#other than that he just stands as far as the supernatural force allows him to go. mostly outside
starryrock · 8 months
What about post-canon Belos’s ghost haunts Luz and neither of them are happy about this outcome? Luz is upset for obvious reasons. Belos is upset because he’s dead, failed, and would rather stay in the In-Between (or whatever afterlife/oblivion there is) than see everyone else happy.
Idk why but I have the thought that he would watch vine compilations. My only reasoning for this is thinking of Belos quoting “Let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. I’ll go first: I. Hate you.” He wouldn’t understand half the words being said, but he’d watch it like my cousin’s demon cat watches Spanish TV.
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naquey · 5 months
Meet The Character Monday
Only it's not Monday, it's Thursday. I've been skipping the past few Mondays, mainly because I forgot but also because of school.
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Today, I bring you Victor Hans. A secondary protagonist in my black butler fic "Entrusted To You." (picrew brought to you by niseo who has wonderful art btw)
Victor has been alive for a long time. Records of his existence were lost centuries ago. Sired in 1346 to ensure his survival of the bubonic plague, he took his sire's family name and integrated with human society, weeding his way through the nobility. Physically, he's in his twenties, but he's actually 491 years old (not that old for a vampire) and is technically still a fledgling. Because he no longer controls blood circulation or temperature regulation of his body, he wears many black clothes that retain light and make him overheat, along with wearing scarves all year round. Considering he was brought back from the dead, his body temperature is lower than that of the average live person.
Vampire hunters started a myth that their blood could cure any ailment, thus leading people in search of them. Which birthed a market for supernatural trafficking. Werewolves fangs and fur for their strength, siren scales for their voice, ghost ectoplasm for vitality. You name it, apothecaries stocked up on it, feeding into the trade.
Years before he meets Sebastian, he is kidnapped, his fangs are ripped out, and he is harvested for his blood. The hunters didn't give him the mercy of killing him right then. Instead, they took him back to their caravan, where other supernatural creatures were kept in captivity. They were a traveling freakshow for humans to point, stare at, or even poke. He tried many times to escape but to no avail. He couldn't get past security. Two hulking gargoyles were watching; to the untrained eye, they were just statues.
In his grief, distraught by being the cause of Ciel's death, Sebastian finds a letter stating that this was the final job for him as the butler to the Queen's Guard Dog. Ciel had been keeping tabs on apothecaries throughout London thanks to the Undertaker because people were getting killed, and Scotland Yard wasn't sure why. Desperate and hoping that this could bring Ciel back, he complies with his final orders and hunts down how the apothecaries got their ingredients. Eventually, going undercover with Raziel and allowing himself to get "captured" by the vampire hunters. (Think how Sebastian and Ciel infiltrate the circus)
When Victor meets Sebastian, he hates him. He's coddled by the demon and treated as someone he isn't, all because Sebastian sees him as Ciel and sees him as a second chance to be his butler again. Victor refuses to talk to him or even stand in the same room as him, but he has to ensure his safety. His disobedience lands him on a trip to the boss's office, where he is beaten. The human forces him to fight, even going as far as to try and get new fangs to sprout. (They can't because vampire fangs aren't like human teeth) Which leads him to break Victor's jaw. Bloodied and on the floor, as a last resort, Victor calls out to Sebastian, pleading to get him out of there to save him. The demon comes running like a dog when they see a bone.
Sebastian is blinded by the similarities he thinks Victor and Ciel share, blinded by his own grief, and he cannot think straight. Their contract binding is loose and unspecified. It causes many problems because Sebastian isn't bound adequately to his contractee and, therefore, can do whatever he wants as there is no reason for him to stay. Victor doesn't want him around and does not need a demon butler. But Sebastian saves him in tricky situations, leading Victor to reevaluate his feelings about having a butler. He had spent his life as a butler to his sire. Having a butler of his own is a luxury.
Raziel hates him because undead humans are no better than live humans. Live humans serve him no purpose; undead humans are even more useless. As an angel, he believes it defies logic and throws off the balance between life and death. He and Grelle try to get Sebastian to see that there is no bringing back Ciel, as it will never happen.
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see-arcane · 2 years
i read your wip and i cant help but feel.... pity, for penclosa. for choosing to do this, choosing the most harmful, horrible path. of course. of course he is. of course Jonathan is like catnip to her- but that doesnt mean she has to do This Bullshit in another, kinder world, perhaps she decided to be less of an Absolute Bastard about things and found love and caring and respect in some other heart, and genuinely Just Did Therapy On Jonathan. at least her persona, the face she puts on, seems to be a genuinely Cool Lady. it is a shame she has chosen this most awful cruelest path because she has the power to. i pity her because i feel like she could make a Different Choice where this story has a far happier course and ending for everyone- but, of course, she didn't. and now mina is going to fucking Get Her. as she should
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You hit a lot of nails on their heads, Anon.
The tragedy of 'You Didn't Have to Do This, You Could Have Been Our Friend,' hits much more truthfully and so much more sourly when it's with this cast of characters versus Miss Penclosa's original story. In, "The Parasite," we can see the foundation of her plans for Austin Gilroy almost from the outset. Even if she wasn't thinking of enslaving him from day one, she still made her move after only a week of interaction with the man, pouncing on the very first occasion when she got to mesmerize him while the two were alone.
One week. Just one week with Gilroy, in which I imagine he was only ever anything but professional with her--especially as his thoughts on her are made hideously clear even before she started tightening the mental collar. (Ick, she's over 40. Ick, she's 'deformed' for having a bad leg. Nothing like his sweet young Agatha. Never mind that he's in his thirties. But moving on.) Gilroy gave her only the barest amount of regard in that period.
But the opportunity was there. Her want was there. Her loneliness. Her power.
Why not, Helen? You have your hooks in now. You have him. Why not? You can make it real. You can make him love you. And what does a pretty young bauble of a girl like Agatha need him for anyway? She'll get another, girls like her always can. Go on, Helen. He's yours for the taking. He will love you in time, with enough prompting...
I stand by some personal theories about why she goes the route she does. Potential bleak origins come into it that I'll try to flesh out in the story, but the most important factor is what her goal is in the present. Because really, opting for coerced affection rather than literally anything else she might wring out of a victim is telling. Hypnotism is notorious in fiction for being used to carry out thefts and sundry violent dirty work and, as with Dracula and the Brides' victims, a paralytic allowance to have themselves be preyed on. But the uniquely intimate (and so uniquely dread-inducing) decision to try and puppeteer someone into being your personal paramour is special in the worst way.
Love is the highest priority in Miss Penclosa's hierarchy of needs. She wants to have a partner (puppet) who will adore her and tell her so and be as smitten with her as she (thinks she) is with him. And, as seen in "The Parasite," she also likes it when that trapped puppet-lover verbally agrees with her that his actual fiancée is dull and worthy of insult. She wants to be the only one for her beloved and wants him to disparage all others. Interesting results to come on that front with Mr. Harker. Anyway.
Now we come back to the problem of the Harkers. In the case of Austin Gilroy, her original unhappy 'beau,' we had a protagonist who wasn't exactly a prince. Loyal and loving to his Agatha, true, and suitably horrified at being forced to follow Penclosa's orders (and she does order something quite nasty as a parting shot)...but he's also a bit nasty on his own. He insults people who believe in clairvoyance or the supernatural, he's snide about Penclosa's looks in the extreme, and is generally not that great a guy to anyone but his fiancée and close friends.
But Jonathan Harker? Sweetheart supreme? Him walking into the picture is like Penclosa being starved and just now seeing she'd been scrabbling after stale crumbs this whole time when a five-tier wedding cake existed for the taking all along.
The catch is that the Harkers are far, far, far more endearing than Gilroy ever was. One of their best friends is an old professor whose guest they are at the party. They owe a debt of more than gratitude to at least two older women, Sister Agatha and the unnamed lady who gifted Jonathan her own crucifix as protection. Both of them have suffered ailments beyond mortal ken, and only escaped them by the charity and heroism of others. These are the least judgmental young people in all of England. Though both were understandably skittish about her kind of mesmerism, they were still open to her, still prepared to be outright friends.
You could have been their friend, Helen. You could have. This one weakness, this one obsession, is the only thing between you and a companionship that is natural, organic, untainted by the conditions of being a circus performer for your friend's husband and his precious study. Real friends, Helen. All of them would be.
He would be.
...But that isn't enough.
Of course it isn't. Jonathan Harker is the romantic daydream come true. He is not the man a woman settles for--he's the beloved prince every girl dreams of when she's still young enough to believe romance exists outside of books and stage plays. He's real, Helen. He's right there for the taking. And who can stop you but you?
Helen Penclosa wants what she wants. And if the means are there, if the prize she had thought all this time was only a fantasy is sitting in front of her, if this is her one chance--well. Why would she settle for mere friendship? Why feign happiness with a freely given slice when she can run off with the whole cake?
It is a tragedy in the making. Because Miss Penclosa is a woman of depth, a woman of character, a woman who is canny and witty and wise, a woman who could so easily have been a friend for life if she had just given her help and done no more. But she is also a woman whose vices are sequestered in the greedy pit of her heart. And that pit's needs come first.
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rockislandadultreads · 11 months
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November NoveList Challenge
For this month's challenge, give thanks and read a book about chosen family or family gatherings! For more recommendations, be sure to check out NoveList - all you need is your library card!
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
Everyone in my family has killed someone. Some of us, the high achievers, have killed more than once. I'm not trying to be dramatic, but it is the truth. Some of us are good, others are bad, and some just unfortunate.
I'm Ernest Cunningham. Call me Ern or Ernie. I wish I'd killed whoever decided our family reunion should be at a ski resort, but it's a little more complicated than that.
Have I killed someone? Yes. I have.
Who was it?
Let's get started.
This is the first volume of the "Ernest Cunningham" series.
Adult Assembly Required by Abbi Waxman
When Laura Costello moves to Los Angeles, trying to escape an overprotective family and the haunting memories of a terrible accident, she doesn’t expect to be homeless after a week. (She’s pretty sure she didn’t start that fire - right?) She also doesn't expect to find herself adopted by a rogue bookseller, installed in a lovely but completely illegal boardinghouse, or challenged to save a losing trivia team from ignominy… but that’s what happens. Add a regretful landlady, a gorgeous housemate, and an ex-boyfriend determined to put himself back in the running and you’ll see why Laura isn’t really sure she’s cut out for this adulting thing. Luckily for her, her new friends Nina, Polly, and Impossibly Handsome Bob aren't sure either, but maybe if they put their heads (and hearts) together they’ll be able to make it work for them.
This is the second volume of "The Bookish Life of Nina Hill" series.
The Monsters We Defy by Leslye Penelope
In the summer of 1925, along Washington, DC’s “Black Broadway”, a malevolent entity has begun preying on Negro residents. Twenty-three-year-old Clara Johnson is determined to discover what’s going on in her community. Using her natural ability to talk with spirits, she begins to investigate, but a powerful spirit tasks her with a difficult quest: steal an ancient, magical ring from the finger of a wealthy socialite.
When Clara meets Israel Lee, a supernaturally enhanced jazz musician also vying for the ring, the two decide to work together. They put together an unlikely team including a former circus freak, a pickpocketing Pullman Porter, and an aging vaudeville actor to pull off an impossible heist.
But a dangerous spirit interferes at every turn and conflict in the spirit world is leaking out into the human world. With different agendas, even if Clara and Israel pull off the heist, only one of them can truly win.
Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng
Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving but broken father, a former linguist who now shelves books in a university library. Bird knows to not ask too many questions, stand out too much, or stray too far. For a decade, their lives have been governed by laws written to preserve “American culture” in the wake of years of economic instability and violence. To keep the peace and restore prosperity, the authorities are now allowed to relocate children of dissidents, especially those of Asian origin, and libraries have been forced to remove books seen as unpatriotic - including the work of Bird’s mother, Margaret, a Chinese American poet who left the family when he was nine years old.
Bird has grown up disavowing his mother and her poems; he doesn’t know her work or what happened to her, and he knows he shouldn’t wonder. But when he receives a mysterious letter containing only a cryptic drawing, he is pulled into a quest to find her. His journey will take him back to the many folktales she poured into his head as a child, through the ranks of an underground network of librarians, into the lives of the children who have been taken, and finally to New York City, where a new act of defiance may be the beginning of much-needed change.
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
Chapter 5: Poolside
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Rating: Mature for this chapter Warnings: No warnings for this chapter Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington Tags: Fluff, Boys Kissing, Some Cursing, mentions of sex, mentions of women behaving like Karen Wheeler, Billy Hargrove Redemption, Stranger things AU (no supernatural)
Links to all chapters in Chapter 1 post >>
Read on AO3 >>
After Billy left, Steve went back to bed. Billy's sweet scent still lingered in the heavy air left behind by sex. He stared at the ceiling and smiled. It had been barely ten minutes since Billy left, and it already felt a little like all of it had been just a dream. A beautiful perfect dream, the kind that makes you feel sick and sad when you wake up and realize that it was just a dream. But Billy had promised to come back after he'd taken his sister wherever he was supposed to take her. Only once he was back Steve would know that he hadn't just dreamed it all.
Billy laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling. The house was still quiet, so maybe he could sleep a wink before he'd have to get up and pretend that he had slept the whole night. Or at least been home a bit longer than he actually had been. When he licked his lips he could still taste Steve on them. The silly, goofy Steve. His slow, gentle Steve. The idea of having someone like that still felt...so out there. So far from his reach before, and now suddenly right there, melting in his fingertips. No matter what Steve said, Billy was sure that it would be just a matter of time when he would realize what he had gotten himself into. He would learn the truth eventually because Billy wouldn't be able to hide it for forever. When Steve would learn how pathetic he was, how he had no future, that he was just wasting his time, he would leave - just like the others.
And after that he would still be stuck here, inside these walls, for another year until he could leave. And the longer he cling into this thing with Steve, the longer the year would feel like. Because he'd had something so sweet for a glorious moment, only to lose it, and then he would desperately cling into the memory of it all. After that this shit that was his life would feel even worse to bear.
Bitter tears forced their way through his eyelids, and he turned onto his stomach to bury his face into the pillow to hide the tears and to muffle the sobs that escaped his mouth.
Yet, some hours later Billy was standing at Steve's door, as he had promised. He was still contemplating if he should just leave and never come back, and not hurt himself any more than he would hurt from what he'd already had. But he so much wanted to feel like he'd felt the night before, even if for just once more. Hear the oh so soft words from Steve's mouth, being held tightly and gently at the same time, to feel safe.
So he rang the doorbell.
It took Steve a while to come and open the door. He looked like he'd been sleeping. His wild hair was everywhere, and he yawned widely before it turned into a smile. "You came back!" he said, and opened the door wider to let Billy in. After he closed the door, he took Billy's face into his hands and kissed him, again so slowly and sweetly.
Billy could feel himself floating onto cloud nine. He couldn't fight it. He knew he was falling in love with Steve and fast.
Fuck. It.
Something like this would come his way just once. Maybe he could allow himself live the dream even if it was for a few lousy summer months. At least he would have something to remember when he was old.
"Want to grab some breakfast?" Steve asked when he lead Billy into the kitchen holding his hand. "I gotta eat something, the headache is killing me. I think I drank one too many beers last night." "Grab a pint of water instead, it helps with the headache better than any food," Billy said as he sat on the high bar stool next to the kitchen isle. "Alcohol dries you up." "Ok, I'll take your advice on it," Steve replied, and took a tall glass from a cabinet. "Did you get any sleep?" Billy shook his head when Steve looked back at him while drinking. Steve looked down smiling. "I couldn't really either. I was just waiting for you to come back. For a moment I thought that you had decided not to come. But then you were there at the door." "Maybe we can do just that then today? Just...sleep?" Billy asked. "I'd look paint dry if I could do it with you," Steve replied. Billy felt his heart flutter, and he chuckled. "You're so strange, Harrington." Steve tilted his head and looked at Billy for a while frowning. "Why is it strange to just want to be close to someone you care about?" Billy shrugged. "Well, you'd better get used to it," Steve said and put the now empty glass into the sink. "Because that's all I want to do. Come, bed awaits."
"Do you want me to take my clothes off?" Billy asked when they got to Steve's room. "No need for sleeping, unless you want to. But if you’re naked next to me I won't be able to let you sleep," Steve smirked as he crawled into bed. "Just saying." Billy snorted. "You got a point." He threw his jacket on Steve's chair, took off his boots, and curled up next to Steve on the bed, facing him. "Last night felt like a dream after you left," Steve whispered, looking Billy in the eyes. "I was just laying here, afraid to fall asleep and learn that it was just that when I'd wake up. But here you are." "I know I'm not a dream," Billy said, and brushed Steve's cheek with the back of his fingers. "But you feel like one a bit." Steve smiled. "Well, turn around. I bet a dream can't hug and snuggle you like I can." Billy turned on his other side, and Steve wrapped his arm around him and pulled him tightly against him. Then he pulled the duvet on both of them, put his arm around Billy's waist, and pressed his forehead into the small of Billy's neck, letting out a content sigh. "Does this still feel like a dream to you?" he asked whispering. "Pretty much, but your boner feels quite real," Billy laughed. "That's entirely on you. But we can address it later," Steve whispered, and nuzzled his face into Billy's hair, inhaling his sweet scent.
