#otherwise we wait till monday and hope i actually get to watching it before the next live one
sea-buns · 1 year
strong chance I’ll be missing the ep tonight. sharing a room with my gma while she visits. and I appreciate the enthusiasm but idk how to tell her that she prolly wont be into the crude humor or even just the current story arc given that shes a jehovahs witness lmao
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he died his hair prank
peter decided to prank y/n by temporarily dying his hair silver..
pairing: peter x fem!reader
status: dating
peters pov
i finally found a way to get revenge on y/n and her stupid yet believable pranks, since she loves my brown hair so much, no i did not decide to cut it aunt may would literally murder me if y/n didnt so it before her, i decided to temporarily dye it silver but she doesnt need to know its temporary ;)
y/n/n and i decided to hang out in the evening since i told her i had to go run some errands for may, thankfully she believed  it, so now im on my way to go buy some hair dye....*nervous laugh*
i got the hair dye and i took all the stuff out spreading them on my bathroom counter, i decided to record this coz i dont think ill dye my hair again any time soon, plus it felt like i was filming a youtube video
"ok so i watched a couple of videos before this coz i dont wanna mess this beautiful gem up" i said reffering to my hair "im obviously not gonna bleach it, so lets hope my hair is light enough to show the dye" i prayed and attempted to put my hair in a ponytail and it looked pretty good, i watched how y/n does it on my hair everytime we do face masks but doing it for yourself is wayyy harder
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*A/N: look at this cutie 🥰 anyways back to the story*
i dyed the side of my hair first getting the dye everywhere, thank god i took the bathroom rug out so it would not get stained, and then took the bun out and sectioned it
"dont let me down brad mondo" i whispered getting even more nervous than i was before i brushed the dye of the first section "i did it" i smiled proudly but then it hit me "i did  it, i did it, this part of my hair is silver! oh my god" i was panicking, what am i doing? this is a prank this is a prank its not real calm down peter
suddenly i got a facetime call from y/n
*babyyyy 💕👀 would like to FaceTime*
lit up my screen, i panicked a bit trying to find an excuse to not answer the call or at least not show her my face, but i remembered i was in the bathroom....hopefully this excuse will work
i clicked on 'accept' and waited for her to connect
"hey babyyyy" she beamed, shes cute when shes excited but her smile faded when she couldnt see me "where are you?" she asked
"im in the toilet babe, but i couldnt not answer your call" i laughed trying to act normal and backing up from my phone as much as possible
"oh" she laughed, i wanted to grab something from the counter and i thought i did it carefully but what she said, said otherwise "wait why is your hair silver?" she asked her eyes widening
"wHAT? what do you mean?" i squeeked, i hesitantly put the undyed of my hair to the frame and she sighed in relief "my hair is brown, love nothing to worry about"
"thank god, although you kinda looked like jack frost which was kinda hot....but no no no no i prefer brown, dont even think about it" she warned, i laughed at her statement, it kinda made me more confident, maybe i would look like jack frost "anyways, ill see you in a few, im almost at my house, gotta go, byeee" she said waving her hand at the camera
"byeeee" i put my hand in the frame and waved, she laughed and ended  the call...that was close
after a few curses and an hour of dying my hair, i finished! and im pretty proud of the results, lets just hope my hair doesnt fall out
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*A/N: this is the only picture i found of a guy with a somewhat wavy hair so imagine this is him but with messier hair dye and its all over his hair but not till his roots, OH and silver lmao*
so i took a photo of my hair and sent it to ned, he was with me throughout the whole process coz i needed someone to talk to, i usually annoy y/n with my daily rants but i couldnt so ned had to hear me talk abt how Mrs Barbosa gave me extra homework for being late
After I texted Ned, I got a text from y/n/n
"Babyyyy 👀💕: hey Pete, where are we hanging out? My place or yours?"
I told her that she could come to my place because I got a 'surprise' for her, i knew i had to record this so i quickly placed my phone on the desk
"YOUR BITCH HAS ARRIVEDDD!" y/b barges in, flopping on the bed next to me
"h-hey y/n/n" i said laughing at her dramatic entrance but still confused on how she didn't  notice my hair, just act casual, she moved closer to my body looking at the computer thats on my lap
"what are you doing?" she asked curious "
oh nothing, just watching guys surprise their girlfriends with dying their hair a bad color"i laughed acting as casual as possible
"oh thats funny, but if you did that to m- *looks up* *big dramatic loud gasp* PETE- I- WHA- HOW-" her eyes were as big as ever, I've  never seen her this shocked "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY LUCIOUS BROWN CURLS" she shouted completely ignoring my computer and sits on my lap to get a closer look
"YOUR curls?" i laughed
"yes MY curls what happened to the light brown almost hazel in the sunlight curls?" she brushes my hair through her fingers trying to get the dye out "i dont think my brain processed this yet- WAIT YOU DYED IT RIGHT? SO THAT MEANS IT'LL STAY FOREVER?" looked down her mouth parted
"isn't  that what dying your hair means?"
"I actually really like it" I said combing my hair through my fingers but she swatted it away so she could look at it more
"babe *laughs* you said I'd look like Jack Frost" I told her tilting my head
"well Jack Frost is hot but you're hott-ER I don't want you looking like Jack Frost because I said so! I love you for who you are....especially your brown hair"
"so if I told I like it you'd be ok with it?"
"Yes if you like it and it's your choice? %100"
"so what if I said it's a prank?" She was gonna nod her head coz she thought it was like the other question but then stopped midway and widened her eyes
"your kidding"
"yes in fact I am" I laugh and point at the camera and she gasps
"you..you....YOU BITCH" she punches my chest jokingly "I ALMOST GOT A HEART ATTACK AND GOT ALL SAPPY AND MUSHY FOR YOU JUST SO YOU COULD PRANK ME?!" she shouts point her hands everywhere "You know I was like scared! Coz you said you liked it and I was like, oh no I gotta get used to this no more chocolate curls, but not as in i lied I just gotta get used to it which added more pressure than I already felt!" She stated but I only laughed even more and awed
"babe don't worry"
"I HAD A MATH QUIZ TODAY" she point at herself "AND YOUR HERE LAUGHING YOUR ASS OFF?? no wait let me sit on the bed since you like when I sit on your lap"
"no no baby I'm sorry" I said while laughing, her face was hilarious
"no you're not! and no kisses till Monday" she huffs and looks at the wall, I give her ten seconds until she turns around to ask one more question, and she did
"hop on the shower we're cleaning the white of you, you Jack Frost wannabe" well more like a demand I huffed but got up with her and turned the recording off
"neds gonna love this"
Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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vanillann · 4 years
the 1994 battle of the performers (luke patterson x f.reader)
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i. love. this. series. (also i hope you like this chapter idk how i feel about it)
word count: 2.3k
the 1994 battle of the performers masterlist
Chapter 2: Spaghetti Night
My heel hit the leg of the coffee table, my body going numb at the idea of ruining my knee. As I watched myself almost hit the hard ground of the studio, I felt two hands grab my shoulder.
I was bought slowly to the ground by two of the dancers, Florence and Regan, as they made sure I was okay. A few other girls we had recruited of the dance number rushed to my side, each asking was okay. Devon, the male dancer for the team asked a few other girls to step back as he checked my knee.
“Does it hurt?”
“I’m fine, I didn’t even hit the ground,” it wasn’t a lie, that fall didn’t affect my knee badly and after a few minute break, I’d be back to choreographing the team.
“Milo’s was looking-“
A few girls looked over their shoulders when we heard the band walk in through the open doors of the studio.
“What happened?”
Luke almost dropped his glass as he hurried to one side, Reggie to my other quickly.
“I’ll get the first aid kit,” Bobby’s voice echoed over the room but before I could stop him Alex was rushing him out the room.
“My heel hit the coffee table, I’m fine,” I did my best to calm each member of the band, Reggie easily calmed down once I had a quick smile. Alex didn’t say anything as he hovered over me, keeping an eye on Devon as he touched my knee.
“We can get rid of the coffee table”, Luke spoke, watching Devon’s finger ghost over my knee before he spoke up.
“Maybe you shouldn’t do that since you aren’t a doctor.”
“I read about different techniques to massage hurt muscles when I found out about (Y/N) injury,” he spoke back, smiling to me before I pushed his hand away.
“Thank you, Devon, but I’m fine.”
“I got the first aid kit,” Bobby yelled back, holding above his head and pushing through the group.
“I’m fine,” I was exhausted at repeating the words at this point, I just felt and I’d be fine.
“Your heels are bleeding.”
I looked up at Alex, following his line of sight to my heel that hit the coffee table. It wasn’t a lot of blood, I didn’t even notice it, but it was enough to have everyone in the room panic.
“I’ll do it,” Luke ripped the bandaid from Bobby’s hand but I grabbed it from his own.
“I’m not a child, I can take care of myself,” I opened it up and handed the trash to Reggie who held his hand out for it.
“I think practice is over for today,” Alex turned to the members, each one agreeing that I needed a break.
“No! We’ve only been going for like an hour!”
“More like three,” Luke squeezed my shoulder and pointed to the clock on the wall, surely it wasn’t almost five?
“We will meet Monday afternoon,” Regan held her hand out to me, which I happily took. Luke was at my side, his hands ghosting around me but never touching me.
“Shhh!” Alex held his finger over my mouth, quickly pulling it away once he realized.
“Sorry I forgot we aren’t that close-“
“It’s fine, we are close enough for you to be honest with me,” I smiled, sincere with him. Alex was nervous about my presence, I could tell how he avoided certain jokes and such. I just wanted him to understand that at this point, they were the closest friends I got.
“Hey, call me later and we can go over different ideas,” Devon pulled me from my thought, smiling as he wrapped one arm around me and brought me to his side.
“Uhm, yeah sure,” I spoke gently, giving his side a squeeze and nodding once he let go.
“Bye guys,” I waved everyone off, each saying it back and leaving down the long driveway of Bobby’s house.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
I looked over my shoulder and Reggie and smiled.
“I’m fine, you all need to stop making a scene,” I went to move to the couch but my leg cramped up, my face morphing into one of discomfort.
“Making a scene, huh?”
I said nothing about Luke’s comment and grabbed his arm instead, each boy in a panic and not knowing if they could touch me or not.
“It’s fine, I don’t bite.”
As soon as I spoke, I felt hands on my let’s and arm, each trying to help the situation but making it incredibly awkward.
“How about I sit on the couch?”
Each agreed, weird shuffling to the couch that was against the wall. Once I made it and I turned around and flopped backward, letting go of Luke’s arm in the process.
I closed my eyes, letting my palm dig at it for a minute before I noticed the burned feeling on my face. As I opened my eyes, each boy watched me with worry.
“I am fine, I’m going to malfunction if I have to say it again!”
I knew it was out of worry, if I wasn’t running off adrenaline I would have been more worried. After the revelation two weeks ago I had been pushing myself, thinking I was the same dancer I was before.
But I wasn't. I felt more and I had to think about moves more often, I wasn’t the same dancer and I thought the more I kept the dancer the more would come back to me.
But that didn’t look to be the case.
“I need to get home,” I muttered, smiling slightly when the cramp went away.
“Are you gonna be okay?”
I nodded, sitting up straighter with no help and pushing off the couch as if nothing happened.
“I’m not in a nursing home for a reason,” I winked at Alex, gaining soft chuckles from the other members.
It was nice, feeling like we were all friends. I couldn’t tell if we were or not. I only ever came over for practice and we didn’t speak about much besides the battle or sometimes about Milo’s, but otherwise, that was the end. But sometimes we’d be sitting around waiting for the other dancers, and it felt light and airy, easy. We could laugh and make little jokes with each other, it just would’ve been nice to be able to call them friends.
They were good guys, I knew that.
I looked around the boys to see a taller woman, smiling widely at the band. She was gorgeous with tan skin and messy hair. She had wild curls and older band tees that had some holes around the collar.
“Dinner,” the woman, who I was pretty sure was Bobby's mother, held her arm out as if to tell the boys they could exit.
Each jumped with joy, smiling as they all made their way from the studio to the driveway.
“You must be (Y/N), the boys told me about you,” she smiled as I slowly made my way out, not as excited as the boys who were already at the door waiting.
“Nice to meet you,” I smiled, proud to have finally met the woman who’s been letting me dance in her studio.
“Even nicer to meet you,” she took a right, walking to the door of the gorgeous house. I took a left, prepared to hit the sidewalk and make it back to my empty house.
“Where are you going?”
I turned around, watching as Bobby and his mother waved me over, holding the door open for me while Alex, Reggie, and Luke waited inside.
“Oh I can’t Ms-“
“Call me Heather,” she called back, jogging slightly as she left Bobby to hold the door. She jogged till she stood in front of me, guiding my shoulders back to the house.
“Dinner is on us,” she smiled, watching me as I grabbed the railing to the small steps and walked up. Bobby smiled as he gave a joking bow, a smile gracing my lips and Reggie was jumping at the scene.
“It’s a tradition that to be part of the band you have to eat at the Wilson household,” Reggie smiled larger as I actually walked in the house.
“I’m not part of the band,” I corrected, pointed a finger over my shoulder as I admired the high ceilings and the beautiful wooden architect.
“Eh, close enough,” Luke pulled the back of my shirt, silently telling me to follow him. It wouldn’t be hard to find the kitchen by the way the smell cascaded each hall, making the house feel homer than ever.
As I stepped foot into the dining area, I saw Alex finding a plate in a cabinet and setting it at the table.
“Mr. Wilson out of town,” Heather muttered, filling in the small blanket she assumed I had.
“You know what that means!”
Each boy seemed to jump over this news, which was odd. Who wanted their parents out of town?
“Spaghetti night!”
The boys seemed even more excited, taking their seats with giant smiles on their faces. I said nothing, still taking in the family photos of the happy family and the gorgeous china.
“I think we’ve overwhelmed her,” Alex whispered, not quite enough but still light.
“I just didn’t expect this,” I didn’t know how to explain it but it was weird eating a meal at a table with people, I hadn’t done it in so long.
“Well expect it now,” Luke but back, patting the seat between Alex and him, Reggie and Bobby on the other side with a spot for Bobby’s mom.
I had barely made it to my seat when Luke was pulling me down, smiling widely as Bobby’s mother walked out with a giant bowl of noodles in one hand and sauce in the other.
“Bobby dear, grab the breadsticks,” she called as she placed the bowls in the center of the table. Bobby wasted no time as he hurried to the kitchen for the breadsticks.
“You’ll love this,” Luke smiled, reaching for the silverware in the noodle bowl. I was shocked when he grabbed my plate, placing food on it, instead of his own.
“Heather taught me how to be a gentleman,” Luke spoke as he gave my plate back, sending a wink my way in the process.
I hide my smile with my hand, turning to look the other way to come face to face with Alex.
“You need to try it first, band rule,” he pointed around the table as all eyes waited for me to dive into the food. I decided not to wait, as Luke looked like he was going to cry if he didn’t eat soon, rolling some around on my fork before I brought it to my lips.
The noodles were perfectly done and the sauce absorbed itself perfectly. I could taste a hit of basil and maybe some pepper as the food melted on my tongue. I smiled as I chewed, giving a big thumbs up once I finally swallowed.
Each boy didn’t waste time, reaching for breadsticks and carrots, laughing about lord knew what as they did so.
“So (Y/N),” Luke turned to me halfway through the night, spaghetti sauce smeared across his chin.
“-How does it feel to officially join Sunset Curve,” he smiled goofily, doing his best not to show he was speaking with food in his mouth.
“I’m not a part of Sunset Curve, remember?”
“Well you’re the official choreographer of Sunset Curve,” he spoke back, picking up a breadstick and smashing it in his mouth.
I only laughed, not worried about it too much. I was on the band until the battle then we’d move on. It’d be nice to be friends with the guys but that didn’t mean we’d still talk.
It would be fun while it lasted.
“I have a mason jar in my mailbox, Milo says you need an official one,” Heather spoke, smiling widely as I did my best to keep my drink down.
“That’s not necessary,” I tried to argue but Alex placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You can’t get out of this one,” he gave me a straight face but as soon as I started laughing he followed behind me.
“I’m sorry,” I laughed along, trying to look back at Alex but every time we did we started laughing again.
“Is there an inside joke I’m not getting?”
Reggie’s words caused Alex and me to laugh harder, trying my best to calm my nerves for the first time that day.
“They are going to rise against us now,” Bobby spoke up, standing from the table dramatically and moving to get something from the kitchen. Alex bumped his shoulder with mine, making my nerves from earlier disappear completely.
The dinner went on with laughs and jokes, which made me feel truly like a member of the band.
“I should really head home,” I spoke as Bobby took my plate to be washed off, placing the napkin that Luke put on my lap as a joke back on the table.
“Let me walk you,” Luke stood up beside me, handing his plate to Reggie who followed Bobby into the kitchen.
“I’m fine.”
“What if you fall?”
I rolled my eyes, waving to Heather who was in the kitchen, thanking her for the nice home-cooked meal.
“I’m not dancing, I can walk perfectly fine,” I said my goodbye’s, Alex giving a quick side hug with his before I walked to the door with Luke trailing after me.
“I’m fine,” I spoke for the millionth time that day, smiling over my shoulder and I left the warm house to the cold outdoors.
“Fine, if you fall scream,” Luke crossed his arms, watching me walk down the stairs to the long driveway.
“Will do!”
I have a thumbs up over my shoulder, not daring to look back as I made my way down the driveway to the sideway.
“I mean really yell,” his voice echoed back, making a laugh boil over to the night sky above me.
“I’ll scream bloody murder just for you Patterson!”

the 1994 battle of the performers taglist:
@gia-kerks @notwonder-woman @poisoned-girl @phantompogues @dovesgrangers

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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: High in the Mountains Pt 1
Part 9 of the Moonlit Masquerade Series
"What if we went camping?" Willow suggests as they all sit around in the living room of the owl house.
"Camping?" Luz asks, tilting her head as she looks at her two friends sitting across from her and Amity.
It's Friday after school, marking the beginning of fall break, a whole week off from school.
"Yeah, we can go out and enjoy the weather for a couple of days, hang out, no school or stuff." Willow grins, any outdoor activity is one she can get behind.
"And you two can be as gross as you want!" Gus smiles, directing his comment at Luz and Amity.
"We are not gross!" The green-haired girl barks and Luz agrees.
Willow and Gus look at them, Amity is sitting on one side of the couch with Luz laying across the rest, her head in her lap while Amity mindlessly runs her hand through dark brown hair. Willow cocks a brow at them.
"This proves nothing…," Luz grunts, crossing her arms but makes no move to extract herself from Amity, who rolls her eyes.
"You kind of are… but in a good way!" Willow quickly amends. "What we mean is, you won't have to worry about hiding while we're camping."
"I do love camping." Luz hums "Seems like it wouldn't be as much fun if we do it with magic though," she says.
"Oh, what if we do it the human way? Everything by hand…. That is how humans do it right?" Gus looks at her.
"Yup, setting up tents and making the fire and all that fun stuff." Luz grins.
"Sounds good to me. We could leave tomorrow morning and come back Monday?" Willow asks. Gus and Luz nod and then they all turn to Amity.
"I'll have to see if I can go somehow first, but I'm good to go otherwise.
"Hey, if you can't it's no big deal, we can figure out something else to do," Willow assures her, and Gus nods.
She looks down at Luz who just smiles up at her and Amity nods, smiling softly. It's been months since she started hanging out with all of them as part of the group, but sometimes it still feels strange after the years of being 'friends' with Boscha and the other girls in that clique. Having friends like Willow again, who actually listen and care, care about you and not what you can do for them.
"We still all have to get permission too," Gus reminds.
"Oh, right. Hey, mom!" Luz leans her head back and shouts making the others wince at her volume. She barely flinches when she realizes what's come out of her mouth, and she knows her friends have noticed the slip but they have the good grace not to say anything about it, they’ve talked about it.  
Every day it becomes more common, and she pushes aside any guilt that comes with it. For all intents and purposes, Eda is her mom, she’s coming to accept that, and she's realized by watching that she actually seems to like it when she calls her that, though she tries to hide it. Something she kept forgetting to talk to Lilith about.
Barely half a second goes by before Eda is yelling back from the kitchen.
"Can I go camping with everyone tomorrow morning?"
Eda sticks her head out of the kitchen to look at them.
"Where and for how long?"
Luz's lips twitch up at that. Used to, she could just leave the house and not come back for hours, and Eda wasn't bothered. For the most part, she still could, but with every week that goes by she starts to ask Luz where she's going and when she thinks she'll be back; like a parent.
"We haven't decided yet, and we'll be back Monday."
"You gonna be there?" She turns to Willow who blinks at her.
"Fine then." She nods.
"What does Willow being there have to do with it?" Gus asks, brow furrowed between his eyes.
"Someone with some sense has to be in charge." Eda crossed her arms and shrugged.
"I have sense!" Amity frowns.
"Me too!" Luz sits up enough to roll into her stomach to look at her.
"Luz, you let yourself get carried away too easily, and you…" her eyes turn to Amity. "Will go along with just about anything Luz asks you too." She grins wickedly at them and both turn bright red at the declaration. Willow and Gus both snort and snicker at them.
"So yeah, if flowers is going, you can go, and dinner's gonna be ready soon." With that, Eda turned and walked back into the kitchen, leaving two embarrassed teens and two barely holding it together.
"I'm working on the getting carried away thing…," Luz mumbles. Dropping back down, her chin smacking against Amity's thigh with a grunt and she pats her head.
Amity has no words for her own defense. She certainly doesn't let Luz do anything… too stupid, but she can't deny, no matter how embarrassed it makes her, that Luz has a way of getting her to agree to things. She's just too cute to say no too sometimes.
They discussed the plan a little bit more until Eda is calling them all for dinner.
Dinner at the owl house is a loud, messy affair of constant talking and laughing with plenty of food with King standing on the table and laying claim to anything in sight while sometimes the sisters argue. Other times she talks to Lilith. Their interactions ease more every day.
It's loud, bright, warm, and homey.
Which makes going home to Blight manor all the more depressing. It's so quiet most of the time.
Amity closes her front door softly, based on the oppressive quiet, she knows her parents aren't home. The twins are probably in their rooms. Her feet make quiet taps on the wooden stairs, echoing off the cavernous halls.
She's sure she's not going to be able to get permission to go but didn't want to say as much in front of everyone else and bring down the mood.
She waited till Gus and Willow had left when she and Luz had been laying on her bed, door open, of course, to say as much.
“It’s okay, mi amor, we all get it. It’s not like we can’t figure out something else to do if you can’t go. We can all be together anywhere,” she had assured her, running her fingers through mint hair, but Amity still feels bad.
She sits at her desk and pulls out her scroll, sending Luz a quick message that she was home safe and sound. She smiled to herself as a message immediately came back.
'Good, Gus and Willow said they can go. What about you, mi Amor?'
'Let me ask…'
She swipes away her girlfriend's message and opens the contacts, scrolling down to her mother's.
She looks at it a long time, finger hovering over her mother’s contact. She has to at least try, she could tell how much Luz wants to go, but she knows that there's no way she can cover her tracks for two days, even if the twins helped, she doesn’t want to ask that much of them anyway. They would be in just as much trouble as her if they’re caught. She’s managed to cover a few things over the last few months by telling them of her rekindled relationship with Willow.
Though maybe revealed, would be a more appropriate word, because she didn’t tell them, so much as her mother found out from Boscha’s parents after the grudgby match. Surprisingly, they hadn’t been upset at all.
Willow had proven herself to be plenty powerful and capable since switching into the plant track, in fact, she was the head of the track now. Her mother was actually thrilled by the turn of events.
She rolls her eyes at that, bitterness welling up in the pit of her stomach. Willow had been her best friend, her only real friend for so long, and then her mother had made her get rid of her and now she was glad they were friends again!
Her fist clenched atop the desk, nails digging into the flesh of her palm as she stared darkly at the contact still sitting open on the screen.
She had thought that wound had long been scarred over, but here it was, bleeding again.
She's so lost in thought she doesn't hear her bedroom door open or the soft footsteps approaching.
"Hey, Mittens."
Amity shrieks, nearly jumping out of her skin as her sister grins at her.
"What!?" she snaps, snarling, lip curled and fangs poking out and Emira blinks, gold eyes glancing at the scroll and seeing the contact pulled up and understanding flashes behind her eyes.
"You okay?" she asks. Amity stares back at her for a second before turning back to the scroll and she's tense for a few long seconds before she sighs, deflating.
"I'm fine…," she finally mumbles sourly.
"Mhmm" Emira hums and struts across the room, and uninvited, as she did most things, sits on Amity's bed and leans back on her hands to regard her sister from across the room. "Want to try that again, but less morose?" She cocks her head.
