#owo voice n everything
snowthedemonfox · 1 year
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i figured out how filters work in firealpaca and just threw this together as a test
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xxchaosjojoxx · 28 days
OP Men got hit by the truth-truth fruit
A/N: first time writing for Drake, Kid and Shanks and i hope you like it. Maybe they are a little ooc but why not owo. Enjoy. I will work on a reader POV tho
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Sure you could do better than this. You could enjoy the nice weather with your crewmates. Eating some delicious dishes, chilling on deck or even exploring a town when you get a chance to dock on an island. But no, you have to fight this random pirate crew who decides to try to rob you. They were no match for you or the rest of your crew. Every single one was capable enough to defend themself.
As you kicked the weapon away, the big man who sneaked up on you, was retreating. He yelled towards his crew to retreat as well. They jumped on their ship and departed. You could only let out a sigh. Finally you have peace again. As you were about to go back inside to grab a snack you heard some of your crewmates screaming out. You turned around just to see a giant shining orb flying towards you. You couldn’t even try to evade anymore, but that wasn’t necessary at all. As your teammate and long-time crush was standing in front of you, blocking the attack. The orb touched him and he fell on his knees, trying to catch some breath. You couldn’t help but scream his name.
“Sanji, is everything ok?” You were fast by his side. “Everything ok. It doesn’t hurt at all. But…” He said and was holding your hand and had heart eyes. “If you wanna take care of me, I wouldn’t say no.” You laughed it off and were glad that he wasn’t hurt at all.
Some time passed and you were chilling on deck with the rest of the crew. Sanji handed you and the other girls a glass of juice, while flirting with them.
“Does he have to be so loud while being around them?” Zoro asked, annoyed.
“He just loves the ladies.” Lysop said and Sanji couldn’t help but smirk. “I do love the ladies but I’m not in love with them. Except for my lovely y/n-chan.” He said and you and the rest were speechless, letting the glass in your hand fall down. The sound of broken glass, let your mind wander back to reality. “Shoot, I am so sorry…I just…I dunno.” You said while trying to clean up. Sanji was kneeling down beside you. “Don’t, love. I’ll take care of it. Don’t want to see you get hurt.”
With that you stood up quickly and ran towards your room.
It was at this moment Sanji and the rest knew something definitely was wrong. “Did you just..?” Nami tried to ask and Sanji ran after you.
He knocked on your door. “Please y/n-chan, talk to me.”
“I wanna be alone for a while. Do you mind leaving me alone for a bit?” You asked with a sad tone in your voice.
Nami and Robin were behind Sanji, who shook his head. “It would be the best but no. I don’t wanna leave you alone. Especially if I am the reason for you to hide.”
“What just happened?” Nami was asking herself.
“I guess Sanji is unable to lie. Must’ve happened back then.” Robin said.
Nami smirked. “Hey Sanji, what do you think about Zoro?”
“Nami-chan, now is not the right time.” Sanji sighed while turning towards her. “Just one thing. He is a capable crewmember and yeah maybe he is not always an idiotic mosshead.”
With that Sanji was leaning towards your door. “Please y/n-chan…you can hate me. You can reject my feelings. But please don’t reject me as a person. I want to be by your side. Supporting and comforting you.”
“We should probably leave them alone, Nami. I’m sure y/n knows what to do.” Robin suggested and with that the both women left them.
You were about to open the door but hesitated. “Are you really not able to lie?”
You asked shyly. “I would never lie to you. But I hate to admit that I feel uncomfortable saying nice things about mosshead.”
You opened the door and before Sanji could react you hugged him tight.
“I’m glad. Thanks for loving me. I would never reject you.”
Sanji returned your hug and cuddled you. “I could tell you, after this effect wore off. Just in case.”
You nodded. “Would you ask me out as well?”
Sanji kissed softly the top of your head. “Of course, my love.”
“Shanks, are you alright? How do you feel? Good?” You rushed over to his side. Shanks started laughing and you were confused at his sudden laughter. He looked at you with a joyful expression. “I feel very good whenever I see you.”
A ‘huh’ escaped your mouth while he stood up again and was holding a hand in front of you. You took his hand and as you both were face to face his smirk was brighter.
“Hah, I knew it. It’s the truth truth fruit.” He laughed again.
“And that is funny because…?” You asked.
He beamed at you. “Because I can tell you that I love you without feeling any guilt right now. There is nothing holding me back.”
You were dumbfounded and couldn’t do anything besides blinking and breathing.
“Did you just…I mean…Do you really... Wait, is this a dream? Am I dead?”
Shanks hugged you tightly and you couldn’t help but be flustered. You were sure he could hear and feel your loud heartbeat. “Is it so weird that someone loves you?”
You shocked your head. “N-No? But do you really…I mean you do if it really was the truth truth fruit. But ehmm.. I don’t know… Isn’t it bad?”
He let go of you, caressing your cheek while looking at you with a loving expression.
“Why should it be bad, y/n? I was pretty sure you had a crush on me again.”
You could feel the heat creeping up your face. “That doesn’t matter right now. Someone could use this to hurt you.”
He smirked. “No one will try using you or my love for you to hurt me. I will do everything to protect you. And now we can even share a bedroom, so no one can kidnap you while sleeping.” You were close to collapsing. Sharing a bedroom? What does he even think? Was this a dream? Or was he always such a flirty dork?
“So y/n, do you mind? I would love to kiss you.”
You looked at him. “Eh…ok” He smiled and closed the gap between you. You could feel his soft lips on yours. The kiss ended way too quickly. “If I knew you were so cute while being shy and flustered I would have confess sooner to you.”
He kissed you once more and you melted into his kiss.
To be honest it would take some time to get a grip again around this man.
“Captain. Are you alright?” You asked and Kid looked at you with an annoyed look. “Of course I am. I am your captain.”
You sighed in relief. “Just what was this?” You asked yourself and held a hand for your captain to help him to stand up again. “I know you don’t need it.” You said while smiling at him. He ignored your hand while he stood up on his own. “Damn right, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to.”
The air around you becomes tense. It was like everyone was holding their breath, including you and your captain. “What did you say?” Killer asked and Kid couldn’t help but turn red like his hair. “I said, I would love to take her hand but I don’t need it to stand up again.”
As soon as the words slipped out his mouth he smacked his face.
“Interesting.” Killer said and snickered. “Interesting my ass, asshole.” Killer said while glaring at Killer and the rest of his crew. As his eyes met yours, he turned around.
You couldn’t help but smile. It was now crystal clear. He really meant what he said, even so he refused saying it out loud it seems. You soon grabbed his hand. Kid stumbled back trying to break free of your gentle touch. “If you really wanna take my hand, you could just say so, Captain.”
Kid was flustered and embarrassed. As soon as he saw you smiling gently at him, caressing his right hand with your own he couldn’t help but look at you with such love and affection he never ever showed to anyone.
“Thanks for saving me. But don’t do this ever again. You are important to me.”
Before Kid could answer he could hear his crew laughing and making specific sounds.
“Yeah Captain. Tell her how important she is to you, with a big smooth.” Heat said while the rest couldn’t help but tear up while laughing.
“SHUT UP. I may be hopelessly in love but that doesn’t mean I am a love-sicking dumbfounded teenager.”
And again he smacked his own mouth.
Killer gently patted his shoulder. “You are right. You are just a pathetic, love-sicking teenager.”
Before Kid could attack Killer, you hugged him. “If you wanna make fun of him, make sure he can’t kill you guys.”
“Let go of me, y/n.” He said while trying to break free.
You gave him a little peck on his cheek. “Nah, I enjoy this way too much.”
His face turned red again while coughing for air.
“You are the worst of them, you know that?”
A big grin was now on your face. “So that’s why you are ‘madly in love with me’ right?”
“As soon as this shit wears off, you can all clean the toilet you bastards.”
X Drake
“Drake, are you alright?” Drake looked at you and sighed. “Yeah, but I have to go in my room. Don’t disturb me for the next couple hours.”
He said and soon fled from you. “What was this?” You asked and followed him. As soon as you were right before his door you knocked.
“What’s wrong? Why should we leave you alone?”
You could hear his sigh once more.
“I heard of this. It was probably the truth truth fruit. Don’t worry it’ll wear off pretty soon.”
You never heard of this devil fruit power. “Is this so bad? And why did you even save me if it doesn’t harm me?”
“It depends. If you aren’t able to lie it could lead to misunderstanding and embarrassing situations. I didn’t want to see you get embarrassed while you can’t refuse to say anything other than the truth.”
You tilted your head in confusion. “Misunderstandings? If you are absolutely honest, how can there be misunderstandings?”
“Please y/n, just leave me alone and stop talking to me.”
He didn’t sound too good and you wished you could ease his thoughts.
A part of you didn’t want to leave but you surely didn’t overstep his boundaries and his request.
“Ok I will leave, if this is what you want. Thanks for saving me and sorry for the trouble.”
You said and took a few steps away. His calm voice sounded like a whisper.
“I would never want to see you leave me.”
You weren’t sure if you should still leave him alone in his room or go back and comfort him. You turned around, coming closer to the door. Your hand and your head were now at the door. “I wish I could comfort you. Even if there might be misunderstanding or embarrassing things, I would stay by your side forever. As long as you let me. I appreciate everything you ever did for me. I know that everyone sees just a strong and feared pirate, but I know that you are more than that. You are a caring and lovely man.”
You snickered shyly. “I have no idea why I say so many things. I mean I didn’t get hit and here I am. I blubber all the things I have in my mind for months. Maybe it is embarrassing to say it out loud, but still I mean every word of it.”
It was silent. You sighed. “I guess I just want to tell you…No matter what you may say, it’s ok. No one will think differently about you. Especially not me. Because…” You gulped. Should you really tell him your feelings? “Because I really like you. In a romantic way. So yeah. Ehmm… I have to go, but If you wanna talk, I will listen to you. Doesn’t matter if you are lying to me or being honest.”
With that you turned around and soon heard the door open. You heard footsteps quickly and felt a hand grabbing yours. “You are surely something. I guess that's why I like you as well. In a romantic way.” He said and whispered the last part. You turned around with a light blush on your face and a loud heartbeat. He scratches his cheek and his face was red as well. You couldn’t help but smile looking at him like this.
“Are you… actually shy?”
Drake soon got redder and tried to hide his face. “Would it be a bad thing?”
You shocked your head. “I guess this is a side I will learn to love pretty fast.”
His eyes widened while he looked at you in disbelief. “R-Really?”
You nodded slightly. He couldn’t help himself. Soon you were in his arms and he twirled you around. “I could kiss you right now.” As your eyes met again, he stopped and let go of you. “I am sorry. I was just so happy.”
You pecked a little kiss on his lips. “I wouldn’t mind a kiss, you know.”
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ya-zz · 7 months
I present to you an idea:
Reader is pregnant when she met Ramattra. Their relationship develops quickly, and reader allows ram hold her new born. I wonder what kind of thoughts would he have then.
Or later on, child calls ram dada and he is so shocked he shuts down for a sec lmao
I just carve some fluff after I saw those posts about ram and children owo
Turned this one into a lil fic~
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Ramattra x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1772
Three months into your pregnancy you parted ways with your partner. From finding out he was sexting multiple other women to actually sleeping with them, you finally had enough. You threw him out, bags and all. Despite the growing bump, you still had enough fight in you to kick the bastard where it counted before slamming the door shut in his face. 
You had no time to be focussing on finding a new partner, whatever happens, happens. Just focus on working the final few months before you had to leave and steady your life after the scars the ungrateful bastard had left you. You had more concerning things to worry about and the health of your unborn baby was one of them.
Coming home from work late one evening meant you had to walk the rest of the way home. A strenuous half hour, which in hindsight, wouldn’t have been that bad, but nearing labour, it was anything but easy. Eight months ago this would’ve taken you less time than waiting for a train, but the growing stress on your body was making everything ten times more difficult. All you could do was hope that you could walk home in one piece. 
And if matters couldn’t get anymore dire, it started to rain. You sought shelter under a store front, the lights inside behind you were still on, so they were still open. Leaning back against the window, you breathe heavily as a hand rubs over the swollen stomach. Everything hurts and your back was close to giving out from the stress it was under carrying such a heavy weight. 
You were too focussed on relieving the pain in your back that you didn’t hear the store doors open and someone approaching you. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, voice robotic and low. There was a hint of concern in his voice as his head tilts to the side. When he sees you jump a little, clearly startled by his presence, he holds both hands up defensively. “I am sorry for startling you.” 
“Oh! No, no. You’re okay.” Despite the pain you were feeling, you smile through it. Looking up at him, the omnic looks a little threatening, but the cocking of his head calms those nerves slightly. 
“You are not, it seems?” He approaches cautiously. His optics scan you, seeing the pain within your body. He peers down towards your stomach. 
You follow his gaze before letting out an amused chuckle. “Eight months.”
“I see.” It seems like he wants to ask something else.
The silence grows a little awkward. 
“Ramattra.” He finally speaks. “The name is Ramattra.” 
You find the awkwardness in his tone amusing as you smile up at him. “It’s nice to meet you, Ramattra.” Your hand rolls over your stomach, soothing the pain from the kicking inside. “I’m [y/n].” 
Ramattra nods his head, repeating your name. The way it sounds coming from his vocaliser soothes you, a warm feeling settling in your chest. 
The rain doesn’t seem to let up as the pair of you stay under the shelter. Ramattra looks up at the night sky, holding his hand out to the rain, watching it as it pitter patters against the rubber pads. As he pulls his hand back, he notices the shiver taking over your body. 
The omnic hesitates before removing his jacket and draping it over your shoulders. When he’s met with a satisfied sigh and a thank you coming from your lips, he nods his head. “Of course.” He simply replies. 
You had that intuition, a familiar feeling when you knew someone was friendly; he was good. 
It took a little of internal encouragement, but you bit back and spoke aloud. “Could I trouble you to walk with me? They say to not let a pregnant lady be alone.”
Ramattra glances over at you and nods his head. “I will keep you safe, do not fret.”
Your cheeks warm up as you smile subtly at him before gesturing him to walk by your side. He does so without thinking twice and the both of you walk back to your apartment. 
The final month of your pregnancy was anything but pain free, but with Ramattra by your side throughout it all, he made things a hell of a lot easier for you. 
He would help you out even when you didn’t ask for it. The omnic would stop by each day that he could, lending a helpful hand wherever possible. Cleaning the apartment, picking up the laundry and making sure everything was washed and dried for you. He even offered to go shopping for you so you didn’t have to walk that distance to and from. 
You appreciated everything that he did for you. That feeling you had last month was right. Ramattra was good. 
Whether it was out of pity or just something within his programming, Ramattra couldn’t stop himself. He had this need to help you. He wanted to help you, not because you were helpless, not because you couldn’t fight back, but because he felt something for you. 
Love wasn’t exactly hardwired into his systems, it was a new feeling for him and for possibly every omnic he had ever met. Love was… unique. 
He didn’t mind doing all these mundane, human tasks in the slightest. It helped him just as much as it helped you. Ramattra wanted to be there with you no matter how difficult it got. So, when you woke up from a nap in excruciating pain, calling out to the omnic to help you stand, he drops what he was doing and rushes over. 
Upon standing, a rush of fluids roll down your legs. You stare up at him with slight embarrassment and then shock, hands gripping onto his metal forearms for balance. 
“We need to get to the hospital. Now.” 
His optics lock with your eyes before he nods. He grabs the bag that you had set aside for this specific time before coming back over. His hand holds yours as the other is placed on your lower back. Ramattra is quick to usher you out of the apartment and call a taxi. 
He talks you through everything. “Breathe, hold my hand.” It’s all new to him and it’s terrifying. He wasn’t exactly prepared for this, he has no idea what he was doing but hopes that his words will help you. 
From there on, it was nothing but reassuring gestures. His systems were warm, something new flitting through his wires. His hand never once left yours, gently squeezing against your harsher ones. 
The omnics other hand would wipe away the sweat from your forehead, wanting to soothe what discomfort he could despite the pain you were in. He was gentle with you, always had been and that settled any and all doubts. 
Ramattra stood with you through it all. It was a painful and intense few hours of labour but when you finally held your little boy that was bundled up in a blanket, everything finally slotted into place. 
“He has his mothers eyes.” He says softly, hand stroking the back of your head. 
