#out of context this looks like a scene in a horror movie
loccorocco · 1 year
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“Nika. Where’s Sanya?” (context) (Sanya at the moment) stalker OCs Andrei + Nika
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 7 months
(Dark!) Scenario: Kinks
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Pairing: Dark Ethan Landry x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
SCENARIO: Ethan Kirsch's kinks (AKA Ethan Landry)
WARNINGS: HARDCORE KINKS (include NONCON) + Don't read if you're sensitive
Please, reblog and give me feedback.
A brief context: this is for the real personality of Ethan, not the shy dorky guy that he was playing pretend during the entire movie.
From the few scenes that showcased Ethan’s true personality, it was clear that he is an insensitive psycho, one that gets easily excited over the prospect of hurting people and in particular, killing them so that’s what I basing myself on: 
» Prey/Predator Dynamic
Ethan gets a rush out of scaring you. The panic in your face as an unknown man traps you in a dark alley is such a turn on but it doesn't even compare to when you try to fight him off until you gradually start getting too weak to keep up with it.
He’s fueled with so much stamina that honey, even if you try you could never compete with. 
"Hum, where is such a pretty girl going, dressed like that? Oh, hold on, honey, what's the rush? We got all night... and no one is going to help you, if that's what you think."
» Knife play
But what’s truly delicious is how easily all of your hysterical protests die down once a sharp blade is touching the fragile skin of your neck. You become obedient so fast, reduced to a mess of tears and snot. Exactly what Ethan likes to see.
Tracing down your arms and legs, probably cutting down the tight skirt you were wearing as you beg him to stop. 
"Look at those big tears! Don't tell me you scared of my knife? No? Maybe I can change your mind..."
» Blood/Pain Kink
Ethan isn’t above giving you a few small cuts. Shallow and harmless, as Ethan wouldn’t actually dare to cause any real damage to you.
You’re still his girlfriend, afterall.
He just wants to see the blood leaking out of you, hopefully that would leave a small scar so he can remember that he’s the one that gave it to you. 
"Shh, don't cry, you little poor thing. If you think that tiny little cut hurt, then just wait to see what I can do next."
» Noncon
Contrary to what you believe, Ethan actually prefers fucking you in the most brutal way he can find (poor you, you just don’t know it’s your own boyfriend doing this to you).
You probably thought that Ghostface was there to kill you but to your horror, that’s not his intent. What he wants is far worse.
Your cries echoed through the alley as Ethan ruthlessly pounds you against the dirty wall. To hell with your feelings and your pleasure. He fucks you with the animalistic way that only men find pleasure in, focusing solely on reaching his own climax.
When he finally leaves you - with a destroyed cunt and a life-long trauma - Ethan grins, finally getting a decent orgasm after almost 4 months of vanilla sex. 
"Guess I'll see you around... Y/N, right?"
Poor Ethan Landry's girlfriend, she's gonna get fucked by Ghostface soo many times.
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thenightling · 2 years
Tumblr has discovered The Sandman...
Tumblr has discovered Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.   Here are some of the examples of proof of that discovery.  The good and the not-so-good.
1.   The Corinthian (A nightmare entity) has been referred to as a “Blorbo.”  Based on my understanding of the meaning of the word I am pretty certain The Corinthian probably should not be your Blorbo.  But then again you might be into that sort of thing.  I’ve seen some strange things in the Horror movie slasher fandoms.  Just know that if he was real it would probably not be safe to think of him as your Blorbo.
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2.  The Corinthian has been called Cori and Cory respectively.   And so it begins...
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3.  Morpheus has been referred to as a poor little “Meow Meow” and not while in his cat form.  And yes, I know he fits the criteria for the term.  It’s just this was the first time I’ve seen him called it without it being literally related to his cat form.   You have truly made it in the world of Tumblr when they start calling your character a Blorbo or Poor LIttle Meow Meow.  Whatever happened to Woobie?   I would think Morpheus would fit under “Woobie.”   
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4.   I have seen Tom Sturridge (Morpheus’s Netflix actor) referred to as a DILF.  (Dad I’d like to ...have fun with).   As the term is usually reserved for older men, and I, myself, am forty, and Tom Sturridge is a few years younger than I am, this term usage came as a surprise to me. It turns out some fans are using the term quite literally as Tom Sturridge literally is a father.  I was used to the term being used specifically in regard to age.
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5. Morpheus has been compared to a Disney Princess.
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6.   A scene from the source material has been taken out of context to make the character look more like an asshole than he actually is even though there are plenty of real asshole moments as the character is on a long redemption arc.
The scene in question is when Matthew the Raven says “Penny for your thoughts.” And Morpheus responds with “You have no pennies, Matthew.”  Later Morpheus offers Matthew a literal penny in exchange for him voicing his thoughts.  Morpheus being too literal is what is happening here. Context matters.
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7.  There are people trying to bluff having read The Sandman without having actually read The Sandman to try to gain clout in the fandom.   It’s okay to have not read it yet, guys. It’s a great read. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.  Go have fun.  I promise it’s not as difficult as some people make it out to be.
Someone genuinely tried to argue with me that the “White haired version of Morpheus” was not created by Neil Gaiman and was created long after he was done writing The Sandman.  If you have read The Sandman you would understand how wrong this is. 
Don’t try to bluff having read The Sandman if you have not.  We can tell.  We can always tell.  
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8.  There are gatekeepers trying to intimidate new readers into thinking there’s nothing whimsical in The Sandman and that it’s “So deep” and “you won’t get it the first time you read it.  You have to read it a few times to understand it.”
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Yes, there is darkness in The Sandman. It’s part dark fantasy / part Gothic Horror with moments of gore but there are light things too.   Don’t discourage new readers.   I promise the story isn’t as hard to get into as some people make it out to be. I know terms like “Classic” can make some people chafe.  Just give it a try.  If you don’t like the first issue, try the second. If you don’t like the second, keep going until at least issue four.  If you still don’t like it after issue 4, it’s okay to stop.  No one will judge you.  If you don’t like comic books, try the audio drama, it’s divided into chapters like a novel.  Each issue being a chapter.   If you don’t like it after chapter four, that’s okay.  You’ll know if you like it or not by then. 
9.  There is already fan art of Tom Sturridge as Morpheus in funny / ridiculous scenarios.  No picture is given here as I did not get permission from the artists to share them yet.
10. There are already people complaining about the casting without having watched the show yet. One faction claiming the casting is “too woke” while another faction seemed concerned that it’s not inclusive enough even though Desire is nonbinary and pansexual, Death is a black woman, Rose and Unity are black women, Ruthven Sykes is a black man, Lucienne is a black woman who wears spectacles, Lucifer (who has no set gender or even sexual reproductive organs) is being played by a woman, Alexander Burgess is gay, The Corinthian is gay, Johanna Constantine is bisexual, Cain and Abel are South Asian...      
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There even seem to be politically charged rants complaining because the English language show, with an English cast, written by an English writer, has a lead actor with an English accent...
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So what do I have to say about Tumblr discovering The Sandman? 
 Welcome to the Sandom!  
