#otp dialog
dylanconrique · 4 months
i'm so high and i buckled so hard.
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Worst. Pun. Ever.
Character C: And why did you stay up so late last night?
Character A, innocently, casually: I was doing a piece of work
Character B – who has been called “piece of work” by Character C more than once – walks in
Character C: *mortifying realisation followed by bitchface supreme*
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prompts-by-anjali · 1 year
"God, why are you staring at me?"
"You... you look um, really pretty today. Well, all the days, not that I stare at you or anything, not like a creep, but, um, yeah."
"Oh my GOD."
"I'm. I'm so sorry, I -- that wasn't professional."
"No, that was so sweet. I'm mortified. Thank you. I was a microbitch just now, wasn't I?"
"Mi-micro... bi--?"
"I'm so sorry. I mean, it's like this. I got into a fight with my dad over the stupidest thing and we never fight, you know? And I just... I always take out my bad mood on everyone around me, and I'm really sorry you were in the blast radius. You were literally just doing your job and then you were so nice to me and I was a total ass and not in a cute way. I'm so sorry. Let me make it up to you? Can I buy you a coffee?"
"You. You didn't do anything, uh, wrong. I just -- wait, coffee?"
"I mean, if you want to! Or something else if you're not into coffee? I could get you anything, really. You've been so nice to me, I just want to make it up to you."
"I... okay. Okay, coffee. Yes."
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Plot/ Dialogue prompt
Characters A and B frequently get into fight scenarios in which they team up, quite often life-or-death type of fights.
After a while of working together Character A starts calling Character B “Six.”
At the end of the fic, Character B brings it up, finally asking about it.
Character B: “You always call me “Six”. It’s because I cover your dead angle, right? The blind spot you can’t see while you march on.”
Character A: “Took you long enough to figure that out.”
Covering Character A’s dead angle can be meant figuratively or literally; also this doesn’t have to be a ship-situation.
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tacticalhimbo · 2 months
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"Keep talking, soft-gut. I'm more woman than you can handle." || "Hm... I don't think so. But if you want to prove me wrong... ~"
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killthewritingblock · 2 years
OTP Prompt 16
Person A- I wonder if all this pain and blood loss could kill me
Person B- That’s normally how injuries work (Name)
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herbariumua · 5 months
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Have you ever had an uncontrollable urge to draw your OTP in fancy clothes, flirting on a balcony balustrade in the sunset light? I never thought that burnsmithers would be that OTP, but here we are.
I rarely draw men in suits, my type is a kind of bum in something he stole from dead bodies - so for me, it was interesting to design formal clothes.
Smithers has an outfit based on a few from early seasons (he's such a fool in a vest), Burns's based on the minute scene at 22x06.
Couldn't decide if I want to keep hearts and dialog lines, so uploaded both versions.
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monkey-li · 9 months
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And here we have the first #Dimeshipping pic of 2024 /^0^/
Like last year I start with a one pager.
I stole the dialoge from the Palia game it was just so fitting for my OTP
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caligulasarmageddon · 2 months
that radioactivve lookin bug sprite 💚
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How I feel about Erisolsprite:
me fr. I think he is one of the most underutilized and unspoken of character, with a lot of potential that never gets seen because he doesn't want that potential. he just wants to fuck off and never be seen again. but not die, I think that's important. erisolsprite is a miserable wretch of a being. and is contempt with it.
misery is company but literally.
i also want to make out with her but ignore that.
All the people I ship romantically with them:
all of them? yeesh *okay*
Otp: Erisolsprite ♦️ (or ❤️) Karkat, Arquiusprite (♠️), Davepeta (Kind of a crackship/bromance, but like in a fun way), Jake (one sided spade crush that they hate and ignore), Gtavrosprite (♦️), Nepeta ❤️ (one that split from Fefeta)
My nonromantic OTP for this character:
Roxy would so let this thang live on her couch. Also, I think that Fefetasprite would have a really interesting awkward at first friendship where they eventually have hang outs where they just sit in a comfortable silence.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
The hate Erisolsprite feels for itself is completely platonic. Even bigger unpopular opinion the hatred is fake, he is actually completely contempt in the misery and the hatred is just a comfortable disguise.
