#overwatch ship week
jhdanes · 1 year
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I loved drawing this one, made me feel all warm inside, @yeehanweek2023 day 4 #yeehanweek2023
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flowervolcano · 8 months
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Happy Halloween! Here are my entries for the Reaper76 Halloween Week (2023)!
Hosted by: @depressed-lunatic (aka dexraymp4 on Twitter)
The prompts: (I did the ones in bold)
Day 1: Bite / Ritual
Day 2: Touch / Cursed
Day 3: Fear / Haunted House
Day 4: Danger / Candy
Day 5: Wounded / Dusk
Day 6: Fangs / Celebration
Day 7: Eldritch / Pumpkin
Day 8: Costume / In-Game Skin
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mactavsh · 1 year
Situational Awareness
Synopsis: The boys get captured following a lead on Shepherd and it’s up to you to save them before its too late.
Relationships: Task Force 141 x Gender Neutral Reader (Platonic)
Word Count: 3.9K
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of blood/injuries
Note: someone said feral reader so here we are
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You should have been with them. You weren't sure if it would have made any difference but you belonged with your team. The previous mission left you with a decent gash along your arm, just enough that you were benched for the current excursion. While the boys shipped out you worked overwatch with Laswell, gathering intel and guiding the boys in the field.
A lead on Shephard and the remnants of Shadow Company led the team to an abandoned factory compound. Throughout the mission, they were in constant contact with the base at least they were supposed to be. Gaz announced they were breaching another building and that was the last contact you received from them.
After a half hour of silence, Laswell started trying to pull up satellite images, anything that could shed light on what happened. Kate managed to get a drone to the area but there was nothing, like they disappeared without a trace.
Two weeks later you finally found something actionable. You led a small team to a safehouse Laswell discovered. After a bit of not-so-gentle persuading, the Shadows there gave up a set of coordinates.
As soon as you were back on base you practically ran to Laswell's office to give them to her. Much to your dismay, she didn't share in your urgency or so you thought.
"That will take too long!" You paced the room, shaking your head as you spoke.
"We can't go in blind, Y/n"
"If we wait any longer they'll all be dead if they aren't already." You stopped in front of her desk.
Laswell sighed and stared ahead at her computer. She had put the coordinates in and was looking at satellite images of the area. "We have their location that's good but it's not enough. We need to get a team together, find building schematics."
"You know as well as I do, not one of them will talk. As soon as Shepherd gets bored they will be killed."
"I can't authorize an op without more information. We need to surveil the building first. Figure out how many people are there, if Shephard is there." She stood from the desk, her tone shifting. "However, I am technically not your commanding officer."
She turned to face the window and you realized what she was doing. You quickly took a photo of the screen, making sure to capture each image before you stepped back.
"I understand." You spoke as she turned back around to face you. "You know how to reach me."
As you turned to leave Kate spoke once more. "Be careful, Y/n."
"I will."
It wasn't hard to formulate a plan, after all, you were recruited by Price for a reason. Your strategic thinking went almost unmatched and your propensity for stealth made you deadly. You waited for nightfall before sneaking off base with all the gear you'd need and some that packed a bigger punch.
The drive was tense as you got closer to your target, you stopped in a clearing a few miles north to avoid detection and hiked the rest of the way. No overwatch and no backup, you triple-checked your gear. There was no room for error here.
The two-mile hike seemed to pass in an instant, your feet carrying you on autopilot through the dark forest. Looking up at the building when it finally came into view you gathered what information you could. Three floors, unknown if there was a basement. One large receiving door and two entrances on the northern and western sides of the warehouse.
Your plan was to use stealth to take out as many Shadows as possible. Moving floor by floor looking for the boys. You knew you would inevitably be discovered, so you'd hoped at that point you would have found at least one of them and that they were in any condition to help you fight.
You decide to enter through the northern entrance. The first objective was to steal a uniform so you could move through the building easier. As you went you were to keep an eye out for weak points, places to set one of the many charges you had brought with you.  After tightening the straps of your vest and double-checking the C4 in your backpack, you readied yourself as you moved out of the tree line and toward the door.
Situational awareness. They practically beat it into in when you enlist, it could very easily be the difference between life and death. You thanked whatever high power was up there for granting you a natural affinity for the skill. You were on high alert each cell in your body buzzing, your highly trained eyes scanning the environment for threats.
Approaching the door you turned the handle slowly. Peeking in you checked both directions before entering fully.
The door opened to a long hallway that was empty as you entered. Slowly you moved in deeper, listening closely for movement. The familiar weight of the rifle in your hands was welcome as you delved further into unknown enemy territory.
The rifle however was simply to keep up apprentices while inside until all hell broke loose. Shooting it would attract every Shadow in the building to your presence. You had also attached a silencer to your sidearm but even still the shot could be heard if someone was close enough. Even if the noise wasn't heard, the blood would certainly be noticed. Snapping necks or choking them out was dangerous because you had to get up close but it was clean and quiet. Stealth takedowns are your best option for ensuring no one knew you were infiltrating the base until you wanted them to.
A single set of footsteps could be heard approaching from behind you so you ducked into a closet. Leaving the door open a crack you waited for the Shadow to be in front of it before pouncing. You grabbed him in a chokehold and dragged him back into the closet. He thrashed in your hold but not long before you had enough of a grip to snap his neck. He fell limp and you slowly guided his body down to the floor.
Lucky for you he seemed to be about your size so you made quick work of relieving him of his uniform. You momentarily removed your tac vest to put on the jacket with the Shadow Company emblem. Your vest was already black so it fit in with the uniform. It had seen you through countless missions, quickly becoming an extension of you. Price had given it to you when you joined the 141 and it has been with you ever since. You grabbed the gaiter and helmet next, adjusting them to fit properly over your face, effectively shielding your identity.
You strapped the dead man's rifle to your back for later and brought yours up as you exited the closet once more. Head held high you continued pushing forward.
Turning down the next hallway you paid close attention to the attached rooms. It was quiet, you couldn’t hear many voices if any. You didn’t have time to clear each room but some of the doors had windows allowing you to confirm those particular rooms were empty. You stashed that information in your mind for later.
Footsteps approached from in front of you but you held fast. A Shadow rounded the corner, not paying any attention to you. A plan quickly formed in your head. You waited until he passed you and was standing next to the door of one of the empty rooms before calling out to him.
“Excuse me,” He paused his walking and you approached so you were standing in front of him. “I seem to be a little lost, could you tell me where the armory is?” You lied.
He rolled his eyes and just as he was about to speak you lunged, maneuvering him into the empty room and kicking the door shut behind you. He fell lying on his stomach, so you straddled him and held his wrists against his back. "Where’s the 141?"
He gritted his teeth as he squirmed. "Fuck you, I’m not telling you shit.”
You tutted in his ear. “Is that really how you want this to go?”
“I’m dead either way." He grunted as he struggled beneath you.
“So you’re not entirely stupid then.” You shifted both of your positions so you were on the ground behind him, holding him firmly with your thighs as you pulled his arm at an awkward angle.
"You have a choice here." Your voice was low, calm. "I can kill you quickly and painlessly. Or," You tugged on his arm earning a groan from him. "I can make sure you bleed out nice and slow where no one will find you."