Billy woke up into someone drawing lines into his back, under his shirt, on his skin. He was laying on his stomach, and the pillow he was hugging smelled strange. For a moment he was disoriented of his whereabouts. He raised his head to look around, and the movement on his back stopped. The hand moved from his back under him, and pulled him on his side - and his ass against a very hard boner. “Hello gorgeous,” Steve whispered to his ear. The hand on Billy’s stomach started to wander into his jeans. “Jesus, how tight are these?” Steve asked after trying to get into them for a while and not managing it. Billy laughed. “How do you think my ass looks so good in them?” “Ah, right. Well, then you will have to assist with them a bit,” Steve said, and licked Billy’s ear.
After Billy had been given the best head he’d ever had - Steve really knew how to use his pretty mouth - and they’d have few more rounds of the sweet, sweet sex Billy was very fast getting very much into, they laid on the bed cuddling, Billy his head on Steve’s shoulder, Steve hugging him tightly. “I think I’m very much into you,” Steve said. Butterflies flew in Billy’s stomach and spread all over him making his skin ripple on gooseflesh. “Me too,” he confessed after a while. “Really?” Steve asked quietly. Billy got up to lean onto his elbow and looked at Steve. “Yeah.” Steve blushed. “I haven’t felt like this about anyone before.” Billy smiled a small smile. He was still not fully trusting everything Steve said. He had been hurt too many times for taking anything said after sex without a grain of salt. Nonetheless, the words warmed his core when they were said by Steve. “We’ve been properly on a date now for twice, right? Maybe it’s a bit too soon to say that, don’t you think?” Steve’s expression turned serious. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t rush too much ahead.” Billy looked at the clock on Steve’s nightstand. “I have to go soon.” Steve groaned, and pulled Billy back under his arm. “When can we see again?” “I’m on the pool every day next week. Maybe come see me there? I mean, if you’re working evenings.” “Yeah, I am. But I’ll take your offer, I’ll stop by some day. Can I call you?” “I think it’s better if I call you, ok?” Billy said quietly, taking his eyes off Steve and looking at the pillow instead. Steve looked at him for a while before agreeing. He wanted to know why Billy didn’t want him to call, but on the other hand, Billy needed to feel in control. So he didn’t push it. Billy was probably just trying to build enough trust in him. "Hey, maybe you can stop by the rental some day, too?” Steve suggested. “Sure,” Billy said, smiling again. Steve changed the subject. “You wanna eat something before you go? I’m starving.”
Steve stopped by the pool on Wednesday. He leaned to the locker room building and watched Billy walking around the pool, keeping on eye on a group of boys who he’d already told to stop pushing each other under water, twice. Steve also saw the row of older women laying on the sunbeds on the side of the pool. Most of them were genuinely just tanning themselves, but few of them weren’t so subtle on keeping on eye on Billy’s every move. Steve felt sick whenever one of them got up, and seemingly innocently said something to Billy while passing by him, making him roll his eyes when he’d passed them. Some of them were the mothers of Steve’s schoolmates, so seeing them saying something that made Billy roll his eyes that hard made him suspicious.
Finally Steve went to change to the locker room and once done went to the main pool area. He walked towards the lifeguard’s seat where Billy was sitting, and smiled when Billy noticed him. For a tiny moment a wide, gorgeous smile spread on Billy’s face, then it faded out into something more subtle. “Hey,” Steve said leaning to the long legs of the seat. Billy looked down at him. “What are you doing here, Harrington?” he asked nonchalantly. “I thought I come check out the lifeguard. I heard he sucks,” Steve said as nonchalantly. Billy turned beet red on the spot. He fake-coughed to get his hand over his mouth to hide it. “Oh, is that what they say?” he asked once the redness eased a bit. Steve chuckled. “I’ll take a swim. Don’t let me drown.”
Steve stayed by the pool until Billy had a break. “Hey, wait up,” he said taking hasty steps after Billy into the corridor where the office was. Billy turned around, and smiled as he opened the door. “After you,” he said tilting his head towards the office. They were all over each other immediately once the door closed behind them. “While I love doing this, my break is short and I really need to eat something,” Billy said after a while. “Staying in the sun all day isn’t healthy without eating or drinking water." Steve groaned, but let go of him. “You seem to be quite a health enthusiast if not for the pack of cigarettes you go through in a day.” “I learned about forgetting to eat or drink in the sun the hard way when I was a kid. Fainting on the beach in the sun can be fatal if you’re alone.” “Surfing?” Steve asked. “Yup. Not fun to wake up in the ER with all kinds of IV’s poked into you and your skin just burning all over. At least I was on the beach when I passed out and not in the sea.” “That’s...wow. Quite a lesson.” Billy nodded as he stuffed a sandwich into his mouth. Steve let him eat and talked about what had happened at his work over the few days, which was not much.
When Billy was done, Steve turned serious. “What are those women by the pool saying to you?” Billy leaned back on his chair and took a deep sigh. “How I look nice and if I’d like to go for a quickie in the locker room. Or if I’d like to come over in the evening when the kids are somewhere with the husband.” He shrugged. “Same shit, different package, day in day out.” “No matter what they say, it tells nothing about you,” Steve said. “I mean, yeah, you’re built well, I can’t deny that. But something like that... It tells everything just about them, not you. You're not a bag of meat." Billy looked down at the empty plate in front of him. “Yeah, I know. On some level it's kinda nice though, I workout a lot. In a way I ask for it, too? Nah, I don't know." He was silent for a while. "But it does get to me sometimes.” “I don’t want you to be exposed to that,” Steve said frustrated. Not only was he angry, he felt also very possessive. No one would say something like that to his Billy and get away with it. Billy smiled. “Thanks for thinking like that.” Then he shook his head. “But it comes with the territory. Don’t bother your pretty head with it, ok? It’s just what it is. I’ll manage.” Steve frowned for a while, thinking. "I know just what to do," he said getting up and walked to the door. "I'll be right back." "Hey! What are you doing?" Billy asked but Steve was already out of the door. "Fuck!" he exasperated.
Steve walked to the poolside area and to the sunbeds of the two ladies who had been keeping a keen eye on Billy. He stopped in front of them, laying a shadow over the face of the other one. "Oh, is it you Steve?" she asked. "Yes, Mrs. Thompson. How is Jack nowadays? I haven't heard of him since leaving Hawkins last year." "Jack is doing fine. He's in film school in New York." "Film school? Impressive," Steve replied, and turned to greet the other woman. "Mrs. Tyson, I think your son Tom was on a class above me and Jack, right? I hope he, too, is doing well." "Yes, he is, thanks for asking." Steve squatted between the sunbeds. "So, now that we've established the age of me and your sons," Steve said, looking at both of the women at a time. "All of the lifeguards working here at the pool are kids younger than your sons. You should be ashamed of yourselves. And you know exactly what I mean," he said flatly. Both of the women blushed and said nothing. Steve got up and flashed them a smile. "Please, tell your friends too. In case, you know, they've also conveniently forgotten. Have a great day, ladies." Steve had walked almost to the other side of the pool when he turned to look back at the sunbeds that had been occupied by the two women. They were empty and all of the women's belongings were gone.
Billy had been watching the exchange in the shadow of the corridor. When he saw the blushed faces and the hasty leave of the women after Steve had turned back, a lump started forming in his throat. He swallowed it away quickly for not letting it getting stuck there.
"What the fuck was that about?" Billy snarled at Steve when they got back to the office. "Have you any idea how fast those bitches will be contacting the pool manager and tell him how I have done something indecent to them thanks to you?" Steve shook his head. "I know those women. Because of that, they won't do such thing." Billy grimaced. "I really need this job. You better not have lost it for me." Steve put his hand on Billy's shoulder and turned him around to look at him. "Trust me. My dad...he's kinda big deal in this town. If I say that something has happened in one way, it's what happened. I have to admit that I've used it as an excuse too when I was younger, but I never got caught. Believe me, they won't bother you again, and probably their friends neither." "You know, I was handling the situation just fine," Billy snapped. ”Hey, I knew I could help so I did it. And besides, I don't like it when someone does something like that to my boyfriend." A stunned silence filled the small office. “So I'm your boyfriend?” Billy asked almost inaudibly. “Well, yeah,” Steve said smiling. “Of course you are.”
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
It’s A Twin Thing - Ch 2
The brother reunite for the first time in over 22 years and Jeremy gets introduced to everyone.
Trevor can’t believe it.  When he had felt that Jeremy was close, he’d reluctantly asked to pause what he’d been doing with Hetty to go find out if he was really nearby.  He had expected her to be upset and tell him he was being stupid that he couldn’t actually feel Jeremy, but she had taken it in stride and told him that she hoped Jeremy really had come to visit.  To go up the stairs and see Jeremy standing there with Sam – to see him and realize he was here and probably still wouldn’t get to talk about everything he’d been thinking about lately because of course Sam wouldn’t want to seem like a whack job, but at least he’d get to see him.
Then, of course, he couldn’t stop the ‘Jeremy’ from slipping from his lips and his brother had actually turned to him.  He’d heard him!  He could see him!
It was better than he could have ever imagined.
And then, the next thing he knew, he was hugging him.  
He could HUG his brother!  
It was completely unbelievable and yet…
He doesn’t want to let go, worried that this was a dream.  Worried that he had fallen asleep with Hetty in the basement and was just allowing for a dream come true.  
Yet, it couldn’t last forever as he hears Jay asking, “Okay, what the hell is going on?”
He supposes that Jay seeing Jeremy hug air probably seems far stranger than anything else that had happened in this house, which is saying something for sure.  
“Uh, this is – Jeremy – Trevor’s brother,” Sam says, hesitatingly.  
“Well, that much was obvious.  He looks just like him,” Jay states.
They loosen their grips, but don’t let go completely.  
“You can see him?” Jeremy asks.
“No, he can’t – we had a memorial, remember?” Trevor offers as Jay laughs and says, “Nah, I saw his dating profile.”
“Dating profile?” Jeremy questions, raising an eyebrow.  
“Will you please let that go?” Trevor begs, not that it matters since Jay can’t hear him.
“You realize that he can’t hear you, right?”
“Of course I do.”  Trevor rolls his eyes.  “Why did Sam hesitate when she said ‘Jeremy’?”
“When she saw me – she may have said, ‘Trevor?’ and I didn’t exactly correct her.”
Trevor laughs because he wouldn’t have either.  Force of habit.  Always just stepping into each other’s lives as if no one would notice.  Still, he’s surprised that Jeremy did it even if he was obviously there to see him.  
But accepting his name as Trevor for a minute is nothing compared to the fact that he could see and touch him.  
“How…?” Trevor starts to ask, but before he could formulate the question – he realizes that he already knows the answer.  
“It’s a twin thing,” they say together.  
“I mean, I guess I don’t know for sure, I’ve only met one other person –”
“The woman I bought the condo from?” Trevor questions, vaguely remembering the strange woman that had decided to sell her condo to Trevor to move out to the country where her twin had died… “I thought we didn’t believe her?”
“We sort of did, didn’t we?” Jeremy questions, with a shrug.
He was right.  After all, Jeremy had always been into the supernatural and Trevor had played along on a – I love my brother, so I’ll play along – level.  Despite the fact that Jeremy rarely ever stayed at the condo (he always hated the city), Trevor had played along by leaving the TV or radio on when he was gone so whatever ghosts were there wouldn’t be bored…
“Wait a second, that means –” that the ghosts she mentioned were there, were actually there.
“Yeah.  Exactly,” Jeremy states.  “At least they really loved you – you were very entertaining.”
Trevor can’t help laughing.  Of course he was – all those crazy stunts he pulled, the parties he had, his crazy sexcapades, plus, leaving the radio and TV on?  They probably had a field day watching his life.  
His laugh is infectious as Jeremy starts laughing, too.  
It feels so good to be able to laugh and hear that he had some ghost roommates that he had apparently entertained for a few years at least.  He bet they wished he was still there – his life was anything but boring.              Trevor can vaguely hear talking and complaints from his fellow ghosts who are largely confused before there’s a clearing of Hetty’s throat from beside them.  
Naturally, he should introduce Jeremy to Hetty – they may not be traditionally dating, but there’s nothing traditional about ghost dating anyway.  
“Right, uh, I’m guessing by the surprised looks on everyone’s faces that they didn’t know that you can see ghosts?” Trevor asks, somewhat confused.
“I’ve spent over twenty years perfecting the ability to ignore ghosts – no offense to those present – but every ghost I’ve met forgets what it looks like to those living and it was necessary if I wanted to leave the house,” Jeremy states.  “So, when I came in, I just ignored them – I mean, I came here looking for you.”
Trevor understands.  There’s no way Jeremy would’ve acknowledged the ability if Trevor hadn’t been at the mansion.  
“Still, I guess that means I should introduce you to everyone,” Trevor offers.  He doesn’t wait for the nod as he gestures to Hetty, who had evidently wanted to be introduced.  “This is Hetty.”
Jeremy smiles and disentangles his arm from Trevor’s, to shake her hand.  “Nice to meet you.”  
He gives Trevor a look that Trevor’s familiar with – it’s the ‘are you dating this person’ look.  Trevor returns the look with the positive, even though no one else would be able to tell.  
“That’s Jay – you met Sam, and –” before he can think who to introduce first the rest of the ghosts rush forward to introduce themselves.  It’s fitting that they continue their exact same introductions – Flower and the drugs/bear, Thor and his fish, Isaac wanting to give his speech, ect.  It takes several minutes for everyone to calm down and meet Jeremy.
Finally, Sam offers to set up a room for Jeremy – Trevor’s old room and Jay offers to make tea and snacks for the brothers, well, Jeremy.  Jeremy admits that he didn’t exactly have a plan just that he was finally certain that he wanted to see Trevor, thus, they decide to sit in the living room to chat.
Trevor’s relieved that he doesn’t ask about the pants thing, but then, he probably doesn’t need to once Trevor mentioned the party had been for a promotion. Jeremy knew all about the hazing that happened, and that Trevor had more than once come home without pants in an effort to circumvent that dumbass run of fun nonsense.  
He’s actually kind of amazed the other ghosts hadn’t realized he’d done it before, but maybe he just got lucky. … Until his luck ran out.
They sit opposite each on the couch, turned towards each, one leg bent in.  It sort of exposed Trevor, if not for his tie, but he’s not worried about Jeremy being put off by it – and he’s rather hoping it would scare off the other ghosts.  Leave him and his brother alone.  
He can tell by the slight look from Hetty and Jeremy that they both knew what he was doing, unfortunately, it was rare for the ghosts to get to talk to a living – let alone one that had probably seen and dealt with many more ghosts than Sam had and had information on their housemate – and it was not enough to deter them away from the pair of brothers.  
Thus, the conversation fell into somewhat superficial things.  All of the ghosts cared more about his ability than anything in particular with regards to him or Trevor.  Thus, instead of getting to chat with Jeremy about all of the things left unsaid, he learned about the ghosts in his condo, the ones at Jeremy’s gallery, and how he was able to learn to ignore them.
Not exactly what he’d been looking forward to when he felt Jeremy’s presence.
It took an unfortunate amount of time before the ghosts became less excited about Jeremy’s presence and at least the ones that he wouldn’t want to discover some of his secrets – mainly Isaac and Nigel (really, Nigel) – had finally gone off on their own.  Leaving him and Jeremy with Hetty, Alberta and Flower, who were still clearly interested.  
Since he has always been close to Alberta and Flower, and he’s been confiding in Hetty for months, he gives Jeremy a little look, who knows it’s okay to switch to less superficial things.
Jeremy opens his mouth to no doubt ask how he died, since his parents had no idea – his bones had not given anything away, but before he does, Trevor says, “Overdose.”
Jeremy doesn’t seem completely surprised.  “How…?”  did you end up in the lake?
“How do you think?” Trevor asks, not wanting to actually say it.
Jeremy shakes his head.  “Going to his office once a year to bug him and ask questions has clearly not been enough.”
Jeremy doesn’t have to explain who ‘he’ is because he’s always hated Ari, in particular.  
“You didn’t seriously –”
“Of course I did,” Jeremy states.  “Any excuse to drive him crazy.”
Trevor laughs.  Jeremy’s visits definitely helped soften the blow and helped make the whole watch thing a bit worse for Ari, which means Trevor can feel better about forgiving him.  Which he’d done probably far too easily if he went by the standards of his fellow ghosts on forgiveness – well, except Nigel, who blew passed the whole ‘Isaac murdered him’ and wanted to date him right away.  
“You never did like him.”
“With good reason.”
“My turn – why…?”
Jeremy shrugs.  “I’ve tried to come here a dozen times since I found out this is where you were…”
“And yet…”
“I guess I was just afraid…”
He doesn’t have to explain what he was afraid of, if he’d be in Jeremy’s position – he’d be afraid, too. Especially since Trevor had already considered that his connection to Jeremy could be the reason that he’s the ghost – although he’d never blame him.
“I get it,” Trevor says, softly.  “But I’m glad you’re here.”
“I’m happy to be here.  I’ve spent so long wondering – hoping that seeing ghosts didn’t actually mean what I thought it meant even though it was … obvious.”
“I’m sorry,” Trevor replies, quietly.  
While he didn’t care that his own stupidity had ended his life – he’d rather make the most of life and take that risk than be boring and safe and live a long life – he had absolutely felt the heartbreak of his actions for Jeremy.  Jeremy had to go on without him.  Jeremy had to deal with birthdays and holidays where people might mistake him for Trevor, knowing that he was gone.  Jeremy had to look in the mirror every day and see his face looking back at him.
It couldn’t have been easy – any of it.  And yet, he had shouldered on for the last twenty years without him.  
And worse – with a horrible new power that reminded him every day that his brother was stuck as a ghost somewhere and maybe dreams… considering that Trevor had dreams of Jeremy.
