free time around the university making art and sculptures and stuff because he is a CREATOR even in the waking world. and of course his sculptures are amazing.
“Professor Gadling, might I have a word?”
That voice never ceased to make Hob stutter where he stood, no matter how often he heard it, how often it whispered endearments and worse in his ear. If anything, he was more affected the longer things went on.
He turned, chalk still held in his hand from where he’d been writing on the board.
Dream lounged in the doorway, hip pressed against the doorframe, hands casually in his pockets. And he was wearing—
Holy God, Hob was going to die and then come back to life and then kill him.
Hob first noticed that he was not wearing a shirt, unless the strings of jewels – rubies? diamonds? – draped over his chest counted. They glimmered sharply even under the weak classroom lights. Dream was kept modest, barely, by a long silk blazer that narrowed his shoulders and cut low to the upper thigh.
Thank fuck he was wearing regular pants, at least, ankle-length black slacks, and— were those fucking loafers? The other day, a student had made a comment – rather inappropriate, Hob really should reprimand them, not that he would ever get around to it – about Hob being some kind of Victorian maiden bowled over by the sight of an exposed ankle, and Dream had apparently taken this as a personal bet, for he was not wearing socks, either.
And the smirk on his face was like fire.
“Um,” Hob said, managing with great effort not to collapse on the spot. He glanced at the clock. “You know what? There’s only ten minutes left of class anyway. Why don’t you all go home early; I’ll send out the lecture notes and we’ll pick this up next week.”
None of the students seemed upset to get out early, but they were tittering amongst themselves, looking between Hob and Dream. This was becoming a problem. In a mere one semester, Dream had turned Hob’s university reputation from good-natured modest professor to deranged sex fiend.
That was what Hob got for loving the Prince of Stories, for he could never resist a good one, even if it was at Hob’s peril.
When the students had gone, Hob took Dream’s hand and dragged him down the hall. “My office. Now.”
“Oh dear,” Dream mused as he was yanked down the hallway and into Hob’s office. That smirk still hadn’t left his face. “I am in trouble.”
As soon as they were inside and the door was very firmly locked, Hob pressed Dream up against it with a hand around the base of his throat. “Are you trying to kill me, love?”
Dream leaned into Hob’s hand. His eyes were burning. “I would bring you as close to death as I could and then pull you back.”
“You’re managing it.” Hob released him, pinning him by his waist instead – his bare waist, mother of Christ – and kissing his throat, his collarbone, his sternum over the draped jewels. Dream leaned his head back against the door, sighing like a wanting creature now satiated. “You should be classified as a public hazard.”
“I would like to be your hazard,” said Dream, as Hob mouthed his way down his stomach. The jewels swung and glimmered unnaturally bright against his skin, crimson and shining like fresh love marks. Hob knelt to nip above the waistband of his slacks, tangling a hand in the dangling chain and tugging so it pulled on the back of Dream’s neck.
Dream arched his back against the door, petting at Hob’s hair like Hob had done something particularly pleasing to his majesty.
“I suppose this is exactly what you planned?” Hob gasped, wrapping his hands around the backs of his thighs.
“Menace.” Hob tugged at his slacks and managed to unbutton them with his teeth. “You ruin me. Never stop.”
“I was not planning on it.”
Hob lurched to his feet again, pulling him forward by the bejeweled chain. “Come.”
Dream did as Hob bade, but the way a tiger might perform on a leash – easily escaping with one swipe of its claws. He let Hob push him up onto his desk and crowd between his legs. Hob had to push one of Dream’s ridiculous sculptures out of the way to do it, and was careful not to let it fall.
“Let it smash,” Dream murmured into his mouth as Hob kissed and bit at his lips. “I will make another.”
“I’m not going to break one of your sculptures, Michelangelo.” Hob huffed. “That would be sacrilege.”
“I make them not for the finished product, but for the experience of using my hands.”
Hob slipped his hands under Dream’s blazer. The fabric was incredibly soft, but not as soft as his skin. “The experience of using your hands, hm?”
Dream’s lips curved up against his. “Mmhmm.”
He tugged Hob’s shirt from his waistband, pressing those strong, delicate hands to Hob’s back, holding him close.
“You know,” Hob murmured against his ear, mapping Dream’s stomach with his fingertips, smooth skin punctuated by jewels, “I believe I vastly underestimated the experience of loving such a dedicated, skillful artist.”
“Are you saying that you like my hands, Hob Gadling?” Dream asked, and used those hands to unzip his jeans, slipping one in to wrap around him, never once looking away from Hob’s face. The tips of his fingers were always a bit cold, but Hob liked the way they warmed against his skin.
He struggled to regain his breath. “In so many words.”
Dream looked so superior. “Good.”
“I’ll show you good, you nightmare,” Hob muttered, and tangled a hand in his hair, tipping his head back. Dream still just looked down at him from under his lashes, muscles straining.
“You shall?”
“I’d take you home and lay you out and show you if I thought we would get that far.”
“Worry not, this—” Dream wrapped the glimmering chains around his hand until they cut into the skin in white lines— “can always make a reappearance.”
“It had better.”
Hob finally got his own hand around Dream, wrapping his other arm around his back to hold him close, and Dream twined his legs around Hob’s back. This pressed them close enough that they were essentially just grinding against each other, barely managing anything more precise. Hob ravaged his mouth, giving in to the sheer power of Dream in these clothes, and Dream only urged him on, biting at his lip.
Heat raged through Hob’s body. He found the strings of jewels again and twisted them around his fist, pulling so they went taught around Dream’s neck like a choker.
Dream’s breath stuttered and tripped over itself and then they both came, one on top of the other. Dream’s legs tightened around Hob’s back. He panted into Hob’s mouth.
When they’d caught their breath, Hob held his face between his hands and kissed him, light kisses on his forehead, cheek, the tip of his nose, and finally his lips, the tenderness deserving of such an exquisite creature, and Dream smiled.
