#only can speak using the error boxes tho
snowthedemonfox · 1 year
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i figured out how filters work in firealpaca and just threw this together as a test
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adlery · 3 months
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→ You give them the prize you won from the claw machine
→ Note: fluff, grammatical error
→ Tw: none
→ Adlery's speaking: last post before I went on hiatus for a while :(( btw enjoy LUVIESS<3
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- Blushing mess-
- He didn't expect that you would literally play the game to get him one of the stuffed toy
- You get him a cat plushie that you find it amusingly the same as him, white with black spots and it resembles well with him
- ngl you're kinda proud that you only get it by two tries, you grin widely while giving him
"For you! It's very cute like you, Sakura-kun!", a playful tone hinted by you. He tried to form a word to protest but ended up stuttering from the embarrassed, "H-huh?! I'm not!", then he slowly muttered a "thank you... i- I will keep it" with his face still having the visible red flushed to which you beam by it.
- You can't help but nearly punch the claw machine after you saw a pure smile on his lips while he's looking at it
- You're not missing the chance to tease him giving you a kiss as a reward
"K-kiss??", you successfully make him stop functioning, (he ends up giving you one anyway):3
- When he gets home, he will lay on his bed and hold the gift up in the air, looking at it for a long time
- Boy will blush again remembering the moment before
- Sakura is not often getting a gift from the past so it's off when you did, but he is surely not complaining tho
- He also deeply appreciated that you put effort earlier to get him one, especially trying to get the specific one that you said it resembles him
- at the end, the cute stuffed cat he got will always be the one that he holds when he is sleeping<3
You would jokingly ask if he sleeps with it but being a tsudere he is, he will not admit, "Of course not! i... will never sleep with that" you know that's not true by his obviousness so the teasing will never end.
- You both are having a date and you saw a new claw machine that was placed near the convenience store, it's the accessory one
- At first he playfully challenged you to win the couple ring only as a joke
- Do you take it? nah, you didn't
- You literally spend your money on the claw machine to get that damn thing while he is standing beside you, finding your struggle cute as he watches you turning the paddle back and forth to get it
- He would encourage you more since he saw how you look really determined, your eyes stay focus on the claw and then the ring box repeatedly
- After a few more tries, the claw finally catches and drops it into the hole, to which you cheer and immediately take it and grinning with pride while handing the gift to him
"Here you go, it's not really that hard", hearing that, he chuckled and kissed your forehead, "I can see that", he ironically said before checking the ring and taking your hand on his. "It's lovely. Thank you, dear"
- Afterwards, he would slide the ring on your fingers, acting like you both getting married to which results you to blushing furiously and even tease you about it
"Well I need to practice first before the real event, right?", then he wears it too and shows it to you. "It fits perfectly, dear", "I'm glad then", you laughed, seeing yours and his fingers wearing the couple ring together
- When you both went home, he would pay back the money you used to get the item, even if you don't want it, he will sneak it inside your purse or pocket without your knowledge
- At school, he will show it off to others, and tell them how sweet of you trying to win it for him
- Poor Sakura cuz not once but countlessly he heard Suo speaking about it to him
- Suo loves to hold your hand since he can feel the round metal accessories you wear met his while swinging arms together
- He would cherish it so much<3
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©Adlery : Like and repost are so much appreciated 🎀
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frenziedslashers · 3 years
Hello there, I hope you're having a nice day !
I may or may not have been binge reading your works because they're all so well written 👉🏻👈🏻
I've been wondering if I could make a request 🥰
How about something with one of the Sinclair brother ( I can't choose one because I love them all so much TvT ) falling for someone who have an abusive male partner. Like his car "broke" and they both got in Ambrose to find a fanbelt. The future S/O is someone really sweet and nice who would love vincent work and stay polite and caring with Lester when the boyfriend would be a really prick, mean to everyone. I genuinely wonder what would be their reactions seeing someone being abused verbally or physically, picked on their weight or look or idk.. 👉🏻👈🏻
I'm sorry if this is full of mistakes, English isn't my first language ! ✨
Gunna do it with Vincent because I love him and I am in a Vincent mood rn. I love this ask, and never apologize for mistakes! I myself live in a hispanic household, so I'm personally used to a bunch of broken English and grammatical errors. English is hard for me anyways, and it's my first language haha^^
Warnings: mentions of abuse, The Sinclair Brothers take care of you and handle it tho, dw <3 just a bunch of fluff tbh
Vincent Sinclair protecting future S/O from an abusive boyfriend:
When you first came into town Lester saw the way you coward behind the man that you were with. You seemed like such a sweet young thing, how did you end up with such an ass?
"God, what a fucking piece of shit," The guy mumbled towards Lesters pickup. Lesters eyes narrowed at him, but before he could say anything you were speaking up. "I like it, well, the truck itself. My friend used to have one like it, it's a '68 K10, right?" Lester moved his glare from your boyfriend, over to you. Which became a softer, happier gaze when he heard your words. "Yeah, a Chevrolet, my pride and joy right here." He told you, patting the side of the truck with a grin. That was enough for you to weasel his way into your heart.
Bo was the next to meet you. Instantly hating your boyfriend with the way he talked over you. "Where ya from, sweetheart?" He asked you with his charming grin. Opening your mouth to respond, but your boyfriend beat you to it. Bo giving him an annoyed glance, before looking at you with a smile. "What are ya doin' with a piece of shit like him?" He asked, your heart dropping at the question. Mouth opening and closing as you fought for a response, but couldn't think of anything to say. "Hey!" Your boyfriend snapped, Bo pulling a knife from his pocket before he could even think of laying his hands on him. "Now now, boy, I wasn't talking to you, 'n' if you so much as touch me, you can walk your happy ass to wherever the fuck you're plannin' on headin'." He told him, rather calmly. A smile resting on his lips as he took a step towards the man, your arms instictively reaching out to tug at Bo's arm. "Don't hurt him, please-"
Your actions stilled him, Bo looking from you, to the guy. Shooting him a final glare before putting the knife away. "I'll be sure to order the fan belt for the vehicle. There's an inn a block from here to the right," He pointed over and yonder. "Get outta here and don't go wanderin', might get yourselves hurt." Your boyfriend scoffed with an eyeroll. "That a threat?" Bo only smiled, grabbing a wrench from his tool box to head back to work on his truck. "Nope, a promise, now get the fuck outta my shop."
You didn't listen to Bo, you were a bit intimidated by him, but you weren't scared. The man that you were slowly growing to hate, that claimed to love you, had just finished yelling at you. Criticizing you for weight you supposedly gained, but you were certain he just never took time to notice. Yelling at you and degrading you until you couldn't handle it. Rushing out of the building the two of you were staying in so you could walk the streets. The blazing sun tucked away, the moon taking his place.
You looked up to one of the bigger buildings in front of you with great interest. The moon bright enough for you to read 'The House of Wax." On the front of it. Smiling curiously as you walked the steps. Trying the doors when you saw the lights were on. Letting yourself in when they opened.
You let a small gasp leave your throat when you saw the scenery inside. Smiling happily at the sculptures of art within the building. Allowing your feet to guide you further within to inspect and study everything. Distracting yourself from the recent argument that made you boil with hate and disgust.
"These are amazing," You murmured to yourself with a grin. Jumping when you saw a paper slide over to you on the table that you stood in front of. 'Thank you', written on it.
The man that slid it over had long black hair, half of his face covered by his hair, and what appeared to be a mask. His eyes looking up to you with a rather shy look.
"You made these?" You asked, dumbfounded. Smiling in amazement when he nodded his head 'yes'. You looked back to the sculptures, until you remembered Bo's rule. 'Don't go wanderin''. "Sorry for just walkin' in, I needed some fresh air so I went for a walk, and then I found this place. It really is beautiful work. I hope you don't mind my intrusion." You told him, and he shook his head 'no', writing something on the notepad in his hand, before handing it over to you. "I don't mind, I appreciate your kindness." You smiled softly, before looking back to him. "My names y/n, what's yours?" You asked, tilting your head. Watching his eyes stare at you for a moment, as if processing your name, before dropping his eyes back to the paper. 'Vincent'. You smiled as you read the name. "That's a handsome name, it's a pleasure meeting you." He couldn't help but smile, his ears and cheeks heating up at your compliment. Eyes darting to the side.
The two of you were too lost in introducing one another to hear the footsteps from behind you. A shriek leaving you when you felt a hand grip at your upper arm. "Handsome name? What the fuck! Are you whoring around now?" Your boyfriend hissed. Looking over to Vincent who was staring at the man with bewilderment. Stepping forward, but you shook your head 'no' with wide eyes. "Vincent, this is my boyfriend," you tried your best to calm the man down by introducing him as your boyfriend. The man only scoffing, shoving you forward. "Damn right, now get back to the room, now." He snapped. "Gunna have to teach you who you belong to, now, huh? Jesus fuck," He snapped, ignoring Vincent who was staring absolute daggers into the back of this mans skull. Watching as he pulled you away, even with your protests and cries. Claiming that you were being hurt. Then something snapped in him, watching his hand raise as if to hit you. Vincent racing over to grab his wrist before your abusers hand could make contact with you.
You were cowering down, now. Peering up when you didn't feel the contact of his hand on your face or arms. Eyes widening when you saw Vincent towering over your boyfriend. His hand gripped onto his wrist. A short 'what the hell,' leaving the mans lips before Vincent's free hand balled into a fist and connected with his jaw. Sending the boy stumbling towards the door with a glare. "Fine! Have 'em! But you don't come crying to me when you remember no one else wants you," Your boyfriend hissed the last bit at you before stumbling out the door. Vincent would be sure to take care of them later, but right now, he was more concerned about you.
You felt tears pricking at your eyes, overwhelmed by everything that was happened. Flinching when you felt Vincent reach out to wipe a tear from your cheek. His hand backing away from your face, slowly bringing it back to your face when you didn't protest. Wiping the salty tears from your cheeks with his sleeves.
"I'm so sorry," you sobbed a bit, "I didn't think he'd come after me, I didn't mean to cause trouble," He shook his head. Holding his arms out, as if to offer a hug. Unsure if you would accept it since he did only meet you a good ten minutes ago. Grunting when you reached out and hurried yourself in his chest. The contact shocking you, but he accepted it nonetheless. Arms wrapping around you while he sat with you on the floor.
"Are ya mad at me?" You asked after a few moments, and he shook his head 'no'. Your body relaxing a bit at his quiet reassurance. Smiling a bit when his fingers started playing with your hair. Your head pressing against his chest with a soft sigh. "Thank you," you muttered, and he nodded, resting his chin on top of your head. You've never felt so safe in a mans arms before. Soaking in the positive form of attention that you were receiving, until you remembered you'd have to go back to your room to sleep.
"Do you have somewhere else I can sleep tonight? I don't feel safe goin' back to the room." Vincent didn't blame you. He wouldn't want you to go back anyways. Nodding his head as he helped you stand up with him. Parting his arms away from you so he could motion for you to follow him after grabbing his notepad and pencil from the floor.
Vincent led you out of the museum. Locking the door behind him as he brought you towards a house, one that actually looked lived in. Grabbing onto his sleeve as the two of you approached the door. His hand slipping down to embrace yours. A small smile gracing the both of your lips as he led you inside. Shutting, and locking the door behind the two of you.
Vincent led you to a room, motioning for you to go in first. Writing on the notepad as he followed you in. 'You can sleep here, I'll be in the room over if you need anything, I can bring you some clothes of mine to sleep in.' You took the notepad. Reading it over with a nod. Thanking him for his generosity. "That'd be wonderful, Vincent. Thank you," You smiled. To which he nodded, leaving the room for a moment. Giving you time to wander around and check everything in it out.
The room was obviously a guest room. Nothing too personal besides a mirror, and a photo of Lester with a dog, smiling softly as you picked up the photo. Gasping when you felt someone tap your shoulder. Turning to see Vincent, who had a look of guilt on his face. Scribbling on his notepad. 'didn't mean to scare you, here's clothes. That's Lester and his dog Jonesy in the photo, for context.' His writing was sloppier as he tried to explain himself. Smiling with a light laugh at his explanation. Taking the clothes with a thankful gleam in your eyes. "Thank you, I truly appreciate this. You and your brothers are too kind to me. He merely nodded, staring at you for a moment as if he thought of what to do. Waving at you slightly before he began backing away for the door.
You caught him by the wrist. Vincent freezing as he stared down at you. Body going stiff when you lent up to kiss his cheek. His brain short circuited. he swore all he could hear was static when you kiss his cheek. Sure, a lot of people did it, it was a friendly gesture to some, but this felt different. Plus, Vincent didn't get a whole lot of affection, and it had his heart pounding in the cell of his chest.
"G'night, Vinny." Vinny. He had to be dreaming. His lips curling into a dopey smile as he nodded, backing up further for the door. Tripping a bit when he hit a dresser. Causing you to gasp when he nearly knock some things over. Giggling at the nervous look on his face, and the grunt that he let out. Catching the objects before they tipped, then waving and sneaking out of the room. Shutting the door behind him quickly. Before racing into the room beside yours.
Even if he wasn't laying with you. You did feel a whole lot safer with him in the room beside you.
The sun peered through the window.the next morning. A small sigh leaving your lips as you sat up from the bed. Stretching your arms above your head with a soft hum. Rolling out of bed with small, light steps. Jumping slightly when you opened the door to see Vincent outside it. His hand raised to knock, but you bet him to it. The two of you staring for a moment.
"Morning," you spoke, interrupting the silence. He smiled, holding a plate of food up for you. Your eyes looking down to the plate with a grin. You were starving. Taking the plate with a hum, "thank you, you wanna sit with me?" You asked, and he nodded with a shrug. Following you over to the bed to sit beside you.
While you ate he wrote for you. Asking a series of questions in attempt to know you better, while you asked him your own questions. The two of you smile, and even laughing here or there.
"So you and Bo were conjoined?" He nodded, explaining that's why he refused to show his face. Due to surgical errors. Giving him a small nod, placing the plate to the side when you finished. "That's understandable. I'm just thankful I ran into you. I really do appreciate your hospitality." He nodded, placing a hand on your back to rub it. As if to say "you're welcome." The two of you staring for a moment, until it got a tad awkward for you.
"I should probably go see if Bo has the fanbelt yet. So I can get out of your guys hair." His smile faded at the mention. Your boyfriend was long gone by now. Not chased away, but not there alive, at least.
He slid a note to you, your eyes looking down in interest. A frown settling on your face. "What do you mean he left without me?" You asked, breath catching in your throat. This was unbelievable, but typical. You wanted to be mad, but in a way it relieved you.
'You can stay with us? We can keep you safe.' His next note said, and you looked up to him, searching his face with question. Before giving a half smile. "I won't be a bother?" He shook his head 'no.' And that was that, you were a new addition to the little town.
Months passed, and you felt more at home than ever. It became a habit that Vincent or you would wind up in one or the others room. Finding comfort wrapped in one another's arms. Especially since you'd still have nightmares about your ex. Finding comfort in Vincent's shockingly strong arms wrapped around you, while you snuggled against his chest.
"When are ya gonna tell 'em you like 'em?" Bo asked his brother after you left to go run errands with Lester. Lester taking the roll as you best friend.
Vincent's eyes narrowed on his brother, rolling his eyes with a scoff. "Oh don' go givin' me that attitude, boy. You know jus' 's well as me that ya like 'em!" Bo scoffed back. Vincent signing quickly, "I don't know what you're talking about." It was Bo's turn to roll his eyes. "Uh-huh, sure ye don', keep playin' and they might end up with Les'," the older Sinclair sneered. Walking back over to his shop to leave his twin be.
Bo was right, and Vincent knew it. He did like you, a lot more than he would care to admit. From day one you had been so supportive and kind with him, and he wanted you more than words could describe. Maybe he would ask you, see if maybe you feel the same, and if not he can at least move on and the two of you can stay companions.
"Vinny!" You chimed, wrapping your arms around him when he came out of his work place to grab some supplies from Lester's truck. The man smiling at how excited you seemed to see him. His own arms wrapping around you with a light and airy laugh. "Les' and I saw the coolest thin' today! We saw a 'coon, kinda reminded me of ya, with them there bags under yer eyes," you teased, lightly tapping the tip of his nose, pulling back out of his grasp with a giddy smile. "We seen a fox, too, but it was deader than a nail." Lester informed Bo and Vincent, who just chuckled at your guy's abilities to be so easily amused.
"Hey Les'," Bo waved his brother over towards the door. "How 'bout you help me with somethin', Vins' gotta talk to y/n 'bout somthin'." Lester and Vincent knew exactly what Bo was doing. And Lester couldn't help but smile as his older brother. Patting his shoulder with a grin. "Good luck, Vin." He chimed with a snicker, before running off to help Bo.
You stood there with a smile as you watched the only Sinclair in the room, now. Tilting your head curiously. "What's goin' on? Somethin' wrong?" You asked, and Vincent shook his head quite frantically. Waving his hands as if to say 'no,' then he started fumbling with the ends of his sweater. A giggle leaving your lips as his shyness. He had been teaching you sign language, so he hoped for the best. Knowing that if he wrote right now he'd be shaking to much to keep the pencil steady. 'Would you maybe..' he paused, thinking for a second. 'Would you, do you, fuck' he rand his hands through his hair with a sigh. A small frown settling on your face. Approaching him to place your hands on his shoulders. Attempting to calm the man down. He couldn't do this, he couldn't form the right words. Everything sounds dumb and cliche, and before he knew it he was moving his mask slightly over to the side to expose his lips. His face still mostly hidden, then his hands pressed to the sides of your face. Pulling you in for a kiss.
Everything moved so fast that you didn't have time to process a majority of it. Your eyes widening at the contact, body going stiff against his, until your brain connected the dots, and reminded you to act fast before he got the wrong idea. Your hands running up his chest, kissing him back to let him know you wanted it. His hands dropping down to your hips. Both of you pulling away with a huff.
