#otp cycle
starfallkaz · 1 month
Sel x Bree thoughts that make me rabid
1. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: Cat boy Sel is sooo important
Bree has come to realise that Sel is very much like a cat and he very much enjoys sunning himself. Usually he’ll climb a tree in a sunny spot and perch up in a branch, Bree loves to watch the way the sun and shadows play across his face
the way he practically purrs when Bree scratches his scalp
he hisses at people he doesn’t like
2. One of Sel’s favourite ways of showing affection is pressing his cheek to Bree’s or pressing their foreheads together.
It’s the intimacy of sharing that space with her. Sel’s love language is physical touch, and it’s the casual intimacy of the gesture that he loves. Being able to see Bree, come up to her and kiss her temple or press his cheek to hers in greeting.
3. Sel loves Bree’s hair. Before she knew how much he cared for her, he’d catch himself admiring her in the sunlight. The way the light would play off the curls and wisps of her hair, alight in bronze hues. His lips would part and he’d stare and have to distract himself from reaching for her
He changed to satin pillowcases for Bree <3
4. I love the idea of Sel blushing, being furious that he’s blushing (how could my body betray me like that), which makes him glare. Bree finds this angry cat look quite adorable and enjoys seeing how she can get Sel riled up. Bree comments on how cute he looks, just to see his face burn and the scowl appear between his brows.
5. Sel finds it awfully inconvenient that Bree can feel his eyes on her - it’s difficult to skilfully pine for and admire a girl in a non-desperate totally cool way when she knows every time that you’re looking at her
Alice: I mean we all know Sel is down astronomically bad for Bree, it’s not a secret to anybody. Sel glares from the corner
I’m also so down for the bickering between Alice and Selwyn. Their ongoing bit of only referring to each other as “Kane” and “Chen” like two foes, but they’re united in their ability to kick anybody’s ass in defence of Bree
6. Not to be nsfw or anything but, it’s also canon that Sel’s canines are incredibly sensitive - one time they’re kissing on the sofa and Bree is on top of him, his hand stroking her thigh. Bree runs her tongue over the tip of his canine and the way he shudders and his eyes burn, and he just melts into her mouth - he’s like putty
7. Alternatively, kissing Sel when he’s aether drunk - after much insistence on his part that he’s completely fine, he just needs a couple kisses to make him feel better.
He sits on the edge of his bed and Bree stands between his legs. And he’s muttering in welsh looking up at her with burnt amber eyes, Bree catches some familiar words like, beautiful, breath-taking, and you’re incredible
she leans down to give him a quick kiss and he takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around her, leaning back on the bed and pulling Bree down with him as she giggles
8. there’s a live band playing at one of the campus bars and Bree wants to go - Alice has gone home for the weekend. Sel detests live music with a passion (it’s all too much for his senses), so William offers to go with Bree instead, reassuring Sel that everything is fine - it’s just a bar!
Sel still watches the perimeter from outside - he tried to stand in the bar with ear plugs in but his eye started twitching and he excused himself
9. When they’re walking around together and Sel will either have an arm slung over her shoulder, or she’ll link an arm around him and the casual contact and affection is everything to him
10. Bree finds the smell of his aether signature so comforting. Especially when he’s happy or at peace, the scent of charred cinnamon and whiskey is mellowed, almost warmer and more inviting. Bree is falling asleep one night and mumbles if he can cast something - he casts a light scattering of aether drops falling in the room. Bree sleepily smiles and snuggles into the crook of his neck. Sel feels his heart thumping so loudly in his chest - surely even Bree can hear it
Not to end it on a bittersweet note or anything, but for so long Sel struggled to visualise what he wanted for himself outside of his role. As Kingsmage there wasn’t really anything else but to care for Nick. But holding Bree there and it’s never been so clear to him what he had, and what he wanted to keep.
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cocoabubbelle · 9 months
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Day 3: [🧦] Style/Aesthetic Swap AU
Is this pretty much the same pose used for Day 2: Hair Swap?
Yes. Yes it is. 🤪
Note: Rogue’s gloves are purple bc apparently that’s the true color of her actual gloves according to color-drop 😅
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soulmate hangster who always known but refused to acknowledge it
soulmate hangster who actively fight against the bond they have because the rivalry is Real and they think they'll never make it as a couple
soulmate hangster who acknowledge the connection but refuse to admit that means they should be more because the idea of not making their own fate annoys them both
soulmate hangster who immediately accept it because they were already on the verge of something more when they realized
soulmate hangster who realize they're soulmates after they've slept together
soulmate hangster who realize they're soulmates when they're in other relationships and have to decide how to navigate this thing between them
soulmate hangster who are platonic soulmates with a friend but still feel connected to each other
soulmate hangster
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chasm-side · 4 months
New DC fanfic trope:
A non-meta character discovers they do have a metahuman ability. It's the power to temporarily gain one (1) superpower from any meta they sleep with. And no, they do not get to choose which power it is.
