pvsoyi30uct · 1 year
Small Boobs Expand into Massive Tits with her Growing Ass Friend Two shemales fuck with each other Lesbian Strapon Teasers Fuck MILF gives me the best blowjob of my life POV Random College Party Blowjob PostOp Ladyboy Nid Toys Her Hole Sommer Isabella In Misbehavior Model Fuck Down Beefy dong permeates deep inside the wet pussy hole Dieselmine H Game Paizuri Salice Rose massive ass
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wavebiders · 2 years
I love how we're all like "Vox Machina is for sure not gonna risk bringing Delilah back" or "Vox Machina would never refuse to help ressurect Laudna" when I think deep down we all know that they're just gonna put the Hells on hold so they can argue about it amongst themselves for an hour
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painted-bees · 23 days
The stuff you posted about Margie having ADHD really resonated with me, as an ADHD have myself I find myself viewing myself as a failure for not hitting my goals even when I was going above and beyond in the first place. Sometimes I just have to take a step back and remind myself that there's plenty of stuff I *have* accomplished.
Like I can miss a deadline or fail a goal but that doesn't negate all the cool shit I've already done. I'm not gonna go into specifics cuz the point of this isn't to gloat but when you take a step back you start to see all these milestones you hit that you might have not even noticed. Even just within learning to manage ADHD, it's easy to beat yourself up when you stumble but stumbling doesn't discount all the progress made.
Anyways ty for putting so much thought into a character that honestly makes me feel really seen <3
These kinds of responses always make me really happy haha because Hi-Note is kind of an ongoing self-soothing exercise in the form of a character study, and it makes me happy when other people can get a similar sort of thing out of 'em as well! Sometimes I worry that I talk too much in circles about certain aspects, etc--even when it's a response to being asked about it, but I've never been good at keeping ideas and things to myself when they've fascinated/enthralled me--and it feels nice to know that my incessant, long winded character ramblings resonate with a handful of folks, especially when they brush up quite intimately against real lived experiences.
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kipowolfton · 6 months
(Only if you’re comfortable with sharing of course! ^^)
so basically it's the name of this chaos gremlin here:
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And back when it's name was Wolfie Wolfton I realized it was Uhh bland asf 😬 (apoun other issues🤡)
soooo I opened a random name generator in late 2018 and got Kipo
and if you're curious about the "The Milkman" part
that's just,a nickname 😭😭😭💀💀💀😭 that came from wattpad
so,hence the milkman outfit on Kipo
also! I make comice wit this cartoony ass creature and it's family,like a reeallyy really bad comic that I barely update because of issues and it's only on wattpad
but uh so yeah the name is from a random name generator 😋
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miralyk · 9 months
If you do end up making that Tron Legacy video essay I would LOVE to watch it because like, now that I actually think about it, yeah, it's kinda fucked!
oh man, thank you! long ramble incoming; i actually have thoughts on making video essays covering everything about tron (primarily focusing on 1982, legacy, and uprising along with how kingdom hearts unironically is a really good adaptation clicking with tron the best), i love 1982 so much, and the original aesthetics and themes of "electronic fantasy alien wonderland" and that connection to human artistry carrying on the movie's themes with the production and opening the doors to cgi are wonderful!
1982 works so well with kingdom hearts and being a "new form of magic" to expand upon, modern expansions would be great...! but these get trampled by legacy's reboot being "uhhh neon sci-fi cyberpunk is what tron is, okay let's rehash generic sci-fi tropes/aesthetics,
and... being vietnamese that has a passion for good story and writing, especially with how unique and influential 1982 and kingdom hearts are, it feels like a huge disservice to what 1982 opened doors to discuss with the nosedive legacy took, and i want to open people's eyes to what's good AND bad about the entire franchise to discuss. i'm still apprehensive about opening up to talk about these, but enthusiasm like yours are very encouraging, hopefully soon after i finish animating my short film this semester!
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batri-jopa · 1 year
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Found on facebook today
I hate that it looks like some "list of shame"
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
welcome newcomers my name is forfy or akire whatever u wanna call me sometimes i draw & my main role in the ecosystem is writing lengthy posts about a vocaloid song series no one cares about (hiiragi magnetite's aru sekai series).
main interests rn are aru sekai series, vocal synths (esp musical isotope series), maimaimaigoen, limbus company, secondary interests are proseka, totsukuni no shoujo, etrian odyssey, pokemon, vwp & like 3 utaite (risru, zakuro, nqsi). fave vocap are hiiragi magnetite, dopam!ne, null, minamo minato, zeeka, & ive
anyway look at my art thanks
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bonus comment from my friend regarding my fave character
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Shisui and Kisame being on opposite sides/enemies kinda made me think of a Hunger Games AU. Just imagine the type of chaos two tributes from different districts allying and sticking by it would cause on the capitol 😭(also the angst potential??? Jesus) 
But that begs the question, would the stunt that EverLark pulls with the nightlock berries even work with KisaShi in this scenario?