"You sayin' you like me?" You teased, thought your cheeks were still flushed. A chuckle leaving your throat when he batted his eyes away, and. Then looked back at you with a nod. Both of you sheepishly smiling. "Well. I like ya too, Vinny." You cooed. Nudging his nose with yours. "Can I kiss ya again?" He nodded, smiling like an excited boy. Leaning in to give him another kiss.
This was more perfect than he ever could imagine. More than thankful that Bo gave him the little nudge that he needed. You were everything to Vincent, and he was glad you were his now.
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bunglebees · 3 years
random hanta headcanons
KING of impressions & u can fight me on this
u name it -- shaggy, kermit, JD (heathers,,, who sounds a lot like a certain dusty fella we know,,,), shakira, hades' skelly, owen wilson, mickey mouse, edna mode -- you name it. he's better at doing things around his register tho
likes to come up behind people & start talking to them like a character or respond with a character quote in their voice
is seconds from snapping at any given moment :)) they're the only one w the brain cell aside from katsuki in the bakusquad. sometimes.
absolute enabler to denki & eijirou
WIZARD with a box cutter ???
really good at throwing knives!! he can also do knife tricks >:3c
dating or not, denki & shoto are his closest friends!! he values them a lot 🥺
tries to piss off katsuki (harmlessly) at least once a day
single mama! talks to her every day!!! he loves her!!!!
she’s teaches yoga sometimes, which definitely fed a bit into his more bohemian vibes 
used to be obsessed with patterned duct tape & was super sad he couldn't make his look like it :((
him & aizawa train together sometimes!! aizawa teaches him moves he uses for his scarf to see if hanta can replicate them
personally i don't hc him as a stoner, it doesn’t make sense to me, but he definitely got a little too excited for brownies his cousin made once & ate a few too many before realizing what they were ✊😔
used to have braces -- those perfect teeth of theirs aren't hereditary, but they take good care of em!!
toru was sad she never got anyone to do staring contests with her, so he suggested she put mina's falsies on and neither of them could stop laughing at how she looked that they forgot what they were doing in the first place
mirror pic king 🥵 def pulls his friends back if they pass by a reflective surface to take a pic!!
okay him. and denki,,, as noel and cody IM SORRY IM SORRY OKAY IM SORRY BUT I HAD TO SAY IT
he gives off maaaaaaajor streamer vibes & likes to fuck around on websites marketed toward younger kids (like dollmaker websites, barbie games, poptropica, u kno). he has a pretty large watcher ratio!!
speaking of, i love @error-thisblogisdead ‘s fanart of podcast!sero and they 1000% have a joint podcast with todoroki that features other kids from class 1a & sometimes 1b. he tries to encourage everyone to be featured on the pod for their Very Own Episode at least once (if they feel comfortable) & it usually revolves around a certain topic they’ve picked
i mentioned it before, but hanta loves true crime. hanta, shoto, momo, and mezo like to watch crime documentaries together, but it usually takes a while because they keep pausing the video to theorize and yell at each other
loves dungeons & dragons & is more than happy to DM for friends if anyone’s interested
eventually, after being pestered by izuku enough, hanta DMs a test oneshot for a few people who end up begging him to run a campaign. these people were izuku (naturally), eijirou, ochako, tsu, yuga, and katsuki (who is actually really good at RP once he loosens up). they’re still working on a schedule, but it’s always on hanta’s floor & it’s very loud. toru, kyoka, and momo like to sit in but don’t play. 
everyone else is invited to watch if they want except for: shoto (tsu jokingly asked him to cast “fireball” & sho’s a shithead that almost did it), denki (wants to read the PHB/module books & wont give them up if someone needs it), tenya (backseat driver even tho the man knows Nothing abt d&d), hitoshi (also kinda a backseat driver but more of an enabler toward the party “huh, aoyama could totally use disguise self and p--” “SHUT IT, MINDFREAK”)
likes to try weird foods! so far the weirdest has been “live” tentacles, but he almost choked to death and hasn’t tried since lol
likes going shopping with tsu, mezo, and mashirao bc they’re the “clothes don’t fuckin fit me” squad. tsu can usually find things for herself pretty quick, but is generally just a good vibe to have around
ALWAYS wears fun socks. everyone wants to see which pair they’ve got on that day
did a bit of ballet as a kid, but was mainly into gymnastics!!! his mom got him into it because of the yoga classes she’d bring him to while she taught and he just wanted to see how far he could keep stretching after that! 
i also really like the idea of hanta being an aerialist!! that tape technique 👀
i’m pretty sure i saw someone headcanon that he can play the cello, which i absolutely agree with
guitar, too! prefers acoustic 
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mallowstep · 4 years
the nature of folklore
today, i want to talk about the nature of folklore.
we're not divorced from it in the modern day by any means: the nature of folklore is that it is always there.
after all, how many times have you heard that if your roommate dies, you get an a? or listened eagerly to someone's tale of an impossible encounter with an impossible stranger?
folklore is omnipresent. it is woven into us.
that said, we don't have a ton of folklore via stories, oral history, and songs anymore. if i could singlehandedly change that, i would. i grew up telling stories, keeping the history of my family in vignettes i taught to my brother, making up comforting fables for my younger cousins when they couldn't sleep.
my mother sang me lullabies, amazing grace, you are my sunshine, tula tula, melodies i can no longer name but would recognize in a heartbeat.
i went to a summer camp where you were never too old for a bedtime story, where the greatest reward, even for a pack of sixteen year olds, desperately vieing for independence, was to hear another story. i can still tell you the story of the invisible prince, of how such and such and so and so met and married, recount the little prince or hatchet or my side of the mountain in impeccable detail.
unfortunately, i am but one voice, and i don't think i really want to change us back. let culture progress, it is the way of the world.
but i have so many stories for cats. trust me, i have about 20 drafts sitting of stories for these murder cats. but i want to take a moment to talk about how folklore works, what it does, and why it's important.
[3.7k words. 20 minute read. section headers, minimal formatting changes.]
oral history: a written explanation
i'm feeling a bit punny.
anyway, i'm not qualified to talk about oral history. what i am qualfied to do is talk about the broadest sense of it.
oral history is not an accurate way of keeping records. stories change, people forget things, the tales become exaggerated and tweaked.
but...it's not the worst way. it's a real, sincere, history.
for example, in my full moon, it's unlikely that one individual really mastermined this plan. especially not the same individual who sorted out some other important part of skyclan business, which in it of itself is a tall-tale.
realistically, the clans realized they had an error, decided on when they would meet, and just went with it.
but briarleap is one of skyclan's heroes. she's not the only one: rushfoot and dovestar are also important heroes. she fills a particular type of archetype: she's the young hero, who sees the world more clearly than those around her and comes up with a solution.
so it makes sense to assign her to the problems which are clever and had no obvious solution. she's not really a trickster archetype, but she is clever, young, and has no real power within the clan.
in other words, she's a ya novel protagonist.
likewise, the yet-unwritten story of briarleap and swallowpaw definitely didn't happen as it's told. that's just a nice box to put it in, a nice cover for an important lesson: mark unstable branches.
all the clans probably have a similar version of briarleap's story. i can't tell you for sure who the equivalent is, because i don't know, but it's worth remembering that almost none of these cats existed.
i think riverclan's will be a cat named briarstream.
you see what i mean, they're both named briar- because briarleap belongs to no cat. they just have a suffix that corresponds with common clan names.
now, i can't speak for anyone else, but in come back to you one by one, by solacefruit, there's a cautionary tale about catching koi. we get this line:
The koi were left alone because the tall folk loved them. That was the truth of the story. The real truth, not Linnetleaf’s version.
that confirms it, the story is a warning that's been polished into something kinder and more forgiving. (i highly recommend come back to you one by one btw.)
that's how oral history works.
it's not good for having a factual understanding of historical events, but...that's not really the point.
shared stories
another thing is, a lot of clans share the same stories.
i already talked about briarleap/stream/??? for the other clans, but it's more than just that.
every clan is going to claim that they have the right, correct story, that the other clans don't tell it well, etc., but with the exception of clan specific stories, that's not generally true.
okay this is hard to explain bc i'm still drafting/editing a lot of what i'm talking about right now and full moon is kind of a boring story for this. so i'm going to use the story of the long night, because that's the closest to finished and most likely to have been published by the time i finish this.
cw: the long night is a story that involves infanticide and cannibalism. i'm not graphic about it, but it's featured very heavily. we move into discussion at "STORY COMPLETE," and i move on entirely at "SAFE"
okay, so to summarize very briefly, the long night is a story about the seasons and about queen madness. it's one piece of clan creation mythos.
basically, before there were seasons, the night and day just took turns. during the night, everyone slept, but during the day, everything woke. one night, the night doesn't end. i'm telling the thunderclan version, because that's the version i'm working on, but this is a tale from before there were clans, so while every clan says their version is universal, it's definitely not.
there's a queen, slateflower, who has six kits (pigeonkit, harekit, fallowkit, dewkit, ripplekit, and muddykit), who are very young. her mate, silvershadow, has been hunting for her, because there was no clan to provide.
he's able to catch a small amount of prey, but as the night goes on, slateflower just doesn't have enough milk. she knows her kits are going to starve, so she picks the weakest one, kills it, and eats it. when silvershadow returns and asks what happens, she says that muddykit died and she buried her. this repeats itself until only pigeonkit and harekit are left.
silvershadow fails to catch anything, so he comes back, and sees slateflower try to decide who's weaker. he realizes what's happening, takes harekit from slateflower so she doesn't have to decide, and brings the kit into a clearing. he begs the moon to end the night so he can feed his family again.
it takes him a couple times, and he also is searching for another nursing queen. he finds a queen named flamepuddle, who also had a litter of six kits (silentkit, webkit, wildkit, dustykit, beetlekit, and talonkit), as well as taking in the kits of her sister, echofur, (heatherkit, redkit, goldkit, leafkit, cricketkit, and graykit), and right now, only redkit, leafkit, talonkit, goldkit, and cricketkit had survived. (the rest, and her sister, died of starvation.)
flamepuddle agrees to take in harekit, and the night eventually ends.
silvershadow decides that he, flamepuddle, and slateflower will live together. this isn't a thunderclan origin story, mind, just the beginning of collective cat behavior. but one of the reasons it is a distinctly thunderclan edition is because the implication is that later on, the other clans are all splinter groups.
there's also an implication that such large litters used to be more common, à la how in the bible, people used to be more fertile.
so anyway, because all cats are said to be descendents of these nine cats (silvershadow, flamepuddle, slateflower, redkit, talonkit, goldkit, cricketkit, harekit, and pigeonkit — leafkit dies later on), it's said they all carry the trauma of the long night and queens, feeling unsafe, will choose the strongest of their litter.
in thunderclan's telling, flamepuddle and silvershadow are made to be the heroes, and slateflower is the villain. notice that slate is a windclan name, and the kits who die don't have very thunderclan prefixes. the implication is that this is because the other clans are weaker.
in a riverclan telling, instead of flamepuddle and slateflower, we might have puddlefeather and tallsong, and the kits who survive might be fallowkit and dewkit.
in skyclan, we might have mothpetal and nightstep, with surviving kits echokit and maplekit.
and so on. silvershadow usually keeps his name, tho. or at least half of it.
the 10th cat who dies is also variable. in thunderclan, it's another kit. slateflower is understood to not have intended her actions. in shadowclan, it's the slateflower analogy who dies. in riverclan, silvershadow dies and puddlefeather and tallsong have to work together.
so we always have the same story, but the details of it change, and there's a lot about the clan in that.
it might even be that the reason puddlefeather is able to keep five out of twelve kits alive is because she can fish for herself. tallsong can't.
and this is a story that's supposed to be universal, before the time of clans.
imagine how differnt briarleap and briarstream are. no, seriously, i don't have it in me to do five versions of every folk tale i write, so y'all have to live with one.
anyway, i could go on here, but wow, this section is...much longer than i meant as it is whoops.
morals, protagonists, and antagonists
i'm not going to lie, i'm somewhat exhausted from the last section.
basically, the "protagonists" are often the ones who make mistakes. this is because that's a common theme for parables. you want the protagonist, who listeners relate to, to understand the mistakes and learn from them.
there's almost always a moral in these stories. they're not told just to entertain. they're ritualistic, nigh religious, tied in deeply with their culture.
finally, when an opposing clan is needed, (a) the clan telling the story is nearly always in the right, and (b) it tends to shift to whoever the clan is most antagonistic with.
a lot of my stories are shadowclan v skyclan because they have the strongest story-telling development and i don't have any aus planned for shadowclan and (old) skyclan, but i really like what i've developed for them.
in the case a friendly clan is needed, that also tends to shift, but it's less likely to change. it's significantly more likely to change if they're fighting with the clan in the tale.
for this reason, clans tend to be allies with cross territory clans in stories. you're just less likely to fight with someone who's territory you're across from, and you get fun flanking if you gang up on someone in the middle.
characters and archetypes
so i mentioned how briarleap is a certain kind of archetype, and that's pretty common in folklore. you've got your tricksters, witches, wise elders, w/e. i could do a bunch of research into folklore and find a canonized list but i'm approximately 90% sure it's going to tell me it varies by culture so. instead of doing that, i'm going to talk through some of the character archetypes i've been using.
please keep in mind that this is highly suspect to change. also, i'm referring to a lot of cats in my lore posts, so i'm sorry, because if you don't keep up with that, you might be a little bit lost. if you want to check out my folklore, it's here. maybe one day i'll make a kit simulation list that gives them to you in the order a kit would be told them.
the young warrior — characters like briarleap. smart, creative, and willing to speak up when something is wrong. they're who young kits should aspire to be. they're the most common protagonist in stories for young kits, and they're one of the only protagonists for stories with a "good" lead.
cassandra — prophetic characters who struggle to act on their prophecies. goosefeather types. they're cautionary tales, warnings about who not to be, because these are true seers who failed. sometimes, it is framed as the clan being wrong (e.g., berrymoon's main story is about this), but usually it's because the character said too much/too little, at the wrong time, etc.
impulsive apprentice — another warning. characters like swallowpaw. their actions are usually not actually wrong, but they end up being wrong with hindsight. they're tragic characters, and their warnings are usually about the rules established because of them, rather than not being like them.
wise leader/deputy — it's exactly what it sounds like lmao. usually, this is going to be the deputy more than the leader, because the deputy is a far more relatable position than the leader. these are your rushfoots and lilytails, deputies who make quick decisions on the behalf of their clan.
foolish/selfish warrior — warriors who take actions selfishly, which wrap back around to hurt themselves. these are the "protagonists" of the tales about feeding elders and kits first, and so on. they're actually the most common protagonist in stories over all. it's kind of a wide category, including everything from slateflower from "the long night" to lightningcall from "full moon." you know, a queen who only escaped the dark forest because it didn't exist, and a tom whose "mistake" was not showing up to a deputy meeting he was physically unable to attend.
there are, naturally, many more archetypes. there are archetypes for every role in the clan, often many. there's probably some amount of symbolism in the names — perhaps "-leap" is a skyclan indicator of a young warrior, etc., but at least right now, i'm not interested in that. i have more fun naming characters than worrying about the symbolism behind it, because i'm trying to also provide an understanding of clanlife, and that requires bending the rules.
(i mean, for what it's worth, this is true of many things. "the long night" as thrushpelt tells it is not the full version. usually, you wouldn't separate it from "the four seasons," but also, he glazes over the infanticide and cannibalism because he's talking to, like, four-year-olds, explaining how their mother had inherited a trait from slateflower.)
overall, though, i think these five are enough to give you an idea of what the archetypes look like.
interestingly, i also want to call attention to the fact that there's no specific trickster archetype. i mean, there is, because it's (a) one of the most common, and (b) it needs to exist for what i'm about to say, but it doesn't properly count.
see, cats are good at being sneaky and smart and clever. you know this if you have a cat.
clan cats also have to be good at following rules.
so basically every protagonist and antagonist in a story is some permutation of the trickster. the young warrior is the trickster but with less pointless trickery. the impulsive apprentice is probably the closest to straight-up trickster, but there's usually no associated deception. etc.
but in general, all cats should be clever and smart and finding new solutions, so there isn't a specific trickster.
names and times
on a related note, one that's significantly harder to demonstrate, the names of cats get repeated a lot.
in the real world, this is because the names are approximately 75% generated and 25% tweaked, and i have a bias towards certain names.
in the context of lore and worldbuilding, and why i'm not doublechecking against my database of every cat i've ever mentioned, this is because, well, it should make sense for certain elders to tell multiple stories, or, logically, for a kit to grow into a warrior grow into an elder and tell a story.
i mean, dovestar's nine lives are a huge part of skyclan, because each life is supposed to demonstrate some fundamental principle, and they're told over the nine moons of a kit's life (again, cats count kits' lives from the season before they're born for the purpose of holy nine, and from their actual birth for every other purpose, which is how brokenstar got around the warrior code fun fact), so yeah, i'll probably have some repetition in there.
likewise, there's no timeline for these. we don't know what happens when at all, except that the cats telling a story are younger than the cats in the story, and any "book cats" are younger than any other mentioned cat.
