#original star trek alien species
ssstardust3001 · 5 months
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Developing a species. :> As a treat, I'm calling them sarduict(s). (Literally just put a lot of letters together bros.)
Info under read more
They are desert-dwelling beings that are warm-blooded endurance hunters able to easily cool themselves off with a complex internal system so they could keep running effectively rather than waste water by sweating. They are omnivorous though and can rely on roots and other plants when the hunting is bad. They are also known to sit in the rare rain showers or fog to absorb water through their skin.
Adults of either sex have "antlers" that are for display. The antlers are just modified feathers that serve no defense purposes. They have cyan blood that glows in the dark and are able to change color like octopuses to blend into their environment.
They have a dog-like intelligence (which is disputed, their true level of intelligence isn't fully known) and are a pack species that lives family groups. They are also shown to care for their elder and disabled members, often adopting orphans of their species. They communicate through a kind of telepathy to coordinate their actions while hunting and they can detect the minds of other species which makes them difficult to catch unaware. They communicate through a sort of code over longer distances through their bioluminescent tails which can blink on and off. They can be domesticated and trained to do tasks such as hunting.
They are very good parents and hold their eggs within pouches which both males and females possess. Their young then hatch and are able to use their prehensile tails to hang onto their pack mates's tails for transport if their parents cannot carry all of them in their arms. However, they usually only lay 1 or 2 eggs at a time.
They are able to open their jaws to 90 degrees at the widest and possess venomous fangs containing a neurotoxin to paralyze their prey. These fangs are on their second set of jaws which also aid in holding onto prey and guide food into their throats. They can control if they want to envenomate their target or not.
They have five fingers on human-like hands and five toes. Their toes possess hooves at the tips much like tapirs. Their fingers are quite dexterous. They can use simple tools and weave nests. The male actually initiates courtship with a female by first weaving her a nest.
They smell through nostrils like dogs, however they can also smell much like snakes do with forked tongues and a Jacobson's organ. Their nostrils can close to prevent breathing in dust, and they have nictitating membranes that protect their eyes from sand and the suns of their world. They can hold their breath for an hour if they are motionless during sandstorms and always have a sense where up is as well as the general directions of north, south, east, and west.
They can make rather throaty, yet musical vocalizations to communicate over long distances and even sometimes sing just for the hell of it or to even help calm their young who communicate through chirps. Females can be seen initiating courtship through song, and the male would try to copy. However, they can also mimic humanoid speech much like ravens of Earth.
Their ears are rather long, but are pressed against their body, blending in. It is not fully known why they sometimes hide their ears even if they aren't threatened, however it is suspected that they are incredibly sensitive to sound.
Young are covered in feathers which insulate them against cold desert nights when they are too large to remain in their parents' pouches. They lose them when they reach full maturity.
They are immune to the poison of the le-matya among other venomous and poisonous species, and their blood can be used as a general antitoxin in a pinch.
They are known to come to the aid of humanoids stranded in the desert, and an attack from one is almost unheard of unless it is alone due to being sick. When sick with a general disease, an individual will tend to isolate themselves, but remain in the pack and under its care. However, if it is life threatening, it will use the last of its strength to abandon its pack and wander into the desert to die alone.
They mourn their dead as well using complex songs while burying them in sand. Each family unit has a specific mourning song as well as specific greeting songs. When meeting another family group there is usually little to no conflict and they use that opportunity for adult members to court members from the other group. Males usually join the female's family group.
They tend to be rather illusive and shy creatures in general, but they are drawn to music.
They can also stand completely upright in order to view things easier with their sharp eyes that can see in multiple wavelengths and in more colors than humans. Males are a little smaller. On average though, when fully upright, they are around 7 feet tall.
It is speculated that they could possibly eventually evolve into an intelligent space-fairing species in the future.
Honestly they're like dinosaurs mixed with dogs and ravens that have hooves and pouches. They aren't mammals though since they don't produce milk.