One thing I wish happened in canon:
Waiter, waiter! 100 more lines of dialog please!
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zephyrstargame · 6 months
Character Spotlight - Tippy the Stone Plaque
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tippy the stone Plaque. so cool. so great. the ultimate god of everything and they are the most amazing stone plaque in the universe.
they are powerful and can kill you in one hit they have like 99999999999999999999999999 hp and dodge every attacks. ship with bat (bippy) is the otp and
battle theme is so cool too it's like
really cool
also theyre dialoge is colored RED because this is the EDGEy evil au and they speak in RED COLOR WORDS
i hope you liked it :)
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senoritacraftyyy · 2 years
BOY, was Hastings having a gay panic or something??
I ship him with Poirot. Proudly and hardly. An OTP. Yesterday I was rewatching this episode and I found this dialog. The episode is “Double Sin” from Season 2, Chapter 6.
- “Why can’t you leave me alone?? Don’t you know what is like to love a man??”
(SHE was telling to Hastings. DIRECTLY. And Hastings’s doubting about his answer was simply, GAY PANIC)
- “Well, Ahh… No… Not exactly…” [points the car] “Sargent…”
I HAVE TO SAY Hastings’s response was a clearly doubt. The voice tone, the expression… EVERYTHING. I can’t stop thinking if he was thinking in Poirot at that moment. We all know here that Hastings is a true gentleman (Cause’ he actually is heheheh)
What about you? What are your thoughts on this dialog?
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kitkatt0430 · 9 months
Hartley Rathaway for the character ask?
1: sexuality headcanon
Gay, as per his canon sexuality. But very non-gate-keeper-y. If his boyfriend turns out to not always a boy (as I sometimes like to play with Cisco and Barry's genders and they are also my two favorites to ship Hartley with...) he's still super gay for that person.
2: otp
Cisco/Hartley - 100% Hartmon otp
3: brotp
Lisa Snart, though I do really enjoy Caitlin & Hartley and Iris & Hartley friendships too.
4: notp
honestly I can only really think of Joe? Joe is just too much of a dad character, I can't ship him with anyone the same age as his kids (or age range, whatever)
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Jerrie's first word was Hartley's name. She didn't start talking until late, so she actually was able to do a pretty decent approximation for her first try. Still didn't quite have the H sound yet, but her big brother was her favorite even then so of course she wanted to say his name, get his attention.
Hartley was the most delighted big brother ever and would not shut up about it at school all week.
6: favorite line from this character
I realize you don't have to explain your hiring decisions to me, but maybe for the sake of a fun exercise, we could pretend you did.
So while yes, this is Hartley being a dick about Cisco, there's actually a lot to unpack about this dialog.
Hartley's talking like this *to his boss* which tells us how comfortable Hartley is with Eowells. He plays chess with him, has Latin as a sort of secret language between them, and he demands to be treated as an equal even while acknowledging they technically aren't. (It is with good reason that I so often have Eowells/Hartley as backstory...)
But also, Hartley is not pleased with Cisco's hiring. And while Hartley clearly disapproves of Cisco's clothing choices, it kind of comes off as a focus point for everything else going on when it gets brought up. Cisco is a fresh-out-of-college hire and his clothes make that *extremely* obvious. But Hartley is specifically calling into question here - in private, which is actually the one (only) way Hartley does actually manage to behave professionally in regards to Cisco in the flashbacks - if Cisco is qualified for the job which... makes me suspect that Cisco probably wasn't, based solely on job experience.
I suspect Eowells was just so eager to hire Cisco that he hired him for a job that was intended for a more senior engineer. Or at least a junior one with a couple years of experience under their belt. Not a college grad who may or may not even have some of the certifications needed for the position. TBH, Hartley takes his anger out on Eowells in the 'present' portion of The Sound and the Fury on Barry so it really makes sense to me that Hartley's bad behavior in the past towards Cisco was also Hartley misdirecting his frustration with Eowells onto a more convenient target. Part jealousy because Eowells is looking favorably (and fanboying a bit, let's be real) over Cisco (future superhero Vibe and Eowells gets to mentor him? how could he help but fanboy?) and that's how Hartley's relationship with Eowells began too... but also Eowells hired someone who pretty clearly does not fit the job description.