You’re in for quite a ride.   And don’t put your fingers too close to The Corinthian’s face.  Just... Don’t.
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nom-nommmm1 · 3 months
sorry! I have a suggestion: dead and y/n meet through friends and start liking each other without the other knowing and he offers to watch a horror movie with her one night (because she doesn't want to watch alone) and he's super shy and keeps a distance between them but she asks him to be there so she doesn't get scared. at one particularly scary scene she hides her face in his neck and he freaks out, and they kind of look at each other and finally kiss. then they have sex and he's very shy about it but she helps me feel better and it's amazing for both of them
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Masterlist for more + taglist !!
A/n: Hey anon! Thank you for the idea I hope you enjoy! :) For context y/n is not a virgin but Pelle is
Content warning !!: shy!pelle x fem!reader, p in v, unprotected sex, dick riding, hickeys
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As the wind flew past the window of the school building she shivered a bit. The science teacher always left the window open no matter the weather. Somehow a kid always managed to spill a chemical in his class that would be too toxic just to breathe in so he ended up just keeping his windows open all the time. “Alright kids, off to lunch” he says. All the kids walk their way to the cafeteria tiredly. It was a Friday and Halloween eve. No one wanted to do work, just make it through the day so they could go home.
I grab my lunch tray and make my way to my usual table to see Pelle Ohlin. We had only exchanged a few words, he was a friend of a friend, but for some reason I thought he secretly didn’t like me. Always staying a good distance away from me, giving me weird looks. You know what I mean. I sit down to see Pelle now talking to Euronymous, my friend and his band member. It goes quiet. Euronymous briefly pats Pelle on the shoulder and whispers something in his ear. What were they up to?
I see Pelle glancing at me in my preifereal view and try to ignore it. “H- hey y/n” Pelle says a pinkish tone now coming to his face. “Hi Pelle, what’s up?” I ask turning my body to face him. “O-oh uhm I was wondering what you were doing and all, since it’s like the day before Halloween” he blush deepens and he puts his hands on his face to try and hide it better. “Nothing much, I was going to watch a horror movie with my friends but they dipped and I’m not trying to watch that alone” I chuckle a bit embarrassed. ”Oh I mean I could watch it with you? I have nothing to do either..” he drags on awkwardly.
“You’d do that?” I look back at the ground, then at him. “Uhm- yeah if you want me to” he says his voice muffled by the sleeves of his shirt, he’s now resting on his arms. “Alright, I guess I’ll see you there?” I say getting up to throw my tray away, walking out of the lunch room. “Totally..” he mutters as I’m already gone, his blush now bright red. Euronymous chuckles, hearing the whole conversation, hitting Pelles shoulder playfully.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
A knock on my door startles me. I quickly open the door to see Pelle in a little more of a classy outfit then the one he wore to school. “Dude we’re watching a movie, why’re you dressed up?” I laugh pointing at his dress shirt and pants. “Oh uhm…I don’t know, I just thought I should dress up” I chuckle again. “You do you I guess” Pelle looks down at the ground, embarrassed. “Hey I didn’t mean it, I’m messing. Cmon in” I smile welcoming him in. He smiles back and looks around the living room. “Nice place you got” he says in a bit of awe. “Thanks, my parents are stuck at work for the holidays so I get the house as I please” he nods his head in acknowledgment, roaming a bit around the room.
“Hey, you wanna get the movie set up and I’ll get the snacks?” I ask glaring at him. He nods in response, choosing a movie as I am in the kitchen picking out snacks. “You don’t have any allergies do you?!” I shout from the kitchen, trying to shout over the popcorn popping. “Nope! Not any that I know of!” He yells back, chuckling after. The microwave goes off, I take the popcorn out and put it into a nice bowl. I come back with a few snacks and popcorn, grabbing two waters as well. “Can you get the blankets?” Pelle nods again, running over to my fabric closet and pulling out two soft blankets.
He hands me the softer one and takes the other. He sits down, us at a respectably distance from each other, the middle of the couch empty with space. I click start in the movie and get comfortable to watch. As the movie goes on there’s a few jumps here and there. But the tension in my body builds as the scene goes on. The now quiet moment after the woman has lost the killer.
The killer jumps out, the woman screams. I jump, practically jumping on Pelle. Hiding my face in his neck. Pelle pulls me away, looking at me dumbfounded. I blush embarrassedly as he looks at me. “Oh my god I’m so sorry-“ I say but I’m cut off by Pelles lips. My eyes widen in shock. I quickly get comfortable in the kiss, closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around his neck.
After a few minutes I pull away for air. We look at each other panting, beads of sweat start to form on Pelles forehead. “Do you wanna…go all the way?” He asks cautiously. His eyes dilate just from thinking about him being intimate with me. I smile nervously. “If you want to” and that’s all I have to say before he tackles me in a kiss again.
His face flushing pink, he’s belly flips just looking at you..but him doing this to you..how’s he supposed to handle all of this? I smile coming in closer to him, pinning him to the couch. I pull away for a second “you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to” I say to him but he just shakes his head. “No no I wanna make you feel good” he says grabbing my hips, pulling me in closer.
I jump as a scream from the TV goes. Pelle chuckles, rubbing the skin of my exposed hips. “Hey nothing can hurt you babydoll, it’s just you and me here. I will never let anyone or anything hurt you” he whispers pulling me onto his lap. I smile, blushing a bit.
Pelle smiles back and takes me into a kiss. The once innocent kiss starts to get dirty, and eventually turns into us making out. He holds onto me tighter pressing me against him. His tent in his pants pressing up against my stomach. His face goes red. I laugh into his mouth, making him chuckle back loosening his grip, becoming less nervous.
Pelle pulls away, looking up at me straight into my eyes. “Can I..uhm take these off?” he asks referring to clothes. “Why of course” I smirk slowly lifting up my shirt. As my shirt goes up halfway Pelle does the rest takes my shirt off and throws it on the coffee table. He quickly unclips my bra and stops for a moment, taking in my figure. He then latches onto one of my breasts, groping the other one with his hand while the other is still on my hip.
I gasp as his tongue laps around my nipple. I can feel the bruises start to form on me from his hard grip, but I don't care enough to tell him to stop. Pelle sucks on the sensitive bits of my chest, going up and down the surface making me moan out. He creates small markings, not super huge but big enough to be prominent on my skin. Pelle takes his time with me, coating my chest in his saliva.
He pulls away from my chest, a string of spit following his path. He smiles, his lips glistening from his own salvation. “You're so beautiful,” he says before pulling my pants down painfully slow. “Last chance to back out my love,” he says, his brown eyes reaching my soul. “I'm ready,” I say putting my hands on his soft face, my hands gliding over his defined jawline.
Pelle lowers my underwear. His breathing speeds up, so close to the thing he's wanted for years. To think that his dream of being with you was about to materialize is driving him insane. My underwear is now completely off. Pelle groans impatiently taking off his boxers. His member twitches. Pelle places his hands on my hips once again, hovering me over his lap angling me perfectly before pushing in.