“You shouldn’t be – you didn’t know what was going to happen.”
“I should’ve been more careful – done less stupid things.”
“Then you wouldn’t be Trevor,” Jeremy states, a smile on his lips.  “And I couldn’t imagine you any other way.”
“Yeah, and we’d have less excitable stories to listen to,” Flower says.  “Like the time you robbed a bank!”
“That was you, Flower,” Trevor says, laughing.  “But yeah, I do have some interesting stories that would be a lot less interesting if I had been more cautious and careful.”
Jeremy smiles.  “Besides, there’s nothing we can do to change things now and I’m just happy to be here to meet your friends and your girlfriend.”
Trevor and Hetty both widen their eyes, as Alberta sputters, “Girlfriend?  Didn’t you two break up three months ago?”
“You didn’t actually believe that, did you?” Flower asks.  
Alberta gives her a look.  “You didn’t?”
“Of course not!”
Alberta and Flower continue to argue about if it should’ve been obvious that they had ‘fake broken up’, while Trevor looks at Hetty uncertainly.  Yeah, they were together and yeah, they spent a lot of time together – not just sexy time either – he’d been sneaking into her room with Flower every time Flower opted to sleep with Thor (which she did most nights – maybe because she knew what was happening with them?), but they had never labeled it.  Lover had been the closest term Hetty had agreed to, and he did not want this to mess up what they have.
It surprises him when Hetty nods ever so slightly as if indicating that it was okay, and he explains everything that had happened in the last six or so months.  He doesn’t care about outing Nigel’s blackmail and softens the whole ‘embarrassment’ aspect, but he never lies to his brother -omits things, yes, lies, no –, but after so many years and sort of wanting to get everything out to the one person he trusts above all – he doesn’t leave anything out.
“You somehow have a more interesting afterlife than I could have ever imagined,” Jeremy states, when he finishes.  “I’m glad that it has all worked out for now, but,” here he looks at Hetty, “it’d be good if you were good to him.  Sounds like you have been, lately.”
“J,” Trevor says, warningly, but Hetty smiles.
“I promise I will be.”
Jeremy smiles at her and gives him a superior look.  “Now, would you like to hear some embarrassing stories about him?”
“Yes,” the women say together as Trevor says, “No.”
Hetty grins, as she moves to sit across from them.  “We voted and you lost, dear.”
“Yeah, you lost dear,” Flower says, as she sits on the floor nearby.  “Go on J-dog, tell us all of the embarrassing stories!”
“Yeah, I’m dying to hear more about Trev,” Alberta adds, also sitting.
“You’re all the worst.”
“And yet, you love us anyway,” Flower says, excitedly.
Jeremy grins, “Well, my favorite was when…”
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
headcannons that just make sense
⇝ Michael loves children. He wouldn't want any himself but he enjoys watching them since Michael loves their natural lively imagination.
⇝ He loves candy, especially gummies and candy corn.
⇝ Michael enjoys reading. He is a quiet person and very intelligent. Reading is one of his favorite hobbies to gain knowledge.
⇝ Michael definitely broke through the floor in the old Myer's house before.
⇝ Michael likes cats, surprisingly. He doesn't understand the idea of pets but cats are so independent and quiet. He tries to copy their moves a lot.
⇝ This man literally doesn't have an ounce of social intelligence. Small talk with him would be so uncomfortable and awkward. He doesn't know how it works.
⇝ Vincent is stronger than Bo.
⇝ He secretly despises the mask. His mom technically made it for him to make Vincent understand that he looks like a freak. He wishes he'd be more confident and could live without it.
⇝ Vincent loves Bo with all his heart even if he's a narcissistic asshole.
⇝ Vincent is scared for Lester a lot. Since he's younger Vincent wants to protect him.
⇝ Vincent wants to learn an instrument. Piano would be his favorite but violins are a close second place.
⇝ Vincent secretly adores being with both of his brothers, even if one bullies him and the other one reeks.
⇝ Vincent doesn't like his father. They never had a close relationship.
⇝ The things Vincent has done for the aesthetic of them... God..
⇝ Bo would actually sacrifice himself for both of his brothers.
⇝ He feels bad about treating Vincent like he does but his pride is too big for him to apologize.
⇝ Bo doesn't actually know how to repair cars but he's learning.
⇝ Bo wishes he could draw like Vincent.
⇝ He is very lonely sometimes, alcohol is his best friend in these times. He's high-key alcoholic.
⇝ Bo was the child in elementary school that brought a knife to class.
⇝ He had a teacher that realized his abuse and subsequent aggression. She protected him and he saw her like a mother.
⇝ Bo sometimes wants to leave Ambrose and just discover what lays beyond his beloved America.
⇝ Lester loves Halloween, he makes the twins go trick or treating with him. Since nobody opens the door (what a surprise), he buys candy himself and places filled bowls all over town.
⇝ Lester has a very close relationship with Vincent. He stands up for him when Bo gets too harsh.
⇝ As a child he used to sleep in Vincent's bed when he had a nightmare.
⇝ Lester believes in true love which is absolutely adorable.
⇝ Lester has had emotional deep talks with his dog, Jonesy.
⇝ Lester was the child that actually loved his parents, he misses them a lot.
⇝ He used to run to the forest and looked for fairies and goblins as a child.
⇝ Lester likes to watch Vincent draw, it calms him when he's stressed.
⇝ Otis would never tell them but he loves his adoptive family, the Firefly family, so much.
⇝ He's sure that if they hadn't found him he'd be dead by now. Either because of drugs or suicide.
⇝ Otis secretly wants a dog.
⇝ He is very intelligent and if he tries he can actually be impressive when it comes to stating his opinions and beliefs.
⇝ Otis daydreams daily how his life would've worked out if he was "normal".
⇝ He overthinks his actions a lot. He doesn't feel bad about them but he analyzes the mistakes so they won't happen again.
⇝ Baby has had days where she just laid in bed and cried. She isn't always as happy as everyone believes.
⇝ Baby was very insecure about her body as a teenager. The other girls bullied her which led to quickly decreasing confidence.
⇝ Baby is very glad to have Otis as a brother, he's her ultimate idol.
⇝ Baby is scared by horror movies. She's not squeamish but she gets scared easily, especially when the subject's demons or supernatural horror.
⇝ Baby fell in love with a girl in her school once. Unfortunately it was a bully of hers.
⇝ Baby forced Otis multiple times to go and buy pads for her.
⇝ Billy is a little geek and we all know it.
⇝ Definitely a gamer though back in his time, video games just started developing.
⇝ Billy has comfort characters without knowing what that means.
⇝ He has thought about making out with Stu before.
⇝ Billy is a very emotional person even if he doesn't show it in public. The only one who has seen the emotional side is Stu.
⇝ Billy wants to dress more alternative but that'd ruin his "perfect disguise". He'd love some leather boots and dark eyeliner.
⇝ Stu is sure that he's bisexual though he hasn't outed himself yet. His closet is made out of glass let's not lie here.
⇝ Stu is actually a very empathetic character which is why Billy loves him so much.
⇝ Stu loves everything that involves rollercoasters, he's an adrenaline junkie.
⇝ He either has ADHD or ADD.
⇝ He is actually pretty tolerant with a lot of stuff. He'd definitely wear nail paint and a skirt, sure. He's all against toxic masculinity.
⇝ His room is so fucking messy.
⇝ Brahms has porn magazines hidden in the walls.
⇝ Brahms really likes gardening. He's a huge fan of planting his own stuff.
⇝ He is terrified of wild animals. This man is literally scared of wolves even though that's the last thing that'd attack him.
⇝ Brahms doesn't like fire all that much. He usually sits far away from it.
⇝ If he had a camera he'd totally take creepy stalker pictures through the walls.
⇝ He knows how to cook, surprisingly. Though he himself lives off of toast and tea.
⇝ He isn't stupid but his intelligence mainly bases on literature. He couldn't solve a simple equation yet he knows "Romeo and Juliet" like he wrote it.
⇝ Brahms hates sports. Especially running. He will throw himself on the ground after two minutes and whine.
⇝ Josef either lives vegan or vegetarian.
⇝ He wishes he had a pet. He'd love a cat or a dog.
⇝ Josef actually loved his parents even if they didn't have a close relationship. They passed away which is why he has so much money.
⇝ Bisexual king. I mean come on, he wanted to seduce Aaron as well as Sara.
⇝ He knows a lot about healthy eating. Fresh vegetables as well as fruit are a must in his house.
⇝ He doesn't actually have a house, he rents apartments or tiny houses for a few months and then leaves again.
⇝ He wanted to study medicine when he was a teenager. His grades were good enough as well.
⇝ Thomas loves animals a lot. He wishes he wouldn't have to slaughter them sometimes but at the time he didn't have a choice.
⇝ While he despises school he loves gaining knowledge. If it wasn't for the bullies he'd gone back to school.
⇝ He hums lullabies to himself while he works.
⇝ He has thought about killing Hoyt yet he knows that he isn't allowed to kill family.
⇝ Tommy never had the chance to understand what's so wrong about cannibalism. He kind of gets it though.
⇝ Thomas has a huge artisanal intelligence. He can craft very well, as well as repair things.
⇝ He makes little dolls and toys when he's not busy.
⇝ He too wishes he had a pet with fur so he could pet it.
⇝ He has stamina like an ox. Thomas is probably able to run for hours.
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p4lparker · 3 years
Part of the Pack
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The aggressive alpha threw you away as if you weighed nothing, like a broken toy or a floppy rag doll. You felt your body crash into the concrete wall. It crumpled in on itself- nothing felt broken, as far as you knew. Well nothing apart from your pride. Thinking back, you had hoped today would be normal day- or as normal as cold be for you anyhow.
         The day had started out normal, well as normal as it could when there was a new alpha in town hoping to take over the pack. Scott had warned you and so had the others, but you didn’t feel all that scared. You were just a human who ran with wolves- you weren’t supernatural and you definitely weren’t a threat to anyone or anything. Though the rest of the pack felt it necessary to keep tabs on you and Stiles constantly. They would take it in turns ‘hanging out’- which was basically babysitting you to make sure you didn’t put yourselves in danger somehow. Scott had come over and watched movies with Kira and yourself, you all were sat watching Kick Ass- when Scott perked up. Almost like a dog; he quickly sat up and brought Kira with him. You paused the movie- waiting to find out what had caused him to do so.
         “Derek’s here..” Scott said, standing up and walking to the door; you followed Kira after. You stood leaning on the wall as Scott opened the door and revealed a brooding Derek. His dark brow furrowed and his face scrunched in a frown- his green eyes glaring at the three of you intently.
         “I’ve been calling you for an hour and you didn’t pick up. It’s your turn to patrol the perimeter.. I’m supposed to stay with Y/N.” Derek grunted, he was still glaring- but it was mainly aimed at Scott and Kira, rather than you. You folded your arms and stayed leaning against the jam of the lounge room door. Watching as Scott and Kira collected their things and gave you a sheepish goodbye before dashing through the still open door and to Scott’s parked bike. Derek turned his almost angry gaze to you before nodding his head at the front door. You flustered for a moment before gesturing for him to enter, then closed and locked the door behind him at his instruction. Not that locking it would keep an alpha out or anything- but whatever, you did as the intimidating wolf told you and lead him through the house to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass and a can of pop from the fridge, you offered one to him which he gratefully agreed to. Offering him a glass he nodded and allowed you to pour the carbonated refreshment. You both stood in silence as you took sips from the drinks. You shared an awkward smile with Derek, who just nodded at you- not smiling back or giving any emotion away. You gestured for Derek to follow you back to the lounge- sitting down and making yourself comfortable on the sofa once more. You watched as Derek perched himself on the couch- at the other end of it. You started the movie again and allowed yourself to get sucked into watching the movie- trying not to feel on edge, Derek’s tense body and stoic facial expression was making this situation feel all the more forced.
         The movie was almost over, throughout it you’d wriggled and squirmed around the sofa- all the while Derek sat still, perched on the very edge of the couch cushion. You’d tried to concentrate on the vigilantism on the screen, you found it difficult to focus; it wasn’t until Derek sat up even straighter, as if that was possible. He lifted his head and glared at the ceiling, your eyes following his. He tilted his head and sniffed the air. You watched half amused half confused as he stood and walked out of the lounge room and to the stairs of the building. All the while still sniffing at the air. Following behind him as he began to trek up the stairs, through the hall and sniffing at each door until he stopped in front of one. Yours. He sniffed deeply, before rearing back. When he finally turned to face you, you could tell something was bothering him.
"Have you left your window unlocked?" His voice gruff and demanding. You looked at him in surprise. Shaking your head quickly.
"No! Everywhere is locked up tight, like you and Scott and everyone else had ordered.." You muttered, glaring alternatively between your feet and Derek's leather clad back. All you heard in return was a grunt, before you bedroom door was roughly pushed open; the handle slamming against the pale walls and probably leaving a dent or a mark or something. Derek stalked around the room still sniffing, until he found himself standing under the sky light. The access to the roof, the wide opening window didn't work though- it wouldn't lock, so your dad nailed it shut. Derek jumped up from the floor and onto your bed, boots and all. As he stared intently at the big window above him. You watched, from your position by the door as his eyes flickered blue.
"The window is broken." Was all he uttered, the anger present in his voice.
"Yeah, it always has been.. My dad nailed it shut years ago. It wouldn't lock or anything.." You stated, shrugging your shoulders.
"No. The glass. It's broken. It's like its been lifted from the surround. And put back." Derek growled, eyes narrowing as he glared at you.
"Meaning what?" You asked, terror seeping into your words that you couldn't control. You were sure, Derek could hear how fast your heart was beating even without his wolf hearing. The tension in the room and your bodies built.
"Meaning, I don't know how long the alpha may have been coming in here. Meaning I don't think you're safe here.." Derek answered. His eyes narrowed still, but holding worry in their green depths. "C'mon." He grunted. Stalking towards you and gripping your upper arm. You struggled to keep up with his long strides, he walked out the room not even closing the door- dragging you with him as he practically ran down the stairs and out the front door. He came to a stop just short of the road, you not realising he'd stopped slammed into his back. Wincing as you nose bumped into the leather was wearing, you stumbled back and lifted your free hand to your nose checking for blood. Derek let go of your arm and glanced over his shoulder at you, dark brows drawn together. He moved towards your neighbours car, looking around him suspiciously. Raising his elbow and slamming it into the drivers side window, you shrieked. Dashing over to him quickly and gripping his arm through his jacket. Through the thick material did nothing to hide or disguise his tensed muscles. It took a moment for you to shake yourself to move your brain back to what the issue at hand was.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" You demanded, trying to tug his arm away from the broken glass- he was slowly moving his elbow to knock the remaining pieces from the frame.
"I'm stealing your neighbours car. Get in." Derek replied, as if it was the most simple thing in the world. Once the frame was clear of any sharp shards, he put his hand through and pulled the lock up. You heard the click as the internal locking mechanism worked. Opening the door, Derek threw himself into the drivers seat and waited impatiently for you to copy him. Groaning to yourself, you dashed around the front of the car and got in. Staring at Derek as he was fiddling with some wiring under the steering wheel. In a moments notice, you were off. Driving down the road quickly, Derek not really paying all that much attention to the road; he wriggled around awkwardly for a moment before pulling his phone from his jeans pocket. He looked sparingly at the road before dialling someone's number. You watched the scenery pass, you were in the warehouse district. Full of concrete walls and steel roofs.
"The alpha's been in her room. She needs to leave..." Was all he managed to get out before he was slamming the brakes on. Both of your bodies being jarred forwards, your seat belts yanking you back into the cushioned seats.
Breathing heavily as you tried to gather your bearings, you stared straight ahead of you in terror. There in the middle of the road was a great hulking beast. It was black and huge, making Peter's alpha wolf form look like a kitten in comparison. Derek stared ahead also, sizing the creature up. Before either of you could comprehend what was happening, the beast was pounding towards the stopped vehicle. Derek thinking quickly tried to put the car in reverse, but the beast just came at a quicker speed. It charged towards you on all fours and once it was close enough- it stood on two feet, reaching its clawed hands out and ripping the hood of the car to shreds. The scraping of metal made you cringe, but what petrified you was the fact that the engine was destroyed, and there was no chance for you to escape. The creature sauntered round the car, it ripped off the door on you side and snagged you from the opening. You screamed. Derek flustered with his seat belt before he leapt from the destroyed vehicle. It didn't take  long for you to realise that he was in full wolf form, but you also resigned yourself to the fact that he wouldn't be able to save you. He stood no chance against the monstrosity holding you captive in its sharp claws- you struggled to breath.
Your throat being constricted dangerously as you were held captive. You watched through bleary and unfocused eyes as Derek launched himself from the car; his eyes shining a bright blue, claws protruding from his hands and fuzzy hair clumping on the sides of his face as his face contorted into that of his wolf form. He dashed towards where the Alpha had you clasped, he started throwing slashes here and there. Desperately trying to free you from the monster. Though, the alpha did little more than seat Derek away as if he were nothing more than a fly. Derek didn't give up though, he kept coming- attacking again every time he got thrown back. You could feel your breathing becoming more laboured as the claws tightened. You felt the darkness calling to you like an old friend. You hadn't noticed that the rest of the pack; Malia, Isaac, Scott, Kira and Alison all joining Derek in trying to rescue you. Your eyes had fallen shut, and you felt consciousness slipping away. It wasn't until you felt someone stroking hair from your face gently, did you wake up. Peeking your eyes open to see Alison kneeling next to you- she smiled down at you as consciousness came back to your aching body.
