#ozymandias king of kings
cappymightwrite · 2 years
King of Kings and Feet of Clay...
Another gigantic harpy stood atop the gate [in Astapor], this one made of baked red clay and crumbling visibly, with no more than a stub of her scorpion's tail remaining. The chain she grasped in her clay claws was old iron, rotten with rust. ~ A Storm of Swords, Daenerys II
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Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. ~ Daniel, 2, 31-35, King James Version
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I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. ~  Percy Shelley, Ozymandias, 1819 edition
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"You have brought freedom as well," Missandei pointed out. "Freedom to starve?" asked Dany sharply. "Freedom to die? Am I a dragon, or a harpy?" Am I mad? Do I have the taint? "A dragon," Ser Barristan said with certainty. "Meeren is not Westeros, Your Grace." ~ A Storm of Swords, Daenerys VI
Detail from Ulysses and the Sirens, John William Waterhouse / The remains of an Ozymandias statue at the Ramesseum of ancient Thebes in Egypt / Detail from Statue of Ramesses II c. 1250 BC
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halloween-cats · 1 year
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half sunk a shattered visage lies
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elderly-scrolls · 20 days
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my DM made a funny joke. ozy really has been failing upwards
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[art instagram] 🎨 [art twitter]
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Hornet headcanon!
'Hornet' is not Hornet's true name.
I'm still torn between different reasonings for her having the name either
A- It was given to her as an honorary title, by Queen Vespa, during her training within the hive (or bestowed upon her after having finished her training as a symbol of her accomplishments.)
Or B- She gave the name to herself, after the fall of the kingdom, as a way to separate her current self from her past while still honoring some part of her past. (The part that is easiest for her to look back on.)
As for her birth name my sisters and I have decided on Arachnè. (The name is from a Greek myth, where the protagonist Arachnè challenges Athena to a weaving contest, wins, and is afterwards transformed into a spider.)
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mimsylost · 1 year
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King of Kings Excerpted from Ozymandias, Percy Shelley
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maribwil · 8 months
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lotrmusical · 1 month
My high school did a yearly poetry recitation contest (Poetry Out Loud), so Oh Boy do I know some poems. My favorites are Ozymandias and "the world is about to end and my grandparents are in love," by Kara Jackson. Also in 8th grade we had a Poe unit and had a class contest to make the best music video of the Raven, so I still know a good chunk of that.
i hadn't heard of the kara jackson one! just read through it and enjoyed it, particularly these lines > 'grandma returns to her love like a hymn, marks it with a color. // when the world ends will it suck the earth of all its love? /will i go taking somebody’s hand, / my skin becoming their skin?'
#taking this as a challenge to see how much of ozymandias and the raven i can remember. no i'm not bored at work what gives you that idea#i bet ive got most of ozymandias. the raven may be a lost cause#i met a traveller from an antique land / who said: two vast and trunkless legs of stone / stand in the desert. near them on the sand /#half-sunk a shatter'd visage lies whose frown / and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command / tell that its sculptor well those passions read#...something or other i do not recall / the heart that mocked them and the heart that fed / and on the pedestal these words appear /#my name is ozymandias king of kings / look on my works ye mighty and despair /#nothing beside remains. round the decay / of that colossal wreck . something or other#the lone and level sands stretch far away#decay of that colossal wreck indeed (my memory for this poem)#oh well.#once upon a midnight dreary as i pondered weak and weary / over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore /#while i nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a rapping / as of someone gently tapping tapping at my chamber door /#tis some visitor i muttered tapping at my chamber door / only this and nothing more#?? (it's downhill from here)#ah distinctly i remember it was in the bleak december / and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor /#something?ly i sought the morrow / vainly had i sought to borrow / from my books surcease of sorrow / sorrow for the lost lenore /#for the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels .name lenore / lost to me forevermore#(then there is another stanza; bird-infested word bonanza / which i used to know at some point but do not know anymore /)#something something something door. darkness there and nothing more#oh it's the 'silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain / thrilled me filled me with fantastic terrors never known before' bit#anyway. deep into that darkness peering something stood i hoping fearing / doubting?? dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before#but the silence was unbroken and the stillness gave no token / and the only word there spoken was the whispered word lenore#(more missing chunks)#oh i remember 'surely said i surely that is / something at my window lattice' because it's such a stupid rhyme#bird time bust time idk#ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore / tell me what thy lordly name is on the night's plutonian shore /#a billion more stanzas i dont remember. except for 'prophet!' said i 'thing of evil! prophet still if bird or devil!#whether tempter sent or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore /' etc. wait you can only add 30 tags to posts now?? i had more raven chunks#ask#anon
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styxfoxx · 21 days
doing my homework UUUUGH
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duckapus · 3 months
Idea: You know that one arena from the Yiga's sword tournament trap and Super Meme Fighterzzz? Well, it hasn't really gotten much use since (KS-2 tried doing a concert there once. apparently the acoustics aren't very good) and Peach isn't really sure what to do with it... at least until Jolene (from TTYD) shows up wanting to expand the Glitz Pit's business with a second fighting league (with a different name for branding reasons, of course. The Glitz Pit is kind of intrinsically tied to Glitzville, after all). Repurposing the existing arena would save a lot of time, money and bureaucratic bullshit on both their parts, o it just makes sense.
