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stupidasfuck · 9 months
Godlike Platonic!Grid x Reader
Summary: The reader defends the drivers in front of the reporters and calls them out on their behaviour towards the drivers.
A/N: english is not my first language and to be honest I don‘t know how I feel about this one but I hope you still enjoy it. Have fun reading <3
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It‘s a Sunday and Lando, Max, Daniel and I find ourself in a post race interview. Everything would be fine if the reporters wouldn‘t harass Lando with questions about a mistake that caused him to DNF with only two rounds left in the race.
He, as always, beats himself up about his mistake and the reporters only make it worse. My mood at the beginning of the press conference was pretty good, I finished P2.
But hearing the reporters ask more or less the same stupid questions over and over again and seeing that Landos mood is getting worse and worse, my mood is getting worse too and I have no issue with showing it, an eye roll here a head shake there.
I am known for my attitude and to make my PR managers life a living hell. I always say what I think without thinking of the consequences. Which is mostly the truth. That wouldn‘t be a problem if humans wouldn‘t be so damn sensitive. At least that is what I always tell myself.
And this exact behaviour got me in this situation.
“Y/N, you seem pretty annoyed in the last few minutes. What is going on?“ One of the reporters asks curiously.
“Whats going on?“ I ask rhetorically. “Let me tell you what is going on.“ I can already hear my PR manager yell at me. “You guys are harassing Lando with the same stupid questions for the better part of the last ten minutes. That is what the fuck is going on my nerves. What is also getting on my nerves is that you all are acting like you know everything better and can do everything better than we do, which is bullshit because if you would, you would be sitting in these cars and not us. You are also acting like the mistakes we make are the god damn end of the world, they aren‘t. If you want races without any mistakes then you would have to replace every human in Formula 1 with robots. Because that is what we are humans.“ I say sternly. “A lot of people like to forget that. I know when we drive these cars at 250 Kilometers per hour we seem Godlike and with Godlike I mean flawless, perfect and infallible-“
“And with ‘we‘ she means her.“ Daniel interrupts me to try to light up the mood. I can‘t help but smirk lightly at that before I continue.
“- but we are not. Like I said we are. just. humans. We make mistakes, we are‘t infallible or perfect. And that is good because like my mother always said perfect is boring. And that is true, lets be honest if every race would go perfectly, without any mistakes nobody would watch it due to the fact that it would be boring. You guys need to except that and need to realise that it‘s okay when we make mistakes and to stop rub it in our god damn faces and to stop beating us up because of that, for being human. Believe me we do that enough without your stupid questions and assumptions. Well at least I do. So yeah I am annoyed because you idiots think you are allowed to talk down on us just because you think you know it better.“
I look back at the reporters to see most of them looking like a dear caught in headlight’s.
“Ah thank you. I am sure a lot of us will take note of that and be more respectful in the future.“ The reporter from earlier sais. “You better fucking do.“ I scoff.
There are a few more questions wich are more respectful this time. Most of the reporters seem pretty uncomfortable and happy when the time is up and they can leave.
The four of us were walking towards our garages when Lando speaks up “Thank you by the way.“ He sais smiling at me. “Oh don‘t be so arrogant Lan. Who said I did that for you? That was purely for my well being.“ I say smirking. The others just laugh. “No but lets be real they need to stop with this shit otherwise I am not gonna be that nice next time.“ Daniel rises his eyebrows at me. “Hey you know it could have been way worse.“ I ad when I see Daniels look.
“True.“ Max agrees.
“Yeah but still tank you. But I was wondering, do you writhe your speeches yourself or do you have someone that does that for you?“
“Oh yeah very funny Lando haha. You are just jealous.“ I say in fake annoyance and cross my armes over my chest.
“Oh come on you know I am messing with you.“ He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side.
“Yeah what ever you idiot. I need a shower and real alcohol. I expect to see every one of you at the club later.“ I say and point a finger at each of them with a stern look.
“Of course we are gonna be there how could we say no to an invitation like that.“ Danny jokes.
“I mean it. If I don‘t see you, I will drag your asses to the club myself.“ I call after them walking towards my driver room.
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Thats it i hope you like it <3
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pinknpoodley · 25 days
OKAY. i've seen 200% wolf again and i wrote up my thoughts. this is like soooo much fucking word vomit if you're gonna expand the post lmao
TL;DR i give the movie a 4/5. overall, it was SOLID, though i do acknowledge it had some flaws. it was a major improvement over 100% wolf, much to my relief. i realize that i'm very biased, but it's far from abysmal like some reviews are saying. for me, it was well worth the wait and the hype!
(major spoilers, obvs)
okay, first of all THAT INTRO THO. IT WAS ACTUALLY SO INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL I'M NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING. IT WAS CAPTIVATING I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. i actually thought 100% wolf's opening scene was VERY solid too, actually one of my favorite parts of the movie, but in a more emotional and heartwarming way
-WHOEVER DESIGNED THE MOON SPIRITS JUST FUCKING KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK. HOLY SHIT. they look perfect in EVERY single way, and i never thought much about how they looked before but man, this beats anything i could've ever imagined. i think about them constantly, just... WOW. and they way they dance around and create a circle when they're gathering moonfire to beam to the earth in order to bless a werewolf with warfing abilities is just...amazing 😭
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-as a side note i wonder why they chose to demonstrate some random woman gaining the ability to warf and not a teenager like freddy. i have a hc that werewolves go through their first warfing around the age of puberty which is why freddy warfed on his 14th birthday. but now i'm wondering if there are exceptions to the rule and "late bloomers" so to speak cause that chick was like 30 lmao
-MOOPOO IS ACTUALLY REALLY CUTE. i saw some reviews saying he was annoying but no!! i love his fun little antics (like riding the space rover in the intro) and i'm still adoring the fact that he was modeled after fin edquist's kids. absolutely melts my heart ahh 🥰 i will agree that he is reminiscent of stitch at some points lmao
-LOVED freddy's narration and the character introduction, the way they made it look like a comic book with each character's name, title and class. THE ILLUSTRATIONS ARE SO PRETTY. AND I AM GLAD THEY DESCRIBED HOTSPUR AS AN EX-CON bc it implies he actually got a greater punishment than just picking up dog shit but still the fact that it's never referenced again in the movie bothers me. "poodles can do anything werewolves can do, but poodlier" and "hardcore awesomeness in-training" FREDDY'S SUCH A DORK I LOVE IT
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-interesting how batty's sense of smell proves to be very useful on the mission and is one of her greatest strengths - how she can detect the wind changing and the blimp changing course. i sorta wonder if that's why the pack allows freddy to take her along when they go on missions, cause literally she's the main reason why she and freddy were able to save those people
-loved freddy and batty's teamwork too, how that was showcased. they were seriously so badass!! like damn these gay dogs are getting a lot more done than those big, buff, powerful wolves LMAO. maybe that just drives the primary message of the movie home even more, now that i think about it
-IDK what flasheart was thinking telling the others to act like pigeons to fool the lady but hey somehow it worked!
-"hey it worked! hit more things" BATTY NOOO i felt bad for freddy he got so abused trying to stop the blimp lmao
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-THIS FELICITY HAZZARD AND HER FAKE NEWS REPORTING. i much prefer her in the series smh
-lady hightail was such a bitch wtf "we'll discuss his role in the pack later" ??? girl he is the future high howler tf you mean
-legit felt so bad for freddy during this part, it's definitely hard for him when the pack just sees him as a joke. it's terrible seeing him cry like noo bby. AND THEN THE WAY HE SLAPPED FLASHEART AWAY ?? OMG. like i know he was just frustrated and hurt but damn??? knowing what they've been through it just hurts to see that even more cause they usually have a very healthy and loving relationship ): ): and i could never see freddy seriously resenting flasheart, like not even for a second. he loves and admires him so much 😭
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-"hey. i respect you...kinda" batty's dialogue in this movie omg I LOVE HERRR she was so cute trying to cheer freddy up!! not to mention the animation ahhh she's just so cute 🥺
-"cut and color? maybe get some of those curls straightened?" i'm gonna conveniently interpret this to mean that freddy goes to the groomer or maintains his look as a hot pink poodle somehow and i fucking love that lmao
-the lore about the summoning stone is interesting
-the sequence where freddy contorts like something from the exorcist kind of like in the first movie and explodes into a wolf HSDKFvb i'm obsessed
-i don't really get why people have a problem with freddy's wolf form, i think he looks just fine?? i mean, you have the fursona and shreddy jokes and w/e but some people flat out hate it. idc, i think it's very consistent with his poodle and human design. i really believe they put a lot of thought into it. not to mention how well they managed to capture his mannerisms and personality across all three of his forms, i was pretty impressed by that. it had to be pretty challenging. ALSO i figured he would've naturally been a pure white wolf if he'd warfed into one originally, just like he was originally an all white poodle, so it fits right in with my own hcs.
-HIS EXCITEMENT AT BECOMING A REAL WOLF WAS SO FUCKING CUTE OMG. I LOVED THAT PART SO MUCH. WHEN HE WAS FROLICKING LIKE A DEER AND GROWLING AT THE FLOWERS IT WAS ADORABLE HDJDFCVNMB i kept remembering the intro of the first movie where he was little and jumping around all excited to grow up and become a wolf just like flasheart shdfjkc 😭 WHOLESOME AF.
-ALSO. ALSO ALSO ALSO I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HOW HE DIDN'T ACTUALLY GAIN NEW ABILITIES. he didn't become super strong or anything like his dad. he pulls a fucking twig out of the ground and acts like he is but no lmao it's like spongebob holding up the stick with the marshmallows on both ends acting like he lifted a fuckign barbell shdjfkgv he's STILL the same freddy, goofy and clumsy, he literally just took a different form. i can't express enough how much i LOVED that seriously
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-moopoo first meeting batty and freddy and the montage with him and freddy being goofy and bonding together was so cute ahh
-MOOPOO TRYING TO EAT A CROW WAS SO OUT OF POCKET LMFAO. also i love his tendency to add "-poo" to the end of everyone's names lol
-it was cute the way freddy scooped batty up and put her on his back ahhh
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-i was disappointed that the pack didn't have more of a reaction to freddy becoming an actual wolf like he was hoping, i mean c'mon he was so happy and excited lmao
-MAX'S BACKSTORY IS SO GOOD IDC. also i love her wolf design, it's actually rly cute. tiny wolf hehe
-the elders really suck actually. i feel like they're always looking to blame freddy for something or scold him, at least as they appear in the movies. they're not very fair imo, they clearly still judge him for being a poodle. also, lady hightail suspending him from the night patrol SMH
-well, flasheart...that was an awfully gentle way of telling freddy that moopoo's gonna die if he stays on earth. but it's super in character for him i feel. also it got really fucking dark there for a second
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-the sequence where batty and freddy chase moopoo around on the roof of farfang was so cute ahh
-I CAN'T FULLY EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVED TWITCHY AND HAMISH IN THIS MOVIE. LIKE HOLY SHIT. they were okay in 100% wolf but they didn't really stand out imo. but like whoa, the writing for them REALLY improved in the sequel. i love them sm now especially hamish lmao
-as a side note i'm sorta confused, do twitchy, hamish and bruno still live on the street while batty lives at farfang w/ the werewolves? based on how the first movie ended i sorta thought they were all living together now??
-twitchy insisting she doesn't like babies and getting freaked out by moopoo was soooo in-character for her lmao.
-hamish and his personality switch with the shades is hilarious hsdjf
-based on some reviews i read i was think there would be more scenes featuring or referencing shit, but it was literally just one and idk why people were freaking out. it wasn't even that bad 🙄
-moopoo is 400 years old apparently, i wonder when moon spirits reach maturity
-the great kennel and adding to the dog pack lore?? kinda neat i guess even if it only appeared very briefly
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-also freddy not being used to having a big heavy wolf body shdfv
-"learn how to transform with your clothes on" BUT HE LOSES THEM WHEN HE TRANSFORMS BACK. WHAT IS YOUR POINT TWITCHY. but yeah like you'd think he'd be more careful in the sunlight when he's in his canine forms by now but he's so impulsive
-it was so cute how they put moopoo in a baby stroller with twitchy and disguised bruno as his mom shjfk
-OK BUT I WILL DEFEND THIS FIT WITH MY LIFE. GENUINELY AWESOME AND ADORABLE. like he worked with what he could find and he rocked it. and holy shit the queer coding is absolutely insane IDCCC. also batty being super supportive 🥺🥺
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-the montage of hamish failing at being a guide dog and twitchy eventually getting fed up and kicking his ass,, rip
-"shave the baby" shdfvj
-moon spirits are incredibly powerful holy fuck. the way moopoo blasted through the force field like ??
-i actually think it's cute and sad how batty is scared of bats and it's implied she got her name from other dogs teasing her hsdjv
-wholesome batty and freddy moments 🥰"i'll take care of them lupin style" and then he falls over himself SDHFGK
-HANK W/ THE TENNIS BALLS. he seems fun i want more lore on him
-the moopoo hungry scene ahhh it was so wholesome to see freddy comforting him. and the animation where he was trying to consume his inner moonlight was really cool, like woah. the whole concept of werewolves having an inner moonlight/moonfire...i just love the lore in this movie so much it's unreal
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-freddy punching gar-gar in the eye and running away w/ batty I CAN'T THEY'RE SO GOOFY
-jennifer saunders is amazing as max, i loved her from the first introduction of her character omg. she killed it! also her expressions are sooo good i love it
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-love how they made the same joke as they did in 100% wolf with freddy trying to spit on the ground but failing dfgj
-more hamish and twitchy banter, i love how they tease each other and bicker sm
-the part where max mentioned a trust exercise and freddy assumed she meant a trust fall HSDJFV
-"if you'd rather be moopoo's daddy, i'm cool with that. i could be the mummy" BASED hamish
-the entire scene where freddy is pretending to kill the dogs LMAO?? then moopoo waking up and finding them "dead" SDFJGF
-"weird is different, and different is good" i really liked the scene where max and freddy were bonding. it gave max more depth and insight to her character. and freddy does tell batty he doesn't trust her but i think he did end up sympathizing with her in spite of what she'd done because he is very soft-hearted
-hotspur dumbass moments, he deserved to get caught in every one of those traps. also it was kind of really fucking weird how flasheart was laughing at him like it was endearing or something when this is the same monster that locked him away for six years and tried to kill his son. maybe he was happy bc he thought one of the spikes might impale his heart or something but that's probably wishful thinking. WTF this family. and NO I'M NEVER GONNA SHUT UP ABT THAT. IT MAKES NO SENSE HOW HE'S STILL PART OF THE PACK
-interesting how moopoo turns red and turns into a little gremlin when he takes the energy from the whoopsies lmao
-why did max diss freddy's human form tho i genuinely don't get it 😭 poor him
-gar-gar was cute when he wanted to play fetch with batty aww. the way their friendship develops is super sweet
-yeah idk the wolf runes look different to me in this movie compared to the series. it's pretty interesting. also interesting how freddy specifically said wolf runes, implying the existence of other runes, namely dog runes like in the series. i sorta doubt that was intentional but it's fun to think of it that way
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-"we're looking up" is SUCH A CUTE SONG. I LOVED THAT ENTIRE MONTAGE. ALSO THE BABY GAR-GARS WERE ADORABLE. and the earth magic stuff is really fucking cool, i wonder if they might incorporate that lore into the series.
-i noticed that the magic only changes the color of freddy's eyes, but that doesn't happen with max? i wonder why that is. maybe i missed something. he looks pretty neat with the glowing red eyes tho lmao
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-why did bruno, twitchy and hamish want to eat moopoo's vomit tho
-also freddy becoming sorta possessed by the earth magic was interesting? i feel like they could've done a lot more with that
-why did freddy cast a rainbow spell around batty... HMMM
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-i was surprised by the way max felt genuinely betrayed by freddy, and the way he said she has no friends. like basically, she's alone. and they did appear to have a heart-to-heart there while freddy was trying to talk her into casting the portal spell. she was just fooling them but still, it did seem a little genuine. i think she was just overcome with the urge to get her warfing abilities back and get revenge on the moon spirits. but honestly think max could've been rehabilitated, there was potential there. it sucks that in the end she was turned into a whoopsie and that was it
-i like how max couldn't find a word that rhymes with gravity, so she just made up a word lmao
-wait how tf did twitchy swallow hamish's shades
-yeeeah i was not a fan of the fart joke with bruno, with that being like his main contribution in the film ?? but at least it didn't drag on for too long ??
-gar-gar's return was sweet, again i love the friendship he formed with batty ahh
-the giant mutated moopoo was...completely unanticipated. but it was so sweet the way freddy sang his lullaby to calm him down
-AND THE SCENE WHERE FREDDY GAVE HIM HIS INNER LIGHT. i just...omg that was so beautiful and so in-character. like yeah, he WOULD be that self-sacrificing and it hurts so much
-it was incredibly sweet to see moopoo reunited with his mom and the other moon spirits omg. AND THEN HOW THEY ALL WORKED TOGETHER TO RETURN FREDDY'S INNER LIGHT. THAT WAS GENUINELY SO BEAUTIFUL OH MY FUCKING GOD
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closing thoughts:
-there were a lot of reviews complaining that it was unfunny. i can agree the jokes are kinda dumb and corny at times but to me that gives it charm lmao
-it's kind of interesting how the moonstone ring doesn't appear at all, like it isn't even referenced?? i thought it would be, but it wasn't important to the story at all. the story was purely focused on the moon spirits.
-ALSO NO HARRIET, CHARIOT OR MRS. MUTTON which surprised me, but again, they weren't important to the story at all. and i was thinking we'd see hotspur and flasheart (and the other wolves for that matter) in their human forms apart from in the intro?? but again, i guess it wasn't relevant so they didn't include that
-lastly, i've gotta be honest. i think this movie was much better enjoyed by fans of the series and the first movie than by people who know absolute nothing about the franchise. not to say that it can't be enjoyed by people who know nothing about it otherwise. it's just that knowing the characters and events from the first movie makes it a little less confusing imo. we did get some background on freddy, hotspur, flasheart and batty in the intro. however, there was barely anything about twitchy, bruno and hamish and no references to how they met batty and freddy. the segments featuring wolf runes also make more sense if you've watched the series imo, they are well established in the show.