“She’s okay guys.. but she needs moving. Like yesterday.” Alison stated as she helped to pull you up into a sitting position- you winced slightly, pain radiating from your ribs causing you to freeze. You looked to Alison, who frowned and prodded gently at your ribs; she shook her head.
“And I think she has either some cracked or broken ribs from the awkward way she’s moving..” Alison muttered, pulling you even more gently into a sitting and then standing position- in a slow but sure manner, she kept her arm supporting you. The rest of the group nodded, moving around you. It was then you took notice of them; they were all battered and bruised, deep angry looking gashes on their faces and arms. Your eyes caught sight of Derek who was favouring one arm, it cradled to his chest- which was barely covered by the shirt he had been wearing. It was slashed to smithereens, blood and skin showing through the rags, Alison and Kira helped you stand- staying close until they were sure you were steady on your feet.
“The Alpha’s gone for now. He’s off to lick his wounds. But I have no doubt that he’ll be back and soon. Y/N needs to be somewhere safe and secure- I vote we take her to the old train car.” Isaac stated, mainly directing his words to Derek and Scott who both nodded.
“There’s at least two other scents that’ll mask yours and hers, you should be safe their until we can get rid of this guy… Even if we have to chase him from Beacon- he’s gone.” Scott stated, you didn’t miss the red circling his irises as he spoke. He looked determined, and you knew not to be afraid. Scott was an alpha. He was a true alpha. He was your alpha- even if you weren’t a wolf. And with that the others were off, you looked to Derek still cradling his arm and knew he wouldn’t be able to drive.  Looking around, you spotted the demolished car not too far from you- sighing as you had no way of getting to the train car. Derek grunted and nodded his head to the left, you followed him. Hoping he knew where he was going, as you had no idea. You followed as he walked through the maze of practically identical buildings- leading you left and right and left again. Hoping like hell you wouldn’t have to navigate your way out yourself, as you had no chance of remembering and would probably end up living in this concrete jungle like a hermit. Soon enough you were standing in front of the abandoned subway- staring wide eyed as Derek had successfully navigated you both there- you had no idea it was so close, but then you realised that, that was the reason Isaac had suggested it to begin with. If the Alpha’s scent was covering the area, he probably wouldn’t return to it and you’d be safe- or safer. You followed Derek into the abandoned area and shivered. It felt so lonely- you remembered Boyd and Erica, smiling faintly before it slipped off your face all together. Moving further into the abandoned area, you collapsed onto a tattered seat- your eyes roving over all of the graffiti and claw marks that marred the walls. Derek groaned as he too collapsed into a seat. Breathing deeply, through his nose and clenching his jaw. It was then you realised how badly he was injured. His dark features were even darker due to the bruising covering his face, the gashes and slashes in his chest and torso- still bleeding, looked angry and painful. And the awkward angle that he held his arm, showed you he was in bad shape. Pulling yourself up and off the seat- ignoring your screaming muscles, you searched slowly- or as quickly as your sluggish body would allow, for some medical supplies. Knowing that Derek’s old pack must have had something like that lying around.
Your eyes landed on a couple of old shirts that looked similar to the tattered remains on Derek’s shoulders- making your way over to them, grabbing them up and letting your eyes roam over the area- until they landed on a lock box of some sort. Moving towards it, you checked on Derek over your shoulder- he hadn’t moved, you opened it quickly and smiled lightly. There in the box sat a bottle and a half of Jack. Gripping them both and the shirts in your hands before moving back over to him. Kneeling in front of him, you let your eyes scan over his injured body once more. Derek’s eyes flicked open as he felt you pushing his knees apart- allowing you to slip between them and situate yourself more comfortably.
“I-I th-think we need to set your arm first and then deal with the..” You stated and gestured to your own chest, Derek said nothing- just nodding and delicately offering you the obviously broken arm. “You need to tell me how to do this.. I’ve watched Grey’s Anatomy plenty.. but I’ve never actually done it..” you spoke quickly the words tumbling from your lips almost of their own accord. He nodded, and grit his teeth as you gently took hold of the broken limb.
“It’s my shoulder.. it’s dislocated- you need to grab hold of my arm and pull as hard as you can. When you hear it click and me scream- you’ve set it back.. Go!” Derek commanded, your eyes were wide as you tried to remember his words. You steadied yourself and pulled as hard as you could like he said. You yanked at his arm- as he growled- pulling as hard as physically possible for you until you heard a loud and sickening click and a scream-like groan fly from his slowly healing lips as well as some more unsavoury curses- you tried to steady your breathing and not let the pain show on your face too much. You let go of his arm and fell back onto your butt, watching as he breathed deeply and a light sweat dotted his forehead. He nodded and gestured to the injuries marring his chest, you too nodded and gripped the bottle of Jack before handing it to him. He raised a brow and chuckled darkly- before shoving it back at you.
“You need it more, besides it won’t do any good for me to drink it. It won’t affect me.” Derek told you, you nodded before unscrewing the cap and taking a swig of the dark liquid- letting to sweet taste linger in your mouth before swallowing it- then taking another long gulp. Setting it down by Derek’s foot, you kneeled up and gently tried to move the shreds of material away from the affected areas- but having no luck. Derek sighed almost impatiently, before gripping the fabric in his hands and tugging- the material falling away from his glorious chest- injured, but still glorious chest. You held your breath as he shrugged his shoulders, making the material fall to rest around his hips- his torso now bare to your wide eyes. You took hold of the bottle and one of the shirts, lifting both to Derek’s chest. You took a deep breath as you tipped the bottle allowing the liquid to flow down and onto the injuries. He hissed in pain- you moved the shirt and pressed against the wound- he groaned but allowed you to continue the process until you were sure the slashes were cleaned out. You knew though- he wouldn’t heal for a good while, but the treatment you’d given would do for now. Derek nodded his thanks, you smiled shyly at him before gripping the bottle and bringing it to your lips again. Taking a deep swallow you sat back, not realising your eyes had locked with his. The deep green boring into you- you didn’t know if it was the alcohol or what, but a shiver ran down your entire body. Blinking and looking away, you let one hand slip to his thigh and pushed yourself up- still gripping the bottle, you looked over your shoulder when you felt his eyes still on you.
You turned away and took another swallow of the sweet liquid, the burn becoming a comfort now. You hadn’t heard him move until you felt him rest a hand on your shoulder. He span you around so quickly- it felt like the room was spinning around you. The bottle slipped from your lips as you stared wide eyed at him, he stepped you backwards until your back was pressed against the cool metal of the train car. Lifting one of his hands, he gently brushed his fingers against your neck- gasping softly- his fingers sweeping your hair out of the way. One of his hands stayed at your neck, gently poking over the area, whilst the other trailed down your arm and to your hand gripping the bottle- pulling it from your fingers and bringing to his lips taking a swallow himself. Before placing it near your lips offering it to you- you obliged gulping some down, he then moved it down slightly and tipped the contents onto you. Your eyes still staring into each other’s, though yours widened marginally as a stinging pain radiated from you neck.
“Looks like the Alpha got you…” Was all Derek whispered, his eyes not leaving yours as the liquid flowed over the affected are of your skin. You just stood frozen, back to the wall- alcohol dripping down your neck and chest soaking your t-shirt, teeth biting into your bottom lip as you tried to control the raging hormones in your body. All you could think of was that if he leaned just that bit closer- his inviting lips would meet your own. Your body moved of its own accord, pushing forwards slightly. Your lips pushing against his. It wasn’t a kiss, not really- it was just your lips meeting his. And he didn’t push you away- so you pressed against him harder, your wet chest meeting his. Your lips moving with his as the kiss gained momentum and passion. You weren’t sure who’s tongue slipped out first and deepened the kiss, but you were sure it was you who moaned- and you were definitely sure it was Derek who pushed away from you. He stumbled away from you, and you struggled not to giggle at the image. The big bad wolf stumbling away from little old you. A giggle must have slipped out though, because Derek glared at you. He stormed towards you- ceasing the giggles almost immediately. He stopped in front of you. His body flush against yours, glaring eyes boring into you. Before he pushed his lips against yours kissing you furiously. Soon it wasn’t just lips meeting, his teeth were scraping against your bottom lip, and clashing against your own teeth as you opened your mouth.
You moaned again. Not even caring. It felt too good, his toned chest pressed against your own- even through the saturated top, you could feel his body heat, his pecks pressing against you- his muscled abs pressing against your belly. Which felt like it was filling with liquid lava- that seeped solely into your core, giving you a pleasant ache between your legs. Derek pulled back, closing his eyes as he tilted his head and sniffed the air. His eyes narrowing as he stepped back, taking your hand and leading you after him. He stepped backwards until his knees contacted the leather of the seat, he fell back and tugged you with him. Pulling you until you were kneeling on the seat- knees each side of his hips, he pulled on your hand until your chest was hovering over him- leaving you to straddle him in the abandoned train car. He stretched his neck up to graze his lips over the fragile and broken skin of your throat- his stubble creating a delicious friction, before moving to your lips and pulling you into another passionate kiss that sent shivers straight to your core. Derek breathed deeply through his nose and growled- before pulling you down onto his lap. You fell and kissed him more comfortably as your neck wasn’t craning at an awkward angle.
Derek’s hands rested on your hips for a moment, before they ventured upwards- dragging the wet material of your shirt with them. He pulled the soggy shirt up and only separated from your lips to remove it from your body. Tossing it away and pressing his lips back to your own. You let your fingers wander over neck and shoulders feeling the tensing muscles. Derek picked up the discarded bottle of Jack beside him. Pulling from the kiss to take a swig of the booze- before pulling your lips back to his own, you felt the Jack slip into your own mouth before you swallowed it. Derek pulled back from you again and you moaned in disappointment. You were getting sick of him pulling away from you! You watched as his eyes roved over the expanse of your half naked body before him- his fingers lifting to caress over our rubs, causing you to suck in a breath. He frowned before pushing his lips against your own more ferociously than before; and soon enough you were lost in his lips and tongue again. The pain simply disappeared. And when you pulled away from him to watch the blackened veins recede into his skin, you knew he’ deliberately taken your pain. Raising a hand to stroke over his stubble covered cheek- you kissed him gently, before letting him control you once more.
He tipped the bottle over you neck again, you hissing at the sting it brought- until his lips followed the trail. Licking and sucking over any skin that was flavoured with the drink. His lips lingering around your breasts, kissing and suckling at the sensitive ignored area. His hands trailed over your stomach, caressing the skin and tracing down to your hips- where they played with the waistband of your jeans. Fingers moving to unfasten them and tug them over your butt and hips. You stood from his lap and stepped back, catching his eyes and pulling the denim down your legs slowly- his eyes only stared at your partially dressed form. The damp bra still hiding your breasts from him and the dark panties covering your core from his waiting eyes. He leaned forward and tugged on your hand- pulling you back to your spot on his lap. You kissed him solidly, letting your tongue trace over his lips before letting your lips explore. They kissed over his rough cheeks, and down his neck- gently nipping at the stubble covered skin, he groaned loudly- letting his hands grip your hips and pull you down onto his own.
Once you were situated in his lap and still devouring his neck- he moved your hips back and forth- creating a friction that was almost maddening.  It was driving you to distraction, and you almost lost focus on kissing as much of his skin as you could. You weren’t sure what it was- but you couldn’t get enough of him, and you needed more. You ground your hips against his and could feel that pooling sensation- though it was more noticeable now, that and there was a stirring within Derek’s pants that had you grinning into the open mouthed kisses you were leaving down his chest, careful to avoid the injuries that were still trying to heal. You let you fingers feel over those delicious abs, before dipping lower; rubbing over the bulge in his jeans, rubbing back and forth until you were desperate for more, moving your shaky fingers down to the button and zipper. Popping one and tugging the other. Derek got the message and lifted his hips obediently and shuffled out of his boxers. You moved your gaze to look at him, his size was impressive and made your mouth water and core clench. He lifted your chin with the forefinger of one hand, as his other made a home rubbing you through your panties. A pathetic moan- not even stifled, echoed through the silent room; his calloused fingertips were rubbing the dark lace onto your most sensitive area, and you were revelling in the feeling of it. The way it sent shocks through your body, the way it thrilled you and left you needing more and more. You were chasing that soul shattering feeling, and you were well on our way to catching it- especially if Derek kept his fingers moving at that pace and in that certain pattern.
You hadn’t realised, but moans and groans were spilling from your lips almost in a chant. You were praising Derek’s skilful fingers and he chuckled in response, letting his other hand unclasp your bra and let it fall to rest against your stomach- the straps caught on your elbows, as your hands desperately clutched at Derek’s waist for something to keep you grounded as you floated higher and higher into the pleasure he was offering you. His lips descended onto your exposed chest, teeth and lips nipping at the taut bud. All it took was one hard bite to your nipple and you were coming apart in his arms. Your breath halting, your shoulders tensing and your knees shaking. His fingers didn’t let up though- they guided you through the haze of pleasure and only left you when you were breathing out slowly into the crook of his neck. You let your forehead rest against his shoulder as your tried to calm yourself down, once you felt your breathing return to a semi-normal pace; you let your eyes trail to where his erection was straining and leaking happily- if it were possible, he looked like he was even more erect and ready for you than before. You watched as he let his hand slip from between your legs and you gasped at how wet it was, he just chuckled before slicking his hand down himself and moving your hips to just above him. They rested poised, ready- yearning to plunge downwards and onto him- but he held you steady, teasing you. Before deciding; enough was enough and letting your hips drop.
He raised his own the moment you met, and a sigh slipped from his manly mouth as he was welcomed into your warmth. He held you still for a moment; as if he knew you were still too sensitive and needed some time to adjust. And adjust you did, soon you were desperate to grind yourself against him. Or thrust yourself one him and chase that pleasure again. Sure you were being reedy, but it was almost a necessity! Derek held your hips steady- still buried within you, but not moving. He hissed a breath through his teeth- then let his grip on your hips loosen, you let yourself free. Grinding against him- the skin above where you were joined rubbing at the sensitive nub, you let out a guttural moan; which made even Derek blush by the looks of his pink cheeks. He gripped your hips tighter and guided them into a rhythm. You could feel him rubbing against you in all the right ways, reaching parts of you- you didn’t think was possible, merely a myth. But Derek Hale proved you wring and reached that elusive spot within you. Your rhythm continued, gaining speed and strength. Until you could feel yourself on the cusp of oblivion, and Derek gave a hard thrust within; giving you that final nudge. You cried out- probably an unrecognisable sound or even made up language you weren’t sure. You just knew the way you were feeling in that moment nothing mattered. You could feel the pulsing between your legs, though if it was you. Or Derek. Or you both combined, you weren’t sure and you sure as hell didn’t care- your body was shaking and covered in a light sweat. But nothing mattered apart from Derek still being buried deep within you as you both experienced euphoria. Once you were both calmed from your activities, you rest your head against his shoulder and lifted your hips lazily from his. The slightly uncomfortable feeling of being empty, brought you back to reality. And your senses- and it seemed like Derek’s had also returned. As his mood changed from sated to grumpy in no time. He was soon shoving you off his lap, and onto the seat beside him- and shoving a discarded shirt into your chest.
His glare forced you to tug the shirt over your head, and once it was situated; covering the necessities and Derek had tucked himself away. You noticed that Scott was stood sheepishly by the entrance- rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly and blushing a bright red. You buried your face in your hands embarrassed, because Scott could tell what had not long since transpired within the abandoned train car.
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marveloustimestwo · 3 years
A halloween request:
Well, how about some Yandere! Din Djarin with a reader who is a vampire and who is hungry and attacks him and feeds on him, but she didn't want to hurt her friend and thereby reveal her secret of being a vampire.
(( Note: Din is in love with the reader who only sees him as a friend. ))
Thanks for the request!
Warnings: Yandere themes, Vampire!Reader
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When you suddenly attack him with fangs bared, Din doesn't waste a moment to fight back. With you in a near-feral state, it was quite easy for Din to fight you off.
After chaining you down and forcing you to explain, Din is a mix of surprised and angry.
He's seen things like you, hunted them, even. Din's traveled to far-off places and seen plenty of strange beings. Supernatural creatures like vampires aren't uncommon.
But you being one comes as a surprise.
He wouldn't be angry at you in the slightest. Instead, Din would be angrier at himself for not knowing this integral part of who you are.
Even before he grew to be obsessed with you, Din made it his job to learn any liabilities you might have so that he could protect himself and Grogu.
But now that obsession has taken its hold on him, Din has made sure to learn everything there is to know about you. He's watched you more than you might care to know, seeing just what makes you tick.
So how could he have missed this big of a secret?
He takes a while to leave the ship with you on it, contemplating this revelation.
While he's gone, though, Din will find a way to get some blood for you.
Din's a bounty hunter. He has ways to get you the food you need, even if it means draining the bounties he catches.
Whenever you need food, Din will make sure you get it.
However, when the time comes where he can no longer stand being just your friend, your main source of food will be used against you.
If you don't want to be his significant other, then you won't get food.
For every milestone you pass, the more you give into him, the more blood you are given. Starting with just enough for you to live before allowing you full meals for accepting his love.
He's your protector and provider, even if you don't know it yet.
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obeymeluv · 4 years
QUICK! KISS ME! [Bros x Reader]
A lead-up blurb before I go to bed.
School is killing me. This has been in the drafts far longer than I wanted.
No offense if your name is Bethany. It’s a name I picked at random.
The follow-up piece will have the kiss scenarios.