(that last point is because exactly one story is told by thrushpelt.)
so anyway, really hazy times and names because...that's how things go m8.
impact of the great journey
so as you can imagine, the great journey is a pretty big deal.
first of all, we're running out of cats who can remember the forest. in thunderclan, according to moonkitti, who i trust in this, birchfall is the youngest cat who can remember it. so considering birchfall could have great grandchildren in the next book or two, i'd say that we're pretty much done with cats who lived there.
even among the other cats, squirrelflight was an apprentice, and she went on the first journey, so there's that. cloudtail and brightheart won't be around for much longer, and graystripe might be immortal, but if he isn't, he'll be gone soon too.
i mean, i know there are non-thunderclan cats, but do you know their names? do you?
yeah. that's what i thought.
anyway, my point is, right now, in canon time, all of the stories are set in the forest. but like, that's kind of not helpful.
who knows, there's probably a story about sunningrocks that just doesn't make sense anymore.
i don't know for sure how the great journey impacts the folklore. this is because there's not an easy way for me to write it. my elders' den stuff is specifically set before tbp, so i don't have to think about adding in the villains of tbp.
why only tbp? because we have 3 wonderful, fantastic, folklore worthy villains. in tnp, we have the journey, in po3, we have interpersonal drama, in oots, we have rehashings of old villains, in dotc nothing matters, in avos, we have weird fuzziness i don't really remember what happened after darktail tbh, and tbc is ongoing. but wait! i hear you saying, what about hawkfrost? and darktail himself? and... no. shut up. they don't matter. just. they're not. they don't. they're not lore villains is what i'm saying very poorly. they're not the kind of villains who inspire lore. maaaaybe darktail? but he was far too recent for folklore.
i'm sure in all of the po3 stuff i have on the horizon, i'll explore this more. dovefeather lore is in the awkward middle ground — everything is from the perspective of cats who never knew the old forest, but pretty much everyone older than them does, so it's unlikely anything substantive has changed.
but i have a lot of po3 extended universe plans that might dip in to this?
but for spitballing purposes, what probably happens is that most stories are just reskinned.
things like stories about sunningrocks are going to be repurposed. maybe about that weird strip of territory that they fought over? i'm not sure.
some stories will get to stay in the old forest, like the battle with bloodclan. and some stories will fade out, just as they always do. but for the most part, once the elders didn't live in the forest, they're just going to start plopping stories in the lake.
also, the great journey itself is 100% already folklore. i don't have to do that part, canon actually does it for me. kits are constantly being told about the great journey, or apprentices are telling us they were told about it, or someone is having a weird dream sequence that involves it.
the great journey is a major part of folklore, and that's cool. maybe if i run out of old stories, i'll do some post-canon elders' den stuff. we'll see, i'm definitely not feeling it right now, but that could change.
speaking of great...
this is a minor thing, but like, what's up with all the greats?
the great journey, okay, yeah, sure, makes sense.
and then we have the great battle.
also legit. it had been a while.
and then...the great storm?
look, i understand the storm in bramblestar's storm was a big deal. i have a lot of thoughts about bramblestar's storm as a book and this isn't that. but...
can we compare how many cats died in the great journey and the great battle? and we lost, like, three cats in the great storm
don't get me wrong, i sobbed like a baby when briarlight died.
oh hold on i lied that wasn't this book. never mind never mind.
i just, like, it's very strange IMO to have this great being a thing. or at least, i don't now, i guess it's evolution of culutre?
bluh okay i'm hungry and i do not focus well so i'm going to finish up but just. great. interesting.
folklore is a topic i'm really interested in, and i try really hard to think through the consequences of, well, everything i can.
i'm definitely missing a lot of details — specifically, i scratched out my plans for a specific creation myth — but i like the general shape of the lore i'm building up.
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hazard-queen · 4 years
Hi! This is actually my first time to request. Can I request Idia, Floyd, Vil and Malleus with an s/o who is so shy? I love your writing so much and I hope you have a great day úwù💕
Hello ^^
You can request anytime ♡
Take a very good care of yourself, have a good day~♤
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Idia shroud
• Being shy never bothered idia since he's also just shy as you even more, you are the perfect couple in his opinion, he doesn't have to speak much or so, but somehow he likes it when he catches you looking at him all silently so all your face turns red, but let's say he wanted to melt some ice
• He bought a new game and wanted to try it with you, and invited you to play it with him, "n n no, I'm n not really good at gaming like you!" You blushed hardly hearing those words from the tablet
• "Come on it would be fun!"
• It took you some time till idia teach you the basics of the game and how to play it, you didn't dare to look at him cause you were blushing anytime your eyes meets him
• "No! Should we start? Remember what i told you?" Said idia handing you the gaming console as you nodded shyly
• You both started playing and somehow you were good at what you're doing! You were even going to win!
• "No no no! I should do something!" Muttered idia nervous to himself as an idea suddenly come to his mind! Quickly, he leaned by your side and placed a small kiss on your cheek and went back playing
• Error!, steam could be seen out of your ears as your face was beet red, you covered your face dropping the console from your hand losing the game to idia!
• "Hehehe i won!" Said idia with a wide smile on his face not noticing that you almost fainted from his action
• "(Y/n)...........(Y/N)!!!!!!!!! ortho, bring some cold water here asap!!!!!!"
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Floyd leech
• Being floyd's beloved ones means you will be squeezed in thigh hugs 5 or 7 times a day and this could be fine by you but as you're a shy person that can't just be easy
• He can hug you from your back surprising you, your face turns all red and you can never say a word, " p please put me down!" This is all you can say then
• You tried to avoid him the whole day and hiding from him, "oh, shrimp-chan where are you?" As you heard him you hide yourself and ran the other side, for your luck jade was watching you
• "(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Floyd is looking for you everywhere!" Said jade looking for his brother
• " n no! Don't tell him I'm here!" You said with a blush
• "Huh? Why tho?.....aaaah he's being so handy recently isn't he? Well, he loves you and he can't stop himse..." jade didn't finish his words as you heared floyed from a far! He found you!
• "SHRIMP-CHAN!!!" Yelled floyd happily running towards you! Without thinking you found yourself running away
• " shrimpy-chan, why are you running from me!........WATCH OUT!"
• You turned your face from floyd to look in front of you, you werr rushing to fast then Bang! You hit the wall and fell to the ground, you woke up in the infirmary, floyd's face was the only thing in front of you.
• "Awwww shrimp-chan, are you ok?" He was so close again and you began to blush but thanks for jade he pulled floyd away from you
• "Awww shrimpy-chan! If you don't want me to hug you, you could just say!" Said floyd sadly which of course was something you couldn't handle
• You shut your eyes closed and opened your arms for him, heat started rushhing to your face, " h hug me...floyd kun!"
• "Awwww with pleasure my little shrimp!"
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Vil schienheit
• Obviously, if you want to be vil's beloved ones you need to handle some things, a daily skin care routine, some weird etiquette, and of course the idea that vil wanted to put you the make-up daily before you begin the day!
• Just the idea of being that close to vil makes you blush, his touch when he's fixing the make-up, which of course annoys vil some times
• "Oh dear! Would you please be less red? I can't apply the foundation this way!" Said vil pouting
• " i i'm sorry vil, b but...."
• "But what?" Said vil rising an eyebrow wondering what could it be the reason
• " nothing" you said calmly looking back at vil accepting more make-up on your face
• "Now now! Time for lipstick! But where's the lipstick brush???" Said vil looking for it everywhere, there stood rook hiding it behind his back and laughing
• "Well then! Use your fingers to apply the lipstick instead! You know you will be late if you missed more time! Fufufufuf" said rook with an evil smile
• "Sigh! Seems i don't have any other way!" Said vil putting his finger in the small liquid lip stick box reaching his fingers to your lips, but before his fingers touches your lips you gasped looking away from vil, your face was in riddle's hair colour even darker!
• "Here we go again! (Y/n)! What is that for?" Said vil annoyed and here's rook laughing again
• "Can't you see? She's a shy person vil! You're being too much close, aren't you?" Said rook waving his both hands on air (oops?)
• "Is that so? Silly girl! You're my beloved, it's more comfortable when you're by me! But it's fine if you need your distance any way!" Said vil pouting, of course his words touched your heart, you shook your head and moved you face to face vil allowing him to apply the lipstick
• "Good girl! Now you look as stunning as ever! Now go to your class and I'm following you soon!" Said vil with closed eye smile, you nodded and ran to catch your class
• Rook was about to leave but "rook..........what is the lipstick brush doing on your hand?"
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Malleus draconia
• Malleus is not the type who would force you to speak or would do anything that may offend you but still!
• He takes you to class everyday talk about stuff and this is fine by you, till it comes to when he holds your hand! He likes holding it every once in a while, his blood is cold and of course his hand is, he always wants to feel the warmth of your hand, it makes his heart feel warmer.....and your cheeks to!
• "Are you ok?" Asked malleus in concern....your face is all red tho
• "Y yes! I'm fine, don't worry" you said with a smile waving your hand
• You noticed students are looking at you, more at your hands holding each other! They even started whispering about you! Are they talking about you?
• You felt embarrassed so you pulled your hand from malleus' let's say this made him a little sad but he understands how shy you are.
• "Sigh, it's fine if you told me that you feel shy when I'm holding your hand in public!" Said malleus with a bitter smile, your eyes widened on what he said, it was never like this!
• You snatched his hand in yours and held it even more tight, you faced his with a beet red face and very serious ones
• "I l don't care what others think or say!!!"
• You didn't only held his hand but dragged him with you to the class! Malleus got really surprised by your action to be honest
• When you class ended malleus noticed you're deep on thought, he sneeked his hand towards your hand and tangled his fingers with yours! You gasped on the sudden action of his but you tangled your fingers to his also
• " m malleus....always hold my hands, it makes me feel safe" you said blushing as hell looking away from him
• "I will" said malleus pulling your hand kissing it, you felt his lips form as a smile on your hand, never leave my hand again!
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charlieweasleyy · 3 years
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WTN WEEK 2021 → day seven (episode seven) Hiiii friends so I decided to talk about things that bring me comfort and for me the thing that brings me the biggest comfort is the friends I've made on this board. I spend my time talking to these four basically allllll day long. If you can guess by the graphic above on who is who, but they have become some of my best friends so *drum roll* please and let me tell you about the people i consider to be my f.r.i.e.n.d.s.
MY LOBSTER Apparently, I am someone who when they find someone they mate for life. When I latched onto Elle I latched on and didn't (lol won't) let go. Like when I say she is my person I mean it with every fiber of my being. She is the soulmate. My wife. My lobster. She is like that perfect pair of sweatpants that you know are dependable and can count on and you don't want to let go of. She's like the television show that you need to put on because you've had a bad day. She's the first person I call when disaster happens. When I am having a bad day she is the first person I want to talk to and 10/10 she can say something to make it better.
We laugh until we cry and she likes to yell at me... but 9/10 I do deserve it. So, it is valid. If you see me flirting with her on the server (no you didn't) it's mostly because I can't help myself. So... just divert your eyes. It's very cliche to say that your life has changed after meeting someone, but that's what it has done. I am a better person for her, I'm more mindful, more open, and I don't think there isn't a person on this board who wouldn't say that Elle hasn't changed them for the better. It is who she is. She leaves you with something to think about, she challenges you. She pushes you. She has a heart for those who are misrepresented and misunderstood. I swear if Elle had her own talk show I'd listen to it every day. The girl is *passionate* and that is one thing I can't help but love about her. She is passionate about diversity, about the people on this board, I have watched her struggle with some hard decisions this year and how it has affected her mentally, but she also rises from the ashes because she has to. I have watched her countless times put this site above her own needs. I have watched her struggle. I have watched her doubt (herself and her future) and I have watched her wonder if she is doing the right thing. I have watched her feel remorse and pain and I'm telling you if you do not think Elle cares about WTN and everyone on this board then you've not seen her struggle the way that I've seen her struggle. It's probably why I'm so damn protective of her, but I don't regret a single second of it.
Okay, I've spent this whole time talking about how great Elle is but I've not spoken about the writing. I've run out of room... her writing is amazing, she is the one person I can respond to no matter what day I'm having and no matter what ship it is. I love all of our threads and I'm always so happy and excited to see an elle reply in my alerts waiting to be read and responded to! I find it hard to wrap them because they are just so good! If I have a day where I don't feel like doing replies good chance I'll still pull up an Elle reply because it normally makes my day better 99.99999% of the time. The .1% doesn't exist, but it's including the slight possibility of error and the fact Elle will have something to refute that claim with.
THE GIRL I'D MOVE FURNITURE WITH I don't think there is anyone else I want around my side to do some of the heavy lifting and I don't mean that in the physical sense, but in the writing sense and the mental sense too (tho I don't need to see Kae in real life to know that she's strong). You know that saying about people who struggle in silence. I think that describes Kae because sometimes it's like using a crowbar in getting her to open up and to TALK. It is one of the most frustrating things. It's kind of like a treasure box when you have the box sitting right in front of you and it is impossible to open. Okay, half the battle was finding it. You have the map in front of you and when you finally find it, it is STILL locked. That's Kae. It was quite the struggle in getting her to be open to more plots like I knew where to find and how to find her, but actually getting to Kae felt impossible even though I had all of the directions in front of me. But once you put in the time and effort to get to know her.... like *really* know her, it's like discovering treasure. Not only is she one of the most dependable writers (like I said she will carry the heavyweight in all of her threads), but she is one of the best writers! I love reading her threads even if I'm not in them, they always leave me on the edge of my seat and that characterization *chef's kiss*. MAKES JOKES WITH BC HUMOR IS BAE Oh you know the one who tells the jokes when they are uncomfortable. It is a friends reference and the only one I could think of when I thought of Aria. She makes me laugh. She probably makes me laugh more than anyone especially during WTNWeek because of these videos. When I say read something in an Aria voice I mean it! She isn't really that awkward!! But I'm sure she'll say differently so YOLO. Aria doesn't know a stranger, she pops into your DMs and suddenly it's like you have known her all of your life. We have not known one another as long as I have known Kae and Elle, but she fits in so well. Her writing is beautiful and I love how she is in my DMs daily with inspiration for our ships. I started out with zero Aria ship and Aria made two new characters just to have ships with me and I love her for that. I can gush about how amazing she is because she is one of those people who will provide you comfort. If she knows you are having a bad day, she will send you something to make you smile and she'll remind you that she loves you. And I can't even tell you how having those videos during WTNWeek has made my days a little bit better! If I'm feeling frustrated or sad I just turn one on and it has made my day ten times better. It's funny how she is young, but she is kind of my teacher. She sends me videos to help me when I don't understand something and I am SORRY Aria because you've had to send a lot of videos lately, but I don't think the staff could have made a better decision in asking Aria to hop on board. She is always so helpful and the thing is -- she *wants* to help. She wants to pitch in. She always puts her best foot forward and I love that. And cand we talk about those posting and organization skills #swoooon MY SMELLY CAT In reality I am probably singing this song to Jasmine, but I feel like you'd join in sooo here we go. I wanna preface and say I am not calling Bela a smelly cat! But she speaks in references I don't understand sometimes and sometimes she talks about these weird noises she makes so I think this description is perfect for her. Bela came into WTN and I normally have trust issues BUT I trusted my gut and Prudy is one of my favorite characters on the board. We have been trying to get her cousin on board for as long as I can remember. Prudy deserves all of the good things so I really wanted Bela to stay on board. I threw her practically everything I could think of and I am so glad I did because it has allowed us to get close over the years.
Bela and I have created some fun dynamics over the years between readie being the superior of them all, but we also created dynamics that I never expected to create like Manny, Sieun, and Dylya. They have come to be some of my FAVORITE pairings. It's kinda funny we often joke about how we only have one ship on the board, but it feel like we have a billion. Bela always enjoys sending me music, it's like when she knows I need some writing music, and that's part of the ways she fits into my comfort. Bela is a listener. She listens and she is one of those people who are easy to talk to. I enjoy sharing headcanons and future headcanons and character ideas that we won't create but would like to! I like that she is open and she is honest with me - if she is having a bad day then she'll let me know. But I also think we've talked so much that I can just tell.We are comfortable with one another and I absolutely LOVE it.
I know confetti has been going on for a while, but there are not many people you write with and write WELL with but I have found multiple people I LOVE writing with and I absolutely LOVE talking to. I have found my person (lol more like loml), my partner-in-crime (like if I'm going to go to jail I need her in my corner), my cheerleader (and child), and my ship in the night (lol, we gotta be on at the right time and at the right time to talk).
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wheel-of-fish · 4 years
By the Numbers Jöback, Hill, Stolle
By the Numbers:  The Peter Jöback/Samantha Hill/Jeremy Stolle Stream, August 15, 2020
A more timely roundup!  The things that can be accomplished without a kitten on your head!
This was a fascinating boot, featuring a Phantom with a lovely Swedish accented tenor voice, Samantha “too sweet to be hot, except to the Phantom” Hill, and release-the-thirst-floodgates Jeremy Stolle.  The Stolle thirst was boundless.  The Stolle thirst was all encompassing.  There was scarcely a vocal phrasing, gesture, line read or body part that was not only mentioned but gushed over.  I did not even begin to count the ways.  Every category would have been “greater than infinity”.  And, every comment was true.  This man delivered!  From the height of his tallness to the depths of his deep baritone, Stolle was on a roll in this boot.  The boot itself was very good quality, only one large Head occasionally swallowing the action like a black hole.  Very worth seeing!  The passion of the AIAOY Kiss is matched only by the physics involved in making it happen between oh so tall Stolle and oh so small Hill.  But true love always finds a way!
Suggested names for this boot:  Jöback in Black Boot, IKEA Phantom Boot, Stolle the Show Boot (Okay, nobody suggested these.  It was me.  I suggested these. The first one was from Fish’s password for this stream, though!)
Statistician’s Favorite Boot Name:  The FÅNTØM Boot (again, nobody’s suggestion but mine, spelling courtesy of missbuster)
Wow, we like to talk about Phantoms:  Well this week, we seemed to talk about everybody except other Phantoms.  Oh sure, some were mentioned, but let’s mix it up and see what other names were dropped this week.  Supply your own context for even greater amusement, because heaven knows you won’t find it here.  These numbers are a lot more accurate because, again, no kitten on head this week.  It occurs to me that instead of meticulous record keeping, I could just make crap up.  Not this week.  Maybe next week.  All these people were genuinely mentioned in this week’s stream.
Carly Rae Jepsen (7), Vin Diesel (1), John Travolta (3), Antonio Banderas (5), Hugh Jackman (3), Ian McKellen (3), Judy Dench (1), Emmy Rossum (2), Anne Hathaway (4), Russell Crowe (3), Patrick Wilson (1), James Corden (1), Rebel Wilson (1), Hadley Fraser (1), Kelly O’Hara (1), Francesca Hayward (1), Michael Gruber (1)
Fond mentions of 1998 “Cats”:  6
Mentions of 2019 “Cats”:  12 (I have left out any adjectives as most were Not Charitable.)
