#otayuri band AU
leiandroid · 2 months
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more band AU sketch pages :)
milas tattoo keeps migrating so that i can show she has one lmao but the itty bitty mila is it's actual position xd
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otayuriweek23 · 10 months
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Welcome Travelers, to Otayuri Week 2023! You've found yourself in the distant lands of tigers, bears, and figure skating, oh my! 🐯🐻💞 This year, we have word prompts, song prompts, and color prompts!
This event runs October 25 to October 31. Accessible versions of the prompts (including hex codes for the color prompts) and rules, as well as a Q&A, are available on our Event Details page.
Check out our carrd for links to our AO3, twitter, and more!
Thank you to everyone who participated in past Otayuri Weeks! It’s a joy to welcome you all back to the madness ❤️ And a special welcome to any newcomers! Looking forward to seeing what you all create! Word Prompts Day 1: Wedding, Realizations, Band AU Day 2: Vacation, Childhood, Bodyguard AU Day 3: Slow Burn, Dance, Arranged Marriage AU Day 4: Social Media, Shout, Dystopian AU Day 5: Milestones, Touch, Omegaverse AU Day 6: Pets, Relief, Western/Cowboy AU Day 7: Confession, Inspiration, Free Prompt!
Song Prompts Day 1: A song you'd blast at a party Day 2: A song that makes you cry Day 3: A song you'd sing at karaoke Day 4: A song you'd send to a would-be lover Day 5: A song that makes you want to run Day 6: A song that feels like a warm hug Day 7: Free choice!
Color Prompts Day 1: “thrill of the chase” Day 2: “waves of time” Day 3: “buyer's remorse” Day 4: “but did you die?” Day 5: “wait for me” Day 6: “as you wish” Day 7: “until the end of the line”
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sushisalmon95 · 7 years
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Otayuri BandBallerina AU Chapter 9
aaaaaa after that madness week, I finally done with chapter 9 XDDDDD and dundun dunnnnn here comes Milaaaaa
Chapter 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
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authormagrant · 6 years
Otayuri Spotlight flash
Here’s @stellarblau‘s flash. Otayuri and a game of Spotlight, set in a band camp AU because I could. :)
It was official. Yuri hated summer camp. The moment he got back home, he was going to give his grandpa an earful.
Maybe the experience would have been more fun if it weren’t for the people there. But there was no way of making freaking band camp any more enjoyable than playing that shitty, reworked version of “Welcome to the Jungle” at his high school’s last assembly before summer break. Wait ... No, playing that song had been more fun than this. And he’d had to play the cowbell instead of his cello.
Yuri sighed and rested his head against the wall of the boathouse. Technically he was still following the dumb ass rules his counselor Victor had set for the game of Spotlight. He was within the specified area, he was listening to Victor’s sing-song voice calling out the names of people he caught, and he hadn’t gone back to his cabin yet. So what if he was tucked behind an ancient rowboat covered in a pile of tarps and nets and ridiculous pylons used to mark swimming routes in the lake? He didn’t want to be found. Not by Victor, not by his fellow campers, not by anyone.
Too bad someone walked into the boathouse at that moment. Against his will, Yuri felt the tiny surge of adrenaline as he tried to figure out who was standing in the doorway, backlit by the moonlight and stars.
Too short to be Victor, he thought and let himself relax.
Whoever it was just stood there, probably letting his eyes adjust to the gloom. Normally, Yuri wouldn’t have cared. But he could hear Victor coming their way and he didn’t want this asshole to get him caught as well.
“Hey,” he whispered.
The person in the doorway didn’t move.
“Hey, asshole,” Yuri hissed a little louder, “what are you doing? Get in here and hide already.”
That caught the intruder’s attention. He left the doorway and made his way cautiously through the piles of junk and scuttled boats toward Yuri’s hiding spot. Outside, Yuri heard Victor’s voice growing louder as he came to check the boathouse.
Yuri reached out and grabbed the other player’s hand, dragging him down so he too was hidden. To the guy’s credit, he didn’t make any noise at the unexpected movement. He did try to pull away a little, but the scuffle of Victor’s feet in the doorway left him frozen against Yuri.
“Hello?” Victor called from the doorway. The white beam of his flashlight roamed the boathouse and Yuri’s stomach cramped. Not from excitement over the stupid game, of course. No, he just didn’t want to have to walk to the “jail” and hangout in there with stupid JJ, who was the first to get caught. That’s why his palm was sweating and he was clinging to the other kid’s hand so tightly. And it’s probably why the other kid was clinging back just as hard.
The beam crossed over the pile of stuff that hid them, missing them, but providing enough light that Yuri could finally make out who was sharing his hiding spot. Otabek Altin, the double bassist he’d spent almost a month pretending to ignore, crouched a few inches away. He wasn’t watching Victor’s light moving though; he was watching Yuri. Again.
Yuri wasn’t sure what to make of that. Otabek was ... intense. He was probably the most focused musician at the camp, other than Yuri, of course. He wasn’t mean or anything. He just didn’t joke around like Phichit or talk about starting classical-pop crossover groups like Leo or pretend like he would be the next Nigel Kennedy like JJ did. Otabek played every song like it was a war and he intended to be the only man left alive when it was all over.
Yuri was pretty sure Otabek hated how he played the cello. He’d been joking around with Victor’s counselor boyfriend Yuuri one day before one of the official camp practice sessions. Otabek had walked in on their impromptu cello-piano duet. He didn’t clap when they were done. He just went to his seat and started getting ready. But he hadn’t taken his eyes off of Yuri once at practice that day, even at the risk of getting yelled at by Yakov. Not that Otabek would miss anything while the old man was conducting; he was infuriatingly steady and reliable.
