#parallels except only one half is canon
sailing-ever-west · 9 months
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literallyjusttoa · 3 months
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I have been obsessed with the idea of Paris coming to the modern day in the same way Midas, Lityerses, and Medea did. Like, If anybody had some unfinished business, it's every citizen of Troy. Anyway here are some different little scenarios I've cooked up about how this silly little war criminal fared after making a mad dash for the doors of death in HoO.
Ok, so in this scenario, Paris is recruited by Gaea just like all the other spirits who come back from the dead. He ends up being tasked with working alongside Octavian. At first, he's driven only by grief and anger at the loss of his own family and city. As they approach Camp Half-Blood, Paris regularly remarks on how happy he is that's he'll be the one storming the walls this time. But over time, he slowly finds himself growing worried about Octavian's sanity. He tries to steer Octavian away from making reckless decisions, but Octavian refuses to back down. Paris sees the deadly fervor of his fellow soldiers in Octavian, and pulls away. From here we split off into two endings. 1. (the sad one) Octavian's fate plays out the same as the books and Paris just has to deal with how his actions unintentionally spurred the young man towards his own death. Or 2. (the happy one) Paris leaving is the wake-up call Octavian needs, and he pulls himself out of battle at the last second, breaking the cycle of hatred and wrath that started at Troy. Pick your fighter I guess.
In this scenario, Paris is not the only one who comes back from the doors of death. Half of the Argo II crew find him in Ancient Greece (Don't ask why he's there instead of Turkey idk shhhhh) And he's very helpful to them in whatever quest they're trying to complete at the time. All's well that ends well, except the OTHER half of the Argo II crew actually just met up with Hector on the other side of Greece lol. Turns out neither brother knows the other is alive, and the Argo II take the time to reunite the pair. I would specifically set this in BoO, and have the focus be on Jason and Leo as parallels for Hector and Paris, especially with them both thinking about sacrificing themselves bc of the prophecy (the whole "storm or fire" thing). Like, my idea is that a lot of emphasis would be put on Hector dying first, and how he sacrificed for Troy, and how Paris wishes he could've saved Hector. And Jason would come away from that thinking "Yes, I want to be Hector, i've made peace with making the final sacrifice to keep my friends safe" and Leo thinking "I'll do what Paris couldn't and give my life so that Jason doesn't have to" and ahhhh angst.
This is a ToA scenario instead of an HoO scenario. Paris and one of his siblings come back to life like in the last one, but instead of it being Hector, this time it's Cassandra. Idk when this would happen in the timeline of ToA, bc those books are so tight knit (maybe the infamous TTT to TON roadtrip) But I would add a little side quest where Apollo and Meg have to find Cassandra bc Nero's trying to kidnap her or smth. They run into Paris while they're searching for Cassandra, and the three of them team up for a lil bit. In this scenario, Paris works as a direct parallel to Apollo, all though he's a bit further behind on his redemption journey. Basically, Apollo feels like he's looking at slightly embarrassing old pictures of himself. When they find Cassandra, Apollo offers a genuine apology for everything he did to her. Emboldened by Apollo's example, Paris also opens up to Cassandra in a way he'd never done before. The two are finally able to air out their shared grief from Troy, and they set out to ... idk New Rome or the Waystation or smth. Either way they're a lot closer as siblings now, and Apollo promises to visit them once the Trials are over.
Of course, these are only my ideas that kinda fit into canon, I have a whole bunch more that go entirely off the rails. Anyways this pathetic little failure of a man has bewitched my body and soul or whatever I love rolling him around like a balled up chewing gum wrapper.
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pinkrose05 · 10 months
Sudden realization that we now have a Smol Cloud Quintet of kids on the Luofu.
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Warning: contains minor spoilers for version 1.5 content.
After Huohuo's debut and the recent Trailblaze Continuance + Event, I've noticed that a few recurring faces seem to parallel the good ol' High Cloud Quintet of the Luofu, be it by accident or on purpose. And if you know me, then you may have noticed I really like to connect the dots (or in some cases, make up headcanon dots for funsies), so I had to put these thoughts into words.
Going clockwise from the center, we have:
1) The High Elder of the vidyadhara, well-known for proficiency in healing arts, designated mother hen, and.... significantly shorter than everyone else in the group. Poor Bailu. At least she gets to be a short gremlin, and that's neat! Go cause mischief, queen!
2) A talented swordsman who aspires to be the Sword Champion and has an affinity for ice. And for throwing sharp objects as an attack. Kinda funny how Jing Yuan is the only one of Jingliu's disciples that doesn't do that, and yet his own apprentice picks up the habit anyway.
3) A newbie Cloud Knight of somewhat traditional upbringing, who happens to be really impressed by their superior and gets noticed by them in turn at some point (see Sushang's About Yanqing line, and the latter calling for assembly when he joins a team with her specifically).
4) A foxian who's known to be very good at her job, but gets into a lot of trouble and earns a nickname for exactly that (Cursed One for Huohuo, Starskiff Killer for Baiheng), and still miraculously scrapes by every unfortunate encounter.
5) A crafty, short-lived outlander whose home planet was destroyed in their childhood, with them being taken to the Xianzhou as a result, and then rising to fame thanks to their creativity and fiery spirit. They also befriend the aforementioned newbie Cloud Knight, except there's lots of squabbles and teasing involved.
Personally I think they should all be friends. A silly lil group that circumvents the law and gets up to shenanigans. Half of them are already besties in canon too, so it's not particularly farfetched, and the potential interactions between the rest are fun to think about!
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Oh my god, they know.
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biird-rot · 6 months
Leon Kennedy is Autistic: An Analysis by an Autistic Person
DISCLAIMER: This post and all the points I make are highly based on my OWN experiences. I often find parallels between my experiences as a disabled individual and characters I love to help me better cope with and process my feelings. Hate will not be tolerated!!!
Before I get started, I’d like to say that this is not even me scratching the SURFACE of the things I could analyze about Leon and apply to various autistic experiences, this is mostly just the things that resonate with me the most.
Parallel Play/Preferring to Work Alone
It could be attributed to trauma, and the fact he works in a government agency, but Leon has always been the flying solo type. Missions in which it would be better if multiple people worked on it (RE4) HOWEVER! Whenever he does work with others, he often goes off on his own and leaves whoever he's with to deal with what's there (DI, Leon going off immediately after being vaccinated by Rebecca)
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Difficulty Communicating/Identifying Emotions
This also plays into the difficulty making friends and maintaining friendships aspect of being autistic. There isn't any direct/obvious representations of this occurring in the franchise, but it can be inferred based upon his interaction with Chris and Rebecca in RE: Vendetta when the two try to recruit Leon on their mission because of the intel he has on the type of BOWs they're dealing with. Speaking of RE: Vendetta, it can also be noted that Leon copes with his inability to cope with/regulate his emotions by drinking, and this is a habit he always had. In fact, he's essentially hung over in RE2, having drunk his feelings away after being broken up with the night before the Raccoon City incident, and he is literally drinking on the job in Damnation. Essentially, he's canonically an alcoholic. As an autistic person, sometimes I would turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with my emotional dysregulation, especially when I was unaware that I was autistic.
Leon isn't a very emotional person in general, again, It could be chalked up to trauma, but lack of emotional expression is also a common experience/trait amongst autistics.
“Inappropriate” Responses to Situations
GODDDD this one is SO prominent in RE4R (hell, even the OG), Infinite Darkness actually everything he's in, I can name at LEAST 2 examples of this. To keep this short, I'll just name ones that I relate painfully hard to, and ones that I find hilarious.