You smile up at him, face flushed as you grab his other hand, placing it over the bundle in your arms. “Thank you. For everything.” 
He shakes his head but he feels warm inside. “I told you. I would keep you safe.” 
Your chest shakes as you laugh. “For two months? You’re the kindest omnic I have met… You have helped me so much. I owe you-”
“You owe me nothing.” He states, thumb rubbing the back of your head. “It was the least I could do.” 
Ramattra watches you, the way your cradling your newborn, the soft look on your face and the subtle tears in your eyes. That feeling he felt? The warmth inside of him, he realises what it was. Love. Adoration. 
Ramattra adores you. 
He’s soon snapped out of those thoughts when you offer for him to hold your baby. He doesn't process it at first but the moment this child is within his arms, he feels his heart ache. His systems work overtime to keep him from overheating, to keep everything in check as he looks back at you. 
“He needs a father. Someone like you.” You sheepishly say. “I know this entire relationship has been quick and I understand if you’re not ready for such a big commitment-”
“I want to do this.” His vocaliser lowers. “Let me protect you both.”
It had been eleven months since you brought a new life into this world and Ramattra had never been happier. He was there every single step of the way, from making sure you had ample sleep which meant he would be there during the night to feed your boy, to making sure you were eating your meals. 
It was hard, but Ramattra wouldn’t have it any other way. He made a promise when he first met you and that was to protect you. He wanted you to be happy, to be healthy. He needed you just as much as you needed him. 
One day, whilst you were on the sofa several pages deep into a new book, Ramattra cradled the kid in his arms, trying to calm him down before his much needed sleep. 
Little hands grabbed at his cables, saliva dripping down onto the metal frame of his collar as the baby suckled on a cable before releasing them with an audible pop. It brought a small laugh from you as you return to your book. 
The silence was comforting before it was broken. 
Your ears perk up, eyes losing the page as you stare up at your child with a shocked face. Ramattra, on the other hand, moves the child away from him, systems coming to a halt before resetting. 
“Did- did he just call me dad?” Ramattra stutters. 
“Da-da.” The playful smile on the child’s face was all the omnic needed before bringing the child back to his chest. 
You smile up at him, moving closer to sit next to him as you brush the hair out of your child's eyes. “Seems like he’s taken a liking to you.”
Ramattra looks at you as his hand rubs up and down the kids back before holding him into place. The child finally relaxes against the metal chassis as Ramattra moves his other hand to wrap around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. 
He had never dreamt that his life would come to this. A partner and a father. He chuckles lightly at the thought. Perhaps humans aren’t all that bad.
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see-me-here-alone · 27 days
Niji en fix it fic
Chapter 1 - Word count: unknown
Summary: Y/N is fresh into their role at Niji needs to manage their beloved streamers amidst the company's turmoil. They confide in their cousin Michael, who is there to comfort them during emotional times. As y/n embarks on this new chapter, they wrestle with the uneasy thought that their cherished connection to the streamers might shift in ways they can’t yet foresee.
------ OwO ------
As the final hiring confirmation meeting faded into its close, Riku Tazumi, my new boss, gazed at me with a sincerity that took my breath away. “友達になってくれませんか?” he asked, his voice soft yet heavy with unsaid truths. The words, “Would you like to be friends?” were more than a simple inquiry; they were his way of requesting a raw honesty, an assurance that I wouldn't soften my truths to spare his feelings.
In the midst of NijiSanji's storm of criticism, he needs someone who can pierce through the static and deliver the stark reality of what's best for the talents. Meeting his earnest gaze, I replied with unwavering resolve, “最善を尽くします,” my voice a vessel of hope and determination.
We exchanged our goodbyes and my heartfelt thanks, and as the call ended, a profound weariness settled into my bones. Yet beneath that exhaustion was a bubbling excitement for this new chapter in my career. I couldn’t predict how fans and talents would respond, but I knew one thing for certain—I needed to share this news with someone special.
I moved slowly into our shared living room, where I found a familiar figure slumped on our old gray couch. He fidgeted nervously with his nails, tapping his foot to an unrecognized beat. “Michael, guess what just happened,” I said, trying to maintain a neutral expression, though my excitement fought to escape.
He looked up, bounding off the couch to envelop me in an impossibly tight hug. “You have to guess! You need to guess! You can’t just assume, dude!” His fervor was so palpable I struggled to breathe.
Eventually, he pulled away, his gaze drifting from my face. “I know you too well,” he said, guilt lacing his voice, “I know what you’re thinking and everything you’re going to do, so I’m sure you got the job.”
Tears brimmed and spilled down my cheeks as he stammered, “Oh shit, dude, was I wrong? Fuck…” He scrambled for the half-empty tissue box, grabbing it from the coffee table with a look of sheer panic.
“No, dude, I got it. I’m literally the best person ever—of course, I got the job. I’ll be working as a court jester when my boss’s ideas get weird and dumb, and I’ll protect people and...and...I’m so excited,” I choked out through sobs, overwhelmed by the emotion of it all.
Michael’s eyes softened with understanding as he saw me, his emotional cousin/housemate, unraveling. “Yeah, okay, dude, let’s order Indian food. My treat,” he said, patting my shoulder in a gesture of comfort. We ordered our meal, and as we waited, I continued to spill my excitement.
After our meal, we said our goodnights and retreated to our separate rooms. I sat at my desk, the computer screen still aglow, and opened YouTube. Sonny Brisko was streaming, but a tight knot of unease formed in my stomach. The thought of soon meeting, and inevitably managing, the very streamers I’d admired made my heart sink. I shuddered at the fear that my enjoyment of their content might be forever changed by this new role.
Resolute, I typed “ASMR loud talking sleep” into the search bar, clicking on the ‘watched’ button to sift through my previously viewed videos. As I scrolled, I sought solace in the comforting hum of the ASMR, allowing myself to drift into the soothing familiarity of past favorites. Yet, even as I tried to escape into this sanctuary, a fleeting thought lingered: perhaps these people are even more extraordinary than I ever imagined.
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Shrek x reader x donkey x puss (i am fucking warning yall i made this like this on purpose)
Ah yes high school.
much pain.
But shrek was very hot and shrexy, his sausage was very long and he was the penultimate leng man.
Donkey was very pretty, with his long eyelashes and his nice donkey like arse, and his wonderful, wonderful voice, so hoarse and deep. It was very much of the hot.
And puss, puss was the best, the spanish vibe around him was so tomato like you could see it from a mile off.
Shrek approached you and you squeaked as he pushed you against your locker.
"Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, that you ain't the sharpest tool in the shed." He said in his Scottish brogue.
You squealed, your senpai was finally talking to you!!!!!!!
Shrek went on in that shrexy voice of his "Oi love you." And then he snogged you hard and fast before hurrying off, green face burning red now, making him look a bit brown.
You hurried off to your next class, which just si happened to be spanish and your partner was señor Puss in his wonderful kinky boots.
"Ah, you're looking muy Bueno,"
That was the first weird thing he said and then as time went in he kept saying random things to you but you were so entrapped that you listened anyway while he was talking a bout the failing spanish economy with dreamy eyes.
" Are you capiche?"
You sigh dreamily "Yes darling~"
"Darling?" He says amused, "So I am your darling now?"
Spanish music started to play and you kissed him right there in the middle off the classroom. Donket who was also sitting there was heartbroken.
"n..not her!"
he cried and shitted very loudly.
loudly enough infact that he managed to grab the attention of the snogging couple, then shrek entered the chat and yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GILR OWO SHREXY VERY MAD SHREXY EAT CAT AAAAAAAAAA!!!"
Then everything blew up.
the end
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stressor · 6 years
anyways psa sollux has a voice, its a bonus track called blind prophet from the alterniabound album 
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husbandohunter · 3 years
A Furry Predicament, but reversed (Reader turns into a cat)? Pretty please with a sweet lil cherry on top? (I recently stumbled across your blog and may I just say that I absolutely adore your works??) Thank youu and take care~~
A Furrier Predicatment [Genshin x Cat!Reader]
Synopsis: It's your turn to be a cat after this incident.
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Venti
(A/n): Ah you did OwO that's very sweet of you. It's alot of fun to write, especially when your imagination is stunted and you just gotta spit out something silly.
Any beloved pet owned by Master Diluc would be under the most high quality and meticulous treatement. Mostly for cats since they tend to be calm while elegant...to some extent. If they were dogs then he'll ensure that they also serve as a partner for sniffing out trouble such as a certain bard who'd might've sneaked into the wine cellars. But you weren't either, so to say, you were both a beloved AND a cat.
As he picks you up gently into his arms, Diluc would be a little baffled on what to do next. He has no idea how to care for delicate creatures as he never had one (other than a pet tortoise but that's different) in which he needed to look for help. But who? The staff? Certainly not, no one can find out that his partner turned into a pet (imagine all the scandals he'll be in). Jean? Anything but the knights of Favonius. And most certainly not his brother.
So Diluc ends up figuring everything out by himself (old habits die hard). All the sweets and regular meals you craved were no long in your menu, you were forced to have a proper cat diet because he believed it was healthier. Half of the time he has no idea what he's doing, since you were a cat and all you could do was "meow" (which Diluc forgets. He tries to have a mundane conversation until you stare at him with feline eyes. That was when he remembered).
"What would you like for tonight's dinner, my love?"
"Meow." He has alot to learn.
Though Master Diluc often gets very tired and he attempts to take a quick nap before killing himself over the next set of duties. That is, until you could help it. Being a cat has it's furry and comfy advantages. So you leapt up to the bed as quietly as possible and onto the side of your lover, circling a few times to see if he was really asleep. When he was you snuggled close to keep him warm, hoping it would lull him into a rest even deeper. He slept like a baby.
If the Cavalry Capatain were to own a pet, they would either be charmed by him or snaring their teeth because of his unreadable and suspicious aura. Animal instincts are quite powerful. But your case wasn't the latter, thankfully and he could feel himself growing fond of this new found relationship. Almost. What should he do with you now that you're a cat, Kaeya wonders.
Belly rubs and a lot of them. He absolutely adores the way your cute little nose scrunches up while he runs his fingers on the center of your tummy (though he knows when to stop, Kaeya is rather gentle with you nowadays). You found that he absolutely adores the shape of your nose, would pick you up and boop yours with his own somehow knows how to be his flirty self despite your unusual form.
There was this one incident where you saw something shiny flashing over the wall. Slowly you followed it as the bright dot moved futher and further away, evetually gaining speed. Little did you know it was Kaeya who was watching you swipe your little paws up and down against the wall while he was just cleaning his sword. How could he help it? You were often so headstrong and independent, now you were just an adorable little kitten that loves to play with yarn and shiny things. It backfired him though, now there were a bunch of scratchmarks marring the surfaces (which he had to pay for repairs).
Takes you out to Windrise so that you could get some fresh air (also for you to find somewhere else to shed your fur other than his humble abode). Kaeya sits back under a tree while you either chase a butterfly or start slapping against the dandelions (only sneeze when they fly into your face). He wasn't sure if you were aware of what you were doing right now, if you were then he'll have lots of things to talk about once you turn back into human. If not, then at least he had the opportunity to witness such a soft side coming from you.
If any animal were to go close towards the adeptus, they would run away. Xiao isn't very good at interacting with others, pets included, usually they would run into the alleyway or hide around the legs of their owners while he glaringly, blankly stares at them (Even though he wouldn't admit it, Xiao thinks to himself, how soft is cat fur?) Now he gets to touch your cat form and turns out that fur is very ticklish yet pleasant against his skin.
Would be the most awkward conversationalist, the poor yaksha was already terrible with his words (often coming out harsh so he prefers to either keep away or say nothing at all) and even with you sometimes, now it was almost impossible to communicate. Xiao is not very good at reading a cat's body language. When you want him to hold you again, you'd walk in circles. He assumes you were hungry and leaps out the window to go fetch some fish...for the nth time there was a pile of raw salmon stacking upon the floor. Xiao thinks that maybe salmon species weren't to your liking, hence he does out to find another one.
As he plays his flute, you'd magically doze off on his lap. (There was one thing that you both can communicate with at last). Slowly but surely, he comes to learn the different gestures you make for certain situations. You often rub yourself upon his leg which he had heard to be a cat's way of claiming their territory. That was when Xiao picks you up, FINALLY. Though the real reason why it took him this long was because he was hesitant to hold you. He never really held a pet so naturally he has no idea how to hold a cat. Ends up cradling you in his arms because it seemed to be a safer option <3
"I never thought I'd be able to hold you like this," Xiao softly says to your lazy form, observing the way your ears perked up at the sound of his voice, "But I...forget it. We can stay like this for the time being, if you'd like. If not, that's fine too."
You stay.
The only pets Albedo had were for his alchemic experiments (plus they were put in cages too). Fact be told, he would make a terrible pet owner with the lifestyle he has now. The alchemist would be so absorbent into his work that he'll most likely forget that he has someone to feed and by the time he realized it, they would have already starved to death. After hearing glass bottles crashing to the floor, Albedo bursts into the rooms as the smoke fills it completely, finding a cat lost between it. The cat was you. He knows because he made the potions.
Sometimes he'd a little too scientific for his own good. Albedo assumed that when you turned into a cat, you've gone into cat mode and ends up treating you as such. "No, don't go near any bodies of water. You wouldn't like it." He almost forgets that you were once human which is very much like him if you had to be honest. Though when he does find out that you still carried human traits, Albedo must find ways to adapt things to your liking.
He makes your food himself. He's not a cook but he sure is good at everything he does, even if it's something he never did before. This goes for other areas too such as the size of your bed, if you need a little couch to stay on or maybe some tools to play around. (The only time when he is a good pet owner). In his sketchbook he'd have a bunch of blueprints and contraptions of what to make next. There's something enjoyable when spoiling you, those little reactions when you're pleased, like the twitch of your whiskers or the lift of your tail. Albedo finds is very cute.
On top of all that, he could also make you a potion to turn you back into normal. It seemed that it was the last thing he thought of on the list. Albedo was too occupied with treating you like a cat that it all flew over his head until now. Time flies when you're having fun.
Unlike Albedo, anyone who has Zhongli as a pet owner would be considered to be a very lucky animal. He radiates a calm and serene aura that gives the perfect environment to have infinite nap times. People look at this man and wonder why his pet never gives him any trouble, especially when cats were considered to be both fiesty and needy. But they just didn't know that the cat was you (not like it would make a difference, any animal would know that Zhongli was no ordinary man).
How on earth does he know what you're saying? Maybe it's because he was once an archon. You could meow and he knows exactly what you would like to snack on. You could tilt your head, he takes it that you were curious on what he was currently doing (which was exactly what you were wondering), you can say nothing at all yet as if he could read your mind, Zhongli comes over to pet you with his gloved hands.
"How can I tell? Indeed it is because you're my lover, of course. Throughout this time we spent together, I've come to learn the way you speak through your eyes. They seem to hold true no matter what form you take. It's rather comforting."
Though there were many moments where you sneak up behind Zhongli. His hair, his ponytail- so long. Must play with. As you jump up and down with his thin strand swings side to side, it'll take a few seconds for him to decipher what your were doing. The minute he turns around he catches you with his hands midair and laughs heartfully. Cats were very endearing creatures.
Back home in Snezhnaya, Childe would probably have owned a dog or two. They were mostly meant for hunting purposes, big and large furry creatures with thick skin suitable to endure the harsh cold. He has dogs because cats hate him for some strange reason. They either hiss or snootly turn their backs on him, one time he picked one up as a kid but his face bleeding after the cat scratched him with their paws. But of course you wouldn't do that to him. You would never~ he was your cutie pie anyways.
He was an obnoxious hugger, not gentle at all. Childe forgets his strength as a human man and when he squeezes you tightly against his chest, you'd spike out on all ends because by the archons, you're suffocating. But it was your fault for feeling so comfy and warm! Similar to Kaeya, they're both obnoxious but Childe deemed himself to be even worse. He'd rub his face against yours, commenting on how sensitive it sways. Tonia once told him that she wanted a pet cat instead, maybe he should also bring you back to his homeland now.
Yes he would love to play with you. Bring in the cat toys...or not. This was the eleventh Fatui Harbinger, what were you thinking? Normal cat activities? Not here. He's gonna teach you how to hunt like how he taught his dogs to hunt in Snezhnaya. You gave him the most deadpanned and dissapointed look with your large feline glare. Not only was he disliked by cats but he certainly was not good with them.