That made this whole inches-apart thing a little unnerving. Yuri wasn’t good at reading him and there was a strange look on Otabek’s face Yuri had never seen before. He probably shouldn’t have opened his mouth, but his nerves were too strong. “What are you looking at?”
“You’re a really good cellist.”
Yuri blinked.
Otabek swallowed. “I meant to tell you that after I heard you and Yuuri playing, but I couldn’t figure out how to say it and everyone came in and it didn’t seem like a good time after.”
“Oh. Thanks.”
Otabek’s eyelashes were short and dark and they made his eyes look like they’d been lined with India ink. The corner of his mouth twitched like he was trying to hide a smile.
“You’re good too,” Yuri mumbled. He glanced toward the door, but Victor was nowhere in sight. “Why’d you come to hide in here?”
“I saw you go in here at the start of the game. Thought it might be a good time to talk to you.”
“Why do you want to talk to me?”
“You’re the only other person here who’s as serious about playing as I am. I figured we could be friends.”
“Friends?” Yuri’s voice rose to a higher pitch than he expected, but Otabek didn’t seem to notice.
“Do you have anyone to play with at the end of camp talent show?”
“No. Not yet.”
“I want to play Rossini with you,” Otabek said in that quiet, gravelly voice. And then he flushed and Yuri’s heartbeat shook through him like the timpanis in “Carmina Burana.”
“So?” Otabek asked, tilting his head a bit to the side and raising a brow at Yuri. “Are you gonna play with me or not?”
Maybe band camp didn’t suck so much.
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baramini · 7 years
Was thinking...
Since it’s right around the corner, I kinda want to make small au’s about my band camp stories staring the YOI cast 
Edit: First one is out!!!
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thischapstickaddict · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @tomicaleto! This was fun :D :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
20 as of yesterday! I just finished a new story for the Green Knight -- Are We Not Wise Enough?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
 688,174 words. As you’ll see here, I’m not succinct.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
The Green Knight
Star Wars - Prequels, Sequels, and Rogue One
The Old Guard
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Yuri!! On Ice
The BBC Muskeeters show from 2014
Middle Earth - Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit
Pacific Rim
Les Misérables - specifically, the 2012 film
Though in all honesty I’ve got little notes and thoughts on just about any media I’ve ever consumed that resonated with me. Most of those will never see the light of day, since I don’t have time to develop them.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In a lovely ego boost, my top five are all my fics that’ve broken 1K kudos.
1. Endurance and Peach Tea (Yuri!! On Ice, Otayuri, Teen)
I somehow slammed out 10K of fic over a weekend in the middle of series, and hit the fandom at the exact right time. This is by far my most popular fic.
2. The Myriad Adventures of Mutant Goblin and Graceless Cat (LotR, Gigolas, Teen)
I signed up for the Gigolas Big Bang back in 2014 and 1k into writing promptly realized Fíli was my favorite character. That turned into an interesting balancing act.
3. Needing/Getting (Star Wars Prequels, Obikin, Explicit)
My baby! That fic that I can’t believe I wrote and finished, that got me through the horrible 2020 year. I will never not be so fucking proud of this story.
4. When The Cherries White With Blossoms, Be Ready & Be Brave (The Old Guard, Kaysanova, Explicit)
This fic terrified me for a bit because it was the first time I used emotional recovery rather than action/adventure for a plot. That was a lot harder than I expected, but I’m really happy with the result.
5. Day One (Les Misérables, E/R, Teen)
This was the first fic of mine to get immediate traction--i remembered posting it, going to a wedding, checking my phone at a break, and being so stunned by what I saw I ended up explaining fanfic to my stepdad in a fit of shock.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do my best because I love getting comments and want to return all the excitement and gratitude someone took the time to express for my work.
That being said i have to stop when it begins to feel like a chore. Then my anxiety kicks up and then they sit for months upon months. It’s....yeah, I’m working on it.
tl;dr--I try to.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I gravitate towards Happy For Now endings as a general rule. Of them all, I think Porthos The Pirate had the most difficult ending to reconcile.
In it, Porthos went from a renegade pirate who treasured his freedom above all else to a nearly-respectable Muskeeter with two lovers and a structure he had to work within. His acceptance of responsibly meant also accepting that his actions as a pirate, while moral, did nothing to resolve the deeper issues causing them. He was trying to patch a gaping wound with a band-aid.
That fic was really about growing up, and that’s always hard.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I avoid reading/writing crossovers as a general rule, since I have a hard time accessing them--usually I’m much more invested in one fandom over the other. The sole exception being Pacific Rim--I will jump through fire for a good Drift Compatible AU, though I have no compulsion to write one myself.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
A few sour comments over the years but nothing unreasonable.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Ohhhhhh yes. And, tbh, whatever kind I want. I used to be a lot more descriptive of how bodies met, but then I realized a few years back it wasn’t the physicality of sex that really got me, it was the emotional connection and intensity that came from it.
So, now I write sex scenes that talk about how a character is feelings when connecting with their partner. Why they wanted to be there, and what they’re getting from it. I love my sex scenes, and if I make sure they’re doing some heavy lifting on the plot/themes of my story I can put even more in!
It can sometimes come off purple-prosy and pretentious if i’m not careful, but it’s honestly the the kind of sex I really, really like to read.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep - Play Nice (Hobbit RPF) was translated into Chinese.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have indeed -- my roomie @readwing and I have been in fan spaces for years together, though rarely in the same fandom. Every once in a blue moon our fandoms overlap, which got us:
A German, A Russian, and an American Walk Into A Bar (Man From UNCLE, OT3, Explicit) -- which, holy crap we finished!
The Garrison Reserve (The Musketeers, The Inseparables, Mature) -- which, holy crap, we need to finish!