To start, WHENEVR HE JUST SAYS "ok 🧍" in response to an emotional moment. RE2R, when Claire introduces him to Sherry, in RE4R, when Ashley hugs him and expresses her relief that he's okay, and in Infinite Darkness whenever he checks up on Patrick after the White House Outbreak. It never fails to make me lose it because he's just like me fr.
Thists a sillier one, but I want to mention it because it's so mecore.
Thank you to @highball66 for doing the lord's work of translating the Death Island manga yall seriously he’s a legend🙏
When Leon sends selfies of him on missions. That's it. He just sends it to Hunnigan and I think it's great.
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Sensory Issues
Okay, I KNOW LEON IS A GOVERNMENT AGENT AND NEEDS SOME LEVEL OF GEAR ON MISSIONS BUT!!!!! Half the time he isn't even wearing a full set, not even a bullet proof vest. HOWEVER, I did notice that one thing he CONSISTENTLY wears (with the exception of a few instances) is GLOVES!!! This is more of a personal headcannon, but I like to think he's sensitive to texture, especially when handling guns and such, so he wears gloves, so it doesn't feel as terrible. To further back up his sensitivity to texture, in Death Island, after the Dylan BOW explodes and splashes water everywhere, Chris doesn't seem to care about being covered in water while Leon is flicking the water off him.
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Literal Thinking - Coming off as Rude/Inappropriate Unintentionally
GODDDDD this is another big one, but I’ll only cover the ones that I relate to a lot to save time. Starting with his initial encounter with Jill in Death Island, they’re being chased by lickers and…well..this interaction
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Exhibit B: This scene. He’s just so nonchalant about it and I do the exact same thing without like…intentionally being a “smartass” or whatever, I’m just being honest 🧍. Jill’s “Oh😒” at the end of the scene is really what made it hit home, because that’s how people typically react when i have a similar interaction with them
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ANOTHER THING!!! All of the instances in which Leon casually asks “so you wanna get dinner?” Or something along those lines. It’s often interpreted as a poor attempt at flirting, but personally, I think he genuinely just wants food, and he doesn’t understand why ppl are like 🤨 when he asks. He just wants a nice dinner with a nice lady :(
Small disclaimer here, autism is a SPECTRUM. And our empathy levels fluctuate every day. In Leon’s case, I see him being hyper-empathetic, much like myself. And being able to empathize so easily with people is incredibly draining. Additionally, a huge thing that is common among autistics is how we tend to respond to people who are sharing their struggles with us sharing our OWN experiences that are similar to theirs, and it often comes off as egocentric and selfish to “make it about us”, but in reality, that’s our way of saying that we understand what you’re going through, and it helps us process how you may be feeling as well. There are many scenes I could pull from, but I want to talk about one specifically in Infinite Darkness since it resonates so much with me:
The scene within ID in which Jason is having a nightmare, and Leon wakes him up, immediately asking him if he wants to talk about it. Jason recalls the nightmare and his trauma about Penamstan to Leon, and says that he has no idea what it was like, and Leon responds talking about his experience in Raccoon City, and how that affected him similarly
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Special Interests & Using Media to Communicate Feelings
There are many aspects of this I could talk about, but I’ve already written 10 pages worth already in this post, so I’ll speed through it.
Personally, I think Leon has a special interest in film! He makes several references throughout the franchise, many of which are overlooked. Personally, my favorite reference he makes is in RE: Vendetta to Pulp Fiction (I think) when Chris and Rebecca confront him during his “vacation”
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Final Notes/Conclusion
I had to cut a LOT out from my original mini-essay I wrote about this to fit it better on here, and make it not as boring to read lmao, but I hope you enjoyed my silly little analysis! I love being able to relate my experiences to others, fictional or otherwise, as it helps me feel less alone, and be able to process and cope with what makes my disability a…well, a disability. I hope fellow autistics find some solace in this as well, and please let me know your additional thoughts about this topic if you’re a fellow autistic Leon Kennedy headcannoner!!!
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Who is Luzu?
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Luzu was just announced as a QSMP member, and since he's a very important character in Karmaland and a VERY important person to Quackity's character, here's a quick rundown of Luzu and his lore for folks who aren't familiar with him:
Luzu is played by LuzuVlogs, a Spanish Twitch streamer who's good friends with Quackity!
IRL, they're such good friends that Luzu once accidentally called his real life son "Quackity"
Luzu is bilingual and can speak English and Spanish.
Luzu's character used to be a very kind, friendly, and loving man who helped everyone
HOWEVER, during Karmaland 4 (the season before Quackity joined) when he campaigned to be mayor of Karmaland, he was betrayed and mocked by his friends and the person he loved (who then ran off with someone else)
Luzu before the elections vs. after the elections
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These two animatics sum up his K4 lore pretty well if you want an even shorter TLDR: Lemon Boy, Karma (an animatic approved by Luzu himself)
As a result, Luzu is a very vengeful, distrustful, and all around tragic character
Luzu canonically has an evil side, and he made a deal with "dark gods" in the past to take revenge on the people who've wronged him.
Despite all his past heartbreak and lingering anger, he immediately took a liking to Quackity when they first met.
Luzu and Quackity's Karmaland characters are parallels to each other
Luzu and Quackity were canonically in love with each other, but they were too emotionally constipated to confess their feelings despite their many, many, many romantic and borderline sexual shenanigans.
Luzu warned Quackity not to trust anyone in Karmaland except for him. But despite Luzu's deep mistrust of other people, he trusted Quackity immediately.
Luzu is a very possessive man, and very protective of Quackity.
He calls Quackity "Quacks" (both in and out of character)
He and Rubius have a long-standing rivalry, and they normally don't get along very well.
Luzu and Quackity had 4 (adopted) kids together.
When campaigning for mayor of Karmaland, Quackity asked everyone what they wanted most, and Luzu's response was, "I want you to be happy, Quackity."
HOWEVER, the day of the election, Luzu joined as an opposing candidate at the last second and stole the election from Quackity, fearing that the position in office might leave Quackity with the same trauma he had in a previous life (a life which he can only half-remember).
Luzu says everything he did, he did to protect Quackity.
TLDR: Luzu trauma-projected onto Quackity, who then started a revolution that nearly destroyed Karmaland in retaliation.
For a good TLDR of the revolution arc, “I Can’t Decide” is a good one to watch.
Even though he was furious with Luzu, Quackity told Rubius not to kill him. He’s referred to Luzu as “My 100%”, and “the best person I knew in Karmaland”, and even expressed his gratitude that Luzu was always so kind to him to Luzu himself, despite the war and despite knowing one of them would probably have to kill the other to end it.
Luzu said the song that best fits his character during the revolution arc is Bloody Mary by Lady Gaga.
Edit: This isn’t about the character, but I just saw what Luzu said in response to people asking him if he knew about the invitation:
Luzu: A mi Quackity me invitó desde hace bastante, me dijo si quería participar, así que llevo tiempo calladito, calladito, para no spoilear nada, aunque yo soy invitado no sé nada jaja, lo lleva todo Quackity, así que veremos con qué nos sorprende nuestro querido Quacks.
Translation: My Quackity invited me a long time ago, he asked me if I wanted to participate, so I've been quiet for a while, so as not to spoil anything, although I'm invited I don't know anything haha, Quackity takes everything, so we'll see what our beloved Quacks surprises us with.
Other info posts:
Who is Spreen? | Who is Sapo Peta? | Who is Vegetta?