Pelle throws his back on the couch as we groan in sync. This wasn't my first time but I've never had anything quite like Pelles, thick and with a good length. What was I thinking before him? He stays like this for a bit, getting used to the feeling. “You feel better than I thought you'd be” he grunts starting to slowly go in and out, making a rhythm that feels good for the both of us. He speeds up, using my waist for support, his hands digging into me.
I moan, the stinging pain of his nails soon turning into pleasure. He mumbles and rambles as he goes in and out of me at a steady pace. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this” he says, blush starting to creep up to his cheeks and ears. I try to respond but I only grunt, being too focused in this moment to talk. People rolls his hips into my pussy making me moan into the nook of his neck.
Pelle is starting to slow down from exhaustion, as it was his first time ever doing something like this, but he wanted to pleasure you. After a bit Pelles legs start to shake tiredly. I put my hands on his chest, pinning him to the couch stopping him from rolling his hips. “Let me help, ok? Just relax sweetheart” Pelle nods relaxing into the couch a bit as I start to move around him. Pelle puts his head in my neck, holding onto my waist again. I start to pick up the pace, grinding on him, our hips crashing into each other as I feel a burning sensation in my abdomen.
Pelle whimpers, starting to pick me up and slowly drop me on his cock. I moan fully taking him in as I slowly fall to his base. Pelle then starts to pick me up and put me down on his cock harder and faster. I soon get used to the rhythm, rocking on his cock at the same pace. “Fuck! Y/n” Pelle says in my neck, giving it a few bites before relentlessly fucking me up and down on his cock. Echos of the movie comes from the TV but I am now too occupied to care.
Pelle and I moan in sync once more, not being able to control the sounds between us any longer. The sound of skin slapping becomes louder and louder by the second as Pelle speeds up. Precum and my slick become the perfect lubricant, letting Pelle slide in and out of me effortlessly. I rock harder on Pelles cock, our hips crashing into one another as we both reach the edge together. Pelles hot cum goes deep inside me, sending shivers down my spine.
As we come down from our own climaxes Pelle slips in and out of me a few more times before completely stopping to catch his breath. “Could we stay like this for the rest of the night?” He asks referring to being inside me. I chuckle. “If you want to I guess” Pelle smiles, kissing my shoulder. “I’m so glad I decided to watch this movie with you” he says admiringly. “Me too” I smile pulling him in for a kiss.
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The ending was a little rushed but I hope u dudes liked it !! Thank you again for all the requests, I appreciate them <3
╰┈➤@mxqlss @slavicb-tch3s @bkaulitzz
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novalizinpeace · 2 months
Hey, quick question. How comfortable are you with body horror? Like at what point does it become too gross for you?
Asking for a special surprise late ;)
hold up, i need to bring the expert here
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tw: body horror, gore and organs out, the adults are talking about blood kids.
Those close to me know that 'm actually a horror/gore kind of artist, mostly when i had my furaffinity account, 'm used to this kind of drawings since i also do it myself, making challenge like the goretober and candytober.
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(this two are some of my characters that i draw most in this kind scenarios)
what i DON'T like with body horror is when it use in a unneccesary situation, i'm a artist but mostly a writer, and i love drawings that come with meaning, not just shock art.
probably that why i hate the body horror that include exagerate trypophobia (with a lot of worms to make things worse) or too much body fluids, my mind feel they're exagerating this details to make it seems more ''creepy'', but in reality, it just look gross and unpolished, like when in bad horror movies they put 10lts of fake blood over the character to scare the audience more, it so unnecesary.
funny thing, some scenes in my Au are the censored version of the original scenes in the sketches, after i finish the sketch part i start rereading the script to work in the final drawing and a lot of time i find myself saying ''too graphic'' to some scenes, since they're unnecessary, the scene is sad/hard enough alone, some organs out wouldn't add to it (and sometimes my lazy ass just don't want to draw too much details, that's on me)
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I guess what i'm trying to say is, i don't like NSFW situations if they don't have the right context, 'm not going to like a character full of blood just 'cause is like that, 'm going to like the character full of blood is the context explain why they're like that. So don't overuse it, sometimes less is more~
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duchezss · 9 months
All my favorite moments in blue beetle: a very long and silly list because this is my new fav movie ever (latinos on top fr)
The fact that the entire movie is low key a representation of how lost people can feel after they finish college and don't know what to do with their life.
How celebrated it is that Jaime is a first gen college student
As much as I loved him being from el paso, I love that he now gets his own city that it still deeply rooted in latino culture
How despite the fact that everything is going bad for the family, Jaime still tries to keep moral up and be positive
Jaime stands up for Jenny without thinking
How his persistence is what ends him landing up with the scarab, and subsequently keeping it out of victorias hands
Am I allowed to say his entire family? The scene where they're all pushing him to open to the box was so funny. Their dynamic felt so real, and it makes even more sense because apparently any time they were bickering it was improv.
How well the movie handled micro-aggressions against latinos. Like the receptionist didn't even attempt Jaime name, and how Victoria would never get her scientist's name right. They are subtle, but very real problems.
Maybe this was just me, but from the trailers I thought Jenny and Jaime already new each other, but I liked that they just met. It made their story more interesting.
The body horror route they decided to take with the suit was so cool.
The suit in general. I missed practical suits so much, and it just looked so amazing.
Another thing, that has already been talked about a lot but idc, is that I still am so in love that his family knows from the get go. Of course it wasn't really his choice, but I love how there is never any big secret, and they are constantly in the picture.
I know the Khaji-Da doesn't have as much personality compared to the comics, but the whole sequence where Jaime first gets the suit was so funny.
Notoriously in the comics the beetles were sent out to worlds to be the harbingers for their creator species to invade said world. I loved the small detail in the intro of the blue beetle crashing into the green beetle and then having a flash of electricity. I wonder if that was to hint at a malfunction, since the Khaji-Da never goes to evil with Jaime.
I love Rudy's truck. It's stupid but that's why it's so good.
The whole family debrief was was funnier than it should've been, and the beetle on Jaime spine looked wicked as well.
I thought it was interesting how much of a presence Ted Kord had on the movie, mainly because. of Jenny, but it was still there.
Every. Single. Latino. Reference. I could barely keep up there were so many good ones omg, the details were amazing.
For Jenny being an original character I thought she was done very well
I love how Rudy was useful and basically got them into kord industries.
I love the way we only see Jaime eyes in the suit. It's a different approach to what we've seen with masked heroes so far and I love it
How much they talked about the first two blue beetles, I thought adding that context made it better
They made it very evident how lonely Jenny feels, and I think her small emotional moments really paid off in the end.
I love how Jaime was so openly affectionate with both Rudy and his father, it's something uncommon with men in latino cultures and I loved seeing it.
The entire sequence where Jaime's house was being raided was so uncomfortable. And it was in moments like this were I thought Soto did a great job of weaving real world problems latinos face within a superhero movie.
The moment when Jaime's father had a heart attack, and Jaime was being dragged away, and his sister was screaming was just so heartbreaking and powerful. All of them were hurting so much.
I loved how active his family was, and how all of them immediately went to go rescue him.