-i may have additional thoughts on the movie that i'll post about later but that's it for now. AGAIN, IT WAS SO WORTH THE WAIT. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT.
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A little West Endsies rant for the sake of it-
So, I think it's been talked about on here which versions of Newsies are best for the ships you adore, but I just wanna talk about why Jack and Katherine in Newsies London is so. Much. Better. Than it was in the livesies show
First of all, Bronté's Katherine is just so damn good. She was a stronger character in this. I'm a firm believed that Katherine was just not written all that well, her motivations and story don't match up, and the direction Kara Lindsay took the character was different to the way Bronté Barbe took it.
Katherine in this version seemed to (even when annoyed by Jack's flirting in the first few scenes they share) be attracted to him, and the retorts are playful but also have this tension to them - before, Katherine just seemed annoyed by Jack, whereas here, she seems interested by the challenge of him
The scene where Katherine tries to sell her case as the reporter for the strike (before WWH) is always a super interesting one, and this version was so different, I'm almost tempted to make a whole other post for it.. but, as a little summary, its just less sexist, and power is more evenly dispersed in the new version.
Plus (and super importantly) Londons Jackrine has so.much.more.chemistry!! I don't know how to explain it, the characters just seem to click whenever they're on stage together, they have an electricity surrounding them, and you believe in them
While I'm always gonna think Jack and Katherine's 'Something To Believe In' just... doesn't quite make sense for them both, (same with 'ace up your sleeve' but more on that in a sec) in this, they seemed drawn together, pulled towards one another. The staging had them so. Close. As if they couldn't bear to be further away, couldn't bear to break the moment apart
Yeah. Ace up your sleeve bit. It will never make sense to me that Kath was willing to abandon her dreams of being a reporter with her own stake in the world for the sake of a guy she met like less than a week ago. Just don't like that as a piece of writing. So even in this version, I can't say that's my favourite thing.
Buttttt back on the positives, Jack and Katherine were made more believable through body language and small, unscripted moments. The ways they turned to one another. The way that they acted when she found out the newsies won the strike. Even in bows, they were messing around and acting up, not taking one another seriously - agh it was so good
Jack and Katherine seemed less like fated lovers, though. Their scenes were full of snark and flirting, but I wouldn't necessarily say end-it-all love, so STBI was for sure just out of place. I'd have liked to see their version of that cut song 'when I see you again' cause I think that one just would have fit a little better (even if it still contains that sappy quality, it's less serious, somehow, and explains the feelings better)
I loved them <3
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salutarem · 1 year
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helloooo it's selene once again! and listed under things i should not be doing but am doing anyway ⏤ is roh jihoon, former olympic skater and now he's just some dude trying to live a nice life, supposedly. he's kind of a loser but please love my son anyways LOL anywho, his profile and background are ready to go for the most part, but i'm gonna try hard to give y'all a sparknotes version because that bio is too damn long. also some plots too. please like this post and i'll come to you and as always, disc is preferred for plotting!
comes from a family of politicians and automobile makers, think hyundai & kia. dad is a politician who attempted to run for president once before, mom is a news anchor, sister is a well known actress. image is everything ofc so he knows he has to be something great
he takes to figure skating when he is young because he's good at it, much to his father's chagrin about it not being a man's sport or whatever. regardless he puts his all into it because that's what he's taught, and everything that does not involve being in the rink he doesn't care about tbh.
childhood and teenagerdom is rather uneventful, so fast forward to nineteen where one of his competition pieces ends up going viral mainly b/c of his looks and not talent. the attention he receives overnight is annoying especially he feels like his "fans" don't really care about his craft, but his skating federation loves it and wants to strike the iron while it's hot, getting brand and commercial gigs ( mainly for sports / fitness things ) and becoming male singles skating's current posterboy.
fast forward again when he's 21, ends up making the korean national team and securing a silver medal in the olympics. his career is booming, and even he has to admit that it's nice. people think he could easily get a gold next go around.
due to his fame his coach ends up getting a slew of new hopefuls to train under him, and he takes a liking to one named kiwoo who almost has an innate ability for skating. however, it turns out because of all the attention he's getting he's also being violently bullied for a while. when kiwoo gets hospitalized jihoon decides to step in.
gives medical records to his coach, tries reporting it to the higher ups, nothing. he doesn't know if the bullies are being protected or if this is just the way it is but he isn't having it and ends up in a fist fight with both bullies next time they're in the locker room together. when he reports that incident to the higher ups, and investigation is had when makes him think something might get done. instead during the interview portion they end up dismissing it, saying he's making something out of nothing and trying to get him to sign an nda along with some bribes for his silence. jihoon says i think the fuck not and immediately announces his retirement instead. it's definitely sudden and leaves a lot of his fans confused, but he's disgusted and no longer has a passion to skate anymore.
dude can't take this sitting down so he tries to get some vindication by sending in the info that he assaulted his juniors to gossip girl, in hopes that the public will look past the what and want to know why. but they don't look past the what, and his image is effectively tarnished. the pretty much loses all his deals, and gets in a severe argument with his father which ends up in a slap and jihoon being forced to study abroad so he won't cause any more shit. doesn't help that his federation are acting like they did their jobs and forced him to retire as punishment.
while he's away some whistleblowers come out with more stories on corruption within the korean figure skating federation, which launches a full blown investigation by the national intelligence service. kiwoo is one of them, who reveals the motivation behind jihoon's actions and that he voluntarily retired because of it. in terms of his public image it helps somewhat ⏤ some people can understand how he did what he did, while others think that he's still wrong and doesn't want to see him.
anyway he's returns when he's 25 and because gossip girl is gone, no one knows or cares LOL. he doesn't go back to figure skating and spends the his time finishing up his degree. his family leaves him be for a year before forcing him back in the spotlight though ( because you gotta be great ofc ), his sister pulling strings to get him a modeling contract. he's kind of the person that also lets life happen to him and he's not doing anything else of merit after graduating college, so why not.
within the last year he's gotten a job as a personal trainer, because he has bulked tf up while in america and enjoys working out a positive way to release his stress; and for once, he actually enjoys what he does!
and yeah that's it! sorry that was not sparknotes but i did my best! fjslkfjds
former fans? or people who think that his good guy persona is fake after his scandal has come to light?
or people who just don't like him because despite being nice he can be too tactless with his words and unintentionally might hurt feelings
some neighbor plots would be super cute tho! he doesn't do anything so he'd be a good neighbor on top of being able to like fix shit or kill bugs or whatever because he's very capable!
give me exes or former / current situationships? or even crushes? jihoon is Not a perceptive man and you'll have to spell out your feelings for him in order for him to get it LMFAO
but in the same vein also interested in him coming back to high school exes that he essentially ignored b/c he was so focused on his career and he would like to make it up to them somehow
someone that tries to get him to live his life and stop following the commands of others! he's on his way there but needs a little push
also bad influence, or someone that takes advantage of his kindness and he may know this but? he's not a doormat but why doesn't he put an end to it? could also be someone he keeps coming back to even though he shouldn't
or on the other end someone that he keeps bickering with constantly because they always have opposing viewpoints, thinks they're a bad person
hook ups, one night stands, friends with benefits because he has needs LOL but maybe one he fell for too and it ended terribly and now things are just awkward
someone he can go to for advice?? dude always looks for the best in people and it ends up biting him in the ass, and he just don't be knowing anything so he needs someone he can bring his dumb questions too and won't judge him :(
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
I heard that dekacchan is being blasted on twitter? God! I wish more mhatwt, bkdks or non bkdks reunite and realize that what dekkachan did was not just defending bkdk ship, but also ship hate and character bashing. And believe me, even I am also a bkdk shipper but their annoying long threads are very delusional and it makes me sick that I had to unfollow and block them. They're also in the same discord with me and it's always cringe to see their post about why bkdk is canon or else it's a bad series
Lol yeah, she’s getting blasted for this:
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Look, I get that women in Shonan haven’t had the best runs and I get what she’s trying to say: Shonan women have primarily been used as love interests and/or eye candy for the male characters/audience. Is she right? I dunno. However, calling women baby factories for wanting to have kids (something these characters wanted, how well they’re written be damned)? That’s just sexist 😭. Women can choose to have kids and settle down without being reduced to being “baby factories”. Same way a woman can choose to be single, adventurous, and child-free without being reduced to her relationship status. As long as they’re not hurting anyone and are happy/healthy, what someone does with their life shouldn’t be judged.
When called out, her minions are still defending her, saying that context matters. Here’s the thread she was replying to:
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Dude was calling out BkDk Stans. You can argue that “who are not gay” wasn’t necessary and I agree but pointing out a character’s sexuality is nowhere near as bad as calling women baby factories just cause said woman decided to settle down after a long adventure.
This whole situation was so funny cause then M!preg was brought into the mix, people claiming that Izuku is often reduced to a housewife in these AUs, which is true. Yet her followers come out with this:
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Like the mental gymnastics here are crazy 😂. No one was even talking about whether LGBTQ+ relationships are being pushed. They were talking about Izuku being turned into what Dekkachann describes and her supporting such a thing, which is hypocritical af.
My favorite thing tho is that Dekacchann is a huge hypocrite. She says this yet actively encourages harassment and plays victim when called out.
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This is a woman who is 26 btw acting like a 14 year old discovering shipping for the first time. Lady, it ain’t that serious 😭. It’s a ship involving kids. Like wtf? Like I know I bash and make memes about BkDk but those only take me like five seconds out of my day to make and I’m only active on Tumblr when I ain’t doing shit. Sometimes I’m on this blog while I’m shitting. This woman’s life revolves around this ship to the point where it’s become a legitimate obsession and seems to influence her life.
I don’t care where you lie on the BkDk scale. Love it, hate it, it don’t matter. I’m a “you do you, I’ll do me, and unless you bother me, I ain’t gonna bother you” kinda person. What really matters is that this woman is a toxic person on the internet and that BkDk antis and fans should recognize this. Thankfully it seems anyone who’s not in her hivemind is doing so. You know someone is toxic when even members of their own community hate her 😂.
Also, do not go and harass her. I do not condone that shit, even with someone as problematic as her. What I’m saying to recognize that she’s toxic and if she starts harassing people, to either call her out on it or report her.
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werewolf-w1tch · 2 years
part 3 of my ROTTMNT x TMA crossover analyses in which i decide which TMA entity a character from ROTTMNT would serve/vibe with! (villain edition)
part one here and part two here
yes i know it’s been days. i’m in school what do you want from me. 
so far we’ve got mikey, raph, leo, donnie, april, sunita, cassandra, and splinter. figured i’d switch gears a bit and do a villain specific one! (draxum, shredder and the krang will be their own post. there’s a solid amount of villains without them and i plan on splitting draxum by baron draxum and barry draxum and also shredder based on the shredder at the end of season 1/beginning of season 2 and the shredder at the end of season 2)
spoilers for tma and rottmnt (i finally finished it! yay! i’m in pieces)
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i really like hypno. was NOT expecting coran’s voice to come out of him when i first met him but it adds to his charm. i love his whole character. he is the villain ever. 
hypno is a corruption-marked spiral avatar with some stranger thrown in there for funsies! i feel like in the tma-verse he would start up as a spiral avatar given his whole magician schtick. the stranger comes from his illusion abilities and that one episode dedicated to the 80s fashion montages aka the best episode ever. 
and you can’t have hypno without warren stone!
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warren is so fucking funny to me. the only person who ever remembers him is his boyfriend and we love him for that. i want to kick him into the sun. 
warren is a corruption-marked stranger avatar with some lonely sprinkled in there! i am entirely giving him stranger vibes because literally no one remembers him, but on a more serious note i feel like that really fucks with him sometimes (which is the lonely part). there’s no way it wasn’t jarring going from a renowned news reporter to fucking forgotten in like two seconds. even meat sweats is remembered for his cooking legacy. sounds like a certain rat person huh. (except instead of letting it get him depressed warren turned his bitterness into a weapon. good for him. gay people amirite)
speaking of meat sweats...
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look at him. a lil guy. he will shout slurs at you and burn down your kitchen for daring to serve him toast that isn’t properly browned. 
meat sweats is a pretty obvious one. he’s a corruption-marked slaughter avatar that also gained his loyalty to the flesh following his mutation. meat sweats is another one i really like; his design is funky and i genuinely enjoy his abilities to twist his body and also absorb the abilities of others. 10/10 character design we should make more characters like gordon ramsey. 
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ok real talk i fucking LOVE repo’s design. he’s my top three favorite villain design out of all of them. just look at him. what a guy. run him over on your way out. 
repo is one of those characters that gave me a bit of a hard time cause outside of his obvious corruption marking, i wasn’t too sure what would fit him well. i eventually settled on a corruption-marked hunt avatar who is eye aligned. repo’s constantly hunting down people who owe him money and he also always seems to know how owes him money and by when. a true businessman. (he is so gender i want his claws. its the fucking purple isn’t it god dAMN IT but also. i want to crouch. like a creachure.)
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honestly i don’t really care for ghostbear. his design and powers are cool and that’s kinda it for me. 
ghostbear is a corruption-marked spiral-aligned end avatar. he’s a ghost (obv) and i threw in the spiral cause i felt like it helped to explain his specific abilities with shifting in and out of corporeality (is that a word??). again, not much to say for him. i don’t really hate him, i just can’t bring myself to care about him. 
purple dragons!
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i also don’t really care for the purple dragons. i found them pretty annoying and hard to like and like ghostbear, i just couldn’t bring myself to care about them.
i’m gonna give the purple dragons all the nomination of eye-marked web avatars. they’re super techy and i feel like they could  be really formidable foes (i’m pretty sure they’re in the older shows? i wouldn’t know i haven’t watched them but like. i don’t really care abt them so we’re moving on)
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not only did i forget that these guys have names but i also forgot they were in the fucking show KAJFHASKFJHDSKJF
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they’re gonna be corruption-marked slaughter avatars. punchy punch go snip snip.
foot brute and foot lieutenant!
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(they don’t have names?? they named the fucking crabs and not the main baddies of the show??? what the fuck they are so cool?????? also queer relationship goals if leos a baby gay and hypnowarren are old gays then these guys are like. the elder queers. anyway)
i fucking love these dudes!! i love their dynamic!!! they are so fun i love their daughter too!!!!! ok actual analysis time.
foot lieutenant is a spiral-marked web avatar with some desolation thrown in there. they’re also trying really hard to get slaughter marked. foot brute is the slaughter avatar foot lieutenant is trying to be and they also get some desolation in there. 
ok that’s it post over i’m going to bed. also, unrelated, did you guys know that todd is a part of the villains wiki. i thought that was fucking hilarious. 
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I'm seventeen, not twenty-four. Let's get that out of the way.
I came to look at your account for new content, and I was blocked. No reporting, no asking if I was okay, just blocked. So after going to my burner account and seeing the post you made of course I was pissed.
Apparently you said I'm "crying in your dm's about you blocking my ED account"
If you read the FIRST message I sent you on my SECOND account (after you blocked me- and which I'm pretty sure you ignored) it said "This is an old account that I haven't used in years. If knew how to delete the posts I would."
You didn't send me a link on how to delete all the triggering posts. You know what you did? You blocked me. Again.
Once I figured out how to delete all the posts (which I took an hour doing) and I told you I cleaned my account out, and refreshed it, you blocked me again!
To move onto other topics of your fuck ass response, "I love Randal Graves, why would I want to act like him"
Honey, you like him. Need I say more? "Porch monkey, Helen Keller/Anne Franke debacle, Beastiality, Homophobia, a 30 year old who fucks 17 year olds"
You obviously like him for a reason.
But last but not least you told me "I hope you can get out of that nasty community"
ONCE AGAIN ILL SAY AS JAY ONCE SAID BEFORE, 'man- you're a lost fucking cause'
You must've not passed second grade if you've missed out on THIS many context clues.
(Also post this on your account!!! out me all you want honey <3)
If I get blocked again it'll just prove I'm right.
Christ almighty
I told you those two asks were the only asks I got in my inbox. I did not get any prior asks. I apologize for that, but like I said, it's not my fault, it's tumblr's. I only blocked the original account, and then your previous burner after I posted those asks. Which, was pretty petty of me, I will admit. They just really took me by surprise, because to me, they were incredibly hostile and coming out of seemingly nowhere. So I responded in kind. It was shitty.
With added context that I HAD NOT PREVIOUSLY HAD, let me reiterate- I DID NOT GET THOSE ASKS. If I had, I definitely wouldn't have been such a massive dickhead. Anyways with this context, I will apologize. If I had that I probably would have unblocked you and like, chatted with you or some shit. But you truly cannot blame me for something that was not my fault whatsoever. I'm not gonna lie to you about this shit I fucking hate liars, i didn't get those asks.
In regards to you just "being blocked" - I have no obligation to ask if you're okay. You're a stranger clearly going through your own shit, I'd rather not try to like... 'help' and probably make it worse or have you get angry or something. And reporting accounts on Tumblr is annoying as balls I've tried before and it almost always amounts to nothing. Ultimately I have the right to monitor who is following me.
I'm glad you're out of there. That's great. I'm happy for you. I didn't know this! Because I didn't get those asks!
About the context clues, there were none for me to read. Also I'm autistic, not to blame it on that necessarily, but I do have a hard time reading that shit genuinely.
I don't know why you're lingering on this Randal shit. I can be a good person and like shitry characters and villains. He's fucked up and funny 🤷‍♂️ also you're mentioning everything from clerks 2 and I don't really like him in that movie, he feels like a caricature, I'm kore of a clerks 1 kind of guy tbh
Sorry this is getting really long, I'm trying to address as much as possible. Idk.