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velvet4510 · 6 months
I ship every canonical Tolkien couple - except Aerin & Brodda, Aredhel & Eöl, and Tar-Míriel & Ar-Pharazôn. Those poor ladies deserved so much better than those pathetic a-holes.
(I also kinda think Melian could’ve done better than Thingol.)
These are the “non-canonical” Tolkien pairings that I ship, since nobody asked.
Frodo x Sam (it’s literally canon, period, forget the “non-canonical” category, it’s right there, it’s real)
Frodo x Sam x Rosie (Sam being shared during that year in Bag End; also all but spelled out)
Bilbo x Thorin (obviously; even in the book, it’s subtextual, but it’s THERE)
Fingon x Maedhros (Beren/Lúthien + Frodo/Sam parallels are no joke; yes yes i know i know they’re first cousins and that should be a dealbreaker, and for a while it was for me, but technically they’re HALF-cousins, they only share one grandparent, and it’s not like they can procreate together, so it’s very different from what it would be if one of them was female)
Túrin x Beleg (also, obviously; just read their scenes and you can tell - ALSO the fact that Túrin never mentions Beleg again after Glaurung’s attack … do y’all realize that Glaurung is canonically a memory-eraser … that dragon wiped his memories of the love of his life and the reason he was triggered into romantic feelings for Níniel was because he saw a blond person lying on the ground under a flash of lightning which was also the way he saw Beleg for the last time and his heart remembered that even though his mind didn’t!!!!!!)
Mablung x Nienor (he just did so much for her and never gave up on searching for her until he then had to live with the knowledge that she was dead and he failed her … she lost all her memories of him and married her brother … the idea that they fell in love in Doriath before all this makes for a practically perfect tragic love story. Best part is he knew and loved her for her real self, whereas Turambar and Brandir both fell in love with an amnesiac shell of herself.)
Finrod x Bëor (yes, Finrod loved Amarië too …BUT look at how Bëor gave up everything to spend the rest of his life with Finrod, and how Finrod lost Bëor to mortality but then laid down his life for Bëor’s descendant; the angst is just too juicy to ignore)
Maglor x Daeron (two nasty but guilt-ridden minstrels who deserve each other, perfect)
I do not ship Merry and Pippin at all; not only are they full blooded first cousins, but since Merry is an only child and Pippin only has sisters, they very clearly fill that “brother” role in each other’s lives.
After a lot of thought, I’ve decided that queerplatonic Legolas/Gimli makes the most sense to me. They also fill the “brother” role in each other’s lives since they both have no blood siblings. I understand why many people do ship them romantically/sexually, but the thought of anything sexual between them just doesn’t feel right to me, personally. Even the thought of kisses just doesn’t seem to fit them, IMO; they’re about mutual respect and sharing quality time, rather than anything physical. To me they exemplify “heterosexual life partners” perfectly. It is important in this shipping-obsessed culture to never undermine platonic friendship.
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
Not only Till and Ivan, but it seems like Luka parallels with almost every ALNST character in different ways. I mean, I think this applies to everyone in how they parallel each other in some form, but I find it interesting that Luka’s character in particular seems to have adopted/inherited specific traits from nearly every character. I say nearly because Mizi seems to be the only exception, but maybe if I squint a bit harder I’ll find something they can relate with. For now nothing comes to mind lol.
Luka and…
Sua: Similar in demeanor, appearance, and in their mysterious narrative role. Both have a strange ethereal “vibe”, wear empty doll-like expressions, are dressed up like dolls with white frilly clothing adorned with a bow, their owners objectify and present them to the universe to be leered and gawked at, their birthdays are one day apart, and they both covered each other’s songs despite having no known direct relation to each other.
Till: Similar in background, talent, and onstage presence. Both artistic geniuses, overwhelm their opponents on stage, and are physically abused and exploited for their skills by their segyeins.
Ivan: Similar in personality, execution, and reputation. Both are seen as perfect “princes” in their respective audiences, calm and consistent, smart/calculating, psychologically twisted, and put on a mature charismatic facade around others.
Hyuna: Similar in their motivations. Both share the same rooted desire for freedom and control over their own life and gain a sense of catharsis in finding that autonomy/independence on the stage.
Luka’s character seems to have no real sense of identity. So, in a way, it’s as if his entire identity is built off of every other character despite being the most alienated (ba dum tss) of them all. He’s a blank canvas who’s been painted in the other characters’ colors. Actually, everyone was originally a blank canvas. Sua is the stemming point who’s painted everyone in color, then everyone painted Luka in their respective colors. The author has stated that every ALNST character originated from Sua. In contrast, it seems like Luka was originated from everyone else.
This is a fantastic observation, anon! I agree! I find that Luka is a rather omnipresent character, almost to the likes of Sua but not quite. This might not make as much sense, but I feel Hyuna is on this level as well.
(Long post ahead! Sorry, I ended up rambling and maybe going off-topic...)
Something that has always intrigued me is that Hyuna and Luka are set apart from the rest of the cast. Unlike the main 4, who's story is rapidly unfolding in the present, Hyuna and Luka's inciting incident has already passed. What they're doing now is dealing with the aftermath and attempting to lay their demons to rest (for Hyuna, at least). Bits and pieces of these two can be found within the main 4, and several comparisons can be made (and often they are made canonically, whether it be implied in the content or directly stated by Q and V).
Mentally, I've always split the main 6 in half. Hyuna with Mizi and Till, Luka with Sua and Ivan. The reasons are obvious, of course.
Luka, Sua and Ivan make up what is essentially the perfection trifecta. Dressed in pure white (eventually, for Ivan), charismatic personas, camera-ready marketing stars. An important part of how they cope with expectations and lack of control is by separating themselves into the persona they put on for the audience and the person they actually are. They're passive and obedient, playing along with whatever the segyein want them to do, top students at anakt (Luka was number 1 during his time, while Sua and Ivan often alternate between 1st and 2nd place, essentially a tie in a way), and often perform to perfection. However, Sua and Ivan still retain a part of themselves that is theirs and no one else's. It's obvious in the way they allow themselves to indulge in certain things, the way Ivan makes room for personal time and how Sua refuses to disclose more information than absolutely necessary, protective of her privacy. While Luka gives himself to the audience completely, it's safe to assume that he's doing it out of necessity and not exactly by will (is there an identity behind the success? what is he if not a winner?). There are the sides of them that will happily present themselves in front of a camera, and the sides of them that are cynical and scornful of the life they were forced into. For the most part, they act logically. The obedient pet act ensures their safety and although it is excruciating, they've weighed their options and decided that this is the best way to take advantage of their circumstances. Smart, well-behaved and proper pets.
I like to call the trio of Hyuna, Mizi and Till the rebels because that's essentially what they are (at least eventually). As the other half, they're meant to be the opposite of what is considered "perfect". It's established that Luka, Sua and Ivan are careful and calculated when presenting themselves to an audience, putting forward only their best and hiding their true imperfect selves under this mask. Hyuna, Mizi and Till however are largely characterized by their authenticity, their genuine display of self. When they perform, there is no mask. They offer themselves fully on stage and present their genuine emotions, whether or not it's palatable enough for the audience to take. Their actions are less calculated and moreso driven by the heart, for better or for worse. Mizi and Till are openly dejected and upset in their respective second rounds, while a more careful pet like Ivan would attempt to hide their true feelings and put on a brave face (which he does during the beginning of his part in ROUND 6). Hyuna's rescue of Mizi leans less towards logical reasoning and more towards her own emotions, her personal need for self-consolation. There's also the rebellion factor, Hyuna is a literal rebel, Mizi becomes a rebel and Till is described as a rebel. Unlike their counterparts, they are able to act more freely and don't carry the same heavy sense of responsibility that the others do. They are themselves unabashedly, either because they fought tooth and nail for it (Hyuna & Till) or because they were raised in an environment where they never had to (Mizi).