Obviously canon never supports this little pet theory of mine and it's entirely born of a more forgiving interpretation of this line of dialog from the episode but... I do really like the interpretation because it makes Hartley a bit more sympathetic without excusing his bad behavior towards Cisco. And it establishes parallels between his past and present behavior.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Honestly Hartley and I don't have a whole lot in common. I latched on to him because he's such an interesting and canonically gay character and the more I learned about his comics incarnation the more I liked the character.
I definitely relate to his queerness though. I may not be a gay dude - aroace and only sometimes a girl (though always a girl when its funny, gotta commit to the bit) - and it's kinda hard to explain how I feel I relate to his queerness but... I really do.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Every time he's a classist dick towards Cisco in S1. Way to misunderstand the character, show writers. *wincing painfully* Did they even read any of the stuff with Hartley in it? Guy who stands up, even to the Flash, on behalf of the homeless people of Central City...
Not that I don't still lean into that trait sometimes when writing fanfic so I can then have him grow out of it, but still. Makes me cringe a little inside every time.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll - sure he's got a checkered past, but his heart's always in the right place. He just wants to help people, make the world a better place, and abolish the police. Even if his comics self is dating/engaged to a CSI.
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btheleaf · 30 days
Asami for the character breakdown? ❤️
How I feel about this character
In the show she's wicked cringe and I don't like her. In the comics she really shines and gets to be smart and badass. I KNOW she was kicking ass in the show and doing cool shit, but her dialog was soooooo cringe.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Varrick. They're tech bros together and they bite each other and give each other rabies.
My unpopular opinion about this character
She should have been an Equalist
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Pema should have gotten to give her a nonbender to nonbender pep talk after her dad turned out to be an Equalist.
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aluvian · 5 months
Top 5 ships
Not me temporarily forgetting every ship I've ever shipped when I saw this ask. And then having to pick from the numerous ones I do have. Lmaoooooo 😂
Fox Mulder x Dana Scully - The X-Files. The ship to end all ships. The blueprint. When I say that your faves could never, I truly mean it. Mulder and Scully probably did it first and continue to do it better. We have them to thank for the term shipping and online spaces where we can scream about and over our faves. They've given me permanent brain damage. 🥰
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FemShep x Garrus Vakarian - Mass Effect. The ultimate battle couple. My favorite cross-species liaison, who aren't afraid to test the limits of reach and flexibility. Their transition from friends to friends with benefits to UH OH I CAUGHT SERIOUS FEELINGS is immaculate. Plus, we get some real dialog bangers. My personal fave: "You know me, I always like to savor the last shot before popping the heat sink." I LOSE IT EVERY SINGLE TIME.
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Neo x Trinity - The Matrix. There isn't a sexier ship out there, and that's a fact. Imagine looking that hot all the time and being willing to die for one another without a second thought or ounce of hesitation, even if it means dooming the rest of humanity. Goals, tbh.
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Jaime Lannister x Brienne of Tarth - Game of Thrones/ASOIAF. I would be physically/mentally/emotionally incapable of not shipping something that was Beauty and the Beast coded. ESPECIALLY if it's an inverse of the classic fairy tale. I try not to think how the show did them so dirty. And I have still not recovered from that, btw. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Gwendoline Christie deserved to play book!JB so, so badly. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE??????? The show did give us some iconic moments with them but ultimately wasted all that potential. Still holding out on George and TWOW. I truly believe he's not going to let us down.
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Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye - Fullmetal Alchemist. They are literally Mulder and Scully in anime form. How could I not ship them? Their devotion to each other makes me want to chew through the drywall. "I'll follow you into hell if you ask me to." HELLO??????????????