I think they “allowed” it in HG because they were from the same district, but I think that would be harder to achieve in this AU.
Not to say that I think that these sacrificial idiots would not do the stunt fully expecting to die, because they absolutely would.
( They did kill themselves in canon for the causes they believed in, so if there was a possibility that them dying that way did more good that harm, i think they would take it)
(Also i have no ideia who's Katniss and who's Peeta in this scenario, i think they both have the potential to be either them)
(Also also, i have thoughts about the reaping itself but i didn't want to derail the subject away from KisaShi, so let me know if you wanna talk about that lmao)
And, would KisaShi even manage to end up playing the romantic act? I feel like they would lean more in the friendship thing because Peeta an Katniss had known each other before the games, so that gave them something to work it, but Kisame and Shisui literally would only have assumed hostility. I feel like it would suit them more to have romance later.
Anyways, so sorry this is so long, the revival the HG fandom got in tiktok just got me really happy
(Do you have any thoughts on this AU? Maybe even another duo that would be interesting to see as Peeta and Katniss? Would love to hear opinions! No pressure though! ❤ )
Nalyvia, babe, I haven't interacted with HG in a long time so its very dusty in my mind... But, frankly, I love this.
You should also know that I am (affectionately) cursing you.
I was never a fan-fan of HG (I'm always a bit more happy-escapist, I say like I don't write angst and read non-fiction 🥴) but you unlocked my brain with this one. This was written via voice-transcript because the brainstorming wouldn't stop and my fingers aren't fast enough. It took half an hour to edit this 🤣
To feign normalcy for a moment, I agree that romance would be amazing later. If they somehow both survived, maybe the crowds at the Capitol rioted or something, then can you imagine the tension and looks across rooms? The winners don't exactly socialise amongst each other, probably for fear of collaboration, so it's just glimpses at functions and shit....ARGH
At the same time my horrible goblin brain would LOVE a lovers speed run, like imagine an adrenaline kiss and then it's all angry and they bite and the crowd is going BALLISTIC 😵👀
Okay, back to my honest reaction to this ask.
I lost it, like dropping a ball of yarn and it won't stop rolling and unravelling. Except I didn't expect to lose it so imagine I didn't know the yarn was there and went flying when I tripped on it. Except the yarn is a daisy chain of writhing poisonous snakes and they're also on fire and I'm on fire and everything was very much out of hand ✨🥹
Disclaimer: I planned this so much, it's basically begging to be written. However, my interest in delving into HG is extremely low (ha!) so if anyone would like to collaborate on this idea, then DM me.
To fit the Narutoverse characters into the HG social structure... We need to rethink exactly why the districts are shaped and viewed the way they are. Also only one champion per reaping because I can't be bothered with thinking about expendable people and having them clog up the plot.
Konoha is the first village. It's the biggest, the winner of every war, it's the largest and probably the richest. It is District One: Lumber, Military, Agriculture, mercantile goods.
Who is District Twelve? I would say Ame. It's poor, there very little there, small population, overlooked until it's too late. Nagato (volunteering for Konan) was be the first and only champion to win for this district (Yahiko was killed for resisting the Reaping and inciting civil unrest when Konan was called).
Kiri is somewhere in the middle. They are where the capitol's Naval fleet is based and all funding goes to public offices there, leaving the locals to forge weaponry and build ships or starve in poverty. They have a long history of revolutionary excitation and this means the Capitol are particularly brutal with them. District Six.
Plotline background!
Shisui survived and won the games when he was a preteen. He was picked, he trained hard (as all District One Champions are), and he absolutely demolished the competition. Because winners are so common from the top few districts (in keeping with the Five Great Shinobi Nations, the others are Uzushio (hold your horses, wait for it), Kumo, Iwa, Suna, with Kiri as the problematic straggler) they have policies in place to give the champions higher social status. Shisui is chosen to be the bodyguard of a local Elder, Danzo.
When his young cousin Itachi is chosen at a Reaping a few years later, Shisui defies his new social status (snubbing the Elder Danzo) and volunteers in Itachi's place. There is absolute scandal and Shisui is threatened by the Elder and Peacekeepers (ROOT) into allowing Itachi to compete as intended and not make waves. With the support of some of his fellow District One winners (Kakashi, who was traumatised that his fellow competitor and best friend Obito was killed off by the organisers because they both couldn't win, and Tenzo, who was personally trained in one of Elder Danzo's fight rings to ensure he won money and political favours that year) Shisui stands firm.