You've already done a great job at pointing out the parallels between Luka, Sua and Ivan. To further add onto your points, it's commonly believed that Luka so easily and uncannily mimicked Sua in ROUND 5 because of the fact that he was already so similar to her. It's also directly stated in Luka's character design logs that Luka and Ivan's characters were incredibly similar, with the only difference being the personality of the mask that they put on (calm and doll-like for Luka, cool and cheerful for Ivan).
Hyuna can be seen within Mizi and Till as well. The fact that Hyuna sees herself in Mizi is the main reason as to why she saves her in the first place. Once full of joy and blind optimism, innocence shattered at the loss of a loved one. Till bears resemblance to Hyuna as well, both physically (their eyeshapes are strikingly similar, and Hyuna's eyecolor, brighter as a child, is quite close to Till's teal during specific moments), personality-wise (rebellious, fighting for freedom) and in terms of singing style (Hyuna was originally described to be "rock-and-roll", both perform with strong, loud and energetic voices).
Luka's similarity with Till is a special instance. I've said this before (and you've already brought it up), but I believe they're both essentially two very different people who were put into very similar circumstances. Till is overflowing with emotion and a desire to protect his individuality, bearing "quirks equivalent to 10 people" as Ivan says. Luka, on the other hand, seems to have a rather fragile identity. We don't know anything about him besides the fact that he was created to be a winner, trained and conditioned under extremely brutal means. The only times we see him exhibit any semblance of free will and desire is when he's vying for Hyuna's attention or exerting control over others. While Till and Luka are different fundamentally, they're both put through abusive training and experimentation in order to fulfill the goals of their power-hungry guardians. Unrivaled talent at a steep price.
It's interesting how even Hyuna, who was created to be Luka's exact opposite, is able to parallel him in a certain way. Thank you for pointing that out! As their lives are constantly dictated by their owners, the stage is their only escape, a playground of sorts where they finally have the opportunity to control their circumstances. The difference is that while Heperu is overly-invested in and nearly obssessed with Luka's victory, Phan does not care for Hyuna at all. In fact, Phan does not particularly care for ALNST in general, only participating as a sponsor. They care so little that they couldn't even be bothered to watch the show. As Phan lacks any investment in ALNST, Hyuna's life is much less restrictive and ruthless than Luka's. Hyuna loves performing because it allows her to feel free, a form of self-expression that liberates her from the monotony of segyein routine and allows her to feel like her life is hers. While Luka is essentially the same, his means are much more intense. His life is managed right down to the minute, basically a puppet on a string. Since every other aspect of his autonomy has been taken from his control, the stage is genuinely all he has. Unlike Hyuna, who has a strong personality and set of beliefs, Luka does not have much to express. Instead, he finds his identity and sense of control in dominating others, exerting force and pressure onto his opponents. This can be seen in ROUND 5, where his performance is the least emotionally charged and instead calculated to intimidate and provoke his opponent, Mizi. Hyuna's love of the stage stems from the fact that she is brimming with emotion and energy that she wants to express, parts of her that feel restricted by the way her life is led by aliens. Luka performs to dominate, to assert himself as the most powerful force in the arena, which is a privilege he will never get to have outside of it. Both Hyuna and Luka find their strongest sense of self on stage, however the ways in which they go about it are very different in nature.
I'd like to genuinely thank you for this ask, you make a lot of good points and I find the idea of Luka being a canvas "painted" by everyone else very interesting! While I agree with that idea in terms of his character conception, within the story I find him less affected by others and more as if he's the one affecting them. Just as Sua changed the trajectory of Mizi's life, Hyuna would not be where she is today if not for Luka.
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penncilkid · 1 year
Alright, I'll bite. (Sparked by this post) I'm gonna preface this with some context: 
First off: I'm Black in case you're unaware
Huxley is my favorite speaker. Full stop. You ask me to choose, it’ll always be him. 
Likewise, you ask for my favorite listeners, I will say Starlight and Darlin'. (I'll save my Starlight rant for another day)
My designs for both Huxley and Darlin are Black.
With this in mind, I want to be clear from the jump: I don’t have an inherent problem with these headcanons. If I did, I wouldn’t have chosen then myself. That said, I have noticed that Hux and Darlin are, more often than not, the characters that get headcanoned as POC (specifically Black) in design rosters. In some cases, they are the only POC designs present. Why is that?
Furthermore, the more often I notice this pattern so to speak, the more I sit and think about why those headcanons are so popular. I find my answer when I think about the characters I see headcanoned as white most often. Tell me why it’s "practically canon" for Lasko to be pale with light/white hair. Tell me why white Sam "just makes sense". Why? Because Lasko's a nerdy ball of nerves that stumbles over his words? Because Sam’s a sweet Southern man at heart? Those are not inherently white attributes.
Except they're treated as such. They go virtually unchallenged because they're so widely accepted by fandom. People see these personalities and character details and come up with their vision. So, let's apply that to Huxley and Darlin, shall we?
Huxley: Athlete. Canonically implied to be big, as indicated by statements made by him and other members of the DAMN crew. Classified as a himbo with parallels in Imperium highlighting how some will view him as stupid. Overall chill vibe.
Darlin: Reckless with their safety. Known to lash out/lose control of their emotions when they’re not actively hiding them. Gets injured often because they’re too stubborn to run from trouble. An overall intense demeanor that makes them difficult to approach (at least at first). 
Explain to me why this screams Black to so many people. Is it because Huxley's a dumb jock who you imagine gets stoned all the time? Oh, is it perhaps because Darlin is just so aggressive compared to your Golden Retriever-coded Asher, needing to be calmed down by everyone around them? And here's the thing: I can already imagine people saying, "That's not why I made them Black". Then explain why it "just makes sense" for them to Black. Why them out of a sea of characters? Make it make sense.
Now let me make this clear as well: I'm not expecting every headcanon to have elaborate thought behind it. For one, I get that some people take a more casual approach with designs and such. Not every choice has to have a reason or justification behind it. But when literally 95% of the Huxley designs I see are Black and half of y'all don't even know what a fucking durag is? Saying it leaves a bad taste in my mouth is putting it lightly.
You know what I wish I saw more of? Black Huxleys and Darlins with attached nuance.
Give me a Black Darlin who struggles to articulate how they feel with the people in their lives because they haven't been readily given the language to do so. You want to pair a Black Darlin with a White Sam? Why not talk about how POC have an insanely difficult time getting support from the medical system so not only does it explain why Darlin is so resistant to go to healers, but also gives an extra weight to the fact that Sam was their absolute last resort when injured? Give me a Black Darlin who has been taught their entire life that no one will have their back, that they need to learn how to depend on themself alone, and that's the reason why they struggle to feel like the pack would've cared when the Quinn shit went on.
You wanna talk Black Huxleys? Let's touch on how he's learned to control his emotions/anger because he knows how people will take it if it comes from someone who looks like him. Talk about how his moms teaching him not to use violence speaks to a deeper desire for him not to be viewed as a threat because they fear for his life otherwise. In one of his BAs, he mentions how a lot of people used to sleep with him/flirt with him solely because of his body and he could tell. Do you know how often black men are sexualized and fetishized? Why not talk about it through him? I see people explore that concept through Gavin constantly, where's the energy for Huxley? You wanna make him Black so bad, why not actually put some thought behind it? Because right now, it seems like he gets the "luxury" of being the token Black guy in the DAMN friend group at best.
