#pandora is just 🤌🤌🤌
boojangs · 24 days
OMG you turned asks back on!! I was just checking yoir blog and saw the button and got so excited lol. Your latest TFT was so good and fun with drunk possessive Wednesday and that YMU chapter had me curled up sobbing in bed like how are you so good at everything yoi write????? I just know we're going to eat when you get to Pandora, I'm so hyped!!!!!! You should charge people money for your fics because wow they're amazing and you could make bank on them, I woukd buy any book you ever wrote. Hopefully hear from you soon, Caio!
Yeah, I was thinking of dipping a toe back in, we'll see how it goes 😂
I love drunk Wednesday! I understand some people may view her as out of character but UGH can't be asked anymore! Let the girl get a little tipsy when she has her wife to protect her, she's not killing people yet.
YMU felt so good to finally get there, and I'm so happy with how it turned out 😭 she deserved that hug, it's been years in the making!! The whole family can heal, now with their favorite werewolf, too!
I'm working on Pandora this weekend, I have such big ideas for this next chapter. We finally get to see more of Wednesday~
Thank you for saying so! I'm still always so surprised when people praise my work so loudly, I love you guys 😭😭 And you're not the only person to mention money to me, as several people have asked if I have like, patreon or something so they can support me, but making money off fanfic is illegal and I'm not looking to ruin the game for the rest of us 😂🩷🖤 My ass is here for fun!
My own book though... 👀😏
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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Ash's lane has been unreasonably fed recently so I can't complain but besties he wore THAT suit and THIS is the best we got? 😭
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teyamsatan · 10 months
My sweet bb Andra 💕 How are you doing love ? 💫
I have a juicy Request and I know you will make its justice 😩🤌🏻
So basically, we have Neteyam and Mate going out for a little time together at the lake, or pond whatever (deep enough 😏😳). Reader decides to draw Neteyam. So he poses for her and well she starts drawing and all. She is all concentrated looking at the paper for a moment and she feels something being thrown at her. She looks at him and well 🥴 We don't need any precisions here :3
Reader is all flustered and Neteyam is just smirking widely. Reader hasn't any time to react because we hear Jake's voice screaming Neteyam's name from afar. Oh ! Guess what ? Neteyam forgot. Yes. He forgot a training with his father (Pls let this poor guy rest a bit 🙂).
And Lo'ak (Otherwise it wouldn't be funny hehe)
Neteyam tries to grab his loincloth but reader is faster and throws it far into the bushes, with a smirk obv. So Neteyam has no choice to jump into the water (I know that Na'vi are less ashamed of nudity... Are they ? Anyways !)
So his brother and father get there, very fastly. Everything that happened before was like in 10 secs.
The rest I leave up to you 😏 We only need some funny dad-Neteyam and brother-Neteyam interactions when he just can't go out of the water, but he's very very late... Then we have Lo'ak that finally understands and just cannot stop laughing, making Jake more than less annoyed than he already was. And we have some intense playfull eye contacts with the reader. She's enjoying it haha.
Yeah... You can end it like you want 😂💖 My brain is a mess sometimes ugh 😥
Okay Imma stop 🙈🌸 I hope this inspired you and no pressure okay ? 🫂
Smooches 🥰
no cause this is so so funny and i hope you enjoyed bestie xx it feels good to be back writing for neteyam :((
pairing: neteyam x human!reader
wc: 1170 words
warnings: smut, fluff, minors do not interact 🔞
na'vi compendium: yawne - beloved, tewng - loincloth, tanhí - bioluminescent freckles
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As a human on Pandora, there wasn't much for you to do, very little your body was inherently made for. You were slow and clumsy, a stark contrast to the Na'vi carrying you on his back like a little doll, all nimble and quiet as he treaded the deep shrubbery, his thumbs massaging your thighs as you rested your chin on his shoulder, humming contently in between peppering kisses to his neck.
As a human on Pandora, you were stuck in a lab most days, with filtered air and fluorescent lights, that did nothing for you, that had a rare talent of making even the most beautiful creature look ghastly and ashen, that gave you a headache, that made you miss the beautiful light peering through the uneven gaps created by the branches of the tall trees of the Omaticayan forest. Stuck as you were, you turned to artistic outlets for your boredom. You loved to draw, and you became very good in time, enough that the entire lab and some of the village were now covered in your landscapes and your portraits. The people loved you, and your talents, and often urged you to draw them or loved ones, as a way to immortalise a face or a moment forever in time, a priceless gift for them, and one that gave you a place amongst the Na'vi, even different, as you were.
As a human on Pandora, you didn't have a lot of choice of entertainment... or men. But you've never felt the lack... not when you had Neteyam. Your best friend, your confidant, he was always up for a challenge, and, let's just say, he always thought of you as one. In the few years since your 18th birthday, a rite of passage of sorts for humans, you were told, Neteyam made it his purpose to show you that you will never have to miss out on anything on Pandora, that he would make it his life's mission to... be there for you, in any and every way you needed, be it to be a shoulder to cry on, or a shoulder to rest your legs on as his head was in between your thighs, Neteyam was always there - ready to help, ready to serve.