Amity gives her a tired and annoyed look.
"Come on, just tell me." Her sister smiles. Amity sighs again.
"My friends want to go camping tomorrow, and they're all really excited about it, especially Luz, but I don't think there's any way I'm going to be able to get permission to go…" she frowns down at her knees.
"Yeah, that is a problem…," Emira hums, looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully and Amity grunts in response. They're quiet for a long couple of minutes before Emira smiles to herself and looks back down at her sister.
"What if we told her something else?" she says slyly.
"Like?" Amity arches a brow at the devious look on her older sister's face, one she's intimately familiar with.
"Like, what if we asked if we could go camping with my buddies from the illusion track?" She says and Amity frowns, brows furrowing between her eyes.
"How does that help?" Amity asks.
"Because, oops, my friends couldn't make it, but we ended up running into some classmates from school and camped with them instead, and since we got all the way out there, we decided to just stay." She grins and slowly Amity's doubtful face morphs into something hopeful.
"That… could work," she says, sitting up.
"So?" Emira asks, grinning.
The twins have been more than helpful ever since she and Luz started dating, though especially since her and her girlfriend's little encounter with the two upperclassmen from the illusion track, but something about Emira's smile, for the first time in a while tells Amity that her sister wants something out of this. Maybe she's just being paranoid and hates to look a gift horse in the mouth by calling out her sister's intentions, but rather than just covering for her, Emira would have to spend the next two days camping with them, and that is suspicious.
"What's in it for you?" she asks finally, and Emira gasps in mock offense, resting a hand on her chest, and Amity immediately knows what she's hit the nail on the head.
"I can't just do something nice for my baby sister?" She bats her eyes at her. Amity glares.
"You can, but offering to spend the next two days camping with my friends and girlfriend seems a little bit of a stretch for you…"
Emira laughs.
"Quid pro quo, Mittens." Emira holds up a finger. "I  don't see why we can't both get what we want," she starts. "If Viney happened to be one of the classmates we ran into, what would it hurt?"
"That's it? You want your girlfriend to come with us?" Amity blinks, wondering why she didn't think of that, of course, that's what her sister wanted.
"That's it." She nods.
"Let me ask the others," Amity says, turning back to her scroll and typing out a quick message in their group chat.
All three agreements come in within five minutes. She expected Luz's answer, Viney was a friend of hers after all.
"They said yes." She turns back to Emira who brightens up and draws a spell circle, her own scroll appearing and she hits a button before holding it up to her ear.
"Hello, Mother…," she starts and Amity turns back to her own scroll, half-listening to the conversation between her mom and sister, it's fairly quick and within a minute she hears. "Yes, thank you." She's grinning and then it's over and she sets it on the bed. "We're good to go," she says and smiles brighter at the way Amity's face lights up with a joy that has been far too infrequent until she started dating Luz.
Amity turns back to her scroll and announces she can go to cheering messages from her friends and Luz.
The exchange a few more messages in the group chat, finalizing plans before it goes silent, but then her personal chat with Luz pings.
'See you tomorrow. Love you, G'night!'
She quickly types back the sentiment and spells her scroll away before turning to her sister.
"We're going to meet at the owl house at seven," she tells her, and Emira nods before making a call. This one's so vastly different in tone from the one with their mother that it almost causes whiplash.
"Hey, honey," Emira says into her scroll and Amity snorts, making her sister glare at her and she just grins
Turnabout is fair play, she thinks, and Emira seems to come to this conclusion as well aa she huffs silently and carries on her conversation with her girlfriend.
She's smiling stupidly into the distance by the time she hangs up.
"We're all set," she says, standing and making her way to the door.
"Thank you," Amity says to her back and Emira pauses in the doorway only long enough to smile over her shoulder.
"Don't mention it." Then she's gone, shutting the door behind her.
They are outside the owl house at seven sharp, backpacks packed and ready.
Amity and Emira are the first to arrive, the first wide awake and buzzing with excited energy and the second a walking zombie.
Lilith lets them in with the warning that Eda is still asleep, and they set their bags on the couch before Amity heads quietly up the stairs to Luz's room.
The door is hanging open when she peeks around the corner. Luz is facing away from her, shoving things into her bag and humming happily to herself. Amity smiles to herself as she sneaks quietly, even in hiking boots, across the room and wraps her arms around Luz's waist, making her jump.
"Morning, querida," she mumbles, pressing her face in between sharp shoulder blades.
"Hey! You scared me," Luz chuckled, resting her hands over the ones wrapped around her.
"Sorry," is her muffled response. Luz spins in her hold to throw her arms over her shoulders and Amity meets her halfway in a good morning kiss. They might as well get it out now, as much as they know their friends don't really mind their sometimes, overly affectionate nature, much as they like to tease, and are all for them being themselves when they're with them, they don't want to subject them to it all weekend. That, and Emira was here, and the last thing Amity needs is her sister's constant teasing in the background for the whole trip, though it's probably going to happen anyway.
"All ready to go?" Luz asks, resting her forehead against Amity's.
"Yeah," she smiles and Luz grins.
"This is gonna be so much fun." She bounced on her toes, vibrating with energy, it's infectious.
"You're going to jinx us," she warms with a grin.
"Naw, sides, you heard Eda. Willow is there to 'keep us out of trouble'," she says mockingly and sticks out her tongue. Amity snickers.
"No one can keep you out of trouble," she says, and Luz grins, shrugging.
"Maybe, but you all do your best," she says and kisses the tip of her nose, making Amity go cross-eyed even as she giggles before she untangles herself from the witch and grabs her bag.
Amity steps back and finally, actually looks at her.
Luz is wearing jeans and boots like hers, but a weird button up purple shirt with black and white stripes making square patterns across it over a tank top.
She reaches out and pinches the sleeve between her thumb and finger. It's soft and slightly fuzzy.
"What is this?" She tilts her head.
"Oh, it's a flannel. I accidentally packed it when I left for 'camp', but it's finally cold enough to wear it." Luz smiled, watching Amity rub the material between her fingers. "Flannel is actually supposed to be the material, but in the human world, any shirt with this pattern is usually called a flannel." She shrugged. She really wants to make a joke about lesbians and flannel given how interested Amity is in it, but she knows it would go over her head since they don't really define sexuality in the Boiling Isles.
Damn it.
"Willow and Gus should be here soon," she reminds and Amity nods before they make their way back downstairs.
Emira looks up when they come back and lifts a hand in greeting.
"Hey, cutie." She smiles. Amity makes a face at her but doesn't say anything. Maybe early on when she first caught feelings for Luz, she had been worried about her liking her siblings more than her, but now the thought is so ridiculous to her she almost snorts. Besides that, Em has her own girlfriend and Ed has never shown any serious interest in anything but practical jokes and pastries.
"Hey, Em." Luz greets as she sets her bag on the floor before walking into the kitchen.
"Morning Lilith," Luz greets the elder Clawthorne sister as she grabs a bag off the counter and digs through the fridge for the foods she was taking with them, tossing it in the bag. She'll throw some ice in there and take some ice glyphs to keep it cold over the weekend, but that's about the extent of the magic they're going to be using since they don't have coolers on the Isles.
"Good morning, Luz. Are you all ready to go?" Lilith asks as she flips through a book and sips on her morning tea.
"Just about, we're just waiting for Gus and Willow," she says that she throws the rest of the food into the bag and picks it up.
"Well, have fun," Lilith says.
"We will." Luz grins and darts back out to the living room.
Just as she walks back into the room, a knock on the door makes her grin and she rushes over to open it, not wanting to subject her friends to Hooty any longer than necessary.
"Hey guys!" she greets.
Willow looks ready to go, pack slung over her shoulders, and wearing a hat that reminded Luz of something she'd seen in movies of people on Safari, and Gus has a backpack nearly twice his size towering over him. He wobbles a little under its weight.
"You look… prepared?" Luz says and he beams at her.
"I wasn't sure what all we would need to camp like humans so I packed for any possibility," he says like it should be obvious. Luz chuckles to herself.
"Well, I guess we're just waiting for Viney then." Luz steps aside to let them in.
"She's going to meet us at the ribs," Emira says and stands from the couch.
"Well then what are we waiting for?" Gus bounced excitedly, though it appears more like a twitch under that weight of his bag.
"Let's go then!" Luz declares, pointing toward the door and everyone shoulders their bags and files out.
Eda chooses that moment to shuffle down the stairs, mid-yawn with King following behind her dragging a stuffed animal, eyes still closed.
"You kids ain't left yet?" she mumbles.
"Leaving now," Luz says, trotting over to hug the older witch.
"Stay outta trouble," she grumbles.
"No promises!" Luz grins up at her. Eda snorts at that.
"That's my girl." Eda smirks, reaching up to ruffle her hair before Luz leans down and kisses the top of King's head.
"Bye, ya little cutie," she says before turning and running out of the house. "Love you, bye!" she calls over her shoulder.
Everyone is waiting in the yard for her and Hooty is beside himself with all the people to talk to. He's stretched out between them, unable to decide who he needs to talk to first, and gets uncomfortably close to Emira who is making a face at the house demon.
He stays clear of Amity.
"Sorry, Hooty, we gotta go," she tells him and he slumps.
"Aww… well okay!" He slithers back into the door and they shiver before hurrying away from the house.
Luz hurries to match stride with Amity and laces their fingers together. They smile at each other as they all trek through the woods.
They meet Viney at the base of the mountain they've planned to climb, she's leaning against a tree, bag at her feet.
"Sup guys." She waves.
Amity watches the change in her sister with fascination as she lights up and jumps into the shorter girl's arms, who grins and lifts her off the ground, making Emira giggle before she leans down to kiss her.
“There’s more of them…” Gus leans in to whisper horrifyingly to Willow, who chokes on a laugh, holding a fist to her mouth to stifle the noise.
"Caramba," Luz mumbles, drawing her gaze. “Is that what we’re like?” she says quietly to her and Amity laughs under her breath.
“Yes…” Gus and Willow answer.
“Probably…” She smiles and Luz makes a face.
“Aww man… we are gross,” she grumbles and Amity laughs quietly behind her hand.
“Maybe, but you’re cuter than Viney,” she whispers, making Luz grin.
“So, we going or what?” Viney asks once she’s set the oldest Blight daughter down.
"Onward!" Luz shouts, pointing to the faded, partly overgrown, dirt trail that leads up the mountain.
"To adventure!" Gus throws up a fist before the weight of his bag makes him teeter back and fall flat into the dirt. He kicks his legs helplessly. "Uh, little help?"
They haul him up before making their way up the path.
Half the trees have grown bare in the last month, but some still stubbornly cling to their leaves even in mid-fall.
They create a chorus of crunches under the teenagers' feet as they walk up the trail and climb over rocks. The air is cool even in the bright sunlight.
Gus struggles at times with his oversized bag.
"How long are we going to be camping for again?" Viney asks, looking at the giant blue backpack.
"Just till Monday," Luz assures her.
"Then what's with him?" She jerks a thumb at Gus.
"I packed for any situation, we're camping like humans after all!" He pants.
"Well, I know backpackers try and pack as little as possible so they can hike for longer, like, weeks. That's a little rougher than I think we want," Luz tells him. "You still might have packed a little much though…"
He just grunts and after a while, Willow trades him bags and carries on at the same place as before.
By afternoon they reach the top and find the clearing on the cliffside where they plan to set up camp and drop their bags.
There's an empty stone circle in the middle, an abandoned fire pit, but not much else.
"This is perfect," Luz says, dropping her bag and running over to the edge on the far side of the clearing. They can see most of the Isles from here and she takes a deep breath of the crisp mountain air. She grins, the wind whipping at her face and tousling her hair.
She never did get that haircut from Eda. It's getting long, reaching down the back of her neck and laying over atop her head. She kinda likes it, Amity seems too also, so she's just letting it grow, though she has had Eda trim the ends when they get a little ragged.
She enjoys the way the cold air feels in it right now.
"Luz, come help us get set up!" Willow calls and she turns with a grin.
"I'm coming!" She walks back over to where everyone is digging through their bags.
Willow, Gus, and Viney have started setting up their tents while the Blight sisters watch, realizing that the two of them have forgotten one essential piece of camping equipment.
"You two gonna set up your tents?" Luz asks, looking at them. Both turn slightly pink.
"Say, we don't… have… tents… what would we do?" Emira asks, and across the clearing Viney snickers.
"You can sleep in mine, babe," she calls.
"Oh, nevermind, good luck, Mittens." Emira grins before hurrying over to her girlfriend to help her set up the dark green tent.
"Hey!" Amity shouts at her back, face red. Luz laughs.
"It's okay, mi amor, you can sleep with me," Luz says with a grin, and Amity nods, carefully avoiding the look she knows Willow is sending them as she sets up her own tent.
Luz pulls out the poles and tarp and they get to work putting it together.
"Does it go here?" Luz mumbles, shoving a pole into a slot.
"No, I think it goes over here." She points, looking at the directions with a furrowed brow. They squabble lightly about the placement before getting things in the right place.
It takes them nearly half an hour to put the thing together, but they eventually manage.
"Perfect." Luz smiles, standing back to eye their work.
"Perfect is a strong word… I think we're missing a pole…," Amity mumbles, still looking at the paper.
"Eh, it's fine." Luz waved a hand and Amity hummed.
"So long as you two aren't too rough in there it'll be fine." Emira is suddenly standing behind them, making them jump. They both turn red at the implication.
"Don't you have something better to do than bother us?" Amity snaps at her grinning sister.
"Not at the moment, no," she says.
Amity growls at her.
"Hey, Luz!" Gus calls. "Where's the bathroom?"
"Uhh…" she gestures to the woods.
"Okay, I know we're supposed to be camping like humans, but no." Emira huffs and spins a finger and an outhouse appears at the edge of the clearing.
"Thank you!" Gus calls before running over to it.
"Fair" Luz shrugs. That was always her least favorite part of camping anyway. "Well, I'm on to my next order of business!" she declares and digs through her bag, pulling out an axe.
"Where did you get an axe?" Amity questions.
"Eda" is the simple answer. They can hear Willow sigh across the camp.
"Of course…," Amity mumbles. "And what are you going to do with an axe?" She holds her hand out to the tool.
"I am going to chop down a tree!" She slings it over her shoulder and puffs out her chest.
"Why?" Amity stresses and Luz shrugs.
"Well, we need something to sit on right? I've also kinda always wanted to…" she grins. She looked around the clearing before finding one, maybe sixteen feet tall, barren, and about two feet wide, autumn had stripped it of all its leaves already, just beyond the tree line. "That one!" She says, pointing the axe at it.
Amity crosses her arms and looks at her.
"Don't worry, mi amor, I'll be careful," she promises and somehow that doesn't make Amity feel any better, but she just sighs and she knows this is exactly what Eda was talking about last night.
"Luz…," Willow says.
"It's fine, you all worry too much!" She turns and heads for the tree in question.
"Hold up, killer!" Viney chased after her. "Let me show you how to start it so it doesn't fall onto camp."
"You know how to chop down trees?" Luz asks.
"My family owns a beast raising farm, sometimes it's easier to clear a few by hand then by magic since the spells are for large areas." She shrugs and turns to the tree and explains to Luz how to cut an angle at the bottom of the trunk so they can control where it falls.
The Blight sisters watch as Viney hacks a notch into the wood before handing it over to Luz and giving her tips on grip and stance before leaving her to it.
"Let's get started on lunch." Emira nudges her sister and she hesitates, afraid the second she turns away her girlfriend is going to lop off one of her limbs but eventually nods and they start digging through the bag of food Luz brought, the echoing of the axe hitting the tree sounding at regular intervals across camp.
Willow and Gus wander off to collect wood for the fire pit while they do.
The sisters and Viney finish unpacking before starting on lunch.
The mountain is quiet, except for Luz's chopping, and Amity relaxes in the calming atmosphere as they put together sandwiches for everyone.
She decides to take one to Luz when they are all finished and walks over, sandwich in hand, she rounds a tree to where Luz is and freezes, dropping the sandwich into the dirt at her feet.
Luz is still working at the tree with long swings of the axe.
She must have gotten hot, because she's taken off the flannel and has it tied around her waist, leaving her in her tank top as she works to chop the tree down.
Sweat is dripping down her brow, making her hair stick to her face.
Amity's whole body heats up, watching her girlfriend swing the axe with a grunt. Has Luz always had those muscles she can see flex just beneath the dark, flushed skin of her arms and shoulders?
Luz stops with a sigh and mumbles something to herself as she wipes the back of her arm across her forehead before going back to it.
"I'm going to go see what's taking Amity," Emira says as she stands and walks over to where she knows Luz is, still working on the tree by the sound of it. She peeks around a tree and sees Luz still working and Amity standing a few feet away, watching, face red, and seemingly frozen.
Emira watches for a second before she realizes what's happening and grins before walking up quietly behind her sister and leans down to whisper in her ear.
"See something you like?"
Birds fly out of the trees, startled by the scream that echoes through the woods.
Amity sits in front of the fire pit, arms crossed and scowling at the dirt.
Emira is still snickering to herself fifteen minutes later, it's a lot better than the gut-wrenching laughter from earlier.
Viney is smirking and shaking her head, choosing much like Luz to not interject herself between the stuff that goes on between the Blight siblings.
Willow and Gus have returned and they wonder what happened, but based on the dark look Amity is sending Emira they choose not too.
They eat their sandwiches and are almost through when they hear the sounds of loud splintering and cracking followed by Luz shouting.
Then the ground shakes and shudders with a loud crash and snapping noises. They all jump up and run to check on their friend, but before they can get there they hear her loud whoops of joy, which eases their worry.
When they round the trees they're treated to the sight of Luz, standing with one booted foot on the felled tree, axe slung over her shoulder and her other hand fisted against her hip. She looks sweaty and exhausted but is grinning brightly.
"I did it!" she declares triumphantly.
"Nice!" Viney grins at her.
"Good job Luz!" Gus cheers. Willow is smiling but shaking her head.
Emira holds up her scroll and takes a quick photo, tapping a few buttons.
Amity feels her scroll vibrate and ignores it for now.
"Good job, now come eat," she says, hand on her hip.
"Yes, dear!" Luz grins to herself and Amity pinks at her teasing.
They make their way back to the clearing, but Amity lags behind and spells her scroll out and opens the message from her sister.
A photo of Luz comes up, standing triumphantly over the fallen tree, sweaty hair pushed back from her forehead, and axe slung over her shoulder, the rays of sunlight filtering through the foliage are lighting her from the front, she looks almost heroic. No doubt copying something she saw somewhere.
She rolls her eyes but smiles.
She's so cute…
She taps it and saves it to her album.
I have 3 not including this one planned out, and one of them is VERY important, but I’m not gonna say which one....
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moonieseok · 4 years
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩...𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙨𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚?
pairings: kim taehyung and bestfriend!reader (platonic) 
request: can you do a platonic friendship kim taehyung drabble where he and his best friend have a paint night?
genre: platonic!! drabble!! and i had a tricky time coming up with the title because i wanted it to be a spin on the name of a classic painting so here you go anon! :D
word count: 1.1k 
taehyung had woken you up super early 
like i’m talking 6:00 am early
and now you’re at the paint store
you didnt even know there was a paint store near your apartment??
and somehow tae knew there was a sale today 
its like he has a radar for this sort of thing
you snap out of your thoughts and look back at the endless shelves of canvasses 
“uhh, tae? what do we need all this for?” you’re not sure if your wallet can handle this 
“c’mon y/n, it’s just a little paint! besides you know i like to have up to date supplies for my art~” 
so he says but 
twenty canvasses? 
“listen i love that you’re passionate about this sort of thing...but this is too much.” you reach into the cart and grab a random paint bottle
“i mean come on, ashy pink? who needs ashy pink when you’ve got...uh....sunset rose??” 
he turns around and grabs the bottles from you
“i will have you know that ashy pink and sunset rose are two very different colors!” 
you honestly couldn’t care less i mean as long as you have one shade of pink it cant be all that bad? 
but are you still gonna sit there and complain until tae is done spending all his money on art supplies
yes because youre a good bestfriend 
but the paint stuff is going to be sitting around the apartment for days
eighteen years
it’s just gonna be an eyesore
you draw your eyes to a poster on the wall
it reads paint night, this monday 
but over it in red text is a notice saying that the event was cancelled, because of the pandemic 
paint night
and if you make it last long enough
then all the paint can be gone in one go
“taehyungggg” you’re actually smiling now that you’ve got a way to win in this situation
“what if we had a paint night?” you ask
he stares at you for a few seconds
“you know..like a night....where we just paint....and nothing else?” 
he continues to stare
“hey are you oka- !” 
he had started rapidly shoving more bottles of paint into your cart
the cart! is getting manhandled by taehyung? 
mr. cart did nothing wrong free him
“y/n that is the most amazing idea you have had all day let’s do it RIGHT NOW” 
“taehyung its not even night yet-” “i dont care i want to PAINT NOW” 
suddenly he’s speeding towards the checkout
jesus mr. cart must be having the worst day of his life 
“taehyung- taehyung- slow down!” you run after him 
“y/n paint night waits for no one. not even you” he whispers to you as you both stop at the checkout line
“paint night wouldn’t even be happening without me so watch your mouth young man” you reach into your bag to grab some hand sanitizer because...you can never be too careful!
taehyung is moving the bottles of paint towards the register when he suddenly turns around and smiles 
“hey y/n-” “no. no we only came here because there was a sale and i am NOT going to pay for you!” 
you ended up paying anyway and now theres a crap ton of paint supplies in the back of your car
“i hope you know that means the next sushi run is on you”
taehyung reclines back on the car seat, so RELAXED and at ease
“yeah yeah whatever you say” 
you had to make him wait till the sun went down
otherwise he would’ve gone through all the supplies
and while thats what you wanted you wanted to paint too >:(
i mean you paid for the stuff you should at least get to use it 
to hold him off you just put on harry potter
it distracted him for about an hour before he got up and turned the tv off
“heY we were getting to the good part! i wanna know what happens to cedric!” 
taehyung then spoiled the movie for you
“tae how coULD you” “i mean its pretty obvious that he-” “sHUT UP LET ME MOURN” 
then the sun went down and you FINALLY let tae take the paint stuff out
“so uh..do i just grab a canvas and start painting whatever i want?” 
luckily tae was able to help you put your canvas on an easel and said “okay now paint whatever you want i am going to be over here in the zone™”
pinterest is always helpful so after 30 minutes of scrolling looking for something to paint you look up to see what tae’s doing
and this man has painted a whole ass sakura tree 
how?? when?? he’s not even using a reference??
i mean....go off bestfriend i guess 
so anyway you decided to paint your cat
because she was just sleeping and is there no better time to admire your cat then painting night? 
well first off painting is kinda hard
you have to pick the right colors for every piece of your art
and you have to make it look good 
like it doesnt matter if it looks realistic
and you know that making it good isnt important 
but you consider yourself somewhat good at drawing so this shouldnt be too hard
who knew your cat could be so rebellious
she has like 7 different shades of orange in her fur
and out of all the paints you had the right shade for her nose was not there
who knew ashy pink would come back to bite you 
tae, somehow is almost done with his painting 
“hey y/n could you pass me the sky blue” 
you get up to reach for it when suddenly your cat decides to wAKE UP 
and coincidentally knock over the paint can. 
you are now covered in paint
and behind you is the sound of laughing
you turn around slowly
to see your traitorous BEST FRIEND LAUGHING AT YOU????
well this is just terrible
so in response, you grab aSHy piNK and dump it on his head
(luckily he was done with his painting so it was somewhere else to dry)
no paintings were destroyed in the process of paint night 
after about ten minutes of paint throwing and laughing 
and accidentally getting some green on his phone but shhh shh he doesnt need to know
you both finally fall to the floor in exhaustion
“remind me to never let you touch paint again”  
“no next time just donT buy all this stuff” 
“my passion needs adequate supplies you dont get to-” 
there you go again
a/n: yo so this was really fun to write!! and i got it out pretty quickly which was good so i hope you all enjoy it :) i might be writing some genshin impact scenarios so look out for those not sure when they’ll be out tho 
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Past the Stargazing Season (Painful Death for the Lactose Intolerant Part II)
Words: 2,843 Warnings: Minor Spoliers in Warnings Characters: Roman, Roman’s mother (OC) Universe: Painful Death for the Lactose Intolerant Rating: T+  Genre: Roman Angst
Sanders Sides Teenager/Magic AU - Friendship - Humor - Angst - Hurt/Comfort
Please read Painful Death for the Lactose Intolerant First, this is a sequel!
Chapter 1: Roman - Crushed (ffn mirror)
   Roman’s phone buzzed while he was checking out at Forever 21. He found two pairs of jeans and a shirt with a red pattern on the sleeves. Remy had good timing to meet up to go back into the suburbs. He swiped his card and paid for his new clothes with a bright smile to the clerk.