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ashleybenlove · 6 months
Murtagh tells Thorn, "You're as dramatic as a troubadour."
Ngl, I want Hiccup to say this to Toothless, but like his culture's equivalent.
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multifairyus · 1 year
Missing Fluff Moments in Volition
Like…the intimacy Briana and Selwyn share in that sliver of time they have together post Mesmer reveal, root sharing and firefly kiss but before the Regents arrive? I just think Tracy really coulda given them a week or at least a day or two in Volition post kiss like damn 😭 ik YA pacing has to be breakneck and also we have to let Nick have a chance in book three but like…can they get a BREAK?? imagine what those extra days of no lies, no secrets between them…
I can clearly see them making sweet, tender love to each other and also can see them jumping each other’s bones…and that is a different post entirely. But outside of sheer sexuality like just CONSIDER:
• Bree sharing Sel’s bed before sunrise ands she needs to get back to the main house? Looking him in the eyes and telling him she trusts he wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want to do? Sel unsure if he’s on the precipice of Demonia or the closest to humanity he’s ever been. Experiencing and acting on emotions he’s had so long…he is self loathing, touch starved, and deeply, deeply devoted my heart can’t take this—
• Another sparring match… The banter, the teasing? I for one want Bree to unexpectedly pin Sel down with Arthur’s strength. Yeah. YEAH.
• Bree seeing Sel’s relationship to aether post root sharing change you cannot tell me she wasn’t gazing at him lovingly while his head was titled back looking at his firework aether show. Magic signature scents/magical attunement to each other convo part 2??
• I’m still waiting for Sel being able to play the violin (that’s canon right? Did I hallucinate that?) to come into play. I feel like Aunt Lu has a fiddle somewhere and is probably off the grid as far as entertainment goes…prehaps a campfire concert? Or a private one for Bree? (Side note: Valec challenging Sel to a silly fiddle off to “The Devil went Down to Georgia” a la Guitar Hero 3? Someone PLEASE write that crack I will pay you—)
• Generally experimenting with aether—idk what exactly but just non lethal things. Can they just make cute shit together? Root sharing is in a similar vein but I’m sorry that escalates so fast my man is literally drunk off of her and she can feel his gaze intensify—I…I can’t even think of something fluffy it’s just—SCREAMS INTERNALLY
• Our beloved homosexual supporting cast, William and Alice, talking shit and theorizing over the dinner table when their friends keep disappearing oh my god they’re not even subtle about it?? Frankly I want a POV of them just WITNESSING the tension between them. During fights is the most interesting but also quiet moments of rest and healing
Demonia’s Descent has a sultry vibes fosho but had to have some manipulative, possessive energy folded in for the ✨theme✨. It’s musical genres are alt/rock/pop/synth which I think lines up too.
But like…I need the devotion and admiration energy. I need some R&B/neo soul/jazzy vibes…Maxwell, Sade, H.E.R., Xavier Omär…i stand ten toes down in my selections but there aren’t many black artists in Demonia’s Descent…I’m this👌🏾 freaking close to curating a Volition Brelwyn playlist oh my god oh my god oh my god—Update: I did it >:D
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trench-rot · 9 months
a little rough draft, you know, as a treat
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art tags: @strangefable @v0idbuggy @cassietrn @voidika @socially-awkward-skeleton @jacobsneed @florbelles @shegetsburned @inafieldofdaisies @poetikat @sharkyboshaw @josephseedismyfather
click here to be added/removed 🖤
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clicheantagonist · 2 months
15 Lines Of Dialog
Thankies @aceghosts and @adelaidedrubman the tag! 😘
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well! (Y'all know I can't do that.)
Some of my favorite Alex lines:
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“Is that why you hate him? ‘Cause he cockblocked you?” - Alex @ Wesker, joking about Chris in Little Tyrants
“What’s your name? Who’s your daddy? Is he rich like me?” - Alex playfully serenading Jake (yeah, Wesker's son Jake, that one) in AU: Something About Infinite Cycles (unposted as of right now) Yes, she knows.
“Listen. One does not say ‘no’ to getting to do a Scarface in the coke. When was I gonna have that opportunity again?” - Alex telling Kit about a very damning photo of herself Wesker keeps on his desk in their untitled fic (The Unholy Throuple Universe)
“Boy went to law school and still isn’t smarter than my drop-out, yee-haw ass." - Alex talking to herself (judging John's lack of foresight) during the Reaping in Drown Me And Call It A Baptism.
“Um…this is…exactly what it looks like.” - Alex's response to Wesker catching her sparking up a joint after-hours. In a Holiday companion oneshot to Little Tyrants that explains their first hook up (during the S.T.A.R.S. days) and the circumstances surrounding it.