They're currently working on a couple BatFam projects I’m gonna lose my mind over when they post. 
What’s your all time favourite ship?
The Leverage OT3 of Hardison/Parker/Eliot. I love their depiction in canon so much I rarely need fic to supplement their story or personalities. I don’t think I could write fic for them --I’m a spite writer and I most often write fic when canon annoyed me about something. tbh I’ve yet to come across a Leverage fic that gave me the same emotions watching The Rundown Job did. 
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
@readwing and I are bound and determined to finish The Garrison Reserve....someday.
What are your writing strengths?
I don’t know if its a strength but I adore writing dialogue.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I start taking narrative short cuts that aren’t necessarily in the story’s best interest when I’ve run out of patience for a project. I know if I leave it for a week, maybe two, I can work out whatever it is that’s bugging me. It just sometimes feels like I don’t have a week or two to sit on it, I’ve got to solve it now, now, now. And that’s when I get sloppy. Usually, months or years later, when I reread something, I can tell where I fucked up.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Translation is a paid profession because its extremely difficult and nuanced task that takes lots of skill and insight. Not everyone can do it.
I did it once in one of my Les Mis fics--I knew enough French to be dangerous, and I still got it wrong. Every once in a while I think about going back and pulling that line. Then I remember I have about a thousand other things to do, and editing a nearly ten year old fic does not pay my bills. Eventually, you just gotta learn from your mistakes and get on with life.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
When I was 11 or so I wrote the beginnings of a Digimon fic that I think is out there in cyberspace somewhere. I couldn’t tell you were. In high school I wrote a few short fics for Teen Titans, Beyblades, and really obscure anime called Pilot Candidate.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
As I’ve just finished it, I’m pretty darn proud of my Green Knight fic and will likely be for some months yet.
That being said, Needing/Getting is by far the biggest, most expansive work I’ve ever managed as a writer. I will love that story until my end days.
Tagging next: anyone who’s interested :D Happy FanFic Writer Appreciation Day!
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Looking for Canon/OC and Canon/Canon RP partners.
Hi, my name is Cici and I'm looking for some long term fandom roleplay partners! I'm a 20 year old female so any partners aged 18+ would be ideal to account for any possible NSFW. I will roleplay with you if you are younger, but no younger than 17 and no older than 30. Also, if you are under 18,  our roleplay will automatically be SFW.
Reply length and time: one to two paragraphs minimum per reply in third person and my timezone is GMT.  One-liners are a turn off for me. Two to three replies a day minimum, and I veer towards trying to write multiple replies a day. If you can't reply often, that's okay as long as you state it beforehand. I like a lot of OOC chatter whether it's in general or about the RP.  I like to build up a friendship of sorts with my partner so it's easier to set up plot points or even just gush about characters. So if you're into that sort of thing, I'm your gal!
My RP preference is CanonxOC, but I will also write Canon/Canon. Doubling is essential-in return, I'm more than happy to write from any of the characters and ships below. Also open to both canon and AU'S for fandoms.
Fandom and Character/ship list:(Bold and Italics=RP's that I'm looking for at the moment, but I can also write every ship mentioned here)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club: I write Haru, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Rin, Sousuke, Sejiuro, Momo, Gou and Izuru.
Ships: MakoHaru, Regisa, Haru/Rin, SouRin, Rin/OC, Izuru/Gou, Gou/Seijuro. 
Yuri on Ice: I write Yuuri, Victor, Yuri P, Otabek, JJ Leroy, Pitchit, Mila, Sara and Seung-Gil. 
Ships-Victyuuri, Otayuri, Yuri P/OC, JJBek, MilaSara, Pitchit/Seung-gil. 
Ouran High School Host Club: I write Haruhi and pretty much the entire Host Club.
Ships-TamaHaru, Tamaki/OC, Kyoya/Tamaki, Kyoya/OC, Hikaru/OC,Kaoru/OC.
Mystic Messenger:Zen, Yoosung, Saeyoung, Jaehee and MC. (Note: I've played all of the routes except for Unknown/Ray/Saeran but in future, I'll probably roleplay him as well.)
Ships-Zen/MC, Saeyoung/MC, Yoosung/Saeyoung, Jaehee/MC.
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus: Percy, Nico, Will, Leo, Annabeth, Percy, Reyna. Ships-Leo/OC, Solangelo. (Note: The ships list for this fandom could get longer in the future, as I'm currently trying to get back into this fandom.)
Fandoms that I may possibly roleplay in the future and am trying to get back into: Fruits Basket, Harry Potter, The Umbrella Academy, Stranger Things, Haikyuu!, Studio Ghibli, Black Butler, The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters.)
AU'S I will roleplay-(both Fandom and OC.)
Actor AU, Band AU, College AU, Demigod AU, Fake Dating AU, High School AU, Journalist/Reporter AU, Royalty AU, Social Media AU, Youtuber AU.
Limits: I don't mind smut, but I'm not looking for a purely NSFW based RP. Overly angsty topics such as death, family issues are fine for me to RP but I draw the line at rape, gore, or any overly descriptive violence.
Contact: I'm submitting through my main blog @caoimhediva if you have any questions or would prefer to set up RP on Tumblr.
However, my preferred platform to RP on is Discord, so if you want to contact me on there, my tag is fancifuldreamer#8377 .
I hope this ad interests one or two of you! It seems like a lot, but I do try to be flexible, so don't be afraid to reach out!
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pandamilo · 6 years
WIP Title Meme
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Pick out the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it.
I was tagged by @louciferish which is a complete and utter fucking call out XD
These three are actually my novels XD
- Music, Fan Fiction and Self-Depreciation - Accidents Happen - Flint
The following seven billion things are my fandom WIPs.