Though he can take it down a notch sometimes and just indulge in relaxing activities. When there was nothing else for him to do or when he was just tired after a productive day, he'd sit by the kitchen and you on top of the table. While you yawned and leaned down for a nap, Childe plays with the small of your paws to the soft edge of your nails. If he taps your nose, your whiskers twitch. Your ears are nice, maybe he should get you a headband version once you turned back to human.
You immediately wake up when he touches your tail.
You sometimes wonder how is it that the anemo archon was able to live through 2000 years without getting beaten up by a cat. If andrius was a large cougar than a wolf, maybe he wouldn't be an archon now. Which is why you are to stay miles far far away from him unless you want the whole of Mondstadt to be blown away by the wind.
Wears a mask (as if this were the covid19 pandemic), although it doesn't take away all his problems, at least it'll minimize it. Venti always has a box of tissues ready but you can tell by the puffiness of his eyes that he's been sneezing alot. He really tries his hardest to pitch in every once in a while when Albedo was working on a cure for you to go back to normal. Though acts as if he was quarantined by staying all the way at the other side of the room.
"Ahahaha don't mind me. It's your local bard of Mondstadt dropping by to see how things are going. I wanna make sure how long it will take for you to make the potion? Just curious!"
No hugs, cuddles or anything involving close proximity. This makes Venti very pouty and impatient. Albedo finds it very hard to concentrate with all the sniffling and sneezing that he had no choice but to kick him out. It didn't help that the location was Dragonspine, now he was sneezing even more.
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Kaeya discord daddy X reader (childe discord daddy x reader chapter 2)
satire dont dox me pls
It’s been 3 months since you ended things with your ex discord daddy Childe (or tartaglia69) for cheating on you with zhongli. You had to keep up with rent and bills though, so recently you found a discord server to join. There was a lot of roleplay, but most people who used it played fortnite and minecraft together. There were a good amount of discord mods, but one in particular stood out to you, his username was icePrinceLoneWolfAlphaAlcoholic420. You were going to make him your daddy no matter what.
Night was approaching, and you knew the server would likely be active. Sitting down in your poggy gamer chair (its pink) you opened discord on your PC (its also pink) and put on your headphones (they’re pink.) They had cat ears on them that lit up. You clicked on the server and saw a voice chat active with icePrinceLoneWolfAlphaAlcoholic420, but there were a few other people in there. They were mods, which meant competition. You grabbed your monster energy drink and chugged it, preparing yourself. Their usernames were barbaetos, kreideprinz (you assumed it was their stripper name) and then one you recognized. Your stomach dropped and you felt rage ignite within you like fire. Focusing your eyes back onto the screen, it was tartaglia69. Why was he here? What could he possibly want from a discord mod? He always talked about how much he hated other discord mods and how he wasn’t like the rest. Yet here he is, sucking up to YOUR daddy.
“Fuck that whore” you mumbled to yourself. You weren’t going to let him ruin something for you again. Taking in deep breaths, you took a moment to compose yourself and clicked join.
“H-hi meow!” you stuttered out with a cheery tone.
“Nya hewwo!” The kittens said in unison, excluding tartaglia69 who said nothing and sat in silence.
“Good evening, m’lady.” A cool and sexy voice broke the silence, tipping his fedora despite the fact you couldn’t see. It was his natural gentleman reflexes.
“My name is y/n, meow!”
“My name is kaeya, but you can call me daddy.” He replied.
“Get on bedwars kittens. Whoever wins, besides me heheheh, gets to dm daddy.” Kaeya demanded.
The rest of the players had already been eliminated, now it was just you, kaeya, barbaetos, kreideprinz and tartaglia69. Childe’s bed was right across from yours and currently he was distracted fighting venti. You built clay blocks around your bed and decided to run for childe’s bed. You had to win, you couldn’t lose to tartaglia69 after everything that happened. You were sweating while frantically building blocks towards his bed. You could hear venti whining about getting killed, which meant childe would probably be coming for you next. Your heart pounding, you decided to keep going. Maybe you were being risky, but this was worth it. Finally at his bed, you destroyed the wool around it. Seriously? He used wool? ‘What a fucking noob,’ you thought to yourself. You were so focused on destroying his bed that you didn't notice his obnoxious laughter on the call.
“y/n, you lose.” He continued laughing. Fuck, he was probably at your bed. But you were able to break his first. He was complaining and being teased by venti, but you weren’t paying much attention. Your focus was on destroying Albedo’s bed next. You felt relieved to have eliminated childe, but you couldn’t forget about Kreideprinz, you assumed he was your biggest competition. By the time you got to his bed, Kaeya was already there and had just destroyed it. Which meant that you had now won your way into his dms. Letting him destroy your bed (since you wouldn’t dare challenge the alpha) you meowed at him and praised him
“Nya, pogchamp! Daddy is so good! Teheheh.” You chuckled like an obedient little kitten.
“Y/N, looks like you’ll get to dm me, owo.” The rest of the kittens groaned and meowed sadly at this. Little did you know, one of them was already in his dms.
After a few hours of more bedwars, everyone finally logged off. It was a long night of meowing and socializing, you were really tired. Getting in bed, you notice your phone light up and there was a dm from icePrinceLoneWolfAlphaAlcoholic420.
“Hewwo kitten…” it read.
“owo? Daddy! *pounces*” you replied.
You saw him typing, and it’s been a few minutes now. You bit your lip. What could he be writing? You were so curious.
“I hate everything I hate my life everything sucks I’m depressed, i have anxiety, im adopted, both my dads are dead and i don’t have a mom. When i was 5 i got kidnapped, tortured, burned alive, hit by a car, beat by my parents, made fun of for my height, got kicked out of school, became a drug dealer to support my family, got kicked out of therapy, became a mafia boss in one day. My life is so difficult and nobody understands me i fucking hate myself i should just go die. Why do females hate me so much I don't understand why can't females just appreciate nice shallow guys like me they don't care about my sad backstory and dont care about my boobs well im sorry im a fucking sigma male and im not some stupid spineless pussy ass bitch where did they get the audacity to tell me something is wrong with my attitude? I hate the female species so much just shut up fucking bitch stop being so goddamn picky. Everyday i look in the mirror and give myself a 30 minute pep talk and admire my cleavage. I tell myself youre a bad bitch kaeya youre an alpha youre a sigma everybody wants you BUT WHERE ARE THE WOMEN WHO WANT ME I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE MAYBE I HAVE NO REDEEMING QUALITIES MAYBE MALE GENES HAVE DIED OUT AND BECOME STUPID AND FEMALES ARE JUST SO ABOVE US NOW GODDAMNIT I FUCKING HATE EVERYTHING *walks to my mirror, shirtless with my abs shining. Rests a hand on my forehead and one hand against the wall as i start cackling darkly* IM JUST LIKE THE JOKER FUCKING HELL I HATE SOCIETY nya *pounces back and curls up on you*”
You stare at your phone in silence for a good few minutes. Your room was dark, lit only by the faint glow of your phone. Your frail hand began to tremble as tears poured from your eyes. You had no idea Kaeya had it this hard.
You began to type, “Daddy, i-i’m so sowwie… i think you’re great..! Pepehands….Y-youre good enough for me! I can fix you!”
“You’re not like the other kittens…” He replied. He decided to gift you nitro for being so obedient.
“uwu thank you daddy! Pogchamp!” Kaeya was such a good daddy, he was already spoiling you so well.
The morning sun attacked your eyes while you were trying to make your coffee. You’d barely woken up and were feeling really tired from talking with Kaeya all night. Suddenly, your phone started buzzing. Without looking to see who it was, you answered.
“y/n.” you heard a voice that sounded too familiar and annoying. Tartaglia69.
“What do you want you stupid fucking cunt?” you yelled at him.
“icePrinceLoneWolfAlcoholic420 is MY discord daddy. I need him. You see.. Zhongli took all my money, and now I cant afford to be his daddy anymore. I barely have enough money for myself right now, icePrinceLoneWolfAlcoholic420 has been spoiling me well and I don’t want you ruining this for me so back off.” Childe growled at you. “You can’t tell me what to do anymore meow!” You hung up angrily, not even processing he said Kaeya is his daddy.
Kaeya kept sending you lots of money, and you’d been his kitten for about a month now. Until suddenly, you received a message from him.
“This is pepehands, but i can’t be your daddy anymore Y/N. You see, tartaglia69 is my special kitten. He makes daddy LULW uwu. I can’t afford spoiling you like this anymore. I sowwie *pouts*
You closed discord without responding. You were in total shock. How could this be happening again…? What was wrong with you? Your palms were sweaty and you started sobbing. Getting off your poggy gamer chair, you took a moment to try and redirect your sadness into anger towards tartaglia69. You wanted to kill him with your petite and tiny hands.
After about an hour, you opened up the server and put tartaglia69’s IP and home address in the discord server. This is what he gets for messing with you. You left the server and blocked Kaeya. This is the beginning of your villain arc. Your origin story. You’re done being a nice kitten….
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Best of Friends
Summary: "Like they were in the red room together and they’re best friends and now talking all about stuff yknow and accidental confession of feelings OwO" is the actual note I left myself
A/N: sdaklfjsdsf fluffy it's just fluffy ok leave me alone I had the want to write it and so I did. I also have 2 more parts already (one almost finished, one half-finished). WC: 1.2k
my carrd masterlist
please reblog my posts!!! it feeds my soul and fuels my writing :)
CW: fluff :3; maybe minor bw spoilers?? don't think so but just to be safe; mentions of sexytimes; reader says no thanks to sexytimes and yelena is like ok that's fine :); reader was a widow but that doesn't mean they haven't since discovered that they are not in fact cisgender :)
“Have you ever had a crush on anyone?” Yelena asks you. You sit up and look at her. She sits up too, crossing her legs and adjusting herself on the queen-sized bed. You’d managed to snag an apartment with two bedrooms, but both were cramped and there wasn’t a common space to sit—just a bathroom and hallway-turned-kitchenette between the two rooms, so you both often ended up in one of your rooms to hang out. This evening, it was hers.
“Yelena, I’ve been in the red room since I was six, same as you, and it’s not like I’ve really met anybody in the past month and a half,” you say. “I’ve been mind controlled for all the years I would have a crush.”
“Well, we still felt things,” she said, looking at her lap. “We just couldn’t do or say anything.”
“Did you have any crushes?” you turn the question back onto her.
“Oh, of course. A few little ones, but there was always one that never left me alone,” she sighs. “I spilled my beans, now your turn,” she pokes at your knee.
“Alright, alright, I had one or two, too, mostly later on,” you admit.
“You were quite a late bloomer,” she recalls, making you blush. You were the last of your class to get the hysterectomy, considering they preferred to do it one you were “fully matured.” “I’m only teasing,” she assures you.
“I know, Lena,” you say.
“So who were yours,” she grins.
“No way!” you scoff.
“Okay, just the biggest one, and I’ll tell you mine too,” she says. “We’ll do it at the same time.”
“Alright, alright, fine!” You yield, heart beating so hard you swear it’s visible.
“3…” Yelena begins
“2…” you say.
“1!” you both shout.
“You!” you both shout in unison. An almost dopey grin spreads across her face as you slap your hand over your mouth in surprise, letting out a shrill laugh.
“Do you still?” you ask after a minute, your blush spreading down across your chest.
“Do you?” her question answers yours.
“Mhm,” you nod bashfully.
“I’ve crushed on you since we were 11,” she admits.
“I was 15,” you giggle. “I had all these dreams about kissing someone, and before I woke up I would see it was you, but only for a second,” you said softly.
“You used to throw your hand over the side of the bed, into the gap between ours. I always put it back when I saw, for your elbow’s sake, but sometimes I would hold it just for a second,” she confessed. “Oh my god, that’s so creepy,” she lamented.
“It’s okay, Lena,” you put your hand over hers. “We had so little comfort or contact there, I really don’t mind. It’s kind of nice to know, actually,” you say.
“So long as you don’t think I’m creepy,” she says with relief.
“Aw, of course I think you’re creepy. But not because of that,” you laugh, making her shove you with her free hand playfully. She interlaces your fingers and squeezes.
“You’re creepy too.”
“Thank you,” you hum softly.
You both sit there for a bit, holding hands and smiling at each other, basking in the moment you’ve both daydreamed about for years inside your mental prisons, a spark of hope and joy finally realized.
“What do you say about making your dreams come true?” she says, cocky and mischievous.
“Like, kissing?” you ask. She nods. “O-okay, yeah, that’d be nice,” for someone trained in keeping their cool, you’re failing fantastically at it in this moment.
“Still so innocent somehow,” she hums, bringing a hand to the nape of your neck, then sliding it to the back of your head to pull you in gently. She meets you halfway and then her soft lips are on hers, gentle and reassuring. You bring your hands to rest lightly on her waist, letting your eyes close and your body relax.
Without your surgery done until later, you never went on many missions that involved seduction, and you’ve never kissed a girl. Her lips are so fucking soft.
“So sweet,” she pulls back, resting your foreheads together. You press your noses together and smile. “Is it everything you dreamed of?” she smirks.
“And more,” you confirm.
“You want some more?” she teases.
“Yes please,” you say, trying not to sound too desperate.
“I’m more than happy to oblige,” her voice sounds a little husky as she pushes you back down to lay on the bed, settling over you before kissing you again.
“Lena,” you gasp between kisses. “How the fuck are your lips so soft?” you ask.
“Chapstick, dekta,” she says back when she can. You stick your tongue out at her, a little whimper of surprise making its way out of your throat as she takes it as an opportunity to slide your tongues together and gain entrance to your mouth.
You follow her lead, letting her explore and tentatively doing the same, trying to contain any more of your sounds. You’ve never kissed anybody like this before. You’re floating on cloud nine in the whole situation, hardly able to believe it.
“Let me hear you, dekta,” she says when you pull back for air. “You always sound so cute, I’ll bet you’re downright adorable when you whimper for me,” she says.
“Okay, okay, I will,” you say. “Just don’t stop, please,” you beg. She chuckles and goes back to kissing you, and now you let out all the little whimpers and whines that were trying to escape beforehand. She hums happily into the kiss.
“Absolutely precious,” she confirms. “So good for me,” she praises, you whine a little louder. “You like that?” she asks. You nod frantically. “Like it when I tell you how good you are? How about when I tell you that you’re my favorite?” she presses further. You hum happily, flushing red again.
“So cute,” she says, nuzzling her face into your neck. You run your hands up and down her back, enjoying the pressure of her body on yours and relaxing.
“I’m not cute,” you say. “I’m a trained killing machine.”
“Still cute,” she says. “Even if it’s just for me to see,” she kisses your jaw. You feel one of her legs slotting between yours. “Unless you want to keep it here tonight,” there’s no pressure or expectation in the question, so you answer honestly.
“Can we just kiss and cuddle?” you ask. “I’m just—it’s not you, it’s just a lot—“
“It’s okay, dekta,” she hushes you. “I know, it can be a lot. Don’t worry. There’s plenty of time for me to take you apart later,” she says with a smirk you can hear.
“Is that a promise?”
“Just you wait, mladenec,” she says. “But for now, come here,” she rolls you both to your sides and brings her lips back to yours. She doesn’t have to tell you twice.
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anemo-writes · 4 years
I heard that you write for scaramouche :0 so can i request a soft cuddling headcanon for scaramouche 👉👈 thanks OwO have a great day!
yes, that’s right!! i hope i captured his personality right though, this is the first time i’ve wrote for him,, i may have made it a little angsty in the beginning but i promise you it’s really fluffy in the end (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ i just really like writing angst hehe.. i know this might be a little ooc though, so beware and feel free to criticize me !! THIS GOT SO LONG—JUST SKIP TO THE BOTTOM TO READ THE ACTUAL CUDDLING HCS HAHA
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Scaramouche having a soft cuddling session with his S/O
Let me just say,, cuddling is extremely rare with him. He can’t help but view it as something that makes him feel vulnerable, which he hates. Although he doesn’t particularly dislike the way your arms wrap around him and the way that he finds it easier to sleep in that position, the two of you still don’t cuddle very often :( Other forms of physical affection are also rare with him, and it’s mostly you who showers him with affection—while he doesn’t mind it most days (he especially enjoys it if it happens in front of Childe, just so he can hear him whine about it), he finds it extremely annoying and overbearing him with you overstep your boundaries, especially if he’s stressed or busy.
peep the keep reading line— it got way too long because i couldn’t stop writing LOL
It really doesn’t help that you’re extremely touch-starved from the lack of attention and affection he’s shown you in the past few days (since he’s been involved in a lot more missions than usual ) when he snaps at you for visiting the workplace in an attempt to spend some time with him—you didn’t mean any harm. “Are you too blind to see that I’m busy, Y/N? Go find someone else to bother in the meantime, will you?” He says, turned away from you, failing to notice the way you feebly run out of building. He wouldn’t spare a second glance, assuming that it would all be fine when he met you back at your dwelling; after all, l you were used to his back-handed comments, right? Surely you would understand that he was under a bit more stress than usual—right?