He collapsed back onto Hob’s desk, arms draped languidly above his head, jacket falling open on his naked chest. His mouth was ruined, and there were hickeys already starting to settle on his neck and stomach, but he didn’t seem to mind. He closed his eyes, humming. They had just come, and Hob still wanted him with a violence. If anything, it was worse.
“We shall have to do this again,” Dream murmured, voice barely more than a gravelly hum.
Hob sat down in his desk chair, running his fingers through his hair as Dream sprawled before him like some kind of hunter’s catch. “What, ruining my reputation with my students?”
“Among other things.”
“Nightmarish, you are,” Hob said fondly.
Dream tipped his face into Hob’s hand. “Hmm. Yes.”
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parsheliii · 7 days
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Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
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"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza... Err... This is your first night isn't it Great-"
"George, that's the wrong one"
"That's the wrong script, you are reading the wrong one!"
"Uh...Oh! I see now, this one?"
Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria! Where all dreams come true!
Come enjoy a slide of pizza with all your family and friends while listening some fancy music from the Fazbear's Band! Or hearing some curious stories at the Pirate Cove.
Alfred Fazbear, the leader of the band, with Benjamin Babier, our guitarrist, will be the waiters that will assist you when their performance is over, they will be the ones to bring all your wants and needs.
Chanelle Cairo, our sweet vocalist, will also be the chef and cook, the pizza's recipe hasn't changed in decades, the main creator being Alfred's father, Dock Fazbear.
I gotta add that Freddy doesn't know how to cook and he is a fucking failure to his family, even his sister was the chef in her own pizzeria back then, how can you be the only one that can't even fry an egg, Fazbear??"
"Keep. Reading. The. F*cking. Script"
"...And last things last, Felix Farley, being our storyteller, is also our delivery, you will get your pizza in a blink of an eye if you use our delivery services!
Being said, the bear here himself, George Kietzman, will be the one taking your phone calls and orders by calling 1-800-083, don't forget delivery services is just for night time!
Afternoon phone orders will have to be taken in the pizzeria's location.
Other things to let you know:
• Fazbear's Band perform every monday to thursday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., so write that down in your schedules and don't miss it!
• Pirate's Cove is exclusive for saturday nights and birthday parties, so don't forget to book your next birthday party at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria to enjoy some new stories from our beloved pirate fox!
• Friday nights are the perfect nights for YOU to perform! Come over and show all your talent, or just have some fun at the karaoke with your friends while singing the songs of your choice!
• We are closed on sundays, so we will be seeing you on mondays back again!
That's it, how did I do?"
"...Could have been better"
Endless Show At Freddy's is based on the characters and story from Five Nights At Freddy's, owned by Scott Cawthon.
The story and characters are REALLY different. It includes a lot kind of relationships and ideas that aren't canon in game, but they are in this AU, if you aren't happy with them, I'm not going to change them just 'cause of ya', so keep your words.
The same goes with some characters' genders and designs, they might change from the original character, just because! For the fun of it :]
Who is who? Here is a short list:
Freddy Fazbear→ Alfred "Freddy" Fazbear
Bonnie The Bunny→ Benjamin "Ben" Babier
Chica The Chicken → Chanelle Cairo
Foxy The Pirate Fox→ Felix Farley
Golden Freddy→ George Frederick Kietzman
• Mr. Cupcake is Chanelle's pet, he is a chihuahua. He doesn't work there, I just wanted to show how Chica's cupcake looks like in my AU
• If you have been here long enough, George still has ear piercings, but in this reff sheet I couldn't add them because they are in his other ear (this is mostly a note for myself, because I will probably forget lol)
• Felix has another outfit when he works as the delivery, I just preferred to show him with his pirate clothes, I don't want anyone confused by 'why doesn't he have pirate clothes???" I'll do an individual reff just for his delivery clothes, including Chanelle, she also has another clothes while cooking, i'm not going to let her cook with that cute dress!
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Writing Commissions!
Hi everyone! I am officially opening writing commissions. I will have three writing slots open unless otherwise stated, and the amount of slots I have open or if I decide to close commissions for whatever reason will be in this post as well as my pinned post! All commissions will be posted to Tumblr only (as it goes against AO3's rules to post commissioned work there) and you will receive a google doc link or PDF depending on your preferences. If you do not want your commissioned work posted on Tumblr that is fine as well, you just need to let me know! If you are interested, you can shoot me a message here or on discord (my user is storytellerofuntoldlegends) so we can talk about details!
My AO3, so you can take a look at what I've written!
Commission Status: OPEN [1/3 slots taken]
500 words = $10
1,000 words = $20
1,500 words = $30
2,000 words = $40
2,500 words = $50
3,000 words = $60
3,500 words = $70
4,000 words = $80
4,500 words = $90
5,000 words = $100
The minimum amount I am willing to write is 500 words, while the highest is 5,000. Pricing is $1 per 50 words. If I get inspired and go over your requested word count/payment amount, you will not be charged extra.
Will Write:
Ships, found family, AUs, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, whump/sickfics, mild violence
Listed below are the MCYT series and characters I am most confident/comfortable writing. Crossovers between the below series are welcome! With characters, if it is someone who interacts with one of my "will write" characters frequently, I am willing to write them, but keep in mind it will likely be more focused on the character I feel the most confident in writing. (For example, I would be fine writing a fic about Grian that includes Mumbo and/or Scar, but I do not feel confident enough in my ability to write Mumbo or Scar on their own.)
MCYT Series: Empires SMP, Traffic Series, Hermitcraft, Afterlife SMP, New Life SMP, SOS SMP, Witchcraft SMP, Rats SMP, Pirates SMP, Origins SMP
MCYT Characters: Scott, Jimmy, Joel, Martyn, Impulse, Skizz, Grian, Mog, Owen, Tubbo, Philza, Sneegsnag, CaptainSparklez, Bek, Eloise, Shelby, Katherine, Gem, Pearl, Lizzie, LaurenZSide, Cleo
OC's, particularly if folks want to commission me to write their D&D characters. I am open to writing just general OCs though!