Opinions that “Cats” should only be done as an animation:  2
Oh, hey, yeah, another Phantom, mentions of Gerard Butler:  5 (I have left out any adjectives as most were along the lines of Bless His Heart)
Oh, hey, yeah, another Phantom, mentions of Paul Stanley:  14 (I have left out any adjectives as most were somewhere between Not Charitable and Bless His Heart)
Wishes for Rose to have good luck on her date while the rest of us stayed glued to our monitors on a Saturday night:  9
Inappropriate Random Zoom:  to Christine’s dressing table during Raoul’s visit (not NEARLY as inappropriate as the Random Zoom to Barbara the mannequin’s doors of summer during last week’s stream.)
Self-Caress mentions:  3 (The Phantom.  The PHANTOM.  Not whatever you were thinking.)
What scent are the Phantom’s candles:  Hopeless Mist (no, the Phantom’s candles were not discussed this week.  As the creator of the candle line which includes Underground Despair, I have decided to use this statistical summary to focus group test additional scentsations suitable for the Phantom’s Lair.  You are warned that this may be an Ongoing Feature.)
For Science mentions:  6
Boner mentions: 2 (I will not name names, you know who you are)
Apparent confirmation of boner mentions by people noticing Christine looking down during The Sprawl:  3
Is there any safe way to say that boner mentions are ummm trending downward?:  No
Unofficial Dialogue:  “TA DAAA” when the Phantom reveals the mirror bride (courtesy Wheel-of-fish, who just barely beat haunted-hideaway to it)
Outrageous Rumors Category: 
“Carly Rae Jepsen as Meg…..A dream”—deardaaery
“Carly Rae Jepsen played Meg???” –mrskroger
“I love how these streams can be used to start outrageous rumors”—Aldebaran
“rushing to tumblr to tell everyone about carly rae jepsen playing meg”—Wheel-of-fish
“Vin Diesel played Raoul, fact”—Aldebaran
IKEA mentions:  10
Suggestions for additional characters Jeremy Stolle could play in the All Stolle Show (phantom-of-the basement):  Mirror Bride (christinegrrl), Monkey Music Box (Flora-Gray), Madame Firmin (ktarinajones)
Everyone’s a critic:  “First review for the all stolle show has to be “he stolle the show” otherwise it’s a missed opportunity”—butdreamsofbeauty
The Phantom’s pillows mentions:  7
People of the opinion that the Phantom should use one of his 600 pillows as a cushion for fainted Christine’s head:  2 (question and number of pillows estimated by ashadeintheshade)
Vintage madamefaust on the Pillow Question:
Look, he took a long time arranging those pillows.  They’re from Pier One, they’re expensive, he doesn’t want to put them on the floor.
Erik has skillz:
“You know he’s handy.  Everything is probably homemade. Bitch can sew a hem.”—Melancholy’s Child
“Erik as a contestant on Project Runway”—Benny-Lynne
“I’m convinced he hand-sewed the Red Death costume.”—haunted-hideaway
“Five and half months working on that Red Death cosplay”—yamiangie
“has a “Red Death” pintrest”—blahahala                              
Outrageous Rumors Part Two:
“The pillows are hot-glued to the boat”—wheel-of-fish
People who fell for the Phantom hot-gluing pillows to the boat:  4
Outrageous Rumors Part Three                                          
“Carly Rae Jepsen hot glued those pillows”—wheel-of-fish
We stan a crafty Phantom:
“I just like the idea of Erik with a glue gun”—wheel-of-fish
 “erik bedazzling things”—butdreamsofbeauty
 “He  DEFINITELY has a bedazzler.”—madamefaust
 “erik bedazzles his own capes”—christinegrrl
 “erik with a staple gun putting pillows on a boat:  KACHUNK”—        phantomofthebasement
Barbara Speaks:
   “Being a mirror bride must be a hard job”—mrskroger
   “damn straight”—the-real-barbara
Rare Don Atillio appreciation mention: 1
Andre’s probable fear of ballerinas mentions:  6 (as suggested by madamefaust)
Andre’s issue gets a name:  Tutuphobia—Aldebaran
Possible alternate ending for POTO:
There’s like 8 ballerinas….if they all came together the Phantom would have no chance.—hell-lawliet
That’s why Buquet always carries a noose, fear of ballerinas–Aldebaran
AIAOY Kiss comments:  45 comments in 24 seconds
Requests for AIAOY Kiss replay:  6 (replay occurred)
Incorrect use  of the Raoul as an International Unit of Measure:  1 (I misstated in the stream that Christine would be 1.62 Raouls in height.  This is clearly false, as it would make her much taller than Raoul, who is already impossibly tall.  Using as our values Mr. Stolle at 6’3” and Ms. Hill at 5’4”, Christine’s height expressed in Raouls would be .8533 Raouls.  The statistician regrets the error.  This is why maybe I should just make crap up next time.  No, I will not convert the heights to the metric system.)
Debut of IKEA Phantom: 
“And the Phantom is just quietly weeping in the angel because…even he knows that is a hard act to follow”—madamefaust
“That is a kiss to cause a Phantom mental breakdown for sure”—Flora-Gray
“oh no the ikea phantom becomes unassembled”—Aldebaran
“he wasn’t anchored to the wall”—Benny-Lynne
“Someone get the allen wrench, we need to put back together a saad boi”—haunted-hideaway
Unholy Trinity of Cooper/Thiago/Uwe mentions:  1 (by madamefaust, who perhaps is protected by the sheer power of her vast Phannish humor and talent.  Please do not invoke the Unholy Trinity on a whim yourself.)
Respect given to Steve Barton in the form of “Fs”:  11 (entirely appropriate at any time but especially during a boot with such a stellar Raoul)
Red Death as a Swedish Fish mentions:  3 (not to his face, never to his face)                                         
 “tiny swedish fish red death”—Aldebaran
 “HE IS A SWEDISH FISH”—madamefaust
 “the most dramatic swedish fish”—butdreamsofbeauty
Best from Onthevirg’s Mom:  “We should talk about Phantom Jaws”
Fathering Gaze lyric:  1
Split decision on the statement by mrskroger that Wandering Child has a strong Daddy’s Home vibe:
*Strong NO from Wheel-of-fish
*Strong YES from Benny-Lynne
That staff tho: 
“Fire Pez One.  Fire Pez Two.”—Aldebaran
“Skeletor Pez Dispenser”—DoCTy
“I wonder what it’s like to be that dramatique that you fashion a staff that shoots fire”—haunted-hideaway
“He probably bedazzled the staff as well”—Aldebaran
“oh he definitely bedazzled it”—christinegrrrl
“ ‘bedazzled staff’ definitely sounds like something hmm”—onthevirg
Number of audience cell phone rings at insanely crucial moments:  1
Attempting to bring Logic to PONR:
“I know it’s a plot device, but who has a hood that big, really?”—haunted-hideaway
“Yeah, I don’t know guys…I don’t think that’s Piangi…?” —Flora-Gray
“yeah swedish italian accent is a giveaway”–Aldebaran
Education of the Innocent:
“ok, I don’t know The Lore, why do we call her Barbara”—butdreamsofbeauty
“Haunted named her in a stream.  She said: ‘Her name is Barbara and she had hopes and  dreams once.’  I said I would never forget it and I have not.”–Aldebaran
The mob storms IKEA:
“time to flat pack the FÅNTØM”—missbuster
“So you’re saying Stolle should just squash the Phantom” —GlassPrism
“he comes apart for easy handling”—missbuster
“Get the Allen wrench”—madamefaust
Reactions to the Phantom after Christine’s final exit: 37 comments in 59 seconds
Sad comment is sad: We don’t even need the allen wrench, he came apart on his own.   –  madamefaust
Things I wish I had said:
“Moist Raoulette”—haunted-hideaway
“no Tol Raol Pol?”—missbuster,  at not seeing Raoul boating away post Final Lair
“No Stolle Tolle Rolle Polle?”—missbuster, with continued disappointment                          
Dreams do come true:
You know.  If you had told 14 year old me that in the future I could watch Phantom EVERY WEEKEND I would have died on the spot—missbuster
Statistician Aldebaran’s two no three favorite personal quotes:   
re: Jöback “He crawls with an accent”
 “Raoul conveniently wore a ladder jacket to make it easier for Christine to climb” 
 “Erik is just in a perpetual state of PONR”
Thank you as always for the submission, kind statistician Aldebaran!
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lesbian-deadpool · 5 years
A Fresh Start
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 2,074
Warnings: Endgame (dw tho)... crying, sarcasm, swearing... the usual really lol.
Request: For @mythsandfiction for donating to the Australia bushfires. You asked for fluffy moving in... I made this. I really hope you like it :)
Summary: You deserve this.
A/N: Set after Endgame (no one died, bc I said so). I know you wanted fluff, and there is fluff, but there’s also some “soft-angst”. Not proofread. I don’t consider this to be my best work, just an FYI.
Tumblr media
(Not my GIF)
The war was over.
You won.
You really won.
It was kinda hard to believe. Considering how many times you had run through the battle at Wakanda, during the past five years. Tony, his Spider-Kid, and the wizard guy in space, with the Guardians, that you were yet to meet. The ones you never thought you would. Hell, you were yet to meet the kid or the wizard. Still. That didn’t stop you from feeling the loss for them.
The loss for half of your team, if not more.
They all vanished. Turned to dust- Ash. Right in front of your eyes.
And it was all because of that purple fucking giant, Thanos.
You were there that day.
That day, you were finally there. And that's what you got for it. Watching, from your place, beside Natasha, literally rooted to the ground, as he snapped his fat fingers, and the world around you disappeared.
You hadn’t been there for when Ultron had risen.
Nor for the so-called Civil War.
But for this. This, you were able to see. Only helping to solidify your assumptions that the world liked to fuck with you.
The next five years passed as slow as they had when you were a child.
Steve left. As did Bruce, Tony, Thor, and Clint was nowhere to be found.
I mean, you couldn’t really blame them for leaving. There were times that you wish you could just up and leave, to start anew. But you never did. You stayed at the compound with Natasha. There wasn’t a chance in hell, or high water, that you would leave her. You couldn’t even bare the thought of Natasha being left all alone in the large compound, with the only thing left to keep her company being her thoughts.
So you stayed.
You stayed by her side for five painfully long years.
However, along the way, you and Natasha got closer.
You weren’t really all that close before, I mean you we’re friendly sure, but you never sought each other out, the way you did with the other Avengers.
Natasha preferring to spend her time with Clint, Steve, Wanda, and now and again Tony.
And you, choosing to hang out with Tony, and Thor, more so than anyone else.
Most of the time, you wanted to kick yourself for not seeking Natasha out more than you did before- Or at all. You liked spending time with her. She was fun, even in her depressed and overworked state, so it was only left to your imagination to what she was like before Thanos.
It had been a whole year since the battle at Wakanda when everything changed.
You had walked in on Natasha in her office, which was really just the dining room, that she had commandeered for her workspace, with a bottle of strong liquor in hand. She had been crying before you entered, you could tell that much by her red and puffy eyes.
Giving her a tight-lipped smile, you started to drink the remainder of the day away. You might have had a bit too much to drink... okay, you had a lot too much to drink. Because the next morning you woke up to a blinding headache and a naked Natasha beside you in bed. It didn't take a detective to figure out what had happened the night before.
Your relationship progressed over the next four years. From a friends-with-benefits type of situation. To spending every night with each other, not even having sex. Natasha had told you she had fallen in love with you, a little over two years after the snap, as the media liked to call it. You, of course, were surprised but had returned her confession. Who wouldn’t have fallen for the red-head? By the time of the ‘Time Heist’, you were in a long-term committed relationship.
There had been some trial and errors throughout the heist.
Losing the Tesseract. Steve kicking his own ass. Having to re-work a part of the plan, and travelling to the 1970s. Thor having a crisis. Nebula having her memories stolen. Natasha...
When you found about Natasha, you had no reaction. Everyone around you was crying, sobbing. They at least had a tear in their eye. But you? There was nothing. Pulling yourself from Clint's grip, and walking away.
No one knew where you had gone, as they were left to reverse the snap on their own. Only coming back to fight against Thanos for the final time.
You definitely didn’t leave to go drink and cry over the ring you had bought.
Yeah, that's exactly what you did.
The battle was the first thing that had moved fast for the past five years. It was over in no time. This time Thanos had vanished before your eyes, along with his army.
You were in Tony’s lab with him, after his “funeral”, talking about the prosthetic arm he was making for himself when it happened.
Peter -the Spider-Kid- had burst through the doors, gasping for air and pointing behind himself.
“Jesus kid, you almost gave us a heart attack,” Tony said, holding a hand against his chest, “What’s up? What’s got you so bent outta shape?”
“Mr Rogers... he... stones... back... old...” he said panting, “Miss... Romanoff-”
“Natasha? What about her?” You jumped up, as you felt the anxiety flowing through you like tidal waves at this point. Patiently waiting for Peter to finish what he was saying, with bated breath. But, he never got the chance. As the moment he opened his mouth, to continue speaking, he was interrupted, once again.
“Y/N?!” A voice you would recognise anywhere, called down from the top of the stairs.
You rushed over to where you could see her, with tears trailing down her face, yours falling to match.
One second you were peering up at Natasha from the base of the stairs, and then suddenly you were enveloping her in a tight hug. One that she returned ten-fold, crying into your shoulder, as your own tears dropped into her soft hair.
“Marry me,” you said in a tearful voice.
“Marry me? Please?” You reached for the chain hanging around your neck, tugging it harshly, causing the clasp to snap. Letting the chain fall to the ground, you offered Natasha the diamond ring.
More tears ran down her cheeks as she nodded. “Yes.”
Her lips tasted of salt. Yours were probably the same. But it was no less as sweet as the kiss you shared when you first confessed your love for one another.
Soft whimpers are what pulled you apart.
Looking to the side, you saw Tony and Peter crying beside each other. Peter, the whimpering one, dabbing at his eyes with the sleeves of his t-shirt.
“You had that hanging around your neck?” Tony asked, with tears in his eyes, as the kid bubbled beside him, now using Tony’s shirt to wipe his eyes.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’ve had it on me for months now. And I put in on the chain when...” you trailed off, not wanting to finish your sentence. But everyone understanding you anyway.
It’s true, you had charged into the final battle, with the ring hanging around your neck. Keeping it as close to your heart as it could possibly get. With it being one of the last things you had of Natasha, even if she never got so see it, hold it, wear it, say yes, thanks to the compound being destroyed. You wanted- Needed something that reminded you of her.
You had agreed later that night, that you were both going to retire, and finally, live the life you two always wanted together. You had saved the world, too many times to count. Brought everyone back. And saved the universe while you were at it. You both considered that to be enough for you to live peacefully, for the rest of your lives.
After all! If Tony Stark could do it. Why couldn’t you two?
“Hey, guys!” Peter called, walking onto the house, carrying two boxes stacked on top of each other, blocking his view as they towered over him. “Where do you want these?”
“Well, what do they say on them?” You asked.
“Umm... ‘bedroom’!”
“Then it goes in the kitchen, where the fuck- Ow!” Your sarcastic quip was cut off thanks to Natasha punching you in your arm.
You rubbed your throbbing arm as you watched Natasha walk up to Peter and taking a box from him so that he was able to see where he was going.
“Come on, I’ll show you where it is,” she said, leading him out of the room, “Then you can pick out your room.”
“I get a room?”
“Of course you get a room.”
“Thank for helping up, Petie!” you yelled to him.
“Oh yeah, he gets a thank you, but what do I get?” Tony muttered entering your house, a box in his own arms.
“Well, I was about to thank you, too. But now that you’ve said that. I won't.”
Tony whined at you as you walked away, to start fixing up some lunch for everyone. Making you smile at his childish antics.
“I still can’t believe the way you proposed to me,” Natasha spoke from the other side of the room, that you were both busy painting.
“Well, give me the ring back, and I’ll do it again differently.” You beamed over to her, noticing the yellow paint smudged against her face and arms. Yellow wasn’t yours or Natasha’s style, but it was for the guest bedroom, and you both wanted that to be a bright place. So, yellow it was.
“No,” Natasha said hastily, pulling her left hand up to her chest, and covering it with her other hand.
You let out a small laugh. “See. I knew you loved the way I asked you to marry me.”
“I’d love any way you’d propose to me because it’s you doing it.”
“Shut up.” She smiled, picking up her discarded paintbrush again, and throwing it at you.
A large splodge of thick yellow paint spread across the upper part of your t-shirt. Spots flecking across your neck, jaw and shoulder.
A gobsmacked look overtook your face. Slowly, you turned to peer at your red-headed fiance.
“Oh, you wanna play that game, do you?”
“Yes.” Natasha nodded. “Because I know I’d win.”
“Well, we’ll just have to see about that.”
“See, told you I was right,” Natasha smirked over at you in the shower.
“That’s ‘cause you fight dirty.”
And she did.
Once the paint had run out, and the room was covered in the stuff, and not just the walls like you needed. The majority of the paint had coated the floors, luckily, you still had to put down the white carpet. Natasha ran out of the room, in search for more ammunition. Flour, shaving foam, whipped cream, water, and even milk, covered you. Before you and Natasha hopped into the shower together.
“It’s not dirty if you win,” Natasha replied, as she scrubbed her hair.
“No. It is dirty. But you still won.”
“That is the perfect description of me,” Natasha joked, causing you to burst out laughing, at the accuracy of it.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “You’re right there.”
The first night in your new house sure was something. Nothing “spectacular” happened. It was nothing but calm.
After your shared shower, you cooked dinner together. Well, mainly you, because Natasha couldn't cook for shit. As the red-head kept you company and occasionally stirred the pot of pasta.
It was later that night, when you were laying in bed, Natasha curled up by your side, with her head upon your chest, as the tv played in the background when Natasha spoke.
“We needed this.”
“What?” you asked rubbing your hand along her arm, “An early night?”
“Early?” Natasha asked in return, leaning up to look at you like you had grown another head. She was right, it was currently one A.M.. Fixing up the house really was long and hard work.
“-er, than we have in the past week,” you corrected yourself, before shaking your head, then getting back on track, “But what did you mean?”
“I meant this. Retirement. A house. A fresh start.”
You smiled as Natasha got comfortable on your chest once again.
“Yeah... we did need this.”