Wrong. That night, you went home alone, touch-starved and a mess. Maybe it was the lack of affection making you this emotional, or maybe it was the fact that he had embarrassed you in front of so many subcoordinates, people you knew for Barbatos’ sake! He’s slightly surprised when you don’t answer the door later that night, despite the light in your bedroom still being on. He figures you’ve gone to sleep, so he leaves with a second thought. It’s only after two weeks of you ignoring him does he realize, “did I do something?”
He’s a human too, and humans can get touchstarved at some times—especially when you haven’t made an effort to show him any form of physical affection in the past two weeks! He’d rather pair up with Tartaglia to carry out the Tsarita’s orders than admit it to you, but he does miss you—somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, he knew when he accepted your confession that he would have to deal with things like this, but keep in mind that he’s probably never even thought about being in a relationship prior to you asking him out (especially with the way he treats other people; yes, he’s very well aware that he could be a lot nicer to his people, but does he care? no.) But I’d like to think that at least a little part of him is insecure about how his other harbingers view him, but we’ll save that for enough time—
But the thing that bugs him the most is that the people around him have noticed—it’s hard not to, really, when you turn a blind eye to whenever he tries to make conversation with you. Childe constantly bugs him about it too, which makes it even worse. “Trouble in paradise~?” The ginger would taunt, only smirking when Scaramouche huffs in response, too wrapped in his thoughts to come up with a witty remark back. He can’t help but feel frustrated; why were you getting mad over such a stupid little thing? This wasn’t the first time he’s said such a thing to you, so why? Why were you so upset at him that you couldn’t even spare a glance at him? As much as he hated to admit it, he had to do something before it got worse.
And so the brilliant plan of ambushing you in your home was created! Really, there’s no need to applaud; he already knows how great it is! However, under the layer of confidence that he displays, a little part nags at him; he knows that there’s always the possibility of you not forgiving him for whatever he did this time. He’d never say it but a little part of him is scared to lose you.
You let out a loud sigh as you entered your apartment, kicking off your shoes as you walked into the main room. It was another long day of ignoring your boyfriend. Could he even be called that anymore? You thought to yourself, before tensing up at the sound of approaching footsteps from your bedroom.
“Took you long enough,” An exasperated voice rang from within the shadows, the figure stepping into dim light of the moon to reveal your boyfriend. “I was beginning to think you got kidnapped on your way home or something.” He crossed his arms across his chest, staring you down with an unreadable gaze.
“What are you doing here, Scaramouche?” You asked, a bitter ring to your voice. “I thought you were busy. Surely someone as busy as you couldn’t spare time to drop by my house—so why are you here?” As much as you hated to sound so bitter, what else could you do? It took two weeks for him to realize that you were ignoring him, and suddenly he comes to your house and pretends everything is okay? How does that work?
“I’m here because...” Scaramouche said, walking towards you until your back hit the wall, your eyes wide as he extended his arm until his palm hit the wall. He was close enough for you to feel his steady breathing against your neck—you tried to push him away, but he kept you trapped within his arms. “I needed to say that I was sorry.”
You blinked momentarily at him, silent with shock.
“Geez, was it that weird for me to say that?” Scaramouche rolled his eyes, backing away from your shocked figure. “Stop staring at me as though I’ve grown a second head.”
“Sorry, it’s just—I’ve never heard you say that before!” You spluttered, looking at him with wide eyes. “You mean it though...right? You’re not just saying it, right?”
“Ugh—yes, I mean it. Now,” He said, taking off his hat to place it on top of your head in an attempt to hide the light dust of pink growing across his cheeks. “Can we just...you know—”
“Yes, that. Now get over here, you idiot.”
Again, cuddling is not Scaramouche’s thing, so expect it to be extremely awkward the first couple of times. He runs warm, so cuddling sessions don’t last very long when they do happen. He’s not too keen on physical touch, but he’d make an exception for you—in private, of course. He’d rather die than be caught cuddling with you in a public area, especially by the likes of someone like Childe; he’d never hear the end of it. Cuddling is reserved for only private, rare vulnerable moments—of course, it also applies to moments after arguments like the one shown above. Don’t call him out for it, because he will stop, but he’ll definitely play with your hair for a bit if you decide to lay down in his lap.
If you’re sitting on his lap, he likes to rest his chin on your shoulders; it’s the perfect opportunity to lay a peck on your cheek when you’re least expecting it—your flustered reaction that follows after has him smug about it for at least the next hour. He has you pulled up against his chest and his arms wrapped around your waist and if he’s feeling especially touch-starved, he’ll nuzzle !! into !! your !! neck !! Though, you can feel that smug smile against your neck as you try to push him away, flustered, which only fuels him to do it more~
If the two of you are laying side by side, it could honestly go either way; if he’s extra clingy, he’ll be the big spoon and literally hold you against him in a d e a t h grip. But if he’s feeling a bit insecure or vulnerable, he’ll let you hold him—of course, this is very rare, but it still happens! As said before, it’s extremely comfortable for him in this position and he can fall asleep quietly easily, as much as he hates to admit it.
After an argument or bickering, expect the sessions to last a bit longer than usual; even though it’s uncomfortably warm, he can’t bring himself to let go of you that easily (not that you’re complaining!) Sometimes, he’ll murmur stuff into your ear such as, “I didn’t mean it, okay?” or “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” It could go either way, really—
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xxchaosjojoxx · 11 days
Wanna be my date? (Penguin x reader)
A/N: it just came into my mind owo my requests are open btw. I hope you enjoy <3
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Never ever did you think that you would go on a valentine’s day with a cute guy. Never ever did you think that this guy was Penguin, your crewmate and bestfriend.
He was holding your freezing hand to warm you up, while you took a walk.
As you were walking silently side by side you glanced up to get a glimpse of his face. He was smiling lightly and you only realized today that he might be more than a friend to you. You guys didn’t plan to go on a date. Especially not on valentine’s day. You had other plans from the start.
Two days ago you docked on an island but not any other island. It was the first island you ever called home. As you were roaming around with Shachi and Penguin you met your first crush. He did recognize you and was smooth with words. You were talking a little bit and then he asked you out on a date. With a flustered look on your face and a smile you accepted this date. Shachi and Penguin were mumbling that you would deserve someone way better than a playboy with a grin who invites everyone to punch directly in his face. You couldn’t help but chuckle, both of them were like your bodyguards. No one was good enough for you. Maybe they just were afraid that you might leave the crew while finding your true love.
Soon enough you dressed up in your most uncomfortable but prettiest looking outfit. It was cold and you were shivering while waiting for your date. You were waiting for an hour now. A few people were looking at you with a pity look. Maybe he ghosted you? Soon enough you shock your head. He wouldn’t do it, right?
You sighed and tried to move a little while standing, to warm yourself up.
Suddenly you felt something over your shoulder, and you couldn’t help but snuggle into this warm material. As you turned your head, you saw Penguin behind you, smiling at you softly while he put a jacket over your shoulder.
“Penguin..what are you doing here?”
“I was curious how it would go, but I guess he forgot?” He confessed and asked nervously.
You pouted a little. “He didn’t forget me.”
“I can wait with you.”
“No, thank you. I don’t need a babysitter or a stalker.”
“Should I leave you then?” You hesitated at first but nodded and were about to give him back the warm jacket. You already missed the warm embrace.
A firm hand on yours was enough to stop midtrack. “Keep it on. It’s too cold for you to stand there and freeze to death.”
“But what about you?”
He grinned. “Please. This is like a mild summer breeze for me.”
You tilted your head in confusion. “Then why did you bring a jacket with you?”
Nervously Penguin scratched his neck and turned his face away from you.
“I saw that you went outside without a jacket…”
You couldn’t help but smile and without realizing it you tiptoed towards him and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. “Thank you for always caring for me.”
With a blush and a dumbfounded face he was looking at you. His eyes were wide and his hand found his cheek. “S-Sure thing…everything for you…” He mumbled and a laugh escaped your mouth.
“If you need me, call for me.” He said and turned away to leave. Your voice stopped his movement. “Is this how you planned your valentine’s day? Keeping an eye on me because you don’t trust me?”
Without turning towards you, he spoke. “It’s not you I don’t trust. But just to make myself clear.” He turned his head towards you and for the first time you could see another expression on his face. Something you only see in combat. His eyes were looking firm and full of determination. Without showing you a smile his voice was loud and clear and a bit raspy. “I would never abandon anyone who is waiting for me. Especially not you.”
The silence between you was long, at least it felt like an eternity. “Really?”
It was all you could stutter out. With a smirk he stepped towards you, closing the distance. He was taking your hands in his. His hands were so warm and you felt a lot warmer, just by touching his hands.
“Should I show you?” You nodded and he was leaving the spot with you together.
You went to a nearby mini amusement park. Riding a few rollercoasters and eating delicious food at the stalls. He did his best to cheer you up and make you smile. It was easy for him. He always lightens up your day, whenever you feel sad.
Soon after you took a walk, he was still holding your hands. You had a lot of fun and were happy that you spent the day with Penguin instead. As you were looking at him you seemed to be in a daze. He was talking to you.
“Sorry, can you repeat that maybe? I was out of space there for a second.”
He was grinning. “Your nose is pink during the cold, should I kiss it warm?”
And for the first time since you joined the heart pirates you saw him. Really saw him. Your best friend, the most funny and caring guy, was more than just that. He was handsome and the perfect boyfriend material. Why didn’t you see it earlier?
He cleared his throat and you soon realized you were out of space once again.
“Yeah it was a bad joke.” He scratched his neck once more. Something he did whenever he felt nervous and you could see a light blush on his face. Was it because of the cold or could it be…?
“My lips are freezing.” He looked at you. He seemed confused. “They are freezing more than my nose…you know?” You mumbled shyly. You could just hear a soft “oh” escaping from him. As you felt his hands on your shoulder you looked up. Pen was looking at you and you could see his soft gaze. “Please allow me to help you out there.” He said and slowly closed the distance between you. His lips were so warm and soft, you couldn’t help but feel hot, despite the fact that it was freezing.
Way too soon, you both pulled away, smiling softly towards each other.
“Was it…ehh...ok?” He asked and you nodded, unable to look at him once more, while feeling your face heat up. “Should we ride the Ferris wheel?”
“I would love to.” Penguin was holding your hands once more while guiding you towards the Ferris Wheel. Little did they know that Shachi would soon try everything he could for you both not to enter. Maybe Shachi did help you two out there. Where else was he supposed to let this scumbag playboy sleep, after he knocked him out. But this was a story, for another day.
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belovedmoss · 2 years
Eddsworld One Shots! Getting scared of a nightmare!
I[Hi...i honestly don't care if people don't read these or not it's just I want people to actually see these wait wtf is going on here]
Gets intrusive thoughts of love bitting the reader*
N/n= nickname
F/c= favourite colour
F/f= favourite food
h/c= hair colour
H/l= hair length
~*~*~*~hello.....do your best my love~*~*~*~*~
You wake up in the midst of a dream, a nightmare to be exact. You get out of your room and walk up the attic stairs over to Matt's room. You think that either edd, Tom, or tord isn't going to help you with this. So as you creep up the stairs, you hear Matt talking to himself.
"Oh I look incredibly beutiful! "
'It's 2 in the morning and this ginger hasn't gone to sleep yet?' You think.
"....Matt....?" You say softly, not scaring the ginger. Matt quickly looks up from his mirro and asks, "oh hi n/n! What's up?" The ginger says. You blush just a tiny bit before smacking your palm to your forehead. "Ack! Never mind this is cringy and dumb and childish." You say before reaching the steps.
"Did the dream happen again?" He asks, concerned as he ever has been.
You look at the floor and nod, slowly.
"Wanna stay up and build forts?"
~*~*~*~*hello....do your best my love~*~*~*~*~*~
As you are watching a movie with the guys (yes including piss-baby tord) you slowly start to drift off to a slumber. But what you didn't know was that this was no ordinary dream, it was a night mare.
Now edd starts to see that you are sweating so he helps you and wakes you up from your bad dream. Lucky no one noticed you undeniably sweating. You wake up startled and see the brown haired boy hold your shoulder. He leans in and whispers: "you okay?" You notice the stain on his shoulder of his hoodie.
"Well yes..and no....."
Edd gets up and announces that he's going to make some tea for him and you. You get up and follow him.
As Edd prepares the tea he sees you starting to cry. He stops what he was doing and walks over to you. "Y/n are you okay?" He holds your shoulder.
"No! I-it was a horrible dream, y-you and Tom got into a f-fight, a-and he hurt you, and you didn't w-wake up!" You managed to get out in short trouble breaths.
"Y/n just breath...okay it's alright" Edd says as he rubs your back.
You hug edd and he hugs you back.
"It's okay my love.....Wanna ditch the tea and drink some cola instead?"
~*~*~*~*~hello....do your best my love~*~*~*~*~*
you were pulling an all nighter with Tom. He played his bass to keep you both awake. But you suddenly fell asleep.
"...tom....no....please....." You mumble.
"ugh! Y/n c'mon we were gonna pu-" Tom looks at your shuddering body.
He sets down his bass and studies you.
'i don't think they're okay...maybe I should wake them up.....' Tom thinks as he reaches towards your body. But you jump awake and in tears.
"Tom!" You yell-whisper. Tom immediately pulls you into a hug.
You start crying. "Y/n....what happened? Is everything okay....shhh...I'm here...." He says as he strokes your h/c h/l hair. (Or if you're rocking the eleven look then get it bestie owo) you sniffle as you hug Tom tightly.
You think as he comforts you
'his hoodie is super soft'
'Why does he have black eyes....Or holes'
'He feels warm....kinda comforting'
'is he doing this, actually comforting me, or just so that he can shut me up?'
'I love his voice.....'
'How does he have Steve kept that well'
'Also Susan....I need my own Susan....'
"Y/ n....." Tom says pulling out of the hug. You sniffle again and look up at him with sore eyes. "Yeah tommy?"
"Want me to play you a lullaby?"
~*~*~**~*~* hello....do your best my love~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
(Tord isn't really a person to comfort you so sorry if Tord is your comfort character)
(Heya I have been practicing norsk so yeah)
You and the norsk man are shooting guns at a target.
At 3 in the morning
When you haven't been able to sleep for two days
In the middle of nowhere
You start to become drowsy and fall down. Lucky the gun was on safety and didn't shoot. Tord puts down his gun quickly and runs over to you.
"Å min dysber" (oh my darling)
Fast forward a few minutes because the author is too lazy to do a whole ass scene.
Tord is driving you both home. He laid the passenger seat down to where it was somewhat flat so you could sleep. As you did.
But you'd think that Tord was not easily startled, but he was at this moment. You gasp loudly and he almost swerved off the road.
" Jesus Christ y/ n!" Except you're in tears. And Tord starts yelling at you. So you just turn the other way.
(A N: forgor they stopped the car)
Tord realized that he was yelling and quickly stopped.
"Y/n I'm sorry"
"Give me your hand Tord" you say.
You place his hand on your cheek and then you drive home the end ppppppppffffft
(Sorry I am sleep deprived rn it's 2 in the morning 😏🔫🎆
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mo2k · 3 years
Imagine…you meeting the pillars for the first time💕. (pt.9)
No.9 : Tokitou Muichiro
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Pairing : Muichiro x <fem> reader
Warnings : None, just fluffed <3
Note- Hello lovelies!I hope ya’ll like this,Mui-kun is just so cute! >///<
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Synopsis : Ok,this can go 2 ways…
1.If you’re a pillar…
>This is the first day of your work as a pillar,Oyakata-sama had held a meeting with all the other pillars to introduce you.But there was one pillar that has caught your attention the most…and that is ‘Tokitou Muichiro’ or the mist pillar.Something…something in him make you want to know him more or…perhaps…even befriend him…
2.If you’re a normal demon slayer/citizen/medic and etc.