He grunted at the pressure before he spoke. "The Captain is in a cell on this level, south hallway with the Brit two doors down from him."
"What about the other two?" When he didn't answer right away, you pulled on his arm once more, popping it out of the socket.
He yelled in pain and you quickly brought a gloved hand over his mouth to muffle the noise.
You waited for the man to still before removing your hand. He spoke hurriedly as soon as the barrier was gone. "The Scot was being annoying so they pulled him out of his cell and brought him to the top floor. The big guy is there too."
"What's up there?" You shifted again, putting him in a chokehold.
“What about Shepherd?”
“He left a few days ago, I don’t know where.”
"Good boy." You patted his head before snapping his neck. You stood and dragged the body deeper into the room, out of view from the door. You planted some C4 in the room before readjusting your gear back into place. Stretching your neck you headed out of the room and toward the southern end of the building.
The building was large and you mentally kicked yourself for entering on the opposite side of where the boys were, not that you could’ve known. The long walk however did give you an opportunity to take out many of the patrolling Shadows as well as get a better idea of stairwells and possible escape routes.
Finally, you entered the hallway in question. There was only one guard stationed outside the doors. Obviously, they didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to storm their castle. You waited until you were right in front of the guard to pounce. Quickly reaching up and snapping his neck then lowering the body quietly to the floor. You pulled the keys off his belt, opened the door, and dragged the body in with you.
The cell was dimly lit and smelled strongly of blood. Price was chained to a chair in the middle of the room. He slowly raised his head looking at the dead Shadow then at you, a weary expression crossing his bloodied features. You pulled your mask down as you approached him.
"Y/n?" He spoke, voice horse.
"Nice to see you, Cap."
He paused squinting at you through a black eye as you unlocked his bindings. After you finished you hooked the keys back onto your vest and stood in front of him.
"Where's your team?" The Captain questioned, finally noticing no other soldiers were with you.
"My team went and got themselves captured."
Price grabbed your bicep as he stood. "Y/n, did you come here alone?"
"Didn't have a choice. You boys were running out of time and Laswell's hands were tied."
"I know, reprimand me later. Gaz is down the hall, Soap and Ghost are on the top floor." You handed him one of the guns you looted off a Shadow. "We're all we got."
He took the gun and nodded. "That's all we need."
You moved toward the Shadow you had just killed, quickly relieving him of his uniform and helmet then handing it to Price. "Can't have you breaking my cover just yet."
"As soon as we have everyone, we're blowing this place to high hell." He spoke as he got dressed, wincing when he tightened the vest over his chest.
"What d'ya thinks in my backpack?" You smirked.
"Remind me to separate you and Soap from now on."
"Aw come on, sir." You feigned offense as you stepped up to the door, pulling your mask back up and preparing to move. You pulled more explosives from your back, carefully affixing them to the wall.
With your back turned you couldn't see the small smile that crossed Price’s features as he looked at you, a sense of pride swelled in his chest. He pulled up his mask as he took position behind you. "Take point, kid."
"Copy." You opened the door, looking both ways before stepping fully out. Quickly you moved two doors down. You unhooked the keys from your vest and unlocked the door.
"I'll watch the hall." Price spoke, closing the door for you as you entered the room.
Gaz's cell was the same as Price’s; same dim light and metallic scent. You pulled your mask down and the scent hit you hard. Shaking it off you moved toward Gaz, his head was limp against his chest, slow breaths could be heard emanating from him.
"Gaz?" You kneeled down and set a hand on his shoulder as soon as you were close enough. Blood slowly trickled from his nose and you assumed it was broken by the new angle it was bent at.
"Come on Kyle, we gotta go." You gently shook him, a light groan left him as he woke.
Bleary eyes met yours as he regained consciousness, a smile forming from cracked lips. "My hero."
You rolled your eyes and smiled at him before gently removing the chains holding him in place and standing in front of him. "Can you stand?"
Tentatively he stood grabbing your shoulder for support. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before opening them, clearer than they were before. "Ready to roll."
The door opened and Price dragged a dead guard in with him. You felt Gaz tense next to you and realized Price still had his mask up, so you addressed him. “Having fun out there without me, Captain?”
Price pulled his mask down and looked toward Gaz who relaxed his grip on your shoulder. "Wouldn’t dream of it. Good to see you're still standing, Sergeant."
"You too, Cap." Gaz let go of you, rolling his shoulders back in preparation for the fight to come.
"Get dressed," You pointed at the Shadow Price just dragged in. "Soap and Ghost are on the top floor."
"Don't you have a squad with you?" Gaz questioned.
"No, they came by themselves." Price interjected.
"Badass." Gaz moved to high-five you.
Price grabbed Gaz's wrist before his hand could meet yours, placing the Shadow's uniform in it instead. "Don't encourage them."
You smiled sheepishly at Gaz as you moved back toward the door. "We should get moving. I've made a dent in their numbers but it's only a matter of time before someone finds the trail of bodies I've left and sets off some alarms." You pulled some C4 from your pack and affixed it to the wall next to the door. "Ready?"
"Got your back," Gaz spoke as he finished getting dressed. Price handed him the gun that the Shadow had been carrying. He pulled his mask back up and you and Gaz mirrored the motion.
You opened the door, the two men falling into step behind you. You lead them to one of the stairwells you’d noticed earlier, it would take you straight to the top floor. You didn’t want to prolong your stay here any longer, neither of the men with you would admit it but you could see the physical toll their time here had taken. They both moved cautiously and you could see a slight limp from Gaz.
After ascending the stairs, stopping a couple of times to plant explosives, you slowly approached the door. You peeked through the small window in the door. The top floor was much smaller than the rest, the door opened to a large room with one door situated to the right, and one guard stationed in front of it. He was a hulking figure, taller than Ghost but leaner. He stood between you and the room that held the rest of your team.
Years of sparring with Ghost had taught you how to fight an opponent who was stronger and bigger than you. He wanted to make sure you knew how to defend yourself in any situation. Mentally, you thanked him as you formed a plan of attack.
"Let me get him out of the way. Keep going," You unhooked the keys from your vest and handed them to Price. "Ghost and Soap should be through that door. As soon as I engage, move."
"Y/n-" Gaz began to protest but you cut him off.
"Neither of you are in any condition to fight him off and we can't make too much noise until we get through that door. That big fucker is the last thing standing between us and them. I'll be right behind you." You pulled three comms from your vest and handed one to Price and Gaz then put the other in your own ear. You pulled out two more and handed them to Price who tucked them into his pocket. "And if we're still doing our dance by the time you're done then I'll shoot him and we can blow these fuckers sky high."
“Shouldn’t I be giving the orders?” Price spoke with no real heat.
“I’m open to suggestions, I’m a just and fair tyrant.” You smiled and Price shook his head.
"We'll be fast," Gaz spoke up and patted your shoulder.
"You better." You spoke as you exited the stairwell and headed straight for the guard.
He stood up straighter as you got close, eyeing you incredulously. “No one is allowed up here. Name and rank?” He spoke, voice stern.
“Ah yes,” You stopped right in front of him. “Sergeant none ya business.” You smiled and could have sworn you heard Soap’s voice from the other side of the door.
“Who’s your commanding officer?” He raised his voice more, crossing his arms as he stared you down.