Meanwhile, Kisame has grown up in the shipyards of Kiri. His parents were both killed in failed uprisings and he had to mature quickly. Because he is so tall and strong, he has survived where many of his peers haven't and he was able to get his hands on food and shelter because he could work so hard. He has grown up with the mutterings and stories of the disillusioned around him and he truly hates the Capitol (and, to a lesser extent, the Top Five Districts, who are considerably richer and more successful than the rest and seen as largely complicit). When he's chosen, the shipyard community descends on him and he's stuffed into a secret underground collective that are looking to make yet another run at revolution. They need Kisame to not only win the games but provide them access to the Capitol. He needs to survey how the whole city functions, how to gain access to the main buildings both in Kiri as well as in the Capitol, and he needs to incite revolutionary fervour in the other districts if he can. Zabuza and Mei, two previous Champions, are able to swing themselves onto Kisame's 'prep team' and the trio set off for the Capitol.
Plot thickens!
In the Capitol, Shisui is the clear favourite. He's their darling, a familiar face and a proven good bet (he shocked them all as a kid, but now he's a man and only more talented/skilled, as well as old enough for sex appeal to also factor into his campaign). He is constantly playing an act, even in his rooms, because every single member of his team is in Danzo's pocket and Shisui knows that Danzo is going to control him and punish him if he's not extremely careful. However, one of the guards subtly does let him breathe a little more.
Shisui wows the crowd at the parade by wearing a richly decorated silk kimono (as Konoha includes luxury fabric and mercantile goods) that appears to blossom with real branches and flowers before bursting into flames (Shisui looks very hot when on fire ok) (I wanted to do the Katniss moment, it's a need, and also Shisui IS an Uchiha and it is KONOHA so fire has to be in there, let's say the fire is because.... Forest fires? They burn fields every year and it's visible from the Capitol? Idk let me have this)
Kisame, however, absolutely robs the show for District Six because, in his ship-shaped chariot, he's (done a Finnick) draped in just a bit of net and oiled up like a sea god. He's blue (because I say so 😤) and tattooed to high heavens and... It's a lot of muscle, a lot of man. The dark horse, if you will.
Kisame isn't one to lie or deceive, that's what the officials and Capitol do, but this is justice to turn it back on the lot of these rich fuckers. Mei has way too much creative license. Zabuza is making a lot of bets to ensure they get as much money as possible as well as sneaking off at every chance to scout the city. The crowd are so delighted that two Kiri champions have stepped up to prepare this new one, it's very fun to see familiar faces again.
They are massive rivals. Shisui is trying to play a political game here and fuck up the whole party. Kisame is trying to incite a revolution and Shisui is part of the enemy in his eyes.
They get into the arena. Its a labyrinth outside of the capitol that they have to escape. Closest to District Two, Uzushio.
Lots of hunting, killing. Shisui starts causing problems because he's so fast that half of the others are tracking him and failing spectacularly. Kisame, meanwhile, is killing the hyperagressive ones without mercy whilst trying to form alliances with the more downtrodden districts.
Cutscene to Mei and Zabuza who are fucking around and finding out with the capitol and meet elder danzo who lets some stuff slip about district one and shisui and shit.
Cutscene to one of Danzo's guards, that had been making life horrible for Shisui, pushing another over a balcony to terrible injury. Another bodyguard is sent from District One. It's revealed to be Kakashi in disguise, with Tenzo (who has a history as one of Danzo's private fighters) having been the one to maim the other guard and who was the friendly but silent guard watching Shisui's back~
The President (I completely forgot lmao) is Kaguya! Games organiser is Zetsu I guess
Kisame meets contestant Anko (they met during the rallying at the Capitol before this, obvs, but just bear with me dammit), from the newly formed Sound District (she was previously from Konoha but, when the new district was formed for medicinal and scientific manufacturing shit stuff blah blah then she was transferred) and manages to recruit her before realising that she's originally Konohan. He belatedly remembers her strange behaviour (exchanging secret messages) with Shisui and she reveals to him that it's not what he might assume. Anko goes off to help the other (subtly because cameras, so want to make a statement but also don't want to get nuked by the organisers) converted competitors and Kisame finds himself facing Shisui at last (they squared up in the Capitol obvs but that was brief posturing and UST), who was secretly watching on to make sure Kisame didn't kill Anko.
They fight.
It's badass.
(Small scenes of various Capitol reactions. Danzo is smug, thinking Shisui will put Kisame down and quiet whispers about political dissent as well as his own disobedience. Kakashi and Tenzo watch from behind Danzo's shoulders, hidden by Danzo's personalised Peacekeeper helmets. Zabuza and Mei watch with wariness for Shisui's professional skill/speed compared to Kisame's strength and creativity, as well as growing realisation -from the interactions with Anko etc - that more districts might be on side if they try hard enough.)
Shisui guesses what Kisame is doing with the revolution and he's right. Kisame goes to attack him but Shisui decides to return that transparency (even if Kisame's wasnt exactly willingly shared) and reveals that he's actually been scouting the perimeter this whole time.