Their facial markings are also different between individuals.
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featherycrimes · 2 months
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This fucking thing
His name is Nar'axihr, he works in security and is the most antisocial being on the entire space station
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mercuriiarts-04 · 4 months
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hee hoo, the star trek onslaught begins!
This is Aela, a Stryghan special operative under the Dominion. He is one of the last of his species after his planet was conquered and then destroyed by the Dominion - he’s kept as a glorified attack dog by Weyoun as an example to other Dominion citizens.
Despite being on Ketracel-White like the Jem’Hadar, Aela was not genetically engineered to depend on it - something he only discovers after defecting to the Cardassian side. With Federation aid under capture, Aela is rehabilitated to live without the compound, although he soon returns to Gul Dukat’s side in his quest destroy the Dominion by any means necessary.
Aela probably spends a lot of time bouncing between sides depending on what serves him best. Growing up under various Weyoun iterations certainly did a number on his moral compass, and Dukat’s decidedly treacherous means of getting what he wants doesn’t help much either. I don’t have many villain OCs so Aela would be fun to explore as a sympathetic antagonist, maybe going so far as to side with the Federation briefly when Cardassia and the Dominion side with each other
The Stryghans are my own little species - they’re very much the foil to the Bajorans in what happened with the Cardassian occupation, but unlike them, Strygha didn’t survive the Dominion and their rebellion resulted in their destruction. Their culture is very heavily inspired by Edo period Japan, and Aela is very much the wandering ronin looking for a place to belong 👀
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freaky4the-vulcan · 18 days
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My silly billy Star Trek oc whom I adore and am in love with🙏🙏🙏 KENNETH JONES🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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lt-kaollumn · 8 months
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more alien fashion- this time, from my original planet Kha-El (or Kha II, of the Kha system). modeling is my character Yuros, a member of the dominant species.
Members of this race experience the change in seasons through the changing of their own skin and hair. Over the course of a local planetary year (over twice as long as terran years), they shift from the lightest shade on the left, to the darkest on the right, and back again. For some kha-elians the process can be quite grueling at times, as more rapid shifts in color may result in heavy shedding or molting.
The rest of the planet shifts color, too. Everything from the flora and fauna, to the dirt, sands & muds they walk on will shift color as the weather changes, thoroughly embedding color into their culture.
The most popular fashion on kha-el usually involves some kind of iridescent or otherwise color-shifting fabric (see image). Solid color, with no texture, sheen, or shifting property, is often seen as quite sterile.
This proud race of people has a rich history of vibrant colors and powerful emotions. Like many races, they were once far more militaristic and conflict-driven. Since their warlike days, they’ve evolved to value personal dignity, respect for others & healthy competition.
Socially, it’s popular to bond over small tests of skill, wit, dignity, and endurance. In some occasions, simply entering one’s space can be considered a challenge- and will surely be met with enthusiasm. It’s equally popular for people to take bets on these contests, therein participating in the bonding themselves.
This combination of a violent past and a modern culture of respectful competition are reflected in their high fashion today- with many garbs and gowns including a built-in personal-space-bubble. They serve as both a proud statement of boundaries, encouraging respectful distance from others, and as an elegant (if not impractical) accessory.
i have much more to say about this race- particularly in their anatomy, skills, and culture. (note to self- expand on how militaristic past reflects in current culture) for now, have this!
in meta, i was inspired a lot by the filaments of flowers like lilies. theyre so bold and dramatic and alien, but dainty and elegant all the same.
the floral inspirations are pretty obvious in the coloring of the first one, what with it looking like pale petals.
the coloring of the second one was inspired by that swampy rain color, and the pattern by drops of dew on spiderwebs.
third one was inspired by…. the epic movie from 2013. and also the cups they serve moscow mules in. they can’t all be insightful, i guess.