Won't Write:
NSFW (including anything that would require a Mature or Explicit rating on AO3- I'm certainly no stranger to writing adult content, but I am not sure if it is something I would want to be paid for.)
RPF (I'm not opposed to writing RPF, but again I would feel a little odd getting paid for it.)
sexuality bending of canonically queer characters (i.e. writing a gay man to be with a woman)
extreme gore
If something comes up in your request that I am not comfortable with writing, I reserve the right to say no. I am comfortable with a lot of things, and I tried my best to put down the main concepts that I would absolutely refuse to write. However it is entirely possible that I may have forgotten something in my list. If you're unsure if I would be willing to write it or not, don't be afraid to ask! It's always possible that some kind of compromise could be reached as well.
My Ko-Fi:
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themeatpit37 · 3 months
So to begin this, I have been wanting to write for a while now but I have no clue what to write about and I haven’t received any requests so my idea bucket is running quite low. To combat this, or even gather more requests, I decided asking the community would be mighty helpful! Input is welcomed, especially about what you would love to read!
The AUs listed are described below! ⬇️
Vessel AU- Still trying to come up with a better name, but basically this au is where the vessel for Jack soul is a stuffed toy of Sunny Day Jack instead of the tape! Rather than a ghost he is now a possessed plush doll who loves the person who patched him up!
CloudyCult- A crossover au for Cult of the Lamb where Jack is used to replace the fallen lamb and tasked to run a cult in the name of The One Who Waits. But as he builds his following and slaughters the heretics who follow the old faith, he begins to become more godly than the being who freed him from that wretched tape…
Slasher AU- Kind of explained from the title. The slasher au is a splatter-punk inspired work about the voice actor for Sunny Day Jack, a lion from a popular animated kids show in the 80s, who soon became the infamous Sunny Day Killer known for the many children he lured to their deaths with his voice alone and the parents who were hunted down for trying to find their lost kids, unaware that they were either pushing up daisies or were a meal for this cannibalistic murderer. For his crimes, he was sentenced to death via the electric chair but that alone wasn’t enough to get rid of him.
Jack From The Future!- After traveling back from the future to the past to escape being destroyed by his creators, Cybernaut Jack is taken home and recharged by his new sunshine! With a new user in charge of him, he decides to dedicate his existence to protecting them and exterminating any threats that come their way! But what happens when the “threats” are just his user’s friends?
Sunny Time Fair- The fair has reopened after the tragic death of a cast member years of being closed! Rides are repaired, the animals for the petting zoo are safely resting in their pen, and funnel cake is ready to be served to guests! Of course, there’s one thing missing; A certain clown who used to help run the park… One who has decided to return after years of being dormant…
Party Time Jack (Meatpit Flavored)- After a messy break up, the main character runs away and gets a job at a defunct pizza place with a retro band of clown animatronics known as the “Party time crew”. They were hired by Barry who promised they could stay free of charge as long as they clean up the place and repair the animatronics. There’s only one rule; Do not let anyone else get in and don’t let the robots get out… This rule is followed and after a night of repairing Party Time Jack himself, they unknowingly gain an admirer.
OC Insert- The original story but with the main character either being replaced by Marshal Melmoth, a chronically online pastel goth with a tendency for doxxing people over stupid fandom drama and go into mental health spirals because no one has talked to him for over an hour, or Matt Melmoth, an alcoholic pessimist who loves violence and is one minor inconvenience away from committing heinous crimes against others.
Original Source- Maybe these AUs aren’t your bread and butter. That’s completely fine! The original source still has plenty to offer including with writing! Especially since my AUs can deviate or are more extreme than most fans can handle, which is understandable!
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freddy-and-friends-au · 9 months
The Freddy & Friends Askbox is now open!
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An introduction to Freddy & Friends:
Freddy & Friends is an AU created by Roux36 Productions set in the Five Nights at Freddy’s IP.
As opposed to focusing on a single “what if?” question for the AU, F&F is a rewrite of the FNAF story in its entirety, constructed from the ground-up to tell a more realistic, character-driven take on the original story.
What asks will I answer? (Examples provided)
Lore (Ex: How do the spirits work?)
World-Building (Ex: Who made the pizza recipes at Freddy’s)
Headcanons (Ex: Who’s Jeremy’s favorite music artist?)
Art requests? (Not sure about this one yet… but maybe?)
Character Asks!
Ask a question from within the Freddy & Friends universe, and it’ll be answered by the creator of the Fazbear Franchise, HENRY ███!!!
(Preface by saying “Dear Henry,”)
Click the keep reading to learn more about the Freddy & Friends AU! >>>
How much thought did you put into this?
It’s not that I’m a massive nerd, but it’s just that I’m actually a massive nerd.
Animatronics are loosely grounded in real-world mechanical engineering, giving them plausible designs for them to have existed in the 1980’s (down to the very components that make them function.)
The restaurant itself has regulations and procedures to manage the animatronics during the day (this varies depending on the restaurant).
The restaurant layouts themselves have been redesigned to be more coherent with the rules of architecture.
The animatronic characters themselves have their own lore and personalities within the cartoon world.
I have a full list of employees who worked at both Afton Robotics and Fazbear Entertainment.
The rules of the spirits are grounded in real-world cultural beliefs, as well as typical ghost hunting traditions.
No character is written to be two-dimensional. The characters don’t just do stuff for the plot; they do them because it’s in-character for them to do so. They’re not just ghost children haunting the animatronics. They’re also human.
What IS canon?
Basic media taken into consideration:
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Five Nights at Freddy’s 2
Five Nights at Freddy’s 3
Five Nights at Freddy’s 4
Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes
FNAF World (Surprisingly)
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location
Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Movie
Details Only taken from:
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach
The ideas of these media are the content detrimental to the story of Freddy & Friends. However, the story of them has been changed so drastically that canon knowledge is considered unreliable when talking about the Freddy & Friends AU. Some things remain the same, but it’s recommended that knowledge of canon game/book/movie events NOT be used as a reference unless I have stated otherwise.