Side note: the bug ship looked so cool and goofy and I loved it so much
How Jose was actually very curious about Jaime's connection to the beetle, but Victoria didn't care
The whole dream scene with Jaime and his father. I thought it perfectly mirrored their conversation from the beginning of the movie, and I thought it was incredibly moving. Not to mention I loved the detail of Jaime wearing the last outfit he saw his father in.
I loved that Jaime saved himself, but that his family greatly aided him. I thought it was a great metaphor for the fact that you can do things on your own, but having support can really make the difference
I thought it was so funny that Jaime absolutely refused to kill, and his family members did it was a smile on their face lmaoo.
I know it's cheesy, but I always love it in superhero movies when the main character finally accepts their destiny and it was a very cool moment for Jaime too. But I will say I think they did it with an interesting approach. For most superhero movies the big moment is the superhero finally deciding to go out of their way and fight the big bad, but in this movie he just finally fights what's right in front of him.
How once Jaime accepted himself as the Blue Beetle, Khaji-Da started speaking to him in spanish and adopted his ideologies, further proving their relationship is a two way street.
I loved that Khaji-Da stopped Jaime from killing Carapax, because he was justifiable angry, but he would've regretted it at some point
The low key plot twist of the locket Carapax had not being his wife and child, but being him and his mother. That was genius tbh.
I loved that Jaime had the iconic 2000s superhero half masked fight. This movie felt so 2000's but in the best way possible.
How the entire final act was circling back to the point of loving his family making him weak, but throughout everything we've seen, it's clearly the opposite.
I liked how once Jaime bonded with Khaji his mask would come on and off on command.
How Jaime started wearing his father's necklace in the ending :(
I loved the entire score so much, the synth wave vibe they decided to take was fantastic. I also love how iconic and recognizable they made blue beetle's main theme. Like the bum bum bummm that kept showing up was so good.
I really loved how they aged Jaime up to 22 as a newly college grad. I feel like superheros are always either 16 or 40 and there's never any in between, so it was nice to see.
And for my last point to a very long list: I loved that in the end Carapax helped Jaime and Jenny. Because the real villain was Victoria making them fight each other, and in my opinion that was such a powerful metaphor for latinos and any pocs
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cellarspider · 3 months
12/?? Things come to a head
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We return to that shambling mass of a film, Prometheus.
Content warnings for body horror, contagion-y stuff, something that loosely be described as medical horror, It’s Been 0 Days Since Our Last Incident, and me, going on a ramble about movie gore to distract myself from The Madness.
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There's a lady in this scene who's had a number of speaking lines so far–the maybe-chemist. She has a name, but it doesn’t matter.
But I'm going to call her Doctor Frankenstein.
They have just got the helmet off the head, revealing that it’s truly, unmistakably humanoid. They have noted that there are “new cells” on the head. In the business, we call that “decomposition”, but Doctor Frankenstein is not concerned with this. In fact, she immediately proposes a new plan.
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Doctor Frankenstein has had the brilliant idea to plug a big cable into the head like it’s a guitar amp, and zap it with electricity to wake it up.
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Yes. This is what the movie goes with.
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You know, Alien included a similarly shambolic first examination of an alien subject, but it was performed because said alien was attached to a man’s face, and all they had to try and fix that was the contents of a cargo ship’s medbay, with the only qualified personnel being the corporate android who had been ordered to consider the crew expendable. The crew of the Prometheus has no such excuse.
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Well, except for David, he has precisely the same excuse, but he’s not trying to poke wires in anybody’s ears.
Doctor Frankenstein calls for enough amperage to run three electric kettles (cite 3), then all the way up to two Titan RTX graphics cards before the head starts to get what appears to be a massive migraine. 
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I know this expression well, migraines can feel very much like someone is subjecting me to unnatural horrors.
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This is getting a little extreme, though. Yes, when the head starts pulsing, they realize they may have made a mistake. 
I’d say this was inexplicable behavior on their part, unbelievably hasty and foolish–and I will say it, actually, it deserves to be said. But in context, this is the team that did so little prep for entering the alien structure that they didn’t notice the giant fuckoff skull carved into the outside of it.
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Knowing how much Shaw and Holloway read into the intentions of the Engineers from the depictions they found on Earth, they probably would’ve interpreted this as a good sign, somehow.
Anyway, they put a sneezeguard down over the head before it explodes.
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Good job everyone. This is like what would’ve happened if Napoleon’s savants took one look at the Rosetta Stone and decided “maybe we should try hitting it with hammers. Surely that’ll make the knowledge fall out.”
From a horror perspective, this scene only works in two contexts: First, gross-out. Generally found in schlock, exploitation, and outsider art flicks, the tone of gross-out content can be highly variable, but there are two general trends I'd mention, which are of relevance to this movie.
First, gross-out tends to exist in that weird alternate space where lots of comedy movies do: characters will behave in unreasonable ways for no apparent reason. Within the film, this is treated as the universal norm, besides maybe a straight man character who highlights the absurdity. Gross-out is often like that, but pushes different boundaries of acceptable behavior than a traditional comedy.
This is, bafflingly, what Prometheus increasingly feels like. It feels like it's transitioning into gross-out schlock, and yet it never goes all the way.
Second: the audience for gross-out is largely self-selecting. If you're watching John Waters' Pink Flamingos, you expect things to get messy. You are looking forward to things getting messy. A head exploding is perfectly par for the course in gross-out horror. One might even be disappointed if there wasn't an exploding head.
But again, this movie was not marketed on gross-out. It was marketed as a tense, Alien-esque horror movie. If you followed that premise like I did, you're not in the theater to view a debauched spectacle, you're there for the movie to put a well-paced squeeze on the characters and your nerves, where half the horror comes from having the room to really think about how frightening the core concepts of the series are.
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Does Alien involve some shocking gore? Sure does! But in Alien, Kane's fate is not there to make you laugh and exclaim "ewww!" at how far the film's gone, the film tries to make you very aware of how horrifying his demise is.
So, there's an alternate way this scene works, if you're coming in from that perspective. I don't think the movie intended this as much as the gross-out, but it's what I drew from it at the time: the scene works if you decide not to focus your sympathies on the human characters at all, or even David, and think about it from the perspective of the head. 
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It’s patently impossible that what they did actually “woke up” the brain inside that skull. But if we sink to the movie’s level and entertain the idea for a moment, what in the hell have they just done to this Engineer? The last thing the head would’ve remembered was running, falling, decapitation, and then this. They just tortured this poor bastard for no adequately explained reason. There’s none! “I think we can trick the nervous system into thinking it's still alive” is the entirety of the explanation. It makes about as much sense and seems as thoughtlessly violent as anything in Mad God (2021, content warning for body horror). 
I already spent all my anger about desecrating bodies in the name of shambolic pseudoscience, I have no more rage to give for now. And similarly in the theater, I hit my limit. I’d already hit a different limit back when they landed the Prometheus on top of some archaeology, but now I’d fully given up on this movie being what I’d hoped it would be. 
The maddening thing that keeps me obsessed with it is that it keeps throwing random scraps of that hypothetical movie into the mix anyway, bouncing me like a yo-yo between scenes. 