>You two would be strangers. (At first!,At first!Just you wait…👀) Maybe you’ve walked past him once or twice,but you never get the chance to talk to him-but the same feeling (from above-if you’re a pillar) was still there…
Now,let’s get to the story-whatever you are!
You’re strolling around an open field near the demon slayer headquarters,trying to relax yourself from all the stresses you’ve got from works…
Your mind was blanked as you stared at the sky absent-mindedly while dragging your legs boringly…that was until you had caught something at the corner of your eyes.You quickly shot your head towards that direction you think you saw something and-oh…look what you found💓…
It was the mist pillar…lying under the tree to hide from the hot sun that can burn deep into your skin if you stay out for too long.He’s also-staring at the sky absent-mindedly,exactly what you’ve just done earlier.
You blinked at him,curious to why would the mist pillar would be here.You tilted you head to the side slightly,trying hard-to figure out why would he be here…if he didn’t cut you off your thoughts first…
Muichiro : “…What are you doing?” He speak,not that loud but just enough for you to hear.But-well,he didn’t even take a glance at you when he speak…making you even more curious about him…
But then…that’s when you realized…oh boy…he’d just caught you staring…you were too distracted to noticed what you’ve done…
(Y/n) : “Oh!I-uh…um…” You stammered over your own words,an uneasy feeling sat in your stomach.You are-no doubt,super embarrassed since you’ve just stared,at the stranger-who you haven’t even speak a word with…You starting to look away-trying to find some good excuses that maybe-could help you out of this situation…
Muichiro : He closed his eyes and then sighed, “Stop.I don’t mind it…you can go.But just…don’t stared at the strangers with no permissions,ok?”. His tone was not cold nor arrogant-just a normal tone.But dang-his words sometimes…could be as sharp as a knife…
Whatever-this just make you even more embarrassed that your cheeks staring to get hot.You bit your lip before apologize him, “I understand…and I’m so sorry…” You bowed slightly.He just nodded and raised his hand to wave as a gesture for you to go away already.But will you really?Hm…I don’t know? (😂)
You blinked several times at his gesture-he will just let you like this?So easily?Really?Can that be called as a little rude? (But girl-I think you forgot that you two were still strangers =<=)
Well-you just stand there for a moment.Trying to muster up your confidence-and without a word…you slowly walk towards him…He didn’t move,didn’t even open his eyes to see what was coming…but you knew that he can sense something’s coming…
At last,when you are here-standing in front of him…and peering intently in to his face…that’s when he finally open his eyes…
Muichiro : “What?” This time his tone got a bit annoyed,but his face still wore that emotionless expression…
(Y/n) : You took a deep breath-before asking, “What are you doing?”.
There was a stunned silence between you two for a moment….It was a stupid question and you know that…but you still couldn’t help yourself as you peered into his blue orbs in anticipation,trying to guess what he was thinking at the moment…He still shows no emotion but you can tell from his slightly widen eyes that he was surprised and taken aback by your question…
Muichiro : “What?” He raised his eyebrow. “What are you doing?” You ask again, “Why do you want to know?” He question back-narrowing his eyes threateningly…but you thought it was cute… (lol🤣)
(Y/n) : “Just wondering…” You chuckled a bit,didn’t even realized that your lips have curled up into a small smile. “Just go way” he clicked his tongue. And you rolled your eyes playfully,you crouched down to his level- “Can I joined you then?Whatever you’re doing” . “You won’t listen anything,will you?” He growled. “I don’t know~” you winked down at him,a mischievous smile plastering your face.
Muichiro : He sighed again, “Do whatever you pleased…” He said finally,turn his body to his side-facing away from you. “Yay!” You cheered,and you swore you can hear him snickered to himself.
(Y/n) : “Did you just snicker?Oh man~I don’t know you can do that~” you teased him as you let yourself plopped down to the fresh green grass. “No” he answered,and you giggled.
You’re now fully lay down on the grass,looking at the blue sky dotted with clusters of clouds.You grinned widely before pointing your index finger at one bunch of fluffy clouds that look like mash mellow. “Can you see that Muichiro-kun?” He turned to lying on his back again,and take a look of the clouds…and then at you…
“It looks like a dragon,don’t you think?” You shifted you gaze to him too,just in time to see that he was also looking at you…You blinked at him, “What’s wrong?” You asked after a moment,a little nervous. “How do you know my name?” His eyes are a bit wide,and you’ve just relaized that you’ve been holding your breath…but after you hear his question…you started laughing…
(Y/n) : “Ah-hahahaha!How do I know your name!?Well,it’s just so obvious-hahaha!You’re the mist pillar remember?” You have to cover your mouth with your hand to calm yourself down-bit it’s just so funny!You can’t help it…
Muichiro : He just lay there,still dumbfounded and confused….how can someone remember his name even when they haven’t even talk?Now he’s confused,really confused,he can never remember something for more than 5 minutes…so,how did you just know his name exactly???
“I…don’t…um…quite understand what you’re talking about…” It take a while for him to open his mouth to talk again…and you just laugh even harder…
Oh~He start to get angry~ “Hey!Stop laughing!What’s so funny!?” He raised his voice, “I-haha!oops-I-I’m sorry-haha!I-just can’t help it-hahaha!” You managed to choke your words out-but that doesn’t make him feel any better.
Muichiro : “Whatever!I don’t care about you anymore!” He huffed,too embarrassed and angry to speak…When you’re starting to calm down, “Ok,ok,I’m sorry!” You told him,but still smiling-he was so adorable looking like this. OwO
He made a ‘tch’ sound and turn his head away-and you rolled your eyes, “Fine!Alright,I’m sorry-Really Sorry.It’s my fault-please forgive me!How about this?Let’s go eat some food or sweets,my treat!What do you think?”
He quickly turned to you,his hands finding yours fast.He gripped your hands together tightly around his while saying “Really!?” excitedly. He has shifted closer to you,too close! 0///0 Your nose almost touched-Ahhhhhhh-.And you slowly nodded,blushing hard,his face immediately lit up (like an adorable child🥺)-this was the first time you got to see him grinned widely,his face tinted a bit pink from excitement. “Oh,ok!You’re forgiven!” He hugged you tightly-and you froze…
(Y/n) : You feel hot spark through your body,the feeling of him hugging you-his warmth that radiate from his small frame,his breathing on your neck,and his cute face that just mushed to your shoulder-Arhhhhhhh,this is too much,TOO MUCH!Muichiro-kun!Get away!Get away!Quick!Our dear (y/n) is almost fainted!Fscbnkfsxzcht-!!!! @////@
Then he realized that he might have just hud you a bit too tight-he loosen his arms,while look up to you worriedly… “Did I hurt you?” He ask quietly…. (Such an adorable child-ahhhhhhhh /////)
(Y/n) : You quickly shook your head- “Oh no no!You didn’t hurt me at all!” You hug him again-trying to hide your red embarrassed face…He hugged you back,relieved.
“Now,okay…what do you see in those clouds?” You pulled away from the hug,pointed to one group of clouds again-trying to change the subject,he quickly look to that direction- “Where?” Then he see a bunch of clouds,cling together in a shape like cat… “I see cats…” he said, “Really?I think I see (something of your choice)…’Cause-Oh!What about those!?” You said cheerily,smile a little to yourself…
What you didn’t know was…he take a look at you again-this time chuckle a bit and smile back,thinking of how beautiful and pretty you look when you smile…Then he paused… ‘Wait…what am I thinking?’ He started to blush…. “Hey…um…what’s your name by the way?” He asks shyly…
(Y/n) : You turn your head to look at him,before blinked and pointed to yourself- “Me?” You question for confirmation…and he nodded “Yes,you…What’s your name?”
You smile, “(l/n) (y/n),nice to meet you tokitou-san” You pull your hand out, “So am I…” he answered,also smile back.
“Tell me about yourself more”,he said. “Huh?But it’s quite long,you sure you wanna listen?” You said back. “I’m sure…” he respond. “Well then,fine!…But only on one condition…”. “What is it then?” He demanded. You grinned playfully, “You must tell yours too!”. He snorted, “Only that?”. “Yes!” You persist. “Alright,alright…I’ll tell you everything-if I can remember them or they aren’t nothing too personal…” He trailed off… “Then how about we talked about clouds too!?Like you tell me what you see and I’ll also mine!Sounds fun!” You suggest. “Sure,why not?” He shrugged, “Ah ha!” You laughed,and he bit back his smile…
Anyway-you guys just talked on and on and on (getting to know each other more and many more things else-ooh~✨) until you both starting to get hungry so you guys go to the town to find something to eat (Your treat as promised lmao😂).You have so much fun together and so does he too!You two end up,running around like children while also hold each other’s hand tightly…
You two don’t want this day to end…but alas,everything must come to an end…The sun was starting to disappear,the once blue sky has turned into a pink-red.It’s time for you to say goodbye… “Hey,Muichiro-kun…” You called out, “Hm?” was all he answered… “Looks like it’s time for me to go…” you replied…And his face fell almost immediately… “Already?” He ask,gripping your hands tighter-he was,um…actually pouting as if he doesn’t want you to go…He looks like he wanted to cry,omg- 0///0
You looked at him sadly… “Yes…but don’t worry,I can come to play with you tomorrow!” You tried to light up the mood, “Really?” He asked excitedly. “Of course!” You laughed, “Then…I’ll see you tomorrow,at the same spot we meet today,ok?” He quickly nodded.You let go of his hand-while saying “Goodbye then!See ya!” You told him before you turned your heels and starting to run back to your home-“Wait” he cried from behind,and you twisted your neck to look at him.
“Goodbye to you too (y-y/n)!” He stuttered,and you both gasped at the same time.He covered his mouth with one of his hand,stunned,shocked or surprised he doesn’t know-but all he know was…He can remember your name after all this time that has passed… “M-Muichiro-kun…” you started slowly… “You did it!You finally did it!You can remember my name!I always know you can!” You cheered excitedly while laughing joyfully, “Yes!Ah haha!I can do it!” He began to laugh too,and after some moments and you two can finally calm yourself…You waved your hand, “Goodnight to you then” you state finally… “Goodnight too…” he waved back….
You two shared one last grinned at each other,before you turned and go onto your way again…Leaving him looking down while a happy smile plastering on his face… ‘I’ll always remember you (y/n)…’ Was his last thought as he also took off back to his estate…
To Muichiro,this is something very special…He used to feel a bit lonely before…But now he doesn’t anymore,‘cause he’s got you right by his side anywhere and anytime he needs you or you needs him… In other words… “He’s not alone anymore”….
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Ahhhhh,we’ve finally come to the last part of “Imagine…you meeting the pillars for the first time💕!” The next one’s “Imagine…you meeting the kamaboko squad for the first time!” as my dear @yui-san0 has requested!♥️I love you so much my dear,pls take care of yourself love!🥺💖💞
Lastly,I wanted to say “Thank You So Much!” out loud for everyone here.I know that I did bad in the last part but I’ll try to get better I promise!❣️I love you guys so so much,pls have a great day/night,take care and don’t overwork yourself!🥰💖💝
The arts are not mine!Credits to the artist!🌟❣️
-With love,BamBam🦢🌙
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oinkawa-bb · 4 years
first time dads!haikyuu pt.3
request: Hiii I just read everything you’ve posted and I. Am. In. Love with your writingggg! I was hope to request a part 3 for your first-time dad series for Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kenma, and Akaashi :) -@lollypop-lam
note: ahhhh!!!! helloo bb~~ thank you so much for your luv<3333 i was rly not expecting so many ppl to read this series!! but i enjoy writing it so here’s a part 3 for you (i tried to add more variety of scenarios for y/n so it’s not all the same!) hehe i hope you like it! thank you for ur request!<3 here is dad!tsukki, akaashi, yams, and kenma
mentions: pregnancy, domesticity, fluff, slight angst, timeskip, fem!reader
part one (daichi, kuroo, oikawa)
part two (iwaizumi, suna, atsumu, osamu)
☀︎—kei tsukishima
he already knew something was different since the day you took the test
kei could sense that you were tenser than usual 
Exhibit A was when you slightly jumped as he placed one hand gently on the small of your back,
it was really nothing out of the ordinary...
so he raises an eyebrow at you, not saying anything, but just questioning with his curious expression
you bite your lip,,,, 
this was unplanned and even though you’ve recently discussed having kids, you’re worried about how kei might feel because honestly you’re pretty anxious,
but when you break the news to him,
the corners of his mouth are upturned into a soft grin
and he quietly pulls you into a hug
you also could’ve sworn that there were tear stains that he left on your shirt after
but when ur in his arms while he’s whispering about how excited he is, you know that you’re ready to have a family with him<33
tsukki likes to express his care for you and his child through subtle affectionate gestures,,
like his favorite thing to do when he comes home from work is envelop you in a back hug,
and he likes to run his large hands gently over your bump, waiting for a kick
when he feels one, you bet your ass that this man is grinning bc he just can’t hide his excitement !!!
i feel like he’d be a super cautious dad-to-be,
like if you’re given prenatal vitamins or told not to eat certain foods,
he has scrutinized the labels and the internet to make sure everything in the house is safe for you and his bb<33
during your whole pregnancy, he’s more logical and clear-minded, but there’s a stark contrast on the day you actually go into labor owo
like i’m talking sweat beads running down the side of his forehead
and his hand clutching yours for dear life as he guides you to the hospital room
during the entire labor, tsukishima can’t be separated from you...
like when you get up to go to the bathroom and make him stand outside, he’s leaned against the door with his arms crossed
he’s acting like a bodyguard?? but like for what idk
he’s quite tense until his baby makes their appearance,
but when he does get to hold the baby, his body is wracked with silent sobs and he’s overcome with a wave of emotion
he’s silent on the outside, 
but his mind can’t even begin to process the monumental amount of love he feels for u and this little bb <333 🥺🥺🥺
dad tsukki has fallen in love all over again.