I am not opposed to unblocking you if your account is clean and shit, man. (EDIT: sorry i just realized your previous ask did say that lol. my bad, my memory is shitty as hell. i couldn't even look at the time bc i was on mobile and idfk how to use that shit, and i was busy spending time with my family because i have a pretty damn busy life outside tumblr)
I have college shit to do right now but I will look into it soon. I know this post is still kind of pissy but I am not going to block you again if you can find it in yourself to be a 🤏 teesny bit more respectful (not even nice, just respectful) when sending me asks, cause I'm totally willing to talk this out with you.
Also sorry for implying you were 14 or 24. I never know with people on here. Anyways!
Yeah. Uhhh if you want to messafw me instead of airing this stuff out publicly feel free. I think I allowed that on this account? Lmk if I didn't. Thanks in advance, I have to do stupid academic shit now
0 notes
sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
i think another thing with the whole "decline" of P5 in the public eye is the whole issue of being unable to talk about any other game, especially a jrpg, without annoying fans blathering about P5 yet again. I'm pretty sure there's been enough examples by now *coughtwewycough* to understand what i mean
Oh I'm aware of that. Tho....I'd be remiss to say I didn't actually make a list of games (Megaten included but it involved more than that) to play to get hyped for P5 (One criteria was other thief like games, the other was games that took place in Tokyo so you could immerse yourself and get used to the area for when you played P5)...... But for the life of me I can't find it on my blog. :/ Maybe I didn't publish it but....I'm sure I did. *sigh* Partially did that to hype people, partially did that for the above mentioned (get into thief like games or to familiarize yourself with Tokyo/visualize what we'll probs see when P5 came out), and partially to bring about knowledge on titles people might not have known/titles I wanted people to play (like the first TWEWY).
Heck, Silent Hill Downpour came out not long after P4 and my little P4 brain went "Ooo foggy rain game" go brrrr (I didn't get to get SH:D tho ;w;). Heck, I bought Destiny Tik Tok Traveler's because the brown in the UI reminded me of the shade P4's brown.
I'm well aware of what it's like for your mind to always link stuff back to and revolving around Persona, I'm very annoying about it (I've had years of practice reigning in my hyper fixations in a way), but it can still leak out.
So I get the fans that are just.......really excited about something reminded them of P5, they want more. They're hungry. I literally did the same thing after I finished P4 (launched myself into P3Fes and other Megaten Games....P1/2 were not an option at the time ;w;)
But........my understanding does not go out to game journalists. If I see. One more. Fucking. Title. Stating. "Neo: TWEWY is P5 but not as polished" or SOME BULLSHIT. I'm gonna end up on the 9 o'clock news. No idea what I'm going to do to end up there, but I doubt any party involved is going to like it.
I'm sure there's some enthusiastic fans, but I feel like it's the gaming websites that are stoking this fire too much. Tho I def get if you're a fan of, say, TWEWY and people are relating it back to P5.....but they are somehow doing it in a way that insults TWEWY....yeah that can be really annoying.
I REALLY hate gaming journalists with P5. Half the time they praise a feature in P5 (beyond graphics that is) and I'm like "P5 didn't invent that....P3 or P4 did.....or even P1/2." "Oh well P5 added onto it!" "Not really P4 did the heavy revamp from P3, P5 just took one step after that." This isn't including features that are in other (non Atlus) games too. "P5 is the GTAV of Persona/Atlus" Like I'm going to smack someone I swear.
Like maybe my theory that none of these reviewers/journalists made it past Kamo's dungeon is true. I find it hard to believe people with inane posts like these can make it past the book puzzle in Kamo's dungeon. Or maybe it's because these takes are so inane they were able to blow past through seeing all of P5's very worrying faults. I guess it's a toss up. orz
I have half a mind to become a "gaming journalist/reviewer" but I just make BS half baked Persona posts. I might as well get paid for the crap I spew flkdsjafkl (I'm not gonna do it, tho I'd def troll other journalists "Persona 5 is actually the P6 of Persona's mainline games" and then I just leave it there to watch the world burn)
Oh uh... TLDR; Screw reviewers and gaming journalists. People can get annoying about things they like....just ignore them. Unless they are somehow insulting the thing you like, then I guess be like "hey! not cool" or whatever. Also while you can get over excited about the thing you like, don't insult other things that...well just period. Just don't go into circles that like a thing just to insult it (ex: I don't go into Makoto/P5 circles that like those things and then trash talk them...I do it on my own blog 8U nice, safe, secluded)
I don't know. It's 230 am. I'm tired.
Weird thought, do you think it was just a handful of fans, and then people started making fun of those fans to the point it was mostly "haters" that were making those "oh this is like P5" into a meme (to the point actual fans don't say it anymore) and then it caught wind to the journalists who use it ad nauseum for their titles? I wouldn't be surprised. Stranger things have happened. I mean it's valid if people don't like P5 cause of this.....but....I just..... I have bigger issues with P5 than fans getting overexcited tbh.
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"Don't Come to Me Pt. 2"
Hello everyone, I'm back, i had a real rough time in the last 2 months, so it took a while to write something worthy of posting. I had an idea for this Pt. 2, so it's Billy Russo time again. Enjoy
@intothesoul and @icarus-isflying i dared to tag you guys, cause you two had interest in part 2. let me know if you want to remove the tags. :)
Billy Russo x F!Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, swear words, allusions of SA
Summary: After not talking for days, Reader tries to piss Billy off, but when it turns out to be a mess, Billy shows up to save the day. ( i suck at summaries.)
Pt. 1 HERE Pt. 3 HERE
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The past few days has been shit. Frank is unreachable, and you feared the worst. He always tended to find himself in the middle of a shitshow, and that just worsened with time. And now you don't even know what type of chaos he's in. While Frank is being absent, acting dead like everyone thinks how he is, Billy is being annoying, giving hints at a stalker tendency. You know he's watching you. Started with the phone calls, the ringtone of your phone ended up being the all time radio everywhere you went, and when the calling didn't work, the feeling started. The feeling of eyes on you. Well, you can say this is the disadvantage of being best friends with a CEO of a security company.
He always said his job requires safety precautions, like checking in on you from time to time. And it was fine by you, breathed life into the butterflies in your tummy. Butterflies that were killed by him every damn time he messed with your feelings.
At first you wanted to meet Frank again, but soon you realized you couldn't if Billy has eyes on you. Made you wonder if he knows about Frank too. Maybe he fears what's going to happen next. But why would he? Frank's New York rampage didn't affected you, nor him. Yes, he went around like a lunatic, having a killing spree like no other, but you weren't involved. Frank never reached out to you, and as far as you know, not to him either. Maybe he had a watchful eye on you back then too, and you just wasn't so high alert. Maybe he did made sure of you safety. Butterflies. Damn butterflies again. They are having a frat party in your stomach, making the alcohol in your system waving in numbness. You feel your dinner turn in your stomach, you still reach for your glass in hunger of more.
It was a childish temper tantrum really. You thought if you go out, sit at a bar, drink a couple, scoop up a handsome guy to take home will make you feel better. You knew he will know what are you doing, that's what sounded so compelling about this getting drunk and have a one night stand thing. Because his guard dog will report everything back to him, hopefully, and he will know in real time that you have shoved your tongue down of some guy's throat you just met.
But as you found a comfortable seat near the bar, and got a couple of drinks, the mood slipped, and you just wanted to get drunk and force your mind to shut up for the night. Glancing over the phone every other minutes, hoping it shows something interesting. Preferably news about Frank, or Curtis's name popping up. But no other than some work related stuff, couple friends asking if you are free, and your landlord asking if you'll pay in time. Like you ever made them think you won't. You groan as you smash your phone face down, so it won't be so tempting to look at it in a minute again.
Some brave candidates approached you, but you waved them off, not even glancing up from your glass. That did it mostly, but as the night progressed, and everybody had more liquor than they should, guys tried harder, and one dude clearly saw your decline as a challenge. And he wouldn't back down.
The whiskey pushed your body in a welcomed tingling dullness, but with that your mind is fuzzier, the control slipping out of your grasp making it harder try to navigate between sober and intoxicated thoughts and actions. In your mind a simple 'leave me alone' and a slight push is just the right amount of no, but to him, it's just playing hard to get.
So that's how the last 30 minutes passed, him sitting next to you, talking your ears off with seductive voice that you might have found appealing on another night. You drink quietly your whiskey, you lost count on how many you drank so far, and you couldn't care less.
"What do you say darling? Hm?" You hear, the smooth words reaching your ears suddenly.
"To what?" You humm, not really caring about what he's saying. He reaches for your thigh, his fingers pressing down on it, clearing your mind a bit.
"We get out of here, have some fun. I'm sure whoever you were waiting for won't show up." His hand slides up, towards your inner thigh, you attempt to brush him off but it's a weak try , he has a firmer grip on you than you thought.
It's just now you feel how tired you are. Not just tired, weak and close to helpless. He can clearly see that, he grabs the opportunity by the throat. The man slides his arm around your waist carefully lifting you from your seat, your feet meeting with the ground. You breath out a no, but it's nothing compared to the music and talking around you.
He gives you the chills as he smiles down at you, trying to hold up your body to look like you go willingly. You feel the panic creep up on you, seeing only flashes of your surroundings, one second you are just next to the bar, next your are in front of the entrance, cold breeze hitting your face as a few people comes in and out.
You feel your knees give out, his hands digging into your sides to keep you in place. When the cold hits you again, you collapse into a firms chest, almost falling head first down. The ground never comes, hands changes on your body, like you are passed on to another. You feel warmness under you cheeks, a familiar scent hitting your nose.
"This is the right time to fuck off." You snap your head up when you realize that you know the owner of the voice.
"Billy?" You whisper, pushing your face further, nuzzling into his coat. Everything familiar about him hitting you at once, how he holds you close, the scent of him lingering on his clothes, his breathing heavy with fury. You are surprised how many times you found yourself in a position like this. In his embrace, looking for comfort and protection when you really needed it.
"Leave" He practically growls, his whole chest vibrating under your ear. You cling onto his clothes, desperately needing to leave the hot aired space behind you. As on cue, the door opens again with the fresh air flying in your lungs, and soon after you are out in the open.
You hear him talking. No, not talking. giving out orders. You know this voice, it's work voice, boss voice. He makes your legs work, taking slow steps god knows where because you can't see the things around properly.
You hear others talk to him, and Billy replying, even a thank you slipped out of his mouth you think. Not very Billy like.
He places a hand on your head before gently nudging you to bow lower. "C'mon darling, get in the car." He senses you discomfort as you don't have an idea what's he trying to do. "Careful." You sit down with a big huff, your body relaxing into the leather seat. It's warm in the car, but not suffocating like in the pub.
The door is gently shut on your side, closing out any sounds of the busy New York streets. Finally you open your eyes, just to see Billy getting in on the drivers side, looking sharp and perfect. Calm and collected, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down giving away some disruption in him.
"Drink" He hands you a water bottle, you obey as you chug down almost all of it at one go. "Easy. Slow." He says quietly, taking it out of your fingers before you could send down all of it. His hair slicked back as always, a couple strand sticking out, he's in his usual work clothes, most likely came from the office.
He starts the engine, your eyes watching his every move. How he grabs the steering wheel, hard but elegant. How his eyes remains on the road and street lights, while his attention is on your body the whole time.
"You had eyes on me?" You know the answer, but you would like to hear it from his mouth.
"And thank fucking god i did." He snaps, not raising his voice, but giving it an edge. "Do you have any idea what could have happened if.."
"Yeah i fucking do Billy. I'm a woman. Remember? I know." You charge back at him, but he's right, you were careless, and his overprotective ways gave you an exit.
His gaze turns to you, fire burning in his dark eyes, the street light reflecting back in various colors. Butterflies. Fucking butterflies waking up again, mixing with the alcohol, giving you a dangerous courage you wouldn't have when being sober.
"Don't look at me like that." You turn away, your bravery is enough to talk, but not enough to watch his reaction.
"Like what?" He asks without a hesitation.
"Will you take me home?" That's all you can croak out, teary eyes glued on the sidewalk speeding image.
"Like what Y/N? Finish what you have started. Don't be fucking shy now." The car speeds up, his deep voice dropping more octaves.
"Stop playing with me Billy. You know how." His knuckles go white on the wheel as you look back at him, you can see he wants to push you further, to say what he wanna hear. But he stops, maybe because of your drunken state or the fact that you almost ended up in a black alley with a stranger.
The road is silent from that point, he never glances at you. You know it, because you can't take your eyes of off him, and it must be maddening to him, feeling your gaze on his face, but he does not show it. He never does.
You recognize the familiar street, houses and buildings you walk past by everyday, and soon your apartment window is in sight. He parks close, stopping the engine and undoing his seat-belt. That makes you sigh, satisfied. He steps out into the cold night, shutting the door a little harder than your ears would like. You do the same, releasing yourself from the hold of the belt, reaching for the handle, but he's quicker. He gently grabs your arm to help you out, holding you close by one hand, shutting the door with the other. You hear a beep behind you while he brings you towards your building.
He's patient as you stumble on the even the sidewalk, on the smooth tile of the hallway of your building, not a word or groan from him holding you to his side. You are being clumsy, but you don't mind it now, knowing it means to have him this close.
It's weird, because you felt his body pressed against you many times. Crowded clubs and pubs where you wiggled closer to not get lost in the sea of people, hanging on him on the back of a bike your whole body enveloping him in fear of simply flying off the kill machine he likes so much, or jumping on him when he arrived home from a long tour of duty. But this is always different, times like this, when you are not working as best friends but lovers. Because you can say it's not like that, it would be a lie. The touches constantly turned from affectionate to intimate, bringing more every time, adding fuel to the fire. At this point, its a fucking bonfire.
You hear his heart beating out of his chest, just as yours every time he's this close. The way to your front door is a blurry mess, the only consistent is his heartbeat and breathing.
"Where is your key?" He whispers close to your ear, making you jump a little. The vibration on your skin flushing your cheeks red. You fumble in your pockets, finding it in the inner hidden pocket on your jacket. You hand it to him without a thought, the action is so natural you don't think about it twice.
The door opens, the scent of your home filling your nose, and you sigh, already feeling the comfort of your space. That's when he lets you go, a little, seeing your senses clear up from the familiar surroundings. "Where to?" He asks a little louder.
"Bed." You say, now you pulling him with your newfound sobriety, or what you think is sobriety. He follows you, like he has any choice.
You collapse on your bed, almost bringing down him with you. "C'mon, get rid of those clothes."
"Well, i never thought i'll ever hear that from your mouth." Your voice is bittersweet, you arms trying to reach his clothes to pull down to bed.
"Stop it." He turns you over, going for your boots. Slowly loosening the laces, eyeing you up if you are alright.
Your eyes rolls back in your head, his demeanor annoying you to your limits. How can he be soft and rough at the same time? Scolding you then looking at you with pleading eyes in case he hurt you with his words.
"There was a time i wished to be one of those girls you brought home from the clubs. You know, when Frank had his little girl, and he stopped coming around for a while, remember? Oh those days were the real life." You rumble as he strips you from your outdoor clothing.
"And i remember you having heart eyes whenever Frank appeared in you vision." He states coldly as he searches for your pj's in the bed. At first you thought you just heard him wrong. "That's what i remember."
"And here i am, thinking it was the bombshells of chicks you got laid." You chuckle, no other answer coming to your mind. Better laugh it off, so he might just drop the Frank subject. "Did you know that Frank warned me about you?" You blurt out. If you would have the strength, you would definitely facepalms yourself.
"He did?" He hands you the pj's, turning around so you can slid out of your underwear and put on the bedtime t-shirt and shorts. His shoulders are stiff, nerves clutching his muscles tightly.
"Uhum." Your voice muffled by the material you pull over your head. "You can turn around."
"Maybe he just wanted you all to himself." He avoids your eyes, concentrating on putting you bed properly.
"Do you hear yourself Billy?" He sits on the edge of the bed after a couple of failed attempt to tuck you in, because you keep sitting up, trying to catch his eyes. "He was a happily married man with a kid on his arm. That's what he wanted."
"But you still wanted him." He croaks, brows furrowed, he looks at you with those puppy eyes, making him look lost.
"Yeah, i did. I guess i like men who are unavailable. I wanted the happily married father, then i wanted his best friend who couldn't stay with one girl for more than a day. It's fucked up, i know." This is when he looks you in the eyes, jaw clenching. He buries his face into his hands, resting them on his knees.
"When i realized i can't have you like i wanted it, i tried as a friend. And you made it so fucking hard, Billy. Gosh, you still do."
"Fucking hell, Y/N" he breaths into his palms rubbing his face, swiping his hair back in it's place.
"What? You wanted me to talk right? I'm talking."
"You are drunk."
"Yeah, that's why i have the courage to say it." You laugh, thinking it's gonna be the worst morning you'll have in a couple of hours, You might talking out Billy of a years long friendship by admitting you never even considered him as just a friend. "I don't care anymore Billy. Just don't make it worse, don't make me believe that i have a chance."
He groans in frustration, it's him now who can't deal with the subject.
"We'll talk about this when you are sober, okay? I can't..." He articulates with his hands, emotions running high in his body. "I can't do this like this."
"I'm completely fine, Billy. I just had a couple of drinks." You want this conversation more than anything, and you don't know why he holds back right now. Your body screams sleep, but your mind needs to be eased, that only he can give.
"No. You had more than a couple." He looks back at you, now your sitting position is tangled, your body melting into the soft matress, you blink slower, lazier. "Get some sleep darling" He's not stern anymore, he switched again, a way of manipulation, giving you the caring voice, puppy eyes searching for yours.
"I can't figure you out, Russo." You say, tiredness winning you over.