I know a lot of people are probably going to dismiss this post. I am already anticipating that as I write this. But I'm so tired of pretending like this shit doesn't get to me. Because it does. I've got no intentions of leaving this fandom because I have met so many amazing people and adore Erik's content immensely. But what I am going to do is talk about the widespread normalization of attributing certain personality traits to certain racial groups. Because the non-white people in this fandom deserve better than that.
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madlad-sadgal · 1 year
Y'all liked it so here's a few more things I noticed in my watching of Nimona (again).
Nimona Spoilers!
We get a small section of Ball's innocence wall, and we see that his primary suspect is none other than Thodeus "Todd" Sureblade. Also, Blackheart is used everywhere, most likely as a nod to the comic, but also as what the media has dubbed this new villain, as we do as a society in real life. Giving certain famous serial killers names is an example.
Nimona did some drawings and said it was because she wanted her resume to pop, but it was most likely because she can't write or read as no one really took the time to explain it or teach her.
"Lay low until we RISE LIKE A FIERY PHOENIX FROM THE ASHES TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT!" Nimona not only spoiled her shifting into a phoenix to save the realm from the canon, but also her coming back (rising from her ashes like a phoenix)
We get another shot of Bal's innocence wall, and there we see a place where he circled in red "Who has the ressources for a laser like that?" And honestly, to me, it reminded me of what the canon did, which would explain the Director, since she clearly has access to the canons. The laser in Bal's sword, the laser in her staff, and finally the laser from the canon. Everything was her.
The Director was most likely acting overly dramatic when talking to Bal because she wanted to reinforce the guilt, and maybe even gaslight him into thinking it was his fault.
As the Director is leaving, we can see Nimona sneaking in as a mouse in the bottom left corner.
When we see the beat up knights, in the upper left corner, you can see a knight stuck in a vending machine, which I just found funny.
The light reflecting off Nimona's eyes, indicating her clear difference from everyone else.
When Nimona throws her axe, it hits a knight in the background who then falls off a ledge and falls down a few stories, so she may have actually killed someone.
We can clearly see Ambrosius go through so many emotions when he sees Bal again; relief that he's alive and he didn't kill him, guilt for his arm when he glanced at the prosthetic, confusion when Nimona calls him Nemesis, and surprise when she drags Bal away. Also, when she drags him into the closet, we get a short shot of Ambrosius half way through unsheathing his sword.
Bal's "Did you see the way he looked at me?" Being a parallel to Nimona's "Did you see the way that little girl looked at me?"
Nimona quite literally rips a pole in half and bends it over the door to keep it closed, showing a great amount of strength.
The "You're gonna die in this closet!" Joke that we all catches but I still wanted to point out because it's funny.
As Nimona is falling through the floors as a whale, she tells us that Todd canonically has a small dick ("Cold in here?")
I saw this pointed out once, but still wanted to as well, but Nimona says that she spruced up the Lair by making it more evil, but she quite literally adds Christmas lights, showing her childish side.
When we get another shot of the new murder wall, we can see the picture of Todd again, except Nimona drew a fist punching him in the face.
That's what I have so far. Might do more if y'all like this!
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Reasons why I think paramedic is a really valid alternative universe career for Tomura/Tenko:
His mom spent many years comforting him through healing in a house that was slowly killing him. He loved and admired her, so if they hadn't died I think that Nao would have fought Kotaro for Tenko's right to become a paramedic.
It's canon that AFO gave him only half of a quirk, the destructive half. I think the scratch comes from the unease of his body rejecting the decay, so why not give him an urge to heal and protect people that he doesn't/can't understand?
He used to care for everyone, including the ones that rejected him. That's a great trait to translate into healing because he would do so without exceptions— I mean, if he learned for the right person and not AFO.
It'd be very good for him if he was able to see his hands as something that helps him save others. They're more than just an instrument of destruction. He heals with them, no quirk required.
It follows the main theme of social rejection he has in bnha. A kid with a destructive quirk that wants to be a paramedic????
It also parallels Deku, a quirkless kid wanting to be a hero. The idea is to break social norms by making "the impossible".
I think bnha needs to highlight more the health professionals btw. I miss Recovery Girl so much. She was an amazing character and she had an amazing perspective of the hero society.
Tenko/Tomura is special, the chosen one in so many levels. I love the idea of him getting a support role and accidentally becoming a main hero/player in the current events.
Tenko is very familiar with both physical and physiological wounds. I think it helps some people relax when they realize that the one taking care of them doesn't judge them at all because he is "a freak" too.
I love the trope of the caretaker that is not beyond hurting people if necessary. Tomura decided to take the hard road, because he can kill in a matter of seconds. He could, he just decided not to.
HEALING OUT OF HATRED!!! Tomura can be also very cruel, so making sure villains, heroes and vigilantes alike stay alive to deal with the consequences of their actions is petty of him. He reaaally hates people who bail out of their responsibility by dying. Dying is kinder, living is the hard part.
I think he would look amazing in the uniform.
He was the one who trained a dog to work with him. The dog helps him find people and then helps them calm down by staying by their side as Tomura heals them.
Your honor his will was enough to keep AFO away from taking control of his body for so long, don't you think he's capable of working his way on a health care program???
The end ;)
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Honestly the biggest byler proof shouldn’t be the eyewitness parallel, or the little women parallel, or whatever, but just like, the fact than Will canonically is in love with mike
There’s no reason for him to have a crush on Mike if they’re not endgame. Lots of queer people (myself, for example) figured out they were queer before feeling romantic attraction for anyone for the first time. My first crush came after I discovered my queerness. Will has always felt different, always been different, always has been called homophobic slurs by both bullies and his own father.
The duffers could have easily said “Will realized he was gay when all of his friends began dating girls while he found no appeal for it, when the idea of mike kissing el and the fact than it was expected for him to eventually kiss a girl felt gross to him, when all his friends were growing up and becoming teenagers with hormones who liked girls while he just didn’t, when he realized he always liked looking at men more than women, when he thought a man was a hundred times more attractive than a woman, when he found himself not looking away from the men in bathing suits at the pool or the hot actors in tv,” but they didn’t.
There’s no need for him to have a crush in his straight best friend, specially because Will is one of the main characters, if not the main character. Specially because they said than he would have a happy ending in s5.
“Oh he doesn’t need a boyfriend for a happy ending, crushes aren’t forever, he can get over mike during the s5 time jump.” True, absolutely true, genuinely, so true. But what’s the point in having him have a crush on mike just to get over him in s5?
“Oh but they made the same thing with Dustin and Max.” It’s nowhere near comparable. Dustin didn’t know Max, max was new, the only thing he knew is than she was from California and really good at videogames, she even beat his record. He found her attractive and most importantly, interesting (a new girl from California, who played videogames and was even better than him??). Mike and Will had known each other for most part of their lives, they were best friends, they probably knew each other better than Dustin and Lucas knew them. It has been shown since the start than their relationship is different, Will doesn’t lie to Mike, Mike is able to tell when Will is quieter than usual, he’s always the one closest to him when he’s having an episode, he slept at the hospital while Will stayed there (we didn’t see Dustin or Lucas do that). And, did Dustin have a whole confession? Was Dustin’s crush built up for 4 seasons?