“That would be Captain kiss my ass.” This time you were sure you’d heard Soap laughing. Deciding not to further press your luck with the bantering you sent a swift kick into the man's crotch. It was a low blow sure but this was Shadow Company and they deserve far worse for their actions in Las Almas. He doubled over and you used your leverage to throw him to the side and away from the door.
“Now, Price!” You yelled into your comm. Quickly the pair ran from the stairwell and toward the door, unlocking it and heading inside.
Your opponent had recovered and lunged toward you, but easily you dodged. Kicking a leg out you knocked him off balance and onto the floor.
It was a momentarily lapse, your mind focused solely on the opponent in front of you, and you didn't notice the one that had just exited the stairs. A shot rang out, then a scream tore from your throat. The bullet lodged itself into your pelvis and you fell backward. The first guard lunged positioning himself on top of you and wrapping his hands firmly around your throat.
“Y/n what’s going on?” Price’s worried voice sounded in your ear but you couldn’t respond. Your body acted on pure instinct then, grabbing your sidearm and firing two shots. One for the man above you and one for the other, both bullets hitting their mark.
The Shadow fell limp on top of you, effectively knocking the wind out of your lungs. Your side screamed in protest at the weight but you were unable to move.
"Y/n, how copy?" Price's voice rang through your ear again as your vision began to blur. Strength slowly left your body as you tried to push the dead Shadow off of you to no avail.
Suddenly the weight was lifted off of you. Ghost and Price threw the Shadow to the side while Soap kneeled next to you. “Y/n you keep those pretty eyes open for me, aye?”
“Doing my best, Johnny.” You wheezed out, the fog quickly leeching into your mind.
He smiled softly at you. “I know.”
Ghost was staring at you behind his mask, worry creasing his eyes. “What’s our exfil?”
“There’s a truck two miles north of here in a clearing.” You spoke, wincing as Soap put pressure on your wound.
"Reinforcements?" Ghost questioned.
Price sighed, "Y/n came alone."
"Bloody hell." Ghost feigned disappointment, despite your current state, he was impressed.
"That's fuckin' badass." Soap beamed at you, squeezing your shoulder.
"That's what I said." Gaz smiled, wincing when he reopened his lip again.
"Stop encouraging them." Price shook his head as he spoke. “Ghost grab them let’s get the hell out of here.”
The conversion sounded further and further away as blood pooled beneath you. You used your last bit of energy to pull the detonator from your vest and handed it to Soap.
“Do the honors would ya?” You breathed out before the world went dark.
Heat radiating in your side brought you slowly to consciousness. Your brain struggled to regain traction in the fog that clouded it. The mission came back to you slowly, the fight, the gunshot, the boys. Panic set in, you didn’t know if they got out. Your eyes shot open as you sat up, violent dots danced in your vision and you could hear movement near you, something beeped incessantly to your right.
A familiar voice entered your ears. “Hey, you’re okay, I got you.”
Calloused hands settled on your shoulders, grounding you. The beeping slowed. “You’re in the hospital on base.”
Your eyes finally cleared and you could see Price standing next to your bed. He gently guided you to lay back down and that's when you noticed the rest of the team at the foot of your bed. Various bandages and bruises littered their bodies but they were alive.
You tried to speak but ended up coughing instead. Ghost appeared in front of you and silently handed you a glass of water with a straw.
“Did I miss a party?” You managed after wetting your throat, voice still hoarse.
“It seems we did.” Soap smiled patting your shin.
“How're you feeling?” Gaz asked.
You shrugged. “Good as I can I guess. Just glad everyone made it out.”
“You did good,” Price spoke. “But don’t ever do that again or I will sign your discharge forms myself.”
“Yes sir.” He smiled at you and patted your shoulder. You knew the statement came from a place of worry. Your infiltration could have easily gone a different route and you could have been sitting in the morgue right now.
Instead, you were surrounded by your found family.
A light atmosphere settled in the room, you watched content as the boys chatted amongst themselves. You laughed at the terrible jokes Ghost and Soap were telling each other. Smiled while Gaz and Price told the story of Gaz falling out of a helicopter for the millionth time. The 141 would live to fight another day and god help anyway who tried to stand in their way.
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emmalostinwonderland · 5 months
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IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN! Fandom Trumps Hate 2024 is kicking off with creator sign ups in just 2 weeks, and now I'm flying in to give you the details and encourage you to sign up and make a difference!
Now you may be thinking- what is Fandom Trumps Hate anyway?? I'm glad you asked!
'FTH is an online fanworks auction, designed to raise money for progressive nonprofit organizations that help and support marginalized people.' (more info from their FAQ here)
What this means is that you, the creator, will sign up to offer any type of digital fan offering you'd like, including:
fan labor (beta read, sensitivity reading, specialized expertise, etc)
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Creator sign-ups are open from February 5th to February 19th (full calendar here)
But how will my little fanwork even make a positive impact on things?? Here are some facts for your consideration:
in 2023, FTH raised over $47k dollars for nonprofit orgs (and almost $240k in the 7 year total)
Red White & Royal Blue was brand new to FTH last year and came in tied for 4th place on the unlisted fandom rank along with 911 Lone Star, Overwatch, and The Owl House
On the 2023 Ao3 stats list, the Alex/Henry ship (FirstPrince) was also brand new to the list and came in #16 out of 100
This fandom is so young and so full of life and energy - we are history makers at our core! Let's put that to use and support some nonprofits with the fan work we already love doing. Truly I think our own Alex Claremont-Diaz said it best...
History, huh? Bet we could make some
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yawnderu · 2 months
Commissions Open! 🌿 
Though my main fandom has always been Call Of Duty, I also write for BG3, Overwatch, ATSV, RE, and The Mandalorian. If your request does not belong to those fandoms and because I like to be as accurate as possible in order to honor the characters and their universe, I'll gladly do extensive research on the fandoms you request. 🌱
500 words: €4
1000 words: €10
2000 words: €18
3000-4000 words: €30
+€10 per 1000 words after the 4000 word cap.
Works up to 2000 words will be delivered within four days, while longer works up to 4000 words will be delivered within a week/a week and a half, depending on availability.
I will write:
NSFW, OC x OC, OC x Canon, Character x Character, Character, ships, fluff, x Reader, parenthood, horror, original works, dark fiction (including but not limited to dubcon, noncon, somnophilia), as well as most dark kinks and fetishes.
I won't write:
Pedophilia, raceplay, adult/minor romance, hate speech, politics.
— How to comm me?
Shoot me a message here with the details of what you'd like to commission! If you don't have any ideas of what you'd like to request, I can also give you some suggestions! If you have any dark kinks and you're not sure if I write that content, feel free to ask me as well, no judgement. There's plenty of things I'm willing and excited to write, don't feel limited by the previous list! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Your commissions can either be sent to you in a document or posted here/on AO3 with your permission!
— About payment
Commissions are done by paying upfront through Ko-Fi, and if requested, I can send you parts of the draft as I write it.
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EDIT: I reached the goal for the emergency dental surgery I needed to get within one day of making this post. As of now, the post will be used as a regular commissions info sheet!
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archangelsarchway · 27 days
overwatch!reader support!reader
Alright. It's been a week since the "petting Sloan" incident.
After that... interesting noise came out of their throat that was so decorated with flames, they found an excuse and sped out of your room as fast as possible.