- Forever Always - Kinktober Forever Always Future Fic - Finding Your Gold - One Time Too Many - Omegaverse Phichimetti - Corrupt Me With Your Music - Band AU - Secret Actor Affair AU - Celestial Sphere - Secrets and Revelations - Room’mates’ - Room’mating’ - Burning Air - Pet Cafe AU - My Idiot, Hinata - Phichuuri Song Fic - Pregnant Bella/Whiny JJ (SFW) - Pregnant Bella/Whiny JJ (NSFW) - Secret Santa Gift - Leoji Bar/Music AU - Dyslexia AU: Bottom Viktor - Possessive Otayuri - Leoji Spanking - Seung Gil/Minami Date - BJ Dom Viktor - Dom top Yuri - Otayuri inspired - Chris/Yuuri EMH - Omegaverse/Coffee shop/Mutual Pining/University - Phichitmetti BDSM - Follow The Cock Part Two - Erasermight Soulmates - Eiji & Ash Crack - Shorter/Eiji/Ash
I tag @punktsuki @bullsfish @n3rdlif343va
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fanatical-san · 6 years
I Have A New System!
As you may or may not know, I’m ‘renovating’ my blog a little. It started off as a simple batjokes blog, but has slowly grown to a multi-fandom blog, which I know can be quite annoying for those who don’t want to see random stuff on their blog. So, thanks to @king-of-comedy‘s wonderful suggestion, I’ll be tagging stuff on my blog (from now on; I don’t think I have the time or effort to go through every single post I ever had on my blog and tag it XD), so you can blacklist/filter out stuff you don’t want. Read under the cut for what tags I’m using, if it’s relevant to you, otherwise, keep scrolling and have a lovely day <3 <3 <3
Please note that I may forget to tag stuff with all these new tags sometimes! I’ll obviously tag all the usuals, like NSFW (although I don’t really have that sort of content on my blog?) and trigger warnings, but I’m adding these:
Dirk Gently
Harry Potter
Dan and Phil
Thomas Sanders
Sanders Sides (no apostrophe!)
Troye Sivan
Bands (ie FOB/TOP/MCR/PATD etc.)
Heavy Metal
Justice League
Yuri On Ice (no exclamation marks!!!)
Big Windup (no exclamation marks!)
Magnus Chase
Heroes of Olympus
Percy Jackson
Trials of Apollo
Haikyuu (no exclamation marks!)
Boku No Hero Academia
Bakutododeku (or some combination of their names)
Kiribakutododeku (”)
Hitorijime My Hero
Super Lovers
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Other Stuff
Jaywritesfics (for fanfics and fic requests I write)
Fic updates
Signal Boost
Fanfic Writing
Reblogging for OTP
Canon OTP evidence
OTP social media
Amazing artwork
Reblogging for ___________________
I’m constantly joining new fandoms, so if there’s anything I don’t have a tag for, I’ll either update this list or just leave it XD As well as those, there are those other tags that I just randomly have and can’t completely remember, so yeah....
Thank you so much for taking some time to read this <3 love you all!
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leiandroid · 3 months
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band AU outtakes !
[fic pending]
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otayuriweek23 · 8 months
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Word Prompts: Wedding | Realizations | Band AU
Color Prompt: "Thrill of the chase"
A song you'd blast at a party
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sushisalmon95 · 7 years
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OtaYuri BandBallerina!AU Chapter 7 
Yellow- Coldplay, Yupp Beka sang that lolol
Sorry it escalated so quick lol cause I NEED FLUFFY OTAYURI AHAHAH but don’t worry Beka was still hiding something from Yura :^))))
Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3/ Chapter 4/ Chapter 5/ Chapter 6
*oopss I left the word "they" in the lyric orz nvm
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alipiee · 6 years
Ali, I am looking for new fanfictions, can you suggest some of your favourites? Victuuri And Otayuri I love them both! Thank you! ❤️
Oh gosh strap in, I have read far too many so this list might end up being kinda long! I don’t read Otayuri but I have a lot of Victuuri to throw your way buddy
(Under the cut)
Kintsugi by @witchsbane 114k (wip)
Yuuri Katsuki is a hitman burdened with a debt he can never repay. His target: Viktor Nikiforov, next Pakhan to one of the most dangerous families in the Russian mafia.
When the two are drawn into a treacherous alliance after a mission gone wrong, the bonds of love and loyalty to family and duty begin to unravel—even as they get more tangled up in each other.
ok but this is honestly my favourite yoi fic of all time!! The writing is so amazing and you get immersed straight away bc its so vivid and descriptive!! The plot is i n c r e d i b l e, I always seem to come back and reread it because its just as amazing the second (and third) time around. I literally can’t recommend it enough!!
empty spaces between stars by @victuuriplease 124k (wip)
Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids… but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor’s sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals…
!!!!! This is fantastic !!!! I’m such a sucker for fake dating marriage fics, and this might be the best one I’ve ever read! The fluff is wonderful and balances out the angst and pining and just!! I love it a lot!! 
The Boyfriend Experience by @victorsporosya 240k (wip)
Katsuki Yuuri is an accomplished escort at 23, operating under the pseudonym Eros, in Detroit. When one of his favourite clients sets him up with none other than world-renowned figure skater Victor Nikiforov, the delicate balance between Yuuri’s personal and professional life teeters ever closer towards ruin.
Ok but this fic also owns my life, Adele’s writing is so beautiful and even when you’re crying from the angst, you still feel blessed to be reading it! You can tell how much thought has been put into every sentence and it deserves all of the love and appreciation
Kings in Couture by @forovnix 15k (wip)
a devil wears prada au in which victor is the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, yuuri’s his new secretary, and instead of talking about his feelings, victor just sends him on a bunch of errands—“Okay, okay. Ready.” Yuuri starts scribbling as the voice on the other end, someone from the Style and Trends department, relays instructions. “Sorry, can you please spell ‘Gabbana’?”