Plus, I think it really served a purpose. Both Dustin and Lucas being attracted to Max meant than half of the party wanted her to join. Will didn’t care, and Mike was against her joining. Majority won, Max hung out with them. If it was just Lucas who was interested, while Dustin and Will genuinely didn’t care, Mike probably would have won and she wouldn’t have spent big part of the season with them. Sure, Lucas still would have hung out with her because he is his own person, but she wouldn’t have joined the group, at least, initially.
There is no reason to have Will have a crush on mike, a crush building up for four seasons, just for it to get nowhere and for him to get over him during the time jump.
“Oh well, the painting helped mike and el’s relationship.” Debatable (the way they ended s4 was, well, something), but my own opinions aside, sure, yeah. Will used the painting to confess his own feelings which he disguised as El’s to help Mike become more confident in his relationship, and it kinda worked.
However let me ask you this, in what world is using a gay character’s (a gay character than has suffered probably more than everyone else in the story [except El], a gay character who is in love with his best friend, who has suffered homophobic bullying, who feels like a mistake for being different, like he will never be happy or find anyone like him because it is the 80s) feelings as a plot device to further a straight relationship than has supposedly been building up since season 1 (so they shouldn’t need anything else to further it) just to have this gay character’s feeling disappear once they have served their purpose, which is to further and help a straight relationship, something normal or okay to do?? What kind of representation is that?? That’s actually homophobic, and I mean it. Will ending up single isn’t homophobic of course not, but the way than the duffers have used his feelings as a plot device for a straight couple, specially if they are going to disappear after, is. And we know they’ll either disappear or Will will get a boyfriend (whether it’s Mike or some new guy, and we know there are no new male characters Will’s age) since I don’t know what kind of happy ending unrequited love is (and they have promised us a happy ending for Will).
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rejectedfables · 1 year
"how to reconcile Chu Wanning's cooking skills vs Mo Ran's love of The Wontons", a Guide:
(NOTE: I have only read the first two official English translated volumes, and scoured the internet for spoilers-- if there's later canon confirmation of something that I haven't encountered yet, I don't know her)
Chu Wanning is shown cooking things badly (such as the cabbage and tofu stew), and cooking specific things very well (the wontons). He is also implied to have cooked other things at least tolerably well as Chu Fei. Evidence:
The wontons are described thusly, with the implication that they're just as good every time Mo Ran has had them:
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Conclusion? Chu Wanning can cook at least this one thing consistently, and Mo Ran loves it every time. As far as we know Mo Ran is the only one who's ever eaten them, so him loving them is not actually an endorsement that they ARE good-- just that HE thinks they are.
When he's going to make the cabbage and tofu stew, this is Chu Wanning's response to being asked if he even knows how to cook:
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Conclusion? Chu Wanning is at least not confident enough in his cooking abilities to claim proficiency. I would be tempted to chalk this up to "he's so skilled at other things and so critical of himself that he's downplaying his cooking skills" except he absolutely flubs the recipe so badly that it's unrecognizable, and everyone who eats it gets sick.
When Mo Ran is half asleep, and believes himself to still be in his previous life with Chu Fei, he says this:
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Conclusion? Chu Fei frequently cooked non-wonton food for Taxian-jun, which Taxian-jun enjoyed enough to request more of it.
I've compiled options of what this all might mean when put together:
Probably authorial intent: Chu Wanning isn't a BAD cook he's just a SLOW and METHODICAL cook, and that does not lend itself to batch cooking like he was expected to do in Mengpo Hall.
POSSIBLY authorial intent: Chu Wanning is a REALLY GOOD cook when he knows a recipe, but had never made the cabbage and tofu stew before and had no real instructions, so he fucked it up and got an unfair reputation for being a bad cook. This is a loose parallel to how he is broadly misunderstood as a person.
Sappy/sad option: the wontons are fine but the fact that they were made FOR MO RAN makes them special to Mo Ran. He's associated them with feeling good, and because he thought they were from Shi Mei, his happy memories of them weren't warped or stolen by the flower, leaving them as his favorite memory of food. They're untainted by hatred, and therefore they are the best.
Funny option (not supported by canon): Mo Ran just has bad taste.
Funniest option (not technically UNsupported by canon >_>): Chu Wanning is a bad cook, and frequently hurts himself while cooking. Unbeknownst to Mo Ran, the flower's bloodlust can literally be sated with literal blood. Mo Ran's memories of the wontons are his least tormented by the flower, because while eating them he's consuming Chu Wanning's actual blood, so the flower is sated and pleased. They taste the best to Mo Ran because their secret accidental ingredient (blood) overwrites their actual mediocre flavor.
My favorite option: The reason the wontons are the best food Mo Ran has ever eaten is because they're literally just... all of Mo Ran's favorite foods combined into one dish. Chu Wanning isn't a good COOK so much as he's an encyclopedia of knowledge about Mo Ran. The wontons are perfect because they're perfect for Mo Ran specifically.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
📓 :3
@mortimerlatrice got me thinking about a KimChay Chrestomanci AU, so more of that.
the Chrestomanci series, sidenote, is an absolutely delightful fantasy series by Diana Wynne Jones. it's composed of mostly independent stories set in a universe of 12 parallel universes (called Series), each with their own string of worlds (except Series 11). generally speaking, every person has eight identical copies borne into other series than their own, but very occasionally all nine lives will be borne into one person. this nine-life enchanter has all the power of nine magical people in them and is therefore the only person powerful enough to fill the role of Chrestomanci to regulate magical use and prevent any abuse of it across the 12 series.
which cool, very fun story premise actually, but not what I care about here. I'm setting kp in one of the series that doesn't deal much with magic because I don't care about magic meet mafia, I care about Chay having nine lives and all the ways that could make things worse.
(cw: non-permanent but slightly graphic character death under the cut. ft a dash of actual character death, but that only applies to Tawan.)
Chay doesn't have all his lives when canon starts. he lost his first one the same day he and Porsche lost their parents when he fell out of his crib trying to investigate the noise. he lost his second to food poisoning, before Porsche started working for extra food money and they had to make every scrap stretch. he lost another when a debt collector hit him too hard and snapped his neck. (Porsche wasn't home for that day. Chay told him he wasn't either.)
Chay loses his fourth life in the warehouse. it actually wasn't intentional on anyone's part -- Tawan's hired meat weren't careful enough bringing him in, and Chay's luck has his head hit a curb or scrap metal at just the right (or wrong, as it were) angle to kill him instead of concuss him, and head injuries take so long to come back from. Tawan drags out the charade because he wants Porsche desperate, not angry, and Porsche is in too deep of denial to accept the possibility of Chay actually being dead not to fall for it.
Kim arrives before Chay comes back to life. it's...bad. Porsche is screaming for him to get Chay out. Kim first checks Chay's breathing. failing to find that, he frantically (but carefully!) hauls Chay upright. that's when Chay's head flops limply to the side and reveals the dried blood down the back of his neck, which Kim had already felt grabbing but refused to process.
Kim sees red.