But for right now, the yo-yo is still on the descent. Having exploded the first sample of alien biology ever touched by science, they apparently stuck some of it in a generic, science-y DNA machine. What does the DNA machine tell them? 
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“DNA match”. 
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The movie does not actually explain what this means. It thinks it does, but in a very vague and handwave-y way that ends up being even more hilarious than if they’d just been out-and-out wrong. Because this is what I do for a living, I want to science at this for a bit. 
But I’ve written enough about it for an entire post on its own, so that will wait until next time.
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Citations for alt-text rambles, as well as some text-text rambles:
1. https://www.behance.net/gallery/78297841/Semiotic-Standard (contains a high-quality download for the symbols, should ye wish them for yourselves)
2. https://www.sculpturedepot.net/clay-wax-tools/product.asp?Steel_Tools 
3. Doctor Frankenstein calls for 30 amps first, then 40, then 50 in the space of several seconds. According to wikipedia, an electric kettle is about 16.6A, and a 288W high-performance graphics card would require 24A. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_(current) That graphics card isn’t mentioned by name, but it matches up with the wattage reported by Tom’s Hardware for a Titan RTX (cite 4). Running with two of these things, you might be able to run 4k Ultra settings on some games without tanking your framerate. They could’ve been playing video games and seen way more exploding heads.
4. https://www.tomshardware.com/features/graphics-card-power-consumption-tested 
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(film)#Design
6. https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/f4rf63/for_the_chestburster_scene_in_alien_1979_the/
7. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/8e/2f/9b/8e2f9b0716746aac7ce5b2f369bf4082--aliens--scene.jpg
8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karyotype#Human_karyogram 
9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centromere 
10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centromere#Telocentric 
11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G_banding 
12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proteinogenic_amino_acid 
13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hula_language
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tossawary · 5 months
I finally saw "The Boy and the Heron" and I liked it. The visuals were unsurprisingly gorgeous. There's so much masterful animation there, especially in all of the little details, and I really liked the mystery and horror of the heron's design and behavior in the beginning of the movie. I thought the aunties / grannies of the estate had some fun and funny designs. The fire sequences at the beginning were fascinating to watch in a terrifying way, and I'm a little disappointed that vibrant style was kind of left behind and didn't come back in a significant way later in the story?
I'd probably have to see the movie again and read other people's thoughts on it, including the creators' statements, in order to form a more ordered opinion on the story. I didn't dislike the story. I won't call it incoherent, because I don't feel like I didn't understand it, exactly, but I do think that it was... hmm... lacking in cohesion.
There were some transitions between scenes that felt noticeably off to me, sometimes even transitions between shots that felt rough, like the film was trying to jam a lot of interesting ideas together, and the flow and pacing maybe suffered for it. It felt a little slow. It was hard to feel tension when what was happening next seemed pretty random sometimes and I didn't actually understand what the threats were exactly until the end, even if I liked the new elements as they revealed themselves; previous interesting elements were kind of left behind story-wise and left the story feeling crowded to me. Like, once all of these ideas were down, it should have been time to go back through to cut, expand, smooth, clarify, and generally enhance what was there so that it all fit together more cohesively and clearly than it did, weaving everything strongly back through everything else. The story could have probably been tighter and more solid.
Admittedly, I saw the dubbed version and it's possible that I am missing out on details or significant cultural context, so maybe this is on me. Even if the movie ended up feeling like multiple film ideas smashed together that each didn't get enough exploration to me, everything wrapped up fine. But if the movie didn't look as fantastic as it does, artistically, I would... probably not have enjoyed the story for itself as a film? I don't know. It kind of felt like watching a children's fantasy novel, where everything is a little random, but it's fine because the descriptions are gorgeous and there is an obvious emotional theme that the book moves towards and ends upon.
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trash-gremlin · 6 months
VHS Christmas Carols Spoilers
a bunch of my favourite parts and reactions in the VHS Christmas Carols bc i think it needs more love (its incredible btw and definitely worth the money)
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i will never get over curts acting choices for this line, the little laugh before saying it and his FACE OH MY GOSH HIS ACTINGGGGGG
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maybe the real gift was the love we had for each other and the sacrifices we were willing to make to make the other one happy
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these three and their vogue-esque gay ass little song is the only thing that matters to me
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it took me forever to turn that into a gif so i hope you enjoy it as much as i do
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their reactions to the match girl showing up + brian mouthing "what the"
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again laurens reaction to the match girl
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ugh ATE
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smth i only noticed on like the third rewatch - you can see scrooge holding and inspecting the watch he bought off jim when he bumps into the match girl
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this is here bc they all look very good in that lighting especially lauren
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embarrassing to admit it took me until here to realise that the match girl died
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ajs little smile makes it feel like scrooge is taunting bob here and i love ittttt especially as hes calling him bobby
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the ghost of christmas past jumping rope + scrooge being confused and doing it too
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meredith lighting the ghost of christmas past's cigarette
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scrooge basically begs his younger self in this scene, i absolutely love ajs choices in this show as scrooge. also i am such a huge fan of this casting not only because they are both phenomenal actors that i will never shut up about but they genuinely look similar and it works very well in this context
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scrooge honey you cant fight the christmas electricity
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HUGE dad energy
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the top of his tiny tim shirt poking out + he looks really good here
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funny little thing i noticed - his shirt isnt buttoned, just folded over itself. in the actual show you can see him tuck it under his jacket those quick changes must be killing them
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the way he begs them and they dont even react.. paired with the music and this is horror movie level stuff
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he got his watch back :,)
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no im not crying, i have allergies... yea im allergic to being sad
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this show is incredible go rent it right now if you havnt seen it, go rent it again if you have, and sacrifice all of your money and worldly possessions to starkid thank you and goodnight
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corleonies · 2 months
Kay's abortion is what cemented her as a great character because even though maybe there was no intention behind it and the overwhelming male response to that scene is anger, it gives a female character agency for the first time in those movies and it's a great commentary on what it meant to be a woman in that context and time.
Everything leading up to that scene: Kay being frustrated with Michael not keeping up the promise of legitimizing the business, the shooting that put her and her kids in danger, (deleted scenes of Anthony trying to get close to mobsters his father received at home and Kay being distressed and taking him away), Michael concerned about the gender of a fetus when hearing his wife had a miscarriage because what is a baby girl worth in this world?, not talking to his wife when arriving home, taking her to court with him expecting her to be dumb or submissive enough to not care about how things went and what happened behind the scenes.
Then, the abortion scene when she tells him she got a SON killed because she would not put more children into the world to be turned into monsters. "Look what happened to our son" because that's what is meant to happen to boys in that world. Girls are expandable and boys are conditioned.
Kay was right. Kay got herself out and gave her children a real childhood, real chances to be something they wanted, away from the horrors of the life their father lived in. Kay saved herself and her children, but Michael pulls them back into danger anyway because that's the life.
He says he was a lot like Anthony, because once he wanted nothing to do with the family business. In a way, Mary was a lot like her mother too, because she remains close to that world out of love. But Michael never gets away like Tony did, Mary never leaves like Kay.