"Funny, you are the one sayin' that." Your back hits the bed, head drowning in the big pillow, he covers you with the comforter, tucking you in like it's something he does every night. When he's done, and made sure you are covered nice and warm, he stands up from your bed. Your fingers grabs on his wrist as soon as his weight is lifted, and the bed feels lighter than you'd like.
"Where are you going?" You ask, trying to make out his face through your teary and exhausted eyes. The alcohol is dawning on your body and mind, the long week behind you finally catching up on you.
"It's okay, i'll grab some water for you. I'll be back in a minute." You nod, your hand falling back to the bed, you have no more power to move any muscle anymore.
Billy makes his soundless way towards your kitchen, leaving your bedroom door open in a tiny crack. He knows your apartment blindly, everything around is etched into his brain, visuals, scents, the materials of your things.
He grabs a water bottle from your fridge, fearing you might knock over a glass when you wake up later. You probably would, he thinks. He's just as tired as your are, burying himself in work, spending nights and days in the office and on the field, the little free time he had was spent laying in bed, staring at the wall thinking.
He goes for the cabinet where you keep medication, searching for something for your very probable headache. The only sound is him brushing little boxes out of the way to find the one, and the soft bzz reaches his ears like a bomb going off next to him. His head perks up, concentrating to find the source of the faint noise.
He takes careful steps from the kitchen, like a huntsman in search for the prey. He quickly finds the object of his search in your jacket, forgotten on the sofa. Your phone vibrating, signaling a phone call from an unknown number.
He stands there for a second, don't do it is repeating in his head. But he slides his thumb over the screen, and puts the phone to his ear nevertheless. He's not even breathing, anticipation and a bitter taste on his tongue. He's violating your space, but fuck, an unknown number in the middle of a night?
"Hey." The voice is gruff but soft on the other side, a tone he rarely heard, but a voice he knows like yours. He listened to it a million times. Billy is tongue-tied at first, not sure what to say or do. "Y/N? Sweetheart?"
Sweetheart. Billy's blood boils with venom. "She's asleep." Is all he says, his voice has a certain edge. Now it's Frank's time to be speechless on the other side.
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anisecandy · 2 years
Here’s a cute spidervenom au:gorgon Eddie and blind Peter
Part of the reason why it took so obnoxiously long for me to reply, was that this is my third attempt at writing with this premise. Two first were set in the typical kinda past fantasy setting and turned out to be painfully mediocre and boring to write. So I’ve changed the setting to a modern one! I feel like there are still some issues, but... I want to post it already.
warning: includes non-human discrimination, medical mistreatment and mentions of eye trauma. Yeah, I also didn’t expect this.
*If you find this fic offensive in any form, please let me know. I’ve had best intentions, but if my ignorance has led to creating a piece that is hurtful, I’ll do my best to fix it.
Eddie hated taking the suppressors. It was almost funny how such tiny bottles of eye drops could cause so much pain. His head hurted from the moment he applied them in the morning, till late hours of night. Last time he was able to see the whites of his eyes among the tangled threads of broken veins was before he came to the city. From then on, his eyes began to look as if instead of eyedrops he was applying tabasco sauce on them.
And yet, the protective goggles were almost as bad.
Not because they caused him simillar more pain, no. While they were a slight bother with their coarse design, he could have gotten used to that. It was because they were a telltale sign. He could hide his hair, and if he was careful enough, there was little chance somebody would notice his forked tongue. The scales weren't so easy to conceal. Still, many races had scales. The eyeshields though? How do you hide an obligatory Goliath among goggles that screams, Look! See this guy? He's a monster! If it wasn't for the government mandated precautions he would have petrified you maybe without even noticing it!
Why did he even have to wear it? He was taking his damn suppressors. They may have tried to burn his eyes out every time he used them, but he did so nonetheless. Why did he have to wear what essentially amounted to a plate with a "Hey, I'm a gorgon, hate me!" engraved in the most impossible to miss font known to men? And if it was really so irreplaceable, why the obsession with forcing him to use the cursed drugs as well?
"Because it's a double level safe-fail system, Brock." Dr Kafka didn't even bother to look up from his papers as she spoke. "If the eyeshield breaks, there are still suppressors to fall back on. If the suppressors malfunction or you don't take them, the eyeshield makes up for it. It isn't hard to understand."
Eddie hissed at her.
Dr Kafka sighed and placed her hands over the desk, folding the fingers in an openly annoyed manner.
"Do we have to go through this every week? Can't you just fill out your report and questionnaire for us to analyze like you should, without making everything into a problem?"
"Well, when I opened this week's ration of the suppressors they were still attempting to dissolve my eyes, so no," he replied, half baring his teeth. "We can't."
"Stop being so difficult about some small side-effects."
"If I lose my eyesight, I'll sue you."
"Sure Eddie,"she said in a tone one could use while talking to a child who's being unreasonable. "You'll sue a government faculty. Now, are we done? I have others to admit.”
With a huff, he got up from his place, giving each movement enough flare to make sure that Dr Kafka knew exactly just how pissed off he was. Before he reached the door though, she called him once more. Reluctantly, he looked back, rubbing his eyes when a stray ray of the sun hit them, setting his optic nerves on fire.
"What is it, doctor?," he growled.
Her face softened, the change was so subtle though that it escaped him in the sharp light.
"Look, Brock, maybe the city just isn't for you. There aren't many gorgons who decide to live here. You've been here for just a month or so and it's already starting to get too hard for you. Why make life so hard for yourself?"
His hand lingered for a second on the knob, before he sharply turned away, tugging it toward himself.
"I have my reasons."
The food in the cafeteria looked horrible. The portion intended for the non-humans, that is. There were some plastic bags filled with blood for the vampires and some raw meat, presumably for, well, everyone else. It wasn't even cut in reasonable portions. Somebody just took chunks of flesh the size of an adult’s head and threw them in a container. How were you even supposed to eat it, without looking like a savage? The dinner knives and forks available in the cafeteria were useless against them.
Usually Eddie went straight home from the weekly interviews, but today he just wasn’t in the mood to risk injuring himself while cutting the ingredients for the dinner. His head and eyes ache got so bad that he’d without a doubt make a sashimi out of his hands. Ha! Some of those humans would probably pay a high price for such a gourmet meal. They had such a rich history of collecting gorgons’ heads. Why stop there? Go, knock yourself over. Have some limbs, gorge yourself on the entrails.
He sighed, passing over the poor excuse of a food buffet and headed toward the “human section”, where he threw all kinds of meat on his plate. Anything was fine, as long as there weren't many additions. It wasn’t that he couldn’t eat vegetables or grain based products at all… but they were adding them to everything. Honestly, the sorry meat lumps looked the most appetizing out of everything, but Eddie refused to make a show out of himself. Even if he could see some young werewolves not having such restraints.
The lady at the register tried not to stare too much, when she gave him the added up price and was waiting for him to pick out the right bills. He could hear some hissing in the queue behind himself. Somebody muttered “mice-eater country idiot”. Not snapping at them that he knew perfectly well how human currency worked, thank you very much, but their shitty suppressors were making his vision shaky and blurry, took all the energy he had left for the day.
Somehow, there were still some free tables. Thank God. He’d start biting, if he had to put up with any more humans- no, scratch that, with anyone in his near proximity for the next few hours. He took a table in the corner closer to the door that was still fairly remote from the main dining area, where most of the people were eating. Before digging in, he closed his eyes for a moment of relief, resting his head on his palms. It hurt so damn much. He wished he took more painkillers from home. The human ones were no good and the pharmacies barely had any medication suitable for his kind. His sister promised to send him more, but the package would come the next wednesday.
He wondered if he’d still be sane by then.
An unexpected tug at his seat’s back tore him out from his thoughts. With a jolt, he turned back to face the person responsible for it, who was at the moment loudly cleaning his throat.
“Ooops! Sorry, usually this spot is free,” he said, smiling apologetically. “Would it make a difference if I said that I didn’t see you?”
“Sure you didn’-,” Eddie bit his tongue and his snakes that just sprung out of his hood stopped midway, closing their ready to sting mouths awkwardly.
Because, well. The guy in front of him had quite a solid case. With a food tray and a cane in one hand, he moved the other one to the table top, tracing over it, as he walked, before reaching the free seat that he first nudged softly with the tip of his shoe. While he was sitting down, Eddie could see a little bit of some scars peaking over the frames of his dark glasses. The uneven patch of jagged skin reached his eyebrow in one place, something that he didn’t notice at first, as it was covered by his somewhat messy, dark bangs.
“Mind if I join you?”
��...No, go ahead.” It didn’t seem like the blind man really cared about his permission, but he felt like it would be appropriate to give one anyway.
This could have been awkward, with how they both went silent afterward. If Eddie cared, that is. He didn't. All he wanted was to finish his food, go home and rinse his eyes with a few gallons of water and some saline solution. And then if his headache allowed, work on an essay he'd been polishing for the last few days.
Unfortunately, the blind man didn't seem to share his attitude toward the situation.
"Are you new around here?" He asked in between bites of boiled vegetables.
Oh god, he tried to start a conversation.
Ignoring him would be rude. But well, it wasn't like being nice was Eddie's priority right about now. Still, he already almost snapped at this poor, unsuspecting guy. And that wasn't a good look. Keeping up appearances was important. Right. Right.
An affirmative hum was the most he was able to force out of himself. Not his most charming and eloquent moment, but he was hoping that the blind man would lose interest.
He did not.
"Heh, I knew it. Most people around here remember this as my spot," he explained, talking with his mouth stuffed with chicken. "Plus you have a pretty characteristic accent. Would've remembered if I'd met you before."
"Accent? Seriously?" Eddie asked sarcastically, before he was able to stop himself. He even stressed his "s'' more than he usually would, making the sentence sound like a prolonged hiss. Whatever.
The blind man laughed awkwardly, rubbing his neck.
"Alright, so maybe 'accent' isn't exactly the right word here. Pronunciation then? Your English is good though, really."
"Might be because I'm American," he responded dully.
"Yeah, I mean- That is-," the blind man stumbled over his words, quickly becoming more and more red by seconds.
Eddie sighed.
"It's the official language. If you want to get anywhere in life, you have to learn it. Whether you're human or not."
"Well, um... This makes sense. Sorry for being... " he paused, making a general gesture.
"Patronizing?,” Eddie suggested, giving him an unimpressed look.
"Condescending? Conceited?"
"Okaaay, that's a little excessive."
The blind man was silent for a moment. A blink of annoyance reflected on his face, before he hid it with a crooked smile matching his raised eyebrows.
"A little hard to get along with, aren't we? Must be doing you a lot of favors here, eh?
"Sure it is. I have to fit in with you city folks, don't I?"
They stared each other down, or rather, Eddie stared the other man down, while he made a face at him.
"You know what? Fine. Want to eat alone, because you're too much of a jerk to recognize another person trying to make you feel welcomed? Be my guest."
"Oh, excuse me, I didn't realize I'm talking to such an altruistic samaritan," he snarled, turning away from him. "Welcomed, my ass, like you could even know what it's like to be an outsider," he mouthed.
"Well," he said in a low voice. "Imagine that I do."
Like a bucket of cold water.
The blind man got ready to get up, pulling his tray closer.
"Wait... I'm sorry."
He stopped for a second before shrugging and proceeding. Unsurprisingly. There really wasn't a way to make up for this behavior. But Eddie wanted to at least... Explain himself.
"I've had a horrible week. Well, more like a month, to be honest.” He dragged a hand over his face. “The headaches from suppressors are killing me. I feel like they were made with an intention of melting people's eyes. I've just been... Really on the edge.”
The blind man pushed his hands in the pockets of his lab coat. He had a judging expression on and seemed to reluctantly consider his apology. In the end, it wasn't what he responded to.
"Are you sure you're not allergic to them? This isn't a normal reaction.”
That was what Eddie suspected at first as well, but he shook his head. Quite uselessly, so he quickly followed it with a proper sentence.
"I'm sure. I've had all kinds of tests taken, before I was allowed to move here. I would have known."
"Right..." The blind man crossed his arms, falling deep in thoughts. "What kind of suppressors are those?"
Eddie hesitated. Still, he said,
"For petrification. They are obligatory for gorgons."
It was as if something sprung to life in the brunet. He turned to him, putting one hand over his chin and mouth and supporting its elbow with the other one.
"Wait, is it really this bad?," He murmured into his fingers with what Eddie refused to describe as "concern". "Say, on the scale of one to ten, how much it hurts on average?"
Such sudden interest with his condition coming from someone from the faculty's personnel was new. The fact that said someone was being treated by him with a significant amount of coldness added to making the situation suspicious.
“Why do you care?”
The blind man seemed surprised by his question.
“What do you mean, why? If the drug is malfunctioning then we have a serious problem on our hands.”
“Do you, though?,” Eddie asked in an unamused tone. “Because so far I didn’t get such an impression.”
The brunet’s lips split open, before he furrowed his eyebrows and leaned on his cane.
“Hold on,” he said, tapping on the table top. “You didn’t report this, right? I mean, if you did, you would have gotten some substitute.”
“Or I could have just gotten an assurance that everything is fine, which also would have gotten things done.” This man seemed to be a little naive, for, apparently, some sort of scientist. "Oh, and it’s seven or eight, by the way. It hurts a lot most of the time, but sometimes there are moments when it's so intense that I can't even think."
"Damn," the hiss the blind man gave out could have competed with those of Eddie's snakes. "I knew those needed more tests."
Now, if wasn't this interesting.
“Did you work on them?”
“No, but I know a guy who did.” With a huff, he crossed his arms. “Good at his job, made sure that it worked. But I’ve heard gossip that he neglected checking for the prolonged side effects on a properly large group. No wonder it’s a mess.”
No fucking wonder indeed.
“Can we get this clear? Every day I have to give myself a splitting headache because some lousy nerd forgot to make sure if this shit he cooked up in his lab was even safe to use?” He didn’t believe his ears. Well, actually, he did. He even suspected something like this, considering how gorgons weren’t really common or interested in humans’ affairs. But hearing it as a fact was still infuriating. He leaned back on his chair and proclaimed almost calmly, in a matter of fact manner, “I’m going to murder him.”
“Or, you know, if you don’t want a life sentence,” the blind man carefully interjected, “you could for now go with me and I could run some check ups on you and see if there’s anything I can do to help.”
Here he went again, acting like he cared. What a weird guy.
“Creepy,” Eddie mumbled.
“Don’t you have stuff to do? Why would you even want to help?”
“Because-” He paused, as if the question only now reached his brain and melted down in confusion. “What kind of person wouldn’t? Firstly, you seem to need it and besides the suppressors were made by a faculty I work for. So if they are faulty, this is kinda my responsibility too. First, do no harm, and all this.”
Eddie rolled his eyes.
“That one is about doctors. Not- whatever kind of mad scientists you are here.”
“Details. So, are you going to come with me or not?”
He considered him. The brunet, despite the personality which Eddie decided he didn’t like, didn’t appear to be dangerous. Still…
“I have work today,” he lied, just in case.
The blind man nodded and began going over his pockets, before tugging out a pen with an almost chewed out tip.
“Got any paper? I’ll give you my number and working hours. So we could figure something out later.”
Eddie hesitated. He didn’t trust most people and he definitely didn’t trust people in white coats.
But his eyes DID hurt.
He tore away a sheet from his notes and extended hand with it toward the brunet.
The brunet's prelonged silence was more telling than any kind of remark and Eddie suddenly felt really dumb.
“Riiight. Maybe you’ll, er, dictate it for me?”
“Yeah, that would be better,” the other man snorted.
When they were done, he said his break will soon end, so he’s going to head back to his lab.
“Oh, and by the way,” he added, as he picked up the plate with his uneaten food. “Name is Peter Parker.”
Eddie got up from his place, extending his hand out, before awkwardly letting it fall down, not sure how he’d be supposed to initiate a handshake with him.
“Sorry for making you miss dinner, Peter.” He said instead. “Also, I’m Eddie Brock.”
Peter nodded and turned away, sliding his cane over to the wall.
“See you soon, maybe.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Maybe was a potent word. Maybe he won’t go insane so soon. Maybe this weirdo will really be of help. And maybe… maybe he’d just found an interesting case to cover.
Eddie smiled to himself. After all, is there anything that the public love more than a good scandal?
Here it is. The premise for this au; Peter tries to fix the malfunctioning suppressing gorgon medication and through this he and Eddie get closer. He also uses this as an opportunity to regain respected position among his peers which he’d lost after the accident that blinded him, despite his unchanged competence. Meanwhile, Eddie tries to look into the creation and failure of it in hope of getting material that would have helped him become a respected journalist - which is a dream by following which he’d arrived in the city.
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Whatever Katsuki Wants - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!Reader
Warnings: ANGST, violence, blood, cursing, lowkey little yandere Bakugou, smut, toxic relationship
Request: can I get Bakugou comes across a criminal on one of his bad days and he goes straight feral with an insane satisfied smile as he beats the shit out of them till they die. (Dark Ik, sorry😂) but as he beats the man, a video is taken of the scene and instead of posting it the anonymous person sent it to quirkless!FemaleReader. How would that play out?
“Fucking hell!”
Bakugou ran through the dark city chasing an annoying ass criminal. It wasn’t even a villain per say, more like a petty thief wanting to ruin someone’s day. His day. Now usually, the number 2 hero wouldn’t be pursuing this type of crime, but the damn prick ran into a bank, held hostages, and got away with over 5 grand.
The pro was already have a pissy day from the second he woke up. He couldn’t wake up next to his Teddy Bear because you had to visit your parents for something that started before even Katsuki had to wake up, then he burned his breakfast because a damn bird flew into the kitchen window, he was late to work and got put on night patrol, he probably wouldn’t get to see you when he got home before you knocked out because you also had a night shift, and now this.
Every second that passed caused his damn blood to boil. He was mad at....well, existence. Not his, just existence in general. For everything. He was so close to catching this damn bastard that when he finally pounced the guy, he didn’t realize there were footsteps coming his way.