The person on the line promptly hangs up on him.
Awkwardly, he sets the phone back on the receiver. “Guess not.”
This fic is a blessing tbh, it’s so witty and fun to read and two chapters of pure gold
hey stranger (don’t i look familiar to you) by @forovnix 4k 
It’s not that Yuuri is a nosy person. To be fair, he thinks anyone would wonder about the person they’ve been sharing a space with for the better part of a year.
Or, Yuuri is a part-time professor who shares an office with someone who writes themselves too many post-it notes. There are a lot of facts to process, and Yuuri’s got a lot of assumptions.
This is so heckin cute!! Had me smiling all the way through!! Once again Justine has blessed us with her lovely writing
not gold like in your dreams by @ebenroot 87k (complete)
“Victor, you could have let some psychopath into your apartment.”
“Oh come on, he’s not a psychopath,” Victor chides. Christophe makes a gesture with his hand that says ‘are you seriously this naïve or are you drunk at work again?’.
“Victor, you don’t know that. You don’t know anything about him. Whose name am I going to give to the police or face I’m going to describe to the sketch artist when they find your body chopped up like Hannibal Lecter’s side dish?”
in which Victor and Yuuri are roommates and Yuuri has a secret
A penelope au was definitely needed and this was amazing! Honestly I prefer this fic to the film its just so soft and cute!! I’m weak for it and the last chapter made me cry so much idk how many times I’ve reread it at this point but I kinda wanna read it again now 
never tasted rubies by @ebenroot 16k
Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’
Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’.
in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won’t stop calling in to chat with him
My heart was so full while reading this, it was so funny and cute and perfect!
seek those who fan your flames by @ebenroot 48k (wip)
Yuuri gets hand-delivered a black-print T-shirt by one of his bodyguards on Friday. There’s a small sticky note attached to the collar in Victor’s handwriting that reads: ‘Our new band shirt! Logo is still a work in progress. Name too. But it’s a start! Let me know what you think after school. - Victor’
There’s a heart next to his name that is hastily scribbled out. Then another heart next to that one, like Victor decided to put it in anyways.
Yuuri thinks he’s in love.
in which Yuuri is a teenager that’s actually a prince, and Victor is a teenager with a band that just wants to listen to rock music with him
I had a mighty need for a princess diaries au and this is wonderful!! Victor is such a sweetheart in this and its all just so wonderful and warm! 
turn it, leave it, stop, format it by @ebenroot 19k
“If you want, I can recommend you some security programs that you can download for free and protect your computer. That way, you won’t be at risk of losing these cute photos of your dog even when you browse websites like ‘Luscious Lonely Wives’.”
Victor gives one long ‘haa’. “I don’t browse those websites,” he says through his straining smile.
the ‘i will break any and all electronic devices that get into my hands if it means I get to talk to the cute tech support guy’ fic
This fic had me l i v i n g, it was so funny and cute and fluffy!!
The Rules For Lovers by @adreamingsongbird​ 323k (complete)
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well…
That’s a long story.
This is so i n t e n s e! The fluff and humour is so perfect and Yuuri and Victor’s relationship is so perfect (and although the angst is painful as heck), its perfect! The plot is amazinggg and every update had me shook! It belongs in a bookstore to be honest, its so so so incredible!
to sweep me off my feet by @adreamingsongbird​ 33k
Yuuri went to school in America to get a good, stable job—no, really, Mom, he meant to, he swears! And journalism was promising! It was really good! Until supervillains started appearing and then a (rather attractive) superhero showed up too, and, well…
This is his life, these are his choices, and it’s absolutely unfair that he has to have the office across from someone as hot as Viktor Nikiforov.
The cutest superhero au, with the cutest art, and cutest plot!!
But Monsters Are Always Hungry, Darling by @orchids-and-fictional-cities​ and art by @iruutciv​ 61k (wip)
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con 
“You do this, you do. You take the things you love and tear them apart or you pin them down with your body and pretend they’re yours. So, you kiss him, and he doesn’t move, he doesn’t pull away, and you keep on kissing him. And he hasn’t moved, he’s frozen, and you’ve kissed him, and he’ll never forgive you, and maybe now he’ll leave you alone.”
A brutal murder on Christmas Eve abruptly pulls one Detective Nikiforov out of a holiday he was just starting to tolerate, and forces him to come to terms with demons he’s been pretending not to see. On that same night, a man walks into a bar and waltzes into his life, lighting a spark that grows into a monster of its own.
Wow. This fic is so incredibly well-written and the plot thickens with each chapter, I’m so excited every time it updates honestly!! As if the writing wasn’t descriptive enough, there’s also equally beautiful art for every chapter and together its just amazing!
Confidential Information by @iwritebetterthanispeak​ 77k (wip)
Yuuri never imagined that being able to figure skate would be useful for his job at Interpol. He was very, very wrong.
Viktor Nikiforov, as a famous athlete popular in the public eye, has received threats before. There are very few he takes seriously. However, as more secrets are uncovered and nothing is as it appears, the stakes rise until it becomes clear that there may not be a way to save him this time.
I’m finally getting around to reading this and!! Addy is back with her amazing writing and I can’t wait to catch up!
If Perfect’s What You’re Searching For, Then Just Stay the Same by @iwritebetterthanispeak​ 6k
Yuuri took a deep breath, and faced the starstruck barista. “I am sorry, my Russian is very bad,” he said tentatively, shoulders hunching slightly. “Do you want me to repeat?”