Tawan knifes Big. Porsche's shouts break through the fog threatening to overwhelm Kim. then Tawan gets one very distraught, very angry, very murderous Kim materializing in front of him and going right for his eyes. it doesn't matter that Tawan's the one with a weapon, he could've had an armory and that couldn't have helped him. Kim is very, very, very good at fighting, and he's on a mission to hurt. but he's also missing his control, and kicks Tawan in the kidney so hard Tawan stumbles back into a pile of scrap and, in true irony, jostles it hard enough the end of steel beam falls on his head. as discovered earlier, metal and concrete are not kind to heads, and bullet proof vests certainly can't protect from that.
it's too quick and too kind, and Kim stares at him disbelievingly, half a mind to drag Tawan out and beat out the little life he's surely still clinging to, when Chay groans. Kim first thinks he hallucinated it, but then he sees Chay move and he's so relieved he was wrong that he shoves everything else out of his mind and just gets Chay out. then everything and one trailing shouty Porsche slams back into him the minute Chay's out of his arms and with the paramedics that Kim bolts to go hide in a dark corner in his apartment and fail to process any of it.
Chay misses all of this btws. He was dead, then he was back with a headache, and he loves Porsche but he needs Porsche to please shut the fuck up and get him some tylenol.
then apartment confrontation, where Kim says I'm sorry and shoves off even quicker because all he can remember are those moments when he'd been so sure Chay was properly dead. club scene goes down even worse when Kim yells at Chay for making stupid reckless choices that could get him killed, and Chay demands to know why Kim even cares, and Kim goes pale with anger that Chay doesn't care that he (only nearly, surely) died, and it's all very terrible and ends in them storming away from each other.
then comes Yok's bar.
Chay dies. Kim had taunted them into a direct fight inside instead of picking them off outside, and it should have been fine, would have been fine, had Chay not had a bit more awareness and looked over to see Kim pinned between two guys and rushed to help only to get shot by one of the goons on the other end of the bar. he bleeds out while Kim kills off the rest.
Chay comes back to a bar full of bodies and Kim (clutching) cradling him. Kim isn't crying. he isn't really doing much of anything other than clinging and staring off into nothing with a thoroughly haunted expression.
Chay blinks and tentatively lays his fingers against Kim's cheek. "Kim?"
Kim's eyes snap to him, but still don't quite see him. he stays looking blank for a few seconds that feel like hours before saying matter-of-factly, "I've snapped."
"Kim!" Chay protests, distressed.
"It's okay," Kim says, still matter-of-fact but smiling tenderly, "better to be mad with you than without."
it takes a while to convince Kim he's not insane and that Chay's really back. Chay's not certain he fully manages it. but his death also shook loose a lot of confessions Kim normally couldn't say out loud. ("why--" Chay starts, voice cracking, "why did you say 'I'm sorry' that day?" / "You were supposed to be safe," Kim replies hoarsely, mad smile slipping for tears.) there's more clutching and clinging, this time by Chay too. both of them manage to forget they're in a bar of dead bodies until Porsche and Kinn come crashing through the door.
"Chay!" Porsche yells when he first sees him.
"Chay," Porsche pleads brokenly when he sees Chay's blood soaked shirt.
"Not mine!" Chay says quickly, and would've been given away by how fast Kim's head snaps around in any other circumstance. "See?" he says, raising his shirt to show unblemished skin, "No injury."
this does a lot to reassure Porsche, but Chay can tell Kim still thinks he's a little bit insane. Chay decides that's fine for now, because dying takes a lot out of you and apparently everyone around you too and it's unfair to expect Kim to just bounce back from him bleeding out on him, he'll work on it after a shower and dinner.
I'm not writing this AU because I only really have these two vague scenes in my head, but Chay having multiple lives making his existence in the mafia hurt more than canon's calls to me, it really does.
oh, also: in the AU source material, one of the nine-lifers has one of his lives removed and stored into a ring for safekeeping. he later gives this ring to his to-be-wife as her wedding ring. I'm not sure yet how to work that into this AU because Chay's contact with magic and other magicals would be slim to none in this, but please picture how this would absolutely wreck Kim, because there's nothing Kim wants more than to safeguard Chay but as far as he's concerned, he's already failed Chay in that regard twice. 😈
[[ ask me about fics im not writing ]]
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mothwitch-arcanum · 7 months
Reverse 1999 x MLP AU Idea!
So! I said I had this in my drafts for a while but I just realized it was weirdly formatted so I'm redoing everything.
everything here was inspired by this post/fanart and the characters will be mostly based on them! with a few extra mixed in.
First off, Context! While this is more based on Gen 4 (Friendship is Magic), it does feel a bit of a Gen 5 derivative in that it's supposed to be future Equestria.
The Alicorn Princesses and the Element of Harmony are long gone, simply a distant memory in the minds of many of today's ponies. Equestria since then have not had any one or two princesses to rule, however remnants of the old kingdom still persist. The Twilight Foundation as well as The School for the Primary Defence of Ponykind (SPDP) were founded by old members of Princess Twilight's court and Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns respectively, and made as a response to a prophecy which was uncovered that said on the last day of the 2nd millennium since Princess Luna's banishment, a great calamity will befall upon Equestria which will turn the land of ponies back to how it once was. And so on the last day of the year 1999, time stood still and started reversing everything. Nopony was safe from it's effects... except for one. Her name was Invert Tempo. The Timekeeper, of the Twilight Foundation.
(characters and more under the cut)
Characters! (Ponified edition!)
(These are just names I personally came up with. If a better suggestion comes for any of them then I shall consider changing it)
Invert Tempo - Vertin (Earth pony) I saw a post once that said Vertin was just an anagram of Invert and I really wanted to incorporate that. Tempo was the suggestion of a friend, which relates to her musical inclination. or a shortened for of temporal which... y'know... fits very well
Sonnet "Sonetto" Moon - Sonetto (Unicorn) Honestly Sonetto is already a good pony name, but I wanted to give her a name akin to Twilight (There's a few parallels with those two not just in the post above), hence Sonnet Moon with Sonetto being a nickname.
"Captain R3G" Applecore - Regulus (Earth Pony) Applecore was actually the first name I came up with out of anything here because Regulus definately feels like she could be part of the Apple Family, maybe not directly Applejack's lineage though. I actually had a harder time with her nickname (Heavily inspired by Vinyl aka DJ Pon3)
Mistilteinn - Druvis III (Unicorn) She holds a bouquet of mistletoe, mistilteinn is literally just mistletoe... I could not NOT have her named after it. Also that can give her the nickname Mistil which sounds cute and cool!
Southern Breeze - Sotheby (Pegasus) Honestly I mostly picked this cause it was close sounding to Sotheby. Like you could also argue Sotheby could be a nickname because So(u)the(rn) B(r)ee(ze).
Morning Lillies - Lilya (Pegasus) This one also didn't have much thought put into it, just that Yellow = Sun = Morning and Lilya = Lillies and Morning Lillies sounded pony enough.
Bonus characters!
Dikke (who was featured in the post) is Silver Scale (unicorn)
Mr. APPLe is still the same as canon
Mr. Karson is Mr. Carton Box (earth pony) cause it sounds close
Schneider is Orange Blossom (Half Pony Half Changeling(I'll touch on this in a bit!))
Matilda (unicorn) I have no name for yet as well as Madam Z (kirin) and Constantine (maybe Pegasus) (suggestions welcome!)
Arcana is either a Draconequus or Changeling Queen and Forget-me-not is an Earth Pony
Because of magic shenaniganry after the alicorns disappeared, earth ponies and pegasi can now use magic much like unicorns, but only a few of them. Some unicorns also lost their magic because of this hence a divide in "Normal" ponies and Arcanist ponies.
Applecore is a part of the very large Apple Family and runs Radio APPLe on her ship much like in canon. She also doesn't like people calling her by her real name so she goes Captain, Reg, or Reggy most of the time.