Now you're preparing in the drop ship with Winston, Tracer, Sloan and Mercy. They're all talking amongst themselves, but Sloan is running just a little late. You prepare your heal-packs and pack a light bag for the scuffle about to occur when you feel a hand on your shoulder.
"Howdy hey!
their hand is so warm. I wish they would put their hand under my shirt and—
Nope. Mission.
"Hey, Sloan. Do you need anything?"
You turn around fully and look at them in their glory, a halo of curly brown hair and warm eyes and chipped tooth and oh my goodness they're so adorable. You can't even—
"No but— you've never been to Rome before, right? Classical archeology is my favorite, that's why I'm so excited to go to Rome and see the coliseum! What about you?"
Totally caught off guard. You're speechless. Still staring at their neck tattoo.
They look at you with an cute odd expression for a beat and smile brightly.
"Since you seem to be off in your own head today, I'll stick by you this round. Those talon goons won't touch a hair on your head with me around!"
They fire up their drill for a few seconds, flexing their muscles, before settling down and placing a strong arm around your shoulders, their hand tentatively touching the base of your neck for a second before following to engulf you in their embrace, bringing you close and giving you insane noogies.
"Don't zone out on me out there!"
Sloan was separated from the team. Moira behind them, using her rotted arm, Sombra is running around here somewhere, and Doomfist is pummeling the team left right and center.
You rush to Moira and quickly melee the geneticist and she fades away... right in front of Sloan's drill.
They sigh with relief as she's eliminated.
"Close call there... phew!"
You're panting, heavy breaths as you heave open your medical pack give them heals.
You take their arm carefully, rolling up their sleeve to apply a salve and bandages to their arms and you appreciate the sight of the wild flames that continue down their neck to their forearm.
Nope. To business. Heal Sloan.
"Be sure to watch your flank next time."
"Why would I do that when I have you watching my back! You were amazing!"
You finish up healing them and the beautiful art is hidden once more by their sleeve, Sloan giving you an odd look as you watch them roll their sleeve down.
"... thanks for saving me, mi sanador."
They wrap you in a deep hug. You can feel their muscles flex. Their arms wrap around you and settle on the small of your back comfortably like they were meant to be there. They smell like sandalwood and warm and nature and the sun and everything good and...
the hug ended too early because Winston was signaling to group up, and you walked back to point with them avoiding eye contact while they were grinning like a lunatic.
(A/N erm what the sigma i have no plan for this at all just... following venture wherever they go)
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m0nomercy · 2 months
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daily sapphic ship doodles a day for lesbian visibility week <333
finishing the week on my Beloved crack ship mercy overwatch x sundry sid d20 who i love so dearly
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lattetabby · 2 months
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Boombox Week of 2024!!!
I wanted to make one of these prompt lists to revive an old part of fandom I don’t see much these days. I want to bring community back to the overwatch fandom that it once had. By promoting creativity and collaboration for our shared enjoyment of a ship!
DATES: May 20 - May 27
Each prompt is very loose and dynamic and are only to be inspiration for drawing prompts. This is all inclusive of any type of art media, digital art, traditional art, animation, and writing. The only requirement is that it features Boombox.
Use the tag #Boomboxweek2024
And that’s it! I can’t wait to see everyone’s art!
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ya-zz · 1 year
If you're down for it, could you write a little something with Cassidy? Maybe something where reader and him got separated, due to his envolvement with Blackwatch since they didn't want to take any part in that, and meet again by chance? Bittersweet, maybe a happy ending? Just cassidy going through it when he sees you AAAAAA
I fuckin love this cowboy, the first Overwatch character I simped for. Thank you so much for the request! I could've kept going with this, but I had to force myself to stop.
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Cassidy x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1524
It had been a long few years since he had left you - part of him regretted it, but he understood your feelings. He knew that there was a chance he wasn’t coming back should something go wrong. He didn’t want to burden you with those thoughts, but when you had outwardly said you couldn’t be with him if he joined Blackwatch, he felt relieved somewhat. 
While he had Reyes and Genji to keep him occupied, small jaunts at Moira whenever he was in the mood, his mind would always wander back to you. The tear stained face before he left, the sobbing and calling his name before he disappeared. He hated himself for leaving you, but he had to do something. Overwatch was everything to him, his family, and doing the extra part with Blackwatch made him feel useful. 
But as the years went by, Blackwatch under a watchful eye and finally disbanding after everything that went wrong, Cassidy was thankful that the shitshow had ended. Finally returning back to the Overwatch headquarters was like returning home - one of which made his heart flutter with excitement as he no longer had to worry about anything for awhile. 
The moment he stepped off the drop ship, Genji next to him, he felt a wave of euphoria, finally home at last. 
The first thing he wanted to do was see you, he didn’t wait to get checked up by Angela, he didn’t listen to Reyes shouting after him as he almost ran down the halls towards your room only to be met by an empty space. 
He felt his heart drop as he stepped foot into the room, his steps echoing, dust particles swaying in the open space. 
“They left a few months after you did.” A familiar voice spoke out behind him.
He turned to face his commander, Reyes. 
“What? And you didn’t think to tell me?” Cassidy’s voice had a hint of anger. 
“No. I didn’t need you distracted.” Reyes leant against the doorframe, arms crossing. “Jack rang me while you were scouting with Genji to break the news. They weren’t the only ones that left.” As he spoke, listing off the other members who left, Cassidy zoned out, his heart aching.
“Where are they?” 
Reyes shrugged. “No idea.” He released sigh, standing up straight. “Get settled, do your report and come join us.”
Cassidy stared at Reyes before he left, standing in your old room for a while longer, trying to pull himself together… 
Weeks went by and slowly his anger and heartache subsided until Cole was finally back to his usual self. He moved on somewhat quickly, however each time he passed by your room and looked in, his heart would pang with guilt. He still missed you. He avoided your room whenever possible, taking the longer routes just so he didn’t have to be reminded of what he had lost. 
Cassidy and a few other members were heading out for the evening, something of which they had been planning for the last week. It wasn’t a rare occurrence, but the stress levels had been higher than usual lately. 
With the cool evening air embracing everyone as they walked, chatter rose among the group, laugher emitting, filling the surrounding air. The tension was subsiding. 
As they wandered the streets, the group found themselves at a bar, taking a seat in one of the further back booths, away from the partying crowd. The music was loud, small vibrations shaking the tables slightly. 
Cassidy took his seat at the edge of the booth, an easy escape should things get too rowdy, his seating partner was Ana and Jack. Reyes, Genji and Hanzo were sat opposite him, already ordering their drinks from the waitress who arrived a few moments after they had sat down. 
Once the drinks were placed down, the chatter continued, stories about the days in Blackwatch, stories about past missions with Overwatch. Family stories and past traumas, who was dating who within the ranks. It was a joyous night for the group, and even more so when Jack arrived. He took his seat at the back of the booth, like he was the head of the table. 
The night went on without any issues, rosy cheeks for all members as they continued drinking, almost slamming empty glasses down on the table. 
“Your turn to get drinks, cowboy.” Genji spoke out against the music, glass touching the table with no liquid in it. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He stood up, heading for the bar as he straightened his hat. His steps were a little off, the alcohol clearly affecting him and his stance. 