Some of Asmo’s friends may have used you to get into a special makeup event, but it’s okay! They bought you a lip gloss as a thank you! The shade ‘Sealed with a Kiss’ was not what you thought it’d be
Being one of the first humans in the Devildom could be uncomfortable and sometimes down-right dangerous! It also had its perks. To you, that meant being close with the Seven Lords of Hell (and Diavolo). To other lesser demons and classmates, you were kind of a ‘get out of jail’ free card.
Were they late to class? Oh, just helping the human out!
Caught sneaking in food or drink when they weren’t supposed to? It’s to split with the human, of course! They thought you’d love to try it!
Everyone was keen not to overuse it and you’d actually made good friends this way. It was starting to feel less like an excuse and more of a way to be included. You were the friendly, reliable human that had won hearts and saved some asses. As a thank you, one of your closer friends (a repeat offender for lateness), invited you out to an exclusive makeup release. She was a VIP member and had early access an hour before the store opened to the Devildom public. 
The fact that she chose you, a human, over some LITERAL century-old friends caused a bit of tension but she could care less. “I’ve seen them every day for over a hundred years. You get one year, and we’re going to make it awesome!” Bethany breezed through the store at a dizzying pace, picking through concealers and opening a box of mascara to look at the packaging. She moved at a pace only demons could manage; you thought you saw her by the nail polish display but when you looked again she was throwing sheet masks in her basket. Hooking her arm with yours, she picked up some foundation on the way back to the coveted display of lip glosses and lipsticks.
You weren’t totally versed in the differences between Devildom makeup and human world makeup. In all honesty, there didn’t seem to be a difference. Bethany swatched powdery cream lipsticks on her wrist and followed with ribbons of liquid lipstick. Every now and then she dotted them on your arm; she was adamant about finding a shade the both of you could wear as your thing.  
“This one,” she decided, waving the tube at you and booping your nose with it carefully. “This is our color!” she took you by the hand and joined the checkout line. She had two in her hand but refused to let you so much as hold one, wanting to pay for it first. It wasn’t technically breaking the purchase limit rule; if they tried to nag her she’d just say she was holding onto it so another demon didn’t bully you out of it. You didn’t know if it was her VIP status or the fact that her defense made sense, but you were able to check out without a problem.
A few sour faces and mean glares met you outside but Bethany ignored it all, eager to have a Devilgram-worthy celebratory snack break (snack victory? You know, since you got the makeup?) The plan was to eat, hold down a table at the nearby cafe while her other friends shopped, and have group makeovers (or try-ons) before calling it a day. That plan was interrupted three bites into a croissant sandwich when Lucifer summoned you back to the House of Lamentation. He’d gotten wind of all the girls you’d be with and didn’t feel totally comfortable letting you hang out with them,
Had Barbatos seen something? Did Lucifer feel spurned that you weren’t hanging out with the Seven Lords of the Devildom? He gave no answer, simply asking you to stay put while someone came to escort you back to the house. Bethany was put off by the turn of events but few people dared to complain about the Seven Lords due to their connections with Diavolo (she was no exception). “If we can’t get the full makeover, we’re getting the selfie!” she declared, deftly breaking the seal to her Sealed with a Kiss gloss and swiping it on with help from the front-facing camera on her D.D.D
You busied yourself with opening your tube. Before you could ask for her phone (since the camera was already open), she took the tube from you and tilted your chin up. She dabbed the center of your lips playfully before carefully tracing your lips with the color. The heat rose in your cheeks and she smirked. Being part succubus, she could draw energy from emotions like embarrassment and the feeling of being flattered. Her fingertips pulsed under your chin as she drew on that energy. 
Getting energy sucked could feel like a lot of things -- being light-headed, getting a rush of excitement, all prickly and tingly like your whole body was pins and needles. Whatever it was, it usually faded into drowsiness and kittenish contentment. She probably only touched your chin for seconds but the wash of coziness had you melting against your chair, your cheek cradled in her palm. 
Did she take the pic? What was happening? It felt like Asmodeus had materialized out of thin air, helping you stand and making small-talk with Bethany before pulling you away, out of her aura that was trying to suckle the vestiges of happy energy you offered.
“And what shade did you get on those pretty lips, hm?” the cotton fell out of your head and ears, allowing you to really hear Asmo now that the aura effects had worn off.
“Uh,” you fished around in your bag and looked at the packaging. “Sealed with a Kiss.”
Asmodeus stopped so abruptly it’d almost yanked you back to him. The two of you were barely tangled at the pinkies and now he’d completely laced your hands together. He held your hands captive, drawing them up in surprise and basically dragging you into his torso. You were forced to look up into glittering pink eyes and if you didn’t know any better, they looked a little panicked.
“How long ago did you apply it?”
“I don’t know.” you blinked helplessly at him. That energy suck thing had a way of making your brain tune out and turn to pudding. That aside, who knows how long Asmo stood there and talked to Bethany while you were being siphoned?! “Bethany applied it, not me.”
Asmo clicked his tongue, huffed, resigned himself to only holding one hand. and started scrolling on his D.D.D to find that selfie Bethany posted. You were being dragged along like a child as Asmo’s shoes clicked towards the House of Lamentation. It amazed you how well he could navigate his D.D.D with his long, painted nails. 
Whatever he was looking for, he found it.
Asmodeus tucked his D.D.D into his pants pocket, scooped you up in a way that terrified and amazed you (two people being supported by one set of heels?), and flew to the House of Lamentation. He didn’t always use his wings, as he preferred to decorate them and maintain them with oils, but the fact that he was flying made you nervous.
What had he found? What was the deal?
“Asmo--” you started nervously, the flapping of his wings nearly drowning you out as he pushed himself. Flying against the wind didn’t help. Your hair was a mess and the wind was in your face; the Devildom was always a little chilly but now it was enough to make your face tingly.
“She gave you enchanted makeup. There is a reason humans don’t use enchanted makeup.” Asmo’s pretty brows furrowed as he cut a hard angle and glided over a portion of the square. The tell-tale thicket of trees that lined the winding path back to the House of Lamentation were on the edge of the horizon.
“What’s going to happen?” should you ask that? Did you really want to know?
“You’ll feel something in your lips--some people felt tingling, some people felt pulsing, it can be anything, I think--and then they’ll seal shut.”
“SHUT?!” you yelped. It was enough to make Asmo wince. The startle carried over to his wings; they shuddered and locked; the two of you dropped for a heartbeat or two before he corrected himself.
“If I can’t get some makeup remover on it first.” Asmo panted, tucking his wings in and preparing for a quick descent. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t thought to teleport first--the panic? Trying to one-up Bethany by walking home and being extra cute with hand-holding?--but a quick touch down could roll into a simple skip teleportation and everything should work out!
“But my lips are already tingly!”
“Ugh, Bethany! I can’t believe you! I mean, I can because it’s you, but really, Bethany?”
“Asmo, focus!” you’d already skipped several feet ahead, clearing the front yard in two teleports. The third put you in the foyer. “I don’t want my lips to seal shut!”
The House of Lamentation was huge but when the occupants had supernatural hearing, that exclamation turned heads. 
“What’s this about your lips sealing shut?” Lucifer appeared at the top of his stairs, his head already shaking.
“DID YOU MAKE A PACT WITH A WITCH?!” Mammon screamed down the hall, clearly not far behind.
Asmo scoffed, lowering his D.D.D with a pout. He was halfway up the main stairs, fingers working at lightning speed. “It’s the lip color!” he explained, stomping his foot. Noisy people were just so annoying! If everyone was talking he couldn’t explain! How rude! 
“All this over some makeup?” skeptical Satan peered over the banister, book and arm casually propped up on it.
“If two people apply the color and kiss, they’re locked in a makeout session until it dries down. When one person applies the lip color, they can use it like a cheat sheet to see who secretly wants to kiss them,” his words tapered out from authoritatively informed to quiet and shy. “It’s from their ‘Liquid Love’ collection.” he muttered into the stunned silence of the room.
You were trying to open your lips and ask why. The magic had already taken hold. Asmodeus could see you trying to move your lips and strain your chin. Luckily, demons could read minds. “It’s because Bethany is stupid.” Asmodeus rolled his eyes. “Ambitious, but stupid.”
“Please explain, Asmo.” even when using the dear nickname Lucifer couldn’t hide the demand. His demon aura was creeping up his body and slowly becoming jagged and suffocating.
“Bethany has had a HUGE crush on our little human here, and wanted to seal it with a kiss, so to speak.” Asmo’s cheeks got pinker and pinker as he explained. Mostly because he was mad he didn’t think about it. His heart did something funny at the thought of you kissing someone else. Lucifer also looked like he wanted to murder someone about now, and Asmo had to remind himself that he was being looked through, not looked at.   
“Just grab a napkin and wipe it off.” Mammon shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Asmodeus shook his head angrily. “It’s too late now. We need to find someone for them to kiss! Someone’s lips will break the seal on theirs...that’s kind of the point of the enchantment.”
“So they just pick someone to kiss?” Levi’s face was turning tomato red. Would it be him?! It would at least be one of them, right? What if your person wasn’t in the House of Lamentation and you NEVER SPOKE AGAIN?!
“Sort of.” Asmo patted your shoulders with his gentle, smooth hands. He started to rub them like he was trying to warm you up. Partly in encouragement and partly to get your attention because he could feel your brain spiraling down into panic. “They basically follow their mouth.”
“So that lip color is like a crush detector?” Satan abandoned his book at the top of the stairs and was now perusing articles on his D.D.D as he sauntered down the steps. It sounded like he’d found the one that sent Asmo flying to the House of Lamentation.
“Basically.” Asmo sighed. It was the stupidest way to confess to someone, he thought. Demon to demon, it was fine. Demon to human?! NO! The whole thing gave him a headache. The fact that Bethany thought she could just steal your little lips and be greedy with them was the biggest annoyance of it all.
“So,” Satan’s green eyes cut sharply from his phone to you. The corner of his lips curled up in a smart little smirk. He knew it was wrong to find your predicament so funny, but this was a very human thing to get mixed up in. “Who do your lips want? Who do you feel yourself being drawn to?”
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kpopaeipathy · 3 years
Greedy for You - Chapter 4
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Pairing: Demon!Taehyung x Human!Female reader
Genre: angst, fluff, smut, romance, supernatural au
Rate: 18+
Sin: Greed (for the ✥ 7 Deadly Sins Collab ✥ )
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: Due to a demonic pact gone (sort of) wrong, you now have to report all your success once a month to the Demon of Greed in exchange for infinite favors and protection. Protection which Kim Taehyung is not so willing to give, as he cannot appoint anyone to do it in his place.
Word count: 2,914
Tagging: @dreamamubarak @yoontaethings​
Perhaps, unlike what you had imagined after making the pact with the demon of greed, you would ask him to take your soul much sooner than expected.
It wouldn't even be the fault of the avenging angel that was harassing your life, frustrating your attempts to achieve the success planned by you and Taehyung, and preparing various attacks that left you scared and angry. The blame would fall completely on the demon you were living with and who had all your nerves on edge.
Taehyung wasn't just a very busy demon who ended up delaying you for your appointments, forcing you to apologize more than you ever did before. He was also meticulously annoying about everything in his apartment, almost as if he had OCD and everything needed to be in perfect order. He also complained about every outing and job he needed to accompany you to because doing that seemed useless in his eyes. And, of course, his beauty interfered with everything you needed to do that involved other women (and even some men), who got bewildered after looking at the "bodyguard" who accompanied you everywhere.
However, what agitated you the most was the fact that you were no longer putting up with the horny tension. Since you signed the agreement, you tried to avoid him as much as possible, because he was very hard to resist. But now he was constantly at your side, often getting closer than decorum allowed, staying close for a time far beyond healthy for your sanity.
Your body vibrated when he touched you (and he'd been doing this over and over since the day he forced you to stay in his apartment after the angel's attack). The hairs on your body stood up when he whispered your name to get your attention (which he did all the time because he couldn't stand to be quiet and not complain). Your panties got wet when he opened a square or one-cornered smile (which happened whenever he wasn't complaining).
At night, when you were in his apartment, he would make a point of accompanying you to dinners, sitting beside you and watching you eat more than actually eating, or at the bedroom door to bid you good night. Whenever that happened (that is, every night), your hands itched and you had to curl them into fists so you wouldn't grab his shirt collar and pull him into the bedroom to have sex all night.
You were definitely living in hell on earth. But it was so tempting you didn't want to run away. In fact, you wanted to throw yourself headlong and burn in those flames.
“You're quieter than usual today,” Taehyung said, drawing your attention that you were trying so hard to focus on the traffic instead of the demon beside you.
Taehyung was an expert driver and, unlike what you had imagined, he loved to drive his luxury cars. It would be easy to watch how he walked through the lighted streets at night after a terrible day's work, avoiding the traffic jams as if he knew every car pass and the traffic news even without hearing it. The only problem was that he looked just as beautiful behind the wheel as he had ever been and you forced yourself not to look at him any more than you'd like.
“If you're worried about the interview that bastard interrupted again,” he continued, talking about the favor he should offer you and that the angel had been in the way for over two weeks, not knowing that none of it really seemed to matter while you were on his side. “I'll figure it out. You want the interview, so you'll have the interview. And no stupid angel is going to stop me from keeping my word.”
To tell the truth, Taehyung was more irritated by the failure of that plan than you. The interview was important, you always wanted to appear on national television and be recognized for your work, but it wouldn't make much difference whether it was done now or later. You could wait. You were good at waiting. Unless, of course, when it came to Taehyung.
Every day when you woke up, you couldn't wait to watch him at the breakfast table, or behind the wheel, as he drove you to work, or complaining about your office and your work, or badmouthing the men who approached you for your beauty, or rejecting the women who threw themselves in front of him (literally, because they pretended to trip so he could catch them, but he let them fall most of the times). You couldn't wait to be with him all day. And you couldn't wait for the night you would finally give in to your instincts and throw yourself at him.
“Okay,” you replied, still not looking at him and trying to push away the sensual thoughts that had popped into your mind for the umpteenth time that day.
“Want to eat out today?” he asked and you were forced to look at him in surprise. "I think I also need to deal with frustration."
This was new. For both you and Taehyung. The demon had probably never had his plans and favors thwarted before, after all, this was how he stayed on earth. The agreements he made with humans in exchange for their souls also guaranteed him absolute wealth, facilitating the demon's abode in the neutral realm between heaven and hell. Both Taehyung and the other demons of deadly sins lived off this, offering favors in exchange for rewards and souls. It must have been a novelty not to be able to stick to an agreement.
And it was new for you to see him so stressed and worried about it. Taehyung used to be full of himself like he was capable of doing anything in the universe. But at that moment, he seemed to have exhausted his possibilities and needed to think to find a way to keep his word. It was fascinating as well as disturbing. If he was having a hard time dealing with the problems the angel was causing, how long would it be before the one sent by God actually managed to drive you crazy?
“Well? What would you like?" he asked, distracting you from your thoughts again. “Chinese or Italian food?”
“Aren't these things quite different? When did you decide that these would be the only options?”
"Are you trying to piss me off?"
"I just didn't understand the logic."
"No need for logic," he huffed, gripping the steering wheel, "I just feel like eating these."
“They are very different things,” you repeated.
“Are you gonna be judging me or are you gonna choose? If you don't choose, I'll do it for you.”
“It could be Italian food.” You shrugged. “I don't want pasta, but all the dishes there are wonderful.”
Taehyung followed in silence to the Italian restaurant near his apartment while you watched him. In fact, you sat in silence too, with you watching the demon focused on his thoughts. Usually, Taehyung focused more on things around him, not what was in his own head. It was always fascinating to you, and you found yourself more and more content to watch it.
It was the first time in a long time that you had focused on something other than yourself. You didn't like to label yourself selfish, but you'd been through so much in your life that it was hard to take into account what others wanted or thought when you wanted and thought about too much. It was so easy to voice your wishes and desires when you didn't care about anyone else. Maybe, just maybe, it was selfish not to feel guilty about it. But it was better to be selfish than to go back to the past.
You were so engrossed in your observation of Taehyung that you didn't see the plate the waiter placed in front of you, just absently chopping, picking up some with your fork, and bringing it to your mouth. You frowned when Taehyung did the same, taking two quick sniffs and looking quickly at the food you were taking to your mouth. Suddenly, the demon reached out and took your hand, his eyes widening.
"Are you crazy?" he almost yelled, confusing you even more. "Are you so frustrated with missing the interview that you want to end up in the hospital?"
That didn't make sense to you, and you deepened the crease between your brows and looked down at the fork you were holding. Your eyes widened when you saw what was on the silverware. You dropped the utensil at once, causing it to bounce on the plate and splash the food onto the table covered with a white tablecloth.
When Taehyung let go of your arm and called the waiter, you felt your senses clear, and only then did you realize that you weren't acting like yourself. However, that was not what made you speak, but the doubt that arose in your mind.
"Wait. How do you know..."
"What is this you served?" Your question was interrupted by Taehyung's when the waiter stopped again beside your table. "This dish is never served with celery."
“Oh…” the waiter faltered as he looked at the damage to the decor, your frightened state, and Taehyung's face with an annoyed expression. “I'm sorry, sir and madam. The new cook changed some recipes, I had no idea it would be a problem.”
"If you modified the recipe, shouldn't it be on the menu?" Taehyung continued. “Don't you know that some people have allergies to certain foods? Do you want to kill your customers?”
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” the waiter repeated as he bowed apologetically.
“Apologizing won't resolve the issue. Why don't you call the manager and we'll sort this out?”