You gulped as you reminisced about this morning, about the moans that escaped him as he was lapping at your folds like he was quenching an unquenchable thirst, like eating you out was for his own pleasure, and not your own, or the way he didn't stop until you were so overstimulated you were crying, something he made up for by showering you in soft kisses and quiet whispers of "you did so well for me, yawne. you always take me so well."
"You ok back there... friend?"
"Yes, Teyam. Just tired. Are we almost there yet?"
"Patience, love. You wanted more inspiration for your drawings, right? I told you I found just the place, and you're going love it, I promise. It's just a little further."
Well, he was right. The little meadow created by a small, clear pond, bustling with little fish swimming peacefully, drowned in warm sunlight, was the perfect backdrop for the painting you had in mind. With a small smirk, you pointed at the water and clicked your tongue at your much larger, beautiful, muscular friend.
"Get in, Teyam."
"I've wanted to draw you for a while, I just wanted the perfect background, and now I have it. Now go."
You chuckled to yourself as you heard a loud splashing noise, and settled on removing your pad and pens, placing them on the ground next to you as you thought about what positions would work best for what you had in mind. You gasped loudly when something soft hit you in the face, removing you from your less than innocent reveries - it seemed Neteyam was ahead of you, as you felt for the object that you removed from yourself and realised it was his loincloth. When you looked back at him, your mind shortcircuited at the sight of his naked body, glistening in the sun as the water dripped down every defined muscle, down his chest and abs, down his v-line, down his -
"You like what you see, yawne?"
Although it pained you, you raised your eyes until they met his beautiful features, tanhí shining brightly even in broad daylight, as they always did when he was overtly happy or amused, and by the wild, mischievous grin and crinkles by his eyes, it was a safe assumption he was both.
"I say you forget the painting for now, and come here so I can show you how... grateful I am you thought of me as your next subject."
It was a no-brainer to you, really, but when you heard a voice you knew all too well screaming, the noise echoing through the trees, heightening the sound, your body stilled in place.
"Neteyam! Are you there, boy?"
"Fuck! I forgot I was supposed to meet my dad for training."
"Quick, throw me the tewn-" you screeched as the instruction came too little too late, and in the heat of the moment and much to Neteyam's dismay, frightened by the quickly approaching steps of the Olo'eyktan, you threw the cloth in the opposing direction, somewhere in the bushes.
"Netey- ah, kid. What are you two doing here?"
You just looked at him, panicked, eyes flickering from him to Neteyam's younger brother, who looked at you suspiciously, eye narrowed as they assessed the situation at hand through a lens of youth and misdemeanour Jake couldn't really see, and you were glad.
"Cat got your tongue, kid?" The Sully patriarch's raised eyebrow did very little to will out of the catatonic state you found yourself in, so you remained quiet as he scoffed, turning his attention to his oldest son, instead.
"You were supposed to be in training at 1400 hours, remember?"
"Yes, sir."
"Come on, out. We need to be off and make up for it."
"I-I... can't."
"And why the hell not, boy?"
You felt Jake's eye roll deep in your soul, and you felt like you should take the blame for this since... you threw Neteyam's clothes away in fear, and everything. You should rectify this.
"Jake, I-"
"Oh, my Eywa! He's naked! He's so naked!"
Your mouth dropped in shock, but it was too late. The cat was indeed out of the bag, and as your and Neteyam's eyes met, listening to his dad's groans of disgust, you were a little relieved to see a hint of a smile on his face, the beautiful twinkle of amusement putting your mind at ease, letting you know it was all going to be ok. As long as you were together, and you had him, it was all going to be ok.
Reaching your hand behind your head to scratch the itchy spot at the base of your neck, you laughed awkwardly as you spoke:
"I'm... experimenting with some new artistic techniques?"
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fushigur0slut4 · 1 year
Jjk men's wallpaper (of you)
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He has so many pictures of u (and him) so he basically changes his wallpaper everyday
Now if u were expecting him 2 be nice and put a cute picture of you. I hate to say but you were solely mistaken.
When u first started dating his wallpaper was just a pic of u guys holding hands but after that it progressively got worse
His longest term wallpaper was a picture of you with scruffy hair eye bags and brushing ur teeth.
No matter how much u begged him to remove it he still wouldn't
The classic. Its a picture of u sleeping. No matter how many times u change it he will change it back
Unlike gojo geto isn't a bitch
MOST of the time he makes sure you look presentable in the picture.
Like gojo he takes pictures of u 24/7 so his wallpaper was just a pic of u in the mall.
He never uses a pic with both of u in it cuz he thinks you deserve the spotlight 🤌
He likes to use pictures of you doing stuff like putting on your shoes or looking at clothes. ( at those moments ur literally like smile for the camera)
Sometimes he likes 2 change things up.
Once he put his wallpaper as a picture of you sticking out your tounge with cum all over your face and he edited the picture to black and white.
During sex he always records or takes pictures so of course he has a collection.
When u realize he has had that wallpaper for to long you change it yourself bcz u can't afford to be embarrassed anymore.
The salary man never takes bad pictures
The wallpaper he's had for the longest was a picture of u in ur wedding dress.