He spoke to the bartender, listing off the seven drinks needed for his table before he turned around, leaning his back against the bar as he scanned the room. He watched as a small group of people danced around the floor, arms entwined with others, smiles and quiet laughter erupting from them.
Cassidy smiled, tipping his head slightly as a few women looked over at him. He winked before turning back around, grabbing the first three glasses and transporting them to the table. When he returned, waiting on the final four drinks, a small shove from someone beside him knocked him into someone else seated at the bar. 
“Hey, watch it.” He called out, receiving an apology before they turned and walked away. Cassidy looked back, “My apologies, darlin’. Hope I didn’t hurt ya.” 
They turned around, eyes locking with Cassidy’s.
“[y/n]?” Cole felt his heart almost stop, eyes widening slightly at the person in front of him. 
“What- You-” He stumbled over his words, a disbelief coursing through him as he stood there speechless. 
You smiled at him, turning in your seat to face him properly. “It’s good to see you too, Cass.” 
“Yeah…” His cheeks flushed, the warmth spreading through them as he instantly sobered up. “It’s good to see you.” 
The bartender placed the final glass down in front of the cowboy. 
“Thanks.” He turned back to you. “Why don’t you come join us?”
“Me and the others are sat over there.” He pointed behind him before adjusting his collar. It was taking him back to the very first time you had met. The nervousness he had felt despite being slightly drunk, a very similar situation happened, being pushed into you. He chuckled to himself at the thought. “Or, we can sit and catch up here?” 
“I like the second choice better.” You kept your smile before ordering another drink. “I’ll be waiting.” 
Cassidy nodded, taking three drinks back and leaving the group once again. His glass was moved closer to yours, away from anyone else’s hand.
He took a seat next to you as you handed him his drink. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you again.” He spoke out, arm resting against the bar. 
“You could’ve called.” You laughed, turning to face him again. 
“Thought you hated me.”
“Why would you think that?” 
He paused, taking a sip of his drink, the ice clinking against the glass. “I left you for Blackwatch.” 
“So? You were doing your job, Cass, there is nothing wrong with that. I just… I just couldn’t do it.” A shaky sigh escaped you. 
“I know. I remember you sayin’. I remember everythin’ about that night. Felt so guilty about the entire situation.” His eyes never left yours as he spoke. Even now he still felt guilty and he couldn’t shake that off of him no matter how hard he tried. There were many nights he would stay up and regret his decision in joining Blackwatch and leaving you behind. 
Part of him had expected you to stay, waiting for his return, but then he would remember you saying you couldn’t stay awake with the stress, never knowing if he was coming back. The moment he saw you tonight, it felt like no time had passed, and when the harsh reality that it had been several years since he last saw you hits him, he breaks.
“I’m sorry, [y/n]...” His voice was barely audible against the music, a slow tear falling down his sun kissed cheeks.
You tilt your head slightly, taking his hand in yours. “Hey, Cass. It’s alright. I’m glad you’re back safely.”
The way you took his hand and gently rubbed small circles with your thumb made him weak, it was something he loved, the way you calmed him down with the simplest of gestures. 
“I heard about Blackwatch…” You look down at his hand. “Jack keeps me in the loop sometimes.
“Yeah. Those days are over.” A sigh left his body as his shoulders relaxed. “Maybe, just a thought, maybe we could work things out again?” 
“I would like that… I’ve missed you.” There was a warmth rising in your cheeks as you looked at the cowboy. 
“I missed you too, darlin’. More than you could ever imagine.” His hand gently squeezed yours, his heart racing in his chest. “You’re my everythin’.” 
He took your other hand in his as he looked up at you, a soft look on his face. “I don’t wanna lose you again.”
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wildissylupus · 1 year
What are ur yeehan ship headcanons? :D
Good question!! Thank you for asking.
For starters I think the dynamic of them meeting would be switched from the way the fandom charactises it, what I mean is Cassidy is cold towards Hanzo when they first meet because of the whole Genji situation but he respects Genji's decision on forgiving Hanzo so he isn't hostile towards him (unlike Angela, who tries to throw hands when Hanzo meets her)
After they got to know eachother, Hanzo is the one who fell first. It took a bit longer for Cassidy to get feelings but he got them, hard.
Essentially, Hanzo fell first but Cassidy fell harder.
Cassidy was def the first one to confess but he asked for Genji's permission first. Which lead to a very excited Genji helping him confess.
Genji is the #1 yeehan shipper you will not tell me otherwise.
Even before they were in a relationship they acted like an old married couple.
Hanzo got so many shovel talks from different Overwatch members, the main ones being from Ana, Pharah and Angela. (Side note, Hanzo is scared shitless of Angela)
Angela wasn't supportive of the relationship for awhile, one, cause she didn't like Hanzo, and two, she knew Cassidy's previous dating experience wasn't good. That changed when after a mission Hanzo dragged Cassidy into the medical station announcing that Cassidy was shot and that he needed to stop being stubborn and let her look at it.
Cassidy basically has a spidey sense for when Hanzo is upset.
Cassidy is often the one comforting Hanzo but when Cassidy needs to be comforted Hanzo knows to go looking for Angela, Ana or Sojourn because they usually know more about what's happening then he does. The only exception to this is when he has nightmares, he's the only one that can get Cassidy back to sleep.
Cassidy didn't let Hanzo cook for weeks after he joined Overwatch because of what happened the last time he let Genji cook, after Hanzo proved he could cook without any problems he was allowed to use the kitchen.
Cassidy likes spicy foods and Hanzo like sweets.
Neither of them handles the other getting severely hurt well, but Cassidy takes it the hardest because of what happened with Mina. Like Hanzo won't sleep well when Cassidy's injured, Cass just straight up doesn't sleep, rarely eats and doesn't leave Hanzo's side until he knows without a doubt that he's going to be ok.
Hanzo gets flustered incredibly easily, Cassidy's pet names honest to god nearly kill him on some occasions.
Cassidy's the type of partner that basically gets adopted by your family, when Kiriko meets Cassidy Hanzo has to put up a fight to get them away from eachother before they start sharing embarrassing stories about him and Genji.
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jhdanes · 1 year
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I loved drawing this one, they deserve a break from their hectiv lives, @yeehanweek2023 day 6 #yeehanweek2023 #yeehan
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citrussp · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day!! For the first Valentine’s Day drawing in four or so years, I drew some of my favorite ships!
Kiriko/D.Va (Tokkitsune)
Joker/Futaba (Shutaba)
Ms. Fortune/Cerebella (Cerefortune)
Sonic/Blaze (Sonaze)
[OCs] Lainey/Rubi and Lainey/Lyn
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Also for those who read my fanfic, “As If Life Couldn’t Get Any Weirder,” I should have another update once I finish my college work for the week!
I’ll also give a special sneak peek into my next big project! It’s an Overwatch fanfic that has Tokkitsune as the main pairing! Hope you all look forward to it!
Here’s the individual images for each ship!
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lolaissopretty · 6 days
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Welcome!to my humble blog...now I am not new here,but I deleted my old accounts for personal reasons..but I am back now!
Either way,this will be the main blog for all my oc/cc blogs which will be alot...anyway
Name's Lola,I am an 18yrs old girl who happens to be obsessed with many fandoms such as
1-DONT be fucking rude,I make lots of ocs. So if you don't like them just block me,if I interacted first tell me that you don't rp with ocs!i understand it,but don't start insulting my rp style and all.