"Yes, sir."
The waiter left in a hurry and Taehyung followed him with his eyes before turning back to you.
"What were you saying?"
"What?" Why were you feeling so bewildered? Why weren't you paying attention to anything and getting so surprised by Taehyung's attitudes? What was your problem? “Oh… I… How do you know I'm allergic to celery?”
“I heard you talking to an employee at the company,” he said, dismissing your doubt with a shrug. “Are you all right? You seem kind of weird today.”
“I think so too,” you confessed, scratching the back of your neck and looking around.
"Is there..."
“My employee said there was a problem. What can I help you with?" The voice made you shiver and made Taehyung stand up, growling in front of the manager.
"You!" Taehyung's breathing quickened as he tried to restrain himself from fighting in the restaurant in front of all the other customers, but it was very difficult for him to control himself facing the angel that had been tormenting you and him for the past few weeks.
“I suggest you calm down, sir,” the angel spoke quietly as if nothing was happening. “We don't need to resort to violence.”
"I'm the one resorting to violence?" Taehyung spoke through gritted teeth, his voice low and husky, menacing. "You were trying to smother her the last time we met."
“And I almost did it again,” the angel whispered, smiling at Taehyung, who gripped the back of his chair angrily. You were breathing hard, suddenly feeling dizzy as you tried to get up. When you almost fell back in your chair, the angel reached out and caught you, coming close to your ear to whisper again, this time just letting you hear him, "I told you I would make your life hell."
Still half-foggy in mind, you looked into the angel's eyes before Taehyung approached and removed his hand from your arm, growling at the angel not to touch you again. Still looking into the black eyes in front of you, which didn't stray from yours, you understood what was happening.
“It was you,” the line came out in a whisper so low that you thought it best to repeat, “it was you! You messed up my head, that's why I'm so bewildered today!”
"What did you say?" Taehyung asked, looking at the angel too.
“Even with him close to you, that demon won't be able to protect you,” replied the angel, putting his hands inside the pockets of his jeans. "It was so easy to mess with your head, imagine how easy everything else will be."
"I'll kill you," Taehyung threatened, but he didn't attack the angel because you held him back.
"We both know you couldn't," sneered the angel.
“Let's go,” you asked at the same time.
Taehyung took a few deep breaths, then gently released your hands from his arm and held one of them tightly behind him as he approached the angel.
"We both know I'm more powerful than I look," Taehyung whispered so that only the angel could hear. "Don't test me, I'm not my brother."
The angel let out a mixture of mocking laughter and snorts before replying, “You don't even come close to your father either. Want to see which one made their kids more powerful? I guarantee mine was more generous.”
"So generous that he abandoned all of you here to clean up the mess he caused."
"Oh!" The angel chuckled again but clenched his jaw before replying, "It's going to be so much fun to finish off your girl."
"If you go near her again, you'll find out how much fun this can be."
Without letting the angel respond, Taehyung stomped off and dragged you along with him, while you looked back and watched, even with your mind and vision stunned, the angel's lips quivering in a forced smile.
It wasn't until you were sitting back in the car that you felt your mind clear completely, just in time to see Taehyung's bright eyes watching your face as he turned you around to face him.
"Is it over? Are you able to think clearly?" he asked, searching your face.
You were thinking so clearly that you felt the heat rise to your cheeks and you quickly and gently removed the demon's hands from your shoulders, breaking into a smile of thanks.
"I am."
"Good!" Taehyung sighed, nodding his head as he turned to face the steering wheel. "I don't know how I let this happen." He stopped, squeezing his eyes shut and tapping the steering wheel. Then he sighed and pursed his thick lips into a thin line as he looked back at you, who had backed up against the door at his outburst of anger. "Sorry, I'm not used to this." He snorted. “I think I still managed to underestimate that damn angel. I didn't think he would play so dirty."
"How did he do it?" you asked, trying to ignore the angry state Taehyung was in. "I mean, how did he manage to lead us to where he was and almost make me eat that?"
“He messed with your head,” was Taehyung's simple reply. “He's always keeping an eye on us, so he knows I always eat out when I'm frustrated. He should also know that Chinese and Italian food are my favorites. He's probably also controlling the Chinese restaurant up close. He just had to play the odds and wait. With your head fuzzy when it finally happened, anything could go wrong.”
"By the way, how did you know I would end up in the hospital if I ate celery?"
“You are allergic. I already said that I heard you talk about this with an employee of the company.”
"I know, but how do you know what reaction I would have?"
"Don't allergic people usually end up in hospital when they eat things they can't?"
The crease in the middle of Taehyung's eyebrows made you laugh. Did he really not know? How could such an ancient and powerful demon be so obtuse to some earthly things?
"Don't they?" he asked again, even more confused by your laugh.
“Not always,” you managed to answer, “but I would probably go with that amount in the caponata. My reaction to celery is anaphylactic so it could be dangerous. Thank you for saving me."
“Why,” he huffed, dismissing your thanks with a shrug, “that's why I've been wasting so much time by your side. I need to protect you.”
It was the first time you felt that tight feeling in your chest, so you figured it was because of what happened at the restaurant. But you also realized that you felt disappointed with Taehyung's answer, you just didn't understand why.
“I need some time to think,” Taehyung said as he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Is it okay if we stay home tomorrow?"
“Of course,” you replied promptly, breaking into a smile. "After tonight, I think I'll need a week off."
"Isn't it a long time for an employee to sit still?"
"I deserve a break, don't you think?" You shrugged, ignoring the snort he let out.
You were already planning to stay at home without worrying about anything. You had been working a lot and you didn't like it that much. In fact, you liked it better when Taehyung got things for you easily, since afterward, you didn't have to do much other than appear in front of the audience. As proved the day you signed the contract with the demon of greed, you were as lazy as you were ambitious.
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groovyzombiellama · 3 years
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Title: Fight
Requested? Yes.
Plot: You are Liam’s girlfriend and Scott’s younger sister, and you get attacked when you’re home alone and you barely make it.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, rape, death (flatline, but revived), violence, home invasion, funerals (imagined in y/n’s mind)
Word count: 2581
Being Scott’s sister meant you always had a target on your back in some way, but in no worst case scenario did you think you would end up in the situation you’re in right now. Bruised, bloodied, feeling completely disgusting with yourself. And you kept blaming yourself for not fighting back harder and allowing him to do all of those things to you, even though you were overpowered and tied up, unable to fight back. Your mind began to wonder as you were progressively losing blood from your multiple stab wounds, if this was how you die. If this was the end of the road for you, and you would never get to experience anything ever again. That you would be forced to watch your family cry at your funeral, because you were too weak to fight back your attacker. It all started when you had decided on what movie to watch tonight, as you were home alone. Scott was over at Stiles’ house, the two of them had their own business you never really ventured into, not wanting to look like the annoying clingy sibling. If it was something you could help with, he would have surely told you. And your mom had a overnight shift at the hospital, so you were all alone, with no boundries on your schedule, since you wouldn’t see the rest of your family until tomorrow.
You had felt a bit weird throughtout the day, as if someone was watching you, and you even found it so unbearable that you pulled down the blinds on every window in the house, even in Scott’s and your mothers rooms. You felt really on edge, which was part of the reason why you were blaming yourself, since you thought you could have called Scott and maybe went over to Stiles’ house yourself, and maybe then you wouldn’t be in this situation. But you didn’t call Scott and instead tried to put the thought in the back of your mind, focusing on enjoying your evening, as you figured nothing could happen to you if your door is locked and your windows were shut with the blinds pulled down. But then again, the town you live in is full of supernatural creatures, one of them being your own brother, so you keep telling yourself that you should have known better. That you never should have ignored the weird feeling that persisted as you waited for your popcorn to be ready and even as you pressed play on the movie.
But as the movie started and you immersed yourself in watching it, you didn’t hear the lock on your backdoor getting picked, and the door opening, allowing your attacker to get in and sneak up on you. It wasn’t until you felt a blow to your head that sent you off your couch to the floor of your living room that you realised someone else was in your home. You didn’t even have time to check your head, as you quickly turned towards your attacker, scrambling to get on your feet and away from the large figure dressed in black who was rushing towards you. You wanted to just turn and run, the feeling of adrenaline would have helped you gain the speed that you need, but for some reason you were terrified of turning your back towards your attacker. The skin of your neck errupted in goosebumps as you felt the blood oozing down your neck from the wound on your head, and you knew that if you don’t make a run for it now, it might be too late to do anything if somehow this person ends up cornering you. So you took a chance as you had your back towards the back door, your dining room table separating you and your attacker, and you quickly turned and made a break for it.
You ran as far as your legs would carry you. The adrenaline numbing the pain of your head wound and giving you more stamina than you actually had, but you could hear the echo of feet running behind you and you quickly thought of running into the forest, where you had more of a chance of hiding than in the open. Still the person was hot on your trail, the leaves under your feet rustling, giving away both your location to your attacker and his location to you. You tried your best to lose him, taking multiple turns, having the advantage of knowing the wooded area close to your home better than the attacker. Or so you thought. After about half an hour of running, you suddenly couldn’t hear the rustle of your attacker running behind you, and so you took the chance to turn your head around and inspect the area behind you, which left you vulnerable to him appearing behind one fo the trees in front of you, having taken a shortcut, and it all ended with you crashing into him.
His strong hands grabbed your arms as you let out a surprised scream and tried your best to kick and punch the person who held onto you so violently that you felt as if his hands were burning into your skin. You tried your best to yell out for help, but the adrenaline was wearing off and you felt the full force of your tiredness from all the running and suddenly you didn’t have as much strenght to fight back against his hold, ending up tied and gagged on the ground, as the attacker had his way with you. All you could do was cry and hope you end up wiggling around enough to losen the cloth that was tied around your mouth to scream out to someone to help you, to save you from this disgusting person, who was taking away your innosence and your will to continue living. You even thought of giving up, letting him do what he wanted, and then just beg him to kill you. To just finish the job and end your misery. What was the point of him raping you and beating you, followed by him even stabbing you if his final end goal wasn’t for you to die.
His final action after raping you, beating you and stabbing you multiple times was to leave. To just leave you there, on the ground, tied up and half naked, to bleed out. He didn’t even have it in him to finish what he started, he wanted you to die slowly, and you couldn’t understand what you had done that would prompt someone to do this to you. You have always tried your best to be friends with everyone and you never had any ill intent towards anyone. Even if you had a guy confess to you and you didn’t feel the same, you would be nice to him, telling him he would find the right one for him, even if right now it doesn’t seem that way. You never had bad blood with anyone and even if this was motivated by something Scott did, you doubted he, or anyone of the pack, did something so severe that it would prompt this amount of violence on someone not involved in response.
You saw yourself in a coffin, your family members, your firends, and all of the people who knew you standing next to it, in tears, as you were being lowered to the ground. You saw your mother’s heartbroken figure, her eyes red and puffy from crying, clutching onto Scott’s arm, her legs unable to hold her up anymore, as she lost her baby girl. You saw Scott being the one to find you in the forest, dropping to his knees at the sight of his little sister dead and violated, covered in blood, her clothes torn. You saw your boyfriend Liam crying with his forehead rested against your tombstone, asking you why you let go, why you left him. And then you saw flashes of your life in rapid succession before your eyes, from the good to the bad, and all the people who make your life worth living, and that made you realise that you can’t give up. You can’t let this moment be your last. Somehow you managed to find enough strength to pull yourself towards the highway, leaving a trail of blood in your wake, and even though your vision was becoming blurry, you persisted.
The moment you passed out was when you were at the highway and you could slightly make out that a car had stopped near you and the faint sound of someone yelling out towards you and rushing to reach you. It ended up being Nolan Holloway and his father coming back from running some erands out of town. Nolad had a slight crush on you for a while now, but knowing you were in a relationship with Liam, he didn’t act on his feelings, only watched you from a far and protected you when needed. As he noticed your body next to the highway, he yelled at his dad to stop the car, his heart crashing into millions of pieces seeing you like that. They drove you to the hospital, Nolan using his jacket to cover you up as much as possible and tearing his shirt to press on your stab wounds. Melissa noticed the commotion in the hospital and recognised Nolan’s voice as the one yelling for help, but she had no idea what she was gonna see when she ran towards the sound of the commotion. She was a strong woman, but seeing her only daughter in that state crushed her, and she ended up passing out, a few nurses rushing to her aid, while other’s helped another doctor get you to an operating room, hoping to save your life.
You had lost so much blood that the doctors didn’t know if you’d make it, but that didn’t stop them from giving it their best to save your life. Scott, Stiles and Liam were quick to come to the hospital after Scott had called your phone to check up on you and you didn’t answer, after which he had called Melissa, having one of the nurses answer and tell him about the situation. He was on his way in a flash, informing Liam on his way there. All of them were out of thir mind with worry and their hearts felt like they were gonna beat out of their chest. Just as they stepped foot into the hospital main hall, Liam and Scott halted, frozen in place, as their hightened werewolf senses picked up on the sound of a flatline. Stiles was trying to rush them, doing his best to convince them that the flatline was probably not you, not being sure of his words himself, but it was. They could feel that it was, and that crushed them.
Melissa quickly embraced her son when she saw him, crying histerically, praying that you were gonna be okay. The flatline sound becoming clearer as they were closer to the operating room you were in confirmed Scott’s and Liam’s worst fears. They couldn’t lose you, not at any cost. They even thought about biting you, giving you a new chance hopefully as a werewolf, hearing the doctors scramble to bring you back from that annoying and deadly beeping sound that just wouldn’t stop. Suddenly, just as Liam was about to burst into the operating room to bite you, the beeping sound went from continuous to spaced out, meaning the doctors have managed to bring you back, and everyone let out a sigh of relief. Their worlds wouldn’t be the same without you and they knew that no matter what they were not gonna lose you, ever. Each person present in that waiting room was willing to give up their own life just so you could live. Melissa told Scott that it was Nolan who brought you in and through a bit of digging, with Nolan being their inside man (oh how greatful they were that he had a soft spot for you and would never consider hurting you, but instead would do his best to save you and find out who truly hurt you) they found out it was Tamora Monroe’s army member who did this to you.
Scott and Liam were already planning their revenge, but had to make sure you were gonna be okay. After hours of waiting, pacing back and forth, listening in on what the doctors were saying, and just silently praying, everyone jumped in surprise when one of the doctors came out of the operating room and walked towards them. Another sigh of relief washed over the group as they heard that even though it was difficult and you almost lost your battle with life, you were able to pull through, and after a long period of recovery, your were hopefully gonna be fine, as long as your condition doesn’t change during the next few days. After a few weeks of you not waking up, but being in a stable condition, here and there having low moments, where it looked like you were gonna go back to a flatline, you woke up, to see Liam sleeping sitting in a chair next to your bed, his head on the bed, his hand in yours. Scott and Stiles slept sitting up on the couch on the other side.
They visited you every single day, only skipping two when the pack planned their revenge plot and when it was executed. Feeling your hand squeeze his, Liam’s head shot up and he called out your name, met with your beautiful smile and your eyes he missed seeing so much. “I thought I was gonna lose you! Thank you for fighting baby, thank you!“ He said as he peppered kisses all over your face, careful not to hurt you, but extatic that you were recovering. All that commotion woke up your brother and his friend, and they shared Liam’s excitement, thankful to the skies above that they didn’t take you away from them too early. You were thankful for all of them, for caring about you enough to give you the drive to want to continue living, for yourself and for them. Nolan also came to visit and apologised to you, swearing he had nothing to do with it and that he would have stopped the person who attacked you in a heartbeat.
You were thankful to him that he helped you, and you knew he was not the one who attacked you, as the person was much larger than Nolan, even if you couldn’t see their face. He promised to protect you better from now on as did the pack. Liam never left your side, even when you told him and your brother to go home and rest, even when Scott agreed to take at least an hour of rest, knowing your mother was gonna keep an eye on you, Liam stayed, no matter how much you pleaded and it solidified the love you had for him and your belief that he was the one for you. The help of the people who cared about you was crucial during your recovery, and you have never felt more loved, despite it taking a long time for the memories of that horrible even to even begin to become less vivid in your every waking and sleeping moment. But you knew you had people who were gonna be there for you.