One was a picture of him holding your hand to help show off your wedding ring
He always makes sure
as y'all know Toji is a boomer who was born in the ancient times.
He literally had the default wallpaper till you begged him to change it. (Not a good idea)
His first wallpaper was a pic of you in a bra and shorts eating Cheetos.
He had that wallpaper for to long and since he knew you were embarrassed about it he wouldn't change it.
So you did it yourself. It was a cute picture of you and Toji next 2 a snowman.
Then Toji got in to recording intimate moments.
He used a pic of you panting with eyes closed and almost sweating to death. Ur tits were in the pic but he put red dots on ur nipples
No matter what Toji will always find a way to agitate you
Song recommendation:
Reblogs are appreciated :)
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
I was hoping for a Trudy x Nonbinary (if not female) reader the plot is while exploring the forest y/n anixety got triggered by an ikran or something and they ran deeper in the forest as they had an anixety attack Trudy follows and manages to find them and comforts them a bit after Trudy and y/n are lost and it's getting dark this adventure of sorts kinda turns into a weird date thing as Trudy decides to make the most of it and have a nice joy ride exploration around the forest with y/n it ends with them finding a safe place to sleep, a confusion from both of them , a make out scene BC I MUST, and they fall sleep the end :)
my one thing I ask for in the make out scene it doesn't end too abruptly/ extending for a bit as long as you're comfortable with it!
Ty and have a good day/night!
A/n : Trudy is the loml 🥹 I'm sorry I couldn't post this earlier, I love Trudy so much 😭 thank you so much for requesting this, I was so excited when I saw this request, keeps asking for the human characters cuz I love them soo much 🤭🤌🏼you have a good day too, love 💚
Lost ♡
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Pairing : Trudy chacon x fem!reader
Summary : request
Song : Give me promiscuous
Found 🫂
❈ Warning : anxiety attack, getting lost, crying, vomiting, mention of blood, attack by toruk, mention of head being bitten off, PTSD, making out, fluff , suggestive theme in the end but no smutt, idiots in love, mutual pinning, pet names (sweetheart, love etc), Trudy being a flirt all along.
❈ Word count : 2.5k, not proof read
❈ Note : Just think humans can breathe Pandora's air, it's important later on 😂 Hyperlink of the "memory" is given💚
"word" - dialogue , **word** - flashback
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The chopper landed on the soft grass near the site 26, I hopped off on the ground, making my way towards the door with grace, she opened the airlock, getting in with Trudy, norm and Jake, I let my bag fall down almost instantly , breathing inn freely because as much as breathing the pandorian air is okay , this was much better, making a beeline to my bunk above Trudy's, climbing up I threw myself onto it, getting comfortable but my relaxation was short lived when grace demanded me to get up and come down for the collection and briefing. I went near the lab section to grab my tools hearing Trudy on the way as she exclaimed "everything's rotten in this fucking box" slamming the fridge door shut, I laughed at her, picking up what I needed, I turned around to meet up with grace as soon as possible but was stopped in my way by Trudy, her frame blocking me, raising my eyebrows at her in question, she spoke "mind if I tag along? And I don't have anything else to do either" she had a lazy smile plastered on her face and how could I say no to that?
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It's been a while since me and Trudy got separated from grace and norm, traveling further and further into the thick forest,the sounds from the distance making me jump but I stopped once in a while collecting specimens and samples, Trudy walked behind me, chattering away but I didn't mind, her voice bringing me at peace, my heart fluttering when she wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer as we trekked ahead, my mind was buzzing, Trudy, my long time overdue crush, had her arm around my shoulders but I tried not to react, though I knew my face was red as the great leonopteryx, keeping my eyes at the ground disguising it in the search for new plants, i talked when i had to, with short replies as in not to make a fool of myself.
Hours passed, the sky was slightly darker but the sun was still bright, as I collected enough samples for today, turning around to go back from were we came but stilled on the spot when every route looked the same, Trudy looked at me wide eyes too, we were lost, i reached my hand up to my comms but felt nothing but my skin "shit, i forgot my comms'' she looked at me with a "no shit" look, i cringed, what a nice day to choose my human body to explore rather than my avatar, i groaned, Trudy sighed sitting down on a log, i dropped down next to her clutching my sample box to my chest, we could only wait till they come find us, i looked at Trudy ``I'm sorry, i should have brought my comms'' She just laughed, nudging me with her shoulder "hey, it's okay, it's not like you did it on purpose, anyways you look cute when you blush" and i felt like my eyes would pop out, did she just call me cute? I was no better than the puddle on the ground, my throat constricted as I stuttered "tru- Trudy, i-" but I was cut off with a sickening crack of a branch resonated around us, our heads snapped towards it as a gigantic ikran made a straight dive towards us.