And he thinks, combining the differing specialities of different districts and competitors together, they can break out. And survive getting to the Capitol.
Cue the slow progression of wary allies to friends to pining counterparts to lovers!
In the Capitol, Kakashi and Tenzo team up with Zabuza and Mei. They also make friends with married couple Minato and Kushina, previous winners from Uzushio (District Two, power station and security of the Capitol) who have become such favourites that they are welcome guests each year... But they hate the system and have secretly been running a smuggling route for years~
They also meet Orochimaru, the first (and only) winner from Sound, who has wiggled his way into being the President's private doctor.
Lots of shit happens.
The competitors break out, Kakashi (who has become extremely close with Minato and Kushina) is subsequently devastated when Minato nearly (aren't I nice) dies when taking one for the team and sabotaging the Capitol's security network to allow the districts to rampage and help the competitors make it back to the Capitol alive.
The districts rise up, it turns out that Nagato and Konan of District Twelve have been preparing since before Yahiko died, and the Capitol is quickly overrun. The people rise up, the President begins to flee!~
And this my brain starts to get mushy 😅 hmm, something-something Obito didn't die but Zetsu saved him and squirrelled him away as like a "Super Peacekeeper" (Winter Soldier parallels whoops lol) as an ace in case he needed personal protection/as a crowd shock factor as games organiser (gotta think of the views, even in a civil war!) And there's a huge thing blah blah Kakashi breaks the indoctrination, the President is killed by Shisui and Kisame Eternal-Honeymoon-Dream-Team and society is restructured.
Turns out Itachi's mom (and dad, who is forming a proto police force) took the chance to lead the District One revolt, and Itachi is like the poster child/mascot of the revolution there lol mikoto is pregnant with Sasuke and kushina is pregnant with Naruto!
Happy ending all around! (And look at that, none of my favs died, amazing 🤩)
This got out of hand and I wrote it in one go so now my brain is dead, if you couldn't tell by how...wonky... Things started to get at the end 🤣 it only took me.... Uhh two hours PFFFT-
"Do you have any thoughts on this AU?" Nalyvia, darling, don't JINX IT look what happened?!
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feski · 5 months
I overheard one of my coworkers say something among the lines of “she’s something else, right?” with the response of “yes.”
Do you think they know I’m autistic???
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abysslll · 10 months
how many times do you do fic liveblogging usually (and am i allowed to shamelessly plug in my ao3 acc if you or anyone else who stumbles upon this post wants to read anything there)
mm it really depends lol, if i'm reading a longer fic and really invested then multiple times a day for however long it takes me to finish, but usually just like. maybe once a week
PLEASE plug your ao3 omg !!! i was actually going to ask you for like blurbs/advertisements/general info for your fics earlier but i wasn't sure if that was the kind of ask you wanted when you made that post (abt filling your inbox with fic asks) shdgjsk, feel free to tell me abt your fics etc if you'd like :DD !!
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sassy-hedgie · 9 months
in my “tired of masking and wishing i could not have to constantly be on edge at all times but not wanting everyone to hate me” era ✌️
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
open || to anyone
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"You're hurting too loud."
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bethchapel · 2 years
I want to trust these Stargirl writers/directors with hournite and more specifically Beth but I just don't. Every time I get excited I have to temper it with the knowledge of how this show has historically treated this character. I'm hoping my anxiety is all for nothing but I just feel unsafe putting my trust in them until I see at least the first few eps. It doesn't help that we know nothing about Beth's storyline outside of the parent thing which isn't a frenemy tease as everyone else has.
that's fair anon!! although im definitely not the person to ask to give a nuanced take on this, i will say im going to try to remain optimistic and hope that anj has gotten some control/input into beth's storyline this season and i hope we really get to see her shine on her own and outside of just hournite
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I just feel like I've been saying all the wrong things recently
Everything is cycling though my head and I can't see anything but all the wrong words
Little comments here and little comments there
I can't keep my mouth shut so my friends don't confide in me
I feel like a child again saying words for the sake of words
I can't read the social queues of what to say and what not to say
Maybe I should just stop taking
Would it be better
Would it fix the mistakes I've already made
Will the people I care about forgive me or just throw me away and think I can't change
What if I don't change
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
I truly don’t think there’s anyone in the world who loves twilight more than my ex coworker who did the following: would buy the twilight movies when we got them in stock even though she already had the full collectors box set and like several other copies, owned all the books and I’m p sure variations of the books, her entire room was twilight themed, the decor and her blankets, everything, her bag and the accessories were twilight themed, the jewelry she wore was twilight merch or like copies of jewelry in the series, if it got quiet and slow enough for conversation then she would usually be talking about twilight, im forgetting things like this doesn’t cover the full extend of how obsessed she is
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