What’s the same?:
Mike Schmidt and Abby Schmidt’s character have remained almost exactly the same as in the movie. (Movie)
Michael Brooks is Golden Freddy (Novels)
Elizabeth Afton being killed by Circus Baby (Games)
The Bite of ‘83 (Games)
The Bite of ‘87 (Games)
Bonnie is blue
What’s changed?:
Note: not all changes will be mentioned here, due to spoilers. The reason they’re spoilers is because I will elaborate on them in future media and short stories.
Michael Afton does NOT exist—replaced by Fritz Afton
FNAF 4 Crying Child becomes the Puppet
FNAF 4 Bullies are the Missing Children
FNAF 4 Bullies are NOT bullies
The haunted animatronics have personalities, and are capable of verbal speech.
Sammy (Charlie’s twin brother) was killed instead of Charlie
Charlie is NOT an android
Very few employees (including night guards) actually died at Freddy’s
The animatronics are limited by the technology of the 1980’s, and therefore have software limitations that aren’t present in the games
Circus Baby’s Pizza World has been renamed to Circus Kingdom Pizza World
The names of the Funtimes have been changed to align with the re-theme
The Funtimes were NOT built with the intention of kidnapping children
The Funtimes are haunted
The Scooper does not exist
The FNAF 4 gameplay is a dream, and not child experimentation. (It is something more than that, but I will not elaborate further, due to spoilers. ;))
The Toy animatronics have been renamed to the Junior animatronics
The Junior location is Freddy Jr’s Pizzeria
The individual Junior characters have in-universe names beyond “Junior Freddy” and “Junior Bonnie”, etc.
The Juniors are haunted
There is no such thing as “Remnant”.
Vanessa Shelly is NOT William Afton’s Daughter
Steve Raglan and William Afton are two different people
Removed Herobrine
(Aforementioned name changes):
Circus Baby - Circus Sadie, AKA Sadie the Circus Princess
Funtime Freddy - Freddie the Ringmaster
Funtime Foxy - Foxy the Flying Fox
Toy Freddy - Freddy Fazbear Jr.
Toy Bonnie - Riley Rabbit
Toy Chica - Penny Pecks
Toy Foxy/Mangle - Bridget the Fox
Thank you!
If you made it to the end, I wanna thank you for showing interest in this AU! I’ve been working on it ever since I was 11 years old, and I’ve just turned 20. It's been a long road with at least five rewrites and twice as many redesigns!
More Freddy & Friends content will be coming soon, in the form of:
A webcomic for the main narrative
Cinematic content
A VHS series
Short stories
Audiobooks for said short stories
A website to be!
The askbox is now open! There is much to tell, so ask away!
- Roux
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
Here is one of my headcanon about the Gnosis in Sagau :
"What if the Gnosis were gifts from the creator ? Or what if the Gnosis store some of the Grace's power ? "
Now, this would all be confusing since the explanation is pretty long (and my fics are still in wips), but i was like
What if the Gnosis were not originally made to directly resonate with the celestia ? What if it was originally a gift from the creator as a reward for being victorious from the Archon war ?
Like, Venti and Zhongli are proves that they're powers are more limited when their Gnosis was taken, what if it was because the Gnosis hold some of the Graces powers and the Archons were simply just gained a power boost from it.
Now, so far we don't really know the process of giving the gnosis to the new Archon so far, like, was the original gnosis got passed down or does the old one wear off and the celestia simpy gave a new one, but i like to think it's the former rather than the latter.
It would explain on why the heavenly principal would show up when Nahida threatened Dottore to destroy it. Because it was a gift and one of the only legacy left from the creator before they "mysteriously disappear" (In my AU, things were a bit more complicated than that)
This was actually inspired by a scene in your fic where Y/N holds Zhongli's gnosis and it went brighter in their hands more than it was in Zhongli's, because it was from their power to begin with.
That's about the Gnosis lore, there's actually more but i'm just gonna share these for now, you can use it in ur own fic if u want! Though if anybody else want to do it (plz credit, ehe)
—The Lost Anon
This is a hidden gem and I love this idea so much!!
As you've seen from my scene mentioned above, when reader in Fate's Destiny holds the gnosis, it resonates with them and 'glows' brighter. But when Ningguang holds it, it remains dull. I can't spoil why this happens, but the gnosis in that story is indeed 'gifted' to the original Seven by the 'Creator'.
I really love this idea because it makes the gnosis more intimate, in a way. It's like a direct gift/part of the Creator you're able to hold, and if it resonates with you, you're able to resonate with the Creator.
And for your story, I think it adds even more depth because the Creator "mysteriously vanished" -aka, this is their last legacy and there is no Gnosis after destroying these.
You could write some fun plays about this, a.e. did you think about WHY the Tsarista wants them...? Is it more than power?
Furthermore, I'm happy to announce that in the next chapter of Fate's Destiny Signora shows up uu. It's something related to this, but it's also not. Currently writing it!!
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whalefairyfandom12 · 9 months
Plagiarism is pathetic, disgusting, and cruel. No one creates fandom content for money. We do it out of passion and love. To pervert the spirit of fandom for the sake of clout is utterly shameful and shows a complete lack of integrity. This entire work is created from stolen ideas by another writer.
The authors’ notes claim it’s inspired by diligentcranberry’s art. In cranberry’s own words, in a message to the original creator, from July 24th:
[We] “Will be posting a fic loosely based on my artwork for your Slave AU prompt.”
The initial art was posted on April 9th, 2:27 pm ET. Cranberry wrote alongside it:
“I’ve added a few elements (cane, keys, matching necklaces) to the WIP because you’ve all rotted my brain.”