Bakugou pinned the criminal to the ground in an alleyway and completely disregarded his quirk. He needed to take his anger out on something and this poor man happened to be in his grip. Bakugou threw punch after punch, kicked the man in his stomach until he coughed up blood, he stomped on the man’s head, threw him against a wall, etc. He ended it with a strong and fiery blast at the unconscious body. Finally, after 2 minutes of silence, Bakugou began to sinisterly laugh. A psychotic laugh with a crazed look in his eye. He was hunched over with his arms loose as he walked towards the dead man, picking him up by his skull.
“Sorry buddy, you caught me on a bad day,” he laughed out and whispered into the lifeless body’s ear. He threw the body into a pile of trash cans before walking out of the alleyway. When he turned the corner, he took notice of a trembling civilian, holding a camera at him. “The hell?! THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT DAMN CAMERA?!”
Bakugou barked at the random person with devil eyes before sending a blast to the phone. The person ran away screaming, pissed at the hero for doing that. To be petty, the “extra” (as Bakugou would say) wanted this video to be exposed. Not to the media, this person wasn’t cruel enough to destroy someone else’s career, but he wanted to send it to someone to have the hero learn a lesson.
Now it was no secret that the pro was in a relationship. In an article, it was revealed that the two of you had been together for the past 4 years. With that in mind, the damn hacker found Dynamight’s longtime girlfriend’s number and sent the video her way.
At Bakugou’s nice home, his perfect little oblivious girlfriend hummed a tune to herself as she made some spicy curry for her precious Suki. Now it’s not that Y/N was dumb. She was actually very intelligent. But when it came to Katsuki, she was just a cute little “housewife” that loved him.
When Bakugou first met you in the grocery market, he couldn’t help but notice your tiny but voluptuous figure, you were struggling to reach a box of cereal until Katsuki came along and helped.
“Here you go, Short Stack. Maybe next time you should ask your mommy to help you reach the high shelves.” He teased with a wink to the nickname.
You looked at the handsome blonde with a blush at first sight but when he teased you, your blush grew more ferocious with a pout and pointed brows. “I don’t need my mom to help me in the grocery store. I’m 22 for God’s sake!” You said, reaching for the box that he now held over his head.
“Hm, woulda said 17.” He teased again. You ignored his jokes and jumped to reach the box and take it out of his hands. You failed multiple times and he still stood tall with a smirk as he looked down at you.
‘Now she’s fucking cute’ he thought to himself. His eyes traveled down to your busty hips and tiny waist, then taking notice of the way your chest bounced around when you jumped and reached for the cereal. ‘Pretty damn sexy too.’
“C’mon little bear. You can do it.” He said with a shit eating grin. You pouted some more and stomped your foot before coming to a realization and began smirking. You dropped to the floor and swooped your legs to kick at his ankles and made him drop to the floor. As he fell, he let go of the box and you caught it midway before turning your back to him. Usually, Bakugou would be a little pissed, but his anger died down at the sight of your juicy ass.
“Yes!” You cheered.
“Woah..” Bakugou said in a trance. You turned to him with a confused look before he quickly hid it with a scowl. You giggled at his place on the floor and stuck out your hand to help him up.
“Sorry, but maybe you should’ve just given me my cereal. Anyway, thanks for the ‘help’ I guess..uh..” you asked, hinting for his name.
“Bakugou.” He answered and you nodded and gave a soft smile before speaking.
“Bakugou.” You said, finishing your previous sentence. “Well, I’ll be off now,”
You began to walk away but felt Bakugou tug on your arm. You looked back at him with another confused look but was only met with a cute smirk.
“Hey, I helped you with that cereal, the least you could do is give me the pretty girl’s name.” He said. You blushed a bit more before giving him a dumb look.
“Who? Me?” You teased.
“Nooo, the old hag at the cash register,” he joked. You both laughed at his comment as you settled with his hold on you, not minding the contact at all.
“Y/N L/N.” You said.
“Alright Y/N L/N, was nice meeting you.” He said with his hands in his pockets while holding a smile. A real smile and not a smirk.
“I know.” You said with a cocky smile that he could only chuckle at. “Was nice meeting you too Bakugou. I’ll see you around,” you said walking away with a waving hand.
As you walked, Bakugou couldn’t help but admire your curvy body and drool at the sight. He didn’t know what it was but something was pulling him to you. He wanted you. He needed you. That little interaction was not enough. It’s not even that he wanted to fuck. Sure you had a banging body, but your playful self caught his interest. He wanted your mind, body, and soul. He wanted to make you his.
Through the help of technology and his access to police files and hero reports, he was able to find your name, address, where you worked, and all that. He worked hard to “coincidentally” run into you constantly, up until the point where you two became quite acquainted. You eventually asked him to hang out (as friends) and that’s where the relationship grew. A few months had passed before Bakugou successfully asked you on a date, and that’s when you both found love within each other. Or more so, you found love in him. He loved you at first sight and he knew it for a fact.
After a year of dating, Bakugou asked you to move in with him and you of course said yes. Once settled in, he worked even harder to constantly fuck you stupid, break you down but build you up at the same time. He made it clear he was in charge and you were his little toy. A toy he loved with his entire being, but still a toy.
You became his dumb little girl. You had a job but Katsuki encouraged you to not work so much. “I don’t want you to raise a finger pretty girl. Just let Daddy take care of you,” he would say as he bounced you on his cock.
You had a little dance hobby that Katsuki also encouraged you to take a break from. “You don’t need to put on a show for anybody else but me, Princess. Daddy’ll give you all the attention you want.” He’d say as he kissed your cheek and finger you in front of a mirror.
You used to have friends before Bakugou found out they were trying to warn you of his abrasive behavior. Growing pissed at that, he convinced you they were against you and were no good for you.
“Those little friends of yours could never make you feel as good as I do, baby. They’re no good for you. They just want us to be apart. They’re jealous. They want you to leave me, but you don’t want that, right princess?”
“N-No daddy!”
“That’s right princess. You definitely don’t wanna leave me. Because no would could take care of you like I do, right? No one could. Nobody but me,” he would say as he pounded into you and whispered in your ear.
Eventually, Katsuki became your whole life. You would work one day a week so that you had more time for Katsuki. You would wake up next to him and cuddle with him until he had to leave for work. You would clean the house and cook for him, and you would wait for him to come home during the late hours of the night so you could smother him with love. Often times, you guys would fuck. Matter of fact, the day you first moved in, you Christened every place and piece of furniture in his house. It was the same routine that you learned to love. Wake up, cuddle, clean, cook, love, fuck.
Being Katsuki’s precious dumb baby girl, he couldn’t let his baby bear see all the damage he does as a hero. Oh no, that would scare you way too much. Your precious little self wouldn’t be able to handle it. He would tell you he was a pro hero, the number 2 hero, saving lives, and he was satisfied every time he saw the sparkle in your eyes as you looked at your hero boyfriend with a proud look. He never told you about the dark side of hero work though. The bloodshed, the kills, the deaths. Horrid things your sweet baby mind wouldn’t be able to take. He would keep his princess oblivious to the terrible things he has to do as a hero and you being his dumb little bear listened when he said you wouldn’t be able to find any videos of him. Why bother to check if he was right? Your Katsuki would never lie to you. He would never do wrong by you. All and all, Katsuki can’t risk her getting scared and leaving.
That was until....
You were busy finishing up dinner when your phone went off. You looked down to the screen to see a random number had sent you a video. From the preview of the video on the banner, you took notice of that easily recognizable tuff of spiky blonde hair. You grew excited at the small sight of your boyfriend and swooned before you watched the video.
After you pressed play, your smile remained as you watched your boyfriend. However, as the video went on, your smile slowly dropped and became replaced with an open mouth. Your eyes became filled with fear as you watched your “sweet” boyfriend ruthlessly murder a man in an alleyway. You listened to his crazy laugh and felt your heart skip a few beats. Your mouth became dry and your palms grew sweaty as the video continued to install fear in you. Finally, your boyfriend threw the dead body into a pile of trash cans before you saw him look to the camera with those eyes. Those ruby gems that you used to love turned into blood drops as he gave the camera a scary glare. He barked at the man behind the camera before aiming a blast his way. The blast came at the camera and made you jump as it felt like the attack was going to hit you. You flinched and dropped your phone as the video finished and your breath grew heavy as you began to sweat and look around.
You immediately ran to your shared bedroom and pulled out your laptop. Katsuki always said you would never find anything about Dynamight online, but all you had to do was type in his name to find multiple videos of his deathly battles. You watched countless recordings of him mercilessly killing people left and right with his quirk and bare hands. Your body began to shake as your pupils dilated with fear. After a terribly gruesome fight video, you threw your device aside in fear and ran into the living room. You settled the slightest bit before growing nervous once more. All around the house were pictures of you and Katsuki. He was everywhere in the house. And those dangerously red eyes followed you everywhere. You began to hyperventilate until the sound of jingling keys invaded your ears.
You looked at the door in fear and after a few seconds, the main man walked in. Katsuki Bakugou. He seemed exhausted but once he took sight of you, he visibly became at ease.
Bakugou walked into the door, pissed off and tired as fuck. Luckily, that all changed when he noticed his precious Teddy Bear in the living room. He assumed you came to greet him again like you always did and he smiled at that.
“K-Katsuki! Hi..” you nervously said but Bakugou was too intoxicated with you to even notice. He walked to you with a smile and wrapped his arms around your waist before peppering your face in sweet kisses. You flinched due to his touch but Bakugou just assumed it was because of his stronger caramel scent. He did use his quirk a lot today after all.
“Hi baby,” he said. He didn’t stop his kisses as he spoke in between them. “Had such a bad day this mornin’.....was so upset......missed you a lot baby...did you miss me?”
“Mm..y-yes.” You once again said in fear. You definitely missed him throughout the day, but now with this new information, you wanted nothing more than to get away from him. Bakugou moved his kisses to your lips and placed a long, loving one on you. He had his eyes shut and so did you, but his were shut in content and yours were scrunched in fear. The entire time, you could feel your rapid heart rate pulse all throughout your body.
Bakugou started a heavy make out session with you as his hands traveled to the swell of your ass and gave it a grip and smack. He spoke to you throughout the kiss and kept his lips hovering when he spoke before diving right back into it. “Not my best day today......but you can make it better, right baby.....you wanna help Daddy feel better?”
“Mm!” You didn’t say yes but you couldn’t say no either. You didn’t know how to. Not when it came to Katsuki. At the cute little sound, Bakugou picked you up and placed you down on the couch, too eager to dive into you right away.
He placed you on the wide couch and began grabbing at your body. Your tiny waist, your curvy hips, your pretty titties. That was when he finally felt you tense up. A few nervous thoughts infiltrated his mind. Did you not want this? You never said no to him though. What was going on? He pushed those thoughts away as he continued. Maybe you were just extra sensitive today. Things were starting to change when he moved his hand down into your panties and you tried to squirm away from him.
“Baby?” He asked you as he separated from your lips and gave you a confused puppy look. He finally took notice of your nervousness and looked at you with worry. “You okay, princess?”
“Umm, yeah! I’m-..I’m okay it’s just, you don’t wanna take a shower before we do anything?” You asked as an excuse. Bakugou chuckled and a few of his nerves began to settle.
“C’mon princess, I know I just got off of work but it’s always just smoke and caramel with me. Besides you love it, I know you do.” He said and smirked as he began to lick at your neck. You nervously laugh and pushed on his chest to back him up.
“Aha, yeah, but don’t you wanna be a little more comfortable?” You asked again.
“I’m already comfortable right here. If anything, I’d be really comfortable if we were both bare already.” He said against your neck again. You pushed him off again and placed a soft hand on his cheek while giving him the sweetest smile as you spoke.
“Please love, for me?” You asked. You watched as Bakugou gave an exasperated sigh with a smile and roll of his eyes before leaning down and giving you a sweet peck.
“For you.” He said before pecking your cheek. “Everything for you, baby.” He said and finally got up to go wash up.
Once he was out of sight you released a relieved sigh. With him gone, you felt yourself began to shake again as you crowded into a corner on the couch and held yourself. You covered your mouth as you began to silently cry and sob. That-..that killer was so close to you. He was pressed against you. His once loving and comforting presence now became dangerous and scary. You didn’t know if you could take it.
As Katsuki walked up the stairs to the master bedroom, he couldn’t help but feel the nerves begin to bubble back up again. Why were you acting so...disobedient? It kind of irritated the blonde but he settled nonetheless. Maybe you were just having an off day. Bakugou walked right into the room and went straight for the shower after tossing his phone on the bed. The sooner he washed up, the sooner he could get to ravish you. He was quickly in and out of the shower and once he went back into the room, he threw on a pair of Gray sweats. Before leaving, Bakugou went to grab his phone but noticed your laptop opened. He looked to the screen in curiosity and felt his heart drop to his stomach once he saw what he did.
‘PRO-HERO DYNAMIGHT’S MOST LETHAL ATTACKS’ was the video you were watching. Bakugou took notice of the setting and remembered that battle. The battle where he grabbed a villain by their neck and blasted off into the sky before using an explosion to hurl them down to the ground again, killing them in the end.
Why the hell were you watching this? How the hell did you find this?! Why did you even think of looking for this video?! Bakugou felt his heart rate increase as his breath became huffs of frustration. His eyes grew fierce as he grabbed the laptop and ran downstairs. Once he walked in, he saw you cornered in the couch, hugging your knees with your head down. “Y/N!”
You immediately looked up when your boyfriend called your name. He finally saw your teary eyes and feared face when you looked to him. Then it finally clicked. This is why you were acting so off. You found him. You found the other side of him. The Katsuki you knew was sweet, teasing, loving, and a romantic. The Katsuki he hid from you was ruthless, violent, feral, and borderline insane. And you were acting off because you finally found out.
“Mind telling me what the fuck this is?!” He shouted. Now this wouldn’t be the first time Katsuki’s yelled at you. While he was in the process of breaking you down, he had to yell to let you know who was in charge. It’s not like he was heartless though, he hated it every time you forced his hand and made him yell at you. He felt so guilty and made sure to cater to your every need after he would freak out on you. Thankfully, you were a quick learner and it’s been years since you’ve gotten reprimanded by him.
You stood to your feet to try and defend yourself and get a grip. “K-Katsuki! I-..I swear it’s nothing! I wasn’t doing anything!”
“You’re gonna fucking lie to me now, Y/N?! Why the hell did you go and look for this video?” He fiercely asked. You remained silent as you were terrified and just trembled at you chewed at your lip. “ANSWER ME!”
“I-...Someone-..Somebody sent me a video...of you...and what you did tonight.” You hesitantly said. Bakugou slammed to your laptop shut and threw it to a wall, destroying it in the process.
“Show me the video.” He demanded. You were still shaking as you looked to him in fear and shock at what he just did. “NOW!”
You scrambled to get your phone and give it to Katsuki. He watched the video with a numb expression but his grip on the phone gave away all his emotions of anger and fury. Once the video was done, he looked at you with an insane smirk. You stared at him in fear as you watched his every move and right then and there he crushed your phone in his hand.
“K-Katsuki!” You shouted as you looked to your now destroyed devices. He dusted off his hands and walked to you. You tensed up at his approach and when he raised a hand to cup your cheek gently, he felt the way you shook in extreme terror.
“It’s okay, baby. You can tell me whatever you’re thinking right now. I won’t get mad.” He softly said with a smile. He was so close to you now. His hand was caressing your face oh so sweetly that it made you believe him the slightest bit. You don’t know if it was love or fear that caused you to tell him but you did.
“I-..I’m..I’m scared of you Katsuki.” You said with tears in your eyes. Katsuki just continued to softly stroke your face with his gentle smile as he nodded his head and encouraged you to go on. “You didn’t tell me..about anything of that. You told me you saved people..but you were..killing them.”
“It’s how I have to save people baby. People who become too dangerous need to be put down. It’s my job baby, you understand, don’t you?” He asked with his gentle tone. You shook your head as he still held it softly.
“No..I- I don’t.” You looked at Katsuki with hurt eyes and you took a small breath before you boldy said the next words. “I-..I think we should take a break.”
At that, Katsuki tensed up again. His eyes went wide for a second and his smile dropped before he shook his head and the kind eyes and warm smile returned. He stared at you for what felt like forever before his sweet face turned into a scary look and his hand quickly wrapped around your neck to put you into a small choke hold. Bakugou flipped you onto the couch and pinned you there. You began to scream and squirm but he covered your mouth and held you down with his legs to keep you steady.
“Careful Teddy Bear,” he said with a maniacal look, “shout and scream too much and you might just lose your breath,” he said and tightened his hold the slightest bit. “And we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
You began to silently sob as his hand covered your mouth and you stopped moving under his hold. You nodded your head as tears began to spill down your face. Katsuki pouted at you before leaning down to lick away a tear. “Awe, don’t cry baby. There’s nothing to be scared off.”
At his words, your eyes grew angry and you bit his hand to remove it. He shouted at the bite and removed his hand as he looked down at you in anger. “You! That’s what I’m scared of Katsuki!” You said with anger and sadness.
Bakugou didn’t take too kindly to that and clenched his fist before he smacked your face. Your head turned to the side at the hard slap as you gasped at the contact. Bakugou grabbed your face with his large hand and made you face him.
“Dirty fucking bitch. You fucking love getting smacked by me don’t you?” He said with a crazed look. “Listen to me very carefully Y/N. I’ve loved you since I first laid my fucking eyes on you. So you’re not allowed to leave me. Understand?” He asked. You began to squirm again and he smacked you again to get you to stop. “ENOUGH OF THAT! You’re not leaving me Y/N. If you run, I’ll find you again the same way I did in the beginning. If you hit me, I’ll have to punish you. You remember all your punishments, don’t you? So stop fighting it. You love me and I love you. We’re not splitting up.”