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smolartdork · 13 days
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Star Trek ocs! I finally made them proper ref sheets.
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uss-sonder · 28 days
New OC!!
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This is Atropos [she/her]. The uniform is a placeholder outfit as she is not actually in Starfleet. Atropos joined her world's fledgeling space program, knowing full well she may never return home [this has earned her the title of "the Lonely"]. She arrived at the alpha quadrant via the Bajoran wormhole and at some point meets the crew of the USS Sonder after her shuttle malfunctions.
Atropos's wings are not large enough for her to truly fly. Instead, she- and all of her species- can hover for a few second and glide down from high surfaces.
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headphones-lifeform · 1 month
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My new WIP aliens. You might see them later over on @uss-sonder.
Update: wait, should I add more arms?
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hummingbird-of-light · 4 months
June of Doom 2024 Day 9 (@juneofdoom)
9. “I made a mistake.”                           
| Accident | Acceptance | Blame |
"P-please, ye don't have to do this! I know that I made a mistake in yer eyes, but this is going too far."
Montgomery "Scotty" Scott panicked, trying to convince the locals that their plan to execute him was complete madness. He had been taken from his cell to a room where the sentence was to be passed and carried out.
Everything he had done had been for the good of the people. The engineer had done his best to repair the machine that kept the planet's capital warm. He had done everything right! He just didn't know what had gone wrong!
"Silence! You have condemned us to a life of cold! Many of us will not survive the next lunar cycle!"
Scotty stared up with huge eyes at the judge, who was looking down at him from his high chair. The piercing green eyes seemed to pierce the engineer quite literally. There was no mercy in them.
"I'll fix the machine! A-a-all I need is some time and the right plans!" the Scotsman stammered desperately. Tears started to fill his eyes.
He didn't want to die! He wanted to get back on board his beloved ship and join his crew! But he also knew that he was subject to the laws of the planet. And if the punishment for his offense was death, then neither he nor the captain could do anything about it.
Scotty still remembered his last conversation with Kirk before he had been taken away to the prison.
Jim had sworn to Scotty that he would do everything he could to clear things up in time, but apparently he hadn't succeeded.
"Your time is up, human! You alone are to blame for this misfortune and it will cost you your life. I hereby sentence you, Montgomery Scott, to death by hanging! May you atone for your sins!"
Scotty's eyes widened a little more and he shook his head violently. This was not fair! It just wasn't fair! He wasn't allowed to die for a mistake he hadn't made! He hadn't done anything wrong!
"Please! Nae! Nae! I didn't do anything! It's not my fault! Believe me! I-I didn't destroy the machine! A-and I can fix it!"
The guards simply pulled him along with them, no matter how hard Scotty kicked and squirmed. He felt the eyes of the entire council of the planet's elders resting on him. Anger sparkled in them. One of the female creatures nodded to a guard and the strongly built native took out a piece of cloth and used it to gag the Scotsman.
They led him to a small platform in the middle of the hall and he felt one of the guards place a thick rope around his neck. Scotty resisted as much as he could, but quickly realized that it made no sense. It was useless to try anything.
His heart raced and he screamed into the gag as he felt himself being slowly pulled up by the rope. His feet lost contact with the ground and the sound in his throat choked as the air supply was cut off.
He noticed that the locals were whispering to each other. Satisfaction mingled with the angry faces. They were happy to see the man they blamed for everything slowly and agonizingly suffocating.
Scotty closed his eyes and hot tears made their way out and ran down his cheeks, dripping down from his chin. He felt himself being pulled further and further into the air, dangling above the crowd.
At first he tried to make sounds and pull at the noose around his neck, but he quickly realized that it was doing him no good.
His body weakened and images formed in Scotty's mind's eye.
He saw his home in Aberdeen. His family and the house he had grown up in. He saw his little brother, with whom he had always played. He saw the academy, his failed experiment with Archer's Beagle and his time on Delta Vega. And he saw the Enterprise and its crew. His friends. No – his family.