   “Have a nice day,” The cashier said as she slid his bag of purchases towards him.
   “Thanks, you too,” Roman nodded and grabbed his sack and stepped out of the way to check Remy’s text.
   ‘Got a ride home    Thx for the ride    Had fun last night’ Were the texts Remy sent. Got a ride home from who?
   ‘Last night was awesome!    Who did you get a ride from?’ Roman relayed back and headed out into the parking lot. It was kind of hot today and the sun was warm on his skin.
   Remy still hadn’t responded when he got to his car. It was only a two-minute walk, but it wasn’t like Remy to not reply quickly. Maybe he was talking with whoever gave him the ride and didn’t want to be impolite. No, Remy wants to be rude, he seemed to enjoy being bitchy. Roman stared at his phone for a moment. Remy also hated using his phone as a phone, but something felt weird about this. Roman called Remy’s cell, but it went straight to voicemail. That’s even more unlike Remy.
   Roman got out of his car again and checked the Starbucks. Maybe he returned for more coffee? He seems to have a big fucking problem with a caffeine addiction. Roman walked through quickly and scanned around outside near the Starbucks. He didn’t see Remyanywhere. Roman sighed and headed back to the car.
   Well, it wasn’t the first time Remy had been cagey or dodged him. It was unusual recently, but if Remy was hanging out with Virgil or Remus, he wouldn’t always answer texts or things like that. Though that made this radio silence even weirder. Roman had no inkling who would give Remy a ride home. He didn’t get along with people easily and couldn’t think of anyone in town he knew to even get a ride from. Unless his dad caught him or something. Roman really hoped that wasn’t the case. Remy was already in trouble when he headed home. Roman couldn’t imagine anything good coming out of being caught in town. It was a good thing Remy was nearly 18.
   Roman climbed into his car and started the engine to head home. Even after the coffee and cake, he’d kill for a nap. He wasn’t sure how late he and Remy were up together, but he probably only slept like 4 hours tops. He and Remy had meant to go to sleep, but they just got caught up chatting. Not to mention Roman had a little trouble sleeping with him right there. It wasn’t fair.
   Roman pulled up to the curb outside of his house and checked his phone again. Still nothing. He shot Patton a text checking on if he was okay. He nearly texted Logan but thought better of it. His phone probably got taken when he got grounded, and Roman didn’t want to accidentally give Logan’s dad evidence of wrongdoing. Roman would have to wait till Monday to talk to him. Hopefully, Logan had enough fun last night to sustain him while he was being punished. It was a rough gig to have such tight-handed parents. Roman’s parents didn’t restrict him much as long as he kept looking and acting like they wanted him to. It was easy to manage, as much as it frustrated him.
   “Mom, Dad, I’m back,” Roman called as he entered the house and locked the door behind him, sliding his keys back in his pocket.
   “Roman, darling, good to see you. Where have you been?” It sounded like his mother hailed from the kitchen. Roman headed that way to meet her and get a drink.
   “I was with Pat,” Roman said nonchalantly. He knew she wouldn’t push it as long as he didn’t let her know what he was up to.
   “Oh, he’s such a good boy. I like that Patton. Did you eat while you were out? I can have Steve whip something up for you,” She offered distractedly. She was sitting at the table eating a small plate of fruit and working on her tablet.
   “I ate. I’ll be fine until dinner, thank you though,” Roman sighed, getting himself some juice to drink from the fridge.
   “Have you heard from Remus, yet, dear? The school called about him yesterday,” She sounded distant while she spoke.
   “No, he’s still missing, mom,” Roman responded dourly. Not this again. He wasn’t sure he could tolerate it today.
   “Oh, he’s not missing, don’t be dramatic. He’s surely off with that Virgil boy like he always is,” She waved her hand dismissively. “Those plays make you so fatalistic sometimes, life isn’t some Shakespeare play with tragic endings for everyone involved. You can be so histrionic,” She said dismissively, waving Roman off and picking up another piece of fruit.
   “We checked Virgil’s house and nobody has been there, still. You don’t find it suspicious at all?” Roman asked, too tired to mask the testiness in his tone.
   “Maybe they’re camping or something. It’s not the first time he wouldn’t answer our calls or disappeared, Roman,” She huffed shortly.
   “It hasn’t been just a few days. It’s been over two weeks,” Roman crossed his arms and glared at her.
   “Oh, has it? Oh, that boy is in so much trouble. He’s such a disappointment. He’s going to have a lot of explaining to do. He’s losing his car privileges for sure, don’t let him drive if you see him,” His mother shook her head and daintily ate a piece of cantaloupe. She didn’t take her eyes off the tablet.
   “Mother, don’t you think two weeks is enough time to maybe consider filing him as a missing person?” Roman suggested shortly. She didn’t acknowledge him glowering at her.
   “No, darling, there’s no need to involve the police and make a mess of things. He’s just a delinquent. Stop overreacting,” His mother furrowed her eyebrows, but otherwise didn’t react. She was completely distraught about her missing child, surely. Roman groaned and left the kitchen before he said something he regretted, because holy shit, he had some choice words for her right now. He was even more tired after that fustercluck of a conversation.
   Roman flopped down on his bed, staring at the ceiling in his room. He checked his phone uselessly again. He already knew he hadn’t gotten a text back from Remy or Patton yet. He should just take a nap. Somebody will probably text after an hour or two and help quell this unsettled feeling in his stomach. Though, maybe that feeling was because he got to be so close last night and he was all alone again. Roman always got the worst crushes. Why couldn’t he ever like a boy who liked him back? Stupid gay curse of getting crushes on your friends. Stupid romantic heart getting attached at the slightest attention.
   He buried his face in his pillow and fought the urge to scream. He knew he was being dramatic, but it fucking hurt, damnit. To fall asleep in Remy’s arms and get ghosted the next day? It was a nightmare scenario, and he just lived it. Why did Roman do this to himself? He knew Remy wasn’t interested. He knew Remy wasn’t in a good enough or safe enough place to even consider dating anybody. He knew Remy’s dad might actually kill him if it got back to him that Remy started seeing Roman. He knew all of this and still followed him into Virgil’s room like a lovesick puppy, anyway. Neither of them was even out to their parents. But that stupid amazing kiss and the way his heart felt and-
   “Ugh!” Roman shouted into his pillow and buried himself under the covers. What was the point? Remy never showed a flicker of interest. Never even a single furtive glance. Roman was only half considering asking Patton out, but maybe he really should. Roman deserved somebody who might like him back and wasn’t trying to drink himself to death out of grief. Not that Patton deserved a lovesick puppy pining after someone else, either. Oh god, Roman left that vodka in his trunk. He just wanted to get it away from Remy for the most part. He did actually like the bottle, it was very Hamlet. But Roman was more concerned Remy would just finish it by himself if Roman didn’t take it.
   Roman grunted and got up to go get the extremely illegal alcohol out of his car. Open containers and under-aged drinking and all that good stuff his parents would through a snit fit over. It was exceptional vodka, at least. It was a win-win scenario. Roman doesn’t have to drink piss-beer, and Remy doesn’t die of alcohol poisoning all alone at Virgil’s house. It seemed like a good idea at the time, at least.
   Patton said he hid most of the rest of the alcohol in the house while he and Remy went to bed. Remy could find some of it, but Patton and Logan were very crafty about it. If Remy wanted to drink again, he’d have to get Patton to pull out a bottle so they could watch him. Remy could assuredly find a house party, but at least he couldn’t drink himself to death alone. Somebody would hopefully help him at a party if Roman wasn’t there. And maybe Remy would be willing to come to hang out again for more of the hundred-dollar vodka and- God damn it, Roman, stop it. Stop doing this to yourself.
   Roman reached in and pulled the bag out of the far end of his trunk. Remus might have a flask in his room Roman could steal and put most of this in so he could clean and display the bottle. Fill it with glitter goo and make it ominous, or maybe just paint the inside to look more realistic. Remus liked to drink tic-tacs out of a flask for some reason, and he had a few different ones. Roman took the sack inside and buried it under some winter sweaters in his closet. Roman steeled himself as he left his room and went down two doors to Remus’s room.
   It was the first time in a while he’d stepped in here. He mostly avoided it because Remus’s idea of organization was a nightmare, but lately, it just reminded him Remus wasn’t here, he didn’t enjoy being here, he possibly wasn’t ever coming back. And Roman didn’t need that reminder shoved in his face, that he fell for his parents shit and pushed his twin brother so far away that they had barely shared twenty words of conversation before he disappeared. Roman started digging around in a drawer near his bed. It seemed like a reasonable place to start.
   There wasn’t a flask anywhere near Remus’s bed. Roman found three flasks in Remus’s closet of all places, stored with some old toys and what looked like mementos. That location made sense, weirdly? But not in a normal way. There was a wide variety of decorative knives in his bedside table, which kind of worried Roman. They were mostly dull, but some weren’t. And he hadn’t seen Remus outside of a jacket in a while, although it was getting warmer. Patton’s worry was probably just rubbing off on him.
   Patton was so freaked out on Friday about Remy hurting himself, spouting all of these facts his mom told him in a mad ramble. Remus showed no signs of doing that kind of thing. He just enjoyed playing with knives. Remy wouldn’t do that either. At least Roman didn’t think Remy would. He knew Remus was adamantly against it for other people. He didn’t even like people joking about it. But maybe that was because he did it? Roman couldn’t be sure, and he kind of felt like an ass for not knowing.
   Roman took the three flasks back to his room. It felt weird in Remus’s bedroom and was glad he found what he was looking for so he could get out of there. Maybe it was just Roman’s guilt, but he swore that room felt haunted. He combined all the tic-tacs into a coffin-shaped one and placed the other two on his desk. There was a big one with a dragon motif on it that would probably fit most of the vodka, but he probably needed to clean out the minty-dust before putting nice vodka in it.
   He laid back on his bed with a sigh, curling back under the covers. Patton had been freaking out about Remy a lot lately. Roman would have wanted to go party with Remy regardless because he was a hopeless idiot, but Patton practically begged them both to come over. But Remy honestly seemed fine last night. He didn’t drink too much, at Patton’s behest, and cackled freely all night. Nothing like he had been acting lately, where he never laughed unless it was sarcastic and he wasn’t interested in doing anything.
   All the house parties ‘bored’ him and he wouldn’t even take free food, which Remy normally was all over. Roman knew Remy was spending way too much time at Virgil’s place, partially from Patton’s reports, but also the bruises all over Remy’s arm when he took off Virgil’s jacket to go to bed. Roman didn’t want to imagine how he got those, but Remy hadn’t bothered side-stepping anything about his home life lately, so he didn’t have to do much to connect the dots. He used to be very cagey about it.
   When they went to Virgil’s room together to chat, he seemed so normal. Not give-it-all-away or uncharacteristically cheery or any of those things Patton said. Remy was his normal chatty, kind of bitchy, secretly worried about everything, and his high-energy self. Though maybe the energy part was all the coffee he drank. And he even offered to share the bed with Roman instead of Roman sleeping on the floor or Virgil’s parents’ bed, which everybody agreed was kind of weird. Somebody who was depressed and suicidal was supposed to push people away. Remy cuddled against Roman as if it was the most natural thing to do. And maybe it was with his brother. Which Roman was admittedly very jealous of. But there was nothing he saw that screamed ‘in danger’, not from Patton’s horrible warning sign list or just any gut instinct. Remy seemed okay, emotionally. Elated, even.
   Though he was acting very oddly today. Why did he take a backpack into town for some secret errand? Was he pawning stuff for money? Remy told him his dad didn’t buy much food for him, mostly just stuff for sandwiches. He also didn’t get an allowance. Roman was relatively certain Remy made money by placing bets with drunk people. But he spent like twenty bucks at Starbucks like it was nothing and bought his own food for lunch. Maybe he’d just been stealing things from Virgil’s parents to piss them off. Roman wouldn’t put that past him. It was petty enough for him to want to do, Remy loved being a petty bitch. Roman was also extremely frustrated that neither of their parents was willing to do anything.
   Remy was nervous about something, though. He kept checking the time and looking out the window. But Remy didn’t prefer to talk about it and pushing Remy to do things he didn’t want just involved him running off, and Roman didn’t want to risk that. It was hard enough that Remy was struggling and Roman couldn’t help him. It was nearly impossible to be so hopelessly into someone you couldn’t help. It would be completely unbearable if Remy ran off. Remy always came back after a bit, he usually needed a few days to cool down if you pissed him off. He was sensitive to that kind of stuff because of his dad or something. But Roman really didn’t want to wait through those days. Especially not when he could still remember how Remy felt in his arms.
   Roman came here to sleep, damnit. He needed to stop freaking agonizing. Remy seemed okay yesterday. He was probably being the petty bitch he always was in town yesterday and selling Virgil’s parents’ belongings or something. Remy could have made friends at house parties, too, and maybe ran into somebody and got a ride home. Not that anybody Remy hung out with at parties seemed to talk to him at school… but maybe that’s just the way Remy liked things. Roman could see him soon and maybe even hang out again soon. Maybe get drunk and cuddle again- god damn it, fucking idiot! Roman would not be an enabler, Roman would not be an enabler-
Personal Taglist: @elizabutgayer​ @ollyollyoxinfree​
The Taglist Repository Tags (ask to be removed):
High school AU: @dragonwithproblems​ @starlight-era​ @averykedavra​  @potatsanderssides​
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Hurt/Comfort: @nonasficcollection​ @evoodo123​​ @hekking-happy-nonsense​ @cottonwoolsocks​
Angst:  @hitmewiththatfanart33 @aceawkwardunicorn @mistythegirlfluxmess
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Anyone else feeling like this?
So it’s been almost a week since the rise of skywalker and I’ve been a mess. Also, anti’s do not come at me. All of this is just my opinion. I’m allowed to have one.
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Like don’t get me wrong, I thought the movie was okay but it didn’t really satisfy me. During half of the movie, I was literally asking myself if I was satisfied that this was going to be the last of the sequel trilogy and the ending for the skywalker saga. I really wasn’t and tbh. I actually felt more satisfied when I watched the last Jedi then when I was watching this movie. I even tried to avoid leaks about this movie, I even bought my tickets in advance to see it in theaters because I thought the theater would be packed, paid more to watch it in a bigger theater with surround sound. I avoided the reviews in case it would be negative. I basically wanted to judge the movie for myself before I hear anyone's opinion on it.
Which I why I saw it the Monday after the came out, so I can be able to fully avoid all social media in case if spoilers and because I was too excited to see it.
Boy I had my hopes up too high XD
Well for one there was barely anyone in the theater there was at least 20-25 people in a big theater, My friend I and were the only ones in our row. I was surprised cause usually for Star Wars, the movies are packed or have more than what I saw.
I came out of the theater kinda dazed. Both my friend and I were talking about the movie and how we were sad about Ben’s death but we were kinda happy that he at least got to save Rey in the end, but we were both confused and sad that we didn’t see him as a Force ghost in the end. We both understood the meaning of why Rey called herself a Skywalker was in honor of the people that cared for her regardless if she was a Palpatine and was in a way honoring Ben a little bit. At the time my only problem with the movie was the fact that Leia’s Cgi weirded me out XD. The rest was either meh, okay or  YESSSSSS. 
I was not expecting a Reylo kiss at all.
I heard about it before the movie came out but, it was confirmed that there wasn’t going to be a kiss. So I accepted it and kinda was okay with it cause I kinda like how subtle their interactions were but in a way it meant more. Also, they’ve been cannon through the novelizations, so I felt like I didn’t need a kissing scene. ( btw anti’s don’t come at me, this is just my opinion from what I know) I was happy for the kiss though, so much to where I didn't notice Ben smiling (i was happy dancing XD). I had a weird feeling though that he did so I asked my friend and she said yeah he did.
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Then as the days went I realized I had some problems with this movie  The more I looked into this movie, read some opinions on Twitter, Instagram and on here, the more I realized that I agree with most of the negatives and that wasn’t really as good as I expected
Well for one the scene when Ben dies always felt like something was off about that scene but I couldn’t figure out what it was. After doing some digging I was happy I wasn’t the only one and was surprised by the explanation that people had about the scene was most likely done the last minute. It actually really made sense to me cause the editing to me looked a little off. It’s like one minute you see her with her hand around his face and her other hand somewhere on his upper body and then as he starts to drop to the floor, placement of one of her hands is already holding one of his. There’s even a theory that they reversed the scene to make it look like he died after reviving Rey and wasn’t revived by Leia.
 Leia disappearing right after he dies looked off. And Rey’s reaction to his death didn’t make any sense to me either, it felt as if she didn’t just watch her other half die before her eyes. I kinda understand that she might've been in shock or was trying to hold back tears, but it just felt off.
I didn't even know about them being dyads until I found out on twitter. When I did I ended up with more questions with answers.
Why build Rey and Ben’s bond as if they are stronger together and that their bond can go “through space and time”, basically make it seem like their bond as “powerful like life itself” and then kill off one half of the bond, in the end? 
Where is Ben?  cause he wasn’t a force ghost in the end and he became one with the force so that just somehow makes me wanna believe we're not done seeing him just yet story wise
What was the other ending for the movie? cause I am curious what the other endings were and what made them pick the one that’s in the movie
If Palpatine created Snoke, was he also controlling him? and if it was him this whole time does that mean he basically lied about creating the bond because he didn’t know about Ben and Rey being a dyad?
Anyone got Endgame vibes watching the battle with Palpatine?
I am all of the Jedi XD idk maybe since I grew up with Marvel and started watching star wars when I was 15, made me feel kinda off when I heard that and I didn't feel that the line was epic.
Also the more I think of it, the more I realize that I didn’t really like the fact that they killed Ben off
The dude’s redemption arc was a little too quick. I really think he should’ve lived to make amends, right the wrongs or better yet lived in exile or something. At first, I was okay with him dying like this cause it seemed okay to me. But after finding out that there was more to his backstory and read it, I realized that the whole entire Skywalker bloodline has been through pain and death. In a way, I kinda wished Ben was the one to put an end to that. I understand the counter-argument for Anakin’s death but the difference there from my understanding:
1) He knew was gonna die anyway. I rewatched the original scene and from my understanding, he said that nothing was going to stop him from dying regardless if Luke took his mask off.
2) At least Anakin got to say something. Ben had no lines
Not every redemption arc has to end up with the person dying.
The one agreement,  I can kinda get behind on is that at least he died saving the woman he loves, unlike his grandfather who tried but failed.
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From a marketing standpoint though I don't understand why they would kill him off when they would’ve made a lot of money off of him with this movie. The fact alone that people are upset that he died and made a GoFundMe and petitions just for him to come back says something. Even on the Star Wars website for the poll, he’s #1 at 88%. I understand not everything is about money, but it’s like they sacrificed a chance to get a lot of money.
More importantly, I feel like they did Rey dirty
We first see her start her journey in a desert planet alone with a droid and it ends with her in a desert with a droid. Her other half is dead. Her parents are dead, Her grandfather is Palpatine. I honestly feel like she deserved better. The fact that they didn’t even give her a moment to mourn and how she's been through so much and for her to not really get a happy ending kinda sucked. Like I felt like I was mourning for her. That alone made me depressed.       
This whole movie just ended up making me feel like I didn’t really found any closer. Like I can’t So I’m just gonna wait till the novelization so I can understand it better and get answers about Ben’s death. 
Is he really dead?
 Is it true that if one dies the bond will still be there and the person that is living will feel empty like something is missing?
 Is it true that one person can’t fully die without the other in a dyad and they stay in the world between worlds until the other half dies?
 Are we going to have a comic or novel where Rey comes to get him back if that's the case? 
but for the time being, I’m going to just have hope and rely on fanfiction I know this the end for movie Ben and Rey unless Adam and Daisy say otherwise. But I will say this their scenes together and Ben Solo’s were the highlight of this movie for me.  
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Overall I still think the movie was okay. I just think some things could've been explained more But that's how I feel.
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"... Till There's Absolutely Nothing Left!"
Monday 28th September 2020
Good evening everyone! Hope you've all had an enjoyable weekend! As of today I will back being up to date with my blog posts. I'm looking forward to seeing what this week of episodes have in store! Let's not waste any time and jump right into it!
Tonight's episode started with Max still looking for Ian, Max is wanting to get his hands on his money, he's already fuming at Ian for dodging him and ignoring him. Ian has come up with excuses upon excuses to Max for not being able to get his money to him urgently. As Max leaves after having a word with Kathy, Ian is seen peering behind the door-frame, as if he's been hiding from Max, which we know he is - he's avoiding him like the plaque! Ian is such a weasel isn't he? Why doesn't he just grow a pair and admit to Max the truth, it's only a matter of truth before all his secrets come out!
Meanwhile, Gray and Karen are catching up at the club. Karen informs Gray that Mitch is currently sleeping at the salon as he's not welcome at the house for having doubts about Gray. Gray tries to ask Karen not to act harshly on Mitch, as everyone is still grieving for Chantelle. Karen can't believe he's sticking up for the man who's basically accused him of murder, it's then she turns to him and says "You're such a good man!" ... the only thing my brain is saying is "If only you knew Karen, if only you knew!" Ooooo I can't wait for Gray to be found out, it's going to be SO good when he finally gets seen for the murderer he truly is!
Oh yes! At the hospital, Denise is still watching over her biological son, Raymond. Ellie seems to be surprised that Denise is back visiting him, as they chat she informs him that Raymond made it through the night and he seems to be slowly recovering. Denise is visibly relieved, Ellie also seems surprised by her reaction. -  I'm not 100% sure what to make of Ellie, it's been revealed she's going to be a type of villain? I have my speculations about this current storyline, I'm really excited to see where it's going to go, but something tells me it'll be a battle of who gets custody of the young child. I think, perhaps, Denise will try and get Phil on side - if she tells him everything she knows about the adoptive family passing away, Phil will probably do the right thing and help Denise get custody of her son. But how is Phil going to act when he learns about Ellie and what will she do to get in their way? - Ellie asks Denise if she'd still like to help out and Denise insists that she'd love to, she's instructed by Ellie to get some new pyjamas for the young boy, Denise is only willing to do whatever she can for the boy so she goes off without hesitation. As she leaves, Ellie looks really suspicious - why would Denise want to help? Is she just being a good Samaritan? Or is there more to it? (Oooo I can't wait to see when Ellie finds out who Denise actually is!)
At the club, Mick walks in on Frankie taking pictures of Ollie, at first it seems only friendly and as if she's doing no harm, of course Mick is a little suspicious as Frankie barely knows the child. But it's when he grabs the camera without her looking and takes a look at the photo's, he realises there are quite a lot of photo's of Ollie that she's taken, plus also ones of other family members. When Frankie realises, she makes the excuse that it's Street Art Photography that she's doing. Mick does seem very uncomfortable at the fact that he's been photographed without his knowledge, he asks Frankie is kind of polite way to not to post them on social media and maybe to delete the images, mainly because Linda would feel uncomfortable about it. Frankie promises to do as he asks, but surely his mind must be racing? Who is this girl and why is she taking photos of him and his family?! I've heard some kind of rumour that perhaps Frankie could be Mick's secret daughter, but I'm not 100% sure whether to believe it's true, I mean, it could be - but who knows?!
In the cafe, Stuart is visibly excited to be marrying Rainie, both Callum and Ben are watching on as he's happily smiling as he's having a conversation on the phone with his future wife. I thought it was cute, personally, after so long of being such a dark character, Stuart is finally getting some happiness - and I think he bloody deserves it, as does Rainie! As they're saying their goodbyes on the phone, Ben makes a silly comment to Callum "A tenner says this marriage doesn't last as long as this goodbye!" - It's lovely seeing Stuart all smiley! When he finishes the call and turns to the boys he starts talking about how weird it feels, him getting married and then Callum moving in to the Mitchell's, it's then Ben says that he'll be a Mitchell now he's living under their roof! It's funny as all these one liners comes out, I'm thinking to myself, he's pretty much there now after what he's doing to Phil! As Stuart leaves after reminding Callum of his Best Man duties, Ben again makes a comment of Callum and his Dad being best mates, it seems as if Callum comes clean to his boyfriend, he reveals that he and Phil have been chatting a lot recently, plus he reveals the big news about Phil offering him a job to work on the family firm side of things, Ben is clearly surprised and perhaps confused to hear this news.
In the laundrette, Kathy and Bobby are picking up their clothes from Linda, I just want to say that I absolutely loved the moment when Linda couldn't remember where she had stored their dry-cleaning - B for Beale or C for Cathy, only for it to be under K for the correct spelling of Kathy! I don't know why, I just thought it was brilliant! As she finds the clothes, she overhears Kathy and Bobby talking about Ian's money problems, Kathy informs Bobby that Ian needs this new contract otherwise he wont be able to pay Max back! Linda knows the situation regarding Max and his money, is she going to do the right thing and tell Max? He deserves to know what's happening and what's happened with his share of the restaurant. I kind of hope she does.