Hey Anon, I know it took me too long to write this and you maybe even won’t see it, but I hope you actually do and you like the fic. It was a pretty dark request and I don’t know if I made it as dark and as emotional as you maybe hoped, but I still hope you like it, let me know if you want me to change some things :)
I don’t even know if anyone ever got emotional reading my work, I’m not that good of a writer so I’m so so sorry for that :) <3
That’s all for tonight folks, see ya soon :D
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nntheblog · 2 years
Hells Paradise Characters : 35+ Characters Ranked And Skills Explained
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This is gonna be my first answer in quite some time, so I’ll list the top 30 strongest instead of the regular old ten. I will also be refraining from adding manga panels, lest the answer becomes far too long. Just brief descriptions would do. Please note that Banko-powered Zhu Jin will be excluded since it can’t be scaled one way or another. Below Is All informations About Hell's Paradise Characters Hells Paradise Characters Who is The Main Characters Of Hell's Paradise ? The Main Character Of Hell's Paradise is Gabimaru Gabimaru is a ninja on death row with one chance to see his wife again — by finding the elixir of immortality on a supernatural island and delivering it to the shogun. Standing in his way are his fellow convicts and the fearsome beasts that roam the island, devouring or killing anyone they encounter. List Of Hell’s Paradise Top 30+ characters ranked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeVdqT3kEK4 Top 35 Strongest Hell's Paradise Characters |1| Rien Rien is practically the strongest character in the series. She held her own against all of the remaining humans and nearly killed them at that. The only reason she lost was that the gang exploited her weakness (Jofuku) and caught her off-guard. It was trickery that brought Rien her demise. Though she did reappear and nearly devastate everyone. |2| Gabimaru Gabi is by far the strongest human in Jigokuraku. Not only did he showcase a far better performance against Rien, but the Shinobi also outclassed nearly every other human if only by a slight margin. His impressive battle instincts, vast ninjutsu, insane physical capabilities, and amazing control over his Tao make him quite the ferocious enemy. |3/4| Shugen Shugen wields the uncanny ability to alter the attributes of his Tao, allowing him to damage nearly any adversary. This coupled with his immense knowledge and sword skills make him a deadly opponent enough to contend for the 3/4th spot. |3/4| Jikka While he may slack off quite often his strange ability allow him to contend with Shugen. Jikka’s unnatural technique allows him to not only figure out the safest and best attacking point but allow him to destroy a Lord Tensen level opponent fairly easily. This art or whatsoever is what I believe can be used to pit him at Shugen’s level. |5| Chobe The king of the bandits who achieved the body and abilities of a Lord Tensen, Chobe is arguably the 5th strongest character in Jigokuraku. His tenacity, adaptability, raw strength, and regenerative abilities come together and make him a force to mess with. His monster form allowed him to tackle many heavy hitters including Ju Fa and Gabimaru. In my humble opinion, no one deserves this position but him. |6| Shija The sadistic/masochist Shinobi who lusts after Gabimaru, Shija has what it takes to compete for number 6 on this list. She possesses a greater array of ninjutsu than Gabimaru and matches it up with her strategic mind, to fight even Base Rien. Her black Ascetic Blaze is quite a nifty technique. |7| Ju Fa-Tao Fa (Kishikai) While this form does come off as a Kishikai, I’ll be considering it a different being altogether since this is a fusion of two characters. This being can assume two separate forms, one suited for defense and the other for offense. I would’ve placed it higher than Shija but it's lackluster in terms of feats. It did get taken down by a team of the Aza brothers and Fuchi along with Gentetsuya. |8| Zhu Jin Now, this might come off as controversial but I have my reasons. While this Lord Tensen might crave attention from his kin, he still did fight equally with Shion (for a while). Zhu Jin also was the first person to ever demonstrate a partial Kishikai form. This form might be featless but judging from Shion’s reaction followed by Zhu jin’s escape does suggest the dude’s power. |9/10| Gantetsuya The infamous Blade-Dragon packs quite the punch. Gantetsuya demonstrated amazing finesse and skill with the blade but showcased destructive power with it as well. Enough to almost bring down Rien’s ship. While he originally did neglect the usage of Tao after accepting it he reached new heights. Putting him at this rank. |9/10| Shion Shion has quite some feats to back him up. Not only did he fight on par with Zhu Jin for some time, but he also managed to even gain the upper hand. Later against the Banko, he took down multiple Tensen clones, all while protecting Nurugai. |11| Ju Fa Ju Fa is one of the strongest Lord Tensen without Kishikai. He manhandled both of the Aza brothers and later on kept up with the two of them even if by a slight margin. His Fire Tao also blesses him with extremely destructive power. Plus he’s narratively/contextually asserted to be stronger than the rest of the Lord Tensen (Zhu Jin’s Partial Transformation is another case). |12/13| Ran In terms of martial arts, Ran is the top of the cream amongst the Tensen. He fended off both Gabimaru and Yuzuriha who were both slightly out-matched at the moment. Ran has also demonstrated mild control over his Kishikai. Though he did wind up losing to the combined strategy of the two shinobi. |12/13| Tao Fa I would never have placed her in this spot lest it wasn’t for her connection with Ju Fa. The two are stated to be the one and the same, beings cut from the same cloth. This can be used to pit her relative to him, but it is generally disagreed with. Though she did put up an impressive performance against Gentetsuya and Fuchi before getting pummeled by them. |14| Yuzuriha She’s a tough piece of work. She fought relatively to Gabimaru albeit slightly against Ran and later was the only one who stood up to Isuzu. Normally I’d place Sagiri higher than her but Yuzuriha’s vaster arsenal and tricky personality win her this rank. Her healing techniques are also quite the troublesome factor. |15| Sagiri Now this here will bring me quite the hate. But I have my reasons. First of all, in most of her fights, Sagiri has been carried on by someone. Secondly, she doesn’t have much of a strong standing. Against Rien, she was only the linchpin of the plan as she was the only one who could harm the Lord Tensen. Moreover, Gabimaru’s statement about her being stronger refers more to the emotional and mental state rather than physically. |16/17| Kyomaru Kyo is a lackluster character in terms of feats. He’s relative to Isuzu and is good with the blade. Nothing else to be honest. But he did prove to be slightly stronger than characters like Fuchi and the like. |16/17| Isuzu Same reasoning as Kiyomaru. |18| Toma He doesn’t have much to say for himself. He is practically the same case as Sagiri. Apart from that Toma is quite the prodigy and seems to possess an unrivaled talent with the blade. |19| Mu Dan Mu Dan is the weakest of all the Lord Tensen who have participated in a fight. He lacks complete control over his Kishikai form and is extremely cocky. But his large quantity of Tao and regenerative powers are what placed him at this spot. |20| Fuchi Fuchi is calm-headed and strategic. He was carried by others in nearly all of his fights. The only reason he made it this far is due to his skills and Tao control. Fundamentally that’s what puts him this high. |21| Nurugai The same case as Fuchi. Though her restorative powers are noteworthy. |22| Mei Mei has little to go about. She stopped Mu Dan in his Kishikai, opened a crater in the ground, and cleared a couple of boats. Nothing else. The reason she’s below Mu Dan is that she’s not built for fighting and lacks the firepower. And her pacifist-type personality doesn’t help one bit. |23| Gui Fa Gui Fa has no fighting feats. Nothing. It's just that she’s strong and has the regular abilities of a Lord Tensen. That is why Gui Fa is on this rank. |24/25| Centipede Doshi He overpowered both Gabimaru and Gentetsuya temporarily but eventually was utterly stomped by a Gabimaru who just began to manipulate Tao. His regenerative power is an added plus. |24/25| Butterfly Doshi Contextually speaking this thing is weaker than the above-mentioned thing. The only reason I say he’s interchangeable with the C-D is due to his control over grotesque butterflies which serve as a ranged attack. |26| Rokurota This giant is the physically strongest convict without the usage of Tao. Rokurota casually ripped apart trees, and physically overwhelmed Gabimaru. |27| Osa This shitty human has nothing to go by. All we know is that he’s skilled in genjutsu and should be strong as the head of Iwagakure. |28| Kichiji The original head of the Yamada Asaemon he should be strong. There is literally nothing else to go by. |29| Kumokiri There exists only a statement regarding him. One that claims he should be relative to Gabimaru. Again not much to go by. |30| Eizen He was the number one ranked Asaemon, but he died at the hands of a criminal. Nothing else. Read the full article
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Can you expound more on Caius' dislike of Carlisle, because honestly that antipathy is the funniest fucking thing to me -- Caius is the one person who's immune to Carlisle's (supernatural) charisma, and it's because he's just *that much* of a grumpy old man
I think there’s a few things that factor into it.
I think, had Aro been a normal person about Carlisle, Caius probably would have liked him well enough. Carlisle’s charismatic, intelligent, and well-spoken. He’s a bit crazy, and Caius certainly would never rely on him for anything important, but he’s enjoyable to be around.
But Aro was not a normal person about Carlisle. Aro invites this weird ass man, who was literally born yesterday and knows nothing about anything, to be a part of their coven. He spends his time making airplane noises trying to get Carlisle to be a normal fucking person and not eat cardboard fruit. Carlisle enables Aro’s worst tendencies. Aro commissions portraits of the Volturi and, that’s right, Carlisle. 
And Caius is the only one standing around asking, “Who the fuck even is this guy?” Because Marcus just isn’t up for it anymore.
Finally, Carlisle leaves, but it’s not over. Now, all Aro does is talk about how great Carlisle is. For centuries. Caius can’t escape this guy.
Then, centuries later, they learn that Carlisle broke down and made himself a coven.
Not surprising, Caius says to himself, Carlisle would never find anyone else to do the diet. Plus, the rumor mill probably informed them of parts of this years ago (I imagine it’s common knowledge that Carlisle, somehow, convinced five other vampires to do his diet, explained by that he turned most of them himself and his wife’s probably grinning and bearing it until she snaps).
Except Edward is... Edward.
First, Edward openly admits to having broken the law in a way that could have very easily been remedied. So he likes this human girl, turn her, done, the Volturi would have no issue. But instead not only did Edward adamantly refuse to turn her, when she was at one point already bitten, but he abandoned her and fully intended on losing all contact.
This screams of disrespect for everything the Volturi stand for and what the fuck did Carlisle tell this kid? That they were over in Italy having tea parties? La di da? The law doesn’t apply to me because I eat deer?
And then, Edward tops himself, he asks the Volturi for assisted suicide. Caius stares, and blinks, and stares. No one, in the history of all the wars he has been a part of, of all the enemies he has faced, has ever said something so mind-numbingly insulting before.
The Volturi are not Dr. Kevorkian and Caius, in his blind rage that this kid would dare to even think this is something the Volturi do, blames Carlisle. Because, surely, for this brat to think this, Carlisle must have completely warped his impression and has no respect for the Volturi himself.
Which makes sense as he spent the decades in Italy posing in Aro’s baroque portraits.
Suddenly, Caius rewrites history to make Carlisle nothing more than an empty-headed boy toy. Aro, afterwards, assures Caius that Edward is unheard of levels of crazy and that, yes, Carlisle had made the law very clear to young Edward and the reason Bella was never turned is--well--it’s complicated but not Carlisle’s fault.
Caius reluctantly allows Aro to pacify him. Alright, Edward’s crazy, probably the animal diet. Whatever, just get him out of here.
And then Edward tops even that.
After being denied by Aro, Edward dares to brazenly force their hand, breaking their own law in their own city. And, miracle of miracles, Bella Swan is in fact alive (because Edward Cullen was apparently too incompetent to realize when his girlfirend commits suicide or not).
Now, Edward Cullen who has broken the law multiple times and once in the last ten minutes, his human girlfriend who should reallly be turned, and this weird psychic Alice Cullen stand before them.
The girl turns out to be worryingly gifted, Edward Cullen accuses them of corruption for insisting Edward follow the law that has existed for thousands of years before his human birth, and Aro gives them a pass.
Aro lets them go, without the girl even turned, and this... This is where Caius starts getting worried about Carlisle.
Aro has shown that, when it comes to Carlisle, he is willing to be far too lenient. Edward should have died in Volterra, the girl should have been turn and brought into the Volturi with that gift, and perhaps Alice should have as well for aiding and abetting Edward Cullen.
Aro did what needed to be done once before and at a devastating cost to himself, and Caius respects that, but this...
And then, as first Eclipse, then Breaking Dawn occurs, the Cullens solidify from a potential problem to the greatest threat the Volturi have faced in a thousand years.
With Carlisle Cullen at its very head.
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waithyuck · 4 years
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pairing: cambion! lee donghyuck/haechan x reader (f) **halloweenie special**
genre: smut, supernatural au
word count: 4.6k
warnings: brief allusions to darker themes, brief thoughts/desires to harm the reader in a consensual sexual context (reader is really into it and encourages it), explicit language, sexual content, unprotected sex, cumming inside, blood, rough handling, hyuck has a big dick whoops, hyuck is also a half demon so he gets a lil sadistic you have been warned
a/n: this was really fun to write and I’m really excited to see all of your reactions after reading lol
{cambion: offspring of a demon and a human; commonly has physical deformities and can exhibit evil and malicious behavior.}
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the world you lived in now was one that society probably could have never predicted back a hundred years ago. you were sure no one thought that humans would live amongst creatures far beyond the common imagination, nor did you think that they thought the human race would still come out on top.
most would assume that supernatural creatures would have taken over the hierarchy easily, but that was not the case for this world. even though there were demons, angels, dragons–you name it, they existed– somehow the humans still ruled.
from what you could understand, it was because the supernatural were threatened since the very beginning of their known existence. unfortunately for them, the human government now had the means (and the firepower) to keep them subdued. they were essentially forced to keep their powers subdued, for the “greater good of the population”, as the people in charge put it.
ever since you were a child, there had been at least a handful of non-human children that were part of your classes at school. not many, since there were fears of bullying and harm from other students toward them, but enough to make a lasting impression on you.
at first, you were curious. you remember one instance back in grades school where you wouldn't stop staring at a young werewolf boy; too young to hide his teeth or his tail. you didn’t stare because you hated him or wanted to pick on him; you really thought he was amazing, but didn’t have the words to explain that to him at such a young age.
you’re proud to say you’ve grown a lot since then. now in college, you treated those different to you as equals, as you should. you try not to stare or question, and of course you’re never mean and you don’t bully, nor do you condone bullying.
seeing the supernatural constantly being picked on was something that always made you feel sick. they weren’t legally allowed to use their powers or strength, leaving them at a disadvantage to cowardly human bullies. you didn’t doubt that if the supernatural were able to fight back, the humans would cower in three seconds flat, and you would have yourself a good laugh.
speaking of bullies, you unfortunately had to pass by a group of girls who were berating a boy you’ve seen across campus a few times. as you walked, you couldn’t hear what they were saying, but you could see the boy becoming visibly more upset (or angry, rather) as time went on.
lee donghyuck was usually an individual who kept to himself, most definitely because of his genetic makeup. the experts around the school determined that he was a cambion; a half human half demon offspring, to which donghyuck apparently confirmed. people would constantly come at him for his singular red eye or the talons that were only on his left hand.
to be honest, you were always a little afraid of him. sticking up for him was very heavily outweighed by the fear he might lash out at you for helping, making him feel weak or something. but today something inside you screamed for you to help him, no matter the consequences.
you just hoped he didn’t tear you to shreds with his sharp talons.
you changed course and walked straight up to the group of nasty girls, them not even noticing you until you stepped in front of donghyuck, much to his surprise as well as theirs.
“can you guys leave him alone?” you stupidly asked, your voice not coming out as strong as you would have liked it to. the ‘leader’ of the pack looked shocked for a second, before laughing in your face.
“oh my god!” she laughed, clutching her stomach. “why are you trying to defend this freak? hoping he’ll fuck you or something?”
you felt your face heat up in embarrassment but you held your ground, not tearing your eyes away from her or moving from your spot in front of the half-demon boy.
“no,” you firmly stated, “I’m just trying to defend him from low-lifes who think it’s cool to pick on him for things he can’t control.”
you gave yourself a mental high five for maintaining your composure. you couldn’t see donghyuck’s face but you were really hoping he wasn’t angry. you didn’t turn to face him just yet.
the girl in front of you dropped her smile, a scowl replacing it as she scoffed in your face. she let out a “whatever,” before motioning for her posse to follow her as she walked away.
well, that was easier than you thought it was gonna be.
“why did you do that?” the boy behind you suddenly asked, his voice soft but it still managed to startle you. you turned to face him, putting on your biggest smile.
“I can’t stand when people pick on others for things that can’t be controlled.” you explained simply, looking him in the eye even though your heart was ready to explode out of your chest. “you didn’t decide to be what you are, so no one should belittle you for that.”
he cracked a small smile at you, and at that moment a friendship formed, whether the two of you realized it or not.
donghyuck allowed you to grow close to him, which you thought was the most amazing thing. he opened himself up to you, and you became great friends over the course of the winter semester into the spring. in turn you opened up to him, and the two of you had a pure and healthy friendship.
he smiled with you and joked around, laughing and being playful in your presence. not many people bothered him when you were around, most likely because they didn’t feel like fighting with someone, which you and hyuck were grateful for.
hyuck was always gentle; he never wanted to hurt anyone or anything, not even the smallest ants on the ground. he was very careful not to touch you, in fear he would be unaware of his inhuman strength and hurt you or accidentally scratch you with his sharp claws. you didn’t mind him being wary, but there was a part of that wished he would be comfortable enough for at least a hug.
of course you didn’t push him.
currently you sat with him in an empty art classroom, helping him with his literature paper while you painted the way the sun reflecting off the walls on your canvas. the sun touched his face beautifully, and as much as you wanted to paint him instead of the boring room, you kept your mind on track.
you worked in silence for a few moments, enjoying each other’s presence in the warmth of dusk, but of course no good thing lasts forever, and your peace was rudely interrupted as you heard the door slide open.
“hey, half-breed!” a girl shouted, causing hyuck to grip his pencil so hard it splintered completely in half, shocking you as you watched the top half fly in the air. “who’s this? your new little girlfriend?” the girl smirked evilly, looking at her painted nails before going on. “best be careful you don’t scare her away with your demonic tendencies. I bet you can’t even touch her without wanting to tear her to shreds with those ugly claws.” she snickered along with her posse of friends, and at that point you scowled at them, ready to rip them all new assholes. as you prepared to stand up to defend your friend, he stopped you with his own actions.
donghyuck let a loud growl rip through his throat, turning to face the bullies and effectively silencing them with the menacing sound. it shocked you, but you stood your ground and gripped his jacket sleeve to ground him despite your trembling fingers.
“I didn’t ask to be this way!” he practically screamed, intimidating the group standing before you even further. “do you think my mother asked for this? to have a burden of a son?” his voice was starting to fill with despair, and you could feel it inside you that he was struggling to keep his composure.
donghyuck sniffed and glared at the wall, not giving his tormentors the time of day any more.