Slave!AU was created as a concept on April 9th, and being discussed concurrently with the modification of the art. Everyone involved has read the original fic and been active commenters.
Other similarities include:
Ominis as a Mægister/Margrave, who as a Gaunt is in charge of the MC/female sex slave. He is addressed by that title (not his name) as a moniker of respect.
Sebastian as his subordinate/Handler, who exists a level above MC but below Ominis
MC’s memory being erased
MC being called a ‘thing’ and not having a name
Squibs becoming sex slaves to pureblooded families
The original writer is mostly blind and extremely self-conscious about her writing. She expressed her discomfort during the conversation in July and was ignored. She is also blocked and can’t comment requesting the fic be taken down.
I am aware there are a number of rumors circulating about me. I’m happy to clear anything up with proof/receipts. Regardless of anyone’s history, I believe in treating people with respect. I have kept my mouth shut throughout this entire affair but this crosses a line. To steal another person’s work is cruel and beyond disrespectful. You should be ashamed of yourselves, especially as creatives.
Please do not harass or brigade any of the creators mentioned. No one deserves to be bullied. I merely want to ensure the original author (clockworksiren) is rightfully credited and to caution others to be careful.
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2af-afterdark · 1 year
Where Rights Meet Limits
Please keep in mind that the game is still not out, so so it is based on a bunch of random headcanons sort of put together.
Content: GN!MC & Michael (whb), sfw, god mc au, yandere, imprisonment, potential murder mentioned
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"Michael," they say, "I would like to go out for a walk."
It was a strange turn of phrase considering there was no 'in' from which to go 'out' of. Heaven was, after all, a vast open space. It seemed that God (the original one, at least) didn't foresee the need for privacy. In retrospect, that was likely one of the series of bad choices that led to Him absconding from heaven in the first place.
The other significantly poor choice was creating an entire species solely motivated by by their desire to adore their creator, much to His detriment.
The last was failing to give them a sense of morality.
Michael looks down at where they sit on the ground, standing over them like a warden. "You may go wherever you so please."
They were, after all, God of the heavens. This kingdom was Their domain by creation. They could do just about anything They pleased since no one would stop them.
"Alone, if you don't mind."
He, in fact, did mind. Quite a lot.
"Oh?" He stares Them down, his golden eye seeming to look right through Them and into Their soul. The doubt in his stare would be considered blasphemy if he was not the highest angel in heaven. "And why must you go alone?"
"I don't believe I answer to you."
Impressive. They had finally learned their position as the head of heaven and were trying to use it to their advantage. Michael was almost proud of Their attempt at exploitation.
"You do not."
"Then I will do what I want," They say with conviction as They lean against Their own knee to pick Themselves up.
"As You wish."
They stare at him the same as he had been Them. They take a step away, as if expecting him to follow, but he does not. They take another and, when he still stays in place, They turn away from him and hesitantly move further.
He is still merely watching when They stop and turn around to see he has not taken a single step to follow after Them. Only then do They speed up just enough that most other creatures wouldn't notice the haste in their pace.
Michael would almost dare to say that he was proud of Them, if not for the obviousness in Their skittish behavior. Still, They deserve a reward for finally acknowledging and using their status. It would be wrong for him to punish Them for finally recognizing Themselves as God.
Instead, he would much rather punish Them when they try to act as a human once again.
He follows after Them at a distance so They can still feel as though They have been given the freedom They wish for. It was about time They have the opportunity to explore Their kingdom at Their leisure. As long as They stay within the heavens, They can have all the freedom They long for.
But he knows They will be unable to stick only to heaven because They are still far too human.
As he passes by a group of angels -- the lowest ones without a rank or title who are assigned to menial work -- he gives them a message to pass along to all who may see their beloved God.
"When God tries to leave heaven, do not stop Them."
Because it is only a matter of time until They attempt to leave them, under the false impression that they are alone and no one is watching. Michael thinks it a wonderful idea to allow Them the time to think Themselves wise for finding the exit and revel in their escape. Perhaps he will even allow Them a brief moment to find another human who will feel sympathy for Their panicked state for only an instant before he lobs off their head. Surely such a scene will serve as sufficient punishment and reminder that They are no longer of the human world and are officially claimed by the heavens.
And if not, well, as many heads as necessary will roll until They finally do. Whatever it takes to teach God that They cannot leave Their devoted subjects behind a second time.
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hanleiacelebration · 1 year
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023
Han/Leia Appreciation Week is an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019. Last year, and with their permission, we decided to host it at @hanleiacelebration!
Since Beth Revis' "The Princess and the Scoundrel" was released on August 16th, 2022, we thought it'd be fun to mark the date as the anniversary of Han and Leia's wedding 🥰 And since this year is also the 40th anniversary of "Return of the Jedi", you'll see prompts related to both of those things!
💗 How does the Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from August 13th to August 19th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2023 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we'll also share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
💫 The prompts
Sunday 8/13: Anniversary / Memory
Monday 8/14: Endor / Reunion
Tuesday 8/15: Rescue / Vision
Wednesday 8/16: Favourite scene / Quote
Thursday 8/17: Battle couple / Millennium Falcon
Friday 8/18: AU / Canon divergence
Saturday 8/19: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
💠 💠 💠
FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💗 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💗 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💗 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💗 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won't be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else's art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💗 Is the event based on "The Princess and the Scoundrel"?
Not really! That's just an excuse to celebrate Han/Leia 😊 You don’t need to include or acknowledge it in any way in your creations, although you’re welcome to.
💗 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you're allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia's relationship!
💗 What's the time zone for the event?