Back at Ruby's, Denise and Jack are catching up. He questions Denise on where she has been, she claims she's been shopping and the thing she bought she's planning on taking back anyway. Suddenly Jack's phone rings and he excuses himself to take the call, as he moves to one side, Denise watches as Phil makes his way into the club and sits by the bar. Will she tell him the truth about his son? Next minute, Isaac and Sheree are seen in the club corridor, they appear to be talking about Isaac's run in with his boss about the allegation of him using drugs, as they both walk in they see Denise on the other side of the club, and then Phil sat at the bar. Phil is the one to break the silence and makes a snide comment about him coming to see his dealer. Isaac isn't wanting to hear another word, it's only then that Denise gets involved in the conversation and reminds Phil that's he's not as innocent as he makes out, claiming he doesn't his granddaughter to be taught by a druggie, when he was addicted to crack a couple of years back. She basically insults the Mitchell family name, accusing them all of being criminals! Isaac, Sheree and Jack watch on in disbelief as Denise stands up to Phil! It's a pretty brilliant scene I have to say! Something tells me though that Denise is only doing this because of being reunited with her son, Raymond, who Phil just so happens to be the Father of. As she leaves the club, she appears to be holding a gift bag, we see that it's a set of boys pyjamas that Ellie asked her to buy for Raymond, she then suddenly decides to bin the clothes and walk away.
Back at the Mitchell household, Ben is looking like he's wanting answers from Callum, he wants to understand what his boyfriend has been asked to do. Then suddenly it clicks, he realises that Phil has asked Callum to perhaps get him inside information about what the police are looking for and what they might want. Ben can't understand why Callum would risk losing his job and his future if he was to do what Phil was asking him. He explains to his boyfriend that he is good and that is one of the reasons why he loves him. It's then that Phil walks in, Ben wants answers now! Why is he bringing his boyfriend into this? Why is he making Callum do dirty work? Phil explains to him plain and simple, it's good for business and he's part of the family now, which is why it will work! As Callum and Phil both leave the room, Ben is stunned!
Back at the Vic, Karen is drowning her sorrows in a pint when Kheerat walks in. She tells him not to even think about causing any more trouble, he tries to defend himself, whether it was right or wrong, he cared for Chantelle. He loved her. Karen asks him to picture Chantelle if she was to hear their conversation, she'd hate everything that was happening. Kheerat pauses for a second, thinking that actually what Karen is saying is true. He agrees, he apologises to her and promises not to say anything again and peacefully leaves her with her drink.
At the Beale's house, Ian is looking ready for his meeting, he greets Charmaine and welcomes her into his home. At first, she feels perhaps his house is a little bit unprofessional, as she's after a catering company, you'd think the restaurant would be a better place. Ian insists that she enters his living room where there appears to be a dining table very elegantly displayed with cutlery and dishes. It's then Ian introduces Bobby to Charmaine, and she is instantly aware of who he is. She reveals, much to Ian's surprise, that Bobby and herself had been emailing about a charity named The Lucy Beale Foundation, which Bobby has designed and created himself. Ian's shocked and his ears are ringing as Charmaine admits that Bobby had her reaching for her cheque book, he instructs Bobby to get themselves some food and invites him to join them both for lunch.
Meanwhile, back at the laundrette, Max is opening up to Linda, revealing that Jack is wanting to be a proper family with Denise and the kids, he's worried that Jack might end up asking him to move out. He reveals he's contemplating going to New Zealand to go and see Lauren and Louie, even promised little Abi that he'd take her, once Ian returns his money to him. As Max is revealing all this to Linda she can't help but look guilty, she tells him not to get the little girl's hopes up. Instantly, that doesn't sit right with Max, why would she say such a thing? Why would Abi be disappointed? He moves in on Linda and can see that she's hiding something, he asks her why she's looking so guilty, she backed into a corner, she can't let him think everything is okay when truthfully it's not, she lets out a sigh - will she tell him what she knows?!
Back at the Beale's, Bobby is talking confidently to Charmaine, explaining how much he had to rebuild his life and how much he wanted to focus on turning such a tragic event in his life, to potentially something positive. Charmaine is truly touched by Bobby's honesty and asks whether Ian will match her donation to the charity, Ian insists he will but turns the whole subject back on to the catering contract. She says that she can see how much it means to him, it's then that Ian starts to take advantage of Bobby's idea and - I don't know whether you guys think so too - but does he actually lie saying he's doing it to honour Lucy?! Or is he just playing at her heartstrings just so she'll sign on the dotted line?! Bobby is clearly annoyed with his Father for making such a claim, just then Max storms in - (Linda has told him everything then!) - Max storms in on their meeting and bellows to Ian that he knows he's been lied to for weeks, he's stolen his share of the restaurant, his life savings and he wants them back!!
Back to Denise, we can she's on the phone to Ellie, explaining that something has come up regarding the little boy's pyjamas. Suddenly, Jack walks in on her phone call and she hangs up almost immediately. Jack is already realising that something isn't right with Denise, he asks who it was that she was talking to on the phone, but she brushes it off saying it wasn't important. It's then Jack is asking her for answers, asking why she let rip on Phil earlier in the club, she explains she was trying to stick up for Isaac. Jack informs her that that is not their fight and they don't need to get involved. Denise apologises and reassures him that there is no need for her to speak to or even go near Phil Mitchell ever again!
Meanwhile, back at the Beale's - Max is keeping quiet as Charmaine apologises to Ian and states that she can't do business with him after what has been revealed. Once again, Ian is trying to worm his way out of the situation, telling her that him and Max had an informal loan arrangement in which the terms have been disputed. Max isn't having anymore of Ian's lies! As Charmaine leaves, he reveals he knows about him using his money to buy the Vic! Max instructs him to sell the pub so he can get his money back - I don't know whether you guys noticed, but as Max and Ian are arguing, Bobby is seen counting under his breath, quite tensely squeezing or pinching the side of his arm - is this a coping mechanism? Can he not handle confrontation and big arguments at the scene of where his sister died? Max almost goes lashing out at Ian, as he does so, Bobby shouts at them to stop fighting! Ian tries to calm the situation, he explains to Max that they will find a solution, but not in this current situation where everyone is shouting to have their say.
I'm not 100% sure where Mick and Linda are staying right now? To me it looks like Kush's old apartment, or it could be Ted's old apartment? Who knows? I know I'm wrong, so if anyone could shed some light on where Mick and Linda are currently living, I'd appreciate it! Anyway, Linda admits to Mick about telling Max everything she knows about Ian buying Sharon the Vic with Max's money. He jokingly calls her a "Grass!". As they both get comfortable on the sofa, Mick opens up about his concerns about Frankie taking photos of Ollie. He explains to her that she had taken pictures of the family from a distance, he tells her that Frankie told him it was art, but should they be worried? Linda seems pretty unfazed, she suggests that that is what teenagers are like nowadays, taking pictures of people and things and calling them art. Which, to be fair, is kind of true?! It's clear to tell that Mick is unsure, only time will tell exactly what Frankie's obsession with Ollie and the Carter family will be.
The final scene of tonight's episode, I feel was an absolutely brilliant one! Ian walks into the Queen Vic cellar and realises the light isn't working. As he goes to grab some alcohol, we can see Max lurking in the shadows. He softly speaks to Ian and slowly approaches him, now Bobby isn't around they can carry on their conversation from earlier on. Ian is now finally backed into a corner as Max gets closer. Ian proposes to pay Max back in instalments, at first Max sees that as an insults, why would he agree to that?! But then Ian confesses, it's the only way he'll be able to pay him back the full amount. Max looks to floor, nods and agrees to the arrangement, but he gives Ian one final warning, if he missing any payment, then he will come for him!!!
I think it's finally about time that Ian got what was coming to him, let's just hope he'll be able to pay Max back every penny. What do we think tomorrow's episode will have in store?! I hope you enjoy this post and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening. I'll be back tomorrow folks! Goodnight! xXx
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innaminitus · 5 years
Desires #5
Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary:  Vanaheim needs allies and since you are the eldest daughter of its king, you are a victim of arranged marriage with one of Odin’s sons - Loki.
Chapter warnings: language
Chapter word count: 1774
A/N: if anyone knows how to fix tags so they all work ~please~ tell me. I probably won’t be posting till monday, because I’ll be at warsaw comic con. So I tried not to do cliffhanger. 
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When you woke up Loki was already up and dressed, this time not giving you an opportunity to cuddle. You tried to smile at him, but somehow couldn’t. You felt sore. The pain reminded you of the lair and… You closed your eyes shut and buried your face in the pillow to smell familiar scent of your new home. You were safe. You were safe.
Even if the pain you still felt in between your legs was trying to convince you otherwise.
You didn’t know why you didn’t tell Loki about what happened. It wasn’t like you were the only one assaulted by the Marauders, on Vanaheim there had to be dozens of girls like you. You weren’t special. And yet, even the slightest thought of it made your insides twirl.
But they were dead now and you were alive.
“How are you?” Loki came over to you and kneeled on the floor.
You looked at him over the pillow and shrugged.
“Do I have to leave the bed today?” You murmured, the material muted your words.
Corner of his mouth moved a little, showing a crooked smile.
“No,” he sighed “but you should.”
You felt like crying at that moment and before you could think about what you were doing, you were grabbing his jacket and using your magic to pull him on the bed. He stiffened for a moment, but sighed and let you hug him. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, needing to feel his heartbeat, to remember that your heart was still beating as well. He unsurely wrapped his arms around you as well.
“What is it?” He whispered.
You would never think that of all people you would feel safe with him.
“It hurts so much.” You broke. His warmth and the pain in your chest made you shed a single tear.
He froze. Literally. His skin became cold, cold and blueish. He gently pushed you away to look at your face.
“What did they do to you?” For just a second you could see lines on his face, but he quickly controlled himself.
You swallowed the gulp in your throat. Maybe you would feel better if you shared this? He would never tell anyone if you asked him not to.
“They…” You started, but your voice was knotted somewhere deep in your throat and you couldn’t make a word.
You pushed him away and slowly slipped the bedsheet off of you before rolling up your nightgown. You didn’t want to look, so you turned your gaze away. You knew what was there, looking worse and worse with every hour. Purple and yellow bruises blooming on your inner thighs and red, inflamed word cut in your skin.
Loki took a sharp breath. He lost control, his fingers dug into the mattress, when he couldn’t take his eyes of your thighs. You watched him, his beautiful blue skin when his Jotun form took over.
“Did they…” He couldn’t say anything more and didn’t have to.
“They tried,” you sighed. “My magic was strong enough to just… not let them.” You fixed your nightgown and turned to the side. “I am too weak to heal myself now, but the bruises will eventually go away. But the word… They used poisoned blade, I believe. It won’t disappear even when it heals.”
He clenched his teeth. You saw that his eyes were red and wondered if he noticed that he changed.
“Death was not enough for what they’ve done,” he spat out and grabbed your waist, pulling you closer. “I should’ve ripped their lungs out and make them eat them.”
You smirked.
“Or you could freeze them to death.”
He frowned and quickly looked at his hands. They began to turn beige.
“Sorry for that,” he sighed.
“Don’t be,” you whispered and raised your hand to touch disappearing lines on his face. “That’s you. Don’t hide from me.”
He hesitated for a moment, but hid his Jotun form and shook his head.
“I hate it.”
“I don’t.”
He just looked at you for a second with odd look in his eyes.
“You are too good for me,” he said so, so silently you could barely hear him.
You moved away a bit. His smile faded. He didn’t mean to say it, you could tell.
“What do you mean?”
You could swear he blushed. Oh, he so didn’t mean to say it.
“Nothing.” He tried to get up, but you pulled him back and sat on him, so he could not escape. A shadow of a smile flew through his face. “I just said it. It wasn’t true. I’m too good for you.”
You laughed and leaned closer.
“What did you mean?” Your elbows rested on his chest, your hands found themselves on his jaw.
He clenched his teeth and stopped breathing.
And just when you thought he wasn’t going to say anything-
“I’m falling for you.”
You just stared at him for a moment, not really believing you’ve actually heard him. He was heavy breathing, you could almost hear the beating of his heart, reminding you of racing horses. He was waiting for your answer and for the first time in your life you didn’t know what to say. Did you love him? Or did you just like his company?
Suddenly the weight of his confession made you unable to breathe. You quickly got up, releasing him. You kept opening and closing your mouth like a fish pulled out of the water. He raised himself on his elbows, expression of slight betrayal showed on his face for just a quarter of a second before he got up as well and fixed his clothing.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have duties,” he said silently, his voice lost all vitality it had.
He headed the door.
“Loki-“ You said quickly, but still didn’t know what to say. He turned to you with hope in his eyes. You were awful. The worst. You didn’t know how you felt, not for sure. You sighed. “Have a good day.”
He left without a word.
Days passed by and you didn’t talk to Loki at all. You only saw him during suppers, he moved back to his old bedroom.
You missed him more than you could admit it, but still couldn’t figure out whether it was a real feeling or not. Did you miss him, or did you miss these short moments when you felt safe in his arms? You didn’t know him enough to love him! Right?
You were training with Thor, but you were doing miserable. Eventually he sighed and put Mjolnir down.
“What is it, sister? You’re distracted today.”
You kicked some non-existent rock and sighed.
“It’s nothing,” you murmured and sat on the bench standing by the wall.
Thor joined you.
“Is it about my stupid brother?” He looked at you and you nodded. “Is he still not talking to you?”
He shook his head.
“You don’t love him, so what? It’s an arranged marriage, you don’t have to love him.”
“But I should. I feel awful.” You hid your face in your hands.
Thor leaned and grabbed your fingers, pulling them out of your face.
“Marriages are not always happy. And I’ve seen a lot of them through my life.” He smiled slightly. “You can always have lovers. And so can he.”
You didn’t like the thought of that. You raised your head and looked at him. He was way closer than you expected.
“Wouldn’t that be awful?”
He smiled.
“Wouldn’t it be awful to spend the rest of your eternal life without loving anyone?”
Before you could do something about it, he leaned even closer and his lips touched yours. It surprised you so much you couldn’t move, but when the shock passed you parted your lips and deepened the kiss. His hand got lost in your hair, he pulled you closer. You leaned on him, searching for any kind of warmth, affection you lost because of your stupidity.
You were selfish. So selfish it made you nauseous.
You moved away from Thor and half a second later you heard a silent gasp. You shot your head to the direction of the door, just in time to see Loki turning away.
You run to him, but he was too fast, always a step ahead. You were foolish! Every cell of your body hated you now, your hands were itchy from the magic, tears in your eyes started to flow down your cheeks.
You reached him in the garden.
“Loki, stop!” You cried. “Please, listen to me.”
He turned angrily.
“What?! What do you want to say to me?!” He closed the distance between you. “That you can’t love me, because you love my brother?” He licked his bottom lip, his eyes were pure madness. “I can’t believe that I’m even surprised. He always gets what he wants-“
Your hand slapped his cheek so hard his head shot on the side.
“Listen to me!” You shouted. “I don’t love Thor!”
“Then why did you kiss him?!”
“Because you left me!” Tears of anger were running down your cheeks and chin. “You left me and I was alone!”
“So you had to kiss the first person that came to your mind?!”
You couldn’t breathe. You didn’t have the answer to that.
“I just want you back in my life.”
He was just looking at you, his hands were clenching and relaxing.
“You were the one who threw me out of it. I did everything for you. And in return you kissed my brother.”
Angrily you wiped the tears away.
“I’m sorry, alright? Just… come back to me.”
“No, it’s not alright. Just because you say you’re sorry won’t change what you did.” He was so hurt you could feel it.
You made a few shaky steps and placed your hands on his chest before looking him in the eye. His jaw was clenched.
“I miss you. I miss my husband.”
You realised that now. How stupid you were. It was so obvious and yet you couldn’t see it. You stood on your toes and pressed your lips onto his. He didn’t move.
“Please…” You whispered. “Let me fall in love with you.”
He squirmed silently, but his body was still tense. He leaned and gently placed his lips on yours. You felt such relief that you almost fell on the ground, but Loki was fast to hold you.
“It won’t be easy.” He raised his eyebrow.
“Well, it’s not like we can get divorce, right?” You laughed and still shaking his head, he kissed you again.
Tag list:  @3nmxnxt3r @arianna-17-11 @blue-sunset-oreo-lover@connor-of-detroit @darkprincessloki92 @fuckythebuckybarnes@frommywindow10 @ginnyweasleysscrunchie @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @jessiejunebug @just-another-loki-fangirl @kneel-before-queen-loki @lokislilslut @malanix @marvel-ous-fics@marvelrose @min-yoongi-my-love @myownviperroom@princerowanwhitethorngalathynius @renownedmeme@superdrysuperfry @terrainhead @vespirin @youare-mysonshine @stxcloudy @1800-fight-me @justasmisunderstoodasloki@inlovewithmrstark @itsmadness-97 @i-think-i-am-adorable@curiousershipper @orchidjjg @curiousershipper @i-think-i-m-adorable​  @curiousershipper​  @orchidjjg​ @captainstartights​ @bluestaratsunrise​ @been-falling-for-thirty-minutes 
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sabine-leo · 5 years
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Author: @sabine-leo
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston / Reader - with Benedict Cumberbatch and Bobby
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Mysterious encounter,
Wordcount: 3142
Part: 4 / ? (aprox 5) LINK TO PART 1 , LINK TO PART 2 , LINK TO PART 3
Summary: A mysterious masquerade ball calls for a enthralling encounter with a handsome stranger.
Note: There will be one more after this to close up this story! 
I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS!! So feel free to hit me with ´em ;)
Thank you to @drakesfiance & @anchored-in-high-tide for giving hints what to include!! <3 
This chapter has text messages. > for incomming < for outgoing
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“Em?!” You said a bit louder for her to hear you inside the store. Emma opened up the curtain of the changing room and peeked inside. “Oh yes! This looks fabulous.” Emma motioned you to turn one time and you did. “Yes, the body is classy and the skirt is a bit more playful. I like it! Maybe add a bolero jacket to it and you are good to go! The navy blue looks good on you.”  
You smiled and said “Thanks Em! You always choose great dresses.”
Emma laughed “That IS actually my superpower…and my job!” She winked and closed the curtain for you to change again. It was Wednesday and you had taken your day off for an overdue day out with your best friend. And while being in the city you also got to shop this cute new dress you probably would wear on Friday. After the texting on Sunday you had gotten texts from Thomas on Monday and Tuesday evening. Something along the lines of. I hope you had a good day. Sleep well. You´d always replied with a smile on your face. It was nice to know that he seemingly thought about you at the end of his day.
 After a nice day out with Em you did a bit of cleaning up at home and hopped into the shower before heading to bed with a book. Before you got engulfed by the story you took your phone and wrote a text.
 < Hello handsome stranger! I hope you had an equally nice day as I today.  (Y/N)
 Smiling to yourself you put the phone on the bedside table and started to read.
 Tom wasn´t even at home yet. He had a dinner with Ben and the Director, talking about the script they both had said yes to. Felling the buzzing of his phone he took the moment as Ben ordered something new to drink to take a quick glance. The smile on his face as he saw that it had been you texting was telling. Ben grinned and nudged him under the table. “Something interesting you want to share?” Tom grinned and shook his head. Ben chuckled quietly and engaged the director in a new conversation. Giving Tom the time to reply quickly.
 >  Still working, but my day just got better reading your text!! Looking forward to Friday!
 Putting away his phone he engaged in the conversation and did not get to read your reply until he was home and in bed. Maybe this was not just the attraction of the night. He really started to enjoy texting with you. Even if it still was somewhat superficial, it felt good. That was why he had the phone in his hands as he lay in bed and wrote.
>  I know it is late but I seem to be unable to go to sleep without saying goodnight to you Darling. If you are already asleep then: Good morning!
 Tom put the phone on his nightstand and drifted off after some minutes. As he woke a bit later than usual the next morning he laughed as a picture of a cup of tea and some words were already waiting for him.
 < Good morning Thomas. A tea for you… Hope you don´t have to work till late in the evening again today…
 Tom smiled and sat up in bed. Yes, it did feel good to text with you. It was easy and lovely.
 Friday finally arrived and after work you took the time to relax in a hot bath and get ready with enough time to spare. Emma couldn´t help herself and came over to help do your hair and just smile at you with a goofy expression on her face. “I know that it probably won´t happen, but if you need me to bail you out just send a text!” Laughing but hugging her you nodded. “You are a very good best friend!” Emma grinned and said. “I know. I am the best!” She winked mockingly and grabbed her stuff. “You are ready and you do look gorgeous. Have fun sweetie!” She kissed your cheek and went home. A last glance into the mirror. The navy-blue dress did look good on you. The soft bolero jacket would keep you warm enough if it got chillier later. Emma had done your hair into an elegant but playful half updo with soft curls hanging out. Just a hint of makeup was enough to make your lovely eyes pop. Taking a last deep breath, you smiled at yourself in the mirror and got your keys and purse.  
It was time to leave.
 Tom had worked half the day making calls and arranging his schedule for the next weeks. Ben came over for some finalizing details before signing the contract and stayed a while longer just to hang out with his friend after everything was done. Somewhere around 5 Tom looked at his watch and said.
“Would you mind taking Bobby into the garden while I take a shower before getting ready for my…”
Tom stopped short as he saw the grin on Bens face. “What?” Ben chuckled. “Finish your sentence first…” Ben said and grinned. Tom rolled his eyes and said. “…my DATE!” Ben wiggled his eyebrows and got a laugh out of Tom. “You FINALLY have a date…Should I braid your hair?” Ben teased. Tom snorted and stood. “Mock me all you want…but take Bobby out first!”
Ben grinned, stood too and went to the garden door. Bobby already following.
“Alright buddy. Tom doesn´t need our help with his hair…let´s go take a pee on his flowers!”
 After a shower Tom stood before his closet in his boxers and pondered. Jeans or Dress pants? Long sleeve or button down? Bobby sneaked in and sat next to Toms feet. Seemingly staring into his closet too. “What do you think buddy…” Bobby just huffed and rested his head on his paws. Tom laughed and took out a Jeans and a navy-blue dress-pants. “First DATE…” came a comment from Ben just now leaning in the doorframe. Tom threw the jeans back into the closet and jumped into the dress-pants.
Next was a white button down and the navy-blue jacket if it got colder or you´d feel cold in the garden. Rolling up the sleeves of the shirt he went for a more casual look with no tie and an open collar. His longer, a little curly hair would dry just like that, combed back. He was a bit nervous about how you would take the revelation that it was him. Maybe you did not know him at all, maybe you had heard his name but could not put a face to it. Either way, he would know in a while.
Tom turned and looked inquiringly at Ben as he was done dressing himself.
Ben smiled and came over to straighten Toms collar. “Handsome devil….just…” He looked as if brooding about something.
 “What? Another shirt? To tight?” Tom sounded unsure. Ben huffed and clapped his shoulders.
“…Do you really not want me to braid your hair?” A big grin spread on Bens face and Tom took in a relieved breath while slapping Bens upper arm. “You dumb git! I am nervous enough. Thank you very much!” Ben laughed and Tom began to laugh too. “Don´t worry Tom, you do look dashing as always. Trust your gut. And mostly ENJOY your date!” Ben said his goodbyes after some more minutes and went home with a smile on his face.
 The walk to Odette´s was relieving some of his tension. He was a bit more than half an hour early to be sure that he was the one waiting for you, not the other way around. He got greeted with a warm welcome and was led into the secret garden. Where normally stood 4 tables now only was one in the middle of the garden. The bench with the soft cushions that went around the whole brick wall waited for the after-dinner hours where you could just sit together and talk in a comfortable way. Tom smiled as he saw the canopy of leaves and entangled wood softly lit with lightbulbs hanging from it.
The table was set for two with a small candle and a single flower. Soft music was quietly playing.
 “I hope you find everything how you wanted it, Mr. Hiddleston!” The manager said and smiled.
“Yes, thank you very much. It looks very pleasant.” Tom shook his hand and hung his jacket on the back of a chair. “Do you want something to drink while you are waiting for your company?”
Tom shook his head. “No, thank you. I will just wait here and we will order together later.”
“Very well. If you need anything, under your table is a little button. Just push it and your waiter will be there shortly. Otherwise you will be undisturbed, just like you wished.”
The manager left, closed the curtains that led back into the restaurant and Tom smiled to himself. Everything looked dreamlike, now he just hoped that his gut feeling was right about you.