☀︎—keiji akaashi
akaashi slips into the bedroom when he hears ur sniffling,,
your back faces him, but he can tell that ur hunched over something in your hands...
when he approaches you and sees that your eyes are puffy n swollen,
his voice is filled with concern,
“what’s wrong?”
it takes a moment for you to choke out your words but you manage,
“keiji, i-i’m scared,”
then he catches sight of the white stick in your hands,
and he sees two faint lines sitting on its little screen
he takes a seat next to you, pulling your body against his and pressing a kiss to the temple of your forehead,,,
“what are you scared of when you have me?”
the two of you have a long conversation that night,, 
mostly with akaashi reassuring you that he’s prepared for whatever decision you make and that he’ll always be there to support you🥺
the next morning,
you’ve calmed down and thought clearly about this, realizing that many of your anxieties stemmed from how keiji would react,
but after realizing his willingness to support you,
you can’t help but smile and press a hand to your belly as you look in the mirror in the bathroom
and when akaashi sees this, his heart is so full and excited!!!🥺
throughout your pregnancy, akaashi is overwhelmingly supportive and emotionally reliable,,
he listens to your concerns both physically and mentally, helping you talk through your worries and find solutions,,
he’s also suuuper intimate with you,
bathing and pampering you,
staying up late to talk with you,
waking you up with kisses nd breakfast in bed,,
he’s just the most perfect partner to you. 
and every day you spend beside him reaffirms your excitement to have his child
when the day arrives, you’re beyond anxious,
he can just tell from little gestures you make that you’re more nervous than ever before,
so akaashi has one hand on you at all times during labor, so you can physically feel his support
the process couldn’t have gone more smoothly than it did, and akaashi’s so grateful 
and when he gets to hold the baby against his own chest, 
he’s smiling through the tears that are welling up bc
his eyes now lay upon the most beautiful replica of you.
fugg i luv keiji🥰🥰🥰
☀︎—tadashi yamaguchi
the day you tell yamaguchi you’re pregnant?
he’s probably crying.
no, he’s definitely crying.
he’s also definitely overexcited
so when he went in for a hug, he immediately lets go bc he’s worried that he hugged you too tightly🥺
he’s just a ball of emotions and kind of all over the place!!
but he gets it together asap and is already on dad duty the very next day
making doctor’s appointments, listing purchases to be made, planning for your baby shower, n anything he can do to be prepared
he makes many a few unnecessary purchases
something like a bougie hundred dollar memory foam pregnancy pillow for u 
and a temperature controlled collapsible baby stroller for his bb
his heart was in the right place but his money was not asdgfd
but he wants to treat you like the queen that you are,
so he’s always excited to come home to see you after work
and he likes to bring home things that will make you happy
food and baby clothes and flowers uwuwu
i also think tadashi came up with the idea to start scrapbooking the memories of your soon to be little family of three <33
so he takes cute little polaroids to keep them in a scrapbook
and he also definitely keeps a lil photo of the baby’s ultrasound in his wallet that he often takes peeks at while at work
and he can’t help but smile and tear up at the thought of starting a family w u 🥰
every morning, he just feels so blessed to wake up to the sight of you n your lil bump aka his future child ?!?!!?
and when that realization registers in his brain,
he just has to pull you close to him, plant a kiss to ur belly, and cuddle you for as long as he wants <333
the day you go into labor, yamaguchi lugs like 3 hospital bags frantically out of the house (he definitely stuffed them fully to the brim)
he’s overall pretty anxious but he’s mostly anxious about the pain you’re going thru🥺
with each hour that passes at the hospital, he’s pacing the room back and forth, always coming back to ur bedside to hold ur hand and kiss it many times
when the time finally comes, yamaguchi can’t believe that he’s actually seeing his child irl
like.... he’s in awe of the beauty of his child, just utterly speechless...
it registers a little bit later and he’s crying again
but back home, yamaguchi is always so eager to take care of his baby and he’ll do anything n everything to take care of his child and help u rest and recover
dad yamaguchi melts my heart
☀︎—kozume kenma
so u decide to plan a little surprise for kenma one morning
and he’s all groggy from just waking up, 
but he peeks his eyes open when he hears you shuffling back and forth right at his bedside,,
he sees that you’re only wearing a white oversized tee and he’s about to pull u back in bed for more sleep,
but then kenma’s eyes focus on the text that’s handwritten in sharpie in the center of the shirt over your stomach
“kenma jr.”
he’s never seen this shirt before, and then he’s realizing what it means and his eyes widen in anticipation !!!
so u crawl on top of him and lay your head on his chest while he’s processing,,
“yes, kozume. i am.”
he’s smiling with his eyes closed, 
and he lifts his head to kiss your hair before wrapping his arms around you and whispering in your ear that “he doesn’t know a kenma jr. but he can’t wait to meet them”
you swat at his chest jokingly, and he smiles even wider, 
but you don’t see the love that resonates deeply in his eyes when he looks down at you🥺 
bc you end up falling asleep on him lmaooo
but ever since that day, kenma is on high alert whether it looks like it or not...
he’s especially protective of u in public, 
observing those closest to you and gently shifting you out of the way when someone gets too close...
kenma is most affectionate though when he thinks you’re not aware,,
meaning he likes to run his hand over your stomach, admire your sleeping expression, nd gently kiss your hair
all while he thinks you’re asleep but you’re not tho and it makes ur heart explode
kenma also doesn’t struggle to sleep at night, but he ends up choosing to stay awake for as long as u are 
and he stays awake even after u fall asleep bc he likes to whisper some of the sweetest words to just kenma jr uwuwuwu
on the day when kenma accompanies you to the hospital, he’s listening intently to the patterns of your breathing,
so he knows when the pain is worst and he holds onto you tighter during those times,,
after hours of labor, kenma ends up super teary eyed at the sight of his baby,
he’s silently swaying the baby in his arms nd just thinking about how much his heart is overfilling with luv...
he knows kenma jr now... and he loves kenma jr with his whole heart<333
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Jung Hoseok and the Magic to Happiness | 03
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; Hufflepuff Teacher!Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, future angst, future smut
; Word Count: 7.9k
; Synopsis: An unexpected issue with your Ministry of Magic job leads to you taking the role of Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. It’s here that you meet your best friend’s younger brother for the first time in years, the Hufflepuff Head of House, Jung Hoseok. While you contend with seeing him once again, Hoseok tries to show you that he’s very much a man and no longer the gangly teenager you once knew.
; A/N: I hope this is okay...I’m still trying to get back into my groove of writing so I apologise if anything isn’t all that great!  Please send me asks with  what you think or leave feedback on a reblog!
Last Chapter ; Next Chapter
“Professor! Professor Y/L/N! Owo has turned herself into a mouse!” Turning around from where you’d been helping Alicia Morningstar with her efforts to turn a teapot into a tortoise. It was a simple enough spell and something all Third Years had to learn to master, but it was proving to be a little bit of an issue for some students.
The process of turning inanimate into animate was a little tougher than the transfiguration spells they’d learnt in previous years so you were being very generous with your time in class. What it also meant was that students would make mistakes frequently, such that done by poor Grace Owosekun, also known as Owo to her friends.
Instead of the young Ravenclaw witch, there was an adorably cute mouse sitting on her table. A high pitched squeak emerged from her as you moved closer and you had to stifle your laughter. Working with the students was exceptionally rewarding, but sometimes you did get flashbacks to your previous job. 
Thankfully, it took no effort at all for you to help poor Grace back into her human self. It was a slightly odd process to watch as it wasn’t as elegant as that of an animagus, but you were just thankful that you soon had one healthy student in her place once more.
“Are you okay?” You ask, crouching down and resting a hand on the table that she shared with her best friend, Sheyi Adeyemi. The Gryffindor was watching her with concern on her face, her brow creased as she reached out to rub Grace’s shoulder.
“I’m okay, Professor,” Grace smiles, though she seems a little off balance. “I’m sorry, I did the spell wrong. I don’t even know how I managed it.” She looks a little embarrassed, her gaze dropping from you to the wand she’d dropped on the table. 
Giving her an encouraging smile, you shake your head and try to be as reassuring as you can. “Don’t worry about it. We all make mistakes and it’s better to make mistakes here in the classroom where they can be rectified quickly and efficiently. Hopefully, you can learn from that and get it right next time; you’re an excellent witch and I believe you can do it. Try again!”
Remaining crouched next to her, Grace gives you an uncertain glance before chewing on her lip. Sheyi rubs her shoulder and gives her a thumbs-up of encouragement, causing you to give her an appreciative look of your own.
Picking up her wand, the Ravenclaw takes a deep breath to steady her nerves before trying once more. There’s a moment where nothing happens and you can practically feel her disappointment, but then the teapot quivers. It’s a subtle movement but soon evolves into a stronger tremble, the spout beginning to transform.
After around thirty-seconds, a small tortoise is laying on the desk. Sheyi claps in excitement, congratulating her friend repeatedly and you stand with a fond smile of your own. Picking up the tortoise gently, you turn it over in your hands to check for any accidental deformities. There’s none there though and you place it carefully back onto the desk.
“Well done, Grace. You did a great job. It’s important to maintain a good level of confidence when working in transfiguration. Sometimes the intent is more important than anything else.” Nodding at her, you moved back towards the front of your classroom. 
Standing at the front, you clapped your hands to get the attention of all your young students. It took a few moments for everyone to quiet down but you finally succeeded. Smiling at them all, you proceed to ask who hadn’t managed to fulfil the task you’d set out at the beginning of class. A few of them hold their hands up, sadness written all over their face and you resolve to carry on with this spell for the next lesson.
No one would move on until everyone was caught up. A glance at the clock signified that it was almost time for class to end, so you began to wrap everything up. Walking around the desks, you made quick work of turning all the tortoises back to teacups and a silent spell had them all dancing through the air to their place in the open storage cupboard. 
“Okay, everyone. We had a good class today, you all did well. If you didn’t manage to get the spell to work, don’t worry about it too much. We’re going to continue with this transfiguration next time until everyone’s done it at least five times, okay? If you have any issues with it, you’re free to come to see me out of class time for extra tutoring if needed. There’s no homework for today so make sure to use that time to catch up on anything you’ve been given from your other professors. Class dismissed.” There was a palpable ripple of excitement that ran through the students at being able to go to lunch earlier than usual.
While they all rushed out of the door, a cacophony of loud voices and rippling robes, you tidied up your desk to prepare for the class that would begin after lunch. That was Sixth Years, which thankfully meant that they were very knowledgeable about magic and were a little easier to teach than the younger students.
The more complex spells compounded that, but you found the students to be both quick and adept at learning.
Finishing up, you took a deep breath before running your hands down the front of your robes to get rid of any unfortunate creases. As you do so, your stomach rumbles and that familiar ache of hunger causes a pang to run through you. Wincing slightly, you glanced at your desk and pondered whether to just keep working.
Ideally, you could use some more time to prep for the next lesson but you’d missed breakfast this morning. Chaeyoung had introduced you to some muggle form of exercise called ‘pilates’ last night and this morning you’d had muscles aching that you didn't even know existed. An extra half an hour in bed had been called for, which meant the necessary sacrifice of breakfast.
But you knew that you couldn’t miss lunch as well. The pure hunger you’d feel by the time dinner came around would be highly unpleasant. Sighing deeply, you decide that you could forego the planning to get some food. 
Heading towards the door, you open it and are surprised to see Hoseok standing there. He’s about to knock, which means his hand is dangerously close to your chest. For a moment, the two of you stare at said hand with wide eyes. A fleeting thought in the back of your mind wonders what it’d feel like on you, his fingers long and almost dainty in their beauty.
It disappears quickly when Hoseok retracts it immediately, fumbling as he tries to stuff it into his robes. Glancing to his face, you have to work to hide the smile as you note the rose tint to his high cheekbones. All the while, he’s muttering apologies to you and taking a large step back to give you space.
“Hobi! What are you doing here? Why aren’t you in the Great Hall already?” There’s a few seconds pause where Hoseok simply stares at you, his expression so sweet and innocent that you’re suddenly reminded of teenage Hoseok once more. It makes you grin brightly, letting out a gentle chuckle as you gesture for him to move backwards.
Exiting your classroom, you begin to walk alongside him through the extravagant halls that make up Hogwarts. Multiple paintings with long gone witches and wizards watch you both walk past, a few slipping from frame to frame to keep pace. Hoseok clears his throat a little awkwardly, causing you to frown at him as you take in his stiff posture and the way he’s balling his hands behind his back.
“You didn’t come to breakfast so...I wanted to make sure that you ate lunch at least. If you didn’t turn up or agree to come, then I was going to go get something and bring it back for you,” Pausing momentarily, he studiously keeps his face away from your curious look. “You shouldn’t forgo meals, it’s not healthy.”
Raising a brow, you muse to yourself how sweet he was being. Jisoo would be proud of his brotherly instincts remaining strong and how determined he was to make sure you were okay. 
“Yes, Professor Jung. I’ll make sure not to miss any meals in the future,” You completely miss the way he flinches at your use of his formal title. “I only missed breakfast because Chaeyoung decided to engage in some mild form of torture with some muggle exercise last night. I’m not entirely sure if I want to continue it on, though I am almost relishing the ache in my muscles now. Is that wrong?” 
Humming lightly, you tap your lips as the two of you reach the doors of the Great Hall. Entering quickly, you explain the pilates exercise that Chaeyoung was a fan of to him as the two of you walked towards the head table. A few professors were already seated, eating and chatting with their neighbour, while the House tables were around three-quarters full.
Not all the students would eat lunch at this time as some of the older students had free periods that allowed them to eat a little later. On top of that, there were lunchtime clubs that focused on varying hobbies and interests that would serve their lunches to those participating.
Chaeyoung was one of those professors who wasn’t present today but you knew that she was supervising a field trip visit to the Ministry with some Fourth Year students. Instead, Seokjin sat in her place and gave you an expectant look as you sat down. As usual, Hoseok sat next to you and began to pick the food he wanted while you took your plate.
“Morning, Seokjin. Or afternoon rather. How are you today? Classes going well?” Reaching past Hoseok, you took a delicious looking cheese and bean toastie from a stack, the bread crispy and toasted to perfection while a long string of melted cheese stretches enticingly. It wasn’t really what you’d consider a lunch food, more breakfast food in your opinion.
Given that you hadn’t eaten breakfast though, you felt that you were allowed to indulge. Alongside the toastie, now cooling on your plate so it didn’t burn your mouth, you asked Hoseok to pass you some of the bacon that was teasing your nose. He did so without complaint; giving you a larger than normal pile until you were raising your brow at him.
“You need to make up for breakfast.” Was all he said before he began to tuck into his lunch of creamy leek and potato soup with freshly made bread. The smell of it dances over to you slowly and you peer a little closer, noting the specks of black pepper dotting the surface alongside a few more spices and herbs that you couldn’t figure out immediately.
To your surprise, Hoseok tears off a piece of bread and dips it into the soup before holding it up to your mouth. Eyes widening, you give him a silent question to which he responds by just lifting it once with a smile. The taste of the soup complements the bread perfectly and you hum in delight, doing a little wriggle in your seat as you chew it happily.
“That’s good! I might have some too.” You murmur, reaching out to scoop some soup into a small bowl as well.
“Be careful you don’t make yourself sick or end up too full. Miyeon has asked me to invite you to dinner tonight. It’s nothing fancy, just an Irish stew with homemade dumplings. Though I like to spice it up sometimes to make things interesting,” Seokjin leans closer as he winks, nudging you with his elbow as he lets out that distinctive laugh. “I want to finally introduce you to my family!”
Clapping your hands in excitement, you try to respond to him only he’d asked at the exact moment that you’d bitten into your toastie. Which means you have molten hot cheese and beans filling your mouth, causing you to do a strange dance as you waved at your mouth in an attempt to try and cool it down.
Snorting loudly, Seokjin helps and begins to waft his hands before you as well. After a few moments of suffering a burnt mouth, you finally swallowed it and gave him an appreciative smile.
“Wow, that was hot. Sorry, I think I just spat on you or something,” Reaching out, you wiped awkwardly at the spit that had hit his robes. “But yes, I’d love to come for dinner. Thank you for inviting me, I appreciate it. You’ve talked so much about Miyeon that I feel like I already know her pretty well but I can’t wait to meet her.”
He gives you a huge smile that makes his eyes light up, the happiness in them palpable and it makes excitement buzz through your veins. Hogwarts was finally beginning to feel more like home for you and you were glad to be making friends with your fellow professors.
“Fantastic. If you meet me outside the entrance hall around an hour after your last class then I can apparate you to my house. It’s easier if I do that for you as you’ve never been there and I have some work to catch up on after class. Is that okay?” Seokjin tilts his head, taking a long drink of fresh pumpkin juice with a questioning look in his eyes.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Glancing at the clock that was situated at the back of the classroom, you sigh deeply before returning your gaze to the two stacks of essays before you. Each sheet of parchment contained the musings of your Second Year students on the topic that you’d assigned to them the week before. 
It had all been one big stack just under an hour ago when you’d dropped it onto the top of your desk once the last student had left your classroom. Now there were two; one which consisted of those you had carefully marked and the other those waiting for your attention. Thankfully, the completed stack was much larger than the other and you knew that you’d be able to finish it off before you went to bed tonight.
For now, though, you placed your quill down and linked your fingers together before stretching with a groan. A few vertebrae popped in your spine, the sensation causing you to wince though there was no pain. Getting old sucked and it felt like every day you woke up with some part of your body aching that hadn’t before.
Sighing deeply, you slumped into your seat and rubbed at your eyes tiredly. In an ideal world, you’d take yourself off to bed for a good nap before waking up for dinner. Not something you indulged in often but you were certainly feeling the repercussions of the pilates from last night.
You had plans though so you couldn’t go curl up into your bed. Yawning loudly, you stood and carefully put the completed essays away into your cabinet. The unmarked ones remained on the desk, waiting for you to come back to them tonight.
Heading into your quarters, you tugged off the robes that signified you as a teacher before pulling on some clothing that was more suitable for a casual dinner. A pair of dark denim jeans, a much-loved favourite clothing item from a muggle store you liked to browse back in London, and a warm knit sweater with black and white stripes made up your outfit.
Slipping your feet into some dark brown boots, you complimented the whole look with a knee-length black peacoat. Jisoo had recently gotten into crocheting and she’d send you a matching hat and scarf that she’d made, the blue, purple and silver colours blending beautifully. You thought Seokjin might appreciate it, particularly how much they reminded you of space. It was his speciality after all.