My eyes widened as a scream erupted from my throat, everything in my mind buzzed silent, my body stopped moving, my lungs felt like they were on fire, my legs moving on their own, stumbling through the thicket of the forest, it felt like the world was spinning, my foot stumbled on a root as i fell down on the ground, but i didn't care, tears streamed down my eyes but my mind whirled back to the memory (scroll down to the trivia section, first point) of being plummeted to the ground after the leonopteryx attacked our Samson 029, the roar of of beast ringed in my ears, tears now stained my t-shirt but i convulsed on myself, the ground rocked beneath me, everything felt too bright, too loud, i sniffled, wiping my eyes but more tears ran down, i tried to muffle my cries but sobs wrecked through my body, it was suffocating me, making it hard to breath, the forest too lively as i coward back, i tried to think about happy memories but the fall overpowered everything.
My cries worsened, my breaths labored , i flinched back when two arms pulled me in, i screamed pulling back but they held me down, keeping me still, their warm body enveloping my, now, cold and sweaty one, they nuzzle their head near my ear, whispering "shh shh, it's me, Trudy, I'm here, calm down honey, I'm here, I'm with you, you're okay" she said in a hurried voice, i looked up to see her, her smile bright, she caressed my back as i broke down in her arms, my body shaking while my mouth was dry as the desert, nausea bubbled up and i doubled over, dry heaving, she coddled me in her arms, whispering sweet nothings and words of affirmation, making me feel better as best as she could in the middle of nowhere of a forest on strange planet, i calmed down after a while, still clinging to her body with my head buried in her neck, what i didn't realize that i was seated in her lap, my labored breathing now even and my hazed mind clearing out, i felt dizzy after such an episode, Trudy's voice was soft as she spoke "are feeling okay now sweetheart?" I stared at her wide eyed, how long has it been? Breaking the eye contact, I looked around, the sky was now dark, the eclipse had fallen, the forest around us glowing, the bioluminescent plants casting soft shades over Trudy's face, making her even more gorgeous in my eyes.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
She helped me stand up after I was sure I wouldn't tumble over myself, but as I straighten up my previous wave of nausea came back with double the force and I bent down emptying my stomach right next to the tree, Trudy held my hair, rubbing her hand down my back as I hurled my stomach's content, when I finally finished my heaving she removed her water pack from her belt, helping me clean up, i was shaking from head to toe as I stuttered again "i- i'm- sorry, i didn't mean-" she cut me of kissing me on the forehead as she said against my hair "it's okay, darling, it's not your fault, just calm down, I'm here now, I know" she gently pulled me in for a hug, pressing another kiss on my hair, thankfully I had no vomit on my clothes so that was a relief, i melted in her embrace letting myself relax in her arms, pulling away from the hug she asked "are you feeling good enough to walk?" I nodded, not trusting my voice at the moment, so we both began our walk forward in the illuminated forest in hopes to find the lab.
We walked for hours , exploring the forest, i showed her many sights and creatures from afar, i didn't even feel how the time went by, with her by my side I felt safe, her presence calming my Brain down and I was sure a search party was sent for us by now but it'd be hours before they find us, Trudy had her arm around my waist, her other holding my hand, intertwining our fingers together, the sample case lost long ago when I ran away so now we had to make another trip for collection but that was an afterthought, first we needed to reach the lab to even register it being lost. After a lot of walking and complaining for my side we stumbled upon a cave, deciding this was better than sleeping under the open sky, Trudy went in first checking the cave out, at the end of examination we settled inside, Trudy kept her gun aside, coming to my side as we used our body heat, time passed by and soon rain started to drizzle down, blowing cold Breeze inside the cave.
As we sat together, our stomachs rumbling for food but we both didn't pack anything as we didn't discuss being lost with an ikran chasing us. I leaned my head on her shoulder, minutes passed before she asked "what happened?" I looked at her confused, then she elaborated "when you saw the ikran, why did you run away?" I looked down feeling embarrassed but she hooked a finger under my chin, making me look at her, i sighed remembering the events of the accident, i took a deep breath before I spoke –
** I sat with Myra and Ezra them beside me in the Samson, we were ordered to collect the specimens this time and being a little more advanced than them i was elected as the incharge of the trip, grace couldn't come on this one because of the meeting she had with Parker, Kyle was our armed escort and James was the one flying us towards the undiscovered section, i was jumping in my seat from excitement, this is my first trip as incharge, anyone would be excited, Myra and Ezra were here for research as they completed their 5 years long course to join us, the chopper gilded without a problem, cutting its way to the dropping point, wind blew through my hair, i closed my eyes enjoying the sensation, gripping my seatbelt, taking a deep breath, i sighed but my peaceful state for broken when we jolted as something impacted on the side of the samson, i whipped my head, staring in horror as I saw Ezra's head being ripped of by jaws bigger than I've ever seen, Myra screamed as Ezra's blood sprayed on us, the chopper was pivoted around and my body bent at an odd angle, a loud roar made it clear that it was no other than the great leonopteryx.