Mr. APPLe is a result of one of Applecore's experimentation in alchemy.
Orange Blossom is the filly of someone from the Orange Family and a Changeling, making her a half pony half changeling hybrid which also gives her minor shape shifting abilities.
being part of the Orange family also means technically Orange Blossom is distantly related to Applecore.
perhaps later on I shall add more but for now this is basically the gist of my ideas. Their cutie marks especially cause I wanna brainstorm what those could be like.
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esther-dot · 1 year
Idk how attractive jon is supposed to be but he has the stark look and sansa has a thing for the stark look, i mean look at waymar and loras, their descriptions match jon's exactly. Sansa's opinion at the end of the day>>>
I love Sansa’s Waymar and Loras crushes! So cute! I kinda think a good part of what attracts Sansa to any given guy is the romantic notions she can attach to them, not strictly their physical appearance? So while I certainly agree with the Jon and Waymar parallels and think martin intentionally wrote similarities between Jon and her crushes, I believe her romanticized view of knight was a factor as well. Personally, I wish Martin talked about Sansa’s body/ how beautiful she is a lot less, so this isn't a topic I enjoy discussing, but the convo kicked off because of a poll and here’s a screenshot of my totally unremarkable tags:
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And here’s what an angry Jon fan posted because they didn’t like the tags on the poll:
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They go on to criticize other tags by Sansa fans/Jonsas, but mine were based on specific lines from the books because the question wasn’t vibes but canonical beauty, and it so happens, these are lines I am very fond of because I love NedCat:
And was it really such a terrible thing, to want a pretty wife? She remembered her own childish disappointment, the first time she had laid eyes on Eddard Stark. She had pictured him as a younger version of his brother Brandon, but that was wrong. Ned was shorter and plainer of face, and so somber. He spoke courteously enough, but beneath the words she sensed a coolness that was all at odds with Brandon, whose mirths had been as wild as his rages. Even when he took her maidenhood, their love had more of duty to it than of passion. We made Robb that night, though; we made a king together. And after the war, at Winterfell, I had love enough for any woman, once I found the good sweet heart beneath Ned's solemn face. (ASOS, Catelyn V)
It’s a beautiful passage with a lovely sentiment, so I take exception to classifying this as petty fandom shit when there was nothing intentionally insulting behind what I said, I just think Cat's thoughts about a man she dearly loves were pertinent. Also, Jon’s Stark looks are a big R+L=J clue which is teased a lot in AGOT so it’s intentional and important:
The boy absorbed that all in silence. He had the Stark face if not the name: long, solemn, guarded, a face that gave nothing away. Whoever his mother had been, she had left little of herself in her son. "What are you reading about?" he asked. (AGOT, Tyrion II)
Martin described Jon’s face the same way he does Ned’s here, although the point was ha ha! he has the Stark look not because of his father but because of his mother, Lyanna.
Jon had their father's face, as she did. They were the only ones. Robb and Sansa and Bran and even little Rickon all took after the Tullys, with easy smiles and fire in their hair. (AGOT, Arya I)
Arya heard and whirled around, glaring. "I don't care what you say, I'm going out riding." Her long horsey face got the stubborn look that meant she was going to do something willful. (AGOT, Sansa I)
Sansa could never understand how two sisters, born only two years apart, could be so different. It would have been easier if Arya had been a bastard, like their half brother Jon. She even looked like Jon, with the long face and brown hair of the Starks, and nothing of their lady mother in her face or her coloring. (AGOT, Sansa I)
"Lyanna might have carried a sword, if my lord father had allowed it. You remind me of her sometimes. You even look like her." (AGOT, Arya II)
Now, Ned goes on to say Lyanna is beautiful so a lot of fans really emphasize that and say it means Jon and Arya are/will be attractive, and maybe! It doesn't bother me for people to read it that way, but if you look at the other uses of long face in ASOIAF, or the Stark look, I think it indicates, it's not particularly attractive, and one might even say, it's unremarkable. I didn’t say ugly, its simply unexceptional imo. Obviously the horsey face/horse faced stuff is an insult so we don't have to take that to be a neutral assessment, but I don't think it actually means pretty either, not when you look at how it's used elsewhere.
Anyway, it doesn't matter if Jon is handsome or not because we all were supposed to have already learned that what matters is who he is, not his face. So, while I have no investment in how attractive/unattractive these characters are, I imagine that Jon being Jon is what will make Sansa fall for him, not how pretty he is. Something that might sound kinda like this:
I had love enough for any woman, once I found the good sweet heart beneath Ned's Jon's solemn face
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bisexualfemalemess · 1 year
“Rina copied pw/rini scenes”
I’ve seen this and “Gina is like the new nini.” all over my TikTok fyp from rinis and pws and it’s simply put not true. There are parallels yes, there are some with madlyn and rina too, doesn’t mean they copied but there are huge and important differences.
Gina is canonically ambitious, her mom wants her to have a successful career. Gina canonically has always wanted to make her mark. It’s not ‘copying’ nini because she’s finally found a chance to do so. It’s not copying nini that she finally got gabriella because Gina parallels gabriella more, they’ve both moved a lot in their lives and were outsides to east high. The most important difference is that gina actually made a compromise to stay. She wanted to stay in salt lake but she also wanted to become a movie star so she found a way to be with ricky, stay in salt lake and still get this incredible opportunity. Nini didn’t make a compromise.
Rina canonically parallels Troyella with the outsider to east-high and outsider to theatre trope, except rina doesn’t need couples therapy in 15 years but you grt the jist. Ricky was extremely giddy and in love with gina for the entirety of season 4 he spent around her. Ricky was so supportive of her when she took over the role of bailey, hr decorated her trailer and recited her confession back to her when he saw that she was nervous, I don’t think he ever wrote a duet with with nini for which he provided the music and she the lyrics, and then told her that he wants to hear everything she has to say or that he never forgot a thing she said. Neither pw nor rini ever had a puppy date or secret dating trope that lasted half the season. They didn’t get a rain kiss and GINA SIGNED UP FOR THE MUSICAL BECAUSE OF RICKY. He ‘had a vibe’ and she ‘had an instinct’. Even in the final two episodes, rina get backstage and onstage kisses which neither rini nor pw got. He literally practiced his “i love you” speech to gina because he wanted it to be perfect, he didn’t for nini. One very important difference and parallel is the potential moving away, Ricky was so supportive once he found out FROM GINA’S MOTHER NONETHELESS and she wanted to tell him from the beginning once they went to meet up in the dressing room. (quinn had to ruin that.) And other that nini, who had already come back when ricky told her to stay and still made a fuzz about it, Gina wanted ricky to ask her to stay and stayed without ricky asking her. Gina never told ej that he “made her feel seen, and known, and understood.” while crying hysterically before she’s about to leave him. Another very obvious and important parallel is the i love you song and once again that was handled a million times better, Ricky was saying “i love you” first. It was not a hail mary or trying to fix what’s already broken like it was when he sang itikyk for nini where he wasn’t actually able to speak out the words. Every single line in that song was how ricky felt and how rina felt about each other. Ricky was actually able to say i love you and not even that but that he was also in love with Gina and that they’re love was forever.
Stay mad that your ship sunk but don’t make-up stuff to feel better and stop saying that sofia wylie only became the main character because olivia left. Just say you don’t want black girl representation and move on. Ricky and gina are gonna adopt a bunch of puppies and get married in 10 years no matter how many times y’all say that they copied your ships scenes and that it only happened because liv left because “their love feels a lot like high school and forever after that.”
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