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...annnnnnnd I definitely have a type when it comes to my OTPs 😅
Honorable mentions: BroShep x Tali'Zorah vas Normandy from Mass Effect, Batman/Bruce Wayne x Catwoman/Selina Kyle from the Batman franchise, Rogue x Gambit from the X-Men franchise, Vash the Stampede x Meryl Stryfe from Trigun & Trigun Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood x Milly Thompson from Trigun, Guts x Casca from Berserk*, Shinya Kougami x Akane Tsunemori from Psycho-Pass, Meryl Stryfe x Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun Stampede, FemRyder x Vetra Nyx from Mass Effect: Andromeda, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes from the MCU, Leon S. Kennedy x Ada Wong from Resident Evil...and I truly could keep going. I have a lot of ships. And I will spare you guys my sports anime ones. 😆
*I do need to give a special shout out to Guts and Casca for being especially insane. Imagine initiating a sword fight with a guy, stabbing him, then deciding to fling yourself off the side of a cliff afterwards, having him rescue you by grabbing you at just the right time (with the hand he used to pull out the sword you stabbed him with no less), then crying and calling him a fool, then kissing him, then fucking him. They truly do not make anime/manga ships like this anymore. 😔
Wow. Never get me talking about anything I love because this is what happens. I simply do not know how and when to shut up. Anyway! This was tons of fun, and I appreciate you sending me this ask so much. 💙
Ask me my Top 5 anything!
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orangepanic · 9 months
🍦 🎢 😅 for the fanfic emoji asks :)
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Answered here, but another very sweet one is Love Amongst the Flutterbats. Just my OTP falling in love being dorks at the zoo.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Probably either Harmonic Convergence or Starvation Paradise, but for entirely different reasons. Harmonic Convergence is a metal band AU I co-wrote with @ideklolwat. Co-writing is always a challenge in a fun way because you're melding writing styles and headcanons and the focus of the fic, and the sections and dialog you write then influence what the other person writes and vice versa. As a result the fic is a completely chaotic romp that's a hilarious mix of smut and angst and violence I never would have come up with on my own. In that sense I'd maybe add Traitor, too, as the wildest ride I've had writing, which is a fic I wrote in a chapter-by-chapter response to one of Ideklolwat's other fics from the antagonists' perspectives. I couldn't change anything in Idk's fic so everything I wrote was 100% reactive and I just had to roll with it and make it work.
Starvation Paradise, on the other hand, was a fic that took me over two years to finish because I really had no idea if the characters were going to live. It's just this absolute desolate slog of adversity where the main characters simply cannot get ahead and are always an inch from death. Every time something goes well something else falls apart. So in that sense it's just constant whiplash from "aww" to "oh noooo."
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Already answered this here, but also I can't believe you have to ask me this after that dead bear fic.
Fanfic asks
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tacticalhimbo · 5 months
20-25 for the edgy oc asks— for phoebe and franklin cs OH my god?? love
[ ask meme ]
OOUHGHHH this is gonna be fun to answer as an otp thing for them!
i haven't written anything really for franklin himself, but my partner roleplays him and i love xyr portrayal of him so will be pulling from that (which, fun fact, is kinda where the idea of them as an oc/canon ship started from... but i love it sm i decided to separate it from just rp and make it a standalone thing teehee)
but anyway! below the cut bc i rambled about them... oops ^-^;
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
phoebe does, and i think for her a lot of it stems from the fact attachment to others in general is a sensitive topic. she lost her parents, her brother jumped ship (and she has gotten over that, they're on good terms and she understands why he left los santos with his wife), and she really just. has nobody. so she does get worried when the few people she does genuinely attach herself to seemingly show signs of pulling back. it manifests as her withdrawing and becoming defensive of herself (expecting that withdraw and thus pushing the other party away).
franklin also seems like he does, and it's understandable in his case too. he's lost a lot of folk in his life, and those who are around are so stuck in a specific mindset that he feels ostracized for questioning it/trying to do something different with himself. ironically, they kind of deal with it in the same way. he gets upset and defensive, and he'll withdraw from the situation/the person(s) involved.
when it comes to their relationship, it does create tension and strain. understandably so. but a little time apart to cool off is often enough for them to wander back and talk things through.