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mull3ts · 4 years
sorry if there are errors in my speech i havent sleep for 3 days now and i look high and dead at the same time.. its scary but dw im fine i'm still hot and looking fine 😎 *throws gang signs at you* feeling the effect of my sleeping pills already.. am i supposed to feel sleepy? its currently 11: 30 am here in Chicago so ig i'll be doing my once in a week sleep lawls ilysm abi buhbye 🍇😙♥️
dino 🦖 says: areum loves you, abi, remember that!
Ending this with the best words i've ever heard:
dilf johnny.
ok buhbye i feel really sleepy now. always take care of yourself. stay safeeeeee i love you and i aint never gonna stop loving you, bitvh 😌🍷
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daemadness · 4 years
1, 7, 9, 12, 16
Thanks!!! :D I’ll also put the rest under a cut because one just does not simply write short texts.
DIE ÄRZTE ASK GAME (click to the ask game!):
1. Wie & wann bist du auf DÄ gekommen?
It was in April 2009. My dad was on a German course and the book had “Männer sind Schweine”. The teacher (who was also later my German teacher!) liked dä so she played the song to them and my dad who’s very much into music, liked what he heard and at home of course searched for more. He then asked me (and my siblings) to come downstairs to his room because he wanted to showe us something - and it was the music video of Junge because he found it hilarious and the music really great.
At first I wasn’t sure what to think but said I could try listening to them, so then my dad started downloading and bringing me music on USB sticks all day every day until he got everything downloaded, and I just added stuff to my mp3 player whenever I got more songs. I did not speak German at all so at first I was pronouncing the name very much incorrectly (you know, “die” as in English), and sometimes I kinda miss it how I just saw a bunch of gibberish on my mp3 player screen. I still remember being in a work training at a horse stable and shoveling hay to a wheelbarrow, and my strongest memory is about the album Geräusch and I will always associate Anti-Zombie with this one horse box I was cleaning and it’s possible that I got obsessed with this album so that I started the day with it and was always cleaning the horse boxes in the same order. But I only remember Anti-Zombie and how I just suddenly realized that this song is one of the best I have EVER heard. (It still is! And Geräusch was my favorite album for a very long time and it’s still my favorite 2000s album.)
7. Lieblings-Bandmitglied?
I don’t really have a favorite? Like, musically I like Farin’s songs the most but some of my ultimate favorite songs come from Rod, too, like Anti-Zombie, T-Error, Geisterhaus (I think the best Rod songs are on Geräusch and those are some of the best dä songs overall as well), Mondo Bondage, Morgens Pauken, Sohn der Leere, Bang Bang (Instrumental)... I bet there’s also great 90s songs but I just forgot about everything again. Anyhow, I’ve never been that much into Bela’s songs. He has many really great ones too, but usually my favorite Bela songs are those that Rod has written with him. Which also explains why I’ve never been that fond of Bela’s solo music (I own the first two albums) and why I like FU/FURT the most from these two. I can’t say anything about Rod’s solo stuff or other bands as I have never listened to those, but I’m very much into movie scores and kinda interested in hearing what his movie scores sound like but I’m lazy and have memory issues and motivation issues so I don’t know more than that. (But I wish he did more songs for dä, I miss the times when he still had more than just 1-2 songs on an album. Although, I never witnessed the release of those albums but still :D)
But if this question is about them as people, then I guess it’s Bela and because I’ve just always been so amazed by his open-mindedness, you know? Like, he seems so genuine and caring and that he has had his feet on the ground at all times? (Or if he didn’t when he was younger, then he has learnt from that and can see that now, at least from what I have read from the books.) A while back I had an ask (to an ask game) on my mainblog, to choose between Bela and Farin and that post got a bit longer and you can find a deeper answer to this from that one. But let’s just say I tend to get super protective over Bela if anyone dares to claim he hasn’t always been as open-minded as what he now seems to be :D
Farin is way too similar to me and even tho he’s very relatable, especially what comes to the sense of humour, I still don’t agree on everything he says or does. And too much is too much. About Rod I don’t know enough because he doesn’t speak much and when he does, I usually don’t understand what he says because he (and Bela) is sometimes really bad at articulating and as a German learner it’s very difficult to make sense of anything he (or they) say sometimes. AN ex-friend once claimed I don’t know anything about Rod because I simply just don’t care about him and like..... no??? Also I don’t control it what my brain finds interesting, but I swear that one day I’m gonna read both dä books from cover to cover and I’m not gonna skip anything and then I’ll know more about Rod too.
9. Ein Lied, mit dem du viel verbindest?
“Allein”, definitely. Do you know that feeling when you listen to music, an album or song you have listened to so many times before, and then suddenly something just... hits and you hear a song the way you have never heard it before and you’re overwhelmed and mindblown? Yeah, that’s what happened to me with Allein. I don’t remember the exact year when that happened but I remember I was sitting in my car at a grocery store’s parking lot, listening to music and waiting for someone from my family to come out of the store.
Wait I actually found a post from my old Finnish blog from April 2010 about this song and the moment when it hit me!!! The post says the song became my favorite from Jazz ist anders! when I heard it for the first time, and this moment^ was the first time I read it lyrics and the first time ever I felt that lyrics also meant something to me. I was not able to translate anything myself yet but I found the song with English subtitles form youtube (now deleted) and that’s how I understood the story in the song.
So, I was almost 19 and relating to “Allein” a lot. Now it’s almost 11 years later and I’m (still) 29 and I STILL relate to this song so much and now also to the career part because I literally have been working with horses for over 10 years and have been studying them and I’m not sure why and now I don’t know if I even want to do this for the rest of my life or not. Idk, maybe it’s a bit sad too that for the past 10 years I have related to this song this much when it’s about loneliness... but it just doesn’t seem to end, idk if it will ever end, to be honest.
12. Findest du die Musik von vor oder nach der Reunion besser?
I would say the music after the reunion, but I’m also really fond of their 80s music, especially the self-titled album. I was lucky enough to find the original -86 release on vinyl, in perfect condition even, and you don’t understand how much that record means to me. I hate the song Geschwisterliebe and I will always skip that (especially now as I am able to follow lyrics from audio somewhat) but I still refuse to own a version of the album without that song. So that record really is very dear to my and my treasure and I sometimes take it out just to look at it and to be happy about the fact it’s MINE.
But anyway, to answer this question, I think I have to answer that I like the post-reunion music more because the 90s is my favorite dä time of all times. Planet Punk is still my fave dä album EVER, 13 is also a favorite, and I love Die Bestie, and all the interview and live and other video material from the 90s is also something I never get tired of watching. Maybe it’s because I was born in 1991 and 90s was my childhood so it feels familiar and safe? I don’t know. But I tend to be drawn to 90s music with all bands I like and if those bands have had a 90s phase. I guess there’s something about the 90s punk rock that I just like that also dä has.
16. Was macht Die Ärzte besonders?
Does this mean “what makes dä special”? Well, I’m gonna answer to that anyway even if it doesn’t mean that :D So I would say it’s the variety they have in their songs. They have loads of songs and albums and I still haven’t heard one song that would sound like some other song of theirs. (Apart from Hell, it has several songs that remind me of their older songs and I haven’t decided yet if that’s good or bad.)
There’s also pretty much something for everyone - which might also backfire because I actually knew someone who likes dä too but somehow we happened to like the opposite songs only. Like, you both can be fans and still not agree on favorite songs or even favorite albums or eras. It’s weird. So it feels like “yay we like the same band!!!” but in the end you don’t have anything in common because you don’t like the same things even within one band’s music...
For me dä is special because when I found about them, I was no longer actively searching for new music to listen to. And still they did and somehow all that diversity in their music was insane. Like, the singer’s voice is super important for me and I have turned down so many bands just because I don’t like the singer’s voice or singing style, and somehow this band has three singers and I like ALL OF THEM. Like, what are the odds??? So after getting used to their songs and learning song and album names and other stuff, I literally felt that I had actually found the music that has everything I need from music. I didn’t need to look for the best band ever because I already found it, no other band can top them, a band that would make better music than die ärzte just simply does not exist. And I’m totally happy with that which is why it took me years to even start listening to new music and new bands because I just didn’t need them anymore, I already had dä, you know. I was told (by the same ex-friend who said I just don’t care about Rod) that no band is superior than others but this person refused to understand when I tried to explain that they are superior to ME. And they are superior to me and I don’t give a fuck if others think I’m wrong, it’s my opinion and my favorite band and I have a right to say that they are the best band ever if they are the best band ever for me.
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haikyuu-matches · 4 years
🦚 3/3.) Um so I believe in soulmate. I'd like to have someone who can understand me and love me as a whole. Someone that will treasured me, spoiled me, basically just showered me with their love. Honest- loyal- funny- kind, those are the thing that I'm looking for in a partner. I'm a touch-starved person so I always want their full attention, I won't ask for it first tho- I'm just gonna wait and sulk 😅 Wheew thats it, hope you don't mind with long desc, thank youuu ❤ p.s : I can't anon this:(
🦚2/3). Move on to my personality, I'm an enfp, taurus and gryffindor. I love to talk, and yes I am loud (I can be sarcastic sometimes) 😅 Despite being a happy go around type of girl, I actually have a lot of insecurity. I hate myself and got depressed easily, but I'm good at hiding it behind my clownery haha. I love singing, playing games, sleeping and tarot reading. I'm shy to people that I found attractive and I'm a hopeless romantic. So to sum it up I am pretty childish wheeee 🤸🏻‍♀️
#🦚 1/3 ). Hey hey! can I ask for a romantic match up ? 🥺 I'm an 159cm omnisex asian girl. I'm chubby so I look smol. long black wavy hair and I always let it down. People say I look rude and cold so they are afraid to befriend me first (some even hates me for no reason), istg its only my resting bih face (but yes I can fight, verbally and physically.) I don't care about style or brand, I only wear comfortable clothes that looks good on me. I love perfume, so yes I smelled good.
hey, you lovely bean !  just wanna say that i’m so grateful for your patience & i truly hope you like your match !!  (´。• ▽ •。`)
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i match you up with . . . 𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐎 𝐓𝐄𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐔 !!
firstly, i just want to say that i really think you’d fit kuroo’s type -- with your long wavy hair & your smol stature. right off the bat, he’d think you’re adorable.
the fact you smell good all the time?? like, not to be creepy but he legit can tell when you’re around because he notices the exact perfume you’re sporting (he’s observant like that) & honestly the scent becomes comforting to him-- 
i headcanon that once you guys become that cute couple, he will for sure initiate that back hug, which consists of him pulling you, from behind, so very close to him & the next thing you know, he’s resting his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling you & slightly breathing in your scent at the same time??
you smell irresistible okay, how could he not-
on a different note, kuroo is the type to look beyond any preconceptions surrounding anyone, including you; he has high interpersonal intelligence (surprise surprise jk), so he’ll disregard any badmouthing & see for himself who you truly are. like, people hating others before they even know them? yeah, that’s lame. 
to sum it up, kuroo doesn’t regret meeting you. he’s still a little taken aback by the fact that people are hating you & saying you look rude ‘n cold?? just . . . how is that possible? last he checked, you seemed shy. . . at least to him, but overall, a total happy-go-lucky sort of girl!
in all reality, maybe you do have a resting bih face, but the thing is he’s kind of immune to that? kuroo doesn’t really take it as you look irritated; he’s used to kenma’s apathetic-looking face & he knows that sometimes people can’t help but look the way they do? he concludes that even if you did have a rbf, it’s unintentional & doesn’t represent you as a whole by any means.
he’s not one to judge appearances anyway-- he gets a lot of shade thrown his way for his “rooster head” & the belief he’s a “sly and scheming captain.” he can relate to the fact of being kinder or just overall different than what the exterior image seems to show. with that said, however, he will be mildly surprised by the fact you can fight?? in his book, that’s pretty neat & he’ll probably try to flirt by saying he can fight, too. fight for you that is- 
back to the topic of appearances, even if you do see yourself as “chubby”, kuroo would shower you with love regardless. 
kuroo doesn’t discriminate & he’d treat you like a queen that you are. you’re looking for someone who will treasure you? spoil you? understand you? just love you for all that you are worth?? look no further, kuroo is your guy !!
kuroo really checks off all your boxes for what you’re looking for in a partner because he’ll definitely make you feel whole. also taurus x scorpio is cute. as mentioned before, he’s observant & while he’s not, by any means, perfect, he’ll strive to put you first & put a smile on your face. 
he’s still kuroo, so i mean, at times it’ll be a trial and error kind of thing (perhaps his provoking nature being the perpetrator in fights), but he’s more intuitive than he may appear?? so, he’ll reconcile & apologize when it’s needed; he’s not that kind of prideful to refuse to talk things out.
kuroo will also take note of your insecurity & how you use your clownery as a mechanism to hide this aspect of yourself. you best believe he will be that supportive boyfriend. especially when it’s just the two of you, he won’t hesitate in speaking his truths whether it be saying how you’re amazing and you’re beautiful and he’s so lucky to have you or just gushing about your overall being, from your endearing personality to your cool hobbies (like the fact you sing?? so darn impressive--)
he’s actually more sweet than people give him credit for--
in any case, he simps hard when you’re smiling or just laughing or just have that joyful look on your face-- he wants you to always be in happy spirits. . . at the very least when you’re around him, but for now, he’ll lightheartedly tease you & basically relish in you fighting back with your own words & sarcastic comments.
it’s his funny way of showing that he cares about you.
you two never shut up by the way. like, the art of conversation? you guys take it to the next level. you probably engage in the most randomest of conversations, and yet you two just don’t tire of speaking to one another?? like the flow of conversation just works with you two & you’ll find yourselves talking for hours but it feels like not a minute has past! 
this is probably due to kuroo being like a lowkey nerd with big-brain tendencies & you being so gifted at talking (because you love doing so).
side note, kuroo will even be open to talking about tarot cards with you despite his initial suspicion- it just goes to show he’s not that well-versed in the subject, but he’d be eager to learn since you’re into that.
since you won’t outwardly ask for affection or attention, he’ll end up picking up on those small cues over time. if you seem at all restless or have that sulking expression, he’d have that smirk of his grace his features because you look so flipping cute. but not to fear, he’ll then be quick to draw you in for a cuddle sesh if you’re hanging at home or if you’re out in public, he doesn’t mind initiating that kind of pda where he just embraces you, wrapping his arms around you tightly because it’s a way for him to showcase how much he truly loves you.
do it back to him & he melts-- he’ll basically combust if you surprise him like that because he doesn’t realize how much he loves you showing your affection toward him, with his heart beating irregularly and such. 
i feel like kuroo can be kind of doting?? even if you’re pretty childish, he honestly wouldn’t mind because you just give him a sense of purpose. like, he can naturally fulfill the role of protecting you & giving you the love you deserve. it’s not to say he’ll baby you per say, but he harbors a sense of protectiveness when it comes to you, which he may not even realize at first.
basically, under the veneer of his teasing personality lies his caring & warm nature. the kind that you are looking for!
he’s totally soft for you & he’ll admit that he would probably do anything for you if you’d say the word. 
you probably won’t (at least at first), but that’s okay because he’ll figure it out.
honestly your relationship with kuroo would just consist of you two hanging out, enjoying each other’s company, and just doing those cute couple things. you two probably learn new things about each other every day... but anyway, you two could honestly just be out and about & people will be out here jealous of that because you two look like soulmates adjksdljgl. it’d be so cute !
possible runner-ups:
daichi sawamura
osamu miya
— lily ! ♡
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missklou · 5 years
Bleeding need (Namjoon x Reader) Smut
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Make sure to check my masterlist here.
Genre: Smut with little plot, a sequel? I dunno yet, dom!namjoon, sub!reader, Fame!au. Angst, very, very angsty. 
Pairing: Namjoon (RM) X reader
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of sex, light daddy kink, little bit of name calling (nothing much tho), oral sex (fem receiving), dirty talk, power play, fingering, chocking / breathplay, infidelity, unprotected sex (stay safe), mild cum kink, rough sex, edging, orgasm control, derogatory language during sex, basically I’m TRASH.
You love him. Now, as his lips crash into yours and his fingertips dig into the flesh of your thighs, your chests press firmly into each other, as if you can become one, as if you can stay forever in his arms... You know you were made for him. And his body seems to fit your embrace, all you have to do is lean in on his touch, his lips know their way around your body and his eyes are always looking for yours, you know, you are sure of it, he was made for you as well.
His tongue meets yours and you feel his chest trembling slightly from the low grunt he let's out, never separating from you. Your hands are entangled in his hair, it's a little longer than usual and curling adorably under his ears but the faint lime scent from his shampoo is as familiar as ever.
He feels like home.
-I missed you so much. -He's out of breath as he speaks in between kisses -You have no fucking idea of what it's like... You feel the need to shut him up, afraid the honesty of his feelings would break you all over again.
You pull the back of his shirt into your fingers, he leans back to take it off completely and you sigh at the view in front of you, feeling afraid your love might actually spill out of you. He was never particularly muscular, but his tall figure hovered over you, wide shoulders and arms strong enough to hold you firmly, tanned skin contrasting against his washed jeans and hot to the touch.
He's also moving, his large hands slide under your shirt and lay on your rib cage, caressing the skin as he diverts his kisses from your mouth to your cheekbones and then to the spot under your ear, the one he knows will make your hairs stand up, and since he has never had trouble finding it, you are soon melting into him.
-I need you. -You breathe out, your voice is nothing but a whisper as his tongue meets the skin on your neck. -I need you so much. He finally pulls your shirt up, for a bare second you stare into each other, lips swollen and pupils blown wide, your hair falling in every direction as your shirt also meets the floor.
Something in his gaze darkens, you watch as his eyes become hungry and sharp, the anticipation tingles in your stomach and you can feel your damped panties sticking to your body. He moves a little faster now, he presses you against the wall as your lips meet once again and one of his legs get in between yours, his long thigh presses against your core and you feel light headed for a second, separating your lips to throw your head back and let out a breathy moan.