i screamed when we were bashed into a mountain side, the beast poking it's head in, when the creature saw Myra, it wasted no time before she was taken away, her blood left on me and the seat she sat in, my mind blaring, Kyle immediately unhooked my seatbelt but before I could do anything, the chopper was slammed again and my foot slipped, Kyle tried to grab me , James was screaming to get the parachutes but it was all drowned in the air that rushed passed my ears as I plummeted to the ground, the trees and bushes softening my fall, i laid on the forest floor while I watched our Samson 029 burst into flames, killing the remaining of the passengers while the beast flew away with roar, the flames bruning it's skin, it's trail so Swift as if it didn't just kill my whole crew, tears welled in my eyes but i couldn't move, my body in too much pain from the fall, i laid there was hours before the RDA tracked me down by the comms, i was admitted in the ICU ward for over a month while I healed, that accident branded itself in my mind , a day i could neve forget, there was a mourning period held for Myra, Ezra, Kyle and James but i was so guilt stricken, i couldn't bare to attend it. From that moment on, it took me a year and a half before I went on an exploration again.**
Trudy was struck when I finished, of course she knew about the incident but to hear it from me? It was horrifying, new batch of tears ran down my cheeks as I recalled the memory again, she heaved me in her arms and I cuddled closer to her for warmth, my body ran cold while her's felt like a furnace, a comfortable silence taking over, i scooted near her even more, her chuckled reverberated in the cave at my movements and I looked up at her squinting my eyes "what?! I'm cold!" She just laughed even more at that and kissed my forehead before saying "No, not that, I'm so proud of you, i couldn't have taken this anywhere nearly as good as you did, thank fucking god you made out alive" she laughed again nuzzling her face in the side of my face, i couldn't help but stare at her laugh lines, my mind going silent asbi mulled over her compliments, i exhaled in relief, her smile lighting up my mood, her laugh so sweet I wanted to bottle it up and listen it was hours but by then I was brought out of my thoughts as she stared back at me, blood rushed to my cheeks, her eyes held a softness i couldn't ignore, i tilled my head knowing exactly what was going on in her mind, just then she leaned in slightly, her breath fanning over my lips, i couldn't take it anymore and connected them finally, her lips soft as clouds, making me melt against her, after what felt like days but were mere seconds, i pulled back gasping for air and so did she, i laughed, it felt surreal, i was kissing Trudy chacon and she was kissing me back! She looked at me once and before laughing herself, not wasting i pulled her in for another kiss, smashing my lips on hers.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
We were still stuck in the cave, the rain now pouring down, cutting of any chances of the RDA searching for us in this kind of weather, but we made the most out of it, she was on top of me, kissing down my jaw and neck, leaving a line of hickies in its wake, my hands in her hair, arms around her neck, while she worked on me, her lips connecting with mine again, dragging her tongue over my bottom lip, requesting for entrance, i let her inn, her tongue immediately dominated mine, swiping over it, i moaned in the kiss, her hands roamed down to my shorts when a crack of lightning boomed through the air and we both stopped looking outside, staring at each other again we both laughed, she fell beside me near the entrance, as we wheezed, chuckling like mad heads, my laughter came to a stop as i yawned, today's exhaustion dawning over me, she yawned too and i cuddled into her side, her arm being my makeshift pillow while her other arm draped over my waist lugging me close, i sighed shifting in a comfortable grip, my eyes dropping close and sleep lulled me into a peaceful slumber. The best sleep I had in a while too, I guess being lost in the forest wasn't so bad afterall…
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A/n : some scenes in this had me kicking my feet and shit, i love her so much, please request more of her, she's so freaking amazing omggggg, she shouldn't have died 😭😭 Bring her back please, I need more Trudy content!!!
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbrisket, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @theycallmesia, @elijangwifey, @erosthefae, @murderbirbdany, @killua2dot0, @ilovechickenwings, @kylobensgirl, @darling-imobsessed, @majathepapaya, @sweetirilly, @reinap06, @neteyamforlife, @thatgirljas13, @totesnothere04.
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© Neteyamyawne 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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loaksky · 1 year
Hello love, I'm so so happy for youuuu, i saw your 1k follower post and now this!!!! Ahhh I'm so happy, you really deserve this for your hard work, and i saw some angst prompts i can't decide between 19, 32, 33, 38, 42, and 48 with like neteyam, lo'ak or Jake, like cheats on the reader, Like they were forced into a marriage or something? Yeah no comfort, I'm in a sad era rn, i need some heartbreak 😭🤌🏼 and again a very hearty congratulations 🎉👏🏼🫶🏼💙
fourth installment for the party; thank you for participating !
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jake sully x fem omatikaya!reader, angst w an open ending, prompts 32 + 42, wc: 1046
not typically fond of the whole 'neytiri's sister' trope, but tried to do something a little different and i think it works well enough in this case !
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It’d always been like this, the burden of the clan’s future on your shoulders, yet the eclipse of your younger sister’s shadow looming like a snuffing darkness. You’d been born out of obligation, Neytiri born of pure desire, and out of all the things that graced the small moon to intensify this gnawing feeling, you hadn’t expected it to be the clumsy dreamwalker who stumbled upon your village. 
Jake Sully was a peculiar thing and, even more peculiar, you were tasked with showing him the way of the Omatikaya despite having other pressing duties to tend to. So as the sun sits high at its peak in the blue skies, until it disappears and shrouds Pandora in the glowing luminescence of the moon’s heartbeat, you toil with blood, sweat, and tears to make sure that Jake Sully won’t disappoint you or your people. 