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
phoebe has no physical illnesses, but she definitely has underlying mental health concerns due to discovering her parents after a break-in gone wrong. she tends to handle it by putting herself into adverse situations as one, they give her a chance to prove others (and namely, herself) wrong about a perceived lack of ability and two, they serve as a distraction. can't think about how shit you feel when you're being shot at!
as for franklin, i imagine they're pretty similar in that regard. he's seen a lot of things go on (and often, go wrong), that it's gotta weigh on him. it does weigh on him. we see that a lot in his dialogs with the other characters (and to himself). i don't remember if it's explicit or implied canon, but he has depression of some sort. as for handling it/coping with it, he does try to distance himself from things at times. but his conscience always gets the better of him, especially where people he cares about are involved (re: his shenanigans with lamar), and he gets roped back into things.
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
honestly they both have chaotic good energy.
phoebe i know for a fact is! she's not afraid to call bullshit as she sees it, and will often go against the societal norm to make things right (laws and regulations be damned)
franklin on the other hand, does fit that vibe but he's also less? energetic about it. i mean, he is depressed, so i don't blame him for that. but at the end of the day, he just wants things to be right. he could arguably also fit into true neutral territory, but i don't feel like he's really the "it is what it is" type.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
easy answer for both of them: vulnerability. a lot of it is kinda repeat from the jealousy question, but genuinely?
it is so hard for them both to process anything that puts them at a perceived disadvantage socially. they've been through it. they've lost a lot. they don't want to appear 'weak' because it only further ostracizes them from the crowds they find themselves in.
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
i feel like, in an alternate life, phoebe either would have become some sort of influence or done work with animals. her sense of style is so bold and specific, and she does love engaging with new trends and keeping atop of that. of course, that's also expensive, and it likely would have become a side thing to working with animals. she never had pets until patches (her neighbors' boxer that she adopted out from them), but after taking care of him? yeah. she could see herself doing that on a larger scale/long-term. it's actually a back-burner kind of headcanon i have for her that, between heists, she does volunteer at the los santos county animal shelter. her life would have been very different; a lot more stable, frankly.
with franklin, we do get to see a look into an alternate life through the online lore re: him becoming the owner of a celebrity solutions agency (though his work is… very similar to the work he did with michael and trevor; just he's not on the ground as much and it's a lot more planned out/clean). that said, if he truly were to have an alternative life path, i feel like it would have been something with automotive work. as sleazy as simeon's business is, franklin seemed like he genuinely enjoyed working with the cars and prepping them for purchase/showcase! if he never got involved with michael and the boys(tm), his life would have been so much different.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
oh man…
my favorite thing about phoebe, besides her sense of style, is just how down-to-earth she is at the end of the day. like. she really is just some person when the job is said and done. most of the stuff i've written for her privately/through rp aren't even like… heist related. it's just her being within the boundaries of los santos and existing. she's met ramón (other oc) and chatted with him. she's done gun-for-hire work for laverne (oc), and subsequently sat and had lunch with her by the pier. her, candy, and faye (ocs) are best fucking friends. they always have girls nights out together at the vanilla unicorn and to the pier and up to blaine county to fuck around in the desert.
and my favorite thing about franklin is just how much he actually cares about people. he tries to hide it, but we can see time and time again that he genuinely wants what's best/safest for everyone. like. his relationship with lamar?? and the way he interacts with imani (gta online npc; daughter of one of his longer-term friends, pearlie)??? obsessed. he's so fucking… good. he's a good man. and he deserves the world.
then, as a bonus, my favorite thing about them/their relationship is how much they balance each other out. how they've become a safe space for one another, where (even if their psyches get the best of them) they can be vulnerable and wholly trusting about themselves, their thoughts, and their emotions. they fuck around and get into trouble, sure, and they have a lot of fun doing it...
but at the end of the day, their favorite thing to do is just exist together. turn on whatever shitty movie re-run is playing on the television, cuddle up on the couch, and just. exist. and i just think that's neat.
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