His name flows out of your mouth, it echoes in the room, involves his senses every single time, each time only increased his desire to hear it again, to watch as you called for him, as you admitted again and again and again that he was the one you needed, he was the one who earned your euphoric moans, he was the one who knew your body, who knew your secrets, he was the one. At this moment he feels like nothing in the world will ever compare to the sight of you, the way your bottom lip was trapped in your teeth, your hooded eyes dripping pleasure, messy hair and burning skin.
He pulls at the waistband of your shorts aggressively, the fabric is rough and the button almost pops off as the zipper is forced open. A few boxes are kicked to the side as Namjoon picks you up and places you on top of the stereo. The sounds from outside, where another stupid award ceremony is happening opens a little tear in your heart and your chest tightens a little because it reminds you of how you had never been in a real room, how you were never allowed any comfort, how you could never have more than little pieces of each other at a time, how things were always rushed and, mostly, afraid.
Tonight wasn't any different.
He had pulled you onto the storage room, where they kept studio devices that were no longer used and were now collecting dust, he pressed his lips to yours in the dark and cleaned the tears away from your cheeks, he held your trembling form in his arms just moments ago, whispering how things were going to be okay despite everything.
Now you had your legs around him and your nails dragged through his back as he stood on the edge of the stereo, his bulge pressing directly against you, he lets out a low grunt and tightens his grip on your hips, making you fully aware of the bruised you are going to have to deal with later.
-I need you -You let out, bucking your hips against him. -Please, Namjoon...-He smiles smugly, his right-hand travels to your panties, rubbing the fabric against your drenched cunt.
-Please what, princess? I want you to use your words, I want to hear them. -He bites the skin on your neck once more, pressing his thumb directly into your clothed clit, you squirm under him, legs trembling slightly from the sudden sensation, your vision is covered in spots.
-Please touch me, please fuck me. -Your begging is like music to his ears and he is soon pulling the fabric to the side, his kisses travel from the base of your throat to your chest and you grab the back of his head, pressing him against you.  -Please Joon, we don't have much time...
He raises his gaze a little, eyes serious and hands firmly pushing your thighs open to expose you to him, even in the dim lights he can see your glistening juices and it makes blood rush to your ears and cheeks.
-For now on we have all the time in the fucking world baby girl and you better obey, or else I'm gonna torture you, I'm gonna edge you endlessly until you are crying and begging to cum, and I won't let you, are we understood?
You shook your head desperately, bucking your hips into the air, clenching around nothing as a dark smile grew on his lewd expression. He wets his bottom lip before leaning in to place open-mouthed kisses into your tighs, and you can feel his touches everywhere. His large hands are on your hips, his breathing is hot against your skin, he lazily drags his wet muscle through your slit, then presses it flat against your clit.
-Right there! -Your back arches and you pull his hair, a low growl comes from the man under you as he holds your hips in place and starts to suck on it slowly, giving himself all the time in the world as he admired how sweet you always were, and how intoxicating, somehow.
He lifts his head, Namjoon's eyes meet yours and he smiles and watches as you close your eyes and hold in your breath when his thumb presses into your clit in rapid circular movements. He leans in to kiss you, you hold his shoulders and your abdomen burns with the effort of lifting your body, but his lips are like a remedy for all your problems.
-You look so fucking beautiful -You breathe out, he doesn't say anything back but responds by suddenly entering you with one of his long, elegant fingers. -Fucking hell, I missed you too, I missed every second with you. -You admit, and he laughs, now adding a second finger.
-Good girl, I want you loud and clear, I want you to tell me how I'm the only one that makes you feel this good, how only I can make your little cunt this wet. -He sais, before laying before you and pressing his mouth one more against your clit as his fingers went in and out of you in slow and deep thrusts.
A high pitched moan comes out of your chest uncontrollably and your thighs tremble violently as Namjoon works on your pleasure, as he drinks in your cute moans and heavy breaths and the knot in your core gets tighter and tighter, he leans back for a second and sucks on his bottom lip, it tastes like you and he looks simply sinful with your juices glistening on his face.
-You are getting so tight around my fingers love, is my baby girl going to cum? -You nod furiously, your fingers completely lost in his dark locks. -Do you want to cum on my mouth? Is that what you want? Want to make a mess all over yourself and daddy's face?
-I wanna cum around your cock! -Lust fills your voice and you know your pupils are probably blown wide, the words that you say are true, there's nothing more than you want right now than to be sitting on his cock, clenching and hearing his low grunts right next to your ear or his teeth pressing against your neck... But you are just so close, if you keep on bucking against his hand you could be cumming in seconds, bliss feels like is just inches away from you. He senses that and pulls away, looking at his wet fingers, covered in your pleasure and he soon presses them against your lips.
-Taste yourself, princess, see just how fucking perfect you taste. -You follow his every command, opening your mouth to suck his fingers clean. -Good girl.
You hear his belt being pulled, he takes his fingers out of your mouth and you use the opportunity to sit up and grab at the waistband of his pants, pulling the fabric clumsily. He smiles at how much you seek his touch, pride feeling his chest as he thinks about how lucky he actually is to be with you, storage room or not, he's the one who's with you right now. His large hands cup your face and press your lips to him, involving you into a deep kiss while your hands moved on autopilot to take off his pants, knowing every single detail of his body based on touch only.
The sound of his belt hitting the floor brings butterflies to your stomach, he finishes the kiss with a few delicate pecks before taking in a deep breath and rolling his eyes as your soft hand envelops his hard cock. He is heavy on your palm, a little drop of precum glistening against his red tip and you can feel yourself salivate. You move so that you can come down from the stereo and get on your knees for him, but Namjoon holds your waist as soon as your feet meet the floor, stopping you.
-No, I want to fuck you senseless, turn around. -He commands in a dark tone, there's no hesitation as you turn around and lay your upper body on the old stereo, legs hanging from the side. Namjoon lets out a little pleased grunt and you can't tell if it's because of how your ass presses deliciously against his cock or because of your obedience. -I want you to cum around my cock princess, I want you to scream daddy's name as I stuff this tight cunt full of my cum.
He teases you further, sliding the head of his cock through your slit, pressing it lightly against your entrance and then going back to play with your clit.
-Namjoon please! -You moan, getting on your tiptoes to tease him with your ass. -Please fill me up, I need it so bad.
-You are such a slut for my cock, always so desperate for cum. -His head enters you and he leans in to wrap his right hand around your throat, lightly pressuring your airway just enough to make you roll your eyes. -Tell me how much you fucking love it.
-I love it, yes, fuck Namjoon, please, I love it so much! -He then enters you in one swift moment, the sudden stretch brings spots to your vision and you both get light headed for a second.
It's been nearly a month since he last fucked you, since you felt the weight of his body on top of you, since he felt your pussy clenching around him. he's afraid he might come just then, so he takes a second, still resting his palm against your throat but no longer holding your breath and covering your neck and shoulders with light kisses as he calms down.
Once you start to fuck yourself by moving your hips, he then tightens his grip once more and fucks into you in hard fast movements, his hips hitting yours, the sounds of skin slapping and your difficulted breathing fill the small room.
-Oh fuck. -He let go of your throat, now both hands supporting himself as his thrust are even faster. Suddenly you feel him on your lower belly, your mouth opens but no sounds come out as he repeatedly hits the spot that makes you see stars. - How are you this fucking tight baby? Fuck, this pussy was made for me.
-Y-yes, oh my g-god Namjoon -His left-hand hold your hip and he starts to slow down on his trusts, still going as deep as he can, enjoying your desperate little whimpers every time he hits your cervix. - I was made for you.
His voice is husky and possessive as he moans your name, his thrusts start to get sloppy so he adds a slow pace, right hand going around your body so that his fingers find your clit. You moan/scream his name as he rubs against your clit with each thrust and that's all he needs to know that you are about to cum.
He locks his jaw as you start to clench around his cock, his legs are burning with the exercise but he loves every aspect of your form below him, he notices at that moment that he would do anything for you, he would give you everything, he had to have your body forever, screaming his name, reaching your orgasm with him.
He spills deep into your cunt as your own orgasm milks him empty, holding you impossibly close, closing his eyes and furrowing his brows as pleasure washed over him like waves.
It takes a few minutes for you to collect yourselves, panting and sloppy kisses were part of the very slow process of getting as clean as you could and dressed again.
He ran his fingers through your hair, trying his best to fix the messiness he created just moments ago as you buttoned his shirt, admiring his chest the whole time.
-Things are going to be okay -You mutter, mostly for yourself, but of course he can hear you on the tiny space. -Even if it's so complicated, it will be okay, right? -You looked up, eyes meeting his sharp ones.
He stays silent for a second, then his hand tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
-I love you. -He whispered, and you could feel your heart beating like a hummingbird, trapped in your ribcage, wildly trying to find freedom, desperate.
You had never said it to each other.
Of course, you knew, everything with Namjoon was so right, every single feeling was clear and obvious and you feel like it couldn't have been any other way but things weren’t simple, they were very, very complicated so that's why you never said it. If you said did, it would mean that you had to fix everything, you had to get out of the mess you got yourselves into and it would be too late.
You stood there, frozen and alarmed as he turned around and left the storage the room, left you in the dark with no dought in his heart that you loved him as well, but hurting impossibly by knowing you couldn't say it back, no matter how badly he wished you would.
Later that night he stood on the stage, bright lights reflecting on his recently corrected makeup and hair. He smiled and gave another deep and meaningful speech he only half-heartedly meant and lifted the award on the Maknae’s hand, who waved at the crowd with his bunny smile and whispered jokes to Taehyung.
The host of the award then asked them to take a sit still on the stage as they called for other groups.
Two other boy groups sat behind them, three girl groups sat on the other side, they all won in different categories apparently, he couldn't pay attention at all as five girls stepped into the stage, you were in the middle, the maknae of your own group, Korea's sweet angel and main dancer of "Sugar Rush". You sat right next to them, glowing as if you were a literal star, eyes bright and wide on your face in a way that had him unfocusing from reality.
The MCs joked around with people in the groups, cracked jokes, complimented some, talked about victories and things they achieved before they suddenly turned their full attention into Bangtan and Sugar Rush, the biggest groups on Korea at the moment.
-So! You guys have a lot to share, you surely gave us shocking but extremely exciting news! -Chirped the woman with a long dress and distracting fake nails. pointing at the two groups. -Please tell us more about it!
-Well, the engagement wasn't at all surprising, seeing how those two are a perfect match! -Responds the leader of your group, Moon Yi-soo. -It's good to see how fans were supportive and kind to our lovely couple.
-Bright words from the leader of Sugar Rush! -Announces the man in a rich suit and black shiny shoes. -Now let's hear it from the love birds!
Your ears are pumping, your blood is cold in your veins and your stomach drops as you hold the microphone with shaky hands. You look to your side, finding Namjoon's eyes immediately, like usual, you can read a hundred words in his gaze, and half of them scream in fear, while the other half made you think of the words he said before. "I love you". Your heart tingles and your words are caught in your throat.
-We couldn't be happier, to be honest! It's easy to see a future with the person you love when she is as supportive and sunny as Y/N is, your energy is good and we are amazed at how wonderfully people reacted to our engagement! -The man entangled his fingers with yours, his heavy wedding ring is cold against your feverish skin. -Isn't that right darling?
You think about everything that you built, the responsibilities you had, the great sacrifices you had committed in order to stand in this stage at this point of your life, everything you had worked for and how life always handed you pain after pain with no break to catch your breath. You thought, again, about how you absolutely had to do this, and you gave him the biggest smile you could before staring straight into the cameras.
-That's right, I could never have imagined fate would bring me to this moment, but I'm glad it did because that way I get to marry my best friend and the love of my life, Jung Hoseok.
The crowd roared in cheers, the hosts were smiling and saying how amazing you two were, the other groups were clapping to your love declarations, Hoseok caressed your hand like it was the only thing it mattered on the earth. Your eyes moved on their own, looking for what you needed the most, who you needed the most.
But he wasn't looking at you, he couldn't. He was smiling and talking Seokjin and then he was watching the confetti rain over them as the show came to an end, eyes bright but it wasn't his contact lenses, you could see, it was tears.
While everyone was clapping and dancing to the catchy songs playing in the background, Namjoon got up and slowly, as to not be noticed, made his way around his members to find the back of the amphitheater. You watch his shoulder blades moving as he leaves the stage carrying his group's award and when he's far enough from the cameras and the crowd, you notice that his hands bleed from the strength he pressed them into the glass of the award, staining the clean material with deep red.
You are about to follow him, unaware of everything else when a strong hand found the small of your back and pulled you close.
-Thank you darling, you look beautiful. -Hoseok whispers and leaves a kiss by your ear.
You look around at the famous people, the cameras that look like giant metal insects, the thousands of people occupying chairs on your every angle and you smiled and faked as the man with bleeding hands and painful love for you left you behind to face your lies.
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blondecarfucker · 6 years
Bed of Roses (Chapter 20)
Roger Taylor x Reader
BoRhap!Roger Taylor x Reader
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Fic Summary: It's 1971. You just moved to London to study, and you find a band on a local pub after a bad date. The encounter doesn’t go the way you expect it, and neither does what follows this evening as you try to deal with loving Roger Taylor.
Fic Note: So I’ve had this story in my head for the last three weeks and finally decided to write it down. It’s completely planned. It will have 21 chapters and it’s divided in three acts: Dusk, Night and Dawn. It’s will be a bit angsty in the future, and it will most likely have some smut as well. I hope you guys enjoy it! Tell me what you think about it in the asks/comments/messages. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER OF THE STORY. If this is your first time stumbling upon Bed of Roses, thank you for stopping by! The rest of the story is in my masterlist, the link is in my bio - can't put the link here or else the post will disappear from the tags.
Chapter's notes: GUYS THIS TOOK SO LONG AND IM SORRY. im actually in another city at the moment and yeah, having free time has been a bit hard - i wrote this mostly on a plane and now im editing it on an uber on my way to class. BUT, theres only one more chapter to go!!! WTF!!!! its so close to the end???? i mean?????? but its been an amazing journey and mostly thanks to you all!! more thanks on the next chapter where im gonna be so cheesy thanking you all, just wait. anyway, nice fun sexy chapter to heal our hearts from the break up and stuff! hope you enjoy
Words: around 4k
Warnings: smut, alcohol, swearing probably. all in good fun tho. probably some errors cause its been a busy week
"It's the moment night time seems weaker and everything seems easier to figure out"
Chapter 20
You hold Roger's hand as you wait in line for the immigration officer to check your passports. The activity in itself is something the both of you did many, many times before - you travelled a lot with the band.
But this was different. You were not only alone with Roger, but there was nothing concerning you - his mood, your job, nothing. You feel at ease.
Roger's idea to go somewhere where none of you knew very well was brilliant. Since you're outside of your comfort zone anyways, you were both more easy going, not overthinking anything, just spontaneous. You knew the time where you would talk about your relationship and how you want to deal with everything would come, but you weren't stressing about it. You would think about it once the time came - there was no reason to be concerned now.
Cause now you could only feel Roger's touch, hear him humming something - you couldn't believe he was humming La Vie En Rose, the most cliche Paris song of all times, but of course he was. His shoulders are relaxed, and he brushes his thumb against the skin on your hand. His smell is all around you.
You could really immerse in the presence each other, now. Ever since you left London, where almost everything between you happened, you didn't really knew anything else - the fields on the window, the french being spoken by the people on the cabin next to yours. So you just laid your head on his lap as he ran his fingers through your hair and told you about the little things you missed.
His eyesight has gotten worse, and now he can't really do anything without his contacts. He met David Bowie in an award show, and he thought of you - he knew how much you liked him. He still knew all of Fleetwood Mac's 1974 album songs by heart - he kept the album you left in the old flat.
And also stuff about the boys. John's kid was a cute, quiet boy, just like his dad, and he didn't enjoy any of Roger's songs when he went to rehearsals. Veronica was pregnant with another baby - Roger's pretty sure it's a girl. Brian was still thinking about finishing his PhD, but never got around doing it - his schedule is too crazy. Freddie was growing tired of the long hair and clean face, and kept thinking about changing his looks, but couldn't decide on what he would do. He told you that ever since Freddie and Mary broke up, he started seeing more guys - none of you thought much about it. It was just another aspect of Freddie's life.
Roger kept writing songs now, even when they were on tour or at home. He was getting annoyed at the "No Synths" rule in the band, and tried to convince them to drop it. But he was happy with the new album - he enjoyed how they simplified the process of writing it, and thought mostly about writing songs they can play live the same way they play it in studio. The last time they did it was in their first album.
You just kept looking up at him, his defined jaw glowing against the sun, his bright blue eyes looking down at you to watch your reaction, your grin once he told you he finally finished writing Sheer Heart Attack, a song he tried to get done and in an album ever since 1974.
And now the immigration officer called you, and you laughed as you watched Roger try to speak french to the guy before taking the matter into your own hands.
And when he asked you what was your relationship with him, you just smiled and said "mon copain".
You knew Roger chose the hotel as you packed in London, sitting between all the boxes so he could use your phone. You didn't pay attention to which hotel he picked, but once you got to the Champs-Élysées, you knew he spent too much money.
You got off the cab at the Four Seasons George V Hotel, a building that was basically a modern castle, and you stared at him, shocked. "Roger, you didn't do this", you told him, your eyes wide as you entered the spacious and luxurious lobby, your luggage already being taken to your room as the lady on front desk recognized Roger. "Did what?", he asked jokingly, raising his brow at you, even though he knew what you meant. "This hotel. It's too nice and probably a fortune", you told him, and he shrugged. "Hey, we deserve it. We always did. But now we can afford it", he winked, and then took the room keys from the front desk.
"C'mon, I want to see how you're going to react to the Penthouse Suite", he laughed, and you coughed. "Um, I'm sorry? The what now?", you asked, and he playfully pulled you into the elevator.
He kept looking at you the whole lift ride, excited and nervous - he wanted you to like it, to enjoy his efforts, to take him back into your life somehow.
When he opened the door and walked to the side, his old genuine smile was back on his lips, and you couldn't help but smile back, even before taking a glimpse into the room.