“N-no, sorry, sir,” the barista said. She blushed and brushed her hair behind one ear. “I’ll get that for you right away!” She stepped away from the counter and called in fast-paced Russian, “Dmitri, come here! The most beautiful man in the world is back!”
Viktor’s smile grew. The employees of the coffee shop weren’t being cruel or making fun of Yuuri’s accent, they were enchanted with him. Viktor could sympathize, his fiancé was very enchanting.
And then he noticed that Yuuri was curled in on himself, eyes lowered and arms wrapped around his chest.
[In which Viktor realizes that Yuuri is a somewhat unreliable narrator]
Well this was just so cute, thank u addy for blessing my life once again
Love Letters by @shslshortie   44k (wip)
Ever since he was young, Yuuri Katsuki had always admired Victor Nikiforov. He was the one who had inspired him to start skating. He had pictures and posters of him all over his room — and Victor was his idol.
Like any fan of an idol, Yuuri loved to send Victor fanmail. Of course, he could never bring himself to sign it as anything other than “Your Secret Fan”, but it still made his heart come alive to write about his love for the silver-haired skater
This is one of those fics that you just can’t put down, I was reading it during all my free periods at college and its the cutest! Also all of the letters are drawn and in the body of text, so it adds so much more to it, its so wonderful!
starstruck by @haikuyus​ 167k (complete)
“Hold my son for a moment,” says the Viktor Nikiforov, live in the flesh, sweaty and panting.
“Wha—” Yuuri can’t even begin to comprehend what’s going on before Viktor is gone, and there’s a child in his arms.
(in which yuuri is a barista-turned-babysitter, viktor is a famous movie star, and yuri is an 8 year old kid stuck in the middle of it.)
so i developed a love for kid fics, and this was the first one I read, its sooooo good! Yuri is so precious and Yuuri is so precious and Viktor is so precious and just,,, theyre all so precious!
Lessons in Love by @fangirlandiknowit101​ 113k (wip)
All Viktor wants is for his son to be happy - and if that means spending countless hours at the ice rink, a million more in the ballet studio, and devotedly cheering for Katsuki Yuuri at every competition he enters, then that is precisely what he’ll do.
He just didn’t expect to become a fan, too.
(He didn’t expect to fall in love.)
This fic has me so weak, its the softest thing ever! Yuri is the cutest, and Viktor is the best dad and Yuuri is just the best tbh, I have a lot of love for this!!
on growing; by @crossroadswrite​ 125k (wip)
Yuri Plisetsky glares at him with all the righteousness five year olds possess, and says in heavily accented and clumsy English. “Be more gooder, stupid!”
And then he storms out in a sweep of blond hair and blue and red lights from his Sketchers.
(Or: in which everything is the same but Yuri Plisetsky is Victor’s bratty five-year-old child.)
This fic cleared my skin and watered my crops, its so fluffy and each chapter is a blessing
sweet like love (soft like pain) by @postingpebbles​ 10k (wip)
Loving Yuuri was a choice that Viktor never regretted making. His smile, his laughter, the way his lips felt against his own—nothing could make him happier than having Yuuri in his arms.
But when the entire world has no idea that rivals Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov are in a relationship, Viktor can’t do anything at all when Yuuri gets in an accident and is rushed to the hospital the day after he proposes in a hotel room in Nagano.
I love ollie and she loves hurting my heart apparently, this is such a wonderful fic and I can’t wait for her to bless us even more with her writing
The Selection by @gallopingmonroe-blog​ 262k (wip)
Returning home on the tail end of an injury that ends his dancing career, Yuri Katsuki is trying to find his future again. As a Five, he knows his options are limited, but when he finds an invitation to Crown Prince Victor Nikiforov’s Selection, he is convinced by a friend to apply.
He never thought he’d be Selected.
When he is, he finds that his world is changed forever, and that the Crown Prince is not exactly what he’d expected.
!!! This fic is so beautiful !!! Yuuri and Viktor’s relationship is so cute, and Yuuri’s friendship with Yuri and Phichit and all of the others is so cute, and the entirety of the fic is so cute!!
a black heart of gold by @katzuyas​ and beautiful art by @lamenart​ and @iruutciv​ 67k (complete)
Victor Nikiforov, aka Grand Prix, knows that he’s Yakov’s most skilled hitman. That’s just a fact and he isn’t in the habit of arguing with facts.He also knows that he’s the only one Yakov trusts, period. In this case though, he’s the only one Yakov can rely on to take care of the elusive sniper Eros, who kills Yakov’s henchmen left and right.What Victor doesn’t know, however, is that Eros’ little vendetta is not a matter of coincidence, but pure premeditation, and thus… he falls into a trap that a rookie like Little Fairy could see from a mile away.He falls in lust.And then in love.The fool.
This fic is so intense and so descriptive and playful and just! Amazing honestly!!
November’s Secret by @lanaberryrawr​ 233k (complete)
Overwhelmed with anxiety and his fear of failing, Yuuri faces the issue of if he should continue skating. His best friend, Yuko, proposes a solution - if no one knows it’s you, then it’s less embarrassing, right? Yuuri begins to create a completely new disguise and persona.
But it works a little too well.
Before he knows it, Yuuri has become the biggest mystery of the skating world and everyone wants to know who he is. Especially Viktor Nikiforov, the idol he’s been loosely basing his new persona on for years.
This was such a cool and original concept for a fic and oh my godddd it was incredible!! Definitely one of the best I’ve read!! 
Gunned Down Butterflies by @lanaberryrawr​ 207k (wip)
Everyone’s lives revolve around two names - the name of an enemy, and the name of a soulmate, both tattooed on their wrists.
But for Yuuri, his fated soulmate and enemy are the same person. One name tattoed on his skin.