“just leave me the fuck alone, would you?” he asked quietly, an aggressive air still present in his low tone.
one by one you watched the bullies file out, most of them shocked at hyuck’s sudden display of hostility. you supposed that they weren’t expecting him to finally fight back after all this time.
he stayed brooding beside you, and when you tried to find his gaze with your own, he shut his eyes as a stray tear fell down his cheek. before you could comment on it, he roughly wiped it away, still not meeting your kind eyes.
“donghyuck…” you whispered, your voice gentle as you tried to get his attention. “will you look at me?”
when he didn’t move or respond, you grasped his hand gently, failing to ignore the way he jumped at the contact.
“come on,” you spoke softly, tugging his arm slightly. “let’s go back to my place.”
he didn’t say anything in response, but allowed you to lead him back to your empty dorm room across campus. it was a silent walk, but you never let go of his hand, and he didn’t seem to want you to let go either, the tight grip he held on you being a clear sign.
when you arrived, you lazily pushed the door open, and led him to sit down on your creaky bed. you tried to pull your hand out of his own to go switch on the lights, but his grip only grew tighter, pulling your arm and causing you to fall down to sit next to him. you didn’t comment on the sudden slightly aggressive way he handled you; you only worried for him as he sat in the darkness of the room.
“...are you alright?” you asked, silently cursing yourself after a moment for asking such a stupid question.
he was silent for a moment, only breathing softly in the quietness in the room, before he sighed shakily and spoke up
“she should have gotten rid of me when she had the chance,” he whispered, his gaze cast downward as he shakily breathed before you. “she told me she couldn’t do it. she told me she wanted to be able to love me.”
you could safely assume he was referring to his mother, and the solemn tone in his voice made you fight back tears. you still never let go of his hand.
“I’m a living reminder of the trauma she went through…yet everyday when she looked at me, she never complained.” at this you saw a tear escape his left eye, the red iris glassy as the tears spilled forth.
“I’m a fucking monster.”
you felt your heart shatter.
here was this broken boy in front of you, claiming he was a monster for things he could have never even hoped to control. he was never malicious; he was always so gentle with everything, especially toward you. He stayed quiet when people relentlessly picked on him, never fighting back until today. as far as you were concerned, there was no way that he could ever be considered a monster, no matter what his genetic make up was or how he looked to other.
“what?” you questioned abruptly, your voice raising sightly above a whisper. “how could you say that? you’re not a monster, lee donghyuck.” he turned to look at you then, his eyes wide with curiosity as he watched you continue to speak. “you have a heart of gold. you’re always so gentle and caring with me, and other living creatures around you. you never fight back and i’ve never seen you hurt anyone.” you tore your eyes away from him, panting as you looked down at your lap, the rant you were going on making you emotional. “you are absolutely not a monster.”
he looked conflicted and turned his back to you, and you assumed it was because he didn’t want you to see what he was feeling. your hands were now apart, no longer in the comforting embrace of each other's warmth.
“...I could hurt you.” he mumbled quietly, and you weren’t able to detect the emotion in his voice. your eyebrows furrowed at the sudden statement, and you were quick with your rebuttal.
“you won’t.”
when he turned around and abruptly gripped your throat with his clawed fingers, you flinched instinctively but didn’t react further than that, challenging his angry gaze with a hard and confident stare. even though your heart was beating through your ribcage, you decided to grip his wrist with your own fingers as you looked at him, preparing to speak with a hard swallow that he surely felt against his palm.
“you can’t hurt me,” you said in a small voice, your lips quivering despite you trying your best to keep your composure. “you won’t. I know you won’t.” you continued, watching his face subtly change into one of confusion. his eyes were still transfixed on you; one crimson red like the blood flooding through your veins, and the other warm and brown, almost inviting you to get closer.
your grip on his warm wrist tightened, your other hand coming up to daringly caress his face, not hesitating to smooth over his soft cheek as he stared at you in complete awe.
“I trust you, donghyuck.”
fuck, you really wanted to kiss him.
he beat you to it though, pressing his lips against yours tightly, causing you to squeak in surprise. you kissed him back with as just as much feeling, your mouths moving together in sync. his clawed hand moved from your throat to rest on his leg (a little to your dismay, if you were being honest), and his other came up to gently caress your cheek as he deepened the kiss with his tongue.
“h-hyuck,” you played, pulling back only a centimeter, hips lips chasing yours. “is th-this okay? are you—“ his lips on yours cut you off, and he hummed into it before pulling away.
“I-I want you,” he stated quietly, looking down at his lap before flitted his eyes to yours once more. “if you’ll have me.”
you stared at him for a moment, overwhelming emotions filling your eyes and heart before you nodded and practically pounced on him.
the two of you kissed like there were no other worries in the world; it was just you both enjoying each other in the dim light of your room, feeling one another.
his hands didn’t touch you, but he allowed you to pull him over top of you on the bed, your back against the sheets as his body laid on top of yours.
with every moment that ticked past you grew more confident, and after a while you began fitting your hips up against his, delighted at the small friction you were creating.
“hyuck,” you whined, your hands moving to grip at the hair at the base of his neck. “pl-please, I want your fingers,” you were begging, but didn’t feel an ounce of embarrassment as his lust filled eyes stared back you, his plump lips parted. “please,”
he didn’t hesitate to help you out of your clothes, careful of his claws as he removed your pants and shirt. he freed you from your underwear and bra, leaving you bare in front of his full clothed form.
his right hand delicately smoothed down your thigh, spreading your legs apart so he could take a good look at you. you were wet and you knew it, and you threw an arm over your face to suppress your moans as he experimentally drug a finger through your soaked folds.
you didn’t have to wait long for him to sink a single digit inside you, and you let out a drawn out whine in response as he started gently thrusting it in and out of your clenching hole.
“is that good?” he asked lowly, not taking his eyes off the sight of his finger disappearing inside you. he was bold enough to add a second finger and even moved his thumb to press on your clit, and you keened at the sudden feeling.
“yes, so good baby,” you breathed in response, gripping the sheets beside you on both hands.
donghyuck eventually worked up to push a third finger inside you, and you practically howled at the feeling of being filled. his fingertips pressed into all your sweet spots, making you feel dizzy.
“mmnnff, hyuck,” you whimpered, catching his attention. he looked at you with dark eyes, his mouth parted as his tongue poked out to lick his lips. “what do you w-wanna do to me?”
it was a valid question, and it seemed to catch him off guard for a moment. hyuck seemed to be holding himself back from doing what he actually wanted, or behaving like he actually wanted to.
he quickly recovered, and withdrew his fingers from you in one quick movement. he moved them to your mouth and you caught the hint, only able to take in two of them. you suckled on his digits as you stared at him with doe eyes innocently, like you weren’t sucking off the excess juices from your pussy.
“I wanna fuck you,” he simply stated, watching you like a predator as you released his fingers from your mouth. “I wanna feel you, y/n. all of you.”
you couldn’t deny him that.
you sat up quickly and moved to tear at his shirt, the fabric peeling over his head before being thrown across the room in your haste. you worked at his pants and was successful at undoing the button and zipper, and he kicked them off his legs in one swift move.
you stared at the impossibly large bulge in his boxers, but didn’t allow yourself to become intimidated.
you would make him fit. you wanted to feel him stretch you out. you would make it work.
once his underwear was discarded, you watched his cock twitch against his stomach in awe. he sat at the edge of the bed, his feet planted on the floor as you moved to situate yourself on his lap.
you kissed him once more before a determined look graced your face, and you positioned your entrance above him, ready to begin.
“what do you really want to do to me?” you asked him again as you sank down onto his cock, watching as his nose scrunched up at the feeling of your wet and hot walls surrounding his painfully hard member.
in your periphery you could see his fingers flex like he wanted to reach out and touch you or grab you, but he was fighting himself. you sat still in his lap, his dick buried to the hilt inside you, pressing against your cervix because of how deep he was. you reached out and grabbed both of his hands, placing them on your hips.
“I w-wanna…” he started, gulping as his hands stayed feather light against your skin, still afraid to touch you fully. you clenched your walls around him playfully, watching as his expression changed from innocent and hesitant, to cold and dark in mere seconds.
his fingers gripped you fully, but he was still careful not to pierce your skin with the talons on his left hand. his right hand gripped your hip posessively, and it felt like he was close to crushing the bone. you gasped at the feeling, but welcomed the pain.
“I wanna hurt you,” he snarled, moving forward to nip at your vulnerable throat, causing his cock to move ever so slightly against your walls. “I wanna make you scream, cry, bleed...everything.”
you gasped at his words, your pussy clenching at the thought of him absolutely annihilating you, leaving you broken and unable to function as a normal human being ever again.
he must have taken your gasp the wrong way, and definitely must have not felt your walls clamp down on him, because he pulled away from your neck to look you in the eye, looking ashamed at his confession.
“you must be scared of me now,” he mumbled, looking away. “I knew this would happ–“
you cut him off by gripping his jaw in your hands, forcing him to face you as you crashed your lips against his. you moved your hands and gripped his hair, tugging roughly as you both made out messily, your body still impaled on his insanely large cock.
“fuck, donghyuck,” you panted, pulling away. “that’s so fucking hot, please,” you began rolling your hips against him, causing you both to groan. “I w-want it, please,”
he looked at you briefly before nodding his head, a movement so slight you would have missed it if you had blinked.
even though he had nodded his head, he didn’t go rough on you like you knew he wanted to. instead, he began helping you lift yourself up and down his cock, effectively fucking you onto himself. he threw his head back and moaned, and you took the opportunity to kissing along his throat and around his adam’s apple. you shivered as he growled, feeling the deep vibrations against your lips.
it felt so incredibly good to be filled with him; your walls clamped tightly around him as you swiveled and lifted your hips up and down on his lap, continuously making the both of you moan out in pleasure. it was indescribable; the way you felt almost overwhelming and you felt wetness forming in your eyes as you buried your face in his warm neck, the tears finally spilling. your broken cries egged him on, causing his hips to lift in time with you, thrusting his hard cock in and out of you with more force.
his soft grunts and groans in your ear had your walls fluttering, and with every grind against him you felt his skin brush your clit, pushing you further and further toward your impending climax. you were more worked up than you originally had thought.
“I-I thought you wanted to hurt me,” you provoked, the pace not faltering as you fucked each other with abandon. he let out a low snarl in response, but still didn’t become rough like you really wanted him to. “ come on, hyuck,” you whined out, tugging on his hard harder.
he seemed to be growing close to his end, his hips moving faster and with less precision. an idea popped into your mind, maybe not a good one, but an idea nonetheless.
you weren’t sure if it was going to work, but it was worth a shot.
you smirked to yourself.
“c-cum inside me,” you whimpered quietly in his ear, and you heard him slightly gasp at the request. “pl-please,” you begged further, your nails digging into his shoulders in result of the stimulation you were being subjected to. “I need t-to f-feel you cum inside…”
as you trailed off he roughly gripped your hips, lifting you off him with a loud growl, causing a sharp whine to escape you at the feeling of his cock slipping from your sensitive walls.
he had you on your back in seconds; lifting your legs to wrap around his waist tightly before he grabbed your hips and hoisted them in the air, pushing his cock into you again and starting a fast and rough pace immediately.
you were seeing stars at this point, not even acknowledging the pain of his talons suddenly ripping into the skin of your right side, causing blood to trickle down onto your clean sheets. it didn’t matter to you, and in some fucked up way, you seriously enjoyed the pain.
your orgasm was building very quickly, and with one final and brutal thrust from him, you were coming undone, his cock buried incredibly deep inside you.
he held you against him as he shot his cum inside you, not allowing you to squirm away as your walls clenched hard around him to the point where it was almost painful. he growled lowly as he emptied himself in your pussy, watching your face as it contorted in pleasure with an almost sinister smirk on his face.
as you came down from your overwhelming climax, you realized that he was still hard inside you, filling you up to the brim with not only his cock, but his cum as well.
you looked up at him surprised, and he only looked back at you with that same sinister smile.
“I’m not done yet,” he growled out, his voice deeper than you’ve ever heard it before. you breathed out heavily, looking up at him and taking in the largeness of his pupils; they were blown out so wide that you could barely make out the color of his irises.
he leaned his body down over you, his head moving next to yours as his lips brushed up against your ear. his movements caused his still hard cock to nudge even deeper inside you, and you gasped at the sensation.
“can you take it?” he asked, lightly nipping at your ear as he began softly grinding his hips into you once again.
you were sensitive, but the feeling of him moving inside you had your stomach fluttering, causing your walls to clench around him. you could practically hear his smirk as he chuckled, and your heart jumped at the sound.
you breathily begged for him to fuck you again, to really fuck you how he wanted to, and of course he couldn’t say no to that.
his hips pulled back and plunged into your core, the mess of both your juices squelching and spilling out as he ravaged you completely. he kept his face buried in your neck, his panting breaths tickling your skin as he groaned out with each powerful thrust.
you gripped at his back and allowed your nails to scratch down his skin, a desperate attempt to keep yourself sane. each hoarse whine that escaped from your throat only encouraged him further, and he quickened his pace to an inhuman speed.
your clit barely needed any stimulation for you to cum again.
“I-I’m sorry hyuck, I c-can’t,” you breathed out, gasping for air. “I can’t h-hold it,”
he bit your throat lightly in response, soothing the area with his tongue before speaking.
“It’s okay, baby.” he grunted, his hips losing their rhythm slightly as he pressed on. “I’m close too. just let go.”
that was all you needed to allow the band to snap, your second orgasm washing over you in waves. you didn’t realize you had sunk your teeth into his shoulder until he moaned loudly, causing you to open your eyes as he shot his cum inside you for the second time.
his hips continued to buck reflexively, and he lifted his head to capture your lips in a messy kiss, his tongue finding its way inside your mouth immediately.
it was quick but passionate, and you swore you could feel every emotion he felt for you with just that one kiss.
when he pulled out, you observed carefully as his eyes watched his cum drop out of you, his pupils still wide as he licked his lips. he snapped himself out of it when you opened your arms, inviting him to lay with you as you both came down from the exertion.
you played with his hair softly in the silence of the worm, the only sounds being of your breaths. as you closed your eyes, you heard him mumble.
“I think I love you.” he said quietly, trailing his finger up your stomach.
you immediately smiled, your heart warming with happiness.
“I think I love you too, hyuck.”
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cavehags · 3 years
Do you have any thoughts on the way things are going with Guillermo and nandor’s relationship? I ask bc you seem like a big fan of Guillermo (correct opinion) but perhaps more Nandor apathetic
i am not sure i totally understand the question! i do love guillermo because he's a fascinating and compelling character in his own right, with his feelings for nandor just one small piece of the puzzle. never content to let guillermo be a simple audience surrogate, the writers and harvey guillen work together to make him incredibly specific, dynamic, and weird. because of the show's formula, guillermo has to be a dynamic character. he's the only character who can ever change! and he is someone you can't help but root for. his coy sense of humor, his tension around sex, his exasperation where his delusional ambition and cold reality meet--he's so fucking real and so fucking funny. a repressed catholic boy turned goth gay people-pleaser. i love that he knows the vampires well enough to manipulate them but not well enough to understand the one truth about them that affects his own future: that they will never give him what he wants. and i love how the show has built on this character over time. it's such juicy irony that he was cursed with the exact last skills he wanted to have. season two was so good because the show let him be hot at the same time that it let him hate every stake he reflexively, successfully threw into another vampire's heart. reluctant action hero who wants to be at home doing nandor's laundry. and now we're getting the even more satisfying payoff in the reveal that against all odds, the skills he was so afraid of turned out to be the very skills he needed to create change in his standing with the vampires. guillermo wants to be like a vampire--to get power in one quick moment and never have to confront any change in his life again. but as a mortal, he's facing changes all the time and he is forced to work through them to become a stronger person on the other side. it's so great to watch.
as to nandor and guillermo's relationship, i think a good way to look at wwdits is to remember that it's kind of like it's always sunny in philadelphia, in that vampires never change. guillermo can change, and he is always changing. giving his feelings for nandor a name is kind of cool. there's another version of this show where that wouldn't have happened, either because the show was married to the concept of constantly disappointing guillermo by keeping nandor oblivious of his inner life or because of a sentiment that the language of vampire and familiar say more than the real-world emotions that guillermo's feelings can best be likened to. i feel like giving nandor the opportunity to see something in guillermo that might have frustrated the audience to watch bubbling under the surface for too much longer ultimately does a service to both characters. it gives nandor's actions more stakes and it allows guillermo an opportunity to face reality about his life, something he's been quite reluctant to do so far.
but if you're asking if i think the show is going to make their relationship a more realistically romantic one, i really don't think so! i expect that guillermo will continue to learn new ways to communicate with nandor to get what he wants, and nandor will dabble in listening to him, but their relationship is fundamentally too unequal and one-sided for them to be, like, boyfriends. that's the fun thing about vampire stories though. there is a real sexual tension that the show isn't shy about addressing (even from the first minutes of the pilot, we see that outsiders are constantly mistaking the pair of them for weird kinksters), and their codependence on each other combined with the sexual language and physical intimacy they share make for something that i think is more interesting to watch than a straightforward dating relationship. i like that the show seems to agree with that, while still acknowledging that for guillermo, their dynamic isn't just close to a romance; it is a romance, and one that can never really make him happy. it's the "have your cake and eat it too" of gay-coded and toxic supernatural love. might not be for everyone but it's definitely hitting for me.
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