#otherkin poetry
mxmorbidmidnight · 3 months
My worst fear as an Aromantic is someone thinking my poetry about crows, suffering and being a creature is about romance
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beepshroom · 6 months
longing for the open sky
frustration burns within.
i need to spread my wings and fly,
but i’m trapped in human skin.
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kitcat-void · 2 months
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poem I wrote in my notes app about being a divine/deity/angelkin
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froggowivdagudvibes · 4 months
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laikacore · 2 months
i want my life to be horse shaped
but my body can't bend that way
i click myself back together every morning
even though my throat can't make the right sounds
in my dreams i'm the right me
when i wake it's so far away
heavy knowing i can never even imitate
by surrounding myself with what i desire
in a way that makes sense to anyone else
horse girl 2 by laika wallace
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fairfoxie · 9 months
Every day when I wake up I have to remind myself how to be human.
I prefer weekend mornings when I can do so slowly and thoughtfully, and decide which bits and pieces of myself to carry throughout the day.
Waking up for work is more like being dropped into cold water. My wings do not shed, they are ripped off. I am born visciously each time the alarm sounds. My fur is cold. The lights give me a headache. The people make me dizzy. But in the blink of an eye I am one of them once again.
They know I'm not quite the same. Is it the flowers that fall off of me? The way I talk and sing to myself as if I'm in another plane? The way I dress myself with little nods to who I truly am? The way I can't quite be controlled by the laws of this land?
On days when the festivities call for it, I walk around in pointy ears, a tail, maybe wings. They see me now. I make sense now. It was every other day of the year that was strange. This is what I was missing. They see me now. Tomorrow I will be hiding again.
The one I love knows what I am but not why. He knows only that he loves me. I know only that when I love him, I am everything. I am myself. And for us, I am human. In these moments I am the most human I could ever hope to be. Love is human. I long to keep it.
I walk a wild trail. Trees sway on all sides, welcoming me back. The animals are hiding. I can't help but to shake the ground as I walk. I am big. Too big to fit in the crannies that call out to me. Too big for the portals which would allow me to breeze through this world to the next and back again. I must keep my big body on the trail. I feel at peace, it's true. But I don't feel free. Not yet.
When I wake up I have to remember how to be human.
But I remember, too, how to be myself. I run. I climb. I crawl. I make myself fit. I recreate what I'm missing. I acknowledge myself. I spread what joy I find. My heart is sensitive to judgemental stares. But also to innocent smiles and shining eyes. A girl no older than three sees me and smiles. I smile back. Even under the mask I am known.
I remember how to be myself.
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januscorner · 4 months
Never See The Stars
I wear blue and purple makeup
I wear planets on my ears
I look away from the mirror
I wipe away the tears
I listen to MotherMother 
I create a space for all
I’ve done everything to deserve it
But I’ve never see the stars
I hear others talk about it
Their antenna and their tails
I don’t want to mope about it
I don’t want to derail
But I hate them for what they have
I envy what you’ve seen
You don’t deserve any of this
You’re cruel naïve you’re mean
Yet stars chose you to see their love
And me to leave behind
But I won’t dare to say a thing
Trust me I don’t mind
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howlingafterdark · 1 month
My breath fogs the glass in front of me, a window between the two of us. Transparent and yet always there . A fragile, delicate thing - something I was never meant to be
I know that animals bear their teeth in aggression. I wonder if everyone can see the feral dog in my smile, shaking, trying to hide the fear. I wonder if that keeps them away from me and protects the pane of glass between us. Keeping me in the cage I built around myself.