We as the audience find out about this because she visits Mario to tell him about it, partly because he's the one person in town she actually personally knows and partly because she has a proposal for him; seeing as he's both the third champion of the Glitz Pit and the Mushroom Kingdom's greatest hero, it seems thematically appropriate that the Great Gonzales be the Champion of this new league's starting lineup. It'll obviously be a few months before everything's set up so he doesn't really need to give an answer right then, though he does seem interested.
During that conversation she also catches him up on a few of the goings-on in Glitzville, with one very notable thing being that King K's shell got smashed during a match. It's technically repairable, but it'll never again have the structural integrity it once had, and that on top of the injuries he sustained in the process means he'll most likely have to retire for good this time. But he'll still be around in a different capacity. See, he's been in the Pit for a long time and knows the ins and outs of it better than any current fighter besides maybe Rawk Hawk. So, Jolene's offered him her current position as the Pit's manager, freeing her up to manage the new Mushroom Kingdom version while it's getting fully established. So she'll be sticking around for a while.
Also this scene happens at the Showgrounds, so SMG3 overhears them, realizes that if he sponsors a fighter he can get a bunch of fame and money while advertising his shop, and "borrows" some of 4's Leggys from the Meme Factory so he can whip them into fighting shape in time for whenever the signups are. Because SMG3. They also run into Toad who's been caught up in whatever chaos the kids are causing today, and there seems to be Some Kind of spark between him and Jolene during their brief encounter but nothing's going to come of that for a while.
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cloversdreams · 23 days
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wordto-thewise · 1 month
The first time I read Time War, I decided right away that the world building was too convoluted and ultimately irrelevant to the love story. That was years ago and now I am a different woman, salivating at the very first chapter and the description of a dying earth.
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danbisroom · 4 months
Ep. 17 - If I can meet you beyond the seasons, could I call your name?
Hello my beloved fellow souls,
welcome back to Danbi’s Room, your weekly dose of safe space. Go grab a cup of something warm and get yourself cosy.
I must start with apologies since I disappeared for the past three weeks. I am very sorry, it was a rather difficult time for me, I made some life-changing decisions and I struggled a lot with my mental health. Now I feel better, I’m recovering and facing new things, and, honestly, this feels like a good, big breakthrough. I’ve never felt this fragile and vulnerable in my entire life, my heart is completely bare and as and as frightening as it can be it also feels like a fresh start. I can finally blossom and shine and actually be myself, stripping myself off of the countless burdens that have been stored inside my souls since before I was born. It’s difficult and tiring but I can do it, now, I’m ready. I got some very nice people, some right beside me, some afar, but nonetheless, I know we fill each other with love. Even when it’s hard, even when it’s scary, even when we only want to give everything up. Sometimes you just want to run away, run away from the world, run away from yourself. But run…where to? Where can you go? Is there a safe place anymore? Where do we go now? It seems like the only shelter can be nothingness. Blacking out every three days and sleeping for a year until, hopefully, we can wake up brand new. Then again what’s there to miss when the sun isn’t bright anymore, when it doesn’t caress your cheeks, when you can’t feel the seasons shifting, inside and outside of you. Why bother?
I don’t know.
I don’t have an answer.
I wanna bother because I still want to eat snacks watching Ghibli movies on Sundays, I still want to read stories together and talk about them for hours, I still wanna swim into the sea. These are the small things that make my life worth living. Hopefully, one day, I will get to laugh with my husband about how awkward we were on our first date and I will be able to witness the crazy colour era on my teen-age kids. Maybe I will pick my own tomatoes sipping lemon water among morning dew. I love these little things with all my heart, little things that are like fireflies at dusk in your flower garden. They serve no goals, they’re not slaves to human greed, they’re just beautiful and lovely. Often we hear we shouldn’t rely on little things, we’re told other people can’t be the reason we live and smile. So why should we live then? What other grandiose meaning is there? As much as my ambition demands bits of my souls every day, as much as it eats me alive, I’m still aware that even the Pyramids will turn into colossal wrecks buried by the sand of the desert. How many empires have we forgotten already?