Pursing your lips, you wondered whether you should take a gift or not. You’d always thought it polite to take something when someone had invited you to eat at their house. Seokjin and Miyeon were going to be spending their free time to make you something to eat, it made sense for you to reciprocate their effort however you could.
Opening the cabinet next to your bed, you eyed the bottles contemplatively. You could take some wine, but what would suit stew best? Was red good? 
Shrugging, you took the bottle of red Bordeaux that Jisoo had forced you to bring when you’d first moved here. It wasn’t your favourite but you knew that Jisoo was a big fan of it. Both she and her brother were wine connoisseurs it would seem, given how often you’d seen Hoseok enjoying a flute of wine at dinner.
Nodding your head, you lifted it and quickly left your quarters, heading through the empty classroom and locking the door behind you. You’d never really understood the point of locking anything at Hogwarts as all students learnt the alohomora spell anyway. It was just asking for everything to be opened.
You told yourself it was the thought that counts as you hurried along, your boots tapping against the floor in a pleasant noise that made you smile. As much as you loved Hogwarts, loved being back here and living here full time, you did still miss the freedom of being outside the castle walls. Sometimes it could feel a little stifling to live where you worked.
Seokjin stood outside the entrance hall, his robes still in place while he pushed his hands deep into his pockets. His breath came out in small puffs, visible in the cold air and you instantly got an image of those infamous dragons that breathed fire. Surely every child liked to pretend they were a dragon, witch or muggle, right?
“Hi,” You let him know you’re here, giving him a bright smile when he looks at you with wide eyes. “Sorry, I’m a little late. Got caught up marking. I swear, no one told me that teaching was going to extend into my free time.”
He laughs, letting out a snort in pure amusement as he gestures for you to follow him down the path. You couldn’t apparate inside the boundaries of Hogwarts, so the two of you needed to walk a little further away.
“Just wait until it’s exam time. You’ll regret ever becoming a teacher. But then you get to see them when they get their results and it’s rewarding. So you forget that you want to die sometimes and start it all again next year! Trust me, you’ll experience the same pattern every time. Thankfully though, I have Miyeon who is always willing to lend me a shoulder to cry on.” Gesturing wildly with his hand, he lets out a dramatic sigh before twirling said hand to rest on his forehead.
Now you’re the one snorting with laughter, feeling the stress of your working day leaving your body slowly. It felt good to relax with someone outside of Hogwarts, filling the hole of not being able to see Jisoo as often pretty well. Even though the two of you talked as often as possible, using the magic mirror that you’d bought years ago.
It functioned much like a muggle mobile phone or those fancy webcams that they had, allowing you both to see each other through the mirror screen and talk to each other. They’d improved a lot in quality over the years; the wizarding world trying to catch up to the increasing globalisation that the muggle world used. 
The ridiculously fast speed with which muggles seemed to innovate had proven a constant source of fascination amongst the wizarding world. Alongside that though, was the worry that your community was going to be exposed quicker than ever given how slow it was to adapt to those changes. So there were plenty of entrepreneurs out there who were working hard to convert many muggle inventions into magic friendly inventions.
“Don’t tell me that. You need to ease me into this crap, not just tell me of the chaos that’s awaiting me.” Now it’s your turn to be dramatic, letting out a deep groan and stamping your feet. It has the desired effect of making Seokjin smile.
“You just complained to me that no one warned you...so…” Raising a brow, he looked at you with a smirk as you let out a sigh, shoulders deflating.
Reaching the border, Seokjin turned to you and held out his arm like a Victorian gentleman. As he did so, he did a half-bow towards you with mischief in his eyes. You were positive that Miyeon must be a great woman to have caught this handsome and funny man.
“Shall we depart?” Nodding, you looped your arm through his and waited for the familiar sense of apparition. It wasn’t something that you particularly enjoyed but you’d done it so many times that you were used to it.
When it finished, you were no longer standing outside the gates of Hogwarts but a small house bordered with a delicate white, wooden fence. A look around shows a few more houses like Seokjin’s, all with gardens that probably were beautiful when they bloomed with full flowers in spring and summer. 
His home looked cosy; the frames painted a cheerful yellow that should look strange but seemed to suit the bright orange door. It should look gaudy and awful, yet it felt like a home filled with love and laughter. Smiling at it, you noted the overflowing grass of the lawn that surrounded both sides of the gravel path that led to the door.
“It’s a wildflower lawn. In the warmer months, it has lots of different flowers and we always end up with so many different insects and animals foraging.” He says as you wave your hand through the tall stalks. It makes you wish that you could see it then, so you just resolved to weasel an invite during those months too.
“This house is so...cheerful. I love it!” You coo, reaching out to run your fingers along the wooden door. The paint feels smooth and hard beneath your fingertips and what looks like an antique knocker gives you a curious look. Peering closer at it, you note it’s in the shape of a heart with big eyes, causing you to look at Seokjin with a raised brow.
“Jihyo picked it. You don’t say no to her big eyes.” He said simply, referencing his oldest daughter. Pursing your lips, you nodded with a solemn look. Even though you didn’t have young kids, you knew that it was better to just give in sometimes.
Opening the door, Seokjin lets you enter first while he calls out to his wife and kids. The two of you take off your coats and shoes while he puts away your scarf and hat carefully. As you do so, there’s a loud ruckus from upstairs and you look up in time to see two small bodies run down the hallway.
The little girl you guess is Jihyo, her black hair separated into cute little pigtails while her cute face is split into an adorable smile of pure joy at seeing her dad. As she jumps into Seokjin’s open arms, chattering away loudly and lifting her stuffed dragon toy, you note the slightly more unstable toddler waddling to you.
She’s a lot smaller than her big sister and you recall Seokjin saying that she’d only started walking half a year ago or something. Crouching down, you smile at her in what you hope is a friendly way, reaching out and taking her tiny hands. She grasps them tightly, coming to a wobbly stop before you and looking at you with eyes so reminiscent of her dad’s.
“Hi, you must be Sooah,” Gently shaking her hands up and down, you can’t help but laugh at her shriek of delight. “You’re so pretty! Your daddy says you’re very smart too.” 
Looking up at Seokjin, you note him watching you both with a soft smile on his face. His kids are a constant source of joy and pride for him, something you’d come to know after the months of getting to know him. From the looks of how excited his daughters were to see him, you knew the feelings were probably reciprocated as well.
“Y/N, hi! It’s so nice to meet you.” Standing, you watch as a beautiful woman with long, dark hair picks up Sooah in a smooth motion. With practised ease, she shifted the toddler into a comfortable position before leaning up to accept Seokjin’s quick kiss. 
The two of them together looked like the perfect family, causing you to bite your teeth as a warm feeling bloomed in your chest. That would hopefully be you and whoever you fell in love with one day. If you could have half the happiness Seokjin had, you’d be a happy girl.
“Miyeon, Seokjin’s told me so much about you. Thank you for inviting me tonight, I’ve been looking forward to it since lunch,” You gush, grabbing the bag that you’d brought with you and holding it out to her. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to bring anything but I felt rude not so, I’ve brought some wine that I think would go well?” 
Letting Sooah down, she carefully watches as the little girl toddled back into what you presume is the living room. Once sure she’s okay, she pulls the bottle out of the bag and examines the label closely. 
“Ooh, this will work wonderfully. Thank you, you didn’t have to do this though. We’re just glad for your company. Honestly! I’ve been bugging Seokjin for weeks now to invite you. Meeting his colleagues is always fun and I’m sure that I drove him up the wall wanting to meet you. He’s talked so favourably about you.” With that, she looks at her husband and you laugh at how red his ears have gotten.
It hasn’t gone unnoticed by Jihyo, you place her small hands on his cheeks and squeezes while giggling. She looks adorable doing it, causing you to press your hands to your chest as you coo at her. As if she knows you think she’s the sweetest thing that you’ve ever seen, Jihyo gives you a smile that’s full of mischief. 
Seokjin’s daughter.
“Okay, can daddy please sit down? Let’s go play with Sooah!” He distracts his daughter quickly, shuffling through to the living room and disappearing through the door. Standing in the hallway with Miyeon, you give her an awkward look and feel thankful when she invites you towards the kitchen.
“Come, come. He always likes to play with the girls for a little bit when he gets home. Stress relief for him and also time for them to be with their dad without my interference. Let’s go open this bottle and have a chat. The stew’s been cooking for a few hours now and Seokjin will make the dumplings in an hour or so. It won’t be too long, I promise!” Her voice is bubbly and immediately puts you at ease.
“That’s sweet. A nice way for him to relax. I wish I could do that. I just usually end up falling asleep once I’m back in my quarters after dinner. Not a huge amount to do once I’ve done my work but I’ve certainly done a lot of reading lately. I’ve got lots of books if you want to borrow some.” That gets a laugh from Miyeon as she pulls out two glasses from a cupboard above the counter.
Their kitchen is just as warm and cosy as the outside of their house. It’s not very big, but you think it’s perfectly sized for everything they would need. The oven hums quietly as it cooks the stew, the glass front letting you see the large pot situated inside.
“Let me know what you’ve got and I’ll think. I have two whole bookcases in the living room that you can look through if you’d like. Getting to read a chapter each night before bed is something I indulge in now that Sooah is old enough to sleep in her bed.” Carefully pouring out wine into the glasses, she gestures for you to sit at the table and the two of you begin to chat away.
You’re pleased to discover that Miyeon is just as nice and friendly as she’d initially seemed and you both discover that you have a lot of interests that cross. It’s probably half an hour later when you’re both interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door. Miyeon doesn’t seem to be surprised at it, instead getting a bright smile on her face as she stands and moves back out to the hallway.
Frowning slightly, you follow her and pause when you hear a familiar voice respond to Seokjin. Eyes widening, you turn the corner and take in the appearance of Hoseok. He’s unwrapping the familiar Hufflepuff scarf from around his neck and is greeting Miyeon with that beautiful smile and a big hug.
“Mimi! Looking pretty as ever,” He compliments, winking at her before chuckling when Seokjin pushes him. “And where are my two favourite little girls?” 
Almost immediately, Jihyo comes running out and almost throws herself against Hoseok’s legs. Her arms wrap around them tightly and you can’t stop the smile that forms when you spot Sooah wobbling towards him as well. He makes soft sounds of support to her, holding his hand out to encourage her forwards before scooping her up into his arms.
“Uncle Seok!” Jihyo says, her voice high pitched as she tugs at his trousers insistently. “Come play dolls!” 
“Not right now, sweetheart. I will in a few minutes, okay?” He runs his hand over her head and you’re struck by the sheer familiarity of him with Seokjin’s family. You knew that they all knew each other; after so many years at Hogwarts, it would be impossible for them not to be friends. But this was a whole other level of closeness.
Upon seeing the confusion in your face, Seokjin winces and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry, I forgot to mention. I felt bad about inviting you when Hoseok was right there like I was leaving him out or something. So I invited him as well. He’s a close friend of our family overall so I thought it would be nice to blend all our friendships!”
Hoseok looks up and spots you, giving you that warm and friendly smile that makes your stomach bubble. It disappears almost instantly though as a small crease etches itself into his forehead, his gaze moving from you to Seokjin. You can almost feel the uncertainty flowing from him, causing you to give him a little wave to ease his nerves.
“Hey, you should have dropped by before we left. We could have all travelled together.” Moving closer to the group, you try to make sure that Hoseok knows you’re not annoyed or anything by his presence. And you’re not. If anything, you’re quite pleased to see him. It makes you feel a little less nervous about just being on your own with Seokjin and Miyeon, even if they’re lovely.
There’s no getting around how awkward it feels to be the third wheel in a situation.
For a moment, he simply eyes you to try and see if you’re lying. Sooah is trying to distract his attention away and you have to try hard not to coo at how good he looks with kids. You should’ve known he would though; he was great with his students and had spoken previously of his love of working with younger children as well.
“Honestly. I think someone wants your attention right now though,” Gesturing to the little girl in his arms, you smirk slightly. “I think the guys should go back to entertaining the kids. Miyeon, would you like me to help make the dumplings instead of Seokjin making them?” Hoseok’s brow rose slightly but he didn’t question it, nor did Seokjin protest.
Miyeon nodded in response, letting her hand run through Sooah’s soft hair affectionately before following you back to the kitchen. You’ve never been the best cook in the world but you knew enough to not embarrass yourself as the two of you created the savoury dumplings.
Finishing up, Miyeon carefully took the pot of stew out of the oven and placed it on the side. The aroma that left it once she took the lid away made your stomach rumble in hunger and you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of contentment. That was probably the best thing you’d smelled in a long time and you couldn’t wait for a home-cooked meal.
Not that the food at Hogwarts wasn’t home-cooked, but there was something a little more special about having a meal made by family or friends. Carefully, you placed the dumplings into the stew, letting them sit along the top to cook until dinner was ready. As soon as the pot was back in the oven, you both sat back at the table and continued on your conversation. 
It’s only ten minutes or so before Miyeon begins to prepare dinner for the girls. A glance at the clock lets you know that it’s already after six in the evening and they wanted to get the kids in bed before everyone had their dinner. Normally, they would all eat dinner together but tonight was more for the adults.
Helping her, you set the table following her instructions while she plates up some stew for the girls to eat and lets it cool a little. A cup of water for each gets placed on the table and soon enough, the kitchen is filled with shrieks and the sound of children eating loudly. Both girls enjoy their meals and eat them all with no complaints, causing you to compliment Miyeon on her good parenting.
As they eat, Miyeon pushes you to go talk to Seokjin and Hoseok who are both chatting away in the living room. The fire in the hearth is blazing away happily, warming the room and giving it that aroma that only a real fire could give. At your arrival, they both greeted you and all three of you began to discuss your work. It was inevitable that it happened and you’d rather do it now before boring Miyeon with it over dinner.
Maybe only half an hour passes before Seokjin disappears to help put his daughters to bed. It leaves Hoseok and you alone in the living room, the wine already making you feel a little looser and calmer. The sofa was incredibly comfortable and you had to blink a few times, yawning as you felt unbelievably relaxed.
“Careful or you’ll miss dinner.” Hoseok teases you, his voice deep and pleasing. Smiling, you shuffle a little further up the cushion before stretching with a groan. Looking back over at him, your brow rises as you take in his own slumped figure.
“Careful, or you’ll miss dinner.” You parrot back to him, grinning as he rolls his eyes playfully. It’s surprising to you how comfortable you feel in his presence now when he’d been almost a stranger only a few months ago. Even Jisoo was surprised by how well the two of you were getting on now, commenting that Hoseok was mentioning you far more in conversation than she’d expected.
And vice versa for you.
“I’m so hungry,” He whines, laying his hands on his stomach and rubbing at it with a petulant pout. “It smells so good.”
“Well, it’s almost done. So you won’t need to wait much longer. I’m sure your poor, starving stomach will be able to cope.” Giving him an exaggerated look, you reach forward to poke at his stomach playfully and enjoy the quiet giggle he gives. He’s ticklish, given how he tries to wriggle away from your touch.
You’d investigate that further but you didn’t want him making too much and ruining the Kim’s attempts at getting their daughters to sleep. So you just filed that information away for further use, positive you’d get to use it at some point.
“You’re going to be at breakfast tomorrow, right?” His question is quiet, his eyes focused on the dancing flames of the fire that crackled and popped occasionally. Glancing to him out of the corner of your eye, you smirk.
“Why? Going to miss me if I’m not there?” 
“I just don’t want you missing meals. Breakfast is the most important mea-” Cutting him off before he can finish, you hold up a hand and laugh loudly. His eyes narrow at the sound and his pretty lips threaten to pout once more.
“I’ve heard that more than enough in my life. Don’t worry, I’ll be there. As you can see, there’s no pilates tonight. If I miss breakfast then it’s probably because I’ll be too lethargic from dinner tonight. Feel free to bang on my door if I’m not there to wake me up but I will probably be very grumpy.” That gets a reluctant smile from him, the dimples in his cheeks more prominent.
“Noted. On another note, are you going home for Christmas or staying?” Staring at him, you chew on your lip as you consider his question. Your plans were near enough set in stone but you always had the option to change them at the last minute.
“I’ll probably be staying. I mean, I might go back for a day or so but I don’t have anywhere to live down there and I don’t want to deal with the hassle of my parents,” You’d never really gotten along with your parents and tried to avoid them if you could. “Might visit Jisoo a few times but for the most part, I’ll be staying at Hogwarts. Are you staying?”