In the reflection I see my smile with gilded teeth Predatory The unbridled hunger of a frenzied beast The growl sits in the back of my throat Hackles raised with the sense of danger looming on the horizon My window a mirror of the self
Fear is a verb in preservation To live and breath while running on knife edges The sword shoved between jaws placing fangs on display like diamonds Is violence still violence when it comes from your own hand Does the pain ache less if self inflicted Or does the betrayal of one's own self preservation hurt the most
The claws reach through the mirror Grabbing at an exposed throat Saw my chest open Pluck out my heart and devour it Reminding me what it is to be Vulnerable
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all-the-bones-ever · 9 months
I want to be a dog so soft
you don't notice
When my needle sharp hairs
slice your palm
I want to be the darkness that sits as
light as fog,
thick as clouds,
warm as love
when you aren't looking,
I bare my fangs, pounce--
and rip the light apart with my teeth
I want to be the wolf
you feed in the forest;
the grim
you pet in the graveyard
As dark as shadow
soft as sky
I'd be there to clean your wounds
and hunt your prey
In the midnight
for you
I'd find a way
And so you'd take me in
hoping to brush the
wild out of my fur and
cut the danger
out of my claws
But no matter how you care
I will eat you after you're gone
I will eat your heart with no regret
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boyswillbedogz · 1 year
Poem I wrote in school once that I found
I can feel it writhing under my skin it’s something larger than I am, I mourn my humanity, I killed my mother’s baby girl to fit this aching vessel, I have outgrown my skin and I curl at my mother’s feet and implore her to accept the grotesque life it holds I’ve always called it lycanthropy because sometimes I’m something ugly and it reduces me to something inhumane even when the moon cowers behind your sun I wonder how it feels to be human or If I ever was ask her if she’d still hold me the same if I had fur and teeeth. Her answer is something hollow that makes me wish to forget it’s always worse when you expect it.
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mxmorbidmidnight · 2 months
Fight Dog (an original poem)
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animalisticdivine · 5 months
enjoying the sun
simply a cat who adores to bask in the sun,
stretching my claws out and yawning revealing my fangs, my wings relax against my body, my tail wrapped around me,
my horns sharp and tall right between my furry ears,
a demon enjoying the warmth, an alien enjoying the solar planet, a robot becoming energized, a coyote seeing his coat become shiny, a peaceful day to enjoy the rays
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a-shattered-goddess · 2 years
Hunger. But for what? It isn't earthly human hunger. A fire burns low in the pit of my stomach. The smoke, a growl rising it's way out of my throat like a chimney, only to be stopped and stifled as if the now cold tea i drink will put out the flames of ancient instinct i cannot sate or lay to rest. My jaw aches, i swallow, i take a deep breath, i let it out. I hide my next one with a yawn, willing myself to hold on just a little longer. I repeat. Day after day.
I sit with tensed muscles, waiting endlessly, chained to the earth. When will i be free? I feel anger rise, if only, if only, if only. With anger comes the hunger, this time a yawn stifles a scream. I beg forgiveness from my sister. The chains remain. I stare a little too long in the mirror and the world around me distorts.
I feel sick, i am so tired. I remember my home almost as if i had just left it. Perhaps i had? Time is lost to someone such as myself. How often did i appear to others as dripping irridescent tar? With mouths that spoke all at once different things in different languages? And who of all could understand?
Who could understand?
How could you understand?
I am worlds apart yet so so close.
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the forests and mountains are my home,
and yet, as the beast beckons from within,
i'm left with guilt weighing a thousand moons
as i wonder what would have happened
if i were never to become a monster
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bones of yore, a song about all that once was
Give me an axe, give me a stone, give me something so I'm not all alone. My heart is made of bone. Calloused palms, open skies, ancient wolves tell no lies, I bend my head to their guise.
Nothing is more faithful than the endless ring, in the womb of mother nature, our spirits sing. History is more than letters, it's a bloodied string! Beating heart of raven feathers, they fly without a wing.
I'll love you soft, I'll love you loud, the bones of yore are growing a crowd their shadows are tall and proud. Clever hands, painting blood, voices rising above the flood, together in sunlight they're stood.
I know there's something more, this isn't the end! Our brothers and sisters are gone, we stand here left all alone. Hundreds and thousands of years ago, the Earth shook with the steps of Neanderthals!
Nothing is more faithful than the endless ring, in the womb of mother nature, our spirits sing. History is more than letters, it's a bloodied string! Beating heart of raven feathers, they fly without a wing.
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laikacore · 1 year
i am your unicorn, you are my elf
i touch my horn to your shoulder and i wish to pull your pain from you
but i can only gently remind you to love yourself as i love you
this world we have found ourselves in may not understand us
but as you run your fingers through my mane i know we understand us
we build our kingdom from nuts and berries and acorn shells
and we are not jealous of those more prosperous than us
i know that in the darkness we are a shaft of light for each other
and i hope that the future holds all glittering gold for us
you are my elf, i am your unicorn
a different kind of love by laika wallace
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