Mary takes a bullet meant for her father. She pays for her father's sins. What is a baby girl worth in this world?
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shin-meddlesome-hero · 2 months
Some notes on Char’s Counterattack while it’s still fresh in my brain and right before I watch video-essays about how I didn’t understand the movie. (With spoilers)
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For starters, it was as gay as promised. I’ve seen the Charmuro scuffle scene like a million times and it turned out to actually be gayer in context. For me, this is the aftermath of a very bitter and harsh divorce. The thing is already unsalvageable. They still try to talk it out every time they’re near each other, but Amuro is about to give up on Char completely (if he hasn’t, already). He even tells Lalah that he doesn’t want to be with that guy for all eternity as newtype ghosts, that’s how done he’s with Char.
As with Char, it feels that we needed another anime season or at least a couple of OVA’s to explain how he got there. I know that it had something to do with how disillusioned he was by the events at the end of Zeta, but the movie feels like it needed to give more context about him. It’s very clear that his ideals take a back seat in favor of his real motivations. He just wants to get back at the universe. Would trowing a meteor and freezing Earth actually help Earth’s restoration and humanity’s evolution? Did he stop to think that by doing such thing he’ll get Sayla and Kamille killed? Or was he too far gone to care about anyone that isn’t Lalah and maybe Amuro?
This may be unintentional but it’s amusing that the first part of Quess Paraya’s arc looks like a teen girl’s power fantasy: she meets Amuro, she gets adopted by Char, she happens to be the most special Newtype who becomes an ace pilot in a few days, there’s two boys after her, Char entrusts her to act on special missions and she even gets to kill her lousy dad. Under this framework it makes sense that she acts so selfishly all the time. Of course this later takes a dark turn when she starts feeling all the horrors of war and eventually gets killed by one of the older women she antagonized. Despite her not being a nice person at all, she was only a kid who was affected by her family situation and desperately needed a father figure. Amuro was honest enough to realize that he couldn’t fulfill that need (and he didn’t have to), on the other hand, Char admits that he took advantage of her and used her as a machine. He would’ve never done that to Kamille, that’s how low he’s fallen.
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Finally, Char’s last words were about how Lalah Sune could’ve been a mother to him, showing that at the end he was unable to get over both his mother’s and Lalah’s death, which is very tragic from a man that most of the time came out as Larger than Life. However, none of this justifies his actions. Char’s Counterattack was the last piece in the puzzle that is Char Aznable, and after watching it, all I can conclude is that he’s kind of a loser, isn’t he?
(Yes, I’m aware that it’s way more complicated than that, there’s still much to say about how he projected on Amuro and the nature of his relationships with other characters of the franchise among other topics like Amuro’s growth and Hathaway’s arc, but these are just preliminary thoughts. I may do a more thoughtful review once I write more about Zeta and ZZ. Also those video essays about how I Don’t Understand Char are still on my to-watch list, my perspective could change after getting through all that).
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
50 Days of HypnoKink - Day 49: Hypno in Media
My heavens... we made it to the finish line. Tomorrow is the final day.
I wanted to save an obvious one for the end because I do so enjoy MC in fiction so very much. So much, in fact, that I made a Twitter thread with 110 recommendations and never even came close to emptying my resources.
I know so many of these scenes, both that Twitter thread and this page are skimming the surface.
I'll be using some of those recommendations here but let's divide by category:
So let's get the obvious out of the way. You have
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A Danny Boyle thriller with a terrible plot and Rosario Dawson as a hypnotherapist trying to get hidden information from James McAvoy's mind. Silly movie but one that doesn't get brought up a lot. Dawson learned hypnosis to get into the role.
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Horror movie in which the director literally hypnotized the actress so any time she was being stalked by the titular killer she looked completely entranced. Link above is an interview discussing this.
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HORRIBLE movie on Netflix but Sleepyhead and I have hosted a number of watch parties and let me tell you, this is the PERFECT movie to watch with a bunch of rowdy hypnokinksters. The therapist is unethical to a laughable degree and his office looks like it's inside of the Death Star. He's a living breathing red flag. The movie does have a really hot freeze scene, a good ragdoll and the dollification sequence. It's just enjoyable because it's terrible. Check CWs first though, this movie has a bunch of things that can make it an uncomfortable viewing experience.
The Great Hypnotist
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This is a Not For Daja movie. A Chinese movie that doesn't get brought up a lot. Like Trance above it is a thriller with some twists and turns that I don't really want to spoil.
Stir of Echoes
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A visualization of a dissociation induction designed to make a person view events on a screen so they are separate from the memory. It's a remarkably well done scene.
Now You See Me 1/2
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The hypnosis in these movies is STUPID and I love it. The first movie has a punchline that every time Mark Rufallo's character makes a frustrated comment people who Woody Harrelson has hypnotized will start acting as if they're in an orchestra. Second movie has a twin Woody Harrelson as an evil hypnotist and he uses a pizza box as an evil induction. It's amazing.
Sherlock Holmes Woman in Green
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This induction is one of the coolest I've seen in a film and I try my hardest to channel the energy of this when I am doing a relaxation focused scene.
Charlies Angels
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This is bar none my favorite hypnosis scene in any fiction. The typewriter induction is amazing, the hypnotist has such a smooth voice, the entranced gazes are lovely. It's just perfect. Heck, the link above is "hypnosis scenes" from the episode and is 26 minutes long. From a single episode of television.
Doctor Who
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Sarah Jane gets hypnotized so often that I could make a list purely from her.
I just wanna link this one as it's one of those scenes that works so much better without context and the aesthetics are incredible. Plus who doesn't like Aubrey Plaza?
Quick Bonus Animation Round
Carmen Sandiego (Neflix) has a ton of mind control including the bad end to the interactive movie.
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Totally Spies is a meme for a reason
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And this one is a reason many of us are here <3
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DC vs Vampires
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I think the page speaks for itself. "Hypnosis isn't lying, Diana. It's speaking to your vulnerability."
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This sequence of Asami, brainwashed to hate the avatar, being deprogrammed is so good that someone on AO3 did an incredible fan-fiction which may well be one of my favorite hypnokink stories of all time.
Super Mario Comic
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I bring this one up as it was one of my earliest moments of "...oh... this is kind of making me feel some kind of way."
Video Games
A note that a full directory of video games featuring Mind Control can be found at mindcontrol.fun the MC Games Wiki, run by @soveryverytired
Nyx Gaming (Featured game: Enthralled)
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Nyx do incredible games which are designed to hypnotize the viewer and their consent practices are wonderful. They recently teamed up with Secret Subject to release a vampire enthrallment game and let me tell you, there is not a single word in that synopsis that doesn't make me happy.
Mind Melting Massaging Machine
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The best tool for VR hypnosis. Upload custom files and program spirals, subliminals and chose between static spiral or headtracking. I have had so much fun with this over the years. There's a desktop version too but VR is optimal for this experience.