But the biggest disappointment doesn’t come from Jake, though. It comes from you. Because try as you might to separate your duties from the ministrations of your temperamental heart, you fall hard. Can’t help it when Jake doesn’t make you feel the pressure your parents and the villagers do. When he makes you giggle, makes you forget that you’re doing this out of requirement. Especially so when his fingers brush yours and your skin lights like livewire beneath a cool surface. 
Jake Sully makes you feel and you begin to wonder if you’re willing to give in and lay yourself bare at the expense of everything you’ve worked hard for since you can remember. 
So when Jake tells you that your father and mother want him to choose a woman to solidify his place in the tribe, it makes your stomach lurch like the waves of the relentless ocean. There are women, far and wide, who fawn over the newcomer. Whisper the most decent and indecent things about your Jake. 
But most importantly, Neytiri is among those eyes, the quietest of those whispers because if there’s anything she hates more, it’s the idea of crossing her beloved older sister. Of taking away yet another thing that dangles just within your reach. 
“Have you chosen?” you ask with bated breath, stoking the dying fire at the center of the tent. 
Jake blinks at you like you’re stupid, a silent gaze that asks if you’ve been experiencing the same things that he has over the course of months flooded with an overwhelming yearn for you. 
“I have,” he opts to say, swallowing down the knot of fear that wedges at the base of his throat. He moves the smallest of spaces closer, pinky finger reaching for your own as he watches the flames cast harsh shadows over the soft contours of your stoic face. 
You nod once, a long stretch of silence making the ache in Jake’s chest pinch tenfold. 
“You’re not going to ask me who?” he asks quietly. 
“Should I?” you reply, fixing the final pieces of your bravado into place. 
He blinks once, twice, in disbelief. 
“Don’t make me feel like I imagined this whole thing,” he pleads softly. 
You want to be selfish, want to push yourself into his arms, want to whisper against his lips that of course he hadn’t imagined this whole thing. That if you didn’t have your whole world on the line, that you wouldn’t think twice about giving yourself to him, of taking him as he is. 
“Perhaps you have,” is all you say, shifting to settle a sizable distance between you two. 
He’s incredulous, speaking to cover the sounds of his breaking heart. 
“I think I…,” Jake trails off. “I know that I’m falling in love with you. And I also know that you feel it, too.” 
You scoff out a humorless laugh, unable to meet his gaze because you know you’ll crack. 
“There are hundreds of other women you could set your sights on, Jake,” you say flatly. “Why me?” 
“Why not you?” he argues shakily. “I don’t care about other women, and maybe I’m being presumptuous, but I also don’t care about your sister.” 
That makes you look. 
It means that he’s noticed. He’s noticed that the same way he yearns for you, Neytiri yearns for him. It makes it burn all the more, that you’ll always be his first choice despite having to put an end to whatever this is between the two of you. 
“I have a duty to this clan, Jake,” you say, feeding more fuel to the fire. “My future has already been mapped out and you are not a part of it.” 
His face falls, ears flattening as he jerks away like he’s been burned. 
“I should’ve…” He shakes his head. “I should’ve already known I wasn’t good enough.”
Your eyes shake with tears, scalding as the flames start to lick the edges of the enclosure. Of all the things Jake could be in your book, good enough would always be one of them. 
“Don’t say that,” you whisper. “It’s not like that. It’s just–” 
“Then tell me what I did wrong!” he hoarses, chest heaving. “What’s wrong with me?” 
Your lips twitch into a frown and you hiccup as Jake unravels before you. You reach a trembling hand towards him, but he’s drawing farther and farther away from you. 
“I’ve been trying so hard,” he shudders, standing to tower above you. “To make you see that this is all for you. And I’d be a damned liar if I said that I went into this with the purest of intentions, but you made me fall for you. You made me want to be a better man for you.” 
The first tear slips and you’re dashing it away angrily. 
“I’ve fucked up a lot of things in my life, but I’m just now finding something actually worth living for,” he swallows. “So please, just be with me and let me live.” 
You’re blinking away the sheen that glosses over your eyes and pools at your waterline. 
He watches you with desperate eyes, watches as your fists clench and you sniffle over the roar of the crackling fire. It burns nearly as much as he does for you, but when you don’t meet his gaze, or make no moves to follow him after he leaves, he gets his answer. 
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neng © 2023
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ronanceisintheair · 7 months
a post u made a bit ago reminds me of an hoh steve harrington (which, as a hoh person i have... mixed feelings abt but that's another can of worms) fic and it was the single most dumbest thing i have ever read, because the amount of victim blaming is INSANE
basically, jonathan is the cause of steve's fading hearing. not, you know, billy who damaged steve far worse or the literal russian torture. makes a ton of sense. and it essentially makes jonathan out to be an asshole who attacked steve with severe malice who hurt steve unprovoked. oh, also, apparently robin, steve's best friend, doesn't notice he's hard of hearing, but eddie does. how long has he known that guy again?
some steddies are fucking INSANE
Waking up to this ask was truly🤌 you have opened my pandora box
My fuh.king.god! the st*ddies are truly insufferable. Like I'm not here to police having fun shipping obviously but it's just become so sad and pathetic; ultimately st*ddie is just born to make st*ve this pathetic love starved character who is always the victim and has never done anything wrong...