 You arrived at Odette´s 10 minutes early and looked around outside. The shops around it were already closed besides the pubs and other restaurants on the street. You waited another 2 minutes but Thomas would probably be inside or assume you´d be inside if he yet had to arrive. Opening the grey door, you stepped in and got soon greeted by a waiter. “How can I be of service?” he asked friendly.  “I don´t know if my company is already here. We wanted to meet at 8. I am not sure under which last name he booked the table. Thomas…” You tried. The waiter smiled warmly. “Ah yes, he is already waiting for you in the garden.” He signed to the manager and stepped aside.
“Welcome at Odette´s. Please, follow me.”
 So, he was here already. It calmed your nerves for that you were now sure you would not be stood up and you liked it when people were on time. On the other hand, you got a little nervous. The manager led you through the sweet and very appealing interior to a thick double curtain. He stopped and turned to you with a smile. “Just a step through there…” He pulled the curtain back just a bit and you thanked him with a warm smile. What awaited you on the other side was too much to take in at once. The light under the canopy, the one table…but your gaze lingered on a tall man standing there with his back to you in a white dress-shirt, sleeves rolled up and hands inside his pants, head tilted upwards. You smiled as you recognized his tall and lean figure and the slightly curly hair.  
The curtain closed again and you just stood there for a second, taking everything in. Your heart pounded like a sledgehammer inside your chest.
 Tom heard his name and he instantly closed his eyes. Savouring the sound of his name from your lips, a smile spreading on his. But that smile only lasted another second. His feelings were in turmoil. He wanted to turn and see you so badly it almost hurt. But on the other hand, he was afraid to turn and face you, see your reaction and pop the bubble he was in for the last week. Tom took a deep breath and gulped heavily. His back was all tense and you could see it pretty obviously through his tight-fitting shirt. “(Y/N)” he said a bit tongue tied. Good god, he felt like walking into an audition and failing before even getting to say something.
 You heard your name but he did not turn…Your stomach dropped a little. Was it to hold up the anticipation of the moment? No, he looked all tense. Was he having second thoughts? Maybe you should just excuse yourself and…
 Tom sighed and tilted his head back. “I… I want to turn and I don´t want to turn at the same time!” He said and one hand pressed against his chest, or so you thought. “God, this was easier with a mask on…” You could not tell why but you had the feeling that he was afraid of what YOU saw when he turned. “Should…should I close my eyes? So.. you can turn and…decide…if…if you want me to open them?”
 Tom huffed a breath out with the start of a chuckle. “Darling. Please don´t think for a second that I won´t like what awaits me when I turn to see you. I am more…dreading... on my behalf.”
It took all of your courage but you closed your eyes and tilted your head down a little. Call it instinct, you had the feeling he needed your help just now. “My eyes…are closed…Thomas…”
 Taking his hands out of his pockets he turned slowly and was blown away by what he saw before him. His heart did a double shift as he smiled and made a step towards you. A hot flash went through his body. You were so beautiful. He tried to memorize your face with every little detail. He knew you had (your eye colour) eyes even though they were closed now. Tom took in a gasping breath. It was easier to calm his nerves now that he saw you. He found the courage he needed and he had you to thank for that. He WANTED you to see him, even if it would pop his bubble! Tom stepped towards you. His eyes could not fix on one particular part of your face. They wandered… Slowly he lifted his hand and his index finger touched your chin. You had felt him coming closer but you could not help the shiver that went through you by his touch.
 “Darling…” Tom started softly, looking down with a slightly tilted head. “Please…open your beautiful (your eye colour) eyes…” His thumb touched your cheek in a feather-light stroke. Your eyes opened slowly and Tom tilted your head upwards in the same moment. A soft but nervous smile spread on your lips. His face was close and a warm but wary smile greeted you, baby blue eyes searching your face for answers you didn´t know the question to. Until you did a second take on his face… you gulped a little. This was…. “Prince Hal!” You gasped with a soft chuckle.
 Tom started to chuckle himself, relieving himself of inheld tension.
“Thomas…or simply Tom would suffice.” He said a bit sheepish and let his hand glide down from your face over your shoulder, down your arm to your hand. You took it the same instant that he reached for yours but still could not believe what you saw and tried to get your senses back. “I am glad you are here, Darling. Sorry for my holding back…” Tom smiled and took a deep breath. You did not squeal or faint or his biggest worry, run at the sight of him.
 “The mask hid you very well Thomas. I could tell you were handsome but I could not have guessed who was underneath…” You had found your voice again at least. There you stood, opposite of each other still holding hands and looking into beautiful eyes. Tom took your other hand into his too.
He smiled at your handsome remark. Yeah, it maybe was a bit vain but he was glad to hear it from you because he thought you were outstandingly beautiful.
“Well, who is underneath that mask…?” He asked quietly and watched you intensely.
 You smiled and tilted your head. “I see Thomas…” You said and blushed a little. “And who is he to you?” Tom nearly whispered. You looked into his beautiful blue orbs and honestly said. “I don´t know yet. All I know is, that he is a very good dancer, fun to take pictures with and a reasonable friend who helps his friends to get home when they had a little too much fun.” Tom started to smile brightly.
“Oh… and I might need to add that I liked his texts in the evening or morning...”   A deep chuckle left Tom and he shook his head lightly. “I do have the urge to hug you…to make sure you are really here and I did not mess up in an epic way just now!” He said honestly and as you did not seem to have inhibitions, he just embraced you in his arms, taking in a deep breath. God, you smelled so wonderful to him and you felt wonderful in his arms too!
 Toms warm embrace, his very nice smelling cologne mixed with his very own scent made you a bit lightheaded for a second. He held on for a bit longer than a usual greeting hug. As he pulled back slowly, he dropped a chaste kiss on your cheek and smiled at you. “Still want to have dinner with me?” A bubbly laugh escaped you and you nodded. “If you´ll have me, Thomas…”
Tom grinned and took just one hand of yours into his and twirled you 2 times, sending your playful skirt flying. “Are you kidding? Such a lovely and very, VERY beautiful company is all I wished for the whole week!” Tom led you to the table and only let go of your hand to pull your chair back.
He sat down to your left side and breathed in deeply.
 “To be truthful, I was quite scared about this meeting. As you probably could tell…” He said honestly and took your hand into his on the table.  Smiling you nodded in understanding. “I get why, but maybe we could just be ourselves with each other.” Tom smiled “I´d love nothing more!”
You had deflected his angst, his uncertainty and he, with one glance from his truthful eyes and his honest words, had made you feel safe and happy that you had the courage to help him find his.
He let his thumb brush over your hand. You shivered a little and said with closed eyes. “And just to let you know. If I blush or stumble over my words it is not because of what you do for a living…”
 Tom raised an eyebrow. “But?”
You opened your eyes and looked at your entwined hands. “Do I need to say it out loud?”  
He grinned mischievous and nodded. You were back to how you had been at the Masquerade with each other. Playful, honest and flirtatious.
You rolled your eyes and grinned. “Nope. Not doing it!” Tom chuckled and said very low and rumbling. “Please….Darling…” You just shook your head fervently. Now Tom full out laughed, but leaned in closer and said.
 “Would you just reveal it now…or should I start teasing it out of you?”  
And for everyone interested: Odettes exists. this is the link to their secret garden: http://odettesprimrosehill.com/secret-garden
Tags: @lokilover-39 @clarakainda @archy3001 @amazinggraces-world @tanishahka @coniumalces @drakesfiance @confessionsofastrugglingteen @inlovewithfreyamikaelson @heart-shaped-hell @theoneanna @marikochi @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @awkwardfangirl2014 @rainbowsinthestorm @anchored-in-high-tide @cherrehismeh
90 notes · View notes
svtmatokis · 6 years
Jihoon Office AuP3
Happy Monday everyone! The latest Seventeen comeback has me literally rolling in feels and Jihoon is straight dominating this comeback (and my bias wrecker list) so I had a lot of inspiration to write this next chapter so I hope you enjoy!
This chapter will feature a special guest and our antagonist so look out for who it is ;)
Pairing: Eventual youxJihoon
Genre: Suggestive content not smut / Romance / Angst
Words: 3629
Part: 1 - 2 - 3
“Awfully comfortable aren’t we?”
The sound of Joshua’s voice woke Jihoon up from his  slumber.
“What are you talking about?” he asked tiredly rubbed his eyes. It took him a few moments to realize that you were still sleeping on his chest. Those pain medications were definitely doing their job since you didn’t even flinch when Jihoon carried you into the guest bedroom and tucked you in.
Closing the door he turned to face Joshua who was sitting on the couch waiting for an answer.
“We settled in and started watching a movie.” Jihoon explained in a simple manner. “The pain came back and she took her prescriptions and they knocked her out.”
Joshua contemplated Jihoon’s words and seemed to accept his explanation sinceto he started talking to Jihoon about the work schedule.
“Cheol’s coming back in two days and Wonwoo and Jeonghan will finish the conference on their own. He said that Y/N has the week off but shouldn’t be alone.”
“That’s fine, I intend on working from home this week anyways.” Jihoon said automatically while looking at his personal calendar on his phone.
Joshua looked up at Jihoon from his own calendar in slight shock. Jihoon never missed a day at the office He wasn’t a big fan of working from home since he had a tendency to get calls from his assistants every hour or his assistant would go missing for the day since he wasn’t there.
“I don’t have anything urgent this week except to prepare for that client introduction meeting the week after so it’ll be a good time to reorganize my home office.” he continued.
“Are you sure?” Joshua asked. He had no problem with Jihoon working from home for the week since Seungcheol would be back in two days and was sure that he’d be at the office.
Jihoon nodded his head,”Plus, Y/N might need something and the doctor did say someone had to be watching over her. The office will be fine.” he said dismissively.
“Okay then sounds like a plan.” Joshua said and the two boys decided to order dinner just in case you woke up and Jihoon prepared your next set of prescriptions.
Joshua observed how Jihoon took the time to prepare everything for you and going as far as to put the porridge they bought for you in a pot so he could heat it up when you woke up. You didn’t eat much that morning so he was sure that you’d be hungry and he was right.
Joshua found it interesting that Jihoon attended to you in a way that he had never seen before. Jihoon was a person who wouldn’t do anything unless it gave him benefit. When you woke up, Jihoon put the porridge on the stove and prepared a tray for you so you could eat with them in the living room. Since when did Jihoon start caring about you so much?
He then thought back to first few days when you would go out for lunch together. Towards the end of each meal, you made sure to get take out and he assumed that you were buying dinner for yourself but found it odd that you did it every single day. It wasn’t till the one time he walked into Jihoon’s office to deliver a report that he saw him eating the very same meal you had bought during lunch.
He then confirmed his suspicions when he followed you your desk one day and saw you put the plastic bag on Jihoon’s desk. Joshua suspected that Jihoon knew that you were leaving the mystery lunches on his desk and this was a his way of repaying the favor. He also suspected that there was something more than meets the eye when it came to Jihoon’s feelings for you but he would continue to observe for now.
The first few days living with Jihoon had been slightly awkward but at the same time, the two of you fell into a routine that worked for you. Jihoon would work in his office for a few hours a day and then come out to the living room and join you in whatever you were doing.
You would play games, watch movies or debate over current events. Jihoon had managed to learn quite a lot about you in two days. It seemed that the more comfortable you were, the more open you would be and Jihoon was happy that he was someone that you felt that with.
The day Seungcheol came back, he was at Jihoon’s apartment right away and had to speak with you urgently.
Closing the door to the guest bedroom, you and Seungcheol sat on your bed.
“What did you find out?” you asked in a whisper. What you didn’t know was that Jihoon was on the other side of the door, trying to listen in the conversation. But Seungcheol,who knew Jihoon well responded.
“He doesn’t know that you’re back.”
You were confused, “But then the attack a few days ago…”
“Was a total fluke. The person was hired a long time ago and was determined to complete. The police said that you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Seungcheol leaned forward and touched your hand, “Don’t worry. My father sent some of his men to watch over your parents and I have men stationed around your apartment. It won’t be long till they find out you’re back.” he sighed but said no more.  Jihoon probably had a lot of questions now and he was sure that he was going to have to answer to them. Surprisingly though, it never came. Jihoon had been busy preparing for a major client introductory meeting and planned on confronting Seungcheol after that. He knew that it would keep Seungcheol on his toes at the office. But he was worried about you. Despite acting like everything was okay, he could tell you were on edge about something but didn’t want to ask you about it till he spoke with Seungcheol.
A week later you were finally allowed to return to work and Seungcheol was watching you like a hawk. You knew that you were in potential danger and thanked the heavens that your parents were currently touring various States right now and were on a constant move. You contemplated staying with them in the States but you truly missed Korea and your friends here so ultimately, despite knowing the dangers you came back and took Seungcheol up on his offer that landed you in your current position.
You knew that Jihoon had his client introduction meeting today so you took extra time to get ready so you looked more professional and also to make a good impression on the client.  You were still staying with him at his apartment and today he had left earlier so he could go to the office to prepare.
When you got in, you saw that his door was closed which meant he was probably with the client already so you made sure to tidy up your desk. You then started to catch up on the work you missed from the week you were away which was quite a bit. Thankfully Jihoon had gone through your list and labeled his priorities which made your organization much easier.
The click of the door brought you out of your work mode and you stood up when you saw Jihoon walk out holding the door open.
“It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Min and please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions about the portfolio.” he said as the client’s walked out and instantly you could feel the blood drain from your face.
“Thank you Jihoon and you know it’s Yoongi. I’ve heard good things from Jungkook so I’ll be sure to review the portfolio thoroughly and we’ll set up another meeting soon.”  the client said and stopped short as your eyes met. You could see a slight look of shock cross his features but he concealed it quickly with a smile.
“Of course.” Jihoon said with a bow before noticing you. “Oh Y/N, I thought you’d be in this afternoon.” he then turned to Yoongi whose eyes had not left you. “Yoongi, this is my assistant Y/N. Y/N, this is Min Yoongi. He’s a referral from a close friend of ours, Jungkook of Bangtan Corp.”
You eyed Yoongi warily as a smirk made it’s way to his lips, “Long time no see.” he said as Jihoon turned to look at you in shock. You could not believe he just said that. You were prepared deny that you knew him but the look in his eyes told you to do otherwise.
“I apologize, but do you two know each other?” Jihoon’s voice cut through your current staring contest.
Yoongi nodded his head, “Our families run in the same social circle and I’ve had the pleasure of of associating with Ms. Y/N on various occasions.” he licked his lips and you knew the look on his face. You suddenly had a temptation to make an excuse to leave but heard a chime from your cell phone signaling a text from Seungcheol.
SC -Good morning~
Y/N - He knows I’m back.
Y/N - I’m at my desk…
“Actually, if you don’t mind Jihoon. I would love to take Y/N out for coffee to catch up.” Yoongi requested turning to face Jihoon, “The last time we saw each other was at her engagement party to Choi Seungcheol years ago.”
Your face paled completely and you shot a look at Yoongi whose smirk seemed to deepen. You looked at Jihoon whose face held complete shock but he quickly masked it up.
“Of course, Y/N, please be back by eleven for the weekly briefing.” Jihoon said with a nod. He had a mission of his own. He needed to talk to Seungcheol.
“Perfect.” Yoongi said and motioned for you to join him.
“Are you sure Mr. Lee?” you asked. “ I did miss a week after all. I should be catching up.”
“No it’s okay.. Enjoy catching up with your old friend.” he said dismissively and walked down the hall towards the other managers offices.
Yoongi then once again turned to look at you with hunger in his eyes, “Shall we?” he asked offering his hand which you refused and made your way to the elevator.
After you pushed the button, you were pulled back as Yoongi whispered in your ear in a stern voice, “I would cooperate with me if I were you.” he sang as his arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer against him. You tried not to outwardly cringe as he nuzzled your neck lightly and chuckled. “This was almost too easy.”
As you exited the building, you weren’t aware certain guardian angels were watching over you and followed you to your new destination.
Meanwhile, Jihoon ran into Seungcheol as he was headed in the the opposite direction towards your office area and stopped him half way.
“Seungcheol, can we speak in myo office? It’s very important.”
“Not now JIhoon.” Seungcheol said as if brushing him off and continued on his path caushing Jihoon to chase him.
“No, I believe now would be an appropriate time.”  Jihoon said sternly as Seungcheol replied.
“I have urgent matters to deal with right now, JIhoon.”
His heart dropped when he saw that your desk area was empty and turned to look at Jihoon.
“Where’s Y/N?” he asked in a voice of authority. The tone catching Jihoon off guard.
“She’s out with a client and will return at eleven. Now I believe we need to have a word.” Jihoon said again and Seungcheol shook his head.
“I need to find Y/N.” Seungcheol said and Jihoon almost yelled but managed to lower his voice.
“When were you going to tell us that you and Y/N were engaged?”
That stopped Seungcheol completely in his tracks and JIhoon motioned to his office. “Shall we?” and Seungcheol reluctantly agreed.
“What are you not telling us.” Jihoon demanded as he leaned against his desk while Seungcheol sat in his desk chair. “What is going on? You’ve been silent since Y/N was attacked and no ones talking about the police investigation and you know I heard your conversation in her bedroom when you came back from the conference.”
“How did you know Y/N and I were engaged?” Seungcheol asked.
“Are you guys?” Jihoon asked with a raised eyebrow and Seungcheol  shook his head.
“Formally. We wanted to marry for love.” he said hoping the answer would satisfy him.
“So it was an arranged marriage.”Jihoon stated.
“Something along those lines.” Seungcheol said, “Which client did Y/N go out with?”
“A new client. Min Yoongi. He was referred to us from Jungkook... “ Jihoon said as Seungcheol suddenly got up and ran out of Jihoon’s office.
“Seungcheol?” he followed him as Seungcheol got to the elevator trying to keep his cool. He had one mission right now and it was to find you.
Seungcheol looked down at his phone and saw a text from Jeonghan with an attached photo of you and Yoongi sitting in a booth of one of the higher end coffee shops.
JH  - Since when did Min Yoongi associate with those below him?  He looks awfully comfortable with Y/N
SC - which cafe
JH - the one one where we take the clients we need to suck up to
SC - got it
Yoongi had placed your orders and ensured to order lunch to prolong his time with you. He could not believe his lucky stars. He had received a photo from a contact showing your arrival back in Seoul and set out to find you. Who knew it would be as easy as running into you at your place of employment as the assistant of a potential business advisor.
“Such a shame you’re wearing pants.” he whispered as his thumb ran circles on your thigh where his hand rested to hold you in place. “Have you...thought about the current offer?”
“My answer still stands.” you stated thanking the waiter who dropped off your drinks. “Why would it change otherwise?”
“Simple, I know that you and Seungcheol broke off your engagement”  he said as he squeezed your thigh trying to get a reaction out of you before raising it higher.
“Min Yoongi.” you said in a stern voice and moved his hand away quickly and glared at him.
“Remember when I said to cooperate?” he asked in a low voice his hand going back to your thigh and squeezing it tighter. “You’re fair game now. Just because your mother managed to escape does not mean that you can too. Had she married my father-”
“You would not exist.” you said and moved further away from him but the hand that was on your thigh wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to him. “Min Yoongi behave.”
“I am behaving. Why do you think I got the private booth?” his hand massaged the space between your pants and shirt. “Now, you know our families belong together. Your mother was supposed  to marry my father but instead she ran away with that commoner-”
“That commoner is my father and they are very much in love thank you very much.” you snapped and tried to remove his arm from around you with no success.
“Yea and she lost her family fortune when she went into hiding.” he snickered. “You know that if you aren’t engaged by the end of the year, your grandfather is going to sign the contract that binds our families together.” he scoffed, “I still can’t believe that old man refuses to sign it until your twenty-fifth birthday.”
“And I have every intention of disabling that contract so don’t get your hopes up” you shot as Yoongi laughed.
“By what? Getting engaged to someone in the upper crust in six months? Oh please Y/N, everyone knew that your engagement to Cheol was fake and with my father doing whatever it takes to have our families together.” he reached into his pocket and took out a box.
“How about we spare everyone the headache and just make it official now?” the box opened to reveal a ring that that had a large heart diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds.
“Are you crazy?” you snapped at him getting up this time and he glared at you.
“I’m leaving.”  you said grabbing your coat and he grabbed your arm. “I appreciate the coffee and lunch Mr. Min.”
“You are staying.” he said, “You don’t want your boss to lose a client do you?” He challenged and the comment made you shut up. You knew Jihoon had prepared long and hard for this proposal and you suddenly felt yourself sucking up your pride and listening.
Before Yoongi said anything more,a voice rang in your ears.
Turning around you were relieved to see Jeonghan and Joshua standing on the other side of the booth.
“Jeonghan, Joshua, what are you guys doing here?”  you asked as Yoongi put on a polite smile.
“Brunch meeting.” the two answered simultaneously.
“Taking an early lunch? I didn’t think Jihoon would let you do that.” Jeonghan said as you gave them a tight smile.
“Sorry, where are your manners Y/N?” Yoongi’s voice cut in as he stood. “It’s a pleasure to see you again Jeonghan, Joshua. I hope you don’t mind, I had a meeting with Jihoon and ran into Y/N. We haven’t seen each other in a while so I offered to take her out for lunch to catch up.” he said he shook both their hands.
“Oh...that explains it” Jeonghan said with a nod of his head and noted how uncomfortable you looked, “Well, Y/N, I just got a text from Seungcheol stating that he needs you back at the office regarding as assignment. We’re headed there too so shall we go together?”
“Of course” you said automatically as Joshua met your eye and you knew that something was up, “I am so sorry Yoongi but we’ll have to finish catching up some other time. Once again, thank you for the coffee and lunch.” you said politely with a fake smile.
“Do you mind giving us five minutes to finish up?” Yoongi asked and much to your dismay, Jeonghan and Joshua nodded their heads.
“We’ll meet you outside Y/N” Joshua said as he and Jeonghan went back to their table to finish up.
Pulling you down next to him again, Yoongi nuzzled your neck as you struggled to get away, “Such a shame that our time got cut short.but I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon. Consider my offer Y/N.”
“You know I never will because I-”
“You don't love me. I know I know...but your family holds such a large fortune that I’m sure I can find ways to make you love me.” he said with a wink standing up once he settled the bill.
He pulled you close and kissed the corner of your lips, “You can’t run Y/N...I know where you work.” and with that he was off once he saw something in the distance.
Turning around you saw Seungcheol and Jihoon running towards you and the moment Seungcheol wrapped his arms around you, your body relaxed.
“Are you okay?” he asked noticing the tenseness of your body.
“I’m fine...he’s just as persistent as ever…” you muttered looking in the direction Yoongi went in.
A throat cleared behind you two as Jeonghan, Joshua and Jihoon stood there looking at you expectantly and you let out a sigh knowing that it was time to answer a lot of questions.
Jihoon didn’t know how to feel at the moment. He had so many questions to ask and also saw when Yoongi pulled you to him for a kiss and for some odd reason, it made his blood boil on the inside and he had the urge to wipe away any trace of Yoongi’s hands that were on you but quickly shook that thought away. Why would he be feeling that emotion? It’s not he was into you...was he?
Thinking back to the first week you had met, he had to admit that he was somewhat attracted to you. You were smart and no doubt beautiful but you were also a hard worker too which he found amazing. He liked your sense of humor and how caring you were towards him and the others and he knew that seeing you with Yoongi made him upset.
‘Shit I like Y/N” Jihoon muttered to himself as he heard Joshua snicker beside him.
“About time you admitted it.” he smirked before tuning into the conversation Seungcheol and Jeonghan were having.
“I really think you need to explain things to us. We’ve waited since the night of Y/N’s attack and the two of you have stayed quiet this whole time.” Jeonghan said. “Now how does Y.N know Yoongi and why was he so comfortable around her? Isn’t Y/N from a commoners family?”
“It’s….a long story,,.” you said looking down.
“Let’s go back to my apartment. We have all day.” Jihoon said his tone held finality. He wanted answers and he was going to get them today. He wanted to know everything, the history between you and Yoongi, the story behind your engagement to Seungcheol and more importantly, why was Yoongi so dangerous that Seungcheol dropped everything to get to you?
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elliemarchetti · 7 years
The Deal part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Other Harry Potter fics:
Somewhere to Start (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
Slytherin!Hermione AU (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
The Polaroids The Sixth and Seventh Polaroids 
Words: 2155
Since Draco had broken his arm, Hermione had become someway his caregiver: she carried around his bag, did his homework and helped him in all those activities that otherwise would’ve been more difficult for him, and not because she have to do it, but because she felt terribly guilty; of course she had probably saved him from a much more serious damage, but it was her who had cast the Depulso spell on him. Since he had been taken to the infirmary, on Monday morning, he had lost at least two really important lessons, but Hermione had taken care to take notes for him during Potions and to pass on her notes of History of Magic, so that he doesn’t have to recover. In the days when he was absent from classes she had always gone to visit him, both alone and accompanied, partly to be forgiven, partly because she lacked his constant presence around, but see him in the classroom, halfway through that Thursday morning, was a real relief: he entered swaggered into the dungeon, his right arm covered in bandages and bound up in a sling, looking like the heroic survivor of some dreadful battle. Snape greeted him with a grunt, and Draco sat next to Hermione, who shared the worktable with Harry and Ron, in absence of her usual companion.