So why should we live? Just to live. Just to experience and cherish these small things occasionally surrounded by revolutions. We already have enough pain, too much to be so eager to inflict more on ourselves. We’re constantly mourning the options we haven’t chosen and there’s no escape from that. But at the end of the day we must get to tomorrow, even if crawling while being hit by a thunderstorm. I’ll do it, so I can feel the wind of October kissing my skin once more.
You can always call my name and I’ll call yours until we find each other, finally being side by side, forever, even when we are specks of dust floating in the universe, I hope we can float together. And then we can form a new star together and shine for a long time until time doesn’t exist anymore. That would be nice.
A nice little thing.
Today’s song recommendation is 白日 (Hakujitsu) by King Gnu. Pure poetry delving into these questions and matters.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and that you have a beautiful week ahead of you!
I’ll see you in the next one, big hug!
With love, yours,
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
For the young leaders AU 👀
"What did you just say to me?"
Sure! :)
This is a small one so bear with me here, anyways Eira go offfffffffff
An Ember
After a while of putting up with Ozymandias’s constant ridicule, Eira finally works up the nerve to say something after the king let’s a particular comment slip.
They were walking back from another training session in Mr. Rose’s class. Or, well, he was walking, Ozymandias was floating alongside him.
He was scowling, Eira was looking away from him.
Once they reached the quieter side of the school is when Ozymandias started in on his usual tangent.
“It was one singular punch! And you managed to screw it up somehow. You can’t even throw a damn punch right, what makes you think you can fight without me?”
“Leave me alone…”
“Yes, because that’s worked with me and with the countless others you let walk all over you.”
“I’m not in the mood. I already know what you’re going to say. I’m too weak, I’m too fragile, I’m too much of a doormat, too much this not enough that. Just save it, I’m already tired from class…”
He feels his wrist be yanked, and he’s spun around to face the man, whose now enraged.
“You have the audacity to speak to me that way you fool?! You will follow my guidance or you will get yourself murdered. And I wouldn’t so much have an issue with that if it wasn’t for the fact that you would merge with me!”
Eira yanks his wrist out of Ozymandias’s hand. He then turns around, and continues walking.
Ozymandias scoffs, “It’s no wonder you ran. You run from everything, just like this time. You probably even ran from your parents just because they said something you didn’t like. I hope they find you eventually.”
An image of a beaten and battered Eira, curled up in the corner of his room, shoots through his mind before disappearing as quickly as it came. Ozymandias is stunned into silence, not knowing where it came from.
“What did you just say to me?” He’s stopped walking.
Ozymandias stays silent as Eira turns around, a rage filled look on his face. He’d seen many negative emotions from the boy, embarrassment, fear, sadness, but never anger.
“You know nothing about how my parents treated me. You know nothing about how my life was before I ran.”
“. . .”
“But because I’m an actually decent person, unlike someone else I know, I’ll tell you, seeing as you apparently have the respect to not go digging through my memories. My parents only had me because they needed an heir to their stupid weapons company. Yes, I heard them say that, to my face. They permanently disabled me by fucking up my right leg, they beat me within an inch of my life any chance they could, and forced me into studying so debilitating and hard to do that I would pass out from exhaustion because they wouldn’t let me rest.”
“I don’t need your input. As you said, in your own damn words, I am in the same position that you and the others were in when they found out they were another incarnation. You’d think you’d have a little compassion to that. But no, you just are a sad pathetic excuse for a king who gets off on harassing a kid when you know nobody would believe him if he told anyone of the literal abuse you put him through.”
Ozymandias looks away.
“Leave. Me. Alone.”
Eira promptly begins blocking Ozymandias out of his mind after that. No emotional empathy between them, no memory sharing, nothing. He watches as Eira leaves, unable to discern where he plans to go.
It would be better if he didn’t follow him, that’s what he thought.
It would seem both of them have some thinking to do.
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rwby-necromancer-au · 6 months
Gotta boop the Mandy! *boop*
P. Ozymandias: huh…?
Y. Qrow: “boop” is a sound you make when you poke/tap someone’s nose haha
P. Ozymandias: I see.
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cyru5-exe · 1 year
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First night in the overworld.
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Off with the King’s Head.
Blame self indulgence and a random burst of motivation for this one y’all, enjoy Mandias with his head cut off.
Anyways this would make for a sick t shirt design
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