You narrowed your eyes at Bakugou before spitting on his face. His eyes grew feral as his hold returned to your neck to give it a squeeze. You could still breath..but barely. “Answer me this baby. Answer wrong though and I’ll do what has to be done. Do you want to leave me?”
You looked at his eyes to find any hints of danger. Sadly, everything about this whole situation screamed danger. You still had love for Katsuki, you knew you did, but this was a whole different level. You didn’t know who this was. “.....Yes.”
“Wrong answer.”
With that, Bakugou began to rip your clothes off along with his own. You watched in fear as he did everything. The entire time, he had this excited grin on his face with insane eyes.
“K-Katsuki! What are yo-“ before you could finish, Bakugou had taken your panties and used them as a gag for you. He shoved them in your mouth and you made muffled sounds. You were both now completely bare on the couch, just like he wanted when he first came home.
“Relax baby,” he said before kissing your cheek softly as he pulled you to him. “I’m gonna make you feel so good..I’m gonna do something so nice that you’ll never want to leave.”
You shook your head with tears in your eyes. You tried push him away but he pulled your hands down. “Stop that. I’m not a heartless monster baby. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
He grabbed both your hands and pinned them above your head in the couch. Both your tiny hands were able to be held by his one giant palm as his other hand traveled to your lower region and began rubbing soft circles on your clit. You arched your back at the pleasant feeling. As much as you didn’t want this, as much as you wanted to run away and leave, your body couldn’t deny the pleasure he gave you. He knew you inside and out. He was able to break you from a single touch.
“Feel good?” He asked with a smirk. You shook your head in disagreement. His smirk fell into a determined frown. He knew you didn’t want this now but he would make sure you would soon enough. His movements picked up speed and your legs began to shake. Katsuki finally shoved two fingers in, causing you to shriek with the muffled sound.
His pumps gave no hesitation with their speed as they went in hard and fast. You were practically screaming behind the panties once he gave in another 2 fingers. His thumb played with your clit as he continued to whisper dirty things into your ear.
“My little slut really thought she could leave me? Huh? Cant you hear the sounds your pretty pussy is making. Your mouth may say you don’t want me but your mind and body says otherwise.” With that he slipped in his thumb and you’ve never felt so full. You had his entire fist pumping in and out of you as your felt your legs growing weak. “Fuck baby, look at you. Taking my fist so well. Feel good? Feel full? Hm?”
This time, you moaned in agreement. You couldn’t help it. This was going to be your last time with Katsuki, might as well make it last. However, that was never Bakugou’s plan, no. He loves you too much to let you go. You aren’t leaving him and he’s making sure of it.
As he continued, he felt you tighten around his fist. He smiled once again and sped up his movements. “C’mon baby, let me hear you.” He leaned down and pulled the panties out of your mouth with his teeth. He tossed them aside and allowed you to voice your thoughts.
“F-Fuck Katsuki! M-More! Please!” You begged. He only looked down at you with wide eyes and a grin.
“More? What more could I give you baby?” He said, leaving down to you. “Tell me what you want Y/N.”
“You- you- you what teddy bear? Tell me. Do you want..me to stop?” He teased.
“N-No!” You cried out.
“Do you want me to slow down?” He asked.
“Then? What do you want, baby?” He asked.
“Mm! I- I want you to fuck me Katsuki! Please! Fuck me with your cock!” You cried out and Bakugou’s fist came to a stop.
“Good girl.” He then pulled out his fist and quickly replaced it with his dick. You both cried out in euphoria. He wasted no time in ramming into you, using a quick speed. He held onto your hips as you velvet walls swallowed him in. “S-Shit baby! Fuck, after all that you’re still so- fuck! So fucking tight.”
His fingertips had a grip on your hips that was sure to leave bruises. The way he was pounding into you caused your breast to bounce and dance right in front of him. Not that it wasn’t anything Katsuki hasn’t seen before, but it’s the fact that he loves the scene so much. He licked his lips at the sight of your voluptuous mounds before taking one into his mouth. The feeling of his teeth sinking in had you gasping and your hands found way into his hair, pulling him in closer.
“K-Katsuki!” You cried out. He smirked at the sound and released you from his mouth.
“You don’t even know how good you look. How good you will look when I knock you up and fill you with my kids.” He said against your bare skin. This made your eyes pop as you looked at him in fear.
“W-what?! No! Katsuki! Please, I don’t want thi-“
“Shut the fuck up!” He screamed over you. He placed his hand around your neck as his cock completely took over you. “Yes you do! Don’t you remember baby? You always talked about starting a family with me. Now you can have it!”
“K-Katsuki..please! Please stop, this is rape!” You urgently whimpered. Bakugou merely ignored your cry as he continued his motions.
“I said, SHUT THE FUCK UP! It’s not rape if you enjoy it baby.” He said in response. He continued to touch you in the dirtiest of ways, bringing quiet moans out of you no matter how hard you tried to fight it.
“No! I don’t want it anymore! I don’t want you Katsuki!” You cried. Tears now flowed down your face in fear. You’ve always wanted a family with him. But that was before you knew how he truly was. Your words only angered Katsuki and so he punished you with a harsh smack to the face. Your head turned to the side as you gasped at the stinging feeling that almost felt like pleasure in a way.
“I’m gonna give you brat, and you’re gonna stay. You’re gonna stay with me and we’re gonna be a happy family! Because I love you and I know you love me.” He said. Your legs were growing weak as his relentless thrusts never stopped.
“P-Please. Please, I’ll stay. But I don’t want this. Not now.” You whimpered. At your soft voice, Bakugou slowed down the pace but his hard thrusts continued.
“Sorry baby, but I want this. I’ve spoiled you for too long. I give you everything under the sun and you reward me by trying to leave. Especially over such a small instance? I don’t think so. The least you could do for me is give me the family I want with you. Don’t you agree?” He sweetly said with malice intent.
You only continued your whimpers as you allowed him to do as he pleased. You weren’t getting out of this. Katsuki gets whatever Katsuki wants. If he wanted to fuck his child into you, he was going to do so, one way or another. Katsuki allowed his moans to fill the room as the once sweet sound of skin slapping grew louder and louder, coming faster and faster. Eventually, you reached your release and even squirted all over Katsuki’s chest. He very much enjoyed that and it brought him closer to his climax. He kept to his word and filled you up to the brim. You both threw your head backs and cried out in ecstasy.
Once he was done, Katsuki remained inside of you as he laid on top of you. He peppered your face in kisses as you continued to make soft sounds. You both remained on the couch for some time before he pulled out and walked to the kitchen to get a rag and clean you and himself up. Once done, he picked you up and brought you to the bedroom where he placed you down under the sheets and joined you. He cuddled with you in bed feeling happy and joyous while your head was stuck in thought.
‘If his plan worked, I’ll be a mother soon. There’ll be a baby growing inside of me.’ You silently thought. Bakugou snapped you out of your thoughts with a kiss on your lips before he began speaking.
“..I know what you saw on the footage was scary, but that’s not the only part of me. I’ve shown you every other me. The me that loves you and wants to be with you forever, Y/N.” He said and picked up your hand to give your knuckles a kiss.
“....I understand that your job isn’t the purest. I understand that sometimes, a life will be lost. But the video that was sent to me, showed you killing a petty robber. You took it too far.” You argued quietly.
“Tch. Whatever. He deserved it anyway-“
“And it’s not only that, but you’re the reason why I have no friends, no job, no money, no family, no nothing. In the beginning, it was amazing because I thought I knew you. But now, I’m just scared of you Katsuki and I have no one else to go to.” You began to get choked up. This was the man you loved but you felt like you didn’t know him anymore. Right now, in your eyes, he was a killer. A scary monster.
“If you left me, who would you go to baby? You’re absolutely right. You have no friends. No job. No home. You have nobody but me. You need me. Say it.” He demanded. You remained quiet to rebel against his wishes until he took hold of your face and squeezed it tight. To stop the pain, you forced the words out.
“I-...I need you!” With that, he released his hold on you and his hand rested on your cheek. He stared into your eyes and you looked at him with the sad and confused look you had on ever since he came home.
“I love you Y/N. Do you still love me?” He asked.
“......I do.” You said. A smile grew on his face.
“Then we can make this work,” he said and pulled you into his chest, holding you tight. You whimpered into his chest but nonetheless held onto him tight as well. You did love him. You knew you did. But you didn’t love who he truly was. Or at least, what part of him was. A killer. A murderer.
He was right though. You had nowhere else to go. Katsuki really was your everything. And so, you were going to allow this relationship to go on. His child will come from you and you will start a family with him. Whether you want it to happen or not. As long as he wants it, it’ll happen.
Whatever Katsuki wants.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Your Secret’s Safe With Me
Post-book 2, one of the big steps in Kasey and Adam moving toward best friends. :D  Sarcasm and trust are her love languages, I don’t make the rules
The station was almost eerily quiet this late in the afternoon, and even if Kasey had chosen to put off her paperwork ‘til now precisely for the quiet, it was still unsettling. Maybe working with the Agency had made her paranoid. Maybe she’d grown too dependent on the hum of background noise. Either way, it was annoying to be so bothered by quiet she had to retype a sentence three times.
Kasey huffed and glanced out of her office. They had one of their more attentive volunteers manning the desk today, and she wasn’t technically on duty anyway. She didn’t need to be paying attention to anything but the backlog of reports.
She took a swig of her coffee--it would need reheating soon--and popped in her earbuds, thumbing through the music on her phone until she found something that caught her fancy. Favorite album from her favorite artist should help her focus. Annoyance bled from her mood at the opening notes, and Kasey was already humming along as she turned back to the computer screen with new resolve.
She wasn’t sure exactly how much time passed, but it was at least an hour because her first selection finished and the next album started up, when she sensed someone watching her. She broke off from singing along as her head snapped up from the screen.
Adam was standing in her office, a couple paces in from the door. His expression was firmly neutral-leaning-disapproval. His default, in other words.
Kasey flinched, yanked out one of her earbuds. “Adam. Dunno what the rule was nine hundred years ago, but now it’s generally considered creepy to just stand and watch someone like that. How long have you been there?”
His lips twitched and she wasn’t sure if it was toward a smile or a frown. “Not long, but enough to cause harm if it were my intent. You should pay more heed to your surroundings, Detective.”
She rolled her eyes. “Forgive me for feeling secure enough in my office, with the back door locked and someone watching the front, that I let my guard down, Commanding Agent.”
Adam’s lips twitched again, and this time she had the distinct impression it was toward a smile, even if he reined it in, but he didn’t retort like she expected he would.
Kasey arched a brow at his expression. “What?”
“You were singing. As I approached. While you should maintain awareness of your surroundings, it is good you feel so... secure here.”
Her neck went warm. With the distance from the front desk and her office door mostly closed, she’d thought she was safe from having an audience. She hadn’t counted on one of her vampire teammates with their damn supersenses dropping by. 
“Sorry for any emotional scarring that caused,” she snarked, fiddling with her coffee mug. It was, sadly, empty.
Adam shook his head, letting the smile out just a little bit. “You are... very good, Detective. From what I heard. And it is clearly a combination of practice and natural talent both.”
The heat spread around to her face. She snorted and ran her finger around the ring her mug had left on her desk. “Is this a compliment? From you?”
He smirked. “It has been known to happen. When warranted.”
Kasey laughed. “Well played.” She leaned back and ran her fingers through her hair. “Since I’m pretty sure you didn’t come her just to lecture me for letting my guard down, or... compliment my singing, what’s up?”
“Your phone went to voicemail when your mother attempted to reach you.” His tone was neutral but the way he shifted to cross his arms made her feel scolded nonetheless.
“Uh-oh, am I in trouble?” she asked sarcastically, fishing her phone out from her pocket. It did show two missed calls from Mum, as well as abysmally low battery. Kasey scowled at it; even with listening to music it shouldn’t be that bad this fast. Shit. It had been dying more quickly recently, maybe it was time for a new one. (Maybe she could wheedle the Agency into paying for it.)
“Not currently,” Adam said. “Though knowing you, that will change sooner rather than later. Rebecca was trying to alert you of a schedule change; another team requires her assistance, so Bravo will be having our briefing two hours earlier than planned. As my patrol finished close to the station, I said I would look for you here to inform you.”
“Sweet of you,” Kasey teased, phrasing deliberately chosen to earn an eyeroll, which it did. But there was a note of... fondness? under the exasperation that told her she hadn’t pushed too far. Yet. “But unless you’re plannin’ to give me a piggyback ride to the Warehouse, I’m still gonna be a bit.”
Mason would have jumped on the comment with at least three innuendos. Adam just pressed his lips together and gave her an unamused look.  “Why?”
“I dropped my car off for an oil change since I knew I’d be here longer today.” She checked the time on her computer. If the meeting had been bumped up two hours, she should get moving. “Yost rang that it was done, but I still need to walk over and pay and pick it up. All those boring human things.” She wouldn’t lie, right now the ability to run faster than most cars was very appealing.
Adam paused a moment to deliberate, then said, “I will walk with you.”
Oh sure, ‘cause we’re not oil and water. Though he had been civil so far. For Adam. And the snark was intriguing. Kasey arched a brow. “The mechanic isn’t that far, Adam. Afraid a horde of zombies will find time to assault me in the street?”
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Zombies are not real, and your... unique status means even without an active threat, there is always a chance of danger.” He was kind enough to not bring up that they had, technically, been assaulted in the street by Murphy’s thralls not terribly long ago. Maybe he knew she’d counter by pointing out thralls were pretty damn close to zombies.
“Wow.” Kasey laughed and saved her progress before turning off the computer. Apparently she’d be staying late again tomorrow.  “If we’re gonna be that paranoid, no offense, but I’d prefer Mason as my bodyguard.” She grinned and braced her chin on her palms. “Unless you’re finally warming to your human teammate and this is an excuse to hang out.” A wink when his eyes narrowed.  “Don’t worry, if that’s it, your secret’s safe with me.”
Adam gave her a flat look much like the ones he frequently aimed at Felix and gestured toward the door. “If you are ready...?”
“Sure.” The earbuds went in their case and then her pocket, her phone back in its pocket--she’d charge it later--and she switched off the lights as they headed out the door.
Adam was silent as they passed the front desk and Kasey waved a cursory farewell to the volunteered perched behind it. She let him be; she’d poked the bear quite a bit and wasn’t entirely sure how to initiate a normal conversation with Adam. It wasn’t like he was the type for small talk.
Adam took care of that as they passed the corner of the station. “Detective, I could not help but notice you seemed... hesitant accepting a compliment on your singing.”
Kasey bit the inside of her cheek, caught off guard not only that he’d noticed but that it made enough of an impression to bring back up. “And?”
He clasped his hands behind him, one brow twitching at her defensive tone.  “Uncertainty is not a trait one tends to associate with you. Do you truly doubt your skill in this area so much?”
“No, I...” Kasey sighed and raked one hand through her hair before shoving both hands in her pockets. “Singing is the one thing I’m private about, that I hold onto just for me.”  This was not a conversation she expected to have with anyone, let alone Adam du Mortain. It made words hard to find. “Mum’s the only one who knew about it, before today.” She gestured vaguely back toward the station.
Adam nodded slowly. “Is there a particular reason behind keeping this secret?”
She shrugged. “Maybe on some level, in part, because I liked having a secret with Mum. Something that felt like a bond of some kind even with how little we saw each other. But mainly ‘cause I don’t like the spotlight. At least not when it’s aimed solely at me. I’ll sit at the edges, enjoy the crowd, but that’s b’cause I like to watch people. I’m not so keen on them watchin’ me. And singing is one of those talents people expect you to do something with, be the center of attention, when they know about it.”
A glance at Adam showed him silent but with his head inclined to listen if she wished to continue.
Half to her own surprise, she did. “I mean, take our team; tell me Felix wouldn’t pester for a demonstration if he knew, joke about ‘private concerts’. Or that Nate, even if he tried to understand and respect my decision, wouldn’t make some comment about it being a shame to hide my talent.” She kicked a broken fragment of sidewalk and didn’t dare glance Adam’s way again. “He wouldn’t pressure me intentionally, but I’d still feel... guilty.” Tina would be somewhere between them, if she knew. “Shit, you and Mason are probably the only people outside of Mum who wouldn’t push at least a little,  and for Mason it’s ‘cause I get the sense he’s not fond of music shit in general.”
She wasn’t fond of the twinge in her soul voicing that thought. It shouldn’t-- didn’t matter what someone she was just sleeping with thought on a topic where (hopefully) she’d never be asking his opinion.
“He is not.” Adam’s confirmation was neutral, an inscrutable look in his eyes and his lips twitching ever so faintly toward a smile when Kasey looked over.  “However, I believe he would not mind as much were it you.”
The flicker of warmth the words sent through her made it goddamn worse. Kasey grunted noncommittally and shooed the lot of it away. “I think I’ll keep my secrets for now, thanks. Life’s already complicated enough without people pestering me to bust out the pipes,” she said instead, steering back to the main, more comfortable, topic of conversation.
“An excellent point.” He nodded, almost solemnly, in answer to her unspoken request as they came in sight of the garage, though there was a note of humor in his voice. “Your secret is safe with me, Kasey.”
She grinned--”See you at the meeting,” because thank you was too vulnerable--and stepped through the door.
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sproutics-garden · 2 years
Can you write a wholesome moment with the villainous crew? You don’t have to, it’s just a request.
ABSOLUTELY I CAN, I adore the wholesome moments.
Warnings: nothing huge, Flug has anxiety and Black Hat is a sociopath
Rainy Daze
It’s no secret that Black Hat Manor was chaos about ninety-nine percent of the time. Shattering, shouting, bloodcurdling screams; all of those obnoxious noises echoed across the house at all times. Certain people ignored it, others feared it, others caused it. But it mostly just annoyed a certain scientist.
But today, everything was… quiet? Dr. Flug couldn’t remember the last time there had been a quiet day in the manor. Most days involved Demencia’s destructive playfulness, 505’s clumsiness, or a sudden painful transfer to Black Hat’s office. But it was finally quiet. Flug didn’t really notice why until he looked outside.