2-Nsfw themes are allowed!but not OVER the top NSFW,if you want the over the top In rp it needs to both have a plot and be In dms
3-i tend to randomly zone out and not reply for a week,please shoot me a message if I didn't reply!
4-again,about my ocs. I am okay with shipping my ocs with anyone AS long as it has chemistry and is legal
5-basic DNIs and all, also minors are allowed to join anything EXPECT for the NSFW. I am serious DO NOT interact with NSFW if your a minor
6- While that rarely happens,I SOMETIMES intreact with dark blogs or join dark themed rps. Those posts will be tagged as 'redsky' so block those if not interested!
7-i am usually literature,or semi- literature unless the person who i am role-playing asks otherwise
THE SCIENTIST::@stabthesyringe (dc oc)
THE ALIEN:: @themoooonlighttt (dc oc!)
THE JOURNALIST:: @bestreporteringotham (dc oc)
THE SNIPER:: @bestatsnipingops (cod oc)
THE DOCTOR:: @gotmyheartgoingdoki (one piece oc!)
THE MARINE:: @righteoushandsword (one piece oc)
THE COLLEGE STUDENT:: @iwannnagohome (dc oc)
THE PIRATE:: @eyeofthefire (one piece oc)
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crushedgraham · 9 months
Hi again! Can you do a dva x fem! Reader fic which reader is a dps agent, and they take care of each other after a rough mission?
Kiss it Better
D.Va x fem! DPS Agent
"Hey, you okay?"
Hana's voice calls out to you but she sounds like she's miles away from you. Your gaze is stuck on your bloody hands, the callouses on your palms are peeled and ripped off, leaving pads of blood and raw flesh. The skin on your knuckles aren't any better. Shades of purples and reds have overtaken your natural skin color, dried blood caked into certain areas too. There isn't an inch of you that doesn't ache; your feet blistered, your legs sore, your torso bruised, your face cut, everything hurt.
You're pulled back to reality when a softer hand squeezes your shoulder gently.
It's worrying how much effort it takes to look up at the Korean girl but you do so anyways. A small cut decorates her bottom lip and you wish you had the strength to stand up and kiss it better but you would probably collapse if you tried.
"Honestly I feel like I'm dying."
The stupid, lopsided smile you give her is meant to lighten what you just said but it only makes her frown grow bigger.
"Should we stop by the Overwatch base?? I can call Angela and tell her it's an emergency"
"Wait Hana no- I was joking"
"That's not funny Jagi! I'm worried, you look like shit"
"You say you feel like you're dying all the time"
"It's funny when I do it"
The conversation distracts you from the ache in your bones and you two keep talking until you physically can't keep your eyes open any longer. Somewhere during the conversation Hana had sat down next to you in the ship which allowed you to rest your head on her shoulder. About an hour or so was left until you reached Korea so Hana pulled out her phone and started playing random games until you landed.
A small nudge to your head wakes you up. You grunt from the pain in your neck after having to lean down at an awkward angle to rest on Hana but it was worth it. Hana gets up first, she had only gotten a few minor bruises since she was shielded in her Mech. Her hand outstretches to you and you take it gratefully, boosting yourself with your free hand for extra support.
The walk through your headquarters is a painful one. Your arm is wrapped around Hana's shoulders as you limp to your shared room. Every now and then she glances at you with a worried gaze but you meet it with a half smile.
Once you two reach the room, your mind is set on hibernating for the next few weeks but Hana has other plans. She drags you to the bathroom, grumbling something about cleaning you up.
You sit on the toilet lid as you watch the small girl pull out the med kit from the drawers.
"How long do you think we're gonna do this?"
The words escape you faster than you thought they would. Hana glances up at you with a confused expression.
"What do you mean?"
"Like..Missions and protecting the world. I love it but I don't think it's sustainable for my body. Next thing you know I'm gonna be losing a body part like Cass or Rein."
A small punch is delivered to your arm at the joke.
"But doesn't it feel hard for you too? And I mean mentally"
Hana pulls out a cotton pad and dabs saline solution onto it, she brings it up to a cut on your nose bridge.
"Yeah, I'm definitely a lot safer because of my Mech but I get the mental part. Sometimes I feel like my youth and "golden years" have been stolen away from me to protect Korea but it was my choice, you know?"
The sting from the saline disinfecting your wounds makes it hard to respond but you nod with shut eyes.
"But don't stress, I'm sure we can retire at some point. Then we can be old and domestic like your cheesy movies."
Hana kisses the tip of your nose at the end of her sentence which makes you smile.
"I can't wait to grow old with you"
She rolls her eyes at the corny line but her smile grows from it. Once she's done disinfecting everything, she nudges you towards the shower. Hana strips first and turns on the hot water. Normally you would be jumping up and down at a chance to shower with her but the effort it takes to stand makes you dread it.
Throughout the shower Hana washes your body gently, making sure to kiss your cheek apologetically whenever you wince from the pain. You both towel off and you launch yourself at the bed, content to just lay there naked.
A cool gel being applied to your body makes you jump. You look towards your torso to see Hana rubbing the gel along your ribs and stomach to help the bruising. She applies bandages on those spots to lock in the gel. The way she pokes out the tip of her tongue as she concentrates makes you smile adoringly at her.
When she packs up the med kit you pull her down to lay next to you.
"What about you?"
"I'm fine, I probably got one bruise at most"
"Oh! That reminds me-"
You lean down to kiss her lips softly. When the kiss ends you kiss only her bottom lip which makes her giggle.
"What're you doing weirdo?"
"Kissing your lip better"
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
Falls on my knees,,, Peach can I please request nsft Junker Queen with a smol fem s/o who comes from a rich family and is kinda sheltered? Like, sneaks out to go see her Junker wife, maybe a bit of a corruption kink if that's okay? Ty ty in advance! And if the request isn't to your liking, that's totally alright too! <3
Now, I don't normally do gendered readers. BUT I couldn't get the idea of Junker Queen calling reader her Lil Princess soooooo I'll make a self indulgent exception this time. Also accidentally got carried away and wrote more than intended lmaooo
Reblogs > Likes. Please Reblog if you hit like/heart to keep more writers like me alive and to see more content! :D
Ao3 link: Here
Fandom: Overwatch
Relationship: Junker Queen x Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Reader explicitly uses she/her pronouns + has a vulva + is called a good girl/princess/wife/etc, I'd say fem reader but as a femme nb Id be okay with those terms sooo, There's a public scene so like- pda but make it horny?, Possessive Junker Queen
Words: 3.2k
Would it really surprise anyone nowadays?
You always had a luxurious life- yet, very strict. You were raised under the intention of taking over your father's company, being the only child in line for it. You were to be someone else's legacy. Your feelings and opinions never mattered- not even your hobbies.
Your father ran a tight ship, one that limited you greatly even into your adult life. He worked closely with Vishkar, working on a program that would better life for humans and use omnics as either scrap metal or servants.
You never liked it, always having immense empathy for those around you. Omnics or otherwise. It left a poor taste in your mouth at the thought of having to take over such a company.
But. It did mean you had to learn the tricks of the trade. Meaning trading with other people, companies, and sometimes even faux kingdoms.
And that's where you met her.