“How is it, Draco?” simpered Hermione “Does it hurt much?”
Draco rolled his eyes: “As I already told you four hours ago, I’m fine, I’m not about to die. I have to keep this thing for at least a week more but it’s not as bad as it seemed, but you already know this too, because you’re stubborn and you stood here while Madame Pomfrey treated me.”
Hermione just smiled, but didn’t answer, cutting the daisy’s roots for him too.  They were making a new potion, a Shrinking Solution, and it required a lot of precision. She was skinning Draco’s shrivelfig when she noticed Neville’s potion: it was totally wrong, and he must’ve forgotten that, in this case, the caterpillar head was used, since two insects’ heads stood on the table. Everything became even worst, however, when he added too much wormwood infusion. Hermione couldn’t quite stop him, and watched his potion change abruptly, shift from acid green to orange.
“Don’t tell me you want to help that whiny pig.” Draco said, trying to juice the leeches for both of them, in hope to be useful. The girl glared at him, but he ignored her.
“You know Neville’s my friend.” she said, hoping to make him understand his mistake.
“I also know that that potion has to be completely redone, in order to make it at least acceptable.” Draco noted, calmly. He was right, and Hermione knew it, so she wasn’t amazed by Snape’s outburst when he realized the mistake.
“What do I have to do to make you understand, Longbottom?“ he asked, as a closure. Neville didn’t answered, and everybody in the class stood silent, looking at the poor boy.
“Maybe pair him with someone competent could be a great start.” said Hermione. She knew she had just signed her own death sentence, that even Draco’s presence wouldn’t stop her professor’s fury, but she didn’t cared as long as he stopped yelling at Neville, whose face was as pale as a rag
“And who would you suggest, Granger? Yourself?” he asked, in a derogatory tone. A defiant smile was painted on her lips. If that man wanted war, he would have.
“Actually, I was thinking of Theodore, who’s working with Blaise, even if they’re both particularly fond of the subject, while neither Neville nor Lily seem to know what you’re talking about, Sir.” Hermione finished, throwing a meaningful glance at Theodore, who seemed about to want to put his head in the cauldron and drown himself with his perfect potion.
“I think she’s right.” Draco agreed. “I would offer myself as a volunteer but unfortunately with the broken arm I would be of little help.”
Snape seemed to evaluate the issue more than he should, and even had to realize that the whole class was staring at him, wondering why he hadn’t yet agreed to that brilliant suggestion.
“And so be it,” Snape hissed, annoyed. “But I will take five points from Gryffindor for your insolence.” he sentenced, but the girl didn’t care: she would raise the score once the potion was over and Snape was renowned for trying to favor his House in all ways, even the less orthodox ones.
“Why did you help me?” Hermione asked as she hurriedly put away her books and Draco’s. They were alone in the basement, and not even Snape had taken care to keep an eye on them: he probably thought that his pupil would never steal anything from his classroom. Maybe it was true, maybe not; Hermione had never asked Draco to steal something for her.
“You care about that guy, and I was rude, I wanted you to forgive me.” he answered quietly. Since they had quarreled, two weeks before, her friend seemed more comfortable talking about his feelings. “Besides, I don’t want the only professor who favors me to be accused of Neville’s death only because the boy has a delicate heart.” added Draco, to lighten the mood. Hermione punched him on the healthy shoulder and they left the classroom laughing but her mood changed abruptly a couple of hours later, when she was in her room, studying for the theoretical Potions test Snape planned for next Tuesday, when she noticed that she took Draco’s book and gave Draco hers. She was ready to get up and go to the dungeons to find him when a white piece of paper dropped on the floor. It was hidden between the pages, and Hermione certainly didn’t have the right to read it, but it was a too great temptation. It took little to realize that it was a letter from his parents. He must have been his father to write, but he always spoke for his wife as well, as if the family were something impossible to separate.
Although we are more than satisfied with your grades, and we are grateful that your arm is slowly healing, we cannot ignore that it was a Muggleborn to hurt you that way, nor can we overlook the fact that you so shamelessly lied to us: did you believe that no one would come to tell us how things really went? In any case, we will take serious measures. We have already started to talk to the principal, although I am sure that the old man isn’t going to listen to us. For your own good, and for that of the good name of the family, we ask you, again, to stop attending certain poor companies that don’t fit at all with your rank and your blood status. If you continue with this policy, you leave us no choice but to send you to Durmstrang next year. Igor will understand the reasons of our choice and will be able to guide you in the best way. We rely on your common sense.
Hermione was speechless. For the rest of the afternoon she couldn’t do anything except turn that letter in her hands, as if reading it endlessly could change the meaning of those words. What should she have done different? And should she tell him she knew or she should remain silent and enjoy the last moments together? Perhaps, if only she had stayed away from him, his parents would’ve allowed him to stay and they could’ve had a few moments stolen here and there over the years: it wasn't exactly how Hermione had imagined things would’ve gone, but it was better than nothing. She was brooding for so long that she barely noticed that Ginny had entered the room to call her for dinner. In the Great Hall, Hermione tried to avoid the look of her friend who kept trying to get her attention throughout the dinner and had to run away before the end to prevent him from approaching her but the worst part was the night, after Ginny had sent her a note from the boy, who wanted to know what he had done wrong; Hermione hadn’t the faintest idea how to answer him and she wondered if it would’ve been better if she hadn't done it at all, although Draco deserved an explanation. The next day, with deep circles around her eyes, that were tired and a little reddened by tears, Hermione confronted him in the Great Hall, handed him back his Potions book and told him to stay away from her, although knowing that those would be the last words they would exchange broke her heart more than she would’ve believed. For a couple of days he tried to face her, looking for a motivation that he should’ve given himself, but she was always surrounded by her housemates, that hardly seemed to have noticed her pain, too happy that she had abandoned their worst enemy’s company.
“Finally! I thought you would never ditch him!” Ron said to her one day and although he had been more insensitive than usual, she merely smiled sadly, too tired to respond. Harry, who instead noticed that something was wrong, gave him a dirty look and for that small gesture Hermione was grateful to him, until she found Draco in the deserted Common Room, waiting for her. She didn't even have to ask who had brought him in or pretended not to know why he was there, because he held the letter in his hands, so they sat together in front of the extinguished fireplace, a sign that school was about to end.
“Did you really believe that my parents' threats would somehow stop me?” he asked, looking for her gaze. Hermione couldn’t stand what she knew she would read in his icy eyes, so she stared stubbornly at the floor, until the silence reached out long enough to make her understand that Draco wouldn’t add anything else till she answered him.
“I knew you wouldn't stop, so I had to do it! Do you think I wouldn't want things to come back like before? Do you think I wouldn't spend my time with you rather than in my room or with Harry and Ron? Do you know they do nothing but talk about Quidditch and treat me as if I bother them? Yet I remain there, and I’ll continue to do so, because if you continue to spend time with me sooner or later you’ll have to leave and I’ll be alone and I don't think I could bear your absence once I’m alone.” she blurted out, and the words came out like a flood, breaking through the fragile banks that she had so carefully built in those days. Even the tears began to press down on her eyes, but she forced herself to hold them, not for Draco but for the curious who leaned over both corridors that faced the dormitories. Out of the corner of her eye she recognized Fred's face, which didn’t seem happy with the turn things were taking, or perhaps only with seeing Malfoy in his territory. Recently the most outgoing of the twins had begun to behave strangely with her, as if desperately looking for a way to get her attention; if only she could like his company as she liked Draco's, she and her closest friend wouldn't have found each other entertained on that conversation.
“Hermione, you’re not alone and you’ll never be, not only because I won’t leave but also because you have Pansy, Millicent and Lily who love you and would do anything for you, including hitting me with a book, which happened a few days ago, since they were convinced that I had made you change your mind about the whole House.” he said, snatching her a little laugh. She could already imagine the scene and she knew that, despite her stature, it was Pansy who hit him. “We don't care what House you’re in or who your parents are, you’re one of us and you will always remain, got it?”
She nodded but it didn't solve the problem with his parents.
“It’ll take time, especially for my father, but he’ll understand your worth. Now, if you agree, could you come with me to the dungeons since Theodore threaten to kill me if I hadn't come to apologize for whatever I did?”
Hermione nodded, wondering if this was his way of telling her that his friends weren't aware of the contents of the letter.
“And what about that?” she asked, looking at the letter still in his hand, just before taking the stairs that led to the door hidden by the portrait. He crumpled it and threw it into one of the Common Room trash can but he couldn’t have made a bigger mistake.
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sugirandom · 7 years
365 days of writing: day 188
Day 188: Imposing
           Good afternoon, this morning was the same as usual. I spent some time online and did a little bit of walking around the house before I watched some YouTube videos on my watch later queue. I finally got a hold of the foot doctor that gave me my antifungal medicine or at least their office and the secretary told me to wait and talk to the doctor before I continue my antifungal medicine. I watched an episode of Law and Order SVU at lunchtime and then played the Sims 4 for a little while. My main sim became an old lady and I actually played till the end of her life span. Her son, Franklin is now a teenager and sadly is now living alone but I’m pretty sure once your sim is a teenager they won’t have child protective services take them away. It seems like a sort of dramatic situation now but he’s 10 days away from being an adult so it shouldn’t be that bad.
   I’ve also been talking to Lara off and on but I think she’s probably at work now and I’m sure she’ll message me back in the evening. I found out she likes playing the Sims as well so it’s good to know we have another thing in common. I don’t think she currently watches Anime even though she said that she used to but at least we both like traveling and watching TV. I don’t remember if we have similar interest in music or not. Since I listen to so much foreign music I’m kinda used to not finding many people with similar taste.
           Of course, I watched two episodes of Dragon Ball just now and I have two more episodes left of the King Piccolo Saga. At this point Goku is pretty much OP and I get to watch everyone’s shock and I don’t really feel any shock at all lol. Oh well, I’m still entertained by it and I’m forever waiting for Jr. to show up.  As I’m writing this I have Spotify on shuffle and it was playing a recording from one of the Ayumi Hamasaki concerts I saw back in 2013 which was actually her 15 year anniversary tour so it made me pretty nostalgic. I don’t know if I’ll be able to make her 20th year anniversary at all but I certainly want to try and think it would be unreal to have been to both the 15th and 20th anniversary. If I don’t make it I’m sure I’ll be able to make another milestone anniversary concert of hers one day. The fact that she invites Gackt to her concerts every now and then means I might actually get to see Gackt on stage one day too. I honestly have no idea how to get concert tickets for his shows so Ayu might be my only hope of seeing Gackt on a stage in person lol.
           Well, I have to go to mom’s house to feed the cats again after Poppy gets home from work and it’s rainy out so I’m not really looking forward to it. I also have to bring their mail in and roll the recycling bin back to the house but she assured me it would be light. I’m on lifting restrictions for a few more weeks unless the doctor says otherwise on Monday. I still get into feeling moody or a bit worried but I try to push that away and remind myself that I’ll feel back to normal soon enough. I’ll try to focus on my goals for after I’ve recovered from this whole thing and not get bogged down. I’m going to get another T shot tomorrow so I’m hoping that helps with the drop in mood and maybe that might even help me feel a little better since I’m probably low on hormones in general at the moment.
           I’m not really sure what we’re doing after that point. Poppy has to take me grocery shopping either tonight or tomorrow night since she’ll be going away for a week starting Sunday morning with the person she might have spending the night on Satuday, which she still doesn’t know for sure by the way, I’m not really over that but I don’t really have any choice in the matter and I keep trying to tell myself it’s only for a few more months. I have a friend from online who’s curenttly in Japan and says she might come stay at my place when she visits the Kansai region but I don’t really feel like I know her well enough for that so I might just have to bite the bullet and tell her no since we’d be meeting in person for the first time so the idea of her staying at my apartment is horrifying. She claims to be an introvert too but doesn’t seem to realize how much anxiety she caused me by stating that. Yes, not asking but stating that she might stay over. What the hell? I realize it’s probably a lot cheaper for her to do that but like…really? It sort of feels like I’m being used.
           Anyway, I guess I’ll figure that out when the time comes. I don’t know why people can’t just let me live my life comfortably. When I get into that thought I almost fall into thinking I’m better off alone than with a partner since there are so many people who just impose like that but I’m trying to fight the urge to get into that frame of mind. I just think people aren’t as respectful as they used to be. I guess I sound like an old man right now ha ha. I’m done for now…I’ve already written a lot.
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minimin1993 · 5 years
S/M 51
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Warning: SMUT.. 18+ Skip till ********* if you dont want to read smut ^^ otherwise there is a story line afterward.
After the funeral, Min was on her way back to California. She walked inside her house finding Sebastian sitting on the couch waiting for her. 
“Welcome home Princess.” He said walking over to Min hugging her tightly. “I miss you so much.” 
“I miss you too Sebastian, I miss you so much.” She said pulling his face down kissing him passionately. “I want you, I need to feel that you’re here with me. Please.”
He lifted her up and walked her over to the couch still kissing her. Once he dropped her on the couch they both shed their clothes quickly before he pushed her down on her back. 
“No foreplay. I need you now.” She said guiding his hard cock into her waiting cunt. He thrust in hard making her arch her back moaning loudly. He knew what she needed and didn’t wait for her to adjust to him before pounding her into the couch. 
“Who do you belong to babygirl?” He asked placing his hand on her neck squeezing feeling her drag her nails down his back. 
“Fuck! Sebastian. I belong to you!” She said pulling him closer to her.
“That’s right. You belong to me! Don’t fucken forget that.” He said pounding her deep until he pulls out turning her around on her hands and knees thrusting back in again. He slapped her ass hard setting a buising pace. 
“Use me Sebastian.” She begged feeling him push her head into the couch pulling both her arms behind her back using it as leverage pounding harder into her making her scream in pleasure. 
“Fuck! Baby girl just like that. This pussy is fucken heaven. Mine.” He said leaning down on top of her biting her neck. 
“I am going to cum Sebastian.” She said feeling him bit neck harder. 
“Cum for me. Let me have it.” He said rutting hard into her until she came hard on him. 
“Oh fuck! YES! FUCK!” He said feeling her walls fluttering clenching his cock hard milking his orgasm into her. 
“Fuck I love you so much Min.” He said turning her face to kiss her gently feeling her clenching her cunt around his softening cock. He turns them on their side slowly getting semi hard, he slowly thrusts back in and out of her making her moan into the kiss. 
“Fuck princess” He said hard again before lifting her leg up and slowly rub her clit with his hand as he slowly makes love to her.
“Baby look at me.” He demanded as she opens her eyes staring back at him with so much love.
“I love you too Sebastian. So fucken much.” She said to him not breaking eye contact. 
“Come with me babygirl please.” He begged her rubbing her clit furiously until she came again with him not far behind her.
 The year 2018 practically flew by quicker then the pair would have liked but the year was nothing but eventful, Sebastian had landed three more movies to make lined up with each other. He was going to deny one not wanting to be away from Min for that long but she encouraged him to go ahead, of course she would miss him dearly but they made the relationship going. Phone calls, text messages, video calls almost daily, even gone to the length of surprising each other in person catching red eye flights to just spend a few hours together. The pair had of course gone together to the premiere of Avenger Infinity War, promoting the movie was fun and the fans were so pissed when they found out Bucky got dusted and what happened to Linda afterward.
Min had finished her album and was currently on a small world tour promoting her music. Everything was going great, until someone got a few pictures of Min and Jennie together even one was of them kissing when they were still together and leaked it to the world causing an uproar in both fandoms. Jennie had gone and debuted in a group called Blackpink and lets say the BLINKs were shocked was an understatement. YG Entertainment was not happy with what had happened but they decided to do a press conference regarding the situation since Jennie was suppose to release a solo soon. 
“So we gathered everyone here today to go over the recent picture that had been released of an ex-member of Mystic and current Marvel star MinYoung and BlackPink’s Jennie. We have contacted both parties involved and found out that the 2 girls were involved in a romantic a few years back but have agreed to a mutual split. We hope you all please don’t send hate to the 2 girls and continue to support them.”
Min was currently spending time with Sebastian where he was filming Monday since she had a week off before she flies to Asia to start her next chapter of Tour.
“Since this scandal I think we should go public soon.” Sebastian said out of nowhere when they were cuddling in bed watching a movie.  
“You want to go public?” “Yeah I do, to be honest I been wanting to go public about our relationship for a while now.” 
“You know what is funny, I am surprised that it wasn’t a picture of us that got leaked. We weren’t exactly hiding our relationship.” She said making Sebastian laugh 
“True, but I think it's cause we always been together since 2010 so they might just think we best friends as this point since we both had a few public relationships.” “How about we wait a few more months and go public at Endgame Premiere? As much as I would love to go public with you, I just had a scandal.” Min suggested. 
“Actually I think your right, that will have to be the best time to come out.” 
 Fast Forward to Endgame Premiere
“You look very beautiful in that dress princess.” Sebastian said the moment he saw her step out in her outfit.
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“You don’t think it's a bit much?” She said giving him a twirl. 
“Not at all, I can’t believe you are mine.” He said coming over to her grabbing her waist pulling her close to him. 
“Well believe it, I have always been yours.” Min said smiling lovingly at him as the pair heads down to the limo that has been waiting for them.
The drive to the location was fairly short since the pair got ready in a nearby hotel.
“Ready to let the whole world know princess?” 
“As I ever will be.” She answered when Sebastian opens the door and stepped out with a huge grin on his face hearing the fans cheer loudly along with the many clicks of the cameras. He waves to the camera with his hand up before he turns back to the car and helped Min out who was also smiling brightly. Instead of offering his elbow like he normally does he lifted his hand up for her to grab as they interlace their hands together while staring into each other's eyes without hiding their feelings for each other. As the pair walked up the walkway the fans went crazy seeing their hands together rather than their usual position. Once they reached the end of the walkway, the pair posed for a couple pictures until Sebastian turned Min toward him. She stares at him with a look ‘Here?’ and he just winks at her with his usual smirk before leaning down taking her lips on his. Everyone cast, crew, photographers, and fans all went wild chanting ‘BuckLin’ as they watch the pair kiss passionately on the walkway. 
“I think that went well.” Sebastian said with a smile on his face as he rested his forehead on hers.
“You are such a dork.” Min said shaking her head giving him a chaste kiss before they headed in waving to their fans. 
“So you guys have finally decided to come out?” Chris said coming over patting Sebastian and Min on the shoulder. 
“Oh shut up.” Sebastian said nudging Chris shoulder. 
“Leave the pair alone, I just want to know how long has this been a thing and how the hell didn’t I know about it.”  RDJ said coming over giving Min a hug. “Almost 2 years, to be honest I am surprise no one caught us sooner, we weren’t very subtle.” Min blushed.
“No they weren't when we wrapped up filming, Anthony and I caught them in quite a very interesting position.” Chris winks at Min making her blush more as Sebastian laughs at his girl. 
“Oh god damn it where was I when that happened? Wait don’t answer that, I don’t think I can see someone who I look at as a daughter in such a state. Susan where are you? Come and save me.” RDJ said looking around playfully. “Anyways take care of her Sebastian, if you hurt her I swear to god, I will hunt you down and no one will find the body.” RDJ warned making Sebastian gulp.
“Robert stop scaring him, if anything he has been perfect to me before and after we got together.” Min saves Sebastian. 
“I know, I just like to make him sweat a little.” RDJ told Min before she got whipped away by Chris to take more pictures together. 
“You got a good one here Sebastian, cherish it. You will never find anyone like her. You got my blessings.” RDJ said making Sebastian beam in pride since RDJ always protects Min like he was her father. 
“Yes sir, I don’t plan to let her go ever.” Sebastian said smiling over at Min who caught his eyes and smiles back at him lovingly.
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coffinated-beverage · 5 years
“Welcome to: Sheyla is a big Idoit with your host, Sheyla. Now tell me Sheyla? Why are you sitting outside at five in the morning with six donuts, a half gallon of milk and-“ there is a pause for a moment before a small laugh can be heard over the microphone. “-convince store coffee?” The game show host asked, wearing a picture of my face taped to their face- wearing a more out together look than the Real Sheyla. Of course in this story- the Host is sitting in a more comfortable chair that spins around like the office chairs should do- a very Real Looking office desk in front of them and of course the Microphone. Around the Host is a ‘audicence’- if you call it that. Giving the near by bushes hats and scarves is close enough to one.
I sit amply on a curb outside of the leasing office where the apartment’s shuttle bus arrives and departs, wearing a giant ass Snuggie, pj bottoms that are oh so comfy and sandals. Fucking sandals, but always better than fucking flip flops. So bonus.
“Well that’s a great question me- I think it all started when I felt like I could get something really done with myself but first needed to get some food.” I say as I drink my coffee.
“And look where that got ya huh?”
“Yep” I take another sip- not the best coffee but better than the coffee I make. Luckily it’s cold enough that I don’t have to worry about the milk too much. My feet say otherwise.
“So this is the college experience yes? Breaking down and making a small story of yourself while you wait for a shuttle that might come at 5:15?” The host jabbed with a funny hum. You both know the shuttle will be late. At most it will arrive at 5:30- if not 5:45. Hopefully the traffic lights are in your favor today friend. “This sounds like a perfect way to break down. After all you have several things due Monday and you didn’t even wake up till five in the evening- which you went to bed at 3 AM which we both know-“ The Host leans in- the picture almost smiling with their tone “Is the usual time you go to bed.”
Not long after they say that the shuttle comes back, the Host whistling in amusement as I apologize, get the Spare key, get my key from my room, go back downstairs, then finally go back upstairs to sit in my tiny apartment. “So? Are you gonna stop writing this and just go back to you ‘Good Day’ plan of yours? Or are you gonna go to sleep?” The Host sits on the empty bed across from mine- a simple seven feet apart with my belongings scattered around the floor. Bags, a bottle of Ginger Ale, sketchbooks, and a large lamp facing the ceiling to light the room.
“Probably not.” I tell myself, setting everything aside to sit on the floor on my phone typing away, not paying mind to The Host who hums silently. Nonexistent but still present.
“And why is that? Are you seriously going to post this? For dozens of people to see? Isn’t that kind of...oh I don’t know? Stupid? Ventish even?” The Host laughs- their own voice different from my own. Hard to pin point exactly how it sounds through black words on a white background- but still different. Familiar but alien. The Host continues- twirling their hand in the air and gesturing around the room. “How long will this last? You started this off as some joke to past time and here we are- 5:35 in the morning and typing away to a empty audience. What will you handful of friends think when they read this? No one is awake. No one cares. So why bother?”
“Because it’s something I feel like I should do.” I hunch over a little more- taking off my sandals and throwing them underneath the bed with a small thud. “I bottle things to much and I want to come out with some ideas of my own for once. There are so many things that I don’t understand about myself that I can’t bring up in a conversation. And if I did? What will happen next?” I fix my posture to a more comfortable one, not moving up to my bed yet because the inevitable will happen.
“Really? On Tumblr? Or will you post this as a Drabble?” The Host teases- never getting too close but never to far. It’s like a game show in a way. You sit and watch someone do things and someone narrates it. Sometimes you can hear your own voice or someone else’s voice and one person can say it’s their own thoughts or someone else’s. Some even can say it’s God or a God. At this point it could be a small child and no one would be surprised.
“Half of these thoughts are not even in order. Anyone can see this. Or no one in that matter. If anything? You will get worried messages asking if you are ok which sounds-“
“Selfish? I know.”
The Host scoffs and rolls their eyes- however still amused by this situation. They are always there when I am lonely, or if it’s just to quiet. Not in the imaginary friend sense but in a- ‘I’ve been always here in many different forms’ sense.
“So you are just writing what comes to mind like a conversation? That’s it?”
“I guess so”
“That is awfully bland. Also it’s quite amusing-“ The host taps their fingers along their cheek bone with a ever growing smile, a laugh underneath the piece of paper “That you don’t give yourself much details. Why is that?”
“Well....I guess I just don’t think I have to. Or need to in a way. Some people can come to me and say this whole conversation is fake but I know deep down it’s real. I can only convey it in messages.” There is a long pause. “That and so many things going on that I am not even bothering to give myself more detail other than I’m a wreck, I’m average, and that I work really hard.”