“I’ve been making and breaking monsters for twenty years – what makes you so special?” - Alex being a [playful, I promise] smartass in response to a comment Butcher makes about being a monster, in my still Untitled The Boys AU (I'm having so much fun there. I get the hype. It's awesome.) “Aw, c’mon! Something got loose after they got my ass?!” - Hearing Wesker tearing through bodies at a black site she's been caught and detained in. I posted this as a WiP here.
“I’ll kill him. I better not ever find out if he sticks his dick in that bitch.” - speaking (bitching) to Alex Wesker about Excella's proximity to Albert in a scene from Little Tyrants.
“If – allegedly - I’m willing to eat my own, imagine what I could do to you?” - a joke/threat regarding her nickname, in response to being questioned by Feds (derogatory) about her presence in Russia during the Caucasus outbreak of 2003 (Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles) in Little Tyrants.
“Ya think it was God’s grace that kept you fuckin do-gooders alive all these years? It was me. I spared you. D’you know how many opportunities I had to bring your heads home as trophies? You show some fuckin respect.” - In her Rick Sanchez era when she snaps during the events of RE5 in Little Tyrants, properly encountering Chris and Marshall again after betraying the cause. Wesker is very proud in this moment.
“I need to know I have a place. That I won’t be another dying star. Like Excella. Marcus. Sergei. Birkin. All the others that worked with you who thought they were too big to fall.” - trying to express her fears regarding Wesker's obsession with his New World Order (RE5) + past history with partners - she's not so much worried for the world, she's worried about them. (Priorities, girl.) I love this line because it's such a good example of how she doesn't shy away from dangerous topics; and she's willing to name his previous partners to impress upon him she knows she has good reason to worry. From Little Tyrants.
“Couldn’t trust you with no dirt. Retrieving your virus gave me leverage, and that made me more comfortable." - During her affair with Neil Fisher (Resident Evil Revelations 2); she's telling him very directly who she is and how she operates in explaining why she gave him a chance. I posted this as a scrapped WiP here
“I had to level the playing field. I’m a sore loser.” - to Butcher, regarding a life-altering decision she makes in near total secret. He asks why, and this is how she says: "cause my ego can't take anyone, even a Supe, kicking my ass and getting away with it." They really do mirror each other in ways I hadn't realized till just now. I swear I'll post some of this when I figure out where it's going/how long I expect to be invested. From the as of now Untitled The Boys AU
'Oh, I'm doin' a big stupid. The Lord God himself could come down and be like 'No, bitch' and I'd pretend I didn't hear him.' - Alex's inner monolog the night she and John start hooking up in Drown Me And Call It A Baptism. I didn't give her inner voice enough recognition here, but I should of. I love her running inner commentary.
Tagging, If y'all wanna (ignore me if you have): @socially-awkward-skeleton @josephslittledeputy @shallow-gravy @carlosoliveiraa @i-am-the-balancing-point and whoever else may want to.
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pinkyjulien · 11 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 613/?? | Lazy afternoon... 🚬 Custom Phone Kit by Halkuonn 🧡
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shayerathals · 1 year
strong dominant masculine woman. submissive nurturing feminine man.
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dylanconrique · 1 year
i wonder how many times tim has listened to his personal audio book of "split second leadership" just so he could listen to the sound of lucy's voice.
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fangirlhours · 1 year
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Monday mail day hooray~
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shayberri789 · 1 year
Thinking about how the Camero is a true representation of gansey on the inside. A new but old car/soul, fancy but with so many things broken and wrong with it but it works (mostly) anyway, and it's adored anyway
Thinking about how both Ronan and Adam stole the Camero for selfish but justified reasons, the same way they take Gansey's support love and trust for granted, and how they break his trust in doing so and yet Gansey loves and forgives them anyway, because they try to make it up to him (eventually)
Thinking about how the only person Gansey willingly let drive his car is the same person who wants to take care of Gansey the same way he cares for everyone else, and accepts his faults and flaws (how blue is pissed off by his shield, his president cellphone mask, but loves him more when she can see him being pitiful, unperfect, broken, and real, just like the camero)
I am once again thinking about Richard Campbell Gansey III
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I have flown too close to the sun... For the first time in 10 years I am considering writing fanfiction
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
It’s a fairly long paragraph but Eragon “climbed under the overhang of her left wing to nestle in the partially shaded hollow between the inner curver of her neck and her muscular foreleg.” Also, he has barely enough light to read (and the various nuances of her colors makes his skin look purplish), “But he did not mind; the pleasure of sitting with Saphira more than made up for the inconvenience.”
Love this. Just nodding in how Hiccup interacts with Toothless in like RTTE and the like.
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