The demonizing of Nancy for not loving Steve romantically even though like... that relationship was doomed from the start. He was not a good boyfriend. His *love* for her was not the love she needed, his *love language* was not remotely close to what she needed. He didn't try to understand Nancy's pain and trauma...anyway I digress.
The way people blame Jonathan for everything when it comes to st*ve is also LAUGHABLE at best if it weren't so pathetic and embarrassing; someone blamed Jonathan for not making sure st*ve left the party before taking home a drunk Nancy?? Someone made it seem like Jonathan needed permission from St*ve to date Nancy??? Like wtf? Please get your head from out of st*ve h*rrington ass.
Jonathan doesn't owe St*ve anything. Also Jonathan deserved to beat the absolute shit out of him. St*ve was so fragile he didn't talk to his gf instead took his friend to publicly slut Shame her THEN accused Jonathan of killing will and amongst being the absolute worst homophobic asshole. So yea he deserved to get his shit rocked.
*Nancy should've got to rock his shit too.
Like st*ve in the case of Nancy and Jonathan is only a victim of his own actions 🙄
Anyway I digress...again... sure hoh st*ve that could be fun. These kids have been through hell and hell again.
But in this case it feels...very...glamorized. obviously I haven't and WONT read the fic but it sounds not good.
Giving him a disability only for the purpose of making him this dude who needs sympathy and coddling. Or to garner a sympathy piece for him... Giving him a disability to push the played out st*ddie agenda of st*ve being this *pathetic*(people with disabilities are not pathetic and are beyond capable and competent) but this is the vibe from what you described. Like they gave st*ve hoh just to make him seem smaller??? Not because they actually wanted to write in representation or focus on how his physical trauma could affect him...
Truly insane when people use e*ddie as this "no one has ever loved St*ve wah wah and finally he's being seen"
We love exploring trauma and self loathing in writing sure sure, ofc! But my goodness if the st*ve stans haven't gone far beyond. It's like if I said give me a paragraph and they wrote an entire thesis filled with bs.
(I'm not hoh so my opinion may be not but I don't see st*ve as hoh I definitely see him more as someone with a vision impairment. But also would love to hear your other can of worms about hoh st*ve if only you wanted to share anon. Thank you for this message <3)
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pearlof-dawn · 1 year
having a brainrot about pandalily omg with trans lily because she's my queen I love her. I'm 100% writing her like that
I'm so excited to write this fic I've already found the name : 'no grave can hold my body down (I'll crawl home to her)'
the main focus will be on regulus' and pandora's quest to destroy the horcruxes in their 7th year after taking up the roles as spies for the order to protect everyone.
we will also see a lot of andromeda black because I find her story incredible (running away to live with her muggle husband as one of the heiress of the black family is just 🤌) and because I need to explore the black sisters dynamic for my own entertainment.
I'm thinking about introducing mary very later on with pandalily but I need to explore her character alone first I think because she has to have the spotlight.
I want remus and peter to have a thing going on during their 4th year so so bad like not extremely serious maybe but in my head They Had A Thing, even though we will have wolfstar endgame. I also came across sybill x peter and got sucked in so I might plan that a bit as well
lily won't be the only trans character, as regulus will also be a trans guy and sirius will probably be genderfluid !
also jegulus ofc my love, because I need them to live happily in a cottage they renovated all by themselves after all of this shit will be done
I almost forgot to mention dorlene. so much dorlene as much as I'll be able to fit
this will obviously be a canon divergent fic where a lot of people survive although it will have quite a lot of angst (I just know I'll go feral with the black brothers and sisters)
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fanfiction-blep · 1 year
Hey so you just posted this thing with the iPhone background could you maybe upload the one with the skull and the pandora picture I kinda wanna take this for my background now
The skull picture 😘🤌🏻
Absolutely! I was so happy the find the skull it goes perfect with the Quaritch pic. And the Pandora pic I’m so so that it doesn’t fit just right…
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So glad to help! ❤️
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neteyamssyulang · 4 months
Your blog aesthetic 😩🤌 the blue is just ✨perfection✨especially with the dividers and visuals. I love it so so much 💙💙
Aw thank you darling🥹🩵 as you can already tell- blue is my favorite color so everything must be blue🤭 it reminds me of nighttime on Pandora in a way
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
I wanted to comment on your justified anger for JITB not getting the love it deserves. I’ve been listening to Arson and More since they came out but hadnt listened to the whole album until today. Every single track is great. The audacity of them making physical copies for Bad Decisions but not JITB?!? What in the fresh hell was the thought process behind that? Pandora’s Box is just so 💋🤌 I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR OUR HOPE!! Sorry if i rile you up again but…I felt compelled after listening to the album.
honestly 😩 it's such a flawless body of work and i'm even a little mad that i feel like we as army in general don't talk abt it enough! i just!!!! stop? equal sign? what if? safety zone? future???? fucking hell 🫠🫠🫠
sdfjlskdfj now i have to go loop it while i finish this LDOMLT scene so thank u for your service 🥲 friendly reminder to everyone to go stream JITB bc it's just as good as you remember it (or better !!) 💜
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anauro · 2 years
3 things about this chapter :
1. lily, pandora and xeno? i love it such great representation for throuples 💕💕
2. SHAWN MENDES EKEKDKNFJFJE BEST FCKING THING EVER thought it was just for joking when you mentioned it here 😭 what a star our reggie, being bring home by the guy who sings about his ex 💀 (hope shawn will make a song about reggie and jamie)
3. reg knows how to do business, the deal for touching james’ abs? genius 🤌🏻
1. I’m so glad you liked them ♥️. Pandalily has been on my mind since about January and Xeno was a recent addition, but I haven’t seen many poly ships other than Jegulily or Rosestarchaserkiller, so thought I’d give it a go!