“Well I be damned Sheyla- one of those things is a compliment. You do work hard- however you push yourself too much. But obviously you know that don’t you.” The Host buds in, swinging their feet in and out off the bed. The empty bed of a non present roommate. However- I suppose the Host has always been a roommate.
“At this point in the conversation? Yeah. I honestly didn’t think this would go as long as it is and I will post this. Maybe? Who knows” There is a shrug at the end of the sentence.
“So what? What would you even call this? A wake up letter? A pep talk? A confession? Or perhaps you have finally lost it and you are talking to yourself in hopes that you actually are special and giving yourself high hopes like you always have?” The host almost sounds sad- however the mocking tone is still present. Nothing they said is a lie really. I have always thought maybe one day- I would wake up and be something more than average. Have a special ability no one else has- something that only I can do. Something that I am meant more to do, but that day won’t come.
As far as I know.
“That’s honestly sad Sheyla. You know your friends would say otherwise. They will always be there thick and thin. You have surrounded yourself by good people and they care and love you. Hell- even that awful woman is out of your life now. And for our audience-“ The host playfully taps at the window to reference the ‘audience’ outside that we left “- That would be the Step Mother. Special skills- toxic, emotional abuse and manipulation” Almost in a sports announcer voice at that. Then the host smiles in a eerie kind of way. “You deleted at least a paragraph trying to defend her actions. Awfully strange but we shall keep rolling.”
“So now its 6 AM. What are you going to do now?”
“Probably go to bed. At least set a alarm for noon.”
“....Well whatever you end up doing- just know that people are out there for you. Don’t let your anxiety try to pull you down. And for fucks sake at least try to sleep earlier today by midnight so you can wake up at a decent time tommorow.”
“Sounds good to me- but I’ll probably break that promise to myself again.”
The room is unbearably hot. I need to get a fan in this concrete room.
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beyondvapepage · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 261
Click on the video above to watch Episode 261 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, and we are live. Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts Episode 261. I was just live in our Facebook group if you didn’t catch that. So this is we’re starting our fifth year and I keep doing this, I need to just do five, I can count to five, there we go. So starting off with Episode 261, as we roll towards 2020. This is really cool. If you missed out last week, that’s fine. Just keep doing what you need to do show up here every week, ask us to questions. And we will keep answering or at least point you in the right direction. So first off, I want to say if you’re new to this, that’s awesome. Thanks for showing up. Thanks for watching it. You can come here every single week https://www.semanticmastery.com/HDquestions URL stays the same. And we update everything so that you can just come back here you can ask your questions. And even if you’re not able to make it live, although we highly encourage that so we can get clarification or do a better job of answering your questions. We understand that some people have time conflicts or whatnot. You can always check out the replays on YouTube, ask your question ahead of time and then check that out by subscribing to our YouTube channel. So before we get too far into it, let’s go around and say hello looks like we got everybody here. I’m going to mix it up and start down at the bottom. So Hernan how’s it going, man?
Hernan: Good man I was having some issues joining Zoom so that’s why I jumped in like a minute late but I’m happy to be here super happy to be here so as usual
Adam: cool cool. Marco How about yourself?
Marco: I’m good man. Birds keeping busy
Bradley: birds or BERT?
Marco: BERT
so yeah, but it’s fun
Adam: good deal well Chris, how about you man?
Chris: doing excellent here today?
Adam: Gotcha where you were doing that in the world are you back home in Austria?
Chris: Yeah and it’s snowing and I can’t wait man I’m super excited like finally, it’s getting cold here. Like everybody else always likes the heat and stuff I really enjoy renderers cool air helps to sink clear and stuff. So that’s perfect.
Adam: Outstanding, looking forward to a little bit of that when I go traveling because otherwise, it’s going to be like 65 or 70 for the next four months. So anyways, Bradley, how about you, man? How are you doing?
Bradley: Good, excited to be here? A lot going on. I know you’re going to talk about some of it. But just as kind of an update, we’ve got a local kingpin update webinar coming up for anybody that’s in that where I’m just going to kind of have a webinar and talk about some of the updates and Google Ads platform using it for lead generation and also answer questions for anybody that’s a member of that program that’s coming up on November 18, I believe Monday, November 18, at 3pm. Eastern, so you should be getting a notification about that if you’re a member of local kingpin. And also I know the other one that we’re going to talk about is the there are a Facebook posts in the free group that has where I’m going to be doing some training about you YouTube and display network ads so Google Ads but how to do it specifically for branding for lead generation as well as driving traffic, targeted relevant traffic into your SEO assets, right your entity assets that you build, if you’ve been building entity assets the way that we’ve been talking about, it’s just a great way to fire it up and get that activity and relevancy from a trusted and authoritative source. Right. And so it’s it kind of tickles all three of the activity, relevance, trust and authority signals that we’ve been talking about now for years for specifically Marco. So we’re going to be doing I’m going to be doing some training on that.
And we’re doing kind of a pre-launch thing on that for people that want to come. Watch the training or go through the training as I record it live, it’ll be two different sessions, and then it’ll be for a discount, about one third of the cost is once it’s been recorded, we’re going to package it up, put it into a membership site, split up all the videos and all that kind of stuff. And it’ll be a, you know, roughly a $300 course. So if you haven’t already seen that post in the free group, go take a look at it, if you’re interested in that training, I would highly suggest that you get in on the pre-recording the pre-sale and pick it up that way. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait till it gets packaged up pretty and has a nice sales page and all that stuff. And it’ll be $300. But I’ve been just crushing it with Google ads for the specific reasons I mentioned over the last few months actually. And I think it’s something that everybody should be using in their business for their own business as well as something that they can add to their services for clients. So I want to go over that very specifically with you guys. And Adam, I didn’t mean to steal your thunder but I just figured out chat about it. Well, I had
Adam: no no that’s good. I mean, you’re the one that’s going to be doing the training and I’m hoping my screens actually sharing. This is the post you guys want to get to go to the group I put the link in. But if you’re not joining live, you can go into that sexy, sexy person that posted it there but yeah, look at who is that Oh, join the group of spiders don’t believe a word and just follow the steps right here. It’s pretty simple. If you’re interested in this and you want to get it for a third of the price because the reading part of the reason to we want to make sure that there’s enough interest that Bradley’s going to put the time into this with the holidays coming up. We got Thanksgiving we got Christmas coming up. now’s a good time to do this but we don’t want to put the time in and people aren’t interested so far though, day that it looks like people are pretty interested Bradley. So this is my favorite so far. Shout out to Brian. I think he made his phone gift. Yep, it looks like good interest. So if you want to get in early head over there and let us know.
Bradley: You got too many chats going on in your Facebook. I saw the bottom.
Adam: been busy busy. So real quick wanted to get back to these guys before we dive into some more stuff. One last one to a lot of people has already gotten access to the POFU Live 2019 recordings for the live event in Denver in October. But if you still want to you can get access. I’m going to post the link down there, but you can get that at 2019access.pofulive.com and head over there and you can get access to those. I’ll put that link up there. And then a few more just to answer the questions and get this out of the way from people. We normally here. If you’re here, you’re in the right place, and we appreciate you being here. But the next thing people always asked us is, well, what should I do next? You should definitely start with the battle plan, right? If you want step by step processes for getting results with everything from new websites, age domains, YouTube channels, whatever it is, go grab the Battle Plan. I’m not going to read you the sales page, you can check it out and grab it yourself battleplan.semanticmastery.com. It’s a definite no brainer, we pack some cool bonuses in there as well. So pick that up. And if you’re ready to grow your digital marketing business, you’ve already got some clients, you want to join an experienced community not only for the network but also for the advanced training, then the mastermind is where we want you to be all right. To find out more about that at mastermind.semanticmastery.com And last but not least, if you are in done for your services have to go to MGYB.co. And if you’re not into done for you services, ask yourself why you’re not in the done free services now, just kidding. But we recommend it to everyone and it’s born out of the stuff that we used and we created processes for because you do get to that point where you’re realizing you if you want to grow, you can’t be doing all of this stuff yourself. So syndication networks are RYS drive stacks, press releases, link building embeds, all sorts of good stuff is available over there. Whoo. All right. So with that stuff out of the way, we got any last-minute announcements you guys are we ready to roll?
Bradley: I think we’re ready to roll not anybody else.
Adam: Kidding. I did. I forgot one shame on me. I wanted to let everyone know ahead of time. We’re getting started earlier this year. We are working up towards you know Black Friday. Everyone’s got some cool sales going on. What doesn’t matter what industry you’re in? I’m sure there’s gonna be a lot of cool tools available out there and we wanted to get a jump start off. This we are going to be offering some kick-ass training, some stuff that’s never been released before, outside of the mastermind as well as some new stuff that’s never been seen. And we’re going to be giving that to you guys completely for free. You won’t even have to opt-in, but we’re going to kick it off with that, you know, this is part of coming off perfectly live and being, you know, seeing the power of learning, but understanding also that there are two more things that come with that you can learn. But if all you do is learn, it’s really no good. You’ve got to then take some action, and then you’re going to get the results you want. But we want to help you out by taking that first step, give you some good stuff that you can learn and then you can take it and start acting on it and get results. So stay tuned for some more on that.
Bradley: Sweet, so we’re good. Let’s do it. All right, let me grab the screen. First, let me get my windows all situated. All right, here we go. Only a few questions so far. So you guys better get the posting. Usually, it’s usually pretty good though. We had a great hump day last week, guys for our five year anniversary. So appreciate that.
How Far Out Should You Schedule A Live Event Using OBS?
All right, uh, let’s go into the first one I see was from Greg Pippin. He says, Hi, I plan to use OBS. to broadcast a pre-recorded video as a live event. How far out should a live event be scheduled to be most effective? Can it be just a couple of days rather than a week also is scheduling a live event for ranking purposes rather than just uploading a video is still as effective as it was a few years ago? He says I’ve watched your OBS usage video from three years ago. Thanks for that one is very clear and helpful. Yeah, it is still more effective to live stream.
It’s very similar to the difference in Facebook, right? If you up to upload a video to Facebook, it still gets more engagement than a text-based post or even an image-based post it gets more exposure. But it was preferred specifically if you don’t have an external link in it right but also if you do a live stream that tends to get even more exposure. And I think it’s the exact same way with YouTube. If you upload a video, even if you live, I mean, you can remember you can, you can schedule a live event with YouTube and then upload the video as a live event like so pre-record, you can stream a pre-recorded video as a live event. So you can still do that without it actually having to be a real live like a live recording, like video recording as your as you’re doing, if that makes sense. But it does, it gets more, it gets a better push. Think about this if you if you’re subscribed to the Semantic Mastery channel, which by the way you should be and if you do not make sure you hit the subscribe button. You get a notification via Gmail when it’s going live, right and so it’s the same thing, you’ll get some traffic that will come through to it. And remember engagement signals are one of the primary ranking factors for YouTube videos, both in YouTube as well as Google.
And so getting You know, if there’s anybody subscribe to the channel, they’re going to get notified, and maybe a few clicks will come through for people to actually engage with the video. Now, if it’s for like a, you know, a lead generation video or something like that, where there’s not really any real subscribers, then you probably won’t get any engagement from that. But it still gets it still triggers something in the algorithm, right that it gets a little bit more push, it’s treated, it’s weighted heavier if that makes sense by both YouTube and Google. So yes, live streaming is still more powerful than just uploading. And I don’t think that’s going to change. That said, if, the sooner that you schedule a live event, the better and what I mean by that is the further out that you have it scheduled, the better, especially if you’re using stuff like syndication networks, which once again, you should be because it gives the posts where that embed code is syndicated to or published to, it gives those posts more time to get crawled by Google. That makes sense. So you know, the Earlier, the better the sooner that you can schedule it, the further out from when you actually live stream at the better.
  Also, one of the things that you can do is build links to the places where the embeds are. That’s, that’s a very, very powerful strategy to help give it even more power and help it to rank better when you do live streaming. Because putting links at the pages that it’s embedded on is a great way to get additional like to push extra juice into it. And it’s almost like building anticipation like SEO anticipation for that so that when it goes live, it will rank a lot better a lot faster. So I would recommend that you get it scheduled as soon as possible push it through syndication networks that you have connected to your channel, you can always buy an embed package from MGYB. And take that embed code that you get when you schedule the live stream and submit that and have it pushed out across an embed network. Also, you could do link building to your syndication network properties and also link building from MGYB to the embeds. If you buy an embed gig, you can order link building to the embeds. And that’s a very, very powerful way. Now, remember, those are all specifically SEO signals.
So the last thing I would recommend is if you’re really trying to rank it, remember, I talked about this all the time, and we’re going to be covering this, in part in the Google Ads training that I was talking about doing. The beginning of this webinar is to set up some Google ads from YouTube ads specifically to that video, and you can schedule your ad campaign, right. So in other words, you can go in and actually set up an ad campaign to start pointing or buying views directly from Google, right through the Google Ads platform to your video when it goes live. So when it’s actually published. And that’s something that I would recommend that you do and by the way with YouTube now you can set up campaigns with either a daily budget or an overall campaign budget, which means you could take $20 and add create a campaign with just 20 bucks for ample, that will start the campaign start day and time will be at the day and time that you plan on streaming your video, right? And what happens is that video, you know, it’ll, it’ll the when the ad will start running. And it’ll just run until those $20 is spent. And that way you don’t have to go in and edit your, you know, edit the campaign or turn it off after a certain amount of time if that’s something you want to do.
If you do that between the SEO tactics we just talked about, which is syndicating the embed code, doing an additional embed blast doing link building to the embeds. And then also buy some initial traffic so that when it does stream, it gets real live, valid engagement, right views from people from Google users, because you’re buying views directly from Google. Those are all real views, not spam views. It’s not spambots. It’s not fake, you know, share groups and any of that shit. It’s real people that you’re buying from Google You should rank it’s not I mean, it’s a very, very powerful strategy. So that’s what I would recommend you do anybody gonna wants to comment on that?
Marco: I mean, the last time we tried it was when we were doing what did we go after I forget, but it was somebody was doing a release of some software and press releases worked really well if you set those up. And, you know, you get them like tours when it’s supposed to happen because it’s newsworthy, right? What a press release is for, it’s for something that’s newsworthy. So if you announce that, that it’s going to happen, that it’s coming soon and that it’s happening so so you have three press releases, and you silo them and you set them up the way that we teach PR stacking, then that’s going to create a major push. By the time that the third one comes up, it’s going to push everything forward. We had great success. When was the last time we did that? I don’t see why it would be any different now. It could be even Better says they’re working so much better.
Bradley: Yeah. And that’s a really good point, Marco, I appreciate you mentioning that because I wasn’t even thinking about that. Because, for example, if you order a press release through MGYB, which gets pushed out across the press advantage network, you can, if you take the URL of the live stream, you know, this the YouTube URL, and you put it on its own line in the press release, or if you order it from us, like if you have your own subscription, you can do it yourself or if you order it from us just put it in the instructions when you order. And we can add the video URL on its own mind which will become an embed on many of the places that it gets published on not all of them, but many of them. So that will become another embed that’s in a press release. And you can schedule the press release to be published around that time. And like Marco said, you can even do a pre you know, not like an announcement type press release that announced that the video is going to go live at this time. You know, this day and time, then you can do one that actually publishes go Like publishes around the time that it actually goes live, which is very, very powerful. And then you can always do a follow up one afterward. And again, you can silo those together. And that’s that actually kind of takes kills two birds with one stone, because you get backlinks. And you get embeds on a, you know, high domain authority type in, you know, authoritative type. I don’t care about domain authority, but authoritative type media sites, you get a lot of embeds, because it goes across a pretty big publishing network or press wired network. And then you also get, you know, a lot of these press releases actually get real traffic. And I know that because if I look at analytics, I use a lot of press releases. And if I look at analytics, I see that I get a lot of referral traffic and referral traffic even from the press advantage website itself, which is really, really good. So that kind of kills me and you plus backlinks as well, because in some cases where it won’t actually embed, it will still show the URL which will count as a backlink.
  So again, very, very powerful strategy. So thank you for that. Marco But yeah that’s that’s a really good strategy guys you can still crush it with YouTube SEO if you do it properly I think engagement signals are super powerful for that though and you can anything you do with SEO you can kind of amplify that right multiply it by just buying some engagement signals like I said even $20 is enough to usually significantly move the needle.
How Do You Sell Your Domain To A Prospect?
Matt’s up? He says, Hey guys, I have the following question. I only com domain that I purchased three years ago for marketing for a marketing agency project and then got postponed because I focused on other projects despite I would like to keep the name the website has little work done SEO wise and I’ve recently found a European agency with the same name and branding, but a.ie extension the company seems already quite established and was created after I got the.com domain. Considering all these I would like to contact them and offer my domain for sale any ideas or tips on how to approach them and propose an initial number. I know that to them per se is not that valuable. But given the situation, I may squeeze some money of this Thanks in advance. Yeah, you know, Matt, for the first money I ever made online was actually selling domains. And that’s really what got me hooked. I was still learning SEO at the time, but I had saw some course that was, you know, WSO or I don’t even think JVZ was around at that time. But it was a course that I bought about domain like being a domain owner, right. So learning how to squat domains and then contact people and sell them and the first one I sold was Austin Windows or Windows Austin or Houston windows or it was it was somewhere in Texas and one of the big cities and it was a basically a Windows for a company that sells windows and replacement windows and it was just an exact match domain. And all I did was I put a HTML page up on the domain that was just a for sale page.
So basically like a for sale sign with contact information, and I contacted replacement window companies, and that particular city, I just would go email them or use the contact form on their website and say, hey, I’ve got this domain that would work really well for and by the way, on the for sale page, the HTML page, I put screenshots of the Google Keyword Planner that showed the exact match keyword like Houston Windows, or Windows Houston or whatever, and showed how many searches per month it got. And so I said, You know, I kind of created like a little sales page for it, that was just an HTML page. And then I would contact the low of the companies in that city and say, Look, you could buy just buying this domain and redirecting it to your existing domain, you could capitalize on some of this traffic that showing and it was like, you know, I don’t know if it’s 400 and some searches per month in. So anyway, uh, you know, a few people would respond back and they said, Well, how do we know you really own it? And I would say, well give me you know, I’ll put your company name on the sales page, and shoot you an email when it’s ready and you can go back and take a look at it. And then they would go look, and it would have their name at the bottom left, say like, do you want this domain? Whatever the company name was question mark, and then they would reply back and say, Okay, and so I ended up selling some domains that way and I would sell I would buy them, you know, for 10 bucks registered for 10 bucks, and I turn around and sell them for anywhere between $150 to $250. And, you know, that wasn’t much money, but it was pretty cool. And that’s how I first started making money online and I only did it for a couple of months and then I got started really doing lead generation and SEO stuff. So with that said, that’s what I would do is maybe contact them and you know, let them know that you have it, have the domain and that you want to offer it for sale. I don’t know about off, you know, you can come up with your own number. I get a lot of emails from people that have domains that are similar to something that I’ve recently registered, and they offer to sell it to me and sometimes their numbers are like ridiculously high other times the reasonable but I never buy him anyways, but I guess it really depends on the how big you think the company is and all that I don’t know how to value that. There’s probably some sites out there that can give you some ballpark estimates as to what the value of a domain would be, especially if there’s a brand out there that has some brand equity. But you know, I certainly think it’s a strategy worth attempting Anyways, what do you guys think?
Marco: Yeah, that’s totally going to depend on how badly this other company wants the domain, if they wanted at all right, because like you said, you get offered domains, you don’t care. You don’t really want it. So it’s worth nothing to you. That this is like this is exactly that situation. How much is it worth to that company? Could be nothing, could be a couple of hundred dollars. It’s not going to be thousands because there’s nothing on that website. Right? He says, there’s really nothing there. So what drives the value of a website is whether it has traffic, what that traffic does it on the website, right? Is it producing money? Now we’re talking bigger numbers, but if it’s just dot com with a company name. Tell a look, I got this.com it’s your company name you want it? Yeah. Well, what’s it worth to you? It’s really that simple.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I would do. I mean, you could come you could throw a number out. But if it’s ridiculously high, they’re gonna, you know, or they think you’re way, way off, then if the proper you’ll probably lose it as a possibility. So you may be better off just asking them, what’s it worth to them, and if it’s something that’s, you know, ridiculously low for, you just disregard it. Do you know what I mean? However, that said, one of my clients, he’s a roofer. He bought his domain. It’s a great domain, and he bought it, he paid $20,000 for it, because somebody else had it, and he wanted that name. So he bought it, and it’s a very short succinct name for roofers. And he really, really wanted it so he paid 20 k for it. So some people will spend a lot of money on the domain. And that was like, shit that was 10 years ago, that he bought that domain for 20 grand believe Or not.
Is There An SEO Ranking Advantage To Host A Local Business Site On Amazon S3 Compared To A Regular Hosting Provider?
Okay, next one is Gord. What’s up, Gordon says, Hey, guys hope that you’re healthy and wealthy. I recently heard that there is an SEO ranking advantage to hosting a local business site on Amazon s3 instead of a domain on a regular hosting provider. Is there any truth to that? Or is there no real difference? And does Google have a similar platform like Amazon s3? Yes, Google Cloud? And if so, what is it called? And when hosting the site, they’re providing the SEO ranking advantage over a regular hosting provider? Thank you. Very much, as usual, for your help is greatly appreciated. Okay. Yeah, we’ll see. The problem is when you say regular hosting provider depends on you know, hosting providers are all across the spectrum of whether they’re qualified or not. What I mean by that is if you go with some cheap budget, host like Hostgator for God’s sakes, or, or what’s the other one, GoDaddy, something like that. There’s a, you know, they’re a dime a dozen budget hosts out there. And if you host a site on a budget host, it’s very likely that you’re going to be placed in better neighborhoods so to speak. In other words, you’ll be stuck on an IP with a bunch of shitty other websites out there that in there typically overcrowded in that, if anyone domain or handful of domains gets too much takes up too much bandwidth, it’ll slow your site down. There’s just there’s a number of reasons why you should use a quality host. As far as a ranking advantage goes. Yeah, there there can be using like, like, that’s part of the reason we use Amazon S3 buckets to host HTML pages for what we call the ID pages or the entity pages, right? Because you kind of siphon some authority from the Amazon domain. So it’s very, very powerful. And Google has Google Cloud, I think it’s called that has something similar. I’ve never set one up on there. But I think you can do something similar to that. But if you want to do like a WordPress site or CMS, essentially a content management system, you need to have database and all that and you can do that there’s through what is it? I think it’s Amazon elastic cloud. You can actually see posting that way. But I’m not sure I haven’t done any testing on that. Maybe Marco can talk about that it probably would be better. But I don’t know for sure. Marco, what do you think?
Marco: You could do WordPress on elastic cloud, right? You could do he can we can do whatever you want. You can do it, whatever you can do on any other host. As far as cloud hosting, Google has the right cloud that Google com. They have, they have web hosting. So it’s just like any other hosts. And as a matter of fact, you can use that and use happy g sites are awesome. You do your own. map your own domain over to the map the G site to your own domain, use Google for hosting, and now you’re piggybacking or stacking on Google. I mean, I’m all about stacking on Google. And we got a lot of great things coming out 2020 a lot of testing that’s going to be on we have some awesome things that are going to be coming on and some of these are just Just these things that we’re seeing, like stacking, but that’s what I would look at, go and look into it and see if there is any benefit that might not be. But since you’re going into places that aren’t regularly sorted or normally spammed or not spammed like others, then it stands to reason that you’re less likely to be in a bad neighborhood, it’s likely to be faster. It’s like, it’s likely to be a better server. The latest version of PHP is likely to be remembered. There’s a lot of things that really matter when it comes to all this. But this on either one of those.
Bradley: This is Terry Kyle’s cloudboss.pro, he did this. He created this as a solution for SEO hosting that actually uses all these type of cloud hosting platforms, very authoritative platforms as a way to create pbn networks using cloud hosting, as opposed to the typical budget, you know, SEO hosts and that kind of shit. So this uses Amazon S3 to Elastic Cloud. And then there’s Amazon light sale. I’m not even sure what that is joint lemnos, vulture Digital Ocean Rackspace, those are all cloud hosting environment like you can set up hosting WordPress sites and such on there. So this is something you might want to check out to if you’re going to be doing this for more than one it’s rather inexpensive. You know, when I used to build PBNs, I actually had transferred a lot of my sites over to here. So I mean, I don’t run PBNs anymore at all, but when I did I actually use Cloud boss pro for the last probably, maybe a year, year and a half that I was running PBNs was on this service here. So check it out. Terry Kyle. All right.
What is The Most Effective Way To Consistently Attract Business And Keep Local Clients Ranked In 3 Pack?