Please don't worry too much about time zones: when we say "day", we always mean "whenever that day is for you in your part of the world". IE: if it's Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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luminlunii · 8 months
I would gladly share this AU! I already have with a few other people, but I don't think I'll ever write it. It's just for funzies while I'm on break from another fanfic. First, what this big AU is about. Long story short, humans found a way to bring 2D animated characters to life, but through very questionable means like science and making deals with a demonic entity in 2023. While, humans got greedy and didn't want to keep their end of the deal. Which was giving the Entity at least one of the 2D animated characters for him to raise as his child. They stopped doing this at the third, Entity punished them for this, by making the cartoons/anime characters sick with this life sentence ink disease and wiping their memories of them for it, leaving their names of course. The government got scared when people and characters started asking why this was happening as they slowly gained their memories back, so they made a medicine specifically for characters to forget who they are, and where they came from until they could figure out what to do, which was almost never. Although, they had the medicine, it wasn't fullproof and good humans talk. So, they kidnapped characters (Those they weren't experimented on to find a cure or corrupted means) and made them into assassins to take out creators of these characters if they could not be bribed to keep quiet, the animators that were involved, or anyone else that wouldn’t stop questioning things. Eventually, they weeded out the humans that would talk, time went on and the future generations didn’t know anything. Or if they do, they don’t quite understand it. The government also erased/destroyed anything resembling a character. Disneylands, Disneyworlds, resorts, anime studios, all left to be abandoned and anyone on the premises would be killed. They did this because that couldn’t have people finding out they practically used dark magick and science involving human sacrifices of sorts to bring characters to life and it backfired. That would be too much of an uproar.
Second, (Sorry this is long! Feel free to skim!) This was encouraged a rebellion organization called T.O.T.O. ran by Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (The mascot before Mickey Mouse.) and Mickey Mouse. They're trying to get the bottom of the truth. Rocky was with Zib the entire time of his memory loss. While both had been recruited for the cause at the very beginnings of rebellion, Oswald was more interested in Rocky. This is because Rocky heard about the rebellions suspicions on the medicine and was like, "Why don't I test it!" on a whim. And sure enough, he saw old memories from his original world. You see, when Rocky saw these things, he didn't keep quiet and was very chaotic about it, which is why Oswald recruited him. To help the organization make noise about the cause. However, it being the first time for the organization to put face out there, they didn't realize the dangers completely. Oswald grew careless and it resulted in the Incident of Nebraska. Where the government got the jump on them on their first rally, hosted by yours truly, Rocky. Half were killed while the others were taken. Rocky was taken. He was experimented on like the rest at first, but after some research on Rocky. The experimentation facilities saw the same things Oswald saw him, but in a bad way. They turned him into an assassin because they figure they could put his chaotic nature to use, just like the first one and the many other in Rocky's situation after him. The first was Husker from Hazbin Hotel. The assassins are scattered all across the globe by multiple countries.
Yes, Oswald is looking for Rocky as is Zib. Zib is mad a Oswald because it appears he's not looking for him. So, Zib is looking for him on his own. However, the truth is. Oswald hired Mordecai to track Rocky down, but doesn't want to get Zib involved to be more careful about what they do.
All of which I just read is absolutely nuts. I had to walk away from my computer several times trying to comprehend this massive wall of text that was thrown at me. I was screaming how batshit insane this concept is. My brain is imploding.
My final response
What the fuck.
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ownerofthisaccount · 1 year
Originally I was just gonna leave the previous post on Agee and Chei as a one off, as I don’t own them and it was just me spitballing. There was also a repost saying I was thankful for the attention it got and that anyone is free to have their interpretations on it, but I deleted it as I didn’t want to bombard the original creator too much. My anxiety can get bad especially when it comes to interacting with popular creators or making fanart due to stuff I rather not get into, but it can lead to me struggling a bit with knowing how to go about things or if I’m being too pushy. Even now I’m a little anxious posting this giant section, and can take it down if asked, but after reading my what if my brain wanted to expand on it with images more detailing what happened that first day.
I will warn this contains body horror, implied and shown death, injury, and a small bit of blood. This is also NOT my work or ocs. Like before, both design and the original story comes from @raisans-art and they should be given the credit for these great character designs and engaging stories. This is just my interpretation on a what if both twins got experimented on.
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As stated before, this version starts off the same with Emmet taken first and dies in the process of becoming Agee. But in this version the scientists catch on to Ingo’s snooping and struck him from behind when he finally encountered Agee. There was actually a deleted image showing that directly after, Durant popped out and, seeing Ingo limped on the ground and scientists quickly flooding in, grabbed Ingo’s pokeballs to try to at least save his team with the hope of being able to come back later to save the twins. He escapes through a vent, but in the process three pokeballs are knocked off and left in the lab, where Durant can’t grabbed them because the scientists are gaining on him. This wasn’t drawn cause for the life of me, I couldn’t draw full body Durant without looking like a knockoff lego.
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“What do we do now?”
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A little while later, the newest experiment Chei wakes up to a “frightening” giant. Meanwhile, the friendly fusion tries to welcome their new cell mate with open arms. I absolutely loved drawing that frame of Agee.
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A familiar image from before, but the shadows and Agee’s tail are actually here. This is an outside view of the scientists observing how the two fusions will interact with each other given the origins of the two used for this.
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Doesn’t go well. I realized I also missed the scar on Agee’s face, so I added it to the what if lore by having Chei feel threatened and slashed Agee with their face blade. Agee out of instinct and shock slammed their tail into Chei without realizing.
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A fun fact I mentioned in the comments last post, but Chei’s tail, chest, and face are made of glass. It’s a softer/flexible and more durable glass, but can still be cracked. As long as the core/soul in the chest is unharmed though, the glass will repair itself some time after with the length depending on how severe the damage was. So Chei will be fine, but Agee still feels bad for hurting them.
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Chei takes shelter in the corner to heal while Agee decides to give the new guy a little space for now, still determined though to make this friendship work as he feels a connection to this fusion. There was also a second cut drawing of Chei waking up later to an “I’m Sorry” poorly written on the ground while Agee anxiously taps their fingers together for a response.