After years of believing it meant only unhappiness and pain, he begins to bandage them up and hide them from the world. He even begins to forget about them - until he meets a new client in need of a guard against the Russian mafia.
Nothing can hide him from fate - not bandaging the names, not forgetting about them, not even moving on without them. The owner of the name on his skin will find him eventually.
Okay but the amount of cliffhangers in this fic is amazing, it’s so good and I love it!! It’s such a cool take on a soulmate au!! I can’t wait for the next few chapters :D
Behind these Locked Doors by @axlaida​ 79k (wip)
“I will find a way out of here,” Yuuri stated firmly and Victor’s expression never faltered. His face was stone cold – frozen like ice. “I know it may take a while… but I have to try.”Victor let out a breath, shaking his head as he smiled. “I said the exact same thing when I arrived.”
They were trapped with no way out. And all that stood between them and their escape was a door - locked and impossible to escape from. But Yuuri had hope. He would escape this, whether the man wanted them to or not.
This is such an amazing mystery fic! I literally sit and think about it someimes at night, trying to work it all out lol, its so good!!
learn to love the skies I’m under by @linneakou 37k
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Katsuki Yuuri disappears without a trace.
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Viktor Nikiforov finds a stray poodle and takes it home with him.
These two events are, oddly enough, connected.
I never knew I needed a fic where Yuuri turned into a dog and lived with Viktor a while, but this fic changed my life tbh, its so good!
Call you by name by @linneakou 13k
Drunk, depressed, and lonely, Viktor Nikiforov makes a wish that has unforeseen consequences for himself and many people around him.
(an alternate take on the premise of learn to love the skies I’m under)
This version is also incredible!! I love them both a lot!!
Puppy Love by @phyona​ 10k
When Yuuri gets turned into a dog, the last place he expects to end up is Victor Nikiforov’s apartment. He learns quickly that the only thing worse than being his idol’s pet, is watching him pine for someone else.
Oh man,,,,this fic you guys, I love it so much! The angst oh my gosh, its such an amazing story! 
Green Light by @gia-comeatme​ 21k (complete)
Chris knows what Viktor looks like when he has a crush, and he is 100% sure that Viktor Nikiforov has a crush on his pole dancing classmate, Yuuri Katsuki.
What he doesn’t know is why Viktor hasn’t gotten off his ass and gone for him already.
As a good friend, Chris is obligated to help Viktor out a little bit.
(And that’s where everything goes to shit.)
Red Light by @gia-comeatme​ 30k (wip)
Chris has had many lovers in the years that Viktor has known him. However, none of them can even compare to Chris’ newest boyfriend.
Viktor knows it’s wrong, but he falls in love with Yuuri Katsuki anyway.
Both of these fics were sooo good oh my god! I have a weakness for misunderstandings and angst with a happy ending, so like these were right up my street and they were amazingggg
Dr. Shiny and the Case of the Beautiful Man by @etherealalchemist​ 6k
There are about five things that Victor, in this very moment, is absolutely sure of.
1. The spawns of satan are here2. they are not accompanied by their angel of a mother3. they are with the most beautiful man he’s ever seen4. his scrubs are wet from where he’d dropped water on himself5. and Victor is very, very gay.
Emphasis on point five, with a side of cupid’s arrow and “ba-dum ba-dum” on a plate.
Because he is Very Gay, and not only is he Very Gay but he is also Hopelessly Attracted to a man who is undoubtedly Very Straight and very Unavailable and is perhaps the Most Beautiful Man Victor has ever seen.
in which Victor is a doctor, Yuuri is a godfather, and Yuri just wants some peace and quiet and a larger stash of lollipops.
This was so sweet and funny! I had to take a second while I was reading it from laughing so much honestly!
We Two Boys 11k (wip)
Yuuri talks about his crush on Victor Nikiforov while recording an episode of his and Phichit’s podcast We Two Boys. It’s not a big deal until it Becomes A Big Deal.
An ocean away, Victor falls in luv.
this is so funny omg, I love Phichit and Yuuri’s friendship so much
turntables by @vitavitali​ 4k
It happens approximately one week after Yuuri’s disastrous performance in Sochi.
Viktor Nikiforov @v-nikiforovI wish I could date pretty black haired boys who dance well.
“Ooh, the candidates are already flooding in!” Phichit says with an amused grin.
“Candidates?” Yuuri asks and Phichit helps Yuuri scroll down to read the replies. Most of them are variants of “date me!” with pictures attached. It’s all very interesting.
“You should send one too!” Phichit says and Yuuri doesn’t even bother answering him. “Look, I’ll send one if you send one. It’ll be fun!”
Oh my gosh I remember reading this so long ago, and I found it again a few days ago and I still love it so much
posterboy by @vitavitali​ 1.5k
“I’m going to kill whoever who did this,” Yuuri assured the poster. “I’m going to kill them for you. Don’t worry, baby, I’m going to murder anyone who thought it was a good idea to harm you. They’ll die screaming.”
“What?” came the poster’s startled reply.
“What?” Yuuri parroted back, because posters weren’t supposed to talk, especially not in Viktor Nikiforov’s melodious Russian accented voice.
This is iconique honestly, theyre both so cute!
Rainy Days by  @vitavitali​ 5k
Director’s List Viktor Nikiforov falls in love with bad boy transfer student Katsuki Yuuri. What happens next will warm your heart.
So I kind of binged this authors fics and this one is also amazing!!
There’s still so many fics I want to recommend but I’ve spent like 2 hours on this list and I don’t want it to get too long, so these are the ones that sprang to mind,  happy reading!
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femmfaetale · 7 years
Yuri On Ice fics that aren't in everyone's bookmarks but should be?