Matt says for local SEO, what do you see is the most effective way to consistently attract businesses that need SEO specialize? That’s Matt, I would say specialize in his particular vertical and create all of your messaging and your marketing collateral. for that type of a business, that particular business vertical or industry, so that and then also you know, if you don’t if I’m assuming I know Matt because you by you’re quite active and and some of the groups that I know that you, you do a lot of SEO, you know, you probably have a lot of clients but if you specialize in a specific vertical, that’s where I found the best traction with getting clients is to become an expert for specific business, vertical or industry. Because, again, you get you to get to know that industry very well. It’s much easier to scale your business because you don’t have to constantly come up with new, do new keyword research, new market research, new marketing, creatives and all that kind of stuff for each new industry. You get very, very good at being able to speak with business owners in a particular business type because you know them are there, how most of them are for that matter. But also you know that you know, their customer base, right so you understand their industry and the needs of their customers or clients. So it makes it much easier to be able to sell to them as an expert and a particular type of, you know, as a marketing expert for a particular type of business. So that would be number one also to make sure that you have case studies that you can share. And that’s why I love lead generation sites because I can create lead generation assets in a particular vertical, and then use those to show so that I’m not showing competitors. And remember when you’re like if you’re pitching to somebody in one city, and you can show maybe clients that you’ve put in the same business vertical that you’ve gotten results for in another city where they’re not really competitors, then that’s okay to do as well. But what I liked about lead generation sites is I it doesn’t I could create a lead generation site in the same city of a of a location that I was pitching services to to say look in your own city, I’ve already been able to get results for and generate leads for people that are looking for your products and your services in your city and That’s part of the reason I like starting with the lead generation and then backing into a client, if that makes sense. But you can still use any number of existing clients that you have as well as a lead generation if you have any lead generation assets in that particular vertical and create case studies, right, and share that with them. Video emails work really, really good.
Something else which I talked about at POFU Live as part of my holistic marketing presentation was whoever you’re marketing to your prospecting to hit them from multiple angles. So don’t just contact them via email, right? You want to send emails, direct mail, remarketing, make sure that if they’ve engaged with any of your digital assets that now they’re being remarketing to them, the Google Display Network, Facebook, YouTube, if you got you have to have 1000 people or more on a remarketing list in YouTube, but you can also set up we’re going to be talking about this very specifically in the Google Ads training that I’m going to be doing if we get enough interest in it. That we talked about at the beginning of this webinar, it’s in the free Facebook group that the post about it, but how to set up prospecting campaigns using branding ads on YouTube as well as the Google Display Network because you can get very specific targeting, and use what’s called in-market audiences for people. And Matt, we talked about this in the mastermind just on the last webinar specifically, but how you can go in and select for YouTube in the display network in-market audiences for people that are looking for Business Services, advertising, and SEO, advertising and marketing services. And you can actually select that as an audience type. And then you can set geographic targeting, you can do what’s called layering and all this other stuff to where you’re constantly in your brand, right as a specialist for their industry. And you’re you get in front of them so that your brand gets seen by them over and over and over again in multiple formats. And when they see that they’re going to think well, this guy’s and if I’m seeing him on websites, banner ads on websites, if I’m seeing them in search I’m seeing them in YouTube, Facebook, getting direct mail from them got emails from them, ringless voicemails are coming through, that’s something else you can do like slide broadcast and these other kinds of like voicemail injection services, you’re constantly hitting them. Imagine what they’re thinking about when they, when they’re thinking about marketing. They’re going to think, well, man, if this guy’s everywhere, this is what he could do for me, right? Or this, you know, this agency is everywhere. This is what they could do for me. So that’s what I would recommend that you do hit people from multiple angles, it’s I think it’s much better and more effective that way than just trying to hit somebody from the same old method that everybody else is using, which is typically email, which is not it’s not nearly as effective as it used to be in my opinion. Does anybody want to comment on that? I know Hernan’s probably got something to say about that.
Hernan: Yeah. Yeah. And I totally agree with what you’re saying. Bradley, I think at this point, the more touchpoints you have with a person from different angles, the better you can, you know, reach to them, and you create that half halo effect. We’re discussing A little bit under the event, right? The halo effect that you create and you generate when you’re everywhere. And we get that a lot, right? When we get a lot of Semantic Mastery, the fact that you know, people will jump in on a call with us, or let’s engage with a, with an ad. And they’ll start saying, Well, now I see you guys everywhere. And that’s exactly what we’re trying to achieve. So yeah, totally agree with you go above and beyond, you know, what you’re doing right now and you will reap the rewards. And you will keep on learning and stuff, which is pretty cool, too.
Marco: You know, from the feedback that I’m getting in, in the mini mastermind. I have mostly agency owners and in our mini mastermind, I have Jordan is on their Ed and a couple of other people. And the message is that they did start young, the little, the little fish in a small pond, they became the big fish in that small pond specializing but what happens is that you get so good word gets out because you know, these people, business owners, they’ll they’ll be Whatever meeting they’re in whatever owners meeting they’re in, and they’ll be talking about what who’s doing what for you, and what gets out. And what these guys are finding is that the more successful they are, with the clients that they have, the more that the word gets out that I’m Jordan can probably chime in on this. And if he’s listening to our Hump Day hang out, in that it really helps, you know, to get this up, and maybe not clients and one specific thing in other areas and you’ll begin expanding into other niches. And that’s when you have to get really good or hire people who are really good. So that you can concentrate on just scaling the business. So you don’t have to be in their day to day trying to do the getting into that day to day thing that keeps you from scaling. So so you hired great people. So this is how you do it. You may start that way. You become well known the guy who produces results, no matter what and Needs, you can’t help but scale once that happens?
Bradley: Yeah, because people will start to seek you out. That’s the whole point, your agency, that’s the whole point. word gets out, and then you start getting referrals. And those are the easiest to close is also like the easiest type of prospect to closes a referral because they’ve already remembered if somebody’s seeking you out there, they’ve already made the decision that they want to work with you or your agency if that makes sense. So it’s just a matter of coming to an agreement of terms, which is why As I said, I think, you know, Marco is correct. I mean, for example, with my own agency, I got referrals from all different types of businesses and that’s primary contractors but different industries within the home service contracting field, right. So I you know, I’ve had to do a lot of that and that’s fine. But if you get really good at one particular business vertical, then what happens is like people in that industry will start to seek you out specifically, even if not through referrals, but it’s because you can make a name for yourself, for example, you can even advertise and market within industry publications for example, you can get ads put on like through placements, digital ads on industry publication websites, but you can also do print ads and things like that. And if you have a reputation in that particular industry, then people will gain will start to seek you out. And it’s really, really good because it’s much easier to sell your services and close a client when you have somebody that has sought you out. It changes the psychology 100%. So anyway, the next part of that was in the best ways to keep local clients ranked in the three-pack. Well, there’s a number of things for that Matt, and I’m sure you’re aware of that. Press releases, content marketing, GMB posts, traffic and getting real traffic to the GMB and engagement through that which you can also you know, you can get organically but you can also do that by purchasing traffic, which is what I’ve been talking about using Google Display Network and YouTube. Even search ads for that matter if you’re using location extension.
You can get you to know by clicks from Google that way which will help to keep it ranked. There’s you know, just so many different things that you can do for that. That to keep local clients ranked if you have real bonafide address citations still work for that. Using drive stacks obviously and I know you know that link embeds and link building the entity loop all of that stuff can help to keep a client ranked in the three-pack. Any other comments on that for move on?
How Many Tiers Are Set Up In A Multi-Tier Syndication Network Package?
Okay, Mike’s up he says your multi-tier syndication network package how many tears are set up support responded to melt? responded to me multi-tier networks come with two tiers. The first tier is a branded network, the second tier f3 persona-based networks, but that was confusing. What does this mean for total tears? Yes, that’s exactly what that means. As the sport response says, One branded network, three to set two-tier persona-based networks which is a total of four networks, four rings, right? So for syndication rings, the branded tier plus three persona based networks and that is correct. And you’ll also get the best practices video that comes with it if that’s what you want. You can also go to support.semanticmastery.com, click into our knowledge base and look up multi-tiered. Sending syndication networks, you can also find that same video where I talked about best practices for that on our YouTube channel. If you go to youtube.com/SemanticMastery, use the search channel function and type in multi-tiered syndication networks. And you’ll find the videos where I talk about best practices for how to use that if you’re doing it for blogs syndication, but essentially, very quickly, the best thing to do is if you’re doing multi-tiered syndication networks for blog syndication, that you make sure that you have related content feeds RSS feeds, that are also acting as triggers at this for the second tier networks, right.
So because you want to mix content on the persona based networks, so that is not always Justin You’re content being published your branded networks perfectly fine. That’s what you want. You only want your content to be published on your branded network. But on the second tier networks, you want to have other related content feeds, publishing content to those in an automated fashion, so that you’re kind of mixing your content up with others on those persona-based networks. And again, all of this is covered in the best practice video that you’ll get whenever you order the network and it’s delivered. You can also find it on our knowledge base at support dot Semantic Mastery calm as well as on our YouTube channel. So go check it out and it will make much more sense to you. I’ve even got some very nicely drawn snag it diagrams, where I explained exactly where to add additional triggers and all of that stuff. It’s, it’s very, I’ve done a lot of training on that and it’s all available to you.
Is It Okay To Post Articles As It Is And Rework It Eventually Or Should You Publish Only Finalized Material?
Vitaliy says Hello, guys. I hope everyone is doing well. I look. I took a lot of action since the last Hangout. Thanks for the motivation. I’m getting a few articles delivered from my writer and they need a little bit of editing personal touch plus multimedia. Is it okay to post articles as-is and rework it eventually or publish only finalized material? Best regards, you guys are awesome. Well, it depends. I mean, it’s, it’s really better to get the content the way that you want it before publishing it. And for a couple of reasons. You could do it both ways, but for a couple of reasons. Number one, if you’re using a branded syndication network, which you should be, then once you publish it, even if you go in and edit the post on the blog after it’s been published, it’s not going to edit where it’s been syndicated to write. It gets syndicated one time and that’s it unless you do something like republish old posts, which is a plugin you can use for WordPress, which will automatically republish it to the RSS feed, which means it will syndicate again, or you could even go in and like unpublished the post in your blog, and then republish it again. And that’ll inject it back into the feed, there are a few things that you can do for that, but then you cannot end up technically with almost duplicate posts on your syndication network. So for that said, For that reason, excuse me, I would suggest that you wait until the content is ready to publish it. Um, you know, I’ve done both. So I’m, in fact, with my real estate business right now, I was doing some training for our mastermind members on a silo structure. And I published a bunch of posts, which were just titles and like it had you know, in the title was just added as the text within the post to I didn’t have any content, it was just to show kind of a particular silo architecture that I use. And so, you know, there were several posts and saw, like with siloed posts or whatever, that didn’t have any content, they were just titles, and they got published to my syndication network. And so I can’t really go back and edit those unless I want to go back and manually do all that. Since then I’ve started actually filling out and completing some of those posts. And it takes a little bit of time for Google to come back and crawl it, it took a little bit over a week, but you know, it will come back and crawl it eventually. Or you can, you know, try to ping it through, you know, by sending backlinks to it or traffic to it or something like that to get it crawled. But it’s much better, in my opinion, to just kind of get everything set up first before actually hitting the publish button. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I totally agree. What do you want people to see? What do you want people to see on your website? You want them to see something that’s halfway finished? Do you want to publish something to your to one that’s halfway done, and then go through all the trouble of having to correct it? Or do you want to just go out once so it looks good for people so that it makes people want to click wherever they find your content makes people want to click on it? Come into your and get in your sales funnel, right. Get in the door. How do you want to do it? And I would totally say yeah, make it as good as possible.
I’m not sure I’m going to have time to look at that one. I’m just trying to read ahead, but we might have to answer that question next week if I get a chance to look at it.
Any Tips On How To Push Glassdoor Pages Down On SERPs?
But the next question was from Jonathan. He says when searching for my client’s brand name to serve positions are taken by Glassdoor which reviews what it’s like to work there. Unfortunately, there are a bunch of bad reviews of what it’s like to work there from a few bad employees, any tips on pushing those Glassdoor pages down? Yeah, that’s, you know, that’s like standard or classic reputation management. Um, there’s a number of things you can do publish press releases, where you’re using the brand name in the press release title, right? So that you’re optimizing the press release and the title for the brand that works really well especially again, you can order press releases through MGYB. And, and several, if you like, again, my real estate business that I recently started had had, if you do a brand, search for it, there There’s like three or four press releases that are on page one for my brand, right. So again, it’s something very, very powerful. You can do press releases optimized for your brand, make sure that that’s in the title. drive stacks. The Google site from a drive stack almost always ranks on page one for a brand search if it’s done right, and which means if you get it from us, or if you build it based upon our training, then you can end up getting ranking the drive stack or the G site, excuse me for the brand search. Make sure that all that you know obviously you have all your top-level social media profiles that are completely optimized, right, so completely filled out profiles completed as much as possible, send backlinks to them. Remember, those are types of social media profiles that you can just hammer with links, and we’ve got link building packages at MGYB which are perfect for that. Right because you can just throw the kitchen sink at them to get them to rank. If you have stuff like Yelp if it’s for a local business, you know a business that has a physical location. It’s got a GMB and things like that right? You’ll have citations. yelp is one of the ones that typically rank so you could always push a shit ton of links at a Yelp page. Again, make sure it’s fully optimized and filled out with images and all that other kind of stuff so that you can push Glassdoor off the front page. It’s just, that’s classic reputation management stuff. Anybody else wants to comment on that?
Marco: No, I was perfect. Okay.
We’re not gonna be able to look at this. I’ll take a look at this. Maybe we can comment on this next week. But we don’t have enough time to actually scroll through all that right now. So Jordan says Woohoo, the POFU recordings are totally worth it. been listening through some great stuff in there. Thanks, Jordan. We appreciate that.
Bradley: Adam, you want to comment on that really quickly, because I don’t know if you mentioned that at the beginning of the webinar or not.
Adam: No, I did. I put the link in there. People can still go grab them. Definitely want to do that. And it’s, yeah, unrestricted. We got the full recordings in there along with some Kick-Ass bonuses so like Jordan said totally worth it. I suggest you grab it.
Bradley: Very cool, thank you
What Are Your Thoughts On The BERT Update?
okay, Will’s up he says Hey guys, what are your thoughts about the BERT update and what things should we be focusing on for SEO the Semantic Mastery way?. Entities, right? What we’ve been teaching for two years is entity validating the entity and building that entity up creating the entity loop right all of that Marco go ahead and run with this because I know you feel very strongly about it.
Marco: Fuck Bert. No seriously. My charity webinars are coming up. I must. I’m gonna do a series of charity webinars. I’m going to be talking about BERT entities, Ai, all of these things that everybody does so much confusion. So many people trying to take advantage of people and just know people naturally fear all of these updates. OY, you know what, what do I do now? And it’s all it’s just a smokescreen guy. So it’s Coming up here, I’ll announce it a couple of weeks before I start that there’ll be four webinars, just like last year, and I’m going to take you all the way through the things that everyone is is refusing to tell you are the things that people just they just don’t know. Because they don’t bother testing. They just go by what Google says, or by what their opinion is or what they think we actually test all of. It is tested, I’m not going to give you theory, I’m not going to give you what I think I’m gonna give you what I’ve tested, I’m gonna give you what I know. So there you go. And as far as what you can do for but don’t do anything, because it’s it doesn’t really matter right now. Doesn’t really matter, it will matter. And, you know, tune into the charity webinars, and I’m going to tell you how you can go ahead and start planning for now, they will tell you that you cannot optimize for BERT of a rank brain or for anything else. But damn, what have we been doing for the past four years? I must be doing something wrong. It’s right
What Are Some Ways On How To Promote A Podcast Aside From A Press Advantage PR?
Austin Don says had a client do a podcast on the podcast network I did a PR about it through my press advantage subscription any other things I could use this podcast for it, Yeah, you know upload it to YouTube right? create a video out of it. You could even just you know do a screenshot of something and then uploaded as a video right with is just with just an image and add it to YouTube as well. You can also syndicate podcasts like upload to SoundCloud. SoundCloud is very very powerful for SEO stuff also. So you could create a SoundCloud account for that company, upload it to that and then use the embed code from that and do audio posts across your syndication network and that kind of stuff. There’s a ton of stuff that you can do with to Multi-Purpose an audio file or a video right you can do the same thing with the videos rip the audio as long as it’s not dependent like the audio would still make sense without the video portion of it right the visual part of it. You can do the same thing with video is rip the audio out of it and create podcasts out of it SoundCloud stuff You know and all of that so that that’s that’s, by the way that was something else I talked about a Pokemon live was a part of holistic marketing as podcasts are great way to generate brand awareness as well as generate a lot of traffic, which are great signals for SEO when you get real, you know, a lot of traffic coming in. And, you know, we’ve done a number of podcasts this year. I’ve been on a number of podcasts this year promoting Semantic Mastery, and it’s we’ve seen significant effects from that. And then also some of my clients have suggested doing it. And they’ve, they’ve been able to start seeing the benefits of that as well. So I would suggest looking at other places that you can also podcast for your client if that makes sense. Like, get them interviewed for on other podcasts with relevant audiences. It’s a great way to build brand awareness and to get more traffic and more clients and that kind of stuff. So anybody wants to comment on that?
Adam: Nope, I think that’s you covered it. That’s not just the low hanging fruit. Yeah, it started immediately with SoundCloud and YouTube. And yeah, they also use it for a bunch of social stuff.
Bradley: Yeah, and remember, you could, you could create clips out of it like you could extract certain sections of the podcast and cut them into. So edit them into different clips and create blog posts out of that. So like for example, as you could just take a, you know, a, I don’t know what the podcast is about or anything but I’m saying you could take a specific section out of the podcast and then create a blog post out of it, have it transcribed, right. So just take send it to a transcription service. Very, very inexpensive, have them transcribe it. And you can go back through and edit it, or send it to a copy editor and have them edited to format it correctly and have breaks and pull, you know, block quotes out and that kind of stuff and create really nice blog posts out of it, which can also double as social media posts and GMB posts and so on and so forth. So there’s just a ton of stuff that you can do to multipurpose audio and or video is great because you can turn it into so many other things that make sense.
Jordan fallers got something for $1 million. If anybody’s interested in Craig, what’s up to Greg?
Would The Main Keyword “Commerical Real Estate” Perfect For A Company That Helps Businesses Find Office And Retail Space?
Nathan says I just placed an order for an RYS stack and have a few questions about the order form regarding MAIN KEYWORD well we can try to answer this year but you can always contact support if you have any questions too. That’s what it’s for. support at MGYB dot CEO. He says four main keywords you want the top-level keyword for the homepage correct? Yes, your brand and your top-level keyword. Based on my company description below. I’m assuming mine would be commercial real estate. I have a commercial real estate company that helps businesses find office warehouse and retail space for lease in Austin, Texas. Yeah, I mean, I can’t tell you what your top-level keyword is whatever your clients business or if it’s your business, you have a commercial real estate company that helps businesses find office warehouse and retail space for lease. Whatever your customers are searching for to find. You, right? That’s what you want is your top-level keyword plus the brand Association. That’s very, very important for the drive stack. Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Whatever keyword is the best to relate to the brand so that all of the money keywords will come up behind that one. When you start targeting that top-level category, it is your top market level keyword, you have to know what that is because it’s your industry. So what’s that I thought I’d love to have this key what she got to think of this, I looked at this keyword because it has all of these other keywords that can make me a boatload of money. That’s how you have to look at it. You submit that plus any other keywords related to it or you give us the broad keyword and tell us to do the keyword research. And we’ll go ahead and do it for you.
Bradley: That’s right. And that’s the keyword research packages. They work they go really really well for Especially when you’re buying drive stacks or link building packages because you get all the keywords and they’re all depending on what package keyword research package you buy if you buy one of the top-level packages will have everything already siloed out for you in set groups keyword theme groups if that makes sense. So it’s very very powerful.
Can You Use Generic Keywords For The 50 Minimum Keywords Required When Ordering An RYS Drive Stack?
Nathan says also for so this is the same guy also for the 50 minimum keywords Do you want those to be generic meaning to not include the city modifier well they’re industry-related keywords but not with the city modifier? That’s correct. You want more of the top the more market-level keywords then having like long tails with because the location Association can be made with the built within the builder if you provide the location with where the city’s at or the business serves, then that’s going to be all accomplished within the build. We don’t want those in the actual keywords Am I correct and telling him that Marco yeah What we want.
Marco: Now this is going back this is location-based what we want is the brand, location, top market level keyword, right. And then related keywords that they don’t have to include the location because everything will be location-based within the drive stack. I will do that the folder will be the location that some of the files will be located, the keywords will some of the keywords will include location. But when we’re initially doing the keyword research, what we want is everything that’s related to real estate. Because we’re, this is a mega relevant, I mean, call it my spam folder, whatever you want, it’s mega relevance that we want inside that drive sense what’s your brand, location, and then top market level keyword and then we’ll include every keyword that’s related to that top market level keyword along with, you know, the brand and location since that’s part of what you’re trying to rank for. So my are the two different things that that the only difference when we’re doing this when we’re building drives that are whether there is a location? Or if not, then it’s just brand plus keyword relevance that we go after. If there’s a location involved in its brand, location, and keyword. Yeah.
So Jordan says, Yeah, people say you don’t know my industry. So these are prospects, my prospects say you don’t know my industry. My answer is I know, Google, you’d rather have an SEO who knows Google and can learn your industry versus someone who knows your industry but doesn’t know Google. That tends to alleviate that hurdle quickly. Yeah, yeah, that’s a good reply. Jordan, thank you for that.
Nathan’s got another question. On the home page, I target the keywords with sitting. So I guess on the homepage, I target the keywords with city name, commercial real estate, commercial property, commercial space, etc. Then I have a landing page that targets office space keywords, one that targets retail space keywords and one that targets warehouse space keywords. Yeah, look, I get that all that you can include all All of those keywords in specifically, you know, went for the stack, but for your primary, you know, the folder name and G site and everything should be optimized for one, not three keywords, right? Even if they’re closely related, you should select the best keyword in my opinion for your top-level keyword for the brand Association. And then once you get the drive stack, remember you can always go in and this is what we talked about when you create silos if you have essentially different service categories on your site, right? So different landing pages targeting different keyword themes. They’re all they may all very, very closely be related. But there are still separate keyword themes. And it sounds like you’ve got your site already segregated that way, right segmented that way, which is exactly how you’d want to do it within a drive stack, right? So you’d have your primary which is primarily your brand, plus your top-level market keyword. But then once its silo or excuse me, the drive stack is built, then you can go in and create interior folders and there’s cloning. There are ways to do that where you can clone the existing folder, the primary folder, and then create siloed categories within the drive stack, then you mirror that on the G site, that’s something that you have to do after you get the initial size.
So drive stack and G site built by us, right, if you order from MGYB, then you just go in and essentially you can make copies of the folders, and then go in and edit them to swap out the keywords so that you have very specific keyword themed folders and files that support that particular service on your site. Right, and then you go match that by creating another page on the G site and embed it just the way now soon. Marco was talking about this earlier this week. It’s very soon we’re going to be able to provide that as a service in MGYB, where we can go back in and customize and do theme mirroring for G sites and go and drive stats. But right now we can’t do that. You have to, we can give you the initial drive stack and G site built around your brand and top-level Key word and all of the keywords for your market and then you can go in and create the silo structure within it. But soon we’re going to be able to provide that in MGYB. Marco, you want to talk about that any more? We gotta go anyways,
Marco: Not Not Not Not until we’re ready for it.
Okay. He says I’ve tried contacting support, they told me to ask on Hump Day. Yeah, I guess if you were trying to get an understanding of and that makes sense it you know it. So that’s, that’s what this is for so that we can educate you more, as far as about, you know, the Best Types of keywords and everything. So hopefully this was helpful for you. Typically, if it’s just a question as to like, I don’t know what to enter here. If it’s an SEO related question, which is kind of what you asked, because you didn’t know how to segment your keywords correctly for that type of order then yes, this is the best form for that. So they were correct and telling you to ask here, so hopefully, that was helpful.
Yeah, I give me but support is specifically instructed not to answer SEO related questions. That because they’re not trained in SEO, that’s not their job. Their job is simply to take the order and build out the order according to what we’ve taught them to do. We mean, if you want to put it that way, the SEOs, we’ve instructed them on what to do so they don’t really know what the concept is all they know is I build this and it works. We know why. And so you come here, and yeah, okay, so what should I do? But yes, guys, if you ever asked support an SEO related question, or you’re going to get as go to the free group and in Facebook or go to Hump Day Hangout and ask your question there because I’m not allowed Marco will not allow me to answer SEO related questions.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see everybody next week. Thanks, guys.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 261 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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