The sky was coated in wispy grey clouds, sending rain down to the ground. So that’s why made everything feel quiet.
Looking out the window of his crashed plane, Flug noticed a blur of neon zipping across the lawn.
“What in the- What is she doing?!” Flug briskly walked down to the front door to get a closer look. As he suspected, it was Demencia, excitedly running and jumping around the yard.
“Demencia! Get back here before you skewer yourself on the fence again!” Flug yelled at the punk girl, which had become a daily occurrence.
“Never! I’m gonna catch every one of these damn droplets!”
As usual, Flug was ignored. He was just about to step outside when he noticed 505 waddle outside as well.
“What the- You too?! You’re going to catch a cold if you’re out there for long!” This sent the scientist sprinting outside, catching both 505 and Demencia’s attention.
“Take a chill pill Flug, it’s just rain! It’s fun! Don’t you know what fun is nerd?” Demencia giggled, swatting at the droplets. 505 looked straight up at the hazy grey sky curiously, as if he had never seen anything like it. Flug couldn’t help but let a small grin take over at 505’s childlike wonder.
“I guess… I guess it’s not so bad, as long as we’re careful,” Flug slowly stammered, hearing small patters of the rain against his paper bag. He took one of his rubber gloves off, letting some of the cool droplets run down his hands and arms before they fell onto the lawn. Flug smiled slightly to himself, feeling a bit at ease, or at least enough to not notice Demencia rolling in the mud.
The small moment of peace was quickly interrupted by a loud bang. The three looked up, seeing one of the windows of the manor had been swung open quite aggressively. Flug quickly put his glove on, anxiety filling his chest.
“What are you three imbeciles doing out there?! Get back to work!” Black Hat yelled from the window. Demencia, as usual, looked up at him with lovesick eyes.
“Of course Lord Black Hat sir!” she chirped, making Flug sigh and Black Hat roll his eyes. 505 was unfazed by the yelling and simply waddled back inside. Flug quietly followed.
Flug had been back at his desk for nearly an hour before he was transported to Black Hat’s office in some new gruesome way. Once he recovered from the scare, he was surprised to see Demencia and 505 there as well.
“H-Hello Lord Black Hat sir… What can I do for you…?” Flug said nervously. It wasn’t common for all three of them to be called at once if it was just a report or a new client.
Black Hat spun around in his chair, making Demencia quietly giggle to herself.
“Well I couldn’t help but notice how much you three morons enjoyed that rain earlier. You obviously love it enough to abandon your posts during work hours,” he said, anger lacing his words. Flug was terrified of what he could possibly do to punish him. Torture? Maybe being fired? He didn’t want to know.
But shockingly, Black Hat smiled. That wicked but devilishly playful smile he wore every time a new idea came to him.
“So I thought I’d bring the rain to you instead.”
With a single flick of the wrist, a large red flame had shot upwards from Black Hat’s hand. The sudden burst of light startled both Flug and 505, but naturally, Demencia stared in awe.
The inferno’s smoke billowed throughout the room, making it almost impossible to see. What was Black Hat doing? Bringing the rain to them? Flug didn’t quite understand.
Not until he heard small drops of water tap against his bag again.
“The sprinklers?”
505’s eyes lit up, his tail wagging, as he happily skipped around the sprinklers that were attached to the ceiling. Demencia squealed with excitement, swatting at the gush of water that sprayed from all around the ceiling. Flug looked back at Black Hat, who had blown out the flame on his hand and had a large black umbrella over his head.
“Don’t just stand there doctor. You dolts only get this for ten minutes. Make the most of it.”
Flug saluted as he usually did, but with a small smile. And for once, he actually had fun. At work. And he remembered what made working for someone as god awful as Black Hat worth it. He got to work with some of his favorite people in the world.
((Da end! Sorry it took forever anon, I was on vacation for a while and my service was horrible. But I’m so happy I got a villainous request. I know it’s a little clunky, I’m still not entirely confident in my characterization. But I hope you enjoyed! -Jules
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strangerivy · 4 years
The Time Levi Got Jealous
Request:  @iamhowieson  Hey! Just wondering if I could make a request for a Levi Ackerman x reader. I thought that maybe the reader and Levi had a fight the night before which seriously hurt the readers feelings. then the reader tried to make him jealous, which turned out very successfully and then Levi ends up apologising and then they forgive each other. Probably with a nice cute ending but you can spin it however you like! You don’t have to do this request if you don’t want too. Warnings: Swearing Pairings: Levi Ackerman x Reader (y/n) Genre: 18+ | Fluff | Tiny amounts of Angst Word Count: 1.9K Author’s Note: I really hope this is what you were looking for and I am sorry it took so long! 😊 💜
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The day had been going wonderfully, you had woken up on time which was honestly a miracle.  You had a good breakfast and training with the squad was probably the most successful yet. It was a great day. Until you saw the sight in front of you.
You and Petra were on the way back to your shared room after training going over what parts went great and what part you two could improve on as a team when you rounded a corner to see something you wish you hadn’t. Levi was standing there watching over the recently joined Cadets and one of them seem to be too friendly with the captain for your liking. Now you know you didn’t technically have the right to get as angry as you are, seeing as you and Levi had never discussed what your relationship was. But it was also no secret that you two were more than friends. His mouth turned up into a smirk at something she said which only deepened the frown on your face, the girl twirling her hair between her fingers.
“Y/n?” Petra asked a few paces ahead of you, noticing you were no longer following, she followed your gaze and gave you a sympathetic look, “I’m sure it's nothing,” She tried to comfort, your eyes broke away as you felt them begin to water.
“Yeah, your probably right,” You smiled forcing the tears down, she had to be, Levi would not actually do something like that. Right?
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You took a deep breath as you stood outside his office, you decided you were going to ask him about the girl and what you saw in a calm manner after having time to calm down. You went to open the door, but it was opened suddenly causing you to stumble forward almost hitting the person exiting. You caught yourself on the door frame looking up at the person to see it was that same girl shooting down a smirk at you.
You watched her walk down the hall with a little too much pep in her step for your liking, you watched till she disappeared down another hallway out of sight.
“Y/N,” Levi almost sounded surprised which only made your suspicion grow, you snapped your head to him looking him up and down. He seemed fine, his clothes weren’t wrinkled in any way and his hair was laid flat nicely. You stepped in closing the door behind you.
“Who’s that?” You asked walking closer to him but still kept a distance. He raised an eyebrow at your odd behavior, usually, you would be smiling when you walked in already talking about your day bring a brightness to the room that you carried everywhere with you. But tonight, was different, something was bothering you.
“She’s just one of the new cadets, seems promising,” He answered, you nodded you turned to leave not really wanting to hang around tonight, the exhaustion of your worries hitting you. It seemed like a better idea just to ignore, easier at least.
“What’s going on with you?” Levi asked just as you grabbed ahold of the doorknob.
“Nothing,” You answered much too quickly and he let out a snort.
“It’s obviously not nothing,” He stated, you turned to face him with a frown going to speak but stopping just before the words left your tongue, he was growing frustrated now. “Well go on, spit it out,”
“I saw you earlier with her and she was just- all over you,” You finally answered not able to make eye contact at him, he let out another annoyed scoff making you look at him as he shook his head.
“That’s what has you so worked up?” He asked his tone making your worries sound more of a nuisance. He clicked his tongue sitting back down at his desk. “I didn’t think you were the possessive type,” This made you frown, you weren’t being possessive, you were just concerned. Especially after the look, that cadet gave you leaving his office.
“I’m not being possessive, I was just –“
“So clingy then?” He cut you off, deepening your frown and furrowing your eyebrows as your temper rose. You opened his office door getting ready to leave before you looked at him once again to see if he would stop you, but he didn’t, just kept his eyes down at his papers that he was working on.
“I was just stating a concerned Levi, you didn’t need to be an ass about it,” You spat shutting the door before he could respond.
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You didn’t sleep well the night before and you did your best to not show it, though your eyes did have a slight bag to them. You let out a yawn at breakfast drinking your morning tea with Petra and the others. Levi walked in greeting the table before turning to greet you, but you turned away from him getting up to head out to the training course for the day. It was your turn to train some of the new Cadets.
You leaned up against a post letting out another yawn as you watched the Cadets go through Hand-to-Hand combat.
“Y/N,” You heard your name turning towards the voice to see your old squad mate when you first joined the Scouts, Peter.
“Hey!” You beamed giving him a tight hug, “How have you been? I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you!”
“Good actually just stopping at HQ to drop off a report and thought I would stop by,” He smiled, you had always thought he was charming when you were back in the Cadets training, all the girls swooning over him. You were surprised he choose the Scouts and not the MP’s when the time came.
“They still have you out surveying along the wall?” You asked curiously.
“Of course, I’ll have every damn brick memorized at this rate,” He joked, and you let out a small chuckle. “How are things with the special ops squad, heard you have got yourself quite the kill count!” He nudged you with your elbow and you felt your cheeks up with a shy blush, you weren’t one to brag about accomplishments so when others did you always got embarrassed. You turned your attention back to the cadets making sure they were slacking off without you looking.
“Things are going good, I guess. I’ve been thinking ab- Oh Captain Levi!” You and Peter stood straight saluting to Levi as he walked up to you, you were still mad at him, so you avoided meeting his eyes, crossing your arms in front of you turning your eyes back to the cadets pretending to watch them. When he finally reached you, he eyed you waiting to see if you would acknowledge his presence further than the formal greeting, when he realized you weren’t you noticed his demeanor changed slightly as he looked up at Peter with a deadly glare.
“Are you supposed to be here Cadet?” He asked with a sharp tone, Peter tensed shaking his head.
“Sorry Sir, I was just stopping by to-“
“I didn’t ask for an explanation,” Levi cut him off, Peter gulped from nerves and you honestly felt bad for him.
“No Sir, I’m not,” Peter answered nervously, you raised an eyebrow at Levi as you watched the encounter through the corner of your eye. Levi was always a bit cold when it came to talking with others but never this intense.
“Then get the hell out of here,” Levi spat, and Peter was quick to turn on his heel leaving with a quick see ya to you as he left. “Enough training today! Your dismissed,” Levi shouted at the Cadets not taking his eyes off you as you still refused to look at him. You felt small under his gaze, you could feel your body heating up wishing that someone would come out needing you for something. Where was Hange when you needed her?
Once the field was cleared and no one was around Levi reached out placing a finger under your chin guiding your head to face him but you kept your gaze at the ground. He took a step closer to you so there was almost no room between you. He leaned into your ear and you tensed when you felt his breath on your skin.
“Look at me,” He demanded pulling back and you flicked your gaze up at him, something about him was off right now. His slight frown the furrow in his brow. He looked annoyed dare you say maybe even jealous?
“What is it, Levi?” You asked trying to keep your emotionless expression to him, he smirked knowing the act wouldn’t work for long.
“Who was that?” He asked you, you rolled your eyes, and he didn’t like that grabbing onto your arm to drag you back inside, back to his office where you knew you would have no way of rejecting him, You wouldn’t be able to help yourself. You pulled your arm out of his grip and shot a smirk of your own.
“Are you jealous Levi?” You asked with a grin, his frown deepened. He took two large steps towards you grabbing you around the waist pulling you in, his other hand snaking into your hair pulling your lips to his kissing you with an intensity he’s never shown before out in the open like this. You were shocked, to say the least, but only for a moment before melting into him. Your knees going week your hands gripping onto the edges of his jacket pulling him impossibly closer.
When you finally broke for air both panting lightly as you stared at him, he softly smiled one that you rarely got to see.
“So, what if I am?” He quirked a brow up as kept his hold on your waist tight afraid you might slip away again and ignore him.
“I didn’t think you were the possessive type.” You smirked as you mimicked his words from the night before. He frowned leaning in to rest his head on yours.
“I’m sorry for that,” He apologized, you gave a small nod leaning in to give him a small peck.
“It’s okay,” You forgave him but you still felt uneasy, wanting clarification on what you two were. You both acted like a couple but is that what he saw this as? Levi noticed you still weren’t okay reach up cupping your cheek rubbing it softly with his thumb.
“What's going on in that head of yours?” he asked concern in his voice
You let out a breath “What are we?” Levi's eyes went wide and you could see the blush on his cheeks, it was cute seeing him get so bashful at the question. He dropped his hand reaching up to scratch his neck from the nerves.
“Well- I- I thought you would already know that-” He stuttered over his words that you couldn’t help but chuckle at the once stoic and battle-hardened Captain. He shot a glare at your soft giggles which only made you laugh more.
“Are we together, Levi? A couple?” You asked deciding to make it easier on him, He let out a groan before giving a soft nodded bring a smile to your lips as you pulled him into another kiss and you felt the smile on his lips as you did.
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hawkinsindiana · 4 years
this changes things
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!reader
word count: 2.3k
a/n: we’re back to eleven chapters baby!!!! this one ended up being longer than i thought. i know i usually post on friday nights, but i couldn’t help but give you all a lil valentine’s day treat. pls enjoy!!!!
Steve’s nervous. 
It’s down to the wire; there's only a few short weeks left of his final high school semester. Four out of five college applications have been rejected. Each one received has fed the anxiety more and more. 
Every day that passes without a lick of news from the remaining university has him reconsidering everything. His education. His career. His future.
The only thing Steve knows about his future is that he wants you in it, in whichever form that might be. You’re the constant. Without you, he’s afraid he’d eventually go back to being that person he was before. You make him want to be better. Trying to be worthy of you gives Steve purpose. 
He imagined that getting a college education would help keep him on that path. It seems farther away with each rejection letter he receives. 
Steve hasn’t told you that he hasn’t gotten into any so far. He’s afraid of disappointing you, especially after everything you’ve done for him. 
The spring of ‘85 has been particularly unforgiving. It’s been storming all week - the air still hangs with that familiar smell of rain soaked concrete. You read that the Hawkins Post reported a record amount of rainfall; the local stream overflowed and flooded a few basements. 
The mail is still damp when Steve retrieves it after practice. It sticks to his fingers as he shuffles through each envelope, drying his sneakers on the welcome mat. 
And then his eyes linger on one addressed to him; Steve nearly drops his backpack when he sees who sent it. 
Haphazardly, he tosses the rest of the mail onto the kitchen counter as he contemplates whether to even open the damn thing. Steve’s pretty sure he knows the answer. Is it an answer he wants?
Whatever the words inside this parcel read, it changes Steve’s life forever. His future is planned from the moment he breaks the seal - there would be no going back. Either he stays here in Hawkins, trapped by an education he neglected for far too long, or he gets to take a step to distance himself from this shitty town and prove his worth. 
Steve isn’t a fan of the former option.
He wishes you were here to read it for him. He’d rather you tell him the news; hearing it come from your lips would make it easier. 
By the time Steve decides to open it, a few minutes have passed. Why does this feel like the scariest thing he’s ever done?
Due to the water, some of the ink bled through the paper; pieces of the letter are illegible. But at the top, a familiar phrase answers his question: Unfortunately, we regret to inform you-
Steve curses, angrily throwing the envelope and its contents into the trash. He refuses to read anymore. 
He has no one to blame but himself. Maybe that’s why he’s so angry. There were multiple opportunities for him to change course and put effort into his schoolwork. By the time he finally tried, it was too late. 
Thunder booms in the distance once Steve parks his car beside your mother’s. He doesn’t remember deciding to come here; the only thing he can recall is grabbing the keys, without a destination in mind. His heart brought him to your warmth. 
As Steve gets out of the car, he wonders if this was maybe a bad idea. It isn’t very often that he feels afraid to face you - he’s scared of your reaction, and the outcome that could follow.
He knew that he could love you, that he could fall just as hard as you did for him. But admitting it to himself, and then you - he doesn’t know if he has the strength to do it again. That phrase has left a sour taste in his mouth, one that Steve hopes he can wash away. Because you deserve to hear it too. 
Maybe he’s closer to saying it than he thought, perhaps that’s why he’s so scared to tell you. Maybe-
“What the hell are you doin’ here?” Dustin’s voice startles Steve, who turns to see the boy walking his bike up the driveway. Steve fumbles his response, head spinning with thoughts about you, “I don’t, uh-”
Dustin interrupts him, not noticing the nerves Steve displays, “Hey, you should come in! It’s mac ‘n cheese night.” 
Steve hangs his head in defeat, knowing that he’s going to follow your brother inside. He can’t say no to this kid. 
Dustin hangs up his raincoat once the pair of them enter the house; the bell on Tews’ collar jingles as they run to greet the boys. The kitten weaves between Steve’s legs before he kneels down to give them a few pets. 
“That you, Dusty?” Your mother calls from within; clattering silverware echoes from the kitchen. Steve chuckles at the nickname. Dustin punches him in the bicep. 
He kicks off his shoes as he replies, “Hey Mom! Get out another bowl - look who I found loitering around.” 
Steve scoffs, shoving Dustin as they walk forward through the threshold into the living room. Your mom moves to welcome them; her warm smile widens when she sees Steve by her son’s side, “Well look who it is! Steve, sweetheart, how are you?”
He’s baffled by her every time he shares a meal with your family. Her kind soul is infectious, and drastically different from the parents he was raised by. Steve tries not to think about the fact her beloved pet is secretly buried out back - he’s reminded of it whenever he sees her. 
“I’m good, Mrs. Henderson. How are you?” Steve answers, returning her grin. She envelops him in a quick hug, “How many times am I going to have to tell you? Just call me Claudia, hon.”
Steve laughs along with her as he follows her to the kitchen, “I think you’ll need to remind me one more time.”
And then his eyes meet yours from across the room. They smile nearly as much as your lips at the sight of him; your heart flutters at this unexpected surprise. 
When you catch onto the sadness in his expression, the corners of your mouth drop. It’s obvious to you that something’s wrong. Steve doesn’t usually stop by without an invitation; something must’ve happened. 