~Rest under the cut~
Odessa was not a woman of unreasoning, but she definitely wasn't one you bullshitted with either. She could sniff out a lie like a bloodhound; No exception to your father either when he tried to underhand her.
She laughed in his face when he proposed helping with the feral omnics around and using them as scrap metal. Offering to clean out her Wasteland just for parts. But she knew better and had leaned down from her imposing throne, using her axe to tip his chin up as she crooned; "And what's in it for me, old man?"
Whilst looking directly at you.
He tried offering money for the scraps, but in the end they had reached an agreement of some kind. You would come to her faux kingdom and help her with financials and factions that she couldn't seem to get right. And of course, he'd still pay handsomely for the scrap he took. But, if he overstepped his bounds or went against his word, he could kiss his scraps goodbye.
And judging by how she had looked at your during this dealing, you expected you'd be scooped up as well as 'aid for the salt in her wounds'.
It's how you two get close. Odessa- or Dez, as you find she liked to be called instead- keeps to her word and uses your knowledge for her own gain. And in turn, you get to see parts of the world you know you'd never be allowed to.
She takes to calling you Princess, and at first you scoff at it. But soon it turned into a fond pet name, something that made you feel pretty and cherished.
Your interests start to show again, an old love of engineering and tinkering coming into play on one of the weeks she has you. She finds you late at night in her very own workshop, using pieces of scrap found around to make a makeshift sculpture of her Champion. A little ball that when a button was pressed, popping open into the sculpture to form the little hamster inside.
After that, she'd come and watch you instead.
Her keen eyes on you as she straddled a chair backwards, resting her chin over the top of it as her honey eyes burned holes into you.
Then more watching as you got to stay for longer periods of time. Dez was interested in your routines, how you lotioned your skin, patting lipgloss on your lips and doing your hair. Softer things she was unfamiliar with, just like the rougher things you too didn't understand.
Tension built between the two of you. You couldn't look her in the eye without feeling flustered. And it seemed like she caught on quickly, trying to do everything to impress you.
She was like a puppy some days.
Some times you caught her making a struggle sound when lifting something heavy, only to act like it was no big deal when you walked in the room. Or how some days she'd try to cook something more elaborate with spices like you did, but it would be too much and inedible.
It's the thought that counted.
It wasn't until she shows up in your room in her wing with flowers does it occur to you this silly queen had been trying to court you.
From there, you…try not to go home too often.
Your father doesn't like that you're enjoying time away. It all becomes too much one day when he tries to tell her he's breaking off the arrangement to the Queen. To which Dez laughs in his face and reminds him that she's not against taking his only child.
Not that you would be against it either.
When your relationship starts, she's all chivalry. She's loud, huge, and isn't scared to get into fights with people who even look at you sideways.
She holds your hand in public, grabs your ass, presses a hand on your lower back- you name it. She says it's to 'Give that lot something to really look at' and 'Let em know what's the Queen's property'.
It makes you feel…wanted.
But Dez also grabs your hand to guide you gently down the steps, or helps you tie your dresses up in the back. She'll sit with you while you take a bath, watching you with all your fancy bubbles and soft lotions with curiosity.
And then hunger when you offer for her to join you.
In turn, you learn to get a little dirty. The basics of self defense and standing up for yourself. Learning how to say No with certainty and getting into hobbies you'd long since forgotten.
It's one day after one of your baths does she make her move. She's upset about something, frustrated, looking to blow off steam. She tells you you smell so good, that you're so soft.
That she wants to tear you apart.
You go that night sore and bruised with bite marks lining every inch of you. With a snoring girlfriend lain across you and holding you like a stuffie.
Princess becomes more than a pet name after that.
One final night, you have a fight with your father and sneak out that night. Your private dropship already knows where to take you, the built in AI taking you there.
It's dark out, but Dez is already waiting for you. As if she got wind of it before you even showed up. You don't question it or try to make sense of it, just taking her hand silently as she escorts you off your ship.
"Rough night?" Are her first words that break the silence as she leads you inside her bedroom. You laugh dryly, wiping at the mascara trails under your eyes silently as she hands you a tissue.
"S'alright, love. You can stay here as long as ya need, yeah? Been in my fair share of spats with my old man too back in the day." Dez comforts you, opening her large arms as you come towards her to rest your head on her.
Your head reaches below her chest. Her hands are warm and rough as they rub across your back, focusing on the exposed part of your upper back where your dress dips down. Her short nails soothingly rub across your skin as you breathe in her scent slowly.
"Got any positions available in your kingdom, Your Highness?" You murmur as a jab to be humorous, but it comes out quietly.
In turn, Dez spares you a little chuckle. She pulls away briefly, grabbing your chin to tip it up to her with a cocksure smirk playing on her lips. "Could use someone to help me keep documentation on things." Her thumb then rubs across your bottom lip, watching as you close your eyes and peck a kiss to it. "Could also use a lil' wife to keep me in line too."
"Wife, huh?" You tease back at her, reaching up to grab her hand and press a kiss to her palm. But when she doesn't laugh at first, you glance back up to her face to see she's looking at you expectantly.
It clicks.
"Dez you're not seriously proposing like that, are you?" Your tone is full of mirth, flattered even. Your smile breaks her as she starts to smile in turn, leaning down to kiss your forehead and then your nose.
"Nah, nah. Just a thought, Princess. Would wanna find ya a big ole ring. Somethin' that screams 'Queen', ya know? Maybe we'll even getcha a lil tiara, aye?" All the while she speaks, gesturing to your head and forming a circle with her fingers like she's measuring you.
"Are you going to bring fireworks for the occasion?"
"Of course, doll! Would do it in public too. Maybe after pulverizing some bloke in the Reckoning." Dez hums thoughtfully, cupping her cheek and letting her eyes flick over your now smiling face. "Though, worry it'll make 'em think you're part of that prize. The title and the bride up for grabs."
"I'd poison them in their sleep and get you your title back."
A grin splits across her face, her big, booming laugh echoing in the room as she scoops you up into her arms to squeeze you tightly. "Now THAT'S my girl!"
You stay there afterwards. Carefully bundled in her bed with her night after night. Most nights she's not there, busy with handling things. And in turn, you learn to stay up late with her. You write down all her words, keeping documentation on factions and any upsets that went around town.
It feels like a domestic lifestyle. She's even started teasingly calling you her bride and wife, much to your embarrassment.
Dez treats you gently, the utmost gentleman that she is- per her own words.
But one time, when you go to the bar with her, someone gets a bit too bold with you. Knocking shoulders with you, poking at you. You can see her from across the table slowly looking murderous. But the cherry on top is when the person beside you implies they could treat you better.
You're surprised they don't end up a bloody pulp. But you quickly learn why when Dez croons at them, "Oh, ya do, aye? And would you happen to know what little spots make her tick, hm?" In this venomous tone as she stalks around the table to come toward you.
You squeak as you're lifted off the chair by her, your body turned towards that person as her hands slide down your shoulders. Down to your waist where she grabs you tight and makes you gasp, a heavy flush covering your face.
You try to turn your head, but she grabs your chin, turning your head towards the person to make sure they're looking just as you are.
"See how her legs shake?" Dez continues, her free hand trailing up to your chest and making you tremble. "See how she melts at my touch?" Her hand on your chin slides down, and you automatically move to make room for it to wrap loosely around your throat.