He nodded his head slowly, linking his fingers together across his belly and sighing. 
“Yep. I can’t leave because we still have students who stay during the holidays and as the Head of Hufflepuff then I need to be there for anyone who needs me. It’s usually pretty quiet though so it’s nothing to worry about.” You smile at the warmth in his voice and the concern for his students.
He truly was a great professor and an even better Head of House.
“Maybe you could come with me to visit Jisoo or something. I’d only be going for a few hours and I’m sure she’d love to see you again.” There’s an odd look on Hoseok’s face as he stares at you, causing you to frown in question at him. But he’s saved from answering by the arrival of Seokjin and Miyeon once more.
“Come on, my second children! Delicious dinner awaits!” Seokjin says loudly, gesturing wildly with his arms and causing Miyeon to scowl before gently slapping his stomach. He almost instantly makes an exaggerated sound and you’re reminded of Hoseok only minutes earlier.
“Finallyyyyy.” Hoseok exhales, standing upright and hurrying into the kitchen. You watch him with wide eyes and look at the couple in the doorway with raised brows, causing Miyeon to snort with amusement.
“Hoseok loves Seokjin’s stew. Another reason he got invited tonight. Anyway, come on. You’re about to experience the best stew you’ve ever had in your life.” Taking your arm, she pulls you towards the kitchen as Seokjin follows behind you, a proud look on his face.
“I’m glad that my brilliance is appreciated in this house. The house-elves at Hogwarts should learn my recipe and let everyone be blessed by the wonders of my food.” The sound that leaves you is very strange, almost like a snort, a cough and a laugh all at once. It’s exacerbated by Hoseok’s sharp, and very dry, response.
“It’s not that good, Seokjin. Calm down.”
Seokjin and his wife watched as the two Hogwarts professors walked down the gravel path to the gate. They were talking quietly to each other, their words too low to hear and their dark robes made them almost blend into the night. It was only from the soft lighting from inside the cottage, giving a warm glow to the lawn of wildflowers Miyeon carefully cared for, that allowed them to see the outline of the witch and wizard.
Once they had passed through the gate, closing it politely behind themselves as they went, there was a moment where they simply gestured goodbye. Seokjin grinned broadly and waved back, watching as their bodies disappeared as they apparated back to Hogwarts. 
“He is so in love with her,” Miyeon muses, her lips curved up into that pretty smile that had enraptured Seokjin so long ago. “And she has no idea, does she?”
Shaking his head in response, he gently encourages her back inside before closing the door. It was far too cold outside and he didn’t want the warmth of their home seeping out unnecessarily. A creak from upstairs makes him pause, eyeing the stairwell with narrowed eyes for a few moments before deciding it was nothing.
The house was old and prone to making odd noises at all times of the day, but he’d also realised that kids liked to do the exact opposite of what their parents wanted. Which meant he wasn’t entirely sure if Jihyo had woken up and was quietly playing to herself.
Though she was also four-years-old and if he’d learnt anything about his beloved daughter; it was that she was just as loud as he was. Seokjin had never been as proud. He was glad that she was starting to entertain herself and no longer required their attention all the time.
Following his wife into the living room, he smiled fondly as she flopped onto the sofa. Miyeon took the pink, orange and white hand-crocheted blanket that was draped alongside the back and wrapped it around herself, opening her arms to encompass him as well when he finally sat.
“She hasn’t got the foggiest. Which makes it even funnier to watch him flirt with her because she just doesn’t realise. I think everyone has realised at work as we all try to engineer them being together or around each other for things. Still isn’t clicking for her, bless.” Seokjin snorts in amusement, kissing Miyeon’s hair affectionately when she pats his stomach.
While Hoseok had come for the food, he wasn’t entirely sure if the younger man hadn’t come mainly because you’d be there. His feelings were very obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain, which was obviously why he’d invited you to the dinner tonight so loudly. An opportunity for Hoseok to meet with you in a social situation outside of Hogwarts.
And from the way you’d both been laughing and talking animatedly all evening, it had worked very well. It was clear the two of you had known each other for a very long time given the number of inside jokes that had been thrown around casually alongside old memories that you shared. The two of you seemed to be very natural together and Seokjin couldn’t help but hope something a little more romantic might happen.
“Don’t be mean! Hoseok’s sweet and I feel so sorry for him. Imagine fancying someone for years in school when you’re all gawky and...teenage, only to meet them again when you’re both older and more attractive. I hope she realises soon, they have such good chemistry together.” Miyeon muses quietly, resting her head on his shoulder and sighing tiredly.
“They do, which is why it’s fun to tease them. He gets flustered because he knows that I know and she just doesn’t pay attention.” That might sound a little mean but Seokjin was trying to help them. Sometimes people just needed a little push and he was more than happy to do that.
“I’m not surprised, though. I mean, think about it from her point of view. He’s her best friend’s little brother, not exactly someone you think about romantically. Especially in school of all places, she probably viewed him either like a little brother or just a pure nuisance. Imagine how confused she feels now, seeing him as this attractive man who is very dateable. I wouldn’t know what to do with that situation either.” Humming, Seokjin considers his wife’s thoughts carefully before nodding.
“I can see that. Must be a little awkward. Maybe she’s not sure what to do...or if she even has permission. She’s got her best friend to think about too.” The reaction he gets is a sleepy moan of acknowledgement, causing him to grin before carefully moving his arm to wrap around her shoulders.
“I’d hope his sister would want her brother and best friend to be happy, even if they find that with each other. But who knows. Either way...he’s been on a mission to change her mind.” He let himself recall all the little ‘dates’ that Hoseok had taken Y/N on, without the actual title of a date. The unicorn date, the Great Lake date where he’d taught her about the creatures that lived beneath in, the multiple Hogsmeade dates that she still thought were just two friends going out. 
Of course, Hoseok hadn’t pointed out the difference to her. The Hufflepuff Head was content to let her think it was all friendly, and he’d always made it clear that others could come along too but it was an unsaid rule amongst the faculty that no one would say yes.
Seokjin hoped, for his friend’s sake, that she would eventually realise. It was just a good thing that Hoseok embodied the traits of Hufflepuff; limitless patience, unending determination and incredibly loyal. That thought makes him laugh gently, causing Miyeon to shift and look at him lazily.
“I just realise...we always say that Hufflepuff’s are loyal, right? Well, Hoseok has been loyal to her for years. Even if there was that gap where they didn’t see each other for a few years...as soon as she comes back, his affections are right there once more.” Stroking his wife’s arm soothingly, he kisses her head once more as the romance of the whole situation hits him.
“That’s...that’s so sweet. I think she’ll come around soon. It’s obvious she likes him too. They just need something to push them a little more and make her realise that it’s okay to go for him.” Pursing his lip, Seokjin considers her words for a moment. She was right, which she always was.
Glancing over to the kitchen, the calendar on the wall just visible to him through the doorway, he did some quick maths in his head. The Winter Solstice Ball was fast approaching and if he remembered right, he knew the perfect spell to help things along for his lovesick friend.
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction To: Having a wet dream about you
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yourusernames: Omg can I request ATEEZ reaction to having a wet dream about their friend? (Who would start developing a crush, who would want to have a one night stand and who wouldn't care at all?) Thanks!!
A/N: These reactions are based solely off of what I think they’d do, I am in no way, shape or form, telling you that this IS how the members would handle this scenario. Like shit, I dunno the guys :/. This is a gender neutral reader reaction btw :)
(This is very explicit, you have been warned!!!)
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Hongjoong ♡:
• It felt like the actual thing
• Your lips; sweet like pink lemonade and eyes staring into his with a soft sparkle that originated from his bedside lamp
• but what felt more real than anything was you
• Your scent, your taste
• Your touch...
• It was all overwhelming in the sense that he found himself breaking out of his dreaming state, breath heavy as if he’d been sprinting for hours, and a lusty sheen screening his mind from acting with any sense of rationality
• He was horny horny, dawg 💀
• I feel for that man, it’s tough...
• He could already tell that he had an...accident, before he pushed the duvet off his body due to registering the last couple twitches of his restricted cock in his shorts
• No wonder he could ‘feel’ everything so well
• He wasn’t able to sleep the rest of the night.
• Couldn’t help but begin to feel a crush blossom for you
• As y’all already know, the man gets attached to the ones he spends the most time with
• You’re no exception
• Would end up telling you about his feelings. It was eating him up inside to keep it to himself
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Seonghwa ♡:
• He has no right looking this good, dawg. It literally makes me so mad lmao
• Lemme lick your face, I bet it tastes like expensive concealer and everything I’ll never have >:}
• Anywhore
• He felt feverish, even inside his dream
• It was odd; he could feel you, but he couldn’t feel you. He remembers the surreal sensation of warmth under his palms as he grabbed onto your bare ass whilst you bounced you on top of him, panting hard and clutching at his damp hair to pull his head back
• He groaned, and just as he went to switch positions, he was snapped out of his dream
• Was like “Fuckin pardon?” when he realised where he was; his empty bed, alone in his own room, no sign of you
• Frowned, pushing the covers off of him because dawg, he was heating up OwO
• Then realised the large wet spot at the front of his sweatpants
• “What the...”
• Was never the same™ 
• Everytime he saw you, he couldn’t help but feel that same heat in his hands, and he felt guilty about it. 
• Didn’t know how to approach you about it at all. What was he supposed to say?
• “I nutted in my pants because I dreamt about doing the dirty with you”
• Just wouldn’t bring it up
• Good chance he’d catch feelings. Seonghwa builds bonds with the people he knows, it’s very easy to tell that when he cares, and he would care dearly for you. Once the chance that anything intimate between you two arises, I’m sure he’d begin to think of you romantically once you’re shown in said light.
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Yunho ♡:
• Now wouldn’t a flustered Yunho be a sight? Damn...
• He loved looking down at you
• The way you smiled at him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling his bare chest into yours as you whispered how good he felt inside you, cooing out words of praise and encouragment 
• It was hazy, but he can still vaguely remember how you kissed him so sweetly. How your fingers smoothed his bangs away from his eyes, and how you moaned into his ear softly with each thrust
• It was only when you cupped his cheeks and spoke, did you break him out of his dream;
• “Wake up.”
• His eyes shot open
• Only a blue ceiling stared back
• “Mmm...?” Yunho sits up and rubs his eyes roughly, already aware of the blush that paints his cheeks and nose because he can feel the heat in his face
• Said ‘What the fawk 😃’ when his brain caught up with what he just experienced, as well as the stickiness that clung to his inner thighs when he moved to go get some water
• This bitch was contemplating his whole life after that
• Is ‘UwU’ with you from then on cuz a babie caught butterfwies ;(
• Rlly bad at hiding his feelings lol, you’d catch on eventually
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Yeosang ♡:
• It was messy, to say the least
• Kitchen island sex? Yup :D
• The dream wasn’t at all put into play with any sense. You guys were just... in the kitchen, when you confessed your feelings and made a move on him
• A deep kiss mixed with the pounding of nervous hearts all put Yeosang in a fever outside of his dream
• “Say you like it,” You panted, using the hand on the back of his head to push his forehead against yours while the other kept you from laying onto the island
• “I like it.. Fuck, I like it”
• “Yeah?” His hips stutter when you clench your walls around him, and in turn, he lets out a choked-off gasp
• “Y一Oh my god一Yeah...”
• Damn... he was FEELING it lmao
• Funny thing is that he slept throughout the entire dream and woke up only when his foot did a little mid-sleep spasm
• Stared at the wall while frowning for soooooo fucking long
• Whole time he said ‘ya know wot, that’s real interesting 🤔’
• Then was like “Prolly just horny 😃. oh well, time to change my underwear”
• And that’s what he chalked it up to in the end. Would maybe make a joke about it to you next time y’all hung out if he’s feeling loose enough and doesn’t mull over it for too long
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San ♡:
• Hold on, lemme get a half-assed feel for the man... yes... mm-hm... ah, I see... OK!
• So, from what I can tell, San would distance himself from you slightly. Maybe. 
• That night, as he lie in his bed, breath coming faster with each motion that went on in his head, he saw you in a way that he never thought would happen.
• Skin, slick with sweat and eyes like burning coals as they focused on him. There wasn’t much to remember before it was already fading, but he could still make out how much his stomach lept and spun, heart oh-so thunderous in his chest. Whatever you did with him in the dream... it sparked something inside him.
• San was in a daze as he woke up, his body not quite cooperating with him when he tried to sit up, and instead, falling limp with the next couple of attempts.
• Really just stared into space with the look of a dead man
• What did he do when he finally saw you again?
•  ✨ pretend he didn’t see shit ✨
• Not the masked uncomfort-
• Depending on whether you’re one for confrontation, he might just cave if you press him about his weird behavior enough, but be fast, because I’m sure he could push his feelings down succesfully if he tried hard enough.
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Mingi ♡:
• Dude... the fucking happiness of the dream...
• Silly giggles when you’d accidentally bonk eachother while switching posititons, bright smiles when you stared at eachother after a long time, random compliments, and nothing too serious that you couldn’t find playfulness in. Even when you’d both stop smiling to let out small moans and feel the moment together, it was always lighthearted.
• It was some shit you’d see at the sundance ;(
• Then he woke up-
• You were the first and only thing he thought about as he gained conciousness. He wanted you... you, you, you, just you.
• He’d never wanted anything so bad. A sudden longing that made a lump form in his throat and an overwhelming feeling of how much he’s always wanted you.
• So, like Mingi does, he strived for that goal >:D
• He made an effort to see you as many times as he could and whenever you were free to hang out. And finally, one night when you both lie in his bed and gazed thoughtlessly at the ceiling, he told you.
• “I had a dream about you, you know.”
Not me basically making a summary of a could-be fic-
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Wooyoung ♡:
• Now believe it or not, this bitch is hard for me to get a grasp on. All I can say with confidence is that he has the sex appeal of a milf stripper and is kinda stubborn-
• Hmm.... bothered.
• That is the feeling it would pull from him.
• Hungry; frequent patterns of warm breath against sweat-slicked skin, mumbled curses past wet lips, nails dug into his stomach deep enough to draw blood yet barely acknowledged through animalistic films over both your eyes, and teeth furrowed into the flesh of his shoulder as you scratched at the blank canvas of his back.
• It was all raw sexual aggression from both sides. So much so, that you both practically fought during it.
“I hate you. I hate you like you don’t even know, Wooyoung,” You speak, breathless, and reach up to weave both fists into his hair, “I love you so much that I fucking... hate you.”
• Then...
• Gone.
• Just like that, the dream was replaced with the sight of familiar bedroom walls as Wooyoung opened his eyes, a sigh escaping past his lips when he finally pieced things together.
• “As if I wasn’t already stressed enough...,” He murmurs, staring down at the new stain on his sweatpants.
• From that point on, it’s a new habit for Wooyoung to catch sight of you and keep his gaze there; just staring when you’re not looking, and feeling terrible afterwards. He feels like he violated you somehow, and with that ball of dread in his stomach whenever he sees you, he becomes distant.
• It’s not catching feelings so much as it is a new desire.
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Jongho ♡:
• Jongho, Jongho, Jongho... whatever will we do with you?
• Upfront about it, surprisingly.
• He caught feelings. How could he not when you’re one of the most breath-taking people he’s ever had the pleasure of knowing?
• That face of yours, along with your voice so soft and encouraging in his ears, was enough for him to cave.
• “Just like that, baby... Just like that.”
• He doesn’t even remember the details of the dream. Just your words and kisses, which still make the touched skin of his body heat with excitement whilst he blinks down at his hands.
• He clenches them; one, twice, then lets them fall back to his sides. He doesn’t need to look into his pants to know that he’s soiled himself.
• He feels kinda... empty? After the dream. Lmao just as exhausted as San was, really, but both at the fluttering his heart when he thinks of you, and the dream itself, so cleans himself up real quick before going back to sleep. 
• The fluttering doesn’t go away the next morning.
• So... he tells you :D
• As soon as you walk through the door, holding a bag of snacks and drinks for preparation to crash at Jongho’s apartment for a little bit, he sits you down on the couch, much to your confusion at the serious face he has.
• “I know that this kind of thing can ruin friendships and I don’t want that. At all. But, I had a... dream, about you last night and now I can’t really stop thinking about you...”
• Not the pounding of his heart making him dizzy :*
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