Throughout dinner, you take mental notes on his deflated behavior. It’s subtle enough to fool your family, but you know him better. With each minute that passes, the more anxious you become to hear the cause. So when he volunteers to help you with the dishes, as he always does, you know it’s only a matter of time. 
“How was practice?” You ask before drying off a cup. Steve takes it from your hand as he replies, “Uh, it was good. Although it’s annoying that we’re still practicing even though the season’s over.”
You hum in agreement as he places the glass on the shelf. Steve glances back at you briefly, “What about you? What’d you get up to?”
A beat passes - you’re looking for the words to describe your afternoon. Maybe not the words, but the courage. It’s only when he turns around, brow creased, do you answer him. 
“I studied at Nancy’s,” You say. Steve’s eyes widen in surprise, “Oh yeah? How’d that go?”
You nod your head, focusing your gaze onto the floor, “It was nice, actually. It wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be.”
“Now when you say studying…” He trails off for a moment as he thinks, “You two didn’t… exchange notes about me or anything, did you?”
Steve’s growing smirk makes you laugh; you hit him playfully with the towel, “No! And I haven’t told her, if that’s what you’re worried about.” 
A part of him can’t help but be relieved. There’s no limit to what you two could chat about.
“We just ended up talking about college most of the time,” You add, “She wanted to know some tips since she’ll be applying soon.”
Steve grabs a plate to dry; in order to try and quell his anxiety, he has to do something productive. But your mind recognizes it as a distraction - you’re no stranger to coping mechanisms. 
“Have you figured out where you’re gonna go yet?” He questions, praying your answer isn’t far; lightning flashes outside the kitchen window, followed closely by the low rumble of thunder. 
You sigh as you lean back against the counter, “I’m not sure. Nancy was helping me talk through my options earlier, but it’s such a big decision to make. I wanna make sure it’s the right fit.”
Steve nods slightly, forehead creasing as he wipes his hands on the towel. And by the way he clenches his jaw at your reply, you know that this is the source of contention. 
You nudge his leg with your foot, “What about you? Get any responses back?”
The breath hitches in Steve’s throat; there’s no way this conversation doesn’t end with his reveal. The longer it takes for him to speak, the more concerned you grow. 
“I, uh-“ A sigh passes his lips as he grips the counter, keeping his focus away from you. He doesn’t want to witness your reaction. 
“I didn’t get in,” Steve mutters. He exhales, shaking his head in disbelief; until now, it almost didn’t seem real. It took admitting it to you for his brain to accept it. 
You shift on your feet, unsure of what to say. Over the past few weeks, you and Steve had been discussing how your relationship would persist once you both had made your college commitments. This wasn’t an outcome either of you prepared for. 
“Holy shit, Steve. I’m sorry…” You whisper. Steve pushes his face into his hands; his voice is muffled from behind his palms, “Yeah, yeah… holy shit.” 
You don’t hesitate any more to comfort him. Steve straightens as you place your hands on his arms; he melts into your touch, unable to prevent you from turning his body to face yours. 
“Hey, it’ll be fine,” You reassure him, “College isn’t the only option, you know. There are other things you could do.” 
The expression on Steve’s face breaks your heart. You’d do anything to wipe it away and brighten his mood. But Steve just sighs again, appreciating your efforts to help him, but nothing seems to be working. 
“How’d your parents react?” You ask. The only thing keeping Steve grounded to this moment is the firm grip you have on his shoulders; he thinks he’d float away without it. 
He scoffs a bit; the sound breaks the deafening silence that formed as he thought of a response. His eyes are still focused downwards as he finally answers you, “They don’t know yet. I just got the last letter today. I couldn’t think of going anywhere else.”
When your fingers brush against his cheek, Steve instinctively moves his hands to rest on your waist, “I’m sorry, I just-”
Steve finally lifts his head. Your eyes are wide, pupils filled to the brim with nothing but your fondness for him. All of a sudden, he’s confused why he was so scared to tell you. He realizes that he never should’ve doubted you. 
“I was scared this would change things. Or that you’d be disappointed in me or some shit.”
Your brow furrows as you laugh softly - baffled by his words, “What could ever make you think that I’d be disappointed in you?” 
A flash of previous memories answers your own question. You decide not to pull on that thread anymore. 
“This changes things,” You mutter. Your eyeline drops as you pause, choosing your words carefully before continuing, “But it doesn’t change how I feel about you.”
Finally, Steve feels a bit of relief. The sincerity in your voice calms the fear, and a deep exhale allows him to let it go. Your compassion and understanding permits him to begin thinking clearly again. He knew there was a reason he came here. 
You’re right though. This does change how you both navigate the future. But with you here to support him, Steve figures he’ll be just fine. 
“I mean…” The corner of your mouth curls up at the thought that pops into your head, “The only way my opinion of you changes is if you killed my brother or something like that.”
Steve chuckles slightly, “But Mike’s still fair game?”
“Oh yeah, go ahead,” You quip, “He’s had it comin’ for a while.” 
Even though your voices are hushed, the joke still makes you crack a pair of brilliant smiles; it almost makes Steve forget about his future for a moment. Standing here in your arms, Steve can’t help but realize how safe he feels. 
And then you sigh, reaching up to brush back a lock of his brunette hair - the sensation of your touch fills Steve with something new, something different. A direct contrast to the violent storm brewing outside, this is soft, warm, and golden. Like daylight.
Your eyes meet again. Honestly, he’s not sure he ever wants to look at anything else. 
Your hand lands on his chest, “This doesn’t make me love you any less.”
Steve throws caution to the wind - he kisses you. And already, you can tell that this is one you’ll remember. His lips are soft against yours, but without sacrificing an ounce of passion. You almost forget that someone could walk in and expose your relationship; when Steve finally pulls away, it doesn’t matter anyways.
As if you weren’t left breathless enough from his kiss, the words he mutters afterwards could’ve done it themselves. 
With one of his trademark smirks plastered across his face, Steve moves to hold your head between his palms, “Fuck, I love you.”
You kiss him again so quickly that you both didn’t have enough time to wipe the twinkling grins from your lips. Your noses are squished against each other, but neither of you cares enough. Your shared love dulls the pain. 
Steve smiles into the kiss even further. This is what it’s supposed to feel like.
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
can i request a hc on being best friends with dazai, chūya, oda and akutagawa (platonic and separate) and also maybe being in the pm or ada? thank you! :)
My first BSD request! When I tell you I fell in LOVE with the anime, omg. I binge watched the entire show and the movie within a couple days and can’t wait till they release more! So in these hc’s, I focused on both how you guys became friends and what you guys would do as best friends. Also, Akutagawa’s part got kinda long and more focused on how you guys became friends, hope that’s okay. Reader is gender neutral and hope you enjoy! Also after posting this, I saw that these got realllyy long. Hope that’s okay too!
Possible TW: mention of suicide, but nothing too heavy, and it’s in Dazai’s part
SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2/DARK ERA ARC (I think it’s episode 13-16 if I’m not wrong, but if you haven’t watched it yet, skip Oda’s part)
Being Best Friends with Dazai, Chūya, Akutagawa and Oda HCs
Imagine just having a nonstop sugar rush
Actually, remember how he was after eating the mushrooms? That’s the kind of energy y’all radiate together
If you’re both in the ADA, you both goof off so much that you have to sit at separate desks alll the way on the other side of the room so that you can try to get your work done
The keyword being try
It doesn’t work
Poor Kunikida is going to pop a blood vessel at any second and everyone is so used to now that nothing even surprises them anymore
Oh, Kunikida is yelling at Dazai and (y/n) with smoke practically coming out of his ears? What else is new
Always going to the little cafe to slack off too
Messing with Atsushi also the highlight of both of your guys day
You guys have a mini competition going on which is: who can get/convince Atsushi to do their reports the most without getting caught?
You both get caught all the time (duh). Kunikida foams at the mouth for tricking poor Atsushi and the poor sap himself is ready to pass out 
If you guys are both in the PM, imagine goofing and slacking off but on a darker scale
“Hey (Y/N)! Wanna know how many bones are exactly in the human body? ”
“Hm, I’m slightly disgusted but intrigued..continue.”
Also, pranking Chūya any chance you can get
You and Dazai together = the bane of Chūya’s existence
Surprisingly, no matter in the ADA or PM you don’t join him on the suicide attempts and you try to deter him from doing it in your presence at least
“Dazai, do you mind not trying to drown yourself in the river while we’re working a case? Besides, you already tried it before and it’s a pretty stale method.”
Cue dramatic gasps and antics from him again
He did try to convince you to join when you first met him, but changed his mind overtime when he started to enjoy your company
He’s smart enough to know what you’re saying, and he understands. At first, he wanted to leave this world by any means, but since you came into his life as once of the closest people to him since Oda, he perhaps doesn’t want to leave you just yet
He doesn’t stop the attempts but he does slow down on them
You still have to pretty much save him all the time still though
“Oh (Y/N)! My hero of a best friend, what would I do without you?”
And he wasn’t lying. He feel like he would be lost again if it wasn’t for you to help him keep grounded. Sure, you guys may create chaos together, but he would always keep you safe no matter what. He would put his life before yours, because you deserved it
You’re his best friend after all, and he’s not ready to lose you by any means if he can help it
And he’ll always have your back 100%
Drinking buddies!
I mean seriously, you guys have left the bar or restaurants way past tipsy more than once
You guys definitely have impromptu fashion trips together (no matter how much he denies liking them)
“Hey! That was my last good vest! You’re buying me a new one, and I’m going with you to make sure you’re not being cheap with it either.”
Chūya if you just wanna spend some time together just say that lmao
If you’re in the PM, you guys are always working together. You might even be an executive working alongside him, but no matter what you guys are always on missions with one another
If you’re in the ADA: you guys bonded over Dazai. You were complaining about him while facing Chūya and he happened to agree and add on to the complaints
Boy was he holding onto some grudges
While you both understand that you have your own obligations and loyalties to worry about, it didn’t stop the friendship from growing
If you do have to fight him, he doesn’t go easy on you (he does have a job to do like you) but he doesn’t go out the way to try and kill you either
And you don’t let anyone try to kill him either
Low key turns into a competition
“You fight like an 86 year-old shortstuff!”
“Who are you calling shortstuff?! You weren’t saying that last time when I whooped your ass!”
Regardless, you definitely become like a diary to him, especially after you find out about Arahabiki (which he tells you about over time)
You make him feel human, and he’s forever grateful for that
Being best friends with Chūya can be difficult at times (if you’re on opposite sides) but regardless, you both look out for each other
No matter how annoying you are can be, Chūya cares for you. You’re one of the only people that he doesn’t have to worry about betraying him (what happened with The Sheep still gets to him from time to time)
He begrudgingly calls you his best friend, but never in front of you or other people because 1. If he did you would never shut up about it and 2. he doesn’t want to be seen as “weak” or “soft”
And 3. you don’t need to be put into anymore danger than you’re already in
But you already know that you’re his best friend, cause he’s yours and nothing is changing that
“You’ll be a dumbass if you think I’ll let anything happen to you. Besides, the only person who’s allowed to kick my best friend’s ass is me, and if anyone else tries to they’ll have to deal with me!”
“*GASP* you’re finally admitting that I’m your best friend?!”
Oh man, being his best friend is like a hard to unlock achievement
Congrats (Y/N) on even getting close to this man, let alone enough to build a bond
It’s easier on being friends with Akutagawa if you’re in the PM. Bonus points if you go on missions all the time
But I will say if you are in the ADA, the easiest way to bond with him is to show that you are a force to be wrecking with, and maybe if you hate Atsushi or something too lol
But: think of Pinky and the Brain, but with Aku threatening to kill you every day (spoiler alert: he never does)
The only way that I can see you guys building your friendship is if he sees you in action and how you constantly have his back
He hates it because he knows what he’s doing and he’s been doing it for a while. He’s not an incompetent child (Y/N)!
But as time passes, he slowly gets over it. Don’t get me wrong, he still claims that he hates you asking if he’s okay and telling to “watch out” and things of that nature. But he starts to realize that you know what you’re doing too, and that he also sees that you care about the other subordinates too
He still sees if a sign of weakness, but you came to the realization that he wasn’t purposely doing it to be an ass (but don’t get me wrong, he still has his moments) but that he truly didn’t understand. He never had someone show him that they care for him, and it made you heartbroken
So, you made it your own personal goal to become his friend. And he hated it
At first
It seemed like wherever he was, you were there like his shadow. Going to hunt someone down that didn’t pay his debt? You were there in the background. Walking with Gin to the dry cleaners? You were already there, holding their readied clothes. Going to try and kill the weretiger? You were waiting for him with the car ready to go.
Higuichi started to hate you, until you told her that you did not want him. You just saw that he needed a friend, and you even came to an agreement of sorts. Once you and Akutagawa become strictly friends, you could try and hook them up
You knew it wasn’t happening anytime soon but you didn’t want to crush her dream and you didn’t want a target on your head
You really had to pat yourself on the back, (Y/N). It took some time, but you finally did it! Akutagawa didn’t totally hate you anymore! 
You came to this conclusion after one of your missions went south. Not only did you not get the information that Mori needed, but you came back with a bullet wound. Granted you got reprimanded, and after you got out the meeting, he was waiting outside. For you 
“Maybe if you would stop acting so careless and focus on the mission, then you would have both succeeded and came back uninjured. It’s obvious that you need someone to watch over you like a child. Don’t embarrass me or I will end you myself.” 
Shocked wasn’t the word. He was going to accompany you on all your missions now? Oh wow, is he finally-
“Stop standing there with your mouth open like an idiot (Y/N). You’re bleeding all over the place. Come, so that someone can dress your wound. We have more work now that I have to go behind and clean up your mess. And you’ll be coming with me, so hurry up.”
You smiled. Even though this bullet wound was hurting like hell, you were happy. Happy that, even in his own Akutagawa way, that he was starting to accept you and your friendship.
It would take a while for you to become best friends, but the way your partnership is now, you were fine with that. As long as he knew that someone was standing in his corner no matter what, you were happy.
And he would support you too, in his own Akutagawa way
Okay, this man is loyal no matter what 
He has a good head on his shoulders, he’s understanding, doesn’t have a crazy temper like some people do, and he doesn’t kill anymore
Oda would be one of the best people to be best friends with
I personally believe that it doesn’t matter whether you’re in the ADA or the PM, he only cares about what type of person you are.
Curry buddies!
Also, just imagine telling each other book recommendations and just talking about books in general
You would even look at some of the writing he did have and just UGH
He just wanted to be a writer he deserved a happy ending
If you’re in the ADA, you guys met at the little curry spot he likes so much
You were on a case local to the area when you stopped to grab a bite to eat. You saw him eating the spiciest curry you ever smelt (seriously, you could smell it from where you were sitting!) without making a single face
When he saw you just gaping at him, he was...very confused. Until you finally asked how the hell he was eating that with no issues
“It’s not that bad, it’s pretty good really. If you want to try some I’ll pay for it.”
You took him up on the offer, cause it did look really good. And you have never made a bigger mistake than that
You had to drink so much milk afterwards
And the cook was damn near laughing in tears at you and Oda managed to crack a small smile at your exaggeration
“It’s not that bad.”
And that was the start of your wonderful friendship
He definitely is worried about the conflict of interest because of being in the PM himself and working directly with one of the most vicious executives to ever exist
Seriously, Dazai was still his friend but damn could he do some things that even he couldn’t stomach
And he couldn’t imagine what Mori would make him do if he found out he was being buddy buddy with the enemy
So he kept his distance at first until you saw the kids. His guard was up at first but when he saw how you interacted with them, it melted his heart (on the inside, he was still stone faced on the outside)
So you guys met up a couple of times each month in between jobs and missions
If you’re in the PM, you worked alongside him and related to his stance on not killing anymore. Granted, you both were working on the other side of justice, but if you guys could help it you wouldn’t create bodies if it didn’t have to be any
If you guys weren’t meeting at the curry spot, you were meeting about Bar Lupin
You supported him through and through, especially with his dream of becoming a writer. You even went out to the bookstore a couple of times to try and inspire him to write something for you to read
It didn’t matter if you were in the ADA or the PM, you encouraged him to follow his dream. And when he would look at you confused , and asked why you were doing this, you would always reply:
“I wouldn’t be a good best friend if I didn’t tell you to follow your dreams, now would I? You deserve it, Oda. You’re a good man, and that can’t be said about a lot of people, especially people in the Port Mafia.”
He really did care for you, and in his last final moments before Dazai got there, he thought about you, and how terrible he felt for leaving you behind.
He wanted you to know that he always appreciated you. You reassured him always, never doubting him, and there wouldn’t be enough thanks in the world for that
When you found out about his death, you were devastated. You didn’t want to believe it at first and you kept blaming yourself that maybe you could’ve convinced him more to leave the dangerous life behind and to pursue his dreams
Until you found a letter in your door, which was actually a short story written by him attached to a letter.
“Thank you for being the best friend a man could ask for. I will always appreciate you (Y/N), no amount of words can tell you how much I will. Thank you for letting me live out my dream, even if it was for a short time.”
It really confirmed it when Dazai arrived outside to tell you Oda’s fate, but he stopped once he saw you crying and clutching the letter in your hand
Much time has passed, and Oda’s death still haunts you. But, you continue to live for the both of your sakes. You even try to eat the spiciest curry at restaurants in his memory, but you can just see him shaking his head and cracking a small smile at your silliness
And you also remember his motto: limit to one curry meal per day (it’s silly, but it makes you feel better because it’s his silly motto and how serious he took it)
You even start to read more (and to specific, the series that he wanted to finish)
You see your life in brighter eyes now because of Oda. He was- actually still is- your best friend, and you will continue to live on in his memory
You just hate that you didn’t have the time to tell him how much you appreciated him being in your life, and how much of a positive influence he’s been as your best friend.
But that’s okay, because you think he already knows how much you do
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