Your lashes begin to flutter, your breath shaking.
"You wanna know what sounds she makes for me in the night? Screaming my name? Ya think you could do that? Mate, I can make her scream for me without ever bein' inside her." Her words are harsh and heavy, but you're so distracted by her hand trailing down to the bottom of your dress. Her hand slides underneath, over your thigh, bending you over with her height only.
"Doll," She directs to you, her tone so sweet and kind. You hardly have time to breathe. "Remind this poor, blubbering fool who you belong to?"
"M-my Queen."
"And who only gets the utmost pleasure in having you?"
"You, my Queen."
"Now. Be a good girl and tell this bloke to fuck off." Her tone is sweet to you, so kind. You're shaking at the feeling of her body heat behind you as she stands to allow you to stand.
Her hand catches your chin again, directing you to open your eyes and look at the poor son of a bitch avoiding eye contact with you as the whole bar stares.
"Fuck off."
You don't get to finish your time at the bar. From there, Dez tells everyone to get back to what they were doing and have a good night. Said with a big slap on the back to the person who had been flirting with you.
You barely make it to the bedroom before Dez is snarling and slamming you into the nearest surface- but of course with a hand behind your head to avoid impact.
You whimper as she captures your lips in hers, bending down to do so. Her hand grabs your hair, her other one quickly shuffling up your skirts to fit her large thigh between yours to cause a moan to gasp from you.
"My pretty girl," She snarls against your lips, kissing down your neck as she pulls your hair. Forcing you to expose your neck as you gasp out. Her thigh presses up harder into you, feeling how wet you are already and making her breathlessly chuckle. "Oh? My sweet Princess liked that, hm?"
You try to nod, but can't move a muscle when she sucks a bruise into your neck with a cry from your own lips. "D-Dez-"
"Yeah, keep sayin' my name, angel. Gonna make you scream it real soon." She promises, her voice sounding like a growl as she scoops you up to deposit you on the bed.
You hardly get one bounce in before she's grabbing your hips and tugging you to the end of the bed where she gets down on her knees in front of you. Your dress is shuffled up where you quickly hold the skirts in place to watch her helplessly.
She moans at the sight of you, her finger trailing over the wet spot on your panties and pressing with just enough pressure over your clit to make you squirm. "My poor baby. A queen should never let her bride be wanting, hm? How selfish of me."
Your panties are ripped off, tucked into her back pocket before Dez is quickly yanking you close to bury her face into you. Her tongue knows exactly what you like best, licking flat over your whole cunt before her lips seal over your clit.
You scream out, your hands finding her braids and grabbing onto them for support. Your legs quake as she presses forward, forcing your feet to press to her shoulders and effectively pressing you into a better, open position.
It works to her favor, as she quickly introduces a thick finger pressing inside of you just like you like.
You cry out when her tongue flicks across your clit, back and forth nice and slow before taking you back between her lips again to suckle. She presses in a second finger, curling them upwards just as she moans helplessly into you when you pull her hair.
You cum quickly like that, with her fingers pumping into you shallowly and her tongue flicking across your clit nice and slow as if savoring you.
"Dez- D-Dez, fuck, baby, please, f-fuck-" Your cries are all her name like a prayer, fucking your hips into her face as she growls into you again.
It's only then does she pull from you, not giving you anytime to think as she forces you onto all fours.
Two fingers slide into you again, her other hand coming below you to sandwich your clit between two fingers to massage it in time with her fingers fucking you.
You scream her name into the mattress as your fingers claw for support in the sheets. Your face buries into them, desperate to muffle your pathetic whines as your eyes roll back into your head.
You're over sensitive, but you can still make out her words behind you. Each one more claiming than the next.
"No one else gets to see you like this."
"What a pretty Princess for her Queen, hm? Not such a good little girl now, are you? Just look at how well you take me now."
Then finally, her hand leaves your clit, giving her enough space to lean over you as her fingers fuck into you still. Spoken as she nips your shoulder and murmurs behind your ear, "Beg. Beg to cum around my fingers, pretty girl. Let 'em hear ya all over the wasteland, yeah?"
Then Dez moves. Moving to lay on her back under you, keeping her fingers sunk into you and using her free hand to grab one of your hips bruisingly.
She yanks you down to her awaiting mouth, moaning into you just as you sob out and start to hump into her face and back into her fingers.
You know Dez doesn't need to wait for you to beg, pleas already slipping from your lips in a higher pitch with each swipe of her tongue. Each curl of her lips sloppily kissing over your clit in open mouthed, messy kisses with a brush of her tongue on each kiss.
You scream for her. Screaming her name loud enough to be heard outside the open window for sure as you cum on her tongue and fingers.
Your back arches, twisting your fingers in the sheet as your eyes roll back into your head. You don't even realize you're kicking your legs and squirming too much until both her hands take a hold of your hips.
Dez's strength in her very fingertips makes you shiver, sobs racking your frame as overstimulation winds into your bones. Tears bubble in your eyes, your body shaking as you whine her name quietly.
It's then that she slides out from under you, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand before readjusting you.
She pulls your trembling form into her arms, cradling you bridal style and fixing your dress into place. You cling to her tightly, burying your face into her neck as she rubs over your back crooning to you gently.
"You did a good job, love. Not hurt, are ya?" Her voice is gentle, using her cheek to nuzzle at the top of your head. You shake your head quietly, humming to let her know that your reply is no.
"Good. Cause I ain't done with ya yet." Dez chuckles softly, kissing the top of your head with a turn of her head. Your reply is a soft whine, feeling how one of her hands cheekily slides under your dress to squeeze at your thigh.
"What? Haven't even properly bruised ya up yet. After a slight like that, I'm itchin' to tear you apart." Her words are a promise, despite her soft tone. "'Sides, we know you can take more than just that."
"You're going to kill me." You groan back to her, lifting your head finally just in time to catch her gaze. Your cheeks flush at how dark her eyes are.
How hungrily she looks at you.
"Not gonna kill ya," She promises, leaning in to kiss your forehead tenderly. "Just gonna make sure ya can't walk tomorrow."
And you know Dez. Her promises?
They're not ever broken.
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shewhopats · 1 year
Overwatch Lgbt+ headcannons
Pride month is over, but I'm still having a blast with all the fun and creative fanart, fanfictions, and headcannons about Overwatch characters sexualities. So I'm gonna share of my own, outside of the canonical ones.
Genji: idk what the term is, but he's bisexual but with a stronger attraction to women. In his wild younger years, I can imagine him coming to, hungover, in a hotel with several strangers in bed with him.
Junkerqueen: likes her lovers to be small, cute, and delicate. Is known to have them sit in her lap when she's on her throne, and steals good-luck kisses before the reckoning or other battle.
Junkrat: would fuck a bowl of Mac n cheese if he thought it looked at him the right way. Pretty sure gender is a type of beetle he ate last week.
Kiriko and Lucio: questioning, but they both have people they are scared to disappoint (family, fans, producers, etc.)
Reinhardt: equal-opportunity love machine. Out and proud. Will hit on any cute person he sees without shame. Half of me loves the idea of him and Ana getting together, but the other half thinks he tears through every town he goes into.
Zarya: eats pussy like she pac-man. A small part of me ships her with Lynx 17
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