And what you saw surprised you - everything looked expensive, but still comfortable. You first entered a huge living room, and every couch looked comfortable enough to sleep in. Then you walked to the bedroom, and the huge bed caught your eye - it was big enough to fit comfortably at least five of you. The bathroom looked like a spa, a huge bathtub in the middle of it, a delicate statue of a woman under the window that overlooked the Champs-Élysées.
You walked to the balcony with Roger beside you, and he laughed when you gasped.
The Eiffel Tower looked back at you, glimmering at the sunset.
You looked at Roger.
"You're unbelievable, you know."
He smirked. "I'm just trying to get you in bed, though", he told you, and you laughed as you walked closer to him.
"You did that when you didn't have a penny, Rog. You don't have to get us a huge suite with artwork everywhere and a view of the Eiffel Tower", you said, bringing him closer to you by his collar as he snaked his arms around your waist.
"I never have to do anything. I do it because I want to. Because I love you", he whispered, his breath against your lips, teasing, feeling like the ghost of a touch.
"I love you, Roger", you told him, moving your hands to the back of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
You held his hand as the cool wind passed through your bodies. It was the next day, and you've decided to walk to the Louvre by the side of the Seine.
It would be faster if you got on a cab, but the view of the Seine, the sounds of the city and the smell of pastries and perfume made everything feel even more like a dream. You were still tired from last night, and the night before it - you and Roger were acting like a couple in honeymoon ever since you met again, stolen kisses and arms wrapped around each other, trying to make up for the lack of touch in the last couple years.
And once you were alone, you'd hug and touch and kiss and fuck passionately wherever - sloppy kisses and love bites all over each other, first in London and now here. It didn't feel like you were together again for only about 36 hours - so much has happened, yet time passed by so fast. It was like you lost touch with reality ever since you looked at his hands on the pub.
When you thought of being alone in New York, it felt like a past life. But the weird thing was how your first years with Roger also felt like another life - you wouldn't act the way you did again, ever. But you were grateful for both times of your life. You felt like you could never get here, to Paris and to Roger, if those things didn't happen.
You got to the Louvre and you were surprised at Roger's interest - he wasn't simply acting interested while trying to get you to leave somewhere else with him. He was genuinely interested in the art, commenting about each style and dropping trivia about artists.
"Someone has been spending some time with Freddie, I suppose", you noted, and he gave you a half smile. "Well, the person responsible for bringing culture into my days spend some time away. I had to look for substitutes", he said, and you jokingly nudged at him.
He still looked at you adoringly once you started talking to him about the excellent state of conservation the mummy was in, or once you started analysing "L’Européenne".
You both kept quiet as you watched the Mona Lisa, only holding hands as you tried to get closer to the painting, dozens of visitors separating you from it. It was a time for reflection, too. The Mona Lisa invited you to think about yourselves, her neutral expression making you wonder - seeing it was one of your life long goals, and now you're realizing it with Roger. Being with Roger was something else you struggled to achieve, ever since the first time you saw him. But now it was the time to realize dreams - hell, you'll start working at the British Museum in a few days.
But you got distracted as soon as you got to the Venus de Milo. Roger snaked his arms around your waist from behind you and pressed a slow kiss under your lobe before whispering "You look just like her".
You felt a goosebump on your neck, but you tried to laugh it off. "I can think of a few things we don't have in common, though", you said, and he rubbed his nose on the curve of your neck. "Like what?", he whispered.
"I'm gonna start the list with the basics: arms", you told him, and he laughed against your skin. "I can think of a few other things, too", he tells you, back at kissing your neck. "Yeah? Like what?", you asked, and he sucks on your skin for a few moments, hitching your breath. "Your skin is softer", he says, and then lightly bites you, running his tongue over it to sooth it. "And you taste amazing. Everywhere", he whispers again, and you bite your lips as you feel another goosebump on your neck, and it didn't go unnoticed by Roger. "And the way you react to me”, he whispered, wetting his lips. "God, it kills me", he said, running his fingers over the area where the goosebump was.
It was a public place, but it didn't cross your mind when you turned around and pulled him in for a kiss, making it deeper as your tongue massaged Roger’s. His fingers brushed over your exposed skin, and you could feel how strong his grip on your waist was, wrinkling the fabric of your summer dress - probably inappropriate. You pulled him even closer to you by his hair, already used to its new length after two nights. It was only when you broke apart to recover your breath that you noticed how you were making out in a public place, and only because Roger told you.
"I know we're in public and I'm trying to be more discrete now, but all this artwork just made you look even more beautiful, like you belong around them. I just couldn't hold myself any longer", he said.
The warm water ran through your fingers as you filled the bathtub, only in your robe, as Roger spoke with the concierge on the bedroom. He told you he was getting champagne, but you didn't see why the concierge would go to the bedroom for it. Anyways, you wanted a warm bath.
After the Venus, you and Roger had a hard time keeping your hands away from each other. So you didn’t argue when he suggested you take a cab to the hotel.
The cabbie was an older man with a very rosy skin, and he barely knew how to speak english, but he sure tried - specially with Roger. You were suspecting he knew who Roger is, and Roger apparently thought the same, an amused look on his face as the driver tried to continue the conversation with him.
He was looking amused for another reason, too. His hands took his time on your legs, his long fingers brushing over your inner thighs, making you press them together as you tried to control your breathing. Roger kept talking to the driver as he slowly moved his fingers closer to you again, and you bit your lips to hold a moan when he pressed two fingers against your core.
You were already wet from all the teasing, and it goes through the lace of your lingerie, wetting Roger’s digits. He took his fingers away from you, and you frown as he rubs his two fingers against his thumb, smirking at you.
Then the driver asks him something and he turns to answer, putting his hand on your knees and then quickly sliding them up, moving them to your core again, massaging your clit for a few seconds. He looks at you so he can see your reaction, and you can hear the driver’s voice as you grip on Roger’s arm so he keeps touching you, pressing your lips together to keep quiet.
He keeps smirking as the conversation with the driver goes on, and you decide you can tease him, too. You move your hand from his arm to his leg, and he moves his gaze back into yours as you move your hand slowly to his inner thigh. His eyes get wider once you run your finger over his length, his cock already getting hard and visible through his always tight pants. The driver called his name so he answers another question, and you wrap your hand around him through the fabric of his trousers.
His breathing audibly hitches and he tries to be discrete by making it into a cough. He answers the driver and then looks at you, but you’re looking forward, innocently. He smirks again and then pulls your lingerie to the side, and, without more teasing, puts his two fingers inside of you. You gasp, and the driver looks at you suspiciously as Roger starts pumping his fingers inside of you.
But then the car stops in front of the hotel.
You take your hand away from Roger and he does the same, feeling like two children who got caught with your hands inside the cookie jar. Roger pulls out his wallet from his pocket so he can pay the cabbie, his fingers still glistening as he holds the leather wallet.
You then walk to your room without saying anything until you close the door. “So, that guy was pretty close to figuring out our little teasing game, huh”, he said, unbuttoning his shirt. “I was pretty close, too”, you said, winking, and he smirked. “I guess you want to go back to where we were before getting interrupted?” he raised his brow.
But you wanted to tease him a bit more. So you nodded a no. “Actually, Rog, I think I want to take a warm bath”, you came closer to him, wrapping your fingers on the back of his neck. “That’s a really good idea, in fact”, he said, and started undoing his belt. But you held his hand in place. “But you won’t join me”, you said, and he pouted in protest. “Not until you get me some champagne. I thought you were gonna be romantic before luring me into bed, Taylor”, you said, and he laughed. You let go of him and turn around.
“Can you unzip me, please?”, you ask, and you can hear him scoff, annoyed at your teasing, but then you feel him slowly unzipping your summer dress, then moving his hands to your shoulders as he slides your dress down.
You're not wearing a bra, so you can feel the cold wind from the AC on your hard nipples, getting even harder as you felt his lips on your neck once again, his hands pulling your dress down at your hips before it falls to the ground.
Then you move away from Roger’s grasp as you walk to the bathroom, without looking back at him, and you can feel his eyes on you as he watches your hips sway as you walk, only in your burgundy lace panties, your hair cascading on your back.
And now you’re inside the bathtub already, feeling the smell of roses and cinnamon from the bath salts you used, waiting for Roger. You hear the door close, and the concierge is gone.
“Rog? I’m waiting for you”, you say out loud, waiting for his answers. “Actually, I think I’m not in the mood for a bath. But your champagne is here”, he says, and you can hear a fake tiredness in his voice.
“Are you sure you’re gonna leave me here, alone, in this bathtub? I’m gonna have to do something to let the time pass, you know. And you’re gonna hear me do it without doing anything about it?”, you asked with an affected voice. You haven’t teased him in so long, you forgot how fun it was, especially cause he always teased you back.
“As tempting as your bathroom plans sound, I’m also alone here, you know. And your champagne is here. Can’t believe you’re gonna waste it after I got it just for you”, he said, and you laughed. You got up from the bathtub and barely dried yourself on a towel before putting your robe back on and walking to the bedroom.
Roger was sitting against the bed’s headrest, completely naked and rock hard. You moved your hand to your lips and you let out a sigh at the vision. He looked like a greek god - Apollo, maybe, with his golden locks shining against the afternoon sun, his skin glowing under the golden hour lights coming through the window. The bed was filled with red rose petals under him, the smell filling your lungs.
He opened his eyes when he heard your sigh, and he smirked at you. “Get the champagne and come here already”, he said, pointing his head at the table where a Dom Pérignon bottle sat on an ice bucket, and you did so. You climbed on top of the bed and started moving towards him. “Are you suggesting we play with food, Mr Taylor?”, you asked, and he nodded. “Give it to me and I’ll show you”, he told you, and you gave it to him as you sat on his thighs.
He popped the bottle open and some of the liquid poured over the edges. He licked it, looking at you, before undoing your robe with his free hand. He pulled it to the sides, looking at you with admiration as if he was unwrapping a Christmas gift.
You took the robe off and threw it to the side, and his free hand moved to the back of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. It was a slow, delicate kiss, where Roger tried showing you love, admiration, respect. Not only how much he wants you, but how much he cares about you.
But you pulled him closer to you, moving closer to him, and your bare breasts touched his naked torso, making the two of you moan.
That gave a new sense of urgency to the kiss, and after a few seconds, Roger broke it apart. “Tell me if you want me to stop”, he told you, and you nodded. He poured a bit of champagne above your collarbone, the cold liquid making you shiver, and then Roger’s tongue licked it, warm and wet.
He looked up at you to make sure you liked it, and you gave him a quick nod. He smirked, then poured champagne on your other collar bone, and licked it off again.
As you seemed to like it, he poured champagne between your breasts, licking it off right after and waiting a few seconds to see if you’d protest. He then finally poured a bit of champagne on one of your breasts, right above the nipple, licking you and the drink.
He kept doing it for a while, sucking on your skin that tasted like champagne and cinnamon, the smell of roses intoxicating him.
You broke away from his touch, and he looked at you, confused. “Can I try it?”, you asked, and he nodded, passing you the champagne bottle.
You started above his collarbone, and you could feel him moving under you. You wondered how much he would be able to wait before fucking you, considering he was already hard before you licked champagne off of him.
Once you poured champagne over his chest, you didn’t lick fast enough, and a drop of champagne rolled down on his torso. You leaned in to lick it right before it fell to his pelvis, mere inches away from his cock.
The feeling of your tongue close to his length did it for him - he had to have you, right now. He gripped your hips and motioned them up, and you understood what he wanted, so you got on your knees and stood right above him as he positioned himself on your entrance.
You slowly moved down, feeling him filling you, and you let your head move back as you moan in pleasure, your moan intensifying as you heard Roger’s voice whispering your name.
You started riding him slowly, small moans leaving your lips every time you felt him bottoming out inside of you, but you wanted him to go deeper.
So you got off of him, and he grunted, frowning at you as he saw you on your knees in bed. But once you leaned forward, putting your weight on your elbows, he smirked. “I want to feel you deeper”, you told him.
He moved to your back, spreading your legs a little more so he had better access to you, and you both cursed under your breath as he got inside you again slowly, so you could get used to his size on this new position, his grip on your ass getting stronger once he was completely inside you again.
You moaned his name, and he moved his hands to your waist so he could move inside of you with more control.
He developed a rhythm after a few moments, and all you could hear was the sound of your skin on his and the moaning (and cursing) coming from his lips and yours, too. You could feel yourself closer to your orgasm.
It wasn’t long before you reached your high, crying his name as you pulled the duvet into your fists.
Roger kept thrusting through your high, but once he noticed you were done, he pulled out. "Can you turn?", he asked, and without much thought, you turned over and layed down, wrapping your legs around his hips.
He gave you a tired smile and then got inside you again, thrusting. "I like to look at you", he told you, closing his eyes, focusing on his movements. He was like that for a few seconds, and you could see the beads of sweat forming on his face, his blonde locks glueing themselves to his forehead.
As his movements got more intense, you could see he was close. "Y/N? Can I pull out?", he asked, and you nodded a yes. He liked to do that sometimes, when you could get messy, but it has been so long you nearly forgot.
So he pulled out and his cum fell on your torso, covering your breasts and stomach. He fell to your side and stayed there for a few moments, before opening his eyes and looking at your torso. "Sorry for the mess", he said, getting up and going to the bathroom. You smiled when you heard the sink open, and your smile got wider as Roger appeared with a warm cloth on your hands.
"I guess this helps", he shrugged, wiping his cum from your torso carefully. Once he cleaned most of it, he giggled. "Maybe a bath is not a bad idea, after all. Will you join me?", he asked, offering you a hand.
Chapter 21
@taylorroger-s @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @its-nessi @anamcg317 @frenchieswiftie @queen-danielle-dani-dan @minihemo @shutup-sorry @theyrealllegends @killerqueenisthebest @ashagracelove @hardy-s @fuckinghurricanesoul @secretsweetscollectionblog @mrswinterhater @11mb0 @tamtam-go92 @derptatosaur @brianandthemays @phantom-fangirl-stuff @the-hysterical-queen @rogerofmylife @notevenlxvely @discodeakyy @x1975sos @16wiishes @jennycidesstuff @partydulce @melros-e @onevisionliz
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hiroasu-akika · 5 years
Yo everybody, here have some VRAINS Fanfic Ideas/Prompts
I'll probably try my hand at these myself at some point, but I'm putting them out for anyone to use because I probably wouldn't write them well. Prompt #1: Yusaku can see and/or summon Duel Spirits. Just a general thing, feel free to do whatever you want with this one. Some of the following prompts are a more fleshed out version of this concept.
One of the thoughts that spawned this idea was what if Yusaku was spirit sensitive during the Lost Incident, and thus was pretty much adopted by Duel Spirits. Fast forward ten years, and he has a Jiraiya of the Sannin-level spy network without anyone being any the wiser. There was also the thought of stern and standoffish Playmaker being Soft(™) with his monsters. Animal-like and The simple machine monsters would be pets. The human-like monsters would range from parental figures, to older or younger siblings to small children. The Code Talkers would absolutely act like how medieval knights would toward their king/liege. His dragons would be the seemingly ferocious guard dogs that growl at anything within 30 feet of Yusaku, but are in reality “the attention span of a sparrow” puppies. (They are adorable and Yusaku loves them, yes he does. Firewall really is a ferocious guard dog with everyone except Yusaku tho)
You could also do a Yusaku slowly awakens to the ability to see/hear Duel Spirits mid-canon (at any point in the plot you want). 
This could be funny: Yusaku being confused(™) until it makes sense, or angsty: Yusaku getting incredibly paranoid/anxious or thinking he's actually going insane while his friends/allies/fans begin to worry as he begins to act strangely.
(I just really want Spirit/Psychic Duelist!Yusaku in any form okay?)
Prompt #2: The one where Yusaku catches the eye of Stardust Dragon, and is subsequently adopted by said dragon without any say in the matter.
(Bonus if Yusei is just there and serenely lets it happen.)
Stardust: this is my son I will vaporize anything that hurts him
Yusei: yea cool guess I've got a little brother now
Yusaku: ...do I get any say in th-
Stardust: shh my sweet child I will protect you
Yusei: no not really
Random Knight of Hanoi #179: *hurts Yusaku, is realizing his error* OOOOOH SHIIII-!!!!! SOL Tech: *sweats*
Note #1 - Yusaku can see Duel Spirits in this AU. They tend to materialize themselves [read: to defend their precious child] in his general vicinity whenever they feel like it. Den City as a whole is pretty much resigned to and somewhat fond/proud of this fact. (Most of its residents have in fact all adopted Yusaku as well. Tourists are usually hella confused.)
Tourist: hey does that kid have a Kuriboh on his head? Den City Resident: that's just Yusaku, don't mind him
Tourist: is that a goddamn DRAGON??? Den City Resident: *serenely, not even looking* that's normal everything is fine
Tourist: ?!??! Note #2 - Yusei can be along for the ride. If so, he and Stardust are pretty much post-5D's immortal gods that watch over mankind while the Crimson Dragon sleeps.
Note #3 - Can be cracky, serious, angsty, or anything in-between, go wild! Prompt #3: How to Train Your [Cracking/Borrel/Stardust/Sky/Winged] Dragon - The one where Duel Monsters wander freely and peacefully around VRAINS when not in use during duels, and Playmaker stumbles across an injured Cracking Dragon. Chaos ensues as he helps and inadvertently befriends the beast. Note - Could alternatively have the Duel Monster be one of Revolver's "Borrel" Dragons, Stardust Dragon, or- for the lols- Slifer the Sky Dragon or the Winged Dragon of Ra. Prompt #4: The one where Yusaku is thrown headfirst from Link VRAINS into the world of My Hero Academia, with Ai along for the ride. (Can be cracky, serious, angsty, or anything in-between, go wild!) Suggestions that don't have to be used - Yusaku's “Quirk” could be his Link Sense, only amplified to the point where he has the ability to connect to/hack the network and manipulate it however he wishes with any electronic device or his thoughts. He can also summon his Cyberse monsters by forming them from raw data. Yusaku can also turn into Playmaker to hide his identity.