Spiral Clicker
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It's such a simple concept. Click on the character and watch their will go away. Spiral Clicker is backed with a fun little universe, fun characters both original and community sourced, amazing art and a clever little gameplay loop that is quite addictive. Careful, the game features a constant spiral, you may find yourself falling in to trance. Don't worry. The game will wake you up. You can even ask the game to include suggestions for you :)
The sequel is being worked upon now and I cannot wait <3
Music Videos
Anna Soares - Hypnodoll (NSFW)
Straight up just a song and music video about hypnokink. If you click anything in this thread, click this one.
Little Big - Hypnodancer:
Silly antics but a fun music video.
Pharrell Williams - Hypnotize U
It's just Pharrell hanging out in a mansion with his hypnotized harem.
Grimes - We Appreciate Power
It's dronekink baby.
Andamiro - Hypnotize
Maid hypnotizes their employer.
I could do so many more in all areas. But the point is, media is hypnohorny. I never went over advertisements (UK ones especially), books, musicals (Phantom and Next To Normal for instance), anime (Sailor Moon) or manga.
But I write about a bunch more in my Twitter thread.
Day 48: Stealth Inductions
FINAL Day 50: Presentation
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sepal-sea · 8 months
I don't think zepotha is actually bad in the way ppl (on tumblr) think it is.
Ok so goncharov functions pretty much exactly like a real movie might. Chances are, if you weren't given context to the meme, you would legitimately think this obscure homoerotic mafia movie rocketed to internet fame by shipping obsessed tumblrites was real, because it's totally plausible! It's not a shallow meme either, people legitimately posted about it in the in-depth and realistic way an online fandom would post about it, even disagreeing or having bad takes about it. Goncharov is basically the acting-out of any other tumblr fandom but now with a movie that doesn't exist. Because tumblr is a text-based platform it's really easy to line out this kind of analysis and fan behavior, and to agree on an accepted canon. Goncharov is remarkably centralized, and bits of "canon" rarely go against each other, and instead add to each other. You could easily make a real movie out of the accepted canon.
Zepotha, meanwhile, shows only the most shallow understanding of it's genre or potential fanbase. It's all "you look like this girl" and "this reminds me of this scene". It doesn't feel like a legitimate fanbase. But I think that's not inaccurate to how things that are popular on tiktok function. An obscure horror movie rocketed to tiktok fame would one hundred percent have a fandom largedly composed of only the most surface-level, visual aspects of it (of course with a small group of freaks posting the most insanely detailed videos ever about it). In that way, the trick functions exactly as intended. Also, with tiktok being a video-based platform that is of course going to predispose ppl to the most visual elements of fan culture. That's not the main reason zepotha is worse though, because videos about zepotha were not actually the main form of content on tiktok. Commenting was. Even though zepotha SHOULD be more centralized, as it WAS actually organized by one person, it's not, precisely because it was based around commenting and spreading the meme. This makes it hard to find a solid line of "canon", as comments are attached to videos which are basically impossible to neatly string together and follow along with. That's why there was so much conflicting confirmation; there were a bunch of different "the girl"s in zepotha, a ton of different "the scene"s, but anything past that was unexplored. this is the reason I think that zepotha is worse, but it's also not really anyone's fault-this would have happened due to the medium no matter what. I still think it was really cool and fun how people decided to join in on this meme, and I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing that it was being used to market a song. I appreciate the purity of goncharov as a labor of love, but I also don't think zepotha being a marketing scheme automatically makes it bad. Artists need all the help they can get, and it's nice that this person managed to make a viral meme that actually helped their song, entirely based on a fake horror movie bit. I probably would have thought zepotha was really funny and cool if goncharov didn't already exist (and was way better).
TLDR: it's not zepotha's fault it's worse than goncharov, it's tiktok's fault. Also, zepotha isn't even that bad, it's just not as good as goncharov, and we're overly defensive bc we see it as a cheap knockoff
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ratchetsboyfriend · 5 months
Welcome back to transformers fanfic (I found your blog during your hiatus, and I love your older work). Since requests are open, could you possibly write some soft MTMTE Drift headcannons of him watching a movie with a human reader? I’ve been a bit down recently, so I would really appreciate it.
Drift is willing to watch all of your favorites, even if he doesn't quite see the same appeal in them that you do. Depending on what your comfort movies are, he's gonna react differently. 
He's not sure why a brutal horror movie would be comforting, especially if you spend half of it cringing and hiding behind your hands, but hey if it floats your boat. Comedies aren't a bad choice to watch with him, some jokes don't land as well without the context of having lived on Earth, but some things are universally funny so he enjoys them enough even if some of the humor is… questionable. If you watch some of the more heart wrenching romantic movies he gets fairly invested, but the cheesy one's he'll good-naturedly tease you for liking even if he did enjoy some of them himself. Intense, dramatic movies that feature journeys of self-discovery and have more open endings are a particular favorite of his if you happen to put them on.
To ensure the best possible viewing experience, he sets up a projector in his hab suite so you can enjoy a more private viewing. There are movie nights for the whole crew but they can get pretty rowdy and that's not the kind of evening you two are looking for. More than one movie night has ended in a brawl.
His berth is lined with a plethora of cushions and blankets that have been sourced from various planets you've visited. Drift has plenty of money and he's more than happy to splurge on creature comforts like these and it's nice to go shopping for them together. He's also spared no expense on getting your favorite treats for the night, regardless of how much effort it took to source them. The way you light up when he presents them to you is worth every penny.
Whether you start out the night sitting next to him in a heap of blankets or nestled in his lap surrounded by pillows, you will end up sprawled across his chest by the end of the night. He lays out plenty of your soft cushions and blankets atop himself so that you can maintain maximum comfort while cuddling against his much harder frame. It's hard not to fall asleep like that in the middle of the movie since he'll absent-mindedly start stroking your back.
He doesn't mind talking during movies and will happily discuss the plot as it's happening, but if you're too focused on the story to speak he's just as good with silent viewing. He's particularly fond of when you get excited and point out your favorite scenes, making sure to pay special attention to those parts of the movie.
If you want to make watching movies together a regular occurrence, he'd agree immediately and would be delighted to help you pick what to watch in the future. Rewatching movies you've seen before or finding something new to view are both fine with him, it's spending quality time together that's important.
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Round 3 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Literally the whole movie series is framed around the sacraments. Weddings and first communions and baptisms.
I just thought of the Godfather bc of the tumblr ask about people who are devout in some ways but uhh not very holy in other ways, and nobody is a better example of that than Michael in the montage toward the end of the Godfather. I saw the film for the first time last year, and that sequence just floored me. Will not spoil it in case you haven't seen the film but ohhh my goodness
Ronan Lynch
Uhh fun fact he saw the devil flash his father once, and that's one of the reasons he goes to church on Sundays <3
context for this scene from book 2: ronan is in church with his older brother declan, younger brother matthew, and ghost friend noah "Joseph Kavinsky isn’t someone I want you being around,” Declan added. “Don’t snort. I’m serious.” Ronan merely invested a look with as much contempt as he could muster. A lady reached over the top of Noah to pat Matthew’s head fondly before continuing down the aisle. She didn’t seem to care that he was fifteen, which was all right, because he didn’t, either. Both Ronan and Declan observed this interaction with the pleased expressions of parents watching their prodigy at work. Declan repeated, “Like, actually dangerous.” Sometimes, Declan seemed to think that being a year older gave him special knowledge of the seedier side of Henrietta. What he meant was, did Ronan know that Kavinsky was a cokehead. In his ear, Noah whispered, “Is crack the same thing as speed?” Ronan didn’t answer. He didn’t think it was a very church-appropriate conversation. “I know you think you’re a punk,” Declan said. “But you aren’t nearly as bad ass as you think you are.” “Oh, go to hell,” Ronan snapped, just as the altar boys broached the rear doors. “Guys,” Matthew pleaded. “Be holy.”