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Elsewhere in a realm inaccessible to ones like us, a few spirits watch this disaster go down…
And that’s it! That was all the drawings made for that what if scenario. Will there ever be more? I’m honestly not sure as this was already a stretch. But I will be finishing my top ten list very soon if you want more Pokémon drawings from me and to yell at me for putting Lickilicky in my top 10. But once again, thank you @raisans-art for being the creator of the Emmet Chimera Au and may you all have a great rest of your day!
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 month
1, 2, 5, 7, 12, 19, 26, 33, 39 for yet another writing ask game (I tried to pace myself, believe it or not 🤪)
(Mhm, I can see that! XD)
yet another writing ask
1. Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely?
Why would you do this to me? Don't I already have enough WiPs on my plate? You know this is only ever going to end one way.
I'd say Prey on the Heart. I do like the descriptions of the setting and the worldbuilding but *pinches bridge of nose* Valtor is SO OOC, I'm in literal pain. I don't know what was going on through my head but oh, boy! Then again, it's been almost three years since then and my understanding of the characters has definitely improved plus my headcanon game has evolved too!... Now I feel the need to add that to the pile of WiPs. I. Am. Mad. at. You! 😤
I'm also definitely touching up the three chapters of Gifts Are Given To Be Taken if I ever get to writing the rest. And same for Have No Name for My Heart. That one is such a downer. 😅 I need to rework the tone completely.
2. Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to?
In general? Murder mysteries. I LOVE murder mysteries (though I'm somehow way better at identifying the red herring (as such) than the actual culprit)! But they require way too much research and that's literally the bane of my existence. So, uh, yeah... that Scream AU for Winx is probably not going to happen.
In particular I feel that I'm unable to write the Winx rewrite. Like, I want to! I have so many cool ideas that I'm excited about! But I lack the motivation and the sheer size of it scares me. Besides, there are so many rewrites out there that it feels like a waste of time to do that when I can be working on Griffin x Valtor (or a Griffin x Faragonda or Marion... or anyone really) fics, which are... mostly my niche (not to monopolize the ship but *looks at the Griffin x Valtor tag on AO3*).
5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
I can't think of one? If I don't want something associated with my account, I just don't post it. But I guess, generally speaking, I wouldn't want to tag something if it's spoilers. AO3 luckily has the "creator chose not to use archive warnings" and you can write an additional tag to the same effect if it's a trope you don't want to tag rather than an archive warning.
7. Your favorite ao3 tag.
I was gonna say I didn't have one but I'm afraid that if my answer here isn't angst, you will hunt me for sport. XD You know I love my pain and tragedy.
12. If you write in more than one language, what's the difference?
I write in Bulgarian very rarely anymore. I think the last time was in the beginning of last year and I have only written down a few ideas since then. But the key difference I feel is that I have a much easier time describing things in Bulgarian because the language itself is more descriptive. It's possible that I simply understand it a lot better than English since it's my mother tongue but I have also analyzed some Bulgarian texts and their English translations and while translations can rarely capture the full spirit of the original, I still feel that the Bulgarian language just offers more when it comes to how descriptive words are. Idk if that makes sense.
Another one is that I have a much easier time with varying sentence structure in English. Though, that might be because I've paid special attention to that while I haven't practiced it in Bulgarian... at all.
19. Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
I want you to know that I have to try so hard to restrain myself from saying at least five different things about this:
She slid a hand between her breasts to touch only flesh instead of her monad necklace that was usually nestled there. Its shine was replaced by the gold she’d threaded into the plunging neckline of her nightgown with her own powers, all on Valtor’s insistence it would bring out her eyes. Despite the darkness trying to creep over her form, a smile was curling her lips at how right he’d been.
A draft disturbed the room, the air moving as if with something shuddering.
Griffin whispered his name. Only once. Like it was some cursed, forbidden knowledge. The power it held was immeasurable – greater than any spell.
Her fingers dipped under her neckline to trace a path for him directly to her heart.
As if offended by its thundering, a lightning tore through the blanket of clouds enveloping the castle.
The flash of light revealed in the mirror a pair of glacial blue eyes, pale skin and maroon fabric that would blend together with her nightgown perfectly if not for the gold threads distinguishing where her form ended and his began.
The darkness surged over the room once again a moment later, greedy, great enough to swallow even him, making it look like she was a lonely island surrounded only by empty air and the hazy glow of her magic. Yet, even that omnipotent cover failed to hide him from her.
He was silent, motionless, not even a gasp of breath coming from him to make the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. The magic that had clung to her day and night had evaporated, leaving only a hollowness behind, a cold that made her shiver as if she’d been thrown out in the storm.
It didn’t matter.
She was dressed for him, in her favorite nightgown she hadn’t worn for anyone else – a tribute to him. She’d only needed to call his name once and he’d come running. He wasn’t leaving here until she was ready to let him go, until all the cards were on the table, everything revealed. No more distant voyeurism and half-lies, only naked truth.
26. What would you describe as OOC?
A behavior or action that isn't properly supported by the previously established characterization. For fics specifically, a character isn't OOC if the story took the time to take them from their canon self to the person that they are in the fic but there has to be a hint at least of why they are the way they are.
33. Give your writing a compliment.
You know, I'm starting to like my descriptions more and more! I'm learning to focus more on the vibes and that makes it easier to pinpoint which parts I need to describe. I was panicking about this one description I needed to do recently and then I ended up getting it almost perfect right away!
39. Wildest AU scenario you have written?
I answered this here.
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tarnishedxknight · 15 days
FFXII Week ~ Day 2 Prompt: Esper
{out of dalmasca} Disclaimer: This post may include canon-divergent interpretations of canon characters, info about OCs featured on this blog, and AUs that may not align with the canon plot/characters of FFXII and/or may contain triggering material.
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Alright, let's discuss Espers a bit, look at their origins and existences, and explore some interesting ideas for how they fit (or could have fit) into the overarching plot of FFXII...