Oh boy! here we go! Get ready for some sin and multi shipping.
One Tape in the Deck by LiviKate or @definitelynotadulting on tumblr. This is part of the Mischievous Friends fic but can be read alone. I am weak for Leoji and Daddy kink okay? And this is the fic that started my love for these soft boys. 
Losing My Religion by @lecheesie I live for 90′s AU and I have honestly read this more than once. If you like to dabble in a bit of Yuri/Otabek/JJ triangles, this is your shit. 
Sugar Pills also by @lecheesie This only has one chapter so far but BOY does it give me everything I could ever dream of. I live for it, bury me with it when I die. 
Lullaby by @ded-i-am-just-ded This one is honestly so beautifully angsty it kills me.
You’re Ripped at Every Edge, But You’re a Masterpiece by @titaniumplatedspine More Otayuri! I’m a sucker for a good College AU. And stoner Beka is honestly my favourite.
Wonderwall by @h3llcat Grunge Yuri gives me so much strength and again with the 90s AU, this is perfection tbh. 
A.M. Groupies by @pandamilo​ This is a boyband AU and it makes my heart sing. She’s my best friend and actually started writing this beauty because of my own obsession with kpop boy bands. 
We Just Need a Night Like This by yamagusheep or @jesusasahi on tumblr. Please read this if you want some adorable Leoji in your life! 
I hope I could be of assistance and elevate your daily sin quota! 
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kasumi-chou · 7 years
Kas’ Fic Recommendation #3
Neon Pink Motorcycle by goldheart
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin & Yuri Plisetsky, Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Mila Babicheva, Lilia Baranovskaya, Nikolai Plisetsky, Yakov Feltsman, Georgi Popovich, Stéphane Lambiel, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Slow Burn, Falling In Love, First Kiss, First Time, Past Child Abuse, Friends to Lovers, Depression, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, DJ Otabek Altin, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe, Welp this ran away from me, OtaYuri Week, OtaYuri Week 2017, Literal Sleeping Together, And then some ;)
Language: English
Words: 74720
Chapters: 19/19
Summary: There are certain moments in Yuri Plisetsky’s life that he likes to forget happened at all. The time they were chased from the apartment, the landlord angrily spitting and waving threateningly at them when his mother couldn’t produce enough money for rent. Babushka’s funeral. The first time he fell in competition.
He cannot forget that, under the black band he wears around his wrist like a shield, his soulmark may as well be nonexistent.
Author’s Tumblr: @russianfeya
Kas’ Comment: Another one of my favourite soulmate AU’s! It is such an emotional journey! You just want to hug Yuri and hold him tight! It’s such a different spin on soulmates and the perfect amount of angst to go with it! I always recommend this to otayuri fans!
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kinoglowworm · 6 years
For the fic ask: 3, 21, 23, and 24 please 😊
3) favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Ay, I’ve spent too long thinking about this already. I’m going to go with the teahouse scene from Ch. 3 of Ghost. There was a lot of thought that went into dreaming up the place, but after that point, the scene unfolded itself for me in a really satisfying way. There’s a lot of important opening threads there and a lot of writing I’m pleased with.
21) most memorable comment/review
I cannot say enough nice things about this crew of people who show up to comment on Ghost - the level of engagement, particularly relative to the modest hit count, is incredible (there are more comment threads on Ghost than on Hatari now, with 1/6 the hits). There’s so many that I’ve come back to and made me smile. So it’s kind of a toss up, but I came back around to this one from AliFyre, because of the way it addresses the resonance of the setting in highly specific ways:
Yeah from my point of view, you’re really nailing the setting aspect of it in a way I rarely see. Many fics treat the places they’re set as an afterthought, and I don’t know, maybe because I can think “oh! I’ve been there! I know some of the history of that areas! ” for some of the parts of the city you mention, I find myself very sucked into the time and place you have established. I find myself frustrated that a lot that fics are “set in New York” just because they want a big American city and don’t actually treat New York for what it is, so this is super refreshing.While it may not be a story _about_ the importance of queer spaces, as a queer person I can say I think that most any queer person would find that scene resonating because we all know how important those spaces are. For me, much like the treatment of the city, scenes like that, as well as the scene in the bathroom, are just so resonant with the queer experience that it makes the whole fic seem that much more real. I also think it does set a strong foundation for readers to be invested in these two for when the plot thickens and conflict comes their way.
23) fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Things that exist as notes or incompletes: Pre-Ghost adventures of Lilia/Minako in Imperial SPB, part 2 of Yurimetal, a very silly fic about Otabek becoming friends with Bjork, the rest of the Room at the Table one-shots.
And one of these days I’m going to write that Sense8/Brat crossover fic ;)ETA: how did I forget about the sun/mun/capheus/zakia foursome I've been threatening since s2 dropped?!?
24) favorite fic you read this year
sooo many thiiiings. I’m having trouble nailing one down, but it’s probably a weird YOI AU. Limiting it to completed works, here’s a short list of ones that stuck with me:
The Invisible Ones ( @worldofcopperwings ) - Scandinavian folklore/urban fantasy AU
No Storm Can Venture There ( @spelon-berry ) - Pacific Rim AU
Love In Exile ( @martymusesloveinexile ) - Russo-Japanese War Era AU
Lucky Seven ( @onotherflights ) Punk Band AU
AUs aside, @kiazareni ‘s  Watch the Young Hearts Fade is probably up there too, along with vivavoce’s it’s the life we’re living now ETA: Shit, @boxwineconfession‘s  Heart Break Beat was also this year. That’s definitely up there, too. In an oblique way, Ghost may not have happened if it weren’t for that one, because it got me thinking about gritty, working class Otayuri. So there’s that.
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