Ai can either remain in Yusaku’s duel disk, or leave it in either his tiny or full sized “human” forms. He can also transform into his six-armed monster form, in which he can consume data to either save or delete it. Kaminari could possibly trigger Yusaku's PTSD with his Quirk on accident. Prompt #5: The one where Yusaku is unknowingly infected with a virus, and all hell breaks loose. Can either be pretty-much-drunk/high!Yusaku, or essentially Berserk Jinchuriki!Yusaku, or just angst. NOTHING sexual, please. Prompt #6: The one where Link VRAINS falls prey to a virus/hacker, leaving everyone currently logged in with no way to log out- including Playmaker. Basically SAO, YGO-style. Go wild with this one. Prompt #7: The one where VRAINS and the real world are merged without any warning, and Yusaku is unfortunately smack in the middle of Algebra when his Link Sense goes crazy...seconds before he forcefully glitches into Playmaker right in front of his entire class. (This one was a random thought, and can be cracky, serious, or angsty.)
Prompt #8: The one where Yusaku’s account is hacked so that his avatar has the features of Firewall Dragon, and he can’t remove them. (...It was Ghost Girl’s fault, he just knew it.) Note - Yusaku has Firewall Dragon's halo, wings, tail, and can have some of its armor. He can also have elongated canines and claws. (And yes, the original thought was Ghost Girl pranking Playmaker.)
Prompt #9: The one where Yusaku is blind or deaf IRL due to permanent damage suffered during the Lost Incident, but he has his sight/hearing while in VRAINS because it isn't his physical body. (Conversely, he still lacks his missing sense(s) even while in VR, and is just really good at hiding being blind/deaf.) Suggestions for this AU that don't have to be used:
Note #1 - Can use one of two types of damage as the cause of Yusaku's disability:
Direct Damage: Yusaku suffered damage directly to his eyes/ears, allowing VRAINS to ignore said damage and for Yusaku to temporarily recover his lost sense while logged in. Brain Damage: The electric shocks caused damage directly to the parts of Yusaku's brain that are responsible for sight/hearing, which causes the damage to carry over even while Yusaku is logged into VRAINS. Note #2 - If blind, Yusaku programs his avatar's eyes to automatically track people's movements and faces so that he can “look" at them, and his cards to either have braille text, or an audio feed that only he can hear that reads his cards off to him. May have Ai and/or Roboppi serve as something similar to a seeing eye dog. Or you could throw Prompt #1 into the mix and also have Duel Spirits help Yusaku out. Yusaku can have a specially programmed set of (Ai-themed) headphones that Ai can inhabit that allow the Ignis to speak with him privately or IRL. They are a headset in VRAINS and earbuds IRL.] Note #3 - If deaf, Yusaku knows sign and is mute as well. He has specially programmed text boxes that allow him to read everything his opponent says during duels, and follow whatever is going on easier. Yusaku can have a specially programmed phone that Ai can inhabit to send him text messages when IRL. Ai can also learn Sign.] Note #4 - In either version, Yusaku knows Morse Code and programs his avatar to have a higher sensitivity to vibrations as well. Ai is also quite a bit more protective of Yusaku.
Prompt #10: Playmaker counts out his convictions in threes for everyone to hear. Fujiki Yusaku hasn't spoken in ten years. (AKA The Selectively Mute Yusaku AU.) Prompt #11: The one where the same virus that killed Dr. Kogami traps and fragments Playmaker's consciousness data (mind) in Link VRAINS, thereby rendering him comatose, and his allies are left with no way to rescue him- save for delving into his fragmented mind to wake him up in person. Basically the Danny Phantom's-class-enters-his-mind fic, VRAINS-style. If you've ever read one of those fics, you'll get the concept, but I'll try to explain it a little anyway. [Note #1 - Suggestions for the people who enter Yusaku's mind are: Ai, Kusanagi, Takeru, Flame, Ryoken, Spectre (follows Ryoken), Akira, Ema, Aoi, Aqua, Go (hacks in), Roboppi (brought by Ai), and Kengo (also hacks in).] [Note #2 - The group has to experience Yusaku's memories as they attempt to save him- including those of the Lost Incident- in visceral detail. (I, personally, would serve still-in-his-asshole-phase-Go a nice heaping helping of #Guilt/Remorse/Horror(™) if you have him witness the memories.)] [Note #3 - The facets of Yusaku's personality are fragmented, with each being represented as their own separate version of Yusaku. Some suggestions are as follows (feel free to use them or do your own thing). Anger: Playmaker, and his eyes as well as the glow lines of his suit are red. Fear: Yusaku in his pajamas, as he was when he was shown suffering night terrors. Happiness: Six year-old Yusaku before he suffered the Lost Incident. Sadness: Base Yusaku, but he barely reacts to anything or anyone. His eyes are blue and he is constantly crying in near silence.
Hate: Think pissed off and severely injured Playmaker, but if he also had Vector(Zexal) or Lightning's twisted personality traits. 
Self Doubt: Yusaku as a nervous wreck and blaming himself for everything that has ever gone wrong. Shyness: Yusaku, but if he acted like Reira(ARC-V) or Hinata from Naruto.
Confidence: Playmaker, but friendly and smiling and enjoying dueling.
Selflessness: Yusaku, but his color scheme is predominantly white. Would sacrifice himself for his allies.
Selfishness: Playmaker, but his color scheme is predominantly black. Would cast his allies aside without a second glance.
The true Yusaku can him as he normally appears, or his beat-up six year-old self just before being rescued, or a beat-up six year-old Playmaker.] Prompt #12: Dark Signer AU. The one where Yusaku didn't survive the Lost Incident, but thanks to being a Dark Signer, nobody realizes this little detail. (I need more Dark Signer!Yusaku m'kay? Nemesis by DarkZorua100 is glorious, bUT i neeD mORe) [Note #1 - Angst obviously, unless you can somehow put a humorous spin on Yusaku trying to hide the fact that he's, y'know, dead from everybody. And semi-failing. Takeru: ooooh my god he's f*cking dead yoU'RE a f*CKinG zomBIE-
Yusaku: wait i can expla-
Takeru: *illegible screeches of terror*
(i'm a terrible person who would make this funny heLP)
Can have the temperament of Yusaku's Immortal vary depending on whether you do angst or humor:
Angst: Either a complete asshole that makes Yusaku's unlife hell, or semi-benevolent. Humor: Excited puppy.]
[Note #2 - Stray thought was that Yusaku's Earthbound Immortal could be Ai's monster form? Or at least based on it. (or even be the reason Ai has it, since none of the other Ignis seemed to have alternate forms.)] [Note #3 - In my version, Yusaku was the only Lost Child to actually die. But you can have some or all of the rest of the children be Dark Signers too.] [Note #4 - Yusaku appears normal to everyone IRL- save for the facts that he-
Has no heartbeat and is strangely pale.
Exudes no body heat.
Never eats/sleeps or seems to react to pain when hurt (he doesn't bleed either).
He's a walking corpse and most people just don't connect the dots. In VRAINS, he's Playmaker as normal, but his sclera can change to, or permanently are, black. He also has a mark on his left cheek under his eye that's vaguely reminiscent of lines of digital coding.] Feel free to use any of these! Please send me a link to any stories you may write!
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ethereal-tempest · 6 years
Commit (Erik Killmonger Series) Pt.2
Summary: Your a Mercenary used by the CIA and when you’re forced to work with a certain operative things get a little more heated than you ever expected.
Part 1
WC: 2.5k+
A/N: Heyya lovebugs! so spelling errors out the ass its nice to be back tho pretty sure you guys have forgotten all about me which is fine but ya girl is back! Now I still wont be updating super often but ill try and make it a helluva lot more frequent, well enjoy! 
Unbelievable. That word ran through your head repeatedly. You and Erik had to play some love sick couple, the whole Bonnie and Clyde spiel. Except instead of stealing money and taking jewels you’d be stealing intel and taking lives. You grunted as the doctor applied the needed instruments to your body. “This might sting a little bit more than you’re used to Agent Y/L/N were doing the rapid healing process so you’ll be good to go before you leave in your mission tomorrow.” “Do your worse doc, i’m sure i’ll be fine.”
 With a timid smile on her face the doctor started up the machine as she inject the serum into you, boy was she wrong, it stung a lot . no not stung burned. It’s as if a thousand needles were piercing your skin at the same time all over. you screamed in agony but began to scream silently as you felt the firm grip of someone’s hand in your own. you gripped theirs back and bit your lip to try and muffle your screams but failed as the pain began to consume you. You felt tears running down your cheek as the person holding your hand rubbed it almost affectionately as the pain began to finally subside you were unstrapped from the machine and had the disk on your skin removed from the your injured body parts before you opened your eyes and saw who held your hand, “Killmonger what— why are you hear?” you asked as you sat up and wiped your face clean. “Think i’d miss the chance to hear you crying like a little baby?” you rolled your eyes before bring your legs to the edge of the table you previously laid on. You landed on shaky legs and soon felt a hand slide around your waist to keep you up right, you saw Erik at your side and tried to shrug him off and walk away from the table but ultimately failed and stumbled back into his side one hand resting on his chest. “I can walk by myself you know.” “Sure you can princess.” you held back a growl as you took a deep breath, “What were you doing here?” “Wanted to make sure they pathed you up right, can’t go out there looking like a domestic violence case.” you hum deciding to accept his answer as he help you back to your room. “And why are you helping me now?” “I wanted to talk.” you raised an eyebrow in suspicion, what could this conniving asshole want to talk about, “The mission.” he said answering your unspoken question, “This can’t wait until tomorrow or something.” “No.” you groaned and stood on your own finally having the strength to do so as you turned to look at him head on, “What’s so urgent then Killmonger?” you guides you into your room and shuts the door behind you two. Your curiosity is at an all time high as you sit on your bed and you stare up at the man standing before you. “I really don’t have the strength to kick your ass right now Erik so spit it out or get out. I do prefer the ladder by the way.” the man rolled his eyes as he said, “We need to know thing about each other, to help keep up the act.” you sighed as you plopped back onto your bed, “Erik that’s it? This can definitely be talked about tomorrow!” “Y/N were going to be watch from the second we set foot in Colombia, there will be no time to work on it then!” you cursed under your breath before you said, “So you waltz into my room and expect me to just open to you? That’s not how this shit works Erik, that is not how you get to know another human being!” “You’re such a brat. I don’t understand what the big deal is, just tell me what i want to know!” he shouted at you, you shot ul still seated on your bed and stared at him with wild eyes, “You think demanded intel about my person is going to make me give to to you. Fuck off Erik, come up with whatever bullshit you want and get the hell out of my room.” “Y/N you’re being—“ you stood from your bed, a little too quickly as you stumbled forward but caught yourself on your chair as you grunted, “Get. Out.”
He took a concerned step toward you in but you held your hand up to him stopping him in his tracks before you whispered out. “Leave Erik.”
The man wiped his hand down his face in defeat before opening your door and finally leaving. You let out a painful sigh as you sit back down on your bed, Your body still wasn’t fully healed some sleep would do. And that’s exactly what you did. You shot up from your sleep in a sense of panic and searched around your temp room for anything wrong. Everything seemed fine by you jumped slightly as you heard a knock at you door, you walk over to it and swing it open before peering around it. You sighed seeing who it was and opened your door all the way as you walked away. “What Agent Ross?” you asked over your shoulder as you put a shirt on over your sports bra, “You going to be alright on this mission? I know you and Agent Stevens don’t have the beat relationship.” That was an understatement you hated the man, most of the time anyways. He’s done it all botched mission, risked your life, even stolen one of your perps but you were a professional and you wouldn’t let some petty squabbles keep you from giving it your all. “Might not like the man but i’m more than capable of keeping it professional Sir. We’ll get the mission done.” “Are you sure?” you smirked as you brushed off his question and said, “Don’t I always.”
After your little check in from Ross you began getting ready for your mission. You’d definitely have to do some shopping seeings as though your clothes were not very undercover friendly. Once your personal weapons were tucked away in your bags you hauled everything down to the hanger.
“Y/N darlin’ you look a helluva lot better than you did eight hours ago.” you laughed as you dropped a bag and hugged your closest friend Dani, she stepped back holding you at arms length to get a closer look at you. “I’m still surprised your up and kicking as great as you are though…” “Takes a bit more than some shock therapy and tears to put me down, you know that Chief.” Dani was nicknamed Chief because of how quickly she was able to get control of a hostile situation, always made those she needed information from her bitch, and her their Commander.
“Yeah yeah doesn’t mean i don’t get to worry about ya, by the way, i hear your going on this little undercover stunt with a partner. Who’s the lucky bastard?” you rolled your eyes and Dani raised her eyebrows at the action as you huffed out, “Killmonger.”
It started low almost inaudible before it raised to a booming laughter that spread across the aircraft hanger you two stood in. “It’s not that funny Chief. He fucks this up i’m gonna kill him.” she shakes her head as she mumbled out, “Or maybe you’ll fucking him.” “What did you say?” “Nothing.” you squint your eyes prepared to ask her once again what she said we you noticed Killmonger walking towards you. “Speak of the Devil.” “Stevens take care of my girl out there, that’s an order.” She said with a smirk as she patted your shoulder and left you two alone. “What did you need Erik, here to demand more information about me?” he rolled his eyes he crossed his arms and said, “Look, i’m sorry about that. I’m just not trying to mess up this mission.” you scoffed as you asked, “And you think I am?” “That’s not what i said.” you rolled your eyes and shook your head before slapping a manila folder you and in your back pocket onto his chest. “Here’s your information Erik. We fly out within the hour and i want some information in return.” you walked off before the man could answer missing the shock evident on his face.
You loaded up the last of your bags to the plane and wiped some sweat from your forehead, “Y/N how’s it coming?” you gave the pilot a thumbs up letting her know you were ready to go.
You boarded the plane no sign of Killmonger anywhere, you took out your phone ready to text him when he hustled up the ramp with only a few duffle bags. “Took you long enough.” you mumbled as you buckled into your seat and get comfortable for the long ride ahead. The plane started up and as you went to close your eyes when you felt something slapped into your lap. “My file.” you looked at him with a confusion before looking into your lap, it was the intel you needed for the mission. “Remind me why we're not just making things up again Killmonger?” you questioned as you open the folder and began skimming over it, “Because bluffed intel would require us both to memorize it. This way if one is us starts to slip up he other will no then see with ease.” you rolled your eyes , he made a good point but you wouldn’t admit it. “Were about 4 hours out from the chopper you guys will be taking to Colombia. Should be only about an 1 ½ you guys will be in the air of that.” you heard the pilot say through comms you wore. You gave her a thumbs up before she took off.
You did the flying in the chopper going over the information about Erik and yourself with each other making sure the important things were known. “Favorite colors not blue it’s turquoise more of a sea green than anything.” you looked over the man in confusion, “Is this really the time to hard on such a small specification?” you bickered out as you easied the chopper onto the ground. “Here’s this.” He said handing you a small jewelry box you looked at it with a puzzled face before you opened it up, “It's tungsten ring with a turquoise tinted inside. Shouldn’t be hard to remember my favorite color now huh?” Erik held it is hand for your waiting to slip the ring on your finger but you stayed in the same shocked position, he rolled his eyes before he took your hand in his own and turned it over before slipping the ring onto your hand, it was a perfect fit. You thought held your own marveling at the beauty that sat on your finger and in your face. You noticed his stare and cleared your throat as you slipped your hand out of his and began powering down the helicopter, “W-where’s yours.”  you stuttered out looking anywhere but his eyes that still roamed your face, when he didn’t answer you looked back him as you said his name snapping him out of whatever trance he was in, “Right here let’s move out.” He mumbled out before slipping out of the chopper.
You did the same pullin our down of your bags as you did, “Mr. and Mrs. Genuine, so glad you guys made it safely. Welcome to hotel de passíon, how was your flight?” you look across the seats of the helicopter and made eye contact with Erik, it’s show time and you both knew it. “Thank you baby, it was a little bumpy nothing a little liquor can’t fix.” you said winking at the beautiful receptionist that greeted you on the helipad of the hotel you and Erik would be in for the next few weeks. She chuckled as you pushed forward a cart for your bags, “I’ll have a bottle sent up to your room unless you prefer to mingle with some of the other guest at the open bar.” Erik walked up behind you as he said, “Both sound like a good option to me baby, that way we don’t have to worry about leaving once were alone.” his arm made it’s way around your waist drawing you to him as you felt his eyes looking down at you, you refused to meet his gaze as you felt your face heat. You casted you eyes to the receptionist who had a knowing look in her eyes, “I’ll take you bags to your room for you, a few rules for the grounds. No guns are allowed in the restaurant or by the pool. Also there is no discharging of weapons on hotel grounds any and all disputes should be settled off de passíon property. In the event that an altercation does occur the party who initiates the fight will be at fault and politey asked to leave the premises. Alright i think that’s everything all this will be in a handbook in your room. Once again Enjoy your stay and let us know anyway we can make your stay one you’ll never forget.” It wasn’t surprising they had these rules laid out for their guest considering this hotel was notorious for housing some of the biggest names in any illegal business, if you needed a place to stay while in south america their was always a de passíon that welcomed criminals and common folk alike, but considering you guys were staying in of the more elusive and luxurious penthouses it wasn’t hard to assume you were on the former side of the guest list.
“Thank you baby, can you make it a bottle of crown apple?” “Of course Mrs. Genuine.” she said before she disappeared into the elevator with your bags leaving you and Erik alone, you slapped his chest and backed out of his want hold, “What the hell was that?” you questioned the man standing before you, “What do you mean?” you gestured between your two bodies which were still awfully close and said, “The touching and the implying….” the man scoffed before placing both hands on your waist pulling you to him and making your hands land on his harden chest, “Were husband and wife remembered, newly weds at that. Plus i barely implied to anything unless there is something you want to be more than implied?” you scoffed as you gazed into his eyes not missing the smirk on his lips but also unable to think properly due to the close space you two were in. you shook your head from your dirty thoughts and took a step back. “We should get down to the room and change.”
He took your hand in his and interlocked them, just when you went to protest you saw your ring shining in the dim lights on the helipad and decided against it. This was going to be one helluva mission.
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