Why hadn't they made it? Why hadn't Jim and the others saved him? He had hoped every second of his captivity that they would come and get him out. That this huge misunderstanding would be cleared up.
He had performed so many miracles in his life. But where was his miracle? Who would save him?
"Stop! Stop it right now!"
That voice. Scotty tried to open his eyes, but they resisted.
"He didn't do anything! Montgomery Scott is innocent!"
Aye. He was innocent. He was innocent! He had done everything right.
"What proof do you have of that?" came the judge's critical voice.
"We'll show you in a moment! Now put him down! He needs air right now, damn it!"
A faint smile formed on Scotty's lips when he heard the second voice. He could have guessed that the captain was not alone.
When Scotty felt his body slowly sink back to the ground, he was already on the verge of losing consciousness. He heard the blood rushing in his ears, heard the pounding of his heart.
Strong arms caught him and soon the Scotsman was lying on the floor, able to breathe again.
"Scotty! Scotty, open your eyes, man! Look at me!"
And this time the engineer actually succeeded. The sight that presented itself to him was the most beautiful he had seen in a long time.
Dr. Leonard McCoy looking at him with worried eyes.
Scotty just smiled. The doctor had come to save him.
He heard Jim say something about a saboteur from the natives' own ranks and about evidence that had been found, but that wasn't important at the moment.
All that mattered was that he was in McCoy's arms. And that he wouldn't die.
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Still thinking about Tuvok and Vorik.
Like, I now really wish that the series had an episode where Tuvok seeks him out and tries to give him tips for how to keep your vulcan logic and emotional control in tact while being on a mostly human ship. And Vorik follows them to a T...only to completely mess up.
Like he just instantly gets into a fight with Belaana, accidentally insults Tom Paris, etc.
Eventually he concludes that nope, this is not helping, and he starts acting more himself again. (I headcanon that he's from a less traditional vulcan family and that's why both him and Taurik joined starfleet)
And he realizes how the humans actually respond better to him if he lets his emotional shields down. Which I can imagine might be exciting for younger vulcans who maybe don't really understand the importance of them yet? (Like how we see with child Tuvok in one episode, even though yk...vorik's clearly older than that.)
So throughout the series we get to watch Vorik slowly turn from your average cold vulcan into someone who's almost openly showing his feelings (as much as he's able to anyways)
I can imagine this would make things between Tuvok and him a lot more akward too since I believe Vorik would subconsciously still look up to him in a way, even if he doesn't feel the need to practice emotional suppression as much anymore.
So it'd probably come to scenes where Vorik's just chatting with a crew member and having a very slight smile on his face, only to turn 😐 again once he spots Tuvok walking past them.
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cerivian-zyphyrr · 5 months
Hello, this is an ask/rp sideblog for my Star Trek oc that follows back from @commander-jbennett.
My muse's full name is Vidc'aor Saqsül Zyphyrr, but is fine with being called Zyph due to his name being difficult for most people to pronounce. He is an ensign and very excited to be working as a medical intern.
His race is known as the Cerivians from the planet Cerivia which has only been in the Federation for 5 years. He is the first of his people to attend and graduate from Starfleet Academy.
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antiparticular · 8 months
help I decided to do some research into the exoplanet I based z'licht on (gliese 581d) for the first time since I made the z'lichte (like 5 or 6 years ago) and in that time it has been disproven 😭😭 sorry guys turns out z'licht was an artifact of stellar activity that was incompletely corrected
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aclkplm208-blog · 1 year
Lt. J.G. Xander Berokeshiwtz
Meet Lt. J.G. Xander Berokeshiwtz, Jr. Operations officer and later Communications Cheif of the Enterprise-F in my fan series Star Trek Unity.  He one of a set of secondary characters of ST: Unity.  Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and owned by Param
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firewolf-pyro · 2 years
I updated a few things for the Ket.