Espers for me have always been a mixed bag of emotions. They're fun to summon and use in combat, they're visually incredible, and they're certainly helpful, but I can't help but wonder... do they like their existence? Are they... okay? Has anybody ever asked them? It seems like slavery to me. But then, I guess that was the point, to punish them for their hubris. The Occuria made the Espers, but when they grew to be too arrogant, their answer was to bind their souls to magical glyphs and to essentially doom them to eternal slavery. That seems... a bit harsh. Maybe just some good parenting would have helped the situation? A little discipline and instruction? A nice sit-down talk? Nope, let's just take all these amazing creatures we created and enslave them, that seems like the best thing to do.
Does anyone else feel really badly for them? I know they're super powerful beings, some of them borderline evil if not simply outright destructive, but... to be imprisoned for eternity, only to be freed to do the bidding of others... it seems really cruel. And whenever they are summoned to do the bidding of others, it's usually to battle someone or something. So they get let out, they get beat up and hurt and might be in a lot of pain, and then... whether they win or lose, they just get dismissed. It's enough to make me want to advocate for Esper rights or something, haha.
Nevertheless, I always did find them interesting. The designs for each of them were nothing short of artistic, and their weapons and spells were always so interesting to watch as they played out. I wish that we had gotten to see a bit more of them in the actual game, though, regardless of whether you as a player chose to make a lot of use of them or not. I wish we would have had some character-Esper bonding moments, like Yuna with Valefor in FFX. That would've been kinda cool, but I do get that it wouldn't have lent much to the story.
It could have, though. I always thought, with the origin of the Espers being that they were created by the Occuria, that there was a bit of a lost opportunity there with regard to the overall plot of the game. We've got Occuria trying to control mankind, rogue "heretic" Occuria who want to help mankind achieve their own goals instead of being manipulated into keeping some overarching, abstract Balance... but what of other creatures that had been manipulated by the Occuria? Or at least, taken advantage of?
It might have been interesting to hear the Espers' thoughts on their Occurian creators, those that could communicate well enough to do so. And I think it would have been very interesting if maybe someone of them could somehow be freed (maybe Ashe with her special, superpowered, Dynast magic could do it? I dunno) and choose to join with mankind to end the age of the Occuria? This could also tie in with the choice Ashe has to make, between revenge and finding a peaceful way to end the war. The Espers would have to choose between helping mankind to be free of the Occuria, as they would also wish to be free, and wanting to get back at the Occuria in anger for imprisoning them.
Their redemption/maturation arc could then have coincided with Ashelia's in an interesting way. Maybe a subset of the Espers agree to help for the right reasons and are granted permanent freedom afterward because of it? At the very least, it could have been an interesting side quest, to have one of them somehow summon itself one time through sheer force of will and be like hey... I want to help. Like, genuinely help. For the right reasons. *shrugs* Maybe it works, mayeb it doesn't, but I think the Espers' connection to the Occuria was a real missed opportunity to add a non-human facet to the question... are the Occuria guardians gods, or are they manipulative beings with their own agenda?
I realize FFXII was already a really long game, and adding another subplot to it probably just wasn't feasible. However, with all the cyclic and recurring themes of identity, freedom, morality, being trapped by one's past, and having hope for a better future that exist in the game, the Espers' plights would fit in perfectly. To see some of them genuinely learn humility from their punishment and change their ways, lower themselves to work with humes and not only be forced to do their bidding, and recognize that their power could be used to help ivalice transition into a better future without the use of nethicite... that would have been a truly interesting endeavor, in my opinion.
And finally... shoutout to my favorite Esper: Zalera, The Death Seraph...
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A badass, winged, armored skeleton/dark angel with a shamaness/necromancer chick attached to his shoulder? Um, yes please? My goth self loved that a little too much, heh. Just an awesome design, and so cool to watch in combat. =)
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letsgomakeanau · 2 years
Genshin Impact Sagau AU!
Iconic Updates AU!
In most of these AUs we have statues or other icons of the ‘Creator’ aka the player.
For this AU I propose that every time that the game is updated or any data packs are downloaded, any representations of the player would change once it’s down downloading.
Acolytes assume that you change it personally.
From head to toe any image of you would look exactly like how you look at that time. (You can choose if there’s a glow up or pose change if you want to.)
For the Normal Sagau AU!
Regardless of how much the player has changed since originally downloading the game the characters will have near perfect knowledge of what they look like.
Once the player is transported to Teyvat an arms race begins.
Or, well. A fashion race.
Every. Single. Day. You won’t be without an array of outfits presented to you in hopes of the various icon of your image changing to fit them.
(If anyone chooses to write this they can choose whether they want to updates to happen automatically, not at all which means that icons don’t change either, or having whatever device you played the game on with you so you have the ability to choose.)
Whenever you choose to wear anything, from a pin with a symbol on it to full regalia, if it is from a specific place then they will celebrate and brag about being the creator’s favorite.
Best to switch things up if you don’t want fights to happen.
For the Imposter AU!
If somehow they still don’t recognize that you are the true creator.
Then they’re idiots. Even more so than usual.
For this section let’s assume an update was just released so there will be some time before the next.
Regardless of where you start out people will assume that you’re copying the creator and trying to scam people.
The fake creator (if you chose to have one) has told the people that whatever clothes appear on any icons or statues would be clothes they wish to be made for them and it was a test to see if they were devoted enough.
As people had gotten much better at designing and quickly making clothes there had been cases of particularly talented tailors dressing up someone similar to the creator to pretend to be them.
Due to this you would at most be taken to prison, fined or sentenced to jail if you had attempted to trick people and unless you do something major you wouldn’t be hunted down.
If the fake is somehow able to sense that you are the real one they will immediately have you hunted down and killed in some secluded area.
From here you can choose if you want it to go the killed then revealed route or if the statues change to reflect you and then they realize.
Or if no one realizes then you can dress yourself up put on some makeup and have the reveal be absolutely hilarious.
Well that’s it for this post and send me asks or tag me if you have any questions about this AU.
If you wish to use this idea feel free to use it and don’t forget to tag me!
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