2. I already have an idea for another Shawn Mendes appearance. It was suggested to me and then approved by yaz, so high chances of it happening!
3. Reg’s superpower is getting hot men to do his shit for him ❤️‍🔥. First he gets Shawn Mendes to get him chippies and carry him home, then he gets James to basically be his personal maid. It’s not like James was particularly hard to persuade, but still: those cheekbones and slutty little waist have powers 🕺🏼💃🏼
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teyamsatan · 1 year
Hii ! 😊 Hope you are okay ! Sending good vibes 🤲🏻°°☆•°♡☆
And A "Bouquet" 💐🤌🏻 To cheer you up (Your writing is - *no words* Like- I- haha
I literally fly through space in a second and set foot on Pandora (I am pretty sure your followers relate to that). Thank you for offering us some forget moments and to just dream a little. It is good for the heart ♡
Curious about 14 and 18 ! (If they aren't already picked of course. Otherwise just enjoy my comment without necessarily answering me 💕)
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Not me who just realized it's actually creepy... But honestly we need some crazy stuff to "survive" sometimes, don't we ? Yes we 100% need it Hehe (Oh no what a shame 😲😋)
Poor Neteyam 😪 Wasn't my intention to use his face to meme it. We love him though ♡ (And honestly he shines enough as the 💎 he is/ Won't hurt him hihi)
Lots of strength 💪🏻 And a cupcake🧁💕
Oh and I finally think of following you after sending this loooll (Man I've been reading your stories since the universe was created. Social Media is to complex for me 👵🥲
omg this is such a sweet message omg i'm emo again, this happens way too often, it's getting embarrassing honestly ahahahah
thank you so so much, I appreciate you guys so much, and all the love sticks with me every day and will for a very long time, you guys are my emotional support during my phd. this little fandom means everything to me rn xooxox
the bouquet is AMAZING OMG HAHAHAH I LOVE IT SO MUCH it took me forever to see Neteyam's face it's so good!!
now for the qs
14. Hopes for Avatar 3?
is it too generic to say for Neteyam to come back?? bring back my boy fr my heart can't deal
i just hope we get a lot more familial interactions and a lot more Neytiri/Jake, parents/kids etc.
18. Banshees or Skimwings?
Banshees always, I would forsake most things for a chance at a banshee friend
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licncourt · 2 years
Your headcanons are so on point! 🤌🏻
Could you do the rest of the gang? If you have any takes ofc ❤️
Totally!! I just did Lestat and Armand for other asks, so I'll take this opportunity to ramble about Daniel and Marius with a few others thrown in!
Like Armand and the girls, Daniel has "coffee dates" with Louis that are just walks around the park to vent about their unglued SO's. Lestat and Armand support group
Gabrielle gets pulled over for speeding almost daily but she just eats the cop that pulls her over. She's an internationally wanted serial killer because she can't be bothered to clean up after herself
Maharet sometimes swaps her eyeballs out in front of others just to see the reaction. It ranges from open gagging to such intense focus on acting cool that they start sweating a little
Marius is in a turf war with local delinquents. They keep spraying rude graffiti on his public murals and he keeps fixing them. It goes on for months at a time
Daniel likes to show Marius and Louis weird shit on the internet like goatse and Jerma and MLP grimdark. It's like that meme about giving a medieval peasant sour patch kids. (He showed Lestat Cocomelon and he had to be physically pulled away from it. He wasn't blinking)
Pandora has been involved in every wave of feminism in one way or another and is directly responsible for starting women's lib movements all over the world
I'm a Gabrielle x Jesse truther. That's the headcanon
Marius REALLY likes courtroom television and old people game shows. He yells at the screen like a suburban dad watching football
Daniel only trusts Lestat with his bestie Louis like 35%, but he's too terrified to do anything but smile and nod. ("He's just Some Guy, Daniel. You're scared of a blonde twink in varsity shorts? You're scared of a Frenchman??" -Armand)
Khayman gets really excited about shit like tourist traps and novelty shops. Without much memory of the past and with his multi-millennia nemesis Akasha defeated, he is literally just vibin 24/7 and living it up. Sometimes Marius tries to talk to him about philosophy or history or something, but he's busy with his weenie whistle
+ an angsty one that I think I want to write a full meta on later:
Daniel's addiction didn't magically go away when he was turned. He's "relapsed" several times since then by seeking out drunk mortals to feed on. It's always hard for him
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