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thagomizersshow · 1 year
I love when sci-fi/fantasy writers throw in a random fact about a fictional species that actually has big repercussions for that species' biology.
Like, there is a species in Star Trek called Saurians who are adorable dinosauroid looking dudes. They've had very little revealed about them despite having been mentioned as early as the original series by way of "Saurian brandy" — a drink that is so strong it can put a Klingon on their ass in one swig.
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Other than that, most of what we know about them comes from snippets involving a reoccuring character on Discovery named Linus, who is mostly a comic relief character. Now the reason I bring them up is that in one episode there's a scene where Linus is eating bamboo of all things, and I'm not sure the writers realized how telling this is about Saurian biology.
Bamboo is a damn hard food to eat, and us humans can only eat the shoots of a few species. Even then, raw consumption of shoots can lead to cyanide poisoning if you aren't careful. We still don't know how exactly a lot of animals that eat a lot of bamboo (bamboo lemurs, red pandas, bamboo rats, elephants, gorillas) are able to digest so much of it without getting cyanide poisoning. There is some sort of neutralization process in giant pandas involving the rhodanese enzyme that turns cyanide into the non-toxic thiocyanate that they just pee out, but the process is still poorly understood in other species.
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Bamboo is also hard to digest for the same reason all grasses are; their plant wall cellulose is hard as hell to break down. Like, your choices are:
a) you do a poor job of digesting it and just spend all day eating (giant panda, red panda, bamboo lemur)
b) you grow really big and have a big gut (elephants, gorillas)
c) you only eat the parts of the plant that are easier to digest (bamboo rats)
On top of that, bamboo is loaded with silica phytoliths that are like microscopic bits of glass. These evolved to make their tissues even harder to chew and metabolize.
It's hard to make out in the scene, but it looks like Linus is eating raw bamboo leaves. Just picking them up with his fingers and munching on them like it's nothing. That means his teeth and/or jaws would need to be very powerful (maybe hypsodont? or maybe tooth batteries?) AND, because he's eating it raw, he'd have to be immune to the cyanide in some way.
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One explanation could be in the Star Trek Adventures TTRPG, where Saurians are said to have an ability called "Enhanced Metabolism" where they recover from toxins faster than other species (my guess is this was meant to reference their brandy being so strong). BUT, that's not the same thing as the immunity real bamboo eating animals seem to have. My head canon is that Saurians have a diet similar to red pandas, where bamboo-like plants are their main diet on their homeworld, but they'll eat other stuff too when it's available, AND they've evolved some way to convert cyanide into a harmless chemical they excrete, like a giant panda.
All of these whacky biology shenanigans stem (hehe) from the casual writing decision to make a supporting alien character seem weird by eating a weird thing.
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tossawary · 18 days
The really funny thing about all "Star Trek" "parodies" is that if they take their writing halfway seriously, with somewhat consistent characterization and logical world building and any sense of moral decency, then they usually end up just making "Star Trek" again genuinely.
Like, a parody might go, "Lol, isn't it so funny that the original Star Trek aliens are just humans with forehead bumps? Here's a sapient, space-faring alien species who look like gelatinous cubes! Ha ha!" But if the story goes on for long enough, the "parody" starts saying shit like, "And these cubes deserve the same rights and dignity as any of us, no matter what they look like! This cube died heroically to save us all!" and also, "How's it going, Ensign Wiggles? I'm looking forward to your tambourine recital later!" And then that's pretty much the underlying premise of a lot of "Star Trek" again, in a new world with new structures and new voices with new things to say about it all, and I think that's great.
Also, it's genuinely hard to come up with both problems and solutions stupider than what "Star Trek" has already aired with its full chest. You say shit like, "Ha ha, what if the transporter started turning people into fruit bowls? Wouldn't that be silly?" and I have to squint at you for a minute as I struggle to remember whether or not that was a real episode.
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