Gay Catholic streetracing farmer. Consumed by catholic guilt NOT because of the gay thing but because he can Create things in a way he thinks should be only God's business. Will literally roll up to mass on sunday morning still drunk and bloody.
THIS GOTH KID IS LITERALLY GOD. This is a god trapped in the body of a Catholic teen and if he ever stopped feeling Catholic guilt he’d end the world!!. How is your confession every week that you creating a whole new being? Babygirl the God is coming from inside the house
eldritch entity from beyond the mortal plane wants to be a Real Human Boy, becomes a real (ish!) human (ish!) boy, goes to mass every sunday
Gay boy got his crush an apartment above his church so he could have his two favorite things in one place
gay. I'm not caught up the the series but I went through the tag when the latest book came out and I remember seeing a quote that said he worried if his boyfriend would make it to heaven when he dies because of his agnostic tendencies.
Kid is like a dream warlock who creates psychic horrors and never goes to confession because why would he? and he’s gay
There are no words
basically ronan's powers are inherited from his dead father niall and it means he can bring anything from a dream into real life. so he's got this whole crisis about whether he is a living piece of blasphemy because men are not meant to have the powers of gods or whether he literally is god. which is not acceptable to him for a number of reasons but mostly because he hates himself. his love interest's name is adam and adam lives in a small apartment above a church which the book says focuses the objects of his worship neatly into one building. I love them both dearly. also, this entire page makes me feel like I'm going insane. Ronan Lynch believed in heaven and hell. Once, he’d seen the devil. It had been a low, late morning at the Barns when the sun had burned off the mist and then burned off the chill and then burned the edges off the ground until everything shimmered with heat. It never got hot in those protected fields, but that morning, the air sweated with it. Ronan had never seen cattle pant before. All of the cows heaved and stuck their tongues out as they frothed with the heat. His mother sent Ronan to put them in the shade of the cattle barn. Ronan had gone to the searing metal gate, and as he did, he’d glimpsed his father, already in the barn. Four yards away from him had stood a red man. He was not truly red, but the burned orange of a fire ant. And he was not truly a man, because of the horns and the hooves. Ronan remembered the alienness of the creature, how real it had been. Every costume in the world had gotten it wrong; every drawing in every comic book. They’d all forgotten that the devil was an animal. Looking at the red man, Ronan had been struck by the intricacy of the body, how many miraculous pieces moved smoothly in harmony, no different than his own. Niall Lynch had had a gun in hand — the Lynches had an enormous number of guns of all sizes — and just as Ronan had opened the gate, his father had shot the thing about thirteen times in the head. With a shake of its horns, the unharmed devil had presented its genitalia to Niall Lynch before bounding off. It was an image that had yet to leave Ronan. And so Ronan became a reverse evangelist. The truth burst and grew inside him, and it was laid upon him to share it with no one. No one was meant to see hell before they get there. No one should have to live with the devil. So many homilies on faith were ruined once you no longer required it for belief.
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sandraharissa · 11 months
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So I’ve seen a take that this shot represents a potential future for Powder of being kinda like the Firelights leaving her as Jinx takes over. And I don’t think that’s a bad take, it just felt unsatisfying to me. I think the thing with this shot is that:
1) or there’s a completely alternate explanation cos the bug being inside her throat and crawling out is disturbing, and typically bugs on/inside a body are a source of horror in movies, so it’s weird that they’d attach this imagery to the symbol of Ekko and his gang. On top of that her eyes are closed until the firelight flies away, so again, weird imagery to show her “blind” when Powder, but awake/aware as Jinx.
2) or this is onto smth but I feel like smth is still missing. And so that got me thinking.
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We know there was a scraped flashback scene between Ekko and Jinx. I think based on the concept art for little Jinx we can assume that it was created for that scene specifically and so the flashback would have taken place soon after ep 3 cos Powder looks exactly the same outside of the hairstyle. So in all likelihood that means Powder was the first person Ekko tried to rescue (like he did with all members of the Firelights), and if Powder went with him then she’d become the first of the Firelights with him before they would have found their other new friends. I kinda need this addition to be true cos then imo it makes this idea compelling, otherwise it’s kinda a tenuous connection. “Ekko is the leader of the Firelights and when he was little he was friends with Powder” – and that’s it, so we kinda need that scene that establishes that Powder was offered to become a Firelight but rejected it, so that the idea that “Powder loses /misses out on the potential future as a Firelight” would make sense.
Come to think of it and how the writers describe the scene as devastating/heart-breaking/smth like that, that would kinda count as a midway point for Jinx. We have the scene where Jinx is born, where her identity is solidified, but the Ekko flashback would have also counted as a devastating scene where Powder chooses to be Jinx and loses a loved one. So now I’m thinking that we’re missing quite the crucial piece of info cos of that scene being omitted. Obviously for Ekko but also crucially for the transformation from Powder to Jinx, which is kinda the main thing the show is about. I mean, we ARE missing the early Silco and Jinx dynamic, like, we can kinda imagine it, we know enough about her psychology and their relationship to put two and two together but it’s still interesting to think about SPECIFICALLY cos there was an alternative in Ekko but Powder days/weeks after ep 3 already prioritizes Silco over bonds/connections to her previous life.
A lot of ppl used to bring up the idea that even tho Silco is a flawed parent he probs still made Powder’s life better/safer than if she was an orphan, but Ekko somehow made it and we know he offered to help/rescue Powder so now I’m thinking the flashback might suggest the opposite, that Ekko found the tree really early on and that given a choice Powder picks Silco out of her own free will, even tho the alternative is just as good or even the better option. If the flashback was initially intended as the opening scene of ep 7 then that’d also mean the initial intention was to give the audience insight into why Ekko was so adamant that Powder is gone and that ‘she’s Silco’s now’. And maybe it’d also add context for their bridge fight scene (I feel like it’s needed).
And act 3 was also when the time for ambiguity passed and they started being really on the nose about the genuineness of Silco and Jinx’s relationship so this being the first scene of that act would be a really strong start, with it being shocking to the audience, communicating a shift in how Silco and Jinx’s relationship is portrayed and maybe even with it paralleling the last scene of act 2. If the scene was supposed to parallel Vi and Jinx’s reunion then that would show to the audience that ‘getting to Powder’ isn’t gonna be easy and therefore heighten the stakes for Vi’s future challenges.
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